This month’s issue is kindly sponsored by: BROOKLYN KENNELS & CATTERY See back cover for further information www.LeightonNews.com eighton L N ews The March 2018 the tricky QUIZ Number 322

the tricky QUIZ · VICES MARCH 2018 CHURCH SER 2- - Date Leighton Trelystan Thursday 1st March St David’s Day 7.00pm Holy Communion Sunday 4th March Lent 3 9.30am Holy Communion

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  • This month’s issue is kindly sponsored by:BROOKLYN KENNELS & CATTERY

    See back cover for further information


    eighton L News


    March 2018

    t h e t r i c k y Q U I Z

    Number 322


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    Date Leighton Trelystan

    Thursday 1st March St David’s Day

    7.00pm Holy Communion

    Sunday 4th March Lent 3 9.30am Holy Communion

    Sunday 11th March Lent 4

    3.00pm Holy Communion

    Sunday 18th March Lent 5 11.00am Morning Worship

    Sunday 25th March Palm Sunday

    11.00am Holy Communion

    Friday 30th March Good Friday

    At Chirbury 2.00pm Last hour on the cross

    Saturday 31st March Easter Eve

    7.30 Easter Eve Vigil Service

    Sunday 1st April Easter Day

    11.00am Holy Communion and Baptism

    3.00pm Holy Communion

    ` Leighton Church Rotas – March 2018

    Sidesmen Altar Flowers & Brass


    Elvet Richards of Marton would like to say a Big Thank You to everyone who attended

    and kindly gave donations, gifts and cakes at the celebration party held for his 90th Birthday at Marton Village Hall in January. Donations totalling £1,020 will

    be shared between Sands Charity, Welsh Air Ambulance and Trelystan


    The Castle Belles concert on Sunday 26th November was a grand evening, playing to a packed church and thoroughly enjoyed by the whole audience. Many thanks to everyone who worked hard to make this concert such a success.The event raised £1,117 for Holy Trinity Church and Leighton Village Hall

  • Hereford Cathedral will be playing host this spring to a remarkable display - the cascade of thousands of ceramic poppies arranged by Paul Cummins, artist and Tom Piper, designer, following the famous display at the Tower of London in 2014. This dramatic installation is touring the country, and it will be a major feature of the life of Hereford Cathedral and city from 14th March to 29th April.

    That’s a phrase that applies as much to church buildings as to any other utility. While our parishes here are vacant, we need to be thinking hard about the viability, the needs and the potential of each of our churches. I feel sure that Holy Trinity, Leighton is a church with some real potential. As a building, it’s interesting, slightly quirky but very attractive and usable. It’s in good order and well cared for, and it serves a community that, though somewhat spread out and scattered, is I believe the largest in population terms within the Chirbury Group. But just now it is a bit lacking in church population! Average numbers on a Sunday are a lot less than when I first got to know the place, and that’s not so long ago. A bit of not very scientific research on my part suggests that that’s not so much because fewer people come as because people are coming less often. There are all sorts of reasons for this, and somewhere among them is the simple truth that we’re all getting older. But as a church we are I think at risk of losing vigour and (for want of a better word) oomph to a degree that it can’t be recovered. It’s a bit like what happens when you ease off the accelerator while driving a large wagon up hill — you get to a point where the engine can’t pick up again and you come to a halt, you stall. Now that’s maybe not the best place to be, if we want to attract a young and enthusiastic new parish priest!For a church to flourish and grow a subtle change of emphasis is needed; from an image of church as

    primarily a building that people come to, to mostly seeing church as a community of people who meet as a worshipping fellowship. With that in mind, if you think of yourself as a churchgoer or church supporter, please do consider this Lent how you could make a greater commitment to our church life. After Easter and through the summer, I hope to arrange some special services, including praise services featuring favourite hymns and the stories behind them: services we can invite people to. And I am very much open to suggestions: what could or should we change, what could we do better, what kinds of services should we have? Who might we invite? Perhaps we need an open meeting (preferably with cake) so that everyone has the chance to say their piece . . .What does the future hold for Holy Trinity Church? Would you be happy just to have the building there looking beautiful (which it certainly does), or would you rather see a church that is being both used and useful at the heart of this village community, not just now, but for years to come?

