V h A -- ' 5 r k nELIOIOUS NOTICES. Sd Artnae RaH cpwi betaaaa and Mth ttrewe, ale rreeurterUa Rta It. ALBKKT II. UNuTVwtor. rreeehlna la the North Hell. stale, at 10M a, aa, and d p. L MMIIIMM m HH tt&lllr - Ber. Tfttmtr Matttraaa, Pi tarn aa Voten ChasLw r of Jlroad-- a.A.tUsehtt.rt.cvM- - datTr. , UT A Mm NMhf will ba bat- - hi Orabaw IwhIHMM pretoetaai Church, mrt tondar .rvw.wTttock. AU Chrile en rwdlellg iav4ed attend. Mr OBVU B UAHD-N- Ut U ureted to bo trains. ! IM Haala fc Fart .ha state S Charch, Mw a aa atnei-u- a im after to. MUMM. two wui ae, noraiaft H ion, kiJtaMak at Ma'fl'tck. Evening wrvieea dle mwl wttk till further rotlee, Elder P. a BROMB, frow aalllvea eoaatr, It, Y., Will -- pntr the pulpit, U. l OB evuaaa , NOT. IU IM Ula, MaUmaOlS J. la IMahaa I la Preach Va-lK- a ww Ktt- - rMnf at tH 'clocl. it tha Sanctuary, 106 t'lrat ttrwt, e CkrUi, th Miliaaliua, ., o tUaUtee. 131 float Fro Tha Rev aldar- - A. Carry wui each la Tnaer IlalL aar of nroadwar and 14th it, at 10H o'clock am. and H p.m., tBtranee la Swtbet, Boat, free. Ul TWili;aaata are M. R. Chsrrrh, MwwiMmdMitfa Preaching nn Bandar, tho y.. loot, at low a m, hr Rev l)r DI RUIN: at I e m br uhkw B,erKrt Klver Confenaeei at rnnuurc. Biehop J ANLd. Beauo-to- . ua IkkflM ftaaara t'aiaa Charch, lAbaaaa Hall, 10 Abingdon A?utre. Tba flnt wwl aaawal martial af tba Sabbath School will k hold altera. AddrfeaaB br tba. following Interwtlnt gpetkent II U- - uuuui . bukijb. ana etbere. Preaching .at u.ual at iPf imiUIX f object U tha tToulnf , lac ana at tut en HBVl Caaatrla aUtrta Calaa Nabbaih Bervlci SSth Bandar, Not. atti, Rf. UhaHmJ. Jenn will rmcb at I r. M t ana Krr. M. . uatuia, u. u r Im U t'aloa flnndar axu Pram Maatlaa at 11 b AUutlarlttdtaatteoa. 144 Cl7 MVaUa To aaaln trtlXrt af tba tM it. Mrtba4kit KphMTal Vhanh. aaar Mb aa, will tiacotittnard Prrrtraa at 1I4 a.m.rni hvtraa lr bloCU STOCK and HUhop BiMraON. At I p m. kr Krr. K P. rilfclPK. of Ualtfmora, and at I araaJaa, lr Rf T. g. M. HK.A fl V. af ulUa. IM Gadl mmac, a nUraarao will ba dVlla. ml by tba Pantor, lll'OII HK.MtY IILAIR. In ajhartaa Slraet tjbiircb, on Htbliath avenlutf nitln rcfrrcaca ta tba lata patnfal oorurrfnca at Iltrpar't terry. At tha rlnaarollartlon will b taken aata aid la halktlal a I nllad I'raalirtrrUn Vharab la Loot. awortk CltTt Kauia. BmtIcm ta aanuaaaoa at IM laaVatUav-Tl- M Now Cbarrb Balaca af tba firot rraowlll IUitWt Cbarah In h at, aoar aodhmtad ProaohlB at low I'oloo a. n, by Hrr. u. IL Boll, of Bufl.lo, . T.i at M o eiott p. m, oy ttor. uao, l , Lior. of iTorwonco, 4-- ot Ht. RoTaU Dr. nawaiaa, Aatt. niabap af Tann., will proach before the 8L JontM Vro Cbnrrb Aooocfotlon, In Calrarr Charch, Dr. MAWKtt, Bun- der eTODlne, Nor. tb, at Mi o'clock. VoUertloa In aid of free thnrrtiw. KTI Caaaer laatltat rrrarblac erary Hab rath, at IWkt and a, In ball 84, by I). J. KORINsOX. Huliifct-A-- "Apootollo Church Order." Huh)cl 3 r.M.. Bupjwr and SpooUnj." ChrUtlani all tuTlteatopartlclpota. IN HT. Darter Dawllaa, the raatar, win rrearb flaodar morolnn and evealae at the Itodford treat, Itaptlet Cbairh, Beer Carmine. Krenlnc err yioo eonunenaee at T, an and after nail Sunday. Vray. at meeting at. 1W Jaarah Haaaareaa will Fraach b tba BRaw. W Karl Wth rt, brtwaan 4tb aad ModU eon arenne, on nert Balibatb erralaa. Nor. Its, at TV o'clock. All art larited. Beau free. 11 Tba Rar. Dr. Wylta, f Philadelphia, wUI ellrer adlaronroe (Babhath) awenlne. Not. b, atlMo'clork.ln tha Ker. Ir. McLeod Churrh, Utaat,weatofta are. too Cbarry Btraot M. E. Cbarrb, Cherry at, near Clinton. Bee. J. BV INBKIP will preach at 104 A. M. arulilert.Mrk mrmm aaratarror Clodllne. and at T n. m. Subject" The parabl of the wlaa and dwllrh Vlrima." BacrameoUl aarrlcea at I. tfd SITUATIONS WANTED. ! . - WANTED A MTUATtON IS CITT Oil aanatry, by a bard worklnl, willlei aid W1- - ln ronna vimiul ta de eoneral antiaaworfe 1 la a eood plain raok aad baker, alee IntraU waber and Ironeri wllrln to make beroelff aeaerallr naof jl i waaai a to fl a meatk. rteaeeeeu at ie BUtb are. Bret aoor.irant 1)01 IITANTED-- A 8ITUATT0X AS WKT wv nnroe; read referoacea elren. Apply ta Mrs pCALLY. la Park r, Brooklyn, North aUe. M door Weet af VanderbUt are. aBSMSe w AKTED- -A SITUATION BT A BES- - wxtAD4 0Tman fmm vnman m rhftmhwrmtW ftnfl W.ttTe-M- f ilKftSTMIIaUaaaTTr IC WTfrnnK T.QKIimn nd Firnrhi I ephl of -- nftlii cblldraa tn tb 0fTT.ll Uflp-tt- ng rvsri n. t4f 1 WANTED-- A SITUATION UTAYOUNO Knteher l ran wark eeod la a market er lieibWr boaaa food referanoa flren. Apple ot No. Monroe it. ao rtea tTTANTED-- A SITUATION IT A TOUNO vV man (an Amertcan)airorterlaaetoraarlaaar atrnatloa oy which ho at make a llrlnei It etron. aod wllllne to work! can lire the beat af referenee aa to boneotr. ladnrtrr and oohrlety. Oailattl Braaiway, let Door, u, . UiUATUN. a4 9IU MT ANTED- -A SITUATION HT A TOUNO H aia aa portor In a etara, or to drlre bona and waff on la tha elty good rarereacee clren the ean ftlo peak 4 UaiUioa. Apply at MUreeawtcheUMriid TTANTED-- A DABT TO VFET NUKSK ww hr kealthy yanei woman, who loot her own but Sanaar; ra only a few dare old. Inquire on the Corner or nonn nerenin ana luia axe.. tiiii bumb. Mn. UOiailKN. nl3 A LADY DESIROUS Or' GOING TO takachari of child- ren or a ladye eempaaloo. In conalderatlon of her pao- - teei uneiceptlooable ref wenoe i Irea, Addree TM-- V, care of V . a Palmar, Adrertkuni Af eaWPhllel. 141 A WET NURSE DESIRES A SITUATION to take rare of a child; pond reforeneee elrea. Apple toMreBCAI.l.Y.Sdbmioe, North aide of Park are, Bronklrn, Ut VaolerbUt and Ucrmont area. ' n&flM ,aaaa A TOUNO MAN, 20 YEARS OF AGE il whothorouffblynndeTftande the raro and of horeea, aiahee to eet a altnatlon aa drrrer. or wonld to to work In a wholeeala frocary or flour ftr b tAlk. blavla KaalUh, Mid la wen aotioBiateq litlMeUribM if frttTvnrm ctt.ii bo firro. Aonleek Wnw scun Tn itn lltk aa. la the atorn. beteeea Mh aadath are, fretnftaU o'clock A. K. lad TO JEWELLERS-WANT-ED BY AN EN. of lonf etpetienco a ettoatlon aa Jeweller, either maklnf of repairing. Andrew K M, V ii Bun office. U 1111 WANTED. WANTED S OR ft MEN ON PLAIN IlOO T at 84 lludaon at, cor of Vandtm at. BofllO WANTED TWO FIRST RATE three ipprentloee, at Mra. PIIKLOVi bllUlaarrthau Eighth are, bat SMh tnd 3Vth ita. U WANTED-TW0GO- 0D VFJ3T MAKERS after a machine end to make button bolee, none but good basda need apply.at DOM Blee ik eratrocL 1 tTTANTED AMERICAN GIRLS TO WORK w V oa knitting marhtuea. Apply at Emplro VTorka, 4th floor, noth at, Eaat Hirer. WANTKD-TW- O GIBUS FOU SEWING clotbln., Iaqoiro at 90 Qardaa it, llobokon. 43 TTTANTED--- 3 GOOD YE.ST BIAKRRS. TO w iMaUto for a machine i one that would M wlUlnf to afli.t la preaalag t aooa uood anrlr tint aipvrieoeaa oana; nisnoai wfc paia. CaUHttWiitmbpt. lit ll Hoar, MCK WANTED B. COLORED GIRL TO DO In a irnall famllr la tbla cltr; aiuet oorae well recommend d t rood warea will bo firm. Addrcw BUNOCIDE, box POO, Sua Office. 10 Wanted- :- a girl to go a short the country one that eaa milk aad make butter, aad make beraelrgenarally naeful: wagw $5 a month; one aaawcrlnt thla will Bud a good home. Apply U Elihth ere, corner of Jane at. aV Wanteda tinsmith or wire for making a patent moon trap model; can he aeon etJ7 Canal at. npttalra. In- quire for IIEWHY U. BOOK. Detkraak.r. SO fir ANTED BUTTON HOLES TO MAKE W at homo, or work to flnlah after mwhlno on thin eoaU preferred, van M M euuaotta n, roc 1 fc" nrday ot Mouoay. - IiTANTED A GOOD SnOW CARD WRIT-- W en a Arat claae writer can get ttoady work. Apply i;3Broadeay,Lnthtbaeement. 4 WANTED A SMART, HONEST HOY yeara of ate, to learn the baking bual. new; a boy that la not afraid of work wy apply el tno Banda it, Brooklyn. A uormao Boy prerurreq. 11 tITANTED A PIANOFORTE KEC1UH.-- w w tori a rlrat rate workmen, to whom rood weew will la paid. Call at BQAKOMAN, OBEY A Ci Kooma, 447 Uroadwar, cor llrooiae it. OOtwIiK WANTED A SMART YOUNG MAN TO open oyatera, at To rlrat at, near rirat art. 11 IITANTED A SIX HORSE POWER SEC-- W ond hand atram engine without boiler. Apply taTI Kl Waahlnftoa it, before uoon Monday. b WANTED A IXCKSMITH AND HELI one wbo ondnratauda Jolililng. Intiulrt omLNCAN, Wh.br A BIURP, No. dUlwrtyilaoV, near Maldun lane, 61 WANTED A FIRST-RAT- E OPERATOR on A Wlleon'e tewing machine, to make ahlrt banda and buetlua. Applr at S Jbinn it, Ihlra Boor. Of WANTED IN J. D. CHEVALIER'S good hand for poliahlag and hurnUh-In- g dental luatruuientai aleo bo a to learn tbo trade 1 aieuayouugniauaellrlit porter, and to be generally uaeful In the .tore Apply to JOILN l. C11KVAL1ER twl Uruadway, W WASTED A YOUNG LADY OF OOOD aod prepueeMalng appearance, not over 18. to go wuth with a Udi anr lady dealroua to go mar addma with name, realdence, te. LIZZY. UUOVlN, Btulou E, Pool othoe, Imuodi-ttl- y, bo reference 1 FEW GOOD VICTORINE WANTED-- A one to balate large capea and prepare work for machluea: good prlcee Paid. Applr at the corner efPeerl and Baade ata, lirooalya. dnt floor, over tha trocar etore, uo J 174 ANTED 15 GIRLS TO WORK IN A paper bog manufactory! none but thow thorough-l- y acquainted with the huatuew need apply. Call early atUBCllMlOr.eCiOI'wrlit, ANTED THIS DAY, A NUMBER OF girl for food placet In cltr and counlrr: alw a altnatlon for t Brat rate cook: .lo place) for a oo. u- - man axd a gardener, at BI1UU1AVS Employment In- - atltutasSUUroadoay. v X1TANTED-GI- RL WHO UNDERSTAND W how ta fold envelope t food waaee .nd ateedr work. Applr atC. BUEPAKU A CO, n ""ariwar I none but good foldereBeea tppiy. DDt'lMI WANTED A SMART, ACTIVE GIRL In editing atlooB. Apply at tit Water aL LATHAM A HALLU 47 WANTED IMMEDIATELY A GOOD on Blngere ntaohlno, oa alapacaooata. Apply at Ul. Broadway, hth Boot, w WANTED TMMEDIATELY- -A FIRST on Wheeler A Wllaou'a icw. log machine: one acquainted with hemmlnf and tack in. preferred. Apply at lit SUth Mt. w, ANTED IMMEDIATELY-- A GOOD operator on Wheeler A WlUon'e wwlng maehlnet ono na-- d U blndlnf prcrdrred. Apply al juauri a CO , SOT Broadway, op rUlra. 71 IITANTED A JOURNEYMAN TAILOR VV ta go to N. J. tt good wtgcg and conatant Call at 10 ley at, fro ? to 11 o'tlutk a, m. -- TTANTF.n IMMEDIATELY TEN FUB W Tlctorlnt and capo linen, to whom good wagw anJ A.V tlia arknl.veae round will a given, On r and ttperlenceo nenoa, w.o willing Io work food atore, need apply, fog out week. to MARK J, K.UIU, Pt uroaaTay, noBflM IITANTED-- AT 47 CEDAR ST., A BOY TO W work a OordoB Franklin prreei alao t bay te feed a email cylinder pre. Ta IIiom who are well ae. qnaluled with tho hualnew permanent emplorment and the hlghwt wa(M a 111 be tlrco. None other nwd opplr. STEADY BOY TO WAIT oa WANTED-- A aa orater taloou. Iniulr. after 11 o'clock at 18 Forayth at, t ITJ ANTED A COLORED BOY FROM li W to 15 yea old, to toud la t harbor ihop. Inquire et tllthit. IXTANTED-T- O GO TO BRIDGEPORT, VV conn., good Journeymen coat maker. 1 1 whom ?',!' and ateadv work will lie given. APulrlo oo Walker at, between tho boura of V aud II o'clock a. Bk, Baturday. bl WANTED A YOUNQ MAN TO WORK who uudartaodj taklat careol herwt aud wtf out! FeUitroot, 0. K. 001 .! M.I. oo TI7ET NURSE WANTED A RESPECT W tbloinarrledworoantowet Bnwa achildathar own rondoact, wocu Miwaanaita it, latoraeol io TirANTED TWO YODNO LADIES TO W wd bar, thow that ara aa . ilnUd with the benewprteJTed. Call at 100 WawtaTit. afW U WT ANTED A SOTIER, INDU8TUOU8 WW aua -- . l a livery atteaM oa. that andcr- - otaadttbobatl atw i5irh vVtS 1 WANTED) AITRKNTICE9 rTASTED-- TO LEARN XX the freeamaklnf. None but food eowera aeed ap. ptyatbMrowrtkit. . II A OIRL WANTED TO DO OENERAL Xlheweeeerhi one who eaa waah aad Iran trelL An. ply at t Ptrtetea at. Utaeetore. t BOT WANTED WHO (CAN SETTTrE tm who eaa road wtltuw ta leara tha bnat. a. Apply at lrtaakllnaraara. New York, U T3AKERS-WANT- ZD A SECOND HAND JL nn broad and hake. Annie at oDO flranA at. Near "tfc M ROTWANTED-ATT- nE HOUSE 1ATNT-J- L la baalneM, one that wee a4tt before andean frala prafered. a J. C1JUUI.B, U Ubwrty at, t FUR LINEn AND MUEF nNISIIEU at BAKTA'8, 85T UanU eUoraer of Woof. ier. as HOUSEKEEPER WAKTED-B- Y A children, who baa loot bit wife, or wonld board In a prlTate family at moderate price. AddreaaT. A., boiVOOBooemca. nflsio'134 TTOUSEKEErER WANTED WHERE 11 there are only two la tanallr, an elderly woman with pood reference required. Anlrlah Protectant or Beotoh woman preferred. Inquire at MO Klahth ar, from i to t o'clock la tha trentuf . W OPERATOR WANTED ON SINGER'S work oa Ttate: alao ar 10 food hal.t-era- i bone tail firAtrate banda need apply. Call for I dart at iTS South lat it, WUllaaubarib U L IT rkPERATORS-WANT- ED A FIRST CLASS V operator en drover lleker'e aewlaf maciilna. ApplyatUlXKUISBKOPlEll,uOCanalat, ,W4 PAPER BOX MAKERS-- AN EXrERt wanted to oarer board. Apvty T4 VYIIHaa rt,apataira, oi SASH MAKER WANTED IMMEDIATELY Kaat 8Mb at, TINMAN WANTED A GOOD. GENERAL er a roiina man that anaoratanda etoTO ioUdaat oonetant work at fair wagoa. Apply at No. t carmine aa, aa To COAT FINISIIERS-- A YOlXO WO. f(in . lh abwWlfaat tTiRrhlnf. nta I tO Wltrk -- ..,-.-. .i - : on till- - miiu, on4ronw nan id at tiuut. Apply US Kaat tvth at, id Beer, front room. TWO FIRST RATE MILLINERS WANTED Mra. HUEEUAblA 0I Third arel Bono othert I apply. rpo TAILORS-WANT- ED, GOOD COAT A makrre to wark by the week waeea i aleo one ebep cutter at mod, rate waree, at Red Hank, N. Jer ear. Applr In atom U Faltta tt, N. York. DO TJKST MAKER- S- GOOD VEST HANDS V to balat and flnleb after a machine, the beet ef prloeenld. and roneUnl work. Call el K43 Perineal. Brooklrn Smart, iood Mwcrt taken to learn. ah ru n rtoitt nova WAHTKn-- rn WORK v at elalapafntlng; alodt job and good pay. Call at Brown a Hotel, cor llamlltou are and Lnlon etreet. lirookij n, thla evening, at 1 odock. INFORMATION WANTED. F FORMATION WANTED OF MICHAEL Irown of the Pariah of Rlrrretown, county of 811. Ireland-lef- t home nine roare ago. Anrtnrbrme. fe, of htm will be tliaukfullr recoieed brhieeUter, rATUEBXAM DOWU, at No. 1 Molb-r- rr , New York. rJMbi PFORSIATION WANTED-- OF JOnN arrlred In thbcltr, October aftb, from Lire rpooh In the chip (Tolveree, will be received by hit alatcr, tt tha Lafarge Houee, Broadway. IJ INFORMATION WANTED OF MART 1 JANE HOWARD'S haebead, KKLNKLES, who realdrela White etreet. Intellleenre of blm will be thaakfeUr reeelTod br Mra, UKTMOSa, at No. t cot of Bowery. TO iVIRS. ELIZA McKENNA CAN HEAR OF tA'A her daughter MAKYb addreealog a note to J.L, 'Madleon Bquare Pwt Ornca, uurud LOST AND FOUND. LOST ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON td, either la Brooklrn er New York --a pin. eoatalela light and dark braided hair, with gol I twleted arttlne. The fader will coaler a great favor oa rroarnlnf tha came to r Chamhort et. Now fork I or laLlvlagatoa et, Brooklya. 10 TOST-ABO- UT THE 1ST OF JANUARY JLd laat-A- warrant of jree.Ne.4i.J74, Al1 are mrhia nurcnaaing ine wme, aa appUoatflal vs Keen made to the pepertnteat at Waahlnrtoalr tneieauoof anew vinui. eU1DALY,MltTT luttoo, cor of WUlatt rt, N. Y.alty. oWdS'US LOST ON THURSDAY EVENING, A oath. Ilewcry Baring,' lUnk, No. 130.757. Whoever ha fooad II will oblige the owaar by return-la- g It to the Bank. U OR NEAR THE COOPER IN. LOST-I- N night M Nor, t atlver watch. The Bnder returning the aame to MATIIKWH" grocery, corj Jth are and I8tb it, w IU receive n. M. HKXU. pfl FRIDAY, BETWEEN MTH tt LOST-O- N ate, In the Bd are, by a poor woman, tit, foor In Mile and twelve In tllvrr. Reward, Si, by calllnf al 174 Eaet Mth it. In the itoro. T IXST, UST- -t REWARD-LO- ST, LOST, Hamilton Ferry, Brooklrn, a pair of garnet ear rtnga with pearl border. If Ilia tinder will return them to BO Woodhull at, near llenrr at, Brooklvn. tha above reward will bo thankfully paid. t5 IriSl (OH REWARD LOST-- ON BUOAD-- P. J way, bet Kulton aud Chamber ate, about one o'clock p. in. on Thuredav. a allrer wateh. Being a preaenl from a uccew rcii,re i, - uieoir eio-y- , and the aliove reward will bo paid by leaving It at 110 Chaubclitt, 7 REWARD LOST OCT 20TH, A tpOw gnat, with black apota and horna, and giv ing milk. W hoevcr ill return herto lwiNorthmk will receive tha ahOTt reward, n3o"lo OENEltAL DUSINESS. TTKNTI0N GERMANS I A TIIF. ITHLIBHFI OF TUB . 