Welcome to Southwark Cathedral. We are a community that seeks to enfold all people in the love of God. If you wish to speak to a priest after the service, if you wish to find a corner to pray, if you wish simply to find some peace, please feel free and welcome to do so. Communicant members of all denominations are welcome to receive Communion at this service; please come forward as directed by the Stewards. If you do not wish to receive Communion but would like a blessing, please bring the service booklet with you. Participation. If you have been a regular at the Cathedral for six months or more, please ensure that your name is added to the Cathedral Electoral Roll - ask Stewards for details or email cathedral@southwark. anglican.org Giving: Regular worshippers are asked to join the Planned Giving Scheme by setting up a bankers order. This greatly helps the Cathedral with financial planning. A blue form is available from the Stewards. Visitors are asked to use the yellow envelope for their offering towards the work and worship of the Cathedral. If you are a UK taxpayer, please complete the details on the envelope to enable us to claim back the tax as Gift Aid. (Cheques to Southwark Cathedral.) Children and young people during the 11.00am Eucharist: Accompanied under-4s: Crèche with play mats, toys, songs and stories in the Education Centre. Reception class to Year 3: JuniorXpress 1 in the Education Centre. Years 4-6: JuniorXpress 2 in the Queen Elizabeth Room. 11-18s: YouthXpress 10.30am on first and third Sunday of the month in the John Trevor Williams Room. Following the Choral Eucharist tea and coffee are served. Listen up! Sermons delivered in the Cathedral are available as text from southwark.anglican. org/cathedral/sermons, where you can also find the weekly service sheet. They can also be downloaded as from iTunes by searching for Southwark Cathedral Sermons. Weekly e-newsletter Keep up-to- date with events at Southwark Cathedral: cathedral.southwark.anglican.org/signup If you are ill or in hospital Please do let us know so that the Cathedral community can pray for you and we can be in touch. Please contact the Sub Dean michael. [email protected] The Second Sunday before Advent Sunday 19 November 2017 SOUTHWARK CATHEDRAL An inclusive Christian community growing in orthodox faith and radical love

The Second Sunday before Advent - Southwark Cathedral · The Second Sunday before Advent Sunday 19 November 2017 SOUTHWARK CATHEDRAL An inclusive Christian community growing in orthodox

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Page 1: The Second Sunday before Advent - Southwark Cathedral · The Second Sunday before Advent Sunday 19 November 2017 SOUTHWARK CATHEDRAL An inclusive Christian community growing in orthodox

Welcome to Southwark Cathedral. We are a community that seeks to enfold all people in the love of God. If you wish to speak to a priest after the service, if you wish to find a corner to pray, if you wish simply to find some peace, please feel free and welcome to do so.

Communicant members of all denominations are welcome to receive Communion at this service; please come forward as directed by the Stewards. If you do not wish to receive Communion but would like a blessing, please bring the service booklet with you.

Participation. If you have been a regular at the Cathedral for six months or more, please ensure that your name is added to the Cathedral Electoral Roll - ask Stewards for details or email [email protected]

Giving: Regular worshippers are asked to join the Planned Giving Scheme by setting up a bankers order. This greatly helps the Cathedral with financial planning. A blue form is available from the Stewards.

Visitors are asked to use the yellow envelope for their offering towards the work and worship of the Cathedral. If you are a UK taxpayer, please complete the details on the envelope to enable us to claim back the tax as Gift Aid. (Cheques to Southwark Cathedral.)

Children and young people during the 11.00am Eucharist:

Accompanied under-4s: Crèche with play mats, toys, songs and stories in the Education Centre.

Reception class to Year 3: JuniorXpress 1 in the Education Centre.

Years 4-6: JuniorXpress 2 in the QueenElizabeth Room.

11-18s: YouthXpress 10.30am on first and third Sunday of the month in the John Trevor Williams Room.

Following the Choral Eucharist tea and coffee are served.

Listen up! Sermons delivered in the Cathedral are available as text from southwark.anglican.org/cathedral/sermons, where you can also find the weekly service sheet. They can also be downloaded as from iTunes by searching for Southwark Cathedral Sermons.

