Page 6 [For The Women Sc - Persoru Cullowhee F. H. A. Elects Officers For Ensuing Year. At a recent meeting of the Future Home-Makers of America they elected the following officers to serve this year: president, Betty Jean Tolbert; vice-president, Bro-, na Middleton; secretary, Betty Jean Reagan; treasurer, Louise Tilley; reporter, Karene Bryson; parlia-1 mentarian, Clara Jo Phillips; and historian, Gladys Pressley. I The following committee was also appointed: nominating, Betty Jean Reagan, Ola Belle Smith, and June Brown; program, Jo j Anne Henson, Eloise Stephens, and Bernice Pressley; ways and means, Louise Tilley, Betty Dillard, and Brona Middleton; hostess com- | mittee, Gladys Pressley, Karene Bryson, and Betty Jean Tolbert. 1 Members of the 1949-50 class are: Seniors.June Brown, Karene Bryson, Betty Jean Tolbert, Cosette Blake, Clara Jo Phillips,1 Frankie Shelton, Ola Bell Smith; Lower classmen are Harriet Mash- I burn, Bobbie J. Bryson, Ruth Ann Hamilton, Hazel Cline, Lois Cline, Ruth Houston, Betty Dillard, Bet- j ty Jean Reagan, Bernice Press-' ley, Brona Middleton, and Louise Tilley. Mrs. Thelma H. Harrill is spon-' sor of the Chapter. j * * * B. And P. Executive Meeting Held I A meeting of the executive com-! mittee of the Business and Professional Women's club was held Tuesday evening at the home of Dr. Norcella Wilson for the purpose of passing upon various busi.' ness matters of the club. It was decided to pay $300 toward the purchase of an anesthetic machine for the C. J. Harris hospital. The group voted to purchase a medal for the Sylva, Webster, and Dillsboro schools to be presented at the close of the school year to the stu- dent selected as the "Best Citizen", one from each of the above named schools, the students from the 4th thru the 8th grades being under. consideration for the medals. On Thursday, Nov. 3, the club will sponsor a Tacky party. Fur- ther announcements will be made thru The Herald from time to time. Mrs. Lillian Madison presided. SYLVA DRIVE-IN THEATRE fAt The Airport NOTICE.Beginning Thurs<ipy the 29th, the movie will begin at 7:00 and 8:40. Adults, 40c; Children under 12 free. Each Tuesday and Wednesday features family night. One dollar per car regardless of number of people. Thursday - Friday October 13 -14 i any prom Lnu i i iiwiva SHANGHIA Rita Havworth - Orsen Wells Also Comedy Saturday, Oct. 15 LITTLE TOUGH GUYS | IN SOCIETY Dead End Kids Two Comedies Sunday - Monday October 16 - 17 DREAM GIRL Betty Hutton-MacDonald Carey Also Comedy i Tuesday - Wednesday October 18 -19 RAW MFAI v«nvv Vhnb Dennis O'Keefe, Claire Trevor ...Family Night $1 per car.... # Coming Soon.Mickey and The Adventures of Robinhood Both in Technicolor yciety Neu lis - Club Ac c Mrs. Edward C. Jones Honored At Party A party honoring Mrs. Edward Coleman Jones, a recent bride, was given by Mrs. Earl Padgett, Miss Honda Stimpson, and Mrs. Frank M. Crawford at the home of Mrs. Padgett on Wednesday evening, Oct. 5. Mrs. T. D. Slagle greeted the guests at the door and introduced them to Mrs. Jones and her house guests, which included her mother, Mrs. J. P. Williams, and aunts, Mrs. William Love and Miss Mary Williams, all of McCc/nelsville, S. C., and Mrs. Richard Womack of Shelby. Mrs. Jones, the former Miss Margaret Williams, was presented a corsage of red roses which blended beautifully with her gown of blue taffeta which she wore. The honoree's mother, who wore a gown of orchid crepe, was presented an orchid corsage. The house was attractively dec-1 orated with arrangements of fall |. flowers. Eight tables of bridge were set ( up for play and other games were also enjoyed. At the conclusion of 1 the games Dr. Norcella Wilson:1 was presented the high score prize, j' Other prizes went to Dr. Patsy jJ McGuire, Mrs. W. L. Jones, and' Mrs. T. D. Slagle. The guest of.1 honor was presented a gift of her 1 selected china. The guest list included the fol- j lowing: Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Williams, Miss Mary Williams, Mrs. Womack, Mrs. Harry Ferguson, Dr. ! Patsy McGuire, Dr. Norcella Wil- | son, Mrs. W. J. Fisher, Mrs. Ver- ona Bess, Mrs. John H. Morris, ' Mrs. Guy Leatherwood, Mrs. W.1 R. Kilpatrick, Mrs. R. S. Morgan,1J Mrs. T. D. Slagle, Mrs. Pratt Cheek, |1 Mrs. W. L. Jones, Miss Nancy Al- lison, Miss Mary Henson, Miss Ethel Reed, Miss Eugenia John- son, Mrs. James T. Davis, Mrs. Charles Pettit, Mrs. Cicero Bry-1 * iw rn . n R I son, ivirs. xurn cumiuu, ivirs. Cjlau^e Qampbell, Midts 'Evelyn Sherrill, Mrs. John F. Corbin, Jr., and Mrs. David Hall. Delicious refreshments were served including a snack plate, ice cream molded with a minature bride and groom, and individual