VOL. LXXX.-N- O. 244. MUCH HOPE IN A NEW SERUM Jnulon Doctors ftx peri men! Willi Voimjr (ternum's Discovery. , PIT TO It Kill) TKSTS Phenomenal Nesnlts Said to Have Keen Obtained on roiisniiipt i vt Patients. CAI.I.r.ti COXTHA - TOXIN a liritMi I'li.wicians Tryiim' It for Miliaria. Leprosy anil Oilier Kiseases. ,rpos M.iv 1 - ThiTP liavp noon o man- a u mpts i. tlml a sppcltlo ror , ttlP ..nitrm- of ami so j bprn prcnintnrply an-- j manv part s haif nour.rri! tint it Is no wonder thnt the j.ublli ii if srown si optical, while ppoplp hnvp tipcomp ohary of rou.- - nc ili.' hop" of cnuntlpis wliltp plasuc s'J'fpfrs ami their fnmtliPH anil friends it is only tln'tiforo tho information pomps from a sotirrp nhloi and f )f i hr uiM'stu-atlo- n .iro clven olllclally to ihP wao.p world, tinnouncps tin- - dl.- - ,oer of a mtuiii which may r.nolii- - ilnnli'- - 'hi' whoU- - M'leniv of scrum thcrai. Tiik Si n not lone aso drew attention 10 Ur lT.filmamfs assertion that he lad .. cure tor tuberculosis. , A "Pfm of controversy soon sprang up la rcs.ird to this matter, and ,t is stilt LUtlnp In rppard to its value Tub PfN said nothing, for that had not boon . rroved, but the serious doubts of the lilstlnRUti-he- sclentl-- t Prof. Metchnl- - j Koff were reported at the same lime. The discoverer of the new scrum Is rain n German. Ho Is a youns .md ac- - . (ompllshed bacterloloRlst named 1'red-- i rick Mehnarto, who worked with Dr. Kuch in Africa on the sleeping sickness. After that h pursued his researches Innn In Africa and other tropical coun-trlf- f. tr. Mehnarto ronchod South Africa 'n 1911. Ho a(.erted that while Iip was wim. based on a .heorv which is en-- I ' re'v new to the serum therapy, trim . euro for fie tlippasp of the slecp- - .n? utplrnnvu .thiol, ..,, I..., .,.., .i.irfu . , , ' , ,' ' ,..i,,i .ui i.ir.ijje ioi iiuuiaii inc. I'ir th- - first half of the year 1P12 experiments were conducted at mr s May laboratory under the super .lon of Dr. Jolly. 'the professor of I I'hyninlog m the South African IfE Tl: r. Milt was that Dr. Men-ra- as advi.ecl to go to Kngl.md and run-In- . e the British medlr.il profes-lio- n "f ' i.. impiirtanrp of his discovery. fin ruiching London In i ictoher Dr. Molnd.-- o quietly advanced the aser- - ' n ... i,e had discovered a serum hh s harmless In application and i' h a iharacter that, assuming that in patient had any fair amount of dalltv ifft it would effectually cm e j ny which was due to th- - pres. j "i microorganism in the iii.md. i tie sr.-- ral ,.f the leading I.on- - n physi. tans t. whom he spoke wns. r. it unnaturally that It w.is the rtlon ejt.r ,,f ., ilmrlalan or of . mn w.i w.,- - f.oiiy ,i,.c,.iving him- - i Dr however, found "im riist.ngu.siif.il meiiic.il men who nr wining i,, the a hearing to his thfr.rv r.; Mrum therapy. As a result !iT agreed t , go further Into the n'atter ,,n ,r,,lde patients for tei-In- s i n1M, le of coins., to llnd In I.'.ndr.-- , ,, ,. ,,f tilferers from the - "pins i.i'iiii,, o the doctors de. I '.CM t ) i, ... uii .uu,iv,(i.,.m Mtients ' dnticed stnirps of the .m l Hft,r.ud on other serious nsfai-.- s whl. were due to the pies. no of Injur, mis Uicterl,, M the blood. 't tf.M sfr'.ii almost simultaneously n n and at Had Soden in Ger- many. fr,.ri wiu, i, pinre t M teported ' 'at tin ,,f ti,,, j.,.,m )11IH ,(M,n i.nlforrn'- - i, , nnipletely successful. The l.nlin lests have been most fK.ii aril -- e.ir, h.ng and on their re- - Ji" ' 1 r depends the value of ant. in, .., m ot tR. ,M.nvery be. ir' It published to the world. The "Ns in i:nRi.,n. are being conducted 1 nd. p. ml, m Investigators of the " ehi.t - indu.g who entered upon the iM.g.i- n ,n ., jsnirit ),),, If not ii.i,,. i,., s at least very , r t. ,i 'he tt.. p, .!,.,., (o Rve serlrius r"nld.r.,i ,., t,, ti, mi, ,., en innn in p HS H- i in Wilson, who ll.'is in.'.,., i, t'Cl ;il "di "t tuberculosis and who t'HIlk'i 'red him-e- lf a hostile critic, I'e h n "Operintendlng one set le to i London with Dr. Mehnarto - tvi. '. "l"gi.t ,md . nilW using the I"'W I Ol .11 l.lq ..flfnlr, Ir W.!s,,n. .itiproaehed Dr. Hewlett. ene ,,f , treiitest lirlllsh bncterlolo- - '" s piotpssor of bacteriology n verso, l ...,.i.... ... .. "jkimi ii t hi- - ii.tu it,.. t i '"M'i'.ii i (In uuvieh. while nr c.m,.. ; 'IIII Wllh fir Wh. . lor IIS nac. '"' '" ' "'"'I'letlng tests nt tbu !h"'' Slr""' HospltHl in London. n I lies,. lrslM for t,ercillosls, r,rJ"n'T lh""' "mmewemrnt thn 'err-- rf,1USi umitm l 'h, and other dlsotdets of the The rrpnri f Mt.U UtVCMtuV,. re ."""". " "f 'P' rlm. lltP.. il.lisl cf Tn,. ' 1,1 rresponr " ' - ih assured that al pr,Wtit CoiiKm,,,; rMfll pngfl DEWEY LEAVES WATER WAGON. Mrenks Itnl,. i, ) .t f tlnullii III,., siirtlti.r.. WiMilMiro.v. May I Admiral Dcwei broke ml,. i,i.n,,it uuiiliiM oluln; "in nun climbed down kit the water nt illlllli'i' w ih ill,. .iu'vIviii-- ..r Hi. battle of .Miuilhi h,i n mi drinking it glass of wltii. In rotiuncuioiulloii nftli.it I Mny tiny In imis. rwenty-thlc- e m.v.il olllcts who weto with Dcwp nt Ainu, l.i til as the only in, ml,,. ti ,,f Hi,. 1,1 .Maiilln ltny in Washington. Admiral I Dewey 1,'itil nt t dinner a poem sent! to lilm liy tin- - niitli(,r. IMw.'iul t Cinmsi of Philadelphia. Admiral Dcvtev wusl partlculailj Impiessed liv the last stanza of IIiIm poi-iu- . whli'li ilw. IN on' the fait that III tile liattl.' of .Manila' Hay there was nut a single usually mi j nil .mcrie.in snip, wniie tin- - Spanish loss was very great Ailinlr.il Dewey said y tli.it he was iiiiii lured now, a lie was aftri the battle when lie learned theto won- - no disunities, that higher power than we fought the battle I SAW MAN'S SOUL PASS FROM BODY, SHE SAYS lMletl KlOIII l,p .ik ItlltttT' fly's Winas. Keclnres Mrs. Halihvin. MovrrLAin. N .1 . Mav I Mrs David II. H.ildwin of 71 Christoph.'r strop! y rnado putilip an nxp.'ripiipp sho liad on April to and which, 1ip tirmlv IipHpVps. nrfortlpil hpr a view of n soul ,,yinR vrk01, , , lm,.nown lM,v:on,1( t Wlls tn ,Pati, f yrH Hadwin's father-in-la- Nathnnip H Hildwin, 06 ypars old. that providpil hcrwli'i what nhn thinks was a Mippinatural v -- ,011 Mr. ""hlwi" 'li'l t tho home of Ins .on after ' "f ' incllKwiion He s ono of thp lipst known men In Tssojc .. cmmy momnM !,,.. j,,. Wlls encacil in business as a Imildim; contraptor for manv vears be- - fore he retired on aciM.mt of his advanced "C" Ho man of the hiejiest in-- , teBrity. ami toward the close his life took on a saintly character that increased the resect that all held for him. Mr. Ilaldwin's illness did not occasion alarm to the members of the household. In spite of his firpat orp he was alwuvs in Rood health. Therefore on the innm-in- p that he passed away Mrs, Ilaldwin was uneTciteil by his condition and did not consider that there was danper of his death. She was in a room next to the chamber of tin sick ii(m;iiiti;ipian Slit luuirfl n "T ! !" side Tlie aged man appeared lo be in j distre., and Mrs Baldwin, entirely tinalarined. akel if she could lender him any assistanp' As she looked at the sicl; man, who did not answer, his eyes closed and he gave a Reull siijh. Then there issued, she save, from be- - tween the lips of the man prostrato on the '"l Histinct nnd well defined simp,.. Tho form of this emanation was that of two larne wIiirs. encli aboiii a foot tn length. Mrs Baldwin Kiys the wings had tlie form of tho- -. of a butterfly anil seemiil I unattached to any other sIiiiim. Invol- - ""tarily. Mrs. Haklwin savs, she reached ut to grasp the strange apparition, which1 f0"' toward tlie ceiling of the room. As ho did so, however, -- he turned to look nt Mr Haldwin, and when she looked for the apparition again it had vanished. Mrs. Kaldwin was much Impressed iy tne MRiit tnal slie hail witnessed and to Iier relatives she conllded her belief that she was certain that she had seen the soul of her aged father-in-la- take flight from its earthly ehell. LUCK GOES WITH RABBIT FOOT. ' J.ir tVlUK Ml.KHnl.ti.1 llol.l.e.l 'li,n! He Pnrte.l Willi I'liiirni, j Joe Wing, u softhparted cook in Chinatown, stin ted fiotn .Il llaynnl stieel last night with an offering of1 liuiianns nnd a tabblfs foot for his ffit.tul t.'l.l llhtiL ,. I.,. 1.. Ill ... ,. i"si i. s at I lloosevelt street. Joe found bis friend and tlcllwied the gifts with the, hope that the rabbit's foot would drive the evil spirit out ol lllluk's lungs. Then he started down from the fourth Hour bedioom. (in the second landing three rough-hiindi- d men grubbed Joe and pulled him into an empty room. Theie they hit him over the head a few times and took Ills gold watch and $2" in cash, When Joe came to he ran to the tfreet, shrieking In pain, anger and 'hlnese. Pollppinan Turn Connors toon lilm to the O.ik .street station ami Dr. Mtltchler treated lilm." Deteptlvp Goreviin and Joe are looking for the rolibers. Joe's faith in tlie rab- bit foot is undiminished. As lie points out that he was beaten as soon as he parted with his chaim. I TO REJECT RILEY AND MITCHELL. ' llppol'l on TIipiii. A MM Nr. May 1 - The Senate will vote to reject Gov. Sulzer's noinl- - nation of John H. Itlley of Plmtphurg to I bo. .Superintendent of State Prisons and John Mitchell to be State Labor Com-- 1 iiw pM'nuu riimiiue lomm noe iomv voted to report the nominations un favorably. Gov, Sulzer still has thn appolntmint of two Public Sprvlcc Commissioners at $15,000 each for tho Second district to succeed Chairman Frank W, Slovens of Wnlcrtnwn and Curtis .V. Douglass of Albany; a State Health Commissioner tit $10,000, and a State Architect at $7.r.oo. Chairman SIpvpiis sent in his resign.!. Hon to the Governor y llrrllnn Wnrnl. Iliifel.. Wider Mth.. X. , The Miinnl Plrnmnl, 'the Mount W'Msliltiiflon. Ilonldim Oltli, :i3 5lli .Mr. TH, Mail, So. linn. .mi. ofl"ennle Itenily In leeepl I nlst urnlile .r THE WEATHER FORfljtAST. Fair and warm to-d- ay andjprobablylw-mor- - tin. row; light, varjtMc winds. Detailed weather reports will be found oft' Qige 15. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 191!. CpwrliiAf. I BUI, bU lln- - Sm, 1'ilnlimj ami 1'nlillsliliiil PRICE TWO CENTS. WEBB BILL THOUGHT WITHIN THE TREATY Sncl-t- y iif'''NM proof I'mixf for ('iiiiiliiinl in I'ropoxett Measure, LKUAI. i l.,i..in l.,t. A....0..1 i'.,iir :., .. ... ' " I .' ' will I Law lo Settle Naturaliza-tio- n . I Problem. Vsiiim!to. .May I -- The leielpl of full details of the new alien land bill now pendhiK In the California I.enlsla- - tiirp has convinced ofllcl.ils hprp that the propoed (Mslatlon Is now fairly within the trcuty obllnatlons of the nltPd Statps to Japan. If the bill l.s passed In It" present form Japan, as Washington otllolals view the situation, will not attempt to attack the law In the rotirts on thp ground that It con- travenes her treaty rights. About tho only course open to Japan. It Is admitted, will bo r protest to this Ciovprniiipnt on thp ground that tbr alien land law constitute dlsrrlmlna-Ho- n nsalnst a friendly Power and the brlnslni; of an action In thp courts of the United Statps to tpst thp IVderal nnttirallzatlon law. It Is the latter possibility which ofll-cia- ls I11TP consider likely. SmartlnR un- der the discrimination of thp California law, Japan. It Is bellevpd, will seek to ha vp thp Issue decided squarely as tr whether or not thp L nltpu Statps, throURh Its statutes, intends to debar Japanese aliens from bplni; naturalized. if i..nna. ..i.i .......i.. . , . ,.u,m.,. in), t 11 nccisinn from the United States Supri-m- t.'ourt in net- - ravor it would open the wav for ownership of land In California. Vven under the terms of tlie 1,111 1, Is apknowiedepd. however tlmt an outcome would bp only a temporary victory bpcus an Irresistible demand wnuld Immediately be made bv tho Western States for legislation exclud-- , . ... Z'ZS'Z Zi" l"C rnV"CRe 01 . .'. , whether owned " '",1"lr; J' the to it ' a test of the naturalization law by Japan would proliaMy result in em- barrassing developments for other na- tions. The United States Government never has settled definitely, through a decision of the Supreme Court, Just what Is the mpaning of the naturali- zation law when It admits to naturali- zation "frep white jiersons and aliens of African nativity and i)erj?ons'of Afri- can descent." The Department of Commerce nnd 'ano1 has endcavore,! on r nveral oc- - casions to obtain a decision beyond all I j 'doubt as to what Is the exact meaning of the words "white persons" ln the law. whether they refer to all persons not black or to particular races. riie lower .otirts have held up to thl- - that the the Inrrrinp apply they, and were Department Commerce and I.abor is still in ttio dark ns to whether It should operate as a bar to manv peo- ples. ,,R nf tn" mo'', important cases with reference to Japanese nnturillzalion wa ''CldPil by the Circuit Court of ?r "l" '"Mrlct Vir- - Inla. The three Judges sustained a decision of District Court declining to grant naturalization papers to Namyo Il.nsho, a Japanese who had file years ill the I'nlted States Navy The law provides that any alien who serves five years In the or marine corps enn on the preentntIon of evldenre of siiPh service. Itessho presented his dinchnrgo hut the court held was not In white In eyes of law and "as tber. foie Ineligible to naturallza- - tion. The appeal of this case wns never r,rl"',1 h" "Vm': ,',""t1"f '!" i mi. mi r,i.it,... i ins i'i iiuo o) me Circuit Court of Appeal is hlgbcM ruling that has be' n yet obtained on the naturallz itlon law. The belief luie that Japan, if she adopts the course testing the nat- - , p.. 1lils. Int. , III I.m ,,, I by a desire to cru'te an embarrassing situation for the I'nlted States The opinion that Webb bill Is quite American-Japanes- e treaty is based on a study the conditions existing when Hip treaty was framed nnd the situation It was de- signed to meet. The peculiar phrasing the article covering the holding of and buildings due mom to con- ditions of laud tenuip lu Japan than to conditions In any State of the l.'uioii, The treaty a distinction be- tween the ownership "houses, manu- factories, warehouses and shops," sep- arately from the land Itself. Is, It Is reciprocally granted that of either country may have their cholco of owning leasing buildings of the rlasses specified above. This nrranRP-men- t wns due largely to the fnet that in Japan the of buildings sep. finitely laud they ""' "fund Is recognized In law. ln 1,'nlted Statps, though nrn nnuslttln It lu lint eilbtnmiirv tn sen. nrnto tho of the two, and of a hublness structure luva riably carries with It title to the lnnrt. Similarly it is held by the best legnl opinion here that the treaty pannot 1'roperly be construed as granting the rmht to lease agricultural land. The pur for which mini mny tin leiised are specified so clearly "for lesldentliil nnd pur- poses," and the classification of buildings which may bo owned or leased Is likewise so prcPlsp, that Is held that tho Japanese would have no ground for claiming that tho right to hold agri- cultural land Is to bo Interred from tho lnnguuRo of the treaty. Such a right has never been desired by any Ameri- can in Japan, ami It Is the understand- ing that In drafting of treaty Co il flu ti rd tut fltvotirf I'Hfir. AT I.AKF.WOOII- - Thr nf l.nU- - suit Woodland nrc most ilrllglitfnl In Mny. Coif, mnlnrlne ml All niilrtoor rtlvrrrlont. Laurel Houe, now onrn. Attr, U. S. RECOGNIZEE CHINA T0-DA- lellon Mn Ordered lo Koll.i" i.f I'nrltnnifiit. Wistil.Niii'o.v, Mu I Thf pioWslonnl Govt. anient of China will be il h tin- - I'lillul States nt Pel: u Kdwnrd T Williams. Chatgc ii'Aff.illiM of tin- - American Legation, 'w.ll entry out his Institutions, which wet' to nr-eo- iccognltloii In the name the Washington (iovi't ntni'tit an hooii af tlic Chinese rarlliinu nt luul eomp!etil its organization. Not Ire was leeclved y Inat this it Mil nlz.i t Ion hail been completed by the election of a rtp.ah.T of he Hou-- e. Tlie Heiiatp bad previously .ios-,- Its otllcers. All I'owers WPl-- Invited to Join the t 'lilted States In rccoKiib.liu; China. To this luvltiitioii of April -' two Hov el nmentH, those of llravtll ami Peru, responded favorably. The meat Powers hold that the present Is not opportune. $23,000,000 RISK ON MORGAN COLLECTION ' chieftains In Here anil l,OIIO.Oni) Abronil. ' ' Hrokers uctlnt; for the estate J. Plerpont Morgan have placed $23,000.- - 000 Insurance u the art collection of the late financier. Of that amount - 000,000 has been written abroad and ' ii,,uuii,uuii in tins country, tup part of thp collections that is In the Metro- politan Museum of Art is insured for $13,000,000 and that In the MorRan II- - brnr5'' n"ls. for 4.000,000. ,,T,", v, ,? ln!"'rancr In ho Morcan I brnrv Is 16 cents nor $100 and . ...... . ... ,'.t..,.,. v ' . or loaned developed law was of the of was Oprr-- Fox's to hut the" ,,f nttirmed Anywnr. George of of navy naturalized paper.., the the s of tho of of land Is inakis of That or ownership froip the thn such distinctions ownership ownership poses ns. commercial tho the of Hip of ,h,lt m 1,10 mus,,lm I" 60 "nt" I'cr V00.' "' ' ,,K- ""l "lul pnrt ,,f ,hp collection ln the museum Is ver the repair nnd paint shops, while mere arc 110 similar nansrers in ine llbrary- Th cntlr" premium amounts to J?bollt ,102,S00' The c"mPll",i,!' authorb.ed to do m"'1""', ,n M" ?taU ere able to t t ht 111) k it tha nuiit-- mu liunanvu none of the other contents of the mu- - bv instltti- - Is insured The compnnlis consider the risk a good on-?- , The amount of Insurance taken rep-- 1 resented a of the collec- - tlon's actual value Mr. Morttan est! mated thp value of tho collection on ' exhibition In the museum at $10,000,00(i that of tho nrtlclos In storagp at tho museum at $30,000,000 nnd that of th? collection the Morgan at $10,-- I 000,000. negotiations were opened j the Insuring of thp polleetlon .1. P. Morgan. Jr., offered to stand the first dollar from any one lire !!"""?. ""To securp a low rate. , lr,"L L...,.i was opposed by the otll- - rials of the New York Kire IriHurnni e j:vi.hnllKr. wlllch ,, c,lrol nu,r all ' ' companies operating In this Uy. nn.l ln. ,.n.,ru tlinl haV(1 ,,eH ,,xr(.11,P(, bv companies, writing tlie insurance. 