t Ff 4 ttz tf I 1 y t rJ- r h a I rf j t 4 1 0 r THE SUN SUNDAY AUGUST 9 l8MTWKLVK PAGES 9- r 1 jATEST NEWS FROM EUROPE I urn TOllTIOiL rAtlTIKinr KtatAHD- fv luutrar IHSKNIOM- ma4ilait iTnkea Viyaaje flrI n1 r LaTI r Mi F H wera Alt t I- UI r Pia H i etle flIkIi Ike OT rrveetIIl AnUr O- ninak of jadnIr l Cfcrlee llllkoa- ml C C lp I CeBril i raMS remrgnewe Ih CIt 1118 Atifr wholo future ot the LONDON fTho tJtwral party ol the empire depend result of Mr Gladstone seA voyage rD Voice continue bad and I Is doubtful II sufficiently make another rcnem t helTer speech In the mean time everything I lat The Wblea and Radicals sire thim nl ever toward each other Cham err rilin hIS to submit t Uartlngton and HartlDKton I driven to fury by Chamberlain alniiblo attempt to push him aside The tern iorarr edlf8 nf Bit chrlel Duke encur ¬ lUrllnuton to avagoly attack the Par uel BtllltM and through them Chamberlain The iaii r retorts wIth more pronounced Radical Merite than ever Mr Gladstone 1108 rnoreoTer suinonds tho declaration ot Ltb for thelnerleletonl which oaa r plo longsr The Tories sire not muob better oft Churoh bill baa gain ntnmped on his enemies by Ihe- lucceM of hIs Indian budget sob nlt- rlsods hall the speech as a flue election ap pealL Evorrbody admIts that the OlParM iindltd the figure with ease and The Ministry still advances Its prestige by luolfylne foreign affairs with Blsmareki aid and rapidly currying on tbe business of lrlf ment The latter enrages the declare that this smooth progress I Is eons Qaent upon the LiberalsBelfdcnlal in not ob- struction ¬ buslnria and the factlhat the Par Belllles hero bon squared 60 alarming I the trotires that six Radicals have blocked that 0 i nltAitl mnnanrn thn Houalnff nf thn Poor W n I dill with I view of preventing to muoh Tory lucces Doth sides are still lonclnl and some time must elapea before party finds which ot Its suctions U tbe more powerful and that sort of 1 ptnlform thn country demands Some dnyn nco Mr Philip Cnllan member for toutb while dnbatlng n clause in thc Criminal Amendment bill coIled Munition to the In lamles whIch halt bon dragged to light during tbi trial of Mme and mentioned amoDK other thing tho high station In life oc tooled by come of that notorious woman chief natrons Ho was several times Inter ruptcd when be reached that part of hit rD and there was on evident purpose on lurk of certain members to either lessen tho force ot the speakers argument or force him t abandon his subject and resume his eat lomlnl exasperated Mr Callan flnnll adversaries and shaking ble tllnd finger shoulrd J Dont provoke me further I know some of Mme Jedrlnsu patrons and I this clamor continues I shall b compelled to say things you will regret to hear probably more tat I ahall dislike to gKo utterance to tom I trust I shall not be driven to say mor The House was stilled In f moment and Mr Callan was subjected t no further Interrupt- ions ¬ The Information of which Mr Gull an Intimated that he was possessed was obtline a lewdaya previous to the episode In the lul when ho brought Into the lobby of the 10U8 ef Commons the man who hnd acted capacity ot hal porter for Mme Jeffrie when the prosperity of that now notorious woman was at Its height with a view of securing his Identification of such members 1 had fre- quented ¬ the house In which ho was formerly employed Tho porter upon being Introduced Into the lobby and seeing familiar face abut Urn exclaimed For Oods sake take me away from here 1 I recognize scores of men whom I have admitted Into Mme Joffdess house When ftukcJ to point them out he did 0 It Mr Callana recant remarks In the House bsvu not received respectful attention they fcave at least been free from lnt rniptlon or audible comment and he openly threaten unload tle full voluino of hit Information the fit ot personal provocation Investigation tho first time The cloud ot scandal which for the past two I weeks has bon floating above the head ol Sir Oharlita burst at last Irritated by the aspersions ol his friends for having ac- cepted ¬ money t console his wounded honor Mr Donald Crawford the outraged buetaDd las fnrwurdodSlrOharleas chock to Tllle with the rcauust that It be returned t tbatcontlomnn and yesterday be fod a pet Von for a divorce from hi wife cIting Sir Charles as corespondent The Ions vacation the Judge which ha BOW begun will probably neoR lat a post- ponement ¬ of thu trial for perhaps It Is asserted tutu Sir Charles Dllko has been IntlmiUb with other mombora of the family of Mrs Crawford which Is closely connected with hla own hy marriage and efforts are being Bade to kol the case within the limits of the InulJ Issue bntwuen Mr Crawford and his wile Mrs Crawford U under 20 ycurs of ace while bur husband ntmrlySO Mr Frederick Inderwlclt Q CO ha teun rutnlned for the plaintiff and Sir lon I y James for DUke Tbe probable etToct of scandal upon the result of tho tenernl oloctloni lu some of tho districts Uexoitlui conslduruble curiosity In an In Urvltiw this afternoon Mr ijtawurt the plain- tiffs ¬ kolicitor Bald Our client married a daughter of Eustace Bmllli M P Ashlon billie married another daughter Sir Churl Duke met the respon- dent ¬ at tlm house of hIs brothers widow The nipondunt oonaulcncostrlokun confessed to her hustund her Intimacy with Blr Charles The Litter whun accused daniel that be had acted Itnpropurly but was finally Induced when confronted by tho respondent with sev- eral ¬ damaging lott nt which he bad written to lar to acknowlodcn Ilk guilt It Is at present Intended t limit the scan- dal ¬ to the pnrtlus Immediately concerned lr Ashton Ullka U not In any wet iif lecctid by It Mrs Crawford hns de I llued t Instruct her counted and will Ippral to her liuslmnd fur IsIs merciful con- sideration ¬ of liar foolIng The affaIr Is tbe sensation of London tonight It I II believed that the lawyers will suppress tho del of the case and Introduce only evi- dencii to ocure I divorce Sir Charles Dllken fnoo as he sat In the House ol Commons on Friday night bore trfo ol mental autfrrliiir Ife hat quit atone hi eyes bloodihot and llxed steadily upon an official paper which lIe held in his hand for Several 10ul Twice when some friend I pass Jug liU aroko lo him lie Rmlelln a forced lokly mariner druw his hat 118 oyes aot Moved out of tho claru of the light Shortly b toni the House edjuurnoj be stole silently out and dlsaniKareJ CUlt Kalnoky the Austrian Minister of AITaliK will hold a conference with Prince Ulbiunrck tim coming week stud tbo Czar will visit Iho Emperor of Austria the Week after The announcotnont these Im- Portant meetings has caused much spurulit Uoaln diplomatic circles nsta their outcome Ur Horace Yiuan the comedian died sud- denly ¬ yesterday at t ldcii a village In the county of Hunt ou the Southeastern Hallway 3Ir Olndatouo MnrleJ hue nfturnoon its Sir Thomas Uransnys yacht Kuub nm on an ox I n8lveciul u UODI the COMIC of Swodan and Korway The party comprises Mr and Mrs Olailstons their two daughters Dr Sir Andrew Cake and several Intimate personal friends Clarke knld that Mr dMstono cenural Ialtb was jrooil end Iho coiidltlnii of lila trAt was snmowliut hotter although still uoublesume The Doctor pressed I strong hope that the BOH nlr would rOe of great Leellt t his distinguished patient The tNb4i sturtd with a head wind 101 ft prospect eta bony ca- OQC Il the Itallnl hanks In 1IAln discos Cmi an unknown person bad lord 11111 llrile fmliml at the bank to l4tb bih i the amount of 250000 c y rouM Tl eltrelt r aewallxeete4I- bM tba were uDab t de- tent their worthless tharaeter to Irle were not discovered until the spurious 10ta regular rbe th Russian Treasury la the A fIre occurred at the historical residence t lr Ounard the Orleans House at Twlcksn today Fortunately the Dame were onflned to the outhouiM and stables which were entirety consumed TRW rLAavie nrnKAnina Ar A sies a r Ckyier H prIl at II Ifierteuei mf Ida Dlaeaae In Hrailii LONDON AUR 8The cholera B has reached England A seaman who arrived at Bristol overland from Maruellle became III- waa seized with vomiting and dil A medical officer ot th Board of lar that the man suffering from In- quest ¬ wa held and tbe jury rendered a ver- dict ¬ to the effect that the symptoms were very much like those of Asiatic cholera Precau- tionary ¬ measures are blnl taken t prevent the spread of the Dr Daremburg ot Parts aiaert that Mar- seilles ¬ ha not been Infected with cholera from Spain but that the present outbreak I is a re- vival ¬ ot lost years plague due to bad sanitary conditions The municipal authorities of drath Marseille from still refus t publish the number of The Italian OnvHrnm has bad every part ot Italy larh1 for sigiss ot cholera The disease had appeared at Genoa turn out to be untrue The dlanatA I Is still gaining rapidly In Spain A fortnluht ago whim the number new eases throughout that country exceeded a thousand- a lay It wa thouebt that the scourge had suddenly shown a frightful increase Yester- day ¬ the number ot new eases of cholera In Spain I shown by Incomplete reports was 4689 the number deaths 1602 Judg- ing ¬ from provlou exporlenC with these sta- tistics ¬ when the at completed the number now eases will shown to hlv amounted to 0000 and the number of 3500 Tide shows a very rapid Increase of the disease during the past wook UONOltltra ORAKT IX KVKOPS Observe ml the Fiini ml flay IB Iode- 1mrtt NrrvlMB In Purl LOJTOOX Aujr BAl the American flrma In London today the Stars and Stripes drupd in mourning In front of their buildings or front tho fliurxtatTs on the ro In memory of Gen Grant Humid peals were rung from the bells at Westminster Abbey dur- ing ¬ tho hours of the funeral ceremonies In New York and from tho belts of St Martins Church Christ Church of which tbe Rev Nowmau Hall I pastor and several other West End churches large procession with 1 number of American tiara draped In mourning marched through Bxthnal Green In the afternoon under the auspices of Itha Frco Library Association Thousands ot pnoplo followed the procession nnd signs of rIct for thin memory of the II lustrloiiH on alt sides Ameri- can ¬ residents In London wore crape on their left arms Ant dealers In American securities absented themselves from the Stock Exchange cday i memorial servlcn In honor of Gen Grant was held today nt thn American church In the Hue dn Herri Paris The edifice Wil crowded with people American laA crape float- ed from the front of building United States Minister McLune and tbe American Consul with thom respective stat were among the congregation Three funeral ora- tions ¬ were delivered The novo Dr Baird In his sermon declared that although tho Gen- eral ¬ hail disapproved of France declaring war with Germany In 1870 no one more nnirorly- rncognlzod the Frncii republic aliitr the down- fall ¬ of the Napoleonic dynasty Everybody in the church wa stressed in mourning TO It IBS AND tIINILI7R Sir Petrtioll Lord Cknrcklll and Others Deny I 5s Report aria Alliance LONDON AUR 8Sir Frederick George Mlllncr member of the House of Commons sends to the Times letters from tbe Marquis of Salisbury Lord Randolph Churchill Mr Wlnn of the House ot Commons and Mr Parnell de- nying ¬ the assertion that an alliance is blDI arranged between the Conservative Parnellltns Mr Parnoll nays he has not had communication with any mnraberof the Gov- ernment ¬ on public affaIrs directly or Indirect- ly ¬ except In dnhntoslii the Housttof Commons Herbert Gladstone son of the exPntmlwr In his assertion that an alliance had Men marie between the Conservatives nod Psirisehhitc- ihinted thnt Huron St Oswald of NoHtoll Mr Rowland Wlnn was promoted to the House of Lords lii return for his services In urrauglu- tha contract between tho two parties Tke Kogllek Oceupntloii e rpt LONDOK Aug 8SIr Henry Drummond- Wolff the Brlllih Knvoy t Egypt ha> arrived PeriL It I li reported that he hu bean aiked by X da Freyolnet the French lllntiter of Foreign Aflalra to exilaln Lord Kalliburyl atatement that the British troop would rnmala In Egypt until order baa beeil secured Thereat IndicatIon this Lord Rallbury la preparing for the perinaneut occupation of Egjui Tlie Wsr sir lire ha been ordered lo atrengllirn the Kionllan army An Increatlng uuinher ot KnilUh omrere in- Kgyiit from the Indian eervioe are receiving perm tnen- taupolnlninti in placi of tile temporarv appnintmenti- Ibe hate tittliertn held Clue ee bavebfen fnrmnl fur noncomniUliiiied otnieri and prlvalee for the study of the Arable language Arrangement hue be n mailelu I aed out the fainillra of privet wheu desired All fur tough nf nluoeri will orate Oi Oct I Uen Htrplien soil commander troops In Kgypt I hai l horn lu- itruoled to prepare raW fur Ihe relief of Kaiaala The Reported AiiBlvtBtiisaB Treaty LONDON AUI 8The press despatch an- nouncing ¬ that oloIY defenllve laD hal bun entered Into between Ungland and Ublna al agaltutl- liiwlai hai cavird nldripread dlMViilon In plilea circle tier hid much curlolty baa been tvhvttier there I lo any truth In the bllMliheil I Rlatelil nt- Tniliv tlie uiirrviunnditl of tha Crntral New In Parli- oalleu l n tin Ohineee Amlia ltdnr and itked him aliout- II He cold he hot no adtlee frill leklii announcing tint any enrli areement tied ben entered Into by hI- siuniiIeliiand lie wee bribed to tne belief that there was uo truth in tbe reporta IVomen Appruve the Kxpoenroa of Vice LONDON Aug BAn address has ben gotten up by women of Kngtand thanking Ilie Otontlt for I lie recent nrilclei on London sI los and pralilng the paj erl course lie n aervlre In tile eaue of morality cut iitlal ply llle ldrel Sloe 4Vlalgnalllre Includlllif tline t AliiIU rio Lily ilnunlTeinple did HIM Countei nf rnruninulll All the Bauielara thou of iir oiiila loud polu Mrnl nerd for Trjrlutf tn llliiakmNll Olatdalone VIENNA AUI 8The Englishman named Bo > dell who arrested lien on July dll roc writing tn Mr Gladstone deillailding flAOU before Aug B waa- IndMy lenteurfil tn in inontli liiiiri iiinieiit iln > dell tied tnrriilelifd lo DUhllll I illiarreeable detail Ufa prl I tale character If Mr UUdiloiie failed tu scud the wooer by llle tune Hated Ilrlllik Cummerro 1Jcrsleg LONDOX Aug aThe returns Issued hr the flnardof mid mow that Urlllnh Imports during month of July eftM compared with the aorr eiHindlng non ill tllHnulliu and that the export during tin aunif iili l ai odorOSu ai rouipared with the irniuuu Three Ornil Sin In at alont- HAUTAZ AUl 8Tho French Consul at Syd ¬ nero Cape Ireln liai received a letter laying that the French brig thug Couilni uf 8t linen passed In mid Atlantic a large ehlpl boil containing the died bodlea of three 1111 The boil had a piece nf pole fur a flag elan tn WhiCh wee atlwhed I a pine 1 nf calivna in a leg nf illilrrli Rhe Mldently bilnngrd to a Xnrweglu- nc > c el ihe hid UI name Illuhard Lanwlg palnttd on her There w a tery hcaty eea riiniiing did tI- Wl1IUlp000iiile I for the brig tu secure tin bodies What Cnn the Mllllrr Bel LONDON Ont Aug 8MIss Aida Lyle of North Uorchceter lice been itriokeu with a dlicaie thiS the doctnri do not undenting Hhe hai lain for Iwo weeki loll helpltii ttlthuul Ihe potter In ipeak ur tii open > et ilie irein In bectii o lie ae tlmuirli ilvad but when a elrantfer bandi uver her Ihe rllkhieit S lil11 irr etciin her terribly but ai mon nl her unit her pole lieruiuid upon tier sod ipeaki to utr ilia uecomea pault e Hkat br kle Wile CANTON Ohio Aug 8 Ooorge Bartel tbe proprietor of a notorlnui laloon wee fatally shot In the hind tile iiinrnlne by hie wife 801 hid lei drluklng and the iiiiiutliig waa the a diunken quarrel Mra ilartul lie iso arreited Mulcldo In llBitbelh ELIZABETH Aug 8PhilIp Sheridan aged 21 I aol ot Uniinly lollertur Miendaa had been uiiMin- glnoellur > >day noon He wee found trid tent eight lu- lili I totters burn lie hod otiS hhiiilt lu the It UrowBcd Ika BurUoei NEW IlitUNswioK Aug 8Whlle a party of four yoUii men were craUiing In the Karltan Ilili- flreiiiMin their I I boil HII run down br a lug audlltahard- Utliuci aged K> of till cliy vt aa drowned Ur llelevnn JlroMnrtt- AJBASJ Aug 8Dr J Savage Jlelevan of llu I ell > amemker of Ihe tali Miari ut Uiailb was drott tied lu I Sober fcarunac I isLe > e teruay Thor I li a tneani uf eradicating Inral dlaeaaa nr Iha mill that eec I ke relied on vli I illinna oulnhur- IIUli dr1 holy suit Wblikcr Pt black o brovin CJQ4d It le U drieS NitlleruelloiiT- opfttrniilxe a duIM lke IlUcra wh ri yon rin lmi itlii