The Romanian GMES Context – an update Marius-Ioan Piso Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) JRC Information Day and S&T Workshops Bucharest, Romania, 11 May 2006

The Romanian GMES Context – an update

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rosa. JRC Information Day and S&T Workshops Bucharest, Romania, 11 May 2006. The Romanian GMES Context – an update. Marius-Ioan Piso Romanian Space Agency (ROSA). Contents. Romanian Space Agency National update International update GMES related RTD projects Space Applications - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: The Romanian GMES Context – an update

The Romanian GMES Context – an update

Marius-Ioan PisoRomanian Space Agency (ROSA)

JRC Information Day and S&T WorkshopsBucharest, Romania, 11 May 2006

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• Romanian Space Agency• National update• International update

• GMES related RTD projects• Space Applications• Security research • Space and Security

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Romanian Space Agency

• Established in 1991, ROSA become in 1995 an independent public institution under the authority of the Ministry of Education and Research

• Mission*: Coordinate the national space research and applications

programs Promote space development Be the Government representative in the international

space cooperation Develop specific project oriented research through its

own centres Coordinate the Inter-ministerial group on Security

Research *Law 40/93, Govt. Decisions 923/95 and 1574/2004

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Romanian Space Agency







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Romanian Space Agency

• Attributes: Acting under the Authority of the Romanian Government -

Ministry of Education and Research Interagency coop. : MoD, M. Foreign Affairs, M. Agriculture and

Environment, M. of Interior, M. Telecomm. and IT Contract authority and PMU for the national AEROSPACE R&D

Program Contract authority and PMU for the national SECURITY R&D

Program Executive president for the Inter-Ministerial Board on Security

Research (2004) and Inter-agency INSPIRE Group of experts Authorized to establish research and development Centers

oriented on specific objectives of the Romanian Space Program Government representative (mandated) for: ESA, EC (FP6

AEROSPACE), UN-COPUOS, others (NASA, Russian Federation, . .)

Representative for COSPAR, other int. organizations . .

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Romanian Space Agency

• Integral extra-budgetary financed; sources: R&D contracts, consultancy, international cooperation,

management• Staff: 35 (21 research professionals)• ROSA Headquarters in the centre of Bucharest

Offices, information retrieval and processing facilities, GRID http://www.rosa.ro

• ROSA Research Centre Core technologies and assets: data mining, knowledge

management, GRID, nanosatellite technologies Shared facilities with INCAS and the Institute of Space Science Laboratories, Library, Data processing and GRID Ground station for EO satellites

• Space Applications Centre (CRUTA) Established 1993, fully equipped for satellite data processing Data bases of EO and ground data, Land use / Land Cover for


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Romanian Aerospace Programme

• Contribute to the national and global scientific development by participation to international space missions and development of new projects

• Improve the national and regional security by means of peaceful space applications (2001)

• Contribute to the infrastructure of the information society• Develop new space technologies, space spin-offs and

commercial space applications• Human resources building to meet the space science and

technology development for the 21st Century• Give a model of capacity building and support the national

effort to continental and international integration

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Romanian Aerospace Programme

Component sub-programs:• Policy and infrastructure

Capacity building: technology park, centres of excellence, quality management, GRID, concurrent engineering

• Space exploration Space missions: (INTERBALL, CLUSTER, PLANCK, COROT, AMS .

. ) Space science, microgravity & life science• Space applications

Satellite communications, Earth observation, GNSS, precision farming, disaster management, telemedicine, GMES, GALILEO, LPIS, software

• Aerospace science and technology Aerodynamics and flight dynamics, C3 systems, onboard

technology • Industrial development and spin-off

Aerospace platforms (UAV’s, IAR-99, AEROTAXI), components, high speed facilities, infrastructure.

