The Silent Hunt by Mark Jameson - Chapter 4.pdf

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  • 7/28/2019 The Silent Hunt by Mark Jameson - Chapter 4.pdf


  • 7/28/2019 The Silent Hunt by Mark Jameson - Chapter 4.pdf




    Mark Jameson hopes you enjoy this chapter ofThe Silent Hunt,a thriller based on his real experiencesin the CIA after 9/11.

    To get the entire book or blog with Mark Jameson,go to

  • 7/28/2019 The Silent Hunt by Mark Jameson - Chapter 4.pdf


    Published by Shoot Your Eye Out Publishing

    Copyright Mark Jamesonl 2011

    Cover art : Copyright Mary Gustafson 2011

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

    retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,

    electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or

    otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the

    1976 United States Copyright Act, without either prior written

    permission of the publisher.

    The Silent Hunt is a work of fiction. All incidents, dialog,

    and characters, with the exception of some well-known historical

    and public figures, are products of the authors imagination and

    are not to be construed as real. Where real-life historical or public

    figures appear, the situations, incidents, and dialogs concerning

    those persons are entirely fictional and are not intended to depict

    actual events or to change the entirely fictional nature of the work.

    In all other aspects, any resemblance to persons living or dead is

    entirely coincidental.

    All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed

    are those of the author and do not reflect the official positions

    or views of the CIA or any other U.S. Government agency.Nothing in these contents should be construed as asserting or

    implying U.S. Government authentication of information or

    Agency endorsement of the authors views. This material hasbeen reviewed by the CIA to prevent disclosure of classified


    ISBN: 978-0-9833011-2-7

    Manufactured in the United States of America

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    CHAPTER 4San Diego, California (March 2002)

    Mark stepped out of San Diego International

    Airport into the passenger pick-up area and breathed

    in the air. She had been right, sunny and 75 degrees.

    Jenna had told him not to worry about a jacket, as the

    weather never changed in San Diego. He scanned the

    congested area for a white Chevy Cavalier and came

    up empty. Shes probably still circling.

    Mark was nervous about his encounter with

    Jenna and he wasnt sure why. He never had a

    problem briefing a senior Senator or General, and had

    kept his cool under fire in Afghanistan, but here hestood with butterflies in his stomach. Since Mark sent

    his report two weeks ago he had heard little back on

    his first effort. And while he continued to work well

    with the Spitzers and the DEA team, Mark noticed that

    most of the other FBI Agents and analysts seemed to

    be avoiding working too closely with him. Mark had

    reported this to David, who immediately began lookingfor signs that the full version of Marks report had

    been leaked to the Bureau. He found no indications of

    that, but recommended that Mark get out of town for a

    while by staying in San Diego for several days and


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    working with Jenna. Things were still strained and

    purely business with David. Andy, one of Marks BTF

    friends that had transferred to Monroes new unit

    CTC/USA, had advised Mark that David was shaping

    up as a good but extremely demanding boss. Andy

    noted that David never smiled and didnt seem to

    particularly like what he was doing, yet had made a lot

    of good decisions and kept the team on track so far. In

    some ways that sounds like David, in others not. Mark

    remained concerned about his now distant friend.

    Jenna, on the other hand, was becoming his

    new confidant. They had begun comparing notes on

    the STU secure telephone since his report was

    released and the last two calls had turned personal

    and very friendly towards the end. Mark had always

    been a little shy with women, and was sensing that

    feeling as she had become warmer over the phone.

    Mark remembered that Jenna was very cute, petite but

    mentally very tough, which in a way made her even

    more attractive. Then he caught himself. What are

    you thinking?

    And shes punctual too, he added out loud as

    he spotted the Cavalier. Jenna leaned over towards

    the open passenger window and flashed him a bigsmile.

    Hi there! Trunks open.

    Mark threw his bag in the trunk and hopped in.

    Hey Jenna. Thanks for picking me up.

    Are you kidding, its my pleasure, she laughed

    as she pulled away from the curb. Ive been dying to

    see anybody from the Agency. These Bureau guys aredriving me nuts.

    Theyre weird, thats for sure. You having a

    hard time getting them to help you?

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    Ha. No, I have the opposite problem. They

    wont leave me alone. Ive got these guys eating out of

    my hand, but they wont stop hitting on me! One big

    goddamn boys club.

    Hmm. I guess Im not having that particular


    Jenna flashed him a nice smile. Do you want

    check in to your hotel or get to work? Were going to

    pass the office first.

    Weve got a few hours till dinner, lets get


    Good, I was hoping youd say that. I have

    something I really want to show you.

    * * *

    Ten minutes later they pulled off I-15 and into

    the parking lot of a new and attractive, but non-

    descript, four story office building.

    This is the FBI office? Mark asked as he

    stepped out of the car.

    Yeah, not exactly your typical federal building.