1 iiyfktb, wt.ttiA UOfimnn Wtn-kl- lapar, admitted toba one of tha b.ortiM.1 lUludint lalt-- a ntai)M bappr in able te annouiici to tha Ocmten piiblio iaai ua uaa euuoi rd,d lu aeninug the aurvte,. ot DK.J, ll.U.TKMMK, Io write eirlu,1vrlr (In the I'liltiHtatee) for hi. pa-v-h ri tud al o. anrordlnglv, will commence hla Aral (of a aerleri en lutcnclvevnltlog Romance! TUB Kk.. Volution of bf.rlin, ltti-- ia tho iwut of no- - Ir. Tcrnnie la well known aa the moat celebrated of German HonMnoo Wrltere, and the rcadora of THE lH'MOKlBl mayegpect a aucoCMlon of rare trcetal no better evidence of which la needed than the fai.1 that alnce Dr. Tenitne hu been a contributor to tho "Uarteolul''IU circulation hw rapidly ran op from 0U)toUJ(J. To do I iut Ice to IhaBomanccw have engaged ono Ofjhebi'at Artlatolnthecitr to worthily Uhi.tr.te It. The auberrlntlon prioo It $3 per annum, 1 W fur .1 month, perabla In advance. To prevent dlMppointinent, wo bet order, to bo tout In earlr, that wo luar atrike oil the uecoaearr ooplwe. Lottcra covering pleaae addrcea to PLBLlSUlJN.Y.lirMORIr, to No. 4.UU3, or bO. UH Chatham at. New York. Cltr gularrlherg will be ierved br onr carrier. Newa Ageul. will pleaw eeod their ordeti ta J. ?FX'K. Ornrral AfCut, Hot No. .Wi bow York. oc81 gTSAB'lBT COUSTY CLERK'S OFFICE. New York, November 4th, van. rVBMO NOTICK I. hrreby, given that oo the llth day of November, Inat , at 10 o'clock A. M, I ahall pro- ceed to draw panel, efjurora for the following court, 10 lie neiomana lor iniiijnraaBuwiaif y, nt,iM on the Brat Monday of Deeeuilirr, l P"." of 3d ennd lurere for a Coart of Oyer and Terminer. A panel of HI grand tnrora l tlw a panel of ISO petit 'u tore fore Court of UoeralrJee.U.n. A panel of blO prtH Jwrera for a Bupma. Court circuit, and Orer tod ennlner. A panel of 10H petit Juror lor a BUoerlor Courl Twa eauaO af 104 pelll Jutort each for a tiourt of Common V tiOT'lTi JOHN CLANCY, Clerk. DR. MOBGANEAU, INDUN DOCTOR, 7 w at, glrrt tdvlco free, aad warrant, cure, la rVrefula, Home, Boree, lAnt. Liver, Rheumatic, Rldney, and all Femalo ComplainU. ".-t-i- V1" wun nceiin- - THE PILES, JJI.EKDING OR EXTER-ael-D- r. BKOOIK'S Eleotutrr and Huppoaltorr, prioe SI. guaraalerd to cure, or tho money refunded. Advice gratie. Olhce dot Breadoar, neat to Waliack'a 5 heatre, up italra Boogdac-l- LADIES' GAITER BOOTS SINGLE AND aolee, with heel., at lta and 14. per pair lad Ira', Biiww', bora' and Infante hoot, and alioee, wltll India rnM- -r Imota and ahoca of til atrlw aad prlcco, at MILLUt'S, 887 Canal at. wPMnVKnIOCTORS OLMSTEAD ft IV KINO, bare removed te 1V7 Moth avcaadKS Spring at, where tber will anaaer all DCofea. alenal wile. Their eiperleuw and auoceearui pranica acllluaurvalhtMft and IttlclcBt treatment of their paUeula, l'W .1 SCHOOLMASTER WOOINO, A TALE TnE New rugland, not ef the but rentiirr, but of the prwent thne, potirarlug in It prorw, ho Aunt. of New England l'l he Bchoolmaatert of New F.agland 1 be BcboolDlatrli CumralttecHu, n of New Lueland j The retnarialU Your. t Women of N;w Lntland, and other tharacterlBtla i.erjonatea o New KntlasAu eommoDotfa in .ir iieLioinAiBU, ""."-- "r Uoetdea thla atorr.tba nuoiUr oobtalae the Old Chorea e. of New York, two llluatratlon 1 1 bo Builder, f jur lllaatralloo.i 1 he American Uatllori eair, eevva u iuatratlonai a new Form, by Aaut Pauort tha Fall FMblone, br Mra. Ororgo Wahlngten Wrllla. Ae , Aktiv tu iVTELXA , 800 Broadway, N.Y. 3 flw rTABGET PRIZES, TARGET PRIZES. X Target prleee A flu. and elegant aeeortment of beautiful and naerui niver riea I lira rntee, vouj-naul-r. or Individual. furnUhed at the lowed prlcee. 4I7 tit ood- U- LLaCaiXAaT.dAtllurUntBUp. THE COMMITTEE OX STREETS OF TnE of Aldermen will meet In Room No. s, City UtU,oo MQNUAY, Nor. 7th, tt I o'clock, F. IL lur Beraoebavini bualucw with the Conualttoo trtluvl-lodtott- U L wf, a.B0OI.r, I Comralttea tilOMAi, BTK4ID3. J .on JuUM LYNKO, .rTrtreeU T .baaa, Sec lory ucl .u l.Ofin nnn TO LOAN ON BOND AND iDt.Ulfalllllf BararfaaaA ! m dT . iEBSBSP fi& AUCTION NOTICES. AUCTION K0TICE-(- V 8. rAHS0N., MOenrea b'twtermd eboAai will beeold at anrtlon. t MondiT, IfeT. Tthi at lM eVIort. at the atoreerv. .raKrB,ret'amott, vrnne awri' Boat off ana awaewaaaae fodda. oonoT a uctiok KOTicE-cLonr- mo. drt 2 and mney reoda,otoeka, in. IIKKRT OREEM will eMI thla dm at V'H eVIork.H 1P4 tTllllara a- t- a awaiitlty of dolhlof aad rancf itw, cbewi men, boieo tore, tmall arareey ctwha, ptrtiTer, ratlery, Jewelry, A CCTION NOTrCEltl fOUCHTY, AUC- - IV .tloneer, wlU wU thU da ini tTrarE, ai fft room, T Nai-- aq at, a leneral a ttn or za nana ooneeooia ftiralbirrv ratodrt- -, tvii. Stfftlic, dnv.1 atee batateUe tablev fella, military itwOMtinNwOfQ Uw ft DnUfla vmrnw one. AUCTION NOTICEnAUdr. SALE OV furnltar-AI,Br)- err M. OMTrTN, nrt, will Mil en tkta day, aatneday, at TO wart Inrb et, aear dtk ar. eonelatlne of eoraa. banana. beArteedo. waaketaade, mattreeaee, featbrtr bode, klankete, plane-- Porte, rblna and tlaaawaret a oral it. dlnlne and kitchen furniture. Bala at 10 e'ototk. AUCTION NOTICE MORTGAGE SALE lhmora, eerara, Ac HKNRY (1KKKN will aelllhle day, 10M o'clock, at 14 William at, amcked and plcklel ealwea. plte heaae, aoda blaoulta, ell, bfandr and other lloaere, aeaara, perl wine, Ae. lt'Y. lw'.N80N, mart, eacee. AfcolllVumeraare, allahtly dkmaeed l auaati. Ir of white lead, pal nta, l.ftal palnter'a bruahee, aand paper, lampblack. Aleo 1,0U0 be. bird prppera. Ui A"rcTioN noticeIthos. BELKAUCT., (I.TnoMrSON-Thlada- rat loia'cl'k. In the a. rootua 18 Eaat B"war, 'tie furnltore, turnlnr, IMhe,atore, dry eoode, fte. Pawnhmket'a aele Mon dan particular. In time, Orlcr L. UvVY, U3 Grand tnwL it DANIEL A. MATHEWS,"ArCTIONEER. oak. etock, flxtitrea and Iraeepf t aetar Lr2 MATIIKWtrwIII aril tt anrtlon tbla lar,(0ttirda) I at 10l o'clock, at No, Pfla Bowery, the entire atoek ef Uarana eeaara, chew. In and emoklnil tobarra, meeracbaum pipea, eaaar boldm, Ac Alao tlaaa abow Caere, awulnn, eloa, end tbenneaplrni leaee mil yean. Vr order JULIAN ALIA.N, ICeq AaaWnee. ! G ENTXEL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE it andlen-t- rn Monday at MX o'clock, the ondcr algped will aril tha entire furniture contained In the da riling houee IM Wat flat at, coraprlalng a Terr large Tarlrty of parlor, rhamlier, dining room and lieaoinent furniture, earpeta, china, glaaa ware, ellrrr ware, nertalile heatcra. atoeea bed, and tiedillne. Ae . all of which will lie aold without l rre. The tale la well worthr the attention of houaekorpore. No poet, pourntrat. W. II. WMlwn CO., Auctlonecn. BhStartM , dlORMAN A HUGHES,, At'CTRS-WI- LL VT eelllhladar, at 10 precl.ely.no doe. oomfortera, fu dea. boed T5 doa. ahlrta, IM doa. bnalerri alao cot. lara. Manketa, wool iacketcrlnthrng, elorre, Ac-- alt Chatham raaare, and W Catharlnt et, M. Y. 70 J. MORIARTT, AUCTIONEER-WI- LL eell tbla dar. at IIHd oVIork. at IT Chatham furniture, ell pelnllnge, ulrrore, clock, china, tlaa ware, ciitlerr, feather beda. blanketa, dry and fancy good, a Tarlctr ocgare, Ac, a lot of Jewelry, Ax, Ac, 14 T0KTGAGE SALE BY VIRTUE OF A 1 a chattel mottgage, I will eapoee for aale at public anctlen, on Monday, the Tth dar of November, 1HW, at II o'clock A. M , al I Cedar at, the atork and tlatnrre of a dining and drinking aaloon, conalatlng of decan-ter- a, tnmblera, tablee and table dutha, rhalre, rouge, boiler. Ice bet. wlnea, hrandlea, eegara, ele. JtiilS U. UILLIK. Attorney for Mortgagee. e4 ! MORTGAGE SALE OF DAGUERREAN tloncera, will ei II on rjatnrdar. 6th luat., at their aalee-roe- HSNeaaan et. theetork, laalerlal and fittilreaof a aaguerrean eeraniianment. iia, in v. aiaAr,iir, Attwner 'or Moltgagee. M M""I PUILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, WILL 11 o'clock, at the New Tatter. eaiie. k anercer at. a nnmlier ef eood work horaw 1 alao I low priced do, to the blghrat bidder, to pay cbarget. Second band wagon, rorkawaya, two eipreee dctwodocterXonodlrtorooalrortfhanieoa, Ac, Hi MORTGAGE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD JOICI II PLRLEY, Auctioneer, will cell thla day, at I o'clk. at 47 Canal at, near Hud i. mantle top and otherboreaaa, waehtanda. mabo-- eany martile lop aad her teblea. eorae. enfa-be- loungee, makoganyorklai kndotnerchalra,Bne nalr and other raettraeaee, feather bed, bolatere, plllowa. bedding, looking w, plctarea, earthen and china dinner wle, loee&r ana otaer neaneee. bat rack. nruaaela and Ing rain earwte, elk-l- lanket. wood and willow ware, cutlery, die F. f ALLMATXIF., Attorney for Mortgagee. Ine of ell kind of garniture, feather bed, bedding, hair tnattreeaee, I atoree, with a Urge lot ef llteaen furni- ture, about M eerpet Baud ba romoved Iwraedlately, SALE II. SCANLAN PAWNBROKER'S November 11th, at M Oarmlna w a general aeeertmrnt of nnredeemed pledgee. Bala Maameneec al 1 o'clock. By Order 01 Vr ORTtfSY A TAMLYN. t St J. BOGART, AUCT MONDAY, at 10 o'clock, al tbo anctlen room. No. 1 North 'WlUlaai at, mortgage wle, a koreee.1 brown mare, about IS banda high, 1 bar teottlot hone, 1 brown bono, J0U.N W. SOMERiNDY UK, Atty. for At 10 H o'Vloek, t largo qoaatlty of feed. S3 HOUSEKEEPINO. SINGLE GENTLEMAN OR TWO Young A ladlw ran be accommodated with one elngle bed room, by applying at 175 tatllMll. le TJOABD WANTED TWO RESPECTABLE L ronna Isdlaa would a to Aad a rural-ha- d room with board la a rMtHrCiaiu- - FriTO. ismny w hero thfrrmild ninka thrmw Ivm nt homa: wwlatdeorino rferrrd. Addrew with term, and full partlr-le- r. Vi boaUOurSuoomoo. 00 rvVMAGED AND SOILED BlAANKETJi- -- XJ blarJt and oolorfd brnadelotha, doMkln. trlrtot- - caiwlmerra, wtlnete, lieaver eb tha. Jiina, 4to, for aale, at low rrlcea, by W M. MATHKW S, U Catharine at. not bIi'IW PATTERNS, PATTERN'S, PATTERNS bora, toiltli, ladlea, miaaea and glrla. l'rlrea fi, In aud III oeut I girle taupiittorulamlnt ell fcrnalo and bore garment.. Aleo gent end bn.h!rta. No par anted until made ir. rtieone. t'liueterfleld aiantlllaa eni -- :.i .. ......... cloak, cut and lit ted, thciota. ..u ..k. Hprlng at. nSII YOLTCG MIX CAN BE ACCOMMO-dt.- .l Willi lioerd, with the uee of a aloe lit alttiog rooiu. luqulro 4th liou.e above 4lat atrcct UB.vond aie. 1" FOR SALE. I?f)R SALE-FP.- 0M 150 TO S00 EMPTY I ojub. Inquire at DAVIS'S, 811 Urtud rt, N. FOR SALE CHFAP-FAMI- LY SEWING for . A'ao, Wheeler A Wllaou'a, r, OroverA Baker, and other aoroud hand ma- chine. Ch advanced on inachlneeaiidall kind of nicrcbaJiulai!, or bought by THOVIIKlN A Co., Hrl Naawu at, eecond Boor. A. K. TIloMfBON, Auct. M JEWING MACHINE DEPOT, NO. 6 nirerker rt, 8 doors from tha Bowery i all peraon. having anwingniachlnw to diiliow of. win be waited upon, ny calling on or aaureeaia it note i ladlw learned to operate on Bluger'a and all other machine. M.rfM41v. at th. lowiat brlMi. N. It. tin. excellent quilting machine for Mle i owt 1 120 i price S 13. One cf Blugtr'. largo alao, new, t-- two Urge ihuttlo niachUie, for aale Tory low. Uaeh advanced en all neoperty at 114 STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE ONE NEW power upright engine, with blower and heater. -- Ill lo forrwli. Apply to HrJNKY S1ELCKR, III aad lit t Iflh at. bet ar U aod Lo tie at b&O'HA MISCELLANEOUS am f-'.- W O.M.V rtJK A BEAUTIFUL and - productive form of 30 acrw, with all the etock, croi.end fanning uteoHlla, on the north shore of L. 1, H rallee from N. Y., with good hulldinga, frnit, water, locuat grove, fine view of L. I. Sound, ac Ternia ewr, E. A. BLTtCK.tft Broadeay, room H. ufl 8'U1 OK FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-MI- LL, S dwelling hou.ee, with VNI acrw cf good laud aud katve water now.ir. HU mile from tha f !itr of Saw York aleo 190 acre, wood land. J. M. MILLER, ti Pint it. uStlac' 14 0n SALE A PLOTOP GROUND CON-talal- ng t8 arraf. wlthla ona aada half mlla of tho railroad dapot at rtnKn, Nw Janfr froutloK and Uflotf on tba aaat alila ef tha faaftale rlror, atpout 40 rod" a . VBow.rikltf'i UrUiro. lii'iuire of K. U4 aT, HI KNIIAM. All nitdann at. oorofTro, N. Y. cltjr. Mr. IIJ.MfHi.OoN,atVaaw.aU'a HrMttf. wlU aho w tba propertr. b 01 15 FOR AAf..E--.-- Vr AUCTION FIVE until rardan fkrma. on WodriMdar. Nut-- oth. at 19 o'clock, noon, on Iba rround, at Natown Ia, I. (or luarlroeooplod br Joha IL Mattarvlaeta RKrdin ftriu, aUuatvd aa tba road leading from Newtown to J .mi I, and about ona mile from tlo Khuhiug II K depot K. Naotowo, four mllaa from Hfooklyu, aud wit bin a uuartvr f a mile of tba aloop loading, and wttbln flftf vftrrfaof the l 1. K. trt.k. iujw llna Utd ThfM farme are thaarliet aid b4t culthrataa on Long and bare a Uraa quitlt of choice rafted per and cberry trot-a- , grape -- lne, raailwrrr bmbe-,4- ', Tertnaofaale loprr ornt on aalti40 prreent to W ditra: remainder on bond and mortraat for II ra. Viirthor In form at Ion mir hi of ASDHHW .1. PKO OH T. eor Boutb ttu and Ut et. N tUlaiuilmrrli. KOkCU. kJMUH, Auctlon.r. n!loT M FOR SALE IN THE MOST PLEAS- - - tut, healthr tnd productlrt part of Loug I., land, bear tho railroad di pot. a farm of IS acrw, 10 acrea, well improvea, nouee. uern, ere, on reeeouenio lemie l tleo com. S and 10 aero faruia. Improved, wltu- - buUdlutai aleo to leaee,abonw and 6 acrea, for rit fre. f root provided It w IU be well cultivated. Apply to A. MoCOTTbB, IM Fulton at. Btt'lM 70-F- OR FOUR CITY LOTS 100 UY 100. In NewBoehetle,BHrtheIrpot; teriua eaar, tl per wwki meeting, held every Mondkr evcuiuf at tiia Hlon datcad.'tuir at 7 o'clock. V. A. tVtl tH, Frw'l, U. li. BUAli.(iT, f. 8. But'lilO FARM FOR SALE VERY CHEAP IS TXT TUimberlaBd VUlage, Sulllvaa county, N. York. HUaarrea, boat place fur mill, atore end ahopa. The wood co It will aell for .M..I price $3,000, part caah. Applr la atore 70 Fulton it, b. 1 ork. 7w tlBWORTHY OF NOTICE A BEAUTIFUL tndBlghlrculUvaledlanaoflSaorw.oatho weet aid. of the Uudaon rtvw.wlth Urge moawa brisk watuloa aud pUaaaa, atabaaa, watw la the beuaa, Boa rrrer aod anououln view. cbBM fHUUa. oooataally by etwrnboat tnd nlla aeXV a large aad uopa-lou- e BaananMrtnriag vllUgo In t refined Btlf bborbood I w lUbeaold aia fair price eretoLel fed tor oltyuttf w rented U a raopoaalble tonaal foe a term of r ewe, at a a.il.BnBarr B.iira Tha BMradnaaeaf tk. tarma aril j ?hru'Tr;irurLa5oo jueruaa avajirea uo tt Itttaar ray, x, rill I lflSCELLANEOUS. iTIRGINTA LAND FOR SALEA vert "Peyalrahle tftica!. fro It and eral n farm. Itn.tM In York Cotrafr, Va,en York River. IM tnllee f roYork- - town, cemtemtng (KD ar a, Pit clcarr d.and BOO la e,AJ tkA I link an Cleared luad In a iiA f ., a Mil.l. irkma dwaUlag, aoarty aanr, all oart ImlhUag eompleto with a Ine ataam ww mlflln good order. Information rlrea by Pr. R. M. (lARHrTTT. TTOIUwelpBrg. Ye P. a C CLA u K. YoTro-j,V"- the boortW.tll'Oa. CLA t-- V Oe ere MovUBrilf Comaty, DA FOR 8LK-9EVSr- tAL TAUTAnrOS bee on Cower at, near la tkt Beach hot e4i Hke- - wtMttiuetter of other lot and n ofiaee at KoVkaway, i I. Apply io JOHN I- - NORTON. nart keReeki war ind AnigloB TollOatCf or to I iTZaM ALD,ItJaaieoit,H.Y. MTO LET IN THH SUN DTnLDTNO, efYae-a-a and Pnttcee ate, a rcwa tl fit US ta the Mb Boor,entriwco R0 Naeeea em powet be bad If req fired i olw a a lee room on the td floor, fae entrance KS Fulton et. aulubtn foe ea office or light menufacturlwf purpoeoa. fnqnlro at the How i GROCERT, STOCK AND FIXTURES I fop aale. a coed atand foe Kiulna-- e. imj. JIM BUtb Avetoo, yon wlilloara all tht pankolara, nV3 iftToR SALE THE STOCK, FIXTURES' " and three eeare'tttmofthe Or ter end Dlalna-Saloo- No. 4J0 Broadway. Rant til a month. A..TO LET-RA- RE CHANCE-T- nE COT- - IJeV ttewhotiMtt Buahrlrk Cmw Roade, Wllllame-lmrih.