THE WEATHER FORECAST. ' Fair to-da- y; untattled, with probable thunder showers. uvl IT SHINES FOP, ALL Highest ttmperature yesterday, 78: lowest, 64. Detailed weather, mall and marine reports on page I, VOL. LXXXIII. NO. 339. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1916. Copyrfont. IMS, by thr, Hun t'rtntlng and Publishing Association. ONE CENT Jrr.fr I lit and Newark. J TWO CENTS FRENCH SWEEP GERMANS FROM VERDDN SECTOR Furious Counter Offensive Drives Teutons Out of Fleury Village. FIGHT WAY lTr TO SLOPE OF HILL 320 Trendies Between Thiau-mon- t and Fleury Are Recaptured. BIG GIWS PREPARE FOR FRESH ATTACK British on Somme Front Find Kaiser's Forces Are Xow Stronger. to.vnoN, Aug. 3. Fleury has been eempletely reoccupled by the French Hoops In the course of their vigorous ounter offensive at Verdun. Attacked mutancou'ly from the northwest and x'utheart, the village wax doomed de-pi- le the strong defences the Germans a '1 organized. Resides this, the French took all the between Kleury and Thlaumont And in thr slope of Hill 320. At Clienols, where they lost ground Tuesday, they recaptured most of the territory so that practically all the Hermans had won by their revival of the assault on Verdun has been swept Tay. There Is evidence that the French sre not through, for their artillery con tlnues to pound away at sectors of the frur.l with a vigor which can spell only the preparation for further Infantry work. The prisoners captured on the right h.nk of the Mouse since August 1 now total I.T.'iO. not Including the wounded. With the exception of gains esrly In the day by the French, who penetrated the Herman lines at Monacu farm. 10 advance of Importance was made by the Allies on the front along the Somme. nnr did titer lose any ground. Not yet reconciled to the loss of Del-vll- ls wood, the Germans sent a strong force against It, with disastrous results, for the' British waited until the enemy was In close range, then opened Ore, do Itir heavy execution. Intent on Improving their position west of Pozleres. the British shelled a Qer roan stronghold between that village and Thlepval. The fire was so effective the garrison fled, only to be caught aa It the open ground by the Are from the British field suns. A little to the 1st of this the British gained a hit of ground north of Baxentln-Ie-Fet- lt by a bombing attack. Th- - Hermans kept up a barrage fire wast and southwest of l'oxlerea all day w tier man llrahlp. For the second time the presence of a rr type of Herman aeroplane 011 the western front Is noted. American avlu-to- is with the French urmy sent on to .uth inside the Herman lines a few days go. A British aviator encountered an- other Presumably a new model tu been evolved by the Oerman design n ns a result of their study of short omlngs of the earlier kinds. The lull In the fighting on the Somme front Is due solely to the fact that the Hermans have had time to recover from 'he staggering blows delivered against tficm In July, a correspondent at British army headquarters In France writes. "The enemy Is beginning to get back his wind," says this correspondent. "Our .'tacks Inflicted upon him very heavy ami In certain quarters quite unexpected lose... but he still Is able to nil the .ips In his ranks by bringing forward arse reenforcements, Including many hMvv guns, and put up a big barricade sxalnst us. "He also Is powerful enough to and endeavor to push home counter attacks. While we hold and ronsolldate our gains, we take all neeea-r- y precautionary Hieasurss te Insure Us success fit further operations. "How long the present lull will last I do not know. The great preparations on the part of the Uermans demonstrate their anxiety, but they demonstrate aa U the need on our part to feel our way ith a prudent respect for the strength of the enemy." All the correspondents etnptitulie the Vast scale of the Allies' operations. One, "(erring to the French front, says tele-rp- h and telephone lines are atrung rwhere. There are 12.J00 miles of Hl'Phone wire behind one twenty mile etlon of the front. The countryside Is Mmm with railways. When the glgan-- U labor of bringing the big guns to the st points and Insuring every battery a continuous supply of ammunition Is the next stage of the often-w- e will begin, he says. The heat contlm-e- s to be Intense. STOKHOD FIGHT RAGES. Kasalan Desperate In Atteaspt tm (let to Karri. London, Aug. 3. Desperate fighting ' In progress along the Stokhod Hlver. wnrre the fiermnns have a strong; Position and are determined to hold It the last possible moment. No de-lo- n has been reached nnd the ts nnd counter attacks continue "nrrmltlltiBly day and nlsht. On the rf,ult of the battle now ruglng thn ftu nt Kovel. While this is the scene of the great-- t hattle on the eastern front, tho ilusslans are rontlnulng their dtlve ut)i of Stanlslau; they ore trying to rre? further west, itlong the rullroud frm Brody to Lemherg, nnd the Oer-Wn- lire making n counter thrust far ! the north In the neighborhood of due east of Vllnn. At Smorgon they resorted to the use "r asphyxiating gas, but the Russian "port asserts they were warned In good urn and Inflicted heavy oss when tha Continued on T4rd Page. 3A!A.A!Jicf, One Girl Terribly Worn led Before Policeman Comes to Rescue in Arm way. Mary Mlmnaugh, 4. was arnt down stairs last night from her home at AO" Park avenue to wait (or her father. Michael Mlmnaugh, to return from work. But at 4 that 4s a Ion way, and on the Journey Mary met a little friend and they had a chat and the friend told her of a new place to play. Getting to It wai half the fun. You went to the Park View tinartment. nt 1497 Madison avenue, and icuttled down cellar before the Janitor saw you and then up some dark steps and along a Parnate, where you could we the tight at the end. Just like a cave. Finally you wriggled through an opening In u fence, and there you were. Mary and her chum did all these things, and presently arrived In an en closure with towering palings all about it. Hardly had they Nettled down to play when two savage Lngllsh bulldogs, with hardly a growl of warning, dashed upon them. Mary' friend slid back through the opening as one dog .mapped nerceiy at ner nuttering skirt. The other bore Mary to the earth. sinking Its teeth In her shoulder. Doth tnen leaped on her, biting her repeatedly and mauling her from one end of the en- closure to the other. Two policemen were called by women In the neighborhood and killed the dog after a fight with one. Chnrles Argello. superintendent of the Park View apartments, owner of the dogs, was served with a summom to ap pear In Harlem court this morning. The little girl, badly lacerated, was removed to Harlem Hospital. D BOAT SLIPPED BY ALLIED GUARD SHIPS Cruisers Still Patrolling Knads Deutschland Passed I'n-see- n Near I1. S. Craft. Norfolk, Va Aug. I. The allied cruisers patrolling the entrance to Hampton noads to prevent the depart- ure of the German submarine merchant man Deutschland were In position within sight of shore y and there was nothing to Indicate they were aware of ' the passage of the Deutschland tut through the capes last night. Capt. Hlnech. who on bonrd the tug Thomas F. Tlmmlns directed the de- parture of the Deutschland. said to-d- that the underwater freighter passed unobserved within one hundred yards of a I'nlted States destroyer on neutrality duty about a mile oft the capes. He also disclosed that the submarine sub- merged twice on her way down the bay to test her engines. "When no tralhc was In sight the Deutschland took a dive while running," said Capt. lllnach. "She went down until only four Inches of her periscope) was showing above the water. Then I dropped behind to see at what distance the wake of the Deutschland or the foam crest of the periscope could be seen. At 400 yards, with glasses, I could n t sen a thing, "In the afternoon we started for the capes. The destroyer was passed In the dark. Later, when I reported that the Deutschland had cleared the enpee and was on her way to sea the ofllcers aboard the destroyer seemed surprised They bad not obsenert her at all. So you see that the British and French ciulsers off ahore hadn't the slightest chance of find- ing the Deutschland." When the vesselH were a mile off the capes the submarine Increased her speed, and the men aboard the Tlmmlns, which had stopped, watched her as she sped for tliu open sea, A mile away all her lights suddenly disappeared. Capt. Ilinsch said he knew the vessel submerged at that time, when a mile Inside the three mile limit. In response to questions regarding the prospects of the Bremen, sister ship to the Deutschland. arriving In American waters, Capt. Hlnsch said: "you can depend upon It that If the Hremen was coming In the near future I would not be rrturntng to Baltimore and neither would the Tlmmlns." SEEING NEW YORK A NEW WAY. Parals-se- Mntorla Vlrir. rn. hni .Vrvrr Leaves Car. Tarrttown. Aug. 3. George W. Thomas of Hcranton. Pa atopped at Tarrytown y on an automobile tour. Thomas had scarlet fever when nine months old and It left both legs and one side paralyzed. When a young man he entered the general Insurance business. For twenty-e- ight years hs has never left his bed In his office. He conducts most of his business over the telephone and has a patented receiver and sender fastened to his head. He makes as many as n thousand calls a day and knows every number from memory. Thomas told friends he wanted to see New Tork. As he weighs 400 pounds and Is helpless, this was a problem. He had a harness made with which his friends could carry him. With three friends he left Hcranton Tuesday and passed yesterday In New York, but could not leave his car, While sealed In his car he dictated for two hours, and one of the party addressed postal cards to friends at home. Trade Treaty Dennnelatlon Opens the Was- - tn War. AnsTF.r.nAM, via Ixindon, Aug. 3. A despatch to the Hanclelsbtad from Berlin aaya Italy has given notice to Germany of the termination of the Herman-Italia- n commercial treaty of 1801, which would have expired at the end of 1917. A despatch from Paris last Tuesday quoted the I'rfff I'nrWen as saying that It understood that Italy had denounce! the commercial treaty with (lermany, thereby leav'ng the way clear for a dec - laratlon of hostilities between Italy and Hermany. The newspaper said Ihe ex- - lulence of the treaty wan the only reason M,t.l.h "t.''i lt.il ,. n..v.nl.il ......... O.rmAiii. trrttrt ,1. daring war on Italy, Schooner Launched at Rath, Bath, Me,, Aug. a.Ttie rour masted schooner (.', I', Meugsl, Jr., wus launched her in.rijv. Tha