THE SIXTY-SECOND STUDENT SENATE The Journal: September 8, 2010 The meeting of the 62 nd Student Senate was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by Senate President Cuyler. Senator Clary led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance. Moment of Silent Reflection: MEMBERS PRESENT (First Roll Call): Senators Acosta, Alvarez, Brusseau, Chance, Chin, Clary, Costello, Dement, El Shemi, Fairbanks, Fallen, Fistel, Garrett, Gilbert, Guerra, Harper, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Kushner, London, McKinnis, Mroczkowski, E. O’Connor, Penn, Ponder, Price, Purvis, Sharpe, Slider, Smythe, Strickland, Tannenbaum, A. Thomas, S. Thomas, Wood. MEMBERS ABSENT: (First Roll Call): Aaronson, Assidon, Brady, Cassell, Drake, Ermitus, Greene, Lara, Liniger, Mechoullam, Peart, Walters, Waltz. MEMBERS TARDY/LATE (First Roll Call): Senators Georges (7:55), C. Perez (7:50), R. Perez (8:20), Virgin (8:05). Corrections: None. Student Comments: None. Special Introductions and Announcements: None. Messages from the Executive Branch: Bobby Seifter, Student Body Vice President, told the Senate that the Executive supports Resolution 62, allowing HLSU to bring a comedian that costs over $2,000. He told the Senate that he will be back next week to explain Bill 92, which will remove four agencies out of the Statutes, and if anyone want to discuss this, please see him or anyone in the Executive offices. Mitch Ghaneie, OGA Director, told the Senate state representatives at the Capitol are looking for interns and you can e-mail him for more information. Messages from Agency and Bureau Directors, and SGA Organization Officers and Employees: John Dougherty, of the PRIDE Student Union, told the Senate that there will be an “open house” at the LGBTQ Student Resource Center on Thursday, September 16, 2010, at 8 p.m. Dayron Silverio, HLSU Director, told the Senate that HLSU will start Hispanic Heritage Month on September 15, with a general body meeting. He asked the Senate to please support Resolution 62. Nick Ezell, Black Student Union Treasurer, asked the Senate to please support Resolution 64, which would allow the BSU to have plated dinners at the Essence of Ebony event on September 26, 2010. James Maloney,


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The Journal: September 8, 2010

The meeting of the 62nd Student Senate was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by Senate President Cuyler. Senator Clary led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance. Moment of Silent Reflection:

MEMBERS PRESENT (First Roll Call): Senators Acosta, Alvarez, Brusseau, Chance, Chin, Clary, Costello, Dement, El Shemi, Fairbanks, Fallen, Fistel, Garrett, Gilbert, Guerra, Harper, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Kushner, London, McKinnis, Mroczkowski, E. O’Connor, Penn, Ponder, Price, Purvis, Sharpe, Slider, Smythe, Strickland, Tannenbaum, A. Thomas, S. Thomas, Wood. MEMBERS ABSENT: (First Roll Call): Aaronson, Assidon, Brady, Cassell, Drake, Ermitus, Greene, Lara, Liniger, Mechoullam, Peart, Walters, Waltz. MEMBERS TARDY/LATE (First Roll Call): Senators Georges (7:55), C. Perez (7:50), R. Perez (8:20), Virgin (8:05). Corrections: None. Student Comments: None. Special Introductions and Announcements: None. Messages from the Executive Branch: Bobby Seifter, Student Body Vice President, told the Senate that the Executive supports Resolution 62, allowing HLSU to bring a comedian that costs over $2,000. He told the Senate that he will be back next week to explain Bill 92, which will remove four agencies out of the Statutes, and if anyone want to discuss this, please see him or anyone in the Executive offices. Mitch Ghaneie, OGA Director, told the Senate state representatives at the Capitol are looking for interns and you can e-mail him for more information. Messages from Agency and Bureau Directors, and SGA Organization Officers and Employees: John Dougherty, of the PRIDE Student Union, told the Senate that there will be an “open house” at the LGBTQ Student Resource Center on Thursday, September 16, 2010, at 8 p.m. Dayron Silverio, HLSU Director, told the Senate that HLSU will start Hispanic Heritage Month on September 15, with a general body meeting. He asked the Senate to please support Resolution 62. Nick Ezell, Black Student Union Treasurer, asked the Senate to please support Resolution 64, which would allow the BSU to have plated dinners at the Essence of Ebony event on September 26, 2010. James Maloney,


