jt . 4 '4 THE CHIEF, JO!3 rCSUSHED EVERY ttltiBSDAY A The Red Cloud Chi WOHK, ecH US CLOUS, XXBUSXA. toI-W- i, fata?.:. "V -- BY- r EXKCVTKD TO OHttt. IK T1IK M. I,. THOMAS. .Neatest asd Promptest Kakkei "Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty" and $ 50 a year is the price of the Red Cloud Chief. ASH AT moxr jxzji atA.Taea 7E21IS:-- . $1.60 a yetr if paid in AdT&net. VOL. VIII. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER CO. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 10.JSS1. NO. II. (r.iUAf'm CrtttMa Kbvrw GO EAST KOKTII-KAS- T OK SOUTH-EAS- T VIA THE B.&IYI.R.R. This Road together with the C. B. Jr. Q. which i. called -- THE- ' Burlington Route ! Form the xnofet complete line between Nebraska points mid :ill oint Kastof Missouri Kirer. 1'assenitrrs taking this line crss the ' Mo River at TialUtnouth over the Plattsmouth Steel Bridge, Which has lately been completed. Through Pn3Conclie AND rwflinaii MeepingCars ARE HUN TO j BitrIiiig1oii,PcGria,Chicago and St. LOui, Where clou connect ion? arc made in union dcpf for bJI j'Oinlr Aorth Last find South. 1 nun by this route start in Nebraska are there- fore Irws from the various accidents which to frequently trains through '.torn the nioun-taid- s. and immk iiKers lire thus j'Uic of making Koid when they take the B. A- - M. w loute east. Through Tickets I.OWICST KATES in force in the Stnte. n well as full and reliable ilifoinuition required, can ho had upon applica- tion to 1(. A M. It. It. AKentK at any of the I'riiiciiml Minion;-- , or to PZBCEVAL L0W2LL, ,. 15tf General Ticket Agent. OMAHA XJSU. "T SaJ hJ.J 'Z'Siii ( I5' T : J-- ' eitJ 5tS: s usrm "&&' 8& This pill is a standard Liv 11 Q C cr Regulator, an UOt infallible for Malarial Fevers, laundtce, GR EE sion. Sick Headache, Con clmM.ni. ll,i;nrnnr. et,is'avawa Uyspepsia, &c. J. hat this I'ill has leen used in pri- - rj. W... ....... . W jS&fiC A& rente-l- y aaaU0AiV.f tli is the nreatcst recomraen. dation that Ql I I Q can begiven I sb t. Iryonchox. Orly25c . :. Isn.v Itrsckett Sole I'roprictor KinsaCity, Mo. Drop into the reliable and well-kno- drng.-tan-d if K. 1J. Sheror Red Vlond and ask thi'tn what the reptita-"raio- n of this pill has been since lS.'ifi, :iltT hearing ot their merits liny n box and trv them. PssssssWTriTiTnTi tefvkjM9 aA'A A m ikl It in the rmnlt of 20 yrnrs experience and cxieriineutj in Sowing JlacnlncB. It combine tht ano-- l HnU vf all jiretrnt anil former millet, and la ot a " one man " or " on e Idea " mncUlne. aa othrra are. ItnvoldstltcdrrerlM oralhcrs,andpoa-neesc- a nru and raluabl fraturcK and (xmvenlcnce. It la Itrgr. nofrte. hnmlomf, com. venirnt, durable, and timple. AVnrrnntrd HB kentInrrnnIrfreefor5yenrsi. Jtrcularawtth iiHIdcKcrlpuonFcutfrwfjjrMiiHi't. Ithnrarclythe licet Atrial will l'rovufC Don't fall to mrn It lieforo von buy. SlANOFACTrnKi nv FIAJRENCK M CIftNn OO..Floronc',Ma.: vtiiolesalxd bt tiEO. 1. 11ENT. bl and to Jackson St, Cnicago, IIL m& PATENTED IB74V, larenlr nf ml Mica or Tuina-laa- . ia tho BEST and, CHEAPEST lubricator in tho world, it is the beat hccanRo it not scum, but forms a over the. axie.re-ltenl- ns the draft. w hlatily polished surface duolns friction and It is tbo Camnoaed cheapest becauso it coats no mora than inferior brands, and one box wM do the work of two of nny other Aile Crease made. ItaimwreusJlra.i'wvllInrUarveKtera, Mill Ocarinir.Tnresnsm; aiacmneii.uorn-1'ianier- s. Carriaurw. Bninnc( etCL. eUx. as for Wagons. It la GUARANTEED to contain rsoPejtfOteum. For tale ly auim-t-da- . Ucalcni. tr Onr Votktt Cctcvtdia of Thing' Worth Knowing mailed free. MICA MANUFACTURING CO. 31 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Illinois. Robiion Wagon Co. Manufacturers of FAEM & SPRING- - Resthessness, imwrlr. does Bug-gie- s Sc Pliaetons. Bend for designs and prices to , EOBINSON WAGON CO., CINCINNATI. O. THE HOUSE & WAGON. nm Hfej MOUNTAIN HATHARTin WAGONS. A NEW BOOK on the Horse. TIi Ki4tor" tnieurp. ur andtTeatnicnt. AUo giving a few of the mott Important and Effective Remedies for the cure of the disease cf ihc horte. f' Valuable to every owner and lover cf the horse- - Published by the 2CmTS31T rAQSJT Ci, Raeti-tit- L 0., and sent, postage paid, to any address, oa Jce5pt of THREE STAMK. A. yenh P. Ktfkm. 11. Parlcr. 1 Urd Itocssa, C Diciac Ccca U. 1UU. ' ' Three sheets, 1?jc2I. heavy pbte paper, cantcin-- og elevation, plans and f!ctailf ir tbeabovc house; 4 also book of SO paje. pivmRspeciftcilions. iteciutd 9 sjatimate and form of contract invaluable to every carpenter cr party proposing building, as a guide ia " snakier; bids or drawing contracts. Price $2.00. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of " H. E. WALTON. 350 W. Ninth St.. Cincinnati. O. DIRECTOItY. J. K. Smith. Pre 't 1st Nat. Bank Beatrice Neb. S. C. SMITH. Cash'rlstNat.lIsnk Beatrice Neb. SMITH BROTHERS, BANKEES, RED CLOUD, NEB., Trnnract a general banking busine. bay and cell county warrants, also County. Precinct and School DUtrict Bond. Negotiate farm mortgage, boy and sell For- eign Kxchange. 4srhptcial attention given to collections. RgptREgcur 1st Nat. Bank New York. Oma- ha NaU Bank, Omaha. SMITH BROS. 0. C. Cam. Jab. McNzit. & McNeny, A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Will practice in all the Courts of this Htate and Northern Kansas. Collections as well as litiga- ted business carefully and efficiently attended to. OmcK- - On Webster Street, one door north of Oarbcr's Store, RKD CLOUD, NKD. J. S. GILHAM, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office one door north of Kalry Brot. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. W. C. REILLY, AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. ATTORNEY REAL ESTATE AOEZT. Red Cloud. Neb. t3-Prom- pt Attention Given to Collections. Ornc- r- with C. II. POTTER, at Retl Cloud Drug Store. Edwin C. Hawley. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office over Farley's Drug Store. EED CLOTJD, Laird & Smith, a ttornet.s and counselors at law. - Nebraska. Will prnctiee in all the Courts of the State. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to bis care. julyl-- 7 II. S. Kat.tv. C. W. Kalkv. Red Cloud. Neb. NEB. J. L. Kalkt. Nebraska. KALEY BROS., A TTORNEYS AT LAW k REAL ESTATI rL AMENTS. Will practice jn all the Courts in Nebraska nnd northern Kansas: collection promptly at- tended to and solicited. ESS CLOUD. Keferasfe. Also. Agent? for B. i M. R. B. Lands. ELBERT A, HA Lis Iff. D. Physician & Surgeon. RED CLOUD, NER. Assistan! Purceon B. f-- M. R. It. It. C Office over Juhneon & Crep. dry goods store. Resi- dence over Perkins A Mitchell's store. 19t3m J. Iff. IIIOSEiA, III. D. ECLECTIC Physician and Surgeon, RKI) CLOUD. NEB. Will pay special attention to Obstetrics and diseases of women AUo general and special sursery. Diseases of the Eye and Ear. Charges moderate. Office over Kherer'a Drus; Htore. Residence 4th house north of school house. i'i-l- -y mm BUSINESS Case Hastings, lllooinington, correspondence Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDENTDENTIST. