THE WEATHER FORECAST. Fair to-da- y and gentle t IT SHINES FOPv ALL moderate northwest to north winds. be J&trn. Highest temperature yesterday, 75; lowest, 83. Detailed weather reports on pace t. VOL. LXXXV. NO. 3. NEW YORK, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1917. Copyright, mi, bV th Bun PHnm9 and PublUhlnp AtooUmo,u ONE CENT in Orraler New York TWO Klsowhere i:nts. PEACE DOOR IS NOW SHUT, SAYS GERMAN PRESS Vorwaerts" Indicates It Can Be Opened if Peo- ple Assert Will. OTHERS ASSATL WILSON "Effort to Aid Move for Con- stitution" "Worst Enemy of Teuton Democracy." Amstisdam, Sept, I. German news piper comment on resident Wilson's reply to the Pope's peace note, based upon the full text, la distinctly hostile except In Vorirnerts, the organ of the Socialist party. All the other Berlin papers declaro the President's response rtnders peace out of the question for ttie present. The text of President Wilton's note wai funilihed by the Wolff JlUTeau. the seirri.offtc.taI news acency, and Is fairly correct and complete, differing- - from the original only In minor points, most of lilcli might be duo to errors In trans- ition. The German version speaks of "r.o barrier, either of law or of truth." Install of "of law or of mercy," and of a- -. "undocelved but undefeated" Instead at i "balked but undefeated" Germany, and of the counter revolution which .I'M be "caused" Instead of "at-- 1 fijited" by malign Influences. The sen- - tc f bcslnnlng "Responsible states- - n't ' ,s liauiy tusinrivieci in an aiiemui io "irce It Into the complicated mould o' Merman syntax, the phrase "punitive Is translated Into "damage as punishment." while "treaties of settle-mr- ri Is qualified by the adjective i!W?t," and "reconstitullon of small nations" becomes "restoration of small nations." 'Caution and Clever." rlever .lament." savs Vorirneris. "It It a passionate. Indictment to amend the system of government obtaining In Germany, to which it attributes all the norms atrocities. "Against the German people the note Mts forth that America does not want to retaliate. Inasmuch as It has in the coure of tuts war, wnicn u oia not vant, suffered much. That is undoubt-- i edly a ery correct observation Mmt the. German people did not want this war ml In Its course has suffered much. ! Fear that yet worse might come keeps It awake in defence. 'The American Government repeat- edly declared It does not harbor enmity uralnst the Oerman people, but proof of this assertion has not been furnished. It can only be established In a demon-n'.ratlo- n of America's will that the Ger- man people are not to be robbed and made to pay tribute to Ita enemies. The note cautiously omits reference to this point, which Is of decisive Importance to the German people. t does not sup- port the Indemnity and territorial de- mand' of America's allies, nor does It r. nnn ihatn t, Hmnnrta flint I.1 - lll of the people back up Government' transaction: "(ermana Must tsarrt Will. , "A section of the German press will hasten to My that It would be undignif- ied for the German people to give such uret On the contrary, we believe It would be undignified to lefusc it. The OermAn people are lighting this most terriblo of battles not for the rights of Jingle family or n certain form of gov- ernment, but for Its own existence. "The social democracy considers It that governments which conclude pe.ice with each other rcpre-e- nt the will of their peoples, and also that they possess their confidence. The Ameilran Government In principle Is ready to negotiate with accredited rep- resentatives of the will of the German people. "Thx agreement may fall because of conditions to be negotiated, but It cannot fall on the score of wno Is to negotiate. i lie accredited representative of the Herman people U the Reichstag, elected hy democratic suffrage. TIip onlv thine talking " a Government responsible to ihe people's representatives, as It exists ii an inner countries of the world. "filial1 it h" said of us Germans that icgotianous with the United States are :miolble because we aa a nation of held-- , Hie Incapable of assorting ourj on will- - Do we deserve this after, ears nf righting and suffering, after I achievements ami sacrifices without muure and numbers?" ' Iletponnililllty for War. The Voirhe Zeitung says; i "In lis style the note recalls the pom- - ' wis political blossoms with which IJoyd George heretofore has remem. red the German people. Since the lireaking off of relations Mr, Wilson has "Ppropnated this manner of speech and I " meature lias Amerlcanlxed It "Tins language u nrobablv the out-'t- o war tnr-- thp ... i ., .i ."'vo.c. uir, .... ni l nn v Hh I inr .e u.-i- Thlq ui'nlllullAli Im nLnanlnllli rlrli. uirtDst aim nnniln out of moutli Mr democratic ally 'I'mwraiic which oligarch-'a- l Russia nn accommodating If Mr Wilson's democratic con-'ne- e md hwuh been, ns susciptlhle ne now pretends, lie htve c, I to support the material; he I'lav Important rule In Anglo-Russia- n minis in a wold, lie not now be ' s war, Is the product of 'im world ili'vpiitlsni, and stand "p-- c i,o w do.-.- , lln ui.ul.l ' 'lie employ iigiiliiKt Gerniiiny that minus weapon Is Mbhoiicnt "ie principles democracy, "Fortunately we no de- - Con ((nurd on Toscanini Gets Medal for Bravery in War POME, Sept. 2. Arturo Tosca- nini, the noted Italian con- ductor, for many years up to 1015 musical director at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York, has been decorated by Ihe Italian Government for great bravery under fire. Signor Tos- canini. the accounts from the 'front disclose, kept his military Dana playing during; the battle of Monte Santo in the present of- fensive on Italian front, the soldiers storming the positions of the enemy to the strains of this martial music. In the midst of the fighting and at a time when the Austrian barrage fire was at its height Signor Toscanini led his band to one of the advanced, positions, where, sheltered only by a huge rock, the Italian musical celeb- rity conducted a concert which did not stop until word had been brought to him that the Italian soldiers had stormed and taken the trenches of the Austrlans to the music of his band. DERAILED TRAIN BLOCKS SUBWAY Brondwny Ltno Tied Up for 2 Honrs Women Fftlnt Soldiers to Rescue. All of the southbound traffic on the Broadway subway between 142d street and Dyckman street waa tied up yester- day nfternoon from 4 o'clock until 6 o'clock as the result of an accident to n three car train that waa bound south to storage yards. The train at- tempted to w Itch at 14.7th street from thn northbound ' he southbound trncki. The cars went over the switch In but the rear of tho third car disputed with their leading trucks question which was the right . .... ,d ,ma9rie(, . i ""0 ,ne ,n,nl ral1 wl,,cn supplies the I power for the southbound traffic and the station master at Ninety-secon- d street cut out the power between Dyck man ana 142d streets. .NonhbourTd travel' was held up for fifteen or twenty minutes and south bound tracks were blocked In the xone. At the time thousands of persons were on their way to and from Van Cort-lan- dt Park, where the New York Na- tional Guard Is in camp. The blocking of the tracks created endless confusion among the platform crowds and the lolice reserves from two stations were sent to warn the travellers to sur- face cars, busea and other means of Iransportaton. In the 16Mh street station Mrs. Harry Dwyer at 22 Academy street fanted. She ' was on her way the Grand Central .Station to meet her All of the trains that wer tn r.,- - . ...... .... . i mi .uriiauui wim persons wno were going to see the soldiers were held Issued the passengers. After a twenty minute delay Trainmaster L. O. Hays sent trains forward over the northbound tracks. Jnl.llrr Help Police In tl.A n.aan.lni. , I, a nT.,rn.. .... ..II . " , persons who were seeking trains .MaiLV of them complained at the delay and at the lack of arrangement for .moving the crowds From the an Curtlanrlt Park en.l of the line the subway people , sent shuttle trains down as far as 13Tth, street, where transfers were made. Sol- -' dlers from the park came to tho aid of the police and helped to keep order, among the congested gatherings at "'" i station nearest the encampment. Officers of the Twenty-thir- d and Seventy-fir- st regiments sent automobiles tho terminals and transported many women with children to liroadway and 2Jth street, where they were able uKt surfacti cars. The liloAk served to congest the hut face and elevated lines along the route to capacity, and many wagons, motor trucks and other vehicles were pressed Into service relieve the Jam. Pas- sengers on the flrt stalled train left it more than a block north of the ItiSth street station and walked to that point. the regular serv re was resumed the pressure of business from Van Cort-lan- dt Park served to prevent anything like a normal schedule for some time. EPIDEMICS IN GERMANY. Dysentery, Trpkns and Scarlatina Raailna; In nhlnr Towns. Gensva, Sept. 2. The Swiss sanitary authorities at Basel and all along the German frontier are taking measures prevent dysentery, typhus and scar. nmiiaieci wnn cue .vieia. i rnuca coun r neft ()rd(r(.rt al a meeting of that V.M.I.. tn.ilnv tn trlkn nn SJen.emtiee 7 unless their pending demands for higher wages are granted, The order affects 1,000 men, , STOCKHOLM PEACE MEETING POSTPONED Proposed Socialist Conclave Hit Too Many Snagt. LoNpoN, Hopt. 2, Tho International .So.'Ulisl i onfti uiic , which was to be lonvcii.'d at Stockholm September 0, has postponed, according to a Renter despatch from that city. The committee In charge of the organ- ization has encountered many difficulties, Including the refusal of passports, and hns been obliged take, this decision. ceasing barrage Under with "vsrd expression solidarity with Fng- - latlna, which have been prevalent '""'I the weapons as Rhine from entering Swltzer-"- l Mlv. holds the alleged German autoc- -' from Oer-- '' reiponsii,ic fnr the war and wants ' many are undergo medical to libera... world from this menace, examination and neutrals crossing the p.ealdent Wilson Is not yet frontier Germany from Switzerland n'ormed ti,0 disclosures by , are warned to take precautions, 'len (the former epidemics are '.an Minister, now trial Insufficient nourishment. Tha frontier ea'oni and Gen, Hasel Is closed. troops 5"din; ine ieal led to there have been trebled maintain outhiMk the war: otherwise strict quarantine, altfted his tactics. One nn charge the 'autocratic ORDERS SHIPBUILDERS' 8TRIKE nem Germany rcspsnslhillty 'oi wiien whole world rortlan.l, Ore. tnlon Ma; all Out .responsible despots the r's P.usia used fnr 1,0011 Men Srittemher purpose unleashing the dogs Ore.. Sept work- - In Pottland yards mien I ne mrh evidence fur. . . ..L . .,rc,,,ii the Wllsun. this Cngland, used ns acces-'"r- " would Cxar's Russia Willi would ha've declined to nn would 't which ;,r actu.