The Statistically Anisotropic Curvature Perturbation from Vector Fields Mindaugas Karčiauskas Dimopoulos, MK, JHEP 07 (2008) Dimopoulos, MK, Lyth, Rodriguez, JCAP 13 (2009) MK, Dimopoulos, Lyth, PRD 80 (2009) Dimopoulos, MK, Wagstaff, arXiv:0907.1838 Dimopoulos, MK, Wagstaff, Phys. Lett. B 683 (2010)

The Statistically Anisotropic Curvature Perturbation from Vector Fields Mindaugas Karčiauskas Dimopoulos, MK, JHEP 07 (2008) Dimopoulos, MK, Lyth, Rodriguez,

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The Statistically Anisotropic Curvature Perturbation from Vector Fields

The Statistically Anisotropic Curvature Perturbation from Vector Fields

Mindaugas KarčiauskasMindaugas Karčiauskas

Dimopoulos, MK, JHEP 07 (2008)

Dimopoulos, MK, Lyth, Rodriguez, JCAP 13 (2009)

MK, Dimopoulos, Lyth, PRD 80 (2009)

Dimopoulos, MK, Wagstaff, arXiv:0907.1838

Dimopoulos, MK, Wagstaff, Phys. Lett. B 683 (2010)

Dimopoulos, MK, JHEP 07 (2008)

Dimopoulos, MK, Lyth, Rodriguez, JCAP 13 (2009)

MK, Dimopoulos, Lyth, PRD 80 (2009)

Dimopoulos, MK, Wagstaff, arXiv:0907.1838

Dimopoulos, MK, Wagstaff, Phys. Lett. B 683 (2010)

OutlineOutline● Motivation;

● The curvature perturbation from scalar fields;

● The curvature perturbation form vector fields;

● Predictions for vector curvaton scenario;

● Two models;

● Conclusions;

● Motivation;

● The curvature perturbation from scalar fields;

● The curvature perturbation form vector fields;

● Predictions for vector curvaton scenario;

● Two models;

● Conclusions;

OutlineOutline● Motivation;

● The curvature perturbation from scalar fields;

● The curvature perturbation form vector fields;

● Predictions for vector curvaton scenario;

● Two models;

● Conclusions;

● Motivation;

● The curvature perturbation from scalar fields;

● The curvature perturbation form vector fields;

● Predictions for vector curvaton scenario;

● Two models;

● Conclusions;

Density perturbationsDensity perturbations● The primordial curvature perturbation – a

unique window to the physics of the early Universe;

● Origin of structure <= quantum fluctuations;

● Scalar fields - the simplest case;

● Why vector fields:

● Theoretical side:

● No fundamental scalar field has been discovered;

● The possible contribution from gauge fields is neglected;

● Observational side:

● Axis of Evil – the alignment of low multipoles of CMB;

● New observable – statistical anisotropy;

● The primordial curvature perturbation – a unique window to the physics of the early Universe;

● Origin of structure <= quantum fluctuations;

● Scalar fields - the simplest case;

● Why vector fields:

● Theoretical side:

● No fundamental scalar field has been discovered;

● The possible contribution from gauge fields is neglected;

● Observational side:

● Axis of Evil – the alignment of low multipoles of CMB;

● New observable – statistical anisotropy;

Land & Magueijo (2005)Land & Magueijo (2005)

OutlineOutline● Motivation;

● The curvature perturbation from scalar fields;

● The curvature perturbation form vector fields;

● Predictions for vector curvaton scenario;

● Two models;

● Conclusions;

● Motivation;

● The curvature perturbation from scalar fields;

● The curvature perturbation form vector fields;

● Predictions for vector curvaton scenario;

● Two models;

● Conclusions;

Scalar Field PerturbationsScalar Field

Perturbations● (Quasi) de Sitter expansion

● The light scalar field with

● Equation of motion

● Subhorizon

● Superhorizon

● (Quasi) de Sitter expansion

● The light scalar field with

● Equation of motion

● Subhorizon

● Superhorizon

Flat spacetime & no particles:Flat spacetime & no particles:

