t WARD BOUNDARIES. The lint Win Still H»T« the Utfot Popalatioß. LINES IN THE NTW CHANTER. mri after convening. teek up ertfcle ?? vtrdi M 4 bwadtrt* The provirfon to mode tor eight oarda. Aa objection »« made by MM of the members leoneer ?sro "Jap" atade bjr On W*rd Hoes not meettnT x A common point* This wae per tkroiarfy notieeabie with the First ward ami it VH proposed to add gafwalMoeto tn order to "squara" the word. Mr. Denworth explained Hurt ?»» wtA the lines mom psmpiiMl fW vara tinWtaaalanK papnlotton than any octfcvr «trd »Um dty. It to evident that witn tha city flatted m tt to tt to impoeeible to avoid "ioga" altogether, aad tha coas- tnitleetboogfctit would be bettertokeep aa far ae poaaibte to the iinee asade by the old ward bouadartoe. aa they would be bet- ter leiueiabored. He thought it the Fimt ward line were extended to Berentb ?treat it would meet tha difficulty. AM to the north and asath line. Booth Fourteenth street wae the natwal dividing Hoe. Altar some illai eesiiai tha Una wae aaade to ma from Teaier avenue down South Btoveath to iaekaon and thenoe down South Fourteenth afreet. TheSeoood ward wae dsdned aa lyiag aoutb of Yaaler avenue end cast of the Firat ward. The Third ward wfll include the north ?Ida of Tester avenue, east of Broadway and sooth of Madteon to the northern boundary. The Pourth ward Is wast of Broadway, be- tween Yester avenue and Madison to the water frost. The lines of the Plfth ward are oo north side of Madison to Twelfth, thence akmg Twelfth to Olive, westward to Third, thence southerly akmg Stewart to the water front. Sixth ward from the water front east akmg Stewart and Olive, thence alone the west side of Ninth to depot, and along the sooth side of depot to the western city boandary. When the section creating the Seventh ward was reached, Mr. Young mode an argument in favor of Orion street in prefer- ence to Rollin street as the dividing line, but after a short discussion Rollin street was retained. The Eighth ward boundaries as laid down will be north of depot to Rollin street, thence north to the city boundary. On the proposition that there shall "never" be more than twelve wards, Judge Greene moved to amend by making it tend "until the population reach 240,000," and this was adopted. The clause providing that the division of the wards "shall be made in such a manner se to make the population in each ward as newly equally divided between the political parties as possible,' 1 ' wee explained by Mr. Don worth as being taken from the San Francisco charter and, be supposed, was for the purpose of preventing gerrymander- tag. Mr. Andrews said this provision would enoourage gerrymandering, as under pre- text of complying with it boundary lines might be oouttauidly shifting. Mr. ritrure said there was no power that could compel a council to respect the in- tention of the clause. It was stricken out. No change of Importance was made until the section wee reached dividing the wards into precincts. Judge Struve moved to make the number of voters in each pre- cinct 400. Judge Rochester moved to make it W). A division was called for, and the chair directed thoee in favor of the latter motion to stand. As the six Democratic members aroes at once. Judge Rochester exclaimed, "The solid South." [Laughter.] His amendment was accepted by 6 to 4. Immediately thereafter, Mr. Forth urged that the additional expense wes entirely unnecessary. The vote wee reconsidered and the number made 400. No change may be made in the precincts within sixty days of election. The article was then adopted and sd- Journment taken until 0:90 today. "CITT or BBATTLB*S" COLOR*. Will Bo ae fine as Caa Bo Bssgkt General Manager D. B. Jackson, of the PufOt Sound and Alaska Steamship Com- pany. wiU leave this waak for the East, whara ha goes to see the now steamship City ol Seattle, now being built at New York. He will take with him the follow- ing letter, which ha received several days ago front the Chamber of Commerce. SSiTTLS, Jane zt. lwa D. S. Jackson. Manager P. & A A. & Co.? 1 am directed to aotboriss and request yon. ID the name of the Sean* Chamber of Commerce to purchase in OOP of the Atlantic ettics a fi ret- ries* and complete salt ol color* for the u.w anil magniflecnt now building for yonr company, to be called the City ol battle. The compliment to be paid oar city In the naming of this due ve«eei is fully appreciated, ana we rejoice In the opportaeity to glre expression to our feelings. That these rea'.iags m«v never he Iras cardial than they are at prevent U our sin cere wt»h. a* also that the new City cl .Seatt e awl the o d city of Seattle may hoti» long he lo yoa U»e source of gTeat prtde and profit Very truly yours, THOMAS W PaoecH, Chairman Special Committee Sir. I'rosch yesterday received the tot* owing answer to this letter from Mr. lackson: _ _ , _ taavn*. June A WW To Thomss W Proneh, Ci airman fpectal Com mittee, Chamber of c»mmerc>?!