Weekly e-newsletter Keep up-to-date with events at Southwark Cathedral: cathedral.southwark.anglican.org/signup

If you are ill or in hospitalPlease do let us know so that the Cathedral community can pray for you and we can be in touch. Please contact the Sub Dean [email protected]

The Second Sunday before Advent

Sunday 19 November 2017


An inclusive Christian community

growing in orthodox faith and radical love

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Keep in touch southwarkcathedral.org.uk twitter: @southwarkcathed facebook: /southwarkcathedral 020 7367 6700

A Safe ChurchAny issues relating to the safeguarding of children or vulnerable adults should be directed to the Cathedral Safeguarding Officers:

Matthew [email protected] 7367 6726

Cherry [email protected]

Concerns can be brought to any member of the clergy.

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Today’s Services

8.30am Morning Prayer – Southwark Cathedral Reading Psalm 98; Revelation 4 Officiant The Very Reverend Andrew Nunn, Dean

9.00am Eucharist – Southwark CathedralReadings Zephaniah 1. 7, 12–18; 1 Thessalonians 5. 1–11; Matthew 25. 14–30

Preacher The Very Reverend Andrew Nunn, Dean

9.30am Eucharist – St Hugh’sPreacher The Reverend Linda Scott-Garnett

11.00am Choral Eucharist – Southwark Cathedralwith the Burial of AshesPresident The Reverend Rachel Young, SuccentorPreacher The Very Reverend Andrew Nunn, DeanSetting in F ∙ Harold Darke

VoluntaryPrelude in A minor ∙ Johann Sebastian Bach

Stand Entrance HymnNEH 18

Ye servants of the Lord Each for your Master wait,Observant of his heavenly word, And watchful at his gate.

Let all your lamps be bright, And trim the golden flame;Gird up your loins as in his sight, For aweful is his name.

Watch! ‘tis your Lord’s command, And while we speak, he’s near;Mark the first signal of his hand, And ready all appear.

O happy servant he, In such a posture found!He shall his Lord with rapture see, And be with honour crowned.

1 3

2 4

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Christ shall the banquet spread With his own royal hand,And raise that faithful servant’s head Amidst the angelic band.

Philip Doddridge

Sit First ReadingZephaniah 1. 7, 12–18

Read by Philip Feakin.

A reading from the book of the prophet Zephaniah

Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand;the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests. At that time I will search Jerusalem with lamps, and I will punish the peoplewho rest complacently on their dregs, those who say in their hearts,‘The Lord will not do good, nor will he do harm.’ Their wealth shall be plundered, and their houses laid waste.Though they build houses, they shall not inhabit them;though they plant vineyards, they shall not drink wine from them.

The great day of the Lord is near, near and hastening fast;the sound of the day of the Lord is bitter, the warrior cries aloud there.

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That day will be a day of wrath, a day of distress and anguish,a day of ruin and devastation, a day of darkness and gloom,a day of clouds and thick darkness, a day of trumpet blast and battle cryagainst the fortified cities and against the lofty battlements.

I will bring such distress upon people that they shall walk like the blind; because they have sinned against the Lordtheir blood shall be poured out like dust, and their flesh like dung. Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them on the day of the Lord’s wrath;in the fire of his passion the whole earth shall be consumed;for a full, a terrible end he will make of all the inhabitants of the earth.

Responsorial PsalmPsalm 90. 1–8


Lord you have been our refuge from one generation to another.Before the mountains were brought forth,or the earth and the world were formed,from everlasting to everlasting you are God. R

You turn us back to dust and say:‘Turn back O children of earth.’For a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday,which passes like a watch in the night. R

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You sweep them away like a dream;they fade away suddenly like the grass.In the morning it is green and flourishes;in the evening it is dried up and withered. R

For we consume away in your displeasure;we are afraid at your wrathful indignation.You have set our misdeeds before youand our secret sins in the light of your countenance. R

Second Reading1 Thessalonians 5. 1–11

Read by Morag Todd.

