The Royal Stars

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Page 1: The Royal Stars
Page 2: The Royal Stars

Overview of Royal Stars

• Why the Royal Stars are Important

• Past and Current Seasonal Sign and Degree

• Their astronomy and the Constellations they occupy

• History and Stories• Planets and Moon including

Moon Occultation series• Altair as a Former Royal Star• Resources




Page 3: The Royal Stars

Why Royal Stars are important!

• They are 4 first magnitude stars that mark a Grand Cross of directional points, helping us navigate the sky.

• The 4 stars were at cardinal directional points during significant turning points in humanity thousands of years ago and will be again.

• These stars are written about in countless ancient texts from a wide variety of cultures and spiritual/religious beliefs, including the Christian Bible. That is a reflection of the large influences these stars have held for us without much modern-day realization (and still do!) in our spiritual expressions and writings today.

• Like the zodiac, these 4 stars represent an intimate connection to our ancestors from all over the world.

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Fomalhaut 04 Pisces 07 (Mouth of the Fish known as Pisces Austrinus) Watcher of the South

Marked the December Solstice Sunat zero Capricorn around 2582 BC

Stone: Granite

Antares 10 Sagittarius 01 (Heart of the Scorpion) Watcher of the West

Marked the September Equinox at zero Libra around 3052 BC

Stones: Sardonia and Amethyst

Aldebaran 10 Gemini 03 (Eye of the Bull) Watcher of the East

Marked the March Equinox at zero Aries around 3044 BCStones: Carbuncle and Ruby

Regulus 00 Virgo 06 (Heart of the Lion) Watcher of the North

Marked the June Solstice at zero Cancer about 2345 BC Stone: Pearl

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The Royal Stars in the BibleThese royal stars have been been been linked with the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse (Revelations 6) and the Chariot Horses in the Book of Zechariah. (The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology by Vivian Robson ).

And these stars are also linked with the Archangels in this order:Michael (Aldebaran) watcher of the EastGabriel (Fomalhaut) watcher of the South Raphael (Regulus) Watcher of the North Uriel (Antares) Watcher of the West

Page 6: The Royal Stars

Aldebaran/Winter Sky

The Bull

Aldebaran is Currently

located in the Hyades an

asterism in the constellation

of the Bull near Orion and

the Winter Triangle also

known as Heaven’s Gate at the edge of

our Galaxy.

Winter Trianglea.k.a.

Heaven’s Gate

Page 7: The Royal Stars

Astronomy of AldebaranMagnitude -2.1 and the 14th brightest star in our night sky. .

An orange/red star about 153 times brighter than our Sun and 65 light years away from Earth. .

The Hyades are about 150 light-years away from Earthor 85 light years further from Earth than Aldebaran.


Aldebaran is 44 times bigger than our Sun. That means if Aldebaran was in the place of our Sun its surface would extend close to the orbit of Mercury.

Polaris is our present-day North Star. However, Aldebaran was the North Star around 450,000 years ago along with the star Capella. (see next two slides)

At that time Aldebaran appeared several times brighter in the sky then than it does now and was near the very bright star Capella meaning 450,000 years ago these two brilliant stars served as a double pole star. ~ From EarthSky.org

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January evenings

Aldebaran is Arabic - meaning “the follower.”

According to Richard Hinckley Allen in his classic book Star Names: their Lore and Meaning the name Aldebaran originally applied to the entire Hyades star cluster and not just the single star.

In fact Aldebaran is not originally part of the Hyades cluster as already shared. Ancient sky lore, suggests the teary Hyades are the daughters of Atlas and Aethra, forever crying for their brother Hyas, who was killed by a lion or a boar or in a hunting accident of some kind (different versions of the story).

The Hyades are the half-sisters to the Pleiades, the daughters of Atlas and Pleione.

The gods purposely kept Atlas’ daughters – the Hyades and the Pleaides – out of reach of Orion, giving them a safe haven from his lustful pursuits.

The bull

The Hyades


Page 9: The Royal Stars

Aldebaran - Watcher of the East

• Planets within 6 to 10 degrees amplify the transmission of Aldebaran light codes (or any Royal Star) to our conscious awareness.

