The Triune V oice o f Trinit y THE MONTHL Y NEWSLETTER OF TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 191 Nichols Street Spencerport, NY 14559 Number 2 Februa_IT 2020 From the Pastor' s Desk To The Teenagers in Our Congregation I went to a Lutheran grade school. One of the girls in my class was named Sara. Not only did we go to the same school but we went to the same church. Sara's younger brother played with me on our church basketball team. Sara and her brother were part of an amazing f amily. Not long after I left town to go to college, I learned that Sara's parents were getting a divorce. Not only were her parents getting a divorce, but her mom had cancer. Before I started high school, my grandma went into a nursing home. She had Parkinson's disease. It was weird cleaning out her home and moving her into a place where she didn't want to go. Walking into a nursing home, you see a lot of people who aren't able to take care of themselves anymore. It was a difficult change for her and for our f amily. In high school, there was a girl in my class named Ashley. Ashely was a smart girl. Nice girl. I sat next to her in geometry class. Ashely dropped out of school because she got pregnant. In high school there was a guy I knew named Dave. I was a junior and he was a sophomore. We weren't best friends, but Dave was a good guy. We would say "Hey" every time we passed each other in the hall. I'm a huge baseball f an and my f avorite player growing up was a pitcher named Orel Hershiser. Dave knew that I liked baseball so he would always call me "Orel." I remember one morning when I got to school everybody was in tears. I was told that Dave had shot himself . He had committed suicide. From a young age, we can experience some tough things: sickness, cancer, suicide, divorce. Instead of being overwhelmed by these things, Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, says to us, "Y ou are t he l i g ht o f t he worl d A cit y set on a hil l cannot be hid d en ... l et your l i g ht shine be f ore ot hers, so t hat t he y ma y see your good work s and give gl or y to your F at her who is in heaven. " (Mt. 5: 14, 16) There's so much darkness and hopelessness in this world. What this world needs is good news. The world needs light. Light is bright; it dispels darkness; it enables people to see what they are doing. As God's ambassadors on Earth, Philippians 2: 15 tells us to "shine as l i g ht s in t he worl d , hol d ing f ast to t he W ord o f Lif e." Being a part of our church f amily, you know who Jesus is. You've heard the story of how Jesus has delivered you from your sin. You know and believe in His power, His help and His presence in your lif e. Many people in this world need to hear this! Jesus tells His followers to "l et your l i g ht shine be f ore ot hers, " calling them to live an active f aith, not a passive one. The circumstances that you encounter are an opportunity to shine brightly for the Lord and to share God's overcoming truth with those around you. There's an old story about a physician in a small town who was called to go some seven or eight miles into the country to visit a sick child. It was evening and there was a snowstorm. The snow was f alling so rapidly that it soon blotted out the road and left him in danger oflosing his way. Reaching a f armhouse, he telephoned to the next one beyond, asking them to hang out a lantern. They did so, and sent the word on to their next neighbor, who in turn spread the message; and so the doctor, with his horse and buggy, was enabled to drive forward through the storm, making "The Mission of Trinity is to joyf ully share the Gospel through Christ-centered worship, teaching and reaching out to the community by acts of caring."

The Triune Voice of Trinity - Trinity Lutheran Church · 20 - Kelly Young 24- Mitch Frey 24 - Sigrun Miller 26 - Matthew Green 27 - Kelsey Garrett 29 - Carlynn Gebhardt VOTERS' ASSEMBLY

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Page 1: The Triune Voice of Trinity - Trinity Lutheran Church · 20 - Kelly Young 24- Mitch Frey 24 - Sigrun Miller 26 - Matthew Green 27 - Kelsey Garrett 29 - Carlynn Gebhardt VOTERS' ASSEMBLY

The Triune Voice of Trinity THE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF

TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 191 Nichols Street Spencerport, NY 14559

Number 2 Februa_IT 2020

From the Pastor's Desk

To The Teenagers in Our Congregation I went to a Lutheran grade school. One of the girls in my class was named Sara. Not only did we go to the same school but we went to the same church. Sara's younger brother played with me on our church basketball team. Sara and her brother were part of an amazing family. Not long after I left town to go to college, I learned that Sara's parents were getting a divorce. Not only were her parents getting a divorce, but her mom had cancer.

