Tnt N f J L- t tjjsDW JUNE 5 rt ON Tflfe NKW YORK STAGE OF THKATRKS- irrionollj and Professionally In Conllni- on Robertson Corned e on of roofKnrdcn vaudeville ihow- bejsn at The wither was unpro tltlou niu t1H start was moro nominal than actual The tops of theatre were too cool nn damp for com- fort At the Victoria thrrr was a etifflcicn of gaY vivacity to keep Urn oceanic from anything IH n cli rosnod stnte when the floclrio lleliti wont out and Hie was suspended In Inrkmtw the peopl mad merry ovor tilt iiiUhap Venetian Terraw n tho uolqiiely attractive itructure over tho Victoria named had put Into spick and span condition and but heat Mow was lacking to make It a do Ufhtful up there Time central platform sii e of an ordinary nta o us been dono last und the porformnna thereon win to a corHdernbl extent a circus I It Included JiiRKllni by Sntsnnio acrobatli feats by the Xnvnrrort remarkable btcyrllni I br the Jolirnton0 brothers n bur lecquc prirrlleht by the Uossow mldcets- wrMtllnc and other by Morriss ponies eccentricities by the long Hftyp urn tli hort Healy tmnhllnc by tho woman and the two taco Ilvln ton- I nd the Wormwood rlrcit of do r am monkey Theso tlilne ranging from Pretty fair In eitreniily gOod were more suitable effi clu nn openair show than the ordinary ipcchltes of vimdovillp Reside them Uere were tiptoe dance by n tnl nd violent Mnrlan Winchester come dancing of more conventional grace liy Czarina tenor rccallim by Olovnnnl Portonova with nrom orcheMra and negro songs and dancrf- bjr IIIIIM Dresaor nnd her pickaninnies The other roof cnrden open lothe air the one ato Kiwtfr A Hints Mit lc Hall was nn nounred to open Saturday but It did not ot the rain of tho sum- mer neivon was ndvancid to liv t nlclit- biitasainpoitponed because the ninnacemeii con ldereJ time weather too cold for comfort It the nltilit air The garden I much handsomer than last year though Its chief attraction its roolmtw l A blu fountain ha ben built In the centre of tho root nod colcretl- lchta flay on ltn waters More plants linen In tront of the boxes that down each hide of the Mt for reserved Bert Idlms hays been In convenient comers mure colored llulitu have been put on tin archer If satin enough cud clear the rool will trwnlirht when lluninrinii from eiife will dotIng the Intennlwlon and after the show nt iho back nnd the enter ulnmont from the musio hall will ho elreii ni the ta The show which In excellent starts with a clever clay modeller Hi lands a few a board onto whlct- no throws soft which IIP forums prominent m n Mile Olive n Juicier nod others on the programme Mile Emmy an nnlmnl trainer Edwin latcH a clever musical comedian Kinuia- Caru whose voice had the deep tones of Georen 0 Davit and Le- land William and Adam Mohr sisters oil l ttl und nnd Trovollo a vnntrilmiulst Th breezy weather had no effect on time third root that wu announced t- orn the om drove on ol- tlm New York nnd Criterion theatres Id glass and Iron roof warms under tho nun so that last night the placw was comparatively- warm A ntmo liven at In time new decorations Tho rustic brlUKn that Hnmmer teln built have been re- moved and bamboo ones put In their place Thee gardens covering hem beauilfled artificial cherry and wisteria e decorations was ballet from to Toklo which was given on reduced The rest of the show wn excellent familiar vaudeville acts nnd gpo poor importations Of time former were Stone Nollla 0 ell Henri French MatthcwH Marguerite Con allle Stuart cud Genero and Valley Actors who havn irnlnc matrimonial dl Unction personally cannot iepiirati1 It fron their professional fame Koine of theta wouldni If they could Ie Wnlf Jlopixr Joked at LamlM gambol at ho Is wont to on the Matrc- tbniil his marrying habit and Lillian Ru el often makes nn audience laugh by references to wedlock Two player who made transit fromlreltlmate drama to vaudeville yesterday John Mason and Victory llat man had laUlj been published far and wide In divorce euso new marriages nnd other nffalM of the heart- It Is unlikely that their salaries were any the I M on that account It is certain that objects of extrn Interest Individually Jlr Iati man Me tner acted at Proctors FiflhAvenue in theHlbertcomedette of Hwect hearts with her husband Harry Mestayer She had gained In plumpness to a pudgy decree and lost nothing In cleverness since seen last before on the New York stage She will be recalled by many reader BS a handsome young wrnnnn with a lovely volco and u tfcliiilril Command of tho b t method In acting During her absence she had been a leader In Southern and Western resident companies In St LouIs sV had met Mr Mestnyer and time ensuing cruirt hlp and marrlaire had been nttrnded br readable episode The audience yesterday gavn to husband a 1ioklritf over upon Ills entrance He wax n preventable young fellow seemingly about r nn than wilt and Impressive In the play with Mvne of u girls porting with ardent lover and Its second after thirty yearn U timl that was and trump the burden wax Mrs Mentayer little help front her com- panion He got through part In barely- rftwtable mediocrity while rather mature a girt was o and pathetic in the Kuie of the middleaged woman KIA the uncommon tribute of tears from n o w mblage This fact is riot In nlKre tK ct to the people who KC to the mn tjniious shows are up to the general thwitricnl average In and fnre Tie Hflh Avenue was at this tunic occupied limit multi prevails In th e hmises I not to so n piece an Sweethearts Mrs Mesinyer Mr Mestayer was of no save as a odd essay at Keiths The Jrogramrne announced him In a medium of Nson make with assistance from Grant Stew rt and gave Us titla ns Ills Lifes Lesson aotnrs recent doings have been exploited sad a hint hnd been given that this monologue would treat of his personal affairs But It did riot In the character of a social degenerate th actor returned to Ms home from a meeting omen friends at 3 oclock In the morning B entered roonm singing jovially but without a sign of Intoxication AH he opened mall that consisted entirely of duns he ex- plained that ho had promised to return at mid anti much contrition for his misbehavior resort to a decanter of IlQuor he told naughty ho had beon and how his Indulgent fattier had refused further to support him A later recourse to the decanter turned him to talking of the friends he had J t left and to telling an Incident of one of them that wits rather weak in ltn comicality Thee there was more contrition followed by assertion that the end had come This tinted of suicide but It was explained that the P ndthrlft hod enlisted In the army In order thee hii father might know that money set for the young wifes support would KO to From remorseful suicide to donning a dramatlo fall for A note left for him by had ram a a boy followed In this r y time nwfioioBtie had a moral L need not come to the n It did with a Boston th f 1Ltll r were lllnt n to advantnao of srtati not seem to stiffer m feature of the husbands 1111 U4fO vAtDzLi 111f and atrman lntrutlng J a Even for The Is len a rot wa had thin one and fur a of The aide und open Into comic and some a Arlo In a call to flit the the lot b r she fOld 1 Thp John In on a Wit aside e s hero hut b n Verles I to the b a or It e 11111ht break ilium of 1 to sleep n t tint by his 1M one away Then of tn honor of ew In he from W r1r with the har n ev of of lan also free I A J done naught more to a milO It wa But lie I lte tn ondo Wt 4 OF MIOWS- ON foPs Iaon IrtorY ftrtotmt1ee The night ° entert- ainment nwhtle vest 1 laz irmufli Mtarting Band the I aces sonme imp are Oscar stnme class Zoo they were rt s whimslcuil Ion iveii use The with his night the her alone blue wu weakling It WL4 accompanied by a Four ad tmimt that only I Could i1flchm cmiii last was after flinch praise or the reverage h nilowtrig sip lie comiki flOSS hla the wife him be tag thp ne room aai1 she was greatly distressed lurid more by a et of the wimme woman With this hand ahMt knowledge that ths away been Am iii the omit the borough Ra error ones Yet the wife Past he something few tripe aae what a I S < < > > > ¬ > ¬ ° < > Pour melodramas of u many distinct kin persisted further against the lateness of season last night James K Hackett valiantly In the sentimental romance of PrIde of Jennlco at tho Criterion Ollletto In the detective wonders of Sherloc- HolmeH at the flarrick FJIta Proctor Otis the passionate furies of Woman and Wine the Academy of Mualo and William llaworth the Christian martyrdom of Quo VadU at New York The Donnelly stock company at tho Murray Hill began the final week of Its with HohcrtMin comedy of Caste AVri- wiw V with unction yesterday H continuous shows were notlceab successions of variety with nnd there brief dramatic Wl Some motion or Houth African war scenes were new at At Proctors Street tho Cohan were a farce that twice time of a specialty a point that of requires Ethel and Yorke and Adams were tho variety folk IsaMIe played a familiar comedl- tt at Proctors there were live Moeclaltles Zono and Curt Jess Dandy Fanny Fields Performer to the fore at Proctor Fifth Avenue wre tho Hawaiian whose sketch Is to condo orra what the vaude vllle short farce Is to a Mcintyre and Heath who are laughable 1ml tutors forlorn Iockhiirts elephants small onra this tlnio were an at Keiths where Wills and I oretto and the Johnsons were specialists lllR TOPICS AtlOVT Some of the larger stores on upper Broodwa are now rented for the greater part of the time although in accordance with a practice which has only become general during recent This rule holds good especially in the stores of great al7e and conspicuous sltnatlor Their rents are HO high that only the pros concerns could afford to occupy then permanently The result of this a new form of tenancy big stores will be concern anxious to bring IU products to the at tontlou of the clime of and down certain sections of Broadway never Intended to occupy these for more than a few condition ii by both landlord and tenant Many the large stores on Broadway through this experience times before n rmsn nt the building fo the regular of their business be found This class of tenancy In transient nature is popular landlord excellent and profitable occupants are found until tenants are to such high prices corn along Mrs Frnnx Knltcnborn wife of the conductor has always been held responsible for tile success and It was through her tact and en orgy that the concerts at the St Nicholas Oar den succeeded last summer when various other bettorknown conductors had tried the experiment and failed It began to look as the for good muilo at popular prices with the opportunity of re not exist here In spite the repeated declarations to time contrary The hultenborn concerts lUhfd the of the demand and the audience on night was large another year for the enterprise Mr Kaltenborn was as auditorium as her husband was on the She was busily directing the to find seats for late ar- rivals looking after their comfort in var lous other ways Mrs Kaltenborns have rewarded with such a of succ n s that she has earned the dIstinction which Is given to her this year Her photo hangs in of the hull K her Under It is the word Man aser and everybody firnlllar with In the concerts realizes that she is entitled have her picture displayed this fashion CUVALHO AT A COVRTXARTIAL Handwriting Expert Against Meat Time prosecution courtmartial trial Lieut Edward M Martin of the Fifth sprung another surprise on the defence by In traducing David U the handwriting expert when the hearing of testimony was resumed at Fort Hamilton yesterday Mr Carvalho wild be had been engaged by Judge Advocate Lieut Brooke Payne to make ill examination and comparison of the allsee falsified receipts and the account books by Iteut Martin while Martin was Treasurer of the post exchange and canteen at Fort Han- cock He had spent over six hour sin the examination and In his opinion the handwriting on certain paR In the books where the signs ture of Meut Martha appeared was that of tin person who wrote the receipts In the examination Carvalho further he had used a microscope and protractor had found similarity peculiarity and variations In Ihe receipt of the Alexander Campbell Milk Company the name of Schwartz the manner of holding the and used more on tbe letters In the small there wax a poor attempt at disguise In tho Kedeved payment on bills the some peculiarity of Bs existed In for the benefit of the made an Illustration of the cifpltal and and pointed out tho movement which he used In answer to a by the Court he snld that he had made chemical test of the Ink used In signing the receipts and of the writing In the books had found they were The red Ink used In the Charles was alho found In Martins records Illlliarz week that he never used red