- T noma, newly peperodvi lote ef gronod, with trait treee cud ihruM-r- y, eteall atable trmnlhoato I.rrr paeace the door. Rent, I lat May, tlO per month, Iho promlaee. rV, CHEAP COTTAGE FOR SALE AT ttfl.j.vu-rr-- t l IKiO; flnelr located within one mile efMonnt Vernon depot. New ork, lnuulro of J. L. BRrWBTER,miroadit, N. Y. J fiat, MtD-F- OR SALE A PLEASANTLY BrftorT bnoae and lot nn Park i,a. m. the Park, Hmoklvn. Orapea and cherrlea In the pard, Iron balcony a- -4 fence In front. If lee tlW ruh, wkI Biortgage, maalro IU Fulton at, HrooUrn. noO 0114 AA TO WATCH MAKERS-AN- J EWEI - rra--Fi r Pale A watch maker'g aetaMl.hmeiiL. In locality down town, dome a f ,lr Irbhlng boat- - aeaav i no reaeoo lor wllln I, the bwlth of th. pro-- DtUtnrlarallina. Tbla la a en ehane. foe - n,n allh a email capital. For farther particular, applr en tha preaileeab New Bowery. IU AA CORNER STORE IN BROOKLYN AND 111 lack room, to let. cor 1'hmonlh tnd Little at. fliturw and counter mmplete for rrncervand Ibnior mulneea. Apply to JOHN F, HUNKI HSY, 71 llrldgt ea, iHOOBirn. Ill IU'1'14 J. FOU SA1E-O- NK HOUSE AND LOT aw on Eighth avet will bo aold npon eaar lerma and at t very low price. Apply to JOHN McCLA VK. I'll Broadway. n alS JQ TO LET OR LEASE--T- rJi LARGE Aew etore, berk room, bed room tnd nee of ronntert and dlturee, M Mnlherrr et It he been orcnpled m a aplrlt and porter heue for the but A roara. Apple on tneprernleee,oretiMeltat. nbl'ItS . IX)R SAIE-- A STATIONARY AND Btind.tMr ntnra. Terr natlv flttaii . ft.. .. . . - - "."' raatMt thAroaiti in iwwu) d. ABHluuavdllataw. I at lit ultoa , Utooklf n, W iC. TO LCT- - THE IIOU.SK AXIY ATORK, - toiwthar htll..lilrk.iiil Aiturra. f4 IA -- onacmuntef a death In the famllr. Inquire In the tore, 861 Ureenwlrh at. 4a AA FOR BALE ONE OF THE BEST LI-SJ- quor etorre lu Weal tt. Apply at No. WH Wwt etreet. 41 JtA FOR SALE THE STOCK AND FIX. LML tare., good will and leaee, of a grocerr atore, loca. ted at eomer Month Hth and llrunawlck at. Jeraer Cltr 1 aleo a largo ttalilo aud wagon houee. Kent mod. onto. 17 A A ROOM WANTED BT A LADY, IN A 0nlUln famllr, uofurnlaued, without board. AdJrwt r,hf., uotrwsBun oracc. IS A DlNtNO SAIdOON KOR SAtR Kft- - t- - tahllNhad a raan and dr4n a aood bualnaeaa tha tock and fliruraa will tteVold at a arr.(.ra on arrount of a death In tht famllr. ADMlir txt tha orf..re ltd 'WomtfT at, or of UuUtS, B.tcher. o.H Hitth are, naar Mth . A& TO LKT AT NEWTOWrT, I.ONO ISL. and, to atorr and houMt and wagon hoa.fi, and atiout ona erro nf rood land, or will Im old rhp. Ioqulra otJAHLB BA1LKY, t Ml Third at, N. In 8 JA HOUSE AND LOT WANTED TO PUR-JJt- L chaeewA honae and lot wanted In the upper part of New York, er la !lronafyo sr niiiBnunai.K nam far rrom the rernee. i uo earertiaer wanie a email nw houee. In which be will par d caah and the balance to la on mortgage! the honw and lot not to root more than BIOUO. Addrew to J. J. Pi bog 17m, N.I.1-- . U. 134 AAA GROCERY AND Liquci STORK FOR i Hla In the let are, IWlh will be aokl cheap en arrount of the owner going tothoeountrn.lt la right ot tho New Ferry, foot of eefh at. nS tin fA A BUTTER AND CHEESE STORE, IN Uaa good location and doing a good bulneea, for aaln. Price about t'J'flV, can bo reduced. AiMruee BCTrKU, boitoo, Buriorlloo 88 AA FOR SALE CHEAP WrrniMJlTDI. IM ale poaaeaalon. t But rate groecre and llqnoratort with itock tnd flxturea rompUle ror further partlu. ulare, applr on tht prernlaw, &4 Monroe it., N. I. lllffi A TO LET OR LEASE FOR 5 OR 10 "rcarB't bouae and lot tn 7th ward, Ul (ha heat t In ttieeltvi nothing Io pay, only ground nut. Applytol'AYTEN, 1 OlvUlon ai Tl AATO LET LOWER- PART HOUSE 101 laLKia ilHtb at.; aleo lower Part cottage HI Eaat tttlll Li alaolroomalMIVitxIhaf. cor Id eve, nicely pr pored alao 1 room. ' lownlne at. Oil. w K1NXI1!MKB,U I'uurlh ate. AA TO LET VERY CHEAP 2 RIXWS lilllrj Cannon: ttl'J Water) 11 ('llritonillll Columbia; VO ItiTlnatonl 1 AtrnueCl 111 .Ninth, 70 M.irlnni 111 I'onilulc. ! ' 100 Fonj th it, and olhera. Inquire at tm llowvry. ufigw iA TO LET A BASEMENT AND TWO )llM.dronnia rent PI Nl alao . fiirnlalmd room In a aniall honae, to one or two ono room to mm niantl.M. Apply to Bell 1 11. I JO Broadway, In the Haaoiuout. Be AA 10 LET-FR- ONT BASEMENT 18 LUD. 4AA low at, o good aland for t G arnian loot and ahnc. makert rout til alo other enertiiM'nt to lot In rer houBi't rent mudiratuto good tenant, poaaeaaiuu Im mvoiateiy, inquire ou tile prciuiaca, oo Jft TO I.KrTO A KM ALT. FAMILY, IK A Uil private lion, at 4 Market rtreft two rooms ona Inrpfi room aittl otto U'di'i'iiii, oik tha tLlrd flour, with i tmand wnptt'p.ia. K- rfpilrfd. rft.'.OT Jft I01C BALK CIIKAIa A FIRST RoVTR .tor, one of the lieit Und In tLe lTth word. Kfunnlur e l.in the owner ha vthr-- bunlurao to Ht- - t nd tn i applr far 3 cU s. Anil oo the piwml-- r 4T4 tail IMA trrcr. IU - Jft HAT AND FUR STOKK FOR SALE iC-4- -) rMp wOuauf tba flniat oqIoti lu tlw) cltr for a ErutttMlhattrrof aniali ma-u- a. Tba atora U nawljr Urtr Man 011", and laooaoftbo Tarr bawt lora.ioni up fown, aoinianna pronpttruii. reai Im plaou ! aold lu oonajuonM of a rbanf a la buclai! wiiirn wm ijo aipia-B- Mi MiiaiaLtoru brap- - ply tun at 45T Broadaay. A WILLIAMSDUROn TO LET-GO- OD and 8 rooiu. ,1 aiuouth. BnlMiug Vita Ave utiuutea walk from ( rand at f rrleai HOilv. PrloetHin. 'lerma ce.r, TlliiM A HE VYR, North loth and lit at. UoStialhAb'lJo AA TO LET THE 8 STORY RRICK HOUSE III. DO Sarkitt at, Brooklrn. Bonlh aide. Thvhou. haa the water In, tnd 1 In good order, and will be rent- ed at a low rent, via., Bi"0 per ennnm. AIo pait of hnuie lo lit. Apply to UJWAUU H. JAMK.H, 1"! Ilrende ay, N. Y, or OD the prcluieM bet 10 end It o'- clock a. m. nlfllO & FOR SALE- -A GOOD CONFECTIOJf- - art ati.ri. with bd iflnrt-- nj dulna a Xod lrtininp, and lu a good Ivcattoa i r lit up ron. at ltd Tlifrd ara. -- 4..84 flat FOR SALK- -A HOTEL IN TUB BEST part of tlia cltr, well loratod, with 0 rear laum arrUfurnUlivd. andajrood bar. ?nr pirtlrolara in quire at tlia proiuUwa, fur two (Uyiti IM XX' dar tr-- tt doonof Yt'mt. u.w'iOl DRUG STORE FOR SALE VERY cheap for eaah,ln tht thriving village of Mount Yeraon, It nil lea from N Y. cUl.ll.Uod t rear, I Urge vreerrtpttoo trade) gooil chance fir a pnv.ieian: ,utl. factory reaaoua for aeuina. appi ly to KK llll-- UA.N.ou tht prciukaea, utar tht depot. boe'ivo DRt'O STORE AN EXCELLENT OP- - portunltr to eatahllih a Drug more on a corner aaa. era leading avenue In Jerver C'ltr In t deueely IKipulatidpaitt no oUinr .tore of the kind within one uuaj icr oi a uiue ui iw Addna IL, eJV Buvenlli at, J. CIO. BJ. 11, CAMPBELL, APOTHECARY, AND Chemlat, ccr ttb oveuue and toth it. pure aud eeiiulii. drue. niidlcinea. and iMtrfunierr. aud the proprietor ron.tantly In atteodaucw, to diapenee cueulctutt tnd prtwcriptlona. la LET-T- IIR BASEMENT BAKERY STO Ml Itldce at I alao tb .tore, back room, bod room tud l.awmrut bakery No. t"i Kit luttoo at I abo a email etore Mid roon.. So. tuO ltivlofton it. In'lillro kt WO Oraud at, cor of Kldrldge, t tw- - RENJAMIN'S BRASS SPRING ' TRLRHtK. No. 1 Harder atreeL ocooeito tho Actor House, are tba Iwal, aaaleet tnd ehMpwt ta Ihtaoild. Ther uevtttt uot grow wee from uaa. frCTAKENOriCE-LiUUiSFJ- I'S WHITE rbfbeavcra tnd bloomcn ladlea' bcaren and felt hate clcaxed tud made fitBhiooal la, axd aa good a newt al- to til kind of hata done up In good atria. Call oi tho atrev and fB hat btewber, 15i llroooa. tl, n. door troui Altrem.y. aoA 1101 WA NT E D AN EXPRESS waeon.lhorao aad liaeaaaa. .,.!. ., kuiile. oelr al OTA an J V71 Wa.a -- a. mi ii.j.- - rleav a note for F. M. P., bet VCrl bub oflWe. 4 wanted A nonn hepond on horse tnick. Apply or direct to ZWSSKKAbABA.wmiUlaiuat, u9 aU 0 BAWABD-STOL- EV FROM THE eubeorlbrr ea the Ibt of ocwoec. -- - ula Uarlein, a Una two "horse tad ''? wagoa, leborw haa aohrla ipol .oa bU fonheaa, wwi eo hi. Iek. the of hla feel ce "' lara them to 44th at, betwwa Itb and Ith " Tj FOR SALE CHEAP-HOR- SB, tnd harticea. ller-- a Bvo T "Idydftfoa tToit and werrled ajund and "3.I. ortoarfher. Brouldtult B gt ttf m priitri Al'Pf 01 f0 BBHU, tr, BB l-- AMUSEMENT I nAa-rn- ni Tjmnm-BRiLLi- Arr cow. I 'EXIT TTI-ai- IIAUATt Al, the eelanrat! I fediaav-;ATCmDA- r, Nov Wh-- jia to. r ir.aw lUOI.at IS ae comeoy niaiyu rai -- Peal Pry by I ifr T. Ifd eK-2- ? tta'W'BiV,..';.. MarmadaJ wftwAAf narperrF SKfSSE RrvwM llX-E- Zy: CKe elt k th. BeOnai FnawVTSia -- 7Li.i7 JfTVe. .id . tha Am erf, flare-V- an, JvTew.' Unf Boa,NawkeP ChOA aaadwtaa,ld I Mt ttabs IA if ' AtTlA KErirF.'J? TTtT.ATRE 1RATRF . EKK..NK IRATRW. llhATKTJ 1U- - LAiTNIilir mm Of . mrv Btrfiiprirria t.baia 'fiSOTiW. HHAeVA rHK r.VJUZ TIIRBl UTlVUIi I) KAMA MAnRHRART. MARM.R ilKART. MAKJn.r. HEART. -- ttk lea Bri.r Tttn Oar SnawmnCatf SeewrtDCaoi frptrwiwoCaaw SrLanniDCaaW aad MaoairKWMT Boaaaar. Maomnur Br wrtf. Maor.inc'ewT Sre rhwj aUontnorfrr aywnarr. UaaKrasra. Tin Cceaiil eve. .eoanaw. L.....t . IBB ar cirma Mi wimanai Taa urww Mint llraeT aa. Taa Pona Oaraea Miat VTaixt ,.M.,Tat BmrLrroB IBtna Oa M0SPA Y, will be pre Md Ua admlrablt cowed S11LL WATKIIH KLN DEEP, with all tbo old favorite In tho cact. Oo TtintSAY, KoT.tMhTwUl he produoad tho be UfulbactpUy t iin wiff r. B BrA;iterij which ww erlalnallr pmdnned at the Park Theatre by eir.,-K- evaan euo Boxen Lag, and w hlch they afterward performed uirwarda of oNr. iiuniiheii Ninirra L at London, 41 win n. prraiueeo wltn aanBB.1 new bob T rroaortloa, an' paviLT orarr a atcLT tn a. raaiLT oiaoia ohlt tn rteara, riaiLi cunt oult tA re a. raaiLr ctmiM olt vn ran. PAMILff dBTLB ONLT 1,1 OBtfrta, Doan cpea at ht pattala To lieamianltthtlf-pac- t eeren. fTrtaaf Imla aiatamarht araairaj aaa weak In BaV aaa BOWERY TuXATEX NEW Tietween Meeter and Oraad atrjato Sole froptiwlora Meeara O, L rot aod J. W. tdnrard pToaaetra Bwte, Ml eeala 1 BoBOe, ta eente I Pit It eta. Door open at OH o'clock cmniBeneo et Tie o'clock. SAT1JRUAY RVKNINO, Novembtc Mb, tr PwlUrely the laetcltht cf LNdJt TOM'S CABIN. tTncloTom.. , Mr. J.TT. Tjlngard pa Clair, ........................... Jkvtt tt. u itowara ynineea. ........ ............ ........ ... .. Topeoy,,,... ... ..Mra. n.'ii'vffwV- c- KvOote aaa e aaa aaaMeaMa .0fwMlallO WOTV -"- Uarri. Bra. WTO. Joaaa "oLn"A'N'ii'Vo(Vo. HUB ItUI, ACADEMY OF MUSIC MATINEE tBATl RHAY.l Not. Mh, at 1. flVUND (IAI.A MATINr.K. Grand Cemblnetlon of Art!t andOptnia, The 4th Art ef LA FAVOHITA. Mme OArZANKIA, BKArCAROR. Jl'NCA. NK. EH .11 IN1F. 1IY Al'IT.AKlNOr.B. Mr. end Mia. HENRY DRAYTO-b- . The entire Opera of RllrllLKTTll, Mme. CUMMIN. Mme. BTKAKOSaL bi iwr.l.l.1, rr.KKt, ati)L,L.r.n. Oa MIND ay, nrvt ranee In America ef Tim SICI N ESFRES. EXHIBITION EXTRAORDINARY rULLOOTf. ."". lULLOOSt fNTTJlTlON OF TOM QRAMDi inili. chip CITY OF v--r YORbT. .hm . . :t I A.A.. ....-- " J.UB bat'irnr nai.iAiuB ataa IKINI mjcihu. aaninvf nrts EVERY DAY TILL rCRTIIER NOT7CP', g torn a. uu o r. M. at Iha CRYSTAL PALACM OROmmrt, Ihew f ronnd having, by a rota of tha (XlaiMflN (MLNCIU Been granted fbr thie g UanUe, erieoiuSa, and worthy tuiVLOl'B TO ITi -- - ,.. tuiaub iv Mnurn. iwdmlwton. ..jot-wate- . Fulijr ticket- -, tadniltttnels poraone. ww do faToa of ue aajr oi a noa. nltjibd HARMONIC MEETING EVERYiMONDAT evenlnge, tt 4H0 Third are Shade--. Chalra takrn a I KM o'clock! the beet of alee. Honor, wince tnd Began. Proprietor, JAMFJ1 LKWIS. LECTURES I1Y DR. SCUDDER. IICNRY MAKTIN HCI'DDF.R, m. d4 p. Plt w ho haa apent twcntrtbeea reara of hie life la Indla.tnd who waa there doring the great mntinr, will deliver a (Snurw of FIVF. FOPl'LAB LEClLHto on UUiUOH r AN and the H INlN M in at thecooi'kk iNrvrrnm, Commrnrlna MIINIIAY V.VKNINII. Not. T. BrrultiiT.'.The Kaort of ludla their Language; fur. louaCuatomat Fakir. t Indian llennitti Hindoo Wit, and Hindoo VTcmrn. hectare II. Thunder Fvcnlng. Not. 10. Bimjktrr. Flirvlcal Fennllalitlea and liuentlee of the Slounlrritbe Literature of ludiai the Atbliteaud liitiire HI Monday Frenlng, Nor. la. 8t1uiT.--Th- e llramlnle I'rleetuoodi Csatei ef aI iell to a Temple covering more than 10 acrea of ground i Mode of W oralilp. Lecture 1 V.Weilnelar Kt rnlnc. Not. Id RrHjri)T...'fbe Ancient Hindoo and the Modern Athenians, or Hindoo t'enttielam aud lloetonTraneoen-dcblalie- ni a Ilc-e- rt of Hindoo I'roverna. lecture Y. -- Morulay Kvcuing, Nov. II. Bl'lumT.-.'rltlc- al l'erloda In the lllatorr er tho flrftieh Kinpire la India aome account ot earlier Mut. tiaiwarrrai tha latoneret Kebelllon lilt Na lure and lkHlon the Atrocitle. how far eaeggurat-ra- t ! Heroic freed i Ueatlor nf India. 'I be l,rcl urea are luteuded to combine Instruction with Entertainment iioKirrrt for thk coriisv-i- . For a Uriitteinen and l.adr, tl f0. Teacher, tnd Fnplle nf Hchonla, till eente. Single Keening 1 Irki K Ml rent. Ticket for the (loureo mar be obtained at all tha Uock.toree on Uroadwar, aud at the door on the eveu- - Incof the lirtiire, Uoon oh a at I) to eonnuonoo tt 8 o'dock. nS Sla'Ul TVTOTICE THV. IXlVEUS OFGOODIUR- - It monr meet at th Star of the Weet Bhadea, VO near llrand, everv Moiidar and B4lurdar eveniniia tliair laaen bt ooiioi a ir v nnng Hoaeine. AllrifrrahlneutattlhtnaualprUea. TlloCll MKD-Lb- 1'iopilclor. ua Sllv4 1 einn PERSON'S MADE YrlsTERDAY l,0lf TDK I01BOF ITALY VYAMiirS ITALIA. HOFK 'II.!KL. NF.W hrKIKH OF ITALIAN llbWS. Eicrrisu anii iik a i i ifi'l ck.sk. YULUAMO kKI IH'KNINII BIHP AST) MOUNTAIN. IN1KKIOK OF HT. rm'KH'l COUSCI'M JlY MOO.NLIIIIIT. ILLL'MINiTIONS. Many of the lewe ere fllled with a warm Italian glow, piculiarlr truthful and difficult of attalument. Atmoei'lierlc effect bcloug to Art, aud uot to Blair au. A. 1. 'frtee. blUUM AT SF.V llirMiER AND LUHITNINO. Krcrr KvenlngTH. Mondar, WedneaiUr audBatur-da- r, BP. M. Aduilwlou to cent. Vhlldron, 10 cent. BOBERTSOira BAKD nKADQHAR- - tarm,No,ll Bpr.nait.,net oeorviaLiuiaij uaut upiikira. n. uiaara aaa O1U7 bo rooalved ai iba abora addroaa. 000 aaarivBW TJAIR DYE IS YOUR HAIR TURNING XI CIKF.YI la vour whlakera red orfiivvr WimiM you have llienicliauged toe beeotlfiil. natural HLAC'IC or BKtlN, without havlneyone hale ri.l.i.il. .rrmr akin lulur-- df If eo, trr a tllTY t'KNT Hog of HKIFHT A JO.'B Nonpar, II ofHyce, tho OLU aud OKlUlNAli COLUMBIAN HAIR DYK. ThooMud are now u.lng It who opwk of II lo tho moat Bettering ten ln. roaaon I. plain l ther can depend uiioa thla w anawerlne all thai m lie claimed for a good and honeetmade Dye, which, when prop- erly ii.ed, will go farther than aur other In the mark-- oi. tar tie euro you wa lor unir-or- B iiair live, aud rea may depend upon gattlng a good aad reliable art ., Manufactflred and aold Wholesale and Retail, al the Columbian Depot, 44 Houth Hooond at, vrilllain-hurv- At null throughout tho I'uited SUtea, Ac oris ttoo MISCELLANEOUS. t- - KIRHALE-- A It W MAUE Ari'LY -- gav kt It Cheiry it. 11. UlCHLY. l I0R SALE TO BE SOLD CHEAP for caah, coach, hunct aud tiarnwe. Un- - uie4ll.u.ly. luulr. ho. 44 LaartBt it, Pitw Tara. Boldwperetaortogetlur. Bt FOR SALE CHEAP FOR WANT OF mi i tine. , lr. iiwrtitl tt hft ale - - y ri aula, alltrllall lle. rUbl graeu from (be rountr,. PP'r ai no-t- aa iu UOI'III IBEL MILK ROUTE FOR 8AI.E-- OF 1 auarta. all famllr euatantt luamllon atl- - loot, Hona,wefOu,tlelgh, eaua, an J all dituriHiconi. plcte. llt tt 1 Foutlh gtnet.anerH o'ock TO STOCK KAISER SPLENDID ri'.uVwr"Ar.pirTo'i.itii.ij 0 rwn old. ror Drove Yard. Mb i ROITJH TERRIER -L- OSr, ON lillr Vwi.e-t- .r .fternoon. 