The Roman Empire Society and Culture

The Roman Empire Society and Culture. With the rise of Augustus and his increasing power, the republic no longer exists, and the Roman Empire has begun

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Page 1: The Roman Empire Society and Culture. With the rise of Augustus and his increasing power, the republic no longer exists, and the Roman Empire has begun

The Roman Empire

Society and Culture

Page 2: The Roman Empire Society and Culture. With the rise of Augustus and his increasing power, the republic no longer exists, and the Roman Empire has begun

• With the rise of Augustus and his increasing power, the republic no longer exists, and the Roman Empire has begun.

Page 3: The Roman Empire Society and Culture. With the rise of Augustus and his increasing power, the republic no longer exists, and the Roman Empire has begun


• Government and Law

- Emperor ran the government = made all policy decisions, appointed officials to control the provinces, appointed provincial governors (ran government in the provinces).

- Law helped to unify the empire

- “Updated” the Twelve Tables = 1. Passed new laws as needed 2. Changed old laws to apply to new circumstances

- Basic legal principles applied to all humans

Page 4: The Roman Empire Society and Culture. With the rise of Augustus and his increasing power, the republic no longer exists, and the Roman Empire has begun


• Trade and Transportation

- created strong economy

- Trade help to unify empire

- Agriculture was the most important occupation during the time of the Pax Romana

- Trade centered around grain, wine, oil, cloth, pottery, glass

- Foreign trade included = African ivory, Chinese silk, Indian pepper (SILK ROAD…no linen).

- Trading goods ended up in Rome, from there spread along trade routes to wealthy customers (see map pg. 163)

- Roman army built roads and bridges throughout the empire – beneficial for army, but also trade, travel, and communication

Page 5: The Roman Empire Society and Culture. With the rise of Augustus and his increasing power, the republic no longer exists, and the Roman Empire has begun


• Roman Army

- defend boundaries and control provinces

- Citizen soldiers served 16 – 20 years

- Stationed in camps along the borders – stations eventually became cities as people settled around the camps.

- Promised Roman citizenship at the end of their service – men from the provinces joined

Page 6: The Roman Empire Society and Culture. With the rise of Augustus and his increasing power, the republic no longer exists, and the Roman Empire has begun

Science and the Arts

• Science, Engineering, and Architecture

- Galen = physician who wrote medical volumes

- Ptolemy = scientist from Alexandria, astronomy = Ptolemaic System = sun, planets revolve around the earth

- Engineering = roads, bridges, arenas, public buildings, aqueducts = bridge like structures that carried water from the mts. (pg. 166)

- Architecture = importance of cement – Pantheon, Coliseum, the Roman Forum

Page 7: The Roman Empire Society and Culture. With the rise of Augustus and his increasing power, the republic no longer exists, and the Roman Empire has begun

Science and the Arts

• Language

- Learned alphabet from the Estruscans

- We use the Roman/Latin alphabet (+ j,y,w)

- Latin language used after the Roman Empire ended

- Latin is the basis of the modern Romance languages – Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian

- Many English words today have Latin origins

Page 8: The Roman Empire Society and Culture. With the rise of Augustus and his increasing power, the republic no longer exists, and the Roman Empire has begun

Life in the Empire

• Daily Life

- Majority of Romans were poor.

-Many were laborers or farmers

- Rich citizens had a city home and a country home = running water

-Time for banquets, recreation, leisure.

- Held dinner parties to impress one another

- Majority of Romans lived in crowded multistory apt houses

- Most could not afford food = would eat bread, cheese, and fruit

- Public baths – served as a social gathering

Page 9: The Roman Empire Society and Culture. With the rise of Augustus and his increasing power, the republic no longer exists, and the Roman Empire has begun

Science and the Arts

• Literature

- Virgil = Roman poet, lived during the time of Augustus. Aeneid – story about a prince from Troy

- Horace = Roman poet, wrote odes, satires, letters

-Ovid = Roman poet, wrote love lyrics – Metamorphoses – collection of myths

- Tacitus = Roman historian, wrote Annals – history of Rome under the Julio-Claudian emperors.

- Plutarch = Greek, wrote about R & G’s BIO’s

Page 10: The Roman Empire Society and Culture. With the rise of Augustus and his increasing power, the republic no longer exists, and the Roman Empire has begun

Life in the Empire

• Slaves and Slavery

- During Augustus’ reign, there were several million slaves

- Made up large fraction of population

- Most common in the eastern part of the empire

- No laws in relation to how slaves could be treated

- Skilled, trusted slaves could assist doctors, or be teachers or secretaries

- Roman slaves could buy their freedom or be freed by their masters

- Few legal rights

- Historians do not believe slavery was essential to the Roman economy…so many poor Romans would work for cheap wages

- Person gained status by owning slaves

Page 11: The Roman Empire Society and Culture. With the rise of Augustus and his increasing power, the republic no longer exists, and the Roman Empire has begun

Life in the Empire

• Men, Women, and Children

- Importance of family

- Father held most power, made decisions, controlled property, conducted religious ceremonies

- Mother = manage household, bought food, entertain guests

- By end of the Republic, women had political influence (patrician class)

- Women could own property and accept inheritances

- Education = began at home – sons = citizenship, daughters = manage household

- Rich children education at home, others attend schools throughout the empire

- Elementary school = reading, writing, arithmetic, music. Secondary – wealthy boys

Page 12: The Roman Empire Society and Culture. With the rise of Augustus and his increasing power, the republic no longer exists, and the Roman Empire has begun

Life in the Empire

• Religion

- Lares – ancestoral spirits

- Family worship focused on the “Vesta” – spirit who guarded fire and hearth

- Influenced by Greeks

- State religion developed at the time of the empire = purpose was to promote patriotism, loyalty to the state. 12 B.C. Augustus became the chief priest

- Religious rituals to please the gods and spirits

Page 13: The Roman Empire Society and Culture. With the rise of Augustus and his increasing power, the republic no longer exists, and the Roman Empire has begun

Life in the Empire

• Entertainment

- Theater, mimes, jugglers, dancers, acrobats, clowns (jesters)

- Chariot racing

- Gladiators = trained slaves, battle until death. Person VS Person, Animal VS Animal, Person VS Animal