ink In and that name had been forged on receipt- In the crossexamination J Kdwnrd limiter gut Cnrvallw to say that he had differed pitted mini caw lie further said had found dissimilarities In handwriting In question lie laid stress tlis place where they were found In the person had written differently iroorflov COMPAXVS KKFL- Yt Aerates the Arbnrklrs of Trrlng to li Trade Xrrreti Improperly TotrDO Ohio Juno t The Woolson Spice Company filed Its answer this afltmoon In utt brought by John Arbuckle William V K James N Ganle and William A Jamie for an order to Inspect the companys books case wilt be heard on its merits on July 2 Judge Pugsley Among other things the answer says That shortly before Dec 31 1M 6 the new said stock Inaugurated n policy f extending the business of told Wooljon Company by reducing the selling of which had been maintained tf hereafter shown at an exorbitant and extravagant price profit That with full knowledge of Ihe purchase of said stock and the Inauguration f the policy of tho new owners tbe Induced said John S r to refuse to sell or deliver his stock under the terms of said and by offer said Acklln ItooWW for stock thereupon without any notice to said Woolson- Iplcei directors or iimiti or any kind Innnedl lUly Instructed lo a petition against rtild Wnobon Spice to t from to declare Its charter forfeited to appoint a receiver for It to sell its life And defendants aver that said other purpose In seeking an examination of Company than unlawful one of seeking cause against said company and n their own Interest as to obtain for time Hplrc Company Information of ciislomers of contracts and tr n aotlois which i their rivalry lo muse for the Injury Woolson Spice Company New York Imaranr Broker Arrested PintAniLPituJune4 James RAtkln onan- uurance broker who Is a member of the firm of S Atkinson A Co of New York wns required afternoon for further insurance lows of Pennsylvania It Is alleged that he Insurance firms with companies not authorized to do business In Ilsmrnirh to Conduct at the Opera Unite Mr Walter Damrosch has been engaged by r flrau a conductor for the opera to be In German and a number of the popular und r concerts season Onu Opera and a thrm capn w1 1 I the The In at In time Ion the and Tucker and Warren were to tim time bright to loa and amu TOW tan mot One of UP It Is under- stood tenant cull are and thit much of If of bOe r labor to Testis Hat of uept To him and time or our said tat Ban time when Ih the the Smith son The by of Spiel and lad him to said lock to them ano of nit no the the said oolmmon and C to furnish a of ttm d dun u and figured William or here ilans and Fish tore at lastorei pictures Eden MuM lAcy amid the thee some gone rents pay canoe ushers Artillery aid said pemined writing was loss disguised This person who the changed hum business lila with other handwriting had been the omi almost wrung the purchasers price jog Induced delIver request assetS or its business thev seek this chmarae having violated t Company > > < > GOVERNOR AT STATE CAMP DROPS Off AT KOAS HOOK TilL WAY TO ALOAXY Catches Ip With the Tweatjrfecond ltr meat Harrhlng to the New Camp am In at IU IleadOne MSB Fall b the WajildeSalute for the lovrronr CAMI Pceksklll June 4H was i Informal visit CloY Itoosovelt made to tho State camp today He merely dropped In for half a day on his way up to Albany 1 the big 12poundcr brass gun on time hi crest above the ferry landing had kept nulet the fact that time Governor had arrived would hardly have boen known even in camp to say nothing of over In Poeksklll town Hut exactly at 10 oclock In the morolni the gun started In on it salute of nineteen and then all the country for miles around knew he bad got hero He kept to his programmi exactly as It lund been outlined on Saturday The fast through train which he took at tin Grand Central Station at 815 In tho morning nod which Is scheduled to make Its first stop at Poughkeepsle woes halted at Itoau hook for his special benefit nod awaiting Urn were Gen lIce Col Henry and Major Green who had ridden down from the camp to meet him Two or three grooms acnompanlod them with Black Prince which was the horse Klectet for the Governors use together with other saddle horses for those who might accompany him There were party be- sides himself AdjutnntGeneral Hoffman who went down to Now York from Albany on Satur- day was one of them and Col Trcadwell tie military private secretary was the other Only Col Treadwell was In Dm Adjutant General had his military clothes with him went Into the While Ht headquarter and put them on as soon OH he to tech of Tho Governor only shoes for a of riding und then was for thu road over which time second Hegiment was at that moment inarch- ing on its to the new camp at Lake Molie Kim seven mullen Tho Sixtyninth Heglment was engaged Ii time am went right on with their work OH If ho were Just an ordinary visitor They were still hard at Gen line HotTman Major llenry galloped across time ground on the way to time lake It was and the been tolling over the steep hllln of the for two hotirs Time regiment got away in line The teamsters were stirring as early OH 4 oclock In tho morning The were that tho work of loading time wagons should begin at 8 oclock and ut one minute before 0 the first of baggajn was thrown In Tents were struck under the Inspection of C Lyon of time Twenty second Army who on day before Imd given time Instruc- tions In that matter and he himself iw much pleased with the way In the work win Tho mardi was mad In four since the first holt of twenty minutes being mndo frcm HU to 935 halt was nmde from 1021 to 1041 and still mioth r from 1124 to 1149 The regiment reached time crimping ground at seven men had out during the march One of tbwho who wily 110 pounds found time steep hills the fiftytwo burden to carry- so hits that h to be curried Into In ambulance Tim other six ciiine struggling In a little after tho arrived said this was an admirable showing considering tho fact that many of the omen had come out of otllws stores and were practically with- out training joy and his escort came with the regiment nt time lost at 1148 and rode at the need of the column camping ground ground he watched the work pitch- Ing tents until 1 oclock mind then rode to State arriving at 2 oclock In the afternoon He remained until about 4 oclock and then In company with time Adjutant Gen- eral and Into nn ambu- lance and rode to Roes Hook where ho got a train at 430 for Albany camp Is 6n a hillside with time wind In TOM direction or with no wino nt nil to tine training grounds fur soldiering in the but does rot much in the of comfort men There Is practically no shade of kind In the field and sun In time after- noon flown with great Intensity The lake In the distance loots time of this trots that border Its edit rind that t a consolation mid It tint The will remain until Wednes- day and then the Sixtyninth take Its turn at marching and testing time advantages of the lake shore camp Just before Governor caught with the regiment today hn found two companies of the Iike School drawn order by the roadside to greet him The boy arms mimi Ihn Governor complimented them on their tine npi earance The weddnc of Miss Mai lingers and William R COt was celebrated yesterday afternoon The ceremony wits performed by the Rev Robert Collyer mind only relatives and some close friends tf the families were present at the ceremony and reception afterward at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Henry Rogers Jfi Ka t street The Is their youngest daughter The was to yesterdays a widower hiss his homo In New York for the past seven years Mr Coe In n member of tin Colonial clubs aId of the Staten Islntid Cricket Club and time Merlon Cricket Club of Phila- delphia iondman Vail The wedding of Ml Hawleno Olnxteid Vail daughter of Mr and Mrs 1 William Vail to George Goodman of California took place til htfnlhrist Protestant Church Iledforn avenue Brooklyn lIme Ifev lames II TlirlliiBtnn rector the church tier formed ceremony Min Ituth Anna Hrldge- sjf Newark X J wa maid nf lime rlde tiinlds worn Miss Mnffmi Kmerv fwd Mist lloinan Dr wa test man and the ushers were Dr Jesn II Stone Leslie Muynard James Cunwar nnd C Edwards- of Manhattan and llolinti M Nurwood arid Arthur of Brooklyn llepew Adami Mrs Perry Adams rnd Mitchell Depow were married yesterday altrrroon at time home of the bride 100 West Seventy sixth surest The Rev Or lichen Itus el Booth thin ceremonv wore no bridesmaids hum brother as lest milan Wllli iin Tnvlor GtorecS Weaver and Frederick II were the Intimate friends were bride widow of Clinton Adams of this was formerly of Norfolk Va Depew Is a nephew of Senator Chuiincey I Depew HaraetWbeelan- Mls I Wheelan and Harry Kvert- laynei were married last night at tIme home of brides mother Mrs Mary Wheelan street Brooklyn The ceremony i Ir ector St George Protestant Church Miss Ida r Wheeinn and Miss Josephine Shannon were bridesmaids and of was best omen KeltaySmlth Miss Mends Smith and Ralph Lyford Kelsay of the llev Dr R I Kelsay were married yesterday afternoon at thus home of brides Mr and Mm Carl Valentine Smith South Fifth street The Rev Dr lames H Darlington Clirist rrotcs ant Church rerformed Ihe nony Miss Blanche honor and Dr Harry Y Kelsay best oman rmf and Navy Order WAsnmoTOM June 4TheM naval orders hue Issued raTa Cadet W 1 Roper tram the Potter In con ectlon the Torprdo Station one sick granted and thrn to the aval C Cruap to Naval War for eouiae if Mfutfn iiiCijmni ndrr 1 J Holler In at Navy asrdlrl of Unit Smith Ilful II C works of George I M Kfar sr e N M drtarhnl Icom Navy Yard fins duly In charge ol Puget Hound NarM h turing the b tnr of Cofal w n- Uful P Williams ddachfd from omre of Captain Say ard l azue IMand to Richmond mmf dlatflr- 11ml C N Alvslrr from the ftdrmy MniiontAhi a K II t listed out of mmmlvun to atal War follfcr Nrwpmt of Instrue Lieut II 0 Warfarland In home tU thc flue Manila Aisuianl urteon J n Whiting detached from he Chicago to the Mont omery aUunl U P Meformlck detached from Montgomery to tile IUd TAE only twoln but r awu Urer amid Irate Regiment had h hal I wa fo- rt laT nm II l Coenorer Hutt1e ton H JoIIIY Plllh bride to nil I last III I 11 ownn Thrr tine son Illlend 01 the relatives of the couple nllft n was time city Irr Mr 47 n performed time nnv n onn son the IbO nrok of a maId of bern with at report fur nmlMllon LIeutenant Uommanter 1 Cohere Snub detached son I apt ton to Capt C F upon arrival horn a enemies of lectures for at Naval War Collree of Yard In lrlllI1Anl Crmmondr detached horn when for I from Passed Ill thieGovorflOra and lwent Col Iclet apt expressed c aim r ht 0 wed- ding is Ena mace the hits ndme ld aunt I Ill u rim n inn I olin iii ndt few who Miss Mary the hr err months tears Academy I Yard torn I hAwley I her I fierily I I Cat topars- I Naval lie the course lion ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < < SSXATX PROCBED1X0- 3Pronoer neaolotlon Anti Trial hut nclv J WASIIINQTON Junta 4 Tlio Senate met 10 oclock this morning A resolution offered by Mr Moon hop HI expresses of the Senate that the war In South Africa cease at an early day upon terms satIsfactory to those engaged therein Including Indo icndence for tho South African States was laid on tho table temporarily- In an effort lo have a special made for private pension bills Mr Pettlcrcv Pop 8 I protested against It He that more pension bills hud been passed session than at any other for years and that that Indicated conclusively elthei that the pension laws are defective and unjust or that special favors Ire granted for polltl- cul purposes A substitute was reported from the 1lnanci Committee by Mr Aldrlch Rep K I chairman for the House bill to provide better faculties for tho safe keeping and disbursement of public moneys In the Philippine Islands Cuba and Porto Wee and it was passed authorizes the Secretary of time Treasury designate one or more banks or bankers tin Phlllpplno Islands Cuba and Porto Rico which public moneys may bo deposited satisfactory security bo given by deposit- Ing bonds In the Treasury to an amount not less than time aggregate sum at any lima on deposit In having recommitted to the Comrnlttoe 01 Post Onice a bill for the claislIlcuUoii of clerks In the tint and second class post oQlces Mr Wolcott Hep Col chairman of the Post Office Committee mentioned as a warning and that clerks of first and second post offices had been contributing 10 cent of their as a fund to Influence tin legislation of Congress In their behalf The been able to he sonic men but h know of some notoriously bad men whom they vi iiiimuu rooms aim viiriuui gained by such action No such sum a- M0 which bfn contributed could b used by the agents of these urn co