'it was feared in Insurance circles that on account of conditions impored by 'ho Insurance Kxchange the In-- I sur.incn would iro to IJngllsh comn.mles operating more liberal law. J. H. FORD GETS FINAL DECREE. i Ilnhber Co. Vnnir.l (iprmnii n rfirriiptimlenl. Goshkn, May 1. The final decree In the notion for brought by J. rtoward l'or.l against his wife has bepu filed In the Orange County Clerk's otllce here. Mr. who Is president of the Meyer Itubb.r Company nnd a In the States Kubber Com- pany, etarted divorce proceedings against his wife last October In White Plains, naming a as Mr- -' Ford was formerly Miss Uorth.i Nut lln of lteilln, Germany. were married in lOofi. Two winters ago she returned hmne and while she was nbro.ul Mr Ford received Information which .kiiu,,,! l,l,, ,.. f..r 1.'nr,ii nn lilt, Ited Star liner Lapland. Hp was arrested in .Kuglnnd, being lilKeu mi iti- , ,t in uui ii a in.i.i. i,. swlndler who used the name "J. H. Ford" at times. Mr. Ford wns later with apologies and iPturnpil home, but without Mis Foul. Later he started divorce proceedings. NEILL NOMINATION CONFIRMED. I , S, Commissioner of Labor Will SiippppiI Himself. WAHHiMiTON. May l.-- nomlnallon of Dr. Charles P. N"'lll as i'nlted Commissioner of Labor to succppiI him- self was rnnflrnieil by tho Pennte In executive session this afternoon. Among the other ponllrnmllons wer those of .1. A Strong to be Governor of Alaska nnd W. Smith to he Com- missioner of Fisheries. The nomination of W. It. Harris of Georgia to be Director of the Census wns reported, but the rules will llo over for one pxpciUIvp spsslon. A fight Is foreshadowed oi this nom- ination. ABSCESS ON SKINNER'S BRAIN. Operation on Aelor Slums Ills Con- dition la nnnurrous. Indianapolis, May 1.- - An operation, performed at the Methodist Hospital this mornlnR on Otis Skinner, tho actor, Hhowed that ho wus in n more serious condition than lud been supposed, There is ranch roueernlng the outcome. Mr. .Skinner hnd been suffering for about four weeks from mastoiditis, An Incision was made behind the ear It was found an abscess had reached tho membrane of the brain, but had not yet nffcctpd It. ANtiOSrt'HA nilir.im nrlclnatril tn nl1 frlrmi; an rirerltvn Sprint tonic- - .Irfr.MB DDEGinUMT 1X1 iIUUOllDlU 1H UUUODl FIGHTS FOR REFORMS Rli.iilielli anil Xewark. I.IITY MI ST KKKI FAITH Assails Slllitll-Nlltfel- lt I'olllieill Maehine in Smtliintr l.anyHaoe. I'lesldellt Wilson returned lo New, Jersey la- -t nlKlit to spoau 111 support 01 a propimltlon to reform th system of illnwIiiR urand anil petit Jurors, which Is ' lo he considered at a special session of th,. LcKlslature next Tuesday lie spoke ., " ll,r" N"wnrk ai.d l.lh:a- - , belli and denounced In scathlnR Ian- - Kiiaite the Inllueiices ihat ate ..eeklni; tt tbwait the reform. Without meiitlonltiK name- - l,m ,1- ,- terms assalli'd the Siiiltli-NilKe- po- - illtlcal maihliip In Kssex county and tie-- , dared that It was a most iitnazlni; tiling .that the people of this county hne failed for so Ioiib to Krnpple, with the situation which confronts them and to lnllkp themselves master of their ow n Kovernmont. The new auditorium was 1 rowdrd wlu.n tnc ini),cnt accompanied v .Secretni-- v Tumulty. Major Ithoads and hts FP,.rPt Hrvlc Riiards. reached the nlutflirm. AsSPinblVlliall John Matthews, Illsliraiiee of .S1!.000.(I00 I'laeeti'sprlblm; unmistakable n.f.h?ltlon apprehension TDDOUV his Cluverlny rpaches port Kast pre-t- I.pRlslaturp that and form, when the assembly Millor cholera protracted let with and ... . 1. .1... ....!. v.. ,,. thp hUikp surRPd forward to shake .. m- - m... i.i his speech shortly and then the piesi- - dent stood up a way that be meant to hit KtralRht out and hard. I know no snviter satisfaction than for thp people this State, he begun, "for I huve not come t to speak to you. 1 know what you be lieve In, I know what you want. I have come to speak for you and to tell those nun with whom we dealing what It is lliplr business to do, for we UiPlr masters, they are not ours" The Presh.ent s r iiuirlis werp not conllned to the refotm mcasutp u such. He did not, it was pxppcted I he would, declare specifically either for a Jury nommlssion named by pre- - ' siding Supreme Court or for one named by Governor. He said hp was originally in favor of tho scheme and that still thought it best, but explained had yielded his Judgment l'jyftfii(CKMftttf,in""'' ocrntic Ipglslators to ftioSe'who favored commissions named by the Governor. He said he wnntpd everybody to realize that was not tn.tcn in by the results of last national election. Hp explained that the country did not go , Democratic, but had turned to the cmocratlc natty as the only helpful Instrument It hud found at lllinil lo licviini Illisii us iMiriiosi'S, II.-.- , "'"' "ul i"-- - i ""'ci" would get another chance. lle 101,1 n,w' ' nemocraiir party m iew . if, . . .. . . ... .... nun ... ,,,t urn .. ... . . , ' "nil now mat was louoweii ny particular for tho thp thn the the the the the IKH. ,0,m domlnntlon. Democratic threatened system said. operators. pointed ISM aligned was ehnlrman neweo party, anu nrsi mai came up was whether the old run or not. won't into the history the two fighting with the old gang. the old pnng did not run. but they kept rover, even the lobbies Trenton, knowing thrrp were that pointed to past his- tory. They trembled In wpotllght nnd wlipp was told that as soon as went to Washington old gang would come didn't until saw more that bulky form gentleman ho used to personally lend Legislature New Jersey r..n ll.,n. the Legislature nnd was that his Intrigues werp supcesrful blockliiR the things did not wish ,l,..n, l. Ib..,1.... heard that same old that had two yenrs been scotched hnd lieen tlilieil lllive lie.llll that that with snnkellke 8; that snpuklng whispering system, hnd established again Tren ton?" to James NilRPnt and Smith, Jr., provoked laugh- ter applause that apparently was the canipnlKti he have candidate for the Demo- - crntlc nomination for the Governorship this Stnte, but opposed to any one Is desired for Governor by some Kentlpmen shall hnvp the pleas- ure naming not want to nny mom Governors New Jersey privately owned." Speaking then tho party pledge constitutional which was! also down by ,ho Legislature, and that had assisted sen iipupve mm imngs happen, Hut warn these gentlemen not too long to show the people, this country that Justice cannot got ordinary Inw warn them to stand out thn sov- ereign's President Wilson was Inst ulxht for the first tlmo since his inauguration, and an been his mm. at the homo his friend Col. M. House. He ramu to New his over Ilnllroad. He speak City and return mid- night train. CARNEGIE ILL AFTER li.elilenl nt I'eni'r Meellnit I'oree. Mini In lo Veil. l.oeis. May 1- .- Andrew Carnegie was forced to take to his bed this altcrnoon after nxpltlnn at moriilnK tneptliiK of the fourth Aniprlcan Penre Conitrpss 1,500 dt'lcKntPX witp CitrncKle waa nt the speukers' stand, some one from audience shouted mil that the "I'nlted Is mortally afraid Japan," "All those who ure not afraid Japan '.stand tip'" Mr. CarnpRlp pried and to ,miin l.Suu ileleuates rose. TIip Incident, howexer, iinnnved Mr. CarneKlp and rptlred soon after. tmt,l.- - to attend the afternoon 'session th.- - cotmresH. ICe SHORTAGE TONS, Prealilt'iil Oler Wnrn llourlet .Not Wntlerill. .,... iIPpWif,. (iu't ,avo to pay any moip Ico this summer than last, ordltu,' to Wesley M. Oler, president of 'the Ice Company. If she 'n.mli-ul- . '' "hortnge this year 1,000,000 tons. Th(. ni), (lf 40 ccn,H )oulu,, for f.,,iy use will continue," said Mr. (Jler. April raised price for the larger consumers, ftp., from - hundred rents. Itai-lii- K "'p brlee one the best ways ttuphlns fi'onomy." The Ice Company sup. piles abou. third the Ice used In New Vork city. FEAR GERMS ON SHIP. ' riill.'sh Slenmpr lip tin nt llodlfin. P.osTON. May bacteriological ex- amination will made of pnph member of the rrnn when Itrltlsll stenoiee The Kreatest danser of spreodlnR .jint-ii.'..- ' iiuiii ei.i uitiii i ilcr. man mlfiht Parry thp Rcrms of the disease and still not develop chol- - pra. The pxamlnntlon will occupy at least clphtecn hours, and thn steamer may bp Quarantine for longer period, DROWNED UP. inlrldr StrnnKely tfnn Ont of Jul.. NfTLEV, N. J.. May The lndy of William H.indol 16 Centre street was found this afternoon standing upright beneath surface of' the water In abHnjoned nuarrv near his home. Krom position of the body Is thought tnnt slid down the face quarry 110 fept Into the water, where his feet caught In the mud. keeping him tiprlght while drowned. His were behind his back. Uandol had been out nnd de- - His and coat were found ,h.. P,i a..r.. . (h ,.i for nlm. lM,nU ,,, ()( w)f XAloti htlltt IbL&UKArxLEKS PAY the only of county In from "f .vra ln "'e 126th street favorpd Jury India and Ceylon. It Is suld that cinet of Harlem, then withstood was spenkliiK died of shortly after leav- - and crillini; l'ii cheers, those Imr Cnleiitin. 