THE TRANSFORMATIVE SPEECH€¦ · development method (the Coué method), based on transformative speech and called autosuggestion. He explored in modern psychology, original and new

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Page 1: THE TRANSFORMATIVE SPEECH€¦ · development method (the Coué method), based on transformative speech and called autosuggestion. He explored in modern psychology, original and new


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April 2020

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Coach Patrick Armand POGNON Doctor in Coaching and Full Development

Chairman of Africa Coaches World Chairman of Development Ambassadors

Designer of Efficiency, Quality and Profitability Benchmarks Contacts: +225 47 28 38 38

YouTube: Africa Coaching WebTV

Article published in the scientific journal of Full Coaching April 2020

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Il est de plus en plus fréquent de constater que tel Homme vit le bonheur parfait et qu‟un autre demeure dans le malheur. Après avoir observé à plusieurs reprises, des situations à première vue incompréhensibles, nous avons cherché à comprendre si ceux qui réussissent avaient quelque chose de particulier.




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Nowadays it is quite now common to note that such a Man lives in perfect happiness and that another one lives in misfortune. After having observed on several occasions and at first glance situations which seem baffling, we have sought to understand if those who succeed had something peculiar.

When a 52-year-old mother who has been declared to be at the end of her life refuses the forecast concerning her life and declares: “I have done no harm to God so as not to see my daughter getting married,” and she lives for over 22 years, we have to think about this.

When Suzanne ZEMBA a midwife from MALI, has been announced that she has a badly sick heart and that she steadily repeats: "I have a perfect heart that works very well and forever" and then from a rotten heart she goes to a perfectly healthy heart, we really have to think over this.

When the Honorable Benjamine DOAMBA, a Member of Parliament of

BURKINA FASO, refuses to follow the treatment of a doctor who announces her she in final paralysis and then two weeks later she walks properly, we must decide to think about this.

When the USA President, Donald TRUMP, constantly repeats that he will win the elections and wins against all expectations, we have to think about this.

When in the book of Genesis we find that every time God says something it happens in the next verse, we have to think about the use of speech to produce outcomes.

When in the Qur'an, it is said in (Sura) n8 Al Anfal, verse 53:

«That is because Allah would not change a favor which He had bestowed upon a people until they change what is within themselves. And indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing. ", we must reflect.

This principle seems to be universal. It seems to impose itself on everyone. We have repeatedly noticed the power of speech in

all religions, geographic situations, social strata.

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However, this hypothesis cannot be asserted without an in-depth study of speech.

The purpose of this thesis is therefore to reflect on the high probability that everything we say and repeat, whether negative or positive, will affect our life.

We have therefore decided to study the impact of speech which we have deliberately chosen to call: “Transformative Speech”, in two hypotheses which are:

- null hypothesis: the destiny of Man is predetermined;

- research hypothesis: Speech makes man’s reality.

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The first author we are going to study is John GRINDER. John GRINDER is an American linguist who was born on January 10th, 1940. With Richard BANDLER, he is the co-founder of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) in the 1970s. He has developed its teaching since the 1980s with the new code of neurolinguistic programming.

A Doctor in Linguistics and Professor at the University of Santa Cruz, he has acquired scientific experience in the laboratory of cognitive psychology of George MILLER.

Born on February 24th, 1950, Richard BANDLER is an American author, co-inventor (with John Grinder) of neurolinguistic programming (PNL) and he is the founder of Design Human Engineering (ICGH) and Neuro Hypnotic Reparttening (RNH).

When both men met in the mid-1970s, they decided to pool their knowledge in order to tackle an ambitious challenge. Indeed, they think that people who are aces, communication professionals and who succeed in everything, have the same way of speaking, which leads to the same way of thinking and acting, even if they are not aware of this, even if they do it unconsciously, instinctively, automatically.

Given that they are already so many theories, rather than developing a new one, their goal is to create an effective model. They therefore began by observing,

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listening to and dealing with the behaviors,

strategies and procedures used by those for who success is an easy, natural, automatic phenomenon. They have focused more on what characterizes those who succeed. After these many observations they have finally realized that they had been right and that these people, often without their own knowledge, used an identical language and consequently reproducible as much as desired.

A great discovery came out from their research: when an individual reproduces and models the structure of thought of another individual, the former comes to the same result as the latter. A variation of this discovery is that one has to speak like people who succeed in order to achieve the same standards as them.

The second author we are going to study is Emile COUE. Emile COUE is a French Psychologist and Pharmacist, author of a healing and personal development method (the Coué method), based on transformative speech and

called autosuggestion. He explored in modern psychology, original and new ways and was a forerunner of behavioral psychology and positive thinking. He was an experimenter of the placebo effect. He intends to become a pharmacist.

The young apothecary would have got into the habit of joining to the drugs that he sells, encouraging words. He would then have noticed that the patients who he easily persuades by telling them the right words about the effectiveness of the treatments get better. Gradually, he discovers what will be called the placebo effect.

His first years of experience made him aware of the effectiveness of suggestion and the decisive action of the imagination in the healing process. Emile Coué begins developing the first principles on which he will later build his method. He considers that any idea that is engraved in our mind tends to become a reality in the order of what is possible.

The third author of this article is Joseph MURPHY. Upon his arrival in America, Joseph Murphy became a Pharmacist in New York. In the 1940s, he

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met Ernest HOLMES and gave the Catholic faith up.

By 1949, he became Director of the Ministry of the Church of Divine Science in Los Angeles and remained so for twenty-eight years. He has obtained a Ph. D in Psychology and began writing. He is the author of thirty books translated into several languages and of many other writings on the dynamics of thought including mysticism, autosuggestion and the unconscious.

He was also a consultant on the topic of prosperity. He has been influenced by some authors who also wrote on the principles of thought.

He has spent a great part of his life studying eastern religions. Murphy is a fierce defender of the possibilities of achievement through thought and he has developed means of

autosuggestion to achieve them. His thinking focuses on the importance of the unconscious which he shows as an infinite wealth.

He preaches the use of the unconscious through autosuggestion as the

supreme force for fulfilling personal dreams or performing miracles.


As we have shown, several studies have already dealt with the issues that we want to tackle but they have not been sufficiently exploited, disseminated operationalized.

Our research will therefore be a research without field because it will content with seeking the previous studies, synthesizing them to better exploit them for a greater dissemination. Consequently the research will be hypothetico-deductive. We will base the survey on hypotheses resulting from theory and allowing to establish a particular reasoning

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of which the confirmation or invalidation is obtained through experimentation. We can thus assimilate it to what some call empirical-formal research.

Our research will be longitudinal. It will consist in the analysis of a given number of observations identified over a more or less long continuous period. This approach corresponds to the film of the issue and no longer to photography or successive photos. This type of investigation is also called diachronic analysis and requires a strong presence. The analysis will be both qualitative and quantitative in the way that we will take into account the conclusion of our research.

You then perfectly understand that we have chosen the use of documentary sources. We are therefore going to choose and use existing data for the analysis in order to invalidate, confirm, and evoke a fact or a phenomenon or a process.

In conclusion, this research will be both descriptive and confirmatory.

A descriptive research aims at informing, analyzing and explaining in order to make a research issue intelligible.

This type of survey is very much influenced by the researcher himself who shows his opinion.

A confirmatory research leads to a progress in the field of research insofar as the result obtained becomes an established fact.


A reliable scientific research must be carried out within a theoretical framework permitting to shed light on the expressions or concepts used. It ensures a kind of consistency between the different parts and a better interpretation of the information collected.

This study will allow us to assess and study the origins, the importance and the power of the transformative speech. Researches have been performed with regard to studies carried out by several authors on notions having a close link with the transformative speech in order to bring our new discoveries by showing that it is only a matter of continuity. The objective of this study is to develop the speech that

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we live and that we proclaim (its nature, its effects and its power).

Our issue is based on:

- Does the transformative speech have a scientific aspect?

- Where does the transformative speech come from?

- What is the impact of the transformative speech?

The research hypothesis chosen is:

speech makes reality.

The fact is that many people talk about speech and its potential powers without really knowing what it is.

What is the transformative speech?

The transformative speech is a linguistic technique used to give orders to the brain to ensure a better life.