'mall rough terrier rTTwS" her I. W Plo it, bawuijut, 1. Tllih .fciVafl rewive $3 naard.audao on "lone wkid. tho dog bolug a pat. - j LOST-- ON THURSDAY AFTER oooo. a blwk and tan tarrUtdoci tho Cr ulcer a nward of $0 U hoover wUI returo him talMewteSibal. aO mat tTPt FOLLOWED ME HOME A WEEK if Ibigo. a l'ge eUed dog. outvoted to ba a aaa. Iho oa ner can have tbo wuia, by prorlaf MTaBar-- and paring oapenew .Call al - Vfaahla fVta at, B this end Maday.et It o'clock, hi FOB SAL3 SDC' NEWFOUND- - r-wa- w"" SRE'ABfJ--08T-ON THE SOt a large NewtooacTUaA dear. noa. aad ef white, foal white. Iwt,hcaw cvUar, ""; a be ROVKR any aetaoa bflogCg b-- aaloan, t bowery and Dtvielen tt, ejm.ni, wui g,WthttbvTtrttrl LEVTlSMl tl mmsm '4 M MARRIAGES. Ilm44r. OctWtMW, Vr. Cbu. A. Onr to KmU k. Iltrrlc.a. 41 Ttwrt.f, Not.M,U tna pMtortvl rMttlmico, by tbm Rrr. Favtber If noatr. Thoutu Major to Utb-jin- w MoCnokcii, both of thU air. 19 1 -r- riioMPAN-YK iDrjfBmqn-- o MandtTero. tolne. fief. ttd. hv tha U. t.tithee W. Peek. Henry Thompaoa to at let Prancli E. burgh,hoorth(a vny. i oagnarepaio papan pieeao oopy IU DEATHS. BEKTOICT-- At MoM Ilarea, Weetcheateroo., M.T. TtoT.li, trdla Blaabeth, danghter of John r. ana r)arah A. Benedict, aged I reara and 10 dare, Tba relatlTW and frleodt of the family are reapeet-fn- Incited to attend the faneraLthle (Baturdari ai wrnooa. at 1 o'elook. rrora the reeldaooo of her grand, aether, Wm. Bmadaf o, MoU lUran, IU BLTLTB-- Oo Tknreday.NaT. M. AnaaUtla Butler, a Batlra ef Co. Kilkenny, rarlaa of Themaatown, Ira-tan- aged TV peere. llerfrienda and relatiTee, and thow of her enna. John O.. Kdmnnd and Patrick HutUr, are rwpectfully InTtted to attend oa Bonaay ancrnoon. etnlmt.at ute clock, run nor l a naioani & Eighth Are. rHAllER OnPrl-a- r. Nar. 4th. 0rr Ctmr. la tbe ttth rear of hU aaa. Tha relatlrea and i of tha family, a1o tha rt and .Mobm oftbaFtrvt Troop WMhlnctoa VramMncltlar-'sdrftM- .) ar nprtftillr InTltadto attrmd tha IVaeral. tm Bundar aftronona tth Inai, at . o'clock, froto hlilaUra.idiir, fttMIoratla -- trrdt. Tha irmafni will be take a to New Jrrsr.r, oa Monday tnomloiii for lntartuaot, -- tt CAkTKROK-OnTaitr.- Sd lnrit.'VV'LIll.ni hla aga. lba relatlTM and frlandt of th famllr. a!no th m br- - of Marinar'i leodn No. 2S. of L O. O. K.. ara tft,lla l - 4 Ik. ..! .. I ' riiuiir uTiini u iiruu uir innrrait on aiiuur iTMrotn, 6th Imt.. at llo'clocka from bulaio rwW denoa T9 F niton at. 101 DtMP8KY-- Oo Frlrfar craolait. Nov. Uh, of oa imtnptlno, Brlldf t Anna, dn fitter of John and Kltaa bath DompM--- , a battT of tha (Juot Wexfttrd Ira ijiiid, ta tha 17th -- ar of br Mt, ThafrlenoUandaao.ualDUnM-so- tha fuullf arvrtv nttctftitlr Inrltrd to attend hr funurml. oa finodajp ancrnoon. fth lnt at IX a'olook. from tlta rtMildneo of bar motbrr, 44 Tratm stroot, without further no- tice. 199 OILnEK.LF.EVIUIa Itrooklr- -, L. L, onFrUar NoT.4thclirlfMiVatoaUU4ir'ilava, o of J-- B J dare. 71 .M, Walter Illgglne, A native if the County WeatuioaUi, Ireland, aged 111 reeve. The relative, and friend of tha family, atae tha tnembere of the CoachUa Uaard. are reinectfullr to attend the funeral, an Sunday afternoon, at a'elere. trow hie lata twldenco, g? Trlnltr Place.SoJ inOOIHg-O- n rrldar, tha rth but, Mrt. Ann. UU . glne, In tha 4M year ef her ago. Herlhneral will take place on Bonder aftcraonn, atlo'clock. from her late rwldenoe, 113 Monroe at, Below aad new Orleaii. paper, pleeee copy. SMI JACESON--On Wadneeday, Not. 4th, Martin Jack, aoa, baring been drowned on board the ateaeuer Cham pion, wniie going to new uaven. Ula relatlTW end frlenda are reapeelrully Invited tt attend tno funeral, on aunoar aneraoon, hid ciotk, from M Moat at. II U reinelnaUl ae Ukaa toil- - ary Caoictary Ibr Intarment. 19S M ABCIl Oa Friday, Catharlna March, danghter of Mathew and Barah March, aged 1 year, S nioatbt and The frlende and aeqoarntaneee are reepoetfully la to attend her faueraL onHuudar aneraoon, at rtod Crow the reetdenot of her father, 7E Cum barlana ai vrooturn. uv lrCBRT-V- or. th,EUen Marry. . Her funeral wilt take place on Sunday afternoon, lib lnat at 1 o'clock, from her lata reetdaaee, U Ami. ty Place, Wd MeAIXIBTER Kot. W, of eld age. Mra. Acnet Mo Aliletrr, a native of Paialoy, Boollaud, aged 7 yeara and a aumtbe. The reUtlvw end frlende are reepoetfully Invited ta atti nd h r funeral, from the rrtlilenee of her BretJTty, Betrtk alrect. Ml McALUSTEE-O- n Friday. Wot, 4th. of coaeumn-tie- r, ttrt Me tlllater. aeed Wrwra. The relet iree and frlende of the raullyare roepact-fhu-y Invited the funeral, aa Sunday mora-- lag, alio lock, from hla lata rwMaaea, lOOowalng etreet, wrtnon farther Botleo. Ilia roeaalna will if taken U Now' York Jlay Cemetery for Interment. WS MeAKALLY-- Oa Wday, Not. 4th, Mathew Mo- - Aaallr.of theOoanty Wwl rariaa of eviuaro, 1 TherKc-- L aoTfeUtlvw art respectfully lavited TO anono law ruwahoa "WiruwinT! v.V from tha Belicvue UoaplUl, betwaaa SOth and Tth atreela. Kd MoaOlfAtf-OaThare- da y. Not. jBd, from the etTectt Af InJurlw reeelvod on tno Beconq Avenn iraiiroaa car, Charlw Mettoean,a natl ra ef the Pariah of Drum Cliff. Count! BUgo, ireiano, aaeo rearm. The rtendiendaonnalnlanor. of the family are rt-- emootfallf Invited to attend the funeral, thla (getar- - day) afternoon, at lit o'clock, from hit lata realdenca. foe But lth itrocv. we MeKEON-- Ia Brooklrn, oa Tbureday evening. Not. Bddt-- a abort and wvere IUncea,Wllllam r.JtceLeon, re ee aa age. Tha friend and acaualntancw of the faraur. and tnmmi hla falher-t- o Uw. Freed II. WhlteshU broth. r, Joha J. andFranala White, Jr, anl alao the member of Conatitullaa Enalno Companr No. T, and Frontier Uoaa Company No. 0. art roipectfuUy Invited to attend the funeral, oa Sunday afternoon, ti o'crfc, Irem hie lata rwiaeuee, vnj iTWpeci aa. aa McCAFFREY--Ia thla city, ob Thursday, Hot. Id, lln.k McCaffrey, In the 4IH. veer of III; age. Tho relatlTW and friend, of the fatullr are roapeet- - luUr lovlled to atteod the funareL on Bunder .ifter- - noon.ttb lt, tl Vlnek. floia hi. lata roaidaona, Ul third Ave, corner Uhth at, Ui . McNAMA-- Oa tha td IniL, at her lat. realdence, 171 Weet Wd it . Bridget MoNama, wife of Michael Mo. rtam., a native of Manorhamclloa, Co. LeHrUa, d. aged 47 yeara. Herlrleod and aoqnataace. art napaetfully ln termed that her rerealne will be removed from tha aiMTorwidaaioc.oa Baturday afternoon, bth but, at lyn, Hirrlct SirUulf, wlft of Joha 010, aged ot yeara. Th. IVIecide aad nlatlTW are reapootfuny lorried to td ad the funeral, thla taafurdaj) morning, el IK'e .'clock, (r.m tha rwl4.no ef her brother-in-la- Jaa. IMtaTFelkea Ava, aaac Oif d it. HI rrfERSON-r- a Friday, Not. 4th, Wm. Henry, eon af Joha P. and Uauab Potoreoa, at od 4 year, and 0 trjeatne. llierdneral will take alao. Jkt Rand. eLernoOn. Oth lnet . at i.e'elock. prwlac ky, frew tha realdenoo of 10 aad af., !isfe:iw.tok- -- rtBr"ur SMITH-- Jli Beienaei, uih nor. JohaBxalth, lato werchant ef MewYorV, and oi .totaUTWaBdlrtoadtaf tho ramnyare roeooet-- isVJioTar--; Ki3j z&zzr'ijr e&inissrstfz.i VTboruSerJ wlU takipl e oa Sunday iornb,f. at DEATHS. WnrrB-t- a Ihb elty, oa ThotwUy, Nr. M, after lona and painful lllaeaa, h sb ba bort wi aattaaee awl reeteaetloa, TMatat WbJU, ajad M ere, Ki relatlrM and frlende af lb wanly are rare-r- i. faJlylBTttadta attend the fgneraJL.aa Bnadiy after-ano- Nor. Mb, at 4 o'clock, fraaaU lata netaene. N rraakUa at eomer of Cbuta. Ml TIIE.NKW YORK SVH .UTUjUHT flOKSIHO, HOT. i, WW JUWAX, arvatw-nuD- Ar. , .B "jV . Th9 CAMRifffM4Ma.J ra--WT ja Am m- - i 0t tt Babnt and MAevcML etAerel laothn it aear a4i la I M aa aeCiva la pw-W- oa brlwmt Ma m ba5i33 j mrdan, arttattaV to allow jdaiatraT er fllf B narwlaiainltl c apTWao. ta 1 WttwiamVf AIOOoiTotclbTbbataat flPRB? e-- "4bafara tbt - A mmamt MeaMMRV' 1 IVfcox-raA- rd U I i.'a' I (llW."-fi!t- C velaOona to tt 0 Metric ItHaT 1 atar Uck J mi aa ta dtfcw af Iho aftdr. l HMwaSaW tPbJBrt lbat bwaxitloaMtw 1,' MMtt.baTtnf Watt al adyawda ta tho aaa I Ml Dothk gmwH er aha a, ta warrtad aacb aa cnbf ta thltgtaeof Bhoooa t ad tat inlia already beta la rnbot dullid 07 laa Coarl, a former fncttcmi that ta aetlga ktaa-'- Ma awab law, oa contract, la rcr -- r tba aaaaage, aad that Map char a art aiorhtttal Bad taooed bo tabwMWd ta S Jnbk tha duo emu w of that aoMoai aad Mai Ms which U tba at trial in fat tba raoueaBe aod uMIn. out to anUBHtrr t It, It cab hi fat th bboo of tbrtaST 10 aeiey ua aeuienaani 01 t eetaw taa n Ban art tweed to allow tba claim. At imeal IM aa. Di$totmHm afFmrhmikiftntm A. DlOrwmf tt. eoryA AT. D Agrtm, A al Thtg wag ea aa. doa tcainrt tba detendtt on lav, eertara Brwtp serr aott,or the anmcf about Bd. Taaoow ftlat aad a4 tba plaint, I reoMd tha a too ta Msawal ef a bill Of aluat too defendenta, waa tea tba lato Ira of D. AToda, Jov Co. t thai U tottc Iho aoto a a lb. rrnrewaleatna that Jotb ' bor of tho B tovw th twwwa wa IBS trrnadlbalbo MbotaMrlaar btlhoflrai at tha fane tbo acto waa awdo I bat M arpoared that aa aw Ilea of dlmolntton waa dwa. Bad the Coart held tot tha oulfoinf partner oould act reoevo bl eraotf frav UaMUry wllio.it full notice to tba crodltora, aad gmm jua(mosi tor ua amooxi ouumeo. ftaaarlar Caart. PtrmM Ottritf PitcAnryrtl Um Omrt JW AUnr WttU re. fleravw 0rruy.-.Ta- lc caw waa reftedln lAeAmof Oe. 19th, and M wUtbara. maaibe d thai ttf ml waa h ox hi ta rnjiw euw of bl.aro, for rrpalrt alleert d to kavo baea wads for tba Oalway Biwmetilp Compaay. Tba oaaua tnarina amior waa ibb owner m wa thli ocmpaay, aad at took eaookhotder, wag fortboa.iiamerjdoltn thoeompUlnt. Bora nled ItaflJ, aH thwa tle Aaoaai ha waa Boa, ana ho over bean, a holder if any ouoh otook, tad twotd agalnallha per b:v oimania made la can or uoun, rue pay roc taa e ara. Tho poatpoBjrd, Bad wa cailod, th. patts wwratiui4 la daCaaJa, w defindant blumphtntl walked cot of Cowl, - Rt rAcata Caart. OanicUiBtyHtt'-Wia'fBamj- ut CmitmmM Tbo toatalor eraa tba c nor of a lario nri al. la ttaal city, iiwwuin toiuawtrap .oMitaaaaa teat Bl To rooo. and daetrltaaed ta ta1 ta arnoof othtr roUUtra, reeaJnt UlhltottyBg wnere. Tha fcHowttn charltati be inafg art alao ona oi uo wui I To tha American Bih'aakidotr tloVSM TO tho Old School rrtatrrtarwa Cberrcb ef Aianca, imiiummii umi v M .W To the Ward cf Fnt-t- ga MlMou of Iba Fraa Charch cf Bootlaiai. . ., , ., ..... ItLtOT To Iba Board of ltocnettlo MJoaaooaof tbo Fro t Church it BorAland ' To tha Iloard of Fort dim tfjgaloaa of tbo oil School Frwbvterlari Chttrob MS If Bona of the abora aoctetJw et txlat ta Iba will daracW that uwycrnrly go unuroa ot pcoaianii. tbo Itheaalvootbo rwltal tM.uuwtai.lo g.neial - thht ctty aad la but (twtaturb) aatlra i JERSEY. CITY. Till Stabbibo ArrnArtaNtwASK At JiBanan Bru.iT aa, th maae wbo waa atabbaA la a tght with a negro, aamarl ra iaa Jaa , oa WM nreJay night, war Dutch ttowa la Jw y dry aaa toroewhat untaro 4 jeatarday, Vol la ant ooaaedawa out of danger. Tha Ooon ware aiiigiiiiwtafwl ba their acarch tXUr Ua ordond man, and It to oamaae ho made hit eactfo la tha tchoooev to arbleb ba ba lotund, whloh wiled, frota Boklra oa Tho ay artaraooQ. Death of If b. McCabtib -- Mtun McC Tm, who waa Injured by hla bona raanlac awwr at Newark, on Thanuy, dWdof blatajar i at tha t 100 toatarday taxanilna;. Mr. MoCaarrn wwt a pa4 ' aaer la Jon City, and waa bighlw tanatd. ntmao- - CotntTT Drkut Socirrr It annual meotUig of thla Boclety, at Pe ea, oaTbaaa' day evcnlnf, Rot. Mr. Faaa i wae ilnlid Fntaat Mawn . Jaa l. McCir, aad Ccaara, Ytao Ftaa denie i Bar. Wm. Ywmnmw, Scon levy Ma. Cb Muean, Trceeurer, aad Metara. C A. THueat, OaotBT, Vaat iaj id, B. S. lat am 1 J. I aa, fana tlia OommUleo. MUTCa-A- X UtAO. nrn anat. m tan, aooa ana. --aaa How. IIU AMI IM I IM Not. I.. I 10 III t tt I 4 4 Hot. T.. M IN S tl I S SS MAMLtK INTLinKWCTt. tTTKAJtwj ro BAIL. How. B..OotBn(iiaaa..Nw York. rlTaer a Now. t..rwaa. Noa TortgJw Llva epooL Nor. ltAraco.... ....Now York. lot lie a. Not. ltAlBOrloB ...,,, itraton. . for Uvorptal Not. U..Vau,lerbllt,...Now York. for Ua a. Nut. l..Cltr vt lt....New Yorlufor Uiap.it. MoT.tS.Aaia Now Yortfor Uvorpooi, BTSAktmBB TO AKAITm. Oct ta..Gr Ba , Oot, tt,.Aiucrlca...,,.IiverTioat...tor Ikwlo Oct. td..VanaarUl....Bouthso....t)New Yoefc. Oot. M..N- - Amer1oan.Ii rpoolr Oiiebao . Oct. 4..lycfl lb..U rpool..Jbwllw. York. Oct. tt..Aafa ..Uverpool...fbTNow Zcwk. Nut. L.Nbw York ...BViuth'n..,. fur Now York. Nut. d..baaiiula ......Boutu'.n, M.furww Yocta, CLEARED For Dost Porttv STFAWSniFh NoTeltT, BoD, Ihl adalp a. BriflM A Kirkjatrtokl ITauet Shaw, rhBttalfbla, JA-Dil- gga. SHIPS T B Cutting-- . Foat, Mobile, Fosd. Coj Main, llaac k, MoUlo aad New Or l, Xi IB auo. IkABJCaF DaaiD, Franola, Say nth, DeradDdl Out D WeUUr, Stanru, Ban riaaatarw, VT TO H man ADo. SOaOONCRS-Ooc- aa Wave, 7afl, Motfu , IC Tfladau, F Decker. Walroua, I rttird, D S iikttH 1 aaet, Uardlus Oaruiaw. MtCrta A Btevo aa i let rub ah, IimwoTnu (or, F. IU 4k UawUtoai rUd,Ueat aaronn, nuraiofvoi. r. d rowT aayivua, aa .wn rrmtdtuca, US Rtc tt; Mincgold, Crowau,Nirlr . Bturgea, Ikaio A Cm Oallegok SaBh, lllnhmrad. U H ritrion. For Foralcn Pot , eTTaVAMStara Oueta hata, S bury, MarrB,af Tagiaaoci Kant aiov, Jaay, Urerpool J O Data. ARKS Ilraatle. Mulls LUboa. A B Mo aaa II Yen liraUad, (area) to if, tMrd a, Waataa auger. BRIOh Antta Owe a. Bar, Netrvl t. T oaaas Boo; lwb.Ha Jewdt, Brad, MaieolHw. J B Wwd Oct UarrUt, Unogdcru Ua Uar, N a, A A Da Wettkc LMAjraod,(.Br)Alk! St John, MB, ril TtataBO BCnoONrTlS Rhode Ic'and, O'gTeal Xlaost C A 11 Solomau; YTcutworlb, Uuor, UaOfkx, MS, ADotoIX. RSIY0. BTFAMBniFD Locual ISInt, Ianoh, with bin to B a uiocavvau a uo JauioetowB, Skinner, ItUihrnot, ndat tad gota lo Luaam a norowKaa. Mount Veiwu, Bemlth, tta sagaoa, wttb laaM aud to 11 B CmwweU A Oo. U S J, ravtland, wt tUtatBaBf at.fer.eo LIB Cat well d Co liuUn. Blaw, Phlla. lajphlaaad Capa Mir, aa mdM Bad pwteriforB lo w Faku a lMrtl, 1 ur, fecrl.l.n.-j- , b at tt I O '1 Alabama. Bofcenekr Bewuneh, wttb atdaa tad Baal taogui to B L Mitcbi iU a So BlirPttTiTi.flahb- -i Lord. ITb Bant ttV. atl eodw anABl raiseaswralo B ktwrrau. r Aldanab, Ih bar, Sund.alan.l leyt t, H atalta ) C MoArvhtr. Rub. na, t n,Iaakia 1 oDoorna Sept Tata with mow to Ihinham a DI oa (.ndtrwr Iter, BLUnta. Urerpoui Oat S, wt s) tod Ct raawBgoTg to Cbaa Oarow. BAIU Unda Slawart, W St Jan C ,Otf tt , lh ,Jnart BA J Tl I mBSTUl reutuokrt, ndghtoo, Eai a, Cuba, Bept , iligaiao I sue fa i iie v Amanda, Benda, Uavaiuv IB daje.'wUb bagiata U. laiLfila - . jltor auBrnvo lJ4jr, Tt, ul ii aeli to J U iiuaajo) rtli-- v, MltoheT, Buatca I daya, la uvd ta to Fjtaabtlhport, lob 1 owl fc tha anOS-Une- ola. Ootawarh. Santa Cnu Oat I , with w- a- (hay lo Ml tor ItoufUoa. SI IlrlUr, Jcnne, Ha- h- aVld IT, with aot ta Ma MoUAIi) iadhwvywwtU- -. Krautb, Btratlrn, SuTlvao, Mo, to 4h a, muM ,"boclrFortPt JS da- -, mm Oar esn, toi U laaba pattV "ardllwry, F.Hh, llunalre.tl daya, a- -t aa.1 m Smith Jonw CUOONUI JOUbarl IT aloa. Hal, dayt, wHB nun to a oer, Myrov w, Ilui hea. Chaibatna, wltb aoMoa, MaaOU'O, rnr Bairacw, Baa Bert Vehxa BuntLJact aoava.attbl Witath, Hub tr, taaUapot ft I lguna aaw.y, ,aa aa liar BUU, lUadoiana, dov da BcUvnr. Koubifa, Boodout lot do Utn klatt'da, MoOurd Cab, wltbraaaoo, DU raid win, Qjowii sloolrTaad, aa. L'on, FurtUB, da da itaka Beta Ott, Bopa, eadaa. rappa, daatma, aa nawn A O Skwev .' . do tug ttur,IU-Wt.rtlMfu.rwT)- , .J RWateoa, raekar, Riwua aw. ' Kilo n Rodmaa, bl, Now B nrd, o Marlt, Mktbo-i- Mrt, '1 aNaaC-aol- Ow nwCaroa .. SUeT Alboab U a Wmhom Oo Bhto ClBilfaalliia