A reading from the first letter of Paul to the Thessalonians

Concerning the times and the seasons, brothers and sisters, you do not need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. When they say, ‘There is peace and security’, then sudden destruction will come upon them, as labour pains come upon a pregnant woman, and there will be no escape! But you, beloved, are not in darkness, for that day to surprise you like a thief; for you are all children of light and children of the day; we are not of the night or of darkness. So then, let us not fall asleep as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober; for those who sleep sleep at night, and those who are drunk get drunk at night. But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, and put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation. For God has destined us not for wrath but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep we may live with him. Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.

Stand Gospel Acclamation

Gospel Sentence

When the Son of Man is seated on the throne of his glory, you will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

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GospelMatthew 25. 14–30

Jesus said to his disciples,

The kingdom of heaven is as if a man, going on a journey, summoned his slaves and entrusted his property to them; to one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. The one who had received the five talents went off at once and traded with them, and made five more talents. In the same way, the one who had the two talents made two more talents. But the one who had received the one talent went off and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money. After a long time the master of those slaves came and settled accounts with them. Then the one who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five more talents, saying,

“Master, you handed over to me five talents; see, I have made five more talents.” His master said to him, “Well done, good and trustworthy slave; you have been trustworthy in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.” And the one with the two talents also came forward, saying,

“Master, you handed over to me two talents; see, I have made two more talents.” His master said to him, “Well done, good and trustworthy slave; you have been trustworthy in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.” Then the one who had received the one talent also came forward, saying, “Master, I knew that you were a harsh man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter seed; so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.” But his master replied, “You wicked and lazy slave! You knew, did you, that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter? Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and on my return I would have received what was my own with interest. So take the talent from him, and give it to the one with the ten talents. For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away. As for this worthless slave, throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Sit SermonThe Very Reverend Andrew Nunn, Dean

Chorale PreludeWir glauben all’ an einen Gott (BWV 765) ∙ Johann Sebastian Bach

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Sit Intercessions

Led by Sue Feakin.

Offertory AnthemO be joyful in the Lord ∙ Benjamin Britten

Stand Offertory HymnNEH 140

Holy Spirit, come, confirm us In the truth that Christ makes known;We have faith and understanding Through your promised light alone.

Holy Spirit, come, console us, Come as Advocate to plead,Loving Spirit from the Father, Grant in Christ the help we need.

Holy Spirit, come, renew us, Come yourself to make us live,Holy through your loving presence, Holy through the gifts you give.

Holy Spirit, come, possess us, You the love of Three in One,Holy Spirit of the Father, Holy Spirit of the Son.

Brian Foley

Stand Eucharistic PrayerPrayer A

Communion AnthemO taste and see · Ralph Vaughan Williams

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Stand Final HymnNEH 398 (tune 395 Woodlands)

‘Lift up your hearts!’ We lift them, Lord to thee;Here at thy feet none other may we see:‘Lift up your hearts!’ E’en so, with one accord,We lift them up, we lift them to the Lord.

Above the level of the former years,The mire of sin, the slough of guilty fears,The mist of doubt, the blight of love’s decay,O Lord of Light, lift all our hearts to-day!

Above the swamps of subterfuge and shame,The deeds, the thoughts, that honour may not name,The halting tongue that dares not tell the whole,O Lord of Truth, lift every Christian soul!

Lift every gift that thou thyself hast given;Low lies the best till lifted up to heaven:Low lie the bounding heart, the teeming brain,Till, sent from God, they mount to God again.

Then, as the trumpet-call, in after years,‘Lift up your hearts!’ rings pealing in our ears,Still shall those hearts respond, with full accord,‘We lift them up, we lift them to the Lord!’

Henry Montague Butler

VoluntaryFugue in A minor (BWV 543) ∙ Johann Sebastian Bach

12.20pm (approx.) The Burial of Ashesof Linda Sheppard and Winifred King

See separate booklet.

Please gather in the Retrochoir straight after the Choral Eucharist.