craft rarlstra ail .rni. la anl In IinlavllU. If v and will hall from Pernacola, Fla. NEWS PRINT SCARCE, pM Size noorensed and Kronomies Forced In Avert" Famine in Supply. MILLS HlX AT CAPACITY Unable In Care for Increased Dentil ml and Surplus Nenrs Minimum. Unless theie Is a conceilcil curtailment I of waste of news print paper sav Ing that can be effected only by reducing the slir of newspapers, refusing unsold roples and cutting off the drain of ex changes newspapers of the United Htates will be on the bread line, figuratively " speaking. Tliey will be compelled to ' take their matcilal on allotment, receiv- ing no more than manufacturers can give them from vanishing supplies. That a famine In news print paper will result within a few months unless these econo-mic- a are effected was the prediction of paper manufacturers yesterday. Only a husbanding of resources by the papers themselves, particularly those of BOAT SINKS AN ITALIAN STEAMER; MANY ARE MISSING Submarine's Destroys Vessel's Survivors Syracuse. New can stave off the crisis, It throughout the trade. There-In- n VfUfM tVAT IA1 fore the announcement printed In AiflrTif UCiAU SUN and other papers of limiting news- dealers' supplies strictly to sates and the agreement of publishers of Manhattan to decrease the else of the papers met with approval. At the present time In the t'nited States ami Canada fifty mills ate work- - Ing three shifts of men eight hours dally and six das a week. Their output for June the last compilation was 140,151 J tons, representing 95.4 per cent, of their maximum production, the highest efll. rleticy ever attained in me industry This output represents an Increase of! .uuu tons h monin mrr inr omr ii .lune, 1915, but even this tremendous in- crease has been Insufficient to feed the demand. Full production has had to be augumented by 5,000 tons niori a month, which was drawn trom a rapidly depict- ing reserve stock. Surplus f.radnallr Shrinks. Surplus stock has been swallowed up at this rate for several months now. At tr end of June only 65,191 tons re- mained In storehouses that at the same time last year held 91,97 tons. The minimum is In sight, appreciation of which fact brought the newspaper pub lishers to their agreement on Tuesday. Were production to cease y there is not cnoush news nrlnt DMDer stored to keen newspapers alive for ten days. It, has been necessary for the publishers' mutual good and the benefit of the news reading public to curb the tendency toward Increasing the stxe of papers at this time of year. The figures cited here for June wilt take n considerable advance In October, usually the banner month In the news- paper jear. As a rule circulation In- creases In the fall anil advertising keeps apace with It. As a result more pages have to be added to the dally paper and the takes on unusual bulk. Without the measuies taken by the publishers this fall's Increase would wipe out the total production and tha reserve stock. Fur this reason Till: Sun's rule to refus unsold copies will become on Monday. It may be asked by the public, "Why did not the. paper manufacturers antici- pate this tremendous lucreae In de- mand?" They did, so far as It was humanly possible to anticipate u pi Since June, 1915. there lias been added to the mills of this country and Canada 15 per cent, more facilities for turning wood Into paper. When were given It seemed, according to the manufacturers, uu extremely risky venture to InstslI additional machinery on conditions temporarily roseate. It J, " count for the greater call V for paper, and a cessation of the vvur possibly would bring an end to the growing demands. Yet the machinery won Installed and now most of It Is In operation. Workliia nt Capacity. The mills are ut the peak of their capacity. They ran turn out no more, although they have the materials and the men. In June of 1!H5 the mniVnum of efficiency derived from the was 78. S: this year it reached the mark of 95.4. With making this men operating the day around and ever.v other aid given to production, still the outlook for the fall falls to brighten. (ew mum cannot ue pui up in wceKH or even months; generally It takes a year and a half to get a mill working. New machines have been ordered ; In n s several that turn out fifty tons a day will be In operation. Hut thce,e added to the machines now producing cannot save the situation at the present rate of consumption. Machinery cannot be ordered in wholesale lots at the pres. ent time with most of the big steel plants turning out munitions In preference to wood grinders. The following statement on production and shipment ror June, compiled by O. F. Steele, secretary of thn News Print Manufacturers Association, affords an understanding of the strides taken by the Industry In the last year; I'nlted Villi.. Mail- Total Tutsi Ilium Act usl Ten. Sleds In T..iis. In Ton. Iliirlnj mi IIIIS Month Month .Vlmill. llsiicl Vhi e. i,:.i2.ri i.mi.m; i.hii.v.s w.inj June ,. I03.M4 77.S34 Si, IV, dl'.Ul ttl January ... 101, IM RS.4SI 5t,:.-- r reimiarr . 7,.'. s.',.'i i,7i: r.:,ii Two nma... 1M,(I 171,01k 170.17.1 Match ... ioo,o:; si.iid w,:ia r.i,w.t , Thris- - inu. .lOt.tli :K,I9S :s,I7 April ... '.'-'- "' !'..'' 44.23.' four moa on,:;i 3fM,as SK.iM Mar li)j,057 !,S7k ("j.liis 4n..ll KITS mna WS.nO II6.4W IM,.".!. .lime ... It.WS II. .HI (17,511(1 41,1-- 7 Hll moa . MHH 640,707 .'.51,115 Canndlnu Mills, H15-Y- ear sve :m ;v 4:s.-- . 4:i s:i :s.k!ic .lune 35, 11 37,nn: so.t.w 1S16 January ... 4t, sir .37,!14l is.s.-.- i Kel.rua 4.I.IIV1 4I.V.H '41.244 :m,n3 Tso rm.s . S7.!ioil S.I.K.VI 7l,t Manli 47, m 4.1,.lll 4B,M: :v,t.79 Three mo. IX'i.Wt U'll.niu ct.aai 41,37: 4S.7V". p,1,,,,. ,,, I70.6IS I75.k7.1 ' May 4S,7 47.04 4V,0HH ::,s:4 lin- - nma. :J7,9 5I7.M1I ro.Mt i J1""' 4,2rt 45.7HO 47.147 :ol77 llioa.- :74,-- .i :S.'l,4M :4,7si 'lulled Slates and Cnnndlnn llllls. 1915 Year i, 735, in 1.4 10. Jid 1,4W.B.n k0,4M June I41.I3D 113,00.1 ICM97 f:,M7 i im- - , January 115.111 tin, .IV t2B.4O0 M.IKil tVhruarr . 141.: i:i. iiaiia 16,101 I Two llli'l. 4,73a C'oitKsiicff on Filth I'agc, U Shell Fire Five of the Small Boats Some of the Land at Malta and T.o.Nixi.v, Aug. 3. The Italian mall steamer Letlmbrn has been sunk by a and twenty-eigh- t survivors have arrived at Malta, says a neuter despatch from that plare. Two boat- loads of sun Ivor have arrived nt Syra cuse. The l.etlmbro curried o crew of 3 and her passengers numbered 113. It Is be-- 1 llcvrd that many of them lost their Uvea. The passengers Included women nnd (hltdren, j Survivors report tfist s sunmnrlne wjs I observed at a distance of about 6.000 ...,. t. ...tn.s.T. 11 ill r u it vttlllJIIIK JMHIl UI1U WIC" cave chase, flrlne oiiIIiuioiihIv for l.nlf an hour. It finally overtook the l.etlm- bro, which had begun to lower boats. "The submarine adds the despatch, , "continued Its bombardment, smashing were seized. five boats, the occupants of which l'alltlktn of Copenhagen reports Ished. Some of the survivors say ! ,h!U D,Ilni,,h Katholm. 1.201 sunk by a German killed by ehellfirc maTlne , ,h(. Mediterranean. The orew the crew of the Italian brig Bo- - was saved. York, was admitted Tim!JO lit Sunday as- perity. machinery Stairs submarine TENNESSEE FLOOD ... pi 11 a vi""rM Catches People j Aslcep in BlHir's Creek Valley, Near Tazewell. Miooleboro, Ky., Aug 3 Thirty, j Wasiiinoton. 3 New York eight person- - are known to he dead bankers with whom the Hov-th- e ' number of victims may reach fifty eminent negotiating for a as result of a which ( emergency loan the caused a flood Blair's Creek Valley, j Department y had de- - near Tazewell. Tenti.. late last night, eAlelllni? th linnlllll Inn naltftn Pmrn I parties returning to-d- reported that the water Is all over the Itttle valley, and that apparently every home along the creek for a diatance of six mites has washed away. Tho Hat of known : Robert Johnson and his wife ; Mrs D. C. IMmonds. her four children and two grandchildren, the Misses Llllle and Minnie Wiley, daughters of nnd Mrs. ,.. H. Wiley of Monroe, Mich.: Hush "'.V"" ""u "" cnunieii; w P. gacherv. his and five chit-- 1 dren: Thomas 'McBee, his wife and seven children. Bob Chanley and his wife. 718T MAN IN BRITISH CHARGE. Leaves Souvenir of X. V. Regiment In Herman Trench. I HKADUUAIlTKas YORK DIVISION, McAt.t.EN, Tex., Aug. 3. William O. Bates of the Seventy-firs- t Iteglment received a letter y from hl orderly nt Camp Whitman last year, A. O. Kinvey, who as a soldier In the lf7thi brigade of the British army was wounded In l.'raiif-- e tit (tnnimernilrt lenoil mi Jtllv 1 ul the beginning of the great allied drive. He received two bullets In the the the of announcement blood, "Anti-aircra- ft state.1 bark hits the di-- the Seventy-firs- t ptogramme the drawing with me, and captured the .... ll T A. I MM V. n,f of their It still there old Seventy-firs- t had In that chatge. It glorlnu''' Kmpey Is In the American Woman's War Hospital at Paignton, Knglnnd. ' FAVOR WEST INDIES SALE NOW. Danish Conservative I'srO In- vestors Won to the Plan, Aug, 4. It la learned from u. most reliable the Conservative party, re- jected the proposal the of the Wist Indies l odea t tntir suiu It itl a0 known who gteat In Ihe Hands nnd large of Improving con- - dltlons, especially at Thomas, will no objections to their puslng to the United States, FINGER PRINTS PASSPORTS. Prnaslnn F.xlend Method nrannd Criminal ('laser. BKitl.tN (via lindon), Aug. S. The taking finger prints diteited solely against cilmlnal since 1, when legulatlnns effect. passport' must brat the prints holders. Notice to THE SUN Readers. Because of amounta practically a famine newa print we are compelled to make THE SUN, morning Sunday, and THE EVENING SUN strictly newadealera. That beginning Mon- day, August 7th, shall not take back uniold copies newsdealers. similar al- ready obtains the Times, the World, the American and the Tribune. telling you about to you place a regular standing order with your news- dealer for your you make aura of getting it you will thus pro- tect your from pos- sible in having on hit hands unsaid copiesv ballo, torpedoed by Austrian subma- rine, have arrived Malta. Six neutral veneris have been torpe- doed Herman submarines within the last twenty-fo- ur hours. Four belligerent vessels met the same fate and two neu- tral steamships were solzod by Oerman warships. The Swedish steamship lludlksv.ill was torpedoed In the Baltlu last night on her way from Sweden to Finland. The cap-t.tl- with twelve men the crew and five women, reached the Swedish coast per-- 1 The '',c that tons, has sub-man- y were All Aug. and Chinese has been the cloudburst $5,noo,000 notified In state they been dead Mr. "" wife Nr.W Col. that Interest August Into from from In boats, lteutcr's adds that other Swedish steamers ami r s'.enmets were same vicinity, The British steamship Britannic of 3 4x7 tons, the British sailing Sutton, the British steamship HflghltiKton in addition to the Italian steamship l.etlmbro also were sunk, Lloyd's announced, Tl.n JUti 1 H 1 1 M Tlni. i,nth llaumo. Finland. NEW YORK FINANCIERS REFUSE LOAN TO CHINA Decide Apainsl $2,- - 000,000 Advance, They Tell State Department. any Immediate advance on the se curltle.s offeied not be a profitable Investment. The banking houri include J P Mor- gan Is Co., Ktihn. l.oeb Co., the Na- tional City and First National banks. I'liwllllngnesa of Cnlnehe Govern- ment to any than Chinese Treasury notes Is said to In the decision ncalnst ad- vancing even tl.nOO.OOO. Whether the decision again it an lm- - ...... . :v """"'"";" lions for an ultimate loan of 1.10,000.000 to ( hlna Is unknown to Department of. Heinle. SAY THEY SHELLED LONDON. jirrmil erlon of Air Ital.l lllf. ' frrrnt tlrltlsh. BrntlS- - 1 I - t.i the r '.2?.. , ,1 ... .l.V" Zeppelins a number of (Ire and explosive bombs were Lon- don and cm tint fleet base at Harwich. Industrial establishment .n county of Norfolk also were bomluided Mrllaln Different .or Lom-os-- , Aug. 3 Six Herman air-- ! uri Itory the teturii trln. on Dutch gunners, but lilt.' It i i ep,nted this airship ap- parently il.imng.