k U Shower lody od probbly toIO9- r J 33J NEW YORK TnURSDAY JULY 30 1903Copurio1 1903 The Sun hinilU and IublshlU Auocatiol r r V r r 9 a r flrIA cTpuI- 1J e TnnsrTJurxic LXXNO bi PBICI IWO C1NTS = = = POWDER EXPLOSION KILLS 20 HIARA7IE OF A CAIlTttinaE C- J irS r T V LOWELL MASS BO Pfr on Injured Seriously nnd 10- Mlnhtly A nortn nulhlliiRR Wreckr and as Many More Shattered hauL Four Ilo In Swimming Killed b Hir rnncunslon One Workman Out o- Klx In the Pimder Eiopri Ileatl- Coimlry for Shaken jnvmli Mass July score o peiWIlS mill Hirwiuij to death at 0 oclock this forenoon by th- eiplosion of the United States Companys magazine on tho banks of th ConcordRivur in South Lowell two mile from tho centre of the city The settle meat Is known 01 Wigginsvillo The num bcr of thoiw Injured seriously is 70 morn than 100 persons worn slightly by glass unit burned At 2 oclock in tin jftornoon tho list of dead stood at thirt- nHi wiih nine mining A dozen woodon dwellings which stooc rear the powder house wore either demol Islied by the explosion or destroyed by fire an1 twentyothor structures were damage Mrtoiiy The financial loss exclusive o that susUilned by tho cartridge com juny Is roughly estimated at The mngiiyino buildings company were two small brick structures cine of whioh was used for storing gun jKiwilcr So large was the quantity o po d r in storage that the shock of tin piplouion was distinctly felt all over north enstern Massachusetts In Lowell man window were demolished and at plaeei- fiftwn miles awny glass was also shattered The wreck caused by the explosion coven on of three acres Houses outbuildings He in ruins some demolished and others hardly more than n heap of broken timbers stilt others an nmolfing from the fire the prompt response of the fire department having quencheil- lm names which followed tho explosion The building in which the explosion oo- Mirrod was about ono and onehalf distant from the of the company which Within tliBtnnce of fifty yards are half a dozei houses One hundred yards away there are twent j houses more and beyond that the build Ings are close together Every struciun within a quarter of a mite was torn within flail without Men women and chlldrer who were inside sustained bruisei end broken bones So far as Is known six men who wen engaged In loading the powder on wagoni were blown to fragments by the explosion who were swimming In the river wire killed by tho eoncus won A fifth had just dived Into the water when tho crash came He emerged parti manned but managed to to shore About a dozen wooden houses were fairly torn to They were built thickly about he magazine and were demolishec- In a moment Sown of then house wen burned by flra whtob etarMd In the rulna K dozen people FrenchCanadians were caught In the wreckage Three were burned alive and at laast nine more re- ceived mortal injuries Men who lived In streets not far off who were fortunate enough to eecapo serious Injury immediately gave themselves ovei to the work of removing women and chil- dren to place of safely for almost simul- taneously with the explosion came flashes ol Shine from several buildings Into firs and debris of men were soon plunging to and property The Brook was to complete however that the work was slow The patrol wagons of the police and all brought ambulances A short time after the explosion the fire teilH were rung and the fire department started ut full speed for he scene People Juiniied on cars that wore headed for Wig Kirsvillo On the way to the fire numerous ciirrliges were met that bore bleeding bodies of victims Women and children with faces bleeding from cuts by glass paired through the streets in a hysterical unto Tli city of Lowell was thrown Into a panic and It required every effort of tho nuthnritwn to establish and maintain anything like order Alarming reports to the effect that more than 100 had been killed and Injured caused wide- spread confusion Tho streets of tho city were soon filled with throngs of men women and children It finally became necessary to summon four companies of- Hi State militia who responded promptly end ate now on gunrd- Snveral theorios have been advanced as to the cause of tho explosion It is known that five or six workmen were engaged in- laying floors In one part of the storehouse thL week They were in tho buildings this miming and tt ia supposed that in some T a jar caused by them set od the rx- po lves Just what happened probably will never be known Tho police and firemen assisted by other m i began a search of tho ruins as soon as possible Physicians hurried out from th city as soon as the news of the disaster Yearns known and they together with doctors living in Wlgginsville mado the as comfortable 03 possible with arrived to convey them to St Johns Hospital Ono man was suffering such Intenso agony that upon hla arrival at the hospital he begged the surgeons to hoot him and mid misery I saw something burning on the floor hurried forward to put it out and then aw a column of fire springing up and that l nil I know of tho explosion until I found wyepjf here said Joy Goodwin said to win Biirvivor of tho exploulou to a fPrterO- oodwln wns found unconscious and Ily distance away from the ipl wns taken tQ the hospital once and may live Four or five of us doing our usual work In the storage this morning ho said Tha ordinary amount of loose explosive was scattered out th floor as Is a matter of mall importance in a powder house we Paid no attention to It until suddenly we rwUze that tho stuff had begun to work threw water on it but it did not do all iUrted to run I think that I turned half round None thought then of anything but eecap iriff dt- Jms ta bright as lightning and then I lifted Into the air for I do not now how I got out of the building Moet of those killed were employees the concern or living In the louse 29A moro wero blown rid go but cut tOO own tent bars nd mils work boy th ors team description us Injure and Injure 0m at good Ten The a Dt I cute our get w his be- th were house e Say whole place was with hoiaee destroyed k ¬ LIITAUEll A0 ARMY CLOVE Cal CtarlliiKton Hiports to Secretor Hoot the Result or Ills Inquiry WASHINGTON July report o Col H A Darlington IneppctorGenera of tho Department of tho Fast who mad an investigation by direction of tho Score tury of Wtir of tho statements connecting Itcprcscntativo LttUuor with certain contracts for gloves and gauntlets reachet tho War Department this morning It voi sent to tho ofllco of tho Secretary of War but when Secretary Root left tho Depart went shortly before 1 oclock to visit summer camp of tho District militia ni Leesburg Va ho said that he hud not yet the document Darlington it ia said makes nc specific recommendation in the report bul merely makes n statement of tho facts tils closed by his inquiry The report Includes tho testimony of a largo number of Persons examined under oath by Col CJarllngton Both Col Patten who was in charge of thin branch of the olllee of the Quartermaster General having charge of the purchase ol the gloves and Cot was Dppol Quartermaster in Philadelphia at tho tIm tho contracts wore madn were examined bj Col Darlington The testimony of Jon LudiiiKton who was QjiartermtiBtcrGon- eril in also included in the papers AdjutantGeneral Corbin said this noon that the report had reached the oflloe of the InspectorGeneral of the Army but that it came too Into to presenl to Secretary Root before ho left tho Vai Department Ho said that it would bo halt before tho Secretary of War tomorrow for his consideration Gen Corbin uo dined to say anything as to the contents ol thin document and said that it would hardly be made public until Secretary reviews tho case and upon it may not bo for several days CITY HALL SKCHKT STAIKS fly niileh Aldermen Aiorotliue Here Wont to Dnileo Wuylayrr A spiral Htuircaso in the City HM1 lead- ing from the AldormenH old chamber basement and hoarded up nearly thirty ago WAS uncovered yesterday Down this staircase according to borough tho Boodle Aldorrnen of ISM who had urtieipttted in the BriMdwuy franchises eteal their angry who were Whiting for them on tho outaido of the chamber Hut Alder- men for years used the stairway to avoid being served with court orders arid to give the slip to importunate constituents Thirty years ago the Aldermen sat in what is now known cs the Council big assembly room oil the wetttern side of the building This chamber IK to be renovated and when the workmen were clearing the room yesterday they found tlio lifesiiw painting of Gon Jackson on tho southern wall an embrasure four feot broad and two feet deep In tearing away the wooden support upon which the picture stood they came upon an opening in tho and tho spiral stairway to tho base At the bottom of the stairs was a smrll room a foot or more deep with dust This room was used by tho oldtimo Alder- men as a kitchen and also as a placo for a friondly game of cards whtn tho business before the board was uninteresting This kitchen in next to the offices now occupied by the City Record There was once a hole through the wall and it was through this that tho Aldermen made their escape- to the street by the basement when they wanted to make themselves scarce Today the carpeting of the floor will be taken up and according to the tradi- tions of the City Hall a trap door will bo found immediately in front of tho clerks desk It is wild that this trap door will disclose stairway leading to tho room In corner of the Imild ing now occupied by Mayor Low DIVINES THIUinX IltOM BOlT shop nurses the Uev Mr Wouon Ret a In IVennln Way MATTITUCK L 1 July 20 Bishop Fred rick Burgess of the Prutjstant Episrnpal Diocese of Long Island and tho Rev William I Wasson formerly rector of St ieorg s- n Brooklyn and now rector of Grace Church at Klverhead got a wetting and lad quite a slruggla to escape in Feconic Ray yesterday Neither jan swim Mr Wesson is confiidered a good amateur tailor Bishop Burgess is making a tour of its diocese and rumnimd over yesterday is the guest of the Rev Mr Wasson at lila ottago on Ieconio Bay A fresh