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Page 2: THE STATE PATENT BUREAU OF THE REPUBLIC OF ...vpb.lrv.lt/uploads/vpb/documents/files/2006 metinė...4,,Lietuvai ástojus á Europos Sàjungà ir Europos patentø organizacijà, iðlieka


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Áþanga | 2

Pramoninës nuosavybës tarnyba –veiklos penkiolikmetis | 4

Organizacinë struktûra | 12

Iðradimø departamentas | 14

Prekiø þenklø ir dizaino departamentas | 20

Apeliacinis skyrius | 25

Teisëkûra ir tarptautinis bendradarbiavimas | 26

Informacija ir informacinës technologijos | 34

Lietuvos technikos bibliotekosPatentinës informacijos centras | 37

2006 metai fotografijose | 39

Statistiniai duomenys | 46



Introduction | 2

Industrial Property Office –15 years of activity | 4

Organizational structure | 12

Inventions Department | 14

Trademarks and Designs Department | 19

Appeals Division | 25

Law legislation and international cooperation | 26

Information and Information Technology | 34

Patent Information Centreof the Lithuanian Technical Librar y | 37

Year 2006 in pictures | 39

Statistical data | 46

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,,Lietuvai ástojus á Europos Sàjungà ir Europos patentø organizacijà, iðlieka amþinasklausimas: bûti ar nebûti – ar Lietuva bus paþangiø technologijø kûrëjø, ar tik paþangiøtechnologijø naudotojø ðalis?“

DirektoriusRimvydas Naujokas

,,After Lithuania entered the European Union, and the European Patent Organization,an everlasting question remains: to be or not to be - will Lithuania become the country ofadvanced technology creators or only the user of advanced technologies?”

DirectorRimvydas Naujokas



Lietuvos Respublikos valstybinis patentø biuras (VPB)1991 m. ásteigtas Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybës ir2001 m. priskirtas Lietuvos Respublikos teisingumoministerijos reguliavimo srièiai pagal savo nuostatusdalyvauja formuojant ir ágyvendina valstybës politikàpramoninës nuosavybës apsaugos srityje, registruojafiziniø ir juridiniø asmenø iðimtines teises á pramo-ninës nuosavybës objektus Lietuvos Respublikoje,sprendþia ikiteisminius ginèus dël teisiø á pramoni-nës nuosavybës objektus registravimo, ágyvendinacentrinës pramoninës nuosavybës tarnybos funkcijasir vykdo kitas Lietuvos Respublikos tarptautiniøsutarèiø ir Europos Sàjungos teisës aktø pramoninësnuosavybës apsaugos klausimais nuostatas, organi-zuoja ir ágyvendina pramoninës nuosavybës informa-cijos sklaidà ir visuomenës ðvietimà pramoninësnuosavybës apsaugos klausimais, dalyvauja organizuo-jant Lietuvos Respublikos patentiniø patikëtiniøveiklà.

Dar 1923 m. pradëta kurti pirmoji Lietuvos Respub-likoje patentø sistema XXI a. tapo integruota átarptautinæ ir regioninæ Europos Sàjungos pramoni-nës nuosavybës objektø apsaugos sistemas, suteikian-èias Lietuvos ir uþsienio pareiðkëjams visapusiðkasgalimybes ginti savo intelektinës veiklos produktus



The State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania (SPB)was established in 1991, by the Government of the Republic ofLithuania. In 2001 the Ministry of Justice of the Republic ofLithuania was assigned to control the SPB, which under itsregulations, assists in formation as well as implementation ofthe State policy in the field of protection of industrial property.It also registers exclusive rights of natural persons or legalentities to industrial property objects in the Republic ofLithuania, deals with pre-trial disputes regarding registrationof rights to industrial property objects, implements functionsof the central industrial property office and implements otherregulations of the international agreements of the Republic ofLithuania and of the Legal Acts of the European Union,dealing with the protection of industrial property; organizesand implements the spread of information about industrialproperty and informs the society about the protection ofindustrial property as well as takes part in organizing theactivity of patent attorneys of the Republic of Lithuania.

The first patent system in the Republic of Lithuania, which wasstarted yet in 1923, in the XXI century became an integralpart of the international and regional systems of the protectionof industrial property objects of the European Union, whichprovides Lithuanian or foreign applicants with universalpossibilities to defend the products of their intellectual activity bymeans of organized and valid legal instruments. We agree with


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pasinaudojant sukurtomis ir veikianèiomis teisinëmispriemonëmis. Pritariame Europos Komisijos pirmi-ninko pavaduotojo, atsakingo uþ ámones ir pramonæ,p. Günter Verheugen mintims, 2006 m. iðdëstytomsjam aptariant penktàjà Europos inovacijø rezultatøsuvestinæ: ,,Inovacijø rezultatø suvestinë akivaizdþiairodo, kad turime skirti daugiau dëmesio inovacijoms.Inovacijø skatinimas yra pagrindinis mûsø Partnerys-tës ekonomikos augimui ir darbo vietø kûrimuiramstis. Turime akivaizdþiø árodymø, kad inovacijasdaþniau taikanèiuose sektoriuose pastebimas didesnisnaðumo augimo lygis“. Europos patentø tarnybosprezidentas p. Alain Pompidou patentø politikosateitá sieja su geresne kokybe, tvirtesne teisineapsauga bei maþesne patentavimo kaina pasiþyminèiapramoninës nuosavybës apsaugos sistema. 2006 m.pradþioje Europos Komisijos narys, atsakingas uþvidaus rinkà ir paslaugas, komisaras p. CharlieMcCreevy inicijavo konsultacijas dël Europos Sàjun-gos patentø politikos ateityje siekiant skatinti inova-cijas, padaryti patentavimà paprastesná bei sumaþintiiðlaidas uþtikrinant teises. Lietuvoje vyrauja nuomo-në, kad inovacijos – tik naujausiø technologijøgamybos ámoniø rûpestis, kad jos susijusios tik sutomis ámonëmis, kurios paèios gali atlikti tyrimus,plëtoti ar taikyti naujas technologijas. Taèiau tokspoþiûris yra siauras ir nevisiðkai teisingas. Inovacijosturi rûpëti visiems fiziniams ir juridiniams asmenis –gamintojams ar paslaugø teikëjams. Ðiuolaikiðkosámonës, organizacijos, fiziniai asmenys sugeba diegtiarba keisti produktus ir procesus, remdamiesinaujausiomis þiniomis. Kai kurios pramonës ámonësjau turi nemaþà bendradarbiavimo su aukðtosiomismokyklomis ir moksliniø tyrimø ástaigomis patirtá,taèiau ðis bendradarbiavimas galëtø bûti aktyvesnis.Tyrimai rodo, kad tose srityse, kuriose glaudþiaibendradarbiauja mokslo institucijø ir verslo atstovai,inovacijø plëtra ypaè sëkminga. Glaudesná verslo irmokslo visuomenës bendradarbiavimà itin skatintømokslo ir technologijø parkai, verslo inkubatoriai,kitos inovacijø paramos infrastruktûros organizacijos.Visuomenë turi palankiai priimti inovacijas, suprastipramoninës nuosavybës objektø apsaugos svarbàLietuvos ekonomikos plëtrai. Ir ðiandien, XXI a.pradþioje, iðlieka aktualus uþraðas Pasaulinës intelek-tinës nuosavybës organizacijos Vyriausiosios bûstinëskupole Þenevoje: ,,Þmogaus genijus yra visø meno

the ideas of Mr. Günter Verheugen, the Vice president of theEuropean Commission, who is responsible for companies andindustry. He expressed his ideas in 2006 when he wasdiscussing the fifth resume of the European innovation results:“The innovation results summary apparently shows that wemust pay more attention to the issue of innovations. Topromote innovations is the key support of our Partnership inthe field of growth of economy and the development ofworkplaces. We have some obvious proof that a greater level ofthe growth of productivity has been noticed in the sectorswhich apply innovations”. Mr. Alain Pompidu, the President ofthe European Patent Office, relates the future of the patentpolicy to a better quality, a stronger legal protection as well asthe system of protection of industrial property, featuring alower price of patenting. In the beginning of 2006, Mr. CharlieMcCreevy, Commissioner, the member of the EuropeanCommission, who is responsible for internal market andservices, initiated consultations regarding the patent policy ofthe European Union, in order to promote innovations in thefuture, to simplify the process of patenting and to lowerexpenses as well as protecting rights. The dominating idea inLithuania is that innovations are only the newest technologycompanies’ business and that these are related only with thecompanies which are able to conduct investigations on theirown, to develop and apply the newest technologies. However,this point of view is rather narrow and not completely correct.All the natural persons and legal entities, be it manufacturersor ser vice providers, should be concerned about innovations.Modern companies, organizations, natural persons are able tointroduce or change products and processes, by referring tothe up-to-date knowledge. Some of the industrial companieshave already got quite a fair amount of experience incooperation with higher schools and with scientific researchinstitutions; however, such cooperation could be more active.Research findings show that the development of innovations isexclusively successful in those areas where educationalinstitutions cooperate with business representatives. A closercooperation of business and science society would beespecially motivated by science and technology parks, businessincubators and other organizations of innovations supportinfrastructures. The society has to approvingly acceptinnovations and to understand the significance of theprotection of industrial property objects for the development ofthe economy of Lithuania. Therefore, today, at the beginningof the 21st century, in the cupola of the Headquarters of theWorld Intellectual Property Organization based in Geneva, atopical note remains: “Human Genius is the source of all


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kûriniø ir iðradimø ðaltinis. Ðie kûriniai yra þmogausverto gyvenimo garantija. Valstybës pareiga – uþtik-rinti patikimà visø menø ir iðradimø apsaugà.“

Siekiant gerinti teikiamø vieðøjø paslaugø kokybæVieðojo administravimo plëtros iki 2010 m. strategi-joje ir ðios strategijos ágyvendinimo 2005-2006 m.priemoniø plane numatyta sudaryti sàlygas vieðojosektoriaus institucijoms tobulinti savo veiklà. Tikime,jog bus sukurta brandi nacionalinë pramoninësnuosavybës objektø apsaugos sistema, adekvatiEuropos Sàjungos ðalyse suformuotoms normoms irtradicijoms, kurias apibendrintai nusako pramoninësnuosavybës objektø apsaugos sistemos pastovumas,profesionalumas ir jos gebëjimas tarnauti visuomenësinteresams.

Pramoninës nuosavybës tarnyba –veiklos penkiolikmetis

Veiklos prioritetai

Valstybinio pramoninës nuosavybës objektø (iðradimø,dizaino, prekiø þenklø ir puslaidininkiniø gaminiøtopografijø) apsaugos áteisinimo vykdymas Lietuvoje;

Centrinës pramoninës nuosavybës tarnybos funkcijøvykdymas Europos Sàjungoje (ES) ir Europos patentøorganizacijoje (EPO);

Efektyvi pramoninës nuosavybës informacijos sklaida irvisuomenës ðvietimas.

Veiklos penkiolikmetis

1991 m. Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybës nutarimuásteigtas Valstybinis patentø biuras (VPB) ir patvirtintilaikinieji VPB nuostatai. Patentiniø paslaugø centraspriskirtas VPB reguliavimo srièiai. Vyriausybës nutarimupatvirtinti Firmø vardø nuostatai.

1992 m. Lietuvos Respublika tapo Pasaulinës intelek-tinës nuosavybës organizacijos (WIPO) nare. Vyriau-sybës nutarimu Nr. 362 ,,Dël pramoninës nuosavybësteisinës apsaugos Lietuvos Respublikoje“ buvopatvirtinti patentiniø patikëtiniø nuostatai ir pradëtas

works of art and invention; these works are the guarantee of alife worthy of men; it is the duty of the State to ensure withdiligence the protection of the arts and inventions.”

In order to improve the quality of public services in the Publicadministration development strategy until year 2010, in theplan of means of implementation of this strategy for year2005-2006, it is scheduled to establish conditions under whichthe activities of the public sector institutions would be im-proved. We believe that a mature national system of theprotection of industrial property objects will be created, whichwould be adequate to the norms and traditions, formed in thecountries of European Union, which is generally defined bythe stability of a system of protection of industrial propertyobjects, by its ability to remain professional and by its abilityto serve the interests of society.

The Industrial Property Office– fifteen years of activity

Activity priorities

The national legislation for the protection of industrial proper-ty objects (inventions, design, trademarks and topographies ofsemiconductor products) in Lithuania;

The implementation of functions of the Central IndustrialProperty Office in the European Union (EU) and the Europe-an Patent Organization (EPO);

An effective spread of information about the industrial proper-ty as well as society enlightenment.

Fifteen years of activity

In 1991, under the decision of the Government of the Repub-lic of Lithuania, the State Patent Bureau (SPB) was establishedand the provisional regulations of the SPB were endorsed. TheSPB is assigned to control the Patent Service Centre. Underthe decision of the Government, the Firm names regulationswere confirmed.

In 1992, the Republic of Lithuania became the member of theWorld Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Under theresolution No. 362 of the Government “Regarding the legalprotection of the industrial property rights in the Republic ofLithuania”, patent attorneys’ regulations were endorsed and


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the registration of applications for inventions, industrialexamples, trademarks and service marks was initiated in theRepublic of Lithuania, as well as the re-registration of validcertificates for trademarks and service marks, which weregranted in the former Soviet Union, including certificates,granted under Madrid Agreement. The first official SPBbulletin “Inventions, industrial examples, trademarks andservice marks, firm names” was published.

In 1993, The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (TheSeimas) passed the Law on Trademarks and Service Marks ofthe Republic of Lithuania. It was started providing statisticsdata about Lithuanian industrial property to the WIPOpublication “Industrial Property Statistics” and exchanging theLithuanian industrial property official publications with patentoffices from 43 countries as well as international organizations.

In 1994, The Seimas passed the Patent Law of the Republic ofLithuania. The agreement between the Government and theEuropean Patent Organization (EPO) regarding cooperation inthe field of patents (Cooperation Agreement) came into effect.

The Republic of Lithuania joined the Paris Convention for theProtection of the Industrial Property.

The Republic of Lithuania joined the Patent Cooperation Treaty(PCT). The agreement between the Government and EPOregarding the implementation of the article 3(3) of the Coope-ration treaty, signed on January 25, 1994 (the extensionagreement), came into effect. It was started providing thebibliographic data of Lithuanian trademarks to Compu-Mark.

In 1995, the 21st thousand trademark and service mark wasregistered. The Baltic Conference on the Industrial Propertywas organized in Vilnius. The Seimas passed the Law onIndustrial Design of the Republic of Lithuania.

In 1996, the first European patent was extended to the Republicof Lithuania. The Seimas passed the Law on Plant Variety andSeed Farming Protection of the Republic of Lithuania.

In 1997, the Republic of Lithuania became a member of theNice Agreement Concerning the International Classification ofGoods and Services for the Purposes of Registration Marks.The 25th thousand application for goods and services marks wasfiled, the Republic of Lithuania joined the Madrid AgreementConcerning the International Trademark Registration Protocol.The Seimas ratified the Trademark Law Treaty (TLT), whichcame into force in the Republic of Lithuania since April 27,

iðradimø, pramoniniø pavyzdþiø, prekiø ir paslaugøþenklø paraiðkø registravimas Lietuvos Respublikojeir galiojanèiø prekiø ir paslaugø þenklø liudijimø,iðduotø buvusioje TSRS, áskaitant liudijimus, iðduo-tus pagal Madrido sutartá, perregistravimas. Iðleistaspirmasis VPB oficialus biuletenis ,,Iðradimai,pramoniniai pavyzdþiai, prekiø ir paslaugø þenklai,firmø vardai“.

1993 m. Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas (Seimas) priëmëLietuvos Respublikos prekiø ir paslaugø þenklø ástatymà.Pradëta teikti Lietuvos pramoninës nuosavybës statisti-kos duomenis WIPO leidiniui ,,Pramoninës nuosavybësstatistika“, keistis Lietuvos pramoninës nuosavybësoficialiais leidiniais su 43 valstybiø patentø tarnybomisbei tarptautinëmis organizacijomis.

1994 m. Seimas priëmë Lietuvos Respublikos patentøástatymà. Ásigaliojo Vyriausybës ir Europos patentøorganizacijos (EPO) susitarimas dël bendradarbiavimopatentø srityje (Bendradarbiavimo susitarimas).

Lietuvos Respublika prisijungë prie Paryþiaus konvenci-jos dël pramoninës nuosavybës saugojimo.

Lietuvos Respublika prisijungë prie Patentinës koopera-cijos sutarties (PCT). Ásigaliojo Vyriausybës ir EPOsusitarimas dël 1994 m. sausio 25 d. bendradarbiavimosusitarimo 3(3) straipsnio ágyvendinimo (iðplëtimosusitarimas). Pradëti teikti Lietuvos prekiø þenkløbibliografiniai duomenys Compu-Mark.

1995 m. áregistruotas 21-tûkstantasis prekiø ir paslaugøþenklas. Vilniuje surengta Baltijos pramoninës nuosavy-bës konferencija. Seimas priëmë Lietuvos Respublikospramoninio dizaino ástatymà.

1996 m. Lietuvos Respublikoje iðplëstas pirmasisEuropos patentas. Seimas priëmë Lietuvos Respubli-kos augalø veisliø apsaugos ir sëklininkystës ástatymà.

1997 m. Lietuvos Respublika tapo Nicos sutarties dëltarptautinës prekiø ir paslaugø klasifikacijos þenklamsregistruoti nare. Paduota 25-tûkstantoji prekiø irpaslaugø þenklø paraiðka, Lietuvos Respublika prisijungëprie Madrido sutarties dël tarptautinës prekiø þenkløregistracijos protokolo. Seimas ratifikavo Prekiø þenkløástatymø sutartá (TLT), kuri Lietuvoje ásigaliojo nuo1998 m. balandþio 27 d. VPB ásteigë VPB interneto


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tinklalapá (informacija apie pramoninës nuosavybësapsaugà Lietuvoje, Lietuvos pramoninës nuosavybësástatymai ir t.t.). VPB oficialaus biuletenio naujausiasleidinys pateiktas VPB tinklalapyje (http://www.vpb.gov.lt).

1998 m. Lietuvos Respublika tapo Budapeðto sutartiesdël mikroorganizmø deponavimo pripaþinimo procedû-ros patentavimo reikmëms nare. Stipriam patentinësinformacijos centrui sukurti VPB pavesta vykdytiLietuvos technikos bibliotekos (http://www.tb.lt) steigëjofunkcijas.

1999 m. Lietuvos technikos bibliotekoje ákurtas Patenti-nës informacijos centras. Seimas priëmë LietuvosRespublikos firmø vardø ástatymà. Patvirtinta LietuvosRespublikos pramoninës nuosavybes informacijosstrategija 2000.

2000 m. á VPB paduota 13-tûkstantoji patentinëparaiðka, áskaitant ir praðymus iðplësti Europospatentiniø paraiðkø galiojimà Lietuvos Respublikoje.Valstybiniame prekiø ir paslaugø þenklø registre buvoáregistruotas 40-tûkstantasis prekiø þenklas. Seimaspriëmë 3-iàjá Lietuvos istorijoje Lietuvos Respublikosprekiø þenklø ástatymà. Ásigaliojo ES Vidaus rinkosderinimo tarnybos (OHIM) ir VPB Susitarimomemorandumas.

2001 m. Seimas priëmë Lietuvos Respublikos mokesèiøuþ pramoninës nuosavybës objektø registravimo ástatymà.Vyriausybës nutarimu Teisingumo ministerija ágaliotaiðduoti leidimus vartoti Lietuvos Respublikos pavadinimà,herbà, vëliavà ar kitus valstybës heraldikos objektus prekiøþenkluose bei Lietuvos Respublikos pavadinimà firmøvarduose. Vilniuje surengta Baltijos pramoninës nuosavy-bës konferencija.

2002 m. Lietuva pakviesta ástoti á Europos patentøorganizacijà (EPO), 2002 m. liepos 1 d. 1000-asisEuropos patentas iðplëstas á Lietuvos Respublikà.

2003 m. á VPB paduota pirma paraiðka papildomosapsaugos liudijimui gauti. Lietuvos Respublikojeiðplëstas 1000-asis Europos patentas. LietuvosRespublikoje iðduotas pirmas papildomos apsaugosliudijimas. Á VPB paduota 2500-oji patentinëparaiðka.

1998. The SPB established its Website (contains informationabout the protection of industrial property in Lithuania, Lawson Lithuanian industrial property, etc.). The most up-to-datepublication of the SPB Official Bulletin is provided in the SPBWebsite (http://www.vpb.gov.lt).

In 1998, the Republic of Lithuania became a member of theBudapest Treaty on the International Recognition of theDeposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent. Inorder to establish a powerful patent information centre, theSPB was assigned to perform the functions of the founder ofthe Lithuanian Technical Library (http://www.tb.lt).

In 1999, the Patent Information Centre was established inLithuanian Technical Library. The Seimas passed the Law onFirm Names of the Republic of Lithuania. The strategy 2000of the industrial property information of the Republic ofLithuania was confirmed.

In 2000, the 13th thousand patent application was filed withthe SPB, including applications to extend the validity of theEuropean patent applications to the Republic of Lithuania. The40th trademark application was registered in the State Trade-mark and Service Mark Register. The Seimas passed the 3rd

Law on Trademarks of the Republic of Lithuania in the historyof the Republic of Lithuania. Memorandum of the agreementbetween the EU Office for Harmonisation in the InternalMarket (OHIM) and the SPB entered into force.

In 2001, The Seimas passed the Law on Fees for the Registrationof the Industrial Property Objects of the Republic of Lithuania.Under the Government’s resolution, the Ministr y of Justicewas authorized to grant certificates which would allow usingthe name of the Republic of Lithuania, coat of arms, flag orother armory objects of the State on trademarks as well as thename of the Republic of Lithuania on firm names. Balticconference on the industrial property was held in Vilnius.

In 2002, Lithuania was invited to join the European PatentOrganization (EPO); on July 1, 2002, the 1000th Europeanpatent was extended to the Republic of Lithuania.