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3.00pm Choral Evensong – Southwark CathedralPreacher Canon Gilly Myers, PrecentorReadings 1 Kings 1. 15–40; Revelation 1. 4–18Setting in B minor ∙ Tertius NobleResponses William ByrdPsalm 89. 20–30Anthem O thou, the central orb ∙ Charles WoodHymns CP 554 (tune NEH 319); 361 (tune 235 Angel’s Song)

HymnCP 554 (tune NEH 319)

Pour out thy Spirit from on high,and thine assembled servants bless;graces and gifts to each supply,and clothe thy priests with righteousness.

Within thy temple when they stand,to teach the truth as taught by thee,Saviour, like stars in thy right handlet all thy Church’s pastors be.

Wisdom and zeal and faith impart,firmness with meekness, from above,to bear thy people in their heart,and love the souls with whom thou dost love;

To watch and pray and never faint,by day and night their guard to keep,to warn the sinner, cheer the saint,to feed thy lamps and tend thy sheep.

So, when their work is finished here,may they in hope their change resign;when the Chief Shepherd shall appear,O God, may they and we be thine.

James Montgomery

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6.00pm Service of Wholeness and Healing – Southwark CathedralPreacher The Reverend Alison Tyler

See separate booklet.

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All those for whom prayers have been asked this week:

The SickBrandon Hawkins, Comfort Omotosho, Andrew Rice, Kathleen Stubbs, Paul Marshall, Mary Goodlad, Peter Fenton, Andrew McCall, Peggy Brown, Benjamin Modu, Pauline John, Roger Tamplin, Antony Reardon Smith, Joan Rotheram, Peter Spufford, Sarah Rawlins, Owen Northwood Thomas, Richard Hoare, Ronnie Slaven, John Noble, David Jones, Nathan Clegg, Lyn Jones, Hilda Aarons, Jennifer Barter, Elisabeth Dunman, Anita Hooper, Edmund Plaxton, Tony Zotti, Ray Cook, Gareth Bevan. The DepartedDouglas Slater, Graham Robinson, Andrew Hutchinson, Linda Shepherd.

Preaching AwayThe Chancellor at St Saviour’s, Eltham; the Treasurer at St Stephen, Lewisham.

Mission allocation partners for NovemberManna SocietySupport in Southwark for homeless people; links with the Robes Project.

USPGUnited Society – Partners in the Gospel: an Anglican mission society supporting churches around the world in their mission to bring


Today’sflowersare given in thanksgiving to God and to everybody for their support and prayers during Comfort and Sunny’s recovery to health.

New websiteWe all know how much we now rely on websites for the information that we need. They are the libraries, the noticeboards, the signposts, the advertisements, the friendly adviser and more, all rolled into one. As with all things they need renewing and refreshing and sometimes rebuilding. We have been fortunate to have the support of the Diocese over the past nine years in maintaining and updating our website and we are extremely grateful to Canon Wendy Robins and Steve Harris from the Communications Team in the Diocese for their support over the years for without them we would not be where we are. However, the time has come for us to develop a new one and to take on responsibility for making sure that it is everything that we would want it to be.

The Friends of the Cathedral have paid for us to have a new website; Jon Dollin and Ruth Miller have led the process of designing it together with Liverpool-based web design agency Glow. We are grateful to them and to all who have put time and energy into getting the website ready to go live. So, please visit it and help us, with your news and views, to keep it up-to-date, fresh and useful as a tool for mission.

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This Week’s Services

Monday to FridayRegular Services8.00am Morning Prayer8.15am Eucharist12.30pm Midday Prayer12.45pm Eucharist 5.30pm Evensong (Evening Prayer on Wednesday and Thursday)

Saturday 25 November9.00am Morning Prayer9.15am Eucharist3.30pm Evening Prayer4.00pm Diocesan Confirmation Service

Sunday 26 NovemberChrist the King – Patronal Festival8.30am Morning Prayer9.00am EucharistPreacher: Canon Dr Mandy Ford, Chancellor

9.30am Eucharist at St Hugh’s

11.00am Choral Eucharist with Admission to CommunionPreacher: Canon Dr Mandy Ford, Chancellor

3.00pm Solemn Evensong with the Re-dedication of VolunteersPreacher: Canon Dr Nicholas Cranfield, Vicar of All Saints’, Blackheath

6.00pm Compline and Eucharistic Devotions

Contactless DonationWe are now able to receive your offering using a debit or credit card, Apple or Android Pay.