IRHC Director, announced that they are having training for Hall Government on Sunday at 12 p.m. Messages from the Congress of Graduate Students: None. Messages from the Senior Class Council: None. Messages from the Judicial Branch: None. Messages from the Union Board: Nick Martinez of the Union Board reported the following: The next meeting will take place on September 15 at 4:30 p.m. in room 311 A. Performances in the Club Downunder: Comedian Kevin Shea on September 9; Vanessa Hidary, Friday, September 10; Citizen Cope at the Moon on September 12; F****D Up on September 13; SLC Concert Documentary Series on September 13, Lower Dens on September 14 and Sleepy Sun on September 15. Movies at the SLC are: The Secret of Kells, Get Him to the Greek, Blue Velvet and Film School Documentaries. See the SLC website for dates and times. Cosmic Bowling at Crenshaw Lanes every Friday and Saturday night from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. The Art Gallery is displaying an exhibit entitled “This Beautiful World” through October 1, 2010.

Messages from Campus Recreation: Chase Sampson, Vice Chair of Campus Recreation Board, told the Senate that they have finalize their budget and they will meet Friday to do the changes and will bring it to the Senate in a few weeks. He said there has been an increase in utilities at the Leach Center and all the intramurals teams are filled. Report of the Student Body Auditor: As of September 7, 2010, Senate Projects is $73,171.00.

Committee Reports:

Student Affairs - As reported in the Calendar. Budget - 9-8-10 The meeting was called to order at 6:36

p.m. Present: Senators Chance, O’Connor, Harper, Wood, El Shemi, Thomas, Garrett. Absent: Senators Peart, Chin, Costello and Smythe. The committee prepared the schedules for budget deliberations and hearings for September 20-24. Hearings Schedule: Monday – no hearings unless necessary; Tuesday hearings from 8-9:30 a.m. and from 12:30 p.m. – 4 p.m. Wednesday hearings from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 to 5 p.m.; Thursday hearings from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 – 5 p.m. and Friday hearings from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 7:11 p.m.

Finance - 9-8-10 The meeting was called to order at 6:27

p.m. Present: Senators Kushner, Assidon, Sharpe, Clary, London, Dement, Tannebaum,


Fallen. Absent: Senators Alvarez and Fistel. The committee passed Bill 89 to Second Reading. The meeting adjourned at 6:31 p.m.

Judiciary - As reported in the Calendar.

Internal Affairs - There was a motion by Chairman Hutchinson to go into Committee of the Whole since their meeting time this week fell on a holiday, the motion passed. The Senate interviewed and passed, without objection, John Dougherty for PRIDE Student Union Director.

Rules and Calendar - Chairman Chance reported that the committee

passed Resolution 60 to Second Reading. College Delegates - No reports.

Senate Confirmations: John Dougherty for PRIDE Student Union Director.

Consent Resolutions: None. Bills First Reading: Bill 90 – Sponsored by Senator Drake. A transfer of $1,300 from RTAC to Senate Projects. Purpose: to replenish funds used from Senate Projects on behalf of RTAC, which does not meet during the summer semester. REFERRED TO FINANCE. Bill 91 – Sponsored by Senator S. Thomas. A revision to the Student Body Statutes Chapter 413.8 C. Purpose: to make statutes comply with what is actually in practice for the Senate Hall of Fame. REFERRED TO JUDICIARY. Bill 92 – Sponsored by Senators Assidon and Chance. A deletion to the Student Body Statutes Chapters 1001, 1006, 1008, and 1011. Purpose: to delete the American Indian Student Union, The Institute for Conservative Studies, the Jewish Student Union and the Institute for Liberal Studies from the Student Body Statutes. REFERRED TO JUDICIARY.

