FRIDAY BRrnoniEn Pair today and tomorrow variable winds VOL IX1XNO G NEW YORK FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 0 IflOJ IMI t IlllCE TWO emiTS r I I tIft lrillllv i h i 4 r 7P 1- p iT I j1c1 c134Iirj I TAr ndPigbhaAiig Aocioini COLUMBIA TO DEFEND THE TKU TO nACE AOAIX- Snn HiiAuitovK ftI- litllence Committee Alter IMiruulni the Merita of this ConiUlutlon llr ride That the Old liamplon Ii i burr float to Pit Against the bal Irncrr Yaehtimen Hurprtint a Mori Trill Harea Hf re Rxpeclrd Columbia IHwiuilined In ITectnndava Hare Iifh lloat UM Nine YlcUrtea to II ei mill Opinion on the Ilrrlalon- VrwMiiiT Kept 6 Tito Columbia ha- r chueen to defend America Cu sod will ml against tlm Shamrock II lU of race which will begin of Hardy on Saturday 21 Kvm it t triiil rncw sailed last Kiurday tho inemlvm of tltn Challenge i ommlilcn liavo l een discussing thn two l t and trying to rind out which the better of Iho in nil condition Tin n tnlorx liavn thrash over arid ovn- iscln thn records of races In which th two have sailed arid ham argimi- sinong tlieinselvw for and agalnat each lirit but It U said tlmy hum always cui eluded that tit Columbia was the better nm two and the Mtfor boat to try and t Altrr lbs ruon on Wednesday irhcr- ihn Constitution showwl that she w a get- ting lark to her old fonn tlio merahcr- irfonnallr talked the matter over until lle at night and then It was agreed that they would meet thin morning on hoard the flagship Corona end tnkn norne action Jt was generally thought by TachUmor who h ve l ren watching the two yacht tjit the committee would decldn that ai- lra t two mote rams tmcvannry awl il t tho Constitution and Columbia should Mil again on Friday and HatunUy ThU It w s thought would bn only fair to the tittuUon Tho committee met at tl oclock II H present were Commodore I wt- M Udyard IU ar Coinnxxlciro 0 F Itoblnson Secretory J V H Oddle cr oramcKlom H NlchoUon Kane exConvi- nodore K M Drown J Malcolm ForUot Oliver lM lin and Archllmld Ilogrr- lli only abwtnten was eiCotnmrxlorr J Plerpont Morgan who own tin Colum- bia Mr B Duiunn Jr anti e Com tiHxIorn E I Morgan it pre ntlng the- Ionntltutlon and Columbtn ero prevent to meet tho committw- nnd for half an hour then wax a full die rUMlon tho ounmlttw held a imvt log which wan very brief and when It was over Kerfvlary Xldln nnnounoed that the lommltleo after a very thorough tits ruxulon of tho meritu of the two yachts Imd unanimously to ilumbli an defender Tim announcement wa a ourprlm to every nun Fen thoeo who hud thought that the Columbia tbs better boat did not expect this but thought that whllo there wan time more races atiould t Balled In r o bn perfectly sure that the Con could not bn got lack Into her farmer whape and then If It wa ntlll ohnwn that the Columbia was th Ivtter fclm Miould In chosen Mr Dunonn Mr I 1 Morgan who luis salted the Columbia and Sal HeneihofT who built the two yacht fll art that the Constitution I o Iwtter In moilerat weather and therefore should have HWted a nio erat weather U to n eijuctjxl at- IN end of September A oon a the commltteA adjourned wTr l members hurried out of town Mr Dunran went liaok to the Constitution Mid announced tlw news to C pt Rhodes wlio In turn told IH crew A more gloomy of fellowii than tliom on the ConKtl lon awl on tlie tender Mount Morris A till have l n n hard to find anywhere- a man among thorn expected any IM Th boat lui In l i l lurk lnce wa Uunclied but eti with the hard luck baa I Columbia by much more than he han n by the Columbia Altogether tli ynehtn i saIled in twentytwo rai- u ihM elghtwn liaH hen Mtll I to n- HM Ip to tim time of the trial Satunlny each yacht had won eight time In th two trial races tin liimlU llnUlisl first the race nallttl- n Vi driMla3 front her KegaKa Commlttiu liavlng decided t li iinlifv IM CnlumbU for Cnpt lUrrH- Uniifi nt th starting linn TJiU gave tin rniw to the Conrtltutlon and Pier Mlllng- iweil Hint she was entitled to It Kh Ijul iliMrly mte lld UK ColumbU both on a il fl l wlml- TIW iiudn record an far a r ce- cri iti Tiii l ngatn each yacht living nn nit time In H i i il uton sue Ijeat tho Columbia IIM utl T an dour and a luilf In thn- viiories of the Columbia o Cotl- Minitlon M than hour TIJ n- h t wan a margin of time lt- Javor of t new yacht One raco that of wan lnl hed within thn- TH limit Olio was not finUhi l raiiw the Coltimbln tumeti her trartlngalit- nnd tlw Constitution to tail tl ui n alon In another i imtuution when wnll In the load withdrew viii of the thick log If the had kept liNt taken a of l lng nm w uli m all probability liavo flnbhw- ldo rare wiUiin and had an hur victory to her credit At Oyster IUy In race when Uw the Constitution PAMXX thn Co lumbLx and took a commanding lead Sho withdrew bcmUM it was utnlernto on ill that tha Columbia hail given up IU hon tho ptonn cleared away and its i Ututlon was headed back to anchor ff Columbia went on and finished one If the Constitution had on In JN thre i raw tho record would probably w boon eight wins for the t elve for the W D Duncan Jr was naturally very iuh dl l at the waa- f dlfpuwd to much to a rvtwrter I ur trouble baa Un with our MlU Nuuion It i fuinl to get alU fit thftoe yacht We were doing Uirty well with a salt that wo all thought a not good enough and won cal vm with It A new eall anti J IwNivler- e K maiie whirh It etirrle i would ke ih yacht saIl much faMe itt lu ead- iiln 1 at all llaiMl It M taken r l r soil tlte iM sail which was tIt l KAl o lu K twit ih of tIe Ktll U roved raw Afier bilhrre very tv HH b ing artim f haril htk the Contitutlixi itiK Ini her i M mint C m ski no IteailsatU w wwiH hate in iiiHrtHwr rare and w think iw e limit IV le- a i I twin ilm lutnlM r M I A- su Aft CUP and th l In look Rpt t r I r l 1 t m 1 0 I It I e W 1 I 1 ore l boat- S t f I I I r Lat hit en all I an 1 not oCr I n k lt A 1 1 I tn hr Ill I I I 1 I r a 14p t Sc o r I C r t uri was two tin CUII- I I t J I b lb Con I s t respect hly also Then lb 4 1 decided select lbs the was I4 boat linen I I result been she beaten 5 beaten hay fIrst tar I was I the tts nine I f sit utt shot there II MlflIh4 declIned rat I struck I fri i say the p was s sit 11 wa fault p4 lsstiig Its tnads out iw I suit Ittat ski hid c tai siltIih tiWliI 54111511 ihat r viM hisht ttia- I 4 t c i ttbh Icflc IswaW > < > > > < < < > > > > < < < > > > < > 1 all on tho Constitution am sure akin It U A hart tiling to take a new yacht and get Into no aa to an one although Uie Columbia In the tImes nm in faror of thn Constitution It Uv disappointing to all of wa but the Challenge choMin the which II think thn better of the two iud of cvurw- we am all that and must abide by the decision of the committed It la too had though that no much mom and no much tune spent for nothing Am you aatUfled the way has been handled Ithodwi Rhode has dour everything that could be and tlii Iron bandied an It wiu oMlblo to handle her Every member ol the and Mr Hnrmeluiff am also well with lUwxlw Mr Duncan caid Im did not know what the Vnittltution would do now Hhn will probably remain lien fur eomo day In t se any a idnnt should happen to the Columbia and will then be up for winter The mnmbera of the syndicate am all disappointed that the len the Constitution hut would nut say anything about the decision- of th i Mr R Morgan whets s en thin after- noon and about hU nald I regret very much that the Columbia has to dnfend tlm Cup I would touch ruttier base win and think It would liavo been much letter If the membor of Its committee could havw M in theIr to have thn Constitution awl I dpi regret that they could not The Is in first rate trim aa tier showed antI the Constitution was from thn start In I still think that the Constitution when Ml teat th Columbia llrrrenlion who wits at waa onllwl uti on the and thn news In nmarki chosen the slower boat would say nothing mom C pt Hare the skipper of the Columbia anti Cant Itnod wero seen Capt Ilarr has maintained all the rummer that the Constitution it thn Utter boat would not Cal t Uio leH was ills apx lnted remark that In- WUH Mr Duncan had MI much trouble for nothing and wan too for Sat llerrfOioff the builder l en UM ho sure that the Constitution was the better boat Th ColumbU will now t n for the International race Now h d satin made for tier at Uristol they will and the yacht Into tIme dry dock In Kasiu to cliai for the rates She will IMI put In tho saim dock as tlio 8hamruck and there will U an excollent to eompat the tneritH of Ihn two A yachtsman who lm not wWi to be about the two yuchto Ho 1 think thn Constitution In the faster boat of the two In moderate wnaUtvr and that lu shown this in tier room She tOtS In hard luck ulnrv she was launohej Hot the mast went and that kept them tillo for thri e weuks Then in thin season tho moat taken out anti another this took two wee rnoru making no In which the otiw hand has since April and han had a better of she over had and I cot mInutes faster than nh mu when alit sailed agaInst the Khamrock In IBM flits U bernuiw she Is In better trim his a maliuiall that perfectly liunbla In IAM had the eneht the Defender as a trial boat in a way that tho Constitution as not had The two yachts would go out for a short In the morn- Ing and tlmn In the afternoon ant thnee on the Columbia hint the IwntU of all tuning up Ixfore thu two yachts net in any ountivt Tho Cunstitution hail to g In ha nt U i she muld and when she met Columbia she met a tried anti seasoned Inat All thIs salting would luivn put th Constitution in eha too Another thing that kiss hurt tIe Om- stltntlon has UNTI tb WHY Barr luis hogsed thing at thi Over and- over again the ColumbU luut violatml raring rule I know that HhodcM on Constitution lias to hold out for hi rights hut Mr Duncan who U a very cautious nnd one who would not in- fringe rule himself InxMml- bla gitt the pest of the start I muse of Opt llnrr everything In sight Mr flours would not protest and the com- mittee took no a although the rule state that the coni tuft i must If tlieni U shy in- fringement of th raring t I do not think that the committee kiss taken proper ooomnl of all this nnd with Ilm of the yachts KM far as ran won go so at two tenT race have l een sall and I am sure that th Constitution would iav shown In tlwsn that sh I a and faster Uuil titan the ColumbU rusrsne- jeellm of rnnitlliitlon inspires nape That Miamrook Mill Capture the fupI- JONDON Sept e WMld dU avowing conlklenoM that its Shamrock II will rapture the America Cup the pi ers lien fIrst ground for con likrabln hope In decision of the Challenge Com mitten of the NHW York Yacht Club to have lisa ColumbU defend Ilm trophy anti In Uie- challengers reported exooIUnt form Tlie Ttltqrapk says tliil tlm rejection of th Constitution HO fur nn It g U n- ponfr slon of pirlimlnary failure such aa tho Americans have never had to ae knowledge befori Tlie moral advantage was iuer before so ll tlnctly