    Its a nice change, actually. All that concrete

    slab gets depressing. Plus it lowers their profile.

    Nice thought, but theres a problem. She

    grabbed his arm and halted him in the middle of theparking lot.


    Just a second. She paused for effect, then

    pointed up as a loud noise suddenly intensified over

    their heads. And there it is, she added as a Cessna

    flew over their heads at 300 feet. Just over that hill is

    Montgomery Field. Some of the baddies Ill show youinside have been taking flight training there. Then

    she turned about forty five degrees to the right and

    pointed at a strip mall across the street and down the

    hill. Down there is a Quick Copy and sandwich shop

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    that are owned and operated by the same baddies. So

    not only does this place lie on their flight path, but

    they know the Bureau is here.

    Marks face went a little pale. Can we work

    somewhere else?

    Oh come on you wimp. Arent you supposed to

    be a war hero or something? she teased as she lightly

    punched him on the arm.

    Hardly, Mark responded a little too seriously.

    * * *

    After guiding Mark through a maze of cubicles

    and introductions to FBI agents, she stopped in front

    of a large set of double doors. Kitchenette is over here

    on the right. Want some water?

    Actually a Diet Coke would be great.

    Why is it every analyst drinks Diet Coke or

    Mountain Dew? she asked rhetorically as she led him

    towards the soda machine.

    They seemed like a pretty good group, Mark

    said as he pointed his thumb over his shoulder. You

    were right. They really seem to dig you.

    Let me ask you something, Jenna started

    quietly as she peeked out the kitchenette door to make

    sure no one was in listening range. What did younotice out there?

    Well, it was pretty much all men, like you said.

    No surprise there. Wait. We didnt meet any other

    agencies, just Bureau. So wheres the JTTF?

    Boy, you are sharp. She gave him an

    approving smile. Im the JTTF. Nobody else. She let

    that sink in. The criminal agents go out and worktheir sources for whatever I need and just give it to



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    Money. There was no JTTF in San Diego

    before 9/11. Its up in LA. So 9/11 hits and these

    guys have a terrorism case they dont want. They get a

    lot of money to stand up a JTTF and they get me. So I

    run the terrorism cases and they get to use the


    Thats got to be illegal in like fifty different

    ways! Mark stressed in barely more than a whisper.

    You cant run FBI investigations.

    Dont stress so much. Im not having them

    arrest anybody. They are just collecting information

    for us, she stressed the last word. Besides, after I

    take the Ops course Ill be a real case officer, she

    said with a deep mocking voice as she made quotation

    marks in the air with her fingers, and then I can go

    out and meet the sources with these guys, totally


    When are you taking the Ops course?

    I have a slot in the accelerated course in May,

    should be back here by August. Arent you taking it

    too? I thought we all were as part of Dougs master

    plan, she said, again mocking the last few words in a

    deep voice.

    Well we talked about it, but I kind of let itslide. Mark didnt want to think about his deal to

    save David and switched the subject. So you are the

    whole JTTF. Mark was still struggling to comprehend

    how different Jennas situation to his own in Denver.

    Come on. Let me show you the other reason

    they let me run the show. She led him out of the

    kitchenette back to the double doors. She punched infour digits on a keypad beside the door and led him


    Mark scanned the large conference room in

    stunned silence. Wrapped around all four walls of the

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    room was a computer generated diagram linking

    hundreds of individuals, phone numbers, bank

    accounts, credit cards, locations, dates, airline flights,

    passport numbers, and more. The diagram was

    printed in sections of three feet by four feet. Mark

    estimated there were close to twenty sheets that size,

    perfectly taped together and wrapping all the way

    around the room. The main conference room table

    was covered with hundreds of file folders, organized in

    several dozen stacks and labeled with yellow stickies.

    Mark also noted handwritten notes all along the upper

    and lower margins of the sheets, as well as a couple

    dozen FBI file boxes piled along the back wall, and a

    desk in the corner with an Agency lap top and a poster

    sized printer.

    Voila. My masterpiece.

    You did all this?

    Yes. She was beaming.

    Without the help of any of their analysts?

    Youre kidding, right? Now she was offended.

    And they let you keep these files out here,

    Mark pointed to the large stack of boxes, without

    checking them in and out.

    No. I dont work with the analysts at all. Theagents check this stuff out for me. They also log me

    onto the computer files, but its pretty rare that I need


    Wow, Mark shook his head and gestured at

    the wall. How did you do this?

    Link Generator. Didnt you ever use it at the

    BTF?Ah. No, I avoided graphics, PowerPoint, all

    that. Except for maps. I cant live without maps.

