iLAG CHIEF witsek, Greatest s Socialists. ACK TO RUSSIA. isf-*h» Mmmmmm wttseh's Life. ud, bound tor Hs«. Ilrt. Sergtss X. Scha- >iof back to Raasta, tersburg theater, Mr. rt Helena Ton Raco- - get foot to America, , great deal has beet) man who played such M> history of German I bar husband, who is as a bloodthirsty so- , Many workingmen wed have tooted upon ecsuse he would not other leaders did and aristocrat Hi* iatt- tlm as a maa of sehoi- ad moeh and obaervad sman and man of the yean ago Mrs. Bche- r was regarded as ths death of a nun whom ad their emancipator. those who knot Iter J how Lassalie loved isnt beauty haa bssn i looks of a contented itiag vonun. \u25bcon Donnlgea, ths trian official of high in and Lsssslls at ths ver in 1962. Laaastls's IS&aia eedsl reformer wae then at ita IST ia mm was ao frequently on the MMi'fMVuUT coapled trim UM Sm «f AM weaker. Heteno's faao, Z3|gf asstbcr kind, waa not oonfinod ?3l arils si bar father's koaaa in Afrforite with UM royal ladles SZTfaiaitaa ooort, with an intellect SSIMBMff had ketped to beautify, KIMN at tIM s#sof Uhad fehaMr«<lm*« ( hs moatbeautiloland young woman in Bara- T bkcr psnon aba waa tail and y 2Mi a perfect figure. Her clear bine ZLLMMM and Oraeiaii profile bad aimirsrs by tba Mora. 81m bad SSmii la Italy and bad traveled fS IM bed beard of Laaeallo and bad MttNilto aea deter tittle Jaw, probe- lis ipM and uudc-udtedly fary Ae «Mt Mm aba saw a tali man am » haiWM iaee end fine brown e/ae. It aai Jwastlrst eigbt on bar part Las* aaßaat tot eaptiratad by b«r beanty. maaoaMa of tbe charms of bar oon- fanaSsa sad manner, and froui tbat meet- S&asi saeortabip which lasted nearly ysapaed ended tragically. Helena's MMMVera greatly angered and reftlead Jaaaetfoe aa engagement because Laaaile Dai lav and they were Catholics. To jpntejMaWlity of tbeir srishes being mmd w&j OTfsd Haiene to marry Baron -plMMiMai a Boamanian, woo bad baan pMM aa from eblidbood wltb their 'ipt. Baiaoe refused and oonttnoad $ "fmpoad with Lassalls. , » day abe ran away from botna, tak- % «Kb brra trusty sarrant, and joemay- iioa tittle town in Switsrrlsnd, where AMAI wss ttring. fiba lotd bar as too* 1 M bw that ba oonld nam hope to Klif ber with her pareste' coneent I Bar raUcwas dlfferanoM Mparated tbem, E MIMP eboreb would not sanction tbeir I mm. Bat ika was tbfte, and they loved I M other pasaionately?what would ha KMI laiaalle replied with great ooolnaes: E Wiaer child, 1 want vour parents to da> fSffba to me In marriafe, and Xdo not You had belter go bome ai ?a." He moan tad his boras and *»? MMber M far as Berne. aVy I* Imagined what affeot snch «Mi would bare oa a youag girl's ardor, flbn parents bad learaad where aba m taaa, knd when she reached home aba i yefat.aader lock aad key. In bar ma- ?m aba aatd afterward that during this l fta km father best ber. Herlattarsto j ]Mail» were intercepted, and each eoon ! fiwi tbat the otb«r had oaased to love, uawie in the meantime had written or- ?w Mtera to Herr von Donnigra, asking MM mirrviaw with his uaughter, but hn Mfawto waterefuaed. Two of his friands jgibdMd la yetting an interview with Mlana, bat bar father bad exacted a Mom* Mtirtabe weuld give up bar iorar, and laialla a friends asked ber, "Do you f"JJ» aot love our friend f" aha replied 11 * Wat voice, "Na" 1 Jwiasnd Lassaile challenged Herr von ??Nna la a duel, but the latter being old <m Mm, tbe baron de Racowitsa ao- ape* Bla kta stead. La<*saiie was mor> yaouaded and died soon afterward, mean married fUcowttga and lived with ?** fceuthern jr r4nc# bb# dul nut y \u25a0J'** foal and ita reauit ut.Ul long \u25a0?? Her life for the next few yeara waa \u25a0a asppy. Her buahand died of con- \u25a0yea ami was buried in Nice, two gwiftar Lassaile'a death, and Helena yfbea to kunich, where she lived tn ae- \u25a0?Mß m her father'a bouse for several ff 1, .writings and letters she has «gned herself Helena von the effect of these incidents bad 2?"*,aomewbat, ber old spirit began to gwwtltaelf. snd she went on the stage. Wl! * afa Herr Lauoe, -\u25a0suector of tbe \ n-nns ttsdt theater. fc.-Ty on «? a'ega, though sucoeeeful "«Wly. was not brilliant. After plsy- kMl? eaearai vears she tnarr>«id Herr the famous actor, hbe trav- Germany, Auuna and Franca - bar second husband, fber found 2*«r natures were incompaLbla. Frled- ST bis wife ap- J? the \ienna court* for a divorce, S n 'lie was not lea ally tuar- a formal divoroa wae 22 ob ained, and husband and wifa gaj, auU good friends. Lataly Mrs. g*»«aob has corresponded with ber St * boat a book which aha to publish in Germany. After her rnadaann she continued on kaisyST' *?. »r hUe P la > ' n K lo Petew- »«t Mr. Schewitach. Scbewitach comes of an old fnmiiy. One of hia ancestors was iMHTaI o L Ra " Bt *n army in ® toe frchewitsch was educated in a \u25a0 bhikand took a great inter- [?to. Students* Liberal move- |ka? Through the influence of hta - tamlL' WIU r* rnor of Kurtand, a prorince. Scbewitech obtained a ?*? eacretary to tbe Russian sen- this office when he mat sJ3*?*® 0 Racoe itaa. The actress left St. * n £ went to Paris. Scbewitsch ttl> #"®e and. garnering tojcethrr mon ey as he could, foil owed her. kfaJL - j Coarl, ' bt F. they were married short ly afterwanl came to tok Accustyoied as both were to they 'P* nt their money in ito...^ I *. then found themselves yT. Panmiesa. bchewitsch tried his many thing*, but without leani*. 5* * r *w JesjHjncent, and waa on tfa^^L^« accepting a job as conductor *Vt nf x w^*n he made tbe acqviaint- faL » *»»«*nder Jones, tbe editor of tba j»»» l»en started. "L N^ e *'- t »cu was made the la ka* i « P ** etuuon. wbtcb office %»ai n * ew tl * vs w hen be re- order to rtturn to Kuropa. e»in» dates hi« career as a to- ?aas*iii » ~uj ,h * l l * * R ug * u!» u 'J" 1 . 1 ' l *°uld be as nuich as Tw J;, wor *h to venture back to K »s*ia. ill are untrue. Mr. Sche«rit>cb Itoil/ 1 vanished, and had it not been hatef * °* ? toaa-up whether ba Nl« or an edtn;r oi a social- \u25a0W i\ ( ? oat>col 0 at>col whether be would j kia laie place. H-.a doings ® the conrn of his aoctaiisuc ?4S ik tto tSJS i Sr*!l£l e !5: i i Cffi?Mitfll|i' l> HIN fc** ?dv jfc^SjTSffii l !!!! fjf* i'- fc L' >t<c * fa IWWiufc but ImahmmSm! \u25a0S2JS? (MrtiWßpal anises k> Utm to fegL>t*'«g wrew»hdt to this country. OKTTISr* OH. afessfe*- I/k*tbeatef av-drnkaow. Tt«r modera laoet* ioa* sail m*. I mstaas, AsjlMt&e w»t» «f the goad ei* day*- 1 ataxia AaWwfc ma 4 with Ota ria- awftfme*. »« y hsp. I tu« ? sap, , *!i u» r '-y ftfooi Is rtoos. I mi chi drea lb* thin**I done id youth; f Slfek to the honest 'ruatf »n»Jb® Hooks »f Umss 'at listen _,***» MlMtmi to rapraa The remote tdaa (hat I'm goes jh nat As' 1?» g»tua' 00,1 rasas. X«ttspin the atrola', A«% to do. Befors the nat Me up an* dnaai I mad tbe papers ttit»ugb; «w»4wWi tbe eoaw .AJi dsy, as* haar 'aa taift. Aa* mw or kaitl *SW . Vbe featap hsw to wsl*; X ISalamj * -P 1 *? hiadmsa, Aa eut his coris cease tbey'wlihsaglrrs!}? 1 as getan an, 1 gusas' Snmotliaea. with twilight toned aae. lae* .