r r F YOU StE IT I r be ITS 1 SO UU I I W Tb einfl THE ForNswYOrkaflV- ktyp WEATHER Pair westerly wind J o = ynL I 11LO5L NEW YORK MONDAY OCTOBER 21 1895C01YUIGIiT 1895 BY THE SUN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION PRICE TWO Em L I SHEEHAN ATTACKED NOW f tillltr AM WKYATS HA V POLICE sf lflltS COST TOO 31VC1I- Rflioit I r r the omrolloner ofAeeannl- Hi the MayorMr Mbeelinn Heplir- Mniilr 1itilnnntlon of Mtlinruo or Allr- lu t the U 1I lo Hide Vlolnllon orLy- 1lr i I I mo luonths the Commlttloncra of Ac jdimts bal e been Invettliratlng tho account of the loln liepiirlment with opoclnl reference til 11111011111 expended for repairs and supplies prior to thoorttunlnllonof the present Hoard toitiuilsflunr Terry made imbllo yesterday tho report lo tho Major tulO Ill th ejamlnatlon tins been made of tho ac riitntsif the Treasurer of the Hoard or Police 1 tniiiiil loiiers front Jim I 1SUI loob 13- IHii I when theprtsetit Treasurer aUllc tho < ilulletDf thuullice Vouchers am In cov rriiii i 1111IC118 churned hi the I runfture- rii nun front un Inspection of iiian Ir them voucher that prices paid fur mi and piijmenti for alterations and re I 111 stI C16Io and an Investigation wa- si I I i r o miln reasonableness thereof- le niiiount cxpendtd during the perfl In but UtI aI4 MOlll44 for uh purposes anti 2 i MI II lit election stationery othur tlll bal 11 inikhiK e total of 1 2t2t very L r lortlon nf such for labor ml tinpurclniBuof malt rials described o In I delimit In the Miucheri 01 to lie beyond tho Do liillu > of lilintltlcatliHi After deluetnl from ijtti l umi the amount patti fur ittlior and MUipllcs which ronlil nut bitliUiililleU s balance of tlrIi nnalned be I nit the ptittIflt purchaiiu of materials V nil I mipplle curable of Identification imples of tlitifu fiiriilkhtd bj the present t rl Police COIOIIalolel were submitted lilt ie the past peironn firm and en iiMiiludiallnK to rUe nf the name kind v I 111 requests fur hid furnl hlnKOf tho IthtO H tbu 1ollco Uepartiuent Ihu rvauests- fiirbldi I wire ImlCl ti Inisinen houcl r the Idnlift etani i the como ty tj has Urn Hctrtulnnl that t Iliuiirheu liae not flue tunled Initirlallydurlnk the period under x- aiiunillon I lie rttlgallon lias ebowl that purchases rf r iiliiiiit one liunilrtd it hii supplies costing t j 141 T tIM C bttii made nt reiisonatlu- i lei hut that 471 t article for which S42 t 11 si I WM pihl multi have beet purchased for J OHI4 Ii tutu that tho uvarutfe ninnunt ac 1 liallypoll therefor wm miter anl poe cent ot- l IF nniuunl for o hch they could have been 7 bimgtit- f Jolia C Sheehan who was Chairman of th- olmltu Itepairn and Sapplle during this bt thxt iirnctlcnlly the euppltee- Cr f f tile lillriUrmrunont wIre purchnied after MDiwtHloii niul that tho requisition clerk had hergo Ir obulnhm the blue he stated that I io pAtteularllrul of the purchases frl fi artln H clerk however Id oath that mol of the purchases of I were made without any NIles cOlllllol Both he and tho tusliif fonductetl under the flame of Martin I ilnnvn teitlded that practically alt time sta- tionery ¬ and supplies obtained 1 front time latter except ballots were furnlshcdwlthsjutany com Jct1tio ertlnnit of tha Consolidation at provides Nnexpenso shall be Incurred any of the jttparlnients Hoard or officers thereof unless sn appropriation shall have lel previously tiiiiUctiveiliiK such exiwnse any expense in recess of the sum uppioprlated In accordance with law Mr bheehun teitllled that Inlebllnfl o ItinilUe was Incurred In each of year ISO Hint and 1814 In excuse of the appropriations fur tilth year and with tile knowledge Hales We been altered on the requisitions orders ilellvtry receipts nnd bill in order to oren such fait Respectfully submitted SKTII SPUAIIDK TEIUIV- ROIINKV h DENMm Commissioners An accomiianyln table contains n list of boutlM t different kinds of articles purchased for the department showing that tim price Inld ranzecl from IH to lSOO per cent of what she Commissioners of Accounts say were the I Itna market rates when the supplies wer- purhOI I Most of thd Instance oiled ant of p I I 1llloa forprlntinc and stationery supplied l 1 y Martin II U own The printers from whom tbttgttb ± e to oratth th B rr touchers cording to Commissioner Terry are M > ei ft Cash Stewart Warren Co John lilnchara and O F Niabltt 0 The prize Item In Mr Terry exhibit was a t ikcic Iron worth abut 12 cents accorJlng to es- timate ¬ f The city patti SiN for twelve of these to Wllal l Lixldy whu Commissioner Terry was a inember of tha Peiiuod Club with Coiuinttsloner Sheehan Thii SIM Item Is tbe one that civet tha Corrimhuloncr their maxi- mum ¬ of lBO per cent of the market price 31r Sheehan declined to ceo rcrortors yesterday Cnmmluloner Terry said Mr Sheehans only explanation mate to u- ai that almost all of time supplies were fur nlf ed by contract made after competition anti that Urn requisition clerk of the Police lltpartincnt had obtained time bids Edmund C- tlajT tlio clerk referred to told us that very tel nf I time Articles were supplied after competitive bidding and ho was baoke up In that Mnle- inint I bv O Itadfnnl manager for the prlntnl firm of M B Drown Mr K dw > paid prices chareed for printing and station- er ¬ wer according to an old cmedu1e of rates whir liar been greatly reduced Ho said that did not lose an tiling on tho transa- ctlni lihad with the Police Department p Mr Sheehan wa In time hands ot an oculist ynterday and was not until late at night mats the reporters c Herald tlatnoi knowing the full tenor of the riinrt hp one unable at so late an hour to L itto all thodetalli 10 Hn said that before he yes made Commli- tioni r there was only one Tammany Hall Corn mluoner among the four After a white he I tai mmulum Chairman nf the Commutes on Ito pairs and suppllei The persons who hud furnished the old Board with Mipplle anti who did the work of making repairs fnr the department were continued ai I It wii undi rstnod that their work anti material s Wfr RIrlcllry Time oanner Ir givlni out work amid fnrnlsh Ing implies was as Requisitions were tnaile I by the precincts tOll tent to the ryquHltlon CISTk They were aftorvvunl piewnted to the Com rnlttieon lltpilrt all Supplies and In nearly J sit laws time clerk u an directed to get bid front I tlimu waierlali who usually did time work or supplied time Frequently the reullilon wero for very small I amounts of kind I where emmy haute was relulrl thi requi ¬ sition clerk tvas have the Jiurk ilono or the supplies furnished by tlisu CImri had been doing such work ut thu Inwett pomlhloexpense In most cases how- ever before such action was taken the onrnmltteo rettilred a retort from Gen s i arkrr who was employed by tho Police Ilijriment for that purpose a to the extent uf the work time articles referred to In tho- r t UI1lltuo i imld 111 estimate of tile amount that It IH not true saul Mr Hheehan that bldn set lint riiinlritl fur utatlnnnry as alleged ex ct hi RM liiiriliiaftcr referred toi Mr lwhRI haiti that ho Inaugurated a new A nMr ni 1111 that at time buiclnnlnK of each > ur II t thu clerks II charge t i t stationery tlepnrtment nt prepare I r 11 i R Ir time stationery skit I Ho t the quantity anti quality i that would n re i ml fnr time year as nearly ai could be tiinatid and then hn aikid bid for time 1 nnsl 110 of time autumn III Kiioh quantities its ni JIM I require ii rifle Ihu emir mil iviro reeul veal I In uitordanio with I this 1 I mammal time hid of Mnriln II llrovvn vro time- S I Ihtirufler during limo year ull suit 7i f M I i kliii nr tharactfr roerred to were r hed ut the PricEs namllll time html irnii in that report which CI taut Mr beehaii admitted that tIme In I dniiK fnr Utudlei was Irieurrtd J1 iuh of thu years 1 1WK IhHI l i I Jiil 1 him riceii nf time j ir ih > arwllh hit BIIroprlalol I I 11 tareatsrfzuil tlioalaleiiliiit aa ab < olutrl- ylf J ir l ald liu admitted nothing of I the tmtimit him mlii emit withal time npnrnprlatlnnt jpr ih t ntlriiileparlmeiit vveredlvldtd into uHf i 0111111 I e and tuklnir fnr lust ance I Ihtilttii t Ilu fir mLlairs mill siipplte when the i lair 111 tvm 0 rrr1 vras exhauttednothing fur Hi irnd 1llllhcrlr rrfiuently Mr Sherlun ailded- ui Vail I s lined fur Ihu past twenty lean I b tviu mcclure lu nil ilopartnnnt thut b I ems nf thn amount tl at might I bus thin Tip- i j 111 an In urred limit thj are tmat I i 1 me I umlaut 1 1111 until I hip flll1 is 1lu- I f i the alienation lhat lulls terre al- I I r I iriuil i thu tixplanatlon I li nnl toil ctIm hru hut V Ino In u Ir erlll J I Ir t Iim immamit ti mis i c musuami 1u I it t we uhUII tutU t tt j li rllli 110 ml il 011 lrII1 tsimemm time fund out I mt of time neat Iear- Ir ml I It kind II lam unto nf the roiid I the 111 atom written over time resri Inn- iiitrvieiv ium t Mr I hltcehan f I mia 1t of I li priming implies Wtami1 hamU nf it romrilttru of a I in si 1 s a lulwrIUtl I hat ho was > tt4nUh lime tl were getting tho low ¬ t12ij h ret and tho bet prices and the best tnaUrlal paid that could b furnished them for time amount Time idtou Irons purchased by the Police De ¬ partment Mr Terry says were pieces of strap Iron two Inches vvd ndlientat a right angle v hlch are used for time Protection of time tern posts of the depurtmetifs lelln Jiud a Itch doren romitertunk crtwholei m them and weighed less titan two pounds each SAVE tUAVUKD 111 DAVLiailT- Xlamlnr My < erlanly Enter and Kienp From Hnlduln Hlor In Brnnklyn The Brooklii police were surprised yesterday ollennlni that burglars hal broken Into the clothing storo of Spencer S Baldwin In Fulton and Smith streets Just three short bloc Kit from Police Headquarters In broad daylight broken open a safe only twenty feet back of limo pinto glass window and taken their departure without attracting any observation There steno two safes In the ofilc but luckily for the owner thu robbers made their attack on tho one which contained only the books and papers of tho eitablishmeUt leaving Intact the moro olid otto which contained 4000 Tho latter haul a burglar alarm attachment connecting It with the American Ilstrlt Tele- graph ¬ office and this fact the thieves to confine their attention to the other When Herman Haber the night watchman left the bnlldmi a 7 oclock yesterday morn trig time doors and windows wrt all fattened He returned nt I I oclock last evening anti entered tile store When ho Kot an far as the olllcfl which I Is on the Smith street stile of the building he found that the safe which stood on the right nlde of time office had been forced open and the books papers and checks nhlchlt had contained were scattered on the floor A sledge hummer a colt ruled and a gas pipe wrench were round alongside the safu Watchman Habor hurried lo time front dor- al In a few minutes half dozen < scurrying through the building In earrh of time burglars who It was thought might bo till accreted somewhere whlln several hun- dred ¬ curious spectators thronged the ad joining- aldewnlk The neureh throuch time premises was con- tinued ¬ from cellar to root without result nnd Dftettlvo Sergeants Reynold and Daly who joined In It were iinnbln to discover even liow time marauders entered or left the building This feature of the burglary Is quite as myste- rious ¬ ai tbe failure policeman on tha heal to hear the titmice of the sledge hammer Each window and door wa just as secure as the watchman lid left It In morning with time exception of the door at the top of the stairway leading lo time cellar which had bun forced from Its hinges 1 nls at first led tn the adoption of the theory that the burglars bad drooped Into time cellar through the coal chute but this was abandoned when It was found that the cover of Lbs chntii had not been disturbed Not a single trace of d how time rbbr camo In or went out could h The supposition Is that the burglars secreted themtlvll In the collar before the steno wu up on Saturday night and kept under- cover until tho watchman had taken his de- parture ¬ yesterday morning when they broke open the door leading fro the collar and began work on the safe vnoirEi jv vitoM KILLS The HoeS or Two Flbemn Vpt bjr Spur The tide was running swiftly In the Bronx Kilts yesterday morning when Charles Craw ¬ ford of 1U West 114th street and Joseph Mc ¬ Lean of 41U East 117th street started off for a days fishing In a 14foot rowboat which they had hired at time foot of Kast 121th street from Joseph Goldlng Each man handled a pair of oars but they had little work to do because the swift tldo carried them on their way teat enough They were awlniilng through the klltn without a thought of danger when they naw one of tho splice driven by time New Haven Rail- road ¬ directly In their course and found that they Could notvef at1ntheironiriIdV sufficiently to clear the spile An Instant later the boat humped against the agt nd 1 hngt t Iba upturaed- boat which rapidly drifted out of reach of Lynch Lynch struck out for shore but being bnrene with 1 heavy overcoat found h could it He wa sinking when he drifted against another spile and cutche I The spite was slippery with seaweed bt Lynch managed to cling to the treacherous support Meantime Crawford who was 60 years old had managed to climb upon the overturned boat and tried to sit astride tbe keel The boat drifted against a sunken rock anti the Jar top¬ Crawford oil He frantically plt cutch at smooth sides of blt missed his and sank Thu body was recovered The dead man was a blpplnl clerk McLean lp and boats put out from time Now Haven Railroad yard opposite which the accident happened t Ithlng parties on their way through time kills also started to time rescue lime first two boats to reach the scene of the accident bumped against tho spllui mend upset and three moro men found themselves strug- gling ¬ In time water There were six or seven boat In the vicinity by this time mend the three ero quickly dragged aboard as many dif- ferent ¬ boats rind were rowed ashore todry their clothing TIme overturned boats were picked tip mend towed ashore while Switchman Peter Cassldy- wai manoeuvring to nah McLean without being upset himself succeeded II reaching him dragged him Into the boat rowed to land- McLean was taken to the boiler room In lhe railroad yard where the railroad len etrlppe off hit wet clothes rubbed him whiskey In addition to administering n lib- eral ¬ dose Inwardly and brought Mm around In thoroughly that he refuted medical aid when thf ambulance froI Harlem Hospital arrived had been In water threequarters of an hour hUt wes able to go to the Morrlnanlt sta- ll ¬ > n and report the drowning of his friend Craw fora s t Olt until hat floated athora along with the boat 31cal who t 20 years old I Ii employe by wife tIOI Iunuracturlnl Com pal I Time three len who caught a ducking In try Ing to McLean were John Knirler a hrlkelal from PortcbcttJr and William Hely George Armstrong of Oak Point SATED ill MATE M0714 ill Two pled FIhrMtn Reend a t the Urownlaa Point Oct 20 Frederick lirenimn of Ivslo SOL1 Lorlmer street Brooklyn and his brother Inlaw Luke Rowling of the same address narrowly escaped drowning late last night They had engaged a smelt boat Intending to Bpend time entire night tithing Time boot capsized and both men wero nearly drowned Brennan managed to pull imims com- panion ¬ unto the bottom of the overturned boat Then Drennun cried for atslntani Kdward 1 Mcdrulh unite un time freight pro usher Hover lowered about niul 1 went to time- mtuttmtumcem l of the Ilhermel When McUrnth cant upon time RowUna was un- conscious and Brennan wni trying to swliu- nnhnru with tun boat line In his mouth brent nau was beuumbtd und nearly exlmiittnl- A physlclal worked over tho 111 two hOlts eil of worn prtmimm Ilt 1 iiuia morianc they timid milMclently recovered t start fnr home mo cunititrs until nun Jmasocd manS Hlniiil on Their llrnd by Older Hoy Their Torliirrri Locked Up lummy liracan 15 i Ylr vII ut t 84t Green wlih tdreet Peter MoVlikar 12 years old of 04 lep > street and Kilwurd Lynn Ill years old of 100 Vest lluutloii street were Rrrtl yesterday for torturliiK P tcr llemwix year old and WIIIIu Carroll 11 years old both of whom hive In NorlU Mooru street With 1 heavy rope with a sIll noose on the emmd they latsotd Iho little fellows who were plai Ing about their hnmtu antI carried them oil to West t street Then they bound Putter fevreaulIandl ant fret und then stood 01 < Afer tauhliig isis iwkut they released hint n secured Willie Carroll They hal hint triced- up hVI1 i downward when a policemen Lap limed 11 the scone Willie bail flull this boum UOB mid received I hmluuk l ve bfore muse lime I lad wa al o imminellid quite seterely lIme little 101 nocks were badly In- flamed from thu lai their torturers were locked upon i of assault llracaii and MoVlokar were arrested a tow niinthi ago fnr coinralltluit u burglary at flu Vnrlck tot end muisu for a I liurular ut ircMi- wlehand humtnme street but vwapwl cimvlttlmiR- IMLMII humus to brothtirt m thus tllln lUfuriu- aud atuiry aaoUitr lu the house FOR TiE GERMAN SUNDAY run ntr ii itn nn NKITIOS- Srci lIIUJ FOR rxciBts lUUOnv Coyer the Helen l I Says If You Va lot ReFormat Itlie AdTOtaU the Hun day fleer nrde us the Possible Solution n r the Eceise Problem iud Mugged than Arnorl me Place or AmuM In All HdDlt Church a Blxtyslxlh street and Madison nvenue yesterday tho Rev Dr Iteber Newton preaclc on Time Sunday Haloon- Hhall It le Siiprewed or Converted and In the course of his sermon h cam out strongly for time Herman Sunday He salts Our city I Is face to face with tho Issue raised by the Sunday saloon orethlpl Is to bo done abut It Wnat shall It suppression or conversion 1 Wo all prize the American Bunda but perhap her an In other matttr the most loyal Americanism may hive something to learu from other countries Let me sketch for you that beta nolr nf time New Englanderthe German Sunday 7 Take any typical German city Dresden for example At UUO oclock In time morning the churches are opened and well fled Time congregations contltt largely of men At 11 oclock there Is a children service which takes the place of the Sunday school Immediately after this at about noun If you walk time streets of Dresden yoU will see whole families lellnt their homes together the housewife n mother with a goodly basket on her arm Follow any of these parties and you will thud yourself In one of the goodly beer gardens with