    Thats crazy. Generator is the perfect tool for

    all your little insurgents. Besides, this is a map . . . a

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    people map. Human terrain. We need to get you up to


    OK, should we start with our Afghan


    Yes! Jenna rubbed her hands together, led

    him down the wall three sheets, and pointed to a small

    photograph of a mans head. Barzai Ramatullah,

    younger brother of Malik in Denver. Her finger traced

    a line from Barzais photo to a cartoon figure

    representing Malik on the next sheet over. Spreading

    out from Malik was a wagon wheel of lines connecting

    to the other Denver Afghans and Arabs Mark had

    highlighted in his report, with follow on lines from

    them to the areas of significance Mark had unearthed

    so far. Mark noted with dismay that his whole

    analysis took up about one quarter of one of Jennas

    Link Generator sheets.

    Jenna r e tur ned her f inge r to Barza i

    Ramatullah. So, big picture. In early 2000 Barzai

    helps 9/11 hijackers Hazmi and Mihdar set up shop in

    San Diego when they first arrive in the U.S. and later

    in 2000 does the same for 9/11 hijacker Hanjour.

    She traced her finger along a line from Barzai to the

    bottom of the page. The line continued from therethree sheets down to a sheet that contained nothing

    but the 19 9/11 hijackers, organized by their mission

    teams on that day, and spokes from each of them that

    reached across the entire Link diagram. She walked

    back to Barzai and pointed to another line that moved

    up to a group of photographs. This is the San Diego

    cell. Im still trying to figure out whos in charge, howtheyre organized, and what their ultimate purpose is.

    Barzai seems to be tied to all of them and keeping

    things organized, but I dont think hes in charge.

    Afghans never run the show in Al-Qaida. For all their

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    pan-Islamic bluster, they look down on Afghans like

    classic bigots all over the rest of the world.

    Thats a good point. I cant prove it, but Ive

    got the same hunch in Denver. Even though the

    Afghans are running around doing the footwork, I

    think a Saudi is calling the shots.

    Im glad you brought that up. One of the

    things I thought we could do this week is a group to

    group comparison. I think itll help us draw up a

    template for how they operate and to anticipate their

    moves. Let me keep going with my orientation for


    Mark took the cue and held his tongue.

    She pointed back to the group of Barzais

    associates. They seem to be more logistics and less

    operational and theyve got lots of ties to the three San

    Diego hijackers. This one is Adnan al Kayoumi, Saudi.

    He used to work for the Saudi Civil Aviation Authority.

    He helped Hazmi and Mihdar open a bank account,

    find an apartment, and co-signed their lease. Im still

    trying to see if he had a hand in helping the other

    pilots into flight school.

    This is Abdullah Jawash, Yemeni. When

    Hazmi and Mihdar came to San Diego in Feb 2000Abdullah drove them around everywhere. He

    translated for them when they were applying to local

    flight schools.

    Incidentally it looks like Hazmi and Mihdar

    washed out of pilot training early because of their poor

    English. This probably explains why they ended up as

    muscle hijackers even though they were more seniorAl-Qaida operatives than almost all the other 9/11

    team members. I also believe it is very significant that

    these guys came to San Diego first and far earlier than

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    the other pilots. But thats deeper stuff. Well get

    back to that.

    Jenna walked over to the conference room table

    and picked up a ratty looking notebook from one of the

    stacks. I just got my hands on this. A couple months

    ago the Bureau got this from a source. It belongs to

    Jawash, the Yemeni. Its some sort of journal and is

    dated before 9/11. He seems to have had

    foreknowledge of the attacks. Its not definitive, but it

    talks about planes falling from the sky, mass killings,

    and hijacking.

    She replaced the notebook in its exact spot on

    the table, returned to the diagram, and pointed to the

    rest of the San Diego group in a sweeping arc. Most

    of these guys live in the same house. My boys out

    here have a source in the house which has produced a

    lot of this material. This one is Osama Baradallah,

    another Yemeni. Omar Warbashat and Yasir al Hamdi,

    Saudis. Imad al Rabinah, Jordanian. Theyve got a

    stash of Al-Qaida videos. Afghanistan, Chechnya,

    Bosnia, all that stuff. They bring in cash from Saudi

    for operations, forge drivers licenses, that kind of stuff.

    And they are all followers of this guy, Imam Anwar

    Aulaqi, another Yemeni. Interestingly, he kind ofdropped out of sight mysteriously in late 2000, pretty

    much the same time that Hazmi and Hanjour

    relocated from San Diego to Arizona. In early 2001

    Aulaqi resurfaced in Virginia. Dougs trying to get a

    team member into the FBIs DC field office to work the

    case, but running into roadblocks so far.

    Mark held up his hand and meagerly asked,Can I ask a question?

    Yes, smart ass.

    He pointed around the room at the massive

    Link diagram. This is huge, but the stuff youve

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    shown me so far on San Diego and Denver fills about

    one to two of these sheets. What is the rest of this?

    Well, really its mostly overseas connections.

    Links from Agency and NSA reporting. She pointed to

    her Agency laptop on the desk.

