Mississippi "The T ruth Shall !fl ak e You Free'' Vol. 1, No . -4 5 ... at J.ckson, Miuiuippi - Saturd.y , Octcber 20, 1962 1 Oc Per Copy 'Second-Hand Fair' Rejected Ross Faces $100 , 000 FiM For Contempt Thousands Boycott State Fair Silent Streets Reflect Success Tbo U. S. Juslie<• Dcp•o·t· menl has h ked th• 5th Clr· " We dun'! 1111111 too hn111l tulr." "" cui! COI>rl t)( Appcnt• to !me .venr old 00)' '" urh·ruoon. ju•t Covemor !lou B:omoll $100.000 lrkkle or fo l k• here," l'OI1l111CIIlcd 1111 l'lllllloyl•e ut the No'j:o-o p 1 us $10,000 0 day until he lh i• J••• t WN .' k. A II the fl'O\'CI'IIllll'nl murl'e " purges hh;n•ell ol con 1 em 111 lfi"CHt ,,rtol'l lu rlr11w iu ,,.,,., nil oYer tnh•, I h• chnrgos o! to comply rl'lnulued t•m ;tly, muuy I or Mi•- wlth U1e Court's or· IJ<>ycollod thu Udn1Jcr lli- 17 in a ntn osive re - del 's. NA!Ic ·p n t i or no y Mu. jcctlon or t<el!rel(nlhlll. Bake r Molle)' urij<'<i + ••hoo l and bantl- l1\@ Court to j ail both the gov· R A I F rc-qulnod lo mHrch in an ernor and Lt. Gov ernor Paul 0 88 ppea 8 Or day t>n ra do clown Capl · Johnton to r their defian re of Federal Ass a 'stan ce lui Slroetl however, lht tlu· lhe ; .aw. & md those who Jlned Uae1 r M••• Ce.a...e Beab:taMe The fMcrat covcmmf'nt ha nutre.h v. ·ou ld nut bl'cnk lhc boy· Tho C<>W1 h•d ordered Bar· agrelld lo •ave tloo II ale ol Ml•· ooll. W hen th• tlrket o I flc ' nett to purge JWn•ell by ordu- •lulppl mllliono of doll•rs- the opened. most of U1"m ten. while ing aU law en!orct'.meol otrlcon cost of llflln.c: 1, 100 10111 or aome lingered in groupa to •..., and state o!1id1ll to trom a barAC 1unk GO U anyone wauJd to:ntr:;ance- ..,. IIOS&t, ZooctotiYe _,...,, ., U.. Miuiul ppi slalan<>e and interference with feel d...,p In tho MIO•i••lppl at boothJ marked by "Rt> .. for c-ell .. Fe4nateol O .. uludeu , walb a.bea4 .. three James Jol cor<dltb at Ole Jol l.ss , to Ri\ rr , neur Natchn. l'rr•ldenl signs . ,... .. ,...,. are ,-. .. al .... pe t• "'r lotu. Vekr ntJI •· ma intaln law and order on tht'. Kennedy responded lo Gover· J'ri•<lpk• J'rv"" '" lreU.. •••"""- ••• eoo'""'111 klooc ••rrieol loo U.. eampwo and 10 eooperatr with nor no.. Bametl'l plea lor Some d>d 10 ln. The people on Mudsu..l DR!h. eourl olfieon to insure thai federal eld by pledJiiriJI, Sep· l•n• wore qul t'.l , averling lt>eir ------ --------- -----------1 Mo.redlth remau,. a sludrnl , lember 2'1, lo provide all - · "''" from the looQ of U.U..r Group BegiiS Investigation Of Possible Rural Help Tbe JOVe><.nor atlll Ll. Guvet · tiblo aulsto"", IDcluchn• the who walrhed alon1 tbe olreet nor PauJ Johnson wet"e t. hrM uu ol federal t roopJ:, h wa• nol 1 restive occation.. weela aco jud&ed lrllillY or con· <>-v. Ap,..a lt Te K. _..., l' rln ol plu of Necro sc h o o I • tempt of 1M. Cowt 'l orders to The IIOVfnlOr a p pea I e d to lhrouchout the slate "'ere pre• · onlo,llrate the UAivr.r•ily of MlKennedy to drdore " s tale of 1ured l ntn l<'ndina bu.Joads of sis.sippl. However. l•utreme nAIIonal emergcnry. thUdren . Young atudC!11ts who was wilhheld to ,;vr theon llme On O.:tober 10, the rreold<nl wert' drtvorl over 60 milts lro ru to pur llt thom<tlverr ol 1M announced thot Notdtn wao Ruleiah looked rearellul whru Two me.n vl•ited In Jack;on charg-es. a ''major di• • l1cr·• art"' : Lh i• learned that the people or f or ahort whilo Jail Tueodoy lion wu conUnuing db pile eco- mean I that federal fiuld• rwld Jocks on were beycolling th e nomic Intimidations. They aiJIO G<tver .. r o .... ,eo u. 8. be reluaed lo help puy the eowt lu lr; lhoy had given . 1 " part or 1 MUrvey or whot nld thot l hey hoped tho\ Th e JuBilee Department hMI ot the aalvuge operaliOfl. !lOWoil from •chont to allend ti 1eir group ca n do to hnprovt u ....... 1 · • now staled fuU amount of arou" V"': ormu\ C cn1c • . · . . . · · ever. in 1n the llodn't told Ar lh .. nlove-- tht 1ltuolion of the 1 1 1 IU 1 tl the too 000 fine •• jusufied b• or1an •• <0111 I m Ar o >ose · ' Pre•l denl ngreed lo puy the ment to "s lay uwa•." atal e. The t•• men, 1 r 11 d 11 ooc1 c tht amount ot donlDJe--flnan " n aye e an ayw ow>· . · . • totul t08l of the pt •o)ecl, lurlud· AI nne late allernoon urvcy , Hudson and David J,etler, mel tl "W ooc1 1 1 1 d ctal and to the ... "'""' I oca •• . Ins the rcpot·tcd a doy token on c·r wo• oul Ot• with oeverol looden here be· 11 th 1 L. ·bl 1Jruted Statu by the •ovcrnnr 1 ero 1 P a can "" rospon11 e . " ., , fee to the prlvoto coon· Tue•doy, NAACP Slut• }' leld f ore IIOin• up lnt& th o Della lo r drnl lite ' ·g lh .. lo flure to uphold tile low rooter wiih the heodl of looal or n ru.l •n1, · panlea ond th e suiPI'Ios und Secrclury Medgor Eve rs count• 10id Hud. oo. :iorne civic oraan· $(OO,OOO represent• $I O,OOO lor ro•t• ol 2.0CIO Mlul••lppl Na· ed only 200 a\ the Folr· , civic aroups . The l"o are bo"'d eoch day Barnell wno given to . 