which tIme city I Is well supplied open In the summer and In the winter roofed In ali well warme Taking I table and spreading their upon it they wilt call for beer awl around this table the afternoon will be spent not altogether In eating and drinking for choice music whiles away the time through the Sunday afternoon The tfliurchet are open at n oclock again and are well attended An evening at home completes- the German Sunday- S this a very dreadful picture of a Sunday- Is 7 It not an excellent Sunday for the average man T It Is a day of complete rest from ordinary business and a day of worship It t a day of family life and pure pleasure The pleasure centres In the highest known provision for In- nocent ¬ recreation and emotional education music A friend of mine who spsnt the winter In one of time leading German cities lately saw only one drunken man and he was an English ¬ man Col Grant for four years Minister to Austria says that tho Excise laws are very liberal hit are rigidly enforcc Ha saw two drunken men In these years The supreme merit of the German Sunday It that timers f no cant about It There Is honest provision for religion and It ta used lu manly fashions there I Is alto equally honest provision for enJormeut and It Is taken In equally manly I Conlrat the German Sunday with the Amer ¬ as realized en fur the church open In the morning and 10000 saloons Inthltclty open In the afternoon and evenlngwlth scarcely a stogie provision In the winter for the families spending the afternoon together but with am¬ pin provision for abomination of desolation time bar with Its rum ana whiskey Dr Newton said In his sketch of the German Sunday that lie could see bow all tbe valuable features time American Sunday could lw pre ¬ served and that when we were ready to aban- don ¬ the task of suppressing the saloon and at- tempting ¬ time mote difficult conversion Ita way would be open for the preservation of thu American Sunday He then sketched what ho said wee the points of a reasonable osteJ for opening mutt be to time afternoon and early evening said Dr- Nawlon Mhl sal of alnt tplrlta must b trblbU Only wlo beer h esie Tha standup bar must h demolished A limited uombtr of saloons should be opened If we are with 10000 t = I lc = M during the rrotk ourn the toast ardent champion of a liberal Sunday would want melt these opened on Sunday In making this distinction the privilege of Sunday opening should be accorded only to such saloons at pro- vide ¬ some facllltlM fur f ale reporting to them Let tbe saloon be o wi provide music and thus complete the herman type Berlin ha with music Dr Newton said that the high license here 100 for a concert licenseacted at a prohibition against music and that those who paid this high price had to permit their places to become the resort of questionable characters In order to make tem profitable The concert balls here be said were with very few exceptions huot of vice timer should b no ts very low one on the provision of Dr Newton said that such a place would pay the same as It does In Germany and that If the tax wee removed timer would be a rapid dvelop of beer gardens of the German If It wee Impracticable from a business point of view there would be he said a splendid oppor- tunity ¬ for wkat he had often called charity capltalthe Investment by wealthy men of cap ¬ ital which would bring low returns while pro- viding ¬ the needed amusement Ilu pelIwllh that this Is what my friend lit Ralnsford meant when he said that the churches must run the alonlof the city When once the morality of of attempting to suppress the saloon altogether- Is wllllnic to try t convert It the way will be open It may needful for any such conver- sion ¬ of the Ion that the municipality or the State Itself this mot serious business In hand Why should 10t our great armory buildings be utilized on Sunday afternoons through the winter for the of free con ¬ cert given by the jurple Poring the summer such concerts are supplied In the parks In time winter when they are most needed there Is no provision for them These armories- are erected by the State Why should they nt b open on Sunday aa the peoples music The conversion of the saloon rather than Us suppression Is what Is mOt nfOlln this oily If Indeed times Is no attempt Its suppression we may well all be united for thli task But I there I is a better way shall we not take It conversion of the saloon wilt rally to causn of sobriety and morality vast forces In our city that can never bo counted upon for tims attemot to suppress the saloon In loin We may be thankful to our present Police Commissioners fur reanforclng the moral sense of the community concerning time abomi- nation of our present Sunday saloon Rut let us turn title newly arouned enthusiasm Into chan- nels ¬ here success awaits us JIIIOHATIOtr OF OAUMBNT IfOKKKKH1- OO or < be IIoebeler Strikers to Leave ThuS lty Today RoniMTKit Out 20Final preparations for- th migration of tIme striking garment workers weru completed today at the headquarters of the local branch of the union Tomorrow morning at UI oclock the men will meet at their hal and proceed tn a special car attached to the train on the Home Watertown and fig densburg Railroad Tbudelcpttlon occupying this ca I Ittogoto New York Boston Baltimore and other places In the East Another lot of men wi board an ErIe train In time afternoon for Chi- cago ¬ Special preparations I hays been matin with time railroad rnmpanto for transport time men and there will be brothers time Gar- ment ¬ Makern I Ililon to let them ut thlr jour lucys eimml I lime men are the lust of spirits OMIT lIme thonidil that they menu going to shako time dun of Itnchetur from their shoe and hope tI make the inaniifautumr com to their terms before they corn back There mere about IOU men In al and they com prli time best mechanic at elutllil bud nctmlntho city Hy their Is ex peeled to ripple time clothing busluen In this city tnnsrcatnxtent- This is positively tho first d leualon of strikers In leave time city sod all reports to time conlrnry are grounillens of time strikers tuft time city nthstruggle- but they went singly mend ut their own expense nu TIe Itf vl A O Wilton to Leav New York Time lice J A II Wilson of tho Eighteenth Street Methodist EpIscopal Church hL uc ccutcd the pulorato of the Pint Methodist Uiurcu In Lot Angeles Cal HI now church Is said to be onto of Ihe largest on the Pacific coast Dr Wllaon successor will be the ny J W Cmpbsll D H of Lot AnerlH- Ihe i Rev Mr Wilton hat been pastor of the Eighteenth street church for throe years Ill name became known to the public toon after time Inception of Dr Parkbnrst- antlcrlma because of hit clot Imita- tion ¬ of Dr cruse methods In trying to se- cure ¬ reform Mr Wilton mad numerous coin plaint agalntt Police Captain Donohu of the West Twentieth street station whom he ao of permitting time xlitenco of disorderly rUle la his precinct ltroal homo iniluiUlc Wear KLOI bU mail 11 4wrl 1 wuiklLfia a4 < ii i o TIIK DEATH OF J IF M A OKA V Jtt The Body Taken to Ices Where I Mr Mnekny line Arrived PAIIIH Oct Irl John W Maakay mother of John Mackay Jr who died yes- terday from time etrcl of Injuries sustained by being thrown hone readied Paris this evening She Is greatly prostrated with grief Clarence Mackay the brother of the deceased- man and Evelyn Fitzgerald wilt recoil time body at 10 oclock thlt ennlul at the late Mont Parnasio where It arrive from Mange Department Sarth where Mr Mao kayi country chateau Is time place where the fatal accident occurred The body wilt b taken t the Mackay man- sion ¬ U Rue which has been closed for years but which will bo reopened on this sad occasion The funeral will probably lak place on Tuesday the services being bl the Church of St Ferdinand mba Ternes The certificate of the doctor who attended Mr Macka attributes his death to a fracture of time ekmhi It has been learned that In addition to a frac- tured ¬ skull Mr Mackay had one of his legs broken by the fall He tins thrown with great force against time trunk of a tree striking be- tween his eyes Both of his eyes were rushed Thellrst reports that he was rendered uncon- scious ¬ lemalnlng so until tile tlcalh provo to have been erroneous It I now smelt that after time accident ha remained conscious for three hours and that hu recognlrcd hit frlinds Messrs Lynch and Dlibj by their volrei and 1 reused their lianili lie had repeated collapses before ho 1e1 After hit tact presented such a terrible appearaulcsu that r 1ICh welt lo Paris and ilUeuaded CUrencii oy lolll tn Mantis to leo tho body Mm Mnekny had started on Friday on a tour of Normandlo wai Informed of time accident by telegraph anti eta at once started on her return to Pane limp body arrived title evening and was at once transferred frnm time rftllnnj station to time Muckuy residence where It wail placed In thu fhapellit ardent that haul l been prepared for It- Ihu tally teas preteut Many wieaths wero friends of the family Time body will be embalmed It li learned late toiilglil that I the date of time obsequies lies not yet been definitely decided upon TUIEV VVKSUED OtJKJt ttOOfi aught In H Hark 11 Are r u llnirmlle Chase lie ld Ktol n M Watch On Saturday afternoon there was an excit- ing ¬ thief chase which btgan In Broumu street and was continued over roofs and thruuuh bai k yards ami tenements It ended In the tapturn of the thief after a halfmile rate The CUM mine up before Maglntrnte Shunts In Kesex Market Court yesterday The prisoner was William Harris 2 years oh of N Ludlow street and time complainant was Bernard Kol ler of 73 henry street Tho charge was robbery Mr Kotrler said that hu stopped In front of 20J Droome street about 3 l oclock on Satur- day ¬ afternoon to watch a number of children who were dancing to the musio of I street piano Harris and two others were In time crowd that hud fathered and ono of theO joslltd Mr KnUler apparently to create I tllittnrbanco When Kotzler remonstrated one of time three iwlze1 him nnd a second began beating him while Harris seized hli gold watch und chain and Marled tim run away with them Mr Kotz her shouted for the police antI attracted 1 Ihe attention of DetntUe McCnrmlck of Iht 1 lanret street station who was not far ol Mt Ctirmlck saw Hurlllrnl from crowd and run down Time deletlo tact out after him HarrU wciiiR punned urne Into an open hall after going about I stair of lbe nventory bulldlnc he rushed with the detective a couple of Sights behind When McCormick reached the rot tie ceo ffmutta making lib beet jiiccj across an adjoining roof For some distance the roofs were on the same level but half way along the block there was a dent of about ten fret to a row of fourstory Across then Harrt ran until he came to an oten scuttle Down the scuttle ho plunged and thel 111nl to n rear window made hit lire escape This brought him Into a back yard around which wa a high fence Ther was a entail gate load- ing ¬ Into the next Iarai Harris 10 through thli but fnund rut off h fence equally hlith le tap olrll through time house put confiiked by darlnlt of time hal and before ha reached I minor over ¬ hauled by time Iewtll who haul been steadily lalnlnjlf0n II lerA morning Harris denied charge him Ho Wa locked up In default of tlOUO ball STRUCK TIlE 1TOSIAX DETECTIVE A Struggle la it NtoreTba Tnur Caught After a rlluie Miss Louise Alexander time woman detective In Jammes4 novelty store at IOU Broadway was roughly handled by a thief on Saturday afternoon The min who was welt dretscd entered tho store shortly before t oclock ac- companied ¬ bv a boy who appeared t bo about 16 years old The Inn pretended to try bits of cheap jewelry on time boys neck and dropped them Inside his collar When there was no more room the man dropped the trinkets In his own pockets As be WM leaving the store time woman dctectv asked him t return the stuff he had The thief struck Miss Alexander a blow on time breast Although It staggered tier for a moment ehe grabbed the mal as he made n break for the door out of w hlch Lime boy hll already run A saleswoman who split to Alexanders assistance knocked aside while a woman customer who tried to use her parninl- an a weapon was thrown down Time mean after punching time store porter who hlrlnl the womens screamii tried In f lnp him of the store Into Twentieth Street fnl lowed by Mist Alexander crjlnit 5toim thiuf Policeman McCullaitli of I street squad anil Cant Smith of time Kant Twenty second street pullcii otallnii joined In time clime The thief trlpptd the polheman wi en run down nenr Sixth I avenue and both f apt l I Smith f1 nit ton of them to Thirtieth street station thom prisoner described lilmtelf as Robert Dupnt u Frenchman VT ears old but i lufuied tnulvo bus address Ho via arrulitnetl In Jelcrhl Market Court yeslerdu miiriiliig against him one of assault and Olacln shopllfllna they were lioth uiailu by Miss Aleiiuiuer Dupreo woe hold In Jsou ball for trial on both charges The huh who ttcmmulumuum led him on hIs ohnp lifting tour lace riot let been murruetel oh AIJUAS VME1 III JI3I1IV railed to nol n llnllruiid Hlullon TliuuKb lie Had u llahhlt Poet with 111 Two Omen whi had Inen loltoiluu mel uumummi the Dunfnrth uvenuii Ktiitinn t nf I Ihu New Jrl- we ¬ Central ItiiilrtHil in Jersey jty went lulu time klatflm ubntt I Ill t M tatenla nml picked a uJurul nlth Vllllani Lewis the station atcent I llie > I trld I In funs theh win Into time unite LtwlH rivlitml unit unu nf lime men struck him on thu arm willi II a jliniii- I lwl1 tines ham help hroiiKlii Irad Walker TUuina1 Crtinj nf IIST I Giiind II Htrret I In hh u- sliilance > The mull vihn had I tutu j jliiiiny I Wllrl Carey nu limit held InrlMltuu I severe 1111 wound Ihn tivn men I then run cavity In Illole ti irect louis PnlU t man 111111111 ruught one of i Hum lime priinnri wai William Allnuin l t I > fir old of Ml West TvvenU eighth ctrul thUill > Alter he wan lockout up 10lk4III I Hliniduuii fnund- ujlnimi vvrapHiil In I time trout > urdof- u htiiihu pant which Allinaii t had run Thcro were hloinl steins nu I It I anil on I the I npt r- Allnmn cues IdcntlfUd afteivvinil by PolliD man Mctlurk 1 mime of time stuhmImmibuat l hurglar with whom and Pollccmiui I Dmiiilnaii ex- chniutd hot about live week nun in trevn tilt A r r I a bottle of knnckout tlrtipi- aud a part of a rabbits hind tout wrrn foul lu the yard In front of Dli trlct Attoiue bIds house time pt whtiro IUollo caught and arr td other lad fllblo foot aud some cartridges which fllud volver were found In Allmana inuesslon Chief Murphy I is convinced that Ailmuu all lime mal who escaped mute the buriilai have committing depredations In Ureen yule fur aoiutt month p Tried to Wrens MeKlnUy VAN WHIT O a Out tt Railroad Coiumln shiner Kirk by hu reported that the switch on time and Mackinaw Railroad tlnclnnUJacol lIme wreck of the train bearing Slimy McKUUej and Uun Ihllhntl on IrrlUay nlgUl wu puri tcly dlpl AT BAY IN HIS OWN HOUSE fOLICK LAT OIEOB TO A CZ1104 JOAN FOR aixirEN uovnsC- itttii H JkltrtTln lucerne Violently Iniaa cud Shoots from Itle Ilarred Reeldene- nt PedMtrlnaornlliire urea Attempt to NMOk Him OutA Hush with Mat- tresses as ShIelds Prove Hneecvsfal ChicAGo Oct 20 Armed with a repeatpl rifle and a doubleaction revolver lllul win defied tho police and every one else for six- teen ¬ hours from 11 oclock last night until 3 this afternoon- Mr Merwln grew wealthy In tho Iron trade and retired tome tint ago Yesterday a mel tel Infirmity which lint been threatening for tome time camo on anti he locked himself In tine or time rooms of his tine hume at UD Wood- land ¬ Park It wIts 11 30 oclock last night ohm Merwlns Insanity took a violent form and he attacked lute wife who is Indelicate health Ho ejected her train the rear door Her neighbors cared for her and sent word to time nearest police ate ¬ ton lionfleld with four policemen went at once to thu house hey found all the doors lucked anti time windows fastened They could tto Merwln ono of time upper roms marching laekarl anti forward with the rifle over his Ihol1rr They thought best to leave him until this morning and when day cnme they were astoun- ded ¬ to see him npnrovh time window overlook IiiK tho street and after rnlMne time sash take aim with his rile and lire directly at I pedes- trian ¬ across street Before tho street could be cleared Merwln haul repented tho rforumnco several times butt his all YRS bail ant no ole wits hit A police officer mis stationed at each end of the block and the way was turn to all Time occupants of homes on the opposite side of the park drew the curtains and shutters of their windows and closed their front doors and used their rear doors time remainder of the day The question as tn the method to be employed In securing time man without Injurlnj him or permitting him to any one was han to solve Kvery few min- utes ¬ during day the police would hear a shunt from time rifle In the hands of the crazed man hilt nolhlnl could bedone Several years ago a Imlar case cost the life of one of the best policemen on the force and Ileutl- ionfleld did not care to risk a sacrifice of that kind- It was finally decided that an attempt t over- come ¬ Merwln with fumes of sulphur might re- sult successfully Accordingly the heat was shut out of the rooms of the house and sulphur was burned In the furnace A small amount did not have the desired elect and a they did not care t endanger the mans life the plan was abandoned Finally 1 ya arranged that an entr should- be made the room from two simultane- ously ¬ Two policemen were t enter at each door Each man had a small hair mattress for a shield Tie plan was successful the erased man not having an opportunity t tire before being over- come and manacled He was then taken t the intane hospital Merwin Is US year old About a a ago he was kicked on the head 1 a horse and I Is known the Injury affected brain x After he wo raoneo Merwln talked Inco- herently ¬ about buying wheat at 48 ent per bushel From this It Is ble he been either speculation making or 10lnl money In grain MAllRIED Bf PROXY The Ceremony Performed with the O en- DilwecK tb Prlelpl Nicholas Mlllas formerly of Dalmatla but ROW of dOS Eleventh avenue left In his natv town seven years ago when be came bs sweetheart Paola Kudeneak Sue told him that when he ha enough money to start housekeeping she come over and marry him He recently wrote to her saying that hea pretty well