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1859-11-05 [p ].nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030272/1859-11-05/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · KTI Caaaer laatltat rrrarblac erary Hab rath, at IWkt and a, In ball

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h A --' 5

r k


Sd Artnae RaH cpwi betaaaaand Mth ttrewe, ale rreeurterUaRta It. ALBKKT II. UNuTVwtor. rreeehlna

la the North Hell. stale, at 10M a, aa, and d p.L MMIIIMM m HH tt&lllr -

Ber. Tfttmtr Matttraaa, Pi tarn aaVoten ChasLw r of Jlroad--

a.A.tUsehtt.rt.cvM- - datTr. , UT

A Mm NMhf will ba bat-- hi OrabawIwhIHMM pretoetaai Church, mrt tondar.rvw.wTttock. AU Chrile en rwdlellg iav4ed

attend. Mr OBVU B UAHD-N- Ut U ureted tobo trains. ! IM

Haala fc Fart .ha state S Charch, Mwa aa atnei-u- a im after to.

MUMM. two wui ae, noraiaft H ion,kiJtaMak at Ma'fl'tck. Evening wrvieea dlemwl wttk till further rotlee, Elder P. a BROMB,frow aalllvea eoaatr, It, Y., Will --pntr the pulpit,U. l OB evuaaa , NOT. IU IM Ula, MaUmaOlS

J. la IMahaa I la Preach Va-lK- a ww Ktt--rMnf at tH 'clocl. it tha Sanctuary, 106 t'lrat ttrwt,

eCkrUi, th Miliaaliua, ., o tUaUtee. 131

float Fro Tha Rev aldar- - A. Carry wuieach la Tnaer IlalL aar of nroadwar and 14th it,

at 10H o'clock am. and H p.m., tBtranee laSwtbet, Boat, free. Ul

TWili;aaata are M. R. Chsrrrh,MwwiMmdMitfa Preaching nn Bandar, thoy.. loot, at low a m, hr Rev l)r DI RUIN: at I e m br

uhkw B,erKrt Klver Confenaeei atrnnuurc. Biehop J ANLd. Beauo-to-. ua

IkkflM ftaaara t'aiaa Charch, lAbaaaaHall, 10 Abingdon A?utre. Tba flnt wwl aaawalmartial af tba Sabbath School will k holdaltera. AddrfeaaB br tba. following Interwtlntgpetkent II U- - uuuui . bukijb. anaetbere. Preaching .at u.ual at iPf imiUIXfobject U tha tToulnf , lac ana at tut enHBVlCaaatrla aUtrta Calaa Nabbaih Bervlci

SSth Bandar, Not. atti, Rf. UhaHmJ. Jenn willrmcb at I r. M t ana Krr. M. . uatuia, u. u rIm U t'aloa flnndar axu Pram Maatlaa at 11 bAUutlarlttdtaatteoa. 144

Cl7 MVaUa To aaaln trtlXrt af tbatM it. Mrtba4kit KphMTal Vhanh. aaar Mb aa, willtiacotittnard Prrrtraa at 1I4 a.m.rnihvtraa lr bloCU STOCK and HUhop BiMraON.At I p m. kr Krr. K P. rilfclPK. of Ualtfmora, and atI araaJaa, lr RfT. g. M. HK.A fl V. af ulUa. IM

Gadl mmac, a nUraarao will ba dVlla.ml by tba Pantor, lll'OII HK.MtY IILAIR. Inajhartaa Slraet tjbiircb, on Htbliath avenlutf nitlnrcfrrcaca ta tba lata patnfal oorurrfnca at Iltrpar'tterry. At tha rlnaarollartlon will b taken aataaid la halktlal a I nllad I'raalirtrrUn Vharab la Loot.

awortk CltTt Kauia. BmtIcm ta aanuaaaoa atIM

laaVatUav-Tl- M Now Cbarrb Balaca af tbafirot rraowlll IUitWt Cbarah In h at, aoar

aodhmtad ProaohlB at lowI'oloo a. n, by Hrr. u. IL Boll, of Bufl.lo, . T.i atM o eiott p. m, oy ttor. uao, l , Lior. of iTorwonco,

4-- otHt. RoTaU Dr. nawaiaa, Aatt. niabap af

Tann., will proach before the 8L JontM Vro CbnrrbAooocfotlon, In Calrarr Charch, Dr. MAWKtt, Bun-der eTODlne, Nor. tb, at Mi o'clock. VoUertloa Inaid of free thnrrtiw. KTI

Caaaer laatltat rrrarblac erary Habrath, at IWkt and a, In ball 84, by I). J. KORINsOX.Huliifct-A-- "Apootollo Church Order." Huh)cl3 r.M.. Bupjwr and SpooUnj." ChrUtlani alltuTlteatopartlclpota. IN

HT. Darter Dawllaa, the raatar, winrrearb flaodar morolnn and evealae at the Itodfordtreat, Itaptlet Cbairh, Beer Carmine. Krenlnc err

yioo eonunenaee at T, an and after nail Sunday. Vray.at meeting at. 1W

Jaarah Haaaareaa will Fraach b tbaBRaw. W Karl Wth rt, brtwaan 4tb aad ModUeon arenne, on nert Balibatb erralaa. Nor. Its, at TVo'clock. All art larited. Beau free. 11

Tba Rar. Dr. Wylta, f Philadelphia, wUIellrer adlaronroe (Babhath) awenlne. Not.b, atlMo'clork.ln tha Ker. Ir. McLeod Churrh,

Utaat,weatofta are. too

Cbarry Btraot M. E. Cbarrb, Cherry at,near Clinton. Bee. J. BV INBKIP will preach at 104A. M. arulilert.Mrk mrmm aaratarror Clodllne.and at T n. m. Subject" The parabl of the wlaa anddwllrh Vlrima." BacrameoUl aarrlcea at I. tfd


WANTED A MTUATtON IS CITT Oilaanatry, by a bard worklnl, willlei aid W1- -

ln ronna vimiul ta de eoneral antiaaworfe 1 la a eoodplain raok aad baker, alee IntraU waber and Ironeriwllrln to make beroelff aeaerallr naof jl i waaaia to fl a meatk. rteaeeeeu at ie BUtb are. Bret

aoor.irant 1)01

IITANTED-- A 8ITUATT0X AS WKTwv nnroe; read referoacea elren. Apply ta Mrs

pCALLY. la Park r, Brooklyn, North aUe. M doorWeet af VanderbUt are. aBSMSe

wAKTED- -A SITUATION BT A BES- -wxtAD4 0Tman fmm vnman m rhftmhwrmtW

ftnfl W.ttTe-M- f ilKftSTMIIaUaaaTTr I C WTfrnnK T.QKIimnnd Firnrhi I ephl of -- nftlii cblldraa tn tb

0fTT.ll Uflp-tt-

ng rvsri n. t4f 1

WANTED-- A SITUATION UTAYOUNOKnteher l ran wark eeod la a market er

lieibWr boaaa food referanoa flren. Apple ot No.Monroe it. ao rtea

tTTANTED-- A SITUATION IT A TOUNOvV man (an Amertcan)airorterlaaetoraarlaaar

atrnatloa oy which ho at make a llrlnei It etron. aodwllllne to work! can lire the beat af referenee aa toboneotr. ladnrtrr and oohrlety. Oailattl Braaiway,let Door, u, . UiUATUN. a4 9IUMT ANTED- -A SITUATION HT A TOUNOH aia aa portor In a etara, or to drlre bona and

waff on la tha elty good rarereacee clren the ean ftlopeak 4 UaiUioa. Apply at MUreeawtcheUMriid

TTANTED-- A DABT TO VFET NUKSKww hr kealthy yanei woman, who loot her own

but Sanaar; ra only a few dare old. Inquire on theCorner or nonn nerenin ana luia axe.. tiiiibumb. Mn. UOiailKN. nl3A LADY DESIROUS Or' GOING TO

takachari of child-ren or a ladye eempaaloo. In conalderatlon of her pao- -teei uneiceptlooable ref wenoe iIrea, Addree TM--

V, care of V . a Palmar, Adrertkuni AfeaWPhllel.141

A WET NURSE DESIRES A SITUATIONto take rare of a child; pond reforeneee elrea.

Apple toMreBCAI.l.Y.Sdbmioe, North aide of Parkare, Bronklrn, Ut VaolerbUt and Ucrmont area. 'n&flM ,aaaa

A TOUNO MAN, 20 YEARS OF AGEil whothorouffblynndeTftande the raro andof horeea, aiahee to eet a altnatlon aa drrrer.

or wonld to to work In a wholeeala frocary or flourftr b tAlk. blavla KaalUh, Mid la wen aotioBiateqlitlMeUribM if frttTvnrm ctt.ii bo firro. AonleekWnw scun Tn itn lltk aa. la the atorn.beteeea Mh aadath are, fretnftaU o'clock A. K. lad

TO JEWELLERS-WANT-ED BY AN EN.of lonf etpetienco a ettoatlon aa Jeweller,

either maklnf of repairing. Andrew K M, V iiBun office. U 1111


WANTED S OR ft MEN ON PLAIN IlOO Tat 84 lludaon at, cor of Vandtm at.


WANTED TWO FIRST RATEthree ipprentloee, at Mra. PIIKLOVi

bllUlaarrthau Eighth are, bat SMh tnd 3Vth ita. U

WANTED-TW0GO- 0D VFJ3T MAKERSafter a machine end to make button

bolee, none but good basda need apply.at DOM Blee ikeratrocL 1

tTTANTED AMERICAN GIRLS TO WORKw V oa knitting marhtuea. Apply at Emplro VTorka,

4th floor, noth at, Eaat Hirer.

WANTKD-TW- O GIBUS FOU SEWINGclotbln., Iaqoiro at 90 Qardaa it,

llobokon. 43

TTTANTED--- 3 GOOD YE.ST BIAKRRS. TOw iMaUto for a machine i one that would M wlUlnf

to afli.t la preaalag t aooa uood anrlr tint aipvrieoeaaoana; nisnoai wfc paia. CaUHttWiitmbpt. litllHoar, MCK

WANTED B. COLORED GIRL TO DOIn a irnall famllr la tbla cltr;

aiuet oorae well recommend d t rood warea will bofirm. Addrcw BUNOCIDE, box POO, Sua Office. 10

Wanted- :- a girl to go a shortthe country one that eaa milk aad

make butter, aad make beraelrgenarally naeful: wagw$5 a month; one aaawcrlnt thla will Bud a good home.Apply U Elihth ere, corner of Jane at. aV

Wanteda tinsmith or wirefor making a patent moon

trap model; can he aeon etJ7 Canal at. npttalra. In-quire for IIEWHY U. BOOK. Detkraak.r. SO

firANTED BUTTON HOLES TO MAKEW at homo, or work to flnlah after mwhlno on thin

eoaU preferred, van M M euuaotta n, roc 1 fc"nrday ot Mouoay. -IiTANTED A GOOD SnOW CARD WRIT-- W

en a Arat claae writer can get ttoady work. Applyi;3Broadeay,Lnthtbaeement. 4

WANTED A SMART, HONEST HOYyeara of ate, to learn the baking bual.

new; a boy that la not afraid of work wy apply el tnoBanda it, Brooklyn. A uormao Boy prerurreq. 11

tITANTED A PIANOFORTE KEC1UH.--w w tori a rlrat rate workmen, to whom rood weew

will la paid. Call at BQAKOMAN, OBEY A CiKooma, 447 Uroadwar, cor llrooiae it. OOtwIiK

WANTED A SMART YOUNG MAN TOopen oyatera, at To rlrat at, near rirat art. 11


ond hand atram engine without boiler. ApplytaTI Kl Waahlnftoa it, beforeuoon Monday. b

WANTED A IXCKSMITH AND HELIone wbo ondnratauda Jolililng. Intiulrt

omLNCAN, Wh.br A BIURP, No. dUlwrtyilaoV,near Maldun lane, 61

WANTED A FIRST-RAT- E OPERATORon A Wlleon'e tewing machine, to make

ahlrt banda and buetlua. Applr at S Jbinn it, IhlraBoor. Of

WANTED IN J. D. CHEVALIER'Sgood hand for poliahlag and hurnUh-In- g

dental luatruuientai aleo bo a to learn tbo trade 1

aieuayouugniauaellrlit porter, and to be generallyuaeful In the .tore Apply to JOILN l. C11KVAL1ERtwl Uruadway, W

WASTED A YOUNG LADY OF OOODaod prepueeMalng appearance, not over

18. to go wuth with a Udi anr lady dealroua to go maraddma with name, realdence, te. LIZZY. UUOVlN,Btulou E, Pool othoe, Imuodi-ttl- y, bo reference


FEW GOOD VICTORINEWANTED-- Aone to balate large capea and prepare

work for machluea: good prlcee Paid. Applr at thecorner efPeerl and Baade ata, lirooalya. dnt floor,over tha trocar etore, uo J 174

ANTED 15 GIRLS TO WORK IN Apaper bog manufactory! none but thow thorough-l- y

acquainted with the huatuew need apply. Call earlyatUBCllMlOr.eCiOI'wrlit,

ANTED THIS DAY, A NUMBER OFgirl for food placet In cltr and counlrr: alw a

altnatlon for t Brat rate cook: .lo place) for a oo. u- -man axd a gardener, at BI1UU1AVS Employment In- -atltutasSUUroadoay. v

X1TANTED-GI- RL WHO UNDERSTANDW how ta fold envelope t food waaee .nd ateedr

work. Applr atC. BUEPAKU A CO, n ""ariwar I

none but good foldereBeea tppiy. DDt'lMI

WANTED A SMART, ACTIVE GIRLIn editing atlooB. Apply at tit


WANTED IMMEDIATELY A GOODon Blngere ntaohlno, oa alapacaooata.

Apply at Ul. Broadway, hth Boot, w

WANTED TMMEDIATELY- -A FIRSTon Wheeler A Wllaou'a icw.

log machine: one acquainted with hemmlnf and tackin. preferred. Apply at lit SUth Mt.

w,ANTED IMMEDIATELY-- A GOODoperator on Wheeler A WlUon'e wwlng maehlnet

ono na-- d U blndlnf prcrdrred. Apply al juauri aCO , SOT Broadway, op rUlra. 71

IITANTED A JOURNEYMAN TAILORVV ta go to N. J. tt good wtgcg and conatant

Call at 10 ley at, fro ? to 11 o'tlutk a, m.

--TTANTF.n IMMEDIATELY TEN FUBW Tlctorlnt and capo linen, to whom good wagw

anJ A.V tlia arknl.veae round will a given, On rand ttperlenceo nenoa, w.o willing Io work

food atore, need apply, fog out week. to MARK J,K.UIU, Pt uroaaTay, noBflM

IITANTED-- AT 47 CEDAR ST., A BOY TOW work a OordoB Franklin prreei alao t bay te feed

a email cylinder pre. Ta IIiom who are well ae.qnaluled with tho hualnew permanent emplormentand the hlghwt wa(M a 111 be tlrco. None other nwdopplr.

STEADY BOY TO WAIT oaWANTED--Aaa orater taloou. Iniulr. after 11

o'clock at 18 Forayth at, t

ITJANTED A COLORED BOY FROM liW to 15 yea old, to toud la t harbor ihop. Inquireet tllthit.

IXTANTED-T- O GO TO BRIDGEPORT,VV conn., good Journeymen coat maker. 1 1 whom

?',!' and ateadv work will lie given. APulrlooo Walker at, between tho boura of V aud II o'clock a.Bk, Baturday. bl

WANTED A YOUNQ MAN TO WORKwho uudartaodj taklat careol

herwt aud wtf out! FeUitroot, 0. K. 001.!M.I. oo

TI7ET NURSE WANTED A RESPECTW tbloinarrledworoantowet Bnwa achildathar

own rondoact, wocu Miwaanaita it, latoraeolio

TirANTED TWO YODNO LADIES TOW wd bar, thow that ara aa .ilnUd with the

benewprteJTed. Call at 100 WawtaTit. afW U

WT ANTED A SOTIER, INDU8TUOU8WW aua -- . l a livery atteaM oa. that andcr- -

otaadttbobatl atw i5irh

vVtS 1


AITRKNTICE9 rTASTED-- TO LEARNXX the freeamaklnf. None but food eowera aeed ap.ptyatbMrowrtkit. . IIA OIRL WANTED TO DO OENERAL

Xlheweeeerhi one who eaa waah aad Iran trelL An.ply at t Ptrtetea at. Utaeetore. t

BOT WANTED WHO (CAN SETTTrEtm who eaa road wtltuw ta leara tha bnat.

a. Apply at lrtaakllnaraara. New York, UT3AKERS-WANT- ZD A SECOND HANDJL nn broad and hake. Annie at oDO flranA at. Near"tfc M


la baalneM, one that wee a4tt before andeanfrala prafered. a J. C1JUUI.B, U Ubwrty at, tFUR LINEn AND MUEF nNISIIEU

at BAKTA'8, 85T UanU eUoraer of Woof.ier. as

HOUSEKEEPER WAKTED-B- Y Achildren, who baa loot bit

wife, or wonld board In a prlTate family at moderateprice. AddreaaT. A., boiVOOBooemca. nflsio'134

TTOUSEKEErER WANTED WHERE11 there are only two la tanallr, an elderly womanwith pood reference required. Anlrlah Protectant orBeotoh woman preferred. Inquire at MO Klahth ar,from i to t o'clock la tha trentuf . W

OPERATOR WANTED ON SINGER'Swork oa Ttate: alao ar 10 food hal.t-era- i

bone tail firAtrate banda need apply. Call for Idart at iTS South lat it, WUllaaubarib U L IT

rkPERATORS-WANT- ED A FIRST CLASSV operator en drover lleker'e aewlaf maciilna.ApplyatUlXKUISBKOPlEll,uOCanalat, ,W4

PAPER BOX MAKERS-- AN EXrERtwanted to oarer board. Apvty T4 VYIIHaa

rt,apataira, oi


TINMAN WANTED A GOOD. GENERALer a roiina man that anaoratanda etoTO

ioUdaat oonetant work at fair wagoa. Apply at No. tcarmine aa, aa

To COAT FINISIIERS-- A YOlXO WO.f(in. lh abwWlfaat tTiRrhlnf. nta I tO Wltrk-- ..,-.-. .i - :

on till- - miiu, on4ronw nan id at tiuut. ApplyUS Kaat tvth at, id Beer, front room.


I apply.

rpo TAILORS-WANT- ED, GOOD COATA makrre to wark by the week waeea i aleo one

ebep cutter at mod, rate waree, at Red Hank, N. Jerear. Applr In atom U Faltta tt, N. York. DO

TJKST MAKER- S- GOOD VEST HANDSV to balat and flnleb after a machine, the beet efprloeenld. and roneUnl work. Call el K43 Perineal.

Brooklrn Smart, iood Mwcrt taken to learn.ah ru

n rtoitt nova WAHTKn-- rn WORKv at elalapafntlng; alodt job and good pay. Call atBrown a Hotel, cor llamlltou are and Lnlon etreet.lirookij n, thla evening, at 1 odock.


F FORMATION WANTED OF MICHAELIrown of the Pariah of Rlrrretown, county of 811.Ireland-lef- t home nine roare ago. Anrtnrbrme.fe, of htm will be tliaukfullr recoieed brhieeUter,

rATUEBXAM DOWU, at No. 1 Molb-r- rr , NewYork. rJMbi

PFORSIATION WANTED-- OF JOnNarrlred In thbcltr, October aftb,

from Lire rpooh In the chip (Tolveree, will be receivedby hit alatcr, tt tha Lafarge Houee, Broadway. IJ

INFORMATION WANTED OF MART1 JANE HOWARD'S haebead, KKLNKLES, whorealdrela White etreet. Intellleenre of blm will bethaakfeUr reeelTod br Mra, UKTMOSa, at No. t

cot of Bowery. TO

iVIRS. ELIZA McKENNA CAN HEAR OFtA'A her daughter MAKYb addreealog a note to J.L,'Madleon Bquare Pwt Ornca, uurud


LOST ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONtd, either la Brooklrn er New York --a pin.

eoatalela light and dark braided hair, with gol Itwleted arttlne. The fader will coaler a great favoroa rroarnlnf tha came to r Chamhort et. Now fork Ior laLlvlagatoa et, Brooklya. 10

TOST-ABO- UT THE 1ST OF JANUARYJLd laat-A- warrant of jree.Ne.4i.J74, Al1

are mrhia nurcnaaing ine wme, aa appUoatflalvs Keen made to the pepertnteat at Waahlnrtoalrtneieauoof anew vinui. eU1DALY,MltTTluttoo, cor of WUlatt rt, N. Y.alty. oWdS'US

LOST ON THURSDAY EVENING, Aoath. Ilewcry Baring,' lUnk, No. 130.757.

