10 NO PAUPERIZATION IN FREE BREAD CHARITY Poor AsHOolntlon Looks Into Eight Cnscs mid Finds All Deserving. DEPOT AS CLEARING HOUSE Trained Workers to Use It ns Hnsis for Giving Aid to Worthy Families. ThroUKh the cooperation of the New York Association for Improving the Con- dition of the l'oor Tltu Hun yenterday was nble to make a thorough Investiga- tion of gome of the etorles told by women and children who called nt Its tree bread depot, 160 KlUulietli tdreet, during the Afternoon to nsh for broad. Klght of the women returned to their homes aecoinii.uilcd by an Investigator from the association, ami In each case the stories they had recounted were found to be true In each detail. What Is more, there was no tooil, or money with wmcn to buy It. in any or me eignt nonns. Alt I eight families had been suusisling since the fri urtiiu uepoi openeu un -- .uim.., on tho bread whlon they had reeilved. Two ot tins' lainines, eacn oi which. consisted of luur small ciilluren, a lather and mother. Were tound Ubso.utely uestl- - tute. The null were sick and unable. " work', the women wero exhausted and in poor pnnicai mi - - proper iiourisnnuni nun me eio ull on the verge of mckness for the bjiuo tcxtvn. Chitrltr Clenrlim House. iluvlng found tluse cases so worthy of help the asaoo.alion straightway eon; neveli professional iuvestlgalois to the treu bread depot to use It as u sort ot clearing house lor finding families worthy of Its support and uul. Dunug the lime the depot Is open dnlly, Xroin 'i until 4 ;30 o'clock, thise Investi ,,. gators were uuuj wwiih ni" addresses and gathering m.Uirial lor future work among deserving poor rami- - lies, the membcls of winch are loo inoius. to usK tor heip, but who are In such dire ctralts that they are willing to accept thu sort of charity being iliepciiftd b the tree briad depot. Mrs. li Crichton, who spends her time working for the association in the nelgh-borhtw- along ICllzabeth and Mulbeny strre.s, was one who spent the utternoon ut the free bread depot. When she Had been there for nn hour and seen and In- - torvieWed eouu oi tne women who called for bread she didn't hesitate to praise the work be.ng none nnd to agree to the necessity lor It. From n hauy computation made by tho tnvetn;ators It appeared that UU pr cent, of the men, women and children who re- ceived bread not only deserved It but Were in pr using need of tood. And ull of these investigators iigtccd without hes- itation that the charity being dispells. d ut 'Jul Kliz.thcth street can not tend to pauperise thos.- whom It bneilts. Dr. as one of tne workers remarked, you cant pauperise peop.u who are on the verge of tarvut.on. As fur as can be discovered this Is true of ne rly a I the who have been coming to the tree brand depot t.ab"r .Market t'nlinprird. Toere has been no Improvement in the labor market," said one of the associa- tion's workers. "Dur.ng tho last mouth I am Inclined to think that instead of there being 325,0011 men and women out of work in New York as there were tour weeks ago, there are now JuO.Om). prom personal observation and Muny I am sure that there are ct least lOU.UOO persons out of work in tho coak and suit trade alone." One of the families made glad yesterday ! Ihes In n pi'r .if dingy rooms nt 2i Kllzabcth str.'r. Mention of the particu- lar fuinily and the londltinn of poverty in which Its live clnldtwi, sick fathur and weiikened mother were lound was inailc twM-rn- l days nno. A contribiuor suit . to Tilt: Sun sptclfyuiK that It be used tor llvse itoplo. So yi sterility tluco pairs of shoes were bounhi fur the chllilr wllh two sweaters nnd some Kroccrles. Tin: St-'- is reccivitiB donations dally from persons who have rend of the aid belm; Klvcn to deservini; persotu throiiMli the Irce bread depot, anil It will be plens.-- to receive nnd put to th suinc purpose all of th money which Its renders caro to contribute. The fo.iowinB donations cnm dsy : A. . C "Mining" N. it May Armstrong K. W. S Joule S. Stroock "A Filend".. . Il.uben W. Doblsky Totni. H'J THE SEAG0ERS. Salllnx for I'.iialnnd, I lie I'nntlnviil and Sniiitlirrii Ports. BnlllnK by the North Herman Lloyd liner Berlin for .Medlternineiin ports: Nr. and Mrs. Thomr Mar. MiCarthy. O Cranwell. Mr. tmlcrliK Tecli. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Johnston L. Uidni'md. B. Eramom. Mrs Howard lllch- - Mr and Mrs. Howard inord Glllesny. Mrs. A. H. 8irrckels. Mr and Mrs. William Mrs Jiilm II. hjirecU. a' llasltell, els. Jr Or. William II Hen- - Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis A ' Miss a'. O. Irvine. Mr. anil Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. (leorm TurnbuU. I E Keith Mrs. Helen M. Tweed. Mr' and Mrs. Emene Mr and :trs. Aithur Lent. ..Whitney , Mr. and Mrs. Iieniamiu ur. nun -- ire. n. Noble. W'jikofl. Vernon P. West. liy the Anchor Lino tenniMhli) Canis-ronl- a for (JliiaKow: Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mrs. F K. Petirs. f)oyle, Mrs Junes Sauvare. Miss Kathleen Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Kd'ttird William S. larsiUn, II. Whipple. My tho United Krult Cotnii.uiy'H (ileum-Mhl- p Tcnadorea for the West Indies nnd Panama : R. C. Chichester. Mr. mid Mrs. Prank Mr. ami Mrs. Llndon W. Hales, Oenri.-- II. Johnson. naymond MrCuno. Mrs Jaiues A. Mc- - Mr. und Mrs. K. P. Kenna. Wheeler. Mrs, J. K Merivlii. Jaiues A. Coe. Mr. uml Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. J. O. It. Ku.-c- ll Cosfrave. Dr. K. W. Sears. Mr. and Mrs. W, D. C. W, Snow. Fans. Mr and Mrs 0. C, Mrs M, E. Hasklns. Wood. Hy the I'orto Illco Line Ntenmshlp Carolina for Porto Illco: Gen. J. A. Ituchanan. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. L Oomlier. rr. Mr. and Mrs. David I. Waller Thompson. Venle. I. U. Ilerne. Dr. rloretiee Dressier. P. A. Dillingham, (lenrre Holt. Mr and Mrs. J A J. C, Lincoln. Cnlhoun. Mr. and Mrs. O, W Mr .uul Mrs. a. P Spear. (irnlir. By the Ward Line steamship Havunn for Hhvuiiu: Mr. and Mrs William D. Macy, ONLY $2,433 RAISED YESTERDAY. Worker tar 100,000 nilud Home Fund Slake Little Headway. Tho second day In tho eleven day cam palirn to raise 1100,000 for rlt. Joseph' Jlome for the llllnd In Jersey City yielded only 12,433 ycsiterdny. This makea tha mount secured thui far '117.600. Team No. 82, composed of policemen, was tho nrlie team In (tettlnr the moat contrlbutloniv William V. Cloaiey, chief i i no nuns iiouievard motorcycle po- - voncc, ii in- - ipiain oi una leum. TITLED VISITORS ON LINER. Karl lie I.a Warr Thinks tlrltlsh 91 llllanta Will Win Votes. Sir Hugh and Lady Hell arrived yester- day on tho Matiretanla to visit Lady Hprlng-lllc- wtfo of the llrltlsh Ambassa- dor at Washington, who Is a niece of Lady Hell. Sir Francis Hdtvnrd Younghusband, ex- plorer and former Urltlsh Cctnntlssdotier to Tibet, also arrived on the liner for n lec- ture tour. The Karl t)e La Warr was another pas- senger. He said that he thought the Eng lish suffragettes Mould win the ballot ( simply because that woiilil tic a way or ending the tumble, they are making. Others who arrlted were Mts. Klslc-Frelir- h Vanderbllt, C. W. Cross, Attorney-Cluicr.- il of Altxrta; Ailolph (luggetihelm, Mr. and Mts. Lewis Iselln, J. II. Mcl'ad-de- n, .Mr. and Mrs. It. O. Llnd, T. A. SlcCrea, the' Hon. JUrtrand ltull. Mr. and Mis. llcnjamln .Stem and ('apt. 12, C. T. Warner. GRADUATED AS ACTORS. C'irll Mnildc nil it Hlniifhc llntra Ulrr Advice ti Class nf ail. The graduation exercises of the Amerl-ra- n Academy of Uramntlo Arts Wero held iwtenlny afternoon In tho Umplro Theatre. Diplomas weru aunrded to twenty-si- x graduates, Including lLlen.i IMdy, IMiinbv Foster. Mntiel SIgel. Le'.lco S'eticlon. DavIiI Ieon.ird, Anrou J. Mo' tun. Frank Morgnn and IKuglaM Ma- - Lean, all of this city. Other graduates came irom as far aj Vancouver, It C :ui Halton, Kngand. The two nildmssm to the graduates were made by lllancho Pates and Cyril ..liiiuie, wic neior. They told of I their ep.