In Ezekiel 37, verses 1 to 14, of the Louis SEGOND version of the Bible, the prophet Ezekiel talks about an experience that instructs on Man‟s speech.

“The hand of the LORD was upon me, and he brought me out in the Spirit of the LORD and set me down in the middle of the valley; it was full of bones.

And he led me around among them, and behold, there were very many on the surface of the valley, and behold, they were very dry.

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And he said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”

And I answered, “O Lord GOD, you know.”

Then he said to me, “Prophesy over these bones,

and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.

Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones:

Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live.

And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you,

and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live,

and you shall know that I am the LORD.”

So I prophesied as I was commanded.

And as I prophesied, there was a sound,

and behold, a rattling,[c] and the bones came together, bone to its bone.

And I looked, and behold, there were sinews on them, and flesh had come upon them,

and skin had covered them. But there was no breath in them.

Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man,

and say to the Breath, Thus says the Lord GOD: Come from the four winds, O Breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.”

So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the Breath came into them, and they lived and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army.

Then he said to me, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel.

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Behold, they say, „Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost;

we are indeed cut off.‟

Therefore prophesy, and say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD:

Behold, I will open your graves and raise you from your graves, O my people. And I will bring you into the land of Israel.

And you shall know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves, and raise you from your graves, O my people. And I will put my Spirit within you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I am the LORD; I have spoken, and I will do it, declares the LORD.”

What we have to bear in mind is that the prophet Ezekiel is a Man but it is through his speech that he was able to bring the bones back to life.

Suppose that these dry bones represent in life everything that undermines your hope, that does not allow

you to have a vision for the future, all the determinisms linked to heredity, to the context in which one must build his existence and which seem to prevent life, the context in which you live and which can be deadly, everything in you, around you that kills life: you will have to take your mouth and declare what you want to repair your life.

However, in this experience the speech is spoken by the prophet and not by the Lord.

The Spirit is sent through a man: it is therefore a human speech which carries divine energy within it. Creation is normally a direct action of God. The prophets are the representatives of God on earth and it is said, in Acts 2, verse 17 of the Bible version Louis SEGOND, "He will be done in the last days, says the Lord, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. Then your sons and daughters will prophesy ..." All of us are therefore representatives of God‟s creative strength. God wants to use man, to have man as a partner: this is the meaning of the notion of Alliance, there is reciprocity. We are bearers of God‟s creative speech, of this

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speech which carries within it divine energy, which does what it says. Speech has existed since the dawn of time and we know that it is since the beginning and that it will have no end.

At the beginning of everything, God spoke and things happened to be. In his creation, he has transmitted us speech, which means that we have the ability to speak. This differentiates us from animals. The other difference is that, for us, he has created us in his image and we find that

no one among humans is identical to the other. We are therefore made in the image of God in the way that we are all endowed with the creative speech.

In Sura Ya-Sin 36 / Ya-Sin-82 in the Qur'an, it is also said: "His Command, when He wills (intends) anything, is only to say to it: “Be”! So it is. Once again we come back to speech.

Here, it seems important for us to specify the definition of


in the LAROUSSE dictionary: "Announcing by inspiration the will of the divinity".




Neurolinguistic programming has been initiated by John GRINDER and Richard BANDLER.

Richard Bandler, passionately found of mathematics, computer science and psychotherapy, has been working since the age of 15 with Dr. Robert Spitzer, a psychiatrist and editor specialized in new psychotherapies. The latter has asked him to write a book on Fritz Perls, the founder of gestalt therapy. But, as he lacks clarity in explaining what he is doing, he asks John Grinder _ who he has met during university activities _ to help him model his gestalt practice, what Grinder agrees to

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do. Noteworthy that Gestalt therapy, sometimes called Gestalt, is both a transformative approach, a corpus of concepts and a set of practices aiming a personal, psychosocial and organizational change.

Both NLP authors have observed people considered to be models of excellence in personal communication, learning and change. Puzzled by the fact that some people succeed easily while others do not, they started making researches.

These researches are categorized into three types: studies, meta-studies and researches in relevant sectors (including cognitive science and neuroscience).

The first models of NLP excellence have been exceptional therapists such as Milton Erikson, Virginia Satir and Fritz Perl.

First generation NLP was tested on other individuals in several areas.

In a peer-reviewed study, Bulent Turan and Ruth M. Townsley Stemberger (2000) have found that "imitating

another person's representative language increases perceived empathy."

Skinner and Stephens (2003) have explored participants' reactions in advertisements and have observed that advertisements which predominantly used their linguistic sensory representation systems were found to be more persuasive.

From their researches, a great discovery has appeared: when an individual reproduces and models the structure of thought of another individual, the former achieves the same result like the latter. A variation of this discovery is that one has to speak like people who succeed in order to achieve the same standards like them.

The heart of NLP can be summed up in one word: modeling. It means model and not truth. It is very important to consider that when we reproduce the behavior of someone who achieves a goal, this does not mean there is only one way to achieve it, but that if this person does it that way, so we have the means and the resources to do the same. This does not exclude the fact that we can meet eight days later, another person who does even

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better, even faster, even more comfortably and that we then model his way of doing it. Practicing NLP is giving yourself choice! If there is something we are doing that is not right for us, if we have a bad habit, such as smoking, drinking or biting our nails, this is largely corroborated by the cognitive science that teaches us that the brain is made to learn.

NLP (neurolinguistic programming) refers to a set of models and techniques of personal development originating in the United States and intended to improve communication between individuals and to improve themselves.

We essentially retain the fact of giving instructions by speech (linguistics) to the brain (to the neurons) to perform tasks automatically.

But why the name Neurolinguistic Programming?

Programming: because since our earliest childhood, we program ourselves, we learn things, ways of thinking, feeling, sensing and behaving. Making the analogy with computers that is to say we all have

the same "hardware", material, our brain. What changes is the "software", the programs that animate and allow the computer to obtain the results. The interesting conclusion from all of this is that since the material is the same (brain and nervous system), what someone manages to achieve, someone else is also potentially able of doing it.

Neuro: because this learning ability, this ability to develop ways of thinking, feeling and acting is based on the functioning of our nervous system. In fact, it is the nervous system which, thanks to our five senses, perceives the environment, the world in which we live, interprets, codes and transmits messages of all kinds. NLP techniques act directly on this neurological organization.

Linguistics: because it is language that structures and reflects the way we think. It is the vehicle of our experiences, our perceptions and our representations of the world.

Since its inception, the field of study of NLP has significantly evolved.

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First generation NLP: it is the original model developed by R. Bandler and J. Grinder. 1st generation NLP was something that was "done to others" in the context of a transformative relationship, which explains why it could be perceived as manipulative in non-transformative contexts. The 1st generation neurolinguistic programming tools and techniques focused on problem solving in terms of behavior and abilities. With the 1st generation NLP, we mainly dealt with the cognitive aspect and NLP was a cognitive science. People were studying how the mind works, the representation system and its different structures.

Second generation NLP: in the 1980s, NLP left the transformative context to take an interest in negotiation, sales, education and health while remaining centered on individuals. This sales - NLP combination works because NLP is as much based on verbal communication as on non-verbal communication. 2nd generation NLP has focused on the relationship between oneself and other people.

Third generation NLP: it has been developing since the 1990s and presupposes that the wisdom necessary for change is already within the system and can be discovered and released by creating an appropriate context.

3rd generation NLP is directly related to mental, systemic, and identity issues. We are dealing with aspects of human functioning that were difficult to imagine 20 years ago.

This new NLP which is interested in higher levels of experience (identity, vision, purpose, role ...) takes root in the second generation of NLP (with beliefs and values ...), which itself takes root in the first generation of NLP (capacities, behaviors, environment).

With the first generation NLP, the following questions were asked: what do people want and how are they going to get it? People were very focused on achieving a goal and solving a particular problem. With the second generation, people started asking the question why: why do we want this? Why do we prevent ourselves from this? Today, we are focusing on new questions: who are we and why?

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No conclusion has therefore been drawn with regard to neurolinguistic programming, apart from the fact that despite all the developments, it remains a set of elements allowing to change one‟s

way of thinking and consequently of perceiving life by the language.



