" . . V THE SUM, THURSDAY? DECEMBER 24. 1891. SOBJECIS-ATTH- E THEATRE. . : vsKomuB week a sot vsront or flKnurajt ok arttttT. i;"w nuMVCtema rt1y Becna at tan BtallUiMAi Ym Ukt If t ' Xwtjr, Nrw HMkntt at Nlhla'a. aaa a Malay ItavftM a te VaUa Bejaare, Boaldes tho thro nair plajra produced on Monday night 'tn town. OhriBtmos week has fcrooghtaomo Interesting-rovira- of familiar matter. "Aa'Toti Liko It" Is renowod at Daly'a, Md not muoh gave commsndstlon mar bt) wfitUn of th brilliant and careful manner la whloh this Shakospearenn fairy story forlt I m muoh a fairy talo as nnythtnn ovor written, by Grimm orTorrnultr-l- s pro-- i sontod by the players under Mr. Daly's dlroo- - v tlon. With elegant oostumos. boauttful stage nettings, 'closely tratnod oomedlans epoak ing their lines trippingly on the tongue, nud suiting the notion to tho word and tho word to tho action, suoh a representation bocomos delightful fc tho main. True, it may he wlshod that somo of the players might do what tho Sorlpturos say can't be dono by thought add several Inches td their staturos so that when tho short John Drew says to tho tall Ada Rohan. "Just as hlsh as my heart," thorotnlcht not bo suggostod tho omondatlon: " Somowlint higher than my head." Jacques, nlwnys a dlffloult rolo. Is acceptably rondorod by Uoorge Clark, who rocltes "The Bevcn Acos" In clean cut stylo and not In tho loast oorwrouRht. Clmrlos Whootlelgh's Adam Is likewise i capital bit of nrt. tender and touch-la- g to a degrw. The Audrey of 'Isabella Itvltti: Is overdone to spoiling, and tho (Win ot Adelnldo Trlnoo lacks color-In- s. To tho Intellectual Hhakespouronn.Mla. Uolian'n ItoxaV.utl Is modern and kittenish rnthrr thnn arch unci mirthful, prankish rnthor Hum mii.tlo und nunc, illss ftelmu unriouLit-cill- y lookf well In Imve and ilotiblnt. but tliut Is linnlly justlliciitluii for obtruding thotn at eviry turn upon itr udiinoe. To npu.il; uftor tho mannor of .weii'in. but In thn negative, "Hooandlnnblot In not tho only wrur." mis is forcibly rtmlii'Ji'il of Hai.tleV wonts: "Vou jlK. jouumble, and you Hop." A Hiinbrvtto lii;w to. tho city Afuco has proved her claim fy .plainlltit at Mblo's Oarden this wrok. bho li Snnki a slstr of the uc-t- who is tho "slur" oi "Mnvouinopn."aud s!ib Is pretty, plump, blonde, nnil vlvucious. Those u ho sen ln-- r w 111 like bur for hor anleHS-nu- s and hnr luor. She pings sweetly, though her voloo is not powerful enough to rewound through Nlblo's spacious au- ditorium, unit when she expresses io emotions slia Is lutiuul und Tho "star" boubrottoa of thN day urn neither numerous nor ospoclnllv clever, lu Irish dialect dramus there In justnt this time, with lew rivals, it good opportunity for . Miss hcanlan. At NlbbVs hhe Imn beencu- - louraged by all who have witnessed her per- - foruianccs tills week: but her audiences havo tven small, bocatHo tliOHO Alio dull timcH for tho down-tow- n stago. unit a stranger is Hptto enoountor nogleet at Nlblo's. Nevorthelens. Jllbn Scftnliin sliDula bo commended and to keep up her snlilt. Annlo l'ixloy lain rotireinunt, Lott.i Is fond of lolburo. nnd NoIHo Meilenn Is no longer girlish. Obvious- ly, there Is room for .1 recruit among the sou-brot- te netresseh. A bur to Miss bcanian's suc- cess Is tho play shu has. It Is an old and con- ventional Irish dramu. "Elly." by the late trod Jlarsdon. telling tho ancient tale of horo-ls- and a great wrong righted, with the usual incidents of oomody und pathos mingled In tho old. old way. Tho supporting company is not competent. A man who looks like an uloino plays tho bngpipo in ono scene, but it wah no compliment to him thnt the littlo white dog in the play on Monday night was tukon sick in the middle, ot tho bugplpor's sola A pair of stars who. rovorslngtho'usual or- der of theatrical thing.', havo come to Broad- way from tho liowory. are Mario Prescott and It. D. MacLean. They have appeared at the Union Souaro thus far this week in "The Gladiator" and In a dramatization of Ilider Haggard's "Cleopatra," whloh was written for The. 8tw. In Dr. Bird's stilted tragedy. Mr. MacLean Impersonates Spartacu. and in tho Egyptian play Miss Prescott is Cleopatra, Qual- ified praise of each of theso stars was re- corded In Toe Sun during tholr en- gagement on the east side. Miss Pres- cott i no stranger in town. Her art is finished and Intelligent, her stage presence Is agrooable. and in "Cleopatra" almost fascin- ating. Mr. MacLean. who has never before played in Broadway, deserves encouragement and repression. Ho is not only n striking physical figure und a sonorous doclaimer. bur he also . possesses Manner In tcenes of pathos, and he is generally intelli- gent In all be says and doos. whllo, plays liko ''The Gladiator" can find audiences to ap- prove them. there must bo excuse for tho actors who perform them noisily, and so Mr. MacLean must not 'be condemned hastily as noisy and blustering. Forrest was noisy in this same play, nnd McOUllougn was not ex- actly gentle in tho arena. But neithor of them was offensive, as Mr. MaoLean is, through nudity in costuming. It Is pleasant news that tho Eden Musee has discarded French Impropriety and bocome once more decorous. Its new entertainer, uuatierde Kolta, may be pronounced without hesitation the cleverest illusion worker ever peon In America. His debut on Tuesday night wus a success from any point of view. He haa a' pleasing personality; ho is grocoful and rapid In his movement!1: hols incomparably easy in his mystifying work, and ho Is froo from tho tricks of tho mountebank. Ills suffers somewhat because It follows that of .Herrmann and Kellur in tho sumo Una; but that Is not at all to De Koltn's discredit, for he is the Inventor of nearly all the iilusloiib snu tricks introduced to ur by thohecleor performers. In Paris Do Kolt'i i without a poor. Hu hut. fur years sold his (.ocrots to Eaglibh und American pofebsors of magic, and therefore thov havo auto-ilato- d him with the uudiencoH to whom lie now apueals; biitthol'icnchmKn's fertility nnd In- herent smartness will assert their power be-Jo- ro hu uulU town. und. if ho gets hlu deserts, no will bo u widely tulkod-ubo- lorsonago. two other Freneb pel termors who make a current topic nru Paul us. the mimic, and z. the singer. Pnulus'H Imnroprie-tlj- s have coinniuiided attention utKostor.fc Jlial'sliiill. but he will sail homo to Franco noxt week without a reAticagomunr. Jlllo. Vulnrex. who came over with Puuius. will return on the name steamer. Tlio Christians mntinijes will bo well at- tended this year, judging from tlito week's auvaneosHloo to voung folks and their main-uia- f. At tboCaHlno it htage KuutaClaus wil! gler, toy to eiry child in tho audience, und at .wiml other tlienties there will be an of tho holldnv. "The f)t I'aradUo'K" iMiri.Umus nolebriitlnn wna begun last nlcbt In the frm of lt. ilitletli paifiirmani'o at I'roelori. A hand-soTi- o Kouwiilr wu presented to oxery woman in thn audience. Tho Aiuberg will be In durk-noi- .s la (loi'iu.iii Chrlhtiimh-uv- o theat- rical lUiitom), but lit tho mutlni?o there will bo an old friend In "The Huvou J.amii, ' nneo used in UngllHli by lie .Klralfy.- -. and tho "IXeelsior" ballet, wiilili wiih in Us iiitr tin. mobt gorgeous duiico iwuoinuui ew Yoik hml been. . I'0r.".run plays In their lastwt'ok r.ro "Thn o."i Monarcb." iu whkh l'mnclw WIImmimiI Ills coniiiany will llnihh on batunluy night at Jlio Broadway, and "Cinderella." which will lormltmto hliiiultaneoiisly at the Academy. 'iip hi let go of "The Junior Partner" at Herrmann', and tho comedy has Its oxcellent cast eompleto once more. The week ban wrought olaboratlons and Iniprovnments to ..MIssHcliett" ut tho Star, and It Is. noted iit the playbill now names i'iiso Ledllo-Carte- r, with a hyphen. Clam. Quetltc Puti lee. anu aro newcomers In "A Trip to thlu atown " at Hoyt's Mudlson Bquare. .The. shifts o( plays at tho combination thea-Mar- o generally Interesting. " Thormldnr." at tho ilurlem Opera House, has not lacked applause, nor has there boon uny reversal of 'no earlier city vol diet upon this powerful eauiou play. Tho pioturebiiuenos of the Ih us commendable us it. was at Proc-E.r- 5 V-ck- s uko. and the cast, iu which iyocrio Be BolloWllo now-play- the loer lu Plate ot lorbuH-ltobertso- In entirely Hutlsfuc-KT'- m A .Ul Harlem Columbus "A Dark tie. l that tank drama, has shown Its variety r.p'rilU-t- . and Its genuine oarsmun. Hosntur. .ifru V,ru,nln,,"i,.wuH first acted beforeawest f, ii,nil1.,leDc.e..nln"'lay night at tho Grand, !r! Hlcl"rd MansOold as tho iyou. and Bca-ti- n J femoroivKminn V. Sheridan. D. H.Hsr. Frank Kinder. W. J. Ferguson, nnd tho r&r8?' "ansfjeld's ublo company in their old . Tuesday night Jlnnsllcld revived "A iSiXJbD Homance," which ho will repeat Dr. Jekyll nnd Mr. Hyde" iri .iriDre Ksrl " for Intor In the week. The J 5 00k a,r. 1 Master nod Man "at Jocobs's. nf ihBtii"mo ,lt lP Windsor, and " The I'owcr l.reks" .it the People's. The last named ffiwj'ainltssooond and final week-I- tho i.nftn'fP'. ah.ftt u had b0l" deemed strong Kl!,l),tal' a fortnight on the n&st sldo LB enough of Its acceptability with mis- - eelianeous audiences. In "Master and Man" Dominick Murray continues to play Humpu Ijngan, and ho is an old-tim- e favorite with Jacohs's audiencos. There are not many actors more powerful or mora intelligent than this veteran. The heroine in " Master nnd Man" Is sympathetically portrayed by Mar- guerite Fcaloy. " Fantnsma." the Windsor's offering, is a fnmiliur show, with gorgeous costumes, handsome sceneiy. und notndot myhtifying mechuuicul effects. Kddle Good- win, a brother of Nat Ooodwln. is In tbe cast, which also contains one of the Znn-frctt- of old repute, and Addlo Boos, a skilful musician. It prohnbly Is forgotten by most playgoers that Cliurlns II. Hoyt wroto the words ot "Fautasmu." though they are not so good as thoso of "A Trip to Chlnutown." Tho Thalia, the Bowery's Gorman pluy-hous- o. has been dark to tho public all the week, but Its boards havo not beon in disuse. forthorehai.o been rehearsals night nnd day of "Around tho World In Eighty Days," which will bo acted for tho first time in Out man. New scenery and costumes, u numerous ciu-t- . and ull tho spectacular aoco sortos requisite to u complete porformanco of Jules Yoruc'a romantic tale aro promised. WE WISH wS'f'.1-- . c'lr'tin lo all, ana b l n rhmtinst L.r..t?" Vr llreua It you Uh a nrt-c- l fuiiinfiitcf win nnaUnu.iM, hy don't ymi net Vi'l; llowlnr. blproJ ticunfy pArkra lu hu mi-- 1 li1.,'4 itraa. iiS i,,r".,,Al lllot.'rfcuvWlnc, Will ,iou,' ot. fort Wloc. 1 ey' 'tat- - Cittnwbii, 1 m2!'Ju!' .. JIlol. nrl. . t. Bautenn, . , i "Strictly Scientific 1" HELMER'S CURE, "' ONE DISEASE ONLY I ONE REMEDY ONLY! FEND JIV PAMPHLET KBEE! lllmr" Dl Ozone Cure jiut inoJIcillou on Kleu-lin- roniinir. My ni.Ar. ruit befom tlie Central Dentai AntocUtlon ot northern New Jrrny, Tor Mlilch tcndere'l m tho roto of tlmntri. ilemuutntd tMyoud n doubt Ihst thn chemleal tfxt bools of tho nortd will lia(tto lie corrnclol to tally with too Uxti plainly thnfcn bfforc,thnt bvly. Conii.ratcit clenrdclnrt tli.it prrntlda of byilro.-- li a ery unitublo nrtlclo and onllv drcimipoti-- nt 70 Atgrett Kahrrnblt. I rfeicmutr.ilril that my IVrntMo of ll)dro;rcli (t Tlta tulnvwltli rnpitalo m',1 nut be dcrompotrd area ut ieiiit. The foutrnl Dental AnocUtlon of Notlhtrn .NeJere limy vltnris to thlufnct. Sow, who obtabia tho pu'dlo irrdlct for viraclty tba ibolajtlc theory nlutM by fact or tho trutu tbtit upiala a learned fallacy! . iii:lmeic'm ih.ozonk cuke la no catebpenny affair to coax money from a Buffering humanity on falie pretencea. I am what I claim and I da to In all humanity and without a particle nf eiiotiam) tbo dlacotarerof a telenco rboae tiiihu more tban that or anyone luren-tlo- prcceedlnif It. u 111 blete a uuh eriul mankind more tban all elae In a restoration of uorma! appetite. o more ophnii bablts I No more tobacco flendal Alcoholiain tmiilsbed forever Dyapepil.1 ellmiiiatcd I No fear of contairinuadlieaBea! UrnnchltU aupprevaed I Nervoua prostration remoed' Conaumptlonpoalilrcly cured Aa a acicntlst 1 cannot afford to make ulMatate menta What I say i true and I look the people tralght In the face. TO TDK PRESS OF THE lOt'NTET. GENTLEMEN! I propose to do tbc blszeit advertlsinf In the world. I am enlaced in n atrictly educational work. I beipeak our impartial atientlon and verdict; In fact. I IU aay that you ou e It to j our contltuency to either refutts my rlalmv by proof-- a waa done vrltb the SCOTCH OATS ESSENCE" a few yearn ago-- or to confirm tho "FLOOD OF LICHT" that hat bo oppor- tunely buret upon mankind from auch an unexpected quarter. I have n royal right to thla demand; IT IS YOUR DUTY TO HTHII'.MK OF MY I'HETENfilONS AND UNMAbK ME a a fraud lr you find ine ao. On the other hand, baa not the whole nation the blfthett claim upon you to reiehe the truth ou the all vital aubjeot of health t If. at I declare, the true theory of dlteateandtbe appropriate remedy to cure that ritaeaee are a poiltlve fact, aubject to uniform demout tration, It It tbe true principle lo withhold the lurut until 1 mme to jour conntlu? room withafew pall ry dollars at an adver- tiser? Are ou for or against progress ! This movement It In the I nterett of tbe neoole. Health It pricelert and I know it can be thoroughly restored In eterychroaio case where Ital organs are not too f ar deiajed. ONE Fin ST TBIaL FltEE TO AIJU N. IIELMER. Maimfactiiring Chemist, 822 Broadway, S. E. corner 12th St. TAKE ELEVATOR. Tula la Not u FoImd, IlOOKttiK'M I EXTERMINATOR a been innimfoi lured since 7C7U. and lined lu over 2.600 lii'ltlf, linriiliais. una oiuer public in. minimis in Pnitol I Intra nnd l iilluila. mid Hill a rk.in j ur piemisca abtvlute- - I) fuo linui IU'Gri..MUIi:i:'l,lf'.M. ltOA'lli:K, WATBIt Tin) only prriMiailon mad DE i'mi will louuy iiuuUillulo tcrmtu. , 1IOOKEK DKOa, ISO W. dOtlt HU, BOLE rjtOrSIBTOBS. Drssacttlaia lUra It , . THE Chickering Piano. ONLY BKCIPIENT OK CUOBS or LEUIOM OP I10.V0K AND OBA.ND OOLD ilEDAL AT I'AHIS KXl'OBITIO.V, I'SP.D EXCLUSIVELY IN THOMAS. UlLilOllB. AND bKDL CONCERTS AT MADISON SQUAKl! OArtDn.V, AND IN SEASONS '110, 'HI, M or BOSTON r!VJII'110NY ORCHESTRA IN NKW YORK, frnnounccd by