*<trf «v this allow me. in the name of the facet flk>uod and ASasks >u~am*hip Company, thank the Chamber (vfCommettw for the valuable suit of colore » gracefully given to the -City of Seat- tle," my arnval In the Ea*t I shall pnrekase the coltes. Araln thanking yen. I remain, very respect \u25a0?"J, P. k Jit'iMji, Manager. It is told that when Mr. Proaeh went to to see Captain Jackson he inquired of him what a suit of colors would coat. Mr. Trwh had full power from the chamber to act in the matter, and was desirous of get- ting all the information he could before deriding on the style and ooet of the pre- sent ? Well." said Mr. Jackson, ' we could get a * ut >f colors lor sl,lO that would be very creditable, and from that down to verr Bneii thing of the kind would cost SAV. but I »npno«e "That's what the wants the boat to have. Captain Jackson, and you wiU get a IJMt check fcxlav to buy the colors." *?** nowß. L*«btag for a *M# t pan Wkh>k to Ratld ~U«*stio» of » lOMr* The ladies of the Roman's Home So- cietr met yesterday afternoon at the Cham- her of Commerce. Crescent, Mrs Gardner Katlogg, secretary Mr* F 11 Teredo who reed the minutes ol the farmer n-eet- irur and ceiled the roll Su new members were elected. The initiation fee s ff and an annual due of |l. Th* aatbiMt for th«cn»*>r»n vm ih+ conof * site for the propo**! Womm i Horn* Uulim »|xskc of mu, n kwnIMMM Ibat had t**» brought to tb*.r noCr* Th*v nltrml tb« u(it«r t.» th« amM*ti ta?iuxg. t*m*l pcr*ea* had aad gmiaMt Jfothing further wae do* tided then ta appofiata committae to loafc up lota suitable for the location of the Maaa. and te appoint a mostiag tor aaxt Wadneedajr. to bear the reealtof the com- and aseane siiifoetni of raising Money. The SB,OOO given than from the fire fund wonid be nead considerably in the purchase of lota, eepadafiy if oentral in location. (IK ladiea were generally agreed that central lets would be moat desirable. The wetof adjourned tfll nest Wednesday AWfiß ncAPt mirashi Csenti 4aU File?re Vaaai A rased Wllk Kslvee. In aocordanoa with hto lueolntion of Taseday Jailer Patrick Farraher gave everv oall in the county Jail a thorough search tag yesterday aoraiag. The search wae fruit- ful. too. resulting in aevarai interesting find a. Inthscaflof KM. Kgan, the tiU eaatcher, aad Wiliiaa Miller, the burglar, two knhrea, one a common pocket knife aad another made from the steal shank of a rime, aad soma opium, were found end in the ceil of Devia aad Wilson, the petty lar- esnists, whose ptsn to escape wes frustrated by Jailer Farraher last Saturday night a few ounosa of opium were found. All of the contraband artidee including the opium were confiscated. The priaonera objected as strongly aa poeaibie to the eearcb, but the jailer wes immovable and one by one they were taken out *of their oaiia and marched. after which their quar- ters were thoroughly examined. PAMKSQKB LISTS. HOME PLAIN, Moot, J on* 2*.?' The fol- lowing first-class puMQftn passed km to- day on Northern Pacific train No. 3, west- bound : Rev. Dr. C, C. Tiffany, lite T. L Ogden Jones, W. JL Rundeii. E. P. Seed and wife. Miss Bdte Scott, George Tracy, W. L. Lore and wife and twenty-fire sec- ond-class passengers. Eiuitor, Jane 25.? Westbound pesson- ri by Northern Pacific: Mr. and Mra. O. bl&tts, William Desmond, Charles Louis, John Bhackelford, Mrs. Watts, Mrs. Ives, D. C. Hayes, P. Hay, L. Oroff, William Pulton, George Thorn peon, T. B. Burns, C. J. Windie, T. K. CaUey and wife, P. D. Grove.