If you would like to use this please see a Cathedral Warden, Matthew or Daniel, near the doors to the link after the service. They have a sign saying ‘Contactless Offering’.

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Things to do this week

ExhibitionsChico MentorChico paints in oil and acrylics on canvas aiming for a naive, playful and happy expression with dynamic colours and shapes. Predominating colours are fire red, yellow and green melting together in visual explosions that travel to the subconscious of the audience. Chico’s subjects are the people in London and Latin America, their customs and their religion represented by the sacred symbols of the two cultures.

In the Refectory until 22 November, open 9.00am–6.00pm on weekdays, 10.00am–6.00pm on the weekend.

Thursday 23 – Thursday 30 NovemberExhibition by the London Guild of Weavers, Spinners and DyersOn display in the Cathedral will be new work by members of the Guild including sumptuous handwoven scarves, shawls, bags, throws and rugs, alongside innovativetapestries and handspun yarns, many augmented with beautiful natural dyes. There will be demonstrations of weavingand spinning every day and the chance to purchase unique gifts and accessories. This will be accompanied by a display of handwoven bookmarks in the Refectory which will be donated to the Cathedral for the use of clergy, choir and guests at theconclusion of the exhibition.

Roman Southwark – A Glimpse into the PastExhibition in partnership with the Cuming Museum. On display for the first time at the Cathedral, this collection of Roman sculptures and carved stones were discovered in 1977 when a sealed crypt located below the Cathedral choir was excavated. Dating from the first to third century AD many of the objects have an association with funerary practices and include a funerary ash-chest and votive altar. In Lancelot’s Link until 31 November.

Tuesday 21 NovemberMusic Recitalby the Olazti Trombone Quartet, students at the Royal Academy of Music.

Wednesday 22 November7.00pm–9.00pmCandlelit Photography EveningA beautiful evening for professional and amateur photographers to take photos under candlelight. Tickets: £10, from Eventbrite or the Cathedral Shop.

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Wednesday 22 November7.00–9.00pmFaith on the move –faith in the future?An evening with Bishop Jonathan Clark, Helen Bailey and local refugee groups exploring the situation of child refugees in Croydon and the UK, the faith and hope they maintain and how we can all respond.

St Mary Magdalene, Canning Road, Croydon CR0 6QD

Doors open from 7pm; the event starts at 7.30pm. Refreshments will be served. Free event – all welcome!

Friday 24 NovemberSleepout for the HomelessSouthwark Cathedral is holding another Sleepout, after raising more than £100k last year and getting 44 people into stable accommodation. This time, for the 10th anniversary of the Robes Project Winter Night Shelters, we hope to bump it up to £130,000. This year we have Comedians Sandi Toksvig and Bill Bailey, and the Tenor Dominick Felix, with Oompah Brass. Please sign up to fundraise and SleepOut on robes.org.uk/sleepout/. Or reserve a ticket for collection on the door, with Adults costing £10 and Children £5, on robessleepout2017.eventbrite.co.uk

Friday 24 – Sunday 26 NovemberChristmas Fairs of our ecumenical partners

12.00–7.00pm (Friday)10.00–6.00pm (Saturday)10.00–5.00pm (Sunday)Scandinavian Christmas Fairat St Olav’s Church, Albion St, Rotherhithe.

12.30–3.30pm (Sunday only)Christmas Fair at St George’s RC Cathedral

Sunday 26 November9.45am and 12.15pmAdvent Course 1/4The Advent Course for 2017 is entitled Welcoming the Christ Child: Repentance, Hope, Patience, Praise and looks at characters from the Gospel of Luke: John the Baptist, Mary and Elizabeth, Simeon and Anna, Zechariah. The sessions offer an opportunity to reflect on the scriptures, in particular on the songs or canticles which are familiar to some of us from Evensong and Morning Prayer, but also to see how human themes and challenges are reflected in the characters as they wait for, and greet, the child who is the Messiah, the Christ.