fixed for a Dalmatian and aklnl tier to take time next ship He letter from her brothers telling I him they couldnt think of sending Paola here until shu had become Ir Mlllas As Mlllaa couldnt leave his work decided to get married by ptnx > lie sent to a friend who represented him be- fore ¬ t the priest and time mmmmtgtstu ate In Dalmatla a sworn declaration of his Cc Ulliitfness to marry Paola throiiKh hit friend They wero thus married time United State Coniil being a witness at time civil ceremony and Paula left her prosy htmband Immediately and went to lan wliero she took steerage passage on steamship I Ia lhal panne uhlch got hero yesterday Mlllun was at time 111 to see his wife but couldnt lie will wait unlllh morn- ing ¬ when shun 111 hI landed NUnd- Mlllas has taken out his first per mind ex- pects ¬ soon to become a cltlren rut nvKB AT CIIUKCII lie and ChIp Vnnilrrlillt Iake oiununlun- ut ni Tliontni MlM Connueli Vnnderblll anil her betrothed the IHikc of Mai thorough wire occupants nf time rectors pen in MI IhomnVs Church at the uumornmlng servIce yesterday Both remained to takoi oiiiiuinlon ufur tho reculnr micra ire Phim- Un > uuni prop nirn driven to MM V K VandtrhlllK new luiiisint eventsecond strict mid tl 1101 n i CIUI t ftcr I tie imnait MlM I Vnn limo Diikii ii IIrlrllulllho Park lime I Duko lift MM aummI enimi Its home 1st time eOnlnl 1111 ilrnMi to time Plait lltlel Inn reporter I tie I Diiku Mild othll mnru ill Unite iv lll I he ilono with ii i me guru uedillnt i until I Utii In t thu wek- I hit I ehall II baa ulHd In t ci 1 I rOI- h I report that time alls nt I Ihn itntli i bun dart imorumig ii iniirhiK t lol ho luhlhClln I HI Thoiiiaitii lliurili jiBtiidii lortlll nut tech loiitulid lime liiinnii IIt pill IWifd iniHlc I hwy likely tube it N inni Ill A TIoiisl- A I Vnmiin Hkiill I rii elnieilMliR I t oulilnl- llenr time llrll its Him Vn < Drill I I Ila Ia Iorn mars amId cif 17illlilrit mat ilium at julie cu U sm rug 114th I street nnd- VillU Mfiiuo at T uMock last nluht- wn kunckid don n and badly Injured In- trilley t car Ku II of t tho I Imim 1 Hallway null p0mm > ler l tad t nat janiined helVMiii I thu- finnl I pliilfnrin anil time t nmmks hut tlui huller liiau Mopped iht inr noiiuli kit tl ul sue wan nut trn lnd Ktween the wheel MlchaeU i Suatilotm tIll hiatt murluman lilt > 5 thai ht- sau time unman us hU mr npprnaihrtl her und r IIIB huts imelll I The wniiiau u Ideiitl I did smut hear hli signal taut bhn paid no attention I tu It It name afterwaril luurntil that alms was deaf Miiundulned I a tract I no C thenUnll I I ruth a dis- location ¬ nf t thu left tlunildtT Mm UK I taken to I llorleiii I I n pltnl- MIIIUII anarrittoil the llrookljn Trolley I43IU Iclliu I liom l1lh Uotlin of lime Bronkl trolley illtd- In bt Maos Honpllal last nluht lie eats McliuUi Ilolllnncr K > omens old married of t5 8 Vhlpplo street He was driving a truck on I hurtday in Lib- erty ¬ venue ulcer Ilxnry Street wimen a car of time Nonau line struck mmli wuuon- He was thrown out and received a fracture of the skull 1 he liMh victim died last Sunday night llr llussict l Fi > r w < ll to ilroobl The Hev lr T De Wilt Talmud preached hit brooklyn farewell sermon yesterday morn- ing ¬ In time Central Presbyterian Church la- Tompkln avenue He said be didnt kium a single perion with whom he wits not read > to shako naiid und be ln lleil many ixrton whom hit nilulit haw possibly offended to step imp mit lime close of time ceryicis coil receive hit apology Sn one accepted theoffer but hundredscrnwued around Pr lulmaito as his wai leaving time time thiurcim and cc imilmed l bimmi Uudspeeul JL HAT ntr Tiinvsr TO IIIB UXAIIT Thomn McCoy Stabbed by HI 1Vlf Whit Ilaaetnsi with Aaother Womn- Tboma McCoy who lives with hit sitter at 1100 First avenue was stabbed tn time heart with a hit pin by his wife just before midnight lest night while dancing at a bell with a woman whote name Is unknown atpretent to the police Time ball was In Fernando Hall Fiftyfifth strict and Third avenue Time manager was James Ullrlun a deaf man McCoy had been acting as assistant floor manager at the dances given In the hall every Sunday night McCoy was dancing when hU wife from whom he has been separated entered the ball- room and struck the woman her husband wee dancing with McCoy pushed huts wife away and sue drove a hat pin Into his breast Mrs McCoy win seized by several persons and pushed out of thu ball room and Into the street Wltnettetsa that McCoy danced for halt an hour after he was stabbed Then he fell to time floor He was taken to his sisters houte Time police could get little about time tabbing OBrien time deaf man did not see It John bcott who was present said that a woman had told him about It Dr Burke who attended McCoy at his sisters house refuted to let the detectives tee his pa¬ tient McCoy Is very low The doctor says time hat pin apparently reached hli heart Mrs McCoy huts not been found tiMVUOJKIta AllKESTEU- HI John Greatly Eseltf dAiuon t lIme IVU- oner I n Lending Whltewaylle- ST JOIINM K 1 Oct 20 Last night the Crown authorities arrested four prominent men who are Implicated In the smuggling scandals Among them Is Michael Tobln the senior White way member of time Assembly for time Placentla district one of time governors of the Savings Bank and a leading Influential member of the Legislature Twentythree more arrests will be made tomorrow Time names of over fifty other persons are before th magistrates pending action Time wildest excitement prevails It Is re- ported ¬ that some of the warrants are for men In very high places In business and publlo life Time suddenness of last nights action hat Inten- sified ¬ time friction among the Government mem- bers ¬ Time proprosecution party fearing an arrangement would be made to withdraw time smuggling cases from before the court and settle them by flue before the Board of Revenue precipitated the crisis by making Immediate arrests thereby rendering It almost Impossible to recede from the present position and thus compelling the probing of the scandals to the very bottom A very exciting week Is anticipated Probably there will be withdrawals from the Cabinet FOUR KILLED BY A riSER An Lath Family Los Their LIves While Camping Oat ELKIKS W Va Oct 20John Carr his wife and two sons were killed last night by a falling tree They lled at Dry Forks about ten miles from here and lied started out on a ginsengdigging trip Expecting to remain out for a week timer had provided themselves with a camping outfit Last night they pitched their tent under a large dead oak tree It was very cold and a tire was built Immediately be ¬ hind the tent While the family slept the em- bers ¬ were blown against the tree which took fire near the root and burned through eventu- ally ¬ falling on the tent and directly across the sleeping family Mr Carr was crushed Ills wifes head was also crushed and the younger son broken from his chest to his knees The other boy WM mor- tally ¬ hurt but he managed to crawl to John Longs cabin about a mile away There he lived long enough to tell his story dying soon after IXDEVKXDCNCE OF OAlfADA A Club at Windsor Who Member fleas Jlb BritUb HoverelBmty WINDSOR Out Oct 20The Independence of Canada Club held a meeting laM night Sec ¬ retary Edgar read a paper by C W Oanthler setting forth the great benefits Canada would reap If the country were free and untrammelled- by Great Britain The paper waa discussed by time members The Secretary said that more than 100 names were on the membership list although no stcmatlo canvass hail been made for members A committee was appointed to draft a Constitution and bylaws for time club KIVl W1 Yli IV CKKTltAL IAKK Two inlets Hun DownIoll me Ills ubled lu Chasing n Clues A horse and carriage driven by a fashionably dreitod woman who refused to give her name collided with a horso and wagon drlen by 1bllllp lewisolm of 03 West Broadway at 4 oclock yesterday afternoon Time woman was thrown out of her carriage but was uninjured The collision was time fault of Lenlthon horse which became unmanage ¬ able Mounted Policeman Mcintyre mend ireen were Loth disabled and ireen4 horse ate severely Injured tn time accident nhlcu happened an hour later While Abner tnow V7 years of are nf N I luilllnld street Hroonhn taut rlmiiuig I n bl c lam nt Mxtbeenth Street mill limo Kan llrhe a horxo drivel lit Ur I P Martin nf D LeAhiKton ave- nue ¬ who had fur a companion James Uonohuo- nf hitS lwetltlm street took frluht anil rant Into hint Snow ate thrown to time roadway and his bhniildem Hint limit > In lured I Jr Martin and his inmpinlon wero llunnii out of time nagon but tiiHIKil i Illjril i limo hurre I lannn anti Pnlliemnn Irorn gusto hum lluiuihl tho I innauii hmy the bridle haul I mliii mug ama WitS t thrown fiom his liorfc anal tin niilnml u Idili lit rndu na oerlouMi Injun I Inlli mull dnen hud to I ic taLcum I to late home Mounted Pail Imtiinmuu Milntyio I t then gave ilmamiu t to time riinituat iuit liml hl right arm badly at remit lieu Iwforn ho uccecde l In bringing It to u nti nd UH Mnuntvll rnnci mail nmuww us guam amour mirr riiiKht a riinawii hnivi which hud Iollldid wltli u vvHunn driven by II nnd nf lilt Ilroadivuv nnd al o with I the wagon of J J i Mdlnlreof I 1 114 t Cutt IlMh strict The fnrcH nf I lie ciilllnliin I Ihicw Mr Wmid nut nf his vviivnn until hu received suture Injii rims ilis wagon wu wrecked J autism llnrn nf hal Seamiummi uvenne vvat riding n hlrvdn on t hue Kivt I Sri ye ilalmoite EIghty vlhth street last nluhl when Sit aaa > run I lulu b > u house and wmmgmmum ml ri taut I hy Mr Mi ii of 1 TI I llrnidwi llarri at tim iiiwlm I rout hU wheel nnd ullLlitly Injured lime uucn cxchangtd tiriU S1IIICKIN Iff lilt 4IItIlT Iii I uurHil ShIes ul lluuil Hirune In time Hotel Iudlcotl Dlrvulnr- llr lUrry huh Conrad nf 10iut Sevent fourth hi tech diet middinl I> on ut tim duty nluht- ut time Hotel Kndlcott ut Klehthflrtl street umluiuumimtm uaacmmuue- I HLI I niul hit nlfu limit fpont time tuning at time ItiiUl wit ii their flicniU Ml r and Mis l V A- lleird lhe turtcd hiiniv about 1 11 t oclock- unil were avmittiuug fur uirot towucttr at llljhl- nuth shiest unit the teiitral Park when llr Conrad felt iincmitclnni to thu pavement A mitb was cutlet unit hn aegis driven back tri time hotel when In lied us he at its lacing taken tulltard In flit cleuitor Ills death outs tluu- to heart disease lie Cliiuad who tea 41 yours old acas born In Plillndelplitii ito WOK grutiuateil frcim the imdlcal depiruuent of time Inhemll of thu city of hvws turk imi 1B7T- liu was a mrinberiif time County Medical Ni- clil < the indcmy Sat Midlrlnv Ihu lvnox- Miillciil anti huriilotl hixilut and thu 1lijil tans Mutual Aid A oclatluu Piow In Northern New ion WATWUIIWN Oct SO Sunn hn lerii failing heiu since noon and at II oclock taulgbl time ground I is rorrrtd conreallntr time grass ant clothing time trues with ttrnfr gaul It I is rapidly rustling hitmis over uith rtx ecU w- fturiuvrueuthcr j 1200 PERSONS HOMELESS A niaiiT fins or ALoians LA- ts ZlEJTROFi BVILDIXQS- flUited U a Fruit Steed It tnmed cc Area orTtTtnlr Iltotk llotrorlaa Mot of th ProperlirAeeliJent to the Throng That Went Over to iiew the Bcbrl NEW On MAX I Oct SO About 130 oclock this morning flr started In the hull Undof Paul Buffo an Italian corner of Bermuda anti Morgan streets In Altltrs th WMUrn part of Nice Orlan and Including all that pert of the city west of time Mississippi River The Ore wa said to be of Incindlary origin The town U built mainly of wood which on account of tb long drought that hat prevailed WM In an In created Inflammable condition There was an absence water alto due lotus drought A brisk southwesterly wind prevailed Thee causes made time flames spread In all directions and New Orleans was telephoned to for assist ance Time Chief of the Flro Department and nine engines went over but timey were unable to render much anlstance because of the lack of water Several tugs went to the fire which was close to time river bank butt there was no hoM available and they also were useless The fire burned briskly until 0A M and then went out only because It had reached tho river U extended live squares In one direction and four In the other comnletely consuming ten squares and the greater part of four others In all 103 buildings were totally destroyed many of them double tenements and representing 240 homes In all and leaving 1200 persons home- less Among the buildings destroyed was the Duveye mansion or Court House the oldest building In the town and a rello of plantation days when the site of the town was fixed on the Duveye plantation Borne of the houses were handsome residences but most of them were small dwellings The people living In them lost nearly alt their household good Th flames spread so rapidly that they could not Ret them out of the way and several who moved their furniture three andfour times ultimatelylost It The total lots on buildings I U estimated at 1379000 on furniture and household goods f 10000 total 128000 only pertly Insured As most of the persons burned out are poor timer will bo much suffering and a relief as¬ sociation was at once organized The publlo school buildings In the town were thrown open for the accommodation of those who were left homeless It became rumored that Paul fluff had started the lire and a hostile demonstra- tion ¬ was made against him and there were threats of lynching The police at once arrested Buffo and took him to New Orleans before the threats could be carried out Some 25000 persons from New Orleans visited time scene of time tire this evening The crowd was larger than the small ferryboats could ac- commodate ¬ As 8000 or more persons were trying to board the ferryboat Tom Pickles at Algiers at 8 P M the Incline gave way precipi- tating ¬ ISO to 200 people In time Mississippi River which is here fifteen to fifty feet deep Ten persons were Injured two seriously There are reports that several were drowned but on account of the darkness It U Impossible to de- termine ¬ whether this Is true man WIND ix TUB NORThWEST AH Imrot e Quantity or Way aud Greta De- stroyed br Prairie Fires ST PAUL Oct 20for the last two days cold high winds have swept over Minnesota the Da- kotas and Manitoba Sand and dust storms have made the air a blinding freezing scourge accompanied as they have been by low tempera ¬ lure that ordinarily I Is not expected before the latter part of November The wind has reached and maintained for hours a velocity of fifty miles an hour Some lives hmo been lost The winds have fanned smoldering prairie fires Into fresh fury mend started new fires particularly In the Red River valley anti Manitoba and the lots to farmers Is great Seldom imeve such large areas of country in the Northwest been swept by fire Some of these prairie fires have appeared In southwest- ern ¬ Minnesota and South Dakota but time most of the disaster has fallen on both sides of time Red River saucy In Minnesota and North Da- kota ¬ and extended for many miles up Into Mani- toba ¬ Locomotive sparks set three fires on the trip from Ked Lake Kills to time crossing time fuiit ton line at Tllden Jummit east of this cruising time worst tire occurred It swept north and great low resulted Another butt lire started In- KrrtsonvUle elaht miles east of CrookMon Nearly alt limit country between Cronkston and Maple lake has brett fire swept Only one life lies liven limits far reported lost In thli state a child of II Tlminerlck who was burned tn death near Harmanti In Minltobii near Elm Creek two section men of time Canadian PaUfio were tmrned to death houses stables live stock grain stark and hay have been couiutned In nit dlrtctloni- In time province anal half a dozen people hate lost their lives anil a score more hate been serl cushy burned It Is estimated that moonn bushels of grahuu anal eeaerni hundretl thousand tons of hay have been destroyed Three Tin In Ilobbrr Hrenk lnll atoms Clami MlllMis Col Oct 21 When As- sKtanl Jailer Cree nt the county jail was giving time prisoners their supper last evening he was oerxinertHl by I PJ herr who haul concealed himself In un Inner corridor lie wa badly beaten and lila keys taken from him Parr then oncm d tIme t ell doors anal released J M Stuart and John McCartney The three morn took a ilintgun amid revolver apiece front the armory and nude their escape I hev iauire under arrest fur time robbery of time WellsPawn express at Victor In April hut when that company lost 10000 Ten Caches oTHnow nt Erie Emits Pa Oct 20The gale Milled has swept o > er time clmln of lakes from the southwest brought nith It a very imeuavy fall of snow to ¬ day lleelnnlinr at an early hour this morning ten Inches have fallen und at a late hour tonight time snow cnntltiuei to full Time soon belt does not extend east nf Erie further than Kane ninety mllen A large fleet of vepsel have been driven Into port fur timelIer Vhnl Ineine Hlrnmer Iii Stern lost f- itl iMiToN New ealanil Oct 20Thein- utirnment steamer Hlnemoa which arrived today trout time Auckland Island south of New Zealand reports that time shores of time Itlnnd micro itrcavn with wreckage anti balcaof Australian wool lime mistime of time vessell that In euppriard to have been lost imi unknown and there teas in trace found of any survivors of th- n reck 5 iurdrrd by Two POsters V Va Oct 0 At llngeraI- ugetu inniuj fstcrday aVmiitmcnt Oemeron was attacked ty two sisters named Haute the women Ihrtm him donii soil then cut his I throat ilruth ru > ultlni < I In toll utmi It ii tel Die iiuu of time rlmu is lOut known Iliukr IIUICK Ulill ltlrclima hO net Nuykts iiiuiii huit 11 j ears old who I I css mat I llltr I lilellrl II uiiui I lllth 1 street took a rliiou hli iiic > cia jetirdnjttcoiiipanlcd by hits I tun dauuhti V i ir Ma iinib I Ilanm lirmmi gui Mr N lit kt ii lust I niiliidnt hU ached alit full braaklmmu hums right kg- II aili but iii imi ft omit I Kuilham I irMiUl on- Uiiil I thvluliiriil I mint ii lnis In me I IIUdaUBli I tens folliintdiii theIr wlteta Mlfhlaim llluie l lm U liy Fire JlfcNfiiN I lllil I imuimi Mlib i I Drt fl0 limo V 111am ge of ft IUrrililrli I nuull tiles l if 1 lM U InhabitantIN tames iiiiupli t i > a mlis ml a ii lit lire Istt night The ulnd at its imiii it nu 15 tide iini the ftcil t i- nni fir iuglsummi tare at i a 54 mire if iatriiigp Inn ili shirts lid ° l ipli r Kiprrn id bier k- Ucpuv niiUi sb vuri ut > Uuid