Émile Coué has been an internationally famous psychologist and pharmacist during his lifetime because of his famous method of autosuggestion, a

mixture of behavioral psychology and positive thinking.

The young pharmacist Emile Coué de la Chataigneraie finishes preparing the drug a customer is waiting for in front of the wooden counter. He comes close and hands the small phial to the smart lady while telling a little sentence which has almost become famous in Troyes for he has so often said it: “You will see! This will do you a lot of good! And that‟s just the beginning. ”

An observer and also attentive to others, the young pharmacist has noticed that words can do a lot in treating patients. In fact, the man has noticed that from the moment the patient thought that the medicine would cure him, he was already a little better. Curious by nature and also scientific in his approach, Emile Coué continues to think over what he will one day call “autosuggestion”. To patients for who there is no effective drug or who do not need medication, Coué gives a product that looks like a drug, while assuring them of its effectiveness. And he finds what seems incredible: these more or less imaginary drugs help to heal the

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patient if he believes in their efficiency. He had just invented what is known today as the placebo effect.

No mockery, no fraud on his part! On the contrary, he tests the possibilities of imagination in healing. Always more curious, interested in suggestion which was very popular in the 19th century and fed by his experience, Coué left his pharmacy in Troyes to go and settle in Nancy where he perfected his knowledge around controlled suggestion.

According to Coué, by thinking that one is better, by saying it out loud, one persuades the unconscious that it is the case and, in a way the body follows too. This discovery will become so famous that we will henceforth speak of the Coué Method. His method has laid the foundation for analytical psychology.

He deduces a number of principles from it:

- Imagination is decisive in the healing process.

- An illness is twofold since it affects the physical and the moral aspects.

- Drugs acting on the physical aspect, imagination must act on the moral aspect as well.

- Imagining something that comes true makes it easier to achieve.

- Our imaginative being (our unconscious) determines our physical as well as mental state.

- It is possible to direct imagination to control its objectives.

Getting to know Ambroise-Auguste Liébault and his School of Nancy on hypnotism, Coué became very fond of verbal suggestion methods. In 1901, in becoming a member of the famous School of Nancy, he tested and applied his theories.

He prefers suggestion in the waking state and sums up his method in a sentence to be repeated every day in order to condition oneself positively: “every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.”

The mechanical repetition of the sentence will then act the unconscious

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which will record it as a directive to be carried out.

The autosuggestion method aims at imposing positive thoughts on oneself until their supposed achievement.

Starting from the principle that it cannot be disputed that an idea firmly established will eventually come true, Coué takes over some theories to determine a set of practices from them.

Taking over the concept of ideo dynamism, Émile Coué therefore considers that an idea that is engraved in our mind will tend to come true:

“Being sick, if we imagine that healing will happen, it will happen if it is possible. If it is not possible we will get as much improvements as we can get. ”

This concept therefore assumes that the will does not direct our actions

but it is our imagination that is in control! Our ability to imagine will therefore determine our actions. If we have the possibility of doing something that we do like, it is because we very well

imagine ourselves as being able to do it. Coué draws 4 laws from this:

1. When the will and imagination are in conflict, imagination always prevails without exception.

2. In the conflict between the will and imagination, the force of imagination is in direct proportion to the square of the will (we admit that we have not understand this law).

3. When the will and imagination are in agreement, one does not add to the other, but one multiplies by the other.

4. Imagination can be driven by conscious autosuggestion.

“Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better”: the discovery of Doctor Coué was summed up in this sentence.

Note that Mysticism is the set of Beliefs and practices of which the subject is an intimate union of man and the principle of being.

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Joseph Murphy was a zealous preacher who has shown the true power of our unconscious. He is known and reputed for his thought dynamics.

Having witnessed for a long time extraordinary miracles which have changed men and women all over the world, he has decided to focus on Man‟s unconscious.

He began asking himself questions such as: why is this man happy and that one unhappy? Why is this man depressed and anxious and the other full of faith and confidence? In short, why does such man have great success and another one complete failure?

These researches were directed towards the religious people who used to pray.

He has noticed this phenomenon of the power of the unconscious in believers who used to pray.

He notes that thanks to a deep prayer, Christians, Muslims and all other

religious denominations obtain a positive answer to their prayers.

Why? Because when praying deeply they are speaking to their unconscious. And for Joseph Murphy, when you speak to your unconscious you receive what you have sown whether negative or positive.

But what about the other members of the congregation who do not achieve the same result? It is simply because they are not receptive to the power of the unconscious.

It is a treasure that lies dormant within us and only waits to resurface in our mind to provide us with some well-being. With the power of the unconscious, he was able to observe that it can be a response to our neuroses and anxieties in everyday life.

How many are we, no longer having a pleasant life because the burden of guilt and failure seems inexorably pursuing us? What could be done to fix this?

The unconscious has hidden abilities that can be awakened and used to transform our lives.

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Joseph Murphy has observed another experience: a nice student was admiring a very beautiful and quite expensive travel bag through the window of a store. She was to travel for family celebrations. She was about to say "I do not have enough money" when she remembered hearing me talking about the power of the unconscious. She immediately said to herself: "this bag is mine". The evening of that very day, her betrothed offered her the bag that she had seen in the morning”.

Is this not enough revealing to force us to put a particular emphasis on mental healing techniques and the solving of our worries?

Dr. Murphy has therefore simply concluded that each thought we have in our mind has an influence on our subconscious.


Given the many discoveries made by the various authors to whom we have granted interest in this article, we have

kept on our studies in the field of the transformative speech.

The transformative speech is simply a means of transmitting the right data or right orders to one's brain (one's unconscious) to ensure a peaceful life.

It is absolutely impossible for the unconscious not to be programmed. It accepts any suggestion or program indifferently and implements them blindly. The unconscious is reactive, it reacts impulsively to the order that it has been prescribed. It does not reason, it is not able of taking into account nuances, it accepts ideas as a whole. As soon as an idea is accepted by the unconscious, it begins to implement it. It does not reason. It is not able of taking into account all the desirable nuances (what the conscious does) when decoding a message. It accepts any idea as a whole, whether true or false. The programs according to which it operates come either from the subject himself (the Conscious), or from others (parents, educators, society in general).

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However, no program, even the most deeply rooted, is irreversible. One just has to reprogram the unconscious. Like the whole of our physical world, the unconscious is subject to the law of causation. Each thought is a cause the effect of which manifests itself externally. Speech is at the very beginning of any action. Words have a very powerful power over the unconscious, the words we are told and our own inner monologue as well. At this level, the unconscious is a prodigious amplifier. It takes words in the literal meaning (literally).

The unconscious does not understand negation. It retains the dominant idea of the formula or suggestion. Thus, in the suggestion “I no longer have stomach ulcers”, the unconscious could retain “stomach ulcers”. A person's unconscious thinks it knows exactly what is right for that person. It assumes knowing the answer to her needs. The unconscious is a huge reservoir of resources and creativity. However, it needs order to act, clear demands.

Let me give you the example of a woman who has accomplished something

that many would find impossible, simply for constantly repeating and convincing her brain that it was possible.

A wonderful lady from Togo, Mélanie H. épouse ANANI, has planned and delivered her children on the same date, so that they could have birthdays in one go. Pregnant again, she decides to do the same. In the meantime, this no longer suited her, since she had to travel in March and wanted to give birth a month earlier. She then decides

that it would be on her birthday, February 11th.

On February 10th at 5 p.m., she went to the hospital to give birth. The doctors do not understand anything. Until 5 p.m. the next day, nothing occurs. She began doubting, her husband comes to support her faith and the children bring flowers and garlands of welcome for the child to be born. Doctors say to themselves: "the whole family is mentally ill".

She is offered a caesarean section, she replies: "The Coach has refused". Other methods are proposed to which she replies: "programming only". With this

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determination she succeeds in giving birth at 11:45 p.m., thus creating the miracle of God.

The programming that Mélanie has used to achieve this miracle is nothing else than the transformative speech that we are going to develop in this part.

Until the time of this study, NLP did not offer a lexical field of transformative words. The same is true for most of the old researches which states very good things but which do not offer the sentences allowing to reprogram health, longevity, happiness, prosperity, success, security, fertility, etc…. This is where the transformative speech was born.