I.1SZT, OOTTSCIIALK, an I rACIIVANN tba luttrumont that mum nearest ! tbt human volca. yortalf. cash or asy Installments; alaa for rant A auUU stock or second-Lan- piauoa to bt bad at vary j raaaooabia prtMt. VJtUCJtUUUneHAXX,aUvulBthUN.T t 1j FLEGENHEIMERBR03 NOTWITJISTANBINe WE ARE Br,I.I-IN- G TIIE BEST-8EMXTE- AND PVRE CAI.irOR.NIA WINES AND BRANDIEH, WniBKETB, AN D CqRDIALH, WE ALSO GIVE THE BIBOEST PART OP OCR PROFITH TO OUR CUMTOMERB IN HANDSOME PRESENTS. r-- jr- - -- 3 The follotrtna; V"T " l i prleea speak for U$ W CiwVjl titncBevel" mX&xSSnoS' s,r,t Catawba rr "UU1 WJ1 "PytT (Kalley'a III- - tral. S -- jLl $LAnrtll', (Lot An- - Bapurchslof3 00wortli Port (Anahrlm) . . l.SO of our roods ball a aoiru or Sherry (Santa Ko- - tbsaboregttsseswlllbeflieu aa) l.SO s JJuicstel (Sacra- - CO tuenlo) l.SO .W Uadeira (Sierra i J V Tnkay (Ran Jose)., S.SO Xtltga (Bt. Del- - . WaMffft4-LYrtnlnir- M Ktd M1 Wh"e T"' ' w'nei flO TyHirlrweJtjt!L niesllnt; (Houn- - JvWriXtlRJJlMr tain View) l.SS RvPJrrTOWBr" Cabinet (SU Hit- - ,'''' Ml" ena) 1.7S It yob buy S3 00 werth e! St. Jullen (Jount our Juttly relebraled wines vlllei I,SS and brandlas n bandsuron Dursuudy (Sono tray Vith4cryttalcntfflasset tiia) l.ftO will ba at your dttpotai. A Pure Grape Bran- - VJ dy 8 to SI 1V Itye and Bourbou II WbliVeyi.Sl.'TStoSS II I II oil as ltd Ola, ae"l lv7 f "1 Rlnckberrj. Hnntrt fft H TTr) Crim nail Jumnlcst Vjl I lV y Rami jBLai Hnb ' r rf3t3ff JllPatch Essence S3teS? at dlntlllern, S&oLjjOsSgr price. A of Thlt, err nn. imported bar. rarat wlno aet. lueludlna- rt t allltorala Klattes, decanter and tray. Fruit nnd Honey will bn fiien 10 every pur- - ot IS.00 wortb ot our coaatnntly oxcellent stock or goods. hand. FLEGENHEIMER BROS Zfli.eao sTii a v., new yobk. 4na STII ST.. NEW YORK. 1.02B D A V., NEW YORK. 4B7 WIEI.IS AV..COR. 149th ST., N.T. 110 EWEN ST., BROOKLYN. E. . lOO MARKET ST., NEWARK, N. J. 0 FIRST ST.. IKRNEY CITY, N. J. 1B9 WASH. ST., HOnOKEN. N. J. Elegant Presents. In our salesrooms aro to be found tho most beautiful anil unique designs in Fancy Tables. Handsome Cabinets, in Vernis-Marti- n finish. Countless styles of Fire Brasses. Fire Screens in won- derfully beautiful combinations of brass and colored glass, and many similar articles of extremely rich and elegant finish. ' J.S.Conover&Co 28-3- 0 West 23d St. '', Brooklyn-Furnitur- e Go. Great llargnliis lu Desks for This Week. OFSN EVENINGS. $7.50; reduced from $12.00, For thin highly polished Desk, la solid on), uUInd trim, 150 Wljlos or Desks from 84. OO aud Up. Brooklyn Furniture Go. 553 to 571 Fulton St., UHOUUI.YS, X. V. grulLstry. BtUi'Tirufc tebtii, TiTiBaTBoTri?uramn7 60c,; repairing, U. 61iyliiy. EIJJO ANT gold fllllnn.iruaraiitd moJerata prlcta. yiuiirt Dental VarWa, 74 Vartck it, eor. htPPtt8' ,' A fw York to lllaijnir a'nrt Morllta (tAn(tondtrry). Throufrh tlcaata to Llrerpool. Iinblln, Ae 'ASSYIru.s ..Thursrtay. Dec 24, 111.30 A. M. HI1IKII1AN Thurs1T. PfC. 31. UA. M. tjttamcra markeil with flo not carry, passanitera. I'aUin, t(i. hf4nil cabin, MO.r BUerae. 1H. Prom pier Columbia stores. Month Fcrrjr, Brooklyn. i'urrreli(htaii(1 nassaire apply to ' ' . ''"TIN 7trfj. Aircnta. M Brnadway. CANADIAN I'Xt.'IFia HAII.VTAlCCO'.S Moral Mall Sliamshln l.me.i. CHINA AND JArAN. , Kroin ANCOUJtR. B llltn YOKOHAMA. RIIANtlllAI. mt HONU KONO. MiW YORK TO JAL'AN IN 13 DAYS. UOU miles tUe sbortcst route. I,ower rates. Send for information. Intended laillnsrs from Vancouver nt tba us Bleel Kxpress steamsblpat KMPRF.SS OP INDIA. Jan. 13.1001 KMritESS OK JAI'AN retl. 11). 1HHJ EHIIlfcSS (IK CHINA Mar. 11, lBUl K. V. hKINNKII. MKKKTT HUr.AR. Uen'l hast'n Ae't. China and Japan rrt. Aft. iW """"'way. N. V. 124 Water st K. Y, QUNABU LI.SK TO Llr.ltl'UOL, VIA tJLEKSTOWN. Hmrla Dec 2fl. 3 P. M.lCmbrla Jan. in 7 A. M, Auranla,..Jan a. 3ii A.M. tlallia, .Jan. sa, M. Uolhiiia .Ian. It t I'. l htrurla Jan 90. aailA. M. l'rnm Tier 4ti hortli Idler, foot Clarkson at, II. mum N a H), tlentral Airtnta. piOMrAIINIhiikNEItAlTli TRANSATLANTigUE. Pretii h Una to Uavre eery balurday. KA OAS( ocimj, Mantilll Sat , Uec. an, Xoon I.A I'llAMI'AllNK, Hocr BaU Jan. IBIl . M. LA NURMAMIIl:. Uureilt. .Sat. Jan. l. UlWI A. L A. Hiltiim. Ueneral Acent. Bowling Oretn 1NMAN LINK It, K ANII'lIOYAt. MAIL MTFAMKKJ OL'KKNSTOlVN AND l.tNBItt'OOl lITY OP rAll IK HenneMar.Jeu.M. iu 30 A.M. CITY OP BKHI.IN. .. Wrdll'sday. .Ian. 20.1I.UO A.M. Kmmrier43 .V. It. adjntulnir Chrlstoidiar it Parry. Plrst Cabin. $Co and upwar.1. accnrdltia; lo ataaoier and lucatton of room : secund i abin. fnu and $33; pr- - raid. 30; stteraae. tlo. I'KTIIlt M ItlilllT a SONS. Ueneral Acenu. it Howling tireen, N. V. TVJEW 0"K AMI t'UII MAIL HTKAMK1IIP CO. il I'lerslHand 17. Kasl River. Haturda) stealuera at 1 P. M.: all ntlitraat 3P. M. For Uniana. 1'roitreeii, Catupche, frontera, Lafuna, Tamnlrn, luxpam mid Vera I run Matanza. Oanlt mis, hHittia, t'albarlen. Nassau, Bnntlatfo tie t uha. iluantatianio. audi lenfuegoa. EOUTMUOLD. Ilaiana, Matalicas, and Cal- - liarten Thurs.Dee. 24 MVATAN, Ilaiana and Mexican porta.... Hat. Dec. 2tt MAIIARA, llliianaand Saxlla ,...Wod . Dec. 30 ORIKAHA, llavanu and Uoxicaii ports.. .Sat. Jan. 3 SANTI MIO. Naesau, Santlavo de Cuba, and I'lenfueicus .... .Tbura. Deo. At This line tins direct connection iriih and issues tbroueh bills of lading tn alt points nn Mexican Railway Co . Mrxlran Central Rttllwny lo . Ltu , and the Monte rev and Mexli ati ilinf Railroad. for rull partliulars, rratrlu or passarta apply to JAML1 K V H II a l 1 1. I I.I Mall at. NORDPbLTCIIF.R I.UIYI?H S CO 'S TO LONDON AND CONTINENT. btiamers sail from nler root 2d st . Hobokeu. tA.sT h.M'RKSS HTKAMKRK. Cms .Thurs. Dec. 24. noonlbms Tilea.Jxn, 12. ST. M. IlaxelTues, Dec. 2I2 P. M.nnle.Tucs .Jan II', It A.M. Tratr Tllrs...lnu 5, 111 . M.lP.lbc vl . Jan 23. it A.M. tlrst isiilii. n7r. andjupward a bertb; second cabin. $uOabertb; cteiractt at tow rates. tlELRlCIIS A CO. 2 Rom Unit Oreen. PACll'II' MAIL hTKAMHllll' COMPANY. root ot Canal st . North RlierL To BAN fKlNClscn, Mat lie IhTIIMtS UP PAKAMA. COLON Mils Thursday. Dec. 31. noon. Prom SAN I UA.VIsCO. 1st and Brannan sta. FOR CHIN V 1ND JAPAN. CITY OF I'l.klMI mils Thurday. Dec. 31. 3 P. M. For freluht, passage, and itenerai Inforniatlou apply at coinpan) 's oitice on the pier, foot of Canal st. North River. ILJ mi.l,A, ilencral buperltitendent. UAVAMNAII LINK-FO- UIl hTfc'lMKRS WEEKLY O from New Pier 3T., N. It , toot of bprltik at. M.S. TAI.LAllASShK. . .,..- - Irfda, Dec. 2.1. 12 M. B.s kANhASCtn Mturdaj, Dec.2rt.;ir. M. K. s. CHATTAHOOCHEE...... .Monday. Dec. 2S.3I". M. 8. S. NAt oorllFK . VHlnti(l-- , Dec. 30, 3 r. M. ConnrxtliiK mill C R. R. of lia and S p. A W. H'y for alliioliilsllilll'.lir.l.IA, rLORIIIA. SOUTH CAROLINA. ALAHAM l.nn.l LorlMANA. Lubiirpassedaiiomnioda. Hone llrst doss tabled bote. lor trclgbt and passaga ' j'dIIASIIAOF.N. E Aitt. W. II ItHF.TT, Can Agent, bP AW. R'y, 2rtlB'ay. Cent'l R. It.317 B'way. It I. WALKER. Aftut Ooean Steamsblp Co. 0 M. MIRUEk Manager. Nim PIrS. Nortb River. a 'HE CLYDE STP.ASISIIIP. COMPANY. For CHARLESTON. 8. C. JACKSONVILLE. Fla. and all points I" FIAIRID. the South, and Southwest. 1 rom Pier 2t. E. It . Momlaj a. W eda . and Frlds) s. 3 P. M. Passenirer arcommodatlous and cuisine unsur pnssed W M, P. CIA DK A cu , Oen Ante . r Bnwllnir llrcen. N. Y. T. (!. tOLR. Uen. Ag-t- . U.8 rrt. Line, 347 ltroadw a) , N. Y. WlIITirslAlt LIKE. MAJESTIC Wednesday. Dec. 30. 3 P. M. HHlMAMU.. . . ....Wednesday, .Ian. it. 11 A. M. HinTior soconil cabin accommodations on Teutonto and Majestic, steerage to or from the old country. $20. onice 21i Broad ay; and nn the wharf foot of West lota st II. MAITLAND KhRSEV. Agent. NORWICH LINE. Varen rednred toNew Lonrton 9100; orwlcb. SI S5; Wnrretter. ?- - H1 Botnn. t-- rorrt"tionjiniT rennet ion in alt points hMftt. Mfsiucrs Ipe I'irr40, North River difxt pier fittme Iiilirokftei tt. feirj). dally, bundtyi excrptril, AtG I. M. TONiNGf ON LINE. - INSIDE ROt'TE. ALL FARES REDlXED. IIOHTON, ajaOO PROVIDENCE. S.5t t ORl'fcsThll '.' '.". hi earners leal e Now I'icr 3rt. N. it , one btotk. aboi o Canal at al 6 V. M. dally, excapt bun dai. ONLY J 00 to BOSTON via FALL RIVER LINE. A The most popular travel route In the world! lares reduced to all points steamers PLYMOUTH and !'lt( IIJEM'h In commission. !aie Pier 28, N. K. fool of Murriv st . at r, P. M. we"lc dsj a and Sundays. Con nectiou by Annex boat from Brooklyn. 4 30 P. M.; Jar sey City. 1 P.M. CAT.-KI1.- I.. HUDSON. AND C0XSACK1E boat! leav Mindiijs excepted, from Pier 33, foot ot Jay i , N. I! . t it I' l . counei'tlnv at Hudson with Boston and Albany It. It for all points hast, USE Steamers leave Her 24. N. R. foot ot Pmuklln st . for West Point. Cold Spring. oi un all. Hslikill Landing, and Ncvtburgn, week days, 6 P. M Slillduys.il A M. Ztlttt cOoartT. aat Blue. QTII ST. 221 WEST Heated moms, with board: O parlor floor: suitable for gentlemen; $5.50 up. TTiril st. Iir ullv furnished front J room, southern exposure, excellent board; $12 lor mo. fif?YlH ST.. 20.1 EAST Nirely furnished rooma. wllb OU or ulthout tward; English, lreui.li, tjeruian siioken. reaiouatile. KiyosT7l24 KAsTKTt,gaiiily furnished rooms. sin u" gly r en suite: running nater; board optional; Soutliernirs tic, oniniodatcd. fifTH-S- T. 2.M KAST.-Mc- cly funilslied room, with I V9 good bonril. reasonable, alsotab.e board. 7TII sT. 208 EAST -- A few boarders wanted; nlca J tr home, reasonable; third floor. ajOfTi ST., 213 EAST. Furnished room w 1th board; f J gas. bath, hut, piano; ntso table board. K LEPFI.ER. (l Hlito, WANTED 2 King St.. f 4 50 to SI. large front rooms nod board tor two or three Kentlemen. WM'TiTClS' PLM'E. fi 17 -- Largo anifllimainrront farntsuuil: aiupla Llosets, gentle-me- terms moderate. WASIIIMITON PI.At'l'. 134 Large rooms, with jr. lai h; table board $.1. 4 Til ST. 177U'sT.between ilfTfnv .and'Barrow it I iirnislieilroonis, with tlrst dais board. 7 Til A.. 2ir,.liear"22d t. Nicely furnished single and double rooms best of board. $. up. tabb board.f 3. 7 Til AY.Tii-l- . Roomaultablo for two, also ball room, with superior board, table board. 1XtIIRT wTwitsT. Rcniiil""flt rooms, with or J. O w Itbout buard. for man aud wife or gentlemen. Mrs ONI EL. OOI ST.. ;(OM MPsT, Ijirgo and small rooms, with Jm lioard. homellki accouimodatlons, t'jrms moder-lite- ; also labia I nanlctfl. QO1' hfT447 WEST" Doiihle and single heated rooms, mSt with or without lioard, terms lery reasonable. 000 8Tir2.ll EST; LariTI annTaiiiiiTl rooms; first-A- i laas board, tt, t H; table lioard. OOlTsT ."Sli EsTTioom7w7tbbiiard. on second O and third ttoors, with s family; refer-erne- s. sToril ST, .uu small rooms, wltb 0 lioard; ladlia. tl: gents, r., AC)D ST. 515 WEST. Two worklngmen can Und good . ooard and washing; 5a weekj ir;iTII S1.,203 HEhT. Few gentlemen call have good Oil hoard, home nuiforts, batb. At.; ncsrtflb and Ulb L slallnns. third Hat. 1 OfJ1" l,T 2S1 WEST To let, on parlor floor, thraa lu rooina. en suite, torgciitlemeni running water aiid bath; board optional, MlMetlancoun. ALL REEKIN'U 1101'SEti.anartmenls, or rooms, with without board, obtain reliable Information tree at Evsr.lt Directory; established IStJt). Many bouses nol advertised registered here. E. A, DAILhV, 74 West 35tli st. jftlrrt oartl SrooIilMB. ST. 364,-M- iely furnished hall rooms, wltb. s board; fow mluutcs lo Wall aud South Urrlcs; terms 85. tf tmxighra Soom5 & partmruw Co tT Eaat bide. EI.EDANT FURNISHED KOOMfl. with all to let for genu or married people, 312 East MiUhst.near -- 'day. Rh ERE HOUSE, corner Broadway and Houston at. Comfortable rooms lor GOc. per day upward. OO AV 2 4113 Newly furnished front parlor and con nactlngbedrooom. suitable for twogentlsmtn; WALLACE. 2D A V. 84r, near 4Mh st Two large rooms; onl few respectable famulra In the house; 17. 9 Til sT . 41) EAST, near Broadway. Assortment large and small rooms, well heated; pirtnanent or trail- - lllllt; j lfVril ST., M EAST.-Nlr- ely fumlsbed tunny liaU Ivf room, tt tjo, other rooms 5 and tx " OT II sT, 3211 E ST T11 11 luniisbed rooms, heated; M if housekeeping or gtnlleiueii; to; back parlor; suulhern exposuiu. nnflf-bfiTT-EA- ST, near Jlrosauoy.-Furnlsl- ied A XI rooina to let. OOD bT 41 furnished large . rooms, excellent tabic; table boarders; no small rooms, Os ST.. H i:ASTdeslrbiiT rtuTius w itli first class tmA biardi also luhle bujrd, refcreni es, O'-l- " sf. lu7irfsTPuTnb7heJrronraiid udjoinliig loom secund Hour, lor two orlhi ee gentlemen, OKT1I ST. 234 easttwo lurge Iront rooma for AO housekeeping; .l to 3 60 pvr week. QO" ST. It furnished rooms, t) singly or en suite, with board: referenoea. 4'JIi ST. 20 rooms: Drat clasa flu tatlo; teryrtaicaaUe; traailiBticcBuuuieil, 1 ' t m mi 3Jtl jrtte ipt jMt-g- tvs Stxttt gtatl gjrtnte got M-'B- ta Kjt1jtf ' J 1 HOME SITE beaupul CLEVELAND HILL. I ' Onr INDITCr.VF.NTN are 'WITHOUT a PARAI.I.F.I. LOTS FREE TO RVIt.V. M FREF, PANN over the H. K. to those who TIM I Lit and I.4MJATK. and two thirds the MONET ! advanced , OV It PROPERTY la tnoat beautifully slinatrd It laia between Han nnh elation, on lb f S ereat West Wbore n. R. nnd Demarnt.nn the Northern It. II. of N. . I., only a mllo apart, within enlywalklnr i W atalanr of .either, and having no tralue dally. Thla property la high, rolling country, sandy loam soil, af; ' B fording excellent natural drainage. Two beautiful natural parks, siifllclcnt shade and fruit trees, beaullfal t mountain aceuirto diversify the views and lond additional attractions. H WINTER IS THE TIME TO SELECT SUBURBAN HOMES.. ;j I It property Is so attractive and desirable on a bleak winter's dav. what will It be when clothed In Rprlngi ' ' K verdure. Aiimmer'a glory, and Antnmn'e grandeur t Bv visiting tn tuacr'oit will see the wondrous advantaren U It et tILKVRLANB on the IIII.L. No more APPlttlPIIaATR. DINIRAHLK. srAHIBLE, A M or AlVF.PTAHI.E flIFT couldbe given than a I.OT at lli:At!Tll'UI. :l.i:VKI.AN OS A TIICIIII.L, rRKEPAHH to villi tan property, Fur further particular, raapa. plain, passes, ACsicaUal : S offlce of the BOSTON LAND CO., 258 Broadway. j 1 E. If. IIARRtRON, Brookhn Agent. 