upon thn sill of attack lite paper UOInve that the Cup Is in greater ilanger of twnpturu than at any time since It was lost Tlm sayn It u v t that only national prldo p enta American from demanding conc lons from the wickers of the challenger 11m Morning V l think that Kir Thoma Upton han ground4 for hope llrlitol arhlimen nrgret the Selection IIIUHIOU H Tt The selection of Co umbU tln twoyearold sloop to defend jm America Vip at the international races off Sandy hook rain as big stir irl e to every one in flrUtol Whllo- he ColumbIa I recognlti an an abl Mllhandled boat the Itastlni of tnmittr In making a el itlon i ngmt t in It Is Mieved tlutt If tin iViltetltlltlon pn l rly tuned up an the Columbia I tan v suftl Ut III I T lo IKHI- i IolumbU till or eleven tninutiw In a lChirier flair In Uristol bay left with eomo light potts n- Uiim A new suit of soils U being tnailn 1 II H t lH IT l l twit ram to say Aviv htiU KMII tbe rt o llig f 4umliin e t nUr aflerwuHi when ke i lii by ir IM Ikt- IM trl r rry brat don Ih I th ran hall IU at toll lsi tall on ale a dIY hno tM pim tefure th Mill 1 Ill on Th on she u w alt I J silt all lan on 11 of lIt and nil I MIFCI Iun I 6 ant I U vht II un 1 1 I 1 Uo 1 t I the ConstitutIon boat been wit the satisfied alt tIm seen selected lit was wits are being be remuly In few is tried ii sooth its wIll ioiiii slit goii hosts quoted toeia has Liven was wthlng be ColumbIa been sail- ing fIts C lIds the lIst Ithodis keeping S- ohiavnbla OIl sverei the Colimit better cwetjl U4N ispalIt So Tie tt vssrt fully news I lie CAm ttnrs reasonable a neatly was 4 Iii rst wail lUg the aitisitais for the fur 1k iIUtflhita at ilerns4iitT sitU u1rler 5 iusa lists IISI- I s 4 S ilSl 5MS- w I u IS t Sht5 ft pss S1 ii M4tfs t- dwbel iise Ii lilsed- iwa1 ii4 J shdtoseifnbsesstlat- IOLi att4 41155 Ads > < ¬ > < < < < ¬ ¬ ¬ < < > < > > < + < > WILL ACCEPT CITIZENS LIST UKIl IlLICAXS TO UIFKH Xt- HTIIKtt V4MV- fliuott llarmoay Proalltng In AnUT haRks aa to CaiirtUI le Onl- ItkMrr Ha Any hunt or Olijfrtloa- Mierlnni List la lie Mule Today Of the leaders of the organization antI assocIations that are turtles to the Tanuiuuiy Vmfercncn the lion Hermar- lUdder olf untituted OberPraenldent tho tarmans who seer left tlm Fattier and their children the third and fourths was only one who woukl dIscuss yesterday the ruoommemU- tloiui of thu Cltlzenn VisIon Conference Commlltw for nomination on thu city ticket Senator IUtt the leader of the Idpulillcnn organization In tho State anti friunds In the four county organlzatioiiN that control the affairs of the lUpulillciin- uirty in Now York city Mild that they hail no comment to monks on tlm list of name suggiwtcd It won dccUrixl by them tlut- ttlo lUpubllcan organization hekl thu atti tide which it took at beginning of the fonfereme which wan that It would accept any ticket which was agreeable to all the other organization leaders of tho Sheehan IVmocracy otherwise known ut tho Greater Nnw York IVmocroc announced that their Con Committee would hold a m tlng oclock this forenoon at their head iliuuter llroadway antI Twentyeighth- tnot at which they would dlscum Use altuation and make such suggestIon an they saw tit It was declared that they would urgu ranfrrrncn to solect one of six lnde Dnmocrata fur Mayor and tlwt in their list would Iw Ui names of E Ellery Anderwin Joseph F Daly- Cliarlen W Dayton i Aalibvl IV hitch for Mayor and Janiee 1 Conway for Pn lilent of thn now of Aldernm- nOUirIrmHiihiit Udder held a mooting of hIs waistcoat xMkpt organization yes tenlay It convened In Uie StnattZtitungo- ftlco lUdiler pnitlding and Henry Wei mann of the ennanAmericnn Municipal lntgun of Brooklyn acting as Secretary llin oIlier organiZ4tliinn were represented a follows iirnmnAiiurican Citizen league of Brooklyn by Otto Ktinpner- Inwldent icrman U iubllcan totality organization of Manhattan by OUIIAV- Kcbulor linnanAmerican Mu nlciMl Ixvigun of Manhattan by Inull- impcl IrcRldentandtlwderniunAmericnn- Ibfonu tlilon of Manliattan by Charles lutz Thrru was such dlscUMUon an lea d Mr then It wax voted that Ihn- cummltten would present to the giMitrAl conference a Its candidate for ofllcu the following Poe Mayor Jons IlsWlTT t C Per lfuwiu Poe Irttidtnl ol IA Hvard of UJ rin- TIIOUAI 11 Ml UlT- ThU having happened Mr Kempner hustled over the be attended inevllce ol QennanAmerlcan CltU- rxna lx gun of Brooklyn at which the following resolution was adopted Wktrtni At tne tln of our leacue- we our r nlutluii to Tutor of nn Independent Pemnerat ror Msvor sod then uislllinklr re a Itepumuaii in the i r oii f A hM I Pitch u hOe nf our M tanillUstet- nltr Thai a consistent adh renon to the lutlnii sfnre sl l that wn re 1no tie rw nnii ii Ulion of Mr Fitchs and we d re iind the Tlios who know Mr Fitchs record will smile when rind this resolution In tlm meantime Mr lUdder haul eter clMxl hi cunMliutlonal tirivllego of frt h 1ll Unsaid John DiWItt Wanitr Is i t limn nameil by thn I illint tnioii- He U a wifo lilmral mat Srliiertn U best for Comptroller He 1 n ful man a and lists sn- nirvlleiit allround titonl I hem ihould- lo OIH on tin ticket Thutra- Mulo Is our candidate for ln idetit of the nf Aldermen Hn intcrtsteil In Catholic anil was Indnrmil by HUhop Potter for a ointinent as Com inleioner of Churitli With tie lUpub- Ikans In cotitrul ut Allutnr tho logic of tho situation ililnaiuU that should Im A Mayor In this city 1iw is n- Itepulillcan In lm o He Is to thin Hermans He had run four years ago and was ilefcatml true that sup rtt llrjsli lost venr hut he did It l cBtie Im an all TUit will help him with the WIn John C Shenhan the leather of the ln ater Sow York IMnnicracy won naked what he liad to say nlsiut lint he replied am Tammany no matter who U nominated Wo for any cand- iiliti nKinM Tammany Senator to discuss Tlm of thn Iteimbll can leader ban Iwn from the UKiiinlng that they wore mady to accept soy titan who was Um of organiza- tions In tIe confnruncn soil that were not In a mood lo sully suggestion Onn of Um renn ntativiiH York Cnuiity Commute In the conference Him hits known what tim wishes of the leaden of tile party through- out thn Statx liavn lieen begin- ning informed a reporter for Tint SU- Kvostnnliy that ii cliangn thin of that organization elite thn slight over pro- m In lm that limn Ilio following authorized an was mndn by a limn who knew all tlm details of tho COM You that thn Republican City Con xvntlon will tlm ticket anti that tliat ticket will receive the loyal and willing of all of the now tiers of the organization from the ojienlng of the campaign to Itn Thn ran organization iota no men to urge on tIm confemnon it I willing tttal all tIm suggestions slioiiU eomo from the repm ntntlvon other rtli s and If It turn- out that they luivn good men to nil all the offlce will no sug- gestion of Its own Ilrookfield loader of the Ilrook active art In ilm camtMign refused to ills ru a the selections Charles Sleekier ban lioen a cl o student local politic fur many vnaralil that what was inill like lov tilell fur whom IKI has admiration It Fulton Oitttng olialnnan of the City Commltti of HIM nilens 1nkn and also nf the Committee of in which utile select ton said II wit he wa ijult l sun nf centhliieii on tholM would dnllnn IhnnoimnatMin If It was orTen l him All of them am for I that saul Mr at the MIII tItle it slKUld Im that IHitin of- Ilio goiitlenmn on tin li ba xrticht oftlct- Hie li t liy tlm 1111011 dix s m t- iiarrww H rlfcni dnwn I tin nniin our f will itule gfMx- lMsrnralty lt il r If Is any wttl ii to lbo tiamn1 th will Im itiiwiy fur its ii r at tlm con Ii n ee Mi l luy eve M g- Ili i timNig LU MiMMisy i mml a v iy riilertallilit Ihe It I 1b III I mal p o- ral Into frI the f WAn J OM I the I nu I t hURl I I I I I I lot It- t I I t I nIl I I I I I I loU to an wi f t nr I I 1 Jut I It I 1 In- I I nul- u II 1 U o t Anti ILLS the VIM Pneltht nt Ithlder and I sIN ten a the the hat orally Itsrrrs is ii- I nail hereby same I ti tar I he 1 tong silt 1 puiliijcs ma I chant I I r I its sleti bias itt I Itticle ton thu t4w flu field orgsntratlon Intewis take was the tin lIst Iatt hug s tiseete the i51 sekm hv senttiutte what the tip fli a s I s4 list 5 tI S sr vS II is 5 ihs was sss 5 1ws at Wt- obM b4 4S < < < < < < > > < > > < ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ < > < I tcnllon of some of the mum expericnco- lolitlciaiu who will attend It as delegate from the variou organIzatIons to caution eonie of tie within nuiks against blundura which It ewm likely without duo cautlin These vor- ircntlenvn who aiw to IMI cautlotiid sons tlmn do not take kindly to adtlce listing that their hotiel of purpose makes It linx elbe for then to a mistake of consequence However the cautlon will li given matlcallr and It was yvsterdaj I that there every to that thero will Im no or gnim- bling among the iiiemberH of the confer ir w v iv oni MILKS Attaek huh hatchets Ntakr llrltrn Math Tlirlr Nile VlNEUkNI N J Sept 6 Woiimn A hand to Uy In tim fight against tie tion of elvctrio light ok along edgn of the hawaiI in Utndls uvnnun Tlm work was being under a penult of Ilm audit Township attack on thn Ulmrers won snail by Mrs lukciw- wlfo of Major J II ItikitiM who has u film home In avenue stud Ml s tlm lUughter of a lumburnnn who lives li xt door When tiny saw Ilm men driving htakra in tlm lawns t i month the sit i of ol they ruIN out each ring armed with a ami ordered lit work atoppod Tlm men rofusod to obey wIser Mr attauknd oim of Ma law with r hatchet and won nvxil- nkliutllng wood of It Then the dared tlm workmen lo molent bier again They did tot like Its way sue swung her hiitoliut so they up the Miss 1iach pulled up the stakes In front of tier and throw them Into thn road battle later on antI Mlllloiialin Charles KflKhloy the dollar amunth Supnrlntendcnt of Iubllo Work hero took a liand Hu onlennl this to set up A In front of Major Armed with a guMmul cane tokens Mew to the spot for the lo and onayed to tit down but the of Iho workmen pUyed si rapidly shout tier feet that MJ was ooni elled to remain standing Finally the made a rust at Kelghl y- Dont you Uy your hands ou mo cried the mllllniuUrv and Major Iukeus Jnin c l wife slut to rotoct her In tho confusion tint lalxnom beeltaUiJ to con- tinue thn work but Kelghley grabbed a show Ugan to dig under Mrs Lukilms Thin Major tho shovel too and a struggle eiisiiixl for its iKiseesslon in which this millionaire won victorious Tlien the jviln was sot tii amid derisIve liuutn front the crowd If lltlS MinDKIIKH KVOIfVf Police Sa He Ii this IVaiwarrt Son of a lloiint Vrmon IanillyY- ONKKIM N Y Sept 5Tlui police assort that they know who U the mur- derer of Francisco I uru who was killed rt Mile Square on Monday nltht aid that li m i wit within Die 1411 fnayfour hour U awurvd They i iy 1m is a son of a wellknown family In Mount Yvrnun They aUo assort that tliey mn establish hi guilt to a