10.30amYouth XpressWe are a fun friendly group for 11–18 year-olds. We love new members...and our regulars of course! We meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month in the John Trevor Williams Room. We’re exploring our faith through the ‘Youth Emmaus’ course, which looks amazing so come and join us if you can!

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Future Events

Tuesday 28 NovemberMusic Recitalby students at City Lit.

Wednesday 29 November6.30–7.30pmCandlelit Cathedral TourCome and explore over 900 years of history on this candlelit tour of Southwark Cathedral led by one of Southwark Cathedral’s knowledgeable guides. Discover the stories of the priory of St Mary Overy and the famous London hospital founded on this site. Learn how the contemporaries of Shakespeare served the church and worked in the theatre. Uncover how the industrial age nearly caused the demolition of London’s oldest gothic building! Meet at the Cathedral Welcome Desk located at the West Entrance.Tickets: £10, from candlelittour1.eventbrite.co.uk

Thursday 30 November5.30 pmChoral Evensong on the Feast of St Andrew

1, 2 and 3 December11.00am–7.00pm (Friday)10.00am–5.00pm (Weekend)The Friends’ Christmas MarketA range of delightful stalls giving opportunity to find that special something at Christmas. More information on twitter, @S_warkFriends, and on southwarkcathedral.org.uk

Friday 1 December2.30pm and 7.30pmBarnardo’s Christmas Carol ConcertsA magical carol concert filled with children’s voices in aid of Barnardo’s children’s charity. School children come together to sing at both the matinee and evening performance. Guests will enjoy congregational singing and readings from young people. A celebration of hope at Christmas raising funds for vulnerable children and young people throughout the UK. There will be a retiring collection in aid of Barnardo’s at each performance.Tickets: £10–£15, from eventbrite.co.uk/o/barnardos-11043278591

Saturday 2 December7.30pmThe Wait: Music for AdventThe Merbecke Choir presents a wide range of music from John Taverner to Cecilia McDowall, conducted by Emily Elias.Tickets: £10/8, from merbecke.org.uk

Sunday 3 December9.45am and 12.15pmAdvent Course 2/4

6.00pmAdvent Procession – Looking for LightOn the six month anniversary of the London Bridge attack the Choir leads us in a service taking us from darkness to lightin the candlelit Cathedral. Come early to get a seat.

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Wednesday 6 DecemberChristingleJoin us for a hands-on Christingle-making workshop and service for children and families, with the lighting of our Christmas Tree.

4.00pmChristingle-making Workshop

5.30pmChristingle Servicefollowed by the Borough Market Lights Switch-on.

Thursday 7 December7.30pmJAGS Christmas Concertpresenting choral and orchestral music associated with Christmas.Tickets: £10/£8, from jags.org.uk

Saturday 9 December2.00–5.00pmCandlelit Advent VigilAdvent is a time of watching and waiting in darkness for the coming of Christ, the true light; it is a season of hope and expectation, of new beginnings. We invite you to lay down your shopping bags and your anxieties about the coming festivities, and spend some time in the quiet of the Cathedral with the silence punctuated by brief liturgy, music, and reflections. Everyone is welcome.

Sunday 10 December9.45am and 12.15pmAdvent Course 3/4

Monday 11 December7.00pmCarols in the City – The Marie Curie Christmas Concert and ReceptionCarols by candlelight with post concertreception. Concert hosted by Jim Carter, with musical performances by Lucy Crowe and Canticum chamber choir, and seasonal readings by celebrity guests.Tickets: £40–£60, from mariecurie.org.uk/carolsinthecity

Tuesday 12 December7.30–9.30pmFeed the Minds’ Candlelit CarolsThis charity carol concert programmeincludes the perfect mix of sing-along carols and choral performances to get you into the festive spirit. Sing along to classicChristmas carols and enjoy performancesfrom Quorum Chamber Choir. The candlelit setting will provide a magical backdrop for the evening. Everyone is welcome to this special night celebrating Christmas at Feed the Minds’ flagship event of the year.Tickets: £11.15–£34.38, from feedtheminds.eventbrite.co.uk. Booking in advance is strongly advised.