-rlenc- on the stage nnd nilvls.,1 tm. budding actors as to their chosen pro- - le - wion. I trsiiee I r.W ILLflttX WILLER COMPANY, Flvr Vrar ArrnnKeiiteiif Made Wllh Klinr A Krlnnicrr. Klaw & Krlanger have made arrange ment wun uenry jiiiier for a term of five years by which they will Jointly make a niimner or productions under the super- - '"r' "'"''r The organization will be known as the Iieil .Miller (. OtnlrltlV unit Ih- - nrsi ai- - iracuon to lie exploited will be Kuth ' se.i-jo- at i ow rs The itre on Mnml ty. ull'llng.! r " SI imdtr the of Klaw k I.e- - Shnbert ouii liiilnu Aliriinil. Lee Shuhirt. the theatric il will sil on the Olympic on Mirch IS for his nnnu.il trip to Lump.', lie la saillns two month earlier than usu il. He that he was able away so mi1 btv.iuse his iiliuin fur the k.ii-ui- i hnve lnen Ills brother, J. J. Shuhirt, who Is with him In vailuus il enterprises, will be In charge during his ntt-- s nf tlir tosliitf David llelasco and Oscar Hmimersteln have reached a friendly agrement the disposition of the Icae of the Itcpubl.c The.itr". The moving pictures will be wlthdtnwn forthwith and Mr jiammersteln resutiii- - control of the , , , ,,.., M (, U1C lleil. Tr-- Film Company will present In the Ilepubllc Theatre on Mon-da- y their latest Mini production, a six reel drama. J. Warren Kerrigan has tin title and his sister, Kathleen has the role of Ihlllith. It her ilrst appearance In motion pictures. Ficd C. has entered the moving plctute Held, having bccom associated w'th the l Company of West Forty-secon- d street. Mr. Whitney will give his undivided nt'entlnn to the production of a number of his former sue- - ce"srs and wIP nlni sum- Amer'ein and forc'gn plays which nnd his associate control vt'u.v hVi-- THE SUN, SATURDAY, MARCH 14, MUSIC AND PULPIT TALKS IN CHURCHES HERE TO-MORRO- W OLD BT. PAUL'S CHAPKte Fulton and Vesey streets. The cantata "The Roul Triumphant" will br rehderej nt noon next Tuesday by the choir. The solo ists will be! Contralto, Miss McOeci tenor. Frank Ormshy; barytone, Frederic llunther. I II. llrooka Day of St. Luke's, llrookljn. wilt be ths organist. CHAl'F.L OF Tilt! INTLMtCKKHION P.ronlway and 185th street. The Itqv. Dr. dates will preach the morning, afternoon and evening eerWrrs. l.vnra M. l. Tsppan, 'cellist, will be III' soloist anil Leo IllgKS will be the organist at the popular vespers The music: It A. M., prelude, prayer, IJarkers offertory anthem, "He k Ye the Lord," Itoherts; postlude, andante, Itolierls, 1 I'. M., organ, "In the Morning," tlrlegj solo, "Chanson Trlste," Tschalkowskyi organ, "Kamenol Oat row," Ituhenstelni offertory, "PI srlms' Bong of Hope." Hfttlste. 8 I'. M prelude, "Contemplation," Oaul; offertory an- them. "Lovely Appear Over the Mountain." Uounoit; postlude, march, Dubois. Frank T. Ilnrrat, organist and cholrtnsster. ST. JAMK8H CHUIICII Madison avenue and Seventy-nra- t street. Illshop Courtni) nlll preach at the II o'clock aervlce. nhlch will be followed by celebration of the holy At the afternoon service nt 4, the Ilev. Mr. Carey will (reach. At the conclulon nf the eervlce the (t. Illrbards. will (He a brief rerllal. FIFTH A V EN UK I'llCSUYTIlltl AN CllfltCH Fifth aenue and t'lftv-ltfl- h street. The Ilev. Dr. J. H JneeU, pastor, lll preach nt 11 A. M. The offering will be for the Assembly's Hoard of Publication and Hundiy School Work. Dr. Jowett will also conduct the services In tl.e afternoon a 4 o'clock. On Tuesday afternoons during Mareh a series of org in recitals wilt be .hen 'V the organist of the church, Frank L. Sealy, I KPISCOPAL LKNT11N Sr.ItVICES Bpe- - clai' Lenten services under the auspices 0f I the Protestant Kplscnpal Church hi the diocese of New York are being held the , c Th,Btr Forty-secon- d street, west of Hrondway, o'clock Sunday evenlims during Lent. The Ilev. Dr. Cyrus T. Hrady will preach evening, HIHCK CHUItCH Fifth avenue and Thirty-sevent- h street. The Itev. Dr. Merrill will preach at II. and the nev Mr. Janeway, the associate minister, at 4 o'clock, The music: Morning service, prel- ude, allegro. Parker; anthem. "The Lord Is My Light." Parker; offertory, "I.ord. for Thy Tender Mercies." F.irrant. 13.10.1580; post- - lude. toccata. Purcell. Afternoon sen Ice. m1,..1v Itnrhmnntnnfr: antlim. "Come. Holy Spirit " Palnt-Sien- nnipi'ion, lude. andante trlstarnantc. Kroegcr. ' , me illiru eeroion u, iiic ir. ,.ritiri , ,, ,,. ,he. of vhrl.' ,.n,l Human , Ity." In the evening .it s o'clock. th will preach nn "Not Peaco. but a Sword.1 Neit Welnes,u evrnlnic Dr. Jefferson will preach In the T.iylor chapel on "Martin Luther." WILLIAM HKNNli: will continue his Itlble studies and lectures 11 A. M to- morrow In tho Hawthorne Hiilldlnr. Ill West ISSth street. MA II V F.THKItlDlli: CHAPIN will spealc In llerkeley 'llieutre, Forty-fourt- street and Fifth uvenue, tnornlnir on "Let Tfirrc He I.litht." "in Tui.day Mrs. Chspln will nt her studio, same bulldlna from 4 to H and from s to 10. CHUISTIAN SCIHNCI'.-T- h.. subject o' the i.. . ,i, r'h orf . hurrhes will ! "Sub. tan ' ' ' and the Kolden txt. Psalm null, II. "The meek shall Inherit th earth, ntid shai. o. itlht tlimseHos In "ie tihiind.inre e.f peace." l.AIKill TKMPl.i;- - Second aienue and Fourteenth street Italian serb will be held miirnltisr nt 11 o'clock. Dr I t'lraizlnl will preirh and Mr. Sulll and Mil quartet will ftirnl.il the music In Italian, i Dr W T. lllslnir will give after- - noon ut ! o'clock the third his erl of j t'tuitrated lecture, on "The Mjklns of our World. ' HI. tuple will be "The Tlrelesn Disiroyer." At v o'clock Dr Diy will de liver the third nf hi. series of lectures on "How We Hot th lllble will be "The People's Hlbie' M B T It O P O I. I T A N lNDHPP.NDllNT I'lU'HCH Schuler Theatre. corner of Hroiiduny and I'.lKhty second street. "How naiterion in "Dnldy Lung Legs." by"Oh. Come Let Us Heiurn." Llsst; offertory, Jean Webster, which lit op.-- its Chlcigoi "Clory to th Faiher," It.ichmanlnoff; post- - ,r ,'!"lr n"r,;'r w'" miVt' nls olllcesi huoaDWY TAHHItNACt.i: CllfltCH -- "h . 1m.',,'r, T"'"1""'- - Hroadway and Flfty-.lxt- street The Ilev. ! rZ l"rir. ,,e USl' attMt "f "r- - 'h.rles i: Jefferson will preach at 11 A. '..n S U";h'"n " 'Christ and llu.lnee." This will l,e tours continue to be .... . i.. i direction Krlanger. producer, yisterday to get completed. associated theatric absence. I'lcturi-s- . regard- ing will I'nlversil "Samson." role Kerrigan, Is Whitney Film 22(1 produce new he 1914. Hroadway, at communion. organist Dirllngton In at nt of Illustrated Hilly .Sunday Plays llnll With Clod" will be the subject of tho prologue to the address on "The Kthlcs of Democracy," on which lr. Henry Prank, founder snd for ten years tenker for thn Mff rnnnlltan Inileliendent Church, lll .peak morning at 11 o'cloek. In the alternoon Dr. I rank will speak In The Hronx at Auertmcn nnuo. HUE lloston road, nesr 16th street. Tin) subject lll be, "The Teachings of Tolstoy and the Iileals of Jesus." NIIW YOIIK PHEMIVTEIUAN CltUltCH Kith street and Seventh avenue. The Itev. tleorce W. Arms, Jr., pastor of the New York Presbyterian Church. bs received Into the New York Presbytery from the Denver Fresh) tery at the regular meeting of tha Preib)tery last Tuesday. The Installation service will take place about April 1 In the due to the fart that the church is being redecorated. At the Installation service the I Itev. Dr. Henry Sloans Coffin will preach the sermon, the itev. Dr. Thomas W. Smith will deliver the charge to the pastor, tha Itev. Dr. Duncan J. McMillan nlll deliver the charge to the people and the Ilev. Dr. Jesse P. Forbes will make' the Installation prnyer. The Itev. Arthur H. Llmoute, mode-ruto- r of presbytery, will preside. The boys and young men of the Sunday school have raised among themselves enough money to equip a gymnasium. This will be done Im- mediately, and Itudolt Mnnnhar.lt will bn their Instructor, The pastor's Sundny ii topics arei Morning, ."The Sameness of Jesus Christ"! afternoon, "The Crowd and the Christ." N11W THOl'tJHT CIH'IU'H New Aeolian Hall, West Korty. third Mreet. "Whatthe New Thought Church Is Doing for Mankind" v. Ill be the subject of F. W. Sears's lecture t II o'clock The following proKramme will be rendered at the organ recital begl.iulng at 10:10 A. M : Polonaise In A m.loe. i"hln, norluene In P. flat. I - Chopin The Swan," Salnt-Saen- toccata. I Dubois. Oeorg- - Shackey, rganisi ; vioun . ,nl"'. HlUon; barytone s olus, .11, car vnlho, FIFTH AVENUE IIAPTI3T CHUItCH (leorge N. Sage will talk to the young men's Hlblo class of the Fifth Avenue Ilaptlst Church In Calvary Ilaptlst Church morning at :40 on "The Chief Among the Publicans." CENTltAL PIlESnYTEIHAN CHUIICII West Fifty-sevent- street, between Hroad- way and Seventh avenue. The Itev. Dr. M. Woolsey president of Hamilton College, will supply the pulpit at 11 A, M. and 4. 