Before I started high school, my grandma went into a nursing home. She had Parkinson's disease. It was weird cleaning out her home and moving her into a place where she didn't want to go. Walking into a nursing home, you see a lot of people who aren't able to take care of themselves anymore. It was a difficult change for her and for our family.

In high school, there was a girl in my class named Ashley. Ashely was a smart girl. Nice girl. I sat next to her in geometry class. Ashely dropped out of school because she got pregnant.

In high school there was a guy I knew named Dave. I was a junior and he was a sophomore. We weren't best friends, but Dave was a good guy. We would say "Hey" every time we passed each other in the hall. I'm a huge baseball fan and my favorite player growing up was a pitcher named Orel Hershiser. Dave knew that I liked baseball so he would always call me "Orel." I remember one morning when I got to school everybody was in tears. I was told that Dave had shot himself. He had committed suicide.

From a young age, we can experience some tough things: sickness, cancer, suicide, divorce. Instead of being overwhelmed by these things, Jesus, in His

Sermon on the Mount, says to us, "You are the light of the world A city set on a hill cannot be hidden ... let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. " (Mt. 5: 14, 16)

There's so much darkness and hopelessness in this world. What this world needs is good news. The world needs light.

Light is bright; it dispels darkness; it enables people to see what they are doing. As God's ambassadors on Earth, Philippians 2: 15 tells us to "shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the Word of Life." Being a part of our church family, you know who Jesus is. You've heard the story of how Jesus has delivered you from your sin. You know and believe in His power, His help and His presence in your life. Many people in this world need to hear this! Jesus tells His followers to "let your light shine before others, " calling them to live an active faith, not a passive one. The circumstances that you encounter are an opportunity to shine brightly for the Lord and to share God's overcoming truth with those around you.

There's an old story about a physician in a small town who was called to go some seven or eight miles into the country to visit a sick child. It was evening and there was a snowstorm. The snow was falling so rapidly that it soon blotted out the road and left him in danger oflosing his way. Reaching a farmhouse, he telephoned to the next one beyond, asking them to hang out a lantern. They did so, and sent the word on to their next neighbor, who in turn spread the message; and so the doctor, with his horse and buggy, was enabled to drive forward through the storm, making

"The Mission of Trinity is to joyfully share the Gospel through Christ-centered worship, teaching and reaching out to the community by acts of caring."

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To The Teenagers ... (continued)

his way from light to light until he reached the home where he was desperately needed.

Isn't this a picture of the Christian life? We can each throw a light upon that part of the road that runs by our own door to make sure that no one gets too dejected, or too lost because our light is not burning. People need to know that there is life, there is forgiveness, there is hope! Shine your light! In doing so, you declare that Jesus is the ultimate Light.

In John 8: 12, Jesus declares, "I am the light of the world Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. " In following Jesus, your family, friends, teammates, and community can see what you believe by how you live. In the midst of darkness and defeat, when you hear bad news or when a situation appears hopeless, you can remind others that there is hope. There is life. There is forgiveness. And it comes from Jesus. This is what we believe. This is what we confess. This is what we're called to share with others. Shine your light so that they may see your good deeds and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Let your light shine! We love you!

-Pastor Matt

Visit Our Home Bound or give them a call on the

phone or send a card. Above all, remember them in your prayers:

Marie Feldmann Robert Schroeder Fred Maisel Carol Dye

Carl Jennejahn Dorothy Ayers Marlene Markham Bill Ketelhut

February Birthdays Best Wishes and God's Blessings to the following:

4 - Maya Kuter 5 - Dave Green 6-Dot Meyer

7 - Angie Johnson 7 - Chrissy Hammond

16 - Chris Reigle 20 - Kelly Young 24- Mitch Frey 24 - Sigrun Miller 26 - Matthew Green 27 - Kelsey Garrett

29 - Carlynn Gebhardt


Sunday, February 9, 2020 following the 10:30AM worship service


The agenda for this meeting will be the 2019 Annual Report and plans for 2020.