breeze vnt blowing yesterday afternoon and Mr IVosson got and taking I ho Jishop aboard started on a sail across tlni They were going along at a lively ast Kobins Island when they were y a sudden gust that capsized the boat ioth men wore thrown Into the water but nanaged to get hold of the overturned craft Some distance away was a sailing party Tom Iho Mattltuek House composed of V rnu r Judge Henry F Hnggerty Lawyer Villiam B Hughes John P Mai Ion Million anil William H Miller all of yn They Immediately went to the res juo of the two clergymen and succeeded ii hauling them out of the water Neither uffered any serious inconvenience from ho mishap anti Bishop Burgess conducted orvlcea in the church hors lout evening OMEN WItECK SHOP iVranper Sinkers Seek to Force Contented Worker ti till Tho women who compose the Wrapper takers Union went on Htrilre yesterday or a nluuhour working day It was said that there were 1000 of the strikers There vero soveral hundred young women In at 88 street where strike went established A crowd of the strikers invaded the shop f Isaac Freedmnn at 74 Monroo street afternoon Sixteen were it work there and the visitors loudly de that they Join the strikers didnt want to strike but the nvadors insisted and when Freedman irdored away attacked the to wreck Iho shop overturned sewing machines and cattered the garments round the Policeman I o of tho Madison who answered treedmanB culls or help was greeted with catcalls Ho ont to the for assistance the reserves quelled tho disturbance arrested four young women and two When tho prisoners were arraigned in tho Jiso Market Freodnuin was I ono of thorn red and by Magistrate Deuel Oho the son Furey who aCer aCer Rot t- ot i I i Chamber- the I I fool I j anther ali drown- ing bay sped Hay C ST Ill W the hal mild thor I party ant 10 could not positively any I arm him lie resi- dent Cantor escaped con- stituents be- hind lrls street excited flint ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < N 1 TltAXSFKIt IHtlVEKS OV LITTLE HAtlGAdE IIAXULKIh Newly Organlril Vnlnn Cull an Inral- ipctwl Ntrlke Ilrlvrr Attacked III Load Pulled Iloun liar Cut Aim Have No Grievance The drivers of tho New York Transfe Company Dodds Express to tho numbe of about ISO went on strike yesterday after noon after giving tho company threo hcun to grant a demand that the company recog nlzo the union lately organized by the men This tho company refused to do and tin left their wagons As a result tin company was badly tied up and few de- liveries could be made Tim drivers whom tho company got tt take the strikers places wore in man instances set upon by the strikers aftei their wagons got away from the stables and the company was forced to call upon the police of the West Thirtieth and Wes- lFortyseventh street stations for help Tho police succeeded in maintaining order about tho stables but according to the company drivers wore frequontlj assaulted lato In the afternoon The com panys otllcors declared last night that they would hire nonunion men to all their wagons today One of the new James Wendel of 311 Seventh avenue won attacked or Seventh avenue Wendel had been to the Liberty street ferry and was returning with a load of trunks to tho stables at tht northeast corner of Thirtyeighth streel and Seventh avomio About forty strikers who wero standing on the corner near another stable of the company nt 211 West Twentyeighth street snw tho wagon and made a dash for Won dol The crowd yelled Scab and Wendel whipped up his horse was surrounded by the strikers at Thirtieth street The trunks were high on the wagon and in a second were out and tin strikers had cut tho ropes and splllod the loath in tho street Somebody telephoned to tho station that a man was being mur ilored and In a few minutes Roundsman- Gillepjle and fifteen men were around the wagon It took the police some time to make out what the trouble was about awl then they drove tho strikers away A big crowd mostly sympathizers of tho strikers had and the began getting the trunks back on the Before knew it a striker had slipped through the crowd and cut the harness walked out of the shafts The crowd cheered but tho driver with the assistance of the up harness and put tho on again when he was neatly to start a couple of got on the sent with him and drove up Seventh avenue Tho other policeman the wagon and tho crowd which numbered nearly one thousand Near the stallfS at Thirtyeighth street tho crowd begun to throw stones The BtGod it until the cops on the wagon were struck and then ordered his men to draw their short strikers was arrested The union which declared the strike was the men three months inch since then there have ben wvernl dis- putes ontween the mal its drivers was over a man to the company was discharged for intoxication company was not the strike however- A committee of three of the drivers headed by Thomas Brandon called rieiierni William F Draper At his filcf at 1351 Broadway at 0 oclock morning and a to him with tho request that he It I read Mr Draper last svenlng and found a state nont that tho men were perfectly satisfied ivith their and that ollowed a demand that we the low union and bind ourselves to employ members of the union as committee said that they wanted an an wer by 11 oclock tomorrow and I told hem would take the matter under ad iwment About noon I heard from Brandon who said Tho men have decided that I did wrongi- n giving you until 11 oclock tomorrow The answer must bo nude 2 oclock titus ifternoon or theyll on strike I told thorn the answer would not je given nt that or at other ma tho would run its nulneM It watt then that they called h strike Although wo were vired WH have in Retting about seventyfive tennis out and morn omorrow We shall rofuws to a union and union dictation Although the strike was called at 2 oclock- ho drivers who were out did not leave heir teams until gut back to thn tables After quitting n of been n- nalned about the and every into was sent out four or flvo men wild start to follow It Those men would limb up on tht drivers neat anti try and it tho driver to leave the wagon a ow cases thy succeeded Tho has stables in Twenty eighth Thirtyeighth and 102d streets sergeant a of policemen were n at the street fist night At thu 102d street stable the wagons wero without At the downtown terminals of tho Penn iylvanla Company at Cortlandt and Dos iroHfles streets of the New Central it street and of tho Erlo Company it Chambers street there was no if any kind with the strikers It was nearly when the delegate of the Irovo to these stations in a and ordered he drivers to Tho nwn obeyed him without question flit loft their horses and hey stood In the street In several In itnnces agents of the company got drivers o send thu wagons away some if the trucks had to led back to the tables Tho New York Transfer Company does ho Manhattan the ailroad companies mentioned and baggage n this was held up last At about 7 oclock a few on each if which a policeman rode visited each of ho trucks could take hut few of the trunks Tho agents at the stations refused to iccnpt luggage last night except on the that lid not hind Itself to make deliveries by any spool time TOOK TIlE ROOF OFF lIEU HOUSE Woman Wlio Wouldnt Make Way for New Bridge Plaza Moved Then Tho contractors men who went yoster to tear down tho Wllllamsburg houses sites ore to be used for the plaza- f the now bridge had some trouble with doren tenants who not moved out n obedience to the given- A woman in a house In street mar street to got out nd threaten ed to take to tho tort Sho had stepladder lead ng to tho roof The mon tricked her by leaving the buM and then roof trough a vacant building next door to roof with axM- ind crowbars The woman moved out EXPRESSMEN STRIKE AND RIT 0 all take- out bu pled Tender- loin i lit trunk on bibs charge the crowd None of the who I sid tiM till succe ve A ei ht n dr ers fed day whose a hat refuse remove lie lies Ellen atcbed liey Dohico asplo ncl ihe lay it goIng ¬ ¬ > MASSACItK IV IEIlSrA- nellglnus nefornicrs Tortured KIII Pu- tn Death by Infuriated Mobs Special CnWe Ditpalch to Tan StN LONDON July 30 The Times records murderous popular outbreak In the Pro vine of Yezd in southern Persia at tho end o Juno against the liable or religious The position of the foreign residents sometimes critical owing to the mob search- ing the Babies quarter where Englia missionaries reside During June 27 and 28 every Babi cap turcd by tho rabble was butchered in what- ever manner their captors pleased Their bodies wore dragged through followed by exultant crowds Plunder and outrage were carrod on wit the help of soldiers The priests on Juno 28 enjoined th populace to luring all the Babis who wen still alive before themselves or tho Gov- ernor Tlio latter at first refused to glvi way to tho mobs threats but when hi palace was surrounded by rioters hi yielded and ordered that one be blown from the mouth of a and thin the throat of another bo cut Tho tots number of victims ia not stated but tin Inference is that they wero numerous 4S AVEItTEl WAtt tien Koiiropatkln Tolls of Ills Visit ti Japan Sptctat Cable Dutpntch to TUB SUN Sr PBTKBSBUHU July 20 Gon Kouro patkin Minister of War who returned from Port Arthur yesterday Is repreaentot- as saying that he is greatly satisfied with the result of his tour Ho admits that the relations between Russia and Japan were somewhat strainei when he reached Toklo A fairly strong party In Japan was advocating war bu tho Mikado was very well Russia and ho assured of his amicable feelings Ion Kouropatkin moreover gathered that tho Bulk of tht Japanese were not Influenced by the jingo of tho war party and the atmosphen clearest and war In the near future id most Improbable- The Minister is as saying that is prepared eventualities nnd that she lisa a standing army In East of men which can bt strengthened at RUSSIAN A It MY CtFEnETE leading Krnerals Meet at OittMa At In the Special lleiyttclt SCN LONDON Jiuy 30 Tho Timrs print untied despatches from Moscow describing mportant military conferences haul ho lat