1 G 1 ,... me mbers of "-••·oil"" Freeiulions. lntere•t ed l.n promot · 1 . e.J r. 11 lb . toonu " "' '' •mun coiled up lo other cltoek• In the cvon.ing 11.0d .. punte ums · · e .:overrlor "u p ur v It e •vo•uulloot 111 an · 1... If' d tl If U dotn, a non·proflt oraanbatlon tnt voler reg;i!trallon, are be· Tefuae 1 to pa)t hll salary and 1 ,. . " 1 nH< "'uy ver 1e ,e e ec ve- d eslcned to u•l•t cil1r.en• who 1 .. , formed in •tot e. (<"••t;..,..i O• P.,. J) ha ve sul fored - - ""' NO o o o 1 1 o 1 o pay the NuUonlil Gu rord I• wllh· "How'• the l"alr1" an ofli · from at1ampt1 to roal•l er and C 0 M M E N T S out precedont . Tho oo•t ol ••I· eiol ol the Ne«ro Foir I!'U ote. va,ee b to totol uu •t aU right ••. wo·ve Operation l'rHdon> w .. or· a million dollora for the fm" a lot ol " " hil>il•- bul we c. anized lor the purpo1e ol II Jr 0.. .... . .... We.tk pcl'iod, don't hove nu.mbrr of J)CO• ai•lint the -1• In Fayette ... ....... ,.. .. +<l.o.e*<>O<I>C>o...,..,..,. Numerous f•'<ler•l plo we usually have." He 1ald and Haywood Coun\iel, Ten·"" andtechniealcaperl»arowork· UU\t had to in· The I I'OUP provided Althouah I complained about losphor the o I h • r day wllo I na under over-all d lroelion of creao& alloudance by offering lollUI to fa r merl and the diffieuhy of llndlnc humor claimed he wu not roncemed o t'Orps t>l Untied Slates Army more prlu: moncy- bullho peo· ahorec.roppera who would not in the critical 1ltu ellon her• in a.boul being up. Ue said F.ngl neera who have •upcrvla· pie c:ouldn't be bought. The of· h ave been obit'. to Jllfl ID a llll utuo ppl, oome &<eat ullre that if man de$0rvrs to live br ory po• •r lo 1nsure ma xi mum (oeial r evealed thatabou\ 211 ,000 crop be<a uae l t..ir eredll woo aPpea r t d In the New York wiU, and il he doem'l, ho ·on'l. ulety. Officii Ia or I he W eather people would norm •lly be 6 cut oil . The preaJure ruulted T imes Oetobor 1 on the whole That is pretty harcl philoo<o- Bureau, the Na.,. and tho De- peeled to allend eo e.h d•1: ol f rom their re&lf\er to Yolo. The meu. The FREE PRESS will pl\y IO Wbll about the partmt!nt of Jlulth t:du catlon p r 0 s, lime. Mr. Evers uti· loonl were uled 01 •· run" reprlnl the column by Rundl claim of lhooe ol ua that feel and Welloro, u well • • ••I· mated that tho boycott was ol m.onry w.til the erop was barBakH' nut week. Readin1 it we deserve. vacc:. c h c.-. m i c al . encin"rina lea•t 10 ";. ove:r· v e:ated. u 1 mUJt. Wate:h for hr and publi c- ht:.1th t::xpcru. arc w. helmin# aurce:is. Most ot Outing the first we<tk lha\ on hand . thou at the lair appeored to be Operation F reedom, whh tho ChoriH UJUI, Columnl.<t ( or Moredr. lb was on the Olr Moo The Air Force R .. ervt a have from Nrl l commu11illos wi th no :;':,'!' th• Jocluon Clarlan Ltd 1 er, campu!l o news photographer rlown In 211 ,000 ... m .. k• • 211ol the boY<ott- lllt -.. who, at llmH can be , uite cauaht a otudent po i nting ot 000 cou and 40,000 blanket. st ate mode a concerted etrurt to ly of auislin& clUuns In Mil· harah. thoucht ol or found • Meredith ., he wu rid In !rom the Pubh e He •lth Service booff" tll endanu o u to i d ol The &roup II partlc:u· pre111 funny joke . When I !old hil e•con car to clau. The pic· Tho Chemlcol CorJ)I lroon tho Jackson. Jar!)' interHled ID the flrml nc 11 to Meredith, he thouaht 11 ture wa• put on the f ront E .. twood Anenol in Mo.rytond Slle..C AtMI Duerte4 population. wu pr etty aood, too. I have to of the Clarion Ledgf'r. In lnUruotlna I<IVcmmenl However, lhl' boycoll was SO ID the MIa sis 11 p p I Delta, compUmen\ htm. 11 Nns like I am qufte sure that that oUiclaiJ and hospi tal work en tucc eulul lluol tbe polke de· oome and waao this: oludent waa most embarrued In IM 1ue or 1•• muk•; they , partment did not non bl...,k lhe eorne ro have been orr the KhruJbcl •ev coiled K«nnedy by beinl pietured lor hla tn tum, are leachlnll othou. olreet whh the wooden hor••• Jond IH>eauao of. their auempts and proudt:r told him that Rus· friend. and the pubiJc at lara• Six 1..19 plone • and lour hell· wh lc h rerouted bea.,. t ra Wc to register. Keller told , " Wo •Ia had put a monon the moon. to see In the aot of pointing hlo co p1era have IH>con made noll· durlnl the 1lx doyl ot the pr,. are lookinl over t he bell woy Jack replled , "Sbucla, that'• fmger at another person. I om ab le ond equipped with loud· ceding White f'o.i r, Few rau we can u•e the ruource1 or nothlna. ,.. juot put a Ne1r0 sure !hat hit mother who, un· pcaken and •lreno to wat'll wert parked along U1e eonpty Operation Freedom \o help tho on Ole Mlu." doubiedly like all molioero, hu lht public In oue the pols onout alrub. Tho park i n, lot at· situation.'' tGUAhl ''it 11 not nice lo point" gu durlna the '"lva3tendonu who hnd aollci!ed PI · The teemed On the "hul" pruhlem of nu· w .. abo . proee•• and lorooo on oviiCUU• lr<l<loRe the week bel ore had lmp• · eued U11t voter re&btl'a• euleMr a country phi· (Oo•li.,M ..t •• •J (C••'I••NI •• Pa11• ') ( C' .. Ii•o..t .,. P••• .11