**, J. & Beaside, W. P. Porwood, Mrs. B. Oakley, J. Hniton and wife, C. E. Richardson, Sidney Logan and wile, and forty-eight second-class. Mleelsssiy Wsrk. The Ladies' Missionary Bociety of the Presbyterian church, held n moet interest- ing meeting on Monday last Mra. Charles L. Bailey, of Harrisborg, Pa., addressed the ladies upon "Methods of Work." Her remarks were very Interesting and Instruc- tive. Miss Matthews, one of the teachers from Alaska, who is en route on her way Bast cm a four months' vacation after seven years of teaching, was also present and told some experiences of teaching among the Alaskans. GRAND EXCURSION. Panday, Jans 9, to Ban de Puca and return, en steamer Waseo. Round trip ticket 9L Lunch senred on board. Leaves Batten wbsrf at 7a. m. sharp, returning at 8 p. m. Take the northern Part 8c railroad, vesttboled sleeper sad diniax-ear route, lor an potats Xsst A. Callben, city ticket scent, ?tf Second street, Boston block; R. tonkin, depot ticket agent, Seattle. Cun your rheussaUsm lor SL96 with a bottle el Moon's Revealed Bessedy. Men to take *ontr«et of slashing, Tea graders for city wort, |3 per day; steady employment. Three form heads, m month, Uiood choppers, IL2S cord. Partner in plumbing business; 92,000; splen- did stock. men to clear laad. Proper day; long Plve men to work ia brickyard, (2.26 per 4M, board f4 Four rock men, 91i»; all summer Job. twj men to cut shinxie bolts. Poor ssen to cut cord wood. 91.36 per cold. len rat!road m*u. 93 re 12.Y). Female help, to 980 per month. FOB BALB. Pour million feet timber and oat tit. Cheap home, large enon«h lor two families. Bo (till, 110(1 Ha'f tottnit to ? manufacturing buslMH in city, r.'.tOO A Fitcaea and dialne room with eighty toanleia, with Ihm of one and one-half yean at HO per month rent; also boase of flee room* If wasted, for |MO for both or 9500 for hotel port Cleared bal ding low near cable Hue, KOt M arret, all lotted out. at Green Lake, tIM per acre. A large numbar of eentaal fiats aad honeee with furniture far aala H vtanrant an<i lodgloghouee cheap. Stork of cr.x-ortee and meat market, 9MO; tern ol building WO per month. Two roomed house, $l5O. on leased gronnd. 4>, Tea'*" lease: ground root $5 per month i'wet;tr-roomed lodginghouer, centrally lo- cated «l.o>o Sp- nof|j *0 tar f vs. l «0« each. H oases, rooms and offices in the bail part ol city. GEO. W. CRANE, Washington Bosplojrmeat H urea a. 8W Second Street. LLOYDS iIDON TEA STORE \u25a0nu. The Headquarters Tm, Ma, Rfim Eitnd ia< Itkisg tata, UV UCIHH 806 WET STUB eoaaaa COLUMBIA. PtwNff fewtetlt'MHE A GENUINE SMOQUALKIS HILL COMPANY iw BATTgav .--TKrr, laifartirm iri balm ia Koufc ud ImsrlLmbrr. Flaring, etc.-Dealers ta Rut,b4*and D m-nuoa ei >..e. Estimates faratabed for stonework n application. BLAGKMAN BROS. Are prepaid te Irafch oa sh ft u©< ee Imbfr. Msfc, JiaMiwts. Etc. ?iTSfiAS\S2£* n * * u - WEAKjjjgggSg I" ,I S *\u25a0 1 rSrti rnIBUB f J *»? a»» VroOTM M l :iwu4Mk>. - - - - ' Ballard. Put your mon?y where it will mak: you money. Put your savings into Bal- lard property. You will never bs able to buy cheaper than at the pres- ent tune. Investments made in Bal- lard now will double and thripplc in a tew months. It is as sate, and far more profitable, thau depositing in a cjvings bank. There is no doubt now as to the Canal being built from Salmon Bay to Lake Union and take Washington. A company has been formed, backed by millions of dollars They have se- cured the franchise at a cost of f 125,00 a Actual work will soon be commenced Ballard will be bene- fited more by this Canal than any other point The Great Northern, the Canadian Pacific and the Fairhaven & Southern Railroads have all secured terminal grounds at Ballard. The Fairhaven & Southern have at the present time 1,500 men grading anl laying tracks parallel with the Seattle & Northern, and will be grading and laying track into Ballard in about ninety days The contract for the forty miles of construction for the Great Northern will be let on or before the aoth of June, and work will be commenced from Ballard immediately thereafter. The Canadian Pacific have con- tracted for the delivery of freight in September. Immense Smelter and Rail Mill* will be erected 2% miles north of Ballard. f *OO,OOO worth of property during the last month has been purchased by this Company. These works will be the largest cf the kind in America, backed by $5 0,000,00 a The West Street & North End Electric road has a large force of men working along the line. Their trestle across Salmon Bay will be finished in about two weeks. This line will be in operation in July. Lots in the Ballard Addition can now be bought for from $125 to $l6O, one-third cash, balance on easy terms. All lots will positively be advanced SSO per lot in thirty days. Remem- ber that this addition is in Ballard, and is not an outside addition The electric cars will run to this property. Here is a chance to make a safe and paying investment for little money. Remember that these prices are only for thirty days, then all lots will advance fSO per lot. This addition is all cleared, level and ready to build upon Every street in the addition will