The Sacred Path Of The Elders Walking The Path Today Dr. Christina P. Venable

The Sacred Path Of The Elders Walking The Path Today Dr. Christina P. Venable

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The Sacred Path Of The Elders

Walking The Path Today

Dr. Christina P. Venable

Hold On

Hold on to what is good,Even if it's a handful of earth.Hold on to what you believe,

Even if it's a tree that stands by itself.Hold on to what you must do,

Even if it's a long way from here.Hold on to your life,

Even if it's easier to let go.Hold on to my hand,

Even if someday I'll be gone away from you.

A Pueblo Prayer


• Are you carrying out the traditions you were taught? Ceremonies, dances, language sometimes if you are native. Have you been wondering what is missing in your life?

• Sometimes I ask myself, Are you living up to what your elders have taught you? Are you in the place you expected yourself to be? Are you happy with who you are right now? There are so many people who are not happy within themselves and we need to be. Do you wake up happy every morning with the attitude of a brand new day? Or do you wake up dreading because its morning?

• Are you in a place within your own traditions to help those around you understand and succeed on their own journey?

•Acknowledge Your Own Limitations

•Everyone Has Weaknesses – You must learn to embrace them

“Your inner fire is the very soul of your being. When you lose your fire, you have lost who you are.” Don’t Lose Your Passion

Walking In Balance – means being in harmony; physically, spiritually, and mentally. If any part of you is “out of balance” then your whole being will reflect that.

Without the connection to our traditional ways, we will become a lost people, searching for that missing link; that part of us that longs for something more.

Do you ever stop and wonder where the values have gone? Where are the traditional values that our grandparents had?

Where Are Your Ceremonies? Communities? Traditions?

Even when we plant a seed, it does nothing unless we take care of it.

As a tribal VR program, we feel it is necessary to include our ceremonies within the lives of our clients.

It is important that each client know their traditions, and learn from the tribal elders.

The Muskogee Elders Use Stories To Teach Life Lessons

Missed Opportunities

Every day we have an opportunity to improve our lives, and the lives of others. So many times we overlook these opportunities, because they are not packaged the way we expect. Everything we do in this life affects not only us, but those around us.

Are you an Achiever?1. You will always need people – If a lawyer has no client, he has no career

2. When you have a vision, the master key to your success is all around you – commit to your vision

3. Everyone has something to commit to your life

4. Listen to others – they have information that can help you – some people think they already know it all.

5. You must be willing to reach out to other people

We are NEVER successful when we try to operate independently of others.

Arrogance is probably the biggest hindrance we create in our own lives.

Listening and Learning From Others is KEY!

Everyone has something different to bring to the table

Some are for Encouragement

Some Analyze and Critique You!

Some Energize You!

Some Will Mentor You!

“people do not care how important you are…what is important to them is that YOU really care!!”

Love and CARE about those people around you

Wisdom Keepers

A. Are passionate people who become powerful people

B. Passionate people generate enthusiasm

C. Passionate people stay focused on the dream


Success is a collection of relationships

There is greatness all around you! Look for it, Expect it, Celebrate it

Listen to others, Love people, The gifts of others are there for you!

It is time for us to rekindle our own fire, and then to help those around us, rekindle theirs. We have to learn our own traditions, and find our own path before we can lead the way for someone else.

Take the time for yourself, that will help you to remember the wisdom of your elders, to recall the ways of your people, and teach it to your children. Learn the lessons of the elders, and pass them on!

When You Know Who You Are; When Your Mission is CLEAR And You Burn With The INNER FIRE Of Unbreakable Will; No Cold Can Touch Your Heart; No Storm Can Dampen Your Purpose. You Know You Are


Chief Seattle

The Purpose Of Our People:

“To Live Our Lives Fully In Fellowship With The Creator. Each Person Has A Place, A Role, And Is To

Contribute Their Gifts To The Community”

Atwi Kim-stan-ickt, Palouse Elder