-orsscsa tosec) A duuat ahore wr,«re frteads at yese linger aa' watch for mm; S«»etlmts Pwe beared 'em callla' ?o teeder like 'nd low B ilawt wwwt Phe >IWMI I IWWD, Or as «cfto of km< ago; Aa'soasetlmes on my forehead flyfalls a ?ft MM, Or the mm aftluad-rM mlieafail I'adMi'oa.ltM «\u25a0» JFUhL \u25a0OTIt ARRIVAL!. rat lAinn. W \u25a0M? | n a Awtrt T H L Barkett* wf,PtT l»n«»tee»* wf.de *Serf ten * wf, «a OrAKGlartaa, do BUadeaZwfT do M'-.Storey, do rw HMtiag.Awf.da tftsOerrafea, 2| C M Bnditaw. do I *s* »«*«riiail*,JlT F Coe, Watklaa, IT T lav J B Hartsoo, Ft T ftP****? * wf, Chi A Clayboaiw A fam.SP Jft S«tterli«. at Loots i M MtU. r. New York W* Hatha* *wfc»ash Mbe M Eiee, otiswa i i i »22* t' * L Baker, Taeoaa {I S rt ?P' * H P Porter, tea Pran JB H ?adlsy, oaa Pran J B Potte*. PHaleo C Mn Barnoa 4 SOB. Tee C W Buck, 8' Urmia ® W Barnes, wf A child F L BarOeu A wl. N Y Mtssß Ceneer, Tacoma C ft Porter. bistnsrck J MTk M J Cocraae, Aberdeen * F :tt»®»er, » t W II A Uptake. Tacoma W Marriott Aj»f,City F Sears A wf. Braakiya C M Cluster Pairbarea i Llasit, Coaaeil Blafifc J a Evan, Vaaaoueer A P Meka. Baa Pran FAST TIME. tie Kortbera Pacific Railroad Vestibule Dia tog aad hiseptag Car Line, daily aerriee to at Fall, Minneapolis, Dnlntb and Cblca«o Ho ebaage e< ease aad twenty-five miles the short- eel route to Chicago. Tourist sleeping ears through, placing paste in tba Colon depnt, Chicago, seven hours and thirty-six miavtse ahead af etber liaea. A. Cbilbrrs. etty Uekat Meat 7M«eeoo4 street, Beetoa btoak; M. Toa* kin, aa>at ticket aaeot. *eaui*. McKU&EAY Will sooa bs |>laca<l oo tias saarket bf can- bare a Gar doer, A aad t Ltowaltpa Oadgs baiTdlac. tba Northern Parlfle railroad, vest!baled alaepsr aad dioinv-sar roata, lor ail East A.Coil be re. ettp tiekat snot, TV streat, Boston block; M. loakio, depot Oeket aceat. *a aaoaa qotnioe. Moore's Revealed Remedy Is takina tba niaae. BEIEFIT TO MMDID." IIOOBBTO, Cal., Jane 10,1890. Dr. J. nocone Jordan, Humanity's Friand, fiaatt a Wash,; Dear «ir?Miss Van Orroer can hear aftar taking your medicines O. P. TT. for three waaks. Oa tba day *be commanoed takin* Um treatment aha could aot bear tbe tick- ing of a watch placed close to bar ear, nor could she bear a word tbat was said with the well ear clo*ad. This was tba war we tested her hearing. At tba end of two waaks she could hear distinctly tbe ticking of a watch, and yesterday aftar the expire- tiorf of three weeks, eou d bear the sratch ticking with perfect distinctness and could bear conversation uttered In low. distinct tones at a distance of ten faet from tbe speaker, and this with the well ear cloeed, and could hear without difficulty and without making any effort to bear. Just now she to the door on the opposite side of tba room in whtefc 1 am writing, fourteen feet from my desk, and closing ber waL ear talked with ma lor about five minnttt. Toon respectfully, MRS. J. L. PURVIS. VASBO*. King Co., Wash.. Msy 2». 18Kk Dr. J. Eugena Jordan. Seattle, Wssft. : Dear Sir? Your letter and medicine re- ceived to-dar, and I em glad to let YOU know that the els bottles of msdicine which 1 got from you aome time ago hare cured nie of that awful disease, asthma, and I am giad to state that I base no use tor tbe Mtrae bottles of medicine just sent me. and am very thankful for your kindness in sending me medicine by mail when I need it. I hare been troubled with astbma tor so long and had given up all bo|«s of ever being cured of it until I heard of your won- derful medicines, and. aa you know, I wrote you foe some of them. Hoping that others may hear of these medicines, I beg to remaia. leapaotfuUj.^ DR. JORDAN'S OFFICE naTTHS ussna or d-utni teslei. TNIID AND JAMBS. Coaeultattea aad gteesriyeaa absolutely «sr lese Seek «tpleUrtatthe H<.sm«? tie HiseoceaeO- eo'.d ia bat ©a* a*ency each towa. T?>e ahei heaths Oca: "Or. 1. *eaeee Jeedeas sma I«M Sols depot tor aaedtchma Amweeg% "In the Wash" That s where your delicate handker- chiefscome tobe "more hole-y than ]T not in theshow- like service retired of them?more \ or lest true of all things washed. v/iv //\ Give two ?*- TV}Wj f j Wash one / ~«iw»^CaJSsisnsisaasnz.^xl*M V / The old-fashioned way of rub* rub, rub, Nlso\X £v is slow work, poor work, slow death to ImV/ ( women?quick death to fine things,and \ I renders coarse things useless long be- \\ fore their time. Pearlins does away with all this. Costs but five cents to try it; directions for easy wasliing on yV /u\vb\ every package; easy for you, easy on things washed. We *<**7 make you try // / I \\ | Pear line ?you would thank us if we J I \ \ Wi could. Millions are grateful for its help. Envious soap makers try to imitate it?borrowed brains are cheap?and so are their productions. Scflfl it" IwrK " this is as good as Pearline." Uv^l FALSE?&arli»e is nee« peddled,and if rn> Car scads jam something i* place cfPearSaa, do the hoocat thing?***/1/ _________ m JAMES PYLS. Xew York Mechanics' Mill and Lumber Co BWJPPJ/SSPWSSr- !l LARGEST MAXUFACTCRKRS ON PCGIT fOLUD OF LUMBER, SiSH, MM, BLINDS, MOILDIIS, LIT!!, Shingles, Mantels, Newel*, Balusters, Etc OFFICE AND MILLB FOOT OF MORMAN STREET. M. SELLER & CO. i "WW* (ncosrosAiaa) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF CROCKERY, GLASS- WARE, LAMPS, CUTLERY AND PLATED WARE. Hotel and Bar Goods a Specialty BPECIAL INDUCEMENTS FOR THIS WEEK. We will offer oar large assortment of China Tea Sets at cost AH goods marked in plain figures. One price to all. mi,GALT BROS. & CO COKTRATOa* FOE ! ,Joh ° " h' txapositioi, WOOD Tie Slate, fir# racM, -iy/r * Ar'nijiT C! fior iai Tesii- ' rM b'> mu. 914 WEST STREET. j 6 "" 1 Kipkland Park Commanding a mignlflcent rlew of Lake Washington, within one block of the Northern Pacific raifroad belt line. Frio© of Lots SSO, S6O, S7O Terms, $25 oath, ba ance In monthly payments. BEES P. DANIELS, KOOM SIS. IKCOKD ri.U*IR, BLTLKK BLOCK. ESTABLWHED 1883-IbOO. CHARLES F. FBABCH, FANCY GROCER AND WINE MERCHANT. Finest Store, Finest Goods in the City. Seoond, Be wean James and Yesler Avenue, Oecidental Build, Telephone 118. Imitar aai Pratasitul } hotographers PLEASE NOTICE. Owlag to our betag obliged to aove. sad un- able tannd suitable ar-miass foe show *BIsales- rooms. wi> ana l dispose of our ph-.to*rapi»ic atuck at lass tbao cost. Our atock comprises Leaaas, Org Ptatee. Lasterss. Satslay. rri. RarsUklst Saekisa, aawstttsad Paper. Trays, rrtatiaar Fraaaaa. Atbasu aaa CABSkAB af alt iisartyllaai fro*a KaSaktaa laasiil ana-fraai Sa.OO la sta.es. There will be no rseerre, aa we saoat poW- UTsly aloes eat by VStt Jaaa naav CHAS. POWER ft CO., VAIL & HUBBELL, TO WSTS A waoLßsaui aasLaaa ta \u25a0ay, Grain, Flour, Meals, Pearl Bsrley, Split Peas, Rolled Oats, etc, Capitol Milks Chap Feed and Relied Barley. ?aaam roe? Dealing Palmer Milling Co, Capitol Mills, San Francisco. S perry & Co'a Celebrated Stockton Flour. Peerless Flour, Ws ita burg. Mehrille Oat Meal Co, Ciere- land, Ohio. Office, 903 West St. Seattle. \u25a1'PHOTOGRAPHIC ; J^UPPHE^u \VO ODA R &.<? L ARita: J Zz. INT OPtGON. Gardiner & Co REM ESTATE AGENTS. looai» aad Kliae a Boesaberg building. Pleat atreet, fbea of Cherry, aa.oee? Pine corner lot, tfxUO. wltb l*-toot alley, oa Seaeca; very easy terms. ?4,ooo? Pour lots ia Hallsr*» addition, clam in, oa« block from Y<aler avaaue; oae- bslf ca«h; will sell atngly. as.sse? ffpvndid corner oa Depot street, S»si3o; beaatifai new of Sovnd; aae> bait cssb. ?t.»ao-Oae hundred feet earner oa Taylor street; a goad Investment; well lo- cated. ?I .see? Two tea sightly u on Market atreet; these lots aaa aheap and ia a g<o4 locality Bear cha.ehes and school Sa#a-g!egsnt hat diag aitaa oa Mi'chel (tree*. ©vrriook nf aid City; worth ooiiS.ile.*ab>y more thaa that price. ?7Sc?Lots ia Yesl«r's secoad. two blocks from Malison street, ocabalf cssh. Mx',2S fcom*r on Mclaaa atreet. with small we.l bai'.t boas*. aaoo-Lota la Yesler's *«oa4, three blocks from Xa t:soa ureal KIRKLAND. Party acres near the c atemplated tssprove- r- a**, whi h ws ffs: amh below market »i'ue. ACRE TRACTS. 10, 20 and 40 at $25 to $75 per acre, from 5 to (en mi lei from Seattle. Good farms st from f 1,500 to fS.OO»» each. I aside snd snhnrban city property. Kasy payments. W.H.HEATON&GO fcimaiMsaß betidiae. aeaou. SEATTuE POST-INTELLIGENCER, SUNDAY. JUNE 2i 1890. wn tn stsavsm or no PACIFIC XAVIMTIOS OOufWlOl At iofepr * Ofc.