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happy anniversary

February Anniversaries Congratulations and God's Blessings to:

14 - Greg & Carole Newsome 20 - John & Sally Steele

Please mark your calendar! The Triune

Deadline for March is Monday, February 17th

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JAM Ministries MITES

In February, JAM Ministries will be shipping boxes of goodies to our college students and military members. If you would like to donate to this project, there will be a collection box in the coat room area. Individual sized items such as cereal boxes, hot cocoa mix, crackers, granola or breakfast bars, candy or gum, cookies, chips, pretzels, etc. will be appreciated. We always add a letter and a Portals of Prayer book to these boxes. We will be boxing and shipping on Wednesday, February 12, at noon after the Women's Bible Study.

Do you have a friend or family member away at school or in the military? We would like to send them a box of goodies. Please give their names and complete addresses to Sue Oswald in the church office by Monday February IO.

Thank you, from all ofus who participate in JAM.

Your Mites donations help many around the world and in the US. The featured mission for February 2020 is 'Camp Restore Detroit'. Detroit has experienced economic disaster and leads the nation with 5 7. 3 % of their children living in poverty without food or opportunity. 'Camp Restore Detroit' provides a safe nurturing Christ-centered place for these children, their families, and other adults. This camp provides a place for the children to come and learn about God's love as they participate in art, theatre, and music classes. They also receive homework help while receiving assistance with basic educational and developmental skills. Additionally, adults are offered parenting, finance, and resume building classes. This grant will fund the renovation of two previously abandoned houses into community outreach centers, along with the house furnishings and outreach materials.

Your Mites donations are collected on the first Sunday of each month. Please bring your box on February 2nd and pick up a new box for March. Your small change, added with others, makes a huge difference.

Spencerport Ecumenical Food Shelf The Food Shelf serves those in need of food

and household supplies in Ogden and South Parma.

If you or someone you know is in need, please call for assistance at 585-397-0290 Monday - Friday between 9AM and 5PM

Feedlng the Community

Food Shelf

Through the generosity of many during the holiday season, we have no current immediate need! Special

thanks to Trinity Lutheran congregation for their ongoing support; to BOCES for their December Food Drive; to Ogden Presbyterian for their Advent Food Drive; and to TOPS (take off pounds sensibly) for their Christmas Food Drive. Please continue your on-going support during 2020.

Thank you from your Trinity Food Shelf Reps, Carlynn Gebhardt & Sandy Hoover

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Community Lutheran Ministries (letter from Karen B. Leidig)

I don't know who or how someone will step up; but I know that I have to write this letter to let others know and hopefully will reach out to help someone who has spent 30 years helping others.

My name is Karen B. Leidig and I am the founder and Co-Director of a local charity called "Matt's Coats for Kids". Our organization is named in loving memory of my oldest son who passed in 2003. For the past fifteen years, we have collected new and gently used coats, and in the past few years, also new mittens, gloves and new socks to help those in our area communities in need. Community Lutheran Ministries on Joseph A venue has been one of the many places that we have dropped off some of our remaining coats after our distribution days over the past few years.

On Tuesday evening I took 11 bags of children's coats, mittens and socks, & adult coats to Community Lutheran Ministries on Joseph A venue. I walked in and saw Deaconess Maggie Harris sitting there by herself (she has been on oxygen for the past couple of years). Maggie has championed the needs and mission of Community Lutheran for the past 30 years. That mission is a necessary component in an area of Rochester where the residents, especially children, need the services and caring environment that this ministry provides.