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1895-10-21 [p ]. · I umlaut 1 1111 until I hip flll1 is 1lu-I f i the alienation lhat lulls terre al-I r I iriuil ctIm i hru thu tixplanatlon Ili nnl toil

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1895-10-21 [p ]. · I umlaut 1 1111 until I hip flll1 is 1lu-I f i the alienation lhat lulls terre al-I r I iriuil ctIm i hru thu tixplanatlon Ili nnl toil



r beITS




I WTb einfl THE







f tillltr AM WKYATS HA V POLICEsf lflltS COST TOO 31VC1I-


r r the omrolloner ofAeeannl-Hi the MayorMr Mbeelinn Heplir-

Mniilr 1itilnnntlon of Mtlinruo or Allr-lu


the U 1Ilo Hide Vlolnllon orLy-1lr


II mo luonths the Commlttloncra of Ac

jdimts bal e been Invettliratlng tho account ofthe loln liepiirlment with opoclnl referencetil 11111011111 expended for repairs and suppliesprior to thoorttunlnllonof the present Hoardtoitiuilsflunr Terry made imbllo yesterday tho

report lo tho MajortulO Ill

th ejamlnatlon tins been made of tho acriitntsif the Treasurer of the Hoard or Police1 tniiiiilloiiers front Jim I 1SUI loob 13-