In 2003, the first application to get a certificate for supplemen-tary protection was filed with the SPB. The 1000th Europeanpatent was extended in the Republic of Lithuania. The firstcertificate for supplementary protection was granted in theRepublic of Lithuania. The 2500th patent application was filedwith the SPB.


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2004 m. priëmus Lietuvos Respublikos prekiø þenkløástatymo straipsniø ir Lietuvos Respublikos dizainoástatymø pakeitimus ir papildymus, paskelbtos irágyvendintos Europos Tarybos 1993 m. gruodþio 20 d.reglamento (EB) Nr. 40/94 dël Bendrijos prekiøþenklo bei Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos 1998 m.spalio 13 d. direktyvos 98/71/EB dël teisinës dizainoapsaugos nuostatos. VPB tapo centrine pramoninësnuosavybës tarnyba Bendrijos prekiø þenklø irdizainø atþvilgiu bei ágyvendina Europos patentøkonvencijos nuostatas. 2004 m. gruodþio 1 d.Lietuvos Respublika tapo 30-àja Europos patentøorganizacijos nare.

2005 m. Seimas priëmë Lietuvos Respublikos patentøástatymo preambulës, straipsniø pakeitimo bei papildy-mo ir ástatymo papildymo straipsniais ir priedu ástaty-mà, kuriuo perkelta Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos1998 m. liepos 6 d. direktyva 9E/44/EB dël teisinësbiotechnologiniø sistemø apsaugos. Pasiraðyta dviðaliobendradarbiavimo sutartis su Europos patentø tarnyba(EPT). Vyriausybës nutarimu patvirtinta Dizainoregistro nuostatø nauja redakcija. VPB direktoriausásakymu patvirtintos naujos Apeliacijø ir protestønagrinëjimo taisyklës.

2006 m. Seimas priëmë Lietuvos Respublikos patentø,prekiø þenklø, dizaino, puslaidininkiniø gaminiø topogra-fijø teisinës apsaugos ástatymø pakeitimus. 2006 m.gruodþio 5 d. Miunchene (Vokietija) Lietuvos Respubli-kos valstybinis patentø biuras su Latvijos, Estijos beiSuomijos nacionalinëmis patentø tarnybomis pasiraðëSusitarimo memorandumà. Ðia sutartimi siekiamaaktyviau bendradarbiauti, keistis informacija, patirtimisu minëtomis nacionalinëmis patentø tarnybomis beikartu spræsti problemas intelektinës nuosavybës srityje.

Juridinis statusas

Lietuvos Respublikos valstybinis patentø biuras (VPB)yra Lietuvos Respublikos vykdomosios valdþiosinstitucija, ásteigta Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybës1991 m. balandþio 12 d., pritarus Lietuvos Respubli-kos Aukðèiausiajai Tarybai 1991 m. kovo 12 d.nutarimu ir 2000 m. priskirta Teisingumo ministeri-jos reguliavimo srièiai.

In 2004, having passed amendment and complementation ofthe articles of the Law on Trademarks of the Republic ofLithuania as well as the Laws on Design of the Republic ofLithuania , the directives of the Regulation (EC) No. 40/94 ofDecember 20 of the European Council regarding CommunityTrademarks as well as of the Directive 98/71/EB of October 13,1998 of the European Parliament and Council regardingprovision on legal protection of design, were announced andimplemented. The SPB became the central office of theindustrial property in regards with the Community Trademarksand designs and it is implementing provisions of the EuropeanPatent Convention. On December 1, 2004, The Republic ofLithuania became the 30th member of the European PatentOrganization.

In 2005, The Seimas passed the Law on the Preamble of thePatent Law of the Republic of Lithuania, on the amendment andcomplementation of articles and on complementation of a lawby articles and an appendix. The law, by which the Directive 9E/44/EB of the European Parliament and Council, July 6, 1998,regarding legal protection of biotechnological systems, wastransferred. A Bilateral Cooperation Agreement with theEuropean Patent Office (EPO) was signed. Under the decisionof the Government, a new edit of Design register regulationswas ratified. Under the decision of Director of the SPB, newRegulation on Analyzing Appeals and Poppositions was endorsed.

In 2006, The Seimas passed amendments of laws on legalprotection, on patents, trademarks, design, and topographies ofsemiconductor products of the Republic of Lithuania. OnDecember 5, 2006, Munich (Germany), the SPB signed theMemorandum of Understanding with the national patent officesof Latvia, Estonia and Finland. This agreement was signed inorder to cooperate more actively, to exchange information andknowledge with the mentioned national patent offices and tocooperate in solving problems in the field of intellectual property.

Legal Status

The State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania (SPB) isthe executive body of the Republic of Lithuania, which wasestablished by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania inApril 12, 1991, under the decision of the Supreme Council ofthe Republic of Lithuania, and the Ministr y of Justice wasassigned to control the SPB in 2000.


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Áteisinti iðimtines teises á pramoninës nuosavybësobjektus ir uþtikrinti visuomenës pramoninës nuosavy-bës apsaugos poreikius.

Strateginis tikslas

Uþtikrinti pramoninës nuosavybës apsaugos LietuvosRespublikoje lygá, atitinkantá Europos Sàjungos irtarptautinius reikalavimus.


Valstybinis patentø biuras, siekdamas ágyvendinti savomisijà, vykdo ðias funkcijas:

rengia ir teikia Teisingumo ministerijai Lietuvos Res-publikos ástatymø ir kitø teisës aktø pramoninësnuosavybës apsaugos klausimais projektus, dalyvaujarengiant Lietuvos Respublikos ástatymø ir kitø teisësaktø projektus pramoninës nuosavybës apsaugosklausimais, uþtikrina pagal kompetencijà ES teisës aktøpramoninës nuosavybës apsaugos klausimais nuostatøperkëlimà á Lietuvos Respublikos teisës sistemà ar jøágyvendinimà;

pagal kompetencijà priima teisës aktus, reglamentuojan-èius iðimtiniø teisiø á pramoninës nuosavybës objektusregistravimà;

teikia nustatyta tvarka pasiûlymus dël prisijungimo prietarptautiniø sutarèiø pramoninës nuosavybës apsaugossrityje, pagal suteiktus ágaliojimus pasiraðo tokiassutartis;

rengia, derina ir pateikia Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausy-bës kanceliarijai Lietuvos Respublikos pozicijas ESinstitucijose nagrinëjamais pramoninës nuosavybësapsaugos klausimais;

priima fiziniø ir juridiniø asmenø praðymus iðduotiiðradimø patentus Lietuvos Respublikoje, juos nagrinë-ja; atlikæs iðradimo ekspertizæ, priima sprendimà dëliðradimo patento iðdavimo; iðduoda iðradimo patentà,pratæsia iðradimo patento galiojimà, iðduoda papildo-mos apsaugos liudijimus ir atlieka kitus veiksmusPatentø ástatymo nustatytais atvejais ir tvarka;


To legalize exclusive rights to industrial property objects and tosecure the needs of the society for the protection of industrialproperty.

Strategic target

To guarantee the level of the protection of industrial propertyin the Republic of Lithuania, which would comply with the EUand international requirements.


By implementing its mission, The State Patent Bureau performsthe following functions:

Prepares and submits the Ministry of Justice, drafts and draftLegal Acts of the Republic of Lithuania regarding protection ofindustrial property, participates in the process of preparingdrafts and draft Legal Acts of the Republic of Lithuania, whichdeal with the protection of industrial property; according tothe competence, it guarantees the transfer of the regulations,dealing with the EU Legal Acts on industrial property, into thelegal system of the republic of Lithuania or guarantees theimplementation of these;

Under its competence, it passes Legal Acts which regulate theregistration of exclusive rights to industrial property objects;

Provides suggestions in the determinate order regarding joiningthe international agreements in the field of the protection ofindustrial property, and signs such agreements under the givenauthorization;

Prepares, coordinates and submits positions of the Republic ofLithuania to the Chancellery of the Republic of Lithuania inthe EU institutions on the granteds dealing with the protectionof industrial property;

Accepts and studies applications of natural persons and legalentities to granted inventions patents in the Republic ofLithuania; having accomplished an expertise of an invention, itdecrees whether to granted a patent for the invention; grantedsan invention patent, prolongs the term of the expiry of aninvention patent, granteds certificates for supplementar yprotection and performs other actions in accordance with thecircumstances and order determined by the Patent Law;


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priima fiziniø ir juridiniø asmenø praðymus registruotiiðimtines teises á puslaidininkiniø gaminiø topografijas(toliau – topografija) Lietuvos Respublikoje, juosnagrinëja; atlikæs topografijos ekspertizæ, priimasprendimà dël topografijos áregistravimo; iðduodatopografijos registravimo liudijimà ir atlieka kitusveiksmus Puslaidininkiniø gaminiø topografijø teisinësapsaugos ástatymo nustatytais atvejais ir tvarka;

priima fiziniø ir juridiniø asmenø praðymus registruotiiðimtines teises á dizainà Lietuvos Respublikoje, juosnagrinëja; atlikæs dizaino ekspertizæ, priima sprendimà dëldizaino áregistravimo; iðduoda dizaino registracijos liudijimà,pratæsia dizaino registracijos galiojimà ir atlieka kitusveiksmus Dizaino ástatymo nustatytais atvejais ir tvarka;

priima fiziniø ir juridiniø asmenø praðymus registruotiiðimtines teises á prekiø þenklus Lietuvos Respublikoje,juos nagrinëja; atlikæs prekiø þenklo ekspertizæ, priimasprendimà dël prekiø þenklo áregistravimo; iðduodaprekiø þenklo registracijos liudijimà, pratæsia prekiøþenklo registracijos galiojimà ir atlieka kitus veiksmusPrekiø þenklø ástatymo nustatytais atvejais ir tvarka;

nagrinëja apeliacijas dël atsisakymo iðduoti iðradimopatentà, registruoti topografijà, dizainà ar prekiø þenklàbei protestus dël topografijos, dizaino ir prekiø þenkloregistravimo pripaþinimo negaliojanèiais teisës aktønustatyta tvarka;

registruoja pramoninës nuosavybës objektø licencines irteisiø á pramoninës nuosavybës objektus perdavimosutartis teisës aktø nustatyta tvarka;

tvarko Lietuvos Respublikos patentø registrà, LietuvosRespublikos topografijø registrà, Lietuvos Respublikosdizaino registrà, Lietuvos Respublikos prekiø þenkløregistrà, nuolat saugo ðiø registrø duomenis, iðduodaiðraðus ið ðiø registrø, skelbia ir teikia ðiø registrøduomenis teisës aktø nustatyta tvarka;

priima tarptautines patentines paraiðkas ir jas perduodaPasaulinës intelektinës nuosavybës organizacijos Tarptau-tiniam biurui, kai Valstybinis patentø biuras yragaunanèioji patentø tarnyba, nagrinëja ir iðduodapatentus pagal tarptautines patentines paraiðkas, kaiValstybinis patentø biuras yra pasirinktoji ar nurodytojitarnyba, Patentinës kooperacijos sutarties nustatytaisatvejais ir tvarka;

Accepts applications of natural persons and legal entities toregister exclusive rights to topographies of semiconductorproducts (hereinafter – topography) in the Republic ofLithuania, studies them; having performed an expertise of atopography, it decrees whether to register the topography;grants a topography registration certificate and performs otheractions in accordance with the circumstances and orderdetermined by the Law on the Legal Protection of Topo-graphies of Semiconductor Products;

Accepts and studies applications of natural persons and legalentities to register exclusive rights to design in the Republic ofLithuania; having performed the expertise of a design, itdecrees whether to register the design; grants a design registra-tion certificate, prolongs the term of expiry of registration anperforms other actions in accordance with the circumstancesand order determined by the Design Law;

Accepts applications of natural persons and legal entities to registerexclusive rights to trademarks in the Republic of Lithuania, studiesthem; having performed the expertise of a trademark, decreedwhether to register a trademark; grants a trademark registrationcertificate, prolongs the term of expiry of a trademark registrationand performs other actions, in the accordance with the circum-stances and order determined by the Trademark Law;

Studies appeals regarding refusal to granted an inventionpatent, to register a topography, design or trademark as well asoppositions regarding invalidation of registration of topogra-phy, design and trademark in accordance with the orderdetermined by Legal Acts;

Registers license agreements of industrial property objects andagreements of disposal of rights to industrial property objectsin accordance with the order determined by the Legal Acts;

Controls the Register of the Republic of Lithuania, the Registerof Topographies of the Republic of Lithuania, the Register ofDesign of the Republic of Lithuania, the Register of Trade-marks of the Republic of Lithuania, constantly protects thedata of these registers, grants extracts from these registers,announces and provides the data from these registers in theorder determined by Legal Acts;

Accepts international patent applications and refers them tothe International Bureau of the World Intellectual PropertyOrganization if the State Patent Bureau is a patent recipientoffice; studies and grants patents according to internationalpatent applications if the State Patent Bureau is either a chosen


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priima Europos patentø paraiðkas ir jas perduodaEuropos patentø tarnybai, skelbia Lietuvos Respublikojegaliojanèius Europos patentus, atlieka kitus veiksmus,susijusius su Europos patento iðplëtimu bei galiojimuLietuvos Respublikoje Europos patentø konvencijos ir suja susijusiø teisës aktø ir susitarimø nustatytais atvejaisir tvarka;

priima, nagrinëja tarptautines prekiø þenklø paraiðkas irpraðymus dël vëlesnio teritorinio iðplëtimo, kitøpraneðimø iðsiuntimo Pasaulinës intelektinës nuosavybësorganizacijos Tarptautiniam biurui, tarptautinësregistracijos pratæsimo ir kitø veiksmø, kai Valstybinispatentø biuras yra kilmës ðalies tarnyba, bei juosperduoda Pasaulinës intelektinës nuosavybës organizaci-jos Tarptautiniam biurui; nagrinëja tarptautines þenkløregistracijas, kai Lietuvos Respublika yra nurodytojivalstybë, ir priima sprendimus dël jø apsaugos suteiki-mo Lietuvos Respublikoje Madrido sutarties dël tarptau-tinës þenklø registracijos protokolo nustatytais atvejais irtvarka;

priima Bendrijos prekiø þenklø paraiðkas ir jas perduodaES Vidaus rinkos derinimo tarnybai (prekiø þenklai irdizainai), atlieka Bendrijos prekiø þenklo pakeitimà ánacionaliná prekiø þenklà, atlieka kitas centrinës pramo-ninës nuosavybës tarnybos funkcijas 1993 m. gruodþio20 d. Tarybos Reglamento (EB) Nr. 40/94 dël Bendrijosprekiø þenklo bei Lietuvos Respublikos teisës aktønustatytais atvejais ir tvarka;

priima Bendrijos dizaino paraiðkas ir jas perduoda ESVidaus rinkos derinimo tarnybai (prekiø þenklai irdizainai), atlieka kitas centrinës pramoninës nuosavybëstarnybos funkcijas 2001 m. gruodþio 12 d. TarybosReglamento (EB) Nr. 6/2002 dël Bendrijos dizainø beiLietuvos Respublikos teisës aktø nustatytais atvejais irtvarka;

dalyvauja administruojant mokesèiø uþ pramoninësnuosavybës objektø registravimà surinkimà Europospatentø konvencijos ir Lietuvos Respublikos mokesèiøuþ pramoninës nuosavybës objektø registravimà ástaty-mo nustatytais atvejais ir tvarka;

koordinuoja ir uþtikrina tarptautiniø pramoninësnuosavybës objektø klasifikatoriø iðleidimà lietuviøkalba, prireikus rengia, tvarko ir leidþia kitas pramoni-nës nuosavybës objektø paieðkos priemones;

or indicated office, in accordance with the circumstances andorder, stated in the Patent Cooperation Treaty;

Accepts European patent applications and refers them to theEuropean Patent Office, announces European patents, whichare valid in the Republic of Lithuania, performs other actionsrelated with the extension and validity of the European patentin the Republic of Lithuania in the accordance with thecircumstances and order determined by the European PatentConvention and related Legal Acts as well as agreements;

Accepts and studies applications for international trademarks as wellas requests regarding a further territorial extension. It also accepts andstudies other reports which should be filed withthe InternationalBureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization as well as theinternational registration extension an other actions, when the StatePatent Bureau is an office of country of origin, and refers them toInternational Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization;studies international marks registrations, when the Republic ofLithuania is the said country, and makes decisions regarding providingprotection in the Republic of Lithuania, in the accordance with thecircumstances and order determined by the protocol of the MadridAgreement concerning the international marks registration;

Accepts Community (EC) trademarks applications and refersthem to the EU Office for Harmonization in the InternalMarket (trademarks and designs), performs a the EC trademarktransfer into a national trademark, performs other functions of acentral industrial property office in the accordance with thecircumstances and order determined by the Office Regulation(EB) No. 40/94, passed on December 20 1993, regarding theEC trademark and by Legal Acts of the Republic of Lithuania;

Accepts Community design applications and refers them to theEU Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (trademarksand designs), performs other functions of the central industrialproperty office in the accordance with the circumstances andorder determined by the Office Regulation (EC) No. 6/2002,passed on December 12, 2001 regarding Community designsand by Legal Acts of the Republic of Lithuania;

Takes part in the administration of collecting fees of industrialproperty objects registration in accordance with thecircumstances and order determined by the European PatentConvention and the Law on Fees for the Registration ofIndustrial Property Objects of the Republic of Lithuania;

Coordinates and guarantees publication of internationalindustrial property objects classifiers in the Lithuanian


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Valstybinio patentø biuro oficialiame biuletenyjeskelbia duomenis apie paduotas iðradimø paraiðkas,iðduotus iðradimø patentus ir topografijø, dizaino,prekiø þenklø registracijos liudijimus, jø pripaþinimànegaliojanèiais ar panaikinimà, teisiø á pramoninësnuosavybës objektus ákeitimà ar jø areðtà, kitus áraðusLietuvos Respublikos pramoninës nuosavybës objektøregistruose, iðplëstas Lietuvos Respublikoje Europospatentø paraiðkas bei Europos patentus, Europospatentø apibrëþties vertimus Lietuvos Respublikospramoninës nuosavybës apsaugos ástatymø nustatytaisatvejais ir tvarka;

leidþia Valstybinio patentø biuro oficialø biuletená iriðradimø apraðymus, organizuoja kitø pramoninësnuosavybës apsaugos leidiniø leidimà;

skelbia duomenis apie pramoninës nuosavybës objektusinternete teisës aktø nustatyta tvarka ir keièiasi pramo-ninës nuosavybës informacija bei oficialiais leidiniais suuþsienio valstybiø pramoninës nuosavybës tarnybomis irtarptautinëmis organizacijomis;

teikia Lietuvos Respublikos pramoninës nuosavybësstatistikos duomenis Pasaulinës intelektinës nuosavybësorganizacijai, ES Vidaus rinkos derinimo tarnybai(prekiø þenklai ir dizainai) ir kitoms organizacijomsLietuvos Respublikos tarptautiniø sutarèiø ir teisës aktønustatyta tvarka;

atstovauja Lietuvos Respublikai tarptautinëse organizaci-jose ir ES institucijose pramoninës nuosavybës apsaugosklausimais teisës aktø nustatyta tvarka;

bendradarbiauja su tarptautinëmis organizacijomis ir ESinstitucijomis bei ástaigomis, dalyvauja jø veiklojepramoninës nuosavybës apsaugos klausimais;

vykdo Lietuvos technikos bibliotekos steigëjo funkcijas irkoordinuoja Lietuvos technikos bibliotekos informaci-niø ir kitø paslaugø pramoninës nuosavybës apsaugosklausimais teikimà;

vykdo visuomenës informavimo priemones, skirtaspramoninës nuosavybës informacijos sklaidai ir visuome-nës ðvietimui pramoninës nuosavybës apsaugos klausi-mais;

tvarko ir saugo Lietuvos Respublikos patentiniø patikëti-niø registrà, organizuoja Patentiniø patikëtiniø komisi-

language, if necessary. It also manages and publishes othermeans of search of industrial property objects;

In Official Bulletin of the State Patent Bureau, it provides the dataabout received inventions applications, grantedd inventions patentsand registration certificates of topographies, design, trademarks,invalidation or cancellation, rights to industrial property objectsforeclosure and seizure, other records in the registers of the industrialproperty objects of the Republic of Lithuania, extended Europeanpatent applications to the Republic of Lithuania as well as EuropeanPatents, translations of the definition of the European Patents inaccordance with the circumstances and order determined by the laws onthe protection of the industrial property of Republic of Lithuania;

Publishes the Official Bulletin of the State Patent Bureau andthe description of inventions, organizes other publicationsabout the protection of industrial property;

Announces the data about industrial property objects on theInternet in the order determined by Legal Acts, and exchangesthe industrial property information as well as other officialpublications with industrial property offices of foreigncountries and international organizations;

Provides the statistical data of the industrial property of theRepublic of Lithuania to the World Intellectual PropertyOrganization, the EU Office for Harmonization in the InternalMarket (trademarks and designs) and to other organizations inthe order determined by Legal Acts and by internationalagreements of the Republic of Lithuania;

Represents the Republic of Lithuania in international organiza-tions and EU institutions, in discussing issues of protection ofindustrial property in the order determined by Legal Acts;

Cooperates with international organizations and EU insti-tutions as well as establishments, takes part in their activitydealing with issues on the protection of industrial property;

Performs the function of the founder of the Lithuanian Techni-cal Library and coordinates providing of informational andother services of the Lithuanian Technical Library, which dealwith the protection of industrial property ;

Performs the mass media informing actions in order to spreadinformation about the industrial property and to enlighten thesociety about the protection of industrial property;

Manages and protects the Register of Patent Attorneys of theRepublic of Lithuania, organizes operation of the Patent


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KULTÛROS MINISTERIJAValstybinës politikos formavimas saugant autoriø ir gretutines teises

MINISTRY OF CULTUREFormation of the state policy in the protection of Copyright and

neighbouring rights


THE MINISTRY OF CULTURERepresentation of authors in copyright and neighbouring rights


(LATGA-A) (AGATA)Autoriø, atlikëjø ir áraðø gamintojø teisiø gynimas

NON STATE COLLECTIVE ADMINISTRATION ORGANISATIONRepresentation of the rights of Lithuanian and foerign authors

KONKURENCIJOS TARYBAApsaugos nuo nesàþiningos konkurencijos veiksmø

CUSTOMS DEPARTMENTunder the Ministry of Finance Border enforcement measures in fight

against counterfeit and pirated goods

MUITINËS DEPARTAMENTASAS(prie Finansø minister i jos)

Sienos apsaugos priemonës kovojant su peratinëmis irkontrafakcinëmis prekëmis

THE CENTER FOR RESEARCH OF PLANT VARIETIESunder the Ministry of Agriculture Registration and protection of plant


LIETUVOS KRIMINALINËS POLICIJOS BIURASAdministracinës ir baudþiamosios teisës priemonës kovojant su

intelektinës nuosavybës teisiø paþeidimaisLITHUANIAN CRIMINAL POLICE BUREAU

Administrative and criminal measures in fight against intellectualproperty and violation crimes

TEISINGUMO MINISTERIJAVeiklos pramoninës nuosavybës apsaugos srityje koordinavimas

MINISTRY OF JUSTICECoordination in the activities of the protection of the industrial property

VALSTYBINIS PATENTØ BIURASValstybës politikos pramoninës nuosavybës apsaugos srityje formavimas

Pramoninës nuosavybës teisiø registravimasPatentiniø patikëtiniø atestavimas

THE STATE PATENT BUREAUState policy formation in the field of the protection of industrial property

Industrial Property Rights Registration

LIETUVOS TECHNIKOS BIBLIOTEKAPatentinë informacija ir paslaugos visuomenei

Valstybinio patentø biuro oficialaus biuletenio ir patentinësdokumentacijos publikavimas

LITHUANIAN TECHNICAL LIBRARYPatent information and services to the general public Publishing

of the State Patent Bureau’s official bulletin and patent documents

LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS PATENTINIAI PATIKËTINIAILietuvos ir uþsienio pareiðkëjø bei savininkø atstovavimas

LITHUANIAN PATENT ATTORNEYSRepresentation of foreign applicants and right holders

AUGALØ VEISLIØ TYRIMO CENTRAS(Þemës ûkio minister i ja)

Augalø veisliø registravimas bei apsaugaCOMPETITION COUNCIL

Prohibition of unfair competition activities

TEISMAIIntelektinës nuosavybës teisiø ágyvendinimas

COURTSEnforcement of intellectual property rights


jos darbà, tvirtina patentiniø patikëtiniø egzaminøprogramas ir ðiø egzaminø laikymo tvarkà;

vykdo kitas Lietuvos Respublikos ástatymø, LietuvosRespublikos Vyriausybës nutarimø ir kitø teisës aktønumatytas funkcijas:

Attorney Commission, confirms the programs of examinationsfor patent attorneys as well as the examinations taking order;

Performs other functions determined by the laws of theRepublic of Lithuania, by the resolutions of the Government ofthe Republic of Lithuania and by other Legal Acts.