10 P. M. FllHETHOUC.HT SOCIETY Ilryant Hall. SUth avenue, near Forty-secon- d street. The subject of the lecture by James F. Morton, j Jr., morning at II o'clock will be, "Anniversary Address. Moncure Daniel Con-wa- the lllnprnpher of Paine." Headings slid the npi-nl- of the question box will precede the lirture. NEW TIUiPiillT CHUIICII Forty-eight- h j Street Theatre. Dr. Jull S.nn Se.ira, founder of th New Thought Church and School, will speak at 1115 A. M. on The Key to Health, Wealth and Love." In the evetilne nt s o'clock she ulll nnsvr the iiuestlon 'Why Is Thr" No nll'" at ttis rei;u nr Sunday eenliic fraternity nieet-Ini- ! In tb American llulldlnc, Hroadway niiil Flfty-elyht- h stn--t- . Ths Tueeday eve nln science of succes. meetlnif will be held at s ll In the Umplro Hotel. Hroadway and Sixty-thir- d stiet. Dr. Sears will speak on the "Snuaro of Failure. ' Irish Music lit imiiiIo Miim. The Itev. Luke .1. Kvers. nctor of St Andrew's Ilniunii Catholic Chinch. !u:ine rci-i- . tins iirn iiki.i : proKmimne m ir.so wiiibs ii music tor the ii Hiiidiiy mass on l. l .lirilKW II. l i ur 11. ai iuat. i.ii ltl-- 'i violinists. lu Irish li'irpl-t- s nn.I two fjaet'c sltiKirs hiivv been rtiKtiKed A short irrmon In ilnellc will be dllvered 'by h priest fnm liar wl'h tint languaKt. R STATEMENT. Kin it A KrlsnKer In llnvr It nn All Tlu-l- r I'riiKriiiiiuirN? Klaw A- - Krlnmrer dlrecttnl yeeiterdsy thrit the followim; stnto'iient be printed In the proKr.itiiim s of all i.f their thenttes. toui'ther with th" full provisions of tho Stoddard anti-tick- speculator bill now pondliiK In the Legislature. '"Pie ant tcliet sprculatlni: bl'l Is placed In this iiroKr.ininie so that the who have sufferi-- throiiKh the I A'fcis&sJfcL''.... nuisance ami evil of ticket speculation may place the blnmo where It properly belongs, as It Is our firm belief that this act If passed and enforced would abso- - lutely eliminate ticket speculating and confine tickets to tho box offices of the- - atres, where they should be, to bp sold j to tho public; and we do not be'.levo any other measure now beforo the municipal or Htnto lawmaking body would bo ef-- 1 fectlve." RKLIMOUA NonCfs, FIFTH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Fifth Ave. ami Fifty-fift- h 81. Preacher THE FEV. J. H. JOWETT, D.D. Services at lb A M. and 4!S0 P. M. Offering for Assembly's Hoard of Publication nnd Sunday School Work. The Mi Service In tho Chapel on Wednesday at Sill P. M. nlll be conducteil by Dr. Jowett. Tf iR i t V Pfl T iS?l. Cttllllll till iRtllXISSiflll Il'uay and U.itn St. ' Itev. M. H. dates. D. 1), Vicar. Ii H5i 4S; lOiJOj Hi Id 4 Popular Vespers. Soloist, Laura M D. Tappen. Cellist; Leo Hiss. Itrrltal Organist Miss Tsnp-- n will play Ilruch'a mush.- - of the ancient Jew- ish hymn Kol Nldrel. Mr. Itlggs will play Komenn! OHrow by Itublniteln Headings from Cseklel by the Vicar. Address: "What We Owe Kteklel." I P. it.. Evening Benlc. .Services are held In the following Christian Science Churches SlMdS, 1 1 1 U. Ml I P. M WtlMlal't, I f.H First Church. Central Park West A JMh St. Second Church, Central Park West .V Jth St. Third Church, ISMh St. & Madison Ave. Fourth Church. 0O West talst St Fifth Church. Madison Ave. A 3ih St. THE Sr.W YOIIK FREETHOUGHT SOCIETY TO. M oil HOW ,T II A. M. MVaUT Utll th Ave. """" """t 4Jd HI. '1"' ""ncV.re .' ?V- - "e. ljlog iMiuirr ui Irlurpr. .lame l Mnr. Ion, 4r, AI A HE WELCOME. Old St. Paul's B'wir i Futlen St Tuesday, March 17 Cantata Mid-Pa- y "The Seal Triumphant" St. Oomas's Church FIFTH AVE AND HI) ST Itev, EltN EST M STI11KS. D I) , Hector. I A. M Holy Communion 11. Morning Service and Sermon (Dean Orosvenorl, 4. Evensong ami Address (Itev W. - Caswell), p .r Hour of Organ Music PRES. W00DROW WILSON S J'nc IN.. Icy Meeting to isutntn lllm, l'lnyhuuRf, 49th. cast of Itroailway, to mor row evenlnc Ppnpr iicar iS Htrnun, llrnry Clew. W A, Clark. Mudlnn C ltcrs Hentii Krf. ST. JAMES' CHURCH Madison Avenue and '1st Street Holy Communion. Sundav School t IV Morning Service (IllSHOP COl'KTNKY) tl Afternoon Service (Itev. Mr. l're) I 4, THE RRICK CHURCH Sill sill. Ale. si. ft t)r Merrtll. the mlnUter. will tiri-ar- fit eleven o'clock and Mr janewav the ns.n rlat minister, nt four NrmN SHltVlCH r.vi:ii- - wi:i:k day-- , ts-j- 12.50, t'AI.VAIIV IMI'TliT Clll'ltCll. FIITII A HM K IIAnl-- r ( HI ItCH. I'nlon evlce. 1S5 West Uth Street Dr. WorMfliin at 11 A M a 4 P. M. Sunday School ami lllble Classes, :U A M PIliTBll Pre.ltrrlun t'hlirrb, bKlllnrlL v s:ti, st l.i- - Il'way A. ;th Ave. Itev Wilton Mrrlomltli, I) D. pastor. Servlcisnt 11 A M and t '30 P M lit v. M. WiM.Uer Mlr.iker, D D 1,1,. D. 1 1ll preach. St. Score's ChJrc Is on Itth Street, rar of Ttpr I Anus MrMixs ai s. II and s. AI.LSI'AT.S I Itnr THE NEW THOUGHT CHURCH AECLIIN HALL, .2 W' I'd HI. V W Scars. . orji n i Inl at Secreil l uncirl 100 A V SPECIAL RELIGIOLS SERVICES The l.rle Tlie.lr.-- . 4.M. neae til lr. I'AKHV MMI.W KVKMMi III Itl.Mi I.KM' at 8 o'rliN'k, i.imhI iiiii.Ic, u ..rTrrliiK. Bibttt Stud es and Lectures Nundat II A. M nt I Ml ttr.t SI. ' .Contaiiitd subjirt 'The I iitaunht Th.nts nf the lllble " ' DR. JULIA SETON SEARS snv Tiiui'iiiir i iii in ii ami m Kuui, ISth St. Thralrr, 1 .1 V. M MiliiU). SilliJeC "Ke to Health, V- lb unit l.ove" ' IIKHKP.I.KV TIIKATItK. I Ith St 5th . I M UIY i:. T, CHAPIN. II A M - I.KT THIllli: Hi: lltlllT' s P M All iiddres. t,y Mrs chiiptn. MHMdltlAI. HAPTIST W'ashlniclnn Srinre. 11 Ur Judson. Special NVw York t'nl virstiy Service. Sermun by Cli.in'-eiln- r Hruwn. Sjtijei t "The Newer Trend In lldin atlini ' LABOR TEMPLE llth 2d SI Ur and 1 A M . Illillull Service. P M Dr Day HENRY FRANX M'lH'VI.KK TIICTlli:, lluav a Rltl. I't... ll. 1111,1, V Sr.VDAV" and "DHMl K ll ACY ' ST MATTHIJW'S CllfltCH. 2 W'.M Mth St lt- - Arthur II JinlKe Itei tnr Srrib'es. s, 111 Kvenlnic Preacher, H,-- Dr l.uheck I.AI'AVI-;TT- AV.. Cur. n. Ovfnrd M.. Hhltli, The Itev I C Albertsun, 1). 1). 10 30. Mr , ItlKKs at IIKACK I'HI'Kt'H. Ilrimdwa Mini intli t, I Dr SI.ATTP.ltY, Iteitnr and II (Itei-tnr- i 4 (Itev Mr Hai luiiuti), . ( Itv Mr P.d ardst II.HIHIKI.VN. Air-K'li:T- s. IROOKLYN ACADEMY OMWlTnf PHILHARMONIC si rn tv nr vi w iuk jiisi isritNsK v. i omk noii. 1 (Sumlm Aft.nt:i I., JIM'" JULIA CULP I'll I.IMN llll III' I'm iMt'.ii'. I rtbate cijools ii THU SUN nuiintnins a most efficient Educational Fiureau, This complete service is absolutely tree of charge to you. Accurate and unbiased information given to all inquirers. This service wiii prove of valuable assistance in selecting the proper school for placing your boy or girl. In writing give auffi-cia- nt detail ao that in- telligent advice can be given. SCHOOL-COLLEG- E AND CAMP BUREAU ITONumu St., New Yek . Ve a 4 .TU. AMl'HEMF.NTS. lilh Av HcstSeatslt.Kvs.S. weeks AMERICA ASMI. pv llllh '' H. W HIGH JINKS VI lib Stella a In. iMlLLfjift. I 4nh.i:.ofll'way. Evi'S.nA) rLNinUUC Mnts.To-i-- v Wet ijo. The Play that .lol FU Lent. THE THINGS THAT COUNT The trouble with many clear plajs Is that Ihes lire .lupld. Ihls ne stlrsjnu to the depths with Its heart Interest, makes ou Isush Immoderately with Its fun AND IT'S 1)1X1 AI. LYRIC IMS!.. W. of Il'way, Kvs. :IS. Matlnris y A Wed 2:IS. llineht supportcn ny narryinnnr Ring In vVhen Claudia .Smiles," CUIIIFRT Ihca. llth.W of It y. Kv H 15 nUBCn I Matinees 1. .ay A Wed. 2:18. A ifiOUSAND YEARS AGO 3Qlk IT Theatre, nr Il'way. Evgs. S3P. ain um. To-da- y anil Weil, at 221). 