% Whmnmt, PAI*HATH. WHATCOM. LA COOBI* WAT POETS. B. W. BAKXIAOQuAfIim S?LoeaTi? Cute. gXSAMK* KI1KUI&- z*av*b retniocii *iml»ad Mi »*y paruot (tit. m. and** . *°f Itmt w %* rt KjrkUad and way P***- * wi U a. m. «b4 1 o4 S m a. J JL LOC6MUC. IT F«t' CMBOEfT BOOR - BTBAXSB A. O *ag>mia. nmk Uo«« portlo EaxHyi «\u25a0 j V«d it in. Tumnmad cakr, «xcspt Tu'vtera > »?\u25a0 rdfia* MPcrt J?.*- * *" B*ta*»io*. W*w Pert Ef 1 ** 1 " **\u2666*?»? ?»? 4>y. BfrtriM at Port BSE c. Owijro to^straw*r pkimitb going « Gofk. tb*-« *lt M bttt for \ aaCOuTB rt<x*f, Sis* «i 1 rcOUKO her iOutj fooaday, Ma* mom> m 1m oto or . J. 4. O B«l£K, Xvalor. MONTESANO ABO ALLPOIBTB OS BBAY*SHABBOB VU TTOE* SOUND A SEATS BABBOBB, & Arc«tk ta oaa da/ (rota liittta IVaIM conned deify at Eemtlobto dlpa Bl*a afoe mei from Seattle. naa tuu L* KaatTchle.7 go a. m UMontaNatßNaa Ar E1ma...?..,.,8 15 " Ar Plata. ..10 a *? Lv Vlma 830 " Lv 8aa.?..10 46 - Ar Moaieaaaojfo « Ar Kamilehleiy 18 *m Lv Kaai:icaie_l 00 m. m. Li Muoteaaoo t B " Arßliaa 2»*« ArBlmeT!!!!; - Lv Elma ?.ais « Lv Elata 41* ? Ar MonteaanaS 45 M lAr Kamtlcfcie * ?Snndaya QCICKBBT TOCB TO OLTMVX^ CAMXLCHXBAXD G BAT'S lABBOB THB PABBBMOBB tmXXB MULTNOKABI (Tbe oppoaition boat) Leavee Taroaia fram the N. P wharf daily, ea> Cfpt fcunday. at 7 am. aharv. Betaralag. leave# kamilehje 13:45 p. BL : Oiynpla, a aal arrrinc la Tacoaoa ban., oonaectlsf with ?toamera reaching Seattle at 7 p. m.. aad which are through boaia for Whatcom aad war pointa Leave* Baiter A Bacon'a dock, tooc of ratoa Seattle, for Tacona, atSp. OL, Saaday. V. ".?This boat matt be taken from Ta» eoma for (iray*! Harbor cosatry, beiaa KM only THHOUGH BOAT. ?yyiar SKATTLK PERRT- ? Bock foot oi Marioa tkm TIM a TABIB UATI BEAITLa LBAVK WSST BBATTLB 400 am. 7SO ?' 7Ui - ?TV) " 800 ? 530 " 900 " 10 30 " 1006 ? 11 80 - 11W - 1*) p a 1200 at 330 M 2oop m. 830 ? 800 ?? 4 0 * 400 a 630 " 600 ?* *M> " 610 ?? 881 «? 780 " 10 SO " 10 00 ?? 1180 " lira « M. B. Bate* Maaaaer. LEAVES Bttriigtoad Smltb'a wnart, foot of Waahlac ton atreer, 9am dally, aad retnralag. t xccnt tsundara for BBXCKTABD3, MIICHEIXS POINT, UDNEY aad bead of PORT OBGHABD. ARRIVES AT SEATTLE. 3:» P. If. PABE .600 CVBTITSB TIME CABB 808 MB 008 O ncnctng March It PAFLBBNOEB STEAMER PLBETWOOB Mr Seattle. Taooma, Oiympia StethtoMM Paget City aad McNal. a lalaad. fioise. Loavo Oiympia, daily except Moaday- #at a m laaee Pugrt City, '? - « _ 700 am LeaveStdlacoos ** - ? . ftotato A -rlTeTacoiaa. ? ? 30 a m Lomfamit ? " ? 00 a m Arrive beattle, ? - " _I2OO m Birrawtwe. Leave Seattle, dally accept Moaday- 100 pm Arrive Tacoraia " " " _ 800pm Leave laenma, " ** * _ 8 30pm LeaveKUUacoom ? ? ? _ 415 am LeavePo«etCity, ** ? ?? _ 616pm Arrive Oiympia " " " _ 700pm LAND IMG/-Seat tla. Tartart wharf: Tacoma B. P. B. B. wharf: O ympfa Won't vharL Meala oa br ard. The only boat making roond Z 3. HATCH, PretfdeM Olvmpfa. Marah lL 18M pACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COMPANY? Dtapatcb itnntn 'rom Seattle sa follow*: For r-«a Fr sorter©, v,a Port Townaend and Victoria: Ai4 p. m {pMt»R|OT reoived OB board at sp. m.) June 2, 7. IS. 17. 22,27 AM every fire daya thereafter- For Aissca: J una X 7.17 and 21 From Sao Pranrlsco. for Victoria and Pare* Sound port*: At >a m. Jnce 4. ?, 14,1*. at. 29. an') t'»ery five day* thereat er. Tickets aar otoalued al the oßea of ttw corarany at Oc an Do k. s^attJa. 600DALI* PERKiNS ACO.Snn Franrisco H McLBLLAN. Superintendent, Seattle. SEATTLE. EIRELAND, HOCOHTO.M AND YARROW F&BRY. - On and after April i, MQ, ateauner BDITH R wi 1 Iran ner tfork norfc of Jackaan stmeg cable power bote*. bake Washington, for Kir*- lau i Houg lon end Yarrow sally. Lgsre ? able boose Le«»e Kirklaod At s < a. u. At 7M a. m. At » <:« a.a At 9:4$ a. a. At 12 i* p. B. At 100 c m. At 2 « p m. At t up m. At 4:98 pm At 1:15 p. m. Parties la landing to re to rn *yi o*aiock aara> lac boat can (tear* berth an 1 mala by apply* lag to the to rear oa ike steamer. C F. KRAFT. Madar. par Tiiut? V. & STBAMEB MABEL tiU ieee* Yes>er*sdock at? a m. awry Mm* ds*. Wednesday and Knday for Twehre-a la poin*. Rlrcacda. Mnrfciit«»o. Mar srl 2a, Law and Booboa;ah, returning fat Mm ag days at T a. m GEO H. FOSTER, Asent gTEAMBB W. F. MTBBOR SEAGIT RIVER BOCA Leaves TeskCa wsar! V n«lay, WMnaaday and Frd*t. carrring Hare: £:atas »ai., far raU.*tp, Ft *oHn. Vu* ady. 9>anwsad. Fir, bLid: City. M'. and war rw-.rta E *. (UliTti. Mastaa GEO. H. FOSTER. Aaest HOOD'S CABAL ROfTE. Tba ? ew and e »mtaodlotii eT£.AR&& DELTA Witt ran ia rtawi m «itb b st*»B#r Jcm> pfc ae Irom RatSf 11 Co rsaa fecnetng St* »ttie oa loeeday. Tc nwiay and Sarnrdsy at 4 a ra for CoH a C'tr tad ail way point* on Eetnraing Mo»d*3r, Wedaaaday a 4 Fr ia* F r tr> tjst or r«* \u25a0«*« a. at Haiaa.u-<.v-ju*i. dock. <* »« N*r i- fc. TROt TRAX. M»»«er ANuILES? win !«!»*? H«-S*'.d & CotmMi toe Port D*is>fe*f*. *<** AageUa *64 Crtaeea: fc«j. To **A»j sod Friday LJ ex. mure.!)*. ««Te Port aoc-«* Mid Tb<ir*d*r < ?- m . arrets* M «?««# MM RV~SS^I«?. wiijim pCOBT SOGSD CUPPB* UXK. **WTO** TO SBATTI* W*ICT, 6*0*61 & BOMS*. *\u25a0** *"*? M «i iktlw* at Kr» Tarfcfar tniili diroet to Joly. *? «g«e*oi ottcottea of ?J® eßueafcio oppcrtomity Of f a* : s rtoow-abk :«ra r nHool initkt aaJ otbor p*ruaiore to SAUOC* GUTHRIE * CO, Tocom. WuO. »j» JULfOtTL WILLIA*«O!f * CO., it Oattao Rxd»a»**. Bwam Jt<»w Ynrt. «ni»ia ?JO mm nuKoos CALUFOESIA OB »CTHM PACIFIC OQIOiR mocfii cAiironu To as Mm *A» AKD SOOT*. POLUIA* BCPFRT SLUfIU PCLLMA9 TOCRJ3T tLXEPRfO CABS ** »*«opt»f -oo» WMrrrtteoß, *s,«aß wyoo or oAAnmi "WM*-..*.. WUBAIt. Biatrial hwp * p. A»t Gami rniiMui pio Poniui at pROM TERMINAL OB INTERIOB POINTS NORTHER* PACIFIC BAILBOAB to vbeU? take to all polnu Katanl Soam. r U the aunso CAB KOCTI. It raa> taroagh Veatfbated Traine IWT day la Ua« yaar to SI. PACL AND CHICAGO. (Wo efca-A* of ~«J» Compoeed of Dtn'nr Can laiunmH, paiw \u25a0« D»w.«j Bortm BSt«pui of late<at iqilHMat TOURIST SLEEPING CAM Bart th as «aa be caoatrnetod u4 ta wfcleh accommodation* W) hot a rut aad fdrauhod fog >iMa» of firat or eaeond-eUm ttckem, and gUOAVT DAT COACBXS. A ctmPnooa* Stne cooaecVng with all llnea aßbrdlog Atwt aad nlaterra]rt4 aerrtoe. Pulman Sleeper reservations nut bo a-corod to adnaea ttnntb aar a**nt of the toad. THROUGH TICK*IS To and (rem all potato la Amerioa. Banian 1 Bad Kaiono ran W purrJbaeed at aar ticket (Ce*oi taw company. I-eare Seattle a: 505 a. m. dally; arrive at Nlnn«-apolt* or St Taal at 5:10 p. m_ PACIFIC Divi«o*.-Arri» at Seattle »:« a m.. ftMß.b train f om East and Sooth: 11:85 a. m.. Olympian-id Chehalta expr ev t:ll p. tu. Ta- aoaut rzprow; 9M A. BL. Portlaad and Sooth. _ Leave JieaUl* S:«* a. m.. U>r©n*h traia lor laat and South; 10 30 v. m.. Tac >ma expreea; 2.16 p. in.. Otymrlaend ChehalU txprtts; 7p m.. Portland aad Sooth. Throagb PaUmaa Palace Sleeplag Care. ele ?mat day coaahoq. Sneat palaca dining eaa be- tween Seattle, Tacotta aad Portland direct Dally aßrrioc. JIH Information eoaceralaf ratoa, time ol be. raa raa aad other detail* «arniahed oa application to A. a CHAR' TON, Am. Oea. FHL Act. IJI Plrtt St. Cor. Waahlngtca, Portland. Or. I. A. Gaf»r»L Axeot. Be*Tl!e. A. CHILBEBU, City Ticket Areut, 71# Second _ Street. Bootaa Mock, Seattle, waatv I. TONKIN. Ticket Agent Beaitle Depot toot at Third afreet QANAMAK PACIFIC RAILWAY?THE OBLT Baaotac aafid traiai from PACIFIC TO ATUUmO OOABB flhNBeeping aad parlor aata, Ekcaat day eoechea . Larurioaa diniacoaaa CnmmoAlmm aoloaial aJeepiag oata-theiatter <»> a TBBOOOB TICEBTS Boatoa. Portland, end all __ po'Bti In the Uaued Statoa aad Oaaada can ha pnrchaaed at leai aataa thaa via aay other Uaa. Paaaaagem booked to and bam an Bni|ii poiata. - -" Pee iatoa. mape aad peitlaalam aallaa dtafr *c"o. McOOBD. Na 6 Wathlngtoa atraet rniiimad OB B. W. McGINNIM,Seattle, W. f. CABOS. Tacoma, Waab. D. B BBOWN. AaTt Oen. PMrMtoAVMBB tor Agent Vancoover. B C Correepoadenee reapectfally lull nttod. Canadian PaciSc Co., pootollea OEATTLE, IAES SHOBB A EASTERN RAIL* O way? May il, usu. Brno of anM aad de par tare of Irataa from Seattle. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave. Arrive. VOr Saobomleh, Maeh'.aal and way pomta | |»am «Sopm Per Saohomieb aad way.. 4S6pa ?30 am Tar Qlimae. Saooaalmlo? Mim taOaa aadwaypaluto I 4 35pm ttfpm Nina aabaroau tra ns *aca way. fcUXDAY TRAINi. Leave. Arrtva Tar Snobomiah, Machiaa* and way poiata. ...i to6am 630 pm Tor Snobomiah aad way) poiata 1 «*6pm ll'iam Bar rttima*. Saoaaalmie,( »»am ttoam Sooth Bead knd way -I 4-6 pm ISpm Tiro vabarban traias each ev. Theater traia. >ata.-da»- oal . «a lr»moat aad Ba Ur l 11 20 p. m. Call for rocket t card. B W. RCFP (ten. Pa»a Aft. toatoa Blook. P. W. DUNN. AetlacSapertnt-ndent A PUOET SOUNB BAILROAft- Train aitin and Kan SsatOe aa itUoat _ . lean, Arrive Kiwaaafls and way ttSp m too am Frankila and way Ittam »2»p. m Coal trafaa wttb aoaeb attached, have as tsgnlar rnasung ttne. wit <-a-ry Msaencem H «? McNtILU Maasoa THB GUARANTEE LOAN* AND TRUST CO. (Incorporated 1«T.) Lie weliyn-Dodge Bui ding, flaopnd street CAPITAL, 1300.900 Transacts a general banking businees. utimi DEr Aera urr. Deros a received la say »na<mnt from an* dol Ar up war !», an! int rtt a owed thereon Mousy loaned upon tour-vel :arm tad city real tttnse. IMWI LEIGH 8. J. BCST - ...PeesMUnt WILLIAM E BA LLY Yioe-Pwi Uni ®. H. fiESLSBuB Mean-«r D. H. E* XTBR Caahtef E B »>WNrSO- Seera arr COLCaBCS T TYt'l / D Ij'WMAN, J. M. fBAR>. WILL FL-HtR. gASK OF COA MERCR? Authorissd mMtml gSOm raid ap , ... b*.Mt TBaaafb a gnaaral basking boalaam B. ROLYOKX Pre«i-1*~» M. D BAI. AHIX Vkv.Preetl'* R B. SFBBCSB jib SBATTLB RATIONAL bass. camak tmm t*.l GRIFFITH, (Lawrsnaa. Ran., Fraud** W, *. SALUUUt Yleo-Piaa)dcag TBJEd Cmkm ! juunca friaiuiiui vivuim MAXK-aoom "\u25bc phM ao-is tee terror,*. .*««. liMTlu IKWt ... Pni4m ft. ft Dwrtom .. Vi#*»PTatftHfc tiima auvrn *rmmmm ra***se~aa Pram J raw® an t«it- o# e*e worm tm MM « intlan *94 ttat taptiwi (oke'e.»iw*. Xteaaettt saay >o r&itdeis ??««« «t to ia*i» eey enitrM c*v*m. 'm \u25a0* be itswart m ie«} w»t*L ?OC5g KATIONAL BAKE, 09 Sft Buy and «T ? - par. 1 dcoest*? <ariMm K> «> nnV^ u - Parsed nw aatj isnvn. nsucu «»*"» ?* KOB*T «*1 '.«»>*# M boaka a? eaKtftcaSes ti.emtae. conß^arosntsrm Losdw, S. K Kfli ,v h. 44 SOM P% is. r>e Rosfc«ehi.. 1 Kr r * Fra«*fart A. SI.. I. \\m Kaw Y* ft agency tW Bask et ~ llli aH B-«ei«v... fciJii'i. S «:i- tie. Bank. S«a Frsaeiwo.! Ban* «j <s!ifoca*a. I\,rtl*n>i. t&e Fi*»t Xs.ioual Bank. bjulkt gatsk&t rnniiiLi *.p FIRRY J FUHTH TTx»«X>2 luk K el d earner Clierry ud Frost iti»>s TKTAnnXGIOft IOJUI * TRC3T COMPANY? If (Xaesrparaled.) THOMAS ft KRtTTZ Fimim BAKftV aad Tr*as«*r! «Waae==:nrrtffl loans os Improved farms sad etty property. Lowm rates. No Ae.sy. BRANCH omcE: block. MK Vwft; deerga BA3TERH OmCBS: Waiietreet, New York Ihrt hn-y,p^ TTIWTEFN OFPICCft \u25a0eaaeeAoe, Wa:e WAIU. VsA; ktuak a* tea*, ce fax sad .-aavt.a HORTO.V * CO , BANKS RE- INCORPORATED '-BT7. Capiial tmont Barp.ua. ... kCu.uw Preejdent ?... .W. 8. LADD. YH*- Pre-tdeat A A. PFNNY. Ac tins Manager N. it LATxMKR. Sight tsd ie»egreT>h!c transfers oa S.w York. Chiesfo, St. Pai', San Kraa* Cisco, Portlan.l and r*ri >ua no nu ia *t»bi!i|ui. Or*-son aud British Columbia Bigkt hills of exchange on lonloa svsllskle el-e where in luroo-. Collection* mat * st ell points on fsrorable terms. B «d«, «tock« snd ether tslusMm received cn depositor asf* keeping. gAKK OF BKiTfeH COLCMBIA- Unoorpor*.te»l fcy royal charter IMX) New open lor bt>*jaes» in the letsrr block. Cap ta» t>aid up? ? ? SPY)too Pewar to Increase to lt\»>oo.a(» Surplus 1 uou.UM J. KEITH WILSON. Massgar. Branches: Ran Frauefcco. «'sJ., Fortlsad, Or., Tsf oms, Wub., Vie oris, Vancouver, Neir Weet- a»aster. Nsas nto srM Katnloops. B. C. G swrsi bssktng busta«es trsusaeted; foreign eTOtsafien bought »n'i ioU; drnfu and tete> (rrK k a«c Jrs isfTs soli oi the bs'ik t s toon No# York. <"hlc*«o. r SBSd* sad Hong Koag. r*poeiU r«<-«i«ed Bukjeet to check, la- tenet paid oa unit d-i«<«*t*. IyjERCHANTff NATIONAL BANK?- -I>E-IGNATMD DEfOgiTOBY AMD FIMAJfc CiAL AuI.NT Of IHI I'NITED BTATKB UOYfftvMENT. DeeU la tsNlto »".id domttic rirbuni. MUfiie.<fgr»; ksc tra&ifen, uil '" in limn at credit General tanking bu«!ne« tranearted. Office. Bro«a t.niidlag, io« ktutlHMl *M> aad ud Cherry ?ueeu. JHI FIBST NATIONAL BANKOf BKATTLB #. H,McqKAW.......? frealdeat MABUCK MCMICKW Tto#.Sw?d«i LEtfTEB TLBNAB. «'^L e^ Oaaarwal tanking buslneca' iriii "\u25a0MWgsss " ?ud Enron*. | WewUa block, nt CoinmbU **aaaA A «»nu. »a»*:»o i>c«i*«*a mnum Exchange bongtot ud hUL i lIfMUMBtMcurHte* boagbt ud asML Deposit* received eabjeet to ebaefc. Interest ptid on time depoclta Collection* mad* ob «U t'tmlbl* patata CUIARLS Sr. SMEET BAAL ESTATE LOAH / Company. Bo*ton and E»a*a« City. j Mortgage loan* an rltr toutnem *ad rwldeaa* property. Uaildias l»u» \u25a0 tpcciaiiy. Save h»osa-«' aad *i«a t commission b* daaV *> b tbi* e irnpf.ny. Saadycar«t?al «..w*y» on h*nd. Noapt-l>a- Ban* eetst aw»y fc»r appr >**!. R-*»' -ab « rate* , >1 latere**. Loaa* c.oeed »|th- ui d*-i*y U ?4. * vLVEB. j _ Managw far br*tte<» aflica j Boom 11 lUiwtl btiiidiai, Bur'&utl coroaf vOiualla ud Froat ?«??<*. ~a*tt Ie Dnync wmnted M I I IV I I V ISSVEO BY CITIES. 11 IIII If If COUWTIEB. BCHOCU ' - ~ ? \u25a0?, 7*l OIBTBICTB. WATCH Correepondeace ?olicitH COMPAf , |C , § gTC , I.W. HABXIS ft CoMPIIY, Bssksrs, IW*t»S Daarbo-n Street. CHICAGO. FO Stata Strcc*. OOSTOM. ! SNOQOILXIS HILL COMPiHT no eattsby -ti.eer, I Saiufacturtm aid teakn in Roa?h aad Drexs 1 T.oortar, sts Ra k Me aad t> T»en»ion j Star*.*. y««»*te» funuai'ai '.or e*o?work en i app.lcat.ou 1 PATENTS! J EEWEY ACO S G) Scientific Prs*s Patent Agency _ BlhtaH.tß frtr-rm4. ?*!?***« | *»» Brnmrn tm* i umb fm »«wi i ii rr» MtmiU(UKttßßßtl),M*UiaßHia«Ai IS SEATTLE Medical wAtyrißspeiai} Ore. Merrill 4 Merrill, Trtm+nt Prom turn tfMuum M peace at aspirln?e ia M . w°? p of sod Re» York s«« ere tae meal eaewHafai hkl e Jai* tun gpaecaiaMesl *** \m Ats wastry. Te jenc eei Ms*. Urn Uaahoel. Hnc«« Debiuty, ttii i nasliw rta*. Losses PaeaMti siiase ft<Nß indbKiattea. pfedtav iitfsiia>as4s »s*r2&?K£Sa^SsS Chilli, a dlaesee m^dr-alfal' a cwujHcwly t fsdicsaaft sceefsis, vkeaSSS aad lajpnre hioed eoneeked. &Ma*g aM Irtsstr IHeaaeee. r!shete« sad Br cht * I'niw PWataL *a- OaUis-frtsstf Hettsey. ?T&Z*£ZTi*Xm^XmZZ$ nsge eeceeatfeur remared *«s»sl Dhsaiei ll mor hold* (Pilaw, Flwi*a f|«MaSv l*p sad Iteeratteas wtikaM%M». tioa or psis. w- do nor eislm to kae* erernhiag kk rata, to meuiet ne or di «ea\ or te ke sWe te eat* eeer? cs*». e«l we HsUa that s tarva. enea> \u25baiea sad iacr*sa<ag preeiow. with aapsntte «l «? *«wetait,utoekwt proof ot alw> "-Mini aaskie to mtt at tres'ed st their hawee by eorieepea leaoa Medtctaes sad iaMratteaa Mat hy siaUote» i Conaa tatioa ft*e. Aiwsy* wad stanp vkaa reply la expealaft DK. HAYKMAt CO Elfflnhlkerapertie IsstiMcu Fortheeareof ali diaeasse witkoai tke awel mineral drugs Wecovkiaesllienaa of irest- mmt, £tm rrtelty, Kelts end ap»K* snjy*, Rleetria RsUw, Uasssg». eto, YOCCIII Ukt ct RRii (peediiyaad t-ermsaaatlp kt eltet-feiky prop«riy applied. WnuaaMk la rated southwest axw Mala sad CawSnM atreeta seatUe, Waih. Terma raa*onsHa Qm* \u25a0ultatioa free. ROOT ROOTBEEft j tk* mam imnM nl vaouMM tT>t? ***&*£***** "t&im C. C.HtWt*. """frNllAPtttH**. I MIA BTIeTEAIS «^jr.^^'raurswßs nww etww tist. Si mMi pif lmiil% Kissiyp -i& jwpjwn »SE DENVER.'* Omaha, Kassas City, CMcafc, 8T PAUL* %T. LOUIS* AMD AU. rOWT» East, North South, ?AT- IIATTUU ***** oum r. tuoafc A«?«. F. a iwi> ttlfm CTT «*\u25a0 M"* » «??«? I - w ? WA CHOWO TEA tTORC fc ' w- " , SssSSsfiSfc »«*«?. __ ~J| CHOHH * 00, UNDERTAKERS un ffißw»rss l s!~- I -"" \u25a0-- \u25a0\u25a0-'-?-! 3 B^wS&Sf^Sl Maavj