IHiiI when theprtsetit Treasurer aUllc tho<ilulletDf thuullice Vouchers am In covrriiii i1111IC118 churned hi the I runfture-

rii nun front un Inspection ofiiian Ir them voucher that prices paid furmi and piijmenti for alterations and reI

111 stI C16Io and an Investigation wa-siII i r o miln reasonableness thereof-

le niiiount cxpendtd during the perfl Inbut UtI aI4 MOlll44 for uh purposes anti2 i MIII lit election stationery othur tlll bal11 inikhiK e total of 1 2t2t veryL r lortlon nf such for labor

ml tinpurclniBuof malt rials described o InI delimit In the Miucheri 01 to lie beyond tho

Do liillu > of lilintltlcatliHi After deluetnlfrom ijttil umi the amount patti furittlior and MUipllcs which ronlil nut bitliUiililleUs balance of tlrIi nnalned be I nit theptittIflt purchaiiu of materialsV nilI mipplle curable of Identification

imples of tlitifu fiiriilkhtd bj the presentt rl Police COIOIIalolel were submitted

lilt ie the past peironn firm anden iiMiiludiallnK to rUe nf the name kindv I111 requests fur hid furnl hlnKOf thoIthtO H tbu 1ollco Uepartiuent Ihu rvauests-fiirbldiI wire ImlCl ti Inisinen houcl r theIdnlift etani i the como ty tj hasUrn Hctrtulnnl that tIliuiirheu liae not fluetunled Initirlallydurlnk the period under x-

aiiunillonIlie rttlgallon lias ebowl that purchases

rfr iiliiiiit one liunilrtd it hii supplies costingt j141 T tIM C bttii made nt reiisonatlu-i lei hut that 471t article for which S42t 11 siI WM pihl multi have beet purchased forJ OHI4 Ii tutu that tho uvarutfe ninnunt ac

1 liallypoll therefor wm miter anl poe cent ot-

l IF nniuunl for o hch they could have been

7 bimgtit-


Jolia C Sheehan who was Chairman of th-olmltu Itepairn and Sapplle during this

bt thxt iirnctlcnlly the euppltee-Crf f tile lillriUrmrunont wIre purchnied afterMDiwtHloii niul that tho requisition clerk hadhergo Ir obulnhm the blue he stated thatI io pAtteularllrul of the purchases frlfiartln H clerk however Id

oath that mol of the purchases ofI were made without anyNIles cOlllllolBoth he and tho

tusliif fonductetl under the flame of MartinI ilnnvn teitlded that practically alt time sta-tionery


and supplies obtained1 front time latterexcept ballots were furnlshcdwlthsjutany comJct1tio

ertlnnit of tha Consolidation at providesNnexpenso shall be Incurred any of the

jttparlnients Hoard or officers thereof unlesssn appropriation shall have lel previouslytiiiiUctiveiliiK such exiwnse any expensein recess of the sum uppioprlated In accordancewith law

Mr bheehun teitllled that Inlebllnfl oItinilUe was Incurred In each of year ISOHint and 1814 In excuse of the appropriationsfur tilth year and with tile knowledge HalesWe been altered on the requisitions ordersilellvtry receipts nnd bill in order to orensuch fait Respectfully submitted


CommissionersAn accomiianyln table contains n list of

boutlMt different kinds of articles purchasedfor the department showing that tim priceInld ranzecl from IH to lSOO per cent of whatshe Commissioners of Accounts say were the

I Itna market rates when the supplies wer-purhOII Most of thd Instance oiled ant of

p I I 1llloa forprlntinc and stationery suppliedl 1 y Martin II U own The printers from whom

tbttgttb ±e to oratth th B rrtouchers cording to Commissioner Terry areM > ei ft Cash Stewart Warren Co Johnlilnchara and O F Niabltt 0The prize Item In Mr Terry exhibit was a

t ikcic Iron worth abut 12 cents accorJlng to es-


f The city patti SiN for twelve of these to

Wllal l Lixldy whu Commissioner Terrywas a inember of tha Peiiuod Club with

Coiuinttsloner Sheehan Thii SIM Item Is tbeone that civet tha Corrimhuloncr their maxi-mum


of lBO per cent of the market price31r Sheehan declined to ceo rcrortors yesterdayCnmmluloner Terry said

Mr Sheehans only explanation mate to u-

ai that almost all of time supplies were furnlf ed by contract made after competitionanti that Urn requisition clerk of the Policelltpartincnt had obtained time bids Edmund C-tlajT tlio clerk referred to told us that very telnf Itime Articles were supplied after competitivebidding and ho was baoke up In that Mnle-inint


bv O Itadfnnl manager for theprlntnl firm of M B Drown Mr K dw> paid

prices chareed for printing and station-er


wer according to an old cmedu1e of rateswhir liar been greatly reduced Ho said that

did not lose an tiling on tho transa-ctlni lihad with the Police Departmentp Mr Sheehan wa In time hands ot an oculistynterday and was not until late at night

mats the reportersc Herald tlatnoi knowing the full tenor of the

riinrt hp one unable at so late an hour toL itto all thodetalli 10

Hn said that before he yes made Commli-tioni r there was only one Tammany Hall Cornmluoner among the four After a white heI tai mmulum Chairman nf the Commutes on Itopairs and suppllei

The persons who hud furnished the old Boardwith Mipplle anti who did the work of makingrepairs fnr the department were continued aiI It wii undi rstnod that their work anti materials Wfr RIrlcllryTime oanner Ir givlni out work amid fnrnlshIng implies was as Requisitions weretnaileI by the precinctstOlltent to the ryquHltlonCISTk

They were aftorvvunl piewnted to the Comrnlttieon lltpilrt all Supplies and In nearly

J sit laws time clerk u an directed to get bid frontI


who usually did time work or supplied time

Frequently the reullilon wero for verysmallI amounts of kindI where emmy haute was relulrl thi requi ¬

sition clerk tvas have theJiurk ilono or the supplies furnished bytlisu CImri had been doing such work ut thuInwett pomlhloexpense In most cases how-ever before such action was taken theonrnmltteo rettilred a retort from Gens i arkrr who was employed by tho PoliceIlijriment for that purpose a to the extentuf the work time articles referred to In tho-rt UI1lltuoi

imld 111 estimate of tile amount thatIt IH not true saul Mr Hheehan that bldnset lint riiinlritl fur utatlnnnry as alleged ex

ct hi RM liiiriliiaftcr referred toiMr lwhRI haiti that ho Inaugurated a new

A nMr ni 1111 that at time buiclnnlnK of each> ur II t thu clerks II charget it stationery

tlepnrtment nt prepareI r 11i R Ir time stationeryskitI Ho tthe quantity anti qualityi that wouldn re i ml fnr time year as nearly ai could be

tiinatid and then hn aikid bid for time1 nnsl110 of time autumn III Kiioh quantities itsni JIM I require ii rifle Ihu emir

mil iviro reeul veal IIn uitordanio with Ithis1I mammal time hid of Mnriln II llrovvn vro time-

S I Ihtirufler during limo year ull suit7i f MI i kliii nr tharactfr roerred to werer hed ut the PricEs namllll time htmlirnii in that report whichCI taut Mr beehaii admitted that tIme In

I dniiK fnr Utudlei was IrieurrtdJ1 iuh of thu years 11WK IhHIl i IJiil1 him riceii nf timejir ih > arwllh hit BIIroprlalolI I 11tareatsrfzuil tlioalaleiiliiit aa ab < olutrl-ylfJ ir l ald liu admitted nothing of Ithe

tmtimit him mlii emit withal time npnrnprlatlnntjpr iht ntlriiileparlmeiit vveredlvldtd into uHfi 0111111I e and tuklnir fnr lust ance IIhtilttiit Ilu fir mLlairs mill siipplte when thei lair 111

tvm0 rrr1 vras exhauttednothing fur

Hi irnd1llllhcrlrrrfiuently Mr Sherlun ailded-uiVail

I s lined fur Ihu past twenty leanIb tviu mcclure lu nil ilopartnnnt thutb

I ems nf thn amount tl at might Ibus thinTip-i j111 an In urred limit thj are tmat




Iumlaut 1 1111 until I hip flll1 is 1lu-

IIf i the alienation lhat lulls terre al-

II r I iriuili thu tixplanatlon Ili nnl toilctIm hru hut V Ino In uIr erlllJ I Ir t Iim immamit ti mis i c musuami 1u Iit t we uhUII tutUt tt j li rllli 110

ml il 011 lrII1 tsimemm time fund outI mt of time neat Iear-

II rmlI It kind IIlam unto nf the roiid

Ithe 111 atom written over timeresri Inn-

iiitrvieivium t MrI hltcehan fI mia 1t of I li priming impliesWtami1 hamU nf it romrilttru of

a I in si 1s a lulwrIUtl Ihat ho was> tt4nUh lime tl were getting tho low ¬


hret and tho bet prices and the best tnaUrlalpaidthat could bfurnished them for time amount

Time idtou Irons purchased by the Police De ¬

partment Mr Terry says were pieces of strapIron two Inches vvd ndlientat a right anglev hlch are used for time Protection of timetern posts of the depurtmetifs lellnJiud a Itch doren romitertunk crtwholei mthem and weighed less titan two pounds each

SAVE tUAVUKD 111 DAVLiailT-Xlamlnr My < erlanly Enter and Kienp

From Hnlduln Hlor In BrnnklynThe Brooklii police were surprised yesterday

ollennlni that burglars hal broken Into theclothing storo of Spencer S Baldwin In

Fulton and Smith streets Just three short bloc Kit

from Police Headquarters In broad daylightbroken open a safe only twenty feet back of limo

pinto glass window and taken their departurewithout attracting any observation

There steno two safes In the ofilc but luckilyfor the owner thu robbers made their attack ontho one which contained only the books andpapers of tho eitablishmeUt leaving Intact themoro olid otto which contained 4000

Tho latter haul a burglar alarm attachmentconnecting It with the American Ilstrlt Tele-graph


office and this fact thethieves to confine their attention to the other

When Herman Haber the night watchmanleft the bnlldmi a 7 oclock yesterday morntrig time doors and windows wrt all fattenedHe returned nt II oclock last evening antientered tile store When ho Kot an far as theolllcfl which IIs on the Smith street stile of thebuilding he found that the safe whichstood on the right nlde of time office had beenforced open and the books papers and checksnhlchlt had contained were scattered on thefloor A sledge hummer a colt ruled and agas pipe wrench were round alongside the safu

Watchman Habor hurried lo time front dor-al In a few minutes half dozen< scurrying through the building In earrhof time burglars who It was thought might botill accreted somewhere whlln several hun-dred


curious spectators thronged the ad joining-aldewnlk

The neureh throuch time premises was con-tinued


from cellar to root without result nndDftettlvo Sergeants Reynold and Daly whojoined In It were iinnbln to discover even liowtime marauders entered or left the building

This feature of the burglary Is quite as myste-rious


ai tbe failure policeman on thaheal to hear the titmice of the sledge hammerEach window and door wajust as secure as thewatchman lid left It In morning with timeexception of the door at the top of the stairwayleading lo time cellar which had bun forcedfrom Its hinges

1 nls at first led tn the adoption of the theorythat the burglars bad drooped Into time cellarthrough the coal chute but this was abandonedwhen It was found that the cover of Lbs chntiihad not been disturbed Not a single trace of

dhow time rbbr camo In or went out could hThe supposition Is that the burglars secretedthemtlvll In the collar before the steno wu

up on Saturday night and kept under-cover until tho watchman had taken his de-parture


yesterday morning when they brokeopen the door leading frothe collar and beganwork on the safe

vnoirEi jv vitoM KILLS

The HoeS or Two Flbemn Vpt bjrSpur

The tide was running swiftly In the BronxKilts yesterday morning when Charles Craw¬

ford of 1U West 114th street and Joseph Mc ¬

Lean of 41U East 117th street started off for adays fishing In a 14foot rowboat which theyhad hired at time foot of Kast 121th street fromJoseph Goldlng Each man handled a pair ofoars but they had little work to do because theswift tldo carried them on their way teatenough They were awlniilng through the klltnwithout a thought of danger when they nawone of tho splice driven by time New Haven Rail-road


directly In their course and found thatthey Could notvef at1ntheironiriIdVsufficiently to clear the spile