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Organizacinë struktûra

Valstybinio patentø biuro (VPB) organizacinë struktûrapatvirtinta 2006 m. geguþës 31 d. VPB direktoriausásakymu Nr. 3R-38

Þmogiðkieji iðtekliai

2006 m. VPB organizacinæ struktûrà sudarë keturidepartamentai, vienas ið jø suskirstytas á skyrius, keturisavarankiðki skyriai, viename skyriuje – poskyris, beiVieðøjø ryðiø tarnyba. Dvylikos struktûriniø padaliniøkompetencija paskirstyta nuostatuose. Ji aiðkiai identifi-kuota vykdant strateginá veiklos planà.

2006 m. pabaigoje VPB dirbo 64 darbuotojai, ið jø – 43valstybës tarnautojai. 50 darbuotojø yra su aukðtuojuuniversitetiniu iðsilavinimu. Tarnautojø skaièius pagalamþiaus grupes pasiskirstë taip:18-30 metø – 7;31-40 metø – 10;41-50 metø – 12;51-62,5 metø – 28;>62,5 metø – 3

Organizacinë struktûra tobulintina atsiþvelgiant ágaliojanèiø teisës aktø reikalavimus. Kadangi etatøskaièius nesikeitë nuo 1998 metø, didþiausias leistinas

Organizational structure

The Organizational Structure of the State Patent Bureau (SPB)was confirmed on May 31, 2006, under the decision No. 3R-38 of the director of the SPB:

Human Resources

In 2006, the Organizational Structure of the SPB included 4departments; one of them was divided into units; 4 independentunits, one unit included a subunit, and the PublicCommunication Office. The competence of the twelve structuralsubdivisions is described in regulations. It is clearly identifiedduring the process of performing the strategic activity plan.

In the end of year 2006, 64 employees were working in theSPB, 43 of whom were public officials. 50 employees have gotan undergraduate university degree. The number of officersaccording to the age groups falls into these categories:18-30 years – 7;31-40 years – 10;41-50 years – 12;51-62,5 years – 28;>62,5 years – 3

The Organizational Structure is to be improved, consideringthe requirements of the valid Legal Acts. Considering the factthat the number of staff has not changed since year 1998, the




















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VPB valstybës tarnautojø ir darbuotojø skaièius didinti-nas 12 pareigybiø iki 75 (2006-02-10 Teisingumoministerijos vidaus audito ataskaita). Prieðingu atvejususiduriama su strateginiø tikslø ágyvendinimo proble-momis, o ateityje didëjant tarptautiniø ásipareigojimøbei ásigaliosianèiø tarptautiniø pramoninës nuosavybësobjektø skaièiui, jis gali tapti neámanomas.

VPB trûksta kvalifikuotø specialistø, neámanomas jøkaitumo uþtikrinimas. 2006 m. á VPB priimti 8 tarnauto-jai, atleisti 6. Kaitumo koeficientas lygus 1,33. Turi bûtiuþtikrintas atitinkamos kvalifikacijos specialistø ugdymas irpakeièiamumas, atkreipiant dëmesá á VPB pensinioamþiaus darbuotojø skaièiø. Sëkmingam nacionalinëspramoninës nuosavybës apsaugos sistemos funkcionavimuilabai didelæ reikðmæ turi VPB darbuotojø, teisëjø, ekono-minës policijos, muitinës pareigûnø ir kai kuriø kitøinstitucijø specialistø, susijusiø su ðia veikla, administraci-niai gebëjimai, ðiuolaikinë teisinë ir materialinë techninëbazë, patikima ryðiø sistema bei veikla, susijusi su infor-maciniø duomenø baziø formavimu ir naudojimu kompiu-terinëse laikmenose, automatizuotø registrø administravi-mo sistemø modernizavimu, ádiegimu ir palaikymu,oficialaus biuletenio leidimu, pramoninës nuosavybësinformacijos sklaida ir visuomenës ðvietimu.

Atsiþvelgiant á tai kiekvienais metais rengiamas irágyvendinamas VPB valstybës tarnautojø ir darbuotojømokymo planas, atsiþvelgiant á teisës aktais patvirtintusmokymo prioritetus bei prioritetines valstybës tarnauto-jø mokymo grupes. Akcentuojamas specialiøjø profesi-niø þiniø plëtimas, Europos Sàjungos darbiniø kalbømokymasis, kompiuteriniø ágûdþiø tobulinimas. Per2006 m. kvalifikacijà tobulino 52 VPB darbuotojai.

Iðradimø departamentas

Patentas yra iðskirtinë teisë, kurià suteikia valstybë uþiðradimà, kuris yra naujas, susijæs su paþangiu þengimu áprieká ir gali bûti taikomas pramonëje. Savininkui jissuteikia iðskirtinæ teisæ uþkirsti kelià ir neleisti kitiemsgaminti, naudoti, siûlyti parduoti, parduoti ar impor-tuoti produktà ar procesà, kuris remiasi patentuotuiðradimu, be iðankstinio savininko leidimo.

maximum permissible number of the SPB State officers andemployees has to be increased by 12 positions, the total numberof which would be 75 (the Report of the Ministry of Justiceinternal audit, 10/02/2006). Otherwise, strategic targets imple-mentation problems are faced, and it may become impossible tosolve it in the future when international responsibilities as well asthe number of international industrial property objects, which willcome into effect, will increase.

The SPB lacks qualified specialists; it is impossible to guaranteetheir replacement. In 2006, 8 officers were employed by the SPBand 6 officers were fired. The replacement ratio equals 1,33. Thetraining and replacement of specialist of correspondent quali-fication, considering the number of employees of retirement ageof the SPB must be guaranteed. To secure a successful nationalindustrial property protection system functioning, a meaningfulrole is given to administrative skills of the SPB employees, judges,economical police, custom officers, and specialists of some otherinstitutions related with such activity, a contemporary legal andmaterial technical facilities, plausible communication system andactivity related with the formation of the information data basesand its use in computer medium, modernization of automateregister administration systems, installation and maintenance,Official Bulletin publishing, industrial property information spreadand enlightenment of society.

Considering the above-mentioned facts, a training plan of the SPBState officers and employees is organized and implemented every year.This is done in regards with training priorities certified by Legal Actsconsidering the priority training groups of the State officers. Theemphasis is laid on the advancement of special professional know-ledge, on studying the working languages of the European Union,computer operating skills improvement. During the year 2006, 52employees of the SPB were developing their qualification.

Inventions Department

A Patent is an exclusive right, which is given by the State foran invention which is novel, related to advanced development,and which may be applicable in industr y. It gives the Owneran exclusive right to prevent and to forbid others to produce,use, offer to sell, sell or import a product or a process, andwhich is based on a patented invention, without a priorpermission of the Owner.


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Lietuvoje galioja nacionaliniai (tarp jø ir pagal PCTprocedûrà iðduoti patentai) ir regioniniai patentai,iðduoti pagal Europos patentø konvencijà. Jeigu bûsimaspatento savininkas turi interesø uþsienio ðaliø rinkose irketina eksportuoti savo produkcijà, tuomet jis turëtøpasirûpinti ir patentø gavimu tose ðalyse. Jeigu kurálaikà sunku nuspræsti, kuriose ðalyse, be Lietuvos,reikëtø gauti patentà, tuomet galima paduoti paraiðkàtik Lietuvoje. Pagal Paryþiaus konvencijà paraiðka,paduota per 12 mënesiø á bet kurià valstybæ, pasiraðiu-sià Paryþiaus konvencijà, bus laikoma paduota tà paèiàdienà kaip ir Lietuvoje. Paduodant paraiðkà patentuigauti keliose uþsienio ðalyse, nacionalinë procedûratampa brangi ir nepatogi, nes kiekvienos ðalies patenti-nei tarnybai reikia pateikti atskirà paraiðkà tos ðalieskalba, sumokant atitinkamus mokesèius.

Galima pasinaudoti tarptautine PCT sutartimi irpaduoti PCT paraiðkà. Ði procedûra vadinama tarptauti-ne patentavimo procedûra ir yra ypatinga tuo, kadpadeda gauti patentinæ apsaugà daugiau negu 100valstybiø padavus tik vienà paraiðkà. Lietuvos Respubliko-je gaunanèios tarnybos funkcijas pagal PCT atlieka VPB,vadovaudamasis PCT instrukcija bei Lietuvos Respubli-kos patentø ástatymu. Pagal PCT instrukcijà VPB yragaunanèioji tarnyba, jeigu bent vienas pareiðkëjø yraLietuvos pilietis arba turi nuolatinæ gyvenamàjà vietàLietuvoje. Paraiðkà galima paduoti ir tiesiogiai á WIPOTarptautiná biurà Þenevoje. Juridinis asmuo pagal PCTinstrukcijà prilyginamas Lietuvos pilieèiui, jeigu jistokiu áregistruotas Lietuvos Respublikos teisës aktønustatyta tvarka. Tarptautinë paraiðka gali bûti paduota ágaunanèiàja tarnybà paðtu arba kitomis priemonëmis.VPB kaip gaunanèioji tarnyba priima tarptautinesparaiðkas anglø ir rusø kalbomis. Tarptautinë paraiðkagali bûti paduota ir panaudojant programinæ árangà PCT– EASY, tokiu bûdu tarptautiniai paraiðkos padavimomokesèiai sumaþinami 200 Ðveicarijos frankø.

Europos patento gavimo procedûra leidþia gautiEuropos patentà, kuris, iðduotas Europos patentøtarnybos (EPT), vëliau galioja kiekvienoje ðalyje narëjekaip nacionalinis patentas (taip pat ir Lietuvoje).Paraiðkos Europos patentui gauti gali bûti pateikiamos áEPT tiesiogiai Miunchene, Hagoje, Berlyne arba perEuropos patentø konvencijos ðalies narës nacionalinæpatentø tarnybà. EPT ádiegta Epoline® programinë

Patents that are valid in Lithuania are national (including patents,grantedd according to the PCT procedure) and regional. Theseare grantedd under the European Patent Convention. If the futureowner of a patent has interests in markets of foreign countriesand plans to export his production, he should then considergetting patents in those countries. If it takes some time to decidein which countries, excluding Lithuania, patents should be obtained,it is possible to file an application in Lithuania only. Under theParis Convention, an application filed during a period of 12months to any country which has signed the Paris Convention,shall be filed on the same date of the submission as it was filedwith the State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania. Incase an application for a patent is filed with several foreign patentoffices, the national procedure becomes rather expensive anduncomfortable, because it is necessary to submit a separateapplication to a patent office of each country, written in thelanguage of that particular country and to pay corresponding fees.

There is a possibility to use the international PCT agreement andsubmit the PCT application. This procedure is called an inter-national patenting procedure, and it has a special feature, whichallows receiving a patent protection in more than 100 countries,having filed only one application. In the Republic of Lithuania,the functions of the application acceptance office under the PCT,are performed by the SPB, following the PCT instructions as wellas the Patent Law of the Republic of Lithuania. According to thePCT instructions, the SPB is an application acceptance office, ifat least one of the applicants is a citizen of Lithuania or if he hasgot a permanent residence in Lithuania. An application can befiled directly with the WIPO International Bureau in Geneva. Alegal entity, according to the PCT instruction equals a citizen ofLithuania, if he/she is registered as such in the accordance with theorder determined by the Legal Acts of the Republic of Lithuania. Aninternational application can be filed with the acceptance office bypost or by any other means. Being an acceptance office, the SPBaccepts international applications in English and Russian. Aninternational application may be also filed by using software PCT –EASY; in this way, the fees for submitting an international applicationare reduced by 200 Franks of Switzerland.

The European Patent getting procedure allows getting a Europeanpatent, which is granted by the European Patent Office (EPO);afterwards, it is valid in every Member State as a national patent(including Lithuania). Applications to gett a European patentmay be filed directly with the EPO in Munich, Hague, Berlin orthrough a national patent office of a Member State of aEuropean Patent Convention. The EPO has been installed the


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áranga leidþia pateikti paraiðkas internetu. Tai leidþiasutaupyti laiko ir pinigø, nes paraiðka paduodama iðasmeninio kompiuterio ir nëra paðto ir kitø iðlaidø, beto, garantuojamas visiðkas saugumas. Nuo 2004 m.gruodþio 1 d. Lietuvos pilieèiai ir ámonës paraiðkasEuropos patentui gauti gali paduoti per VPB. Vadovau-jantis Europos patentø konvencija ir Lietuvos Respubli-kos patentø ástatymu, paraiðka gali bûti paduotapareiðkëjo ar jo atstovo arba Europos patentiniopatikëtinio. Europos patento paraiðka, paduota VPB, yraprilyginama paraiðkai, paduodamai tiesiogiai Europospatentø tarnybai. Jeigu paduota Europos patentoparaiðka tenkina formalius reikalavimus, jai suteikiamapadavimo data ir ji persiunèiama á EPT.

Ðio amþiaus pradþioje Pasaulinës intelektinës nuosavybësorganizacijos (WIPO) Tarptautinis biuras atnaujinopatentø teisës harmonizavimo procesà, susijusá suPasaulio prekybos organizacijos (WTO) TRIPS sutartimiir PCT reforma, o ES parengë direktyvà dël kompiuteri-niø programø patentabilumo bei reglamentà dëlBendrijos patento. Naujoji Bendrijos patentø sistemasudarytø galimybæ paduodant vienà paraiðkà Europospatentø tarnybai, esanèiai Miunchene, ágyti patentinæapsaugà iðradimui visose Europos Sàjungos ðalyse.Patento panaikinimo arba pasibaigimo teisinës pasek-mës taip pat galiotø visoje ES teritorijoje. Tuo ji iðesmës skiriasi nuo dabar galiojanèios Europos patentøiðdavimo sistemos, kurioje atlikus paieðkà ir ekspertizæ,Europos patentas ágyja autonomiðkà galià kiekvienojevalstybëje, kurioje patentas ásigaliojo.

VPB Iðradimø departamentas ágyvendina Patentø beiPuslaidininkiniø gaminiø topografijø teisinës apsaugos,ES reglamentø iðradimø patentavimo klausimais, Pary-þiaus konvencijos, Patentinës kooperacijos sutarties(PCT), Europos patentø konvencijos ir kitø tarptautiniøsutarèiø, kurias yra pasiraðiusi ir ratifikavusi LietuvosRespublika, nuostatas. Departamento darbuotojai atliekapatentiniø paraiðkø, paraiðkø papildomos apsaugosliudijimui gauti ir puslaidininkiniø gaminiø topografijøparaiðkø ekspertizes teisës aktø nustatyta tvarka; priimasprendimus dël iðradimø patentø, topografijø ir papildo-mos apsaugos liudijimø iðdavimo, patentø galiojimopratæsimo ir panaikinimo, Europos patentø ásigaliojimoir galiojimo Lietuvos Respublikoje ir jø panaikinimo,registruoja patentø ir topografijø licencines sutartis bei

Epoline® software which allows to submit application by theInternet. This saves time and money, because an application isfiled from a personal computer and there is no post or otherexpenses, the time is saved and a complete safety is guaranteed.Since December 1, 2004, the citizens of Lithuania as well ascompanies can submit applications to get a European patentthrough the SPB. Following the European Patent Convention, andthe Patent Law of the Republic of Lithuania, an application may befiled by an applicant or its attorney or a European Patent Attorney.The European Patent application filed with the SPB equals anapplication filed directly to the European Patent Office. If the filedEuropean Patent application complies with the formal regulations,it is given the date it was filed and it is then referred to the EPO.

In the beginning of this century, the International Bureau of theWorld Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) resumed theprocess of the patent rights harmonization related with the WorldTrade Organization (WTO), by TRIPS agreement and the PCTreform. In addition to this, the EU prepared a Directive for thePatentability of Computer Software as well as a Regulation for theEC Patent. The new system of the EC patents would provide anopportunity to get the patent protection for an invention in all thecountries of the European Union, by submitting one applicationto the European Patent Office based in Munich. Legal consequencesof a patent cancellation or expiry would also be valid in the wholeterritory of the EU. This is the main difference from the currentlyvalid system of the European Patent granting, where having completeda search and expertise, the European Patent is independentlyempowered in every country where the patent comes into force.

The SPB Inventions Department implements the regulations onthe legal protection of patents and topographies of semiconductorproducts, on the issues of the EU Regulations for InventionsPatenting, on the Paris Convention, Patent Cooperation Treaty(PCT), the European Patent Convention and other internationalagreements which are endorsed and ratified by the Republic ofLithuania. The employees of the department perform expertises ofpatent applications, of applications to get a certificate ofsupplementary protection, and of topographies of semiconductorproducts applications in the order determined by the Legal Acts; itmakes decisions regarding granting of patents, topographies, andits supplementary protection certificates as well as regarding theextension of a term of expiry or the cancellation of patents andthe effect and validity of the European patents in the Republic ofLithuania as well as its cancellation; it registers licence agreementsof patents and topographies, as well as agreements regarding atransfer of the proprietary rights to these objects; it announces


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sutartis dël nuosavybës teisiø á ðiuos objektus perleidimo;skelbia patentines paraiðkas ir duomenis apie iðduotuspatentus, iðduotus ir neiðduotus papildomos apsaugosliudijimus, Lietuvos Respublikoje ásigaliojusius Europospatentus, áregistruotas topografijas ir kitus duomenis VPBoficialiame biuletenyje; tvarko ir saugo Lietuvos Respubli-kos patentø registrà, Lietuvos Respublikos puslaidininkiniøgaminiø topografijø registrà; rengia patentø apraðymuspanaudojant patentø registro duomenis ir paraiðkosdokumentus; rengia ir teisës aktø nustatyta tvarka iðduodapatentus ir kitus dokumentus bei tvarko jø apskaità;ágyvendindamas Lietuvos Respublikos patentø ástatymo irPCT nuostatas, tikrina, tvirtina ir siunèia tarptautinesparaiðkas á Pasaulinës intelektinës nuosavybës organizacijosTarptautini biurà ir tarptautinës paieðkos organizacijas.

2006 m. Valstybinio patentø biuro (VPB) tvarkomuosevalstybës registruose áregistruoti 89 nacionaliniu keliuiðduoti patentai (ið jø 57 – Lietuvos savininkø, 32 – uþ-sienio savininkø); ásigaliojo 704 Europos patentai, kuriøsavininkai yra uþsienio pareiðkëjai. 2006 m. áregistruo-tos 9 licencinës sutartys, suteikianèios teisæ naudotisuþpatentuotais iðradimais Lietuvos Respublikos teritori-joje.

Nuo 1991 m. (Lietuvos Respublikos valstybinio patentøbiuro ásteigimo pradþios) per 3 tûkst. patentø áregistruotaLietuvos Respublikos registruose ir per 4 tûkst. Europospatentø galiojimas iðplëstas Lietuvos Respublikoje.

patent applications and data about the grantedd patents, aboutgranted and not granted certificates for supplementary protection,the European patents that are valid in the Republic of Lithuania,and about the registered topographies and other data included inthe SPB Official Bulletin; it administrates and protects the PatentRegister of the Republic of Lithuania, the Register of the Topo-graphies of Semiconductor Products of the Republic of Lithuania;prepares patents description by using the data from the PatentRegister as well as documents of an application; prepares andgranted patents and other documents in the order determined bythe Legal Acts and manages its accounting. By implementing theRegulations of the Patent Law of the Republic of Lithuania as wellas the PCT regulations, it studies, confirms and refers internatio-nal applications to the International Office of the World Intel-lectual Property Organization and international search organizations.