-il- l which so namely, nnaclous are longer Fourth Pagn, the the take the trucks the to the take to husband. to to to to When , been re-'- GERMANS NEAR KItiA ID UKlVti FROM 2 SIDES Cross Fifteen Miles Southeast of City and Press Forward. 1IAKD BATTLE AT MIT All Famous Usknll Ihidprehcnd Ts Captured After Severe Bombardment, London, Sept. I. German force have resumed their drive Riga, the Russian military storehouse and port the Battle. On two sides, the south- east and southwest, and fewer than a score miles from Itlga, the Germans are preralng the offensive. The Germans have crossed the Dvlna niver, fifteen miles southeast lllga. and are advancing In a northerly direc- tion, successfully repelling Russian coun- ter attacks, according to the official I'etrofrad statement. The Uskull bridge neaa, recalleil from Hserlntlnn .if earlier camnahrns thn nrn. nf mn.t RAIDER THEODORE SUNK BRITISH sanguinary fighting the northern ' factorlly, but something, perhaps front, has been taken by the i stlnct, aroused the suspicions the Germans after i a heavy bombardment and the Kaiser's forces are shaping their , norm ward advance along the Dvina watercourse. Near Mltau, on the railway and about twenty miles Riga, the Germans also have started an advane. the have offered n stiff resistance here and a heavy battle Is in proxress. Neither the Petrograd nor th Ilerltn nntelal tatAmnt rli'm un idea of the trend of the righting on this silent llruanllns; l.nkr lliilitl. Berlin statement also Is silent as to the activity the Oerman forces Germans hundred Lake miles offensive jse,, cuntcr rev... Germans reached position. aerial naval raid" against d'etat pro-an- d preparation Governme been u.v HCiLI aci.,lracy have 'by against fronl placed person with on of employs to Rus-- 1 on The Incidents that to W of against on of on of The of movement prooapiy was maue Uodo boat destroyers and sweepers ' participated In that dash the Russian port, but there nothing in present official reports whether forces cooperating In the present Capture by Gcrmann dls counted here, since place has changed hands five times during danger, since Russian miles distant over terrain Ideal defence and enually difficult forrp trMVprs ' Capture Riga, however, would give the Oerinans control Gulf Finland, head which stands Petrograd. Take .lliil.lttt In. southern evidently have heart and opposing Teutonic advance In Moldavia. Berlin heavy been delivered ?nt the forces of Fokrhanl. Because shortage southwestern orders have been glen War Office commandeer all coin 'bordering on the southwestern and Ru- manian route. Fund in TMD you ever hear news-pap- er that wa3 from altar the pulpit Well, THE SUN Tobacco Fund earned that aifc-n-al honor yester- day when its were pro- claimed at every mass in Tho young men that church in the afternoon played with the Macombs to in- crease the fund. pained for smokes the soldiers. in The con- test went to an inning tie. Next Sunday the merriest game the season will be played at the Polo between Ned "Follies" team and outfit. It will sur- pass in interest, excitement and anything that the world series offer. Cancel every other the pub- lic will be Inducted into tho movies when the colossal scenes Rita Jolivct's new "Lest Wo For- get!" will be field near West street. army of men and women will in the these pictures. For small any one may witness these btir-rin- g episodes. Tho entire pro- ceeds, through Count Cinpico und the Sclznick studios, will into the fund. Your tobacco coupons and cer- tificates, dropped into THE SUN Fund boxes in tho Schulte cigar stores, will bring thousands our brave follows under Oen, THE SUN FUND has no with any other fund, or It agents solicitors. to Taa Son. :. The a the la no Her fate the crew an an coat to the the Bt. was and the A her the and who had the were to the A few run the the a port In and the and to to this the aye for of her Not to told by the tars, a boat In the a the her all 0 of ' in by the In Mos. whs a I . th ' In and In been " The are said to . a u., Is an i in.r, tn. of the olot. - - i Is said to , been villa has of the first news at west of . In the the this Last wee! the plot to and the coup by the of the new ' nt has r.mpni. to of In of of SEA Crew on English Merchantman Captured by Boarding and in Turn Were Sent to by Shell Fire. IpttUI Bept raider Theodore peaceful British merchantman before capture Moewe more. lust been revealed allied cruiser which recently coaled At- lantic port. Carrying from Norfolk River Plate, Theodore over- taken made prtie famous raider Moewe. prlie aboard several among them several been taken from merchantmen raider, transferred price. weeks later, having successfully British blockade, Theo- dore entered German safety Americana aboard aubse-quentl- y released allowed return country. Then ship disap- peared from public except oc- casional Indefinite reports opera- tions. long according story Just allied certain British patrol North overhauled large merchant steamer tlylng Dutch nag. Upon hailed skinner answered questions satis RUSSIAN PLOT FLAT FAILURE ..an gc:z0 by Arrest mis LeiiiN Stern I'tisurcs. attorney high court Discovery conspiracy made recent conference Mnk.AW fnltfttL'tnr "earch several houses Petrograd Moscow. Scores arrests made here, '", present. leaders Include "vfrBI prominent Po.,u..... Premier conducting rminriln... headquarters which district outside Petrograd army committees meeting Moscow passed lesolutlon demanding merci- less suppieesion revolutionary movement. fliriJisWjn declares authoiities received Habit, fifteen Riga. previous ,.ETRor,RAl,t :.A German- - conducted lutlonary which aciompllsh Riga, arrest rteecnt visional unearthed admits Church? Church. baseball prisoners, Americans veriaii. Ilorls chief disaster. Onty Death with four voices which former minuted death Social death most those would means rder make army, rgued death enaltv. could been Seise finclnl month stoeka NORTH patrol commander send party large which lying boat three officers several toward Dutchman. The merchantman ladder party, great preparations object boat when bomb hurled from deck merchantman small explosion party. torpedoes both ves- sels. Both aeoond broadsides from boaU their blew upper works firing short range wnicn patrol boats hulk. taken, later from had been refitted Moewe BRITAIN TO KILL OFF HER CATTLE rJ""' Be for Sept. Food orders fixing prices butter, lard, which satis faction who hae had strong plclon Baron .lined make regula- - tions, Lord Devon- - port, who Issued after people nuari prices. lea,fti t0.,igj. Mjpply Deiore ofttlcally supply meat. grazing gie Wales moment grain fusion the close Council interest welfare the dealer. ' Postponed. controlled foodstuffs the ' committees union f?oJ k.- rj mi. nn Ltioij. work pend-- 1 the Government none. lifted cheer Hs.U infringement bleach t)rol., H,P ,,r(M)cll .. snppllr.. hat Judge After ,he prepa- - the food control the and said. proof IrVnX- - upon c,hargcd lines the Swu "German" . closed nearhv .v.e.e.e. travellers Into made S'oukhonillnoff said ' Januchkevltcli. voul.i linger with were tooli -- All shlpbulldljig efliiiiiiNiiiin Dvina but onerume mine the Riga the the the immediate the mnlf.l sr.0 for Ittvsriine at the the campaign the taken the attnnbH hnv. Von Mackent-e- the flour the the Pctrogriul the Smoke Church a enterprise commended of a St. Aloyslus's of game C. collection France. of Wayburn's Raymond Hitchcock's forthcoming can Beginning Wednesday the mysteries of of a An partici- pate screening of admission the generosity of Riuseppe go contentment to of Per- shing's command. WARNING! TO- BACCO connection organizat- ion, institution. Prize Moewe Party Bottom Wasiiinoton, St her by has by a by crew was by sunk by the Sea the the while the hae Kerensky ........... the have the the In. the The that the was the the from the the the were i . ... nuinp iQiineu " ""'...h" vi "" deiile- - reports that a movement supersede Gen commander chief r'mc. contrary, the the provisional comrades. steam- ship identified destruction Acres Btrlngeut engineers, m.laln.tit Government complete accord Kornlloff, who-- e factory butter carried effect, pound cartons others under consideration. .allowed (1.6.1 ThV Government, adds statement. dred the complete confidence Gen. Komi- - charge, must shown the ff keeps dear Intrigues voice. retailer allowed tncl maintains complete political neu- -' charge additional cents pound pound extra SavinuotT, War, shortly Kornlloff commander impera- - prevent for Penalty. was only of was Tseretelll, Minister Posta and Telegraphs, that the Petrograd Council Workmen's Soldiers' Deputies resolution protesting against penalty the front the rear the lines. resolution was proposed by the Revolutionists, who declared that the penalty Hociausts everywhere and hy oppo- - rents holding that tends corrupt nonnlatlon. viduals who directly Indi- rectly concerned with inflicting penalty Imposition, the sponsors of the resolution held. reality frightening the soldiers them the the commanding officers. The reorganisation tne was the opponents, the by the ...iw- - .h.i measures outlined at the Moscow carried out Immediately Keren-sk- y saying that measures by the had worked out Im- mediately provisional for consideration, NORWAY MONTH'S Demand Made for Government All CorBNHAOHw, Kept. Drmofcralsn Norway has provisions for only and that the Import gloomy. The paper that seise all and over the control Imports and food distribution. IN Killed and to searching aboard patrol boat was soma distance waa slcnalled to by during the searoh. and contain ana mn roweu supposed accommodatingly lowered for the convenience of the and apparently was making allow of activity in receive the Britons. The the preparatlona was made soon the came alongside, waa the the the boat. The the boarding the same Instant were launched by the "Dutchman" at patrol the torpedoes missed their mark, and later the patrol avenged the fate The first round the steamship's to pieces, and few at the at lay left her ahapelesa prisoners were but the waa the wreck- ing Theodore. Apparently she by her captors and was setting out to repeat the exploits the when the treachery her com mander brought upon and crew. Million Grazing Will Used Grow ing: of Grain. tprcial Calilt De patch Tns Sr. I.ONUON. 