    Mark pointed to the boxes of FBI files along the

    wall. What about all this? I assume this is the

    source of all these diagrams.

    No, she chuckled and pointed at the files on

    the conference table. These are the FBI files Ive been

    through. Then she flashed him a charming smile,

    batted her eyes, and laid a hand on the large stack of

    file boxes. I was hoping youd help me go through


    I see. When you heard I was coming for a

    longer trip you figured you had a captive audience.

    Slave labor.

    Come on Mark, please. He could see why the

    agents were putty in her hands.

    Of course. Thats what Im here for.

    Great. So heres the thing. Our central

    purpose is to unearth the U.S. network, right? So as

    you just pointed out, theres a lot of material on the

    wall here, but most of it is the links back to overseas.I want us to tackle these boxes and find the U.S.

    connections. Weve got San Diego and Denver. Theres

    definitely something were missing in Arizona. So the

    real question, to me anyway, is what was happening

    out here in the West?

    Sounds fun. Do I get to check into my hotel or

    should I just plan on sleeping here? Mark said with asmile.

    * * *

    They had been at it for three days when they

    made the big breakthrough. Mark had found a memo

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    from the FBIs Phoenix Division in one of the files. At

    first he scanned it, as he had hundreds of other

    documents the last few days. Then he had to go back

    and read it in full. He looked up at Jenna, not sure

    how to explain what he had in his hands.

    Theyd spent nearly all their waking moments

    together, meals included, discussing the case. They

    found that they really enjoyed working together and

    both seemed to be driven by a similar fire to solve

    mysterious puzzles. And there seemed to be

    something more as well. They got along almost too

    well, were more than comfortable with each other, and

    were learning to read each other very well. Although

    Jenna was physically attractive, Mark felt a new level

    of interest with this person who seemed to be a

    kindred spirit of sorts. But he told himself not only

    was it unprofessional, but it risked ruining what

    seemed a promising friendship, so he had said nothing

    and done nothing, which was what he usually did


    Jenna realized Mark was staring at her.


    He shook his head. Um, remember when I

    asked you about me getting badged here, you know,cleared to look at all this stuff?

    Yes? And? she made a so what gesture with

    her hands and face.

    And . . . you said dont worry about it. Well,

    Im worried about it again.

    Her face and tone got softer. Come on, just tell

    me.OK, he sighed. Ive got a memo here from FBI

    Phoenix, dated July 2001. They knew.

    Who knew? Knew what?

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    The FBI, at least that division, was tracking Al-

    Qaida operatives in the U.S., taking flight training.

    This Agent in Phoenix tried to sound the alarm bell!

    In Phoenix?! Let me see that! Mark handed

    her the document. He watched the excitement on her

    face as she read. He realized they werent connecting.

    In his mind, theyd just discovered evidence that the

    FBI had botched a major opportunity to stop 9/11. It

    would be ugly and problematic however they handled

    it, but there was no way they could ignore it. It got to

    the essence of their mission. Jenna, he realized,

    wasnt thinking about that at all. She was thinking

    theyd discovered the link to Arizona that shed been

    looking for. She was probably right.

    OK, OK, she was very excited and talking with

    her hands. There is a list of ten Muslim students at

    various Arizona flight schools. They were from all

    over, Pakistan, India, the Gulf, Lebanon. This says

    they showed an unnatural and alerting interest in

    airplane engineering and security. Its got one of the

    students in touch with Abu Zubaydah, a senior Al-

    Qaida operator in Pakistan, and establishes several

    links from the group to Al-Muhajiroun, a radical

    Islamic organization in London with ties to UBL. Shepaused while reading. Jesus! The agent here is

    actually warning of an Al-Qaida attack on or using

    U.S. airports.

    See?! What are we going to do with that?

    Hold on. Lets think this through. I can work

    with my boys here to look at the Phoenix students. I

    just need to do it in bits, not all at once. We need toID these guys, get a rundown of their activities, and

    find the link to Hazmi and Hanjour.

    How can you do that without being in Phoenix

    to look at the files?

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    Well, some of this stuff will be in the

    computerized files. The agents will run searches for

    me. Youre right, though, it wont all be there. But if

    we can make a link back to the cell here in San Diego,

    even if its indirectly through their common association

    with Hazmi and Hanjour, that will be enough to justify

    the agents from here calling down there and getting

    more information. The other side of it is to task the

    source in the cells house here to dig for more

    information on the Arizona connection. Ive been

    wanting to do that, but Ive needed some justification.

    This is it.

    You cant let them know that I saw that.

    Theyll freak. They trust you, but not me necessarily.

    True. Jenna sat in silence for a minute. Ive

    heard of Zubaydah. You worked the Al-Qaida

    leadership over in Afghanistan, right? What do you

    know about him or al-Muhajiroun?

    Well I mostly worked order of battle.