be sidewalked without any cost to purchasers. Now is the time to buy at Ballard. Yon can never buy cheaper than at the present time. Everybody will want Ballard prop- erty in a few weeks You can buy now at bottom prices. There will be a larger advance in values in Ballard during the next six months than in any other portion of Seattle Call upon or address RUSSELL & RUSSELU Kilgen Block. Or D. A. McKENZIE & Ca, Llewellyn & Dodge Building OUE LEADING KID GLOVES Tea will flatf plaaaare aad profit la aa Inspection of ear goods. TBI "BBATBICB", 4- Bat tea. prlea 81.00. THB "AMTIOMBTTB," 4-Battoa. warvaated, price il.tl TUB "DBBSDBK," 1 Hook fsitsr, prftes Bt.SO. THB "LTOW," 7-Hoek (tnode. pv'caßl.7s. THB "I»TOH," S-Battoa Laagth, prlee |>.M, Agaaey "BBTBOIT** COBSBT WAISTS, prlee tI.U. t*o "fa L216 SECOND BTREET 1/GVJTI CAiA. OJ Bet Seneca anci University BTRICTLT GASH AND ONE FRIGE. F. J. BI RNB. M. E. ATKINSON Taylor & Burns, INSURANCE AGENCY, Assets KeprcKented, 9100,000,000. Removed to rooms ioi and 102, Butler Block. TELEPHONE ia. NELLE St ENGELBRECHT, N C. CORNER WEST AND MARION, Importers aad Heaters in all kinds of « Window Glass, Glazed Sash, Doors PLATE GLASS AND MIRROR PLATEB, ETC. CljYl Ann MtfDMMOIOS. WATCHES, JEWEIR? iJIUU.UUU 2 remoeal te saarr iract' .< qaartert. ALBERT HANSEN ! SEATTLE FOST-ISTELLHiEXOEB. THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 189 a The Celebrated French Bare,- w £?r "APHRODITINE" ZXS3 fOUAKANTEK ?ex whether a" U!n« from tbe AFTER ! ext . »»ive ute ol stlmiianta. lovocco or optn»» ?rthrough youthful Ind!«crelS<m. over tudulg- «ntf, *r , mrh Loss of Brmib Power, Rfnkefal ne*s, Hearing down Paine in tKe Bark, Remise! WctkufM, l.'yrtena. Nervous Prnstraiior Nocture \u25a0' Buitsions. Leneorrhrwt. I>minesa.*eak Met* or;. Loss of Power and Impcteocy, which i( ae> elected often lead to premature f>!<» age and tnma- lty. Prx-efl.oo a bo*, t boxes lor *6.00 Scot by mail on receipt of price. A WRITTEJI (iCARANTFE for every JS. 01 order, to refund the money if a Pcrmanci , cure not effected. Thomands of tast'xnoaia'* from old aod voting, of both wm permanently cured bv AntacMTtKß. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WMTxaa sasncß. BOX 27 .»? PORTLAND. CB j kM by ?. UUOM M OO* OraggUlk | JAPAN BAZAAR Has removed to new quarter* in the Dfller Riock. and extends an invitation to tha pub.ie to call and examine the flues* stocs of i JAPANESE GOODS la the city. Large stork of i4:k 0! JULY fIBEYOBKS Whoicaaie and retail Good* very reasonable nd strictly one price. fuit *T.. »iuiiu;v COAL LANDS FOR BALK BY ! I. N. BIQELOW. 1 °o* tit. BtILIB BLOCK. SIOO REWARD | Offered lo any person finding the body of Mania R Adams, diownid |in Elliott Bay June S, 189 a C L. AL AUS. Kelleher & Ci Have the exclusive agency in Seattle for the , J CELEBRATED COON BRAND LADIES' FAST BLACK HOSE, | m Every Pair Warranted and Guaranteed Not to Cn| Our large and elegant assorted line of ladies' Muslin UnderveaJ TO BE HAD AT ! Manufacturers' Prices. I , J- . Ladies' Silk Knitted Vests, ? In all the latest and elegant shades, at 75c. Also a tight sua mer weight vest for 10c. Ladies' Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs, from 3%' cup. Gents' Silk Plated Hose, 50c a pair. Combination Suits At less than actual cost during this week. CALL AT ONCE AND SECI'BE SOME OF OUB GREAT IO- GAINS; TO BE HAD ONLY AT Kellehep & Co§ CORNER SECOND AND BPHINB 8T& I OXEN FOR SAW 20 FIE un HEME w. E. OOvf Room 4, Hoiwoll Building. For Good Investments in 4 PORT ANGELES, WASHING® AND IN BRITISH COLUMBIA, |J FIOXJTLEIDG!-E! 00., Booms 22 and 23 Koxwell Building, Seattle; B«WMK ment St., Victoria, B. C. W. W. BUCHANAN & SONS, 1 Wagon, Carriage and Harness Habf And ftnerti blackualthlnr, curimg* palnttnf tod trimming. HoneahMliig ? i,irHT I SOLE AGENTS IN SEATTLE FOR THE COAST CARRIAGE # Foot of Third, on Una St.. Opp. northern Paclflc Freight DtjXtJ _ FAIIiHAVEN- flf Mackay & REAL ESTATE I "*** " 4 Fair haven. Wash. Jl Union Hardware C 0.,; ?Efrrrv -f ?ty" 10 * AUin»n>, Wholwai. Re t*!l Dealer. la S3 H AEr >WAKE, IRON andSTBSI * t<m Materia. Mill and u P! >U«. JMMflrigj 9QI FBOUT STT?"tn?i f T' 11. DXJBBS & SON, ' DRUGGIHTH AND APOTHKCARIifI AKD DEALEM » ALL KINDS Of TOILET ARTICLES AND PATENT MEDICINES. Cara * M(1 w. A. HASBROUCK & CO, ' Druggists and Photographic Stock Deal#* ttm^ ***?* ***** >ww»> as 4 Mute» -s-gll- ' LEV Y BROS. UIPOETIRS ASD KBBKR* OF wigars and. T»obaoofl| A*e now op«n and rvdy for business, " J - btrettf fiitvMti Colombia ud Marios*