Sweet, hard-working Maggie looked absolutely exhausted. I asked her if she was okay and sat and talked with her. Among the needs of Community Lutheran is one of the things that has been so hard to find: volunteers. I asked her if I could walk around and take a look and take pictures, and she said that would be okay. What I saw was a place with adequate space but in need of some TLC in the way that it is set up. There is a need for things that are there to be stored more efficiently with updated layout adding built-in shelving and maybe moving some walls. The possibilities are there, they just need some help to make them happen.

Maggie is only 63 years old. Her health issues are present and it is time for her to take care of herself; and to have someone who has the heart,

enthusiasm, and energy to lead this mission and continue to be there for the needs of the community. She has devoted her life to this mission and it has helped many in that area but it needs to continue and be a positive presence and Maggie deserves a well-earned retirement.

Please help Maggie, her heart, and Community Lutheran Ministries

In help and hope,

Karen B. Leidig Matt's Coats for Kids

938 Lake Road West Fork Hamlin, New York 14464

(585)721-5289 [email protected]

Ash Wednesday is February 26th and is also the beginning of the Lenten Season. The service will be at 7:00PM with the distribution of ashes and Holy Communion.

Lenten services will be held on Wednesday evenings at 7:00PM starting March 4, and continuing on March 11, March 18, March 25, and April 1. It was decided that there will be only one Soup & Sandwich meal this year and will be held on Ash Wednesday only.

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Trustees' Report January 15, 2020

Building Maintenance Committee

The Building Maintenance Committee met on November 26, 2019 and January 7, 2020 to discuss ongoing projects at the Church. A brief presentation of maintenance and repair projects for 2020 was given at the December 8th Congregational meeting (see below).

A number of maintenance and renovation issues were addressed since the last Council meeting:

• In mid-October a diseased and nearly dead ash tree was taken down and cut up by Gary Smith & Tim McMullen. The Town of Ogden picked up the cuttings. Thank you, Gary and Tim.

• Two Handicapped railings were installed at the Church main entrance door and at the west entrance door by Residential Railing & Fence Company on December 17th. The total cost was $2800.

• Batteries in Church smoke detectors have been replaced.

• Halogen spot lights over the Altar area have been replaced with LEDs. Existing wiring was used for this.

Miscellaneous Issues:

A contract with TruGreen Lawn Care has been signed. They will perform lawn treatments in the spring and fall of 2020. The cost for these treatments was unchanged from last year.

New Business

On December 8, 2019, an updated list of maintenance and renovation items was presented at a Congregational meeting. These items with estimated costs are shown in the table that follows. The Committee will continue to move forward with these items as funds become available.

An immediate issue for repair is the fluorescent lighting behind the cross that is above the altar.

The fluorescent fixtures will be replaced with LED strip lighting. We have received a bid of $995 from Bleier Electric and this work will be scheduled in the near future.

Marilyn McMullen met with a representative from Rochester Colonial Doors and Windows concerning the cost of a replacement entrance door for the Church. A bid should be received this week.

Building Maintenance and Repair Items for 2020

Item COST: Low COST: High

1. Entrance Doors/Replacement* TBD TBD

2. Flooring

Sanctuary 8,950 10,050

Downstairs Hall 3,875 4,425

Pew Removal and Reinstall 2,150 2,150

Sub-total ($14,975) ($16,625)

3. Painting 5,350 6,325

4. Air Conditioning 24,547

Electrical for air conditioning 5,500

Sub-total ($30.047)

* To be determined - if costs exceed $10,000, approval will be by Voter's

Other items may be addressed as time and funds are available. These will include further upgrades/repair of lighting; replacement of smoke/CO detectors; repair/upkeep of Church shed; minor painting issues; Church sign cleaning; security system for the Church.