l i rely nI evrryihliiif being Uie bi t cul I pureit- anil 111C Lie UI I lie lelmttiilallin of the aalrimeu cud al Stir a mie lime mel aKUrrd tint duylng al lue Inwrlt pnlflLle JTlie rr Ilie belt Miter drug etiire avi I tith uv Ii without douM the won jujjulir uud tillable lu the ell Atli I Take Mf Lncklitll In Ike Kumlnaj humid nf a Ual tn I ire up nn take a wlnegtaaa fut of Hlkerl of Calla > a Hulk It Wont Hurt you off mi B ipree I but will brace > u up fur alt day not tn mention tin appellle youll nata ilnt boll lee 75 cent Unly U tie obtained I lOSers drug here US dIsh avja1 Liver Illli do not purge or weaken the bowela rut sot apreiatlr on the liver end bile A ptrteot lircr ore iter 1 caata 4 l A Vlnrgliiful or Rlkeri Tonic Vtue of tinea In a glaii of lemonade punch ginger ale I cole ttalrr nr etrn Ire water makee Ilia mint dellclnu I aid refrelilng ilriuk lmglnailr I cod i Lu at llle alI a mull exitllrlil limlu ohS I tin uiiit for bnth brain Try It Iaue buiilea I tK ipr dozes 111 dll I only al Kiter drug od Jj3 uta BV 1401 should forget U I wlllhal hoc ef Sabury a Juiiiiiiii s ltICllOi1i > 5 Ir cc w- eny I twu within rolI igIl lnore IiIbl cli You will tlid IhMI riiolf for alrlr coin liter cline talui and all Hiniiily dip I hire put them right on Equally KWU fur people 1 who cai- igoSds I IlKaoltiill nl Kldcrnrooal Today Rldgiwnnd Wllkeebarra at rouatraw KliJga wo I Live Oak iC4itpt- nng hued flu Dan OriHinl tSelli va Klllia at a r M < I I 1ut1iltt Otrf Whsl la Liquid Hrrnd t I n qiirailnn ofloa- ianrJr Me Aiiiwer inur eir I it an Ila haalth and lrtI tlOn< IliullTfi nl uUI l fee umraend IL Uroceia auu draggled keep I One It befit AXUUHTUKA BITTERS to flares yoursodaand lemonade and keep jour dlgeiUreor ecu lu order FineLaundrledMilrta69n tnOtc unlaandrled t 7 fliguarauleed KUNNEDV 20 Uurilaud at Ton kat lmv reirne iirvimre en shed lh B slow iiy uaing Allcnoka Euro Ilaner Only lu ceCiL Itrlt 1otictg- 15t A yos I AIVKS IMCIMAIIATIOX WIU UKVKIOI A BEAUTiFUL KIII1M In liny days Ihe effect of wliluhl I permanent and dloci rirlile lu tee day Where a perferl bu > l II atrriuly u t >d U wU- ipreerte the ensue firm and perfect I In ahune A faar trial will not nnly oiiiirince you if In rlllcacy but wtU elicit I inur sincere thank end vntliulaitlr prai4 I aaa In daily receipt of Irittri exprtulihi dillglit Tke Ia lowing are eitrai ut- liiiallyiiuriaiini lam iirrfectly ihitrmed wltfelL1- It lie orlilIy done wonder fur imi I here n11 with InlliilleMtlifurtlon It IIBI wok like a client In my caie- I hatu It wlih cumplelo euccei ° I III I I tTiindrrfnlt I am I perfectly drllghteil with It iitilelr lIuiorl5od perfeitly Mirnileii cud free nl mat and all Injurluue liitfredlenla Mailed aerara oliiertaltnn cl sealed 4 hold S r druggllll H4U4HK IIi IU itast fJij H H T- KVKKYTIII0 IN I HIT HUM ItIHY IHlMCKIirATIIIII KllFll ll UUMItlllKVn Vl IUSAc hfhOIKIUa- IIUMIIIIIKW tI XII i I lilt llOMUvOrAIIIIU I Ill AMI MiIllflSS Vcdlcini la > ea Ir rf Milk Ao MAMIAL I ulIlrl amiumii r volts UUNIIIICI 111lulrIC lUIUIUt Only Braucli mure BJJ Broailwuy New York ron KUMMKR V5I run DIACKUKKRY JCICK preaieJ 111 Georgia frees the iir rich Hnulherii berry eai fur ue lyro FIIKMAli HKAKUV added anfulr garanlaed huh able for all umner ciunplalnli Cholera dymulery utile hituie ran furulih this J I B KIHK a ro us Kulton it I Wetness at aa4 Broadway aud 27111 t Sew rrk- VULt I JtNI4IU IIOIMK HOWKIIV NKW tllllK nitAm on lingland Ireland Acoilaiid and the Eats UBIIfNCE8 I t Ionllneiit- fknrlti JUHiUKti I Ar follicleS rnncinaltIr and at mwlerate ratee as hlKlanil I reid hciilland Uer- manr > IliiUalid F our Canada In all pane nf the U H of aa IIIUIrIIA UIIMITIIIIltIA yVtVltd > iATAB7r- nre e itd hy I II In sin uf HIIKI i IAKi blUMi IIVPlJnHUlKITK Jlllalnfrclam IN oinuieiidS L Ih lijtil Itealili Aaiwlallon aaHIJIKIIIIIK ho AU ellierUlalMrlTASTXaliilUhltllllllUrH I l hMlrvry where heid fur iauililet t JJultiiii it i hewVort- TIIK MJIIli CHHTirTiireiif iiealarhL SiiilKiTiSSiL1 wr knei InllgeMInn by lit el Hin klyu ale iilraiinlmary laa nm lanly rellilng all rain fcarlr aliulluu luiure health I Ceded is fatal drier ilintfrrii- tlKvf rifuK on7tiuTiri j rnfnui nt lUavi worn with ease < uvmCurl tkll lcd lilataal r ap r r MLAUtFI KITEOOr OJT dfAXT Tribute I his ratala B- Mllllairy 4 A OrrialBraaA- HOOTTA Mf Aug IMomoralrlO- er held here today uerlRs In Granite Church this afternoon a eulogy wa delivered by the Hon James O Dlalno Ua said In part tone as the American Union snail abide A blessings of law and liberty Grants name I l lie remembered with honor A- long aa hfl slavery of human beings shall be abhorred anti the freedom ol man assured Grant shall lie rncalled with gratitude and In IhnoyHu of to futur tho story ot Lincolns lire can without associating Grant In the nndnrlng splendor ol his own great name Oen Grants military supremacy was honestly earned without factious praise and without extraneous help lie had no influence to urge his promotion except such as was attracted by isis own achievements ifs had no potential tlendl except three whom lila lctorles won support Uo rose more rapidly than any military leaner In hla tory lrom tile command of a alngle regiment to tile supreme direction of a million of mon divided Into many great armies and operat- ing ¬ over an area as large a theempires of Ger- many ¬ and Austria combined- lie exhibited extraordinary qualities in tbe field Bravery among American ontoer I a is rule which has iiajpiiybad few exceptioni- but aa an eminent General 8hl Grant pos Mssed a quality ahoy Ho btllO in- sensibility to dliae apparently unCn 010u8ne1 ot Beside that b pos¬ evonneM ot Judgment to be depended upon In sunshine and ID storm Napoleon sid t The rarest attribute among ODeralla twoocloklnthemorlnl courage that which la added on an unex- pectid oooaalon and btehln spite of the most unforeseen events leave toll freedom ot judgment and promptnesaof decision No bet ¬ description could be given ot the typeot courage which distinguished Gen Orant Ills constant madliuss to lbt an- other ¬ quality which according the same great authority established his rlahll a com- mander ¬ Generals said at lt Helena are rarely found eager to give I they choose their consider their rom blnstiona and their liidolnlon begin Noth ¬ ing added tItle greatest warrior of modern times nothing Fs I ao difficult l to decide Gen Grant In his services In field never once exhibited Indecision and It was this qual ¬ ity that gave him hit crowning characteristic- as a military trader He Inspired his men with a lens ol their Invincibility and they wore thenceforth Invincible The lnrnH of Gun Grant when he passed from mllf to cl1 administration was qualities His Pren- ldoncyot olght yenrawus tilled with ovnnts ot magnitude In whloh If his Judgment wa- Rumetlmes questioned Ills patriotism was always conceded lie entered upnn his office aftnr tho angry disturbance caused by thn sin- gular ¬ conduct ot Lincoln successor and ijulntly enforcod a policy which had been lor four years the cause ot embittered dlspn talon His election to tho 1rtxildaiiry In one lmj ortant aspect a landmark In the history of the county For nnarly Illlv- yuarHprecxdlnp that event titer bait been few residential elections 111 which the fate of tho Union had not la crime degree bnen agitated either by the threats of political mllcoDtntl or In this apprrthcnRion of timid Union WItS saved by the victory or the army commanded by Gen Grunt No menace of t its diBtructlon hiss vtir been Ifn since Oen Grants victory before the lopll Death always holds a truce over Its own Under that flax friend and foe alt iwaco fully together partitions am fllllod benevolence I Is rmtaredwrongH rnpalredJuatlce done It Is Impoasllbu that n career so long so prom Inont BO posItIve that of Gen Grunt should not have provoked strife and engendered on mlty For more than twenty years from the drain or Lincoln to the closo of his own life Con Grant was the most conspicuous man In America one to whom li ail rH looked for koderahlp upon whom partloans built their hopes of victory to whom personal friends by tons or thounanrts offered their sIncere devotion It WON accord- ing ¬ to the weakness unit tho strength of human nntnrnt list rott nt r movements should enxun that Ion Grants primacy should bn chat jcnecd that tile party should resisted that lila duvotml friends should be oonfrontod by lealoua men In his own ranks and hy bitter ennmles In the ranks of hln opponents Dut all these passions and all thosii nisnultnmiti are burled In the grave which today revelvcs Ills remains Contention rnjtwtlng Ills rank as it commander roanca and Unlonlstn nnd Confederates alike testify to his powers lu battle and his miiennnlmlty In pencn The controversy over isis olvil admin IitnitJon Closes nt Demoorat and Republican unite In pronouncing him to have been In every art and every aspiration an American patriot any aKAnrn eve or COFFEE A Bemtnlaetnrei nf tko riches Ties cI- w aId nnBC Mleerlua I That picture of Gon Grant looks like him when I used to know hint remarked a tall countryman yesterday morning as ho stood be- fore a portrait of the General which repre- sented ¬ him In his army uniform and was ills ¬ played In the show window of a Dtinrory Bhoi When did you know Gen Grant 7 asked a Bystander who wn mRstIII8 a farmer I knew him In the war I fought with Grant I never shall forget one night before VlckHbitrg continued the taU man I was on picket duty Our linN wore near the rebels and we picket men usud to chat together and Will tobacco and stories all night but when the day came we would blaze away at each other Just as If wowere strangers The night I speak of It hnd bnnn ruining day and It was chilly Wo tud our little fines lit the posts and were managing to pans away tho time pleasantly when 1 hoard the iruard coming I Bhoulditrnd my musket and began marching Up anti down Ve didnt want the omcolR to know that we did anything tile rebs except Hhoot at them As ihouuard oitmtup I saw that ono or tIle soldiers was len Grant him pelt prnsenUid nrms oo Private said use old man as he stopped In front of meX board you talking with some- one Who me 7 sold Yes yonanld 1 he and think you were talklnu with the enemy I thought I WAS going to be shot for trea- son ¬ but I made up my mind not to Uo about It so I iild Yes sir I was cold and hungry nnd I wanted little cofTec rail my friend overlhoro- witntitil som lohncoo so wu traded Do you meim to say that you bargained with the enemy 7 yes sir I stammered Hilt yuu tot t tinoften ha asked Yes sir I saul and I pointed to a pot that wns boiling on tile Urn In it good ooffoo 71 he asked as he walked over to tlIrAY- tlM sir I answered Well well BOD about this said the Gen- eral ¬ Give me a cup I gave him chin and the old man ant down rnd ilrnnk It When begot through lie itiiiil Now private you have told the truth That coffuo Is uood Hut In tile future you had bottur cut your supplier train our own Quartet muster You bet I was relieved when he walked on Wro you the soldlwr who borrowed that coffnu 1 adieu the fanner with Intuuse In tenHt oo Yes replied thu tall countryman Why do you nak 7 Because I wa the robot Shake Lets go somewhere nod talk It ovor My name Is Jones Arm In arm the two rxnnemlns moved throiiuh the crowd down the street to flshtlhelr old hattie over again About 5 oVIoek n tall man who Cave the nftlO Ill Jamna W llmwn Knit reciileneeUleter county callml at the Quit NlrwI I pollen station and asknd for the arrest nr an uxrobel named Jones who had sold him a small bar of load wrxppml In gold foil for 1300 his sliver watch and return ticket The Identity of Ur Jones Ia suspected by Iho police Illnnootav Kai > ld Growth ST PAUL Aug 8The census returns front nifty of the 011110 countleiof Mlnneenla not ut eluding 8t Iaul cud Itlnneajinil Chow a pnpnliilon of AlnH34 aa compared wlih 472001 acrordltif to the Uuitd rtateireniui nf IHHO llili chow an aterage lucreaie if liter iwmity I iierreiiL and Indioatee a total- of more than Ilcoim reclineS the Stat reckoning enabaisut 7X0771 1IItO llulce of Mew tolloaN- KVT OIILEAN Aug 8A despatch from Sl1l1II rejorlu the ihlpment from there today of the flrat bale of this aeaaonB rntlo A deipaleh from llaion llnuga tayi that the Cyst hall of new pntiun rued In tint parlih Oils I aeaton wa brnuKht In today Iiy Levl Xoore a onlored nice II weilii l AV pniiiidi and wai flailed al Intr mIddling end auid for teu cent Iir i pound Ckaircoil wlik CIIIIIUK kle Skip Huuu Auc 8Capt Henry Baker was commuted for irlnl in the Sntireme hourS lodny n tlie hJ enf having arntiled the rchonnir Ruilllne Water The male of the erliimmr swore that Haker Iald him r JHII bury a hula IU ill i ool J li ballnin sod vue ot tin crew ItilllrU tu hinviit helped In link hir A rklneie allnletrre Grand llawquet- LIUA Aug 8 via OiikrBloii A itrnnd ban- quet ¬ und boll iiill be lllrcn lit Ihe Ohlnem lllnliurou- Hi I lull Init I She deli i f the comlnDf aye or Ih Kn- ipernr et uiilna Ilieennrmuu un of Miixjo hose- rileuded lu rrarailuii fur Ihe fmltiuea CASUALTIES THE DAY MAKX aVXaTRVCK JtNli MANTDlBAtltlt- Dai JCC1DKNT9- Hr r5gOse mn tnjMrr ky a Fall rres kl flue s aS c L 5estte Leg ireks A By KIIU4 while TIcwtuB tk 1erad Bringing up In the rear ot most of the dl vlhlona and brigade were the ambulances ready to pick up those who dropped by the war from heat or exhaustion or to aid those who might meet with accident Some ot the ambulances were grocery wagons pressed Into sorties showing their purpose by flying the rollow One ot tbe hospital and others were carryalls borrowed train Central Park At each tire alarm box along the line was stationed a fireman In readiness to ummon ambulances from the city hospital should the need arise The Twentysecond Itealment had no sick men and was gratified to learn on tbe Boule- vard ¬ that the regular who bad sneered at the marching powers of the militia had throe men In their ambulant The Twentysecond and Ninth bad no ambulances In line but had them stationed at different points on the march The ambulances ot the Twelfth Regi- ment ¬ wore empty while the men who dropped out of the Eleventh had to walk as all the qfll- CKT were dong Tbe Seventh and Eighth Regiments had no ambulances while the two which followed the Sixtyninth were lull ot healthy friends of that organicatlon The ambulances of the Brooklyn regiments contained more men than those of the New York oily regiments owing to the greater length of march of toe former The Sergeant Major of toe Thlrfenlh was sick the Forty seventh contributed two men the Thirteenth two and the Fourteenth with tho Seventeenth Separate Company contributed one to tbe number of Invalid OeD W it lirownell of the Fourth Brigade Twentythird Thirtysecond and Forty seventh llidmflntsl was thrown from his horse on the Ikiiuuvard where the elevated railroad crosses The horse stepped on his shoulder and Injured him so badly that be was placed la- an ambulance In which he was removed to his rmildance at 213 Penn street Wllllamsburgh- L uuCol Frolhlngbam who was In command of the Twentythird lUuflmrnt In tnn absence ol Cal Ward took tion Bruwnulls place Col George D Bciittol the Eighth Itnglmsnt N 011 N Y had his leg broken at Filth ave- nue ¬ und Fourteenth street by his horse falling on him An ambulance was summoned by the lineman stiitlonnd at tho box on that cornnr anti tile Injurml oflloer was removed to Bt Vincents Himultat The Manhnitan Hospital bad erected In an acre lot at lulth etreut and lllvcrstde avenue three hoepltiil tents equipped with twelve oots Tile Room ut tile t tents vero carputotl A few yards In front if the tents and facing the drive won two tall poles floating the national colors at half mast and midway between thom Wut toted tile yellow hospital flan In roar or the tents wore smble In which wore the ambu- lances ¬ which with the lot wore voluntarily furnished by Mr James A Ueorlng- Tho use ot the lire alarm bozos for ambu lanoo calls was found necessary twonty evun times most of the pjulonu bulnu victims of tile heat taken together with tile iffecta of the crowding ami the physical strain longstand- ing ¬ In the llniH ot spoctatorH The calls for mucnbers of ilia parading column worD very lulremint the mon who wore ovonxjino while mnrchlng being nttnniled by tho surgeons of the ambulance In the line until chile to take cnrn nf themselves Hltrnnl box S79 opposite- the Fifth Avenue Hotel was rung war than lilly other