The Sword of Michael and The Shield of Light or The Armour of Light A pioneering way to transform the DNA of Creation The Chapters Here you can read the four parts of the book. Preface Part 1 – Spiritual Inventory and Confrontation Part 2 – The Quantum Leap or MerKaBa Part 3 – Walking The Path in devoted Submission P art 4 – The Shield of Light – Doing the Lightprayers It is the intention to distribute the Lightprayers all over the world. The unique concept will be clear to you when you have read the contents of the book and will actually do the Lightprayers for some considerable time. It will bring you inner-knowledge not brain-knowledge. A written truth inside your being that will lead you for the rest of your life, if you allow it to do so. There are various possibilities for obtaining the book: downloading it from this website, free of charge ordering a CD-ROM by sending $10 or €10 in cash, postage included ordering a photocopied book (ringbinder) 279 pages A-4 by sending $25 or €25 in cash, postage included Stichting Schild van Licht P.O. Box 260 3880 AG Putten The Netherlands e-mail [email protected] I shall be honoured to send you more details. Emile Trommel

The Sword of Archangel Michael and the Shield of Light

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The Sword of Archangel Michael and The Shield of Light

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Page 1: The Sword of Archangel Michael and the Shield of Light

The Sword of Michael and The Shield of Light 


The Armour of Light 

A pioneering way to transform the DNA of Creation

The ChaptersHere you can read the four parts of the book.


Part 1 – Spiritual Inventory and Confrontation

Part 2 – The Quantum Leap or MerKaBa

Part 3   – Walking The Path in devoted Submission

P art 4 – The Shield of Light – Doing the Lightprayers

It is the intention to distribute the Lightprayers all over the world. The unique concept will be clear to you when you have read the contents of the book and will actually do the Lightprayers for some considerable time. It will bring you inner-knowledge not brain-knowledge. A written truth inside your being that will lead you for the rest of your life, if you allow it to do so.

There are various possibilities for obtaining the book:

downloading it from this website, free of charge  ordering a CD-ROM by sending $10 or €10 in cash, postage included  ordering a photocopied book (ringbinder) 279 pages A-4 by sending $25 or €25 in cash,

postage included

Stichting Schild van LichtP.O. Box 2603880 AG Putten The Netherlandse-mail [email protected] 

I shall be honoured to send you more details.

Emile Trommel


The Sword of Michael and The Shield of Light 


The Armour of Light 

Page 2: The Sword of Archangel Michael and the Shield of Light

A pioneering way to transform the DNA of Creation


 Sayings to reconsider and applying to the contents of this book:


“I tell you he who believes in Me will also do the works that I do and, in truth will do greater works than these”.


“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the Earth, but a Sword”.


“Yet the Most High does not dwell in houses made with human hands”.


“Dost thou not know that thou art the Temple of God, and His Spirit dwells in thee”?


“If you accept Truth because I say so, you are enslaved and misled”.


“The Spirit of God cannot be confined to a book”.


“If you cannot release old things, you will never experience the new”.


This book would not have been realised without the continuous inspiring support of my wife Irene. 

I am also very grateful for the dedicated way my friend Petra has helped me to put everything on to paper, so that these “thoughts” could be read worldwide.

My friend André did quite a nice job making this very attractive website.

Mandate of the book  

First of all, this is a book to work with. The understanding should be that doing the Lightprayers is the only criterion.


The way to do this and the explanations has been kept as simple as possible. The reader should not consider this book as a literary work. The idea has been to explain the Lightprayers and their impact as simple as possible.

As such, this book might lead to an elemental change of life on Planet Mother Earth into an eternal life by doing the Lightprayers under escort of The Planetary Hierarchy. 

To compare the contents of this book with other apparently similar books is not the idea. It is not the contents that count but the effectively doing of the Lightprayers.

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These Lightprayers have been sent to Mother Earth in the thirties and were received by an English lady, Olive Pixley, at the time, and are not yet within the consciousness of our understanding. They will, however, be in due course.

The accompanying texts, written by me, are just for the purpose of someunderstanding of difference compared with other methods.


In some parts I mention other methods, belonging to the present New Age ideas, yet belonging to the old category, and not providing a new stimulus for a new world. This should not be understood that these methods are no good or not working to a certain extent, but they are of a different (lower) frequency (vibration), and lack force. In these methods the human being is very often (mostly) the centre of the force or the actual activator, where long life and health is the prime target, and secondary a new and better world want to be achieved. This is fully based upon typical human goals and gives groups of people striving for this, a good feeling and belonging to the right group of people in this world.


You are, of course, fully free to have your own ideas and on basis of that judging whether you will start actually doing these Lightprayers or not.


Interpretation of Title  In human history the meaning of the sword always represented a force to fight and during this history this sword has actually done accordingly.

In our “physical” memory there do exist many mythical stories in which the sword plays a dominant role. These manifestations are to be classified in two ways:

a.         The physical sword that is used to cut physical restrictions in any way, like Alexander The Great did, but also many knights and other noble and less noble warriors in order to achieve a human goal. Mostly these goals were connected to “so-called” nobler mythical quests.

b.         In the Middle Ages there are many famous stories about heroic deeds that the mythical sword achieved in defence of the weaker ones. King Arthur’s sword is a well-known characteristic feature but also the sword of Michael beating the dragon plays an important factor as such.     

In our present time, we talk about the sword of Damocles (dating back to the Old Grecian Days) when unpleasant things might happen to somebody, the sword that is hanging above your head. In the various sayings in the beginning of this book, there is quoted that Jesus did not come to Earth to bring peace, but the sword. Throughout all times, fanatics have used this to establish “law and order” in the Name of God. Even in Christianity, the sword plays an important part.

The “hidden” meaning of Jesus words in the above-mentioned saying – similar to that of Michael's sword – is that the (light)sword is used to cut literally the dogmatic interpretations of human beings. Freedom of thought will be able to flow into our world that will stop oppressive doctrines of religion and other restrictive patterns of thinking, very often hidden in the way the various cultures present themselves in our world.

But also the way certain so-called saints or chosen ones behave, will be shattered by this light-sword.

The deeper meaning of the Shield of Light, a method of Lightprayers brought to Mother Earth through the Planetary Hierarchy, is embedded in this. After the Harmonic Convergence, Planet Earth would come into another higher energy-frequency (vibration) for which these Lightprayers are formulated. People would – in due time – recognise these and it would enable them to exercise these Lightprayers without any restriction by any institution or person. There will be a total different attitude towards The Creator, and mankind will slowly starting to see the Wholeness of our Creation in reality. The contents of the book are divided into 4 parts:

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a.         Definitions and complimentary comments about another interpretation of life and the hidden meaning. To live on the basis of energy-frequency and spirit in various stages.

b.         Quantum Mechanics or MerKaBa

c.         The Bridge. The road that must be trod realising that Mother Earth is Wholeness and the human being (including everything else) is part of Her.

d.         The Method or Transporting Vehicle, being the Lightprayers enabling us to “walk” this Path on basis of Wholeness, led by The Planetary Hierarchy. The Transporting Vehicle is The Force that humans are collecting in their blood in order to be able to be transformed into another frequency or realm. Because of this exceptional difference of view, it might be recommendable to consider the two main streams:

- Psychotherapy, the human being is self-centred

- Universal or cosmic-therapy, the human being is tuned-in on Wholeness as an instrument.


1. Psycho-therapy

The perception is healing of body and spirit in self-realisation:

a. Physical well-being and health

The human being will start a programme of rituals to make his body healthy. Well-being and health is considered to pass a long and pleasant life on Planet Earth in a body well-taken care off. In the history of mankind, many different methods have been brought down to this Planet in order to prepare mankind for another way of experiencing this world. These methods are working within the frequency (vibration) of the brain and lead very often to projection. One of the most well known results is the dopamine or aspirin-effect.

  The actual physical body produces chemicals, regulated by the interference of the left and the right brain-frequency (vibration) producing a neurotransmitter that takes care of this chemical reaction building a state of well being through inner-body chemical substances.

A firm belief in your own attitude is the fundamental idea connected to this and done consciously or instinctively. The present spiritual health-service works with this basic idea and has given it a scientific foundation. Then there are other ways of healing, existing already a long time, like regulating energy-flow of the body, or working with herbs, discovered and rediscovered by our present society.

These methods originate from various civilisations, before our time, and are to some extent capable of healing in our present time. The major part of these methods belong to the so-called New Age stream (but actually to the Old Age), like Shiat-Su, Tai-Chi and not to forget the various ways of the Yoga-range, Reiki and many others.

  They fit into the frequency (vibration) that is called the astral or paranormal world, and even astrology (although accepted in many lives) is in the same category.

  b. Spiritual health or “soul-health”. In our present days there are a lot of activities with regard to our former lives, like regression, psychic healing, rebirthing, and other methods that involve contacting other so-called Lightbeings. A favourite method is channelling on own initiative. There is another way of channelling based upon a not expected feature through an “esp”-experience with a Lightbeing of Oneness. This is very unique and happens occasionally.


2. Universal or Cosmic-therapy

  Universal or cosmic-therapy through prayer in devotion  

The concept as such in the beginning, was developed by manifestations of

Lightbeings on Planet Earth, and were the starting point for the known world-religions, like Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and others. These Lightbeings preached Oneness but the result was separation because of differences in cultures and thinking-patterns.

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Now should be the time to realise that there can only be Oneness in the Name of God, which cannot be polluted by human-interpretations of separation. Work should be done to avoid pollution of our Planet, but the main thing would be to transform our spiritual pollution that all people represent in their being. If we transform this spiritual pollution in collaboration with the Lightbeings of Oneness, also the physical pollution will also stop. The other way around will not work by fighting the symptoms of our thinking patterns.

In the present time there are many organisations that try to fight these symptoms but there will be no solution as long as this contamination is not considered to be the result of the way we are, being on Planet Earth. The result will only be that disasters will happen on a different spot or in another way. To fight these happenings should not be done because of fear of our own well-being, but on basis of putting our destiny in the Hands of God. This will not be because of a kind of fulfilment and contentment, but of the realisation that we are here on Planet Earth to work for Wholeness. This will have to come out of free will and not because of any pressure whatever. The human being will commit himself to bring forces to our world, from the Ultimate Source through the Planetary Hierarchy by being an acupuncture needle in Their Hands.

  The duty of the human being would be - considering the Law of Action-Reaction – to act as an instrument for the incoming force through a non-emotional prayer.These powers will indeed be able to come into our frequency (vibration) and thus contribute to the Force that will transform Planet Earth, when the time is there. This should be no goal, but will be the result of just living in His Name. It must be clear now that this kind of behaviour is totally different of psychotherapy.

Here the result is always the magnetic power and not trusting His Wisdom and Power to judge and act, when the appropriate time is there. 


Even though there are many similarities between the two methods, the fundamental intention is very different. The words are similar but used in these two concepts on basis of a total different thinking-pattern. To comprehend this will take time for many individuals because working for Oneness only will surpass the definition of life that these individuals can understand and aim at, putting themselves at the first place. Since the dawn of time, the choice for personal happiness comes first and has led the world into the result we have now. In our time the choice for Oneness is more crucial than ever before, but we just must leave it up to the individual what the choice will be, without any pressure whatsoever.

That the aspects of Oneness engage the contents of this book will be clear.

A whole new way of praying is introduced dealing with the DNA of Creation. 

Psychotherapy is not bad but in fact leads away from the true reason why we are on Planet Earth. It is also the course why reincarnations are taking place or have taken place. Because in psychotherapy, we think that we know what the meaning is of our Creation. In submissive devotion at Gods Mercy, only one life is necessary without any time-restrictions. All Lightbeings of Oneness always stated accordingly and proved it to be the actual truth. The mission of Jesus is the most well-known. When He joined together Earth (body) and Heaven (soul) into One Lightbody, it was His Task to show this to the people. 

This manifestation has never been understood in the context of what actually was accomplished. 

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PrefaceThe intent of the book is to give you an idea of the ways and results through which the contents of this book have come to me. I have travelled the world many, many years, first as a business-manager and after 1986 as a spiritual investigator with a group of people or alone.

In many countries in and outside Europe I have given  introductions and seminars about my experiences and informed about the Lightprayers. I feel the time has come now to put everything in writing.

It is not the idea to establish a kind of eternal truth that certainly will become dogmatic in due course, but just to give an insight in my experiences.

Everything is change and that must be respected and observed. The seed is planted and will start to grow according to the Law of Course and Effect on basis of the availability of energy. The Law of Cause and Effect is applied if there is an arousing force or action due to which a conforming reaction is the result.

Both are subject to availability of Energy and Time, depending upon the Spirit of time.

The time in which we live is exceptional. About three thousand years before the Birth of Christ, something special happened.

Melchisedeck as a stimulus gave an impulse of spiritual power in Salem for our time to come.

To this impulse, which is a frequency (vibration), a certain resonance of life is connected. This has been laid down in the DNA of Our Creation (men, animals and plants). The process of consciousness on our Planet has developed accordingly. 

Certain things are possible for everybody and not only for the “so-called” chosen ones. It will be within the reach of everybody and this book will give you very clearly the way, how to do it. The key role the human being will have to play will become clearer and clearer. Man will realise that he is not the centre of the Universe but a part of Creation, to which he is responsible. A breakthrough in consciousness to be compared with the discovery of Galileo who found out that the Earth is turning around the Sun, and not the other way around. In our mind (brain) we have absorbed this but not in our emotional feelings. We still think we are the only ones who can dictate our way on Planet Earth and we live and handle accordingly. Man is manipulating the Key of Creation being The DNA, and is inspired by an uncontrollable desire for a long and happy life with almost unlimited possibilities.


Almost all means are used to achieve this goal and other living creatures are mistreated and manipulated without any respect and restraint to realise this goal.

In our memories there is a feeling that this has happened before and thoughts of the destruction of Atlantis are coming into our minds. Very deeply hidden within us, there is a blockade and in our rapidly evolving world it becomes clear that something is terribly wrong. Scientists are getting deeper and deeper involved in the mystery of the Key of Creation, DNA based upon the motivation to help the suffering humanity. 

What is the original function of DNA and how it is accomplished, is of no interest. The mechanical way is followed, part of the mystery solved (?) and the codes are opened and applied.

Successful outcomes are achieved, we might be able to live longer and we go for it without any restraint. The way of fighting symptoms within our body seems a fantastic success. There are predictions that humans might become 120 years or older. That DNA is the result of some process is overruled, hardly thought about. 

The radiation of energy on matter shapes a pattern, and one can say, the DNA of every person is different, because the soul-radiation of everybody is different. By changing the result, it will also effect - on some level - the radiation of the person. A consequence, science is not considering. On some level this knowledge is known and accepted, like cutting forests will change the surroundings and the result will be that the climate changes on long term. To manipulate our DNA and that of the other living creatures (animals and plants) will definitely have consequences, but we are blinded by our greed for happiness and long life. When will these actions be stopped? Is this perception (that almost inaudible bell within us) outvoted by

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our desires and lusts? I do not think so and certainly do not hope so, because there is some growing resistance, and till the last moment there is always the possibility of repentance. 

Not by turning away from the society that we all helped to create. Not fleeing away into the last natural surroundings that Mother Earth has left and disturbing the existing eco-systems there. A breakout only possible for people with money, possibly destroying these last resources. When six billion people would flee into nature there would not be any nature left. Also fleeing into old ways, both in worldly and spiritual patterns of thinking, will not bring any solution on long term.

First of all, these ways are outdated and of relatively small effect. Every day, many thousands of emotional prayers are sent to God, Allah or Jahweh to be helped. Help for family-members, for people we have a certain connection or affection with, and of course for ourselves and other loved-ones.

The Lord knows, but the human being knows better. In the name of self-love and self-esteem, the human being thinks he should be heard and his requests met. If not, discussions whether God loves the human being and even His Non-Existence,are favourable subjects for debate. 

Time has arrived to come to another form of praying, a type of praying in total surrender and devotion in which our own desires and needs are hardly playing a role. A prayer in which the human being is active as an arousing voice for the Total of Creation and acts for everything that is alive, visible and invisible.

Playing an active role in the Hands of the Planetary Hierarchy, like an acupuncture needle, regulating the energy-flow on Mother Earth. To realise that judging right and wrong is only within the human limits of thinking, illusion and connected to Zeitgeist. Wholeness means, positive and negative are inseparably interconnected, enshrined in Creation. 

Unfortunately, on basis of the restricted insight in Creation, the human being still goes on behaving like some god, and continues to divide. The effect, continuously there will be groups of people who think they are the better ones. When they have grown very strong, they will start to dominate and try to enslave other smaller groups, who also think they are the better ones. 

You can wait till time is there that the ultimate result is a conflict that leads to physical combat, war. Praying, within your own limits, for peace is useless, unless done in total surrender to Gods Mercy. Our understanding of War is physical combat and will never be excluded from Planet Earth, because our genes are dualistic. The only way peace can be achieved is by accepting the circumstances as they are, in total surrender to Wholeness. Stressing the fact that he who thinks is right must also realise that he is wrong. Decisions are subject to interpretation and evolution. When we want to change we have to pray unconditionally and accept the results being radiated into our being. 

The Law of Reincarnation is penetrating more and more the thinking patterns of the human beings in the West. Many healers are using this idea to cure people of instabilities and diseases in this lifetime by bringing the person concerned back to a “so-called” past-life manifestation. This is not possible then by sheer chance; because our present attitude (zeitgeist) is very different of the one that was ruling, say a hundred years or a thousand years ago. We can only interpret the obvious details within our present existence, which might create a very big lie. 

It is very hard to distinguish a lie relatively close to the real truth. It is beyond the shadow of a doubt that reincarnation exists. If we take into consideration that we are just energy in earth-matter. It is very likely to be reborn on Mother Earth in different circumstances. If this thought is soaked into our consciousness it will change the way we are thinking about the difference of life and death. 

In our society, life and death are separated, life is heaven and death is hell. That is the way we are looking at it. May be there is no death or life as such, being just a representation of our fear, a view that we have created like being in prison. May be what we call death is just another type of life in another reality, another stage of consciousness and beyond our comprehension. If we are prepared to reconsider this point of view, another perspective might be the result. 

This might possibly lead to a better understanding of what Creation is all about. Energy and Spirit is embracing everything in accordance with the laws of nature. We can just comprehend

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part of it. We are depending upon the progress we made. Evolution might be very different for everybody.

All human beings are having equal rights, but they are not equivalent (this shows the DNA-structure).

All humanly developed thinking patterns are manifested in energy-fields, the so-called fields of morphicresonance or morphogenetic fields. We feel this mostly in nationalism or religion mixed with culture and nationalism. 

Mother Earth is a very divided Planet because of these very different thinking-patterns mostly originating from the past. Everyday, new ones are in the making, and the human being is the main creator. It is now time to start a confrontation and a discussion, because apparently there are signs that things are about to happen.

Up till now, the human has been in charge on Planet Earth, with or without Guidance of The Lightbeings of Oneness, at least we act like this. The free will is inviolable but common sense will prevail, this is the lesson that we have to learn. 

It cannot be far away. The Planetary Hierarchy will take over (may be not in the way we interpret this, but in a not-humanlike way) and human beings can become co-worker or collaborator (being instrument), but not organiser. The “train of our reality”, economic-growth is racing along with incredible speed. Increasing quantities of raw materials are used to continue and support this speed. Nobody can get off this train, although some do by fleeing away into the small natural surroundings we have on this planet. Because of this, these become also polluted. 

Money plays the important factor and the individuals who are controlling the stream of this money-flow, are determining the fate of the Planet. This is not any more done on a traditional nationalistic basis, but done by financial institutions without any face, supranational.

There seems to be no solution to end this, there is no fleeing possible. We must realise why we have come to this planet. We came to surrender at The Mercy of the Lord and live our lives in harmony with the other living creatures. To cooperate with the Spiritual Leaders of this Planet (Christ or Buddhist Consciousness) or any other Name which represents the Lightbeings of Oneness in the original concept, The Planetary Hierarchy. These Names are mostly connected to institutions founded by human beings in East and West. They have nowadays only a very rudimentary meaning. 

The Spiritual Leaders of Planet Earth are waiting for individuals who want to cooperate with them, without striving for any human-result. Individuals who do not look for own advantage, but at the same time know that this striving is laid down into the gene-structure. 

Who are willing and prepared to help transforming this? Being available in action, by doing in silence these Lightprayers. The responsible reaction will come from the Planetary Hierarchy and will bring the necessary Force to Planet Earth to build an energy-field of morphicresonance of Wholeness.

This will transform the Planet and bring Wholeness when the time is there. Slow is a human interpretation, because transformation happens with the speed of light, now or in a hundred or a thousand years. Time is a human invention; there is only the rhythm of breathing-in and breathing-out, The Being of Eternal Life. It will happen what many Messengers have prophesied and it will be overpowering. 

This book will spell out in detail how you can help by doing the 64 Lightprayers composing of a mixture of breathing (spiritually and physically), Light (in all known and unknown colours) coming from the Ultimate Source, sound and movement, being all the ingredients of a different frequency (vibration) of the astral world we live in. The human being that will accept his responsibility of the task to be done on Mother Earth shall see the indivisible Creation of which he is participating as an instrument.

He will commit himself to work in silent cooperation with The Planetary Hierarchy. 

They radiated these Lightprayers in the thirties to Mother Earth through Olive Pixley, an English Lady. Wholeness would have to benefit when the time would be there (after The Harmonic Convergence).


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Experience of the author.  

Out of experiences I know that people are very often interested to hear why I am doing what I do and how I acquired the inside knowledge that is given in the book. Before and after 1986 I had some incredible experiences and “meetings” that made me come to this decision: 

"If that is what life is all about, what am I doing now? At the time I was a business-manager and subsequently I set start on this quest out of free will and “opened up” myself as much as possible for new experiences. Very slowly a total new world and insight was given to me that surpasses death. I am aware of the maya-effect, (illusion-effect which manifests part-reality) and all the time I urge myself to be practical and critical, which does not mean that I do reject the experiences. I analyse these happenings that are surpassing the brain-restrictions on basis of “inner-intuitive thinking”. After many lectures and seminars in many countries, the time is there to put my views and in sights to writing, realising that you have the full right to reject these."  

The only real important thing is to do the Lightprayers.

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Part 1 - Spiritual Inventory and Confrontation


In the BeginningThe Concept of Life on Mother Earth (drawing) Fields of Energy, morphogenetic Fields (drawing)DNA of our Creation, Mother EarthGod's Immanence and Transcendence Celestial MessengersReincarnation Life Force (Chi)The Choice of Free WillMagnetism, Universal Love (Vortex of Attraction) (drawing)Not my will, but Thy Will prevailsThe growing spiritual Understanding IReceptivityChemistry, Influences and ActionsThe Mind (brain)The HeartEnergy and/or LeylinesTransmittersThe growing spiritual Understanding IIThe growing spiritual Understanding III Energy The present mental PerceptionUnity or WholenessFree ChoiceDualismDimensionsThe Reincarnation Cycle (drawing)Mother Earth

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In the Beginning 



There is but one Creation, and we just know some aspects. It will always be like that, because development of consciousness is spiralling, there is no beginning and there will be no ending, just the present is important. The present bears the results of the past and the seed of the future, it seems there is no variety and that the human being has no choice but to surrender. We, however, have free will (the only such being alive on this planet). We are all aware what role this played in our evolution on Mother Earth, and we see the results in our everyday life. If we were to continue in this way, it would create a very human way of looking at creation.


 This is not the idea of this book. Its main concept is that people should realise that they might be aware of and have some idea of how things are. The actual truth by far exceeds what they are or might be able to understand, even to the extent of their innermost feelings of wisdom. For each human being there is a difference in the possibilities open to him. Our readings and clarifications of Creation are dependent upon the spirit of Zeitgeist and our restricted possibilities. The human being is a complex creature. The body is a chemical factory with the capacity to produce all kinds of chemicals. As a result we think we can observe true realities, but these chemical reactions involved, are very often just causing hallucinations.


You might call these dopamine-effects or aspirin-effects caused by thinking patterns and the result of interference of the two brain-halves. A more neutral – non-emotional – view on Creation is introduced and on which the basic-law is founded that might explain the coherence.

This Law is:


Matter is the lowest frequency (vibration) of Spirit and Spirit is the highest frequency

(vibration) of Matter.

Acceptance of this will in principle enable us to clarify and understand the Total

Coherence of Creation.


Highest and lowest are to be interpreted as a function of frequency (vibration) and not as moral concepts. This statement leads to the conclusion that everything that exists is only energy in some form of existence. In short Energy and Spirit is to be explained within the possibilities of Mother Earth. Spirit is the all-incorporated Creation, or better The Ultimate Source or “simply” God, The Father or any other Name that reflects this belief. We should realise that we can only think “dualistically”, painting pictures according to our own patterns and frameworks that are familiar to us. You could compare Creation with an unlimited quantity of energy-fields, partly enshrined in matter that we can perceive. This picture is clarified with giving the example of a radio. The various wavelengths represent the various possibilities to tune-in on the various broadcasts.


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All these kinds of frequency (vibration)-waves are whirling through the air, but do not mix. If we put the radio on a certain frequency (vibration), a broadcasting station, we can receive the broadcasting very clear, providing we are within the radius. The other broadcasting-stations cannot be received either, because we are not tuned into these. If we change the tuning, we are able to receive another station. Just one, because also being tuned into another would create dissonance. The human being is a receptor in tune with a certain frequency (vibration). This might be a local Zeitgeist or the present “universal” world-view. We are getting dependent (might even be enslaved) upon the “broadcasting-station” we tune into and resonate accordingly. If we change the tuning, the resonance also changes.


Life nowadays in modern world is having the same effect. Even if you can achieve through exercises the alteration of your brain-frequency (vibration) and arrive at another frequency (vibration), the same thing happens. This might be the result of exercises or taking some kind of drugs or even a change of diet such as becoming a vegetarian. All these cases are not necessarily a better way of life or belief than the previous method or belief. The person led by his own perception will come to self-realisation or that so longed for “enlightenment”. He might be as much a dreamer as someone who is a pragmatist, with both feet on the ground. The unfolding of theories of what a happy and fortunate world should be like, may take a person easily into a dream world. Many means of support, active (drugs) and passive, can be called upon.