decorated cakes and coffee. * * * Presbyterian Men Will Be Host To Officers Of Churches The men and elders of the First Presbyterian church will be host to the Ministers and governing officials of the other four churches in the city limits this evening at 7:00 p. m. in the dining room of the church. The Rev. M. R. Williamson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Waynesville, will be guest speaker. i The Sylva Baptist, First Methodist, St. John's Episcopal, and Wilkesdale Baptist are the other' frvnr 11 rnhoc i K1 tho C* i t V limitc 1UUI L11U1 Cliwg AAA U1V WAV^J vwi * # * Mrs. Almond Hostess To H. D. Meet The Addie Home Demonstration club met with Mrs. Harry Almond Friday, Oct. 7, with eight members present, A very interesting talk on rugs was given by Miss Mary Johnston after which a demonstration on hooked rugs was given by Mrs.. W. G. Dillard. At this time olans were made to sell chances on a surprise packages J to be opened at the next meeting which will be held with Mrs. Helen Brooks on November 4. All members are asked to make a special effort to be present at this meeting as plans for a Christmas party will be made. A delightful salad course was served by Mrs. Almond after which the guests were shown over the lovely new home of the Almonds. | JACKSON COUNTY \ iFarm Bureau Week i October 17-22 i Join Now and Help Make\ Your Farm Program ) Strong \ THE S"j "t ] )S Phone 110 I tivities . J I; Monthly Meeting Of Beta P.-T.A. Held Wednesday The Beta Parent-Teacher Asso-' ciation met Wednesday, Oct. 5, at 1:30 p. m. with twenty-four members present. The president, Mrs. Joe C. Fisher, led the devotional after which she presided over the business. | A report of the membership chairman was given. Three new members were received in the; club at this time. As Fire Prevention week is observed in this month, a member of the Sylva Fire Department, O. E. Brookhyser, gave a very interesting and enlighting talk on "Safety and Fire Prevention." i The project of the ParentTeacher Association for the year is to buy some useful equipment lor parh school room which can be carried on later to a new build- ing. A set of the local by-laws , drawn up by the P.-T.A. had been sent to the State Office at Hal- ' eigh, and it was reported at the j meeting that they had been ap- ' proved and returned. Also dur- 4 ing the business hour plans were completed for a Halloween Carni- ' val to be held at the school. At the carnival a beautiful patch- I work quilt, made by - the mem- ] bers to raise money, will be given away. ; J Mrs. B. S. Hensley's room won J the attendance award for the ] month. i During the social hour hot coffee ] and cookies were served by the « Beta 4-H Club girls. , ] * * * 1 Judy Campbell Has ,r Birthday Party \l Little Judy Campbell was hon- * Dred with a birthday party on her ^ Sth birthday on Saturday, Oct. 1, 1 given by her mother, Mrs. Claude Campbell, at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. S. H. Monteith. Games and contests were enjoy-1 ed on the lawn directed by Mrs.' < W. J. Fisher with prizes being'' given the winners. Following the games the thirty- ] five little guests were directed into i J . ~ T.. me aining ruuiri wnere uuuy s | white birthday cake bearing 6j candles centered the table. Pastel . colored baloons on sticks were , used to decorate the living and dining rooms. Refreshments of birthday cake, ice cream, coca-colas, and pink and white mints on pastel party plates were served. The honoree received many nice and useful gifts. OLDSMO hi fil/GAC/ 4* rLVA HERALD AND RUI fialcvon Club Has Business Meeting The Halcyon Woman's club attended in a body the Margarel Truman Concert in Hoey Auditorium last Tuesday evening, aftej which they met at the home o: Mrs. Grayson Cope for their business meeting. Plans were brought before th< members to raise money to place In the club treasury. They decidec to sponsor a movie at the Drive-Ir Theatre on Oct. 25 and 26. A plaj to be given by the talent in the Club will be presented the lattej part of November. Following the business hour Mrs Cope served delicious refreshments * » * Billy Ray Bryson Observe* Birthday With Party A party honoring Billie Raj Bryson on his seventh birthdaj was given by his mother, Mrs Ray Bryson, at their home or last Tuesday afternoon. Bingo anc several other games were playec with Doyle Stephens and Ronalc Cooper winning the prizes. Following the games the group was served the birthday cake with cold drinks. Mrs. Olin Ensley assisted Mrs. Bryson in serving. Guests included Colman Hayes Walker, Ronald Cooper, Rogei Stephens, Doyle Stephens, Altor Hooper, Toupie Smith, Hattic Smith, Joe Leon Cooper, and Clara Joe Hooper. Billy Ray received a numbez af nice gifts. * * Cullowhee Girls To Attend FHA Rally In Brvson City Sixteen girls of the Future HomeMakers Class of Cullowhee High School plan to attend the FHA District Rally which will be held n Bryson City on Saturday, Oct. 15. Cosette Blake and Max Robinion will give the Mexican Hat Dance. The Emblem Service will ae given by the following: Louise rilley, Jo Anne Henson, Eloise Stephens, Bernice Pressley,* Betty Jean Reagan, Betty Jean Tolbert, Betty Dillard, and Brona Middleton . -.