In 2006, 89 nationally grantedd patents (57 of which belong toLithuanian owners, 32 – to foreign owners) were registered in theState Registers managed by the State Paten Bureau (SPB); 704European patents came into force, the owners of which areforeign applicants. In 2006, 9 licence agreements were registered,which gives the right to use the patent inventions in the territoryof the Republic of Lithuania.

Since 1991, (the beginning of the establishment of the State PatentBureau of the Republic of Lithuania) more than 3 thousandpatents have been registered in the Registers of the Republic ofLithuania, and validity of more than 4 thousand European patentshave been extended to the Republic of Lithuania.


∨∨ ∨∨∨


Praðymas (IP-1/98 forma) •Apraðymas •Apibrëþtis •

Brëþiniai (jeigu reikalingi) •Referatas •

Pareiðkimas dël autorystës •Dokumentai apie sumokëtà •


Iðradimo apraðymo ir apibrëþties •vertimai

Kiti reikalingi dokumentai •Iðtaisyti paraiðkos dokumentai •

Mokestis uþ patento iðdavimà •

Application (IP-1/98 form)DescriptionDefinitionDrawings (if necessary)PaperApplication regarding authorshipDocument where paid fees areindicated

Translation of invention descriptionand definitionOther necessary documentsCorrected application documents

Fee for patent granting

Metø mokestis uþ treèius galiojimo metus •Uþ ketvirtus galiojimo metus •Uþ penktus galiojimo metus •

Uþ ðeðtus galiojimo metus •Uþ septintus galiojimo metus •Uþ aðtuntus galiojimo metus •Uþ devintus galiojimo metus •

Uþ deðimtus galiojimo metus •Uþ vienuoliktus-penkioliktus galiojimo metus •

Uþ ðeðioliktus-dvideðimtus galiojimo metus •

Annual fee for the third year of validity for the fourth year of validity for the fifth year of validity for the sixth year of validity for the seventh year of validity for the eighth year of validity for the ninth year of validity for the tenth year of validity for the eleventh to fifteenth year of validity for the sixteenth to twentieth year of validity

Patentinës paraiðkos padavimas á VPB • To file a patent application with the SPB

Patentø dokumentø patikrinimas • The study of the filed documents

Paraiðkos formali ekspertizë • The formal examination of an application

Paraiðkos skelbimas • Application announcement

Patento skelbimas ir iðdavimas • Patent Announcement and Granting

∨∨∨∨∨∨∨ ∨∨∨

∨∨ ∨∨∨




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Puslaidininkiniø gaminiø topografijø teisinæ apsaugàLietuvos Respublikoje galima gauti pagal LietuvosRespublikos puslaidininkiniø gaminiø topografijøteisinës apsaugos ástatymà, ásigaliojusá 1998 m. gruo-dþio 1 d., tiesiogiai paduodant paraiðkas VPB. NuoLietuvos Respublikos puslaidininkiniø gaminiø topogra-fijø teisinës apsaugos ástatymo ásigaliojimo datosparaiðkø áregistruoti puslaidininkiniø gaminiø topogra-fijas nebuvo paduota.

Topographies of semiconductor products may be protectedlegally in the Republic of Lithuania under the Law on LegalProtection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products of theRepublic of Lithuania, by submitting applications directly tothe SPB. This law came into effect on December 1, 1998.From the moment the Law on Legal Protection of Topographiesof Semiconductor Products of the Republic of Lithuania cameinto force, no applications to register topographies ofsemiconductor product have been filed.

4 2






1 4



Paraiðkø patentui gauti 2006 m. skaièius pagal LietuvosRespublikos apskritis

The number of patent applications filed with the State PatentBureau of the Republic of Lithuania in 2006, according to theAdministrative Divisions of the Republic of Lithuania










612004 2005 2006












02004 2005 2006

34 37








02004 2005 2006



Nacionaliniø patentiniø paraiðkø, Lietuvos pareiðkëjø paduotøVPB, skaièius

The number of national patent applications filed with the SPBby Lithuanian applicants

Tarptautiniø patentiniø paraiðkø, perëjusiø á nacionaliná lygá, skaièius

The number of international patent applications which have beentransferred to a national level.

Iðduotø Lietuvos Respublikos patentø skaièius

The number of granted patents of the Republic of Lithuania.


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Prekiø þenklø ir dizaino departamentas

Prekiø þenklas – bet koks þymuo, kurio paskirtis – atskirtivieno asmens prekes arba paslaugas nuo kito asmensprekiø arba paslaugø ir kurá galima pavaizduoti grafiðkai.

Ðiuo metu Lietuvos Respublikoje yra trys iðimtiniøteisiø á prekës þenklà gavimo keliai:

Nacionalinis kelias – paduodant paraiðkas tiesiai á VPBpagal Prekiø þenklø ástatymà;

Tarptautinis kelias – pagal Madrido sutarties dëltarptautinës þenklø registracijos protokolà, pagal kurátarptautinës þenklø registracijos suteikta apsaugaiðpleèiama Lietuvos Respublikoje;

Regioninis kelias – pagal ES Tarybos reglamentà (EB)Nr. 40/94 dël Bendrijos prekiø þenklo, pagal kurá prekiøþenklas, áregistruotas kaip Bendrijos þenklas ES Vidausrinkos derinimo tarnyboje (OHIM), yra saugomasLietuvoje.

Pareiðkëjas, norintis áregistruoti þenklà tik Lietuvoje, turipaduoti Valstybiniam patentø biurui paraiðkà. Vienamþenklui áregistruoti paduodama viena paraiðka. Vienojeparaiðkoje gali bûti praðoma áregistruoti þenklà vienai ardaugiau prekiø ir (ar) paslaugø klasiø.

Þenklo registracija Lietuvos Respublikos valstybiniamepatentø biure yra patvirtinama þenklo registracijosliudijimu, áregistruotas þenklas galioja tik toms prekëmsir (ar) paslaugoms, kurios nurodytos liudijime. Pradinisþenklo registracijos galiojimo terminas yra 10 metø nuoparaiðkos padavimo dienos. Pasibaigus ðiam terminui,þenklo registracijos galiojimas gali bûti pratæstaskiekvienà kartà ne ilgiau kaip 10 metø.

Nuo Valstybinio patentø biuro ákûrimo pradþios iki2007 m. á VPB nacionaliniu keliu buvo paduotos 52 247paraiðkos su praðymu áregistruoti þenklà, ið Pasaulinësintelektinës nuosavybës apsaugos organizacijos (WIP0)Tarptautinio biuro tarptautiniu keliu buvo gauti 38 436praneðimai dël tarptautiniø registracijø apsaugosiðplëtimo Lietuvoje. Lietuvai ástojus á ES, prekiø þenklai,áregistruoti ES Bendrijos þenklø registre, yra saugomi irLietuvoje. Ðiuo metu Lietuvoje galioja per 500 000Bendrijos prekiø þenklø.

Trademarks and Designs Department

Trademark – any mark, the purpose of which is to distinguishone person’s goods and services from other person’s goodsand services, and which may be shown graphically.

At the moment, there are three ways to get a trademark in theRepublic of Lithuania:

National way – by submitting applications directly to the SPBin accordance with the Trademark Law;

International way – under the Protocol of Madrid AgreementConcerning the International Marks Registration, according towhich, the protection provided by the international trademarksregistration, is extended into the Republic of Lithuania.

Regional way – under the EU Council Regulation (EC) No.40/94 for EC trademark, according to which a trademarkregistered as the EC mark in the EU Office for Harmoni-zation in the Internal Market (OHIM), is protected inLithuania.

An applicant who wants to register a mark only in Lithuania,must submit an application to the SPB. One application has tobe filed in order to register one mark. It is possible to requestto register one mark for one or more goods and (or) servicesclasses in one application.

A registration certificate certifies the trademark registrationin the State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania. Theregistered mark is valid only for those goods and (or) ser viceswhich are indicated in a certificate. The primar y term ofmark registration is 10 years from the day the applicationwas filed. Upon expiry of this term, the validation of a markregistration may be prolonged for each time not more than10 years.

Since the day of establishment of the SPB until 2007, there havebeen 52,247 applications with a request to register a mark filedwith the SPB in the national way. 38,436 reports regarding theextension of protection of international registrations in Lithuaniahave been received from the World Intellectual Property Organi-zation (WIPO) International Office in an international way.After Lithuania has entered the EU, trademarks have beenregistered in EU EC Marks Register and are protected inLithuania as well. At the moment, there are more than 500,000EC trademarks which are valid in Lithuania.


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Iðimtinei teismø jurisdikcijai yra priskirtos bylos dëlprekiø þenklø pripaþinimo plaèiai þinomais. ÞenklasLietuvos Respublikoje gali bûti pripaþintas þinomu, jeigujo naudojimo ar reklamavimo rezultatai rodo, kad jis yragerai þinomas tam tikrame visuomenës sluoksnyje. Ðiuometu Lietuvos Respublikoje teismø sprendimais yrapripaþinti plaèiai þinomais 10 prekiø þenklø. Ádomu tai,kad visi ðie þenklai yra áregistruoti Valstybiniame patentøbiure. Pripaþinimas plaèiai þinomu þenklu jiems suteikëdar platesnes teises. Vieni pirmøjø pripaþinti plaèiaiþinomais þenklais – tai bendrai Lietuvos-JAV ámonei,uþdarajai akcinei bendrovei „Philip Morris Lietuva“priklausantys prekiø þenklai „Astra“ ir „Prima“. Vëliauteismø sprendimais plaèiai þinomais buvo pripaþinti„Unilever NV“ prekiø þenklas „RAMA“, „NIKE Interna-tional LTD“ priklausantys 3 prekiø þenklai su þymeniu„NIKE“, „Japan Tobacco Inc.“ priklausantys 2 prekiøþenklai „CAMEL“, „Chivas Brothers (Europe) Limited“þodinis prekiø þenklas „CHIVAS REGAL“ bei Rusijosbendroves „Russkoe radio — Evrazia“ þodinis vaizdinisprekiø þenklas „Russkoe radio“.

Jeigu þenklas yra registruotas ðalyje, kurioje yra ámonë(kilmës ðalyje), bet turima interesø uþsienio ðaliørinkose eksportuojant gaminius ar paslaugas arbaiðduodant licencijas naudotis prekiø þenklais kitoseðalyse, bûtina registruoti prekiø þenklus uþsienyje. Taigalima ágyvendinti trim keliais:

1. Nacionalinis kelias – paraiðka paduodama patentøtarnybai kiekvienoje ðalyje atskirai tos ðalies kalba irsumokant atitinkamus mokesèius. Kai kuriose ðalyse galitekti pasinaudoti vietiniø patentiniø patikëtiniø arprekiø þenklø agentø paslaugomis.

2. Regioninis kelias – paraiðka paduodama regionineiprekiø þenklø tarnybai, kuri priklauso regioninei prekiøþenklø sistemai, sudarytai ið ðaliø nariø, kuriø teritori-jose galios prekiø þenklas. Tokios regioninës prekiøþenklø tarnybos yra:

Beneliukso prekiø þenklø tarnyba

Europos Sàjungos Vidaus rinkos derinimo tarnyba(OHIM) ir kt.

3. Tarptautinis kelias – paraiðka paduodama á WIPOTarptautiná biurà Þenevoje, nurodant valstybes, kuriosepraðoma apsaugos. Lietuvoje nuo 1997 m. lapkrièio 15 d.

Cases regarding the recognition of trademarks as widelyknown, are assigned for the exceptional judicial jurisdiction.A mark may be recognized as known in the Republic ofLithuania, if the results of its usage or advertising show thatit is well known is some particular social order. At themoment, 10 trademarks have been recognized as widelyknown under decisions of courts in the Republic ofLithuania. An interesting fact is that all these marks areregistered in the SPB. Even more rights have been providedto them, after they were recognized as widely known. One ofthe first marks, which have been recognized as widely knownare: the trademarks “Astra” and “Prima” which belong to acommon Lithuanian-USA company “Philip Morris Lietuva,Ltd”. Later on, the following marks were recognized as widelyknown: “RAMA” belonging to “Unilever NV”; “NIKEInternational LTD” with its three marks “NIKE”; “JapanTobacco Inc.” with its two trademarks “CAMEL” and “ChivasBrothers (Europe) Limited” with its verbal trademark“CHIVAS REGAL” and Russian Corporation “RusskoeRadio – Evrazia” with its verbal visual trademark “RusskoeRadio”.

If a mark is registered in a country where the company exists(country of origin) but there are interests in exporting goodsand services into markets of foreign countries, or if there areinterests in issuing a certificate to use trademarks in othercountries, trademarks must be registered in foreign countries.It may be implemented in three ways:

1. National way – an application must be filed to a patentoffice in every country separately, in the language of thatcountry, and having paid the correspondent fees. In some ofthe countries, it may be possible to use services provided bythe local patent attorneys or trademarks agents.

2. Regional way – an application must be filed to a regionaltrademarks office which belongs to a regional trademarkssystem composed of Member States and in the territory ofwhich the trademark would be valid. Such regional trademarksoffices are:

Benelux Trademarks Office

The European Union Office for Harmonization in the InternalMarket (OHIM)

3. International way – an application is filed to the WIPOInternational Bureau in Geneva, by indicating the countriesthat the protection will be request for in. Since November 15,


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galima naudotis tarptautine þenklo registracijos proce-dûra pagal Madrido protokolà.

Tarptautinë þenklo registracijos procedûra yra paprastes-në ir pigesnë, todël plaèiai naudojama. Lietuvai prisi-jungus prie Madrido sutarties dël tarptautinës þenkløregistracijos protokolo, tarptautinë þenklo registracijosprocedûra plaèiai naudojasi uþsienio pareiðkëjai,norëdami áregistruoti savo þenklus Lietuvoje, taip patmûsø ðalies pareiðkëjai, registruodami savo þenklusuþsienyje.

Dizainas – viso gaminio ar jo dalies vaizdas, sudarytas iðgaminio ir (arba) jo ornamentikos specifiniø savybiø –linijø, kontûrø, spalvø, formos, tekstûros ir (arba)medþiagos. Lietuvos Respublikoje yra du iðimtiniø teisiøá dizainà gavimo keliai:

pagal Lietuvos Respublikos dizaino ástatymà, paduodantparaiðkas tiesiogiai á VPB (nacionalinis kelias);

pagal Tarybos Reglamentà (EB) Nr. 6/2002 dël Bendri-jos dizainø, pagal kurá registruotas ES Vidaus rinkosderinimo tarnyboje (OHIM) Bendrijos dizainas saugo-mas Lietuvoje.

Pramoninio dizaino teisinæ apsaugà, registracijà irnaudojimà Lietuvoje nustato Lietuvos Respublikosdizaino ástatymas, priimtas 2002 m. ir ásigaliojæs 2003m., ir nuo 2004 m. geguþës 1 d. ES Tarybos regla-mentas Nr. 6/2002 dël Bendrijos dizaino nustato

1997, one is able to use an international mark registrationprocedure under the Madrid Protocol in Lithuania.

The international mark registration operation is lesscomplicated and less expensive; therefore, it is more widelyused. After Lithuania has joined the Madrid aAgreementConcerning International Marks Registration Protocol, quite anumber of foreign applicants started using the internationalmark registration procedure, who wish to register their marksin Lithuania, as well as applicants of our own country, whoregister their marks in foreign countries.

Design is a visual appearance of the whole product or its part,which is composed of a products and (or) the special featuresof its ornamentation – lines, outlines, colors, forms, textureand (or) material. There are two ways to get exclusive rights todesign in the Republic of Lithuania:

under the Design Law of the Republic of Lithuania, by submit-ting applications directly to the SPB (national way);

under the Council Regulation (EC) No. 6/2002 for ECdesigns, according to which the Community design, registeredin the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market(OHIM), is protected in Lithuania.

Industrial design legal protection, registration and usage inLithuania is determined by the Design Law of the Republic ofLithuania, passed in 2002, and which came into force in 2003.Since May 1, 2004, the EU Council Regulation No. 6/2002forCommunity design, determines the registration, legal pro-

Prekiø þenklø paraiðkø, paduotø tiesiogiai VPB, skaièiusThe number of trademark applications submitted directly to the SPB

Gautø praneðimø apie tarptautines prekiø þenklø registracijas, iðplëstasLietuvoje, skaièiusThe number of received reports about the international trademarksregistrations extended into Lithuania









02004 2005 2006


2250 2457

48704022 4008

Áregistruotø prekiø þenklø skaièiusThe number of registered trademarks

Áregistruotø tarptautiniø prekiø þenklø registracijø Lietuvos Respublikoje skaièiusThe number of registrations of international trademarks that came into effect inthe Republic of Lithuania









02004 2005 2006


1787 2922

46844559 4110

Paduotø prekiø þenklø paraiðkø VPB ir tarptautiniø registracijø,iðplëstø Lietuvoje, skaièius

The number of filed trademark applications filed with the SPBand international registrations extended to Lithuania

Prekiø þenklø, kuriems suteikta apsauga, skaièius

The number of trademarks which were provided with protection


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pramoninio dizaino registravimà, teisinæ apsaugà beinaudojimà. Iki Bendrijos dizaino registracijos sistemossukûrimo dizaino apsaugà buvo galima uþtikrinti tikvadovaujantis nacionaliniais ES ðaliø nariø teisës aktaisarba pagal tarptautinæ Hagos sutartá, jeigu valstybë,kurioje praðoma apsaugos, tokià sutartá buvo pasiraðiu-si. Pramoninis dizainas turi bûti naujas ir turëti indivi-dualias savybes, taip pat neprieðtarauti vieðosios moralësnormoms. Pramoninio dizaino apsaugà gali turëtibuitiniai gaminiai (televizoriai, ðviestuvai, baldai irpan.), gamybinës-techninës paskirties gaminiai (auto-matizuotos linijos, staklës, árengimai) ir maþosiosarchitektûros kûriniai (kioskai, benzino kolonëlës,reklaminiai stulpai ir pan.). ES teisës aktai numato irneregistruoto dizaino teisinæ apsaugà trejus metus nuodatos, kai jis vieðai atskleidþiamas visuomenei EuroposSàjungoje. Tai automatinë trumpalaikës apsaugosforma, kuri apsaugo tik nuo kopijavimo. Taèiau regist-ruoto Bendrijos dizaino savininkui suteikiama iðimtinëteisë naudoti dizainà ir neleisti naudoti jo tretiesiemsasmenims, perduoti kitam asmeniui, ámonei ir t.t.

Nuo Valstybinio patentø biuro ákûrimo pradþios iki2007 m. nacionaliniu keliu buvo paduotos 1507paraiðkos dizainui registruoti, Bendrijos dizaino registre2006 m. pabaigoje buvo áregistruotas 214 581 dizainas,kurie taip pat galioja ir Lietuvoje.

Jeigu dizainas yra registruotas ðalyje, kurioje yra ámonë(kilmës ðalyje), bet turima interesø Bendrijos ðaliørinkose eksportuojant gaminius ar paslaugas arbasuteikiant licencijas naudotis dizainu kitose ðalyse,reikia uþsitikrinti dizaino apsaugà tose ðalyse. Pastaruoju

tection and usage of the industrial design. Before the Com-munity designCommunity design registration system wascreated, the protection of design could be only guaranteed bynational Legal Acts of the EU Member States , or by theInternational Hague Agreement, if a country where theprotection is necessary, has signed such an agreement.Industrial design must be novel, and should have individualfeatures, and it should not contradict the norms of publicmoral. Industrial design protection may be given to domesticappliances (TV-sets, chandeliers, furniture, etc.), products ofindustrial-technical purpose (automated lines, machines,equipment) and the creations of the little architecture (kiosks,petrol stations, hoardings, etc). The EU Legal Acts alsoguarantee the legal protection of not registered design for threeyears from the date it is publicly revealed to the society of theEuropean Union. This is an automatic short-term form ofprotection which protects design only from copying. However,the owner of the Community design is given an exclusive rightto use the design, not to permit to use it to the third parties,to transfer it to other person, company, etc.

From the date the State Patent Bureau was established to theyear 2007, 1507 applications to register design in a nationalway have been fileted; at the end of the year 2006, 214,581designs have been registered in the Community design registerwhich are valid in Lithuania as well.

If a design is registered in a country where the company exists(country of origin) but there are interests in exportingproducts or services to the markets of the countries of EC, orin providing licenses to use design in other countries, theprotection of design should be guaranteed in those othercountries. Currently there is a growing need for design


4 4


3 9

2 8

6 89 2


1 0

3 5

Paraiðkø registruoti prekiø þenklà 2006 m. skaièius pagal LietuvosRespublikos apskritis

The number of trademark applications filed with the State Patent Bureauof the Republic of Lithuania in 2006, according to the AdministrativeDivisions of the Republic of Lithuania


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metu labai iðaugo dizaino registracijos poreikis ES.Dizaino apsaugà galima ágyvendinti trim keliais:

Nacionalinis kelias – paraiðka paduodama patentøtarnybai kiekvienoje ðalyje atskirai tos ðalies kalba,sumokant atitinkamus mokesèius.

Regioninis kelias – paraiðka paduodama tiesiogiairegioninei Europos Sàjungos Vidaus rinkos harmonizavi-mo tarnybai (OHIM) Alikantëje (Ispanija) arba á ðaliesnarës patentø tarnybà (Lietuvoje á VPB). RegistruotasBendrijos dizainas turës apsaugà visoje Bendrijoje.Paduodant paraiðkà yra galimybë pateikti neribotà skaièiødizaino pavyzdþiø toje paèioje klasëje (iðskyrus elektroni-niu bûdu paduodamà paraiðkà, kur dizainø skaièiusribojamas iki 99). Paraiðkà gali paduoti bet kas – juridinisarba fizinis asmuo pats arba per ágaliotà asmená, galintákonsultuoti ir tvarkyti korespondencijà su OHIM.Pagrindiniai reikalavimai Bendrijos dizainui yra naujumasir individualios savybës. Ðie reikalavimai taikomi tiekregistruotam, tiek neregistruotam dizainui. Jeigu dizainasprieðtarauja vieðajai tvarkai ar pripaþintiems visuomenësmoralës interesams, jis yra neregistruojamas.