clerks Mr huller Pop N C n member Post OUloo said that the assessments went paid they would amount to Mr It man who was to have a pull him- self employed by thesis and the supposition that time wero lng Tho bill wild The House bill to for the use of timber and hton for domestic and lndu trlal purpose In tlu Indian was ni amendment Joint resolution to em- power the Spanish Porto Rico to The House AntiTrust hill hovlne been Ink the Senate Mr Pop 8 D moved that It bo on time calendar with- out reference to a committee Congress h- Kild not adjourn until the be como a law Mr Giilllnger Rep N II sold that the was ncttvi upon without con slderatlon a committee he moved reference to the on time Judiciary Mr IVtilnrHW demanded the yean on the motion to refer Without taking n vote on time motion Senate went Into executive When tho doors were reopened Mr Hoar a time under rule the House AntiTrust bill could go to calendar without reference to a HIt by unanimous consent until It two sepnrnto readings on two separHU dave President pro toni Mr Krye replied In thn negative In other words said Mr Hoar It will require unanimous consent to take up UK AntiTrust bill tomorrow or next day The President It Mr Will not M motlun to pro- ceed to Its consideration be In order tomor rowThe President tern Nn because tin bill must Ho on time table until It has hail two separate readings and the rule that It has been read once today Jlr AlIen Iop suppose a mil of the Senate con Chair The President pro tem If an appeal from the of the decision be overruled then I suppose th Mr Alltn I ask unanimous consent to th reading now Mr Aldrich It 1 HI object It Is evident that this bill cannot taken at session and tills attempt to do so III simply farce Mr IVttJsrow will call for Its second read mug tomorrow action token th Senatn on District of Columbia Appropriation bill At M the Senate a recess till 8 with the undcrrttiindlng that after a apnech from Mr IVtilgrew no buslneNM b In order ex cent conference reports und bills unoblected to Senate session opened with ch In attacked tlm Administration for things It had dOM arid thliiBs It hud undone House bill relating lo certain street In thu of Columbia wa the nmalgamatlon of street railroad companies the Washing- ton Traction Company u general company to be known o the nrw Great Klectrlo Company with a capital of Ii5oooooo The conference on Sundry Clvl bill was presented at half 9 Time was to a further conference ordered Tho conference report on and was presenter and agreed lo At half past in the memorial proceedings Keprp iiMtlve rerebeuiin end nt their conclusion idjoitrned till tomorrow nt 10 A M SVITIES TilE FILIPINOS ien MacArthur Reporti 10THO Killed 310 Wounded and 1043ft Taken Prisoners WASHINGTON June 4 Secretary Root tc day fTll to tin item nit a reply to the rwnlutu- uf Hint body tailing for u statement showing rminlxT of Filipinos killed till numbe- voiimlcd nnd the number taken prisoners inert the Philippine outbreak Time War De iirlment did not hut this Infommtlon ot mid mid cabled On MacArthur at Manila It wa ri c Ivr d arid the answer to time resolution prepared lien Sine Irthur says 107W wounded 1104 lured nnd surrendered 1015 Number of In our lon about 2U No ysteinntle record of Filipino at then Time compiled from aw number of reports mitten eiiKiiKonntiti I n CI M an Hpprnxlmn ion AN now po nwlne to lion of nciurnte would weeks to prepare Tho niiinbT rcporlid- lilled I In xfeiN of ucitiriite llKiires lumber reported wounded probibly much t to remove most wounded nell nnd compr NW fell Into our hand Ofllcers of nl h rank mill duriBcroun men have PIn re- nlneil as most other morn discharged ni tin lipid as soon as rtl arm d- XOXIXATIOXS nr THF rnrsinEXTi- irto Rico ludlrlil and Other Offlrera Named Naval rrnmotleniW- ASIIISOTON June 4Tin President today the following nominations to time Senate Jose Severn of Inrtn film to b Cblef and Ixmls Huhbarher of Missouri Jose C trrnaintei of Potto Itlco Jose M of Porto lire and Noeto y Abelllc of Porto Illro to Juatlrra ol time Supreme Court ol Porto wnilam It unit o Kentueky lo he United States tr1rt Indie for the dlMtlrt of Porto Him Kdwatd- L ttllson III Ohio b be United States District itur hal time instruct ol Iniln Illro and Noab II Ii etllntlll of Iono Illro to be Inlted States IHatrUt for time Dlatrlrt of Iorto Rico Joseph F laity ot Ver York Io H Howe ol nail luan lletnandet ol Sun Juan orlo Him mrmbfrs of the CnmmlMlon to compile revise the taws ot Iorto Illro Jour C ll ibo of San Juan Itosendo Matlenui 1nnre Jose Dteroof Maya Manuel amunaa and ot tan to be members of time executive rouucll of Poito Martin flrore Diumbauth of to be Commissioner of Education ol Porto Rico John E to be United states Marshal for DWtrlctor Hhodc Second Lieut flobtrl C Corliss Thtrtyfoiiilh lo be Klral Lieutenant Corporal John II hull Company II Thirtyfourth- ifinttv tn lie Second Naval Cedrls John II llnllliran Jr Wllllnri C alts lirorite I Smith lletman J hi on Wilbur litters Fletcher SlietneH N Marhl r Henry C James A Hand Jr lynmn Cotton Edward Wnorts Alexander X Mitchell hiirles lioone l iuls Shane hdward W Mrlnljre rank I Ilnnry William P Cronan S iaray Ztno K Walter H Tardy William W FnllcMlarrnreA William Wills Vancey H Williams Hdwnril T Consllen- homKS I Johnson T 1ettenilll John A rofleld Jroree i Sweet Francis T Ktana Morrla llrown David C Iohn K llahrnrk rlsl Nelson tobeenslsrs- NnvilCiiliUsllinrj llliairs and Henry T be Wrllhl- be Aslstant Naval CnnalrucWm Naval Cadet Walter I to he Second lleu In the Marine Corps lluld Mops an Klihtllollar Poker Game The FldrulKO H put police raided a poker ame at 41 Orchard street night and caught twentyfour mon with amoig them Bvtzer the alleged proprietor locked up Introduced Uoue at time hope may It said M lon its It to In pro- vided I claims Imployml The clerks post hail t600 olcott fd oor hung t 10 1lntinn fed Also amend WK before hill b nays the Ion mlllll trim ill time two not boo on the sumac day If bill would be In conlrol of time have lId very a rui was the Ill a II Ir hleb corporations DI trlct the n 1 on this of A Seuiaie UfO for onr I t rio Pd J thin JustIce be Associate II nor A tlornr Penn arid intmon of II clue JUAn llro blAnd II I T II II John So Ch it 110 11 If In tush TIll Were arrangement this sug- gestion iii had mmodoubt of In hac its time tIme bid mmn hal be- taken ilm the tmiinliuii the time the ills I tile a him or less sent time St Tamnent lU Graham and 1 tenant < > > < < > < > < JERSEYS TAX ON TRUSTS RKVfXVK OF ABOUT IMO CORPORATIONS Thli Dots Comp nleiA List of In That ntateTbtlr CaplUllutloi and They Conlrlbnt In Taxes TIIENTONN Board Aiwessors today flied In the office of Hancock a partial schedule of the assessments on miscellaneous corporations the year itwo not in this class The list filed embrace about 0 cent of the companies to be taxed this year but as all the big trusts are in schedule It Is estimated that the assessment represent about 90 per cent of nil the taxes imposed under this bead The whole companies the schedule Is and their Uie ngitregatetliMl2 01 which is MMOOi more than the amount of last years schedule Following is a summary 79 IMSU 4 Life Insurance Ji other insurance companies 7 Surety i25 4 Oil pipe llnea companies l 1 company 144J7I- JJ Telegraph telephone cable and 3CS2 Miscellaneous companies 118518051 Total f 19541280 The two companies that will pay the State largest amount of tax are the Prudential In suranco Company and the Mutual Benefit Insurance Company The former Is 11179783 and the latter tS428932 The follow- Ing figures show the capitalization of some tho trusts Incorporated In this State and amount of tax assessed against each Cavltalltathn Tat American Alkali Company 5JJ American bicycle 30000000 8ISI American Cotton Oil Company 30067000 8J5 American Hide and MiOOOOO 487 Amalgamated Oojiper Com- pany 7looOftOO 750i 13387000 Ice i American Llaneeil Oil Corn pony American any 33800000 28940000 Kaiiwavs Company 23000000 AmeriCAn Soielllne 54785000 Wire 80000000 SuSan RefinIng Com- pany 7J891800 American Tin Plate Company 48323000 American Tobacco Company 8sSOHflOO- Ameilran Woollen Company 42 2800 Asphalt Company of 73213000 uteri Company GluooM Com- pany 36841600 City lloboben and Pat eraoa Street Hallway Com 20000000 Kentucky Dlttlllerles and Ware 2900rt000- L k Consolidated Iron Mines BS8744- Marulen Company 38530000 National Company 20808400 National Steel S8OOAuOO National Tube Company snnnnono North American Company 39778304- 1reved Steel Car Company 23M000H- epubllc Iron 41204000 Rubber roods Manufacturing company 22763800 Standard and DhUlb 24oco000 Company 9488I7UO Union liar and Paper Com- pany 27000000 states Cast Iron Pipe ao4 24SSJ iSO Pulled Leather oo Untied States Kubber Company 46961501 MUST FOLD TIlE PHILIPPINES Hr Teller Say He WouU Not Glee Them Up but lie Wont Support th BevnbllraB Party WASHINGTON June a speech delivered In the Senate today Mr Teller of Colorado said that he saw no way to surrender the Philip pine Islands no way to give up control over them The obligations of the United States t time world required the maintenance of sovereignty and he believed that sovereignty could be maintained consistently with the traditions of tile Government Hi believed that time United States could give the Klllplnos political Kclfgoverument and In in the proper sense of time term while the United States continued to hold soy erelcn iniwers He did not know that any- body hud ever nuggestod that the United Slate should abandon the Philippine Islands leave them to be the prey of other powers Even this senior Senator from MassacliiiKtti Mr Hoar had declared that they should be turned over to Spain but that time Lnltoi States should stand between them and tin world until they were able to take corn of them- selves There would be ho declared no quip lion of Imperialism In the next un less party made It time senior Senator from had predicted- In hula riot only time the policy but what seemed to hurt him much more destruc Senator got through Mr Teller continued I was unable to whether his on which he had expended so much and anomIe of hula inter entlii time cause of liberty and freedom and In- tho oiil of those Islands or whether It arose simply trnm fear that course being thing wa striking In that speech It was time Sprinters to liLa not to but U change their policy which he declared lo be of defeat That Is In keeping with the which have come from everywhere Everywhere timers has lawn more concern about the salvation of the In the coming cam than about whether and right should be meted out to these jieople who have fallen under our Jurisdiction- I Mhiill not support the petty In continued not support Its and I would not policy foreshadowed in the Philip bill I not give up the Islands either Tiny should be a source of great ad vantage to UK When we shall mute out to this r and recognize time great funda- mental principle that to self wo shall find It to Hold those islands They stand In the great pathway of this commerce of thin world and can be mnde of Infinite value lo us HAZELS VOJflVmoy RKPORTKD- lenate Judiciary Committee Favors rondrma ton but Action Ii Postponed WASIIISOTON June The Senate Committee in Judiciary today made a favorable report on he nomination of John R Hazel of Buffalo to- w tnltcd States Judge of the nowly created iVmtem Judicial District New York The vote on reporting the nomination was not inanimate one Senator Mr Pcttus of Mabuma being recorded against it The lomlnntlon was later reported to thin Senate In executive session and an attempt made to ron but objection was taste wtilch under- lie rules carried It over without action until next executive session Movements of Naval VeueliW- ASHINOTON June 4 The South Atlantic squadron under Hear Admiral Schleys corn nand from Rio de Janeiro to will return to Rio The naval transport Scindla which arrived t SUM today will proceed to Boston by way f lltirnltttr where she will meet the cruiser btny The Scindln It hrlnelng n number nf- flloTs stud enli ted rumor who have been In ervlm In the Philippines Admiral time Navy Department today had been unknown to th- Jeparttnent for some time was stationed at rh gunboat Koalo ices sailed from Santiago h from Southampton Knglaiul arid eta Inn shlii from Yokohama for Xntrn- Hhl which left yeterda nn her to tilled Stiitns put today Gee Death Report WASIMMITON Jutes 4Oen Wood nhl d time War Department this morning the following loath report At Columbia Barracks Quemsdoa firstclous- iergt Charles E Sherwood Signal Corps died SI yellow fever Private Frank RllekK drowned M Plnnr del Bio May x At Snntinuo Inckmaster Jams J Kl May S pernicious malaria t tiara Sergeant Edward MurDhr died May 25 yellow fever There l Mo