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. W. H. RICHARDSON, DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. ilicheit market price Paid for hogs and cattle. HENRY COOK, MtOntlKTOR RKD CLOUS diCugstoeeI Aa4 Dealer Is Drugs, Medicines Paints, OILS 8 VARNISHES All toodt ia ay Line kept eocstaatly on hand: and to which X iaviU the atteatios ol the publie. ianl HENRY COOK. Samuel West, DEALER IS obacco. Cigars. CONFECTIONERY. CANNED FRUITS, FRESH FRUITS, CRACKERS, CHEESE, ORANGES, LEMONS, AND A rULL LINE OK FAXCY K S 1 U 8 IS AIO A FIRST CLASS Ice Cream Parlor. Where you can alwavs ?ct a nice dih of Ice Cre:im during the Scjtson. share of the public- - patronage is respectfully solicited. First door south of Mitchell & Morhart's: Rf.d NfURASKAr Cloud, - - THE CHIEF. M. L. THOMAS, EDITOR. THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1881. I. P. Olive, the man-burn- er of Plum Creek has returned from hw visit ? to Texas. President Garfield han decreed that no more intoxicating liquors shall be sold at military post.. The fact that intemperance is visi- bly decreasing in Canada Li attributed to the further fact that the population is also visibly decreasing. The Editors of the North Platto pro- pose to organize a North Platte Edi-tori- ai Association. They never atten- ded the State Editorial Association to any ularming extent. The Omaha Bee, which for editorial ability and general cussedness sur-pns- cs our other daily exchanges, lias donned a new dress and presents a much better appearance. Missouri has prohibited gambling and Kansas has abolished liquor. The Missouri gamblers are all moving to Kansas and the Kansas liquor men are moving to Missouri. Which state will gain by the exchange is a problem that we turn over to the pungent par- agraphed Journal. Dcrinc; the month of npril upwards oi yt),00U people, mostly emigrants from countries beyond the Atlantic ocean, passed though Chicago to find homes in the great wast. This is an increase of about forty per cent over the registry of foreigners arriving on our shores in the corresponding month of 880. No Provision having been made by our last legislature for the purpose of encouraging immigra- tion, but few of the April arrivals found theJr way to Nebraska, as the s and numerous advantages of our state were not properly explained by well-inform- ed representatives. The insanity of the last legislature in reftLsing to make some provision for attracting emigration is daily be- coming more apparent. The great body of the present enormous immi- gration to the United Statesthe greatest ever witnessed is tending to the cheap lands of the northwest, chiefly Dakota; and that new territory will in a year from this time, proba- bly, have, a population large enough to entitle it to admission into the Union as a state. Nebraska is not ob- taining a tenth part of the new set- tlers which she might have secured by a little judicious advertising. Bee. Mr. W. H. H. Lleweiayn has re- ceived a telegram from Senator Saun- ders announcing his confirmation as agent of the Mescalero Apache In- dians. The appointment of Mr. Llewellyn was originally made by Secretary Schurz, as a recognition of his efficient .ervices in breaking up the gang of depredators on the fron- tier. The Apaches are confirmed hair-lifte- rs and the department, after experimenting with meek and humble Christian agents, thinks that the tribe needs an agent who doscn't always trust in the prayer gauge and a vol- ume of Watt' hymns as Indian pacifi- cators. Mr. Llewellyn is thoroughly acquainted wiih the habits of the Nation's wards and knows how to deal with frontiersmen. Bee. When asked to subscribe for their home paper, some people say, "well, there isn't much in it, and I can get more reading matter in an eastern pa- per." Did it ever occur to the reader that it was much more imnortant to know what was going on in his own town or county than in Indiana or New York ? Your town paper gives the very news you ought to know, and that you are most interested in. All your local affairs and the news of your neighborhood are weekly set forth in its columns. In hundreds of ways a paper benefits a town. With- out it the people of the outside world would not know there was such a town. Every family should take their home paper, and every business, man should have an advertisement in its columns. Every public-spirite- d citiren of a place should take a pride in having his own town and surrouud-ing- s improved. Every new house, even- - road, every manufacturing es- tablishment erected, every new busi- ness opened enhances the value of property in our midst, Evcrv reflect- ing mind Jmows this to be true, and it should not beforgotten that a local newspaper is always found advocating these improvements, and adds much to the wealth and prosperity of the place, besides it is a public conven- ience. It increases trade, cautions against imposition, saves vou from loss, warns you of danger, 'point out different advantages, and increases your profits. Show us a man that takes his home paper and wc will show you one that is well posted in wv.li mi.-ur- ami Knows what is goinjr on around him. The local press il the power that moves the people. Therefore sunnort it bv .i.K-nr-r wW ; it liberally, subscribing for it and nav- - j mg for it, Ex. " J 0173 WASHINGTON LZ7TE2. From Our Own Courem-ondent- . Washington May 1G, 1SS1. For six weeks a remarkable drama has been upon the bourds of the .Sen- ate of the United States. At the ontct it promised to be of a legitimate char- acter but as the play progressed it was early discovered that the cast of the characters had been unfortunately and improperly selected ami notwithstaud- - at is of in at in on K 12 bi to on of 6. at 9. is hi to mil entry thereof before Jamr A rul- ing remonstrance rr. of lhr in web,t-- r ronir hu Magnificent, those who expected ?!Jjre in.KcJ Cloud on Saturday. July to assume characters of proprietv, dig-- 1 Enwaao H. For. the north-wes- t o! Illty and grave decorum Suddenly tcctin 34 range 10 and names transformed theiiixdvcs into the fo,lo,win" wiincje prove ous residence and of jid and harlequins and Cliactad scenes nmclyr II. Kecucy. U. Krance and Alison Hurd Ifcwels Nebraska. andMer- - OUirooiier and tlllMlir- - vin L. of Red Cloud Nebraska. passed in the annals of the hitnonie raal2j'unlC W. SWITZKR. Register. Stage. has temporarily Office at Bloomington. Keb.. May a. si. pended in consequence of a notice that the hall was required other purposes. During this extraordinary performance correspondent htus been an occasional visitor, and be- - came an auditor to much of the wrangling transpiring between the management and the opposing cle- ment. The "bourbon" was there, he of the "sunny south" of a "'proud and haughty race," possessing a divine right to govern, still holding inviolate the primal rights the States, and persisting in maintaining the theory of the superiority of the white to the colored race to whatever bight the latter may ascended by the bene- fits and advantages of education and the result of experience in the meth ods of skilled labor. The only change that his views of slavery has under- gone is that he accepts with philosphy the fact of its extinction, the mere cumstances of defeat in the field has altered his notions of it benefi- cence as an institution, the superiority of the peculiar