Tarptautinis kelias – paraiðka paduodama á WIPOTarptautiná biurà Þenevoje ir turi atitikti Hagos sutartiesdël pramoninio dizaino registracijos reikalavimus.Paduodama viena paraiðka, nurodant, kokiose ðalyse,sutarties dalyvëse, praðoma apsaugos. Lietuva rengiasiHagos sutarties Þenevos akto ratifikavimui ir tikëtina,jog 2007 m. pabaigoje taps tarptautinës dizaino regist-racijos sistemos dalyve. Daugiau informacijos galimarasti WIPO internetinëje svetainëje http://www.wipo.int/hague/en/.

Tikëtina, kad gerëjant ekonominei situacijai, Lietuvojesukurtas dizainas bus apsaugotas visoje Europos Sàjun-goje ir kitose ðalyse, nes civilizuotos valstybës pareiga –uþtikrinti visø menø ir iðradimø apsaugà. Kadangitradiciðkai dizaino apsauga daugiausia naudojosi baldøpramonës ámonës, galima bûtø nubrëþti paraleles suLITEXPO nuo 1995 m. rengiamomis parodomis„Baldai“, kuriose dalyviø skaièius kasmet augo apie20 %. Dþiugu, kad mûsø ðalies baldø ámonës („Vilniausbaldø kombinatas“, „Ðilutës baldai“, „Venta“, „Klaipëdosbaldai“, „Baldai Jums“ ir kt.) vis daugiau eksportuoja áVokietijà, Ðvedijà, Jungtinæ Karalystæ, Prancûzijà, Danijàir kitas ðalis.

registration in the counties of the EU. The design protectionmay be implemented in the following three ways:

National way – an application is filed to a patent office inevery country separately, in the language of that particularcountr y and having paid the corresponding fees.

Regional way – an application is directly filed to the regionalEuropean Union Office for Harmonization in the InternalMarket (OHIM), based in Alicante (Spain) or to the patentoffice of a Member State (to the SPB, in Lithuania). Theregistered Community design will have the protection in thewhole EC. When submitting an application, it is possible toprovide unlimited number of design examples in the same class(except for an application, filed electronically, where the numberof designs is limited to 99). Everyone is allowed to submit anapplication (legal entity or natural person, themselves or throughauthorized person, who could consult and (or) performcorrespondence management with OHIM. The most importantrequirements for a design are novelty and individual features.These requirements are applicable for both registered and non-registered designs. If a design contradicts a public peace or theaccepted public moral interests, the design is not registered.

International way – an application is filed to the WIPOInternational Office in Geneva and it must comply with therequirements of the Hague Agreement for Industrial DesignRegistration. One application is to be filed, indicating thecountries which are contracting parties, in which the protectionis requested. Lithuania is preparing for the ratification ofGeneva Act of Hague Agreement and it is expected that it willbecome the member of the international design registrationsystem by the end of the year 2007. For more information, goto the WIPO Website: http://www.wipo.int/hague/en/.

It is likely that at the time the economical situation improves inLithuania, the design created in our country will be protected in thewhole European Union and other countries, as to guarantee theprotection of all the arts and inventions is the duty of a civilizedcountry. As this type of design protection has been traditionally usedmostly by furniture industry companies in Lithuania, parallels couldbe drawn with LITEXPO expositions “Baldai” which have beenorganized since 1995, and where the number of participants hasbeen increasing approximately 20% each year. It is important thatour country’s furniture companies (“Vilniaus baldu kombinatas”,“Silutes baldai”, “Venta”, “Klaipedos baldai”, “Baldai Jums”) exportmore and more production to Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom,France, Denmark and other countries.


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Labai norëtøsi, kad ir Lietuvos dizaineriai, ir ámonësdaugiau dëmesio skirtø savo gaminiø iðorës apsaugai, oLietuvos technikos biblioteka bei patentiniai patikëtiniaidaugiau prisidëtø skleidþiant þinojimà apie nacionalinæir regioninæ pramoninio dizaino apsaugà.

Apeliacinis skyrius

Lietuvos Respublikos valstybinio patentø biuro Apeliaci-niame skyriuje nagrinëjamos apeliacijos ir protestai dëliðimtiniø teisiø iðdavimo ir jø palaikymo galioje pramo-

It would be great if Lithuanian companies and designers alsopaid more attention to the external protection of theirproducts and Lithuanian Technical Library as well as patentattorneys helped more in spreading knowledge about theprotection of national and regional industrial design.

Appeals Division

Appeals and oppositions regarding the granting of the exclusiverights and maintaining them in force for the objects ofindustrial property are analyzed in the Appeals Division of the

Dizaino paraiðkø skaièiusThe number of design applications








02004 2005 2006


30 32

Dizaino registracijø skaièiusThe number of design registrations









02004 2005 2006




Paduotø dizaino paraiðkø VPB skaièius

The number of filed design applications filed with the SPB

Paraiðkø registruoti dizainà 2006 m. skaièius pagal Lietuvos Res-publikos apskritis

The number of design applications filed with the State PatentBureau of the Republic of Lithuania in 2006, according to theAdministrative Divisions of the Republic of Lithuania










Dizainø, kuriems suteikta apsauga, skaièius

The number of designs which were provided with protection


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ninës nuosavybës objektams. 2006 m. á Apeliacináskyriø buvo paduota 196 protestai bei apeliacijos. Ið ðioskaièiaus 2006 m. gautos 9 apeliacijos:

1 apeliacija dël papildomos apsaugos liudijimo iðdavi-mo,

2 apeliacijos dël atsisakymo suteikti apsaugà tarptauti-nei þenklo registracijai,

6 apeliacijos dël VPB sprendimo neregistruotinacionalinio prekiø þenklo.

2006 m. gauti 187 protestai: 130 protestø dël nacionalinës prekiø þenklo registracijos, 57 protestai dël tarptautinës prekiø þenklo registracijos,

Ið jø atsisakyta priimti 5 protestus.

2006 m. Apeliacinis skyrius priëmë 163 sprendimus beinutarimus, iðnagrinëdamas 9 apeliacijas bei 154 protes-tus. Paþymëtina, kad protestø nagrinëjimo nutraukimoApeliaciniame skyriuje atvejø skaièius neþymiai padidëjo:2006 m. – 58, kai 2005 m. – 53. 2006 m. buvo iðnagri-nëti 83 protestai dël prekiø þenklø bei 9 apeliacijos.

Lyginant su 2005 m., 2006 -ieji pasiþymëjo didesniupaduotø protestø ir apeliacijø skaièiumi: 2005 m. áApeliaciná skyriø buvo paduota 141 protestas ir apeliacija,o 2006 m. – 196 protestai ir apeliacijos. 2006 m. iðlikopanaðus apeliacijø skaièius – 9 (2005 m. – 8 apeliacijos),2006 m. nebuvo paduota në vieno protesto dël dizaino(2005 m. – 1 protestas).

State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania. 196 opposi-tions and appeals were received by the Appeals Divisionin2006. Out of this number, 9 appeals were received in 2006:

1 appeal regarding the granting of supplementary protectioncertificate,

2 appeals regarding rejection to provide protection for aninternational mark registration,

6 appeals regarding the SPB’s decision not to register anational trademark,

In 2006, 187 oppositions were received: 130 oppositions regarding national trademarks registration, 57 oppositions regarding international trademarks registration,

5 oppositions were rejected.

In 2006 the Appeals Divisionpassed 163 resolutions anddecisions, having studied 9 appeals and 154 oppositions. Itshould be noted that the number of cases when theopposition analysis was canceled in the Appeals Division, hasmarginally increased: 58 cases in 2006, 53 cases in 2005. 83cases of oppositions and 9 appeals regarding trademarks werestudied.

Compared to the year 2005, in 2006, there was a largernumber of filed oppositions and appeals: in 2005, 141 cases ofoppositions and 1 appeal were filed to the Appeals Division,however in 2006, 196 cases of oppositions and appeals werefiled. In 2006 a similar number of appeals (9) (in 2005 – 8appeals), in 2006 no oppositions regarding design were filed(in 2005 – 1 opposition).

2005-2006 m. Apeliacinio skyriaus duomenys

Data of Appeals Division for 2005-2006











02005 2006





53 57Gauta protestø ir apeliacijø • The number of received oppositions and appeals.

Priimta sprendimø • Decisions made

Protestø nagrinëjimas nutrauktas iki Apeliacinës komisijos posëdþio • The numberof cancelled examinations of oppositions before session of Appeals Commission


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Teisëkûra ir tarptautinis bendradarbiavimas


2006 m. teisëkûros srityje Valstybiniam patentø biurui(VPB) buvo intensyvûs ir atsakingi.

2006 m. birþelio 8 d. Lietuvos Respublikos Seimaspriëmë Lietuvos Respublikos patentø ástatymo VIIskirsnio pakeitimo bei papildymo ir Ástatymo priedopapildymo ástatymà Nr. X-649, Prekiø þenklø ástatymodeðimtojo skirsnio ir 56 straipsnio pakeitimo beipapildymo ir Ástatymo priedo papildymo ástatymàNr. X-651, Dizaino ástatymo aðtuntojo skirsnio pakeiti-mo bei papildymo ir Ástatymo priedo papildymoástatymà Nr. X-650 ir Puslaidininkiniø gaminiø topo-grafijø teisinës apsaugos ástatymo 1, 10 straipsnio, VIskyriaus pakeitimo bei papildymo ir Ástatymo papildy-mo priedu ástatymà Nr. X-652. Ðiais ástatymais perkelta2004 m. balandþio 29 d. Europos Parlamento ir Tarybosdirektyva 2004/48/EB dël intelektinës nuosavybës teisiøágyvendinimo, kuria siekiama suvienodinti valstybiønariø nacionaliniø ástatymø nuostatas bei uþtikrintiaukðtà, vienodà ir efektyvø intelektinës nuosavybës teisiøgynimo lygá vidaus rinkoje.

2006 m. rudená Valstybinis patentø biuras parengëLietuvos Respublikos patentø ástatymo 592 straipsnio irpriedo pakeitimo ir papildymo bei Ástatymo papildymo381 straipsniu ástatymo projektà ir Lietuvos Respublikosmokesèiø uþ pramoninës nuosavybës objektø registravi-mo ástatymo 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ir 7 straipsniø bei 1,2, 3 ir4 priedëliø pakeitimo ir papildymo ástatymo projektà,kuriø tikslas ir uþdaviniai – uþtikrinti 2006 m. geguþës17 d. Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos reglamento (EB)Nr. 816/2006 dël patentø, susijusiø su farmacijosproduktø, eksportuojamø á ðalis, turinèias problemøvisuomenës sveikatos srityje, gamyba, priverstiniolicencijavimo ágyvendinimo ir patikslinti mokesèiø uþpramoninës nuosavybës objektø registravimà teisináreglamentavimà. Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybës2006 m. gruodþio 27 d. nutarimu Nr. 1336 buvopritarta ðiems projektams ir jie pateikti LietuvosRespublikos Seimui.

Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybë 2006 m. geguþës 31 d.nutarimu Nr. 506 patvirtino Valstybinio patentø biuroparengtà Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybës 2002 m.

Law establishment and international cooperation

Law establishment

The year 2006 was an intensive period which required a lot ofresponsibility of the State Patent Bureau (SPB) in the field oflaw establishment.

On June 8, 2006, The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuaniapassed the Law No. X-649 on the Patent Law of the Republic ofLithuania Section VII amendment and complementation and onthe Law Annex complementation; the Law No. X-651 onTrademarks Law Section 10 and Article 56 amendment andcomplementation and Law Annex complementation; the LawNo. X-650 on Design law Section 8 amendment and comple-mentation and Law Annex complementation; as well as the LawNo. X-652 on amendment and complementation of Article 10,Chapter VI of the Legal Protection of Topographies of Semi-conductor products Law 1 and on Law complementation by anannex. With these laws, the European Parliament and CouncilDirective 2004/48/EC regarding the implementation of therights of intellectual property was transferred on April 29, 2004.The purpose of this directive is to equalize the national lawregulations of the Member States, and to guarantee a high, equaland effective level of protecting rights of intellectual property inthe Internal Market.

In Autumn 2006, the SPB prepared a draft on the Patent Law ofthe Republic of Lithuania Article 592 and Annex amendment andcomplementation, as well as on law complementation by Article381; a draft on the Law on Fees for the Registration of IndustrialProperty Objects of the Republic of Lithuania Articles 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6 and 7 as well as Appendages 1,2, 3 and 4 amendment andcomplementation. The purpose and targets of these drafts are toguarantee legal regulation of the European Parliament and theEuropean Rule (EC) No. 816/2006, passed on May 17, 2006regarding patents, related with pharmaceutical products, which areexported to countries, experiencing problems in the field of healthof society, with production, forced licensing implementation.Moreover, another purpose is to specify the fees for the registrationof industrial property objects. Under the Decision No. 1336 of theGovernment of the Republic of Lithuania, made on December 27,2006, these drafts were accepted and submitted to the The Seimasof the Republic of Lithuania.

Under the decision No. 506, made on May 31, 2006, theGovernment of the Republic of Lithuania endorsed modificationof a draft resolution of the Government of the Republic of


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liepos 19 d. nutarimo Nr. 1218 „Dël Lietuvos Respubli-kos patentø registro ásteigimo ir Lietuvos Respublikospatentø registro nuostatø patvirtinimo“ pakeitimo“projektà.

2006 m. lapkrièio mën. suinteresuotoms institucijomsbuvo iðsiøstas derinti VPB parengtas Vyriausybësnutarimo projektas – Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybës2001 m. vasario 21 d. nutarimo Nr. 188 „Dël Prekiøþenklø registro nuostatø patvirtinimo“ pakeitimo“projektas.

2006 m. taip pat buvo parengtas Lietuvos Respublikosvalstybinio patentø biuro nuostatø projektas, kurispatvirtintas Lietuvos Respublikos teisingumo ministro2006 m. kovo 27 d. ásakymu Nr.100, bei Europospatentø paraiðkø padavimo ir Europos patentø galiojimoLietuvos Respublikoje tvarkos EP/01/2006 projektas –patvirtintas Valstybinio patentø biuro direktoriaus2006 m. balandþio 24 d. ásakymu Nr. 3R-29.

Pasaulinë intelektinës nuosavybës organizacija (WIPO)

2006 m. buvo tæsiamas aktyvus bendradarbiavimas suviena ið specializuotø Jungtiniø Tautø tarptautiniøorganizacijø – Pasaulinës intelektinës nuosavybësorganizacija, atsakinga uþ intelektinës nuosavybësapsaugos politikos formavimà pasauliniu mastu irtarptautiniø sutarèiø pramoninës nuosavybës apsaugossrityje administravimà.

Kaip ir kiekvienais metais nuo 1992 øjø, kai Lietuva tapoWIPO nare, mûsø valstybë buvo atstovaujama WIPOGeneralinës asamblëjos, Paryþiaus sàjungos asamblëjos,Nicos sàjungos asamblëjos, Patentinës kooperacijossutarties (PCT) sàjungos asamblëjos, Madrido sàjungosasamblëjos, Budapeðto sàjungos asamblëjos, WIPOkoordinacinio komiteto susitikimuose. Lietuvos Respubli-kos valstybinio patentø biuro direktorius RimvydasNaujokas buvo iðrinktas Paryþiaus sàjungos asamblëjosvicepirmininku.

VPB atstovai dalyvavo Lietuvos delegacijoje, kuri atstova-vo Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybei WIPO diplomati-nëje konferencijos dël perþiûrëtos sutarties dël prekiø

Lithuania, No. 1218, passed on July 19, 2002, “Regarding theEstablishment of the Patent Register of the Republic of Lithuaniaand the Endorsement of the Regulations of the Patent Register ofthe Republic of Lithuania”, prepared by the SPB.

In November, 2006, the interested institutions were sent adraft resolution of the Government, prepared by the SPB,which is a modification of the draft resolution on “Endorsementof the Regulations of the Trademark Register”, passed by theGovernment of the Republic of Lithuania on February 21,2001, for coordination.

In 2006, draft regulations of the SPB, which were endorsed bythe Minister of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania on March27, 2006, by a resolution No. 100 were also prepared as wellas the European Patent application submitting and the EuropeanPatent validity in the Republic of Lithuania draft Order EP/01/2006 – accepted by the Director of the SPB on April 24, 2006,by the order No. 3R-29.

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

In 2006, an active cooperation with one of the specializedinternational organizations of the United Nations – the WorldIntellectual Property Organization, which is responsible for theformation of the protection of intellectual property policy on aworld scale and for the administration of internationalagreements in the field of industrial property protection, wascontinued.

Ever y year, since 1992, when Lithuania became the Memberof the WIPO, our country has been represented in the WIPOGeneral Assembly, Paris Union Assembly, Nice UnionAssembly, Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Union Assembly,Madrid Union Assembly, Budapest Union Assembly, the WIPOCoordination Committee meetings. Rimvydas Naujokas, theDirector of the State Patent Bureau of the Republic ofLithuania, was elected as a Vice-Chairman of the Paris UnionAssembly.

The SPB representatives participated in the Lithuaniandelegation which represented the Government of the Republicof Lithuania in the WIPO diplomatic conference regarding the


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þenklø ástatymø priëmimo ir pasiraðymo, vykusioje2006 m. kovo 13-31 d. Singapûre.

Valstybinio patentø biuro darbuotojai dalyvavo WIPOpatentø teisës, prekiø þenklø, informaciniø technologijøkomitetø sesijose ir darbo grupiø susitikimuose.

Nuo 2001 m. tradiciðkai balandþio 26 àjà, minintPasaulinës intelektinës nuosavybës dienà, 2006 m. ðiðventë surengta Vilniaus kongresø rûmuose, áteiktiPasaulinës intelektinës nuosavybës organizacijos apdova-nojimai uþ kûrybinæ veiklà. Juos gavo Vilniaus Gedimi-no technikos universiteto iðradëjas prof. BronislovasSpruogis, dainininkë Veronika Povilionienë ir raðytojaJurga Ivanauskaitë. Pasaulinës intelektinës nuosavybësorganizacijos apdovanojimo uþ pramoninës nuosavybësobjektø patentavimà ir registracijà Lietuvoje laimëtojatapo UAB „Ðvyturys–Utenos alus“. Pirmà kartà organi-zacijos prizo laimëtojais tapo alaus gamintojai. Jie pomokslo atstovø papildë maisto pramonës ámoniølaimëtojø gretas. Ankstesniais metais tokie prizai buvoáteikti Ðilutës rajono mësos perdirbimo bendrovei„Natanga“ ir akcinei bendrovei „Þemaitijos pienas“.Prizà UAB „Ðvyturys–Utenos alus“ áteikë Valstybiniopatentø biuro direktorius, Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriau-sybës atstovas Pasaulinës intelektinës nuosavybësorganizacijoje Rimvydas Naujokas.

Lietuvai esant Madrido sutarties dël tarptautinës þenkløregistracijos protokolo nare nuo 1997 m., VPB specialis-tams labai svarbus þiniø ir patirties pasidalijimas Madridoprotokolo sistemos veikimo klausimais. VPB ekspertaidalyvavo WIPO surengtuose seminaruose tarptautinësprekiø þenklø registracijos pagal Madrido sistemàklausimais. VPB specialistai taip pat dalyvavo 2006 m.birþelio mën. WIPO organizuotame tarpregioniniameseminare pramoninës nuosavybës klausimais Þenevoje(Ðveicarija) ir praktiniuose mokymo kursuose Miunchene(Vokietija) bei liepos mën. Bratislavoje (Slovakija)surengtame seminare dël intelektinës nuosavybës panau-dojimo ekonominei ir socialinei plëtrai.

Aktyviai bendradarbiaujant su WIPO, Lietuvoje ágyven-dinama ,,Universitetø iniciatyvos“ programa, pagalkurià Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitete beiKauno technologijos universitete veikia pramoninësnuosavybes informacijos koordinatoriai. ,,Universitetøiniciatyvos“ programos pagrindu Lietuva gauna WIPOteikiamà pramoninës nuosavybës informacijà.

revised agreement about trademarks laws endorsement andtook place in Singapore on March 13-31, 2006.

The employees of the SPB took part in the WIPO patent rights,trademarks, information technology committees’ session andworking group meetings.

Since April 26, 2001, this day is traditionally celebrated as aWorld Intellectual Property Day. In 2006, this festival was heldin Vilnius Congress Palace. The WIPO Awards for creativework were given away. These were presented to inventor, Prof.Bronislovas Spruogis (Vilnius Gediminas TechnicalUniversity), singer Veronika Povilionienë and writer JurgaIvanauskaitë. The WIPO Award for industrial property objectpatenting and registration in Lithuania was given to “Svyturys–Utenos alus” Ltd. It was the first time when the winner of theprize of this organization became a brewery. Beside the sciencerepresentatives, they also joined the ranks of the winners offood industry companies. Some years ago, such prizes weregiven to the Silute district meat processing company “Natanga”and to the Stock Company “Zemaitijos pienas”. The prize to“Svyturys–Utenos alus” Ltd. was given by Rimvydas Naujokas,the Director of the SPB the representative of the Governmentof the Republic of Lithuania for the World Intellectual PropertyOrganization.

For Lithuania has been a member of the protocol of MadridAgreement concerning the international marks registrationsince year 1997, the SPB specialists find it exclusivelyimportant to exchange knowledge and experience on the issuesof the operation of the Madrid Protocol system. The SPBexperts took part in the seminars on the international goodsmarks registration under the Madrid system, which were heldby the WIPO. The SPB specialists also took part in aninterregional seminar organized by the WIPO in June, 2006,on the industrial property issues, which took place in Geneva(Switzerland). Moreover, they took part in practical trainingcourses in Munich (Germany) as well as in the seminarregarding the use of intellectual property for an economicaland social development, which took place in Bratislava(Slovakia) in July.