Dlepntlni- hedejlrable formed through mini the dTerllsIn of A reader ol may be relied upon tnlcdependiat AmerlcaaI- U a FRO Not Inrlude tile naUroad and Cana TrUst lIt J June 4The Stats of Compt- roller tax for only vet the tu- be number- of 773 Gu and electric companies 4g Pr ore 1560378 the LIfe taxed of the a ooouOOo DUI D42D 5197 aooo Company 84811 aad Com- pany 880 7aoo fIOff 7105 7410 7 ZOO 8737 IUI 5200 DZ4 lIue auo 6700 77t a73 5000 6160 8104 II too 4995 lCtOliS 60Q8 4In Ameri- can that to del ldel arid not the Incorpo- rated RaIlroad and canal companiemsare mmml 5114 4750 4557 4010- Srsndard Oil Fculmdnl State 231 Li lion of this party to wimlehi he pun mmd hiring luims to defeat If any emit aIgt liii tommiluig esmnpumtgn lie all mm are entitled firm it time will proceed Montevideo rmd hut time gunboat boat Newport for itaahinton the training clii hihraltuur rot ship iaricamuter room hesxrme fsiaumd for the Pinmii lIme t a lii Iii Ic Cay I ii for tIme 10111 Weeds May First died at Post tomnl ssmury TIlE SUN Style 4 5 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < CONPBRBNCX RgPORTSlX THKB0VSK- t Cannon Attacks U fteaate for Ita Amead meats to the Sundry Civil Hill WAnniNQTON June 4 A further confer enco report was to the House today on the District of Columbia appropriation bill Including a disagreement on an Item of 100 000 for a site for a municipal hospital Mr Fitzgerald Hem MOMS addressed House on sectarian appropriations support- Ing them Ho predicted the rise of a Catholl party If the persecution of the Catholic sec- tarian Institutions continued Mr Blngham Rep Pa who lund Uvi charged with opposing time appropriation St Josephs Asylum of the District nf Colum- bla said he had acted while on the Conference Committee simply In accordance with tIme In structlons of the House The Housn voted 80 to M to recede from disagreement to the amendment and the Sen- ate amendment was agreed to Mr Cannon Rep Ill presented the report on time Sundry Civil bill made on attack on time Senate for attaching to the bill so many new provisions which were unauthorized by law The Senate he said had time House at a disadvantage as It could hold up great appropriation bills until amendments were adopted He would characterize the situation infamous but would say ho thought thoroughly bad Separate votes were demanded on a num- ber of the Senate amendments still In dispute On the amendment appropriating tlOnOft for a light and fog outer end of entrance to the Toledo har- bor time House by a vote of M to 03 refused to concur The lotus refused to 131 U concur In this amendment appropriating I3000UO for beginning time work of n memorial bridge between Washington am the Arlington National The Senate amendment 000 the work of improving Mississippi River was advocated next vote was had on time amendment appropriating 15000000 toward time St Louis In IDOl In celebration u the Louisiana Purchase and It wax to 1J7 to 73 A further conference was on the Items still In Time Senate amendments to the Emergent River mind were rind time bill sent to conference The conference report on the bill Incorporat- Ing the National Red Cross won am to Time Senate conferees accepted House amendment to press of business eulogies on late Hornier of Pennsylvania rind of New were December next An was nimbi fo send to conference the Senates amendments In the Military Acnd and bills but objections carried them over till to morrow- At 7 P M time House adjourned until tomor- row at noon XAVAL CADETS ASSIOXKD Orders for Sea Service for Members of Graduating Class ANNAPOLIS Md Juno 4 The members o1 the Board of Visitors to time Naval Academy were received officially today Today proc deal exercises Included seamanship drill on tin now boat Chesapeake which will take tin cadets on their summer voyage this year the first time At dress parade this ufternooi a flag was presented to the second company o cadets of which Daniel P Mannlx Is corn msnder It having won the distinction for general excellence during the year a concert was to the of Visitors uj the Naval Academy band Nearly all cadets have received orders for The orders are at follows To their homes first and urn to Manila R A Abernathy G U Arnold II C Cocks J 1L Contort P To their homes Brit and then to the Philadelphia F D Uerrten K 11 Dodd K P Swart Te the Kentucky It I Derry 9 11 R Doric 0 B Landeabetcer C li D P Miinnlx- F II Null To the SUMonW F IPrlclier II K Cage J0 Church J II Drfrene W I Fcrcuson Jr 8 deacon K S Jaekwn ft Keer A It- Keallnf W McKnlee W O Mitchell W Smith C CaVe W K Riddle W K Wnrlmau To time KeariarrePaul I Ksa H W Oa J W Ttrnmoni J I WalnwrUhi To their homes and then to the lowaC Huff P- MorrK K K Scranton 11 T Winston ll me walling order W V Tomb I R Wright Jr Jkarltx F Ada Arrested for Abandonment Charles F Adae living at the Hotel Roland li Fiftyfirst street was arrested last nIght in a warrant charging him with abandoning wife Mlllnn Adae of 207 West street and was locked In time West Sixty first street station Ills wife is said to an actress lira Soothing Syrup for children teething softens the reduce Uaya p ln cures wind colic dlarrlioa Me bottle EHMANSCOTTOn Monday Tune 4 1900 by the llev E C J Kraellnir IxinU C llehmnn of Brooklyn N V to Evelyn P Phllv- delphla Pa inCHEII PAIEAHIOn Monday June 4 100 at noon In the chantry of Grace Church this city by time R William R Iluntlnfton D- U Henry J Hurchell Jr ol New York and Can dida dnuthtr of Palearl and the late An tonlclla de Month Talearl of Milan Italy tlAHlIllSSKArtlr June 4 tu0at the chantry til Grace Church New York by time Rev Rr Huntington DeorieShoenbtrter Chain bliss to Harriet Woodward Karl- eOEnOllFRSOn June 4 1010 at the residence rf the bride father 2 7tb s ty the Rev Robert Collyer William Robertson Coe to Mat Iluttletlon Roce- riMHlEWS Suddenlyof pneumonia Nathan Willis Andrews interment June A 1090 North Adams Maw fu- neral private UARKEOn Sunday evening June 1 1900 at time Hotel Empire Broadway and OSd si Horace II Clarkeln the 4 lh year of his are Relatives and friends members of Chancellor Wai worth No 271 F and A M the New York Athletic Club and members of time hotel incited to attend the fu- neral at lime lintel Kmplre Wednesday June IliOi at 11 A M Interment at convenience ot family 7KOWK SwIiliily uti Sunday June JI oo Alex- ander ll mlll n Crowe arcd II years and in miitin Services today Tuesday at 1 P M Funeral private ARHANI m Sunday June1 l 00sl lbs resi- dence f her brotherinlaw Dr W K nimpmn 05 Iexlnfton av Slims rtauthter nf the late Jo epn Stcevens and Klltabeth Carrel Karraud Interment at Ilinlwn N V- OIINSOX Suddenly mi Sunday IBtifl la this city HIlMbeth Nel on wife of the late Rev John li JohiuHiu of IPlier tied Hook N V Funeral rvlrei wll he h ld at her horn 107- Mrlwi av Perkuklll N Y on Wedne d y June t at 41 U TfllocnOn June 4 190H Marrarel Jane Hall belted dnurhler of hugh Hall and aged I a years Funeral services will be held In Trlilly Chapel tath nt near Broidway nn Wednesday June II 19110 at lo A M Ola cow Helfal and Callfor mitt pa tiers phase ropy Momliy Mine 4 inca Mary widow f John OOnnnell mother rf Michael J and Ih Inte Hfv P teDIkiini II Funrral trim l 5j Co i M Jersey City on Wcdneidi lime o I0 al 10 AM thence lo SI Mlrhaeli Church where lolenn requiem tendered ElMANOn Monday Jiyie 4 1900 Frank A Welman Funeral from hIs late re l lence Datb av and flay cth t Hath Beach I I Wednesday June 6 Ionic alOAD AM Frlendi and relatives are In- vited to attend rillTEAI Menands near Alhiny N V on Monday June 1900 Arthur Ullmour youngest vm nf Doutlas I arid Siphla Whit aged in- yenrt Funeral service al the residence ol Menandson afttioooD June 01900- atJSOoclocO presented the for its con- ference lie its not its the hido 2750 the Mr iop iaS who attacked the levee ssem as a means of the navigation on the river Time iouse however a vote of 100 to receded from its dLsagreenment and accepted the Senate anmendnment ordered the time the for sea J A Sptlpieni it 1 Wyman YcrkW S Case W 5 East his llnt 3cttre Scott of herb flu East J mime 41000 Lodge tea ternll are respctfumlly 6 June 1 I lull UnCoil eh Aires McCmmilociu OfittmEI tOn a nut rose wilt < hIt parent at Wednesday < < > the of Fashion pendulum conies smooth gray to of the uiucn worn are in the swing with ft gray worsted ono of neatest most stylish suits we have in stock A summery looking and feeling suit And if we dont think alike there are others at 25 28 and 30 that we must agree upon Everything man or wears ROGERS PEET COMPANY S Droadway rem Warren and 7 and 9 Warren St BH9 Hroadvay cot 1260 ocr Id- aad4 HtMlldNL W Ill rden by malt tlh Ata I th Victory Uatemaa Co i Hawaiian Queens Nlblo 40- 23rl St J hells Hocfa Moving PIctures 4f- tPalarnl l l Zf jwiny fields Remit FowleiVerno- nuthBt and Irving PL- li U Ollmore ft Eutene Props It Uftl LAST I WOMAN WEEK WINES SOUVEMlA Friday Rvenlni- PricesZ5SO7JIOO Mat tt Sat i Cv THE PACKARD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Anniversary arid Commencement mixer rises at June 7 at M- Addreuea wilt be made lr St Clalr MrKilwar and Rev Hussell 11 Conwel DI Mr 9 C T fled wilt preside Furmrr sad f friend may procure tickets nt- admlsilun by arplylue al er to achnol t 4 i U1I s I w S i- On rough gray mUrmCUtL Continuous fi 152550c 4 Performance U U Vaudevills Jesmi ACADEIIY OFMVStO 811 holds its 424 a I lot J > > > KSTKtNS VICTORIA j Venetian Terrace ROQF GARDEN and Aerial Circus hii tIM 42d Street and Broadway Wormwoods Clrcu Pontes Ho ow Uldtetllayef- c HealyCtartoa 3 Hroa fire set The Halloway otheii- SO to Midnight Louise tjr In ra eof rain performance In Music HalL CONTINUOUS SHOW I 14th Htreet SEATS 29 It 30 CENT DAY AND NIOI1T- WUIUrn A Tucker Flab Warns U Carduwnle Sister McWatten A JolUa Rose Vltagraph Speedway UIIIRiY HIM TIIKATHK last Week of time Season T W Robertsons Comedy Success ile KO8TER irnst MUSIC HALL ft BIALS r ROOF GARDEN ENTIRE NEW VARIETY BILL gM SOc GARRICK MAT WM GILLETTE Sherlock Holies Mats Wednesday A Saturday 21- Y il QUO VADIS Blossom Grove tontlnnoni Performanri- LOCKHAHTS ELBPHANT8 JOHN MASON McAvoy The Jabnionf Morton Wills Loretto Howard A Bland BT NICHOLAS GARDEN 9 th 8t A Col 8UMMEH CONCERTS JOMusldan Kf Adm IC- cToWlhtUvorakB New World Symphony seats SOc Sonr ROOK Opens nit Sat withSU Morning and Afternoon Concerts and charmIng sail on the majestic Hudoo Sea Day Line aclva steamboat and esc wnmo IN WAX CINEMATOORAPH- NfW UROUIa Orchestral Concervt For loy llrnClty A Country Princeton Unliersltj Eiamlnitlons 1900 to the Freshman and OU IIIKftlPA 1r fu rrw ANt IB Iliou commencing on Thursday at 9 A U on Friday al 0A U In the Hoomot the NKW YORK LAW HOIIOOL 8 NV- IIICATi IB NASSAU NT Ntudenls Intending to enter the laid at hits lime a preliminary examination covering a portion ol the entrance re nulrcroen- tPHI7B OF IOO will he THB- ntlMTTOM CIUII OF NEW VOIIK to the ap ChOSe Mated time and place shall the lull entrance nomination to Academic Kreshmau Oast the pries to be alter malrlcul lion For catalogues examination papers and luither apply to THACV II 4H Cedar sL WM lllRLRinil 11 William T K HIFMPRHKY ID William St C l at- nrtoProl WILLIAM LIDRBY Princeton N J TRINITY COLLEGE HARTFORD CONN iiamln llon for admission to time Freshman Class will be hell at TRINITY SCHOOL UBU7 Writ Cut Surest New York City THURSDAY FRI arid nd and JSrd CEO WILLIAMSON SMITH Madison School n- nn N J A N Y K H branch ot Eric ft mllej out 41111 sieve sea leie- lsonilili srssiHNt wor time 111 aiipllcd Colum- bia and llentenia a Kitrnir Rnutn- Iliders coming shooting ai Ovid I YON Iflnrlpal SYMS SCHOOL Robert n Hvm William n SimmonS APPLY FOR CIRCCLAR 22 West 4Stli Htrret For tune 1 Turing Uinn nClly A Country ST MARTHAS toe alrl nr UIXM rhaneire IIMONXVILIK S i- frnlic tUe iHtn r 111 HHTKH4 OK UT 0- VAAltiniK ot KorlnuiK Jl en WomBii City and Country VBW YORK PRKPARATURV SCHOOL 11 Welt 43d prepatM Schools of InnuuKr STAMMERING and tlelecta- urnniptlyrradlritnl bynlncatlnnal methods 12 JPth year ip n 11 summer Jlrr gulliratlon4I- HEAP nKAIISCMIHIon ol5canaiOe novels J rieneb uauUUor PRATT CU4 p ASTOR S Tyson The The LexAve41m15t CASTE 54 35c Soc and a THEATRE 85th St SATURDAY in hits new play Chance CRITEIOMTHEATREUWaY4sIhnI Frobmoan a JAMES K HACKETT THE Rvery5vMataWedSat Wednesday flway455ti EVOS Cherry K EITHS Ave K limed tea ToNI hti 100th tim CASINO 4 4 4- Qc1116r1 Ittiti chooI Young iiamtnattofls for admission Sophomore Ciadsea of eli of Princeton ciii be held in time t1tr of New York on- der thedlnertion of Profeiwur V t of ton JIINE 14 uric A given ate at test hAY list I VAI5F- C PW Jersey feet sciences work TACIt 5 INDUSTkIAI SChOOL t > ltruoiiyfl 2mm I Joralemon RI omo tar c cileges schools summer term e I begins demOs I en S 8 t A- I 31 1 s ¬ ° °