one box four signals being sent out from It They wore not oent close together anti the service from tbe New York Hospital wits easy The liveliest ringing on the Ore gong was be ¬ tween 1 nnd 2 oclock when there wore nine call The signal for an ambulance Is twenty strokes pruoocllnit this box number The horses of the Fire Department nrn trained to run from their stalls to the link at the first stroke the gong yesterday they worn kept at the rote In uaiiiFsa to void thIS fatIgue mid worry of run ulnlf at all I hello ollll anil still liii rwdy to IlO out should the ring prnvo to be a fire alarm Tim new unflnlHtinl structure thin llloom Ingdale Itefonned Church at BIMyelghth Street nnd the Boulevard of which the ny Carlos Marttn U pastor was couvurtud Into a i temporary hospital under the charge of lr Edward C Haruood Uo admlnl t < r< d to tIle waists of several of the vlnttlng mllltln who wire ovnroomu by thn host Tho church bolug situated directly on the line ot march SIxty eighth street and the Boulevard was very eon vunlent Among those cared for was private tram Company K Third Baulment N O R N J and Henry Blerwlth a member of U ti Irant Post No 93 Veteran Zouaves of Eliza both N J Tim following casualties and prostration by beat wore reported- John Keuncy nf SS North Moore street Ml front a window npju Klfili avenue Cud broke liii arm lie was token to HclUvua llim ltaL- 1fter CiugilO of 1111 Kat Klilitltth street rn fines a tree at lAitli l nrret cud KlverrlJ UrUr from whloli li- UAH reviewilIg She prucemlun lie broke hU back sod dirt nt the Ninelyiilnlh Mrrtt Hoppllnl- harali Kiomlnt I yr iM a hurl by a rail to the trrtl C lilt her muihrr ii lii irjln w 1oI fc ee 0 0i cr the li5le tif 51 crone lIo wu atieuUedby nl oue- ut lhIII l rmliuli iir nurKrani na1l I LIH Wcnid nf Iii First BUr we thrown ir ° i lie luii 5 cud rio ivud K iiitlnrul cmuuiioa He riinniitiiril aiii I uiiutiuuid on n itt the iiarn le- Ueiiicrlnit I KlnicofH 7 Wjcknff trei Unuklrn whit on lir HB lit son the procvKliin as kUicketl ilowu III n illi elr1 ly a rntiiwa liorif die wiu Mvrrrly TlirVtl alit ViS Ukvli tv the lllMinliera Street tlofplm- lVllrtni ii obll Eiiiher of Hie Oak etrctt pnllce CI tipiel to etop the tie iii i nii ttrjrU S ywu and bu lly hot ie mum Bullock of 400 cherry lintel overcome by thin heal wm taken to thu Roosevelt hospital from Kiirtjrivrnlli Pinnt e1 l Sllh avenue Uroriff AUlnanf liroatlwav Urooklrn nvereome- by tliK livat waMalrn iron tifth av nue cud Knrty- clKlllh olrnrt moil Adilph Moll of IM Weil a IhirDrUulb- irrct I frmn fifth avenue and KoriytlilrU itrett la- Bellrvu Iliiipllal- Iatrick UciJuIre nf Mohawk Ilerklmcr county was prntlratrd at She rutuaui House aud was taken to 11IMU dIal joltl Laueof 144th trct and Klnv brldi road was iri mrat d at KltrhtriUlh elrert aud Hitvrelde- Drlie aud wu taken to ill NUieiyuintu street hoc p11- 1Etearil l Hnrrlnan 9 jeari old of 413 West Twenty elxth treet was overcome In fUlb avenue soil lent hiie IUU Wrllmilonai year old of 61 Writ Twenty eighth elrr i oieroume by the lieat Oil Fifth avenue wu dll hoiiiu Kntnia ll rrlM a proetrated In front nf the Filth Are one Ilitlrt was taken ti tin Nnw YorX iine1iIal- Juiico l l to llfijc of U77 Oilte deuce llrnoklyn a Und Army plus man ftruflrated by the heat was hutch tnthi Nrw York llii > uiti l Misty NrtUnuf frt HaAt IIIIIII street POrcom ty I lIe lionS Mae I taken tlir N w urk llnpltal- fhlllp > rllirik of 411 llurf nn arcnur Hrnnklrn- nrrreume by the heat wee taren to KtH utell llufpllal I 1 from fltrmxth Hrricl lOiS 51w Houlcaid I rna irliwsrtzofJil Eat Mrivfirth vtrprt overcome by tit lire rai taken to Hrlktua lloijHal groin Fifth a ml al Id KldvevVflilll trevt- 1Ur Mlllrn 17 yare lit nf KM host Sixteenth llrert wa irn lraiM at IwMit foiirth etreel slid Blxlli at flue ami wat taken to tile Sew York lluepltal A lreMed man whine UMineuae not learned tiv the p lIre rae overcome by tin lieat at Fourteenth Street aiii l Flrih airnue and In fallluK bruke hie UK friend took hlni limn Ilitja MllriUr Iit7 icon pM woe prostrated at Pub ttenlti ilreel and Hrtll avenue and takeu to the Slew York IhtiIolJ- aiii L Klyiin 2S yean old of 435 First avenue who ttai ovirliBMteU at Iwentjfourtit PineS and cut hit iinal l lii raillnir writ loom ader lie had been attended by an ainliulKiive eurvtnn Annl I tierP airrd I 17 nf Wl Rleecker atrect wai- prulratrd at Fourtrenlh aireui aud Mftil aieiiua but wu Hi te to walk lininti- U II Ilerre nlTli Mntli areniu C Mlllenxriier lOr 87 iuinlila lreel Uilllmn Wallnii andl I A Auilln if 17- 34nn1onilHl llrprl innnb tl of i Ihr Hreuttnrbt lUgl- tneiit Mrrfl rirnv I to I lie Manlmllait i llovillal trnte from EiiziiiyIitii ilrretand I the llnuliftard I Tlier were euTrrlnir finni fXliallt rnUMid l IS the bug march soult Itiehitt Ktiucli 0hik acoliired drummer boruf y7 ullltlln rtreet Cs brnUKht In iuneilnjr runs ex lltuition John Y Faurr an alilenn On lltncocka vtaff woe tliriiwn from hl huron MI Uroels ay al city Hall I Park ami hie ankle wa ut Clint I lie I cnnlliintd boneter with tlw proewli iniill the M elii hull drieS llniu pllal wa miguel IU wne treated Iherr hy Dr Kdtne- lvln and hitch afterward In an Minliulanc to the 104th cured etatliin nf Hi Mulh I I avrnue eletaied road Ha went to Inn hone 33H WI Klrrnlh itrotU iit haute I II Hie decOder of M John DullI- ITornrltiia Kellly a marine of Ilia man nfwaHwa tarn wise taken In Sue iiiuui uiih direct llnetiltal fr in the tinnw lie nail alund fa a line with tile n her ma nun fur iairly three linure when lie hut down from exhNinUon- Franma I Ii Lane of lot Unit avenue a private In the ttok owl Vettrall Illiard proalrated li > the isesi al hlhly ixth elreot was taken lli > Mnuiyiilnih Street llua rile l lvPoy W WhItney nf 0 < Third avenue while watch Inc the parade foil duwu an embankment and w aa pain- fully Injured year old of 227 Rail Beveaty lItJIirII j I I hiy the lieut I Henry tire of rmniiBiiyii Rirreiiih Regiment and AUUIIIIUI O Slunk Company II Klrit iteglment of HIMI drlhta were liniiirnled by the lied Mr h It KnniHOf Khlntlirck was nteriomi by the heal at Hreadwey and Irlnci limeS cud taken io at Vlnoriil1 I lloiuilal- llrraid Mnrrl nf the yiiuriemth Keglment whollvai at I4u Twentyninth elrrei Houih Hronklyn WBI taken- tnihiKiiiiievelilloiiuialaulIurlng from ureitrailon by- llnmrndf the lint Ororne W Kranklln nf John to Adami full Nn at prnitraied by the heat was taken to the Kooie veil lln > iilia- ltnl riiarln J Murphy eoinmanitlng Iha Mexican velerane wa nvertome by the heat In Fifth arenue only Klfi ulnth eireet and was taken to ut iuke1 iiuiiliiul Allen lit Sluice 11 icara nIl or liaraden N J was 1 ermine hy Hie hoot III Flfih avenue and taken tout Lukee HoMillal Thomas Dirsiy U years old if OIl Wt Puirtyehilh- etreel wlih otter buys cd 1011 a fetie in Will 11 eruly- sroud treel iol law hiolf cif liu preuceeclon cii hr- Thu th felice brutr alil Iboreey sirusk tile lack uf lute head oi a clone hue uiniuujuuuud Iraclur of the hutt- aiid iuie rrr ivrry iIuuiiful- Arlhiir Mur I 13 or IM WI Furnnlh etievi was- niercuiiie ii Ih lirCi nl ttlh ienuie cud ThIUllb aired ciii Ikn to iteluevu 11III- LLII Iliurer lit I 11 I hurl iireiue onreo iuy the beat c cc tokiul frnu I loll dIreCt end Wuru Soul- yarui In NhuittiieliIhi direct iiiipitx- ltieriu ii I lue fIr friuuitu ui Ilhiarl nlun or- Ih Tluirtniuth lIalout lIuklyn t IV II Thomas of- lhriulgeirh ihhcilib tllilulellt t r ettl ui alit ilnoeb hell of the 111 Ii liarS Wern lrslrated hi ISis heat atud tat en to lii II ailiatuiui I IIIIu IIAJUrrllOlr TOMB 1t I ratlin let ala While PIIIUtvM Are TaI e > rt Mssieest CntonfflATl Aug 11 Within a few mllM of the southern limits of Cincinnati at North fond I II tbe tomb of William Henry Harrison who at two times In his life was the Idol of the people It U on a natural mound In the midst of a cow pasture and It overlooks the Ohio River A dilapidated board fence enclosing a space fifty feet square separates the burial place from the pasture Sold Within the en- closure arc two or three old cedar trees As to the tomb lUelf It Is a structure of brick all under ground except the gables and Ills oor ered with a roof of shingle Unit are now dl apldated and rotten Even tbe brick wall that show above tin ground are covered with a green mould A sloping cellar door oovere the rotten steps which descend to the vault ansi even these doors of Iron exposed to the sum- mer ¬ rains and winter snows are eaten through with met Evory now and thenjnit before an election there I Is some stir to get a monument for liar laon A squad of politician go out to North lend share the hospitalities of the neighbors come home and read their speeches next morn- ing In the paper j nrt thats theend of the monu- ment ¬ movement Just now there another stirabout velilnga monument for Harrlion grave but It will doubtless end as all previous movements have In talk and nothing morn A few miles east ot here lies the body of Gun Hammer the man who obtained runts ap- pointment ¬ to West Point That grave la almost ummarked Efforts ot the Legislature to appropriate money for a tomb for Harrison have been d eated by amendments to Include appropria- tions ¬ for monuments to other military men ol distinction Cincinnati raised money to pay for a statue ot Garfield which will be erected In this city It is completed and will soon be put np The tint attempt wa to raise 130000 for the pur ¬ pose Only a little over onethird of that sum was raised with dlffloulty and with that a bronze statue was secured JTJDJf TAUOKTB or T0JUC- Twe > OBvlal M rdrera Hkait gad by a Menlleea Web Lrm BOOK Au r 8 Two brothers named Henry and Sylvester Polk who had been found guilty ot the murder and crema ¬ tion of a peddler by the name ol Ward two years ago wore la the Jail at llurfroesbora Ark Henry had been sentenced to 21 years In the penitentiary and Sylvester be hanged When It became known a few days ago that the Supreme Court had reversed the decision ol the lower court and granted a new trial to the pris- oners ¬ it aroused the utmost Indignation At an early hour this morning a mob ol thirty rnnn role Into Murfrncsboro and forced their way Into tile Jail They found tho pris- oner ¬ In an Iron cage which they could not break into Tile original Intention the mob wile to tutnit the murderers and they bad a rope with them for this purpose Finding they could not got tho rnnn out nl the cage they opened lire on thorn The pris- oners ¬ run from one end to thn other pleading for mercy but In vain Sylvester was bronghl down with a bullet The mob then threw In blankets foalcod in coal oil on Henry and set fire to thorn fatally burning him alter which they loft Ikith men were rescued stilt alive but they will dlo of their Injuries TBOUBLB IN A MIILITART SCHOOL A JB w Over a Cadet that Use Vpae South CarolIna Amdcaar CHARLESTON 8 O AUK Considerable excitement exists hare over the possible die ruction of the Cluidal Academy at this place The Institution before the war was known as the West Point ot the South and graduated many of the most distinguished men In the State It lIne only been reopened three years The trouble arose from the cadets tabooing one of their number who was accused of In forming on his comrades Aftor he had been tabooed be was promoted to the position of sergeant ansi the ondot refused to obey hi orders The Board of Visitors Interfered and at their Instance chnrgiwi were preferred ncalnst the tabooed cadet Schlrmer by nam H was tried on charges ot conduct uiitxifotn Ing gentleman and acquitted by the ISoiinl who however ordered the Superintendent to reduce him to the rank This tho Buperln- tendent refused to do and nwlgnnd He was followed by one ithr member nl the faculty His now rumored that the Governor ol the State will resign his ofTicu to take tile Super Intandency of the Academy la October next This Is said to be the only means of restoring harmony ap4 paving the academy labile I m tire I litrsreS- I In this hot weather said the keeper of a popular flowiown restsurait ° people eem t efc- fjhnnly any meat cad terjr few egg though the Utter are client enuiuh for jnylolr hut the flfummi fur lobitcr unprecedented Maiijr of my cbitonur appear to oat iiothluC clue auidoas Suite who take three mesh a daiS tier call for Inbutrr every time he coinet He Cay he tint not eaSel a partIcle of my oilier fool fur eli ureki and he ftelN dmt rate iliurt ore very ilenu fnl f nJ Unr but of oourw In Clew cf the deininil for iuem iiu = ntlitrr tlint Mre n nl 4 Iiy the iuest L Hiey are niOeetIilIrly cl mr I us a a tmt hiiinWr out f- Piery Int I buy ftud I pay from four to six evnit a piiMntl for tliAin Stint lliati fonnrrly tnalnbitar talail I fltd- nn protlt nt all Ihitiuh I clivrire what my ruiunnrr cull K ftnry price Our ihedlith Von nec a Sari portion rf- Ihe lobtiLT otvuiiot l tie used and I ualuuUu thaI w lien It t U tIered on the title It ha oust me fully twenty crate a pound In tlit pltln lobaur there U ft fair pruOt niaaatlaSesi Wett Sksrei JaiplTeeaS- VIUCUSK Aug 8Much dissatisfaction and apprehension exlit anionf the euiploreel of the VVee- tKhnre road over thy large number ot diimleialii that are inking place Seven ronducton tihu hid bin In the company employ for almoet tha whole period of the rnatui history liar been dl > rhared In a batch Theee clauigou are lM ketl oil CC forarunnere nf what will lisp 1dm when Vanderbilt tike control nf the road A recent ollitnirr In Ihe illinnn of the rnnd caused the tranef Cf the dllnlon liraUquartrra from hue city to Frankfort o i tha eaet sill Newark on tile Wect It la- u > rrtnl that Ill lnim 8uierliitenileut UcCov oiiui Kiiad- maMer Uarle bought it trait of Inlil at Newark thy saakmndciitltuiiliilolnli I winch Ilierenld ail to Ihe- emnlo eee nt a iront Tile Utter art now reire4Miinl Hi be much illeappnlnted and dleiatlrllvd with Nonark- aitertluf that It I le ma lvaiita eoua to live there Klrclrlc Ilnhllna In Slew Unease NEW OniKANS AUK 8The part of this city correipondlna lo Brooklyn suit whIrl U knovtnatAlI- tlere on account nf the piratical nature of Ila early In habitant soul all of the rear tt arde ol the city are C Ith oot gas The nfl linipe with wliloli thy lime hitherto been herhted Susie been a ilrlnelon lany pill ocr knocked lnwn by the roe an I Ihe litniie of thoee- etaiiillnir Mere erldom lit Durlnir the bit few nUhla a Cinlilrralle pnrtlMi nf Iheeparlaof the city hit lieen hrllllanlly Illnnilnatpt by I llu T weraytnn of el ctrlmty- ahnllar lit tliitt In Union equare New York There I li a demand that the eullre city be iflvru up to electricity Tilt la not Improbable aa nearly ouehalf la ao iilu- uiluatoj today Enlrrliitnlna Tkclr Ueycranr DEKB PAng HOTKL Md Aug 8Goy Lloyd and about half of III Senile of Maryland arrived hire thl evening In a epeclat train Tile party are the iiuem- ot John tV Davla Aaeiitant to tile Irettdent of the Bilil- niore and Ohio real The rereptlim tendered to the Uniernorand hi parly liy the BII IO the hotel and the cnltacere lunitflil wai a nn M brilliant otis 1 lie flovernnr was neelfttcu hy rzUnltrd Matca henatore WoUonll nt Indiana llatl or but Virvlnla Vire- Freinleni Shinny if iha Haiilinore cud Ohm btephea H Klklne Mayor tclroSie or Kaltnnore anI I oilier vrntl men M ith Ilielr ladle The party will remain at Deer Park until Mimday ntornlnic when aepeclal train will leave for Ibe will renloni of lie Slack water country Pour Ms Cleat at Wxaaaveu- COIUMDUL B 0 Aug 8Mrs Diana Drown a poor woman living In Cheeterfleld county with her two little girl was dragged out of her bouie at mid night a few days ago by two white men and two ne veers and beaten nearly lo death wlih pl uah lines Whtll tile men appmached her hnu e i thb thur wnnian asked what they Maiitftl Inm Henp y one of the lie- Cr ee rrpllenis inu Ill uluiti ynu very quirk what S have mm for and draifftrd tiny out by tilt hair of tier iirsI Tim nailey and iharleCampbell unite ami Xurdnrk J Juuiiueoi und Jnlin A Juhneon tthlte are tiargoul Wills Ihe erlme and live been arrreted No cause Hal been dren for Hie iiulraya Filial QuxrrelKlllod Keiek Other BicnAiiUNTO AUK 8 During a quarrol about a woman here today between llarney Ialm and Joe Xl- eliaeee tiiih drew rernlten ant phd at the eame tIme UK ten clint were exchange a SiaM striking each lull above the heart Sloth nice died OklUrcn Lost In lbs Crowet- aOnlyalxteon lost children wore brought In at Police Headquarter tail evenlni They were duly claimed nr