By Hailey Kirschman THE TERRIBLE TIMES

The terrible times

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The terrible times. By Hailey Kirschman. Death marches. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: The terrible times

By Hailey Kirschman


Page 2: The terrible times

A death march was the act of marching Jews out of their camps and

toward Germany’s labor camps. They did this because soldiers were

closing in on the camps. Death marches took place between 1944-1945 in

the winter. They were forced to march in the bitter cold with little to no

food. If you couldn’t keep up with the others you were shot on the spot.

Bachrach, Susan. Tell Them We Remember

Canada: Little Brown & Company, 1994. Print



Page 3: The terrible times

The first gas chamber was established in February 1942, after the

Nazis discovered what Zyklon B could do. The Nazis would build them to

resemble the showers so Jews wouldn’t panic. When walking in Jews were

forced to raise their arms so they could fit as many people as they could in

the gas chamber. Some people suffocated because the room would be pack

with people.

Holocaust. 2001. print



Page 4: The terrible times

Ghettos were isolated areas where Jews were forced to

live in for a short period of time. There were walls around the

ghettos and were heavily guarded. You were not allowed to leave

unless you had a special permit. In the ghettos there was little

sanitation and people would die from sickness and starvation.

Thousands would be crammed in a small ghettos

Lawton, Clive. Story of the Holocaust. Franklin Watts, 1999. Print



Page 5: The terrible times

It began on the night of November 9th. Brown shirts raided the

towns. They destroyed homes, businesses, and synagogues. Jews that

were out were either beaten or killed on the streets. In the morning

the streets were filled with broken glass, and so the night was named

kristallnacht or night of the broken glass. 1000 businesses were

destroyed 200 people were killed, and 3500 were sent to camps.

Many fled after that night

Altman, Linda. The Jewish Victims of the Holocaust

USA, Anslow. 2003