    Jenna shot him a quizzical look. English

    please, mister military man.

    Sorry. Military structure, capabilities,

    leadership. In other words, Al-Qaidas direct combat

    arm in Afghanistan. But a big part of that wasfollowing the logistics, which overlaps heavily with the

    Pashtun tribal forces and Al-Qaidas support

    structure across the border in Pakistan.

    OK, so educate me, she flashed him that smile

    again, then it disappeared, but stick to the point.

    Zubaydah and these guys in London.

    Alright. In the simplest sense, under UBL Al-Qaida has two wings. One you could describe as

    religion and communications, the other one military,

    which includes all the things we think of as terrorist

    related. Ayman Al-Zawahiri did and still does head

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    the religion slash communication department.

    Muhammad Atef did run the military wing until we

    killed him during the war. What you have to

    understand is that when Al-Qaida was formed after

    the Soviet war, its core was nearly all senior Egyptian

    terrorists, which is where Zawahiri and Atef came

    from. These guys are old school. But in both wings

    the guys under them that are managing the work on a

    day to day basis were more of a mix, Egyptians,

    Gulfies, Paks, and younger. And a lot of those guys

    previously ran their own terror networks which they

    folded into Al-Qaida in the late 90s. But in a lot of

    ways these networks still operate independently.

    Mark stopped when he noted that Jenna looked

    a little agitated. He held up his hands in protest, I

    know, you know some of this, but Im getting to the

    point, I promise. She remained stone-faced. Mark

    proceeded, So, under Atef in the military wing, two

    guys stand out as the most significant sub-network

    terror ist managers. One is Khal id Shaykh

    Muhammad, we call him KSM, and the other is Abu

    Zubaydah. We know a decent bit about both, but the

    problem is often the information overlaps and its hard

    to know which sub-network you are looking at.Anyway, when Atef was killed, he was replaced, but

    with someone less powerful, which raised the

    importance of KSM and Zubaydah. Any follow on

    attack is going to come through one of them.

    Good, now were getting somewhere. Took you

    long enough! She smiled and kicked him playfully in

    the shin. What about the London organization?Ive never heard of it, but it probably is a

    religious organization, fronted by an Imam, that is part

    of the communications wing. In the West these guys

    are best known for raising money and funneling it

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    back, but they could also be used for operational


    You mean providing travel cover, places to stay,

    that kind of thing?

    Yeah, exactly. Mark paused and studied

    Jennas face. You seem awfully calm. What about

    that? He pointed to the memo, still in her hand.

    Im quite excited actually, but now we have to

    focus. Dont you worry your pretty little head over

    this. You never saw it. You just fire up your laptop

    and dig into Zubaydah and London. She stood up

    and headed for the door, then turned with a big smile,

    Im sure Ill have some more leads for you after that.

    * * *

    Another three days flew by at rocket pace.

    Marks investigations hadnt gotten them too much

    farther. Hed learned that the initial read out at the

    Mothership was that KSM was the chief architect of

    9/11, but that the supporting information was still

    vague and that the Agency knew less about him than

    they did about Zubaydah and there were indications of

    Zubaydahs fingerprints on 9/11 too. Similarly, Mark

    had unearthed the basics on Al-Muhajiroun in

    London. It was dedicated to the establishment of anIslamic state, was led by Sheikh Omar Bakri

    Mohammed, who called himself the "mouth, eyes and

    ears of Usama bin Ladin," and was investigated by

    Scotland Yard after voicing support for al-Qa'ida and

    calling on young Muslims to engage in terror attacks

    in Britain. It was a good nugget but didnt advance

    their work against a U.S. network by much.The good news was that Jenna had confirmed a

    direct telephonic connection between one of the

    Arizona students and a known Zubaydah phone

    number in Pakistan. It was enough of a link to justify

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    their digging into the Arizona case via Jennas

    supporters in San Diego. San Diego FBI had their

    informant subtly probe one of the other occupants of

    the cell house about who Hazmi and Hanjour had gone

    to live with in Arizona. The informant came back with

    two names, one of which matched a student on the

    list. The second, an Imam named Dulaimi, did not

    match and Mark and Jennas respective CIA and FBI

    searches turned up nothing further.

    Mark had had another significant breakthrough

    when he found a file box with nothing but surveillance

    reports. Unlike in Denver, FBI San Diego had

    surveilled the San Diego cell in bits and pieces before

    9/11. But they didnt really know what they were

    dealing with and, just like in Denver, they never

    reviewed the results of their surveillance as an

    aggregate. As Mark did this, he made two key

    discoveries. First, there was a geographical pattern in

    the daily activities of the members of the cell house

    that took them around the perimeter of the huge U.S.

    Navy base in San Diego, with a particular emphasis on

    areas that offered visual vantage points of the larger

    combat vessels.