1.! Finny Siria if Hum, Sweat Hint TOO MANY COOKS ,rlhe comedy, which Is wholesome throughout, abound, la natural and In- gratiating fun." llullctln. uWr.Pi It, Afir York I'lanotnt Committer Drama Ltacut of Amertra. COMEDY NrAr To-Ja- y fit,. 8:15. KITTIE MacKAY The l.auch-ltl- t nf the Year. 4MrilMT.TIIKA.i;va.N30,Mat9,Today&Thur. .SIA.SON'8 I J fj 1 f 1 Thursday lll(i(ii:.ST IIIDlF.Vi Matinee .si'cir.ss, ii 'ai u.ui. 4Sih St.. IL of ll'wav. Kvs. at H 20. GORT TrVnTwedUURETTE TAYL8R 220. 'TK4, MY HlUltl." M.W VllltK'N TIIF.HF. TIHUTKI'N HAVK Nil III, IH-s- r M TH IAN HtH EMPIRE llritft'us y Ml St l'c. stsio, Matlnre.To-Da- y A W'sl.220. MAUDE ADAMS InJ.M. Fantastic Comedy Ilarrle's un: i.k(,i:m iif i.i:imika b II e Alltl nr of "I'lTI'l' PAN " OAIETY 4'tlh H'W'AY hi 2 CHANCIS In se II. W avaee " i in n Fast" C in dy ALONG CAME RUTH MA.t.i i . .ij. .IOiil AI 2i IELASC0 4ltl, ht , I' of M'wi y i:ws ) 21 Muls. 1 o-- ay A Thurs. 2 i. FRANCES STARR SECRET" ii "THK FULTOM y,;'.'?,,11.1 JJ !a i THE MISLEADING LADY KMI kl'ttltot K' It. Ilriudwsy .V a s't - M, t 'In Li " ImH 'I line. T .. It .1, THE LAUGHING HUSBAND VI MiiMltl Nll.'t - .. 1ULIAN ELTINGE in nn i uinui im: i. iih. HUDSON t 4.11 V" . el M'wnv rvs.K2rt. 1 i Mntlnei 2ii, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? M , t V.ii VltiHT Seals Now. MIRfli FT, Mon Tiles w. il . m .... IL. It A iTlmr's. . l'rl .'al . "Hie AllUlilll tt, nof ihr Shrrsi" yiiiini'P irw vA oh St I'm.. s:2o. nniiaun u vti".'.- - i 4 wiit. 2io. CYRIL MAUDE. the fstnoii. it r I in ihe M't"l,,"s' GRUMPY sitive.!1 I i omiily lirann k ELTINGE 42.1 St . W id M'iwiv I've? K If, ...in : P. , CI HAN A ASTOR Il'way. 4811- - M Kve S2 MUllll.s sis l lo-u- ft eit ii a.vs nrr 1'i.Ai. I.IUkll- - KEYS TO I Mi.lery 7 li ludruma I Thilll. BALDRATE I HNPAPRF !' W eik Mat T... lay w M j. -- i ini. mdi nuuni H'i. X' XI "A PA'.R OF SIXES" 5V.V AI(M ' II l ,M, lu- i- ,MHrih I7.HIHUIO r. I . It p 'r.tt I tiM7i HuTfit brrtnts COMMANDER EVANS tinil in initiuii ml til h i Sum .iiihii, in CAPT. SCOTT'S LAST EXPEDITION 'lie hliu .scull wniiui .nt- - ml, I u,d l.e nllie Irom the Snuih Pule Hear A lln Uul I'l Alt " MtlMMI I'll II I.IS I IcVels to HV. FIANJ INSTRUMENTAL RECITAL Ml.es HeAM-y- , n.l.tc by I Mr lli.ln-r- t Holunt.-- i at a: 0 P M In the In tlrrnd ('intral Terminal. n ( l rire fur AillllU-lc- u, , KEW Y0X tFsiy '"ie 'Mn Msterpl.ce it'AM CunilnuiMis I lo ll ' 3 1,11 mmm Mshis, j IA loVMS i . II I'. Kl llll'M A.N.N IIPI.II. 'I IIIMI I l.lltl.V.S.A. L O L I S eHtHCt. ,.MM.Il, I. (ll LSI y yr , l,A SI IIIH ll w.i A ll M. HALL, AM) O, HIIHS, i m Hi. 1 1 b"e THE tMror Ur nil n ml i taxi h. I. ... . Ion IV.-- . ii line lime, l.cllo H 'I. HI III the Mult" llllinrhr, Mot n Plcts. i lirnlii'Hli Nnvi'lty nf llo.e, X'alioii " V 4 III llll ' Mhe p ft IS oih-- is .IRVING PLACETHEATRE r,o-d- a Mill, P.l , IIA.VM Mi.N.S'l Ki i. i III ill I I IA.YS III W'l I .Nhl'ltl l( II p. I I It' . . . A I). I M., ill THE GANGSTERS "s e i i Cut IM Uti" I iuii. M lt Sun . ' i.r-- s ir, r,.,,uulES MISERABLES Mlili.. Sal ts Nun, Mats, ,ir- - up AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE OWWPIl.S AND M .1.1. IS 1)1' Ai TOMOIIll.i:S, I OSJkll IiCl,1. VI'.UI-Cl.K- (.'AHAdllS, 'I1IIKS IIOUIp. UK.VTM A LUI) II11PAIII COM. PAMIRS WILL AlAVAVa PIM) houiniiiNti op i.TinucsT i 1 HIS COLUMN .wci. ... ..t...... iuii ii I nr:. T ? I II s.M'poi M- - k ; .. Vnur cur n t In riinnliik' urdir? (.ill up Hri nut !i'.'. :0.1, uss Packard Tr.iiiiiii i.itlnii Itenulrlnir rn ine ::il .11 W llST UMT HT Our reii.nr v,nrk l seriiiid to inuie MX-H- I INlH It PAt K Mills t( Hllti: Ml.HT AMI II sr.HMt l;. AI'TOS I Hit ID A' I lllll'll. M 11 N T II. tl I M si T , JV ;,' av. 'riioNK ti:in i:nt:n)iv a i'i omihim:nii io i ilt id i kT". Nllll'l'l IH.N. strrwiT llnoklrt rsplnlns W'HV ADioMiiini.i: Our course ! IIPST. ACAIH'.MV. Insiert our riant aiiH w. mih Nt. and bo cuuMuu'il, AMIIKKMKNT. WINTER GARDEN, A Vit' a h ... I Mall' ec '!!'ATi:sT... , T H WMim n e I At. I, i.vn.ii j - "iin. uri MN I THE WORLO Sunday Night Cone rt He t bill hi u Yor) 5 Allk t Thea.,lir Il'way I ln, ,,, It'll 0 r If! U.Prnil lie V " THE MIDNIGHT GIRL Willi 4.l.4UHil. MM I AHI PRINCES S '"'ll1' "r '"'" UNI II I INI t. I,NI Ml, II KIMIM S MI NS' rllltl I'l Ms HHtilNNINK WPIINI'.SIIAY. tlli II ,,' cSv MARRYiG MONEY SIIAT.S NOW ON SAI.I .Sunday, at It Court rl, N.iiitrst In, I in,t MAXINE ELllOn S HFI P 'ITies .Hill,, nr tro"i i:-- :. Mats To-- n .y WAMED St.l'slrlclt's Pnv A Will Np'Clsl Mntln Nt I'sl-li.- '. j, I ITTI T 'P'' " w "' H'w"aT I ' i'i, III II . MntlnrtsTo-da- v ft Weil m n Ihe I nliine Ihealre nf Aine'l V vi l .! l l BERNARD 8HAW3 Amarlna I'omeii "THE PHILANDERER" MI.S li fur All I' rfniiiiane I v s:15. Mat. T.wla, ft Tn .u IIUUHI Thtirs Mat Ilrst Kelts v ,.i All, my llclmil, till Un Cup that i . of pn.t Itctrts I ml I'tilur Ii i Why, I .it i, M 'vlf w Ith Y'l'.ii-.ila- st , tho,. no GUY BATES POST l. tie Wnrilerfnl Pr - F ' "OMARJHE TENTMAKER" ny Plri nl W alien Tulh llll' lllllli Oi' PMMI MtMIIII lN lln Hi, SI III I I. y" MtWVrls THE LURE Stah iviiM;.r.o v.i i THE CHRISTIAN Hall I ii .o s Maslerpio-i-' in Wudu i Prices 21c. ft toe Ilovis tl ii .Si.u N IIIKSTItl .S AMI Ni l I I NSI'N. HIIAI.I.MiS Ytirll Till T 1 I lHIl''l t'l IP'S lll'l'll ' S NEW AMSTERDAM LX-- r i.isr .ion t s v itriiitw'cp iii.Mi.ni Klaw- - (t Irlsncr. New Musical ( THE LITTLE CAFE W':ll MAIH'tl IH Seat. Ni.ii It 'll! W 1 1 .CI! V "II 'IT,. MAIDS iH ATHENS New Operetta by ict'if Ix' in ari t i I char it ri a' irs cf lb Mem win I'mtlMi I.ihiIi mill t rlc. hv I arolyri w LIBERTY ;; st W ut II i ,1 I rs i in '.11 A W'v l 2- - I I P ' VI, oltei Si THE 3 IMTIRNATI0HA) I OPFRFTTA StNSATION HARRS 42 M , W nf II uav l"lc S Ma.. 1 A 'I'hue. ? ?i NOTHING hi r I.AI'(iH fn THE RULE OF 3 I III' IIIS.'.S "t'HIl W. llll IIIMl.lil.l Sl M.i.i, . ,n i,, ,,, CRINR13' A,Ave 25c tiisiiair" Al.ll .SWll.l till'. Ill- A ,, i A st .Mon "N arly Married.1 with I r n M 6ARRICK . "- " ? Re. SMA8HINQ THE VICE TRbST METROPOLITAN !,,., .lo-ilaia- t: ilrl of tinlili n Vte.l. I i Arit.ii, Amato, (illii I .ir.d poia l e.ati Pup. Price, keenl. .klm i r. Ib Jorn. ti.irlt, Itcis., u II rl Suii.Il-- . iinrirl.: vtojl .Vt I nn est Winn in Planlste. Iliimer.l nrnlait,f i ,.el liin.MS .lullen. 1 rrar.t atu lleles, AnsiiPti ( niiil . Polaieo, Vieil.at. , I'm . n.l.i. I i .ill ii. Hntner I r Amatn, Seurnla t uml li .rrrlnl ,,i"'U,r,"' V" lloscnkmallei .... ., ,,, , ,,i,ri, r,v. norm, Altnnllic, i e Hi l" ( uml , Hertz i,."u.r',,,.":l5. I"'M. larrart.Mai PlnU iii.l. Itii-.- l, Comi , Pniaccn Frl. at h (i Perf'rei. l.'Aniore Veillm. n n ,,,"'11- - I'nlH'oril, .vrar iii . , rus"' 11 nl. Illll'.lb) Madelelae Alda. Al lu.ut.i-- , ttccuroli. C'ond , P,n,n Sal. Mai at:- - rfn, e,l I i Mi.li i i lild.kl, (ase Sparles. (nnd., T, . ,s1'.'?1 7 ,s' ''"'l! I ' Ices leheiurln I tllier, (.'orltr. W Ithentainii t H.MlliMA.N i'l M) I'si-- CENTURY lll'l It A IIMIIU 1'lllK lllll'WI! U I'w ...... w Phi 111 '."' :"i,' TO-J- A U d Ttles . -- TIi:H.A.Ml - IMaria of ll.. bl'.NDAY Mt.lIT CO.NL'PltT. :.v 1 tl .Ml I IV OI'IMIA HOf.Si ll(ll V llcilnnlne Mmilay. March If. t, I Ill'M It 1 II m a si .1 t i , YOR SKA DA 111 I Will. Mcht. "JI'VN'M ci.i'oi'ATiii:''inw'."i im v '.'.'! M i .. Ill UWII Prln Sue in S'.' ) So v ariieii. ii. ir u In I.e. ital IIIHiit EL M A N Ticket" in s;io. now - Met W 11.1'MUIvm HI'U s'i '.n. Hall. sit. I i Nl ir ' I - 15 .HITCIXI, FA III M II I DM I III KUBELIK. I'dinund llurke. .N.li.un I f.llikii, II SIOI.IVN llsl.l. S.,t All.. Vljr. A It.-- . I'UllH It ii It d II BAUER I. I Miihn II i thi inn I rlni'es. l h.. I o.iiinr Sun fl It o a n r- -- -- -. s vi VITAGRAPH r," A MIl.l.lIM till A (.ttlips- Jtlll.S 111 N A :.i .. a 'o r OLUrY.B.A . . KliUL - " "'.;V,V W." " LL MiiOri UELLE5 iWW&ruViVt The Conspirasj A MWl'CK "llll III M "' HOTELS AMI HI.TI H'Nl , V kl MSJ" MISSJOAN SAWYER'S rDpE PERS A'J GARDEN DAKCIMC N OHTIY BY MISS5AVyE L MR. nn JARfOTT Tiles ll.lll Ills U til A '..v ' ".V v SPECIAL Ai0L I. vll Ml CAREMb 6AL MASQUE WEDNESDAY LYE. MAROH 18 :V!i,k- FIVE DCLLtnC Tamnniai IBasn ll ..ii-rn- str..s- - 14th Street, near slh