A. REPROGRAMMING Programming is repairing the

perception that I have given of myself to my brain. I used to ask if anyone thinks that God has created disease, poverty, misery, hunger, unemployment. I have always been told that no; that God loves us so much that He cannot make us suffer.

I have also often asked if anyone believes in an unfair God, able to give sickness to one person and health to another. I have always been told no.

Why then diseases, why poverty, why unemployment, why difficulties in having a child, why difficulties in getting married, why difficulties in the households?

When a car breaks down or refuses to operate properly and you end up at the mechanic's, the latter tries to circumscribe the problem by analyzing the car compartment by compartment.

He studies the problem on the basis of the possible levels of disturbances. Man, who is a being of thought and who perceives things in a way that leads to consequences called problems, also has possible levels of disturbance.

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Doctor Carl Simonton is an American radiotherapist and oncologist. In the early 1970s, he has explained that healing depends a lot, and even essentially on the treatment offered by medicine, but that man being made of flesh and spirit, it is necessary to take into account the psyche of the patient. He has founded and directed the Simonton Cancer Center (SCC) in Malibu (USA) and was one of the pioneers of psycho-oncology. For more than 30 years, he has worked with cancer patients who wanted to actively support their recovery process. The key elements of his philosophy and techniques affect the practical consultation work in psycho-oncology in the United States, Europe and Japan. Simonton is the author of the book Getting Well Again (1992). He has claimed that cancer can be treated with relaxation and visualization techniques and that patients have been cured using his methods. Dr. Simonton was intrigued by the fact that, with the same diagnosis, some patients died and others did not. Besides, with a more pessimistic prognosis than others, some experienced longer remissions than others. He has observed that some patients could delay the fatal

deadline. The latter haggled with death for example: "I cannot die now, I cannot leave before my daughter gets married". They themselves feel essential and think they have to be here until…. "

He knew about the work of Robert ROSENTHAL on "The automatic realization of predictions" and the evidence that we often behave in such a way as to increase the probability that our expectation comes true whether positive or negative. He also discovers that the doctor who believes in the healing of his patient and who can manage to communicate it gets more results than his colleague who does not believe in it.

His scientific outcomes would therefore mean that it is because our brain defines us as a person likely to experience these problems that we experience them.

It is therefore our brain that makes us be ill, live poor, unemployed. It is our brain that disrupts our self-confidence, our self-esteem, our will to get married, to have children, to enrich ourselves, etc.

Why does our brain let us suffer? Because, by our language, our

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environment, our convictions, our behavior and other things, we have given it the order to make us suffer. We and only we have said that we are unlucky, that we are not able, that life is sad, difficult, that it is normal to be sick, that people do not love us, etc….

So our brain has just give us right. We have often repeated, we have often heard and the brain has achieved. What we repeat, we think it and we become it.

So, in order to change what is wrong in my life, I need to fix the breakdown, to reprogram my brain with conscious, rewarding, favorable sentences, useful for my brain to achieve it in my life.

I need to reprogram the information my brain has on my body, on my identity, on my beliefs, on my behavior, on my skills, on my environment, on the gaze of others and on my relationship with God.

Yes, I need to reprogram myself preventively (before problems) and plurally (all areas of my life). Prevention is better than cure.

The problems are in the brain, disease is in the brain, poverty and unemployment are in the brain. So we just have to get them out of our brain to get them out of our life.

God wants to see us rich, happy, healthy, vigorous, fertile. God is a Logic Being and he wants us to be logical, God is a Happy Being and He wants us happy, God is a Being in Perfect Health and He wants us in perfect health, God is a Rich Being and He wants us to be rich. «Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. » He says in his Word (Third epistle of John, verse 2.

In order to repair all the areas of a Man's life through speech, we have taken into account the logical levels of Robert Dilts. Robert Dilts is an American author, trainer and consultant working in the field of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) since its inception in 1975 by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. For him, Man has six logical levels.

We have shown above that our unconscious only gives us what it considers

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good for us, what it assumes we want and therefore, what we order it to do.

I have also explained above that our unconscious mind, our brain had been programmed either by ourselves or by others. However, as I have explained, even the most deeply rooted program can be replaced. And this is the goal of the transformative speech.

Robert Dilts has stopped at six (6) logical levels, but the transformative speech goes beyond and establishes eight (8) levels which I call the eight (8) possible levels of disturbances in the life of a Man.

Why this name? Simply because these are points that can unbalance, disorganize or confuse the life of a Man. We have selected as levels of disturbances: our perception of our body, our identity (Who am I?), our convictions or beliefs, our skills, our behavior, our environment, what other people think of us, our relationship with the Master of the Universe.

We will show the relevance of each of these levels in reprogramming the brain.





The first level of disturbance is our perception of our body. According to a study carried out and published on the Top Santé website, only 17% of people declare that they are in harmony with their bodies and nearly 60% are ashamed of their bodies and cruelly lack self-confidence. Dr. Simonton's work on cancer and diseases is illustrative concerning the importance of our perception of our body. Through his work, Doctor Simonton shows us that the first cause of any disease is a poor self-image.

Self-image is an idea that one has about oneself. Everyone has a self-image, at least in some areas, which can be negative or positive.

Our body is a blessing from God and in the Bible version Louis SEGOND, Proverbs 10, verse 22 it is said: "The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it ". This therefore means that our body is a blessing and this is not followed

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by any form of grief. We have therefore written a series of sentences which allow us to accept our body and therefore correct our way of perceiving our body. Sentences such as:

I am a perfect creature of God. I am

beautiful, oh yes, very beautiful. My face is

beautiful and radiant with life. I have a

beautiful flat stomach. I have beautiful

rounded buttocks. I have beautiful ears

that hear very well. I have a beautiful

chest. I have a beautiful body. I have a

healthy mind in a healthy body. I have a

body that only accepts health. God, the

source of endless abundance is

individualized in me because he has found

in me a perfect body and I have a perfect

body, a body that works very well and

forever, a body of which I am proud. I have

a perfect heart that works very well and

forever. I have a perfect liver that works

very well and forever. I have a perfect

pancreas that works great and forever. I

have perfect kidneys that work great and

forever. I have perfect lungs that work

great and forever. I have perfect genitals

that work great and forever. I have a

perfect body and organs that work very

well and forever. I have a size that makes

me happy, I have a shape that makes me

happy. I have an irresistible charm. I am

proud of my body which makes me feel

good. I feel good and very good. I am fed

up with this, I want perfect health, I can

have perfect health and I have perfect






Who am I? An everlasting existential question that prevents men from sleeping. If one seeks happiness and success in one's life, it is necessary to think about who one

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really is because he who knows who he is and where to look to see oneself as he really is, builds the foundations of unwavering self-confidence vital to happiness and success.

We often have the feeling of knowing who we are. We answer the question "who am I?" by our civil status (surname, first name, date of birth, nationality, gender, I am the son of ..., the daughter of ...), an occupation, a place of life, a relationship with another person (I am the wife of ..., I work with such…), a hobby, ideas, beliefs, belonging to an associative, religious or political group, etc. This means that we often answer with “I am this… I am that… ". The only real answer to this question is, "I AM WHO I DARE TO BE." Remember, we have shown above that your subconscious only gives you what you order it to give you. In the same way, your unconscious will only make you be what you dare to order it to make you to be. Sentences have therefore been designed to help you give clear orders to your unconscious with regard to who you are.

I am invincible. I am the master of

my fate. I am the captain of my soul. I am

powerful beyond measure. I was born to

succeed. I am energetic, dynamic and

efficient. I am happiness. Who I am is

always in good health. Who I am is always

happy. Who I am is always joyful. Who I

am is always punctual. I am the best. I am

the one who succeeds every day of his life. I

am the light of God. I was born to make

manifest the glory of God. I am a

philosopher of results, - I am a creator of

passions, - I am a builder of tribes, - I am a

generator of ideas and implications, - I am

a conqueror of markets, - I am a powerful

efficient and rich entrepreneur, - I

continue until I succeed. I am entitled to

succeed, - I can do it, - I will succeed now, -

I am success, - I am the best, - I am

competent and gifted.

