THE SPIRIT F THE TI AND CAPE -BRETON J'REE PRESS. " THE NOBLEST IS THE P UB L.l C GOO D." VOL 3. SYDNEY, (CAPE-BRETON.1 FRIDAY, NOVEMIJER 1, NO, 29 . \ general expectaiidn, attend ed tbe pa· Tn th e afte rnoon, a bout ha lr.past ! cess Royal is ,'ery fre quE' II!.l y 5eCII' f1- ri!!h church. Exactly at twelve o'clock llu ee o'cl ock, her Majesty and th eld in g or rU lI lJlIIg ;!hout the pulicps. She the rOJal cartiages drove up to the Princ e, ilc c omp anied in allOlhe r car· is olmosl cu nstalilly atl t' ud('(1 by rhe church gOle, ana her Majesty entered ri age hy Lord Gle ul yon, Lady Canu- Dowa ft er, Lt dy l.yttlelOlI , liu d two l.:"nOi\1 PAPl::RS BY THE L.'\ST the chu rch, oiccompa nied by Lady ill£{ Hnd Lady C<tr oline Coc ks, drove se rv au ls. lJer R ll yal is a Glenlyol1, Viscountess Ca nnin g, Lady off for th e Fulls of s toul activ e girl, and appears to be in (;arolllle Cocks, the Earl of Aberdeen, fuur and fiv e mil es dis tant. Th e r dad the e njoym e nt of the most pe rfect th e Earl of Liverpool, Lord Gle olyon, lay for the mos t part thr ough th e ro- he alth . STEAMER. SCOTLAl'iD. (in full chieftaiu's un ifJrlO,) LurdChas. mantic P ass of Ki lli ec. ranki e_ wh ic h N ot a sing le so ldier has bee n re ta in- QUEEN V'I CTORIA'S SC<;OSD VISIT TO Wellesley, Si r E. Dowater, the Han , he r l\1;,jesty par li cul nrly .. dlllires . A ed at Blair Castl e, 11M ind eed in the Mr Ans o n, and Sir James Clark , fo o tpat h, abo u l a mi le In Ipng th, lead s di s tri ct, th e g UU IJ i il ll Sh ip o f th e R oy tt l The chu rch , which is seated for frum the pass to the fall s , but L ord I purty heing solely i utr llstt>d tn th e The I? ndillg of heT Majesty at Dun- abou t 500 pe ')ple, was only about two- UfI'fOrl UlI ll l<'ly it , .all eX ,c ee din gly -d ec , un tl1 e morn : tJg of We dnesday third s full, wliich is ruther more than c arnage Jr ove on half a mil e 't oo lar, hue luokmg lweiy of men, J'h erc nre "'wcek, anil i'le'r progress thr ough DUll"" the usual attendance', The sermon was and lo rdship dls co ve r f!d his mist ake in all abou t HiO f f t ht> m; hut th ey <dee, a nd (0 Blair Atholl, lire eVf!lIts preached by the Rev Mr Jr ville, mini s- Ily to il small l.JU: :1 whi ch .s to P . ,' !,:ke, duty in rUlations of {well t / eacl ;. ' too miui y d ays old to 3dnllt of be ing ter of the parish, who look for hi :! text ped their prog- res :f, 1 he carnages 1 heir dress and acco utrements, wilich 'IIl cta ai e rl nu w, The movement of the the first clause of the 13th ver se of the were turued, a ll d th e par- nrc of a su pe r j'Jr k i nd , ha\'e he e- II pr o- Ro yal pa rt y, s ince arrival M Blair 5lh chapler of Ye are th e ty dro rc bae k to fL llltpath. at which I ded by GlrlllyolI , hut the eXI)f 'n sc of ' have been .feY'l, :mcl of a prl . vate, but sal t, of the earth." The discour se, he r M nj eslY an ti th e p 'r ince mai ut t' uance fall s upon Ma. yet not an unintereli tir-g character. which was plain and practical , was , and, ac compa n ie tl by th e SUil t: , pr o- jesty, T hey arc ;)cc:om p nn ied bv On Wednes day evenlllg th e Queen we believe, a fair spec imen of cou n .. cee deu to th e Fa lls. Th e s ig ht \V as Ii or six pip erit who :.I t stat ed iUl ernds and Prin ce Albert confined them selves tr y. preachng, Both th e r OyR i party v(! ry imposiltlr Ofl e -aU the more so be- serenade th e inm at es uf th e "to the 'CaS1l e, taking the necess ary re- and the on.lmary au d ie nce lis tened to c au se 01'.1 he :: , ins which h ad fall eu on being the on!y killd H1 sl rumeOlai after 1.he long voyage and jour- the se r vices with mu c h attt>Jltioll, and th e pr evIous Sund ay . Ha ving vi ewed mus ic hea rd wi thin th e groun ds . 'h ey which they h ad j t accomplis hed . nn one not otherwi se inform ed could them fr om !hr ee diff e rent I)oints. her --en forenoon th ey drove hue guessed from Ihe aspe ct of the Al aj esty re tur ned to the ca rri. ge , and RI SING- FoI!CE OF It .OYAL (rOUnU8 port i on of tile pleasu e gro un ds congregation', th at th ere wus anyon e ar riv ed at th e C as tl e ab uut h al f- past E .. , in the. neighbo rhood of th e <lnd mort: distingu' ished than usu nl pr e!teol. six o 'c l oc k. Th e horse s or Lor d ' XAMPL E, - Much h as bee l! ,jn't'he eveni ng took an excur i ioll up At theconc lusioll of the sr.rvices, !lC- Gienlyoll 's carria ae r t' e al cast upon Oll r g ood City , III len'tilt. th e spl elldid " scenery of cor ding to an ancient custom still pre- the ell l rnucc to pass. and des troyed f ol',r au thor ities veen ca ug ht which, including the many "icturesque served in some rur al parish es, the el- th e ha fllf>ss but ha )pily no in ' ur to e ll the Oc ca SJ OIi of thc Que f' n's of the Fender, must have affo rd- ders went round the pews with Inng- th e pafly r ;s ult e d. I J Y \' ISl t here two ye ar s ago.. A n, tOveme- nt howe fe r, has beg un wlJJch Will l!O far ii: proce eded to a field where sheare rs ' ceeding which "' at once att r acted her' se lf remar kab ly, it is und e r- p ie of her Maj es ty-wh ose piper, we 'were busily Ht wo rk cuttil1J down a Majesty 's notic e, and iodl1' ced hf'r to s tood th e rnyal pa rty i ntend driving up 'field of She and Albe rt see k all explana ti on from l ady Glenly- Glen Tilt, Dre t old, is c mpioye d to so und t hp. pib- - en te red into cOII\' e rs01lion with som e on. The lad le \Vas not pr esent ed to Th e Ai;Jrquis of Ureadalhane is ex- rn ch e\'ery mo rnin g at o 'c lock, ' of the reallers for a short t ime, and af- the royal pe ", : -a plat e ha ving been as pected at th e Cas tl e to-mor row, und er th e wlud ows of Blair C ns tl e, as te r\Vard.i E'nlerpd into an adjoiui,ng usual pl aced at that pnrtictilar ent rance A ll so rl !i of r umo ur s are " fl ont as to a sig r. al fo r her l\hj esty lO awa ke fr om COll age. wh ere they partook of nlllk to the church , The collection amount- her Majesty 's movemeuts. It s ee m!! her s lumb ers- a few of the inhal>ltallts alJd bre ad . , ed to about fou r pounds. to be ce rt ain dial she willlOak c an e x. j) f N ewi ngton h av e a pi ;>e r to , On mornilJf! , her MnJE"sty and Mond ay was one of th e finest davs cllrsioll to L oc h Tumm cl an d L ' lch perfo rm a simi lar serv ice to th at l1 eigh- !lrin ce Alb ert ."" alked ill the g round her Maj elity has yet had in the Hi g h- Ra nnoch ; but it is also talk t> d o f t ha t lIo rh ood, T he pi pe r c ommen ce d his the ,castlc. accompanied by lands, The sun !hone forth in great 6he will vi s it Dunk eld, though thin is d uty on Tu esday , and is to co ntinu e ' tile Princess, on (lony, H illlall sple ndor ; 11Ild, with the t>J.cepti(Hl of 1I0t :i kely, . at least u'util nn her way to se re nad e th e inhabit' nlt s every being fixed o. the "nddle for her a pi\ssing cloud, which threalened but back. I I is, wc u ll derstood, c.u ufid pIIl- mor n ing oetweeu and e ig ht 0'- accoOlmod atiun . T he ROY II I part y did 11 01 pr oduce rain, there was 110 In- Iy expe ct ed at DUli kelrl, Lut litt le is c lo ck 1111 f urth er noti ce, Arr ange- . f d· , ' d b . I C mellts, we hea r, are III to as ar gate a JOln- terr uptiou the splendour o.fthc d ay , sa l a o ut t le ru - e ffect the sa me oh'e ct in G eo r a's ,ng the puhlae l Oad. and if te rwards th e In the morn;ng . befflre bre a kfll st, her mo ur of a \'ISlt to 1 ay rnolli h IS als o S I h J I h g r Prince took a sbo rt wi\ lk th e Maj esty walked up to the of revived, hq uare, ,WI t 01 0, highway. Thi s was a little fter ten O ld a short distance the Her Majesty cont in ues her ha bits of t e l own ,WII I Y 0 ow t il lS 8a tI- . o'c lock , and ailliist im media tely there· Castle. After br eak'fast his Roval ea rl y risill! r. At se ve n o 'c lo ck Pe ter tary examp e .- cot H man. I after, Prince Ai oeh, hy Hi ghn ess Pri.lce Albert, accompau i-! d McKav, h: r pi per, sounds th e pi broch tt he Ear ls of aud Ab erd eel l, by Loru Glenlyon, proeeeded to G)e n und er the winduws of the C ds ll e , woen FII1E AT DRUMLA' NIlIG CA8TU:.- lL; ord on a 10 th e gro use shoot ing About her Maj esty ril-cs, and all nrc ex pected We have just le <l. rlled that a fi 're hroke jng excurSion, a Illtle mto the 30 clock. Prince Alber{ drove her Ma- to follow her exampl e, Her out in on e of the wingsof Or uml a nri g 1'hey remaineJ fo r , a ve r y time, jesty out to the F alls' of Bru ar in a hilS also gi ven h, er lII s tructioos th at a CAs tle, o cc upi ed as the laullo ry. on b ut bri ef as pe riod "13, hiS Royal pony phaeton. They were ac comp a bouqu et of fre tl h pull ed hea, ther sha'lI Frid AY ev e ning last. It e xc . ted a g ood killed five brace of game . nied b, L ord Glenl yon and Lord he in her bedroom ev ery morni ng, to- d ea l oral arm amo llgth e 1I 0bie inm at es, H e r M nj esl)' h a" r eceived Charles WeI/elley , and fo ur se r vants On get her with a bottle of .,ure water fr om Ih e Duke and Du ch es of BlIcc le uch, , no companydwhaleve r-l tie , on ly per- horse back, After enj ay in g the __ mag- a spring in Glen t llt, famed fu r ils crys.. who were both res iding th ere at th e !Ion! in the aSl le being th e Ellris of niticence of thi s ,jew fo r some lIm-e, tal purit}'. time, After con siderable e xertion the Aberd een an. I;iverpool, Sir R. Bo- wit li which her Majesty expre ssed h' e-r- He r Majesty, \ve' may state,gene rally O:lIn('s wefe h ll ppily g ot ullli er before water, t he hon, Mr Anson, and Lord se lf highly pleased -th ey returned to is li "ing in the most pe rf e c.t re tirement. e xtending to any oth er portion of Charlel 'VcMesley. the Castle to dinne r. , . and, it is honora b le to the I,e ig h- Castle; but 1I 0t until the sUlle or apart ... On Saturday, her Majesty scarcely ' Vednesday Prin ce borhood, th at 110 ati elllpts have a!!l vet \vhich'th'e casualty o ri gin ated "", ,, Uu:d beyontlthe Castle walls, After did not ero OiJt deer stalking yeste rd ay' Lee n made to intrud e within the we re ' in a gr eat me asure consumed: nnW early JlJlcb, his R oya l Highness as was III co' mp any with c in c ts of the castle-g roun ds, Prince The n obl e Duke lent eve ry assis t ance. Prin ce Alhert went \0 the fo re!l t on Lord Glenl)on. hi s RoyaJ; R'lghness Albe rt is the constan t companion of lind to his' pr. ! sence, and to his pre,: a deer -sta lking excursion, when the proceeded t o' th'e hills of where' the Qu een in every little walk and se nce ex "' amp ie, moy be chiefly Prince shot, three Iple ndid ' stags ;n in th'e s hort space of fifty ' fi1ve mi nut eS" , pleasu re exc ur sion; but it is the illlcn- crioed Ihe !I " <Jfe ty of the splen(fjd man· ' Glen Bruar, one of thl ni weighing 15 he tir o l,lerht down se ven ( ion of his R oyal Hig hness to dev ot e a siou. 1-1'1s Grace , we regre t to ' eay, . The p'riuce.. is said' to be a ' shotl portion of every day when t he has received a slight injury it!' one ' of 90 StllIday, her Majesty, conttlf} to alld to .stonish'the' Billblatiltllrl; 1,,;11 pefmit to' fie ld spott's. <l' he prl h. Ihe aY lii •. -Ayr Ob .. r.".'


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\general expectaiidn, attend ed tbe pa· Tn the afternoon, about halr.past !cess R oyal is ,'ery frequE' II!.ly 5eCII' f1-ri!!h church. Exactly at twelve o'clock lluee o'cl ock, her Majes ty an d thelding or rU lI lJlIIg ;!hout the pulicps. She the rOJal cartiages drove up to the Prince, ilccompanied in allOlhe r c ar· is olmosl cunsta lill y atl t' ud('(1 by rhe chu rc h gOle, ana her Majesty entered ri age hy Lord Gl eulyon, L ady C anu- Dowafter, Ltdy l.ytt lelO lI , liu d two

l.:"nOi\1 PAPl::RS BY THE L.'\ST the chu rch, oiccompa nied by Lady ill£{ Hnd Lady C<tro line Coc ks, drov e se rv au ls. lJ e r R llyal H i }! hn \'5~ is a Glenlyol1, Viscountess Ca nning , Lady off for the Fulls of Tumm~lI, ~lwcen stoul active girl, and appears to be in (;arolllle Cocks, the Earl of Aberdeen, fuur and fiv e miles di stant. The rdad the enjoym ent o f the most pe rfec t the Earl of Liverpool, Lord Gl eolyon, lay for t he mos t pa rt thro ug h the ro- he alth .

STEAMER. SCOTLAl'iD. (in full chieftaiu's un ifJrlO,) LurdChas. mantic P ass of Ki lli ec. ranki e_ wh ic h N ot a sing le so ld ie r has been re ta in-

QUEEN V'I CTORIA 'S S C<;OSD VISIT TO Wellesley, Si r E. Dowater, the Han , he r l\1;,jesty par li cul nrly .. dlllires . A ed a t B lai r C as tl e, 11M indeed in t he Mr Anson, and Sir James Clark , footpat h, abou l a mi le In Ipng th, leads di stri c t , the g UU IJ iil llSh ip o f the R oy tt l

The chu rch, which is seated for frum the pass to t he falls , but L ord I purty hei ng sol e ly iutr llstt>d tn the The I?ndillg of heT Majesty at Dun- abou t 500 pe ')ple, was only about two- ale '~lyolI UfI'fOrl UlI ll l<'ly mi~~ in g' it , ~he ~ lho l c ~'Ii g h la nd er l" , .all eX,ceedin gly

-d ec , un tl1e morn :tJg of W ednesday thirds full, wliich is ruther mo re than c arnage Jrove on half a mil e 't oo la r, hue luokmg lweiy o f men, J'he rc nre "'wcek, anil i'le'r progress throu g h DUll"" the usu al attendance', The sermon was and lll ~ lordship dl scove rf!d his mis take in all abou t HiO f f t ht>m; hut th ey <dee, and (0 Bl a ir Atholl, lire eVf!lIts preached by the R ev Mr Jr ville, minis- Ily CO t lli ~Jg to il s mall l.JU::1 whi ch .s toP. ,' ! ,: ke , du ty in rUlat ions of {well t / eacl;. ' too miui y d ays old to 3dnllt of be ing ter of the parish, who look for hi :! text ped the ir prog- res:f, 1 he carnages 1 he ir d ress and accoutrement s, wili c h 'IIl c ta ai e rl nuw, The movement of the the first cl ause of the 13t h verse of the we re acconJi n~ly t uru ed, alld th e par- nrc o f a supe r j'Jr k ind , ha\'e he e- II pro­Royal pa rty, s ince th~ir arrival M Blair 5lh chapler of ~Jatthew-" Ye are the ty dro rc baek to ~ h e fLllltpa th. at w hich I ded by GlrlllyolI , hut t he eXI)f'n sc of 'have been .feY'l, :mcl of a prl.vate, but sal t, of the earth." The discourse, he r M nj eslY anti the p 'rince ali~h t ed , : ~j-r maiut t' uance fall s upo n ~) er Ma. yet not an unintereli tir-g character. which was plain and practical , was , and, accompa n ie tl by th e SUilt: , pro- j es ty, T hey arc ;)cc:om pnn ied bv fi \"f~

On Wednesday evenlllg the Queen we believe, a fair spec imen of cou n .. ceedeu to the Falls. The s ig ht \V as Ii o r s ix pipe rit who :.I t st ated iUl e r n d s and Prin ce Albert confined them se lves try. preachng, Both the rOyR i p arty v(! ry imposiltl r Ofle-aU th e more so be- se ren ade the inm ates uf th e C a~ll e

"to the 'C aS1le, taking the necessary re- and the on.lmary au d ience li stened to cause 01'.1 he ::, ins whic h had fall e u on be ing the on!y killd ~f H1 sl rumeOlai ~pose after 1.he long voyage and jour- the services with mu c h attt>Jltioll, and the prevIous Sund ay . H aving viewed mus ic hea rd wi thin th e g ro unds . ' h ey which they h ad j t acco mpl ished . nn one not otherwise inform ed could them fr o m ! hree diffe rent I)oi nts . he r --en Thur~dny forenoon they drove hue guessed from Ihe aspect of the Al ajesty re turned to the ca rri.ge, and EAI~LY RISING- FoI!CE OF It.OYAL (rOUnU8 portion of tile pleasue grounds congregation', that there wus anyone ar rived at the C as tl e ab uut h al f-past E . . , in the. neighbor hood of the Ci\~tle. <lnd mort: distingu'ished than usu nl pre!te ol. s ix o 'clock. The horses o r Lord ' XAMPL E,- M uch ~J d l ~ ul e h as bee l! , jn ' t'he e veni ng took an excuri ioll up At theconclusioll of the sr.rvices , !lC- Gienlyoll 's carria a e b~c a lli e r t ' e al c ast upon Oll r good City , III cO lJ sequelJ c~

len'tilt. the splelldid " scenery of cording to an ancient custom still pre- the ell l rnucc to tl~e pass. and des troyed f ol',r author ities h a v lU~ veen ca ug ht which, including the many "icturesque served in some rural parishes, the el- the ha fllf>ss but ha )pily no in ' ur to n."~I)llIg e ll the OccaSJOIi o f thc Quef' n's

t fa li~ of the Fender, must have affo rd- ders went round the pews with Inng - the pafl y r ;sult ed. I J Y \' ISl t here two years ago.. A n,tO veme- nt howe fe r, has begun wlJJch Will l! O far