    Lots of visitors are expected, and those who have seen the installation in other places speak of its power to move and challenge, as a reminder of the many lives given in sacrifice for truth and justice and peace, particularly during the Great War 1914-18, but also throughout the course of human history. I’m hoping to arrange a trip after Easter - please look out for details.

    Bill Rowell

    Bill Rowell

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  • The March meeting of the Arts Society Mid Wales and Borders (Formerly NADFAS) is on Thursday March 22nd.The speaker is Anthony Rayworth, whose topic is Classical Gardens, A New Perspective. The venue is the Royal Oak Hotel, Welshpool, the talk will begin at 2.30pm sharp. Non-members are welcome to attend, but a donation of £6 per person towards costs will be appreciated.For further details contact [email protected] or telephone Dennis on 01938 555 574

    If you would like to contribute to our running costs, cheques to “Leighton Newsletter” can be sent to our treasurer, Tanya Allison atOak Villa, Leighton, Welshpool SY21 8HL

    Star Readers who have generously sent a donation to the newsletter are: * Shirley & Tony Beavan * Margaret Harrison * Ann & John Markwick * Ron Oliver

    Monday12th Marchat 7:00 pm

    Friday23rd Marchat 7:30 pm


    Hoping for signs of Spring sometime soon, birds feature in several places in this months issue. The tricky Name That Bird Quiz is on

    page 7 — great fun and we only managed to get all birds with a joint effort. Here’s the first clue: none of

    the birds on the cover are the ones to be discovered in the quiz. So sorry to all you twitchers

    who thought it was going to be surprisingly easy!The key to the quiz is “say what you see”— some answers you’ll get immediately - others may be infuriating. Think you’ve got all 12 — then send in your results for a mention next month when the answers will be revealed.Distribution of printed copies of the newsletter rely on a hard working team of 18 volunteers. Before we took over the editing we were always grateful when Peter Kenyon brought our copy to the top of Long Mountain. But do you know who delivers your copy? Unless you’re outside at the time, you may never know. Recently we’ve heard of a few glitches in the arrangements — copies not arriving or even being duplicated. Please look at the list of distributors and their general areas on page 10. If you know of anyone missing out let us know the area involved and we’ll get an extra copy added to the appropriate round.The 100 Club launch (which has been delayed by bad weather and dreadful ‘flu) will be started by the Village Hall Committee at Eva & Dylan's Coffee Morning this month and then at the Playgroup Coffee Morning in April and other village events thereafter. The club will now run from March to March (rather than calendar year) and winners names printed in the following month’s newsletter.




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  • Congratulations to our very own Sports Personality. Hockey International Fergus Stephens was recently awarded the Montgomeryshire Under 18’s Sports Personality of the Year. An international sportsman whilst still a teenager and he has a wonderful personality too, WIN WIN and all the promise of far more trophies to come. Fergus’s parents Di and Rod of Lower House are no doubt very proud of his achievements as are we all in the village.

    It is with great sadness that we learnt of the passing of Betty Potter and we send our best wishes to James and Jean along with Debbie and Charlotte and the Potter family.

    It was with great sadness that we learnt of the passing of Ralph Mills. Ralph was involved in all aspects of village life, especially the Community Council and along with his late wife Stella he started up the very successful Leighton Handbell Ringers troupe. Our thoughts are with his daughter Diana and all the family at this sad time.