The Seattle post-intelligencer (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle, W.T. … · 2017. 12. 20. · the section wee reached dividing the wards into precincts. Judge Struve moved to make the number

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Page 1: The Seattle post-intelligencer (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle, W.T. … · 2017. 12. 20. · the section wee reached dividing the wards into precincts. Judge Struve moved to make the number



The lint Win Still H»T« the

Utfot Popalatioß.



after convening. teek up N» ertfcle ??

vtrdi M 4 bwadtrt* The provirfon tomode tor eight oarda. Aa objection »«

made by MM of the members leoneer

?sro "Jap" atade bjr On W*rd Hoes not

meettnT x A common point* This waeper tkroiarfy notieeabie with the First wardami it VH proposed to add gafwalMoetotn order to "squara" the word.

Mr. Denworth explained Hurt ?»» wtAthe lines mom psmpiiMl fW varatinWtaaalanK papnlotton than anyoctfcvr «trd »Um dty. It to evident thatwitn tha city flatted m ttto tt to impoeeibleto avoid "ioga" altogether, aad tha coas-tnitleetboogfctit would be bettertokeepaa far ae poaaibte to the iinee asade by theold ward bouadartoe. aa they would be bet-ter leiueiabored. He thought it theFimt ward line were extended to Berentb?treat it would meet tha difficulty. AM to

the north and asath line. Booth Fourteenthstreet wae the natwal dividing Hoe.

Altar some illai eesiiai tha Una wae aaadeto ma from Teaier avenue down SouthBtoveath to iaekaon and thenoe downSouth Fourteenth afreet.

TheSeoood ward wae dsdned aa lyiagaoutb of Yaaler avenue end cast of theFirat ward.

The Third ward wfll include the north?Ida of Tester avenue, east of Broadwayand sooth of Madteon to the northernboundary.

The Pourth ward Is wast of Broadway, be-tween Yester avenue and Madison to thewater frost.

The lines of the Plfth ward are oo northside of Madison to Twelfth, thence akmgTwelfth to Olive, westward to Third, thencesoutherly akmg Stewart to the water front.

Sixth ward from the water front eastakmg Stewart and Olive, thence alone thewest side of Ninth to depot, and along thesooth side of depot to the western cityboandary.

When the section creating the Seventhward was reached, Mr. Young mode anargument in favor of Orion street in prefer-ence to Rollin street as the dividing line,but after a short discussion Rollin street

was retained.The Eighth ward boundaries as laid down

will be north of depot to Rollin street,thence north to the city boundary.

On the proposition that there shall"never" be more than twelve wards, JudgeGreene moved to amend by making it tend"until the population reach 240,000," andthis was adopted.

The clause providing that the division ofthe wards "shall be made in such a mannerse to make the population in each ward asnewly equally divided between the politicalparties as possible,' 1' wee explained by Mr.Don worth as being taken from the SanFrancisco charter and, be supposed, wasfor the purpose of preventing gerrymander-tag.

Mr. Andrews said this provision wouldenoourage gerrymandering, as under pre-text of complying with it boundary linesmight be oouttauidly shifting.

Mr. ritrure said there was no power thatcould compel a council to respect the in-tention of the clause.Itwas stricken out.No change of Importance was made until

the section wee reached dividing the wardsinto precincts. Judge Struve moved tomake the number of voters in each pre-cinct 400. Judge Rochester moved to makeit W). A division was called for, and thechair directed thoee in favor of the lattermotion to stand. As the six Democraticmembers aroes at once. Judge Rochesterexclaimed, "The solid South." [Laughter.]His amendment was accepted by 6 to 4.

Immediately thereafter, Mr. Forth urgedthat the additional expense wes entirelyunnecessary. The vote wee reconsideredand the number made 400.

No change may be made in the precinctswithin sixty days of election.

The article was then adopted and sd-Journment taken until 0:90 today.


Will Bo ae fine as Caa BoBssgkt

General Manager D. B. Jackson, of thePufOt Sound and Alaska Steamship Com-pany. wiU leave this waak for the East,whara ha goes to see the now steamshipCity ol Seattle, now being built at NewYork. He will take with him the follow-ing letter, which ha received several daysago front the Chamber of Commerce.

SSiTTLS, Jane zt. lwaD. S. Jackson. Manager P. & A A. & Co.?