An Instant later the boat humped against theagt nd 1hngttIba upturaed-boat which rapidly drifted out of reach ofLynch Lynch struck out for shore butbeing

bnrenewith 1heavy overcoat found h couldit He wa sinking when he drifted

against another spile and cutche I The spitewas slippery with seaweed bt Lynch managedto cling to the treacherous support

Meantime Crawford who was 60 years oldhad managed to climb upon the overturnedboat and tried to sit astride tbe keel The boatdrifted against a sunken rock anti the Jar top¬

Crawford oil He franticallyplt cutch atsmooth sides of bltmissed hisand sank Thu body was recovered Thedead man was a blpplnl clerk

McLean lp and boats put outfrom time Now Haven Railroad yard oppositewhich the accident happened t Ithlng partieson their way through time kills also started totime rescue

lime first two boats to reach the scene of theaccident bumped against tho spllui mend upsetand three moro men found themselves strug-gling


In time water There were six or sevenboat In the vicinity by this time mend the three

ero quickly dragged aboard as many dif-ferent


boats rind were rowed ashore todry theirclothing

TIme overturned boats were picked tip mendtowed ashore while Switchman Peter Cassldy-wai manoeuvring to nah McLean withoutbeing upset himself succeeded IIreaching him dragged him Into the boatrowed to land-

McLean was taken to the boiler room In lherailroad yard where the railroad len etrlppeoff hit wet clothes rubbed himwhiskey In addition to administering n lib-


dose Inwardly and brought Mm aroundIn thoroughly that he refuted medical aid whenthfambulance froI Harlem Hospital arrived

had been In water threequarters of anhour hUt wes able to go to the Morrlnanlt sta-ll


> n and report the drowning of his friendCraw fora s t Olt until hat floated athora alongwith the boat

31cal who t 20 years old IIi employe by

wifetIOI Iunuracturlnl Com pal ITime three len who caught a ducking In try

Ing to McLean were John Knirler ahrlkelal from PortcbcttJr and WilliamHely George Armstrong of Oak Point

SATED ill MATE M0714 illTwo pled FIhrMtn Reend a t the

Urownlaa PointOct 20 Frederick lirenimn ofIvsloSOL1 Lorlmer street Brooklyn and his brother

Inlaw Luke Rowling of the same addressnarrowly escaped drowning late last nightThey had engaged a smelt boat Intending toBpend time entire night tithing

Time boot capsized and both men wero nearlydrowned Brennan managed to pull imims com-


unto the bottom of the overturned boatThen Drennun cried for atslntani

Kdward 1 Mcdrulh unite un time freight prousher Hover lowered about niul1 went to time-

mtuttmtumceml of the Ilhermel When McUrnthcant upon time RowUna was un-

conscious and Brennan wni trying to swliu-nnhnru with tun boat line In his mouth brentnau was beuumbtd und nearly exlmiittnl-

A physlclal worked over tho 111 two hOltseil ofworn prtmimm Ilt

1iiuia morianc they timid milMclently recovered t

start fnr home

mo cunititrs until nunJmasocd manS Hlniiil on Their llrnd by Older

Hoy Their Torliirrri Locked Up

lummy liracan 15i Ylr vII utt 84t Greenwlih tdreet Peter MoVlikar 12 years old of04 lep > street and Kilwurd Lynn Ill yearsold of 100 Vest lluutloii street were Rrrtlyesterday for torturliiK P tcr llemwixyear old and WIIIIu Carroll 11 years old bothof whom hive In NorlU Mooru street

With 1 heavy rope with a sIll noose on theemmd they latsotd Iho little fellows who wereplai Ing about their hnmtu antI carried them oilto Westt street

Then they bound Putter fevreaulIandl antfret und then stood 01 < Afertauhliig isis iwkut they released hint nsecured Willie Carroll They hal hint triced-up hVI1i downward when a policemen Laplimed 11 the scone Willie bail flull this


midreceived I hmluukl ve bfore muse

lime Ilad wa al o imminellid quiteseterely lIme little 101 nocks were badly In-

flamed from thu lai their torturers werelocked upon i of assault

llracaii and MoVlokar were arrested a towniinthi ago fnr coinralltluit u burglary at fluVnrlck tot end muisu for a Iliurular ut ircMi-wlehand humtnme street but vwapwl cimvlttlmiR-IMLMII humus to brothtirt m thus tllln lUfuriu-

audatuiry aaoUitr lu the house


run ntr ii itn nn NKITIOS-Srci

lIIUJFOR rxciBts lUUOnv

Coyer the Helenl I Says If You Valot ReFormat Itlie AdTOtaU the Hunday fleer nrde us the Possible Solutionn r the Eceise Problem iud Muggedthan Arnorl me Place or AmuM

In All HdDlt Church aBlxtyslxlh street andMadison nvenue yesterday tho Rev Dr IteberNewton preaclc on Time Sunday Haloon-Hhall It le Siiprewed or Converted and Inthe course of his sermon h cam out stronglyfor time Herman Sunday He salts

Our city IIs face to face with tho Issue raisedby the Sunday saloon orethlpl Is to bo done

abut It Wnat shall It suppression orconversion 1 Wo all prize the American Bundabut perhap her an In other matttr the mostloyal Americanism may hive something to learufrom other countries Let me sketch for youthat beta nolr nf time New EnglandertheGerman Sunday 7 Take any typical Germancity Dresden for example At UUO oclock Intime morning the churches are opened and well

fled Time congregations contltt largely ofmen At 11 oclock there Is a children servicewhich takes the place of the Sunday schoolImmediately after this at about noun Ifyou walk time streets of Dresden yoUwill see whole families lellnt theirhomes together the housewife n motherwith a goodly basket on her arm Follow any ofthese parties and you will thud yourself In oneof the goodly beer gardens with which tIme cityIIs well supplied open In the summer and In thewinter roofed In ali well warme Taking Itable and spreading their upon it theywilt call for beer awl around this table theafternoon will be spent not altogether In eatingand drinking for choice music whiles away thetime through the Sunday afternoon Thetfliurchet are open at n oclock again and arewell attended An evening at home completes-the German Sunday-

S this a very dreadful picture of a Sunday-Is


It not an excellent Sunday for the averageman T It Is a day of complete rest from ordinarybusiness and a day of worship It t a day offamily life and pure pleasure The pleasurecentres In the highest known provision for In-


recreation and emotional educationmusic A friend of mine who spsnt the winterIn one of time leading German cities lately sawonly one drunken man and he was an English ¬

man Col Grant for four years Minister toAustria says that tho Excise laws are veryliberal hit are rigidly enforcc Ha saw twodrunken men In these years The suprememerit of the German Sunday It that timers fnocant about It There Is honest provision forreligion and It ta used lu manly fashions thereIIs alto equally honest provision for enJormeutand It Is taken In equally manlyI

Conlrat the German Sunday with the Amer¬

as realized en fur the church openIn the morning and 10000 saloons Inthltcltyopen In the afternoon and evenlngwlth scarcelya stogie provision In the winter for the familiesspending the afternoon together but with am ¬

pin provision for abomination of desolationtime bar with Its rum ana whiskey

Dr Newton said In his sketch of the GermanSunday that lie could see bow all tbe valuablefeatures time American Sunday could lw pre ¬

served and that when we were ready to aban-don


the task of suppressing the saloon and at-tempting


time mote difficult conversion Itaway would be open for the preservation of thuAmerican Sunday He then sketched what hosaid wee the points of a reasonable osteJfor opening mutt be totime afternoon and early evening said Dr-Nawlon Mhl sal of alnt tplrlta mustbtrblbU Only wlo beer hesie Tha standup bar must hdemolished A limited uombtr of saloonsshould be opened If we are with 10000t= Ilc =M during the rrotk ourn the toastardent champion of a liberal Sunday wouldwant melt these opened on Sunday In makingthis distinction the privilege of Sunday openingshould be accorded only to such saloons at pro-vide


some facllltlM fur fale reporting tothem Let tbe saloon be o wi providemusic and thus complete the hermantype Berlin ha with music

Dr Newton said that the high license here100 for a concert licenseacted at a prohibitionagainst music and that those who paid thishigh price had to permit their places to becomethe resort of questionable characters In orderto make tem profitable The concert balls herebe said werewith very few exceptions huotof vice timer should b no tsvery low one on the provision of DrNewton said that such a place would pay thesame as It does In Germany and that If the taxwee removed timer would be a rapid dvelopof beer gardens of the GermanIf It wee Impracticable from a business point ofview there would be he said a splendid oppor-tunity


for wkat he had often called charitycapltalthe Investment by wealthy men of cap ¬

ital which would bring low returns while pro-viding


the needed amusementIlu pelIwllh that this Is what my

friend lit Ralnsford meant when he said thatthe churches must run the alonlof the cityWhen once the morality of ofattempting to suppress the saloon altogether-Is wllllnic to try t convert It the way will beopen It may needful for any such conver-sion


of the Ion that the municipality or theState Itself this mot serious businessIn hand Why should 10t our great armorybuildings be utilized on Sunday afternoonsthrough the winter for the of free con ¬

cert given by the jurplePoring thesummer such concerts are supplied In the parksIn time winter when they are most neededthere Is no provision for them These armories-are erected by the State Why should they ntbopen on Sunday aa the peoples music

The conversion of the saloon rather than Ussuppression Is what Is mOt nfOlln this oilyIf Indeed times Is no attemptIts suppression we may well all be united forthli task But I there Iis a better way shall wenot take It conversion of the saloon wiltrally to causn of sobriety and morality vastforces In our city that can never bo countedupon for tims attemot to suppress the saloon Inloin We may be thankful to our presentPolice Commissioners fur reanforclng the moralsense of the community concerning time abomi-nation of our present Sunday saloon Rut let usturn title newly arouned enthusiasm Into chan-nels


here success awaits us


OO or < be IIoebeler Strikers to LeaveThuS lty Today

RoniMTKit Out 20Final preparations for-

th migration of tIme striking garment workersweru completed today at the headquarters ofthe local branch of the union Tomorrowmorning at UI oclock the men will meet at their

hal and proceed tn a special car attached to thetrain on the Home Watertown and fig

densburg RailroadTbudelcpttlon occupying this ca IIttogoto

New York Boston Baltimore and other placesIn the East Another lot of men wi board anErIe train In time afternoon for Chi-cago


Special preparations Ihays been matinwith time railroad rnmpanto for transporttime men and there will be brothers time Gar-ment


Makern IIlilon to let them ut thlr jourlucys eimml Ilime men are the lust of spiritsOMIT lIme thonidil that they menu going to shakotime dun of Itnchetur from their shoe andhope tI make the inaniifautumr com to theirterms before they corn back

There mere about IOU men In al and they comprli time best mechanic at elutllil budnctmlntho city Hy their Is expeeled to ripple time clothing busluen In thiscity tnnsrcatnxtent-

This is positively tho first d leualon ofstrikers In leave time city sod all reportsto time conlrnry are grounillens oftime strikers tuft time city nthstruggle-but they went singly mend ut their own expense

nuTIe Itfvl A O Wilton to Leav New York

Time lice J A II Wilson of tho EighteenthStreet Methodist EpIscopal Church hLucccutcd the pulorato of the Pint MethodistUiurcu In Lot Angeles Cal HI now church Issaid to be onto of Ihe largest on the Pacific coastDr Wllaon successor will be the ny J WCmpbsll D H of Lot AnerlH-

Ihei Rev Mr Wilton hat been pastor of theEighteenth street church for throeyears Ill name became known to the publictoon after time Inception of Dr Parkbnrst-antlcrlma because of hit clot Imita-tion


of Dr cruse methods In trying to se-cure


reform Mr Wilton mad numerous coinplaint agalntt Police Captain Donohu of theWest Twentieth street station whom he aoof permitting time xlitenco of disorderlyrUle la his precinct

ltroal homo iniluiUlc Wear KLOI bU mail11 4wrl 1 wuiklLfia a4 < ii



TIIK DEATH OF J IF M A OKA V JttThe Body Taken to Ices Where IMr

Mnekny line ArrivedPAIIIH Oct Irl John W Maakay

mother of John Mackay Jr who died yes-terday from time etrcl of Injuries sustained bybeing thrown hone readied Paris thisevening She Is greatly prostrated with griefClarence Mackay the brother of the deceased-man and Evelyn Fitzgerald wilt recoil time

body at 10 oclock thlt ennlul at the lateMont Parnasio where It arrive fromMange Department Sarth where Mr Maokayi country chateau Is time place where thefatal accident occurred

The body wilt btaken t the Mackay man-sion


U Rue which has been closed foryears but which will bo reopened on this sadoccasion The funeral will probably lakplaceon Tuesday the services being bl theChurch of St Ferdinand mba Ternes

The certificate of the doctor who attended MrMacka attributes his death to a fracture oftime ekmhi

It has been learned that In addition to a frac-tured


skull Mr Mackay had one of his legs

broken by the fall He tins thrown with greatforce against time trunk of a tree striking be-

tween his eyes Both of his eyes were rushedThellrst reports that he was rendered uncon-


lemalnlng so until tile tlcalh provo tohave been erroneous It Inow smelt that aftertime accident ha remained conscious for threehours and that hu recognlrcd hit frlindsMessrs Lynch and Dlibj by their volrei and1 reused their lianili lie had repeated collapsesbefore ho 1e1After hit tactpresented such a terribleappearaulcsu that r 1ICh welt lo Paris andilUeuaded CUrencii oy lolll tnMantis to leo tho body Mm Mnekny hadstarted on Friday on a tour of Normandlo waiInformed of time accident by telegraph anti etaat once started on her return to Pane

limp body arrived title evening and was atonce transferred frnm time rftllnnj station to timeMuckuy residence where It wail placed In thufhapellit ardent that haul lbeen prepared for It-