analoue parents and carried home A cnn eldeiaMy larger slumber were claimed durluc luetlay- al the different etailon lioj ea Killed whIle MacqueradluegI4- AVLNNAU Au r 8 QanrBln BnrnMi a young colored woman while liiaiiiurralliig In mulch alllre last night vt ai puShed and fatally Injured by a uc rv whom shic provoked he died thli morning A MAT OOJMTDKIKD AM KAtZ A Blava Bass Takes It greedily fiaMaar- hn > cet Ha M It- GBKINWOOD LAXB Aujr 8A but flew Into the billiard room of a hotel at Greenwood Lake m Tuesday evening and wa knocked down by one of the players who struck at It with a billiard cue It fluttered behind some wine eases and wa not found until next morning when one ot the boys pulled U from Its hiding place anti tossed It Into a boat In which Ootalr the guide waa about to cross the inks A Isharman occupying use stern seat laid aside tIs tackle and picked up the bat to examine It lie found that one of the creatures wing was broken and In turning It over got his linger too elnse to It Is month In an Inttant four needlelike teeth were driven Into his ngortlp arid with an reclamation of pain and anger hn shook the bat loose and east It out on he surface of the lake As the maimed area turn fluttered about In the water the guide toppfld rowlngto watch It and his passenger sucked his finger and muttered a few deep drawn Imprecations Suddenly with a swirl and splash a majrnlfl cent bass fully eighteen Inches long engulfed the bet In his capacious yaws and shot full length out of water Served him right said the victim of the creatures teeth and turning to the guide be asked Whsts the matter with getting some mow bat for bait 7 Before the guldo could answer the bat rose to the surface crushed hut atlll gasping Co fair smiled as be laid I thought that a black baa was hog enough to eat almost anything but I guess a bat is a little too strong vn for abase Kititsn ma sOr A Father BeBeel br Ills Heir u4 U Beuace- ra Hla LICk Vines at Fatal Skat- CXLUMniA 8 a Aug SOn Aujr 4 Louis and P Byrd the tons of Evander Byrd went to theIr fathers boos In Leavonworth Darling- ton county accompanied by one Bragman a neighbor and began to tear down a cotton pros The father ordered them off but they cursed him and said they would pull down the rea or din In the attempt Peter Uyrd antI ragman got undercover but Louis kept his place at the prose and to tile further order to desist he told his fath r to shoot and bo- at the same time starting to draw lila pistol The father then shot and killed his son Bragman then selsmd Louiss pistol nOd en- deavored to shoot the old loan but tailed A package of cartridges a pistol and a quart bottle ol whiskey wero found on Louiss body and he took n pull at the bottle ns tile lather advanced to shoot Tills jury rendered a ver- dict ¬ of justifiable homicide Bletckca her Fneo tn Gel Married WiLKESDAnnE AUR 8Miss Ilosallna Klma- foihl > I li tIle daughter of H wealthy Pollen merchant She haa bad many admirer but hat preferred the society of a young negro named Wheeloch a coachman living near her fathers houea The two were seen quite frenueattjr together Mill Klmatoihl laav hot home tn go nut tn the liable fifty tardldlitant She told her narenteahe was encourag- ing tile boy to do rlnht He hail a widowed innlher and Koallnawanted him to prnperly xipoort tier It U laid aha frequently tire him money She left the IIOUM early In the evening telling her mother she was going to call nn a lady friend Hhe rent WheelneU and the pat went In Alderman OrnlTa office where they nere married Ihe Alderman cats that the girl had her tore blackened when she called on him otherwlee he would not have performed the rere many The parIah of the girl are alineil beafUirukan Vsei rkeuahs the Bidiblac Wese Colsg GBlcrfrLiE Minn Aug 8A wedding took place 511 mIles north ot here sod some fifty boys with rune haP and tin pans went to the place to charivari the weddIng couple They anoceeded In tearing the neighbor and making them believe tile Indians wet taking pnaeeealon of the country Some twenlyflve- farmeri put their famlllea In wwnna gathered up what they onuld carrr and drove Into the oily fur safety I- wu about a oclock at night and a icon as tile newa of the outbreak reiched lucre Ihe church bell beeca ringing Father MacUimald and the clllarnieaeoned the tomin and children tn the Uathulle church and tha men nf the tuwn eallled fnrihwith arm to meet the eneinv The army of home guerda felt decIdedly sheep till when luejr heard how the craze originated Qnen Aun College IB n Mnulkern City NswOiuKiMB Aug Building Is going on here Biter than was ever kaotrn before Between a third soul halt a million U being put Into oar houaea every month A rich cotton merchant a ooople of years ago erected a very extreme Qeeen Anne cottage In 81 Cherlea itrett our Fifth afinue Everybody ridiculed II Land et erjinMt whnwai budding a hnma went off anS LOut enmethuiiilc s cry hike It Iii a fw nufltlie thin archi lecture of New Otiealii him cmnlhrtrhy resotoiioiur- anil thie cIty fiuruierty if squnrrbuili wlii- wllh Ilniturn S vereuta or as they c here lerle has becoilie line of nil flied queerlY IIeC0- lanihy toted rotlitEee colored rill an a cockatoo with cokired giaca Iii pIcturaeque chimneys- cud other flUTturI varTtlouV Wblitlnrjr Edward Henry Smith well kx wn ty every body la Suffolk county Long Irtar j died m ht attn I tm- Pmllhtown nh frlilay at the ye at n He was the son of Major Ulchard mlth nf Yorkshire who was the first proprietor SmltTUown He wai Lorn In Na iMu on May 1800 ATcr ulilna liiany local odlcn in Cut folk enmity he waa nutrd to Ionnrei In l lE4it II e was on let eral war commllleer Jttl wua noteS fur hie vigor out oppnaltlnn to n0uuiufl Ife wIn a Cloud indue of rattle and Sutures alit ttnaalitaya well reprevnied at the county fair lilt ran K KR n and N Ferdinand smith are inrinWraor time Hrm nf Miiltli Site t On large tell tiwrrhluiu I In Japan lli death ttaacaui e l by an ulcer of tlie itomuch IIU lunertl sill be held to morrow from M Jameai Cliuroh hmithtown Lord Halifax li dead III name wa Uliarlei Wood and he wae li irn Den 2l I tWO He succeeded till father aa third baronet I In ICIB aud waa raised tu the peerage ai vIscount Halifax I Iti 10511 Deacon William Jnnel King died at tile renldenoa In Providence reeur a after a protracted Illneae He was born In Mllfnnt Ma In ISO Ulnce IHja I he had been a eucrenarul tnercliaiit tu Irnrldence and was a prominent leader lu Congrvitatliiual Sunday schools M re Only Htlle a Filet Snake The pilot snake as the copperhead Is called In Slew Jereey li an object ot greater dread than a rat- tler with alxleia rattlei nnd the oithnJox button On Thursday last Mra Kphrahn Duty ot Quirri villa went out to investigate a lurkev net whirl the hen bird bait t endilenty aunt tnrirerUly herS The net wa 10- III i amid that cli oouhl nnl Ccc Iliu pggi and pile relied entirely upnn the letlue nf fnllug In deterinliilng whether the rife were ill rlullt- Ai ehe vrnped arnund the ream with tier hand ihe touched an nlijrot which > he linianlly knw wai a- Onake 8lie quickly is iIltlra tier hand aid p knl- arnund In the tiet with n mil k until a pilot Cluck three ftet bug crawled out out renratnlly ulruck Ite faints Into ihn sUck tin limy iinod I li r Knmud and de- patohcd it vt Ith repeated blown uf tIle etkk Itriilnclnir a Ilrldie Wllkvul Delay Tho Harlem Railroad bridge across the Cro- ton Silver In Putnam county la the built and hlgheit on 11w tIe nf the read It hai a bhlaul of 700 feet and wee built of wool Thus rompaii decided recently to- liulld an iron bridge The ttnrk one begun abnut ten diJ4 agn slid y elrldi I > Slur lutt Iron lndirmaa flu Uh d as far a ttie mitlii abrlit lire I le oticerned and this old woiMlcn tilt Ive rfinnted flue work prnKTviafd lay slid nlKht ati l u as prnierutM In cmii I h a tnanner hot there wai iinlv flflrell inlnnto deli y lo one paleliirer- trnln An Iron Snug thn inkee thv lilac of a wooden bridge wllhuut maurlal I ilerrupUou of caviL Illeid In n Police Ntiillnn Oil Randolph Rail a Gorman 65 years old wits taken to the Twelityaeonnd street station at 8 oclock on Friday night and locked up lu a cell ou a charge of Intnxlcitlon About 3 A M yeitrrday the doorman found him uncoiiMlnua In tile tfll and enmnioiied an ambulance hut Kali w a dead before this ambulance ar- rlted The liody wan taken in lli > Morgue Thus hoUr made Innulrle but could lint fluid out Ills hnine They think frnin piurr In his u rkrl that he vtae outs a clerk at a planing mill at Uf East xet enlleth aireet lllirourtriy on Ibm lllh Seas Capt Tooter of the bark Annie J Marshall which arrived from Plymouth yaiterdiy reported that on July II he rpoke the aleamihlp Venetian which re Cured tn exehange longitude It wa a very atrange and uiiaoroiintnble I thing the Captain said as use weather ttae tine and we wet ao near that we rnuld easIly read tile lUamililiil uajne It was quite Im- portant to ua b oauee onr chronometer true tnuoa out ° A Clone Cur Ilaitrorni hIves Wny crowded platform on an Avenue A oar gave way at Fourth strict yesterday morning None of the pIl05Irl standing on II Were hurt but In the rush of the frlgtitenrd pcs ngrrt from in inllr of the car Ura liatherlne llrimtll nf all Kail fourth Itreet Jumped to Ilia itreel sod fell receiving a severe scalp wouud A Vew ajiaiain laiHiid llnllroad Plans have been mod In the village of Edge water H I lfiir a street railroad lo run entirely acruea- Klalen tiland from rail to oem The rnnle will extend from Uaiileiiin tlorneri on lbs nurlh ihora tanuple los ou the cool >shot Mlnul Once MI Huaiet At unset last evenIng the Narrows and the Ixing Iiland end Slates l > land thurei wr rrlming with tIle Iweniriine lulnme gum that wife Bred troan twill Von Wudiwonh and YoU llamiliua tell from is Iae5 lames Lawson a soaman In the pilot boat Fanny fell iriiiii aloft tn tlie diet yeilenlav siC the lInk cut nas teterely Injured Ila was taken le Ike Marine lloepltal at biepleton Frnrlnrliie Ills WKea Skull During a ijuarrel with his wit at Gooey lalainl on rrlda nnrlil linvld Tunnrth a iirgro rae tured lila witei aSciI wild an axe He made his sKips Itilrl Vniilnme diet it ant Broadway cnndnrted on the Amcrlein plan sill superior acooninindatluu for permaneiil and lraa- elvnt parllel All aparlinenil hate private talb sid toilet room Coiil llgnt aid airy doing roomi us the math dour UCKIIII wtih ur without board 4aa HIM cxnrflf ro mrs ttr asS Mra Ifktuiaya Vntai Kedsevas t filet their Bawckler frees Ounatfau About the mldUloof last May Mr William H Finch manager ot the Oommunlpaw Goal Company waa married to Hlstflda II Whitney he only daughter ot Mr Ellas J Whitney a artist The marriage took place at the rest dance of the bride parents 133 St 3ames plaoe Brooklyn and after a brief tour the young couple returned end remained there tor- Ix weeks They then took up their resIdence n Franklin avenue hot Mr Finch soon left as i he I Is reported to have told his wife tor A- malnesa trip In the West Ills wife and he are now In llannas Hotel Laehlna near Montreal Since they went away unpleasant stories have boon told about Mr Finchs account with he coal company Mr Whitney and his wit have just returned from Laohmo Mrs Whit- ney ¬ said yesterday I There Is no truth In the report that the marriage of mv daughter with Mr Flneh was a runaway one They were married In thia boosts with my consent and that of her father and preparations for the evnnt had been going on for more than a month We bad no Idea at that tlmethat Mr Finch wa not In overy way a suitable match for my daughter They llvd with us for some time sod then Mr Pinch wont to Albany anti summoned his wife by telegraph He contested to her that no was a defaulter and she accompanied him to Canada with that knowledge As soon sews learned- the facts we tried to prevail upon our daugh- ter ¬ to leave hint and return toner homo Our visit to Montreal was for that purpose Pot the present at least my daughter chooses M Follow the fortune of her husband and I sup- pose most people will alvn horeredlt for Itafta all I dont believe Mr Finch would tm prose eutnd should he return as his brother ha- mado good every cent of tbu denoUncy TROTI1HU AT KOCUKMIXB- HMllwairtk feawalp ad Be Uerae th TaJM- lb fIreS Money BocirEsnrn Aus 8 About 3000 persona at- tended the trotting events heretoday Pool sold briskly and the trotting and pacing wee good In the 319 unfinished trot KenllworUe won two heats yesterday but was not the fa write at the opening today Joe Davis wot the first heat and Kenllworth surprised eras his friends by taking tbe sooond heat and win- ning ¬ the trot Joe Davis took peoonil money Tucker third and Lena Swallow fourth Sum ¬ mary KenllworUl T 5 I I I 1- Jnellavll I 4255 II I>ena8wallaw a I o e 7 4 4 Tunker e S 1 2 1 I- Tlme330 U2IX 330 2t2IX 3V > X Mf In the freeforall pacing event GossIp Jr woe by lonsrodds the tavorlte selllnK for 50 while lllohlwll sold for tlS Westmont IM and the Hold 13 Oosilp won first money West mont Bucond Joe Aradln third and Tommy Lynn fourth Summary lineup Jr I I I W atinnnt- Jite S Stalin 3- Tnmuty > Lynn New Hope s a Hilly H 44 Uiohball j ula T1nw2l4 2iliii ml4 In the 225 class Butterscotch won In three trnlght heats the best time being 21X- miulo In tho last heat butterscotch was a ta- vorltn throughout soiling at 125 aaalnat the Hold before the last host Uocood third and fourth macova were oonly divided betwena MaggIe Ulddlctnn Dick Organ aad Prlnoa- Midoloton Summary Uutlerimitrh < > i Prince Mldll lon I- DickUrgan 4 3 Maggie ildillelon 41B- lauohe I- Tlms22ld 5 234 22l5 tlAHIXK INLLI WiNO BIlUAVtlBB ALMAH10 T ISO DA- TDartael 8 04 I Bull sets 7 OS I Mooa riseS S < BIUII W1TBB Tllll Dr v gaMinesS T IU I Uov Inland T Ol Uell Oate t- ArritpoJ Siraanir AIlS S Pi nermanlc Kennedy Liverpool July 80 and Qa town XIL lie delIrIum Batter Amiterdim July 25- SeMarlel Jellklna Hull July 25- M llaiitlioriiuith rawer Harbaitoee JutjtT 8 < Kl Dalian Honour cluitad Bolivar KaWrlharen Mewalil llafaoo- Re Vdalle Kuller aracoa- 8alndy H na aroiina Harac- oa8Crof Auguita Mcker nn Kavanaak- ftiln Auiirla tinIer Watarfora Ship Vimitalla Cixiiian Aniwerp Shirk Natlgator UaalellonL aeno Hark Orrto Uelap lwle Illlau Bark Vale Clirlilenif Valeuoi gso alVBD OUT nemlBrrora New Turk at Ilomhnrg ba Wlelaud fioni Netr York for Hamburg el Ply BAILBD PlOW roBBioa1 roars Ba Arnerlqae from Parr for New Turk llUUtlKlJP- ORTFRRANFOnnAt the reildenne of the brides father New Hruniwlrk KJ niiThuralay AugO IHN- Sat 3P U by time Rev C K llirln html > ouiigeei daughter nf Mr Uharlei II Kanfird of Hnenoa Ayres an4 Nw Hrunittlck to Mr Qen K 1ortrr if llrnnklvli N T TAVIiiltHHIiKJuiy li bjr this Kev Dr tirade W B Taylor to M K White uhf AKRlUFYSiMdeuly Friday Aug T Thorn V Akar icy ofed Ml year- s110iXthourat King Sing Aug a lesS WlUlaam Uucklniul- Kuneriil frma tile late residence Main at oa Sunday Anil I at V l to nciuek- PlliliAThtICKOo the Tib taut John Filzpatiick- agrd 42 years Funeial dirltate from SM Vrt4dttiiLni Sunday the lull I lint Interincnl at Pnuithker le N Y- JKASNOT Alller late realJeuce 4ja West ftTtag Frnhonii AJeannnt lithe of roneral hereafter KlhMM At Orange Mountain Friday Aui 7 Angus luaKltinm- Nntiie iif fanertl hereafter M llIYiiii Auv 7 at Knuthamptnn Herman BOB of lltrman Htewait und IMrnirnllna Morgau ie liny aged I tear I II I iiilllllm 15 j- McQUAUK Un Mlnrdat the Hlnit at hi lit tee Idenc iraittni HM m 1ntrlcl mound coo uf the Late All hinny all Jane MrOim la- Nolleu nf fllnrral In ininnrrowa panere MINUllllln I the Till lull lllou Mlnugk wife a< Jlinua II Mllilig- hllinerul nu hundar Aug 9 al hot late reiidonra Pea bright N J Thu burial is III tote place on Mnuday al- II II oVInck at Kvergrren i inetrry I I Itelativee asS frliiila uf the fitmilt ate Invilud to attend HlOltllUWdn riaiurdHV AuirH at lltereeldenoeaC her hmlifUw B V K trUKrr Slay tllle Lung Illauo Carob IarK widow of Tlinnia v Morrow Kvlalltea and friend are lintel in allelHl time funeeBl at tile Oliurrli nf the Unit CiniinunloiiJUlli el jod Ota cc TurU Aug tl i at IU A M VA > IIIKNOn Killay mnriilnir Rarah Anne wife of llfortfe T Van Unren tind I eldeet daughter of Juts thii tt ilioia ed of iiiiiiurvh- VA > UINKIKouJJeuly ihurada Aug e Albert Van Winkle Kelallve and frIends ara invited tn attend the funeral service at ills tile relidfiice The Ithcrtlew intsi- av niarUtth ut nn Monday the Illlll tosS at to 30 A- M Vrlendi will kindly nulls Sinners