Classical perturbations:Classical perturbations:

Generating the Curvature Perturbation

Generating the Curvature Perturbation

● The curvature perturbation:

● The formula

● The curvature perturbation:

● The formula

in Fourier Space in Fourier Space

● The power spectrum

● The bispectrum

● The power spectrum

● The bispectrum

Lyth & Rodriguez (2005)Lyth & Rodriguez (2005)

OutlineOutline● Motivation;

● The curvature perturbation from scalar fields;

● The curvature perturbation form vector fields;

● Predictions for vector curvaton scenario;

● Two models;

● Conclusions;

● Motivation;

● The curvature perturbation from scalar fields;

● The curvature perturbation form vector fields;

● Predictions for vector curvaton scenario;

● Two models;

● Conclusions;

Difficulties with Vector Fields

Difficulties with Vector Fields

1. Excessive large scale anisotropy

The energy-momentum tensor has anisotropic stress:

2. No particle production

● Massless U(1) vector fields are conformally invariant

● A known problem in the primordial magnetic fields literature

1. Excessive large scale anisotropy

The energy-momentum tensor has anisotropic stress:

2. No particle production

● Massless U(1) vector fields are conformally invariant

● A known problem in the primordial magnetic fields literature

Avoiding excessive anisotropyAvoiding excessive anisotropy

● Orthogonal triad of vector fields Armendariz-Picon (2004)

● Large number of identical vector fields Golovnev, Mukhanov, Vanchurin (2008)

● Modulation of scalar field dynamics Yokoyama, Soda (2008)

● Vector curvaton Dimopoulos (2006)

● Orthogonal triad of vector fields Armendariz-Picon (2004)

● Large number of identical vector fields Golovnev, Mukhanov, Vanchurin (2008)

● Modulation of scalar field dynamics Yokoyama, Soda (2008)

● Vector curvaton Dimopoulos (2006)

The Vector Curvaton Scenario

The Vector Curvaton Scenario Dimopoulos (2006)Dimopoulos (2006)

● Massive vector field

● Energy momentum tensor

● Light vector field

● Massive vector field

● Energy momentum tensor

● Light vector field

Like a pressureless isotropic matter! Like a pressureless isotropic matter!

● Heavy vector field● Heavy vector field

Anisotropic EMT! Anisotropic EMT!

The Vector Curvaton Scenario

The Vector Curvaton Scenario

I. Inflation

● Particle production

● Scale invariant spectrum

II. Light Vector Field

III. Heavy Vector Field

Vector field oscillates.Behaves as preasureless

isotropic matter.

IV. Vector Field Decay.

● Generation of

I. Inflation

● Particle production

● Scale invariant spectrum

II. Light Vector Field

III. Heavy Vector Field

Vector field oscillates.Behaves as preasureless

isotropic matter.

IV. Vector Field Decay.

● Generation of

Dimopoulos (2006)Dimopoulos (2006)

Breaking Conformal Invariance

Breaking Conformal Invariance

● Add a potential term, e.g.

● Modify kinetic term, e.g.

● Add a potential term, e.g.

● Modify kinetic term, e.g.

E.g. electromagnetic field:E.g. electromagnetic field:

Physical Vector FieldPhysical Vector Field

● The comoving vector field

● The physical vector field:

● The comoving vector field

● The physical vector field:

Vector Field PerturbationsVector Field

Perturbations● Massive => 3 degrees of

vector field freedom;

● No particles state for subhorizon modes

● Massive => 3 degrees of vector field freedom;

● No particles state for subhorizon modes

Lorentz boost factor:Lorentz boost factor:

Vector Field PerturbationsVector Field

Perturbations● Classical perturbations for superhorizon


● The power spectra

● The anisotropy parameters of particle production :

● Classical perturbations for superhorizon modes

● The power spectra

● The anisotropy parameters of particle production :