2. The Con trollci's for meat, bacon, cheese, ham and effect have been with the greatest by the laboring classes, to the present sus-- 1 that Rhondda was In- -, to muddle almllar to that of order relatUe foodstuffs the sup. piles had to the at exor n(ls thai ... lime as ueiiuta llmK mean, nowever, mat rng- - land will depend America for prac- - all her of Two Germans to the oer crowding to committees to the In of turner against the liules In granting licenses to retailers llallnrsiy of and transfer The of railroad win. l0. ,1... lias American product stipuln- - English packed while charges weight, which 'tral1,y effected Tremler General HAS Stocks, demand minutes gieeted passed lessened recent action Fond general taklna power suspend license ,rn,,,r satlfy committee noncince. Hutter fixed farmer's place, factory ship, rarwlng from pounds mltted charge additional plus SS-S- Kil char "S record dealings kept committee. PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN FOR U. S. IN bummers Tells How Work Carried On. Moscow. Bept. American Maddln made statement y work done con- sulate enlightening Russia Amer- ica' alms geneially keen- - alive Russian Interest America helping keep ashlngton Consuls large number efficient publicity Russia supply- ing American views news-pape- is cities. with local Mayors, local interest shown dally receive letters from Mayors begging con- tinue extend service." Summers produced metropolitan provincial papers prove editors giving large spare American news. Ilernstnrff Iron Cross. Sept Count Hern-storf- f, former German Ambassador United States, received from Km-per- William great headquarters yesterday civilian Cross. mnosltlon. only making nussian internal arralrs, dlcrs understand required these activities, with fight which continue ordinary consular nerlallstle Interests. work," Consul, Gen. Kornlloff's telegram !""' Moscow consulate steadily grow-h- e must Insist categorl-- , dimensions, mere disciplinary conference replied requested would Government FOOD. Private Chrlsllanla prospects very Government private take determined companion boarding manifest supposed an- nihilated practically conspiracy prices been Inspection Consul tfuinmers, concerning cleiks translators. campaign formed commercial which PERSHING'S MEN IN A FOUR HOUR BAPTISM OF FIRE U. S. Expeditionary Army in Hns New Trench Experience. BIG SHELLS BURST CLOSE Mine Batteries Spatter Eartli and Pebbles Sham Battle. Special Cablt Delpatch iCopyrtikt, rtohtt rtttrvet.) Camp France, Sept. hours yesterday American troops crouched their trenches while overhead high explosive sheila shrapnel, bursting times within than hundred yards. their experience with largely used European artil- lery them they Nine batteries French artillery, posted fired thousands shells overhead accustom boys of sound explosions when shells struck trendies. gently sloping valley with wooded sides chosen moit Americans have "American," other "German" trenches. whole Ameri- can olive drab greenish gray, force expedition massed trenches In clumps wood standing about their talking curious latest "show." Heads Dark Mbelle Hour. .Suddenly blast whittle heard every disappeared magic. remained sight their helmets of beehives trenches. Another whistle sounded word p.issed French gunners, Invisible ridge, begin firing Then boom screech shell Americans heard Fraiice. Involuntarily craned their necks beehives replaced faces tiled course, Impossible, they flame followed mendous crash explosion shell landed squarely "German" opposite slope of .valley which named ".Illndenhiirg trench" iiunurrii Amen- - ran." m..o..s details. omoer American front line, "Grant, trench," signal lights reading: Impassable nrrler tif Fire. minute straight shells explod- - only yards front of Americans, making Impassable barrier "Germans" throwing earth which somct'mrs muled .., i,.i,..." vmrin ."""".V ....".'...""- .- neimetni. -- larmi famous rolling barrage behind .which French liritlsh troops vanced Arras against helpless Germans There followed deafening million attacking; grow- - barrage there con- ing makeup eager control possible exploding shells. disputes nas H ,. or In .le- - of of a. be of the lMs of tn of The I. the in- - of the If he nut tn... in He same H The to be to ar the of he r.f .he tie of as 7. of of 2. nn -- a. -- it. of ar nr-1- 1 of as to of of tell the are Is Is nr nn to of of the of of are that of on in a A on if or no or of at St. were ago, ow of In inn of of ..u of A of of of h go ,. H It a .u .all . v... io olT all was to In of .... i,.....n to to ion is in Io 160 Gen some nf in Hons been half is to of lmn- - the , In be on of The Is to an to adi er. tne oi rega tlve It In one of of of and its the at or In of , was by . Its it to iii In It or th Its In be a of in to of of it by of bo its he be be Ha to !. one he a A nfl a a a of as aa a of a of a in a No ns St. ot of ma t go P I a a of , his all iii-- . ... ...... ... a u ueen 10 sac- - c on are be In all be- - are de- - necii d,v me or inc and the riow the la wnuc uic are to the .. ,,. i,r.L ..... fails to the of In- - at the or SO 112 the mh; mi per to an It SO all must be for the of the food 2. to Pre tha by In In war to w In- - an "vc lu" two Our lu In and In 200 In we the. news to the "How uu Is Is the that we us to Ihe Mr. of the to that the to Vim Jrt von to the nt the but by sol-- 1 on are not lesu of for the m. we the '"' said the To In Ii said he the the and to tha ing the Into the Tho The Indi Ths her. Into .hat re.ai.v $51. for Is the on and and also and news this who fact and and on on in le Tsi Sex. all in 2, For four In and at leas It waa first so by the and for of It was Drat time had ever seen shell fire. of on the rear, to to the roar the and the of the the the A waa as the scene of the test yet had. On one side the nn the the The side waa a muss of for the full of the was In the and near by The men were at case, to see the mm was and man as If by In was the tops of steel like rows In the and was to the who were oer the to came a and the of first the In all and the were by rows as the to . .. . was but saw the and by the of as the on the first line on the the nan Been me artci.i nc ii.ru wiiii an or shells to snow the ,nr ' ." '' and other an in the the fired ' In less than a the came a line of Ing with nun- - drfd the an for the and and peb- - hies on the , ,h J"' '. Mnett and nis sian, ail was the the nnd ad- - at Vet dun and the nf all - - . . . acres 01 lanes in -- The us a land und are used for ' For a was all bos the up to tin- - get as the local food hns as as tn. of ,nc the At over M. and u,r A. the with for Into has for that M. not the the have for umn the the deal the by are "A to are aro At the the the our the of the that the men the Then roar four ,.rnf, The Only One further that this taught to the rolling the .... UU.1I Ol the will go first fite one man hurt was hit of and British are to to take the of the The Is un In the diverse the Trench llritlsli will and an method. been for and to Ihe officers GERMANS RAID ENGLAND FROM Along the of !, A air raid on the of wa by the official Bombs were as the crossed East The official follows : Hostllo the Ha;t at o'clock They flew minute A few bombs were Tho are to be small. coast, one No deaths are and the of Is said to be two to five, none of bombs were and the lasted few The night was clear, with full G. B. M'CLELLAN IS NOW IN ARMY Ex-May- or of in Charge of Troops and at Sptcial to Tar Philadelphia, Sept, through y that former Mayor George of and 14 other well known men in profes- sional life In this coun- try for more than two months been of United States Army. strucUons police of broke These men were of several nun-- 1 up then d red men by of Early ,, Mayo War Baker of war of Issued with to serve as In of the that the dlerreti and Fratimi TliUUrS LKt'T decided to - to the line when the In Philadelphia wa- - with suddenly and thrown around is that a of from for ""ZnemeMot certain S..DUh..mll.,olt Kept he e: mi orders been Irtments b, ' my and uav. s, ,Ued and it will f police courts and came artillery banks, a fine. ratlon forau the' , saturdav's rgTBOogan. hept. - ' in the trial of houkhomllnoff, t for ,aUen onus 4lSei. " "Illndenhiirg" GERMAN AD) CAME TOO u" ' ; ,,..,. zlezatr of mere smoke Thlnl Page ' ltrl'i'1' " stTemem made to the result sm In '. .. vi.n..ni.r vvim.. that his business is vlovvn n blotted r,,...i towns, l,d coming required ti,e f due for a j n Hie knows t h , j h..i.-- J " ' southwest Russiuns for Is I movement. ' I f HeirVt In near front, by to provinces f Lauded Catholic of the for "Hitchy-Koo- " entertainment en- gagement! production, produced 175th United employs ST. BY German Dupaich German placed being Government conferencf a of,r,.-- j i " in contemplation On vi,..ir.mler declares, and have add plus who nnd cent further even slaves ' stand " '".""'""'"'" Dissatisfaction of front, a 'transportation political 5 a 1 a .' I n considers- they again submitted j , controller uiucir, ' Ills for traVsrt" SS, RUSSIA In und of consists to directly Iron t preservation ''' j France Americans of ambitious and and of All brown had f upturned smoke tre- - Kinds Inciedlble a In . . a ... trenches, a twich ... together, -- cattei seaplane" Thev nSllOlf nresumablv clv.n press. great taken many .Man Injured. Gen. Slbcr, is P.annh.g week they follow barrage, leaving their and advancing behind n rAi.iciiioiP, think men sleep when they shell and yesterday. fragment Injured. officers, perhaps expected next week part Americans known, specialists ueneved, develop formidable hayonet After huvo their plained Americans American French, whose training "bunkos" give them finishing After American leach ovolvcd methods. AGAIN AIR Bomb Dropped Coast Kent. Ix)noon, Sept. German coast England an- nounced press bureau. dropped airplanes Kent. state- ment airplanes Kent 11:16 few later. dropped. casualties believed Press desDatches from southeast airplane engaged raid. reported, number Injured from them seriously, only minutes. brilliantly moon. New York Sup- plies Koboken. Despatch 2. Word trickled rigid Government censor- ship Brlnton McClellan New York city Industrial have part conference progress, appointed Secretary mornlng William since declaration Germany officers Hdl9 Chicago in-t- Ordnance army. struUlons down American police carefully coniroucr negotiations announce ,r'Pnciles those taken heretofore Ullnr.sr.. syndicate usually resulted email offensive hearing committee's LATE, Conflnwrd frlhgement rule, r.ivine Perhaps virtually PnT,,AN, naval Rus- sians and Catholic purposes $162.11 eleventh Grounds there Kornlloff wholesaler .innisier dis- sent, condemned Democrats, -- especially ship Controller, opinion Associated Russian llgrtMN, American Invention! euns laughing, barrage rapldltv trenches Instruction seaward dropped Thompson postpone Canadian screamed The rank of these new officers taken from civil life varied from Lieutenant to Major. Former Mayor McClellan. son of Gen. George B. McClellan. the distinguished civil war commander, affectionately known as "Little Muc" by soldiers, was given nf Major and as- signed to Frankford Arsenal, to succeed Lleut.