The Secret Life of Shoes Activity : Multimodal Poem Bridget Dalton, University of Colorado – Boulder [email protected] The Digital Writers’ Workshop (source Dalton & Smith, 2011)

The Secret Life of Shoes Activity : Multimodal Poem Bridget Dalton, University of Colorado – Boulder [email protected] The Digital Writers’

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Page 1: The Secret Life of Shoes Activity : Multimodal Poem Bridget Dalton, University of Colorado – Boulder Bridget.dalton@colorado.edu The Digital Writers’

The Secret Life of ShoesActivity : Multimodal Poem

Bridget Dalton, University of Colorado – Boulder

[email protected]

The Digital Writers’ Workshop

(source Dalton & Smith, 2011)

Page 2: The Secret Life of Shoes Activity : Multimodal Poem Bridget Dalton, University of Colorado – Boulder Bridget.dalton@colorado.edu The Digital Writers’

DWW Steps: DCSrr1. DEMO -- Demonstrate

– Why?– How?

2. CREATE– We all help one another

3. SHARE, REFLECT, RESPOND – Share work (post to edmodo, project, etc.)– Reflect on designs and experiences– Respond to each others’ work and share

strategies and resources

Page 3: The Secret Life of Shoes Activity : Multimodal Poem Bridget Dalton, University of Colorado – Boulder Bridget.dalton@colorado.edu The Digital Writers’


Page 4: The Secret Life of Shoes Activity : Multimodal Poem Bridget Dalton, University of Colorado – Boulder Bridget.dalton@colorado.edu The Digital Writers’

My Black Converse by Ms. Blaine

Q: I’ve missed you shoes, where have you been?A: In your backyard, in your dog’s mouth, and trapped under your bed

Q: Where should we go tonight?A: Let’s go dancing! But I haven’t been worn in so long, so I might be a little rusty on the dance floor.

Q: That’s OK! I’m just so glad to have found you againA: Me too, but can you wash me soon?

This is an example of a question-answer poem. Have a conversation with your shoes!

Page 5: The Secret Life of Shoes Activity : Multimodal Poem Bridget Dalton, University of Colorado – Boulder Bridget.dalton@colorado.edu The Digital Writers’

First High Heels by Claire

My first pair of high heel shoes were bought at Cook&Love Shoes in Nashville, TN. I was 11 years old. All of my friends had heels and I desperately wanted some. But I had to wait a while because I was so small for my age, and at that time there weren’t any heels that would fit my tiny feet! Finally my mom took me to a specialty shoe store that sells special sizes. I found a pair of black heels with straps and fell in love. I remember tapping on the gymnasium floor because it would make the perfect sound.

This is an example of a shoe memory. It can be written as a description, short story, or poem

Page 6: The Secret Life of Shoes Activity : Multimodal Poem Bridget Dalton, University of Colorado – Boulder Bridget.dalton@colorado.edu The Digital Writers’

The Half-Pipe by J.S.

Right Shoe: Wow, man that was a sick trick! Ty is really learning to shred! I almost lost footing on that Fakie Frontside.

Left Shoe: No kidding dude! These four hour practice sessions are wearing me down. Oh no, I think we’re going back DOWWNNNN!!!

This is an example of a shoe conversation. Have your shoes talk to each other!


Page 7: The Secret Life of Shoes Activity : Multimodal Poem Bridget Dalton, University of Colorado – Boulder Bridget.dalton@colorado.edu The Digital Writers’


Use this PPT to guide you

Page 8: The Secret Life of Shoes Activity : Multimodal Poem Bridget Dalton, University of Colorado – Boulder Bridget.dalton@colorado.edu The Digital Writers’

Create your own: Shoe Stories1. Open the PPT and ‘SAVE AS’ (file name – your

first name shoe). It should be in your folder.

2. Choose your shoe image• Choose a shoe photo from the shoe image folder on

your desktop.• Insert your shoe photo into your PowerPoint

3. Choose the kind of poem that you want to write (brainstorm some ideas first)• Question-Answer Poem • Shoe conversation • Shoe memory

Page 9: The Secret Life of Shoes Activity : Multimodal Poem Bridget Dalton, University of Colorado – Boulder Bridget.dalton@colorado.edu The Digital Writers’

Create your own, Shoes, cont.4. Creating your PowerPoint involves different

steps – you can do them in any order (remember to save often!). Play around as you go to see what works best.– Design your background (color, template, image)– Write your title and authors– Write your text– Add sound (music, sound effects, voice narration)– Edit for spelling and grammar– Final production – play it and make changes so that it

looks and sounds the way that you want it to

Page 10: The Secret Life of Shoes Activity : Multimodal Poem Bridget Dalton, University of Colorado – Boulder Bridget.dalton@colorado.edu The Digital Writers’

Titleby Authors

Insert picture here

Write text here

Sound: audio record your poem, add music or a sound effect

Page 11: The Secret Life of Shoes Activity : Multimodal Poem Bridget Dalton, University of Colorado – Boulder Bridget.dalton@colorado.edu The Digital Writers’

Title and authors

Insert picture here

Insert picture

A speech balloonA speech balloon

Sound: audio record your poem, add music or a sound effect

Page 12: The Secret Life of Shoes Activity : Multimodal Poem Bridget Dalton, University of Colorado – Boulder Bridget.dalton@colorado.edu The Digital Writers’


SHARE your shoe poem (we will project)

REFLECT (add a design comment on edmodo)


Read the design comments.

Post at least one response.