I daily silver state. Thuri Iny..AiijmiI 19. 1*75 SAX FRANCISCO STOC K KKPOUT. Last Kvenlnif’* Board. 265 Meadow Valley G%. 6 175 Raymond & Fly 46. 45%, 45 045 Eureka 36, 30%, 37%, 205 Jackson 1% 50 K K 5% 100 Prussian 2 450 Leopard 17, 17%, 17% 270 Gila 4%, 4% 60 North Relle 28, 27 575 Geneva 2%, 2% 535 Goldeu Chariot 1, 1%, 1% 250 North Chariot 75c 500 Empire (Idaho) 50c 100 War Eagle 1 1000 South Mountain 1 75 Puuper 25c 120 Poorumu 4, 3% 500 Illiuoia 4% 100 Tiger 50c 100 Jefferson 4 223 New York 4, 4%. 4%, 4% 220 Occidental 5%, 5% 230 Senator 1% 150 Sheridan 1% 110 American Flat 3%, 3%, 4 200 Tyler 1%, 1 765 Woodville 2%, 4%, 3 150 Mint 55c 50 Lady Washington 2%, 2% 400 North Carson 35, 40c 2030 Andes 4%. 4%. 4% b 30, 4 460 Monumental 60c 1300 Midas 4%. 4%, 5 75 O. G. Hill 2% 30 Niagara 75c 430 Cosmopolitan 40, 37%, 40c 350 Leviathan 1%. 1% LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. ♦-;- Personal.—G. P. Harding, Attorney at law, of Donglas comity, is taking a look at Wiuuemucca with a view of re- moving here and practicing his pro- fession iu this couuty. He has held the office of District Attorney iu Doug- las county, where he has practiced at the bar for several years.Com- missioner Nichols, of Paradise Valley, was in town yesterday. He says farmers in the valley will get through harvesting about the last of next week, alter which threshing will begin. Nathan Levy, of N. Levy & Co., and Col. Hardin, of Quia River Valley, left last eveniug for San Francisco. Owl. J. H. Baxter, United States army, wws a passenger on yesterday’s train, on his way from Washington to San ^ Francisco. W. B. Morris, Super- intendent of the North Western Stage Compuuy was in towu last night. Bullion from Vakiville.—A Deuio * one of the owners of the Badger mill and mine at Vuryville arrived in town yesterday, with a bar of bullion weigh- ing over 50 ounces, and valued at He is of opiuion that the mines iu that sectiou will yet astonish the natives. The camp has, so far, been tailoring under many disadvantages. It is re- mote from the railroad, and the dis- coverers of the mines have to rely on their own muscle and energy for their development. No outside capital has yet found its way to the camp; but not- withstanding these drawbacks miners are hopeful, feeling satisfied they have good mines, which will sooner or later attract the atteutiou of the outside world. To add to their discomtiture, at present water is scarce iu Bartlett creek, as it is throughout the country this season, and there is not sufficient to run the Badger mill, w hich is pro- pelled by wuter power. Banditti Sheridan. Lienteuaut General Sheridan left Chicago last Sat- urday for a visit to the Pacific States, •ud will probably pass here next Friday or Saturday. Mauy persons have a curiosity to see the uiau, who after a week's residence in New Orleans stated with military if not mathematical ac- curacy the number of political mur- ders that had been committed in the Htute of Louisiana siuce the close of the war, and who also wanted to have all who did uot concur in the Kellogg us- urpation proclaimed banditti and shot by the troops, who are supposed to be organized for the protection of peace- able citizens, irrespective of party or their political opinions. Bartlett Cheek ore.—A load of ore from an extension of the Independence ledge at Bartleet creek arrived at the Huuiboldt Reduction Works last night, and there is more from the same place on the way here. ... ..— Hotel at Uolconda. Louis and Theophile Lay are buildiug a fine hotel atGolconda Station. The foundation is completed and ready for the super- structure. Statistics.—The following items of interest are compiled from the County Assessor's boohs for the fiscal year 1875. There are in Humboldt county 16 quartz mills, containing 125 stamps; and two grist mills containing six run of stone. There are 3,423 horses, 368 mules, 10 asses, 10,380 cows, 4,090 calves, 20,893 beef cattle, and 200 oxen. Of sheep there are 30,031; Cashmere and Angora goats, 500; hogs, GOO; chickens, 6,800; tnr- keys. 63; feese, 47, and of ducks, 1,300. Malicious Mischikp.