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Future Events

Thursday 14 December8.00pmThe Alzheimer’s Society’s Carols at Christmas ConcertUnite against dementia for a magical evening of carols, festive treats and celebrity guests all in support of Alzheimer’s Society.For ticketholders here will be a reception starting at 6.30pm.Tickets: £60–£25 via alzheimers.org.uk/carolslondon

Friday 15 December7.30pmThe Southwark Cathedral Choir Christmas ConcertAccompanied by the Chameleon Arts Orchestra, the Boys Choir and Lay Clerks of Southwark Cathedral Choir perform Ralph Vaughan Williams’s Fantasia onChristmas Carols and Arcangelo Corelli’s Christmas Concerto (Op 6, No 8) followed by traditional Christmas Music and Carols.Tickets: £14–16, from southwarkchoirchristmas2017.eventbrite.co.uk

Saturday 16 December11.00amChristmas RecitalThe Barker College Chamber Orchestra and Choir from Sydney, Australia, presenta Christmas repertoire from across the globe, from modern Australia to Baroque Mexico.

Sunday 17 and Thursday 21 December6.00pmThe Cathedral Carol ServicesTraditional Pattern of Lessons and Carols in preparation for the joys of Christmas. No tickets required. Come early to get a seat.

Thursday 21 December12.45pmCathedral Sing-InSing carols and traditional Christmas songs. A celebration for the whole community. Please note that this service is listed incorrectly in the What’s On as happening on Wednesday. Correct is Thursday.

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soon as possible.

fullness of life to the communities they share.

General Notices

Evacuation and securityThe Chapter is always concerned for the safety of all who come to the Cathedral for any reason. The Stewards are fully trained in evacuation procedures and, should any incident occur, you are asked to follow their instructions. In the light of recent events we ask that all in the Cathedral act responsibly with regard to bags and possessions and not leave anything unattended.

Parents are requested that in case of an emergency evacuation it is best to leave buggies where they are. This is in line with best practice.

Eco Church Project Are you concerned about issues of sustainability? Ethical investment? The importance of recycling? Raising awareness of and doing something about poor air quality? If you would like to be part of a small group looking at these issues and completing an audit within the cathedral and how we can improve please contact [email protected]

New in the Shop: The Real Advent Calendar and Fairtrade Christmas CrackersThe Real Advent Calendar is now available from the Cathedral Shop priced at £3.99. Also for this year, you can purchase Christmas Crackers, the UK’s first certified Christmas Cracker priced at £9.99 a box.As per past years, stock is limited so we recommend you make your purchase as

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Organ recitalsAs a consequence of the restoration work on the organ console, regular organ recitals which take place each Monday, will resume in January.

New stewards neededLike to play a part as the warm and smiling welcome of Southwark? We are looking for new stewards to help run the cathedral’s services.

Are you committed, reliable and enjoy working in a team? Are you available for a Sunday 9am or 11am Eucharist, weekend or weekday Evensong or, perhaps, a Carol, Ordination or Holy Week service?

You are? Then please contact Ian Jones at [email protected] for a chat and for more information. An overview of the role of a steward can be found on the cathedral website: follow the link from Cathedral Community to Volunteers and then Guild of Stewards.

Still interested? In that case please make a note of Saturdays 3 or 24 February 2018 for training.

New home still neededA 12’ x 9’ Indian design all wool carpet (Prado Orient Keshan), c 40 yrs old, very good condition, needs a new home. To be collected from Park St, SE1. Colourway olive, cream, dark red. For more information and photos email [email protected]

Please contact Marlene Collins, [email protected], if you are able to support us.

Funding for Southwark CathedralTo celebrate their 130th anniversary, Insurance Provider Ecclesiastical is offering to donate £130 to Southwark Cathedral for every new home insurance policy taken out.