civilization it devel- oped or the justice of the race and distinctions which were ita ural product he scorns to admit that the adverse results of the war had in- fluenced the degree his opin- ions however greatly they had effected existing facts, but knowing as he does that persistence in publicly pro- claiming his old heartfelt opinions is a source of weakness to his party in the face of the reforms that that party :ire projecting (by way experiment) without effecting to deny them pru- dently keeps in the background and humbly submits to the party lash of Democratic brother north. The Stalwart Republican was there and in thunder tones demanded that these theories were contraband war and should be given up, that such ideas are ineonsistant with the theory of a free government and at war with the fundamental principles of a Dem ocracy, that the old fight is not ended these lingering issues arc settled finally, and Bourbonism follows sla- very into the wilderness of the past, that this is accom- plished there can be no lasting peace The weak-knee- d politician was also heard, he would have political battles fought without contention, with kid gloves upon the hands, healing oint- ment protruding from every pocket the lubricating oils of charity and magnanimity applied to the tongue, and the grand old of the Union wrapped about him with appropria- tion in guilded letters among the stars and stripes. The galleries applauded as the fcpecial favorites entered the arena and encored annimation extraordi- nary acts of grand and lofty tumbling. Scenes nnd incidents this character while not unfamiliar to the British Commons nor-eve- n to the other cham ber of our Congress, have never before disturbed the decorum of the most dignified hotly on earth known as the United States Senate Since the breaking of the dead-loc- k the citizens of California have made exceed- ingly glatl by the confirmation of the Chinese treaty, this had become a po- litical question of no mean proportion and the favorable disposition of it will relieve the minds of all classes of American citizens and retire effectu- ally a subject that had assumed a na- - tional importance beeause of its effect upon the political completion of a doubtful State We reeived a visit this week from two sprigs of nobility, the Duke of Sutherland and the Mar- quis of Stafford, accompanied by the Directors of the Northwestern Rail Road of England, the party quar tered the Riggs House, entertained by the British Minister, Cobinet offi- cers and others, driven through our beautiful streets and parks so charm- ing in their spring verdure, shown the grave of our first President who by the sword had wrested peace their old King George III, and introduced brainy hist President at the White House They conducted them- selves properly, kept sober and of the hands of the police, and departed full of encomiums of Washington and its citizens, and as they came over to learn something that will be of ad van- -' tage to them at home wc were glad to have the pleasure of initiating a sys- tem of instruction that will make the distance across the deen blue sea seem Final Proof Notices. Land OSce Bloomiegton Mat. I5. ISfll. Notice hereby giren that the following named fettler ha nutice h t intention to make proof sunr-or- t of bis claim, and secure entry thereof before A. Tut-ley- s, clerk of DWt. court of Wbter eoanty Neb., bis ffflee Red CIouJ. Neb., Sat- urday. July 9lh. KSI. vis. llavay liaise.. H'd appli-atio- n No. 4013 for the S ; sc: town 4 north range 9 west, and names the following as wituctac prove continuous residence and cultivation of tract vir: Richard M. Jones. Cbnrles lUrgrr. John . Riley and Alexander Riley all Ne;unla roraska. maylSjuneM W. SWITZER. Regitter, Land Office Bloomington Neb..My Notice herebv given that the fnllowinr named settler ha Clcl notice of intention i h..1.. 1 r - ... . r 1 " w.kq uuai iiruui id suiiiMirL ui claim, rifi Mia of the i"70. fina' persistent Kttii roi2rt at were ' Neb., lOth . b'd entry No.lS'Ji lor quarter town 3 N. west, rlou-i- h" t upon cultivation tract of JCJrick Hric- - I of - tiantominc Ihnmas S. . - . It been SUS- -j Land for your of have cir not class nat in least his of them his of all of till out dead until flag with of been have English was at from io our out Neb filed teal final Jain said IS1. Notien is hereby riven that the Inllnwinr named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hi claim, and reeure final entry thereof, befor? Clerk of Dis- trict Court of Webster county Neb., at his Office in Red t loud Neb., on Saturday, July lith. l&tfl. vii; WlM-- H. DCLAXKV. H'd entry No. rW7 f..r the E ' i NE I an 1 K MS r-- !-- Sec, 22 town 2 north 12 wtKt. an J names the following a. his witt.essr to prove continuous residence on -- nd cultivHtion of said tract vir: Lewis Mead. bc4l It. Harvey. David Ralston and Charles II. Uar'jar all of lu- - mayl2Junclt S. W. SWIT.ER. Register. Land Office at Uloomintton. Neb. May 5. 1SS1. .louce is nereoy civen mat tne lollOHinjr named ncttler has 6lel notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure Dual entry thereof. prt f to he made be- fore Jan.cs A. Tulleys. Clerk tr the Court of Webster county, at his office, in ltd Cloud. Nebou Friday. July 15th. LV1. vii: IlAVID HUDSON. Il'd entry No.32S7 for the NW "Sec. 6 town 3 r.oith ranxe 9 west, and names the fultowing as bis witnesses to prwvo continuous rcsideoco on and cultivation uf aid tract vis: J i. Robinson. William Wilkinson. Eitbert Taylor and Newton Robinson all of Thomasville Neb. rnayl2juuelt$ h. W. SWITZEU. Reeister. Land Office at IilorminKton Neb. April 21, KSI. Npticois hereby civen that the following named settler has filnd notice of his intention to make final prof in support of his claim and se-c- uie final entry thereof before the cl-- rk of DM. court in Webster county at hi olEco in Red Cloud Neb. on .Saturday May 2 ISsl. x. JOHN" W. UXKTLKV. h d entry No. .IIIG for the south-ea- st quarter of section 22 town 1 north ranee 11 west, and names the following as hi witnejtes to prove continu- ous residence upon ami cultivation of said trict iz; David Anderson John Osborne Fred Hum- mel and Walter C. Wade, all of Red Clnu.l Neb. apr2juu2 fj. W. bWITZEK. Register. LandOffice.it liloomington Neb. April. 21. 18) Notico is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of hi intention to uiako final prooMn support of his claim, and se- cure pual enixy thereof, before tho Register or Receiver at Rloouilngton N'cb.. on Saturday. July 9th 1S31, vi: JoH.f pfOW. Preemption D. S. No.roi'. for tho Lots Nos. T anilR, in sec. f and Loll see. 8 town I N. ranee 12 W and names the lollowinir as his witne;sri to prove his residence and cultivation of mid tract vix: tieoncu DeLonc. Adolph Smith. atbitn Aycnand Allen Ayers. all of River-to- n Neb. apriljunc2. S. W. SWITZER. Renter. Land 0fT.ee at Rloomington Neb. April 21. KSI. Notice i hereby given th.it the following named settler Imi filed notice of his intention to make fin:il ptool in support of his cl.iitn and tc-ou- re fin.ll entry thermit before James a. Tullcys Clerk, ot Court in ebstcr county Ncli. at his oflicc in Red Cloud Neb. on Sa.urJay July 2nd. lobl. vYm.mim H. Stkarv. 