certainly Sn con rident am polloo that today they ar- ranged to make application In tlm City Court for a warrant for U arrest charging him with murder In on the cnwj Acting Cnpt Woodruff said I can say for n certainty that wn know who killed Duro but wo doat know wh rn- Im U I could give you hits name and ad but I believe It would K Imprudent at this time Thn men got tho Informa- tion yetenUjr every man In the Delect Ire Iliimuu getting some wirt of It to make tlm clvtln of nvldenon ntmpletc It won learned lion thU evening that Donittmu Ynwnanllno who wo orrtwted on suspicion on Tuesday mel a coo fennUm to tho nil lev which connect tlio- susjmct with thn crime The alleged mur- derer U saiil to luivn planned to break Into Duros saloon In Mount to rob him and if OMsitry to kill him lf CALHAH SAIIJi AHA AXUKV Declare There It nl a Single Caio of idles l er III Hat ana at Prnent- Dr Fellpn Caldas the Ilrazlllon who has been experimenting with a yellow fever koruni anti hU iis Uliuit Dr Angel Ilel- llnzaghl wcro released from Huffman Island morning whom they were sent for olmervaUon on Uielr arrival from Cub on Tunxday At I cxpTla were on Itoord the Bt amer sailing fur Ilio do Janeiro llcfum sailing Dr Cnldan denied that m hail any ixinnwrtloti whatever with yellow fever InncuUiloii cAseit Lii Havana which resulted fatally Furthermore he Urn lnltedl- UUw Ouvenimnal mlslnl when HIM fever commission nl Havana re several deiitbi fmm that have studiiil the fever for rear In every and know wltat Im talking ntiout when I say that imlthor MUs Mass American iiurm nor ny of thn- nllior who died wn wore In Cuba hail yellow fever Of all thnturaM I saw only otto That was a man named Hn was liltlttn hy mos ultixx tnt was sufTerlng fmm My srnim U only for fever and T not u imnacon fur nil UlnnnH I rofiiMxl to AUmzo Caldas declared that tIters are abso- lutely no IMO of yellow fever In Havana now Ho Intimated tho Culuui physi- cians were nlinni of thin snow ho at inlned In llrnjII and Mexico with hU serum antI that they hail Iriiil to make It hnt ho treatml several Cuban twitirnt situ lied Asa matter of taM ho soul ho did not ojKn In Culta hU tnmk containing tho HIlKiT TO lJl HI flllLIIIIKXr- eaeJier Mho IIHpnl Din a KnIJrrnte- tlelory Alarutnl by letter XrMA Ohio Sept J Al tlm local option brlil on Tuesday tho teniw rancn- ixople tarried the city by a large majority nd con thlrtyflvn saloons In city 1m comilled to Uo tlwlri- K r A month Imfort tlm il ction tlm- iiiisTniici worker etat d a vigorous aniwilgii ociinst thin saloons awl of VM chief agitator In the tmitenient 1st Iliv A Turrel Fiom this Milpit m vrlmiiNnlly ai l l to tIe upte to- 4lpiti M MihMili Ml the local oitllnn fc rti n To lay Im iwvix a letter liMMgli insil III which Ilm nulltor- hieatttts burl itrioHe arid Into tIm sew f IV rlitfilmfi ami diiflgum tlmm llf IV writer dId lldii If he iirrwcH r to a ld this injury I ehlidreM TtN nt f U ti tMIm over ti list l ntake an limMUsl 1 ma Into U I nu- n FWIT 10 Ilk I t cole II Ilk hOI mIl Iuk hOI I I all t I I hn I I mon fIr I h I hi lOt h rum electIon I III t I I II II f nil I I 1M t tIIr pI to I I n- CI tst of lets its stumishile git ha I was I elite Ii leach thin upon t lie properly gaY was renewed shovels lila grasped way- ward tine hits clock tie supposed but was yellow diana tt till Panhln I even this ins was ii wishes has w aii liii iit ilfikis suleitaes 5141- S II II 1141 114 tWIt l ri b ihs4 Ii hews sss 55 dwIst1 mistIbUClwkeflthrfl Lsist iS > > > < ¬ > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > ¬ < ¬ ¬ > > > > < > PANAMERICANISM A DREAM JMXtHIX tOMMKXT OX MKiXLKY- SIEECn AT IlLffALO- iurw e Mill v rr March Out of America at the Itlddlng of thn supporters o the Jlonroe Duerlne this Htand- anl ttecJprorlly sod Free Trade LxiXPOK Sept fl Tlm Standard till morning commontlng on Prealdont MoKlu- l y mecli at the PanAmerican Fxjx sitlon says it seen in It Oil expm Ion o the fact that the United Slate U preparing for future wars which will U commorcU one It add Tho Cnlti l Stats ho bocomn an Im- erinl power AS hltory of tier dlplomac for year past otin plmouly ltown U Informed by eiiajiilre oven ag gmmlvc spirit IleeJlem of scoffer spreadeagleism the United States will gi her way regardlesn of altemptod torn blnallon agalnt tier such on sketched by Count loluchowrkl AtintroHtingari Minister of Foreign Vffalr twit with certain carelessness an to whether or there comix a violent conflict with Kurotean Power Tlio iSlanrfdrrf nganU Mr McKinley reference lo an Isthmian cannl an an Inti luatiuu lo brat llrilaln that Iho layton HulwerTniaty will have to Im modified It point way and It exi ctn II formal pro nouncvmcnt on the subject In tho nex Presidential wastage to Congress declares that the matter cannot Is settled without the concurrence of treat Britain Continuing tlm paper says that Central Mid BouUi Amorlcon revolution raiM to the enterprlso capitalists and tho Culled Slatone iolicy of medlatiut III thin piitent trouble U ovidunoo that diplomacy U directed toward away TIm South American nuirke 14 worth having A H w r which asserted dominant itolltlool Influence such as United States U endeavoring to establish would obtain a rewanl Tlm United State ninan1 to Im that tower through the instrumentality of reciprocity trestles subsidized steamships and oVen of war against any European lower which mn challenge pretuuslona to political iu premocy- Iteferring briefly to JwuiAmorionnlsm the KtiindaH mmarkn that ln t Ilrltnlr- U both a Nurth Amerioan anti a South Ameritwn Power HuUand and Franco art South American Powers It adds Kuropn will never march out of America North or South at thn bidding of the kirtni of tho Monroe Doctrine Put AmerUvnUm In Its widest eensn an Idle ilmam but the alma of thn UnIted States to be tlm predominant politloul atid corn mercUl j wnr U decided by the economic need of finding an outlet for her nvarln creasing kurplun iroduotM Tho necessity will i more lieavily upon her on the CkfunicUi flies oil the reciprocity pOMiagn In the ieecli oa the crux of UM contnnding that It outwelglu In Impurtancv all the It reireennt thn- rnxUlont n IittiiiK hU amllniidn down gently by giving what U virtually free trade tie concilUtory title of reciprocity lt soumt very iiutooml say the Ckroniclr but If UM justice of tlw prutosal U admitted the whole princiiln of fr trudn guts a foothold in America ami n loglnilly proceed utep by step until the fortri U taken Iteci- prt city U tho first step ami that step Mr McKInley U taking TtllKS IXVAHi JH Tell LEtJATIOX Force Their Ma In In Capture a fugitive SktUfactlon Iteinandert- pnl li V Iir i11 illS w- IXMXv Sept Despatches from Constantinople allege that Turkish ofncl- tU on Sept I forced nn entrance into the garden of the Dutch Icgntlon and cap- tured a fugitive whom they were pursu- ing The official wounded the rate keeper Diplomatlo Hrclm are Indignant at the disregard of the Inviolability of what Recording to thn capltuUtlons U foreign territory Tlie Dutch are demanding tatUfactlon- lontreala llrreptliin to Duke nf romnatl Mill He Open lo the Public MoyrniuL yunUx Sept Tlm Clrio- ommlltiMi which has charge of the re ptlon to the Dukn awl Duclm of Corn and York at City Hall hiss dis charged Its social censor nnd given up this lea of making the civlo reception fill ex elusive affair Tlio commlttex has deiidml all reputable citizens who send In their tutmes IxfumJiand and conform to nguUtion a tIe ocxAAlon nimll lx iennltt l to attend tim n f Thn rule on lo dn s 111 strictly enfunvd- Tlm first to limit thin Invitation o Ni caiike l bitter irot st and the un of tlm conimitton to to oacli of the thirty AMunmni Invitations to du- rihutii Tlio pressure becanm si strong oat OIl to give way filLLKII W II ILK IIi TO KLOIKl- ody of Ynnng Man Proliant Munlerrd- Iound nn a Railroad WllKKIINO W Sept i On Ills way the hone of the young woman who had tromiseil to elopn with him Carl Jackson igod 10 of Fairmont ilMth whittier accident or foul msin unknown body was found n the tracks of the Iliver llailroad ixirly this norning and su irtous bnilsos about the head ronvinm thn authoritte tliat he was Mten Into Insensibility and thrown on- ho rails Jackson was on hi way to tlm home nf sweetheart Ikwln Condor near larks mrg They had ilanneil to eh to Oak anil evening loomi nf Jack Ktti who ilUippniviil la to- hovoung woman am with murder iilin No arm t have yet Ueii made iwltig to hut lark of evii IK Hurt Injureil at a llrliranal Hurt whll rehearsing the if ktlurrs In a burleMU 11 tiHl r Tw lags at New York Tlt tm tenlty thrown ag ln t n fllimr at Its tift of n fortyfoot riinwar tint fell to the U tt iWI Km walked iMiitm later It w Mid sic wa foutnl to- i ve l en MYVMi l r inj li l Tim lihy l ian atlnislnl rr said that Im fi an l that tier s4He wa Injun- li IJmllM- m r Kttt ft Mri trf tt l IUn- ltM IMUIW 4 art Vtv VMS 7 UM MUM r CaM 101 lUJ It a lit a not It tile her 1 the sup I II add rest Pried Wru fIiUlt UIIHWIn 6 that UI for I popularity 11I 1 IJH I fifteen h I a to libel I I III I I I Sunlit tog laura I tit ann I j e I last ttIihsl Ii I IIU lot 4Ir loa 11aI u Say SpstSd I Ills lie any barriers clotting lies great Its lire yearn paM lit dents wail lie rii fur ti a ii hIs I stirs rids was hut she SI Eti I tsiu It Peso sets te t nmus it au 4d- l a lbS sal re I W hita La Ads > > > ¬ ¬ > < > > > < > > > < I14VK IltKSIHKXT TO Will Wash follies fur Thirty Ha lo Pro lilt Abllll- OnTONVtiXK Minn Kept H II Norrish Prealdnnt of the Hank of Orton today entercd Into a written mn tract with C T lAnge onn of the proprio ton of the Ortonvilki llottllng Works t wash tattles fur thirty day from dite at I- n day to begin work regularly at 7 elite earl mowing and work ten hour lrkl the contract Mr Norrlnh igr i to work thirty tiny or forfeit IIM Mr NorrUI began work this rnonilng This peculiar contract grew out of sotm- dlstaragtrig rnmarkn math by Mr Iwingi- as to Mr Norrish ability and deslru tt work rilOU CHILIHtKIt TO SAVE SISTKH- Milrri tlotlir Were Ablaze Wie 1la Die Voting llotlirr Too PMia John Southwick gave birth to baby yesterday at her home Fifth uvnnu arid Nliwtyfourtli stmol Fort Hamilton Tlio doctor had lianily left Ilm house when Mr Southwick iiitwieenyearokt sister Lacey who was trying to cook sits thing and couldnt make Its oil stove burn to suit her nturod keronetm into tIe tank without turning ofT this flamn Tim oil caught fliti anil ml tier olothi abUzo- Mr Houthwlck won tlm only other ter son In the house exo pt the baby Shin jum i d out of Nil ourrying all the luil with tier and threw them around her sister itnolhoring thn fUmtw Mrs Southwick WOK slightly burned Her sister wan takun to NorwegUn Hospital In a critlonl condition Wlmn Mrs South wicks physician was summoneil again lie said her exertion might prove fatal to- Ur CHECK FOR SIOOOOH LOST It Waa Certified and Ilelnnged to Ilnrrll- A NUtt lleHenger Ito Urnpneil II A mesj eiijer