—E. W. Brad- ley and S. D. Cooper of Paradise Val- ley, were brought to town yesterday by Constable Pryor, upon a warrant is- sued by Justice Davis upon complaint of W. A. Killingsworth, who accuses them of mulicious mischief. The com- plaint alleges that the accused shot and killed two steers and shot and wounded eight others, the property of said Kil- lingsworth. Defendants were admitted to bail, and-will be tried as soon as wit- nesses can be subpeuatd from the val- ley. Goose Creek Mines. We were shown a specimen of ore from the Goose creek mines last evening. It was from a box of samples which were being taken to Hun Francisco for assay. The ore was blue as indigo, and un- doubtedly contained considerable sul- phate of copper, and perhaps a little silver. ——■ ■. --- Cruelty to Animali.—Three com- plaints have been entered in Justice Davis’ Court against a teamster for cruelty to animals. It is alleged that he stuck a knife blade two or three inches long in one animal; and gouged an eye out of another with his thumb, aud maltreated the teams in his charge generally. A Fink Hpkcimkn.—A specimen of gold bearing quartz weighing 22, pouuds from the Badger mine at Bart- leit creek, has been on exhibition in town for several days. It is prelty well peppered with the root of evil, and is said to be a fair sample of the ore pro- duced in the Badger. Beef Cattle.—Six car loads of fat cattle for the Han Francisco market ar- rived here last night, and were Unloaded at thtr railroad cattle yards to rest and feed until to-night. They were shipped from Ilalleck station fey the Dodd | Brothers of Roby Valley, and Rtock men say they are in prime condition. Wool Shipped from Battle Moun- tain.—County Assessor Buckner in- forms us that James S. Swan, has | graded, packed and Hhipped from Bat- tle Mouutain station this season 311,- 700 pounds of wool. This constituted the bulk of the wool crop of Lander, Nye, Eureka, White Pine aud Elko counties. Gone to California.—Rev. J. D. Hammond of Austin, Presiding Elder of the M. E. Church of this district, passed here yesterday on his way to California. His health has been poorly this summer, andiie goes to California by advice of his physician. The Reason Wht.—Id reply to an inquiry which appeared in the Silver State last week relative to the Gila mine, the Eureka Sentinel says the reason why the company do not de- clare large dividends is because they are building a mill which costs a dollar or two. -.. Wires Down.—In consequence of a break in the telegraph wire we are un- able to give this morning's report of the Stock Board, and the usual amount of telegraph news. Freight for the North.—Three teams belonging to Moore, Maguire and Arnold, left here last evening with 50,- 000 pounds of freight for Silver City. Two stacks of hay containing some thirty odd tons, the property of Doc. Shepherd, of the South Fork of the Humboldt, were. burned last week. The Independent says the fire orig- inated from the igniting of matches left exposed to the sun upon bedding near the stacks. Panamint, in the expressive language of the day is “played out.” Not more than fifty men remain in the camp. A large quantity of the new twenty- cent pieces are ready for delivery at the San Francisco Mint. MISCELLANEOUS. W. F. STEVTN8, BRIDCE STREET, Winnemucca, Nevada, _DKALK* nt.... $ DRUGS ^ MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, VARNISHES PAINTS, COLORS, WIN BOW GLASS, OILS. TOILET ARTICLES, PERFfMERY, POCKET CT’TLERY BRC8HE8, STATIONERY, TOBACCO, ETC., ETC. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS For Medical Use. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded de24 tf W. F. STEVENS. GREAT REDUCTION .Ilf.... Drugs and Medicines Kennedy’s Medical Dl.rovery. .91 25 Ayer’s and Hall's Sarsaparilla 75 Hall’s Balsam and others....... 75 Hair Restoratives... 75 Other Medicines in proportion. PRESCRIPTIONS, 12% Cents per Ounce- PAINTS AND OILS Down to the Bedrock. W. F. 8TEVEX8. Winnemucca, Jnly 20, 1875—lrn NEW DRUG STORE. T. K. STEWART & CO., East Side Bridge Street, Op- posite Central Uotel, WINNEMUCCA.NEVADA Have on hand a full and complete assortment of FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Chemicals, Varnishes, Paints. Oils, and Patent Medicines in Endless Variety. (''ILOSE ATTENTI >N WILL BE GIVEN j to calls from the Medical Fraternity, and Prescriptions will be put up with the greatest care by T. K. 8TEWA11T, well known in this commuui’y. je29tf MARCUS C. HAWLEY & CO. Corner J &. Second Streets, SACRAMENTO.CALIFORNIA Wholesale Dealers In HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, STEAM ENGINES AND MILL AND MINING GOODS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. OUR