-Co- l. Edwin J. Brlcker as first to George Montgomery, com manding officer Major McClellan assigned to duty of war and taklng charge of the Government prop erty the arsenal. He has Just been transferred from the arsenal after two of service to the more Impo- rtant duty of taking full charge of troops and supplies at Hoboken, N. the Gov- - ernmenfa port of embarkation. This duty, turned over to Major McClellan by - Secretary Baker, . ... de- - . upon, It Is because or me great executive ability f Ihe Princeton pruiessjr .Major SOr at Frankford Arsenal is Major Patrick .1. u Hnaugnnesay. formerly pur- - chasing agent of the Erie Railroad. Another new reserve army officer at the arsenal is 11 ugo Diemer, whose works on efficient shop management are largelv usrd as hooks In schools and universities. Allerton S. Oush-ma- now In charge of the laboratory woik at the arsenal, Is still another one of Secretary Bakers recently ap pointed civilian army reserve officers was for many years one of leaders of the conservation move- - ment and recently was of the of Industrial Research In WjOilnnlnn. The appointment of Mavor1 McClellan as an army teserve officer ns a surprise to III" frlniiH. Since assignment at Frankfotd Arenal Ills Coi'kmi v.iKN, Sept. Tile demoral- ised remnants of the German annei which was at lacked shattered yesterday bv Itiitlsh de- - Mrs The German armed trawler fleet, W'XSWjJ: In the fashion In sweeping the seas on the route for submarines and been cMeudtng Its sphere of operations northward flW YORK CUTS FOOD WASTE folleetr.l Sl.llOO Tons l.e Garb.iur In J..l. Special rittpatel' la Tnr. 5. v Washington, sept Tract teal of the food conservation campaign nre ""fleeted lu repoiUs leceived by the VIENNA TOLD OF VICTORY. Itnllnn vlatnra II l,iitiiililela in Austria. . Capital. Sept -- Tlve Italian have returned from a success ful illuhi over Vienna Leaving the the live chines passed over the Austrian Hues unobserved and flew .straight to the - striker force off the .lullsnd .oast In the guns part tiring high ry- - others 'e North four of the el man craft plosive shells, hhrapnel. the little . gunnera In blue working then sev ent being driven ashore and deslit.v cd, mmle fives twelve to the minute and In 0(T " u'' southwaid, i. and the midst of all this clamor what ,11,1 sending vvneles- - meages foe Americans do' Many of them " "' "'ey inn. watched spellbound, but ns actual A detachment of Genu in suit naval force, anumpiiiiled bv ami fact some of thee precious oung troopers went to sleep. had been submarine, aimed slimtl.v afterward, on since o'clock In the mornlna : It but too late to have the ti.ivvler ... " ' a a a a a a a an lilll II f C ,,.. o ...e wnoicsa 2S.,r. ,""- - -" v .u. tn m lor nartlv nru ,, m,. the , i i i .. acting ot i . e in , ri jr ., , ... , , ... a " ice a -- . a of now that files a new was a , i , . ' . ' v - I ! will be ,, I n . i. - WU1I riirnn, ruiui' 01 inc officers to meet not Onlv was He by a stone and slightly lirltlah troops, arrive In here. number but coast a In raid a a 6 a In 1 a his at J., J until Ills 2 a Turin, '.' i. an 1, ... forms of modern are included ,t,u" .nn..." ..". "''' 101. and It Is likely that they will stay with "'l'1 111 Jul' b' AincHnin cities with the Americans some time. population of nunc than 20,0o0 This part of the plan to obtain for' York city collected only Ot per the Americans the best and most com- - "i'1- - as "url1 garbage July nf t.ns training, such no ha hail e.it a lu the muitlh of the pit-ye- t, before they go into the trenches, ceding ear, a leductlou in waste of and the Americans will be able to hulld almost 3,000 tons Huftalo lolle.-le- up fighting force which Include ' nly per cent, of last ) ear's figures, all the best features of both the Hrltlsh!"".! Rochester lis; per cent and the Trench soldiers. Yonkers and Schenectady, howevei. The British will teach our espe. 'are among the twelve cities which te. dally the use of Ihe bayonet, which port an Increase, Schenectady nf It per they are more experienced than the cent, and Yonker of 31' per cent. French They place greater reliance on Springfield, 111 leads list nf steel big using grenades creases with 1.8 per cent, over last only for trench cleaning, while thaiear, while Sail lUegn, Cal,, shows the Trench, attacking, use the grenade greatest saving, having reached only more than tho bannet, The Hrltlsh'43 percent, of the llilfi figures, bayonet drill recognized as best suited for our boys, wno, it is will Into fighters under this drill. j and ' each demonstrated methods and ex them the adapt the best featureof both evolve Ths has so valuable our boys, still remain their will stay the touches. the lirltlah experts through form schools to officers the newly crossed the report only the Six the and i the the Chicago the UKen, monev. toward strike asserts the rank as- sistant Col. the arsenal was the purchasing material at months new was termlned said, .icirfians text Dr. Dr. Cushman the director Institute former came l trawler fleet, nnd ' I boldest clear has fits nip aviators Italian from Am - nsl-t-t- he vvarrare attacks, trian capital, where the aviators dropped pamphlets Informing the people of (he city of the great Italian victory. i TROOPS RUSH TO CURB CREW OF RABBITFLIER Thompson Compels Chicnfro Police to Guard Jlcnru at Meeting. LOWPEX ACTS Ql'ICKLY Pacifists Take to Heels lie-fo- re 3iilitia Has Time to Arrive. ment Department shots TRAIN WAITS IN YARD Illinois Eager to Be Kid of Teuton Aids, Despite the Mayor's Friendship. Special DtupatcK to Tni Six. Chicago, Sept. 2. Gov. Frank I.ow-de- n y gave emphatlo notice to concerned that he Is the Chief Ex- - outiv of all of Illinois, Including the city of Chicago and the county of Cook. Yesterday Gov. Lowden ordered that the delegates of the Rabbit Express, represintlng the People's Council for Peace, and opposing conscription, should not hold meetings in the Stale of the were to be permitted to hold their sessions and that the police were to protect them from interference. Members of the National Defence League immediately notified Gov Lowden of this action. Thn Governor tried to get in communication with the Mayor, who had departed for point In Wisconsin, and also with Sheriff Traeger of Cook county Falling In this, he ordered fle companies nf the Ninth Infantry to be rushed to t'hlcacn by special train, with instructions to prevent nny meetings of tho pacifists and to break up any meeting ln progress when they arrived. Troops Rushed tn Chicago. t rh. u . ,im. , i, a . , , communication with Gen .mI' k, ,i trn C ?e .'P." . nun iik irsuiL iuhl iii rhvchtii. trnr ii and Second regiments of liifantry and "7 tho Second Regiment of Field Artillery were Immediately nssembled at their armories and ordered be In readiness for Immediate action. This began to look like martial law- for the cltv of Chicago. Word that troops wuie on the iv.iv was conveyed to the pacifists then meeting. At first there was babel of yells ami much fiotlilng over the pios-pec- t, of revolution and resistance, but the cooler heads pievalled and thn conference was hastened so that ad- journment could be had .111 hour before the troops could get to the cU.v. When the special train beating the troops arrived al the station nearest the hall where the confeierne had been held Adjt.-Ge- n DirUsnn uas advised bv secret eervi.e men tiom the otuYe of the bureau of mws tU.uiun of tlie I'cderal Depai tineiit of Ju.-tlc- e that the meeting was over Gen. I'uk.-ui-: . with Gov Lowden and then went to hotel A lleet of taxicatis which had awaited Hie troops to hurry the soldiers tn the mioiln- - pl.ue wii dismissed and the soldiers stacked anus and took up ijuar-ter- s for the night. sheriff l onperiitrs Willi Goverunr. The 2.'i0 soldiers wcie met at the station bv Sheriff .John V Traeger with sciuad of deputies. Sheriff greeted Gen. Iilcksou uml reported he had been onleieil by the Governor conp-tiat- c with the troops, and bad m.inv special deputies for actlnn M,i)ni' TlinmiMiii dropped mm nf I after aiithnmini; the luni't in- - i'he pacifists had been eii coiiiaiied ilui'ing tile ila.v by Pie ."nuas Kelt ration of l.iboi. which in icsnli tions cleiiaied itself as unalteralilv op- posed what the pai ifivts st.nul fir but censuicil Ihe Governnis nf .Vllor-e- nacllljt outfit Officers ami n.it rolnieti Pm.011ter tills .lass of people every time there Is stiil.e of gin ment workers . the West Hide, and Ihe.e if ib.vnce that the police would hull themselves against the h.ionels cf the tron- - In protecting the pacifists, nrdcts from the Ma.vm imlvv lihstaudiiig. the situation seems ii he well in Ii I, ami In the hand nf Go. Louden. The pm lusts, who have seen at clne i.uikc what the people- nf fnur Western States think nf ne no' anxious fnr innie tumble. Tn night tlie.v am meeting ulcmnd the Tint Pcai bnru Until unit In little gioupi at II home of social hi . but theie is tin lu- ll! at Ion that tiny will iitti-iup- i .unithei general locating. Tin-- had planned tn imld nuclilig-s- peiliaji-- t.io all this week tprrliil Walls In arils. Meanwhile then special ti nn. paid fnr b some mysterious usen. v In New York Is awaiting their nleism,. u, thr, here (in. isn. pnliai s "Kain-- , erad Itlll" 'Ihompeon nnd few- mlvi sj meiitliUri f will be slnl tn see I "rabbits" .Hid "dnv ' ht.m eistwai-'- l any other iliicctinn ami Im rp pn iik It whs soon after '.'.30 o'i lncl. th-- a' tcrnnon whiti l.nills 1 .ininirr's p.n lis-- i baud enngregated iiniler pmli pioie. tinn at the West Sub' Ailillmi iuin Tlie disciples were sllglitlv tlne.iilbare ami evtilentl.v we.ti.v after their wamlci-!ln- till nilKlioiit llic lee.ls nf pairn' 'ism, but they did not attempt tn once it j their satltifactloii In the nf ibe-- en use by "Kamernd" Tliniupsnii, ivhli-- ' made the nueilng possible "Dot's a feller vat is ,i teal nun," said a thickly built delegate tinm his ecs lu-- . lining npptnv.il be- -' hind thick lciise l specla.ies After much lliilleilng anil like hiirnyaid fnvvii dlsluibiil b.v tl.e sluiilow nf hawk, the imiiv cntiini llnil.v ciune tn what I'li.tinnaii Seymour Sic I. man. former Socialist candidal!, for ....... nn n.rlllj,.. n,.M I lilt had hCCII I I He I Oil ...... VV a...-i,- t at V.,,ll, li.l.-,.- , . langc irom a .:r" :;-'.- ", ;: , was seen dive the 7' . ,." hundred wclglu suluimed to ". v ,Mn,.v m ineir i.ti... ,v,uf" water, to rescue sur. .n. to are of nu mi plete army boys them, dail. cards es ni,W, II.J ..o. ........ Jt- llllll..' tlir lllfllllllll llillll.--l - a, . I U.. a Is N In ns same a will In 'the In In Is ' are will our ccin- - mii some to talk The thai tn to tin au or Governor In Illinois, termed order and the business of permanently "igibi m the League of Peace and Demoi racj 1