We live in a certain receptive frequency (vibration). We can only understand, observe and dream about what is within this frequency (vibration). What is beyond (in another frequency) we have no idea and can only dream about. This dreaming is only based upon the knowledge and insight that is within our being. To state this universal truth will be very disenchanting for a lot of people, because our idea of Creation is drenched in emotional sentiment and wishful thinking.


The shroud that causes our restrictions is, however becoming increasingly transparent. We are confronted with events previously beyond our scope and we judge these on basis of our present knowledge. We are starting to incorporate these events into our present knowledge, thinking they belong to our frequency (vibration). The course of evolution of the human being proceeds at a low pace because we are constantly misdirected and distracted by our own judgement. We meander and stray and of course it takes time for us to realise this.


We are corrected, sometimes very harshly; think of the Flood as mentioned in the worlds many sacred books. We are not alone, but we have very little trust in our Celestial Beings working for Oneness. They are prepared to help us though not on our conditions. If only we realised that an overall plan exists, Gods Plan. We should recognise that doing our own choice is not the way, but that we have to be led.If we do not want that, we shall be corrected and re-corrected many times over. We shall learn the hard way. These corrections will take place in many ways. The Planetary Hierarchy, Gods Executive Council is standing by, for the benefit ofWholeness, to protect all living creatures on our Planet.


This Councils Name is The Planetary Hierarchy, and not The White Brotherhood. The Latter is a dualistic denomination indicating there must be also The Black Brotherhood.

The Dutch government is appointed for good and bad people and The Planetary Hierarchy is meant in the same way. There can be no uncertainty about Their Existence, doing what has to be done for the well-being of the entirety of our

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Creation and not just for the benefit of mankind.

This Planetary Hierarchy has a difficult task cooperating with human beings, because we are so strongly ego-centred and unpredictable. The majority of people are mostly seeking self-glorification and their own narrow self-interest. Will this task be benefiting, when, where and how. The sooner the better. The word “love” in this case is not interpreted as Universal Love. Love is then used as a catalyst to achieve a personal goal.


The Planetary Hierarchy cannot and will not impose anything on us, because our free will should be respected within the most marginal expression. If people elect to live by free will they will also have to accept the consequences, for the results laid down into karma that will be brought about. Only then The Universal Laws can be maintained that work for the benefit of Oneness. People clash very often with these Laws, because these Laws are very often contrary to the principles and results of selfish actions. The famous story of The Flood or Fall, might only be understood when man realises he has overstepped the limits of Gods Law. Creation could only be redeemed through total extinction, save the creatures needed for a new beginning. A New Beginning will always come about. This is the only kind of true love, a love that implies total unselfishness.


These Guiding Beings of our creation are regularly giving us stimulus on basis of manifestations and laser-like beams of light. The possibilities for a higher consciousness for the creatures in our world are energised. Many known manifestations exist (in the present and the past) out of which a world-religion originated. These manifestations were executed in total silence. This had to be done and will also continue in the future. In this, Orion plays a dominating role, and a fair share of the crop-circles are the result. Various astrological formations also play an important role through their radiation onto people and other living beings. The Harmonic Convergence is a famous example.


When people start to read about these events and using these within existing reasoning, this will bring him into the world of maya or illusion (part truth). This should not be understood as being not true. Because of the Law of Cause and Effect, these “partial truths” can play an important role. Within this frequency(vibration), mankind is still living and creating his own reality. Events within that frequency seem to be universal, but are not.


The sub-consciousness might also take care to enforce this “reality” for this person. In order to be able to make it understandable, explanations are restricted to our “part of

Creation”. Do not forget that this part is fully susceptible to the radiation for The Whole of Creation and vice versa.


The dictum “All is One, and One is All” remains effectively in force. You cannot turn this around by saying “One is All, and therefore All is One. This would mean that man-could change the basis of Creation and that would be a contradiction to the afore-mentioned statements. The famous sentence “I am one drop in the Ocean” is totally irrelevant. There are no drops in the Ocean, there is only the Ocean. If there is a drop, it is separated from the Ocean.


We think like that because we are dualistic people, and ruled by the laws of our thinking patterns. We have a “burning” need for this individuality and “Not my will, but Thy Will shall prevail” is fully ignored. A small sketch will give you clearly an idea

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of these statements, and in what way Creation is materialised through the Will of God on Planet Earth.


The Concept of Life on Mother Earth 



The atmosphere, shield and membrane for all earth life.

Filter for allowing photosynthesis to happen.

Mankind, shield and membrane for spiritual life on earth.

filter for spiritual energy to earth through the 64 Lightprayers and walking acupuncture needle.



On the drawing, it looks like the Ultimate Source - being radiator - is separated, but please understand that everything is interconnected. There are two reflections being the physical sun and the spiritual sun.

The physical sun is radiating her rays of light throughout space. In space, light is

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dark and consists of our day(light) and night(light) – the dualistic version - in harmony. It is raying “down”, a temperature of minus 273 degrees centigrade and arriving at the atmosphere of Mother Earth. Something incredible happens. The rhythm of day and night (dualism) is born because Mother Earth is spinning around our physical life-giver The Sun. The sunrays are penetrating into the atmosphere.


This is acting like a membrane filtering all the rays that can harm the creatures living on this Planet, thus creating special life-conditions. These are not only

life-conditions for the known and visible living-beings, but also for the non-visible ones, like the Devas who cooperate with us to make the photo-synthesis of life possible.

Within certain temperature-fluctuations (in between minus/plus 70 centigrade) and a certain air-composition, these specific conditions allow life as we know it, to be born. This physical shape consists of 4 basic-elements creating our DNA. This process is necessary having a body to accommodate the soul. This is immanent for living on Mother Earth, both for visible and invisible beings.  


The human being seems to dominate this world of life, but should instead open up (surrender) and become a bridge for the Universal Intent. In other frequencies(vibrations) the same process is happening and we have no idea. The last few years the curtain of transparency is getting more lucent resulting into manifestations we cannot explain with our present knowledge. There are many creations around us. We, by some “coincidence”, are observing uncommon events and we like to explain these solely on our “brain-knowledge”. The atmosphere of Mother Earth creates very special conditions to allow our life-span, physically.


The other reflection, The Spiritual Sun, might be called Christ or Buddhist-Consciousness or Force. Also other words or names could apply as long as they represent the Force of Unity in Gods Name, like Elohim or Planetary Hierarchy. Ever since the manifestation of Melchisedeck, many Messengers (known) have brought impulses to Mother Earth out of which the World-religions were established. There were, however, also many unknown Messengers.


These impulses were injected in order to increase the frequency(vibration) enabling man to acquire a “higher” Consciousness. Since man did not see these manifestations as universal and adapted these to local needs. The various world-religions were founded and grew dogmatic. Various godheads were created connected with nationalism, race or culture. Not the acceptance that there is only Oneness, whatever Name the Godhead was given. Separatism flourished and brought our Planet into a situation of hopelessness. We should understand that there is only Wholeness and that the rest is just human talk. Our own interest is a very decisive fact and most of all, economic advantage is. God, Our Father is indivisible and all living creatures have the same corresponding rights. They are entitled to these, each on their own level.


The “instrumental or serving” position of man towards Wholeness barely exists and the lack of it has caused an incredible disturbance on Planet Earth. This result we can see and feel in our daily life and causes a lot of uncertainty in our being. The Spiritual/Planetary Hierarchy continues to send Messengers and will keep on doing so because of Universal Love. They will lead all creatures on Planet Earth that are sincerely asking for guidance towards The Ultimate Source, or The Kingdom of Heaven.


The Prophesy, “ Nobody enters this Kingdom but through Me” is not meant by Jesus

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being a human being, but being a Messenger (Part) of The Christ/Buddhist Consciousness or Force. He would have never been able to do what He did, if many other Celestial Beings would not have made the necessary preparations. This Bridge of Light in Unity would take us from the astral world we live in (dualistic) into the World of Wholeness. The astral plane or paranormal world we live in is not something bad, but just being a frequency(vibration) from where we go –when the time is there - into the World of Wholeness. This frequency(vibration) is higher and the beginning of a total new “existence” on the endless spiral of evolution. Then and only then, there will be Synthesis.


Through ages of time. Man was addressing himself to God or whatever Name you like to call this Oneness, through emotional prayer. This prayer was mostly a request for help or assistance for oneself or family to get a “better” life or to be healed or cured in this life. This type of prayer was mostly concerned with the situation in the present life where death plays a frightful, but unavoidable part. Nobody wants to die, we want to live and when this life has gone by, we wanteternal life. This is the way it has been promised to us.


There is however, something much more substantial and of great importance that could not be understood. This was and is manifested in all Holy Books, like the Bible and Other Scriptures. In preparation of the time to come man should be subjected to evolution. Prayer has become in our days a way of expressing our desire and God should live up to His Promises and give us what we ask for. He has prophesied so.

A different way of praying has been brought to the Earth laid down in the 64 Lightprayers, consisting of various combinations.


These prayers are not a request for the benefit of man only but also a possibility to bring energy to this Planet Earth. This will cause change in His Name. The actual doing of these prayers will elevate mankind into instrumental beings committed to Wholeness and working only for the Totality of Creation. The human being doing so, will become an “acupuncture-needle” in the Hands of The Spiritual Leaders in The Name of Unity.

These prayers will be done solely through the intermediary of The Ultimate Source where darkness (night, negative) and (positive, day) light are fully integrated into Oneness. These prayers are done exclusively through the speed of Light. The individual should exercise this intensely before being able to meet.


God, Our Father, has created everything in Wholeness, but human beings, creatures in evolutionary development, bound by their inner-restrictions, have realised a dualistic, dogmatised world in matter and spirit. This being (see drawing), is an incarnated soul into Mother Earth Matter (Deva-energy or generally called body). It will become the effective, committed instrument in the “Hands” of the Planetary Hierarchy out of his free will and to be the connection on Mother Earth. He will radiate out this force of Unity for everything that lives and grows, visible and invisible.


We have to understand that one step leads to the other into perpetuity and one living creature should show respect and dignity to the next one. Man cannot ignore this principle and should not manipulate these creatures. He should serve at Gods Mercy being an instrument forever. The Planetary Hierarchy needs willing people like these to be able to send this Force to Planet Earth.

This is the way everybody is able to walk this path within the restrictions of his DNA gene structure, the key that his soul has laid down into matter. This way is different for everybody, but it is still the way through Universal Love and Attraction by The Father on basis of The Law of Magnetism. As a nail is attracted by a magnet straight

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on, likewise we are attracted by The Father.

Our DNA is our resistance-catalyst making everybodys way a unique way, because everybodys DNA is different.


We now live in a world we have created and just our universal devotion is our way out. Submission to the Ultimate Source through action is reaction. We are heavily distracted, and each single individual shall or have to confront himself to decide to go the way through Gods Mercy. This way is offered by the Lightprayers, not a surrender to some human individual but to the Ultimate Source through the Planetary Hierarchy being an instrument. Not in an emotional way, but because of confrontation where Unity in His Name can lead us.


If we decide to commit ourselves in that way, gradually and very slowly the real reason for our being here will be shown to us. Our inside knowledge will tell us which task we have to fulfil in being here. Our own experience will be that Mother Earth is a living Creature and not a heap of clay and stones we can use and misuse at random. If we choose not to do so we have a free will – we shall continue to pollute and contaminate Our Mother who gave us life.


The result will be that we shall just perish because of this behaviour. The Living Earth will more and more make us understand that we are part of Her. Our body is earth-matter (Deva-energy) made through Creative Power in His Name. We shall discover that Planet Earth is created like us and has a very complicated life-system of which we know so little about. The energy-lines or Leylines are the most well-known and along these lines, energies are transported. We shall discover that Earth is a living Creature like mankind, but of a much greater importance in the total energy-system of this Creation. We must understand this is far beyond our present comprehension.


We can only judge the importance on basis of our restricted pattern of thinking. We should be liable to experiences widening our view very slowly but definitely. We shall get to know Mother Earth gradually and shall discover similar creatures like us that our presently beyond our perception.

Opening the third eye in connection with our “receptor”, the “Fonticulus(Fontanel)”, we shall move into another wavelength and discover other beings. We shall be able to communicate. On certain points of the Leylines it is easy to experience other realities because of other frequency(vibration)-resonance fields.


This might lead us into the world of Maya and consciously wanting to go this way it will just lead to illusion and will distract us.

It is good to know that this exists but it is not the principal motivation for our being here.

To unite Heaven(Soul) and Earth(Body) into one frequency(vibration) will bring us out of the world of maya. The world of maya seems highly attractive and very, very interesting for human understanding and insight. In this world of make believe where “so-called” promises are made, you need to have a very strong faith to be able to resist our curiosity for advantageous journeys of this kind.


Nevertheless, how highly interesting the experiences in this maya world shall be, the human destiny should just continue going straight on back to the Source. You will experiences these adventures from time to time. Just go on and let these events not interfere with the results .This transformation process is on basis of “ not my will but Thy Will shall prevail”. We have come to Mother Earth to unite and Our Father

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will lead us and help us to remember why we are here .


This is an old and a long-lasting wisdom. Very real in this time, where belief is blocked by maya. Old Wisdom is called new, and called New Age. Old Wisdom wrapped in a new casing of glitter and fantasy, more powerful than ever because the energy-frequency(vibration) is more powerful than ever.


This is the speciality of this time and this very moment.

This time is a very special time and to a certain extent you might call a “final-phase” time. This does not mean the end, because there is always a new beginning. If we think in terminology like end, we create fear because we think we shall loose what we have “achieved”. There is most certainly no truth in that. If we allow The Father to lead us, we shall be taken into places we have to go. Principally that can be anywhere, and there will be no fear under His guidance. That is the basic message – the pit(stone) – of this time laid down in The Pyramid of Gizeh and in the Mystic Calendar of The Mayas.


These messages are in accordance with each other and some insight knowledge might be welcome.. The Pyramid of Cheops has been built in order to have people understand that Mother Earth represents a living entity. Part of Her History is enshrined in stone(the frequency/vibration of stone).

This memorial column was constructed on a locality carefully chosen and determined on basis of dowsing (interference of leylines) and equal quantity of earth areas on all four sides. The construction is earthquake-proof.


Together with the two smaller Pyramids this is the Centre of the Star sign Orion. The locations of the other “Parts of Orion” are also represented by Pyramids in The Bermuda Triangle, Brazil, China and The South Seas (Land of Mu). The coordinate systems are known and they form this Starsign of Orion manifested in Stone on Planet Earth. The sign is known but there is very little known about the results of radiation on Planet Earth.


Nowadays people are concentrating on The Pleiades and Sirius but not on Orion. Radiation is becoming stronger and stronger and noticeable on our life-support-systems. This will, however, increase further through the years.

Do we have any idea what this monument is and why this is built in the centre of Planet Earth. Just a construction of stones put together by a Super master-builder who had the wish to show that He was far ahead of His time. Even in our days, it is still very doubtful whether we could – in spite of all our present technology – build such a monument. Or could the significance be of a total different calibre. A bracket in time showing how man’s history will be unless the human being will come to his senses and accept a different view on life in His Name.


It is clear that this Pyramid has been built to face the North Star. This is not uncommon; many known Monuments are built like that. Gradually, this Monument is opening up and people are starting to understand that it is not just a construction. Some of the hidden secrets are coming now into our consciousness. Scientists found out that the constructional details are a puzzle of sizes. The way the corridors are laid out in symmetry makes the idea acceptable that length and size of these corridors and earth-time are corresponding on a certain basis with each other.


It is possible to create a timetable in years, known by very few people since the construction. Nostrodamus was probably one of them. According to this timetable,

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certain unforgettable things have happened and will happen again. Mankind has to change their thinking-patterns creating pollution and disturbances on Earth. This timetable runs out on December 2012. In August 1987 we entered the last cycle. This cycle is dedicated towards transformation during a period of 25 years. In this time the Force is there to build a field of morphogenetic energy, strong enough to be able to transform the old fields. This can only be done through working for Wholeness. If this is not done, the time will be passed, the Force gone and there will be a new beginning.

There will always come a new beginning, but we shall not always understand this. Human thinking is not fit to do so. The lay-out of these time-units in this time-table, is related to the codes of The DNA of Creation.


You might understand this if you would encompass all DNAs (comparable with computer programmes) and convert it into Oneness. If the outcome is not transformed on Mother Earth, the Force will work itself out and disappear. The corridor-system of Pyramid of Gizeh is similar to the 20 and 13 images of the sacred and secret calendar of the Mayas. If our birth-intent will not be met, the conclusion must be that humanity did not succeed to transform old thinking patterns into new ones. Nothing will change in our world, only the casing or outside cover (wrapping).

Everyday man , being the “highest” ranking on the ladder of the 4 (minerals, plants, animals, human beings) behaves in a certain way creating energy-output towards Mother Earths Ley-lines.

This energy is transported along these lines to the Pyramid of Gizeh, regrouped and collected deep down. This energy-flow consists of our dualistic harmony. We separate this as positive and negative.


An enormous turbulence column of energy, like a spiral, will be the result (double helix). In the morning, when the sun is rising this spiral is radiated out of the top of the Pyramid towards Orion. The top of the Pyramid is different in appearance on the outside. The Pyramid Shape was used because this is the strongest and most effective form to transport energy-flow. This energy is sucked out into the air and radiated towards Orion. The Planetary Hierarchy receives this spiral and are analysing how much Mother Earth has progressed on the path towards Unity. The human being plays an important part being the “highest” in ranking in our part of Creation. This Wholeness seems so far away, because man is holding on to his own individual identity. Mother Earth plays a very important part in the Total of Creation.


The Planetary Hierarchy knows Planet Earth needs help and assistance and help through energy-shots (laser-injections coming from Orion) into those parts of the Leylines mostly needed. Crop-circles are created to show humanity, imprisoned in his drive for individuality, that there is more than the brain can understand.

The birth-intention is that receiving is giving (radiating out) to Mother Earth (Oneness). Man is specially created for this purpose, but and should act out of own free will. He cannot or shall not be forced or manipulated to operate accordingly by these Lightbeings working for Oneness.


No Celestial Messenger always working solely for Wholeness, will force any being having a free will, to act against his own choice. Only when it is of vital importance and Unity or Free Will of other beings are at stake, they will act. If this would not be the case the basic conditions of free will and evolution would be jeopardized and enslavement would be the result.

It would destroy completely the Impulse of this Creation. Every individual or Lightbeing not acting correspondingly manipulates and creates results on basis of fear and lack of confidence in His Name. If The Ultimate Source were to jeopardize

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this principle, evolution would be set back for thousands of years.

Light of Wholeness transforms accordingly and is the message of our time. We just have to believe and act accordingly. This is what The Shield of Light is all about, transforming the DNA of Creation. This is the reason why there are 64 Lightprayers because 4x4x4=64 (4 is the representation of the 4 substances in DNA and the application is within the creation of body, soul and spirit (trinity). More information will be available about the blockages created by maya in this book.


It is clear that everything is subject to maya, being the result of the interpretation of mankind. The actual doing of the Lightprayers in His Name through the Planetary Hierarchy (Christ- or Buddhist Force) will transform this “maya-being” into a being that will intuitively know.

There is but one Law to be recognised, “not my will, but Thy Will shall prevail” effectively in behaving and acting. A major battle in the inner-self of human beings will be the result to “avoid and block” maya. It is easy and difficult at the same time. A lot of inner-stability and inner-confidence in His Name is needed.  


Our Pre-Stage Evolution

If we want to understand what is our position and what are our living-circumstances are, we shall have to remind the fact that we consist of three different frequencies(vibrations). These frequencies(vibrations) (vibrations) are for every individual very different. That will lead us in understanding Trinity: body, soul and spirit.

The Body is matter of a certain frequency(vibration) highly connected to Mother Earth. The Soul is a matter of a higher frequency(vibration). It is not the intention to give a vast description of the soul since in much literature many different opinions have been given


The only thing we have to realise is that in these descriptions various patterns of human projection have been laid down in harmony with consciousness and time-spirit. This is the most fundamental idea to the most fundamental interpretation of reincarnation. The soul is our eternal identity in everlasting life, manifesting itself in earth-matter. In former times, civilizations considered this as being in prison. Nowadays we are starting to realise that this manifesting is done out of free choice. To do what has to be done in the course of evolution. It is a free imprisonment, surrender to earth conditions but most important of all, surrender to the birth-intent. Every soul has a certain intensity of radiation, enshrined in the body being earth matter, according to an individual pattern. That is why the code of DNA is different for everybody.


The soul is a “being” of a higher frequency(vibration) entering the earth atmosphere and incarnating into this body and writing the codes according to this individual pattern. Obviously you could say that the soul through various incarnations has obtained this frequency(vibration), which we call “spiritual development”. The body is earth matter. This is a frequency(vibration) of a different hierarchy called Deva-energy. The soul has to learn to live in symbiosis. These two” beings”, belonging to a different Hierarchy, are coming now into our consciousness.


Then Spirit. Spirit is the all-embracing Creation of energies in an unlimited variety of frequencies(vibrations)(vibrations). In our body we have a receiving aerial, connected directly with the Ultimate Source. The self is manifested through this antenna, “ The Fonticulus(Fontanel)”, the place in earlier days on the head, monks cleared of hair.

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There are many interpretations about the self and one is that we cover this spot if we want to stay in the existing (often dogmatised) energy-impulse. Then, we are not prepared to receive directly new “information” from the Source. This knowledge, being human interpretation becomes dogmatised and ruled by maya. This will lead to “clerical dogmas” and consequently to human-controlled truth in “His Name”.

This is what you are and there will be no change. The fear to loose might be the most extreme fear, humans have.

The “insight” into The Universe should teach us that everything is change and that holding on to old ways will keep new experiences and new values away. The actual creation of these new values is only possible by transformation of the old ways in His name. The old ways are in the new way. The transformation will become totally unique. Like the old ways were totally unique in their time.

Only through thinking in energy-frequency(vibration), the human being is capable to understand. In the spiralling Force of evolution the new seed is in the top of the spiral. The new way of consciousness is growing out of this. You might understand now that the human being has and is the three frequencies(vibrations). We can tune into each one of these separately, or understand that there is only Wholeness in Creation through Submission to Gods Mercy.


To “accomplish” Wholeness in this way in this life is only possible to work for the Total of Creation. This is our birth-intent. In other world-religions and spiritual movements, certain interpretations are given that are clearly recognisable. You should understand what the actual imprisonment in maya is. This frequency(vibration) in which Our present life is lived in this frequency(vibration) and is subject to the possibility of restrictions of understanding. To understand the events and manifestations we might accept as so-called miracles of God.


We live on this astral or paranormal level or frequency(vibration). Talking about this frequency, you might interpret this as Gods Force applicable within a certain restrictive understanding. That is what reincarnation is like. Humanly speaking, we have the opportunity and the possibility to understand these restrictions because of the way we are created. Recognising and transforming this might take many lives or a “split second”. Only God knows.


Then we have the frequency(vibration) of the soul enshrined in earth-matter. If we succeed to contact this soul through meditation, different ideas and other realities will be the result of this in our life. Unfortunately and unavoidable these supplements will be interpreted and ruled by the brain. Consequence will be a sort of compromise between the two realities. We overlook the fact that our soul is just a developing aspect of 100% spirituality. It is unable to understand fully the Wholeness of Creation. The inner-pilot flame is only capable to lead us into Gods Mercy on basis of Thy Will is Law.


Our free will makes thoughts arise in us like I am living here and God is there, He cannot dictate these laws, because we know better being in this realm. This is the basic concept of Luciferan Power. Undoubtedly you will realise that man is in utmost turbulence and hesitance, because the energy-radiation now is enormous.

The spiral of developing transformations in our society and the disappearing restrictions baffles us and we do not know anymore where to hold on to. A painful process might be ahead. You might be able to imagine that our days are the final result of a certain time-mechanism of Transformation. This is causing great turbulence in our daily life. The confrontation of the various forces are as follows:

a.      Earth-restricted Science, and

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b.     The Soul-Knowledge of the 7-Spheres, and

c.      The Paranormal or Astral forces, and

d.     The Deepest Godly Feeling embedded in us, The Self.


Only The Self and not Self-Realisation, will be able to lead us out of this turbulence into The Light of Oneness through universal submissive devotion.

Giving up fear created by the religious institutions and transforming this into Eternal Love and Respect for everything that lives and grows. The present day mainstream seems to be that people are turning (deep inside their hearts) away, more and more from the scientific manifestation of our society (although the impact of science seems to get stronger and stronger on the outside).


Although this is highly recommendable, danger through arrogance is around the corner. We might think we know what Creation is all about and that we can handle and control this. By bringing the Understanding of Creation to our Realm we live in compromise with Earth and The 7-Spheres. Although this bears in itself quick results, it will create border-phenomenon, and developing new ones. Certain forces or (better)powers will as a result, start to control and enslave our society. These will lead us into surrender to our own “perfectionism and rightness”.


This astral realm is very tempting and we might be “overpowered” by the thought that we do not have to do anything but “just” surrender (to what?) and our problems will be solved..

Many movements within the spiritual realm are preaching that we just have to improve the radiation of our soul or light-body. May be this has ever been the interpretation of spiritual development. In the present stage of evolution into which we are now reincarnated, this self-realisation means separation of The Wholeness of Evolution of Creation. When we would act like that, many worlds will be the result. Our own personal world, in which our own thoughts and acts are interwoven, separated from the remaining.


The realm, we physically live in and war will be the result. This is the explanation for the turbulence in our time both on our personal level and in the world. To these thinking patterns based upon our own “being absolutely right” idea, there should be added that we might be wrong. Our opinion is only based upon our possibility of our restrictive thinking or on (personal) facts that might just give an insight and can easily be wrong interpreted:

a.      Science is the most well-known example of this

b.     Maya is a favourite and very prominent example too.

a.      You will be confused because you might think you know what the soul is all about and what basically is the task that has to be fulfilled in this realm

b.     Self-delusion and illusion that is the result of drugs or contacting entities in another realm leading to addiction or even to being enslaved.


Quite a few people try to be cured through these methods in this life. Only through direct confrontation one might escape from these methods and will come to the realityof this life. We think we know what is Gods Plan for this world and many so-called insiders talk about having insight into the Akasha and pretend to be able to recite directly. Most of them overlook the fact that the Akasha might have two “realities”, one out of the astral realm of which we recite 99.9% and the Universal

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Akasha which is Creation itself.


