THE STTN. SAtPRDAV, MAY tl, .Ifltt. II LIVE WASHINGTON TOPICS. jiif uimi i: it iiiimt: tttn r.isst.n is i:ir .. hk It Carrlta Onl, honl i.OOO l.e TWaa Ike lleute ntll -- lIMrn' lltr Oar loM llffeatta ltt or tVc BtMil of Tbor Ilfmccr.it T ao otcd Again! latitat r the Na.Tr Tata Ilouae HUH Urrl!ln: illh the Kiiaarr Clill mil .tcrrlarr Tratr l'rt" 1C " li. Kill lraartrri"tte RaTTaoa MtaHaa ui U- - N" ITeparliaeat Kpart oa taa 1 lonnrc" cf It tVoHrf'a Fair. WiBi,!'87 s. 3I.it SO. Tho Fennto to-d- ji-- t -- i th.i t: TtT an 1 Urbor Mil. Prertous to it .I'-i- ;! i'r- - llalofltep.. Ma.) enlltJ atten- tion m tho Iftct that th contract clauioa ct t'i- - t' i MdJ future Coiirrejo hand aJ 1 :m ntrwtsreiulrlti appropriations of Sj.slViy.auJ Democratic Senators . hiil otpOM.il the Increase of U.a cavr vrh nc silent now that theio t cl! xV.o-- i iTera blnc lnpesl upon the tvr-i- H reminded then tlal ther mould tc: r. '- -t i' N ntli to point to tlie exr IWj se Icon rendered nffesstrr t7 l..i II ftjd that the finit- e: 're a Jew Jersey IMr. McPhcrtonl vhea It c ill notion resterdar to cut down tl.e tlJ k i ". haJ no mora tdx of It jjjjvl than he had, of te'c tranl&tcd- - It ay a r.a-- o lifutua fulnen-ncthl- nc more. th MVil bill, he would ask the erk to read n :'.- -' m that (treat culde. ph!loorhec. and fr.etJ f tho Democratic partr Indira con by. U-.-- e. J. Ti.dea. written frora Ms retirement i: GreTitoae la lfi Mr Turple iDem.. Ind.1 wsr'.r declared his whether In order or o.t of order. toilve a i relic to that letter before it wo3 rea'-M- r. Hale. decliad to rieM or-t- the - letter had Lean re-a- and Mr. Turple. with its: dir.lculrr. was persuaded hj the Chair to Ihe lrk then rd Mr. Tailen' n letter to the tpeAker of the House of Iii!rr-ritati- es uron our de'encelesa acd hrtxirn. la the dl'cussion which fsllowt-- J Mr. Mel'hersoa leferrel to the 1H7 arn! th manner la which Mr. Tll-de- a was defra-d- d out of th Presidency with C eonat of ti'tJnc ftatea-.ea- . Mr. HjIc rrl!ed that the Deraoeratle party bad the otprtuclty of assise the Anerican ivople to taat wrt.a tnl bad do- - dlaedu doiL Mr. t Dra.. Mo.1 said thi stitcraent waa a illocic- -i an! t.aole- - as the ret of the KlsMs 'flnriifj rhetore. Ir. iildea wrou tj tfa tireinaaii tcaiention that he towed to the uui of uod and could cot be LVlr candidate. Mr t defended theccjtract Tateci,ana Mr. Fry added that at least tea millions of do! larsuuu.dLe saved br ti.9 bdoptlon of this DliS. Mr. Ha that he was csi attak-lnsih- e -- rteni ue.nly wished to follow the ciamil' ol on the ether side aud tsk i.ere 1 l e soaej to coaie from ? 5lre,'.-'- l? mon-- can t easily raised lcr thl jn4 a! the other appropriation bills. I Mr. Hale- -r Senator dcs not te.!ve. then, w.th th cator fom Texas (Mr. M!lis that w are en the eve of fcankruptcy and neeii a rceivr. Mr. Vrot faid he NjlievM w were on tb eTe of a deficiency, and he could refe- - to the diftinsui'hed senator fron Ohio IMr. Sher-cac'i- p 'urrortof tnatview. ilr. Mil!tber3 Tex.) defended Us state- ment that the GoTt?rn.er-- t could not pay its dLU. acd. there'o.-i- . r! backrtpt. H ouotd the reports of Ik Eecrrtary of the TreAsury to show this, and also referred to a reject admission of tie Senator from - Mr. lisar In a de- bate oa aprr.rn&tioc th&ttr.e as tan.ruptt already. Mr. Mills arted that the exptnd.ture for th mainte- nance of th waterways were a as thc-- for icy other otject. and be lor L.ce pre-lerr- to srnd what mney we had is ta: way rather tta- -. in tuildinc war f hip. TheMliwas thja pa.ed without a division and wa- - nt to conference. Messr. 'ryf. Do'ph and r.aas 3 b!GCapr-olnt- : Crnfrrees tn thf fjrt of h rft. The bill carries ctly atout fZrJ.'w less than the Souse till. The House tolav made better pre cress with the fcuudary Civil HU. Mr. Dijkrrson iDecu. Ky.1 rcade ttI ncsuee'sful attempts to strike out or reduc-- j the appropriations for the. Cbichamauca ami Chattanucra National Mil- itary ParL. Orcrtwobjjrs were t indt-cuiini- ra point of order raised ty Mr. Kitcorw iDen. Tex. aealist the propc-se-- i sele-tio- a of a site forasutue of OeruFuerman la Wash-lnirto- n. This cave rise to ratriotiesri-i-chc- s. Sir. Breckinridge Ivj.. Ky. hT-c- tne House would waive all thnieality and rula and pass the caurf in the bi.- - The House eoulJ not to refuse such a i roper memorial. There were monuments In Wash- ington toother famous military leaders. V.hy cot to Sherman, who had made his nam the annals of American hlrtory? lie help! Lit to surrender and be deserres a ruonument. Applaus-- ! Thre was sorrethir.i: beyrd a iiueloa of rd- -r in this motir. somethirii: above th dlrifljn3 r partT. W Were ciUzijcs of thicrat repatlic.and -- h"uld dohonortoth sanhohadsave.iii Atp'.jusc., Alove pvliti were the r -- osienty and cl ry cf our common co-nt- ry. He 5temi his-- lf fortunate that he rerreser.tc4 a district, wbuse mincM bittetr.e" ard c! jry in that pat liad now only ir.tnc!l frionlhlp and ljvoforour glnnous country. Aprluse.j The Ccair decided the r'Iat of ordr well taken aid the paraersth was roi out The House tba took a res until 8 o'clock lor the consld traaoa of rni.ta tehsioa bills. The of the House Committee on Appropriations which inveftleiited the s of the World's Fair submitted thIr report to ih House this afternoon. The tepTt compliment the manaee-- s of the lair en thel'w.r. t)Ilng it "a worthy trituteto the s aid enterprise of the wonderful city cf the Northwest." The estimated Income of th rair that H. U. HIcsinbotham fiaanc al agent, cave to tb conmitwe was Jj5.VJf'.:jS5: eijea-lit-re- . i'J2.47u.ll3. The committee make the following- - eaticatea- - Keeeipts. expenditure. iiy3iau. Up to May 1. KsJ.t..e cccraitte eftiraate the ils ct Jlu7tXi.llj; expesdlturea. 15.- - t,'4'-,Jl- The cor-mlt-fe recommend that the Derart-ne- nt of Toreicn ACal'S shouli be abolished and it d.t.e dltcbarced under direction of the rtr-"to- r GceraL . U officials on the lfcal Urd by the I'citeJ btatea, toeetber wlth'l.i-'- a f departments. thou i L- -: to fxed t. a year. and t Ste.Cl Charces of lavomism u lerJne of oonxracuwer made but not siiti fnei. The eomrn'ttee :n ccaelnslon expree" with- out th-- !r c -- tdccj la tha atsured (uecso of tas x:tion. The rots la the Hou! yesterday asalastthe I EUtid amesdment tott Sundry Civil 11J U ' recarded as the ead ' the f.- -t t..Tt.-ccina- I aaoiemect .a ttotre.-- : iti - Tve- - the I Ire coirac Iead- - r i ti t, , J that tfc UUad am.n K,.- -t e- - - i i r lt2l '?'': & tt..-&- t T ;v u -- . -- mw-.iI.- rtanlnsthe unijEi ' .VL thjrdsofve L.M...VJ- -, t11t,': tot toU .r, -- r, :v u, i CjachanjeofrriDMr-.- - -- , ' I t oflt. .iu jermea. It merely tr ' r v r.J c ty J adro.ute-e.- j j ' fr-'r- V' tenalned cot tomke t esi.te ', - "V u Issue at tie present t(- - The Hois Cmmitt - I't:J r-- .i - I , trv-J- r re;te4 we i 1 t i; . " . JUJ ter month to Mar-'-rr- , ; H. Vw lorkcnthu erut.d that Ur-- i nt J. . lUle-- J to the Pctjon Bureau fn itLt'.za. ' fet aj Xlrokea ck. Holtoik. May Ott-- Dr. S. A. Mi.-.cn- y, as. e!ste-- l by Dra. Crp-nt- er. Enijhu. and Wittered, yesterday eetthe broktr. tt f Mrs. Mry A. Wiiliamf, 70 years oil the dU!oat-- d her ceck by a fall ca las: fiturdiy It &3 sut ;ose--i at the time that she f .' '. ,, H ctira few mlnctfai.aad no doctor i i.r.. J pn.; i n Tues.'isy lit. Mahstvywa ,, ! I Is a- - 1 u cistajatloa was held. The trird 3 cem-i- i rtebra was dislocated, and the f.e 1 icrfo. r tbocnt there was a flight ,l:i- - of I rcclar the dislocation. They I I'-.Ii- -i xr- - hri into place, and Mrs. Mlhams is aMet coveher heaj. iad t.ds fairtorwt'.ver A Ctrl GaJllr "t Hoa4 Itecrre AlurJrr. - Ei-- o, . Md, JUy ia-nar- riet Fmi'J:. a 1. ftut.i ectore-- i e''-w- as ccavlcled beret- - day if murder la the second decree. r.e KJ n- -j her father, Ti.oc-.a- a emith. about to t. itfcs ac by tuttlsc aiaecla la the tea- - tvt i.l to kill her brother HtztT. 'r'v- - rjf-fo- d to a4coniayhertoafaii. Jt IS. wat the only Us drtaker In ae racily a, fcappe:l tbatherfitherttTUxbt . j t -- l lile tra that day, aai driik it btlurt I -- i am home. I " - InglVi aftaMtrttil I ,ur lni rJQ.-Ormv- itm Whtu of reeerraj orders from 1 iT resterjfay to ieari. fr Kew Orlraca. a J wltcJxclvrtl5 0'cIocUiijrj.trciiii .ir noons. Itrlrr Biewa f Imaartaat a4 latcreetlag w l"aalleatloaa. The word "Donnellona." the title of axol-tim- e concerning Mr. Icnatlus Donnelly II. J. tcl.ulte K Ca. Chicagol. la to divided on the cover as to (tlve the book the appearancs of belie a hpanlsh novel. Ones the volume Is opened, however. Its complete and profound American character become" Immediately ap- parent "Donneliana" Is made up of a sketch, the work of Dr. Eyerett W. 1'ish. and of numerous etlsrammatla extracts from Mr. Donnelly's poetical and prose writ-In- s. It Is not easy to determine whether the biographical rait should or should not be pleasing t j the subject of It- - We are rather inclined to suspect that It should nob Ills strong work In Ita way. and certainly In the point ct Quantity the Doctor has affordesl enough to indicate his willingness to serve Mr. Donnelly to the llmlta of natural eadur-anc- o and of the ink bottle: still, if it should we r be our fortune to have a biographer, we should prefer to have one who would refrain from faylrc of any person's malignity, even of an enemy's, that "It had about it the ingrained flavor cf the tomahawk acd the scalping knito." Mr. Donnelly him- self Is capable of strong phrases, as when he remarks of a gentleman camel King. " Ther sits tho oophltlc Bill King. with his tall over his tack, surrounded by the un- approachable atmosphere of his own reputation:" but he Is always care- ful about the integrity cf bis metaphor, so far as we hao n able to discover. This boo!:, however, certvlnlr serves the main purpose cf r biography la making us acquainted, with a crest deal concerning Mr. Donnelly. It tells of hi ancestor, of bis lmmedfate family, of his work at the law and at journalism, of his lecturccf his labors la politics. Including Alliance politic, of his books about man be- fore the deluge, about the prehistoric Ice drifts, aid about the Shakespeare crypto-crai- a. and of bis battles with 111 King acd the numberless other oppressors like him. The biography lathe reootd of an active and hopeful life, and the poetical and pro ex- tracts are vtdecce of a generous, a prolific an Inquisitive, a fanciful, acd a sentimental mind. The poetry of Mr. Budyard Kipling recom- mends itcelf because, for oce thing, it takes the trouble nearly always to tell an Interesting story, aad because, for another thing. It has plenty of phrases which are odd and strong. It Is swinging and reckless, and that Is rather a good Quality In potry much better there than la criticism, whither Mr- - Kipling occa- sionally ventures to cirry It "Ballads and Barrack Rood Ballads' (Macmillan A Co.) contains thoo of thU writer's verses which are already familiar, and a cumber which are new. h'olody should miss the poem called "The Gift of the StV'in this collection, and it may well be that such a ballad as " Tomlln-son- " will serve to placate tcy Americans who have ten offended by some of Mr. Kipling's re- cent utterances, for it indicates that the pot has found people at home in Hcgland who are quit as disagreeable as those respcasitle for tho abominations dUcovored by him 1c this community. It is reaunng to know that " the naked soul cf Tomlinsoc' which " grew white as a bone" under the quss- - tioningof st Peter, aad which was denit-dev- n in that place where, the poet iaiorms u. the inmates are packed "three oa a eH." be- longed ia Its previous ftate to a geatlemaa who dwelt in Berkeley so.uur. London. A story of travel of much more than t!- - In- terest that ordinarily attaches to tortes of the kind may I found fa "A Girl's Winter In In- dia." by Mary Thorn Carpenter Anson P. F. nnnd'lph A Co.'