1 , ,,,,,,. uvi. . In of speaking of nro are Jury as the Justice the he hp the neirayai asHPtnblpd t ' In an Hpondent. , hnmiiv W'.iImIi the time Intended in advance policies purpose certain things done, nn.l captain . Jacob Houss, former law-t- o races, ,mym(,nt ontire belief thnt .lor. yer, A. Slpp among '"'"r" served person unlnl,, within aliens on which plriMirrs that only small part at home When , Kire under Head llnritn divorce Ford, direc- tor I'nlted German baron They re- leased States under that on showed that first how united which of ln the' Km policeman 1S10. of of t -- i. ques.ion Rang would I of years under at that fingers their the I Just I the back I bellevp n I I It j "Once of a w I the of into; ,IIsr.iee re, I ...ri- - ' of again In I t a ...... It. tlie gang , noi , J on not system a Thesp it. Jnmes fall tfnid: I no t of I who whom I of I of of a turned ' of the forcps In i way." torn u rar l the W'IiIIp States 11 thp ,, w II r , m 1 11 In a if t:- - 11 il t. A ... , .... i.t 11 it i iiu iii- - A held a h n 1. the !the It nandol i hands nt .i, i... 1,1 rf h h , - , h . ' a a .... ..t 11 u, Ml. ivlf.t see , he his he for II. be Its he the the he he the i, toe ro iiT.en im,,n flm it Iip for t)f nm do see for for " W rtf If It a Mny 1 A .". to 9 per ' ' " ' ; , ,., ,. ',,. ... In, n nffttnt 1... I.VI.. Itr.l1r..n,l ,.rril..lu t . .......... ..,.,,t. .'ii.u.ii nnnounced that the Increase did not satisfy who demandpil " Pr cent. Increase and better con-- 1 dltlons. He said the Increase did not, nffeet thp situation. TIip opprators will get more, SurmncI,s VV(lIsh I, n r-- n whelmingly favor striking If thrlr demands weu refused. The wages uffpcts about per cent, operators. STORE, First Snpli Iiiitmi Sepoml ! Opened Slimier Intended, The second stores il,,,. V'a Ili.llwnvs Cnmnnnv Is to establish for employees opened yesterday Ninety-nint- h strppt t ,i,'Alllri.'i 'in i.v ui , the first store, 816-S1- 8 Klghth nvenup. , brought about opening the branch sooner than hnd been intended, All yesterday railway employees liv- ing nenr the storp Hocked thcro to try the plan buying cost. Thpy the shop much to their liking made many The receipts for the day fooled more than $."00. Hvery- - thing that any to date foodstuff ; store carries could had, the biggest business was butter and crrs, The first store was opened March been a success. BIG TUG TO NOSE Can Bring; I.IOO Horar-poir- er llrnr on Giant Llnrr, The trial trip yesterday tho new ,,,-,",- ,. , " " "earn una nas i.ioo norse - l I ' 1,10 m0Hl '0Wer,Ul " ! 1. .."' ., ...... . . ... I i nn ui.mui.ri; amer.c u will , clock Its steamships sailing for the i the new pier the foot street, Brooklyn, after May 20. The Hoboken piers will used . for the and laise I n ,I.a 1, I nn.n u.,.. VlC. CHANtSi: OF NHW VORK. Ihltti V'allty irilnn nuw arrive at and from C. H. It. of N. J. terminal, Jersey city, with ferries and from West '.'3d Hlrret and .Liberty Street. Ae. blocking that refotm, the President said: i.ino tUB ,o. j, "The people this country and assist in tho Imporator, this State are going to havo what they showed her capablo fourteen knots, know they ought to have, proc-- ! Amons thoi--s aboard were ess or anpthpr. pray that It mny Meypr William Q. Slckcl. lUs-n- a wrong process. I hnvo the Trafllc Manager Lederpr. greatpst confidence tho self-contr- Marino Jarka and W. the public spirit, the legal conscience Davison, president the Staten the people America and 1 do not my- - l"'1"1'1 Compnny, which .. . ... .... ..... 1.1 11 1 till, till!. iiuiiKerous win 1 of bo by thp processus the 1 of In New Vork has for lonir time, he R. York In private the Pennsylvania will In Jersey lo Washington a MEETING. Up Sr an episode Mr. the of of lip of 1,000,000 ar-- j Knickerbocker of we the rpntH to HO of Knickerbocker CHOLERA be hi. the at STANDING Areompllshed the he of hat ., rp-- I to ;" ..... nitt the 12 no In of Incrensp In 25 of tl... V.trl. Its noil nuv-- at the of at up up be but tn Imh to .,, ,... lu i.me nf bo S.',r, Ihe of to of I'. be of of of of of of FOX LAYS BARE GRAFTERS' PLOT Tells of Fund After Kxposures. representntivp t'nsnlUfnplnrr inss'ond 'Nevertheless convention, Cl.EVELAMi, ANOTHER RAILWAYS purchases. IMPERATOR. ;,77 Mediterranean TERMINALS. HamburK-Amenca- n docklnitoftho Superintendent Shipbuilding Walsh's Collector liaising TIIO.MPSOX HAD $2,800 Told Inspector It. Wouldn't Do lor Him: Afterward Defied Him. SAID II K N'OrW) SQL' HAL Xiirht Session at Police Ornff, Trial Knds Hay of Sensa- tional Testimony. Policeman KiiRene I". Ko. Im,(.( rjp,.,r f Kr,,ft in Harlem, w.n , , (,1)(.f wltnPSM , trla, p tl, , four Inspectors Sweeney, Hussev. t,cr. Hr;1mrv the Criminal Hranch of tl... 3it,r-.,- Cmirt hetrt n nleht KPH- - slon. l'o told i lonn detailed story of his operations as collector of Kraft for Cnpt. Walsh exiendliiR over a period neiu. ,., fr Thnml,vnn an,t iirr. heft c. Smythe. of Hussey's counsel. .NothhiR the lawyers had to ask lilm seemed to bother Vnx bit. He ready has pleaded sillily to an Indlct- - ment for bribery and on the witness stand he ninric no effort to shield him- self, frankly admitting that he had lied when he was palled at Headquarters to pxplaln C.eorge A. Slpp's testimony be- fore thp Curran Committee, and adding that he had not intended at that time to tell the truth about his grafting oper- ations. Hp of spvpral meetings with In- - "ppplor Thompson, which biought that namp morp prominently lVo conspiracy charge than anything be fore brought out. and nlso mentioned 'Swj-,'"- ' frpouently. Tlu' testimony to bo taken ',r"u? "ortOtlMy'lij' Ihe accused inspec- - ",r"- - ,,nrt, lne r, made valiant ,,fro,r!s X'rXaU '"to't at any point they could, but I'ox smiled slightly an- - easily every question put to him, never losing either IiIm lw,.,,l nr hi. temper. His performance probably will prove he the big apt in tlie prosecution's present case against tho four Inspectors. other witnesses. Assistant District At- - torney Clark told .liistlie Se.ibury that hp thought the people would llnlsh their case early afternoon. form In 1000. .seven years before Cnpt, Thomas W. Walsh began his long com- mand there. Hp said that he began r.il. let ting protection money for Walsh In 190S. Hefore that, he paid. Policeman John Summers had collected for Walsh. I want you to continue v.lh th-- i ntfs went on. "Hp handed me a list places from which he wished me to collect. I did as ho said. I collected from a num ber places, varying at different times, Home times fifteen, sometimes twenty and sometlmps as many ns twenty-flv- Fox raid he collected $100 a month from George A. Slpp at Italtlc tel until December, 1911, Inspcctar Thompson was In command of the dls- - ,,, .,,i,., ,,',., ,,-- ,i ..'. r.... v "When we had the excise graft It went as high as $1,000 a month," In , , "Later It droppod t.-- $t00 or so ' . , pontln.lf,d to rol,.ct fnr Walsh after he wns transferred In June. l'.i 10, to uniform duty In the West 153d street elation. (. What did jou do with the money you collected? A. 1 turned It over to Capt. Walsh. ij. Whut was your sluirl? A. Twenty per cent, at first ; later It wns 16 per cent. After about year Instend of turning the whole sum over to ("apt. Walsh and celvlng my share back I kept out my share. Cnpt. Walsh told m to. Hp I, led (o DoaRherly, On December 18 last, the day on which Hipp told the Curran committee about Fox, the witness said he was notified at 1:30 o'clock In the afternoon to (to to Headquarters nd thnt he was under suspension. Ho appeared before Dep- uty Commissioner Dougherty. He saw Walsh. Sweeney and Thompson nt Head-quurler- s. Tho Deputy Commissioner naked htm about Hlpp's statements. "What did say?" Mr. Clark asked. Fox smiled a little us he replied; "I told them I was Innocent. "You denied having taken money?" "I did." He said he spoke to Walsh and Thomp- - son and Thompson told him not to thnt everything would be all . '''wel 'mTauTrte The' fol.owln. day and saw Walsh. Sweeney and Thomn- - HOn nd m(l , luU,r )caru;(1 t0 Jacop nouns. Later I went to see Cnpt. Walsh and he usked me how I came to cngate Grant & Houss, I told him Routs said Sweeney sent him. llo told I'd better '"'"' 8,nm", nrniugeiy nt or hill might I.a "1 .u,m ,,d .,, I,, I,. ... o.iv ...... llnn.a ...... me the day after Cliriatmus thai N'cwrll lisd tolrl him that Hipp whs willing tn an away, but that he wauUrt $1,500, Rotiss NURReateri that It bp made $2,000 to cover pounael fees. 1 saw Capt, Walsh that night at his house and told him what Itouas had told me. He said : 'Give me .nearly twenty years Itepubllcnn '"tempi to prevent Tells of olIr.ilnH. Coming to tleup of by a Fox had been strike l.r.00 In , In and was to "To us this rejuvenation, n re- - 8. Lowrle. Order. ,,, ,...,, ,,.,' It of in Rrent, Itself In and approving. staved and restnurants, of of of work operators, said H. O. Dunkle. general superln-- 1 .,.,. llllH ,,,-teml- of the Krlp. a9 nm, w. rP itiorifiiro i r III' futol ni-i- of the n Thn a the cooperative was nt ii'i'", of found and . "- - nt at Thirty-thir- d Imperator aAnma,.,r.a ntatenger depart to Dutlt of by ono and senger hmll In of ...... by !lt a al- - told nnd i,, this of the of tho Ho a re. you worry, bc me a f, ,,,.