1 am directed to aotboriss and request yon. IDthe name of the Sean* Chamber of Commerceto purchase in OOP of the Atlantic ettics a fi ret-ries* and complete salt ol color* for the u.wanil magniflecnt now building for yonrcompany, to be called the City ol battle. Thecompliment to be paid oar city In the namingof this due ve«eei is fully appreciated, ana werejoice In the opportaeity to glre expression toour feelings. That these rea'.iags m«v never heIras cardial than they are at prevent U our sincere wt»h. a* also that the new City cl .Seatt eawl the o d city of Seattle may hoti» long he loyoa U»e source of gTeat prtde and profit Verytruly yours, THOMAS W PaoecH,

Chairman Special CommitteeSir. I'rosch yesterday received the tot*

owing answer to this letter from Mr.lackson:_ _ ,

_taavn*. June A WW

To Thomss W Proneh, Ci airman fpectal Committee, Chamber of c»mmerc>?!*<trf «vthis allow me. in the name of the facet flk>uodand ASasks >u~am*hip Company, u» thank theChamber (vfCommettw for the valuable suit ofcolore » gracefully given to the -City of Seat-tle," my arnval In the Ea*t I shall pnrekasethe coltes.

Araln thanking yen. I remain, very respect\u25a0?"J, P. k Jit'iMji,Manager.

It is told that when Mr. Proaeh went toto see Captain Jackson he inquired of himwhat a suit of colors would coat. Mr.Trwh had full power from the chamber toact in the matter, and was desirous of get-ting all the information he could beforederiding on the style and ooet of the pre-sent

? Well." said Mr. Jackson, ' we could geta *ut >f colors lor sl,lO that would be verycreditable, and from that down to

verr Bneii thing of the kind wouldcost SAV. but I »npno«e

"That's what the wants theboat to have. Captain Jackson, and youwiU get a IJMt check fcxlav to buy thecolors."

*?** nowß.

L*«btag for a *M# t pan Wkh>k to Ratld~U«*stio» of » lOMr*

The ladies of the Roman's Home So-cietr met yesterday afternoon at the Cham-her of Commerce. Crescent, Mrs GardnerKatlogg, secretary Mr* F 11 Teredowho reed the minutes ol the farmer n-eet-irur and ceiled the roll Su new memberswere elected. The initiation fee s ff andan annual due of |l.

Th* aatbiMt for th«cn»*>r»n vm ih+conof * site for the propo**! Womm iHorn* Uulim »|xskc of mu, n

kwnIMMM Ibat had t**» brought to tb*.rnoCr* Th*v nltrml tb« u(it«r t.» th«amM*ti ta?iuxg. t*m*l pcr*ea* had

aad gmiaMt Jfothing further wae do*tided then ta appofiata committae to loafcup lota suitable for the location of theMaaa. and te appoint a mostiag tor aaxtWadneedajr. to bear the reealtof the com-

and aseane siiifoetni of raising Money.

The SB,OOO given than from the fire fundwonid be nead considerably in the purchaseof lota, eepadafiy if oentral in location.

(IK ladiea were generally agreed thatcentral lets would be moat desirable. Thewetof adjourned tfll nest Wednesday

AWfiß ncAPt mirashi

Csenti 4aU File?re Vaaai ArasedWllk Kslvee.

In aocordanoa with hto lueolntion ofTaseday Jailer Patrick Farraher gave evervoall in the county Jail a thorough search tagyesterday aoraiag. The search wae fruit-ful. too. resulting in aevarai interestingfind a. Inthscaflof KM. Kgan, the tiUeaatcher, aad Wiliiaa Miller, the burglar,two knhrea, one a common pocket knifeaad another made from the steal shank ofa rime, aad soma opium, were found end inthe ceil of Devia aad Wilson, the petty lar-esnists, whose ptsn to escape wes frustratedby Jailer Farraher last Saturday night afew ounosa of opium were found.

Allof the contraband artidee includingthe opium were confiscated. The priaoneraobjected as strongly aa poeaibie to theeearcb, but the jailer wes immovable andone by one they were taken out *of theiroaiia and marched. after which their quar-ters were thoroughly examined.


HOME PLAIN, Moot, J on* 2*.?' The fol-lowing first-class puMQftn passed km to-day on Northern Pacific train No. 3, west-bound : Rev. Dr. C, C. Tiffany, lite T. LOgden Jones, W. JL Rundeii. E. P. Seedand wife. Miss Bdte Scott, George Tracy,W. L. Lore and wife and twenty-fire sec-ond-class passengers.

Eiuitor, Jane 25.? Westbound pesson-

ri by Northern Pacific: Mr. and Mra. O.bl&tts, William Desmond, Charles Louis,

John Bhackelford, Mrs. Watts, Mrs. Ives,D. C. Hayes, P. Hay, L. Oroff, WilliamPulton, George Thorn peon, T. B. Burns, C.J. Windie, T. K. CaUey and wife, P. D.Grove.**, J. & Beaside, W. P. Porwood,Mrs. B. Oakley, J. Hniton and wife, C. E.Richardson, Sidney Logan and wile, andforty-eight second-class.

Mleelsssiy Wsrk.The Ladies' Missionary Bociety of the

Presbyterian church, held n moet interest-ing meeting on Monday last Mra. CharlesL. Bailey, of Harrisborg, Pa., addressedthe ladies upon "Methods of Work." Herremarks were very Interesting and Instruc-tive. Miss Matthews, one of the teachersfrom Alaska, who is en route on her wayBast cm a four months' vacation afterseven years of teaching, was also presentand told some experiences of teachingamong the Alaskans.