from Iturrill t Stltt Stock Kxchangn broken loft thn lallntln National Hank yi tenlay morning with a chock for IIUOOMI9 drawn by the firm to tlw- ord r of till Mercantile Trust Company The boy had hail thu chock certlflnd It was to bn used to take a loan but whir too messenger got to the company- It was missing Up to the time tho OalUtln Hank closed for bualnen yesterday after noon no report of IU liaving been found haul lieen received by the bonk lot check III nurabentl 4 7- 5EKI1 STAKTLKIt HIM And ro fey Tuinliletl Into the River and Maa Drontieil- Kltivenyearold Arthur HiggIns a negro Itoy of 23 Went Sixtieth street fished for thne hour at the foot of Weet Seventy sixth street yentenUy afternoon At got a bite saul it excited him no greatly that he full into tie water and wail drowned HU body was recovered later TIle band was grouping hU Hailing pole On Iho hook was an AMERICAN HUM KlDXArrKDT- tirkliTi HriganiU Carry Off sad Her Companion trulal raW iHipMi It Tuft SCX- CoxsrANTlNOPUi Sept Ilrlganda hare kidnapped a young American woman missionary and a woman com anlon In the district uf DJumnhula In the YiUyet of Solunlc- aJOHV roLT7 nns iv rovcnrrF- nrmrr luSh Itt Millionaire of On- rlnnatl Dead In hue City ClNnNjJATI Sejit S Wonl of the death of John Woltz In New York city In rom Iterative jiovvrty Uwi received in Incinnatl Volta was at ono tlmo a jtri nee arming the capitalist of CinoinnaU He cans to 1HS7 and laid out and built Klanmr Sliverton and other of Cincinnati suburb anti at ole lArk anti Euclid the mmnvni of tie MacNmle t Crtwin Safe Coin from Cincinnati to Hamilton He mmetl In Cincinnati exclusive society and during tiandlod million of local capital brother J Fred Woltz IH real estate bu inei 4 In Cincinnati VIM RlMLCY tilYES A PARTY Motlirr or the late Secretary Crriham- tuoki Dinner for FUt Nho l WH NEW AUIANT Ind Sept S Mrs Sarah Iliimley mother of the Ut W Q inshamII- H yearn old today unaided tasked her- self lo prepare dinner for over fifty guest aseembleil to celebrate the anniversary of her birth She U the mother of eight chil- dren and ho outlived all except two Col Imsliam of St Paul soul Mlsn MnadnI- riwIiAtn of Chicago All of the noun en nr l the arnir Two galneil- dUtlnction Col W q Onwliani rose to I and uftnrwunl was and of Slat Another son Col iam was a cavalry leader in Uio Mexican War nillllH or TUCK ItEroitVEKS- Negro tlrvanlratlon That Hat Plenty or Mone In HicilMnNt Va Seit 5 Ounven- tlon of Trite Ilefonnerw tlm coloxiil hints flcUl osMxHation In smslin It U a n- markaliln organization and lent city money during a panto when It could get II from nonn of Ilm Itankn to run tho city government The Secretary an nun showed nn increase In all of thn order of 7T per- cent soul Snii l n Ilte i memb ri agtiiwt- 43nm ln t vnar Thin nmmint ln urnni i III force I SWHn again JiKmdOU veer and tIm sun of limii luin Iwn In death cUIni During the year l W illS nrnmlvn IUHM heel And the Mmntrapher Looking p found Him II Im Heart IHteate Henry J Mallon 2i yearn old a clerk nf- Um sis York Telephone Coni any at I- KIorlUndl street dlil suddenly yesterday nf Imart diwasn while hctrttili n dnlly- repor to a stenogrnpher stip d antI Uw elritugranlmr without IMtklng up snld fc on Mttiiig IH- rwiMUix Im looked arid that fallen hack In tile chair ilncoiiM iinis- He WMS il ed when A eanl- MalLill lltetl Hi Fj 1 Fiftyeighth tnt lielween an trle i smut a ller e- OuliKsslit mi St t 3 Ye l Jay the cnni lay nf the Ogdenslnjrg fair i tenn- iitlt a fcly ai l the attendance s err Urge A lialfmlln liHweed- iMgo rieli and a running bortm was wnn be ln r The blni In harne I ant to5 l before the grand slant rnfuUtig to under wlie wlkli- rould l atxi the fiJI lIt vIII II a doll th UI trust lit lA t- he tIn owned all or 11 I I II III I I JuI II 11I1I1IltUlah lend 11 t rnh tiTUIII TBl1 II lIn dIr 1 clear ta I It this I i ill Kate lilT boys I a MIssionary baa Iher his tier Secretary this report lust iIi us ri saw tai PlaN I U was sulk R have hors p7as Husul 51 Zaea Ww s lhsiti- P14 D ia aM amg 1 lts Ads > > > ¬ ¬ < > < < > < < > < > > ° ITS STRIKE TO A FINISH NOW- i MIOTIATIOXft Off AH ALL VIMS oitnKHin orxx TODAY Conciliation Cainmlltee quit hilt lisps an Amlealtln Settlement to- j Uteri Truit 1la Tel He ilrarhftP- la t UisnceOflrrcil In tlis- AnialcanuUrd In Out uf the Hole Minium the Humiliation of liter lie feat anti lit Mrrrl TaU Delay From thU time on It U lo war to this tint ween the UnIted States Steel Cor l oratlun and the Amalgamated AsancU- i tioti of Stool Iron and IIn Worker Once I again yesterday President Shaffer of Uie- nsMocUtiun bath a chance to get hU sation out of the fight with a little humll- iaUon an It can exxvt He lei till chance go by and nlghl tIe tnt gave up of a peaceful settlement and sent out orders to sift up all of Its mlllH this morning All of yesterday tho Com mitten of the National Clvlo Federation which liave l n trying vainly In face of ShatTers nlmtlnary to compromise the strike kept tho telephono and telegraph wlron to Pittsburg test with entreaties to- Shaffer tie terms which Mr Schwab was willing wtttln this slrlkn- Ui t night tilt committee after n long Mllfernnon nt thn AshUnd Houm Issued this statoment iuttlng tint responsibility for the failure of their migotUtlon squarely UKin ShalTer and tlm association When nil Itetween the Ainsl- CsBintMl AFwKlatlon sml the fluid Slate Steel IOriKiriitliiii broken of the onriliition of tlm National lvln Federation endeavnred lo bring r pre seiiUtlv of keith Interests tnerthr or tn- ait a iii dutiir hrtween them W h ld- ronferWe with the Advisory llnafd of Ihn- AmslvMiiated Association Ml Jii l iirc sod obtained proportion from It with hutlmrity- to siilimit the siinm to the Untied IuriHiratlon we uhmltle to th cniiiixiny at Wednesday conference The cnniisii rsjerted the iropo ltnn- Wn then riUcuxnl the mndltlons upon which they would agree to sills term tu hold iroml until thi Thtirsilarl evening Wn submitted term in Mr Shaffer soul hi lollenmie We were advIsed hy the repteentatven of tlm Amal- gamated Association this afternoon thst there ws not sufficient to consIder th proposition that the tillers at the lltln burr headquarters mail no authority to invert or It that ths Advisory IJ ardl nin- nion In mist toniorrew- Ths oRlrrrs of the Amalifamated AssneU tlon etprm ed the conviction to u that the proposal will not b approved W still euterUln thn hops that an amlcahln ni nl of conflict will yet be reached Itesplte the hope sot out In till last sen tenon the Conciliation given Ut mill ci eclutlon of bringing shout a Mtttomtiil of the strike by peaceful means member are deeply mortified at SIts fer refusal to accept thin admittedly gen erout term of ilr Bohwab All day they were in commtuilcallon with Pittaburg and they became rUlbly perturbed M the day wore on without being able to bring the strike leader Into line Mew Oomper and Mitchell talked with Shaffer for nearly an hour at a Uiuo over the long distance l Urhoin Wlmn they toni iixhausted every effort they made known their failure through the diplomatIcally worded statement quoted At that wry moment onion were being sent to that mllU to start up Early In the afternoon thin peacemakers committee communicated lo Mr Schwab their fear that Shaffer would not canltulato Mr Schwab decided upon A draatlo- oursn Hn Informed the mediators that his offer to t he striker would hold good only until 0 oclock In tho evening This ulti- matum lorwarded to llttsburg by the committee limit It did not break the deadlock Just before the time limit ex plied Mr Sohwab who had previously been In conference with ITf Irt nt Corey of tIm Carnegie company Pirwidenl of the American Company anti other oftlcUU of tIe I States Steel Cor ratlon roachod the idtermination to treat nr longer with the striker but to push tlm tight to A finish Onlen worn iwniixl to In operation today thn lug mill at Wheeling wat ex Juliet and Miincle soul every other smaller mill which the strikers sue ceedeil In closing From report which tlw St m officer have recelvnl am confident that them will Im no difficulty iu getting enough men to operate Should their realized It will mean thn ImiirodUIn end of this strike An offlcer of the Steel CorjH ratlon said last night Twit of tim strike Mr Imd to get out of a losing light with dignity to him- self arid without lewntilng tlm prestige of hU orgonintllon For HNIMHU one tutU to he hits choM n- to refusit tIe generous condition offered to him stud Im must now Like the con Wo tro tt start the mllU without further deUy I l llovn Hint tho iieo ordep liavn already tmin M nt out for the o nlng of the e l plants lists will hiring matter to a head and will test list vaunted tower of tlm axMicUtion to IKWII Idle hundred of men who wIsh to return t work We- Iu4 i maxtn to Ixllevn list enougli men will ls obtained to n ratn till of tIm limits Most uf thn strikers recognize that the fight i lost but Mr Shaffer soul nto setin to Im lient wrecking tile Amnlgamateil AseorUtlon It Is they tint the Steel ii tnuuiy who stwm tu- ilenlro to cripple the organization That so have iid wish to hut out of exltencn Is shown by the wiltIng lion of Mr Schwab nt tho Intercesnion reprtnontatlvni of other labor union o agnes to an arrangement which wiuUI- lavn r ulei in the saving of thin as xlA lon fmm this end to which it now seem lootnixl- Wlmn Mr Schwab left hi office In thn- venlri6 Im il clinni to answer any inquiries ibout thin T M would like to tell you cnntlemen all roil am anxlmi to know Im soul to tim v irtor but 1 am not in a p ttion to do- K at nent- Tlm member of the oncllUtion Commit e were oiU4llr retiieti Beyond urinal statement they rofu od all Informa inn recardms It I under tinx iwner that tlm i ltion wliich- Imy alluil t an liavlng i en l- mm Mr shafer wa Iliad all the men Itould l allowi l to return to work under If iniiinll ii which valUil Itrlor- ilm T the strike ur in other nl that tlm slnnlld l rin- irt xl of all tlm advaniaicn tlmy won Anotlmr stltulnti hhaffer U J ld lri Mi l iiii w iii after the moi ntumeit to will all lfTemnen exist Ticlwtwwn tiiii alel tMniit oM huuld N ulirt i i arluiratio- iU 4 tl i l MH eel ye tetiay If liaffer lenllv tMMle MHII x ti Mlitli tl Im- as t fe tly w m that it wmiH l te- l l liv lm Mvl C irt ratn for M- It us t u- MSH 4 fc t t I I lib I lohafTfI arid I apt j I tie t end 1 I to I IOn I I mitt fin Steel These lit I tInt j- organ last huh hint uItceIit lii5Ct Ui I otis tiers cut the States strIke theta the settles this CommIttee hay Its There- upon was t a tit id since thin isgiiiiiimig Sisalter lots i tilt hits aesoti anti itt I I lit uI t their t tiStioni I l sit trek list a tuck t tote heel Iii tea ss ShiSaIi la tiesisslhv ie4srisi II at Sn- I P Si inS S ii test 4U Issaues Usts a as- testutig I an- F iitsiiaion gttett yesiCiilr Iv tbs 510 f 41 I ii Ie a I I e r4 Al w 7- t w > > ¬ < < > > ¬ ¬ < ¬ > > > > < < > > > > > >