Faithfully submitted, Rodney Boatman - Trustee

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Pre-School News

Hello from Trinity Christian Pre-school! We have settled back into our daily routines after coming back from Christmas break. We had a new student join our 4-year­ old class in January. The kids are busy learning their shapes, numbers and letters. Our 4-year-old class is starting to learn to write their last names along with their first names. Registration is open for the 2020-2021 school year. Pre-school Open House is Wednesday, January 29th from 6:00-7:30 in the Mary/Martha Hall. If you know anyone looking for a pre-school, please tell them about us! For more information call us at 352-3143; email us at [email protected]; visit the church website: tlcspencerport.com; or check us out on Facebook! Wishing everyone good health this winter & don't forget to use your germ catcher!

Jodi Blank, Laurie Butts, Betty Kelley & Yvette Casserino

4 4







JOHN 3:16 t, 4



Sunday School News

Pastor's Office Hours Pastor Matt will be available in the

church office Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 9:00AM-1 :00PM. Appointments

may be made during the office hours or you may phone or text Pastor on his

cell phone at 585-730-1183.

January was a fun month at Trinity Sunday School. We had a wonderful Intergenerational Group lesson about New Year's Resolutions and the 12 Days of Christmas, complete with a puppet show, scavenger hunt, and indoor snowball battle. Big thank you to Betsey Reigle for bringing the "weapons".

We will be changing the Intergenerational Group lessons from the 2nd Sunday of the month to the 4th Sunday of the month so the members of our Praise team, who are also Sunday School teachers, won't have to find substitutes for their classes. Come join us on February 23rd for some fun!

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Stewardship Moment Gardening in Eden

It says that the serpent was a pretty crafty animal but more than that it must have been very special too, since it could communicate with Eve. In the course of the conversation it asked Eve about God's restrictions within the "The Garden". We all know what that restriction was but what the serpent said in excess of"You Will Not Certainly Die" and "You Will Be Like God" to convince them to defy the Guy who created them and partake of the fruit is not recorded in the Bible but it seems that there must have been more. Never the less, when the conversation was over they saw the fruit in a different light and even lusted after its capacity to provide wisdom, its beauty and its nutritional ability. Eve ate and Adam ate but then came the sentence we may possibly read right over, "Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked". What did they see that they hadn't seen before, after all they had been "Naked" from creation? I suggest that the fruit didn't live up to the promises the "Serpent" made and that there may even have been an invisible component in the fruit. Conviction, even at that earliest of times, God was able to dump a whole truckload of conviction onto the happy couple and now what they expected was going to provide them with great happiness and fulfillment only left them with emptiness and regret. They decided that, "Since their humanity had gotten them into this fix, it should certainly be able to get them out". Plants don't make good clothing, they are rough and don't hold up well. More than that though, there would be "The Explanations" to be made to God and what He would say about all of this. We may need an attorney! Was God surprised? Based on what He said to the serpent it appears not. Even at that earliest of times He revealed His plan for Jesus to overcome this "Great Serpent" and bring humanity into a right relationship with Him. We have no clue what the happy couple looked like but based on their response to the questioning they sound more like adolescents than adults but I suspect from a spiritual perspective we are all more like adolescents than adults. That still doesn't give us any insight as to what they saw upon eating "The Fruit" and because the "Creation Scenario" seems to indicate that time passed differently then than it does now we have no knowledge how long they had to contemplate their transgression before God confronted them. I suggest that whatever the secret ingredient contained in that fruit, it did give them "Wisdom", not the wisdom they expected but rather it gave them a clearer vision of what was contained in their hearts and minds and what they saw was alarming and embarrassing and convinced them to cover it up. Not the nakedness of the body but rather the felony of the spirit. Paul put it concisely in Romans 7:14-25 where he laments his inability to do what is right in preference to that which is not right, he suggests that the law helps him to stay on track but because of his "Sinful Nature" he is regularly ending up offtrack. His diatribe certainly describes most if not all of humanity but I suggest that while in this writing Paul sounds as though he is sincerely striving to conquer this force that drives him to anguish and abandon. The dynamic here is distraction and Adam and Eve may have been the first occurrence of ADD and while we may not all suffer from this condition, it is often very easy to lose focus and we find that what distracts us is never as important as the things we should be focused on. While those distractions that sidetrack us may not be bad and they might be important at a different time, at this time they are not as important as the issue that currently demands our attention. This may not apply to day to day events, although it might but there are those components of our lives that if you lose attention to, you may wake up some day wondering how you ended up on the path you are following when it was never your intent to go that way as

