THE ONSTITUTIONALIST. WELL-LAiD PLANS FOR CHRISTMAS TIDE Many Sunday - Schools Hold Annual Ent«rUinm«nts. FINE PROGRAMMES HEARD. SOCC£33FUL CU-wJNATKJN Of PLANS fOR THE CM LOftCM. TMTO r 4 I M eblidrwi u d taw «iw.oJ*o«> coaaaatad of radiations by Mua Pta»a»la »-TOW. aad MMM. VMMI aad Bond, of a*» Tork.li aon* taucuf taw who waa Ion. daoad by UtUa FMNOC* ••n'T. attliad In bar aWtbt draw aad iubWoK bar ayaa. Tba atytbleal •DMU C t u i " waa Impersonated by Ooaa Lloyd. Mlaa Flofwaoc OUMIHR m x w e i f l tbe "Fairy" and wtm bvr mutu- wand dltacaad "Santa Ctaua" lo tak* from tba flrepiaoc small otovee and dtatnbnta i b m IB«H U M obhV draft T M atOToa warn f >uad to oca* ulaoandy. Pn-Ti >a* to tba •ppraratM of Santa O k M i telephone waa tuad to aa- Boance ala near approach, aad at fia- qoaet Interval* UM <e4opbone ball wowli nn« to tell tbat he bad taachMl iliffdrant olUea. During tbcae lnnBln.tr talke over tba 'pbone cum- Boo Pwap," E«n Btaaina; MaM." Abaa DeMolt; -Bmtbleeh," MBlMrtDai'-UitM Mlaa Mobody.*' Ian. Major; "Boweboy." Obaibw fVwoU; 'SaatnOiana,*' Joan BMMt. Oreom PJWTII and Margaret Darby took part la tba two boana toodaat TalUat raomrad a paraa of moeay. Tba Sun day-aebool daaa Uu^bt by Mra. Pow*U K«TO t belt taaober a baideome wtebar ebalr. Tban Banta CUua appeared and dUt i i buird gi fu of oeady, hooka, M, etc.. to all I « writ u raoatvod. TneiXMM«tlut apeaarad to RtaaUy plaaaa t&a older mtabt-n of tba Soaday-aeoool »*• l*»fpHpt fioDD Item* CUuaof * Oon ftwnlailona to T. A. Cumins. 1 ' Be- ald -* tba frlfu to tba aeboian of to* Kb-jot tlantn Oika^praaented a baft of cold to Factor J. W, B o3«rdjoD and UO •IDKIBR bu jki to UM school. Tb« ffiir WAI »->Ji K'>Ft»D up and bljtbly ondluitie to tba tffortaof in* commit- tar. rotMUtiag of T. A. Cumins, «L»jtni#Q; Mrt. W. H Low v. E F. Tail. Mtaa Ada Buoyon, MtM May Ttwmp*oa and O. K. HalL Taa latter BMII toman w u tba owrignCT of tbe flr^ptaceand bsdobargoor tba dtr- aawawK M.ISIHK IVL11I M. B. iHUKCH To* cot. itvo or O H ttund*j acbool of ta« M-MUOB Atwaoa MttbodUt ctarca bad a royal U a t lax •veaino-, aad for mora than ooa boar wan blirtily entartaliMd by a mmgteiu boa X*m York, wboaa «!**•* utcki W-:P U M aoorea of dottjcht to tba okW •obilar. and anartafanar tn Tba ywuwar n n i l i N i of tbaaobooL Mi- Hay Lucky, a toaUatlonlat of *jg»*dw*bM IJOI ability, pwaaid tba *to>r mvoibara of tba —hard and U M BUM* aadMooa. by bar apawdld rael laOoa* of boaaotoat aad patbaUr pr^a aod poeaM To* omateai porttoa ot^ti. pfutrrasoM aoaaUcad of tba alaitia« of Cbiiataiaa MNI* BT tba aeboal aaajac UM dtraKtoa of Wakrr K McO ••. ik« aapacf wadaat. Aftrr That* waa a vary awajs , both of brao*the main!anal of I paopK Tba cbwcb wna decked wUb an* a id ataboratary trtMotrd Cbrtat- pl r a>rl «tkm WM* a^aa by HfeM ataawja Dai^bt. HIM Jaaa MiUa-. aad Mb« Ki*». ttattiK, Mba Bariib'a rwHados, Tb« Biuwlaa'a Ofcrtatana Dtaaar" rro« "Tba BtrdV Cbrtoteaaa OamL" b^air tb* pnaetpal oaa vt ib* *vrarta« A attrtloa *>+* by UM prlaoaxy iti|art •Mat, aad U M •lofrtnc of Larbrr'* Cradl* Byoitt by tbra* bttla jctrta. wrrr F xaaot p*rta of tba prc«raaia>*. J bo fef. Wolua bXd a brUbt CbrWt MM Mary aboat Mra. Baau Oaa*. Uwa Mra **aia Otoata a a * bar ap- P^raace, la tba prraaa, of Mr*. Li«bioa Oalktaa, ada«rlaai m*m tot "* priavy aVpanawaL. Fralt aad M l | «b»l» aebooL To* M b - b m of tbr «a«reb had ahw aa opportunity to ftt*«M*wU aa to r> <*••«, br<actBai tfitu aad aMkla* u off-rtaa: of la ••,» ' • ' " I »iUa u«h>a la * • • Totk «lTt 10 tba Oaltdnaa , «, ],„ alaloatba Wobday < ff.rto«a of r*J yaata b«laa> broaan c-f r» asdlaae. by U i M m o n VwAbtf ln« TBMday Bfctat wbaa aobtial CtKUtmM vBiartalam^nt - _ bald ander UM t-iapice* of tb- Said*;. "*"»l- SnpMlntandont j7baT«liac.l 10 cbaraa. whll* a ooeamlttm ooo • « oT Mia. Moat. Mlat Mary Q •or. Mbn Alk-e Carroll. Mlaa Bella ami Andrew Wikwo. bad obaraa oT tba *nt*italew)*M. «bir. e aalated of a cantata natted "Jaaaty "—""V • * * <lld aot baft** Una la tb* play ttMr* i a Dumber of character* wbo did t atntoat to prove that tbota hi a Sear* Otana. Tbna warn tbraa eceaaa, two r.piaaaaHa* bom* and tba otbar a aaaao. Tbona wbo took tbe para were aaroUowa: "Jenay (.** Jeaat* DeMott; "Qemeaef UM Fain**." Elba! MOM; "OM Moth** Oooae." B-llth T«t,Dyk*. Od Motkor Bnbbard." Bditb Menu. a tba Hbx*," Baebri nWt Raton BJO«1 " j -Jar* B.rnrr/' Herry Scbu> k . * Llul* MIM M hff tr." 4*t Tttwa. "Lttti* Boy Bio*," D**i-1 PalnblU; -J. k aad JIN." riBNI M. k. CHCICH. Tbc Bonday-«enool of U M Pint M. E. cbsrcb boM l u Obrtatmaa enlaf- wrtalamant Toaaday. Tba primary drpaitmaBt waa entertained In U M wicb a aartca of *teraoptloon aatdaa a » nasbar of oolorrd alldea. tbaro waa a arrVa Itlnatratltiit Uw life of Ohrtat. J. B Joy tbem. At Iba eloaa, H*taon A, MlUar appeared aa Santn Claoa and dla- rtbated Rifr» and candy amonn tbo' Idle peoplo, A nii*i*n. entitled "Onrtatmaa a Day Lata," waa tba principal ev*oi UM entertainment tor UM latvrmad and wi lor dopanmonta In aba < IIBR. Tba anrument of tba oaatata old of tba noubta. of O .lumbi* aad irlttnaln la narlnit for Uwlr anraarooa sbltdran and lncld«nUy prorad ite fallacy or trying; to plan for Obttatmaa lioout tba a—t*taBce of Saota CUoa. Mm Mabel Tamp in waa ' f j - mbla" and Mlaa Oora Harrta "Brlt- lala.** WaiaoQ Darby Imperaonati d "Meptnna" aad Vakoa A. Mllk-i • H u U OUna." Toe Mlaaaa Ftaaeta BlttMiboaaa. Heton JOT. MlnnUOoo- •, of tbia olty. and MUa DOTOUIT Welch, ot MhMlatown. Ooon.. mode fair Boat aagaav. Tbora wa« atoo a cborua of OM *arlo«u point• onaot "Oolwrnbla," and "BrlnanU." At UM etoaa of tba aantnu tbava wn* of (tlfta. A*olamaoon- dtoaola LOVE FOUND A WAY ACROSS THE OCEflH Lonq Voybo* to Find Convwrr tont Plwow for Nuptial*. JERSEY LAW TOO STRICT, so THE csatMo*v W M "*« D BY NEWYORK ALLEHMAN. SOMtRSET COURT GAStS. aa Uty Hall, Ba« Tart, Sw«r4*y rabMT K M «t n a'«taak by Ah** _ hMo m>f timocy Utay •wma'Ta-l to tbU country by tba taam-r Tavtoatc, wbiob nrrtvad hi ••w York laat Tbnnday They w|U ntnra to tbdr antrva Und today by Tb# urooaa m a t Paweatt. IM BofiTwa avrana, Eoflh wtao la a Maw York boat aoantrytbar too*, alfraad by all U M feMebera taa aebnol. waa praaaatad to J. W laekaoa, wbo ndrai rhia yaar a* «s- perlataod«Bt aftar tblnj ihit* yaara' •arvbM. Tea taaalattoaa upraaatd tmixirraat rajriwi at bw dfpanw*. Tbr aoaBBUttaa la obanr* oooatotatl raff.>id MeOM, ebalnnao; Mlaa EM* Boraa. Mtaa Parata Saodcraa*. U- Okiry. MlaaKlstbafbatackbowt*. «. A- MUtar.Q M. Btmaboawa, J. B. aad Saapbaa TwrwaH. B«T rmattmKiAJf cuvmem. Tuwiay araBTBooa la tbe ebaprl a] UM Fir* PraabytarUa cbnren tbr Prlawry PapartaiiBt of tba Swaday- aebool «*J >y*d tbMr aaou.l OOIM o»a*l*tad of tb* E Uaoa pa?] -etoaaapa awn, Ybaaa atoTia« ptomraa «f«a>ilr «S Ton tor moat of 1 ••ra aaw. TbU oomprtaad U M alas a atartalimiat. afwr i tba dlatrtbu'l m of proa E»r r7 *cbotor wan r*-mambar»rl at *a wall aa *«*ry traabar Sjpacta- nalinE. M.Oa**waa BA>T TMIkD I Tba OniMBMa :—( TtlruS r.et< plalnad to Mr Pawoatt by letter be- fore tnolr arrlTaL nad It waa laft to loSiUw dautla for ttMtr beooia lag bu-bend and wife under tba lew* of UM Colled State* Mr. a prominent worker In U M Ptymoatn Brethren, a aninailna of CbrUUeaa wbo t u e no lagiiUi nilalelM« Be tftC want la appeal to a ml alaier of another daaoaslnntlon to oelebrala ttfir niailiana and ao ba«e a d « l one I n m i l Ha Interrtowed Juaiice ottne Peace V W. Xnan, of tbia oity, on U M e«b J»«ct before tn* nrrlval ot tbe oouplr and he r laatn'ni ta perform tb* o»r- i. After U M eoapw) arrived -aa Tbaraday It waa dr«lded to bare tbe eeremony parfomMd by Jmttoe H«an Saturday. When U M tiaw M U M tot It, however. It wae aeoteaary for the eouple. beina non raeidonta, --• Uk* rat a marrwaTe Uoanee. One of tba alpulaUoB* of U M marriage lloaeaa law ot thta a ate la Uiat UM applicants mat wait ttve daye after tb* tteanae U waned before U M wed Una; een take place. Wnan tbe O'Brtana laarnad of tab part of lao Uw they were In n pUflhU aa It wonkl rKlmpoeHnU for ibem to delay UM oar*Bi)oy aoaa' to o^mplr wiui tba tow and at tbe name time ba able to retnra to Eanjaad on ana Teutonic Tnon It waa tn»t Mr. Paw oett came to their reeena wltk a m* «otlOB tbmt UMy no to Bew York kin BarBiday morale* aad «• to tne Olty Ball and bava an Alderm m tl* tbe DupUei knot. The chanir* ta UM pUae wan adf—il to aad ftexntaar •ornlaii tba trip waa aiarte. Atdnr Smith performlair tbe part of ByaaaB. Mr. Pnwana aad a trbwd Attar UM uaramoay tba aowpb) • * - . umed to Mr. P*woatt*a bowja ha few nty. by a loaal HBonat be eeid "We rnai la all tn*f* la to It " FIFTY VtARS WE DOE & j l t « * o ' * u o k u tba m l i r i i of taalr mam. tWy •*ta a>arrwd la 1M> by Bar. Jaaw> M. h Bating, paaanr of iba fma)iat rroia H . P-lao>W. Paawood, Onalbrd aao tbia p i m to tba »o»t»r of aVoai •taty.aUof aboai w*ra pnaaai at tb* aw tta««. All bad a Ufaaaht e**i •root old rtawo • » ( *btab refr«>b strata wan art ad. Tba happy erb braa'a NOrifwl aaaaibar of baaabnan M .•MTTfUa, Da*- B7. — •at of UM at>**ral aaaaa for Iba faa- sary tarai of aba Bfawwl Omaaty Orcvit Oo«rt waa aud* raataftfay >BibM-otOMMiaf oaetdera. aa wall aa P M t aradown. Tb* Sapr**. O>an M _ _ laetBda n «BM at SB ward V. Xkw aa-alaat iba L*ai«h T*it»y aWlroarf. la ton. tar iBjarbw »aal^wa la Um b«ry of in* pmwat y*#r. Taa M >oi E M M. Mtaa a«aibat UM Latalcta TaNay liawil, hi toA. at bC for tba wiaat Aadraw DiailBli a. la ton. h> baw aaawT. Baas ffcttfaa matda la •owbriilil II. W t McGUfwrrp- Kwabi IIII •iiw»a)ln1a L Tb* OUwaW OoartiaBai laciud-a ibe i ax aMhaat J. W ». (nacblia. of in* JtBaaTb. TbU wUI M ealtad Jaaaaiy 11. aad ObarhM J. adVabb wbl rap> tb* plala'lC aaM William •— ta ban cf WaMay R Brokaw aajalaat W L Sannawra la i>ff for tba I t waa herald wttata tbe pent day* that tba aarotton ot oScon at BwaBkaa of Wlaneid Seott Poet. Ta. O.A.B, imoer 1kb, l order lo aeojply wttb tbe rmbja aad mtBuaw oT tba a A B . BBOtbar ewetlon wna waa taken at obwa at BOU aa •leecloa at tne reajmlaT mwtlag baM Tueeday when tba foUowiae; pet •oaa were abaean: Cfca»maader, D-- Berwaenlor f k i ria)aiaalir. P. M Wniretey; j iak>r thja anajmaaair, .annaa Eaaooo.. < • I I I ! . I . aV Ooodoin; aaraeon, lwaol Oompfoe ; quarwrmaeter. Joea^ Smtlor; oBrer * UM day. I L McVoy ; ofacer of U M nard.JotiB PlBley; Traaiaaa. V . 0 omlth, William H»od. M C Dobbtoa. Tbera wiu be e Joaak UM above rffloera. (o«*tb*r with tboaa tba WooMB'a n>ttaf Ojrpa aid UM Horn ot T t n n a i a i tba avnalaa; ~ Tnaadny, Janeery Hh. aad tbe •Bilrwlll ha marten by tba 'CACK-S'WIFE IN LIMBO TOO r Eva Oartar. M Bra Jaekaon, wbo ntalwa to ba iba wjw of **Oaefc" 0 «r- r. tba aapxo, wfco MM Taaaday aaat jadfor tbrMritalnBhi p a k o l a U t Ebubatb Jail awalilaaj tb* aotloa of xb» Uraad Jory _ wltti •bMllac a akin from Starr Barton, of Wast T b M atraat. Twa alwajwd tbart waa oiaailitad on tba «ib taaL Tba Oartara Tba laBoary 0«B|Bry wtu auatala Baa by Mwnyard KipMac, la at Oaa Ooajpaaa - Dr. Mit- ROEHRJGHT ACTED WiTH HIGH HAND INIRODUCEO10 SOCltl Y jSOtD CIDER SUNi)AY- So Say* Judo. Mhgt* In S«n- tanolna Uix. FVigwhuth. •—• Bemugh MIM* An Hw« *~ VIM F««I. ^'SirrwiarjslMwwi ».utv Teeadey arter»ooa by Mra. PhUipa. of I n * IK MERCY WENT WltH JUSTICE. >UCGfi SEES A TUCB M THE «n> RUT o r T H E aXMnAMO. MO *c*j«nrt CV1DCMC*, katvt H I «ua« A n*O BBdtjweraoa tbe«iala« r » a wHh ptok abaded cec'toe * « i no**< and «-u Mra. Phllaptaad Mhw Pttiilpe Wi I I i b..b*parvr- tend la Mra. Sworn Ira. A. B PabtraraaMrd at the aad were aa-tete« by lae rtaaem PwJWna, Eehabetb and Mary Bam, M Mtaa MaB»oma«j aad Mlea PBHHpa. . f V > ' I t la quite obrtw bow tba jory oanctniMjB ibey dM to be prMolMto tbe oftbaOoan. Tba i|a»|iathy of tbe ,of tba iutj aad of tbo Oown baa eU aloa« bean wit* UM prta> LICENCE 6RANTED waa aid* baton Jad«* Baruaa ywa- torday la ibaOjorurf U>OJB>OO Ptraa r a ueaor* for a **M pwK Kortb Plalbn«M. wb**» tb*- <*ba b) of foraln btrtn, —flu—mlaiaiiiituj ; b mm wfcb bar baabajt* aad aoa. Tba awBac of tbaboBaa aaptrhaft lai poaaaa" H taka »tth n Marfe bend bf foron. Tba a. •». mada for Mi. D^k* by PraaHa J aig, of tba law B r a of ••rsby ata. Tn»appttoatMo. was W E McOat* pBeauoa of Waan far a rtim.i for a baaal oo 8oai*ra*< attaat, aaav tbr Ofwaa brook brtdoa. lorta PUio&Xd tba phica la aaaar IM, to tba a t . &• lo tern aM Mr. Flag art ark by law. and not by waa *Tt alana la tba aad It la QaitaobTtoaa *bat aVaJ ban*, bow ba bad awab kx*ln* Into tba l drawn awry aowMbody arraat bar baattaad aad tana Mai away, aad antta bltn bar toa, attbatiBM wb*aUila«ttac* npoo tba *or aatu U M aad .of tba term will tbaa a a h SIGNALS FOA TROLLEYS. wHk a daadly wwa poo*mad It la obrloan •aa bad baaa trU by**r btubaad aad bet BOB. tbat aba bad a rtffht t0 waa It to MT t I »4 of a%Bmia M botac ar by too PlibfaM »n*at aba woaM ba«a a| rlirbt to reaon to. but ttwy obrtowaly ' * bar to aadamaaw aba abouid M of U M laaaaaaa of eara oa of a at Uut potat can BDdfy tba at tba Bonn Avatn* of tb* botto* -lUiHu d U«bt. If tbna W tna* oar to asaka tba trtpta tb* awttab tbrir wroncfnl la- Ttoa wbtok. It by aayboly wbf oturbt toknow. Bow tba Jmry hat* aaht tbat Mi a eriaUaalaoL TbrT bar* aaM Uwof*, tbataadar tba atrrBBmaam of tta naa,th*U)rBaKda«*a>ot orlBM waa bar or Ut» IOWWM dasraa aad OSbVtOUoB WlU B >UM BMfcy of tta *pooa of tb* conn. Tba taa Aadrww H i f f t a d O«onp> W t i u , aad bad baas a r illiw o f f borwagb UUak u w cba **rdMCur UM Jary waa aatlraly aabatahaBbW; hot wa, tan* U U aot 4 W arlauaaJ j i oaipUtr. f tn* Oomn h* anat t ba>«»Iaad ID Baa M fcf i t bwai «f .1* a anal ohnta and waabadiy fc I Ai Irat It wa* tba* >*Uh»'a ooUarboa* wna Tba patotfaaya tbac Daaaaa Bro-a a.rriaa oS rto laarew anla*. Bon. Wax J. Bryaai wrtwa Jacob OvtoMBW. of thai ajry, r n a u n d M* kaa* pan, aad alaa* tboa baa baaa

THE ONSTITUTIONALIST. tlantn Oika^praaented a baft of cold to Factor J. W, B o3«rdjoD and UO •IDKIBR bu jki to UM school. Tb« • ffiir WAI »->Ji K'>Ft»D up …

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Page 1: THE ONSTITUTIONALIST. tlantn Oika^praaented a baft of cold to Factor J. W, B o3«rdjoD and UO •IDKIBR bu jki to UM school. Tb« • ffiir WAI »->Ji K'>Ft»D up …


FOR CHRISTMAS TIDEMany Sunday - Schools Hold

Annual Ent«rUinm«nts.




TMTO r 4 I M eblidrwi u d taw«iw.oJ*o«> coaaaatad of radiationsby Mua Pta»a»la » - T O W . aadM M M . V M M I aad Bond, of a *»Tork.li aon*taucuf taw

who waa Ion. daoad by UtUa F M N O C *• • n ' T . attliad In bar aWtbt drawaad iubWoK bar ayaa. Tba atytbleal• D M U C t u i " waa Impersonated byOoaa Lloyd. Mlaa Flofwaoc OUMIHRm x w e i f l tbe "Fairy" and wtm bvrmutu- wand dltacaad "Santa Ctaua"lo tak* from tba flrepiaoc small otoveeand dtatnbnta i b m I B « H U M obhVdraft T M atOToa warn f >uad to oca*ulaoandy.