STOCK 18 COMPLETE IN EVERY Department and our price A8 LOW aa any house in the State for the same class of goods. We handle none but wbat we know to be FIRST-CLASS ARTICLES, and always keep the latest-improved Marines which are known to be good, and preferable *o the older sty les. Soldi: AGENTS for the coast of BUCKEYE REAPERS AND MOWERS, Barnes' Revolving Rakes, Tayl<* Sulky Rake, Hay Loader and Rake, Haines' Headers, Gold Medal Separators, Moline Wind Mills, Trade Engines, Challenge Spring Wagons, bchuttler Wagons. K3T Send for Catalogue of onr Machines, and upon application we will give prices to Dealers and Miners for all supplies they may need. We guarantee our Prices AS LOW as any house in the State. mh31 Gluts p u rdinT wood, AGENTS EOR WINNEMUOCA. Grocery and Provision Store. M. HOFMAN Has opened a new grocery and Provision Store nest door to Bowman's Furniture Stora, Bridge Street, Wlnnenawcca. He ia now ready to supply the citizens of this place and vicinity with every variety of Gro- ceries and Provisions at the lowest Market Prices. He keeps constantly on hand Fresh Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Hams, 8uga;\ Codfish, Mackerel, Cabbage, Lettuce, Onions, Buck- wheat and Graham Flour, Kraft', oi all kinda, Candles, Nuts, Stationery, etc. aul? tf MISCELLANEOUS. IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT ....AND..:. CONCEDED ....BY ALL THOSE.... BUYING GOODS ....or.... E. REINHART & CO. ....THAT THEY GET.... Better Goods AND BUY THEM FOR LESS MONEY ....THAN OF ANT OTHER.... ... House in the Country To those not apprised of such fact, we again proclaim DON’T BE DECEIVED! ....GO TO.... little reinmart, He says if he has not got the way to win you, he will surely sell you Goods Cheap Enough io CAIN YOUR CUSTOM, And from what everybody says HE IS AS GOOD AS HIS WORD TRY SIM! And Save Your Coin. E. REINHART & CO.. Bridge Street, Winnemucca. inh6 tf A CARD. At the urgent and repeated re. quests of the principal Merchants and Mining Companies of SILVER CITY, IDAHO, AND VICINITY N. LEVY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in General Merchandise Have perfected arrangements for doing a GENERAL FORWARDING ... .AND. ... Commission Business. ttf~ Freight will be forwarded as PEK ORDER of Customers, with promptness and dispatch. MARK GOODS CARE Winnemucca, Nev. Winnemucca, August 7, 1875. au7 lm V. LEVY & CO. SETTLE UP. AS I r ESIRE TO LEAVE THIS COUNTY for a few months the coining fall, I de- sire to settle up my business before leaving. All persons having claims against me are re- quested to present the same, and all those indebted to me are requested to call and settle their accounts. JAMES MANNING. Wlnnemuoca, August l'J, 1875—tf SETTLE UP. A LL PERSONS KNOWING THEM8ELVE8 J\_ to be indebted to the undersigned, or having claims against him are requested to call at his office in Uniouville, and settle up immediately. GEORGE M. MILLER. Unionville, August 4,1875.—Jw ■- f-—---*- AIX KINDS OK JOB PRINTING neatly executed at this office. MISCELLANEOUS. J. E. SABINE, 2k WATCHMAKER & AWli JE WE LEE, Bridge Street, Winnemucca. CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, ETC. FURNISHING GOODS, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, HARDWARE, Family Groceries, CIGARS, TOBACCO, FRESH & CANNED FRUITS. By the Bag, Gunny Sack or Oar Load |y Goods delivered in any part oi town free. fel tf P. W. Johnson & Co. FORWARDING' ...AJfD. ... COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (Successors to Sisson, Wallace k Co.) Wholesale and Retail Dealers General Merchandise GROCERIES AND CLOTHING, Comprising, in fact, a regular BONANZA OF GRANGER MERCHANDISE. GOODS MARKED IN CARE OF “J. cfc CO.” WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. my!2 tf 26 PER CENT. SAVED By Buying Your Goods AT THE RED FRONT! NEW GOODS CHEAP FOR CASH. JUST RECEIVED: a,000 lbs. Choice Japan Teas: a,000 lbs. Extra Grain Coffee: 500 Cases Assorted Can Goods, And a well selected stock of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Fresh Butter and Eggs ALWAYS ON HAND. 20,000 “CIQARS And s large assortment of PLUG and SMOKING TOBACCO. CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS BOOTS AND SHOES Of the Latest Styles arrtl Finest Qualities. California Fruits made a Specialty. Particular attention paid to filling Orders. F. C. ROBINS, Red Front Uwilding, ■it if Wiiimkiuucea, New.