Whoever ha fooad II will oblige the owaar by return-la- g

It to the Bank. U

OR NEAR THE COOPER IN.LOST-I- Nnight M Nor, t atlver watch. The Bnder

returning the aame to MATIIKWH" grocery, corjJthare and I8tb it, w IU receive n. M. HKXU. pfl

FRIDAY, BETWEEN MTH ttLOST-O-Nate, In the Bd are, by a poor woman, tit, foorIn Mile and twelve In tllvrr. Reward, Si, by calllnfal 174 Eaet Mth it. In the itoro. T

IXST, UST--t REWARD-LO- ST,LOST, Hamilton Ferry, Brooklrn, a pair of garnetear rtnga with pearl border. If Ilia tinder will returnthem to BO Woodhull at, near llenrr at, Brooklvn. thaabove reward will bo thankfully paid. t5 IriSl


J way, bet Kulton aud Chamber ate, about oneo'clock p. in. on Thuredav. a allrer wateh. Being apreaenl from a uccew rcii,re i, - uieoir eio-y- ,

and the aliove reward will bo paid by leaving It at 110Chaubclitt, 7

REWARD LOST OCT 20TH, AtpOw gnat, with black apota and horna, and giving milk. W hoevcr ill return herto lwiNorthmk

will receive tha ahOTt reward,n3o"lo



UOfimnn Wtn-kl- lapar, admitted toba one of thab.ortiM.1 lUludint lalt-- a ntai)M bappr inable te annouiici to tha Ocmten piiblio iaai ua uaaeuuoi rd,d lu aeninug the aurvte,. ot

DK.J, ll.U.TKMMK,Io write eirlu,1vrlr (In the I'liltiHtatee) for hi. pa-v-h

ri tud al o. anrordlnglv, will commence hla Aral (ofa aerleri en lutcnclvevnltlog Romance! TUB Kk..Volution of bf.rlin, ltti-- ia tho iwut of no- -

Ir. Tcrnnie la well known aa the moat celebrated ofGerman HonMnoo Wrltere, and the rcadora of THElH'MOKlBl mayegpect a aucoCMlon of rare trcetalno better evidence of which la needed than the fai.1that alnce Dr. Tenitne hu been a contributor to tho"Uarteolul''IU circulation hw rapidly ran op from

0U)toUJ(J.To do I iut Ice to IhaBomanccw have engaged ono

Ofjhebi'at Artlatolnthecitr to worthily Uhi.tr.te It.The auberrlntlon prioo It $3 per annum, 1 W fur .1

month, perabla In advance.To prevent dlMppointinent, wo bet order, to bo tout

In earlr, that wo luar atrike oil the uecoaearr ooplwe.Lottcra covering pleaae addrcea to

PLBLlSUlJN.Y.lirMORIr,to No. 4.UU3, or

bO. UH Chatham at.New York.

Cltr gularrlherg will be ierved br onr carrier.Newa Ageul. will pleaw eeod their ordeti ta J.

?FX'K. Ornrral AfCut, Hot No. .Wi bow York.oc81 gTSAB'lBT

COUSTY CLERK'S OFFICE.New York, November 4th, van.

rVBMO NOTICK I. hrreby, given that oo the llthday of November, Inat , at 10 o'clock A. M, I ahall pro-ceed to draw panel, efjurora for the following court,10 lie neiomana lor iniiijnraaBuwiaif y, nt,iMon the Brat Monday of Deeeuilirr, l P"." of 3d

ennd lurere for a Coart of Oyer and Terminer. Apanel of HI grand tnrora l tlw a panel of ISO petit 'utore fore Court of UoeralrJee.U.n. A panel of blO

prtH Jwrera for a Bupma. Court circuit, and Orer todennlner. A panel of 10H petit Juror lor a BUoerlor

Courl Twa eauaO af 104 pelll Jutort each for a tiourtof Common V

tiOT'lTi JOHN CLANCY, Clerk.

DR. MOBGANEAU, INDUN DOCTOR, 7w at, glrrt tdvlco free, aad warrant, cure, la

rVrefula, Home, Boree, lAnt. Liver, Rheumatic,Rldney, and all Femalo ComplainU.

".-t-i-V1"wun nceiin--

THE PILES, JJI.EKDING OR EXTER-ael-D- r.BKOOIK'S Eleotutrr and Huppoaltorr,

prioe SI. guaraalerd to cure, or tho money refunded.Advice gratie. Olhce dot Breadoar, neat to Waliack'a5 heatre, up italra Boogdac-l-

LADIES' GAITER BOOTS SINGLE ANDaolee, with heel., at lta and 14. per pair

lad Ira', Biiww', bora' and Infante hoot, and alioee, wltllIndia rnM- -r Imota and ahoca of til atrlw aad prlcco, atMILLUt'S, 887 Canal at.

wPMnVKnIOCTORS OLMSTEAD ftIV KINO, bare removed te 1V7 Moth avcaadKSSpring at, where tber will anaaer all DCofea.

alenal wile. Their eiperleuw and auoceearui pranicaacllluaurvalhtMft and IttlclcBt treatment of theirpaUeula, l'W .1

SCHOOLMASTER WOOINO, A TALETnENew rugland, not ef the but rentiirr, but ofthe prwent thne, potirarlug in It prorw, ho Aunt.of New England l'l he Bchoolmaatert of New F.agland1 be BcboolDlatrli CumralttecHu, n of New Lueland jThe retnarialU Your. t Women of N;w Lntland, andother tharacterlBtla i.erjonatea o New KntlasAueommoDotfa in .ir iieLioinAiBU, ""."-- "rUoetdea thla atorr.tba nuoiUr oobtalae the Old Choreae. of New York, two llluatratlon 1 1 bo Builder, f jurlllaatralloo.i 1 he American Uatllori eair, eevva uiuatratlonai a new Form, by Aaut Pauort tha FallFMblone, br Mra. Ororgo Wahlngten Wrllla. Ae ,

Aktiv tu

iVTELXA , 800 Broadway, N.Y. 3 flwrTABGET PRIZES, TARGET PRIZES.X Target prleee A flu. and elegant aeeortment ofbeautiful and naerui niver riea I lira rntee, vouj-naul-r.

or Individual. furnUhed at the lowed prlcee.4I7 tit ood- U- LLaCaiXAaT.dAtllurUntBUp.

THE COMMITTEE OX STREETS OF TnEof Aldermen will meet In Room No. s, City

UtU,oo MQNUAY, Nor. 7th, tt I o'clock, F. IL lurBeraoebavini bualucw with the Conualttoo trtluvl-lodtott- U

L wf, a.B0OI.r, I ComraltteatilOMAi, BTK4ID3. J .onJuUM LYNKO, .rTrtreeU

T .baaa, Sec lory ucl .u

l.Ofin nnn TO LOAN ON BOND ANDiDt.Ulfalllllf BararfaaaA ! m dT .



AUCTION K0TICE-(- V 8. rAHS0N.,MOenrea b'twtermd eboAai will beeold

at anrtlon. t MondiT, IfeT. Tthi at lM eVIort. at theatoreerv. .raKrB,ret'amott, vrnne awri'Boat off ana awaewaaaae fodda. oonoTa uctiok KOTicE-cLonr- mo. drt2 and mney reoda,otoeka, in. IIKKRT OREEM

will eMI thla dm at V'H eVIork.H 1P4 tTllllara a-t- aawaiitlty of dolhlof aad rancf itw, cbewi men, boieotore, tmall arareey ctwha, ptrtiTer, ratlery, Jewelry,

A CCTION NOTrCEltl fOUCHTY, AUC- -IV .tloneer, wlU wU thU da ini tTrarE, ai fftroom, T Nai-- aq at, a leneral a ttn orza nana ooneeooia ftiralbirrv ratodrt- -, tvii. Stfftlic,dnv.1 atee batateUe tablevfella, military itwOMtinNwOfQ Uw ft DnUfla vmrnwone.


nrt, will Mil en tkta day, aatneday, at TO wart Inrbet, aear dtk ar. eonelatlne of eoraa. banana. beArteedo.waaketaade, mattreeaee, featbrtr bode, klankete, plane--Porte, rblna and tlaaawaret a oral it. dlnlneand kitchen furniture. Bala at 10 e'ototk.


will aelllhle day, 10M o'clock, at 14 William at,amcked and plcklel

ealwea. plte heaae, aoda blaoulta, ell, bfandr and otherlloaere, aeaara, perl wine, Ae. lt'Y. lw'.N80N, mart,eacee. AfcolllVumeraare, allahtly dkmaeed l auaati.Ir of white lead, pal nta, l.ftal palnter'a bruahee, aandpaper, lampblack. Aleo 1,0U0 be. bird prppera. Ui

A"rcTioN noticeIthos. BELKAUCT.,(I.TnoMrSON-Thlada- rat loia'cl'k.

In the a. rootua 18 Eaat B"war, 'tie furnltore, turnlnr,IMhe,atore, dry eoode, fte. Pawnhmket'a aele Mondan particular. In time, Orlcr L. UvVY, U3 GrandtnwL it

DANIEL A. MATHEWS,"ArCTIONEER.oak. etock, flxtitrea and Iraeepf t aetarLr2 MATIIKWtrwIII aril

tt anrtlon tbla lar,(0ttirda) I at 10l o'clock, at No,Pfla Bowery, the entire atoek ef Uarana eeaara, chew.In and emoklnil tobarra, meeracbaum pipea, eaaarboldm, Ac Alao tlaaa abow Caere, awulnn, eloa, endtbenneaplrni leaee mil yean. Vr order JULIANALIA.N, ICeq AaaWnee. !

GENTXEL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE itandlen-t- rn Monday at MX o'clock, the ondcr

algped will aril tha entire furniture contained In theda riling houee IM Wat flat at, coraprlalng a Terrlarge Tarlrty of parlor, rhamlier, dining room andlieaoinent furniture, earpeta, china, glaaa ware, ellrrrware, nertalile heatcra. atoeea bed, and tiedillne. Ae .all of which will lie aold without l rre. The tale lawell worthr the attention of houaekorpore. No poet,pourntrat. W. II. WMlwn CO., Auctlonecn.

BhStartM ,

dlORMAN A HUGHES,, At'CTRS-WI- LLVT eelllhladar, at 10 precl.ely.no doe. oomfortera,fu dea. boed T5 doa. ahlrta, IM doa. bnalerri alao cot.lara. Manketa, wool iacketcrlnthrng, elorre, Ac-- alt

Chatham raaare, and W Catharlnt et, M. Y. 70

J. MORIARTT, AUCTIONEER-WI- LLeell tbla dar. at IIHd oVIork. at IT Chatham

furniture, ell pelnllnge, ulrrore, clock,china, tlaa ware, ciitlerr, feather beda. blanketa, dryand fancy good, a Tarlctr ocgare, Ac, a lot of Jewelry,Ax, Ac, 14

T0KTGAGE SALE BY VIRTUE OF A1 a chattel mottgage, I will eapoee for aale at publicanctlen, on Monday, the Tth dar of November, 1HW,at II o'clock A. M , al I Cedar at, the atork and tlatnrreof a dining and drinking aaloon, conalatlng of decan-ter- a,

tnmblera, tablee and table dutha, rhalre, rouge,boiler. Ice bet. wlnea, hrandlea, eegara, ele.

JtiilS U. UILLIK. Attorney for Mortgagee. e4 !


tloncera, will ei II on rjatnrdar. 6th luat., at their aalee-roe-

HSNeaaan et. theetork, laalerlal and fittilreaofa aaguerrean eeraniianment. iia, in v. aiaAr,iir,Attwner 'or Moltgagee. M

M""I PUILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, WILL11 o'clock, at the New Tatter.

eaiie. k anercer at. a nnmlier ef eood work horaw 1

alao I low priced do, to the blghrat bidder, to paycbarget. Second band wagon, rorkawaya, two eipreeedctwodocterXonodlrtorooalrortfhanieoa, Ac, Hi


will cell thla day, at I o'clk. at 47 Canal at, near Hudi. mantle top and otherboreaaa, waehtanda. mabo--

eany martile lop aad her teblea. eorae. enfa-be-

loungee, makoganyorklai kndotnerchalra,Bne nalrand other raettraeaee, feather bed, bolatere, plllowa.bedding, looking w, plctarea, earthen and chinadinner wle, loee&r ana otaer neaneee. bat rack.nruaaela and Ing rain earwte, elk-l- lanket. woodand willow ware, cutlery, die F. fALLMATXIF.,Attorney for Mortgagee.

Ine of ell kind of garniture, feather bed, bedding, hairtnattreeaee, I atoree, with a Urge lot ef llteaen furni-ture, about M eerpet Baud ba romoved Iwraedlately,

SALE II. SCANLANPAWNBROKER'S November 11th, at MOarmlna w a general aeeertmrnt of nnredeemedpledgee. Bala Maameneec al 1 o'clock. By Order 01VrORTtfSY A TAMLYN. t

St J. BOGART, AUCT MONDAY,at 10 o'clock, al tbo anctlen room. No. 1

North 'WlUlaai at, mortgage wle, a koreee.1 brownmare, about IS banda high, 1 bar teottlot hone, 1brown bono, J0U.N W. SOMERiNDY UK, Atty. for

At 10 H o'Vloek, t largo qoaatlty of feed. S3


SINGLE GENTLEMAN OR TWO YoungA ladlw ran be accommodated with one elnglebed room, by applying at 175 tatllMll. le

TJOABD WANTED TWO RESPECTABLEL ronna Isdlaa would a to Aad a rural-ha- d room

with board la a rMtHrCiaiu- - FriTO. ismny w herothfrrmild ninka thrmw Ivm nt homa: wwlatdeorino

rferrrd. Addrew with term, and full partlr-le- r.

Vi boaUOurSuoomoo. 00


XJ blarJt and oolorfd brnadelotha, doMkln. trlrtot- -caiwlmerra, wtlnete, lieaver eb tha. Jiina, 4to, for aale,at low rrlcea, by W M. MATHKW S, U Catharine at.

not bIi'IW

PATTERNS, PATTERN'S, PATTERNSbora, toiltli, ladlea,

miaaea and glrla. l'rlrea fi, In aud III oeut I girletaupiittorulamlnt ell fcrnalo and bore garment..Aleo gent end bn.h!rta. No par anted until made

ir. rtieone. t'liueterfleld aiantlllaa eni--:.i .. .........cloak, cut and lit ted, thciota. ..u ..k.Hprlng at. nSII

YOLTCG MIX CAN BE ACCOMMO-dt.- .lWilli lioerd, with the uee of a aloe lit alttiog

rooiu. luqulro 4th liou.e above 4lat atrcct UB.vondaie. 1"


I?f)R SALE-FP.- 0M 150 TO S00 EMPTYI ojub. Inquire at DAVIS'S, 811 Urtud rt, N.

FOR SALE CHFAP-FAMI- LY SEWINGfor . A'ao, Wheeler A Wllaou'a, r,

OroverA Baker, and other aoroud hand ma-chine. Ch advanced on inachlneeaiidall kind ofnicrcbaJiulai!, or bought by THOVIIKlN A Co., HrlNaawu at, eecond Boor. A. K. TIloMfBON, Auct. M

JEWING MACHINE DEPOT, NO. 6nirerker rt, 8 doors from tha Bowery i all peraon.

having anwingniachlnw to diiliow of. win be waitedupon, ny calling on or aaureeaia it note i ladlwlearned to operate on Bluger'a and all other machine.M.rfM41v. at th. lowiat brlMi. N. It. tin. excellentquilting machine for Mle i owt 1 120 i price S 13. Onecf Blugtr'. largo alao, new, t-- two Urge ihuttloniachUie, for aale Tory low. Uaeh advanced en all

neoperty at 114

STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE ONE NEWpower upright engine, with blower and

heater. -- Ill lo forrwli. Apply to HrJNKYS1ELCKR, III aad lit t Iflh at. bet ar U aod Lo tie at



am f-'.-W O.M.V rtJK A BEAUTIFUL and- productive form of 30 acrw, with all the etock,croi.end fanning uteoHlla, on the north shore of L. 1,H rallee from N. Y., with good hulldinga, frnit, water,locuat grove, fine view of L. I. Sound, ac Ternia ewr,E. A. BLTtCK.tft Broadeay, room H. ufl 8'U1

OK FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-MI- LL, Sdwelling hou.ee, with VNI acrw cf good laud audkatve water now.ir. HU mile from tha f !itr of Saw

York aleo 190 acre, wood land. J. M. MILLER, tiPint it. uStlac' 14


t8 arraf. wlthla ona aada half mlla oftho railroad dapot at rtnKn, Nw Janfr froutloKand Uflotf on tba aaat alila ef tha faaftale rlror, atpout40 rod" a . VBow.rikltf'i UrUiro. lii'iuire of K. U4aT, HI KNIIAM. All nitdann at. oorofTro, N. Y.cltjr. Mr. IIJ.MfHi.OoN,atVaaw.aU'a HrMttf. wlUaho w tba propertr. b 01 15

FOR AAf..E--.-- Vr AUCTION FIVEuntil rardan fkrma. on WodriMdar. Nut-- oth. at

19 o'clock, noon, on Iba rround, at Natown Ia, I. (orluarlroeooplod br Joha IL Mattarvlaeta RKrdin ftriu,aUuatvd aa tba road leading from Newtown to J .mi I,

and about ona mile from tlo Khuhiug II K depotK. Naotowo, four mllaa from Hfooklyu, aud wit bin auuartvr f a mile of tba aloop loading, and wttbln flftfvftrrfaof the l 1. K. trt.k. iujw llna Utd ThfMfarme are thaarliet aid b4t culthrataa on Long

and bare a Uraa quitlt of choice rafted perand cberry trot-a- , grape -- lne, raailwrrr bmbe-,4- ',Tertnaofaale loprr ornt on aalti40 prreent to W

ditra: remainder on bond and mortraat for II ra.Viirthor In form at Ion mir hi of ASDHHW .1.PKO OH T. eor Boutb ttu and Ut et. N tUlaiuilmrrli.KOkCU. kJMUH, Auctlon.r. n!loTM FOR SALE IN THE MOST PLEAS--

- tut, healthr tnd productlrt part of Loug I.,land, bear tho railroad di pot. a farm of IS acrw, 10acrea, well improvea, nouee. uern, ere, on reeeoueniolemie l tleo com. S and 10 aero faruia. Improved, wltu- -

buUdlutai aleo to leaee,abonw and 6 acrea, forrit fre. f root provided It w IU be well cultivated.Apply to A. MoCOTTbB, IM Fulton at. Btt'lM

70-F- OR FOUR CITY LOTS 100 UY 100.In NewBoehetle,BHrtheIrpot; teriua eaar, tlper wwki meeting, held every Mondkr evcuiuf at tiia

Hlon datcad.'tuir at 7 o'clock. V. A.tVtl tH, Frw'l, U. li. BUAli.(iT, f. 8. But'lilO

FARM FOR SALE VERY CHEAP ISTXT TUimberlaBd VUlage, Sulllvaa county, N. York.HUaarrea, boat place fur mill, atore end ahopa. Thewood co It will aell for .M..I price $3,000, part caah.Applr la atore 70 Fulton it, b. 1 ork. 7w

tlBWORTHY OF NOTICE A BEAUTIFULtndBlghlrculUvaledlanaoflSaorw.oatho

weet aid. of the Uudaon rtvw.wlth Urge moawa briskwatuloa aud pUaaaa, atabaaa, watw la the beuaa, Boarrrer aod anououln view. cbBM fHUUa. oooataally

by etwrnboat tnd nlla aeXV a large aad uopa-lou- eBaananMrtnriag vllUgo In t refined Btlf bborbood I

w lUbeaold aia fair price eretoLel fed tor oltyuttfw rented U a raopoaalble tonaal foe a term of rewe, ata a.il.BnBarr B.iira Tha BMradnaaeaf tk. tarma aril

j ?hru'Tr;irurLa5oojueruaa avajirea uo tt Itttaar ray, x,


I lflSCELLANEOUS.iTIRGINTA LAND FOR SALEA vert"Peyalrahle tftica!. fro It and eral n farm. Itn.tM In

York Cotrafr, Va,en York River. IM tnllee froYork- -town, cemtemtng (KD ar a, Pit clcarr d.and BOO lae,AJ tkA I link an Cleared luad In a iiA f ., a Mil.l.

irkma dwaUlag, aoarty aanr, all oart ImlhUag eompletowith a Ine ataam ww mlflln good order. Informationrlrea by Pr. R. M. (lARHrTTT. TTOIUwelpBrg. Ye P.a C CLA u K. YoTro-j,V"- the boortW.tll'Oa.CLA t-- V Oe ere MovUBrilf Comaty, DA

FOR 8LK-9EVSr- tAL TAUTAnrOSbee on Cower at, near la tkt Beach hot e4i Hke--

wtMttiuetter of other lot and nofiaee at KoVkaway,i I. Apply io JOHN I-- NORTON. nart keReekiwar ind AnigloB TollOatCf or to IiTZaMALD,ItJaaieoit,H.Y.

MTO LET IN THH SUN DTnLDTNO,efYae-a-a and Pnttcee ate, a rcwa tl fit US

ta the Mb Boor,entriwco R0 Naeeea em powetbe bad If req fired i olw a a lee room on the td floor,fae entrance KS Fulton et. aulubtn foe ea office or

light menufacturlwf purpoeoa. fnqnlro at the How

i GROCERT, STOCK AND FIXTURESI fop aale. a coed atand foe Kiulna-- e. imj. JIM

BUtb Avetoo, yon wlilloara all tht pankolara, nV3

iftToR SALE THE STOCK, FIXTURES'" and three eeare'tttmofthe Or ter end Dlalna-Saloo-

No. 4J0 Broadway. Rant til a month.