Pn-Ti >a* to tba •ppraratM of SantaO k M i telephone waa tuad to aa-Boance ala near approach, aad at fia-qoaet Interval* UM <e4opbone ballwowli nn« to tell tbat he badtaachMl iliffdrant olUea. During tbcaelnnBln.tr talke over tba 'pbone cum-

Boo Pwap," E«n Btaaina;MaM." Abaa DeMolt; -Bmtbleeh,"

MBlMrtDai'-UitM Mlaa Mobody.*'Ian. Major; "Boweboy." Obaibw

fVwoU; 'SaatnOiana,*' Joan BMMt.Oreom PJWTII and Margaret Darbytook part la tba two boana

toodaat TalUat

raomrad a paraa of moeay. Tba Sunday-aebool daaa Uu^bt by Mra. Pow*UK«TO t belt taaober a baideome wtebarebalr. Tban Banta CUua appearedand d Ut i i buird gi fu of oeady, hooka,

M, etc.. to all I

« writ u raoatvod. TneiXMM«t lutapeaarad to RtaaUy plaaaa t&a oldermtabt-n of tba Soaday-aeoool »*•l*»fpHpt fioDD Item* CUuaof * Oonftwnlailona to T. A. Cumins.1' Be-ald -* tba frlfu to tba aeboian of to*Kb-jot tlantn Oika^praaented a baft ofcold to Factor J. W, B o3«rdjoD andUO •IDKIBR bu jk i to U M school. Tb«• ffiir WAI »->Ji K'>Ft»D up and bljtblyondluitie to tba tffortaof in* commit-tar. rotMUtiag of T. A. Cumins,«L»jtni#Q; Mrt. W. H Low v. E F.Tail. Mtaa Ada Buoyon, MtM MayTtwmp*oa and O. K. HalL Taa latterBMII toman w u tba owrignCT of tbeflr^ptaceand bsdobargoor tba dtr-aawawK

M.ISIHK I V L 1 1 I M. B. iHUKCHTo* cot. itvo or O H ttund*j acbool

of ta« M-MUOB Atwaoa MttbodUtctarca bad a royal U a t lax •veaino-,aad for mora than ooa boar wanblirtily entartaliMd by a mmgteiuboa X*m York, wboaa «!**•* utckiW-:P U M aoorea of dottjcht to tbaokW •obilar. and anartafanar tn Tbaywuwar n n i l i N i of tbaaobooL

M i - Hay Lucky, a toaUatlonlat of*jg»*dw*bM I J O I ability, pwaaid tba*to>r mvoibara of tba —hard and U MBUM* aadMooa. by bar apawdld raellaOoa* of boaaotoat aad patbaUrpr^a aod poeaM To* omateai porttoaot^ti. pfutrrasoM aoaaUcad of tbaalaitia« of Cbiiataiaa M N I * BT tbaaeboal aaajac U M dtraKtoa of WakrrK McO ••. ik« aapacf wadaat. Aftrr

That* waa a vary awajs

, both ofbrao*the main!anal of IpaopK Tba cbwcb wna decked wUb

a n * a id ataboratary trtMotrd Cbrtat-

p l ra>rl « tkm W M * a^aa by HfeM ataawjaDai^bt. H I M Jaaa MiUa-. aad Mb«Ki*». ttattiK, Mba Bariib'a rwHados,

Tb« Biuwlaa'a Ofcrtatana Dtaaar"rro« "Tba BtrdV Cbrtoteaaa OamL"b^air tb* pnaetpal oaa vt ib* *vrarta«A attrtloa *>+* by U M prlaoaxy iti|art•Mat, aad U M •lofrtnc of Larbrr'*Cradl* Byoitt by tbra* bttla jctrta. wrrrF xaaot p*rta of tba prc«raaia>*.J bo fef. Wolua bXd a brUbt CbrWtM M Mary aboat Mra. Baau Oaa*.Uwa Mra **aia Otoata a a * bar ap-P^raace, la tba prraaa, of Mr*.Li«bioa Oalktaa, ada«rlaai m*m tot" * priavy aVpanawaL. Fralt aadM l |

«b»l» aebooL To* M b - b m of tbr«a«reb had ahw aa opportunity toftt*«M*wU aa to r> <*••«, br<actBaitfitu aad aMkla* u off-rtaa: of la ••,»' • ' " I »iUa u«h>a la * • • Totk

«lTt 10 tba Oaltdnaa , «, ] ,„alaloatba Wobday < ff.rto«a ofr*J yaata b«laa> broaan c-f r»

asdlaae. by U i M m o n VwAbtf

ln« TBMday Bfctat wbaaaobtial CtKUtmM vBiartalam^nt - _bald ander U M t-iapice* of tb- Said*; ." * " » l - SnpMlntandont j7baT«liac.l

10 cbaraa. whll* a ooeamlttm ooo• « oT Mia. Moat. Mlat Mary Q•or. Mbn Alk-e Carroll. Mlaa Bella

ami Andrew Wikwo. badobaraa oT tba *nt*italew)*M. «bir.e aalated of a cantata natted "Jaaaty" — " " V • * * <lld aot baft**

Una la tb* play ttMr* ia Dumber of character* wbo did tatntoat to prove that tbota hi a Sear*Otana. Tbna warn tbraa eceaaa, twor.piaaaaHa* bom* and tba otbar a

aaaao. Tbona wbo took tbepara were aaroUowa: "Jenay(.** Jeaat* DeMott; "Qemeaef

U M Fain**." Elba! M O M ; " O MMoth** Oooae." B-llth T«t,Dyk*.Od Motkor Bnbbard." Bditb Menu.

• a tba Hbx*," BaebrinWt Raton BJO«1 "

j -Jar* B.rnrr/'Herry Scbu> k . * Llul* M I M M hff tr."

4*t Tttwa. "Lttti* Boy Bio*,"D**i-1 PalnblU; - J . k aad J IN ."

riBNI M. k. CHCICH.Tbc Bonday-«enool of U M Pint M.

E. cbsrcb boM lu Obrtatmaa enlaf-wrtalamant Toaaday. Tba primarydrpaitmaBt waa entertained In U M

wicb a aartca of *teraoptloonaatdaa a » nasbar of oolorrd

alldea. tbaro waa a arrVa ItlnatratltiitUw life of Ohrtat. J. B Joytbem. At Iba eloaa, H*taon A, MlUarappeared aa Santn Claoa and dla-rtbated Rifr» and candy amonn tbo'Idle peoplo,A nii*i*n. entitled "Onrtatmaa a

Day Lata," waa tba principal ev*oiU M entertainment tor U M latvrmadand wi lor dopanmonta In aba <IIBR. Tba anrument of tba oaatataold of tba noubta. of O .lumbi* aadirlttnaln la narlnit for Uwlr anraarooasbltdran and lncld«nUy prorad itefallacy or trying; to plan for Obttatmaa

lioout tba a—t*taBce of Saota CUoa.M m Mabel Tamp in waa ' f j -mbla" and Mlaa Oora Harrta "Brlt-lala.** WaiaoQ Darby Imperaonati d

"Meptnna" aad Vakoa A. Mllk-i• H u U OUna." Toe Mlaaaa FtaaetaBlttMiboaaa. Heton JOT. MlnnUOoo-

•, of tbia olty. and MUa DOTOUITWelch, ot MhMlatown. Ooon.. mode

fair Boat aagaav. Tbora wa«atoo a cborua of OM *arlo«u point•

onaot "Oolwrnbla," and "BrlnanU."At U M etoaa of tba aantnu tbava wn*

of (tlfta. A*olamaoon-dtoaola


Lonq Voybo* to Find • Convwrrtont Plwow for Nuptial*.




aa Uty Hall, Ba« Tart, Sw«r4*yrabMT K M «t n a'«taak by Ah**

_ hMo m>f timocy Utay•wma'Ta-l to tbU country by tbataam-r Tavtoatc, wbiob nrrtvad hi••w York laat Tbnnday They w|U

ntnra to tbdr antrva Und today by

Tb# urooaa m a tPaweatt. IM BofiTwa avrana, Eoflh

wtao la a Maw York boat


too*, alfraad by all U M feMeberataa aebnol. waa praaaatad to J. Wlaekaoa, wbo ndrai rhia yaar a* «s-

perlataod«Bt aftar tblnj ihit* yaara'•arvbM. Tea taaalattoaa upraaatdtmix irraat rajriwi at bw dfpanw*.Tbr aoaBBUttaa la obanr* oooatotatl

ra f f .> id MeOM, ebalnnao; MlaaEM* Boraa. Mtaa Parata Saodcraa*.

U- Okiry. MlaaKlstbafbatackbowt*.«. A- MUtar.Q M. Btmaboawa, J. B.

aad Saapbaa TwrwaH.B«T rmattmKiAJf cuvmem.

Tuwiay araBTBooa la tbe ebaprla] U M Fir* PraabytarUa cbnren tbrPrlawry PapartaiiBt of tba Swaday-aebool «*J >y*d tbMr aaou.l O O I M

o»a*l*tad of tb* E Uaoa pa?] -etoaaapaawn, Ybaaa atoTia« ptomraa

«f«a>ilr «S Ton tor moat of 1••ra aaw. TbU oomprtaad U Malas a atartalimiat. afwr •

i tba dlatrtbu'l m of proaE»r r7 *cbotor wan r*-mambar»rl at*a wall aa *«*ry traabar Sjpacta-n a l i n E . M.Oa**waa

BA>T TMIkD ITba OniMBMa:— ( TtlruS r.et<

plalnad to Mr Pawoatt by letter be-fore tnolr arrlTaL nad It waa laft to

loSiUw dautla for ttMtr beooialag bu-bend and wife under tba lew*of UM Colled State* Mr.a prominent worker In U M PtymoatnBrethren, a aninailna of CbrUUeaawbo t u e no lagiiUi nilalelM« Be

tftC want la appeal to a ml alaier ofanother daaoaslnntlon to oelebralattfir niailiana and aoba«e a d « l one I n m i l

Ha Interrtowed Juaiice ottne PeaceV W. Xnan, of tbia oity, on U M e«bJ»«ct before tn* nrrlval ot tbe oouplrand he r laatn'ni ta perform tb* o»r-

i. After U M eoapw) arrived -aaTbaraday It waa dr«lded to bare tbeeeremony parfomMd by Jmttoe H«anSaturday. When U M tiaw M U M totIt, however. It wae aeoteaary for theeouple. beina non raeidonta, --• Uk*rat a marrwaTe Uoanee. One of tbaalpulaUoB* of U M marriage lloaeaa

law ot thta a ate la Uiat UM applicantsmat wait ttve daye after tb* tteanae

U waned before U M wed Una; een takeplace.

Wnan tbe O'Brtana laarnad of tabpart of lao Uw they were In n pUflhUaa It wonkl rKlmpoeHnU for ibem todelay UM oar*Bi)oy aoaa' to o^mplrwiui tba tow and at tbe name time baable to retnra to Eanjaad on anaTeutonic Tnon It waa tn»t Mr. Pawoett came to their reeena wltk a m*«otlOB tbmt UMy no to Bew York

kin BarBiday morale* aad « • totne Olty Ball and bava an Alderm mtl* tbe DupUei knot. The chanir* taU M pUae wan adf—il to aad ftexntaar•ornlaii tba trip waa aiarte. Atdnr

Smith performlair tbe part ofByaaaB. Mr. Pnwana aad a trbwd

Attar U M uaramoay tba aowpb) • * -. umed to Mr. P*woatt*a bowja ha fewnty.

by a loaal HBonat be eeid "We

rnai la all tn*f* la to It "


j l t « * o ' * u o ku tba m l i r i i of taalr mam. tWy•*ta a>arrwd la 1M> by Bar. Jaaw>M. h Bating, paaanr of iba f m a ) i a t

rroia H .P-lao>W. Paawood, Onalbrd aaotbia p i m to tba »o»t»r of aVoai•taty.aUof aboai w*ra pnaaai at tb*aw tta««. All bad a Ufaaaht e**i•root old rtawo • » ( *btab refr«>bstrata wan art ad. Tba happy erbbraa'a NOrifwl aaaaibar of baaabnan

M .•MTTfUa, Da*- B7. —• a t of U M at>**ral aaaaa for Iba faa-sary tarai of aba B f a w w l Omaaty

Orcvit Oo«rt waa aud* raataftfay>BibM-otOMMiafoaetdera. aa wall aa P M t

aradown. Tb* S a p r * * . O>an M _ _laetBda n «BM at SB ward V . Xkwaa-alaat iba L*ai«h T*it»y aWlroarf.la ton. tar iBjarbw »aal^wa la Umb«ry of in* pmwat y*#r. Taa M > oiE M M. Mtaa a«aibat U M LatalctaTaNay l i a w i l , hi toA. at bC for tba

w i a a t Aadraw DiailBli a. la ton. h>baw aaawT. Baas ffcttfaa matda la• o w b r i i l i l I I . W t McGUfwrrp-

Kwabi I I I I • i iw»a) ln1a LTb* OUwaW OoartiaBai laciud-a ibe

i ax aMhaat J. W ». (nacblia. of in*JtBaaTb. TbU wUI M ealtad Jaaaaiy

11. aad ObarhM J. adVabb wbl rap>tb* plala'lC aaM William • —

ta ban cf WaMay R Brokawaajalaat W L Sannawra la i>ff for tba

I t waa herald wttata tbe pentday* that tba aarotton ot oScon at

BwaBkaa of Wlaneid Seott Poet.Ta. O . A . B ,

imoer 1kb, lorder lo aeojply wttb tbe rmbja aad

mtBuaw oT tba a A B . BBOtbarewetlon wna

• waa taken at obwa at BOU aa•leecloa at tne reajmlaT mwtlag baMTueeday when tba foUowiae; pet•oaa were abaean: Cfca»maader, D--Berwaenlor f k i ria)aiaalir. P. MWniretey; j iak>r thja anajmaaair,

.annaa Eaaooo.. < • I I I ! . I . aVOoodoin; aaraeon, lwaol Oompfoe ;quarwrmaeter. Joea^ Smtlor; oBrer

* U M day. I L McVoy ; ofacer of U Mnard.JotiB PlBley; Traaiaaa. V . 0

omlth, William H»od. M C Dobbtoa.Tbera wiu be e Joaak

U M above rffloera. (o«*tb*r with tboaatba WooMB'a n>ttaf Ojrpa aid

U M Horn ot T t n n a i a i tba avnalaa;~ Tnaadny, Janeery Hh. aad tbe

•Bilrwlll ha marten by tba


Eva Oartar. M Bra Jaekaon, wbontalwa to ba iba wjw of **Oaefc" 0 «r-

r. tba aapxo, wfco M M Taaaday aaatjadfor tbrMritalnBhi pa k o l a U t Ebubatb Jail awalilaaj

tb* aotloa of xb» Uraad Jory _

wltti •bMllac a akin from Star rBarton, of Wast T b M atraat. Twaalwajwd tbart waa oiaailitad on tba«ib taaL Tba Oartara

Tba laBoary 0«B|Bry wtu auatala •Baa by Mwnyard KipMac, la

at Oaa Ooajpaaa - Dr. Mit-



So Say* Judo. Mhgt* In S«n-tanolna Uix. FVigwhuth.

• — • Bemugh M I M * An Hw«* ~ VIM F « « I .

^'SirrwiarjslMwwi ».utvTeeadey arter»ooa by Mra.

PhUipa. of I n * I K


RUT or T H E aXMnAMO.MO *c*j«nrt CV1DCMC*,

katvt H I «ua« A n*O

BBdtjweraoa tbe«iala« r » awHh ptok abaded cec'toe * « ino**< and «-u

Mra. Phllaptaad Mhw PttiilpeW i I I i b..b*parvr-

• tend la

Mra. SwornIra. A. B PabtraraaMrd at theaad were aa-tete« by lae

rtaaem PwJWna, Eehabetb and MaryBam, M

Mtaa MaB»oma«j aad MleaPBHHpa. . f V >

' I t la quite obrtw bow tba joryoanctniMjB ibey dM tobe prMolMto tbe

oftbaOoan. Tba i|a»|iathy of tbe,of tba iutj aad of tbo

Oown baa eU aloa« bean wit* U M prta>


waa a i d * baton Jad«* Baruaa ywa-torday la ibaOjorurf U>OJB>OO Ptraa

r a ueaor* for a **Mp w K Kortb Plalbn«M. wb**» tb*-

<*ba b) of foraln btrtn,—flu—mlaiaiiiituj;b mm wfcb bar baabajt* aad aoa. TbaawBac of tbaboBaa aaptrhaft lai poaaaa"

H taka

»tth n Marfe bend bf foron. Tba a.

• » . mada for Mi. D^k* by PraaHa Jaig, of tba law Bra of • • r s b yata. Tn» appttoatMo. wasW E McOat*

pBeauoa of Waan far a rt im. i for abaaal oo 8oai*ra*< attaat, aaav tbrOfwaa brook brtdoa. lor ta PUio&Xd

tba phica la a aaar I M ,

to tba a t . &•lo tern aM

Mr. Flag art ark by law. and not by

waa *Tt alana la tbaaad It la QaitaobTtoaa *bat aVaJ

ban*, bow ba bad awabkx*ln* Into tba

l drawn awryaowMbody arraat bar baattaad aadtana Mai away, aad antta bltn bar toa,attbatiBM wb*aUila«ttac* npoo tba

*or aatu U M aad .of tba termwill tbaa a a h

SIGNALS FOA TROLLEYS.wHk a daadly wwa poo*mad It la obrloan•aa bad baaa trU by**r btubaad aadbet BOB. tbat aba bad a rtffht t 0 waa It to MT t I »4

of a%Bmia M botac arby too Pl ibfaM »n*at

aba woaM ba«a a |rlirbt to reaon to. but ttwy obrtowaly' * bar to aadamaaw aba abouid M

of U M laaaaaaa of eara oa

of aat Uut potat can BDdfy tbaat tba Bonn Avatn*

of tb* botto* -lUiHud U«bt. I f tbna W

tna* oar to asaka tba trtpta tb*awttab

tbrir wroncfnl la-Ttoa wbtok. It

by aayboly wbf oturbt to know.

Bow tba Jmry hat* aaht tbat Mi aeriaUaalaoL TbrT bar* aaM Uwof*,tbataadar tba atrrBBmaam of ttanaa,th*U)rBaKda«*a>ot orlBM waa

bar or Ut» IOWWM dasraa aadOSbVtOUoB WlU B> U M BMfcy of tta *pooa of tb* conn. Tba taa

Aadrww Hifftad O«onp> Wt iu , aadbad baas a r i l l iw o f f borwagb

UUak u w cba **rdMCur U M Jary waaaatlraly aabatahaBbW; hot wa, tan*

U U aot 4W arlauaaJ jioaipUtr.

f tn* Oomn h* anatt ba>«»Iaad ID Baa

M fcf i t bwai «f .1*

a anal ohnta andwaabadiy fc I Ai Irat It wa*

tba* >*Uh»'a ooUarboa* wna

Tba patotfaaya tbac DaaaaaBro-a a.rriaa oS rto laarew

anla*. Bon. Wax J. Bryaai wrtwa

Jacob OvtoMBW. of thai ajry, rnaundM* kaa* pan, aad alaa* tboa baa baaa

Page 2: THE ONSTITUTIONALIST. tlantn Oika^praaented a baft of cold to Factor J. W, B o3«rdjoD and UO •IDKIBR bu jki to UM school. Tb« • ffiir WAI »->Ji K'>Ft»D up …



It t»wtet.i tin... that tb* Ate * N M W ibor-

4ri.-« oft.-* thr baada mt face hM

AIM- w.tata. ac dri^ag (a «a

Wtek*d Haft wa*> a**J Ua

•MW Baa* ( t o ah***—*Iow Tor*

cunntt .h id* n a p l r i M

with fnvdn ao.1 a taxatpWrtc imp*ritte* la a pn.iiv* whkfc lbraar;. TW Kr. nrfc ar* food of ujia*that oae u.*-l •'•« If if-amiful bat *o*• M aot be nslr To like car* of th*

• . akin and hair, ta dreaa aeatly ao.1

cbn-rru. • dir|»>Mt »>n that Mbrtghirwa Ibr

will effectually preTeot »nf

li i. trimmed with bands of Hack M«a, hewetrr, - V **•*••* •

TkmbMwar crmaa aaewWa t b* aaacfc

a •roaajawt th* H M - m

VITM ea doth aehi Wada •>• loll*, and tbry appear la ea>hreidery ot all kiada. ru-about tbr rdav of tuatr*.

. Kewlywad- sybat la taaa I aaa

t a w . aa It waa laet wtet«r, ta aa*d teTAILOR MADE STYLES.several now ways. It LS»HIIII

««ry Bttrartl** hata. r'o* rkanple. n bal. — , , ,^ L l k , . I B i n lailaa.

bf«a »r» atark «o««. abort ail. far* to-akrtrf for

TW* have ae fij*,^ tJk'ITT.TiT' 1*1 iTt"-**?*.. * * * retakalag lea raawaMHhai ataa-

• n aad i p ^ a n ynr in - t r^ar te ewrfvarbtj mt form «ml - i U ill inrta *f a4-

Kaoo—Doa\ ran thtek tho waste

^ Aad ft I «M tawabI woBMat aay o*.

withha Ueka paaa.-

•"vToH. he'a I mi i l . au Oast aWal

iacarst*d a grow. daai. ptortail th* oec-aaadaa te of • aaluhty jm. Stitching la at prvaeat the

f or a « m •aaateta wf c-a|ter. n f i• d rvtrr* af hiack vatref cteaaaj nlli l . i lwtth w hi I* a; la.

With a wrap of town taaa tfimatcd It

L wh Icti ItBoar* tar* taToatrd aad taoiai-d ftoaith* eatable world. I* the all a. aid sa.