^ * * * P F R S n N 11 s at w w 11 mm w Messrs. Otis and Robert Crocker of Cornelia and Atlanta, Ga., were Sunday visitors of Misses Jeanneane Bryson and Claire Richards in Sylva. Mrs. A. M. Anderson returnee to Harriman, Tenn., with her husband for a few days' visit. Mr Anderson, who is employed with Mead Corporation at Harriman had spent a few days here with Mrs. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Parrish operators of Old Mill' Inn, lef Monday to spend the winter ir south Florida. During the weel of Sept.N\ 20-27 Mrs. Parrish'; brother, David Bigelow, of Miami IBILE'S NT as Everybod' r" 'MCA Mr 4 H / ^k PHONI YOUR Phone HALITE i WEBSTER NEWS I The Rev. Bruce Roberts and his wife moved to the Methodist par- t sonage here last week and he has begun his duties as pastor of the r Webster charge. The Snow Girls Auxiliary met at the Baptist church last Monday afternoon with an attendance of fifteen members. Mrs. Frances Penland is counselor for the group, These girls will be visiting homes of the community during the next | few weeks in the interest of their organization. The mid-week service will meet at the Baptist church Thursday evening at 7:30 with Mr. Virgil Cook conducting the service. George Penland, who has been working in the state of Oregon for 5 the past year and a half, has returned to his home here with his r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pent land. Mrs. Blanche Allison of Sylva i recently spent several days here 1 visiting her sister, Mrs. Eugenia 1 Allison. 1 Mrs. J. H. Franklin of Murphy was a recent visitor here with her > daughters, Mrs. Joe Fulmer and i Mrs. Doug Simpson and their fam ilies. Mr. and Mrs. George McConnell J and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cowan have * had as their guest, Mr. John Brown, i whose home is in California. Mr. i Brown recently returned from ovi er-seas and was enroute to his home. He is the son of the late ' Mrs. Annie Keener Brown. Captain and Mrs. Ransom Coward, who have spent the past three [ months at their summer home in the Norton section, spent several ^ days in Asheville with their sis-1 ter, Mrs. Dixie English, and family ( before returning to their home in' j New York for the winter. Mrs. Houston Ashe has been in .. High Point for the past week visit- i ing her daughter, Mrs. Nick Evans. ; She will stop in Salisbury to see Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Marsh before returning. j j Miss Callie McConnell and Mrs. (^ Paul Cowan spent last Tuesday (t land Wednesday in Chattanooga. Tenn. visiting their uncle, Mr. Jim * >Keener, who is very ill at his home there. Mrs. Frank Allman left last week , ^^ ^^ _.______ »> Fla., was their guest at the Inn. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Everett M^Crack- J en had as their guests Wednesday 1 > Miss Elizabeth Leatherwood, Miss 1 Kate Phillips, Mrs. Thelma Rob- I inson, Mrs. Grace Camp, and Mrs. . Catherine Lacky, Jr., all of . Waynesville. 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mauney and , son, Louie, were week-end visitors i of their parents, Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Snyder. Louie had as his , guests with him, Scottie Trundell t and Eddie Lambert of Maryville, l Tenn. c Miss Dotsy Bryson had as a s week-end guest, Mr. John Car, ringer of Murphy. m ruturamift . i Talking 2T "m> pIBk' Ks-' k^\^' Er ^ ( NIARIST OlDSM 41, ALLISON MOTOR COM or visit MAIN STREET / Birth Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Shuford of Brevard announce the birth of a six pound son at Transylvania hospital, Brevard, on Oct. 12. Mrs. Shuford is a daughter of J. M. Bird of Sylva. for Newport News, Va. where she will visit Maj. and Mrs. Bill Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Adams of Greensboro, Maryland, visited Mrs. Florence Buchanan and Miss Ethel Buchanan last week. Mrs. Adams is the former Miss Lucy Buchanan of Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Oliven Cowan, after attending the state teachers meeting in Asheville last Friday,, went on to Lowell where they spent the week-end with Mr. Cowan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cowan . The Misses Ila and Esta Pen- land of Waycross, Ga. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Penland here and their brother, Mr. Bayse Penland, of Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Logan Wooten of Winston-Salem were week-end visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Wooten. The Webster PTA, together with the high school boys and girls, met j Tuesday afternoon in the Methodist church where they heard Mr. Houser, of the State highway patrol dept., speak on the subject of Highway Safety. The PTA members then adjourned to the Home Be room for a business session. rhe budget committee presented a budget plan which was adopted j and plans were made for the next neeting to be a Book-Tea. The librarian, Mrs. Kate Rhinehart, 1 and the senior girls will be in :harge of this meeting, which will < >e open to the public. Each per- 1 ton attending is asked to bring a J >ook suitable for school use to be placed in the school library and i cup of tea will be served to each person. On Friday evening at 8:00 the 31ue Ridve Quartette, radio ar- ;ists of Greenville, S. C., will present a program at the New Savinnah school auditorium. The school PTA is sponsoring this program 'and will also have cakes, :offee, and pies for sale. The new Savannah PTA members, who at:ended the district PTA meeting at Cherokee last week, had one of the largest delegations there and they brought back a certificate of.' award for sponsoring the school lunch room. Mr. Aliney Bryson,' principal of the school, states that I last year over $2,000.00 was spent' for equipment and that now the j school has met all qualifications | for standardization, which is hoped to be obtained soon. If this standardazition is awarded the New Savannah school will be the second to reach standardization in the, county. Mr. Bryson states that the school has an enrollment of 244: students. 1 rfM Everybody's ti m The Oldamobih astically receiv More than a mill Oldsmobile in tl telling his frier "Rocket" smooth economy! "Rocl Hvdra-Matic D nation of eveH \MW M your car's pow IV M true! But don't | M and find out foi date with the "Rocket" Engii way, too."RO( OBILI OlALiR . PANY Thursday, Oct. 13, 1949 Meeting Of The A.A.U.W. 4 The next regular meeting of the American Association of University Women will be held on Monday, October 24, at 7:30 p. m. in Moore Parlor at Cullowhee. The program will be on the subject: "What Is U.N.E.S.C.O.?" Miss Lucille Hunt will be in charge of the meeting and she will be assisted by Miss Leonora Smith and Miss Annie Rae Kitrell. Hostesses will be Mrs. W. G. Ruff, and Mrs. Carl Killian. FARMERS WARNED AS AGAINST ILLEGAL USE WEIGHTS, MEASURES With the harvesting of North Carolina's largest corn crop getting under way, E. D. Baucom, superintendent of the Weights and Measures Division of the State Dpnartmpnt of Asrriculture. today ^ warned farmers and grain dealers t against the use of illegal measures in buying and selling the grain. Under North Carolina law, Bau* 7 com said, transactions involving corn must be made on the basis of the bushel measure when the grain is shelled, or by weight when sold on the cob. He also said the law stipulates that a bushel of shelled corn shall weigh 56 Although no violations of this law have been reported thus far this year, Baucom said, reports have been received in years past of dealers offering to buy unshucked corn on weight equivalents of a bushel. .This can be a very deceptive way of measuring :orn, he pointed out, as different varieties will shell out varying amounts of grain. Household Hint Take good eare of your sewing machine. Remove the needle plate occasionally and elean out lint and M that has accumulated. Oil frequently to keep the machinery hi 111 mini mill 4 Odd Pact The editors of a local magazine In Hanover, N. H* received a subscription check from Magog, ^Jue- bee, made out to the order of "Business Reply Envelope." » Average size of all farms in the State in 1945 was 64.8 acres. 1 JACKSON COUNTY. I Farm Bureau Week | October 17-22 I Join Now and Help Make( Your Farm Program | Strong ( . i liking it.everybody's trying it! i "Rocket" is the moot enthusied engine in motoring history! lion people have driven a "Rocket" lie past year.and each of them is ids all about it! "Rocket" power! ness! "Rocket" quietness! "Rocket" ket" teamwork with Oldsmohile's rive! There's a Futuramic combirthing you've always wanted in er plant.a driver's dream come : take our word.take the wheel yourself! Make a demonstration Oldsmobile f,88".lowest-priced ' le car. Soon you'll be talking that ZKETr "ROCKETr "ROCKET!" msmmmmmmmmmmmmm w f