three days ut Odessa which were ittwnded by the commanders of army corpus and the leading generals in South Russia he Caucasus Simultaneously thoro were exhaustive nspections of the troops and special manauT- OS wero Large orders for ammu iltlon other material have been ilucod while the Government magazines iave been accumulating unusual quantities f stores The Government according to the cor espondent has notified tho volunteer fleet authorities to provide for possible xpedltioiis and all the vessels of the fleet been withdrawn from trade service nnicritn COUPLE v t cut ImiiRlit to Ilrllcuie by a Man Who S Taken Ipluir Woulilnl Slay- A cab in which were two men and a roman drove up to Bellovuo Hospital last night One of the men got out and said This man end woman have taken an ivnrdose of opium Im from the Hotel avarre myself but I found thom at a hug storo at Thirtyseventh street and avonuo whre they took the opium They ought to lw taken caro of apt MoKail who Is In charge of the lotpltal at night told the man and woman o get out of the CliO but they refused Vhoy said that they didnt want to reated and that they didnt intend to cave the cab All right said rapt MoKnll I cant ilo anything for you rust you should make them get out of he rvi said the first titan They are in- L Konous condition MvKull said ho couldnt make any to a hospital so the spokesman- ot into tho cab and drove away Persona who saw the couple said they looked as if they had takentsome drug At tho Hotel Navarro it was said that nobody front tho hotel had gone to Bolluvu- oloblnsons drug tore Is at the northwest turner of Thirtyseventh street and Seventh venue The clerk there said he saw a man nd a woman on tho corner arid thought hy were drunk They hadnt been in his placo He saw- n maui join them and then a cab came up nd took tho three away HO DItOWM AT ATLANTIC CITY r Joseph Slelvln Lost Ulillo Trying to Have Woman Companion ATMNTIO Cm N J July 29 Dr Joe ph Melvin of Carbondale Pa a guest at ho Southern Hotel and Merle a pretty twentyyearold girl of Wil iamsport Pa employed at the saute hote- ls waitress were drowned in the surf at S chock this afternoon Time young woman had a venturesome iplrit and got out too far A curling sea her off her feet and carried hor Into he deep pool at the end of tho jetty in ront of the St Charles Lifo Guard Ander on darted Into tho surf with life line and moy Dr Melvin a poor swimmer also to the girl and caught her skirt The two in their death struggle in fifteen eet of water wero seen by crowds on the and boardwalk Ati Guard Anderson of Dr Kelvin the latter collapsed completely Guards and cached for tho girl but tube had eared People on the beach hauled Anderson nd his burden ashore while tho other two uardd dived time and again but without vail to find the girl While they woro working over the doctors lodyhia mother curiously inclined pushed through the crowd When she saw the ifeleea form of her son she fainted and bad o be carried to her hotel A happy and iileasunt memory n HncUan Rim D ty a re- formers was mutated Dbl dispose inn quote tho- r coO Felt Cable hal have 1 al- It Seventh he CUlt Shan- non picked hur led bach lclc Bach a hIt during The Miss a > DISCUSS VATICAN MILLION- 1FOttElOX CAllttlXALS ASK FUnS LEFT 1SY PIUS IX Want to Know About tile Holy Sees n- tourers Frrniti Cardinals Inuuto t tuttle on a Landlilat c fur Pope Votln Patters fur the Conclave Dlitrlhiitei Special CMi Dupalclt a TuB SuN mom TUB SuN Cnrreipontlcnt at Home ROME July n long timo after of the congregation today th Cardinals remained in groups various questions The foreign Cardinal especially are making searching inquiries tx how HO many millions of dollars Pius IX have disappeared amount is estimated at nearly 20000000 Pope Leos bequest is valued tt about 7000 000 The Cardinals are also socking inforrna as to the exact financial resources of tht See There has been no change in the of the several factions in the Sacred Collegi regarding tho various candidates for tin Papacy The position the foreign Cardi nals is clearer than that of tho Italian mem- bers of the college Tho French Cardinals met today but failed to agree upon united action Two of them are to the candidacy of Cardinal support it and two are wavering Tho Austrian and German Cardinals number seven and they all support Cardinal Sera fino Vannutclll The four Spanish Car- dinals are in favor of Cardinal Rampolla Cardinal Gibbons Archbishop of Balti- more and Cardinal Loguo Archbishop of Armagh Ireland art against Cardinal Rampolla Time session of tlio Cardinals today oc- cupied only fifteen minutes Ono innova- tion noted was tlio introduction of a buffet with Ice water and vermouth Cardinal Oreglia di Santo Stefano the president distributed the voting papers for time Conclave He explained the innnnoi in which the ballots are to ho used A vote will bo taken at 10 oclock each morning- At tho afternoon sessions the Cardinals desiring to change their votes cart do so casting blank votes This process is designated ns accession and its practical effect is that two ballots wit be taken dally The Impression gains ground that tho short It will soon be evident whether it will bo possible to elect Cardinal Itampolla If it Is that ho cannot be elected It will to concentrate on a neutral candidate Ono guess is as good as another concerning who such a neutral candidate may bo for time Cardinals themselves are without any fixed idea Masses were celebrated in all the Catholic churches of Home today for tho repose of tho soul of Pope Leo XIII Today was also tho anniversary of tho assassination of mug Humbert who was killed In 1000 Tho city was bedecked in erepecovered lags hi memory of tho late King nnd the churches were draped in black All the bells were tolled and the general effect of public mourning was more striking than at any time heretofore King Victor Emmanuel anti Queen Helena accompanied by the Dowager Queen Mar gherlla made an early visit to the tomb if the late King In time Pantheon where a requiem mass was solemnized The Pan- theon was crowded throughout the tiny but the attendance at the churches was small rriMV HKVOLT QlELLED Hire or tile Lender lilllcil In a Fight Will tutu hurst iiiard Special Cablt Dtspntch to THE SUN HAVANA July 20 Threo out of a party of four bandits were killed in a fight with rumba near Manxanillo last week These men worn described as revolu tlonists who had risen to obtain pay for the army of the revolution but subsequent facts appeared to show that they were merely bandits- A rumor is current that sixty revolu- tionists are in tho woods between Victoria io a Tunas and Bnyamo Province of Santiago The Government demies tho report The army lists prepared by a commission ippolntod for the purpose have boon Minpleted They contain a total of 63000 names including those of time dead The oUil amount of pay duo Is placed at 45000- XX Tho time for which pay Is calculated A front Feb 31 1395 to Aug 241S08 Gen Maso is down for tho groatest amount over 21000 hue salary is placed at V0- Tionthly according to a law passed at tho u3t session of A special com- mission is to bu appointed to hear claims jasod out the above report on which tho- lummission has been at work for ten months Time now commission will report o President Pahna on Nov SO and the will report to Congress fifteen days whIm the exact amount duo to tho irmy will bo known The Cuban commission to delimit the boundaries of tho American coaling itatlon at Bahia Honda will not begin its fork until next month SUB Klft LEOPOLD realtors of tIle Want Her state fptcl it faW Utipntch to Tins SUN PAUIH July 20 Tho French creditors if Princess Philip of and lothu Princess Louise of Belgium have ervcd writs upon Item and hor husband rid also upon King Leopold Princess hillpH father Princess Clementine Count nd Countess Lonyay formerly Crown rincoss of AustriaHungary calling upon hem to show cause why the estate of time Queen of the Belgians should not bo The creditors who comprise dressmakers hoemakers corset makers and dealers also sue ion of tho fortune Jointly held by King and the lato Queen VAK JV W1HELESS TELEGIIAPHY- Srrmtnt Declare They ran Illoch All Marconi Menage Headed for England Vpfdul Cubit Deipnlclt la Tim SUN BERLIN July 20 Tho combination of German wireless telegraph systems pro esses its ability to frustrate every attempt- f Marconi agents to recelvo transatlantic nessages in England by erecting a strong tation on tho German coast and propelling electric waves In the direction of the Mar on current Members of tho combination repudiate ilarconis assertion that wilful interruption would bo chicanery contending that It would be eelfdefence against Marconla- ittompt to secure a worldwide monopoly 20For the discussing lear let ton oppose Hun- garian show S later the Ito Jewelers hrao I Ito U meeting aLt Itmiut hem Ill ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < VESUVIUS MHHE ACTIVE Lava fit roam nfttlne Iliue In the Hull of 1onipell Special Cablt Deipatcli to Ills SUN NAPLES July 20 The eruption of Mount Vesuvius is increasing in Intensity Th lava stream has reached to within twent metres of tho ruins of Pompeii Slight earthquakes have occurred I Sicily TO TIlE ARCTIC l IV AUTO Mr Mrs C J Rllililcn or Star Copenhagen Special Cable Despatch to Tnn SUN COPENHAGEN July 20 Blr and Mrs C J Gliddon of Boston started this aftei noon in an automobile intending to eros the Arctic Circle If they succeed the will be the first persona who have ever reached such a northerly point In ap mobile FLOOD IHtlKEXS 10fTSVILLE Extra LoroiuollvM Ilequlrwl lo I rai Trains Through the lluihlng Water POTTSVILLE Pa July 20 Tha wors ever known here prevails tonight water Is above the firebox of tlu electric light plant and tho town is in dark ness Several houses were struck bj lightning during a terrific storm this Streams of water threo feet deer flowed In the streets and the Hohuylkill River rouse six foot In one hour The Phila- delphia and Reading passenger station was surrounded by the flood ansi passengers shriving on incoming trains