11 '.I entry No. 21H.5. for the H E 'i see. 32 town 3 horth ranee 10 west and mmi! the liillowinic ns his witnesses to provn continuuu" residence on and cultivation of slid tract viz; Edward II. Keenry, William Cruuck. Urico II. Krance oi miwics anil Mcrviu i., I horn as of Red Cloud Neb. airil2Sjucc2. S. W- - SWITZER. r.cpistcr. LandOfficoRt Rloomincton Neb. April. 2.1. KSI. JVotice is hereby civen that the iollowinx namcil settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in supportof his claim, and secure final entry thereof, before Clerk of the District Court of Webster county at bis office in Red Cloud. Neb., on Saturday July 2, 1SS1, vix: Jam as S. Tuaxxa. U'd entry No.229. fot the NW V, section 2 town north ranse 11 wot. and names the fol-- 1 winK as his witnesses to prove continuum residence on and cultivation of said tract viz: Alonio Tobin. Hawley Humphry. Kichnr.l Lewis nnd Lawrence Tobin all ot Blue Hill Nebraska. apri!2Sjune2 S. W. SWITZER. Reciser. Land Office at Rloominitton Nob. April 23. 1SV). Notice is hereby civen that the following named settler has filed notice of hi" intentiou to make final proof in euport of his claim and se- cure final cntrv thereof helorc the rlerk of the District Court in Wcbsicr countv Neb., at hi office ftt Red Cloud on Tuesday J uly 5tn. lfcSI, vie Aur.rsT Hubtr. 11 d entry No.rDJ for the S V ; section VZ town U north, ranc a west, and names the following as his witnesses, to prove continuous residence on and cultivation of sail trict viz: Hcneaict Leorteuear. John Lcortenear, Johu S:ibin and Anariah 31agccr. all of Unide Rock Neb. aprliSSjunei 5.W. SWITZKR. Register. Land Office at DIoomington Neb. April 'S. 1850. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his iniention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and se- cure final entry thereof before James A.Tul-ley- s clerk of court in Webster county, at bis oricc in KeU Clouu .cb., on TuesUuy July oth 1881. viz: Joseph W. Acbce, H'd entry No. 4HJ for the N E ! sec. SI town i north range 11 west and names the fol- lowing as his witnesses to prove continuous residence on and cultivation of said tract viz: Louis N. Dawsun. Jacob C. AnltUnJ. John Rollinson and Ch-trl- c ltollinson all of Wells Neb. njay6june9 S. W. SWITZER. Register. Lind Office at'Bloomtatton Neb. Jay 3d. 1SS1. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his clim. and secure final entry thereof before James A. Tul-ley- s. clerk of court In Webster county, at is of- fice in Kerf Cloud. Neb on Saturday July 9;h, lvsl. vix; Louts Schum. h'd entry No. 2705 for the outh-e- it quarter of section SI town 4 north range 9 west, aad navies the following a." his witnees to prove continu- ous residence upon and cultivation of said truct, vii: La old Wike John Hemlberjr Owin Lalley and Mattis Benker. all of Thutaasville, Nebraska. mijuii9 S. W. SWITZER. Register. LEGAL NOTICE. Willi im Strain will take notice thit on the 27th day of April. A. D. 11. 4bram Kale a Justin of the Peace in and for Webster county Aebraska. issued an order of attachment for the sum of twenty four dollars and 35 cccu man action pending before him wherein t il- ium H. Roby is plaintiff and William Strain if defendant. raid cause wis continued to the 14ta day of June. A, D. 11 at 10 o'clock a.m. William B. Robv. 39to by Cask A McNbxt. his Att'ys. Notice i hereby (tiv-n.ta- I will exarcint ali persons who nay deir- - in offer themselves as candidates lor teachcis of the primary or common schools of W ctwter county, at Red Clokd on the first Saturday in the a cths of Jiay August and November! At I'.'.ue iiill on the Cm Saturday in tne months of -- auiry. April. July and October. At, Qaide Hurc on the fiim Saturday in the ruoctoi of Marrh. June. September and December. Jxa!uinatiuC3 to c9U.aerce at SoVIock x.m. A. A. P.ipa. Coma y Supcrictecdcat ot I'ubiic Instraetioa MONEY TO LOAN! 3Ioncy to prove up with on final re-cci- nt. of on dcctiexl land at S ncr cent.. and per cent, commission, or at nearer to the two English sneakin" i itr!snt P cent, no commission. J.VO. K WlLLCOX natI0ns- - Phaks. Office next door to Chief office ZOii I83 1881. SPANOGLE&FUNK, 1IEADQCARTF.RX FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Two Doors South of Bank, RED CLOUD, - OSrEBRSIvA.. Go To W. B. ROBY'S FO K- - Staple FancyGroceries, TOE ATO & 1 AMS IX TOWN. ALSO Choice Nuts, Fruits. & Confections. -- Freh Fruits and Yegctabls Sold on Couinii-Mi- i. i:i:d cloud, Ni:n. Hastings How Can I save Money by buy ims my Fall and Winter Goods of MARSH ! WUY9 1 1)lly a11 mv nil Goods at what they arc worth in Cash. I sell them at a small profit. I make no book account. I have but one price. Clear cash buyers get the .L.f I nnip and Iv.xaiiiinc (ooi and get IJV.I1III1. . rnci" Tp Town .Store" al LiddyV uld Mund, Yours Kcfpcctfully, A, S. MARSH. FOULKS & STINE, MAXiTArrriiERS or the THE ONLY jSTetoraska. ACME STEEL Barb Fence Wire, Wire that will make Visible Fence Pig Tight. Bull Strong Horse High. Factory three Blocks north of Post Office. j&rMEs i-- j aitcrec aetfisc to AM t Coacnaa, is tk rMr um. br CZXSt A u S3- a kltoOaMftaIjWtriu((grMt,ttViikiclct. F. H, CORE, Jeweler Red Cloud. m UAl TRAOC MAS): '.ft l rr ff KW sjSsm ssssssW -- 7 ' ilSSl lAlMB.r. ' t4r m lew f . ' Uis Mil l!k hack. dtm Mj(.iJniils(Sr I aanllv or CwmiaMM ' .11 huiMvlitiUrai ktrs nintin. c K z SVktTsMMMAM frv 3ter ssssBssPsP JL alt JKl. ?ti ssth Wl. rv, altrVMl. vUxt. fY.tisJv. X. isil-- l lat tt.r.1 larlMUS tat4 -- .f4. rck ffv- - mtlt SVftt t) tll M-i- !" 4xriK2 Tfc.oM.r MtOtCtNi: 10 ti .!ti iNt iur.t N v. SAM'L GARBER, DtULTU Dry Goods mnd Groceries ItOOTH ami ft HO Eft Hats- - Caps db Rtivly Mndc Clutkimg'. We have tht Urptt Stock in the Va!ly intf will not be undersold. (iiw nil, out) ud Sam'l Carber. itii cioud arc. CO 1 -- 9 o e a n l.t A .sssssssssssssssssssfc r f a-- t ( V JliMSM l- - si, n Is VA - , r la tt aX J ". fc II v ll V fl -- f I uy a )l. a z. c . . CJ 4 a s --J m a c Z n a 72. O " V3 M t A ti ! I ROBINSON Wagon Company, MALAcn.i:):uj FarmdUllpnilC Spring fYAuUllO Buggies I Phaetons. )o( Wc do not Agents U n OCtt Standard Trade Vehicles,. THt TKWC WutW tltut hn an cn1hlaI rTml-tio- n. and it can ! hnmllrd $U ifacttot.. mih to buyer and teller. Scud for d'"iJi and prirtii to UOBIXSON WAGON CO. IC'Jv Cinriiinatt Ohio. (A 5 iD1 S. 3 Mwi?X&i-Jt- CRETf sm yiuoc4rr1 lilss. 5 3 Want UsW TM KJIT APrKTIZEE TOMIC, COIMeilE WB C0U6IW, rOXTIITI05, RR05CHITW, All Dl oi a OI'KCR with or THEOif.CHBT 1IDIML TbnAijiAnf " 1iVV aly 5 & tiSMt Isscrtast VtSSMt leal ft flfsf-t- t tk mtfsrrmtm of tt ikn Ma r ts; r siftseia. MMl i U o o or TO lit ra ksa sd ssb Lawasew ysmsrTOLC, KCK K x KTX. Ma pitsT&n ffra JWalTf MtetaiaiK. Mt) a4 Msslc. U fx-I- U A MS test after tk om &m Wva rrUv4. RAVTf, Comt bTj. si .'. . - .r aai.tVfl.iy: "TvlX.lSXHK.itAiirZitm arre!I sr fa Jtrril casUJc! sa4 it eW4 w Xlcil presraA30 4vTiC. f. ZrU-- 4 StMi. a4 yckn sm ttmmti. saer haoHbj DRCOCaiTS. CBOCOb.aW mm fctm, wl'AMl syvcial Uz. r Ueew. Wfll I If! I b9 try to palss Mark e4 JrJUvan A iUtmx TOLU. BOCX s4 rrSTE nVSc tk beJy XXBtCATZ . tfcl a W-X- hm jmala kas iHz mm m . Pryrjterj Uap eseackkauU. IT. z? b (hart "fe 2ttiM. ?ri tUOk. DtALVn gvwyvv '. I ?p- - rj? thjoe . t!". -- i.