. The writer bar a f lmpl ai i easy style that goes far to make her narrative interesting, acd she has. moreover, ca intui- - live understanding of what it i worth wfcil todrsenbe acd of the proportion of interest attaching to the various experiences of a traveller. Sne is fortunate in the sens which eealles hr to keep ucne-re-sar- y lines out of hex picture-.- , and t create Irccreoions deftly acd with small apparent pains: and her readers, moreover, are fortunate for the same reason. This very acceptable narrative is in the forra of letters which begin ia Karles and carry us through the the sucr Canal, and all about India. It instructs us considerably, while evkieg no rretensions of so doing. Though al.gbt picture, it is still within its limits a faith- ful one, and it has. moreover, the great ad- vantage of being such a picture as is male upon a mind in health and blcsed with over-Cowi- cheerfulaes. When Miss Carpenfr j heard the story of a Hindu ia southern India who was f eec to bovr down to thctombof aa English General and make an offering of brandy and soda before it she. was moved to make a cote of the circumstance. We are clad that she was. It is the spirit indicated in such an Inclination which zcakirstcr book easy to real The humor which concerns itself with a coEn and a cadaver is apt to be abominable, and it is abominable in Mr. Bret HartVs story. " Coknel Ftarbottle's aieut" the first acd the most considerable In a volume of tales by this author (Hocchton. MICia ACaL Without this great offence, and aavinc an unfortunate lapse into a quite impossible kind of seatimectal heroics- following closely upon It tils would be a fine story. It opens in charming style acd ends in a vision of hashish. The other tales are lighter acd if for no other reason than that they omit offensive features better. "At Pice Gearing School "Is a characteristically good story, acd the tame may be said cf a number of the others. It is hardly remarkable that a writer cf the proclivities of Mr. Edgar Ealtus should be at- tracted br such a subject as the luxurious vices of the Bomans under the lav r emperors. HU book. "Imr-eria- l Purple" (Morrill. Hlg-gtn- s & Co.. Chicago), is a series of sketches setting forth in high Eclrus colors the splen- dors and the tlgbjlnks abominations of dis- tinguished Soman society from the time of Ossar to the time when the barbarians came In and ejected what Mr. Eaitus calls "the agony." Of courw the author remembers Messalina and Paustine and the rice for which they stand, and dwells upon them with con- siderable particularity: acd it mut la fair- ness ba siid. too. that he reprehends ths wikk-edce- of these ladies after he has sufficiently stated It To any oce who recalls the lan- guage la "Mary Magdalene." the dicticcia "Imperial Purple" will seem to be a little chastened. It remains, however, character- istic We recogaUe our old fneai " frenetic" end though "vertiginously" seems to have ta dexortd and a complete cheek has been put upoa the "hemorrhage of the setting sun." we fled stiU that Caar was "well groomed." and that is a suSckct evidence cf the old familiar hand. Cf the skill and charm which tb Bt. ward E. Hal is arustoaed to put into his fariss there U hardly teed to t Etctt cviel reader Is aware of them, "cytfl Enox: c Hvme Again" (CaiseUPubllshlasCorapAny) ' . tie story cfaa American widow who return ' U m seven-yea- r sojourn la Europe to be d- -i ' :Ui w.th tie fruit and tho plumbing af-- 1 i:iri in her native ccsotry and to carry -- ei.natttecor.clasJoaof thelovk. Asprigat- - .J.'elartallettle- - .'. second ty).'.-- . Clark bell President of th4'ewTork MeJico-Leg- Eode'r. Is published by tl.e aut-.i- r in a lirnittd ciitisn of COO copies. It is reals us of aidres&es delivered by Mr. B!I befcrs th society, and Is embellished with numerous prtra.t. It Is dedicated to Mr. David Dudley F.t J. "It Came to Pass." ty Marr Parley Sanborn fXe Sbepard. Boston). U aa American novel. cleverly written, viith aa agreeable humor, contain::- - a p.easant love story, acd taking not of billiards, baseball, and ptbsr matters that lctataat Bcartonlan and American In EaaaraX, "Oa the Rack." by William C. Hudson (Cas-aa- U PmUiailnr Ootapaay. U a story ewtticr forth and ultimately elucHatisr a Kw Tcrk po'ice mystery. It is an ingerJous story, told without vtiblvcc and inter ciUaa to read. From tho Casse! Oompaay hare also "Helen Brent M- -D a Social Study," another American tale, by an anonymous author, and "The Sinner's Comedy." a slory by John Oli- ver Hobt-e- . both Issued la the "Unknown library." Of other flctloa newly published we note "The Yellow fcnake." by W. It. Bishcp. and "A Member of Tattersalls." by Hawley Smart (Lovell Cnnrell A Co.): "All for Jack." by Julee Oaretie (Rand. McNally A Co.): "Canova. the Courier." by David Fkaats Foster (J. a Ogllvie; -- Wrongs to Bights." by Charlotte B. Van Woglom in. n. Lounsburyt and "A Win- dow In Thrums," by J. M. Barrle, and My Guardian." br Ada Cambridge (M.J.Ivers A Co-- b "Walden's Stove Trade Directory forl8f2-r- r I publlhd by C C Walden A Co. "Meteorology: the Weather Map aad the Bain Maker." Is an essay br Mr. Isaae P. Note, published In pamphlet form (Joseph I Pearson. Washington). cr.ctt.iA cncncitiLL's Aorzxivniz. There .Ire Brnlaea ta Iter Hack aad Arm, aa & Bay boni On Birwaa liar. Cecilia Churchill, the daughter gIB. J. Churchill, who wandereJ away from her home at Hall place and 167tb street about noon on Wedneday. and was found W miles beyi-n- d Sew Rochelle by the police of that place, was brought home last night br her father. the is a small child, with a round chubby face, and a defect In hor speeoli which makes her loath to Ulk. Her ndentures frightened her t a Jly. and her parents have not yet learned bow she get so far from home. The shortest war she could have walkd to Sew Bochelle is at leat twolve miles. She had gone cut to pkkwild Cower, and at night when she did cot r turn thirty or more persons scoured the woods with lanterns, feht was traced a far as Wen Chester Tillage. Fhe had teen seen in West Farms with her hands full of wild flowirs. and had discarded the Cowrrs (crastick when she reached West Chcjjt-r- . At It o'clock on Wediedr clpht the Sew Rochelle police found the child. Ihev karceJ who she was from the newi ar-e- SIantlir they had sent the child to the almshousa la EAMvlew. near Tarrytown. When she reached the a'mshous the at- tendants discovered a bruise on her left arm and another oa her tack. Her hand was scratched alo. and after much qcestioilris the child said same one had struck her. Thl Is the only thing which Indicates that she fe'l into evil handi on hr Journey, and thes marke may be th result of a fait (.edna s father Is a naiufacturer of gas and electri; Slxtures at liU est Twenty-t.'t- h street TUX IL r. REOBGASIZATIOS. Ttie rropov Oppoaltloa to Cea. Thomas Bora ol MalrrlalLra. The members cf the Stockholders' Ccmmit-tc- e have cot yet formulated the suggestions which they will make to the meeting to be held cext Mccday afternoon of the stock- holder, of the I.ichmocd ted Wett Point Terminal Company. With so many chvt.es of secuntie to b dealt with the talk of allottias the burd-- n to be borne Dy tho-- e to which it I cf paramount importance that the system shouli be main- tained in its entirety, is ncce'sar.ly a d.racult one. Each class has to b cciidrd sprate-Ir- . Th se that w uld be tceSted by fure-cl'-n-rs cannot t ask-- o make Sicri2s. coae,u-n:'- y acy cntnbu'i ns that are cece-Mr- y a.ust t- - as keJ of thnvjthatWiU b- - jia-- 1 ut-o- n a b:t-- r footing by advances for whiih there vrUrroba,r to tfivea a senty which In ''me wiU sho" a f ir margin .f profit to th holder Soth?u;htof f t"i componnt of the sytem has and no -- uch suggestion wil1 te m.de ia the report c the comm'tte- -. With redacts flxei charge and :t-- 2 ttt.nc d't for. friend-o- f the thsybave a ir.Tptro.s futur t'or-th"m- . it i proposed to .iir.aicsreaie t) e riebracad Trra bsU l.ichmoC'l ani bnUMiie. aci Licor- - c Pac 3" -- "'way m'oor.e r nany. nu is-- 1 fuv a cwO toci for th lil.hcKUd T"n.Ini. . eol!atral trus 5. and to sm extent the prferre-- i stock. The terms oa wh eh thecomEtrte wil! surgpst thvt the ei hinges shall be msde hae not ben at .lutely dtermlct Th- - cempaay will have control of tne East Tennes- see, k ircinia and Georgia, and Georgia Cen- tral Iuiilways throuch it-- , majtnty ownership of the stocks of these companie. The meetins of Rockhoide-- - orp"vl to Gt-n- . Thorns was to hav t,ea hdd yefterdy. On!ythr jrfour r- -r ni"d to the ca!i for a emetine at the o2e of Messrs. John Biof-igoo- -i A Co. ystr4ay tlurcc-3- c of stock- - ho'dT oppos to iiea. Ijmt m the day tins mceticc wis cj.fci a cnf-r-sc- v of a !tv 'ecuniy h'-l- ni .: to- - "i.'l tt at a c wi.l reaijy t h Id on Monday or Tces-ia- or some other day of next week. llallroaa ote. A Chicago Grand Jury has indlte-- i a numVr of railrui t.ekt "okf r- -. or ecUr-r- s.' '. r violation of the law ethers than achorir- - sz. nt fraur d tsll tx-k- J"h n-- v! Tru-- t r.psny ha treucht a suit .a cnlcago similar i. oce nlcd ic tti city it: . foreel n '. a mcrtrace of flf.r"M.iocth prTryof thC"-ltd;tat-s lio'-in- sto-- k C mp-an- eerttfl- - cati lor tlfA'J-'- J navn btec isuud by the receiver. At a metine yet"rday tf of the Reorganiration Commute of the aa An- tonio and 'Kansas P3Baliroad Company and of bondholder, who had cot accepter the terms of the ilan a settlemant was reached which will ecabl th cominittee to proceed with the reorganization. 31A ill i: 1 Tt LLIGEXCE. wzruTtx AUtiiiZ -- n rT Ezzrtitt ST f cc iu . 7 lStmrf. JOS e;rnt. : sa ccr.iiu. smidoiu es, Arrl-r.- t.r. w XL S EoS Htsiiycrr. S4 La rtii rtcirt. Aanrf- - s fcsrier.lr ftUTKo. bmr. Hasttr. s C3c;-ti- r. cxr ri Cr.ix. e c;r:tt ECU. tu Tto. b AlLrrU TenelMS. buw(L fClrfekr.Cictcr Ctar'rtlB. r cuutaoGt.t. It&xrtiu a -- "- rt Xactiai-t- t. i&c. Lita. m Zitiz.c&l- - Jtzz.tr. wft rstat, Ta. tt VALCk. Kl.lt7V Crtu-- M'.t Kl-.- r I3U.Elx.t. HU1 Sin -i . r,.ii tuirt. -t SU17 '. Ifi. f:fa. Brrrta-1-- ,t r . knij l"y. ft;-- ! 4Xtrrs3 err. s r.tj til Brir fra Tt. . OjMtron. f y Irtt-- r a lcri. II bi. -- .out M atfv.n x'f-j- frjc t vpi: at Lcbrrr-ra4i&s- t. TTM-trrc- a eVr4 tJUJciA.r E. S4 L y frv3 st Vert, t: Kh&ili. MlHtft U.17. .- -. .Hta- - T.tj. it Miur nxrd roit-- o nrrt fClye viir u .4. Ires Iiirurcr' tcrt 1111$ rxcw rir-- . fs ttri. fr.a tnz to T. C173 tTHmUlTt xtiu r r.-- -, nrr . . . s a. ms. tir.nt. u.itr.-- . - . V. ivim f rt -: . ...Hi.l J ii r. M Ilia-ctrtiii- rit. ... tiji K)i"U. yu.i.iuc."t.-;iru..- .. K'i)A.y isy. iijjuu- 11 ) 1. v 1 !- - y OniS. Clccelt 12j)A.lt IlCOP X. IlfOA.X. lor.x. j. tirtiyr. 11 i" i-- X. 1 j r. H. tzn.tr. nzx:a.i. i;k. 2r x. CtUtiS. P.J6JSiTO ;,Of u wiKi-tjis-. ui. . iior j; fru. hict-cr- r iiiftr. x. luwcir nnttAi. !uir rcei.ii'nMt . ... k L01I1U1.1. r O.tuu EtAr'v' Lfui.)!' vnm Swftx. Rat'atKi. F.iti.ii , . . J'OP y CKKt,Cilf-i- J tJMt X. , l-- ilj Mriit. ojj. ... ... a., 4 rufu,.k., . . oj(tur. . . .. Kir 2 Tiera-a- t .lUr-t- r V.y 4 c Li.. OA . . Klrl: ? .. . -- Ipfti'-tr Xa, e KlAUtl .ltt X.7 -- . L Icrxra.U. . . Ji.ii. .. ... H4VU OItaJ. . Hisrt-j-1- - . ,X7 1 a KUKl-- a Ilt Xio fnal:3 . ttrer itti 11 C!tyt.ttt . UTev4. iM Vw.tr- -i .. .Usli .. . . ntJ. j h,Soil, Jtt ti. AtuVa. , ,.,..LlMri . MrJt tn Uwr-f- A. j 1 EXJJll .... Lci.C'.t , Kkr Orm... arEbCa. X.rl .irnin, . b.srtu . Xx ywmir, Xh It fUtrtfXttrxlt. GlAU-J-- . ,. VyJS Cite . .. .turr:. rlj C.IJCf ItHAitl ...lAIit XaJ-- ;- - ruj) x, n in. ..atir,- - xr N,vT.rf .... (, . Uav 17 A- -f UxbiL m . tjr x-- svm. a- -, :s. CttyctrrJ , .Llriri S.rlS IrlCAri. , . jkt3Kru& ... . ayl Eblc t . .... Xyll ULai'.:; ).!.. , ,, , yrll CATkrt XbfvAna. . Xtyl fsk-- 4 v tA4aA. .... Xr:i lUlb. ...... . KIT 17 gtttSJtfUf gtltft, " Afceoiwleljr arrt t taia. tw rnloftL llto Dry. WUr as. XccaS. 