The Seattle post-intelligencer (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045604/1890-06-22/ed-1/seq-15.pdfthose who knot Iter J how Lassalie loved ... Ae «Mt

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witsek, Greatests Socialists.


isf-*h» Mmmmmmwttseh's Life.

ud, bound tor Hs«.Ilrt. Sergtss X. Scha->iof back to Raasta,tersburg theater, Mr.rt Helena Ton Raco-

- get foot to America,, great deal has beet)man who played suchM> history of GermanI bar husband, who is

as a bloodthirsty so-, Many workingmenwed have tooted uponecsuse he would notother leaders did andaristocrat Hi* iatt-

tlm as a maa of sehoi-ad moeh and obaervadsman and man of theyean ago Mrs. Bche-r was regarded as thsdeath ofa nun whomad their emancipator.

those who knot IterJ how Lassalie lovedisnt beauty haa bssni looks of a contenteditiag vonun.

\u25bcon Donnlgea, thstrian official of highinand Lsssslls at thsver in 1962. Laaastls's

IS&aia eedsl reformer wae then at itaIST ia mm was ao frequently on the

MMi'fMVuUT coapled trim UM

Sm «f AM weaker. Heteno's faao,Z3|gf asstbcr kind, waa not oonfinod?3l arils si bar father's koaaa in

Afrforite with UM royal ladles

SZTfaiaitaa ooort, with an intellectSSIMBMff had ketped to beautify,KIMNat tIM s#sof Uhad

fehaMr«<lm*« (hs moatbeautilolandyoung woman in Bara-

T bkcr psnon aba waa tail and y2Mia perfect figure. Her clear bineZLLMMM and Oraeiaii profile bad

aimirsrs by tba Mora. 81m badSSmii la Italy and bad traveledfS IMbed beard of Laaeallo and badMttNilto aea deter tittle Jaw, probe-

lis ipM and uudc-udtedly fary

Ae «Mt Mm aba saw a tali manam » haiWM iaee end fine brown e/ae.It aai Jwastlrst eigbt on bar part Las*aaßaat tot eaptiratad by b«r beanty.maaoaMa of tbe charms of bar oon-fanaSsa sad manner, and froui tbat meet-

S&asi saeortabip which lasted nearlyysapaed ended tragically. Helena's

MMMVera greatly angered and reftleadJaaaetfoe aa engagement because LaaaileDai lav and they were Catholics. TojpntejMaWlity of tbeir srishes beingmmd w&j OTfsd Haiene to marry Baron-plMMiMaia Boamanian, woo bad baanpMM aa from eblidbood wltb their'ipt. Baiaoe refused and oonttnoad$ "fmpoad with Lassalls.

, » day abe ran away from botna, tak-% «Kb brra trusty sarrant, and joemay-iioa tittle town in Switsrrlsnd, whereAMAIwss ttring. fiba lotd bar as too*

1 M bw that ba oonld nam hope toKlif ber with her pareste' coneentIBar raUcwas dlfferanoM Mparated tbem,E MIMP eboreb would not sanction tbeirI mm. Bat ika was tbfte, and they lovedI M other pasaionately?what would haKMI laiaalle replied with great ooolnaes:E Wiaer child, 1 want vour parents to da>fSffba to me In marriafe, and Xdo not

You had belter go bome ai?a." He moan tad his boras and *»?

MMber M far as Berne.aVy I* Imagined what affeot snch«Mi would bare oa a youag girl's ardor,

flbn parents bad learaad where abam taaa, knd when she reached home aba

i yefat.aader lock aad key. In bar ma-?m aba aatd afterward that during this

l fta km father best ber. Herlattarstoj ]Mail» were intercepted, and each eoon

! fiwitbat the otb«r had oaased to love,uawie in the meantime had written or-?w Mtera to Herr von Donnigra, askingMMmirrviaw with his uaughter, but hnMfawto waterefuaed. Two of his friandsjgibdMd la yetting an interview withMlana, bat bar father bad exacted a Mom*Mtirtabe weuld give up bar iorar, and

laialla a friends asked ber, "Do youf"JJ» aot love our friend f" aha replied11 *Wat voice, "Na"


Jwiasnd Lassaile challenged Herr von??Nna la a duel, but the latter being old<m Mm, tbe baron de Racowitsa ao-ape* Bla kta stead. La<*saiie was mor>yaouaded and died soon afterward,mean married fUcowttga and lived with?** fceuthern jrr4nc# bb# dul nuty \u25a0J'** foal and ita reauit ut.Ul long\u25a0?? Her life for the next few yeara waa\u25a0a asppy. Her buahand died of con-\u25a0yea ami was buried in Nice, twogwiftar Lassaile'a death, and Helenayfbea to kunich, where she lived tn ae-\u25a0?Mß m her father'a bouse for severalff1, .writings and letters she has

«gned herself Helena vonthe effect of these incidents bad

2?"*,aomewbat, ber old spirit began togwwtltaelf. snd she went on the stage.

Wl! *afa Herr Lauoe,-\u25a0suector of tbe \ n-nns ttsdt theater.fc.-Ty on «? a'ega, though sucoeeeful"«Wly. was not brilliant. After plsy-kMl? eaearai vears she tnarr>«id Herr

the famous actor, hbe trav-Germany, Auuna and Franca

- bar second husband, fber found2*«rnatures were incompaLbla. Frled-ST bis wife ap-

J? the \ienna court* for a divorce,S n 'lie was not lea ally tuar-

a formal divoroa wae22 ob ained, and husband and wifagaj, auU good friends. Lataly Mrs.g*»«aob has corresponded with berSt *boat a book which ahato publish in Germany. After her

rnadaann she continued onkaisyST' *?. »r hUe P la> ' nK lo Petew-

»«t Mr. Schewitach.Scbewitach comes of an old

fnmiiy. One of hia ancestors wasiMHTaI o L

Ra "Bt*n army in® toe frchewitsch was educated in a

\u25a0 bhikand took a great inter-[?to. Students* Liberal move-|ka? Through the influence of hta- tamlL' WIU f°r*rnor of Kurtand, aprorince. Scbewitech obtained a

?*? eacretary to tbe Russian sen-this office when he mat

sJ3*?*® 0 Racoe itaa. The actress left St.*n£ went to Paris. Scbewitsch

ttl> #"®e and. garnering tojcethrrmoney as he could, foilowed her.kfaJL - j

Coarl, 'bt F. they were marriedshort ly afterwanl came to

tok Accustyoied as both were tothey 'P*nt their money in

ito...^ I *. then found themselvesyT. Panmiesa. bchewitsch tried his

many thing*, but withoutleani*. 5* *r*w JesjHjncent, and waa ontfa^^L^« accepting a job as conductor*Vtnf x w^*n he made tbe acqviaint-faL » *»»«*nder Jones, tbe editor of tba

j»»» l»en started."L N^e *'- t»cu was made the

la ka* i « P ** etuuon. wbtcb office%»ai t«

n *ew tl*vs when be re-order to rtturn to Kuropa.

e»in» dates hi« career as a to-

?aas*iii »~uj ,h*l l* * R ug *

u!» u 'J" 1 .

1 ' l *°uld be as nuich asTw J;,wor *h to venture back to K »s*ia.

ill are untrue. Mr. Sche«rit>cbItoil/1 vanished, and had it not beenhatef * °* ? toaa-up whether baNl« or an edtn;r oi a social-

\u25a0W i\( ? oat>col0 at>col whether be would jkia laie place. H-.a doings

® the conrn of his aoctaiisuc

?4S ik tto tSJS iSr*!l£le!5:iiCffi?Mitfll|i'l> HIN fc**?dv jfc^SjTSffiil!!!!fjf*i'-fcL'>t<c*

fa IWWiufc but ImahmmSm!\u25a0S2JS? (MrtiWßpal anises k> Utm tofegL>t*'«gwrew»hdt to this country.


afessfe*-I/k*tbeatef av-drnkaow.Tt«r modera laoet* ioa*sail m*. Imstaas,

AsjlMt&e w»t» «f the goad ei* day*-

1 ataxiaAaWwfc ma 4 with Ota ria-

awftfme*. »« y hsp. Itu« ? sap,, *!iu»

r'-y ftfooi Isrtoos.Imi chi drea

lb* thin**I done id youth;

fSlfek to the honest 'ruatf»n»Jb® Hooks »f Umss 'at listen_,***»MlMtmi to rapraaThe remote tdaa (hat I'm goes jh natAs' 1?» g»tua' 00,1 rasas.X«ttspin the atrola',

A«% to do.Befors the nat Me up an* dnaaiImad tbe papers ttit»ugb;

«w»4wWi tbe eoaw.AJi dsy, as* haar 'aa taift.

Aa* mw or kaitl *SW.