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-06-05 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1900-06-05/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · sad a hint hnd been given that this monologue ... John In on a Wit

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Tnt N

f J L-

ttjjsDW JUNE 5 rt



irrionollj and Professionally In Conllni-

on Robertson Cornede on of roofKnrdcn vaudeville ihow-

bejsn at The wither was unpro

tltlou niu t1H start was moro

nominal than actual The tops of theatrewere too cool nn damp for com-

fort At the Victoria thrrr was a etifflcicnof gaY vivacity to keep Urn oceanic

from anything IH n cli rosnod stnte

when the floclrio lleliti wont out and Hie

was suspended In Inrkmtw

the peopl mad merry ovor tilt iiiUhap

Venetian Terraw n tho uolqiiely attractive

itructure over tho Victoria named had

put Into spick and span condition and

but heat Mow was lacking to make It a do

Ufhtful up there Time central platform

sii e of an ordinary nta o us

been dono last und the porformnnathereon win to a corHdernbl extent a circus

I It Included JiiRKllni by Sntsnnio acrobatlifeats by the Xnvnrrort remarkable btcyrllni

I br the Jolirnton0 brothers n burlecquc prirrlleht by the Uossow mldcets-

wrMtllnc and other by Morriss ponies

eccentricities by the long Hftyp urn

tli hort Healy tmnhllnc by thowoman and the two taco Ilvln ton-

I nd the Wormwood rlrcit of do r ammonkey Theso tlilne ranging from Prettyfair In eitreniily gOod were more suitableeffi clu nn openair show than the ordinaryipcchltes of vimdovillp Reside themUere were tiptoe dance by n tnl

nd violent Mnrlan Winchester come dancingof more conventional grace liy Czarina tenorrccallim by Olovnnnl Portonova withnrom orcheMra and negro songs and dancrf-

bjr IIIIIM Dresaor nnd her pickaninniesThe other roof cnrden open lothe air the one

ato Kiwtfr A Hints Mit lc Hall was nn

nounred to open Saturday but It did not otthe rain of tho sum-

mer neivon was ndvancid to liv t nlclit-biitasainpoitponed because the ninnacemeiicon ldereJ time weather too cold for comfort Itthe nltilit air The garden I much handsomerthan last year though Its chief attraction itsroolmtw l A blu fountain haben built In the centre of tho root nod colcretl-

lchta flay on ltn waters Moreplants linen In tront of the boxesthat down each hide of theMt for reserved Bert Idlms haysbeen In convenient comersmure colored llulitu have been put on tinarcher If satin enough cud clear the roolwill trwnlirht when lluninriniifrom eiife will dotIng the Intennlwlonand after the show nt iho back nnd the enterulnmont from the musio hall will ho elreii nithe ta The show which In excellent startswith a clever clay modeller Hilands a few a board onto whlct-no throws soft which IIP forums

prominent m n Mile Olive n Juiciernod others on the programme

Mile Emmy an nnlmnl trainer EdwinlatcH a clever musical comedian Kinuia-Caru whose voice had the deep tones of

Georen 0 Davit and Le-

land William and Adam Mohr sisters oill ttl und nnd Trovollo a vnntrilmiulst

Th breezy weather had no effect on time

third root that wu announced t-

orn the om drove on ol-

tlm New York nnd Criterion theatres Idglass and Iron roof warms under tho nunso that last night the placw was comparatively-warm A ntmo livenat In time new decorations Tho rustic brlUKnthat Hnmmer teln built have been re-moved and bamboo ones put In their placeThee gardens covering hem beauilfledartificial cherry and wisteria

e decorations wasballet from to Toklo whichwas given on reducedThe rest of the show wn excellentfamiliar vaudeville acts nnd gpo

poor importations Of time formerwere Stone Nollla 0 ellHenri French MatthcwH Marguerite Conallle Stuart cud Genero and Valley

Actors who havn irnlnc matrimonial dlUnction personally cannot iepiirati1 It frontheir professional fame Koine of theta wouldniIf they could Ie Wnlf Jlopixr Joked atLamlM gambol at ho Is wont to on the Matrc-

tbniil his marrying habit and Lillian Ru eloften makes nn audience laugh by referencesto wedlock Two player who made transitfromlreltlmate drama to vaudeville yesterdayJohn Mason and Victory llat man had laUljbeen published far and wide In divorce eusonew marriages nnd other nffalM of the heart-It Is unlikely that their salaries were any theI M on that account It is certain that

objects of extrn Interest IndividuallyJlr Iati man Me tner acted at ProctorsFiflhAvenue in theHlbertcomedette of Hwecthearts with her husband Harry MestayerShe had gained In plumpness to a pudgy decreeand lost nothing In cleverness since seen lastbefore on the New York stage She will berecalled by many reader BS a handsome youngwrnnnn with a lovely volco and u tfcliiilrilCommand of tho b t method In acting Duringher absence she had been a leader In Southernand Western resident companies In St LouIssV had met Mr Mestnyer and time ensuingcruirt hlp and marrlaire had been nttrndedbr readable episode The audience yesterday

gavn to husband a1ioklritf over upon Ills entrance He wax npreventable young fellow seemingly aboutr nn than wilt andImpressive In the play with

Mvne of u girls porting withardent lover and Its second

after thirty yearn U timl that wasand trump the burden waxMrs Mentayer little help front her com-panion He got through part In barely-rftwtable mediocrity whilerather mature a girtwas o and pathetic inthe Kuie of the middleaged woman KIA

the uncommon tribute of tears from no w mblage This fact is riot

In nlKre tK ct to the people who KC to the mntjniious shows are up to the generalthwitricnl average In andfnre Tie Hflh Avenue was at this tunic

occupied limit multi prevails Inth e hmises I not to so

n piece an SweetheartsMrs Mesinyer Mr Mestayer was of no

save as a

odd essay at Keiths TheJrogramrne announced him In a medium ofNson make with assistance from Grant Stewrt and gave Us titla ns Ills Lifes Lesson

aotnrs recent doings have been exploitedsad a hint hnd been given that this monologuewould treat of his personal affairs But It didriot In the character of a social degenerateth actor returned to Ms home from a meeting

omen friends at 3 oclock In the morningB entered roonm singing jovially butwithout a sign of Intoxication AH he opened

mall that consisted entirely of duns he ex-plained that ho had promised to return at mid

anti much contrition for hismisbehavior resort to a decanter ofIlQuor he told naughty ho had beon andhow his Indulgent fattier had refused further tosupport him A later recourse to the decanterturned him to talking of the friends he hadJ t left and to telling an Incident of one ofthem that wits rather weak in ltn comicalityThee there was more contrition followed by

assertion that the end had come Thistinted of suicide but It was explained that the

P ndthrlft hod enlisted In the army In orderthee hii father might know that money set

for the young wifes support would KO toFrom remorseful suicide to donning

a dramatlo fall for

A note left for him by

had rama a boy followed

In this ry time nwfioioBtie had a moral

L need not come to then It did with a Boston

th f 1Ltll r were lllnt n toadvantnao of

srtati not seem to stifferm feature of the husbands

1111 U4fO vAtDzLi111f

and atrman lntrutlngJ




Is lena







of The



Into comic and some




a call to flit the



b rshe fOld



John In on




e shero hut

bn Verles I to


b a or Ite 11111ht break ilium of

1 to sleepn

t tint by his1M one away Thenof

tn honor ofew In he from

W r1r with thehar n

ev of

of lanalso


AJ done naught

more toa milOIt wa But


lte tn ondo Wt



ON foPsIaon IrtorY





ainment nwhtle




irmufli Mtarting


I aces sonmeimp








s whimslcuil








her aloneblue wuweakling It WL4 accompanied by a

Fourad tmimt that onlyI Could i1flchm cmiii lastwas after flinch praiseor the reverage h nilowtrig siplie comiki flOSS hla

the wife him betag thp ne roomaai1 she was greatly distressed

luridmoreby a et of the wimmewoman With this hand

ahMt knowledge thatths away been Amiii the omitthe


error onesYet the wife

Past he somethingfew tripeaae what a





> >




° <


Pour melodramas of u many distinct kinpersisted further against the lateness ofseason last night James K Hackettvaliantly In the sentimental romance ofPrIde of Jennlco at tho CriterionOllletto In the detective wonders of Sherloc-HolmeH at the flarrick FJIta Proctor Otisthe passionate furies of Woman and Winethe Academy of Mualo and William llaworththe Christian martyrdom of Quo VadU atNew York

The Donnelly stock company at tho MurrayHill began the final week of Its withHohcrtMin comedy of Caste AVri-wiw V with unction

yesterday H continuous shows were notlceabsuccessions of variety with

nnd there brief dramatic Wl

Some motionor Houth African war scenes were new at

At Proctors Street tho Cohanwere a farce that twicetime of a specialty a point that of requires

Ethel and Yorke and Adams weretho variety folk

IsaMIe played a familiar comedl-tt at Proctors there were live

Moeclaltles Zono and Curt Jess DandyFanny Fields

Performer to the fore at Proctor FifthAvenue wre tho Hawaiianwhose sketch Is to condo orra what the vaudevllle short farce Is to aMcintyre and Heath who are laughable 1mltutors forlorn

Iockhiirts elephants small onra this tlniowere an at Keiths where Willsand I oretto and the Johnsons were specialists


Some of the larger stores on upper Broodwaare now rented for the greater part of the timealthough in accordance with a practice whichhas only become general during recentThis rule holds good especially in thestores of great al7e and conspicuous sltnatlorTheir rents are HO high that only the pros

concerns could afford to occupy thenpermanently The result of this

a new form of tenancybig stores will be

concern anxious to bring IU products to the attontlou of the clime ofand down certain sections of Broadwaynever Intended to occupy these for morethan a few condition ii

by both landlord and tenant Manythe large stores on Broadwaythrough this experience times beforen rmsn nt the building fothe regular of their businessbe found This class of tenancy Intransient nature is popular landlord

excellent and profitable occupants are founduntil tenants are tosuch high prices corn along

Mrs Frnnx Knltcnborn wife of the conductorhas always been held responsible fortile success and It was through her tact and enorgy that the concerts at the St Nicholas Oarden succeeded last summer when various otherbettorknown conductors had tried theexperiment and failed It began to look asthe for good muilo at popular priceswith the opportunity of re

not exist here In spitethe repeated declarations to time contraryThe hultenborn concertslUhfd the of the demandand the audience on night waslarge anotheryear for the enterprise Mr Kaltenborn was

as auditorium as herhusband was on the She was busilydirecting the to find seats for late ar-rivals looking after their comfort in varlous other ways Mrs Kaltenbornshave rewarded with such aof succ n s that she has earned the dIstinctionwhich Is given to her this year Her photo

hangs in of the hull K

her Under It is the word Manaser and everybody firnlllar withIn the concerts realizes that she is entitledhave her picture displayed this fashion


Handwriting Expert Against Meat

Time prosecution courtmartial trialLieut Edward M Martin of the Fifthsprung another surprise on the defence by In

traducing David U the handwritingexpert when the hearing of testimony wasresumed at Fort Hamilton yesterday MrCarvalho wild be had been engaged by JudgeAdvocate Lieut Brooke Payne to make ill

examination and comparison of the allseefalsified receipts and the account booksby Iteut Martin while Martin was Treasurerof the post exchange and canteen at Fort Han-

cock He had spent over six hour sin theexamination and In his opinion the handwritingon certain paR In the books where the signsture of Meut Martha appeared was that of tinperson who wrote the receiptsIn the examination Carvalho furtherhe had used a microscope and protractorhad found similarity peculiarity and variationsIn Ihe receipt of the Alexander Campbell MilkCompany the name of Schwartz

the manner of holding the and used moreon tbe letters In the small

there wax a poor attempt at disguiseIn tho Kedeved payment on bills the somepeculiarity of Bs existed In

for the benefit of the madean Illustration of the cifpltal andand pointed out tho movement which he

used In answer to aby the Court he snld that he had made chemicaltest of the Ink used In signing the receipts and

of the writing In the books had foundthey were The red Ink used In

the Charles was alho foundIn Martins records Illlliarz week

that he never used red ink Inand that name had been forged on

receipt-In the crossexamination J Kdwnrd

limiter gut Cnrvallw to say that he had differed

pitted mini caw lie furthersaid had found dissimilarities Inhandwriting In question lie laid stress

tlis placewhere they were found In the personhad written differently

iroorflov COMPAXVS KKFL-

Yt Aerates the Arbnrklrs of Trrlng to liTrade Xrrreti Improperly

TotrDO Ohio Juno t The Woolson SpiceCompany filed Its answer this afltmoon Inutt brought by John Arbuckle William V K