Vector Field PerturbationsVector Field Perturbations

Statistically isotropicStatistically isotropic

Statistically anisotropicStatistically anisotropic

From observations, statistically anisotropic contribution <30%.From observations, statistically anisotropic contribution <30%.andand


The Curvature Perturbation

The Curvature Perturbation

● The curvature perturbation (δN formula)

● The anisotropic power spectrum:

● For vector field perturbations

● The non-Gaussianity

● The curvature perturbation (δN formula)

● The anisotropic power spectrum:

● For vector field perturbations

● The non-Gaussianity

Vector Field ProjectionVector Field Projection

Observational Constraints

Observational Constraints

● The anisotropic power spectrum:

● Preferred direction close to the ecliptic pole

● The bound on of cosmological origin

● Detectable value by Planck

● The non-Gaussianity

● No observational constraints

● The anisotropic power spectrum:

● Preferred direction close to the ecliptic pole

● The bound on of cosmological origin

● Detectable value by Planck

● The non-Gaussianity

● No observational constraints

Groeneboom et al (2009)Groeneboom et al (2009)

Rudjord et al (2010)Rudjord et al (2010)

Pullen, Kamionkowski (2009)Pullen, Kamionkowski (2009)

Anisotropy ParametersAnisotropy Parameters

● Anisotropy in the particle production of the vector field:

Depends on the

conformal invariance

braking mechanism

● Statistical anisotropy in the curvature perturbation:

● Anisotropy in the particle production of the vector field:

Depends on the

conformal invariance

braking mechanism

● Statistical anisotropy in the curvature perturbation:

OutlineOutline● Motivation;

● The curvature perturbation from scalar fields;

● The curvature perturbation form vector fields;

● Predictions for vector curvaton scenario;

● Two models;

● Conclusions;

● Motivation;

● The curvature perturbation from scalar fields;

● The curvature perturbation form vector fields;

● Predictions for vector curvaton scenario;

● Two models;

● Conclusions;

General PredictionsGeneral Predictions

1. Anisotropic2. The magnitude3. Isotropic part:

1. Anisotropic2. The magnitude3. Isotropic part:

4. Same preferred direction5. Anisotropic part:

6. In general not subdominant:

4. Same preferred direction5. Anisotropic part:

6. In general not subdominant:

OutlineOutline● Motivation;

● The curvature perturbation from scalar fields;

● The curvature perturbation form vector fields;

● Predictions for vector curvaton scenario;

● Two models;

● Conclusions;

● Motivation;

● The curvature perturbation from scalar fields;

● The curvature perturbation form vector fields;

● Predictions for vector curvaton scenario;

● Two models;

● Conclusions;

Two ModelsTwo Models

● Non-minimal coupling

● Time varying kinetic function

● Non-minimal coupling

● Time varying kinetic function

Two ModelsTwo Models

● Non-minimal coupling

● Time varying kinetic function

● Non-minimal coupling

● Time varying kinetic function

Parity conserving

Parity conserving

● Scale invariant power spectra =>

● The vector field power spectra:

● The anisotropy in the power spectrum:

● Scale invariant power spectra =>

● The vector field power spectra:

● The anisotropy in the power spectrum:

Non-minimal Vector Curvaton

Non-minimal Vector Curvaton


● Non-Gaussianity:

● The parameter space:

● Non-Gaussianity:

● The parameter space:

Non-minimal Vector Curvaton

Non-minimal Vector Curvaton

1. Anisotropic

2. Same preferred direction.

3. Isotropic parts are equal


5. Configuration dependent modulation.

6. Modulation is not subdominant

1. Anisotropic

2. Same preferred direction.

3. Isotropic parts are equal


5. Configuration dependent modulation.

6. Modulation is not subdominant

Stability of the ModelStability of the Model

● Suspected instabilities for longitudinal mode:

1. Ghost;

2. Horizon crossing;

3. Zero effective mass;

● Suspected instabilities for longitudinal mode:

1. Ghost;

2. Horizon crossing;

3. Zero effective mass;

Himmetoglu et al. (2009)Himmetoglu et al. (2009)