The Silver state. (Unionville, Nev.). 1875-08-19 [p ]. · 2019. 12. 20. · I daily silver state. Thuri Iny..AiijmiI 19.1*75 SAX FRANCISCO STOC K KKPOUT. Last Kvenlnif’* Board

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Page 1: The Silver state. (Unionville, Nev.). 1875-08-19 [p ]. · 2019. 12. 20. · I daily silver state. Thuri Iny..AiijmiI 19.1*75 SAX FRANCISCO STOC K KKPOUT. Last Kvenlnif’* Board

I daily silver state.

Thuri Iny..AiijmiI 19. 1*75


Last Kvenlnif’* Board.

265 Meadow Valley G%. 6

175 Raymond & Fly 46. 45%, 45 045 Eureka 36, 30%, 37%, 205 Jackson 1% 50 K K 5%

100 Prussian 2 450 Leopard 17, 17%, 17% 270 Gila 4%, 4% 60 North Relle 28, 27

575 Geneva 2%, 2% 535 Goldeu Chariot 1, 1%, 1% 250 North Chariot 75c 500 Empire (Idaho) 50c 100 War Eagle 1

1000 South Mountain 1 75 Puuper 25c

120 Poorumu 4, 3% 500 Illiuoia 4% 100 Tiger 50c 100 Jefferson 4 223 New York 4, 4%. 4%, 4% 220 Occidental 5%, 5% 230 Senator 1% 150 Sheridan 1% 110 American Flat 3%, 3%, 4 200 Tyler 1%, 1 765 Woodville 2%, 4%, 3 150 Mint 55c

50 Lady Washington 2%, 2% 400 North Carson 35, 40c

2030 Andes 4%. 4%. 4% b 30, 4 460 Monumental 60c

1300 Midas 4%. 4%, 5 75 O. G. Hill 2% 30 Niagara 75c

430 Cosmopolitan 40, 37%, 40c 350 Leviathan 1%. 1%


Personal.—G. P. Harding, Attorney at law, of Donglas comity, is taking a

look at Wiuuemucca with a view of re-

moving here and practicing his pro- fession iu this couuty. He has held the office of District Attorney iu Doug- las county, where he has practiced at

the bar for several years.Com- missioner Nichols, of Paradise Valley, was in town yesterday. He says farmers in the valley will get through harvesting about the last of next week, alter which threshing will begin. Nathan Levy, of N. Levy & Co., and Col. Hardin, of Quia River Valley, left last eveniug for San Francisco. Owl. J. H. Baxter, United States army, wws a passenger on yesterday’s train, on his way from Washington to San ^ Francisco. W. B. Morris, Super- intendent of the North Western Stage Compuuy was in towu last night.

Bullion from Vakiville.—A Deuio *

one of the owners of the Badger mill and mine at Vuryville arrived in town

yesterday, with a bar of bullion weigh- ing over 50 ounces, and valued at

He is of opiuion that the mines iu that sectiou will yet astonish the natives. The camp has, so far, been tailoring under many disadvantages. It is re-

mote from the railroad, and the dis- coverers of the mines have to rely on

their own muscle and energy for their

development. No outside capital has

yet found its way to the camp; but not-

withstanding these drawbacks miners are hopeful, feeling satisfied they have

good mines, which will sooner or later attract the atteutiou of the outside world. To add to their discomtiture, at present water is scarce iu Bartlett

creek, as it is throughout the country this season, and there is not sufficient to run the Badger mill, w hich is pro- pelled by wuter power.

Banditti Sheridan. — Lienteuaut General Sheridan left Chicago last Sat-

urday for a visit to the Pacific States, •ud will probably pass here next Friday or Saturday. Mauy persons have a

curiosity to see the uiau, who after a

week's residence in New Orleans stated with military if not mathematical ac-

curacy the number of political mur-

ders that had been committed in the Htute of Louisiana siuce the close of the

war, and who also wanted to have all who did uot concur in the Kellogg us-

urpation proclaimed banditti and shot

by the troops, who are supposed to be

organized for the protection of peace- able citizens, irrespective of party or

their political opinions.

