The Spirit of the Christmas” The competition “The Would of Music.

The Spirit of the Christmas” The competition “The Would of Music

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Page 1: The Spirit of the Christmas” The competition “The Would of Music

The Spirit of the Christmas”

The competition “The Would of Music.

Page 2: The Spirit of the Christmas” The competition “The Would of Music
Page 3: The Spirit of the Christmas” The competition “The Would of Music
Page 4: The Spirit of the Christmas” The competition “The Would of Music

to broaden

our outlook on

the topic: “Music”

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Today we willToday we will::

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Let’s begin our



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Page 8: The Spirit of the Christmas” The competition “The Would of Music
Page 9: The Spirit of the Christmas” The competition “The Would of Music
Page 10: The Spirit of the Christmas” The competition “The Would of Music

1. «Abba»

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2. Frank-Sinatra

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3. «Abba»

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4. Kelly-Rowland

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5. «Abba»

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6. Rosemaryy

Page 16: The Spirit of the Christmas” The competition “The Would of Music

card with the name of famous group

“ABBA”, “The Beatles” or “Other group”,

we are listening now

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«Click-Clack»Click clackClick clack

Click clack

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«Let It Be»

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«Happy New Year»

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«I Do, I Do, I Do»

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Task IIIFind the text of the song «Jingle-

bells» (Russian variant): 1.

Всё шампанское выпито,Фейерверки давно погасли. И вот мы сидим, я и ты, Словно потерянные, с тоской глядя друг на друга.02Вечеринка закончилась,И наступившее утро кажется таким серым И далёким от шумного веселья праздника. Сейчас самое время сказать… 03Иногда мне кажется, Что мы живём в Дивном Новом Мире, Процветающем На пепле наших душ.

Да, мы наивны, Мы думаем, что всё будет хорошо. Идя на глиняных ногах сквозь серые будни, Мы и не подозреваем, что сбились с пути, И продолжаем идти дальше... 05Сейчас мне кажется, Что все наши прежние мечты Растаяли, как сон. Теперь они не более, Чем конфетти, усыпающие пол. 06Очередное десятилетие Осталось позади. Кто знает, что предложит будущее, Что ждёт нас там, За чертой 1989 года... 07Счастливого Нового года! Счастливого Нового года! Пусть теперь мы все увидим новый мир, Где все люди – братья. 08Счастливого Нового года! Счастливого Нового года! Пусть наша жизнь будет полна надежд и стремлений, Ведь без этого лучше просто взять и умереть, Тебе и мне...

2. Звените, колокольчики,

Звените, колокольчики,Звените не переставая!Как же здоровоКататься на санях Запряженных лошадкой!01В сильный снегопад В запряженных саняхПо полям мы катаемсяСмеясь всю дорогу.02Колокольчики, сверкая, звенятСоздавая яркие впечатленияКак весело кататься и петь Санную песенку вечером.03День или два назад Я надумал покататься,И вскоре мисс Фанни Брайт Сидела рядышком со мной.04Лошадка у нас была кожа да костиОна казалась очень несчастнойОна увязла в сугробеи мы полетели вверх тормашками.05Пока земля бела, А ты молод, не теряй времяЗабирай сегодня девчонок Петь эту санную песенку.06Только возьми гнедую лошадкуТу, что порезвей,Запрягай ее в отрытые сани И хоп, ты будешь править!

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TASK VI. Revise the text of

the song «Happy New Year» . You have got several


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The text of the song “Happy New Year”.

No more champagneAnd the fireworks are throughHere we are, me and youFeeling lost and feeling blueIt's the end of the partyAnd the morning seems so greySo unlike yesterdayNow's the time for us to say...

Happy new yearHappy new yearMay we all have a vision now and thenOf a world where every neighbour is a friendHappy new yearHappy new yearMay we all have our hopes, our will to tryIf we don't we might as well lay down and dieYou and I

Sometimes I seeHow the brave new world arrivesAnd I see how it thrivesIn the ashes of our livesOh yes, man is a foolAnd he thinks he'll be okayDragging on, feet of clayNever knowing he's astrayKeeps on going anyway...

Happy new yearHappy new yearMay we all have a vision now and thenOf a world where every neighbour is a friendHappy new yearHappy new yearMay we all have our hopes, our will to tryIf we don't we might as well lay down and dieYou and I

Seems to me nowThat the dreams we had beforeAre all dead, nothing moreThan confetti on the floorIt's the end of a decadeIn another ten years timeWho can say what we'll findWhat lies waiting down the lineIn the end of eighty-nine...

Happy new yearHappy new yearMay we all have a vision now and thenOf a world where every neighbour is a friendHappy new yearHappy new yearMay we all have our hopes, our will to tryIf we don't we might as well lay down and dieYou and I

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1) Well done! – «5». 2) Good – «4». 3) Not bad – «3». 4) Go back and revise – «2».

Take the sheets of paper and put the marks of your knowledge on them:

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Your results:

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1. remembered English songs;

2. remembered the names

of the music groups;

3. chose the songs

about Christmas;

4. found the translation

of English song;

5. маdе your spirit better.

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Teams! Sing the song «Happy New Year»



Happy new yearHappy new yearMay we all have a vision now and thenOf a world where every neighbour is a friendHappy new yearHappy new yearMay we all have our hopes, our will to tryIf we don't we might as well lay down and dieYou and I

Seems to me nowThat the dreams we had beforeAre all dead, nothing moreThan confetti on the floorIt's the end of a decadeIn another ten years timeWho can say what we'll findWhat lies waiting down the lineIn the end of eighty-nine...

Happy new yearHappy new yearMay we all have a vision now and thenOf a world where every neighbour is a friendHappy new yearHappy new yearMay we all have our hopes, our will to tryIf we don't we might as well lay down and dieYou and I

No more champagneAnd the fireworks are throughHere we are, me and youFeeling lost and feeling blueIt's the end of the partyAnd the morning seems so greySo unlike yesterdayNow's the time for us to say...

Happy new yearHappy new yearMay we all have a vision now and thenOf a world where every neighbour is a friendHappy new yearHappy new yearMay we all have our hopes, our will to tryIf we don't we might as well lay down and dieYou and I

Sometimes I seeHow the brave new world arrivesAnd I see how it thrivesIn the ashes of our livesOh yes, man is a foolAnd he thinks he'll be okayDragging on, feet of clayNever knowing he's astrayKeeps on going anyway...

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I hope we madeyour spirit