110 Boarry. m iptuif t nrraorrfla. A yMMa ear f pftra. . Crafti aa QaiauaU Co, llu futoa it. Nw Tora. ' Kralih A Aaella'.tlMlry U nrtrae tn eoraaa U:s allUa BataiU at ropiuar pnce lr. I.TMa rrS JW rwrj wWmbs, ttwtiiatlprllthraath. Mc. KBlrSa. ta unarora. far aiOO.1 ySUiurataty yrt- - eo ana U BroaWay. prnal 31tmrts. """" t"'in.xl BI N IIAVI.0 HUUH . arfuleal'en -- tt. -- PSJWV itRVlrT .E CjVnlrareiae-k- rt ORX Ujll,tt' l xta pu w aat ty d'XsrU 2tc a MxlI.niTVIHBHllKuIyntti'ii Pii EEk a 1' al2 aaUaAX rtatat rrvvld xa c .r. lilXiL-Cvx.- oB t l;revrai lieu. 3,rir S'ubliratiaas. IPITI" - Xadxsat IrAfty-- i nUre -- Xaiat.ai'i CI-JI- P Ix(xU Iirecai: a Xvtfc- - re-l- a. -- rdjxaclxa:iudll." PEATT liiftxr. Why not buy the Best? (TevQlanrfs baking powder. The U. S. Govt buys it Teachers of cookery and those who know most about foods use and recommend it. 2lrtr gubltatioiMt READY TO-DA- Y. A HALF-CENTUB- Y OF CONFLICT. Flt.Nri5 I.VHKJIA' XKW WtlHK BasnSBiBasaBaiBaBaBsarBdaBaBrMBSaBaaBBBmsasmBaaaSBlBlBaialaaialBka Icoaipiotlii'T his Great llutorical eerie, " France and Enclaiid la Korth America.") 2 vol... cVO.Clotli. 55.M. Wttl xt cf tie P.a. of f rrttalttr daJa yt Ktcuna ar 1 1 Ualtla 1742, 173, Heft of U;alA, U.. va 174.. . Mr. Pari-ma- n 5 Other Votkj. Cons lracy of I'ontlHr. 2 vols.. 8vo, $5.00. llic tjre;on trull. 1 vol., evo, f 1X0. " Frsr.ce Rd Ecglaa. la Hcrtli AEirtcj," lb, Plonper of France tn the New World. 6ro. J2 . The JttulU in North America. Jro. tiXO. La frulle aria the Discovery of Uie Great West. Kvo. $20. The Old Itegime In Canada Cnder tiouls XIV. Count Fruntenac and New Franc Un- der IjuU XIV. Svo, S2J0. Montcalut and olfn. 2 v ols Sro, W.P0. Tho romplet') sit. 12 vols., So, Uoth, $3QM; liAlf calf. t4.w. AJiTUUIi O'LEAIir, IIIS WAS. VUIiiy GS AS1) rOXDEB-- ' IX GS IX 3IA.XY LAXDS. By CHARLES LKVEH, with 10 plates by CKUIiGi; C'KL'IICSIxAMC Crown evo. Clota, rrilt top. $2J0. Tl a li tne n- - utae In tit ckcJee Ulnar y Ettrhm cf Le-- er a X.i.la-- y fko xaeea PTT;oaelT pattitidi -- IhE CO.rr-5tO- Of ILAP.aT LOaSEULEB. a vol, JiCO. HAM.E0-XA1XET. THE lalaU Mtw COv" 2 im. to Oj. ray Uiaatrxted wita ttcilaia. Ac. ESSAYS AXD CRITICISMS. 13y ST. GEOUGE mrCliT. 2 vols , Svo. cloth. $5.0). NEW NOVELS. THE DEIU6E. An Historical Bo-man- ce of Poland, Sweden, and Paussia. A sequel to "With Fire and Sword." By Hekp.te Sien-kie'stic- z. Translated by Jeremiah Ciirtin. 2 vols., crown Svo., cloth S3.00. WITH Flr.E AND SW03D. An Historical Homance of Poland and Jlussia. B3'He.rtk Siieixwicz. Trans- lated by Jeremiah Curtin. 1 voL, crown Svo, cioth, $2.00. A WOMAN OF SHAWMUT. A story of old Colonial tim-s- . Bv Edhtjxd J. C'ABrcTEr- - Illustrated by F. T. Ms-mi- l. lCmo. cloth, cilt top, CARIhE. A STORY OF SWEDEN. By Louis IIxacxt. "i itlt numerous illus- trations by Louis K. Harlow. lGmo, cloth, gilt top, $1.25. THE BLUD UUSiGIAN. By VLiDnai. Korolk.i:o. With illustrations bv E. H. Garrett. lCmo, cloth, gilt top, $1.23. TALES OF THREE CENTURIES. By Mich- ael Translated from the I.uian by Jeremiah Curtin. 12nio, clctli, $1.00. THE. ROHirvCES OF ALEXANDRE DUMAS, Xe-- a Libran- - LMition. 40 yoIs., 12mo, cloth," pilt top, $00 00. THE RCirSASCES OF VICTOR HUGO, 12 vols., 12mo, cloth, gilt top, $1S.OO. LITTLE, BROWN &C0., Publishers 254 Washington St., Boston. D. APPLETON til CO.'S f.EV E00K5 THE LAST WORDS OF THOMAS CARLYLE. In -- Wottoa ne.ntrf Carlyle' onlr tar in Cttloc: the "Excuraioa (Fctilo t I'aris"; Rad I:ter from Thocais Car!jl tad Mrs. C&rlrlo. With Portrjl- - Uco. Clott. gilt top ILTlx -- Wcjt TJzri" ! Cr'r. cUr 01. Tit tn:4c x.' t: to fkr. is W.X. :l. t5t Icwa na-- f, 4oi i ritji u Ls.'i Ai.tu- Ivu fsrtat.r k ucr-r- r Tin! (.rt.r ct Car.f t litzjk iyjLt.Zi - ir, it Tt cPcn (1M0 Crr ent tte f jtz.jkt s &; ti - Tritut tfc fl Tit tutnaui Alt i.c-- to Cy; i rkiu ti.t Cjj: tvi "the mtri cf Weitw Fttt;sr jre li ccntt3r i t t: m tt ilULr Lk- - it ctctt c cyeArr itt tr t& i,7j. :& rir4y Ufz. rru .3 Crr) 1 ft'i. v tu ii n ttt.i; n i ;..iJ t e tt u i t d tw td.st i tu r try -- wr u iAj lttr: i.C i UI. JU'itltfL. .Vata. JaJTiaJI' Iw-- ; r -- V.CI.CC Ivr cfrrC" t UltrMflCf 1 ft MtlTlt. ist U t inylt kt t tt &3opt1 t t sr.r trkvzrz t.S yri ti,t ah tit Lju-h- '-t . -- i tt . t hntr p i:'l , .ttit.a.r rf sa r icr'ti ot Irr let kz.'. cf lit 7tirirr rt ic ir H acit;i i.rtra.t cr -- C7 loi tj- it.t n i Tzn ti tt 4.;t -- ' 'w;rty, it,, (,; (.ttm: j i!i ' . Ijjj. fit i. - nya;- - :HftK tt it ire c r Mintt ftit--- f i.tt .;-f,- ;t xa.i .V. Uk THE JEW AT HOME. Lj Jn-- a ffl'.h catsr3 !!!:-tra-.- ir!'-Aatbor- . 12.ro. t.o: Ihvx Ttl. I". -t 1itf-t- sf ta t . ' a.l il"l fl I It- - ,tMli bi i litx.rr Atitr i a ) i t Y. a-- i ar. 'tea it: lt roi.it.; i . n,i t. a l J Jtl tn.lt '. a,.a Itll r"im ll. i l.ltr.1 ' lis t a: on !.r. HcTl"a . af ! l a.. ac r tai it 'i ast'tfUTT'o tf , ai mi tia.'.ttl 1! lit. if ' a ,itc li, .,n ,r i . u t !!tf V st if ! 'fan-Hi- . a ' :ril- - :a;uv.' ' .,. i v: . Men, Mines, and Ani- mals in South Africa. Br Lor! i.iMLHi -- . Ciiv, . VTM Tor- - j tft.1. ur-flv- i Iitutr& n 33 i. Jiap. fc c.ib, - I At. l ''i n-- 9'iit. ts l tr i .it roLitto j rr.-- t abi t- -i 'j e ttt.i t Cut 6 W.E. t,l f 4 ' ttt III IE t t .41 - le fcivt- .kL't t1 J iDti:e - in ; .fFa.ti . - ,ctrf.t2 j tVLtrr.; ' ir rue vats' r; t- tZ,kt.tT rt,l H til 'fcf iCk 'rcj -i Attn I.- - r c i 3i:AH Z.t a;? t- -t tt ,l tf tcutcc-fa- .; iciit ttLt J t . li t t tn ' t"fav;4 j i ync . tit p - D. APPLETON cl CO., i a. j.- - ' oD rretET stw Togt 'n"K'JC iriuct iwattraaiic.ai.l'xaa K.il3. I f'ixia at, rtzxiltaxct QCc'lixasi "t FaLCH ACXllfXT. ti.1 malaar, .w Vna. atait (Xti ULfixct ta li-l- l) 1X.I-.- HARPER'S MAGAZINE 1 FOR JUNE. j,: Tho special literary foaturo of j , tho Juno Number is Mr. James Edbsell Lowell's paper on j THE OLO ENGLISH DRAMATISTS, lj introductory to a series of pnpcja i , which will run through tho year': on Marlo-o- , Webster, Chapman, - Benumont and Fletcher, Massingor tf' and Ford. They ropresent tho latest and mntarest critical thought of this distinguished writer op a subject which had been treated "by Lamb, tho most sympathetic, of j critics ; by Ilazlitt, one of tho most ponetrativo ; by Coleridge, tho most w intuitivp." f Tho opening article, of curious' f f interest, is br Dr. Chaeixs Walo- - 4 . STEEt on I i FUNERAL ORATIONS IN STONE AND WORD. M Tho immediato occasion of the 3 articlo ia the recent discovory, in ? l excavations on thoAcropolis, of a I remarkable slab with a bas-reli- ef of " Tho Mourning Athene," an en- - H graring of which serves as frontis-- "Jj l piece of tho Number. ? A The number is strongly Ameri- - i can. Excepting Baron Vox KtJHK'fl 4 jj article on the j t AUSTRO-HUNGARIA- N ARMY, jj admirably illustrated by T. de ib! Thtlsthce, all tho contributions A aro from American writers. The j3 same predominant American inter- - x n est attaches to most of the subjocts treated. J THE BIRTHPLACE OF M COMMODORE HULL, ; by Miss Jake De Forest Sheltos, ? - is an interesting article from its $ a association with the great naval st 5j hero of 1S12, whose portrait is 1 21 given a full-pag- e engraving from j a tho iamting by GiLDEnr Stcaet. .it Mr. Geobge AY. Ix.j.'ce tella the & story of t KENTUCKY'S ADMISSION TO THE jf UNION 'ja one hundred years ago ; Mr. Julian U.1 Ralph chaiacterizes, in a bright 'rl and comprehensive summary, tho 'A peculiarities and reaouice3 of 4li MONTANA, M one of the group of States just ad-- jjj mitted ; and Mr. CouirTEXAT De .j K-V- contributes an interesting &p. description of the Social and In- - "- -f condition of M, EASTERN PERU, with illustrations .jj In addition to the articles al- - ?f lealy mentioned, a .story by $$ Svrau Orxe Je'vett, entitled - 4l DECORATION DAY, 1 has a national and atnotic inter- - Ca est Another short story, "1 ' FROM LEOPOLD'S WINDOW, M is contributed by Miss Katimbixe K Pe.uikx Wood.-- -, th1 author of ;:Tj "Metzc-rott- , Shoemaker." II Mr. Howells's novtl, J THE WORLD OF CHANCE, . Jjl is continued, and Miss AVileixs's - fJ first novel, 'ji JANE FIELD, enters upon an excimi'' etae ot ,& its dramatic development. jS PTI' BAROUETTE, f by Wiuj.of McLnxX'.v, with illus- - trations by R.:mr:T, concludes the series of C'ana iiun Habitant fi Sketches ' One of the iis: b autiful of the ,S illustrated articlo-- is ft A HONEY-DE- W PICNIC, by V.'ij i.i .ii Hamilton G:i v, illus-- 8 tra'.ed bv the author. The Fifth Bart of 1'. V Millet's DANUBE SERIES, 1 1 From the Biac-- Forf-s- t to the Black I S.'3, brings its readers into ho iJB picturesquo region of lionmania. ilfl To tliis jToat variety of enter- - fl taininj,' natter i aJl.d tLe Ldi- - tor's Jltsy Chair, by 'J?'r:oE AVlL- - LUX ( i ri- -; the Editor ""ta 'y, by , Ch.u.: IJL'ulev Va.i.:.i... the i)m Kditc-- j Dfawr, in'rodtm? 1 byotio H c.'Tr vB 'ori"- - ; f nd the Literary Notes by 3sl L.t,i.E:.( Hcvros. wU FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERSi Subscription. $-- r a year. , itz;' 'ft io a i t t'a UnlZti SH 5"3-"- '. Ola-- l t. "Ji M'-tU- jMsH-T-t and .!.. fl . ,:4i-- l f rcrltt .Vt - V't'l'Xa. &&. y , I a ri, ' mj ii cvtftUj '. P'a'ir thiixtid In H tf t .flj f v itiU jfi'. KLicj Orltr or . I lira M n nl tune ti-- ipe-- l atix.rxpjlaoi " I lU i.Vi. .ilfc t'W- rurr. Arc ' HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. 1 m BALTv-O- n May 18. 1S9X 1 EUalord. Ceaa. a,toB ta Xr. as4 Mrs. ratnek Daly. JOEU-- ta Lyaaa X. T. May 14. lMt, a oaaia ft U n. a sat So;LU Dtaa iaL SET MorH,-Bo- ra en May 10. at Xerrwart, Cram, a r-- n ta Mr. asd Xra Jeta Seymoar cf rraaiUa ar. TA Y I.OK.-- On May IT, SU at Ton CntstarK T. a soa to Vr. aal Mi. rt4. J. Taylor. WILLIAM8.-O- 1 May IS. at Xcrtralx. Cats,a aca to Mr. aad Mrs. T. K. WUUama at Catalan it 3vr.fi. Tm t m 1 . Xy 18. at vrLda-aet- tj tt" u, pastor. Us BtTB. r. Mr. CaarU X. EiiSj to MUr Sarah B Sun-aki- JOM-BOWER9- .-'n StaBtrd. Tcaa en May lt.S j tte Her. Xr. XcLroi. Eicacd C Xoc c Ht.Sri to Xtu Stfli Bsrui c Eajt Lccf Meadoa-- . LOUalli UAfcltO.V-lnUarUont- Xiy IS. 1S8X ty tit IUt asaas W. Sradla, arcllbai O.Xjrxaats sal Xlia Ei A BuKa dasihUr cf It lala Dr. D. lUctea. aJ cf UartfoiC Coria. o'i,i. b y riJ.rv.Ai.-i- a wmrttrn xr 1 ?. nii. at ft o'ci A. M al ti CSiirta cf ita Ira. raieaiai Ccnctrtlea. ty ta r. I attar Mulca-ar- Daiet CUary ta KUs llacora SsTh aa. KASlMllCl.tr-VA.- N' NOSTKA.-- at Jtw-bstit- .V T. Xay 13. Jaata A. Y. taniaU Is XIm f tau't Cartlotr vaa ItMtraai, dacfStViof ia lai Jetn 3. Vaa oi:rand of Broottyn and a- - Tort, ty tit Rt. Join XantaU Cte. rc r cf lit Chtrea ct Ite Ct-- S sleyatrd. WTK ACIIA snT.-f- s tth lru. by tai Bar. yttr rarstr. Mary M.Ktat u tcUrt W.auactiaa. it tola ctiEti city. IKACT-JOM- ,-I ftaffftl. Cean.. May IX lS,S.ky tat Err. Xr XctaM. Walur It Tiaty c Macttriur t XUi Mary E. Jean ct fctaacrd. Ccaa.. Dim. ACHr.BUAV.-C- -3 Xay la. ISM. at BaJ.nUla. X j. Xary L. WLIII.!. wlfa of Wltlua M. Atttf cas yrtoij a- - Icrlted t attd tit ttatral from I Ut rtutcca ca nahse ''- -. Bttnn, X. 1, wb &aaay aTicrsoon at 8 odMt latrracnt as Moset r.aaat Onetery. Kir.(l.-- Oa TacnJay, lia tstt, afTtr a ttrnc( Lazttt. Jt;l AOert :o st th Uli Jota S.anl Xary alfto. Tritnit aad rtlatlves ara tBilted te arual U fatral tron Ctrt Ca:t. Eit-i- ., haw Tort city, en SAttreiy. Il. taau. at 1 r X. ASiri.N M AI.U-- Ob mday. Xay M. at J.rtfy cay. XLtos aaiof oorr aiplawma, aftd&ccstta ard-dar- cticcd rtaeratttrtafur. Intrtt at Ktv Totk Ei.y AThI.fOX.-C- U My 3X 18JI. at 'f-tt- y City. K. .' stary atltoos. ifU nari it! Vcctt't. Tritn U ar iutt:-- to atttcd tt fra frc-- s& raa- - idtcce cf tt U HuciJ en eucday liitrccc: al S o clock. AVIJVJA.-.mTSir4- ay. May l?.lSi2.atya-Barcr- , Coc: tiCDl li.lclcocx.viUe cf SatIcI Atfsr. A2 B4 Ir.tzU Art rtj.ltnrt. Mj Uoa-AT- at, ca CAIsnlay a'ttrtico at 3c ccr, BiKU)H.-- Ci Wtiataday. MAy 16. 1?: at 0 ficiiia av, Xcr.ies. Cjul. lieiry T B- -. Aftl M yrt. yr.tcti at tsT!:- -l to atlral the r:trAl fro li Ittct. SO ecu it.is SAtcruy afur- - a.c a 2 c ct-:f- c. ni'.iri l.r. 