A..TO LET-RA- RE CHANCE-T- nE COT- -IJeV ttewhotiMtt Buahrlrk Cmw Roade, Wllllame-lmrih.- T

noma, newly peperodvi lote ef gronod, withtrait treee cud ihruM-r-y, eteall atable trmnlhoatoI.rrr paeace the door. Rent, I lat May, tlO per month,

Iho promlaee.

rV, CHEAP COTTAGE FOR SALE ATttfl.j.vu-rr-- t l IKiO; flnelr located within one mile

efMonnt Vernon depot. New ork, lnuulro of J. L.BRrWBTER,miroadit, N. Y. J

fiat, MtD-F- OR SALE A PLEASANTLYBrftorT bnoae and lot nn Park i,a. m.

the Park, Hmoklvn. Orapea and cherrlea In the pard,Iron balcony a- -4 fence In front. If lee tlW ruh, wkIBiortgage, maalro IU Fulton at, HrooUrn. noO 0114

AA TO WATCH MAKERS-AN- J EWEI- rra--Fi r Pale A watch maker'g aetaMl.hmeiiL. Inlocality down town, dome a f ,lr Irbhlng boat- -

aeaav i no reaeoo lor wllln I, the bwlth of th. pro--DtUtnrlarallina. Tbla la a en ehane. foe - n,n allha email capital. For farther particular, applr en thapreaileeab New Bowery. IU

AA CORNER STORE IN BROOKLYN AND111 lack room, to let. cor 1'hmonlh tnd Little at.fliturw and counter mmplete for rrncervand Ibniormulneea. Apply to JOHN F, HUNKI HSY, 71 llrldgtea, iHOOBirn. Ill IU'1'14

J. FOU SA1E-O- NK HOUSE AND LOTaw on Eighth avet will bo aold npon eaar lerma andat t very low price. Apply to JOHN McCLA VK. I'llBroadway. n alSJQ TO LET OR LEASE--T- rJi LARGEAew etore, berk room, bed room tnd nee of ronntertand dlturee, M Mnlherrr et It he been orcnpled m aaplrlt and porter heue for the but A roara. Apple ontneprernleee,oretiMeltat. nbl'ItS

. IX)R SAIE-- A STATIONARY ANDBtind.tMr ntnra. Terr natlv flttaii . ft... . . .- - "."'raatMt thAroaiti in iwwu) d. ABHluuavdllataw.

I at lit ultoa , Utooklf n, W

iC. TO LCT- - THE IIOU.SK AXIY ATORK,- toiwthar htll..lilrk.iiil Aiturra. f4 IA --

onacmuntef a death In the famllr. Inquire In thetore, 861 Ureenwlrh at. 4a


quor etorre lu Weal tt. Apply at No. WH Wwtetreet. 41

JtA FOR SALE THE STOCK AND FIX.LML tare., good will and leaee, of a grocerr atore, loca.ted at eomer Month Hth and llrunawlck at. JeraerCltr 1 aleo a largo ttalilo aud wagon houee. Kent mod.onto. 17

A A ROOM WANTED BT A LADY, IN A0nlUln famllr, uofurnlaued, without board. AdJrwt

r,hf., uotrwsBun oracc. IS

A DlNtNO SAIdOON KOR SAtR Kft- -t-- tahllNhad a raan and dr4n a aood bualnaeaa thatock and fliruraa will tteVold at a arr.(.ra on arrount

of a death In tht famllr. ADMlir txt tha orf..re ltd'WomtfT at, or of UuUtS, B.tcher. o.H Hitth are,naar Mth .

A& TO LKT AT NEWTOWrT, I.ONO ISL.and, to atorr and houMt and wagon

hoa.fi, and atiout ona erro nf rood land, or will Im oldrhp. Ioqulra otJAHLB BA1LKY, t Ml Third at,N. In 8


chaeewA honae and lot wanted In the upper partof New York, er la !lronafyo sr niiiBnunai.K namfar rrom the rernee. i uo earertiaer wanie a emailnw houee. In which be will par d caah andthe balance to la on mortgage! the honw and lot notto root more than BIOUO. Addrew to J. J. Pi bog 17m,N.I.1--. U. 134

AAA GROCERY AND Liquci STORK FORi Hla In the let are, IWlh will be aokl cheap enarrount of the owner going tothoeountrn.lt la rightot tho New Ferry, foot of eefh at. nS tinfA A BUTTER AND CHEESE STORE, INUaa good location and doing a good bulneea, for aaln.Price about t'J'flV, can bo reduced. AiMruee BCTrKU,boitoo, Buriorlloo 88

AA FOR SALE CHEAP WrrniMJlTDI.IM ale poaaeaalon. t But rate groecre and llqnoratortwith itock tnd flxturea rompUle ror further partlu.ulare, applr on tht prernlaw, &4 Monroe it., N. I.


A TO LET OR LEASE FOR 5 OR 10"rcarB't bouae and lot tn 7th ward, Ul (ha heat

t In ttieeltvi nothing Io pay, only groundnut. Applytol'AYTEN, 1 OlvUlon ai Tl

AATO LET LOWER- PART HOUSE 101laLKia ilHtb at.; aleo lower Part cottage HI Eaat tttlllLi alaolroomalMIVitxIhaf. cor Id eve, nicely pr

pored alao 1 room. ' lownlne at. Oil.w K1NXI1!MKB,U I'uurlh ate.

AA TO LET VERY CHEAP 2 RIXWSlilllrj Cannon: ttl'J Water) 11 ('llritonillll Columbia;VO ItiTlnatonl 1 AtrnueCl 111 .Ninth, 70 M.irlnni 111

I'onilulc. !' 100 Fonj th it, and olhera. Inquire at tmllowvry. ufigw

iA TO LET A BASEMENT AND TWO)llM.dronnia rent PI Nl alao . fiirnlalmd room In aaniall honae, to one or two ono room to mmniantl.M. Apply to Bell 1 11. I JO Broadway, In theHaaoiuout. Be

AA 10 LET-FR- ONT BASEMENT 18 LUD.4AA low at, o good aland for t G arnian loot and ahnc.makert rout til alo other enertiiM'nt to lot In rerhouBi't rent mudiratuto good tenant, poaaeaaiuu Immvoiateiy, inquire ou tile prciuiaca, oo

Jft TO I.KrTO A KM ALT. FAMILY, IK AUil private lion, at 4 Market rtreft two rooms onaInrpfi room aittl otto U'di'i'iiii, oik tha tLlrd flour, withi tmand wnptt'p.ia. K- rfpilrfd. rft.'.OT

Jft I01C BALK CIIKAIa A FIRST RoVTR.tor, one of the lieit Und In tLe lTth word.

Kfunnlur e l.in the owner ha vthr-- bunlurao to Ht- -

t nd tn i applr far 3 cU s. Anil oo the piwml-- r 4T4

tail IMA trrcr. IU -

Jft HAT AND FUR STOKK FOR SALEiC-4- -) rMp wOuauf tba flniat oqIoti lu tlw) cltr for aErutttMlhattrrof aniali ma-u- a. Tba atora U nawljr

Urtr Man 011", and laooaoftboTarr bawt lora.ioni up fown, aoinianna pronpttruii.reai Im plaou ! aold lu oonajuonM of a rbanf a la

buclai! wiiirn wm ijo aipia-B- Mi MiiaiaLtoru brap- -ply tun at 45T Broadaay.


and 8 rooiu. ,1 aiuouth. BnlMiug Vita Ave utiuuteawalk from ( rand at f rrleai HOilv. PrloetHin. 'lermace.r, TlliiM A HE VYR, North loth and lit at.


AA TO LET THE 8 STORY RRICK HOUSEIII. DO Sarkitt at, Brooklrn. Bonlh aide. Thvhou.haa the water In, tnd 1 In good order, and will be rent-ed at a low rent, via., Bi"0 per ennnm. AIo pait ofhnuie lo lit. Apply to UJWAUU H. JAMK.H, 1"!Ilrende ay, N. Y, or OD the prcluieM bet 10 end It o'-

clock a. m. nlfllO

& FOR SALE- -A GOOD CONFECTIOJf- -art ati.ri. with bd iflnrt-- nj dulna a

Xod lrtininp, and lu a good Ivcattoa i r lit up ron.at ltd Tlifrd ara. -- 4..84

flat FOR SALK- -A HOTEL IN TUB BESTpart of tlia cltr, well loratod, with 0 rear laum

arrUfurnUlivd. andajrood bar. ?nr pirtlrolara inquire at tlia proiuUwa, fur two (Uyiti IM XX' dar tr-- ttdoonof Yt'mt. u.w'iOl

DRUG STORE FOR SALE VERYcheap for eaah,ln tht thriving village of MountYeraon, It nil lea from N Y. cUl.ll.Uod t rear, I

Urge vreerrtpttoo trade) gooil chance fir a pnv.ieian:,utl. factory reaaoua for aeuina. appi ly to KK llll--UA.N.ou tht prciukaea, utar tht depot. boe'ivo

DRt'O STORE AN EXCELLENT OP--portunltr to eatahllih a Drug more on a corner

aaa. era leading avenue In Jerver C'ltr In t deueelyIKipulatidpaitt no oUinr .tore of the kind within oneuuaj icr oi a uiue ui iw Addna IL, eJV Buvenlli at, J.CIO. BJ. 11,

CAMPBELL, APOTHECARY, ANDChemlat, ccr ttb oveuue and toth it. pure audeeiiulii. drue. niidlcinea. and iMtrfunierr. aud

the proprietor ron.tantly In atteodaucw, to diapeneecueulctutt tnd prtwcriptlona. la

LET-T- IIR BASEMENT BAKERYSTO Ml Itldce at I alao tb .tore, back room, bodroom tud l.awmrut bakery No. t"i Kit luttoo at I aboa email etore Mid roon.. So. tuO ltivlofton it. In'lillrokt WO Oraud at, cor of Kldrldge, t

tw-- RENJAMIN'S BRASS SPRING' TRLRHtK. No. 1 Harder atreeL ocooeitotho Actor House, are tba Iwal, aaaleet tnd ehMpwt taIhtaoild. Ther uevtttt uot grow wee from uaa.

frCTAKENOriCE-LiUUiSFJ- I'S WHITErbfbeavcra tnd bloomcn ladlea' bcaren and felt hateclcaxed tud made fitBhiooal la, axd aa good a newt al-to til kind of hata done up In good atria. Call oi thoatrev and fB hat btewber, 15i llroooa. tl, n. doortroui Altrem.y. aoA 1101

WA N T E D AN EXPRESSwaeon.lhorao aad liaeaaaa. .,.!. .,

kuiile. oelr al OTA an J V71 Wa.a -- a. mi ii.j.- -rleav a note for F. M. P., bet VCrl bub oflWe. 4

wanted A nonn hepondon horse tnick. Apply or direct to

ZWSSKKAbABA.wmiUlaiuat, u9 aU0 BAWABD-STOL- EV FROM THEeubeorlbrr ea the Ibt of ocwoec. -- -

ula Uarlein, a Una two "horse tad ''?wagoa, leborw haa aohrla ipol .oa bU fonheaa,wwi eo hi. Iek. the of hla feel ce "'lara them to 44th at, betwwa Itb and Ith " Tj


tnd harticea. ller-- a Bvo T "IdydftfoatToit and werrled ajund and

"3.I. ortoarfher. Brouldtult B gtttf m priitri Al'Pf 01 f0 BBHU, tr, BB l--


I nAa-rn-ni Tjmnm-BRiLLi- Arr cow.I 'EXIT TTI-ai- IIAUATt Al, the eelanrat!I fediaav-;ATCmDA- r, Nov Wh-- jia to. r ir.aw

lUOI.at IS ae comeoy niaiyu rai -- Peal Pry byI ifr T. Ifd eK-2-? tta'W'BiV,..';..



CKe elt k th. BeOnaiFnawVTSia --7Li.i7 JfTVe. .id . thaAm erf, flare-V- an, JvTew.' Unf Boa,NawkePChOA aaadwtaa,ld I Mt ttabs IA




Of .mrv Btrfiiprirria t.baia'fiSOTiW. HHAeVA



Bri.r Tttn OarSnawmnCatf



MaoairKWMT Boaaaar.Maomnur Br wrtf.

Maor.inc'ewT Sre rhwjaUontnorfrr aywnarr.

UaaKrasra. Tin Cceaiileve. .eoanaw. L.....t . IBB arcirmaMi wimanai Taa urwwMint llraeT aa. Taa Pona OaraeaMiat VTaixt ,.M.,Tat BmrLrroB IBtnaOa M0SPA Y, will be pre Md Ua admlrablt cowed

S11LL WATKIIH KLN DEEP,with all tbo old favorite In tho cact.

Oo TtintSAY, KoT.tMhTwUl he produoad tho beUfulbactpUy

t iin wiff r. B BrA;iterijwhich ww erlalnallr pmdnned at the Park Theatre byeir.,-K- evaan euo Boxen Lag, and w hlch theyafterward performed uirwarda of

oNr. iiuniiheii NinirraL at London, 41 win n. prraiueeo wltn

aanBB.1 new bob Trroaortloa, an'paviLT orarr a atcLT tn a.

raaiLT oiaoia ohlt tn rteara,riaiLi cunt oult tA re a.raaiLr ctmiM olt vn ran.PAMILff dBTLB ONLT 1,1 OBtfrta,

Doan cpea at ht pattala To lieamianltthtlf-pac- teeren.

fTrtaaf Imla aiatamarht araairaj aaa weak In BaV


BOWERY TuXATEXNEW Tietween Meeter and Oraad atrjatoSole froptiwlora Meeara O, L rot aod J. W. tdnrardpToaaetra Bwte, Ml eeala 1 BoBOe, ta eente I Pit It eta.Door open at OH o'clock cmniBeneo et Tie o'clock.

SAT1JRUAY RVKNINO, Novembtc Mb,trPwlUrely the laetcltht cfLNdJt TOM'S CABIN.tTncloTom.. , Mr. J.TT. Tjlngardpa Clair, ........................... Jkvtt tt. u itowaraynineea. ........ ............ ........ ... ..Topeoy,,,... ... ..Mra. n.'ii'vffwV- c-

KvOote aaa e aaa aaaMeaMa .0fwMlallO WOTV

-"-Uarri. Bra. WTO. Joaaa"oLn"A'N'ii'Vo(Vo.HUB ItUI,


flVUND (IAI.A MATINr.K.Grand Cemblnetlon of Art!t andOptnia,


NK. EH .11 IN1F. 1IY Al'IT.AKlNOr.B.Mr. end Mia. HENRY DRAYTO-b- .

The entire Opera of RllrllLKTTll,Mme. CUMMIN. Mme. BTKAKOSaL

bi iwr.l.l.1, rr.KKt, ati)L,L.r.n.Oa MIND ay, nrvt ranee In America ef




QRAMDi inili. chipCITY OF v--r YORbT.

.hm . .:t I A.A.. ....-- "J.UB bat'irnr nai.iAiuB ataaIKINI mjcihu.

aaninvf nrtsEVERY DAY TILL rCRTIIER NOT7CP',g torn a. uu o r. M.


Ihew f ronnd having, by a rota of tha(XlaiMflN (MLNCIU

Been granted fbr thie g UanUe, erieoiuSa, and worthytuiVLOl'B TO ITi -- - ,..

tuiaub iv Mnurn.iwdmlwton. ..jot-wate-.

Fulijr ticket- -, tadniltttnels poraone.ww do faToa of ue aajr oi a


evenlnge, tt 4H0 Third are Shade--.Chalra takrn a I KM o'clock! the beet of alee. Honor,wince tnd Began. Proprietor, JAMFJ1 LKWIS.

LECTURES I1Y DR. SCUDDER.IICNRY MAKTIN HCI'DDF.R, m. d4p. Plt w ho haa apent twcntrtbeea reara of hie life la

Indla.tnd who waa there doring the great mntinr,will deliver a (Snurw of FIVF. FOPl'LAB LEClLHtoon UUiUOH r AN and the H INlN M inat thecooi'kk iNrvrrnm,

Commrnrlna MIINIIAY V.VKNINII. Not. T.BrrultiiT.'.The Kaort of ludla their Language; fur.

louaCuatomat Fakir. t Indian llennitti Hindoo Wit,and Hindoo VTcmrn.

hectare II. Thunder Fvcnlng. Not. 10.Bimjktrr. Flirvlcal Fennllalitlea and liuentlee of the

Slounlrritbe Literature of ludiai the Atbliteaudliitiire HI Monday Frenlng, Nor. la.

8t1uiT.--Th- e llramlnle I'rleetuoodi Csateief a I iell to a Temple covering more than 10

acrea of ground i Mode of W oralilp.Lecture 1 V.Weilnelar Kt rnlnc. Not. Id

RrHjri)T...'fbe Ancient Hindoo and the ModernAthenians, or Hindoo t'enttielam aud lloetonTraneoen-dcblalie- ni

a Ilc-e- rt of Hindoo I'roverna.lecture Y. -- Morulay Kvcuing, Nov. II.

Bl'lumT.-.'rltlc- al l'erloda In the lllatorr er thoflrftieh Kinpire la India aome account ot earlier Mut.

tiaiwarrrai tha latoneret Kebelllon lilt Nalure and lkHlon the Atrocitle. how far eaeggurat-ra- t

! Heroic freed i Ueatlor nf India.'I be l,rcl urea are luteuded to combine Instruction

with EntertainmentiioKirrrt for thk coriisv-i-.

For a Uriitteinen and l.adr, tl f0. Teacher, tndFnplle nf Hchonla, till eente.

Single Keening 1 Irki K Ml rent.Ticket for the (loureo mar be obtained at all tha

Uock.toree on Uroadwar, aud at the door on the eveu- -Incof the lirtiire,

Uoon oh a at I) to eonnuonoo tt 8 o'dock. nS Sla'Ul

TVTOTICE THV. IXlVEUS OFGOODIUR- -It monr meet at th Star of the Weet Bhadea, VO

near llrand, everv Moiidar and B4lurdareveniniia tliair laaen bt ooiioi a ir v nnng Hoaeine.AllrifrrahlneutattlhtnaualprUea. TlloCll MKD-Lb-

1'iopilclor. ua Sllv4


NF.W hrKIKH OF ITALIAN llbWS.Eicrrisu anii iik a i i ifi'l ck.sk.



Many of the lewe ere fllled with a warm Italianglow, piculiarlr truthful and difficult of attalument.Atmoei'lierlc effect bcloug to Art, aud uot to Blair au.

A. 1 . 'frtee.blUUM AT SF.V

llirMiER AND LUHITNINO.Krcrr KvenlngTH. Mondar, WedneaiUr audBatur-da- r,

BP. M. Aduilwlou to cent. Vhlldron, 10 cent.

BOBERTSOira BAKD nKADQHAR- -tarm,No,ll Bpr.nait.,netoeorviaLiuiaij uaut upiikira. n. uiaaraaaa O1U7 bo rooalved ai iba abora addroaa.

000 aaarivBW

TJAIR DYE IS YOUR HAIR TURNINGXI CIKF.YI la vour whlakera red orfiivvr WimiMyou have llienicliauged toe beeotlfiil. natural HLAC'ICor BKtlN, without havlneyone hale ri.l.i.il. .rrmrakin lulur-- df If eo, trr a tllTY t'KNT Hog ofHKIFHT A JO.'B Nonpar, II ofHyce, tho OLU audOKlUlNAli

COLUMBIAN HAIR DYK.ThooMud are now u.lng It who opwk of II lo tho

moat Bettering ten ln. roaaon I. plain l ther candepend uiioa thla w anawerlne all thai m lie claimedfor a good and honeetmade Dye, which, when prop-erly ii.ed, will go farther than aur other In the mark--oi. tar tie euro you wa lor unir-or- B iiair live,aud rea may depend upon gattlng a good aad reliableart .,

Manufactflred and aold Wholesale and Retail, al theColumbian Depot, 44 Houth Hooond at, vrilllain-hurv-

At null throughout tho I'uited SUtea, Ac oris ttoo


-- gav kt It Cheiry it. 11. UlCHLY. l

I0R SALE TO BE SOLD CHEAPfor caah, coach, hunct aud tiarnwe. Un- -

uie4ll.u.ly. luulr. ho. 44 LaartBt it, Pitw Tara.Boldwperetaortogetlur. Bt

FOR SALE CHEAP FOR WANT OFmi i tine., lr. iiwrtitl tt hft ale- -

y ri aula, alltrllall lle. rUbl graeu from (be rountr,.PP'r ai no-t- aa iu UOI'III


auarta. all famllr euatantt luamllon atl- -loot, Hona,wefOu,tlelgh, eaua, an J all dituriHiconi.plcte. llt tt 1 Foutlh gtnet.anerH o'ock


ri'.uVwr"Ar.pirTo'i.itii.ij0 rwn old. rorDrove Yard. Mb i

ROITJH TERRIER -L- OSr, ONlillr Vwi.e-t- .r .fternoon. 'mall rough terrierrTTwS" her I. W Plo it, bawuijut,1. Tllih .fciVafl rewive $3 naard.audaoon "lone wkid. tho dog bolug a pat.

- j LOST-- ON THURSDAY AFTERoooo. a blwk and tan tarrUtdoci tho

Cr ulcer a nward of $0 U hoover wUI returo himtalMewteSibal. aO mattTPt FOLLOWED ME HOME A WEEKif Ibigo. a l'ge eUed dog. outvoted to ba a aaa.