The Truth Shall !flake You Free'' 'Second-Hand Fair' RejectedMississippi "The Truth Shall !flake You Free'' Vol. 1, No. -45 ... at J.ckson, Miuiuippi - Saturd.y, Octcber 20, 1962 1

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Page 1: The Truth Shall !flake You Free'' 'Second-Hand Fair' RejectedMississippi "The Truth Shall !flake You Free'' Vol. 1, No. -45 ... at J.ckson, Miuiuippi - Saturd.y, Octcber 20, 1962 1


"The Truth Shall !fl ake You Free'' Vol. 1, No. -45 ... at J.ckson, Miuiuippi - Saturd.y, Octcber 20, 1962 1 Oc Per Copy

'Second-Hand Fair' Rejected Ross Faces $100,000 FiM For Contempt

Thousands Boycott State Fair Silent Streets Reflect Success

Tbo U. S. Juslie<• Dcp•o·t · menl has h ked th• 5th Clr· " We dun'! 1111111 too ~ccunol hn111l tulr." ciL~·Iurt'tl "" c•i~ehl cui! COI>rl t)( Appcnt• to !me .venr old 00)' '" Jnck~OII Tue~cluy urh·ruoon. "'rhCI'\'·~ ju•t • Covemor !lou B:omoll $100.000 lrkkle or folk• here," l'OI1l111CIIlcd 1111 l'lllllloyl•e ut the No'j:o-o p 1 us $10,000 0 day until he Sl~l e ~'11lr lh i• J•••t WN.'k. A II huu~eh the fl'O\'CI'IIllll'nl murl'e " purges hh;n•ell ol con 1 em 111 lfi"CHt ,,rtol'l lu rlr11w iu N~llt'tot:. ,,.,,., nil oYer lh~ • tnh•, I h• chnrgos o! relusln~; to comply lfi'ClUtttl~ rl'lnulued vlrlu~olly t•m ;tly, muuy I huu~11111l• or Mi•­wlth U1e Court's lnte~:r•lion or· ~~-~illf!IR t'" IJ<>ycollod thu ~'ulr Udn1Jcr lli-17 in a ntnosive re­del's. NA!Ic·p n t i or no y Mu. jcctlon or t<el!rel(nlhlll. ConOlanr~ Baker Molle)' urij<'<i + lli~h ••hool and cull~g~ bantl-l1\@ Court to j ail both the gov· R A I F •·~rt rc-qulnod lo mHrch in an ernor and Lt. Governor Paul 0 88 ppea 8 Or ovc•ulu~: day t>nrado clown Capl· Johnton tor their defianre of Federal Assa'stance lui Slroetl however, lht tlu· lhe ; .aw. d~.nb &md those who Jlned Uae1 r