James N Ganle and William A Jamiefor an order to Inspect the companys bookscase wilt be heard on its merits on July 2

Judge Pugsley Among other things theanswer says

That shortly before Dec 31 1M 6 the newsaid stock Inaugurated n policy

f extending the business of told WooljonCompany by reducing the selling ofwhich had been maintained tf hereafter

shown at an exorbitant and extravagant priceprofit That with full knowledge of Ihe

purchase of said stock and the Inaugurationf the policy of tho new owners tbe

Induced said John Sr to refuse to sell or deliver his stock

under the terms of said and by offersaid Acklln ItooWW for stock

thereupon without any notice to said Woolson-Iplcei directors or

iimiti or any kind InnnedllUly Instructed lo a petitionagainst rtild Wnobon Spice to

t from to declare Its charterforfeited to appoint a receiver for It to sell its

lifeAnd defendants aver that saidother purpose In seeking an examination of

Company thanunlawful one of seeking cause

against said company andn their own Interest as to

obtain for time

Hplrc Company Information ofciislomers of

contracts and tr n aotlois whichi their rivalry lo muse for the Injury

Woolson Spice Company

New York Imaranr Broker Arrested

PintAniLPituJune4 James RAtkln onan-uurance broker who Is a member of the firm of

S Atkinson A Co of New York wns requiredafternoon for further

insurance lows of Pennsylvania It Is allegedthat he Insurance firms withcompanies not authorized to do business In

Ilsmrnirh to Conduct at the Opera Unite

Mr Walter Damrosch has been engaged byr flrau a conductor for the opera to be

In German and a number of the popularund r concerts season

Onu Opera

and a thrm capn w11 I






Ion the

and Tucker and Warren wereto tim


bright to





One of



tenant cullare and thit

much of



bOe r






To him


time or


tat Ban


when Ih







him to said lock to them ano



said oolmmon


Cto furnish

a of ttm






or here

ilans and Fishtore at lastorei pictures

Eden MuM




thee some







pemined writing was loss disguisedThis person who the changed


business lila

with other handwriting hadbeen






jogInduced delIver




its business

thev seek

thischmarae having violated









Catches Ip With the Tweatjrfecond ltrmeat Harrhlng to the New Camp am

In at IU IleadOne MSB Fall bthe WajildeSalute for the lovrronr

CAMI Pceksklll June 4H was i

Informal visit CloY Itoosovelt madeto tho State camp today He merely droppedIn for half a day on his way up to Albany 1

the big 12poundcr brass gun on time hi

crest above the ferry landing had kept nulet

the fact that time Governor had arrived would

hardly have boen known even in camp to saynothing of over In Poeksklll town

Hut exactly at 10 oclock In the morolnithe gun started In on it salute of nineteenand then all the country for miles around knew

he bad got hero He kept to his programmiexactly as It lund been outlined on Saturday

The fast through train which he took at tinGrand Central Station at 815 In tho morningnod which Is scheduled to make Its first stopat Poughkeepsle woes halted at Itoau hookfor his special benefit nod awaiting Urn wereGen lIce Col Henry and Major Green who

had ridden down from the camp to meet him

Two or three grooms acnompanlod them withBlack Prince which was the horse Klectet

for the Governors use together with othersaddle horses for those who might accompanyhim

There were party be-

sides himself AdjutnntGeneral Hoffman who

went down to Now York from Albany on Satur-

day was one of them and Col Trcadwell tiemilitary private secretary was the other Only

Col Treadwell was In Dm AdjutantGeneral had his military clothes with himwent Into the While Ht headquarterand put them on as soon OH he to tech

of Tho Governor onlyshoes for a of riding und then was

for thu road over which time

second Hegiment was at that moment inarch-ing on its to the new camp at Lake MolieKim seven mullen

Tho Sixtyninth Heglment was engaged Iitime am

went right on with their work OH If ho wereJust an ordinary visitor They were still hardat Gen lineHotTman Major llenry gallopedacross time ground on the way to time lake

It was and thebeen tolling over the steep hllln

of the for two hotirs Time regimentgot away in line The teamsters werestirring as early OH 4 oclock In tho morningThe were that tho work of loading time

wagons should begin at 8 oclock and ut oneminute before 0 the first of baggajnwas thrown In Tents were struck underthe Inspection of C Lyon of time Twentysecond Army who onday before Imd given time Instruc-tions In that matter and hehimself iw much pleased with the way Inthe work win

Tho mardi was mad In four since thefirst holt of twenty minutes being mndo frcmHU to 935 halt was nmde from1021 to 1041 and still mioth r from 1124 to1149 The regiment reached time crimpingground at seven men had outduring the march One of tbwho who wily

110 pounds found time steep hillsthe fiftytwo burden to carry-so hits that h tobe curried Into In ambulance Timother six ciiine struggling In a little after tho

arrived said this wasan admirable showing considering tho factthat many of the omen had come out ofotllws stores and were practically with-

out trainingjoy and his escort came with

the regiment nt time lost at 1148 and rodeat the need of the column camping groundground he watched the work pitch-Ing tents until 1 oclock mind then rodeto State arriving at 2 oclock In theafternoon He remained until about 4 oclockand then In company with time Adjutant Gen-

eral and Into nn ambu-

lance and rode to Roes Hook where ho gota train at 430 for Albany

camp Is 6n a hillsidewith time wind In TOM direction or

with no wino nt nil to tine traininggrounds fur soldiering in the but doesrot much in the of comfort

men There Is practically no shade ofkind In the field and sun In time after-

noon flown with great Intensity Thelake In the distance loots time

of this trots that border Its edit rindthat t a consolation mid It tintThe will remain until Wednes-day and then the Sixtyninth take Its turnat marching and testing time advantages ofthe lake shore camp

Just before Governor caught withthe regiment today hn found two companiesof the Iike School drawnorder by the roadside to greet him The boy

arms mimi Ihn Governorcomplimented them on their tine npi earance

The weddnc of Miss Mai lingersand William R COt was celebrated yesterdayafternoon The ceremony wits performed bythe Rev Robert Collyer mind only relatives andsome close friends tf the families were present atthe ceremony and reception afterward at thehome of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Henry

Rogers Jfi Ka t street TheIs their youngest daughter The

was to yesterdaysa widower hiss

his homo In New York for the past sevenyears Mr Coe In n member of tin Colonial

clubs aId of the Staten Islntid CricketClub and time Merlon Cricket Club of Phila-delphia

iondman Vail

The wedding of Ml Hawleno Olnxteid Vaildaughter of Mr and Mrs 1 William Vail toGeorge Goodman of California took place

til htfnlhrist Protestant ChurchIledforn avenue Brooklyn lIme Ifev

lames II TlirlliiBtnn rector the church tierformed ceremony Min Ituth Anna Hrldge-sjf Newark X J wa maid nf lime

rlde tiinlds worn Miss Mnffmi Kmerv fwd Mistlloinan Dr wa test

man and the ushers were Dr Jesn II StoneLeslie Muynard James Cunwar nnd C Edwards-of Manhattan and llolinti M Nurwood aridArthur of Brooklyn

llepew AdamiMrs Perry Adams rnd Mitchell Depow were

married yesterday altrrroon at time home ofthe bride 100 West Seventy sixth surest TheRev Or lichen Itus el Booth thinceremonv wore no bridesmaids

hum brother as lest milanWllli iin Tnvlor GtorecSWeaver and Frederick II were the

Intimate friends were bridewidow of Clinton Adams of this

was formerly of Norfolk VaDepew Is a nephew of Senator Chuiincey

I Depew

HaraetWbeelan-Mls I Wheelan and Harry Kvert-

laynei were married last night at tIme home ofbrides mother Mrs Mary Wheelan

street Brooklyn The ceremony i

Irector St George ProtestantChurch Miss Ida r Wheeinn and MissJosephine Shannon were bridesmaids and

of was best omen

KeltaySmlthMiss Mends Smith and Ralph Lyford Kelsay

of the llev Dr R I Kelsay were marriedyesterday afternoon at thus home of brides

Mr and Mm Carl Valentine SmithSouth Fifth street The Rev Dr

lames H Darlington Clirist rrotcsant Church rerformed Ihenony Miss Blanchehonor and Dr Harry Y Kelsay best oman

rmf and Navy OrderWAsnmoTOM June 4TheM naval orders hue

IssuedraTa Cadet W 1 Roper tram the Potter In con

ectlon the Torprdo Station onesick granted and thrn to the

avalC Cruap to Naval War

for eouiae i fMfutfn iiiCijmni ndrr 1 J Holler In at

Navy asrdlrl of Unit SmithIlful II C works of George

I M Kfar sr eN M drtarhnl Icom Navy Yard fins

duly In charge ol PugetHound NarM h turing the

b tnr of Cofal



Uful P Williams ddachfd from omre of CaptainSay ard l azue IMand to Richmondmmf dlatflr-

11ml C N Alvslrr from theftdrmy MniiontAhi aK II t

listed out of mmmlvun toatal War follfcr Nrwpmt of Instrue

Lieut II 0 Warfarland In home tU thc flueManila

Aisuianl urteon J n Whiting detached fromhe Chicago to the Mont omery

aUunl U P Meformlckdetached from Montgomery to tile



only twoln




Urer amid

IrateRegiment had



Iwa fo-


laT nm



CoenorerHutt1e ton

H JoIIIY Plllhbride

to nil



I 11 ownn

Thrr tineson Illlend

01 the relatives of the couple nllft n

was time

city IrrMr


performed time nnv n onn


IbO nrokof

a maId of


with atreport

fur nmlMllonLIeutenant Uommanter 1


Snub detachedson I

aptton to

Capt C F upon arrival horna enemies of lectures for at Naval War Collree

of Yard

InlrlllI1Anl Crmmondr detached

horn whenfor











r ht


wed-ding is Enamace


hits ndme ld aunt I Ill u

rim n inn I olin iii ndt







months tearsAcademy

I Yardtorn

I hAwleyI herI fierilyI

I Cattopars-
















3Pronoer neaolotlon AntiTrial hut nclv J

WASIIINQTON Junta 4 Tlio Senate met10 oclock this morning A resolution offeredby Mr Moon hop HI expressesof the Senate that the war In South Africacease at an early day upon terms satIsfactoryto those engaged therein Including Indo

icndence for tho South African Stateswas laid on tho table temporarily-

In an effort lo have a special

made for private pension bills Mr PettlcrcvPop 8 I protested against It He

that more pension bills hud been passedsession than at any other for yearsand that that Indicated conclusively eltheithat the pension laws are defective and unjustor that special favors Ire granted for polltl-

cul purposesA substitute was reported from the 1lnanci

Committee by Mr Aldrlch Rep K I

chairman for the House bill to provide betterfaculties for tho safe keeping and disbursementof public moneys In the Philippine IslandsCuba and Porto Wee and it was passedauthorizes the Secretary of time Treasurydesignate one or more banks or bankers tinPhlllpplno Islands Cuba and Porto Ricowhich public moneys may bo deposited

satisfactory security bo given by deposit-Ing bonds In the Treasury to an amount not lessthan time aggregate sum at any lima on deposit

In having recommitted to the Comrnlttoe 01

Post Onice a bill for the claislIlcuUoii of clerksIn the tint and second class post oQlces MrWolcott Hep Col chairman of the Post OfficeCommittee mentioned as a warning and

that clerks of first and secondpost offices had been contributing 10 centof their as a fund to Influence tinlegislation of Congress In their behalf The

been able to he sonicmen but h know of some notoriously badmen whom theyvi iiiimuu rooms aim viiriuuigained by such action No such sum a-

M0 which bfn contributed could bused by the agents of these

urn co clerksMr huller Pop N C n member Post

OUloo said that the assessmentswent paid they would amount to

Mr Itman who was to have a pull him-self employed by thesis and

the supposition that time

wero lngTho bill wildThe House bill to for the use of timber

and hton for domestic and lndu trlal purposeIn tlu Indian was niamendment Joint resolution to em-power the Spanish Porto Rico to

The House AntiTrust hill hovlne been Inkthe Senate Mr Pop 8 D

moved that It bo on time calendar with-out reference to a committee Congress h-

Kild not adjourn until the becomo a law

Mr Giilllnger Rep N II sold that thewas ncttvi upon without conslderatlon a committee he movedreference to the on time Judiciary