“We’re so proud that customers across the UK have voted Ecclesiastical as the UK’s Most Trusted Home Insurance provider, ahead of all other insurers. To celebrate this achievement, and in recognition of our 130 year anniversary, we’ll donate £130 to your church if you take out a new home insurance policy with us.”

To take advantage of this offer visit ecclesiastical.com/Trust130 or call 0800 783 0130 and quote TRUST130.

General Notices

Waterloo Food Bank NewsThank you to all the people who generously bring contributions for the food bank to the Cathedral Shop.

Current Food Needs Tinned meats (eg stew, hot dogs), UHT full cream milk, fruit juice, tinned vegetables/fruit, tinned puddings.

Tea & Toast We now offer tea/coffee and toast to those who call by at St George the Martyr on Monday morning.

Carol Singers at Waterloo Station needed: Saturday 9 DecemberJoin a group from 10.00–11.00am to raise funds for the Waterloo Foodbank. Song sheets provided. Bucket shakers also needed. Please sign up with Marion Marples or email [email protected]

Volunteer wardens needed for Crossbones Garden, Union StreetWardens open the Garden over lunchtimes on weekdays and longer at weekends. Full training given.This is a good way to get to know part of the cathedral’s local heritage. Contact [email protected], mentioning the cathedral.

Robes Winter Night Shelterat Christ Church Blackfriars starts on Sunday 28 January 2018 and runs until12 March 2018. Volunteers are needed.

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The Cathedral and Collegiate Church of St Saviour and St Mary Overy, Southwark

In 606 a Convent was established on the south bank of the River Thames at the place from which the ferry used to cross over to the City of London. In 1106 an Augustinian Priory was established. From here they ministered to pilgrims and travellers, and to the sick and the needy of the area and the Word of God was faithfully preached and the sacraments celebrated. As part of their ministry, the Hospital of St Thomas was established (now located opposite the Houses of Parliament).

Following the Reformation, the Priory Church became a Parish Church. In many ways the building was sadly neglected but the gospel continued to be faithfully preached and the people of the parish cared for and taught. A parish school – now Cathedral School – was opened in 1704 following in the work already established in schools founded from the parish under a charter from Queen Elizabeth I.

The life, diversity and character of the area are revealed in the tombs and monuments within the church. Among them is that of John Gower (c. 1330-1408), poet and friend of Chaucer, whose Canterbury Tales begin in Southwark. Across the nave is a memorial to William Shakespeare, who spent much of his life in Southwark, and above it, a stained glass window depicting scenes from his plays. Edmund Shakespeare, John Fletcher and Philip Massinger are all buried in the Cathedral. Lancelot Andrewes, who translated the first five books of the Bible into English, is buried by the High Altar. He is a founding father of the Church of England. In the grounds is buried Mahomet, Chief of the Mohegan Tribe from New England and a memorial to him can be found in the churchyard.

Today in old and new buildings, this Cathedral continues to serve the people of its parish and the people of the diocese, to be a centre of teaching, of worship, prayer and pilgrimage; a place of inclusive welcome for all people. This continues to be a place of major regeneration and change as Bankside has once again become a residential area, a playground for London and a place where the arts are celebrated, as well as a growing centre for political, financial and legal decision making. Southwark Cathedral is the constant factor in an ever changing and exciting community in which we continue to proclaim a gospel of radical engagement with God and the world.

We therefore welcome you to this holy place which is both ancient and modern. Together we continue to serve the people of this area - those who are passing through, crossing the river, making a new home, coming to work or simply here to enjoy themselves – and the people who live here, in much the same way as our forebears did and with all those who have gone before us we do it all from a place of praise and worship of Almighty God.

Cathedral Shop and Refectory OPEN DAILY

FOR FuRTHER INFORMATION:Daily Services/Enquiries CathedralOffice 020 7367 6700Conferences and Seminars Conference Coordinator 020 7367 6722Special Services and Events Development Director 020 7367 6704Cathedral Tours Visitors’Officer 020 7367 6734Friends Friends’ Secretary 020 7367 6724Shop Shop Manager 020 7367 6710Refectory Refectory Manager 020 7407 5740

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