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1914-03-14 [p 10].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1914-03-14/ed-1/seq-10.pdfKlght of the women returned to their ... se.i-jo-at i ow rs The itre

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Poor AsHOolntlon Looks IntoEight Cnscs mid Finds

All Deserving.


Trained Workers to Use It ns

Hnsis for Giving Aid toWorthy Families.

ThroUKh the cooperation of the New

York Association for Improving the Con-

dition of the l'oor Tltu Hun yenterdaywas nble to make a thorough Investiga-

tion of gome of the etorles told by womenand children who called nt Its tree breaddepot, 160 KlUulietli tdreet, during theAfternoon to nsh for broad.

Klght of the women returned to theirhomes aecoinii.uilcd by an Investigatorfrom the association, ami In each casethe stories they had recounted were foundto be true In each detail. What Is more,there was no tooil, or money with wmcnto buy It. in any or me eignt nonns. Alt I

eight families had been suusisling sincethe fri urtiiu uepoi openeu un -- .uim..,on tho bread whlon they had reeilved.

Two ot tins' lainines, eacn oi which.consisted of luur small ciilluren, a latherand mother. Were tound Ubso.utely uestl- -

tute. The null were sick and unable. "work', the women wero exhausted and inpoor pnnicai mi - -

proper iiourisnnuni nun me eioull on the verge of mckness for the bjiuotcxtvn.

Chitrltr Clenrlim House.iluvlng found tluse cases so worthy of

help the asaoo.alion straightway eon;neveli professional iuvestlgalois to the treubread depot to use It as u sort ot clearinghouse lor finding families worthy of Itssupport and uul.

Dunug the lime the depot Is open dnlly,Xroin 'i until 4 ;30 o'clock, thise Investi

,,.gators were uuuj wwiih ni"addresses and gathering m.Uirial lorfuture work among deserving poor rami- -lies, the membcls of winch are loo inoius.to usK tor heip, but who are In such directralts that they are willing to acceptthu sort of charity being iliepciiftd b

the tree briad depot.Mrs. li Crichton, who spends her time

working for the association in the nelgh-borhtw-

along ICllzabeth and Mulbenystrre.s, was one who spent the utternoonut the free bread depot. When she Hadbeen there for nn hour and seen and In- -

torvieWed eouu oi tne women who calledfor bread she didn't hesitate to praise thework be.ng none nnd to agree to thenecessity lor It.

From n hauy computation made by thotnvetn;ators It appeared that UU pr cent,of the men, women and children who re-

ceived bread not only deserved It butWere in pr using need of tood. And ullof these investigators iigtccd without hes-

itation that the charity being dispells. dut 'Jul Kliz.thcth street can not tend topauperise thos.- whom It bneilts. Dr. asone of tne workers remarked, you cantpauperise peop.u who are on the verge oftarvut.on.

As fur as can be discovered this Is trueof ne rly a I the who have beencoming to the tree brand depot

t.ab"r .Market t'nlinprird.Toere has been no Improvement in the

labor market," said one of the associa-tion's workers. "Dur.ng tho last mouth I

am Inclined to think that instead of therebeing 325,0011 men and women out of workin New York as there were tourweeks ago, there are now JuO.Om). prompersonal observation and Muny I am surethat there are ct least lOU.UOO personsout of work in tho coak and suit tradealone."

One of the families made glad yesterday !

Ihes In n pi'r .if dingy rooms nt 2iKllzabcth str.'r. Mention of the particu-lar fuinily and the londltinn of povertyin which Its live clnldtwi, sick fathur andweiikened mother were lound was inailctwM-rn- l days nno. A contribiuor suit .

to Tilt: Sun sptclfyuiK that It beused tor llvse itoplo. So yi sterility tlucopairs of shoes were bounhi fur the chllilrwllh two sweaters nnd some Kroccrles.

Tin: St-'- is reccivitiB donations dallyfrom persons who have rend of the aidbelm; Klvcn to deservini; persotu throiiMlithe Irce bread depot, anil It will be plens.--

to receive nnd put to th suinc purposeall of th money which Its renders caroto contribute.

The fo.iowinB donations cnmdsy :A. . C"Mining"N. itMay ArmstrongK. W. SJoule S. Stroock"A Filend".. .

Il.uben W. Doblsky

Totni. H'J


Salllnx for I'.iialnnd, I lie I'nntlnviiland Sniiitlirrii Ports.

BnlllnK by the North Herman Lloydliner Berlin for .Medlternineiin ports:Nr. and Mrs. Thomr Mar. MiCarthy.

O Cranwell. Mr. tmlcrliK Tecli.Mr and Mrs. Arthur Johnston L. Uidni'md.

B. Eramom. Mrs Howard lllch- -

Mr and Mrs. Howard inordGlllesny. Mrs. A. H. 8irrckels.

Mr and Mrs. William Mrs Jiilm II. hjirecU.a' llasltell, els. Jr

Or. William II Hen- - Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis A'

Miss a'. O. Irvine. Mr. anil Mrs. JohnMr. and Mrs. (leorm TurnbuU. I

E Keith Mrs. Helen M. Tweed.Mr' and Mrs. Emene Mr and :trs. Aithur

Lent. ..Whitney ,

Mr. and Mrs. Iieniamiu ur. nun -- ire. n.Noble. W'jikofl.

Vernon P. West.liy the Anchor Lino tenniMhli) Canis-ronl- a

for (JliiaKow:Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mrs. F K. Petirs.

f)oyle, Mrs Junes Sauvare.Miss Kathleen Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Kd'ttirdWilliam S. larsiUn, II. Whipple.

My tho United Krult Cotnii.uiy'H (ileum-Mhl- p

Tcnadorea for the West Indies nndPanama :R. C. Chichester. Mr. mid Mrs. PrankMr. ami Mrs. Llndon

W. Hales, Oenri.-- II. Johnson.naymond MrCuno. Mrs Jaiues A. Mc- -

Mr. und Mrs. K. P. Kenna.Wheeler. Mrs, J. K Merivlii.

Jaiues A. Coe. Mr. uml Mrs. CharlesMr. and Mrs. J. O. It. Ku.-c- ll

Cosfrave. Dr. K. W. Sears.Mr. and Mrs. W, D. C. W, Snow.

Fans. Mr and Mrs 0. C,Mrs M, E. Hasklns. Wood.

Hy the I'orto Illco Line NtenmshlpCarolina for Porto Illco:Gen. J. A. Ituchanan. Mr. and Mrs. II.W. L Oomlier. rr.Mr. and Mrs. David I. Waller Thompson.

Venle. I. U. Ilerne.Dr. rloretiee Dressier. P. A. Dillingham,(lenrre Holt. Mr and Mrs. J AJ. C, Lincoln. Cnlhoun.Mr. and Mrs. O, W Mr .uul Mrs. a. P

Spear. (irnlir.By the Ward Line steamship Havunn

for Hhvuiiu:Mr. and Mrs William D. Macy,


Worker tar 100,000 nilud HomeFund Slake Little Headway.

Tho second day In tho eleven day campalirn to raise 1100,000 for rlt. Joseph'Jlome for the llllnd In Jersey City yieldedonly 12,433 ycsiterdny. This makea tha

mount secured thui far '117.600.Team No. 82, composed of policemen,

was tho nrlie team In (tettlnr the moatcontrlbutloniv William V. Cloaiey, chief

i i no nuns iiouievard motorcycle po- -voncc, ii in- - ipiain oi una leum.


Karl lie I.a Warr Thinks tlrltlsh91 llllanta Will Win Votes.

Sir Hugh and Lady Hell arrived yester-day on tho Matiretanla to visit LadyHprlng-lllc- wtfo of the llrltlsh Ambassa-dor at Washington, who Is a niece ofLady Hell.