GRAND EXCURSION.Panday, Jans 9, to Ban de Puca and return,

en steamer Waseo. Round trip ticket 9L Lunchsenred on board. Leaves Batten wbsrf at 7a.m. sharp, returning at 8 p. m.

Take the northern Part 8c railroad, vesttboledsleeper sad diniax-ear route, lor an potats XsstA. Callben, city ticket scent, ?tf Second street,Boston block; R. tonkin, depot ticket agent,Seattle.

Cun your rheussaUsm lor SL96 with a bottleel Moon's Revealed Bessedy.

Men to take *ontr«et of slashing,Tea graders for city wort, |3 per day; steady

employment.Three form heads, m month,Uiood choppers, IL2S cord.Partner in plumbing business; 92,000; splen-

did stock.men to clear laad. Proper day; long

Plve men to work ia brickyard, (2.26 per4M, board f4

Four rock men, 91i»; all summer Job.twjmen to cut shinxie bolts.Poor ssen to cut cord wood. 91.36 per cold.len rat!road m*u. 93 re 12.Y).Female help, 9» to 980 per month.

FOB BALB.Pour million feet timber and oat tit.Cheap home, large enon«h lor two families.

Bo (till,110(1Ha'f tottnit to ? manufacturing buslMH in

city, r.'.tOOA Fitcaea and dialne room with eighty

toanleia, with Ihm ofone and one-half yeanat HO per month rent; also boase of flee room*If wasted, for |MO for both or 9500 forhotel port

Cleared bal ding low near cable Hue, KOtM arret, all lotted out. at Green Lake, tIM

per acre.A large numbar of eentaal fiats aad honeee

with furniture far aalaH vtanrant an<i lodgloghouee cheap.Stork of cr.x-ortee and meat market, 9MO;

tern ol building WO per month.Two roomed house, $l5O. on leased gronnd.

4>, Tea'*" lease: ground root $5 per monthi'wet;tr-roomed lodginghouer, centrally lo-

cated «l.o>oSp- nof|j *0 tar f vs. l «0« each.H oases, rooms and offices in the bail part ol


GEO. W. CRANE,Washington Bosplojrmeat Hurea a.

8W Second Street.


iIDON TEA STORE\u25a0nu.

The Headquarters

Tm, Ma, RfimEitnd ia< Itkisg tata,


PtwNff fewtetlt'MHE A



laifartirm iribalm ia Koufcud ImsrlLmbrr.

Flaring, etc.-Dealers ta Rut,b4*and D m-nuoaei >..e. Estimates faratabed for stonework napplication.

BLAGKMAN BROS.Are prepaid te Irafch oa sh ft u©< ee

Imbfr. Msfc,JiaMiwts. Etc.

?iTSfiAS\S2£* n * * u-

WEAKjjjgggSgI",IS *\u25a0 1 rSrti rnIBUB f J*»? a»» VroOTM Ml:iwu4Mk>. - - - - '

Ballard.Put your mon?y where it will mak:

you money. Put your savings into Bal-lard property. You will never bsable to buy cheaper than at the pres-ent tune. Investments made in Bal-lard now will double and thripplc in atew months. It is as sate, and farmore profitable, thau depositing in acjvings bank.

There is no doubt now as to theCanal being built from Salmon Bayto Lake Union and take Washington.A company has been formed, backedby millions of dollars They have se-cured the franchise at a cost off 125,00 a Actual work willsoon becommenced Ballard will be bene-fited more by this Canal than anyother point

The Great Northern, the CanadianPacific and the Fairhaven & SouthernRailroads have all secured terminalgrounds at Ballard. The Fairhaven& Southern have at the present time1,500 men grading anl laying tracksparallel with the Seattle & Northern,and will be grading and laying trackinto Ballard in about ninety days Thecontract for the forty miles ofconstruction for the Great Northernwill be let on or before the aoth ofJune, and work will be commencedfrom Ballard immediately thereafter.

The Canadian Pacific have con-tracted for the delivery of freight inSeptember.

Immense Smelter and Rail Mill*will be erected 2% miles north ofBallard.f*OO,OOO worth of property during

the last month has been purchased bythis Company. These works will bethe largest cf the kind in America,backed by $5 0,000,00 a

The West Street & North EndElectric road has a large force of menworking along the line. Their trestleacross Salmon Bay will be finished inabout two weeks. This line will bein operation in July.

Lots in the Ballard Addition cannow be bought for from $125 to $l6O,one-third cash, balance on easy terms.All lots will positively be advancedSSO per lot in thirty days. Remem-ber that this addition is in Ballard,and is not an outside addition

The electric cars will run to thisproperty. Here is a chance to makea safe and paying investment for littlemoney.

Remember that these prices areonly for thirty days, then all lots willadvance fSO per lot.