-- b tile tire of the ItlllNIl gun". COMMON MURDERERS. llerllii ln. Neutrals" I 'la hi I ns; Are riaami, IiNboN, Aug .1, The Frnnhfurtcr ytttitnri, savs ,i despatch (r0, ti,P Iteuter correspondent at Amsterdam, from the Ithrlnhrli West-jnrltw- .rlt nip arguing that Oerm.iny the right to tie.it as iikiii minders ,,f .K.nimi Statin caught flhtlng mi the side of Hennnny's enemies The In are waging no war with ihe I'nlted swites, Notth Americans whom we encounter with arms In their ought to bo trc.ito.1 as franc-tlreur- s and shot. ten snnuuier anotner, wnien ne took In raid nn Hie east- -' thinks was explosive. In left side eru nullities of England this momltir. ' the fare. The sns: according to nn olticlal "I lost an awful lot of and It guns," adds the took me four hours to t, "came action, and ir not fire to the dressing station, but I have two, me claimed iig-iln- t t!rt upheld the good name of the Seventy-- ( ia " flrst Til.- - statement s.i.v the counties of "One of "eiit . oi full.. Suffolk Hid Cs.ex were e a of t.glm. lit lacked mou- - or less simultaneously The with a of a Seventy-firs- t soldier aHd about ;n, hour and a half the cover 1 tool, this In the charge on.- - Zeiinelin. which ein.vse.i imteb when we ....,.. M .... 11 I. . A f one dugouts. Is I wish the good been was and via London, source that which for sale Danish In Ifio;, not op- - now- - those took a spent sums In St make FOR llegnlntlnns of has ceased be- ing classes the passpott went All now flngei of their what to in paper, and is, we A rule with We are this that may paper. By this means will and newsdealer a loss an at by of small two two innieii sunk In the veasel Mar. garet bound for Bunkers elded would & the the offer other security have been a factor I From great dropped In the Trlls on i by was not that bad been 'AS Pre.. iiina a letter has eom nn' sut.leets letter part savs We but hands anu .ship, part letter crawl under into one. scouf dance on money next Ithenlsh Journal would consider II legal for Ihigland to have shot Hermans who fought against the British In the Trans - vatl. EXULT OVER ALLIES' CHANCES. Ilrltlah .rnsinpf-r- s r Third lenr Will Ilrlna- - Victory. Sptcinl Cable Detpair. Tiis Sis, , Aug 4 (Friday) On the annlveisary of (Ireal Britain's entrj the war the newsnaners th s tiinriitne- .ill Pi hit tevlews, surveys and editorials. There Is a unlvrrs-i- l note of hopefulness and confidence, but genei recognition that much remains to be done The 7'tnir.s edllorlnl Is tjplcai It says "The tide has turned and the fiitute lies wltli the Allies. While we long have known Oermany could not win we Iinvn proved on thn Somme that the war win not enu in stalemate i m, inougii inn .vines enter the third ear with their hearts filled with elation and hope, we must not disguise from ourselves that the toad to victory must still be long. The painful tnk wiilch Is befoie us must be Judged not by the extent of the colonies won front th enemy but by the wldn nrea In F.urope from which the Germans and their cnn. federates still have to bp dislodged," "ALFALFA BILL" DEFEATED. Murray lleatrn by T. II. McKeonn In Oklahoma Primary. Oklahoma CiTr, Aug. Itepreaenta-liv- e William 11, Murray "Alfalfa BUI' was defeated for reiioinlnatlon In 'Hues-ila- y primary election, ucciuillng tn al- most complete i eturns from the Fourth district These gave T D. McKeown 5,(154, Murray r. . n4o and H, , Smith 3,5(15. Precincts yst unreported are generally conceded to favor MvKcown. CAR OF CASEIN HELD UP BY JERSEY COPS II Sounded Like nn Explosive to the Ked Klnp Sound. 11AILROADS AID POLICE , Injunction tn Permit Pus-snjr- of Munitions Suit! to Re Coining. Director of Public Safety Hague of Jersey City carried out jesteiday after- noon the mandate of the City Commis- sion to "use nil the nower nt his com mand to prevent the storing nnd trani porting of high explosives within the city limits." With this "ponor," represented by 103 uniformed policemen, freight trains wete help up and were not permit- ted to enter the city until everybody was satisfied (hat enrs didn't contain contra- band combustibles. All the railroads ex- cepting the Jersey Central facilitated the police search In their yards nn the out- skirts of the city. Tha Central did not havs n reprosenta. live at a conference In Director Hague's office earlier In the day and In coin-- e quence Its freight schedule wss the nnl one disarranged to any great extent. Capt. John Cody of the First precinct, who generally draws the most difficult police Jobs, was sent to the Jersey Cen- tral's tracks at the bridge over the Mor- ris Canal between Jersey City and Bay-otin- He had a dozen husky cops, nearly all of whom were men. Po- liceman Tom Hurke and Policeman Orabbler carried red flag", one of which whs commandeered from a Public Ser- vice repair wagon. Search for Contraband On. Steve Culllgan. a Jersey Central flag- man, was guarding the tallend of a freight headed toward Bayonne when the squad arrived at 4 :0 o'clock, and to him ...... V...IPL ouy uniioum-- mr i.iir visit "Ho as far as you like." said Steve. "This Is far enough." replied Cody The police admired the open country In the distance and an old family bury- ing around In the fotegtound until 4 55 o'clock, when a sharp eyed olllcer j shouted, "Here she comes' Orabbler stood In the middle of the Incoming freight trark and waved his . ... ., s... t .i... ..i ,.r in, i iXfsS ...-..- . '' . ck n . f Maud- - x: hmmhi Ms Iran to a stnn. n. .l,l ,, -- .Hdn't wave Ilk a feci tilar 'fellow" uEd he thought "l he named to cooperate with the members of the tntlonal commit had cone wrong with the bridge. Conductor K. M. Illle was directed by Capt. Cody to produce his manifest. The only suspicious car on the train was one that contained casein. This was a puz zler even to the conductor. . Police Inspector Leonard yelled to In-- 1 spectdr of Combustibles Connolly, who, stood on a Lehigh Valley track twenty ftet awav: "Sny, Jimmy, what's case-In-- " "Never heard of It before." Connolly shouted back. Tlieu somebody, who once lived near a creamery, "aid casein entered Into the manufacture of che.-se- , so the train was allowed to proceed after a delay of seventeen minutes. oIiIiik lllse iiililoui. ' The engineer of tho next train stoiio.sl on the Hayontie side of tho liiridge ind t he official flagman coaxed him ..v...' to! Jersey City territory It had come from Ua.voniie and the police let go through j The third was loaded with live stock j uul The fourth, a five car train, li.nl -- ulphuile mid and dry goods In the meantime ."ilef of Poll, e Mona-lu- u and .lames F Norton, Deputy Din-- dor of I ublle S.ifetj, who b.is worked haul cot Ing out the City Commission' unlets, airlved at the bridge and looked over the searching operations. Last iflght the police were still hold- - I log up Jersey Central trains with a rei ' lantern borrowed from the Pennsylvania Ifallroad, but no carloads of high ex plosives were round. i The Jersey Central served notice on I the City commissioners timing me nay ' that "Its officers, agents and employees will hold said city and each of you Joint- ly and severally liable for all damage j and lossvs. tin, costs and expense" In- - curred by reason or thn enforcement or the commission's lesolutlon, I Uickawanna trains, by arrangement with the ralltoad, wete seatihed at the Secaucus ards Stipt .Mulligan of the j Lehigh Vallgy said his road was willing ' m have, ihe notice do their Inspecting I at Oak Island west of the draw brldgi- - over Newark Uay. The Pennsylvania officials offered to help the police search- ers so that Its traffic wouldn't he ills- -' Imbed, The Kilo trains were looked Assistant (Senernl Counsel John L. ,s0.iger of the L.uit.iwauna said his toad didn't want friction with the city, but jiHsured Mr. Hague It will contest the matter in court. 11 n believed the .leisev Central or some other road will nsk for an Injunc tion to restraint the city rroni interrer- - lug with the opetatlon of freight trains. llie iiKiuer Aipinc. noun i ironi jersey i tor t.riiveseini nay wiin maiiy ions , of annnutiltlnn, ran onto rocks near Kills Island yesterday nflernoon. giving. hard and fast at a lain hour, but liei rases of explosives were taken off h other barges, 'BANDITS" WERE U. S. SCOUTS. llasancliiisrlla Mllllln Palrnl (Jure I'nlie Alarm In Tenia. SN Antonio, Tex. Aug. ,1. Four unit. it 111. f'nlte.l Ktllleu nriit.' 