M••• Ce.a...e Beab:taMe The fMcrat covcmmf'nt ha• nutre.h v.·ould nut bl'cnk lhc boy· Tho C<>W1 h•d ordered Bar· agrelld lo •ave tloo II ale ol Ml•· ooll. When th• tlrket o I flc •

' nett to purge JWn•ell by ordu- •lulppl mllliono of doll•rs- the opened. most of U1"m ten. while ing aU law en!orct'.meol otrlcon cost of llflln.c: 1,100 10111 or aome lingered in groupa to • ...,

• and state o!1id1ll to c~ase r~ eMorin~ trom a barAC 1unk GO U anyone wauJd '~ to:ntr:;ance-..,. IIOS&t, ZooctotiYe _,...,, ., U.. Miuiulppi slalan<>e and interference with feel d...,p In tho MIO•i••lppl at boothJ marked by "Rt> .. for

c-ell .. Fe4nateol O .. uludeu, walb a.bea4 .. three James Jolcor<dltb at Ole Joll.ss, to Ri\•rr, neur Natchn. l'rr•ldenl l'ruld~nl" signs. ,... .. ,...,. are ,-. .. al .... pe t• "'rlotu. Vekr ntJI•· maintaln law and order on tht'. Kennedy responded lo Gover· J'ri•<lpk• J'rv""'" lreU.. •••"""- ••• eoo'""'111 klooc ••rrieol • loo U.. eampwo and 10 eooperatr with nor no.. Bametl'l plea lor Some d>d 10 ln. The people on Mudsu..l DR!h. eourl olfieon to insure thai federal eld by pledJiiriJI, Sep· l•n• wore qult'.l, averling lt>eir --------------------------1 Mo.redlth remau,. a sludrnl, lember 2'1, lo provide all - · "''" from the looQ of U.U..r

Group BegiiS Investigation Of Possible Rural Help

Tbe JOVe><.nor atlll Ll. Guvet· tiblo aulsto"", IDcluchn• the who walrhed alon1 tbe olreet nor PauJ Johnson wet"e t.hrM uu ol federal t roopJ:, h wa• nol 1 restive occation.. weela aco jud&ed lrllillY or con· <>-v. Ap,..alt Te K. _..., l'rlnolplu of Necro sc h o o I • tempt of 1M. Cowt'l orders to The IIOVfnlOr a p pea I e d to lhrouchout the slate "'ere pre•· onlo,llrate the UAivr.r•ily of Mls· Kennedy to drdore " stale of 1ured lntn l<'ndina bu.Joads of sis.sippl. However. punishm~l l•utreme nAIIonal emergcnry. thUdren. Young atudC!11ts who was wilhheld to ,;vr theon llme On O.:tober 10, the rreold<nl wert' drtvorl over 60 milts lroru to pur llt thom<tlverr ol 1M announced thot Notdtn wao Ruleiah looked rearellul whru

Two me.n vl•ited In Jack;on charg-es. a ''major di• • l1cr·• art"' : Lhi• tlt~y learned that the people or for • ahort whilo Jail Tueodoy lion wu conUnuing db pile eco- mean I that federal fiuld• rwld Jocks on were beycolling the

nomic Intimidations. They aiJIO G<tver .. r o .... ,eo u. 8. be reluaed lo help puy the eowt lulr; lhoy had b~en given . do~ 1" part or 1 MUrvey or whot nld thot lhey hoped tho\ The JuBilee Department hMI ot the aalvuge operaliOfl. !lOW• oil from •chont to allend a~d ti1eir group can do to hnprovt u ....... 1 • · • now staled ~e fuU amount of arou" W~hu V"': ormu\C cn1c • . · . . . · · ever. in 1n unu~ual mov~. the llodn't ~-n told Ar lh .. nlove--tht economl~ 1ltuolion of the 1 1 1 IU 1 tl the •too 000 fine •• jusufied b• ""~ ~ • or1an •• <0111 I m Ar o >ose • • · ' Pre•ldenl ngreed lo puy the ment to "slay uwa•." atale. The t•• men, Rl~hard 1 r 11 d 11 ooc1 c tht amount ot donlDJe--flnan " n aye e an ayw ow>· . · . • totul t08l of the pt•o)ecl, lurlud· AI nne late allernoon •urvcy, Hudson and David J,etler, mel tl " W --~ ooc1 1 1 1 d ctal and otherw1~one to the ... • "'""' I oca •• • . • Ins the rcpot·tcd ~1,000 a doy token onc·r •·h~l wo• oul Ot• with oeverol looden here be· 11 th 1 L. ·bl 1Jruted Statu by the •ovcrnnr 1 • ~ ero 1 P a can "" rospon11 e . " ., , fee to the prlvoto •• 1••11~ coon· Tue•doy, NAACP Slut• }'leld fore IIOin• up lnt& tho Della lo r drnl lite ' ·g lh ·~o .. loflure to uphold tile low 'lh~ rooter wiih the heodl of looal or • n ru.l • •n1, · panlea ond the suiPI'Ios und Secrclury Medgor Evers count•