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Romanian Aerospace Programme

• Number of current projects: 108 (39 – 2001, 40 – 2002, 20 – 2003, 72 - 2004)

• Participant organizations (Romanian) : 121• Professional staff involved: 630 full time

equivalent • Funding:

Budget engagement limit 2001 – 2006 – 31,25 Meuro Budget engagement (present) 18,75 Meuro (2001-2005)

• Co-financing: 31% - private and public partners• Actors: R&D institutes, universities, companies,

NGO’s, SME’s – public and private, most of them in consortia

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GMES – related projects

LCCS=RO Thematic inventory of land use based on remote sensing, GIS and GPS Agriculture

ADAM=RO Assimilation of remote sensing data applicable in rational and precision agriculture Agriculture

LPIS=RO Study for fitting the European regulations related to high resolution images utilization for Land Parceling Integrated System (LPIS-RO) development Agriculture

ADAM=RO 2 Agriculture plans for national precision farming using remote sensing and dynamic production modeling monitoring systems Agriculture

MODVEGET Vegetation reflectance modeling for biophysical parameters assessment from remote sensing data (MODVEGET) Biodiversity

LCSS=FORESTSForest vegetation classification technology with satellite images utilization and geographical data base , support for FAO-LCCS methods fitting to Romania

conditions Biodiversity

RISKEAB Space technology utilization for seismic risk evaluation in Romania. Pilot studies for Bucharest Disasters

STDM-RO Satellite images processing and utilization methods for disasters monitoring and management Disasters

VRANCEAStudy for thermal, magnetic and gravimetric regional anomalies remote sensing methods for a better understanding of processes taking place in Vrancea

seismic area Disasters

MONDUN Geospatial data processing methods for risk phenomena monitoring and management in Danube and its floodplains areas (MONDUN) Disasters

ORTOPRECIS GIS extension by orthorectified remote sensing images utilization Ecosystems

IMPACTRemote sensing techniques for assessment of environment modifications under influence of antropic factors due to urban development in Bucharest and

surrounding areas - IMPACT Ecosystems

SATMEDELTA Telemedicine applications in Danube Delta Ecosystems

PRAF Methodology for dust content identification and evaluation in urban environment, based on aerial and satellite images in visible and infrared Ecosystems

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GMES – related projects

SISMIN System for remote sensing inventorying and monitoring of mining industry land areas Energy

RADARCOAST Interferometer applications in Black Sea Coastal area Water

RADARCOAST 2 Coastal zones remote sensing monitoring technologies Water

FLOODAN Lower Danube flooding modeling using satellite images Water

SATAPA Thermal infrared and microwave satellite data utilization for water resources monitoring for population security Water

STAR STAR - Receiving station for satellite data in real time. Functional model Capacity Building

STAR 2 Telecommunication platform for regional satellite data dissemination experiments Capacity Building

PRECISAT Studies towards development of a national system for collecting and transmission of 3D differential GNSS data Data Management

AIRTOPO Airborne system for spatial topographic data recording and processing Data Management

LUCIUS Building a National Network for GMES Applications Support by Setting Up a Land Use Land Cover Information Unified System Network

INSPAM Spatial Data Infrastructures with Applications in Environmental Protection Network

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GMES Pathfinder Projects

• ROSA coordinated Projects included in the National RTD CEEX Program LUCIUS: Building a National Network for GMES

Applications Support by Setting Up a Land Use Land Cover Information Unified System exploit experience acquired by consortium members and build a

network providing the scientific and technological regional support for the development of GMES applications through institutional development and capacity building in geospatial data (space and in-situ) acquisition, processing and management

INSPAM: Spatial Data Infrastructures with Applications in Environmental Protection initiate and develop an interoperable framework able to contribute to

establishing a national spatial data infrastructure following the European initiatives in this domain (GMES, INSPIRE, ORCHESTRA etc.)