11,1,1 ., drove of Inoso horse const. Hired the bund of "Mexican bandits" sighted by a Massachusetts Infnnnv scouting patrol south of Fort Hancock, Texas, Tuesday, according to a report to Hen, Frederick Funstim y by Hen Heorgo Bell, Jr., at III Paso. The four scouts were from the Big llend district, and happened to be near the wandering hones at the time they were sighted by the National Huarils-inei- i, Hen Bell Informed Hen. Filtiston that hereafter he would use regular army men Instead of guardsmen for scouting Plaja I'lnno for Fitly tlnnra. Danvii.lk, III., Aug. 3. W. It. Bagley oi' Muncle, Ind., claims to have net a Tile lrnnkfurtrr '.cltuxa asks If th.infi.. in Hie Itercren vnrds. In Into il 3. It live minuien. m- - null. iu .tiuiiiiuy night and did not stop until last night. The former record, which Bagley also claims, was forty-fiv- e hours and thirty-tw- o minutes. SHONTS FEARS STRIKE IN SUBWAY AT 10 A. M. something,';"" Inlerlioro llend Stirs Police With Xiffht Message 1, 11 lei' More Hopeful. President Theodore P. Slionls of tho Interbnrough llapld Transit Company telephoned to Police Headquarters nt 10 o'clock last night that he feared a strike would take place on the subway at 10 o'clock this morning. As result of this message there was unusual nrtlvity nt Police Headquarters. A hurried confer-- I miico wus called among Inspector Cohen, Chief Insnertnr Scliinlttlierirer nnd I eputy Commissioner Oodlcy, nnd nr-- l made for the special policing of thn area that was expected to be af-- I fecled. Later, however, another message came from Mr. Shouts, saving that the out look was much blighter. The police called oft I ho special details they wern preparing to yrml out, but they havej rormul.lled their plan for further sttlkel duly, and will iiut ll Into execution as soon as the emergency nils., I BULL MOOSE VOTE TO KEEP UP FIGHT Will Place Klcctonil Tickets iu Field Where Organi- zation Itcuiiiius. India.vapoi.ih, Aug. 3 Plans for the reorganization and pel petuatlon of the Progressive patty ns a national political organization were adopted at a conference of Hull Moose representatives, The conference decided It would be impracticable now to icas-embl- the Progieslve national convention and fill the vacancy on the national ticket caused by Theodore ltoosevelt's declination of the nomination for President. Instead the organization will put up nn electoral ticket In every State where thetc is tho nucleus of an organization left bearing the name of John M Parker of Louisiana, nominee for Vlce-Pre- l- 1.n( It, t,.i ,.f nn.h.n. mIaMIm. cnnll(jh Presidential electors who might prove the balance of power In the event of II lo'.e oontet between the two par- - ties This plan will be carried out !n Louisi- ana, Maryland, Indiana, Missouri. Wis- consin, Michigan, I'lab, North Dakota .1 , II Hopkins of New Jersey was! cnn. ,.t,..,i',i,m!in r ,i, .... .... . 1.1 - nal committee, will - In active charge . l,,r.li0', .rtnllwn i All executive committee of fifteen mem- - tee who refused to votj f... il.v Indorse- ment of Charles K. Hughes at Chicago on June L' In rehabilitating the part.v Tills will meet nfter .lection ti formulate plans for tie perpetuation of the party. IMwinM l.ee of Indiana. D. Norton of Missouri, Itainbrldge Colin of , C. !'. Hoffman of Michigan. Harold Mul f Louisiana and C W .Mfliure of (.ieorgiu wen- - named of the executive committee. The conference lustiucted the cliali-ma- n to ftom the treasuter of the Pingi party an accounting of! tin' funds (ontillmted to the cause, anil' a ll- -t of outstanding pledges and to ' ascertain whether any of the money has been expended for the benetlt of any o'her political organization, and If so, ""'"h a i. m.i be necessary to ""'ver the fuuilv ROBINS VEERS TO HUGHES. Demoeril Is l...... Hope When lie Calls an PrrUltis. Somethii.g like n chill struck IVino-i-rati- c nallonnl eadiii.irtei s yesteril.i when news wis looiiKht in that It.u-tnoti- d Itob'.us of Chicago had been seen In town and hid spent two liouts In the company of W IVtl.lns. Since Mr Itoblns presided over the Bull Moose Kinventloii at Chicago the Wilson peisjile have been bent upon lami- ng him 'n Ihe Democratic coiral, lie. cause of his woik as a social rrfomier he bus had great Intlueine with t'ic wotkliig ii.issi-- s In the middle West. .Mr. Ilo'.nns diiiing the Chicago i (in- vention did not line tip with either f.ie. tlon in .he Piogressive tuitv. Iiemo- - eratl. hopes ,,r bringing hint Into the Wilson camp weui tiasi-- chiell.v on the nttituile In- - too.c ihen - Mr Itoblns lus kept hllent as o li's fiitin,. im;.,, ,, action. . - . - BUST OF KAISER JEERED. Helicliin Art I'ntninlltee lined lit of Hip lleiiiiiiislrnllon. Lonpon, Aug, .1 Herman admin isti li tlon of Belgium lias Imposed tines amounting to lo.non minks ($2,500) on tlie Belgian cnnimltteti In charge of the iccfiit municipal art exhibition, accord- ing to a Itoitetilnm despatch to the Ex- change Telegraph Company, At the request of the Herman admin istration, say the despatch, tin- - bust of the Kmpcrnr was exhibited among oilier !,.,,, ,,I11.J i, ,..,,,,,, . .,,, ', demnnstr.itlnn on the part of the visitors , ,, e Itlblt Inn that it had to be re- - ,niiVr,i . MOTOR CLUB FRAUD CHARGED, I'osl lllllcc Knlrrs ttrder Vunlnsl Two Cnni-prn- . Washington. Aug. .1 As the result oi .in investigation wnien it conducted at i he tequest of tin- Associated Advertising 'lull of the World the Post oillie De. Minittiieut Wsued ,i fraud order against tlie International Automobile League, lnc . Hie Inlet national Alltomn. bile League Tlie Compiny of Buffalo, N Y, and A. i' llldwell. pieslilenl of both lonceins, Post i ifllce Depailment records show llldwell has been indicted by a Federal Hi and Jury nt Itochester, N. Y chatged with using the malls to further a scheme to ill fraud Testimony was .;ien tint llldwell and his agents, snliiltlng nienibers for the league at 11') raeli, reprefonted the league had cniitri.cls will, manufacturer of motor a ssorles which enabled Ihe league to sell tln'in to members at dealers' and inanufnrttirers' prices, Post Olllce olllcliils sny Ihe promoters of the scheme realized n fortune, I.nily limy In 4ulo Sinnah. Lono BitANi-ll- , Aug .1, All automobile of I'.. S. I linuiu, ciasneu y at Hugh. ton nnd West wood avenues. The only person seriously injured whs MUh lClsle Foxwell of Baltimore, who was In 's auto, which overturned. new endurance record on tne piano by driven by Lady Hr.iy of Dalrnuld, g continuously for fifty houiss and , hmd, and another mm hint', the property ii.tj car TRANSIT PEACE SPLITS ON ROCK OF 'ALIEN' UNION Mayor Fails to Bring About Harmony at City Hall Conference. '' ' "l .'I'l II VTPM OlO M KV IS ill AT 3 P.M. TO-DA- Y X. Y. Railways anil Querns Demands 3Ia. 15 1 i a SI l ike Vote. FIFTH AVRNTK BUS OPERATORS BUSTIVK? Labor Leaders Declare "'No Ad ion' on Subway or 'L' Till Xcxi Week. TIicm- - were the s yes. ti'M.iy in the conflict between the lull-wa- y carmen's union mid the trnctiou companies: Mayor .Mitchel failed to bring about niirmnny lieivvccti mo employees of the New York Hallways Company, or sreen car lines, nnd of the New York nnd Queens County Hullwny Company, and tholr respective pres- idents. The enrmen have demanded lecognltlon of the union nnd In creased vvukcs. The Public Service Commission could not get n prmnlio from the strllti- - leader. President William Mihon of the Amalgamated Association of Klectrlc and Street llnllway Urn-- l ployecs, not to "ndvnncc further In the conflict" pending an Inquiry by the commission Into the merits of tho controversy hetween the em- ployees of the Third Avenue Ilall- - wnv nnd thn entrmsnv fnloii rnmmlttee. f tl,, VW v.l. Hftllways Company lines and on tin; New York nnd Queens County Rail- way Company served their demands upon President Theodore P. Shout nnd President William O. Wood, asking for nn answer by 3 o'clock this nfternoon. Unless the demands of the men are granted or some, mediatory reply Is received by them then- - will be separate meetings of the green car employees nnd the iieens employees nt vvhloh, In cveiy ptolmliility, Mrlkes will bo voted lie inn n ds b vet-nn- 4vciinp Men. Tin- - 100 imilni-e- s of the Second Ave- nue Itnilvvay, or the blue cir line, In Mozart Hull, lit 22H Hunt Kighty-sixt- li street, this morning to formulate demands for recognition of the union and Increased pay. It vvns reported that the Fifth avenue bus men would Join the strike. Kilwln A. Mnhtr, of the Third Avenue Hallway Company, snld hi. was willing to utbltnito tho differences between the men anil tho cnnipniv In Yonki'tH si ml West-cliest- er lie would recognize, the union In Westchester hut not In tha city. Should Ihe tabor Icnlers, Big Bill Million, International president of lbs carmen's union, and "Fighting I'ltz," or Organizer WY.Iir.rr. It, Fitzgerald, bo successful in llieir campaign they will add to the cilppled service of the Third Vvetine Hallway system about i"0 more mile- - of iiielllclent seivice, Involving about t.cOii carmen The New- - York llilw.. Conip.-in- iiIoip- - ci.ries 300,-nO- O don lus.engiiH In a jcur "tllen l.nluii- I nloii" Idt-- I'onghl, ileeogiiitioi, of in alien labor organi- zation,'' ns the traction heads term Mahnn's association. Is the bugbear that stands in Ihe wa of ieace and that threatens to p.iralyre the entire pas- senger tiaflic system of thn city Mayor Mitchel f.ille.1 In the moining In his nicdlntnrv conference between the labor leade-- op one side and Messrs. Shonts and Wood on th" other simply bec-rus- a lsitli those gentlemen declined at this time to lime anything to do with the m.i!g.i mated Association of Street Hail, wav K'npln.v ees Bivnu-- e of that bitterness on the part of the railway otllilals, Including Presl- - dent Fie.lerlek W Whltildgc of the Thin! Avenue nnd President Timothy S, " Ilium of the Brooklyn Itapld Transit. toward Million nnd Fitzgerald. Chairman Oscar S Strau of the Public Service Commission was unable te exact a pioiin e from the strike leaders "not to advance further In the conflict" until the commission had brought out tho fails and apportioned the blame In the fiotil httr,.n the e..rm,n u.nl Ihnlp Am. ployer on the Third Avenue system. - ntr going on with our work," announced Fitzgerald with a toss of his head. "There wl.l be no letup. declared Mahon Mayor tlinosl In De.pslr. So at the end of the day Mayor Mitchel had thrown up his hands In despair and Police Commissioner Woods was redoubling his ilTnrts to be prepaieil for trouble that undoubtedly will com If strikes are declared to.nlght on tho Eieen cur and the Queens county lines. But while Fltnger.ilil and Million had their lieutenant enrolling tin1 employee xW "Trent car nnd the Queens Mnes they were not devoting all t en aiteu Hon to those two conip inles In fart thn campaign upon vvhbh Hies ine en- gaged In this city Includes even traction line and every allied pubi c seivlie From muttering beard In rt'Teiont parus of tlm cltv It seems I lie leadem nrc turning- - their attention to th- - Fifth avenue bus line, to tlie teamsters' while Timothy Healy, presl-de- nt of the liiteintHiou.il Statlonaty Firemen's Union. I etiiollln; tho of the power houses. As for tha Brooklyn rtapld Tianslt, Fltagerald'a epigrammatic remark, "Wa ara hatching