    Second, Mark discovered that during an eveningin August 2001 when the FBI was watching Barzai

    Ramatullah, on the way home from work he took an

    unexpected route and headed out of San Diego into

    the desert. The surveillance team judged that Barzai

    was heading for Las Vegas, and called ahead

    requesting Las Vegas FBI pick up his surveillance after

    he crossed into Nevada. Jenna checked with the SanDiego agents and learned that Las Vegas FBI failed to

    ever pick up the surveillance, but they recalled that

    Barzais car was sitting back in front of his house in

    San Diego the next morning.

    Mark Jameson


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    Jenna pointed out that some of the information

    on her charts came from detailed timelines of the 9/11

    hijackers activities in the U.S., which were compiled

    from credit card data, airline data, phone records, and

    other similar information by Dougs team at Langley.

    Jenna remembered from discussions with the team

    that one of their biggest question marks was Las

    Vegas. Atta and the other three 9/11 pilots had

    conducted numerous cross country reconnaissance

    flights that often routed through Las Vegas, and on at

    least two occasions the team leaders and other key

    team members held meetings there. After a quick

    check with Headquarters, Jenna confirmed that the

    night Barzai went to Las Vegas was one of the

    confirmed dates that Atta, Hazmi, and Hanjour were

    meeting in Las Vegas.

    Jenna had begun to write a second analytical

    overview, but Mark had implored her to touch base

    with Headquarters first. Marks intuition, or his

    spider sense as he liked to joke, was still tingling

    hard about the quick shift in attitudes he had

    experienced before leaving Denver. Mark was afraid

    that if Jenna published the results of the FBI Phoenix

    memo, she would find the same situation in SanDiego, where she had obviously made far greater

    strides in winning the FBIs confidence than he had.

    Theyd had a heated but respectful debate over this

    until Mark blurted out, partly without thinking about

    it, that he just didnt want her to get hurt. Jenna was

    surprised and relented. David had agreed with Mark.

    Something was going on. Write an internal memoonly, hed ordered. Put it on disk and hand carry it

    back to Headquarters in a secured courier pouch.

    As a peace offering Mark had offered to buy

    Jenna dinner, a real dinner, not something to eat as

    The Silent Hunt


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    they rifled through files. He was not surprised when

    she said yes, but he felt the butterflies return. They

    had a fabulous, genuine Mexican meal on an outside

    patio in Balboa Park, enjoyed some margaritas, and

    reviewed the last 10 days worth of work. But mostly

    they had fun.

    You know what that thing reminds me of,

    Mark said, referring to Jennas giant link diagram as

    they walked away from the restaurant down the wide

    Spanish colonial boulevard that ran through the

    center of the park. The Bayeux Tapestry. Mark

    chuckled until he noticed the blank look on her face.

    Come on, you dont know the Bayeux Tapestry?

    No, but knowing you it either comes from a

    history book or a comic book, she jabbed back with a


    I guess Im predictable. History it is. Its a

    gigantic tapestry on display in Normandy, nearly a

    thousand years old. It depicts the Norman invasion of

    England in 1066. The thing is hundreds of feet long

    and wrapped all around the walls of this museum.

    He looked at her blank face. I guess you had to be


    You may be predictable, but youre cute, sheoffered, grinning again. He was enjoying her beautiful

    smile and forgot to speak.

    She filled the void. So, you looking forward to

    going back to DC?

    I guess. Itll be nice to see some of the BTF


    What about David? I got the impression youguys know each other well. I heard hes a real hard

    ass. Thats good, those slackers in the BTF need it,

    she joked. But then she realized that Mark wasnt

    with her anymore, but lost in thought. Shed made a

    Mark Jameson


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    mistake and wanted to fix it quickly. She liked where

    they seemed to be going. She stopped walking and

    grabbed his hand. He stopped and refocused on her.

    Im sorry, Mark. You havent said anything

    this week about Afghanistan. Is that whats bothering

    you? Wanna talk about it?

    Mark took a deep breath. No. I mean I do

    but, he looked at her hand, holding his, and softened,

    not now.

    Im not a big believer in long distance

    relationships, she blurted with some determination,

    but I really like you. Mark was a little shocked and

    again forgot to speak. Jenna leaned in and gave him a

    long, soft kiss.

    Come on, she said. Take me home.

    The Silent Hunt


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    Key Terms and Acronyms

    AK TheAK-47is a7.62mmassaultrifle first developed in theSoviet Union byMikhailKalashnikov. It is also known as aKalashnikov, an"AK.

    Allah Uh Akbhar Arabic for "God is Great", it is a

    commonIslamicArabic expression, used as both aninformal expression of faith and as a formal


    AN/PAQ-1 Infrared laser designator used by

    forward observers to obtain target range and designate

    targets. Lightweight, handheld, and battery operated.