10id Hud.oo. :iorne civic oraan· $(OO,OOO represent• $IO,OOO lor ro•t• ol 2.0CIO Mlul••lppl Na· ed only 200 ~ople a\ the Folr·, civic aroups. The l"o are bo"'d eoch day Barnell wno given to . 1 G 1 ,... members of "-••·oil"" Free• iulions. lntere•ted l.n promot· 1. e.Jr . 11 lb . toonu " "''' •mun coiled up lo other cltoek• In the cvon.ing 11.0d

""~""' • . . punte ums · · e .:overrlor "u p ur v It e •vo•uulloot 111 an · 1... If' d tl If U dotn, a non·proflt oraanbatlon tnt voler reg;i!trallon, are be· Tefuae1 to pa)t hll salary and 1,.. " 1

nH< "'uy ver 1e ,e e ec ve-deslcned to u•l•t cil1r.en• who 1 .. , formed in th~ •tote. (<"••t ;..,..i O• P.,. J) ~:'.;~~;~~·~~. 7:d:~a~·~~:s~··~~ ne••0ov~!~-t:.r!•,·~~:~~=:· have sul fored ~tconomloally - - ~ ""'

NO o o o 1 1 o 1 ~ o oooH-~-••1• pay the NuUonlil Gurord I• wllh· " How'• the l"alr1" an ofli · from at1ampt1 to roal•ler and

C 0 M M E N T S out precedont. Tho oo•t ol ••I· eiol ol the Ne«ro Foir I!'U

• ote. va,ee alon~ b expect~ to totol a11k~. uu •t aU right ••. wo·ve Operation l'rHdon> w .. or· a million dollora for the fm" ~o\ a lot ol " " hil>il•- bul we

c.anized lor the purpo1e ol II• J r 0...... . .... We.tk pcl'iod, don't hove lh~t nu.mbrr of J)CO• ai•lint the -1• In Fayette ~ ... ,..~t+HHH_..~.._,...., ....... ,.. .. +<l.o.e*<>O<I>C>o...,..,..,. Numerous f•'<ler•l a~tnrlu plo we usually have." He 1ald and Haywood Coun\iel, Ten·"" OtOOOtiOOIODODCOOOOCIOO~e ~oeooe~ootttOat~ andtechniealcaperl»arowork· UU\t lh~ ~olate had tM~ to in· n~••ee. The I I'OUP provided Althouah I complained about losphor the o I h • r day wllo Ina under over-all d lroelion of creao& alloudance by offering lollUI to tenan~ farmerl and the diffieuhy of llndlnc humor claimed he wu not roncemed o t'Orps t>l Untied Slates Army more prlu: moncy- bullho peo· ahorec.roppera who would not in the critical 1ltuellon her• in a.boul being blowt~ up. Ue said F.nglneera who have •upcrvla· pie c:ouldn't be bought. The of· have been obit'. to Jllfl ID a llllutuoppl, oome &<eat ullre that if man de$0rvrs to live br ory po•••r lo 1nsure maximum (oeial revealed thatabou\ 211,000 crop be<auae l t..ir eredll woo aPpea r t d In the New York wiU, and il he doem'l, ho • ·on'l. ulety. Officii Ia or I he Weather people would norm•lly be 6 •

cut oil. The preaJure ruulted Times Oetobor 1 on the whole That is pretty harcl philoo<o- Bureau, the Na.,. and tho De- peeled to allend eoe.h d•1: ol f rom their re&lf\er to Yolo. The meu. The FREE PRESS will pl\y IO re~. Wbll about the partmt!nt of Jlulth t:ducatlon p r 0 s, lime. Mr. Evers uti· loonl were uled 01 •·run" reprlnl the column by Rundl claim of lhooe ol ua that feel and Welloro, u well • • ••I· mated that tho boycott was ol m.onry w.til the erop was bar• BakH' nut week. Readin1 it we deserve. vacc:. c h c.-. m i c al. encin"rina lea•t 10";. tfl.,cllv~_,an ove:r· ve:ated. u 1 mUJt. Wate:h for h r • • • and public- ht:.1th t::xpcru. arc w.•helmin# aurce:is. Most ot

• • Outing the first we<tk lha\ on hand. thou at the lair appeored to be Operation F reedom, whh tho ChoriH UJUI, Columnl.<t (or Moredr.lb was on the Olr Moo The Air Force R .. ervta have from Nrll commu11illos wi th no

:;':,'!' .~~~-~·;.,~. rport~,'~: th• Jocluon Clarlan Ltd 1 er, campu!l o news photographer rlown In 211,000 ... m .. k • • 211,· knowledl:~ ol the boY<ott- lllt -.. who, at llmH can be , uite cauaht a otudent pointing ot 000 cou and 40,000 blanket. state mode a concerted etrurt to

ly of auislin& clUuns In Mil· harah. thoucht ol or found • Meredith ., he wu rid in~ In !rom the Pubhe He•lth Service booff" tllendanu o u to i d ~ ol •i~>ippl. The &roup II partlc:u· pre111 funny joke. When I !old hil e•con car to clau. The pic· Tho Chemlcol CorJ)I lroon tho Jackson. Jar!)' interHled ID the flrmlnc 11 to Meredith, he thouaht 11 ture wa• put on the front p~ao E .. twood Anenol in Mo.rytond Slle..C AtMI Duerte4 population. wu pretty aood, too. I have to of the Clarion Ledgf'r. In lnUruotlna k~y I<IVcmmenl However, lhl' boycoll was SO