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1885-08-09 [p 9]....ninak of jadnIr l Cfcrlee llllkoa-C C ml lp I CeBril i raMS 1118 remrgnewe Ih CIt Atifr wholo future ot the LONDON fTho tJtwral party ol

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1885-08-09 [p 9]....ninak of jadnIr l Cfcrlee llllkoa-C C ml lp I CeBril i raMS 1118 remrgnewe Ih CIt Atifr wholo future ot the LONDON fTho tJtwral party ol

t Ff 4 ttz tf I 1 y t rJ-r h a I rf j t 41 0r THE SUN SUNDAY AUGUST 9 l8MTWKLVK PAGES 9-



I urn TOllTIOiL rAtlTIKinr KtatAHD-fv luutrar IHSKNIOM-

ma4ilait iTnkea Viyaaje flrI n1rLaTI r Mi F H wera Alt t I-UIr Pia H i etle flIkIi Ike OT

rrveetIIl AnUr O-ninak of jadnIrl Cfcrlee llllkoa-

mlC C lp I CeBril i raMSremrgnewe Ih CIt1118 Atifr wholo future ot the

LONDON fThotJtwral party ol the empire depend

result of Mr Gladstone seA voyagerDVoice continue bad and IIs doubtful II

sufficiently make anotherrcnem thelTerspeech In the mean time everything I

lat The Wblea and Radicals sire

thimnl ever toward each other Chamerrrilin hIS to submit t Uartlngton and

HartlDKton I driven to fury by Chamberlainalniiblo attempt to push him aside The tern

iorarr edlf8 nf Bit chrlel Duke encur ¬

lUrllnuton to avagoly attack the ParuelBtllltM and through them Chamberlain Theiaii r retorts wIth more pronounced Radical

Merite than ever Mr Gladstone 1108rnoreoTer suinonds tho declaration ot Ltb

for thelnerleletonlwhich oaarplo longsr

The Tories sire not muob better oft Churohbill baa gain ntnmped on his enemies by Ihe-

lucceM of hIs Indian budget sob nlt-

rlsods hall the speech as a flue election appealL Evorrbody admIts that the OlParMiindltd the figure with ease andThe Ministry still advances Its prestige by

luolfylne foreign affairs with Blsmareki aidand rapidly currying on tbe business of lrlfment The latter enrages thedeclare that this smooth progress IIs eonsQaent upon the LiberalsBelfdcnlal in not ob-



buslnria and the factlhat the ParBelllles hero bon squared 60 alarming I thetrotires that six Radicals have blocked that

0 i nltAitl mnnanrn thn Houalnff nf thn PoorW nIdill with I view of preventing tomuoh Torylucces Doth sides are still lonclnl and sometime must elapea before party findswhich ot Its suctions U tbe more powerful andthat sort of 1 ptnlform thn country demands

Some dnyn nco Mr Philip Cnllan member fortoutb while dnbatlng n clause in thc CriminalAmendment bill coIled Munition to the Inlamles whIch halt bon dragged to light duringtbi trial of Mme and mentionedamoDK other thing tho high station In life octooled by come of that notorious womanchief natrons Ho was several times Interruptcd when be reached that part of hit rD

and there was on evident purpose onlurk of certain members to either lessentho force ot the speakers argument or forcehim tabandon his subject and resume hiseat lomlnl exasperated Mr Callan flnnll

adversaries and shaking bletllndfinger shoulrd

J Dont provoke me further I know some ofMme Jedrlnsu patrons and I this clamorcontinues I shall bcompelled to say things

you will regret to hear probably moretat I ahall dislike to gKo utterance to tomI trust I shall not be driven to say morThe House was stilled In fmoment and Mr

Callan was subjected t no further Interrupt-ions


The Information of which Mr Gull anIntimated that he was possessed was obtlinea lewdaya previous to the episode In the lulwhen ho brought Into the lobby of the 10U8ef Commons the man who hnd actedcapacity ot hal porter for Mme Jeffrie whenthe prosperity of that now notorious womanwas at Its height with a view of securing hisIdentification of such members 1 had fre-quented


the house In which ho was formerlyemployed Tho porter upon being IntroducedInto the lobby and seeing familiar face abutUrn exclaimed

For Oods sake take me away from here1 Irecognize scores of men whom I have admittedInto Mme Joffdess house

When ftukcJ to point them out he did 0It Mr Callana recant remarks In the Housebsvu not received respectful attention theyfcave at least been free from lnt rniptlon oraudible comment and he openly threatenunload tle full voluino of hit Information the

fit ot personalprovocation

Investigation tho first time

The cloud ot scandal which for the past two I

weeks has bon floating above the head ol SirOharlita burst at last Irritated bythe aspersions ol his friends for having ac-


money t console his wounded honorMr Donald Crawford the outraged buetaDdlas fnrwurdodSlrOharleas chock toTllle with the rcauust that It be returned ttbatcontlomnn and yesterday be fod a petVon for a divorce from hi wife cIting SirCharles as corespondent

The Ions vacation the Judge which haBOW begun will probably neoR lat a post-ponement


of thu trial for perhapsIt Is asserted tutu Sir Charles Dllko has beenIntlmiUb with other mombora of the family ofMrs Crawford which Is closely connected withhla own hy marriage and efforts are beingBade to kol the case within the limits of theInulJ Issue bntwuen Mr Crawford and hiswile Mrs Crawford U under 20 ycurs of acewhile bur husband ntmrlySO Mr FrederickInderwlclt Q CO ha teun rutnlned for theplaintiff and Sir lon I y James for DUke Tbeprobable etToct of scandal upon the resultof tho tenernl oloctloni lu some of tho districtsUexoitlui conslduruble curiosity In an InUrvltiw this afternoon Mr ijtawurt the plain-tiffs


kolicitor BaldOur client married a daughter of Eustace

Bmllli M P Ashlon billie married anotherdaughter Sir Churl Duke met the respon-dent


at tlm house of hIs brothers widow Thenipondunt oonaulcncostrlokun confessed toher hustund her Intimacy with Blr CharlesThe Litter whun accused daniel that be hadacted Itnpropurly but was finally Inducedwhen confronted by tho respondent with sev-eral


damaging lott nt which he bad written tolar to acknowlodcn Ilk guilt

It Is at present Intended t limit the scan-dal


to the pnrtlus Immediately concernedlr Ashton Ullka U not In any wet iiflecctid by It Mrs Crawford hns de

I llued t Instruct her counted and willIppral to her liuslmnd fur IsIs merciful con-sideration


of liar foolIng The affaIr Is tbesensation of London tonight It III believedthat the lawyers will suppress tho del ofthe case and Introduce only evi-dencii to ocure Idivorce

Sir Charles Dllken fnoo as he sat In theHouse ol Commons on Friday night boretrfo ol mental autfrrliiir Ife hat quit atonehi eyes bloodihot and llxed steadily upon anofficial paper which lIe held in his hand forSeveral 10ul Twice when some friend IpassJug liU aroko lo him lie Rmlelln a forced

lokly mariner druw his hat 118 oyes aotMoved out of tho claru of the light Shortly btoni the House edjuurnoj be stole silently outand dlsaniKareJ

CUlt Kalnoky the Austrian Minister ofAITaliK will hold a conference with

Prince Ulbiunrck tim coming week stud tboCzar will visit Iho Emperor of Austria theWeek after The announcotnont these Im-

Portant meetings has caused much spurulitUoaln diplomatic circles nsta their outcome

Ur Horace Yiuan the comedian died sud-denly


yesterday at t ldcii a village In thecounty of Hunt ou the Southeastern Hallway

3Ir Olndatouo MnrleJ hue nfturnoon its SirThomas Uransnys yacht Kuub nm on an oxI n8lveciul u UODI the COMIC of Swodan andKorway The party comprises Mr and MrsOlailstons their two daughters Dr Sir AndrewCake and several Intimate personal friends

Clarke knld that Mr dMstono cenuralIaltb was jrooil end Iho coiidltlnii of lilatrAt was snmowliut hotter although stilluoublesume The Doctor pressed I stronghope that the BOH nlr would rOe of greatLeellt t his distinguished patient ThetNb4i sturtd with a head wind 101 ft prospecteta bony ca-

OQC Il the Itallnl hanks In 1IAln discosCmi an unknown person badlord 11111 llrile fmliml at the bankto l4tb bih i the amount of 250000

c y

rouM Tleltrelt r aewallxeete4I-bM tba were uDabtde-tent their worthless tharaeter toIrlewere not discovered until the spurious

10taregularrbe th Russian Treasury la the

A fIre occurred at the historical residence tlr Ounard the Orleans House at Twlcksn

today Fortunately the Dame wereonflned to the outhouiM and stables whichwere entirety consumed

TRW rLAavie nrnKAnina ArA sies a r Ckyier H prIl at IIIfierteuei mf Ida Dlaeaae In Hrailii

LONDON AUR 8The cholera B hasreached England A seaman who arrived atBristol overland from Maruellle became III-waa seized with vomiting and dil Amedicalofficer ot thBoard of lar thatthe man suffering from In-


wa held and tbe jury rendered a ver-


to the effect that the symptoms were verymuch like those of Asiatic cholera Precau-tionary


measures are blnl taken t preventthe spread of the

Dr Daremburg ot Parts aiaert that Mar-


ha not been Infected with cholera fromSpain but that the present outbreak Iis a re-


ot lost years plague due to bad sanitaryconditions The municipal authorities of


fromstill refustpublish the number of

The Italian OnvHrnm has bad every partot Italy larh1 for sigiss ot cholera The

disease had appeared atGenoa turn out to be untrue

The dlanatA IIs still gaining rapidly In SpainA fortnluht ago whim the number new easesthroughout that country exceeded a thousand-a lay It wa thouebt that the scourge hadsuddenly shown a frightful increase Yester-day


the number ot new eases of cholera InSpain Ishown by Incomplete reports was4689 the number deaths 1602 Judg-ing


from provlou exporlenC with these sta-tistics


when the at completed thenumber now eases will shown to hlvamounted to 0000 and the number of3500 Tide shows a very rapid Increase of thedisease during the past wook


Observe ml the Fiini ml flay IB Iode-1mrtt NrrvlMB In Purl

LOJTOOX Aujr BAl the American flrmaIn London today the Stars andStripes drupd in mourning In front of theirbuildings or front tho fliurxtatTs on the ro Inmemory of Gen Grant Humid peals wererung from the bells at Westminster Abbey dur-ing


tho hours of the funeral ceremonies In NewYork and from tho belts of St Martins ChurchChrist Church of which tbe Rev Nowmau Hall

Ipastor and several other West End churcheslarge procession with 1number of American

tiara draped In mourning marched throughBxthnal Green In the afternoon under theauspices of Itha Frco Library AssociationThousands ot pnoplo followed the processionnnd signs of rIct for thin memory of the II

lustrloiiH on alt sides Ameri-can


residents In London wore crape on theirleft arms Ant dealers In American securitiesabsented themselves from the Stock Exchangecdayi memorial servlcn In honor of Gen Grant

was held today nt thn American church In theHue dn Herri Paris The edifice Wil crowdedwith people American laA crape float-ed from the front of building UnitedStates Minister McLune and tbe AmericanConsul with thom respective stat wereamong the congregation Three funeral ora-tions


were delivered The novo Dr Baird Inhis sermon declared that although tho Gen-eral


hail disapproved of France declaring warwith Germany In 1870 no one more nnirorly-rncognlzod the Frncii republic aliitr the down-fall


of the Napoleonic dynasty Everybody inthe church wa stressed in mourning

TO It IBS AND tIINILI7RSir Petrtioll Lord Cknrcklll and Others

Deny I5s Report aria AllianceLONDON AUR 8Sir Frederick George

Mlllncr member of the House of Commonssends to the Times letters from tbe Marquis ofSalisbury Lord Randolph Churchill Mr Wlnnof the House ot Commons and Mr Parnell de-


the assertion that an alliance is blDIarranged between the ConservativeParnellltns Mr Parnoll nays he has not hadcommunication with any mnraberof the Gov-ernment


on public affaIrs directly or Indirect-ly


except In dnhntoslii the Housttof CommonsHerbert Gladstone son of the exPntmlwr In

his assertion that an alliance had Men mariebetween the Conservatives nod Psirisehhitc-ihinted thnt Huron St Oswald of NoHtoll MrRowland Wlnn was promoted to the House ofLords lii return for his services In urrauglu-tha contract between tho two parties

Tke Kogllek Oceupntloii erptLONDOK Aug 8SIr Henry Drummond-

Wolff the Brlllih Knvoy tEgypt ha> arrived PeriLIt Ili reported that he hu bean aiked by X da Freyolnetthe French lllntiter of Foreign Aflalra to exilalnLord Kalliburyl atatement that the British troopwould rnmala In Egypt until order baa beeil securedThereat IndicatIon this Lord Rallbury la preparingfor the perinaneut occupation of Egjui Tlie Wsr sirlire ha been ordered lo atrengllirn the Kionllanarmy An Increatlng uuinher ot KnilUh omrere in-Kgyiit from the Indian eervioe are receiving perm tnen-taupolnlninti in placi of tile temporarv appnintmenti-Ibe hate tittliertn held Clue ee bavebfen fnrmnl furnoncomniUliiiied otnieri and prlvalee for the study ofthe Arable language Arrangement hue be n maileluIaed out the fainillra of privet wheu desired All furtough nf nluoeri will orate Oi Oct I Uen Htrpliensoil commander troops In Kgypt Ihai lhorn lu-

itruoled to prepareraW fur Ihe relief of Kaiaala

The Reported AiiBlvtBtiisaB TreatyLONDON AUI 8The press despatch an-


that oloIY defenllve laD halbun entered Into between Ungland and Ublna al agaltutl-liiwlai hai cavird nldripread dlMViilon In plileacircle tier hid much curlolty baa beentvhvttier there Ilo any truth In the bllMliheil I Rlatelil nt-

Tniliv tlie uiirrviunnditl of tha Crntral New In Parli-oalleul n tin Ohineee Amlia ltdnr and itked him aliout-II He cold he hot no adtlee frill leklii announcingtint any enrli areement tied ben entered Into by hI-siuniiIeliiand lie wee bribed to tne belief that there

was uo truth in tbe reporta

IVomen Appruve the Kxpoenroa of ViceLONDON Aug BAn address has ben gotten

up by women of Kngtand thanking Ilie Otontltfor Ilie recent nrilclei on London s Ilos and pralilng thepaj erl course lie n aervlre In tile eaue of morality cutiitlal ply llle ldrel Sloe 4Vlalgnalllre Includllliftline t AliiIU rio Lily ilnunlTeinple did HIM

Countei nf rnruninulll All the Bauielara thou ofiir oiiila loud polu

Mrnl nerd for Trjrlutf tn llliiakmNll OlatdaloneVIENNA AUI 8The Englishman named

Bo > dell who arrested lien on July dll roc writingtn Mr Gladstone deillailding flAOU before Aug B waa-IndMy lenteurfil tn in inontli liiiiri iiinieiit iln > delltied tnrriilelifd lo DUhllllI illiarreeable detail Ufa prlItale character If Mr UUdiloiie failed tu scud the wooerby llle tune Hated

Ilrlllik Cummerro 1JcrslegLONDOX Aug aThe returns Issued hr the

flnardof mid mow that Urlllnh Imports duringmonth of July eftM compared with the aorreiHindlng non ill tllHnulliu and that theexport during tin aunif iili l ai odorOSuai rouipared with the irniuuu

Three Ornil Sin In at alont-HAUTAZ AUl 8Tho French Consul at Syd ¬

nero Cape Ireln liai received a letter laying that theFrench brig thug Couilni uf 8t linen passed In midAtlantic a large ehlpl boil containing the died bodleaof three 1111 The boil had a piece nf pole fur a flagelan tn WhiCh wee atlwhedI a pine1 nf calivna in a legnf illilrrli Rhe Mldently bilnngrd to a Xnrweglu-

nc> c el ihe hid UI name Illuhard Lanwlg palnttdon her There w a tery hcaty eea riiniiing did tI-Wl1IUlp000iiileI for the brig tu secure tin bodies

What Cnn the Mllllrr BelLONDON Ont Aug 8MIss Aida Lyle of

North Uorchceter lice been itriokeu with a dlicaie thiSthe doctnri do not undenting Hhe hai lain for Iwoweeki loll helpltii ttlthuul Ihe potter In ipeak urtii open > et ilie irein In bectii olie ae tlmuirli ilvad but when a elrantfer bandi uver herIhe rllkhieit S lil11 irr etciin her terribly but ai monnl her unit her pole lieruiuid upon tier sod ipeaki toutr ilia uecomea pault e

Hkat br kle WileCANTON Ohio Aug 8 Ooorge Bartel tbe

proprietor of a notorlnui laloon wee fatally shot In thehind tile iiinrnlne by hie wife 801 hid lei drluklngand the iiiiiutliig waa the a diunken quarrelMra ilartul lie iso arreited

Mulcldo In llBitbelhELIZABETH Aug 8PhilIp Sheridan aged

21I aol ot Uniinly lollertur Miendaa had been uiiMin-glnoellur> >day noon He wee found trid tent eight lu-

liliI totters burn lie hod otiS hhiiilt lu theItUrowBcd Ika BurUoeiNEW IlitUNswioK Aug 8Whlle a party of

four yoUii men were craUiing In the Karltan Ilili-flreiiiMin theirI I boil HII run down br a lug audlltahard-Utliuci aged K> of till cliy vt aa drowned

Ur llelevnn JlroMnrtt-

AJBASJ Aug 8Dr J Savage Jlelevan oflluI ell > amemker of Ihe tali Miari ut Uiailb wasdrott tied lu ISober fcarunacI isLe > e teruay

Thor Ili a tneani uf eradicating Inral dlaeaaa nr Ihamill that eec Ike relied on vli I illinna oulnhur-IIUli

dr1holy suit Wblikcr Pt black obrovin CJQ4d

It le U drieS NitlleruelloiiT-opfttrniilxe a duIM lke IlUcra wh ri yon rinlmi itliil i rely nI evrryihliiif being Uie bi t culI pureit-anil 111C Lie UI Ilie lelmttiilallin of the aalrimeucud al Stir a mie lime mel aKUrrd tint duylng allue Inwrlt pnlflLle JTlie rr Ilie beltMiter drug etiire avi Itith uv Ii without douM thewon jujjulir uud tillable lu the ell Atli

I Take Mf Lncklitll In Ike Kumlnajhumid nf a Ual tn Iire up nn take a wlnegtaaa

fut of Hlkerl of Calla > a Hulk It Wont Hurtyou off mi B ipreeI but will brace > u up fur alt day nottn mention tin appellle youll nata ilnt boll lee 75cent Unly U tie obtained IlOSers drug here USdIsh avja1