An example might be useful to understand this difference:


Jesus being the most well known “benefactor” in the history of the Western World gave His Life and is nowadays portrayed as a most loving man. In pictures (if at all possible) or otherwise He is the best example of what love on human level is all about. In many stories His Love for Humanity and His Peaceful Behaviour is recited. One easily forgets that in His time He had hardly any believers in His Task and when He was nailed to The Cross, there were very few spectators who mourned or even tried to stop this execution. Not speaking of the fact that when people had to choose who had to be saved they choose somebody else. He was not loved in His Time and if He would appear today (in another form), the same thing probably would happen).


The institution has transformed this Universal Behaviour in His Time into an understandable and loveable Being on the human realm. They have done so in order to be able to attract many followers for the institution. They know that love for yourself like embedded in our restrictive thinking pattern plays the decisive role and creates a very comfortable and convenient feeling.

The loveable Man to follow is astral, Universal Man is confrontation mostly within us. Within the world that we have created “less important” living creatures are used and treated as products and/or second and third class beings.


Who loves a person who apparently contradicts the so-called (accepted) positive way, very often convenient in society? The cosmic Akasha is beyond our understanding. We have no clue being in this realm, what actually life is all about. We live in an impulse or frequency(vibration) laid down into Deva-energy ( body or so-called carrying body) connected to this time and day. This is the rhythm of our time. Could it be, this has already happened many times before, in another frequency(vibration) and in another matter?


Our DNA-code contains four substances. These might have been different in the past resulting into another manifestation of life. If you do not exclude this possibility, other living beings might be in existence, not only on Mother Earth but in The Whole of The Universe of which we are just part. You could call these parallel-worlds and it might explain various observations of unexplained phenomenal events.


Some people might be able to observe because their frequency(vibration) of receptivity changes. They will be able to receive another frequency(vibration) which normally lies beyond their possibility. Like the receptivity to read the Akasha, it might unexpectedly happen to you. Groups of people are training to change this frequency(vibration) of receptivity and their members will be able to receive a different frequency(vibration). That is what they think . The result mostly is projection of their own will to see. In this manifestation their imaginative power is creating the picture restricted by the possibility of their own consciousness. Almost all forms of channelling and other suggestive forms of prophesy are based upon this human wilful thinking.


You can be influenced very quickly by this “inner-desire” for prophesy and easily switch over to the world of maya: You think you experience something extraordinarily but it is only your own projection. If the same people are having these type of events, it will result in a heap of repetitive stereotype citations.

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Depending upon the self-knowledge of the individual for some people it might not so easy to trace.


There is no doubt that we are living in a special time. Through the extreme force ruling our world at the moment we are made understood that we are not the only ones living on this planet. We also have to consider our efforts not being harmful in another frequency(vibration) by using forces that are uncontrollable. For example, a detonation of an atomic bomb is experienced as a sort of shockwave in another frequency(vibration) and possibly harming the beings there. This applies for our Planet Mother Earth and our whole Universe.


In this time we shall start to understand and also receive signs that other life forms exist beside the ones we know. The history of Mother Earth has known many forms of life out of which other forms or manifestations of life resulted. All over the world we find unexplained signs. Our scientists try to explain these within the conformity of the knowledge of the university where they received their brain-education.

It is very likely that the History of our Planet is totally different to this knowledge. Our scientists might have created a maya interpretation.

In many “ Holy Books” like The Bible, Popol Vuh, Bhagad Gita and other Scriptures, myths or legends, The Flood is mentioned wiping out the existing civilisation. Our Father always let us know that His Love guarantees a New Beginning. This Universal and Eternal Love should be the foundation of our Society and Evolution.


In our time, very little understanding and acceptance for this type of love exists.

We like to stick to our “warm” love (the love we experience in the womb, where we are sheltered and prepared for the new experiences, the reason for our reincarnation ), and our own self-rightness. A very popular saying is ” I have a free will and can do what I want, because God loves me the way I am”. If we shall not submit ourselves nothing will change and the karmic cycle will stay in effect. We shall have to face this confrontational position, the sooner the better.


This should be the confrontation of this time.

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Fields of Energy, morphogenetic Resonance 



If we indeed decide to start working on this confrontation, we shall have to face the consequences of the past. Many barriers of energy are the result of this past. As already explained, in order to come to life on Planet Earth, an energy-field like our soul is needed to create life as we know it, an unavoidable need. If an human individual ( trinity: body, soul and spirit or self ) is on Planet Earth, the general accepted guidance will come through the so-called reality. This reality is interpreted by the brain, human-intuition or a general accepted combination of both.


The phenomenon appears and this man develops certain thinking and behaviour patterns, a certain field of energy of morphicresonance will be created.

In spiritual circles, it has been known for hundreds of years, man is a creator of energy-fields. Old chronicles mention this. In nowadays science this is more or less confirmed.

You might say, the living creatures – also animals and plants have this potential – have created numerous fields of energy around our globe. What we call among people culture, is based upon this principle. Actually, our history is laid down in energy-patterns, which are mostly invisible by the commoners. Animals have different observing possibilities. These are much more susceptible for this manifestation.


Nationalism is a clear example. Quite a few more examples could be mentioned. In almost any country, regardless of the sometimes existing dramatic living conditions, the feeling that you should be proud of your motherland, is brought into man through “mother’s milk”. Adding the numerous other stimulating objects like flag, national anthem and language – just to mention a few – will result in a strong nationalistic energy-field. Through manifestations from time to time, this field will enclose and “dictate” a native region or land. The more people live in a certain country, the stronger the field will become. Even more so, when these people artificially are made conscious of these feelings.


 If you would cross the border of one country going into another, you will notice the manifestation. You are crossing the line of one field going into another. If you would stay in this morphogenetic resonance field for a longer period, you will be influenced by the radiation, whether you are aware or not. There will be no dramatic quick change – depending upon your personal unconscious resistance – but you will definitely change.

Imagine that all these living creatures basically separate Gods Creation, which is Wholeness. These fields will stay there “forever” unless we realise that there is but One God and we start acting and behaving like that. Then, a new energy-field of morphicresonance will be the result and when the time is there – and this energy-field is strong enough – this energy-field of Wholeness will transform all other fields and karma will be cleared away from our Planet and us. It sounds

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easier than it is. Humans are lead mostly by their feelings. They support separation amongst others by erecting monuments, or memory-celebrations and the result is that these fields are fortified. and getting stronger every day.

Memorial services might have quite a different impact than we think. When people come together for commemorating old experiences, they strengthen these fields. The experience can be very traumatic. These energy-fields might manifest again in another time and another place. So instead the fact that we are getting rid of the experiences, we contribute upholding their effect on human behaviour.


In choosing new life on Planet Earth, a soul embedded in the body through DNA will face the sum of the total of all previous lives in personal karma and will have to work on transformation of the Total of Creation. Human interference in spiritual matters through regression (going back to passed lives) can be very misleading. Life-experiences in a certain time will be interpreted in separation and not in connection with the other lives that are embedded in this life. There is no consideration for the difference in “Zeitgeist” in the various lives compared to these in our present consciousness. This might cause a lot of turbulence. The possibility that the person concerned is a victim of projection might not be excluded. All the worlds a stage, Shakespeare said, and it might just be the case, when humans think they understand when they do not !!!!


The old, the present and the new experiences are all interwoven beyond our understanding. When our view is changing on life, our comprehension will also change and we might start to understand that we are just part of Wholeness. Our personal drive for knowledge about ourselves is maya. We are people in progress to surrender at Gods Mercy, back to the Source of which we are part. An endless spiralling experience. The old is absorbed in the new and becomes the old and will be absorbed again in the new.


Impulses from the Ultimate Source will continue till the end of times building up trust that there always will be a new beginning. Mother Earth is surrounded by numerous fields of energy, morphogenetic fields of resonance. These were created since the beginning of time, fluctuating in power. Receptivity of people will cause (from time to time), when they have “opened” up that experiences of the older times will be visualised in reality in this life. This might happen especially in places where these fields are extraordinary powerful. A very renowned place is the Pyramid of Gizeh, where people are spiritually motivated and stimulated. Like a radio or television-receiver they will receive feelings of insight of another time. It is not necessarily so, that these experiences are their personal ones from older times, they are just receiving these like you go to a movie or switch your television-set on. Quite an important change of life-style can be the result of thinking you were somebody, but you actually were not.



Situation of the Morphogenetic Fields

of Resonance around Mother Earth


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Stories are brought into our world of the many times incarnated famous Pharaoh Ramses or Emperor Napoleon, or many other famous people out of the past. They created quite a formidable morphicgenetic energy-field. Solely because many people in their days worked or behaved or thought about these people, willingly or unwillingly, in their actual life.

Common people are not so often visualised because their energy- fields are very weak, hardly existing. The presentation of books and films is certainly helping to fortify the power of certain morphogenetic fields. For this reason it is sometimes very hard to judge whether an experience of somebody is projection or actually witnessed in reality.

It is utterly difficult to distinguish and split “reality from fiction”.


Generally speaking man has created many fields of morphogenetic energy existing of cultural-patterns or otherwise. For this reason it is very hard to break certain thinking-patterns or customary behaviour. To start new ones, or even to escape the influence of these invisible rays radiating out on all living creatures is a formidable task. You need a fabulous willpower of even an almost superhuman force.


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The conviction that the only way to transform these fields of energy, is with the Help of Gods Power through the Planetary Hierarchy (Christ or Buddhist Consciousness). To build a morphogenetic field in His Name all over The World, not in any way connected to culture, race, gender, but to Wholeness in His Name for everything that lives and grows, visible and invisible.

When this field has become powerful enough through the unselfish dedication of humans all over the world, all other fields will be attracted and absorbed by this field of Unity. Our Planet Earth will be freed of all blockades.


Then and only then, there will be a new world and a new beginning. 

Apparently man is the only one, capable to perform this, but nothing is more untrue. All living creatures, visible and invisible are able to do this within their specific possibilities. That is why the human race cannot be the judge of what is right or wrong or how we should treat Mother Earth.


Man shall have to realise that he is only part of Gods Plan in His Creation.


DNA of our Creation, Mother Earth 



When you read the above-mentioned title, it will be hard to understand what this means - also for the insiders - in the world of gene-technology.

In the beginning was outlined that energy-impulses are radiated down to Mother Earth and have a great effect on Earth-matter. We should understand that everything is interconnected with everything in our Creation. The part we understand with the part we do not understand. The “Deoxyribose Nuclein Amin-acid”consists in our time of 4 elements being adenine, guanine, thiamine and cytosine. The basic-thought is that a certain energy-impulse radiates a certain structural-code in these elements, characteristic for that impulse. If you put some water into a singing-bowl and you start playing a certain tone, the water will start to ripple according to this tone.


When the soul reincarnates, soul radiation will construct a certain pattern of strings of DNA that are unique for that specific individual. This applies for all “living” creatures in our time being man, animal and plant, but not for the crystal.

The crystal plays an exceptional leading role being a flawless result of a rock or pebble. The structure is fully crystallized in harmony.

This development originates from distant pasts, millions and millions of years ago, may be longer. In the present time, the basic idea is that evolution should not be ruled through stone-vibration but through light-vibration in Wholeness.

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That makes this time so special. We are in a transitional period of evolution. Native people work still intensely with stone-vibration for healing living beings. including Mother Earth. In our time and day this should be by Light of Unity, a much more intense and effective way. Man should then only be an instrument.


Our DNA, being of the same basic composition as plants and animals, consists of the 4 mentioned elements. The unlimited number of strings, however, have a variety of composition. Plants have a less developed system as animals, and man is the “crown” of this evolutionary impulse. What seems to be the actual connection?

Energy has a radiation impact on matter. With plants and animals, something similar must happen, like what happens with man where soul-radiation shapes the DNA. The collective consciousness of plants and animals radiates out on earth-matter shaping DNA. The difference in process is applied for the various species in existence. This depends upon the development in evolution of the various fields.


There comes a certain moment that these “group-codes” disintegrate into individuality shaping the code of man and becoming an individual soul For transformation this soul again needs a “carrying-vessel”(body) on Mother Earth.


The reincarnated soul needs to go again from individuality to collectiveness, but now on a higher level of frequency(vibration), Wholeness. If this will be achieved – and this

only can be done on basis of total submission – there will be Unity of earth matter and soul-matter in Creation.

That stage lies beyond the reincarnation-cycle. There were many Avatars who realised this type of enlightenment, more or less in anonymity.

The One Who had to show this to the world was Jesus. To make “earth-matter” (body) and “heaven-matter” (soul) into Oneness, He took His Earth Body with Him in Unity to The Father.


He was no individual any more but in total unity with Gods Creative Power and had become part of The Christ or Buddhist-consciousness or Elohim.

There is no DNA anymore because karma has been transformed and a New Way of Living starts in a next stage of Being. Our DNA contains the programme that has to be transformed and this only can be done in His Name through The God-Force of Wholeness.

In our days, science is manipulating DNA and they call it a kind of transformation.

It is, however, a mechanical or chemical way of treating this programme avoiding that nature takes its course. Science does this for the sake of humanity and the quality of life (for human beings), so they state, not realising that DNA is the “end-result” of soul-radiation. If one is changing the end-result in this case, mechanically or chemically, this brings always consequences. The ever-working Law of Creation, action is reaction, applies in both ways.


The original soul-impulse is affected through the change of the outcome in DNA. The consequence is disharmony in Creation. Other effects might arise science has no knowledge of at the present moment. This might be visible in a later stage. This is inevitable and one can only wait till this will happen. Only through brain and willpower (ego), this inner-knowledge will be silenced. The question arises, for what time? This time-question – how long a period – will be subject to the characteristics and results of these manipulations.


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There must be faced another confrontation. Man is still fascinated about the idea that he is the crown of coronation. Rights of other living species are not only made subordinate but also misused for painful medical tests and similar treatments.

Man is interfering with his own roots not only on earth but also on spiritual level. The very famous pronouncement: “I am on Earth to serve, and not to be served” is highly trampled on. Man is more than willing to make his life very pleasant and comfortable and defends this at all cost. His other co-creatures are paying the price and are defenceless against the greed they are subdued to.


What is the human giving into the unlimited chain of action is reaction? He is only giving to receive many times more in return. This attitude creates an enormous and disharmonious turbulence on our Planet. Also in his spiritual attitude, he has a similar motivation. He prays to God and expects His unconditional help and forgiveness. God should love him and that “means” giving in, to his requirements.


This main condition is standard for his thinking. Man pictures God like a Father on a human level, but then much bigger and more powerful.

The man with the beard who should take care of His children and has similar but “higher” human qualities. Apparently, when man does not get what he asked for, the general attitude is that God does not exist or has not listened very well to “His” child. The conclusive human judgement will be: He is not a lovely Being working in the interest of human desires and goals.


Gods immanence and transcendence 



These are the two sides of Creation that are very much intermingled but at the same time each others opposite. Some clarification is necessary. A lot of confusion exists about the miracle side of both. The Laws of Immanence of Creation can only be neutralised by counter-force. This means that both forces are in effect at the same time and one might be neutralised. The best understood principle is an aircraft. This transport-vehicle is made according to the Laws of Aerodynamics (transcendence) and can fly because the immanent force of gravity of Mother Earth is neutralised and in this case overpowered. The overpowering takes the aircraft up into the air.


At some altitude the pilot decides through the power at his disposal (design and capacity of engines) to cruise. Now immanent and transcendent forces are equal. The aircraft stays in the air as long as there is no change. However, when the engine would fail, immediately the immanent force of Creation takes over and the craft is falling down to Earth. Conclusion, the transcendent forces can be controlled by people. The immanent forces can only temporarily be neutralised or overpowered by transcendent forces.

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It is not according to nature that man can fly, but through applications of the Laws of Creation we can. So flying for human beings is not an immanent law, but through the knowledge of forces in the transcendent field, we can.

The same applies for the spiritual field. You can work with transcendent forces on a spiritual level and apparently seem to book results in the “outside’’ world of matter.

If enough people believe in it, it will work. It is done in the world of polarities. Mostly forgotten in doing so, is the Universal Law “Action is Re-action”. If an unforeseen act is happening and the conviction is gone, the immanence of the forces are taking over, to equalize. We believe in miracles but there are no miracles there is only immanence.


We come to this world the way we are (without any devices) and only through Gods Mercy and instrumental obedience we should live our lives. DNA is what we are and through this programme we shall be directed. This does not mean being apathetic. We should not work in this world and hope for miracles as motivation. We should be devoted. That does not mean no miracles will happen. When they do, these are just consequences of our actions and should not be held on to and made relics of, in our life. We come to this world what we are (our DNA) and we shall leave this world according to the His Force we have absorbed in our blood. Achieving goals will not bring Heaven closer, just unconditional devotion and surrender at His Will might.

Help and support might help us but we should realise if these are not integrated into our own being, we shall have to let go if the “big moment” of truth overstepping the “threshold” between life and death, is at hand. We are accustomed to build all kinds of securities in our life, that we can hold on to. We wear these like capes around us. These “capes” are not inseparable from our being and but have as such no influence or importance on our universal consciousness. They might only block us for a while.


Magicians boasting about all kinds of achievements only talk within the restrictive thinking patterns of mankind. The confrontation in life caused through an enormous force removing the cape around you, will happen when you overstep the “borderline” between life and death.


The person involved will only know about it and shall have to be taught again that outside ostentation or so called “window-dressing” only will lead into maya. It will slow down or block transformation in His Name. The self-appointed “Greatest Masters of our time” who are doing a lot of this stuff and try to proof their “Master Ship” will have to face this confrontation when the time is there.

To try to get human admiration will only lead to enslavement. One is thinking, already being somebody enlightened, but it will lead just to nothingness in the world in His Name.

It will only make the confrontation harder.


In human history a lot of playing has been done through these Laws of Transcendence and have caused a lot of turbulence. Not only for the magician concerned but also for the surroundings. A lot of potential might or power has been exercised and has led to suppression of the souls of people and mistreatment of our co-inhabitants of this planet. Immanence is the ruling for all living creatures, seen and unseen. Our Father, The Ultimate Source has created this world for all to live in respect for each other. We have to become servants of His Will at His Mercy.


The known history of mankind unfortunately tells us another story. We are no

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servants yet, we behave like masters in our time. Not only in the material but also in the spiritual world. Movements are striving for a better world, being the so-wanted freedom and happiness. Personal goals can be achieved through the incredible Force now existing. Us doing so, is causing more than ever, turbulence on our planet.

We should not reject transcendence because it is the world we live in, maya. But if we think, abiding by these laws, will bring eternal peace, we forget that transcendence is dualistic, action is reaction


We should learn how to handle these transcendental forces and realise they are maya. Only Immanence, surrender to that what is that is to His Will, and confidence in His Wisdom and Power, will bring the eternal peace, mankind is longing for and all the other living creatures, seen and unseen. Do not interpret the word “longing for” on a human level, but something very much connected to surrender in His Name. “Not my will, but Thy Will prevails, I accept”.


Many Celestial Messengers have come to our world, through ages of time, because of the Laws of transcendence and immanence, and the way we handle these.


Inadmissible actions were taking place on our planet in “His Name” that led to the fact what we now call the Floods. God had to destroy his creatures, He loved so much. It was for their benefit, ignoring His Own Feelings. Mankind had to be put on the right track again and rebirth – a new beginning – was at hand. No human being is ever allowed to do the same, al-though it is many times tried in history. Think of the Inquisition. A human action like that is doomed to failure. There should be trust in His Wisdom and Love and a new beginning is always at hand. This should tell us something.


To live with immanence seems to lead to powerlessness and apathy, but the opposite is the actual truth. You need a lot of energy on a spiritual level. This incredible energy is now radiated out to Planet Earth to plant the seed and cause the growth of this big change in His Name. A Force, The Ultimate Source splashes all over the world through the Planetary Hierarchy (Christ or Buddhist Consciousness). All beings, seen and unseen, have been waiting for this, but do they also recognise the potential.


The Total of Creation has a certain rhythm harmonising with all the other rhythms in our Universe and all other Universes are ruled under a different life-impulse.

Going on and on, according to the law of action is reaction like a ray of light. We can see where this starts but not where it ends. To maintain this universal rhythm is very eminent. If man on basis of own knowledge and insight will start a different rhythm and disturb the existing universal rhythm, it will certainly have drastic consequences. These will be unavoidable and most of the time, very quickly noticeable. This effect will hardly be related to his doing and actions.

Especially, when the effects are happening globally and working out negatively, like hurricanes or earthquakes. The rhythm of our time is based upon the old programmes laid down in the Pyramid of Gizeh and the mystical calendar of the Mayas. This rhythm might be called Zeitgeist and should be transformed and not be maintained like many spiritual movements do, nowadays.


The Old is transformed into the New, and not the New into the Old. The new spiralling force is gaining power through higher frequency(vibration). The old frequency(vibration) does not exist separately any more but has become an integral part of the New. The smaller always fits into the bigger and not the other way

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around. We should especially concentrate here on energy-force.


These are effects that will become reality for everybody when the time is there.


Through impulses, so-called misty subjects or mystical-curtains of separation are becoming more transparent and even clear, providing one is prepared to listen and have ears to hear and eyes to see. We should not stick to our own – mostly dogmatised – ears and eyes. These impulses are radiated into the Leylines of Mother Earth in places where very often the greatest disharmony is existing. Some of the visible results are the so-called crop-circles. People think this is a phenomenon of our time but already in chronicles in the medieval times are giving notice of these unexplained happenings.


In these times and before, people helped to build circles in stone or clay and other formations. Landscape-temples, to help to fertilize the earth-soil and surroundings like in Ireland, Arizona and other places. In the last few thousand years, the institutional religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and others have gradually taken over most of this type of Temples. Churches, Temples and other religious buildings were constructed on major energy-points of the Leylines so that prayers of the visiting crowds could run along the Leylines all over Mother Earth.

Our spiritual leaders have forgotten these truths and unfortunately, our praying for the Wholeness of Creation has gradually changed into praying for ourselves and the ones we love for selfishness, greed and happiness.


The locations where praying is to happen is not imperative, because the energy of Wholeness is so strong it can be done from any point.

In a later stage, it will be explained why the 64 Lightprayers have been brought to this Planet. Our prayers should be again in Devotion and Submission. We should pray for everything that lives and grows, seen and unseen. To pray for the totality of Mother Earth through the 64 prayers working with the Light of Wholeness, being the harmonisation of Light and Darkness. The Light coming directly from the Ultimate Source is Harmony in Action. A Light that does not cause action is reaction in our dualistic state of being. A light not being mastered and directed by humans, but by the Planetary Hierarchy.


The guidance is not effected by human thinking, white is good and black is bad, but based upon Universal Law applicable to everybody. To be able to understand this, an example out of our everyday-life might be useful. In the material world our government makes the law for the good and the bad and there should be no different judging. All people are subjective to these laws and have to be judged accordingly. We are always inclined to split up the good from the bad, forgetting that every human being has a good and bad side. We do not know what is good and what is bad, because this is highly dependent upon the Zeitgeist. Please be aware that white and black magic is very closely related and actually go hand in hand. The margin of difference is very little.


Black magic originates from our restrictive concept to understand Gods Creation and basically goes for might or goal.


A goal is for most people a catalyst to start. When this goal is achieved it is clear that this goal is very restrictive. We only created this because it seemed appropriate within a certain view on things. To surrender at Gods Mercy and walking The Path without any goals seems to be very simple. An inaccessible and impossible task for

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most people. There are no interludes where one can observe the result. There is only The Path and to walk This Path is the goal if you need a goal. The Path is endless. Be aware, however, that This Path that we walk under Guidance of The Planetary Hierarchy (Christ- or Buddhist-Consciousness) is not selected by us, but definitely will become an adventure of incomparable intensity. The experience of time will be “reduced” to rhythm, being a second, a year, a millennium or eternity in zeal and dedication.


Celestial Messengers 



Many messengers have manifested themselves and returned whence they came. Only a very few we know and man is still worshipping their “personalities” in spite of the fact that they always pointed out that only God, The Ultimate Source should be glorified and surrendered to.

These known Messengers are worshipped because people want to worship. Avoiding reprimands for overstepping this command man promoted “their” Messenger to Gods Own Son or Gods Special Envoy or any Name that shows equal respect and devotion. Some Being who seems to know more about life and death compared to the usual interpretations, is an incredible catalyst for devoted behaviour.

This allows overstepping Gods Own Command. We observe this in the different institutional religions. People who seem to be able to do or perform unusual things (might be self-inflicted?) are declared saints or holy persons. Mostly this happens after they have left this life but in some cases also during their life-time. The institution will allow it because it is good for moral and the power it brings, benefiting the importance of her organization.


Spiritually seen, this is incorrect. It is beyond any doubt that Jesus says “He has not come to be served, but to serve” according to the Bible. Christians or so-called Christians ignore this. They want to worship and invented the so-called Son of God. Other Holy Books known and unknown have a similar approach. Some very clear statements in the Holy Books are clearly ignored. The Messengers had a certain task to work for. Just for the Total of Creation. This could only be done because many other “Unknown Messengers” had made preparations so that these tasks could be fulfilled. A humanly valued judgement is not appropriate. No discussion is necessary whether Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed or Baahullah or others were better distinguished. God-sent Messengers only work for the Wholeness of Creation.


To build a Church, Temple or any other building, the last stone that closes the gap can only be put there because there was a first one and many others. Everything is according to Hierarchy in the pattern of Wholeness. There can be

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no valuable judgement on a human level, since this is connected to our restrictive consciousness. The consciousness of our time, Christ- or Buddhist-Consciousness, or any Name carrying the same principle of Wholeness, is suitable. All living beings has undergone, since Melchisedeck, a turbulent existence.

This is still continuing in our time and will be in the future. The process of spiritual development shall have to be manifested into matter on Planet Earth. The God-sent Celestial Messengers have made preparations that our frequency(vibration) or level of spirituality shall have to be transformed from stone-vibration into light(of Oneness)-vibration. The necessity would be to build a bridge into Wholeness. A bridge from the Astral or Paranormal Realm where all kinds of powers are spiralling and swirling, keeping humans imprisoned in maya, illusion or other states of mind.