Ihu tally teas preteut Many wieaths werofriends of the family Time body

will be embalmed It li learned late toiilglilthat Ithe date of time obsequies lies not yet beendefinitely decided upon

TUIEV VVKSUED OtJKJt ttOOfiaught In H Hark 11 Are r u llnirmlle

Chase lie ld Ktol n M WatchOn Saturday afternoon there was an excit-


thief chase which btgan In Broumu streetand was continued over roofs and thruuuh bai kyards ami tenements It ended In the tapturnof the thief after a halfmile rate The CUM

mine up before Maglntrnte Shunts In KesexMarket Court yesterday The prisoner wasWilliam Harris 2 years oh of N Ludlowstreet and time complainant was Bernard Koller of 73 henry street Tho charge was robbery

Mr Kotrler said that hu stopped In front of20J Droome street about 3l oclock on Satur-day


afternoon to watch a number of childrenwho were dancing to the musio of I streetpiano Harris and two others were In time crowdthat hud fathered and ono of theOjoslltd MrKnUler apparently to create I tllittnrbancoWhen Kotzler remonstrated one of time threeiwlze1 him nnd a second began beating himwhile Harris seized hli gold watch und chainand Marled tim run away with them Mr Kotzher shouted for the police antI attracted 1 Iheattention of DetntUe McCnrmlck of Iht 1lanret street station who was not far olMt Ctirmlck saw Hurlllrnl from crowdand run down Time deletlotact out after him HarrU wciiiRpunned urne Into an open hall after goingabout I stair of lbe nventorybulldlnc he rushed with the detective a coupleof Sights behind When McCormick reachedthe rot tie ceo ffmutta making lib beet jiiccjacross an adjoining roof

For some distance the roofs were on the samelevel but half way along the block there was adent of about ten fret to a row of fourstory

Across then Harrt ran until hecame to an oten scuttle Down the scuttle hoplunged and thel 111nl to n rear windowmade hit lire escape Thisbrought him Into a back yard around whichwa a high fence Ther was a entail gate load-ing


Into the next Iarai Harris 10throughthli but fnund rut off h fenceequally hlith letapolrll through time houseput confiiked by darlnltof time hal andbefore ha reached I minor over ¬

hauled by time Iewtll who haul been steadilylalnlnjlf0n

II lerA morning Harris deniedcharge him Ho Wa locked up In

default of tlOUO ball

STRUCK TIlE 1TOSIAX DETECTIVEA Struggle la it NtoreTba Tnur Caught

After a rlluieMiss Louise Alexander time woman detective

In Jammes4 novelty store at IOU Broadwaywas roughly handled by a thief on Saturdayafternoon The min who was welt dretscdentered tho store shortly before t oclock ac-


bv a boy who appeared t bo about16 years old The Inn pretended to try bits ofcheap jewelry on time boys neck and droppedthem Inside his collar When there was nomore room the man dropped the trinkets In hisown pockets As be WM leaving the store timewoman dctectvasked him treturn the stuffhe had

The thief struck Miss Alexander a blow ontime breast Although It staggered tier for amoment ehe grabbed the mal as he made nbreak for the door out of w hlch Lime boy hllalready run A saleswoman who split toAlexanders assistance knocked aside whilea woman customer who tried to use her parninl-an a weapon was thrown down

Time mean after punching time store porter whohlrlnl the womens screamii tried In flnp him

of the store Into Twentieth Street fnllowed by Mist Alexander crjlnit 5toim thiufPoliceman McCullaitli of I streetsquad anil Cant Smith of time Kant Twentysecond street pullcii otallnii joined In time climeThe thief trlpptd the polheman wi en rundown nenr SixthI avenue and both f aptl ISmith f1 nit ton of them

to Thirtieth street station thomprisoner described lilmtelf as Robert Dupnt uFrenchman VT ears old but ilufuied tnulvobus address Ho via arrulitnetl In JelcrhlMarket Court yeslerdu miiriiliig

against him one of assault andOlacln shopllfllna they were lioth uiailuby Miss Aleiiuiuer Dupreo woe hold In Jsouball for trial on both charges

The huh who ttcmmulumuum led him on hIs ohnplifting tour lace riot let been murruetel


railed to nol n llnllruiid Hlullon TliuuKblie Had u llahhlt Poet with 111

Two Omen whi had Inen loltoiluu mel uumummi

the Dunfnrth uvenuii Ktiitinnt nf IIhu New Jrl-we


Central ItiiilrtHil in Jersey jty went lulutime klatflm ubntt IIll t M tatenla nmlpicked a uJurul nlth Vllllani Lewis thestation atcent Illie > Itrld IIn funs theh winInto time unite LtwlH rivlitml unit unu nf lime

men struck him on thu arm williI I a jliniii-IIlwl1 tines ham help hroiiKlii Irad WalkerTUuina1 Crtinj nf IIST IGiiindI I Htrret IIn hh u-


The mull vihn had I tutu jjliiiinyI

Wllrl Carey nu limit held InrlMltuu I severe1111 wound Ihn tivn men Ithen run cavity In

Illole ti irect louis PnlU t man 111111111ruught one of iHum lime priinnriwai William Allnuinl t I > fir old of MlWest TvvenU eighth ctrul thUill > Alterhe wan lockout up 10lk4III IHliniduuii fnund-ujlnimi vvrapHiil In I time trout > urdof-u htiiihu pant which Allinaiit had run Thcrowere hloinl steins nu IItI anil on Ithe I npt r-

Allnmn cues IdcntlfUd afteivvinil by PolliDman Mctlurk 1 mime of time stuhmImmibuat l hurglarwith whom and Pollccmiui IDmiiilnaii ex-chniutd hot about live week nun in trevntilt A r r Ia bottle of knnckout tlrtipi-aud a part of a rabbits hind tout wrrn foullu the yard In front of Dli trlct AttoiuebIds house time pt whtiro IUollo caughtand arr td other lad fllblofoot aud some cartridges which flludvolver were found In Allmana inuesslonChief Murphy Iis convinced that Ailmuu alllime mal who escaped mute the buriilaihave committing depredations In Ureenyule fur aoiutt month

pTried to Wrens MeKlnUy

VAN WHIT O a Out tt Railroad Coiumlnshiner Kirk by hu reported that the switch ontime and Mackinaw RailroadtlnclnnUJacol lIme wreck of the trainbearing Slimy McKUUej and Uun Ihllhntl onIrrlUay nlgUl wu puri tcly dlpl



itttii H JkltrtTln lucerne Violently Iniaacud Shoots from Itle Ilarred Reeldene-nt PedMtrlnaornlliire urea Attempt toNMOk Him OutA Hush with Mat-tresses as ShIelds Prove Hneecvsfal

ChicAGo Oct 20 Armed with a repeatplrifle and a doubleaction revolver lllulwin defied tho police and every one else for six-


hours from 11 oclock last night until 3this afternoon-

Mr Merwln grew wealthy In tho Iron tradeand retired tome tint ago Yesterday a meltel Infirmity which lint been threatening fortome time camo on anti he locked himself Intine or time rooms of his tine hume at UD Wood-land


ParkIt wIts 11 30 oclock last night ohm Merwlns

Insanity took a violent form and he attackedlute wife who is Indelicate health Ho ejectedher train the rear door Her neighbors caredfor her and sent word to time nearest police ate ¬

tonlionfleld with four policemen went at

once to thu house hey found all the doorslucked anti time windows fastened They couldtto Merwln ono of time upper roms marching

laekarl anti forward with the rifle over his

Ihol1rrThey thought best to leave him until thismorning and when day cnme they were astoun-ded


to see him npnrovh time window overlookIiiK tho street and after rnlMne time sash takeaim with his rile and lire directly at I pedes-trian


across streetBefore tho street could be cleared Merwln haul

repented tho rforumnco several times butt hisallYRS bail ant no ole wits hit A police officermis stationed at each end of the block and theway was turn to all

Time occupants of homes on the opposite sideof the park drew the curtains and shutters oftheir windows and closed their front doors andused their rear doors time remainder of the day

The question as tn the method to be employedIn securing time man without Injurlnjhim or permitting him to anyone was han to solve Kvery few min-utes


during day the police wouldhear a shunt from time rifle In the hands of thecrazed man hilt nolhlnl could bedone Severalyears ago a Imlar case cost the life of one ofthe best policemen on the force and Ileutl-ionfleld did not care to risk a sacrifice of thatkind-

It was finally decided that an attempt tover-come


Merwln with fumes of sulphur might re-

sult successfully Accordingly the heat wasshut out of the rooms of the house and sulphurwas burned In the furnace

A small amount did not have the desiredelect and athey did not care tendanger themans life the plan was abandoned

Finally 1 yaarranged that an entrshould-be made the room from two simultane-ously


Two policemen were t enter at eachdoor Each man had a small hair mattress fora shield

Tie plan was successful the erased man nothaving an opportunity ttire before being over-come and manacled He was then taken ttheintane hospital

Merwin Is US yearold About a aago hewas kicked on the head 1a horse and I Isknown the Injury affected brain x

After he wo raoneo Merwln talked Inco-herently


about buying wheat at 48 ent perbushel From this It Is ble he beeneitherspeculation

making or 10lnl money In grain


The Ceremony Performed with the O en-DilwecK tb Prlelpl

Nicholas Mlllas formerly of Dalmatla butROW of dOS Eleventh avenue left In his natvtown seven years ago when be came bssweetheart Paola Kudeneak

Sue told him that when he haenough moneyto start housekeeping she come over andmarry him He recently wrote to her sayingthat heapretty well fixed for a Dalmatianand aklnl tier to take time next ship

He letter from her brothers tellingI himthey couldnt think of sending Paola here untilshu had become Ir Mlllas As Mlllaa couldntleave his work decided to get married byptnx >

lie sent to a friend who represented him be-fore


tthe priest and time mmmmtgtstu ate In Dalmatlaa sworn declaration of his Cc Ulliitfness to marryPaola throiiKh hit friend

They wero thus married time United StateConiil being a witness at time civil ceremonyand Paula left her prosy htmband Immediatelyand went to lan wliero she took steeragepassage on steamship IIa lhalpanne uhlch got hero yesterday

Mlllun was at time 111 to see his wife butcouldnt lie will wait unlllh morn-ing


when shun 111 hI landed NUnd-Mlllas has taken out his first per mind ex-pects


soon to become a cltlren


lie and ChIp Vnnilrrlillt Iake oiununlun-ut ni Tliontni

MlM Connueli Vnnderblll anil her betrothedthe IHikc of Mai thorough wire occupants nftime rectors pen in MI IhomnVs Church at theuumornmlng servIce yesterday Both remained totakoi oiiiiuinlon ufur tho reculnr micra ire Phim-Un > uuni prop nirn driven to MM V KVandtrhlllK new luiiisint eventsecond strictmid tl1101 n iCIUI t ftcr I tie imnait MlMI Vnn

limo Diikii ii IIrlrllulllhoParklime IDuko lift MM aummI enimi Its home 1st

time eOnlnl 1111 ilrnMi to time Plait lltlel Innreporter I tie IDiiku Mild

othll mnru ill Unite iv lllI he ilono withi i ime

guru uedillnti untilI Utii In tthu wek-I hit I ehallI I baa ulHd In t ci1I rOI-

hI report that time alls nt IIhn itntlii bundart imorumig ii iniirhiK tlolho luhlhCllnIHI Thoiiiaitii lliurili jiBtiidii lortlllnut tech loiitulid lime liiinnii IIt pillIWifd iniHlc I hwy likely tube

it N inni Ill A TIoiisl-A


Vnmiin HkiillI rii elnieilMliRI t oulilnl-llenr time llrll its Him Vn < Drill

I IIla Ia Iorn mars amId cif 17illlilritmat ilium at julie cu U sm rug 114thI street nnd-

VillU Mfiiuo at T uMock last nluht-wn kunckid don n and badly Injured In-

trilleyt car Ku II of ttho IImim 1Hallwaynull p0mm > ler ltad t nat janiined helVMiii Ithu-

finnlI pliilfnrin anil time t nmmks hut tlui hullerliiau Mopped iht inr noiiuli kit tl ul sue wan nuttrn lnd Ktween the wheel

MlchaeUi Suatilotm tIll hiatt murluman lilt > 5 thai ht-sau time unman us hU mr npprnaihrtl her undr IIIB huts imelllI The wniiiau u Ideiitl I did smut hearhli signal taut bhn paid no attentionI tu It

It name afterwaril luurntil that alms was deafMiiundulned I a tract I no C thenUnllI I ruth a dis-location


nf tthu left tlunildtT Mm UK Itaken toIllorleiiiI I n pltnl-

MIIIUII anarrittoil

the llrookljn Trolley I43IU IclliuIliom l1lh Uotlin of lime Bronkl trolley illtd-

In bt Maos Honpllal last nluht lie eatsMcliuUi Ilolllnncr K > omens old married of t5 8Vhlpplo street

He was driving a truck on I hurtday in Lib-erty


venue ulcer Ilxnry Street wimen a car oftime Nonau line struck mmli wuuon-

He was thrown out and received a fracture ofthe skull

1 he liMh victim died last Sunday night

llr llussictl Fi > r w < ll to ilrooblThe Hev lr T De Wilt Talmud preached

hit brooklyn farewell sermon yesterday morn-ing


In time Central Presbyterian Church la-

Tompkln avenue He said be didnt kium asingle perion with whom he wits not read > toshako naiid und be ln lleil many ixrton whomhit nilulit haw possibly offended to step imp mit

lime close of time ceryicis coil receive hit apologySn one accepted theoffer but hundredscrnwuedaround Pr lulmaito as his wai leaving timetime thiurcim and cc imilmedl bimmi Uudspeeul