were compelled to remain It took locomotives to pull the Pennsylvania Ha Iroad flyer from Phila- delphia into town BO great was tho power necessary to plough through the water The water tore a hole 20 feet In circum- ference anti 18 feet deep directly on the threshold of the home of Martin Eiohorn at Sixth and Minewvllle streets Thu frightened inmates escaped through the to the homes cf neighbors Many wero washed away The for the now 75000 Methodist much damaged Many collieries ore flooded OUGHT TO LYNCh THEM ALL Shouted a N 1 Meet- ing Starts a Small How MoRtiiSTOWN N J July 20 While a ocinlist orator was talking to a crowd in time park hero last night about lawlessness and tho lynching of negroes in the South and West Alfred Mansfield the proprietor of the Farmers Hotel broke up the meeting by saying that all negroes ought to bo Tinre were fourteen negroes present They Immediately got together in football style and made a rush through the crowd for Mansfield Ho fled Chief of Polico Hollaway and Rounds man Hendershot hurried to the spot had no trouble In preserving order Time negroes made no further demon- stration irowiv unmiED Tovfins Mrs SUck Knocked Down With a Cold Chisel In East Twentylev f Mrs Caroline Mack of 812 East Sixtieth street was walking along East Twenty seventh street near First avenue late last night when a gang of young Gas House After one her down from behind with a coLt chisel another snatched item pocketbook They took out 18 In bills but loft enough change lo take her homo antI threw the purso down beside hor Mrs Mack came to shortly afterward ind her screams brought Policeman Mcln tyre He took her down to then East Twenty second street station where an ambulance nirgeon sowed up a threeinch cut In her scalp COV1CTS ELUDE IlIlSUEIMI- Vntch Their Movement Through Field GJixsjrs and Keep Ahead PIACEBVILIK Cal July 20 Posses out- n search of the escaped convicts from Fol 10in Prison have made no progress in twenty- our hours Only eight convicts are together low the others having separated from the iialn body All these fugitives are In the lienvy brush in a rough mountainous coun ry near the American River They have a pair of strong field glasses with which hey can watch the movements of their pur- suers Last night they were seen In the aflonnt Greenwood near Placerville but his morning they had escaped IULLET lilT HIS LEFT TEMPLE rililenft family Say Ills heath Was Accl dental lie Was eftIIanUfd Charles Tilden who was employed as a secretary and advertising agent at ors Filt i Avenue Theatre was yesterday by a bullet from his own revolver rle watt found In bed with a bullet wound n lila loft temple Ills family and the polico say thoy think hat ho shot himself by accident while tak ng his revolver from under Lie pillow- t was explained that he was lofthandea Tilden who was 37 years old was a nephew of Police Commissioner Thomas- V Tilden of Jersey City His brother ilarmnduke Tlldon secretary f that city JEROME FOR MAYOR ALAS le He Hai Tronble Enough Now and Please Dont llothrr Him District Attorney Jerome was asked yesterday if ho had heard a story that was olng around to the effect that he was going o bo the fusion candidate for Mayor Mr yawned and said I have trouble now These okes make me tired Please do not bother ne with them fig CalMon Ii In Iti forth The to bo used in construct ig of the now Manhattan Bridge hitch was docked successfully on Tuesday veiling was anchored yesterday In Its erth at the foot of PUce street Than Is feet of water in time tulip whom caisson will soon bo sunk after it esta on Uio bottom there will bo about fteen feet of it above water LateSt Marino Intelligence Ss Teutonic Liverpool Julr 324 Si N- tn Curttjo July j u IlonUa Hall Poitlaail N ant Iron auto food there I food found tons Man lit MorrIstown The Pro ot thin Pavon 1 Company Says Jerome hug I the Jul oIIJI1 21 I Boston after- noon Ill Street had kxiocked realuunr Trust a 2t s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DAVID POLICE ltiKFOIlCE ACCCSITIOX THAT JlltOKEIl HlltKIt TllltiS Coachman Ilrk Out 1rlsiincrn as Assailants nnd Inlet Mutt From Long Iiraneh Sun Iainar Iulil iin u Hills UaMinnn Not Less Celebrated In Illu Ilnu Than Imnar In Illn Sen- ator tiraily Urlnlnril to Defend Easl man Ilenles First That Ifoxtitmn Ad inlttnl ItnonliiK Lamar LnnK Urinch Getting over a MEhtmnro of Alarm That David Lamar a more or less cele- brated Wall Street character hired Monk Eastman and Joseph Brown two New York East Side thugs to Lamars excoachman at Long Branch on July 0 is something that In- spector McClusky of tho declared yesterday to be strongfy Indi- cated by evidence In his hands The two men hired to assault McMahon are prisoners at Police Headquarters awaiting extradi- tion to Long and McClueky says that Lamar in to bo arrested again by tho New Jersey authorities Lamar id a of Now Jersey having a summer homo at Seabright McCluaky Is therefore riot bothering about him but Is looking for a fourth man Detective Ser- geants Kinsler anti Duggan who arrested Eastman and Brown spent tho entire day yostenlay marching for this man described ua a prizefighter antI thug who went with hi a carriage from a Broadway hotel East Side to a bargain with Eastman Kliihlor and have learned they say that tried to hire a man who makes hU headquarterx in a Seventh avonuo aloou to do the Job but tho man refused hen the detectives say nnothor moan was approached arid agreed to get some one who would do McMahon and It was through him that Eastman Brown and others wore hired McClusky says that while Eastman and Brown have made no confession they have never denied committing tutu assault On the other hand tim Inspector says thoy appear to take it that they have been caught with tho goods on them but are expecting some ono to conic to tho front and get them out of tho CONNELTINQ EASTMAN AND According to McClusky his detectives learned that Eastman after tho assault nnd not long before hIs arrest telephone Lamar at Long Branch telling broker that he was safe In Now York To which Lamar replied Thats good No harm will come to youOn tho wny to tho Tombs pollen yesterday Detective Sergeant ijiiestloned Eastman concerning moimy that ho arid Brown hind received from Lamar Eastman replied U a fourflusher and if hn dont hell get a taste of Jersey law Eastman and Brown were arraigned be- fore Magistrate Ommun on a charge of assault on McMahon A complaint set forth that the assiiult wits committed at the request of Dnvid Lamar Tho two were remanded back to Pollen Headquarters for a further examination this afternoon On Tuesday night McMahon visited Headquarters and positively identified EiiHtmaii and Brown as hU assailants them out from ten other men Yesterday morning Harry McGill i bartender at East also ng about a hotel there previous to the Hu said hey wanted iu the line of food cigars and that the bills were settled- y Lomnr Headquarters and asked to see the they said they had retained as Word was sent o Kattnuin anti ho replied Gwan theyre I dont know em The were asked If they had been lent thero lAmer They not and urther said that was unknown to hotn LAMAR F Grady announced at the Democratlo last night that be and John Hoyer counsel for Eastman und Brown The two gave out his statement As counsel for William Monk lastmnn arid Joseph Drown with usuultinif ona McMahon at Long Branch his summer we ask upuoa In your columns o deny till statements attributed to them whether from police or other offlolal circles artlculorly do our clients deny that at trite hare they claimed acquaintance Ir David Lnmar or any one use n tummy controversy with said ilcMahon- nd tiny statement attributed to them of uch character la maliciously false and save no other object than to prujudlca the UBO of our clients or servo som private wedge JOHN HOYBR- TUOUAS F QBADT vita KECOni IN TUG ASSAULT 01U3 David Lamar charged hiss MoMahon having assaulted dm on July 1 in time tarnar stablo near ieubright N J On this following ilcMahon wan arraigned Judge fcdford at Hod Bank and held in was furnished fur the action of jrund Jury limo fuuts regarding the assault wore out at thus McMahon was hiving Mrs Lamar on the afternoon of luly 1 Mrs had with her her log The became restive anti Jumped rum tim carrlugo Mrs tlcMahon get down arid bring hint back ilcMahon on tutu ground that he was u coachman and not a dog catcher When Lamar got homo that evening lire Ijamiir told bun of the of ho coachman Mr Lumnr promptly re- ulred to the ntible Later iis features and then chargud the convlimau vlth dflmngine them After that went to Long Branch mid sued out a warrant charging Lnmnr- vilh assault Time warrant was mado uturnabla on 0 antI ns MoMnhon van entering Justices Court at Long ranuh to uppsar Iwiniar thrtai- trangors set upon hint Icnouknl him down his face stabbed him and host rid kicked hurt filrnoat Thlx ono tli v carriage salt to ave been driven by Bernard Smith jamara It WHS noted that janvirdld o McMnhonb charges On the day July 10 McMahon lad Smith Dononne who sue uoded MoMiihon m I a mars coachman nd Patrick Ijirmirs groom held for time Grand Jury on Large of complicity In tho assault jinvir was on time same chorga Time rooord in tho two castes to follows James McMahon with Hsault on David Lamar David Ijaowr- I It t amen McMahon charged with assault on Irs Lamar LHrnnr charged with an accomplice to an In mt to kill on James McMahon MoMahon- l held under 200 ball on each of his charges ndLamarundop 3200 LAMARMONK EASTMAN I I do up Janice McMahon Poll Brach i 1 J i Lunar mae I DUg scrap to the i I i I curt lamar the two and thin two it Polio been Lamar DEN Cub lawyer wIt q hUe Lamar l I I s hut I t 7 p Identified as been f I r I morning Delaney charged any can rallieS I lie 1 j Lamar iJ1 I sf tc j lie in a not Oh that day to answer rretecl and C cbs with assault on 1 tp < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1903-07-30 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1903-07-30/ed-1/seq-1.pdfk U Shower lody od probbly toIO9-r J 33J NEW YORK TnURSDAY JULY 30 1903Copurio1