THE The Red Cloud Chi

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US CLOUS, XXBUSXA. toI-W- i, fata?.:."V --BY-r EXKCVTKD TO OHttt. IK T1IK

M. I,. THOMAS. .Neatest asd Promptest Kakkei"Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty" and $ 50 a year is the price of the Red Cloud Chief. ASH AT

moxrjxzji atA.Taea7E21IS:-- . $1.60 a yetr if paid in AdT&net. VOL. VIII. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER CO. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 10.JSS1. NO. II. (r.iUAf'm CrtttMa Kbvrw



B.&IYI.R.R.This Road together with the C. B. Jr. Q. which

i. called


' Burlington Route !

Form the xnofet complete line between Nebraskapoints mid :ill oint Kastof Missouri Kirer.

1'assenitrrs taking this line crss the' Mo River at TialUtnouth

over the

Plattsmouth Steel Bridge,Which has lately been completed.

Through Pn3ConclieAND

rwflinaii MeepingCarsARE HUN TOj

BitrIiiig1oii,PcGria,Chicagoand St. LOui,

Where clou connect ion? arc made in union dcpffor bJI j'Oinlr Aorth Last find South. 1 nun by

this route start in Nebraska are there-fore Irws from the various accidents

which to frequently trainsthrough '.torn the nioun-taid- s.

and immk iiKers lire thusj'Uic of making Koid

when theytake the B. A-- M.

w loute east.

Through TicketsI.OWICST KATES

in force in the Stnte. n well as full and reliableilifoinuition required, can ho had upon applica-tion to 1(. A M. It. It. AKentK at any of theI'riiiciiml Minion;-- , or to

PZBCEVAL L0W2LL,,. 15tf General Ticket Agent.




hJ.J 'Z'Siii( I5' T : J-- '

eitJ5tS:s usrm"&&'8&

This pill is a standard Liv1 1 Q C cr Regulator, anUOt infallible

for Malarial Fevers,laundtce,

G R E Esion. Sick Headache, ConclmM.ni. ll,i;nrnnr.et,is'avawa

Uyspepsia, &c. J. hat thisI'ill has leen used in pri- -

rj. W... ....... . W



rente-l- y


tli is the nreatcst recomraen.dation that Ql I I Qcan begiven I sb

t. Iryonchox. Orly25c. :. Isn.v Itrsckett

Sole I'roprictorKinsaCity, Mo.

Drop into the reliable and well-kno-

drng.-tan-d if K. 1J. Sheror RedVlond and ask thi'tn what the reptita-"raio- n

of this pill has been since lS.'ifi,:iltT hearing ot their merits liny nbox and trv them.

PssssssWTriTiTnTitefvkjM9 aA'A A m ikl

It in the rmnlt of 20 yrnrs experience andcxieriineutj in Sowing JlacnlncB. It combine thtano-- l HnU vf all jiretrnt anil former millet, and la

ot a " one man " or " on e Idea " mncUlne. aa othrraare. ItnvoldstltcdrrerlM oralhcrs,andpoa-neesc- a

nru and raluabl fraturcK and (xmvenlcnce.It la Itrgr. nofrte. hnmlomf, com.

venirnt, durable, and timple. AVnrrnntrd HBkentInrrnnIrfreefor5yenrsi. JtrcularawtthiiHIdcKcrlpuonFcutfrwfjjrMiiHi't. Ithnrarclythelicet Atrial will l'rovufC Don't fall to mrn Itlieforo von buy. SlANOFACTrnKi nv FIAJRENCKM CIftNn OO..Floronc',Ma.: vtiiolesalxd bttiEO. 1. 11ENT. bl and to Jackson St, Cnicago, IIL



larenlr nfml Mica or Tuina-laa- . ia

tho BEST and, CHEAPESTlubricator in tho world, it is the beat

hccanRo it not scum, but forms aover the. axie.re-ltenl-ns

the draft.whlatily polished surfaceduolns friction andIt is tbo


cheapest becauso it coats no morathan inferior brands, and one box wM dothe work of two of nny other Aile Creasemade. ItaimwreusJlra.i'wvllInrUarveKtera,Mill Ocarinir.Tnresnsm; aiacmneii.uorn-1'ianier- s.

Carriaurw. Bninnc( etCL. eUx. as for Wagons. It laGUARANTEED to contain rsoPejtfOteum.For tale ly auim-t-da- . Ucalcni. tr Onr VotkttCctcvtdia of Thing' Worth Knowing mailed free.

MICA MANUFACTURING CO.31 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Illinois.

Robiion Wagon Co.

Manufacturers of





Bug-gie- s Sc Pliaetons.Bend for designs and prices to







A NEW BOOKon the Horse.

TIi Ki4tor" tnieurp. urandtTeatnicnt. AUo giving a few of the mott

Important and Effective Remediesfor the cure of the disease cf ihc horte.

f' Valuable to every owner and lover cf thehorse- -

Published by the 2CmTS31T rAQSJT Ci, Raeti-tit- L

0., and sent, postage paid, to any address, oaJce5pt of THREE STAMK.

A. yenh P. Ktfkm.11. Parlcr. 1 Urd Itocssa,C Diciac Ccca U. 1UU. '

' Three sheets, 1?jc2I. heavy pbte paper, cantcin--og elevation, plans and f!ctailf ir tbeabovc house;

4 also book of SO paje. pivmRspeciftcilions. iteciutd

9 sjatimate and form of contract invaluable to everycarpenter cr party proposing building, as a guide ia

" snakier; bids or drawing contracts.Price $2.00. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of" H. E. WALTON.

350 W. Ninth St.. Cincinnati. O.


J. K. Smith.Pre 't 1st Nat. BankBeatrice Neb.

S. C. SMITH.Cash'rlstNat.lIsnk

Beatrice Neb.



Trnnract a general banking busine. bay andcell county warrants, also County. Precinct andSchool DUtrict Bond.

Negotiate farm mortgage, boy and sell For-eign Kxchange.

4srhptcial attention given to collections.RgptREgcur 1st Nat. Bank New York. Oma-ha NaU Bank, Omaha.


0. C. Cam. Jab. McNzit.& McNeny,


Will practice in all the Courts of this Htate andNorthern Kansas. Collections as well as litiga-ted business carefully and efficiently attended to.

OmcK- - On Webster Street, one door northof Oarbcr's Store,



Office one door north of Kalry Brot.




t3-Prom- pt Attention Given to Collections.Ornc- r- with C. II. POTTER, at Retl CloudDrug Store.


Office over Farley's Drug Store.EED CLOTJD,

Laird & Smith,a ttornet.s and counselors at law.- Nebraska.

Will prnctiee in all the Courts of the State.Prompt attention given to all business entrusted

to bis care. julyl-- 7

II. S. Kat.tv.C. W. Kalkv.Red Cloud. Neb.


J. L. Kalkt.Nebraska.


Will practice jn all the Courts in Nebraskannd northern Kansas: collection promptly at-tended to and solicited.

ESS CLOUD. Keferasfe.Also. Agent? for B. i M. R. B. Lands.

ELBERT A, HA Lis Iff. D.Physician & Surgeon.