'jt r.:.Tdir. XaylS- - a: Wtii:-- ;, r. IiCr- f- 3;I. BI.t.UfCN. C13 TatT-lAy- . Xat1 A! IlAr.!-- l. Coia.. Utrry V arvd tl ja.-- . rn'cti a- - to Attnd tit r.trAl fras tit U:t rtndBC. V2 Ntw at, cl Satsrday .iL il oo cl-- tl. lntt:.t-.-i.- : i,.z Crsit Cteliry. BIOU 1.1 03 rttrj-lAy- . Mat Z KCat CoJit- - ru. f2irBiAB B.Ct a?td Cl -- . yrltnt Ara tsvltd w att-s- d ttc tta lata rtttltnc cb Saicx-A- y antrroo ai 2o'c!ocX BKI...NA.N.On XAylS. ISti a: Ectnta. . J. X lai ar4 72 ytAra. Prrati art lsr;:cl toaittLt :te fsne-- al troz tts U:t rta&d,Bct a: BAMrCte, oa a:?rlAy afuraoeo i:c.-t- . lstcracat At &: rttri cd Cat:ry. ;ri-- y c.iy BEO.N-JO.- ra TiiratAy. Ma; IS l.atfoeta- - tc-- j. Xr a& oU altot tn:ocrAl aal PrrttLTAUrt cf Soatatry In tie tcU.a- - tr- - i IS', tit .aa: oat ltu n.t t& Ntw Hatctl. AJd 70 JCATA. Pradf at tBni-- t.) a:z1 (tit fastral rroat lit Att rttitesce ci pAtrrtay AT:t-nc- n A:2oelck CALLAUA.N.-A.- 1t: a ilcn Itciu r t. a.1a3. at Mi Ut rtdtcc. 27 Xoatroatry ru Iftxtrt cr 11 Joia r JLeni aad fmj art r;c rir lr.rii.- -i to a;icU tit f.c-- csSatl'-A- T Xat:1. atlr X. CAMLET.- -' a Xat 20 1&2. at 22 Bzta.-4- . Wttaa-kB- . J. XATtA Call!-- y. ar-- d 2 ytAr. yrta.i art uv.-o- to ttliti (1 '.zntril fjon ktr ju KWittci. 22BK;tTAr,. WtSakf a, en Sea-da- y AfrSDcn at 1 53 a ctck. aad tit in Fttilj-una- a Cicrti a( 1 tfc-- CAPELU Os Vt'.ztiltr, May 13. Ct;rre Cases, aytd 43 ytAj. yst-A- l Aitt rr.f.J CkarcX corstr 21 ar as! lima tt, y a: 12 o'clock ascs. telA-4T- Ail fr.t-l- A. aezastn cf lA'Ut, M S2. r. and A. X. asl IrasLoa CciaAnierT art lavlt!. rxever. C Aid CrAi Jk. Ia, pA;r ?.tavt CAB.N El . Oa widAy Xay la. at tit cf atr auter. Xn. Ann msr. 264 Tta at, XArrarat CArcty. a catirt cf coacty PtatMlcasatcrdAysio-xxta- t o.o oclock.at St. t.-i-d Cicxcl. ar b Aid wltrt aola eaii si rr?a!tia tra&of!trad for tta rtoa edit mi. biitu aad fnd art rattcaUy Uru4 toatux-d- . launatttatCAlraryCaiDtiary CATTABEKK1 -Oa nrtday. May Ja. XSJ, raldtxly. ora. riit f Ur2 Cattaaarry. TxatrAl f.t ktr Ult rtaldaaca. TaadartW , aa: IToia u. tatirdAy, Xay 2X. at 1 occk T. M. Ir.-t- ij Art innw-- l tt Atuti. COX-C-aM- ay 1 lt2. At Jerwy Oty, .t J.Catlt-r.at- . tit - t TacaajJ. Cor. aJ ttt dA.rittrtI XA.-- y Aii tit Ut Jcta Garrtraa. aftd SvJrtATA. Tr.tL'.t Art tarti! w srttaa tka raatra! frcra Itr Iau rt.deae "S Xcacestb it. ca Aat Su Xaryt E. C. Cxirca al 10clc-ck- . CO"Ei; OaTta-tU- ; Xy 1. 1SJ2. at Mecnon. A . w fw of Cil B.rdJB Cowca. art 1 e yt art 4 rata:i Aal 11 Cata. yrttait Art irv.i i artil tit faura: froas trr Ui rtl.ttact ca rat -- -' Afttrcoca at 2.o clock. OAVK-- Cs rtttt'I XAyie. tt .Vt.au, i. CS.AT e 5. 3 Iir-u- . M'd 2 JtATt 2 tacax Aid 21 dajA alt ar 's a ral lit fxatrtl froaj kit Uxt Htiltact '- - st. k Saturday Aditr E&St At 5 JO - DOW n.-- Ot Mtyia. lf2.ai B1Jj-A;.sr- , Ctxa. Jaaa Iaj lifted dAstxrd. Afrl it jtara. 1'r.ia.i art !r1td t artal tit faatrai fras Itr iutro tta t 1 Ext: '.TaaS-in- aa at. CaiardAy at t jo o 0 k. Ait lr. i-- Xary a Ctarci At t ccik rcliUin.-- 0 Xaf SX l&Z. at Kta-ark- X. I. Ot-- rt Ekeru u td M ytxra. Jiitala art iai..l w attred tit fsatral froai tit rt.du cf tJ tasiitr in-- 204 1SU ar, ca TctadAf ferttoca. Xty 24. at t edict, atfl frwa f. Xa-- B.C ctk. rENTO..-"aPl-iar-t'li''- rt-t lUrtford. C.aa. liAti rata afd7 jtAra. 7nial "t lar rl t Atvttt laa fcxtral frcta Ita ust r,.fta-- . - Ertad 05 afurta. HtltKI n.TNN.--Atrf.-- 5rt llyst. tea of baaitl aol fjuMttf raa.a;rJ20ytartaalSiattaa. yraa:t jria! t atlaal lit faatrA. froas tit r- -. ja ti ! jrx.ti.M liudtca tt, fatar-ia- r ( noa ai a SO c c- -k. Aid fun su ftitr's Ctckat e'e-r- fk. wltrt t-- n taaax Ji U ti ft: ris..-O- a Tairslay. XAy lb lfrM. al HcUkta. . 3 . flcsAi J. ttt cf Jotrr. aal tat la it Cor-- t:i I .ta. 42 jtara. raata. trcra ku lata rti.ltac. 23 lot st, JUtla. d- - satarlty fra. aa. It ttt wtarl-aic- f Ctat Cauckat lOCclco. kt a n.,ai txAxt ct rHkitea vis ta tetrad for Ik rt-t- tt cf kU test, Inurtatet al Carrary CtotUry. rol.f-A- . --'- s Siy 1 la A trxr City, X.J, Mary That- - " ' lft r-- af 1 M ytars aad Ptatt'lL yntaft a: laTtsadto atir.d lit ftttial frtaktr j.lt r -- tat, tTSO-a- ti it, ca Ssaday afttn.w lja. cic. CttaOT.-- ot TatralAT raeratB. May l. iavl.at ktr ui rttaa.ca. 1U Eaal SCt at. Calittn Crady ti Ulotad wtft ' Crady Pcacra. saiirdAriaeTBia May 21. at!0)oclock iaM s.krE'i Ckaret. Eaat 2 u txltnarnt IB fAliAry ttiatttry Tfcr itlaiint aad frwalaU lit tr"l arc lariltd It x'.'.tLd. ekrnE.-- Oa tkt Ifta Uat, M Mraaalyav Barsaaa Oattt, aftd at ytata aad 4 nulki Prltads ar larlttd loaiund tnt fuDtral oafantay antra 000 at 3 o'clock from tee Ttmai laraal Ckarcb. Lafaytiu ar. aai Bedford ar. Uttrmat at Sa,ra rttlda nATKIlK. C'n May IB. ISM. at Jitwark. !. J. tlortar E. Ilalrick. artd 20 ytara. rrttadt at lartttd to attend tl frota ker latt rttidtnea. 27BoatB aU. on Saurday noon at 13 ovlwk. RECKKRT.-O- n Tanrsay. Mxy 1. 18!X at B Marry it, Xtriitn. Ccaa, Mra. a areata Utcktrt, atd 0 ytara, rrltndt art tntiud to attend tit fcntral frea ker UU reatdesc. 6 MBtry lU aa Ealsrday n at 4 o'eock. aad from St. Joka't Lalaaraa Ciaiel at 4 SO o'clock. Al'K!iON,-- Of t&eaaotla, al Glea Clrrt. Tatra- - day. lrtt taiu boala B. Jackson, In bit 2frta ytar. raaerai at St. Faars Centra. Glen Cora. Sob. Car. 32d loit. at 2 o'clock P. M. r.eUllTti aad tntadaart tanic-- to attend. Camafu wU rat-t-t train .tartar tn- - Xaland aty at 10 A. X. A&Jrtw dole tea. J.Jctepatat Etta aytd SO yeart. rrendi Are larlted la attend tit taneral rrca ker latt rttideaet. 211 Filnnoost ar. oa Ssalay afer- - cooxi. Xay 22. at 3 o'civck. XatertaaBt at raza&aat Ctatury. Kr.ll.llACK.-0- -l TSirilAy. May 19. at New Britain. Cora. Anton CeUkack. laterntat al rAtfnw Catery. LATOItur.-1- n Brcoklyn. May IP Artair. trfaai son cf Jca-t- a aad Lla'tit Latorre. Aftd 2 maatlx aad Id dayi lYietdi ar lnrtted to attend it fatrl fria tt retldeact .f axreati. 409 Hizt-- n at. ca fatarday fcra.nAt 20ocy;k. tatcraaeal At LnnMAN.-OnMay- lT lt-- At 3'VT ty. X J. AdcIL G. XjekcaAn. rd32 ytai aad 11 raatat. rntadi art Invited to Attend tit tr rerAlfrca Ita laurtalteacc&iCo-er- d it,ca fautixr. m21jt, ai 6 o clork A. M, aad fr.a St Jcua 1 (.Alb'-ll- CLirca at Iatreat at Carrary Or lattery, I.OX1.-C- B Mcnlay. Xay 1 1I at Jer-- y City. J. Edvardd Let.? artdlSytAn rnendt ar Inrited to attend tit faaeral from kit Iau rcaUtaoe. 15 12ta tt, oa tortnooa at lOo dock aadtroa ru LU-la- 1 EoxAaCalboUl Cls-- c at 10 3Jo clock. L4I.NGXF. Ki lfiv? at in twark tt. Ectokta. PUixb.an Fneads are tartied to attend tit f merit frora ker late raaldenc. IStfi evark it. on &ar.day at 12UJ 0 clck, aad frca' limy lat.&ctnta Clarta at 1 oclck. Z,TatAN.-O- a Ttanlay. Mxy . lja. at lUBri-taacl- a it.. Xtrldca. Conn. Xra. W. W. Eytaxa. d 7 year. Frwada ar Invited ta atuad tl fiaeral fraa aer Uie rrtidtaca, IK Erltxaau a:, ca SxtcrdAy at 2 afALONt, CaTacraday.Mayl? Ifoi. AnnXaloa. belted wlf cf rntrick Xjuoat, ar-'- d L yean. raaerai froa ktr lata rea.dcact, to: Eckfo-- d rt. Gretc;ccaU aa Sa&CUr. Xty 22. at 2.SQ o c.w-a- . to ti. Aaia,ayCkarca. Manlxsua at. Solemn llfl aaxia. Xoadxy taoratar. al So clock. BlAtlTeanl tneada are Innted to attend. Inumeat la Cxlrary Xaf ker aaal rat la aAy. JaIlI.I.EB.-- At 434 Eaat 1C:1 it. Xary MOr. be- loved vift cf Henry XHer. are! 27 yeAra. raaTAi ratarday. MAy 21, at 2 P. X. MOltnil.1.. Oa TtandAy Xat i at piaabary. Cera, at tl tc.e cf ker Aa.-'- Xra. S, X. Toaat XrA Sajxn A. Xcr-t- J. axei 74 yexn yneada ae tartitd 10 xneal ttt fsnerAi from ttt retidenw tf ker dtarlie- - Xrx. a. X. Tcaar. ci 6x crdAy Afternoon a; 2 c.c.ck SfOKUIa.-O- a Xat 20 la2. CkAr W. Xorrt-ac- rtd 24 jexre. PetatiTee Asl fneadi et at ku fxta.r a reileace. 22dWeat Mtb it, oaS.dayat TI X. JJOXT.-- Oa Xay 19. 12. at Po- -t CkMter. X. T, r.Mia Q.. vit cf tie u ccoasa Xo't. Ir.eafa e lamtl . faaerel oa tt rat4ace cf Xjj Horta, cT;f W.ra Aai urciA ca f day xdte-a- o n a: 2 3j o cl:k. MfKPnT 03 Kxy 1? 1SS2. A. .a-l- . Anna Xcr,-l- y dxcl:tr cf ;S xad Aaa X:r?ly aftd 1 rA.- - ynealtA-- e Iaril--- I to a'leal tie faaeral fron tte retj'tae cf br jAreatx.en rjdta at. ca SxitrdxT fcr-- at v o'el ek JleDONAI.I) --On Xat 20 1..2. al CxTtaJTrtod. Jjtzic !.aa1 :. Jwt-r- a KctwUa.d. act: cf jAsea 7. aai Xatj aed 1 year Aad xa',atla fneaca atb ravt-e-d ! e fca-r- al froa 11 ret.lta- - cf Lu aar-at- a. 41 IiAac:k at, tn; ItJid dy. en SatdAy. XAy 22 At 3 P X iaar OKT(lJnEK.-O- a yrtday. Xay21 Al.SewaaTer, Conn, Ona-;l- e aft-- 1 rJ yeara. TVeail are tcrtled toal-eoltf- faa-r- frca tte ret.cecce cf ala faller. 1 pltrr-if- ll toart. ca Sax- - Cay a'lTrxooa a: 25 tlk trc -- u Xary i Clard. a: 5 o cick. OTKA.MIEB.-- !: 3 oa lie i?- - Ineu- - wi a Jala aca cf .Ia- -- t ait-- 1 1 yta- - aai 3 Prltcdi are lart-e- to Aileal te f.aerA. fr-- a tit raidtac of tie ;arata. 117 2f . ca SxiardAr Afteraoca ai 2ocloc at 1 Pl.rK EY. Oa frlAy. Xat :o :c,2. a: Ita retv dta't 144 Wet 7ntb it, Ste;tea h. Iackaey. la tie tl year c ata axe tt,ee cf faaeral lertAfter. rtBcri.1 Ca Xay 20. . al ( N J. y try . Je cf tie Ute "jab ce . Pnetsi at- - BTllef to tl- - faa -- a. fra !; ix-- e rea 4ee-e- . 17 T aa. a X atxy . At b o clc-c- And tr.u tit ti'u.'i a: - o co'k. UAKO- .- alaa-alay.X- IS. l'ti a: Ca.ctl Clare salo, wt cf Ixaitao A.tl - Jtx-- &lice of faeerAl lertafter. 6CIII.MA.. On Xxy IS. I.-- . at Ora-f- e . J. Xa-- y A Etalraaa. axrd 7S Pnada art lar-.tt- to atteal tie faat-- a, tit Itr dxaflter. IsO u, llu f'teac-- a At o clock. SCILLI Alter UI rettiB-- , 4S Wi-t- li it, Cxilenae A, tiif tf LZrir-- fee y atrldAari.cr cf tie J" Peter Clatca. Bit O.NO.-O- a Xxy Is "i.C at ."tlcy C ty J. Edvard eaxaaoa, wed 54 yeAra. Pneadl Art .ari:l to Allai tte an- - fr-- n tta Ixtereiideare, lac NerAra at. Hca- - aca. ca Saa Jay afttraocn at 2 o c 8IEBER.-- & Taara.ay. Xay 1 CaarAJei axder i earr. aed J.3 yexn faaeral froa kj U:t rendeaee. Gatteatrtrr trcrar rraaka ar. aad lat u- - X J. en Xay 22, nirt 8INCLE Y. On Tasraday Xay IP at 244 Ttrk it, JeltyCty. Ca;u hxaael ty, eed70 teara. lateraeat at St. Ix- - Xc BTAru.-Salfea.- y. liy Xay 20 arf 1 yetra-tvlvi- a w aiaiartoa ljorrd tea of faaal aad tl Uie 3. Sla.l rsctrala-rtice- a ai tit rrftdeact cf nil ia;:ler. SS Exl 7ita it. taadty, Xay 22, at iu x. X. STEELE.-- Oa rrtfAT. Xay 20. J.atb CcBrtuc TLare. rjt cf Tket;kux B. rvee'a and daaxttvr cf S. Leaaard Tlerla"-- la tit Slit year cf ktr art. Paa-r- at (rriee aai tateracnt at TVuttaiirTt, Px, ca Xctdxy tlttd-diait- . tSTJ.'v EN-.-- Oo Xay 1, 182, at Brockiyn. Xra. Crar'lc Mertax yxatrx, fr.a Cract Clarca, neti it. Brockly. at 2 P X. ca sxtarday. tie 2IH ;aiL TEVE"ON". Oa Wrdatxdax, Xar 1. 1S12. At Br'ifeto-i- . Ccaa. Jakn Stertat-- a P. T Bxraaa'a coxckaxai ard dl itar. fntadt ar luniad ta attend tit faae-- friaklt Uie roi.dtace. 24l Ilarral at. oa rAiarf ay fo-- t z.'x,a at 4 c'CvCk. aal frxu Sc AC4tBt Caarck at y t c-- KT. d Ultra. On tkartday, Xay 11 at Rsa Vary. Ccaa.. Baltn SU Jtr, da.nter cf ,rt3 ru J. la. idle- - ab aaeaa tf 14 tetki rr.eafi a- jjTHtl to aiusd lit faaeral frca tit rtx-lta-ce f ker t ttltr. uaa. cc S.tar-Ca- after-.o-.- -j at 2 Cc-- Bl'lUVA..-- x Pr.cay. May . 142, at UArl ford. C if.tt Satxa. xjid 3 jtara. raaerai yr vale. XWaTUatxl.-a.a- y J J xi t'a acne aie Brijl'ca. Stxua:xaad.Ed'ArdTryferf. a,ed Myeari. tra xt A aaja. IrtUal. mux rtaixy a; 2 P. X. yt n.N VI A.N.N.-- cx Xay 1. al Jeraty City. Jo;b 1te.aA.t, jcxri JraiLllt xa; tcajx rr.tala art jaiitel to atteas tit faaeral frca U ji in leaf, ltd rut it. ct S.atay af.erav-- c ai i Sxck'.x. ;atraaiat at i Tia tay Ceuttary. ' WKiTonTH,-'- a Tlaredxy. Xay li..xt Hart fcri a, Coatt- -' w .t, alftif ej-.- t E WtalTt.-.- l. a,- -' 71 yeAra. yritattart iarfed txtuaj til ftaerid frsa 13 EttrtAtAT cxSaurCay ad .era eta at ltaa-- I tTxJilON.-O- a May 1 u Lyca r.x aa. v t.:;rr Cca,IxxlUA.dAlitrcdJ. i aalcArr. V u.ci, Atd : jtxrt xad tacatkL Pr--t Jl xrt invited ts Atleid tie f:Btra. 'ra Here , deac cf ktr art at at lyta j rtalXA. ca faiardaj artt-x'c- xt 2o c