Liver Illli do not purge or weaken thebowela rutsot apreiatlr on the liver end bile A ptrteotlircr ore iter 1caata 4l

A Vlnrgliiful orRlkeri Tonic Vtue of tinea In a glaii of lemonadepunch ginger aleI cole ttalrr nr etrn Ire water makeeIlia mint dellclnuI aid refrelilng ilriuk lmglnailr I codiLu at llle alI a mull exitllrlil limlu ohSI tin uiiitfor bnth brain Try It Iaue buiileaI tK iprdozes 111 dll I only al Kiter drug

odJj3 uta BV

1401 should forget U I wlllhal hoc ef Saburya Juiiiiiiii s ltICllOi1i > 5 Ir cc w-enyI twu within rolIigIl lnore IiIbl cli

You will tlid IhMI riiolf for alrlr coinliter cline talui and all Hiniiily dip I hireput them right on Equally KWU fur people1 who cai-igoSds


IlKaoltiill nl Kldcrnrooal TodayRldgiwnnd Wllkeebarra at rouatraw KliJga

wo ILive Oak iC4itpt-nng hued flu Dan OriHinl tSelli va Klllia at ar M


I1ut1iltt Otrf

Whsl la Liquid Hrrnd t I n qiirailnn ofloa-ianrJr Me Aiiiwer inur eirI it anIla haalth and lrtI tlOn< IliullTfi nl uUIl feeumraend IL Uroceia auu draggled keep I

One It befit AXUUHTUKA BITTERS to flaresyoursodaand lemonade and keep jour dlgeiUreorecu lu order

FineLaundrledMilrta69n tnOtc unlaandrledt7 fliguarauleed KUNNEDV 20 Uurilaud at

Ton kat lmv reirne iirvimre en shed lh Bslow iiy uaing Allcnoka Euro Ilaner Only lu ceCiL

Itrlt 1otictg-

15t A yos I AIVKS IMCIMAIIATIOXWIU UKVKIOI A BEAUTiFUL KIII1M In liny daysIhe effect of wliluhlI permanent and dloci rirlile lu teeday Where a perferl bu > l II atrriuly u t >d U wU-ipreerte the ensue firm and perfect IIn ahune A faartrial will not nnly oiiiirince you if In rlllcacy but wtUelicitI inur sincere thank end vntliulaitlr prai4 I aaaIn daily receipt of Irittri exprtulihi dillglit Tke Ialowing are eitrai ut-

liiiallyiiuriaiini lam iirrfectly ihitrmed wltfelL1-It lie orlilIy done wonder fur imiI here n11 with InlliilleMtlifurtlonIt IIBI wok like a client In my caie-I hatu It wlih cumplelo euccei °IIIII I tTiindrrfnlt I am Iperfectly drllghteil with Itiitilelr lIuiorl5od perfeitly Mirnileii cud free

nl mat and all Injurluue liitfredlenla Mailed aeraraoliiertaltnn cl sealed 4 hold Srdruggllll H4U4HK IIiIU itast fJij H H T-



llOMUvOrAIIIIUI Ill AMI MiIllflSSVcdlcini la> ea Ir rf Milk AoMAMIALI ulIlrl amiumii rvolts

UUNIIIICI 111lulrIC lUIUIUtOnly Braucli mure BJJ Broailwuy New York

ron KUMMKR V5Irun DIACKUKKRY JCICK preaieJ111 Georgia frees

the iir rich Hnulherii berry eai fur ue lyroFIIKMAli HKAKUV added anfulr garanlaed huhable for all umner ciunplalnli Cholera dymuleryutile hituie ran furulih this JI B KIHK a ro us Kulton it I Wetness at aa4

Broadway aud 27111 t Sew rrk-VULt I JtNI4IU IIOIMK

HOWKIIV NKW tllllKnitAm on lingland Ireland Acoilaiid and the Eats

UBIIfNCE8It Ionllneiit-

fknrlti JUHiUKtiI Ar follicleSrnncinaltIr and at mwlerate ratee ashlKlanil Ireid hciilland Uer-manr


IliiUalid F our CanadaIn all pane nf the U H of aa

IIIUIrIIA UIIMITIIIIltIA yVtVltd > iATAB7r-nre e itd hy IIIIn sin uf HIIKI i IAKiblUMi IIVPlJnHUlKITK Jlllalnfrclam IN oinuieiidSL Ih lijtil Itealili Aaiwlallon aaHIJIKIIIIIK ho AUellierUlalMrlTASTXaliilUhltllllllUrHI l hMlrvrywhere heid fur iauililet t JJultiiii iti hewVort-

TIIK MJIIli CHHTirTiireiif iiealarhLSiiilKiTiSSiL1 wr knei InllgeMInn by lit

el Hin klyu ale iilraiinlmary laanm lanly rellilng all rain fcarlr aliulluu luiurehealth I Ceded is fatal drier ilintfrrii-tlKvf rifuK on7tiuTirij rnfnui ntlUavi worn with ease < uvmCurl tkll lcd lilataal

rap r r


Tribute I his ratala B-

Mllllairy4A OrrialBraaA-

HOOTTA Mf Aug IMomoralrlO-erheld here today uerlRsIn Granite Church this afternoon a eulogy wadelivered by the Hon James O Dlalno Uasaid In part

tone as the American Union snail abideA blessings of law and liberty GrantsnameI llie remembered with honor A-

long aa hflslavery of human beings shall beabhorred anti the freedom ol man assuredGrant shall lie rncalled with gratitude and InIhnoyHu of to futurtho story ot Lincolnslire can without associatingGrant In the nndnrlng splendor ol his owngreat name Oen Grants military supremacywas honestly earned without factious praiseand without extraneous help lie had noinfluence to urge his promotion except suchas was attracted by isis own achievements ifshad no potential tlendl except three whomlila lctorles won support Uo rosemore rapidly than any military leaner In hlatory lrom tile command of a alngle regimentto tile supreme direction of a million of mondivided Into many great armies and operat-ing


over an area as large a theempires of Ger-many


and Austria combined-lie exhibited extraordinary qualities in

tbe field Bravery among American ontoer I


rule which has iiajpiiybad few exceptioni-but aa an eminent General 8hl Grant posMssed a quality ahoy Ho btllO in-sensibility to dliae apparently unCn010u8ne1 ot Beside that b pos¬

evonneM ot Judgment tobe depended upon In sunshine and IDstorm Napoleon sid t The rarest attributeamong ODeralla twoocloklnthemorlnlcourage that which la added on an unex-pectid oooaalon and btehln spite of the mostunforeseen events leave toll freedom otjudgment and promptnesaof decision No bet¬

description could be given ot the typeotcourage which distinguished Gen OrantIlls constant madliuss to lbt an-other


quality which according the samegreat authority established his rlahll a com-mander


Generals said at ltHelena are rarely found eager to give Ithey choose their consider their romblnstiona and their liidolnlon begin Noth ¬

ing added tItle greatest warrior of moderntimes nothing FsI ao difficult l to decideGen Grant In his services In field neveronce exhibited Indecision and It was this qual ¬

ity that gave him hit crowning characteristic-as a military trader He Inspired his men witha lens ol their Invincibility and they worethenceforth Invincible

The lnrnH of Gun Grant when he passedfrom mllf to cl1 administration was

qualities His Pren-ldoncyot olght yenrawus tilled with ovnnts otmagnitude In whloh If his Judgment wa-Rumetlmes questioned Ills patriotism wasalways conceded lie entered upnn his officeaftnr tho angry disturbance caused by thn sin-gular


conduct ot Lincoln successor andijulntly enforcod a policy which had beenlor four years the cause ot embittered dlspntalon His election to tho 1rtxildaiiry

In one lmj ortant aspect a landmark Inthe history of the county For nnarly Illlv-yuarHprecxdlnp that event titer bait been fewresidential elections 111 which the fate of thoUnion had not la crime degree bnen agitatedeither by the threats of political mllcoDtntlor In this apprrthcnRion of timidUnion WItS saved by the victory or the armycommanded by Gen Grunt No menace of titsdiBtructlon hiss vtir been Ifnsince OenGrants victory before the lopllDeath always holds a truce over Itsown Under that flax friend and foe alt iwacofully together partitions am fllllod benevolenceIIs rmtaredwrongH rnpalredJuatlce doneIt Is Impoasllbu that n career so long so promInont BO posItIve that of Gen Grunt shouldnot have provoked strife and engendered onmlty For more than twenty years fromthe drain or Lincoln to the closo ofhis own life Con Grant was themost conspicuous man In America one towhom li ail rH looked for koderahlp uponwhom partloans built their hopes of victory towhom personal friends by tons or thounanrtsoffered their sIncere devotion It WON accord-ing


to the weakness unit tho strength of humannntnrnt list rott nt r movements should enxunthat Ion Grants primacy should bn chatjcnecd that tile party should resisted thatlila duvotml friends should be oonfrontod bylealoua men In his own ranks andhy bitter ennmles In the ranks ofhln opponents Dut all these passions and allthosii nisnultnmiti are burled In the gravewhich today revelvcs Ills remains Contentionrnjtwtlng Ills rank as it commander roancaand Unlonlstn nnd Confederates alike testifyto his powers lu battle and his miiennnlmlty Inpencn The controversy over isis olvil adminIitnitJon Closes nt Demoorat and Republicanunite In pronouncing him to have been Inevery art and every aspiration an Americanpatriot

any aKAnrn eve or COFFEE

A Bemtnlaetnrei nf tko riches Ties cI-waId nnBC MleerluaI That picture of Gon Grant looks like him

when I used to know hint remarked a tallcountryman yesterday morning as ho stood be-

fore a portrait of the General which repre-sented


him In his army uniform and was ills ¬

played In the show window of a Dtinrory BhoiWhen did you know Gen Grant 7 asked a

Bystander who wn mRstIII8 a farmerI knew him In the war I fought with

Grant I never shall forget one night beforeVlckHbitrg continued the taU man I wason picket duty Our linN wore near the rebelsand we picket men usud to chat together andWill tobacco and stories all night but whenthe day came we would blaze away at eachother Just as If wowere strangers The nightI speak of It hnd bnnn ruining day and Itwas chilly Wo tud our little fines lit the postsand were managing to pans away tho timepleasantly when 1 hoard the iruard coming IBhoulditrnd my musket and began marchingUp anti down Ve didnt want the omcolR toknow that we did anything tile rebs exceptHhoot at them As ihouuard oitmtup I sawthat ono or tIle soldiers was len Grant himpelt prnsenUid nrms

oo Private said use old man as he stopped Infront of meX board you talking with some-one

Who me 7 soldYes yonanld1 he and think you were

talklnu with the enemyI thought I WAS going to be shot for trea-


but I made up my mind not to Uo about Itso I iildYes sir I was cold and hungry nnd Iwanted little cofTec rail my friend overlhoro-

witntitil som lohncoo so wu tradedDo you meim to say that you bargained

with the enemy 7yes sir I stammeredHilt yuu tott tinoften ha askedYes sir I saul and I pointed to a pot that

wns boiling on tile UrnIn it good ooffoo 71 he asked as he walked

over to tlIrAY-tlM sir I answeredWell well BOD about this said the Gen-


Give me a cupI gave him chin and the old man ant down

rnd ilrnnk It When begot through lie itiiiilNow private you have told the truth

That coffuo Is uood Hut In tile future you hadbottur cut your supplier train our own Quartetmuster

You bet I was relieved when he walked onWro you the soldlwr who borrowed that

coffnu 1 adieu the fanner with Intuuse In tenHtoo Yes replied thu tall countryman Whydo you nak 7

Because I wa the robot Shake Lets gosomewhere nod talk It ovor My name IsJones

Arm In arm the two rxnnemlns movedthroiiuh the crowd down the street to flshtlhelrold hattie over again

About 5 oVIoek n tall man who Cave thenftlO Ill Jamna W llmwn Knit reciileneeUletercounty callml at the Quit NlrwII pollen stationand asknd for the arrest nr an uxrobel namedJones who had sold him a small bar of loadwrxppml In gold foil for 1300 his sliver watchand return ticket The Identity of Ur Jones Iasuspected by Iho police

Illnnootav Kai > ld GrowthST PAUL Aug 8The census returns front

nifty of the 011110 countleiof Mlnneenla not uteluding 8t Iaul cud Itlnneajinil Chow a pnpnliilon ofAlnH34 aa compared wlih 472001 acrordltif to theUuitd rtateireniui nf IHHO llili chow an ateragelucreaie if liter iwmity IiierreiiL and Indioatee a total-of more than Ilcoim reclineS the Stat reckoningenabaisut 7X0771 1IItO

llulce of Mew tolloaN-

KVT OIILEAN Aug 8A despatch fromSl1l1II rejorlu the ihlpment from there today ofthe flrat bale of this aeaaonB rntlo

A deipaleh from llaion llnuga tayi that the Cyst hallof new pntiun rued In tint parlih OilsI aeaton wabrnuKht In today Iiy Levl Xoore a onlored nice IIweiliil AV pniiiidi and wai flailed al Intr mIddlingend auid for teu cent Iiri pound

Ckaircoil wlik CIIIIIUK kle SkipHuuu Auc 8Capt Henry Baker was

commuted for irlnl in the Sntireme hourS lodny n tliehJ enf having arntiled the rchonnir Ruilllne Water

The male of the erliimmr swore that Haker Iald himrJHII bury a hula IU ill i oolJli ballnin sod vue ot tincrew ItilllrU tu hinviit helped In link hir

A rklneie allnletrre Grand llawquet-LIUA Aug 8 via OiikrBloii A itrnnd ban-


und boll iiill be lllrcn lit Ihe Ohlnem lllnliurou-HiI lull InitI She deli i f the comlnDf aye or Ih Kn-ipernr et uiilna Ilieennrmuu un of Miixjo hose-rileuded lu rrarailuii fur Ihe fmltiuea



Hrr5gOse mn tnjMrr ky a Fall rreskl flue s aS cL 5estte Leg ireksA By KIIU4 while TIcwtuB tk 1erad

Bringing up In the rear ot most of the dlvlhlona and brigade were the ambulancesready to pick up those who dropped by thewar from heat or exhaustion or to aid thosewho might meet with accident Some ot theambulances were grocery wagons pressed Intosorties showing their purpose by flying therollow One ot tbe hospital and others werecarryalls borrowed train Central Park At eachtire alarm box along the line was stationed afireman In readiness to ummon ambulancesfrom the city hospital should the need arise

The Twentysecond Itealment had no sickmen and was gratified to learn on tbe Boule-


that the regular who bad sneered at themarching powers of the militia had throe menIn their ambulant The Twentysecond andNinth bad no ambulances In line but hadthem stationed at different points on themarch The ambulances ot the Twelfth Regi-ment


wore empty while the men who droppedout of the Eleventh had to walk as all the qfll-CKT were dong Tbe Seventh and EighthRegiments had no ambulances while the twowhich followed the Sixtyninth were lull othealthy friends of that organicatlon

The ambulances of the Brooklyn regimentscontained more men than those of the NewYork oily regiments owing to the greaterlength of march of toe former The SergeantMajor of toe Thlrfenlh was sick the Fortyseventh contributed two men the Thirteenthtwo and the Fourteenth with tho SeventeenthSeparate Company contributed one to tbenumber of Invalid

OeD W it lirownell of the Fourth BrigadeTwentythird Thirtysecond and Fortyseventh llidmflntsl was thrown from his horseon the Ikiiuuvard where the elevated railroadcrosses The horse stepped on his shoulderand Injured him so badly that be was placed la-an ambulance In which he was removed to hisrmildance at 213 Penn street Wllllamsburgh-L uuCol Frolhlngbam who was In commandof the Twentythird lUuflmrnt In tnn absenceol Cal Ward took tion Bruwnulls place

Col George D Bciittol the Eighth ItnglmsntN 011 N Y had his leg broken at Filth ave-nue


und Fourteenth street by his horse fallingon him An ambulance was summoned by thelineman stiitlonnd at tho box on that cornnranti tile Injurml oflloer was removed to BtVincents Himultat

The Manhnitan Hospital bad erected In anacre lot at lulth etreut and lllvcrstde avenuethree hoepltiil tents equipped with twelve ootsTile Room ut tile ttents vero carputotl A fewyards In front if the tents and facing the drivewon two tall poles floating the national colorsat half mast and midway between thom Wuttoted tile yellow hospital flan In roar or thetents wore smble In which wore the ambu-lances


which with the lot wore voluntarilyfurnished by Mr James A Ueorlng-

Tho use ot the lire alarm bozos for ambulanoo calls was found necessary twonty evuntimes most of the pjulonu bulnu victims oftile heat taken together with tile iffecta of thecrowding ami the physical strain longstand-ing


In the llniH ot spoctatorH The calls formucnbers of ilia parading column worD verylulremint the mon who wore ovonxjino whilemnrchlng being nttnniled by tho surgeons ofthe ambulance In the line until chile to takecnrn nf themselves Hltrnnl box S79 opposite-the Fifth Avenue Hotel was rung war thanlilly other one box four signals being sent outfrom It They wore not oent close togetheranti the service from tbe New York Hospitalwits easy

The liveliest ringing on the Ore gong was be ¬

tween 1 nnd 2 oclock when there wore ninecall The signal for an ambulance Is twentystrokes pruoocllnit this box number The horsesof the Fire Department nrn trained to run fromtheir stalls to the link at the first stroke thegong yesterday they worn kept at the rote InuaiiiFsa to void thIS fatIgue mid worry of runulnlf at all Ihello ollll anil still liii rwdy to IlOout should the ring prnvo to be a fire alarm

Tim new unflnlHtinl structure thin llloomIngdale Itefonned Church at BIMyelghthStreet nnd the Boulevard of which the nyCarlos Marttn U pastor was couvurtud Into aitemporary hospital under the charge of lrEdward C Haruood Uo admlnl t< r< d to tIlewaists of several of the vlnttlng mllltln whowire ovnroomu by thn host Tho church bolugsituated directly on the line ot march SIxtyeighth street and the Boulevard was very eonvunlent Among those cared for was privatetram Company K Third Baulment N O R N