Vbe featap hsw to wsl*;X ISalamj

* -P 1*? hiadmsa,Aa eut his coris cease tbey'wlihsaglrrs!}?1 as getan an, 1 gusas'

Snmotliaea. with twilight toned aae.lae* .-orsscsa tosec)A duuat ahore wr,«re frteads at yese

linger aa' watch for mm;S«»etlmts Pwe beared 'em callla'?o teeder like 'nd low

B ilawt wwwt Phe >IWMIIIWWD,Or as «cfto ofkm< ago;

Aa'soasetlmes on my foreheadflyfalls a ?ft MM,

Or the mm aftluad-rM mlieafailI'adMi'oa.ltM«\u25a0» JFUhL

\u25a0OTIt ARRIVAL!.

rat lAinn.W \u25a0M? |na Awtrt T H L Barkett* wf,PtTl»n«»tee»* wf.de *Serf ten *wf, «aOrAKGlartaa, do BUadeaZwfT doM'-.Storey, do rw HMtiag.Awf.datftsOerrafea, 2| C M Bnditaw. doI *s* i» »«*«riiail*,JlTF Coe, Watklaa, IT T lav J B Hartsoo, Ft TftP****?*wf, Chi A Clayboaiw A fam.SPJft S«tterli«. at Loots i M MtU. r. New YorkW* Hatha* *wfc»ash Mbe M Eiee, otiswaiii»22*t' *L Baker, Taeoaa{ISrt?P' * H P Porter, tea PranJB H ?adlsy, oaa Pran J B Potte*. PHaleo CMn Barnoa 4 SOB. Tee C W Buck, 8' Urmia® W Barnes, wf A child F L BarOeu A wl. N YMtssß Ceneer, Tacoma C ft Porter. bistnsrckJ MTk M J Cocraae, Aberdeen*F :tt»®»er, » t W IIA Uptake. TacomaW Marriott Aj»f,City F Sears A wf. BraakiyaC M Cluster Pairbarea iLlasit, Coaaeil BlafifcJ a Evan, Vaaaoueer A P Meka. Baa Pran

FAST TIME.tie Kortbera Pacific Railroad Vestibule Dia

tog aad hiseptag Car Line, daily aerriee to atFall, Minneapolis, Dnlntb and Cblca«o Hoebaage e< ease aad twenty-five miles the short-eel route to Chicago. Tourist sleeping earsthrough, placing paste in tba Colon depnt,Chicago, seven hours and thirty-six miavtseahead af etber liaea. A. Cbilbrrs. etty UekatMeat 7M«eeoo4 street, Beetoa btoak; M. Toa*kin, aa>at ticket aaeot. *eaui*.

McKU&EAYWill sooa bs |>laca<l oo tias saarket bf can-

bare a Gar doer, A aad t Ltowaltpa OadgsbaiTdlac.

tba Northern Parlfle railroad, vest!baledalaepsr aad dioinv-sar roata, lor ail EastA.Coilbere. ettp tiekat snot, TV streat,Boston block; M. loakio, depot Oeket aceat.

*a aaoaa qotnioe. Moore's Revealed RemedyIs takina tba niaae.


IIOOBBTO, Cal., Jane 10,1890.Dr. J. nocone Jordan, Humanity's Friand,

fiaatt a Wash,;Dear «ir?Miss Van Orroer can hear aftar

taking your medicines O. P. TT. for threewaaks. Oa tba day *be commanoed takin*Um treatment aha could aot bear tbe tick-ing of a watch placed close to bar ear, norcould she bear a word tbat was said withthe well ear clo*ad. This was tba war wetested her hearing. At tba end of twowaaks she could hear distinctly tbe tickingof a watch, and yesterday aftar the expire-tiorfof three weeks, eou d bear the sratchticking with perfect distinctness and couldbear conversation uttered In low. distincttones at a distance of ten faet from tbespeaker, and this with the well ear cloeed,and could hear without difficulty andwithout making any effort to bear. Justnow she to the door on the oppositeside of tba room in whtefc 1 am writing,fourteen feet from my desk, and closingber waL ear talked with ma lor about fiveminnttt. Toon respectfully,


VASBO*. King Co., Wash.. Msy 2». 18KkDr. J. Eugena Jordan. Seattle, Wssft. :

Dear Sir? Your letter and medicine re-

ceived to-dar, and I em glad to let YOU

know that the els bottles of msdicine which1 got from you aome time ago hare cured

nie of that awful disease, asthma, and I amgiad to state that I base no use tor tbe

Mtrae bottles of medicine just sent me. andam very thankful for your kindness insending me medicine by mail when I need

it. I hare been troubled with astbma torso long and had given up all bo|«s of everbeing cured of it until Iheard of your won-derful medicines, and. aa you know, Iwrote you foe some of them. Hoping that

others may hear of these medicines, I begto remaia. leapaotfuUj.^



ussna or d-utni teslei.


Coaeultattea aad gteesriyeaa absolutely

«sr lese Seek «tpleUrtatthe H<.sm«? tie

HiseoceaeO-eo'.d ia bat ©a* a*ency u» each towa. T?>e ahei

heathsOca: "Or. 1. *eaeee Jeedeas sma I«M

Sols depot tor aaedtchma Amweeg%

"In the Wash"That s where your delicate handker-chiefscome tobe "more hole-y than ]T

not intheshow-like service retired of them?more \or lest true of all things washed. v/iv //\Give two ?*- TV}Wjf jWash one /~«iw»^CaJSsisnsisaasnz.^xl*M V /The old-fashioned way of rub* rub, rub, Nlso\X J» £vis slow work, poor work, slow death to ImV/ (women?quick death tofine things,and \ Irenders coarse things useless long be- \\fore their time. Pearlins does awaywith all this. Costs but five cents totry it; directions for easy wasliing on yV /u\vb\every package; easy for you, easy onthings washed. We *<**7make you try // / I \\ |Pear line?you would thank us if we J I \ \ Wicould. Millions are grateful for its help. Envious soapmakers try to imitate it?borrowed brains are cheap?andso are their productions.

Scflfl it" IwrK " this is as good as Pearline." Uv^lFALSE?&arli»e is nee« peddled,and if rn>Car scads jam something i*place cfPearSaa, do the hoocat thing?***/1/


m JAMES PYLS. Xew York

Mechanics' Mill and Lumber CoBWJPPJ/SSPWSSr- !l


LUMBER, SiSH, MM, BLINDS, MOILDIIS, LIT!!,Shingles, Mantels, Newel*, Balusters, Etc


M. SELLER & CO. i "WW*(ncosrosAiaa)



We will offer oar large assortment of China Tea Sets at cost AH goodsmarked in plain figures. One price to all.


! ,Joh ° " '°h' txapositioi,k» WOOD Tie Slate,fir# racM, -iy/r * Ar'nijiT C!

fior iai Tesii- 'rM

b'> mu. 914 WEST STREET. j6""1

Kipkland ParkCommanding a mignlflcent rlew of Lake Washington, within

one block of the Northern Pacific raifroad belt line.

Frio© ofLots SSO, S6O, S7OTerms, $25 oath, ba ance In monthly payments.




Finest Store, Finest Goods in the City.

Seoond, Be wean James and Yesler Avenue, Oecidental Build,Telephone 118.

Imitar aai Pratasitul

}hotographersPLEASE NOTICE.

Owlag to our betag obliged to aove. sad un-able tannd suitable ar-miass foe show *BIsales-rooms. wi> ana l dispose of our ph-.to*rapi»icatuck at lass tbao cost. Our atock comprises

Leaaas, Org Ptatee. Lasterss. Satslay.rri. RarsUklst Saekisa, aawstttsadPaper. Trays, rrtatiaar Fraaaaa. Atbasuaaa CABSkAB af alt iisartyllaai fro*aKaSaktaa laasiil ana-fraai Sa.OO lasta.es.

There will be no rseerre, aa we saoat poW-UTsly aloes eat by VStt Jaaa naav



waoLßsaui aasLaaa ta

\u25a0ay, Grain, Flour, Meals,Pearl Bsrley, Split Peas, RolledOats, etc, Capitol Milks ChapFeed and Relied Barley.

?aaam roe?

Dealing Palmer Milling Co,Capitol Mills, San Francisco.

S perry & Co'a CelebratedStockton Flour.

Peerless Flour, Ws itaburg.Mehrille Oat Meal Co, Ciere-

land, Ohio.

Office, 903 West St. Seattle.

\u25a1'PHOTOGRAPHIC; J^UPPHE^u\VO ODA R &.<? L ARita: J Zz.



looai» aad Kliae a Boesaberg building.

Pleat atreet, fbea of Cherry,

aa.oee? Pine corner lot, tfxUO. wltb l*-tootalley, oa Seaeca; very easy terms.

?4,ooo? Pour lots ia Hallsr*» addition, clam in,oa« block from Y<aler avaaue; oae-bslf ca«h; will sell atngly.

as.sse? ffpvndid corner oa Depot street,S»si3o; beaatifai new of Sovnd; aae>bait cssb.

?t.»ao-Oae hundred feet earner oa Taylorstreet; a goad Investment; well lo-cated.

?I .see? Two tea sightly l« u on Market atreet;

these lots aaa aheap and ia a g<o4locality Bear cha.ehes and school

Sa#a-g!egsnt hat diag aitaa oa Mi'chel (tree*.

©vrriook nf aid City; worthooiiS.ile.*ab>y more thaa that price.

?7Sc?Lots ia Yesl«r's secoad. two blocks fromMalison street, ocabalf cssh.

Mx',2S fcom*r on Mclaaa atreet.with small we.l bai'.t boas*.

aaoo-Lota la Yesler's *«oa4, three blocksfrom Xa t:soa ureal

KIRKLAND.Party acres near the c atemplated tssprove-

r- a**, whi h ws ffs: amh below market»i'ue.

ACRE TRACTS.10, 20 and 40 at $25 to $75

per acre, from 5 to (en mileifrom Seattle.

Good farms st from f 1,500 tofS.OO»» each.

Iaside snd snhnrban cityproperty. Kasy payments.

W.H.HEATON&GOfcimaiMsaß betidiae. aeaou.


wn tn stsavsm or noPACIFIC XAVIMTIOS OOufWlOl

At iofepr * Ofc.% Whmnmt,


B. W. BAKXIAOQuAfIimS?LoeaTi? Cute.

gXSAMK*KI1KUI&-z*av*b retniocii

*iml»ad Mi »*y paruot (tit. m. and**

. *°f Itmt w%*rt KjrkUad and wayP***-* wi U a. m. «b4 1 o4 S m a.


F«t' CMBOEfT BOOR - BTBAXSBA. O *ag>mia. nmk Uo««portlo EaxHyi «\u25a0 j V«d it in.