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1916-08-04 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030431/1916-08-04/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · Kasalan Desperate In Atteaspt tm (let to Karri. London, Aug. 3. Desperate

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1916-08-04 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030431/1916-08-04/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · Kasalan Desperate In Atteaspt tm (let to Karri. London, Aug. 3. Desperate


Fair to-da- y; untattled, withprobable thunder showers. uvl IT SHINES FOP, ALL

Highest ttmperature yesterday, 78: lowest, 64.Detailed weather, mall and marine reports on page I,

VOL. LXXXIII. NO. 339. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1916. Copyrfont. IMS, by thr, Hun t'rtntlng and Publishing Association. ONE CENT Jrr.fr I lit and Newark. J TWO CENTS




Furious Counter Offensive

Drives Teutons Out of

Fleury Village.



Trendies Between Thiau-mon- t

and Fleury Are




British on Somme FrontFind Kaiser's Forces

Are Xow Stronger.

to.vnoN, Aug. 3. Fleury has beeneempletely reoccupled by the FrenchHoops In the course of their vigorousounter offensive at Verdun. Attackedmutancou'ly from the northwest and

x'utheart, the village wax doomed de-pi- le

the strong defences the Germansa '1 organized.Resides this, the French took all the

between Kleury and ThlaumontAnd in thr slope of Hill 320.

At Clienols, where they lost groundTuesday, they recaptured most of theterritory so that practically allthe Hermans had won by their revival ofthe assault on Verdun has been sweptTay. There Is evidence that the French

sre not through, for their artillery contlnues to pound away at sectors of thefrur.l with a vigor which can spell onlythe preparation for further Infantrywork.

The prisoners captured on the righth.nk of the Mouse since August 1 nowtotal I.T.'iO. not Including the wounded.

With the exception of gains esrly Inthe day by the French, who penetratedthe Herman lines at Monacu farm. 10advance of Importance was made by theAllies on the front along the Somme.nnr did titer lose any ground.

Not yet reconciled to the loss of Del-vll- ls

wood, the Germans sent a strongforce against It, with disastrous results,for the' British waited until the enemywas In close range, then opened Ore, doItir heavy execution.

Intent on Improving their position westof Pozleres. the British shelled a Qerroan stronghold between that village andThlepval. The fire was so effective thegarrison fled, only to be caught aa It

the open ground by the Are fromthe British field suns. A little to the

1st of this the British gained a hit ofground north of Baxentln-Ie-Fet- lt by abombing attack.

Th- - Hermans kept up a barrage firewast and southwest of l'oxlerea all day

w tier man llrahlp.For the second time the presence of a

rr type of Herman aeroplane 011 thewestern front Is noted. American avlu-to- is

with the French urmy sent on to.uth inside the Herman lines a few daysgo. A British aviator encountered an-

other Presumably a new modeltu been evolved by the Oerman designn ns a result of their study of shortomlngs of the earlier kinds.The lull In the fighting on the Somme

front Is due solely to the fact that theHermans have had time to recover from'he staggering blows delivered againsttficm In July, a correspondent at Britisharmy headquarters In France writes.

"The enemy Is beginning to get backhis wind," says this correspondent. "Our.'tacks Inflicted upon him very heavyami In certain quarters quite unexpectedlose... but he still Is able to nil the

.ips In his ranks by bringing forwardarse reenforcements, Including many

hMvv guns, and put up a big barricadesxalnst us.

"He also Is powerful enough toand endeavor to push home

counter attacks. While we hold andronsolldate our gains, we take all neeea-r- y

precautionary Hieasurss te InsureUs success fit further operations.

"How long the present lull will lastI do not know. The great preparationson the part of the Uermans demonstratetheir anxiety, but they demonstrate aa

U the need on our part to feel our wayith a prudent respect for the strength

of the enemy."All the correspondents etnptitulie the

Vast scale of the Allies' operations. One,"(erring to the French front, says tele-rp- h

and telephone lines are atrungrwhere. There are 12.J00 miles of

Hl'Phone wire behind one twenty mileetlon of the front. The countryside Is

Mmm with railways. When the glgan-- U

labor of bringing the big guns to thest points and Insuring every battery a

continuous supply of ammunition Isthe next stage of the often-w- e

will begin, he says.The heat contlm-e- s to be Intense.

STOKHOD FIGHT RAGES.Kasalan Desperate In Atteaspt tm

(let to Karri.London, Aug. 3. Desperate fighting

' In progress along the Stokhod Hlver.wnrre the fiermnns have a strong;Position and are determined to hold It

the last possible moment. No de-lo- n

has been reached nnd the ts

nnd counter attacks continue"nrrmltlltiBly day and nlsht. On therf,ult of the battle now ruglng

thn ftu nt Kovel.While this is the scene of the great-- t

hattle on the eastern front, thoilusslans are rontlnulng their dtlve

ut)i of Stanlslau; they ore trying torre? further west, itlong the rullroudfrm Brody to Lemherg, nnd the Oer-Wn-

lire making n counter thrust far! the north In the neighborhood of

due east of Vllnn.At Smorgon they resorted to the use

"r asphyxiating gas, but the Russian"port asserts they were warned In goodurn and Inflicted heavy oss when tha

Continued on T4rd Page.

3A!A.A!Jicf,One Girl Terribly Worn led

Before Policeman Comes toRescue in Arm way.

Mary Mlmnaugh, 4. was arnt downstairs last night from her home at AO"

Park avenue to wait (or her father.Michael Mlmnaugh, to return from work.But at 4 that 4s a Ion way, and on theJourney Mary met a little friend andthey had a chat and the friend told herof a new place to play.

Getting to It wai half the fun. Youwent to the Park View tinartment. nt1497 Madison avenue, and icuttled downcellar before the Janitor saw you andthen up some dark steps and along aParnate, where you could we the tightat the end. Just like a cave. Finallyyou wriggled through an opening In ufence, and there you were.

Mary and her chum did all thesethings, and presently arrived In an enclosure with towering palings all aboutit. Hardly had they Nettled down toplay when two savage Lngllsh bulldogs,with hardly a growl of warning, dashedupon them. Mary' friend slid backthrough the opening as one dog .mappednerceiy at ner nuttering skirt.

The other bore Mary to the earth.sinking Its teeth In her shoulder. Dothtnen leaped on her, biting her repeatedlyand mauling her from one end of the en-closure to the other.

Two policemen were called by womenIn the neighborhood and killed the dogafter a fight with one.

Chnrles Argello. superintendent of thePark View apartments, owner of thedogs, was served with a summom to appear In Harlem court this morning. Thelittle girl, badly lacerated, was removedto Harlem Hospital.



Cruisers Still Patrolling Knads

Deutschland Passed I'n-see- n

Near I1. S. Craft.

Norfolk, Va Aug. I. The alliedcruisers patrolling the entrance toHampton noads to prevent the depart-ure of the German submarine merchantman Deutschland were In position withinsight of shore y and there wasnothing to Indicate they were aware of 'the passage of the Deutschland tutthrough the capes last night.

Capt. Hlnech. who on bonrd the tugThomas F. Tlmmlns directed the de-

parture of the Deutschland. said to-d-

that the underwater freighter passedunobserved within one hundred yards ofa I'nlted States destroyer on neutralityduty about a mile oft the capes. Healso disclosed that the submarine sub-merged twice on her way down the bayto test her engines.

"When no tralhc was In sight theDeutschland took a dive while running,"said Capt. lllnach. "She went downuntil only four Inches of her periscope)was showing above the water. Then I

dropped behind to see at what distancethe wake of the Deutschland or the foamcrest of the periscope could be seen. At400 yards, with glasses, I could n t sena thing,

"In the afternoon we started for thecapes. The destroyer was passed In thedark. Later, when I reported that theDeutschland had cleared the enpee andwas on her way to sea the ofllcers aboardthe destroyer seemed surprised Theybad not obsenert her at all. So you seethat the British and French ciulsers offahore hadn't the slightest chance of find-ing the Deutschland."

When the vesselH were a mile off thecapes the submarine Increased her speed,and the men aboard the Tlmmlns, whichhad stopped, watched her as she sped fortliu open sea, A mile away all her lightssuddenly disappeared. Capt. Ilinschsaid he knew the vessel submerged atthat time, when a mile Inside the threemile limit.

In response to questions regarding theprospects of the Bremen, sister ship tothe Deutschland. arriving In Americanwaters, Capt. Hlnsch said: "you candepend upon It that If the Hremen wascoming In the near future I would not berrturntng to Baltimore and neither wouldthe Tlmmlns."


Parals-se- Mntorla Vlrir. rn. hni.Vrvrr Leaves Car.

Tarrttown. Aug. 3. George W.Thomas of Hcranton. Pa atopped atTarrytown y on an automobiletour. Thomas had scarlet fever whennine months old and It left both legs andone side paralyzed.

When a young man he entered thegeneral Insurance business. For twenty-e-

ight years hs has never left his bedIn his office. He conducts most of hisbusiness over the telephone and has apatented receiver and sender fastenedto his head. He makes as many as nthousand calls a day and knows everynumber from memory.

Thomas told friends he wanted to seeNew Tork. As he weighs 400 poundsand Is helpless, this was a problem. Hehad a harness made with which hisfriends could carry him. With threefriends he left Hcranton Tuesday andpassed yesterday In New York, but couldnot leave his car, While sealed In hiscar he dictated for two hours, and oneof the party addressed postal cards tofriends at home.

Trade Treaty Dennnelatlon Opensthe Was-- tn War.

AnsTF.r.nAM, via Ixindon, Aug. 3. A

despatch to the Hanclelsbtad from Berlinaaya Italy has given notice to Germanyof the termination of the Herman-Italia- n

commercial treaty of 1801, which wouldhave expired at the end of 1917.

A despatch from Paris last Tuesdayquoted the I'rfff I'nrWen as saying thatIt understood that Italy had denounce!the commercial treaty with (lermany,thereby leav'ng the way clear for a dec -

laratlon of hostilities between Italy andHermany. The newspaper said Ihe ex- -

lulence of the treaty wan the only reasonM,t.l.h"t.''i lt.il,. n..v.nl.il......... O.rmAiii. trrttrt ,1.daring war on Italy,

Schooner Launched at Rath,Bath, Me,, Aug. a.Ttie rour masted

schooner (.', I', Meugsl, Jr., wus launchedher in.rijv. Tha craft rarlstra ail

.rni. la anl In IinlavllU. If vand will hall from Pernacola, Fla.


pMSize noorensed and Kronomies

Forced In Avert" Faminein Supply.


Unable In Care for IncreasedDentil ml and Surplus

Nenrs Minimum.

Unless theie Is a conceilcil curtailment I

of waste of news print paper sav Ing

that can be effected only by reducing theslir of newspapers, refusing unsoldroples and cutting off the drain of exchanges newspapers of the United Htateswill be on the bread line, figuratively


speaking. Tliey will be compelled to '

take their matcilal on allotment, receiv-ing no more than manufacturers can give

them from vanishing supplies. That afamine In news print paper will resultwithin a few months unless these econo-mic- a

are effected was the prediction ofpaper manufacturers yesterday.