• In** af Brasll te rtrtereport ef tha tav**tn>*atte th* atoet mer.ou* bhxw wblrb Kra>

alac* "U Hla 8t*ps." aad did not wlahta writ* aaythla*. MooawbUa MeBoh had goo* to Ejroo* aad Mr.ShoUoa a second nfooaj was cabledfa> Max Back cam* la* r*sroose toPhiladelphia: -Spar* . so efion nortime to a«cur* Mr. Sbfldia. but gothln*.- Th* editors private iccretarythaa tried hte hand oa th* Kanuiailnlvter. but again b« rduiwd- Kr.Bok r*turn.<J from abroad mil callingon* of hla edlton directed him to •*•Mr. Sheldon, at Tnpeka I* h* was ,there, or wherever he ml-ht b*. Upon

*lag 8L Louis thf editor locatedSheldon at II -fi-Uo, and Uter

«ed tbat be bad rjno to DetruiC IStarting at one* for tfcu pli.ee the «di- rtor learned st Chicago Ibe minister ,had }uat left Detroit tb re) -in bla fam-ily at a summer r.wrt la Upper Mleal-gaa. Bj more lelr :rat '.in;.. Mr. Ubel-doai family waa finally li-rait.d at OldMlMion. a most im--. -*;t.l- summerrosort oa Travera Hay, io<t »» tb* Bratnorthbound *teatn«r tr:... editor hm- Irtod on hla Journ«-r A vovaj-e'ot a dayand a night brought hint to the placewhere ba bad hoped lo .atment tb*a-lntatcr. but railing to do ao be em- I

- barked la a small boat t- r a day aaaJI toward bla d.-sili «ilm: At tb* iaoareat landing b* prcm.*! n farmer's Itaam Into aerrtce and drove through !aa »!•"—' bllsdlag MivM'ora. alongtha bay 'abore—s^niluslv half-wayarroa* the peali.*t>lar-rra'-hlng OldMlatloa a few minutes t»-for* the ar-rival Of th* mtniaier Tbta was toomuch for Mr Sheldon. TM ftght was 'woa. aad la the N'uT«anber lasa* otTh* Ladloa* Host* Journal the article

L It aecapte-. ba < -!y a rag*, aad

r-i» af Great Brttaia la «.aib ACrca.OdI Bbadaa la In tb* w * i and rtaaWnKw will be atnbbora. Klmorrte/k* aot a <lxr la tbe moorra aae at (Mw n L It hi a crrai m a p ha wbtc*BM-n-« paaotoei raw aad tma a> taatrcaaam <.f lue earth «r*at aot fwoad, Tbr ramp hila railed Ik* Vs'al Baatn. tyransd of tbe rtirr whlrh dlrld««Tr»n*vaal from tLe Orangv rfMatr. Tfc* M-t d am.n.i dlacotrthere wrrr anail* ahu«t 1S70. Bti

BtHl nn peawa llitTB rmlltnl t p

i of lia kind la tb*

npilaiw. Itwecctpta* watnta caatk d d f d l

tbolkaadroaa of dollar* for trevettnc « -

aaaaes aioa*. Bat th* tutcla oottataaKr. Sbolooa* ftrat words s'ac* ate-la His btepa" has bnco.ne famoua.It aaawwrs th* qunikm watch ***rvwaa asks altar rvedlnx U.* took: "••thte theory practical? • an I n a nIt forcibly. Aad th* ma-^siae t» .

t>tr*enaoa waa ?-!ii i rather Ittt'abar. aara Cbanb-ra a Jonmal vbrnta the Saamer bolidara baTlng bee*raadlns a tnnbtr i f -detectlre" nw-eta of a bad kind. b« v u paailoc OD«•*M«7 anernooa alosx it road whicblad through ana of the aaburba otEdinburgh, and aaw a deserted b«uae,lafl funuabed. bat without apparmilj• tarMakar. It anddeoty atruck St«*>aaaoa tbat It would ba a verything to break Into tbla homaae t u la tight, and Healingba found R po».ibl. to aaallr - . -.window •( iha back and ao cllmbnl tn.It raally waa «Bocttipl«i.prow1«d from roeaa to room, lookingat tb* booaa aad alcturea until bahoard, aa he thought, a notae In iha•arwf Tfala arat him Immediate! rla an tnaunt cullana* of cnurxga. ua-dar a bed. and tbra terror nelied blm.H Imagiord blmspir pounce! upon,

d with robbery, marchnl bonewith tjTM upon hla wrtsta. and arrlT-tag )uit ta tbe finnlt were ••>»mtilingto atircd •irtilng M T T I M He boratout crying and could not atop, aad blaaoba h d i th t b

n the mpty bh hpy

He crept out where ha had crept In.having done no harm to anything w»eept bla link trader Scottish coo-MHBsm Bui tbe ej.irit of advaeturowaa aattva to him. aa eienplIBed latha scory. and aUo a ion of •olltud*.aa of a boy obtlgnl to pUy by bimtelftor w»at of other plrmiea and burglarsto combine wltb.

wurid.lly ISS1 the mines which had teoa

OI-or.1 bad vicl'liil e-ma to tbe v» lu*of r.-".™*'W 0. By 1-*" trvra to** ofdiinw'tiil* h i t been taken out v»lat r3W onn.000. Hil* report pla<-4tbe I. ail. dlarooa 1 mine* ta the aba 1*and mad* KinilMrtr' world wide laUa fan. . Tbe (>c<l KtKxIoarate, kjoat ai th* De Hrvra, cat »eInio cutiti'4 nt all the m nee afliswt\ ch neaotintlon_ This ajt-dlcale i%rap n ' l . c for STS.ono.00>) wtd pay* to-ti-Tt-t at tbe rate of SU p t rent prranuum and an snnaal dividend of Wper cent. fHore C<ll It ho-tea came uvlo control of tha mm--* they bar* e>*-

To ret at throe It baa beea a. ceiwasyto wash X.7OU.00P loada of tl>* Ma*earth ta which tbry are found.

In tb* worklnc of the-* dlamomlmlura there are rmptotnl ahoutwhite n-en and 1.Q00 natlven. Tli*grvater prnpnrrlon af tiara, mea ar*< ii f1"l*-t In tbe I>e Beer* and Kins-berb-y mln*-i. the (wo biftXMt holca«Urb grveity man baa ever dug Istethe earlU. Th* pnitl>bmcnim iliao<-toil I* iirt.t-n yeaironit- All d am .fi'I*. exceptwbkb pa*s thr .ugh UU-ttare jwnt to Kni.-lai.-t. tbe WMkly .l.lp-

ig.ug from *>.i>« to atv IODD karats. Tbe gr%«tr*t oatM foratolrn .liacnondi to through th*vaal to Natal, whet* they a:-* ahl|ipFd

It I* Mid oT the llbodc- InterrstB tethe mlaea tint tbry take good car*of itii-ir wotkmea. They have boilta r cr VIIUE* .al'el Krallwo.th. -rlib-in tb* i.tr ii ••<• • f th* ailaea. la tM*villace ar* rnttirr* for Ih* WLUSwtTkmra. A cl.il.hi.une baa her* bPenLu It for tbrlr ttw sad tLere M a pwbbe ilteaty. Tbe rqnlpimr.it ot thamines ta amarthme Rmarhalite Eachmlae l.< tra . I cuita mt K tin temna.

l.niO ••aodte aower each, aad tai dawtemp* Of 14 as ! tv* . arnlle poiar a tvial 111 a ai I na ting power of a boate«,00W nndlea. Thirty Uarpbloratrd la ea.-h mine and o

Tbe lives of tbe worknw n an In^urodsad ever? r*f*™ suumi l» lak*n 10 ma'.*their <-on.au. n 1.1 rahJ*. Th* rate af*-agea runa from t£ to tS per day. un-•klllrd labor tareltlax tb* lower prtcs.What effect the cloning ef theby war will have »a the world at lan»It ta bard tti u ; . IKamooUs hava al-ready rtarn In ,>• i- -, bat t;i r> la aUrge stock on I and In Ea|llah andFrvncb ban-1*. Of Nurae all labor hasteased at K:nii-.l. *. nget Into tbe mines tber .Stay wla

B*ckl-»» Up.Not all of the driver's »«iu •„ j v

*wed l» driving ahsad: It take* agood driver to be able to hack up lafood shape. Not every driver, byany mean*, can halt and then backaa to a curbstone aad hit ft sausr*aad tru* with both wheete th* Iratclip. Tbat Is aomctblng tbat raqulrsaman aktll than might b* laugiaed byaaa who had never trl.-d It.

Bat la backtac up oa the level. 4- — I fails ta hit iha earh asaeU* tha

•aad te called for. too. For K M M ,U bacatag an, or rather, backingdown, lato aa ncaraiioa, oa tbe la-™ eanaeway |«n for Chat purpoaa.Tas ascavBtlon la bagua at the rearaf the lot. aad tb« earth formiag tha•awaoway. rannlng na to the lerel oftaw StnaM at the-front, la left vattl theHBM. la the later stage* «1 the ex-«a*atlag tha cwncway te left ]uatwMs eaoach at the top for tha cart*ar wmswas ta atove oa. mm4 ha sidaa•tea* * > n vraelpnowsly. Tha drtrarwb* backs down oa oaa ot those

WHERE THE OLD CAHt GO.Mawy Uaea ta which the Caat-Olaj of

Ctty Linti A*a Put.Oa aU BwtropnUua atreel railway*

new ran are constantly appearing.aad tb* qw»ilon natnml)Itarlf. Where 4o the old -••"> geT Astreet nUwny man of loag txperieae*u i T > m l tlita muacliM f«r n SuaIrporter the other daj.

~We wU a number u f l d -be said. **ta etbar d i n . where, sftrrthey are painted aad athct-wloa rofar-al»hrd they are aae>l as trailers oa*Wirir roaJa dttriac pertoU of tea»-tnt tramc Tbry s i s nasr<tr hlbehind the meter ' n v sadll.r phrpw lo whlck they are pat wry*.1L llcwrrer. t»e a > a u c for horae-Cnra bi alight, and li I*prottrm lo dl*pea* ef oU iWclrk

_ j permanent fund ofKsa.Se*. with which to carry oa thawork. The tatarast of that mam wouldtehrioitt asffn** avacaiavry nicely.

ta aarwrUa ar rhnihmi or i t e j i m i i• • • lu l l I h y . sawn rhlMraa. ara

ta someooW lirini te Ih* cenatry. whe• f»h.-» i* caar«rt th- vckklc bits aHnybaaas for cblldrrs. It anawerathis purpoa* very w-11. far cars arstevarlably wetl made aad will ataadhar>t weather an.l the aorar* aa*which rbUdrm are Uabhr lo give aaythlax they come ID contact wHa.

-la ihe agrlcaltvral dUtrlrte tijiwilthe city proper j-a -an Bad aooraa oteld ran wLkh bare beea convertedbit* rhhrbea boa*** by th* vegetablegartWcera. wfe* at* alwayi oa th*loolcut far bargalas la threeaoT vebirWa. Tbey • • • • ! » the gWlndi'W*. board up the aUes aad tha*make the oaeet poanirOe klad ef achick, B beua*. Uundredo of old caraare doing itiitr aa aoda watar aadnranat aunda la r*rlo«* parta of th*

Car* wbich *aw aarvtMthirtT yvora aso ar* BOW hi a*e sjawalTlac cara. where paaiiagns cai.tta«er while awaiting traaiaonathwta etber pans. A few a*ch ar* to rto«ad la Maahattaa. bat Basat af taeiat* te New Jcr-ey - - N . T. l u -•

Al Hnlrb three Is • hsapttal *bl.te entirely —apatt.J by the sale I*M steal praa aad alba ridTratn fraa.all parta of U*nunv. Thry nra w i i

•anus, hat at* dea* ahewt th* *bowVafy. atrs aaJ arma and are cwn-ed to ta theOaa *t tbe tretthat af hat ar hair or- agar* st ih* hack. The rlrtMM mawrtala

aawnau u WDWOMI of await peacock are employed far the**, wfth naaljr rlahplasjoi. the aye ef ta* ptaat* hetag art s « a i a i . m t e aarf apptaUaoa. Ttearwtth >rwela. Daacark rimrn are alaa cam- are wen at the tkmmm. tmt a-ialimUaad with other feather* vary effective sail* aad at ftaw.h.' >. Buttrrfloa of L»» and ^ • • E I M sr* Ta» Jacket la by aa meoaa thfWWa eat

Me -avo te th* hair with **«iBg draaa. of fa**a»i>h calnlati-^ hawweav. IIBlack tolvat halts, aaw Tn Vliaifclj has a BscaaSawat place aa • amaral ata-

•avperd. ai-> Mtj aarrow, vxorvt wa*r* *y Uraml . raaafortalO*. warm aad tao-Ha* back!* la attached. At that point eeaisat. aad tmt wafthat. Hijjdlal. ahmVthey rUra eoaw«aaL lac *M_ aMhlal tahao III i l l m

Th* moruaa U « > • k m ta th* pic- 1 Va* ptetav* A min U or luraa. It baa a wla. nJlar Of the taaat ' ' I |

ttftixxuxz-z?*: ^ti-js^sztrirri s?^3~*££^3 JHr^f?^?^^ wS Ti.a ftrynartraa rrj'arysitrfrja a » s a * j c . ^ s a ^ ^ a ^ ^ S 2^SrS i t Ttert*!raa-' The awttaraat^haw* ^ - ^ J ^ - ^ - - T * ' ' - * ' * * - ' ^ ^ ^ * * * * *" ' Ta* hodte* ateJoVte U * piosaw te o< aarf aa arai-a—al ejasa haTw^ a paaaaao oasamaaBs JosnMticuat d h » h i raate taawlag th* fa* af th* wtaa.

n d t e ef paste fer *ad the edawa af tike half I n i i

•Run a era alrr shoat MB* « • •>*" "'**'" f the •««« twij atahtT- ~ "

I e***alag rarepOoea. , ' are atae ta* e*ert p^ota m4 gfajhHte* aho** h. th* ptctwra Is ac a—I u M M B M I ! «^U hartag a »gresa greagrate. tl is waghOir oaaaga as«a k. JcaK CXML

•d at th* watet hrslad tm* ainnh Ir n. fn arm a -4k*t vatec, T W I A a I H U H I I M .

nt aar^ji^-ht^STt!?^ ' t^Tr^TT^' S * a-?w.w i ' l - ' - f.iii.|il » a a—a. M. to ». , ...I i |*t T*laZ?.w Oa?af g*a»». h»pr«n i l w l i m a tUahofh! It woa ealy B few meeaa aa>

TW M k i W aaeo* gr*ea *w> Ar dnteiwd m%» MaU.1 aaatW Sac haal



nn»4iT. u • pr—li^L UU mi rmM* IjrttMjM ICAS

Page 3: THE ONSTITUTIONALIST. tlantn Oika^praaented a baft of cold to Factor J. W, B o3«rdjoD and UO •IDKIBR bu jki to UM school. Tb« • ffiir WAI »->Ji K'>Ft»D up …

-i L * » w> aa.- M » raw, •thm a ,k l «f a FaaaHy Km era • Lrtva M UMVtT tlia» 1/ M* Dve/t art ae R M a«Wi* Her* 1 ana IMftac I f U n UolknA w-sfc fer a ai —

i t'T ai never got *. aaaaer.-

T>.» aune Tcill paw heto be a fawtbrr. and be waa aa-ota' uTalk l".n. oaly Uttt* albert thraweda Tooth BniBh at th* papa> aatd BeesM*n Hole Him owe of tb* Wfaatfoara, atth.tr dnv( tk* BubJIct.

Alter Br-ckfuet ant Fanny ram* ta.and uhen she Herd about the Baby ba>m atck ah* aaya:

"Tmi moat »tnp rivea R that kind elfood rite away. When my little •"lor-•nce waa bome4 -be had tba earn* kindef TrufeWe. » 1 fed her condensed mllba- ' «hc < um thr-i all rite.~


"My jf">j fiiw*. Hrt. R I W I H sadwh«n paw tol<l Her about tba Con-Oni-Mt milk; "Dost BIT* her That, tl•-.it.! Kill the poor Little Thin* I a.1-will Rrlnir my RIWM up on Btun-ley1* otea mitr . and Tbay never Qivt

- m* a Kit nf trul.hV --I wnuldert Dare to gfv» n« rblld et

mint'thai kind of .tuft." Mrs. Pondtold paw. "T»n mite aa well feed IIC.n* n Cwumbrn and be Done with It.Thar ain't mxhink UK* ItaJtad milkfrr a Bar>y with the Coltlrk. aod If Ihw•tin* Hud (imr arntm aba would efLr-n-<-J It at fh* Start.-

Thay waa about Half a Dnaen otherLadlee ffirtc w title paw w u Think*«i »fot>ut It to tell Him wbat M to l «dona. *B4 n-»ri» all of ihnu aed thayBad the 1 :• *t Pock tor on artb aad paw

we wouldent Have no tack with theChild. "

A" T thay all Oat thru paw m t tathe [Uskrt « k n tkf Baby w u Sleen-In u peti-eful aa a. U n . and lookedat It a ts-r.z time, anil then Ha wentoat la the Hall, and g«t little albert**druir and Secta lo p..u»J It and Jumpup and down and 81ns git Tour Bairn'•J*» WurthJ

Purty "»> After thai tba Docktrr

and tba Punt thine t»w

| - ,T . A

aaw> 1

[i.-- *

• a JOmm•e y o


.i > • -J 1n<

• and tryln ta push Him•sal



•re tbay wasted te

It." paw Haltered.

norkter told R KI.-'-. We are Goto to

mar think It I*. Bat I ain't Payta Toe.thru- dollars aTry tn

aasBait . • • i

a*i, • ».i



Vl-lt tn Com* Her* aado n e with me."

•a be let go and a si whatBBBBl Such a Racket.y

"I - •• -nln to keep the Baby awak*•a in* Day time H It would Otve a par-•ua a Chanel to strap a LJUla at nite.~p*- ><Xd him -

-The«t I Take H all Back." the Dork-••i '• •! "I thnt Ihe Wlmmen what ar»»,-. !- CummVn la and Tellen what taDa wHfc (he Babira waa the " m i l r-obiae earth. Bui Iheyalst." GBOROIB.

—la l-hlcaao Tlmea-Herald.

i Extingulahar.imp! Rattle, rattle. «

i Ihe itFpa nf th* palatial real-i- nf Mr Goldhonde.

turned to the Iniaas,Mr. Goldboada r

from tb* ruby Upa of Arabella

out th» lleht or your llf».-papa. who had don* a l!itl«

-dr..rr«n« In the ball th* alfht-Italltmore A w r k M .

Natural Reau'ts.

r tand t a t yIn the Philippine laUada

Celltac married.-* aaM Caw an-.-It wnold not be rlranaw If «

n*aniBK«a fnllowed w

Cowtdnt 6- Ditputad.

AN K«ri)r Attrartlf.Orerbeard In the Garttaei of Fil—

Ad«n>—Where's your motbarT I'm gwl-thtc tlr*d of walttna- for my

u n k

Ha-Ba Bllaa fVettytan mt ly -aar.rWd md M<M»ytMa>: Wtwirm la-*>»d h t r l a t . l t !

She-she fnund out fr-m hi* o\<rt«rt»*t he pcwlttveiy h-« b rur.W* I* "dinar- New Tor* W*.d

A L*itur« CUaa Ch-n*m«iM-

1 Pfirra-»fui r I should think societyrfuM tui-fc-him dakK."


Cm i t* think *f u_H I M h> tnm -f m«a4 «raU Oaaiarath nhTMd wRh >M a**aw. ih* mUh. andWar *oaa nat pa ha-d hi ban- wM» M M , . mta i n i n !• II, . fen*

. u d know where leaks af* ta:ur— -a stitch la U M aavas ala*-—rr binding goea on tk* frayed

glovea are polled smoothly Into>p* and kave a spectacle mt their

own. Tk* trimming la earafally ripped

J^rsSrEaX ka<eouW not speak lightly new. Hi fkhe triad bard te make hla vo>ce ma> .less. a. he_*.«:

t be cries agAla,yoa do(a«r-

* U aettwalmiaaa. KwhfraMii aaJe-emrte avac, wham- « M I add the *M

•> w Han. -hlaewd *> *ry rreth, the see*.M> ssfssd wttk ike BBS i n . the mua. aad

a panful

as It agalnat the grain oa U s wrongside with a whlakbroosa.

Silver washed after each meal lavary hot watar. wttk n spoonful ofpearlln* In th* water, will b* brirhtand sblntag for a long Um* withoutother cleaning. When a more thor-ough cleaning ia a«c*a*nry as* anyKood silver polish, but rub lightly asthe briKht lustre soon wears dull and

know ao well, aad »hk-h t u ns dlffar-ml from that of moat stria of faahlam.

~Th«ra la llttt* I would not slra."•be said, half In nrnett. "1 ball«*«I would rlie my hand U th* man didme the honor to want It." I i

On th* fo«rth day from that mmwhich th* coaverutlon en th* balconyhad been held Jtowea aald that h«would elYB thi« one day lo th« •earco,and. If the batibl* was not found h*would aummarlty cut abort th* faada- iattoa which bound blot—he wonldtak* tb« evening train to l>ondon_ I

"I think I am loalas my M M ~ 1*•aid. aa ha atraUad down th* read, hla

And Bke say*. 1 a n whipping tk*

I Th* aaswwr brtaga araaty renX. lorNew seJTrlng ahead he can nee.

' Aad be crtea. auo wild sobs of grtet

I'll ••»ef worry any* n a n ,Th* clooda ha** aliand away;

Th t Mr-tcne* fair befUd j t l

6m tk* otker sade. Lee aad Jaekaea^afvrwMd to tk* aatf* rtfle- Aa eosa-B * w W i they were taciturn. fc> la tfcaWa»alackm naa Oreeae. .Aad fne alt

hmerteaa G«o*rala- she g n s ligtoa atood aa an kxemptar e lla scti™.

n fai>Ud tojtnyl

to wnrk asat111 alia* t*e

For I am "i* II' »n(l*ni-atnc* father • )ototd n t

<ten between his Upa.

Mr. OooUjr on U N Piano.In th* December Ladlea* Rom*

Journal la publlabed the Srat of th*~MOt}y Donahue" sketchaa by tb* au-thor of "Mr. Dooli-r " It tella of"Holly Donahur a ' ambition U> haie aPiano, for on -Archer Road e pianola t ie one a nr* and rlalble lymbol ofth* achievement of aoclal ambltlnn.One may be WITT dadat people' andnot own a piano, bat on* cannot b*fine people' unlraa on* boaau of adark mahocany box wblch Ukna apmore than half the little- parlor u d laonly opea Saturday moralnn wbeaMtaa OBrten. the chnrck orgmnlat.conna down lo KIT* Mary Ann a lea-aoa. In the Child of th* ItetfBeDt.- oron atate o f c u k e i whaa then the aaldMary Ann pro* ok a* th* march frara*Korma* out of Ita wlerd Interior. AtOther timea R atasda unopened,

aasy and forbidding under tu pur-pall, and It. treat te«a aaatly en

It la not regarded •> a na l lda for th*

landmark of pro<r»w« toward wealthand culture. Tb* Murnkjn have a

my.' ruaa ltke fire down Ihe road,and the Marphy'a have «rrJT-d ' Bafta-bea tb* 'planny* COOMB oat. whenhe rumor* of loat Jcba and Iltneaa eul-

DHiate In the withdraw^ of b*n#-moth on the ahouldera of awanrlnaT

•noun, that M th* day of traced?..« Marphya are down! Hope COMt with th* piano!"

shrill bark _dashed a little Skyat Rowea la an e«oaeaa at »i«bt of him.

Rowen stooped to _ _tare, which belonged to Mym Kant,and waa her ooaatant *ompaaloa. •

The young n u t eyes glaaaagabout, hoping to as* tk* doaTB Wk>treaa. but no on* appeared, aad atmat Rowea was aura aha waa notnear.

The man and dog want on slowly,and It waa not until sosn* s lants* hadaaaaed that Rowen noticed that th*terrier continually turned back aadlooked at him aa If asking htm tocom*.

J.I lybaa*andfadedbarks ofwaa constantly taralag Blurt Mthat Rowan followed.

Suddenly tk* dog leaped and amaaibled down th* ateep bank of a *rywatercourse, and whea Rowea aaat*

down from a Mrch tree aad ML rata>•f thaa walked, to a place where laya ttsure. whoa* blue dreaa aad brightararf were familiar lo hla eye*. i

"Myra!- he cried, an be f a s * ham-••if down by her.

All his lore and agony were m Chatword. Ha bad feared to tad her

I a**d to drwad th* "rainy nay,"I anad to labor, too,

Atd father u«ed to crurBy any-Thare'a work for yott to do."