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · THE STTN. SAtPRDAV, MAY tl, .Ifltt. II LIVE WASHINGTON TOPICS. jiif uimi i: it iiiimt: tttn r.isst.n is i:ir .. hk It Carrlta Onl, honl i.OOO l.e TWaa

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · THE STTN. SAtPRDAV, MAY tl, .Ifltt. II LIVE WASHINGTON TOPICS. jiif uimi i: it iiiimt: tttn r.isst.n is i:ir .. hk It Carrlta Onl, honl i.OOO l.e TWaa


jiif uimi i: it iiiimt: tttn r.isst.nis i:ir .. hk

It Carrlta Onl, honl i.OOO l.e TWaa

Ike lleute ntll -- lIMrn' lltr Oar

loM llffeatta ltt or tVc BtMil ofTbor Ilfmccr.it T ao otcd Again!latitat r the Na.Tr Tata Ilouae HUH

Urrl!ln: illh the Kiiaarr Clill mil.tcrrlarr Tratr l'rt" 1C "

li. Kill lraartrri"tte RaTTaoa MtaHaa

ui U- - N" ITeparliaeat Kpart oa taa1 lonnrc" cf It tVoHrf'a Fair.

WiBi,!'87 s. 3I.it SO. Tho Fennto to-d-

ji-- t -- i th.i t: TtT an 1 Urbor Mil. Prertous toit .I'-i- ;! i'r- - llalofltep.. Ma.) enlltJ atten-tion m tho Iftct that th contract clauioa ctt'i- - t' i MdJ future Coiirrejo hand aJ1 : m ntrwtsreiulrlti appropriations ofSj.slViy.auJ Democratic Senators

. hiil otpOM.il the Increase of U.a cavrvrh nc silent now that theio tcl! xV.o-- i iTera blnc lnpesl upon thetvr-i- H reminded then tlal ther mould

tc: r. '--t i' N ntli to point to tlie exr

IWj se Icon rendered nffesstrr t7l..i II ftjd that the finit-

e: 're a Jew Jersey IMr. McPhcrtonl vheaIt c ill notion resterdar to cut down tl.etlJ k i ". haJ no mora tdx of It

jjjjvl than he had, of te'c tranl&tcd- - Itay a r.a-- o lifutua fulnen-ncthl- nc more.

th MVil bill, he would ask the erk to read n:'.--' m that (treat culde. ph!loorhec. and

fr.etJ f tho Democratic partr Indira con by.U-.-- e. J. Ti.dea. written frora Ms retirementi: GreTitoae la lfi

Mr Turple iDem.. Ind.1 wsr'.r declared hiswhether In order or o.t of order.

toilve a i relic to that letter before it wo3rea'-M-r.

Hale. decliad to rieM or-t- the- letter had Lean re-a- and Mr. Turple. with

its: dir.lculrr. was persuaded hj the Chair to

Ihe lrk then rd Mr. Tailen' n

letter to the tpeAker of the House ofIii!rr-ritati- es uron our de'encelesa

acd hrtxirn. la the dl'cussion whichfsllowt-- J Mr. Mel'hersoa leferrel to the

1H7 arn! th manner la which Mr. Tll-de- a

was defra-d- d out of th Presidency withC eonat of ti'tJnc ftatea-.ea- .

Mr. HjIc rrl!ed that the Deraoeratle partybad the otprtuclty of assise the Anericanivople to taat wrt.a tnl bad do- -dlaedu doiL

Mr. t Dra.. Mo.1 said thi stitcraent waaa illocic--i an! t.aole- - as the ret of theKlsMs 'flnriifj rhetore. Ir. iildeawrou tj tfa tireinaaii tcaiention that hetowed to the uui of uod and could cot beLVlr candidate.

Mr t defended theccjtract Tateci,anaMr. Fry added that at least tea millions of do!larsuuu.dLe saved br ti.9 bdoptlon of thisDliS.

Mr. Ha that he was csi attak-lnsih- e-- rteni ue.nly wished to follow the

ciamil' ol on the ether side audtsk i.ere 1 l e soaej to coaie from ?

5lre,'.-'- l? mon-- can t easily raisedlcr thl jn4 a! the other appropriation bills.

I Mr. Hale- -r Senator dcs not te.!ve.then, w.th th cator fom Texas (Mr. M!listhat w are en the eve of fcankruptcy and neeiia rceivr.

Mr. Vrot faid he NjlievM w were on tbeTe of a deficiency, and he could refe- - to thediftinsui'hed senator fron Ohio IMr. Sher-cac'i- p

'urrortof tnatview.ilr. Mil!tber3 Tex.) defended Us state-

ment that the GoTt?rn.er-- t could not pay itsdLU. acd. there'o.-i- . r! backrtpt. Houotd the reports of Ik Eecrrtary of theTreAsury to show this, and also referredto a reject admission of tie Senatorfrom - Mr. lisar In a de-bate oa aprr.rn&tioc th&ttr.e

as tan.ruptt already. Mr. Millsarted that the exptnd.ture for th mainte-nance of th waterways were a asthc-- for icy other otject. and be lor L.ce pre-lerr-

to srnd what mney we had is ta:way rather tta- -. in tuildinc war f hip.TheMliwas thja pa.ed without a division

and wa- - nt to conference. Messr. 'ryf.Do'ph and r.aas 3 b!GCapr-olnt- : Crnfrreestn thf fjrt of h rft. The bill carriesctly atout fZrJ.'w less than the Souse till.

The House tolav made better pre cress withthe fcuudary Civil HU. Mr. Dijkrrson iDecu.Ky.1 rcade ttI ncsuee'sful attempts tostrike out or reduc-- j the appropriations for the.Cbichamauca ami Chattanucra National Mil-itary ParL. Orcrtwobjjrs were t indt-cuiini- ra

point of order raised ty Mr. KitcorwiDen. Tex. aealist the propc-se-- i sele-tio- a ofa site forasutue of OeruFuerman la Wash-lnirto- n.

This cave rise to ratriotiesri-i-chc- s.

Sir. Breckinridge Ivj.. Ky. hT-c- tneHouse would waive all thnieality and rulaand pass the caurf in the bi.- - The HouseeoulJ not to refuse such a i ropermemorial. There were monuments In Wash-ington toother famous military leaders. V.hycot to Sherman, who had made his nam

the annals of American hlrtory?lie help! Lit to surrender and be deserres aruonument. Applaus-- ! Thre was sorrethir.i:beyrd a iiueloa of rd- -r in this motir.somethirii: above th dlrifljn3 r partT. WWere ciUzijcs of thicrat repatlic.and -- h"ulddohonortoth sanhohadsave.iii Atp'.jusc.,Alove pvliti were the r --osienty and cl ry cfour common co-nt- ry. He 5temi his-- lffortunate that he rerreser.tc4 a district, wbusemincM bittetr.e" ard c! jry in that pat liadnow only ir.tnc!l frionlhlp and ljvoforourglnnous country. Aprluse.j

The Ccair decided the r'Iat of ordr welltaken aid the paraersth was roi out TheHouse tba took a res until 8 o'clock lorthe consld traaoa of rni.ta tehsioa bills.

The of the House Committeeon Appropriations which inveftleiited the

s of the World's Fair submittedthIr report to ih House this afternoon. ThetepTt compliment the manaee-- s of the lairen thel'w.r. t)Ilng it "a worthy tritutetothe s aid enterprise of the wonderfulcity cf the Northwest." The estimated Incomeof th rair that H. U. HIcsinbotham fiaanc alagent, cave to tb conmitwe was Jj5.VJf'.:jS5:eijea-lit-re-

. i'J2.47u.ll3. The committeemake the following- - eaticatea- - Keeeipts.

expenditure. iiy3iau. Up toMay 1. KsJ.t..e cccraitte eftiraate the ils

ct Jlu7tXi.llj; expesdlturea. 15.- -t,'4'-,Jl-

The cor-mlt-fe recommend that the Derart-ne- nt

of Toreicn ACal'S shouli be abolishedand it d.t.e dltcbarced under direction ofthe rtr-"to- r GceraL . U officials on the lfcalUrd by the I'citeJ btatea, toeetberwlth'l.i-'- a f departments.thou i L- -: to fxed t. a year.and t Ste.Cl Charces oflavomism u lerJne of oonxracuwer madebut not siiti fnei.

The eomrn'ttee :n ccaelnslon expree" with-out th-- !r c -- tdccj la tha atsured(uecso of tas x:tion.

The rots la the Hou! yesterday asalasttheI EUtid amesdment tott Sundry Civil 11J U' recarded as the ead ' the f.--t t..Tt.-ccina-

I aaoiemect .a ttotre.-- : iti - Tve- - theI Ire coirac Iead- - r i ti t, , Jthat tfc UUad am.n K,.- -t e- - - i i r lt2l'?'': & tt..-&- t T ;v u -- . -- mw-.iI.-rtanlnsthe unijEi ' .VLthjrdsofve L.M...VJ- -, t11t,':

tot toU .r, -- r, :v u, iCjachanjeofrriDMr-.- - --, ' I t oflt. .iujermea. It merely tr ' r v r.J c ty Jadro.ute-e.- j j ' fr-'r- V'tenalned cot tomke t esi.te ', - "V uIssue at tie present t(- -

The Hois Cmmitt - I't:J r-- .i - I

,trv-J-r re;te4 we i 1 t i; . " .JUJ ter month to Mar-'-rr- , ; H.Vw lorkcnthu erut.d that Ur-- i nt J. .lUle-- J to the Pctjon Bureau fn itLt'.za. '

fet aj Xlrokea ck.Holtoik. May Ott-- Dr. S. A. Mi.-.cn- y, as.

e!ste-- l by Dra. Crp-nt- er. Enijhu.and Wittered, yesterday eetthe broktr. ttf Mrs. Mry A. Wiiliamf, 70 years oil thedU!oat-- d her ceck by a fall ca las: fiturdiyIt &3 sut ;ose--i at the time that she f .' '. ,,

H ctira few mlnctfai.aad no doctor i i.r..J pn.; i n Tues.'isy lit. Mahstvywa ,, !

I Is a- - 1 u cistajatloa was held. The trird3 cem-i- i rtebra was dislocated, and the f.e1 icrfo. r tbocnt there was a flight ,l:i- - ofI rcclar the dislocation. TheyI I'-.Ii--i xr- - hri into place, and Mrs.

Mlhams is aMet coveher heaj. iad t.dsfairtorwt'.ver

A Ctrl GaJllr "t Hoa4 Itecrre AlurJrr.-

Ei-- o, . Md, JUy ia-nar- riet Fmi'J:. a 1.ftut.i ectore-- i e''-w-as ccavlcled beret- -day if murder la the second decree. r.eKJ n- -j her father, Ti.oc-.a-a emith. aboutto t. itfcs ac by tuttlsc aiaecla la the tea- -tvt i.l to kill her brother HtztT.'r'v- - rjf-fo- d to a4coniayhertoafaii.Jt IS. wat the only Us drtaker In aeracily a, fcappe:l tbatherfitherttTUxbt. j t --l lile tra that day, aai driik it btlurtI -- i am home.

I " - InglVi aftaMtrttilI ,ur lni rJQ.-Ormv- itm Whtu ofreeerraj orders from1 iT resterjfay to ieari. fr Kew Orlraca. a JwltcJxclvrtl5 0'cIocUiijrj.trciiii

.ir noons.

Itrlrr Biewa f Imaartaat a4 latcreetlagw l"aalleatloaa.

The word "Donnellona." the title of axol-tim- e

concerning Mr. Icnatlus Donnelly II. J.tcl.ulte K Ca. Chicagol. la to divided on thecover as to (tlve the book the appearancs ofbelie a hpanlsh novel. Ones the volume Isopened, however. Its complete and profoundAmerican character become" Immediately ap-

parent "Donneliana" Is made up of asketch, the work of Dr. Eyerett W.

1'ish. and of numerous etlsrammatla extractsfrom Mr. Donnelly's poetical and prose writ-In- s.

It Is not easy to determine whether thebiographical rait should or should not bepleasing t j the subject of It-- We are ratherinclined to suspect that It should nob Illsstrong work In Ita way. and certainly In thepoint ct Quantity the Doctor has affordeslenough to indicate his willingness to serveMr. Donnelly to the llmlta of natural eadur-anc- o

and of the ink bottle: still, if it shouldwe r be our fortune to have a biographer, weshould prefer to have one who would refrainfrom faylrc of any person's malignity, even ofan enemy's, that "It had about it theingrained flavor cf the tomahawk acdthe scalping knito." Mr. Donnelly him-

self Is capable of strong phrases, aswhen he remarks of a gentleman camelKing. " Ther sits tho oophltlc Bill King. withhis tall over his tack, surrounded by the un-approachable atmosphere of his own

reputation:" but he Is always care-ful about the integrity cf bis metaphor, so faras we hao n able to discover. This boo!:,however, certvlnlr serves the main purpose cfr biography la making us acquainted, with acrest deal concerning Mr. Donnelly. It tellsof hi ancestor, of bis lmmedfate family, ofhis work at the law and at journalism, of hislecturccf his labors la politics. IncludingAlliance politic, of his books about man be-fore the deluge, about the prehistoric Icedrifts, aid about the Shakespeare crypto-crai- a.

and of bis battles with 111 King acdthe numberless other oppressors like him.The biography lathe reootd of an active andhopeful life, and the poetical and pro ex-

tracts are vtdecce of a generous, a prolifican Inquisitive, a fanciful, acd a sentimentalmind.

The poetry of Mr. Budyard Kipling recom-mends itcelf because, for oce thing, it takesthe trouble nearly always to tell an Interestingstory, aad because, for another thing. It hasplenty of phrases which are odd and strong.It Is swinging and reckless, and that Is rathera good Quality In potry much better therethan la criticism, whither Mr-- Kipling occa-sionally ventures to cirry It "Ballads andBarrack Rood Ballads' (Macmillan A Co.)contains thoo of thU writer's verses whichare already familiar, and a cumber which arenew. h'olody should miss the poem called"The Gift of the StV'in this collection, andit may well be that such a ballad as " Tomlln-son- "

will serve to placate tcy Americans whohave ten offended by some of Mr. Kipling's re-

cent utterances, for it indicates that the pothas found people at home in Hcgland who arequit as disagreeable as those respcasitle fortho abominations dUcovored by him 1c thiscommunity. It is reaunng to know that" the naked soul cf Tomlinsoc' which " grewwhite as a bone" under the quss- -tioningof st Peter, aad which was denit-dev-n

in that place where, the poet iaiorms u. theinmates are packed "three oa a eH." be-

longed ia Its previous ftate to a geatlemaawho dwelt in Berkeley so.uur. London.

A story of travel of much more than t!-- In-

terest that ordinarily attaches to tortes of thekind may I found fa "A Girl's Winter In In-

dia." by Mary Thorn Carpenter Anson P. F.nnnd'lph A Co.'. The writer bar a f lmpl ai ieasy style that goes far to make her narrativeinteresting, acd she has. moreover, ca intui- -

live understanding of what it i worth wfcil

todrsenbe acd of the proportion of interestattaching to the various experiences of atraveller. Sne is fortunate in the sens whicheealles hr to keep ucne-re-sar- y lines outof hex picture-.- , and t create Irccreoionsdeftly acd with small apparent pains: and herreaders, moreover, are fortunate for the samereason. This very acceptable narrative isin the forra of letters which begin iaKarles and carry us through the

the sucr Canal, and all aboutIndia. It instructs us considerably, whileevkieg no rretensions of so doing. Thoughal.gbt picture, it is still within its limits a faith-ful one, and it has. moreover, the great ad-

vantage of being such a picture as is maleupon a mind in health and blcsed with over-Cowi-

cheerfulaes. When Miss Carpenfr jheard the story of a Hindu ia southern Indiawho was f eec to bovr down to thctombof aaEnglish General and make an offering ofbrandy and soda before it she. was moved tomake a cote of the circumstance. We are cladthat she was. It is the spirit indicated insuch an Inclination which zcakirstcr book easyto real

The humor which concerns itself with acoEn and a cadaver is apt to be abominable,and it is abominable in Mr. Bret HartVs story." Coknel Ftarbottle's aieut" the first acd themost considerable In a volume of tales by thisauthor (Hocchton. MICia ACaL Without thisgreat offence, and aavinc an unfortunate lapseinto a quite impossible kind of seatimectalheroics- following closely upon It tils wouldbe a fine story. It opens in charming style acdends in a vision of hashish. The other tales arelighter acd if for no other reason than that

they omit offensive features better. "At PiceGearing School "Is a characteristically goodstory, acd the tame may be said cf a numberof the others.