This Bridge or Antekharana should be constructed out of Truth, the Truth made out of Light of Oneness and leading into The Realm of Wholeness.


This needed a careful and proper preparation. The best moment of accomplishment should be selected enabling a human to cross the Bridge above the abyss filled with all kinds of turbulent elements, the realms of maya and illusion. An ordinary human being would have to be able to cross this Bridge, and not an exclusive and extra-ordinary-gifted person like a Chosen One. If this would not be the case, the value of this Triumph for the human race would be zilch. The conclusion would be that is was not possible humanly and therefore worthless.


This was the motivation why “Master” Jesus had to be born through the womb. He was totally unaware of the background and the reason for His Being on Planet Earth. He carried inside Him the spark of knowledge where He came from, based upon Trust and Submission, walking the Path of Truth being as wide as His Footstep.

This Truth was very confronting with the existing Zeitgeist and hardly anybody could understand what He meant to do with exception of His Wife, Maria Magdalena. The woman that was branded by the church-council being a Whore. She was The One of the very few that witnessed the crucifixion and had unconditional Faith in The Task He was about to accomplish. Jesus walked this Path in the only one Trust that could lead Him, His Father. He opened the Way from the stone-vibration into the Light (of Wholeness)-vibration, being eternal Truth.


According to the above-stated story, you might get the impression that the human Jesus built this Bridge. Jesus accepted being a Human. He put His Trust in His Father enabling Him to carry the Child of Wholeness, Christ Himself. Christ took Him as carrying-vessel and built that Bridge of Unity. Jesus spread the Message that when the time was there that any one believing in His Father could do the same and more. More because of the increase of creative energy enabling the human race to understand the Wholeness of Creation.


The Light-bridge of Unity stands for uniting Heaven and Earth in the Blood causing the Resurrection to be activated. Jesus clearly showed humanity that it could be done. In the beginning His Followers listened but could not understand. When proof was delivered through the Crucifixion and the after-events, they became just then, believers in His Words.

After The Crucifixion, through erosion in time, the basic concept of His Message was brought to the level of human-understanding and the deep-inner-meaning was lost.

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Man started to think that only Jesus could accomplish this, because He was The Son of God. We all are Sons and Daughters of God, and are created in His Image.

Christianity was dogmatised and elapsed into an institution ruled and steered by a council. People were told about the mechanical God, a kind of Super Man idealised by the human race because of His characteristic qualities. The belief Jesus tried to established tumbled from the Bridge into the world of maya and illusion and was dogmatised. The world of today hardly believes in the effect of following His Footsteps.

Humanity is searching for the “Living God” and although there is this incredible Force in intensity of frequency(vibration), we try to “find” Him on our dogmatised principles. If we only could liberate ourselves, again and again, of these repetitive dogmas consisting of artificial capes and wrappings of our own making. We might find out that God is no human-made projection but Power, manifesting in The Whole of Creation including Matter. We shall be freed and the Path will be opened to us to liberation and freedom. It might not meet our present expectations. The confrontation within ourselves. realising our own thinking patterns are blocking us to freedom. Our knowledge or lack of it, does not matter in The Spiritual Kingdom of Unity and is not even needed. Our knowledge is maya.


When the time is there, all creatures will enter The Kingdom of God. The thought that only the Elect will enter, is sheer arrogance. All will gather in Heaven when the time is there, also the lost son and/or daughter. We should realise deep in our hearts that only submission to His Power is necessary. Our superficial and shallow talk is of no importance. Only the deeds done in silence from the heart in His Name are the keys to open the entrance to us. Certainly not to the present-day Pharisees. They also will be permitted to enter when their insight has changed. It might happen in this life or in the next life.





The evolution of the human race has endured many stages. The one we are dealing with just now, is the mechanical man. Newton was the founder of this phenomenon and in his time very dedicated to human science. He is a major name in the scientific movement of his time who wanted to analyse the human being. He manifested a scientific analysis on basis of human logic and even now we face the consequences. Science is a part of our reality in this world and should be handled with care. Science turns diabolic when the spiritual side of life will be ignored. Spiritual life through the interpretation of people, supported by all kinds of proof or so-called miracles, is of little importance.


Spirituality might be the origin. The Ultimate Source, Creator of Wholeness, is the central issue. When we discuss life, we should realise that life is much greater than just being here on Planet Earth. This dimension exceeds the most formidable

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suggestions and should encourage more submissiveness. This should be no kind of serfdom or docility to a major power or institution. We should realise that humans are restrictive in their thinking patterns. The programming, we have - DNA - we can understand. Whether we understand comprehensively what Creation is, is beyond the scope of our being. This kind of scientists in those days were mostly participating in spiritual movements.


The human being was and still is off the track. He is confusing spiritual insight ruled by the brain, with Surrender at Gods Mercy. The last is totally outside our own understanding and control. This might only be happening when the time is there for the respective individual. “Brain-thinking” or “mental-thinking” might be spiritually motivated, but these ideas are ruled by the Zeitgeist.


Through this mental-controlled spiritual development, the Wholeness of Creation was divided gradually into partial truths. Each of these truths are reality but brought into the concept of Wholeness, untrue. The results of this process although still very popular, seem to be come to an end although there are still distinctive paradigms based upon this principle.

When we discuss reincarnation in our time, the interpretations are ruled by brain-patterns based upon the idea of creating effective results. Reincarnation is a fact, being the unavoidable re-run when Unity of Body and Soul, in Spirit is not finalised in one life. The reading that the Law of rebirth is proof for certain behaviour in the existing life, is accepted by some spiritual movements. This fact is highly unacceptable because rebirth means to be born on basis of the Totality of all the experiences in all other rebirths, connected to each other.

The sum of the total of experiences out of which this new life is fully new and unconnected to any experiences in separate different lives. The new life is unique and when some experiences of former lives – if at all true – are projected in this life, it will unbalance this life and bring the corresponding consequences.


What happens in case of a “forced” regression? The human being concerned is subjected to a certain condition in which personal goals and thinking patterns play a decisive role. Thinking patterns of the guiding person might lead to a certain experience-result. The patient is thinking experiencing certain flashbacks which are just produced through his own thinking or his therapist. One very often forgotten fact is that these flashbacks or experiences in a previous life are interpreted according to to-days standard pattern of thinking or zeitgeist. This explanation might be totally different from the life-pattern in existence hundreds and hundreds of years ago.


The paramount question is whether that person might obtain an idea of a life that never existed, but will definitely be influenced in his present life. It might work like the aspirin-effect for some time. It will wear off in time and the after-effects in this present-life will be of great influence to this person. The greatest drawback, however, is the unawareness that reincarnation is the possibility to start anew and fresh to achieve Oneness. Oneness can only be achieved through submission at Gods Mercy in one life.


The general view on reincarnation is considered much too important, a mainstream topic. It is just a perspective. God promised us always a new beginning. He is keeping His Word, we only misunderstand. If you believe unconditionally in The Father, there is no reincarnation. This aspect only is, the new beginning. If in a previous life you had some mistrust in His Guidance and Wisdom reincarnation will be the result. The Bible and other Holy Books mention this. Unfortunately the majority among us, do not accept. We are busy with the Newtonian principles, being

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maya and we call it spiritual. When somebody tells you the spiritual process path is their desire, they actually mean acquiring facts and knowledge in the human realm.


Developing spiritually is outside human control. You only can pray and when the time is there it will happen. You will experience the so-called aha-events. You might do some exercises and it might improve your chances, but at the same time, it might not. You had as a goal achievement, result is automatically blocking yourself. This is what Submission means: “I walk the Path and Thou shalt be my Guide. I accept the consequences unconditionally and when the time is there Thou shalt let me know and it will happen”.





Our need for energy is insatiable. Our time-spirit is entrapped in this need. We want healthier food, clean air, a longer and happier life, resulting into a pure blood circulation without any diseases.

Is this really, in this way, attainable, or is the Law of Action-Reaction creating another result, may be the opposite?

The great race for life-chi and happiness on this Planet since time immemorial is a fact and in the world of today man is prepared to do almost anything to get it..

Nobody needs to point their finger to somebody else. If you point your forefinger, three fingers are pointing at you.


We do not need to accuse somebody else, we only should realise we all are people in progress of evolution. This does not take away the reality that we have to face facts and be conscious of what we are. In the old days humanity was handling this race for life-chi in a certain manner, ruled by the “existing” Zeitgeist or the stars. In many places of this world, people are living on natures natural resources. Since many generations they did and still make a lot of offerings to receive the attention of the spirits or Spirit. For these offerings they want to receive this life-chi in return. To give to receive back for oneself these “goodies”.


Many civilisations were ruined, even the Empire of Mu and Atlantis. The search, struggle and even fight for life-chi. Man want to dominate and to control and it mostly turned into total disaster.

In those days, the “theme ”life opposite death” was a different tune from nowadays. Death was a continuation of life in another shape and form, another realm. Our todays belief: death is a total finish of life. This was not within the scope of thinking then. They knew that life and death were connected to each other. Aspects of the Law of Creation in a different realm (frequency(vibration)).


There have always been people, who knew this and exercised power(might) over other people through dictation of rules, how to acquire this life-chi. They formed

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groups to lead and dominate. This brings us to the history of offerings. To give to receive back all the blessings of life, like happiness, good health and numerous other “goodies”. When the blessing to be obtained became more important, the offering had to be more important. Thus leading mankind on to the path of destruction using animal and even human sacrifices.

Analysing this concept, one would be able to state, that life-chi in some form was offered on this side to the other side. Through the Law of Action is Reaction, this side “was supposed to receive” this energy back in some form.


Insiders, being black-magicians knew this was the way to dominate and use people like energisers. In those days (may be still even in our days) whole communities were deciding that human sacrifices were necessary to survive and obtain more life-chi.


In Carthage - 200 B.C. -, a city in Tunisia, founded by the Phoenicians (descendants of Atlantis), babies and young children were offered for general happiness and life-chi, but also for incredible (muscle)power in battle. The priest executed these rituals for the benefit of their society. The Romans considered it a deed of horror and the Roman Senator Cato concluded in every assembly of the senate that Carthage should be destroyed. The empire of Punic Carthage in North Africa (probably a last convulsion of the “mystic” empire of Atlantis) was very powerful and obviously had great might and power. When battles were fought against their enemies ( the mostly well-known were against Rome) they drew miraculous power out of offerings of babies and young children.


They won quite a few of these battles even when they were outnumbered. Finally, total destruction of their empire was their inescapable fate and their land was “purified” by the Romans with mixtures of salty topsoil. Reason: to burn the evil that had happened there. This theme is interwoven into our human reality and existence.

The present visitors of Carthage become goose-bumps when they experience how many babies were sacrificed for this purpose, the survival of the Punic Empire. They either think it is a kind of joke or they want to leave as soon as possible this unfortunate spot. They think these practices do not happen anymore in our present society. They forget about the unlimited number of abortions taking place every year in our society for general purposes and/or personal happiness. In addition we should consider that our present society is abusing an unlimited quantity of animals without any respect, just for the benefit and happiness of our society.


Individuals who own a lot of money buy available organs( more life-chi) supplied by mostly less fortunate people of our society. The less fortunate people who can buy food (life-chi) through these means. The worst “trade” is that these organs are robbed from people who cannot defend themselves. Many so-called native people in still remote areas of our world, live in fear for this.

Another aspect is the sexual-force which is dominating our world at the present moment. Many sacrifices are made for this both in the human and animal world.


The battle for life-chi through domination, causes karma resulting through the Law of Cause and Effect. So-called spiritual people still believe that karma is dominating our life, but karma is no cause, the struggle for life-chi is. When this struggle is not ended into acceptance, more karma will be the result.


The solution would be that we should come to a new pattern of thinking. Surrender and acceptance of fate “that is, what is” are the keys to a new world. That eternal

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life is a fact and

disbelief and incertitude is ruling our present world. This attitude should not result into apathy but into activities for the Wholeness of Creation without any condition or expectation. It seems not possible but there are well-known examples in our history of the world. To develop this type of behaviour is to understand that we are all here to serve Wholeness. We should not be served personally by followers.

We should not be afraid to loose our life-happiness and life itself. If we are, we would live in constant fear. It would lead to liberation out of the struggle for life-chi and the dominance of life-energy. Money plays an important leading part.


Realising that we – humans - have to face facts and that life is eternal, we cannot loose it. Life as such is manifested in many forms and shapes, in different frequencies(vibrations), led by the universal force of Wholeness in His Name, visible and invisible.

Fear should be transformed into trusting Him being the only Eternal Stability. We shall have to learn that we are not owners of this Creation. We are servants and are allowed to use everything with respect. We have come a long way and now is the time for the “closing stone”. We long for a “better” world to live in, but shall this become “reality” if we do not change our thinking patterns. Can we transform these with our own means? Do we need Guidance of The Planetary Hierarchy for strength, stability and universal love to the Wholeness of Creation.? Shall we be able to capitulate our own judgement leadings us into a cul-de-sac again? Shall we only surrender when we face facts and know, we lack the “knowledge” and strength, when despair is knocking on our door? What has to happen and how long should this go on?


These are hypothetical questions. Deep inside us, we feel that we have crossed the line already. We still think we are the centre of Creation although we know that we cannot be. We shall have to cooperate with The Planetary Hierarchy in submission. We shall have to become instruments, an acupuncture needle in His Hands radiating out energy in His Name, all over Mother Earth, for the benefit of Wholeness.

This Council leading us, you might call the Christian or Buddhist Consciousness or any other name meaning this Executive Council of Gods Will.

This unique moment enables man to make a historical choice, and choose for living according to His Rules. These Rules, however, are in a lot of ways totally different of the dogmatic rules given by the so-called world-religions.

The choice is ours.


The Choice of Free Will 



Freedom of choice is one of the most renowned qualities in our world and

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inviolable, so it seems. Very often this choice is influenced by our inner-feeling of doing “good” instead of surrender to “not my will, but Thy will prevails”.


What is so unique today is this choice compared to former times.

The limitations of our consciousness today have become very transparent. The inner-knowledge that we are about to discover is.

We are a part of The Total of Creation and not The Centre. It makes this choice now very different.

Copernicus declaration, “the Earth is turning around the Sun”, made hundreds of years ago, has been accepted by our brain, but not spiritually in conservative religious circles. Through science (our brain), we find out that Planet Earth is a unit. Everything is interconnected, spiritually we are still heavily involved with our own being.

We still thrive for personal survival in this world. The choice we should make, is to start working for Wholeness of this Creation and setting aside our personal goals like trying to improve our existence through environmental improvements. We should improve our spiritual activities in the sense of “All is One, and One is All” and not the other way around like we are doing all the time.


The big question is, “How do you do that”?


There is an “overflow” of spiritual methods in the world today. For somebody who has not deeply “studied” all these methods, it is almost impossible to make the choice for the “right” method that will bring this all about. How should we walk the path for Wholeness as an instrument in the Hands of the Planetary Hierarchy without being influenced by any humanly based, personal or group goal.

There might be a few starting-points you might use for directions.

1. There are no saints or chosen-ones, there are just people who might be a bit further on the road of so-called enlightenment or seem to be. Do not look up to these people. The real honest ones will not allow it and will, if necessary do things to annoy or disappoint you, showing you their weaknesses. If these so-called saints allow this type of behaviour, they just want to have domination over you. For whatever purpose you might not be aware of.

2. There might be people who just want to give you a “push” to help you. They will immediately withdraw because you have to rely upon your own abilities. If they do not, you might be enslaved. The only Power that can help you is not in the hands of humans, but it is The Power of The Christ or Buddhist Consciousness, The Planetary Hierarchy. They have no sole earth-based representatives, although many claim this to be.

3. If there were to be a method which promises you the “stars”, this is only trying to

influence you to participate, based upon desire and may be, even lust.

A seed we all carry within us and on basis of that we might come to self-realisation, the aspirin-effect.

4.There is no centre on Earth, no centre-point, everybody must have equal opportunity to enter. There are no ranks or special positions, one should show in spiritual development. Jesus or Buddha or others never allowed anybody to call them Master or any similar title like Your Serene Highness.

5. Everybody must be able to have a constant connection with the Ultimate Source and not only through creating certain living-conditions. To make your connection a living one and not a place you are only fleeing to in times of

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6. Do not be attracted through miracles that are only directed at your own fulfilment. It might be interesting but mostly based upon your own or somebody elses projection through the brain. Real miracles will just happen and are not caused by human fantasy, but through unavoidable happenings that might occur everywhere and every-time, no matter what. The first type of miracles are based upon our own needs and projection, the secondary are brought on to us in the name of Wholeness.


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Not my will but Thy Will prevails 



We are able to transmit this simple truth through a number of transmitters at our disposal, our hands, feet, tongue and radiation (charisma). We should be ready to accept this simple truth that these transmitters and especially the tone of our voice will fortify this belief (not my will) in the world. We do not need to be proud of that, but just simply have to perform accordingly (in silence).

Our radiation will be testimony and many people shall know. Do not be self-righteous of this belonging to the right group of people, because all people are just in an evolutionary progress. You are just one of them, an instrument in Gods Hands.

We should only talk about this when we meet people who are asking for information, consciously and subconsciously.


This individual has become a moving acupuncture needle on Planet Earth – in silence – and the Planetary Hierarchy can use this instrument to inject impulses.

People acting like this from the bottom of their heart, do not need a specific name, although in everydays life this is very difficult to avoid. This basic thought should be synchronised with the evolutionary process. A baby – a little human being – is growing into adolescence and gets during this process, all kinds of information from his parents, school or other sources. This information is highly dependable upon the background and insight of the supplier and based upon human experiences and restrictions. Going through this development, the young individual is painted a future of success. Having a career or any other achievement that is highly desirable in our society, if he continues this path.


When the opportunity arrives and achievement is successfully obtained, much of the satisfaction and happiness has disappeared. The glorified goal is not what it was meant to be. Either new goals or quests have to be looked for. The person involved wonders what actually is the sense of living this life. There is no permanent fulfilment in meeting targets. A similar situation might happen around 40 years and will be the major confrontation. Will this person hear this inner-bell and listen to it in remembrance to his birth-intention, or will he just ignore it and continue the path like before, looking for “higher” targets. The retirement age is approaching and shelter (money) has to be taken care of. Gradually another thinking-pattern will arise and the meaning of life as such will be better understood. The most important quest will start consciously or subconsciously what life is all about.


At that age, man has experienced and suffered many events of happiness and frustration. It will be difficult to realise what actually the universal birth-intention is all about following the inner-voice.

Doubt will be there. To conclude life in full compassion to this simple quest is one bridge too far. When death comes, the real truth is clear again, followed by surrender at Gods Mercy.


That moment on the borderline of life and death, this experience shall take place, but the living relatives will not be able to understand this.

Only in very specific cases like a “near-death”-experience, people are able to tell about this. Unfortunately, this can only be described within the context of the evolutionary development of the person concerned. Most of these experiences are

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self-projection and/or basically dogmatically interpreted. 

Death is not horrifying. It is surrender to another phase of life, after which there always will be a new beginning. Death is no liberation, like so many think, but a preparation to a new life in another time and may be another frequency(vibration). A process of evolution that is endless, spiralling back to the Ultimate Source and starting again, called Eternal Life.


The Growing Spiritual Understanding I 

A few elemental aspects should be brought to your consideration.. This of course is based upon what has been communicated in previous pages.

In our society, the human being is considered the “most important creature” in our Creation. Man is created according to the image of God. There are two different explanations:

1.     One is that God(?) had a certain idea how man should look like.

2.     Man is looking like God and we consider God to be a kind of Superman, a saint who takes care of us like a Father.

This image is subject to the ruling Zeitgeist. Through the ages, this image is slightly adapted to the needs of the worshippers. God is good, bad, revengeful, loveless and many other aspects. These points of view are just filling the needs of the people concerned. In short, a God created by man. This is very common, since humans are always turning around things, adapting it to their needs and desires.


It might be clarifying to establish what man and all living creatures of this planet, have in common. Plants, animals and humans are interconnected by the same DNA. All three consist of a carrying body (earth-restricted), a soul or collective soul and an eternal spiritual flame. The complexity of the body (DNA) is in accordance with the intensity of soul radiation.


Plants have a carrying body made out of earth-matter with a composition of DNA, similar but less complex than man. Science is now discovering that even plants have possibilities to observe and react. Through various kinds of biofeedback instruments, they found out that they also have an emotional structure. Through playing music, harmonious growth can be promoted. Plants are destined to stay in one place, but they can grow up in the sky, towards The Light. There is a fast unlimited variety of creatures belonging to the “kingdom” of the plants like shrubs, bushes, trees and many others.


Man is using a lot of plants in their desire for land and wood-material. Hopefully, the tropical rainforest will not become distinct. Action groups are demonstrating for not harming the rainforest, because that would jeopardize the existence of mankind. These forests are the “lungs” of Mother Earth mankind needs to survive. This principal is very egocentric, because also here, the human being only thinks of his own survival. The majestic beauty of this world is undoubtedly necessary for all other life-forms as well, known and unknown.

We try to solve this through reforestation, another kind of bio-industry. For quite a

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lot of people it is very hard to accept that plants, trees and so forth have a main collective consciousness, a spiritual body (or soul) manifesting in this earth-body. This spiritual collective consciousness or soul, laid down in DNA has numerous variations within the variety of the plant and animal world and is very closely related to the DNA of mankind. The difference within the complexity of the DNA of a primate and a human being might be less than 1%.

This comparison is not scientific, but it gives an idea.


The animal world is also ruled through a collective consciousness comparable to the plant-world, but has a higher frequency(vibration). Evolution is taking place through the spiritual side.

What is the actual thought behind this statement? There is an invisible spiritual collective force manifesting in plant and animal world, developing towards individuality. Some animals, especially domesticated ones, show very definite signs that they have approached individuality rather close. Their next incarnation would probably take place within a human body, becoming an individual mind or spirit.


Man is the individual having the most complex DNA. When an “individual” soul is about to reincarnate into this world, a carrier(body) is needed. This body should have the basic composition of DNA harmonizing with the intensity of the soul-radiation(according to karmatic laws). Reincarnation is taken place in this world on basis of the Trinity-principle, body, soul and spirit having the choice of free will. This free will entitles the choice between good or bad. We are able to decide to break the Law of Wholeness by choice for Domination, Manipulation Narcissism and egoism or other compromising behaviour within the realm of selfishness. The aspects of good and bad cannot be labelled to a certain pattern of behaviour since humans cannot evaluate the complexity of Creation.


Man is, however, restricted to live according to his DNA. It is his spiritual programme laid down in earth-matter. To evaluate the Universal Law of Unity, various stages of planetary life have to be experienced. Liberation will be through Coronation, the ultimate form of life. Man shall have to be face that there is only Unity in His Name, no free choice, and devote submission to His Will.

The Path from Individuality towards Collectiveness, accepting Destiny, that is, what is. You might imagine what kind of rethinking is needed in our present world. Todays human being is apparently not prepared to accept this dilemma. Free choice is sacred and based upon the principle of selfishness. Change might only come through an Act of God when natural principles will be restored. Science developed by the brain, is one of the main reasons why man has become like that. There is nothing wrong with science, but it seems to create arrogance and intolerance towards The Laws of Creation. We know that we do not know has been replaced by an unacceptable desire for playing with the set rules of DNA and in doing so, with Nature. What is Science in this way actually achieving? Probably nothing, only delay. The biggest confrontation is the arrogance that creation has been accomplished to serve the needs of the individual human being. He thinks that Mother Earth, who gave him life, has put all the other living creatures at his disposal for exploitation and torture to meet his desires.


We can eat plants, animals raised through bio-industries and we think we are inviolable. We think we do not need to serve The Wholeness of Creation.

We think we are the regulators and can deal with the Rules of Creation – DNA - for the sake of mankind. What we actually are doing and causing through these actions is not known. We can understand what we see, short term, the unknown part is not our concern. The human-made spiritual dump is a serious aspect and we have no idea what the consequences might be on long term. There are signs now, that we

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might not be alone in “our creation”. There might be terrestrials technically far more advanced than we are. Certain signs should tell us to consider their rights too.


 These signs mostly appear in the yellow-press(tabloids). Although these messages are persistent, one wonders what the so-called authorities are doing. It is undeniable that in some places in this world, miraculous events are taking place. These events are categorically denied or kept silent for the general public. These happenings are special. They are, however, not the main intent and topic of Creation. Then, we would be delusive and distraction from the real reason why we are here.


In the chain of evolution you might discover the pattern that we nourish ourselves with plants and animals that are “behind” us. We almost never wonder what is our future in this respect. Are there any “empires” of creatures ahead of us, who are nourishing themselves with invisible food like energy or prana, created through the emotional patterns of mankind.

There is an unlimited quantity of this energy in our hemisphere. Humans mostly spent their time creating these emotions. This has been the case through ages of manhood up till our days. Games are what we want and games is what we create, with lots of emotion. Think of the arenas or football-stadiums. We instinctively produce these enormous quantities of emotional energy. May be there are beings that use and manipulate us, like we are manipulating our plants and animals. All these aspects are just based upon the lack of trust in Wholeness, the basic reason we are here to experience and to be taught in order to be set free. Liberation.


The homo sapiens has to “walk the path” of the various stages of evolution. This should occur out of total free choice in submission to The Ultimate Source.

 This seems to be difficult, full of grief and with lots of mistrust, and finally death liberates us out of this realm. We think we leave it all behind us. It is very likely that this is not the case. That someday, we have to do it all over again, in a different time and a different place. Our powers of imagination are inadequate to accept the possibility that we shall be taught with rigour that Wholeness should be served.

Jesus said, “He who believes in me(Christ) shall enter Paradise”, but who really does believe in Him? Our beliefs are mostly based upon our own rightness and preservation of our benefits or those of our family. Do we really live on Planet Earth according to the many Messages that Celestial Messengers have brought to Our Planet, or is this just a poor infusion? Everybody is able to answer this question deep down inside, because there are no words adequate. We can only radiate Truth intuitively. Trying to reason in words or other communicative concepts, only produce the drug of our inner good feeling and has little spiritual value. It might only block you from the real purpose to understand why we are here.