1M Ralph r. .1. M'm.NNIN 1 F. HTF.RN, Mansgers, W ef rnWir fl Soow & Apartment!, gg t wJnTSiJK CIIRIRTOPHF.R AT, 137, bet. Oreenwlch and fancy store Large rooms. neatly turnlsbed; gentlemen only. DOMINICK ST.. 14. near Varlek St. Ijirge and araalt furnished; well healed; for gentlo-me- n only: terms fl.fio up. ST. 3 Furnished rooms for DOMINICK tnta weekly. : ROVE ST.. room tor one or two G gentlemen: bn.u. Ac: quiet nnd accessible. JANE ST ."14. near llreenwichav. Neatly'furnlihed hall room to let. 1 50. WEST WA8HINlITONPLACE. 124. near llth nv : furnished rooms: every convenleme; or housekeeping: terms moderate. Til ST, mi WEST IWAHIIINOTON SQUAREL-Pur-nls- hed 4 rooms for gentlemen, ur man aud wife: rent 2 50up. j. inTH A V., 20K. near 23d et. Adams." Single and nJ dooble rooms; light housekeeping or gentlemen; $2 up 11 Til ST. 2 WEST.-I.a- rie parlor, neatly furnished. suitable for pbjslclan, gentlemen, or married I couple, "l JTH ST 333 WERT Ijtrtn and small rooms, newly ; J ft furnished: running water; southern exposure; singly or connecting, references. II ST.. between 7th and sb as !,arg and small UTrooms en suite or singly: private family. Addrtia b,147th av. 1 fJTII ST.. 205 WEST. Noilly furnished square and i IU hall rooms; central location: to gentlemen only. O 1BT BT. 0 WEST. Nicely rurnlehed desirable large A I and small rooms, wltb tlrst class board: refer e nces QOD ST , iki WEsT Newly furnished square rooms, AA stasia heated, hath, Ac; moderate referenda, WHEELER: two flights. OQpsT 327 WEST. Newly furnished large square AA and hall rooms; parlor floor with extension, ault able for family or business O'JD ST , 2(HI BST. Two large well furnished rooms: AO bath: all conveniences on floor; well heated; rent t'l. together. OfiTII ST., .144 WEST. Two desirable rooms on first OU floor in private house: eultable for doctor or housekeeping: reference! reqnlred. OOD ST., 400 WEST. Furnished rooms for light 00 housekeeping, with all Improvement!, In private, heated house; also other rooms. Q4TII ST.. 434 and newly rooms: all conveniences; with or without board: near L station. OyiTII ST. 223 WEST. Large sunny front room: Ofa handsomely furnlihed, ample closets; running water A (VII ST. 228 hed floor, with bath; 'avr also single rooms for gentlemen. "kYTII IT.. 857 WEST. Boardere wanted; gentlemen. tS; ladles. 3 60 a week: convenient to L nation. RQTH ST. 331 WEST. llaudaomely furnished parlor Ot7 and bedroom: single Urst flat; every convenience; nt Latatlon. QQT1I ST.. 11" WEST. Large comfortable furnished aO rooms; eiery convenience; terms mooderate: permanent parties. IflaTII ST.. no WEST.-N'lc- ely furnished front and XVmJ back parlor; atrletty private family; grate fire; bath: with or without board; breakfast if desired; terms moderate. McCAULIB. IrtRTII ST., 103 WEST. Four moms nnd bath: AvrU steam heated; ery cosey; h alia carpeted; all light rooms: near I, station: lgtot20, 1 1QT" ST- - ,7 WEST. Mcely furnished bsck par-- a XO lor. with use uf parlor; private famliv: two peqpln. BILVERSTEIat. "lOOD ST. 215 WEST.-Cotta- ge; nicely furnished X.4,G rooms, for gentlemen only, tn private family: nil comenlencei, rooma on second floor, front ana hack. lOTU ST. 7f WEST, aecond flat-Nic- ely furnished X A1 room, heated, wltb board; gentlemen only. tfflntg aiifl gipartrnttttg ge get. OIVK ItlOlWH FREE. 134T1I ST. 502 TO 594 EAST --Elegantly decorated; halls haated. all light. Iargt,.alry rooms; half block 1 rom L station: t!7 to 20 Janitor. FLATS AND APARTMENTS, unfurnished and tn nil parts ot the city. FOLSOM BR0THER8. B2H Broadway, cor. 12th st MORTON ST.. 42 Handsomest new house In Ninth elegantly decorated; portico stoop, priiate baths, and closets; only three apartment! left: 22 to 1H. open Sundays. PLATS. 3 to H West llth VICTORIA ranges, hollers, baths, wash trays, Ac; handsomely decorated; rente trom $30, Janitor on premises. ST AV.. HID. near 35tn st Three flne rooms. 3d floor; river view ; electric bells; handsome house: $0 50. TIT ST., 112 EAST, between 3d and 4th aia --Three rooms; best condition; closed houie; quiet fam lly. Janitor. , ORTII tT, 310 AND 312 EAST. Three and four Ait rooms: hot nnd cold water: bath: $14 to $20. JOT1I ST. 244 EAST. Desirable flat of six rooms; JO bath. Improvement!: 2 flight! up: rent $22. RISTsT.320 EAST. To let. top floor or, if desired, 0 X upper part of private house. ST.. 343 EAST. live rooms and bath, with all 1 I Improvements, fourth floor: all light rooms, flit. TUTU ST.. 307 AND SOU E 1ST. All light apartments; f O 4 rooms, rents $11 to $15. new houses. P7QTII ST. 804 EAST. Second flat of seven rooms lu and bath: all Improvements: rent $35. iV7TII tT 174 WEST. To let. handsomely decorated. t7f ateam heated top flat, a rooms and bath; price $2H: Inducements Inquire of Janitor. QQTII ST.. 15 WEST.-Fl- ats. adjoining Central Park; JtJ beautiful location; light rooms: balls heated. 1 lnT" "I". 12H EAST Rent $ltt. $ls, tlm large X mJ rooms and bath, handsomely decorated, aud painted hails nicely decorated. ST . 72 EAST. Parlor flat of 7 rooms and bath; m alllmproeraenle; rent. $21; person witling to piestlbule clean rent reduced; also top flat. $I. lORTH ST.. 24H EAST. Apartmenta of three and X aej four rooms, with Improvements; nllllgbt; cheap rent, l"OD8T. 270 WEST.-R- ent free to Jan. 15, pruved four room apartments; $7 to $10. 4 iatjs rntrt ciipartmtntiS grooWtjii. LIOR RENT Those i ery desirable slores and flats In V new. buildings, 0W7 to t;i7 Uates nv,; r, rooma and bath, hot and cold water, stationary tubs, gas. Janitor service; balls carpeted; two minutes eleiated station Tompkins av. 25 nilnutca from New ork; rents $14, $15, $1U; call aud act. them, open Christmas JOSEPH TREAT. Real Estate Oltlce, lt05tiatesar, gtouutjS nutl prtuuutj; Vanttrt. RrKJM WANTED Unturnlshid; owner's bouse; ton between sih ami 2.1d sts : state prle s SIMJI.E, box 120, bun l,2Cf Broad nil, if "tvrlUarj wHniifoltiti DESIRABLE HOUSES, unfurulsbed and furnlihed. In the city POLsOM BROTHERS. 82ft Broadway, corner 12lh at. DESIRABLE HOUSES, city. furnished aud unfurnished, all WINANT A UOADtt Y. 600 Madison ay corner B2d st. LAROE, complete house on tlramercy Park, North rented reasonably for season LIVIMiSTON i .IUDBON. 71 Broadway. rpOLET, IN lf!2D ST.. three minutes from Melrose X station nn Harlem Railroad or eleiated railroad; new cottages, with modern improiviiienis and bath; arranged for two families; rent $10 and $!V; one floor Inlout st. $1.1 L. V. UOfrOYER. f2 East Iflid St. Eo g!tt for gagiaw urpo.t. Broadway, near 32(1 St OPPOSITE IIUTKl IMPBIAU BASEMENT TO LEASE Inquire aa Prealsss, l.tes Broadway, DESIRABLE STORES, lofts, and office! to let in all BROTHERS. 620 Broadway, corner 12th st. FOR lne shop, (10x100. four stories high, kastilHtli at.. Inoludliigengiueaiidboflers.iuiliis, boring mill, drill pissses plauers, pullets, shafting, aud eleiator, coinplete Addieas LKM'lH IH10N. 17.1 Broadway. Xew York city. TO LET CHEAP.-Pr- ee to 1st or Jaliuaril com enteiil lo Ileal Estate Lxchaugn and In heart of diamond lew elrv. and optical trado. Apply room 2, 4b Maiden lane, and 35 Liberty st, TO LEASE. VACANT LOTS un mill 1 lull, mil 2lth between Av A and East Ititrr. also small brick bulldliigon 1 1Mb st , aud four lots ou 1st ui , coruerDOib st, Apply In 11,1). or JOHN II nilOOUMAN. 41 Exchange place. T 0 I.ETOIl LEASE-Pl- with steam liower'nlid steam brat, suitable lor any kind or business, light lour eldest steam elri'utor, lusurallio In,, J S, A 0. r. SIMPaON, 2S Ituiliiey si., Brooklyn, P.. I), TWO ELEOANT LIOIIT LOFTS, lot 50x100. wltb power, corner of Caunou and Itlvlngton its. Inquire of K (I. PHEUBCII. EUY DESIRABLE stores nnd floors to Ut (new bunding). H4 East Uth at. near lirondwayi rent! reuvaable.' tOUOU DllOS, Wtl away, cot, M. ORANIIE. N.J. (Ihta vicinity spot tally) -- Bargain! fo ', jB. P. HAMILTON A CO.. ll rfrnadway, N. Y. flP newport"news, VA. I Choice Villa Sites 4 1 AXVD BUZLDINQ LOT. 1 ONLY A FEW MIN1JTKM FROV TR " 4 I NEWS, nnoNE WONIIERFUI. ANB I HUBHTANTI.tl, OKIIH'lll IH AT, I JKACT1MO WORLD WIDE ATTEN- - i'I thin. a K THESE LOTH WILL TIE HADEREAD. S W tl.Y AlCFMHini.K ltT THE (OMPLK. Mt TIUN OP TIIK ELECTRIC RAILWAY, .! S NOW I'.NIIKB lONKTItl'CTIOiV, ttEl j. THIN PROPERTY IN RITCATED ON A i 4B PLATEAU OVFRLIMIKINO HAMPTON 5 mV ROADH, ONE OP TIIE FINEST BAR 6. K BURN IN THE WORLII, S SB TKH.MH FIVE PER CENT, CAMft J I3) BALA.NCi: IN EAHY INHTALLtlENTS , I MR EXTEN UINf OVER A PERIOD OF TWO J ' IgK n'uv AT FIRMT PRICT.H. FOR PROSJ. Fm) PWTIIH AND PRK'E I.IHT AnDKEMS Jl3R FREDERICK D. TIIORNH, 61 RROAD, liM WAV.NEW YOHK.OR TIIE NEWPORT iW NEWM COMPANa. VA. I IH STOCK RANCH FOR HA I.E. RED $ jB ni.UFF, MADISON COUNT, MON,. con- - P slstlng of 4fi acres, nil under good fence, good houses, L SV stables, sheds, tools, farming Implements, uarneac. and f RR dies: oierino head of high bred cattle, horses: located ( BB on L'berry Creek: nncofthehest In tbe oountryt ISO fi 'Mm tons of bay on band; ranch suitable for horses.-caltl- li iKH or sheep: win sell nt a, sacrifice on account of other I RH busluess. Por particulars Inquire of I HW L ZEl'HIEU Broadway. New fork city. h Fl P0RSALE In I'lttstleld.. Mass, tine sites for.oountry I JM houses at various prices: renh estata t for Imestinent, pailng good rates Apolyto- - !f JRC KOIXIN 11. COOKE. Tlttstleld. Mass. K ! T0 MANUPACTUREItS OR CAPITALISTS. ; A Por sale, tn close an estate. il mH Tn o largo properties In Philadelphia. IHX) feet fmntng. K central location: iroea annual revenue about 2 3.000. Hj. lor particulars address w M. H li Slrawherry at.. Philadelphia. W SriTl estate ftrr ale Citjt. ' IV. BRYIV ItIAWR HEIGHTS. Iti S60 .each. 160 caih. 10 monthly; meat deitra. B'eK bleletaof any sutrounding thla city; 54 mlnutei frora Eectorstby eleiated and Northern H. It.; examine thll ' BjH before deciding upon any others. SaK rARSELLS t CO.. 15 CortUndsit. ijH BAROAINi In New York and Brooklyn property; easy CeaCi rash required Kami E.L. KERR. u. Liberty at. New York, (tlmi T" HE BEKT FINISHED HOUSED in the heit locality In ' IB, the city (West End nv between tiTtb and (fata ' BK sts), now read) for occupancy: to prompt buyer lio IirV eral terms will be made. E. K.IEPATRICK. llflR 1STAV.. near lOSlh'st. full lot; 5. 70i. all mortgnn i 19 ELY, lai Gold at? BWf "in'HEm'VM. near trankltn square; S12.000; 32s RlamT 'tU'laU mortgage. ELY, 103 flold at. KuW Igral gjState for a!c grooMijtt. IB i HIlISTStATpitESEMilouseanearBrona . IH . ferries at bargains: easy terms. Also coruers for sfmYt liquor and grocery business , Rj OLVANY. 314 South Cth it. Brooklyn. tamf CIIItlMSIAd HOME: price 2.100, cnihtlOO. Mmf monthly lo. C1IAS. bt OTT, Pacific st,, near Rock. . IpJ nwayai. BsxeK K"6TciUSkO HT 2 story and basement. VX; E K) fd5: MiOnnnugli st , 2 story and base JM ment, brown stone, all improvements. 3r),f!0: Jefferson ' rK nv nnd basement, broan stone. 10 roomi nnd teK bath. $7..VKl, call oientnirs i VI' U H. PEACOCK. 7W Lafayette ar Brooklyn. K 2PEBIR4BI.E fonritory prltate dwellings Oardea I JB n Heights; also Mansion House, Fish A RBR kill llllage. for illy property, will add cash, VI tmw IIENDER.SON. Bennett building. New York. HM. tf17K-PIN- E IXJT.t In the 2ttth ward, payable 15 IW yjl leJ monthly: no discount for caih: within few ' ICK blocks of Pulton elevated road. Investors, homcaeeker, ,PV call and see them lilIRa ROBERT WHEELAN. Atlantic nnd Tan Slclen ava. flfMi C-- l srMlf-NE- W HOUSES, two families. & rooms' IS SltJjVUu Improvements: ono block from elevated )V aiation: S300 ch $3 000 houie, I story, cellar, O ''. W im rooms, rull lots. $700 cash. 1 p 19k ROBERT WHEELAN. Atlantlo nnd Tan Slclen ava. f m JRtal (gjstatt tgar ffalc fflatctt gglanJ. 1 tttl Gfils ONLY. Easy terms of payment for a' I it S yp liiJUU charming new Queen Anne (.bttage; 7 m 9i nnis; beantirullydecorated: stories, with verandnt 1 Hf K gardenk41xintJ: hue healthv location, on tjvmmerneid I If jjt av. Erastina, Staten Island; 40 mtnutea from city; l& ml fare 10c ; must hivenld: great bargain. Call and aen 1 Rf owner, Mr. PAYNE. IMlllruailH ay. I W grat Cgtnte or t ffioqtrtva, ' 1 ft ' FLORIDA CHEAP HOMES. M l ch nml SI per month, 24 mon tin. Iiuy 1 acre lot. jl m m ' 1 T. ci.Ii hmiI r per luontb. 21 nioiitlti. buy. It 3 (L f II i arro lot. SIM llit-'l- iienlllifiil pin Ufi4. in loly, ffl 9 tif (rrnwiiikrtumithtp tieuU stamp fur " The Florida liom FJ n UK Bttker" monthly t& am HE 0, M, CROSBY, 99 Franklin St., N. Y. 1 BARGAINS IN ROCKLAND COUNTY farm i and rill- - SJ W stamp ror list. nil Jv P. II. LKM'INAhKE. fcprlng Valley. N. Y. ' tl If S FOR SlI.E The lubsrrlber offers for sale a tlKiiS larinof Itir, acres of land, situate about three tnllea ilI'MnRf from tho city nf Poiighkeepsio The land Isnf an ex iintHW count quality, wtlladapted to the growingof grass or tl jattSJE grain, and is w oil ivateicd If kSSH lr nn; arid prior to the day of January, 1802, It I H fjjftrfi will be sold at public aui tlon on that day, nt the Court , U xil-- i House lu the clt or Pongukei pile, at 11 o'clock la thn IH ftirfcx lorcnoon. Ilattd Nov. '.' IMIii. vnWKR W. PAIUtlNOTON'. Execntpr. fU ItfijF. a Market n., Poughkeepile. N. Y. y ShH ClITTAGK. t'.'.'iim, $100 cash, baUnra 10 ' iB H mnnthl; lot 100x110 feet; within lo minutes1 ", 3 TV )! walk nf diT1!: no trains dally; IN miles from ciiyt n(ij d. splendid, health) location, also cottage. 7 rooms, ft lis H ., one for $1 ftrvti; don't pay rent II'Df It. K WOIA-'tiT- oiimr, -'- O Centre it. S. Y. SvtM ' NEW HOl'UP. lo rooms and bath: all improvement!; 'Ft'SK1 t) Itwxir.o, good plac for a doctor; price, a .K Is 4 VAl, cas lerms. Address BAMUEL hELP, llellmore, pi la! 1.1. IT f J,! ACIIhb l.leguni rcsldenie of lliroomi; mountain. a m iiJ view, ir chinn. P. II. I.EM'INAMIE, jfi i I Hprlngt alley, N. V. j gB MbiabTmgUaTgtatc. ft REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. 