did Adam and Eve. So it's essential to separate out the everyday urgencies from what's important and concentrate the bulk of your energies on them and maybe even retire some of those things that you do (for a season) to insure the completion of those important objectives. Nehemiah had a problem, he lived in Babylon but his heart was in Jerusalem. When Hanani his brother reported to him how bad the condition of the city and how poor the morale of the people was it drove him to tears and mourning. For days he fasted and prayed (You should read Nehemiah 1 :5-11) five months later as he presented himself to King Artaxerxes, the king inquired as to his sadness. He then related to the king regarding the condition of the people of Jerusalem and requested approval to go there and repair the city. Nehemiah was on his way with a "Passport", a pledge of material support and armed protection. There was obvious confrontation as to his presence in Jerusalem but Nehemiah went straight to his objective and inspected the wall and gates of Jerusalem. What he did next should inspire everyone to action, he circled the city to evaluate the dimension of the predicament and then he approached the leaders and population and presented his evaluation. He presents them with the "Problem" but he goes on to present the "Solution", that's not enough, then this is why we need to do something and why we need to do it now. Once he gets "Buy In" on his vision, everyone gets an assignment and the assignments are most convenient and consistent to each family's needs. There was resistance to this effort to rebuild the walls and certain changes had to be made as these gangs threatened, intimidated and ultimately attacked the workers. While some of the workers would be armed to protect those working, amidst all of the assaults and even though the threats and attacks made the work more burdensome and exhausting it went on because it was important. When the enemies of the Hebrews saw that the building project was coming to completion they approached Nehemiah to have a rendezvous on the plain of Ono, this wasn't to be a friendly meeting rather the plan was to kill him but this is the fulcrum point of the whole book. Nehemiah says, "I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?" Nehemiah was integrally involved in the project, had no time for frivolities and even though there were multiple attempts to frighten and dishearten him, he would not be swayed from his course. Nehemiah saw that the ultimate was more essential than the immediate, the essential took precedence over the optional and that the current effort was paramount over the here and now. The job went to completion!! Nehemiah 6: 16 says what to expect on completion of something important, "when all our enemies heard of it, all the nations around us were afraid and fell greatly in their own esteem, for they perceived that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God." While no miracles occurred during this "Rebuild Project", Nehemiah's persistence, attention to his relationship with God and the people's endurance made the effort successful. What is the metanarrative in this story? If you have identified something that is "Most Important" in your life (Hopefully it is Something God Has Laid On Your Heart) don't allow the myriad of daily distractions to persuade you to abandon the course that you know will lead to successful completion, retain your relationship with "Your Lord and Savior" through Prayer, do not come down because you are doing a great thing and read the book of Nehemiah. Some ofit is difficult to read but all ofit is filled with managerial insight. You may be required to say no to some things to complete the important things.

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Trinity Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes

January 13, 2020

Members present: Cathy DeConinck, Tim Bruton, Rodney Boatman, Lisa Castricone, Kim Rivers, Chris Reigle, Pastor Matt and Arda Davey.

Meeting opened 6: 50 PM; Pastor read from Acts 19 and had a prayer.

Minutes from November 2019 Financial Reported but not approved as had not been reconciled with treasurer: Approved

Treasurer Report: C. Reigle Working on final report; will be at Annual Meeting.

Financial Report: L. Castricone November & December reports accepted.

Christian Outreach: K Rivers New Year's Eve Party, 34 attended.

Sledding Party, January 26 at Black Creek Park.

Elders Report: T. Bruton Pastor has asked to interview at two churches closer to home. He will be gone January 19 and February 2, and has been told he will be receiving a Call. He asks for our prayers.

Sarah Moffitt is not able to continue as an elder due to health conditions. She will continue to serve communion at l " service.