Assistan! Purceon B. f-- M. R. It. It. C Officeover Juhneon & Crep. dry goods store. Resi-dence over Perkins A Mitchell's store. 19t3m


Physician and Surgeon,RKI) CLOUD. NEB.

Will pay special attention to Obstetrics anddiseases of women AUo general and specialsursery. Diseases of the Eye and Ear. Chargesmoderate. Office over Kherer'a Drus; Htore.

Residence 4th house north of school house.i'i-l- -y







Dr. H. A. Baird,




ilicheit market price Paid for hogs and cattle.


diCugstoeeIAa4 Dealer Is




OILS 8 VARNISHESAll toodt ia ay Line kept eocstaatly on

hand: and to which X iaviU the atteatios olthe publie.


Samuel West,DEALER IS

obacco. Cigars.CONFECTIONERY.





Ice Cream Parlor.Where you can alwavs

?ct a nice dih of Ice Cre:im duringthe Scjtson.

share of the public- - patronage isrespectfully solicited. First door

south of Mitchell & Morhart's:Rf.d NfURASKArCloud, - -



THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1881.

I. P. Olive, the man-burn- er of PlumCreek has returned from hw visit ? toTexas.

President Garfield han decreedthat no more intoxicating liquors shallbe sold at military post..

The fact that intemperance is visi-

bly decreasing in Canada Li attributedto the further fact that the populationis also visibly decreasing.

The Editors of the North Platto pro-pose to organize a North Platte Edi-tori- ai

Association. They never atten-ded the State Editorial Association toany ularming extent.

The Omaha Bee, which for editorialability and general cussedness sur-pns- cs

our other daily exchanges, liasdonned a new dress and presents amuch better appearance.

Missouri has prohibited gamblingand Kansas has abolished liquor. TheMissouri gamblers are all moving toKansas and the Kansas liquor menare moving to Missouri. Which statewill gain by the exchange is a problemthat we turn over to the pungent par-agraphed Journal.

Dcrinc; the month of npril upwardsoi yt),00U people, mostly emigrantsfrom countries beyond the Atlanticocean, passed though Chicago to findhomes in the great wast. This is anincrease of about forty per cent overthe registry of foreigners arriving onour shores in the correspondingmonth of 880. No Provision havingbeen made by our last legislature forthe purpose of encouraging immigra-tion, but few of the April arrivalsfound theJr way to Nebraska, as the

s and numerous advantages ofour state were not properly explainedby well-inform- ed representatives.

The insanity of the last legislaturein reftLsing to make some provisionfor attracting emigration is daily be-

coming more apparent. The greatbody of the present enormous immi-gration to the United Statesthegreatest ever witnessed is tending tothe cheap lands of the northwest,chiefly Dakota; and that new territorywill in a year from this time, proba-bly, have, a population large enoughto entitle it to admission into theUnion as a state. Nebraska is not ob-

taining a tenth part of the new set-

tlers which she might have secured bya little judicious advertising. Bee.

Mr. W. H. H. Lleweiayn has re-

ceived a telegram from Senator Saun-ders announcing his confirmation asagent of the Mescalero Apache In-

dians. The appointment of Mr.Llewellyn was originally made bySecretary Schurz, as a recognition ofhis efficient .ervices in breaking upthe gang of depredators on the fron-

tier. The Apaches are confirmedhair-lifte- rs and the department, afterexperimenting with meek and humbleChristian agents, thinks that the tribeneeds an agent who doscn't alwaystrust in the prayer gauge and a vol-

ume of Watt' hymns as Indian pacifi-cators. Mr. Llewellyn is thoroughlyacquainted wiih the habits of theNation's wards and knows how to dealwith frontiersmen. Bee.

When asked to subscribe for theirhome paper, some people say, "well,there isn't much in it, and I can getmore reading matter in an eastern pa-per." Did it ever occur to the readerthat it was much more imnortant toknow what was going on in his owntown or county than in Indiana orNew York ? Your town paper givesthe very news you ought to know, andthat you are most interested in. Allyour local affairs and the news ofyour neighborhood are weekly setforth in its columns. In hundreds ofways a paper benefits a town. With-out it the people of the outside worldwould not know there was such atown. Every family should taketheir home paper, and every business,man should have an advertisement inits columns. Every public-spirite- d

citiren of a place should take a pridein having his own town and surrouud-ing- s

improved. Every new house,even-- road, every manufacturing es-tablishment erected, every new busi-ness opened enhances the value ofproperty in our midst, Evcrv reflect-ing mind Jmows this to be true, andit should not beforgotten that a localnewspaper is always found advocatingthese improvements, and adds muchto the wealth and prosperity of theplace, besides it is a public conven-ience. It increases trade, cautionsagainst imposition, saves vou fromloss, warns you of danger, 'point outdifferent advantages, and increasesyour profits. Show us a man thattakes his home paper and wc willshow you one that is well posted inwv.li mi.-ur- ami Knows what is goinjr

on around him. The local press ilthe power that moves the people.Therefore sunnort it bv .i.K-nr-r wW ;it liberally, subscribing for it and nav- - jmg for it, Ex. " J


From Our Own Courem-ondent- .

Washington May 1G, 1SS1.

For six weeks a remarkable dramahas been upon the bourds of the .Sen-

ate of the United States. At the ontctit promised to be of a legitimate char-acter but as the play progressed it wasearly discovered that the cast of thecharacters had been unfortunately andimproperly selected ami notwithstaud- -



at in on


bi toon



at 9.is

hi tomil

entry thereof before Jamr A rul-ing remonstrance rr. of lhr in web,t-- r ronir huMagnificent, those who expected ?!Jjre in.KcJ Cloud on Saturday. July

to assume characters of proprietv, dig-- 1 Enwaao H. For.the north-wes- t o!Illty and grave decorum Suddenly tcctin 34 range 10 and names

transformed theiiixdvcs into the fo,lo,win" wiincje proveous residence and of jid

and harlequins and Cliactad scenes nmclyr II. Kecucy. U. Kranceand Alison Hurd Ifcwels Nebraska. andMer- -

OUirooiier and tlllMlir- - vin L. of Red Cloud Nebraska.passed in the annals of the hitnonie raal2j'unlC W. SWITZKR. Register.

Stage. has temporarily Office at Bloomington. Keb.. May a. si.pended in consequence of a noticethat the hall was required otherpurposes. During this extraordinaryperformance correspondent htus

been an occasional visitor, and be--came an auditor to much of thewrangling transpiring between themanagement and the opposing cle-

ment. The "bourbon" was there, heof the "sunny south" of a "'proud andhaughty race," possessing a divineright to govern, still holding inviolatethe primal rights the States, andpersisting in maintaining the theory ofthe superiority of the white to thecolored race to whatever bight thelatter may ascended by the bene-fits and advantages of education andthe result of experience in the methods of skilled labor. The only changethat his views of slavery has under-gone is that he accepts with philosphythe fact of its extinction, the merecumstances of defeat in the field has

altered his notions of it benefi-cence as an institution, the superiorityof the peculiar civilization it devel-oped or the justice of the race and

distinctions which were itaural product he scorns to admit thatthe adverse results of the war had in-

fluenced the degree his opin-ions however greatly they had effectedexisting facts, but knowing as he doesthat persistence in publicly pro-claiming his old heartfelt opinions is asource of weakness to his party in theface of the reforms that that party :ireprojecting (by way experiment)without effecting to deny them pru-dently keeps in the backgroundand humbly submits to the party lashof Democratic brother north.The Stalwart Republican was thereand in thunder tones demanded that

these theories were contrabandwar and should be given up, that suchideas are ineonsistant with the theoryof a free government and at war withthe fundamental principles of a Democracy, that the old fight is not ended

these lingering issues arc settledfinally, and Bourbonism follows sla-very into the wilderness of the

past, that this is accom-plished there can be no lastingpeace

The weak-knee- d politician was alsoheard, he would have political battlesfought without contention, with kidgloves upon the hands, healing oint-ment protruding from every pocketthe lubricating oils of charity andmagnanimity applied to the tongue,and the grand old of the Unionwrapped about him with appropria-tion in guilded letters among the starsand stripes.