177 Ttrna i,it.J way Cutiipli to lists of properly from ilxty ageuta I j 1119 lu sixty suburban plaics about New York jdV. CIIAS. j. IIVVUU Secretary. J fV - ; jBral state (or 5a!c or (Dxthanfle. jl " " 1.10R Ml.P. OH ENCHANOli V r form of 100 acres In Miilliran county, N, Y vIV. mil I lagenf Burllngham, 1'J mllea from sllddletown, 4frora Ifftt I Bloouiiiigburgh; linn mineral spring, trout streata.ana irlwi bike or 7 acres, within 'linttiiites u alk of store, churub, u&it s and sWioolhouse; buildings in uxtellent condition! k Jii gooil situation for summer boarding bouse; aicotnmo- - til date LU people Price 51,1 mm Inuulruof tilt. P. IIQl.llf.ltT. KO Dunne it. Hit f. TO EXCIUMIE for New York and Wisti hester county IrlS three doutile ttnls well rented, one block from iKE, Litatluu, Tompkins nv and iillou st. if nTl s J l.ln- -' Pillion it. Drnoklyn. MA fj cior ue or Co ;ct groohiuu. j ), I.ioitbALL Ahandtoiuebouse. somluuteifrouNea? l'! Lfi 'f lork City Hall; II rooms, furnace tn cellar, batb, ranee, W J' ' hot and cold water, with plot of grouud; ternueaiy. f & j, i ' Apply.i i fiflf IRED. C. COCUhll. j 'Mftjf ' lot) Montague tl. Brooklyn. j ? ttlll j&kjfm HAVE YOUR EYES EXAM. ' I' T; INED FREE OF GHARSE M r.bOIII.E HACKrt at M East 12th It, lillw' ouedoor weator llroalitay, ,' J lit And prrrurr a pair of his patent frames, set with Rock f 11 hi IT) .iul lcut, Inr -- ' holld go. patent frame, with H IB roik iristal iiaca. tJ4: usual price. 7. Extra heavy r IS' M.I.I Irutiie, til, usiiui price, $11), Pniltlvsly these ' r )!' for this iiiontii only. More open thla month i rtT, lallHlort Minl),lU:iMo2l'l . J '.ft- I m , t4 If 'i (iliriotmnjs Carilji. 4 i ; C1li:ltrtUh, birllnluy. eiignsi incut cards, ball pro. ' i orders of ilano-- , and fancy ouientia i'k, from J init to bin each, who.esulo aud retail J OH. .; ,Ji KOi:ill,i:il, Manutacturer. I4H.IOO f Ml atllW.N 1 Iifieticieiiiiigs tllllloVwik, aUo nuir it ,tCj 1 ua)s. Nuluisp.'llilciliilille )ou nail, r''ikPi'' luiards. " 313 W BILI.IAIII) ANII rooLTAHEEa' nuu nndTecondhandi i K, il I' pncit. UIIIPPITII CO . Id Pootth ay. ft J l UK BEKT BILLIARD AMI I'OOI, TAIII.EM. tH.Vll.1 at lUEEIlUNbHICKBALKKOI.LKNllEllCO, k'fc fJL3 Utoadway, cmuif nth tt, tUaleu tjonria- - ttm TT.. ... r j -- JmRmmR A UAUD IVJJE 20 I'JQUT. J. Clutllloii A- - Hoii'm llulldlnc and Block Ilmuttxcd 100,000. J. Chatlllon 'c Sons's y brick building nt &r. H7.nd Wl Cliff hti.ot. and tholr stock of scales and bu'ehurs' tools wCro dumaged to tho e.tent of &X,000 by ilro yesterday. Tho llro started on tlioililtd floor, just how nobody sooms to know. There wus nVatehman known ns John, but it seoms ho was away when the fire broko out at 3:M) A. M. Policeman Tlernoy saw flames bursting from tho windows ami sent out an alarm. Although tlio building is supplied witn a spoclnl building call und un automatic tdgnul. neither gnvo tho alarm. When tho llrst engine arrived fuun.es wero bui&tln from evBry window abovo tlio second floor, and hecoud, third, nnd fourth alurint wero fiulrkly sent out. It wus a hard 11 ro to light. There wus uo means of approach from the linck. The Chutlllon building toweredtuo or tin eo htorios abot e the admitting biitldlngM, nnd showed solid luii-- walls on two sides. No hoso could bo curried iiptluougli tho building, for every door ulovo the second was a furniico. Kevurnl htrvnms wero directed Into the lower windows, und the water towor did good seivlculilglierup. In three or four hours thn Ilro had burned Itseir out. Tho surrounding buildings, of which the one on tho south side of the burned building Is Harper A Brothers' prlutlng house, were all well protected and wore scarooly touched by the Jinnies. Only the ground floor ot tho Chqtlllon building was untouchnd by the Ilro. and that Ik now n pond of water nbout a foot deep. The upper lloors were gutted. Tho dnnmgo Is ektlmutod at about $7.,tKXJ to (ho stock und M '."). MX) to tlio building. Tho insurance Is about Stl)0.lXK. Thpllrmof J. CliatlllnnA-Hon- i Is composed of O. II. and J. T. Chatlllon. brothers. Xa Hkull and Croat) Bones on tbe IdttMl. A Coroner' b jtuy yesterday exonerated Juines If u yes from blume In giving Mrs. Mary O'Mnhony carbolic ucld bymlstako for whis- key at 0 Great Jones street ou Tuesday, Tho bottle was labelled "oarbolla acid," but this conveyed no meunlng to Hnyes, os ho cannot rend. , The jury censured J. M. Mcintosh of 43 Slsth avenue the druggist supplying the poi- son; for not putting n skull nnd cross bones on the bottle so an illiterate, poison might be warned. It alo recominendod that the use of such labels bo made compulsory by law It It Is not already. xajob xanocKMonTow.atpcKa Ctstaa Back Proteated, kat Ila rroeatly (' ri Ma Thciat Good. ' Atl0:15 o'clock yesterday morning. tho tlmo 6t tor tho Throckmorton court-martia- l, there iTraB an Imposing glitter of gold braid and optblettes In tho Board room on the top floor 'ot.thA'Army building. TBufa- - close examlna-- , tlbtfshowcd that a good "part of the court was 'missing. It was 11:30 o'clock boforo Col. Otis, tho presiding' offloor. arrived and i opined the court (Tho accused. Major Charles i B.Throokmorton. sat ftt'a small table near tho 'Urge' table, around which tho officers otthe court Tjrcro seated.' Ho was. ot course. In full unlforrh. With him wero Lieut. Goorge Cart-wrltt- prm4ttod,by tho War Department to aldln tho defonce. and Attorney Gerald M. Lewis. Tho members ot tho court-marti- present were: Col. Nathan W. Osborne. Fifth Infantry: Col. Charlos G. Bartlott. Ninth In- fantry; Col. Melvlllo A. Cochran. Sixth Infan- try: Col. La Rhott li. LMngston. Third Artil- lery: Lieut-Co- l. Edward G. Bush. Eleventh In- fantry: Major Asa B. Carey, Paymaster: Major Johnson V. D. Mtddleton. Surgoon: Major William M. Whorry. Twonty-flrs- t Infantry. Lleut-'Co- L Thomas F. Barr, Doputy Judgo Advocate, conducted tho Inquiry. Tho charges against Major Throckmorton wore read, and Coh Barr announced that only tho charge that ho had drawn cheeks upbn banks whero he hod no money would bo entered upon at that session. Tho first wit- ness called was Otto Ohlman. cashier: of tho National Bank of Btuten Island, at Hrapleton. Mr. Ohlman said that a check for 250 drawn by Major Throckmorton In favor of Col. Clomont I Best, a retired army officer, had been pre- sented at his bank nnd had been sent back to Col. Best with "N. G." stumpod upon tt, Major Throckmorton's account with the bank Was closed. He saw that a few days Inter Major Throckmorton had deposited, a ohonk slgnsd by P. M. Fisk Co. for 'J5(). Mr. IjOwIb offorcd evldenoe that Major Throckmor-to- n had sent this deposit a short tlmo aftor giving Col. Boat the cheek. Charlos E. Warren, bookkeeper and clerk in tho Lincoln NntlonalBank. testlllod that three checks for . MO. nnd 5 respectively had boon presented nt the bank, but had not been honored, as tlio Maior had no money on de- posit there. Mr. Lewis asked nn adjournment oh the ground that Frederick B. Coudert, his partner nnd the ronl attorney for Major Throck- morton: was sick, and that the case could not go on properly unless ho was there. The court was cleared and the officers decided that tho adjournment could not bo allowed. L.'Best, the ne.t witness, said tho Major borrowed $250 from him on May 12. giving him a noto for it Several times, ho said, the Major camo to him and asked u littlo time, saying that his finances were still in- volved, i CoL Best said he never asked the Major for tho raonoy. that on July 0 the Maior gavp him n check for tho amount and took up the noto. This check camo back wlthS.150 chargos for protesting. When he wrote Major Throckmorton about this, tho Major at onco sent him another check, whloh was paid with- out further trouble. Thomas E. Ounwbodto. a blacksmith, who does n good doaf of work for the soldiers at Fort Bchuylor. testified thnt tho Major gave 'him a check for S20 which was dishonored, but that the Major almost Immediately paid the $20. nnd that Mrs. Throckmorton got tho dishonored check from him. Tho court was again cleared on a motion to adjourn, and wlien tho accused and other outsiders were readmitted tho trial was adjourned until to- day at 10:30 o'clock. TUB F1QIIT OTER THE HCKEIt. Attempt to Restrain the Htoek Exchange lYons Wlthholdlntj Quotations. Judgo Bischoff, In the Court of Common Pleas, heard oxtended argument yosterday on a motion to mako permanent the temporary injunction preventing the Htock Exchange from withdrawing quotations from the Gold and Stock Telegraph Company. Ho resorvod decision and gavo counsel furthor tlmo to submit briefs. Rush Taggart. who with W. Bourke Cockran appoarod for the motion, contended that as publio rights were affectod by tho market values as fixed by the Exchange the mannor In whloh it furnished or withhold its quota- tions was a subject fort lie court's review. If the Exchange and the plaintiff could come to no agreement about the rate to be paid for such service tho court could step In ami flx terms that should bear equally on all desiring the quotations. James C. Carter. In behalf of the Exchange, said that the plaintiff, pending negotiations toward a contract had enjoyea tho service nt tho Exchange for the past two years without compensation. The service is worth $40,000 to $50,000 a year. He contended that tho Ex- change is a private corporation, the creation of private interest and energy. The tntolll-senc- e it rathers is its own. He said the plain tiff, although contending that the Exchange is a publio mart, had on Tuesday offered $100 a day for certain privileges. By their proposi- tion the New York Quotation Company would havo the right to furnish members ot the Ex- change hefow Chambers street with quota- tions. Tho plaintiff would havo the privilege ot furnishing all other customers in this city and Brooklyn, nnd the Western Union Tele- graph Company would have the same right to customer in other parts of this State udd In other Btates. Mr. Cockran argued that if tho Exchange is not a public market, it is a gambling house. He contended that its quotations are publio property, and that it cannot bar those desiring tho quotations. The plaintiff has six hundred subscribers who would be Injured with their customers if the injunction were not granted, i Mr Carter told Mr. Cockran that if ho be- lieved thn Exchange was onen to tho public he ought to try and get upon the floor. He could bring suit for damageson Ills ejectment which would certainly follow, aud In that way test tho question. UB COSIES FBOX CHKLSEA HOSPITAL. A Veteran oftbe English Arasy Who Em- igrated With Ilia Commuted Pension. 'James McDermott presented 4 certlflcato yosterday at the British Consulate authorizing the Consul to pay him 172 10s. 3d. commuta-tIon,on,- a ponslon of thirteen pence a day. Mttoermott said that ho served tirenty-on- o yourrt uud six months in the Iloyal Artillery. On Nov. 15 ho appllod for a commutation of his pension, and received 212 10s. 3d. from Gon. O. A. Htuurt. Lioutonunt-Govorno- r of tho Itoyal Hospital for disabled soldiers at Cliel-He- London. McDormott drew 40, came to this Country on tho Germanic, and applied for thorestof the money due him. Ho sns that 300 other pensioned soldiers havo made sim- ilar application for commutation of pension money, with tho intention of coming to America. MeDor.mott, who Is a halo old man, says ho Is going to Cooper's Plains, this Mate. Whon he was a child his lather was killed In action nnd his mother ciuun tn this country, leaving him a drummer hoy in tho army. Ho has heard that his mother is married to Thomas Paine, n saloon keeper of Ellzabethtowp. 'Two othor votorans of tho English army havo called ut tho Consulate this week on sim- ilar errands. They were John O'Brien. HO yours obi. and Charlos Gibbons, aged S3, who arrived on tho Britannic last Uunday. Their cases enmo to tho notico of tho Bargo Office, and word was sent to tho authorities in Wash- ington. The nopklaa-rJearlas.WI- II Content; Boston, Dec. 23. Tho Hopklns-Bearle- s will , cane camo up In the Supreme Court this morn-tfitt'lnt- mattor of tho filing of Interroga torlos by Judge Endtcott of counsel forTlmothy Hopkins. Counsel for Mr. Henries have tiled their questions, and Judge Endicott moved for an extension of time to enable him to write to Mr. Hopkins In California and receive a reply before tiling those of tho plaintiff. Judge HolmosV opinion was that if 11 man desired to conduct litigation at such a distance ho ought not to object tn using the telegraph, and fixed Boo. 29 as the time whon Judge Kndloott's in- terrogatories must bo In. Dr. Bunh for Hpeuker of the Assembly. Elmjiu. Dec. 23. Word reached here from Albany to the effect that Dr. Robert P. Bush, the member from this county, will surely be tbo Dqniocrutlo nominee for Speaker of the Assembly. Gov. Hill fa said to have pro- nounced In his favor. SAVZXO I.IFK VXDEIt DII'FICVLTIEH. Peter Rlnn Held a- - Gun on the Boctora While They Operated on IIW Wire. Mrs. Peter Holes was vory 111 at hor home. 238 Hopkins streot, Willisrasburgh, on Dec, 2. when her husband callod Dr. Lewis Hess. Dr. Hess considered an operation nocessary. and called In Dr. Arthur Hmyllo to aid him. Whllo tho oporation was In progross a woman, who saw for tho llrst tlmo tho inside ot a caso of surgical Instruments, told Holes that his wife was boing mutilntod. Itolss is a saloon-kcopo- r. Ho seized a double-barrollo- d shotgun that hung behind his bar and stood in tho doorway of tlio room whero tho doctors wore busy. "A life for a life." ho shouted, as ho levelled thnjrun. Don't shoot," yelled tho doctors. " What's the matter?" "You are killing my wife and child, and If they die I will avunge them." There was no time to parley or to give way to fear. The doctors finished tho operation with tho gun pointed at thorn. It was successful. Not until Mrs. Itolss was able to speak to her husband would ho consent to put away the un. Dr. Hess told tlin story yosterday in the eo Avenue Civil Court, whero he hud brought suit for his services. Ho cot a judgtuont for $75. the full amount that ho claimed. Itolss admitted the truth of the story. Hu said he was so crazed with fear for his wife that ho did not know what he was doing. Rnshtnej Work on the Crnlser Newark, Norfolk. Va,. Dec. 23. Spooial orders have been received nt the Navy Yard to rush tho U. 8. S. Nowark, and mon aro working night nnd day on her. Sho is to get away by tho 27th or 28th at tho furthest, nnd till go south. Tho Government has just completed a contract with the Thomson-Housto- n Company to erect an electric light plant ut the yard, and work will bo bogun at onco upon it. Tho yard shops, ofllces, and officers' rjuartors will bo lighted by tho plant.