But now 111 cu t my book* aalde,Uy k»* pen mar ru»t

Aad the one I want Will be my bud*.fat father's >oiae4 • UwM

ID bava n yacht. IT! bnv* n atad.Aad a maaaloa by tb* aaa;

Tba awlfeat. •wetlent klad of Moodla w'nat I'm rolnf to bo!

Let othera die aad totl away.And worry If Ibay •—«.

But I throw ear* away to-day.

Twaa Eve* Th**.roa often nanat a ( t t r a U c flrt,

Wno M both yo«M and nrwttr:Fb a a grmem aad asonay. too,

hta and w l tty.

ef dlflWIUaa: anally pt a ,ww»-|Isasa I

And y** It naaana t* mmTo mm* a Una hi ajatu — • —

Ten. awn aa aad «am bn.

InLasI K w*sa H I M I M af aatllaaT mx ahlralgat asaaa bay where devmaUOea. larked he-sMaih the ripples u l «f ajirnyHa; a**

am «aty the n r M wiaJd ton tn» atthe ctrver thtnga tw'aaM wbea thereWM ae rampslgataf • * ' eeea»y baa


Why We Sen ciettw*.T a r n Is generally a adenttfie reav

npn back of all hr>uaeho)d dictum, anda little knowledge of the laws ofchemistry Is a great help to a brightwoman, who can guide her methodsthereby.

la no simple a matter aa boilingctothee on the weekly waah day. It lawell to know that the purpose la notto cook the linen—only to expand th*pore* of the fabric by heal and thuaallow certain sort* of dirt to drop out.Thla ia accoampUahed with knlf aahour of boiling and nothing whateverIs accomplished by a longer stea-lng.

Moreover, there In •ttiTTsnr- to berendered th* yioensa If tk* laundresswill frequently turn the clothe* witha round stick. This not oaly preventsacorcblng acsinst a hot surface, buthelps tb* falling out of th* looseneddirt. Car* U seeded us Urn the. slickshould tsar the clothe*.

Wbea th* hot clothe* at* turnedoat of the boder they should be la- .stantly plunged Into very cold, dearwater. Ttala contracts th* fabric and .drop* oat more of the loosened dirt. I

An Ancient Dainty.Tboae of an who bare kaaa to Rich-

mond. London, remember a certain lit-tle paatry shop where It la de Hreurto slop and sat a sort of tan known asmaids of honor. Tk*Siaaya

ilm and a faint smile eaabe bo herwhite lira.

-I think oa* of my ribs • broken,and perhaps the rest of sly boa**.-she said, with aa effort at aanhlsilightly. "But I've found my bracelet!"

Aa she spoke th* hut word* herface turned deathly white and shesank still further hank ktto aacoa-Bdouaneaa.

A guarter of an boar later, whenlife returned to her. ah* found her-self supported In Rowan's arms, sadbefore she opened her eyas she felt apair of trembling lips pressed mssJiiiately upon her own.

mured Rowen. ~I waa wild—1you dead! May yoa newer a

• W A said Hungry HiggleIs tk* Brat good thleg fjm

"Wot to ttT" aaked Weary \with Itui* 1st it 11 i

-Wj, It saya a lot -of 'em hirash—no. It alaX efthar. Its - *rash. There was a Mt of gray oo»*r-

Then She Calbrd the Oea.Miss Sottrfac* d o trarna)—DM yoa

ever have a romance In your life?Tramp—Tea. mum; I had a sweat-

heart oaeet dat looked Ilk* yoa.Soui-fac* (aatttac oat iate)—And i d aa* die

me to marry her.b—a nsltlmnra

i. mum. Ms faddr anvher. so I ran away from

t i n * * ron not Iced nearly every • a

a sg htapace wttk

il J

Her* ! • n ractp* dating back totboae daya. talUnc aa bow to make tb*tenon tiling for Ua Urta—th* crust

•MiHalf a pownd of whit* sucar. two

ounrea of good fresh butter, threeyolks of.agga. aad the grated rindaad Juice of two small letnens- Puttk* above tngrrdlenta la a farina boller over a pat af botHa* water and stirIt ever a slow Ire untilthick as good dowbte « _one ouac* of sweet slmoada and stirthem Into th* mixture Fill paatrycase* and bake them ua tl! Ihe paatryIs cooked.

BO. There was anasiatklM «• »eT ta**that emboldened him, that n e a t hlakopea rtaaf

-And novwhispered at 1

-Ah. now—BOW I win a*v*r Mt ywago!~ b* riclalsied. hoWlag bar y*tcloaer. "Ha** yon *ver gaaasad howI loved you?"

- T * a _ l knlf B l lam war—wwltk* low reapons*.

•n-tt wnatr*"1 dared not tktak of It tana as*

b«-auae 1 was afraid that I ahoaai dta-c a n t that I loved ywa!*- v u t h i a vUctooa reply.

A tew moments after ha said-I Inland s i te have found fk*t

bracelet myseaT-"I t ' s an th* saj**" ah* emM. nhyh,

railing, -mac* I have fhvnd It?—Pi i lana i i from Spar* Mnsi—M.

hariioaeT They dWh'l have aea wheayou and I were boya."

"Yea I bar* noUead K. and. hntwsanyou and ma. I thing n Is a sign that

suffrage la eosUac apac ttktrtda-—Indtanapoila

_M b* irat **t*red sayh« llaaaWslil tba babtt *f raulng aanvtar la th* plans *v*ry •*•**».and. thongk ha kas alnoa grown reek,b pwta la hia » ewmta."—UdUaapoita

Tasskia* Aiwsy* RlfM ««« Ua.Drtnhlag glaea called tumbler* ewe

their aaan* to the fact that they «r*the sactsaaan of the HtUe rouad saV**r bowls, ao perfectly balaaeea taat.

And wheal h* wna arraigned laa n nil Ira war* there," ka went en.-And what dH Ue Jaa** d* la

m r ah* naked.d d aba I* has tat*.- h* m*

diacaarged alav Oh.

klit pf rscTf red la, wa*** *si* ldelicate, ta* rawall la bsaasVasnl.

Rub the body well wttk th* ban*u d a coarae toweL ThU will *M theblood to drcuUUn« o - e u the norenof (he >kla aad keeps It ia a healthyooodlUoa aad tone* the enUra system.

Bu, n bag of sea, salt pour a quartof boning water over a cupful and adda taaapooafaj of ammonia and one ofcamphor Pat tb* mlstarc In a quartbottl. aad keep tt on yew wnahataad.Add on* of two teaapeoafuls of thl*to Ov* water far tkh mornlni kntk.and It will be found an excellent taaM

. I Lariat Lake—Waal, y-can't ienumber where 1 vet say before h* wns a rorpse be borryd

- aaM Dnnceaah*. "Have yea naathar smaa'a baak ttkaat a«Ua layEokTd for them?" naked Mrs. IVa ^ W a fnDers o*eftak l a a S jroanbe. "No: bat I wOl aa sana a> I , Twaa<rfoot—»'** ha rrtghtsaedT

"1 ana i L L k « k 4 d Iaeon a> I . Twn4<r(0*t—Va« be irtghceaea

~1 aaat ' Lariat Lake—AJerdeat man I- »• »—» area—«h' •aansaaa; killed l a v -

atnte Jsataal 1 -

iw m t u «**anaaa»v sw-H e . s e a* awaaal* a aaV

i mlilr ir» cvwaytl «1 h» other faral-

tf* Haw e*«nr oloir. keard •iil^lbaal.»mt ef words he waf a fniurr, Whea

m r as brief ae t t ^ aekdd ne m i lJa half a aeaea werla s i eaaM m*Ba>

pusa i« a haedied. «Wd n> i v k aa ea-

.Her. be w». . man ef few were*: aas ,It la e-perlany aetlerabb that lutaf If rf* nailthat part af has n ( w wbea ha waap (bulldlnc a great mfiUry repataUoa ba «*»• »*arty te the tea of tba pet. letwiia noted fn» tanj«rn|ty. Hla atnal . •"• K raaaaia fae m a i l hnua

Tn av rarther baak ta »»*Wen We- Ja-«lt»er*. er the sell win > l r la i aeavtery. Of great V . r i U o r k . wk* agaJa. aaastng the ssaean M drop *Cacourved Ihe Fr,n-h^ wan Jus* aa sane. _ _ . . _ - — —

t*r tb* great a » l . a r . The dan. !*?*/*_ T^TlJ1

ereJ wa* la bed wbin *ewa a m want »•* *JJ *•**—.th*rre*rh rad ^ a W w . r Anas**- arena* h»ewn a.

glmseham taana- RheaV Istaad, nV•a% H»w Y***. —.awl. Hew Aalsaw.


Tbeearh Caark caa pane* aa asaaBV***a* aa ram- aa a.c-aat af tke aertssa* baa eeew. hM cW -t chatm b» daetaae-tfca Itre la the pssaaealia ml a rrmnrfc•Me bteed *f pet. M la* irigwant•asdwaajef arsaVVwaealeaa be Mas fc*b^ iispfartsr *pr ibe fsfaini f t wMB rhi-na—Beaa Ee bamaa te carry(Jia aeaaa* as Wa seclwt la Marrh. Il E t . Jut *WJS tka* k was kataar Oma $m bea'B eaa. hard aa* raal * f Jasan. I-ttarkaa the earn*** 1 * - * » < * wrhakto j I•aa gtww tabvy - tkat Caark tl afkl t

at* at aa< s*ea^as*»rej rbat n* •«*•

Ifwrlag the ae*I ) ar a haJ ffasanl• n ; h> t*. stn* mt an b | M waaaal

aartagaf »*M, aft*, p t u : torfi. -*sS frma • , , ! , ««««». >- | • - -a>ianw aa a faf*J* aas kan wM

eae btnx, Clark atssahal rke enter tsTJhe ga/aaa aad arm w a l a rtaak adsaaS- am m. l . ty ML. i n n I aTaabX

aamaiaj aa*J tk . aaasan wbtrk k*4rred sTaaafal at asm had aritaasti

M era* at tawara, a*aa bw aawvaaf sMa . H rke rr**> t*e M ef all ae>d * • * -

H/-fa eaa «(rrj yemr smra*teaw b**« »••••• 4 bi yemr aarfeet

-Ter aaiaimi- *he f


: .


Page 4: THE ONSTITUTIONALIST. tlantn Oika^praaented a baft of cold to Factor J. W, B o3«rdjoD and UO •IDKIBR bu jki to UM school. Tb« • ffiir WAI »->Ji K'>Ft»D up …

LL 'The Constitutionalist


BMB*B'W «C Ms tnaW t r p>n*irat Bdt«rtMcn. M j a taa r M M H M••word, la ~

*L.AtNriEt-D. ft.

A. U Force. Editor xii Proprietor


or sjm. w. A woooaurv.'

"fmhiil<hi" la tb* H-w Tor* PUB.NT* rbai aatiaaaM pat ib» f e w — otpot static* Is ibta M'*»s *!•<• lw» all

I M t M TbiW«ay fross laoaat t

wort of M M M '*»BBS t»(TOO. but lb« M

MtM. Tb*steity

rcMMTh ib»fff >rt»of I n . W B . 4Woodruff. saprriairodaax *f ta* O -

B-d AM i M o r l t t M . SJM) ttWaroatrrof

it U lD'Mr»rD( ( i know •om*<b<i>irOf !b*n» i U ' . * -u t . of MM H H W ^

t Fiad Arrow-abcat tweaty year*. •

lotiita PUlnO-M,* a»cbla-MM b j trade, way tBfe*a froai hi* BOOMto iba botpltal la aa aabalaaee, auf

lag* trem f*»*r* aeeip wouadinwd aboBt S-ao o'clock Svadayws-ioa wbll* eta-allac a rtd* OB al«bt trals OB ta* I

halhoed froa his boaw

yeera I b * i"-al DUOINT it batxW* t I !• 3 - 'I Is 1 - •- «*> 117 -IT It l-IC-di }lUt

Tb* Utta it-brain-J a k r r . b i ' * tbaifee Mia IndBstry ta oa*ol tb*> bttta-aad itn—t valuable I loss of maifaciuie followed by Jer*e;a»ea, ao*n> wortb loatrrtaa; with ear* aad <twrprlM Pi-Jcfl-td baa »t«rr«l IB aSmall * a j to ibla lla* ot trad*.l-tdaiMt bi^tbs exosfteooa of <Mastik* * b n * .ntfaatrlal i f U C f barbees turned Itt > lbs n<i n'aciai k It win b* wont tbs while ofBH'x-n to aid iba Industry all tbat ta

of taa U n w t i AV«BW» PrrsbytertaBabarsb was erowaed to ib* doors, sodas B M J a m prraoaa wer* ittraedaway unable to gala arfoilttaacth* public rendition ot BaaoeTailm* ora'oiio "TtM MeM.sfa," te.•more than anytDlcg i-be to tba .aucoeaa of tb* popular mowwDi thai

• liniinaalTs mattes! aer»lo*BUM* tb»r« t*elu-t»t-

abo«t tba rvcot. «ad tbs Uleot w*»aqueila every reepeet to that evidencedts say prvTlotu atiulcaJ reDdliton

ft, It A bs mrardrd aa oaei Busloal

bar* IB m-c*ot yesre.Tba cooiBMttM tbat baa bad

taaoatfr nn>oi cf tbs i ff«ii In bsod d*actva uBstletcd praia* for tbelaaaa wtib which theIr • Bf >rta wars r»warded both at th* rehearsal Tuw•veotn* and attalo at tba publicdittos last •walna?. Tba rmpmet«oi**d la tba two partotSMrasvoe* I B * saaB or feuo, e^+iy pof WBlab waa raised by prints sabaarlpttoa. Tbootlb tt was sot aaBB*y tsicff IB **«««» t b * BBMwaok a faad, tttass wbotook tb* wofk tzprssa jmat |

ailty with wfeieb tbslr apeaals wan ia-a*o*dad to br tbs FUlaftaldan wbo

Nasaar* cf waartsa: 'Tbaaaa« la auob glorious and

wbo bad tb*

•r. sbould be appt*«iatlVB of tb*' > r asd BB»mr th a

wbUa yat pral.loitaatr. Oa iba otber ban.

• to tba rood win anaaiot* craUloatloa I

a c y rasJlsimt tbat la m.•a*a« tbaf ba*a aMad la O M of tb*

pbald f


Aa tba orpiBatot of tbs Idea of tbalopalar twadlttoa of iba oratorio, aad

p pnuWteary o>talla. R*T W. B. Rlctaarta.

f b O


B*» r**»*t cf bt- BareaB of H'a-i-'t*-*. N--*r * . P.trtvo. Jem** Cfr. El i twttieb ba« r^-n eompllrd by Cblaf ' » ' • • T I T ! o, Oemdea, pnVilliaajBialaabr. will b* toirreedSC. ] tVrtn An.b.y will abow

Tb* r«p"rt »hom tbst tart* than " *" "b>Bw*f aii'l ru* or espttal ar* m w i . 11lnrtia. rn->t u'-r'ijr'tirf sttd aJIW-d IDtwrrata. Tb* B«Bib*r of sf-parat* eoa• M M »rd Iba am'ant or eapDsl Ha r m BOW tbaa ewr befor*. Tb*TBlaa of tb* prodoel Is BWatly doabt*wbat tt wss tea j u n aim aad B O I *tbaa tr>rr*aadoo* half IISMWIaa m I I o Is »ptt* of U*a r*et IIsadvDvy basbp*a datlBK ibis periodto toO't* icDportaat braaobes of tb*lado-Ty la o'b*r SiaJ**-

Tb* TsJaa of tb* manufactured tUttprodwct la OB* balf •na.o aa tare* astb* total *alB* of fsrta prodnna laKew J*r*vy. eecf rdln« to tb* 1BtaiMcvMo* of tbat year Tb iaf pt-pt* ar* el»^n i>B)pkiynjiibta «rrai ladMtry for Ib* yraifcr«biobHii. reootd I* mads.than «*rr bsfoie. and lb*tvrra«« paM

Ml er ibaa la praordlaa:

At tb* itw* tb* wtad waa Mow!rafcf aad »OBBKArr w»n,ir b wss st.pf£ b**1 w* D two fre4abt oar*-0-Hoo*«b**t h< scald, bataa tb#train p**a»d thrench Ptetaa ba tad-d*Mly loattitohold aaJtb* wlad Maw


• r 'c r c l « « l Wbra h* waa fiSOoa afl--r warrt h* was lo B attanI

•*eoediiloa i ui wa«ab|s latr»i:.\,c- H* waa tliaa takse

bom*, froei whteb plaes bs waa UkrnIba borpltal. Tbfct aowra*• M d brat for tb* UJartra BJMBI

that proper trratm*(.t coald BOI be*<*•• n b- air. At ta* Bospltaj aa • X.mD.IIOD provsd that tbe shall was DOI

Jarrd. aad obattora of com plate rejwry ar* alBMSt aaximl. Uoa

•laj b* waa d i n * well sad wbfB bitrolkiosUrdtoasehlaitMWwSBbis to

r*iaa a tint*.

tbaatty'a w ,trva waapr"Tld*d at H n . Woodn.ff«

BM oa Etat Boonwl stiwat. Cibl* wat* il ictii nlfta saiubia tor tba

Tb»iiv*waa irimnt*d aad'J tlataidaj ati^raooa tba rbildn>o

•>i> lavltrd to M W T•T Its baaattaa aad raoalva ktad r*-sraibracaM from tboaa wbo badeatilbaj'ed tow«rda tbs

'wot. Tbrra w*r* pnaaata, btaldisaad oraaftaa, for If'obtUrve,Haa; Tt f i i l t tn . Baaldaa

numbrt, 10 poor f»milt • w*iw htlpadcood Oaitstaws dtaasn. Umy of

tba d >D>II of loc this J lyoaa bap-for tbs lints O M * a*d tbrti

psnau eaaaa mrouah tba Saaday•rboolof Trtatty fcVforowd eaarahBf«td>* lbs ooatrlbartoas to tba (t*o-arsl load for tbl* ObrtMaMs tr*» aoa>»Of tbs claaaM of tba Titoity Saadajarbool took It up -a tbaaaatwaa to to

ibsr poor faaaiusa wbleb MrsWoodruff mtoasMWdad ta b" wonty

OaiasTtolU bosltk Mr*. Wordraffbaa basa eoaip^lad to raalca bar posl

iakc.trc-J«ru«ry I n t . Bar

•c yst baaa apcotaMrs. Woodruff's aatma« avaltbs aobi* work In wbtrb aba baa b*Dcsa*d la ibe past six j r a n I* b i c j

to bar anir asorlDslDir•ptrii. Tb* poor talldtva of tba chy

•a b n klod


Arwr as Illaaai of tbe•unVribg for tbf last two yeanduriiHt wbleb iltbe a noMsw M aiads tor Ufa, Mrs. PiKirwniBD. Bind t> {W. E. KtEaman, - of Bberman areDU-. iur.'un,br-d to tiw dUeass tba

rapidly ukliwr her life away, idt. J OblUtDMS at iI'alock. Aithuufth

aprratloD la Mew York a year e«a BMI«ob*r under tbe dlrt-ctlon ot DrC <*b. mho sstd thai sba c »uM m

•albiy tl«* I ' t g r tbso tbs follow-IOR April, aba rallied and bsr Itf* ws>

tte*etal Urn** BrtMwBMabe wss t l m i up. btit It w«a not untuUst Sa'arrlaywbaa I>r Eodioott, tb* r»miiy phya)

i. taad tbat she maid not tr*wt*r, was It tbat she m * * up boa*tea Saadey sba reoocalasd b*iIIj niiawlimallj. but for tba

part ib* was nsnuasi luas.Mrs. Kit •man was tba daaabtsr of

•bs Isfa E-T Bimn-J T. BiMtBaa,Haw T it k, wbo died tbrea yean a|toHbo baa beaa a weld tat of tbls ttv

•ou-cn ysara, whsis sb* waa watl-kaoea aad LI«bij u t i iB id . Bba• • -i faJibfui otaeaber sad nrffitlar attaod

i First Baptist obarob aad atForth*sempUry Cbrtatlaa wocn

mm atx moouu sb* bad bssai aaablto laa*» tbe boaaa. Tbs fanerM s*r

etasa waca bald la tba First Bapu*-ofaarcb reaUrd.y aftaraooa at 1 i,

'oloek aad lsisiais.il took ate*la Ibe ramliy plot at Lsotolnairr. Massr*e(*rdar. A baabaad, BOB aad twudauabtanrarvt**

aral yean oaa ot tb* oaleftba Ire departawnt. dlfab bom* la BrookIjs. afrera loe« Hi

Tba fBanalbeid last Taasday tnm tbs home of

|O*M of oft* daaaAtars, Mrs.bants, i n Bcebwtok avawaa, a* I

i m a M i . aw BW» la* ttnoac ofOhrlataisa saofpsra. wbo arvwdJtdi"" * •mat OatBidaj • • • • I s j . tb*lptWUeg* d wnaaaalaai araaa ib.ifo»iaai«»rinsnBt tar aarpm 4 th* '


Taa rroraia>»BdaaoB tor s>entb- jiTj that ooBTMtad Mrs. Has>-rtfti* FuavrbBtb of DMaaUuebtFibad Its »&%«(. To* day aorsbe waa eeareaaed by Oblsf Jas-tloe)ls«il* to no to tba ootjtMy Jailfor sii BioB'ba less OB* day aed topaj a flaa o. atoe la d>f-alt of bardo* so* will ssrv* Utn* iMirad.

n . Flogi-rbu-.b was bron«bt lato1 Taaaday 1 H at 10 u u 'clock

*bea ssB'eaea wsa proooaoosd. Binaok It wry ooolly Heltbcr bar b«»-

band o.t so i wers preseat. Jotlie so ansAfp«d tb* **at*ae» t

«be oaa renaln la tbe ooaaty JtOl binstead of BO1O« to State prtaoo.

A lerm of alx mooiha orax>re secliates tba restoval of tbs prlsoBer

'be State prtaoo Bo •be revived(BOB tba lees oo* day. A* aba baamoney with wbloh to pay tb* fla*. sbee»n arm* time at ib* rai* of a dollar• d-y.

Mrs. FlatterfatiUi artarwarda noraeaed berself eatUSed aa IOB« as sbe«.«idsuylatb*juib*raaad aottoBtato prtaoo. Bbetoaow tbe oatyorcaput of tbs wosaea'a WBTB IBjail bee*.


I»*T aad atan«d la loarivs of William Marsh.