' ~~:~~urr~~a~r~;l\~ ;:~II:~;:~ ~,~~~~:j::~ ~:;di~~ t~:~~~:"O;~h~O~:~~~~aO~;~: ce;~;~ :r.\~e~~~e~I ~J::~y ii: :~lj:.~ ;::;gl~~ ~: ::P ;~~~~J~ o~r: ;~;;::~:~ ~~S,~~l::~~ ~ty proceeded to a field where shearers 'ceeding which"' at once att r acted her' se lf re markab ly, Tq~day i t is und e r- pie of he r Majes ty-whose pipe r , we 'we re busily Ht work cuttil1J down a M ajesty 's notice , and iodl1'ced hf'r to stood the rnyal pa rty intend driving up 'field of o~ts, She and Pri rl c~ Albert seek all explana tio n from lady Gl enly- G len Tilt, Dre told, is c mpioyed to sound t hp. pib­-en te red into cOII\'e rs01lion with som e on . The lad le \Vas not presented to Th e Ai;Jrquis o f Ureadalhane is e x- rnc h e \'e ry mornin g at seH~ n o'c lock, 'of the realle rs for a short time, and af- the royal pe",:-a plate having been as pected at the Cas tl e to-mor ro w, und e r the wlud ows o f Blair C nstl e, as ter\V ard.i E'nlerpd into an adjoiui,ng us ual pl aced at that pnrtictilar ent rance A ll sorl!i o f r umours are " flont as to a s ig r. a l fo r he r l\hjesty lO awake fr om COllage. where they partook of nlllk to the church , The collection amo un t- her M ajesty 's mo ve meuts. It seem !! he r slumbers- a few o f the inhal>l tallt s alJd bread . , ed to about fou r pounds. to be certai n di al s he willlOakc an ex. j) f N ewington have enga~ed a pi ;>e r to , On F.,.~.(hf mornilJf! , her MnJE"sty and Mond ay was one of the fines t d avs cllrs ioll to L oc h Tumm cl an d L 'lch perform a simi la r se rv ice to that l1 e ig h ­!lrince Albert .""alked ill the g round her Majelity has yet had in the Hig h- R annoch ; but it is also t alk t> d o f t ha t lIo rhood , T he pi per commen ced his fe rijo,ini ll ~ the ,castlc. accompanied by lands, The sun !hone forth in great 6h e will vi s it Dunk eld, th oug h thin is d uty on Tuesday , and is to continu e 'tile Princess, on a~itt le (lony, H illlall spl endor ; 11Ild, with the t>J.cepti(Hl of 1I0t :i kely, .at least u'util nn he r way to serenade the in ha bit 'nlt s eve ry ~eat being fixed o. the "nddl e for he r a pi\ssing cloud, which threalened but back. I I is, wc u ll de rstood, c.u ufid pIIl- morn ing oetweeu s~ ve n and e ig ht 0 ' -

accoOlmod atiun . T he ROY II I party did 11 01 produce ra in , there was 110 In- Iy expect ed at D Uli ke lrl, Lut litt le is c lock 1111 furthe r notice , Arr ange-. f d· , ' d b . I C mellt s, we hear, are al~o III p ro~ress to ~ent as a r ~stheelltrarce gate a JOln- te rr uptiou t~ the splendour o.fthc d ay , sa l a o ut Il .a ~ t le ~ ~s ll e . T~ e ru - e ffect the sa me o h'ect in G eor a's ,ng the puhlae l Oad. and i fterwards the In the morn;ng. befflre breakfll st, he r mo ur of a \'ISlt to 1 ay rnolli h IS also S I h J I h g r Prince took a sbort wi\ lk ~\lon g the Majesty walked up to the villa~ of revived , hq ua re , ,WI l~ve ~Pt t ; al~ 01 t' r .parl~ 0 , highway. This was a little fter ten O ld B ~ air, a short distance fro , ~ the H er M ajesty cont inues he r ha bits of t e lown ,WII ISP~ I Y 0 ow t il lS 8a tI-

. o'c lock , and ailliist im media tely there· Castle. After break'fast his Roval ea rl y ri sill !r. At se ve n o 'c lock Pe ter tary examp e .- cotHman. I after, Prince Aioeh, a~compallied hy Hig hness Pri.lce Albert, accompau i-!d McKav, h: r pi per, sounds the pi broch t t he Earls of Li'~rpool aud Aberdeel l, by Loru Glenlyon, proeeeded to G)en unde r the winduws of the C ds lle , woen FII1E AT DRUMLA'NIlIG CA8TU:.­lL;ord Glell~yoli l &'~" W~! : (. on a Sh~O l " Br~ar 10 the grouse shoot ing About he r Maj esty ril-cs, and all nrc ex pected We have just le <l. r lled that a fi're hroke jng excurSion, a Illtle mto the 1~IJlS, 30 clock. Prince Alber{ drove he r Ma- to follow her example, H e r .M aj ~sl y o ut in on e of the wingsof O r uml anrig 1'hey remaineJ fo r , a ve ry 8h~rt time, jesty out to the F alls' of Bru ar in a hilS al so gi ven h,er lIIstructioos th at a CAstle, o ccupi ed as the laullo ry. on but brief as th~ period "13, hiS Royal pony phaeton. They were accompa· a bouque t of fre tl h pulled hea,the r s ha'lI Frid AY evening last. It exc .ted a good

~Highnets killed five brace of game. nied b, L ord Glenlyon and L ord he in he r bedroom every morni ng, to- deal oral arm am ollgth e 1I0bie inm ates, H e r M njesl)' ha" hithert~ received Charles WeI/elley , and fo ur se rvants On get her with a bottle of .,ure water fr om Ihe Duke and Duc hes o f BlIccle uch,

, no companydwhalever-l tie ,on ly per- horse back, After enjay ing the __ mag- a spring in Glen tllt, famed fu r ils crys.. who were both r es iding the re at the !Ion! in the aSlle being the Ellris of niticence o f thi s ,jew for some lIm-e, tal purit}' . time, After con sid e r able exertion t he Aberdeen an. I;iverpool, Sir R. Bo- wit li which her Majesty expressed h'e-r- Her Majesty, \ve' may state,gener ally O:lIn('s wefe h ll ppil y got ulllier before water, t he hon, Mr Anson, and Lord self highly pleased-they returned to is li"ing in the most perfec.t re tirement. extending to any othe r portion of ~he Charlel 'VcMesley. the Castle to dinne r. , . and, it is honorab le to the I,e ig h- Castle; but 1I 0 t until the sUlle or apart ...

On Saturday, her Majesty scarcely ' Vednesday morning.~'T h~ Prince borhood, th at 110 ati e lllpts have a!!l vet ments~ in \vhi c h' th'e casualty o rigin ated "",,,Uu:d beyontlthe Castle walls, After did not ero OiJt deer stalking yeste rd ay' Leen made to intrude within the prf'~ were ' in a great measure consumed : nnW early JlJlcb, his R oyal Highness as was n~ticipated, III co'mpany with c inc ts of t he castle-g rounds, Prince The n oble Duke lent every assis tance. Prin ce Alhert went \0 the fo re!l t on L o rd Glenl)on. hi s RoyaJ; R'lghness Albert is the constan t companion of lind to his' pr.!sence, and to hi s pre,: a deer-sta lking excursion, whe n the proceeded to' th'e hills of B'ru'~ r, wher e' the Queen in every l ittle walk and sence n~ 'd ex"'ampie , moy be chiefly as~ ' Prince shot, three Iplendid ' stags ;n in th'e short sp ace of fifty 'fi1ve mi nuteS" , pleasu re exc ursion; but it is the illlcn- crioed Ihe !I"<Jfe ty of the splen(fjd man· ' Glen Bruar, one of thlni weighing 15 he tirol,lerht down seven brace'or~rouse, ( ion of his R oyal H ig hness to devote a siou. 1-1'1s Grace, we regre t to ' eay, . Itone~ The p'riuce.. is said' to be a' d~adl shotl portion of every day when the wea~lIer has rece ived a slight injury it!' one' of

90 StllIday, her Majesty, conttlf} to alld to .stonish'the' Billblatiltllrl ; 1,,;11 pefmit to' field spott's. <l' he prlh. Ihe aYlii •. -Ayr Ob .. r.".'



'rHE Q.U E&N.-Since ou r last, Itle bono through the boot which h ewore. that he made usc. of i.gal means, by sufficing apology ind iU8t~ation is t()1 Queen has bl"ell enjoying in rude He lin2ered till Tuttlday the 17th cur· gathering peopl e together it: large be found ill what he bas done and what health, the plea~ures of her mountaiu rent , when , arler len day8 of intense though peaceful masses, to petitio" the he is. Th at Illan is but a fribbJe who re:Jidenee inthe l-li ghlandsofScotI8I1d . boLlily luffering, he died rejoicing in aame power that :nade the law to un .. lorgeHillg O'Connell'!:Ilahours and "ie. T he splendid scellery the hracing ai r , the hope which his meek and holy life make it . Now, though it c.an le yery torie&, turns aside, II in aromatic plin," the ilH'ignratin g exercise, add the early, so emint:ntly a~orned.· easily tihown that the repeal of the Act from the unlnouriues8 of his e-pilhew risiug Ilt Blair Athol, c an be traced, we of Union is " foolish aud R9chievou, And lhe COnnielle!:!s uf his devices.-are told by sturdy chronicl ers of the Fuu! A="D Loss OP Two LlvEs .- as w~1I al a hopeless object, it has De\" .. 'J;her~ are g reatE' r things th all refine ..

. rln i!y pres!f . in her l\hjesty's person A hout five o'clock on SU.nday moraing, er b.,n even attempted to be shewn meut in oratory and ac ti on i-that Rnd that of her COrl!:!ort. The physi- n fire broke out in the hOl;lse of Mag- how it comes to be more illegal to lIeek which a Grnttan, or a Curran, or a cal improvement is mark ed aud palpa- dalene Scrivenger or SteW8rl," widQ.\v, the repe81 of that act than of' auy oth .. Shiel wO!lld never have attempted­ble. Every mln'emenf ahe has made in residing in B!yth'l Close, Lawnmarkel er 00 the statute_book. It is not of O'Conuell undertook and accomplish­her rom au tic retireme nt appears not Edinburgh, which caused ber death, Incient ' date~thosfl who have been ed. He found his countrymen di3u­only to hue been witnessed, but mi- and 1l)::0 that of a mRn named Thorun prosecuted for leeking its repea l ai.ded oited and wp.ak, aud be made them nutely recorded , by-the prying aDd ill- Todd, aged fifty-five. OIl mUOD, who in ~esis.ling . its eOIClmeuLj t~e histor.J united al~d strong-he taus:ht them defatignble members of the If fourth lodged with her. Todn clme home of III blfth IS Bot -such 81 to IOvest It where thetr strength lay, and trained estate." Their nccoullts of her per- about one o'clock, mu'ch tI{e worse of witb a lIpecially ('ac red character- them to its use; he fuund them aliens ' Qllal hilbits are creditnble to the t astes drink, ·along wit~, "mar, named Cair- some of the money is not yet s~eJ1t that to the constitution. nnrJ he raised them and feelin gs of the woman and the so- ney, also 8 lodgtr in the house. was paid, some of the fIlell are not ybt 10 Ihe rigli tarof tllizf'n.hip. Mon.. y.ereign . Illdeed the facilify with which <.:airney staters Ihey found Mrs Stewart dead who were bribed, to carry il in archs and legislatures ha\'e buwed ' .. ~be can divest hcrsE'lf of the stiffneslt sitting by the fire quite drunk. They the face of the protest 'and resiatance of fore his puwer; aud even at this mOo" ,Iud • trammels of royalty I ~ppears 10 retired w bed, and about I quarter to the nation. . If ttl ,eek the repeal of menl, in spite of lII ~ny faults fwd some bave \VOU the hearts of lhe ullsophisti_ 6fe o'clock, Cai roey was awakened by tbis act is Iln illegality, it is impossible f:tilures, Da nit'l O 'ConDell , in achier­.cated ",euple among whom lhe has a.ense of suffocation, and endeavoured to see ~'here tbe doctrine is to fiod its ,ment and re llown, stands forth been thrown . JII f"xl)loring the scell&S to awake T udd, who was sleeping in 1inlitl, nor whftt ruay be the nel:t sta.. "T~e foremost man ofull lhiil worlrl." ill the Highlands frequent opportuni .. th e same Led: bu'l not succeeding, he tute t~at th~ A"orney·~eneral 'Q1o) de· There is 1, 0 1 e\'en fl ~ene rou~ Tory ties heve occurred fur f> licit ing traib burst open the door, and ga't'e the clare aacred and. unalterable: Not capalJlc of seeiug and reeJiug beyond Qr. ch arac ter ih nt the atlllosphe re of <J alarm of fife. In five minute. after the lesl danger lurkl In the second cha,rge.,. the petty .hales and prE'jud,,~etJ of the Cou .. t, with il~ accompanying pagean- notice reached the Pulice Office, Mr that the means used-tite 100eaos 01 passing day, who doe» Dot fee l 8 lurk .. try, could no t have drawn .forth; and H ardie , Ola; ter of Iht Fire Departmenl publi.c meetiDg-were _ illeg:al. The ing pride in the lI ame and achiewmellt:l iJI ctU these, the good humour, tt: aud a nUlllb~ r of the roen. were on the meetings \Vere charged as dlegal, lIot of O ' Connell. and a conviction that his kjudly feeling. the self'possession, aud spot, with the Main Office e.gine. A because they were se.cret-for they flame belongs to h.stor)'. It ;'iould lhe p.ractical ~~If~\\'d'lleli:i of the youug plentiru l s upply of wate r lJeing at hand , were held iu the f~ce of t.'ay; nQt be .. indeed have beell a national re-proach nllrl buoyallt felU<Jle ' :- PVear to' more the fire was soou got under . Lieule. CIUle they were fI.ut.ous.-for not even had such a min, aftPr rorty yean of au va QtJlge than e\'eu the 218re and nant McLellan, who happened to be- "0 app!e .ata.1I wa. anjur.etl It anyone of labour. and Iril'mph, ~e( n crushed , ~Y' Iij>lendo.ur_ of the sovere ign . No on duty, hastened 10 \he sPOl, auJ. them, but s_lmply and lateraay beca~e iuc~ " p .. ddling, . m8ke·-spift ministry c rowlled head of rl'cenllLys has shown found the eugine il_' full play; and upon ahey were nllnlel"uu~ . Th~ ab8urdlly a8 th l-t of Peel-bad a man wholi", the Sii me satisfAc1 iou iu being at hallie enteriug the hOllse, Todd was found and dlnger of . thiS d~ctrlOe do ~ot fame. is world de and will last with llllton~!'t ht'r pellple-, and tbe result is, Iyina on the be~ with ' bls f~et on the need I word or. all".trlllou. It IS IIm- hi. counUy'! history, been mastered Ihat lhe ft! eling ~ reci IHocate<! ;. for. floo;. H-e was immedl.'ately removed ,." - : d~clarallon t~at ooly whe» a lly men, scarce:y oue of~hom but will \¥hile· there i~ 110 sacrance, no diminu .. t o the R pyat I nfirmary, where he die1:t m~a~g . " conttmpllble and UDpOp~ - in a few years be forgotten as insigui­lioll of dil{lIity, on lhe olle hand, tbere 1n "U $hbh ti'l,he"'afte r biir.Tftnl. Mtl- r.:.U_l fII Illegal; ~ 3 n9 that P..2PUl'iUIlY .. :r.II~ fica nt , or rtmemhered ~s worse. i. au iuere'lsed. llrnount of respect and Stewart w a~ found 'lying on the kitch~n t~ .b .. ·~", t~· ,est Illd proof pt . II .. ILl1lchme llt un tbe ot her.. fl oor burnt to' a ci nder. The origin 1~aJ.ity.. . A ~hnd man may see that O'CONN'ELL, whose m·~';me~t. a~e

:I'h~ Queen, Ilt tbe ti me. \Ve write of the fire is not knuwn, I)ut it is sup. th.lS .dOCIFlDe a. w?o?errully ~&mp~ ... recorded with a dt'grre-o[ illierest not tbas, 's ou t~e Sfa .. r.eturlllng home, posed to have been caused by. burn- henl.,e : aDd,lhl~ illl the obtl~us Ill- inferior to !hose or royalty, has lefllhe where .he WIll arri ve. Oil Wed~esday iug cand le falliug "mongst a quaollty !erelt ef tbe, f,,!,el 10 uph?ld .It, lee· Irish metropolis ror his mountain borne. on Thursday ueu, In posSeSSlel1 or of shavings in the kitchen where Airs lUg thli do" meeting of .belrs 1M at all The meeting.s of the ll"peal Anocil-renewed heahh alia additional popa- Stewar t was siuing. IilreJy to be declartd jllegal on Buch· lion willc.ominue during hil absence larity. . g!'ouod,. TlNee were the el.argts on -but they "ill, b\ardly arrnt 8ltention.