Mankind has the possibility to tune into many “sources of broadcast” belonging

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to our Creation. All these sources tell their truths, that might be a part or a manipulative infusion of the real Truth. It is very hard for us to judge since we do not know that absolute Truth nor we have any idea what it is all about.


Of what origin or making are these so-called sources or what might they be?

If you consider giving(sending or broadcasting) and receiving on a spiritual level, you are being subject to frequency(vibration) waves. Some light signal, a certain frequency(vibration) wave, is received by you subconsciously, transmitted from a source. This source transmits and supplies information within the possibility of the existing knowledge or a manipulation. In the spiritual realm of the astral or paranormal world, there are many sources. Just like in the human world we live in, everybody can be a source of certain information, right or wrong.

You might label these sources - originating from the realms of spirit, kingdom of the Dead – so-called entities and so on, who want to bring a certain message into our world, what we call the world of the living.

These transmissions you might classify into two groups:

a.      You acknowledge the Creation of Wholeness, but do what is best in my world

b.     You acknowledge the Creation of Wholeness, and will accept unconditionally the judgement, not my will, but Thy Will prevails.

The first one is a conflict of interest, because you do not really recognize the supremacy of Gods Will. You are only using it for your own benefit and reality, the second one is total devotion.


In the astral or paranormal realm, both types of transmissions take place. For humans receiving both type of messages, it is very hard to judge. Why, because we are subjected to the same principle and have many self-interests. That is the way we have been created. Just very few people have this special intuition and insight to notice the difference. We still have to be alert to look at the very, very little difference in subtleties, sometimes arising within the two principles.

A human being lives in maya and can only judge accordingly. The only certainty is praying to the Ultimate Source for Guidance. This is to be convinced that you will be guided when you are asking for this and accept what is, that is. It might seem very easy, but the difficulty is in the acceptance.

The spiritual world of maya is transmitting to us all the time, causing instability. This is not always done out of malice. These creatures do not know any better themselves, sometimes.

We talk about the spiritual invisible world and accept too lightly that messages or voices coming from there are always right or should be obeyed. You can compare this with our world, where lots of people have “good advice” but that does not make it always right.

When we want to be sure (within human restriction) we should contact a ”professional” who has studied and experienced this realm and might have with a certain basis of knowledge. In the spiritual world, the same law applies. There is only one professional being the Christ or Buddhist Consciousness. This Planetary Hierarchy informs, guides and leads us, if we permit this, in the Name of The Ultimate Source.


The only Source of Stability, Continuity and Certainty, we can devote ourselves to. If we believe, trust and accept, we shall be sanctified.

In my option, there is just One Source. We can trust their transmissions fully. The only difficulty is, how do we recognise the true origin ( think of maya).

When we really unconditionally believe. When there is no doubt in our mind.

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When we are not led by our own intentions in any way, the connection is genuine.


When we unconditionally believe in the consistency of the connection, there will be in no way, room for dubiousness. The least doubt will destabilize. Man should be clearly asking - out of free choice - for guidance. This should not downgrade us into enslaved and docile creatures, but to active, obedient, working people. What is good? There can only be one. The Ultimate Source through the Planetary Hierarchy. All other spiritual beings are in progress being a mixture of good and bad, or better positive and negative. Up to you whether you recognize this. Sainthood on human level was created and dogmatised, and as such hardly meets the confrontation of universal demands and Gods Will.


There are people who act like this type of sainthood and are worshipped. There should be great doubts. The majority of these saints lead a very isolated life, just allowing confidants in their direct vicinity. This is very often the case in dominating spiritual or religious organisations. Why? If they would open up and do no window-dressing, people would recognise the same desires and other very human characteristics where self plays the dominant factor

Transmissions come through two different possibilities of receptivity, via the Fonticulus(Fontanel) aerial (the bald part on top of the head like monks used to have) and through the “third eye” embedded between our eyes (where the nose is implanted). Through the Fonticulus(Fontanel) aerial we receive the new, innovative Force, according to our Zeitgeist. The frequency(vibration) bringing our religious and spiritual standards up to date. This information is based upon the old thinking ways, but in itself, totally new.

The information we get through “the third eye” are old standards that still are with us and have to be transformed. The only new thing about these experiences might be the “refreshing” presentation standards. A major “side-effect” might be the fast uncontrollable attraction and diversion coming from our nostalgic memory-banks. Permanent enslavement in another time and another world might be the result. There are people who think they are living the wrong life in the wrong time being born in the west.


They want to live in the east and move physically back to these still existing areas. They seem not to mind being reincarnated according to the Laws of Karma.


When they are entrapped through nostalgic feelings (and this is in the spiritual world of today very popular, especially by young people), you might state that they reincarnated to experience the new ways. Being in this life on Mother Earth, they choose for the old.


Especially the world of today needs people of stability. Life is not only fulfilment and contentment. Work has to be accomplished to bring and stabilize new thoughts and ways in the Name of Wholeness through the Planetary Hierarchy. There are no participants of the Planetary Hierarchy who would label themselves. It would result into exaggerated devotion by humans and lead into enslavement.

The Fonticulus(Fontanel) aerial will not only obtain information from the Ultimate Source but also from other sources that bring restrictive renewed ideas.

This book gives you an impression and interpretation of the various ways of receptivity.

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Chemistry, Influences and Actions 



When we receive a ray of energy or force within our system through the Fonticulus(Fontanel) or “third eye”, all kinds of chemical reactions are taking place within our blood. These impacts cause these reactions for better or for worse. There is no connection with our experience to feel good or bad. When these rays are coming through the Fonticulus(Fontanel) from The Ultimate Source, a healing process is started. Healing should not be interpreted like human beings normally do, meaning more happiness, longer life and so on, but healing on basis of eternal life.


Through “the third eye”, the same thing might occur. Healing might take place. but now on basis of our present life (the astral realm). It is up to you to find out the difference between the two ways. The Creator has created everything, Mother Earth, The Astral Realm to which Mother Earth (and us) is connected, and everything else.


The present individual needs some “practice” not to think in positive and negative. This is only based upon the human pattern of thinking subject to Zeitgeist.

You might say that the human body is subject to the influence of all chemical reactions, an aspect of Universal Chemistry.


The Mind 

We all know, our brain has two sides. Through the mutual inter-cohesion of these sides, we are able to receive and produce impulses causing and controlling the chemical reactions within our body. Moreover, these sides have each four shifts, each representing a certain stage of consciousness. The brain-frequency(vibration) receiving the impulse, determines the receptivity of the individual. This frequency(vibration) is mostly dependent upon the spiritual development and not so much upon the scientific knowledge so admired in this world. That does not mean that an individual cannot have both characteristics and combine these in daily life. Soul-radiation is responsible for the way we are spiritually “educated” regulating the possibility and quality of receptivity.


Better-known spiritual qualities are psychic abilities like clairvoyant or “clairaudience”. The unknown fact is how “clair is clair”. These well-admired

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characteristics belong to the first step on the “spiritual ladder” and are the result of this brain-frequency(vibration).

We can influence and regulate this brain-frequency(vibration) through certain exercises, breathing, or sounds like music. Drugs causing “supply” of certain information and/or projection. Native people, like Indians, Aboriginals use drugs. Our present society seem to have adopted this in using spirits, tobacco and much stronger stuff like opium, cocaine and others. Do not underestimate the influence of music in the world of today.

On human level, we are totally under the influence of our brain-frequency(vibration) causing the so-called dopamine or aspirin-effect.


The total of eight shifts in the left and right brain-side represent a certain code of spiritual development. They also indicate the universal meaning, “so above, so below”

In our time, we are ruled by the fifth shift “the bliss-feeling” or emotional love. Many gurus are using this feeling to enslave their followers.



The Heart 

In order to be able to understand the function of the heart, we shall have to know about chakras, energy-centres of which we have 49 in the totality of our body. There are many books written about these charkas giving elaborate information.. It is enough to know that we have 7 “main-chakras” embedded mainly on our spinal column starting on the coccyx (tailbone). They have the specific colours of the rainbow being red, orange (lumbar vertebras), yellow (solar plexus),green (heart), indigo-blue (throat), amethyst (brow) and white (Fonticulus/Fontanel).

The spleen is the spiritual organ regulating our spiritual energy-flow. The effect and consequences of these rotating energy-fields are enormous and decisive for what we actually are. Many therapies apply chakra-force. Unfortunately, not always is the action is reaction principle considered. When the radiation of one chakra is changed all the other chakras will adapt.


The heart is the main energiser of energy-flow (blood), the pump-force of our present life. It is taking care of pressurising a certain quantity of blood in circulation. This is apparently the main principle. When impulses are received by us, consciously

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or not , there are certain consequences on the rhythm of our heartbeat and chemical reactions within our body. If there is no esoteric knowledge or metaphysics, it might be hard to comprehend that we also have an universal heart. This is the heart of silence, the position 0, the non-emotional heart, the heart of eternal life. In the history of mankind, many symbolic images are in existence. One of these is the cross. There are various varieties of the cross, each one has a different meaning.


The one the church seems to have monopolised being the one Jesus was nailed to, is the main principle of above-stated universal principal. People made various interpretations of this cross like the “cross of burden and suffering” showing the hands of Jesus pierced with nails. Another one is called the cross of Resurrection where Jesus has His Palms up showing the world His Victory over Death. He is going back to His Fathers House, starting a New Life and a New Covenant.


In various civilisations existing long before the foundation of the church, you will find the sign of the cross. The cross is the symbolic sign for the human being. It is connected with the Ultimate Source bringing the energy-impulses into Mother Earth and vice-versa. Through spreading the arms, energy is radiated out all over the world. This is the basic concept of our life like you find depicted in quite a few statues of Jesus. The human being is the connector of Heaven and Earth. When we spread our arms sideways we shape a symbolic cross, hands left and right are the spiritual ends – dualism – and represent the spiritual position we are in. The centre-point is the position 0 on the sternum (breastbone) being the symbolic heart of silence. Not the silence caused by any noise or sound. This is just an aspect, but silence caused by harmonious contact with the Ultimate Source. There is no turbulence in this heart. This is a rather old symbol worn by Knights leaving for the Holy Land(Templars). This red-painted cross was located between their shoulders on their backside and on the breastbone, where the centre-point 0 exactly is located.

The lay-out of the human being is exactly created according to this principle. Thus, it will be able to bring energy-impulses through the chakras on to Mother Earth from the Ultimate Source and back.


Not only for the benefit of mankind but also in harmony towards all living creatures visible and invisible. We are very much dominated by our Solar plexus, the main chakra within our present existence for most people This is yellow-coloured and the emotional centre. We live in a time full of emotions on this planet and yellow is the representative colour. There is a lot of confusion about yellow and gold-colour and quite often the two are intermingled. Gold is the colour of Universal Wholeness (Wisdom) on Earth. This all seems to be quite complicated and difficult, but in principal it is very simple.

Only the perception is of importance not the knowledge of details.


Energy and/or Leylines 


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Man has a variety of energy distribution systems running through his body. The knowledge about this is supplied through very good esoteric books and quite complete. Might be that the application and clarification could be expanded and improved. This knowledge is still far beyond our possibility of understanding.


Many methods of healing our body are based upon the principle of this energy system. We should not forget that the Law of Action is Reaction is applicable here or might be.

The energy-lines are represented through the Hermes or Caudeceus Energy Flow. This is a straight-line(the backbone) through which two energy-lines are winding like snakes. An acceptable interpretation would be that one energy-line is coming from the Father entering through the Fonticulus(Fontanel) twisting through the chakras and going into Mother Earth. The Reaction is that inside Mother Earth an energy-line in response is going through the chakras and leaving your body through the Fonticulus(Fontanel), back to the Father. This is the universal representation.

The human body is definitely an instrument in connecting Heaven and Earth. A more known and “accepted” application is that man is receiving this energy and keeps it for himself, closing off the various gates of giving back. He becomes in control of the energy-flow in his body (self-realisation). Medical doctors are using a somewhat altered sign called “The Aesculap”.


Acupuncture is using the meridians in the body to restore energy-flow through unblocking certain areas and healing people if done so.

Mother Earth has a similar energy-system and we know very little about it. In certain methods like dowsing, energy-flow is traced, but what the actual meaning is, is still far beyond our knowledge. Mostly, these tracings are read by so-called psychic people and fantastic stories are the result, known as legends or myths. These stories are not totally false but certainly to some extent questionable.


Earth has many places where the various lines are crossing. There spectacular sightings might be experienced. On these places, there might even be entrances into the parallel-world. To be able to enter these worlds, another resonance or consciousness is needed.

It might happen by surprise or through certain techniques of breathing, the first is fate and the latter is effected through curiosity. If you are in control, be aware of the consequences before starting these techniques. It might lead you into mental derangement if done.


Many thousands of years ago, our forefathers closely connected to nature, built certain type of “power-machines” of certain types of stone. These were of a certain lay-out and caused strong fields of energy used for various purposes. Knowledgeable people and that is not everyone who says so, might be able to look into a different world, created and ruled by a different energy-impulse.

Stonehenge is one of the renowned examples.

The energy-pattern of Mother Earth and man has a lot of similarities, but we should never forget that small patterns might fit into big patterns, but this law does not apply the other way around. Now that we have established that man is a “walking” energy-field, it is logical to accept that there must also be the radiation, the so-called aura corresponding. It corresponds to the chakras in intensity. Some people might see these various concentrations of radiation, even in colour.


However, be aware, that there are quite a few who are impostors. They pretend this

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for self-importance. Very few people really can see these radiations. Some of these gifted people use this for healing through the aura. Unfortunately, this would also be fighting symptoms. The cause of the disease might be something totally different.

Mother Earth has an widespread field of radiation, the aurora borealis (northern lights) is a result we all can observe.


We shall have to look back to the manifestation of the personality of man. The strongest field of radiation of an individual might be the result of thinking and educational patterns. The characteristics of the body of an individual are the result of soul-radiation embedded in matter (DNA). To this is added the effect of upbringing, education, social ancestry, surroundings and followed studies of various disciplines. Personality is the total result of this. There is but one fact that might put all this aside, free choice. Man can decide to do or not to do. The results of this are of a different nature and origin. To what extent any man is dominated, free will is uncontrollable. No matter how severe the pressure or consequences might be. You need power, especially from the inner-side, to meet the demands of your conscience and choose the universal path.


 This means that your own needs are subdued to this path. This birth-intent makes you a servant in body and soul and you become an active instrument for healing Mother Earth in the name of Wholeness. Own aspirations and self-interest are secondary and integrated in working for Wholeness.

We have lost touch with this universal principle. Sometimes, there is some remembrance in our sub-consciousness like a bell ringing. Personality is the sum of the total of earthly conditions and a result of soul-radiation and all the other aspects. The soul is freely reincarnated into earth matter. According to the old principles the soul was ”imprisoned” and should try to escape to Heaven. as soon as possible. The Cathars had this conviction.. Suicide was neither allowed nor any other way of getting out of this life through “self-help”. Life simply had to be lived to educate the soul. “Mercy killing or euthanasia”, “accepted” in our time, were not allowed.

Elements in the paranormal or astral realm are trying to convince us we are imprisoned on Mother Earth. They project certain visions of freedom in the after-life and try to let us think, hell is on Mother Earth. Old projections supported through astral visions are telling us that the body is just a vehicle needing to serve us to come to a higher soul-radiation. Then the body will be left back on Mother Earth and will disintegrate into earth matter. When we continue to act and think like that, we automatically are restricted to the reincarnation-cycle. We shall have eternal life within the polarities, the astral realm.


Our earth-body must be transformed into Wholeness. When we have brought the power into our bloodstream - The MerKaBa - uniting soul and body into Wholeness in His Name, we shall leave this reincarnation-cycle. We shall be drawn into Wholeness through His Eternal Love and we shall start to experience the New Covenant.

You might have an idea, if you could accept this explanation, in what way the present human interpretation is wrong. Feeling this might lead us into an incredible confrontation with our present standards and ourselves. Very reassuring is that time is never an obstacle. A race to fulfil, unnecessary.

A picture -in short- is painted that we have a choice between:

a.      Being an individual in the Total of Creation working for self-realisation and when all the benefits are achieved, working for Wholeness, or

b.     Being an individual knowing that judgement is impossible and in fact putting all fate into the Hands of the Planetary Hierarchy (Christ or Buddhist Consciousness).

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The individual being must be prepared to work as an instrument for the Wholeness of Creation. Consciously but most of all unconsciously. He will be the “living” acupuncture-needle in the Hands of The Planetary Hierarchy, 24 hours per day. He will be going all over the Planet and radiating out Energy of Wholeness without knowing where, when or how. The only thing this ”individual” knows, is that Gods Mercy is Salvation. He will train his body for better and effective radiation, in His Name, initiated by The Planetary Hierarchy.

This person is an instrument”- in silence – and accepts, what is that is.



Man has a number of transmitters at his disposal. His hands, feet, tongue, radiation through eyes and body language. To transmit in His Name could only be performed subconsciously. If he will act like that on a conscious level only it will contribute to his ego. The true spiritual worker acts in silence and only a few might be allowed to talk about it to people who want to know.

For many people, this type of doing will be quite a release because they do not need to manifest themselves for so-called human “well-doing”.

They can really do something without talking or accepting “public” statements. To cooperate with The Ultimate Source, Gods Will is only pure universal love.


In acting accordingly, the laws and customs of the human realm have to be obeyed, but only when they do not harm or jeopardize the Laws of Wholeness. This is not an easy task to fulfil but with the Help of The Almighty, feasible. We cannot make the world perfect, but we can collaborate with the Planetary Hierarchy. To be an instrument in Their Hands and act, when the time has come, in devotion.


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The Growing Spiritual Understanding II

 (Birth in Symbiosis with Mother Earth)


When we talk about birth or being born in our world, some people think it is the greatest miracle, others consider it logical. We have to deliberate about The Law of Reincarnation. This is what it is all about.

Reincarnation might mean that we have reappeared into another body in another life on Planet Earth, but it also might mean a continuation of what we call “death” being another birth or rebirth in another realm.

In order to make the Law of Reincarnation effective, the so favoured law of the human-made institutions called “guilt and penance” on Earth is maya.

This interpretation is used and misused throughout the centuries. Many morphogenetic fields of fear have been created. There is just The Law of Action is Reaction applicable in our astral world.

An individual is (what we call) dying and simultaneously has a number of experiences.

The soul is leaving the body behind on Mother Earth giving it back to the Elements, ashes to ashes. The soul (Ba) continues going to one of the 7-Spheres according to the intensity of radiation on basis of the Law of Magnetism (Universal Love). The personality (Ka), laid down into a field of morphicresonance created on Planet Earth in one life, continues going to the world of the “Dead”.


In some indefinite time, the soul will be subjected to the Law of Wholeness before reincarnating again on Planet Earth or may be somewhere else. During that time the immanent Laws of Creation will be made clear again and the “mistakes” causing karma in the preceding life will be shown and “clarified and enlightened”.

Then permission will be given to make these enlightenments effective in deeds and actions in the reincarnation, probably on Earth. A body must be found that basically agrees with the code of radiation of the soul. Permission is only given when the radiation of the soul clearly shows the actual improvement on basis of which The Ultimate Source has given mercy (there are some exceptions).


The so famous “guilt and penance” of other lives does not exist. The child will be born in total innocence. During this new existence on Earth, the soul – in connection with the All-Soul – has “to walk the Path” of “Not my will but Thy Will prevails”.

Karma is laid down into earth-matter through the code of DNA. The basic-supplier of this code is the couple, our father and mother. When male and female have unified and fertilised, the growing baby will gradually adapt and personalize this code according to his souls radiation.

In spiritual circles, this is explained with “we choose our parents'.


After the ailments during childhood have been overcome, the Silver-Thread of Consciousness will be strongly embedded into the earth-body.

The newborn baby has arrived on Mother Earth in total innocence and forgiveness, being prepared to serve Wholeness. Gods Laws of Universal Love being taught in the 7-Spheres shall have to be manifested on Mother Earth in the deeds of this individual. Total commitment, surrender, stability, continuity and Universal Love for His Creation must be the ingredients to work with.


Distraction will start immediately after arrival on Earth. The manifestation of free

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will, will commence. It will be utterly difficult to hold on to this commitment in this “unfolding” life. Before cutting the umbilical cord, this baby has passed about a 9-month time-span in the womb, and experienced this warm and cosy shelter while being “pampered”. The body is growing and the soul gets slowly acquainted with the restrictions of human life. It is highly dependent upon the spiritual and physical nourishment of the mother.

 It is a very sheltered sort of life in the womb, but this was not the intention of the reincarnation. The intention of reincarnation is to transform the old experience into the new one, through events and happenings on earth. The laws of karma have to be met and might be even very painful, sometimes. The child feels comfortable in the womb but will be pushed out of this safe-heaven to experience the new.


These unexpected events when the time is there, are to face the reality of the new reincarnation. The entry into this earthly world is through a very narrow gate being the womb adapting itself exactly according to the shape of the babys body. The umbilical cord will be cut and the world has a new and individual citizen.


Deep down inside, this wonderful experience in the mothers womb will be remembered. Many adults try to get back this wonderful feeling in later life. Even worse, they will never leave this remembrance at all, to experience the new. Free choice on Earth is inviolable. From time to time, this individual will be remembered from “within” that karma has to be met and faced through the codes (his personal programming) of DNA.


The time of the “struggle” will begin. The child will have to deal with the consequences of the restrictions of the chosen body. The word child is mentioned, but in the sense of reincarnation “children” do not exist, there are “old and young” souls that have to become used to the restrictive body. They are “little” people that have to be guided into adulthood.


This guidance should be the teaching the restrictions of earth-reality. Karma has to be definitely transformed.

The “teachers” or parents mostly, should guide these human beings in continuity, through universal love and stability and not through the so often aimed personal goals of passion and power.

The nowadays point of view “my child must be able to do anything” is far away from the above circumstances.

The restrictions should be taught in universal love and since everything is Gods Creation, also earth-matter; The Law of Action is Reaction will be effective.


We recognise life through heartbeat and respiration. The substance of our body is also fully alive, when there is no heartbeat or breathing, being Deva-energy. When the soul incarnates through the body on Mother Earth, a symbiosis with another life form is the result, Deva-energy. This Hierarchy exists on Mother Earth and is based upon another frequency(vibration) than the 7 Spheres. This Hierarchy also works towards Wholeness and is “supplying” the earthbound vehicle to the soul to complete the mutual task to work towards Wholeness of Creation.


When humans are talking about “their” soul as being the important part of Creation, they do injustice to “their other part”, the Hierarchy of The Devas. Some people have quite an intensive contact with their body and describe or paint beings and call them angels. These beings of another realm, work for Wholeness and expect the same from us. The Deva-frequency(vibration) is of a lower frequency(vibration) than

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our souls. The human being is able to control the Deva-Hierarchy to a certain extent, but be careful, Devas can be very powerful.

The laws of the 7-Spheres and Mother Earth are of a different frequency(vibration). On Earth, humans have free choice of will. Man is dominated and fascinated by this free will and does not recognise very often the rights of the Deva-Hierarchy.


Only on basis of “not my will, but Thy Will prevails”, cooperation with the Deva-Hierarchy is possible. This attitude is hardly acceptable for most humans since they do not understand.

Life is judged on basis of human consciousness like being happy and having a fruitful, long life. All events not being useful, wished for or not meeting our conditions, are in reality, the pitfall of our existence.

Distraction is the cause of the situation our world. This is certainly not the result and the goal we have in mind, our sense of well being. The feeling is sheltered what we went through and experienced in the womb. This world is the result of our personal goals like peace and love. This is not according to the universal principles but meeting our demands of personal safety and happiness. Instead we should strive for Wholeness beyond the scope of human comprehension, for all that lives and breathes, visible and invisible.


This striving for unknown Wholeness is “almost impossible” since we really do not know what the universal conditions are. We only have a human restrictive (mind-controlled) concept of this. We really do not understand. Human scientific progress is not giving more hope and is only based upon human knowledge and experience. There seems to be some progress.

Our human scientific knowledge is changing and progressing, at least so we call it. What the scientific truth was 500 years ago is called now backward. We do not apprehend that this will go on forever. Absolute truths do not exist in science. Only human arrogance is improving and leading us into realms of maya. Science will always be in progress and will change nothing nor make us understand, the essence of Creation.


Our knowledge and science are based upon restrictive thinking patterns and today this pattern is stronger than ever before. Science might contribute towards evolution, but never when formulated as absolute truth.


All these concepts, laid down in morphogenetic fields, are influencing the new born baby while growing into adolescence. Especially the first years of this growth, are very decisive.

The “big” question might be, is this individual able to hold on to his deeper inner thoughts like All is One and One is All and Wholeness of Creation means interconnection of all living creatures. Will he not choose for the human attitude and become egocentric?

Our todays world is the result of this. We are born, “die”, and are reborn till we have transformed our goals, successes, and happiness into Wholeness through putting our soul into the Hands of our Creator, The All-Embracing, Almighty Source, Power or The Force of Total Consciousness.

We shall have to face the spiritual confrontation. We shall find out improving our soul - always being considered the main object - is secondary to the acceptance of what is that is. We should accept this principal not on basis of apathy or likewise behaviour, but through submission to the Planetary Hierarchy. Then we become an instrument of radiation in Their Hands.


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Suicide or self-killing is no escape nor very helpful. Life on Earth has been given to us and we are not permitted to “end” this of our own free will. We should not point our finger to those who do. A very turbulent and unstable situation probably makes them commit this desperate act. Life is submitted to experiences on earth and has been given to us. We are not permitted to end this of our own choosing. Our birth-intention, the reason of our reincarnation to transform karma through deeds on earth, is a sacred mission on basis of “Not my will, but Thy Will prevails”


A task, almost impossible to understand and blocked by human patterns of thinking. We lack knowledge and insight. We need both before we really can understand our position. To some people a big disappointment, to others a thought of relief.


The disappointment is, we thought we knew what is right and what is wrong, but we found out that the result is not in balance. The relief is that we accept life as it comes and we know we can only “work” on a spiritual level as an instrument in The Hands of The Planetary Hierarchy. To some people it might seem similar to what institutions proclaim. They pretend to be an intermediary of The Ultimate Source and exercise fear and power. The course of history is a vivid witness of these institutional goals. Only direct connection with the Ultimate Source will bring surrender, not through human guidance but through Guidance of The Planetary Hierarchy.