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1891-12-24 [p 7]. · story forlt I m muoh a fairy talo as nnythtnn ovor written, by Grimm orTorrnultr-l-s pro--i v sontod by the players under Mr. Daly's dlroo--tlon

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1891-12-24 [p 7]. · story forlt I m muoh a fairy talo as nnythtnn ovor written, by Grimm orTorrnultr-l-s pro--i v sontod by the players under Mr. Daly's dlroo--tlon




vsKomuB week a sot vsront orflKnurajt ok arttttT.

i;"w nuMVCtema rt1y Becna at tanBtallUiMAi Ym Ukt If t' Xwtjr, Nrw HMkntt at Nlhla'a. aaa a

Malay ItavftM a te VaUa Bejaare,Boaldes tho thro nair plajra produced on

Monday night 'tn town. OhriBtmos week hasfcrooghtaomo Interesting-rovira- of familiarmatter. "Aa'Toti Liko It" Is renowod atDaly'a, Md not muoh gave commsndstlonmar bt) wfitUn of th brilliant and carefulmanner la whloh this Shakospearenn fairystory forlt I m muoh a fairy talo as nnythtnnovor written, by Grimm orTorrnultr-l- s pro-- isontod by the players under Mr. Daly's dlroo- -v tlon. With elegant oostumos. boauttful stagenettings, 'closely tratnod oomedlans epoaking their lines trippingly on the tongue,nud suiting the notion to tho word andtho word to tho action, suoh a representationbocomos delightful fc tho main. True, it mayhe wlshod that somo of the players mightdo what tho Sorlpturos say can't be dono bythought add several Inches td their staturosso that when tho short John Drew says to thotall Ada Rohan. "Just as hlsh as my heart,"thorotnlcht not bo suggostod tho omondatlon:" Somowlint higher than my head." Jacques,nlwnys a dlffloult rolo. Is acceptably rondorodby Uoorge Clark, who rocltes "The BevcnAcos" In clean cut stylo and not In tho loastoorwrouRht. Clmrlos Whootlelgh's Adam Islikewise i capital bit of nrt. tender and touch-la- g

to a degrw. The Audrey of 'IsabellaItvltti: Is overdone to spoiling, and tho(Win ot Adelnldo Trlnoo lacks color-In- s.

To tho Intellectual Hhakespouronn.Mla.Uolian'n ItoxaV.utl Is modern and kittenishrnthrr thnn arch unci mirthful, prankish rnthorHum mii.tlo und nunc, illss ftelmu unriouLit-cill- y

lookf well In Imve and ilotiblnt. but tliut Islinnlly justlliciitluii for obtruding thotn ateviry turn upon itr udiinoe. To npu.il; uftortho mannor of .weii'in. but In thn negative,"Hooandlnnblot In not tho only wrur." misis forcibly rtmlii'Ji'il of Hai.tleV wonts: "VoujlK. jouumble, and you Hop."

A Hiinbrvtto lii;w to. tho city Afuco has provedher claim fy .plainlltit at Mblo's Oarden thiswrok. bho li Snnki a slstr of the uc-t-

who is tho "slur" oi "Mnvouinopn."auds!ib Is pretty, plump, blonde, nnil vlvucious.Those u ho sen ln-- r w 111 like bur for hor anleHS-nu- s

and hnr luor. She pings sweetly,though her voloo is not powerful enoughto rewound through Nlblo's spacious au-ditorium, unit when she expresses io

emotions slia Is lutiuul undTho "star" boubrottoa of thN day

urn neither numerous nor ospoclnllv clever,lu Irish dialect dramus there In justnt thistime, with lew rivals, it good opportunity for

. Miss hcanlan. At NlbbVs hhe Imn beencu- -louraged by all who have witnessed her per- -foruianccs tills week: but her audiences havotven small, bocatHo tliOHO Alio dull timcH fortho down-tow- n stago. unit a stranger is Hpttoenoountor nogleet at Nlblo's. Nevorthelens.Jllbn Scftnliin sliDula bo commended andto keep up her snlilt. Annlo l'ixloylain rotireinunt, Lott.i Is fond of lolburo. nndNoIHo Meilenn Is no longer girlish. Obvious-ly, there Is room for .1 recruit among the sou-brot- te

netresseh. A bur to Miss bcanian's suc-cess Is tho play shu has. It Is an old and con-ventional Irish dramu. "Elly." by the latetrod Jlarsdon. telling tho ancient tale of horo-ls-

and a great wrong righted, with the usualincidents of oomody und pathos mingled Intho old. old way. Tho supporting company isnot competent. A man who looks like anuloino plays tho bngpipo in ono scene, but itwah no compliment to him thnt the littlo whitedog in the play on Monday night was tukonsick in the middle, ot tho bugplpor's sola

A pair of stars who. rovorslngtho'usual or-der of theatrical thing.', havo come to Broad-way from tho liowory. are Mario Prescott andIt. D. MacLean. They have appeared at theUnion Souaro thus far this week in "TheGladiator" and In a dramatization of IliderHaggard's "Cleopatra," whloh was written forThe. 8tw. In Dr. Bird's stilted tragedy. Mr.MacLean Impersonates Spartacu. and in thoEgyptian play Miss Prescott is Cleopatra, Qual-ified praise of each of theso stars was re-corded In Toe Sun during tholr en-gagement on the east side. Miss Pres-cott i no stranger in town. Her art isfinished and Intelligent, her stage presence Isagrooable. and in "Cleopatra" almost fascin-ating. Mr. MacLean. who has never beforeplayed in Broadway, deserves encouragementand repression. Ho is not only n strikingphysical figure und a sonorous doclaimer. burhe also .possesses Manner Intcenes of pathos, and he is generally intelli-gent In all be says and doos. whllo, plays liko''The Gladiator" can find audiences to ap-prove them. there must bo excuse for thoactors who perform them noisily, and so Mr.MacLean must not 'be condemned hastily asnoisy and blustering. Forrest was noisy inthis same play, nnd McOUllougn was not ex-actly gentle in tho arena. But neithor of themwas offensive, as Mr. MaoLean is, throughnudity in costuming.

It Is pleasant news that tho Eden Musee hasdiscarded French Impropriety and bocomeonce more decorous. Its new entertainer,uuatierde Kolta, may be pronounced withouthesitation the cleverest illusion worker everpeon In America. His debut on Tuesday nightwus a success from any point of view. He haaa' pleasing personality; ho is grocoful andrapid In his movement!1: hols incomparablyeasy in his mystifying work, and ho Is froofrom tho tricks of tho mountebank. Ills

suffers somewhat because It followsthat of .Herrmann and Kellur in tho sumo Una;but that Is not at all to De Koltn's discredit,for he is the Inventor of nearly all the iilusloiibsnu tricks introduced to ur by thohecleorperformers. In Paris Do Kolt'i i without apoor. Hu hut. fur years sold his (.ocrotsto Eaglibh und American pofebsors ofmagic, and therefore thov havo auto-ilato- d

him with the uudiencoH to whom lie nowapueals; biitthol'icnchmKn's fertility nnd In-herent smartness will assert their power be-Jo- ro

hu uulU town. und. if ho gets hlu deserts,no will bo u widely tulkod-ubo- lorsonago.two other Freneb pel termors who make acurrent topic nru Paul us. the mimic, and z.

the singer. Pnulus'H Imnroprie-tlj- shave coinniuiided attention utKostor.fc

Jlial'sliiill. but he will sail homo to Franco noxtweek without a reAticagomunr. Jlllo. Vulnrex.who came over with Puuius. will return on thename steamer.

Tlio Christians mntinijes will bo well at-tended this year, judging from tlito week'sauvaneosHloo to voung folks and their main-uia- f.

At tboCaHlno it htage KuutaClaus wil!gler, toy to eiry child in tho audience, undat .wiml other tlienties there will be an

of tho holldnv. "Thef)t I'aradUo'K" iMiri.Umus nolebriitlnn wnabegun last nlcbt In the frm of lt. ilitletli

paifiirmani'o at I'roelori. A hand-soTi- o

Kouwiilr wu presented to oxery womanin thn audience. Tho Aiuberg will be In durk-noi- .s

la (loi'iu.iii Chrlhtiimh-uv- o theat-rical lUiitom), but lit tho mutlni?othere will bo an old friend In "The HuvouJ.amii, ' nneo used in UngllHli bylie .Klralfy.--. and tho "IXeelsior" ballet,

wiilili wiih in Us iiitr tin. mobt gorgeous duiicoiwuoinuui ew Yoik hml been.

. I'0r.".run plays In their lastwt'ok r.ro "Thno."i Monarcb." iu whkh l'mnclw WIImmimiI

Ills coniiiany will llnihh on batunluy night atJlio Broadway, and "Cinderella." which willlormltmto hliiiultaneoiisly at the Academy.'iip hi let go of "The Junior Partner" at

Herrmann', and tho comedy has Its oxcellentcast eompleto once more. The week banwrought olaboratlons and Iniprovnments to..MIssHcliett" ut tho Star, and It Is. noted

iit the playbill now names i'iiso Ledllo-Carte- r,

with a hyphen. Clam. Quetltc Puti lee.anu aro newcomers In "A Tripto thlu atown " at Hoyt's Mudlson Bquare.

.The. shifts o( plays at tho combination thea-Mar- o

generally Interesting. " Thormldnr."at tho ilurlem Opera House, has not lackedapplause, nor has there boon uny reversal of'no earlier city vol diet upon this powerfuleauiou play. Tho pioturebiiuenos of the

Ih us commendable us it. was at Proc-E.r- 5

V-ck-s uko. and the cast, iu which

iyocrio Be BolloWllo now-play- the loer luPlate ot lorbuH-ltobertso- In entirely Hutlsfuc-KT'- m

A .Ul Harlem Columbus "A Dark tie.l that tank drama, has shown Its varietyr.p'rilU-t- . and Its genuine oarsmun. Hosntur..ifru V,ru,nln,,"i,.wuH first acted beforeawestf, ii,nil1.,leDc.e..nln"'lay night at tho Grand,!r! Hlcl"rd MansOold as tho iyou. and Bca-ti- n

J femoroivKminn V. Sheridan. D. H.Hsr.Frank Kinder. W. J. Ferguson, nnd tho

r&r8?' "ansfjeld's ublo company in their old. Tuesday night Jlnnsllcld revived "A

iSiXJbD Homance," which ho will repeatDr. Jekyll nnd Mr. Hyde"

iri .iriDre Ksrl " for Intor In the week. The

J 5 00k a,r. 1 Master nod Man "at Jocobs's.nf ihBtii"mo ,lt lP Windsor, and " The I'owcr

l.reks" .it the People's. The last namedffiwj'ainltssooond and final week-I- thoi.nftn'fP'. ah.ftt u had b0l" deemed strongKl!,l),tal' a fortnight on the n&st sldoLB enough of Its acceptability with mis- -

eelianeous audiences. In "Master and Man"Dominick Murray continues to play HumpuIjngan, and ho is an old-tim- e favorite withJacohs's audiencos. There are not manyactors more powerful or mora intelligent thanthis veteran. The heroine in " Master nndMan" Is sympathetically portrayed by Mar-guerite Fcaloy. " Fantnsma." the Windsor'soffering, is a fnmiliur show, with gorgeouscostumes, handsome sceneiy. und notndotmyhtifying mechuuicul effects. Kddle Good-win, a brother of Nat Ooodwln. is In tbecast, which also contains one of the Znn-frctt-

of old repute, and Addlo Boos, a skilfulmusician. It prohnbly Is forgotten by mostplaygoers that Cliurlns II. Hoyt wroto thewords ot "Fautasmu." though they are not sogood as thoso of "A Trip to Chlnutown."Tho Thalia, the Bowery's Gorman pluy-hous- o.

has been dark to tho public all theweek, but Its boards havo not beon in disuse.forthorehai.o been rehearsals night nnd dayof "Around tho World In Eighty Days," whichwill bo acted for tho first time inOut man. New scenery and costumes, unumerous ciu-t-. and ull tho spectacular aocosortos requisite to u complete porformanco ofJules Yoruc'a romantic tale aro promised.

WE WISHwS'f'.1--

. c'lr'tin lo all, ana b l n rhmtinstL.r..t?" Vr llreua It you Uh a nrt-c- lfuiiinfiitcf win nnaUnu.iM, hy don't ymi netVi'l; llowlnr. blproJ ticunfy pArkra lu hu mi-- 1

li1.,'4 itraa.iiS i,,r".,,Al lllot.'rfcuvWlnc,Will ,iou,' ot. fort Wloc.

1 ey' 'tat- - Cittnwbii,1 m2!'Ju!' .. JIlol. nrl.. t. Bautenn,




"Strictly Scientific 1"




lllmr" Dl Ozone Cure jiut inoJIcillou on Kleu-lin-

roniinir.My ni.Ar. ruit befom tlie Central Dentai AntocUtlon

ot northern New Jrrny, Tor Mlilch tcndere'l mtho roto of tlmntri. ilemuutntd tMyoudn doubt Ihst thn chemleal tfxt bools of tho nortd willlia(tto lie corrnclol to tally with too Uxti plainlythnfcn bfforc,thnt bvly. Conii.ratcit clenrdclnrttli.it prrntlda of byilro.-- li a ery unitublo nrtlcloand onllv drcimipoti-- nt 70 Atgrett Kahrrnblt. Irfeicmutr.ilril that my IVrntMo of ll)dro;rcli (t Tltatulnvwltli rnpitalo m',1 nut be dcrompotrd area ut

ieiiit. The foutrnl Dental AnocUtlon ofNotlhtrn .NeJere limy vltnris to thlufnct. Sow,who obtabia tho pu'dlo irrdlct for viraclty tbaibolajtlc theory nlutM by fact or tho

trutu tbtit upiala a learned fallacy! .

iii:lmeic'm ih.ozonk cukela no catebpenny affair to coax money from a Bufferinghumanity on falie pretencea.

I am what I claim and I da to In all humanity andwithout a particle nf eiiotiam) tbo dlacotarerof atelenco rboae tiiihu more tban that or anyone luren-tlo-

prcceedlnif It. u 111 blete a uuh eriul mankind moretban all elae In a restoration of uorma! appetite.

o more ophnii bablts I

No more tobacco flendalAlcoholiain tmiilsbed foreverDyapepil.1 ellmiiiatcd I

No fear of contairinuadlieaBea!UrnnchltU aupprevaed I

Nervoua prostration remoed'Conaumptlonpoalilrcly cured

Aa a acicntlst 1 cannot afford to make ulMatatementa What I say i true and I look the peopletralght In the face.

TO TDK PRESS OF THE lOt'NTET.GENTLEMEN! I propose to do tbc blszeit advertlsinf

In the world. I am enlaced in n atrictly educationalwork. I beipeak our impartial atientlon and verdict;In fact. I IU aay that you ou e It to j our contltuencyto either refutts my rlalmv by proof-- a waa done vrltbthe SCOTCH OATS ESSENCE" a few yearn ago-- or toconfirm tho "FLOOD OF LICHT" that hat bo oppor-

tunely buret upon mankind from auch an unexpectedquarter. I have n royal right to thla demand; IT ISYOUR DUTY TO HTHII'.MK OF MY I'HETENfilONS ANDUNMAbK ME a a fraud lr you find ine ao. On the otherhand, baa not the whole nation the blfthett claim uponyou to reiehe the truth ou the all vital aubjeot ofhealth t

If. at I declare, the true theory of dlteateandtbeappropriate remedy to cure that ritaeaee are a poiltlvefact, aubject to uniform demout tration, It It tbe trueprinciple lo withhold the lurut until 1 mme to jourconntlu? room withafew pall ry dollars at an adver-tiser? Are ou for or against progress !

This movement It In the I nterett of tbe neoole. HealthIt pricelert and I know it can be thoroughly restored In

eterychroaio case where Ital organs are not too fardeiajed.