ID the MIa sis 11 p p I Delta, compUmen\ htm. 11 Nns like I am qufte sure that that oUiclaiJ and hospital worken tucceulul lluol tbe polke de· oome 1har~eroppcu and waao this: oludent waa most embarrued In IM 1ue or 1•• muk•; they, partment d id not non bl...,k lhe eornero have been pu~ orr the KhruJbcl•ev coiled K«nnedy by beinl pietured lor hla tn tum, are leachlnll othou. olreet whh the wooden hor••• Jond IH>eauao of. their auempts and proudt:r told him that Rus· friend. and the pubiJc at lara• Six 1..19 plone• and lour hell· wh lc h rerouted bea.,. t raWc to register. Keller told, " Wo •Ia had put a monon the moon. to see In the aot of pointing hlo cop1era have IH>con made noll· durlnl the 1lx doyl ot the pr,. are lookinl over the bell woy Jack replled, "Sbucla, that'• fmger at another person. I om able ond equipped with loud· ceding White f'o.ir, Few rau we can u•e the ruource1 or nothlna. ,.. juot put a Ne1r0 sure !hat hit mother who, un· •pcaken and •lreno to wat'll wert parked along U1e eonpty Operation Freedom \o help tho on Ole Mlu. " doubiedly like all molioero, hu lht public In oue the polsonout alrub. Tho park i n, lot at· situation.'' • • tGUAhl ''it 11 not nice lo point" gu escape~ durlna the '"lva3• tendonu who hnd aollci!ed PI·

The ~rcsl'l\tatlvea teemed On the "hul" pruhlem of nu· w .. emb~trrossed abo. proee•• and lorooo on oviiCUU• lr<l<loRe the week bel ore had lmp•·eued U11t voter re&btl'a• euleMr wur,ltllc~ a country phi· (Oo•li.,M..t •• 1'~1• •J (C••'I••NI •• Pa11• ' ) (C' .. Ii•o..t .,. P••• .11

Page 2: The Truth Shall !flake You Free'' 'Second-Hand Fair' RejectedMississippi "The Truth Shall !flake You Free'' Vol. 1, No. -45 ... at J.ckson, Miuiuippi - Saturd.y, Octcber 20, 1962 1

p ... 2

Editorial Page


Oxford Minister Speaks Out On Ole Miss Mess

An Oxlol'CI pa.11tor, The 1t.,vct­end Dunean Grey, Jr., pa&tor ol tbe St. Peter's Ep I a co pa I Church •poke out his lcellng• 8boUL the Ole Miss -Situation to a na lion·wide televia:lon audi enc:e. rn ,response to D TV new&· mn.n's question~ Grey Jtpoke eontlde~tU_y ond conc;luly In the short lnle•rvlew. H@ seemed to convey t/le •l.de or Mlssls~ap­plans lhat had been overi.ooked or evaded by most o! the pre~~.

Saturday, October 20, 1962

Cllllllllllllllllll'!ft ~ Vot.r Ra&istratiotl: Cl- Up ~

~ ~ressures ~ ~ The te.riea, .. cttll.e.n -,;duc.ation Wo.rks:bop t .. is be:Jnr ~ ..:: lern,.rorli1 distGUtlnueol. There hU hun a creal deal ~ ~ ol JJUbllc-IQ< about ll•e youn1 , .. pie who have been active ~ ~ u ..... ,boul the .tale In voter ••••• t ... tlon tampoUJIIO. "' ..:: .,;:~ mu$t Mluls:slpJII aewspapers, they have- been eon.Jidered ~ ~ as I!JIIalors. ~

The FREE P RESS h .. riven one of the sl\tdenls ol .,;: .,;: Professor Librus, an opp<>rtunlty to tell through his -per· ~ ~ •onal expulences. The student Is Cltades Cobb who h.. ~ ~ spent •overal weeks ill the Mlssls.slppl Oe.ll.a. ~ ~ By Chari .. Coblo .,;: -.;: Fifth ol a .<e r ie• ;,

Clear The Debris especially the loco) papers. As the white ~ommunity be- proven to be true. Grey slated llrst lhal he ond <>ome lncrea•lngly aw11re of th.e A lady canting to ber homa,

A great deal of attcnl!on hail been given lo the hort·or of many others recogni~e, "This voter registrotlon •llods ill on the plAntation she wo•·ked, the Ole Mis~ riots. Thij fact thnt th&-sltuat.i61) was brought is the low." Be- ·felt thai what RuleviUe; they began applying a.tte r a registntion attempt, t.o ita hideot~s o;Umax because of \he efforts of the stnta of- wos the lnw mu•t be obey~d pressure on the 'Negro commu· wu met by the plantation own­ficinla wu the poin~ around. whic.h mo;ot people rocused their But. he went on to point out, nlty In an ertort to o.llscournge er. He told Iter to withdraw her andncsH. Although this ~inly ia cause !or great sorr~ that c I II~ ens "wont•• and portlclpatiJln lo the voter regis· reg Is t r a H on applleallon or nnd J)llints a pitiful picture of the state's future, there is "•hould wont" to obey the lnw LraUon projeet. These preasut-es le8ve the plantation. lit added another point w)lich makes one regret the l\fisslsslppi cri8 ia: ' 'A Qualltled Nell•<> • tudent has were. nod "'"· being applied that even if -She dJa withdraw the economic e!fed it undoubtedly will have on the state. the right" lo attend tile Univer- I rom a level as blgh as th.e Iter oppUcalion, she still mignt