    AN/PRC117F Man-portable, tacticalcombat-netradiofor the transmission of voice and data traffic upto theTop SecretlevelAN/PVS-7 Standard U.S. Army night vision

    goggles in the 1980s-90s

    Arty Artillery

    ASAC Assistant Special Agent in Charge

    AWACS Airborne Warning and Control


    BTF Balkan Task Force

    B-52 Long range strategic bomber in

    service with U.S. Air Force since 1955

    COS CIA Chief of Station

    CIA Central Intelligence AgencyC/O CIA Case Officer or Operations


    COLT Combat Observation and Lasing



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    COPS Chief of Operations. Key position

    within the CIAs headquarters divisions.

    CT Counterterrorism

    CTC CIAs Counterterrorism Center

    CTC/UBL CTC team dedicated to analysis

    of / operations against Usama Bin Ladin

    CTC/USA CTC team dedicated to analysis

    of / operations against Al-Qaida inside the U.S.

    C-17 (Globemaster) Largemilitarytransport aircraft in service with the U.S. Airforcefromthe early 1990s

    CH-47 (Chinook) A twin-engine,tandemrotorheavy-lifthelicopter in service with the U.S.Army since the 1960s. AKA Shithook.

    DAGR GPS Defense Advanced GPS (Globaly

    Positioning System) Receiver(colloquially,"dagger") isa handheldGPSreceiver used by U.S. forces.DCI Director of Central Intelligence.

    CIA Director and unofficial chief of U.S. intelligence

    community until creation of Director or National

    Intelligence post after 9/11.

    DEA U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency

    DI CIAs Directorate of Intelligence

    DOCIAs Directorate of OperationsDi di U.S. Army Vietnam era slang

    meaning Lets get the hell outta here.

    Dragunov 7.62mm sniper rifle developed in

    the Soviet Union

    The Farm The CIAs primary training

    facility, located in southern Virginia

    FBI U.S. Federal Bureau ofInvestigation

    FISA Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978

    p r e s c r i b e s p r o c e d u r e s f o r t h e p h y s i c a l a n d

    The Silent Hunt


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    electronicsurveillance and collection of "foreign intelligence

    information" between "foreign powers" and "agents of

    foreign powers" (which may include American citizens and

    permanent residents suspected of being engaged in espionage

    and violating U.S. law on territory under United States


    Force Recon U.S. Marine Corps'sspecialoperations forcesthat conduct deep reconnaissanceand intelligence operations

    FRAGO U.S. Army slang for

    Fragmentation Order. Shortened version of Armysstandard Operations Order, typically abbreviated by

    changing / dangerous situations.

    F/A-18 (Hornet) Supersonic, carrier-

    capable,multirole fighterjet, designedtodogfightandattack ground targets. In service withU.S. Navy since the late 1980s.

    GITMO Slang for Guantanamo Bay,location of U.S. Marine Corps base and Al-Qaida

    detention facility on the island of Cuba.

    Glynco U.S. Law Enforcement Academy

    (Glynco, Georgia)

    GPS Global Positioning System

    G-3 German 7.62mm assault rifle

    developed in the 1950sHallway File CIA slang for rumors / mistakes

    that are unshakable and follow an Agency employee

    throughout their career

    Mark Jameson


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    Han P U.S. Army slang for Han Pijesak,

    Bosnian mountain town that was headquarters of

    General Ratko Mladic (the Butcher of Srebrenica)

    HUMINT Human Intelligence

    ICE/INS Immigration and Customs

    Enforcement. Post 9/11 merger of the Immigration

    and Naturalization Service (INS) and the Customs


    IMU Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

    IRA Irish Republican Army

    IRS U.S. Internal Revenue Service

    ISI Pakistans Directorate for

    Interservices Intelligence (primary intelligence agency)

    JT Jamaat al Tabligh. Non-violent

    Muslim missionary group, often used by Al-Qaida for

    travel cover.

    JTTF Joint Terrorism Task Force

    Kalashnikov See AK

    Karzai Hamid Karzai, became President

    of Afghanistan in 2002 with U.S. backing

    KLA Kosovo Liberation Army. Also

    known by Albanian acronym UCK.

    Klick U.S. Army slang for kilometer

    KRLKhan Research LaboratoriesKSM Khalid Shaykh Muhammad, a.k.a


    LT U.S. Army slang for Lieutenant

    LTD Laser Target Designation

    operations, see AN/PAQ-1

    LZ Landing Zone

    METT-T U.S. Army planning acronym:Mission, Equipment, Troops, Terrain, Time

    MI-5 U.K.s counter-intelligence and

    security agency (internal service)

    The Silent Hunt


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    MI-6 U.K.s Secret Intelligence Service

    (external service)

    Mogadishu Site of 1993 Blackhawk Down

    incident during which a U.S Army Special Forces/

    Rangers operation went awry, resulting in hours of

    bloody street battles

    MP Military Police

    Muhj Muhjahidin. Interchangeable for

    Muslim holy warriors, Afghan freedom fighters. CIA

    slang for Islamic terrorists/insurgents.