There is no institution or other organisation on earth that will be able to help you. This is the down-to-earth confrontation of 2000 A.D. Jesus Who became The Christ, underlined that His Kingdom is not of this realm. How on earth, institutions can think they can offer effective guidance. The birth of a child – a little human being – faces an incredible confrontation on earth. To what extent might this human being hold on to his “birth-intent” experiencing all kinds of “likes and dislikes”. The morphogenetic fields of ancestral backgrounds, gender, race or mixtures, nationality, human-history are radiating into the behaving patterns of this child growing to maturity. This will cause great distraction of the original birth-intent.


Most children are giving in, certainly in this time, where comfort and pleasure are first ranking. The inner feeling of another reality will stay in place. A reality that might not meet with the conditions of life as meant.

Who would be prepared to “swim upstream” and leave behind all “obtained goodies”. Precious few, but pressure is mounting. Courses to become a better human being or how you might create your “own world “ are still very popular. Necessary change is knocking on the door of our present world. Also the situation of Mother Earth is deplorable and debts have to be met. We cannot continue our own way. We shall have to adapt.

The only answer we should pray for, is how?


Many answers to this question will be wrapped up inside the needs of satisfaction. Very expensive courses are offered. There is but one certain truth, all these answers are of no use if they are not free or to very low cost, available to every sincere human being. This is just one aspect, because many low budget courses are available where people are needed to admire the master. Where humans are being used as energisers for the benefit of this master without knowing it.

You might think about this and when you are sincere you will recognise. If we continue pursuing these methods it will be of our own choosing.

The Ultimate Source - or any Name you might give to this Ultimate Being - is neither in need of power on Mother Earth nor commit or attract people through nice promises or so-called miracles. GOD IS.

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The growing spiritual understanding III 

There are a number of perceptions of concepts of spirituality. Obviously they are based on personal comprehension and insight and will lead to restrictions of the real universal intention.

This universal meaning is enshrined in our “inner-knowledge”. People mention this intuition and even act correspondingly.

This is the most ideal and purest form.


Every individual should however realise that we are under influence of our Zeitgeist represented in books, education, science, religion (also the dopamine-effect) and many other symptoms. This originates from the uncontrollable brain (mind) and the effect on our inner-life and knowledge is enormous. To state that women have a more advanced intuition than men is an absolute dogma. Then we are talking about inner-feelings caused through emotion (effect of the brain) and act accordingly. This is not the kind of intuition meant.

When the soul is “grounded” into the body and human conditioning has not taken place yet, we all receive universal intuition. This is the “deepest feeling” of our existence. This intuition will be encased during growth to maturity, both with men and women.

Our “task” will be to liberate this intuition of this imprisonment and transform this into submission expressed in the following famous words:


            “Father, why hast Thou forsaken me

            in Thy Hands I commend my soul”


It is of quite some importance to read these words and have in mind the previous chapters. You might understand what the deeper meaning of these words might be.




We cannot live nor survive physically and spiritually, without “nourishing” energy.

We have to absorb on Planet Earth, two “kinds of energy” and where do we get or take these from. A rather important factor of absorbing these two types of energy is your attitude, willingness and righteousness towards your position in universal life.

You might only take physical energy through food selecting the best for yourself or

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you might be prepared to feed yourself with what is best for Wholeness. You might understand the enormous subtlety of difference when dealing directly with this universal intuition. The main difference is that you are feeling and acting as a responsible part of Creation and not out of pure selfishness.


There are many types of physical nourishments. You might obtain these through the common supermarkets, DNA manipulated or not, but tested according to general health-standards and approved for human consumption. This type of food seems to prolong life but whether these alimentations make us happier and healthier is an open question. Many types of allergy, disorder and syndromes are penetrating our society. Many people – especially spiritual-orientated people – eat these so-called alternative foods because it makes them healthier. Their diseases are disappearing and this is the main reason for eating.


The main concept should be that Mother Earth is less manipulated and polluted through all kinds of chemicals. All other life forms would also benefit and the result would be a healthy planet. The self-benefit is mostly the reason choosing this type of food and the other aspect is a nice side effect. If there would be no advantage for self, how long would they continue paying the higher price?


Other types of feeding exist. Man calls it spiritual nourishment. Through consuming a special type of food, there is no denial that there will be a certain change of spiritual attitude. There are even people however, who want to control these changes through dowsing. They check whether the food is in balance in accordance with the yin/yang principle. On a human level, this is absolutely impossible, because the principle of yin/yang is very different.

If yin is established, yang is created through the unavoidable Law of Change, as laid down in the Book of Change, The I-Ching. This type of feeding is based upon manipulation and fear and will cause a loss of energy. It might be even creating shortage. Nourishment has almost everybodys interest and many, many books have been published.

Nourishment of vegetarian foods will be dealt with, in a later chapter.


Then there is the aspect of spiritual food. The nourishment needed for our spiritual body, soul or (also called) light-body. You receive this partly out of the physical food you eat, because a spiritual impulse is inside. The major part of the spiritual energy, however, should come through praying. This is an important and delicate point.


Spiritual food is reflecting the sphere of the surroundings where it originates. So, it is of major importance that we are very careful not to connect ourselves to just any point in the spiritual realm, but only with the Ultimate Source. So above, so below is applicable here. We do not connect ourselves with any human being or group having a certain level of development or background.. There are various ”levels of education”.

When you might like to have scientific information, your best bet is to contact the most up to date source at university-level or similar. We should bear in mind that this level is only able to supply us with the latest or most modern interpretations, but not with the ultimate truth. Spiritually we only can obtain the ultimate truth from The Ultimate Source, if we have ears to listen and eyes to see. It is very risky to just connect you with any spiritual being. You might not be able to separate the wheat from the chaff and might be manipulated.


It might be the information obtained, is a bit more “advanced” than yours, but you certainly lack the insight to judge the subtleties and the consequences connected.

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There is but one “organisation” who is having that kind of spiritual knowledge for Mother Earth and everything that lives. That is the Overall-Universal Plan of Evolution for Wholeness, The Planetary Hierarchy (Christ or Buddhist Consciousness or any other Name indicating the Lightbeings of Wholeness).

You can only address yourself to these Spiritual Beings in the Name of Wholeness, the Ultimate Source or Creator of the Universe, being Heaven and Earth.


All other sources are in development or manipulative and will just be able to inform you partly or subsequently will use you for their own purposes. The spiritual nourishment from the Ultimate Source through the Planetary Hierarchy will affect your energy-system, your chakras, your spleen (spiritual organ of prana).Gradually your energy-field will change. Organs will be rebuilt in your body according to the existing composition of spiritual energy. There are instrument to measure this, but beware of the human interpretation. The actual result will be beyond your understanding.


Only drawing a comparison between now and the past might establish change. But looking back is a mental blockage. Many famous examples are known. This Path is the Path of eternity, of the past, the present and the future. Nothing might happen to you that is not meant to be. You are guided and accept the consequences of this guidance. You will walk this Path in Submission to Wholeness. There is no need releasing anything so often required in many spiritual methods. Through guidance, your instabilities will be transformed into trust and stability. Releasing on a human level is of little importance and value. These acts are based upon desire to achieve a spiritual goal. The existing misconception that all earth-connected stuff should be released (forceful) will only lead to disenchantment.


Forced release of material things will result in expectations to receive on another level. That is the way our mind works. If this will be the intention of your release and the goal is not realised, disappointment will be the result. The “feeling” might arise “I have released everything and it did not bring me spiritual “wealth”.


Transformation through Wholeness is the only way for everybody when the “time” is there, without any delay, not too early and without postponement.

This can only be through the direct guidance by the Spiritual Lightbeings of Wholeness and not through any so-called or earthly self-appointed representative.



The Present Mental Perception 



In 1987, Mother Earth has come under an immense strong spiritual energy-spiral, known as the Harmonic Convergence. Astrophysicists have found out that a Supernova has taken place. An enormous “explosion” creating an incredible spiral of energy radiating out on both physical and spiritual life. It was not unexpected, since both the Pyramid of Cheops and The Tsolkin (the mystic Mayan calendar)

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prophesied this to be on 16 and 17 August 1987.

What is the incredible meaning of this. These kinds of phenomena are not happening everyday.


This is the start of a New Era. A period of transformation that could never have taken place before, in the history of mankind, because the power needed was just not available. A start of a New Age that needs a new pattern of thinking, the old is transformed into the new, without any type of separation.

It is nothing like the interpretation of the present so-called new age doctrine, where old methods have been put into the wrappings of a new human interpretation.

A fully new universal-reflection inspired through a fully new insight and the corresponding new method.


During the evolution of mankind, starting from the impulse given by Melchisedeck at Salem into Mother Earth, there has been steadily-growing and increased awareness leading mankind to this moment. It is working through the stages of concentration, meditation into contemplation at this very moment. In the history of mankind, these three types of prayer were present. The uniqueness of this moment is the union of so-called “matter and spirit” into Oneness.


To understand in a flash through contemplation, that there is only Wholeness in Creation. That Wholeness, created by the Ultimate Source, God The Father, has no separations. Earth matter is a frequency(vibration) of spirit and spirit is the highest frequency(vibration) in existence containing all. Everything is interconnected.


In the old days this was often discussed and in secrecy executed by Celestial Messengers. It was the Task of Jesus to show mankind publicly that earth matter (body) and soul (heaven “matter”) were both spiritual frequencies(vibrations) that had to be united in The Name of The Father. The result was that He took His “Body “ into His Fathers House, The World of Unity and Wholeness. That is what you might call the End of Times.

On this moment, the time has come for everybody, as prophesied 2000 years ago, to be able to act accordingly being The New Beginning under a New Covenant.

This is not the craze of human new age being called psychic or paranormal (astral) but the fully new concept, building the Fathers-House on Mother Earth through the Speed of Light of Wholeness under guidance of The Planetary Hierarchy. Where individuals become an acupuncture needle in Their Hands.


The quest for satisfaction through paranormal activities is a result of hundreds and hundreds of years restrictive thinking and dominating behaviour of the institutes represented by the church, temple or mosque.

People made “hungry” and therefore attracted towards the forbidden methods of the astral or paranormal realm. This realm is an indivisible part of Creation, because all realms are interconnected and belong to Creation. There is certainly some merit to start to understand these transcendental laws. It might have a diluting effect because of the miracle-effect resulting into distraction from The Ultimate Source. The reason why the paranormal realm is so attractive is the possibility to create and be submitted to all kinds of experiences, satisfying our human personal goals.


The plus is the experience that there is more between heaven and earth, but

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psychological blocks might be built behind “closed doors”. Those doors will be opened explosively through the force of fear or other emotional believes.

The paranormal quest has developed in our time tremendously. This will continue for some time until the tide turns. If the individual will perceive he is going in circles doing this, this will happen. If we surrender to the spiralling Force of Gods Power there will be change


The individual will become an instrument in His Hands and not a miracle-worker.


There might be a chance that in the human realm, one man is forcing the other one to believe in a God, having human similarities and qualities. The Source of Wholeness has given to mankind, while on Mother Earth, a free choice, and what will it be?

The old age in a new wrapping etc, or will business dealings be very flourishing. Sects and religious communities are founded and the so-called masters are grabbing their chances. Humanity is still under control of force, in a kind of vacuum waiting which way to turn. Religion is under great stress and Mother Earth is victimised through human frustrations. A lot of damage is done. When will the tide turn? It is in our hands, we have the choice, we want or we do not want, that is the question.



This is the Wholeness of the Totality of Creation of the Ultimate Source, all embracing and more. A conception we cannot understand in a non-human universal way.

Striving for Wholeness is and always will be, our birth-intent. It is not the interpretation we might comprehend, because unity in a human way of speaking, means equal conditions. Conditions we are familiar with. Conditions we do not understand, are also part of this Unity and there we loose our touch. Striving for this

Wholeness seems to be a hopeless Don-Quixote like action leading to nothing. So people say and think they are realistic. Realistic means looking for compromises to solve problems and not creating utopian thoughts. What is realistic? What do people know what happens on the borderline of life and death? Are we holding on to maya or to the known senses and the acquired information. Are we forgetting we are Energy and Spirit, so indestructible.


Being dualistic, we have no idea what living in Wholeness means. A hypothetical thought to be dealt with in a dualistic three-dimensional way. This restricts and dominates our insight.

In the 11/12th century, paintings were made two-dimensional. Mankind was not able to picture or to “see” the third perspective, depth. Imagine you were living with the mind you have now and able to see three-dimensional, in those days. You would explain to the “painter” his painting was lacking this third perspective.


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Result could have been you were declared insane or ended your life burnt at the stake. Our society has not changed much. To be burnt at the stake not any more, but the rest? To comprehend unity and we are dualistic, is not possible. We try to understand and probably making huge mistakes. The thought of Wholeness is very essential within our deeper understanding. We feel this is the purpose of our being on Earth. Striving for peace is just one aspect. Many people make this their life-goal.


They talk dualistic. Very often, without noticing, the words are the same but the thinking patterns are totally different. Only the actual mentioning of the word is then the connection, not the feelings and patterns attached. Conditions how this peace might be obtained are a world apart. Many manifestations are known, like the positive/negative debate. Positive is good, and negative is bad. Positive thinking is the constructive way (of what?) and negative thinking is the destructive one (reality?).


In our present days, we find this classic positive/negative way approach. Quantities of know-it-all people try to teach other people accordingly. It is just the aspirin-effect.

This effect works for individuals until the time reality knocks on the door. Where is the basic relation of this positive/negative thinking? Choosing for one side is rejecting the other side of Creation. Who are we to decide what is right and what is wrong? We are just the result of emotional feelings. Developing a so-called positive thinking pattern about certain circumstances might result into the fact that somewhere else, another so-called positive thinking pattern is developed. The subjects might be paradoxical.

When you start to compare the various patterns, only just the word is the same but the subjective meaning is conflicting. The history of the world teaches us that war is arising because both parties think they are right. A priest in the Name of God blessed both parties. Peace is not the result of rightness; the opposite might be the result.


War is the manifestation of different thinking patterns manifesting in matter on a physical level. The stronger one is right until a “more” stronger one will arise and resists.

This is the record of striving for unity on a human level. Not a very attractive image of humanity, but historical facts leaves little space for another conclusion.

Striving for human unity is maya and we think this is reality.


On Planet Earth, we only can strive for Wholeness in the Name of The Ultimate. In reality, we do not know what we are striving for.

When duality is transformed unity will be a fact. This is called synthesis (amalgamation)

Synthesis means the frequency(vibration) of dualism is transformed into the frequency(vibration) of synthesis. Dualism is a “melted” part of synthesis. To understand this best, the following example might be helpful. A mixture is a mix of ingredients where every ingredient keeps its own characteristics,. A chemical reaction is based upon certain ingredients brought together and through a chemical reaction a total new product is made.


The qualities of the ingredients separately, do not exist anymore. There will be nohuman being that will be able to “achieve” synthesis within the frequency(vibration) of our earth-realm, uniting matter and soul. Synthesis is outside the earth-realm, and we have no idea what it is or might result into.

You might debate or philosophise about it, dualistic human talk, it will be.

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Universal unity is not reachable through human will, but just through surrender to Wholeness. We are all in the process of becoming spiritually and physically to Oneness. Time should not exist in our process of understanding. Submission is the only way to Wholeness.



Free Choice  

We are living on the planet of free choice. An indisputable mandate for every individual. This does not mean that the choice is always meeting the Laws of Immanence of Wholeness. This might be the only planet where free choice is permitted and/or tolerated by the Planetary Hierarchy. Is this free choice really in force or only a farce?

It is not a farce because the history of our planet proves otherwise. This free choice created all kinds of styles and movements in the thinking patterns and behaviour of mankind. It created the present situation of Mother Earth. A god-given condition and privilege given to mankind. This can only be abandoned throughuninfluenced free will. No power can or should take this away from any individual, unless the interest of Wholeness is at stake. This happened during the Floods.


This does not mean however, that there are no powers in existence who want to use manipulations to enslave individuals. They want to restrict this free choice using this for their own purposes. Many quantities of people on this planet are transferring their free choice to other people, like a guru or an organisation.

These joint together forces of misled people are used to confront other joint together forces, also of misled people. Through many words and rituals, individuals are charmed and enchanted to support a so-called sanctified goal.


In our present society we are noticing many examples of so-called privileged people. They use all kinds of tricks to get followers. Instead, they should point out to people that everybody should pray directly to God, The Father. They use influence of any kind to fulfil the role of mediator. The tide will change. People will be awakened and conclude they have been ridiculed. They will. turn back to the only one truth, surrender to the Ultimate Source and nothing else.

Is there really a free choice? Our choices are always based upon knowledge, experiences and circumstances. There are many mixtures possible. Every individual is influenced through hidden persuaders, morphogenetic fields. In our world we call a lot of decisions, we make, spiritual, but how spiritual are these? Mostly they are based upon emotional facts and influenced by these morphogenetic fields.


In our world, most humans are just a “product-mix” of these mentioned circumstances. They just strive for a longer and happier life.

The availability of numerous methods promising just that, is the enslavement of our time and is poured into us like “milk and butter”. Only the very few can

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resist these temptations. Stating not to be influenced through advertising is paradoxical, cause and effect is unavoidable.


We can only make choices, we cannot make no “choices”. The powers radiating out in our world are tuned into our thinking-patterns. Nobody can escape these influences, unless you will start living like a hermit totally cut off. This is, in our present world, almost impossible. Knowing that you are influenced without knowing why, is already a reason to cut through the restrictions of our free choice. This is neither a licence nor a permission to go your own way, chaos would be the result.


Although chaos has also a striving for structuralism, individuals should follow the main stream. There is a possibility to transform free choice. This transformation will gradually become clearer and clearer. A human goal is deleted. We shall surrender to circumstances happening to us when the time is there.

This does not imply sinking into apathy but it means banning goals out of our life-system.

Writing this book seems to serve a goal. A goal is a target, but when we take out the control, it might or might not become an uncontrollable stream.

Free choice is the greatest mental blockade we have on Planet Earth. We are always influenced wanting to make the right choice. The confrontation is immense, especially in the field of altruism.

There can be no unselfishness in the dualistic word, because the reaction is unavoidable towards our ego. Since unselfishness is highly regarded by almost everybody, the action-reaction principle will continue and very little change will result in our social surroundings.

The purest form of free choice is our coming to this Planet to transform Universal Karma. We shall have to find out, in this body, that if free choice is in force, chaotic circumstances will occur. The only solution to avoid this, is to give up this free choice and follow the universal stream. This giving up should be not forced. We should accept circumstances for better and for worse. Not my will, but Thy Will prevails.


How many people are saying they honour this principle and are doing the opposite. It might look like we cannot act otherwise. A statement misused through ages of time. It seems to be programmed in our genes. Apparently a great gimmick for abuse. It is used by institutions and individuals for control and manipulation of power over others through so-called information from the Source. Nobody on earth can make a statement knowing Gods Will.


The Bible tells us that Gods Home is not made by man and the body is the temple of the soul. Deep down in your deepest inside, you know Gods Will and nobody needs to tell you otherwise.

This everlasting truth and the inspiration of God is missing in all the institutes. All world-religions emphasize the importance of stone-buildings called temples, churches and mosques radiating out Gods Will.


These “buildings” controlled by human beings who state they represent God on Earth. The free choice is overpowered and highly restricted by this enormous might.

In our days, initiated by an unknown power, this free choice is stronger then ever before. It creates an “overdose” causing a substantial lack of discipline. Worshipping the free choice, is actually giving man the idea he can sit on Gods

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Throne. This is the everlasting and repeating example of being unbalanced. Free choice is mostly going for the total left or right side. It is becoming one way or the other, totally uncontrolled.

It overrules the “golden middle way”, point 0, where both sides are harmonized and no interaction exists.


This point 0 is no compromise but described so often as “ I am”. A compromise would be a compensation of left and right and differences are put behind “closed doors”. After some time these doors will burst open and there will be no compromise anymore. War might be the result. To understand more about Wholeness, we shall have to understand dualism better, the polarities of mankind. We are positive and negative, but not yet in harmony.



It is very clear everything consists of positive and negative, and either one cannot exist without the other. Both belong indissolubly to the Wholeness of Creation being point 0. When the time is there, positive and negative will be melted into Oneness, a nuclear fusing like happened after the Crucifixion according to the Bible and other Sacred Writings.

A human being comes to Planet Earth and has to work as part of the Total, in total freedom of choice.


 Part of this Total will be enshrined in this individuals body in dualistic balance. The male power is the giving or positive aspect and the female power is the receptivity or negative power. Every human is a mixture of both sides. Both sides should be considered absolutely equal, because without receiving there would be no giving and opposite.

The human being has disharmonised this symbolic situation. Especially in present times where the human body is manipulated and desecrated.


On the level of our realm, when male and female are fusing (positive and negative) sexually, a new child might be born. According to the hidden force, a boy or girl will be the result. Through this unity, on a physical level, a new carrier for the soul is created. The task of the soul is to be instrumental in this dualistic world and should work accordingly for Wholeness on a spiritual level. When the time is there, the “Christ or Buddhist Child” will be born through bringing body and soul into one frequency(vibration) and a new rebirth outside the reincarnation-cycle will take place.


When fusing is taking place and the soul is in the process of reincarnation, the law of cause and effect decides whether a male or female body should be “shaped” to work for Wholeness on Mother Earth.

All living creatures on Earth have a similar impulse creating The DNA of the body-structure either male or female. It is of the greatest importance that there will be a balance of the two on Planet Earth because only on that basis, Unity might be

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The human beings, being very emotional, are creating conflicting concepts and are disturbing the natural balance of creation on Mother Earth. Out of personal benefits and goals for a longer and happier life, all kinds of disorders are the result and we do not seem to understand this.


To make a long story short, Mother Earth within our sensory observations, is an interaction of positive and negative powers and have to be fused both on the physical and spiritual realm. There is no possibility to do this through human power. We do not have the possibilities and the know-how. Humans are subject to distraction because they are emotional and very vulnerable.


Only the Planetary Hierarchy represents the full authority for all living creatures, visible and invisible. They are ready to accept our instrumental obedience. The effective free choice can only be, the free choice to be instrumental in Their Hands. We just cannot surrender on basis of saying so; we have to work on it. The Laws of Karma has been written in our body-temple, and transformation ca nnot take place through just a statement but has to be confirmed in deeds. Deeds for Wholeness in His Name.

You might understand that Wholeness, Duality and Free Choice are very much interconnected.


This does not only apply to the physical world on Mother Earth, but also to the spiritual world of our soul being voluntarily “imprisoned” in earth matter (Deva-energy).

A process that seems to compose of “I want, I do not want, I want” and so on, because we really do not understand why we are here. We lack vision although something “deep” inside us is dawning, summarised briefly:


Mother Earth is the receptivity in our Universe, and God, The Father is the giving

power fertilising Mother Earth.

The words mother and father have no connection with the common meaning on Earth

This last is very subjected to just an emotional aspect. All living creatures - plants and animals having a collective and the human being having an individual soul - are coming to earth. All are in need of a carrying vehicle supplied through earth-matter (Deva-energy).


The task is to work for Wholeness being the basis of evolution. In this way, collectivity and individuality are harmonising the balance between receiving and giving within the possibility of the perspective. The effect of this evolutionary process is solely possible through submission to Wholeness and not within the limits of human patterns in this life.

The commitment is to obtain insight. When this might be achieved, the result is not any more of this realm, but the next step on the evolutionary spiral that has no beginning and no end.


The human being is equipped with 5 senses and able to observe the material world. On basis of these observations, Mother Earth is ruled with all the corresponding consequences. Mankind is the dominating reality on Earth and thinks himself to be

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the centre of Universal Creation. Their behaviour shows little respect towards all the other living creatures. All dogmatic” realities” seem to fortify and strengthen this idea. In this greatly developed self-realisation the real realisation is lacking and consequently mankind is “thrown back” through karma. This lacking realisation is an ever-changing insight connected to Zeitgeist, like science, social behaviour and/or morality.

Evaluating the ”known” history of mankind of the last 2000 years, it is very clear that mankind did not change much.

The “wrappings” of his presentations did. The pit of his being stayed virtually the same. There is presently one enormous opportunity. An incredible power might present a unique opportunity. Mankind might become convinced, his salvation only lies into surrendering to Gods Will. Time will tell.





This keyword is used in all kinds of meanings. An explanation of this principal is highly recommendable in order to understand the effect of frequency(vibration) and resonance.

In our time-span, we live in the third dimension normally explained like length, width and depth (perspective). A “wider” explanation would be better to understand this in the realm of energy and spirit. Mankind has progressed a long way and in all Holy Books, this process is mentioned. We have arrived into the third dimensional aspect of eternal life. Dimension is a certain field of frequency(vibration).


In this field only certain manifestations are possible. Remember that a human being is a range of frequencies(vibrations) within the third dimension. Only fields of frequency(vibration), we call matter, can be observed with our senses. Our development of evolution is connected to our possibility of receiving and radiating out, called frequency(vibration) and resonance. Our present insight is directly connected to this perspective in the world we live in. Very gradually radiations are being “broadcasted” to us to enlarge this perspective.


During Renaissance, mankind experienced an unusual breakthrough in consciousness, a kind of rebirth. To be able to see consciously, perspective (depth) was exceptional. It took quite some time to develop this “increased” vision. Since those days this perspective is fully integrated in our consciousness. Surely, it changed the world completely. Dimensions are fields of energy within certain frequency(vibration)-ranges. Today we are physically in the third dimension being length, width and depth. Our spiritual world being body, soul and spirit.

You might say that our body consists of earth matter being energy and of a certain frequency(vibration).


Evolution has developed this body into the third dimension. This frequency(vibration) is corresponding to our possibility to receive impulses with our

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senses. In this world we have made ourselves to the centre-point. To make it clear, the following example might be useful:

A radio has three wavebands, being long, medium and short wave. This radio is equipped to receive broadcasts on 3 wavebands and each waveband has a range of frequencies(vibrations).

If we tune into a certain frequency on a certain waveband we can only receive that special broadcast. The other broadcasts, we are not able to hear. Broadcasts on other wavebands, the radio-receiver is not equipped with. The radio-receiver cannot receive these.