Sir Francis Hdtvnrd Younghusband, ex-

plorer and former Urltlsh Cctnntlssdotier toTibet, also arrived on the liner for n lec-

ture tour.The Karl t)e La Warr was another pas-

senger. He said that he thought the English suffragettes Mould win the ballot (

simply because that woiilil tic a way orending the tumble, they are making.

Others who arrlted were Mts. Klslc-Frelir- h

Vanderbllt, C. W. Cross, Attorney-Cluicr.- il

of Altxrta; Ailolph (luggetihelm,Mr. and Mts. Lewis Iselln, J. II. Mcl'ad-de- n,

.Mr. and Mrs. It. O. Llnd, T. A.SlcCrea, the' Hon. JUrtrand ltull. Mr.and Mis. llcnjamln .Stem and ('apt. 12, C.T. Warner.


C'irll Mnildc nil it Hlniifhc llntra UlrrAdvice ti Class nf ail.

The graduation exercises of the Amerl-ra- n

Academy of Uramntlo Arts Weroheld iwtenlny afternoon In tho UmplroTheatre. Diplomas weru aunrded totwenty-si- x graduates, Including lLlen.iIMdy, IMiinbv Foster. Mntiel SIgel. Le'.lcoS'eticlon. DavIiI Ieon.ird, Anrou J. Mo'tun. Frank Morgnn and IKuglaM Ma- -Lean, all of this city. Other graduatescame irom as far aj Vancouver, It C:ui Halton, Kngand.

The two nildmssm to the graduateswere made by lllancho Pates and Cyril..liiiuie, wic neior. They told of I

their ep.-rlenc- on the stage nnd nilvls.,1tm. budding actors as to their chosen pro- -le -wion. I

trsiiee I


Flvr Vrar ArrnnKeiiteiif Made WllhKlinr A Krlnnicrr.

Klaw & Krlanger have made arrangement wun uenry jiiiier for a term offive years by which they will Jointly makea niimner or productions under the super- -

'"r' "'"''rThe organization will be known as theIieil .Miller (. OtnlrltlV unit Ih- - nrsi ai- -iracuon to lie exploited will be Kuth '

se.i-jo- at i ow rs The itre on Mnml ty.


" SI

imdtr the of Klaw k

I.e- - Shnbert ouii liiilnu Aliriinil.Lee Shuhirt. the theatric il

will sil on the Olympic on Mirch IS forhis nnnu.il trip to Lump.', lie la saillnstwo month earlier than usu il. He

that he was able awayso mi1 btv.iuse his iiliuin fur the k.ii-ui- ihnve lnen Ills brother, J. J.Shuhirt, who Is with him Invailuus il enterprises, will be Incharge during his

ntt-- s nf tlir tosliitfDavid llelasco and Oscar Hmimersteln

have reached a friendly agrementthe disposition of the Icae of the

Itcpubl.c The.itr". The moving pictureswill be wlthdtnwn forthwith and Mrjiammersteln resutiii-- control of the, , , ,,.., M (, U1C lleil.

Tr-- Film Company willpresent In the Ilepubllc Theatre on Mon-da- y

their latest Mini production, a six reeldrama. J. Warren Kerriganhas tin title and his sister, Kathleen

has the role of Ihlllith. It herilrst appearance In motion pictures.

Ficd C. has entered the movingplctute Held, having bccom associatedw'th the l Company ofWest Forty-secon- d street. Mr. Whitneywill give his undivided nt'entlnn to theproduction of a number of his former sue- -

ce"srs and wIP nlni sum-Amer'ein and forc'gn plays which nndhis associate control

vt'u.v hVi--




OLD BT. PAUL'S CHAPKteFulton and Vesey streets. The cantata"The Roul Triumphant" will br rehderej ntnoon next Tuesday by the choir. The soloists will be! Contralto, Miss McOeci tenor.Frank Ormshy; barytone, Frederic llunther. I

II. llrooka Day of St. Luke's, llrookljn. wiltbe ths organist.

CHAl'F.L OF Tilt! INTLMtCKKHIONP.ronlway and 185th street. The Itqv. Dr.dates will preach the morning, afternoonand evening eerWrrs. l.vnra M. l. Tsppan,'cellist, will be III' soloist anil Leo IllgKSwill be the organist at the popular vespersThe music: It A. M., prelude, prayer,IJarkers offertory anthem, "He k Ye theLord," Itoherts; postlude, andante, Itolierls,1 I'. M., organ, "In the Morning," tlrlegjsolo, "Chanson Trlste," Tschalkowskyi organ,"Kamenol Oat row," Ituhenstelni offertory,"PI srlms' Bong of Hope." Hfttlste. 8 I'. M

prelude, "Contemplation," Oaul; offertory an-them. "Lovely Appear Over the Mountain."Uounoit; postlude, march, Dubois. Frank T.Ilnrrat, organist and cholrtnsster.

ST. JAMK8H CHUIICII Madison avenueand Seventy-nra- t street. Illshop Courtni)nlll preach at the II o'clock aervlce. nhlchwill be followed by celebration of theholy At the afternoon servicent 4, the Ilev. Mr. Carey will (reach. Atthe conclulon nf the eervlce the(t. Illrbards. will (He a briefrerllal.

FIFTH A V EN UK I'llCSUYTIlltl ANCllfltCH Fifth aenue and t'lftv-ltfl- h

street. The Ilev. Dr. J. H JneeU, pastor,lll preach nt 11 A. M. The offering will

be for the Assembly's Hoard of Publicationand Hundiy School Work. Dr. Jowett willalso conduct the services In tl.e afternoon a4 o'clock. On Tuesday afternoons duringMareh a series of org in recitals wilt be .hen'V the organist of the church, Frank L.Sealy, I


clai' Lenten services under the auspices 0f I

the Protestant Kplscnpal Church hi thediocese of New York are being held the, c Th,Btr Forty-secon- d street, west ofHrondway, o'clock Sunday evenlimsduring Lent. The Ilev. Dr. Cyrus T. Hradywill preach evening,

HIHCK CHUItCH Fifth avenue andThirty-sevent- h street. The Itev. Dr. Merrillwill preach at II. and the nevMr. Janeway, the associate minister, at 4

o'clock, The music: Morning service, prel-ude, allegro. Parker; anthem. "The Lord IsMy Light." Parker; offertory, "I.ord. for ThyTender Mercies." F.irrant. 13.10.1580; post- -

lude. toccata. Purcell. Afternoon sen Ice.m1,..1v Itnrhmnntnnfr: antlim.

"Come. Holy Spirit " Palnt-Sien- nnipi'ion,

lude. andante trlstarnantc. Kroegcr.


,me illiru eeroion u, iiic ir. ,.ritiri, ,, ,,. ,he. of vhrl.' ,.n,l Human ,

Ity." In the evening .it s o'clock. thwill preach nn "Not Peaco. but a Sword.1

Neit Welnes,u evrnlnic Dr. Jefferson willpreach In the T.iylor chapel on "MartinLuther."

WILLIAM HKNNli: will continue hisItlble studies and lectures 11 A. M to-

morrow In tho Hawthorne Hiilldlnr. Ill WestISSth street.

M A II V F.THKItlDlli: CHAPIN will spealcIn llerkeley 'llieutre, Forty-fourt- street andFifth uvenue, tnornlnir on "LetTfirrc He I.litht." "in Tui.day Mrs. Chsplnwill nt her studio, same bulldlnafrom 4 to H and from s to 10.

CHUISTIAN SCIHNCI'.-T- h.. subject o' thei.. . ,i, r'h orf .

hurrhes will ! "Sub. tan ' ' '

and the Kolden txt. Psalm null, II. "Themeek shall Inherit th earth, ntid shai. o.itlht tlimseHos In "ie tihiind.inre e.f peace."

l.AIKill TKMPl.i;- - Second aienue andFourteenth street Italian serb will beheld miirnltisr nt 11 o'clock. Dr I

t'lraizlnl will preirh and Mr. Sulll and Milquartet will ftirnl.il the music In Italian, i

Dr W T. lllslnir will give after- -

noon ut ! o'clock the third his erl of j

t'tuitrated lecture, on "The Mjklns of ourWorld. ' HI. tuple will be "The TlrelesnDisiroyer." At v o'clock Dr Diy will deliver the third nf hi. series oflectures on "How We Hot th lllble

will be "The People's Hlbie'M B T It O P O I. I T A N lNDHPP.NDllNT

I'lU'HCH Schuler Theatre. corner ofHroiiduny and I'.lKhty second street. "How

naiterion in "Dnldy Lung Legs." by"Oh. Come Let Us Heiurn." Llsst; offertory,Jean Webster, which lit op.-- its Chlcigoi "Clory to th Faiher," It.ichmanlnoff; post- -

,r ,'!"lr n"r,;'r w'" miVt' nls olllcesi huoaDWY TAHHItNACt.i: CllfltCH --"h . 1m.',,'r, T"'"1""'- - Hroadway and Flfty-.lxt- street The Ilev.

! rZ l"rir. ,,e USl' attMt "f "r- - 'h.rles i: Jefferson will preach at 11 A.

'..n S U";h'"n " 'Christ and llu.lnee." This will l,etours continue to be .... . i.. i

direction Krlanger.


yisterday to get



I'lcturi-s- .





Kerrigan, Is


Film 22(1

produce newhe











Hilly .Sunday Plays llnll With Clod" will bethe subject of tho prologue to the addresson "The Kthlcs of Democracy," on whichlr. Henry Prank, founder snd for ten yearstenker for thn Mff rnnnlltan Inileliendent

Church, lll .peak morning at11 o'cloek. In the alternoon Dr. I rankwill speak In The Hronx at Auertmcn nnuo.HUE lloston road, nesr 16th street. Tin)subject lll be, "The Teachings of Tolstoyand the Iileals of Jesus."