Upon active cooperation with the WIPO, a “UniversityInitiative” program is being implemented in Lithuania,according to which industrial property information coordinatorsoperate in Vilnius Gediminas Technical University as well as inKaunas University of Technology. On the basis of the”UniversityInitiative” program, Lithuania receives the industrial propertyinformation that is provided by the WIPO.


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Europos Sàjunga (ES)

2006 m. VPB specialistai aktyviai dalyvavo EuroposSàjungos darbo grupiø ir komitetø susitikimuose, rengë irpristatinëjo oficialias Lietuvos pozicijas Briuselyje nagrinë-jamais pramoninës nuosavybës apsaugos klausimais.

VPB atstovai ir teisësaugos ataðë pramoninës nuosavybësteisës klausimais Lietuvos nuolatinëje atstovybëje ESdalyvavo Europos Tarybos darbo grupiø posëdþiuose:darbo grupiø „Intelektinë nuosavybë (patentai)“,„Intelektinë nuosavybë (prekiø þenklai)“ bei „Intelektinënuosavybë (dizainas)“. VPB atstovai taip pat dalyvavo2006 m. kovo 30 d. vykusiame teisininkø/lingvistøsusitikime svarstant Europos Parlamento ir Tarybosreglamentà dël patentø, susijusiø su farmacijos produk-tø, eksportuojamø á ðalis, turinèias problemø visuome-nës sveikatos srityje, gamyba, priverstinio licencijavimo.

VPB taip pat buvo atstovaujamas 2006 m. liepos 12 d.vykusiuose vieðuosiuose klausymuose dël patentøpolitikos Europoje ir rugsëjo 6-8 d. Helsinkyje (Suomi-ja) vykusioje tarptautinëje konferencijoje „Intelektinësnuosavybës teisës: vertinimas, reguliavimas ir ágyvendi-nimas ES“ bei spalio 9 d. vykusiame Europos SàjungosKomisijos Papildomos apsaugos liudijimø ekspertø IIsusitikime dël Reglamentø Nr. 1768/92 ir Nr. 1610/96ágyvendinimo praktikos.

Europos Sàjungos Vidaus rinkos derinimo tarnyba (OHIM)

Valstybinis patentø biuras glaudþiai bendradarbiauja suVidaus rinkos derinimo tarnyba (Prekiø þenklai irdizainas). Kaip numato Tarybos 1993 m. gruodþio 20 d.reglamentas (EB) Nr. 40/94 dël Bendrijos prekiø þenklø,Lietuvos Respublikos valstybinio patentø biuro atstovai2006 m. atstovavo Lietuvos Respublikai Vidaus rinkosderinimo tarnybos (OHIM) 4 posëdþiuose ir susitiki-muose – OHIM Administracinës tarybos ir Biudþetokomiteto posëdþiuose svarstant OHIM svarbius organiza-cinius, administracinius ir finansinius klausimus.

Valstybinio patentø biuro ekspertai dalyvavo 2006 m.kovo 2-3 d. vykusiame OHIM techninio bendradarbia-vimo susitikime; OHIM ir patentø tarnybø atstovø

European Union (EU)

In 2006, the SPB specialists were rather active during meetings ofthe European Union working groups and committees; they werepreparing and introducing official positions of Lithuania in Brusselson the debatable issues on the protection of industrial property.

The representatives of the SPB and law enforcement attaché forthe industrial property rights in the Permanent Representation ofLithuania to the EU, took part in the working groups sessions ofthe European Council: the working groups “Intellectual Property(patents)”, “Intellectual Property (trademarks)” and “IntellectualProperty (Design)”. The representatives of the SPB also took partin the meeting of lawyers/linguists, which took place in March 30,2006. During this meeting, the following issue was discussed: theEuropean Parliament and Council regulation regardingcompulsory licensing of patents related with the production ofpharmaceutical products which are exported to countries thathave problems in the field of the health of a society.

The SPB was also represented in public debates which took placeon July 12, 2006 regarding patent policy in Europe and in aninternational conference “Intellectual Property Rights:Evaluation, Regulation and Implementation in the EU” whichtook place in Helsinki (Finland) in September 6-8. Further-more, it was represented in the 2nd meeting (October 9), ofexperts of the European Union Commission of supplementaryprotection certificates regarding the implementation practice ofthe Regulations No. 1768/92 and No. 1610/96.

The European Union Office for Harmonization in the Internal

Market (OHIM)

The SPB is closely cooperating with the Office for Harmo-nization in the Internal Market (trademarks and design). As itis laid down in the Council regulation (EC) No. 40/94 of 20December 1993, regarding the Association goods marks, therepresentatives of the SPB, in 2006, represented the Republicof Lithuania in 4 Sessions and Meetings of the OHIM – in thesessions of the OHIM Administrative Council and BudgetCommittee, discussing important OHIM organizational,administrational and financial issues.

The experts of the SPB participated in an OHIM TechnicalCooperation Meeting on March 2-3, 2006, as well as in theLiaision Meeting of the OHIM and representatives of patentoffices on the trademarks issues which took place on June 15-


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Liaision susitikime prekiø þenklø klausimais birþelio 15-16 d.; VPB atstovai taip pat dalyvavo spalio 4-7 d.vykusiame OHIM ir patentø tarnybø atstovø 5-ajamesusitikime dizaino klausimais.

VPB darbuotojai naudojosi OHIM teikiamomis profesinëskvalifikacijos tobulinimo galimybëmis: 2006 m. liepos 2-28d. dalyvavo OHIM organizuotoje mokymo programojeintelektinës nuosavybës apsaugos klausimais; rugsëjo 8 d.Alikantëje (Ispanija) seminare „Protestø procedûros:santykiniø atmetimo pagrindø apþvalga“; rugsëjo 21-22 d.Alikantëje seminare dël Bendrijos prekiø þenklø ir Bendrijosdizaino informaciniø sistemø (tinklø) tarp OHIM irinformacijos padaliniø nacionalinëse patentø tarnybosedecentralizavimo; spalio 4-7 d. Alikantëje seminare„Ekspertizë pagal absoliuèius reikalavimus“.

Europos patentø organizacija (EPO)

Valstybinio patentø biuro ir Europos patentø organiza-cijos bendradarbiavimas, prasidëjæs 1994 m. pasiraðiusBendradarbiavimo susitarimà, perëjæs á aukðtesnábendradarbiavimo lygá 2004 m. gruodþio 1 d. LietuvosRespublikai tapus visateise Europos patentø organizaci-jos nare, tæsësi ir 2006 metais.

Vadovaujantis Europos patentø iðdavimo konvencija(Europos patentø konvencija), Lietuvos Respublikosvalstybinio patentø biuro atstovai, vadovaujami direkto-riaus Rimvydo Naujoko, 2006 m. atstovavo LietuvosRespublikai Europos patentø organizacijos (EPO)Administracinës tarybos bei EPO Biudþeto ir finansøkomiteto posëdþiuose ir susitikimuose, kuriuose buvosvarstomi organizaciniai, administraciniai, finansiniaiEPO veiklos bei Europos patentø teisinio reguliavimoklausimai.

2006 m. vasario 28 d. – kovo 1 d. dienomis Madride(Ispanija) VPB buvo atstovaujamas vadovø lygiu EPOðaliø nariø konsultaciniame susitikime bei spalio 4-8 d.Atënuose (Graikija) vykusiame EPO ðaliø nariø susitiki-me tarptautinio bendradarbiavimo klausimais.

2006 m. VPB ekspertai dalyvavo EPO valstybiø nariøekspertø susitikimuose patentø klasifikacijos klausimais(dalyvauta 3 susitikimuose) bei Patentø teisës komitetosusitikimuose (2 susitikimai); Europos apskritojo stalo

16. In addition to this, the SPB representatives took part in the5th Meeting of OHIM and the Representatives of PatentOffices, on design issues, which took place in October, 4-7.

The employees of the SPB took a possibility to improve theirprofessional qualification, which was provided by the OHIM:during 2-28 July, 2006, they were participating in a trainingprogram on the protection of intellectual property issues,which was organized by the OHIM; in September 8, Alicante(Spain), they took part in a seminar “Opposition Procedures:the Review of Relative basis for the Refusal”; in of September21-22, they participated in a seminar (Alicante) on Decentra-lization of EC Trademarks and EC Design informationalsystems (nets) between the OHIM and informational subdivi-sions in the national patent offices; in October 4-7 (Alicante),they attended a seminar on “Expertise under to absoluterequirements”.

European Patent Organization (EPO)

The Cooperation between the State Patent Bureau and theEuropean Patent Organization, which started in 1994, after theCooperation Agreement was signed, moved to a higher level ofcooperation on the 1st of December, 2004, when the Republicof Lithuania became a competent Member of the EuropeanPatent Organization, and this cooperation was still continuingin the year 2006.

In 2006, following the European Patent Granting Convention(European Patent Convention), the representatives of the SPB,under the control of Rimvydas Naujokas, the Director, repre-sented the Republic of Lithuania in the European PatentOrganization (EPO) Administrative Council as well as the EPOBudget and Finance Committee sessions and meetings whereorganizational, administrational, financial issues of the EPOactivity and European Patent Regulation were discussed.

From February 28 – to March 1, 2006, Madrid (Spain), theSPB was represented on the leadership level in the EPOMember States Advisory Meeting as well as in the Meeting ofthe EPO Member States which took place in Athens (Greece)on October 4-8, , on international cooperation issues.

In 2006, the experts of the SPB participated in meetings ofexperts of the EPO Member States on the issues of patentclassification (they attended 3 meetings). They also took partin meetings of the Committee for Patent Law (2 meetings); inthe European Round Table (EUROTAB) Meeting regarding


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(EUROTAB) susitikime patentavimo praktikos klausi-mais geguþës 11-12 d.; lapkrièio12-18 d. Miunchene(Vokietija) vykusioje konferencijoje „Intelektinësnuosavybës teisiø ágyvendinimo savaitë“ bei lapkrièio21 d. Londone (Didþioji Britanija) vykusioje konferenci-joje „Patentai: ágyvendinant ir apsaugant vertæ“, taip patgruodþio 6 d. vykusiame EPO Ginèø sprendimo darbogrupës susitikime.

Ilgametis EPT ir VPB bendradarbiavimas glaudþiaisusijæs su VPB techninës bazës tobulinimu ir administ-raciniø gebëjimø stiprinimu. 2006 m. VPB informaci-niø technologijø specialistai dalyvavo svarstant naujau-siø informaciniø technologijø panaudojimo ir tobulinimopatentø iðdavimo procese bei patentø tarnybø bendra-darbiavimo ðioje srityje klausimus – dalyvauta EPTorganizuotoje staþuotëje patentiniø paraiðkø administ-ravimo ir kompiuterinio apdorojimo klausimais; 2006m. geguþës mën. Vienoje (Austrija) seminare elektro-ninio publikavimo klausimais; rugsëjo 4-7 d. Hagoje(Nyderlandai) vykusiame Techninës pagalbos naciona-linëms tarnyboms grupës susitikime; rugsëjo 26-28 d.Techninës informacijos darbo grupës susitikime;spalio 3-6 d. Lisabonoje (Portugalija) vykusioje EPOtinklo paslaugø kasmetinëje konferencijoje.

Pasinaudojæ daugiaðalio bendradarbiavimo su EPOprogramos teikiamomis galimybëmis, 2006 m. Valstybi-nio patentø biuro specialistai tobulino kvalifikacijàEuropos patentø tarnybos Tarptautinës akademijosorganizuotose seminaruose, praktiniuose mokymuose irstaþuotëse – 2006 m. geguþës mën. Prahoje (Èekija)seminare „Intelektinës nuosavybës informacijos pasikei-timas“; birþelio mën. Hagoje (Nyderlandai) seminare„EPO vidaus tvarkos klausimai nacionaliniø patentøtarnybø darbuotojams: formalumai ir Priëmimoskyrius“; liepos mën. Miunchene (Vokietija) seminare„Apeliacinës procedûros EPO“; rugpjûèio mën. Hagoje(Nyderlandai) seminare Europos patentø kokybësklausimais; spalio 9-10 d. Budapeðte (Vengrija) 16-ajame Europos patentø tarnybos PR apskritojo stalo ir3-iajame Akademijos seminare, skirtame pasikeistipatirtimi dël bendravimo priemoniø ir metodø intelek-tinës nuosavybës srityje.

EPO kvietimu, Valstybinio patentø biuro ir Lietuvostechnikos bibliotekos atstovai pristatë Lietuvà ir Valsty-binio patentø biuro bei Lietuvos technikos bibliotekos

patenting practice which took place in May 11-12; in aconference “The Week of the Implementation of the Intel-lectual Property Rights”, held in November 12-18, Munich(Germany) and in a conference “Patents: Implementing andProtecting the Value” which took place in London (GreatBritain) in November 21 and in the EPO working groupmeeting, where the disputes were discussed which took placeon the 6th of December.

The cooperation between the EPO and the SPB that has beenlasting for many years is closely related with the SPB technicalbase development and improvement of administrational skills.In 2006, the SPB information technology specialists took partin a discussion regarding the use and development of the mostmodern information technologies used in the process of patenissuing and regarding patent offices cooperation in this field.They also participated in a traineeship on administration andcomputer processing of patent applications, which wasorganized by the EPO. Moreover, they took part in a seminaron electronic publication which was held in May, 2006, inVienna (Austria) as well as in a Group Meeting for the Technicalhelp for National Offices in September 4-7, in Hague (Netherlands)and in a Working Group Meeting of Technical Information inSeptember, 26-28. They took part in the EPO Net Services AnnualConference held in October 3-6, in Lisbon (Portugal) as well.

In 2006, having used opportunities offered by the MultilateralCooperation Program with EPO, the specialists of the SPBwere developing their qualification in seminars, practicaltraining and traineeships, organized by the European PatentOffice International Academy, i.e. they took part in a seminar“The Exchange of the Intellectual Property Information” heldin May, 2006 in Prague (Czech Republic); a seminar “Issueson the EPO Internal Control for the Employees of the NationalPatent Offices: Formalities and Filing Division” held in June,in Hague (the Netherlands); a seminar “Appeal Procedures,EPO” organized in July, in Munich (Germany); a seminar onthe quality of the European patents held in August, in Hague(the Netherlands); in the 16th Seminar of the European PatentOrganization PR Round Table and in the 3rd Academy Seminarwhich was intended for the exchange of experience regardingthe means and methods of communication in the field ofintellectual property. These were held in October 9-10,Budapest (Hungar y).

Having received an invitation from the EPO, therepresentatives of the SPB and the Lithuania Technical Library,introduced Lithuania and the activity of the SPB as well as of


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veiklà 2006 m. geguþës 22-24 d. Prahoje (Èekija)vykusioje tarptautinëje konferencijoje PATLIB2006 beikasmetinëje EPO patentinës informacijos konferencijojePATINNOVA, vykusioje 2006 m. lapkrièio 6-8 d. Paphos(Kipras).

Bendradarbiavimas su patentø tarnybomis ir kitas

tarptautinis bendradarbiavimas

2006 m. Valstybinis patentø biuras tæsë bendradarbiavi-mà su kaimyniniø Baltijos regiono valstybiø patentøtarnybomis – VPB buvo atstovaujamas vadovø lygiuÐiaurës ir Baltijos ðaliø patentø tarnybø vadovø susitiki-muose, vykusiuose 2006 m. geguþës 8-9 d. Lunde(Ðvedija) ir rugsëjo 17-19 d. Kopenhagoje (Danija).VPB atstovas taip pat dalyvavo 2006 m. rugsëjo 14-17 d.Krokuvoje (Lenkija) vykusiame Regioniniame Baltijossimpoziume.

Valstybinio patentø biuro atstovas dalyvavo Rumunijospatentø tarnybos 100 metø jubiliejaus minëjimorenginiuose, vykusiuose 2006 m. sausio 17-18 d.Bukareðte (Rumunija) bei Islandijos patentø tarnybosákûrimo 15-meèio minëjime ir konferencijoje „Intelekti-në nuosavybë: gerovës pagrindas“, vykusioje 2006 m.birþelio 7 d. Reikjavike (Islandija).

Valstybinio patentø biuro atstovai dalyvavo ávairiuosetarptautiniuose renginiuose ir tarptautiniø darbo grupiødarbe – Lietuvos Respublika taip pat buvo atstovaujamakovo 27-29 d. Tokijuje (Japonija) vykusiame B+valstybiø grupës atstovø susitikime; 2006 m. geguþës 6-10 d. Toronte (Kanada) vykusiame 128-ajame Tarptauti-nës prekiø þenklø asociacijos (INTA) metiniamesusitikime ir parodoje buvo pristatyta pramoninësnuosavybës apsaugos sistema Lietuvoje ir VPB veikla.

2006 m. tæsësi glaudus bendradarbiavimas su JungtiniøAmerikos Valstijø patentø ir prekiø þenklø tarnyba(USPTO) – USPTO kvietimu, VPB darbuotojas turëjogalimybæ ágyti profesiniø þiniø 2006 m. spalio 23-27 d.Aleksandrijoje (JAV) vykusiame USPTO Visuotinësintelektinës nuosavybës akademijos patentø programosmokyme. VPB atstovai taip pat dalyvavo Krymo ekono-mikos ministerijos geguþës mën. organizuotoje tarptau-tinëje konferencijoje „Intelektinës nuosavybës teisiøapsauga“ ir Ukrainos mokslo ir ðvietimo ministerijoskartu su WIPO rugsëjo mën. surengtoje konferencijoje

the Lithuanian Technical Library in an international conferencePATLIB2006 which was held in Prague (Czech Republic) onMay 22-24, 2006 and in the Annual EPO Patent InformationConference PATINNOVA which took place in Paphos (Cyprus)on November 6-8, 2006.

Cooperation with patent offices and other international


During 2006, the State Patent Bureau continued cooperatingwith the patent offices of the neighbour Baltic Region States –the SPB was represented on a leadership level in meetings ofheads of the North and Baltic States Patent Offices which wereheld on May 8-9, 2006, in Lund (Sweden) and in September17-19, in Copenhagen (Denmark). The SPB representative alsoparticipated in the Regional Baltic Symposium which tookplace in Krakow (Poland) on September 14-17, 2006.

The representative of the SPB participated in the festivals of the100 years anniversary of Romania Patent Office which wereorganized on January 17-18, 2006, in Bucharest (Romania) aswell as in the 15 years anniversary of establishment of the IslandPatent Office. In addition to this, the representatives participatedin a conference “Intellectual Property: the Basis of Welfare”,which was held on June 7, 2006 in Reykjavik (Island).

The representatives of the SPB took part in variousinternational events an in the activity of international workinggroups – the Republic of Lithuania was also represented in aB+ States Group Representatives Meeting held in March 27-29, in Tokyo (Japan); the industrial property protection systemin Lithuania and the activity of the SPB was presented in the128th Annual Meeting of the International TrademarksAssociation (INTA) and in an exhibition which took place inToronto (Canada), on May 6-10, 2006.

In 2006, the close cooperation with the United States Patentand Trademark Office was still continued (USPTO) – havingreceived the USPTO invitation, a SPB employee had anopportunity to gain some professional knowledge in theUSPTO Universal Intellectual Property Academy PatentsProgram training held in Alexandria (USA) on October 23-27,2006. The SPB representatives also took part in aninternational conference “The Protection of the IntellectualProperty Rights” organized by the Ministr y of Economics ofCrimea in May as well as in a conference “The TopicalQuestions About the Intellectual Property” organized by theMinistr y of Science and Education of Ukraine together with


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„Aktualûs intelektinës nuosavybës klausimai“; Graikijospramoninës nuosavybës organizacijos kvietimu, VPBatstovas turëjo galimybæ dalyvauti 2006 m. rugsëjo 12-17 d. Salonikuose (Graikija) vykusiame 13-ajameEuropos patentø teisëjø simpoziume.

Informacija ir informacinës technologijos

Visuomenës informavimas vykdomas vadovaujantis VPBdirektoriaus ásakymu patvirtintais VPB Pramoninësnuosavybës informacijos plëtros strategija, VPB Pramo-ninës nuosavybës informacijos sklaidos planu, VPBVisuomenës ðvietimo priemoniø planu. Visuomenësinformavimo funkcijà VPB taip pat atlieka VPB ,,Vienolangelio“ aptarnavimo tarnyba bei VPB Informacijos irinformaciniø technologijø skyrius.

Lietuvos Respublikos valstybinis patentø biurasinformacijos ir dokumentacijos sklaidà vykdo pasitelk-damas Lietuvos technikos bibliotekà (LTB), kuri taippat vykdo paieðkø ir stebësenos paslaugas pilieèiams irkitiems asmenims per savo regioninius centrus Kaune,Klaipëdoje, Panevëþyje, Ðiauliuose. VPB dirba „Vienolangelio“ aptarnavimo tarnyba, atsakanti á pilieèiø irkitø asmenø uþklausas dël pramoninës nuosavybësapsaugos Lietuvoje. VPB skaitykla pasipildë 881spausdintu ir 258 elektroniniais (CD-ROM ir DVD-ROM) leidiniais.

Vykdant visuomenës ðvietimo priemoniø planà, Lietuvosperiodikoje paskelbti straipsniai apie pramoninësnuosavybës teisinës apsaugos sistemà. 2006 m. iðverstasá lietuviø kalbà ir iðleistas Pasaulinës intelektinësnuosavybës organizacijos leidinys apie iðradimus,,Inventing the Future“. 2006 m. kartu su Pasaulineintelektinës nuosavybës organizacija (WIPO) ir Europospatentø tarnyba (EPT) organizuoti ðie seminarai:

2006 m. II ketvirtyje – nacionalinis seminaras ,,Dëlprekiø þenklø naudojimo versle ir prekyboje“. Seminaredalyvavo 50 ávairiø srièiø specialistø;

2006 m. II ketvirtyje – LTB atidaryta paroda ,,Valstybi-niam patentø biurui – 15 metø“, skirta Pasaulinësintelektinës nuosavybës dienai ir VPB 15 metø sukakèiai;

the WIPO which was held in September; having received aninvitation from the Greek Industrial Property Organization, theSPB representative had an opportunity to attend the 13th

Symposium of the European Patent Judges which was held inSoloniki (Greece) in September 12-17, 2006 .