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1901-09-06 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 15. · Irncrr Yaehtimen Hurprtint a Mori Trill Harea Hf re Rxpeclrd Columbia IHwiuilined In ITectnndava Hare Iifh lloat UM

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1901-09-06 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 15. · Irncrr Yaehtimen Hurprtint a Mori Trill Harea Hf re Rxpeclrd Columbia IHwiuilined In ITectnndava Hare Iifh lloat UM

FRIDAY BRrnoniEnPair today and tomorrow

variable winds





tIft lrillllv i

hi 4 r 7P 1-



j1c1 c134Iirj I

TAr ndPigbhaAiig Aocioini


TKU TO nACE AOAIX-Snn HiiAuitovK ftI-

litllence Committee Alter IMiruulnithe Merita of this ConiUlutlon llrride That the Old liamplon Ii i

burr float to Pit Against the balIrncrr Yaehtimen Hurprtint a Mori

Trill Harea Hf re Rxpeclrd ColumbiaIHwiuilined In ITectnndava HareIifh lloat UM Nine YlcUrtea to II ei

mill Opinion on the Ilrrlalon-

VrwMiiiT Kept 6 Tito Columbia ha-

r chueen to defend America Cu

sod will ml against tlm Shamrock IIlU of race which will begin ofHardy on Saturday 21 Kvm

it t triiil rncw sailed lastKiurday tho inemlvm of tltn Challengei ommlilcn liavo l een discussing thn twol t and trying to rind out whichthe better of Iho in nil condition Tinn tnlorx liavn thrash over arid ovn-

iscln thn records of races In whichth two have sailed arid ham argimi-sinong tlieinselvw for and agalnat eachlirit but It U said tlmy hum always cuieluded that tit Columbia was the better

nm two and the Mtfor boat to try and

tAltrr lbs ruon on Wednesday irhcr-

ihn Constitution showwl that she w a get-

ting lark to her old fonn tlio merahcr-irfonnallr talked the matter over untillle at night and then It was agreed thatthey would meet thin morning on hoardthe flagship Corona end tnkn norne actionJt was generally thought by TachUmorwho h ve l ren watching the two yachttjit the committee would decldn that ai-

lra t two mote rams tmcvannry awlil t tho Constitution and Columbia should

Mil again on Friday and HatunUy ThU It

w s thought would bn only fair to thetittuUon Tho committee met at tl oclockII H present were Commodore I wt-

M Udyard IU ar Coinnxxlciro 0 FItoblnson Secretory J V H Oddle croramcKlom H NlchoUon Kane exConvi-nodore K M Drown J Malcolm ForUot

Oliver lM lin and Archllmld Ilogrr-lli only abwtnten was eiCotnmrxlorrJ Plerpont Morgan who own tin Colum-bia Mr B Duiunn Jr anti e ComtiHxIorn E I Morgan it pre ntlng the-

Ionntltutlon and Columbtnero prevent to meet tho committw-

nnd for half an hour then wax a full dierUMlon tho ounmlttw held a imvtlog which wan very brief and when It wasover Kerfvlary Xldln nnnounoed that thelommltleo after a very thorough titsruxulon of tho meritu of the two yachtsImd unanimously toilumbli an defender

Tim announcement wa a ourprlm toevery nun Fen thoeo who hud thoughtthat the Columbia tbs better boatdid not expect this but thought that whllothere wan time more races atiould t BalledIn r o bn perfectly sure that the Con

could not bn got lack Into herfarmer whape and then If It wa ntlll ohnwnthat the Columbia was th Ivtterfclm Miould In chosen Mr Dunonn MrI 1 Morgan who luis salted the Columbiaand Sal HeneihofT who built the twoyacht fll art that the ConstitutionI o Iwtter In moilerat weather andtherefore should have HWted anio erat weather U to n eijuctjxl at-IN end of September

A oon a the commltteA adjournedwTr l members hurried out of townMr Dunran went liaok to the ConstitutionMid announced tlw news to C pt Rhodeswlio In turn told IH crew A more gloomy

of fellowii than tliom on the ConKtllon awl on tlie tender Mount Morris

A till have l n n hard to find anywhere-a man among thorn expected any

IM Th boat lui Inl i l lurk lnce wa Uunclied but

eti with the hard luck baaI Columbia by much more than he han

n by the Columbia Altogethertli ynehtn i saIled in twentytwo rai-u ihM elghtwn liaH hen Mtll I to n-

HM Ip to tim time of the trialSatunlny each yacht had won

eight time In th two trial races tinliimlU llnUlisl first the race nallttl-

n Vi driMla3 front herKegaKa Commlttiu liavlng decided

t li iinlifv IM CnlumbU for Cnpt lUrrH-Uniifi nt th starting linn TJiU gavetin rniw to the Conrtltutlon and Pier Mlllng-

iweil Hint she was entitled to It KhIjul iliMrly mte lld UK ColumbU both ona il fl l wlml-

TIW iiudn record an far a r ce-

cri iti Tiii l ngatn each yachtliving nn nit time In

H i i il uton sue Ijeat tho ColumbiaIIM utl T an dour and a luilf In thn-viiories of the Columbia o Cotl-Minitlon M than hour TIJ n-

h t wan a margin of time lt-

Javor of t new yacht One raco that ofwan lnl hed within thn-

TH limit Olio was not finUhil raiiw the Coltimbln tumeti her trartlngalit-nnd tlw Constitution to tailtl ui n alon In anotheri imtuution when wnll In the load withdrew

viii of the thick log If the had keptliNt taken a of l lng nm

w uli m all probability liavo flnbhw-ldo rare wiUiin and had an

hur victory to her credit At OysterIUy In race when Uw

the Constitution PAMXX thn ColumbLx and took a commanding lead Showithdrew bcmUM it was utnlernto on

ill that tha Columbia hail given upIU hon tho ptonn cleared away and itsi Ututlon was headed back to anchor

ff Columbia went on and finishedone If the Constitution had on In

JN thre i raw tho record would probablyw boon eight wins for the

t elve for theW D Duncan Jr was naturally very

iuh dl l at the waa-f dlfpuwd to much to a rvtwrter

Iur trouble baa Un with our MlU

Nuuion It i fuinl to get alUfit thftoe yacht We were doing

Uirty well with a salt that wo all thoughta not good enough and won calvm with It A new eall anti J IwNivler-e K maiie whirh It etirrle i wouldke ih yacht saIl much faMe itt lu ead-iiln 1 at all llaiMl It M taken r

l r soil tlte iM sail which was tItl KAl o lu K twit

ih of tIe Ktll U roved

raw Afier bilhrre verytv HH b ing artim

f haril htk the Contitutlixi

itiK Ini her i M mint C m skino IteailsatU w wwiH hate

in iiiHrtHwr rare and w thinkiw e limit IV le-

a i I twin ilm lutnlM

r M I A-

su Aft



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> >








< >

1 all on tho Constitution am sure akinIt U A hart tiling to take a new yachtand get Into no aa to anone although Uie Columbia

In the tImesnm in faror of thn Constitution It U vdisappointing to all of wa but the Challenge

choMin the whichII think thn better of the two iud of cvurw-we am all that and mustabide by the decision of the committedIt la too had though that no much momand no much tune spent fornothing

Am you aatUfled the wayhas been handled

IthodwiRhode has dour

everything that could be and tliiIron bandied an It wiu

oMlblo to handle her Every member olthe and Mr Hnrmeluiff am alsowell with lUwxlw MrDuncan caid Im did not know what theVnittltution would do now Hhn will

probably remain lien fur eomo day In

t se any a idnnt should happen to theColumbia and will then be up forwinter

The mnmbera of the syndicate am alldisappointed that the len

the Constitution hutwould nut say anything about the decision-of th i

Mr R Morgan whets s en thin after-noon and about hU nald Iregret very much that the Columbia has

to dnfend tlm Cup I wouldtouch ruttier basewin and think It would liavo been muchletter If the membor of Its committeecould havw M in theIr to havethn Constitution awl I dpi regret thatthey could not The Is in firstrate trim aa tier showed antI theConstitution was fromthn start In I still think thatthe Constitution when Ml teat thColumbia

llrrrenlion who wits atwaa onllwl uti on the andthn news In nmarkichosen the slower boat would saynothing mom

C pt Hare the skipper of the Columbiaanti Cant Itnod wero seen CaptIlarr has maintained all the rummerthat the Constitution it thn Utter boatwould not Cal t Uio leH was illsapx lnted remark that In-

WUH Mr Duncan had MI much troublefor nothing and wan too for SatllerrfOioff the builder l en UM hosure that the Constitution was the betterboat

Th ColumbU will now t n for theInternational race Now h d satin

made for tier at Uristol they will

and the yacht

Into tIme dry dock In Kasiu to cliaifor the rates She will IMI put In tho saimdock as tlio 8hamruck and there will U anexcollent to eompat thetneritH of Ihn two

A yachtsman who lm not wWi to beabout the two yuchto

Ho1 think thn Constitution In the

faster boat of the two In moderate wnaUtvrand that lu shown this in tier roomShe tOtS In hard luck ulnrv she waslaunohej Hot the mast went and thatkept them tillo for thri e weuks Then

in thin season tho moat takenout anti another this took twowee rnoru making no In which

the otiw hand hassince April and han had a betterof she over had and I cot

mInutes faster than nh mu whenalit sailed agaInst the Khamrock In IBMflits U bernuiw she Is In better trimhis a maliuiall that perfectly

liunbla In IAM had the eneht theDefender as a trial boat in a way that thoConstitution as not had The two yachtswould go out for a short In the morn-Ing and tlmn In the afternoon antthnee on the Columbia hint the IwntUof all tuning up Ixfore thu two yachtsnet in any ountivt Tho Cunstitutionhail to g In ha nt U i she muld andwhen she met Columbia she met a triedanti seasoned Inat All thIs salting wouldluivn put th Constitution in ehatoo

Another thing that kiss hurt tIe Om-

stltntlon has UNTI tb WHY Barr luishogsed thing at thi Over and-

over again the ColumbU luut violatml raringrule I know that HhodcM onConstitution lias to hold out forhi rights hut Mr Duncan who U a verycautious nnd one who would not in-

fringe rule himself InxMml-

bla gitt the pest of the start I muse of Optllnrr everything In sight Mrflours would not protest and the com-mittee took no aalthough the rule state that the conituft i must If tlieni U shy in-

fringement of th raring tI do not think that the

committee kiss taken proper ooomnl of allthis nnd with Ilm of the yachtsKM far as ran won go so attwo tenT race have l een salland I am sure that th Constitution wouldiav shown In tlwsn that sh I a

and faster Uuil titan the ColumbU


jeellm of rnnitlliitlon inspires napeThat Miamrook Mill Capture the fupI-

JONDON Sept e WMld dUavowing conlklenoM that its Shamrock IIwill rapture the America Cup thepi ers lien fIrst ground for con likrablnhope In decision of the Challenge Committen of the NHW York Yacht Club to havelisa ColumbU defend Ilm trophy anti In Uie-

challengers reported exooIUnt formTlie Ttltqrapk says tliil tlm rejection

of th Constitution HO fur nn It g U n-

ponfr slon of pirlimlnary failure suchaa tho Americans have never had to aeknowledge befori Tlie moral advantagewas iuer before so ll tlnctly upon thnsill of attack lite paper UOInve thatthe Cup Is in greater ilanger of twnpturuthan at any time since It was lost