Mr IVtilnrHW demanded the yeanon the motion to refer

Without taking n vote on time motionSenate went Into executive

When tho doors were reopened Mr Hoara time underrule the House AntiTrust bill could go tocalendar without reference to aHIt by unanimous consent until It

two sepnrnto readings on two separHUdave

President pro toni Mr Krye repliedIn thn negative

In other words said Mr Hoar It willrequire unanimous consent to take up UKAntiTrust bill tomorrow or next day

The President ItMr Will not M motlun to pro-

ceed to Its consideration be In order tomorrowThe President tern Nn because tinbill must Ho on time table until It has hail twoseparate readings and the rule that

It has been read once todayJlr AlIen Iop suppose a mil

of the Senate con ChairThe President pro tem If an appeal

from the of thedecision be overruled then I suppose th

Mr Alltn I ask unanimous consent toth reading now

Mr Aldrich It 1 HI object It Isevident that this bill cannot taken atsession and tills attempt to do so III simplyfarce

Mr IVttJsrow will call for Its second readmug tomorrow

action token th Senatn onDistrict of Columbia Appropriation bill

At M the Senate a recess till 8 withthe undcrrttiindlng that after a apnech from MrIVtilgrew no buslneNM b In order excent conference reports und bills unoblected to

Senate session opened withch In

attacked tlm Administration for things It haddOM arid thliiBs It hud undone

House bill relating lo certain streetIn thu of Columbia wa

the nmalgamatlon ofstreet railroad companies the Washing-ton Traction Company u general companyto be known o the nrw GreatKlectrlo Company with a capital of Ii5oooooo

The conference on Sundry Clvlbill was presented at half 9

Time was to a furtherconference ordered

Tho conference report onand was presenter

and agreed loAt half past in the memorial proceedings

Keprp iiMtlvererebeuiin end nt their conclusion

idjoitrned till tomorrow nt 10 A M


ien MacArthur Reporti 10THO Killed 310Wounded and 1043ft Taken Prisoners

WASHINGTON June 4 Secretary Root tc

day fTll to tin item nit a reply to the rwnlutu-uf Hint body tailing for u statement showing

rminlxT of Filipinos killed till numbe-voiimlcd nnd the number taken prisonersinert the Philippine outbreak Time War De

iirlment did not hut this Infommtlon ot

mid mid cabled On MacArthur at Manila

It wa ri c Ivr d arid theanswer to time resolution prepared lien SineIrthur says

107W wounded 1104lured nnd surrendered 1015 Number of

In our lon about 2U Noysteinntle record of Filipino at then

Time compiled fromaw number of reports

mitten eiiKiiKonntiti I n CI M an Hpprnxlmnion AN now po nwlne tolion of nciurnte would

weeks to prepare Tho niiinbT rcporlid-lilled I In xfeiN of ucitiriite llKiires

lumber reported wounded probibly mucht to remove most

wounded nell nnd comprNW fell Into our hand Ofllcers of nl h rank

mill duriBcroun men have PIn re-

nlneil as most other morn dischargedni tin lipid as soon as rtl arm d-


irto Rico ludlrlil and Other Offlrera NamedNaval rrnmotleniW-

ASIIISOTON June 4Tin President todaythe following nominations to time Senate

Jose Severn of Inrtn film to b Cblefand Ixmls Huhbarher of Missouri Jose C

trrnaintei of Potto Itlco Jose M of Portolire and Noeto y Abelllc of Porto Illro to

Juatlrra ol time Supreme Court ol Porto

wnilam It unit o Kentueky lo he United Statestr1rt Indie for the dlMtlrt of Porto Him Kdwatd-

L ttllson III Ohio b be United States District iturhal time instruct ol Iniln Illro and Noab II Ii

etllntlll of Iono Illro to be Inlted States IHatrUtfor time Dlatrlrt of Iorto Rico

Joseph F laity ot Ver York Io H Howe olnail luan lletnandet ol Sun Juan

orlo Him mrmbfrs of the CnmmlMlon to compilerevise the taws ot Iorto Illro

Jour C ll ibo of San Juan Itosendo Matlenui1nnre Jose Dteroof Maya Manuel

amunaa and ot tanto be members of time executive rouucll of Poito

Martin flrore Diumbauth of to beCommissioner of Education ol Porto Rico

John E to be United states Marshal forDWtrlctor Hhodc

Second Lieut flobtrl C Corliss Thtrtyfoiiilhlo be Klral Lieutenant

Corporal John II hull Company II Thirtyfourth-ifinttv tn lie SecondNaval Cedrls John II llnllliran Jr Wllllnri C

alts lirorite I Smith lletman J hi on Wilburlitters Fletcher SlietneH N Marhl

r Henry C James A Hand Jr lynmnCotton Edward Wnorts Alexander X Mitchell

hiirles lioone l iuls Shane hdward W Mrlnljrerank I Ilnnry William P Cronan Siaray Ztno K Walter H Tardy William

W FnllcMlarrnreA WilliamWills Vancey H Williams Hdwnril T Consllen-

homKS I Johnson T 1ettenilll John Arofleld Jroree i Sweet Francis T Ktana Morrla

llrown David C Iohn K llahrnrkrlsl Nelson tobeenslsrs-

NnvilCiiliUsllinrj llliairs and Henry Tbe

Wrllhl-be Aslstant Naval CnnalrucWm

Naval Cadet Walter I to he Second lleuIn the Marine Corps

lluld Mops an Klihtllollar Poker Game

The FldrulKO H put police raided a pokerame at 41 Orchard street night and caught

twentyfour mon with amoig themBvtzer the alleged proprietor

locked up

Introduced Uoue


time hopemay



M lon







ImploymlThe clerks




oor hungt 10











ill time

two not boo on the sumac day


bill would be In conlrol of time




rui was the


aII Ir hleb

corporations DI trlctthe



onthis of A






t rio Pd






A tlornrPenn


intmon of II clueJUAnllro




IIJohn So Ch



If In tushTIllWere





iii had mmodoubt of
















I tile a him






Tamnent lU

Graham and














Thli DotsComp nleiA List of

In That ntateTbtlr CaplUllutloiand They Conlrlbnt In Taxes

TIIENTONN BoardAiwessors today flied In the office of

Hancock a partial schedule of theassessments on miscellaneous corporationsthe year itwonot in this class The list filed embraceabout 0 cent of the companies to be taxedthis year but as all the big trusts are inschedule It Is estimated that the assessmentrepresent about 90 per cent of nil the taxes

imposed under this bead The whole

companies the schedule Is and theirUie ngitregatetliMl2 01 which is MMOOi

more than the amount of last years scheduleFollowing is a summary

79 IMSU4 Life Insurance

Ji other insurance companies7 Surety i254 Oil pipe llnea companies l1 company 144J7I-

JJ Telegraph telephone cable and

3CS2 Miscellaneous companies 118518051

Total f 19541280

The two companies that will pay the Statelargest amount of tax are the Prudential Insuranco Company and the Mutual Benefit

Insurance Company The former Is

11179783 and the latter tS428932 The follow-

Ing figures show the capitalization of sometho trusts Incorporated In this State andamount of tax assessed against each

Cavltalltathn TatAmerican Alkali Company 5JJAmerican bicycle 30000000 8ISIAmerican Cotton Oil Company 30067000 8J5American Hide and

MiOOOOO 487Amalgamated Oojiper Com-

pany 7looOftOO 750i13387000Ice i

American Llaneeil Oil Cornpony

American any3380000028940000

Kaiiwavs Company 23000000AmeriCAn Soielllne


80000000SuSan RefinIng Com-

pany 7J891800American Tin Plate Company 48323000American Tobacco Company 8sSOHflOO-Ameilran Woollen Company 42 2800Asphalt Company of 73213000

uteri CompanyGluooM Com-

pany 36841600City lloboben and Pat

eraoa Street Hallway Com20000000

Kentucky Dlttlllerles and Ware2900rt000-

L k Consolidated IronMines BS8744-

Marulen Company 38530000National Company 20808400National Steel S8OOAuOONational Tube Company snnnnonoNorth American Company 39778304-1reved Steel Car Company 23M000H-epubllc Iron

41204000Rubber roods Manufacturing

company 22763800Standard and DhUlb

24oco000Company 9488I7UO

Union liar and Paper Com-pany 27000000

states Cast Iron Pipe ao424SSJ iSO

Pulled Leather ooUntied States Kubber Company 46961501


Hr Teller Say He WouU Not Glee Them Upbut lie Wont Support th BevnbllraB Party

WASHINGTON June a speech deliveredIn the Senate today Mr Teller of Coloradosaid that he saw no way to surrender the Philippine Islands no way to give up control overthem The obligations of the United States ttime world required the maintenance of

sovereignty and he believed thatsovereignty could be maintained consistentlywith the traditions of tile Government Hi

believed that time United States could givethe Klllplnos political Kclfgoverument and In

in the proper sense of time termwhile the United States continued to hold soy

erelcn iniwers He did not know that any-

body hud ever nuggestod that the United Slateshould abandon the Philippine Islandsleave them to be the prey of other powersEven this senior Senator from MassacliiiKttiMr Hoar had declared that they should

be turned over to Spain but that time LnltoiStates should stand between them and tinworld until they were able to take corn of them-

selves There would be ho declared no quiplion of Imperialism In the next unless party made It time seniorSenator from had predicted-In hula riot only time

the policy but whatseemed to hurt him much more destruc

Senator got through Mr Tellercontinued I was unable to whether his

on which he had expended so muchand anomIe of hula inter

entlii time cause of liberty and freedom and In-

tho oiil of those Islands or whether It arosesimply trnm fear that course being

thing wa striking In that speech It was time

Sprinters to liLa not tobut U change their policy which he declaredlo be of defeat That IsIn keeping with the which have comefrom everywhere Everywheretimers has lawn more concern aboutthe salvation of the In the coming cam

than about whether and rightshould be meted out to these jieople who havefallen under our Jurisdiction-

I Mhiill not support the petty Incontinued

not support Its and I would notpolicy foreshadowed in the Philip

bill I not give up the Islandseither Tiny should be a source of great advantage to UK When we shall mute outto this r and recognize time great funda-mental principle that to self

wo shall find It toHold those islands They stand In the greatpathway of this commerce of thin world and

can be mnde of Infinite value lo us


lenate Judiciary Committee Favors rondrmaton but Action Ii Postponed

WASIIISOTON June The Senate Committeein Judiciary today made a favorable report onhe nomination of John R Hazel of Buffalo to-

w tnltcd States Judge of the nowly creatediVmtem Judicial District New York The

vote on reporting the nomination was notinanimate one Senator Mr Pcttus ofMabuma being recorded against it Thelomlnntlon was later reported to thin Senate Inexecutive session and an attempt made to ron

but objection was taste wtilch under-lie rules carried It over without action until

next executive session

Movements of Naval VeueliW-

ASHINOTON June 4 The South Atlanticsquadron under Hear Admiral Schleys cornnand from Rio de Janeiro to

will return to RioThe naval transport Scindla which arrived

t SUM today will proceed to Boston by wayf lltirnltttr where she will meet the cruiserbtny The Scindln It hrlnelng n number nf-

flloTs stud enli ted rumor who have been Inervlm In the Philippines

Admiral time NavyDepartment today

had been unknown to th-

Jeparttnent for some time was stationed at

rh gunboat Koalo ices sailed from Santiagoh from

Southampton Knglaiul arid etaInn shlii from Yokohama for Xntrn-Hhl which left

yeterda nn her totilled Stiitns put today

Gee Death Report

WASIMMITON Jutes 4Oen Wood nhl d time

War Department this morning the following

loath reportAt Columbia Barracks Quemsdoa firstclous-

iergt Charles E Sherwood Signal Corps diedSI yellow fever Private Frank RllekK

drowned M Plnnr del Bio Mayx At Snntinuo Inckmaster Jams J

Kl May S pernicious malariat tiara Sergeant

Edward MurDhr died May 25 yellow fever

There l Mo Dlepntlni-hedejlrable formed through mini the

dTerllsIn of A reader olmay be relied upon tnlcdependiat AmerlcaaI-

U a


Not Inrlude tile naUroad and CanaTrUst

lItJ June 4The Stats of


roller taxfor




be number-

of 773

Gu and electric companies4g

Pr ore1560378




a ooouOOo


Company 84811aad Com-

pany 8807aoofIOff7105

74107 ZOO 8737






II too



Ameri-can that


del ldel



the Incorpo-


RaIlroad and canal companiemsare





4010-Srsndard Oil

FculmdnlState 231


lion of this party to wimlehi he

punmmd hiring luims to defeat If any



liii tommiluig esmnpumtgn lie

all mm are entitled

firm it


will proceedMontevideo rmd

hut time gunboat

boatNewport for itaahinton the training clii

hihraltuur rotship iaricamuter room hesxrme fsiaumd

for the Pinmii

lIme t a lii Iii Ic Cay I iifor tIme




died atPost tomnl ssmury

TIlE SUNStyle 4











t Cannon Attacks U fteaate for Ita Amead

meats to the Sundry Civil Hill

WAnniNQTON June 4 A further conferenco report was to the House todayon the District of Columbia appropriation billIncluding a disagreement on an Item of 100