Tba trouble oarwrrad Is b*nffl.Tson1* boaaa la tba allwy. Bar

buabaad was sway sad ska•* mini

• friq

Jber faiuiBBi

Wataoaj d

Mtad a faialby. PatrotoM ^ ^ders *aa BIBBUBN) sad foaod K M

" tjuletl, n-poelnjr usder a bed.« baa Ivjdca flaed ftaa

M-reof i t * ptinary d*r*rt.i tnflb* Bsrvda* M-bool of Tr l t lnwtBadrtarrt.C* "


wiu be aiprhw* «r ib*cf ibe — T I — T of tba Uiw*-

Osnar for aaotaarla Ms dn*rt»r-

i l* bat flrsmly rtqasstsd by his steprsaaar. aoloasoa Lew la, to teep away

tutat B*>W Bad fof*v*r. C f i 1 BadEtta su-pfaUtrr. It win ba Teatemb*sal** bad aosk* ir^ubie aad ibe BM

' baa Osek waa ottered abt, be 4tr wa ko(F* aaJ ilmar«Bi il to *•!«« Boto

• baait oaa. Ho a warraat ••«cd u d irtvwa to PairolaMa Mo

Oat i j to* *™* Hatordaj »l«n(. He-Oarty spotted bis B U OB Frontatooat f o'rlocfe. Tbea "Cack" botaadwith tba t ftfeer la pormit

Tba abase eoatlaaed oat West Frost•t tfa-t wtor-a Cark" doablcd and OBJBbark to V-jrbI'a *•*?• H- ilnilai * 1:b*r* aad •piloted (bn ojtb hwontKf**t. McOMiy led tb* **n aad •/*<•a aaedred awa aad ax ft ]' >t at d la ibhanu At laet, the Beet-foastad puHoi

i awbaBted Qatnar Bad P**i naatd'a orach armp sbootsr W M k-i^-.M J»ll. Moadar B>arel*« -*O-ah'

eeateoead to I f t f dara la J*A1 aadto pa y a taa of Mo.

—Saadar sTtaraooa, Doawa* r But,>-re will be b*ld la tba W7. o T C.» O M »ra-nt»- for tb* O A B.uctUrt t j R-. Dr. W C Hrlwa. '

tba borou«ih. will dea««c * p*irl-aditrvea, sod tow* wul "



J M BABBIE'S'Tommy n d Ci. izei" (serial)


III- HAUL) IIAHlilMiDA VIS'S fi Jtion *iid ape' iitl •r'icle*

HENRY NORMAN'SThe l luu i i of lo-d>7

Article, br W A L T E R

A WYCKOFr. ..thor of'Th« WorieiV .

SHORT 8T0BIES byThomts Nelson ttgeHeaty J«mrsHenry m Dy k©Ernest 8eton-Thomp«onEdith WbartonOot&Te ThanetWilliam Allra Wnite

SPECIAL ARTICLESTtt P«ti. Exno-ition

rREDERIC 1RLANDSarticle* on (port had w>pl'<r«tion

-HARVARD nr TYEARS AQO."by SenatorHoar

NOTABLE ART FEATURE3 THE CROMWELLILLUSTRA1 IONSby celebrated American•nd fnroira arti»t«

1>K CrtAVAS-NES by JOHN LAFARQE(ulaatratioo ia color)

bPEClAL LltuuitiT.-• c t emn (ia color and inblack and white! r.w WALTER A PPLETON CLARKE CPEIXt.TTO. HENRYMcCARTER DWIGHTL.K.I.MF.STORF.nrt othpr*

awl i .uuaud >*» |<ei» |


•:• In 1900*;-:-NOVELTY IN LI I EPA it V


T r i e BEST II I.I -.1 IfATION.*..

with CoV*a EnrT*%«,«» a id

A law asd 8«prtMy


.l >i.» soi 4wa* PMMBIUSailinf A I O M Around pSfr Wor d.

TVt iwwl or a —Tft-i • f iraVjaiin ntKkMHWW->aMr4a •« . I n * . " , . « H .-Wrt A B * «MrMI«l b M a ^ * f 1

THe Amhor of • HufhilVynna.h t f t V a i MUrbeil. -ill rerwiak a avm

A Chapter from Mark t n k i ' l

Abandoned Autoblogaiphy.

Llierary Rtminiiaekcei.•I'Hf Heoaaia ±1 Tw7«.r Idmni:iair'1. l—ni a. DIJUI , ' Vkiukr •

pfOonrnwrTboMlnav Hn~f<4i . rm»

rn. Of ll.r-.vri I i , l . . » . * , , Tb.»% Aid-L-..Woe«Br» Wiiau*. Joan

American Secrirt** of MDHI of aMau^llTba A-t Work ot -he Le t'.rv

IIIW u r m W B ro (r.)r^ fait T»B <

»•* • ••'•w B)a4 bnuUli IPB*»*« . l•MWHIatdl - i i ln ' . Wl-T Ikat *ur« -

CENTURV: CO.,vmon sou A RE. « w VMIK.

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F o r 1 9 0 0 ^ 5 UArt, LJicrmturc «nd Fun


PIANOSfm are Closing

out a Dnmber of of good•ecoDd hapd ptanoa at» i retbelf lam \nc**. andon *s»y t- rn.s of |«y-ment. Now ta the timeto ^et a bargain.

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IHEW.F.TWITPJUOCO,M n i l A 11 1. Nnr •>

1831 *™'1"Sr-r 1900Country Gentleman

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>-m ct* to Ruaera orvi-r Cloba.

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Four MLuib« Tn*i Trip 60 oeoU


_ -HER TUCKS* at SOW.»«>• iLBi.SI.KV

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{Children-^ ^ Teething



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tPAINTERS.WaOParm. Pmlnara'Swaaha

- Ill-US Sorta anna.

• > a k 4 ' akaBafeaa, 1. W.

CLEARING SALE HARD LUCK FOR‘ CarK The Constitutionalist





Hallet & Davis LIFE OF CK


1831 190(1 Country Gentleman. Tit OUT UV'Biper »»D 1DDITTUL1 m IjM *| Atncaltwu »l sf IN





ill Coaatrjr iasMoaU ketp up wimine tvtes.

Bla«W Sub«c'X*lo 1. ** I M BaBBIE*8' Toro ray mod G.ixel" (serial) Ltierary R-rr in vor icr 1 Lehigh Valley Railroad. THEODORE BOOSE VKLT-S -OLIVERCROM

WELL- (serial) ■ r.pldly ullu hrr life my. u« I Cmutaaa morals* at 4 at Rl HARD HARDING DAVIS'S fijtton And ape rial article*

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Pom Momta TrUl Trip 60 erita SPECmuT COPIES

gftr-irsras -T^a-tirsc LU’Hmmtuckb*a mom. »*» • 4LBAm.IL Y

P. P. VanArsdale. PIANO TUNER.

Article- by WALTER A WYCKOrr. aatbor of • The Workers"


Edith Whartoa Oct ats Thinet William Alien White

ST. NICHOLAS SPECIAL ARTICLES The Paris Exno>itinn PREDKK1C IRC AN D'S articles 00 sport And ex

pWatkn ^harvard ‘nr y YEARS AGO “ by Senator Hoar

(Children ~~i W Teething

NOTABLE ART PEA TUBES—THE CROM W ELL ILLUSTRA. I IONS by celebrated American and for—iyn artiste

PDVIa DlTCilAVlur NE8 by JOHN LAPARGE (illustration in color)

bPECLAL IilostraliTr actemrs (la color nod in black ami white) r» H AL TER APPLETON CLARK. E C. PEUt>TTO. HENRY McCarter dnughtl. KLMENTORr and others

Woolston & Buckie. PAINTERS.

Page 5: THE ONSTITUTIONALIST. tlantn Oika^praaented a baft of cold to Factor J. W, B o3«rdjoD and UO •IDKIBR bu jki to UM school. Tb« • ffiir WAI »->Ji K'>Ft»D up …


Spec*' Chnstmaa Programm**War* Carried Out.




Th" u*u*l CftrtatBM senior*, wsrab' ' »: •'•** First B<«[.'i-t ctutch Sun-w y mort.ii>* and aiu-rooun. bat tb*iriT •• tiny wr»Mier ln'»rr*rr*d•ajepatlr •""> tbtt attebdaao*. laH^OOtDltlK tb*»e «*r* *>KMtI I P W W J« jr.tip;r>laprr«»ailOM)iy UM floe•aac u t u i « d for tin* ooo—Ion laUM aft. rnoon tbe t i u M u n * • «muct l«ri*«.- «o<1 tb* •FITICO W M UOd t if •• direction < t ib* biodt j -

Tbecbureb W M sppropi lac*(or tfc* et«tt, aod ooo

•bu nre et*r of *»«sr«oo U-

M 9 i | i i t d wltb tbMDdmceot Ugttia,wBilr»b(H ibepl«trorm W M BB *rf.n^mfct of potted flam* BodPkltna. la tbe Bornlng tbe rrgul*«tolt ccdrird • tptclal ptofrrambieOf pttbrM, while tbrre W M aok>i l k l .f i i»rlor"Xiy|iei»«by H I MHrfr ». • pruno; Mr«.W»til.c©ol-alto ;Wii um II low, beas, and O-orir*Bmiin, tenor. Dr. Xeike* deliveredA3 (L'pc"*t* ln'ere«tlnR wtmoo ID

_TM ef isrnooa *TTIC« t u wry In-b*aKlnit and tbe programme 1B-•Iwdtd pr»Iu t*, tTl-). prv evasion from-LXkrokxto.' organ, piano and violin;t u J. J u- 1 • Ht» Hema;" invoeaboa, Dr b. J Y>-rn«*.ftDib*m.cbiiir:Mpoe»lT* rradlDff, kd by tbe tuperai>BdM>l O. H B*'ctMtor; carol,"•CnrUt W u Oeoe a Little Baby,"primarv d*partme*t; prayer, Br». EE J - k-»T, p*»tor »t ib* Hi O U T *Bifittt t-Lun-b: carol. "Ooes laB-iblebfa of Juiab;" (torlptare i»-ip«ri[) ' i»uifi, 'itwsofSoriptura,"IbrrtniMiiaia department; i Victory,ut •, ' Buo«rulJif," oramn. piano andT,.,UD , raadtDtt. M l - Bertha Wbltaey;eoatraJo aolo, " T B * Cb«t*t Oalld,"Mr. W»M. t.-»po<iii»* reeding, todb T x a D M M , mpertbtabdeat ofiM Hi. o i « S-in-iay «cbo-i; oarol.

— rutb* Birtbd«T of OJt Saviour;"iwpjoeJtp rradtn*?. led by I . W Banf. if*. »iijTticimd*nt of tbs EaatTniiii Btiwt mtartoD; carol, "Tbs bayof AH tbe Tt-ar;" poatlude, trto, from"ASoasU," oman, plaao asd violin.B vard O M « praaldvd at tb* otRaaMra. B. T B*TOM at the ptaao. wbllaP Lod*l«Oi>Dd« i'I.H'1 thf. »i IIID.L H B!«li.w. Jr., led tba alnRios,• bltaHra. POWIIMB aad « n . Harold8»niU hh<i cbartM of tb* primary and

" ta>: m^lia'i- depart meat • rrvpro'Tull i.Ttrr- warn DO rfvaloft aervkM. Bprelal•»ntlcD >bould ba made of tba panukro ID tbe proffraBin* b* UiaaSenha Wblloey. »bo^av» aa approprlato n-iciinir.

TKIMTV BKFUKMCO CHVBCH.Tt>« •«•». f* iinim L>n duDditT morti

it(t pf> *>-i>inl a i«rtr* atwadaaca atUwcfuti bft Tbrouebout tbe *1'y Attb* 10 su oVkck sprTtea at. TrinityBefonnrd ciiaroB^rmTy-lve pervooahowpTir ftatbervd to wotablp, whichh eobatdrrvd a (rood Buoaber.

Tb* «dtBoa » u b -aunfully B»dantaikoally drooratrd by Mr*. L. J.D N M V D O W M BBalata f! by * eo«n-ajlK-* i r ladtea Bad m«(lB*ea. Thera••ratwoKrtaly Craaa CM attb*r aid*«f tba pulptt aad Botaarooa palm*<Par*MM tba wboto praaaatlac a Ttrjpntty rs«ot. Bat—a« tba traaa andlBtBtdiaialT ow«t tb* pulpit de*k wasM*p»o4*d IB lar«a wblta tattrra tba•ort* "Boa of tb* HlobMt," aland Ingcot boldly aa yon f-otecad tba cburvbi

O M M U Maa abta atraoo, bit t r i t

M B « rboavB rtoei Hattbaw I M --An-1 B* C i l l « Hla Nam* J « u . "0«inK to ibe BbaenoB of one of tba«• if. tb« mu»!,-*! pro ramcBA. a* «r»«t«d t>y OntaaM A.. L. Tuawortb,*aa pcWpooMl ustiI a n t Sawdar.

TMix-rrtaaa by tba pitaary daBannrat of tba 8BBday-acbool wm*»wl u i:U o'clock. Bad awra aaPt«a>lBa: to ib* cbtldra* at tb* ohfer»-Bt»raof tba aebooL Mr*. J. M.TVt had cbarira of tbU dapanaaot"-' ' U «aa tbroasA her esaaUaatt

and Ida Taw. W M ale* oa* ef tbsi' f i l e s ; frmtara* of iba •ao*sa _Tba atairlo* by tb* Mttl* oaea. aariJed ibysoBBof tbe oMer enbtlata, W M bot iibatMst of tba lnb*r*etiog Bart* of I

30 u'ctuc* u u d tbaudu .[ u n i t Ha limit. Tbaa choral urUmi by tba adaUr* <*• B^ad.y *eboo| aad aa

ebolr of I t * • * « • a m

•Wry awl a krVf «MaajB by l i v . DrW B 1 la i ih

At tba ObrtMBM* praia* wrttM Wadla tba i t m i g , tba Biaaiaal pro-tmmmm, aa Ma«.HI |« Tba D .try

ly r>o.l-r*-i *ad bt«nly *p1. Snort "1 liwavea w«-iv Bade

by Dr B-brack. D< A H Lrarts sadlanrodf-nt E E «.ntbouy Dr' addraaa waa a eeboUrly aad

ableoae. la k-*p«B* with'bat ewail*-mati'a w*il known aMMty aa a »!•*•* k-f

Tbnrarfey uT<- n • -a at f SO:tb-C-itl- 'mt« f • ' ! » • ! fur tbe

primary department will be b**d I twlU be aa Infortaal affair, aad evrry

sn-vted t i b* on bandearly as a»«rprt«e ! • awaiting tnemI s tbe **enlng a • o'clock the older

will boil UMlr CailatBaafatUval Bbd i x - • . I—.

FT. HAKY i m r r nOnihnmas * M * I O M ta Bt.

Mary a rbarrh opeced Moadayloc •' • o'olork wl'b a Hlk-b

at wnlrh tb* rbotvfa WMcrowiltd with tbe faltbfal wbo bed

i* to pay homes* to Ibe Saviour ofiklad. Tb* Interior of tbe edlflc*

waa beau'lfally d*eoraird wltb lOtlovand wrea'bs of »»<"Br»r*. ard tb*altata, with their rjn<nt>mo« llahtedcandle*, l-ni b*au*y brf)-tlo« tbe of

in. TbastaM*Bt Betblebrtn.deinBtb»h'rihofth.S»t| ar l«»l- .

H-.IJT.. P«uii-' Of H*W Y ik.' |WMi«jsrt s esrmoB at tbs abo** M*»*approprlata to tbedav. H*i»t«#* wer*

I b*ld slen a' 7 .30. 8 » . f 30 and 10 JO.Tbs «.» M * M W M for tb* cblldn-Q

ta oHvbratrd by R-». Paiberto also pr t th d a « » n

_. tb* 10 40 e*r*fc*> R#*.HeCBM preaelwd lbaa»r«n«

Tbe rou-lc * M onder iba direction orMies Smith, wbo prealded at tb*

ff that tba UtUa M k a v a n abl*to acquit thrmaalTia ao fltadltaNy.

attrr erayvt by Paator Bebaack aod'a* rMdiait of tba aodptua, UttkaUim Hrl-n Woofc-y r**» a "ObctMKB« U r x lac." Mtoawd by X*ttto* ' W Q « mitt -Oiru tot J«aua • O Beri*rtUiiona w»r« by Boaland RrlfhtoB.P'frir H . . j - f . A D D * Bodlsa. Irm Tall,8a'ta Bugler "Ood'a OtfU to Ua."by ABaa B «a. Kaa Oaaa. L«U Bvuoa.FtoaM* Y-*p»r. Bavmfd Aennooy,H-rmm, L-itnva^r. Balpb Mania.Bu-*-! TaU and MUdrad TTahra. *aactt*arty nadfnd aad graa

Oad by H*laa Bank. Aaaa•Ma, KtB^ Tall. Oatbla Gray. Hrtoa

Tbrre« u an InatrufO'dtal Irlo. L^b*la«r'nffareba R-ii«..i-e" by Ma B T.Barnes. oraaolM ; Mra. M £ D*Wrnt.pianist, sad P. Lvdwtg Ooed*. Violintat. A spaelal quartan*. •ntnpo*M ofM I M Bertha V-oMcla* WH.l*. Ml«iJulia BHknep, Mnrila O. VanAradal*aad Btary R * jnoMa. rendered w e n t

Is. Tbers war* also two aolos byi Willis with violin obHaato bvC cde B>*. ObarlM L Oood

rich, tbe paator. pneebed a aermoo OBOood Will to M m -In tbearterbcoD tbe BuDdayeobool

betd sped*! rseretaee. lb#re werel i b ; i eta..tin of boys, »r f c ' W aa qoartat e composed of Mia*

Willis, Mrs. 0. B Swtoer. M a V*oArsdsle and Stacy Bayaotd*. BavDr. A B. L - - U mad* an *ddr*ea.

Tbs obareb W M pmtlrjr decoratwlwith s*ergtMtt roping watch W Mdraped Bbo«t tba aid* of tbe mainauditorium

Obrtatm.a waa oaaetved M tbe Fire*i B. oaareb Baaday wi'h eprelai e*r-rteM atornlair aed arteraooa. l a to*•oralBaT- Ba*. O. W. Smith. pr**tdln*•Mar of tb* BlbMbetb Dtetrlot.

pTMChrrl S Obratuaas ssnBoa, wbik*JM ubillr. • u i m H ' f d for tb* oecaaioe,

MVNSJ »xira BwtbrSM. l aitioo to Mwa Uttsr at tba organ.

thnae wbo ^ l i i M IB tb* laatmm^ataic war* WlUoa Derby sad OUr-Mflla, vlolloa; Aroblbafcl Darby,

doabes baas; Bobert Davit aad Job*


•avaaeprcMl Obitotmas ernrtoe, ea-ilttodchurch. -takes by tbe aaa « B M * i a a i . 3. W.Jaobsoa. Miss Edna, Frvnan aad MwaOertnida Oeyer. Owing to tbs storm.se*i ral of Ute otber paitletaabta wvr*

Ms to ba praaebt and tbatr partato ba lead. Tb* pctaury deparC-

meat also took part. There W M «es»i vioe. There war* tbs asoai

_< (Jt.O'i'OBuaday Iaat*a4. tb* Sun lay-** boolb»M Cort-tBaa narrtaai, aiituk la-Hodwd iba al"CtB<( of carola aad ra-ap..a-i»« n>a<lia«ra. Wo»a of tba"•"• ' • " * • » • r.<i-atio»a aad Be*. W.C O Djbbrli i n » M

at Qraee M B cbantt oMviay. loto - awralBg <b* a nadssia W M *eryamall oa accoMt of tbe atona. bat

W M rsBwiwi wy tb*'. aad tba paetor, B-T. O . W.

(r*rda>r. praaabid sa fmssfwMibg sadT I H O I I . la tba after-

aooa tbers W M B very good anead-aoo* wbea Iba ttonday-school bald Itsaatvle* Tben war* rssliatlons and

by tbs eobotara and *lo«icd bytoe primary depart Beat. Buprrta-t*odrnt Jobs T*Uaat waa la cbanr*.la tba aveolag ttoera wMrpectal B W Hby tbe ebolr wbk* W M gr ally et>-

by a «IXK! »li-d aadleuo*, u daootb*r rsecllaat efra>oa was Rln-nby tbe paator. Tbs onarrb W M prrt-fjiy d*oor>trd for tba ofraatoa wi bpotted ptaata. I R M * and 3 • e m .

ST. iOBEFB-B CHEKTH.At Bt Juwpb'a CLUICB Monday)e u-u«l aervteea war* betd, ibe oa'y

rvarare brlna the OcrtatrnM ratertale-wbieb WMbrld la tb* Sut-<iai-. room In tb* aftanooa. Tbeia•bout « n Beabora aad Meed*

preseht and all bad a ] >Uy good dm*.Tbe exert bwaopeord wltb •losing byU»e aebooL arter whl.-n Lat« JecotWMde a pleata* aildnaa. I t en ap-

•daot* Ciau* ' ID tbaperaonifJ. B B .Hr-r. B* eaaa doara. Ba

bed cblraasy. Bad Bads tbsbrartaofali glad, dlatiltmtlng 'ohe,eaady, hooka, w a w , e«o. to tb*aebotara, wttlla tbe teaebare w*re alaow*U raawmbsraa. Tbs Isst BBBberoa tba pmariBBB W M a aong byEdmund La Porte. Duiloij tba eiercteea Santa Olaas, the l u r k n andP->tb*r Mi Ut were beanlly rbMtadby tba aobolars.

WT OUVI BAPTtrr CHCbCH.La«i Buiiday evasiag at ibe Mt

Ollvs Baptlat cnuret) * Obrtaaus aar-vies W M bald, oooalatleg of redra-i(<>n«, wam, etc , by mcmtitra of tb*Sunday aebooL Tbs aiivlrn vsr* li>ohani* of tbs pastor, B»v. K. B.JaHtaoa. sad tbers W M a very largaattrndaoos, Tboa* wbo took part didso la a cmti'abte manaar.

Tba GBrieiBMe laMloaa at Si.'tepbea'e eharea war* Bad* ssp*<

ci*ti» atuantva Mosday Boralag>pleadM B*aV, prepared wp*

wary tor tb* ooosaton by N n . Backlaolat Tba vaatad oboli•ted by tbe esrvieM of

Mr. JobBetoae, t*aor. aad Mr, Martio.bass, Tbar* W M am sarry ostebratieaof tbs Boty OoBBBBtoa at TAB

" k aad ageia at 11 o'clock. T tafaadval for tbe Baaday-wbool will b*held Thuraday afbjnooa at I I Io'doak.