Tlm sayn It u v t that onlynational prldo p enta Americanfrom demanding conc lons from thewickers of the challenger

11m Morning V l think that Kir ThomaUpton han ground4 for hope

llrlitol arhlimen nrgret the Selection

IIIUHIOU H Tt The selection of Co

umbU tln twoyearold sloop to defendjm America Vip at the internationalraces off Sandy hook rain as big stirirl e to every one in flrUtol Whllo-

he ColumbIa I recognlti an an ablMllhandled boat the Itastlni of

tnmittr In making a el itlon i ngmt t

in It Is Mieved tlutt If tin iViltetltlltlonpn l rly tuned up an the Columbia

I tan v suftl Ut III I T lo IKHI-

i IolumbU till or eleven tninutiw In a

lChirier flair In Uristol bayleft with eomo light potts n-

Uiim A new suit of soils U being tnailn

1 II H t lH IT l l twit ram to say Aviv

htiU KMII tbe rt o llig f 4umliine t nUr aflerwuHi when ke i lii by

ir IM Ikt-IM trl











tall on

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vhtII un




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the ConstitutIon



wit the

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arebeingbe remuly In few istried ii sooth itswIll ioiiii slit goii





wthlng beColumbIa been sail-ing





Ithodis keeping S-

ohiavnbla OIl sverei the Colimit


cwetjl U4N ispalIt So Tie ttvssrt fully


I lie







lUgthe aitisitais for the

fur 1k iIUtflhita at ilerns4iitT sitU

u1rler5 iusa lists IISI-

I s 4 S ilSl 5MS-w I u IS tSht5 ft

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dwbel iise Ii lilsed-iwa1 ii4 J shdtoseifnbsesstlat-

IOLi att4 41155 Ads














> <










fliuott llarmoay Proalltng In AnUThaRks aa to CaiirtUI le Onl-

ItkMrr Ha Any hunt or Olijfrtloa-Mierlnni List la lie Mule Today

Of the leaders of the organization antIassocIations that are turtles to theTanuiuuiy Vmfercncn the lion Hermar-lUdder olf untituted OberPraenldent

tho tarmans who seer left tlm Fattierand their children the third and

fourths was only one whowoukl dIscuss yesterday the ruoommemU-tloiui of thu Cltlzenn VisIon ConferenceCommlltw for nomination on thu cityticket Senator IUtt the leader of theIdpulillcnn organization In tho State anti

friunds In the four county organlzatioiiNthat control the affairs of the lUpulillciin-uirty in Now York city Mild that they hail

no comment to monks on tlm list of namesuggiwtcd It won dccUrixl by them tlut-ttlo lUpubllcan organization hekl thu attitide which it took at beginning of thefonfereme which wan that It would acceptany ticket which was agreeable to all theother organization

leaders of tho Sheehan IVmocracyotherwise known ut tho Greater Nnw YorkIVmocroc announced that their Con

Committee would hold a m tlngoclock this forenoon at their head

iliuuter llroadway antI Twentyeighth-tnot at which they would dlscum Use

altuation and make such suggestIon anthey saw tit It was declared that theywould urgu ranfrrrncn to solect one ofsix lnde Dnmocrata fur Mayorand tlwt in their list would Iw Ui namesof E Ellery Anderwin Joseph F Daly-Cliarlen W Dayton i Aalibvl IV

hitch for Mayor and Janiee 1 Conwayfor Pn lilent of thn now of Aldernm-

nOUirIrmHiihiit Udder held a mootingof hIs waistcoat xMkpt organization yestenlay It convened In Uie StnattZtitungo-ftlco lUdiler pnitlding and Henry Wei

mann of the ennanAmericnn Municipallntgun of Brooklyn acting as Secretaryllin oIlier organiZ4tliinn were representeda follows iirnmnAiiurican Citizenleague of Brooklyn by Otto Ktinpner-Inwldent icrman U iubllcan totalityorganization of Manhattan by OUIIAV-

Kcbulor linnanAmerican Mu

nlciMl Ixvigun of Manhattan by Inull-impcl IrcRldentandtlwderniunAmericnn-

Ibfonu tlilon of Manliattan by Charleslutz Thrru was such dlscUMUon an lea dMr then It wax voted that Ihn-

cummltten would present to the giMitrAl

conference a Its candidate for ofllcuthe following

Poe Mayor Jons IlsWlTT t C

Per lfuwiuPoe Irttidtnl ol IA Hvard of UJ rin-


ThU having happened Mr Kempnerhustled over the be attended

inevllce ol QennanAmerlcan CltU-

rxna lx gun of Brooklyn at which thefollowing resolution was adopted

Wktrtni At tne tln of our leacue-we our r nlutluii to Tutor

of nn Independent Pemneratror Msvor sod then uislllinklr rea Itepumuaii in the i r oii f A hM I

Pitch u hOe nf our M tanillUstet-

nltr Thai a consistent adh renonto the lutlnii sfnre sl l thatwn re 1no tie rw nnii ii Ulion of Mr Fitchs

and we d re iind theTlios who know Mr Fitchs record will

smile when rind this resolutionIn tlm meantime Mr lUdder haul eter

clMxl hi cunMliutlonal tirivllego of frth 1ll Unsaid

John DiWItt Wanitr Isi t limn nameil by thn I illint tnioii-He U a wifo lilmral mat Srliiertn Ubest for Comptroller He 1 n ful

man a and lists sn-

nirvlleiit allround titonl I hem ihould-l o OIH on tin ticket Thutra-Mulo Is our candidate for ln idetit of the

nf Aldermen Hn intcrtsteil InCatholic anil was Indnrmil byHUhop Potter for a ointinent as Cominleioner of Churitli With tie lUpub-Ikans In cotitrul ut Allutnr tho logic of thosituation ililnaiuU that should Im A

Mayor In this city 1iw is n-

Itepulillcan In lm o He Isto thin Hermans He had

run four years ago and was ilefcatmltrue that sup rtt llrjsli lost

venr hut he did It l cBtie Im an allTUit will help him with

theWIn John C Shenhan the leather of

the ln ater Sow York IMnnicracy wonnaked what he liad to say nlsiut linthe replied

am Tammany no matterwho U nominated Wo for any cand-iiliti nKinM Tammany

Senator to discussTlm of thn Iteimbll

can leader ban Iwn from the UKiiinlngthat they wore mady to accept soy titanwho was Um of organiza-tions In tIe confnruncn soil that werenot In a mood lo sully suggestionOnn of Um renn ntativiiHYork Cnuiity Commute Inthe conference Him hits known what timwishes of the leaden of tile party through-out thn Statx liavn lieen begin-ning informed a reporter for Tint SU-Kvostnnliy that ii cliangn

thin of that organization elitethn slight over pro-m In lm

that limn Ilio following authorized anwas mndn by a limn who knew

all tlm details of tho COMYou that thn Republican City Con

xvntlon will tlmticket anti that tliat ticket will receive theloyal and willing of all of the nowtiers of the organization from the ojienlngof the campaign to Itn Thnran organization iota no men to urge on tImconfemnon it I willing tttal all tImsuggestions slioiiU eomo from the repmntntlvon other rtli s and If It turn-out that they luivn good men to nil all theofflce will no sug-gestion of Its own

Ilrookfield loader of the Ilrook

active art In ilm camtMign refused to illsru a the selections Charles Sleekierban lioen a cl o student local politicfur many vnaralil that whatwas inill like lov tilell fur whom IKI has

admirationIt Fulton Oitttng olialnnan of the City

Commltti of HIM nilens 1nkn and alsonf the Committee of in which utileselect ton said II wit he wa ijult l sunnf centhliieii on tholM would dnllnnIhnnoimnatMin If It was orTen l him

All of them am for I

that saul Mr at the MIIItItle it slKUld Im that IHitin of-

Ilio goiitlenmn on tin li ba xrticht oftlct-Hie li t liy tlm 1111011 dix s m t-

iiarrww H rlfcni dnwn I tin nniin

our f will itule gfMx-

lMsrnralty lt il r If Is anywttl i i to lbo tiamn1 th will Imitiiwiy fur its ii r at tlm con

Ii n ee Mi l luy eve M g-

Ili i timNig LU MiMMisy i mmla v iy riilertallilit Ihe It I 1b III














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Pneltht nt

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the hat

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the tipfli


s I s4 list5 tI S sr vS II is 5 ihs was sss

5 1ws at Wt-obM b4 4S
















< ¬

< >


I tcnllon of some of the mum expericnco-lolitlciaiu who will attend It as delegatefrom the variou organIzatIons to cautioneonie of tie withinnuiks against blundura which It ewmlikely

without duo cautlin These vor-

ircntlenvn who aiw to IMI cautlotiid sonstlmn do not take kindly to adtlcelisting that their hotielof purpose makes It linx elbe for thento a mistake of consequenceHowever the cautlon will li givenmatlcallr and It was yvsterdaj

I that there every tothat thero will Im no or gnim-bling among the iiiemberH of the confer

ir w v iv oni MILKS

Attaek huh hatchets Ntakr llrltrnMath Tlirlr Nile

VlNEUkNI N J Sept 6 WoiimnA hand to Uy In tim fight against tietion of elvctrio light ok along edgnof the hawaiI in Utndls uvnnun Tlm workwas being under a penult of Ilm auditTownship attack onthn Ulmrers won snail by Mrs lukciw-wlfo of Major J II ItikitiM who has ufilm home In avenue stud Ml stlm lUughter of a lumburnnn who livesli xt door When tiny saw Ilm men drivinghtakra in tlm lawns t i month the sit i of

ol they ruIN out each ring armedwith a ami ordered lit workatoppod Tlm men rofusod to obey wIser

Mr attauknd oim ofMa law with r hatchet and won nvxil-nkliutllng wood of It Then the dared tlmworkmen lo molent bier againThey did tot like Its way sue swung herhiitoliut so they up the Miss

1iach pulled up the stakes In front of tierand throw them Into thn road

battle later on antIMlllloiialin Charles KflKhloy the dollaramunth Supnrlntendcnt of Iubllo Workhero took a liand Hu onlennl thisto set up A In front of Major

Armed with a guMmul canetokens Mew to the spot for

the lo and onayed to tit down but theof Iho workmen pUyed si rapidly

shout tier feet that MJ was ooni elledto remain standing Finally the made arust at Kelghl y-

Dont you Uy your hands ou mo criedthe mllllniuUrv and Major Iukeus Jnin c l

wife slut to rotoct her In thoconfusion tint lalxnom beeltaUiJ to con-

tinue thn work but Kelghley grabbeda show Ugan to dig under MrsLukilms Thin Major thoshovel too and a struggle eiisiiixl forits iKiseesslon in which this millionairewon victorious Tlien the jviln was sottii amid derisIve liuutn front the crowd


Police Sa He Ii this IVaiwarrt Son of alloiint Vrmon IanillyY-

ONKKIM N Y Sept 5Tlui policeassort that they know who U the mur-derer of Francisco I uru who was killedrt Mile Square on Monday nltht aid thatli m iwit within Die 1411 fnayfourhour U awurvd They i iy 1m is a

son of a wellknown family In MountYvrnun They aUo assort that tliey mnestablish hi guilt to a certainly Sn conrident am polloo that today they ar-

ranged to make application In tlm City Courtfor a warrant for U arrest charging himwith murder In on the cnwjActing Cnpt Woodruff said