J and Henry Blerwlth a member of U tiIrant Post No 93 Veteran Zouaves of Elizaboth N J

Tim following casualties and prostrationby beat wore reported-

John Keuncy nf SS North Moore street Ml front awindow npju Klfili avenue Cud broke liii arm lie wastoken to HclUvua llim ltaL-

1fter CiugilO of 1111 Kat Klilitltth street rn fines atree at lAitlil nrret cud KlverrlJ UrUr from whloli li-

UAH reviewilIg She prucemlun lie broke hU back soddirt nt the Ninelyiilnlh Mrrtt Hoppllnl-

harali Kiomlnt I yr iM a hurl by a rail to thetrrtl C lilt her muihrr ii lii irjln w 1oI fc

ee00i cr the li5le tif 51 crone lIo wu atieuUedbynloue-

ut lhIIIl rmliuli iir nurKranina1lI LIH Wcnid nf Iii First BUr we thrownir ° i lie luii 5 cud rio ivud K iiitlnrul cmuuiioa Heriinniitiiril aiiiI uiiutiuuid on n itt the iiarn le-

UeiiicrlnitI KlnicofH 7 Wjcknff trei Unuklrn whiton lir HB lit son the procvKliin as kUicketl ilowu IIIn illi elr1 ly a rntiiwa liorif die wiu Mvrrrly

TlirVtl alit ViS Ukvli tv the lllMinliera Street tlofplm-lVllrtni ii obll Eiiiher of Hie Oak etrctt pnllce CI

tipiel to etop the tie iiii nii ttrjrU Sywu andbu lly hotie mum Bullock of 400 cherry lintel overcome bythin heal wm taken to thu Roosevelt hospital fromKiirtjrivrnlli Pinnt e1l Sllh avenue

Uroriff AUlnanf liroatlwav Urooklrn nvereome-by tliK livat waMalrn iron tifth av nue cud Knrty-clKlllh olrnrt moil Adilph Moll of IM Weil aIhirDrUulb-irrct


frmn fifth avenue and KoriytlilrU itrett la-Bellrvu Iliiipllal-

Iatrick UciJuIre nf Mohawk Ilerklmcr county wasprntlratrd at She rutuaui House aud was taken to11IMU dIaljoltl Laueof 144th trct and Klnv brldi roadwas iri mrat d at KltrhtriUlh elrert aud Hitvrelde-Drlie aud wu taken to ill NUieiyuintu street hocp11-

1Etearill Hnrrlnan 9 jeari old of 413 West Twentyelxth treet was overcome In fUlb avenue soil lenthiieIUU Wrllmilonai year old of 61 Writ Twentyeighth elrr i oieroume by the lieat Oil Fifth avenuewu dll hoiiiu

Kntnia ll rrlM a proetrated In front nf the Filth Areone Ilitlrt was taken ti tin Nnw YorX iine1iIal-

Juiicol l

to llfijc of U77 Oilte deuce llrnoklyn aUnd Army plus man ftruflrated by the heat washutch tnthi Nrw York llii > uiti l

Misty NrtUnuf frt HaAt IIIIIII street POrcomt y I lIe lionS Mae I taken tlir N w urk llnpltal-fhlllp > rllirik of 411 llurf nn arcnur Hrnnklrn-

nrrreume by the heat wee taren to KtH utell llufpllalI 1

from fltrmxth Hrricl lOiS 51w HoulcaidI rna irliwsrtzofJil Eat Mrivfirth vtrprt overcome

by tit lire rai taken to Hrlktua lloijHal groin Fiftha ml alId KldvevVflilll trevt-

1Ur Mlllrn 17 yare lit nf KM host Sixteenth llrertwa irn lraiM at IwMit foiirth etreel slid Blxlliat flue ami wat taken to tile Sew York lluepltal

A lreMed man whine UMineuae not learned tivthe p lIre rae overcome by tin lieat at FourteenthStreet aiiil Flrih airnue and In fallluK bruke hie UKfriend took hlni limn

Ilitja MllriUr Iit7 icon pM woe prostrated at Pubttenlti ilreel and Hrtll avenue and takeu to the SlewYork IhtiIolJ-aiii

LKlyiin 2S yean old of 435 First avenue who

ttai ovirliBMteU at Iwentjfourtit PineS and cut hitiinall lii raillnir writ loom ader lie had been attendedby an ainliulKiive eurvtnn

AnnlI tierP airrd I17 nf Wl Rleecker atrect wai-prulratrd at Fourtrenlh aireui aud Mftil aieiiua butwu Hi te to walk lininti-

U II Ilerre nlTli Mntli areniu C Mlllenxriier lOr 87iuinlila lreel Uilllmn Wallnii andl I A Auilln if 17-

34nn1onilHl llrprl innnb tl of iIhr Hreuttnrbt lUgl-tneiit Mrrfl rirnv Ito Ilie Manlmllaiti llovillal trntefrom EiiziiiyIitii ilrretand I the llnuliftardI Tlier wereeuTrrlnir finni fXliallt rnUMid lIS the bug marchsoult Itiehitt Ktiucli 0hik acoliired drummer borufy7 ullltlln rtreet Cs brnUKht In iuneilnjr runs exlltuition

John Y Faurr an alilenn On lltncocka vtaff woetliriiwn from hl huron MI Uroels ay al city HallI Parkami hie ankle wa ut Clint IlieI cnnlliintd boneterwith tlw proewli iniill the M elii hull drieS llniupllal wa miguel IU wne treated Iherr hy Dr Kdtne-lvln and hitch afterward In an Minliulanc to the 104thcured etatliin nf Hi MulhI I avrnue eletaied road Hawent to Inn hone 33H WI Klrrnlh itrotU iit hauteIII Hie decOder of M John DullI-

ITornrltiia Kellly a marine of Ilia man nfwaHwatarn wise taken In Sue iiiuui uiih direct llnetiltal fr inthe tinnw lie nail alund fa a line with tile n her manun fur iairly three linure when lie hut down fromexhNinUon-

Franma IIi Lane of lot Unit avenue a private In the ttokowl Vettrall Illiard proalrated li > the isesi al hlhlyixth elreot was taken lli > Mnuiyiilnih Street llua

rilellvPoy W WhItney nf 0 < Third avenue while watch

Inc the parade foil duwu an embankment and w aa pain-fully Injured

year old of 227 Rail BeveatylItJIirIIj I Ihiy the lieutIHenry tire of rmniiBiiyii Rirreiiih Regiment and

AUUIIIIUI O Slunk Company II Klrit iteglment ofHIMI drlhta were liniiirnled by the lied

Mr h It KnniHOf Khlntlirck was nteriomi by theheal at Hreadwey and Irlnci limeS cud taken io atVlnoriil1 Illoiuilal-

llrraid Mnrrl nf the yiiuriemth Keglment whollvaiat I4u Twentyninth elrrei Houih Hronklyn WBI taken-tnihiKiiiiievelilloiiuialaulIurlng from ureitrailon by-

llnmrndfthe lint

Ororne W Kranklln nf John to Adami fullNn at prnitraied by the heat was taken to the Kooieveil lln > iilia-

ltnl riiarln J Murphy eoinmanitlng Iha Mexicanvelerane wa nvertome by the heat In Fifth arenueonly Klfi ulnth eireet and was taken to ut iuke1iiuiiliiul

Allen lit Sluice 11 icara nIl or liaraden N J was1 ermine hy Hie hoot III Flfih avenue and taken tout

Lukee HoMillalThomas Dirsiy U years old if OIl Wt Puirtyehilh-

etreel wlih otter buys cd1011 a fetie in Will 11eruly-sroud treel iol law hiolf cif liu preuceeclon cii hr-Thu th felice brutr alil Iboreey sirusk tile lack uf lutehead oi a clone hue uiniuujuuuud Iraclur of the hutt-aiid iuie rrr ivrry iIuuiiful-

Arlhiir Mur I13 or IM WI Furnnlh etievi was-niercuiiie ii Ih lirCi nl ttlh ienuie cud ThIUllbaired ciii Ikn to iteluevu 11III-LLII Iliurer litI 11 Ihurl iireiue onreo iuy thebeat c cc tokiul frnu I loll dIreCt end Wuru Soul-yarui In NhuittiieliIhi direct iiiipitx-

ltieriu ii Ilue fIr friuuitu ui Ilhiarl nlun or-Ih Tluirtniuth lIalout lIuklyn t IV II Thomas of-lhriulgeirh ihhcilib tllilulellt t r ettl ui alit ilnoebhell of the 111 Ii liarS Wern lrslrated hi ISisheat atud tat en to lii II ailiatuiui I IIIIu


1t I ratlin let ala While PIIIUtvMAre TaI e>rt Mssieest

CntonfflATl Aug 11 Within a few mllM ofthe southern limits of Cincinnati at Northfond III tbe tomb of William Henry Harrisonwho at two times In his life was the Idol of thepeople It U on a natural mound In the midstof a cow pasture and It overlooks the OhioRiver A dilapidated board fence enclosing aspace fifty feet square separates the burialplace from the pasture Sold Within the en-

closure arc two or three old cedar trees As tothe tomb lUelf It Is a structure of brick allunder ground except the gables and Ills oorered with a roof of shingle Unit are now dlapldated and rotten Even tbe brick wall thatshow above tin ground are covered with agreen mould A sloping cellar door oovere therotten steps which descend to the vault ansieven these doors of Iron exposed to the sum-mer


rains and winter snows are eaten throughwith metEvory now and thenjnit before an electionthere IIs some stir to get a monument for liarlaon A squad of politician go out to Northlend share the hospitalities of the neighborscome home and read their speeches next morn-ing In the paper j nrt thats theend of the monu-ment

¬movement Just now there another

stirabout velilnga monument for Harrliongrave but It will doubtless end as all previousmovements have In talk and nothing morn

A few miles east ot here lies the body of GunHammer the man who obtained runts ap-pointment


to West Point That grave la almostummarked

Efforts ot the Legislature to appropriatemoney for a tomb for Harrison have been deated by amendments to Include appropria-tions


for monuments to other military men oldistinction

Cincinnati raised money to pay for a statueot Garfield which will be erected In this city Itis completed and will soon be put np Thetint attempt wa to raise 130000 for the pur¬

pose Only a little over onethird of that sumwas raised with dlffloulty and with that abronze statue was secured


Twe> OBvlal M rdrera Hkait gadby a Menlleea Web

Lrm BOOK Au r 8 Two brothersnamed Henry and Sylvester Polk who hadbeen found guilty ot the murder and crema ¬

tion of a peddler by the name ol Ward twoyears ago wore la the Jail at llurfroesboraArk Henry had been sentenced to 21 years Inthe penitentiary and Sylvester be hangedWhen It became known a few days ago that theSupreme Court had reversed the decision ol thelower court and granted a new trial to the pris-oners


it aroused the utmost IndignationAt an early hour this morning a mob ol

thirty rnnn role Into Murfrncsboro and forcedtheir way Into tile Jail They found tho pris-oner


In an Iron cage which they could notbreak into Tile original Intention the mobwile to tutnit the murderers and they bad a ropewith them for this purpose

Finding they could not got tho rnnn out nlthe cage they opened lire on thorn The pris-oners


run from one end to thn other pleadingfor mercy but In vain Sylvester was bronghldown with a bullet The mob then threw Inblankets foalcod in coal oil on Henry and setfire to thorn fatally burning him alter whichthey loft Ikith men were rescued stilt alivebut they will dlo of their Injuries


A JB w Over a Cadet that Use Vpae SouthCarolIna Amdcaar

CHARLESTON 8 O AUK Considerableexcitement exists hare over the possible dieruction of the Cluidal Academy at this placeThe Institution before the war was known asthe West Point ot the South and graduatedmany of the most distinguished men In theState It lIne only been reopened three yearsThe trouble arose from the cadets tabooingone of their number who was accused of Informing on his comrades Aftor he had beentabooed be was promoted to the position ofsergeant ansi the ondot refused to obey hiorders The Board of Visitors Interfered andat their Instance chnrgiwi were preferredncalnst the tabooed cadet Schlrmer by namH was tried on charges ot conduct uiitxifotnIng gentleman and acquitted by the ISoiinlwho however ordered the Superintendent toreduce him to the rank This tho Buperln-tendent refused to do and nwlgnnd He wasfollowed by one ithr member nl the faculty

His now rumored that the Governor ol theState will resign his ofTicu to take tile SuperIntandency of the Academy la October nextThis Is said to be the only means of restoringharmony ap4 paving the academy

labile Im tire I litrsreS-I In this hot weather said the keeper of a

popular flowiown restsurait ° people eem t efc-fjhnnly any meat cad terjr few egg though the Utterare client enuiuh for jnylolr hut the flfummi furlobitcr unprecedented Maiijr of my cbitonur appearto oat iiothluC clue auidoas Suite who take three mesha daiS tier call for Inbutrr every time he coinet HeCay he tint not eaSel a partIcle of my oilier fool fur eliureki and he ftelN dmt rate iliurt ore very ilenufnl f nJ Unr but of oourw In Clew cf the deininil foriuem iiu = ntlitrr tlint Mre n nl 4 Iiy the iuestL Hieyare niOeetIilIrly cl mr I usa a tmt hiiinWr out f-

Piery Int I buy ftud I pay from four to six evnit a piiMntlfor tliAin Stint lliati fonnrrly tnalnbitar talail I fltd-nn protlt nt all Ihitiuh I clivrire what my ruiunnrr cullK ftnry price Our ihedlith Von nec a Sari portion rf-

Ihe lobtiLT otvuiiot ltie used and I ualuuUu thaI w lien IttU tIered on the title It ha oust me fully twenty cratea pound In tlit pltln lobaur there U ft fair pruOt

niaaatlaSesi Wett Sksrei JaiplTeeaS-VIUCUSK Aug 8Much dissatisfaction and

apprehension exlit anionf the euiploreel of the VVee-tKhnre road over thy large number ot diimleialii that areinking place Seven ronducton tihu hid bin In thecompany employ for almoet tha whole period of thernatui history liar been dl > rhared In a batch Theeeclauigou are lM ketl oil CC forarunnere nf what will lisp1dm when Vanderbilt tike control nf the road

A recent ollitnirr In Ihe illinnn of the rnnd caused thetranef Cf the dllnlon liraUquartrra from hue city toFrankfort o i tha eaet sill Newark on tile Wect It la-u > rrtnl that Ill lnim 8uierliitenileut UcCov oiiui Kiiad-maMer Uarle bought it trait of Inlil at Newark thysaakmndciitltuiiliilolnliI winch Ilierenld ail to Ihe-emnlo eee nt a iront Tile Utter art now reire4MiinlHi be much illeappnlnted and dleiatlrllvd with Nonark-aitertluf that It Ile m a lvaiita eoua to live there

Klrclrlc Ilnhllna In Slew UneaseNEW OniKANS AUK 8The part of this city

correipondlna lo Brooklyn suit whIrl U knovtnatAlI-tlere on account nf the piratical nature of Ila early In

habitant soul all of the rear tt arde ol the city are C Ithoot gas The nfl linipe with wliloli thy lime hithertobeen herhted Susie been a ilrlnelon lany pill ocrknocked lnwn by the roe an I Ihe litniie of thoee-etaiiillnir Mere erldom lit Durlnir the bit few nUhla aCinlilrralle pnrtlMi nf Iheeparlaof the city hit lieenhrllllanlly Illnnilnatpt by Illu T weraytnn of el ctrlmty-ahnllar lit tliitt In Union equare New York There Ili ademand that the eullre city be iflvru up to electricityTilt la not Improbable aa nearly ouehalf la ao iilu-uiluatoj today

Enlrrliitnlna Tkclr UeycranrDEKB PAng HOTKL Md Aug 8Goy Lloyd

and about half of III Senile of Maryland arrived hirethl evening In a epeclat train Tile party are the iiuem-ot John tV Davla Aaeiitant to tile Irettdent of the Bilil-niore and Ohio real The rereptlim tendered to theUniernorand hi parly liy the BII IO the hotel andthe cnltacere lunitflil wai a nn M brilliant otis 1 lieflovernnr was neelfttcu hy rzUnltrd Matca henatoreWoUonll nt Indiana llatl or but Virvlnla Vire-Freinleni Shinny if iha Haiilinore cud Ohm btepheaH Klklne Mayor tclroSie or Kaltnnore anII oilier vrntlmen M ith Ilielr ladle The party will remain at DeerPark until Mimday ntornlnic when aepeclal train willleave for Ibe will renloni of lie Slack water country

Pour Ms Cleat at Wxaaaveu-

COIUMDUL B 0 Aug 8Mrs Diana Drowna poor woman living In Cheeterfleld county with hertwo little girl was dragged out of her bouie at midnight a few days ago by two white men and two neveers and beaten nearly lo death wlih pl uah linesWhtll tile men appmached her hnu e ithb thur wnnianasked what they Maiitftl Inm Henp y one of the lie-Cr ee rrpllenis inu Ill uluiti ynu very quirk whatS have mm for and draifftrd tiny out by tilt hair oftier iirsI Tim nailey and iharleCampbell uniteami Xurdnrk J Juuiiueoi und Jnlin A Juhneon tthlteare tiargoul Wills Ihe erlme and live been arrreted Nocause Hal been dren for Hie iiulraya

Filial QuxrrelKlllod Keiek OtherBicnAiiUNTO AUK 8 During a quarrol about

a woman here today between llarney Ialm and Joe Xl-eliaeee tiiih drew rernlten ant phd at the eame tImeUK ten clint were exchange a SiaM striking each lullabove the heart Sloth nice died

OklUrcn Lost In lbs Crowet-aOnlyalxteon lost children wore brought In

at Police Headquarter tail evenlni They were dulyclaimed nr analoue parents and carried home A cnneldeiaMy larger slumber were claimed durluc luetlay-al the different etailon lioj ea

Killed whIle MacqueradluegI4-

AVLNNAU Au r 8 QanrBln BnrnMi a youngcolored woman while liiaiiiurralliig In mulch alllre lastnight vt ai puShed and fatally Injured by a uc rv whomshic provoked he died thli morning