IRELAND. which it WitS attempted to crush the He IS the soul of the agltallon, and the T Ar tali Si are becoming fasobiunaLJle, Irish lelder-:. and his e8cape i'i no I·e.s wand of Prospero, In olher hAnds, IS

in cOll~pq~lencu of the QueenJs .visit to THE IRISH' .TRIALS AND 'l'RIUMPH than the elcspe of OD~ ?f the pro~rle8t only a vulgar t-hi!lelagh. The bear,iog Scolland, aud the pattern bf'lng pa- \ . and mOlt val.uable pflVlltgu enJOyed.of O JCounell ,' since his rl!l e88'e haa Irnilised by her M il.lesty It I~ tbought '] The dtS~omfiture of the Peel Min i ... under the British c onstitution. beet. unu8uall y temperate. Con~ilia'­the kilts Will be&ome quite fashIOnable try, In the.r persecution 01 O'Connf'lI , The meanl" &.00, employed , in thill tloll'is now his cue. This new system 0'11 the return of her Majesty. ilt an ewent.over which the (~iend~. of prosect;lioQ. were not less di~gracefql of tacticlI is hf'ginolng to tell favorably

popul;u fights . and (ree dlscuslIJon and ~Jl.IlI.eroul than the end, aimed .at .. "pfln a luga dasts or persons who OIt·DlN,,-T'tON.-:rhe Presbytery of have, for more r~a.sons than one, abun- Tbe~ bewild~:rin~ ohlc~r~t~ ; Ifnd intt" il~lld in the nell,r al position-upon

A}' r met at Dl1ll11t! lmgt~n .on 1J1~uriday daut reason to ~ejolce. Even .had there cacy of t~e '!Jl0nsler Indlct.ment ;/1- those who have DO slrong feeling in last , for Ihe purpotie ot IOd\lcliog the beel~ no qoestlOns of a more Jlnportan\ the petufogglng,alld •. bullymg of the favor of or against the extreme partie!~ R" Mr Gilchri :o\ \ v, lhe pastoral charge and pern~ anen t cbAracter in,olve~,. we Attorney.General;. the packing of tbe ' l'hese persons felt an noyed il t his vebt­(If that Parish, vacaM by tbe tra08la· WOUld. sull havt! had eallle to .r~jbICe, jury j tbe parti.soship of the judge- Olent denunciation of Ihe "Saxon,'" 1iflO of .he R ev Mr [JoustOD to the were It but to see a lDan who, wnh all will aend the' autltGn of th.s pers~cu .... and of the ill hlotd which such an. lJarony ofGorbals. Th_is se ttlemellt is. his great raults, has done so much and tioo down to polter"y as men who, in array . ostile racel! genetaied. Upo", in e\'ery reSpl:CI, a mOll t harmoniou. deserted' io well, baflle Ind put to seeklng tocrusb a formidable enemy, them In imprc;!ssiol1 bas now to ba Olle. Mr Oilcbrist, we understand, ! ham8 such persecutora as the Peel set a.ide not. only the substance but made. Rumors pre.ail that Govern-. wa~ , il~Ir Q(~Ucert LO lhe cOIlWt'.gstion;()J} M in.istry: . with thei r packed jury and the ~ery dece~lIcie8 ot jIlSIice-; .. aud ~IO ment med itate. Lhe a~optioQ of Itrool Sunday. IQst by tbe Ref Prlnclpal ·Mac .. partisan ,tAdge. _ yet, from hU'lDg auemped .to be · ,wick- me.suree to put down the machinery, rarialle of Gla.go.... . But there wer~ maUen Dlare imp'orl ed a~~,e th~ir ability, ouly fUcceeded whicb keep. the &epe~ 1 movement go-,.

- tant than a paulng party or persona io rllllnr hun '0 a mNe powerful po- ing. The subdued tltue of ,be Irill\; IsLE 01' SK.n:.-M ELAKCH01"~ DKATII triumph. in,olvN in the persecution 10 sition, and ill bl iDling 0 0 "hem"el,es leader is attributed by IOrnf to his de .. .

OF THt.: REV. MR. F.NL.U~80N ... -OU happily foiled. If the relult had been the scom and the nJitlh of tbe whole lire to ward off sueh 8 blq~ .• Others, Saturday evelllllt(, 7th CUrrp.Dt. wbile other.wise, the bolsted right of' public couuuy. . imagiue that by 10wtriRg hi, . de~ands, . thl! 1lt:v Johu . Finl.yson"of. the Er~. meehftlr would, so (.sf' at· leut as re- A part,. bo.e,er , .from the extent ' to without compromising ~il ~con.istency " <':hure~l congreJation it Bracadale-, gardslreland, have been but If a' lJIook- which important puhtic interest. were he will rally round h.im many. who think, ~ was proceeding with Mrs Finla-,son in ery, I delusion, and I snare." Dislike involved" 'there i. IOmelhing ill the 'that Ihort of a M'peal or tbe union a gill from Duuvegan to Strulln, about of O"t.'onnell "e- obiect ~ and diltatlte to· ~.racte!' a04 pOlition of ~he : prosecu- mea~urea for tqe Itmelioraticiu of Ire: three miies (10m the latter place the warda lOany ofhis' 8ayinga Ind 'doings tora and the prosecQted. which should land eould be adopted .... th Slfety, 8n~ horses ¥larted, wben both were thrown -in both of which "eHiool we h~ar- -increne t-he joy: felt at O 'Connell'l ueo w~th advafllage. Q 'CODDtHl'$. frOID tbeir aeats with great violence. tily paniC-pile-are apt to cluse many ,ictorj. O 'Connell-haa g.reat and rna- recent> taoticft are matt embarrassing.­Mrs Fill !ayson was fORlparatively UD- to o,erlook the real Datu~e Iud full nifold fault .. ; ~ut his meriu and his to: the ministry than if he pursued Ik

. hurt j but, we, lalDPtJ\ to a,ay,. that the scupe of tbe charges on which be was senice. are rar more great and rnani .. 'resolute oourse; Iud. the hood ' w.hicq. iuju,,~. · receif~.J bv Mr Finlayson have arraigned. The two ma:n charges .cold. Some excuse for his 'faiIiVI" ~derah8m up'pean to be.Jailiing upo~· pro,,~c.I fa1al :,. Oue of his legs was were-that he sought an illegal end in might be f~UDd ia lhe Ichool in which thoee wt.o repudiate R~peal, is evi."

' e readfully fractured, the "iolence of se.eking the repell of aD let of Parlia .. he wu traiaed, and ia the material, deneB of the fact. Tbe Coro'oratiqtt ~e .hoc~ bei~i ~.~.~9 ... ~o farce Ih. 100ni i:~lIod Iho ,Aclof Union; I.d with w~~b h~ h.~ 10 deal; but his .all · of Dubli. witn •• ,ed tbe olh~r ~'1 tbo.

tI' .. I... " I L ~


____ ~ _ _ .. ___ _ _ :±:5 ______ ___ ~ ,... ~ __ ~ __ -___ ____ __ _ _ "-:±

tiingular IlDUlBilf or ~ C:onservalive o( 1J1:~2ialice to the l!;n.g~ish; crown ~ut ( Go~eame~t beljt;.~ed him wro.ng, r:w- by the pe~li:\nt~~·. at au .t! •• Ir fi01fr iI'S member or lh&1 b()(ly bfl'lgll~g.rQrw~rd l JUi~erlln.g firm!:), herl ~i;dlt )}O be 1/{OV_ cla!m~d hut,me.ell.ng9, lind arrested hun- the I,notnmg, and un thetroad leaa,jug:

• !8, motion to secure, a triennial Parh,- erned ,by h~~ sRn". t 9A\eers.) Q~ rs se. f. , If he was flght-HUd the reversal to the south ornamented archt:~ ,,,pre. ment . i!l, Dublin. T.~e 1)101~O,!." fell is.a coulltry that !o,ghfto be ree, 8n~ of hiS 6e~lence.lhow!llh~t.he \US ~jgh t ~,r ect~d by the admirers of the .Ilon . througb a technie~ IIIfornHllu)" but must be/ree. Sh, llits lleen too loug -there II Dol 10. the British emplre:1 Agitator." who"le progre~s, 10' hi::i l&e project elicited jfrom " O'Connell a sunk in pr9~iucial ~a:radation-'5h~ more aggrieved .mln. What can . be ".nlOu ntalll ho~e" was on~ continued .a.-eecb which strongly showeCt the s~d. mU l t be tbe Sisler ~ncJ co·eq~a l or En- ~orse. l ~un 10 ~rlOg to the bar . of ~us- tnu~ph . At LI ~erick. Neoagh, allrl cess of his recently adopted system ,or gla~ld and n o l contllJue the Ilate orany UCe- aD lUlloceut mall, to enli'lll up,on other plAces 110 hi S route, he deJil'f'rell throwi ~g oil onl Ihe, ~rpub.led wDters. Jap!). . (Che~re,) ~{ld to a~~' our r p-r~ - h~m t~qu~anel~pr , 'puuuds expeD~e ~~l ~rief btiL energetic add resses., decJar­

\O',Conn,~ 1I'8 gr~,~~ .. ~~J:~C~ , I,t4, ~h r.1 t'he pefJa ~arke~11I1g ti7",tp jt~e ,'Isla gl??Jllf hIS defellce (110 mnlter ,hy ',,,hom paid IIllt th at there !jboul~ he neilhe ~ tiur. eR;orts( for tl\e r~s 0f'ILlD1J ,of tb~ 'par~ lhrough J\v~lCp we belH.ld tlie ~.pmplg -It :callJft from :the cjaplq~l, o~ th,e cour.l- rencte~ nor compromise of the R. epe~1 ~iamel1 t 01;11, partake more ora uMlonal dawn qf Insp /reedoUl ' No~ we are try), ~o deb;lT h j Ul for montl~s from illS Question. . '

·.ENGLA.ND. and less of a sectirian charlu~ ter, He Iriumptiant to oight-we are ce l ~brat .. usual a.'ocatioD8, and in the eull to has beeil tolerably succelsful since his tng oQr triumph-:It is , ~ ni q""tioll fCH ~ast ~i'",. an ,old an ti toiJworn mall, release in fiahin(T for recrui ts amongst h eland and freedom, IQd, the glorious J IlIO a ,Rn:j.o l"! .,for se,eral mornhs 1~ (he ranks of hi-s ~pponenll. . 4 prospect of liberty shinls bright ' al\d Tbis -:is ,3 Slain UpOIl British just ice; L1 VEltPOOL, October 4, : 844. t

It was whispered , flame time ,b~ ~k, steady before us. (Cheers.) , \Vt!I. are !,\ , ~S io~~I\ tha,t Jreia nd will yet avenge j COLI.tERY EXPLOSloN-Fr.wnTFuL that .,!h e Whig leAders had enteretJ Jh to cel ~,btijth}i' A "rl\l~ph. t A celt!brated It IS ~ lllShol~pllr that 'lhe miliiull s With Lo~~ 01-' LIFt:: -One of the~~ lerrl ble -n compact with O'Connell, to , BUPP?rt F;reneh generA~ h,as rightly asserted,! th,e p,ik,e / wil)"oue day wash out with cllia'mill es, 3U explosiou o f lire..'rhpllp..; a Federal movement ifhe wfluld live that difficulty ~o~s lIot ll consist in ob • .11\0 ~Iug~ orthe 8.axoll . lre.' and ca n attended Wi lli ' n dreadfu l sacr <: fice of up the R~pel\r. 3gi tali on.. 'l'he organ tainina: yictory, hut ) n .. , pro'filing lIy it . ne.re r for,et the 30th of May, 1844. life, ~ulJk tdace V·II Sllurdav la:s t at of the \Vhig parly, tHe ~torning Chron- (Hear., hear! ) , ~e hlle ~Ained a ~ic· ¥(hen the le't~;.r~ who were slru.ggllllg Ha::lwell colliery, silu ah:d ab~ut seven iele, has come oul dUring. t h~ last few l ory-~f\IIUII IWtlh?~t penwna) dl1li- Jegallll (for, ~!r ~oQert says I t was mil e~ froln ! I urh alil. 'r ile explO fion .day~ against 'FederAlism, from which culty to uuneJvea, fflr it c,ame n '. ,mo- leial) for the; righl~ of tJreir coulltr}, uccur~~d a~u ut 3 o'c~ock in the arter.; it would appear there c.ould h,..e~been ment that it WIS 1~'ll · e~pe~ledl a"~ were imprisoneli It)r their patriutisll r. lIoon,:It n lillie when ther C' were lIin ety ,no truth in the ruml)ur . 'I, w~ell we ~,!liciR.ted that the dark bolt "'~ll.9L, ignQwi~ly-thi~elis1{r ac~-all (J (,ille l.ersOlls, men anel boy-s, At wor k ill

af mioi.lte,~ial ,,,juftiae was shut clo:jle ... th.ia lQ.~\lle fO~ lretribution-hLs Sir Ro· the pit. One lIet uf 1Il ~ ll had just des­~l po tbe dOQr , CJ~our; P.:riJOD. .~t,. thllt belj-L ,peet eUtll!ied upon the eournry ce'lded to relie\'e another, wh~n thb

'"fO O'CONNEfLL AND THE oTUER T.A~ ,ery momept )here came: on ullseen by' his foul au~rnpt 1"0 dest roy British explosion tou i( placl". '0101 tliese only VBHIE.'. nand"tha,t st'took to pieces efery ob- la~ anti justice. He has rnude thou- four pe t.::on~ escapt· el---who were at

The grell Repeal Banquet to Mr ,tlcl~-the .prisou door was 'opened, sand"o( R.~p~aler •. . He has uOlch.ed the bottom of the bhaJI , and were savIO .()',Connell arill tbe other at.te prison- aud It waPt delfJared that Ireland had a the whole affai r, alld has.i l)crcased 0 ' - ec in cOlisequence of a p~ rti a l fall ing ,er,s toek pllt,e l.on th~ 20lh ult, in the ri"~l t~ t~k~ " lJFr, '~t;a8Urea to '~btain Corm~iI'81 pow~.r ~ lh?u,san.d fold . We ill ohile roof, whic h stop pel' the pro­Music Hall, DU,blsn, 0 .Ia r~e sq·?ue I~g,slatl"e Ip.dep,ende,nc~. , (?h~ers'l) ~fe . jllf\lo.~t l!!pl."1Cd to belle'e t1~at he gress of thn 1'0111 air. When nskc~ ,building, surroundeu With gall'erees, I10w ~re we ~q prVflt. lly It f . .61 reo IUt\el~ds Kr ~ntJUg, Ilt )e~st, a ~e~e ral }he ca\l~e of the uccident, the,!' said the which were- appropriated to th,e ule of douhllni ev~rl exer1ton- ~y. IncrelS- ~~rl~aIDent ~o lrel~ud , rhere IS Qnly state of Ihe pit IUllst be known to ,tbe' ladies, of whom were,nearly a th.u· 109 every effort-bl ,0rgaOlsmg e,ery 01lF, .. resource :-Compel the iO'~ro- ~Oll1e persons, but it does not appear , sand present. Cover~ were had ror pe~ceful energy~and by OHe and ~ II 'Pe n~ to e:.all .fo~ puwer to put d?wn the that lilly compl<Jinrs had been made. -960, and nearly ihRl number of gflh being prlp,ared to a pp~oach Ihe p ... arll .- repe~l. lD.(n·~~ent b.y force. rh~ al .... The impression of sOlDe of the colliers \lemeo were present. Mr Smith 0'· mtll.t at t~e commellc~ment nftbe nf'~t ternltu'e hi, JOID thell ranka and take is, th at du ri llL:: the late srrike there had Brien filling the cbair. Amongst the . t"::HOII With. the UIJ'i ted Ind .ambined TOUf cbloGe,-Choose." been, frOID tht: :uille being Ilnworked , c::omp81.y preeent were Lord Ftench, ,.ulce of,(~~IRnrl embr)die~ in Qur 'ed. --- an nccu lOullltioli of fire rl·amp in S'1me lb. Lord M.,o.ot~lI.blill. rOUIfl,at p- Iton •• ~lflni .. E!tilaDd '10 "nd .... ,"" Tl'!II DII}I\,I~ · .¢oa,oIlATln"'.-AI -a part, which had nul be en properly al" lie b •• hopi ... , ... 1 ClIholie pi st •• ~h&l.i 11ot". ... lin r.. nw .... _"'ked I~ .. I m~.liD' or Ih .. ~o~y ou Werl- tended tq ; and "l tllOugh il i. sl.ted 1.-wo or three Protettlnl eJerzym I, a· la' lh. pfuellce oFth A).llht,-, 80 n~ad.1 ae'uQlgtit , Dr. Maunsell, a that lamps OIl \Y were permittea to b~ bOot a dozen member. or parr ment, the!e .h.1I be h~ retl from' agitatiftl Tqr,. proposed au 3"dr~" to the , used 111 t hi~ part , une of the workOieu

" and InOIl oftbe leldlnK Ilembera ofI Qt1ul .lr.elmd 11 fllhted .. (Cheers.)- q.ue,ep • • olicninq her ~l ajes ty tn hoJd j is ~ a id to have declared, that, 011 the ilhe Repell Associalioo. Letten of ~hal 15 our ~r8t dDtr ' ln that ~gita .... I'er C"urt aod P arli amen t ill Du biiu Idar ufthe occurrellce, he wu working " pologJ were re.d, fron: • nurnber of lIofj t Our ~ut dllty II to combine to- triennia lly. From this measure, if withiu II shon chSlallce of the"" p:ut


lPeers' f~aLholic Bisbops md others whQ ~eth~r tile IrIS~ of e ~ er)' , 9~ct. and p~r~ ;tdopted, he ,anticjpnted all the advanu- wi th a ealldle, by the permission. aud ,were in,ited, The customary ,to{\StiI ~~aslOn-tQ Ilnn ei'llhct "comblne 'all J- g tl tl promised by Ihe rel'~ ill e rs. The know ledge of the viewers. The firtu ' ,haviojt been gone t rough. the heahh

j rls turen 'df ev~r'y gra d~~io'ri ~p ?pillion m~li(Hl was ,not lI ecolidec.J . Mr. D,all' l nppea rance of the f'ltal Occurrence:

.of Mr O'Cohoel and the Repeal 01 w~o agree "uh Us JO ' thlnkmg ol,e 0 Connell addressed a few words to arpse fr om ~ lOll S! of ru bbish and fuul ilhe Union was ' en from t~ e chair, thmg nec~~su,.-the: r.epeal of the uni' , lhe Coun cil p!'e,iuus to l~eir adjourn- air ill , king up th t: shaft, when the matt

I 1\1r O 'Coooe rose to retuw th anks, on. (Cheers,) 6' meDt Afler some ob5e rn tiolls de- sl ll tianf'rI at it e "iti:;: mouth at once ,and was grf.e( with oppLause of the r ~ I ~ . )./ - signed to calm 811y fears that ruitlhl be suspe·clp.d the pit hnli fired, alul Imm e· m Olt enthusi a ic character. H~ sa id TH£ MINISTRY-ORANGE FEEL)NG. entertained by the Protestants r:ga rd .. dialely aft~rwards g~ \' e the nlarm. The _There CRn I , be one amongst 1(ou' TAB fOllowinl{ eoxtraordinar1 udcle iog tbe progre~s of Repeal, he COlicIn- inte!ligeoce spread through tile village wbo supposes hat I rise in , order It) 8pp'e:l,r~~u the Nllrtllern Stalldard, the «)~t1 as fullow':l-" 1\ i ~ clear that lhing~ with the rnpi flily of lightning, aud in pour out .om sweet words to ~xpress ?,range o~::pUl" or MQllIlghall' ' I Itud c.n~ot remaill '/;qs 1 they are. 'There a' few mir.JUl es Lrollght the relatives of my gratitude No-l do not rise to ,tt (0 you ' as, 8" stlrhplc lof t!le preilient must b«: • chang~. :ulld God Jor b id ~ thal, th9se .".110 wE're down, tel th~t: p!it'.!J ~xprell Illy alitude. ' I rise ror aoo- state of fretmg, ahlOngst whatt the' Lon- that change 5hould be effected without mouth, ill all !h'e agonies of dreadfliJ ,ther, a bell r, a nobler purpose. I don &andar callj JtJeOnoge derhocra- tbe consent of men of all relilJions. I an t icipation. Auistauce was immedi­,ise to ins t' Ite you all, Ind through t:c phty in Ir~ l and :- would consider that change n~t abies .. ately procured, li nd every exertion 'You to aro all Ireland to renewed "The liberation" of O'Connell has sing, but a I cur~e, if it, were lorced fQade t, ~scer.tain the euct extVllt of ,exerlions f. the npea' of the union. tended to ehan)~e'1h. position of parties upon any po!'tion or the Irish people. the cal ~nnlY/ . and to rellder aasistance

q{Cheers,) It i~ ,ery good to" cheer- in I~eIDnd. ', 'I'he Con~erhti,e party Ev~r, hoor tells me !hat other c~mbi- \~ any w~o might have e8ca~ed .. sur. i' is very efuungto be cheered-pro- henceforth place no conftdence dwhnt. nal.Jons are auout be tog formed . fhey vlved By Sunday morning' nin ety ..