I can say for n certainty that wn knowwho killed Duro but wo doat know wh rn-

Im U I could give you hits name and adbut I believe It would K Imprudent

at this time Thn men got tho Informa-tion yetenUjr every man In the Delect IreIliimuu getting some wirt of It to maketlm clvtln of nvldenon ntmpletc

It won learned lion thU evening thatDonittmu Ynwnanllno who wo orrtwted onsuspicion on Tuesday mel a coofennUm to tho nil lev which connect tlio-

susjmct with thn crime The alleged mur-derer U saiil to luivn planned to breakInto Duros saloon In Mount to robhim and if OMsitry to kill him


Declare There It nl a Single Caio ofidles l er III Hat ana at Prnent-Dr Fellpn Caldas the Ilrazlllon who

has been experimenting with a yellow feverkoruni anti hU iis Uliuit Dr Angel Ilel-

llnzaghl wcro released from HuffmanIsland morning whom theywere sent for olmervaUon on Uielr arrivalfrom Cub on Tunxday At I

cxpTla were on Itoord the Bt amersailing fur Ilio do Janeiro llcfum

sailing Dr Cnldan denied that m hail anyixinnwrtloti whatever with yellowfever InncuUiloii cAseit Lii Havana which

resulted fatallyFurthermore he Urn lnltedl-

UUw Ouvenimnal mlslnl when HIM

fever commission nl Havana reseveral deiitbi fmm that

have studiiil the fever for rearIn every and know wltat Im talkingntiout when I say that imlthor MUs Mass

American iiurm nor ny of thn-nllior who died wn wore In Cubahail yellow fever Of all thnturaM I sawonly otto That was a man named

Hn was liltlttn hy mos ultixxtnt was sufTerlng fmmMy srnim U only for fever and T

not u imnacon fur nil UlnnnH I rofiiMxl toAUmzoCaldas declared that tIters are abso-

lutely no IMO of yellow fever In Havananow Ho Intimated tho Culuui physi-cians were nlinni of thin snow ho atinlned In llrnjII and Mexico with hU serumantI that they hail Iriiil to make Ithnt ho treatml several Cuban twitirnt situlied Asa matter of taM ho soul ho did not

ojKn In Culta hU tnmk containing tho


eaeJier Mho IIHpnl Din a KnIJrrnte-tlelory Alarutnl by letter

XrMA Ohio Sept J Al tlm local optionbrlil on Tuesday tho teniw rancn-

ixople tarried the city by a large majoritynd con thlrtyflvn saloons In

city 1m comilled to Uo tlwlri-

K r A month Imfort tlm il ction tlm-

iiiisTniici worker etat d a vigorousaniwilgii ociinst thin saloons awl of

VM chief agitator In the tmitenient1st Iliv A Turrel Fiom this Milpitm vrlmiiNnlly ai l l to tIe upte to-

4lpiti M MihMili Ml the local oitllnnfc rti n To lay Im iwvix a letter

liMMgli insil III which Ilm nulltor-hieatttts burl itrioHe arid Into tImsew f IV rlitfilmfi ami diiflgum tlmm

llf IV writer dId lldii Ifhe iirrwcH r to a ld this injury I

ehlidreMTtN nt f U ti tMIm over ti list

l ntake an limMUsl


ma Into U




IlkI t











I hn I





I hi






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fnilII 1M


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I n-

CI tst of

lets its

stumishile git








upon t lie



was renewed







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hasw aii liii iit ilfikis suleitaes 5141-


II II 1141 114 tWItl ri b ihs4 Ii hews sss

55 dwIst1 mistIbUClwkeflthrfl LsistiS


> >


















> >





iurw e Mill v rr March Out of Americaat the Itlddlng of thn supporters o

the Jlonroe Duerlne this Htand-

anl ttecJprorlly sod Free Trade

LxiXPOK Sept fl Tlm Standard tillmorning commontlng on Prealdont MoKlu-l y mecli at the PanAmerican Fxjxsitlon says it seen in It Oil expm Ion othe fact that the United Slate U preparingfor future wars which will U commorcUone It add

Tho Cnlti l Stats ho bocomn an Im-

erinl power AS hltory of tier dlplomacfor year past otin plmouly ltownU Informed by eiiajiilre oven aggmmlvc spirit IleeJlem of scofferspreadeagleism the United States will giher way regardlesn of altemptod tornblnallon agalnt tier such on sketchedby Count loluchowrkl AtintroHtingariMinister of Foreign Vffalr twit withcertain carelessness an to whether orthere comix a violent conflict withKurotean Power

Tlio iSlanrfdrrf nganU Mr McKinleyreference lo an Isthmian cannl an an Intiluatiuu lo brat llrilaln that Iho laytonHulwerTniaty will have to Im modified It

point way and It exi ctn II formal pronouncvmcnt on the subject In tho nexPresidential wastage to Congressdeclares that the matter cannot Is settledwithout the concurrence of treat Britain

Continuing tlm paper says thatCentral Mid BouUi Amorlcon revolutionraiM to the enterprlso capitalistsand tho Culled Slatone iolicy of medlatiutIII thin piitent trouble U ovidunoo thatdiplomacy U directed toward

away TIm South American nuirke14 worth having A H w r which asserteddominant itolltlool Influence such asUnited States U endeavoring to establishwould obtain a rewanl Tlm UnitedState ninan1 to Im that tower throughthe instrumentality of reciprocity trestlessubsidized steamships and oVen of waragainst any European lower which mnchallenge pretuuslona to political iupremocy-

Iteferring briefly to JwuiAmorionnlsmthe KtiindaH mmarkn that ln t Ilrltnlr-U both a Nurth Amerioan anti a SouthAmeritwn Power HuUand and Francoart South American Powers It adds

Kuropn will never march out of AmericaNorth or South at thn bidding of thekirtni of tho Monroe Doctrine Put

AmerUvnUm In Its widest eensn an Idleilmam but the alma of thn UnIted Statesto be tlm predominant politloul atid cornmercUl j wnr U decided by the economicneed of finding an outlet for her nvarlncreasing kurplun iroduotM Tho necessitywill i more lieavily upon her on the

CkfunicUi flies oil the reciprocitypOMiagn In the ieecli oa the crux of UM

contnnding that It outwelglu InImpurtancv all the It reireennt thn-rnxUlont n IittiiiK hU amllniidn downgently by giving what U virtually freetrade tie concilUtory title of reciprocity

lt soumt very iiutooml say theCkroniclr but If UM justice of tlw

prutosal U admitted the wholeprinciiln of fr trudn guts a foothold inAmerica ami n loglnilly proceed utep bystep until the fortri U taken Iteci-

prt city U tho first step ami that step MrMcKInley U taking


Force Their Ma In In Capture a fugitiveSktUfactlon Iteinandert-

pnl l i V Iir i11 illS w-IXMXv Sept Despatches from

Constantinople allege that Turkish ofncl-tU on Sept I forced nn entrance into thegarden of the Dutch Icgntlon and cap-tured a fugitive whom they were pursu-ing The official wounded the ratekeeper

Diplomatlo Hrclm are Indignant at thedisregard of the Inviolability of whatRecording to thn capltuUtlons U foreignterritory Tlie Dutch are demandingtatUfactlon-

lontreala llrreptliin to Duke nf romnatlMill He Open lo the Public

MoyrniuL yunUx Sept Tlm Clrio-ommlltiMi which has charge of the reptlon to the Dukn awl Duclm of Corn

and York at City Hall hiss discharged Its social censor nnd given up this

lea of making the civlo reception fill exelusive affair Tlio commlttex has deiidml

all reputable citizens who send Intheir tutmes IxfumJiand and conform to

nguUtion atIe ocxAAlon nimll lx iennltt l to

attend tim n f Thn rule on lo dn s111 strictly enfunvd-Tlm first to limit thin Invitation

o Ni caiike l bitter irot st and the unof tlm conimitton

to to oacli of the thirtyAMunmni Invitations to du-

rihutii Tlio pressure becanm si strongoat OIl to give way


ody of Ynnng Man Proliant Munlerrd-Iound nn a Railroad

WllKKIINO W Sept i On Ills waythe hone of the young woman who had

tromiseil to elopn with him Carl Jacksonigod 10 of Fairmont ilMth whittier

accident or foul msin unknownbody was found n the tracks of the

Iliver llailroad ixirly thisnorning and su irtous bnilsos about the

head ronvinm thn authoritte tliat he wasMten Into Insensibility and thrown on-

ho railsJackson was on hi way to tlm home nf

sweetheart Ikwln Condor near larksmrg They had ilanneil to eh to Oakanil evening loomi nf Jack

Ktti who ilUippniviil la to-hovoung woman am with murder

iilin No arm t have yet Ueii madeiwltig to hut lark of evii IK

Hurt Injureil at a llrliranalHurt whll rehearsing the

if ktlurrs In a burleMU 11 tiHl r Twlags at New York Tlt tm tenlty

thrown ag ln t n fllimrat Its tift of n fortyfoot riinwar

tint fell to the U tt iWI K m walked iMiitmlater It w Mid sic wa foutnl to-

i ve l en MYVMi l r inj li l Tim lihy l

ian atlnislnl rr said that Im fi an lthat tier s4He wa Injun-

li IJmllM-

m r Kttt ft Mri trf tt l IUn-ltM IMUIW 4 art Vtv VMS 7 UM MUM


CaM 101 lUJ













Wru fIiUlt UIIHWIn





popularity 11I 1






libelI I







Ititann I




last ttIihsl Ii

I IIU lot 4Ir loa

11aI u


SpstSd I Ills







lireyearn paM



wail lie











SI Eti I tsiu It Pesosets

te t nmus itau 4d-

l a lbS

sal re I W hita La Ads












> >




Will Wash follies fur Thirty Ha lo Prolilt Abllll-

OnTONVtiXK Minn Kept H IINorrish Prealdnnt of the Hank of Orton

today entercd Into a written mntract with C T lAnge onn of the proprioton of the Ortonvilki llottllng Works t

wash tattles fur thirty day from dite at I-

n day to begin work regularly at 7 eliteearl mowing and work ten hour lrklthe contract Mr Norrlnh igr i to workthirty tiny or forfeit IIM Mr NorrUIbegan work this rnonilng

This peculiar contract grew out of sotm-dlstaragtrig rnmarkn math by Mr Iwingi-

as to Mr Norrish ability and deslru ttwork


Milrri tlotlir Were Ablaze Wie 1laDie Voting llotlirr Too

PMia John Southwick gave birth tobaby yesterday at her home Fifth uvnnuarid Nliwtyfourtli stmol Fort HamiltonTlio doctor had lianily left Ilm house whenMr Southwick iiitwieenyearokt sister

Lacey who was trying to cook sitsthing and couldnt make Its oil stove burnto suit her nturod keronetm into tIe tankwithout turning ofT this flamn Tim oilcaught fliti anil ml tier olothi abUzo-

Mr Houthwlck won tlm only other terson In the house exo pt the baby Shinjum i d out of Nil ourrying all the luil

with tier and threw them aroundher sister itnolhoring thn fUmtw MrsSouthwick WOK slightly burned Hersister wan takun to NorwegUn HospitalIn a critlonl condition Wlmn Mrs Southwicks physician was summoneil againlie said her exertion might prove fatal to-



It Waa Certified and Ilelnnged to Ilnrrll-A NUtt lleHenger Ito Urnpneil IIA mesj eiijer from Iturrill t Stltt Stock