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1913-05-02 [p ]. · not consider that there was danper of his death. She was in a room next to the chamber of tin sick "Tii(m;iiiti;ipian Slit luuirfl n!!"

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1913-05-02 [p ]. · not consider that there was danper of his death. She was in a room next to the chamber of tin sick "Tii(m;iiiti;ipian Slit luuirfl n!!"

VOL. LXXX.-N- O. 244.



Jnulon Doctors ftx peri men!

Willi Voimjr (ternum'sDiscovery. ,


Phenomenal Nesnlts Said to

Have Keen Obtained on

roiisniiipt i vt Patients.



liritMi I'li.wicians Tryiim' It

for Miliaria. Leprosy anil

Oilier Kiseases.

,rpos M.iv 1 - ThiTP liavp noon o

man- a u mpts i. tlml a sppcltlo ror ,

ttlP ..nitrm- of ami so j

bprn prcnintnrply an-- jmanv part s haifnour.rri! tint it Is no wonder thnt thej.ublli ii if srown si optical, while

ppoplp hnvp tipcomp ohary ofrou.-- nc ili.' hop" of cnuntlpis wliltp

plasuc s'J'fpfrs ami their fnmtliPH anilfriends it is only tln'tiforotho information pomps from a sotirrpnhloi and f

)f i

hr uiM'stu-atlo-n .iro clven olllclally toihP wao.p world, tinnouncps tin- - dl.- -

,oer of a mtuiii which may r.nolii- -

ilnnli'-- 'hi' whoU- - M'leniv of scrumthcrai.

Tiik Si n not lone aso drew attention10 Ur lT.filmamfs assertion that helad .. cure tor tuberculosis. ,

A "Pfm of controversy soon sprang upla rcs.ird to this matter, and ,t is stiltLUtlnp In rppard to its value TubPfN said nothing, for that had not boon .

rroved, but the serious doubts of thelilstlnRUti-he- sclentl-- t Prof. Metchnl- - j

Koff were reported at the same lime.The discoverer of the new scrum Is

rain n German. Ho Is a youns .md ac- - .

(ompllshed bacterloloRlst named 1'red-- irick Mehnarto, who worked with Dr.

Kuch in Africa on the sleeping sickness.After that h pursued his researches

Innn In Africa and other tropical coun-trlf- f.

tr. Mehnarto ronchod South Africa'n 1911. Ho a(.erted that while Iip was

wim. based on a .heorv which is en-- I' re'v new to the serum therapy, trim

. euro for fie tlippasp of the slecp- -

.n? utplrnnvu .thiol, ..,, I..., .,.., .i.irfu

. , , ' , ,' '

,..i,,i .ui i.ir.ijje ioi iiuuiaii inc.I'ir th- - first half of the year 1P12

experiments were conducted atmr s May laboratory under the super

.lon of Dr. Jolly. 'the professor ofI

I'hyninlog m the South AfricanIfE Tl: r. Milt was that Dr. Men-ra-

as advi.ecl to go to Kngl.md andrun-In-

. e the British medlr.il profes-lio- n

"f ' i.. impiirtanrp of his discovery.fin ruiching London In i ictoher Dr.

Molnd.--o quietly advanced the aser- -' n ... i,e had discovered a serumhh s harmless In application and

i' h a iharacter that, assuming thatin patient had any fair amount of

dalltv ifft it would effectually cm e jny which was due to th- - pres. j

"i microorganism in the iii.md.i tie sr.-- ral ,.f the leading I.on- -

n physi. tans t. whom he spoke wns.r. it unnaturally that It w.is the

rtlon ejt.r ,,f ., ilmrlalan or of .

mn w.i w.,- - f.oiiy ,i,.c,.iving him- -i Dr however, found

"im riist.ngu.siif.il meiiic.il men whonr wining i,, the a hearing to histhfr.rv r.; Mrum therapy. As a result!iT agreed t , go further Into the

n'atter ,,n ,r,,lde patients for tei-In- s

i n1M,

le of coins., to llnd InI.'.ndr.-- , ,, ,. ,,f tilferers from the- "pins i.i'iiii,, o the doctors de.I '.CM t ) i, ... uii .uu,iv,(i.,.mMtients ' dnticed stnirps of the

.m l Hft,r.ud on other seriousnsfai-.-s whl. were due to the pies.no of Injur, mis Uicterl,, M the blood.'t tf.M sfr'.ii almost simultaneously

n n and at Had Soden in Ger-many. fr,.ri wiu, i, pinre t M teported' 'at tin ,,f ti,,, j.,.,m )11IH ,(M,ni.nlforrn'- - i, , nnipletely successful.

The l.nlin lests have been mostfK.ii aril -- e.ir, h.ng and on their re- -Ji" ' 1 r depends the value of

ant. in, .., m ot tR. ,M.nvery be.ir' It published to the world. The"Ns in i:nRi.,n. are being conducted1 nd. p. ml, m Investigators of the" ehi.t - indu.g who entered upon theiM.g.i- n ,n ., jsnirit ),),, If not

ii.i,,. i,., s at least very, r t. ,i

'he tt.. p, .!,.,., (o Rve serlriusr"nld.r.,i ,., t,, ti, mi, ,.,en innn in pHS H- i in Wilson, who ll.'is in.'.,., i,

t'Cl ;il "di "t tuberculosis and whot'HIlk'i 'red him-e- lf a hostile critic,I'e h n "Operintendlng one setle to i London with Dr. Mehnarto- tvi. '. "l"gi.t ,md . nilW using theI"'W I Ol .11 l.lq ..flfnlr,Ir W.!s,,n. .itiproaehed Dr. Hewlett.ene ,,f , treiitest lirlllsh bncterlolo- -

'" s piotpssor of bacteriologyn verso, l ...,.i.... ... ..

"jkimi ii t hi- - ii.tu it,.. t i'"M'i'.ii i (In uuvieh. while nr c.m,.. ;

'IIII Wllh fir Wh. .lor IIS nac.

'"' '" ' "'"'I'letlng tests nt tbu!h"'' Slr""' HospltHl in London.n I lies,. lrslM for t,ercillosls,

r,rJ"n'T lh""' "mmewemrnt thn'err-- rf,1USi umitm

l 'h, and other dlsotdets of theThe rrpnri f Mt.U UtVCMtuV,.

re ."""". " "f 'P' rlm. lltP.. il.lislcf Tn,. ' 1,1 rresponr

" '- ih assured that al pr,WtitCoiiKm,,,; rMfll pngfl


Mrenks Itnl,. i, ) .t f tlnulliiIII,., siirtlti.r..

WiMilMiro.v. May I Admiral Dcweibroke ml,. i,i.n,,it uuiiliiM oluln;"in nun climbed down kit the water

nt illlllli'i' w ih ill,. .iu'vIviii-- ..r Hi.battle of .Miuilhi h,i n mi drinking itglass of wltii. In rotiuncuioiulloii nftli.it I

Mny tiny In imis.rwenty-thlc- e m.v.il olllcts who weto

with Dcwp nt Ainu, l.i til asthe only in,ml,,. ti ,,f Hi,. 1,1.Maiilln ltny in Washington. Admiral I

Dewey 1,'itil nt t dinner a poem sent!to lilm liy tin- - niitli(,r. IMw.'iul t Cinmsiof Philadelphia. Admiral Dcvtev wuslpartlculailj Impiessed liv the laststanza of IIiIm poi-iu- . whli'li ilw. IN on'the fait that III tile liattl.' of .Manila'Hay there was nut a single usually mi j

nil .mcrie.in snip, wniie tin- - Spanishloss was very great

Ailinlr.il Dewey said y tli.it hewas iiiiii lured now, a lie was

aftri the battle when lielearned theto won- - no disunities, that

higher power than we fought thebattle




lMletl KlOIII l,p .ik ItlltttT'fly's Winas. Keclnres

Mrs. Halihvin.

MovrrLAin. N .1 . Mav I Mrs DavidII. H.ildwin of 71 Christoph.'r strop!

y rnado putilip an nxp.'ripiipp sholiad on April to and which, 1ip tirmlvIipHpVps. nrfortlpil hpr a view of n soul

,,yinR vrk01, , , lm,.nown lM,v:on,1(

t Wlls tn ,Pati, f yrH Hadwin'sfather-in-la- Nathnnip H Hildwin, 06ypars old. that providpil hcrwli'i what nhnthinks was a Mippinatural v -- ,011 Mr.""hlwi" 'li'l t tho home of Ins .on after' "f ' incllKwiion He

s ono of thp lipst known men In Tssojc..cmmy momnM

!,,.. j,,. Wlls encacil in business as aImildim; contraptor for manv vears be- -fore he retired on aciM.mt of his advanced"C" Ho man of the hiejiest in-- ,teBrity. ami toward the close his lifetook on a saintly character that increasedthe resect that all held for him.

Mr. Ilaldwin's illness did not occasionalarm to the members of the household.In spite of his firpat orp he was alwuvsin Rood health. Therefore on the innm-in- p

that he passed away Mrs, Ilaldwinwas uneTciteil by his condition and didnot consider that there was danper ofhis death.

She was in a room next to the chamberof tin sick ii(m;iiiti;ipian Slit luuirfl n

"T ! !"side Tlie aged man appeared lo be in j

distre., and Mrs Baldwin, entirelytinalarined. akel if she could lender himany assistanp' As she looked at the sicl;man, who did not answer, his eyes closedand he gave a Reull siijh.

Then there issued, she save, from be- -tween the lips of the man prostrato on the'"l Histinct nnd well defined simp,.. Thoform of this emanation was that of twolarne wIiirs. encli aboiii a foot tn length.Mrs Baldwin Kiys the wings had tlieform of tho- -. of a butterfly anil seemiil I

unattached to any other sIiiiim. Invol- -""tarily. Mrs. Haklwin savs, she reached

ut to grasp the strange apparition, which1f0"' toward tlie ceiling of the room. As

ho did so, however, -- he turned to looknt Mr Haldwin, and when she looked forthe apparition again it had vanished.