• Is also known as the Calf, the Red Deer, the sow, the ox, God’s eye, Buddha’s eye, Star of Ascent (see Kabbalistic symbol below)

• Aldebaran is “The Leading Star of Stars” because in antiquity all star longitudes were measured from it or from its opposite, Antares.

• It has been described as a light portal to the mysteries of the mind

This is the magical Hermetic Kabbalistic symbol for Aldebaran by Cornelius Agrippa

from his book Occult Philosophypublished in 1533

Capella and Aldebaran were the North Pole Star 450,000 years ago.

Aldebaran is now located in the Hyades.


The BullCapella

Page 10: The Royal Stars

…the Silver Gate is above Orion, at the centre of the Duat; the Egyptian Netherworld…represented on the ground in the Giza area. The ancient Greeks, who received much of their knowledge from Egypt, believed that souls reside in the Milky Way between incarnations, and that there are 2 “gates” on the Milky Way. These are the Silver Gate of (The Twins) Gemini, where souls descend to earth, and the Golden Gate of (The Archer) Sagittarius, where souls ascend. Other versions say the souls of men (humans) can ascend by either gate, but that the Silver Gate leads to reincarnation and the ancestors, and the Golden Gate leads beyond reincarnation. The Golden Gate is the gate the Gods descend into this reality…

The Silver Gate is just above the “hand” of Orion, who the Egyptians associated with Osiris, and they depicted him holding a star in his hand. In The Orion Mystery, Bauval & Gilbert presumed this to be the star Aldebaran. Now, Gilbert has found that the Egyptian word for star, s’ba, also means “door”, so Osiris is holding a Star-Gate. In some depictions, Osiris is holding an ankh towards the gate, so this must be the key that unlocks the star-gate. http://www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/7.htm



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As already described Aldebaran seems to be thekey to opening the doorway to the enlightened mind – or as some have indicated the entrance into one of the Halls of Records. (Starwalking by Page Bryant). Aldebaran is the key to the silver gate where souls entered this realm and is the key (or ankh to the Egyptians) that the High Man (Orion) holds in his hand.

This suggests this area of the sky (highly activated when planets are here) is opening a portal of unprecedented transformation.

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The late Astronomer Jack Eddy suggests Aldebaran has a connection with the Big Horn Medicine Wheel in Wyoming. Eddy feels ancient Native Americans may have used this site as an observatory to view the rising of Aldebaran just before the Sun (heliacal rise) in June to predict the June solstice.


Stars of the First People by Dorcas S Miller speaks to this medicine wheel saying holy people from different tribes may have visited and ceremonially used it - as its location does not support large encampments. Has been linked with the Cheyenne and Arapahoe. The Crow said it was built by “people who had no iron” or before the white man came and has long been associated with the Sun Dance lodge.

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The Galactic Edge

Aldebaran is located in the Sacred Hoop

of StarsAs Identified by the

Lakota at the Edge of our Galaxy opposite of Antares near the

Center of our Galaxy.

The Stars that mark the Rim of the Hoop are Capella, Castor,

Pollux, Procyon, Sirius, Rigel,

and the Pleiades


Page 14: The Royal Stars

Around 7 pmMarch

Aldebaran is Primarily a winter and

spring evening star for those in

the northern hemisphere.

In Early December,

Aldebaran rises just after

sunset and is visible all night. By March it is

high to the south at sunset,

and sets at around

midnight. January around 7 pm March around 7 pm8 pm Daylight Time

The Bull

The Bull

The Galactic Edge

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Around 7:30 pm Standard 8:30 Daylight Time


By early May, Aldebaran hangs low in the west disappearing with the Sun at the end of May

and returning to the predawn sky around late June early July.

4:30 am Daylight Time5:30 am Standard TimeLate June/July

The Bull

The Bull

Orion Rising

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Mar 21 2021 Mars Cnj Aldebaran 10°Ge04' DSep 07 2022 Mars Cnj Aldebaran 10°Ge06' DDec 26 2022 Mars Cnj Aldebaran 10°Ge06' D


May 10 2021 Mercury Cnj Aldebaran 10°Ge04' DJun 22 2022 Mercury Cnj Aldebaran 10°Ge05' D


May 16 2021 Venus Cnj Aldebaran 10°Ge04' DJul 01 2022 Venus Cnj Aldebaran 10°Ge05' D.