•KHMAii bspoMnn) cfloacm.Tbe soDuai O t r M a a fMtival i

bead at tba Oermaa BeforsMd obaiMoaday. aad a l*or* BMabacBesabars aad Mawas *«)<>y*d ibaproatramat*. Tbfra were taacmmaatalaewwtloaa by a q iarietta eoaatatlaa; ofP. Lad wig Oaade. Elba Ooada, Emm*aimer, vlottaa. Mis. Oeora* BaaarK,orgaa; Lord** piayer by Ibe eblldrea;vooai aehMttoaa by Mra. A, J. Stw>li'i, soprano; Mrs. Baa*, sj-o; Mr.Ebat. tenor; Bsv. Oeonts BiBsar,assaa. Tbs foUowloc yonag peraoMaer>k*inOermaa: r Bacb. B EraaaM,R RMBOM, riora Eraaes*. Bird Mew-mtllar. B Hook, W. BewalUsf, Prea

BsoMf. 0. Beadsc, BBbM, Irma Haaasr, E C>ra*. A.Basb. Karl Baaasr, H Baadac. BAtasc aad B. SuitarWa. Preersuwara then «t»*a to all. sad

aonday I M I M wttbaaarte by tba vaatsi choir. TbaCot l*< mas aa«ilm st I t ao MoadayMoralag wara wall smarted, Tb*iaaats was of alga order of esor Ueaey.

of lbs weaal aatneme ap-brvicrtats lo tbs day. R i ' . Dr R <4-Baa, deUwred an laUrrailog dl«-

ITM o« tbe eat-jact of an* Kallvtty.Tbe adlBos ta bBaaUfvlty dacoraiedBad abo«t tba cn«n»i war* palaa*boued planta aad 0 >BMB

ST. is iaas UTTwaaji* CBOBCH.

•tvrwHBmaat waa held rit 8t I t i rr ' ierwMM La bsraa oaarea Bsv. Mr.shaaW, paatar. W M la «barsB\ and>ada a las address Tbera was aragtamsMof rsdtaUmj* aad aaaga

ay ta* ijilliliea lnstmmiiBlal muaieby L-att*r r-h»Bf-r on ta» vk41n andM j i Sarah Hb« ff r OB tba orgaa. Aftat

o a y

Sy. iae

Bartlaa aad Mtaa U Bbal,sad EJdl*SraMsa»

Mot,j c-bLiesTbr beeanfal O a r t s f as w _

at « » Baaday aftarboaa at Holya. is-pit* of tbesad a tats*

tbe Orsaceat . Avaaas Pi*-by « l * neharab Baaday with apwlBl a i s a ataU tbs serrtoM and a aal-a aervio* ofthe Saaday eoaooU of ibe abarob andtta obapete la tbs aftarbooa. At Ibamomlng aerrloe. lbs paator. Bsv. Dr.

B. Btobarda, priaskei a senaoaapproprtatato U>e day. Tbera war*several apwsUI osrots by tba ajasrwxMebolr.

l a tb* afaaraoM tb* aotoa asrriMof tb* Suoday acoookt W M ba4d la tbaebarak Stages bn a|bt tbs mam barsof ibe Panday setoo*> of Bop* aad .


Tas w*aal ObJW-mas av* stnlnaav r n beld * t Q,mm

r t b * I n * time ta •swral w«*ks:b#ra waa court ta tb* borotwb Twaa-l*y oorDlm. bot B«conler L m B f-ltkindly afterotaarrliM Clrtatmaa him-sstf Bbd W M BOt dtapoead to be bardoa tba <ff-oders of in * law. BOBM-qaeajly be eatpaedfd asataooe OB al lJaaa> V.H. of ifcl* etty; W M arreetadat • o'clock tbla moraloW by ManbalEnamoB* for bvloc draak and dtaor-d>rty: Mlsbaal kad 7a*es Matiaa. of

N I ' M I , faibsr and BOB, w*M aa.rested 8 jsday artrrBooB Tor Ocbrlairby Bpr«lal Manbal BMek. Mlobaaiimltb. of tMa city, far batbff drunk

aod attempts* to fljrbt, waa arrestedy«*terday *ft*rboo« at tbs OMBer ofBoBMraat straat aad Ot«i« alaea byCataf OampbrlL


prayer by tba aaswrtaMadaat, L.KtdoipB. TaaBrotrattma teeladeda plaao solo by Ottff>rd braider, a dolldnll by atsa Mule drw, *k)UB d»st byBobert Bare** aad Bobert Hpwr,ptaao daac by OUffjrd Bntda* aadB>b»rt BcbrWewr. dUlota* by O:i**rClMf-r aad BBKBBS Wsikb. r»-ettaitoeahy Jobs Frank. HMry Baadar. O M ,Book. Oari C IBMT. rred C wfc. Bear!etta Waleb, UUtaa Srarabanr. iostsAmskoa aad Hani* I m a i a .

T B S feature ot tba aaTartaltimeotwaa a -pa'eat Kaety pooaduc-ed by Mr. BJersoitab Maaalaa; Ob tbsDiainbaiion of glfu aba refresbnaatsfollowed.

•ere ~ni j-~ra>i--r irtrmwaatlnaBaaUy taaalwd I B tbs daeuaeUo*bars kaaOKFta* to fTraak Oa|W nr . wbe B V M at staS-Jtb Ba,soast. j laasraay. Tfce bam waalooaiad baar Us boa* Bad ta s ciMter

wystoyM at las Poad Tool Works.

Tbe l ra wMBotdtseavrrad a *bad aaia»d good beas way. Tbaa aoalarm W M Mat la from bt x <7. WbaaB * K

Mttsd to dnonto* ad)i

out of tba tfctaatoBsd aweUiag.Tbe total loss will re sabWab mas BarHaUy Btrvatad Iirsar* Tba bara :' waa aa

t iwd wltb bay Bad KTBW tbat b

Ibiistlj s h m f l i l by I M membraaa t daaa aot ««y ap ta* aaareoaas b

•Caataam *o a aanjtal aaa baaklmaw*. Bly BinrbBts. M W*o<

BL.V. T.


Faathrttaa Hr*ad ThaWw


• T MTV.

Moaday W M a brlgbt *>d obeeryk* for tboM wbo were a* «bfortaaate

M to be detained at Mubl-cb^rclovpltBl M paHrats. TbaaXial ChristIM fMtMtles w»te held at 1 o'clock

Is tbs afternoon, aad all Iboaa wanbad aaytbiag to do wltb I t * aff .ir didtbs beet to Bake It as axaeedlaitlypkMaat oraaatoa. T M .cn-omsrtObrUUBM »rs t o r i ad I***, otaua ofattrsc-toa fnt tboM sn^af , sa l tb»karga nsBber of psopta m tbe laaUbsi ton wars mvatry tniauawl la ra* s i

Tb*r* are *aa«t Uteeatlrata. sad of tUa Badibar s BSB%1IV asataga U i u > etltMaf eoadltlon.tbat tbs ««Jortty * * •« sfala to Jots

BSsrtlty la tbe eelsbrstloa^Tbs Bembetl of tba Woman ' • Aaxlary board of — - - - r r " * togatbtrIlk Bambers ot t M ' board of>v*rbora bad esarga of i He » x-iclaea,td tbsy wen ably a*sl*>*d by tb*latron, M I M MOSS, aad U a sarsra, la

earrjtag out tbs plan of ardkagrment*.Tbe onolr from Oraos P. B. oburob, laobanr* of ibe organist. «rm W. B.f i n a n . gave a*v««al appropriateMleetloaa. tnolailng bymas acdSDtbema. wblle lbs rpalwa was tb*vi nl o playing of M I M Hssf t.

vary latcnattapT bad. ptsaaurt(rataie was tbe readlail sf appmptt-a'e Sc:lpmr«- aad tb* eddsSM by B«*.Ptoyd T. Apptatoa. rwra|s ef O r . *P B or utcti. Tbe pj>»ak«r • remarksa*r* Ibetroett**. HadBa)iur»n tb*faet tbat naoale tlgbifui} aae^ciatedObrlatmaa wUb tb* ftlvbkg aad ra

Ing of prwaaett. and It. W M d JO bt.ful in hU mind which affjrdsdl tbsBKMt pwssarw. B* then a>oke of tbsbest gift of all tba Boa of Ood. sao

" vki spvrecUt* Mtmt *oad*t-f*J gtfc H- (b*n M M S M « all abowid

re appracUbla. Bad wbara wegl!ta. amlitanes. a t * , w*

•boald b* rqaslfy KUd M slv* Bad u d tba sard* of tb*<boapltal tabttaf, aad paid a rich tribute

ty U fa to aSeslala ttbscs, aayUsT *M1

alone would not gtv* tbat relief If'bars was sat lbs spirt af lav* «cddevodoa wrvompsDrtog It. In

aad n^pfoil aaggvetloM, and potntMlill to Him whoa* birth aveewbrai*.

After tbs address agd mor* *oe .* d lasti umautal maaie,, gift* w*t«ItatribuU-damooR tboM at tb* ho*

pltal by tba eanlr boys nads* tba dlrrottoa of tb* woatsa in caargn. Tb. is}W M a sift for everyooa Among tbstblaas dlttrlbatsd « * • • orsasj**,caaay, grapM. sad oe>f ai m aall MornaBeatal attMaa.

Dating ibe aftaraooa * I I B W I otpvrwoaa «all>d to ae* fifcmla cBir»>« tbat are datala»4 by IIBad lbs awrUag W M * aieaasnt or*for HI. Bbd thas It was Bbd* poaattXfor this event of tbs j aw. to ba eate-brated I B a mas war t tat broagblhappmeea to tboa* la Bay wayOtatadwhbi

ObrlitBM faarlTliWB were Ml^ysd bytbs awmberi aad tkear funt k » i ttbat rJaM tb* Cnrixasaa ttas W MItcbted and dartaar tae wboaa afte*nooBtbare W M ptraty lo'amaa* botkos| aad ycaag. Tbla la D M tin** intt* ysar wbsa a awitaiD* fatnll*catbertag la betd sad B*aryoaa baa aj>Uya)ood UOM. TbsM.wM alao aprogramme of radiation* and anaMby ib* yoaag sioabj, .and i w s i lfeata la syBBaKka. All of tba yooa*

yTba Ladtea* Boeietj preaeatad tba

Oaaaac aad T a n T*rM> w*ck a baasVsoaM potM of B 0 » y t aad Praal

Oardarr BMaa t**t. EkMara apcwerMoB babalf of tbe an 1sty wttn a

w at a H u e * *by

O'BWUt)1' k

Dr. Hmnplireys*


- -rat nt« onrrMnrr.-


PionbersGas Ftters,

• M u d brtafes ftor ail ktate at- Tin 1i f -is.il ii _l Tilt *

Bnagrar n e n n ateanaTn* irm ttnaara, ta*

* d t b t • " 1


Sanitary Plumbing,

D. W. LITTELU11* Voria Am. f-salairl. M. i

ALBERT HEDDENLivery & Boarding Sublet

M U.-rr B « » • l u l l«•-«t». T l | l , mm.IV3

A. WOLFF.MaaafttMar ef


A Free Trip to Pat


News and OpinionsOF

National Importance

^he: SupAL.ONB


liiljkrmil - StaywIJIJ at iutij. kfatil is i JUI

The Sunday Sun

PHo. 5c« cooy. Bj nun. »2 • »rNEW IN EVERY DETAIL!

143 NOBTTrT A V E .


Wm. A. WoodraS.

I N S U R A N C E I G E N T ,



Plomben Gas POen.

Sanitary Plumbing,




ALBERT HEDDEN Livery & Boarding Stables

routrrH mr..



warns aaoTofFIRS

Opinions News and

National Importance


Mj at tartar-Wad pip*

The Sunday Sun



i Win. A. Woodrnf,


A Free Trip to Pan

Page 6: THE ONSTITUTIONALIST. tlantn Oika^praaented a baft of cold to Factor J. W, B o3«rdjoD and UO •IDKIBR bu jki to UM school. Tb« • ffiir WAI »->Ji K'>Ft»D up …


occatot* MA rjCCta MCP- ber

_ ' . . _ _ _ _ _. - . . _ . „ aMdhaar aad '—laaalag. Bnry **rt *f a* M * M bagw* *paratta*a thaa word••Mae n * aaa IT I I I I I n u n at B «r* •rartfcy n a - l that raa be hired * u arat t * the BI IBMIJ pa** at Ar«-

aTawa-M I t a M • * a . * . * r w o — ar b-vcbt k u • * * • ftiaani bM* aar- Hba *b*«t tbea*. A *a*ad *f a * 1 |_ . - - . _ «*r* br tb* biajkinaii *a tbe | m l kboMera wa* tMaiadftaly i i t a » U ta

• " * • * * * • * " • ' " " • 1 n ^ " ' • * * lafc*m. aad — • * » ' • • » • i a f * f laMbar look after tkaaa. Tb* aoMim aaaamtmm. V . H M . t i l i i i i i i TT IT n l Cram ***tb*ra part* at* aaBnmma. » O N ap wttb tbeaa aad vpeaed *r*.

Eartaatn «/ f»t*|tar*, the valae Fhe Irrlawati war* tar bj adraae. at

i of twafe* baadtvdI M tb* raadltloa of

1 oratorio of lit* Cbrtat-"la tt* Cm-

aaaaai Tbaraftay at tb* Ml O«<v SSS^aid r£a*£"a*a"*7 n-W

•bat bad baaa aattotpatad. Tb. • • j lm i r t waj of dMlkftkiaca U M I tb* *ad t y l i U

<b* oaty orgaaiwarloa froai om of *£ i•own |K«wkt to eooiMt ajralatt tb* H U M lato

o* IB* ML O.I»*. tb* Wttman baabrr areMd(k*Mt. Ktoa A. If. B

4 fiw*. oa tk* the i n t V u ari • | i t ta*af tof> ar* CM n n few Bad poorly argi

•tan***. Tb* WaatOeid choir did " U ^ T l l . - " ' . ^ —*.'.* f *^w £11

tk* Mkea tb* ealBaat. Tb* *v*rtbr*w mt

M>Uoa tor Ut OU»»; * W

•sd Bi iMi* OoeaMt r 7

HEflRD "JESSIAH."But aa Many W.ra Tumtd Away

aa Got Admittancw.




b r l L l o a MMbodlK, aad Bvoty "--• ' " ' " " » '»Brawn aad Mb* Aim* Ward lor Craa- • ^ T r S 1 , 1 ^ t

ted D*PU« •«.[«>&. ' J^tJ-^Sri ;£Tk* enoln ar*t m « * aaof taatr *lojrtn* t ro« tb*

•pots waa ttlddea tbc ptnader *f th*a***** • " • xi\la*• prior to tb* Aaarrtcaa IOTBV

| Tbey wer* braf tb* word, r.rartora, bat robbers, ktdaeppera. i

ncrowd. T k * prowxxm of tbte *p r*io*

boa.iai.POt bata-la praetio*. waa pe*Z hrtW~f*7 riaibW."^W waatr ahhwed frr»m toe ftnotb Atlantic

rtakw—Ytrehtt. N*rtk Caratta* aadi Tlaltor.

boa Oraaford. Wbaa tb* flaalooa- „ , , , „ , , »,i,*aeaobo4rM T» tb* L.rd. • tb* I

r mmm-Hai m n . R la aald

I a atom Of appUUMF, ^nrinmi there ta an Immolate demandIt ia*awl Btsatea. graatod tbaai. f«w txmbrr. m,.i it need (*«•*•> --•'

1 ao riMltartoa la d>-t la tovor of tb* "

1 "IWW-T-.- M M aa oM friend of hi*I of the other dar. "ta a man with an Mr*L

•ad be haa M*~1 up ts It aearer linnI m*a. Ttla flrat anUttna laa

Ivfnr* blm wttb all M«t

^ ^ ^ S . I " *

» ^—^—— --..* — ..- - ^- j - I J I , - *r*e aante tin** trewiwi tnrro MM men.wm"m • » • * • • • a*M roaaff mm twin* «rmr«ibhw<t with theat looked *ot forha a * • * Mft wata rma law by a UoUfj their welfare aad attached a polM

• ofOoadaatorraiby. Tb* °ow and the* to lr« theai bar* * r w ltttaoan - r . boa[Saav. »«*."-^w T~* ™*—L_

I drtTta« tbrooak>r* tb* appnl.tb*hor*a,r

a|aa«adaadtboMwbo aa* tb* aee*. „„„ that, rbWaforM adaihitatered at4 M I D M * * tb* Waaw oa tb* flMtor- tbe ardiaarr t***p*nitar*. aad M IMVB

Tb*y **y b* dW aot aUabra »••"' < l f tbe aaw

r k w b t by aavertl penooa wbo a t *tb* a—Idiat tbat tb* women were

y pro-wdtob*

Barter the orrlburr na^e^bettrs baa *T|»f it* aged. " " ~

Alincrtber.thai w* •

> bettered in lie••her prpparatlno*.

• roliowlaa;*w: OBUf

oka B Vajtor: *to* chWt Btwaard: pa*t eblef raa«ar, V . L

_ - - _ . - ^ - _ _ _ _ _ r it i*• t l**«t. Mart tt; but N aerernihlBS raa be attarbed teanL anr MINT M M wool he wrttte* oa

aani iBIT. A. P B*bIT, M- M. n**»*Wbl*h**J. BearFaraM* He*t

lad Acwna Bane*. ^ _»*bea tb* ritr *r Po«c* fra Into tb*taada of tb* AapBrtcaa troop* I*ak ' atrrat Ihaai

.'i^b^srttkrr*uH^t^rw,i Tb.^ibeO^mwioo*^ (w-ITJ. A«T*Ua l a w atoad a*d derided t* aee •iertrmno> wet* Hke. Tbe

,n.^ lHfy.^^^^^i*Zint |--- !>"»- D--"- «« WU»U«-tier Uf* * *d w*«M refona If tb* Addta, Jr., wan on duty mpaott***'nerttaaa wooW parslt kirn. aa« at tb* rlffbt aad taft *atr*aca*. They**d for aad r*wl<«l a aart at Bulb [aid tb* work of ti*n.ia*. Wi

• Op*oed. what a

in* tb* aajb pou.hict, aftar Wtac prtlnaid by tb* Ul Hfar, jar^ blra «traXRtlkc koaMaliy MatDM tb*

kd f r It L«Wil Hfa, ja «raXRkc kralla Blinn ukrd for It L* of tb* mil..**7*td5iir<lm'pM,tof bat I ta * • * •

l d d ib l tb * « • >rpu*™ ^.*7*td5irlmpM bat I•*d f*r KpaBlards: and M I ibal tb*y * « • >rpu*4*d fron tbrtr parrara,

d b dH f b I l d * * boabaad* loat tb*lr wl*v* aad

PJoBw tdm of tb* altratToo p*M balDd to tbe brrvdlnc of (he w f a j

• . aa dtatlDjralah*d from ih* aal-nal nwd for rarta« May be fmlD*dVon ih* f u t that at tb* n m t I«adoaib*w or tb* Rhlr* H o w Boc%tiy tb*

l f tb h 1 f

united la tb* ohareb, bat ntkari war.parted fJT ta* « m i l a c part Inrlrtiaad otban abat oat wbaa It > u

ar wawrj ba do** t b . Joora,

Jaaat* Svaratt K Im ball bad ebara*of M U K cb* people aad a* waa aa-

id by a tare* oorpaof uabera. TheyaadtboltbaadafoU lb bax>dUoR to*

!>*• »*<I P M U B K ibem Isto tb*

teaU*it*. and there w*r* a number *f fitted. Tbaa tb* dodn war* oloaad>*d •peetal priara aa w*U There aad tbMa woo wrr* aot fortaaat*

eotufrb to uak* tb*lr way la before.

wofor trl.tlao.w1th Brut piUl l WTplB >L*rh. Tola I* certatajy an tBce*tl*a'or farmer* to ralne nroac and aoondIniinht bor>*a. and aa example tbatt waald b* w*U h> follow la tbu coua-

m e * thai tbe Eaat ladlaa ducooj ortmatiB ta th* aararal r*«ndatl«a farh<- aiytha of Btmta, aeretda. aad ttt-ea*. A fraiaht dnapxif mvntly rap-srn] la tb* Red 8*a haa a baad aadni.t wblcb. when we* at aoaa* mo*lt.ia.nc-*. BBlarht b* take* for a Bar-•«!•! Tbe lamatla ban also a rlbraat•ot.-c. aad tbear tw* romblaed aMk* ar««l baae for the theory which tb*a-riter b«j actriirr< wita a goad dcaJ•f rUboratloD.

Aa ra , r «m> to rteaa a eaitaaey * f»-t haa bee*, dlacovered by * Mala*

aa*. laMead *f Kolas t* tb* top af* - rWaiaey aad probiac with roda. ha

la* at tb* bottMa. There aa •pea-it awde. aad be Ire* apward « p»

with a bfcmak cmrtHdM.i It I . aald win He**He abjo Halm, that tb*

. pt*r* * f Mar la a at o»«•-111 clear tbe auve aad IU funaeJ af

• O 8 Biaar* aMlor rUntu vhlrh r*a be erowa la halla'aad | "™ "nw v. - - • ~ " ~ " lartxra »ber* the beat to frwai a r**. I The Coldtabla baa

'°™ o c aar* aad tbe trmpmtnrr I* kept mm wealth thaa aay ataw"!>**d">, ^ to 73 ilmin." m m Fhes E. «-J,D L. font la th* fVpteiaber t-artkraf Home

V_B_ Jnnral Tb^re are few iilaaH wbtaa. win M^nd «"-a heat, it i* too dry.

_ * * TW llfe-dTlax «hiBMa* ka* **#*.: , J ^ J ™f «f ft Th7Vai«Era

tt; ttaataaa, B. H Badford. B. B. a* «-nr* likHjr to SowrUb aadrrd eoaiBiltEa*, A. M. H r i a tb tN

IU»na. W. It. Itiiai. B. • . F. W.ainkjb

rd, B. K. be' HU'ro'"iiVrt*'to 0 « H ^ KadrV'a^h !*»***«» " < * » • • * • * * ta'aBM

. diaappotatad la tbeir wiem pt tod UM aarvlaa. A f*w atray bit* of

tb* Daek ot tb* abJarofc.baaavaajaaaoaa crowd, Lt woaid ba hardto find. Taan waa a tttUa of nary-body tb*r*,ajl«ttlr*dlata*trba*t*ajdtbaakfvl lactaad at ba*tac »»t.iT

i • Modaotor, Edw*rt J f l r »b* * *tanUkunta ruiatili, kavta*

bit• ace 6

— — M H OC tbi atory to b* toko

Th* I r t t vtMe* bawd la tb*aMtto to tbai of tb* teaor,'

of tb* b—• Tb* i-ai, D « i M I*M«*fa.T^

vlrfc a vary cw>ar aid | " ma * * • * * * * * aad faar* *f kaaM biac tba


t k **r* , > J \ , iWprma, **d*ttb* <**nr- of WilHaam H. Mttw. * T • f "^4* * - m « M wfc*. b.i t .

add*dMMbt*tb.a^rf«ir«^.«t«. «; rr«j^Tb.73: r n : - ~with lb« bora*. H w lWi| | ra oat of_ _ _ _ atm. wa.-* .(r»rk by a M I H C *re awt

T T y f T a. the lr*a-t ar ah—|dn\ ak r» their1 *waa* nwaad * aaada aad th*j »*t a br*»-y fail: b* w

h-an that hefatally

*O« Of I I -raeali daalrad by ta* ro*pn* *

bta rtd^ aadIf will rfmtlnik* to

rao* wa* qvbK, r**a*ial aad latrat.Tb* O H B M I of tb* ora*MjD«*aa> • * « ,• l ib tb* b«wiD0UM( of tb*

•"VMlT BCeKXK •VP!L3. ar i t three or roMr h r i lift ir»i tat-tie la always tbe anUag at-aasaaklB*af htM aa a war bona. If t ie arnnaa

• 11 be-batfrt la fbe' far* of

• i i r r and Sop*riar«bd«pH htajwo otM Pl*lofl-W PubUc f^atmbl waea ta<»a*d 1* tb* lara» camber of D U M N•d frieoda of tb* «Widrea wbo « * * •

p t r m t at tb* Bryaal lebjbol TkaradayaTbrraooB oa tb* ocoajloai of thw r M MtalBDwat bakt la tb* bbapal by tb*paptra.