SPIM: Centre for disaster monitoring by space technology Generate the infrastructure, procedures and knowledge

management for flood and other natural disasters monitoring



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Security research programme

• National R&D Programme SECURITY Drafted under the authority of GIMS Included by Govt. Decision 2080/ Nov. 2004 in the

National Research, Development and Innovation Plan• Goals:

Research, technology and systems for security and defence

Prepare the national actors for the participation in the FP7 security research areas

Support for the integration in EU, NATO, WEO, other programs and organizations relevant for security and defence

Development of national capacity building and support for cooperation between research, industry and users

Increasing awareness and the new security culture among citizens and decision makers

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Romanian Security Research Programme

• Inter-ministerial Group for Security Research (2004) Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Defense,

Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Economy and Commerce, Romanian Intelligence Services, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Romanian Space Agency

• RTD programme launched in 2005• 84 projects and 114 organizations involved

(Universities, RTD institutes, major companies and SME’s, NGO’s)

• In concordance with FP7 Security, NATO and National priorities

• ROSA – coordinator and contract authority



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Romanian Security Research Programme

• Subprogrammes Security policy and strategy Protection against terrorism and security

of infrastructures Situation awareness and reconnaissance Crisis management and interoperability Industrial development

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GMES-related projects

SNMC Centrul pilot eLearning pentru dezvoltarea si distribuirea de continut digital in domeniul

securitatii nationale si managementul crizelor - CPeL - SNMC Crisis management

MASTER  MASTER - Modelul unui centru de excelenta in domeniul securitatii - CES  Capacity building

HARTMAG Sisteme de masura si trasare a hartii magnetice si hidrografice a tarmului Marii Negre -

HARTMAGEcosystems, border security 

EWSGUV Cercetari privind realizarea sistemului integrat de avertizare seismica in timp real a autoritatilor

asupra iminentei unui cutremur vrancean catartrofal - EWSGUV  Disasters


Dezvoltarea de metode si demonstrarea unui sistem pilot pentru extragerea informatiei din imagini de teledetectie satelitara si aeriana pentru gestiunea situatiilor de criza sau dezastru: aplicatii si demo pentru monitorizarea si cuantificarea efectelor inundatiilor - SATexplor


SPIM Sistem pilot integrat de monitorizare si determinare a efectelor inundatiilor in bazinul Siretului

inferior - SPIMDisasters 

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International Cooperation

ROSA is the national representative for:• European Space Agency (ESA) – by law• United Nations – COPUOS – by mandate from the Foreign


• NATO – Scientific Committee and RTO – Space Advisory group• EC – FP6 – AEROSPACE PC, INSPIRE – by mandate from the

Ministry of Education and Research• NASA – Government representative• CNES (French Space Agency), Russia (negotiations), Hungary,

Bulgaria Azerbaijan – Bilateral agreements

• ASI (Italian Space Agency), DLR (German Space Agency) - projects

• International organizations membership: COSPAR, IAF, IAU, EURISY, SAF, GDIN, others, bilateral agreements with research organizations

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European Space Agency

• On 17 February 2006 Romania strengthened its relations with ESA by signing the European Cooperating State Agreement, becoming the third European country to join this status. Hungary was the first in April 2003 followed by the Czech Republic in November of the same year.

• The ceremony took place in Bucharest with the participation of Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, Prime Minister of Romania, Jean-Jacques Dordain, ESA Director General, Anton Anton, Romanian Secretary of State for Science and Technology, Marius-Ioan Piso, President and CEO of the Romanian Space Agency, and cosmonaut Dumitru Dorin Prunariu, Chairman of the Board of the Romanian Space Agency.



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European Space Agency

• During the coming months Romania will define with ESA the specific areas and projects for cooperation, and the budget for the next five years.

• Major participation will be in ESA’s space science programme and the ESA/EC joint GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) initiative.

• Other areas of cooperation will include ESA’s microgravity and exploration programme and technology activities.

• Participation in GMES will strengthen the country’s use of Earth observation data for agricultural planning, crop forecasting and flood monitoring.

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European Space Agency GMES

• 1. The space component, which includes development and operations of all satellite and ground segment infrastructure providing the required data streams

• 2. The in-situ component, which includes development and operation of all ground based and airborne data gathering networks. This also includes socio-economic data such as demographic data, industrial output data and epidemiological data.