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When he was a young man, Edwin C. Barnes, born around 1878 in Wisconsin, sought to become a partner of the greatest inventor on earth, Thomas A. Edison. Thomas Alva Edison, born February 11th, 1847 in Milan, Ohio and died on October 18th, 1931 in West Orange in New Jersey, is an American inventor, scientist and industrialist.

Even though BARNES was penniless, had no special technical skills and only had meager clothes to wear, he still made a commitment to achieve his life.

By his perseverance and his willpower, BARNES was going to overcome these two obstacles which would have been enough to discourage most people …. He went to Edison's laboratory and stated bluntly that he was coming to do business with him. Later, relating this first meeting, Edison said: “He was standing in front of me, like a vagabond, but something in the expression on his face

suggested that he would not go away without having obtained what "he wanted

EDISON had just invented a new desktop machine, known at the time under the name of: "Dictation machine". His employees, unenthusiastic and convinced that it would never find buyers, hesitated to sell it. BARNES knew immediately that he could. He said so to EDISON who gave him a chance. He sold it so well that EDISON entrusted him with the market for the whole country. This association made BARNES rich. How much exactly did he earn? … Two or three million dollars.

The most determining factor to take into account in this story is belief. This man believed in himself. And, by his self-confidence and his abilities, he managed to go from zero to hero and became one of the most famous men in the world. Many doubt themselves and their abilities to achieve great things, and this doubt precisely prevents them from achieving great things. But, this level does not stop there. To live in good health, fulfilled, rich and happy, to have a wonderful spouse and wonderful children ..., even if we are

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entitled to it, our convictions and what is important for us must still be compatible with this state of life success we desire. I want but do I really believe that I am entitled to it?

According to statistics, in 1952, China's GDP was yuan 67.9 billion, a negligible portion of the world economy. In 1978, the index reached yuan 364.5 billion or 1.8% of the world economy; but in 2008, it exceeded yuan 30, 000 trillion to become the third in rank among the world economic powers, ranked just after the United States and Japan (Sources: Le quotidien du peuple).

China is today this economic power that we know because it has refused to believe in what economists say. You must refuse to believe anything that would try to explain a potential failure in your life. The following series of sentences allows you to redefine your beliefs and convictions.

I am capable, I am someone good, I

deserve to be happy and fulfilled. I deserve

to be fulfilled and rich. I deserve health

and prosperity. I believe in myself and in

my future. I believe that I will live for a

long time, healthy and happy. I believe in

myself above all and in something bigger

than me, oh yes, I believe in God who

pushes us towards the best. I am

responsible for myself. I have all the

resources for my health. I am good and I

attract the good. I am positive and I

attract positivity. Today and always, - my

unconscious provides me, - with all the

resources necessary for my health, - my

happiness, - my business, - and my endless

prosperity. I am happy and I attract

happiness. I am health and I attract

health. I am rich and I attract wealth. I am

great and I attract greatness. Every day I

get better and better. I can do all through

God who gives me strength.. I live in a

world of love and acceptance. I get as

much love as I give. Financially, I'm

always comfortable. I love money and

money loves me. Money comes to me every

day from all sides for my good. Money is

my servant and I am his master. The

servant always obeys his master. - That's

why I order money to fill my pockets, - to

fill my bank accounts, - to fill my life. I

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order the complete cleaning of my brain

now, - I receive the complete cleaning of

my brain now, - I accept the complete

cleaning of my brain now, - I live the

complete cleaning of my brain now.




You may have heard in your childhood sentences like "you will never do anything good in life", "you will not succeed", "you are only good for nothing". These words, often said by the family and /or teachers, have resonated in your head for a long time. The unconscious is reactive, it reacts impulsively to the order it has been dictated, and it accepts ideas as a whole. As soon as this idea is accepted by the unconscious, it begins applying it. This

is what has led your brain to keep saying to you: "I am not able, I do not deserve, I am worth nothing".

You are far more competent than you think. True that many coaches say that you are capable of anything and it is a little hard to believe, but remember that you are who you dare to be. This means that if you feel that you feel able for doing this or that, you will immediately be able. The only obstacle between your skills, the real ones and your life, is quite simply the current program of your brain which supposes that you are able of nothing or that you are worth nothing. The sentences designed for this level therefore aim at reprogramming your brain so that it believes you are capable and therefore reveals all your skills.

I am a king. I am stronger than my

masters. I am competent and capable of

any good thing. I am intelligent and gifted.

I have the right and I can do everything

through God who strengthens me. I am

qualified by God for health. I am qualified

by God for well-being. I am qualified by

God for prosperity. I am qualified by God

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for breakthroughs. I am capable of the

best and I work for the best. I am a winner

and I always succeed. I am good at

anything useful. I erase any limiting image

in my head and in my mind.





This level of disturbance is one of the most often affected levels. Why? Simply because our behavior depends not only on what we say but also on what is said about us and what we see people around us doing. In short, it is one of the most easily damaged levels. However, this is not

the most important aspect to remember here. Our behavior largely defines what our life will be like. Take for example, the famous presenter Oprah Winfrey.

Oprah Winfrey was born on January 29th, 1954 in the United States, and more precisely in Kosciusko in the State of Mississippi. Her rather unhappy and marked by mistreatment childhood, did not predispose her to become a star. Oprah started from nothing, or rather worse than nothing. Her childhood does not seem far from that of the characters of the purple color...

Separated parents, raped at the age of nine by her uncle, her cousin and a family friend, she lived with her mother, who was a cleaning lady at the time.

"Oprah often wore dresses made of potatoes sacks which made her the target of other children's mockery."

However, all these atrocities that could have made her a sour, heartless, insensitive woman and a total failure did not affect her behavior. On the contrary, this woman whose fate seemed to be an

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introvert person, becomes a presenter and makes people laugh. It is through her perseverance and determination that Oprah Winfrey has become, against all expectations, the billionaire we keep talking about. You have certainly experienced situations that make you think that you can no longer succeed. It is up to you however, to decide whether you will overcome the problems or rather let them dominate you. In order to reprogram your unconscious so that it is on the same wavelength as you, we have designed the following sentences.

I trust Divine Intelligence to influence

my business and I run from success to

success. I speak with wisdom and

discernment. I give to Life with joy and life

gives it back to me with Love. Loving myself

and others allows me to thrive and live to

the fullest of my possibilities. I free up

myself and forgive. I love myself, I accept

myself, I respect myself. I am self-sufficient,

I respect who respects me. I love who loves

me. I do not know who does not love me. I

am serene, calm and relaxed. I am fed up, I

now change my behavior for the better. I

act now for the best. I’m acting now for my

health. I act now for my well-being. I act

now for my enrichment. I free myself and

forgive. I like to learn, - I find time to learn, -

and I perfect myself to succeed. I renounce

everything that hinders my perfect

happiness, - I renounce everything that

hinders my perfect health, - I renounce

everything that hinders my endless






In 1961, a psychologist, Albert Bandura, carried out a psychosocial experiment on learning and aggressiveness. The experiment consisted in exposing children to scenes in which adults behaved violently towards a doll, in order to see if the children would imitate these behaviors. Albert Bandura is a Canadian Psychologist and Professor

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Emeritus of Psychology at Stanford University.

The experiment was carried out on children from 3 to 6 years old (girls and boys). A first group of children was subjected to the scenario of the aggressive model, the second to the scenario of the non-aggressive model. Each child of the two groups is led into a first playroom with an adult. The child sits in a corner with certain toys and the adult in another corner where there are toys including a mallet and a Bobo doll.

Aggressive scenario: the adult first plays with small toys and then, after a while, attacks the Bobo doll by hitting it repeatedly. Non-aggressive scenario: the adult only plays with small toys while completely ignoring the Bobo doll.

After ten minutes, the child is taken to another playroom containing aggressive toys, non-aggressive toys as well as a Bobo doll and a mallet. Each child is left alone in the room and is observed without his knowledge. Observers note the behavior of the child, more particularly the behaviors deemed aggressive. The

research team found that children subjected to the aggressive model were more physically aggressive than the others. The researchers also showed that children be they boys or girls, exposed to the aggressive adult are more likely to pose verbal aggressions than the others. This example clearly shows how much we are influenced by the environment. We are influenced by what we see, what we hear, what we experience and therefore what our environment does.