Iho oa ner can have tbo wuia, by prorlaf MTaBar--and paring oapenew .Call al - Vfaahla fVta at,

B this end Maday.et It o'clock, hiFOB SAL3 SDC' NEWFOUND- -


SRE'ABfJ--08T-ON THE SOta large NewtooacTUaA dear. noa. aad ef

white, foal white. Iwt,hcaw cvUar, "";a be ROVKR any aetaoa bflogCg b--

aaloan, t bowery and Dtvielen tt, ejm.ni, wuig,WthttbvTtrttrl LEVTlSMl tl mmsm



Vr. Cbu. A. Onr to KmU k. Iltrrlc.a. 41

Ttwrt.f, Not.M,Utna pMtortvl rMttlmico, by tbm Rrr. Favtber If noatr.Thoutu Major to Utb-jin-w MoCnokcii, both of thUair. 19 1-r- riioMPAN-YK iDrjfBmqn-- o MandtTero.tolne. fief. ttd. hv tha U. t.tithee W. Peek. HenryThompaoa to at let Prancli E. burgh,hoorth(avny. i oagnarepaio papan pieeao oopy IU

DEATHS.BEKTOICT-- At MoM Ilarea, Weetcheateroo., M.T.

TtoT.li, trdla Blaabeth, danghter of John r. anar)arah A. Benedict, aged I reara and 10 dare,

Tba relatlTW and frleodt of the family are reapeet-fn-

Incited to attend the faneraLthle (Baturdari aiwrnooa. at 1 o'elook. rrora the reeldaooo of her grand,aether, Wm. Bmadaf o, MoU lUran, IU

BLTLTB--Oo Tknreday.NaT. M. AnaaUtla Butler,a Batlra ef Co. Kilkenny, rarlaa of Themaatown, Ira-tan-

aged TV peere.llerfrienda and relatiTee, and thow of her enna.

John O.. Kdmnnd and Patrick HutUr, are rwpectfullyInTtted to attend oa Bonaay ancrnoon.etnlmt.at ute clock, run nor l a naioani &Eighth Are.

rHAllER OnPrl-a- r. Nar. 4th. 0rr Ctmr. latbe ttth rear of hU aaa.

Tha relatlrea and i of tha family, a1o tha rt

and .Mobm oftbaFtrvt Troop WMhlnctoaVramMncltlar-'sdrftM- .) ar nprtftillr InTltadtoattrmd tha IVaeral. tm Bundar aftronona tth Inai,at . o'clock, froto hlilaUra.idiir, fttMIoratla --trrdt.Tha irmafni will be takea to New Jrrsr.r, oa Mondaytnomloiii for lntartuaot, -- tt

CAkTKROK-OnTaitr.- Sd lnrit.'VV'LIll.nihla aga.

lba relatlTM and frlandt of th famllr. a!no thm br-- of Marinar'i leodn No. 2S. of L O. O. K.. aratft,lla l - 4 Ik. ..! ..I ' riiuiir uTiini u iiruu uir innrrait on aiiuuriTMrotn, 6th Imt.. at llo'clocka from bulaio rwWdenoa T9 F niton at. 101

DtMP8KY-- Oo Frlrfar craolait. Nov. Uh, of oaimtnptlno, Brlldf t Anna, dn fitter of John and Kltaabath DompM--- , a battT of tha (Juot Wexfttrd Iraijiiid, ta tha 17th -- ar of br Mt,

ThafrlenoUandaao.ualDUnM-so- tha fuullf arvrtvnttctftitlr Inrltrd to attend hr funurml. oa finodajpancrnoon. fth lnt at IX a'olook. from tlta rtMildneoof bar motbrr, 44 Tratm stroot, without further no-tice. 199

OILnEK.LF.EVIUIa Itrooklr- -, L. L, onFrUarNoT.4thclirlfMiVatoaUU4ir'ilava, o of J--

BJ dare. 71

.M, Walter Illgglne,A native if the County WeatuioaUi, Ireland, aged 111

reeve.The relative, and friend of tha family, atae tha

tnembere of the CoachUa Uaard. are reinectfullrto attend the funeral, an Sunday afternoon, at

a'elere. trow hie lata twldenco, g? Trlnltr Place.SoJinOOIHg-O- n rrldar, tha rth but, Mrt. Ann. UU.

glne, In tha 4M year ef her ago.Herlhneral will take place on Bonder aftcraonn,

atlo'clock. from her late rwldenoe, 113 Monroe at,Below aad new Orleaii. paper, pleeee copy. SMI

JACESON--On Wadneeday, Not. 4th, Martin Jack,aoa, baring been drowned on board the ateaeuer Champion, wniie going to new uaven.

Ula relatlTW end frlenda are reapeelrully Invited ttattend tno funeral, on aunoar aneraoon, hid ciotk,from M Moat at. II U reinelnaUl ae Ukaa toil--

ary Caoictary Ibr Intarment. 19S

M ABCIl Oa Friday, Catharlna March, danghter ofMathew and Barah March, aged 1 year, S nioatbt and

The frlende and aeqoarntaneee are reepoetfully lato attend her faueraL onHuudar aneraoon, atrtod Crow the reetdenot of her father, 7E Cum

barlana ai vrooturn. uvlrCBRT-V- or. th,EUen Marry. .Her funeral wilt take place on Sunday afternoon,

lib lnat at 1 o'clock, from her lata reetdaaee, U Ami.ty Place, Wd

MeAIXIBTER Kot. W, of eld age. Mra. Acnet MoAliletrr, a native of Paialoy, Boollaud, aged 7 yearaand a aumtbe.

The reUtlvw end frlende are reepoetfully Invited taatti nd h r funeral, from the rrtlilenee of herBretJTty, Betrtkalrect. Ml

McALUSTEE-O- n Friday. Wot, 4th. of coaeumn-tie- r,

ttrt Me tlllater. aeed Wrwra.The relet iree and frlende of the raullyare roepact-fhu-y

Invited the funeral, aa Sunday mora--lag, alio lock, from hla lata rwMaaea, lOOowalngetreet, wrtnon farther Botleo. Ilia roeaalna will iftaken U Now'York Jlay Cemetery for Interment. WS

MeAKALLY-- Oa Wday, Not. 4th, Mathew Mo- -Aaallr.of theOoanty Wwl rariaa of eviuaro,1 TherKc--L aoTfeUtlvw art respectfully lavitedTO anono law ruwahoa "WiruwinT! v.Vfrom tha Belicvue UoaplUl, betwaaa SOth and Tthatreela. Kd

MoaOlfAtf-OaThare- da y. Not. jBd, from the etTecttAf InJurlw reeelvod on tno Beconq Avenn iraiiroaacar, Charlw Mettoean,a natl ra ef the Pariah of DrumCliff. Count! BUgo, ireiano, aaeo rearm.

The rtendiendaonnalnlanor. of the family are rt--emootfallf Invited to attend the funeral, thla (getar- -day) afternoon, at lit o'clock, from hit lata realdenca.foe But lth itrocv. we

MeKEON-- Ia Brooklrn, oa Tbureday evening. Not.Bddt-- a abort and wvere IUncea,Wllllam r.JtceLeon,

re ee aa age.Tha friend and acaualntancw of the faraur. and

tnmmi hla falher-t-o Uw. Freed II. WhlteshU broth.r, Joha J. andFranala White, Jr, anl alao the

member of Conatitullaa Enalno Companr No. T, andFrontier Uoaa Company No. 0. art roipectfuUy Invitedto attend the funeral, oa Sunday afternoon, ti o'crfc,

Irem hie lata rwiaeuee, vnj iTWpeci aa. aaMcCAFFREY--Ia thla city, ob Thursday, Hot. Id,

lln.k McCaffrey, In the 4IH. veer of III; age.Tho relatlTW and friend, of the fatullr are roapeet- -

luUr lovlled to atteod the funareL on Bunder .ifter--noon.ttb lt, tl Vlnek. floia hi. lata roaidaona,Ul third Ave, corner Uhth at, Ui. McNAMA-- Oa tha td IniL, at her lat. realdence, 171Weet Wd it . Bridget MoNama, wife of Michael Mo.rtam., a native of Manorhamclloa, Co. LeHrUa, d.

aged 47 yeara.Herlrleod and aoqnataace. art napaetfully ln

termed that her rerealne will be removed from thaaiMTorwidaaioc.oa Baturday afternoon, bth but, at

lyn, Hirrlct SirUulf, wlft of Joha010, aged ot yeara.

Th. IVIecide aad nlatlTW are reapootfuny lorried totd ad the funeral, thla taafurdaj) morning, el IK'e.'clock, (r.m tha rwl4.no ef her brother-in-la- Jaa.IMtaTFelkea Ava, aaac Oif d it. HI

rrfERSON-r- a Friday, Not. 4th, Wm. Henry, eonaf Joha P. and Uauab Potoreoa, at od 4 year, and 0trjeatne.

llierdneral will take alao. Jkt Rand. eLernoOn.Oth lnet . at i.e'elock. prwlac ky, frew tha realdenoo of

10 aadaf.,

!isfe:iw.tok--- rtBr"urSMITH-- Jli Beienaei, uih nor.

JohaBxalth, lato werchant ef MewYorV, and oi.totaUTWaBdlrtoadtaf tho ramnyare roeooet--

isVJioTar--; Ki3j z&zzr'ijre&inissrstfz.i

VTboruSerJ wlU takipl e oa Sunday iornb,f. at


WnrrB-t- a Ihb elty, oa ThotwUy, Nr. M, afterlona and painful lllaeaa, h sb ba bort wiaattaaee awl reeteaetloa, TMatat WbJU, ajad M ere,

KirelatlrM and frlende af lb wanly are rare-r- i.faJlylBTttadta attend the fgneraJL.aa Bnadiy after-ano-

Nor. Mb, at 4 o'clock, fraaaU lata netaene. NrraakUa at eomer of Cbuta. Ml


JUWAX, arvatw-nuD- Ar. ,

.B "jV .Th9 CAMRifffM4Ma.J ra--WT ja Am m- - i

0t tt Babnt and MAevcMLetAerel laothn it aear a4i la IM aa aeCiva la pw-W- oa brlwmt Ma mba5i33 jmrdan, arttattaV to allow jdaiatraTer fllf B narwlaiainltl c apTWao. ta 1

WttwiamVf AIOOoiTotclbTbbataat flPRB? e--"4bafara tbt - A mmamt MeaMMRV' 1

IVfcox-raA- rd U I i.'a' I(llW."-fi!t-

CvelaOona to tt0 Metric ItHaT 1

atar Uck J mi aa ta dtfcw af Iho aftdr. lHMwaSaW tPbJBrt lbat bwaxitloaMtw 1,'MMtt.baTtnf Watt al adyawda ta tho aaa I MlDothkg mw H er aha a, ta warrtad aacb aacnbf ta thltgtaeof Bhoooa t ad tat inliaalready beta la rnbot dullid 07 laa Coarl, aformer fncttcmi that ta aetlga ktaa-'- Ma awablaw, oa contract, la rcr --r tba aaaaage, aad that Map

char a art aiorhtttal Bad taooed bo tabwMWd ta SJnbk tha duo emu w of that aoMoai aad Mai Mswhich U tba at trial in fat tba raoueaBe aod uMIn.out to anUBHtrr t It, It cab hi fat th bboo of tbrtaST10 aeiey ua aeuienaani 01 t eetaw taa n Banart tweed to allow tba claim. At imeal IM aa.

Di$totmHm afFmrhmikiftntm A. DlOrwmftt. eoryA AT. D Agrtm, A al Thtg wag ea aa.doa tcainrt tba detendtt on lav, eertara Brwtpserr aott,or the anmcf about Bd. Taaoowftlat aad a4 tba plaint,I reoMd tha a too taMsawal ef a bill Of aluat too defendenta, waa teatba lato Ira of D. AToda, Jov Co. t thai U tottcIho aoto a a lb. rrnrewaleatna that Jotb '

bor of tho B tovw th twwwa wa IBStrrnadlbalbo MbotaMrlaar btlhoflrai at thafane tbo acto waa awdo I bat M arpoared that aa awIlea of dlmolntton waa dwa. Bad the Coart held tottha oulfoinf partner oould act reoevo bl eraotf fravUaMUry wllio.it full notice to tba crodltora, aad gmmjua(mosi tor ua amooxi ouumeo.

ftaaarlar Caart.PtrmM Ottritf PitcAnryrtl Um Omrt JW

AUnr WttU re. fleravw 0rruy.-.Ta- lc caw waareftedln lAeAmof Oe. 19th, and M wUtbara.maaibe d thai ttf ml waa h ox hi ta rnjiweuw of bl.aro, for rrpalrt alleertd to kavo baea wadsfor tba Oalway Biwmetilp Compaay. Tbaoaaua tnarina amior waa ibb owner m wathli ocmpaay, aad at took eaookhotder, wagfortboa.iiamerjdoltn thoeompUlnt. Boranled ItaflJ, aH thwa tle Aaoaai ha waa Boa, anaho over bean, a holder if any ouoh otook, tadtwotd agalnallha per b:v oimania made lacan or uoun, rue pay roc taa e ara.

Tho poatpoBjrd, Bad wacailod, th. patts wwratiui4 la daCaaJa, wdefindant blumphtntl walked cot of Cowl,

-Rt rAcata Caart.

OanicUiBtyHtt'-Wia'fBamj- ut CmitmmMTbo toatalor eraa tba c nor ofa lario nri al. la ttaalcity, iiwwuin toiuawtrap .oMitaaaaateat Bl To rooo. and daetrltaaed ta ta1 taarnoof othtr roUUtra, reeaJnt UlhltottyBgwnere.

Tha fcHowttn charltati be inafg art alaoona oi uo wui ITo tha American Bih'aakidotr tloVSMTO tho Old School rrtatrrtarwa Cberrcb ef

Aianca, imiiummii umi v M.WTo the Ward cf Fnt-t-ga MlMou of Iba Fraa

Charch cf Bootlaiai. . ., , . , ..... ItLtOTTo Iba Board of ltocnettlo MJoaaooaof tbo Fro t

Church it BorAland '

To tha Iloard of Fortdim tfjgaloaa of tbo oilSchool Frwbvterlari Chttrob MS

If Bona of the abora aoctetJw et txlat taIba will daracW that uwycrnrly gounuroa ot pcoaianii. tbo Itheaalvootbo rwltaltM.uuwtai.lo g.neial -

thht ctty aad la but (twtaturb) aatlra i

JERSEY. CITY.Till Stabbibo ArrnArtaNtwASK AtJiBanan Bru.iT aa, th maae wbo waa atabbaA la

a tght with a negro, aamarl ra iaa Jaa , oa WMnreJay night, war Dutch ttowa la Jw y dry aaatoroewhat untaro 4 jeatarday, Vol la ant ooaaedawaout of danger. Tha Ooon ware aiiigiiiiwtafwl batheir acarch tXUr Ua ordond man, and It to oamaaeho made hit eactfo la tha tchoooev to arbleb ba balotund, whloh wiled, frota Boklra oa Tho ay

artaraooQ.Death of If b. McCabtib --Mtun McC

Tm, who waa Injured by hla bona raanlac awwr atNewark, on Thanuy, dWdof blatajar i at that100 toatarday taxanilna;. Mr. MoCaarrn wwt a pa4 'aaer la Jon City, and waa bighlw tanatd.

ntmao- - CotntTT Drkut Socirrr Itannual meotUig of thla Boclety, at Pe ea, oaTbaaa'day evcnlnf, Rot. Mr. Faaa i wae ilnlid FntaatMawn . Jaa l. McCir, aad Ccaara, Ytao Ftaadenie i Bar. Wm. Ywmnmw, Scon levy Ma. CbMuean, Trceeurer, aad Metara. C A. THueat,OaotBT, Vaat iajid, B. S. lat am 1 J. I aa, fanatlia OommUleo.

MUTCa-A-X UtAO.nrn anat. m tan, aooa ana. --aaa

How. IIU AMI IM I IMNot. I.. I 10 III t tt I 4 4Hot. T.. M IN S tl I S SS


How. B..OotBn(iiaaa..Nw York. rlTaer aNow. t..rwaa. Noa TortgJw Llva epooLNor. ltAraco.... ....Now York. lot lie a.Not. ltAlBOrloB ...,,, itraton. . for UvorptalNot. U..Vau,lerbllt,...Now York. for Ua a.Nut. l..Cltr vt lt....New Yorlufor Uiap.it.MoT.tS.Aaia Now Yortfor Uvorpooi,


Oct ta..Gr Ba ,Oot, tt,.Aiucrlca...,,.IiverTioat...tor IkwloOct. td..VanaarUl....Bouthso....t)New Yoefc.Oot. M..N- - Amer1oan.Ii rpoolr Oiiebao .Oct. 4..lycfl lb..U rpool..Jbwllw. York.Oct. tt..Aafa ..Uverpool...fbTNow Zcwk.Nut. L.Nbw York ...BViuth'n..,. fur Now York.Nut. d..baaiiula ......Boutu'.n, M.furww Yocta,

CLEARED For Dost PorttvSTFAWSniFh NoTeltT, BoD, Ihl adalp a. BriflM

A Kirkjatrtokl ITauet Shaw, rhBttalfbla, JA-Dil- gga.

SHIPS T B Cutting--. Foat, Mobile, Fosd.Coj Main, llaac k, MoUlo aad New Or l, Xi IBauo.

IkABJCaF DaaiD, Franola, Say nth, DeradDdlOut D WeUUr, Stanru, Ban riaaatarw, VT TO Hman ADo.

SOaOONCRS-Ooc- aa Wave, 7afl, Motfu , ICTfladau, F Decker. Walroua, I rttird, D S iikttH1 aaet, Uardlus Oaruiaw. MtCrta A Btevo aa i letrub ah, IimwoTnu (or, F. IU 4k UawUtoai rUd,Ueataaronn, nuraiofvoi. r. d rowT aayivua, aa .wnrrmtdtuca, U S Rtc tt; Mincgold, Crowau,Nirlr .Bturgea, Ikaio A Cm Oallegok SaBh, lllnhmrad.U H ritrion.

For Foralcn Pot ,eTTaVAMStara Oueta hata, S bury, MarrB,af

Tagiaaoci Kant aiov, Jaay, Urerpool J O Data.ARKS Ilraatle. Mulls LUboa. A B Mo aaa

II Yen liraUad, (area) to if, tMrd a, Waataaauger.

BRIOh Antta Owe a. Bar, Netrvl t. T oaaasBoo; lwb.Ha Jewdt, Brad, MaieolHw. J B WwdOct UarrUt, Unogdcru Ua Uar, N a, A A Da WettkcLMAjraod,(.Br)Alk! St John, MB, rilTtataBO

BCnoONrTlS Rhode Ic'and, O'gTeal Xlaost C

A 11 Solomau; YTcutworlb, Uuor, UaOfkx, MS,ADotoIX.

RSIY0.BTFAMBniFD Locual ISInt, Ianoh,

with bin to B a uiocavvau a uoJauioetowB, Skinner, ItUihrnot, ndat tad

gota lo Luaam a norowKaa.Mount Veiwu, Bemlth, tta sagaoa, wttb laaM

aud to 11 B CmwweU A Oo.U S J, ravtland, wt tUtatBaBf

at.fer.eo LIB Cat well d ColiuUn. Blaw, Phlla. lajphlaaad Capa Mir, aa

mdM Bad pwteriforB lo w Faku alMrtl, 1 ur, fecrl.l.n.-j- ,

b at tt I O '1

Alabama. Bofcenekr Bewuneh, wttb atdaa tad Baaltaogui to B L Mitcbi iU a So

BlirPttTiTi.flahb- -i Lord. ITb Bant ttV. atleodw anABl raiseaswralo B ktwrrau. r

Aldanab, Ih bar, Sund.alan.l leyt t, H atalta) C MoArvhtr.

Rub. na, t n,Iaakia 1 oDoorna Sept Tatawith mow to Ihinham a DI oa

(.ndtrwr Iter, BLUnta. Urerpoui Oat S, wt s)

tod Ct raawBgoTg to Cbaa Oarow.BAIU Unda Slawart, W St Jan C ,Otf

tt , lh ,Jnart BA J Tl I mBSTUlreutuokrt, ndghtoo, Eai a, Cuba, Bept ,

iligaiao I suefa i iie vAmanda, Benda, Uavaiuv IB daje.'wUb bagiata

U. laiLfila - .jltor auBrnvo lJ4jr, Tt, ul iiaeli to J U iiuaajo)rtli-- v, MltoheT, Buatca I daya, la uvd ta

to Fjtaabtlhport, lob 1 owl fc tha

anOS-Une- ola. Ootawarh. Santa Cnu Oat I ,with w- a- (hay lo Ml tor ItoufUoa.

SI IlrlUr, Jcnne, Ha- h- aVld IT, with aot ta MaMoUAIi) iadhwvywwtU- -.

Krautb, Btratlrn, SuTlvao, Mo, to 4h a, muM

,"boclrFortPt JS da- -, mmOar esn, toi U laaba pattV

"ardllwry, F.Hh, llunalre.tl daya, a- -t aa.1 m

Smith JonwCUOONUI JOUbarl IT aloa. Hal,

dayt, wHB nun to a oer,Myrov w, Ilui hea. Chaibatna, wltb aoMoa,MaaOU'O, rnr Bairacw, Baa BertVehxa BuntLJact aoava.attblWitath, Hub tr, taaUapot ft I

lguna aaw.y, ,aa aaliar BUU, lUadoiana, dov daBcUvnr. Koubifa, Boodout lot doUtn klatt'da, MoOurd Cab, wltbraaaoo,D U raid win, Qjowii sloolrTaad, aa.L'on, FurtUB, da daitaka Beta Ott, Bopa, eadaa.

rappa, daatma, aa nawnA O Skwev .' . do tugttur,IU-Wt.rtlMfu.rwT)-

, .J RWateoa, raekar, Riwuaaw.' Kilon Rodmaa, bl, Now B nrd, o

Marlt, Mktbo-i- Mrt,

'1aNaaC-aol- Ow

nwCaroa ..SUeT Alboab U a Wmhom Oo

Bhto ClBilfaalliia