000 for a site for a municipal hospitalMr Fitzgerald Hem MOMS addressed

House on sectarian appropriations support-Ing them Ho predicted the rise of a Cathollparty If the persecution of the Catholic sec-

tarian Institutions continuedMr Blngham Rep Pa who lund Uvi

charged with opposing time appropriationSt Josephs Asylum of the District nf Colum-

bla said he had acted while on the ConferenceCommittee simply In accordance with tIme In

structlons of the HouseThe Housn voted 80 to M to recede from

disagreement to the amendment and the Sen-

ate amendment was agreed toMr Cannon Rep Ill presented the

report on time Sundry Civil bill

made on attack on time Senate for attachingto the bill so many new provisions which were

unauthorized by law The Senate he saidhad time House at a disadvantage as It couldhold up great appropriation bills untilamendments were adopted He wouldcharacterize the situation infamousbut would say ho thought thoroughly bad

Separate votes were demanded on a num-

ber of the Senate amendments still In disputeOn the amendment appropriating tlOnOftfor a light and fog outerend of entrance to the Toledo har-bor time House by a vote of M to 03 refusedto concur The lotus refused to 131 Uconcur In this amendment appropriatingI3000UO for beginning time work ofn memorial bridge between Washington amthe Arlington National

The Senate amendment000 the work of improvingMississippi River was advocated

next vote was had on time amendmentappropriating 15000000 toward time

St Louis In IDOl In celebration uthe Louisiana Purchase and It wax to1J7 to 73 A further conference wason the Items still In

Time Senate amendments to the EmergentRiver mind wererind time bill sent to conference

The conference report on the bill Incorporat-Ing the National Red Cross won am

to Time Senate conferees acceptedHouse amendment

to press of business eulogies onlate Hornier of Pennsylvaniarind of New wereDecember next

An was nimbi fo send to conferencethe Senates amendments In the Military Acnd

andbills but objections carried them over till tomorrow-

At 7 P M time House adjourned until tomor-row at noon


Orders for Sea Service for Members ofGraduating Class

ANNAPOLIS Md Juno 4 The members o1

the Board of Visitors to time Naval Academywere received officially today Today procdeal exercises Included seamanship drill on tinnow boat Chesapeake which will take tincadets on their summer voyage this yearthe first time At dress parade this ufternooia flag was presented to the second company ocadets of which Daniel P Mannlx Is cornmsnder It having won the distinction forgeneral excellence during the yeara concert was to the of Visitors ujthe Naval Academy band

Nearly all cadets have received orders forThe orders are at follows

To their homes first and urn to Manila R A

Abernathy G U Arnold II C Cocks J 1L ContortP

To their homes Brit and then to the PhiladelphiaF D Uerrten K 11 Dodd K P Swart

Te the Kentucky It I Derry 9 11 R Doric0 B Landeabetcer C li D P Miinnlx-F II Null

To the SUMonW F IPrlclier II KCage J 0 Church J II Drfrene W I FcrcusonJr 8 deacon K S Jaekwn ft Keer A It-

Keallnf W McKnlee W O Mitchell W Smith C

CaVe W K Riddle W K WnrlmauTo time KeariarrePaul I Ksa H W Oa

J W Ttrnmoni J I WalnwrUhiTo their homes and then to the lowaC Huff P-

MorrK K K Scranton 11 T Winstonll me walling order W V Tomb I R Wright


Jkarltx F Ada Arrested for AbandonmentCharles F Adae living at the Hotel Roland li

Fiftyfirst street was arrested last nIghtin a warrant charging him with abandoning

wife Mlllnn Adae of 207 Weststreet and was locked In time West Sixtyfirst street station Ills wife is said to anactress

lira Soothing Syrup for childrenteething softens the reduceUaya p ln cures wind colic dlarrlioa Me bottle

EHMANSCOTTOn Monday Tune 4 1900

by the llev E C J Kraellnir IxinU C llehmnnof Brooklyn N V to Evelyn P Phllv-delphla Pa

inCHEII PAIEAHIOn Monday June 4

100 at noon In the chantry of Grace Churchthis city by time R William R Iluntlnfton D-

U Henry J Hurchell Jr ol New York and Candida dnuthtr of Palearl and the late Antonlclla de Month Talearl of Milan Italy

tlAHlIllSSKArtlr June 4 tu0at thechantry til Grace Church New York by time

Rev Rr Huntington DeorieShoenbtrter Chainbliss to Harriet Woodward Karl-

eOEnOllFRSOn June 4 1010 at the residence

rf the bride father 2 7tb s ty the RevRobert Collyer William Robertson Coe to Mat

Iluttletlon Roce-

riMHlEWS Suddenlyof pneumoniaNathan Willis Andrews

interment June A 1090 North Adams Maw fu-

neral private

UARKEOn Sunday evening June 1 1900 attime Hotel Empire Broadway and OSd si HoraceII Clarkeln the 4 lh year of his are

Relatives and friends members of Chancellor Wai

worth No 271 F and A M the New

York Athletic Club and members of time hotelincited to attend the fu-

neral at lime lintel Kmplre Wednesday JuneIliOi at 11 A M Interment at convenienceot family

7KOWK SwIiliily uti Sunday June JI oo Alex-

ander ll mlll n Crowe arcd II years and inmiitin

Services today Tuesday at 1 P M Funeralprivate

ARHANI m Sunday June1 l 00sl lbs resi-

dence f her brotherinlaw Dr W K nimpmn05 Iexlnfton av Slims rtauthter nf the lateJo epn Stcevens and Klltabeth Carrel Karraud

Interment at Ilinlwn N V-

OIINSOX Suddenly mi Sunday IBtifl lathis city HIlMbeth Nel on wife of the late Rev

John li JohiuHiu of IPlier tied Hook N V

Funeral rvlrei wll he h ld at her horn 107-

Mrlwi av Perkuklll N Y on Wedne d y Junet at 41 U

TfllocnOn June 4 190H Marrarel JaneHall belted dnurhler of hughHall and aged I a years

Funeral services will be held In Trlilly Chapeltath nt near Broidway nn Wednesday June II

19110 at lo A M Ola cow Helfal and Callfor

mitt pa tiers phase ropyMomliy Mine 4 inca Mary

widow f John OOnnnell mother rf MichaelJ and Ih Inte Hfv P teDIkiini II

Funrral trim l 5j Co i M Jersey City on

Wcdneidi lime o I0 al 10 AM thencelo SI Mlrhaeli Church where lolenn requiem


ElMANOn Monday Jiyie 4 1900 Frank A

WelmanFuneral from hIs late re l lence Datb av and flay

cth t Hath Beach I I Wednesday June 6

Ionic alOAD AM Frlendi and relatives are In-

vited to attend

rillTEAI Menands near Alhiny N V onMonday June 1900 Arthur Ullmour youngestvm nf Doutlas I arid Siphla Whit aged in-

yenrtFuneral service al the residence ol

Menandson afttioooD June 01900-atJSOoclocO






ference lie





Mriop iaS who attacked the levee

ssem as a means of the navigationon the river Time iouse however a voteof 100 to receded from its dLsagreenmentand accepted the Senate anmendnment







J A Sptlpieni it 1 WymanYcrkW S Case W 5



llnt 3cttre

Scott of




J mime 41000


ternll are respctfumlly6

June 1

I lull

UnCoil ehAires McCmmilociu

OfittmEI tOna nut

rose wilt


hIt parent atWednesday




the of Fashionpendulum conies smooth gray to

of the uiucn worn

are in the swing with ftgray worsted ono of neatestmost stylish suits we have instock A summery looking andfeeling suit

And if we dont think alikethere are others at 25 28 and

30 that we must agree uponEverything man or wears


S Droadway rem Warrenand 7 and 9 Warren St

BH9 Hroadvay cot1260 ocr Id-

aad4 HtMlldNL

W Ill rdenby malt

tlh Ata I th Victory UatemaaCo i Hawaiian Queens Nlblo 40-

23rl St J hells Hocfa Moving PIctures 4f-tPalarnl l l

Zf jwiny fields Remit FowleiVerno-

nuthBt and Irving PL-li U Ollmore ft Eutene Props It Uftl


SOUVEMlA Friday Rvenlni-PricesZ5SO7JIOO Mat tt Sat i Cv

THE PACKARD COMMERCIAL SCHOOLAnniversary arid Commencement mixer

rises at June 7 at M-

Addreuea wilt be made lr St Clalr MrKilwarand Rev Hussell 11 Conwel DI Mr 9 C T fledwilt preside

Furmrr sad f friend may procure tickets nt-

admlsilun by arplylue al er to achnolt 4





S i-


rough gray


Continuous fi 152550c 4Performance U U Vaudevills




holds its 424a I

lot J

> >



Venetian TerraceROQF GARDENand Aerial Circus

hii tIM 42d Street and BroadwayWormwoods ClrcuPontes Ho ow Uldtetllayef-c HealyCtartoa 3

Hroa fireset The Halloway otheii-

SO to Midnight


tjr In ra eof rain performance In Music HalL


I 14thHtreet

SEATS 29 It 30 CENT DAY AND NIOI1T-WUIUrn A Tucker Flab Warns

U Carduwnle Sister McWatten AJolUa Rose Vltagraph SpeedwayUIIIRiY HIM TIIKATHK

last Week of time SeasonT W Robertsons

Comedy Successile





Mats Wednesday A Saturday 21-


Blossom Grove

tontlnnoni Performanri-LOCKHAHTS ELBPHANT8

JOHN MASONMcAvoy The JabnionfMorton Wills Loretto Howard A BlandBT NICHOLAS GARDEN 9 th 8t A Col


Kf Adm IC-cToWlhtUvorakB New World Symphony

seats SOc Sonr

ROOK Opens nit Sat withSU

Morning and Afternoon Concertsand charmIng sail on the majestic Hudoo SeaDay Line aclva steamboat and esc


NfW UROUIa Orchestral Concervt

For loy llrnClty A Country

Princeton Unliersltj Eiamlnitlons 1900

to the Freshman and

OU IIIKftlPA 1r fu rrw

ANt IB Iliou commencing on Thursday at 9A U on Friday al 0 A U In theHoomot the NKW YORK LAW HOIIOOL 8 NV-

IIICATi IB NASSAU NTNtudenls Intending to enter the

laid at hits lime a preliminaryexamination covering a portion ol the entrance renulrcroen-

tPHI7B OF IOO will he THB-

ntlMTTOM CIUII OF NEW VOIIK to the apChOSe Mated time and place shall

the lull entrance nomination to AcademicKreshmau Oast the pries to be alter malrlcullion

For catalogues examination papers and luitherapply to

THACV II 4H Cedar sLWM lllRLRinil 11 William

T K HIFMPRHKY ID William StC l at-

nrtoProl WILLIAM LIDRBY Princeton N J


iiamln llon for admission to time Freshman Classwill be hell at TRINITY SCHOOL UBU7 WritCut Surest New York City THURSDAY FRI

arid nd and JSrd


Madison School n-

nn N J A N Y K H branch ot Eric ft mllej out41111 sieve sea leie-

lsonilili srssiHNt wortime 111 aiipllcd Colum-

bia and llentenia a Kitrnir Rnutn-Iliders coming shooting aiOvid I YON Iflnrlpal

SYMS SCHOOLRobert n Hvm William n SimmonS


22 West 4Stli HtrretFor tune 1 Turing Uinn nClly A Country

ST MARTHAStoe alrl nr UIXM rhaneire IIMONXVILIK S i-

frnlic tUe iHtn r 111 HHTKH4 OK UT 0-

VAAltiniK ot

KorlnuiK Jl en WomBii City and Country


Schools of InnuuKr

STAMMERINGand tlelecta-

urnniptlyrradlritnl bynlncatlnnal methods12

JPth year ip n 11 summer

Jlrr gulliratlon4I-

HEAP nKAIISCMIHIon ol5canaiOe novelsJ rieneb uauUUor PRATT CU4


TysonThe The



35c Soc

andaTHEATRE 85th St


new play




flway455ti EVOS Cherry




limed tea ToNI hti 100th tim




Qc1116r1 Ittiti chooI


iiamtnattofls for admissionSophomore Ciadsea of eli of Princeton

ciii be held in time t1tr of New York on-

der thedlnertion of Profeiwur V t ofton JIINE 14


A given

ate attest

hAY list


VAI5F-C PW Jersey



work TACIt




> ltruoiiyfl 2mm I Joralemon RIomo tar c cileges schools summer term e I

begins demOs I enS




I 31