«*i of DraajM." wad M uclqu* a* Itwa*- rlererly portrayed by aboat•0 of tb . eblldnprimary and gip*r;lci[>*(ed. Tba ebfldreatrained by Mia- E T ttfcatiick. tb*

Mp*l. **al*t*d by> tb*Ifcrn To* caraBraliwafl dlvldad• * * aaparat* park, kll bavtac to

do witb K M nor«*ryirat part w*r* * * *a *Vofb*r O wee."•bjotbrr Hubbard." "IJitks B-d BM

toe Hood." -Unim Boy B.ue,' "SotL."-Jaak aod JtH." U t u *

If aad." "Mac; afarf.1

paep," aad "Bo* •

Tb* aeoood part abowad ' J*ok"ro*t." m o * falrlea, iitui;milili. * tc

Part tfalrd exbiMbM •baraotan Inparaooaia • Umn," **«ep<aa*,~

-ApoOo.- "Duaa ," otoi wbtu par1

tcmna abowed aotne of the Itttl* robtaaa "Orac* Darling." . "JUp Taa-Wlakle." -Hiawattta," -|ftao««iaba,'Me. To* flftb aad law aeea* lavodaaad " B u t * Ctaa**' ob bli y**rly

Mart*. Tb* • "• "Palitoa- to tutd* t b . «oodlaata" wal l ibflebBdrwa la ta* wadM M * litt* Abraau, wbo look tba

pwtof tb*"Dr*ao>*r, a-a* batted totb> -ianac of tt*

teai y pMboMtktaay of tb* ebftdna qiawat^m admlrabh; aad abowad tb*

careful tratalaa; tbe* bad b**a c .Tb* aatlr* » « « i wa* a* Iat*r*aUa« aaI waa tMaaafai, aed wa*

. a f m , of Bow

• aart. aa* 0*rba of f —roaa hta a n a a* he tkrn-rtae eartft. |

Orieat aaM'-I will *ot try

Haw* I have be*a a.««1 b<«. \. -r--t- oa

thai wrajilon. Ptlll Q to a •tor* thathi alwajr* pieaxast tt> rer«II. I badkwewa Adaatral t> ari-y for thirtynmi*. aad I raaaot aay tkat hki a*-a>tsiB*r tbat m-rohsj r u tnatly dlfferrat from what tt alwafs to. Ai-wa** be tMpreaaea oe*> a* a man wn*kaowt Blnnelf. wbo kaowh wbat hebaa I* do. aad wh* aw-aa* to d* K.• w l w*a Admiral Dewey Ibea. I I *waa r*oL alert, lateftae aad for i**BMHTT (*r[ •ilent

"N*. 1 raabot rerml any parrt, nhrl a a x f i l ward* a* hi* pan He *b-•erreri ckwety the a t ' p u n t i of tbeJ ^ " M »•• »«bt cwaipa* platfona

% l ^ r * a * a bee. aaate abnwt lb* at-

- are ror^en far tbe»f f*U «r*aa. M a i l matter of

fbet th* Adaalral * « * » ibwat aaea or_ batthi of itaalla

b^w«> a wblte data ualfom. u d *

-Hie autaaer did a*t a»t W M r

•OOW-F*! tb* airals. p*rbap*. bem. I ITTafl«tid« II « u h*«*rer, waV««*a MMlMbu oee *f tbe twfilra of hia-

tbew atar'k aMpaKMal ISwSe'wb* a%j*?ny b**r bare a . lla>r ta fc**d

-«we.r? Wett. aL *at • * * * ! > .TW M t r m that Adaalral »*wer n a ir* awearlnx durlar all tbat **«a«*-await w,a wbe* we »rre mnttn*- *«tat tba batiat for tb* ibhra v.m- I»tak. I re*MHted a* ta, A.aaral^r^daiuabto tbat w*. k*«* M I 4aa*

- ' I ttiiak It to daa*aaM*.|j*«teW rrt^led wttb **»ef •• T a afraid I ' M I "

tbal"da7. aiaaa**^\ K S W „ » , M „

wb-7« « »• •» l| ae^aawrT_-Tka»* to aae atofy. b* tb* way

t o * V d * tb* dw#OT *1 • B1IIB11* _ T

aVaa4U«latroat*fib* «a«*a. • «

todward ead,

b a p t a t b a atr by t ba tor** af « *

dtteh. Botb m i tt*aaaoa*d, aaal ta*

rial i tfc li way.





Page 7: THE ONSTITUTIONALIST. tlantn Oika^praaented a baft of cold to Factor J. W, B o3«rdjoD and UO •IDKIBR bu jki to UM school. Tb« • ffiir WAI »->Ji K'>Ft»D up …




' P I * • • — • • • . i in t f isat Gastoa aUspers. the well-


Somerset Stfaat Improvwmant

to b« Assured.


f lce j leaders were members cf It.•web a> Mr Qjs.a>r cf •assmsm. O.rdtbU Work tbefe will

a •[' <M»l m«>UDR of lbs Mayor sadCooeil u d tb- proper yB^amast street, wbo wtil

l by ib* wtdeelo« of thatm tb* county Uoe to JToer* M » M to bo BO


?AadetBOti, of T.eatos. BB4

J-fca T. Poswr. of »<-wsih,Jaan*« A. Oarnrld

of dtrerttaB are of twry M a s•Bedlary betw««aUia. aaa] ike p n * « . ib*«s« ina bad a»efy e l t e d i4»« of taeir rallls*. The ,

«*d O*org* C Ladkiw cO t- tur . Mr. Poua

•llctbt chaoses srr»'* lu ibe nwp, sad U>t> will

hp UW BMBtBR •»*U0«tor dUcn-sloB. I t bM b m d m -nisei ihat Uw opst or tbe Improve•vat wilt be about U 000, sad tbe b*atpUn under c n l.irratioB BOW. It tohUee tbl« •.mount In tb* tax bod M»»»? T«*N end thua let tbe eo'lm borowtb psj Tor tbe worm. In tm« wayIk* HITOM- will be llttbt I'D evrrjorw,Md tba beoedts U be derived from It•ill mere tbaa pay for tba cos*.

la i!i» r«DtnM tbaa f*r mute no onesloes tb« Uoe oan be found wbe ' U

> toe widenlOaT. and ail i « mtht It will b« OD« or tb« ftraatMt ltnpTrmraf to tbe borough. I t ! •realta-d m<»t If tba street mmalna aa liIt'b-' w»'i" "Hi D<*t <"*«»• u> tb• bor-cu:h a? It would otberwlae. The oer-rowbrM of toe street make* It anpie .want Bttd ! ften times daBRefous todrive ibrouRb on tbe aorouot of theb-qoent tunnloR of t ro»y ear*.

O her ftdvaBtaflea of tbta Impr • •DM-EI will be 'be laving of a •utr.o-dr*.m*wto cairy off tbe water tbatofiM m*tM Momrraet stirst tnud.ij-ae'l lovailabtr keeps it to *n no•etMacior? condition moat of tb»time. Wim tbla Improvement wouldcorns 'be pUring of over bead wire*Bodriirrouoil. and tbla would be a


Mr. and Hrs. OwatB*eBoebder, whoU** oa tbe Pi-rtb Amboy road, slnrB I I M from Mew Btunawtek. * r M b«klap bj trampa early Wedoetday moiD-b(t at Tbe Pine*, a clump of wood, ata fcwly »pot In tbe road between NewKruM«tckaod Mrtuctwn.

Mr afid M o . BoAbder. with twojotaa wumen,bad beea to Saw Erunawick to do f i n e CorUt maa abop Anat V y hail tbelr waaofi fllled wl'h bundim «LrQ tbry aurted for botoe. I•Bi I o'etock *beo tbey rwaobad T O PPit*-*. Two mea BprsBK out from tb*M o o , afiind tbe borae'a bead t a d de«aadr4 money. T b * BBCB awpttrdttw Banco nf tbe bjaDdlea, took twuban* biaokeia aod a p a n e eocnelnlnp;$t.N fri'tn use of ibe yoaBR wometi

* hi]- i n-t "ptr laoUBaT I' "* • • « o uO M ot Uwm covered B>ebder wi>b»i n I T M . Tbere ta BO d-ubi that tbervbwty w». r mmltted by traojpa.

I •aaO.pLrtl, D-«T*aofM t k ekrotod tbeea Hcwra:

FfOBlM>u«», Ella Sebrlag; Poeuboo-U», Mra C.'brrtoa WratpbeJ; W*•ana. Mr*. CoiUtloa Desekla*; PJW-Waa. JokD Hoatme; «**prr of•Morda, Mra Levisa H iHateIn; eol•War of wampum, H n Asdiww•atua: kf»per of •mapnsi. Hts. Jo-• M U Altec; true!**, Mrs. AmeliaWcetpfaal. Before tb* eleetioB Ihre*audHttrt w n iolttawd. Aft*r tbr

ttw B r a b m eat do«i to aded la tba> ladle*/ bast

MBaaicn LM(t*. S J » , P »Bd AM-. haa eteetrd tb* f. IIKWIDK t ffl »i« :Worvblpful maater. B 'Ot. A. Meeker;• t i t Wkrdea, Praok DeBaaB: Jaaior»a»<l**,* alter A rrwemaa; ttaaaarer,Od*tn B. B U R » : •rcrwarr. Ctiark*' " • • * * • ; -m-lee*. L-mu»t B. WOOHIOBluweS ,ff .rd end Otrret T Dunham

lawt• Warrior's dw*tiws wwa t

elrvea candidates'a tneeflrsT of Pi

ttbe of Bed hUn. Tbara was•*»°o»* appUcBttoa tor membersbtpI w * 1 * e d . Artsr confenlDST tbe d oKnas tow oaoers w.

Tbe Pi.iDS.4d Street Ballway O>«* * * ' t>*e Jut reeeJVBd aoaas mot*'•vooBd-baBd trolvy rats from BrookV>- I t «• sot i i f O i a a tbat tbelr i r «* » *1U reaca tab) cttr maea before

J F . D l.n co I * , ka*.">ws for B lew «s«s oe bwlasaa.

HIM May Klsc. of Mewarfc. aaa^ee vMl P U O d H

e • • b jsaouatalna de sot

'bythmBsturs of whlrh" however. hsa"ncv*rbees accurately described, our sett!r it hook* of Ichthyology calling It•swsttewlnir." -«s act similar to•wsHowtnlt."_fte.

brsnnus valves Just InsM*? tbe teethhas made possible tbe following con-rectlon of l*e breathinit of tdtoatM l

The coaetrnctlon snd operation of thafish's apparatus is that of a perfecttwo-vnlva pump. In inch a pumpthere must be a chamber wblcb pos• » ! ' • two openings, each prusrded bya TBlva. Tbe forces necesHsry to op*r-

in number: Plrst. a fores so applied•a to alternately contract and expand

tbe post prfcba chimber: i n

i *>iit) vslvs; third, a force ti

These valves ssunt be operated la prop-er sfquenr* to the expansion aad co»-trsction of tha dumber. The valvesmay to operated either by separatemfcbinl'm or by the aMtomarlc actionor a entrant psaslng through *

It la to thla latter point that sites.-tlon Is called Is tto cue. of tbe tea.Here w* fled a chamber (the or*! eav.Ity) and two openings, the mouth (as.tcrlor epenlntti and tbe doable prill

lar force la applied to eipand sad cos..

rsrt application of muscular fo-re Isneeded to open sad close tha anteriorand posterior opealnss. Thlm Is doa*p peanU>m»Tlra]lT bjTaJres la tha gillior opening), aad

d d l b l "by the maillLrv

•na m u a imiar nrrathtac valves latb* mouth on«slsg lor as'erlor op**

The Ish Is Tb-ia set reqwlrsd te us*separate muscle* to c)oa* and opes tit*paexsre*. bat the loss of eaerry «"*ato friction smd m t r d H n o a H i o s *«th* valves mast to added to that re-quired to eipssd end contract tba oralcavity. It is BtBisly a Hera tales, acaa-oaiy sue* as la found Is tto heart

The o

*Mau) for Oowraor had before, aad

lieaersl OaaaeM did tb* sam* tninarMt- ******

iwi tbe ar«. And «• this fart th,baata both of th. Bno»M>?latar* and of• hr ajnran>f llrn-tua nala. With tj>|

^°™"."'toi:n,*rbi"r^".i.tnwnrd tbe ae«. Now. tto natlre Haw-• linn terms for t i m e are "manka." b>ward or In direction of tbe mountain,

t k r toward or I B dlrectio. of

H-ut- la J . I H y Ory, sad ib*il*»comaiittt* a i t i.iooa wr»k aft«i„ » oaa.pal.Tl c.pnxl. ' »

* t tbasams botel, oa tbe ( • » 11 -oraod at tbe ocber end of tbe bail, tbeDeax^rn.K; state otmmhie* bad Its

b,M(.lwnMi Oam „ „ ^ „ , ,»"r of o«r t»n.mCtms seked MBobart wbat b* ibiOftbl We Old be tb *

- m o k n . aa tto ianc->r were called; are against as will eadaavor to, and

"""" 1 t l M " . I " 1 * • m > i l l " r - • D j '"• .t»n>b»biy will, itetsomsof oar seotwv.

QUiET KOMt WEDDING.| 1 h M M AafMSaimssjassw.n-eir s* i i i j ,


. _ _ _ . ' _ ~ — m • • B rwd rag* Wkli* tto pMssitesM" ' » " » ' - ' • * • « - . . > « . t i»jBlalailaiaaBBSW.aaysiJBBBW tw

• " '•> * • • — • — 4 • * • •*•»•• I C*e fswBd aay aittosa W y asstsae.* 1 • c. .1 s t u t f l . i l * — . . Mas af tke tact, a Preach ssaaaav"tar.A - - - - - - — I U I - J tooA - ' - - - ' • * " * Pkwtotrsphis • i i r t . l t prx*-***

aadBearjB Bobs, sf tb* oerowsrh.BBhew ta mentis;* at tb* brtda'a

Inter Oaljr tba rets t in < aad. Ima**-<t la • r f 1. • b d • w- re presrat to bttaesstbe happy ewref T6e w^smttpprtformed by B-v Or.ar.to Lrw-h. pistor of ta* CjMi*«laitn*«lekairb. sad It was maJeW>rwaurao.;t i n thtowtrh tbs B<* of tb> n . | .

of arvy ctotb. trimmed : wlh whit* ' aiber puamltmik l t d saw cs 1 rtrd Mtdy loatBj, »> *• |Ml Ibe * room wrtw atsrsirled t f Mr

«rd Mrs. l>fsrett* R<s*n»H.b . o' SB "ibe b«>r. utrn. Mrs. sWiamlwal was I Warnk ft orcwrrsd to aiawa>d la a Or**** of (Btrard otoc ,UtSBsawd with Uoe.

After tto e»r»m. rj 11 ton* a awd<)ia*T »onr. aa4 Mrs Bobl wei» tfce r**Np4t B u t knail-nima sad swfajl |

es's. Tt . j will sjo Iat oae* at ibe eoraer of mtoasj streetaad Oreeatoook ro*a,wh*te tberuroom


1' .il-.-l U-taeld sa InforsaM

t*Jlet m u d i limitedavttailoas were Iseued. [ Mr. B-<nl Is1 ooBtrsMor. acl bo1 b b4 aadare*»rya lar*e c4roto of fri-ada. sJl of wbom



them o>Bob 1 -y aad !bappltkra* a>J tuoey ttirunsA l l f | s

t Friday breexllnctbe

.- .« tbe top of the monotaln. la *•"*""»thla way comtnoa people, restrirtpd to mittee keep Ib. o *n eodt^sel sod tuttbrtr OWB Ills, yet hsd seres* ta tto sea B vk too macb wltb ibencDtkaicD atto flsh snd I W I B and ride tbe surf, to tf>« oibrrefcd Af tb* ball '

r»Uo*onJmrate tsro. Tblfboanrtartes ">* • » • boaae-lt>boBSB t . u u . ptoo-of the-ae dlHtrictR were all carefully de- «b | j was aver mad* by our party lafined la time Immrmortal and r r n t t i xxi\m Btate, under tbe advice of Mrtbe M R M to-day., moreover, each dto- j a o b - t t ^

Btaln*. I • • * * BecretWith tbe monnratn ihoiv and tbe sea ' waa that

tofew awd tl i - narmw dl*trlcta la awe- cvmmllte*and , w | | | 1 ^.^ _

Bsaos waa tbat Mr. Potts wosJd birobjeet elected, aad a ctosa rave* betwwat

la -msuks." towsnl tto mountain, or Ovsjeral Baaooek. A s k well koowL••mavkai." tows.rd to* .rea. In rr**~ our o|>po«*ata only carried tbe tttat*tl»n to iiDftfr olilw" or. point: and b^ ^ sery small mejoiltf wbra *1tTTr U t M nfTto ili-trvt o " E i n . M r tb* O'UaJly bad frvm 1 100 to M.lM. Ofether retaUoaa of dlrirttsB. j more «

tbst la llnooiuin. for in«tssjr». T t o a t i t HaitoBalcampaixa, wbca

!lVn\n7*'Vlm"«^'7or"lsrnT CT*»* ^ (oaad Mt. B^baft are. Bo oae aprskfl of tto tn-rih or UM» NaJlooBl BrpobUoanride at the . tr . f i -n« eate rwa: 11J rsanlsil n IT Irii ~is 1 i l r

•tde^oT *•w™hlhl .ml «ra ridr fto * « * . Mr CUsSsSBtf w*. tk* D-ax,1 fanlcular runrr nur to precisely cr«(lc cavBdidai* and Mr. Bt- Juba taaiBd •cntrst^ly S f » r t M as tto ma- PioblbttloaasMUdaU.abd as* tito

7£ *!?*£*?£££. b-rt to d.leat«*>nt*v wins and •tatwtM. Tbry suit Blalne, wbicb tbey WuBtpliebrd Uoe

sad have grown out sf d i ) I called at Ib * aVbtt-Ucaa bewd-iq U » i t r rs la New Toik . l -y aad amH

Mr. Bobait. la HJJ |adsaea t tbe

dlamoads. sad ah*- _rBH*r la tb* e**s-

hy t^liBB her that they w * »Frewti iMItationa that bad not cast•oeflfrlrth of what tbey w e d tohavs coal. «_, *

her woman was distressed h*.D of bar* w*r* real, aad tb*

thought of rh* moarj lavested la themwaa 100 mack for her.

lsjItatfc-B Jewels ha*« coss* ta to asfaely msca that ttoterttea is almostIsapoaslbl*. Even for ornlsir / wearthey ara sreouated beautiful, sad It laoaly th * knowledm of ttolr fkUltywhich mikss them unpopular. Forevery ordinary purpose they are as ua*.ful ss lbs fssjnlas pisces-

Tba last lewals to to Imitated withwonderful success srs rnbies, and theyhappen to be a fashionable sum* lustBOW. The m«nuf»c(ory which haa |th«*« Imitation rnblaa oa tb* m»rk»;la situated Is LoBdoa. and tt has *J- .ready I**n ssld there that Ike prir* ofreal rubles will certainty fsll la coa-Bequesre of tbe discovery of tbs*e woi -derfsl Imltstlon.. Tka profit, af th*)M n M > T making tto ruble* srs said t*

^Artificial rabies' welgkbic « cantscaa ba produced, hut srs BOt. BB the-*would to so sal* for atons* of that•is*. Aa sutbortty ass ssld thst thersIs ta-a way ksewa to hiat hy whichtksss eioncs esn to toM from tto I « I « .

dJ^^'-^s^ua^^^LTllr^Jv **MllM<to- •«• « • » kw a mi«brjS5a° ' -He'sadT'-Ws'rt.ry t J i R It was* aot oaalbl* for bt* commit.-*H i MMf Hke br waa a pa*-oB-~ tu «w( Mt Ht JoCBIB SUSb* Wsy utU OfJ^sri jy^l^rness. THI h i . to g. u » OSBVBSS. Tarsia* t* m* wttb Bt.

•ulTVeSa "io'lJct"^*"1" " * * * * S^ld.-Pl-«,w*bavedot>saUw*po*»,."i«.« st that, m e . ' Wy aoaU to miuaiiltat. tbM *aty-Lars what r«e twiinc y«m. bstw. | ( L | t . D W ( tbm Itrsscccata bare SSJW

Bf dat mwl« doa't u»V.tan' me peh- ^ T L ta Ki^fct— m.r ss.tor " -Do

tod his*, hoaa " T i tnilt Pree F i n s .IMatunxai.

J H of BBlmal found nowtore else oa bis scrdtettoa, Cos; Mr.earth. Thla edd snlnsal ks> be*« called oBly sseated) by oaxryisw M.w Tot k

grade woa»»,' - M abeot tto atat> of a cat wbr* fuB n r Bobart War oat a

a * with a tone bead ataaped like a - , ^ , ^ , 0 . .b.<r* aama irwe. Baaa

l r * toax. like tt™e or tto yewBg aW> - Abbott was etoeesd f>«*araor of ibis• n.l It UBUB Ha fan-paws to carry fhai- I mat him la Maw fork aad

" ssMMblm.-Mr.Bobanii .sess.dt. .

want to bear of yow sld Bettor's sal- LooUac a s fqaaiely ta ib* tar* to•Mr? Toa wrta If ywa da asc let afe said: -As ssuw as ib* »aa rlsss la t**

„ LMdwa a PSTIBC MM> wassB tesnfy • « • of »ae» a kwricked two pounds, si d which M M r a j fart* tath * WB . ^ H tn — all a*4ss ay attar OBSBBW, tf»sad of a I ill • • ' • "was Kftod aa by a • n l n a

be piay ctvro by ib . pupil* of ttoBryaot Sobool, Mlse SbattodV, tbepnactpal. * M prearared bits aful madoaas ptcurs. by tbe p*Jp4ls ortbs Bryeat aad LIDOOID AbouU, MtosBhsttvrk was (ak>-e «knpie»ly byaarprlae, astba ebtldreB bad Kept tbesseretso parfeedy tbat sbe tad nottbe *Uvhn>st .u»i \c\< a df wbaAstors f«r tor. Tbe pwr ure rwat#.aa easel, sod was 0n.c--rsLI»by Mseu-r Barold L***iV InbM papU* of bTh Babool|.