It is hardly remarkable that a writer cf theproclivities of Mr. Edgar Ealtus should be at-

tracted br such a subject as the luxuriousvices of the Bomans under the lav r emperors.HU book. "Imr-eria- l Purple" (Morrill. Hlg-gtn- s

& Co.. Chicago), is a series of sketchessetting forth in high Eclrus colors the splen-dors and the tlgbjlnks abominations of dis-

tinguished Soman society from the time ofOssar to the time when the barbarians cameIn and ejected what Mr. Eaitus calls "theagony." Of courw the author remembersMessalina and Paustine and the rice for whichthey stand, and dwells upon them with con-

siderable particularity: acd it mut la fair-ness ba siid. too. that he reprehends ths wikk-edce-

of these ladies after he has sufficientlystated It To any oce who recalls the lan-

guage la "Mary Magdalene." the dicticcia"Imperial Purple" will seem to be a littlechastened. It remains, however, character-istic We recogaUe our old fneai " frenetic"end though "vertiginously" seems to have

ta dexortd and a complete cheek has beenput upoa the "hemorrhage of the settingsun." we fled stiU that Caar was "wellgroomed." and that is a suSckct evidence cfthe old familiar hand.

Cf the skill and charm which tb Bt.ward E. Hal is arustoaed to put into hisfariss there U hardly teed to t Etcttcviel reader Is aware of them, "cytfl Enox:c Hvme Again" (CaiseUPubllshlasCorapAny)

' . tie story cfaa American widow who return' U m seven-yea- r sojourn la Europe to be d- -i

' :Ui w.th tie fruit and tho plumbing af-- 1

i:iri in her native ccsotry and to carry-- ei.natttecor.clasJoaof thelovk. Asprigat- -

.J.'elartallettle- -.'. second

ty).'.-- . Clark bell President of th4'ewTorkMeJico-Leg- Eode'r. Is published by tl.eaut-.i- r in a lirnittd ciitisn of COO copies. It isreals us of aidres&es delivered by Mr. B!Ibefcrs th society, and Is embellished withnumerous prtra.t. It Is dedicated to Mr.David Dudley F.t J.

"It Came to Pass." ty Marr Parley SanbornfXe Sbepard. Boston). U aa American novel.cleverly written, viith aa agreeable humor,contain::- - a p.easant love story, acd takingnot of billiards, baseball, and ptbsr mattersthat lctataat Bcartonlan and American InEaaaraX,

"Oa the Rack." by William C. Hudson (Cas-aa-U

PmUiailnr Ootapaay. U a story ewtticrforth and ultimately elucHatisr a Kw Tcrkpo'ice mystery. It is an ingerJous story, toldwithout vtiblvcc and interciUaa to read.

From tho Casse! Oompaay hare also"Helen Brent M-- D a Social Study," anotherAmerican tale, by an anonymous author, and"The Sinner's Comedy." a slory by John Oli-

ver Hobt-e- . both Issued la the "Unknownlibrary."

Of other flctloa newly published we note"The Yellow fcnake." by W. It. Bishcp. and "AMember of Tattersalls." by Hawley Smart(Lovell Cnnrell A Co.): "All for Jack." by JuleeOaretie (Rand. McNally A Co.): "Canova.the Courier." by David Fkaats Foster (J. aOgllvie; -- Wrongs to Bights." by Charlotte B.

Van Woglom in. n. Lounsburyt and "A Win-

dow In Thrums," by J. M. Barrle, and My

Guardian." br Ada Cambridge (M.J.Ivers A


"Walden's Stove Trade Directory forl8f2-r- rI publlhd by C C Walden A Co.

"Meteorology: the Weather Map aad theBain Maker." Is an essay br Mr. Isaae P.Note, published In pamphlet form (Joseph IPearson. Washington).

cr.ctt.iA cncncitiLL's Aorzxivniz.

There .Ire Brnlaea ta Iter Hack aad Arm,aa & Bay boni On Birwaa liar.

Cecilia Churchill, the daughtergIB. J. Churchill, who wandereJ away fromher home at Hall place and 167tb street aboutnoon on Wedneday. and was found W milesbeyi-n- d Sew Rochelle by the police of thatplace, was brought home last night br herfather.

the is a small child, with a round chubbyface, and a defect In hor speeoli which makesher loath to Ulk. Her ndentures frightenedher t a Jly. and her parents have not yet learnedbow she get so far from home. The shortestwar she could have walkd to Sew Bochelle isat leat twolve miles. She had gone cut topkkwild Cower, and at night when she didcot r turn thirty or more persons scouredthe woods with lanterns, feht was traceda far as Wen Chester Tillage. Fhe had teenseen in West Farms with her hands full ofwild flowirs. and had discarded the Cowrrs(crastick when she reached West Chcjjt-r-.

At It o'clock on Wediedr clpht the SewRochelle police found the child. Ihev karceJwho she was from the newi ar-e- SIantlirthey had sent the child to the almshousa laEAMvlew. near Tarrytown.

When she reached the a'mshous the at-tendants discovered a bruise on her left armand another oa her tack. Her hand wasscratched alo. and after much qcestioilristhe child said same one had struck her. ThlIs the only thing which Indicates that she fe'linto evil handi on hr Journey, and thesmarke may be th result of a fait (.edna sfather Is a naiufacturer of gas and electri;Slxtures at liU est Twenty-t.'t- h street


Ttie rropov Oppoaltloa to Cea. ThomasBora ol MalrrlalLra.

The members cf the Stockholders' Ccmmit-tc- e

have cot yet formulated the suggestionswhich they will make to the meeting to beheld cext Mccday afternoon of the stock-holder, of the I.ichmocd ted Wett PointTerminal Company.

With so many chvt.es of secuntie to b dealtwith the talk of allottias the burd-- n to beborne Dy tho-- e to which it I cf paramountimportance that the system shouli be main-tained in its entirety, is ncce'sar.ly a d.racultone. Each class has to b cciidrd sprate-Ir- .

Th se that w uld be tceSted by fure-cl'-n-rs

cannot t ask-- o make Sicri2s.coae,u-n:'- y acy cntnbu'i ns that arecece-Mr- y a.ust t-- as keJ of thnvjthatWiU b- -

jia-- 1 ut-o- n a b:t-- r footing by advances forwhiih there vrUrroba,r to tfivea a sentywhich In ''me wiU sho" a f ir margin .fprofit to th holder

Soth?u;htof f t"i componntof the sytem has and

no -- uch suggestion wil1 te m.de ia the reportc the comm'tte- -. With redacts flxei chargeand :t-- 2 ttt.nc d't for. friend-o- fthe thsybave a ir.Tptro.sfutur t'or-th"m- .

it i proposed to .iir.aicsreaie t) e riebracadTrra bsU l.ichmoC'l ani bnUMiie. aci Licor- -

c Pac 3" -- "'way m'oor.e r nany. nu is-- 1

fuv a cwO toci for th lil.hcKUdT"n.Ini. . eol!atral trus 5. and to smextent the prferre-- i stock. The terms oawh eh thecomEtrte wil! surgpst thvt theei hinges shall be msde hae not benat .lutely dtermlct Th- -

cempaay will have control of tne East Tennes-see, k ircinia and Georgia, and Georgia Cen-tral Iuiilways throuch it--, majtnty ownershipof the stocks of these companie.

The meetins of Rockhoide-- - orp"vl toGt-n- . Thorns was to hav t,ea hdd yefterdy.

On!ythr jrfour r- -r ni"d to theca!i for a emetine at the o2e of Messrs. JohnBiof-igoo- -i A Co. ystr4ay tlurcc-3- c of stock- -ho'dT oppos to iiea. Ijmt mthe day tins mceticc wis cj.fci a cnf-r-sc- vof a !tv 'ecuniy h'-l- ni .: to-- "i.'l tt ata c wi.l reaijy t h Id on Monday orTces-ia- or some other day of next week.

llallroaa ote.A Chicago Grand Jury has indlte-- i a numVr

of railrui t.ekt "okf r- -. or ecUr-r- s.' '. rviolation of the law ethers thanachorir- - sz. nt fraur d tsll tx-k-

J"h n-- v! Tru-- t r.psny ha treucht asuit .a cnlcago similar i. oce nlcd ic tti city

it: . foreel n '. a mcrtrace offlf.r"M.iocth prTryof thC"-ltd;tat-s

lio'-in- sto-- k C mp-an- eerttfl- -

cati lor tlfA'J-'- J navn btec isuud by thereceiver.

At a metine yet"rday tf ofthe Reorganiration Commute of the aa An-tonio and 'Kansas P3Baliroad Companyand of bondholder, who had cot accepter theterms of the ilan a settlemant was reachedwhich will ecabl th cominittee to proceedwith the reorganization.

31A ill i: 1 Tt LLIGEXCE.

wzruTtx AUtiiiZ --n rTEzzrtitt ST f cc iu . 7 lStmrf. JOS

e;rnt. : sa ccr.iiu. smidoiu es,

Arrl-r.- t.r. w XL

S EoS Htsiiycrr.S4 La rtii rtcirt. Aanrf- -s fcsrier.lr ftUTKo. bmr. Hasttr.s C3c;-ti- r. cxr ri Cr.ix.e c;r:tt ECU. tu Tto.b AlLrrU TenelMS. buw(LfClrfekr.Cictcr Ctar'rtlB.r cuutaoGt.t. It&xrtiu a -- "-

rt Xactiai-t- t. i&c. Lita.m Zitiz.c&l- - Jtzz.tr. wft rstat, Ta.tt VALCk. Kl.lt7V Crtu--

M'.t Kl-.- r I3U.Elx.t. HU1Sin -i . r,.ii tuirt.

-t SU17 '. Ifi. f:fa. Brrrta-1--,t r . knij l"y. ft;-- !

4Xtrrs3 err.s r.tj til Brir fra Tt. . OjMtron.f y Irtt-- r a lcri. II bi. --.outM atfv.n x'f-j- frjc t vpi: at Lcbrrr-ra4i&s- t.

TTM-trrc- a eVr4 tJUJciA.r E.S4 L y frv3 st Vert, t: Kh&ili.MlHtft U.17. .--. .Hta- - T.tj. it

Miur nxrd roit-- o nrrtfClye viir u .4. Ires Iiirurcr' tcrt1111$ rxcw rir--.

fs ttri. fr.a tnz to T.C173 tTHmUlTt

xtiu r r.-- -,nrr . . . s a. ms.tir.nt. u.itr.-- . - . V. ivimf rt -: . ...Hi.l J ii r. MIlia-ctrtiii- rit. ... tiji K)i"U.yu.i.iuc."t.-;iru..- .. K'i)A.y isy.iijjuu- 11 ) 1. v 1 !-- yOniS. Clccelt 12j)A.lt IlCOP X.

IlfOA.X. lor.x.j. tirtiyr. 11 i" i-- X. 1 j r. H.tzn.tr. nzx:a.i. i;k. 2r x.CtUtiS. P.J6JSiTO ;,Of uwiKi-tjis-. ui. . iior j;fru. hict-cr- r iiiftr. x.luwcir nnttAi. !uirrcei.ii'nMt . ... kL01I1U1.1. r O.tuu EtAr'v'Lfui.)!' vnm Swftx.Rat'atKi. F.iti.ii , . . J'OP yCKKt,Cilf-i- J tJMt X.

, l-- ilj

Mriit. ojj. ... ... a., 4rufu,.k., . . oj(tur. . . .. Kir 2Tiera-a- t .lUr-t-r V.y 4c Li.. OA . . Klrl:

? .. . --Ipfti'-tr Xa, eKlAUtl .ltt X.7 --.L Icrxra.U. . . Ji.ii. .. ... H4VUOItaJ. . Hisrt-j-1- - . ,X7 1 aKUKl-- a Ilt Xiofnal:3 . ttrer itti 11C!tyt.ttt . UTev4. iMVw.tr- -i .. .Usli .. . . ntJ. j

h,Soil, Jtt ti.AtuVa. , ,.,..LlMri . MrJttn Uwr-f- A. j 1

EXJJll .... Lci.C'.t , KkrOrm... arEbCa. X.rl.irnin, . b.srtu . Xxywmir, Xh It

fUtrtfXttrxlt. GlAU-J-- . ,. VyJSCite . .. .turr:. rljC.IJCf ItHAitl ...lAIit XaJ--

;- - ruj) x, nin. ..atir,- - xrN,vT.rf .... (, . Uav 17

A- -f UxbiL m . tjrx-- svm. a--, :s.

CttyctrrJ , .Llriri S.rlSIrlCAri. , . jkt3Kru& ... . aylEblc t . .... XyllULai'.:; ).!.. , ,, , yrllCATkrt XbfvAna. . Xtylfsk-- 4 v tA4aA. .... Xr:ilUlb. ...... . KIT 17

gtttSJtfUf gtltft," Afceoiwleljr arrt ttaia. tw rnloftL llto Dry. WUr as.XccaS. 110 Boarry. m iptuif t

nrraorrfla. A yMMa ear f pftra. .Crafti aa QaiauaU Co, llu futoa it. Nw Tora. '

Kralih A Aaella'.tlMlry U nrtrae tneoraaa U:s allUa BataiU at ropiuar pnce

lr. I.TMa rrSJW rwrj wWmbs,ttwtiiatlprllthraath. Mc.

KBlrSa. ta unarora. far aiOO.1ySUiurataty yrt- - eo ana U BroaWay.

prnal 31tmrts."""" t"'in.xl BI N IIAVI.0 HUUH

. arfuleal'en -- tt. -- PSJWV itRVlrT .ECjVnlrareiae-k- rt ORX Ujll,tt' l xtapu w aat ty d'XsrU 2tc a

MxlI.niTVIHBHllKuIyntti'ii PiiEEk a 1' al2 aaUaAX rtatat rrvvld xa c .r.

lilXiL-Cvx.- oB t l;revrai lieu.3,rir S'ubliratiaas.

IPITI" - Xadxsat IrAfty-- i nUre --


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Why not buy the Best?

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The U. S. Govt buys itTeachers of cookery and

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2lrtr gubltatioiMt



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Icoaipiotlii'T his Great llutorical eerie," France and Enclaiid la Korth America.")2 vol... cVO.Clotli. 55.M.Wttl xt cf tie P.a. of f rrttalttr daJa yt

Ktcuna ar 1 1 Ualtla 1742, 173, Heft of U;alA,U.. va 174.. .

Mr. Pari-ma- n 5 Other Votkj.Cons lracy of I'ontlHr. 2 vols.. 8vo, $5.00.llic tjre;on trull. 1 vol., evo, f 1X0.

" Frsr.ce Rd Ecglaa. la Hcrtli AEirtcj," lb,Plonper of France tn the New World.

6ro. J2 .The JttulU in North America. Jro. tiXO.La frulle aria the Discovery of Uie Great

West. Kvo. $20.The Old Itegime In Canada Cnder tiouls

XIV.Count Fruntenac and New Franc Un-

der IjuU XIV. Svo, S2J0.Montcalut and olfn. 2 v ols Sro, W.P0.

Tho romplet') sit. 12 vols., So, Uoth,$3QM; liAlf calf. t4.w.AJiTUUIi O'LEAIir, IIIS WAS.


By CHARLES LKVEH, with 10 platesby CKUIiGi; C'KL'IICSIxAMC Crownevo. Clota, rrilt top. $2J0.Tl a li tne n- - utae In tit ckcJee Ulnary Ettrhm cf

Le-- er a X.i.la-- y fko xaeea PTT;oaelT pattitidi-- IhE CO.rr-5tO- Of ILAP.aT LOaSEULEB. avol, JiCO. HAM.E0-XA1XET. THE lalaU MtwCOv" 2 im. to Oj. ray Uiaatrxted wita ttcilaia.Ac.


2 vols , Svo. cloth. $5.0).

NEW NOVELS.THE DEIU6E. An Historical Bo-man- ce

of Poland, Sweden, andPaussia. A sequel to "With Fireand Sword." By Hekp.te Sien-kie'stic- z.

Translated by JeremiahCiirtin. 2 vols., crown Svo., clothS3.00.

WITH Flr.E AND SW03D. An HistoricalHomance of Poland and Jlussia.B3'He.rtk Siieixwicz. Trans-lated by Jeremiah Curtin. 1 voL,crown Svo, cioth, $2.00.

A WOMAN OF SHAWMUT. A story of oldColonial tim-s- . Bv Edhtjxd J.C'ABrcTEr-- Illustrated by F. T.Ms-mi- l. lCmo. cloth, cilt top,

CARIhE. A STORY OF SWEDEN. By LouisIIxacxt. "i itlt numerous illus-trations by Louis K. Harlow.lGmo, cloth, gilt top, $1.25.