.. _ided it d S'lot last to'o Inng-(Iaugh- e,er ill the' Peel Mini~try . Th'e-'yLhave shall be me~, b)'; ~e halJ way .... to restore, jive dead bodies, many qfjthem fright­l.er)':"'-bul heering alone wm\ ' t dO--: long looked upon the present' Qo,ern- t,hose advantages to Ireland which th~ fully Illulliated, others app.lf(~ ntly with.: .e .. usl bave,. IctioDl, From this ment withlospicion and distrust, but Learned .. . Doctor would gi ,e~ 4S, but. out eXlernaluiju,y,' were bruulJh t to .pot lei ape;n e,er! man of every disgust at the deeeptiou . they"" hhe which I would be for hating eTery year. the bank, A majority of the sJfrerers

~ ere;d, ~ t, Ind p~r"yasion ~,hro~ghout puc·tileu is ilo~ the prefale~t· ~eling. W~en thet .8pi~it / ~zt.eu<t" J ~urthet w~re p018, ~ut. ~any of them were men Ireland' rally (or lreland, ' (cheers) We fetl conv,lIIeed t~at Sir Robert ~~road, ,and I . beheT~ ~1l I~ "ortpn~ .io \~lth la,r,,~ fanllilC"s, The fun eral took

" The ill rious Grauln well 'said that Peel wa. the liberator of . theh conspi_ Illtl ma~llrestatlon, Anel will appear in "lace on Monday ;- and was iudeed un tle .ato by tbe cradle of Irish inde- ruon, Ina,buitaing'""o'o tlTis belie , "e the course of a fe..,.., weeks, ,i, will to- ex~raordinary alld melancholy ~pecta­

..J -,..den -that be followed her to her must ask"ror wh at purpose were they '.ally ~~ea~ al~ re.liglQus parlisanship, cle . .netw~e n fifLy and s ix~r ,~ arfsj~ere 1 "11"&" . h1! is jnot pead , my friends-:- pro.seculed at att? If -Sir R ober! Pee) comblll1~,g all 10' lo,e of our ~oolln.ou e?lployed In conveying tile, dead 1)0-

,, ""0 on Bleeps, aod here all} ~I calling believed tbe, ol1~raged. the tI ..... , ,rid coun.tr~'.J dle!f to the plac.eo ?i interment. .' Fi fty-• 1Jpon y to lo~nd the Irump'et for her that t.lley we,re. falrly· trled , he ,hould, "".~ , four were bu re ld 10 the.burying 2ro\Juel

Inorr liou. (Cheen) Yes, .h. I~ P~lme Mmlster ,ofl Enaland, have MR, 0 ~liNJ:L,L fi . RECESB.-y,,: 9f S.0ulh Hetton Church, the others a' .hln abe mu.t riH-in· her na~ ~ID~leated th~ law IOBtea.d of r~n~er" t,: rday mo rDl (lg'·. se onlght Air o'en .. ,EaslOgt~n an~ "H allga nh vill ages, about tive ,d it,., majeJty; ... he . wilt, ar;6e, tog It a' laugh~nl.'ock to ;he na\lOl1S n~II" accompafl1e~ 6y, Mr Mrs 10'hn threF ,Ililles distant. • Tll e r~ werF thou ... • Ior.l aod_" far ImmortAl " as any -for a lauglung Btock /and I by'p-wo,~ Q Sonnell, lert 1~"errlOli ,Square,. 9 11 S~I ~el$ ofpersoQ$ prellent. fhe proce,,­

. Ihing I rthly eln.... Gne,.rully .~ • . the II .. or £njtlaod h.s becom", 0 - lh." way to De'Jrlr.lne ·-Abbey. The s,on 10 South Hellon Chureh seemed ~blll roctH in her car~ of1ibefty Connt'll waa e}th!r ·nlht or ,..rong In vll~a~es 00 the route' I." the unmedl ate t~ be one Im~e III lell~th. Many fami­Pol pi ...... g.nlly bowing llie be~d I~. mod. Or ... II'IOII'I!e.ado,,,,,. :file p.'!~t'~ of pi;&ltll .... e erowd~d hes h ... I .. t Ihr •• '" faIIr taeb. , TIjtt




d.ld belonging 10 .aeh family were I (!j®~'ll'rnIIm\ll'~II@~~o placed in st'pante carts, Rnd ea~~ fol· ______________ _

(he public rerenue is upon the decrease pate them. Happily (or ourr peaceful -R~ad9 Imd Bridgt'l Ihrou~1" the Pro. Country slich occu"rence. of 'ide are "iDee requiring eltensive repains- rarely tkllown t in it. 10weJ by Ihe friend. and rel . "ves of

the partiea. . Fur 0" Spirit of tile TiMU.

LORD · FALKLAND'S Common Schoo' Education scantilY" ACCJj)ENT.-Mr James Ironl of provided for-the Fisheries, the staple Windsor J NO'"R: Scotia, was out shoot-

The articles consumed Rt 'he tea ~ ' p BLUNDERS r.~TnAO~DIN"'RY. article of our Colonial export , calling iog soh,., , !b~rt time sinee . ,a th "'r ermitting an Impenous tempe r to for tbe fostering care oflhe Legislature, r- • n:l'1

tables of ttie United Kingdom furnisb o,euule his DeUer judgment, and caose lome eocoungement in the wa. of ~hlibLUton, .. SOD of Judge T , C .. Ba .. about ONE·'IFTH of 'he Re\'euue of,the him to .iok the gentleman in the fiery: Bounty-lhous8nds s,hould be ann~ally hburtoD; ,the g un of the lauer compa. Greal Empire J Thi •• peak. well. ror partizan. drawn from I~e Proyincial chest, to pay ni:>n hap:,.ning accidentarry to go olf, the cup .t th at cheers but not me· InsultlllJl the Speaker of tbe House our Represenaa'ti,es (or " BltiDg their the cha!"~e of .hot siruck Mr h'OM be .. briates." elf' Assembly-the first CommoDer of brelltli And the more nl.aMe time (or hi i.d II-e, earl, and passed IlirouKh the

The amount of bullion at present in Ih. Bank or England i. £15,197," 000 sterling. ~

Alder~an Gibbs WAS on Saturday last chose n Lord Mllyor of I.ondon, . . -

the ~8Dd-whilst the ParlilimeDt ,wa. in which' 'Ae J1M6lit ptryl,' 'in bll ndying .tead and Oler one of Ihe' ey~s. The' ~es810n j ~nd Ihe R:epresentatl!e of gron personl;t:"" .cro.s the ftoor of ,,"oum', thoug h snere, forttlnat~J1 ha,. Ill rge bodies of the Liberal con.tlfuen~ " the H.llu'~-jo some instance' n~lr- not prond mortal. Thkl is Ruother'" c ies. on v~.rious occasionl-the.ir s.ole Iw Ipprosimating te downright bhell. lesson to sportsmen and ol~ers, to shoW" .G. b I fl h ./ lhat the, cannot be ,m,.. nreruJ, of, fire-0.u ence emg a man y, un ID~ ID,I guardism. avowal ,o! • Wln,t o~ con6del,lc~ In bls 6, Tbat 'arge ,rant. o( the pub!ic lI..,r,",~.,.",,'=====7"'=""'''''''=''''''''' 1.1 rd.hl~ • conslI!ulIonal advl •• r~, bnd money go in rOl,.r three S.en...... THE . FREE. PRE"" C,'I' -• • -dlsajJprooatlon o~ hll Excellency s pre .. <':OLLE GE5, . • itb their sixty stu-llent...... uCf

FOREIGN. senl crooked polte,.. . eh~ tf r.n or .Ilte ,ich-whilst the oft'-FRARf: g-,-The papers announce the . PermlttlTlg the .eml.officl~1 orgln of .pring or oar P oor. ten~ of thoollnd, ,.

nrriurin P'aris of the Duk e de Gluck.s· h iS GO\'ernment-the Morn:1tC 'p'os t - Ire permitted to grow, up in almost SYlIl'IEY, OCTOBER 2li; 1844,

herg with a trealy helweeu France and to .blazon to the world such ~~aeemlr brural ignorance, U'untrainect .. the PRQ-VINCIA,L POLITICS; MoroccO", 'rh~ Emperor stipulates dOI,ngs. wilet ... re colt,n a:::t-'Oll' anotheN:ol a ..... appear two-thar fie "WIll eOOlmunicatetolbeFrench Betraying his uUer ignorance of the 7 .. It ;s of.n ~rie ... ncf'! the most politicd eom,"ouicari~s; of whicH,. governlllPnt lhe !l ames o(lhe l\1oorl!h fun damentalsofContnitu tional !Oovern .. grie'Qus that ' LOrit '?alkrand !"h~l(f, lob . . chiefs who IDvaded II e Algerian tern· mer:t, whilst avowing hit dete. J!lina~iof) .end bim'sel( t()~ttJe c6~fI"ser~ ana ithid .. ~D e RMHO r ,!e .~,..ove, .ho~gh ther rory . thAl Abd e l.~ Kadot be outlawed to suffer Ih e formation of no C.binet RDce of JAMKSW, lOnNSToN-fAe amr. u,",ol~':. Borne pOilUS with which we-'

. thro~ghoutthe African po!se~s ionlJ of in which Ho ..... ~-tlre Representative tlf td adDocate tif &ctariarr I, s(itvtionsi; entlr-elyrlisagree, To prefent the I>0s­the Emperor Ind France; thnt he may the . MeirDpolttan Coantllt '"l1.e, tlf 'Ae Ind tbus prace him,se!" in ~i~ct GpPO· IMbiWtJ of. . misuudentanJlini au Ihi. he pursu .. d hr the troops . f both gov- acknowledged L eaders of tAe ~,buals, aillon 10 the "I)~lcn~.n opnJlon!, and !CO-e; it may not be ami. 10 mentioo, crnmr.nls urlll expelled or captured ; and not $t.Cond on the score o( Influence the most importln' JOtereltls of a targe .. ' I ' h th;tt i', h~ fall into the han~s of the in , ~he R f'p resenuti"e B~a nch of the majority of this 'peopte. ; . OM paeuges to" r!c we .eke el.c.ep-- \ French, he is to I:e treated With every Leglslature---:-wa. to ~e IIlcluded; at QJ IN It GOSN-E... hOR .. I .. I'k tWs. ptac~,t"th8" alM)~' of re8pef,t dut! to his station; that Moga. the 'sa'me time av'owillg th tU iilly r.solv~ ' Syd ilCY, Oct 30. " , ~ Q. in (J corne,,",' appears to-o liJ,ok !'pon dor island and the town ofOuchd~ be to be based sole!y upon Ihe grouDd of ' - f~e p'OttptDti,. 8s1abli!Wimtntlof- Pnrt evaculItcd hy the Fi-e,nch i th~t prison .. PERSON~L PIQU~ AND ANTIPATHY, ~hu. rOIl , THJ: Ie IP l a lT OP THI: TnnS":" GO'Jernme'nt 8! • lJA'nance . No: er:oi of war he immedlntely exchanged; a,rrogall,nJ!' to, himself .a power of dicta. E ~.-A. tbe- buiW'lO ' . " , . : . :l,d that the ratificntioll of the treaty 1100 which, In the cue' of the preaent . M~:·f; DIT~RS d' g W8' dille" f,em llis 0Plnlf",.,s wldel". be exchangprl within Iwo mon,ths. Premier of Eng,llInd. the-So,ereign her .. lDte:..e let:~ a:: il ~~ ::;hJ

:, ~:: ~~;: .. tig~ ~om> d~'kne!!I_ l!hrt.r. .Go·f f rn-The J ournnl d" Clu.r publishes the self was necessHate""'lt-to ahandon. J,hG '~I .... k' h · P f . h ' men' ... tnarparaMe )lo rn· tlto idea of iii'

. h . h D ~' I 4' 111-" -"L h ' I 11\t~"",, 'A! e -I' olOe a .uc perBOu' I ~ . follOWing ~p.eec , purpnrtlllg u~ . 8ge . I lvlO g tie , querat... . \ e ren ~ D i . t.ad. ".b r ~ "':II.' perfKj- ' fP'te CCJn8titnriotio-wilbrnu it' R,. .e-1I.en reeenlly .drlre.,.rl by lite King 10 r"end. or eoncil .Iory ltri •••• r •• on1l of t! 1 ~ t:" f " .~ I ,I ~r h ),,' '- .\ .. 1'1'.... ' lot b h' ?if. F.uochefollcauld Liancourt, who peace-J6tq the' ranks oftli" c. Ultra~ r" y cap • . ' f~ .J D)aoagll~a tie es.,:,y I~ a: ,e"i:l I~~ , It" ~t~~ft WOIl .~ , .Clt ' .~ presented' 1'0 him as presirient of the and thus insuring, at the 'next electibn. OiI,ent, :ULh I~ /e&,&l~LO ~~tolltIO;. 1 nu In1 RQd .• ,R nto.ie",.- , r.orfhStanle1' Society of Ch'r isti-::Jn Morality various the predolninance of a P art, .(:to,ero. le~t au . mora::;: "t ~,~ t e~ t ro~ _a high ilulbor,r,-lhiS" deol.red tbat> addr~s!!e, \ (orward~d [0 ~in~' b'y the nl p- nt majority. and the IIcrifice ~ of :~~d~o e~~:; ; ~!r ~h:opUB'i:i~o~n:~t, II b!l Re:po1UifJIe Gn-on.t~.us.l be English .u-d . Amerl~an Soclelles ror I'u')~e who have generously lent hun when ~he will ;".ke ,hem.eh'e. wor- ttndustood PAftTr GOVE"lUI-K-.-7 .. tt"" So' the pre~rVAtlnn'urPeace'-" f al11' hap. their support-truer- and better Olen Y. d . .. ' ,

" . h dd . ,. r I than h·lm.eJ" c Ihy of II ... , confidenco an re.pecl. th'l Q. In a COTneT. Ihough ba.~ed · bw py VI receive, -ese a re!lses •. aDu lee I. A . B.. ' h d d ' f I 'J. ./ par1iclll arly g r nrifi:~d to fi~ld rhat our Sydn-ey, OCI. 30t 1844. It IS th e boun ~n /lrO I t;ery. oO,e 10 the Times and t~\MlJrnin:: Post, mtn&!

American friend s ~hot1 ld' db juslh:e fO" --- ----- see t at °lurfill

Cd' e(~mcA tnhltllt~lIon. be content to tetll\@' Colonial Se~reca-" . fh k ' ' . h fOk "TR'K 'SI'I1UT 0, THX TH.I:.... are proper y, e; or, 011 e e uca- d t L .

t Ie pl'I~ns 8.\'~ t~ en to rnal~~10 t ,e REAL GRIEVANCES. I·i·oll of the. rising generation, dt'peod ryan lie iberaM, hue it 811 therr generad peace o. urkopl", ere IS the succeu of a Young Country . it own way • \,-hile :ollger. There are '\0 a untagc In rna 1IIj!" war even 1. It iJ a real grieunce that an ha- , . h ' h ' d ~ I b' bitunlly quiet pe~ple. averse from poll'. il not 001, Dee.saary. there(ure. that, two 10rts of Party Oovernmellt· the w en ,1I l1a110n liS attame teo Ject tbe Pallutlof children should look to :! " ,. , , . for which it hns fonght, hecause ulti ~ tic-al agi lation, shollrd be driven into hnin ro er Teachers fol'" their off. rst II 8rall ~h. and II Ihe kmd • • p ught mately Ihe los&es a:e always greater the perturbed waters of pari' t.t:ife I,y . I Pb P d '1' h Id 10 be eSlubllshed by lie Liberals ' the

h . , h r d h bl d' r h h d' f h G .prlng ; Ul, enry goo CI Izen Ii ou f • •

thall t .e ~~In~, av~ eve~ prole8~e I e un ~rlllg .. 0 t e ' "eft o · leo.. feel that, having luchl

would ' be the other i. Republicllnl a~d wa" flat ooh

Ih'lll prmcll)le j wh,en I Wll: III Amk

edrlea verhhment, and' the antagonism of two lire.blood of the Counlry. 'Vhere undentood but prtlctisei by 'the Tories (ony- years agn, \VIIS ollen 8S e to or t 'ree men. , . I d ' d . ,

bl' d' d J' 2 TI I L d F Jkl d h Id Eduealton .. neg eel .... co an ""- berore Ihe pen.ve ... e. or lIpII'. rropGee ~oa st~ at pu Ie lOners. an , .•. "'.?r a an ~ ,00 per· morality are Bure to hue predominant . .> f . " ~ ,

armO'!t .. tI\'IIr~ably e"prested the Wish nst H~ ret~tnll~g ... uch a. polu.lcal Za.ny 'WI. I ho e ,heM few basty remark s wrought tbe downfall . ~ their po~r\ that' uOIverslu and ;)ermllnent peace as Almon In hilt CounCil, to the exclu- Y be b P f ' d ' th Bv the fir!, lod Je~llmale 10Ft w~ ~ho Id ~xi!lt among all nations. r was sian of the ab,lest and moet popular ~., e. 'toe b::a~lca~e ~:d u:~~g lac: u~derstand the adminisration of the. the tXller' from my country, Bnd my leaders of the People. . ruste , I P , I " , •