    If you heard the Leighton church bells ringing on Saturday 10th February it was done as a mark of respect to Bert Jones who died recently at the grand age of 97 and was a bell ringer here for over 60 years. Bert had lived nearly all of his life in the village as his family moved up to Church House when he was a young lad. After leaving Leighton School he worked at the AI Centre at the Home Farm (now converted to the Stud) and then he met and married his late wife Joan and settled in Eryl where their daughter Gillian was born. Bert was involved in the Church, the Community Council, The Air Gun Club, the Bowling Club in fact very little went on in the village over all those decades that Bert wasn’t involved in. Local history was his great interest and he had an encyclopaedic knowledge of the area and to his great credit in his late 80’s he welcomed technology and studied the internet for background information on all the many village boys and men tragically killed in the world wars whose names are listed on our war memorial in the Churchyard, lest we forget. Bert was one of a family of 10 children and the Jones’s farmed at Church House on the top of Trelystan. At that time, just a couple of fields away farming at the Stubb Farm were the Bayliss family who had 14 children. To the other side just a couple of fields away was Monksfield farm and the Roberts family with their 10 children. Three farmhouses on the top of the Long Mountain containing 34 children! Bert, his siblings and the 14 Bayliss children all walked by themselves down to Leighton School and back up home again each day taking short cuts along various woodland tracks. All ages walking in all weathers and in wintertime

    sometimes in darkness. Several other farming families on Trelystan also walked down to Leighton school and at the end of the school day had the long, tiring plod back up the hill. You were all such a hardy bunch and we salute you one and all. Likewise the 10 Roberts children walked down to Buttington School each day and back up

    the steep Welsh Harp Hollow. One of the Roberts family was Leonard whose sad passing at the

    age of 89 was recorded in last month’s Newsletter.

    The winters of Bert’s youth were incredibly severe, and consequently memorable, with the family often completely cut off for weeks thriving from what must have been the cavernous larders of their resourceful Mother who cooked up all her home-

    grown produce and home-made preserves to feed the masses. (No

    snowploughs or Sainsbury’s then.) After one of the worst snowfalls the Prisoners of

    War from the Buttington Camp were ordered up onto the mountain each day and for weeks they had to dig down through the enormous drifts to create the narrowest of footpaths along the length of the mountain road. This winter we have experienced heavy snow and still the winters are a great deal harder up on Trelystan than down in the valley but thankfully we don’t have snowfall as deep as yesteryear and nor do we have POW’s. In Bert’s memory we will treasure all of these stories and we send our support to Bert’s daughter Gillian and her family along with Mott, Gwynne, Emrys and all the Jones clan.

    Grateful thanks to Paul Wragg Sykes for the super work he has carried out on the roof of the village Play House ensuring that it will survive this winter weather. The children of Leighton give you a cheer!

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  • COFFEE MORNINGSaturday 31st March 2018

    The Church House, Welshpool10.00 until 12.00 noon

    Cake Stall, Plant Stall, & Raffle Proceeds in aid of Trelystan Church

    Admission £1.00 to include coffee & biscuitsAny donations of plants, cakes or raffle prizes would be greatly appreciated .

    Everyone most welcome

    It was good to hear our woodpecker hammering away a few weeks ago.The hammer effect needs incredible physiological engineering to produce the impact needed from such a small bird. We know the hammering is to release insect food from the bark of the tree. But it’s now thought the hammering noise may also serve as a male mating call. The duration and frequency of the hammer could indicate the best mate to provide food for the offspring.

    BIRDS AS PROBLEM SOLVERS, TOOL MAKERS & GAME PLAYERS?A small girl in Seattle USA has a collection of more than a 100 shiny gifts presented to her by the local crows she feeds regularly. They know the kind of things she collects and drop their offerings on the lawn when they see her outside.The derogatory term “bird-brain” was derived not only from the small size but also a misinterpretation of which part of the avian brain may produce higher skill functions.The brightest birds are members of the the parrot and crow families. Crows and Cockatoos are definitely able to shape tools specifically to extract food. A well known grey parrot called Alex knew dozens of sounds for colours, objects numbers and shapes and also the abstract concept of zero. It was accepted that the parrot was

    able to use the words



    A study at the University of Vienna has shown cockatoos problem solving. They worked out how to open a series of five different types of lock - in the correct order - to reach the nut treat inside the box. Having learnt the sequence they will quickly adapt to a new arrangement or change to the lock mechanism. Keas, alpine parrots from New Zealand, worked out that to retrieve treats inside a tower they had cooperate by pulling chains on each side at the same time.