N. IIELMER. Maimfactiiring Chemist,

822 Broadway, S. E. corner 12th St.TAKE ELEVATOR.

Tula la Not u FoImd,IlOOKttiK'M I

EXTERMINATORa been innimfoi lured since

7C7U. and lined lu over 2.600lii'ltlf, linriiliais. una oiuerpublic in.minimis in PnitolI Intra nnd l iilluila. mid Hilla rk.in j ur piemisca abtvlute- -

I) fuo linui

IU'Gri..MUIi:i:'l,lf'.M.ltOA'lli:K, WATBItTin) only prriMiailon mad DE

i'mi will louuy iiuuUillulotcrmtu. ,


BOLE rjtOrSIBTOBS.Drssacttlaia lUra It

, . THE

Chickering Piano.




YORK, frnnounccd by I.1SZT, OOTTSCIIALK, an I

rACIIVANN tba luttrumont that mum nearest !

tbt human volca.yortalf. cash or asy Installments; alaa for rant A

auUU stock or second-Lan- piauoa to bt bad at vary jraaaooabia prtMt.VJtUCJtUUUneHAXX,aUvulBthUN.T

t1 j



r-- jr-- --3 The follotrtna;V"T " l i prleea speak forU$ W CiwVjl titncBevel"mX&xSSnoS' s,r,t Catawba rr

"UU1 WJ1 "PytT (Kalley'a III- - tral.S

-- jLl $LAnrtll', (Lot An- -

Bapurchslof3 00wortli Port (Anahrlm) . . l.SOof our roods ball a aoiru or Sherry (Santa Ko- -

tbsaboregttsseswlllbeflieu aa) l.SOs JJuicstel (Sacra- -

CO tuenlo) l.SO.W Uadeira (Sierra

iJ V Tnkay (Ran Jose)., S.SO

Xtltga (Bt. Del- -.

WaMffft4-LYrtnlnir-M Ktd M1 Wh"e T"'

' w'nei flO

TyHirlrweJtjt!L niesllnt; (Houn- -

JvWriXtlRJJlMr tain View) l.SSRvPJrrTOWBr" Cabinet (SU Hit- -

,'''' Ml" ena) 1.7SIt yob buy S3 00 werth e! St. Jullen (Jount

our Juttly relebraled wines vlllei I,SSand brandlas n bandsuron Dursuudy (Sonotray Vith4cryttalcntfflasset tiia) l.ftOwill ba at your dttpotai.

A Pure Grape Bran- -

VJ dy 8 to SI1V Itye and BourbouII WbliVeyi.Sl.'TStoSSII I II oil as ltd Ola,

ae"l lv7 f "1 Rlnckberrj. Hnntrt

fft H TTr) Crim nail JumnlcstVjl I lV y RamijBLai Hnb ' rrf3t3ff JllPatch EssenceS3teS? at dlntlllern,

S&oLjjOsSgr price.A ofThlt, err nn. imported bar.

rarat wlno aet. lueludlna- rt t allltoralaKlattes, decanter and tray. Fruit nnd Honeywill bn fiien 10 every pur- -

ot IS.00 wortb ot our coaatnntlyoxcellent stock or goods. hand.


Zfli.eao sTii av., new yobk.4na STII ST.. NEW YORK.1.02B D A V., NEW YORK.4B7 WIEI.IS AV..COR. 149th ST., N.T.110 EWEN ST., BROOKLYN. E. .lOO MARKET ST., NEWARK, N. J.


Elegant Presents.

In our salesrooms aro to befound tho most beautiful anilunique designs in Fancy Tables.Handsome Cabinets, in Vernis-Marti- n

finish. Countless styles ofFire Brasses. Fire Screens in won-

derfully beautiful combinations ofbrass and colored glass, and manysimilar articles of extremely richand elegant finish. '

J.S.Conover&Co28-3- 0 West 23d St.


Brooklyn-Furnitur-e Go.Great llargnliis lu Desks

for This Week.OFSN EVENINGS.

$7.50; reduced from $12.00,For thin highly polished Desk, la solid on),uUInd trim,

150 Wljlos or Desks from84. OO aud Up.

Brooklyn Furniture Go.553 to 571 Fulton St.,



BtUi'Tirufc tebtii, TiTiBaTBoTri?uramn760c,; repairing, U. 61iyliiy.

EIJJO ANT gold fllllnn.iruaraiitd moJerata prlcta.yiuiirt Dental VarWa, 74 Vartck it, eor.

htPPtt8' ,'

A fw York to lllaijnir a'nrt Morllta (tAn(tondtrry).Throufrh tlcaata to Llrerpool. Iinblln, Ae

'ASSYIru.s ..Thursrtay. Dec 24, 111.30 A. M.HI1IKII1AN Thurs1T. PfC. 31. UA. M.tjttamcra markeil with flo not carry, passanitera.

I'aUin, t(i. hf4nil cabin, MO.r BUerae. 1H.Prom pier Columbia stores. Month Fcrrjr, Brooklyn.i'urrreli(htaii(1 nassaire apply to ' ' .

''"TIN 7trfj. Aircnta. M Brnadway.

CANADIAN I'Xt.'IFia HAII.VTAlCCO'.SMoral Mall Sliamshln l.me.i.



UOU miles tUe sbortcst route.I,ower rates. Send for information.

Intended laillnsrs from Vancouver nt tba us BleelKxpress steamsblpat

KMPRF.SS OP INDIA. Jan. 13.1001KMritESS OK JAI'AN retl. 11). 1HHJEHIIlfcSS (IK CHINA Mar. 11, lBUl

K. V. hKINNKII. MKKKTT HUr.AR.Uen'l hast'n Ae't. China and Japan rrt. Aft.

iW """"'way. N. V. 124 Water st K. Y,


Hmrla Dec 2fl. 3 P. M.lCmbrla Jan. in 7 A. M,Auranla,..Jan a. 3ii A.M. tlallia, .Jan. sa, M.Uolhiiia .Ian. It t I'. l htrurla Jan 90. aailA. M.

l'rnm Tier 4ti hortli Idler, foot Clarkson at,II. mum N a H), tlentral Airtnta.

piOMrAIINIhiikNEItAlTli TRANSATLANTigUE.Pretii h Una to Uavre eery balurday.

KA OAS( ocimj, Mantilll Sat , Uec. an, XoonI.A I'llAMI'AllNK, Hocr BaU Jan. IBIl . M.LA NURMAMIIl:. Uureilt. .Sat. Jan. l. UlWI A. L

A. Hiltiim. Ueneral Acent. Bowling Oretn1NMAN LINK It, K ANII'lIOYAt. MAIL MTFAMKKJ

OL'KKNSTOlVN AND l.tNBItt'OOllITY OP rAll IK HenneMar.Jeu.M. iu 30 A.M.CITY OP BKHI.IN. .. Wrdll'sday. .Ian. 20.1I.UO A.M.

Kmmrier43 .V. It. adjntulnir Chrlstoidiar it Parry.Plrst Cabin. $Co and upwar.1. accnrdltia; lo ataaoier

and lucatton of room : secund i abin. fnu and $33; pr- -raid. 30; stteraae. tlo. I'KTIIlt M ItlilllT a SONS.

Ueneral Acenu. it Howling tireen, N. V.

TVJEW 0"K AMI t'UII MAIL HTKAMK1IIP CO.il I'lerslHand 17. Kasl River.Haturda) stealuera at 1 P. M.: all ntlitraat 3P. M.

For Uniana. 1'roitreeii, Catupche, frontera, Lafuna,Tamnlrn, luxpam mid Vera I run

Matanza. Oanlt mis, hHittia, t'albarlen. Nassau,Bnntlatfo tie t uha. iluantatianio. audi lenfuegoa.

EOUTMUOLD. Ilaiana, Matalicas, and Cal- -

liarten Thurs.Dee. 24MVATAN, Ilaiana and Mexican porta.... Hat. Dec. 2ttMAIIARA, llliianaand Saxlla ,...Wod . Dec. 30ORIKAHA, llavanu and Uoxicaii ports.. .Sat. Jan. 3SANTI MIO. Naesau, Santlavo de Cuba, and

I'lenfueicus .... .Tbura. Deo. AtThis line tins direct connection iriih and issues

tbroueh bills of lading tn alt points nn Mexican RailwayCo . Mrxlran Central Rttllwny lo . Ltu , and the Monterev and Mexli ati ilinf Railroad.

for rull partliulars, rratrlu or passarta apply toJAML1 K V H II a l 1 1. I I.I Mall at.


btiamers sail from nler root 2d st . Hobokeu.tA.sT h.M'RKSS HTKAMKRK.

Cms .Thurs. Dec. 24. noonlbms Tilea.Jxn, 12. ST. M.IlaxelTues, Dec. 2I2 P. M.nnle.Tucs .Jan II', It A.M.Tratr Tllrs...lnu 5, 111 . M.lP.lbc vl . Jan 23. it A.M.

tlrst isiilii. n7r. andjupward a bertb; second cabin.$uOabertb; cteiractt at tow rates.

tlELRlCIIS A CO. 2 Rom Unit Oreen.

PACll'II' MAIL hTKAMHllll' COMPANY.root ot Canal st . North RlierL

To BAN fKlNClscn, Mat lie IhTIIMtS UP PAKAMA.COLON Mils Thursday. Dec. 31. noon.

Prom SAN I UA.VIsCO. 1st and Brannan sta.FOR CHIN V 1ND JAPAN.

CITY OF I'l.klMI mils Thurday. Dec. 31. 3 P. M.For freluht, passage, and itenerai Inforniatlou apply

at coinpan) 's oitice on the pier, foot of Canal st. NorthRiver. ILJ mi.l,A, ilencral buperltitendent.UAVAMNAII LINK-FO- UIl hTfc'lMKRS WEEKLYO from New Pier 3T., N. It , toot of bprltik at.M.S. TAI.LAllASShK. . .,..- - Irfda, Dec. 2.1. 12 M.B.s kANhASCtn Mturdaj, Dec.2rt.;ir. M.K. s. CHATTAHOOCHEE...... .Monday. Dec. 2S.3I". M.8. S. NAt oorllFK . VHlnti(l-- , Dec. 30, 3 r. M.

ConnrxtliiK mill C R. R. of lia and S p. A W. H'y foralliioliilsllilll'.lir.l.IA, rLORIIIA. SOUTH CAROLINA.ALAHAM l.nn.l LorlMANA. Lubiirpassedaiiomnioda.Hone llrst doss tabled bote. lor trclgbt and passaga

' j'dIIASIIAOF.N. E Aitt. W. II ItHF.TT, Can Agent,b P AW. R'y, 2rtlB'ay. Cent'l R. It.317 B'way.

It I. WALKER. Aftut Ooean Steamsblp Co.0 M. MIRUEk Manager. Nim PIrS. Nortb River.


and all points I" FIAIRID. the South, and Southwest.1 rom Pier 2t. E. It . Momlaj a. W eda . and Frlds) s. 3 P.M. Passenirer arcommodatlous and cuisine unsurpnssed W M, P. CIA DK A cu , Oen Ante . r Bnwllnirllrcen. N. Y. T. (!. tOLR. Uen. Ag-t-

. U.8 rrt. Line, 347ltroadw a) , N. Y.

WlIITirslAlt LIKE.MAJESTIC Wednesday. Dec. 30. 3 P. M.HHlMAMU.. . . ....Wednesday, .Ian. it. 11 A. M.

HinTior soconil cabin accommodations on Teutontoand Majestic, steerage to or from the old country. $20.onice 21i Broad ay; and nn the wharf foot of West lotast II. MAITLAND KhRSEV. Agent.

NORWICH LINE.Varen rednred toNew Lonrton 9100; orwlcb. SI S5;

Wnrretter. ?-- H1 Botnn. t-- rorrt"tionjiniT rennet ionin alt points hMftt. Mfsiucrs Ipe I'irr40, North Riverdifxt pier fittme Iiilirokftei tt. feirj). dally, bundtyiexcrptril, AtG I. M.

TONiNGfON LINE.- INSIDE ROt'TE. ALL FARES REDlXED.IIOHTON, ajaOO PROVIDENCE. S.5tt ORl'fcsThll '.' '.". hi earners leal e Now I'icr 3rt. N. it ,

one btotk. aboi o Canal at al 6 V. M. dally, excapt bundai.

ONLY J 00 to BOSTON via FALL RIVER LINE.A The most popular travel route In the world!lares reduced to all points steamers PLYMOUTH and!'lt( IIJEM'h In commission. !aie Pier 28, N. K. foolof Murriv st . at r, P. M. we"lc dsj a and Sundays. Connectiou by Annex boat from Brooklyn. 4 30 P. M.; Jarsey City. 1 P.M.

CAT.-KI1.-I.. HUDSON. AND C0XSACK1E boat! leav

Mindiijs excepted, from Pier 33, foot ot Jayi , N. I! . t it I' l . counei'tlnv at Hudson with Boston

and Albany It. It for all points hast,USE Steamers leave Her 24. N. R.

foot ot Pmuklln st . for West Point. Cold Spring.oi un all. Hslikill Landing, and Ncvtburgn, week days,

6 P. M Slillduys.il A M.

Ztlttt cOoartT.

aat Blue.

QTII ST. 221 WEST Heated moms, with board:O parlor floor: suitable for gentlemen; $5.50 up.

TTiril st. Iir ullv furnished frontJ room, southern exposure, excellent board; $12

lor mo.fif?YlH ST.. 20.1 EAST Nirely furnished rooma. wllbOU or ulthout tward; English, lreui.li, tjeruiansiioken. reaiouatile.KiyosT7l24 KAsTKTt,gaiiily furnished rooms. sinu" gly r en suite: running nater; board optional;Soutliernirs tic, oniniodatcd.


2.M KAST.-Mc- cly funilslied room, withI V9 good bonril. reasonable, alsotab.e board.

7TII sT. 208 EAST -- A few boarders wanted; nlcaJ tr home, reasonable; third floor.

ajOfTi ST., 213 EAST. Furnished room w 1th board;f J gas. bath, hut, piano; ntso table board.


(l Hlito,WANTED 2 King St.. f 4 50 to SI. large

front rooms nod board tor two or three Kentlemen.

WM'TiTClS' PLM'E. fi 17 -- Largo anifllimainrrontfarntsuuil: aiupla Llosets, gentle-me-

terms moderate.

WASIIIMITON PI.At'l'. 134 Large rooms, withjr. lai h; table board $.1.

4Til ST. 177U'sT.between ilfTfnv .and'Barrow itI iirnislieilroonis, with tlrst dais board.

7Til A.. 2ir,.liear"22d t. Nicely furnished singleand double rooms best of board. $. up. tabb board.f 3.

7Til AY.Tii-l- . Roomaultablo for two, also ball room,with superior board, table board.

1XtIIRT wTwitsT. Rcniiil""flt rooms, with orJ. O w Itbout buard. for man aud wife or gentlemen.


OOI ST.. ;(OM MPsT, Ijirgo and small rooms, withJm lioard. homellki accouimodatlons, t'jrms moder-lite- ;

also labia I nanlctfl.QO1' hfT447 WEST" Doiihle and single heated rooms,mSt with or without lioard, terms lery reasonable.000 8Tir2.ll EST; LariTI annTaiiiiiTl rooms; first-A-

i laas board, tt, t H; table lioard.OOlTsT ."Sli EsTTioom7w7tbbiiard. on second

O and third ttoors, with s family; refer-erne- s.

sToril ST, .uu small rooms, wltb0 lioard; ladlia. tl: gents, r.,

AC)D ST. 515 WEST. Two worklngmen can Und good. ooard and washing; 5a weekjir;iTII S1.,203 HEhT. Few gentlemen call have goodOil hoard, home nuiforts, batb. At.; ncsrtflb and UlbL slallnns. third Hat.

1 OfJ1" l,T 2S1 WEST To let, on parlor floor, thraalu rooina. en suite, torgciitlemeni running wateraiid bath; board optional,

MlMetlancoun.ALL REEKIN'U 1101'SEti.anartmenls, or rooms, with

without board, obtain reliable Informationtree at Evsr.lt Directory; established IStJt). Manybouses nol advertised registered here.

E. A, DAILhV, 74 West 35tli st.

jftlrrt oartl SrooIilMB.

ST. 364,-M- iely furnished hall rooms, wltb.s board; fow mluutcs lo Wall aud South

Urrlcs; terms 85.

tftmxighra Soom5 & partmruw Co tT

Eaat bide.

EI.EDANT FURNISHED KOOMfl. with allto let for genu or married people, 312 East

MiUhst.near --'day.

Rh ERE HOUSE, corner Broadway and Houston at.Comfortable rooms lor GOc. per day upward.

OO AV 2 4113 Newly furnished front parlor and connactlngbedrooom. suitable for twogentlsmtn;


2D A V. 84r, near 4Mh st Two large rooms; onl fewrespectable famulra In the house; 17.