JL HAT ntr Tiinvsr TO IIIB UXAIITThomn McCoy Stabbed by HI 1Vlf Whit

Ilaaetnsi with Aaother Womn-Tboma McCoy who lives with hit sitter at

1100 First avenue was stabbed tn time heartwith a hit pin by his wife just before midnightlest night while dancing at a bell with a womanwhote name Is unknown atpretent to the police

Time ball was In Fernando Hall Fiftyfifthstrict and Third avenue Time manager wasJames Ullrlun a deaf man McCoy had beenacting as assistant floor manager at the dancesgiven In the hall every Sunday night

McCoy was dancing when hU wife fromwhom he has been separated entered the ball-room and struck the woman her husband weedancing with McCoy pushed huts wife awayand sue drove a hat pin Into his breast

Mrs McCoy win seized by several persons andpushed out of thu ball room and Into the streetWltnettetsa that McCoy danced for halt anhour after he was stabbed Then he fell to time

floorHe was taken to his sisters houteTime police could get little about time tabbing

OBrien time deaf man did not see It Johnbcott who was present said that a woman hadtold him about It

Dr Burke who attended McCoy at his sistershouse refuted to let the detectives tee his pa¬

tient McCoy Is very lowThe doctor says time hat pin apparently reached

hli heart Mrs McCoy huts not been found


HI John Greatly Eseltf dAiuon t lIme IVU-oner I n Lending Whltewaylle-

ST JOIINM K 1 Oct 20 Last night theCrown authorities arrested four prominent menwho are Implicated In the smuggling scandalsAmong them Is Michael Tobln the senior Whiteway member of time Assembly for time Placentladistrict one of time governors of the SavingsBank and a leading Influential member of theLegislature Twentythree more arrests will bemade tomorrow Time names of over fifty otherpersons are before th magistrates pendingaction

Time wildest excitement prevails It Is re-


that some of the warrants are for men Invery high places In business and publlo lifeTime suddenness of last nights action hat Inten-sified


time friction among the Government mem-bers


Time proprosecution party fearing anarrangement would be made to withdrawtime smuggling cases from before thecourt and settle them by flue before theBoard of Revenue precipitated the crisis bymaking Immediate arrests thereby renderingIt almost Impossible to recede from the presentposition and thus compelling the probing of thescandals to the very bottom A very excitingweek Is anticipated Probably there will bewithdrawals from the Cabinet

FOUR KILLED BY A riSERAn Lath Family Los Their LIves While

Camping OatELKIKS W Va Oct 20John Carr his

wife and two sons were killed last night by afalling tree They lled at Dry Forks aboutten miles from here and lied started out on aginsengdigging trip Expecting to remain outfor a week timer had provided themselves witha camping outfit Last night they pitchedtheir tent under a large dead oak tree It wasvery cold and a tire was built Immediately be¬

hind the tent While the family slept the em-bers


were blown against the tree which tookfire near the root and burned through eventu-ally


falling on the tent and directly across thesleeping family

Mr Carr was crushed Ills wifes head wasalso crushed and the younger son broken fromhis chest to his knees The other boy WM mor-tally


hurt but he managed to crawl to JohnLongs cabin about a mile away There helived long enough to tell his story dying soonafter


A Club at Windsor Who Member fleasJlb BritUb HoverelBmty

WINDSOR Out Oct 20The Independenceof Canada Club held a meeting laM night Sec ¬

retary Edgar read a paper by C W Oanthlersetting forth the great benefits Canada wouldreap If the country were free and untrammelled-by Great Britain The paper waa discussed bytime members The Secretary said that morethan 100 names were on the membership listalthough no stcmatlo canvass hail been madefor members A committee was appointed todraft a Constitution and bylaws for time club


Two inlets Hun DownIoll me Illsubled lu Chasing n Clues

A horse and carriage driven by a fashionablydreitod woman who refused to give her namecollided with a horso and wagon drlen by1bllllp lewisolm of 03 West Broadway at 4oclock yesterday afternoon

Time woman was thrown out of her carriagebut was uninjured The collision was time faultof Lenlthon horse which became unmanage ¬

ableMounted Policeman Mcintyre mend ireen were

Loth disabled and ireen4 horse ate severelyInjured tn time accident nhlcu happened anhour later While Abner tnow V7 yearsof are nf N Iluilllnld street Hroonhntaut rlmiiuigI n bl c lam nt MxtbeenthStreet mill limo Kan llrhe a horxodrivel lit Ur IP Martin nf D LeAhiKton ave-nue


who had fur a companion James Uonohuo-nf hitS lwetltlm street took frluht anil rant Intohint Snow ate thrown to time roadway and hisbhniildem Hint llimit > In lured I Jr Martin and hisinmpinlon wero llunnii out of time nagon buttiiHIKil iIlljrili

limo hurre Ilannn anti Pnlliemnn Irorn gustohum lluiuihl tho I innauii hmy the bridlehaul I mliii mug ama WitS tthrown fiom his liorfc analtin niilnml u Idili lit rndu na oerlouMi InjunIInlli mull dnen hud to Iic taLcum Ito late home

Mounted Pail Imtiinmuu MilntyioI tthen gaveilmamiutto time riinituat iuit liml hl right arm badlyat remit lieu Iwforn ho uccecde l In bringing It tou nti nd UH

Mnuntvll rnnci mail nmuww us guam amour mirrriiiKht a riinawii hnivi which hud Iollldidwltli u vvHunn driven by II nnd nf liltIlroadivuv nnd al o with Ithe wagon of J JiMdlnlreofI 1114t Cutt IlMh strict

The fnrcH nf Ilie ciilllnliin IIhicw Mr Wmidnut nf his vviivnn until hu received suture Injiirims ilis wagon wu wrecked

J autism llnrn nf hal Seamiummi uvenne vvat ridingn hlrvdn on thue Kivt I Sri ye ilalmoite EIghtyvlhth street last nluhl when Sit aaa > run Ilulub > u house and wmmgmmum ml ri taut Ihy Mr Mi ii of 1 TIIllrnidwi llarri at tim iiiwlm I rout hU wheelnnd ullLlitly Injured lime uucn cxchangtd tiriU

S1IIICKIN Iff lilt 4IItIlTIii I uurHil ShIes ul lluuil Hirune In time

Hotel Iudlcotl Dlrvulnr-llr lUrry huh Conrad nf 10iut Sevent

fourth hi tech diet middinlI > on ut tim duty nluht-ut time Hotel Kndlcott ut Klehthflrtl street

umluiuumimtm uaacmmuue-

IIHLII niul hit nlfu limit fpont time tuning at time

ItiiUl wit ii their flicniU Mlr and Misl V A-

lleird lhe turtcd hiiniv about 111t oclock-unil were avmittiuug fur uirot towucttr at llljhl-nuth shiest unit the teiitral Park when llrConrad felt iincmitclnni to thu pavement

A mitb was cutlet unit hn aegis driven back tritime hotel when In lied us he at its lacing takentulltard In flit cleuitor Ills death outs tluu-to heart disease

lie Cliiuad who tea 41 yours old acas bornIn Plillndelplitii ito WOK grutiuateil frcim theimdlcal depiruuent of time Inhemll of thucity of hvws turk imi 1B7T-

liu was a mrinberiif time County Medical Ni-clil


the indcmy Sat Midlrlnv Ihu lvnox-Miillciil anti huriilotl hixilut and thu 1lijil

tans Mutual Aid A oclatluu

Piow In Northern New ionWATWUIIWN Oct SO Sunn hn lerii failing

heiu since noon and at II oclock taulgbl time

ground Iis rorrrtd conreallntr time grass antclothing time trues with ttrnfr gaul It Iisrapidly rustling hitmis over uith rtx ecU w-fturiuvrueuthcr j


A niaiiT fins or ALoians LA-


flUited U a Fruit Steed It tnmed cc AreaorTtTtnlr Iltotk llotrorlaa Mot ofth ProperlirAeeliJent to the ThrongThat Went Over to iiew the Bcbrl

NEW On MAX I Oct SO About 130 oclockthis morning flr started In the hull UndofPaul Buffo an Italian corner of Bermuda antiMorgan streets In Altltrs th WMUrn part ofNice Orlan and Including all that pert of thecity west of time Mississippi River The Ore wasaid to be of Incindlary origin The town Ubuilt mainly of wood which on account of tblong drought that hat prevailed WM In an Increated Inflammable condition There was anabsence water alto due lotus drought Abrisk southwesterly wind prevailed Theecauses made time flames spread In all directionsand New Orleans was telephoned to for assistance Time Chief of the Flro Department andnine engines went over but timey were unable torender much anlstance because of the lack ofwater Several tugs went to the fire which wasclose to time river bank butt there was no hoMavailable and they also were useless

The fire burned briskly until 0 A M andthen went out only because It had reached thoriver U extended live squares In one directionand four In the other comnletely consuming tensquares and the greater part of four others Inall 103 buildings were totally destroyed manyof them double tenements and representing 240homes In all and leaving 1200 persons home-less Among the buildings destroyed was theDuveye mansion or Court House the oldestbuilding In the town and a rello of plantationdays when the site of the town was fixed on theDuveye plantation Borne of the houses werehandsome residences but most of them weresmall dwellings The people living In them lostnearly alt their household good Th flamesspread so rapidly that they could not Ret themout of the way and several who moved theirfurniture three andfour times ultimatelylost It

The total lots on buildings IU estimated at1379000 on furniture and household goodsf10000 total 128000 only pertly InsuredAs most of the persons burned out are poortimer will bo much suffering and a relief as¬

sociation was at once organized The publloschool buildings In the town were thrown openfor the accommodation of those who were lefthomeless It became rumored that Paul fluffhad started the lire and a hostile demonstra-tion


was made against him and there werethreats of lynching The police at once arrestedBuffo and took him to New Orleans before thethreats could be carried out

Some 25000 persons from New Orleans visitedtime scene of time tire this evening The crowdwas larger than the small ferryboats could ac-


As 8000 or more persons weretrying to board the ferryboat Tom Pickles atAlgiers at 8 P M the Incline gave way precipi-tating


ISO to 200 people In time MississippiRiver which is here fifteen to fifty feet deepTen persons were Injured two seriously Thereare reports that several were drowned but onaccount of the darkness It U Impossible to de-


whether this Is true


AH Imrot e Quantity or Way aud Greta De-stroyed br Prairie Fires

ST PAUL Oct 20for the last two days coldhigh winds have swept over Minnesota the Da-

kotas and Manitoba Sand and dust stormshave made the air a blinding freezing scourgeaccompanied as they have been by low tempera ¬

lure that ordinarily IIs not expected before thelatter part of November

The wind has reached and maintained forhours a velocity of fifty miles an hour Somelives hmo been lost The winds have fannedsmoldering prairie fires Into fresh fury mend

started new fires particularly In the Red Rivervalley anti Manitoba and the lots to farmers Isgreat Seldom imeve such large areas of countryin the Northwest been swept by fire Some ofthese prairie fires have appeared In southwest-ern


Minnesota and South Dakota but time mostof the disaster has fallen on both sides of time

Red River saucy In Minnesota and North Da-


and extended for many miles up Into Mani-


Locomotive sparks set three fires on the tripfrom Ked Lake Kills to time crossing time fuiitton line at Tllden Jummit east of this cruisingtime worst tire occurred It swept north andgreat low resulted Another butt lire started In-

KrrtsonvUle elaht miles east of CrookMonNearly alt limit country between Cronkston and

Maple lake has brett fire swept Only one lifelies liven limits far reported lost In thli state achild of II Tlminerlck who was burned tndeath near Harmanti

In Minltobii near Elm Creek two sectionmen of time Canadian PaUfio were tmrned todeath houses stables live stock grain starkand hay have been couiutned In nit dlrtctloni-In time province anal half a dozen people hatelost their lives anil a score more hate been serlcushy burned It Is estimated that moonnbushels of grahuu anal eeaerni hundretl thousandtons of hay have been destroyed

Three Tin In Ilobbrr Hrenk lnllatoms Clami MlllMis Col Oct 21 When As-

sKtanl Jailer Cree nt the county jail was givingtime prisoners their supper last evening he wasoerxinertHl by IP J herr who haul concealedhimself In un Inner corridor lie wa badlybeaten and lila keys taken from him Parr thenoncm d tIme t ell doors anal released J M Stuartand John McCartney The three morn took ailintgun amid revolver apiece front the armoryand nude their escape Ihev iauire under arrestfur time robbery of time WellsPawn express atVictor In April hut when that company lost


Ten Caches oTHnow nt ErieEmits Pa Oct 20The gale Milled has swept

o > er time clmln of lakes from the southwestbrought nith It a very imeuavy fall of snow to ¬

daylleelnnlinr at an early hour this morning ten

Inches have fallen und at a late hour tonighttime snow cnntltiuei to full Time soon belt doesnot extend east nf Erie further than Kaneninety mllen A large fleet of vepsel have beendriven Into port fur timelIer

Vhnl Ineine Hlrnmer Iii Stern lost f-

itl iMiToN New ealanil Oct 20Thein-utirnment steamer Hlnemoa which arrived

today trout time Auckland Island south ofNew Zealand reports that time shores of time

Itlnnd micro itrcavn with wreckage anti balcaofAustralian wool lime mistime of time vessell thatIn euppriard to have been lost imi unknown andthere teas in trace found of any survivors of th-

n reck 5

iurdrrd by Two POstersV Va Oct 0 At llngeraI-

ugetu inniuj fstcrday aVmiitmcnt Oemeron was

attacked ty two sisters named Haute thewomen Ihrtm him donii soil then cut hisIthroat ilruth ru > ultlni < IIn toll utmi It ii tel Die

iiuu of time rlmu is lOut known

Iliukr IIUICK Ulill ltlrclimahO net Nuykts iiiuiii huit 11 j ears old who

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