Bartlett Cheek ore.—A load of ore

from an extension of the Independence ledge at Bartleet creek arrived at the Huuiboldt Reduction Works last night, and there is more from the same place on the way here.

— ■ ... ..—

Hotel at Uolconda. — Louis and

Theophile Lay are buildiug a fine hotel atGolconda Station. The foundation is completed and ready for the super- structure.

Statistics.—The following items of interest are compiled from the County Assessor's boohs for the fiscal year 1875. There are in Humboldt county 16 quartz mills, containing 125

stamps; and two grist mills containing six run of stone. There are 3,423 horses, 368 mules, 10 asses, 10,380 cows, 4,090 calves, 20,893 beef cattle, and 200 oxen. Of sheep there are

30,031; Cashmere and Angora goats, 500; hogs, GOO; chickens, 6,800; tnr-

keys. 63; feese, 47, and of ducks, 1,300.

Malicious Mischikp.—E. W. Brad- ley and S. D. Cooper of Paradise Val- ley, were brought to town yesterday by Constable Pryor, upon a warrant is- sued by Justice Davis upon complaint of W. A. Killingsworth, who accuses

them of mulicious mischief. The com-

plaint alleges that the accused shot and killed two steers and shot and wounded eight others, the property of said Kil- lingsworth. Defendants were admitted to bail, and-will be tried as soon as wit- nesses can be subpeuatd from the val- ley.

Goose Creek Mines. — We were

shown a specimen of ore from the Goose creek mines last evening. It was from a box of samples which were

being taken to Hun Francisco for assay. The ore was blue as indigo, and un-

doubtedly contained considerable sul-

phate of copper, and perhaps a little silver.

——■ ■. ♦ ---

Cruelty to Animali.—Three com-

plaints have been entered in Justice Davis’ Court against a teamster for

cruelty to animals. It is alleged that he stuck a knife blade two or three inches long in one animal; and gouged an eye out of another with his thumb, aud maltreated the teams in his charge generally.

A Fink Hpkcimkn.—A specimen of gold bearing quartz weighing 22, pouuds from the Badger mine at Bart- leit creek, has been on exhibition in town for several days. It is prelty well

peppered with the root of evil, and is said to be a fair sample of the ore pro- duced in the Badger.

Beef Cattle.—Six car loads of fat cattle for the Han Francisco market ar-

rived here last night, and were Unloaded at thtr railroad cattle yards to rest and feed until to-night. They were shipped from Ilalleck station fey the Dodd | Brothers of Roby Valley, and Rtock men say they are in prime condition.

Wool Shipped from Battle Moun- tain.—County Assessor Buckner in- forms us that James S. Swan, has

| graded, packed and Hhipped from Bat- tle Mouutain station this season 311,- 700 pounds of wool. This constituted the bulk of the wool crop of Lander, Nye, Eureka, White Pine aud Elko counties.

Gone to California.—Rev. J. D. Hammond of Austin, Presiding Elder of the M. E. Church of this district, passed here yesterday on his way to California. His health has been poorly this summer, andiie goes to California

by advice of his physician. The Reason Wht.—Id reply to an

inquiry which appeared in the Silver State last week relative to the Gila mine, the Eureka Sentinel says the reason why the company do not de- clare large dividends is because they are building a mill which costs a dollar or two.

-.. ♦ —

Wires Down.—In consequence of a

break in the telegraph wire we are un-

able to give this morning's report of the Stock Board, and the usual amount of telegraph news.

Freight for the North.—Three teams belonging to Moore, Maguire and

Arnold, left here last evening with 50,- 000 pounds of freight for Silver City.

Two stacks of hay containing some

thirty odd tons, the property of Doc.

Shepherd, of the South Fork of the

Humboldt, were. burned last week. The Independent says the fire orig- inated from the igniting of matches left exposed to the sun upon bedding near the stacks.

Panamint, in the expressive language of the day is “played out.” Not more

than fifty men remain in the camp.

A large quantity of the new twenty- cent pieces are ready for delivery at the

San Francisco Mint.



Winnemucca, Nevada, _DKALK* nt....







For Medical Use.

Prescriptions Carefully Compounded de24 tf W. F. STEVENS.


Drugs and Medicines

Kennedy’s Medical Dl.rovery. .91 25

Ayer’s and Hall's Sarsaparilla 75 Hall’s Balsam and others....... 75 Hair Restoratives... 75

Other Medicines in proportion.