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1917-09-03 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030431/1917-09-03/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · The cars went over the switch In but the rear of tho third car disputed

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1917-09-03 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030431/1917-09-03/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · The cars went over the switch In but the rear of tho third car disputed

THE WEATHER FORECAST.Fair to-da- y and gentle t IT SHINES FOPv ALL

moderate northwest to north winds. be J&trn.Highest temperature yesterday, 75; lowest, 83.Detailed weather reports on pace t.

VOL. LXXXV. NO. 3. NEW YORK, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1917. Copyright, mi, bV th Bun PHnm9 and PublUhlnp AtooUmo,u ONE CENT in Orraler New York TWOKlsowhere





Vorwaerts" Indicates ItCan Be Opened if Peo-

ple Assert Will.


"Effort to Aid Move for Con-

stitution" "Worst Enemyof Teuton Democracy."

Amstisdam, Sept, I. German newspiper comment on resident Wilson'sreply to the Pope's peace note, basedupon the full text, la distinctly hostileexcept In Vorirnerts, the organ of theSocialist party. All the other Berlinpapers declaro the President's responsertnders peace out of the question forttie present.

The text of President Wilton's notewai funilihed by the Wolff JlUTeau. theseirri.offtc.taI news acency, and Is fairlycorrect and complete, differing- - from theoriginal only In minor points, most of

lilcli might be duo to errors In trans-ition. The German version speaks of"r.o barrier, either of law or of truth."Install of "of law or of mercy," and ofa--. "undocelved but undefeated" Insteadat i "balked but undefeated" Germany,and of the counter revolution which

.I'M be "caused" Instead of "at-- 1

fijited" by malign Influences. The sen- -tc f bcslnnlng "Responsible states- -

n't ' ,s liauiy tusinrivieci in an aiiemuiio "irce It Into the complicated mouldo' Merman syntax, the phrase "punitive

Is translated Into "damage aspunishment." while "treaties of settle-mr- ri

Is qualified by the adjectivei!W?t," and "reconstitullon of small

nations" becomes "restoration of smallnations."

'Caution and Clever."

rlever .lament." savs Vorirneris. "ItIt a passionate. Indictment to amendthe system of government obtaining InGermany, to which it attributes all thenorms atrocities.

"Against the German people the noteMts forth that America does not wantto retaliate. Inasmuch as It has in thecoure of tuts war, wnicn u oia notvant, suffered much. That is undoubt-- iedly a ery correct observation Mmt the.German people did not want this war

ml In Its course has suffered much. !

Fear that yet worse might come keepsIt awake in defence.

'The American Government repeat-edly declared It does not harbor enmityuralnst the Oerman people, but proofof this assertion has not been furnished.It can only be established In a demon-n'.ratlo- n

of America's will that the Ger-man people are not to be robbed andmade to pay tribute to Ita enemies. Thenote cautiously omits reference to thispoint, which Is of decisive Importance tothe German people. t does not sup-port the Indemnity and territorial de-

mand' of America's allies, nor does Itr. nnn ihatn t, Hmnnrta flint I.1-

lll of the people back up Government'transaction:

"(ermana Must tsarrt Will. ,

"A section of the German press willhasten to My that It would be undignif-ied for the German people to give suchuret On the contrary, we believe It

would be undignified to lefusc it. TheOermAn people are lighting this mostterriblo of battles not for the rights of

Jingle family or n certain form of gov-ernment, but for Its own existence.

"The social democracy considers Itthat governments which

conclude pe.ice with each other rcpre-e- nt

the will of their peoples, and alsothat they possess their confidence. TheAmeilran Government In principle Isready to negotiate with accredited rep-resentatives of the will of the Germanpeople.

"Thx agreement may fall because ofconditions to be negotiated, but It cannotfall on the score of wno Is to negotiate.i lie accredited representative of the

Herman people U the Reichstag, electedhy democratic suffrage. TIip onlv thinetalking " a Government responsible toihe people's representatives, as It existsii an inner countries of the world.

"filial1 it h" said of us Germans thaticgotianous with the United States are:miolble because we aa a nation ofheld-- , Hie Incapable of assorting ourjon will- - Do we deserve this after,

ears nf righting and suffering, after I

achievements ami sacrifices withoutmuure and numbers?"

'Iletponnililllty for War.The Voirhe Zeitung says; i

"In lis style the note recalls the pom- - 'wis political blossoms with which

IJoyd George heretofore has remem.red the German people. Since the

lireaking off of relations Mr, Wilson has"Ppropnated this manner of speech and I

" meature lias Amerlcanlxed It"Tins language u nrobablv the out-'t- o



thp ... i ., .i."'vo.c. uir,....ni l nn v Hh I inr.e u.-i- Thlq ui'nlllullAli Im nLnanlnlllirlrli. uirtDst aim nnniln out of moutli

Mr democratic ally'I'mwraiic which oligarch-'a- l

Russia nn accommodatingIf Mr Wilson's democratic con-'ne- e

md hwuh been, ns susciptlhlene now pretends, lie htve c,

I to support thematerial; he

I'lav Important rule In Anglo-Russia- n

minis in a wold, lie not now be' s war, Is the product of'im world ili'vpiitlsni, and stand"p-- c i,o w do.-.- , lln ui.ul.l' 'lie employ iigiiliiKt Gerniiiny that

minus weapon Is Mbhoiicnt"ie principles democracy,

"Fortunately we no de- -

Con ((nurd on

Toscanini Gets Medalfor Bravery in War

POME, Sept. 2. Arturo Tosca-nini, the noted Italian con-

ductor, for many years up to1015 musical director at theMetropolitan Opera House inNew York, has been decorated byIhe Italian Government for greatbravery under fire. Signor Tos-canini. the accounts from the

'front disclose, kept his militaryDana playing during; the battle ofMonte Santo in the present of-fensive on Italian front, thesoldiers storming the positions ofthe enemy to the strains of thismartial music.

In the midst of the fightingand at a time when the Austrianbarrage fire was at its heightSignor Toscanini led his band toone of the advanced, positions,where, sheltered only by a hugerock, the Italian musical celeb-rity conducted a concert whichdid not stop until word had beenbrought to him that the Italiansoldiers had stormed and takenthe trenches of the Austrlans tothe music of his band.



Brondwny Ltno Tied Up for 2

Honrs Women FftlntSoldiers to Rescue.

All of the southbound traffic on theBroadway subway between 142d streetand Dyckman street waa tied up yester-day nfternoon from 4 o'clock until 6

o'clock as the result of an accident ton three car train that waa bound southto storage yards. The train at-

tempted to w Itch at 14.7th streetfrom thn northbound ' he southboundtrncki.

The cars went over the switch Inbut the rear of tho third

car disputed with their leading trucksquestion which was the right

. .... ,d ,ma9rie(,. i

""0 ,ne ,n,nl ral1 wl,,cn supplies the I

power for the southbound traffic andthe station master at Ninety-secon- d

street cut out the power between Dyckman ana 142d streets.

.NonhbourTd travel' was held up forfifteen or twenty minutes and southbound tracks were blocked In the xone.At the time thousands of persons wereon their way to and from Van Cort-lan- dt

Park, where the New York Na-tional Guard Is in camp. The blockingof the tracks created endless confusionamong the platform crowds and thelolice reserves from two stations weresent to warn the travellers to sur-face cars, busea and other means ofIransportaton.

In the 16Mh street station Mrs. HarryDwyer at 22 Academy street fanted. She '

was on her way the Grand Central.Station to meet her

All of the trains that wer tnr.,- - . ...... .... .i mi .uriiauui wim persons wnowere going to see the soldiers were held

Issued the passengers. After atwenty minute delay Trainmaster L. O.Hays sent trains forward over thenorthbound tracks.

Jnl.llrr Help PoliceIn tl.A n.aan.lni. , I, a nT.,rn.. ......II .

" ,

persons who were seeking trains .MaiLVof them complained at the delay andat the lack of arrangement for.movingthe crowds From the an CurtlanrltPark en.l of the line the subway people ,

sent shuttle trains down as far as 13Tth,street, where transfers were made. Sol- -'

dlers from the park came to tho aid ofthe police and helped to keep order,among the congested gatherings at "'" i

station nearest the encampment.Officers of the Twenty-thir- d and

Seventy-fir- st regiments sent automobilestho terminals and transported many

women with children to liroadway and2Jth street, where they were able

uKt surfacti cars.The liloAk served to congest the hut

face and elevated lines along the routeto capacity, and many wagons, motortrucks and other vehicles were pressedInto service relieve the Jam. Pas-sengers on the flrt stalled train left itmore than a block north of the ItiSthstreet station and walked to that point.

the regular serv re was resumedthe pressure of business from Van Cort-lan- dt

Park served to prevent anythinglike a normal schedule for some time.


Dysentery, Trpkns and ScarlatinaRaailna; In nhlnr Towns.

Gensva, Sept. 2. The Swiss sanitaryauthorities at Basel and all along theGerman frontier are taking measures

prevent dysentery, typhus and scar.

nmiiaieci wnn cue .vieia. i rnuca counr neft ()rd(r(.rt al a meeting of thatV.M.I.. tn.ilnv tn trlkn nn SJen.emtiee 7

unless their pending demands for higherwages are granted,

The order affects 1,000 men, ,


Proposed Socialist ConclaveHit Too Many Snagt.

LoNpoN, Hopt. 2, Tho International.So.'Ulisl i onfti uiic , which was to belonvcii.'d at Stockholm September 0, has

postponed, according to a Renterdespatch from that city.

The committee In charge of the organ-ization has encountered many difficulties,Including the refusal of passports, andhns been obliged take, this decision.