Kxchangn broken loft thn lallntln NationalHank yi tenlay morning with a chockfor IIUOOMI9 drawn by the firm to tlw-ord r of till Mercantile Trust CompanyThe boy had hail thu chock certlflnd Itwas to bn used to take a loan but whirtoo messenger got to the company-It was missing Up to the time tho OalUtlnHank closed for bualnen yesterday afternoon no report of IU liaving been foundhaul lieen received by the bonk lotcheck III nurabentl 4 7-

5EKI1 STAKTLKIt HIMAnd ro fey Tuinliletl Into the River

and Maa Drontieil-Kltivenyearold Arthur HiggIns a negro

Itoy of 23 Went Sixtieth street fished forthne hour at the foot of Weet Seventysixth street yentenUy afternoon At

got a bite saul it excited him no greatlythat he full into tie water and wail drownedHU body was recovered later TIleband was grouping hU Hailing pole OnIho hook was an


tirkliTi HriganiU Carry Offsad Her Companion

trulal raW iHipMi It Tuft SCX-

CoxsrANTlNOPUi Sept Ilrlganda harekidnapped a young American womanmissionary and a woman com anlon Inthe district uf DJumnhula In the YiUyetof Solunlc-

aJOHV roLT7 nns iv rovcnrrF-nrmrr luSh Itt Millionaire of On-

rlnnatl Dead In hue CityClNnNjJATI Sejit S Wonl of the death

of John Woltz In New York city In romIterative jiovvrty Uwi received inIncinnatl Volta was at ono tlmo a jtri nee

arming the capitalist of CinoinnaU Hecans to 1HS7 and laid outand built Klanmr Sliverton and otherof Cincinnati suburb anti at olelArk anti Euclid the mmnvniof tie MacNmle t Crtwin Safe Coinfrom Cincinnati to Hamilton He mmetlIn Cincinnati exclusive society and during

tiandlod million of localcapital brother J Fred Woltz IH

real estate bu inei 4 In Cincinnati


Motlirr or the late Secretary Crriham-tuoki Dinner for FUt Nho l WH

NEW AUIANT Ind Sept S Mrs SarahIliimley mother of the Ut W Q inshamII-H yearn old today unaided tasked her-self lo prepare dinner for over fifty guestaseembleil to celebrate the anniversary ofher birth She U the mother of eight chil-

dren and ho outlived all except two ColImsliam of St Paul soul Mlsn MnadnI-riwIiAtn of Chicago All of the noun ennr l the arnir Two galneil-

dUtlnction Col W q Onwliani rose toI and uftnrwunl wasand of Slat Another sonCol iam was acavalry leader in Uio Mexican War

nillllH or TUCK ItEroitVEKS-Negro tlrvanlratlon That Hat Plenty or

Mone InHicilMnNt Va Seit 5 Ounven-

tlon of Trite Ilefonnerw tlm coloxiil hintsflcUl osMxHation In smslin It U a n-

markaliln organization and lentcity money during a panto when It couldget II from nonn of Ilm Itankn to run thocity government The Secretary annun showed nn increaseIn all of thn order of 7T per-cent soul Snii l n Ilte i memb ri agtiiwt-43nm ln t vnar Thin nmmint ln urnni iIII force I SWHn again JiKmdOUveer and tIm sun of limii luin Iwn

In death cUIni During the yearl W illS nrnmlvn IUHM heel

And the Mmntrapher Looking p foundHim II Im Heart IHteate

Henry J Mallon 2i yearn old a clerk nf-

Um sis York Telephone Coni any at I-KIorlUndl street dlil suddenly yesterdaynf Imart diwasn while hctrttili n dnlly-repor to a stenogrnpher stip d

antI Uw elritugranlmr withoutIMtklng up snld fc on Mttiiig IH-

rwiMUix Im looked arid thatfallen hack In tile chair ilncoiiM iinis-

He WMS il ed when A eanl-MalLill lltetl Hi Fj 1 Fiftyeighth tnt

lielween an trle i smut a ller e-

OuliKsslit mi St t 3 Ye l Jay thecnni lay nf the Ogdenslnjrg fair i tenn-

iitlt a fcly ai l the attendance serr Urge A lialfmlln liHweed-

iMgo rieli and a running bortm was wnnbe ln r The blni In harne I

ant to5 l before the grand slantrnfuUtig to under wlie wlkli-rould l atxi the

fiJI lIt








lA t-


tInowned all or






JuIII 11I1I1IltUlah



rnh tiTUIII TBl1















a MIssionary



his tier






us ri







have hors

p7as Husul 51 Zaea Ww s lhsiti-P14 D ia aM amg 1 lts









< <


< <

> <





Conciliation Cainmlltee quit hilt lispsan Amlealtln Settlement to-

j Uteri Truit 1la Tel He ilrarhftP-la t UisnceOflrrcil In tlis-

AnialcanuUrd In Out uf the HoleMinium the Humiliation of liter liefeat anti lit Mrrrl TaU Delay

From thU time on It U lo war to thistint ween the UnIted States Steel Cor

l oratlun and the Amalgamated AsancU-i tioti of Stool Iron and IIn Worker OnceI again yesterday President Shaffer of Uie-

nsMocUtiun bath a chance to get hUsation out of the fight with a little humll-iaUon an It can exxvt He lei till chancego by and nlghl tIe tnt gave upof a peaceful settlement and sent out ordersto sift up all of Its mlllH this morning

All of yesterday tho Committen of the National Clvlo Federationwhich liave l n trying vainly In faceof ShatTers nlmtlnary to compromise thestrike kept tho telephono and telegraphwlron to Pittsburg test with entreaties to-

Shaffer tie terms which MrSchwab was willing wtttln this slrlkn-Ui t night tilt committee after n longMllfernnon nt thn AshUnd Houm Issuedthis statoment iuttlng tint responsibilityfor the failure of their migotUtlon squarelyUKin ShalTer and tlm association

When nil Itetween the Ainsl-CsBintMl AFwKlatlon sml the fluid SlateSteel IOriKiriitliiii broken of the

onriliition of tlm National lvlnFederation endeavnred lo bring r preseiiUtlv of keith Interests tnerthr or tn-

ait a iii dutiir hrtween them W h ld-

ronferWe with the Advisory llnafd of Ihn-AmslvMiiated Association Ml Jii l iirc sodobtained proportion from It with hutlmrity-to siilimit the siinm to the Untied

IuriHiratlon we uhmltle toth cniiiixiny at Wednesday conference

The cnniisii rsjerted the iropo ltnn-Wn then riUcuxnl the mndltlons upon whichthey would agree to sillsterm tu hold iroml until thi Thtirsilarlevening Wn submitted term inMr Shaffer soul hi lollenmie We wereadvIsed hy the repteentatven of tlm Amal-gamated Association this afternoon thstthere ws not sufficient to consIderth proposition that the tillers at the lltlnburr headquarters mail no authority to invertor It that ths Advisory IJ ardl nin-nion In mist toniorrew-

Ths oRlrrrs of the Amalifamated AssneUtlon etprm ed the conviction to u that theproposal will not b approved W stilleuterUln thn hops that an amlcahlnni nl of conflict will yet be reached

Itesplte the hope sot out In till last sentenon the Conciliationgiven Ut mill ci eclutlon of bringing shouta Mtttomtiil of the strike by peaceful means

member are deeply mortified at SItsfer refusal to accept thin admittedly generout term of ilr Bohwab All day theywere in commtuilcallon with Pittaburg andthey became rUlbly perturbed M the daywore on without being able to bring thestrike leader Into line Mew Oomperand Mitchell talked with Shaffer for nearlyan hour at a Uiuo over the long distancel Urhoin Wlmn they toni iixhausted everyeffort they made known their failure throughthe diplomatIcally worded statement quoted

At that wry moment onion were beingsent to that mllU to start up Early In theafternoon thin peacemakers committeecommunicated lo Mr Schwab their fearthat Shaffer would not canltulato

Mr Schwab decided upon A draatlo-oursn Hn Informed the mediators that

his offer to t he striker would hold good onlyuntil 0 oclock In tho evening This ulti-

matum lorwarded to llttsburg bythe committee limit It did not break thedeadlock Just before the time limit explied Mr Sohwab who had previously beenIn conference with ITf Irt nt Coreyof tIm Carnegie company Pirwidenlof the American Company antiother oftlcUU of tIe I States SteelCor ratlon roachod the idtermination totreat nr longer with the striker but to pushtlm tight to A finish

Onlen worn iwniixl to In operationtoday thn lug mill at Wheelingwat ex Juliet and Miincle soul every othersmaller mill which the strikers sueceedeil In closing From report whichtlw St m officer have recelvnl

am confident that them will Im nodifficulty iu getting enough men to operate

Should theirrealized It will mean thn ImiirodUIn endof this strike

An offlcer of the Steel CorjH ratlon saidlast night

Twit of tim strikeMr Imd to getout of a losing light with dignity to him-self arid without lewntilng tlm prestigeof hU orgonintllon For HNIMHUone tutU to he hits choM n-

to refusit tIe generous condition offeredto him stud Im must now Like the con

Wo tro tt start themllU without further deUy I l llovnHint tho iieo ordep liavn alreadytmin M nt out for the o nlng of the e lplants lists will hiring matterto a head and will test list vaunted towerof tlm axMicUtion to IKWII Idle hundredof men who wIsh to return t work We-Iu4 i maxtn to Ixllevn list enougli menwill ls obtained to n ratn till of tIm limits

Most uf thn strikers recognize that thefight i lost but Mr Shaffer soulnto setin to Im lient wreckingtile Amnlgamateil AseorUtlon It Is they

tint the Steel ii tnuuiy who stwm tu-ilenlro to cripple the organization Thatso have iid wish to hutout of exltencn Is shown by the wiltInglion of Mr Schwab nt tho Intercesnion

reprtnontatlvni of other labor uniono agnes to an arrangement which wiuUI-lavn r ulei in the saving of thin as xlAlon fmm this end to which it now seemlootnixl-

Wlmn Mr Schwab left hi office In thn-venlri6 Im il clinni to answer any inquiries

ibout thin TM would like to tell you cnntlemen all

roil am anxlmi to know Im soul to timv irtor but 1 am not in a p ttion to do-K at nent-

Tlm member of the oncllUtion Commite were oiU4llr retiieti Beyond

urinal statement they rofu od all Informainn recardms It I undertinx iwner that tlm i ltion wliich-Imy alluil t an liavlng i en l-

mm Mr shafer wa Iliad all the menItould l allowi l to return to work underIf iniiinll ii which valUil Itrlor-ilm T the strike ur in other

nl that tlm slnnlld l rin-

irt xl of all tlm advaniaicn tlmy wonAnotlmr stltulnti hhaffer U J ld

lri Mi l iiii w iii after the mointumeit to will all lfTemnen exist

Ticlwtwwn tiiii alel tMniit oMhuuld N ulirt i i arluiratio-

iU 4 tl i l MH eel ye tetiay Ifliaffer lenllv tMMle MHII x ti Mlitli tl Im-

as t fe tly w m that it wmiH l te-l l liv lm Mvl C irt ratn for M-

It us t u-MSH 4 fc t t




lohafTfI arid




tie tend



to I IOnI


mitt fin

Steel These






last huh



lii5Ct Ui I otis

tiers cut



strIke theta



CommIttee hay




t a tit id

since thin isgiiiiiimigSisalter lots

i tilt

hits aesoti




lit uI t


t tiStioni

I lsit trek

lista tuck

t toteheel



ShiSaIi la tiesisslhv ie4srisi II at Sn-

I P Si inS S ii test 4U Issaues Usts a as-testutig I an-

F iitsiiaion gttett yesiCiilr Ivtbs 510 f 41 I ii Ie a I I


r4Alw 7-





















> >>