• 3. Data harmonisation and standardisation, including infrastructure for data assimilation, standardised processing, data fusion, modelling and forecasting and service support infrastructure such as data access, catalogue, archive and customer support facilities

• 4. User oriented services, including data procurement, information generation and delivery, product quality assurance and monitoring compliance with user domain working practices, standards and legislative requirements

• The ROSA – ESA common projects would include some of those components

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United Nations COPUOS

• COPUOS - The Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space was set up by the General Assembly in 1959 ( resolution 1472 (XIV)) to review the scope of international cooperation in peaceful uses of outer space, to devise programmes in this field to be undertaken under United Nations auspices, to encourage continued research and the dissemination of information on outer space matters, and to study legal problems arising from the exploration of outer space.

• Two standing Subcommittees of the whole: Scientific and Technical Subcommittee Legal Subcommittee

• Number of Member States in the Committee: 67

• Romania – Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee (2004-2006)

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United Nations COPUOS - DMISCO

• Recommendation UNISPACE III +5 Action team 7 An international space coordination body for disaster

management nominally identified as the 'Disaster Management International Space Coordination Organization (DMISCO)' should be established

Such a body would have the mandate to provide the necessary means to optimize the efficiency of services for disaster management.

It would ensure affordable, comprehensive and universal space-based delivery by fully utilizing existing and planned space and ground assets and infrastructures, and with the full participation of organizations and mechanisms currently in place.

The proposed organization would act as a focal point for global space efforts in support of disaster management.

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United Nations COPUOS - DMISCO

• Experts were nominated as members of the ad hoc expert group and have participated in the elaboration of the DMISCO study:

• Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Belarus, Canada, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Morocco, Nigeria, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Spain, United States of America,

• United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), International Astronautical Federation (IAF) and International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS).

• The work of the ad hoc expert group was supported by the Office for Outer Space Affairs of the Secretariat.

• Romania – by ROSA - in charge with the DMISCO Implementation Action group

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United Nations COPUOS - DMISCO

• International functions One-Stop Shop for Information Awareness Raising and Outreach Activities Knowledge Management and Transfer

• Coordination functions Platform for Fostering Alliances Bridge the gap between the disaster management and

space communities - Communities of Practice Support to Capacity Building

• Operational functions Regional and Country Profiles National Disaster Management Planning and Policies Implementation of National Activities defined by National

Focal Points.

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NATO Security through Science

The Security Through Science Programme offers grants to scientists in NATO, Partner and Mediterranean Dialogue countries to collaborate on priority research topics.

The aim of the Security Through Science Programme is to contribute to security, stability and solidarity among nations, by applying science to problem solving.

Topics in priority research areas Defence Against Terrorism Countering Other Threats to Security Partner-Country Priorities.

ROSA – representing Romania in the SCOM



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NATO Security through Science

• ENVSEC The OSCE, UNEP and UNDP set up the Environment and

Security Initiative in 2002 with the aim of identifying, together with regional stakeholders (such as governmental representatives and NGOs), environmental issues that are a threat to stability and peace and using environmental co-operation as a confidence-building exercise in vulnerable regions.

Since 2004, NATO - associated with ENVSEC through the NATO Programme for Security through Science and the activities of the Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society

The NATO Science Committee (October 2005) agreed to provide financial support through the Security through Science Programme for the extension of the Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC) to Eastern Europe (Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine). ENVSEC has so far focused on Central Asia, the South Caucasus and Southeast Europe Updat

e 2005!

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NATO Security through Science

• Defence against Terrorism Rapid Detection of Chemical, Biological, Radiological

Nuclear (CBRN) Agents or Weapons, and Rapid Diagnosis of their effects on people

Novel and rapid methods of detection (e.g., chemical and biosensors, multisensor processing, gene chips)

Physical Protection against CBRN agents Decontamination of CBRN agents Destruction of CBRN agents and weapons (e.g., chemical

and vaccine technologies) Medical Countermeasures Explosive Detection Eco-Terrorism Countermeasures Computer Terrorism Countermeasures

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NATO Security through Science