"vsrd expression solidarity with Fng- - latlna, which have been prevalent'""'I the weapons as Rhine from entering Swltzer-"- l

Mlv. holds the alleged German autoc- -' from Oer-- ''

reiponsii,ic fnr the war and wants' many are undergo medical

to libera... world from this menace, examination and neutrals crossing thep.ealdent Wilson Is not yet frontier Germany from Switzerland

n'ormed ti,0 disclosures by , are warned to take precautions,'len (the former epidemics are'.an Minister, now trial Insufficient nourishment. Tha frontier

ea'oni and Gen, Hasel Is closed. troops5"din; ine ieal led to there have been trebled maintain

outhiMk the war: otherwise strict quarantine,altfted his tactics. One

nn charge the 'autocratic ORDERS SHIPBUILDERS' 8TRIKEnem Germany rcspsnslhillty

'oi wiien whole world rortlan.l, Ore. tnlon Ma; all Out.responsible despots ther's P.usia used fnr 1,0011 Men Srittemherpurpose unleashing the dogs Ore.. Sept work- -

In Pottland yardsmienI ne mrh evidence fur. . . ..L. .,rc,,,ii

theWllsun. this

Cngland, usedns acces-'"r- "

wouldCxar's Russia Willi

would ha've declined tonn

would't which

;,r actu.-il-l

which sonamely,

nnaclousare longer

Fourth Pagn,


thetake the


the to















Cross Fifteen MilesSoutheast of City and

Press Forward.


Famous Usknll Ihidprehcnd Ts

Captured After SevereBombardment,

London, Sept. I. German force haveresumed their drive Riga, theRussian military storehouse and port

the Battle. On two sides, the south-east and southwest, and fewer than ascore miles from Itlga, the Germansare preralng the offensive.

The Germans have crossed the Dvlnaniver, fifteen miles southeast lllga.and are advancing In a northerly direc-tion, successfully repelling Russian coun-ter attacks, according to the officialI'etrofrad statement. The Uskull bridgeneaa, recalleil from Hserlntlnn .ifearlier camnahrns thn nrn. nf mn.t


sanguinary fighting the northern ' factorlly, but something, perhapsfront, has been taken by the i stlnct, aroused the suspicions the

Germans after ia heavy bombardmentand the Kaiser's forces are shaping their ,

norm ward advance along the Dvinawatercourse.

Near Mltau, on the railway and abouttwenty miles Riga, theGermans also have started an advane.

the have offered n stiffresistance here and a heavy battle Is inproxress. Neither the Petrograd north Ilerltn nntelal tatAmnt rli'm unidea of the trend of the righting on this

silent llruanllns; l.nkr lliilitl.Berlin statement also Is silent

as to the activity the Oerman forces


Lake milesoffensive jse,, cuntcr rev...Germans reached position.

aerial naval raid" against d'etat pro-an- d

preparation Governme been



'by against

fronlplaced person withon



Rus-- 1


Incidents that to









movement prooapiy was maue

Uodo boat destroyers and sweepers '

participated In that dash theRussian port, but there nothing inpresent official reports whether

forces cooperating In thepresent

Capture by Gcrmann dlscounted here, since place haschanged hands five times during

danger, since Russianmiles distant over terrain

Ideal defence and enually difficultforrp trMVprs '

Capture Riga, however, would givethe Oerinans control GulfFinland, head which standsPetrograd.

Take .lliil.lttt In.southern

evidently have heart andopposing Teutonic advance In

Moldavia. Berlin heavybeen delivered?nt the forces of

Fokrhanl.Because shortage

southwestern orders have beenglen War Officecommandeer all coin

'bordering on the southwestern and Ru-manian route.


TMD you ever hear news-pap- er

that wa3from altar

the pulpitWell, THE SUN Tobacco Fundearned that aifc-n-al honor yester-day when its were pro-claimed at every mass in

Tho young men that churchin the afternoon playedwith the Macombs to in-

crease the fund.pained for smokesthe soldiers. in The con-test went to an inningtie.

Next Sunday the merriestgame the season will

be played at the Polobetween Ned "Follies"team and

outfit. It will sur-pass in interest, excitement and

anything that theworld series

offer. Cancel every other

the pub-lic will be Inducted into

tho movies when thecolossal scenes Rita Jolivct'snew "Lest Wo For-get!" will be fieldnear West street. armyof men and women will

in the thesepictures. For smallany one may witness these btir-rin- g

episodes. Tho entire pro-ceeds, throughCount Cinpico und theSclznick studios, will into thefund.

Your tobacco coupons and cer-tificates, dropped into THESUN Fund boxes in thoSchulte cigar stores, will bring

thousands ourbrave follows under Oen,


with any other fund,or It

agents solicitors.

to Taa Son.:. The


la no Her fatethe crew an


coat to thethe Bt. was

and theA

her the and

who hadthe were

to theA few

run the thea port In

and theand to

to this theaye for

of her

Not totold by the tars, a

boat In thea

theher all


of ' in

by the In


a I . th'In

and Inbeen


The are said to. a u.,

Is an i

in.r, tn. of the olot.- -i

Is said to ,

been villa


of the

first news

at west of .In the the

thisLast wee! the plot to

and the coup by the ofthe new '

nt has








Crew on English Merchantman Capturedby Boarding and in Turn

Were Sent to by Shell Fire.


raider Theodore peaceful Britishmerchantman before captureMoewe more. lustbeen revealed alliedcruiser which recently coaled At-

lantic port.Carrying from Norfolk

River Plate, Theodore over-taken made prtie famousraider Moewe. prlieaboard several

among them severalbeen taken from

merchantmen raider,transferred price.

weeks later, having successfullyBritish blockade, Theo-

dore entered German safetyAmericana aboard aubse-quentl- y

released allowed returncountry. Then ship disap-

peared from public except oc-

casional Indefinite reports opera-tions.

long according storyJust allied certainBritish patrol Northoverhauled large merchant steamertlylng Dutch nag. Upon hailed

skinner answered questions satis



..an gc:z0 by

Arrest mis LeiiiN

Stern I'tisurcs.

attorney high courtDiscovery conspiracy

made recent conferenceMnk.AW fnltfttL'tnr

"earch several houses PetrogradMoscow.

Scores arrests made here,

'",present. leaders Include

"vfrBI prominent Po.,u.....

Premier conductingrminriln...

headquarters whichdistrict outside

Petrograd armycommittees meeting Moscow

passed lesolutlon demanding merci-

less suppieesion revolutionarymovement. fliriJisWjn declares

authoiities received

Habit, fifteenRiga. previous ,.ETRor,RAl,t :.A

German- - conducted lutlonary which aciompllshRiga, arrest

rteecnt visional unearthed









Onty Deathwith four voices







rder make

army,rgued deathenaltv. could






patrol commandersend party

large which lying

boatthree officers several

toward Dutchman. Themerchantman




when bomb hurled fromdeck merchantman

small explosionparty.

torpedoesboth ves-

sels. Bothaeoond broadsides

from boaUtheir

blewupper worksfiring short range wnicnpatrol boats hulk.

taken,later from

had been refitted





Be for

Sept. Food

orders fixing pricesbutter, lard,


faction who

hae had strongplclon Baron.lined make regula- -

tions, Lord Devon- -

port, who Issuedafter


nuari prices.lea,fti t0.,igj. Mjpply


ofttlcally supply meat.grazing gie

Wales momentgrain fusion the


Council interest welfare thedealer.

'Postponed. controlled foodstuffs the' committeesunion f?oJ

k.- rj mi. nnLtioij. work pend-- 1

the Government none. lifted cheerHs.U

infringement bleach t)rol., H,P,,r(M)cll ..snppllr.. hat Judge After ,he prepa- -

the food control the andsaid. proof IrVnX- -upon c,hargcd lines

the Swu "German". closed nearhv .v.e.e.e.



S'oukhonillnoff said

' Januchkevltcli.



were tooli-- All








Riga thethe


immediate themnlf.l sr.0


at the

the campaign thetaken


attnnbH hnv.Von Mackent-e-

the flour the

the Pctrogriulthe



commendedof a






Wayburn'sRaymond Hitchcock's

forthcoming can

Beginning Wednesdaythe

mysteries ofof


partici-pate screening of


the generosity ofRiuseppe


contentment to ofPer-

shing's command.

WARNING! TO-BACCO connection

organizat-ion, institution.

PrizeMoewe Party



her byhas


a bycrew was


sunk by




while the


Kerensky...........thehave the



Thethat the


the from the the



i . ... nuinpiQiineu " ""'...h"vi ""

deiile- - reports thata movement supersede

Gen commander chiefr'mc. contrary, the

the provisional


steam-ship identified






Government complete accordKornlloff, who-- e factory butter

carried effect, pound cartonsothers under consideration. .allowed (1.6.1

ThV Government, adds statement. dred thecomplete confidence Gen. Komi- - charge, must shown the ff

keeps dear Intrigues voice. retailer allowedtncl maintains complete political neu- -' charge additional cents pound

pound extraSavinuotT,

War, shortlyKornlloffcommander impera- -


for Penalty.was only

of wasTseretelll, Minister Posta andTelegraphs, that the Petrograd Council

Workmen's Soldiers' Deputiesresolution protesting against

penalty the front therear the lines. resolution wasproposed by the Revolutionists,who declared that the penalty

Hociausts everywhereand hy oppo- -

rents holding that tends corruptnonnlatlon.

viduals who directly Indi-rectly concerned with inflictingpenalty Imposition, the sponsors ofthe resolution held. reality

frightening the soldiersthem the the

commanding officers.The reorganisation tne was

the opponents, theby


...iw-- .h.i measuresoutlined at the Moscowcarried out Immediately Keren-sk- y

saying that measuresby the had

worked out Im-

mediately provisionalfor consideration,


Demand Made for GovernmentAll

CorBNHAOHw, Kept.Drmofcralsn Norway

has provisions for only andthat the Importgloomy. The paper that

seise all andover the control Imports and food




and tosearching aboard

patrol boat wassoma distance waa slcnalled toby during the searoh. and contain

ana mn roweusupposed

accommodatingly loweredfor the convenience

of the and apparentlywas making allow of activity in

receive the Britons.The the preparatlona was

made soon the camealongside, waathe the

the boat. Thethe boarding the

same Instant were launchedby the "Dutchman" at patrol

the torpedoes missed theirmark, and later

the patrol avenged the fate

The first round the steamship'sto pieces, and few

at the atlay left her ahapelesa

prisoners were but thewaa the wreck-

ing Theodore. Apparently sheby her captors and was

setting out to repeat the exploits thewhen the treachery her com

mander brought uponand crew.