Only a husbanding of resources by thepapers themselves, particularly those of


Submarine's Destroys Vessel's


New can stave off the crisis, Itthroughout the trade. There-In- n VfUfM tVAT IA1

fore the announcement printed In AiflrTif UCiAUSUN and other papers of limiting news-dealers' supplies strictly to sates and theagreement of publishers of Manhattan todecrease the else of the papers met withapproval.

At the present time In the t'nitedStates ami Canada fifty mills ate work- -

Ing three shifts of men eight hours dallyand six das a week. Their output forJune the last compilation was 140,151 J

tons, representing 95.4 per cent, of theirmaximum production, the highest efll.rleticy ever attained in me industryThis output represents an Increase of!

.uuu tons h monin mrr inr omr ii.lune, 1915, but even this tremendous in-

crease has been Insufficient to feed thedemand. Full production has had to beaugumented by 5,000 tons niori a month,which was drawn trom a rapidly depict-ing reserve stock.

Surplus f.radnallr Shrinks.Surplus stock has been swallowed up

at this rate for several months now. Attr end of June only 65,191 tons re-

mained In storehouses that at the sametime last year held 91,97 tons. Theminimum is In sight, appreciation ofwhich fact brought the newspaper publishers to their agreement on Tuesday.Were production to cease y there isnot cnoush news nrlnt DMDer stored tokeen newspapers alive for ten days. It,has been necessary for the publishers'mutual good and the benefit of the newsreading public to curb the tendencytoward Increasing the stxe of papers atthis time of year.

The figures cited here for June wilttake n considerable advance In October,usually the banner month In the news-paper jear. As a rule circulation In-

creases In the fall anil advertising keepsapace with It. As a result more pageshave to be added to the dally paperand the takes on unusual bulk.Without the measuies taken by thepublishers this fall's Increase would wipeout the total production and tha reservestock. Fur this reason Till: Sun's ruleto refus unsold copies will become

on Monday.It may be asked by the public, "Why

did not the. paper manufacturers antici-pate this tremendous lucreae In de-

mand?" They did, so far as It washumanly possible to anticipate u pi

Since June, 1915. there lias beenadded to the mills of this country andCanada 15 per cent, more facilities forturning wood Into paper. When

were given It seemed, accordingto the manufacturers, uu extremely riskyventure to InstslI additional machineryon conditions temporarily roseate. It

J, "count for the greater call Vfor paper, anda cessation of the vvur possibly wouldbring an end to the growing demands.Yet the machinery won Installed andnow most of It Is In operation.

Workliia nt Capacity.The mills are ut the peak of their

capacity. They ran turn out no more,although they have the materials and themen. In June of 1!H5 the mniVnum ofefficiency derived from thewas 78. S : this year it reached the markof 95.4.

With making thismen operating the day around and ever.vother aid given to production, still theoutlook for the fall falls to brighten.(ew mum cannot ue pui up in wceKH oreven months; generally It takes a yearand a half to get a mill working. Newmachines have been ordered ; In n s

several that turn out fifty tons aday will be In operation. Hut thce,eadded to the machines now producingcannot save the situation at the presentrate of consumption. Machinery cannotbe ordered in wholesale lots at the pres.ent time with most of the big steel plantsturning out munitions In preference towood grinders.

The following statement on productionand shipment ror June, compiled by O.F. Steele, secretary of thn News PrintManufacturers Association, affords anunderstanding of the strides taken by theIndustry In the last year;

I'nlted Villi..

Mail- Total TutsiIlium Act usl Ten. Sleds

In T..iis. In Ton. Iliirlnj miIIIIS Month Month .Vlmill. llsiicl

Vhi e. i,:.i2.ri i.mi.m; i.hii.v.s w.injJune ,. I03.M4 77.S34 Si, IV, dl'.Ul

ttlJanuary ... 101, IM RS.4SI 5t,:.--r

reimiarr . 7,.'. s.',.'i i,7i: r.:,iiTwo nma... 1M,(I 171,01k 170.17.1Match ... ioo,o:; si.iid w,:ia r.i,w.t

, Thris- - inu. .lOt.tli :K,I9S :s,I7April ... '.'-'- "' !'..'' 44.23.'four moa on,:;i 3fM,as SK.iMMar li)j,057 !,S7k ("j.liis 4n..llKITS mna WS.nO II6.4W IM,.".!..lime ... It.WS II. .HI (17,511(1 41,1-- 7

Hll moa . MHH 640,707 .'.51,115

Canndlnu Mills,H15-Y- ear

sve :m ;v 4:s.--.

4:i s:i :s.k!ic.lune 35, 11 37,nn: so.t.w


January ... 4t, sir .37,!14l is.s.-.- iKel.rua 4.I.IIV1 4I.V.H '41.244 :m,n3Tso rm.s . S7.!ioil S.I.K.VI 7l,tManli 47, m 4.1,.lll 4B,M: :v,t.79Three mo. IX'i.Wt U'll.niu

ct.aai 41,37: 4S.7V".p,1,,,,. ,,, I70.6IS I75.k7.1

' May 4S,7 47.04 4V,0HH ::,s:4lin- - nma. :J7,9 5I7.M1I ro.Mt

i J1""' 4,2rt 45.7HO 47.147 :ol77llioa.- :74,-- .i :S.'l,4M :4,7si

'lulled Slates and Cnnndlnn llllls.1915

Year i, 735, in 1.4 10. Jid 1,4W.B.n k0,4M

June I41.I3D 113,00.1 ICM97 f:,M7i im- -, January 115.111 tin, .IV t2B.4O0 M.IKil

tVhruarr . 141.: i:i. iiaiia 16,101I Two llli'l. 4,73a

C'oitKsiicff on Filth I'agc,


Shell Fire Five of theSmall Boats Some of the Land

at Malta and

T.o.Nixi.v, Aug. 3. The Italian mallsteamer Letlmbrn has been sunk by a

and twenty-eigh- t survivorshave arrived at Malta, says a neuterdespatch from that plare. Two boat-loads of sun Ivor have arrived nt Syracuse.

The l.etlmbro curried o crew of 3 andher passengers numbered 113. It Is be-- 1

llcvrd that many of them lost their Uvea.

The passengers Included women nnd(hltdren,


Survivors report tfist s sunmnrlne wjs I

observed at a distance of about 6.000...,. t....tn.s.T. 11 ill r u it vttlllJIIIK JMHIl UI1U WIC"cave chase, flrlne oiiIIiuioiihIv for l.nlfan hour. It finally overtook the l.etlm-bro, which had begun to lower boats.

"The submarine adds the despatch, ,

"continued Its bombardment, smashing were seized.five boats, the occupants of which l'alltlktn of Copenhagen reportsIshed. Some of the survivors say ! ,h!U D,Ilni,,h Katholm. 1.201

sunk by a Germankilled by ehellfirc maTlne , ,h(. Mediterranean. The orewthe crew of the Italian brig Bo- - was saved.

York, wasadmitted

Tim!JO lit








...pi 11 avi""rM Catches People j

Aslcep in BlHir's CreekValley, Near Tazewell.

Miooleboro, Ky., Aug 3 Thirty, j Wasiiinoton. 3 New Yorkeight person- - are known to he dead bankers with whom the Hov-th- e

'number of victims may reach fifty eminent negotiating for aas result of a which ( emergency loan thecaused a flood Blair's Creek Valley, j Department y had de- -near Tazewell. Tenti.. late last night,eAlelllni? th linnlllll Inn naltftn Pmrn I

parties returning to-d- reported thatthe water Is all over the Itttle valley,and that apparently every home alongthe creek for a diatance of six miteshas washed away.

Tho Hat of known :Robert Johnson and his wife ; Mrs

D. C. IMmonds. her four children andtwo grandchildren, the Misses Llllle andMinnie Wiley, daughters of nnd Mrs.,.. H. Wiley of Monroe, Mich.: Hush"'.V"" ""u "" cnunieii;w P. gacherv. his and five chit-- 1

dren: Thomas 'McBee, his wife and sevenchildren. Bob Chanley and his wife.


Leaves Souvenir of X. V. RegimentIn Herman Trench. I

HKADUUAIlTKas YORK DIVISION,McAt.t.EN, Tex., Aug. 3. WilliamO. Bates of the Seventy-firs- t Iteglmentreceived a letter y from hl orderlynt Camp Whitman last year, A. O.Kinvey, who as a soldier In the lf7thibrigade of the British army was woundedIn l.'raiif--e tit (tnnimernilrt lenoil mi Jtllv1 ul the beginning of the great allieddrive. He received two bullets In the

thethe of

announcementblood, "Anti-aircra- ft state.1

barkhits the


the Seventy-firs- tptogramme the


with me, and captured the.... ll T A. I MM V. n,fof their It still there

old Seventy-firs- t hadIn that chatge. It glorlnu'''

Kmpey Is In the American Woman'sWar Hospital at Paignton, Knglnnd. '


Danish Conservative I'srO In-

vestors Won to the Plan,Aug, 4. It

la learned from u. most reliablethe Conservative party, re-

jected the proposal the of theWist Indies l

odea t tntir suiuIt itl a0 known whogteat In Ihe Hands nnd

large of Improving con- -

dltlons, especially at Thomas, willno objections to their puslng to

the United States,


Prnaslnn F.xlendMethod nrannd Criminal ('laser.BKitl.tN (via lindon), Aug. S. The

taking finger printsditeited solely against cilmlnal

since 1, whenlegulatlnns

effect.passport' must brat the

prints holders.

Notice to THE SUNReaders.

Because of amountapractically a famine newaprint we are compelled tomake THE SUN, morningSunday, and THE EVENINGSUN strictly

newadealera.That beginning Mon-

day, August 7th, shall nottake back uniold copiesnewsdealers. similar al-

ready obtains the Times,the World, the American and theTribune.

telling you aboutto you place a regularstanding order with your news-dealer for your

you make aura ofgetting it you will thus pro-

tect your from pos-

sible in having on hit handsunsaid copiesv

ballo, torpedoed by Austrian subma-

rine, have arrived Malta.Six neutral veneris have been torpe-

doed Herman submarines within thelast twenty-fo- ur hours. Four belligerentvessels met the same fate and two neu-

tral steamships were solzod by Oermanwarships.

The Swedish steamship lludlksv.ill wastorpedoed In the Baltlu last night on herway from Sweden to Finland. The cap-t.tl-

with twelve men the crew andfive women, reached the Swedish coast

per-- 1 The'',cthat tons, has sub-man- y


Aug.and Chinese

has beenthe cloudburst $5,noo,000 notified

In state they



"" wife






In boats, lteutcr's adds thatother Swedish steamers ami rs'.enmets were same vicinity,

The British steamship Britannic of3 4x7 tons, the British sailing

Sutton, the British steamshipHflghltiKton in addition to the Italiansteamship l.etlmbro also were sunk,Lloyd's announced,

Tl.n JUti 1 H 1 1 M

Tlni. i,nth llaumo. Finland.