Mrs. Kaldwin was much Impressediy tne MRiit tnal slie hail witnessed andto Iier relatives she conllded her beliefthat she was certain that she had seenthe soul of her aged father-in-la- takeflight from its earthly ehell.


J.ir tVlUK Ml.KHnl.ti.1 llol.l.e.l 'li,n!He Pnrte.l Willi I'liiirni, j

Joe Wing, u softhparted cook inChinatown, stin ted fiotn .Il llaynnlstieel last night with an offering of1liuiianns nnd a tabblfs foot for hisffit.tul t.'l.l llhtiL ,. I.,. 1.. Ill ...,.i"sii.s at I lloosevelt street.

Joe found bis friend and tlcllwied thegifts with the, hope that the rabbit'sfoot would drive the evil spirit outol lllluk's lungs. Then he started downfrom the fourth Hour bedioom.

(in the second landing three rough-hiindi- d

men grubbed Joe and pulled himinto an empty room. Theie they hithim over the head a few times and tookIlls gold watch and $2" in cash,

When Joe came to he ran to thetfreet, shrieking In pain, anger and'hlnese. Pollppinan Turn Connors toon

lilm to the O.ik .street station ami Dr.Mtltchler treated lilm."

Deteptlvp Goreviin and Joe are lookingfor the rolibers. Joe's faith in tlie rab-bit foot is undiminished. As liepoints out that he was beaten as soonas he parted with his chaim.



llppol'l on TIipiii.A MM Nr. May 1 - The Senate will vote

to reject Gov. Sulzer's noinl- -

nation of John H. Itlley of Plmtphurg to I

bo. .Superintendent of State Prisons andJohn Mitchell to be State Labor Com-- 1

iiw pM'nuu riimiiue lomm noe iomvvoted to report the nominations unfavorably.

Gov, Sulzer still has thn appolntmintof two Public Sprvlcc Commissioners at$15,000 each for tho Second district tosucceed Chairman Frank W, Slovens ofWnlcrtnwn and Curtis .V. Douglass ofAlbany; a State Health Commissionertit $10,000, and a State Architect at$7.r.oo.

Chairman SIpvpiis sent in his resign.!.Hon to the Governor y

llrrllnn Wnrnl. Iliifel.. Wider Mth.. X. ,The Miinnl Plrnmnl, 'the Mount W'Msliltiiflon.Ilonldim Oltli, :i3 5lli .Mr. TH, Mail, So. linn.


ofl"ennle Itenily In leeepl I nlst urnlile



Fair and warm to-d- ay andjprobablylw-mor--tin. row; light, varjtMc winds.Detailed weather reports will be found oft' Qige 15.

NEW YORK, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 191!. CpwrliiAf. I BUI, bU lln- - Sm, 1'ilnlimj ami 1'nlillsliliiil PRICE TWO CENTS.



Sncl-t- y iif'''NM


I'mixf for ('iiiiiliiinl in

I'ropoxett Measure,



l.,i..in l.,t. A....0..1 i'.,iir :.,.. ...' " I .' ' will I

Law lo Settle Naturaliza-tio- n .



Vsiiim!to. .May I -- The leielpl offull details of the new alien land billnow pendhiK In the California I.enlsla- -

tiirp has convinced ofllcl.ils hprp thatthe propoed (Mslatlon Is now fairlywithin the trcuty obllnatlons of the

nltPd Statps to Japan. If the bill l.s

passed In It" present form Japan, asWashington otllolals view the situation,will not attempt to attack the law Inthe rotirts on thp ground that It con-

travenes her treaty rights.About tho only course open to Japan.

It Is admitted, will bo r protest to thisCiovprniiipnt on thp ground that tbralien land law constitute dlsrrlmlna-Ho- n

nsalnst a friendly Power and thebrlnslni; of an action In thp courts ofthe United Statps to tpst thp IVderalnnttirallzatlon law.

It Is the latter possibility which ofll-cia- ls

I11TP consider likely. SmartlnR un-der the discrimination of thp Californialaw, Japan. It Is bellevpd, will seek toha vp thp Issue decided squarely as trwhether or not thp L nltpu Statps,throURh Its statutes, intends to debarJapanese aliens from bplni; naturalized.

if i..nna. ..i.i .......i.. . , .,.u,m.,. in), t 11 nccisinnfrom the United States Supri-m- t.'ourtin net- - ravor it would open the wav forownership of land In California. Vvenunder the terms of tlie 1,111 1,Is apknowiedepd. however tlmtan outcome would bp only a temporaryvictory bpcus an Irresistible demandwnuld Immediately be made bv thoWestern States for legislation exclud-- ,

. ...Z'ZS'Z Zi" l"C rnV"CRe 01

. .'. , whether owned" '",1"lr; J' the to it'

a test of the naturalization law byJapan would proliaMy result in em-barrassing developments for other na-tions. The United States Governmentnever has settled definitely, through adecision of the Supreme Court, Justwhat Is the mpaning of the naturali-zation law when It admits to naturali-zation "frep white jiersons and aliensof African nativity and i)erj?ons'of Afri-can descent."

The Department of Commerce nnd'ano1 has endcavore,! on rnveral oc- -

casions to obtain a decision beyond allIj

'doubt as to what Is the exact meaningof the words "white persons" ln thelaw. whether they refer to all personsnot black or to particular races. riielower .otirts have held up to thl- -

that the the Inrrrinpapply they, and wereDepartment Commerce and I.abor

is still in ttio dark ns to whether Itshould operate as a bar to manv peo-ples.

,,R nf tn" mo'', important cases withreference to Japanese nnturillzalionwa ''CldPil by the Circuit Court of

?r "l" '"Mrlct Vir- -

Inla. The three Judges sustained adecision of District Court decliningto grant naturalization papers toNamyo Il.nsho, a Japanese who had

file years ill the I'nlted StatesNavy The law provides that any alienwho serves five years In the ormarine corps enn onthe preentntIon of evldenre of siiPhservice. Itessho presented his dinchnrgo

hut the court held was notIn white In eyes of law and"as tber. foie Ineligible to naturallza- -

tion. The appeal of this case wns neverr,rl"',1 h" "Vm': ,',""t1"f '!"

i mi. mi r,i.it,... i ins i'i iiuo o) meCircuit Court of Appeal is hlgbcMruling that has be' n yet obtained on thenaturallz itlon law.

The belief luie that Japan, if sheadopts the course testing the nat- -

, p.. 1lils. Int. , III I.m ,,, I

by a desire to cru'te an embarrassingsituation for the I'nlted States

The opinion that Webbbill Is quite American-Japanes- e

treaty is based on a study theconditions existing when Hip treaty wasframed nnd the situation It was de-signed to meet. The peculiar phrasing

the article covering the holding ofand buildings due mom to con-

ditions of laud tenuip lu Japan thanto conditions In any State of the l.'uioii,

The treaty a distinction be-

tween the ownership "houses, manu-factories, warehouses and shops," sep-arately from the land Itself. Is,It Is reciprocally granted that ofeither country may have their cholcoof owning leasing buildings of therlasses specified above. This nrranRP-men- t

wns due largely to the fnet that inJapan the of buildings sep.finitely laud they""' "fund Is recognized In law. ln

1,'nlted Statps, thoughnrn nnuslttln It lu lint eilbtnmiirv tn sen.nrnto tho of the two, and

of a hublness structure luvariably carries with It title to the lnnrt.

Similarly it is held by the best legnlopinion here that the treaty pannot1'roperly be construed as granting thermht to lease agricultural land. The pur

for which mini mny tinleiised are specified so clearly"for lesldentliil nnd pur-poses," and the classification ofbuildings which may bo owned or leasedIs likewise so prcPlsp, that Is heldthat tho Japanese would have no groundfor claiming that tho right to hold agri-cultural land Is to bo Interred from tholnnguuRo of the treaty. Such a righthas never been desired by any Ameri-can in Japan, ami It Is the understand-ing that In drafting of treaty

Co il flu ti rd tut fltvotirf I'Hfir.

AT I.AKF.WOOII- - Thr nf l.nU- - suitWoodland nrc most ilrllglitfnl In Mny. Coif,mnlnrlne ml All niilrtoor rtlvrrrlont.

Laurel Houe, now onrn. Attr,


lellon Mn Ordered lo Koll.i"i.f I'nrltnnifiit.

Wistil.Niii'o.v, Mu I Thf pioWslonnlGovt. anient of China will be il

h tin- - I'lillul States nt Pel: u

Kdwnrd T Williams. Chatgc ii'Aff.illiMof tin- - American Legation, 'w.ll entryout his Institutions, which wet' to nr-eo-

iccognltloii In the name theWashington (iovi't ntni'tit an hooii aftlic Chinese rarlliinu nt luul eomp!etilits organization.

Not Ire was leeclved y Inat thisit Mil nlz.i t Ion hail been completed by the

election of a rtp.ah.T of he Hou-- e.

Tlie Heiiatp bad previously .ios-,- Itsotllcers.

All I'owers WPl-- Invited to Jointhe t 'lilted States In rccoKiib.liu; China.To this luvltiitioii of April -' two Hovel nmentH, those of llravtll ami Peru,responded favorably. The meatPowers hold that the present Is notopportune.

$23,000,000 RISK ON


'chieftains In

Here anil l,OIIO.Oni)


'Hrokers uctlnt; for the estate J.

Plerpont Morgan have placed $23,000.- -

000 Insurance u the art collection ofthe late financier. Of that amount -000,000 has been written abroad and '

ii,,uuii,uuii in tins country, tup partof thp collections that is In the Metro-politan Museum of Art is insured for$13,000,000 and that In the MorRan II- -

brnr5'' n"ls. for 4.000,000.