. d' h · h td' 3 1'h Ilh C I . I ~ h Id In Ihal respon.lble and honoroble 1\' Go .. rnmenl by an E:xec~lve In whom, anXIOU!l eSHe W8! I at It s au enJoy . a e oonla ,:,ecrerary S ou . . d ' 'd I I th I " J

peace' and Ha"ri~e"l. This is wHat" l~n J his cO~lJtenance t:D hi. LordB~ip'!I l~~~~~~o:v;a ~~~ SW :~el:ra~ir?;eac~~ t~A .. People ~ 'hrough)( l~el~l}-~pre~n"", eaused me tet .dupL· that salnt'llry P.'e· zigzag policy, and thus render Party rOU-.. •

Sh II . : . I lI,es, [hue elpressed thelf. confideo.c~

cept. I could' not then foresee tha't r Go,ernmenl. with its dietractiou't all era.· ou OCC~!l°tl r~~uITei geot e; lind subject lO remoul "~n that con~ sllotl,lrl be called upon ~ne da~ to exert but ih~_vi'.ble. . • me~~:ou may Iii or y You a:. ~:. m fidenc e be lost. Bf 'h, oll! r-anct 'mbre '"1 InBllence aDd' acl myselr I. flll;our 4. ,1 hal my Lord He nol I t ooee re- .gll A'·· . : 'h

.. oft"bat great cause., .l\lay the Almiah . moved frOID NOf. SCOtil, and sent to dne O.ctober 29 1844. LPS.A. pern}clo~a lor,t; ~ ... m~a,nll ,a~f sys~m 1y aceord'me t"h~ maintenance ofpe.ce play ttle despot over the-.erfl!' of the , Sy y, • ,so prevale,n, ,In:. !i:t! ~p.ltedS.~a~es\ by '~)"r: "ppea~ti to me a lOaJedic.ti,on i and East-ttl be' repl ·acec1 ?y some cool~ which,. ,~h.(l.ver, • .he Pl\'t~ inJ AAwer war· In Ellrbpe,. between CIVilized nil'" headed ,.eten.tempel'ed q.d Square.toI8, COLONI1- L • experience. a 81!f.eat ever oii. of tions, J regard' .s 't~ ab!~rdity 1" if the who~ repudiating' tne 'polt,ate Whig'. Iwc&rcDtARJIJJI'I'The house of Alex· Ilovernment fllom that 'eltlW.rch· 'r smaller ' .tatee dh lred It· we should leaVings , would at ouce dlslo;,e the l oder M.nsoD, Esq"..of GUyfJborourh. 'l, ' , I " :..: ~e preYent them';- and: IS peace 6etween A.8Iembly~1J JJUJjority of IDni,'" JlOW .a. bumed t'ft the ground ou tbe night Ma~l~trate ~f t~~ n~h0n. d6V~. to tbe the gr~lIt Pf)wer. becomes daity more JI.1S·r.lprt.lmtS rbi. people ;' break still of the 15th ult. Ne .. rly all the wear-:- humblest cler~. I ~ at once v-.aled. :'n4 eonsolid~tedJ I hope, if I live· a few Imatl'er the existnljf fraction of . n Ad. ing apparet, with many important pa- r.6Iled froOltRe t8ukaof.the iQtori~u!l. yurs longer, th ll t a gentofllt war in Eu· ministration ; ami, catling around him lpers, wtre deatro,ed. The- house WIt.1 p.rty I If Ihe :writer of. Q iia CO""

rope wilt have become impossib1e."- the most influential aud able!t men of set on fi!'e b) eome penons from Ihe , " a db' 1., . "~ This !Slleech ' has hetH! !e'Jere1r"'eriti- allpartit., form a atrong government, outside. T.wo youthll ha,e , been tls .... me~B : t lCftl ~mD': at ~~S,\~ '·wl:l.ch. eise:d b, eome portione of tbe Freneh and restore peace to the land. k~n up 00 sU'picion, but no admi6liou ~«t,. '0 Rro~prlbe men solt'Ylor OplO~ press. ' .,., . ' 5 . It .1 • real "inallce t-bat, wbillt they hue m .• ~e ~em. to ,inculp~18 :PI¥' Ilk,,; and to ol,ake one' !I'!8li4 ..



SHERIFF'S SALE. -cation [or roii~ " pend wholly upon I! for havinG' dared 10 intrude wilhiu the LIBERAt.-The Governor General hi8\)qliti,c~ 1 creed-upon cring~ng 'Iub. ~allow~d precincts or It ,", County," of Caoad~\ &c., ha~ presented £ 100 ~~ r~iency to ~ ~arty-then we heartily or tin other words fur the crime uf ac- as al~natlon . tf) lh~l~nda o~thl~ !lon- TO B& SOLD at.Public Vendue'" 111 erie ~onc,u.,r ,with ,bim. Bul it is q.;ite eVI, ' c_el'ling art in'i.lltion sinned b", 75.0 t of ,tsr.,er·Chearnl,.p.e.rauce CIO, 'y. e one, Sheriff of the County of Cape Breton, or one

• J of hi. Deputie., at tbe Court HOlUe in Syd-dent, 'from tbe paragraph wh~rein he tbe electors, to ' meet them- publicly- ' neYt in tbe County afu r"s3. id, on Monday suggests 8 coalition of Ii the attle.t and a lona and j ,io'eot tir.de against the -~ BLlC NOTICE. - ..... the second day .fDecember next, at twel ...

, I>, ~_ ~, 1 ~) , o'clock at nGeD, pursuant to a Rule of Her most . iaft.ue6tial men of all rpart ies," Liberal .Preelt-aD9,finally, an aooni,e ! As ~to, ,ries have been set ' afloat by i\hj,ellty'lS Supreme Court at Sydney in Sep-

,. th at he deprecatea the .esubl.iah,'lIent.of .auempt to pte_a, himlel" of. t;-~~ ,im, pu. t.a- · tember 'rerro', ] 844, 'in tbe cause of Ann ~. _ n .ome frleodsot Mr Thomu Rigby, to AfanaBown and tfenry VlRson Bown, t.:u-P arty Governmen't in itsHmrist l..whoie- tiou of huin.ll intrigued "gainal his col· ~IJe eWect tbat I was the ,meanl of set· Cu~O~iIo of t~e Last W.U nnd Testament of some< fordi! The people, hl)we,'er', who le~gV~'i ~ "arid 'to aflh: -tbe fllarge to Mr,.- tI,ug _ my dog HF;RO. on him', . whi,ch Wtlha~ Rlchllnl &wn., hde of, S,1dney " , • • 1,- ) IJ _1,"1-;1 I , . 1 1'1 "ty ··.. 1!4,l j _ I L ,. . bn him seve re ly· which repurts roay aforesaid, l\fe'rchant"d"ceftled, Plalntlff'a a­lare the arbiters of thIs quesllon, and fl owe:=. J INo one Cln regret mbr'e 'SlO_ ' h I d ' I. , . b . . gainst Thumas L, Wilsden, an Rbse r&t or ab-

h- .. 1'1' 'd " d'~' ~ I!h .\' -" I ' h ",1U'lj -jl ~ " 'h ' 'd1J jl~ br , a\jeafen j ency to 1P.1uremy USIDeu, 8COml ingDebtor,DfilrendaDt;,u~de and , by w 089 we ~un , er,too .WII"" I ~ust cereJ t .a.q. qyr .. .; yyJ.~ ~ .~u enl'~!~!} Th.i~ ris to Ge ~-tify that ,hey do not con· Virtue of the' Acts ufthOj Genl!rtli slllnn~1 'decide I the mA\ler~ l w.Hi nol hiu~e aDQ" whic'1I 'he ~AuatneyLG~lIerill ~~8, ~r~.~' ~ ta,in 1 tI~e s,ljg}~lc.!:lfseDlhl ance or fruth. ?f this Province, made and P"SiI ,a.nd now ther' mongrel Admini!!ltnliori~ to t ule led ~i th., W"mol,meeting. ~., He 8houltt IAlr RigbX, called at my e,tablishment , .. fu.tc& fo.r lh~ mute easy l~~mptl~n and ) . 'J...,.. " r ' 5t ' d ,I ' ~ k -j If a I'k , forecloaureofMorlgages: ,-? " ~r. t1lem. 'They' WILL NOT be c,oo- haTe ~r.n -' affOr4c~ I "f,ir heAr;ng, end ,00 ,a ur ay wee ,. an" a~ ~~ mor~ I ,e ' _ 'AII tha~ cert;Un '~'ue1 or Lot of LAND,

j ten-' with the shadbw ~f Re~~"~ rt:le nof hissed 'down: fBlil'ck~uardism -8nd a madman than , ~n IIH.lI\' Idu.al I~ hlS situate- lymg and being, on th~ Weat shure , • ' . II : " .. . } \'''''j.I u - _ " . t' it i.! , (T. ' I j . , 1~ 1 ,Iens.es~ I was not horne at the time. of Sydney Rlve',oppollte the 1'0WII ot 8yd­Government wltbppt I HS I.~pstpn~e: .lCuruhty "'l the leiat!~IHt",eap0!l~ of He burst open my door, bruke my n~y, iD the Cou~ty ?f.Pape UretoD and Pro,

~till 1~!1S will die le.'lders.o( t~e Li~e~ll. (h~~o~~ite V.rtT. IL,d .w,ouJ,d d l,l _be. , ~iu~ow glass, lind done other_ injury &.0 ~~n:\~nofb~~~: ~:,~~a~f~~;rDnOun~::~:~e:: feel diSposed to hlzard tbelr pollttcal . c_~T.~ ,he han,d. )lor men-calJlOK them· my p!o~e r lJ: ; 1_ came ~o!n~ I~ the ev_ and con lainilLg'Se\'enty-lour Acres of I.and t,

reputations, by ve-nlUring, a' 'se'cond ~h:es 'Liberat.. Mt J oHHston',. sneers e~Hlg1 ~nd ~earl?g the Injury I hali SU8- more ~ r iC8d',l:ls by "~tc rence to the flaD ot , . t • " . _ , . ' • I . ; i ~ li ,tt uw , ,. _ talDed by tllm, aud the abu::Je my fami .. the S;'1IO Lot In the8urvt.!yor Generals office

tune, In~o ~ ... ~ahlt~R ":I[,h a f~c ... t~on. aL ~he L.ibert, .s .~f . :~ nnal~.oII S ,,~l,l~ ~ .~!fS Iy recel\'ec.J fro:n him. the. putllic lIlay ofth.e said ~o\1n.ty will fu lly appear, tog,,:th­pos3essing th,e pr~v8t~ ear ran~Axclusive for " " 'hit .• they ., .re .. ~o"h, and jcao i b~ n,~tur8Uy_ suppo~e 1 was D~t well plea»- ~~ ~v~ t=n;h:i~~P:~:~~:t:i~~~re to belonging confidence oT·the Lieut. Governor-for regardell . wish no ' otber---feelwa .than ,ed, r ordered him out of my hou:!e. Dated 24th Oct;lber, 1844.

~ whose meitsUres ,theyrmustj be respo n ,ll the"-m'ost proloun~ contempt. And He woul,~ ~o,t go. 1 w.u Obliged to , JU:;l~ ~A W. WEEKS, . ,J' ~'" ,I< ,¥ - --'h" 1" h oJ' \i 'I' e' 'I ' take hold"of 111m toputhllll out whell ' , t Sl]enH Couoty Cupe Breton .

• \ble-af\d ."h"J'e ,:,~ch.',? " tl °,n ~~y \~I~'~"''' ~~ exc.~d'" ,K'l, . ~ l' ~~" be ", my dQg flew .t him alld bit' Ilim . 'which EIiMUND M. DODD, t effect ~heir rU,in \~ No,\l}oj ~ the ~~~Yl ~e, ~~a.use , ~p~~tJa~a ,Y;0\UI, ~~.ouR'h.t.: ~~ ~a~ quite n a{uJal ~ \[ 'l'hi ; is' the lole , Plaintiff8 Attorney, S hope~ tS fer dMtlnt IWohen ,In thiS, senle ,o"belf:dl bJOl"I~l hla JiPp. J .• Wh,t fI,lI jO~t. t <t~ Ui~ of so much calumny having beell~ --~-----.. the lion,.tuMIIi. dowlI' with tHe lamb." ngt!,i it'D "propriety .. i., it for tho •• g.n- ~~aped on ·me ' by '~om • . of hi J . fri eh d. . SHE R IEF"S SALE. Let tt'le ,lohnsten ' cliqu;~ '~Anage " the ' tl'ertlen to -V indicate' tlhei'r public repu. ,1 hpJ , pubhc ~xpla lla~,lOn ~ould Jlot __ _ , . , -"'I J f I 10 I . ' J / ~ :,·'IL ~ JlI 'I , r -\ _l: have Leen reqUired. or received from- '1.'0 BE SOLD t P bl' ,' V d b h S,tllP o,~ fJ.tl'1i Irr ~h,>. ~an" or Yle~d the_ t,lIl~~'S, befol~ ai \,con,~~.ltue~ey· ~thom me 'except in s:elf d'e fence , Had Rig- Shc~iff ufth~ Co:nt/or'Cftpe e8r .. ~~~, o~ !n: helm to "lore skllfuLpllot.. Howe a.I'd_ lJi~y do " .ot repre.~"-t, I'{!d am .. on, 'Ylhom by been sober It t the lime it is probable of 11UI. Deput,e~, at the Court, House in S,d.

his u80eilte8 will ' not 'care to se.r,f,e a. there{o.r~ aceo/ding tq j the 4_torney Stich an occurren'ce wonld not· ~ave ta· ~!~~:,~~e fia~:~~~c::~:srnl~~:t~ a:!~:~:~ c'Ge\a and loblolly.ttoy., ,I.. Generll's ·'Iogic , thfY hue " .no busi- ken place. WILLIAM BA fH . o'clock at 1I00n, pursuant to a Rule of Her

In the" lecond place, we denr .... that ntts." 'iWa ; ha~e yet to 'learn; tooug h, November I, 1844. Majest~ ',tI ,Suprtlme Co~rt at Sydney, ill Sep_ ,(~ ,c, ,'!ill II. ' j tember 1 ernt, 1044, In the cause of Ann

tbe "Moderates," (or Loose ri~Il)J---: what II liusiness" thai aentlelYJao" hlO1. __ ~ .W-A-NTE0"'1' - Mar.a -Gown and H~nr)' Venson BOWl! En-:c ...... rled lit, oa .. cot,ea~ieDt, i, A~ a~lfh.d e.r;li~go~·; i"olii~c~,er.~loue BY the Suu,crab \ b' t F cu~o~s of 1i!e last Will and 'feat.m~nt or

' . I " • \ ... . ' -: ' , ,~' • -,. 1.\ I ':, ~ J a ou orty or William Richard Bown , Jate of :Sydney, '-'-O! C.~ -'Ite tbe I'talir .. od. or: cen- &fllatlon ,.amAonapo'ls c.(}U.qty,~hI15t Fifty head _ of Prune Beef, O xen, or aforesaid, .ftl erchllut, dec~nscdt Plalntiff'.;

c 'lIiatoi ' "jea.urea." Where ' hne,1 we ' reptesehted by it! bt)nest Sadtmy eh. ip- good-Heifers, for which Cash will be against Charles Gcutrau, 'Jnder liud by Vir-(II h _ 1 .:{~ dlf:': 11'1 1 " flo. 0 J... h f a_" n J H' J.~ !.U ' r. I" . I paid 011 delivery at 23s 6d p(· r cwt tU6 of tht! acts of thu Gentl rl Assembly of th.1! eVidence of !luch t' ta~t { .t;C' 0 r. . I, I' unlluCCp.!!S IIJ IOtngues Ill' 'l'HO.MAS'WILSDEN B ' thilt Provim·.e mado 'and. pa"sed and n..,win ,~m!Wers Whe: e'T' Ev)r.ry oue knows, Y~n~outh ' ~re lstiJ l(resll ill ollr 'tecol- I'M 'i) I 1'::1'44 " " utche r. fUrCe, forth~ morli easy Jl,ed;mption and

-- ~ t _...... _ l j 1_ I \ J) t U1 i J . 1. U, J I J t, l"OV',i" ..... , [oreclo!'u re ufl\1urtg~gell: , w." prelm~e } h; t b~1 {o.:.:1t e crook~d ! 14}c 't{)O ; , nptl!lltf; 'YeJI9rgql,tf. n , ~ ,J8 ,?".j 'I' " ' " , ~II that, ~t)rtain p:ece ur.p~rce l of J.'and, ".n.el wa ering pone; of ce.rtilin ,of theslh geQerous, interference wllh,,4lr,, HOfoe's ,i 'I , • LOS r " being Lot 1 wen/y·uree, SllUate and being

{' _' . \ i , . ', 11' '," I, ' I : v - ~ I Ci W' d d 'I ' ' I , . on the South !lide of the tirook falling into ~ ' 11~era&es1A the Johnston and Alm~11 County-ungenerous, . b6e~u!eJ Howe. II .~ . !les ay ast, between the resl .. Balls Creek, at lhe hedd oflhe .North We.t ~om'pt.et j~8. ld t nMever 'hue wealhe~ed 'was '6bsent. ,1M., Johnston'.i tirade!! ~_ rde!lCe ofj ~1r \ M.'~h,ael ~Ioryan 8nd~ the ~rm\of 'jydn~y or S~a" ish River, in the

1.1.111' _ ... 1 j. I j ' •. ' f , I . 10 p "; " };.t' ofii,Cf; oJ,p, lJ, (':I,!rke, E!5q,,-a. bl .. ck Couu.yuforesulu; andlsboundedaltlfollowl'. t he p,Ohlte .. «orm. of last winter. Let galn,st the reu are bene1l!th nbtice. Pocket Book I " £2 C h d vi z. :-ColDmenciug Itt tho .aid Bruok at lh

. • ~ ,hear\ ,I1D t~~~~ j of this cant ff~fjoUl \Vh~u' h~ ~e~ses to employ 'the M~ssul- a" certific.a ~e ';i~~I ~~~n~l:v \OV a~ 'M~- ~urth East Corner boundary of lot ~umbe~ • , _ '. 1_ J. I.IJ I , M . uri " j L :J ., , , " fwenty-ftlur, Grant~d til Peter Geutrau.