The Sylva herald and ruralite (Sylva, N.C.). 1949-10 …newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn92074071/1949-10-13/ed-1/...purchase of an anesthetic machine for the C. J. Harris hospital

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Page 1: The Sylva herald and ruralite (Sylva, N.C.). 1949-10 …newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn92074071/1949-10-13/ed-1/...purchase of an anesthetic machine for the C. J. Harris hospital

Page 6

[For The Women Sc- Persoru

Cullowhee F. H. A. ElectsOfficers For Ensuing Year.At a recent meeting of the FutureHome-Makers of America they

elected the following officers toserve this year: president, BettyJean Tolbert; vice-president, Bro-,na Middleton; secretary, Betty JeanReagan; treasurer, Louise Tilley;reporter, Karene Bryson; parlia-1mentarian, Clara Jo Phillips; andhistorian, Gladys Pressley. IThe following committee was

also appointed: nominating, BettyJean Reagan, Ola Belle Smith,and June Brown; program, Jo jAnne Henson, Eloise Stephens, andBernice Pressley; ways and means,Louise Tilley, Betty Dillard, andBrona Middleton; hostess com- |mittee, Gladys Pressley, KareneBryson, and Betty Jean Tolbert. 1

Members of the 1949-50 classare: Seniors.June Brown, KareneBryson, Betty Jean Tolbert,Cosette Blake, Clara Jo Phillips,1Frankie Shelton, Ola Bell Smith;Lower classmen are Harriet Mash- Iburn, Bobbie J. Bryson, Ruth AnnHamilton, Hazel Cline, Lois Cline,Ruth Houston, Betty Dillard, Bet- jty Jean Reagan, Bernice Press-'ley, Brona Middleton, and LouiseTilley.

Mrs. Thelma H. Harrill is spon-'sor of the Chapter. j

* * *

B. And P. ExecutiveMeeting Held IA meeting of the executive com-!

mittee of the Business and ProfessionalWomen's club was heldTuesday evening at the home ofDr. Norcella Wilson for the purposeof passing upon various busi.'ness matters of the club. It was

decided to pay $300 toward thepurchase of an anesthetic machinefor the C. J. Harris hospital. Thegroup voted to purchase a medalfor the Sylva, Webster, and Dillsboroschools to be presented at theclose of the school year to the stu-dent selected as the "Best Citizen",one from each of the above namedschools, the students from the 4ththru the 8th grades being under.consideration for the medals.On Thursday, Nov. 3, the club

will sponsor a Tacky party. Fur-ther announcements will be madethru The Herald from time to time.

Mrs. Lillian Madison presided.


fAt The AirportNOTICE.Beginning Thurs<ipythe 29th, the movie will beginat 7:00 and 8:40.Adults, 40c; Children under 12free.

Each Tuesday and Wednesdayfeatures family night. Onedollar per car regardless ofnumber of people.

Thursday - FridayOctober 13 -14

i any promLnu i i iiwiva

SHANGHIARita Havworth - Orsen Wells

Also Comedy

Saturday, Oct. 15


Sunday - MondayOctober 16 - 17

DREAM GIRLBetty Hutton-MacDonald Carey

Also Comedyi

Tuesday - WednesdayOctober 18 -19

RAW MFAIv«nvv Vhnb

Dennis O'Keefe, Claire Trevor

...Family Night $1 per car....#

Coming Soon.Mickey and TheAdventures of Robinhood

Both in Technicolor

yciety Neulis - Club Ac


Mrs. Edward C. JonesHonored At PartyA party honoring Mrs. Edward

Coleman Jones, a recent bride,was given by Mrs. Earl Padgett,Miss Honda Stimpson, and Mrs.Frank M. Crawford at the homeof Mrs. Padgett on Wednesdayevening, Oct. 5.

Mrs. T. D. Slagle greeted theguests at the door and introducedthem to Mrs. Jones and her houseguests, which included her mother,Mrs. J. P. Williams, and aunts,Mrs. William Love and Miss MaryWilliams, all of McCc/nelsville,S. C., and Mrs. Richard Womackof Shelby.Mrs. Jones, the former Miss MargaretWilliams, was presented a

corsage of red roses which blendedbeautifully with her gown ofblue taffeta which she wore. Thehonoree's mother, who wore a

gown of orchid crepe, was presentedan orchid corsage.

The house was attractively dec-1orated with arrangements of fall |.flowers.

Eight tables of bridge were set (

up for play and other games were

also enjoyed. At the conclusion of 1

the games Dr. Norcella Wilson:1was presented the high score prize, j'Other prizes went to Dr. Patsy jJMcGuire, Mrs. W. L. Jones, and'Mrs. T. D. Slagle. The guest of.1honor was presented a gift of her 1

selected china.The guest list included the fol- j

lowing: Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Williams,Miss Mary Williams, Mrs. Womack,Mrs. Harry Ferguson, Dr. !Patsy McGuire, Dr. Norcella Wil- |son, Mrs. W. J. Fisher, Mrs. Ver-ona Bess, Mrs. John H. Morris, '

Mrs. Guy Leatherwood, Mrs. W.1R. Kilpatrick, Mrs. R. S. Morgan,1JMrs. T. D. Slagle, Mrs. Pratt Cheek, |1Mrs. W. L. Jones, Miss Nancy Al-lison, Miss Mary Henson, MissEthel Reed, Miss Eugenia John-son, Mrs. James T. Davis, Mrs.Charles Pettit, Mrs. Cicero Bry-1

* iw rn . n R Ison, ivirs. xurn cumiuu, ivirs.