May 31 2021 Sun Cnj Aldebaran 10°Ge04' DMay 31 2022 Sun Cnj Aldebaran 10°Ge05' D

Sun is within 6° of Aldebaran from May 24 to June 07

Inner Planets with Aldebaran from 2021 to 2022

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Moon Passes Aldebaran 2021

Jan 23Feb 20Mar 19Apr 14May 13Jun 09Jul 06

Aug 02Aug 30Sep 26 Oct 23Nov 20Dec 17

Next Occultations of the Moon over AldebaranAug 18, 2033 to Feb 23, 2037

The Bull

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Some cultures viewed Aldebaran as war-like, others have considered it was one of the four "Guardians of Heaven" or one of the "four sentinels watching over other stars" or one of the four royal stars - including Antares, Regulus, Fomalhaut - known as the "Watcher of the East" and others have seen it linked to archangel Michael - Military Commander of the Heavenly Host.

The four royal stars have also been characterized as Horses, reflected both in the famed Four Horsemen of Apocalypse (Revelations 6) and Chariot Horses in the Book of Zechariah. (Morse)

The supportive energies of Aldebaran are accessed when we approach its mysteries with integrity, honor and purity of intent. Aldebaran assists us in working with grief, sadness and loss as indicated by Starlight Elixirs and Cosmic Vibrational Healing by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeldhttp://hilarion.com/stars.html.

The authors also indicate that Aldebaran is linked with the original genetic coding that allowed for the experience of free will here on planet Earth and …”the beings from Aldebaran hope that humanity may someday choose to co-create a civilization with them…”

Aldebaran is also a portal to the mysteries of the mind and when balanced with the fixed star Antares, who is a portal to the mysteries of the heart, we have a powerful stargate axis.

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Satevis – autumnal equinox (Watcher of the West)

Heart of the Scorpion Constellation at 10° Sagittarius

2nd-century Greek astronomer Ptolemy,—the celebrated Antar or Antarah [Antarah] who, just previous to the time of Muhammad,

was the mulatto warrior-hero of one of the Golden Mu'allakat.

[Muallaqat. Allen notes: These were the famous seven selected poems of Arabia, said to have been inscribed in letters of gold on

silk, or Egyptian linen, and suspended, as their title signifies, in the

Kabah at Mecca.] – Constellations of Wordshttps://www.constellationsofwords.com/stars/Antares.html

The Māori people of New Zealand call Antares Rēhua, and regard it

as the chief of all the stars.

The Scorpion

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Antares is a variable Super Red Giant star about 550-600 light years from Earth (varies in brightness from +0.6 to +1.5 in magnitude)

•In ancient Greece and Rome, Antares was known as a “Rival of Mars” due to its color, though the Greeks were also likely to say it was “similar to” or “equal to” Mars.

This constellation occupies as the last stop before the Galactic Center. Some Native American cultures looked at the heart of the Scorpion, Antares, as a resting place for souls on their afterworld journey

•In Central Asia, it was known as the “Grave Digger of Caravans”. Antares is one of Persia’s 4 Royal Stars along the ecliptic –representing “Yima”, god of the dead

In Ancient Egypt, Antares was known as the goddess“Selkit” and some of the temples were oriented to the star Antares. Selkit was often referred to as the “Scorpion Goddess”

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Antares10° 03’ Sag





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Scorpion King photo By Udimu in Wikipedia

The Scorpion Constellation• The fabled “Scorpion King” existed in the proto-Dynastic

period of ancient Egypt around 3200 BC. The Scorpion Goddess Selket is known to appear around this time or shortly thereafter.

• .

• The Scorpion Constellation is a place known for death and rebirth, pointing to the elements of the stinger’s toxins.


• In ancient Greece, the Scorpion is known to chase down the Orion Constellation when it rises - as Orion sets. The story originated from ancient Egypt as the Scorpion stinging the gold Horus and sending him to the underworld as Osiris. Orion replaced Horus in the Greek re-telling.

• .

• The head or crown of the Scorpion was also referred to as part Tree of the Garden of Light and associated with the idea of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden with a grouping of 3 or 4 stars (Including Acrab, Jabbah and Scorpius π). Mesopotamia had a similar view.