• Countering Other Threats to Security Environmental Security (e.g., desertification, land

erosion, pollution, etc.) Water Resources Management Management of Non-Renewable Resources Modeling Sustainable Consumption (e.g., food, energy,

materials, fiscal measures and environmental costings) Disaster Forecast and Prevention Food Security Information Security Human and Societal Dynamics (e.g. new challenges for

global security, economic impact of terrorist actions, risk assessment, management of science, science policy, security-related political science, and international relations in general)

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NATO Space Science and Technology Advisory Group


• NATO uses information from space assets in most of its military operations from situational awareness to space weather. Better understanding and improved situational awareness has been extended to space operations. The improvements in both ground and space based sensing to accomplish the full operational picture are required. Coalition forces must also understand the utility of new sensing techniques. Small satellite techniques will allow most nations to develop space assets and to launch ‘on demand’.

• Space Science and Technology Advisory Group (SSTAG) – created in May 2005 within the NATO Research and Technology Agency (RTA)

• ROSA expert – member in the 10 nations SSTAG• Established recommendations via peer review process for new

technical activities in the research panels related to use of space• First Specialist Meeting to be held in Romania – September 2006



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NATO Space Science and Technology Advisory Group


• Recommended topics related to GMES• Space Based Multi- and Hyperspectral Sensors Technology and

Applications• Space Based RADAR Technology and Applications• Satellite Constellations and Formation Flying in the Networked

Environment• Use of Commercial Satellite Remote Sensing Information for Maritime

Surveillance and Oceanography• 3D Urban Mapping• Exploitation of Satellite Remote Sensing Data for Change Detection• Radar Polarimetry from Space• Ground Segment Antenna for Multi-Mission Applications• Systems of Systems for Early Warning• Image and Data Compression Algorithms for Remote Sensing and

Communication• Near Real-Time Automatic and Semi-Automatic Multi-Sensor Data

Fusion• Geospatial Information Systems (GIS)



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Regional cooperation in space applications

• UNISPACE III Regional Preparatory Conference for Eastern Europe, UN/Romania (ROSA), Bucharest, 25-29 January 1999

• A total of 89 persons attended the Preparatory Conference, from 21 countries and 8 international organizations The Earth and its environment; Communication and navigation systems; Benefits of space exploration, including

the role of Microsatellites and Information, education and cooperation.

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Regional cooperation in space applications

• United Nations Regional Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for Disaster Management for Europe , 19-23 May 2003, Poiana Brasov.

• Joint initiative of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (OOSA) and the Romanian Space Agency (ROSA), on behalf of the Government of Romania, and co-sponsored by the European Space Agency (ESA), the Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES), and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR).

• Brought together practitioners, space agencies and those responsible for dealing with disaster management to present experiences and best practices on the space technology-based solutions to disaster management in Europe

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United Nations Regional Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for Disaster Management for Europe , 19-23

May 2003, Poiana Brasov.

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Regional cooperation in space applications

• UN/ESA/Eurisy/ROSA• The Danube and Europe :

Integrated Space Applications in the Danube Basin, 23-25 June 2004 - Mamaia, Romania Environment, Security and Space

Applications Integrated Space Applications to

Water Resources Management Natural Resources Related

Issues Human Security

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Space and Security – National

• ROSA – further development as a technology development and capacity building organization

• Integrate gradually the national space exploration and industrial programmes to ESA

• Keep the role of a single national voice for the EU programmes on space, security and aerospace

• Concentrate the national public and private resources to critical masses and develop its own niches

• Maintain the wider field of international cooperation with the major global actors in space and security

• Build gradually its space applications center towards the EU and become a regional partner for JRC

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ROSA Update

• The Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) National: Space, Aerospace and Security

Research International: Space programs (ESA),

Space applications (EU FP’s), Space for security (NATO)

• Regional partner for GMES and JRCUpdat

e 2007+


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Floods 2005-2006

• International Charter Space and Major Disasters

• July 2005 Charter Call 91 CNES – ROSA – SERTIT

• April 2006 Charter Call 121 DLR – ROSA


• Local data: CRUTA, ROSA, DTM

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Floods 2005-2006• From space technology . .

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• To Practical results!

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• Questions?

• Thank you for your attention!