1 !;M.~denh'~ .....tM.ch~e,anl neuh,!; more ll1QJ1 s ~3~t,~ger lP., I~r , JIIttd d ~.ra.rne epd, ~11~ some oli]er paper~. W ~C).. thanco runni~~ by the mRgnet (of lhe year mor lees l'tuR , I,""DC ' ''fast-antl (Joo.e/·' every -politiCian who dll:fe.rl from ~Ioi, ~v~r wll~ ,find ,t~e same, by hlsleavlOg 1 ~30) South Eightet:>p deg,rees, and thirty

hI' ) , : , _"'\. . ii' &. I . ' b d d ' 'h 11., the" 82mt of the Times" office mmutea East, forty· five chl!.In8 more or Jeu ,1: !,~fl~~~\~tI~g, catwr\ '1 ~t O:"\~~' , \ C, <,1 w.e ~ay .. ~. ~; ~rc~n , I t~ j rejBSon 'LWIt will be ;e':"rded for his trouble. ' to the general reilr linc, tillmc~ ~t right an .

onL.lJal,~·1 iw.Ir.ei1~w~~enlte~r!hpop' ~I~,?~ }fiIS ,n~iI/~i ' , ll ' ' ." ; f. J - " J _ p, ·McGILLIVR.AY. ~: ?~u~e::tJk~:t;o~~~-~~:i~:,g~~~lnc:nll~ l'~ii~ft .~ .. ht"9bte~,oa.We'fIOlIlJ' l'fI ,~9,~. c~l1}lPu"'f! .. lodl~Eu-'''J f,YI .11 hl~ 1~1I1eI Jpde~vori , ,Nfl"v..: 1,1844-. Anglea North Ilighteen degrees, and thi~, .. j r:,~c.tj~ns !11~thttlf~, :~ • •• .u, \aSlt(e:e1y Ito !l'epel lbe.,~hllg~ Q.t ,~a'~D3t br,okell ' I, WANT ED IMM Ell lATELY , ~~jen';;~:o::~~re!!~~, ~~~i~~e~:;e ~~~~~r:o ~'al~ (1~Q(~'r~ \w,~e. w,e ;tthlDk u~ ,the Ca~I~~t b~ ~,'8.' lDtrlgue~aD~ X, BOY ·of ahout sixte-J. ye'ars of a _e along th,e winding ?f t,lle Br'ook up Streafa it ,(tue ~! aiwi ,we '.hee.ita :Do<:tcr ')amrm', to i.h-ow"' ..... rem hIS arluments fatl to "':':'pfgood mor'als and wh ' d g to th., place of beg 1011 lng, coftuining 'tlwo

• I' J I i. . , l- __ 1:. .,,' '0 \ l !~ " iJ.' ) 'h' . , 'd' l .• I 0 can pro ucp Hundred Acres mure or leslI-together "'th Jt:nalln 6'lerlj pDM).ClIIHt 'uv.e .tflote un·, ,~a:r ~ ,~nY Ion to t ~ inuHi-L!",oul good lest-Irnolnals 8S to charict'er &c, the appurtenances thereto belongi ' Wier ... . !~r:8f,k'1 1 ~he, .''lY rj~H' "',few. ~re Ilfld ' ~i f!'l~ch ltar~F~~ f h~~ , di ' ~~ac~ Apply to KEJ'!NEl'H DUN'N, any ~ ise ,appertaining, n~' , or In .",,1>4 Ind mute. 11 • will ot pre.ent adm.l·t. I With some rej· N Sy.dlley"Octr. 2<>th 1844. JO~HfI.A W. WEEKS,

" ,., \' L , • " c: - r,- _ .11 .. X '-Ir. 1 Sheriff County Cape Air.loo, "!n v 'n' j 1-, ( .!l' '.{i. lactanoe, 'h.er,fio.l'/ t 'f~I P9ltppn. the . <1:",1, ,":l,' NOTICE. . EDMUND,&!. DODD, !

, dl j , HR. JOH~ON'S ~trE,ECfU , .abject, wit .. ,. the " "ten'i.n'J of again T' " { H~~; ~t;t~SGRlB~rR req~e'tl' thOle in- ' Plaintiff, ""'ttorney, 5 ~ 111" AT aItCD&a.-01VK4 I recurring 'to it an early petlod . " oebte.d to him byJNbtll, , !lhj~d or Book 1. ,Qaled 24th ~ctober, 1844,

J r 1'Jf" f ,4" I ' ~ce~u,nt, to eall at bneo nnd pay ~heir re~· "==="=========== 11 "tYfe ' have frOID fime "0 ,time-"gfnc.ed H p.oc ll~e Debts to:thel Hoo\ lS,tM:' Oodd,.l ohn I' ;:==

t J.:- d c~~~nt( ~!1 it~ djsi'l' ir~te.t11ia, ," P,OJ'TY" , •••• '" •. ,. _t,.o_ t,hio!, the &IeKlOlIon, Esq_, Nortb ~e.t Ano :3aUlutli RECEIVED PER LATE AllRI-f._ 'tfII.I! 0 , '.~ , r t · ~ -, '-' f~ ~ , Plant, Esq" Nortb Bar, and J ohn 0', Clarke, ' ·VA, LS, '.. '" b d - b J1D. '4 Spif j ··, ~~ the . Ti~e,': hrs, or l a~et J!:


' .clme to In -~D ::.~ ~e , • T.fun, 8eeo qJlJte b~rren or news, I We - can gi~'09d~!C71~~;:!i:;~~:~ewdhu~~s:it~~Ot~:!~ ~!~ ANI;) .for Sale by ~jhe, Subscriber~, a - ;Pot'; in l.be .ain hope o t fi.nding leme· alSlne bim, iu future, he will nol hafe cO Qnt~. · :.,. .\ }), i.ONERG.o\N , '- large Aseortment ,of D,y . Good .. 0': {1.hirU:, -!",eU:,l'~Grl of," myle.ader"s-t ' put the utUf! complarnt tu make-as \\'e Syd'nej, Oct .. 1st 1844, 1 _ Ww, • aud Groceries, LOW FOR CASH or ;.. Map,ellr..esauma-;lome plau8Ib!t.defence Will read hirq a~~l 111, . m?dy ere... a .. , , COUNTRY PRODUCE .

.of hi • . public.eoDduet. , Wh.~ :We do les.on ",e~kl! or PrpVlpc!.1 I,'olallc". , _ ' ,JUS1 ARRIV~D. , ROIlERTSON &, FERGUSSON. ttind or . . .. ?rteoua .l_Dtatio . ..... r Ioi. We ,.lIl thus .holY. d .... e to please , .AND (or ,Sal. b~ the Sub.crlb.r It Sydney, 26th July. 1844. ,uDcourteous ree.pti"" .at 'the Wilmot thoB • .,.bo w,: h ,t~ find fault: h,s Store, A 'FEW BAitRELS

\,".~.ting...!..om~ odigbl Jb.u .• eohhe lead· " l~b. r-all.di~cl Eiection. ·hli. e rew lt- SUo PERFINE FLOUR nnd (;ORN 1 HONE Y, HONEY, H!JNEoY, ' .., MEj\L-;-For Sale low for CASH. ' FOR Sale at the Halifax lI~u ...

i.~ ~e~ormer. ·of A,DDapoti.-.oe .. re. ~d i. ,the r,ct~rD oJ:. ,r.I!· mojofi,ty of , / ' 9,EORGE E. BURCH.ELlJ. a few Galloni firill chop HO.;!J:. " ~"old""i. of !Ile.!r"'lIow~ ~n~ ,!ounr ~,~ralo." : ,I,., • . , " mn, " ",Ju,.y 26" 1844. ,' Sydn&¥. 21,h S.Pt .• , 18H,


VARIETIES. Idelained in or~er 10· oee if somelhing J,UST PUBL,ISHE:P, ARMY CONTRACT. could not be done fur her . .,

AI .. ! poorCharlolle Ilhe heclic On • BY THE.AUTHUIL .8E~_LED TE~Dr,~S will be re-LUVE AND RUIN. Ihy chee~, lold 10 plainly Ihal.1I bu- A Ne. on.1 CpTI"U' , . ark, of 340 . celve.l' by Commt. Clerk Us.her

Ch.arlolle Jewoll, a .'oung bUI emaciat- man coring for thee upon "'hia cold oc/ao" l'('g!', halfbou.d, ~"ti'ltd- - (lhe f'dles to tfe stated 'in sterliog) a; ed aod wil<t.looking girl, in whose earth will 800n cease, ~nd tbat thy , Til PREs~~ 'r ' -. hiS Office, until the 31st daJ.l of OClO~ thin and wall countenance there eould resting place will be a paupers arne. CHURCH Ol- SCOT LAN I) ber lit UOOII, for lh.e

yet be rietected sOlne tr31.:e! or beauty, Never since four ,isits to the pollee ANi) A. 'I'INT! OF NURA1ANlSMj eAKING .... )F ' BREAD, • was charged yesterdAY moruine: by ODe office have ~e seeD 8uch a harrowing TIlE.,lTiNG bt' ~A . ... I O~~:~E·LIO'lOus·r .. ;ueTiI ~OY ohti. tear from ht . liuln-ary nelt .. William Conde. from New Orleans, ami heart rending sce ne as the one ,. ... • 1, lor· tb.e ,· l roops Dept:.. IU j $,yduey. in

• with h,u'ing attempted to take his life. which we have endeavoured \0 drs- " 1 he preentlt,l"e of tbe c..;h~rch of 5u9' quan~itiu a~ ,ma b re uired . Conde had heen in Ihe city but a rew cribe, and .which we lre sure dre~ BCQl\and, d~~,led ID , ~ lon¥ Dialogue The Te,ljder. (prinred Il"n~;'f\hicn

· da,s , aud it appeared that bft had sed uc- tear;s from every honest heart in the -St£l~turel 01: a ~~m~hle:'df Lhe Re.T. fII~y b~ had ~n applicatiull at the Cum .. ed Ihe girl, in 'he town of Hayou Sara, ro·om. The plantifF, Coodo, through- Mr B~rus , on .116 lale Refln~ at KII- InJ~S8r1at Office) \b stile th t! number Ln., and afterwards eloped with her out the trial prE'served the 'most har- lIyt·~, III ~,ootlan'4-"'e.tteu"'Ot P,a.ud~e of. ibs. o'f IBrE-ad .'th .. will bertJelivered tu New Orleani, where he lived with dened aod unahered demeloor, aDd ¥I~ I~' aud . Mary An~loulI, un MI?110 for; e,ery_ 100 Ip». of ,(o'"'lou'r provided he r as his mistr85s, and finally got seemed steeled against the ' pangs 01 AllDlSters and ltattlW..,K R~v"als-t:or. ~y the. (;omlDi sariat . • Tile flour h)

. tired of ,his vict im, had deserted her, conscience i b~ t if he ' dQeI not go q~8pol~deuce on the ~,Uperqaturl1l ~ow- be taken from t nfi: Commiss~rin 1\18-and in order to rid himselr of her im- dowli to the grave as a wretched aud eu 01 the Norma~ 'Schools, and tb~ gazil~e ~ and the Bread to be d r d {l0rtnnitiis had come 10 Mobile. The d.privod scoundrel, then Iie .. en has beoefitslikely tu resull· from"I". 10sli- nt th'e ;e~pect iv .. qualte" orlh ~r·re prisoner lraced him to Ihis cilY, foufid forgo u'en its awful prerogali,e, .nd· tutioo of a F.raale .ClerK1! !-llopery in Ihe' 'Garriso., at Ih. ' CoI7tl:a~~~;': out his hoarding.house on l.amilioll eternal Tellgeance ~Ieeps as deep a -Pr.el~ty.- Predbltery-4ua",tl.- expense"J1e beiuS' eUowed the empt .treet, Rnd on 'l'hnrsday eveniug while lethargy's doe. human ju.tice. [Ioto- Ar.llo"u"IIl--\ye.ley"I1I~Ml'u&l.m "arrel.. . 1-the family were at su~)per. altelllp~ed bile Herald. _.\111iplCdubapti!ilm~i\Ew liioll &r ;Se- r. t ' Ai SO " 'I

his life with a Spanish dirk knife. He ceders aud the BSta'-.li:shm~ut-·fbJr\er:1I 'For such ~' uanlities o r;~ h parried the blow and seized her, when NORWF.CIAN \V A'l' CIIME.N. _The e~tra- Apo~tollcal SuccesllloR J aud. Dr ",vII:I If II·.;.' /. .. , . " ;s ~l!lS I

she went off in hyste rics, ill which ordinary crie~ or the watchmen of St. Jullas-Large ~,racts from ,lJe ...I._,r9X Oil HI::IF~R BEEF,

condition sho was taken to the Guard Drentheim caunot but appear aingu- wurks or ~v~ral nuted Diviqe.: <lu of Lhe bes~ ~a/ketable ~ J"l • Houil~. lar to the stranger. As each hour Hapli5A1 and t ~e Lord's Su.gger-'1'he ~ r q ired fo; h '1' ua I 1., ;::. dlUay

The complain>nl hning depo,ed .s elapses, Ihey are prepare,l with a kin~ Sill a.if Daugefof Church collnec,;oQ for {~. t~;m or 'OJ : :f.JP. ,at y I!ey, abol'e •• a i~ he would decline pro,ecut- of exhortation or prayer; which form- with ., ' f .. illor.I ' or Allli-C~ri.il1n ,,1st Janu~Py' ' 1~4~ 1·ctn,lIIeucl~g. illg her ifshe IV')uld go bac k 10 Bayou ing a sorl of tune or chaullt, is .uog CIVIl GoverouJel1t-Al)'lml dv ... ioo on 0 m~ile in d .... il by 'tb C ... ue. 0

8.r.. b'y theRI ~uring thedreary huur or the P.ahnody-.~o.t1lm."7' Efcl,o .. a8ti~al The Meal to. c,Qn,jSl ,Qf F:r. :~:~al~~~:t · Prisoner. I I hav~ no honle or pea- night. '1 he follOW ing 18 a CU!IOq 8 IIpe .. DJiclpliue - .1 h~ p~rlty .. ~f ue,,~ner,cy Quaners ubj~ct tq Lh i HIDe t" . d "Ie to go '0, William; through your c'imen or one of them ; il i. a literal alut formalism of ~he !'jew Secesslo" appro~~I ~ of tlie C;'I~mlls.':. ri:II.O",;_~: • . u ~ei\os my peol,\e are alilh arned of me, translation : a.ud, the Re81~ ~lICy j aud 111e fatal p. r~ I l'eod~ rs Cptl uted rO)'I11 ~ of whidi may and hilviug d isow ned me ftl1d tllrnerl Ho ! tho watchmen, bo ! t~ahty a,?d -Bhadnen of1lh~ It' f ret: be'-hrid n-lppiibAl16\.J'ap,tfe (;ollun is-me oul of dours, ami I would rather 'I'he clock bass truck ten ! C~ureh, aod her sympatlllzerlr, Ull ur"at Office.) to 8\at.e .:t he.pric6 per IOU die uf huugt! r, or perish in some j ail Plaised bb {,iud. our Lotd ! tilt;, ground, ~c. &.c. &e .. I . I . Ibs. ill tl tirll !Jg,,tJl ''Xm4~ la~ , leug:th, and thaUlo return lO tht:tII. H ome I 'l ' he !"tow ill th e t ime to go to bed, ~ be a~ove-.~a~_e~ puW.lcatlon 18. La be accompanied. Wilh a guar~1I1ee .tu-et a nd kennel have been my home , '1'he housewife and her maid , (?ar.ly 10 stng.ular 111 Its ::l enllloe."1s and rroul ~ IWO Pf'J:SOIiS Qf known re::lpollsi~ UH! Illy ~ufll pnllic)lIs the ,·ilest of the 'rhe maile r &Ii wella. the lad, "fie, aud 10 uUluer.ou .. & i,t.ud ~aflu~s, I'll bility in th~ penal sum of' £300 8ler· ",ile, SllIee you Sf) iuhumal,ly deserted The wind is south east, ~ell a~ Imnortant JUlIl aubJeel~,1 ~hlt I I~g e.eh, ror tbe lu. ·t*.forla.:Jce of Ule.' H allelujah! praile be to Goi.l ollr Lord I It IS eXp'~cted ~o m.e~t with. ready web CQQllICl ... ,u II Dlay !)~_ fuunded . Conde. I Why. you are cra~y : ' , • . .. ~e and , clr.c~l~lIo~l; Imce mere. C~fI ~, \hereqn. : ... I' I -" " I 'ar.~.w " • I

fri' oo", ' • No Williu"" I am not The v .. tker, or watchman, IS armed 0 1111 caoDOI fall,,)u lome ~.gr.e, of • CODlmi .. ariat,S)dnoi e.pi! Br.ion, cr .. y-thouoh the ' greal God above \v1~h an Insturmeot a. rem.rkable as belll~ eX~I\ad lIn It~ f.,or;. "peciaUl , ~d Qclober, Y8~4.. . knows. lho\. i'h ave suffered 'and borne hiS cry, being n o.thll~g less than a pol~, a~- \t II , the fir~t ' ~r~ductlou, .01 th.' ." . I ' ) • ""I'I.{ " •

eoou uh. to ru ake one so. If desolation at the . en~ of wh.lch IS ~ .b~1I well. forll- lUnd,. eTer pobt~8bed IIi C?ape Breton. r' N 1 U' , I" ' I . I fied with Iron sp ikes. I hiS formidable It. Ghi.r.dellgn II, 10 pelOl Qut and " IS R 1\NC E,

~~ f.'~ :~:?r.;i~,.crl:,~~~~::~nc ~:":n;r:~Jr.: weapoQ i, called lOotgon.5tie",., or to. correet, tb • • b~wilobiu& &;"er.1 , f.iFE, ; fI~J: A~'b MARINE. 'Ntion' be madnt!s. 1 am mad' but oot r~ ornlng star. The morning Itar does err~~ of ~h8 pre~eDt tulle, in lhe Ule THE Sub:scrib h b .

h ' . ()I I • Id h 1 h'ttle . however, but grace the' band of a~eterCls8 of the lIlere form of it0d... S b er 8.' een Ip~oloted ot ~rwlse. . I \\OU to eaven the Norwegian watchman honesly 18 r " a th d . f h U -J\~ellt alld 18 authorized to. was. mad, th al if, lIl ",d u e~s- 1 might ror. . . ' me5s"an . e esccratlon ~ .t e lIlore forw ard orders for Insurance L ' ~

h' Oh I W'II ' W' I 10 commou 111 the North. Ind Iheft, .... . olelllll ord .. aoc •• of religion .nd h N;' I On I e. ~e t every t .. ng. . . I Llm, I - well as most other crimel are eompa- ' til t d y' fY""th ll..' f to t e al,01la /Jun" Fund Life A ,h 1I :1[n. to t hink. that you, of all the rativel of such rare oce~rrenc. that W-I . ou , .or en l0l!i e power Ifereu ~ ~tlrtln" Soeie~1 I No. 26, Cornhill , world should ha ... e ~o deceh'ed me to . y . . . ' be .. dee the nu;nerOUI, dreadful, _nq. ·London-ca ital 4i500 000 s erli . I ' k I h " . cJ • h · hiS office 1S aneOioed With little (roubi~ damuable errors Iud heresiea that are A ' 1:" p.~ , t ng I

I lin t lal you W 0 prt)ml:oe so muc • or danaert

[Travels in Norwa,- ~ J f d " ga lD, t J.\ lre \0 the Hartford ana' "lid Wh(t\H 1 looked up on almost as an 1:1 , • e .pole , rom reason au ICClpture, lit Prot~dio" Fire liull aft C " atlgel~\Vhol1l I prayed for night ·an~ . , the work. qnd.r review.;. and which capitol '250 (01) ~a .; .• ~d r:",~a.It" 1lI0rn •• 1 .. , 1 cunnOI pray. nolV. should The mlfld need nol b d.,end.nl • .. iII . very li~ely ' Iti'muille, either thfl Insurance lo\he JV;;,,::. .. ,JI ... : .... }".e. have aClect :,0 perfirlif)usl,Y is 'enough ?Il SIIUallOn, bUL may tr' rende~ed .pprob.tion, or abborreoce"or the balk. Naac.l' Cia:PII~' D""'-OD ", •• ,

• J lIldepeurlent of external t~lngs. GOTe of its' re8ders . , .~. o.dClve lJ)e mad, wlt,hout your taun ts ern the imaginatiou and we shall be ' . .•. .. • ~very IqCorm,uaa linin on appli ... · lid scorns,' well, wheresover Wf'! hap ell: to be frl': Pnee Fi"e SI .. lli,p-.-l'O- be ca~o~ lQ · . 8,· DO,NOVAN.