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U Shower lody od probbly toIO9-

r J33J NEW YORK TnURSDAY JULY 30 1903Copurio1 1903 The Sun hinilU and IublshlU Auocatiol

r r V r r 9 a r

flrIA cTpuI-

1J e TnnsrTJurxic


== =




BO Pfr on Injured Seriously nnd 10-

Mlnhtly A nortn nulhlliiRR Wreckrand as Many More Shattered hauL

Four Ilo In Swimming Killed b

Hir rnncunslon One Workman Out o-

Klx In the Pimder Eiopri Ileatl-

Coimlry for Shaken

jnvmli Mass July score o

peiWIlS mill Hirwiuij

to death at 0 oclock this forenoon by th-

eiplosion of the United StatesCompanys magazine on tho banks of thConcordRivur in South Lowell two mile

from tho centre of the city The settlemeat Is known 01 Wigginsvillo The num

bcr of thoiw Injured seriously is 70

morn than 100 persons worn slightlyby glass unit burned At 2 oclock in tinjftornoon tho list of dead stood at thirt-

nHi wiih nine miningA dozen woodon dwellings which stooc

rear the powder house wore either demolIslied by the explosion or destroyed by firean1 twentyothor structures were damageMrtoiiy The financial loss exclusive

o that susUilned by tho cartridge com

juny Is roughly estimated atThe mngiiyino buildings

company were two small brick structurescine of whioh was used for storing gunjKiwilcr So large was the quantity o

po d r in storage that the shock of tinpiplouion was distinctly felt all over northenstern Massachusetts In Lowell manwindow were demolished and at plaeei-

fiftwn miles awny glass was also shatteredThe wreck caused by the explosion covenon of three acres Houses

outbuildings He in ruins somedemolished and others hardly more thann heap of broken timbers stilt others annmolfing from the fire the prompt responseof the fire department having quencheil-

lm names which followed tho explosionThe building in which the explosion oo-

Mirrod was about ono and onehalfdistant from the of thecompany which WithintliBtnnce of fifty yards are half a dozeihouses

One hundred yards away there are twent j

houses more and beyond that the buildIngs are close together Every struciunwithin a quarter of a mite was torn withinflail without Men women and chlldrerwho were inside sustained bruiseiend broken bones

So far as Is known six men who wenengaged In loading the powder on wagoniwere blown to fragments by the explosion

who were swimming In the

river wire killed by tho eoncuswon A fifth had just dived Into the waterwhen tho crash came He emerged partimanned but managed to to shoreAbout a dozen wooden houses were fairlytorn to They were built thicklyabout he magazine and were demolishec-

In a moment Sown of then house wenburned by flra whtob etarMd In the rulnaK dozen people FrenchCanadians werecaught In the wreckage Three wereburned alive and at laast nine more re-

ceived mortal injuriesMen who lived In streets not far off who

were fortunate enough to eecapo seriousInjury immediately gave themselves oveito the work of removing women and chil-

dren to place of safely for almost simul-

taneously with the explosion came flashes olShine from several buildings Intofirs and debris of men were soonplunging to and property TheBrook was to complete however that thework was slow The patrol wagons of thepolice and allbroughtambulances

A short time after the explosion the fireteilH were rung and the fire departmentstarted ut full speed for he scene PeopleJuiniied on cars that wore headed for WigKirsvillo On the way to the fire numerousciirrliges were met that bore bleedingbodies of victims Women and childrenwith faces bleeding from cuts by glasspaired through the streets in a hystericalunto

Tli city of Lowell was thrown Into apanic and It required every effort of thonuthnritwn to establish and maintainanything like order Alarming reportsto the effect that more than 100 hadbeen killed and Injured caused wide-spread confusion Tho streets of thocity were soon filled with throngs of menwomen and children It finally becamenecessary to summon four companies of-

Hi State militia who responded promptlyend ate now on gunrd-

Snveral theorios have been advanced asto the cause of tho explosion It is knownthat five or six workmen were engaged in-

laying floors In one part of the storehousethL week They were in tho buildings thismiming and tt ia supposed that in some

T a jar caused by them set od the rx-

po lves Just what happened probablywill never be known

Tho police and firemen assisted by otherm i began a search of tho ruins as soon aspossible Physicians hurried out fromth city as soon as the news of the disasterYearns known and they together withdoctors living in Wlgginsville mado the

as comfortable 03 possible witharrived to convey them to St

Johns Hospital Ono man was sufferingsuch Intenso agony that upon hla arrivalat the hospital he begged the surgeons tohoot him and mid misery

I saw something burning on the floorhurried forward to put it out and then

aw a column of fire springing up and thatl nil I know of tho explosion until I foundwyepjf here said Joy Goodwin said to

win Biirvivor of tho exploulou to afPrterO-

oodwln wns found unconscious andIly distance away from the

ipl wns taken tQ the hospitalonce and may live Four or five of us

doing our usual work In the storagethis morning ho said Tha ordinary

amount of loose explosive was scatteredout th floor as Is a matter of

mall importance in a powder house wePaid no attention to It until suddenly werwUze that tho stuff had begun to work

threw water on it but it did not doall iUrted to run I think

that I turned half round Nonethought then of anything but eecap

iriff dt-

Jms ta bright as lightning and then Ilifted Into the air for I do not

now how I got out of the buildingMoet of those killed were employees

the concern or living In the


29Amoro wero blown

rid go



tent barsnd





team descriptionus



Injure 0m


good Ten

The a












whole place was with

hoiaee destroyed




Cal CtarlliiKton Hiports to SecretorHoot the Result or Ills Inquiry

WASHINGTON July report oCol H A Darlington IneppctorGeneraof tho Department of tho Fast who madan investigation by direction of tho Scoretury of Wtir of tho statements connectingItcprcscntativo LttUuor with certaincontracts for gloves and gauntlets reachettho War Department this morning It voi

sent to tho ofllco of tho Secretary of Warbut when Secretary Root left tho Departwent shortly before 1 oclock to visitsummer camp of tho District militia niLeesburg Va ho said that he hud not yet

the documentDarlington it ia said makes nc

specific recommendation in the report bulmerely makes n statement of tho facts tilsclosed by his inquiry The report Includestho testimony of a largo number of Personsexamined under oath by Col CJarllngtonBoth Col Patten who was in charge of thinbranch of the olllee of the QuartermasterGeneral having charge of the purchase olthe gloves and Cot was DppolQuartermaster in Philadelphia at tho tImtho contracts wore madn were examined bjCol Darlington The testimony of JonLudiiiKton who was QjiartermtiBtcrGon-eril in also included in the papersAdjutantGeneral Corbin said thisnoon that the report had reachedthe oflloe of the InspectorGeneral of theArmy but that it came too Into to presenlto Secretary Root before ho left tho VaiDepartment Ho said that it would bo haltbefore tho Secretary of War tomorrowfor his consideration Gen Corbin uodined to say anything as to the contents olthin document and said that it would hardlybe made public until Secretaryreviews tho case and upon itmay not bo for several days


fly niileh Aldermen Aiorotliue Here Wontto Dnileo Wuylayrr

A spiral Htuircaso in the City HM1 lead-ing from the AldormenH old chamber

basement and hoarded up nearly thirtyago WAS uncovered yesterday Down

this staircase according to boroughtho Boodle Aldorrnen of ISM

who had urtieipttted in the BriMdwuyfranchises eteal their angry

who were Whiting for them ontho outaido of the chamber Hut Alder-men for years used the stairway to avoidbeing served with court orders arid to givethe slip to importunate constituents

Thirty years ago the Aldermen sat inwhat is now known cs the Council

big assembly room oil the wettternside of the building This chamber IK tobe renovated and when the workmen wereclearing the room yesterday they found

tlio lifesiiw painting of Gon Jackson ontho southern wall an embrasure four feotbroad and two feet deep In tearing awaythe wooden support upon which the picturestood they came upon an opening in tho

and tho spiral stairway to tho baseAt the bottom of the stairs was a

smrll room a foot or more deep with dustThis room was used by tho oldtimo Alder-men as a kitchen and also as a placo for afriondly game of cards whtn tho businessbefore the board was uninteresting Thiskitchen in next to the offices now occupiedby the City Record There was once ahole through the wall and it was throughthis that tho Aldermen made their escape-to the street by the basement when theywanted to make themselves scarce