Mia. W.

Ma F n > Uaat WaH*



•shack aU the lixfet that wa

UooaaaFtaaaH •aao.


Tbe sS.lr. a* stated.* was atofot* his d*aih- "A rich a is

taat tba feana•aatad Mr t a u t f'.r iia rtriaBn( tba Ok-aaril. Taa Pirat aatafoaad iaaeataea

H Fraak CWtoU aiar4

W*oae*d*y afteraooa «i tb* eiose t-f

vss that I wasthissn sal wlas

ptcnica ss4 Mt It up for ••••very' r*4 tt

tswr wwre iery shy «f asea T dask BBvth'.Bf of nyse«y. loatr w. and be frit tbat I I * • » Uss* th * Btv

cubusans refoatsis-d ta* ssaircJaceBtwork doo* Is • * for tb* aany. a*»

oatwtta pttda tba ka«a Bs>m»>Jrttj tsawB at tbs trst m?

sertoBsty; last Baadsy, afs Dost oa LMroad to rasovery aads JW quit* eoaArtaat thai tbey bil l awt

IB »uff ' t i i i i a nr«sl dealfrum tbv burn-• bo i i i> - r ' j - . . h u i H t t u l e sbe awlbet-da tub

aaMtl4lataaaaaat. Ba aaa aaraaiMiss K.>mir E O<lee s>t*r>faB>d bet

rlnbteeatb Mrtbdey D*«-emt»r*t *•tbe boms of bet parent* la tb* B tbc r k bulMiog Oaestslo Ibeajambeiof sO w^re praewot frbsn iBU caiy.B .urd Brook aed B-»Mu-lr ws* rwralsbed l r daariaaPn I ft**-*, aad tb* «a**<* Wvrv

all lbs rest of toroulaVt t*t Ikat* *ed v a n I

*ir"y • m y b a t j

ever to Jo* Hiack•Je«. way U lbs sM

*?alwd with iwfiwahanwwm. The oaTJr

TkClS)- * tlttl* -erscky.' 1CasesEiiitit Baas os tb* olrta of th* jeac

isoa. la ce*rtw.uk>B Of tbst Poasi'aTbe T M M Oswwrai Is set 1D«

bead of tb* dloease datmc tbs >H,SBO»abroad of Btoboe n * «n<a af Max VBHa. OL

ata.; U Waal T, ana aaaM.oroatiad Dra. IKa. at I M a a

T. ••Too loUowtswQ wea OKy Xodate, •

aaked ttoktarted out th* hoy.Bf th* clsas -WTksc Is

Oraad. Hi issflu MUST. rlt>*-a:rsB<1.Jobs T t i . i n i i l i n n i r i m r r f > • >

— T p " a> ff-

»M>» "***»•" *g»*. r rsas i i i i . J . P. Alas. Tbe ks*

iliartar af * a aaa Itaar Laaaav,of «a» H a w . aaa aaa aa av

1 • - ~ ' T- a . at aanlaal a> a

oa •

s k i M n - O a a t B * CkeveHaaT. at

Mr. sad Mrs M I aassaf.afvww asesuM, at* a»i yiasi a si**from Mrs. Moras* t . laytor. of • * •


It ««rt.itc ■■ i nsutfx ■U U ng

Page 8: THE ONSTITUTIONALIST. tlantn Oika^praaented a baft of cold to Factor J. W, B o3«rdjoD and UO •IDKIBR bu jki to UM school. Tb« • ffiir WAI »->Ji K'>Ft»D up …

GASTORIATor InAgta and Children.

The Kind You HaveAlways Bought

Bears theSignature



For Over.Thirty Years



ably b« Raapootntad.




1B a aailefaotory M U M lo tb* polk*board. u d in fact t be wboto pouo* d<-u t a m t la cJD>idriM to ba Is (roodMHN,Taking It «U la «ll tbare la D M ill

IO h- any ( r r t i ehaacva la 1m*kr-up of tb* city B O W S W D I1300 aadaaraekdrpanmeat app-to b« working; mi l , U M IOOOBIK0J0D.iliw.n will not ba dl*e°*«l tom ike a cbaag* anlaaa aomMMog war-ran r» It.

Tbera a n man j Improwneota tbattb* cli y o*eds sod DO doubt ion* ofthem wilt b* filrpB (Jotloff n<it jear.rterakaa poealblllty tbat tort* willna BOOM talk about a saw city ball,*tib a'l the oomblnadot*. auob aa Jail,

ate. O M B t t f r seedingl

bt aom« Rri-«t I

nlaaodoabt but wbat Jama.1'*" • r t | « I D f t * « « « » *stabll*hlaa

T MacSUrray will ba „ » • . <»y i £ ' T ^ ' ^ ^ " J l ^ ! ? '"elerk. B. ha. tb* b^lo-. of i ^ ' W w i t y W . i w r t o . . wtllelty dow0 u> . flo* point, ud 1.1> • JT1 ' " £ 7 ' u £ ro r " ' O W 1 - " - " *thorottgbly eoBvereatt with all It* _•,„_•„ _.w-^If!r_._" ."*_!° ID '

able gThan

thoroughlyaffair* that tb* aaw O.-u icu will mue&

soattloa. Tbla will facilitate matter* a•rest Ht*l. and besides tber* will aota* tba trouble, of breaking la a a*wB M f or tb* ptaee

And™* J. Qavect, tb* n m a t etree*uBdouotadiy • * re

i tb*

»h.> will maka tbaataH«v« beard CBJ l

<*y ««U aod U «bw ifeor J poatadgy pOk w**ry detail In bta d<i>aiirD«at. He

d by tb* m.J rity to o* to*fish* man for tb* right piae*. aad tbeauefala* U not dlapaaed to dl*pl*Of>BfOL.

I t has heea blat*d that thet* 1* to baobecune la th* poltae detrimentwbtoa to practtoalty me eame blat taaib) heard *v«ry y**r, but i k m to ao

m that UkvM w 11 baf. baa be*a raported

that Obiat Grant to to be pleoed oa tb*retired Oat, and that a youa«rrbe pat la bl* ptaae. A bttla q«ai


• tu-lo— of tba Now Tork AJ T

GhlerltTkes been lrrrw...n« repMlydurina tbe paet few moaibs and

•"dally etutioa tbla mooch. Tt lalewd iba* by Jaooary l*c tb*** willB«* koadrrd aobaerih*ra la tbla

pro** tb* uuin of U * n-pon and U U

iytkatOUar Oraat will

f II w. dufiuB December: V B Me

flerroM Henri I. a jrrle and'ojramorrBTectae, loet: P. J. B.rrU bcu h Sr*sad ntwi , net; Hoaar«tt PrtatlaaOompaay. W•*« Fifth Mr*et,| .-* . Mrs

( L J. Deetoa. Weat froat »•n*i, T9I;| Barry F Jobaeoe. UM Watf*uB*•f>tm*. 1176. Mr* W L Bnll,M.foraK>od itMiii-, 6.1 ; Edward T Fr-tcl-.B*hcock bslMlec, 1071; Mri J kf

. Crane. W**t Elirtt atreet. tSB A ; Wid H miltmu.. r ^ t d w , W.-t ft.**aib

»*aMottM r>4«*MI»7Ma. v»U l i iH ; O*.ra» U t . T H " S w wtoMmtsa aad wbioh ooehd be-* beoa D M , f in . Waiter L B*itod. usha4ato«feana«o.Lad U o >t t~*n P l l B a«-aa*. Til; B f. Orao*. • •

*u- . 11 i l . J 'tin ? B*atl» «* tdrtn-nitHti*, lies B-in

r aaytuec at that Urn*, H ^ M . IM E-v Fr at a m I ( Ml«*d thai If Ih* Or • - • K i U W C a i M ««.»-.

. Isuodaead that Ma MM; Mr.. H U Werre*. i-» W,^sot be melatelaad. ft,,,..h „ « « , n « ; A. Kaa*. 4»

•tabowtotbe beet ad- « - t Tblri xr wt. ttl,

m tt tha foor Haaara u CJOLOUT W-T» L Tu-xtv*.

•tanaw aaal She iWwrarn hu ha a ^ ^

D M T O. D - ~ . of U» Ir . da ~"' - • " • • » ' • • • » • ' « • • " • - M-



A Bl«Bila» m « of FrlJay waatb* "ooatloc oat** of Efaa B.rocit.

Vbter of Mr aad Mr» Oeora* A.Stroac. of 10W Oee*ial I I T B W , wbea

TJ lain* aumbatr of PWlnflaM'tMy folaaeaUad to do boaor to mm

of the SUM* popular uebaataat** of••asaa. The boon w*i» from • no• lo t ead dartac tbat Uew the

beam waa tbna«ed with caaetear!4om b>* ther* beea each am et-

• * « . T* aathertaaT of fair woawa asd• Lcb a baadaome dUpUy

Tba beautlfal BOOMhi rta oaaoretioaa, approprlai* to Ca*boMtay maoe. Tnroach iban. 11 j. awirgraaaa aad palaai, aad tbat

* B ^ d k X laid fbatr aktaa w»»bat tba 1a i * i l f i kaVl thatta bctwr.

t waa why tbo P aabi Inra of tbaPark Clan woa ta* 9 m of ta* bowMaa


with aar mitbar. aad theyi i l i l i l by Mia* Merrill, Mi< elwiah aad Hkw W«*U>TB.Y -ik; MbM Htroas. of B. I S ; Ml«a Todd aod M

Millar, of tbla otty.aad Mr* WUIUma,~laxtford. Ooaa Mlaa tHroa*: waa

Iiinaan la wall* Mlk llhialna. a*dwaa urrat.y avimliad by alL

mother wore a town of Mack set over

Tbe dlala« mom was ID chars* of •caterer aod there tbare was addedlataainn for tba very ezoeUeat

ben, Durtc* tbe appallboandeltsbtfalma*!* wee turnlabje-1by a etrtaa: qaarteue la obafm* of P.Lodwlg Ooode. aad after tb* reoep

muelo waa faralebed for ta*•Her aet tbat ivmalaed lor the

rfaeoUur.0 her daaoraUMa of more thaa

paasleit leteraet were those latbrary. wbere tbe ootore, p u t aad

:, owe* oroagbt oat to to*tatace, tnrourt graaaa aad preuy

bade. Tb* whole • ff-Ur was ooaipmterety detail ead tt oaa b* said thai

so more oharmiaji eveat bas takee


Tbe Oontlnentai Chapter of tb*Oaoahtera of the American Hevolurloato aeeklBe; In a most oommeodabto

iaer to etlnolate tbe Utereet of tb*rUlDg ffeneradon la pereoes•*eau eoaoeraed la the fouodaiio* oftr Ballon.Ia a reurat oonmaDloadoa to Baser

Dt*od*Bt k » K * . tbe Chapter > ff-na pnz« of as to aay member of tb*PlaloSeld BlgB Bebool w0 0 ahatl

• iba beet eaeiy oa a pamode eut>•<t. Tb* oommlttee la cbarsw, of

wbicb Mrs M. E. D-rtftbt m rta u , bee nit wad for tb*. eab]The Battle of PrieostoB." Tbeceeays

Frbraary.Ic U tba purpoaa of tba

include t t * prlie aaaay la tba pro*tamaw of »&«rotaoa to ba b*U la



There waa a little earorta* at tbehrtetBHa fKarelees at the piaiodeM

fllsh School Friday moniaaj. Attbe eloee of tb* proTemm* wblob la--iHied tMdmrt by tb* K I M H J H II'unb.m. Mary Look. KMeBmtrbaad

lea Burr aadaaaddreaeby B*». DrW. R BJchsrua. MaM M.rloo D.

deoek, pnetdaat of tbe tteaior>. preavs'ad ib* B<s« Bet>nol wttb

a * SiartD* Madoaaa." byB O M of tb* aaata*im. Prtaolpal Ira

W. Tra**|l aooepted tb* sift Is aahottpaaaa.Two wotarea, T B I W J I T b e Old

'•maralr*." ead a Da*eb leadaoapa,Tbe Mill,-' by Bebtaeala were pr*

e*et*d by the roanh oiaee to thsTbe pr* vo'artoo epss*h

~ D.

la B *t:b Afilc« b b M l * |•a •• jet oa taa a>«taa aVrz Ooaipaoy,

w-jtcb b ib* laaJtaw tMaatry laway. Duriac tba aavta** law

aad took It oM of thafc- baada.law

havaPark Qab aUaya darlas ta* Okrtatma* bcUaaya. Tb* Irat of tb* a*n*athat yaar wai mUad Saturdar iPiBlag

•4 awa Wtaaaaad by a,all* a Daabar

K .body did aayihiac brUlaat latb* Irat rraa* *ze*pt Dr. Talara. Ha

to CM jaat owaaftlk


Important Comprohits4 PropoMel

M EHzaklatru



mad* eniptebeertr bat that taliel toaa** the day. VaaB«r*a foUewvdwttti aaotber ]*M lib* It.

Oooe oa, th* raa eaan th* wjabtat ofM Banhtlen quite dlatlncul* beaeaa aeiwp*, wblto n)f*n •**t**rain*a oc•a other sUe as Peek, Oatrom aad

Dr. Tibjra f*u woefully bebJad.bard ean'lad off tbe. boaort for b inn

•weiil aud* for blm.sssT a neat laputawoa es « bowmr,

_ tbat CaptainF. O. Ball ewe aasl*«a to ha** bl

>ll on tb* team n«alarty.T e n s awm many famibar faoee

oeually praaaat at tbeaairdey _

flaaatoc C A.. k*ed wee tbeee, but beiteeted. blemelf with dafeeula*; Dr.

Ka>eraoB at billiard* aad ooul 1 aot beiDvetgtrd Into deftwrilng Ut* bnaor oftb* Beaedlets on the eUeya. FormerMayor B A. ni»imaa waaI M . b « bh i n proved haaaeetfwottby of 4uch a facbe. at bit poet ofampli*.


Tb* wiu of Fr«*bo*d*r Joa-ui Morrta, of BliBtbatb, baa ba*e admlttad to

lo tb* Uotoo Ooooty Orpbaaa'Ooart by Judaa TalL Tba aataaa laaatlaiatad at rally I t on too awatwbleb la la El i tbatfc i»*l **ta>a. ]Morrla mad* aa »q«a) dlvMoa of kU

a» tbraa

fltt*a by tb*rt Ualvaralty laot

w*»k, l*wa«t J. Prek. of Myrtla avaJ. Ttaeaat BUtaaboaa-. of

Emt "Hxrh atrcat, took part. P*o*wa* Ia tb* rborot, ama* a «ok> aad

'h pan la tb* oa* act faroa tlLawd wblle Bwtiakoaaa waam b-r of tb* gyaiBaarlB t *u i tbat

did atuata dmiBg tha

T* D-M iAdja^aat of tb*

B«w J H

Zinc- KfmbtoIU»alk>B of tb* «Kaval R-*-rr-«, ba* a * ) * appltoo tba Bobokaa aatborittea forn lMl» to ua* tb* armory la tb*B«H oaa awaantii aaab ajaac(.ffloataof ibabatraUoa waat to* * • B M ia inraoiry taodea, hotaaabU to do ao oa boaxd tb* l•falp PonaaMMtb for

». Tbe eoatpaay bad a ara*r

Too- tbe trad* airh (a* **°""'Utter *ooatry kt eolr-ly atopp*w be- W B O to >0«s»d ap la tb* Cak-** * * * * of tb* war. wblle the Tapnm > ^ ' ° * * r+**m of p*»loa? a _.trad* bee ma>ly fallea away. Th* * * * * * *"•' ' * • *a*oaat of H i oa ta*B-fllc* pleat t* a* loasar noetaa: * * — r B * ° f c - bas n*oaed eofar ta be'•»- rtieM and may aot raa evwa rail p * " * * j " " by Ooaary D*i«-i»» Xareat in* aft** Jaaoary 1 «t. , * • t**sd emlrr. aavi

That* has beea aolaotoaUoo leeslved from ta* w**«.

•eM aad BtiSabeUl- Stteei BallrwadOt*p«ay eleoa tb* Bltsibeth OtyOj-acll adooud tbe t, dhieao* woiohpeate to tbe eomaaay tb* prtvtloft* ttoomte, law the otty throats jerseyaveaae. I i

f l i m l i u of f a Oty Oooaell la>atei thai they l U s o t n »MU from th*poaWoa they hew* tatra. aad Ih*probabtUtlee are that ta* ofdloastwill be annulled oa tb* ST:b by rw*Scof tb* explretkw of dke » day limit.

I t tha aompaay *Wa aot earry eatl u lotaorJoo to so Into H is tbeth by I

rl«bt of way or by a eoaeott• lia on* of the »xiMlt)« oe*>

paalae, a new ordleaoce. will probablyb* ropaiaO+fd by tb* Uty C aociL

Tbeoompaay bas ezanesed a alUtBtxoeaato make tthvral - - • n u l lprovided a riant of way eoeJdejlvea for It la ra*eb to* towerof tbla dty. Bevenl •ajtseetloa* forroatee ba«* beea made, bat thed.ffl alty lias la the law, wfaleh entiaoc allow a srsat (or a toe to paralleaa eit«l:lQg lie* wlthlB I 000 feet.

It Is amid to be the, wish of Mr.Biker aad bte oaanuMli to * :tbetr Uae to ffiret oc Freat etreem, aad'beoos aloac tbe ebore of Btatselemad Booad to QaHaret.

that a sew nimaehiw: wtth practloally tbe condi t >ea of tb*r a ie lo> of tbe « t a p M .exteaetoaof the route** aooaproeHesfeature, »ni be ta* ousroiB*. aod thatn wiN b* aoB*et*MB ut ib* ooapaoy.aad wtU bare tbe traapart of all t t *OoaaeUawa.

The report to that th* sTartaCvimpeay would waive lurtunts usd*rtoe 1.000 faetUmlt law, aad woukl irv*ooaasat to tb* ae«oompsay tr^os h>tbe lower pan of tb* city. Ta* pro-

of tb* Monb Jarary Ooaipaaya traokaoa Wa*t Jaraay, Braad Bad Ba*t Bnaaattaoca. Tb* pUa wotld b* to a*w rtb* otty ihroujtb J*ra*y a«*aaa,

; aa propuaad la ta* ortaiaal appo-ea-'loa. with th* niatkaaf ib*paay la Waat Jcraty atiaat, aad tbr*

ov*r tb* Waat Jwawy, Broal aadK**t Broad w w i t root* to Ma«ao*-B

ia*. Tba a* * root* wnoid barrom that potat ddwu Manolia a«w-

to Dlviaoa atr^t, tkroocb D»->a uad*r tha rostral Railroad

bridaatoO^rtatraK. TbaUaawoaJdextaed to Flrac atfaat. aod aiooa; tba•oaod to Tr*ml*y aod Oartarat.

To aompwt* aa •aiarprtai of tarnlad fraaoalaja would; b* nn j

boUi from tb* dty


Best Suadayabahtatlt o'«ioefc a*•portaat emet wfll taVe plaoa at Bt

~ a*'a oburcb oa) MaaalDC *T*aa».• aotaaaa B M win bo bald mnUana wttb th* * * a n * of Paaa

Lao. Tbla nH.BraHna.la la boaor oftb*a*wyMr. 19*0. aadwbUa tt It aot"UtUatory. tba Pooa.baa fir** hU

ovai of tha mabratwa. Tbar*h* fpacW muatc of a Mffh

obaractar aad at tha • * D M HUM *om-tnu tuuo »ui b* aiiitiuiiad. Xaa aar-

wiu «omo***a» pCbmocly at anld-nUrbtaod will mat a k u t oa* boorTata to a vary aaoaual cefeoawt.Baad ao d M M tba makilaaii wtu he

THE U.*«»T noarEix

ALFRED SPEED,afroH6ns*Wla*rr*s*eer ta imertaa.

The nrst nativ* win* sold andused in San Francisco and Sacravmeato waa from Bpeer*a Paassic.N. 1 , vineyards, was ihippeoaroun J Cape Ilorh befor* tbera I ' s tM^p^M.wss say roilro*4 to California,, 'sad are now beioa; used br pbysi-ajema scd first fatoiliea there astiie richest and bast wiao to be bad


Vick'sCarden and Floral

• Guide

Tba juice of toe Partu«al PortWme prspe grown in H J istbtcksad ricbsunesslbejuic* of pearsand other f ru i ts eTowo her*. FromCalifornia pears you ean aqneex*water «* (rctm a Bpoom; so ocw nr.with all fruits cTbwit la Caiifor- j •*»*•aia.; wail* thosat grown in New | *,"«* r»eyare solid ih substsncai—•*•• !••*••••*• . • • • M U M MMB*M

- JAMES VICKS SONS,t hck nd riJersey apples, for lasts:

i*ka a cider taat a)as alwayspopular tbo world owcr. I f yoawaat a wins fof sickseas or foe

atertainaients donatery «rine« t-Jt chaoaa a f.ril*ss old, full txxiied, h>ffh

wine (rom Speef"» Pauaicyard*. Sold

EYerythifor theGarden

8w«at Peat UM ehoirat,Fiur l»n Onii M<

Ja« a-1 »t»ai I aaru T. attaa mad>«o> olUra K P a l i t i i—a

• aa. 1 B

aVaa»«. ao»ac T«aia<Ur aad tiltmj1mm. l i t * aad U .

Psu-t • TTiiaiPen lU-DhMP»rt IIL-DbsF*»t i v . . . a *P«* V.-iMaeiPsrt VL-XHM

MaaeVCanua.Base* of —inrj.kuw nT Hoga.kaea or Doga.fee* Of Poultry.



Qu2ity Rather 7Than Quantity.

Bat lor the HaaAdi.~ • i i i ii I ib aaafr i - i ' ifaaaarbaaaaa. Taaa«


Savings Institution,"




f Vick’s .Carden and Floral .► Guide TALK OF POLICE CHANGES



Quality Rather

A.M.GRIFFEN’S, If E«t Fra* *. 1 DIME

Sayings Motion; M TUaSc i. I i.

tonlfrd la Plalal'ld atoat i . a FrUay with to kwd of turk»v

aiarutoid* IktpMUOM! ££tjz ll bL J.