Condo. 'you ough t t o 'be .sh'''led placed. p aold .. Sy~o,y; C B .. bJ: ,~eun. ~.,... Arlcnat: OCI. I, 1844. 4" wyour!:lelf l~' lalk: III thiS w.ay Char. berll'On & F,ra:ul8oll t a~d·· at the office loue ' ' A wet silk hand kerchi~C, lied with- of the "Spint: of the 'Cimea-;!' in St'. , -

'. ".r_ w' r I oul fol ding over Ihe face,. is, il .i ... id, Ann'. by 'ohnFra •• r,'E"i,J', P.; . • nd . 1AlLOJ\.ING BUSINESS. Prisoner. LV ', 11 ,~:t.m, .. hne .iot . I . . Ir. ' elsewbere th(.oniYhout the 'COUDtry by -- .

e,on peyond .h.me. It .. Ing.h. hIDe • comp et •• ecu"ty qi",,"1 '.uocahon A t ~ __ ,6 d d' . • THE; SUBSCRJ8E~ hereby noll .. 10 aive ov.er being asb_med of myself frow Imok., it permits-free bre_thiolt, ,eo I to ~ .. Ler.ar • I yert\&elto fles his- frienda Ind' {he- Public, ,,.hen . 811 are . R~hamecl of. me. Oh, aDd .L the lam, lime e~cludel the i .' that he hal oQlUlllenced the ' above Bu-William: my:hearulmooibraataa, when .moke from Ih. 1qnV_ h ha. been ~~~Il<tl· .in .. s, in all , ita-yorious Ilranche., .t I .think.. how nappy. I was bUjtwo year. efJ"ectuall, tried, .' I' ' . . bis sh~p, cear the te5id~nc6 of Mr

I ago, when I. WIS. a g~y,.bliLhe girl. and- Durinl the Palt year, 5.49,689. re.li: T"L~d~~o~:rF~~~~d ~ec~pt;edA~d:.:::~ JametJ Coleman, and next ,door to the' JOu ued .toeome dud Itlt the 1011g cold i Post Oflice,-w·here all orders in his,' nigbt. by my. old falher '. 6ro.ido, . an~ gious Ir.... ha,e been. diotributed ill :;'1 h.r~by ;.q~;.~.'!.. '" m'~1 at lItaooo line will b .. Itt.en4ed to wit~ . puQctu .I-·

I h Id BallOU by the.postos City_. MiuloD . . &';o·rtrl •• on· ... th~o.', ·.'flbu.e ··_·~_,e.:u ... '·'nn ... r'.D .Novr . d d h II te I me how Ilt~Y we shou be when ___ _____ 11 .. --.. ,. Ity aD ~spalC. • avallg o~ained

. 1 .heclme,.Jour WIfe. I al.o . !lOW sadly ' NDlhiQg so much resemble.flowera By order Qf the \Y. M. from ""lafa'X: a fiRST RATE 'Y0RKMA'"

changed. and \be tears w~lch l course planled OQ a dunghill, ..... the good 8yda.'~ AJ~t: t~~&t4, N~R-O, Secreta

r1·· -as. w~ll as th~ ~ates~ F.a~hlons,--h.· down mr cbe~k~, arc scalding my eye- doae to" 1he ignorant. or- w..orthlesa .rillcles he can gJ,e .~~tlsf~cttoll t~ tho ... balls With their fir e. I remembflr man .' ",ko n"i)L honor Ifun w.Hh. thell CUk

when I cQUld e,en have shed lears of . 1.lEA·, . TEa:,.. 'EE~. tom. · ;~,. AI •• ~ how differellt were they ' --MAG ISTRATES' BLANKS. IRECEIVED al lb. H.lifa,' I!0u •• - (.ei. , Country ord.,s,. altend.d to witli irorll thea. . W , ~ , . j t:!oor lOuLh ,of l\lr. P: ."-hearn' Ilotel)-a .Illatlless, punctuality aod despatcb.

'['h I ' '11' r . ~ h E VJi:Ity For!o erellCr,~ed by tb~ iate ac t I.w Ctle~ ~ Superior Congo Tell. direct . , e p .~nll re UllOg to ewea!, t f' of the ProvlnclRI Leglslatdre,eon.taDtly from CblDIi via Halifax,-which will be .oW HEN B. Y COLEMAN.

c.~se was dllchuiCd" but the pnsoner cdn.t.aaLly on hand at t his Office. low (or ~a.ft. Jllly 5 , l tt44. . Augu.t 2, 1844. (3 mo.)


1'UE SPiRIT <9F THE Tl~lES. = -4' NE". ESTAlIl.T~!HMgN~ . 'fIIES:l>:IR~OF THEn~[ES, ii IS P UBLISHED i ' ERY .'RIDAY EV'£NING, GEORGE .E. BURCHEL. L, THE, Splendid fi, st--eaiJing copper·f .. <t


'tilE SUBSCRIBER olfers rdf S.le, _ Ilr J. D. KUHN . " yacht" SYLPH," IIOW own ed hy a at higSIOre, io Water Street. next door - lIas just receivtd, per late arrivals cOII~pany at the Bar, heing thorou g- hly to 'he Residence of Mr Lawrence TEltMs.-Fifiee;" ShiUillg . ,.~ 4 '1tnU"' , if jrom Ilatifax- rellltell since Ib~ R obbtT!I comm illed

. tUUfJtrul j" tD"', or ,.aed jOT- &fJeJt.teu h b V"J . Barry; the foll o wing i rlicles, which &iU'''I_ 4JUt Sl.%pe~,.1D.ltll .emlly 'PI'I.aU An 81te nlive and well.elected· : 8oJtmtl nt of on el 1 some "K aIR S unkno\~ 11 in .are of a. gnod qual i.ty., and CIWl be 9C1ld HaJfthe amount to be p.atd at tho explratlOo DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, (;K.OCK· the town of Sydney on Tuud AY night low-for Casil, or Cuuntry ·Pro~Q~e.- of e.B\! h lullf.year, No aUbscrlption cah be EltY -WARE, HAKD-W ARt: ; last-will commence running dail y be -viz,:-FlolJf Moenl ·Breaa ' lJ.ice Su- receIVed mr a leiJI penod than 11I'181olltb. , ANU 'l'lN·WAKB- tween Sydney and The nnr 011 Thu rs-

' M I ' 'I' ~ C;. S'. , nelthur 'will anY 'paper be dUIGoll\lD,ued un· I " h d' f d th 0) t1 0 t b d t gar, 0 ases, ~a, .. Quee. ,.~ ! til aJl arrellra,ges llI'o l P.'li d.. , All letters and WHICH he wil ue tippy tt) ulpQ1Je 0 ay e or ' coer next , un er t ie Starch, BILle, Indlgo~ Tobacco" Cl- commuoications to t~e PutJ li sher must be at a ll ex tremely low rllte, for L!a6h.or commantl of an experienced p'er'Sotl, n~ gars, Pipea. Ci'nnar'not' .. Clores~ Rai- post·paid ; no c·omrnunic3tion . will be at- Country Produce. Among the Groceneil a Passa"e Boat for the .

d b · c:I. are-.superfiue flour, Curn Meal, ay~ ... 0 , ,

SiDS ' alld Cl,lrrahlS, Arrow-toot, nut- leo ed to unlea. the postag'e eI pal..... Fluur U.1t !\leal. Pork, Rice, Sogar, Tea, BENEFIT OF THE PLBLl'C, meg!, Pepper and MU!ltart, Salt, Lea. LIST, OF AGBNTS, Cuffe; , Ha rley, &.c.-All M tbe l.Ie.:t quality. FREE OF A .YY C!lARoGE. t~er, antt Crocke rywaJ;:C=. Also, a 1110,,11 • .FOR THE SPIRIT OF THE 1' U1ES. ::S,ydn~y , J uu~ 2 1, 1044.

.upply . of DrY' G,iod. and Ihr~·war.. Nor'. !fII ... y-L. Robe,".pn, E,'t. HALlFAX-H-O-U-S-E-,-~-Every attention paid to Travellere, and Letters pUllctu"lIy deliY(>r ed. ~ .

with a variety of I()lber artic!es, too ,No~t" , BW"7'1Mr lohn AlcL.ean , Uluntrous lIJ mention.-And l4e ho.pes J'he .M'n;.f-=-O ';-lIgl~e G. Rigby, Esq. ' Nezt door .:south oj .\Jr. Pe:er ./ih~(J. rn''3llutel . Time for Starting

_ by strict attention ',to 'hosineM:, and low ,J'unch Jlillaie-Arf!ssr~Gamm~1l & Moore

f'rice~. to rMfit a faw showc uf pllbl~e ~t~::~;~F~~=; :uJ~r:;u~:~, Esquires T~I~atSI~Hh:~~:~~I:~tJ ~:~sr~~e : ~ ~~~I~~~; From The 8AR, I From SYDNEY, R o'clock, AM. I 1\ o' clock A. !II, 2 o'c1uck, P. ,\1. I 5 o'clock P. M~ patroaage. . \ Haddeck -:law u ~parlin" E sq'. , frum Urellt Uril8111, &c., ."i ll Haliliu. , parl

ALEXANDEB. McINNES . MidlU, Rit:~r-Kelln e th McLead, LlIq of llis ~\J pp l'y of U",V GUuOS, Gltu", l:.· GEO. LEWIS, JR ., ftlanagt(. Septembe~ J3. 18 44 . • Alargaru-Mr Miles 'McDuniel lLlt; .::$, \ VI t.::s, H .,\ltlJ WA1ta::, c01tiJ-

.__________ Broo.d. CUDe-Mr Wimllll'\ 'Ayre AGE" LINE;S :lIId TWi NES, t;U.u CKl'; I'Y Bar, 2Jth S ept'. 1844. ,

JJIO'HL Y lMPOB.'I' AN 'I', '1:~~::;~~g~d~·~J~(L~:Je:I:lin. McDougall ~~dA:~::~Lv~ ~1~{\~ICt~'s~a I7:;j~~~{'i c~ :· NoncE . ..;.... We bav.e l-O<fequesi tWo!le RiDtr Den.ie-Mr Archib'aJd Mclntyru are offered at ul.lu liua ll y low pr ices for cus li, T HE ~U BS C RIBER, now Ihe sule


lAl,e oIin8ti~-A1r John McDougall or lIuch trll~ ~ as may be apvruYed of. Jlersous--whose NOles of HanlJ .we hold ldn. laJl"''''ltalki-A . Kenn"edy, E'sq , J:: I' AltCH UOL.L propriet or or lh E" vessels ferrym~ be· .in our pos8essio"-wi~ :come forwa~d IVasha6aackl-i\t"r A. McLean Sydney , G;. 1::) , J une i I, 1044 I tween S j dn ey ~tnd the North Bar-and.pay t heir different amounts , with- P orl Houd.-John Duosier 1'rema.i n, Esq-. under the rE'g'ul altoli s of the Se!!Jlons, out auy fu.r~ );aer 4elil;y .. -A 1su, all per· ~u~uur Cou-JalllelJ i\1cKe~n, EilC{ HALIFAX HOUSE. Herelly nOll fieti the PuhllC , that the $ons iudebted tothis .eslablishment, are ~~~r"~:~:~:;::;:.:~~~~ ~kc:~e~~~'Esq I --- . boat" Dlck:;on


Will leave the Bar at requested te makt'! early ·.payment of Arichat-l-I ector l\(cDonli ld" Ei'iq ~COU N'1.Y VE.AL E: KS will 6 . 11 It to 9 o'cloc k, AM. pr~clsely every day; Itheir accounts. 'Some w{lfihics ~ wh () St , Pet"lr',-Maurice 1(i~vBlJngh, Esq thc lr 3d vu'!.tagc to call lind sce dw ya- the " Whn~ Ho ,lt IJ wll! le ,lve Syd 'l ey hU"e heretofcue p[l.id 110 re!Cpect tf) sev· Big JYar,rlnC.-Slephen Mat'Ph~rsoo, tsq nely alld ciw 'lllu.l"s oj uuuU~ at (he ubo.n! at th e ,(Ilflle huur -anl.l a third Boat

eral demands we have maue 011 them 1::~~:;-3c~:~~i~8 ~~~:ll'pf:~, Esq l::il;;l~l;~ltfH~~or Sou th of JUr . Pete .. A '. will be ready to convey ellen passen· -may expec;.i no qUUl"tW at our hands. _-WaiMdin-lohn Scott. E&cf. Heuo 'jj Hotel. g ees not arriving within the above lim ... We cannot pay men, and support our ___ .____ :Sydney , June 2 1, H:l44. ired peri od. Thp S ubscriber ,I so here.-.establishmeRt, without so,"e~hing in R .:.\TE-8' 01" ADVERTISING. . hy C;lulinns till pe rsons fr om interfe r ... ~eturT1; and we are uetermined lotake For every Adverti iem,nt 7Wt u&I!edil'K FLOU R~ M ~AL, A N D URE:AD. illl' with the d ll1i t" s of the above boats ibarsh 'measures w.itb those who hay e une square, 5:;-, li,r the first ifuertiuo, and . L !l.U~i.ng this d.ay~ .1" ,:SC h O~ II ": ~ T. U. '~' . ( II; ha "iu U' gon e lO Meat expell ce n\ ,heretofore paid no atteuti,oll to our lnft hi 3d li,r every subil eq~ll n t tn.sertH~ - ~~;~r~:~IJ;~!~f~o-'iH~~llo~~ P:ll~:r.~i~~; rhis arrange'mellt) a~ ~he is ~e!crmi,~ed

~ -I ~p:eated reQuests for Hntethi'lg 6'h Larg..:r u.J\,l:!r~lileloI;lDti e\I"r,ed dccurdlng to &. Nayy Hrea~~; , Hutter Sugar & Picnic to prosecute, (uuder the eXlsullg acts ) · iI~e:O~uni. A--n'd 'her:ewe return, our ~1~~ ~t:v;ir;o~o;t~::~: NeD' ~t~Si~~;'~~co~~~:~ Crack~r:l which will b~ so ld lu w lor ·cash at. 1\11 th o!w ca rryi·lIg paSse nge r .. within :SIncere thanks to the 'maR! individuals squ3.fft .-Adverlisoments se nt without wri t- the u H ~h fu.J: (-I ousu" , next door lIou1h u' l his prt"sert t pr i\' ''e~('s and responsibi, who hate ever 5 .011)1' ·their tr iendship ten directions, .in lle rted Unli t furb id, .ond Ahearn .. Hotel, . lit y, JOHN WOODILL.

,i ll s071Ie t+angi61e.,M}Je. ' ~ ~:;~:~ a~~~~~I:~~~·;;t;·~:~:III~ o~,d;he;it;.:~~ 'Sdyuey 27 th June 1844. . Sydn ey, Ser . 20, 1844. J .. D. K UHN . vertising. . FRESH GOODS.-Recein :d a t t iw i NO'~ - •

'-_____ -;-______ " IJn lifax ,Hou.se ·· next do"r s0';ith I/ f l . lICE. HYGl';I4,N NO'I'leE, 1<"OR, 1.844. Peter Aheu rns Hotul and rur li.ale( low lo r lTr-I E SUBSCRIBERS hne receiv NOTICE . • c~tib)Cut '~' lImbl t: r:; &; a~d Wllltl .Gl usses eli per Schr, T. G. 'l~. Corn Meal '

T~IE .SUBSCRIBER, has '10 let, E IGI~ 'P ,~ e.3rs ,Prac,tical e.x?eri.c n c~ ofthe ~1~~~l:~!I,0611:~~il ~;~:~t~~I:I'~~~e~·I~t~~~Oe!~: Sugflr &: Mol as:ses,-.Also, ao Assort ' .fo~ .pleasure excursions . on t~~ I Me~~ci:~~'f':~:~lIh :~f!~;:~,e~~~~::~~ Louf <llld Crushed Sugar, ::;a laratus, Perru- ment of ver.v !lupertor Scythes and

WMer ., a larg.e and eafe SAIL BO A [ I tleclare lbnt Parenti and ol.he.rs ~ho )Juf[e r mer" l;I ai r Uil, & a ,'ari ety uf fresh Arti- II R ea ping H ooks~which thpy offer fur -the one form er,ly owned aliI! UCClh l tlieir childr.el.l and frlUnds to fall victim jj to c1e.. - sa l ~ In the l o ~\' cst m arket pri"Ce for Vi~d by Afr Thomas Cann, as a F erry d i~ca!!le !\)'ithout haviug ad ministerell Mori- ----- CA S H nr C OUNTR Y PR Ooti C lL

.Boat. between this place aId the North son·s in\'uluahla . P iI!eu~d ,p9w<h:l r-i~1 large T El\l40• LCAOS~~.~E, ~l.~.GA" ·bRov'. GAoNo',D,.. IlOBERTSON &. FERGUSSON,

B r. She bas good aud comrort abl e doses) caJ,luot .conllcwnuolol li ly l:-ytheHlt al't J ;tJa:..~ u . S d A "844 . , a . " ppon their breast, aud ,J. exchuJt,1 o;ve.r t,l,I e c~eap anti guod, \I t ! he "HaLIFAX f ney, ugt. "'" J . .accotDUlOdallODs i and IS r.eady for Co~pse oftbe departed,." Atl haK bee,n dooe HOUSE,"-NI,!Xl .dour SOllth uf 1\1r. p, 4luy party at the shorlE"st Ilntl ce, wilich mortal aid could ·do." And con(c.- .'\ 'Hcu rn 's HI)Iel JAMES P. W4RD.

JOHN WUODI LL. queutly alt such yrejudiced perilo us, must Sydney, Juue 21, 1844. HAS opened an O;<'FICE, a few .doors

t • .s~do~y, 1uI1(26', 1844. ::~;;!~ \~/',:: r!~li~ i~~g~~~~:II~~~~e ~~I~~il~ t -FOil SALE. South 'of the t\f.~RKE·r I-JOUSF,II.