Today the carpeting of the floor willbe taken up and according to the tradi-tions of the City Hall a trap door will bofound immediately in front of tho clerksdesk It is wild that this trap door willdisclose stairway leading to thoroom In corner of the Imilding now occupied by Mayor Low


shop nurses the Uev Mr WouonRet a In IVennln Way

MATTITUCK L 1 July 20 Bishop Fredrick Burgess of the Prutjstant Episrnpal

Diocese of Long Island and tho Rev WilliamI Wasson formerly rector of St ieorg s-

n Brooklyn and now rector of GraceChurch at Klverhead got a wetting andlad quite a slruggla to escape

in Feconic Ray yesterday Neitherjan swim

Mr Wesson is confiidered a good amateurtailor Bishop Burgess is making a tour ofits diocese and rumnimd over yesterdayis the guest of the Rev Mr Wasson at lilaottago on Ieconio Bay A fresh breezevnt blowing yesterday afternoon and MrIVosson got and taking I hoJishop aboard started on a sail across tlni

They were going along at a livelyast Kobins Island when they werey a sudden gust that capsized the boat

ioth men wore thrown Into the water butnanaged to get hold of the overturned craft

Some distance away was a sailing partyTom Iho Mattltuek House composed ofV rnu r Judge Henry F Hnggerty LawyerVilliam B Hughes John P Mai Ion

Million anil William H Miller all ofyn They Immediately went to the res

juo of the two clergymen and succeeded

ii hauling them out of the water Neitheruffered any serious inconvenience fromho mishap anti Bishop Burgess conducted

orvlcea in the church hors lout evening


iVranper Sinkers Seek to Force ContentedWorker ti till

Tho women who compose the Wrappertakers Union went on Htrilre yesterdayor a nluuhour working day It was said

that there were 1000 of the strikers There

vero soveral hundred young women Inat 88 street where strike

went establishedA crowd of the strikers invaded the shop

f Isaac Freedmnn at 74 Monroo streetafternoon Sixteen were

it work there and the visitors loudly dethat they Join the strikers

didnt want to strike but thenvadors insisted and when Freedmanirdored away attacked the

to wreck Iho shopoverturned sewing machines and

cattered the garmentsround the

Policeman I o of tho Madisonwho answered treedmanB culls

or help was greeted with catcalls Hoont to the for assistance

the reserves quelled tho disturbancearrested four young women and two

When tho prisoners were arraigned in thoJiso Market Freodnuin was


ono of thornred and by Magistrate Deuel




Furey who


aCer Rot

















the hal



I party


10could not positively







dent Cantor

escaped con-






excited flint






> <


Newly Organlril Vnlnn Cull an Inral-

ipctwl Ntrlke Ilrlvrr Attacked IIILoad Pulled Iloun liar

Cut Aim Have No Grievance

The drivers of tho New York TransfeCompany Dodds Express to tho numbeof about ISO went on strike yesterday afternoon after giving tho company threo hcunto grant a demand that the company recognlzo the union lately organized by the menThis tho company refused to do and tin

left their wagons As a result tincompany was badly tied up and few de-

liveries could be madeTim drivers whom tho company got tt

take the strikers places wore in maninstances set upon by the strikers afteitheir wagons got away from the stablesand the company was forced to call uponthe police of the West Thirtieth and Wes-lFortyseventh street stations for help

Tho police succeeded in maintainingorder about tho stables but accordingto the company drivers wore frequontljassaulted lato In the afternoon The companys otllcors declared last night thatthey would hire nonunion men to

all their wagons todayOne of the new James Wendel

of 311 Seventh avenue won attacked orSeventh avenue Wendel had been to theLiberty street ferry and was returningwith a load of trunks to tho stables at thtnortheast corner of Thirtyeighth streeland Seventh avomio

About forty strikers who wero standingon the corner near another stable of thecompany nt 211 West Twentyeighth streetsnw tho wagon and made a dash for Won

dol The crowd yelled Scab and Wendelwhipped up his horse was surroundedby the strikers at Thirtieth street

The trunks were high on the wagonand in a second were out and tinstrikers had cut tho ropes and splllod theloath in tho street

Somebody telephoned to thostation that a man was being mur

ilored and In a few minutes Roundsman-Gillepjle and fifteen men were around thewagon

It took the police some time to makeout what the trouble was about awl thenthey drove tho strikers away A big crowdmostly sympathizers of tho strikers had

and the began gettingthe trunks back on the Before

knew it a striker had slipped throughthe crowd and cut the harnesswalked out of the shafts

The crowd cheered but tho driver withthe assistance of the up

harness and put tho onagain

when he was neatly to start a couple ofgot on the sent with him and

drove up Seventh avenue Tho otherpoliceman the wagon and

tho crowd which numberednearly one thousand

Near the stallfS at Thirtyeighth streettho crowd begun to throw stones The

BtGod it until the cops on the wagonwere struck and then

ordered his men to draw their short

strikers was arrestedThe union which declared the strike was

the men three monthsinch since then there have ben wvernl dis-putes ontween the mal its drivers

was over a man to thecompany was discharged for intoxication

company was not the strikehowever-

A committee of three of the driversheaded by Thomas Brandon calledrieiierni William F Draper At hisfilcf at 1351 Broadway at 0 oclock

morning and a to himwith tho request that he It

I read Mr Draper lastsvenlng and found a statenont that tho men were perfectly satisfiedivith their and thatollowed a demand that we the

low union and bind ourselves to employmembers of the union as

committee said that they wanted an anwer by 11 oclock tomorrow and I toldhem would take the matter under adiwment

About noon I heard from Brandon whosaid

Tho men have decided that I did wrongi-n giving you until 11 oclock tomorrowThe answer must bo nude 2 oclock titusifternoon or theyll on strike

I told thorn the answer would notje given nt that or at otherma tho would run itsnulneM It watt then that they calledh strike Although wo werevired WH have in Retting aboutseventyfive tennis out and mornomorrow We shall rofuws to

a union and union dictationAlthough the strike was called at 2 oclock-

ho drivers who were out did not leaveheir teams until gut back to thntables After quitting n of been n-

nalned about the and every intowas sent out four or flvo men

wild start to follow It Those men wouldlimb up on tht drivers neat anti try andit tho driver to leave the wagon aow cases thy succeeded

Tho has stables in Twentyeighth Thirtyeighth and 102d streets

sergeant a of policemen weren at the street

fist night At thu 102d street stable thewagons wero without

At the downtown terminals of tho Penniylvanla Company at Cortlandt and DosiroHfles streets of the New Centralit street and of tho Erlo Companyit Chambers street there was noif any kind with the strikers It was nearly

when the delegate of theIrovo to these stations in a and orderedhe drivers toTho nwn obeyed him without question

flit loft their horses andhey stood In the street In several Initnnces agents of the company got driverso send thu wagons away someif the trucks had to led back to thetables

Tho New York Transfer Company doesho Manhattan theailroad companies mentioned and baggagen this was held up last

At about 7 oclock a few on eachif which a policeman rode visited each ofho trucks could take

hut few of the trunksTho agents at the stations refused to

iccnpt luggage last night except on thethat lid not

hind Itself to make deliveries by any spooltime


Woman Wlio Wouldnt Make Way for NewBridge Plaza Moved Then

Tho contractors men who went yosterto tear down tho Wllllamsburg houses

sites ore to be used for the plaza-f the now bridge had some trouble withdoren tenants who not moved out

n obedience to the given-A woman in a house In street

mar street to got outnd threaten ed to take to tho

tort Sho had stepladder leadng to tho roof

The mon tricked her by leaving the buMand then roof

trough a vacant building next doorto roof with axM-

ind crowbars The woman moved out









lit trunkon

bibs charge the crowd None of the




tiM till



ei ht n dr ers



a hat
















nellglnus nefornicrs Tortured KIII Pu-

tn Death by Infuriated MobsSpecial CnWe Ditpalch to Tan StN

LONDON July 30 The Times recordsmurderous popular outbreak In the Pro vineof Yezd in southern Persia at tho end o

Juno against the liable or religious

The position of the foreign residentssometimes critical owing to the mob search-

ing the Babies quarter where Engliamissionaries reside

During June 27 and 28 every Babi capturcd by tho rabble was butchered in what-

ever manner their captors pleased Theirbodies wore dragged through

followed by exultant crowds

Plunder and outrage were carrod on witthe help of soldiers

The priests on Juno 28 enjoined thpopulace to luring all the Babis who wenstill alive before themselves or tho Gov-

ernor Tlio latter at first refused to glviway to tho mobs threats but when hipalace was surrounded by rioters hi

yielded and ordered that one be blownfrom the mouth of a and thinthe throat of another bo cut Tho totsnumber of victims ia not stated but tinInference is that they wero numerous


tien Koiiropatkln Tolls of Ills Visit tiJapan

Sptctat Cable Dutpntch to TUB SUN

Sr PBTKBSBUHU July 20 Gon Kouropatkin Minister of War who returnedfrom Port Arthur yesterday Is repreaentot-as saying that he is greatly satisfied with theresult of his tour