    Search “Crow sledding“on YouTube. This bird uses a plastic lid to sledge down a snowy roof. At the end of the run it picks up the lid and tests another point at the top of the roof - not as good so it goes back to sledge down the first one again

    in the correct context.

    Search “Crow sledding“on YouTube. This bird uses a plastic lid to sledge down a snowy roof. At the end of the run it picks up the lid and tests another point at the top of the roof - not as good, so it goes back to sledge down the first run again.

    Source: National Geographic February 2018

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  • ANSWERS NEXT MONTH - a name check for all readers sending us their list of correct answers

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  • Eva and Dylan’s Marathon ChallengeMany of you have known Eva and Dylan since they were tots running down the road to school and now they are running down the road training for their upcoming London Marathon race. They are, along with their sister Alice, the children of Tony and Jane Walton, Cilfryn and of course the grandchildren of Roma. They were born here in Leighton and have sent in a couple of items to update you on what they are up to now.

    You may know this already from Holly’s previous great effort but the London Marathon is 26.2 miles long and over 50,000 people will be running in it on 22nd April along the streets of London. Many more people than this apply and so there’s a ballot system that allots places to all runners of all abilities. As you will see on the TV coverage the determination and dedication of some competitors is both inspiring and humbling in equal measure. The runners are made up of professional athletes, club runners and also charity runners (the camp we fall into) who will just be happy to finish the run alive and on the same day that they started! Each charity runner pledges to personally raise £1,500 each for their chosen charity and in order to eliminate any fraud there are checks on the money raised by each runner and it is then sent on to the named charity. 100% of the money raised goes to the chosen charity and in our case its the Orthopaedic Hospital, Oswestry. Thanks again for your support.

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    Eva. I am now 29 (no I don’t know how that happened either), am married to Jamie and we have three children Martha 8, Nansi 6 and Chester 2. I am Oral Surgery Lead Nurse for Powys CDS and am based at Llandrindod Hospital and Newtown Clinic. We live in Llanfair and my interests are running, occasionally competing alongside Alice and Dylan at Triathlons. I am involved in local charities and enjoy all aspects of design. The NHS is very close to my heart and the Orthopaedic Hospital specialises in some amazing work that benefits everyone so thank you all for helping me raise the £1500. I am trying to come to terms with the fact that my little brother can now run faster than me but I know my family will be there cheering me along.

    Dylan. I am 25, a builder and live in Arddleen with my girlfriend Chloe. My interests are running, cycling, Triathlons, rugby, football and as much travel as we can manage. I enjoy the Marathon training and was prepared for the demanding schedule but I didn’t quite appreciate

    how hard it would be to raise the £1500 but to date I have organised a Casino evening in Oswestry and I am amazed at the donations people have already sent me. Obviously the Orthopaedic is such an important hospital and just down the road so people want to support it. Thank you everyone, I will do my best. See you at the Coffee Morning.

    Photo taken by Martha & Nansi!


    Sunday, 22 April


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  • www.tinyurl.com/EvaEvans Click to Donate

    KNOW YOUR DISTRIBUTORJane Walton The Pentre

    Rob Jones Leighton Bank

    Teresa Jenkins The Quarry

    Rachel Tibbot Farm Buildings

    Sylvia Helliwell Oaklands area, Church & LVH

    Jean Underhill Poplar Drive area

    Carol Alexander Leighton Park area

    Jan Lee Corner House, Bryn Lane,up to Paradise Cottage

    Freda Davies Hope Road, Oak Cottage, Hope Farm (bottom road) The Library and Tourist office Lynn Harris 5 houses by the White House and one opposite Sarah Evans Castle Court & Castle View