THE BLUD UUSiGIAN. By VLiDnai.Korolk.i:o. With illustrationsbv E. H. Garrett. lCmo, cloth,gilt top, $1.23.

TALES OF THREE CENTURIES. By Mich-ael Translated fromthe I.uian by Jeremiah Curtin.12nio, clctli, $1.00.


Xe-- a Libran- - LMition. 40 yoIs.,12mo, cloth," pilt top, $00 00.

THE RCirSASCES OF VICTOR HUGO, 12 vols.,12mo, cloth, gilt top, $1S.OO.

LITTLE, BROWN &C0., Publishers254 Washington St., Boston.



In -- Wottoa ne.ntrf Carlyle' onlrtar in Cttloc: the "Excuraioa (Fctilo

t I'aris"; Rad I:ter fromThocais Car!jl tad Mrs. C&rlrlo. WithPortrjl- - Uco. Clott. gilt top ILTlx

-- Wcjt TJzri" ! Cr'r. cUr 01. Tit

tn:4c x.' t: to fkr. is W.X.:l. t5t Icwa na-- f, 4oi i ritji u Ls.'i Ai.tu-

Ivu fsrtat.r k ucr-r- r Tin! (.rt.r ct Car.f tlitzjk iyjLt.Zi - ir, it Tt cPcn (1M0 Crrent tte f jtz.jkt s &; ti - Tritut tfc flTit tutnaui Alt i.c-- to Cy; i rkiu ti.t Cjj: tvi

"the mtri cf Weitw Fttt;sr jre li ccntt3ri t t: m tt ilULr Lk- - it ctctt c

cyeArr itt tr t& i,7j. :& rir4yUfz. rru .3 Crr) 1

ft'i. v tu ii n ttt.i; n i ;..iJ t e ttu i t d tw td.st i tu r try -- wr u iAjlttr: i.C i UI. JU'itltfL. .Vata. JaJTiaJI'Iw-- ; r

-- V.CI.CC Ivr cfrrC" t UltrMflCf 1 ft MtlTlt.ist U t inylt kt t tt &3opt1 t tsr.r trkvzrz t.S yri ti,t ah titLju-h- '-t . -- i tt . t hntr pi:'l , .ttit.a.r rf sa r icr'ti ot Irrlet kz.'. cf lit 7tirirr rt ic ir H acit;ii.rtra.t cr -- C7 loi tj- it.t n i Tzn titt 4.;t -- ' 'w;rty, it,, (,; (.ttm: j i!i ' .Ijjj. fit i.- nya;- - :HftK tt it ire c r Minttftit--- f i.tt .;-f,- ;t xa.i .V. Uk

THE JEW AT HOME.Lj Jn-- a ffl'.h catsr3 !!!:-tra-.-

ir!'-Aatbor- . 12.ro. t.o: IhvxTtl. I". -t 1itf-t- sf ta t . ' a.l il"l fl I

It- - ,tMli bi i litx.rr Atitr i a ) i t Y. a--

i ar. 'tea it: lt roi.it.; i . n,i t. al J Jtl tn.lt '. a,.a Itll r"im ll. i l.ltr.1 'lis t a: on !.r. HcTl"a . af ! l a..ac r tai it 'i ast'tfUTT'o tf , ai mi tia.'.ttl1! lit. if ' a ,itc li, .,n ,r i . u t !!tfV st if ! 'fan-Hi- . a ' :ril- -

:a;uv.' ' .,. i v: .

Men, Mines, and Ani-mals in South Africa.Br Lor! i.iMLHi --. Ciiv, . VTM Tor- -


tft.1. ur-flv- i Iitutr& n 33 i. Jiap.fc c.ib, -


At. l ''i n-- 9'iit. ts l tr i .itroLitto j rr.-- t abi t- -i 'j ettt.i t Cut 6 W.E. t,l f 4 ' tttIII IE t t .41 - le fcivt- .kL't t1 JiDti:e - in ; .fFa.ti . - ,ctrf.t2 j

tVLtrr.; ' ir rue vats' r; t-

tZ,kt.tT rt,l H til 'fcf iCk 'rcj -iAttn I.- - r c i 3i:AH Z.t a;? t--t tt ,l tftcutcc-fa- .; iciit ttLt

J t . li t t tn ' t"fav;4 j

i ync . tit p -

D. APPLETON cl CO.,i a. j.- - ' oD rretET stw Togt

'n"K'JC iriuct iwattraaiic.ai.l'xaa K.il3.I f'ixia at, rtzxiltaxct QCc'lixasi "t FaLCH

ACXllfXT. ti.1 malaar, .w Vna. atait (XtiULfixct ta li-l- l) 1X.I-.-


Tho special literary foaturo of j,

tho Juno Number is Mr. James

Edbsell Lowell's paper on jTHE OLO ENGLISH DRAMATISTS, lj

introductory to a series of pnpcja i ,

which will run through tho year':on Marlo-o- , Webster, Chapman, -

Benumont and Fletcher, Massingor tf'

and Ford. They ropresent tholatest and mntarest critical thoughtof this distinguished writer op asubject which had been treated "byLamb, tho most sympathetic, of j

critics ; by Ilazlitt, one of tho mostponetrativo ; by Coleridge, tho most w

intuitivp." fTho opening article, of curious' f f

interest, is br Dr. Chaeixs Walo-- 4 .

STEEt on I i



Tho immediato occasion of the 3articlo ia the recent discovory, in ? lexcavations on thoAcropolis, of a I

remarkable slab with a bas-reli- ef

of " Tho Mourning Athene," an en- - Hgraring of which serves as frontis-- "Jj lpiece of tho Number. ? A

The number is strongly Ameri- - ican. Excepting Baron Vox KtJHK'fl 4 jjarticle on the j t

AUSTRO-HUNGARIA- N ARMY, jjadmirably illustrated by T. de ib!Thtlsthce, all tho contributions A

aro from American writers. The j3same predominant American inter--

x nest attaches to most of the subjoctstreated. JTHE BIRTHPLACE OF M

COMMODORE HULL, ;by Miss Jake De Forest Sheltos, ? -

is an interesting article from its $ aassociation with the great naval st 5j

hero of 1S12, whose portrait is 1 21

given a full-pag- e engraving from j atho iamting by GiLDEnr Stcaet. .it

Mr. Geobge AY. Ix.j.'ce tella the &

story of t


one hundred years ago ; Mr. Julian U.1

Ralph chaiacterizes, in a bright 'rland comprehensive summary, tho 'Apeculiarities and reaouice3 of 4li

MONTANA, Mone of the group of States just ad-- jjjmitted ; and Mr. CouirTEXAT De .jK-V- contributes an interesting &p.

description of the Social and In-- "-


condition of M,


with illustrations .jjIn addition to the articles al-- ?f

lealy mentioned, a .story by $$Svrau Orxe Je'vett, entitled - 4l


has a national and atnotic inter- - Caest Another short story, "1


is contributed by Miss Katimbixe K

Pe.uikx Wood.---, th1 author of ;:Tj"Metzc-rott- , Shoemaker." II

Mr. Howells's novtl, JTHE WORLD OF CHANCE, . Jjl

is continued, and Miss AVileixs's - fJfirst novel, 'ji


enters upon an excimi'' etae ot ,&its dramatic development. jS


by Wiuj.of McLnxX'.v, with illus- -

trations by R.:mr:T, concludesthe series of C'ana iiun Habitant fi

Sketches 'One of the iis: b autiful of the ,S

illustrated articlo-- is ft


by V.'ij i.i .ii Hamilton G:i v, illus-- 8

tra'.ed bv the author.The Fifth Bart of 1'. V Millet's

DANUBE SERIES, 1 1From the Biac-- Forf-s- t to the Black IS.'3, brings its readers into ho iJBpicturesquo region of lionmania. ilfl

To tliis jToat variety of enter- - fltaininj,' natter i aJl.d tLe Ldi- -

tor's Jltsy Chair, by 'J?'r:oE AVlL- -LUX ( i ri- -; the Editor ""ta 'y, by ,

Ch.u.: IJL'ulev Va.i.:.i... the i)mKditc-- j Dfawr, in'rodtm? 1 byotio Hc.'Tr vB

'ori"- - ; f nd the Literary Notes by 3slL.t,i.E:.( Hcvros. wU


Subscription. $-- r a year. ,

itz;' 'ft io a i t t'a UnlZti SH5"3-"- '. Ola-- l t. "Ji M'-tU- jMsH-T-t and

.!.. fl . ,:4i-- l f rcrltt .Vt - V't'l'Xa. &&.y

,Ia ri, ' mj ii cvtftUj '. P'a'ir thiixtid In Htf t .flj f v itiU jfi'. KLicj Orltr or . Ilira M n nl tune ti-- ipe-- l atix.rxpjlaoi " IlU i.Vi. .ilfc t'W- rurr. Arc '


BALTv-O-n May 18. 1S9X 1 EUalord. Ceaa. a,toBta Xr. as4 Mrs. ratnek Daly.

JOEU-- ta Lyaaa X. T. May 14. lMt, a oaaia ft Un. a sat So;LU Dtaa iaL

SET MorH,-Bo- ra en May 10. at Xerrwart, Cram, ar--n ta Mr. asd Xra Jeta Seymoar cf rraaiUa ar.

TA Y I.OK.-- On May IT, SU at Ton CntstarK T.a soa to Vr. aal Mi. rt4. J. Taylor.

WILLIAM8.-O- 1 May IS. at Xcrtralx. Cats,a acato Mr. aad Mrs. T. K. WUUama at Catalan it

3vr.fi. Tm tm 1 .Xy 18.

at vrLda-aet- tj tt" u, pastor. Us BtTB. r.Mr. CaarU X. EiiSj to MUr Sarah B Sun-aki-

JOM-BOWER9- .-'n StaBtrd. Tcaa en May

lt.S j tte Her. Xr. XcLroi. Eicacd C Xoc c

Ht.Sri to Xtu Stfli Bsrui c Eajt Lccf Meadoa-- .

LOUalli UAfcltO.V-lnUarUont- Xiy IS. 1S8Xty tit IUt asaas W. Sradla, arcllbai O.Xjrxaats

sal Xlia Ei A BuKa dasihUr cf It lala Dr.D. lUctea. aJ cf UartfoiC Coria.

o'i,i. b y riJ.rv.Ai.-i-a wmrttrn xr 1 ?.

nii. at ft o'ci A. M al ti CSiirta cf ita Ira.raieaiai Ccnctrtlea. ty ta r. I attar Mulca-ar-

Daiet CUary ta KUs llacora SsTh aa.KASlMllCl.tr-VA.- N' NOSTKA.--at Jtw-bstit-

.V T. Xay 13. Jaata A. Y. taniaU Is XImf tau't Cartlotr vaa ItMtraai, dacfStViof ia laiJetn 3. Vaa oi:rand of Broottyn and a-- Tort,ty tit Rt. Join XantaU Cte. rc r cf litChtrea ct Ite Ct-- S sleyatrd.

WTK ACIIA snT.-f-s tth lru. by tai Bar.yttr rarstr. Mary M.Ktat u tcUrt W.auactiaa.it tola ctiEti city.

IKACT-JOM- ,-I ftaffftl. Cean.. May IXlS,S.ky tat Err. Xr XctaM. Walur It Tiaty c

Macttriur t XUi Mary E. Jean ct fctaacrd. Ccaa..

Dim.ACHr.BUAV.-C- -3 Xay la. ISM. at BaJ.nUla. X

j. Xary L. WLIII.!. wlfa of Wltlua M. Atttfcas

yrtoij a- - Icrlted t attd tit ttatral from IUt rtutcca ca nahse ''--. Bttnn, X. 1, wb

&aaay aTicrsoon at 8 odMt latrracnt as

Moset r.aaat Onetery.Kir.(l.-- Oa TacnJay, lia tstt, afTtr a ttrnc(

Lazttt. Jt;l AOert :o st th Uli Jota S.anlXary alfto.

Tritnit aad rtlatlves ara tBilted te arual Ufatral tron Ctrt Ca:t. Eit-i- ., haw Tortcity, en SAttreiy. Il. taau. at 1 r X.

ASiri.N M AI.U--Ob mday. Xay M. at J.rtfy cay.XLtos aaiof oorr aiplawma,aftd&ccstta ard-dar-

cticcd rtaeratttrtafur. Intrtt at Ktv TotkEi.y

AThI.fOX.-C-U My 3X 18JI. at 'f-tt- y City. K.

.' stary atltoos. ifU nari it! Vcctt't.Tritn U ar iutt:-- to atttcd tt fra frc-- s& raa- -

idtcce cf tt U HuciJ en eucdayliitrccc: al S o clock.

AVIJVJA.-.mTSir4- ay. May l?.lSi2.atya-Barcr- ,

Coc: tiCDl li.lclcocx.viUe cf SatIcI Atfsr.A2 B4

Ir.tzU Artrtj.ltnrt. Mj Uoa-AT- at, ca CAIsnlay a'ttrticoat 3 c ccr,

BiKU)H.-- Ci Wtiataday. MAy 16. 1?: at 0

ficiiia av, Xcr.ies. Cjul. lieiry T B- -. AftlM yrt.

yr.tcti at tsT!:- -l to atlral the r:trAl fro liIttct. SO ecu it.is SAtcruy afur--

a.c a 2 c ct-:f- c.

ni'.iri l.r. 'jt r.:.Tdir. XaylS- - a: Wtii:-- ;, r.

IiCr- f- 3;I.BI.t.UfCN. C13 TatT-lAy- . Xat1 A! IlAr.!-- l.

Coia.. Utrry V arvd tl ja.--.

rn'cti a- - to Attnd tit r.trAl fras titU:t rtndBC. V2 Ntw at, cl Satsrday

.iL il o o cl-- tl. lntt:.t-.-i.- : i,.z CrsitCteliry.

BIOU 1.1 03 rttrj-lAy- . Mat Z KCat CoJit- -

ru. f2irBiAB B.Ct a?td Cl -- .

yrltnt Ara tsvltd w att-s- d ttc tta latartttltnc cb Saicx-A- y antrroo ai 2o'c!ocX

BKI...NA.N.On XAylS. ISti a: Ectnta. . J.X lai ar4 72 ytAra.

Prrati art lsr;:cl toaittLt :te fsne-- al troz ttsU:t rta&d,Bct a: BAMrCte, oa a:?rlAy afuraoeoi:c.-t- . lstcracat At &: rttri cd Cat:ry.

;ri-- y c.iyBEO.N-JO.- ra TiiratAy. Ma; IS l.atfoeta- -

tc-- j. Xr a& oU altot tn:ocrAlaal PrrttLTAUrt cf Soatatry In tie tcU.a- -

tr- - i IS', tit .aa: oat ltu n.t t& Ntw Hatctl.AJd 70 JCATA.

Pradf at tBni-- t.) a:z1 (tit fastral rroat litAtt rttitesce ci pAtrrtay AT:t-nc- n A:2oelck

CALLAUA.N.-A.- 1t: a ilcn Itciu rt. a.1a3. at Mi Ut rtdtcc. 27 Xoatroatry ru

Iftxtrt cr 11 Joia r JLeni aad fmjart r;c rir lr.rii.- -i to a;icU tit

f.c-- csSatl'-A-T Xat:1. atlr X.CAMLET.--' a Xat 20 1&2. at 22 Bzta.-4-.

Wttaa-kB- . J. XATtA Call!-- y. ar-- d 2 ytAr.yrta.i art uv.-o- to ttliti (1 '.zntril fjon ktrju KWittci. 22BK;tTAr,. WtSakf a, en Sea-da- y

AfrSDcn at 1 53 a ctck. aad tit in Fttilj-una- a

Cicrti a( 1 tfc--

CAPELU Os Vt'.ztiltr, May 13. Ct;rre Cases,aytd 43 ytAj.

yst-A- l Aitt rr.f.J CkarcXcorstr 21 ar as! lima tt, y a: 12 o'clockascs. telA-4T- Ail fr.t-l- A. aezastn cf

lA'Ut, M S2. r. and A. X. asl IrasLoaCciaAnierT art lavlt!. rxever.C Aid CrAi Jk. Ia, pA;r ?.tavt

CAB.N El . Oa widAy Xay la. at titcf atr auter. Xn. Ann msr. 264 Tta at, XArraratCArcty. a catirt cf coacty

PtatMlcasatcrdAysio-xxta- t o.o oclock.at St.t.-i-d Cicxcl. ar b Aid wltrt aolaeaii si rr?a!tia tra&of!trad for tta rtoa editmi. biitu aad fnd art rattcaUy Uru4toatux-d- . launatttatCAlraryCaiDtiary

CATTABEKK1 -Oa nrtday. May Ja. XSJ,raldtxly. ora. riit f Ur2 Cattaaarry.