Ho admits that the relations betweenRussia and Japan were somewhat straineiwhen he reached Toklo A fairly strongparty In Japan was advocating war butho Mikado was very wellRussia and ho assuredof his amicable feelings Ion Kouropatkinmoreover gathered that tho Bulk of thtJapanese were not Influenced by the jingo

of tho war party and the atmosphenclearest and war In the near future

id most Improbable-The Minister is as saying that

is prepared eventualitiesnnd that she lisa a standing army In

East of men which can btstrengthened at

RUSSIAN A ItMY CtFEnETEleading Krnerals Meet at OittMa At

In theSpecial lleiyttclt SCN

LONDON Jiuy 30 Tho Timrs printuntied despatches from Moscow describingmportant military conferences haul

ho lat three days ut Odessa which wereittwnded by the commanders of army corpus

and the leading generals in South Russiahe Caucasus

Simultaneously thoro were exhaustivenspections of the troops and special manauT-

OS wero Large orders for ammuiltlon other material have beenilucod while the Government magazinesiave been accumulating unusual quantitiesf storesThe Government according to the cor

espondent has notified tho volunteerfleet authorities to provide for possible

xpedltioiis and all the vessels of the fleetbeen withdrawn from trade service

nnicritn COUPLE v t cutImiiRlit to Ilrllcuie by a Man Who S

Taken Ipluir Woulilnl Slay-

A cab in which were two men and aroman drove up to Bellovuo Hospital lastnight One of the men got out and said

This man end woman have taken anivnrdose of opium Im from the Hotelavarre myself but I found thom at a

hug storo at Thirtyseventh street andavonuo whre they took the

opium They ought to lw taken caro ofapt MoKail who Is In charge of the

lotpltal at night told the man and womano get out of the CliO but they refusedVhoy said that they didnt want toreated and that they didnt intend tocave the cab

All right said rapt MoKnll I cantilo anything for you

rust you should make them get out ofhe rvi said the first titan They are in-

L Konous conditionMvKull said ho couldnt make anyto a hospital so the spokesman-

ot into tho cab and drove awayPersona who saw the couple said they

looked as if they had takentsome drugAt tho Hotel Navarro it was said that

nobody front tho hotel had gone to Bolluvu-oloblnsons drug tore Is at the northwestturner of Thirtyseventh street and Seventhvenue The clerk there said he saw a mannd a woman on tho corner arid thoughthy were drunk

They hadnt been in his placo He saw-

n maui join them and then a cab came upnd took tho three away


r Joseph Slelvln Lost Ulillo Trying toHave Woman Companion

ATMNTIO Cm N J July 29 Dr Joeph Melvin of Carbondale Pa a guest atho Southern Hotel and Merle

a pretty twentyyearold girl of Wil

iamsport Pa employed at the saute hote-

ls waitress were drowned in the surf at S

chock this afternoonTime young woman had a venturesome

iplrit and got out too far A curling seaher off her feet and carried hor Into

he deep pool at the end of tho jetty inront of the St Charles Lifo Guard Anderon darted Into tho surf with life line andmoy Dr Melvin a poor swimmer also

to the girl and caught her skirtThe two in their death struggle in fifteen

eet of water wero seen by crowds on theand boardwalk Ati Guard Anderson

of Dr Kelvin the latter collapsedcompletely Guards andcached for tho girl but tube hadeared

People on the beach hauled Andersonnd his burden ashore while tho other twouardd dived time and again but withoutvail to find the girlWhile they woro working over the doctors

lodyhia mother curiously inclined pushedthrough the crowd When she saw the

ifeleea form of her son she fainted and bado be carried to her hotel

A happy and iileasunt memoryn HncUan Rim D ty









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hur led

bachlclc Bach










Want to Know About tile Holy Sees n-

tourers Frrniti Cardinals Inuuto t

tuttle on a Landlilat c fur Pope Votln

Patters fur the Conclave Dlitrlhiitei

Special CMi Dupalclt a TuB SuN

mom TUB SuN Cnrreipontlcnt at Home

ROME July n long timo afterof the congregation today th

Cardinals remained in groupsvarious questions The foreign Cardinalespecially are making searching inquiries tx

how HO many millions of dollarsPius IX have disappeared

amount is estimated at nearly 20000000Pope Leos bequest is valued tt about 7000000 The Cardinals are also socking inforrna

as to the exact financial resources of thtSee

There has been no change in theof the several factions in the Sacred Collegiregarding tho various candidates for tinPapacy The position the foreign Cardinals is clearer than that of tho Italian mem-

bers of the collegeTho French Cardinals met today but

failed to agree upon united action Twoof them are to the candidacy ofCardinal support it andtwo are wavering Tho Austrian

and German Cardinals numberseven and they all support Cardinal Serafino Vannutclll The four Spanish Car-dinals are in favor of Cardinal RampollaCardinal Gibbons Archbishop of Balti-more and Cardinal Loguo Archbishop ofArmagh Ireland art against CardinalRampolla

Time session of tlio Cardinals today oc-

cupied only fifteen minutes Ono innova-tion noted was tlio introduction of a buffetwith Ice water and vermouth

Cardinal Oreglia di Santo Stefano thepresident distributed the voting papersfor time Conclave He explained the innnnoiin which the ballots are to ho used A votewill bo taken at 10 oclock each morning-At tho afternoon sessions the Cardinalsdesiring to change their votes cart do so

casting blank votes Thisprocess is designated ns accession andits practical effect is that two ballots witbe taken dally

The Impression gains ground that thoshort It will soon be

evident whether it will bo possible to electCardinal Itampolla If it Is thatho cannot be elected It willto concentrate on a neutral candidateOno guess is as good as another concerningwho such a neutral candidate may bo

for time Cardinals themselves are withoutany fixed idea

Masses were celebrated in all the Catholicchurches of Home today for tho repose oftho soul of Pope Leo XIII Today was alsotho anniversary of tho assassination ofmug Humbert who was killed In 1000

Tho city was bedecked in erepecoveredlags hi memory of tho late King nnd thechurches were draped in black All thebells were tolled and the general effect ofpublic mourning was more striking thanat any time heretofore

King Victor Emmanuel anti Queen Helenaaccompanied by the Dowager Queen Margherlla made an early visit to the tombif the late King In time Pantheon where arequiem mass was solemnized The Pan-

theon was crowded throughout the tiny butthe attendance at the churches was small


Hire or tile Lender lilllcil In a Fight Willtutu hurst iiiard

Special Cablt Dtspntch to THE SUN

HAVANA July 20 Threo out of a partyof four bandits were killed in a fightwith rumba near Manxanillo last weekThese men worn described as revolutlonists who had risen to obtain pay forthe army of the revolution but subsequentfacts appeared to show that they weremerely bandits-

A rumor is current that sixty revolu-tionists are in tho woods between Victoriaio a Tunas and Bnyamo Province ofSantiago The Government demies thoreport

The army lists prepared by a commissionippolntod for the purpose have boonMinpleted They contain a total of 63000names including those of time dead TheoUil amount of pay duo Is placed at 45000-

XX Tho time for which pay Is calculatedA front Feb 31 1395 to Aug 241S08 GenMaso is down for tho groatest amountover 21000 hue salary is placed at V0-

Tionthly according to a law passed at thou3t session of A special com-mission is to bu appointed to hear claimsjasod out the above report on which tho-

lummission has been at work for tenmonths Time now commission will reporto President Pahna on Nov SO and the

will report to Congress fifteen dayswhIm the exact amount duo to tho

irmy will bo knownThe Cuban commission to delimit the

boundaries of tho American coalingitatlon at Bahia Honda will not begin itsfork until next month


realtors of tIle Want Her state

fptcl it faW Utipntch to Tins SUNPAUIH July 20 Tho French creditors

if Princess Philip of andlothu Princess Louise of Belgium haveervcd writs upon Item and hor husbandrid also upon King Leopold PrincesshillpH father Princess Clementine Countnd Countess Lonyay formerly Crownrincoss of AustriaHungary calling upon

hem to show cause why the estate of time

Queen of the Belgians should not bo

The creditors who comprise dressmakershoemakers corset makers and

dealers also sueion of tho fortune Jointly held by King

and the lato Queen


Srrmtnt Declare They ran Illoch AllMarconi Menage Headed for England

Vpfdul Cubit Deipnlclt la Tim SUN

BERLIN July 20 Tho combination ofGerman wireless telegraph systems proesses its ability to frustrate every attempt-f Marconi agents to recelvo transatlanticnessages in England by erecting a strongtation on tho German coast and propellingelectric waves In the direction of the Maron currentMembers of tho combination repudiate

ilarconis assertion that wilful interruptionwould bo chicanery contending that Itwould be eelfdefence against Marconla-ittompt to secure a worldwide monopoly

20For the


lear let










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aLt Itmiut









Lava fit roam nfttlne Iliue In the Hullof 1onipell

Special Cablt Deipatcli to Ills SUN

NAPLES July 20 The eruption of Mount

Vesuvius is increasing in Intensity Th

lava stream has reached to within twent

metres of tho ruins of PompeiiSlight earthquakes have occurred I



Mr Mrs C J Rllililcn or StarCopenhagen

Special Cable Despatch to Tnn SUN

COPENHAGEN July 20 Blr and MrsC J Gliddon of Boston started this aftei

noon in an automobile intending to erosthe Arctic Circle If they succeed thewill be the first persona who have ever

reached such a northerly point In ap



Extra LoroiuollvM Ilequlrwl lo I raiTrains Through the lluihlng Water

POTTSVILLE Pa July 20 Tha worsever known here prevails tonight

water Is above the firebox of tluelectric light plant and tho town is in darkness Several houses were struck bjlightning during a terrific storm this