PUBLIC NOTICE. .entld Hygeili t"s . At tho Halifax House, (nnt dodr Souih of where he will be happy 10 alleod to LtST 01' CUMl'H9Sl0NED SUB·AGENTS .Mr P. A'Hero ', Hotel,) A few Barrels (;~!t(~"' !I0ase B~o.k~r~e, and e,ery

THE SUBSCR18ER. reque' t •• 11 hia friends ann debtors throughout the ~Collnty to come forward and payoff ~II' their oid arrears clue h:m up to this ~ate~ otberwise thei.r accounts will .toe , ~I!jC~!I in t~e b.ud. of. Magistrate lor cpllee\JOjl-wilbout •• y furlher DO ltice f'(lrR

. DONAl.D McNIVE~. Syd,~.y, AugulIS, 184(.

FOR .sALE. ',. THE Subscrilter ha~ .for 811e, Ilt his ·Tannery. IIl\1orth S.1-4oey, Tw. Bu· prtd <md Si.t~ CALFlJKI N,s, aod .ont lfundre4lJII,JES of UPPER LEA. THEB. lolt' ior C.sh. If Dot , old before the iut of r;ovember next, ~hey will be s.ld.t Public ,A.uclion on 1hat day, on the Premise • .

,. THOS. M. LEOMARD. $,")'t. 'P, lB«. . ~ ' .

FOIJ. 1844. ' Mackerel and Herrings-::Smoked Sdlmon, deSCription . of wrttlng .Ilh c..cy ac!f • Mr Samuel' H'. Sellon, Sydney Cud Fi.,sh,-Vinegar und a variety of Fresh and despatch. -..

':~ ~~~:;t ~i~~:;i,Al.i/il;~epori G~yd;~-;y~0301~~~~~~, ;~~4~lIntry Prud'lIce, Sydney, Sept. 13, 1844. Rev G. Richa'rdaoo, Low Puipt i'rOVES, GRATES; Ac. John L. Hill, E'q, Mira 1'0 SE SOLD'. .

:: I~:::~ ~~:~:~:t~:~!~::::.. B!, t~::i~tc~b.:'~~"·&.·~:[e:·.dn:r;:} Ild~O;1':~ ~~ !,~~y~!~A~A l'ES, John Munro, Esq., St. Ann ', ~n eacellutqwdijt" ,. well woooe4.apd from HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA. John B~lam, £sq., Ancbu 30 10 40 acre» cJeare.d for t}utla"r partieu.lars . .

epply to the IJub,cribir Qi to DUI) r.an Cur., BE~J to IOtlmAte , t~e.t he hlls Re-Mr p, GlintoD, [ast Bay East Boy, DON~LIJ McEACHltA!1I, . celVed '>.y late, arrtVIIls from Scot-~~!~~i~ ::~~~e:~~~i!::B~~:c~:~Qw.' .13th Noyember; ilH3. laud Illd the United State8-a COUl-

Mr Murdoch R 0881 Marg~ree plete and eKtensiYe A.~ort~ent of

!::'~h~~~:uJya~~ ,ED!~'t:!~:hA} Osli. . R~~~~t~~;!I~~m~~~!~ri:9 t:~ N~: Cooking. Franklin. Clost, Hall, Shop, Buildlng, oppoSliJe the Academy. Wbero Church , Cablo, aud other STOVES;

Mr ~a!'he~!::'~'OD: GUySbOTOU_,lr and all BUliness in the Printing line will b. Ileglster G.raLe8, Kitchen Ranges j

Mr lame. ~uioQ"C,.p.o ,Nprtb, tramhlc led'w,th pl:l nClu ll lit y and de.pafc~. C;ook Sto.es and Cambooses for Yes-Rev. A. Mcl)ooald f p, E. h la,nd , 8'els-which he will supply by whole-Mr Roderick McKenzie,.P. E. Island.. BLANK FORMS. sale nnd retail at low prices, and 011 P. Lonergan, [ sq" Ffenh' Sett. Margnripe A GR&a.T yarieJy eon,stantly 011 habd at this liber.al terma. Me .. ra, Melvar 4:. Co ..... St Joho " , Ntl,~ : Office-amongwbielr are, Bills ofEYcbapge,

IOHN 'McK}"NON, 8ill. of Lad'D" Cha"uPa"i .. , Seamcn'. Order. from Cape BreloD 8trioll,

/i~rth SJd,!e,i,Hr!!c·i.; liH~J (~Dt. :[%~:"~::,~:~'lIB~:,~~:.t.rel ' L8\vyer's anHns~~r:xt.OO.ctober f Is.4. .'w




try-keep trying. Be high your aim, .Nor linger moaping in the dust j

)( ye would build a ,Ioriotls name l

ADd shake yourselves frnm sloth and rU lt . Try-keep trying.

Nought il achieved by gro\'cling minds, \Vho at their .badows fea r and quske­

Wbo're fickle a. tbe riot winds:

benutiful ; her skin was almost as fair ao el tradition, and . ttrn relSOU, had a8 piel"V,. I pickles pot" an. ketde., lS alabaster j her eyes were of sky indicated to man but Ale ~re8tion. ~ ~fl brushes, 'brooms, • benevole'~c:e, ' Ind blue, with, a laughing expression , aud, o,\e period for its duration . The star ry bre •• d , charily, cheese and cracker. her hair of a hazel brown,l"hich (o,rm- heavens diselo!led to us no indications fail~. flo ur, snrl affec:ion, cider, sin: ed :I rich contrast with her otherwise of tllei, origin, and exhibited no pros- eerily .. and onions. integri ty, vinegar, blond featUles aud flowed in full grace- peel of their passing away. But now, and virtue. wine and wisdom. Ha. 1 ful r ingle ts upon h .. r snowy neck and that it has been prayed that our globe al~ th('se al~'a ys on hand, and happine'l bosom, which were partiaily uncover· h,. been the tbeatreof su ch transcend· wl." b~ \v1~h you, D o n' t drink anJ. ed and volumptuous by th~ir plo:mp- ant moyemeuta-the seat 0(, 10 mucb ~ hlng mto)"lcatillg-eat modcratp.!y_ ness and tl:!e disposition of her ri ttire. 'revolution and ch8I1g~-llie birth.plaoe go al)out husi npss (lfter breakfast~ Next behind the happy pair came tpe and the grave ,of so many cyclea ot lounge a little /after dinner-chat after bridesmaid, followed bf seyeral cou· organi", life, may we not e-xpect to find tea. an? kiss after . quarrell ing j and pies and another piper , all of whom arralogoufllawl in tbe planetery afs-- all the JO,. the peacE', and the bliS!

If ye would earth '. foundation'lhake, wpre dre~sed in like manner. This tern of which tbis globe forms a partY earth can alford, shall be YOll rs, uotil Try-keep trying. was a wedding party going to Green- Launched on the lJoundless ocean of th~ ~rave closes over you, and your

wich. The procession marcheJ to the I!Ipace, the ark of human reason bas no !ptrl ts are horne to a brigh1U anc! lutp­pit'r, surrounded and encompassed by pilot at the helnt, and no pole-star for pier world.' Upward and onward-linger not

[n terror tremblinl by the wat; Some untried patb mUll yet be ,trugbtt

Wbere'ybQ can all your I trengtb 'displa'y 1'ry;oo;,.keep trying:

c..iod n6'Ver m'sde an id le man, 1.'0' cull nlorle the Bowers of life ;

It controverts hill glorious piau, And turn'. perfection into strife:

T'1~kc(lp trying. '

' 'ria written ili'1he stari 00 'high'­I read it on tbe earlh' beneatb_

11an·. is a wooaroul cteltiny-And b. mu., act 81 wellaa bTeuthe :

1'ry-ktlepo Irying.

l. ... hen or.ward:!....true ate you exiSt. S-;ccell will cruwn el1ch tlffo rt made j '

Objections vanil!h like tho mist, Wbere truth and nalU re are obeyed :

Try-keep tr),in" E



c rowds 01 people, \V'here' they embark- its g uide '; hut ao Authority which can-ed on Loard a steamer. l1 not err, baa iasued the decree, that the

I heateDS ahall waK old as a garment, CA LEDONIAN (:ANAL-A!,:CIE~T R.ELIC • . and as • yesture shall be folded up j

The repairs on the Canal are pro- and while they shalt perish and pass ceeding rapid ly. 'fbe number of work· away, a new beaven' shall arise -~he men employed ' is estim ated at 1501P.- abode of happiness . lId the scat of . nu· At Ban navie several of th e locks ha\' e mort~lity . What ,hi, change is to be, ~o be wholly renewed. The pressu re we dare not even cpnjecture; ~ut we of the waters of Loch Lochy Will also aee in the heaven's themselves sorlie be rendered less dange rous by' the con. traces, o~ d~atructive' . element,,' • and s trucllon of a ncw lock ."t GairJochy. some wdlcalioDI of their power. rhe T he late drought reduced the waters of lragments of b~oken planet&, the des· Loch Oich to a lowe r level than was cent of mete.onc stone" upon ~ur glo~e ever remembered, 'affurdine facilities -the whee!lUg comets welding their ft}r removing, in the course of the loose mate,rlals at .the solar furnace­chunnel through the lake, some hUlid. the voicaillc eruptions on our own plano. reds of trees, consisting c~ieOy of t~e et-t~e appea rance of new slan Ind fin est black oak-some of the blocks the dlsappearan~e of others, are all 3 1·2 (eet in di ameter, and other logs f~reshado~1 of that i ~npeD~iug con,ul· 25-- to 30 feet in length. 1 'hey .must ~Ion to which th~ sIstem of ~ur world have lail) in their watery bed for celltu: IS ?oo~ed . 'r~s placed on a planet ries. Several were in a high sta te of which III to .be . burnt up, and under preservation , others c h ~rred by fire.- heav~ns whl~h are to pass away-l~u s There wp.re also found a few logs artj .. trp.8,dmg. ~s It: were on the cemeteries, ficially hollowed ' out which to all ap .. olnd dwelling m the mausoleucus of for· peannce, were ml:",le for ~erving the mer world" le~'~s learn fr?m rea8~n tbe

Pinc/.qr, the new I..ondoll corl'eflpon- I f hId d f dent of the" Post," gives the following purpose of CI"loes. Thf'se interesting heason 0 lum.ld"YbHn I

WI; h~~t' , I t~e

\Vomen pardon e\'e rythin i in hus'" bands who ~ i\' e them whalthey desire; but st the sh 'l htest rd'usa l, how Illllny wrongs wiJl the), in an ill5tam call to mind. ~our th ingli Me requ ired ill n wife-virtue in her hen~rt, modesty if) !ler fnce, .gendenp8s on her Jip!!, ;}net Industry III her hnlJd~, The wire IJc:n praised is sITe who is not spukf' n nf.­Silt-lice and hlushing are Ihe eioqllf'nc o f women. Modes t)' is woman's cour· age . .

'Vhen a woman rea!ly Ions, '~he loves in nine cues in len f.I long as she lives. Through good and evil re­port-for' better for worse' she a· bidE'a by him 10 whom she has givt.n her heart. Sbe g ives the ""hole, and without melltal reserntion. , No cold calculatioos of policy-oo concealed iptentiolls" of with~rawin g: her confi­dence-Jlo sf'lf interposeJ ill the mat· ier. T.here is 110 hargain abuut it-it iS ,an unconditi,onal ;urr~ndeJ orberMlf,. her hopes, her present, her ~"'ture .

escrlption o f a wedding processIOn he h I f - I N t' B t' H C 'I T k d ' relicS" were almos t cOUlllleteJy destroy, \ ave not a rea y .een aug I 10 .. e e,d in bf"ing fish~d up, with t he excep- 8C O~I a rt!vc al1on.- . or I. rl u,. ow TO OAUUT n URDR R. - a 8-

encountered in the Gteat Metropolis: t lOn of one, WhiCh, though materially RC~HelO . a pretty yo~ng lady-tell he; ' she ha. "ElbowlII g roy wily throug h the r h ·11 J II IIlC'" of I I h I iujured, is in a better ljtate ofpreseru. - -------- . a prelty 100t-s e WI wear'" a sma ,

mB •. e:i peop e tlatt rong t liS g reat tion It i b t]5 ~ ' I h START.IN€P'tl'fILDREN IN THE 'WQllLO. thin shoe-go out in we rt \Vcalher-thoroughrnrt>, [ had not proceeded far , . , s a ou eet III el~gl - , . ' . h I f when the shrill notes of 8 bagpipe burst~ t:tle Sides o.f th ~ hollow 15 to 18111ches the follOWIng extract from the catc a co d-cnneumption will allow upun my eftr fr olll bf'hind. I turued' deep',curvlDg IIIward:l',at one end, and works or. liv'ng writer, is replete with -and she will.die in n year .. myself about and met (ull in the face- the Width at botto~ bemg 9-to 10 inch· sCJund philosoph, and common sense: -------.-a' ,::racerul Highland piper, in hi s- f'S. Such a conl~lvance would aif?rd -It is weW worth the attention 01 palO There is som~thing in seve"; illne!s,. tc- plaiddip8 g"y ,' approaching at quick> but a vpry precarlollS I.node of crolslDg rents: upecially if it be in' ,iolent cCHltrasl te)' J1Rce, playing' Greeg!t Pipes.' Close evep a fresh water Highland loch in " ~l.aorln ~Dwise par~nt I~bors hard the usual alrimgth of Ihe ,hody,. which he:hinrl him followed a latlJie and his the calmest sU,mJner wealher. Atr, ant.! hYf\a sp'arlogly all hi! life for the hits of len the most salutary effect on­J~1Iaie. arm in arm . The young man Jacklon, the spltlted contractor for the pu~pose or leavi~g enough to gi,e . h~s 'he mind 7 which often, by the aftlic .. \fas !ilil1'l and gra('.eful, though nol tall, ~annl w,ork~, h,as, we ?nd : rSloo,d, con- ch ildren'" a star t ID tbe worlrl, as: It I'S tiof, of lhe f·ame. roughly wins us from with light complexlou and Brown hair , s ld erale,y ,!ngnl~ed . hiS , wtel~tlon" to c~lIed . Setting ,a young ,man a,80a t the too morbid pain~ of the heart. Wff whichshadeth Ihe fulin ess of his cheeks have the pieces of hiS old CeltJoC canoe wllh money left hun by hili relatives, rise thus from the bed of tlickoess, Rb d hung in thick .!hort curls behind. put , to!t~ther, and most becomingly de· is like tyitrg bladders under the arma softened and humbled, and more rlis .. He ,,",I dressed in It costume of hr3' posited III the mu seum commenced by of one who cannot swim; ten' chances pO!lt'd to look around us for such hless .. cl alDCJng _ he Highl auds where he the !"lonhern. lhslitution lo r the pro- to one hI! will lose his bladders and go ings as we may ye' command,-r-tlul-b ged, nnd was evid~ lItly one of the ~t1otlon of SCience and LiteUiture, now to the bottom. ·Teach him to swim wer! Independent cl{l!ts: He wore leggins III the Hall of the Acaden~y. and which and he will never need the Madders: ' of red Rntl black pi aj'd , which were fas. has:scrvrd ~or , the c?lIection o~ 8 ,v~ry Giv'e YO'l)T"child a sound edu~'ftt ion 'Ird' tened bel6w the kllee with a broad red ~urlous sener. of l-hghland antiquities. you 'h'&,,& dODe enou6 h for hIlY!'.' See ribbon; a man lie of'silk plaid swung rhe t~r,es are~ dOU btl ess remnan.ls of to i~ that hll mor,als are pure; hie mind oyer his left ahoulder and under hl!t the . ancl,ent fores.ts of C.ledoDla.- CUhl'flted,IDd hi. wholfi: nature !Dade arm confihed about the w;i :!t with a T~elf bemg fouod m the strange situ .. subsenient to the lawa whieh goyern blac'k lenthern tielt with a broad silver alloo · al.lu~~ to brings to our memor} matt,lnd :Jou baye giteo him what buckle in front, .and knob of ailrer up- the P~I~IlIY" state of th~ country, i,n will be of . more ,alue than ,the w~ahh 011 his shoulde r. He wore lilver ahoe ~ormer time! compared With what II , IS of the Indies. You haye gIVen him a bucklrs and a boo'net of plaid trimmed 10 our own day. , "rhe march of im- a~8rt- which no mi!fo/tune can d~priye with black plumeS" wjth a strai2'h~ prove!"eot has rea~~ed even our re,mot· him of. The ea ~lIer you tf!ach him to while fealher behiruf. tipped with red, est ~lgh.l~nd loc ~ lrtle8, the Callal IIself depend upon bls own reaourcea the and a. large aiher r1lse Dear his fore ... t~n~~ng .. n an' emlnent degreetQ spread beuer." head, He bad Yarlou!:l ~ther liilver or- c~"I"sauon anti comfo.rt among the de· --------lIaments than' tbole I have men tioned IlIzens of the moun tams. The works Aone!: TO YOUNG FOL&I.-An about his person . The bride, for wbe.n completed will form an ihesti,ma· American dirine elOSH ~ sermon with !lIc,h .she WilS, was dressed tastefully in hie Ilnprorement on the w,ho!e hne, th, following quaint advice ;- '1 'want white, a zOlle of plaid about he'r neck and we. hope the traffic Will IIIcreafie you, my loullg sinnera to kis8 Ind confined in ,front with. ailver bow' anu accordmgly.-[rm·erness Courier. aet married: .and then devote Jour

a cupid, and a sub of tbe urne mate~ No PAR'!' Of' THE ~R· -ATION P •• MA- time to morality and l{Ioney-making. .ial a"nod he . I' Sh oj. ou - Thea let" our bome. p. we11 pro,ided . r wal' • e ,.aa re Y' NENT.-Before Cuvier's time, history with sue,", comfortl and necessarie.

A' 1'EAR- ow much is- ~xpressedj b, '·. single lear! When troppe& 0 "

rer 80r roW' and diltress it i5 more elo' ­queut than word.. It teH~ or aympa-­Ihi.ing feelinga and. kind hearl, It; is a living sentence, sp rill~ing frBfll the ' atrectiom. , without guile or dissimila-­tion, reaehing· to the soul, 0' the sad! aod .micled,

DI"NITY,-W. dislike "hll the wortd calla I dignified man, one whose intease 'vanity and egotism make! b,im... inaccesaible. Such a preciuus. pieee ... or mort . lily i. like. hedge-iwg--.p-. pr01lch him 88 yO'u maJ. ita. ' br:istlinr r 'I"ill of .elf .1.U ....... u't· in ' IncH ·· bold > r.liof,.. lhal e,e"' IHough ',ou otTer Ihe., fellow food .. you .... ·cerl.in 10 lIel 'o~ &nllers pricked, "