E-Booklet The Secret to Living Fearlessly By Lisa McDonald AND Regina Rowlison

The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

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Page 1: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking


The Secret to Living Fearlessly

By Lisa McDonald


Regina Rowlison

Page 2: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

The Secret to Living Fearlessly

• By Regina Rowlison

• Founder of Use Your Powers

• Creator of SEC Films

• Entrepreneur, Innovator, Visionary and Mentor

• 2017 Award Finalist for Greater Brisbane Women in Business Award


Page 3: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

By Lisa McDonald

• Author

• Blogger & Vlogger

• Motivational Speaker

• Radio & TV Show Host

• Mentor

• Coach


Page 4: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

The Secret to Living Fearlessly

This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking the talk and approaching life, love, and work with fearless gratitude, enthusiasm and hope.

It will effectively assist you to understand the need to overcoming the obstacles and challenges that hold you back from leading a happy, successful and abundant life.

The transformation will need to happen most importantly on a subconscious level. Intentions, willpower, intellectualizing information and AHA moments alone do not change our subconscious blueprint (programming).

Page 5: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

It’s Not Your Fault!

Between the ages of 0 and 6, your brain was in a form of constant hypnosis… you’re conscious but your subconscious mind is largely what’s being accessed and influenced and any beliefs or habits you formed at that age was like ‘planting seeds into fresh soil”. Fast forward 20 or 30 years, those seeds (your beliefs and habits you formed) are still part of your blueprint (programming) today that you act on daily without being consciously aware of.

A belief is simply something that you tell yourself that you believe to be true, and then you act accordingly!

Our beliefs can either empower us to stretch beyond our current limitations, or in the case of self-limiting beliefs – they can keep us stuck right where we are. Or worse yet, make us slide backwards!

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Common Self-limiting (Conscious) Beliefs Versus Sinister, Negative andDis-empowering (Subconscious) Beliefs

Subconscious self-limiting beliefs are your blind spots because they are deeply embedded in your subconscious mind. They can silently sabotage your finances, business, career, relationships and health in ways you’re consciously not aware of.

Maybe you find yourself stuck in a compulsive pattern of always spending more than you make, and never being able to come out on top or unable to get rid of bad habits such as smoking or eating the wrong foods…

“We have been led to believe that by using willpower, we can override the negative programs of our subconscious mind. Unfortunately, to do that, one must keep a constant vigil on one’s own behavior” ~ Bruce Lipton Ph.D.

Your subconscious mind controls about 96 percent of all your decisions, your emotions, perceptions and behaviours.

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Why Can’t I Achieve What I Desire?

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Feelings of Not Being Good Enough and Not Deserving (Low Self-worth)

Conscious knowledge of wealth and success principles isn't always sufficient. Most people have unconscious blocks such as fears that prevent them from acting when opportunities arise or unconscious beliefs that prevent them from making money, becoming successful or growing wealth.

Sometimes, these subconscious fears and beliefs have been formed over years where the person may have been exposed and influenced by negative “environments” or may have consciously or unconsciously engaged with thoughts, ideas and feelings of lack, scarcity and limitation or associated the abundance with something negative such as greed or selfishness.

When these blocks and beliefs become highly ingrained into our subconscious, they control our thinking and decisions even when we consciously know better.

Page 9: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

Regain the Voice of Your Dreams Back andShut Out the Voice of Your Fears Throughthe Use of This Simple to Use Technology

Feelings of not being good enough or smart enough can significantly slow your personal or business success. So can procrastination, which is frequently caused by the fear that your results won’t shine and the possibility that you’ll make errors in judgment and behavior. But in most cases, the underlying core emotion that may hold you back is fear of failure. Both, conscious and subconscious fear of failure.

Now with the SEC Film technology you can re-train/re-program your brain and help you to embrace your legitimate value so that you stop handicapping yourself.

The applied visualization technique lowers the pressure of the amygdala which is responsible for procrastination and fear that holds people back from making the decisions that will help them become more successful and abundant. Furthermore, when the amygdala is not engaged, the subconscious part of the brain is able to absorb easier the new positive affirmations in the SEC film and the “reprogramming” will occur more rapidly.

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SEC Film -a coproduction

‘The Secret to Living Fearlessly’

Page 11: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

How Will this SEC Film Help Me?

• Reprogram your mind in order to attract what you desire / achieve your goals

• Set you free from your doubts and fears, so you can take your career and business to new heights

• Help you effectively relieve stress and anxiety, so you can remain calm and focused in whatever situation and align your current beliefs with the new positive affirmations/beliefs.

• Dissolve personal success blockers, unlock your potential, overcome financial struggle, shatter your financial glass ceiling and improve wealth building

• Build healthier relationships with people around you, your family, colleagues and/or business associates

• It is a convenient and perfect solution for those who want to improve themselves but don’t have extra hours to spare. All you need to do is watch a 3 minute video once a day for 90 days.

Page 12: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

The Secret to Living Fearlessly is based on

• Visualization technique (The Climb) by the internationally acclaimed Dr. C.O. Simonton

• Neuroplasticity

• Neuroscience

• Neuropsychology and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

• Psychotherapy

• Epigenetics (Biology of Belief) by Bruce Lipton Ph.D.