Information and information technologies

Informing society is performed under the Order of theDirector of the SPB, based on the Industrial PropertyInformation Development Strategy of the SPB, the IndustrialProperty Information Spread Plan of the SPB, and the Plan ofPublic Enlightenment Means of the SPB,. The publicinforming functions are also performed by the “One window”service office of the SPB and the Information and InformationTechnologies Division of the SPB.

The SPB performs the spread of information anddocumentation with the help of the Lithuanian TechnicalLibrar y (LTL) which also provides search and monitoringservices to citizens and other persons through its regionalcenters in Kaunas, Klaipeda, Paneve•ys, Šiauliai. The SPB hasgot a “One window” service office which answers citizens andother persons’ queries regarding the protection of theindustrial property in Lithuania. The SPB reading-room wasprovided with 881 printed and 258 electronically saved (CD-ROM and DVD-ROM) publications.

By implementing the plan of means of informing thesociety, articles on protection system for the industrialproperty were published in Lithuanian periodicals. TheWorld Intellectual Property Organization’s publication oninventions, “Inventing the Future” was translated intoLithuanian and published in 2006. The following seminarswere organized together with the World IntellectualProperty Organization (WIPO) and the European PatentOffice in 2006:

2006, 2nd quarter – national seminar “Regarding the Use ofTrademarks in Business and Trade”. 50 specialists of differentspecialties took part in the seminar;

2006, 2nd quarter – the LTL organized an exposition “15 Yearsto the State Patent Bureau” which was dedicated for the WorldIntellectual Property Day and 15th Anniversary of the SPB;


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2006 m. II ketvirtyje – regioninis seminaras „Pasaulinësintelektinës nuosavybës organizacijos universitetøkoordinavimas“, skirtas universitetø intelektinës nuosa-vybës koordinatoriams ið Baltijos ðaliø, Rusijos irBaltarusijos, kurá organizavo WIPO, bendradarbiauda-ma su VPB ir remiant EPT;

2006 m. IV ketvirtyje – nacionalinis seminaras „Patentøkooperacijos sutartis (PCT) ir PCT-SAFE mokymai“. Áseminarà buvo susirinkæ 60 dalyviø.

2006 m. balandá Lietuvos technikos bibliotekoje (LTB)buvo atidaryta paroda, skirta Pasaulinei intelektinësnuosavybës dienai ir Valstybinio patentø biuro 15 metøsukakèiai paminëti. Paroda taip pat buvo eksponuojamavisuose LTB apskrièiø skyriuose.

Lapkrièio 22 d. Kaune, o lapkrièio 30 d. 11-osios versloparodos „Ðiauliai 2006“ metu ávyko seminarai apiepramoninës nuosavybës apsaugà Lietuvoje ir patentavi-mo aktualijas. Buvo perskaityti VPB ir LTB praneðimaiapie iðradimø teisinæ apsaugà Lietuvoje ir patentinësinformacijos paslaugas.

2006 m. vykdant VPB ir EPT dviðalio bendradarbiavimoprogramà LTB konferencijø salë buvo aprûpinta konfe-rencijø áranga, o LTB Patentinës informacijos centrodarbuotojai ir skaitytojai – kompiuterine technika.

Valstybinio patentø biuro Vieðøjø ryðiø tarnyba numato irtoliau bendradarbiauti su pramoninës nuosavybës koordi-natoriais universitetuose skleidþiant pramoninës nuosavy-bës informacijà akademinëje visuomenëje; organizuoti VPBir LTB aktyvesná ásijungimà á ES kuriamà informacijos/kompiuteriná tinklà, taip gerinant efektyvø praneðimøspaudai apie ES naujienas paskelbimà tinklalapyje.

2006 metais Lietuvos Respublikos valstybinis patentøbiuras oficialiame biuletenyje ,,Iðradimai. Dizainas.Prekiø þenklai“ skelbë duomenis apie Europos patenti-nes paraiðkas bei Europos patentus, ásigaliojusiusLietuvos Respublikoje (áskaitant Europos patentinesparaiðkas ir Europos patentus pagal Europos patentøkonvencijà). VPB oficialus biuletenis maketuojamas,spausdinamas bei platinamas LTB. 2006 m. iðleista 12oficialaus biuletenio leidiniø. Nuo 2005 m. Ado-be®PDF formato VPB oficialaus biuletenio leidiniaibuvo saugomi VPB tinklalapyje (http://www.vpb.gov.lt/).

2006, 2nd quarter – regional seminar “Coordination of theWorld Intellectual Property Organization Universities” whichwas intended for the intellectual property universities’coordinators from the Baltic States, Russia and Belarus andwhich was organized by the WIPO together with the SPB,receiving support from the EPO;

2006, 4th quarter – national seminar “Patent CooperationTreaty (PCT) and PCT-SAFE Training”. 60 participants tookpart in the seminar.

In April, 2006, the Lithuanian Technical Library (LTL)organized an exposition dedicated for the World IntellectualProperty Day and for the 15th Anniversary of the State PatentBureau. The exposition was also held in all the units of the LTLadministrative divisions.

In November 22, in Kaunas and in November 30, during the11th business exposition “Siauliai 2006”, seminars on theprotection of the industrial property in Lithuania and patentinformation service were held.

In 2006, upon implementation of the SPB and EPO BilateralCooperation Program, the LTL conference room wasequipped with the conference equipment and the employeesof the LTL Patent Information Center were provided withmeans of computer engineering.

The Public Relations Ser vice of the State Patent Bureau isplanning to further cooperate with the industrial propertycoordinators in universities in spreading the industrialproperty information in academic society; to organize amore active SPB and LTL joining the information/computernet, which is created by the EU. This would improve aneffective way of placing reports on the EU news in theWebsite.

In 2006, the SPB in its Official Bulletin “Inventions.Design. Trademarks” provided the data about Europeanpatent applications as well as European patents, which cameinto effect in the Republic of Lithuania (includingEuropean patent applications and European patents underthe European Patent Convention). The SPB Official Bulletinis designed, published and distributed in the LTL. 12Official Bulletin publications were published in 2006. TheSPB Official Bulletin publications have been included in theSPB Website (http://www.vpb.gov.lt/) in Adobe®PDFformat since 2005.


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Valstybinis patentø biuras keitësi oficialiais leidiniais su40 uþsienio valstybiø bei tarptautiniø organizacijø (AM,AT, BA, BG, BY, CH, CZ, DE, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB,GR, HR, HU, IE, JP, KG, KZ, LV, MD, MK, PL, RO,RU, SI, SK, SM, TJ, TM, TR, UA, US, UZ, YU, BX,EM, EP, WO) patentø tarnybomis. Pasikeitimà vykdëLTB. Taip Patentinës informacijos centras buvo papildo-mas spausdintais popieriuje, CD-ROM bei DVD-ROMnacionaliniais ir uþsienio dokumentais.

2006 m. Lietuvos patentiniø paraiðkø, patentø, tarptau-tiniø paraiðkø, Europos patentø, prekiø þenklø biblio-grafiniai, teisinio statuso duomenys, patentø apraðymaibuvo teikiami EPO, ARCANUM INFORMATICS Ltd.,THOMSON/COMPU-MARK skelbti PRECES, AC-CESS-EPC, INPADOC PFS, INPADOC PRS, esp@ce-net®, COMPU-MARK duomenø bazëse. Tarptautiniøparaiðkø duomenys pradëti teikti WIPO skelbti Patent-Scope Search Service duomenø bazëje.

2006 m. EPO, ARCANUM INFORMATICS Ltd.,THOMSON/COMPU-MARK, WIPO teikti 19630Lietuvos patentiniø paraiðkø, patentø, tarptautiniøparaiðkø, Europos patentø, prekiø þenklø bibliografiniø,teisinio statuso duomenø, patentø apraðymø, t.y. 13,3%maþiau negu 2005 metais.

2006 m. iðleisti 89 Lietuvos patentø apraðymai („B“do-kumentai), kurie skelbiami ESPACE-PRECES CD-ROMir esp@cenet®, t.y. 23,3% maþiau negu 2005 metais.

ESPACE-PRECES CD-ROM ir ACCESS PRECES CD-ROM nemokamai perþiûrëti galima LTB ir jos apskrièiøskyriuose.

2006 m. Lietuvos Respublikos patentø bei LietuvosRespublikos prekiø þenklø duomenø bazës buvo saugo-mos VPB tinklalapyje (http://www.vpb.gov.lt).

2006 m. Lietuvos pramoninës nuosavybës statistikosduomenys buvo pateikti WIPO leidinyje “Pramoninësnuosavybës statistika“ paskelbti.

2006 m. buvo ádiegtos 3 ir palaikomos 9 kompiuterinëssistemos, veikë 3 tarptautinës bazës, kuriose skelbiamiLietuvos Respublikos pramoninës nuosavybës informa-cijos duomenys, árengta naujø ar modernizuota 11kompiuteriø darbo vietø, modernizuota Bendrijosprekiø þenklø paieðkø atlikimui programinë áranga,ádiegtos ir modernizuotos 2 tarptautinës informacinëssistemos, kuriose skelbiami Lietuvos Respublikospramoninës nuosavybës informacijos duomenys.

The State Patent Bureau has been exchanging the officialpublications with 40 foreign countries and internationalorganizations (AM, AT, BA, BG, BY, CH, CZ, DE, EE, ES, FI,FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, JP, KG, KZ, LV, MD, MK, PL, RO,RU, SI, SK, SM, TJ, TM, TR, UA, US, UZ, YU, BX, EM, EP,WO) patent offices. The exchange was controlled by the LTL.In this way, the Patent Information Center was supplementedwith printed, CD-ROM and DVD-ROM format national andforeign documents.

In 2006, the Lithuanian patent applications, patents,international applications, European patents, trademarksbibliographical data of legal status as well as patentdescriptions have been provided to the EPO, ARCANUMINFORMATICS, Ltd., THOSMON/COMPU-MARK, to beincluded into the data base of PRECES, ACCESS-EPC,INPADOC PFS, INPADOC PRS, esp@cenet®, COMPU-MARK. The data about the international applications wereprovided by WIPO to be included into the database ofPatentScope Search Ser vice.

In 2006, 19630 of Lithuanian patent applications, patents,international applications, European patents, trademarksbibliographical data of legal status as well as patentdescriptions were filed withthe EPO, ARCANUMINFORMATICS Ltd., THOSMON/COMPU-MARK, WIPO,which is 13.3% less than in 2005.

In 2006, 89 Lithuanian Patent descriptions (“B” documents)were published, which are now available in ESPACE-PRECESCD-ROM and esp@cenet®, i.e. 23.3% less than in 2005.

ESPACE-PRECES CD-ROM and ACCESS PRECES CD-ROMare available free of charge in the LTL and its units of itsadministrative divisions.

In 2006, the patent and trademarks databases of the Republicof Lithuania were included into the SPB Website (http://www.vpb.gov.lt/).

In 2006, the Lithuanian industrial property statistical datawere filed to be published to the WIPO publication “IndustrialProperty Statistics”.

In 2006, 3 computer systems were installed and 9 maintained,3 international bases were operating, were the Republic ofLithuania Industrial Property Information data is placed. 11new computer working places were created or modernized.Software for search of EC trademarks was modernized as well.2 international information systems were created andmodernized, and this is where the Republic of Lithuaniaindustrial property information data is available.


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Lietuvos technikos bibliotekosPatentinës informacijos centras

Lietuvos technikos biblioteka (LTB) – atvira visuomeneivalstybinës reikðmës specialioji biblioteka, kuriospagrindiniai tikslai – uþtikrinti vartotojø poreikiusmokslinei techninei informacijai gauti, organizuotipatentinës informacijos sklaidà bei sudaryti sàlygasnaudotis visais bibliotekos informacijos iðtekliais. LTByra visiems vartotojams prieinama didþiausia ðalyjespecialioji valstybinës reikðmës biblioteka, komplektuo-janti technikos ir ekonomikos srièiø spaudinius,iðradimø apraðymus, standartus ir kitus normatyviniusdokumentus, firmø registrus ir katalogus.

Bibliotekos padalinys – Patentinës informacijos centras(PIC) yra pramoninës nuosavybës dokumentø irpatentinës literatûros depozitinë biblioteka, patentinësinformacijos paslaugø, patentiniø dokumentø komplek-tavimo, leidybos ir platinimo centras Lietuvoje. LTB yraðalies technikos bibliotekø tinklo metodikos ir tarpbib-liotekinio abonemento (TBA) centras. Biblioteka turifilialus Kaune, Klaipëdoje, Ðiauliuose ir Panevëþyje.

Patent Information Centerof the Lithuanian Technical Library

The Lithuanian Technical Librar y (LTL) is an open forsociety, special librar y of the State. Its most importanttargets are to satisfy the users’ needs to obtain scientifictechnical information, to organize patent information spreadand to provide possibilities to use all the informationresources stored in the library. LTL is the largest state speciallibrar yin the country; it is available to all users and itcomplements publications in the field of technology andeconomics as well as invention descriptions, standards andother normative documents, firms’ registers and catalogues.

The Library subdivision – the Patent Information Center (PIC)is a deposit librar y of industrial property documents and themain patent literature. It is also the Lithuanian center ofpatent information ser vices, patent documents storing andpublishing as well as distribution. The LTL is the center ofthe countr y’s technical libraries net methodology and theinterlibrar y subscription (TLN). The librar y has got officesin Lithuanian cities - Kaunas, Klaipeda, Siauliai andPanevezys.








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Ádiegtø ir palaikomø kompiuteriø sistemøskaièius

The number of installed and maintainedcomputer systems

Pritaikytø tarptautiniø pramoninës nuosavybësinformaciniø sistemø skaièius

The number of applied international industrialproperty information systems

Árengtø naujø ar modernizuotøkompiuteriø darbo vietø skaièius

The number of newly created ormodernized computer workingplaces


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Bibliotekos fondai – knygos ir periodika (technikos,ekonomikos, statybos, architektûros, dizaino ir kitømokslø tematika); Lietuvos, uþsienio ðaliø ir tarptauti-niø organizacijø patentai ir kiti pramoninës nuosavybësdokumentai; Lietuvos, uþsienio ðaliø ir tarptautiniaistandartai, kiti norminiai dokumentai; firmø katalogai,informaciniai þinynai; duomenø bazës.

Paslaugos – dokumentø iðdavimas á namus (abone-mentai); dokumentø skaitymas bibliotekoje (speciali-zuotos skaityklos); dokumentø uþsakymai ið kitøðalies ir uþsienio bibliotekø per TBA; internetopaslaugos; organizacijø aptarnavimas pagal sutartis;teminiø, faktografiniø, tikslinamøjø ir informaciniøuþklausø vykdymas; specialistø konsultacijos; prieigaprie prenumeruojamø duomenø baziø ir kitø elektro-ninës informacijos ðaltiniø; teminiø parodø, moky-mø, seminarø ir kitø renginiø organizavimas; leidi-niø kopijavimas (spalvotas ir nespalvotas),skenavimas, teksto maketavimas, spaudiniø laminavi-mas, áriðimas, spausdinimas ið elektroninës informa-cijos ðaltiniø.

Leidyba – Patentinës informacijos centre yra rengiamasspaudai ir platinamas Valstybinio patentø biuro oficialusbiuletenis, iðeinantis kas mënesá. 2006 m. statistika apiepramoninës nuosavybës registrus buvo paskelbta centroparengtame VPB oficialaus biuletenio priede. Taip patcentre kas ketvirtá yra leidþiamas informacinis leidinys„Pramoninës nuosavybës apsauga“.

2006 m. buvo iðleisti keli leidiniai ið Valstybinio patentøbiuro ir Europos patentø tarnybos (EPT) bendradarbia-vimo programos lëðø: „Europos patentø konvencija“,„Kaip gauti Europos patentà. Euro-PKS (Vadovaspareiðkëjams. 2 dalis)“, „esp@cenet. Ávadas á idëjøduomenø bazæ“.

Bendradarbiaujant su VPB ir Pasauline intelektinësnuosavybës organizacija (WIPO) buvo iðleistas WIPOleidinys „Ateities iðradimai. Patentø ávadas smulkaus irvidutinio verslo ámonëms“.

VPB ir LTB iðleido bibliografinæ rodyklæ „Pramoninësnuosavybës apsauga“, kurioje buvo átraukti 1991-2005 m. Lietuvos autoriø pramoninës nuosavybës sritiesknygos ir straipsniai.

Funds of the library – books and periodicals (technical,economical, engineering, architectural, design or othersciences); Lithuanian, foreign countries’ or internationalorganizations’ patents and other industrial propertydocuments; Lithuanian, foreign countries’ and internationalstandards, other normative documents; catalogues of firms,information manuals; databases.

Services – documents dispensing (deliver y desk); documentsreading in the librar y (specialized reading-rooms); documentsordering from other libraries in the country or foreignlibraries through TLN; internet ser vices; ser vices to organiza-tions under agreements; implementation of queries on specificsubjects, factographic queries, thematic and informationqueries; specialists’ advice; access to subscription data basesand other electronic informational resources; organization ofthematic expositions, training, seminars and other event;publications copying services (color as well as black and whitecopying), scanning, text layout creating, printed materiallaminating, binding, printing from electronic informationsources.

Publishing trade – the Official Bulletin of the State Patent Bureauis prepared for publishing and distribution in the PatentInformation Center. This is a monthly-published OfficialBulletin. Statistics about the industrial property registers foryear 2006, was announced in an appendix of the OfficialBulletin of the SPB, which was prepared by the Center. Aninformation publication “Protection of the IndustrialProperty” is published every quarter in the Center as well.

Having received financial support from the CooperationProgram between the SPB and European Patent Office (EPO)in 2006, a few publications were published: “The EuropeanPatent Convention”, “How to Get a European Patent. Euro-PCT (Applicant’s Manual. Part 2)”, esp@cenet. Introductionto data base of an idea”.

In cooperation with the SPB and the World IntellectualProperty Organization (WIPO) a WIPO publication “TheFuture Plans. Introduction to Patent for small and averagebusiness companies” was published.

The SPB and the LTL published a bibliographical index “TheProtection of the Industrial Property” where books and articlesof the Lithuanian authors in field of industrial property foryears 1991-2005 were indicated.


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2006 metai fotografijose


2006 m. balandþio 12 d. Lietuvos technikos bibliotekojeatidaryta paroda ,,Lietuvos Respublikos pramoninësnuosavybës apsaugos istorinë raida“ Valstybinio patentøbiuro 15-kos metø jubiliejaus proga.

Pasaulinës intelektinës nuosavybës dienos minëjimas

Nuo 2001 m. tradiciðkai balandþio 26 -àjà, minintPasaulinës intelektinës nuosavybës dienà, 2006 metais ðiðventë surengta Vilniaus kongresø rûmuose, áteiktiPasaulinës intelektinës nuosavybës organizacijos apdova-nojimai uþ kûrybinæ veiklà. Juos gavo iðradëjas prof.

Year 2006 in pictures


On April 12, 2006, an exposition “Historical Development ofthe Protection of Industrial Property of the Republic ofLithuania” was organized in the Lithuanian Technical Libraryon the 15th Anniversary of the State Patent Bureau.

Celebrating World Intellectual Property Day

Since 2001, the World Intellectual Property Day has beentraditionally celebrated in April 26. In 2006, this event wasorganized in Vilnius Congress Palace in Vilnius, Lithuaniawhere the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Awardswere given for creative work. These were given to Prof.

Nuotraukoje (ið kairës): Marius Jakulis-Jason, Tarptautinës intelektinës nuosavybësapsaugos asociacijos (AIPPI) Lietuvos grupës prezidentas; Leonas Antanas Kuèinskas,Lietuvos patentiniø patikëtiniø asociacijos prezidentas; Gintautas Buþinskas,teisingumo ministras (iki 2006 m. liepos 18 d.); Rimvydas Naujokas, LietuvosRespublikos valstybinio patentø biuro direktorius; Nijolë Matulevièienë, LietuvosRespublikos kultûros ministerijos Autoriø teisiø skyriaus vedëja, Kazys Mackevièius,Lietuvos technikos bibliotekos direktorius.

In the picture (to the right): Marius Jakulis-Jason, President of the InternationalAssociation for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)Lithuanian Group;Leonas Antanas Kuèinskas, President of the Lithuanian Patent Attorney Association;Gintautas Buþinskas, Minister of Justice (until July 18, 2006); Rimvydas Naujokas,Director of the State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania; Nijolë Matule-vièienë, Head of the Copyrights Office of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic ofLithuania; Kazys Mackevièius, Director of the Lithuanian Technical Library.

Nuotraukoje (ið kairës): Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybës atstovas Pasaulinës intelektinësnuosavybës organizacijoje (WIPO) Rimvydas Naujokas áteikia WIPO apdovanojimàiðradëjui prof. Bronislovui Spruogiui (Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas).

In the picture (to the right): Rimvydas Nuajokas, the representative of the Government ofRepublic of Lithuania for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) presentsthe WIPO Award to the inventor, Prof. Bronislovas Spruogis (Vilnius Gediminas TechnicalUniversity).


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Bronislovas Spruogis (Vilniaus Gedimino technikosuniversitetas), dainininkë Veronika Povilionienë irraðytoja Jurga Ivanauskaitë. Pasaulinës intelektinësnuosavybës organizacijos apdovanojimo uþ pramoninësnuosavybës objektø patentavimà ir registracijà Lietuvojelaimëtoja tapo UAB „Ðvyturys–Utenos alus“.

Pasaulinës intelektinës nuosavybës organizacijos (WIPO)

paieðkos ir plëtros universitetø iniciatyvos seminaras

2006 m. geguþës 18-19 d. Vilniuje „Holiday Inn“vieðbutyje vyko subregioninis Pasaulinës intelektinësnuosavybës organizacijos (WIPO) paieðkos ir plëtrosuniversitetø iniciatyvos seminaras dël patentinës informa-cijos paieðkos universitetø koordinatoriams. Seminaràrengë WIPO kartu su Valstybiniu patentø biuru.