    M-1 Abrams main battle tank, in

    service with the U.S. Army since early 1980s

    M-4 Shorter, lighter version of U.S.

    Armys primary assault rifle, M-16A2. M-4 was widely

    used by U.S. Special Forces in 1990s and began

    replacing M-16s as the Armys primary weapon after


    NCO Non Commisioned Officer

    NE CIAs Near East Division

    Northern Alliance United Islamic Front, known in

    the West as the Afghan Northern Alliance, was a

    military-politicalumbrella organizationuniting Tajiksand other ethnic groups against the Taliban during

    the Afghan Civil War in the 1990s.NSA U.S. National Security Agency

    NSC U.S. National Security Council

    NWFP Pakistans Northwest Frontier


    OP Observation post

    OPCON U.S. Army acronym for

    Operational Control, indicating when a unit istemporarily put under control of another unit

    OSS Office of Strategic Services the

    CIAs WWII predecessor

    PDB Presidents Daily Brief

    Mark Jameson


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    PFC Private First Class

    PKM 7.62 mmgeneral purposemachine gundesigned in theSoviet Union in the1960s

    PLO Palestine Liberation Organization

    QRF Quick Reaction Force

    Quantico FBIs primary training facility,

    located on Quantico Marine Corps base in Virginia

    ROE Rules of Engagement

    RPG-7 Widely-produced, low cost,

    portable,shoulder-launched,anti-tankrocket-propelled grenadelauncher. Originally developed inthe Soviet Union in the 1960s.

    SAC Special Agent in Charge

    SAR Search and Rescue

    SATCOM Satellite Communications

    SECDEF U.S. Secretary of Defense

    SINCGARS Single Channel Ground and

    Airborne Radio System, the primary combat net radio

    used by U.S. military forces

    SF Special Forces

    Snags U.S. Army (derogatory) slang for

    locals in Bosnia

    SOGCIAs Special Operations GroupSrebrenica Site of 1995 massacre of

    Bosnians Muslims by Bosnian Serbs

    STU Secure Telephone Unit. Family of

    U.S. Government securetelephones. Latest, STU III,was introduced in 1987 by theNSA.Thuraya A regionalsatellite phoneproviderwidely used in the Middle EastTop U.S. Army slang for the senior

    NCO in a unit (term of respect)

    UBL Usama Bin Ladin, a.k.a. The


    The Silent Hunt


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    UCK See Kosovo Liberation Army

    UHF Ultra High Frequency designates

    theradio frequencyrange between 300MHzand3GHz(3,000MHz)VHF Very High Frequency designates

    the radio frequency range between 30MHzand300MHzVil U.S. Army Vietanam era slang for


    WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction

    105s Slang for artillery, 105mm being

    one of the most widely used artillery munition calibers

    in the world.

    10TH Mountain U.S. Armys 10th Mountain


    101st U. S. Army 101st Air Assault


    Authors note: The author chose to follow the

    practice of depicting Arabic words without the English

    letters e and o, a common Lebanese practice. (E.g.

    Usama vs. Osama, Al-Qaida vs. Al-Qaeda)

    Mark Jameson


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    September 11th 2001 Hijacker


    AA Flight 11


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    UA Flight 175


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    AA Flight 77


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    UA Flight 93

    Photo Images


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    About The Author

    The author captures over fourteen years of

    unique government experience in this thriller

    about hunting Al-Qaida. He started as a U.S.

    Army officer with two tours in Bosnia. During theArmys initial deployment to Bosnia, he led a

    scout platoon that tracked the number two war

    criminal in the Balkans and kept the Serbs most

    dangerous units from reigniting the war.

    In 1999, the author joined the CIA as a

    military analyst and was immediately put to work

    on the Agencys premier analytical unit, the

    Balkan Task Force. For the next three years he

    was part of a small team that tracked Balkan

    insurgent groups in minute detail, wrote daily

    intelligence analysis for the White House and

    senior Washington policy makers, and forward

    deployed to the Balkans to aid CIA operationsofficers, the U.S. military, and NATO allies in

    turning off several brewing Balkan crises. The

    author received several citations for critical


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    warning memos to senior policy makers and for

    his role in averting new Balkan wars.

    Shortly before 9/11, the author became a

    CIA operations officer. After the attacks he

    deployed across the U.S., Canada, and the Middle

    East to assist the FBI in piecing together its

    multitude of cases related to the attacks. In 2003

    he received a commendation from the Director of

    the FBI for his role in combating terrorism inside

    the U.S. In 2006 the author left CIA for thedefense industry. He has a Masters Degree in

    Security Policy Studies from George Washington

    University and lives in the St. Louis area with his

    wife and two children.

    The Silent Hunt