Annual report due January 22.

Trustees (Building Maintenance Team): R Boatman Hand Rails (2) were installed; one at the church main entrance door and another at the west entrance door. Installation was done by Residential Railing and Fence Company; total cost $2800.

Batteries in smoke detectors have been replaced.

Halogen lights over Altar Area have been replaced with LED lights.

Starting to get bids for replacement entrance door to Church.

Report of Building Maintenance given at Voter's Meeting December 8.

Pastor: M. Canaday Reviewed Christmas Services. The 4:30PM Family Service had 45 people and went well. Will plan to continue next year.

Ash Wednesday is February 26. Soup & Sandwich will be served that night only. Cookies will be served after other Lenten services.

Concerns about Confirmation Class and Lessons. Will study.

President: C. DeConinck 25 Gifts received for Maggie's Angel Tree.

New Business: Received information on Hearts for Homeless clothes bin. Voted No!

Crop Walk Sunday May 3, 2020

Old Business: Need to form a committee to research Security System to get information on what we need and options.

Next Meeting February 10, 2020

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM with Lord's Prayer

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SERVING SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 2020 Please check your dates carefully and arrange for a substitute

if you cannot serve when scheduled.

February 2 February 9 February 16 February 23 February 26 8:15 & 10:30AM 8:15 & 10:30AM 8:15 & 10:30AM 8:15AM Ash Wednesday Communion Worship Service Communion Worship Service 7:00PM

Worship Service Worship Service 10:30AM Communion Praise Service Worship Service

ACOLYTES 8:15AM Laura Reigle Ali Reigle

10:30AM Nathan Micillo Ryan Nordstrom Shawn Nordstrom Nick Frey 7:00PM Alex Ingham

USHERS Mitch Frey Mitch Frey Mitch Frey Mitch Frey 8:15AM Nick Frey Nick Frey Nick Frey Nick Frey

Chris Reigle Chris Reigle Chris Reigle Chris Reigle USHERS John Gentzke John Gentzke John Gentzke John Gentzke

10:30AM Tim McMullen Tim McMullen Tim McMullen Tim McMullen Brian Miller Brian Miller Brian Miller Brian Miller

USHERS Mitch Frey 7:00PM Nick Frey

Chris Reigle LECTORS

8:15AM Joe Davey Judy Jennejahn Chrissy Hammond Sally Steele 10:30AM Brian Miller Rachel Blank Sigrun Miller Craig Coon

ELDERS 8:15AM Chris Reigle Sarah Moffitt

10:30AM Tim/Eileen Bruton Tim/Eileen Bruton 7:00PM Tim/Eileen Bruton

COUNTERS Nancy Goehring Kim Rivers Cathy DeConinck Tim McMullen Tim Bruton Craig Coon Mitch Frey Ruth Hagmier

ALTAR Della Dusett & Ann Marie Klauda GUILD GREETERS

8:15AM Craig Coon Bob De Vantier Dave/Doris Clement Art Reimherr 10:30AM Ron/Bev Lillie Carole Newsome Allan/ Ann Klauda Della Dusett

FELLOWSHIP HOUR Mary Frey Cathy DeConinck Jodi Blank Lori/Dave Havens

Ginnv O'Keefe




Page 11: The Triune Voice of Trinity - Trinity Lutheran Church · 20 - Kelly Young 24- Mitch Frey 24 - Sigrun Miller 26 - Matthew Green 27 - Kelsey Garrett 29 - Carlynn Gebhardt VOTERS' ASSEMBLY

TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 191 Nichols Street Spencerport, New York 14559

Schedule of Sunday Service: Worship Service at 8:15AM & 10:30AM

Pastor: Reverend Matt Canaday Cell Phone: (585) 730-1183 Email: [email protected]

Administrative Assistant: Susan M. Oswald Church Office Phone: (585) 352-3143 Fax: (585) 352-3172 Email: Trinity Lutheran 19 [email protected] Website: www.tlcspencerport.com