Tumnmad cakr, «xcspt Tu'vtera> »?\u25a0 rdfia* MPcrt

J?.*- * *" B*ta*»io*. W*w PertEf 1**1" **\u2666*?»? ?»? 4>y. BfrtriM at Port

BSE c.

Owijro to^straw*r pkimitb going« Gofk. tb*-« *lt l« Mbttt for

\ aaCOuTB rt<x*f, Sis* «i 1 rcOUKOher iOutj fooaday, Ma* mom> m 1m oto or .

J. 4. O B«l£K, Xvalor.




Arc«tk ta oaa da/ (rota liitttaIVaIMconned deify at Eemtlobto dlpaBl*a afoe mei from Seattle.

naa tuuL* KaatTchle.7 go a. m UMontaNatßNaaAr E1ma...?..,.,8 15 "

Ar Plata. ..10 a *?

Lv Vlma 830 " Lv 8aa.?..10 46 -

Ar Moaieaaaojfo « ArKamilehleiy 18 *mLv Kaai:icaie_l 00m. m. LiMuoteaaoo tB "

Arßliaa 2»*« ArBlmeT!!!!; 4» -

Lv Elma ?.ais « Lv Elata 41* ?

Ar MonteaanaS 45 M lAr Kamtlcfcie *




(Tbe oppoaition boat)Leavee Taroaia fram the N. P wharf daily, ea>Cfpt fcunday. at 7 am. aharv. Betaralag.leave# kamilehje 13:45 p. BL : Oiynpla, a aalarrrinc la Tacoaoa ban., oonaectlsf with?toamera reaching Seattle at 7 p. m.. aad whichare through boaia for Whatcom aad war pointa

Leave* Baiter A Bacon'a dock, tooc of ratoaSeattle, for Tacona, atSp. OL, Saaday.

V. ".?This boat matt be taken from Ta»eoma for (iray*! Harbor cosatry, beiaa KMonly THHOUGH BOAT.


? Bock foot oi Marioatkm TIMa TABIB


7SO ?' 7Ui -

?TV) " 800 ?

530 " 900 "

10 30 " 1006 ?

11 80 - 11W -

1*) p a 1200 at330 M 2oop m.830 ? 800 ??

4 0 * 400 a

630 " 600 ?*

*M> " 610 ??

881 «? 780 "

10 SO " 10 00 ??

1180 " lira «

M. B. Bate* Maaaaer.

LEAVESBttriigtoad Smltb'a wnart, foot of Waahlac

ton atreer, 9am dally, aad retnralag.txccnt tsundara for




Mr Seattle. Taooma, Oiympia StethtoMMPaget City aad McNal. a lalaad.fioise.

Loavo Oiympia, daily except Moaday- #at a mlaaee Pugrt City, '? - «_ 700 amLeaveStdlacoos ** - ?. ftotato

A -rlTeTacoiaa. ?? 30 a mLomfamit ? " ? 00 a m

Arrive beattle, ? - " _I2OO mBirrawtwe.

Leave Seattle, dally accept Moaday- 100 pmArrive Tacoraia " " "

_ 800pmLeave laenma, " ** *

_ 8 30pmLeaveKUUacoom ? ? ?

_ 415 amLeavePo«etCity, ** ? ??

_ 616pmArrive Oiympia " " "

_ 700pmLANDIMG/-Seat tla. Tartart wharf: Tacoma

B. P. B. B. wharf: O ympfa Won't vharLMeala oa br ard. The only boat making roond

Z 3. HATCH, PretfdeMOlvmpfa. Marah lL 18M


Dtapatcb itnntn 'rom Seattle sa follow*:For r-«a Fr sorter©, v,a Port Townaend and

Victoria: Ai4 p. m {pMt»R|OT reoived OBboard at sp. m.) June 2, 7. IS. 17. 22,27 AMevery fire daya thereafter-

For Aissca: J una X 7.17 and 21From Sao Pranrlsco. for Victoria and Pare*

Sound port*: At >a m. Jnce 4. ?, 14,1*. at. 29.an') t'»ery fiveday* thereat er.

Tickets aar otoalued al the oßea of ttwcorarany at Oc an Do k. s^attJa.

600DALI* PERKiNS ACO.Snn FranriscoH McLBLLAN. Superintendent, Seattle.


- On and after April i, MQ, ateauner BDITH Rwi 1 Iran ner tfork norfc of Jackaan stmegcable power bote*. bake Washington, for Kir*-lau i Houg lon end Yarrow sally.

Lgsre ? able boose Le«»e KirklaodAt s < a. u. At 7M a. m.At » <:«a.a At 9:4$ a. a.At 12 i* p. B. At 100 c m.At 2 « p m. At t up m.At 4:98 pm At 1:15 p. m.

Parties la landing tore torn *yio*aiock aara>lac boat can (tear* berth an 1 mala by apply*lag to the to rear oa ike steamer.

C F. KRAFT. Madar.

par Tiiut?


tiU ieee* Yes>er*sdock at? a m. awry Mm*ds*. Wednesday and Knday for Twehre-a lapoin*. Rlrcacda. Mnrfciit«»o. Mar srl 2a, Lawand Booboa;ah, returning fatMm ag days at Ta. m GEO H. FOSTER, Asent


Leaves TeskCa wsar! V n«lay, WMnaadayand Frd*t. carrring Hare: £:atas »ai., farraU.*tp, Ft *oHn. Vu* ady. 9>anwsad. Fir,bLid: City. M'. and war rw-.rta

E *. (UliTti. MastaaGEO. H. FOSTER. Aaest

HOOD'S CABAL ROfTE.Tba ? ew and e »mtaodlotii

eT£.AR&& DELTAWittran ia rtawi m «itb b st*»B#r Jcm>pfc ae Irom RatSf 11 Co rsaa fecnetng St*»ttie oa loeeday. Tc nwiay and Sarnrdsy at 4

a ra for CoH a C'tr tad ail way point* onEetnraing Mo»d*3r, Wedaaaday

a 4 Fr ia* F r tr> tjst or r«* \u25a0«*« a. atHaiaa.u-<.v-ju*i. dock. <* »« N*r i-

fc. TROt TRAX. M»»«er


win !«!»*? H«-S*'.d & CotmMi toe PortD*is>fe*f*. *<** AageUa

*64 Crtaeea: fc«j. To**A»jsod Friday LJ ex.mure.!)*. ««Te Port aoc-«* MidTb<ir*d*r < ?- m . arrets* M «?««# MM.« RV~SS^I«?.




6*0*61 & BOMS*.

*\u25a0** *"*? M «i iktlw* at Kr»Tarfcfar tniili diroet to Joly.

*? «g«e*oi ottcottea of?J® eßueafcio oppcrtomity Of

f a*:s rtoow-abk :«ra F» rnHool initkt aaJ otbor p*ruaiore to


»j» JULfOtTL WILLIA*«O!f*CO.,itOattao Rxd»a»**. Bwam Jt<»w Ynrt.


?JO mm nuKoos



mocfii cAiironuTo as Mm



** »*«opt»f -oo» WMrrrtteoß,*s,«aß wyoo or oAAnmi

"WM*-..*.. WUBAIt. Biatrial hwp*p. A»t Gami rniiMui pio

Poniui at


NORTHER* PACIFIC BAILBOABto vbeU? u» take to all polnu KatanlSoam. r U the aunso CAB KOCTI. Itraa> taroagh Veatfbated Traine IWTday la Ua« yaar to

SI. PACL AND CHICAGO.(Wo efca-A* of ~«J»

Compoeed of Dtn'nr Can laiunmH, paiw\u25a0« D»w.«j Bortm BSt«pui of


Bart th as «aa be caoatrnetod u4 ta wfclehaccommodation* W) hot a rut aad fdrauhodfog >iMa» of firat or eaeond-eUm ttckem, and

gUOAVT DAT COACBXS.A ctmPnooa* Stne cooaecVng with all llnea

aßbrdlog Atwt aad nlaterra]rt4 aerrtoe.Pulman Sleeper reservations nut bo a-corod

to adnaea ttnntb aar a**nt of the toad.THROUGH TICK*IS

To and (rem all potato la Amerioa. Banian 1Bad Kaiono ran W purrJbaeed at aar ticket(Ce*oi taw company.

I-eare Seattle a: 505 a. m. dally; arrive atNlnn«-apolt* or St Taal at 5:10 p. m_

PACIFIC Divi«o*.-Arri»at Seattle »:« a m..ftMß.b train f om East and Sooth: 11:85 a. m..Olympian-id Chehalta expr ev t:ll p. tu. Ta-aoaut rzprow; 9M A. BL. Portlaad and Sooth._

Leave JieaUl* S:«* a. m.. U>r©n*h traia lorlaat and South; 10 30 v. m.. Tac >ma expreea;2.16 p. in.. Otymrlaend ChehalU txprtts; 7pm.. Portland aad Sooth.

Throagb PaUmaa Palace Sleeplag Care. ele?mat day coaahoq. Sneat palaca dining eaa be-tween Seattle, Tacotta aad Portland directDally aßrrioc.

JIH Information eoaceralaf ratoa, time olbe. raa raa aad other detail* «arniahed oaapplication to

A. a CHAR' TON, Am. Oea. FHL Act.IJI Plrtt St. Cor. Waahlngtca, Portland. Or.

I. A. Gaf»r»L Axeot. Be*Tl!e.A. CHILBEBU, City Ticket Areut, 71# Second_

Street. Bootaa Mock, Seattle, waatvI. TONKIN. Ticket Agent

Beaitle Depot toot at Third afreet


Baaotac aafid traiai from


flhNBeeping aad parlor aata,Ekcaat day eoechea

. Larurioaa diniacoaaaCnmmoAlmm aoloaial aJeepiag oata-theiatter<»> a


Boatoa. Portland, end all__

po'Bti In the UauedStatoa aad Oaaada can ha pnrchaaed at leai aataa

thaa via aay other Uaa.

Paaaaagem booked to and bam an Bni|iipoiata.

- - "

Pee iatoa. mape aad peitlaalam aallaa dtafr*c"o. McOOBD.

Na 6 Wathlngtoa atraet rniiimad OBB. W. McGINNIM,Seattle,W. f. CABOS. Tacoma, Waab.D. B BBOWN. AaTt Oen. PMrMtoAVMBB

tor Agent Vancoover. B CCorreepoadenee reapectfally lullnttod.Canadian PaciSc Co., pootollea


Brno of anM aad de par tare of Irataafrom Seattle.