Cjlau^e Qampbell, Midts 'EvelynSherrill, Mrs. John F. Corbin, Jr.,and Mrs. David Hall.

Delicious refreshments were servedincluding a snack plate, icecream molded with a minaturebride and groom, and individualdecorated cakes and coffee.

* * *

Presbyterian MenWill Be Host ToOfficers Of ChurchesThe men and elders of the First

Presbyterian church will be hostto the Ministers and governing officialsof the other four churchesin the city limits this evening at7:00 p. m. in the dining room ofthe church.

The Rev. M. R. Williamson,pastor of the First Presbyterianchurch of Waynesville, will beguest speaker. i

The Sylva Baptist, First Methodist,St. John's Episcopal, andWilkesdale Baptist are the other'frvnr 11 rnhoc i K1 tho C* i t V limitc1UUI L11U1 Cliwg AAA U1V WAV^J vwi

* # *

Mrs. Almond HostessTo H. D. MeetThe Addie Home Demonstration

club met with Mrs. Harry AlmondFriday, Oct. 7, with eight memberspresent,A very interesting talk on rugs

was given by Miss Mary Johnstonafter which a demonstration on

hooked rugs was given by Mrs..W. G. Dillard.At this time olans were made to

sell chances on a surprise packages Jto be opened at the next meetingwhich will be held with Mrs. HelenBrooks on November 4. All membersare asked to make a specialeffort to be present at this meetingas plans for a Christmas partywill be made.A delightful salad course was

served by Mrs. Almond after whichthe guests were shown over thelovely new home of the Almonds.

| JACKSON COUNTY \iFarm Bureau Week i

October 17-22 iJoin Now and Help Make\Your Farm Program )

Strong \


"t ]

)S Phone 110 I

tivities . J I;Monthly Meeting Of BetaP.-T.A. Held WednesdayThe Beta Parent-Teacher Asso-'

ciation met Wednesday, Oct. 5, at1:30 p. m. with twenty-four memberspresent.The president, Mrs. Joe C. Fisher,led the devotional after which

she presided over the business. |A report of the membership

chairman was given. Three newmembers were received in the;club at this time.As Fire Prevention week is observedin this month, a member

of the Sylva Fire Department, O.E. Brookhyser, gave a very interestingand enlighting talk on

"Safety and Fire Prevention." i

The project of the ParentTeacherAssociation for the year isto buy some useful equipment lorparh school room which can becarried on later to a new build-ing. A set of the local by-laws ,

drawn up by the P.-T.A. had beensent to the State Office at Hal- '

eigh, and it was reported at the jmeeting that they had been ap- '

proved and returned. Also dur- 4

ing the business hour plans were

completed for a Halloween Carni- '

val to be held at the school. Atthe carnival a beautiful patch- Iwork quilt, made by - the mem- ]bers to raise money, will be givenaway. ; JMrs. B. S. Hensley's room won J

the attendance award for the ]month. iDuring the social hour hot coffee ]

and cookies were served by the «

Beta 4-H Club girls. , ]* * * 1

Judy Campbell Has ,r

Birthday Party \lLittle Judy Campbell was hon- *

Dred with a birthday party on her ^

Sth birthday on Saturday, Oct. 1, 1

given by her mother, Mrs. ClaudeCampbell, at the home of hergrandmother, Mrs. S. H. Monteith.Games and contests were enjoy-1

ed on the lawn directed by Mrs.' <

W. J. Fisher with prizes being''given the winners.Following the games the thirty- ]

five little guests were directed intoi J . ~ T..me aining ruuiri wnere uuuy s |white birthday cake bearing 6jcandles centered the table. Pastel .

colored baloons on sticks were ,

used to decorate the living anddining rooms.

Refreshments of birthday cake,ice cream, coca-colas, and pinkand white mints on pastel partyplates were served.The honoree received many nice

and useful gifts.





fialcvon Club HasBusiness MeetingThe Halcyon Woman's club attendedin a body the Margarel

Truman Concert in Hoey Auditoriumlast Tuesday evening, aftejwhich they met at the home o:

Mrs. Grayson Cope for their businessmeeting.Plans were brought before th<

members to raise money to placeIn the club treasury. They decidecto sponsor a movie at the Drive-IrTheatre on Oct. 25 and 26. A plajto be given by the talent in theClub will be presented the lattejpart of November.Following the business hour Mrs

Cope served delicious refreshments* » *

Billy Ray Bryson Observe*Birthday With PartyA party honoring Billie Raj

Bryson on his seventh birthdajwas given by his mother, MrsRay Bryson, at their home or

last Tuesday afternoon. Bingo ancseveral other games were playecwith Doyle Stephens and RonalcCooper winning the prizes.Following the games the group

was served the birthday cake withcold drinks. Mrs. Olin Ensley assistedMrs. Bryson in serving.Guests included Colman Hayes

Walker, Ronald Cooper, RogeiStephens, Doyle Stephens, AltorHooper, Toupie Smith, HatticSmith, Joe Leon Cooper, and ClaraJoe Hooper.