9Til sT . 41) EAST, near Broadway. Assortment largeand small rooms, well heated; pirtnanent or trail- -

lllllt; j

lfVril ST., M EAST.-Nlr- ely fumlsbed tunny liaUIvf room, tt tjo, other rooms 5 and tx"OT II sT, 3211 E ST T11 11 luniisbed rooms, heated;

M if housekeeping or gtnlleiueii; to; back parlor;suulhern exposuiu.nnflf-bfiTT-EA-


near Jlrosauoy.-Furnlsl- iedA XI rooina to let.OOD bT 41 furnished large. rooms, excellent tabic; table boarders; no smallrooms,

Os ST.. H i:ASTdeslrbiiT rtuTius w itli first classtmA biardi also luhle bujrd, refcreni es,O'-l-" sf. lu7irfsTPuTnb7heJrronraiid udjoinliig

loom secund Hour, lor two orlhi ee gentlemen,OKT1I ST. 234 easttwo lurge Iront rooma forAO housekeeping; .l to 3 60 pvr week.QO" ST. It furnished rooms,t) singly or en suite, with board: referenoea.4'JIi ST. 20 rooms: Drat clasaflu tatlo; teryrtaicaaUe; traailiBticcBuuuieil, 1

' t m mi

3Jtl jrtte ipt jMt-g- tvs Stxttt gtatl gjrtnte got M-'B- ta Kjt1jtf ' J 1


FREF, PANN over the H. K. to those who TIM I Lit and I.4MJATK. and two thirds the MONET !advanced , OV It PROPERTY la tnoat beautifully slinatrd It laia between Han nnh elation, on lb f Sereat West Wbore n. R. nnd Demarnt.nn the Northern It. II. of N. .I., only a mllo apart, within enlywalklnr i Watalanr of .either, and having no tralue dally. Thla property la high, rolling country, sandy loam soil, af; ' Bfording excellent natural drainage. Two beautiful natural parks, siifllclcnt shade and fruit trees, beaullfal tmountain aceuirto diversify the views and lond additional attractions. H

WINTER IS THE TIME TO SELECT SUBURBAN HOMES.. ;j IIt property Is so attractive and desirable on a bleak winter's dav. what will It be when clothed In Rprlngi ' ' K

verdure. Aiimmer'a glory, and Antnmn'e grandeur t Bv visiting tn tuacr'oit will see the wondrous advantaren U Itet tILKVRLANB on the IIII.L. No more APPlttlPIIaATR. DINIRAHLK. srAHIBLE, A Mor AlVF.PTAHI.E flIFT couldbe given than a I.OT at lli:At!Tll'UI. :l.i:VKI.AN OS ATIICIIII.L, rRKEPAHH to villi tan property, Fur further particular, raapa. plain, passes, ACsicaUal : Sofflce of the

BOSTON LAND CO., 258 Broadway. j 1E. If. IIARRtRON, Brookhn Agent. 1M Ralph r. .1. M'm.NNIN 1 F. HTF.RN, Mansgers, W

ef rnWir fl Soow & Apartment!, gg twJnTSiJK

CIIRIRTOPHF.R AT, 137, bet. Oreenwlch andfancy store Large rooms. neatly

turnlsbed; gentlemen only.

DOMINICK ST.. 14. near Varlek St. Ijirge and araaltfurnished; well healed; for gentlo-me- n

only: terms fl.fio up.

ST. 3 Furnished rooms forDOMINICK tnta weekly. :ROVE ST.. room tor one or twoG gentlemen: bn.u. Ac: quiet nnd accessible.

JANE ST ."14. near llreenwichav. Neatly'furnlihedhall room to let. 1 50.

WEST WA8HINlITONPLACE. 124. near llth nv :furnished rooms: every convenleme;

or housekeeping: terms moderate.Til ST, mi WEST IWAHIIINOTON SQUAREL-Pur-nls- hed4 rooms for gentlemen, ur man aud wife: rent

2 50up. j.

inTH A V., 20K. near 23d et. Adams." Single andnJ dooble rooms; light housekeeping or gentlemen;$2 up

11 Til ST. 2 WEST.-I.a- rie parlor, neatly furnished.suitable for pbjslclan, gentlemen, or marriedI

couple,"l JTH ST 333 WERT Ijtrtn and small rooms, newly;

J ft furnished: running water; southern exposure;singly or connecting, references.

II ST.. between 7th and sb as !,arg and smallUTrooms en suite or singly: private family. Addrtiab,147th av.1 fJTII ST.. 205 WEST. Noilly furnished square andi

IU hall rooms; central location: to gentlemen only.

O 1BT BT. 0 WEST. Nicely rurnlehed desirable largeA I and small rooms, wltb tlrst class board: refere nces

QOD ST , iki WEsT Newly furnished square rooms,AA stasia heated, hath, Ac; moderate referenda,

WHEELER: two flights.

OQpsT 327 WEST. Newly furnished large squareAA and hall rooms; parlor floor with extension, aultable for family or businessO'JD ST , 2(HI BST. Two large well furnished rooms:AO bath: all conveniences on floor; well heated; rentt'l. together.OfiTII ST., .144 WEST. Two desirable rooms on firstOU floor in private house: eultable for doctor orhousekeeping: reference! reqnlred.OOD ST., 400 WEST. Furnished rooms for light00 housekeeping, with all Improvement!, In private,heated house; also other rooms.

Q4TII ST.. 434 and newlyrooms: all conveniences; with or without

board: near L station.OyiTII ST. 223 WEST. Large sunny front room:Ofa handsomely furnlihed, ample closets; runningwaterA (VII ST. 228 hed floor, with bath;'avr also single rooms for gentlemen."kYTII IT.. 857 WEST. Boardere wanted; gentlemen.

tS; ladles. 3 60 a week: convenient to L nation.RQTH ST. 331 WEST. llaudaomely furnished parlorOt7 and bedroom: single Urst flat; every convenience;nt Latatlon.QQT1I ST.. 11" WEST. Large comfortable furnishedaO rooms; eiery convenience; terms mooderate:permanent parties.

IflaTII ST.. no WEST.-N'lc- ely furnished front andXVmJ back parlor; atrletty private family; grate fire;bath: with or without board; breakfast if desired;terms moderate. McCAULIB.

IrtRTII ST., 103 WEST. Four moms nnd bath:AvrU steam heated; ery cosey; h alia carpeted; alllight rooms: near I, station: lgtot20,1 1QT" ST-- ,7 WEST. Mcely furnished bsck par-- a

XO lor. with use uf parlor; private famliv: twopeqpln. BILVERSTEIat.

"lOOD ST. 215 WEST.-Cotta- ge; nicely furnishedX.4,G rooms, for gentlemen only, tn private family:nil comenlencei, rooma on second floor, front anahack.

lOTU ST. 7f WEST, aecond flat-Nic- ely furnishedX A1 room, heated, wltb board; gentlemen only.

tfflntg aiifl gipartrnttttg ge get.

OIVK ItlOlWH FREE.134T1I ST. 502 TO 594 EAST --Elegantly decorated;halls haated. all light. Iargt,.alry rooms; half block1 rom L station: t!7 to 20 Janitor.

FLATS AND APARTMENTS, unfurnished andtn nil parts ot the city.

FOLSOM BR0THER8. B2H Broadway, cor. 12th stMORTON ST.. 42 Handsomest new house In Ninth

elegantly decorated; portico stoop, priiatebaths, and closets; only three apartment! left: 22 to

1H. open Sundays.PLATS. 3 to H West llthVICTORIA ranges, hollers, baths, wash trays,

Ac; handsomely decorated; rente trom $30, Janitor onpremises.

ST AV.. HID. near 35tn st Three flne rooms. 3d floor;river view ; electric bells; handsome house: $0 50.

TIT ST., 112 EAST, between 3d and 4th aia --Threerooms; best condition; closed houie; quiet fam

lly. Janitor. ,

ORTII tT, 310 AND 312 EAST. Three and fourAit rooms: hot nnd cold water: bath: $14 to $20.JOT1I ST. 244 EAST. Desirable flat of six rooms;JO bath. Improvement!: 2 flight! up: rent $22.

RISTsT.320 EAST. To let. top floor or, if desired,0 X upper part of private house.ST.. 343 EAST. live rooms and bath, with all

1 I Improvements, fourth floor: all light rooms, flit.TUTU ST.. 307 AND SOU E 1ST. All light apartments;f O 4 rooms, rents $11 to $15. new houses.

P7QTII ST. 804 EAST. Second flat of seven roomslu and bath: all Improvements: rent $35.iV7TII tT 174 WEST. To let. handsomely decorated.t7f ateam heated top flat, a rooms and bath; price$2H: Inducements Inquire of Janitor.QQTII ST.. 15 WEST.-Fl- ats. adjoining Central Park;JtJ beautiful location; light rooms: balls heated.1 lnT" "I". 12H EAST Rent $ltt. $ls, tlm largeX mJ rooms and bath, handsomely decorated, audpainted hails nicely decorated.

ST . 72 EAST. Parlor flat of 7 rooms and bath;m alllmproeraenle; rent. $21; person witling topiestlbule clean rent reduced; also top flat. $I.

lORTH ST.. 24H EAST. Apartmenta of three andX aej four rooms, with Improvements; nllllgbt; cheaprent,

l"OD8T. 270 WEST.-R- ent free to Jan. 15,pruved four room apartments; $7 to $10.

4 iatjs rntrt ciipartmtntiS grooWtjii.LIOR RENT Those i ery desirable slores and flats InV new. buildings, 0W7 to t;i7 Uates nv,; r, rooma andbath, hot and cold water, stationary tubs, gas. Janitorservice; balls carpeted; two minutes eleiated stationTompkins av. 25 nilnutca from New ork; rents $14,$15, $1U; call aud act. them, open Christmas

JOSEPH TREAT.Real Estate Oltlce, lt05tiatesar,

gtouutjS nutl prtuuutj; Vanttrt.

RrKJM WANTED Unturnlshid; owner's bouse; tonbetween sih ami 2.1d sts : state prle s

SIMJI.E, box 120, bun l,2Cf Broadnil,

if"tvrlUarj wHniifoltitiDESIRABLE HOUSES, unfurulsbed and furnlihed. In

the cityPOLsOM BROTHERS. 82ft Broadway, corner 12lh at.


furnished aud unfurnished, all

WINANT A UOADtt Y. 600 Madison ay corner B2d st.

LAROE, complete house on tlramercy Park, Northrented reasonably for season

LIVIMiSTON i .IUDBON. 71 Broadway.

rpOLET, IN lf!2D ST.. three minutes from MelroseX station nn Harlem Railroad or eleiated railroad;

new cottages, with modern improiviiienisand bath; arranged for two families; rent $10 and$!V; one floor Inlout st. $1.1

L. V. UOfrOYER. f2 East Iflid St.

Eo g!tt for gagiaw urpo.t.

Broadway, near 32(1 St



Inquire aa Prealsss, l.tes Broadway,

DESIRABLE STORES, lofts, and office! to let in all

BROTHERS. 620 Broadway, corner 12th st.

FOR lne shop, (10x100. four stories high,kastilHtli at.. Inoludliigengiueaiidboflers.iuiliis,

boring mill, drill pissses plauers, pullets, shafting, audeleiator, coinplete Addieas

LKM'lH IH10N. 17.1 Broadway. Xew York city.TO LET CHEAP.-Pr- ee to 1st or Jaliuarilcom enteiil lo Ileal Estate Lxchaugn and In heart of

diamond lew elrv. and optical trado. Apply room 2, 4bMaiden lane, and 35 Liberty st,

TO LEASE. VACANT LOTS un mill 1 lull, mil 2lthbetween Av A and East Ititrr. also small brick

bulldliigon 1 1Mb st , aud four lots ou 1st ui , coruerDOibst, Apply In

11,1). or JOHN II nilOOUMAN. 41 Exchange place.

T 0 I.ETOIl LEASE-Pl- with steam liower'nlidsteam brat, suitable lor any kind or business,light lour eldest steam elri'utor, lusurallio In,,

J S, A 0. r. SIMPaON, 2S Ituiliiey si., Brooklyn, P.. I),

TWO ELEOANT LIOIIT LOFTS, lot 50x100. wltbpower, corner of Caunou and Itlvlngton its.Inquire of K (I. PHEUBCII.EUY DESIRABLE stores nnd floors to Ut (newbunding). H4 East Uth at. near lirondwayi rent!reuvaable.' tOUOU DllOS, Wtl away, cot, M.

ORANIIE. N.J. (Ihta vicinity spot tally) -- Bargain! fo ', jB.P. HAMILTON A CO.. ll rfrnadway, N. Y. flP

newport"news, VA. IChoice Villa Sites 4 1






STOCK RANCH FOR HA I.E. RED $ jBni.UFF, MADISON COUNT, MON,. con-- Pslstlng of 4fi acres, nil under good fence, good houses, L SVstables, sheds, tools, farming Implements, uarneac. and f RRdies: oierino head of high bred cattle, horses: located ( BBon L'berry Creek: nncofthehest In tbe oountryt ISO fi 'Mmtons of bay on band; ranch suitable for horses.-caltl- li iKHor sheep: win sell nt a, sacrifice on account of other I RHbusluess. Por particulars Inquire of I HW

L ZEl'HIEU Broadway. New fork city. h FlP0RSALE In I'lttstleld..Mass, tine sites for.oountry I JM

houses at various prices: renh estata tfor Imestinent, pailng good rates Apolyto- - !f JRC

KOIXIN 11. COOKE. Tlttstleld. Mass. K!


A Por sale, tn close an estate. il mHTn o largo properties In Philadelphia. IHX) feet fmntng. Kcentral location: iroea annual revenue about 2 3.000. Hj.lor particulars address w

M. H li Slrawherry at.. Philadelphia. WSriTl estate ftrr ale Citjt. ' IV.

BRYIV ItIAWR HEIGHTS.Iti S60 .each. 160 caih. 10 monthly; meat deitra. B'eKbleletaof any sutrounding thla city; 54 mlnutei frora

Eectorstby eleiated and Northern H. It.; examine thll ' BjHbefore deciding upon any others. SaK

rARSELLS t CO.. 15 CortUndsit. ijHBAROAINi In New York and Brooklyn property; easy CeaCi

rash required KamiE.L. KERR. u. Liberty at. New York, (tlmi

T" HE BEKT FINISHED HOUSED in the heit locality In ' IB,the city (West End nv between tiTtb and (fata ' BKsts), now read) for occupancy: to prompt buyer lio IirVeral terms will be made. E. K.IEPATRICK. llflR

1STAV.. near lOSlh'st. full lot; 5. 70i. all mortgnn i 19ELY, lai Gold at? BWf"in'HEm'VM. near trankltn square; S12.000; 32s RlamT'tU'laU mortgage. ELY, 103 flold at. KuW

Igral gjState for a!c grooMijtt. IBi

HIlISTStATpitESEMilouseanearBrona . IH. ferries at bargains: easy terms. Also coruers for sfmYtliquor and grocery business , Rj

OLVANY. 314 South Cth it. Brooklyn. tamfCIIItlMSIAd HOME: price 2.100, cnihtlOO. Mmf

monthly lo. C1IAS. bt OTT, Pacific st,, near Rock. . IpJnwayai. BsxeKK"6TciUSkO HT 2 story and basement. VX; E K)

fd5: MiOnnnugli st , 2 story and base JMment, brown stone, all improvements. 3r),f!0: Jefferson ' rKnv nnd basement, broan stone. 10 roomi nnd teKbath. $7..VKl, call oientnirs i VI'

U H. PEACOCK. 7W Lafayette ar Brooklyn. K2PEBIR4BI.E fonritory prltate dwellings Oardea I JB

n Heights; also Mansion House, Fish A RBRkill llllage. for illy property, will add cash, VI tmw

IIENDER.SON. Bennett building. New York. HM.

tf17K-PIN- E IXJT.t In the 2ttth ward, payable 15 IWyjl leJ monthly: no discount for caih: within few ' ICKblocks of Pulton elevated road. Investors, homcaeeker, ,PVcall and see them lilIRa

ROBERT WHEELAN. Atlantic nnd Tan Slclen ava. flfMiC--l srMlf-NE- W HOUSES, two families. & rooms' ISSltJjVUu Improvements: ono block from elevated )Vaiation: S300 ch $3 000 houie, I story, cellar, O ''. W imrooms, rull lots. $700 cash. 1 p 19k

ROBERT WHEELAN. Atlantlo nnd Tan Slclen ava. f m

JRtal (gjstatt tgar ffalc fflatctt gglanJ. 1tttl Gfils ONLY. Easy terms of payment for a' I it Syp liiJUU charming new Queen Anne (.bttage; 7 m 9innis; beantirullydecorated: stories, with verandnt 1 Hf Kgardenk41xintJ: hue healthv location, on tjvmmerneid I If jjtav. Erastina, Staten Island; 40 mtnutea from city; l& mlfare 10c ; must hivenld: great bargain. Call and aen 1 Rfowner, Mr. PAYNE. IMlllruailH ay. I W

grat Cgtnte or t ffioqtrtva, ' 1 ft'

FLORIDA CHEAP HOMES. Ml ch nml SI per month, 24 mon tin. Iiuy 1 acre lot. jl m m '

1 T. ci.Ii hmiI r per luontb. 21 nioiitlti. buy. It 3 (L f II iarro lot. SIM llit-'l- iienlllifiil pin Ufi4. in loly, ffl 9 tif(rrnwiiikrtumithtp tieuU stamp fur " The Florida liom FJ n UKBttker" monthly t& am HE

0, M, CROSBY, 99 Franklin St., N. Y. 1BARGAINS IN ROCKLAND COUNTY farm i and rill- - SJ W

stamp ror list. nil JvP. II. LKM'INAhKE. fcprlng Valley. N. Y. ' tl If S

FOR SlI.E The lubsrrlber offers for sale a tlKiiSlarinof Itir, acres of land, situate about three tnllea ilI'MnRf

from tho city nf Poiighkeepsio The land Isnf an ex iintHWcount quality, wtlladapted to the growingof grass or tl jattSJEgrain, and is w oil ivateicd If kSSH

lr nn; arid prior to the day of January, 1802, It I H fjjftrfiwill be sold at public aui tlon on that day, nt the Court , U xil-- iHouse lu the clt or Pongukei pile, at 11 o'clock la thn IH ftirfcxlorcnoon. Ilattd Nov. '.' IMIii. vnWKR

W. PAIUtlNOTON'. Execntpr. fU ItfijF.a Market n., Poughkeepile. N. Y. y ShH

ClITTAGK. t'.'.'iim, $100 cash, baUnra 10 ' iB Hmnnthl; lot 100x110 feet; within lo minutes1 ", 3 TV )!

walk nf diT1!: no trains dally; IN miles from ciiyt n(ij d.splendid, health) location, also cottage. 7 rooms, ft lis H .,

one for $1 ftrvti; don't pay rent II'DfIt. K WOIA-'tiT- oiimr, -'-O Centre it. S. Y. SvtM '

NEW HOl'UP. lo rooms and bath: all improvement!; 'Ft'SK1 t)Itwxir.o, good plac for a doctor; price, a .K Is

4 VAl, cas lerms. Address BAMUEL hELP, llellmore, pi la!1.1. IT fJ,! ACIIhb l.leguni rcsldenie of lliroomi; mountain. a miiJ view, ir chinn. P. II. I.EM'INAMIE, jfi i I

Hprlngt alley, N. V. j gB

MbiabTmgUaTgtatc. ft

REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. 177 Ttrna i,it.Jway Cutiipli to lists of properly from ilxty ageuta I j 1119

lu sixty suburban plaics about New York jdV.CIIAS. j. IIVVUU Secretary. J fV

- ;

jBral state (or 5a!c or (Dxthanfle. jl" "

1.10R Ml.P. OH ENCHANOli V rform of 100 acres In Miilliran county, N, Y vIV. mil I

lagenf Burllngham, 1'J mllea from sllddletown, 4frora Ifftt IBloouiiiigburgh; linn mineral spring, trout streata.ana irlwibike or 7 acres, within 'linttiiites u alk of store, churub, u&it sand sWioolhouse; buildings in uxtellent condition! k Jiigooil situation for summer boarding bouse; aicotnmo- - tildate LU people Price 51,1 mm Inuulruof tilt.