• .

• The Sumerians considered this constellation as one of the “four gateways to the otherworld, a bringer of darkness”from Bernadette Brady Book of Fixed Stars page 284

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Sun/Planets with Antares 2021-22

Nov 30, 2021 Mercury 10° 03’ SagittariusNov 23, 2022 Mercury 10° 04’ Sagittarius

Dec 1, 2021 Sun 10° 03' Dec 2, 2022 Sun 10° 04'

Dec 27, 2021 Mars 10° 03'

Moon with Antares 2021Jan 9, 2021 9:03:11 PM MST 10° 03'Feb 6, 2021 3:29:16 AM MST 10° 03'Mar 5, 2021 8:49:22 AM MST 10° 03'Apr 1, 2021 3:33:18 PM MST 10° 03'Apr 29, 2021 12:45:53 AM MST 10° 03'May 26, 2021 11:33:02 AM MST 10° 03'Jun 22, 2021 10:04:45 PM MST 10° 03'Jul 20, 2021 6:47:11 AM MST 10° 03'Aug 16, 2021 1:14:56 PM MST 10° 03'Sep 12, 2021 6:35:58 PM MST 10° 03'Oct 10, 2021 12:58:24 AM MST 10° 03'Nov 6, 2021 9:55:29 AM MST 10° 03'Dec 3, 2021 9:05:26 PM MST 10° 03'Dec 31, 2021 8:21:04 AM MST 10° 04'

Major Conjunctions with Antares

Moon Occults Antares Aug 25, 2023 to Aug 27, 2028

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The Astronomy of Regulus• 1.36 magnitude and the 21st brightest star

in our night sky .

• Is 78 to 85 light years from Earth.

• 288 times brighter than our Sun .

• Is 3.8 times the mass & three times as wide as our Sun

• .

• Is a Blue-White Star and is hotter at thepoles than its center due to its rapid rotation

• Regulus was in the seasonal sign of Leo for2160 years. November 28, 2011 (according to Solar Fire) Regulus entered the sign of Virgo - starting a new 2160 year cycle linked to Regulus in Virgo.

Regulus is an egg shaped Blue Star

Due to rapid 16 hour Rotation

RotatesEvery 25


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Feb 18 around 7 pmJanuary around 10 pm

In the northern hemisphere, Regulus is

best viewed as an evening star in late winter and spring.

Around February 18, Regulus is opposite the Sun, rising as the Sun sets meaning it is in

the sky all night reaching its highest

point due south around midnight.

The Crab

The Lion

Page 27: The Royal Stars

The Lion andRegulus slowly

shift to theWestern Sky and

are seen setting inthe west by May

and June.

The only time of year when

Regulus can’t be seen is for a

month about a month or two

weeks on either side of August 22,

when it lies too close to the Sun.March around 9 pm June around 9 pm

The LionThe Lion

The Crab

The Crab

June around 9 pm

Page 28: The Royal Stars

The Lion is one of the oldest constellations in the sky. Archeologists feel this constellation may have been identified as a Lion by the Mesopotamians as early as 4000 BC. The Persians referred to Regulus as Shir or Ser or Central One or Star of the Center, the Babylonians called it UR.GU.LA “the great lion”. The Hindu Name was Mighty or the Great One

For the Greeks this was the Nemean lion, killed by Heracles during the first of his twelve labors.

Both Eratosthenes and Hyginus wrote that after the Nemean Lion was killed it was placed among the constellations to honor its place as the king of beasts.

The Nemean lion lived in a cave in Nemea, located south-west of Corinth. .

It was killing the local inhabitants and could not be killed because its skin/hide could not be pierced by any weapons.

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The Lion Constellation continued

Hercules first choked the Lion and then used the lion’s claws to skin it. He then wore its pelt/skin as a cloak, complete with the lion’s head - as depicted in this Greek Artifact.

The impenetrable cloak protected Heracles as well as giving him an even more fierce appearance.

In South America, many Peruvian Indian tribes knew these stars as the Mountain Lion.

Christians in the Middle Ages sometimes referred to this constellation as one of Daniel’s lions.

In China it was often seen as a horse, or part of a dragon.