,,T,", v, ,? ln!"'rancr In hoMorcan I brnrv Is 16 cents nor $100 and . ...... . ... ,'.t..,.,. v

'. or loaneddeveloped

law was of the of was Oprr-- Fox'sto hut the" ,,f nttirmed Anywnr. George








ofland Is




ownershipfroip the

thnsuch distinctions




tho the




,h,lt m 1,10 mus,,lm I" 60 "nt" I'cr V00.'"' ' ,,K- ""l "lul

pnrt ,,f ,hp collection ln the museum Isver the repair nnd paint shops, while

mere arc 110 similar nansrers in inellbrary- Th cntlr" premium amountsto J?bollt ,102,S00'

The c"mPll",i,!' authorb.ed to dom"'1""', ,n M" ?taU ere able to

t t ht 111) k it tha nuiit-- mu liunanvunone of the other contents of the mu- -

bv instltti- -

Is insured Thecompnnlis consider the risk a good on-?- ,

The amount of Insurance taken rep-- 1

resented a of the collec- -

tlon's actual value Mr. Morttan est!mated thp value of tho collection on '

exhibition In the museum at $10,000,00(ithat of tho nrtlclos In storagp at thomuseum at $30,000,000 nnd that of th?collection the Morgan at $10,-- I000,000.

negotiations were opened j

the Insuring of thp polleetlon .1. P.Morgan. Jr., offered to stand the first

dollar from any one lire!!"""?. ""To securp a low rate. ,lr,"L L...,.i was opposed by the otll- -

rials of the New York Kire IriHurnni ej:vi.hnllKr. wlllch ,, c,lrol nu,r all '


companies operating In this Uy.nn.l ln. ,.n.,ru tlinl haV(1 ,,eH ,,xr(.11,P(,

bv companies, writing tlie insurance.'it was feared in Insurance circles that

on account of conditions impored by 'hoInsurance Kxchange the In-- I

sur.incn would iro to IJngllsh comn.mlesoperating more liberal law.


Ilnhber Co. Vnnir.l (iprmniin rfirriiptimlenl.

Goshkn, May 1. The final decree Inthe notion for brought by J.rtoward l'or.l against his wife has bepufiled In the Orange County Clerk's otllcehere.

Mr. who Is president of theMeyer Itubb.r Company nnd a

In the States Kubber Com-

pany, etarted divorce proceedingsagainst his wife last October In WhitePlains, naming a as

Mr- -' Ford was formerly Miss Uorth.iNut lln of lteilln, Germany. weremarried in lOofi. Two winters ago shereturned hmne and while she was nbro.ulMr Ford received Information which.kiiu,,,! l,l,, ,.. f..r 1.'nr,ii nn lilt,

Ited Star liner Lapland.Hp was arrested in .Kuglnnd, being

lilKeu mi iti- , ,t in uui ii a in.i.i. i,.swlndler who used the name "J. H.Ford" at times. Mr. Ford wns later

with apologies and iPturnpilhome, but without Mis Foul. Laterhe started divorce proceedings.


I , S, Commissioner of Labor WillSiippppiI Himself.

WAHHiMiTON. May l.-- nomlnallonof Dr. Charles P. N"'lll as i'nltedCommissioner of Labor to succppiI him-

self was rnnflrnieil by tho Pennte Inexecutive session this afternoon.

Among the other ponllrnmllons werthose of .1. A Strong to be Governorof Alaska nnd W. Smith to he Com-

missioner of Fisheries.The nomination of W. It. Harris of

Georgia to be Director of the Censuswns reported, but the rules willllo over for one pxpciUIvp spsslon.A fight Is foreshadowed oi this nom-ination.


Operation on Aelor Slums Ills Con-

dition la nnnurrous.Indianapolis, May 1.- - An operation,

performed at the Methodist Hospitalthis mornlnR on Otis Skinner, tho actor,Hhowed that ho wus in n more seriouscondition than lud been supposed, Thereis ranch roueernlng theoutcome.

Mr. .Skinner hnd been suffering forabout four weeks from mastoiditis, AnIncision was made behind the ear Itwas found an abscess had reachedtho membrane of the brain, but had notyet nffcctpd It.

ANtiOSrt'HA nilir.im nrlclnatril tnnl1 frlrmi; an rirerltvn Sprint tonic-- .Irfr.MB




Rli.iilielli anil



Assails Slllitll-Nlltfel- lt I'olllieillMaehine in Smtliintr


I'lesldellt Wilson returned lo New,Jersey la- -t nlKlit to spoau 111 support 01

a propimltlon to reform th system ofillnwIiiR urand anil petit Jurors, which Is '

lo he considered at a special session ofth,. LcKlslature next Tuesday lie spoke

.," ll,r" N"wnrk ai.d l.lh:a- - ,

belli and denounced In scathlnR Ian- -

Kiiaite the Inllueiices ihat ate ..eeklni; tt

tbwait the reform.Without meiitlonltiK name- - l,m ,1- ,-

terms assalli'd the Siiiltli-NilKe- po- -

illtlcal maihliip In Kssex county and tie-- ,dared that It was a most iitnazlni; tiling

.that the people of this county hnefailed for so Ioiib to Krnpple, with thesituation which confronts them and tolnllkp themselves master of their ow nKovernmont.

The new auditorium was 1 rowdrdwlu.n tnc ini),cnt accompanied v.Secretni--v Tumulty. Major Ithoads andhts FP,.rPt Hrvlc Riiards. reached thenlutflirm. AsSPinblVlliall John Matthews,

Illsliraiiee of .S1!.000.(I00 I'laeeti'sprlblm; unmistakable




his Cluverlny rpaches port Kast pre-t-

I.pRlslaturp that andform, when the assembly Millor cholera protracted

let with and ... . 1. .1... ....!.

v.. ,,.thp hUikp surRPd forward to shake

.. m- - m... i.ihis speech shortly and then the piesi- -

dent stood up a way that bemeant to hit KtralRht out and hard.

I know no snviter satisfactionthan for thp people thisState, he begun, "for I huve not come

tto speak to you. 1 know what you believe In, I know what you want. I

have come to speak for you and to tellthose nun with whom we dealingwhat It is lliplr business to do, for we

UiPlr masters, they are not ours"The Presh.ent s r iiuirlis werp not

conllned to the refotm mcasutp usuch. He did not, it was pxppcted I

he would, declare specifically either fora Jury nommlssion named by pre- - '

siding Supreme Court or for onenamed by Governor. He saidhp was originally in favor of thoscheme and that still thought itbest, but explained had yieldedhis Judgment l'jyftfii(CKMftttf,in""''ocrntic Ipglslators to ftioSe'who favoredcommissions named by the Governor.

He said he wnntpd everybody torealize that was not tn.tcn in by theresults of last national election. Hpexplained that the country did not go ,

Democratic, but had turned to thecmocratlc natty as the only

helpful Instrument It hud foundat lllinil lo licviini Illisii us iMiriiosi'S, II.-.-


"'"' "ul i"-- - i

""'ci" would get another chance. lle101,1 n,w' ' nemocraiir party m iew .

if, . . .. . . ... ....nun... ,,,t urn.. .... .


"nil now mat was louoweii ny

particular for tho thp thn







,0,mdomlnntlon. Democratic threatened system

said. operators. pointed ISM alignedwas ehnlrman

neweo party, anu nrsi maicame up was whether the old

run or not. won't into thehistory the two fightingwith the old gang. theold pnng did not run. but they kept

rover, even the lobbiesTrenton, knowing thrrp were

that pointed to past his-tory. They trembled In wpotllghtnnd wlipp was told that as soonas went to Washington old gangwould come didn'tuntil saw

more that bulky formgentleman ho used to personally lend

Legislature New Jerseyr..n ll.,n.

the Legislature nnd wasthat his Intrigues werp supcesrfulblockliiR the things did not wish,l,..n, l. Ib..,1....

heard that same old thathad two yenrs been scotched hnd

lieen tlilieil lllive lie.llllthat that with snnkellke 8;that snpuklng whispering system,hnd established again Trenton?"

to James NilRPntand Smith, Jr., provoked laugh-ter applause that apparently was

the canipnlKti hehave candidate for the Demo- -

crntlc nomination for the Governorshipthis Stnte, but opposed to any

one Is desired for Governor by someKentlpmen shall hnvp the pleas-ure naming not wantto nny mom Governors NewJersey privately owned."

Speaking then tho party pledgeconstitutional which was!

also down by ,ho Legislature,and that had assisted

sen iipupve mm imngshappen, Hut warn these gentlemennot too long to show the people, thiscountry that Justice cannot got

ordinary Inwwarn them to stand out thn sov-ereign's

President Wilson wasInst ulxht for the first tlmo since hisinauguration, and an been his mm.

at thehomo his friend Col. M. House.He ramu to New his

over Ilnllroad.He speak Cityand return mid-night train.


li.elilenl nt I'eni'r Meellnit I'oree.Mini In lo Veil.

l.oeis. May 1- .- Andrew Carnegiewas forced to take to his bed thisaltcrnoon after nxpltlnn at

moriilnK tneptliiK of the fourthAniprlcan Penre Conitrpss

1,500 dt'lcKntPX witpCitrncKle waa nt the speukers'

stand, some one from audienceshouted mil that the "I'nlted Is

mortally afraid Japan,""All those who ure not afraid Japan

'.stand tip'" Mr. CarnpRlp pried and to,miin l.Suu ileleuates rose.

TIip Incident, howexer, iinnnvedMr. CarneKlp and rptlred soon after.

tmt,l.- - to attend the afternoon'session th.- - cotmresH.


Prealilt'iil Oler Wnrn llourlet.Not Wntlerill.

.,... iIPpWif,. (iu't ,avo to pay anymoip Ico this summer than last,ordltu,' to Wesley M. Oler, president of

'the Ice Company. If she'n.mli-ul- . '' "hortnge

this year 1,000,000 tons.Th(. ni), (lf 40 ccn,H )oulu,, for

f.,,iy use will continue," said Mr. (Jler.April raised price for the

larger consumers, ftp., from- hundred rents. Itai-lii- K

"'p brlee one the best waysttuphlns fi'onomy."

The Ice Company sup.piles abou. third the Ice used InNew Vork city.


riill.'sh Slenmpr liptin nt llodlfin.

P.osTON. May bacteriological ex-

amination will made of pnph memberof the rrnn when Itrltlsll stenoiee

The Kreatest danser of spreodlnR.jint-ii.'..- ' iiuiii ei.i uitiii i

ilcr. man mlfiht Parry thp Rcrms ofthe disease and still not develop chol- -pra. The pxamlnntlon will occupy atleast clphtecn hours, and thn steamermay bp Quarantine for longerperiod,


inlrldr StrnnKelytfnn Ont of Jul..