• Lisa’s Success and Coaching Principles

Page 13: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

A Self-help Visualization Tool in the Form of a Video to Achieve Goals in the Areas of

Unleashing Your Potential, Business, Career & Wealth

Page 14: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

The #1 Block is Fear and Self-Limiting

BeliefsFear and Self-Limiting Beliefs on a conscious

and sub-conscious level hold you back or keep you stuck from achieving your

Goals and Dreams

Page 15: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

Fear is the #1 from Achieving Your Goals - Neural Dissonance

F.E.A.R = False Evidence Appearing Real

If fear circuits light up

• Motivation shuts down

• Unpleasant feelings (emotions) are projected into the future causing anxiety and fear (Amygdala – fear centre of the brain is stimulated) and no new neurons can be fired or hardwired

Page 16: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

Neural Coherence

When you lower the pressure of the fear centre (Amygdala), you get Neural Coherence such as…

• power and action centre gets activated

• acceptance

• master key opens the door

• miracles can happen

Page 17: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

How to overcome the #1 Block


• Watching ‘The Climb’ footage in the SEC Film (First Person Video Camera Effect) daily for a minimum of 90 days

• The viewer has the perception in his mind’s eye that it is him/her achieving ‘The Climb’

• The viewer overcomes obstacles/challenges every time when watching ‘The Climb’

• Repetitious viewing controls the fear functions of the fear center of the brain called Amygdala – see photo

Self-Limiting Beliefs

• The conscious negative self-limiting beliefs are rewritten on a conscious level every time when reading the embedded positive affirmations in the SEC Film

• The sub-conscious negative self-limiting beliefs are rewritten on a sub-conscious level by reading the embedded positive affirmations in the SEC Film on a daily basis for a minimum of 90 days (repetitious viewing)

Page 18: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

The Fear Function of the Brain

The Amygdala

Page 19: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

The Act of Visualizing Your Goals is Based on Neuroscientific PrinciplesBy creating a mental movie in your mind, you’re activating a group of cells in your brain that reinforce that movie and the outcome you want to achieve. This simple reinforcement instructs your non-conscious (subconscious) brain to develop a powerful “Habit Loop” that immediately goes to work in helping you achieve your goals.

The parts of the human brain that are directly related to motivation, emotional regulation, social awareness, and conscious decision-making are some of the most flexible neural circuits in the brain. Therefore, brain plasticity studies in the EQ sector show more compelling results that would correlate to life improvement, than those studies in the IQ, or cognitive, sector.

Page 20: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

SEC Film’s Process to Manifest Desired Goal

• First step: Visualize and Focus on your Goal

• Second step: Overcome your Fear & activate your action center of the brain

• Third step: Overcome your Self-limiting Beliefs

• Fourth step: Gain Unstoppable Confidence

• Fifth step: Achieve your Desired Goal now that your conscious and sub-conscious beliefs are aligned with your unstoppable confidence

Step 1

Visualize & Focus on your Goal

Step 2

Overcome your Fear

Step 3

Overcome Self-limiting


Step 4

Gain Unstoppable Confidence

Step 5

Achieve your

Desired Goal

Page 21: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

What is Self-Empowerment Cinematography

Use Your Powers (previously a Division of AClassCoaching) got extraordinary people to overcome the greatest fears on planet earth while wearing a first person video camera

We got that footage and infused it into the viewer’s heart’s desires for the purposes of disabling the fear functions of the Amygdala, activating every action center of the mind

The visualization technique in the form of this video gives the viewer the perception in his/her mind’s eye that it is him/her performing ‘The Climb’, which is essential for the visualization to work

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Endorsement by Dr. Surya Ganduri (Quantum Physicist, Mentor, Success and Life Coach)

“See it! Say it! Do it!

We all know that Affirmations work, if they are done right. When is the last time you made them work for you? Declaring your intentions is only a part of the equation. If you really want to ramp up your results, try adding visualization to your practice. This is where, my friend and colleague, Regina Rowlison’s SEC Films can help you…”

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Endorsement by Benjamin J. Harvey

Difference-Maker Mentor and founder of Authentic Education and keynote presenter for organisations such as the Queensland Government and Youth Challenge Australia. BRW Fast Starters 2013 Award Winner.

“Regina has some amazing mind technologies – her DVD is a fantastic idea and will certainly benefit people.”

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Regina Rowlison

2017 Awardee forGreater Brisbane Women in Business Awards

1. Greater Brisbane

Woman in Business

of the Year Awards

2. Innovation

& Technology Award

3. Creating

Change Award

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Page 26: The Secret to Living Fearlessly...The Secret to Living Fearlessly This e-booklet will inspire you to transform your life, achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by walking

Regina Rowlison is an Honored Member of the “Worldwide Who’s Who Registry of Executives, Professionals and Entrepreneurs”

Regina Rowlison was also a host of the Mentors Harbor’s Village of Abundance Radio Show “Shape Your Destiny” in 2014

Mentors Harbor is a massive global movement of mentors who have joined together in a collaborative effort to educate the world toward more abundant thinking

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