Our state is a. poor ~tnte, the poorest in the nation. With s ity of Mi .. i .. lppi. M11yor of the town but coru.ist hove to leave. the economy of the nntion switching (or having switched) Reverend Grey emphosited mostly ol tbrea_ts. Tlu! people How did the plantation owner almost entirely from agriculture to Industry, we need indus- thai lhl~ right stems nol jusl who a.e reaJJ;v a!leded by these know so Quickly that tbls lady try to pro~pcr. The horrible puhlidty that rrumlted from the lrom a leitoJ bulila del'ivod from pressures, are the people who made • re.claltation attempt? Oxrord ~tituntlon will not be Inviting to new nod needed In- eonstjtuUonal interprctalion, Uve o.n th~ vaci.ous plant~tions. Did the reglstrllt telephone the d bul fcom a monl ba,ia, •• wo!l One cltLZcn, actIve tn the names ol the people from 1\ule.-

uslry.. • The rector made Clear th•l he voter registration campaign, ville maklnc the registration 0-1-IL 1R lromc thAt the mlln who rnn for governor on a Pl!'t- realized that the problems ol wa.a told by a pollee oUieer, tempt 10 someone 111 Rulevllld

!()rrn that stressed lmprovmg the eeonomy by encoun,gmg breaking dowo the barrr.,.·s ot "We gonn~ see how llcM w.e Thl; Jolly- did not withdraw mdu~try to move to ~lul.'!lsslrlpi Wl\.8> also the mnn who, once Ignorance built up over teniur~ can n1n~e it - goon a make 1t her applieatlon. This lady djd ~lected e~u6ed th~ state to become a very unwelcome place ies io •·not a simple problem. • lu•t as bght as we can-conna ru>t o\a.y on the plantation. tor new. md.ustry mdeed. But h., made eq_uall:• ct~ax to be ro~c.h•.~· rougher lhan you Two otllcr people h.ave been

Str1fe 18 not a healthy climate for Industry. ArklliU!liS, the 1nillions o! television view- thlnlnt ••· thrown oU thetlr plantations. whkh K!"eatly needed new itldU8t-,y, waM nolnble to get any ers. "It -eould ·have been han· These words were soon Five people hAve lost theic maJor [trm to move lnloo the •tate for several year• nft<~r dlcd better." He cUd not state l-------------1 the resilltanee there to the Jo"ecieral Court order inteiJratin~ whether be meant by thai Tho 1'RJ!l& l'li-ESS ~•• ropeiJOt· lobv•· • • 11 Little Rock Central High Scbool r.onJtafter the toe us of the slatemt>nl, the- pa rt ~! Slltte ol· •" • ... ,.u ,, .. , ,,.,,. ••• •I lA• bav~~~e:'::;~~t=ed~ or k e r. 11ewa hod /011r0tten the angry mob~ taunting young:sters liS tlejols who arouaed the people JMk••• <lllili<• ~r~hid 0PI"'I•ffll Two gids bave been ahot. they tried to get an education, indu~Jtrialiats remembered- to mob fren2y or deeision to fort S•h•rduv. II'• irwito ""' m•d· All of these people have hod .od •tayed away sen~ In p d 1 tr 'rl' l:o drOw tlittf,. o-."' c:61tdu•4'o••• " . ..._ . "e era oops. a direct or. lndl'l"ecl (and tome·

Unfortunataly, the snme reaction must be expe~~ted from Symbol 0 1 Lawle .. n~•• •• to "'Aot '••• 1>1""'· - 8 d• timea a ve.ry remote) . conn~o-tlle ugly fiAriiUIII! in our state. The nation, the world now Is ln his sormon two Sundoys p 1. Sl lion with the voter registration lhaklng ita head at the thOUIJht of M.l.ssi~ippi. No l'O!IJ?OIIRi· ogo, Grey told bi.s congregation 0 ICeman ays drive bl Ruleville. ble- investor is goinll' to brinK hill dollars here. Any industry that the Unger of blam.e rests Negro Motore"st We have been uainc Williams tha t e11me now W()Uid be demon8trallng its aupport for ~lie upon the itate leaders who al· Cbnpel to bold e It lz en • hi p ,overnor. That type" of lndu$try will be of no j)enefit to the lowed the •i~uolioo to build to M COMB Ml ( lal) schools, and man meetln.l(s . .. tate, fo_r ira iilellll will be AS backwards aa thO!Ie of the $late Its dnngerous propodions. In A ~licemn:. sh!:·; if:;o m;. Th.e Obnpel n<>~ived tll.e !ollow· leaden. Such industry will _ be oom·ing only to exploit the his $e<moo h" "rated. "Who torist to death here early today ing letter lrom tho mayor of <:heap lnbor and will not add to t he economic trrowth of the oould really bl~me tham (the when the man aU.acked h:im Rule-viUe: etate. •tudents) w~en ihe g~vernor with. porkellmifo, Police Cbiet It haj! been broughtlo OW" at·