Boston 99.538, Attic bilingual amphora, ca. 525-500 B.C. Photograph courtesy,

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. H. L. Pierce Fund

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Aug 11 2021 Mercury Cnj Regulus 00°Vi07' DAug 04 2022 Mercury Cnj Regulus 00°Vi08' D

Aug 22 2021 Sun Cnj Regulus 00°Vi07' D

Aug 22 2022 Sun Cnj Regulus 00°Vi08' D

Sun is within 6° of Regulus from August 16 to 29

Jul 21 2021 Venus Cnj Regulus 00°Vi07' D

Sep 04 2022 Venus Cnj Regulus 00°Vi08' D

Jul 29 2021 Mars Cnj Regulus 00°Vi07' D

Inner Planets with Regulus 2021 to 2022

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Moon with Regulus 2021


Jan 02Jan 30Feb 26Mar 25Apr 22May 19Jun 15Jul 13

Aug 09Sep 05Oct 03Oct 30Nov 26Dec 24



A series of 20 Moon Occultations Jul 26 2025 to Dec 27 2026

Page 32: The Royal Stars

Regulus, the Regulator, Ruler or Lawgiver,the Heart of the Lion• Patriarchy views the Lion constellation as

masculine…It is just as easily a great Lioness –Like Sekhmet. Associated with Royalty .

• Regulus is from Latin word Rex: King.

• A star representing great success when practicing Forgiveness (from the heart) as it helps one forgo the need for revenge. Those who seek revenge with Regulus prominent on their chart will lose their standing in society

• Is considered a doorway to the Hall of Records – similar to what is said to be under the Sphinx


Cayelin with Sekhmet in Luxor Egypt 1999

Hermetic/Kabbalistic Symbol

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Regulus, the Ruler or Lawgiver, the Heart of the Lion

Restoring Sacred Relationship with all life guided by the wisdom of the heart..

A prophecy from an ancient book of wisdom:A certain relationship or configuration of stars - including Regulus, in the constellation of the Lion - will bring about a situation wherein the reorientation of the attitude of the legal profession will take place; its functions and duties will be centralized for the purpose of world usefulness, and in this process legislation for children will assume great importance and be the motivating power. .

This legal step will be primarily advocated by Russia and endorsed by the United States of America. Before 2035 A.D. such legislation will be universal in its sphere of influence and control.


Page 34: The Royal Stars

Antares Declination 04° S 34’.

Previous Series: Jan 07, 2005 to Feb 07 2010Next Series: Aug 25, 2023 to Aug 27, 2028

Series of Moon Occultations over THREE Royal Stars

As calculated by John Meeus in his book Mathematical Astronomy Morsels

Fomalhaut can never be occulted by the Moon because it is too far off the ecliptic at a Declination of 21° S 08’

Moon Occults Aldebaran

Moon Occults Regulus

AldebaranDeclination 05° S 28’

Previous Series:Jan 29, 2015 to Sep 03, 2018Next Series:Aug 18, 2035 to Dec 27, 2037Moon Occults Antares

Regulus Declination 00° N 28’


Previous Series: Dec 18, 2016 to Apr 24, 2018

Next Series: Jul 26, 2025 to Dec 27, 2026

Page 35: The Royal Stars

¹ page 34, Little Book of Fixed Stars by Elizabeth Hazel with Michael Munkasey² page 64, Fixed Stars in the Chart by Oscar Hofman³ page 40-41 Star Lore Myths, Legends and Facts by William Tyler Olcott

Fomalhaut• Haftorang/Hastorang – Winter Solstice (Watcher of the


• “Mouth of the Southern Fish” constellation at 04° 09’ Pisces

• Symbolizes “great talent, luck and beauty along with good fortune, charisma and mystical and magical qualities”¹

• “The stream of sweet water received by this fish comes from Aquarius’ Cup, showing that purification of the desire nature is a preparative phase in the initiation process”² (Theme: spiritual birth, a kingship not of this world)

• This star was at the winter (December) solstice point about 4500 years ago

• Around 500 BC, Fomalhaut was the “object of sunrise worship in the temple of Demeter at Eleusis” “Always associated in the mind of the star lover with Capella . . . rises far from it . . . As these two stars rise almost simultaneously . . .”³

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• Fomalhaut is the alpha star of this constellation.