Decide Apainsl $2,- -

000,000 Advance, They TellState Department.

any Immediate advance on the securltle.s offeied not be a profitableInvestment.

The banking houri include J P Mor-gan Is Co., Ktihn. l.oeb Co., the Na-tional City and First National banks.I'liwllllngnesa of Cnlnehe Govern-ment to any thanChinese Treasury notes Is said to

In the decision ncalnst ad-vancing even tl.nOO.OOO.

Whether the decision again it an lm- -...... . :v""""'"";"lions for an ultimate loan of 1.10,000.000to ( hlna Is unknown to Department of.Heinle.


jirrmil erlon of Air Ital.l lllf. '

frrrnt tlrltlsh.BrntlS-- 1 I - t.i the

r '.2?.. , ,1 ... .l.V"Zeppelins a number of (Ire andexplosive bombs were Lon-don and cm tint fleet base at Harwich.

Industrial establishment .n countyof Norfolk also were bomluided

Mrllaln Different .orLom-os-- , Aug. 3 Six Herman air-- !

uri Itory the teturii trln.on Dutch gunners, but lilt.'It i i ep,nted this airship ap-parently il.imng.-- b tile tire ofthe ItlllNIl gun".


llerllii ln. Neutrals"I 'la hi I ns; Are riaami,

IiNboN, Aug .1, The Frnnhfurtcrytttitnri, savs ,i despatch (r0, ti,PIteuter correspondent at Amsterdam,

from the Ithrlnhrli West-jnrltw-

.rlt nip arguing thatOerm.iny the right to tie.it asiikiii minders ,,f .K.nimiStatin caught flhtlng mi the side ofHennnny's enemies The In

are waging no war with iheI'nlted swites, Notth Americanswhom we encounter with arms In their

ought to bo trc.ito.1 as franc-tlreur- s

and shot.

ten snnuuier anotner, wnien ne took In raid nn Hie east- -'thinks was explosive. In left side eru nullities of England this momltir. 'the fare. The sns: according to nn olticlal

"I lost an awful lot of and It guns," adds thetook me four hours to t, "came action, and ir notfire to the dressing station, but I have two, me claimed iig-iln- t t!rtupheld the good name of the Seventy-- ( ia "flrst Til.- - statement s.i.v the counties of

"One of "eiit . oi full.. Suffolk Hid Cs.ex were ea of t.glm. lit lacked mou- - or less simultaneously The

with a of a Seventy-firs- t soldier aHd about ;n, hour and a halfthe cover 1 tool, this In the charge on.- - Zeiinelin. which ein.vse.i imteb

when we....,.. M .... 11 I. . A

f one dugouts. IsI wish the goodbeen was


via London,source

that whichfor sale

Danish In Ifio;, not op- -

now- -

those tooka spent

sums InSt




of has ceased be-

ingclasses the

passpott went

All now flngeiof their

whatto in



A rulewith

We are thisthat may

paper. By thismeans will

andnewsdealer a





small twotwo innieii

sunk In the

veasel Mar.garet

bound for





offer other securityhave

been a factor



greatdropped In



on i

by was notthat bad




a letterhas eom

nn' sut.leets

letter partsavs



anu .ship, part


crawl under into one.





Ithenlsh Journal would consider II legalfor Ihigland to have shot Hermans whofought against the British In the Trans -



Ilrltlah .rnsinpf-r- s r Thirdlenr Will Ilrlna- - Victory.

Sptcinl Cable Detpair. Tiis Sis,, Aug 4 (Friday) On the

annlveisary of (Ireal Britain's entrjthe war the newsnaners th s tiinriitne- .illPi hit tevlews, surveys and editorials.There Is a unlvrrs-i- l note of hopefulnessand confidence, but genei recognitionthat much remains to be done

The 7'tnir.s edllorlnl Is tjplcai Itsays

"The tide has turned and the fiitutelies wltli the Allies. While we longhave known Oermany could not win weIinvn proved on thn Somme that the warwin not enu in stalemate

i m, inougii inn .vines enter the thirdear with their hearts filled with elationand hope, we must not disguise fromourselves that the toad to victory muststill be long. The painful tnk wiilch Isbefoie us must be Judged not by theextent of the colonies won front thenemy but by the wldn nrea In F.uropefrom which the Germans and their cnn.federates still have to bp dislodged,"


Murray lleatrn by T. II. McKeonnIn Oklahoma Primary.

Oklahoma CiTr, Aug. Itepreaenta-liv- e

William 11, Murray "Alfalfa BUI'was defeated for reiioinlnatlon In 'Hues-ila- y

primary election, ucciuillng tn al-most complete i eturns from the Fourthdistrict

These gave T D. McKeown 5,(154,Murray r. . n 4 o and H, , Smith 3,5(15.Precincts yst unreported are generallyconceded to favor MvKcown.



II Sounded Like nn Explosiveto the Ked Klnp




Injunction tn Permit Pus-snjr-

of Munitions Suit!

to Re Coining.

Director of Public Safety Hague ofJersey City carried out jesteiday after-noon the mandate of the City Commis-

sion to "use nil the nower nt his com

mand to prevent the storing nnd traniporting of high explosives within the citylimits." With this "ponor," representedby 103 uniformed policemen, freighttrains wete help up and were not permit-

ted to enter the city until everybody wassatisfied (hat enrs didn't contain contra-

band combustibles. All the railroads ex-

cepting the Jersey Central facilitated thepolice search In their yards nn the out-

skirts of the city.Tha Central did not havs n reprosenta.

live at a conference In Director Hague'soffice earlier In the day and In coin-- e

quence Its freight schedule wss the nnlone disarranged to any great extent.

Capt. John Cody of the First precinct,who generally draws the most difficultpolice Jobs, was sent to the Jersey Cen-

tral's tracks at the bridge over the Mor-

ris Canal between Jersey City and Bay-otin-

He had a dozen husky cops, nearlyall of whom were men. Po-

liceman Tom Hurke and PolicemanOrabbler carried red flag", one of whichwhs commandeered from a Public Ser-vice repair wagon.

Search for Contraband On.Steve Culllgan. a Jersey Central flag-

man, was guarding the tallend of afreight headed toward Bayonne when thesquad arrived at 4 :0 o'clock, and to him

......V...IPL ouy uniioum-- mr i.iirvisit"Ho as far as you like." said Steve."This Is far enough." replied CodyThe police admired the open country

In the distance and an old family bury-ing around In the fotegtound until 4 55o'clock, when a sharp eyed olllcer j

shouted, "Here she comes'Orabbler stood In the middle of the

Incoming freight trark and waved his. ... .,s... t .i... ..i ,.r in, iiXfsS...-..- . '' . ck n. f Maud- -

x: hmmhi Ms Iran to a stnn.n. .l,l ,, --.Hdn't wave Ilk a fecitilar 'fellow" uEd he thought "l he named to cooperate with the

members of the tntlonal commithad cone wrong with the bridge.Conductor K. M. Illle was directed by

Capt. Cody to produce his manifest. Theonly suspicious car on the train was onethat contained casein. This was a puzzler even to the conductor. .

Police Inspector Leonard yelled to In-- 1

spectdr of Combustibles Connolly, who,stood on a Lehigh Valley track twentyftet awav: "Sny, Jimmy, what's case-In-- "

"Never heard of It before." Connollyshouted back.

Tlieu somebody, who once lived neara creamery, "aid casein entered Into themanufacture of che.-se- , so the train wasallowed to proceed after a delay ofseventeen minutes.

oIiIiik lllse iiililoui.'

The engineer of tho next train stoiio.slon the Hayontie side of tho liiridge indt he official flagman coaxed him ..v...' to!Jersey City territory It had come fromUa.voniie and the police let go through j

The third was loaded with live stock j

uul The fourth, a five car train, li.nl-- ulphuile mid and dry goods

In the meantime ."ilef of Poll, e Mona-lu- u

and .lames F Norton, Deputy Din--

dor of I ublle S.ifetj, who b.is workedhaul cot Ing out the City Commission'unlets, airlved at the bridge and lookedover the searching operations.

Last iflght the police were still hold- - I

log up Jersey Central trains with a rei' lantern borrowed from the Pennsylvania

Ifallroad, but no carloads of high explosives were round. i

The Jersey Central served notice on I

the City commissioners timing me nay' that "Its officers, agents and employees

will hold said city and each of you Joint-ly and severally liable for all damage j

and lossvs. tin, costs and expense" In- -

curred by reason or thn enforcement orthe commission's lesolutlon, I

Uickawanna trains, by arrangementwith the ralltoad, wete seatihed at theSecaucus ards Stipt .Mulligan of the j

Lehigh Vallgy said his road was willing '

m have, ihe notice do their InspectingI at Oak Island west of the draw brldgi- -

over Newark Uay. The Pennsylvaniaofficials offered to help the police search-ers so that Its traffic wouldn't he ills- -'

Imbed, The Kilo trains were looked

Assistant (Senernl Counsel John L.,s0.iger of the L.uit.iwauna said his toaddidn't want friction with the city, butjiHsured Mr. Hague It will contest thematter in court.

11 n believed the .leisev Central orsome other road will nsk for an Injunction to restraint the city rroni interrer- -

lug with the opetatlon of freight trains.llie iiKiuer Aipinc. noun i ironi jersey i

tor t.riiveseini nay wiin maiiy ions ,

of annnutiltlnn, ran onto rocks nearKills Island yesterday nflernoon. giving.

hard and fast at a lain hour, but lieirases of explosives were taken off hother barges,


llasancliiisrlla Mllllln Palrnl (JureI'nlie Alarm In Tenia.

SN Antonio, Tex. Aug. ,1. Fourunit. it 111. f'nlte.l Ktllleu nriit.' 11,1,1 .,

drove of Inoso horse const. Hired thebund of "Mexican bandits" sighted bya Massachusetts Infnnnv scouting patrolsouth of Fort Hancock, Texas, Tuesday,according to a report to Hen, FrederickFunstim y by Hen Heorgo Bell, Jr.,at III Paso.

The four scouts were from the Bigllend district, and happened to be nearthe wandering hones at the time theywere sighted by the National Huarils-inei- i,

Hen Bell Informed Hen. Filtiston thathereafter he would use regular armymen Instead of guardsmen for scouting

Plaja I'lnno for Fitly tlnnra.Danvii.lk, III., Aug. 3. W. It. Bagley

oi' Muncle, Ind., claims to have net a

Tile lrnnkfurtrr '.cltuxa asks If th.infi.. in Hie Itercren vnrds.






live minuien. m-- null. iu .tiuiiiiuynight and did not stop until last night.The former record, which Bagley alsoclaims, was forty-fiv- e hours and thirty-tw- o





Inlerlioro llend Stirs Police

With Xiffht Message1, 11 lei' More Hopeful.