Billy Ray received a numbezaf nice gifts.

* *

Cullowhee Girls To AttendFHA Rally In Brvson CitySixteen girls of the Future HomeMakersClass of Cullowhee HighSchool plan to attend the FHADistrict Rally which will be heldn Bryson City on Saturday, Oct.15. Cosette Blake and Max Robinionwill give the Mexican HatDance. The Emblem Service willae given by the following: Louiserilley, Jo Anne Henson, EloiseStephens, Bernice Pressley,* BettyJean Reagan, Betty Jean Tolbert,Betty Dillard, and Brona Middleton.


* * *

P F R S n N 11 sat w w 11 m« mm w

Messrs. Otis and Robert Crockerof Cornelia and Atlanta, Ga.,were Sunday visitors of MissesJeanneane Bryson and ClaireRichards in Sylva.Mrs. A. M. Anderson returnee

to Harriman, Tenn., with her husbandfor a few days' visit. MrAnderson, who is employed withMead Corporation at Harrimanhad spent a few days here withMrs. Anderson.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Parrish

operators of Old Mill' Inn, lefMonday to spend the winter irsouth Florida. During the weelof Sept.N\ 20-27 Mrs. Parrish';brother, David Bigelow, of Miami

IBILE'S NTas Everybod'r" 'MCA

Mr 4

H / ^k



i WEBSTER NEWSI The Rev. Bruce Roberts and hiswife moved to the Methodist par-

t sonage here last week and he hasbegun his duties as pastor of the r

Webster charge.The Snow Girls Auxiliary met

at the Baptist church last Mondayafternoon with an attendance offifteen members. Mrs. FrancesPenland is counselor for the group,These girls will be visiting homesof the community during the next |few weeks in the interest of theirorganization.The mid-week service will meet

at the Baptist church Thursdayevening at 7:30 with Mr. VirgilCook conducting the service.George Penland, who has been

working in the state of Oregon for5 the past year and a half, has returnedto his home here with hisr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pentland.

Mrs. Blanche Allison of Sylvai recently spent several days here1 visiting her sister, Mrs. Eugenia1 Allison.1 Mrs. J. H. Franklin of Murphywas a recent visitor here with her

> daughters, Mrs. Joe Fulmer andi Mrs. Doug Simpson and their fam

ilies.Mr. and Mrs. George McConnell

J and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cowan have* had as their guest, Mr. John Brown,i whose home is in California. Mr.i Brown recently returned from ovier-seas and was enroute to hishome. He is the son of the late

' Mrs. Annie Keener Brown.Captain and Mrs. Ransom Coward,who have spent the past three

[ months at their summer home inthe Norton section, spent several ^days in Asheville with their sis-1ter, Mrs. Dixie English, and family (before returning to their home in' jNew York for the winter.

Mrs. Houston Ashe has been in ..

High Point for the past week visit- i

ing her daughter, Mrs. Nick Evans. ;She will stop in Salisbury to seeMr. and Mrs. Woodrow Marsh beforereturning. j j

Miss Callie McConnell and Mrs. (^Paul Cowan spent last Tuesday (tland Wednesday in Chattanooga.Tenn. visiting their uncle, Mr. Jim *

>Keener, who is very ill at his homethere.

Mrs. Frank Allman left last week ,^^ ^^ _.______


Fla., was their guest at the Inn. 11Mr. and Mrs. Everett M^Crack- J

en had as their guests Wednesday 1> Miss Elizabeth Leatherwood, Miss 1

Kate Phillips, Mrs. Thelma Rob-I inson, Mrs. Grace Camp, and Mrs.. Catherine Lacky, Jr., all of. Waynesville.1 Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mauney and, son, Louie, were week-end visitorsi of their parents, Rev. and Mrs. G.

C. Snyder. Louie had as his, guests with him, Scottie Trundellt and Eddie Lambert of Maryville,l Tenn.c Miss Dotsy Bryson had as a

s week-end guest, Mr. John Car,ringer of Murphy.

m ruturamift .

i Talking2T "m>





or visit MAIN STREET


BirthMr. and Mrs. Albert C. Shuford

of Brevard announce the birth ofa six pound son at Transylvaniahospital, Brevard, on Oct. 12. Mrs.Shuford is a daughter of J. M.Bird of Sylva.for Newport News, Va. where shewill visit Maj. and Mrs. Bill Saunders.Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Adams of

Greensboro, Maryland, visited Mrs.Florence Buchanan and Miss EthelBuchanan last week. Mrs. Adamsis the former Miss Lucy Buchananof Webster.Mr. and Mrs. Oliven Cowan, afterattending the state teachers

meeting in Asheville last Friday,,went on to Lowell where theyspent the week-end with Mr. Cowan'sparents, Mr. and Mrs. HenryCowan .