Million GrazingWill Used Grow

ing: of Grain.

tprcial Calilt De patch Tns Sr.I.ONUON. 2. The Con

trollci's for meat,bacon, cheese, ham and

effect havebeen with the greatest

by the laboring classes,to the present sus-- 1

that Rhondda was In- -,

to muddlealmllar to that of

order relatUefoodstuffs the sup.

piles had to the at exor

n(ls thai...lime as ueiiuta

llmKmean, nowever, mat rng- -land will depend America for prac- -

all her of TwoGermans


oer crowding tocommittees to the

In ofturner against the

liules In granting licenses to retailersllallnrsiy of and transfer

The of railroad win. l0.

,1... lias

American productstipuln- - English packed













lessened recent actionFond general


power suspend license,rn,,,r

satlfy committeenoncince.

Hutter fixedfarmer's place, factory ship, rarwlngfrom pounds

mltted charge additional plusSS-S-


char "S

record dealings keptcommittee.


bummers Tells HowWork Carried On.

Moscow. Bept. AmericanMaddln made

statement y

work done con-sulate enlightening Russia Amer-ica' alms geneially keen- -

alive Russian Interest Americahelping keep ashlngton

Consuls large number efficientpublicity

Russia supply-ing American views news-pape- is

cities.with local Mayors,


shown dally receiveletters from Mayors begging con-tinue extend service."

Summers producedmetropolitan provincial

papers prove editorsgiving large spare American news.

Ilernstnrff Iron Cross.Sept Count Hern-storf- f,

former German AmbassadorUnited States, received from Km-per-

William great headquartersyesterday civilian Cross.

mnosltlon. only making nussian internal arralrs,dlcrs understand required these activities, with

fight which continue ordinary consularnerlallstle Interests. work," Consul,

Gen. Kornlloff's telegram !""' Moscow consulate steadily grow-h- e

must Insist categorl-- , dimensions, meredisciplinary






prospects very

Government privatetake








prices been





cleiks translators.campaign






U. S. Expeditionary Armyin Hns New Trench



Mine Batteries Spatter Eartliand Pebbles

Sham Battle.

Special Cablt DelpatchiCopyrtikt, rtohtt rtttrvet.)

Camp France, Sept.hours yesterday American

troops crouched their trenches whileoverhead high explosive sheila

shrapnel, bursting times withinthan hundred yards. theirexperience with

largely used European artil-lery them


Nine batteries French artillery,posted fired thousandsshells overhead accustom boys

of soundexplosions when shells struck

trendies. gently sloping valleywith wooded sides chosen

moitAmericans have

"American," other"German" trenches. whole Ameri-can olive drabgreenish gray, forceexpedition massed trenches

In clumps woodstanding about their

talking curiouslatest "show."

Heads Dark Mbelle Hour..Suddenly blast whittle

heard every disappearedmagic. remained

sight theirhelmets of beehivestrenches. Another whistle soundedword p.issed French gunners,

Invisible ridge,begin firing Then boom

screech shellAmericans heard Fraiice.

Involuntarily craned their necksbeehives replaced

faces tiled

course, Impossible, theyflame followed

mendous crash explosionshell landed squarely "German"

opposite slope of.valley which named

".Illndenhiirg trench"iiunurrii

Amen- -

ran." m..o..sdetails. omoer

American front line, "Grant,trench," signal lights reading:

Impassable nrrler tif Fire.minute

straight shells explod- -only

yards front of Americans,making Impassable barrier"Germans" throwing earth

which somct'mrs muled.., i,.i,..." vmrin."""".V ....".'...""-.-neimetni. -- larmi

famous rolling barrage behind.which French liritlsh troops

vanced Arras againsthelpless Germans

There followed deafening

million attacking;grow- - barrage there con-

ingmakeup eager

control possible exploding shells.



H ,. or In .le- -

of of a.be of the lMs

of tnofThe I. the

in- -of the

If he nut tn...

inHe same


The to be toar

the of he


tie ofas 7.

of of 2.

nn-- a. -- it.



nr-1- 1






tellthe are



nr nn toof

of the ofof


of on






no or





ow of

In innof




A of








.u .all .v...io

olT all wasto

In of.... i,.....n




is in Io 160

Gen some nf inHons been half is

to of lmn- -the ,

In be onof The Is to

anto adi


tne oi



It In

one ofof

of andits

the at or Inof ,

was by. Its

it toiii

In It orth

ItsIn be

a of into of

of itby of

bo its












ofas aaa






ns St.







a of,


iii-- . ... ...... ...a u ueen 10 sac- -






be- -


de- -

necii d,v me or incand the

riow the la

wnuc uicare to the.. ,,. i,r.L .....

fails to the of In- -

at theor

SO 112 the

mh; mi

perto an It SO

all must be forthe of the food


to Pretha by

InIn war

to w In- -

an "vc lu" two

Ourlu In

andIn 200 In we

the.news to the

"How uu Is Isthe that we

us toIhe

Mr. of the

to that theto

Vim Jrtvon



but by sol-- 1 onare not lesu of

for the m. we the'"' said the

To In Iisaid he





















and also









le Tsi Sex.all

in 2,

For fourIn

and atleas It waafirstso by the

and for of It wasDrat time had ever seen shellfire.

ofon the rear,

toto the roar the and theof the thethe A

waa as thescene of the test

yet had. On one sidethe nn the the

Theside waa a muss of

for the full of thewas In the

and near byThe men were at

case, tosee the


wasand man as

If by Inwas the tops of steel

like rows In theand

was to thewho were oer the to

came a andthe of first the


and the were by rowsas the to

. .. .was but saw theand by the

of as theon the

first line on the thenan Been me

artci.i nc ii.ru wiiiian or shells to snow the

,nr ' ." ''and other an inthe the


'In less than a the

came a line ofIng with nun- -drfd the

an for theand and peb- -

hies on the, ,hJ"' '.Mnett and nis sian, ail

was thethe nnd ad- -

at Vet dun andthe

nf all

- -. . .

acres 01 lanes in -- The us aland und are used for ' For a was

all bosthe up to tin- - get as

the local food hns as


tn. of,nc the

At overM. andu,r







that M.


































Only Onefurther

that this taughtto the rolling

the.... UU.1IOlthe will go

first fite

one man hurtwas hit of

and Britishare to

to take the of theThe Is un

In the diverse

the Trench llritlsli

willand an

method.been for


Ihe officers


Along theof

!, A air raidon the of wa

by the officialBombs were as thecrossed East The official

follows :

Hostllo the Ha;tat o'clock

They flew minuteA few bombs were

Tho are to be small.

coast, oneNo deaths are and

the of Is said to betwo to five, none ofbombs were and the lasted

few The night wasclear, with full



Ex-May- or of in

Charge of Troops andat

Sptcial to TarPhiladelphia, Sept,

throughy that former Mayor George

of and14 other well known men in profes-sional life In this coun-

try for more than two months been

of United States Army. strucUons police of brokeThese men were of several nun-- 1 up then

d red men by of Early ,, MayoWar Baker of war

of Issuedwith to serve as Inof the that the dlerreti and Fratimi

TliUUrS LKt'T decided to- to the line when the In Philadelphia wa- -

with suddenly and thrown aroundis that a of from for ""ZnemeMot certainS..DUh..mll.,olt Kept he e:mi orders been Irtmentsb, ' my and uav.s, ,Ued and it will f police courts and came artillery

banks, a fine. ratlon forau the', saturdav'srgTBOogan. hept. - 'in the trial of houkhomllnoff, t for

,aUenonus 4lSei. " "Illndenhiirg" GERMAN AD) CAME TOO

u " '; ,,..,. zlezatr ofmere smokeThlnl Page ' ltrl'i'1' "stTemem made to the result sm In'. .. vi.n..ni.r vvim.. that his business is vlovvn n blotted r,,...i

towns,l,d coming






Hie knows t


, jh..i.-- J








movement. '






front,by to







"Hitchy-Koo- "















of,r,.-- j




Onvi,..ir.mler declares,


have addplus


nnd cent






" '".""'""'"'"

Dissatisfaction of front,


political5 a

1 a

.'I n considers-











traVsrt" SS,



und of
















f upturned

smoke tre- -


Inciedlble aIn

. .







-- cattei





press.great taken


.Man Injured.Gen. Slbcr, is P.annh.g

week theyfollow barrage, leaving

their and advancing behindnrAi.iciiioiP,

think men sleepwhen they shell and


Injured.officers, perhapsexpected next week

partAmericansknown, specialists

ueneved,develop formidable hayonet

After huvotheir

plained Americans

American French, whosetraining

"bunkos"give them finishing


leachovolvcd methods.


Bomb DroppedCoast Kent.

Ix)noon, Sept. Germancoast England an-

nounced press bureau.dropped airplanesKent. state-


Kent 11:16few

later. dropped.casualties believed

Press desDatches from southeastairplane engaged

raid. reported,number Injured from

them seriously,

only minutes.brilliantly moon.

New YorkSup-

plies Koboken.

Despatch2. Word trickled

rigid Government censor-shipBrlnton McClellan New York city


part conference progress,appointed Secretary mornlng Williamsince declaration

Germany officers Hdl9 Chicago in-t-

Ordnance army. struUlons

down American police carefullyconiroucrnegotiations

announce ,r'Pnciles thosetaken heretoforeUllnr.sr..

syndicate usually resulted email offensive

hearing committee's LATE,

Conflnwrd frlhgement rule,r.ivine




















Controller, opinion


















The rank of these new officers takenfrom civil life varied from Lieutenantto Major.

Former Mayor McClellan. son of Gen.George B. McClellan. the distinguishedcivil war commander, affectionatelyknown as "Little Muc" by soldiers,was given nf Major and as-signed to Frankford Arsenal, to succeedLleut.-Co- l. Edwin J. Brlcker as first

to George Montgomery, commanding officer

Major McClellan assigned toduty of war andtaklng charge of the Government property the arsenal. He has Just beentransferred from the arsenal after two

of service to the more Impo-rtant duty of taking full charge of troopsand supplies at Hoboken, N. the Gov- -

ernmenfa port of embarkation.This duty, turned over to Major

McClellan by- Secretary Baker,. ...de- - .

upon, It Is because or megreat executive ability f Ihe Princetonpruiessjr .MajorSOr at Frankford Arsenal is MajorPatrick .1. u Hnaugnnesay. formerly pur- -chasing agent of the Erie Railroad.