The galleries applauded as thefcpecial favorites entered the arena andencored annimation extraordi-nary acts of grand and lofty tumbling.Scenes nnd incidents this characterwhile not unfamiliar to the BritishCommons nor-eve- n to the other chamber of our Congress, have never beforedisturbed the decorum of the mostdignified hotly on earth known as theUnited States Senate Since thebreaking of the dead-loc- k the citizensof California have made exceed-ingly glatl by the confirmation of theChinese treaty, this had become a po-litical question of no mean proportionand the favorable disposition of it willrelieve the minds of all classes ofAmerican citizens and retire effectu-ally a subject that had assumed a na- -tional importance beeause of its effectupon the political completion of adoubtful State

We reeived a visit this weekfrom two sprigs of nobility,the Duke of Sutherland and the Mar-quis of Stafford, accompanied by theDirectors of the Northwestern RailRoad of England, the party quartered the Riggs House, entertainedby the British Minister, Cobinet offi-

cers and others, driven through ourbeautiful streets and parks so charm-ing in their spring verdure, shown thegrave of our first President who by thesword had wrested peace theirold King George III, and introduced

brainy hist President at theWhite House They conducted them-selves properly, kept sober and ofthe hands of the police, and departedfull of encomiums of Washington andits citizens, and as they came over tolearn something that will be of ad van- -'

tage to them at home wc were glad tohave the pleasure of initiating a sys-tem of instruction that will make thedistance across the deen blue sea seem

Final Proof Notices.Land OSce Bloomiegton Mat. I5. ISfll.

Notice hereby giren that the followingnamed fettler ha nutice h t intention tomake proof sunr-or- t of bis claim, andsecure entry thereof before A. Tut-ley- s,

clerk of DWt. court of Wbter eoantyNeb., bis ffflee Red CIouJ. Neb., Sat-urday. July 9lh. KSI. vis.

llavay liaise..H'd appli-atio- n No. 4013 for the S ; sc:town 4 north range 9 west, and names the

following as wituctac prove continuousresidence and cultivation of tract vir:Richard M. Jones. Cbnrles lUrgrr. John .Riley and Alexander Riley all Ne;unla

roraska.maylSjuneM W. SWITZER. Regitter,

Land Office Bloomington Neb..MyNotice herebv given that the fnllowinr

named settler ha Clcl notice of intention ih..1.. 1 r - ... . r 1 "w.kq uuai iiruui id suiiiMirL ui claim, rifiMia of the i"70. fina'persistent Kttii roi2rt at

were ' Neb., lOth

. b'd entry No.lS'Ji lor quartertown 3 N. west,

rlou-i- h" tupon cultivation tract

of JCJrick Hric- -I of-

tiantominc IhnmasS.

. - .

It been SUS- -j Land







class nat

in least




his of

all of


outdead until








io our



filedtealfinal Jain



Notien is hereby riven that the Inllnwinrnamed settler has filed notice of his intention tomake final proof in support of hi claim, andreeure final entry thereof, befor? Clerk of Dis-trict Court of Webster county Neb., at his Officein Red t loud Neb., on Saturday, July lith.l&tfl. vii;

WlM-- H. DCLAXKV.H'd entry No. rW7 f..r the E ' i N E I an 1 K

M S r-- !-- Sec, 22 town 2 north 12 wtKt. an Jnames the following a. his witt.essr to provecontinuous residence on -- nd cultivHtion of saidtract vir: Lewis Mead. bc4l It. Harvey. DavidRalston and Charles II. Uar'jar all of lu- -

mayl2Junclt S. W. SWIT.ER. Register.

Land Office at Uloomintton. Neb. May 5. 1SS1..louce is nereoy civen mat tne lollOHinjr

named ncttler has 6lel notice of his intention tomake final proof in support of his claim, andsecure Dual entry thereof. prt f to he made be-fore Jan.cs A. Tulleys. Clerk tr the Court ofWebster county, at his office, in ltd Cloud.Nebou Friday. July 15th. LV1. vii:

IlAVID HUDSON.Il'd entry No.32S7 for the N W "Sec. 6 town3 r.oith ranxe 9 west, and names the fultowingas bis witnesses to prwvo continuous rcsideocoon and cultivation uf aid tract vis: J i.Robinson. William Wilkinson. Eitbert Taylorand Newton Robinson all of Thomasville Neb.rnayl2juuelt$ h. W. SWITZEU. Reeister.

Land Office at IilorminKton Neb. April 21, KSI.Npticois hereby civen that the following

named settler has filnd notice of his intention tomake final prof in support of his claim and se-c-uie

final entry thereof before the cl-- rk ofDM. court in Webster county at hi olEco inRed Cloud Neb. on .Saturday May 2 ISsl. x.

JOHN" W. UXKTLKV.h d entry No. .IIIG for the south-ea- st quarter ofsection 22 town 1 north ranee 11 west, and namesthe following as hi witnejtes to prove continu-ous residence upon ami cultivation of said trictiz; David Anderson John Osborne Fred Hum-mel and Walter C. Wade, all of Red Clnu.l Neb.apr2juu2 fj. W. bWITZEK. Register.

LandOffice.it liloomington Neb. April. 21. 18)Notico is hereby given that the following

named settler has filed notice of hi intention touiako final prooMn support of his claim, and se-cure pual enixy thereof, before tho Register orReceiver at Rloouilngton N'cb.. on Saturday.July 9th 1S31, vi:

JoH.f pfOW.Preemption D. S. No.roi'. for tho Lots Nos. T

anilR, in sec. f and Loll see. 8 town I N. ranee12 W and names the lollowinir as his witne;srito prove his residence and cultivation of midtract vix: tieoncu DeLonc. Adolph Smith.

atbitn Aycnand Allen Ayers. all of River-to- nNeb.

apriljunc2. S. W. SWITZER. Renter.Land 0fT.ee at Rloomington Neb. April 21. KSI.

Notice i hereby given th.it the followingnamed settler Imi filed notice of his intention tomake fin:il ptool in support of his cl.iitn and tc-ou- re

fin.ll entry thermit before James a. TullcysClerk, ot Court in ebstcr county Ncli. at hisoflicc in Red Cloud Neb. on Sa.urJay July 2nd.lobl.

vYm.mim H. Stkarv.1 1 '.I entry No. 21H.5. for the H E 'i see. 32 town

3 horth ranee 10 west and mmi! the liillowinicns his witnesses to provn continuuu" residenceon and cultivation of slid tract viz; EdwardII. Keenry, William Cruuck. Urico II. Kranceoi miwics anil Mcrviu i., I horn as of RedCloud Neb.airil2Sjucc2. S. W- - SWITZER. r.cpistcr.

LandOfficoRt Rloomincton Neb. April. 2.1. KSI.JVotice is hereby civen that the iollowinx

namcil settler has filed notice of his intentionto make final proof in supportof his claim, andsecure final entry thereof, before Clerk of theDistrict Court of Webster county at bis office inRed Cloud. Neb., on Saturday July 2, 1SS1,vix:

Jam as S. Tuaxxa.U'd entry No.229. fot the N W V, section 2

town north ranse 11 wot. and names the fol-- 1

winK as his witnesses to prove continuumresidence on and cultivation of said tract viz:Alonio Tobin. Hawley Humphry. Kichnr.lLewis nnd Lawrence Tobin all ot Blue HillNebraska.apri!2Sjune2 S. W. SWITZER. Reciser.