By dint of telling us that we must get married at all costs, we have married toxic or negative people and we call that a marriage. This marriage or friendship with toxic or negative people can be compared to a slow poison that slowly but surely kills us.

Toxic people are those who humiliate you, hit you, demolish you, demean you, criticize you all the time, criticize you, that is to say, constantly lie on your account to get you dirty, etc.

These are people who verbally or physically assault you, attacking you. No my friends, you are too important to

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let someone sabotage you permanently, destroy you. Let's quit in that!

Negative people are those who see gloom and doom everywhere and are sad, carrying the misery of the world on their backs, they are demoralizing. They are always afraid. They are factories producing problems because they always think of the worst which eventually happens. This may be manifested by:

• the constant search for a breakdown on a car: by dint of searching, you will eventually find;

• the always negative interpretation of events, criticisms, remarks: if someone speaks badly to you, does not greet you, you have to seek why instead of finding evil everywhere;

• fear of losing, permanent fear: if you are afraid of losing, you will end up losing.

Toxic people are necessarily negative, but not all negative people are toxic, they do not seek

to harm you, they dwell in the past, their misery, their misfortunes, let themselves flow quietly and take you with them. The toxic people crush you to dominate you while the negative people sink and drag you with them if you approach them.

In short, whatever the relationship that associates you with them, the toxic people are to be eliminated from your environment. They have the gift of screwing up your spirits, sabotaging your plans, even your confidence in the future and in you. Whatever you say or do they'll take your energy away and take your projects apart. They dismantle, ransack, trample, and destroy. They are capable of making God himself lose faith.

Negative people around you deserve to be trained to hang out with positive people to change. In fact, it takes

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a real will to change, a belief in the possibility of changing and energetic action to change. Without a burning desire to change, a belief and an energetic action for change, nothing will happen and it is better to flee from any negative who refuses to change.

Researchers in the United States have measured the happiness of 4.739 people at regular intervals, for more than 20 years. The study has shown that a person's happiness depends on the state of happiness of those around him. Amazement! This study also indicates that happiness is contagious and spreads not only among our close friends but it also concerns the friends of the friends of our friends.

People who have friends who support them are less likely to get depressed and develop

anxiety. We cannot choose our family or our co-workers but we can decide who we often meet, who will be our friends, our spouse, our partners. With a few efforts, we can add positive relationships to our social circle.

Finally, it is important to understand that we are all, without exception, a little toxic or negative, either with our spouses or with our children, or with our employees. We must therefore face our toxicity or our negativity at the risk of losing our relationships with whom we care. Let us surround ourselves with positive people and be positive people in order to win everything.

To renounce any toxicity or negativity, I ask us to program the following sentences often, very often.

I am fed up, by the power of God

within me, I speak positive, I think

positive, I am pleasant to be live with, I am

positive and good. I trust life and life

brings me a lot. I recognize that I am

afraid but I renounce this fear for a spirit

of confidence in myself and in God. Life

loves me and I am safe. I commit myself to

see the sunny side of everything. I am fed

up, by the power of God in me, I decree a

positive and profound change in my

environment, I decree a positive and

profound change in my life, I decree a

positive and profound change in my

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family, I decree a positive and profound

change in my country. I am fed up, by the

power of God in me, I speak positive, I

think positive, I am pleasant to live, I am

positive and good.

In short, run away from toxic people, try to save the negative people if they have a burning desire to escape or run away if they persist in sinking.

Let's keep programming constantly so as not to be toxic or negative.





In the mid-twentieth century, the American psychologist Robert Rosenthal was convinced that the fact of categorizing someone causes some expectation as to the behavior of this individual. He then thinks that the individual may well conform to what is expected of him in relation to the stereotype of which he is the object. Robert Rosenthal (born March 2nd, 1933 in Giessen, Germany), is an American Psychologist, Professor at the University of California in Riverside.

In 1950, Rosenthal took 12 rats which he randomly split into two groups (A and B). He asks two groups of psychology students to give rats tests in a labyrinth. To the first group of students, he confides the rats of group A saying that they have been selected because they are of good lineage and intelligent (supposedly). The second group of students receives the rats from group B and tells them that these rats are of bad bloodline and that they will have difficulty learning.

The results largely confirm the fancy predictions made by Rosenthal: some rats in group B do not even start

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exploring the labyrinth. After analysis, it turns out that the students behaved differently with their respective group of rats.

To test his idea, psychologist Robert ROSENTHAL wondered if a student could be helped to progress by eliminating in his teacher the prejudices linked to his background. He then had the idea to make teachers believe that some of their students are gifted, from wealthy neighborhoods and the result was spectacular. All the children declared gifted to the teachers reached the performance of a gifted child.

The explanation given by ROSENTHAL to confirm his hypothesis is that of the self-fulfilling prophecy called “PYGMALION EFFECT”. If a teacher thinks that a child is particularly gifted, his attitude towards this child changes immediately and the child feels more confident, more motivated. If for example, you introduce a child to a teacher as the child of a head of state, he will spend more time looking at this child, smiling at this child, speaking positively and with respect to this child, hence the desire of the child,

very often unconscious, to be up to the confidence that he reads in the eyes of the teacher.

It has happened several times in Africa that a woman does not become pregnant and that all the checks say that her mother is a witch. The latter indefinitely cries. What the person who has revealed this has not detected and announced is that this witchcraft is not conscious and is not the usual one. It is rather the Golhem effect. It is very often used by wives on their husbands and, to a lesser extent, by husbands on their wives. We live permanently in the Golhem effect.

Rosenthal has continued his research to demonstrate that the doctor's perception, due to what he knows about the disease, may kill or save. He has used fake medicines, but has made the doctor believe that they were good medicines and the patients were cured because the doctor believed that they were taking the right medicines. The doctor's limited knowledge very often leads him to “kill a lot of patients” without knowing it.

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One day, a gentleman who had been shot three times in his stomach finds himself in the hospital. On the way to the operating room, he reads on the doctor's face the Golhem effect… He grabbed the doctor's hand and said to him: “Doctor, I would like you to be confident while operating me since I will be there on the day of your funeral. " He said it laughing and telling a lot of jokes.

The operation was successful and the doctor recognized that throughout the operation, the patient's words came back to him and made him laugh. He recognized that, had it not been for these exchanges, he was convinced that he had missed the operation, convinced that the gentleman was going to die. This story gives us the power to change the way others look at us.

What other people think of us is a very important element in the life of Man. The following sentences allow us to modify the way others look at us through our vibrations.

I command confidence and respect. I

love others and others love me. I am me, I

stay me and I remain me whatever the

vicissitudes of life. I am different from the

others and I am proud of it. I am what I dare

to be. I am what I say I am. I am what the

word of God says I am. I am a formal image

of God on earth. I am modeled as the

resemblance of the Creator of heaven and

earth. I am a believer in the Word of Truth.

God made me a beneficiary of divine health.

I cancel any negative reports that were

made about me. I love others and others

love me.






Over the years, we have accustomed our unconscious mind to have a bad image of God. We all know a God who watches everyone very closely to take note of sins and to punish. We have an image of a God who sends sinners to hell. We have an image of a God who has to grant our wishes or do things for us.

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Our relationship with God can only be good if we realize who He really is and above all that we understand that He really exists.

First, God is a scientific principle; which means that whoever follows the same path achieves the same result. On the other hand, it is impossible to achieve the same result if the path is taken at random. Many wonder where God is and how to find the right path, it is simply within you, in each of us.

When you have a good relationship of trust and harmony with your spouse, there is a peaceful and joyful climate at home, there are vibrations and positive thoughts. The only thing that can upset this positive romance is doubt and when it happens, it must be chased away immediately.

In the same way, when your relationship with the Master of the Universe is one of confidence and harmony, all is well in your life and it is only when by diverted ways, one makes you integrate the idea that God no longer protects you, your health, your success,

your happiness and your needs are no longer fulfilled by God that the problems begin. The most important thing here is therefore to maintain, against all odds, faith and trust in God.

The sentences provided for this level restore our image of God and our relationship with him.