The Misses Ila and Esta Pen-land of Waycross, Ga. are visitingMr. and Mrs. Ernest Penland hereand their brother, Mr. Bayse Penland,of Franklin.Mr. and Mrs. Logan Wooten of

Winston-Salem were week-end visitorsat the home of their parents,Mr. and Mrs. Will Wooten.The Webster PTA, together with

the high school boys and girls, met jTuesday afternoon in the Methodistchurch where they heard Mr.Houser, of the State highway patroldept., speak on the subject ofHighway Safety. The PTA membersthen adjourned to the HomeBe room for a business session.rhe budget committee presented a

budget plan which was adopted jand plans were made for the nextneeting to be a Book-Tea. Thelibrarian, Mrs. Kate Rhinehart, 1and the senior girls will be in:harge of this meeting, which will <

>e open to the public. Each per- 1

ton attending is asked to bring a J

>ook suitable for school use to beplaced in the school library andi cup of tea will be served to eachperson.On Friday evening at 8:00 the

31ue Ridve Quartette, radio ar-;ists of Greenville, S. C., will presenta program at the New Savinnahschool auditorium. Theschool PTA is sponsoring this program'and will also have cakes,:offee, and pies for sale. The newSavannah PTA members, who at:endedthe district PTA meetingat Cherokee last week, had one ofthe largest delegations there andthey brought back a certificate of.'award for sponsoring the schoollunch room. Mr. Aliney Bryson,'principal of the school, states that Ilast year over $2,000.00 was spent'for equipment and that now the jschool has met all qualifications |for standardization, which is hopedto be obtained soon. If this standardazitionis awarded the NewSavannah school will be the secondto reach standardization in the,county. Mr. Bryson states that theschool has an enrollment of 244:students. 1

rfM Everybody's ti

mThe Oldamobihastically receivMore than a millOldsmobile in tltelling his frier"Rocket" smootheconomy! "RoclHvdra-Matic Dnation of eveH

\MWM your car's powIVM true! But don't| M and find out foi

date with the"Rocket" Engiiway, too."RO(



Thursday, Oct. 13, 1949

Meeting Of The A.A.U.W. 4The next regular meeting of the

American Association of UniversityWomen will be held on Monday,October 24, at 7:30 p. m. inMoore Parlor at Cullowhee. Theprogram will be on the subject:"What Is U.N.E.S.C.O.?" MissLucille Hunt will be in charge ofthe meeting and she will be assistedby Miss Leonora Smith andMiss Annie Rae Kitrell. Hostesseswill be Mrs. W. G. Ruff, and Mrs.Carl Killian.


With the harvesting of NorthCarolina's largest corn crop gettingunder way, E. D. Baucom,superintendent of the Weights andMeasures Division of the StateDpnartmpnt of Asrriculture. today ^

warned farmers and grain dealers tagainst the use of illegal measuresin buying and selling thegrain.Under North Carolina law, Bau*7

com said, transactions involvingcorn must be made on the basisof the bushel measure when thegrain is shelled, or by weight whensold on the cob. He also said thelaw stipulates that a bushel ofshelled corn shall weigh 56Although no violations of this

law have been reported thus farthis year, Baucom said, reportshave been received in years pastof dealers offering to buy unshuckedcorn on weight equivalentsof a bushel. .This can be a

very deceptive way of measuring:orn, he pointed out, as differentvarieties will shell out varyingamounts of grain.

Household HintTake good eare of your sewing

machine. Remove the needle plateoccasionally and elean out lint andM that has accumulated. Oil frequentlyto keep the machinery hi111 mini mill 4

Odd PactThe editors of a local magazine

In Hanover, N. H* received a subscriptioncheck from Magog, ^Jue-bee, made out to the order of "BusinessReply Envelope."


Average size of all farms in theState in 1945 was 64.8 acres.

1 JACKSON COUNTY. IFarm Bureau Week |

October 17-22 IJoin Now and Help Make(Your Farm Program |

Strong (

. i

liking it.everybody's trying it!i "Rocket" is the moot enthusiedengine in motoring history!lion people have driven a "Rocket"lie past year.and each of them isids all about it! "Rocket" power!ness! "Rocket" quietness! "Rocket"ket" teamwork with Oldsmohile'srive! There's a Futuramic combirthingyou've always wanted iner plant.a driver's dream come

: take our word.take the wheelyourself! Make a demonstrationOldsmobile f,88".lowest-priced '

le car. Soon you'll be talking thatZKETr "ROCKETr "ROCKET!"