Land Office at Rloominitton Nob. April 23. 1SV).

Notice is hereby civen that the followingnamed settler has filed notice of hi" intentiou tomake final proof in euport of his claim and se-cure final cntrv thereof helorc the rlerk of theDistrict Court in Wcbsicr countv Neb., at hioffice ftt Red Cloud on Tuesday J uly 5tn.lfcSI, vie

Aur.rsT Hubtr.11 d entry No.rDJ for the S V ; section VZ

town U north, ranc a west, and names thefollowing as his witnesses, to prove continuousresidence on and cultivation of sail trict viz:Hcneaict Leorteuear. John Lcortenear, JohuS:ibin and Anariah 31agccr. all of UnideRock Neb.aprliSSjunei 5.W. SWITZKR. Register.

Land Office at DIoomington Neb. April 'S. 1850.Notice is hereby given that the following

named settler has filed notice of his iniention tomake final proof in support of bis claim, and se-cure final entry thereof before James A.Tul-ley- s

clerk of court in Webster county, at bisoricc in KeU Clouu .cb., on TuesUuy Julyoth 1881. viz:

Joseph W. Acbce,H'd entry No. 4HJ for the N E ! sec. SI

town i north range 11 west and names the fol-lowing as his witnesses to prove continuousresidence on and cultivation of said tract viz:Louis N. Dawsun. Jacob C. AnltUnJ. JohnRollinson and Ch-trl- c ltollinson all of WellsNeb.njay6june9 S. W. SWITZER. Register.

Lind Office at'Bloomtatton Neb. Jay 3d. 1SS1.

Notice is hereby given that the followingnamed settler has filed notice of his intention tomake final proof in support of his clim. andsecure final entry thereof before James A. Tul-ley- s.

clerk of court In Webster county, at is of-fice in Kerf Cloud. Neb on Saturday July 9;h,lvsl. vix;

Louts Schum.h'd entry No. 2705 for the outh-e- it quarter ofsection SI town 4 north range 9 west, aad naviesthe following a." his witnees to prove continu-ous residence upon and cultivation of said truct,vii: La old Wike John Hemlberjr OwinLalley and Mattis Benker. all of Thutaasville,Nebraska.mijuii9 S. W. SWITZER. Register.

LEGAL NOTICE.Willi im Strain will take notice thit on the

27th day of April. A. D. 11. 4bram Kale aJustin of the Peace in and for Webster countyAebraska. issued an order of attachment forthe sum of twenty four dollars and 35 cccuman action pending before him wherein t il-

ium H. Roby is plaintiff and William Strain ifdefendant. raid cause wis continued to the14ta day of June. A, D. 11 at 10 o'clock a.m.

William B. Robv.39to by Cask A McNbxt. his Att'ys.

Notice i hereby (tiv-n.ta- I will exarcintali persons who nay deir- - in offer themselvesas candidates lor teachcis of the primary orcommon schools of W ctwter county, at RedClokd on the first Saturday in the a cths of

Jiay August and November! AtI'.'.ue iiill on the Cm Saturday in tne months of

-- auiry. April. July and October. At, QaideHurc on the fiim Saturday in the ruoctoi ofMarrh. June. September and December.

Jxa!uinatiuC3 to c9U.aerce at SoVIock x.m.A. A. P.ipa.

Coma y Supcrictecdcat ot I'ubiic Instraetioa

MONEY TO LOAN!3Ioncy to prove up with on final re-cci- nt.

of on dcctiexl land at S ncr cent..and per cent, commission, or at

nearer to the two English sneakin" i itr!snt P cent, no commission.J.VO. K WlLLCOX

natI0ns- - Phaks. Office next door to Chief office ZOii

I83 1881.




Go To W. B. ROBY'SFO K- -

Staple FancyGroceries,TOEATO & 1 AMS


Choice Nuts, Fruits. & Confections.--Freh Fruits and Yegctabls Sold on Couinii-Mi- i.

i:i:d cloud, Ni:n.


How Can I save Moneyby buy ims my

Fall and Winter Goods ofMARSH !

WUY9 1 1)lly a11 mv

nil Goods at whatthey arc worth in Cash.

I sell them at a small profit.I make no book account.I have but one price.Clear cash buyers get the

.L.f I nnip and Iv.xaiiiinc (ooi and getIJV.I1III1. .

rnci"Tp Town .Store"

al LiddyV uld Mund,Yours Kcfpcctfully,



MAXiTArrriiERS or the



ACME STEEL Barb Fence Wire,

Wire that will make Visible Fence

Pig Tight. Bull Strong Horse High.

Factory three Blocks north of Post Office.

j&rMEs i-- j

aitcrec aetfisc to AMtCoacnaa, is tk rMr um. br CZXSt A u



kltoOaMftaIjWtriu((grMt,ttViikiclct.F. H, CORE, Jeweler Red Cloud.


'.ft l rrff KW

sjSsm ssssssW -- 7

' ilSSl lAlMB.r.' t4r m lew f .' Uis Mil l!k hack. dtmMj(.iJniils(SrI aanllv or CwmiaMM' .11 huiMvlitiUrai

ktrs nintin.





frv3ter ssssBssPsP

JLalt JKl.

?ti ssth Wl.rv, altrVMl.vUxt. fY.tisJv. X.

isil-- l lattt.r.1 larlMUS tat4

--.f4. rck ffv- - mtltSVftt t) tll M-i- !"4xriK2 Tfc.oM.r MtOtCtNi: 10ti .!ti iNt iur.t N v.



Dry Goods mnd

GroceriesItOOTH ami ft HOEft

Hats- - Caps db

Rtivly Mndc Clutkimg'.

We have tht Urptt

Stock in the Va!ly intf will

not be undersold.(iiw nil, out) ud

Sam'l Carber.itii cioud arc.






A .sssssssssssssssssssfc

r f




JliMSM l- - si,


VA -, r la tt aX J ". fc II

v ll V

fl --fI

uy a )l.





s--J ma

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n a72. O"V3






ROBINSONWagon Company,


FarmdUllpnilCSpring fYAuUllOBuggies I Phaetons.


Wc do not AgentsU n OCtt

Standard Trade Vehicles,.THt TKWC

WutW tltut hn an cn1hlaI rTml-tio- n.

and it can ! hnmllrd $Uifacttot.. mih to buyer and teller.

Scud for d'"iJi and prirtii toUOBIXSON WAGON CO.

IC'Jv Cinriiinatt Ohio.

(A 5

iD1S. 3



sm yiuoc4rr1











All Dl






1IDIMLTbnAijiAnf" 1iVV aly5 & tiSMtIsscrtast VtSSMt

leal ft flfsf-t- ttk mtfsrrmtmof tt ikn Ma

r ts; r siftseia.MMl i








sd ssb LawasewysmsrTOLC,


pitsT&n ffraJWalTf MtetaiaiK.Mt) a4 Msslc.

U fx-I- U A MStest after tk om &m Wva rrUv4.

RAVTf, ComtbTj. si .'. . - .raai.tVfl.iy: "TvlX.lSXHK.itAiirZitmarre!I sr fa Jtrril casUJc! sa4 iteW4 w Xlcil presraA30 4vTiC.f. ZrU--4 StMi. a4 yckn sm ttmmti. saerhaoHbj DRCOCaiTS. CBOCOb.aW mmfctm, wl'AMl syvcial Uz. r Ueew.

Wfll I If! I b9 try to palss Mark e4JrJUvan A iUtmx TOLU. BOCXs4 rrSTE nVSc tk beJy XXBtCATZ .

tfcl a W-X-hm jmala kas iHz mm m .Pryrjterj Uap eseackkauU.IT. z? b (hart"fe 2ttiM. ?ri tUOk.

DtALVn gvwyvv



rj?thjoe . t!". -- i.