Oh God! - Source of infinite

Abundance and Grace, - Master of times

and circumstances, - Holder of all power, - I

can no longer wait, - to see your glory

manifest in my body, - in my life, - in my

finances. - Get up now in my life, - be God in

my life, - give meaning to my life, - guide me

and orient me each time, - come to the aid

of my faith, - let me to decrease for you to

grow within me, - I want to cry out

everywhere that you are God, - that you are

good. God the Almighty is my Shield, - He is

my Liberator, - He is my Protector, - He is

my Abundant Provider. I am the master of

my fate. - I am the captain of my soul. - I am

powerful beyond measure. God’s Love and

Energy flow within me. God’s Power and

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Anointing flow in me. The Divine Order is

established in my body - and I am

Health. - The Divine Order is

established in my life - and I am happy. -

The Divine Order is established in my

finances - and I am rich. The God’s love and

energy flow within me. I love God and God

loves me. The Power and Anointing of God’s

Power and Anointing flow within me.







1. God is generous, God is endless

Abundance and God is the rich, ubiquitous

Substance of the Universe. God, Source of

infinite prosperity that fills all needs is

individualized in me, the reality of myself.

2. I lift up my spirit and my heart to

be aware, to understand and to know that

the divine presence “I am” is the Source and

the Substance of all my property.

3. I am aware of the inner presence

as my generous Abundance. I am aware of

the constant activity of this spirit of

prosperity that is within me. So my

awareness is filled with light of truth.

4. Through the awareness of my

divinity as the Source, I draw from within

my mind and from my deep nature, the true

Substance which is my Source.

5. Money is not my Source. No one, no

place, no condition is my Source. My

awareness, my understanding and my

knowledge of the activity of the divine spirit

within me which answers to all my needs is

my Source. My awareness of the truth is

unlimited and so, my Source is unlimited.

6. My inner source instantly and

constantly takes shape and is experiencing

according to my needs and desires and as

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the principle of the Source in action, it is

impossible for me to have unfulfilled needs

or desires.

7. The divine consciousness that I am,

always expresses its true nature of

abundance. This is its responsibility and not

mine. My only responsibility is to be aware

of this truth. As a result, I am totally

confident in letting go and letting God

appear as abundant self-sufficiency in my

life and business.

8. My awareness of the divine spirit within

me, as my unlimited Source, has the divine

power to restore the lost years, to make

everything new, to raise me on the high

road of abundant prosperity. This

understanding and this knowledge of the

mind appear in all the visible forms and

experiences that I could possibly desire.

9. When I am aware of the Divinity within

me as my total achievement, I am fully

accomplished. I am now aware of this truth

and have found life secret. I relax with the

knowledge that the activity of the divine

Abundance operates eternally in my life. I

must simply be aware of the flow, the

radiation and the creative energy that

continually, easily and effortlessly springs

from my divine awareness. I am now aware.

I am now in the flow.

10. I keep my spirit and my heart away from

this world and I pay full attention to my

inner God as the unique cause of my

prosperity. I recognize the inner presence as

the only activity of my financial affairs, as

the Substance of any visible thing. I believe

in the principle of Abundance and that is in

action within me.




If I am programming health, I must feel health. If I am programming happiness, I must stop feeling unhappiness, dwelling in unhappiness. If I want to be

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rich, I must stop thinking about the poor, brooding over poverty and I must think about the rich people, their behavior, and their way of speaking, thinking, and acting. If I want to avoid stress, alcohol, cigarettes, debauchery and so on, I have to stop thinking about them, talking about it.

Let‟s top thinking about what we do not want and then let’s think about the best, let's work for the best and expect the best. We must be masters of our emotions, be the Captain on board the ship that is our life.

Mr. Sévérin AVOCETIEN, a Beninese residing in Libreville but under treatment at the clinic Louis Pasteur in Porto Novo, watches me on television from Libreville and decides to apply, although I have not given the sentences to be programmed. This man had been fighting a so-called illness for several years. The doctor had told him in fact that his liver was not sliding well and that he should avoid contaminating his wife and children. He regularly lost weight.

This man, after listening to me, repeats for an hour each night: “I declare, I decree and I am in a good health. After about a month, the doctor diagnoses that all of his organs are working properly and he puts on 20 kg in less than a month. As if he was born again. His success is due to what he felt while programming. He felt health; he believed he finally had God's answer.

I told his testimony on television and this produced in a lady the favorable emotion which made that two days later, she was standing up after eight (8) months at least in bed. We have to feel what we want.

When I am programming the sentences, I must gradually feel washed, purified, qualified, I must tell myself that I am fulfilling the conditions, the only ones, for a total victory, a victory for my health, my well-being, my home, my enrichment, my invincibility, my children, that I fulfill the conditions, the only ones, for the achievement of my wildest dreams.

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It is not just a matter of reading them to enjoy them but it is rather a matter of acting! Too many people read tons of books but do not apply them. It is not because I read a recipe in a cookbook that I have integrated it: it must be applied.

Many of you complain that something is wrong and as such you are more advanced than those who pretend that everything is fine. Admitting that you have a problem is the first step. You can then spend your life complaining (the passive people) or take the bull by the horns and act (the combative people).

A gentleman listens to me and I give the example where I have spoken to a car which has obeyed my programming. His car had broken down for a month and three mechanics have diagnosed a dead engine which must be replaced. It was about pulling the vehicle to change the engine.

After listening to me, he goes back home, talks to the vehicle, drives off and the vehicle is running.

You must be combative, not passive!

We very often find that even when living the best of the transformative speech, by gradually fixing the areas of disturbance, by reprogramming one‟s life, there comes a time when Man simply wants to give up, to stop everything. It is a phenomenon that seems incomprehensible.

To understand this, one has to first understand the concept of inner or mental plan. The inner or mental plane corresponds to a kind of thermostat that will work to keep us permanently in a certain area.

to put it simply, there is a thermostat within us that conditions our performance, domain by domain. It is regulated by our past experiences, our programming, it conditions our whole life.

As soon as it finds that circumstances can lead us to be richer than expected, it deploys an extraordinary ingenuity to discourage us, to push us to abandon.

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For example, if your past history, your old speech conditioned you to have a bad behavior, by repeating the sentences prescribed for this level of disturbance, you are brought to change your behavior while your inner plan is adjusted to stay on the bad behaviors.

A thermostat is a device for keeping a system (device, machine, engine, etc.) at a relatively stable temperature. I will explain it to you by the air conditioner thermostat. When you set your air conditioner to 22, the thermostat will shut down the engine as soon as the temperature is at 22, thus preventing the temperature from being above 22.

I will explain it by a real fact. A lady's thermostat conditioned her not to become pregnant. So, as soon as she was in a period favorable for her to get pregnant, her thermostat made her more susceptible, which led her to easily find a subject to fight with her husband. The result of this is that they did not make love.

Take the example of a tree that you decide to cut down. You hit it. At the limit set by your thermostat, it will make you abandon and let the tree grow. It (the

thermostat) will only make you want to continue when the tree has grown again.

In short, when the lessons or programming sessions are likely to offer us more than expected by our respective thermostats, they deploy all the ingenuity to discourage us.

You thus understand that if you want to have the best, you have to modify your thermostat at any cost or even break it, in order to go even higher and higher.

Breaking the thermostat is deciding that whatever happens, I will go all the way; it is resisting discouragement, it is persevering until you succeed, it is to convincing oneself to go further until you reach the goal. The Word of God recommends us it by inviting us to resist the evil.

Breaking the thermostat is one of the greatest solutions for successfully reprogramming your life.

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After having explained the power of our mind and given the sentences to condition our mind to guarantee us health, happiness, prosperity, longevity, here we want to demonstrate the power of programming in the face of the recordings of the past which makes our lives a misery.

The mind is mainly divided into two parts: the analytical mind and the reactive mind. The analytical mind as indicated by its name allows you to analyze, create, reflect, calculate, etc.

It is an intelligent mind. It is through this part of the mind that you will have access to your memories.

Try to remember what you did yesterday at noon. A memory comes to you: this is called a mental image. By focusing a little, you could fully find everything that is part of it down to the last detail. The analytical mind is a precision tool. However, in the event of an unconsciousness, painful or emotional shock, it breaks down, it no longer records.