The human possibilities of reception are restricted to the way he was created on earth. Some people who are able to adapt their antenna to receive these broadcasts might receive other physical or spiritual broadcasts.

Most receptions are receivable through changing our brain-patterns into a different frequency(vibration). This is not necessarily leading to reception of “outer-range” broadcasts. The waveband of our third dimension has a range of frequencies(vibrations).


The human being is now in the third dimension and on the brink of a breakthrough to be able to receive a wider range of frequencies(vibrations).

The present possibility of reception is based upon the interchange of the left and right brain directed by patterns of thinking and experiences in our daily lives. The antenna is tuned into the world of today. Therefore, we are only able to receive these broadcasts. Through certain actions, like eating different food, taking drugs, doing exercises and prayers, but also because of explosions or fear, we might change and/or widen the reception-possibilities and we receive the corresponding information.


This information might be based upon projection and could be alien to our present patterns of thinking or consciousness. It might also be coming from another realm. The difference will be very hard to detect.

The reception of broadcasts from a different realm than ours will be based upon different patterns. The only way to understand these is to transform these into patterns of present thinking patterns, mostly pictures being three-dimensional.

This transformation is highly subjective to the present status of consciousness of the individual. It might be very different for various groups. The words might be the same but the inner understanding can be very different.

Every individual has certain receptivity-possibilities. These might be very different. There are certain “main-streams”. The paranormal world is based upon this.

To receive broadcasts from “outside” the reincarnation-cycle is very rare and happen very seldom. May be for every individual once in a life-time or in the whole of his/her reincarnation-cycle. The question is always, will this be recognised accordingly.


The so-called paranormal individual works with or receives frequencies(vibrations) within the realm of the reincarnation-cycle. This might solely be within different frequencies(vibrations) of the third-dimension being earth-forces like Devas and others. Mostly, the insight knowledge is not there. The present status is that these receptions are all phenomena.

Most people are highly attracted by miracles and these reflections are presented like messages to be taken seriously.

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Unfortunately(or fortunately??), they are mostly maya.

If we pursue these phenomena out of inquisitiveness or curiosity or interest, we make a connection. We open a corridor causing different energies entering our world and creating turbulence. There are situations arising on our planet that do not fit within the pattern of our time causing thus great disharmony.


Working with these forces, for people not fully conscious of the circumstances and consequences, is or might be catastrophic.

The experiences could seem very valuable. If we are accepting these as the all-embracing truth much more turbulence and disharmony will come to our planet. The Kingdom of the Dead, a different frequency(vibration), is earth-restricted. The personality of the individual has made an imprint into energy, called a field of morphic-resonance.


After leaving this life, this imprint is radiated and/or attracted into the Kingdom of the Dead; you might call it after-life, like the Egyptians did. Therefore it is relatively simple to take up contact with “past lives”.

If we are contacting these imprints, we are making corridors within the same dimension, between two different frequencies(vibrations). Most regression-therapies work like that.

To forbid or to block individuals to make these contacts would be counter-productive, but it is of utmost importance to handle these situations with utmost care. We should never forget that in the dualistic world, action is reaction and “bills” must always be paid, one way or the other.


We have this possibility but whether it makes us happier, is very doubtful. He who thinks to be able to control these situations is suffering from a severe form of arrogance. There is but One that is mastering this being God, working through The Planetary Hierarchy.

If a person needs an “update” on details experienced in other lives The Planetary Hierarchy will take care this happens in a corresponding impulse like a flash, when the right moment is there. Almost everything else that is aroused through human intervention is human curiosity. It might bring on the moment of experience some “enlightenment” but will result in a later stage into distraction and delusion.


The third dimensional world is much bigger and more complicated than we might be able to understand. Being “part” of the astral world or realm, another aspect is the fourth dimension, a wavelength of a different frequency(vibration). This has a lower density being the “world” of the soul. For some people it might be hard to understand that the soul is of a higher frequency(vibration) resulting into a lower density of matter. In the beginning of this book The Golden Law of Transmutation was mentioned:  matter is the lowest frequency(vibration) of Spirit and Spirit is the highest frequency(vibration) of matter.


For our world this means that our three dimensional world consists of a frequency(vibration) creating compact “touchable” matter. The world of the soul – a higher frequency(vibration) – is “untouchable” matter. You might bear in mind the following: “water turns into damp”. Both are matter. You understand the same application might rule on a spiritual level. There are seven main-frequencies in this world of the soul corresponding with our seven main-chakras. These are fields of energy of a certain frequency.

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A common name is Bardo or the 7-Spheres. Each field of frequency is matching the frequency(vibration) of one of our seven chakras. The soul will be attracted to one of these 7-Spheres corresponding with the frequency(vibration) of radiation that is reached through transformation on Mother Earth, within this lifespan. If you have eyes to see, you will know to what sphere the soul will be attracted when an individual is leaving this life and crossing the “borderline”. The “colour” of the “left-behind” body, immediately after “crossing”, is the result of chemical reactions and will show this.


Most people in our time span will turn slightly “yellow” and certain chemicals are excreted.

We hardly can contact the world of the soul. Only for very few individuals, this might be possible. A “passing through the gates of frequency(vibration)” experienced by the soul, is very hard to describe and even less to imagine. Most paranormal journeys are happening in the astral world, earth-connected, The Kingdom of the Dead. You might arouse, out of curiosity something like that, but it will seldom happen. Most efforts will get stuck in, and be restricted to the world of projection.


There will be great astonishment and turbulence experiencing these “films” of self-projection It will have an illusionary effect. The 7-Spheres being the fourth dimension, run from red until white. The last is the “gate of liberation” of life on Mother Earth and ends the cycle of reincarnation.

Be alert that these fields are frequencies, fields of energy.


Most of the souls now incarnated, presently travel onto yellow through the fields of red and orange. The power of the Godly attraction of Universal Love will guide you through these fields. His Love will attract you into the frequency(vibration) where you belong according to your radiation. This procedure applies for most people, exempted the ones that are able to “steer” or control this. They use the power in their blood (The MerKaBa) through meditation on the moment of “Death”. To explain this possibility goes beyond the understanding of most people.


The process itself might be clearly understood if you accept the basic principal that Universal Love is the magnetic power of attraction to unite with The Ultimate. When time is there, you will be attracted through all the frequencies(vibrations) being the 7-Spheres including the “last” gate of white light into Oneness. Soul and Body will be united and shall have the same frequency and will “leave” the cycle of reincarnation “behind”.


Jesus needed three days to complete the Mission. He showed to the world the way He was going “back” to His Father. He needed “just” one life. He proved to be a common man becoming a “Master of Wholeness” in His Name, a Christ, a Buddha or like any known or unknown Light-Being of Oneness. This is into Fifth Dimension and outside the range of the astral or paranormal realm. You will be drawn through the 7-Spheres into the World of Wholeness.

Jesus had to do this publicly. Others before Him like Buddha and Krishna, performed this in silence. Mankind were to understand. Therefore, it was to be shown, this was The Path.

The essential message left-behind:


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"That when the time is there, you will be able to do the same and more”.


Why has this message never been understood? The idea of following in His Footsteps, guided from Heaven, and not from earth through some institution saying to represent Him. The answer is simple. Lack of understanding and trust in His Words that this is The Path as shown. It had to be shown to everybody individually on request directly from Heaven and not through the words of some dignitary. Now is the time that was prophesied. Everybody who has eyes to see and ears to listen, will be able to tune in directly.

That is the start of the New Age, the New Covenant leading to Wholeness and the specialty of our Time.


We are on turns, in the 7-Spheres and on Planet Earth. The reincarnation-cycle is in effect and our soul needs many reincarnations in order to realise in matter what had been “taught” in the 7-Spheres. This “up and down travel” is the result of a lack of trust in Our Father, The Ultimate Source, and His Co-workers The Planetary Hierarchy. Liberation from this cycle can only take place, when full submission on Planet Earth will be realised.


Only then our soul will be liberated from this reincarnation-cycle and be absorbed in the World of Wholeness. There will be left an identity but not in the manner we are used to. These many reincarnations are unnecessary. For some reason mankind needs these. Only one incarnation is necessary, the others are just repetitions, in a way.

If you would be absolutely convinced in Wholeness of Creation, reincarnation will not exist. Reincarnation is in reality maya.


The Ultimate Source “knows” His children and has created the possibility of repetition.

The danger of this possibility is that this might be elevated into one of the most important facts in Creation. That is what is happening in our days and the world will be highly subject to maya. Mankind will be distracted of the facts that are really of great importance.

Body (Earth) and Soul (7-Spheres) belong to the astral realm and of course. this is part of our Creation, within a certain frequency(vibration).

It would not be right to reject this part of Creation.

We would reject ourselves and all other living creatures.


We should however realise that being on Earth is the main principle of our existence. That would be highly unjust. The Planetary Hierarchy, The Christ or Buddhist Consciousness or any other Name you might call these Beings of Oneness, are guiding us. All guidance is subject to our free choice, in this astral or paranormal realm.


The free choice is inviolable; nothing must and could be forced on to us.

The “side-effects”, the result of our paranormal thinking patterns, are very distractive. A simple drawing on the next page will give you an impression of the reincarnation-cycle.

One thing we should never forget: a famous maya-god in South-America “governing” the astral realm sticking out His tongue to mankind and radiates:

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“If you are satisfied with human explanations feeding the mind, you are naïve and

lost your way”.



Planet Earth         - 3rd  dimension frequency (vibration)

7-Spheres            - 4th  dimension frequency

Wholeness           - 5th  dimension frequency


The Planetary Hierarchy are guiding us in the astral or paranormal world (earth and 7-Spheres), when we explicitly ask for it and are preparing us for the quantum-leap. If this will happen, we are in Wholeness. It is impossible to discuss this topic being dualistic. The “general” name is Heaven or Nirvana, the world of Unity and Oneness in His Name.  


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Mother Earth 



Mother Earth is a unit of total diversity. Mankind understands and treats Her according to the restrictive way of thinking both in mind and intuition.

Even using the intuition mankind does not escape the restrictive interpretation and holds on to the world of maya and illusion. Being on earth, it is impossible to escape these patterns because the body is bound to the immanent laws of Creation.

Mother Earth gives us a life on Planet Earth through supplying a carrying vessel for our soul through photosynthesis(Deva-energy). Mother Earth is fertilised and gives us the opportunity through life to accomplish Wholeness.


This “smells” like having a goal. This arriving into Wholeness might only be fulfilled through total submission. If we work for total submission, this will be our goal and accomplished within the pattern of our control, the way we think submission should be. Total submission is happening to you and out of your control. The only thing we might be able to work for is for Wholeness. The final “stone” being submission will be in a flash of light when the time is there, so always unexpectedly.


Up till now the most important aspect has not been mentioned. There might be a much bigger aspect. Mother Earth is a Unit consisting of everything that lives and flourishes, visible and invisible, in development. All these living creatures are on the Path to Wholeness, the status next on the never-ending spiral of evolution. For very dogmatic people, it is very hard to understand that Mother Earth is a living Being on a developing Path similar to ours, but of a greater and wider importance.


Development to what and where?

The King-Priest Melchisedeck bringing to Earth the new catalyst for our time, at Salem. A very powerful energising impulse was injected to enable a new time with a new thinking process. This catalyst is fully centred on Mother Earth. Mankind plays an important role. To be the crown of coronation of the 4 kingdoms man, animal, plant and crystal.

The major question is, “Will mankind be prepared to be submissive and become an instrument like an acupuncture needle in the Hands of The Planetary Hierarchy, “not my will, but Thy Will prevails” or stay in control.


Asking for guidance and expecting to be guided according to our “wishes and desires” is maya. Being an instrument will require to meet many confrontations outside and within ourselves. These might certainly not lead to only “milk and honey” situations.

Jesus had to give up His Life, so we say. But this life is just an aspect of life in His

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Vision and He did correspondingly.

Being human He spoke the famous words:  “Father, why hast Thou forsaken me, in Thy Hands I commend My Soul”. The first part is duality; the second part is the submission to Wholeness.


Mother Earth is the base of our birth-intent. An intent having needed thousands of years to develop our consciousness and now the time is there. The big question is, at this very moment, “will it happen”? What? The big leap forward.


Nobody knows, because our individual free choice is inviolable. The Ultimate Source will not influence us in any way. Neither persuasion nor force is to be used since enslavement is the biggest possible sin on Mother Earth. When the time and opportunity have passed, there will be a new beginning, because fear of loosing in His Name, we never should have.

We must work for Wholeness and be Earth-restricted instruments. The Planetary Hierarchy might use us as acupuncture needles to radiate out through our bodies into the surroundings(Mother Earth), the eternal Truth of spiritual energy of Wholeness. This submission to serve might bring us our next destination, if we are sincere.


If we are prepared to devote our lives to this instrumental submission when the time is there the “gate to Wholeness” will open and we might fuse into Oneness.

We shall have to walk the Earth in His Name and all living and requesting creatures, unknown to us, will receive the spiritual energy of Oneness. The person in question who is the instrument will and must not know how this is happening and when.

At last, all other living creatures on Mother Earth will experience a human being not choosing for himself, but who is prepared to give up his self-interest. An almost utopian idea that has little chance so it seems in our present world, apparently. There is time till the last split of a second. This action cannot be discussed nor observed but must be produced through radiation of clarity of soul.


Although simply said, it might be very complicated because of the way we have been created. This self-conquest in His Name is obligatory, and our fear to loose is our biggest blockade. This fear is enshrined in our need for survival.

That step will have to be taken and is the New Age Thinking Pattern or should at least be like that. Mankind is facing this dilemma in this very special time.

There are many souls on Mother Earth. Many “new” ones want to come to realise this principle. We have to be willing to help Mother Earth to ground spiritual energy for Wholeness through the intermediary of our body. Mankind must become instruments in His Hands.


There seems to be no practical side of this, within the human view. Time will tell and The Planetary Hierarchy is very patiently waiting and will not enslave but guide. These Lightbeings of Oneness watch our environment. They do not want to “miss” any sign. Mother Earth needs us and requests our spiritual dedication. Shall we meet Her requests?

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The Human Being 



We have to ponder over the previous mentioned facts about the background of mankind. Especially considering the development of our consciousness.

We are moving spiritually from the stone-vibration(crystal) to the light-vibration. If we consider the present status of mankind, there can be no other conclusion that mankind considers himself the centre of Creation and not a part. Wholeness of Creation is so totally interconnected we have no idea of the magnitude.


Some change might be in the air. Unexplained happenings in our time bring about another aspect and might corrode this rather arrogant idea of self-centredness. We might accept the fact that this kind of thinking has passed on through ages like in medieval times. Galileo discovered that the Earth is spinning around the Sun and shattered the ideas of the existing scientists. Since then we know that Earth is just a part of a solar system and not a centre-point. Our consciousness has not changed much since then.


It created a shock in religious thinking. The Earth was “less” important than the Sun? It took the catholic church more than 500 years to acknowledge this. It might take another 500 years to acknowledge that the human being is a part of Creation and not the centre-point.

Humans still spiritually think that Earth is the dominating centre-point of Creation. Present mankind still thinks scientifically and religiously that they are unique and unprecedented. The question coming up will be, how much time will it take before this pattern of thinking will be changed. Before we know, we are a part of an unthinkable greatness we have no idea about.


The thought is not uncommon. From time to time, science is discovering the inter-relations of Creation of Earth, like our DNA. Would there be no possibility of a total different kind of life if matter would be in a different frequency(vibration) under total different circumstances. Energy-frequency(vibration) is the main catalyst for the manifestation in matter. We are programmed (DNA) in a certain frequency(vibration). We have no idea that our human pattern of thinking is dominated by this programme.

Our present idea is the Trinity principle, being body (earth), soul (7-Spheres) and spirit (Gods Sparkle of Wholeness or Universal Unity within us).


Mankind is created on this principle. We are the living manifestation of the Holy Cross. This is a universal symbol and unjustly claimed being the Christian Symbol, like the swastika is unjustly connected in being Hitlers Symbol.

Through thousands and thousands of years, individuals have used symbols for their own benefit. This resulted into very wrong and very emotional ideas.

If a human being is stretching out his arms sideways, he will be the “walking” cross.

Gods Inspiration is coming through the Fonticulus(Fontanel, think of the bald-headed monks) travelling along the spine (the 7 main chakras) through the legs and feet (reflexology) into Mother Earth. Through his arms, man is radiating out this

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Godly Inspiration all over the world for all living creatures, visible and invisible. From Point 0, where the thymus is located, all energy of Wholeness is brought into this world in silence.

There are more than 6 billion “walking” crosses on Mother Earth, most of them unconsciousness of their universal identity and destiny.





This part of our being is one of the most discussed and important ones. Everything apparently, is discussed and charted. Our medical science is one of our major sciences and we are prepared to sacrifice almost anything especially our co-creatures under extreme and unacceptable circumstances.

Nourishment is the main fact on Earth. Through this, we might be able to change our frequency(vibration) becoming receptive for broadcasts of a different frequency(vibration). We connect good food to good health. This is very much the truth. Some of us go to extremes and are dowsing food in order to establish the needs on basis of the yin/yang principle.


Through fanaticism to control, we block the view on relatively. Emotional judgements could work out into totally the opposite through the Law of Cause and Effect.

We think herbs can cure us. Although this is to a certain extent correct, it remains curing of symptoms. There is no medical healing product that can heal symptoms “higher” than the frequency(vibration) they have developed themselves.


There are quite a few systems of nourishment, but they all restrict the development of consciousness. We mind about nourishment, but forget spiritual nourishment through prayer. For free-thinkers, agnostics and atheists, there is no spiritual nourishment, there is just nourishment for the mind (brain). There might be very few people who have never silently sent up a little prayer in moments of despair. The type of spiritual nourishment we want and could absorb on our own force is the result of emotional prayer.

Quite a few individuals, however, feel there is more to it than meets the eye. Emotional prayers are making just an imprint on our mind (brain) and will not lead to enlightenment of the soul.


There is also the Godly spark to receive consciously and unconsciously. Right under the Fonticulus(Fontanel), there is an “electrified” antenna for reception. You might compare this to a kind of lightning conductor. The spiritual energy is entering here, conducted alongside your spine, going through the chakras and

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legs into Mother Earth.

The human being consists of three frequencies(vibrations). We are starting to discover this. Up till now, man was still considered a unit. We might receive various different frequencies(vibrations) and the three most important ones are:

a.       Directly from the Planetary Hierarchy (Christ or Buddhist Consciousness)

b.      Through other spiritual entities and/or teachers in progress

c.       Through human spiritual teachers


Spiritual messages might come from any source on earth or the universe. Some messages seem identical in words, but certainly have no same meaning. On earth, our world, there are many spiritual teachers.

These teachers can only tell what they know and their information is always restrictive.

We are followers and/or disciples. How can we judge which message is right?


Moreover, these teachers might be of the same background, but might have conflicting opinions. Like in our “realistic” world, where two individuals were graduated at the same university. They might have total paradoxical opinions. So above, so below, the same applies in the spiritual world. Since somebody studied “human” theology does not make him know God. Even a question whether he believes in God is hypothetical.


Most of these studied “believers” need a profession to make money and considers the thesis as interesting. It is quite fantastic that people are getting messages from spiritual entities from the other” side. These statements are considered by some as authentic. To take these messages seriously and handing these over at random to individuals, is absolutely horrendous.

There is almost always a kind of manipulation involved. It has a goal either to obtain power or financial compensation.

It must be clear for the reader that the intention of the author of this book, is not handing out some message, but bringing about certain openings to think about. To recommend to do the Lightprayers with the speed of Light is the only option.

The idea of the book is to be critical towards the mumbo-jumbo existing in the spiritual “jungle” of today.


The only certainty in our world is Creation. Because of that, there must be also a Creative Force. It is not a kind of Super Human Being but a Consciousness or Holy Spirit.

We can address ourselves to this Ultimate Creative Source and receive and understand the “answers” to our questions, within the possibility of our consciousness. This Ultimate Source has total “knowledge” and will react directly into our inner understanding when asked for at the appropriate time.


That might be in a second, a week, a year or after many lives.

We always receive answers to our prayers. We only might not have the right eyes and ears at that very moment of receiving or understanding the answer. We might understand much later.


The Planetary Hierarchy (Christ or Buddhist Consciousness) is the only legitimate

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Representative of the Ultimate Source. Mankind being a unique receptive instrument for God-sent messages to Earth, should exclusively address this Hierarchy. All other sources are misleading. These messages lack total “knowledge” of the Total Plan for our Creation. It could be even worse. These other sources might be striving for power within this Creation and create their own creation. This is the luciferan principle and hardly recognised by mankind. We are so involved in our goals.


We do not have the insight. When we continue like that, we shall never be liberated.

The Prophecy tells us, we have to act now.

To face the fact, self-interest is just distraction because Wholeness is self-interest, a paradox hardly understood?

It might be that this cannot be recognised with our present consciousness. It needs perception, the result of confrontation.


The result will be turbulence and you might think that wars and unforeseen shocking events in our world are proof for this statement.

When will mankind understand that self-interest only can be served through working for Wholeness? An almost utopian statement that might become reality.


The question is: will this happen?


Exclusively through serving the Planetary Hierarchy Who knows Gods Plan for this Creation, we shall be on the Path.

Not through listening to other spiritual entities of whom there are many on earth and outside. Most of them we have created ourselves.



Gurus and Mastery 



There is no doubt about the existence of spiritual guides in the various realms.

First of all, we have to agree that all humans are equal but not of the same “fabric” of equality” in body and soul. Individuals might be able to do the same within their possibilities, but the result will always be different. It might not always be noticed, but somebody with “increased inner-knowledge” will know. That specific individual will never appoint himself to mastery but will stay silent.


The master that will never state being master might only be recognised because of his radiation. He will point out that full wisdom might be obtained through direct

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contact with The Planetary Hierarchy, with God.

Only manipulators and other individuals who want in some way power for themselves, will label themselves with mastery. They will use all kinds of tricks to prove their mastery.

We do not need any miracles any more in our time to prove God exists. In earlier times, this gimmick might have been essential to convince the masses. To perform miracles in public, are always tricks, but the happening of miracles unforeseen might not be.

The miracles happening within Jesus presence were not His performance, but were based upon the beliefs of the individual in His Words.


Miracles in our times are based -almost all- on tricks knowing that changing brain-frequency(vibration) leads to self-realisation and enslavement. Mastery based upon human standards that can be learned through paying sums of money. Gurus creating centres and blocking peoples souls coming to the Father, The Ultimate Source.


In the old way, thinking in this way was accepted. In our days, it is “old, dusty and rusty” but still getting people enslaved. They think they recognise patterns within themselves. The new way might never bring the “so-hoped for” happiness we want and expect. The new way brings renewal and innovations causing painful experiences for those who cannot let go the past.

In our times, gurus are a caricature and obsolete. Mankind does not need miracle-makers in human form.

Every individual might make directly contact with His Creator finding out being part of an incredible and complex Creation.

In the old days, this possibility did not exist for everybody, but only to the chosen ones, called gurus being ready to help the lost ones.

Those were the previous stages but in our days we need to come to submission directly to the Source. Some people might help other people for a short while. To give a push or lead into the right direction respecting the free choice of the individual.

All “old ties” have to be left. This might be a very painful and incomprehensible process for most. A time of confrontation, “Not my will but Thy Will prevails”.

A time of transforming the past not through human ways, but through the universal transformation where the old becomes inseparably new.

Only spiritual teachers might be acceptable making reference to everybodys responsibility. There is but One Creation and mankind is part of it. The task is to submit to the Spiritual Leaders of Mother Earth in His Name.

Beings have arrived into this visible world of Mother Earth. For these Beings, life and death has a much wider and different scope than for the average human being.


Like Tibetan Lamas might be able to reincarnate within a certain circle of consciousness to “help” people, the other side of the “coin” is also possible.

To be able to achieve these kinds of reincarnations, an unusable strong morphogenetic field of resonance is needed in their name, created by followers who believe in them.

Many gurus or so-called masters have their names chanted producing these fields.


Mostly, a guru makes use of that field that brought him or her into this world. Their appearance meets the demands of the enslaved followers. Through “witty” stories

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and so-called miracles they fascinate these followers using them as instruments to build and extend their morphogenetic field. Their followers are run around believing to be on the right quest?

Poor, misguided mankind thinking the old could be transformed into the new in this way. In the human world, there are some possible comparable examples.


Politicians promise their voters heaven if they vote in their name to be elected. When this has become reality, they are very busy with their own thing and want to stay on as long as possible. Their followers and others, through the Law of Democracy, need to pay the debt of their deeds. These gurus, masters of astral energy, are very powerful and have quite a field of resonance at their disposal. They will never mention their source. People working for the Planetary Hierarchy will always mention their Source. If they would not, they cannot work for the Source because they are hampering with the free choice on Mother Earth.


There is nothing new in this respect, under the sun. Almost all known spiritual movements in the history of mankind are based upon power and might. To have knowledge about life and death and not communicating about it on request openly, is the ever-returning theme of spiritual movements. There is a “Tunnel” connecting life and death, a constant spiralling force, known since ages by the self-elected ones. The Pharaohs and others used this principle, and many legends and myths are actually referring to this reality. Power is very appealing for people and will be both in the invisible and visible astral world. It enables to do what “has to be done” on a human level.


Mankind will have to discover that following people on this basis, will lead to disappointment of their expectations, in the course of time. There is no denial that our world is still very much in the grip of this magic, originating from the distant past in so-called “Atlantean” times. There is still so much admiration for this era.

Thousands of people are praying for the return of Jesus Christ. According to His Words, He never left us.


The comeback they mean is that their own expectations have to be met within His Deeds.

If some Universal Messenger like that would arrive on basis of the reflections and memories of Jesus Christ and would perform according to our mankinds wishes, it would mean:

a.      it would be maya being astral and illusionary

b.     it would lead to enslavement

c.      it would jeopardize the free choice


The “real” reflection of Jesus Christ in this timeframe would not be recognised. The time that the man Jesus became the Christ has long passed. The long awaited for master dressed all in white and with beautiful head-dressing is an old story belonging to the kingdom of fairy tales. Mankind loves these stories. It is certainly a way to flee from reality.