P. IIQl.llf.ltT. KO Dunne it. Hit f.

TO EXCIUMIE for New York and Wisti hester county IrlSthree doutile ttnls well rented, one block from iKE,Litatluu, Tompkins nv and iillou st. if nTl sJ l.ln- -' Pillion it. Drnoklyn. MA fj

cior ue or Co ;ct groohiuu. j ),

I.ioitbALL Ahandtoiuebouse. somluuteifrouNea? l'!Lfi 'flork City Hall; II rooms, furnace tn cellar, batb, ranee, W J' 'hot and cold water, with plot of grouud; ternueaiy. f & j, i

'Apply.i i fiflf

IRED. C. COCUhll. j 'Mftjf'lot) Montague tl. Brooklyn. j ? ttlll


r.bOIII.E HACKrt at M East 12th It, lillw'ouedoor weator llroalitay, ,' J litAnd prrrurr a pair of his patent frames, set with Rock f 11 hiIT) .iul lcut, Inr --' holld go. patent frame, with H IBroik iristal iiaca. tJ4: usual price. 7. Extra heavy r IS'M.I.I Irutiie, til, usiiui price, $11), Pniltlvsly these ' r )!'

for this iiiontii only. More open thla month i rtT,lallHlort Minl),lU:iMo2l'l . J '.ft-I m , t4 If 'i

(iliriotmnjs Carilji.4

i ;C1li:ltrtUh, birllnluy. eiignsi incut cards, ball pro. ' iorders of ilano-- , and fancy ouientia i'k,from J init to bin each, who.esulo aud retail J OH. .; ,JiKOi:ill,i:il, Manutacturer. I4H.IOO f MlatllW.N 1 Iifieticieiiiiigs tllllloVwik, aUo nuir it ,tCj 1

ua)s. Nuluisp.'llilciliilille )ou nail, r''ikPi''

luiards." 313 W

BILI.IAIII) ANII rooLTAHEEa' nuu nndTecondhandi i K, il I'pncit. UIIIPPITII CO . Id Pootth ay. ft J l

UK BEKT BILLIARD AMI I'OOI, TAIII.EM. tH.Vll.1at lUEEIlUNbHICKBALKKOI.LKNllEllCO, k'fc fJL3Utoadway, cmuif nth tt, tUaleu tjonria--

ttmTT.. ... r j --JmRmmR


J. Clutllloii A-- Hoii'm llulldlnc and BlockIlmuttxcd 100,000.

J. Chatlllon 'c Sons's y brick buildingnt &r. H7.nd Wl Cliff hti.ot. and tholr stock ofscales and bu'ehurs' tools wCro dumaged totho e.tent of &X,000 by ilro yesterday. Thollro started on tlioililtd floor, just how nobodysooms to know. There wus nVatehman knownns John, but it seoms ho was away when thefire broko out at 3:M) A. M. Policeman Tlernoysaw flames bursting from tho windows amisent out an alarm. Although tlio building issupplied witn a spoclnl building call und unautomatic tdgnul. neither gnvo tho alarm.

When tho llrst engine arrived fuun.es werobui&tln from evBry window abovo tlio secondfloor, and hecoud, third, nnd fourth alurintwero fiulrkly sent out. It wus a hard 11 ro tolight. There wus uo means of approach fromthe linck. The Chutlllon building toweredtuoor tin eo htorios abot e the admitting biitldlngM,nnd showed solid luii-- walls on two sides. Nohoso could bo curried iiptluougli tho building,for every door ulovo the second was a furniico.Kevurnl htrvnms wero directed Into the lowerwindows, und the water towor did goodseivlculilglierup.

In three or four hours thn Ilro had burnedItseir out. Tho surrounding buildings, ofwhich the one on tho south side of the burnedbuilding Is Harper A Brothers' prlutlng house,were all well protected and wore scaroolytouched by the Jinnies.

Only the ground floor ot tho Chqtlllonbuilding was untouchnd by the Ilro. and thatIk now n pond of water nbout a foot deep.The upper lloors were gutted. Tho dnnmgo Isektlmutod at about $7.,tKXJ to (ho stock undM '."). MX) to tlio building. Tho insurance Isabout Stl)0.lXK.

Thpllrmof J. CliatlllnnA-Hon- i Is composedof O. II. and J. T. Chatlllon. brothers.

Xa Hkull and Croat) Bones on tbe IdttMl.A Coroner' b jtuy yesterday exonerated

Juines Ifu yes from blume In giving Mrs. MaryO'Mnhony carbolic ucld bymlstako for whis-key at 0 Great Jones street ou Tuesday, Thobottle was labelled "oarbolla acid," but thisconveyed no meunlng to Hnyes, os ho cannotrend. , The jury censured J. M. Mcintosh of 43Slsth avenue the druggist supplying the poi-son; for not putting n skull nnd cross bones onthe bottle so an illiterate, poison might bewarned. It alo recominendod that the use ofsuch labels bo made compulsory by law It It Isnot already.

xajob xanocKMonTow.atpcKaCtstaa Back Proteated, kat Ila rroeatly(' ri Ma Thciat Good.' Atl0:15 o'clock yesterday morning. tho tlmo6t tor tho Throckmorton court-martia- l, there

iTraB an Imposing glitter of gold braid andoptblettes In tho Board room on the top floor

'ot.thA'Army building. TBufa- - close examlna-- ,tlbtfshowcd that a good"part of the court was

'missing. It was 11:30 o'clock boforo Col.Otis, tho presiding' offloor. arrived and

i opined the court (Tho accused. Major Charlesi B.Throokmorton. sat ftt'a small table near tho'Urge' table, around which tho officers otthecourt Tjrcro seated.' Ho was. ot course. In fullunlforrh. With him wero Lieut. Goorge Cart-wrltt-

prm4ttod,by tho War Department toaldln tho defonce. and Attorney Gerald M.

Lewis. Tho members ot tho court-marti-

present were: Col. Nathan W. Osborne. FifthInfantry: Col. Charlos G. Bartlott. Ninth In-

fantry; Col. Melvlllo A. Cochran. Sixth Infan-try: Col. La Rhott li. LMngston. Third Artil-

lery: Lieut-Co- l. Edward G. Bush. Eleventh In-

fantry: Major Asa B. Carey, Paymaster: MajorJohnson V. D. Mtddleton. Surgoon: MajorWilliam M. Whorry. Twonty-flrs- t Infantry.Lleut-'Co- L Thomas F. Barr, Doputy JudgoAdvocate, conducted tho Inquiry.

Tho charges against Major Throckmortonwore read, and Coh Barr announced thatonly tho charge that ho had drawn cheeksupbn banks whero he hod no money would boentered upon at that session. Tho first wit-ness called was Otto Ohlman. cashier: of thoNational Bank of Btuten Island, at Hrapleton.Mr. Ohlman said that a check for 250 drawn byMajor Throckmorton In favor of Col. ClomontI Best, a retired army officer, had been pre-sented at his bank nnd had been sent back toCol. Best with "N. G." stumpod upon tt,

Major Throckmorton's account with thebank Was closed. He saw that a few daysInter Major Throckmorton had deposited, aohonk slgnsd by P. M. Fisk Co. for 'J5(). Mr.IjOwIb offorcd evldenoe that Major Throckmor-to- n

had sent this deposit a short tlmo aftorgiving Col. Boat the cheek.

Charlos E. Warren, bookkeeper and clerk intho Lincoln NntlonalBank. testlllod that threechecks for . MO. nnd 5 respectively hadboon presented nt the bank, but had not beenhonored, as tlio Maior had no money on de-posit there. Mr. Lewis asked nn adjournmentoh the ground that Frederick B. Coudert, hispartner nnd the ronl attorney for Major Throck-morton: was sick, and that the case could notgo on properly unless ho was there. The courtwas cleared and the officers decided that thoadjournment could not bo allowed.

L.'Best, the ne.t witness, saidtho Major borrowed $250 from him on May 12.giving him a noto for it Several times, hosaid, the Major camo to him and asked u littlotime, saying that his finances were still in-volved, i CoL Best said he never asked theMajor for tho raonoy. that on July 0 the Maiorgavp him n check for tho amount and took upthe noto. This check camo back wlthS.150chargos for protesting. When he wrote MajorThrockmorton about this, tho Major at oncosent him another check, whloh was paid with-

out further trouble.Thomas E. Ounwbodto. a blacksmith, who

does n good doaf of work for the soldiers atFort Bchuylor. testified thnt tho Major gave

'him a check for S20 which was dishonored,but that the Major almost Immediately paidthe $20. nnd that Mrs. Throckmorton got thodishonored check from him. Tho court wasagain cleared on a motion to adjourn, andwlien tho accused and other outsiders werereadmitted tho trial was adjourned until to-

day at 10:30 o'clock.


Attempt to Restrain the Htoek ExchangelYons Wlthholdlntj Quotations.

Judgo Bischoff, In the Court of CommonPleas, heard oxtended argument yosterday ona motion to mako permanent the temporaryinjunction preventing the Htock Exchangefrom withdrawing quotations from the Goldand Stock Telegraph Company. Ho resorvoddecision and gavo counsel furthor tlmo tosubmit briefs.

Rush Taggart. who with W. Bourke Cockranappoarod for the motion, contended that aspublio rights were affectod by tho marketvalues as fixed by the Exchange the mannorIn whloh it furnished or withhold its quota-tions was a subject fort lie court's review. Ifthe Exchange and the plaintiff could come tono agreement about the rate to be paid forsuch service tho court could step In ami flxterms that should bear equally on all desiringthe quotations.

James C. Carter. In behalf of the Exchange,said that the plaintiff, pending negotiationstoward a contract had enjoyea tho service nttho Exchange for the past two years withoutcompensation. The service is worth $40,000to $50,000 a year. He contended that tho Ex-change is a private corporation, the creationof private interest and energy. The tntolll-senc- e

it rathers is its own. He said the plaintiff, although contending that the Exchange isa publio mart, had on Tuesday offered $100 aday for certain privileges. By their proposi-tion the New York Quotation Company wouldhavo the right to furnish members ot the Ex-change hefow Chambers street with quota-tions. Tho plaintiff would havo the privilegeot furnishing all other customers in this cityand Brooklyn, nnd the Western Union Tele-graph Company would have the same right tocustomer in other parts of this State udd Inother Btates.

Mr. Cockran argued that if tho Exchange isnot a public market, it is a gambling house.He contended that its quotations are publioproperty, and that it cannot bar those desiringtho quotations. The plaintiff has six hundredsubscribers who would be Injured with theircustomers if the injunction were not granted,

i Mr Carter told Mr. Cockran that if ho be-lieved thn Exchange was onen to tho public heought to try and get upon the floor. He couldbring suit for damageson Ills ejectment whichwould certainly follow, aud In that way testtho question.


A Veteran oftbe English Arasy Who Em-igrated With Ilia Commuted Pension.

'James McDermott presented 4 certlflcatoyosterday at the British Consulate authorizingthe Consul to pay him 172 10s. 3d. commuta-tIon,on,- a

ponslon of thirteen pence a day.Mttoermott said that ho served tirenty-on- o

yourrt uud six months in the Iloyal Artillery.On Nov. 15 ho appllod for a commutation ofhis pension, and received 212 10s. 3d. fromGon. O. A. Htuurt. Lioutonunt-Govorno- r of thoItoyal Hospital for disabled soldiers at Cliel-He-

London. McDormott drew 40, came tothis Country on tho Germanic, and applied forthorestof the money due him. Ho sns that300 other pensioned soldiers havo made sim-ilar application for commutation of pensionmoney, with tho intention of coming toAmerica.

MeDor.mott, who Is a halo old man, says hoIs going to Cooper's Plains, this Mate. Whonhe was a child his lather was killed In actionnnd his mother ciuun tn this country, leavinghim a drummer hoy in tho army. Ho hasheard that his mother is married to ThomasPaine, n saloon keeper of Ellzabethtowp.'Two othor votorans of tho English army

havo called ut tho Consulate this week on sim-ilar errands. They were John O'Brien. HOyours obi. and Charlos Gibbons, aged S3, whoarrived on tho Britannic last Uunday. Theircases enmo to tho notico of tho Bargo Office,and word was sent to tho authorities in Wash-ington.

The nopklaa-rJearlas.WI- II Content;Boston, Dec. 23. Tho Hopklns-Bearle- s will

, cane camo up In the Supreme Court this morn-tfitt'lnt-

mattor of tho filing of Interrogatorlos by Judge Endtcott of counsel forTlmothyHopkins. Counsel for Mr. Henries have tiledtheir questions, and Judge Endicott moved foran extension of time to enable him to writeto Mr. Hopkins In California and receive areply before tiling those of tho plaintiff. JudgeHolmosV opinion was that if 11 man desired toconduct litigation at such a distance ho oughtnot to object tn using the telegraph, and fixedBoo. 29 as the time whon Judge Kndloott's in-terrogatories must bo In.

Dr. Bunh for Hpeuker of the Assembly.Elmjiu. Dec. 23. Word reached here from

Albany to the effect that Dr. Robert P. Bush,the member from this county, will surely betbo Dqniocrutlo nominee for Speaker of theAssembly. Gov. Hill fa said to have pro-nounced In his favor.


Peter Rlnn Held a- - Gun on the BoctoraWhile They Operated on IIW Wire.

Mrs. Peter Holes was vory 111 at hor home.238 Hopkins streot, Willisrasburgh, on Dec,2. when her husband callod Dr. Lewis Hess.Dr. Hess considered an operation nocessary.and called In Dr. Arthur Hmyllo to aid him.Whllo tho oporation was In progross a woman,who saw for tho llrst tlmo tho inside ot a casoof surgical Instruments, told Holes that hiswife was boing mutilntod. Itolss is a saloon-kcopo- r.

Ho seized a double-barrollo- d shotgunthat hung behind his bar and stood in thodoorway of tlio room whero tho doctors worebusy.

"A life for a life." ho shouted, as ho levelledthnjrun.

Don't shoot," yelled tho doctors. " What'sthe matter?"

"You are killing my wife and child, and Ifthey die I will avunge them."

There was no time to parley or to give way tofear. The doctors finished tho operation withtho gun pointed at thorn. It was successful.Not until Mrs. Itolss was able to speak to herhusband would ho consent to put away the

un. Dr. Hess told tlin story yosterday in theeo Avenue Civil Court, whero he hud brought

suit for his services. Ho cot a judgtuont for$75. the full amount that ho claimed. Itolssadmitted the truth of the story. Hu said hewas so crazed with fear for his wife that ho didnot know what he was doing.

Rnshtnej Work on the Crnlser Newark,Norfolk. Va,. Dec. 23. Spooial orders have

been received nt the Navy Yard to rush tho U.8. S. Nowark, and mon aro working night nndday on her. Sho is to get away by tho 27th or28th at tho furthest, nnd till go south. ThoGovernment has just completed a contractwith the Thomson-Housto- n Company to erectan electric light plant ut the yard, and workwill bo bogun at onco upon it. Tho yardshops, ofllces, and officers' rjuartors will bolighted by tho plant.