VOr Saobomleh, Maeh'.aaland way pomta | |»am «Sopm

Per Saohomieb aad way.. 4S6pa ?30 amTar Qlimae. Saooaalmlo? Mim taOaa

aadwaypaluto I 4 35pm ttfpmNina aabaroau tra ns *aca way.

fcUXDAY TRAINi.Leave. Arrtva

Tar Snobomiah, Machiaa*and way poiata. ...i to6am 630 pm

Tor Snobomiah aad way)poiata 1 «*6pm ll'iam

Bar rttima*. Saoaaalmie,( »»am ttoamSooth Bead knd way -I 4-6 pm ISpm

Tiro vabarban traias each ev.Theater traia. >ata.-da»- oal . «a lr»moat aad

Ba Url 11 20 p. m.Call for rocket t m» card.

B W. RCFP (ten. Pa»a Aft. toatoa Blook.P. W. DUNN. AetlacSapertnt-ndent


Train aitin and Kan SsatOe aa itUoat

_ .

lean, ArriveKiwaaafls and way ttSp m too amFrankila and way Ittam »2»p. m

Coal trafaa wttb aoaeb attached, have astsgnlar rnasung ttne. wit <-a-ry MsaencemH «? McNtILU Maasoa


Lie weliyn-Dodge Bui ding, flaopnd street

CAPITAL, 1300.900

Transacts a general banking businees.

utimi DEr Aera urr.Deros a received la say »na<mnt from an* dol

Ar up war !», an! int rtt a owed thereonMousy loaned upon tour-vel :arm

tad city real tttnse.


LEIGH 8. J. BCST - ...PeesMUntWILLIAM E BA LLY Yioe-Pwi Uni®. H. fiESLSBuB Mean-«rD. H. E* XTBR CaahtefE B »>WNrSO- Seera arrCOLCaBCS T TYt'l/ D Ij'WMAN, J.



Authorissd mMtml gSOmraid ap , ... b*.Mt

TBaaafb a gnaaral basking boalaam

B. ROLYOKX Pre«i-1*~»M. D BAI. AHIX Vkv.Preetl'*R B. SFBBCSB


camak tmm

t*.l GRIFFITH, (Lawrsnaa. Ran., Fraud**W, *. SALUUUt Yleo-Piaa)dcagTBJEd Cmkm

! juunca

friaiuiiui vivuim MAXK-aoom"\u25bc phM ao-is tee terror,*. .*««.

liMTlu IKWt

... Pni4mft.ftDwrtom .. Vi#*»PTatftHfc

tiima auvrn *rmmmm ra***se~aa

Pram J raw® an t«it- o# e*e worm tmMM « intlan *94 ttat

taptiwi (oke'e.»iw*.Xteaaettt saay >o r&itdeis ??««« «t to ia*i»eey enitrM c*v*m. 'm \u25a0*

be itswart m ie«} w»t*L


Buy and «T ? -

f» par. 1 dcoest*? <ariMmK> «> nnV^u- Parsed nw aatj isnvn. nsucu

«»*"» ?* KOB*T «*1 '.«»>*# Mboaka a? eaKtftcaSes ti.emtae.

conß^arosntsrmLosdw, S. K Kfli ,v h. 44 SOMP% is. r>e Rosfc«ehi.. 1 Kr r *

Fra«*fart A. SI.. I. \\mKaw Y*ft agency tW Bask et

~ llliaH

B-«ei«v... fciJii'i. S «:i- tie. Bank.S«a Frsaeiwo.! ?» Ban* «j <s!ifoca*a.I\,rtl*n>i. t&e Fi*»t Xs.ioual Bank.

bjulkt gatsk&t rnniiiLi*.p FIRRYJ FUHTH TTx»«X>2luk K el d earner Clierry ud Frost iti»>s

TKTAnnXGIOft IOJUI *TRC3T COMPANY?If (Xaesrparaled.)

THOMAS ft KRtTTZ FimimBAKftV aad Tr*as«*r!

«Waae==:nrrtfflloans os Improved farms sad etty

property. Lowm rates. No Ae.sy.BRANCH omcE:

block. MKVwft; deerga

BA3TERH OmCBS:Waiietreet, New York Ihrthn-y,p^

TTIWTEFN OFPICCft\u25a0eaaeeAoe, Wa:e WAIU. VsA; ktuak a*

tea*, ce fax sad .-aavt.a



Capiial tmontBarp.ua. ... kCu.uw

Preejdent?... .W. 8. LADD.

YH*-Pre-tdeat A A. PFNNY.Ac tins Manager N. it LATxMKR.

Sight tsd ie»egreT>h!c transfers oaS.w York. Chiesfo, St. Pai', San Kraa*

Cisco, Portlan.l and r*ri >ua no nuia *t»bi!i|ui. Or*-son aud

British Columbia

Bigkt hills of exchange on lonloa svsllskleel-e where in luroo-.

Collection* mat * st ell points on fsrorableterms.

B «d«, «tock« snd ether tslusMm receivedcn depositor asf* keeping.


Unoorpor*.te»l fcy royal charter IMX)

New open lor bt>*jaes» in the letsrr block.

Cap ta» t>aid up? ? ? SPY)tooPewar to Increase to lt\»>oo.a(»Surplus 1 uou.UM


Branches: Ran Frauefcco. «'sJ., Fortlsad, Or.,Tsf oms, Wub., Vie oris, Vancouver, Neir Weet-a»aster. Nsas nto srM Katnloops. B. C.

G swrsi bssktng busta«es trsusaeted; foreigneTOtsafien bought »n'i ioU; drnfu and tete>(rrKk a«c Jrs isfTs soli oi the bs'ik ts toon No# York. <"hlc*«o. r SBSd* sad HongKoag. r*poeiU r«<-«i«ed Bukjeet to check, la-tenet paid oa unit d-i«<«*t*.



UOYfftvMENT.DeeU la tsNlto »".id domttic rirbuni.MUfiie.<fgr»; ksc tra&ifen, uil '" inlimn

at creditGeneral tanking bu«!ne« tranearted.Office. Bro«a t.niidlag, io« ktutlHMl *M>

aad ud Cherry ?ueeu.


#. H,McqKAW.......? frealdeatMABUCK MCMICKW Tto#.Sw?d«iLEtfTEB TLBNAB. «'^Le^

Oaaarwal tanking buslneca' iriii

"\u25a0MWgsss "

?ud Enron*.


WewUa block, nt CoinmbU **aaaA

A «»nu. »a»*:»o i>c«i*«*amnum

Exchange bongtot ud hULi

lIfMUMBtMcurHte* boagbt ud asMLDeposit* received eabjeet to ebaefc.Interest ptid on time depoclta

Collection* mad* ob «U t'tmlbl* patata


Bo*ton and E»a*a« City.

j Mortgage loan* an rltr toutnem *ad rwldeaa*property. Uaildias l»u» \u25a0 tpcciaiiy.

Save h»osa-«' aad *i«a t commission b* daaV*> b tbi* e irnpf.ny.

Saadycar«t?al «..w*y» on h*nd. Noapt-l>a-Ban* eetst aw»y fc»r appr >**!. R-*»' -ab « rate*

, >1 latere**. Loaa* c.oeed »|th- ui d*-i*yU ?4. *vLVEB.j

_Managw far br*tte<» aflica

j Boom 11 lUiwtl btiiidiai, Bur'&utl coroafvOiualla ud Froat ?«??<*. ~a*tt Ie


' -

~? \u25a0?, 7*l OIBTBICTB. WATCHCorreepondeace ?olicitH

COMPAf, |C , §gTC


I.W. HABXIS ft CoMPIIY, Bssksrs,IW*t»S Daarbo-n Street. CHICAGO.

FO Stata Strcc*. OOSTOM.

! SNOQOILXIS HILL COMPiHTno eattsby -ti.eer,

I Saiufacturtm aid teakn in Roa?haad Drexs

1 T.oortar, sts Ra k Me aad t> T»en»ionj Star*.*. y««»*te» funuai'ai '.or e*o?work eni app.lcat.ou


Scientific Prs*s Patent Agency



frtr-rm4. ?*!?***«| *»»Brnmrn tm*i umb fm »«wii iirr»



SEATTLEMedical wAtyrißspeiai}

Ore. Merrill 4 Merrill,Trtm+nt Prom turn


M peace at aspirln?e iaM . w°? p of sod Re» York s««ere tae meal eaewHafai hkl e Jai* tungpaecaiaMesl ***\m Ats wastry.

Te jenc eei Ms*.Urn Uaahoel. Hnc«« Debiuty, ttii i nasliwrta*. Losses PaeaMti siiaseft<Nß indbKiattea. pfedtav iitfsiia>as4s

»s*r2&?K£Sa^SsSChilli, a dlaesee m^dr-alfal' a

cwujHcwly t fsdicsaaft sceefsis, vkeaSSSaad lajpnre hioed eoneeked.&Ma*g aM Irtsstr IHeaaeee.

r!shete« sad Br cht * I'niw PWataL *a-

OaUis-frtsstf Hettsey.

?T&Z*£ZTi*Xm^XmZZ$nsge eeceeatfeur remared

*«s»sl Dhsaieill mor hold* (Pilaw, Flwi*a f|«MaSv f»l*p a» sad Iteeratteas wtikaM%M».

tioa or psis.w- do nor eislm to kae* erernhiag kk rata,

to meuiet ne or di «ea\ or te ke sWe te eat*eeer? cs*». e«l we o» HsUa that s tarva. enea>\u25baiea sad iacr*sa<ag preeiow. with aapsntte «l

«? *«wetait,utoekwt proof ot alw>"-Mini aaskie to mtt at a« k»

tres'ed st their hawee by eorieepea leaoaMedtctaes sad iaMratteaa Mat hy siaUote»i Conaa tatioa ft*e.

Aiwsy* wad stanp vkaa reply la expealaft

DK. HAYKMAt COElfflnhlkerapertie IsstiMcu

Fortheeareof ali diaeasse witkoai tke awelmineral drugs Wecovkiaesllienaa of irest-mmt, £tm rrtelty, Kelts end ap»K*snjy*, Rleetria RsUw, Uasssg». eto, YOCCIIIUkt ct RRii (peediiyaad t-ermsaaatlp kteltet-feiky prop«riy applied. WnuaaMk larated southwest axw Mala sad CawSnMatreeta seatUe, Waih. Terma raa*onsHa Qm*\u25a0ultatioa free.


ROOTBEEft jtk* mam imnM nl vaouMMtT>t? ***&*£***** "t&imC. C.HtWt*. """frNllAPtttH**. I

MIABTIeTEAIS«^jr.^^'raurswßsnww etww tist. Si mMi pif lmiil%

Kissiyp -i&jwpjwn

»SEDENVER.'*Omaha, Kassas City, CMcafc,


East, North South,?AT-


oum r. tuoafc A«?«. F. a iwi>

ttlfm CTT «*\u25a0 M"*» «??«?

I- w ?




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