Another new reserve army officer atthe arsenal is 11 ugo Diemer, whoseworks on efficient shop management arelargelv usrd as hooks In schoolsand universities. Allerton S. Oush-ma-

now In charge of the laboratorywoik at the arsenal, Is still anotherone of Secretary Bakers recently appointed civilian army reserve officers

was for many years oneof leaders of the conservation move- -

ment and recently wasof the of Industrial ResearchIn WjOilnnlnn.

The appointment of Mavor1McClellan as an army teserve officer

ns a surprise to III" frlniiH. Sinceassignment at Frankfotd Arenal Ills

Coi'kmi v.iKN, Sept. Tile demoral-ised remnants of the German annei

which was at lackedshattered yesterday bv Itiitlsh de- -

MrsThe German armed trawler fleet,

W'XSWjJ:In the fashion In sweeping theseas on the route for submarinesand been cMeudtng Its sphere ofoperations northward


folleetr.l Sl.llOO Tons l.eGarb.iur In J..l.

Special rittpatel' la Tnr. 5. v

Washington, sept Tract tealof the food conservation campaign

nre ""fleeted lu repoiUs leceived by the


Itnllnn vlatnra II l,iitiiililelain Austria. . Capital.

Sept -- Tlve Italianhave returned from a success ful illuhiover Vienna

Leaving the the livechines passed over the Austrian Huesunobserved and flew .straight to the -

striker force off the .lullsnd .oast Inthe guns part tiring high ry- -others 'e North four of the el man craftplosive shells, hhrapnel. the little .

gunnera In blue working then sev ent being driven ashore and deslit.v cd, mmlefives twelve to the minute and In 0(T " u'' southwaid, i. andthe midst of all this clamor what ,11,1 sending vvneles- - meages foe

Americans do' Many of them " "' "'ey inn.watched spellbound, but ns actual A detachment of Genu in suit naval

force, anumpiiiiled bv amifact some of thee precious oungtroopers went to sleep. had been submarine, aimed slimtl.v afterward,on since o'clock In the mornlna : It but too late to have the ti.ivvler










an lilll II f C ,,..

o ...e wnoicsa 2S.,r. ,""-- -" v.u. tn mlor nartlv nru ,,

m,. the , i i i ..





e in, ri jr.,


..., , ...




-- .


















! will be

,, I n . i. -WU1I riirnn, ruiui' 01 incofficers to

meet not

Onlv was Heby a stone and


troops, arriveIn

here. numberbut






a In











Turin, '.'


an 1,


forms of modern are included ,t,u" .nn..." ..". "''' 101.

and It Is likely that they will stay with "'l'1 111 Jul' b' AincHnin cities withthe Americans some time. population of nunc than 20,0o0

This part of the plan to obtain for' York city collected only Ot perthe Americans the best and most com- - "i'1- - as "url1 garbage July nf t.ns

training, such no ha hail e.it a lu the muitlh of the pit-ye- t,

before they go into the trenches, ceding ear, a leductlou in waste ofand the Americans will be able to hulld almost 3,000 tons Huftalo lolle.-le-

up fighting force which Include ' nly per cent, of last ) ear's figures,all the best features of both the Hrltlsh!"".! Rochester lis; per centand the Trench soldiers. Yonkers and Schenectady, howevei.

The British will teach our espe. 'are among the twelve cities which te.dally the use of Ihe bayonet, which port an Increase, Schenectady nf It perthey are more experienced than the cent, and Yonker of 31' per cent.French They place greater reliance on Springfield, 111 leads list nf

steel big using grenades creases with 1.8 per cent, over lastonly for trench cleaning, while thaiear, while Sail lUegn, Cal,, shows theTrench, attacking, use the grenade greatest saving, having reached onlymore than tho bannet, The Hrltlsh'43 percent, of the llilfi figures,bayonet drill recognized as best suitedfor our boys, wno, it is will

Into fightersunder this drill. j

and '

each demonstrated methods and exthem the adapt

the best featureof both evolveThs

has so valuable ourboys, still remain theirwill stay thetouches. the lirltlah expertsthrough formschools toofficers the newly


thereport only





the the Chicago






the rank


sistant Col.the arsenalwas the

purchasing material




termlned said,



Dr. Cushmanthe





trawler fleet, nnd'






Italian from



nsl-t-t- he



trian capital, where the aviators droppedpamphlets Informing the people of (hecity of the great Italian victory.





Thompson Compels ChicnfroPolice to Guard Jlcnru

at Meeting.


Pacifists Take to Heels lie-fo- re

3iilitia Has Timeto Arrive.





Illinois Eager to Be Kid ofTeuton Aids, Despite the

Mayor's Friendship.

Special DtupatcK to Tni Six.Chicago, Sept. 2. Gov. Frank I.ow-de- n

y gave emphatlo notice toconcerned that he Is the Chief Ex- -

outiv of all of Illinois, Including thecity of Chicago and the county of Cook.

Yesterday Gov. Lowden ordered thatthe delegates of the Rabbit Express,represintlng the People's Council forPeace, and opposing conscription,should not hold meetings in the Stale

of the were to bepermitted to hold their sessions andthat the police were to protect themfrom interference.

Members of the National DefenceLeague immediately notified GovLowden of this action. Thn Governortried to get in communication with theMayor, who had departed for pointIn Wisconsin, and also with SheriffTraeger of Cook county Falling Inthis, he ordered fle companies nf theNinth Infantry to be rushed to t'hlcacnby special train, with instructions toprevent nny meetings of tho pacifistsand to break up any meeting lnprogress when they arrived.

Troops Rushed tn Chicago.t rh. u . ,im. , i , a .

, , communication with Gen .mI'k, ,i trn C?e .'P." .nun iik irsuiL iuhl iii rhvchtii. trnr iiand Second regiments of liifantry and"7tho Second Regiment of Field Artillerywere Immediately nssembled at theirarmories and ordered be In readinessfor Immediate action. This began tolook like martial law- for the cltv ofChicago.

Word that troops wuie on the iv.ivwas conveyed to the pacifists thenmeeting. At first there was babel ofyells ami much fiotlilng over the pios-pec- t,

of revolution and resistance,but the cooler heads pievalled and thnconference was hastened so that ad-journment could be had .111 hour beforethe troops could get to the cU.v.

When the special train beating thetroops arrived al the station nearest thehall where the confeierne had beenheld Adjt.-Ge- n DirUsnn uas advisedbv secret eervi.e men tiom the otuYeof the bureau of mws tU.uiun of tlieI'cderal Depai tineiit of Ju.-tlc- e that themeeting was over Gen. I'uk.-ui-: .

with Gov Lowden and thenwent to hotel

A lleet of taxicatis which had awaitedHie troops to hurry the soldiers tn themioiln- - pl.ue wii dismissed and thesoldiers stacked anus and took up ijuar-ter- s

for the night.

sheriff l onperiitrs Willi Goverunr.The 2.'i0 soldiers wcie met at the

station bv Sheriff .John V Traeger withsciuad of deputies. Sheriff greeted

Gen. Iilcksou uml reported he hadbeen onleieil by the Governor conp-tiat- c

with the troops, and bad m.invspecial deputies for actlnn

M,i)ni' TlinmiMiii dropped mm nf I

after aiithnmini; the luni't in- -i'he pacifists had been eii

coiiiaiied ilui'ing tile ila.v by Pie ."nuasKelt ration of l.iboi. which in icsnlitions cleiiaied itself as unalteralilv op-

posed what the pai ifivts st.nul firbut censuicil Ihe Governnis nf .Vllor-e-

nacllljt outfit Officers ami n.it rolnietiPm.011ter tills .lass of people every timethere Is stiil.e of gin ment workers .

the West Hide, and Ihe.e if ib.vncethat the police would hull themselvesagainst the h.ionels cf the tron- - Inprotecting the pacifists, nrdcts from theMa.vm imlvv lihstaudiiig.

the situation seems ii hewell in Ii I, ami In the hand nf Go.Louden. The pm lusts, who have seenat clne i.uikc what the people- nf fnurWestern States think nf ne no'anxious fnr innie tumble. Tn nighttlie.v am meeting ulcmnd the Tint Pcaibnru Until unit In little gioupi at IIhome of social hi . but theie is tin lu-

ll! at Ion that tiny will iitti-iup- i .unitheigeneral locating. Tin-- had planned tnimld nuclilig-s- peiliaji-- t.io allthis week

tprrliil Walls In arils.Meanwhile then special ti nn. paid fnr

b some mysterious usen. v In New YorkIs awaiting their nleism,. u, thr,here (in. isn. pnliai s "Kain-- ,

erad Itlll" 'Ihompeon nnd few- mlvisj meiitliUri f will be slnl tn see I

"rabbits" .Hid "dnv ' ht.m eistwai-'- l

any other iliicctinn ami Im rp pn iikIt whs soon after '.'.30 o'i lncl. th-- a'

tcrnnon whiti l.nills 1 .ininirr's p.n lis-- i

baud enngregated iiniler pmli pioie.tinn at the West Sub' Ailillmi iuin

Tlie disciples were sllglitlv tlne.iilbareami evtilentl.v we.ti.v after their wamlci-!ln-

till nilKlioiit llic lee.ls nf pairn''ism, but they did not attempt tn once itj their satltifactloii In the nf ibe--

en use by "Kamernd" Tliniupsnii, ivhli--' made the nueilng possible

"Dot's a feller vat is ,i teal nun,"said a thickly built delegate tinm

his ecs lu-- . lining npptnv.il be- -'

hind thick lciise l specla.iesAfter much lliilleilng anil

like hiirnyaid fnvvii dlsluibiil b.v tl.esluiilow nf hawk, the imiiv cntiini llnil.vciune tn what I'li.tinnaii Seymour Sic I.man. former Socialist candidal!, for

....... nn n.rlllj,.. n,.M I lilt had hCCII I I He I Oil ...... VV a...-i,- t at V.,,ll, li.l.-,.- , .

langc irom a .:r" :;-'.-", ;: , was seen dive the 7' . ,."

hundred wclglu suluimed to ". v ,Mn,.v m ineir i.ti...,v,uf" water, to rescue sur. .n.to





plete army






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Governor In Illinois, termed order andthe business of permanently "igibi mthe League of Peace and Demoi racj