NfTLEV, N. J.. May The lndy ofWilliam H.indol 16 Centre street wasfound this afternoon standing uprightbeneath surface of' the water InabHnjoned nuarrv near his home. Krom

position of the body Is thoughttnnt slid down the facequarry 110 fept Into the water, wherehis feet caught In the mud. keeping himtiprlght while drowned. Hiswere behind his back.

Uandol had been out nnd de- -His and coat were found

,h.. P,i a..r...(h ,.ifor nlm. lM,nU ,,,

()( w)f

XAloti htlltt IbL&UKArxLEKS PAY

the only of county In from "f .vra ln "'e 126th streetfavorpd Jury India and Ceylon. It Is suld that cinet of Harlem, then withstood

was spenkliiK died of shortly after leav- - and crillini;l'ii cheers, those Imr Cnleiitin. 1 ,

,,,,,,.uvi. .


ofspeaking of
















hnmiiv W'.iImIi thetime Intended in advance policies purpose certain things done, nn.l captain . Jacob Houss, former law-t- o

races, ,mym(,nt ontire belief thnt .lor. yer, A. Slpp among







on which



only small part

at home








tor I'nlted

German baron












of ln the' Kmpoliceman

1S10. ofof t -- i.


would I

of years

under atthat

fingers theirthe

I JustI the

back I bellevp n I

I It j

"Once of aw I

the of into;,IIsr.iee re, I ...ri- - '

of againIn

I t a ......It. tlie gang

, noi , J on notsystem a

Thesp it.Jnmes

fall tfnid:I no


of I

whowhom I

of I



turned '

of the forcps In i


torn u








,, w

II r


m 1




if t:- -11 il

t. A

... , ....i.t 11 it i iiu iii- -


held a



!the Itnandol i


nt .i, i... 1,1

rf h h , -,



a a

.... ..t 11 u,

Ml. ivlf.tsee

, he his






the the hehe

the i,toe


iiT.en im,,n flmit








" W rtf




Mny 1 A .". to 9 per' ' " '; , ,., ,. ',,. ...

In, n nffttnt 1... I.VI.. Itr.l1r..n,l ,.rril..lu t


.......... ..,.,,t. .'ii.u.iinnnounced that the Increase did notsatisfy who demandpil" Pr cent. Increase and better con-- 1

dltlons. He said the Increase did not,nffeet thp situation.

TIip opprators will get more,


I, n r-- n

whelmingly favor striking If thrlrdemands weu refused. The

wages uffpcts about per cent,operators.


First Snpli Iiiitmi Sepoml !

Opened Slimier Intended,The second stores

il,,,. V'a Ili.llwnvs CnmnnnvIs to establish for employeesopened yesterday Ninety-nint- h strppt t

,i,'Alllri.'i 'in i.v ui ,

the first store, 816-S1- 8 Klghth nvenup. ,

brought about opening the branchsooner than hnd been intended,

All yesterday railway employees liv-

ing nenr the storp Hocked thcro to trythe plan buying cost. Thpythe shop much to their liking mademany The receipts for theday fooled more than $."00. Hvery- -

thing that any to date foodstuff ;

store carries could had, thebiggest business was butter and crrs,

The first store was opened Marchbeen a success.


Can Bring; I.IOO Horar-poir- er

llrnr on Giant Llnrr,The trial trip yesterday tho new



" ""earn una nas i.ioo norse - l

I ' 1,10 m0Hl '0Wer,Ul " !

1. .."' ., ...... . . ... I

i nn ui.mui.ri; amer.c u will ,

clock Its steamships sailing for the i

the new pier thefoot street, Brooklyn,after May 20. The Hoboken piers will

used .for the and laise

I n ,I.a 1, I nn.n u.,..


CHANtSi: OF NHW VORK.Ihltti V'allty irilnn nuw arrive at

and from C. H. It. of N. J. terminal,Jersey city, with ferries and from West '.'3dHlrret and .Liberty Street. Ae.

blocking that refotm, the President said: i.ino tUB ,o. j,"The people this country and assist in tho Imporator,

this State are going to havo what they showed her capablo fourteen knots,

know they ought to have, proc-- ! Amons thoi--s aboard wereess or anpthpr. pray that It mny Meypr William Q. Slckcl. lUs-n-

a wrong process. I hnvo the Trafllc Manager Lederpr.greatpst confidence tho self-contr- Marino Jarka and W.

the public spirit, the legal conscience Davison, president the Statenthe people America and 1 do not my- - l"'1"1'1 Compnny, which

.. . ... .... ..... 1.1 11 1 till, till!.iiuiiKerous win


ofbo by

thp processus the 1


In New Vork

hasfor lonir time, he

R.York In private

the Pennsylvaniawill In Jersey

lo Washington a




an episode






ar-- j



we the

rpntH to HO













rp-- I






In ofIncrensp

In 25

oftl... V.trl.


noil nuv--


of at


be buttn



.,, ,...






of toof


of of







Tells ofFund After













HamburK-Amenca- n




Walsh's Collectorliaising


Told Inspector It. Wouldn'tDo lor Him: Afterward

Defied Him.


Xiirht Session at Police Ornff,

Trial Knds Hay of Sensa-

tional Testimony.

Policeman KiiRene I". Ko.Im,(.( rjp,.,r f Kr,,ft in Harlem, w.n

, , (,1)(.f wltnPSM , trla, p tl, ,

four Inspectors Sweeney, Hussev.

t,cr. Hr;1mrv the Criminal Hranch oftl... 3it,r-.,- Cmirt hetrt n nleht KPH- -

slon.l'o told i lonn detailed story of

his operations as collector of Kraft forCnpt. Walsh exiendliiR over a period

neiu.,., fr Thnml,vnn an,t iirr.

heft c. Smythe. of Hussey's counsel..NothhiR the lawyers had to ask lilm

seemed to bother Vnx bit. Heready has pleaded sillily to an Indlct- -

ment for bribery and on the witnessstand he ninric no effort to shield him-

self, frankly admitting that he had liedwhen he was palled at Headquarters topxplaln C.eorge A. Slpp's testimony be-

fore thp Curran Committee, and addingthat he had not intended at that timeto tell the truth about his grafting oper-

ations.Hp of spvpral meetings with In- -

"ppplor Thompson, which biought thatnamp morp prominently lVo

conspiracy charge than anything before brought out. and nlso mentioned'Swj-,'"- ' frpouently.

Tlu' testimony to bo taken',r"u? "ortOtlMy'lij' Ihe accused inspec- -",r"- - ,,nrt, lne r, made valiant,,fro,r!s X'rXaU '"to't at any point theycould, but I'ox smiled slightly an- -

easily every question put to him,never losing either IiIm lw,.,,l nr hi.temper.

His performance probably will provehe the big apt in tlie prosecution's

present case against tho four Inspectors.

other witnesses. Assistant District At- -torney Clark told .liistlie Se.ibury thathp thought the people would llnlsh theircase early afternoon.

form In 1000. .seven years before Cnpt,Thomas W. Walsh began his long com-mand there. Hp said that he began r.il.let ting protection money for Walsh In190S. Hefore that, he paid. PolicemanJohn Summers had collected for Walsh.

I want you to continue v.lh th-- i

ntfs went on."Hp handed me a list places

from which he wished me to collect. I

did as ho said. I collected from a number places, varying at different times,Home times fifteen, sometimes twentyand sometlmps as many ns twenty-flv-

Fox raid he collected $100 a monthfrom George A. Slpp at Italtlctel until December, 1911, InspcctarThompson was In command of the dls- -,,, .,,i,., ,,',., ,,-- ,i..'. r.... v

"When we had the excise graft Itwent as high as $1,000 a month," In

, , "Later It droppod t.-- $t00 or so' . , pontln.lf,d to rol,.ct fnr

Walsh after he wns transferred In June.l'.i 10, to uniform duty In the West 153dstreet elation.

(. What did jou do with the money youcollected? A. 1 turned It over to Capt.Walsh.

ij. Whut was your sluirl? A. Twentyper cent, at first ; later It wns 16 per cent.After about year Instend of turning thewhole sum over to ("apt. Walsh andcelvlng my share back I kept out myshare. Cnpt. Walsh told m to.

Hp I, led (o DoaRherly,On December 18 last, the day on which

Hipp told the Curran committee aboutFox, the witness said he was notifiedat 1:30 o'clock In the afternoon to (toto Headquarters nd thnt he was undersuspension. Ho appeared before Dep-

uty Commissioner Dougherty. He sawWalsh. Sweeney and Thompson nt Head-quurler- s.

Tho Deputy Commissionernaked htm about Hlpp's statements.

"What did say?" Mr. Clark asked.Fox smiled a little us he replied; "Itold them I was Innocent.

"You denied having taken money?""I did."He said he spoke to Walsh and Thomp- -

son and Thompson told him not tothnt everything would be all


'''wel 'mTauTrte The' fol.owln.day and saw Walsh. Sweeney and Thomn- -HOn nd m(l , luU,r )caru;(1 t0 Jacopnouns. Later I went to see Cnpt. Walshand he usked me how I came to cngateGrant & Houss, I told him Routs saidSweeney sent him. llo told I'd better'"'"' 8,nm", nrniugeiy nt or hill mightI.a"1 .u,m ,,d .,,I,, I,.... o.iv ......llnn.a ......me the day after Cliriatmus thai N'cwrlllisd tolrl him that Hipp whs willing tn anaway, but that he wauUrt $1,500, RotissNURReateri that It bp made $2,000 to coverpounael fees. 1 saw Capt, Walsh thatnight at his house and told him whatItouas had told me. He said : 'Give me

.nearly twenty years Itepubllcnn '"tempi to prevent Tells of olIr.ilnH.Coming to tleup of by a Fox had beenstrike l.r.00In , In and was to

"To us this rejuvenation, n re- - 8. Lowrle. Order. ,,, ,...,, ,,.,'It



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said H. O. Dunkle. general superln-- 1 .,.,. llllH ,,,-teml-

of the Krlp.a9 nm, w.rP itiorifiiro i r III' futol ni-i-



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