For example, a fainted person due to a fall or asleep during anesthesia will continue to record every moment of her existence but this information will be stored in his reactive mind and no longer in his analytical mind. When the pain or unconsciousness has cleared up, the analytical mind will start recording again.

The reactive mind is an unconscious mind, that is to say the mental images it contains are not

easily accessible. The drawback of the reactive mind is that it can have a negative influence on your life because it can reactivate without your knowledge (that is to say send you back, re-trigger) emotions or pain recorded without you even being aware of their origin.

As we have previously mentioned, the reactive mind stores all the painful physical shocks resulting in total or partial unconsciousness as well as emotional shocks. A mental image containing unconsciousness and pain and then recorded in the reactive mind is called an engram (i.e., a recording.

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The reactive mind is not able to distinguish or assess what it is recording. Thus, a person being hit by a green car while crossing the roadway (this will never happen to you), will record in his reactive mind all the information present at the time of the accident and all that will follow during the period of unconsciousness.

This includes: the physical shock, the crash noise, the pain, the color and the position of car, her own position, the outside temperature, the outside noise, the taste of blood in her mouth, the smell of roast chicken from the butcher's shop next door, the shouting of a little girl who has seen the accident, the words of passers-by around her while she is on the ground, the words of the firefighters who seek to bring round her, etc…. In addition, in the reactive mind, each piece of information is assimilated to all the others: the words of the firefighters are equal to the green color of the car which is equal to the taste of blood, etc.

Let‟s now imagine that a few months later this person walks in the street and goes past a grill room. This smell

makes her slightly uncomfortable. A child screams because his ball has escaped him and a car brakes suddenly to avoid the ball: all these elements reactivate unconsciously in the person the accident that he has suffered. She doesn't know why she has a weird taste in her mouth. She feels a fleeting pain in her leg, tells herself

that she wants to go home and suddenly feels depressed. This example could apply to many situations.

As long as certain words have been recorded in the reactive mind during the individual‟s unconscious period, they will act on him as a kind of hypnotic command. This is the reason why you sometimes say words which "go beyond your thinking" and which you regret afterwards. These words had been recorded by your reactive mind as part of an engram and the situation in which you found yourself awoke this engram which returned all of its contents to you.

The mechanism of the reactive mind is very old. It comes from the way in which living organisms ensure their survival. When they suffer physical damage and

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want to prevent the situation from happening again, they use this reactive mind to record the pain and the circumstances in which the situation occurred, in order to be alerted by this same mental whenever it finds that the organism is in similar dangerous conditions.

Over the course of human evolution, this old survival reflex has turned into a real handicap. Indeed, the more you have been hurt in life (in any area) the more your reactive mind can be restimulated and block your future. A layoff that you have had a hard time with and it is the whole subject matter of employment that affects you. A painful romantic breaking off and it is the whole topic of love and romantic relationships that makes you run away. You can easily imagine how the reactive mind can affect your life in these conditions.

The reactive mind is the cause of human irrationality. Since each human being has his own reactive mind and each reactive mind contains many recordings of incidents ready to be restimulated, no wonder living in a society where a day goes by without someone somewhere

losing his mind, temporarily or permanently, creating even more misfortunes around him.

In addition, it has been shown that the reactive mind‟s recordings begin very early, well before birth, and that prenatal life affects the life of the individual. Even an involuntary blow on the belly of a pregnant mother will be an engram recorded by the reactive mind of the fetus, and this engram may be reactivated, with all the words it contains at any time thereafter. .

Whenever you have felt anger, fear, anxiety, grief, you were re-stimulating your reactive mind. And this reactivation of engrams which you have experienced is also recorded in your reactive mind.

The reactive mind is the source of your failures and fears. Losing your means, being stressed, having low morale are another way of saying: being under the effect of your reactive mind.

The reactive mind of other people is also something that may oppress you. An angry father, a malevolent boss, an

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"absent-minded" driver can cause you a lot of harm.

In view of all that the African has suffered from, one can easily understand the extent of the engrams which disrupt his everyday life. Hence the importance of the mental rearmament. We also understand that the deep and lasting change can only come from the erasure of the engrams.

The only way to really help someone is to allow him to get rid of his reactive mind. He will then become in fact more analytical, freer, more himself. This can be and should be done through debates on the topics contained in the engram.

By speaking frankly about colonization, the reactive mind will be triggered and the analysis will cause it to pass into the analytical mind. This is why, instead of trainings on personal development, I strongly encourage debates on topics of life. Being right is not sufficient; you have to debate above all to finally destroy an engram.

Faced with the reactive mind, psychoanalysis and psychiatry are very

limited. The development of psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud in 1885 was a commendable effort to help man overcome his physical illnesses by solving his mental problems. This discovery alone was essential. Unfortunately, his work remained unfinished: Freud never discovered the existence of engrams, or the functioning of the reactive mind. He has therefore never included erasing engrams in his therapy.

Communicating with someone who listens to you is always good. But in the case of a psychoanalysis, the sessions can be very painful for the person being analyzed (the one following the therapy), because many engrams may be restimulated without ever being erased. This explains why some psychoanalyses will last for years, even a lifetime, sometimes without bringing the relief that would be obtained by erasing a single engram.

I would like to recommend that you speak in detail to yourself about the story that troubles you, but also, often program sentences like: I

renounce all fear and all doubt for a trust

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spirit in God, I erase any negative image in

my brain.

When you tell yourself the story or the situation that troubles you, it goes from the reactive mind to the analytical mind and the engrams are therefore erased.

The repetition of sentences can also erase the engrams seeing that what you say, your brain applies it.

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Each of the discoveries that have been made, whether those of Doctor COUE or Doctor MURPHY, those of John GRINDER and Richard BANDLER or even ours, each brings us back to speech. It is therefore easy to understand that what is special about those who succeed in their lives is nothing more than a good mastery of what they say and repeat on a daily basis.

The sentences designed by the transformative speech are consequently the perfect modeling of what people for who success is an easy process say.

Modeling, but not absolute truth, which would mean that in a few years or even a few months, some sentences could change due to news discoveries. The objective will however always be the same: transforming one’s life through one’s language, that is to say reprogramming the benefits of one‟s unconscious mind to recover one‟s perfect happiness, to make our life what we want it to really be. Let's become our own solution and that of others.)

In view of all the information collected, all of our researches and discoveries we can then confirm the hypothesis that has led us to this study. We can now say that whatever we say or repeat, whether negative or positive, it ALWAYS affects our lives.

To change our lives, let's change our language

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Using your brain for a change

Publication: 1985

Author: Richard Bandler

Genre: Self Help Book

Publishers: Connirae Andreas, Steve Andreas, Éditions Later Printing

Number of pages: 165

Language: English

L'essentiel de la PNL

Authors: Richard Bandler, Owen Fitzpatrick, Alessio Roberti

Publication:: February 2014

Publishers: Les Editions de L‟homme

Number of pages: 115

Le Recadrage - Transformer la

Perception de la Realité avec la PNL

Authors: John Grinder, Richard Bandler

Publication: 2014

Publisher: INTERÉDITIONS (04/30/1999)

Translator: François Olivier

Number of Pages: 247

Un cerveau pour changer

Authors: Richard Bandle

Publishers: Pocket, 2008

Translator: Thi Oanh Lê

Number of pages: 248

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Les secrets de la Communication : les

techniques de la PNL

Authors: John Grinder, Richard Bandler

Publishers: J‟ai lu, 2011

Number of pages: 346

La maîtrise de soi-même par

l'autosuggestion consciente

Author: Emile Coué

Publisher: 2013, Éditions FV

Number of pages: 108

La méthode Coué

Author: Emile Coué

Publisher: Leduc.s, April 2016

Number of pages: 208

ISBN: 9791028506940

La puissance de votre subconscient

Author: Joseph Murphy

Publisher: Coffragants

Publication: December 12th, 2016

Language: French

Number of pages: 146 pages

ISBN-10 2895175969

Le Miracle de votre esprit

Author: Joseph Murphy

Translation: Mary Sterling

Publisher: Les Editions de L‟homme, 2006

Number of pages: 204

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Scientific Journal of Full Coaching

April 2020

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