    Barry & Liz Redwood Close, Pentre ParkGriffin Church Close & Lodge Jan Williams Opposite Leighton Hall & Cilcwydd Farm Peter Kenyon Top of Leighton Bank, Woodside, Lords Buildings Welsh Harp Hollow road

    Veronica Richards Forden & Trelystan areas

    Lee Allison Bytake Cottage, Lower Leighton Oak Villa, Gorse Cottage, Lythie Neuk, Leighton house

    Dave McCourt Park Cottage, - Brook House, - Park House, Hollybush Cottage

    Laura Poole Pentre Mill, Nant-y-Coed Old vicarage, Green Dragon

    DISTRIBUTORS - have a look at all these areas. Let us know if there are any areas of overlap where parts of some rounds may be rearranged more efficiently.

    READERS - let us know of anyone who is not receiving a printed copy and their nearest area distributor.

    - 10 -


  • If You Were a Flower

    Don't be a snowdrop.It wouldn't be nice.To sleep in the snow.On a mattress of ice.

    Don't be a tulip.So tall and erect.All looking alike.And so very correct.

    Don't be a bluebell.Though charmed by your grace.Trippers will strew youAll over the place.

    Just be an orchid.If you take my advice.You'll be ever so rich.And look ever so nice.

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    - 11 -


    Popular comedy impressionist Carl Brent returns with his one man show to the Church House, Welshpool on Saturday 3rd March.

    Following a first half of comedy, impressions and much more, after supper Carl will return to the stage for a vocal spot so that anyone wishing to have a dance can do so.Tickets are £10 in advance or £12 on the door and include a knife & fork Buffet plus sweet. A complimentary glass of bubbly will be served on arrival.Patrons are advised to bring their own alcohol and glasses. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

    My Garden

    We have heard of that little grey home

    in the West

    And the street that runs up hill and down.

    We are all of us sick

    of each cobble and brick

    In that quaint little old-fashioned town.

    They have sung of each mouse

    in that old fashioned house,

    But no one has written a line,

    of the beetles and bugs

    And the snails and the slugs,

    in this old fashioned garden of mine.


    Its Eyes Down for an evening of Prize Bingo at Welshpool Town Hall on Tuesday 6th March at 7pm, doors open 6.30pm. Admission £1 to include half time refreshments.




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  • The days are getting longer, the ground is getting warmer and gardens are coming to life again. What better way to enjoy Spring than wrapped up warm admiring daffodils and tulips as you stroll round one of our wonderful Powys gardens? Then there will be tea and cake to bring the visit to a perfect end. In March, we have 5 gardens which open by arrangement. Some of the garden owners welcome individual visitors or you could get together with a few friends for a group visit. Just contact the owner and arrange a time to suit you.If you want to plan further ahead our Powys National Garden Scheme 2018 booklet is now available in tourist information centres, libraries, shops and tea-rooms all over the county. You can also discover more about our gardens and the charities supported by the National Garden Scheme at www.ngs.org.uk and keep up to date by following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @powysngs.

    Helen Anthony, Publicity Officer, 01686 941795,[email protected] open in March. Please contact the owners to enquire about price and refreshments as well as arrange a time to visit. Cartref, Sarnau, Arddleen, Llanymynech SY22 6QL (March – MayContact: Neil & Stella Townsend on 01938 590485, [email protected] and Stella welcome individual visitors and groups of up to 30 people to their 1-acre modern cottage garden. In open countryside, there is an emphasis on attracting wildlife. Spring bulbs, including tulips, make the garden particularly pretty at this time of the year. Woodland, ponds, perennial borders and a kitchen garden give year-round interest.

    Fraithwen, Tregynon SY16 3EW (February – October) Contact: Mrs Sydney Thomas on 01686 650307

    Individual visitors and groups of up to 30 people welcome at this 1½ acre plantswoman's garden with herbaceous borders, rockeries, ponds and vegetable plot. Planted with rare plants for year-round interest and for pollinators. Plants in flower every day of the year.