A Blava Bass Takes It greedily fiaMaar-hn


cet Ha M It-

GBKINWOOD LAXB Aujr 8A but flew Intothe billiard room of a hotel at Greenwood Lakem Tuesday evening and wa knocked downby one of the players who struck at It with abilliard cue It fluttered behind some wineeases and wa not found until next morningwhen one ot the boys pulled U from Its hidingplace anti tossed It Into a boat In which Ootalrthe guide waa about to cross the inks AIsharman occupying use stern seat laid asidetIs tackle and picked up the bat to examineIt lie found that one of the creatures wingwas broken and In turning It over got hislinger too elnse to ItIs month In an Inttantfour needlelike teeth were driven Into hisngortlp arid with an reclamation of pain andanger hn shook the bat loose and east It out onhe surface of the lake As the maimed areaturn fluttered about In the water the guidetoppfld rowlngto watch It and his passengersucked his finger and muttered a few deepdrawn Imprecations

Suddenly with a swirl and splash a majrnlflcent bass fully eighteen Inches long engulfedthe bet In his capacious yaws and shot fulllength out of water Served him right saidthe victim of the creatures teeth and turningto the guide be asked Whsts the matterwith getting some mow bat for bait 7

Before the guldo could answer the bat roseto the surface crushed hut atlll gasping Cofair smiled as be laid I thought that a blackbaa was hog enough to eat almost anythingbut I guess a bat is a little too strong vn forabase

Kititsn ma sOrA Father BeBeel br Ills Heir u4 U Beuace-

ra Hla LICk Vines at Fatal Skat-

CXLUMniA 8 a Aug SOn Aujr 4 Louisand P Byrd the tons of Evander Byrd went totheIr fathers boos In Leavonworth Darling-ton county accompanied by one Bragman aneighbor and began to tear down a cottonpros The father ordered them off but theycursed him and said they would pull down therea or din In the attempt Peter Uyrd antI

ragman got undercover but Louis kept hisplace at the prose and to tile further order todesist he told his fath r to shoot and bo-

at the same time starting to draw lila pistolThe father then shot and killed his son

Bragman then selsmd Louiss pistol nOd en-deavored to shoot the old loan but tailed Apackage of cartridges a pistol and a quartbottle ol whiskey wero found on Louiss bodyand he took n pull at the bottle ns tile latheradvanced to shoot Tills jury rendered a ver-dict


of justifiable homicide

Bletckca her Fneo tn Gel MarriedWiLKESDAnnE AUR 8Miss Ilosallna Klma-


Ili tIle daughter of H wealthy Pollen merchant Shehaa bad many admirer but hat preferred the societyof a young negro named Wheeloch a coachmanliving near her fathers houea The two were seenquite frenueattjr together Mill Klmatoihl laavhot home tn go nut tn the liable fiftytardldlitant She told her narenteahe was encourag-ing tile boy to do rlnht He hail a widowed innlherand Koallnawanted him to prnperly xipoort tier ItU laid aha frequently tire him money She leftthe IIOUM early In the evening telling her mothershe was going to call nn a lady friend Hherent WheelneU and the pat went In Alderman OrnlTaoffice where they nere married Ihe Alderman catsthat the girl had her tore blackened when she called onhim otherwlee he would not have performed the reremany The parIah of the girl are alineil beafUirukan

Vsei rkeuahs the Bidiblac Wese ColsgGBlcrfrLiE Minn Aug 8A wedding took

place 511 mIles north ot here sod some fifty boys withrune haP and tin pans went to the place to charivarithe weddIng couple They anoceeded In tearing theneighbor and making them believe tile Indians wettaking pnaeeealon of the country Some twenlyflve-farmeri put their famlllea In wwnna gathered up whatthey onuld carrr and drove Into the oily fur safety I-

wu about a oclock at night and a icon as tile newaof the outbreak reiched lucre Ihe church bell beecaringing Father MacUimald and the clllarnieaeonedthe tomin and children tn the Uathulle church and thamen nf the tuwn eallled fnrihwith arm to meet theeneinv The army of home guerda felt decIdedly sheeptill when luejr heard how the craze originated

Qnen Aun College IB n Mnulkern CityNswOiuKiMB Aug Building Is going on

here Biter than was ever kaotrn before Between athird soul halt a million U being put Into oar houaeaevery month A rich cotton merchant a ooople of yearsago erected a very extreme Qeeen Anne cottage In 81Cherlea itrett our Fifth afinue Everybody ridiculedIILand et erjinMt whnwai budding a hnma went off anSLOut enmethuiiilc s cry hike It Iii a fw nufltlie thin archilecture of New Otiealii him cmnlhrtrhy resotoiioiur-anil thie cIty fiuruierty if squnrrbuili wlii-wllh Ilniturn S vereuta or as they c herelerle has becoilie line of nil flied queerlY IIeC0-

lanihytoted rotlitEee colored rill an a cockatoo withcokired giaca Iii pIcturaeque chimneys-cud other flUTturI varTtlouV


Edward Henry Smith well kx wn ty everybody la Suffolk county Long Irtar j died m ht attn Itm-

Pmllhtown nh frlilay at the ye at n He was the sonof Major Ulchard mlth nf Yorkshire who was the firstproprietor SmltTUown He wai Lorn In Na iMuon May 1800 ATcr ulilna liiany local odlcn in Cutfolk enmity he waa nutrd to Ionnrei In llE4it II e wason let eral war commllleer Jttl wua noteS fur hie vigorout oppnaltlnn to n0uuiufl Ife wIn a Cloud indue ofrattle and Sutures alit ttnaalitaya well reprevnied atthe county fair lilt ran K KR n and N Ferdinandsmith are inrinWraor time Hrm nf Miiltli Site t Onlarge tell tiwrrhluiu IIn Japan lli death ttaacaui e l byan ulcer of tlie itomuch IIU lunertl sill be held tomorrow from M Jameai Cliuroh hmithtown

Lord Halifax li dead III name wa Uliarlei Woodand he wae li irn Den 2l ItWO He succeeded till fatheraa third baronet IIn ICIB aud waa raised tu the peerageai vIscount Halifax IIti 10511

Deacon William Jnnel King died at tile renldenoa InProvidence reeur a after a protracted Illneae Hewas born In Mllfnnt Ma In ISO Ulnce IHja Ihe hadbeen a eucrenarul tnercliaiit tu Irnrldence and was aprominent leader lu Congrvitatliiual Sunday schools

M re Only Htlle a Filet SnakeThe pilot snake as the copperhead Is called

In Slew Jereey li an object ot greater dread than a rat-tler with alxleia rattlei nnd the oithnJox button OnThursday last Mra Kphrahn Duty ot Quirri villa wentout to investigate a lurkev net whirl the hen birdbaitt endilenty aunt tnrirerUly herS The net wa 10-III i amid that cli oouhl nnl Ccc Iliu pggi and pile reliedentirely upnn the letlue nf fnllug In deterinliilngwhether the rife were ill rlullt-

Ai ehe vrnped arnund the ream with tier hand ihetouched an nlijrot which > he linianlly knw wai a-

Onake 8lie quickly is iIltlra tier hand aid p knl-arnund In the tiet with n mil k until a pilot Cluck threeftet bug crawled out out renratnlly ulruck Ite faintsInto ihn sUck tin limy iinod Ili r Knmud and de-patohcd it vt Ith repeated blown uf tIle etkk

Itriilnclnir a Ilrldie Wllkvul DelayTho Harlem Railroad bridge across the Cro-

ton Silver In Putnam county la the built and hlgheiton 11w tIe nf the read It hai a bhlaul of 700 feet andwee built of wool Thus rompaii decided recently to-

liulld an iron bridge The ttnrk one begun abnut tendiJ4 agn slid y elrldiI > Slur lutt Iron lndirmaa fluUh d as far a ttie mitlii abrlit lire Ile oticerned and thisold woiMlcn tilt Ive rfinnted flue work prnKTviafd layslid nlKht ati l u as prnierutM In cmii Ih a tnanner hotthere wai iinlv flflrell inlnnto deli y lo one paleliirer-trnln An Iron Snug thn inkee thv lilac of a woodenbridge wllhuut maurlal I ilerrupUou of caviL

Illeid In n Police Ntiillnn OilRandolph Rail a Gorman 65 years old wits

taken to the Twelityaeonnd street station at 8 oclockon Friday night and locked up lu a cell ou a charge ofIntnxlcitlon About 3 A M yeitrrday the doormanfound him uncoiiMlnua In tile tfll and enmnioiied anambulance hut Kali w a dead before this ambulance ar-rlted The liody wan taken in lli > Morgue Thus hoUrmade Innulrle but could lint fluid out Ills hnine Theythink frnin piurr In his u rkrl that he vtae outs aclerk at a planing mill at Uf East xet enlleth aireet

lllirourtriy on Ibm lllh SeasCapt Tooter of the bark Annie J Marshall

which arrived from Plymouth yaiterdiy reported thaton July II he rpoke the aleamihlp Venetian which reCured tn exehange longitude It wa a very atrangeand uiiaoroiintnble Ithing the Captain said as useweather ttae tine and we wet ao near that we rnuldeasIly read tile lUamililiil uajne It was quite Im-portant to ua b oauee onr chronometer true tnuoa out °

A Clone Cur Ilaitrorni hIves Wnycrowded platform on an Avenue A oar gave

way at Fourth strict yesterday morning None of thepIl05Irl standing on II Were hurt but In the rush ofthe frlgtitenrd pcs ngrrt from in inllr of the carUra liatherlne llrimtll nf all Kail fourth Itreet Jumpedto Ilia itreel sod fell receiving a severe scalp wouud

A Vew ajiaiain laiHiid llnllroadPlans have been mod In the village of Edge

water H Ilfiir a street railroad lo run entirely acruea-Klalen tiland from rail to oem The rnnle will extendfrom Uaiileiiin tlorneri on lbs nurlh ihora tanuplelos ou the cool >shot

Mlnul Once MI HuaietAt unset last evenIng the Narrows and theIxing Iiland end Slates l > land thurei wr rrlming with

tIle Iweniriine lulnme gum that wife Bred troan twillVon Wudiwonh and YoU llamiliua

tell from is Iae5lames Lawson a soaman In the pilot boatFanny fell iriiiii aloft tn tlie diet yeilenlav siC thelInk cut nas teterely Injured Ila was taken le Ike

Marine lloepltal at biepleton

Frnrlnrliie Ills WKea SkullDuring a ijuarrel with his wit at Gooey

lalainl on rrlda nnrlil linvld Tunnrth a iirgro raetured lila witei aSciI wild an axe He made his sKips

Itilrl Vniilnmediet it ant Broadway cnndnrted on the Amcrlein plansill superior acooninindatluu for permaneiil and lraa-elvnt parllel All aparlinenil hate private talb sidtoilet room Coiil llgnt aid airy doing roomi us themath dour UCKIIII wtih ur without board 4aa

HIM cxnrflf ro mrsttr asS Mra Ifktuiaya Vntai Kedsevas t

filet their Bawckler frees Ounatfau

About the mldUloof last May Mr WilliamH Finch manager ot the Oommunlpaw GoalCompany waa married to Hlstflda II Whitneyhe only daughter ot Mr Ellas J Whitney aartist The marriage took place at the restdance of the bride parents 133 St 3amesplaoe Brooklyn and after a brief tour theyoung couple returned end remained there tor-

Ix weeks They then took up their resIdencen Franklin avenue hot Mr Finch soon left

asi he IIs reported to have told his wife tor A-

malnesa trip In the West Ills wife and he arenow In llannas Hotel Laehlna near Montreal

Since they went away unpleasant storieshave boon told about Mr Finchs account withhe coal company Mr Whitney and his withave just returned from Laohmo Mrs Whit-ney


said yesterday I

There Is no truth In the report that themarriage of mv daughter with Mr Flneh wasa runaway one They were married In thiaboosts with my consent and that of her fatherand preparations for the evnnt had been goingon for more than a month We bad no Idea atthat tlmethat Mr Finch wa not In overy waya suitable match for my daughter They llvdwith us for some time sod then Mr Pinchwont to Albany anti summoned his wife bytelegraph He contested to her that no was adefaulter and she accompanied him to Canadawith that knowledge As soon sews learned-the facts we tried to prevail upon our daugh-ter


to leave hint and return toner homo Ourvisit to Montreal was for that purpose Potthe present at least my daughter chooses MFollow the fortune of her husband and I sup-pose most people will alvn horeredlt for Itaftaall I dont believe Mr Finch would tm proseeutnd should he return as his brother ha-mado good every cent of tbu denoUncy


HMllwairtk feawalp ad Be Uerae th TaJM-lb fIreS Money

BocirEsnrn Aus 8 About 3000 persona at-

tended the trotting events heretoday Poolsold briskly and the trotting and pacing weegood In the 319 unfinished trot KenllworUewon two heats yesterday but was not the fawrite at the opening today Joe Davis wotthe first heat and Kenllworth surprised erashis friends by taking tbe sooond heat and win-ning


the trot Joe Davis took peoonil moneyTucker third and Lena Swallow fourth Sum ¬

maryKenllworUl T 5 I I I 1-

Jnellavll I 4255 III>ena8wallaw a I o e 7 4 4Tunker e S 1 2 1 I-

Tlme330 U2IX 330 2t2IX 3V> X MfIn the freeforall pacing event GossIp Jr

woe by lonsrodds the tavorlte selllnK for 50while lllohlwll sold for tlS Westmont IM andthe Hold 13 Oosilp won first money Westmont Bucond Joe Aradln third and TommyLynn fourth Summarylineup Jr I I IW atinnnt-Jite

SStalin 3-


LynnNew Hope s aHilly H 4 4Uiohball j ula

T1nw2l4 2iliii ml4

In the 225 class Butterscotch won In threetrnlght heats the best time being 21X-miulo In tho last heat butterscotch was a ta-vorltn throughout soiling at 125 aaalnat theHold before the last host Uocood third andfourth macova were oonly divided betwenaMaggIe Ulddlctnn Dick Organ aad Prlnoa-Midoloton SummaryUutlerimitrh < > iPrince Mldll lon I-

DickUrgan4 3

Maggie ildillelon 41B-



234 22l5tlAHIXK INLLI WiNO

BIlUAVtlBB ALMAH10 T ISO DA-TDartael 8 04 I Bull sets 7 OS I Mooa riseS S <

BIUII W1TBB Tllll Dr v

gaMinesS T IU I Uov Inland T Ol Uell Oate t-

ArritpoJ Siraanir AIlS S

Pi nermanlc Kennedy Liverpool July 80 and Qatown XIL

lie delIrIum Batter Amiterdim July 25-

SeMarlel Jellklna Hull July 25-

M llaiitlioriiuith rawer Harbaitoee JutjtT8 < Kl Dalian Honour cluitad BolivarKaWrlharen Mewalil llafaoo-Re Vdalle Kuller aracoa-8alndy H na aroiina Harac-oa8Crof Auguita Mcker nn Kavanaak-ftiln Auiirla tinIer WatarforaShip Vimitalla Cixiiian AniwerpShirk Natlgator UaalellonL aenoHark Orrto Uelap lwle IlllauBark Vale Clirlilenif Valeuoi

gso alVBD OUT

nemlBrrora New Turk at Ilomhnrgba Wlelaud fioni Netr York for Hamburg el Ply

BAILBD PlOW roBBioa1 roarsBa Arnerlqae from Parr for New Turk

llUUtlKlJP-ORTFRRANFOnnAt the reildenne of the brides

father New Hruniwlrk KJ niiThuralay AugO IHN-Sat 3 P U by time Rev C K llirln html > ouiigeeidaughter nf Mr Uharlei II Kanfird of Hnenoa Ayres an4Nw Hrunittlck to Mr Qen K 1ortrr if llrnnklvli N T

TAVIiiltHHIiKJuiy li bjr this Kev Dr tiradeW B Taylor to M K White

uhfAKRlUFYSiMdeuly Friday Aug T Thorn V Akar

icy ofed Ml year-s110iXthourat King Sing Aug a lesS WlUlaam

Uucklniul-Kuneriil frma tile late residence Main at oa Sunday

Anil I at Vl to nciuek-PlliliAThtICKOo the Tib taut John Filzpatiick-

agrd 42 yearsFuneial dirltate from SM Vrt4dttiiLni Sunday

the lull I lint Interincnl at Pnuithker le N Y-

JKASNOT Alller late realJeuce 4ja West ftTtagFrnhonii AJeannnt

lithe of roneral hereafterKlhMM At Orange Mountain Friday Aui 7 Angus

luaKltinm-Nntiie iif fanertl hereafterM llIYiiii Auv 7 at Knuthamptnn Herman BOB of

lltrman Htewait und IMrnirnllna Morgau ie liny agedI tear IIII iiilllllm 15 j-

McQUAUK Un Mlnrdat the Hlnit at hi lit teeIdenc iraittni HM m 1ntrlcl mound coo uf the LateAll hinny all Jane MrOim la-

Nolleu nf fllnrral In ininnrrowa panereMINUlllllnI the Till lull lllou Mlnugk wife a<

Jlinua II Mllilig-hllinerul nu hundar Aug 9 al hot late reiidonra Pea

bright N J Thu burial is III tote place on Mnuday al-III I oVInck at Kvergrren i inetrry I I Itelativee asSfrliiila uf the fitmilt ate Invilud to attend

HlOltllUWdn riaiurdHV AuirH at lltereeldenoeaCher hmlifUw B V K trUKrr Slay tllle Lung IllauoCarob IarK widow of Tlinnia v Morrow

Kvlalltea and friend are lintel in allelHl time funeeBlat tile Oliurrli nf the Unit CiniinunloiiJUlli el jod Otacc TurU Aug tl iat IU A M

VA > IIIKNOn Killay mnriilnir Rarah Anne wifeof llfortfe T Van Unren tindI eldeet daughter of Jutsthiitt ilioia ed of iiiiiiurvh-

VA > UINKIKouJJeuly ihurada Aug e AlbertVan Winkle

Kelallve and frIends ara invited tn attend the funeralservice at ills tile relidfiice The Ithcrtlew intsi-av niarUtth ut nn Monday the Illlll tosS at to 30 A-

M Vrlendi will kindly nulls Sinners