This addition is all cleared, leveland ready to build upon Every streetin the addition will be sidewalkedwithout any cost to purchasers. Nowis the time to buy at Ballard. Yoncan never buy cheaper than at thepresent time.

Everybody will want Ballard prop-erty in a few weeks You can buynow at bottom prices. There will bea larger advance in values in Ballardduring the next six months than in anyother portion of Seattle

Call upon or addressRUSSELL & RUSSELU

Kilgen Block.Or D. A. McKENZIE & Ca,

Llewellyn & Dodge Building

OUE LEADING KID GLOVESTea will flatf plaaaare aad profit la aa Inspection of ear goods.

TBI "BBATBICB",4- Bat tea. prlea 81.00.

THB "AMTIOMBTTB,"4-Battoa. warvaated, price il.tlTUB "DBBSDBK," 1 Hook fsitsr, prftes Bt.SO.

THB "LTOW," 7-Hoek (tnode. pv'caßl.7s.

THB "I»TOH,"S-Battoa Laagth, prlee |>.M,


t*o "fa L216 SECOND BTREET1/GVJTI CAiA. OJ Bet Seneca anci University




Assets KeprcKented, 9100,000,000.

Removed to rooms ioi and 102, Butler Block.TELEPHONE ia.


Importers aad Heaters in all kinds of «

Window Glass, Glazed Sash, DoorsPLATE GLASS AND MIRROR PLATEB, ETC.


2 remoeal te saarr iract' .< qaartert.



The Celebrated French Bare,-w£?r "APHRODITINE" ZXS3

fOUAKANTEK?ex whether a"U!n« from tbe AFTER !

ext . »»ive ute ol stlmiianta. lovocco or optn»»?rthrough youthful Ind!«crelS<m. over tudulg-«ntf, *r , mrh s« Loss of Brmib Power, Rfnkefalne*s, Hearing down Paine in tKe Bark, Remise!WctkufM, l.'yrtena. Nervous Prnstraiior Nocture\u25a0' Buitsions. Leneorrhrwt. I>minesa.*eak Met*or;. Loss of Power and Impcteocy, which i( ae>elected often lead to premature f>!<» age and tnma-lty. Prx-efl.oo a bo*, t boxes lor *6.00 Scot bymail on receipt of price.

A WRITTEJI (iCARANTFE forevery JS. 01order, to refund the money if a Pcrmanci

, cure i» not effected. Thomands of tast'xnoaia'*from old aod voting, of both wm permanentlycured bv AntacMTtKß. Circular free. Address


BOX 27 .»? PORTLAND. CBj kMby ?. UUOM M OO* OraggUlk

| JAPAN BAZAARHas removed to new quarter* in the DfllerRiock. and extends an invitation to tha pub.ieto call and examine the flues* stocs of

i JAPANESE GOODSla the city. Large stork of

i4:k 0! JULY fIBEYOBKSWhoicaaie and retail Good* very reasonable

nd strictly one price.

fuit *T.. »iuiiu;v


! I. N. BIQELOW.1 °o* tit. BtILIB BLOCK.

SIOO REWARD| Offered lo any person finding the

body of Mania R Adams, diownid|in Elliott Bay June S, 189 aC L. ALAUS.

Kelleher & CiHave the exclusive agency in Seattle for the

, J


mEvery Pair Warranted and Guaranteed Not to Cn|

Our large and elegant assorted line of

ladies' Muslin UnderveaJTO BE HAD AT !

Manufacturers' Prices. I, J-


Ladies' Silk Knitted Vests, ?

In all the latest and elegant shades, at 75c. Also a tight suamer weight vest for 10c.

Ladies' Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs, from 3%'cup.Gents' Silk Plated Hose, 50c a pair.

Combination SuitsAt less than actual cost during this week.




20 FIE un HEMEw. E. OOvf

Room 4, Hoiwoll Building.

For Good Investments in 4PORT ANGELES, WASHING®


Booms 22 and 23 Koxwell Building, Seattle; 4» B«WMKment St., Victoria, B. C.


Wagon, Carriage and Harness HabfAnd ftnerti blackualthlnr, curimg* palnttnf tod trimming. HoneahMliig ? i,irHT I

SOLE AGENTS IN SEATTLE FOR THE COAST CARRIAGE #Foot of Third, on Una St.. Opp. northern Paclflc Freight DtjXtJ

_ FAIIiHAVEN- flfMackay &REAL ESTATE I "***"4

Fair haven. Wash. JlUnion Hardware C0.,;?Efrrrv -f?ty" 10 *AUin»n>, Wholwai. Re t*!l Dealer. la S3

HAEr>WAKE, IRON andSTBSI*t<m Materia. Mill and u P! >U«. JMMflrigj

9QI FBOUT STT?"tn?i fT'

11. DXJBBS & SON,'




Druggists and Photographic Stock Deal#*ttm^***?******>ww»> as 4 Mute» -s-gll- '


wigars and. T»obaoofl|A*e now op«n and rvdy for business,

" J- btrettf fiitvMti Colombia ud Marios*