Delegacijos ið Pasaulinës intelektinës nuosavybës

organizacijos ir Europos patentø tarnybos vizitas Valstybi-

niame patentø biure

Geguþës 19 d. Valstybiniame patentø biure (VPB)vieðëjo delegacija ið Pasaulinës intelektinës nuosavybësorganizacijos (WIPO), taip pat atstovai ið Europospatentø tarnybos (EPT). Delegacijai vadovavo WIPOBendradarbiavimo tarp Europos ir Azijos ðaliø skyriausdirektorius p. Vladimir Yossifov. Sveèiai susipaþino subiuro skyriø ir departamentø darbu, vykdomais

Bronislovas Spruogis (Vilnius Gediminas TechnicalUniversity), Veronika Povilioniene, singer and JurgaIvanauskaite, writer. The winner of the World IntellectualProperty Organization Award for the industrial propertyobjects patenting and registering in Lithuania in 2006 became“Svyturys-Utenos alus” Ltd.

Seminar on initiative of the World Intellectual Property

Organization (WIPO) search and development universities

A subregional seminar on initiative of the World IntellectualProperty Organization search and development universitieswas organized on May 18-19, 2006 in Vilnius “Holiday-Inn”Hotel. The seminar on patent information search wasintended for universities coordinators. The seminar wasorganized by the WIPO together with the State Patent Bureau

The World Intellectual Property Organization

and the European Patent Office delegation visit

in the State Patent Bureau

In May 19, the delegation from the World Intellectual PropertyOrganization (WIPO) as well as the European Patent Office(EPO) representatives visited the State Patent Bureau (SPB).The delegation was lead by Vladimir Yossifov, President of theWIPO Cooperation among European and Asian countriesdepartment. Guests were introduced with operations of theoffices and departments of the Bureau, projects that are being

Lektoriai ið Ðveicarijos, Japonijos, Vokietijos.

Lectors from Switzerland, Japan, Germany.

Atstovai ið Valstybinio patentø biuro,Lietuvos technikos bibliotekos.

The State Patent Bureau and theLithuanian Technical Library representatives

Vladimir Yossifov (Pasaulinëintelektinës nuosavybës organizacija).

Vladimir Yossifov (The WorldIntellectual Property Organization).


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projektais, ateities perspektyvomis. Vizito metuaptartos bûsimos WIPO, EPT ir VPB bendradarbiavi-mo perspektyvos.


2006 m. rugpjûèio 22 d. Valstybiniame patentø biurevieðëjo Lietuvos Respublikos teisingumo ministras PetrasBaguðka. Vieðnagës metu ministras susipaþino su biurostruktûriniø padaliniø darbu, buvo svarstomos pramoni-nës nuosavybës apsaugos Lietuvos Respublikoje tobulini-mo galimybës.

implemented and with future prospects. During the visit thefuture WIPO, EPO and SPB cooperation prospects werediscussed.


On August 22, 2006, Petras Baguska, Minister of Justice of theRepublic of Lithuania visited the State Patent Bureau. Duringhis visit, the Minister was introduced with the work ofstructural subdivisions of the Bureau. The possibilities toimprove the protection of the industrial property in theRepublic of Lithuania were discussed.

Ið kairës: David Evans (EPT), Þilvinas Danys (VPB), Barrou Diallo (EPT),Rosita Daunorë (VPB), Vladimir Yossivof (WIPO).

To the right: David Evans (EPO), Þilvinas Danys (SPB), Barrou Diallo (EPO),Rosita Daunorë (SPB), Vladimir Yossivof (WIPO).

Ið kairës: teisingumo ministras Petras Baguðka; Valstybinio patentø biuro direktoriusRimvydas Naujokas.

To the right: Petras Baguðka, Minister of Justice; Rimvydas Naujokas, Director of the StatePatent Bureau.


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Europos Sàjungos patentø strategija ir Lietuvos pozicija

2006 m. rugsëjo 26 d. Teisingumo ministerijoje vykopasitarimas Lietuvos pozicijos formavimo klausimu dëlEuropos Sàjungos rengiamos patentø strategijos, kuriojeES Komisija turëtø pateikti konkreèius pasiûlymus irpriemones dël Bendrijos patento, Europos patentøkonvencijos, Londono protokolo ir Europos patentøginèø susitarimo klausimo. Pasitarimui pirmininkavoTeisingumo ministerijos valstybës sekretorius PauliusKoverovas, praneðimà, apþvelgiantá Europos patentøsistemà ir jos ateitá, ES iniciatyvas dël Bendrijos patentøir dël svarbiausiø Lietuvos derybinës pozicijos aspektø,skaitë Teisësaugos ataðë pramoninës nuosavybës teisësklausimais Lietuvos nuolatinëje atstovybëje EuroposSàjungoje Lina Mickienë. Susitikime dalyvavo valstybi-niø institucijø, mokslo, verslo ir patentø sistemosatstovai. Dauguma dalyvavusiøjø pritaria pagrindiniamtikslui Lietuvos pozicijoje – siekiui apginti lietuviøkalbos vartojimà Europos patentø sistemoje ir reikalautiEuropos patento iðradimo apibrëþties vertimo á nacio-nalines Europos patentø konvencijos valstybiø nariøkalbas.

European Union Patent Strategy and Lithuanian Position

On September 26, 2006 in the Ministry of Justice, a meetingregarding formation of Lithuanian position concerning thepatent strategy, organized by the European Union, where theEU Commission should provide concrete suggestions andmeans regarding the EC patent, European Patent Convention,London Protocol and the European Patent granting, was held.Paulius Koverovas, the Secretary of State of the Ministry ofJustice was in the chair during this meeting. The report aboutthe European Patent system and its future, EU initiativesregarding the EC patents and regarding the key aspects ofLithuanian negotiating positions was read by Lina Mickiene,the Law Enforcement Attaché for industrial property law issuesin the Permanent Representation if Lithuania for the EuropeanUnion. Representatives of State institutions, science, businessand patent systems took part in this meeting. Most of theparticipants agreed with the key target in the Lithuanianposition, which determines an objective to protect the use ofthe Lithuanian language in the European patent system and arequirement of a translation of definition of European patentinvention into the national languages of the Member States ofthe European Patent Convention.

Nuotraukoje: praneðimà skaito Teisësaugos ataðë pramoninës nuosavybës teisës klausimais Lietuvos nuolatinëje atstovybëje Europos Sàjungoje Lina Mickienë.

In the picture: Lina Mickienë, the Justice Attaché for industrial property law issues in the Permanent Representation of Lithuania for the European Union, is reading a report


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Europos patentø tarnybos (EPT) delegacijos vieðnagë

Valstybiniame patentø biure

2006 m. lapkrièio 13-17 d. Valstybiniame patentø biure(VPB) vieðëjo Europos patentø tarnybos (EPT) delegaci-ja dël duomenø konvertavimo projekto bei tolesnioinformaciniø sistemø tobulinimo VPB.

Seminaras Ðiauliuose

2006 m. lapkrièio 30 d. Valstybinio patentø biuro(VPB), Lietuvos technikos bibliotekos atstovai skaitëpraneðimus seminare ,,Pramoninës nuosavybës apsaugaLietuvoje“ lapkrièio 30 – gruodþio 2 d. Ðiauliuosevykusios tradicinës 11-os verslo parodos ,,Ðiauliai2006“ metu.

Susitarimo memorandumas

2006 m. gruodþio 5 d. Miunchene (Vokietija) LietuvosRespublikos valstybinis patentø biuras su Latvijos,Estijos bei Suomijos nacionalinëmis patentø tarnybomis

The European Patent Office (EPO) delegation visit

in the State Patent Bureau

On November 13-17, 2006, the European Patent Office (EPO)delegation was visiting the State Patent Bureau (SPB) regardingthe data converting project as well as the further developmentof the information systems in the SPB.

Seminar in Ðiauliai

On November 30, 2006, the representatives of the State PatentBureau (SPB) and the Lithuanian Technical Library (LTL)presented reports in the seminar “The Protection of theIndustrial Property in Lithuania” during the traditional 11th

Business Exposition “Ðiauliai 2006” which was held in Siauliai,in November 30 – December 2.

Memorandum of Understanding

On December 5, 2006, Munich (Germany), the State PatentBureau of the Republic of Lithuania together with nationalpatent offices of Latvia, Estonia and Finland, signed a

Nuotraukoje: praneðimà skaito VPB Iðradimø departamento ekspertë VidaMikutienë.

In the picture: Vida Mikutienë, Expert of the SPB Inventions Department, isgiving a report.

Nuotraukoje (ið kairës): Rimas Rinkevièius, VPB Informacijos ir informaciniø technologijø sky-riaus vyr.specialistas; Gediminas Petras Mozûra, VPB Informacijos ir informaciniø techno-logijø skyriaus vyresn. specialistas; Zenonas Valasevièius, VPB Iðradimø departamentodirektorius; David A. Smith (EPT); Jean-Pierre Dintzner (EPT); Allal Aloui (EPT);Algirdas Krupovnickas, VPB Informacijos ir informaciniø technologijø skyriaus vedëjas;Ramutë Kirklienë, VPB Informacijos ir informaciniø technologijø skyriaus vyresn.specialistë;Elena Liolienë, VPB Informacijos ir informaciniø technologijø skyriaus Automatizacijosposkyrio vedëja.

In the picture (to the right): Rimas Rinkevièius, Chief specialist of the SPB Informationand Information Technology Department; Gediminas Petras Mozûra, Elder specialist of theSPB Information and Information Technology Department; Zenonas Valasevièius, Head ofthe SPB Inventions Department; David A. Smith (EPO); Jean-Pierre Dintzner (EPO);Allal Aloui (EPO); Algirdas Krupovnickas, Head of the SPB Information and InformationTechnology Department; Ramutë Kirklienë, Elder specialist of the SPB Information andinformation Technology Department; Elena Liolienë, Head of the Automation Subdivisionof the SPB Information and Information Technology Department.


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pasiraðë Susitarimo memorandumà. Ðia sutartimisiekiama aktyviau bendradarbiauti, keistis informacija,patirtimi su minëtomis nacionalinëmis patentø tarny-bomis bei kartu spræsti problemas intelektinës nuosavy-bës srityje.

Patentavimo problemos ir perspektyvos

2006 m. gruodþio 13 d. Valstybiniame patentø biure(VPB) vyko apskritojo stalo diskusija dël patentavimoproblemø ir perspektyvø, kurià organizavo VPB irþurnalo ,,Mokslas ir technika“ redakcija. Diskusijà vedëBiochemijos instituto direktorius, prof. habil. dr.V.Laurinavièius. Susitikime dalyvavo Vilniaus Gediminotechnikos universiteto prof. habil. dr. P.Baltrënas, prof.habil. dr. D.Butkus, Kauno technologijos universitetoprofesorius V.Snitka, Lietuvos technikos bibliotekosPatentiniø dokumentø leidybos ir metodikos skyriausvedëjas, patentinis patikëtinis V.Guobys, Pasaulinësintelektinës nuosavybës organizacijos (WIPO) ParyþiausSàjungos pramoninei nuosavybei saugoti Asamblëjosvicepirmininkas, Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybësatstovas WIPO ir Europos patentø organizacijoje (EPO),VPB direktorius R.Naujokas, VPB direktoriaus pavaduo-tojai Þ.Danys ir R.Daunorë, VPB Iðradimø departamen-to direktorius Z.Valasevièius, VPB Teisës ir tarptautiniøreikalø departamento vyr. specialistas A.Þelvys ir VPBVieðøjø ryðiø tarnybos vedëjas P.Aleknavièius.

Ðio susitikimo metu sutarta, kad reikia skatinti glaudes-ná bendradarbiavimà tarp Lietuvos iðradëjø, mokslininkøir universitetø, parengiant tam teisinæ bazæ, bûtina

Memorandum of Understanding. It was signed in order tocooperate more actively, to exchange information andexperience with the mentioned national patent offices, as wellas to solve problems together in the field of intellectualproperty in the future.

The problems and prospects of patenting

On December 13, 2006 in the State Patent Bureau (SPB), a roundtable discussion regarding the problems and prospects of patentingwas held. It was organized by the SPB and the editorial office of amagazine “Science and Technology”. The discussion was lead byProf. Dr. habil. V. Laurinavicius, Director of the Institute ofBiochemistry. The following participants were also present in themeeting: Prof. Dr. habil. P. Baltrenas, Prof. Dr. habil. D. Butkus,Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; V. Snitka, Professor ofKaunas University of Technology; V. Guobys, Head of theLithuanian Technical Library Patent Documents Publishing andMethodology Department, the patent attorney; R. Naujokas,Director of the SPB, Assembly Vice-chairman of the WorldIntellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Paris Union for theprotection of industrial property, the Government of the Republicof Lithuania representative for WIPO and the European PatentOrganization (EPO); Z. Danys the SPB Assistant Director and R.Daunore, the SPB Assistant Director; Z. Valasevicius, Director ofthe SPB Inventions Department; A. Zelvys, Senior Officer at theSPB Law and International Affairs Division and P. Aleknavicius,Head of the SPB Public Relations Service.

During this meeting, it was agreed that it is necessary tostimulate a closer cooperation among Lithuanian inventors,scientists and universities, providing legal basis for that purpose.

Nuotraukoje (ið kairës): Zigrids Aumeisters, Latvijos patentø tarnybos direktorius; MattiPäts, Estijos patentø tarnybos direktorius; Rimvydas Naujokas, Lietuvos Respublikosvalstybinio patentø biuro direktorius; Martti Enäjärvi, Suomijos patentø tarnybosdirektorius.

In the picture (to the right): Zigrids Aumeisters, Director of the Latvian Patent Office;Matti Päts, Director of Estonian Patent Office; Rimvydas Naujokas, Director of the StatePatent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania; Martti Enäjärvi, Director of the NationalBoard of Patents and Registration of Finland


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sukurti palankesnes sàlygas prekybai patentø licencijo-mis Lietuvoje, turi bûti skatinamas ámoniø, komerciali-zuojanèiø ir vystanèiø idëjas (,,pumpurinës“ ámonës),kûrimas. Pritarta idëjai, jog bûtina maþinti pelnomokestá pajamoms, gautoms uþ parduotus patentus, beimaþinti valstybës nustatytus mokesèius uþ iðradimø irpramoninio dizaino registravimà. Taip pat svarbu, jogðvietimo ástaigos, nevyriausybinës organizacijos inicijuo-tø ar aktyviau dalyvautø tyrimuose apie intelektinænuosavybæ, neapsiribodamos tik patentinës informacijossklaida. Paskelbta patentinë informacija yra labaisvarbus ðaltinis tiriant naujausiø technologijø, inovacijøplëtrà ðalyje, kartu taip uþkertamas kelias produktøkopijavimui ir analogiðkø prekiø atsiradimui rinkoje.

Visi dalyvavusieji pritaria pagrindiniam tikslui – siekiuiskatinti iðradybà, mokslo rezultatø apsaugà patentais beiáteisinti priemones, skatinanèias naujø technologijøkûrimà, þiniø ekonomikos augimà.

Nuotraukoje (ið kairës): Rimvydas Naujokas, Lietuvos Respublikos valstybinio patentøbiuro direktorius; Vytautas Guobys, Lietuvos technikos bibliotekos Patentiniø dokumentøleidybos ir metodikos skyriaus vedëjas; prof. Valentinas Snitka (Kauno technologijosuniversitetas); prof. habil. dr. Donatas Butkus (Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas);prof. habil. dr. Pranas Baltrënas (Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas).

In the picture (to the right): Rimvydas Naujokas, Director of the State Paten Bureau of theRepublic of Lithuania; Vytautas Guobys, Head of the Lithuanian Technical Library PatentDocuments Publishing and Methodology Division; Valentinas Snitka, Professor of KaunasUniversity of Technology; Prof. Dr. habil. Donatas Butkus (Vilnius Gediminas TechnicalUniversity); Prof. Dr. habil. Pranas Batrënas (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University)

It is necessary to create more favorable conditions for the patentlicense trade in Lithuania. There should be more motivation tocreate companies which commercialize and develop ideas(“nodular companies”). It was agreed with the idea that it isessential to decrease the rate of corporation tax for incomes,received for registration of inventions and industrial design. Itshould also be noted that educational institutions as well as non-governmental organizations should initiate or participate moreactively in the intellectual property researches, not onlyspreading patent information. The announced patentinformation is a source of high importance, analyzing thespread of the most up-to-date technologies and innovations inthe country. In the same way, it prevents products from copyingand appearance of product duplicates in the market.

All of the participants agreed with the key target, which was tomotivate inventing, protection of scientific results by issuingpatents, as well as to legalize means, which would stimulatecreating new technologies and knowledge economics development.

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Tarptautinës patentinës paraiðkos (PCT)International patent applications (PCT)

Europos patentinës paraiðkosEuropean patent applications

Tarptautinës paraiðkos prekiø þenklamspagal Madrido protokolà registruotiInternational applications for registeringtrade marks under Madrid Protocol

Paraiðkos Bendrijos þenklams registruotiApplications for registering EC trade marks

Paraiðkos Bendrijos dizainui registruotiApplications for registering Communitydesigns













Metai / Year






Palyginimas %Comparison in %

2006 / 2005

Statistiniai duomenysStatistical data

Lietuvos pareiðkëjø paraiðkø paduotøpatentams, prekiø þenklams ir dizainuiregistruoti pagal tarptautines sutartis irES bendrijos prekiø þenklø ir bendrijosdizaino reglamentus ataskaita

Report on the applications for patents,trade marks and designs fromLithuanianapplicants filed under internationalagreements and EU regulations

Metai / YearPaduotø paraiðkø ataskaitaReport on the f i led appl icat ions 2005





















































Nacionalinës paraiðkosNational applications

Tarptautinës paraiðkos(PCT nacionalinis lygis)International applications(PCT national phase entries)

Iðplëstos Europos patentinës paraiðkosExtended European patent applications

Nacionalinës paraiðkosNational applications

Nacionalinës paraiðkosNational applications

Tarptautinës paraiðkos pagal Madrido protokolàInternational applications under Madrid protocol

Nacionalinës paraiðkosNational applications

Lietuvos pareiðkëjøLithuanian applicants

Uþsienio pareiðkëjøForeign applicants

Lietuvos pareiðkëjøLithuanian applicants

Uþsienio pareiðkëjøForeign applicants

Ið v iso / Total

Lietuvos pareiðkëjøLithuanian applicants

Uþsienio pareiðkëjøForeign applicants

Ið v iso / Total

Lietuvos pareiðkëjøLithuanian applicants

Uþsienio pareiðkëjøForeign applicants

Ið v iso / Total

Lietuvos pareiðkëjøLithuanian applicants

Uþsienio pareiðkëjøForeign applicants

Ið v iso / Total

Ið viso / Total


Puslaidininkiniøgaminiø topografijosTopographies ofsemiconductor products

Prekiø þenklaiTrademarks


Palyginimas %Comparison in %

2006 / 2005


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Metai / Year




































Nacionaliniai patentaiNational patents

Iðplësti Europos patentaiExtended European patents

Ið v iso / Total

Nacionalinës registracijosNational registrations

Ið v iso / Total

Nacionalinës registracijosNational registrations

Tarptautinës registracijos pagal Madrido protokolàInternational registrations under Madrid Protoco

Ið v iso / Total

Nacionalinës registracijosNational registrations

Ið v iso / Total

Ið viso / Total


Puslaidininkiniøgaminiø topografijosTopographies ofsemiconductor products

Prekiø þenklaiTrademarks


Palyginimas %Comparison in %

2006 / 2005

Áregistruotø iðimtiniø teisiø ataskaitaReport on registered exclusive rights

Metai / Year Palyginimas %Comparison in %

2006 / 2005


Iðradimai • Inventions

Puslaidininkiniø gaminiø topografijos • Topographies of semiconductor products

Prekiø þenklai • Trademarks

Dizainas • Designs

Ið v iso / Total

Ið viso / Total





5 8 5 7 , 45 8 5 7 , 45 8 5 7 , 45 8 5 7 , 45 8 5 7 , 4





1 1 91 1 91 1 91 1 91 1 9






4 9 2 6 , 04 9 2 6 , 04 9 2 6 , 04 9 2 6 , 04 9 2 6 , 0


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Lietuvos Respublikos valstybinis patentø biuras, Kalvarijø g. 3, LT-09310 VilniusIšleido leidykla „Eugrimas“, Kalvarijø g. 98-36, LT-08211 Vilnius

Spausdino UAB „Akritas“ spaustuvë, Geleþinio Vilko g. 2, LT-03150 Vilnius

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ari jø



ko g


A Juozapavièiaus g.

Þvejø g.

Ðv. Rapolobaþnyèia

Þal iasist i l tas Ner i s


ti l tas

Þygimantø g.

Radvi l

ø g.

Ti lto g.






lio g


J.Lelevelio g.


Operos ir baletoteatras

Gedimino pr.



o g.

S. Daukantoaikðtë

Ðventaragio g.





s g.

Skapo g.




to g


Ðv.Jono g.

Ðvarco g.GRA









Pylimo g.

Vilniaus g.

L iejyklos g.


Totoriø g.

Labdariø g.

nø g



Benediktø g.

Klaipëdos g.

Dominikonø g.

Ðv.Ignoto g.

Totoriø g.

Vilniaus g.

Palangos g.


Ðv. Kotrynosbaþnyèia



Kalvarijø g. 3LT-09310 Vilnius

Tel. (8~5) 278 0290El.p. [email protected]://www.vpb.gov.lt


Ðv. Ignoto g. 3LT-01120 Vilnius

Tel./faksas (8~5) 261 0379El.p. [email protected]


Ðv. Rapolobaþnyèia

Operos ir baletoteatras


S. Daukantoaikðtë


Ðv. Kotrynosbaþnyèia



Kalvarijø st. 3LT-09310 Vilnius

Tel. (370 2) 780 290E-mail: [email protected]



Ðv. Ignoto st. 3LT-01120 Vilnius

Tel./Fax (370 2) 261 0379E-mail: [email protected]


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