    Abernant, Garthmyl SY15 6RZ (March – August) Contact: Mrs B M Gleave on 01686 640494, [email protected]

    Groups of 5+ can enjoy 3 acres of garden with 90 cherry trees in blossom late April; knot garden, box hedging, beautifully refurbished rose garden, rockery, pond, shrubs, ornamental trees, raised specimen fern beds in natural setting. Additional woodland of 9 acres, pond and stream with borrowed views of the Severn Valley. Picnics welcome from 12pm.

    Plas Dinam, Llandinam SY17 5DQ (March – November) Contact: Eldrydd Lamp on 07415 503554, [email protected]

    Groups 10+ are invited to explore 12 acres of parkland, gardens, lawns and woodland on weekdays except during school holidays. Set at the foot of glorious rolling hills with spectacular views across the Severn Valley this garden includes a host of daffodils in the spring followed by one of the best wildflower meadows in Montgomeryshire.

    Pont Faen House, Farrington Lane, Knighton LD7 1LA (March – September)

    Contact: Mr John & Mrs Brenda Morgan on 01547 520847

    Individual visitors and large groups welcome. A ½ acre garden, full of flowers surrounds the house on edge of town. Paths through floriferous arches and gazebos lead from shady, ferny corners to deep colourful borders. Enjoy the views of the hills from many seats in this flat garden. Year-round colour provided by daffodils, tulips, clematis, alstroemerias, rudbeckias and inulas.

    Plas Dinam


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  • Leighton Village Hall – for your family events, children’s parties, hobbies and meetings. Please book in plenty of time to avoid disappointment.

    Leighton VILLAGE Hall

    LVH BOOKINGS Tel: 0785 410 3058 Email: [email protected]


  • ANDREW THOMASAgricultural Contracting and

    Septic Tank Emptying

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    Gerry Hill & John Nunn Tel: 01938 580346

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    KINGSWOOD FRAMES & MIRRORSFramers, Carvers, Gilders, Restorers

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    - 14 -

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  • - 16 -16

    Many thanks to our sponsors this month

    Situated near Welshpool, mid-Wales in the beautiful county of Powys, the location enjoys stunning views all around with plenty of space for the dogs to run in.Geraldine & John have owned and managed Brooklyn since 2002, and expanded an already successful and popular boarding kennels and cattery. They have now decided to retire so the complete business is now for sale. Full details are with Miller Evans or just google Brooklyn Kennels and Cattery. In the meantime they still open for bookings: contact details below

    John’s Pet Portaits on Slate

    www.brooklyn-kennels-cattery.co.ukinfo@brooklyn-kennels-cattery.co.uk Tel: 01938 580 346

    Or phone 01938 570 675

    Email: [email protected]

    ADVERTISE HERE!This space has just become

    available. A brilliant opportunity to promote your business or service.



    Family Friendly — Special Functions can be booked

    Opening Times12:00 - 2:30 pm4:30 pm - LATE

    Play Area and a Large Beer Garden at rear of the pub

    OAP discounts available

    Please send your copy (as soon as possible) to:

    DAVID HOLLOWAY 01938 570675 [email protected]

    The next issue will be APRIL 2018. Please don’t forget the deadline which is:Friday 16th March 2018

    Dragon Works, Henfaes Lane, Welshpoolt: 01938 552246 e: [email protected] www.derwas.co.ukuk

    Range CookersWoodburners

    Fires & Fire PlacesFlue Pipes

    CCTV SurveysInstallations


    July 2017 – We Co-opted Councillor Rachel Tibbott to the Trelystan Ward.

    Carpentry — Joinery —Furniture

    General maintenance

    Property renovations & repairs

    Sheds, outbuildings & more…

    All parts for each project are custom-made in our well equipped workshop.Call us for a free quote. No job is toosmall (or too big!)