May be Christ already manifested Himself through another human being and we might never know. The only way to “recognise” Him is through His Charisma. Very few will be able. Think of the Crucifixion and how many of His disciples were actually witnessing without any fear for their own lives. None.

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It is a humans tragedy to long for the past and bringing it into the present.

Why do you think the Jews never recognised the Messiah being Jesus? The answer is very simple. His manifestation did not meet the demands of the since long overdue

chosen- people. The history of mankind is repeating itself, Christ will not.

People like magicians and miracle-workers, always did and seem - even in this time – to continue this attitude. Most gurus in this world use this habit for their own benefit. Lots of money is willingly paid. Charismatic messages to give up worldly possessions, for a better world, are met without criticism.


It might be that this picture will start some thinking about “our present spiritual climate”. These rituals are the hidden persuaders in our spiritual subconscious.

There are neither elected nor chosen ones in this world, there are just people in various phases of evolution.


Luciferan Forces 



Everybody undoubtedly knows that Lucifer was one of the highest ranking angels in the Kingdom of Wholeness. Because he went his “own way”, he became a “lost son”.

This is the basic principle of the pit we all might fall into. There are a couple of choices to make while being on Earth:

a.      Not my will but Thy Will prevails

b.     My will prevails in Thy Creation on basis of free choice, but if something bad happens to me, I will blame Thee for not helping me.


The last interpretation tells sufficiently about our insight, although it is a present-day statement. These two interpretations are mentioned because they seem to be very closely related. The most deceiving lie is the one we hardly recognise from the real truth. The “un-truth” is for most people not to be traced.

Only for people with a deep inner feeling and a critical analysis, including the vision of radiation, know immediately. Luciferan forces are forces of high concentrated power but at the same time are restrictive within Gods Creation. The individual who might think to know what Gods Creation is or stands for, might consciously or unconsciously utilise these forces. A shocking point of view! It would mean that the majority of people in our world are being kept imprisoned in this force.


In our present world, we do not like statements like that. It would be very soothing and convenient to say, it is not as bad as that. We do not need to go into the classic and dogmatic debate about guilt and penance. We all are people in process and progress and till the very last second of our being on earth, we might obtain absolution. Not through a request of somebody in despair, but through charisma of “real” understanding” what His Will is all about. In the Kingdom of God, words do not mean much. Our deeds resulting into a certain radiation(enlightenment!) will be

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decisive. A charisma observable through the trained and able eye on earth (who?).


The specialty of our time and age is that we have the opportunity of free choice to transform these luciferan forces inside us. We shall be taken into Wholeness of Creation, the “next step” on the Jacobs ladder. This demands commitment and decisiveness and not just sending up a list of wishes, God has to fulfil. It requires another insight and comprehension you have to work for, under guidance of the Planetary Hierarchy.

The Cathars – the original ones – knew that being on Earth would mean, being under the influence of these forces and just wanted to escape. The time we are living now, is very special.


 Before we incarnated it was promised to us that The Force would be there to unite heaven and earth into Wholeness. This belief must be fundamental and rooted in every cell of your being. In our world of spangle, now more than ever before, it will not be a simple task to face the truth.

We should not judge or condemn each other but face “facts” and act accordingly.





This word is very much used in our society when situations arise that cannot be explained both in the “material and spiritual” realm.

The word is very well known and there is hardly any fear connected to this word. There is, however, a double meaning(dualistic) of the word, black and white magic. The first one is rejected; the second one is very much in favour. In duality they belong to each other and the borderline is as wide as a “footstep”. The statement that rightness can lead to wrongness, that good can lead us to bad is a paradox and the best thing is to give an example.


The Inquisition – you all know – was founded to guide people on the right track of religion leading to God.. The human or institutional force wants to achieve the goal of being right. It could not lead to anything else but restricting the free choice of humans if institutional goals were jeopardized. Actions were taken and people were tortured, burnt at the stake or likewise. Still, the main goal was to save people from hell, but hell was created on earth. What is right and what is wrong?


This is subject to a certain time and evolutionary background of an individual and/or people. Preferably, black magic or sorcery is presented through a diabolic picture of a horrible creature. This is the most common presentation to enforce ideas unto the man in the street, a simple ideological characterisation.


We should, however, not mix up spiritual simplicity or naivety with worldly scientific

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education. Also highly educated people with impressive university backgrounds might have a very simple idea of spirituality.

The institutions, especially the church, have created no activities for minimizing idiotic systems of religious thinking. The reason might be they cannot handle the situation or they have no idea these circumstances actually exist in their religious organisations. In principle, the church is a dubious institution because of the way of presentation. The respective leadership states they represent God on Earth.


To impress even more, they have developed all kinds of titles and claim more or less the sole knowledge. Their basis is they have studied theology at a university.

Jesus always emphasized, His Father lived in the Heavens and He belonging to the humans did not know the difference between right and wrong (Marc 10:18).


A very fearsome word in our Zeitgeist is occultism. The word stands for being magical, but the contrary is true.

The first meaning originates from the way the institute explained the action of such an individual. An occultist is an individual handling energy in the most accurate and efficient form.


Science confirms this noticing that there is no energy wasted the way the universal laws are created. Everything fits into everything and has its own meaning.

The occultist is a human being. It is very hard to stay “simple” and master the possibilities of power that this knowledge supplies. This knowledge and power should be used in wisdom and submission at Gods Mercy. These restrictions – in the past - have been forgotten very often in history.


The institutions were often threatened in their existence by actions of occultists showing signs of exercising power through occult explanations. These statements caused very often a lot of turbulence and were sometimes very painful for the recognised institutions. The most effective way to eliminate a potential opponent in these religious affairs is to accuse the other of diabolic arts and practices.

The actual meaning of the word degraded through the years and was replaced by the meaning: being devilish.


The meaning of the word discrimination went a similar way. We cannot do anything but discriminate. This is one of the main reasons why we are here. No two beings are similar. Discrimination, in our days, is a dirty word and indicates the so little favoured side of polarity thinking, negative. This interpretation is even corroding our right having freedom of opinion and speech.


What is white and what is black magic? 


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Above question, is apparently easy to answer. On second sight it might be as complex as human society. The inclination is to think, black is bad and white is okay. This is the obvious solution and there is no doubt about the result of the answer. These are the apparent dogmas human beings deal with. It is as much a clear answer as no answer.

We are governed by clichés and are fooled by our “clear” thinking patterns. To rule and dominate people is to give clear “one-sided” answers and exercise power without them noticing it.


In the past, all kinds of stereotypes were used and these are still valid for the majority of our society. The “devil” we created, has a fixed picture and everything more or less related, is bad. A real human dogma. The creators are keeping mankind in a circle of belief and hold them there. If we should like to come to a different type of society, we should “kill”(transform) this dogma into a different, wider and opener field. The result might be much clearer and more convincing but might lead in the beginning to instability.


Imagine, the “devil” wants us something to do or to decide. Would the apparent power be radiated through his ugliness, so that everybody might be able to see the original source? Or would it be much more convincing and helpful to manifest as a beautiful angel. The answer is very easy, of course, the last supposition.

If we should do something against his liking, he would show his real “background”. This supposition is also a cliché picture, but the deep down meaning for those who have eyes to see and ears to listen, is bewildering.


According to the law, so below so above, it is very logical. Most impostors in our society of a “higher” level are well groomed and well dressed.

Why people are less analysing and critical for beings of another realm is very hard to understand. The whole concept is very complicated, certainly when you are influenced through “window-dressing” and not observing the deeds in action.

To be healed is a favourite proof for people, but we forget that this type of healing is maya.


The actions being enslaving for an individual in a spiritual sense and restricting the freedom of choice, are devilish. Being healed through serving Wholeness, is the ultimate answer. A rather short description, but you might be able to develop this deep down inside in connection to the Ultimate Source.

There is also a more direct way of answering the main question.

Any form of limited or unlimited personal freedom on Earth bringing harm to Wholeness, is black magic. Most of us are not able to understand the results and consequences of this paradox, when represented in our daily life.

Is individuality a God given right? To transform this individuality in His Name is our birth-intent and the reason of our incarnation.

An astral picture, relatively easy to understand, but interconnected with lots of subtleties. These originate from our ideas of lies and truths, as we understand these. Every description in this field is incomplete. You could fill books with this theme, and it would still be incomplete.


The individual influenced by humane stereotypes will never be able to penetrate spiritually into the force field of Truth. This force can only be originating from The

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Ultimate Source.

No matter what sorts of pictures are painted by people, they remain of human background and consequently are restrictive. To lead people on this basis through human ruling is Maya, and should never be done.


Since ancient times, self-appointed mediums of spirit are promising Heaven to those who are behaving according to human-set rules and goals. We might be able to conclude the results. Our world is in turbulence. This is not the ascertainment of a disappointment but just a conclusion.

The question might be: will mankind mend its way or will we just continue the way we did? We have the Freedom of Choice. The situation is clear, the actions should be clear too. It does not necessarily mean that Gods Plan for the other kingdoms, visible and invisible, will be jeopardized. Certain consequences, however, will be the result.



Karma and/or Fate 



These words are of considerable meaning but only as a result of the Law of Cause and Effect. Many descriptions are given about karma. There are people stating this is a concept of the East and not applicable, even atheistically, in the West.

Some aspects of karma are words like dualism, positive/negative and other well-known words used in the New Age scene. The result of the Law of Action-Reaction; everybody is facing in his or her lives on earth, consciously or subconsciously.


The birth-intent is transformation of karma in matter through action in silence, only

realised through praying in submission to His Mercy.


We shall have to meet the demands of the Law of Interaction in dualism and transform these into Unity and Wholeness. Before being able to understand this process, we might ponder what karma means in connection to reincarnation. Reincarnation is granted to us to be able to have a retry to transform karma originating from another life in the new life. Only through deeds in silence, transformation might take place. In this previous life this individual did not meet these standards of transformation and might have caused new karma. Reincarnation takes place, after a “learning-process on soul-level”.


If a human being is meeting the standards of transformation, the reincarnation cycle being body and soul, are over. A “new way of transformation” takes over in the fifth dimension(Wholeness), The New Covenant. Then, no reincarnation on Mother Earth will take place any more, with the exception of one reason. If a body/soul fused

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frequency(vibration) needs to reincarnate back to Mother Earth for whatever reason – there are very few – it is an utterly painful process to realise this. The frequency(vibration) has to be lowered in order to be able to materialise in the flesh. Otherwise, the flesh would not be able to encase the radiation in existence. Remember, Our God is a burning fire.


A “Master of Wholeness” has to reduce His radiation in order to be able to materialise in earth matter. If doing so accordingly, He will be subjected again to the dualistic laws of our part of creation. All Messengers of Wholeness will tell you, and in all Holy Books this is stated.

Why is karma there and where does it originate?

The answer has already been given. All actions not in harmony with Wholeness will create karma. This is working through the Luciferan force, being self-realisation and other deeds where separation of Creation is involved.

A very confronting judgement, because almost all spiritual methods and principles in existence at the present moment, are based upon self-realisation and self-satisfaction.

In previous times this was a step of preparation and should lead to transformation. The two main reasons for karma are struggle for life and struggle for power to dominate in any way.


Struggle for life in our society is very much accepted and therefore the most difficult one to recognise. Both struggle for life and power are very much connected to each other. In the struggle for life-energy, power is a dominant factor. If dominance is intensified, security of life-support and energy is secured in our world.


The same rule applies for earth-nourishment and spiritual enlightenment.

The conclusion is, that karma is a consequence of our behaving pattern and not the original cause. This cause is the struggle for life-energy and/or power. .

The human being is incarnating from collectivity (all-soul) into an individual body. Through deeds of action in silence and submission it should grow back into collectivity again, Wholeness. The New Covenant


Many among us had already many lives and are now in incarnation again, to transform in His Name, karma, the total of the sum of all our karma belonging to all our previous lives.

The solution seems to be to solve(?) this on a personal and individual basis. This is far beside the actual truth. An example will help you to see it in a wider perspective.

You lived your life in a previous life being male (you are a female now) and you caused a karma because of struggle for life-energy. In that life you created a field of radiation influencing people you might never have known.


Because of your behaviour they were influenced to live a specific life creating karma. Karma for them but also karma for Mother Earth on basis of a kind of pollution or jeopardising nature in a different way. Today in this present life, you have no idea. Through spiritual games you might think you discovered the cause of your karma and you are starting to take action to transform. You are also a female and living in a male dominant world. You helped in this previous life to build this field of morphogenetic resonance. It is not easy to cope. In that previous life you have sowed something that you are “harvesting” now.


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“Bad Fruits” and we need to look for a guilty one. The present man is responsible but he might not have helped making that morphogenetic field, because in that previous life he was a woman. He might help presently to transform this dominating field into Oneness. To make a long story short, in karma there are no guilty people, just people in various stages of development, so no guilt and no penance.


These kinds of complexities apply for culture, nationality, belief, race and others. They are producing the scene of our present world. Transforming “personal” karma on basis of the present interpretation of new age, is only causing karma. We are keptyou imprisoned in the circle of our own rightness, an incredible maya-circle. Nevertheless, pleasing to a lot of people, because it feels so comfortable (dopamine) striving for “rightness”. These morphogenetic fields are all still there. Not only the old ones of previous lives but also the newly made ones. The basic idea that mankind is the centre-point of Creation is one of the strongest and most influencing ones. You might be able to comprehend what caused the Fall and the original Sin, still going on in our lives.


Every baby is born fully forgiven and totally innocent. On the moment of birth, the “soul” has understood the intent of the mission to Mother Earth and has received unconditional absolution, but shall have to maintain this on Earth. There is no guilt and no penance, everything is forgiven, but the imprint of the DNA has to be transformed into Wholeness.

This is the task of everybody. Since everybody has a different imprint of DNA, the path for everybody on the Path of Unity (there is but One Path) is different and has to be conform the code of the DNA. That is the message of our time. We are, however, very busy with striving for prolonging life, struggling for life-energy and spiritual freedom.


Again, history is repeating itself and karma will be fortified, instead of transformed. There is but one Path to be going and that is collaborating with the Planetary Hierarchy. Be instrumental, like an acupuncture needle, connector of Heaven and Earth-energies in His Name. In brief, submission and obedience to “not my will, but Thy Will prevails”. Whether you live a hundred years, a year or a day, it is just human understanding that a hundred years is better than one day. You might pray for better conditions in life, but you have to bear in mind that the contents of these prayers should not harm other living creatures, visible and invisible on our planet. When we understand, we will be servants for Wholeness and accept the consequences.


This is not just anything. It is a big statement and confrontation, valuable to think about. We should consider that having spiritual free choice is inviolable. A “Master of Wholeness” will never be able to enforce this attitude on Planet Earth. You might have understood the impact of This Law Interaction, action is reaction and what this means in a universal way.

Karma has been laid down in race, gender, nationality, culture, religion and so on. Through morphogenetic fields of resonance, karma is highly influencing our lives through radiation of these force-fields, made by mankind.


To think that through memorial services, this world will become a “better” place to live in and the manifestations in remembrance of “this will not happen again”, is maya. The opposite is true and those morphogenetic fields are just strengthened. They shift through conscious and subconscious thinking patterns. When receptivity is high, they will manifest through adapted circumstances on our planet.


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That is what is happening. Mankind are masters in doing the opposite of what should be done. We are the initiators and put Gods Will of Wholeness aside. When we do so, we forget the Law of Immanence and turbulence will be the result.

In our days, life starts when you are born, and ends when you die. That is the result of our human intervention in the cycle of life and karma is the result. Creating fields of energy without knowing and fortifying these morphogenetic fields in “our” duality.


DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic Amino-acid) 



We shall not discus the aspects of the DNA for mankind in a scientific way. The originating background of the respective codes being Gods Immanence for our creation shall be discussed.

There are many scientific books painting a certain picture of this result of Cause and Effect, Karma. This last conclusion is not a scientific one.

The basic idea is to demonstrate the connection between DNA and the spiritual “soul-background” of a living being, animal or plant.


Certain statements go beyond the accepted human factors, chance and coincidence. This should caution the scientific world doing experimental tests and trying to chart DNA, changing DNA-codes. Unfortunately, most scientists are very enslaved in their “playing god”. They overlook the fact that in our Creation, every living creature might have a spiritual background that goes far beyond our understanding.

We should realise there are four different “building stones” DNA consists of. For every living creature in our creation, there is a special pattern, or personal code, for mankind, animals and plants, but not for the crystal. Mankind is interconnected with animals and plants through the combination of adenine/thymine and guanine/cytosine. Our Creation is fully based upon this principle.


People who know a bit more of DNA, know that strings of DNA consist of two, called the double-helix. The life-supportive information contained is endless. Being registered in a book, it might comprise many thousands of pages. A kind of “ Morse code” containing all we are. This might apparently look new, but may be it is not so new. In forgotten times, the same knowledge might have been available.

A human being is not controlled through his brain, but through his DNA. Our brains are also DNA-material and the acquired knowledge in this life, will be stored according to our DNA-code.

Scientists have their hands on the DNA and think they have discovered the Blueprint of Life. The conclusion might be correct.


The restriction, however, is, do we understand this code or energy-impulse. It is not the first time in mans history that scientists think they found and understand

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something of nature. Quite a few people are judging the discovery of DNA a breakthrough to realisation of one of the most wanted demands of mankind, a longer and happier life. Through certain types of surgery in DNA, a range of hereditary diseases, might be cured. Even cloning living creatures might be possible and is already realised. The development of this “science” will be victorious when a human being will be cloned. May we all pray, this will not result into the biggest catastrophe of our Creation?

The biggest question is, of what DNA originates. If you change the outcome, does not this have consequences. We cannot recognise nor judge.

To get some insight in the regulation of energy-flow inside the human body, you might think of the staff of Hermes (Caudeceus).

In most scriptures of Non-Western Origin, you will find a blueprint of the energy-flow in the body. The Aesculapius, the sign of the medical profession, is an interpretation.

This Staff of Hermes is a double helix generally indicating for everybody what the interference is of positive and negative or so-called male and female energy-flow. These two flows (dualistic) have shaped everybody on basis of a spiritually different background.


These streams of energy flow through the seven main chakras alongside the spine, intertwined as follows:

God send His Power through the head into the individuals body through the seven chakras, through the feet into Mother Earth. Mother Earth reacts and sends Her Power back the same way to God, The Father.

Both ends are embedded in Wholeness. The human body is created as a result of the deed of fusing of mother and father, within the human realm.

Every individual, male or female, has two unique facts:

1.     a personal imprint of DNA ( in matter)

2.     a personal imprint in energy, the proportional coherence between positive and negative energy.


This coherence results from the intensity of the soul-radiation becoming dualistic. The human being is the result of an imprint in matter (DNA) realised through soul-radiation becoming dualistic. The intensity of the enlightenment of the radiation is the result of karma.


We should not base this on the human statement, guilt and penance, but on the Law of Cause and Effect.

Consequently you might say that every human being is the result of a unique ratio between positive and negative (male and female or rather the giving and receiving principle being absolutely equal).

The birth-intent is to transform “the positive/negative” coherence into Oneness. That is the “simple” task we have to realise on Mother Earth. It is also the biggest confrontation with medical health care. They are trying to meet the demands of the human being of self-satisfaction through manipulation of the DNA. On the surface, it looks like it is bringing a lot of happiness to “suffering mankind”, but other living beings are mercilessly tortured to get the results realised.

Science has the idea they are taking over Creation. The knowledge obtained through scientific studies of DNA and the possible outcome on human beings, should not be ignored.


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Many constructive things are possible, but manipulating the DNA might open the box of Pandora. If you are not rejecting the basic principle that DNA is the result of interference between earth matter and soul-radiation then you also must realise the Law of Action is Reaction applies.

The result is changed and through this, another response or effect on “soul-level” is possible.


If you are changing a landscape, the weather conditions might change, even influencing the climate. This principle might also be applicable on DNA manipulation and if we continue en masse, it might change the concept of our Creation.

We should not use fear as motivator to be careful and not doing DNA manipulation, but we should understand that the DNA codes are sacred. Through the knowledge of medical scientists we have the possibility to judge whether a baby will be perfectly born or not. Thus meeting the standards of the parents. Babies are and will be born to this world on karmic principles, even though mankind does not understand.


Suppose, you might accept this statement that humans are born according to karmic principles. The following result will be quite logic, but told in a human way.

A soul in the 7-Spheres will need a parental couple to supply the basic-combination of the karmic code of the newly born. Through radiation, the incarnating soul will be able to adapt this code to the personal code of DNA. In this way, we look for our parents not because of familiar backgrounds, but of the respective codes. Suppose, the parental couple find out through scientific methods, that their baby to be born is in some way handicapped and either will abort or not abort.


The choice nowadays is with the parents. If they abort, the baby will not be born and the soul will have to “find” another couple meeting the demands of the respective codes, or will have to wait till “better times”. In the first case, the so-called “third-world” is an opportunity because scientific methods are very costly and not so much accepted. Through the Law of Cause and Effect, more and more handicapped will be born in the third world.


Our love, the love so much admired and cherished in the West, is mainly founded on the condition of being perfect. The conclusion cannot be anything else. When in the “dark days” of the 2nd World War The National Socialists were controlling people to obtain a perfect baby, this was called devilish. In our days, everything is done to receive a perfect baby, meeting the standards of the parental couple. It is of a similar principle and now considered normal.


Only sixty years have passed. Our moral and ethical standards are changed that much. The end of this development of human desire is neither new nor yet over.

In Atlantean times, the same principle was worshipped. An empire not recognised by scientists. On old Mayan Temples you will be able to see the double helix like in the Staff of Hermes.

We should not be hasty in our conclusions, but it might be wise to reconsider what is going on and whether we are on the “right” Path.

We should not be pessimistic and create fields of fear. We might know and accept, the infinite Love of God destroyed Atlantis. The free choice of mankind had chosen for power and He had to destroy His Beloved Creation. Only that way, a new beginning could start according to His Plan leading mankind into the eternity of submission to The Source or Wholeness. If we continue our path, will there be a necessity to correct us or shall we see His Light?

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Universal Chemistry 



After having read the previous chapter, you will understand why this theme “universal chemistry” is so important to discuss. It is not the intention to give a full report, but just some thoughts to ponder about.

So much has already been written about it, true and untrue, that some “tips” might be very helpful and enough for the attentive listener.

The founder of this universal chemistry is Hermes Trismesgestus, Messenger of The Gods and very well known in the Grecian Mythology. His statement is eternal, reading, “All is One, and One is All” and not the other way around like people always want to think. Lives on Earth and in the Heavens are interconnected. All sorts and forms of life on Earth are interconnected.


The previous subject of DNA shows this very clearly. The worlds of man, animal and plants are indissoluble interconnected through the Deva-Hierarchy. The world of the crystals is similar, but a somewhat more complicated matter to explain. There are two kinds of chemistry, universal and earth-chemistry. The last one is a very highly restricted form of the first, to be compared with the already explained astral Akasha and universal Akasha.


Hermes taught the universal chemistry, the chemistry of transformation where the old becomes the new. The old is not recognisable in the new and is inseparable.

Explanation through some example might be recommendable. The astral way is like a mix of various substances where every substance keeps his proper characteristics. The universal way is like a chemical reaction where two or more substances become one inseparable fully new substance with specific and changed characteristics. This is universal chemistry through transformation. In everyday life, these principles are very much confused.


Hermes taught the “so below, so above” Law, micro-macro. Through transformation, both sides were united into Wholeness. Mankind was to follow that Law in Submission to the Ultimate Source, and at His Mercy. Later interpretations reduced this Universal Law to the Astral Realm where mankind was to be centre and in control.

Hermes taught that mankind was an inseparable part of the Total and should collaborate in submission with The Ultimate Source being an instrument on Planet Earth and an acupuncture needle in the Hands of the Planetary Hierarchy.


Paracelsus is one of the best-known biochemists and although his deeds and knowledge were considerable, it had very little to do with the original Hermetical ideas.

These ideas of Paracelsus have developed into a way to cure people physically and are a catalyst of our today’s medical and “alternative” science.

 Some of these methods are described as being spiritual but the result comes

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through a physical way, curing symptoms which are being the result of unbalance of spirit. The hermetical principal is the other way around.


Through intake of spiritual nourishment, eternal healing in His Name will be realised and this is something totally paradox.

The body is a chemical “factory” in which all kinds of biochemical reactions are taking place constantly. The question will be, what will be our choice? Are we choosing submission or are we choosing control? Time will tell.





You might call this a very normal way of contacting God, but it is certainly also the most controversial way. Depending upon the “force” and contents of this prayer, His Reaction will be a flash of healing power to the Wholeness of Mother Earth, of which we are part. Everyday, millions of prayers are directed to Our Creator of Heaven and Earth. Every individual has his own opinion about praying and what it should be about. There two different kinds of prayer:                                                          

a.      The emotional prayer in human individual words, reflecting our feelings

b.     The prayer for Wholeness of Creation where man is individual and instrumental in The Hands of The Planetary Hierarchy (Christ or Buddhist Consciousness) and used as an acupuncture needle. An instrument regulating the flow of spiritual energy for the Whole of The Planet      

We should remind ourselves, being dualistic, there are two aspects in the connection:

a.      The actual words spoken by us

b.     The intention, physically and spiritually, when we speak these words. This radiation shows our real intention and is actually the only true value.


The values of our sayings are only interpreted on the basis of our inner-intentions and dedications. We, in our daily lives, might be able to understand. If we, when people say something, look at their eyes and their “body language”.


When we are praying and we do not support this prayer with total devotion and dedication, our words do not mean much in the eyes” of God. We shall not have the impact and/or reaction we might expect. This is rather important. The compulsory speaking of prayers – so often done – are no prayers, but a human infusion of something so essential in our creation. We have forgotten the meaning.


Words are dominating our society, but are very often not followed by actual deeds. We abstain from these deeds when the actual moment and outcome does not suit us or we just forget.

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It is forgotten very often to specify, to whom we send these prayers. There are many “entities” in the spiritual world that consider themselves a god. A clear and accurate direction is of utmost importance. If you address a letter incorrectly, it might never arrive at the desired destination.


The only actual and proper address should be: The Ultimate Source, God, The Creator of Heaven and Earth.