• This constellation is, “also the fish in Celtic mythology that swallows a magical ring only to have it retrieved later by the story’s hero.”¹

• “It is symbolic of the nature of enchantment, where one accomplishes things through deep, natural understanding of the nature of relationships, rather than the use of will power.”¹

• This constellation is supposed to have taken its name, “from the transformation of Venus into the shape of a fish, when she fled terrified at the horrible advances of the monster Typhon.” ²

¹ page 169, Star and Planet Combinations by Bernadette Brady²page 39 Star Lore Myths, Legends and Facts by William Tyler Olcott

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Fomalhaut4° 09’ Pisces

Southern Fish Constellation

Water-Bearer Constellation

Goat-Fish Constellation


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Sun Conjunctions with FomalhautFeb 22, 2021 Sun 04°08’ PiscesFeb 22, 2022 Sun 04°09’ Pisces

Mercury / Venus conjunctions with FomalhautMar 18, 2021 Mercury 04°08’ PiscesMar 12, 2022 Mercury 04°09’ Pisces

Feb 28, 2021 Venus 04°08’ PiscesApr 9, 2022 Venus 04°09’ Pisces

Moon with Fomalhaut 2021Jan 15, 2021 10:55:54 PM MST 04°08' Feb 12, 2021 8:02:00 AM MST 04°08' Mar 11, 2021 3:29:16 PM MST 04°08'Apr 7, 2021 9:21:26 PM MST 04°08'May 5, 2021 2:57:27 AM MST 04°09' Jun 1, 2021 9:46:01 AM MST 04°09' Jun 28, 2021 6:17:11 PM MST 04°09' Jul 26, 2021 3:49:07 AM MST 04°09' Aug 22, 2021 1:02:55 PM MST 04°09' Sep 18 ,2021 8:50:18 PM MST 04°09' Oct 16, 2021 2:56:54 AM MST 04°09'Nov 12, 2021 8:27:38 AM MST 04°09' Dec 9, 2021 3:15:27 PM MST 04°09'

Major Conjunctions with Fomalhaut

The Moon Never Occults Fomalhaut

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• The bright star, Altair, in Aquila - the Eagle may have (at one time) been a replacement of either Fomalhaut or Antares in representing one of the four corners of the heavens. Altair is the head of the eagle.

• In the Bible, the vision of Ezekiel, that included the Lion, the Ox, the Man and the Eagle as the upholders of the firmament as the “pillars of heaven”.

• Altair has a strong connection to the constellation, Lyra, also known as a “Falling Vulture” and various cultures have stories that bring the constellations together.

• According to Ptolemy, this star, “is said to give great imagination, strong passions, indomitable will, a dominating character, influence over others, clairvoyance, a keen penetrating mind and ability for chemical research.”

Altair a Former Royal Star?

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Southern Fish Constellation



Goat-Fish Constellation




Fomalhaut4° 09’ Pisces

Antares10° 03’ Sag

Altair2° 04’ Aquarius

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ResourcesOccult Philosophy by Cornelius Agrippa published in 1533Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning by Richard Hinckley AllenThe Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology by Vivian Robson Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation by Ebertin-HoffmannThe Living Stars by Eric MorseStars of the First People by Dorcas S MillerBrady’s Book of Fixed Stars by Bernadette BradyStar Walking Shamanic Practices for Traveling Into the Night Sky by Page BryantThe Orion Mystery by Robert Bauval & Adrian GilbertStarlight Elixirs and Cosmic Vibrational Healing by Michael Smulkisand Fred Rubenfeld http://hilarion.com/stars.html

Earth Sky https://earthsky.orgSky and Telescope https://skyandtelescope.orghttps://www.constellationsofwords.com/stars/Stars_alphabet.htmhttp://www.souledout.org/cosmology/highlights/regulushighlights/regulushighlights.htmlhttps://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/18/us/18eddy.htmRead more about Behenian Stars

When the Dragon Wore the Crown by Don CerowLittle Book of Fixed Stars by Elizabeth Hazel with Michael MunkaseyFixed Stars in the Chart by Oscar HofmanStar Lore Myths, Legends and Facts by William Tyler Olcotthttps://timothystephany.com/constellations.htmlStar and Planet Combinations by Bernadette Brady