Stability of the ModelStability of the Model

● Only for subhorizon modes

● Initially no particles & negligible coupling to other fields;

● Only for subhorizon modes

● Initially no particles & negligible coupling to other fields;

Cline et al. (2004)Cline et al. (2004)

● Ghost● Ghost

● Horizon crossing

● During inflation

● Exact solution

● Zero effective mass

● After inflation

● Linear perturbation theory breaks down at

● Horizon crossing

● During inflation

● Exact solution

● Zero effective mass

● After inflation

● Linear perturbation theory breaks down at

Stability of the ModelStability of the Model

Independent constants:Independent constants:

● No issues of instabilities!

● At the end of inflation: and .

● Scale invariance => 1. 2.

● 2nd case:

● Small coupling => can be a gauge field;

● Richest phenomenology;

● Might be an attractor solution;

● No issues of instabilities!

● At the end of inflation: and .

● Scale invariance => 1. 2.

● 2nd case:

● Small coupling => can be a gauge field;

● Richest phenomenology;

● Might be an attractor solution;

Varying Kinetic FunctionVarying Kinetic Function

Dimopoulos & Wagstaff, in preparationDimopoulos & Wagstaff, in preparation

Field perturbationsField perturbations


particle production


particle production


particle production


particle production

Light vector field

Light vector field

Heavy vector field

Heavy vector field

At the end of inflationAt the end of inflation

● The anisotropy in the power spectrum:

● The non-Gaussianity:

● The parameter space


● The anisotropy in the power spectrum:

● The non-Gaussianity:

● The parameter space


The Anisotropic Case,

The Anisotropic Case,

1. Anisotropic

2. Same preferred direction.

3. Isotropic parts are equal


5. Configuration dependent modulation.

6. Modulation is not subdominant

1. Anisotropic

2. Same preferred direction.

3. Isotropic parts are equal


5. Configuration dependent modulation.

6. Modulation is not subdominant

● No scalar fields needed!

● Standard predictions of the curvaton scenario:

● The parameter space:

● No scalar fields needed!

● Standard predictions of the curvaton scenario:

● The parameter space:

The Isotropic Case,The Isotropic Case,

OutlineOutline● Motivation;

● The curvature perturbation from scalar fields;

● The curvature perturbation form vector fields;

● Predictions for vector curvaton scenario;

● Two models;

● Conclusions;

● Motivation;

● The curvature perturbation from scalar fields;

● The curvature perturbation form vector fields;

● Predictions for vector curvaton scenario;

● Two models;

● Conclusions;

● Vector fields can affect or even generate the curvature perturbation;

● If anisotropic particle production ( and/or ):

● If isotropic particle production => no need for scalar fields

● Two examples:

● Vector fields can affect or even generate the curvature perturbation;

● If anisotropic particle production ( and/or ):

● If isotropic particle production => no need for scalar fields

● Two examples:


1. Anisotropic and

2. The same preferred direction in and

3. Isotropic parts


5. Configuration dependent modulation:

6. In general modulation is not subdominant

1. Anisotropic and

2. The same preferred direction in and

3. Isotropic parts


5. Configuration dependent modulation:

6. In general modulation is not subdominant

Dimopoulos, Karčiauskas, JHEP 07, 119 (2008)

Dimopoulos, Karčiauskas, Lyth, Rodriguez, JCAP 13


Karčiauskas, Dimopoulos, Lyth, PRD 80 (2009)

Dimopoulos, Karčiauskas, Wagstaff,


Dimopoulos, Karčiauskas, Wagstaff,


Dimopoulos, Karčiauskas, JHEP 07, 119 (2008)

Dimopoulos, Karčiauskas, Lyth, Rodriguez, JCAP 13


Karčiauskas, Dimopoulos, Lyth, PRD 80 (2009)

Dimopoulos, Karčiauskas, Wagstaff,


Dimopoulos, Karčiauskas, Wagstaff,
