8/3/2019 The Student’s Stronghold - Last Will and Testament http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/the-students-stronghold-last-will-and-testament 1/4 The Students Stronghold [Last Will and Testament] By Alexander Ken Libranza ³Through our Journey in High School, we¶ve encountered different kinds of persons and through this we are challenged to adapt and to mingle with different kinds of personalities. I still remember how afraid I was on my first day in this school. I was frightened by the new environment and new faces of people I¶ve seen. Yet, 7 years later, today as I am standing here in  front of all of you, I am still afraid! Afraid to wave my good byes to my alma mater.´  ± Quoted from my Opening Remarks last April 4, 2011 Albert Einstein once said ³Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.´ High School indeed is our path to success. We are all trying to be successful in life and soon we will all get there. What we had in the last four years was a big step towards that future. Our journey in High School, It is the scariest yet the most enjoyable road we had been into. As High School Students, Graduation is our Goal, the reward that we will all receive after years of struggle, sleepless nights of studying and our daily sacrifices of going to school. Right now, we are made worthy to receive the Laurel of Victory. As simple individuals, we are mere students ± encored maybe of the values of our alma mater, but still we are just mere students struggling though life¶s unambiguity and challenges. Yet, even as mere students, we had garnered a lot though out the great four years that we¶ve spent in this institution, and had only one thing can we left behind as we pass towards the portal of our alma mater. I present to you my dear batch mates, parents, our fellow alumni, sisters, and students of Assumpta School of Tagum, the one thing we TEMPRU will bring out to the world ± EXCELLENCE in Leadership, Education, Values and FAITH. People say that leaders are not born; they are made through a process of challenges and work. Leaders of the kind are those that our school needs for it to excel and move forward. This time, our batch had no other that the best leaders that we could offer to the world. The Members of our Supreme Student Council; Daryll James Quidato, Kate Licca Ortiz, Reynaflor Marie Sabugo, Alexis Mae Apurada, Jarra Angelica Pajo, Alexander Ken Libraza, Joanah Ela Lee and Arvy Nadela ± who had shown importance and executed a great service to their beloved Alma Mater and to carry on with them the challenge to serve not only bounded to their school but even to extend to the people of the world. This kind of LEADERSHIP and service is one of the things that we will leave to our beloved alma mater. Cheers!

The Student’s Stronghold - Last Will and Testament

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The Students Stronghold[Last Will and Testament]

By Alexander Ken Libranza

³Through our Journey in High School, we¶ve encountered different kinds of persons and through

this we are challenged to adapt and to mingle with different kinds of personalities. I still 

remember how afraid I was on my first day in this school. I was frightened by the new

environment and new faces of people I¶ve seen. Yet, 7 years later, today as I am standing here in

 front of all of you, I am still afraid! Afraid to wave my good byes to my alma mater.´

 ± Quoted from my Opening Remarks last April 4, 2011

Albert Einstein once said ³Try not to become a man of success, but rather try tobecome a man of value.´ High School indeed is our path to success. We are all trying to be

successful in life and soon we will all get there. What we had in the last four years was a big step

towards that future. Our journey in High School, It is the scariest yet the most enjoyable road we

had been into. As High School Students, Graduation is our Goal, the reward that we will all

receive after years of struggle, sleepless nights of studying and our daily sacrifices of going to

school. Right now, we are made worthy to receive the Laurel of Victory.

As simple individuals, we are mere students ± encored maybe of the values of our alma

mater, but still we are just mere students struggling though life¶s unambiguity and challenges.

Yet, even as mere students, we had garnered a lot though out the great four years that we¶vespent in this institution, and had only one thing can we left behind as we pass towards the portal

of our alma mater. I present to you my dear batch mates, parents, our fellow alumni, sisters, and

students of Assumpta School of Tagum, the one thing we TEMPRU will bring out to the world ± 

EXCELLENCE in Leadership, Education, Values and FAITH.

People say that leaders are not born; they are made through a process of challenges and

work. Leaders of the kind are those that our school needs for it to excel and move forward. This

time, our batch had no other that the best leaders that we could offer to the world. The Members

of our Supreme Student Council; Daryll James Quidato, Kate Licca Ortiz, Reynaflor Marie

Sabugo, Alexis Mae Apurada, Jarra Angelica Pajo, Alexander Ken Libraza, Joanah Ela Lee and

Arvy Nadela ± who had shown importance and executed a great service to their beloved Alma

Mater and to carry on with them the challenge to serve not only bounded to their school but even

to extend to the people of the world. This kind of LEADERSHIP and service is one of the things

that we will leave to our beloved alma mater. Cheers!

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They say that ³our´ school is one of a kind ± not to mention the students and the teachers

that we have. Only in the last few months before I graduate, I realized how lucky I am to be part

and witness the growth of this school. The once ³unknown´ school located ³somewhere´ in

Tagum City is now one of the most competitive school city-wide. We have no other that the most

talented students to thank for that. I would like to recognize the selected Fourth Year dancers,

who had represented our school, for the first time in a dance competition; known to be the best

dancers that we could offer and still the best that could be. Not only in dancing, but even in

literary contests, we sure do have an edge. From DSSPC to RSSPC, even in Oratorical Contests,

Quiz bees, Decathlons and more ± We Assumptionist can bloom in any situations. If beauty is

the question, we even have sunning and gorgeous girls and boys who not only have beauty and

  brawn but also the brain and eloquence to answer every question that there is. This kind of 

TALENT is what we will leave to our beloved alma mater. Voila!