NIIW YOIIK PHEMIVTEIUAN CltUltCHKith street and Seventh avenue. The Itev.tleorce W. Arms, Jr., pastor of the NewYork Presbyterian Church. bs received Intothe New York Presbytery from the DenverFresh) tery at the regular meeting of thaPreib)tery last Tuesday. The Installationservice will take place about April 1 In the

due to the fart that the church is beingredecorated. At the Installation service the I

Itev. Dr. Henry Sloans Coffin will preachthe sermon, the itev. Dr. Thomas W. Smithwill deliver the charge to the pastor, thaItev. Dr. Duncan J. McMillan nlll deliverthe charge to the people and the Ilev. Dr.Jesse P. Forbes will make' the Installationprnyer. The Itev. Arthur H. Llmoute, mode-ruto- r

of presbytery, will preside. The boysand young men of the Sunday school haveraised among themselves enough money toequip a gymnasium. This will be done Im-

mediately, and Itudolt Mnnnhar.lt will bntheir Instructor, The pastor's Sundny ii

topics arei Morning, ."The Sameness ofJesus Christ"! afternoon, "The Crowd andthe Christ."

N11W THOl'tJHT CIH'IU'H New AeolianHall, West Korty. third Mreet. "WhattheNew Thought Church Is Doing for Mankind"v. Ill be the subject of F. W. Sears's lecture

t II o'clock The followingproKramme will be rendered at the organrecital begl.iulng at 10:10 A. M : PolonaiseIn A m.loe. i"hln, norluene In P. flat. I-Chopin The Swan," Salnt-Saen- toccata. I

Dubois. Oeorg- - Shackey, rganisi ; vioun .

,nl"'. HlUon; barytone s olus, .11, carvnlho,

FIFTH AVENUE IIAPTI3T CHUItCH(leorge N. Sage will talk to the young men'sHlblo class of the Fifth Avenue IlaptlstChurch In Calvary Ilaptlst Churchmorning at :40 on "The Chief Among thePublicans."

CENTltAL PIlESnYTEIHAN CHUIICIIWest Fifty-sevent- street, between Hroad-way and Seventh avenue. The Itev. Dr.M. Woolsey president of HamiltonCollege, will supply the pulpit at 11 A, M.

and 4. 10 P. M.FllHETHOUC.HT SOCIETY Ilryant Hall.

SUth avenue, near Forty-secon- d street. Thesubject of the lecture by James F. Morton, j

Jr., morning at II o'clock willbe, "Anniversary Address. Moncure Daniel Con-wa-

the lllnprnpher of Paine." Headingsslid the npi-nl- of the question box willprecede the lirture.

NEW TIUiPiillT CHUIICII Forty-eight- h j

Street Theatre. Dr. Jull S.nn Se.ira,founder of th New Thought Church andSchool, will speak at 1115 A. M.

on The Key to Health, Wealth and Love."In the evetilne nt s o'clock she ulll nnsvrthe iiuestlon 'Why Is Thr" No nll'" atttis rei;u nr Sunday eenliic fraternity nieet-Ini- !

In tb American llulldlnc, Hroadwayniiil Flfty-elyht- h stn--t- . Ths Tueeday evenln science of succes. meetlnif will be heldat s ll In the Umplro Hotel. Hroadway andSixty-thir- d stiet. Dr. Sears will speak on

the "Snuaro of Failure. '

Irish Music lit imiiiIo Miim.The Itev. Luke .1. Kvers. nctor of St

Andrew's Ilniunii Catholic Chinch. !u:inerci-i- . tins iirn iiki.i : proKmimne m ir.so

wiiibs ii music tor the ii Hiiidiiy mass onl. l .lirilKW II. l i ur 11. ai iuat. i.ii

ltl-- 'i violinists. lu Irish li'irpl-t- s nn.Itwo fjaet'c sltiKirs hiivv been rtiKtiKedA short irrmon In ilnellc will be dllvered

'by h priest fnm liar wl'h tint languaKt.


Kin it A KrlsnKer In llnvr It nn AllTlu-l- r I'riiKriiiiiuirN?

Klaw A-- Krlnmrer dlrecttnl yeeiterdsythrit the followim; stnto'iient be printedIn the proKr.itiiim s of all i.f their thenttes.toui'ther with th" full provisions of thoStoddard anti-tick- speculator bill nowpondliiK In the Legislature.

'"Pie ant tcliet sprculatlni: bl'l Isplaced In this iiroKr.ininie so that the

who have sufferi-- throiiKh the



nuisance ami evil of ticket speculationmay place the blnmo where It properlybelongs, as It Is our firm belief that thisact If passed and enforced would abso- -lutely eliminate ticket speculating andconfine tickets to tho box offices of the- -atres, where they should be, to bp sold j

to tho public; and we do not be'.levo anyother measure now beforo the municipalor Htnto lawmaking body would bo ef-- 1




Fifth Ave. ami Fifty-fift- h 81.Preacher

THE FEV. J. H. JOWETT, D.D.Services at lb A M. and 4!S0 P. M.

Offering for Assembly's Hoard of Publicationnnd Sunday School Work.

The Mi Service In thoChapel on Wednesday at Sill P. M.

nlll be conducteil by Dr. Jowett.

Tf iR i t V Pfl T iS?l. Cttllllll till iRtllXISSiflllIl'uay and U.itn St. ' Itev. M. H. dates. D. 1),Vicar. Ii H5i 4S; lOiJOj Hi Id 4 PopularVespers. Soloist, Laura M D. Tappen. Cellist;Leo Hiss. Itrrltal Organist Miss Tsnp-- nwill play Ilruch'a mush.- - of the ancient Jew-ish hymn Kol Nldrel. Mr. Itlggs will playKomenn! OHrow by Itublniteln Headingsfrom Cseklel by the Vicar. Address: "WhatWe Owe Kteklel." I P. it.. Evening Benlc.

.Services are held In the following

Christian Science ChurchesSlMdS, 1 1 1 U. Ml I P. M WtlMlal't, I f.H

First Church. Central Park West A JMh St.Second Church, Central Park West .V Jth St.Third Church, ISMh St. & Madison Ave.Fourth Church. 0O West talst StFifth Church. Madison Ave. A 3ih St.


TO. M oil HOW ,T II A. M.MVaUT Utll th Ave."""" """t 4Jd HI.'1"' ""ncV.re .' ?V- - "e. ljlogiMiuirr ui Irlurpr. .lame l Mnr.Ion, 4r, AI A HE WELCOME.

Old St. Paul's B'wir i Futlen St

Tuesday, March 17 CantataMid-Pa- y "The Seal Triumphant"

St. Oomas's ChurchFIFTH AVE AND HI) ST

Itev, EltN EST M STI11KS. D I) , Hector.I A. M Holy Communion

11. Morning Service and Sermon (DeanOrosvenorl, 4. Evensong ami Address (ItevW. - Caswell), p .r Hour of Organ Music

PRES. W00DROW WILSON SJ'nc IN.. Icy Meeting to isutntn lllm,

l'lnyhuuRf, 49th. cast of Itroailway, to morrow evenlnc Ppnpr iicar iS Htrnun,llrnry Clew. W A, Clark. Mudlnn C ltcrsHentii Krf.

ST. JAMES' CHURCHMadison Avenue and '1st StreetHoly Communion. Sundav School t IV

Morning Service (IllSHOP COl'KTNKY) tlAfternoon Service (Itev. Mr. l're) I 4,



ftt)r Merrtll. the mlnUter. will tiri-ar- fit

eleven o'clock and Mr janewav the ns.nrlat minister, nt four NrmN SHltVlCHr.vi:ii- - wi:i:k day--,

ts-j- 12.50,

t'AI.VAIIV IMI'TliT Clll'ltCll.FIITII A HM K IIAnl-- r ( HI ItCH.

I'nlon evlce.1S5 West Uth Street

Dr. WorMfliin at 11 A M a 4 P. M.Sunday School ami lllble Classes, :U A M

PIliTBll Pre.ltrrlun t'hlirrb,bKlllnrlL v s:ti, st l.i- - Il'way A. ;th Ave.Itev Wilton Mrrlomltli, I) D. pastor.

Servlcisnt 11 A M and t '30 P Mlit v. M. WiM.Uer Mlr.iker, D D 1,1,. D.

1 1ll preach.

St. Score's ChJrcIs on Itth Street, rar of Ttpr I Anus

MrMixs ai s. II and s.AI.LSI'AT.S I Itnr


V W Scars. .

orji n i Inl at Secreil l uncirl 100 A V

SPECIAL RELIGIOLS SERVICESThe l.rle Tlie.lr.-- . 4.M. neae til lr.I'AKHV MMI.W KVKMMi III Itl.Mi I.KM'

at 8 o'rliN'k, i.imhI iiiii.Ic, u ..rTrrliiK.

Bibttt Stud es and LecturesNundat II A. M nt I Ml ttr.t SI.

'.Contaiiitd subjirt 'The I iitaunht Th.nts nfthe lllble "


snv Tiiui'iiiir i iii in ii ami m Kuui,ISth St. Thralrr, 1 .1 V. M MiliiU).

SilliJeC "Ke to Health, V- lb unit l.ove"' IIKHKP.I.KV TIIKATItK. I Ith St 5th .I M UIY i:. T, CHAPIN.

II A M - I.KT THIllli: Hi: lltlllT's P M All iiddres. t,y Mrs chiiptn.

MHMdltlAI. HAPTIST W'ashlniclnn Srinre.11 Ur Judson. Special NVw York t'nlvirstiy Service. Sermun by Cli.in'-eiln- r Hruwn.Sjtijei t "The Newer Trend In lldin atlini '



and1 A M . Illillull Service. P M Dr Day

HENRY FRANX M'lH'VI.KK TIICTlli:,lluav a Rltl. I't... ll.

1111,1, V Sr.VDAV" and "DHMl K ll ACY '

ST MATTHIJW'S CllfltCH. 2 W'.M Mth Stlt- - Arthur II JinlKe Itei tnr Srrib'es. s,

111 Kvenlnic Preacher, H,-- Dr l.uheck

I.AI'AVI-;TT- AV.. Cur. n. Ovfnrd M.. Hhltli,The Itev I C Albertsun, 1). 1). 10 30. Mr

, ItlKKs at

IIKACK I'HI'Kt'H. Ilrimdwa Mini intli t,I Dr SI.ATTP.ltY, Iteitnr and II (Itei-tnr- i

4 (Itev Mr Hai luiiuti), . ( Itv Mr P.d ardst

II.HIHIKI.VN. Air-K'li:T- s.


PHILHARMONICsi rn tv nr vi w iukjiisi isritNsK v. i omk noii.1 (Sumlm Aft.nt:i I.,


JULIA CULPI'll I.IMN llll III' I'm iMt'.ii'.