President Theodore P. Slionls of thoInterbnrough llapld Transit Companytelephoned to Police Headquarters nt 10o'clock last night that he feared a strikewould take place on the subway at 10o'clock this morning. As result of thismessage there was unusual nrtlvity ntPolice Headquarters. A hurried confer-- I

miico wus called among Inspector Cohen,Chief Insnertnr Scliinlttlierirer nndI eputy Commissioner Oodlcy, nnd nr-- l

made for the special policingof thn area that was expected to be af-- Ifecled.

Later, however, another message camefrom Mr. Shouts, saving that the outlook was much blighter. The policecalled oft I ho special details they wernpreparing to yrml out, but they havejrormul.lled their plan for further sttlkelduly, and will iiut ll Into execution assoon as the emergency nils.,




Will Place Klcctonil Ticketsiu Field Where Organi-

zation Itcuiiiius.

India.vapoi.ih, Aug. 3 Plans for thereorganization and pel petuatlon of theProgressive patty ns a national politicalorganization were adopted at aconference of Hull Moose representatives,

The conference decided It would beimpracticable now to icas-embl- theProgieslve national convention and fillthe vacancy on the national ticket causedby Theodore ltoosevelt's declination ofthe nomination for President.

Instead the organization will put upnn electoral ticket In every State wherethetc is tho nucleus of an organizationleft bearing the name of John M Parkerof Louisiana, nominee for Vlce-Pre- l-

1.n( It, t,.i ,.f nn.h.n. mIaMIm.cnnll(jh Presidential electors who mightprove the balance of power In the eventof II lo'.e oontet between the two par- -

tiesThis plan will be carried out !n Louisi-

ana, Maryland, Indiana, Missouri. Wis-consin, Michigan, I'lab, North Dakota

.1 , II Hopkins of New Jersey was!cnn. ,.t,..,i',i,m!in r ,i,.... .... .

1.1 - nal committee, will - In active charge.l,,r.li0', .rtnllwn i

All executive committee of fifteen mem- -

tee who refused to votj f... il.v Indorse-ment of Charles K. Hughes at Chicagoon June L' In rehabilitating the part.vTills will meet nfter .lectionti formulate plans for tie perpetuationof the party.

IMwinM l.ee of Indiana. D. Nortonof Missouri, Itainbrldge Colin of ,

C. !'. Hoffman of Michigan.Harold Mul f Louisiana and C W.Mfliure of (.ieorgiu wen- - named

of the executive committee.The conference lustiucted the cliali-ma- n

to ftom the treasuter ofthe Pingi party an accounting of!tin' funds (ontillmted to the cause, anil'a ll- -t of outstanding pledges and to


ascertain whether any of the money hasbeen expended for the benetlt of anyo'her political organization, and If so,

""'"h a i. m.i be necessary to""'ver the fuuilv


Demoeril Is l...... Hope When lieCalls an PrrUltis.

Somethii.g like n chill struck IVino-i-rati- c

nallonnl eadiii.irtei s yesteril.iwhen news wis looiiKht in that It.u-tnoti- d

Itob'.us of Chicago had been seenIn town and hid spent two liouts In thecompany of W IVtl.lns.

Since Mr Itoblns presided over theBull Moose Kinventloii at Chicago theWilson peisjile have been bent upon lami-ng him 'n Ihe Democratic coiral, lie.

cause of his woik as a social rrfomierhe bus had great Intlueine with t'icwotkliig ii.issi-- s In the middle West.

.Mr. Ilo'.nns diiiing the Chicago i (in-

vention did not line tip with either f.ie.tlon in .he Piogressive tuitv. Iiemo- -

eratl. hopes ,,r bringing hint Into theWilson camp weui tiasi-- chiell.v on thenttituile In- - too.c ihen - Mr Itoblns luskept hllent as o li's fiitin,. im;.,, ,,action.


Helicliin Art I'ntninlltee lined litof Hip lleiiiiiiislrnllon.

Lonpon, Aug, .1 Herman administi li tlon of Belgium lias Imposed tinesamounting to lo.non minks ($2,500) ontlie Belgian cnnimltteti In charge of theiccfiit municipal art exhibition, accord-ing to a Itoitetilnm despatch to the Ex-change Telegraph Company,

At the request of the Herman administration, say the despatch, tin-- bust ofthe Kmpcrnr was exhibited among oilier!,.,,, ,,I11.J i, ,..,,,,,, . .,,, ',

demnnstr.itlnn on the part of the visitors, ,, e Itlblt Inn that it had to be re- -,niiVr,i



I'osl lllllcc Knlrrsttrder Vunlnsl Two Cnni-prn- .

Washington. Aug. .1 As the resultoi .in investigation wnien it conducted ati he tequest of tin- Associated Advertising'lull of the World the Post oillie De.

Minittiieut Wsued ,i fraud orderagainst tlie International AutomobileLeague, lnc . Hie Inlet national Alltomn.bile League Tlie Compiny of Buffalo,N Y, and A. i' llldwell. pieslilenl ofboth lonceins,

Post i ifllce Depailment records showllldwell has been indicted by a FederalHi and Jury nt Itochester, N. Y chatgedwith using the malls to further ascheme to ill fraud

Testimony was .;ien tint llldwell andhis agents, snliiltlng nienibers for theleague at 11') raeli, reprefonted theleague had cniitri.cls will, manufacturerof motor a ssorles which enabledIhe league to sell tln'in to members atdealers' and inanufnrttirers' prices, PostOlllce olllcliils sny Ihe promoters of thescheme realized n fortune,

I.nily limy In 4ulo Sinnah.Lono BitANi-ll-

, Aug .1, All automobile

of I'.. S. I linuiu, ciasneu y at Hugh.ton nnd West wood avenues. The onlyperson seriously injured whs MUh lClsleFoxwell of Baltimore, who was In 's

auto, which overturned.

new endurance record on tne piano by driven by Lady Hr.iy of Dalrnuld, g

continuously for fifty houiss and , hmd, and another mm hint', the propertyii.tj





Mayor Fails to Bring About

Harmony at City HallConference.

''' "l.'I'l II VTPM OlO M KV

IS ill AT 3 P.M. TO-DA- Y

X. Y. Railways anil Querns

Demands 3Ia. 1 5 1 i a

SI l ike Vote.



Labor Leaders Declare "'No

Ad ion' on Subway or 'L'Till Xcxi Week.

TIicm- - were the s yes.ti'M.iy in the conflict between the lull-wa- y

carmen's union mid the trnctioucompanies:Mayor .Mitchel failed to bring about

niirmnny lieivvccti mo employees ofthe New York Hallways Company,or sreen car lines, nnd of the NewYork nnd Queens County HullwnyCompany, and tholr respective pres-idents. The enrmen have demandedlecognltlon of the union nnd Increased vvukcs.

The Public Service Commission couldnot get n prmnlio from the strllti- -

leader. President William Mihon ofthe Amalgamated Association ofKlectrlc and Street llnllway Urn-- lployecs, not to "ndvnncc further Inthe conflict" pending an Inquiry bythe commission Into the merits oftho controversy hetween the em-ployees of the Third Avenue Ilall- -wnv nnd thn entrmsnv

fnloii rnmmlttee. f tl,, VW v.l.Hftllways Company lines and on tin;New York nnd Queens County Rail-way Company served their demandsupon President Theodore P. Shoutnnd President William O. Wood,

asking for nn answer by3 o'clock this nfternoon. Unless thedemands of the men are granted orsome, mediatory reply Is received bythem then- - will be separate meetingsof the green car employees nnd theiieens employees nt vvhloh,In cveiy ptolmliility, Mrlkes will bovoted

lie inn n ds b vet-nn- 4vciinp Men.Tin- - 100 imilni-e- s of the Second Ave-

nue Itnilvvay, or the blue cir line,In Mozart Hull, lit 22H Hunt

Kighty-sixt- li street, this morning toformulate demands for recognitionof the union and Increased pay.

It vvns reported that the Fifth avenuebus men would Join the strike.

Kilwln A. Mnhtr, of theThird Avenue Hallway Company,snld hi. was willing to utbltnito thodifferences between the men anil thocnnipniv In Yonki'tH si ml West-cliest- er

lie would recognize, theunion In Westchester hut not In thacity.Should Ihe tabor Icnlers, Big Bill

Million, International president of lbscarmen's union, and "Fighting I'ltz," orOrganizer WY.Iir.rr. It, Fitzgerald, bosuccessful in llieir campaign they willadd to the cilppled service of the ThirdVvetine Hallway system about i"0 moremile- - of iiielllclent seivice, Involvingabout t.cOii carmen The New- - Yorkllilw.. Conip.-in- iiIoip- - ci.ries 300,-nO- O

don lus.engiiH In a jcur

"tllen l.nluii- I nloii" Idt-- I'onghl,ileeogiiitioi, of in alien labor organi-

zation,'' ns the traction heads termMahnn's association. Is the bugbear thatstands in Ihe wa of ieace and thatthreatens to p.iralyre the entire pas-senger tiaflic system of thn city MayorMitchel f.ille.1 In the moining In hisnicdlntnrv conference between the laborleade-- op one side and Messrs. Shontsand Wood on th" other simply bec-rus- a

lsitli those gentlemen declined at thistime to lime anything to do with the

m.i!g.i mated Association of Street Hail,wav K'npln.v ees

Bivnu-- e of that bitterness on the partof the railway otllilals, Including Presl- -dent Fie.lerlek W Whltildgc of theThin! Avenue nnd President Timothy S,

" Ilium of the Brooklyn Itapld Transit.toward Million nnd Fitzgerald. ChairmanOscar S Strau of the Public ServiceCommission was unable te exact apioiin e from the strike leaders "not toadvance further In the conflict" untilthe commission had brought out thofails and apportioned the blame In thefiotil httr,.n the e..rm,n u.nl Ihnlp Am.ployer on the Third Avenue system.- ntr going on with our work,"announced Fitzgerald with a toss of hishead.

"There wl.l be no letup. declaredMahon

Mayor tlinosl In De.pslr.So at the end of the day Mayor

Mitchel had thrown up his hands Indespair and Police Commissioner Woodswas redoubling his ilTnrts to be prepaieilfor trouble that undoubtedly will com Ifstrikes are declared to.nlght on thoEieen cur and the Queens county lines.

But while Fltnger.ilil and Million hadtheir lieutenant enrolling tin1 employee

xW "Trent car nnd the Queens Mnesthey were not devoting all t en aiteuHon to those two conip inles In fartthn campaign upon vvhbh Hies ine en-

gaged In this city Includes even tractionline and every allied pubi c seivlie

From muttering beard In rt'Teiontparus of tlm cltv It seems I lie leademnrc turning- - their attention to th- - Fifthavenue bus line, to tlie teamsters'

while Timothy Healy, presl-de- nt

of the liiteintHiou.il StatlonatyFiremen's Union. I etiiollln; tho

of the power houses. As for thaBrooklyn rtapld Tianslt, Fltagerald'aepigrammatic remark, "Wa ara hatching