Bills Second Reading:

Bill 77 – Sponsored by Senator Chance. A revision to the Student Body Statutes Chapter 401.7. Purpose: to ensure that proposed legislation is placed online. POSTPONED IN JUDICIARY.

Bill 89 – Sponsored by Senator McKinnis. A revision of $8,732.05 within Student Publications from Expense to OCO. Purpose: to purchase a printer for the office. The money for the printer was put in the wrong line when it was allocated to Student Publications. PASSED WITHOUT OBJECTION.


Constitutional Amendments: None. Resolutions: Resolution 60 - Sponsored by Senator Swift. Subject: Gratitude to Dr. Carolyn Bridger for her work as a Professor at FSU College of Music. PASSED WITHOUT OBJECTION. Resolution 61 - Sponsored by Senator R. Perez. Subject: Re-apportionment of Senate Seats. PASSED AS AMENDED WITHOUT OBJECTION. Resolution 62 - Sponsored by Senator Hutchinson. Subject: Granting permission to HLSU to spend more than $2,000, to bring Gina Brillon, a Latina comedian to the Club Downunder on October 4. PASSED WITHOUT OBJECTION. Resolution 63 - Sponsored by Senator Guerra. Subject: Revising the Organizational Fund Guidelines. REFERRED TO JUDICIARY AND FINANCE. Resolution 64 - Sponsored by Senator Dement. Subject: Allowing the Black Student Union to have plated dinners for Essence of Ebony on September 26, 2010. PASSED WITHOUT OBJECTION. Unfinished Business: There was a motion to go into recess for five minutes to wait for the sponsor of Resolution 61; the motion passed. After recess, the Senate did Closing Announcements. New Business: None.

Closing Announcements: Senator Virgin announced that Alpha Epsilon is trying to create a Chapter at the Panama City Campus and he is the Campus Editor of that magazine. Senator Guerra said that Phi Iota Alpha is registering students to vote from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Monday through Thursday in the Union. Senator Tannenbaum announced that today is a Jewish holiday. He also announced that his fraternity Lambda Theta Phi is trying to start a scholarship at FSU and they are having an eating competition to see how fast you can eat; it take takes place Saturday, at 12 p.m. on the Union Green and the cost is $10. Dr. Howard announced that the Union and Campus Recreation is having a budget training session on Friday at Noon in the Micco Room. Senate Pro Tempore Chance told the Senate to come and talk to her about Bill 92. She told the Senate that she is about getting out since she is trying out for flag football. Senate President Cuyler thanked the Senate for having an effective and efficient Senate meeting, however, he said some issues need to be debated. He said that his wedding speech was awesome and there was not


a dry eye in the place. Cuyler said the University Library Committee has been invited to Philadelphia to present a presentation at a conference. They will present the research that was done with SGA on the library renovations. Thought: Dreams are the dress rehearsal to your reality. Final Roll Call: PRESENT: Senators Acosta, Alvarez, Brusseau, Chance, Chin, Clary, Costello, Dement, El Shemi, Fairbanks, Fallen, Fistel, Garrett, Georges, Gilbert, Guerra, Harper, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Kushner, London, McKinnis, Mroczkowski, E. O’Connor, Penn, C. Perez, R. Perez, Ponder, Price, Purvis, Sharpe, Slider, Smythe, Strickland, Tannenbaum, A. Thomas, S. Thomas, Virgin, Wood. ABSENT: Senators Aaronson, Assidon, Brady, Cassell, Drake, Ermitus, Greene, Lara, Liniger, Mechoullam, Peart, Walter, Waltz. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Student Senate President Student Senate Program Assistant