I rtbatecijools

iiTHU SUN nuiintnins amost efficient EducationalFiureau,

This complete service isabsolutely tree of chargeto you.

Accurate and unbiasedinformation given to allinquirers.

This service wiii proveof valuable assistance inselecting the proper schoolfor placing your boy orgirl.

In writing give auffi-cia- nt

detail ao that in-telligent advice can begiven.


ITONumu St., New Yek

. Ve a 4 .TU.


lilh Av HcstSeatslt.Kvs.S.

weeks AMERICAASMI. pv llllh '' H.

W HIGH JINKSVI lib Stella a In. iMlLLfjift.

I 4nh.i:.ofll'way. Evi'S.nA)rLNinUUC Mnts.To-i-- v Wet ijo.The Play that .lol FU Lent.

THE THINGS THAT COUNTThe trouble with many clear plajs Is

that Ihes lire .lupld. Ihls ne stlrsjnu tothe depths with Its heart Interest, makesou Isush Immoderately with Its fun

AND IT'S 1)1X1 AI.

LYRIC IMS!.. W. of Il'way, Kvs. :IS.Matlnris y A Wed 2:IS.

llineht supportcn ny narryinnnrRing In vVhen Claudia .Smiles,"

CUIIIFRT Ihca. llth.W of It y. Kv H 15nUBCn I Matinees 1. .ay A Wed. 2:18.


3Qlk IT Theatre, nr Il'way. Evgs. S3P.ain um. To-da- y anil Weil, at 221).

1.! Finny Siria if Hum, Sweat HintTOO MANY COOKS

,rlhe comedy, which Is wholesomethroughout, abound, la natural and In-gratiating fun." llullctln.

uWr.Pi It, Afir York I'lanotnt CommitterDrama Ltacut of Amertra.

COMEDY NrArTo-Ja- y fit,. 8:15.

KITTIE MacKAYThe l.auch-ltl- t nf the Year.

4MrilMT.TIIKA.i;va.N30,Mat9,Today&Thur..SIA.SON'8 I J fj 1 f 1 Thursdaylll(i(ii:.ST IIIDlF.Vi Matinee.si'cir.ss, ii 'ai u.ui.

4Sih St.. IL of ll'wav. Kvs. at H 20.



EMPIRE llritft'us y Ml St l'c. stsio,Matlnre.To-Da- y A W'sl.220.




un: i.k(,i:m iif i.i:imikab II e Alltl nr of "I'lTI'l' PAN "



In se II. W avaee " i in n Fast" C in dy


MA.t.i i . .ij. .IOiil A I 2i

IELASC0 4ltl, ht , I' of M'wi y i:ws ) 21

Muls. 1 o-- ay A Thurs. 2 i.


FULTOM y,;'.'?,,11.1 JJ !ai

THE MISLEADING LADYKMI kl'ttltot K' It. Ilriudwsy .V a s't

- M, t 'In Li " ImH 'I line. T .. It .1,


1ULIAN ELTINGEin nn i uinui im: i. iih.

HUDSON t 4.11 V" . el M'wnv rvs.K2rt.1 i Mntlnei 2ii,

WHAT WOULD YOU DO?M , t V.ii VltiHT Seals Now.MIRfli FT, Mon Tiles w . il. m .... IL. It

A iTlmr's. . l'rl .'al . "HieAllUlilll tt, nof ihr Shrrsi"yiiiini'P irw vA oh St I'm.. s:2o.nniiaun u vti".'.- - i 4 wiit. 2io.CYRIL MAUDE. the fstnoii.

it r I

in ihe M't"l,,"s' GRUMPYsitive.!1 I i omiily lirann

k ELTINGE 42.1 St . W id M'iwiv I've? K If,...in : P. ,

CI HAN A ASTOR Il'way. 4811- - M Kve S2MUllll.s sis l lo-u- ft eit

i i a.vs nrr 1'i.Ai.I.IUkll- - KEYSTOI Mi.lery 7li ludruma

I Thilll. BALDRATEI HNPAPRF !' W eik Mat T... lay

w M j. -- i ini. mdi nuuniH'i.X' XI "A PA'.R OF SIXES" 5V.V

AI(M ' II l ,M, lu- i- ,MHrih I7.HIHUIOr. I . It p 'r.tt I tiM7i HuTfit brrtntsCOMMANDER EVANS

tinil in initiuii ml til h i Sum .iiihii, in

CAPT. SCOTT'S LAST EXPEDITION'lie hliu .scull wniiui .nt- - ml, I u,d l.enllie Irom the Snuih Pule

Hear A lln Uul I'l Alt "MtlMMI I'll II I.IS I IcVels to HV.

FIANJ INSTRUMENTAL RECITALMl.es HeAM-y- , n.l.tc byI Mr lli.ln-r- t Holunt.-- i

at a: 0 P M In the

In tlrrnd ('intral Terminal.n ( l rire fur AillllU-lc- u, ,

KEW Y0X tFsiy '"ie 'MnMsterpl.ce it'AMCunilnuiMis I lo ll ' 31,11 mmmMshis, j

IA loVMS i .

II I'. Kl llll'M A.N.N IIPI.II. 'I IIIMII l.lltl.V.S.A. L O L I S

eHtHCt. ,.MM.Il, I. (ll LSIy yr , l,A SI IIIHll w.i A ll M. HALL, AM) O, HIIHS,

i mHi.

1 1 b"eTHE tMrorUr nil n ml i taxi h.

I. ... . Ion IV.-- . ii line lime, l.clloH 'I. HI III the Mult" llllinrhr, Mot n Plcts.

i lirnlii'Hli Nnvi'lty nf llo.e, X'alioii" V 4 III llll ' Mhe p ft IS oih-- is

.IRVING PLACETHEATREr,o-d- a Mill, P.l , IIA.VM Mi.N.S'l Ki i. i III

ill I I IA.YS III W'l I .Nhl'ltl l( II p. I

I It' . . . A I). I M., illTHE GANGSTERS "se i


Cut IM Uti" I iuii. M lt Sun . ' i.r-- s ir,r,.,,uulES MISERABLES Mlili.. Sal ts

Nun, Mats, ,ir- - up


OWWPIl.S AND M .1.1. IS 1)1' AiTOMOIIll.i:S, I OSJkll IiCl,1. VI'.UI-Cl.K-



.wci. ... ..t...... iuii ii I nr:.

T ? I II s.M'poi M- - k ; ..Vnur cur n t In riinnliik' urdir?(.ill up Hri nut !i'.'. :0.1, uss

Packard Tr.iiiiiii i.itlnii Itenulrlnir rn ine::il .11 W llST UMT HTOur reii.nr v,nrk l seriiiid to inuie

MX-H- I INlH It PAt K Mills t( Hllti:Ml.HT AMI II sr.HMt l;.

AI'TOS I Hit ID A' I lllll'll.M 11 N T II. tl I M si T , JV ;,'av. 'riioNK ti:in i:nt:n)iv

a i'i omihim:nii io i ilt id i kT".Nllll'l'l IH.N.

strrwiT llnoklrt rsplnlns W'HVADioMiiini.i: Our course ! IIPST.ACAIH'.MV. Insiert our riant

aiiH w. mih Nt. and bo cuuMuu'il,


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At. I, i.vn.ii j - "iin. uriMN I THE WORLOSunday Night Cone rt He t bill hi u Yor) 5

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LIBERTY ;; st W ut II i ,1 I rsi in '.11 A W'v l 2- - I



HARRS 42 M , W nf II uav l"lc S

Ma.. 1 A 'I'hue. ? ?iNOTHING hi r I.AI'(iH fn


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CRINR13' A,Ave 25c tiisiiair"Al.ll .SWll.l till'. Ill- A ,, i

A st .Mon "N arly Married.1 with I r n M

6ARRICK ."- " ? Re.


METROPOLITAN !,,.,.lo-ilaia- t: ilrl of tinlili n Vte.l. I

i Arit.ii, Amato, (illii I .ir.d poial e.ati Pup. Price, keenl. .klm i r.Ib Jorn. ti.irlt, Itcis., u

II rlSuii.Il--. iinrirl.: vtojl .Vt I nnest Winn in Planlste. Iliimer.l nrnlait,f i,.el liin.MS .lullen. 1 rrar.t atulleles, AnsiiPti ( niiil . Polaieo,Vieil.at. , I'm . n.l.i. I i .ill ii. Hntner I rAmatn, Seurnla t uml li .rrrlnl

,,i"'U,r,"' V" lloscnkmallei.... ., ,,, ,,,i,ri, r,v. norm, Altnnllic, i eHi l" ( uml , Hertzi,."u.r',,,.":l5. I"'M. larrart.MaiPlnU iii.l. Itii-.- l, Comi , PniaccnFrl. at h (i Perf'rei. l.'Aniore Veillm. nn ,,,"'11- - I'nlH'oril, .vrar iii .

, rus"' 11 nl. Illll'.lb) MadelelaeAlda. Al lu.ut.i-- , ttccuroli. C'ond , P,n,nSal. Mai at:-- rfn, e,l I i Mi.li i ilild.kl, (ase Sparles. (nnd., T, .,s1'.'?1 7 ,s' ''"'l! I ' Ices leheiurln Itllier, (.'orltr. W Ithentainii t

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CENTURY lll'l It A IIMIIU 1'lllKlllll'WI! U I'w ...... w

Phi 111 '."' :"i,' TO-J- A U d

Ttles . --TIi:H.A.Ml - IMaria of ll..bl'.NDAY Mt.lIT CO.NL'PltT. :.v 1

tl .Ml I IV OI'IMIA HOf.Si ll(ll Vllcilnnlne Mmilay. March If. t,

I Ill'M It 1 II m a si .1 t i ,

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Met W 11.1'MUIvm HI'U s'i '.n.Hall. sit. I i Nl ir ' I - 15


KUBELIK.I'dinund llurke. .N.li.un I f.llikii, II

SIOI.IVN llsl.l. S.,t All.. Vljr.

A It.-- .I'UllH

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II BAUERI. I MiihnII i thi inn

I rlni'es. l h.. I o.iiinr Sun fl Ito a n r--- -- -. s vi

VITAGRAPH r,"A MIl.l.lIM till A (.ttlips-

Jtlll.S 111 N A:.i .. a 'o

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