TxatrAl f.t ktr Ult rtaldaaca. TaadartW ,aa: IToia u. tatirdAy, Xay 2X. at 1 occk T. M.Ir.-t- ij Art innw--l tt Atuti.

COX-C-aM- ay 1 lt2. At Jerwy Oty, .t J.Catlt-r.at- .tit - t TacaajJ. Cor. aJ ttt

dA.rittrtI XA.-- y Aii tit Ut Jcta Garrtraa. aftdSvJrtATA.

Tr.tL'.t Art tarti! w srttaa tka raatra! frcra ItrIau rt.deae "S Xcacestb it. ca

Aat Su Xaryt E. C. Cxircaal 10clc-ck- .

CO"Ei; OaTta-tU- ; Xy 1. 1SJ2. at Mecnon.A . w fw of Cil B.rdJB Cowca.

art 1 e yt art 4 rata:i Aal 11 Cata.yrttait Art irv.i i artil tit faura: froas trr

Ui rtl.ttact ca rat ---' Afttrcoca at 2.o clock.OAVK--Cs rtttt'I XAyie. tt .Vt.au, i.

CS.AT e 5. 3 Iir-u-. M'd 2 JtATt 2 tacax Aid 21dajA

alt ar 's a ral lit fxatrtl froaj kitUxt Htiltact '- - st. k Saturday AditrE&St At 5 JO -

DOW n.-- Ot Mtyia. lf2.ai B1Jj-A;.sr-,

Ctxa. Jaaa Iaj lifted dAstxrd. Afrl itjtara.

1'r.ia.i art !r1td t artal tit faatrai fras Itriutro tta t 1 Ext: '.TaaS-in- aa at. CaiardAy att jo o 0 k. Ait lr. i-- Xary a Ctarci At tccik

rcliUin.-- 0 Xaf SX l&Z. at Kta-ark- X. I.Ot-- rt Ekeru u td M ytxra.

Jiitala art iai..l w attred tit fsatral froai titrt.du cf tJ tasiitr in-- 204 1SU ar, caTctadAf ferttoca. Xty 24. at t edict, atfl frwaf. Xa-- B.C ctk.

rENTO..-"aPl-iar-t'li''- rt-t lUrtford.C.aa. liAti rata afd7 jtAra.

7nial "t lar rl t Atvttt laa fcxtral frcta Itaust r,.fta-- . - Ertad 05 afurta.HtltKI

n.TNN.--Atrf.-- 5rt llyst. tea of baaitl aolfjuMttf raa.a;rJ20ytartaalSiattaa.

yraa:t jria! t atlaal lit faatrA. froas titr- -. ja ti ! jrx.ti.M liudtca tt, fatar-ia- r

( noa ai a SO c c- -k. Aid fun su ftitr'sCtckat e'e-r- fk. wltrt t--n taaax Ji U tift:

ris..-O- a Tairslay. XAy lb lfrM. al HcUkta. .

3 . flcsAi J. ttt cf Jotrr. aal tat la it Cor--

t:i I .ta. 42 jtara.raata. trcra ku lata rti.ltac. 23 lot st,JUtla. d- - satarlty fra. aa. It tttwtarl-aic- f Ctat Cauckat lOCclco. kt an.,ai txAxt ct rHkitea vis ta tetrad for Ik rt-t- tt

cf kU test, Inurtatet al Carrary CtotUry.rol.f-A- . --'- s Siy 1 la A trxr City, X.J,

Mary That- - " ' lft r-- af 1 M ytars aadPtatt'lL

yntaft a: laTtsadto atir.d lit ftttial frtaktrj.lt r -- tat, tTSO-a- ti it, ca Ssaday afttn.wlja. cic.

CttaOT.-- ot TatralAT raeratB. May l. iavl.atktr ui rttaa.ca. 1U Eaal SCt at. CalittnCrady ti Ulotad wtft ' Crady

Pcacra. saiirdAriaeTBia May 21. at!0)oclockiaM s.krE'i Ckaret. Eaat 2 u txltnarnt IB

fAliAry ttiatttry Tfcr itlaiint aad frwalaU littr"l arc lariltd It x'.'.tLd.

ekrnE.-- Oa tkt Ifta Uat, M Mraaalyav BarsaaaOattt, aftd at ytata aad 4 nulki

Prltads ar larlttd loaiund tnt fuDtral oafantayantra 000 at 3 o'clock from tee Ttmai laraalCkarcb. Lafaytiu ar. aai Bedford ar. Uttrmatat Sa,ra rttlda

nATKIlK. C'n May IB. ISM. at Jitwark. !. J.tlortar E. Ilalrick. artd 20 ytara.

rrttadt at lartttd to attend tl frota kerlatt rttidtnea. 27BoatB aU. on Saurday noon at13 ovlwk.

RECKKRT.-O- n Tanrsay. Mxy 1. 18!X at B

Marry it, Xtriitn. Ccaa, Mra. aareata Utcktrt,atd 0 ytara,

rrltndt art tntiud to attend tit fcntral frea kerUU reatdesc. 6 MBtry lU aa Ealsrday n

at 4 o'eock. aad from St. Joka't Lalaaraa Ciaielat 4 SO o'clock.

Al'K!iON,-- Of t&eaaotla, al Glea Clrrt. Tatra- -day. lrtt taiu boala B. Jackson, In bit 2frta ytar.

raaerai at St. Faars Centra. Glen Cora. Sob.Car. 32d loit. at 2 o'clock P. M. r.eUllTti aadtntadaart tanic-- to attend. Camafu wU rat-t-t

train .tartar tn- - Xaland aty at 10 A. X.

A&Jrtw dole tea.J.Jctepatat

Etta aytd SO yeart.rrendi Are larlted la attend tit taneral rrca ker

latt rttideaet. 211 Filnnoost ar. oa Ssalay afer- -

cooxi. Xay 22. at 3 o'civck. XatertaaBt at raza&aatCtatury.

Kr.ll.llACK.-0- -l TSirilAy. May 19. at NewBritain. Cora. Anton CeUkack.

laterntat al rAtfnw Catery.LATOItur.-1- n Brcoklyn. May IP Artair. trfaai

son cf Jca-t- a aad Lla'tit Latorre. Aftd 2 maatlxaad Id dayi

lYietdi ar lnrtted to attend it fatrl fria ttretldeact .f axreati. 409 Hizt-- n at. ca fatardayfcra.nAt 20ocy;k. tatcraaeal At

LnnMAN.-OnMay- lT lt-- At 3'VT ty. X J.AdcIL G. XjekcaAn. rd32 ytai aad 11 raatat.

rntadi art Invited to Attend tit tr rerAlfrca Italaurtalteacc&iCo-er-d it,ca fautixr. m21jt,ai 6 o clork A. M, aad fr.a St Jcua 1

(.Alb'-ll- CLirca at Iatreat at CarraryOr lattery,

I.OX1.-C- B Mcnlay. Xay 1 1I at Jer-- y City.J. Edvardd Let.? artdlSytAn

rnendt ar Inrited to attend tit faaeral from kitIau rcaUtaoe. 15 12ta tt, oa tortnooaat lOo dock aadtroa ru LU-la- 1 EoxAaCalboUlCls-- c at 10 3Jo clock.

L4I.NGXF. Ki lfiv? at in twarktt. Ectokta. PUixb.an

Fneads are tartied to attend tit f merit frora kerlate raaldenc. IStfi evark it. on &ar.day at 12UJ0 clck, aad frca' limy lat.&ctnta Clarta at 1

oclck.Z,TatAN.-O- a Ttanlay. Mxy . lja. at lUBri-taacl- a

it.. Xtrldca. Conn. Xra. W. W. Eytaxa. d

7 year.Frwada ar Invited ta atuad tl fiaeral fraa aer

Uie rrtidtaca, IK Erltxaau a:, ca SxtcrdAyat 2

afALONt, CaTacraday.Mayl? Ifoi. AnnXaloa.belted wlf cf rntrick Xjuoat, ar-'- d L yean.

raaerai froa ktr lata rea.dcact, to: Eckfo-- d rt.Gretc;ccaU aa Sa&CUr. Xty 22. at 2.SQ o c.w-a- . toti. Aaia,ayCkarca. Manlxsua at. Solemn llflaaxia. Xoadxy taoratar. al So clock. BlAtlTeanltneada are Innted to attend. Inumeat la Cxlrary

Xaf ker aaal rat la aAy.JaIlI.I.EB.-- At 434 Eaat 1C:1 it. Xary MOr. be-

loved vift cf Henry XHer. are! 27 yeAra.raaTAi ratarday. MAy 21, at 2 P. X.

MOltnil.1.. Oa TtandAy Xat i at piaabary.Cera, at tl tc.e cf ker Aa.-'- Xra. S, X.Toaat XrA Sajxn A. Xcr-t- J. axei 74 yexn

yneada ae tartitd 10 xneal ttt fsnerAi from tttretidenw tf ker dtarlie- - Xrx. a. X. Tcaar. ci 6xcrdAy Afternoon a; 2 c.c.ck

SfOKUIa.-O- a Xat 20 la2. CkAr W. Xorrt-ac-

rtd 24 jexre.PetatiTee Asl fneadi

et at ku fxta.r a reileace. 22dWeat Mtb it,oaS.dayat TI X.

JJOXT.-- Oa Xay 19. 12. at Po--t CkMter. X. T,r.Mia Q.. vit cf tie u ccoasa Xo't.

Ir.eafa e lamtl . faaerel oa ttrat4ace cf Xjj Horta, cT;f W.ra AaiurciA ca f day xdte-a- o n a: 2 3j o cl:k.

MfKPnT 03 Kxy 1? 1SS2. A. .a-l- . AnnaXcr,-l- y dxcl:tr cf ;S xad Aaa X:r?ly aftd1 rA.--

ynealtA-- e Iaril--- I to a'leal tie faaeral fron tteretj'tae cf br jAreatx.en rjdta at. ca SxitrdxTfcr-- at v o'el ek

JleDONAI.I) --On Xat 20 1..2. al CxTtaJTrtod.Jjtzic !.aa1 :. Jwt-r- a KctwUa.d. act: cf jAsea7. aai Xatj aed 1 year Aad xa',atla

fneaca atb ravt-e-d ! e fca-r- al froa 11

ret.lta- - cf Lu aar-at- a. 41 IiAac:k at, tn;ItJid dy. en SatdAy. XAy 22 At 3 P X iaar

OKT(lJnEK.-O- a yrtday. Xay21 Al.SewaaTer,Conn, Ona-;l- e aft--1 rJ yeara.

TVeail are tcrtled toal-eoltf- faa-r- frca tteret.cecce cf ala faller. 1 pltrr-if- ll toart. ca Sax- -

Cay a'lTrxooa a: 2 5 tlk trc -- u Xary i Clard.a: 5 o cick.

OTKA.MIEB.-- !: 3 oa lie i?- - Ineu- -

wi a Jala aca cf .Ia- -- tait-- 1 1 yta- - aai 3

Prltcdi are lart-e- to Aileal te f.aerA. fr-- a titraidtac of tie ;arata. 117 2f . ca SxiardArAfteraoca ai 2ocloc at 1

Pl.rK EY. Oa frlAy. Xat :o :c,2. a: Ita retvdta't 144 Wet 7ntb it, Ste;tea h. Iackaey. latie tl year c ata axett,ee cf faaeral lertAfter.

rtBcri.1 Ca Xay 20. . al ( N J.y try . Je cf tie Ute "jab ce .

Pnetsi at- - BTllef to tl- - faa -- a. fra !;

ix-- e rea 4ee-e- . 17 T aa. a X atxy .

At b o clc-c- And tr.u tit ti'u.'ia: - o co'k.

UAKO- .- alaa-alay.X- IS. l'ti a:Ca.ctl Clare salo, wt cf Ixaitao A.tl - Jtx--&lice of faeerAl lertafter.

6CIII.MA.. On Xxy IS. I.-- . at Ora-f- e . J.Xa-- y A Etalraaa. axrd 7S

Pnada art lar-.tt- to atteal tie faat-- a, titItr dxaflter. IsO u, llu

f'teac-- a At o clock.SCILLI Alter UI rettiB-- , 4S Wi-t- li it,

Cxilenae A, tiif tf LZrir-- fee y atrldAari.crcf tie J" Peter Clatca.

Bit O.NO.-O- a Xxy Is "i.C at ."tlcy C ty J.Edvard eaxaaoa, wed 54 yeAra.

Pneadl Art .ari:l to Allai tte an- - fr-- n ttaIxtereiideare, lac NerAra at. Hca-- aca. ca Saa Jayafttraocn at 2 o c

8IEBER.-- & Taara.ay. Xay 1 CaarAJeiaxder i earr. aed J.3 yexn

faaeral froa kj U:t rendeaee. Gatteatrtrr trcrarrraaka ar. aad lat u- - X J. en Xay 22,

nirt8INCLE Y. On Tasraday Xay IP at 244 Ttrk it,JeltyCty. Ca;u hxaael ty, eed70 teara.

lateraeat at St. Ix-- XcBTAru.-Salfea.- y. liy Xay 20 arf 1 yetra-tvlvi- a

w aiaiartoa ljorrd tea of faaalaad tl Uie 3. Sla.l

rsctrala-rtice- a ai tit rrftdeact cf nil ia;:ler. SS

Exl 7ita it. taadty, Xay 22, at iu x. X.STEELE.-- Oa rrtfAT. Xay 20. J.atb CcBrtuc

TLare. rjt cf Tket;kux B. rvee'a and daaxttvrcf S. Leaaard Tlerla"-- la tit Slit year cf ktr art.

Paa-r- at (rriee aai tateracnt at TVuttaiirTt, Px,ca Xctdxy tlttd-diait- .

tSTJ.'v EN-.-- Oo Xay 1, 182, at Brockiyn. Xra.Crar'lc Mertax

yxatrx, fr.a Cract Clarca, neti it. Brockly. at2 P X. ca sxtarday. tie 2IH ;aiL

TEVE"ON". Oa Wrdatxdax, Xar 1. 1S12. At

Br'ifeto-i- . Ccaa. Jakn Stertat-- a P. T Bxraaa'acoxckaxai ard dl itar.

fntadt ar luniad ta attend tit faae-- friakltUie roi.dtace. 24l Ilarral at. oa rAiarf ay fo-- tz.'x,a at 4 c'CvCk. aal frxu Sc AC4tBtCaarck at y t c--

KT. d Ultra. On tkartday, Xay 11 at RsaVary. Ccaa.. Baltn SU Jtr, da.nter cf ,rt3ru J. la. idle- - ab aaeaa tf 14 tetki

rr.eafi a- jjTHtl to aiusd lit faaeral frca titrtx-lta-ce f ker t ttltr. uaa. cc S.tar-Ca-

after-.o-.- -j at 2 Cc--

Bl'lUVA..-- x Pr.cay. May . 142, at UArlford. C if.tt Satxa. xjid 3 jtara.

raaerai yr vale.XWaTUatxl.-a.a- y J J xi t'a acne aie Brijl'ca.

Stxua:xaad.Ed'ArdTryferf. a,ed Myeari. traxt A aaja. IrtUal.

mux rtaixy a; 2 P. X.yt n.N VI A.N.N.-- cx Xay 1. al Jeraty City. Jo;b

1te.aA.t, jcxri JraiLllt xa; tcajxrr.tala art jaiitel to atteas tit faaeral frca Uji in leaf, ltd rut it. ct S.atay af.erav-- c ai i

Sxck'.x. ;atraaiat at i Tia tay Ceuttary. '

WKiTonTH,-'- a Tlaredxy. Xay li..xt Hartfcri a, Coatt- -' w .t, alftif ej-.- t

E WtalTt.-.-l. a,--' 71 yeAra.yritattart iarfed txtuaj til ftaerid frsa 13

EttrtAtAT cxSaurCay ad .era eta at ltaa--ItTxJilON.-O- a May 1 u Lyca r.x aa. v t.:;rr

Cca,IxxlUA.dAlitrcdJ. i aalcArr. V u.ci,Atd : jtxrt xad tacatkL

Pr--t Jl xrt invited ts Atleid tie f:Btra. 'ra Here ,

deac cf ktr art at at lyta j rtalXA. ca faiardajartt-x'c- xt 2 o c