PRESCRIPTIONS, 12% Cents per Ounce-

PAINTS AND OILS Down to the Bedrock. W. F. 8TEVEX8.

Winnemucca, Jnly 20, 1875—lrn


T. K. STEWART & CO., East Side Bridge Street, Op-

posite Central Uotel,


Have on hand a full and complete assortment of


Chemicals, Varnishes, Paints. Oils, and Patent Medicines in

Endless Variety.

(''ILOSE ATTENTI >N WILL BE GIVEN j to calls from the Medical Fraternity, and

Prescriptions will be put up with the greatest care by T. K. 8TEWA11T, well known in this commuui’y. je29tf


Corner J &. Second Streets,


Wholesale Dealers In




OUR STOCK 18 COMPLETE IN EVERY Department and our price A8 LOW aa

any house in the State for the same class of goods. We handle none but wbat we know to be FIRST-CLASS ARTICLES, and always keep the latest-improved Marines which are

known to be good, and preferable *o the older sty les. Soldi: AGENTS for the coast of

BUCKEYE REAPERS AND MOWERS, Barnes' Revolving Rakes, Tayl<* Sulky Rake, Hay Loader and Rake, Haines' Headers, Gold Medal Separators, Moline Wind Mills, Trade Engines, Challenge Spring Wagons, bchuttler Wagons.

K3T Send for Catalogue of onr Machines, and upon application we will give prices to Dealers and Miners for all supplies they may need. We guarantee our Prices AS LOW as

any house in the State. mh31 Gluts


Grocery and Provision Store.


Has opened a new grocery and Provision Store nest door to Bowman's

Furniture Stora,

Bridge Street, Wlnnenawcca.

He ia now ready to supply the citizens of this place and vicinity with every variety of Gro- ceries and Provisions at the lowest Market Prices. He keeps constantly on hand Fresh Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Hams, 8uga;\ Codfish, Mackerel, Cabbage, Lettuce, Onions, Buck- wheat and Graham Flour, Kraft', oi all kinda, Candles, Nuts, Stationery, etc. aul? tf






....BY ALL THOSE....





Better Goods

• t» AND • •




House in the Country

To those not apprised of such fact, we again proclaim


....GO TO....

little reinmart, He says if he has not got the way to

win you, he will surely sell you Goods Cheap Enough io

CAIN YOUR CUSTOM, And from what everybody says



And Save Your Coin.


Bridge Street, Winnemucca. inh6 tf


At the urgent and repeated re. quests of the principal Merchants and

Mining Companies of



N. LEVY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in

General Merchandise Have perfected arrangements for doing a


... .AND. ...

Commission Business.

ttf~ Freight will be forwarded as PEK ORDER of Customers, with promptness and dispatch.


Winnemucca, Nev. Winnemucca, August 7, 1875. au7 lm V. LEVY & CO.


AS I r ESIRE TO LEAVE THIS COUNTY for a few months the coining fall, I de-

sire to settle up my business before leaving. All persons having claims against me are re-

quested to present the same, and all those indebted to me are requested to call and settle their accounts. JAMES MANNING.

Wlnnemuoca, August l'J, 1875—tf


A LL PERSONS KNOWING THEM8ELVE8 J\_ to be indebted to the undersigned, or

having claims against him are requested to call at his office in Uniouville, and settle up immediately. GEORGE M. MILLER.

Unionville, August 4,1875.—Jw ■- ■ ■ f-—---*-

AIX KINDS OK JOB PRINTING neatly executed at this office.



2k WATCHMAKER & • • • AWli


Bridge Street, Winnemucca.









Family Groceries,


By the Bag, Gunny Sack or Oar Load

|y Goods delivered in any part oi

town free. fel tf

P. W. Johnson & Co.


COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (Successors to Sisson, Wallace k Co.)

Wholesale and Retail Dealers

General Merchandise

GROCERIES AND CLOTHING, Comprising, in fact, a regular




my!2 tf


By Buying Your Goods





a,000 lbs. Choice Japan Teas: a,000 lbs. Extra Grain Coffee: 500 Cases Assorted Can Goods,

And a well selected stock of


Fresh Butter and Eggs ALWAYS ON HAND.

20,000 “CIQARS And s large assortment of PLUG and



Of the Latest Styles arrtl Finest Qualities. California Fruits made a Specialty. Particular attention paid to filling Orders.

F. C. ROBINS, Red Front Uwilding,

■it if Wiiimkiuucea, New.