Streams of water threo feet deerflowed In the streets and the Hohuylkill

River rouse six foot In one hour The Phila-

delphia and Reading passenger station wassurrounded by the flood ansi passengersshriving on incoming trains were compelledto remain

It took locomotives to pull thePennsylvania Ha Iroad flyer from Phila-

delphia into town BO great was tho powernecessary to plough through the waterThe water tore a hole 20 feet In circum-

ference anti 18 feet deep directly on thethreshold of the home of Martin Eiohornat Sixth and Minewvllle streets Thu

frightened inmates escaped through theto the homes cf neighbors Many

wero washed away Thefor the now 75000 Methodistmuch damaged Many collieries ore



Shouted a N 1 Meet-

ing Starts a Small HowMoRtiiSTOWN N J July 20 While a

ocinlist orator was talking to a crowd intime park hero last night about lawlessnessand tho lynching of negroes in the Southand West Alfred Mansfield the proprietorof the Farmers Hotel broke up the meetingby saying that all negroes ought to bo

Tinre were fourteen negroes presentThey Immediately got together in footballstyle and made a rush through the crowdfor Mansfield Ho fled

Chief of Polico Hollaway and Roundsman Hendershot hurried to the spothad no trouble In preserving order

Time negroes made no further demon-


irowiv unmiED Tovfins

Mrs SUck Knocked Down With a ColdChisel In East Twentylev f

Mrs Caroline Mack of 812 East Sixtiethstreet was walking along East Twenty

seventh street near First avenue late lastnight when a gang of young Gas House

After oneher down from behind with a coLt chiselanother snatched item pocketbook They

took out 18 In bills but loft enough change

lo take her homo antI threw the purso downbeside hor

Mrs Mack came to shortly afterwardind her screams brought Policeman Mclntyre He took her down to then East Twentysecond street station where an ambulance

nirgeon sowed up a threeinch cut In herscalp


Vntch Their Movement Through FieldGJixsjrs and Keep Ahead

PIACEBVILIK Cal July 20 Posses out-

n search of the escaped convicts from Fol10in Prison have made no progress in twenty-our hours Only eight convicts are together

low the others having separated from theiialn body All these fugitives are In thelienvy brush in a rough mountainous counry near the American River They have apair of strong field glasses with whichhey can watch the movements of their pur-

suers Last night they were seen In theaflonnt Greenwood near Placerville buthis morning they had escaped


rililenft family Say Ills heath Was Accldental lie Was eftIIanUfd

Charles Tilden who was employed as asecretary and advertising agent ators Filt i Avenue Theatre was

yesterday by a bullet from his own revolverrle watt found In bed with a bullet woundn lila loft temple

Ills family and the polico say thoy think

hat ho shot himself by accident while takng his revolver from under Lie pillow-

t was explained that he was lofthandeaTilden who was 37 years old was a

nephew of Police Commissioner Thomas-V Tilden of Jersey City His brotherilarmnduke Tlldon secretary

f that city


le He Hai Tronble Enough Now andPlease Dont llothrr Him

District Attorney Jerome was askedyesterday if ho had heard a story that was

olng around to the effect that he was goingo bo the fusion candidate for Mayor Mr

yawned and saidI have trouble now These

okes make me tired Please do not botherne with them

fig CalMon Ii In Iti forthThe to bo used in construct

ig of the now Manhattan Bridgehitch was docked successfully on Tuesdayveiling was anchored yesterday In Itserth at the foot of PUce street Than Is

feet of water in time tulip whomcaisson will soon bo sunk after it

esta on Uio bottom there will bo aboutfteen feet of it above water

LateSt Marino IntelligenceSs Teutonic Liverpool Julr 324 Si N-

tn Curttjo July j u IlonUa Hall Poitlaail









Man lit MorrIstown



ot thin Pavon 1 Company





Jul oIIJI1 21






had kxiocked

realuunr Trust


2t s









Coachman Ilrk Out 1rlsiincrn asAssailants nnd Inlet Mutt From LongIiraneh Sun Iainar Iulil iin u

Hills UaMinnn Not Less CelebratedIn Illu Ilnu Than Imnar In Illn Sen-

ator tiraily Urlnlnril to Defend Easlman Ilenles First That Ifoxtitmn Adinlttnl ItnonliiK Lamar LnnK UrinchGetting over a MEhtmnro of Alarm

That David Lamar a more or less cele-brated Wall Street character hired MonkEastman and Joseph Brown two New YorkEast Side thugs toLamars excoachman at Long Branchon July 0 is something that In-spector McClusky of thodeclared yesterday to be strongfy Indi-cated by evidence In his hands The twomen hired to assault McMahon are prisonersat Police Headquarters awaiting extradi-tion to Long and McClueky saysthat Lamar in to bo arrested againby tho New Jersey authorities

Lamar id a of Now Jersey havinga summer homo at Seabright McCluakyIs therefore riot bothering about him but Islooking for a fourth man Detective Ser-geants Kinsler anti Duggan who arrestedEastman and Brown spent tho entire dayyostenlay marching for this man describedua a prizefighter antI thug who wentwith hi a carriage from a Broadwayhotel East Side to a bargainwith Eastman

Kliihlor and have learned theysay that tried to hire a man whomakes hU headquarterx in a Seventh avonuoaloou to do the Job but tho man refused

hen the detectives say nnothor moanwas approached arid agreed to get some onewho would do McMahon and It wasthrough him that Eastman Brown andothers wore hired

McClusky says that while Eastman andBrown have made no confession they havenever denied committing tutu assaultOn the other hand tim Inspector saysthoy appear to take it thatthey have been caught with tho goods onthem but are expecting some ono to conicto tho front and get them out of tho


According to McClusky his detectiveslearned that Eastman after tho assaultnnd not long before hIs arrest telephone

Lamar at Long Branch telling brokerthat he was safe In Now York To whichLamar replied

Thats good No harm will come to

youOntho wny to tho Tombs pollen

yesterday Detective Sergeantijiiestloned Eastman concerning moimythat ho arid Brown hind received fromLamar Eastman replied

U a fourflusher and if hn donthell get a taste of Jersey law

Eastman and Brown were arraigned be-

fore Magistrate Ommun on a charge ofassault on McMahon Acomplaint set forth that the assiiult witscommitted at the request of Dnvid Lamar

Tho two were remanded back to PollenHeadquarters for a further examinationthis afternoon

On Tuesday night McMahon visitedHeadquarters and positively identifiedEiiHtmaii and Brown as hU assailants

them out from ten othermen Yesterday morning Harry McGilli bartender at East also

ng about a hotel there previous to theHu said

hey wanted iu the line of foodcigars and that the bills were settled-

y Lomnr

Headquarters and asked to see thethey said they had

retained as Word was sento Kattnuin anti ho replied

Gwan theyre I dont knowem

The were asked If they had beenlent thero lAmer They not andurther said that was unknown tohotn


F Grady announced atthe Democratlo last night that beand John Hoyer counsel for Eastmanund Brown The two gave outhis statement

As counsel for William Monklastmnn arid Joseph Drown withusuultinif ona McMahon at Long Branchhis summer we ask upuoa In your columnso deny till statements attributed to themwhether from police or other offlolal circlesartlculorly do our clients deny that attrite hare they claimed acquaintanceIr David Lnmar or any one usen tummy controversy with said ilcMahon-nd tiny statement attributed to them ofuch character la maliciously false andsave no other object than to prujudlca theUBO of our clients or servo som privatewedge JOHN HOYBR-


vita KECOni IN TUG ASSAULT 01U3David Lamar charged hiss

MoMahon having assaulteddm on July 1 in time tarnar stablo nearieubright N J On this followingilcMahon wan arraigned Judgefcdford at Hod Bank and held in

was furnished fur the action ofjrund Jury

limo fuuts regarding the assault woreout at thus McMahon was

hiving Mrs Lamar on the afternoon ofluly 1 Mrs had with her herlog The became restive anti Jumpedrum tim carrlugo MrstlcMahon get down arid bring hint backilcMahon on tutu ground that hewas u coachman and not a dog catcher

When Lamar got homo that eveninglire Ijamiir told bun of the ofho coachman Mr Lumnr promptly re-ulred to the ntible Later

iis features and then chargud the convlimauvlth dflmngine them

After that went to Long Branchmid sued out a warrant charging Lnmnr-vilh assault Time warrant was madouturnabla on 0 antI ns MoMnhonvan entering Justices Court at Longranuh to uppsar Iwiniar thrtai-trangors set upon hint Icnouknl him down

his face stabbed him and hostrid kicked hurt filrnoat Thlxono tli v carriage salt toave been driven by Bernard Smithjamara It WHS noted thatjanvirdldo McMnhonb charges

On the day July 10 McMahonlad Smith Dononne who sueuoded MoMiihon m I a mars coachmannd Patrick Ijirmirs groom

held for time Grand Jury onLarge of complicity In tho assaultjinvir was on time same chorga

Time rooord in tho two castes tofollows James McMahon with

Hsault on David Lamar David Ijaowr-I It tamen McMahon charged with assault onIrs Lamar LHrnnr charged with

an accomplice to an Inmt to kill on James McMahon MoMahon-l held under 200 ball on each of his chargesndLamarundop 3200




do up Janice McMahon







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Identified as been f I








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not Oh that day to answer

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