Learn and enjoy at the same time? Impossible! Only the bookworms, the nerds, and the

genius can have fun studying. Hold on a minute! Did we just prove this statement to be a fallacy?We enjoyed being at school and learns while in it. We had our share of the toughest days, but we

all made it all out. We simply graduated and we all cheered and celebrated for everyone else. It

was our greatest dream that becomes a reality. We graduated as a batch, one, no one was left

 behind; we were together on that last day, with blue robes, singing and crying all as one. It was

the happiest yet the most heart breaking day in our lives. We are complete for once, yet soon we

all part into our individual dreams and lives. This kind of UNITY is what we will leave to our 

 beloved Alma Mater.

It¶s a matter of Perspective! We all have reasons for studying. Some of us just can¶t stop

thinking when will all this lessons end. Yet, after High School a shocking truth comes out.College is approaching near! Hurrying to file our College applications. Pressured in passing our 

desired college¶s entrance examination. With the questions, where will I live? Will I survive

without my old friends? Will I make friends? Is college easier than high school? Will I graduate

on time? Is my course fit with me? Did I make the right choice? Oh my! You are not alone. You

are just one of the million high school graduates who are worrying like you. College is just

another portal you need to pass in your life. Just like High School, you will have your mark. Still,

your life is all about you and not about them. Strike with all your best. Keep the confidence

within. Just like you, your batch mates are in the same situation. So be brave and worry nothing,

 just keep the confidence and you¶ll do best. This kind of ATTITUDE is what we will leave to

our beloved Alma Mater.

Students have weak areas. ³I hate numbers,´ says one. ³Can I skip English?´ asks

another. ³I will postpone taking History until next semester«´ the list goes on. No successful

doctor, engineer, lawyer or teacher has mastered his/her craft by accident. They all strived for 

excellence. Every subject was important to them. They pursued everything with

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COMMITMENT. Remember, College is way much different than high school. You have the

freedom of your choice. You can do this and that. Enter class or not. Your professors will not tell

you µnot to do this and that¶ and most of us will not have our parents to dictate us what to do.

 Now, it will all depend on the choices that we make. Now, our teachers cannot afford to teach us

one-by-one. You will not have the focus that you have in high school. You will be surrounded

with temptation and no other person could stop you from grabbing unto them. Yet, you¶ll have

yourself. If you are contented and committed to what you are doing then you yourself could have

control over your entire being. You could redefine good and bad, and choose between them

wisely. . This kind of COMMITMENT is what we will leave to our beloved Alma Mater.

Before you could proceed to College, we should all let go of our High School

experiences. I am not saying that we should forget all of the happy and sad memories that we

had, we should just learn to let go and move on. Our life is not a movie. There is no Play/Pause

  button to freeze the moment so that it will be like that forever. No one can live only in the

 present; we all have to look forward to the future. We all have our share of High School success,now it is time to let go and face the fact that we¶ve grown-out our high school uniform and we

will need to have our tailor to sew our new college uniform or wear our casual dress for our first

day in a UNIVERSITY.

Spiritual, cultural and universal values prepared us to journey through life. These give us

the strength and sensitivity to cope with life¶s laughter and tears, its joys and griefs, its hopes and

disappointments, its success and failures. Spiritual values that exalt the One Sovereign God,

cultural and universal values that advocates national and international brotherhood, make for a

stronger nation and a more peaceful world. This kind of VALUES is what we will leave to our 

 beloved Alma Mater.

Above all, learning and application need to be rooted and based on FAITH in God. Many

students just enter college ± confused, anxious, fearful, and perhaps frustrated. Faith in God is an

anchor that keeps you steady in the changing currents of life. A right relationship with God gives

meaning and direction to all that you do. Learning and living with a purpose come with knowing

God personally. This kind of FAITH is what we will leave to our beloved Alma Mater.

The moment was all that mattered for us. We had nothing to gain out of our experiences, than

experience itself. The road may unfold many things about us; yet it is through this ingenuous journey that

we realized a simple but meaningful meaning of life. And that is, Life is full of challenges and not with

 punishments. Whenever we feel heavy, with the burdens in our hands and in our back, we should never 

give up. And ³Keep moving forward!´

To my batch mates, especially to my dear friends Paul, Gett and Jaymart ± You have only one life

to live. It is too precious to be wasted. Live it the productive and fulfilling way. Begin with your studies.

Capsulize your life with DISCIPLINE, as an essential for a better college living and for a better life ahead

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all of us. I am hoping that after 10 years we will all see each other, contented and successful in our chosen

 pursuit in life. Joys in Everything and Love in Every day and Every night.  

And for me, I will leave in Assumpta School of Tagum all of my accomplishments and awards,

and start my college life fresh and new as a newly hatched bird. Them I would study well, persevere

more, take pride less and grow up strong and free. Then, I fly in the sky with my great big wings, then

travel the world, and then one day I will return to my beloved alma mater worthy to carry ³first´ its name.

Veri, Vedi, Veci! Excelsior!