What we must str ive to do now Ia to 'take :po~itive stePI! of lh". slate ham seU was 111 op,en George Guy a ald. lentlon that you a•e uting the toward creath.,. an atmQSphere that will invite re11ponsible ~cbe.llion ogdnst lhe low, •,pvz · . building located on the North • d t Th -'-I . .. ... •·-·· . . t h . I l lng •Y1'>bol of lawlesancu? Tbe c;J'Ief su.ad Eli Bnuntie\d hoJ! of Lot 8 Bloclc 6 of Pililey·s '" \18 ry. !I P""' em 1". ,....,&.,.,appt are more . an raca~ · n As part of his television ln- ot n.earoy ~t1lthall Co.unQ< was addJtion to the tovm of Rule· ~aet..the ractAl problem ;8 prlmilrily due to the 1mpovertshed tervlew, the dJgnilied pastor shot by Officer B. F. Elmore. ville, Ruleville, Mississippi for condition of th~ state. We muMt do everythln:;t we can to II'"'~ his viewpoint ot the ~tu· The sh~tlnc occurred at 4 purposu other than w 0 r • h; P make our, state a Image appear other than that of a wnr d~nts- role In the rlotlnc thai a.m. on Higbway 08 when Ell- services. zone-whaeh It !a no!'• . took plac.e In hls normally quiet more slopped ~rumrleld lor This property hos heretolor"

Elsewhet;e tn th1a. paper I& an ai"ticle about Con1Jress of ooll~ge town. H.e felt that most apeedillg. Gey !aid the Negro lieen exempt from tl.lxes and we Racial .Equali~y, and !t& atl.cnwts to a:et mauu£ne~1~er;s t? of the damage wa• •·urged on jumped .tr0 !" bta car with "" have furnished you tree water. apply econom·tc 110nchona aga1n.~t the 11t.ate of M••dt~lppl. by outsiders." He noted thai open knate m his hand and a.t- 'lou an hueby nolltled that They hope that the preasure brought by t hese sanctions will "many (o! tbe students) were tacked the ~f!~oer. you a1·e not !u rnlahed tre• eaul!O J:>cople to bring the atnte officials into line. At first at home." Apparently h<! meonl . A e~roner • Jury ruled Elmo•·e water and yout•exempUon as re-alance, !.hill aeeme like • fine idea. Bu.t upon ijome refl~t.ion, eilher in their dormitorles or, tared m self defense. ligious property wiU be eon-we que11tion (ta value. lor those who had lett the com· cclled.

In the lftoat place, It is likely that mnny mnntt!aetu~rll pus earlier because it was a the raets, and btTVe thereby You.u YUY truly. wiD hesitate t.o do bt11Jlne.'!l! here In Mlssissippj, even with()ut weekend ond vlolenc.e wa• pOa- helped to provoke a ,...,._raJ c. M. no·rroug'h COR.E's encouragement. But thi~ Ill cutting down t he alrendy •lblt•. He reaitrured the nation state ol eontusion, alarm. and The. pressure tbat u J>Ut on D'W!AI!et commeree now taking plore here in the state.-trnde. o.r the responsibility o1 most misdirected wa·alh." The state· Negro citizens who try to ex­whieb i• so desperately needed. In the •econd place. it is not Amerlcun college und unlver- men! went on to stale lha~ lb" erci.se their rights. Is out big­until the people of Mi.ll~i!lt'lppi, C)·( both rnces, rAise their sit>; 41udento by sayin~ that the professor~ wen In accord with gest obst'Ocle. When we ask 0 atandard of living t.hat they are going to be able to CI!Cltpe actaons oJ a smnll mmorl!y o! the _Jackson busines.s and pro- Neg<o to reglsler, we-.are ask­fi'Om the grip or pOlitical bolosea like F:nHtlantl and BarneH. the students wns not repreun- les.,onal men who asked the inc him to lay "ver¥(hlng that We do not betle~e that th_e population at lllfge would be tntive "o! the •tudcnl bodleo 11ew1 m~ia to "ret111in from he has on the UM in !lie hopes awa.re of sneh ~onomlc pretl!lure~. but would only 311 rrer tUl- netlons and teeUng•." lhe pt~blicatlon of lnfia.mmalory that it enough Negroes follow knowingly becaulle of th~ reduced nmount or ~onomie netlv- _The eourageous •tnnd tuk~n stateme~ttt." The teach~t• uid his exa.mple, what he atonds lo ity in the state. by .Reverend Gr.,y u-aa. not at that lhey hoped the university ••in In the future, will be worth

La"t week we editorinlly endorsed the boycott o·f the aU .n a atmosphere o! d11ng:ree· could return lo nom1al so that hialmmedlato losses. Negro Fair. 'By d(>ing thi~. we kcJ>t 110 money out of the ment. Another Oxlord mlniat<n, It •ould tnke up the task ol do- And It i•! alate· we ml!r~ly ~lll!ll"CAt~d that Negroe.\ who spe:nd nlme>st Reverend Murphy c. Wildt ha.d ing con1truc.tive work. Next Week: VIOLENCE

II f •th · • h l • , ' d l l " 31•o chnstlud hla congr•gaHon • o e1r "!"I!,C.Y '" I c 6 nte un.1 Will, not •1•en t 8 8 sec· Col their to$ponse or lack or re-ond-liA!Hl f~lr.. • . r •JWnSe to the eritl¢91 situation

Ml~~l.-~tP!)I needs ntda,.t r>:· Mi~~tAoippl n<!<'(IA mmtey. \1 e He said in hl~ •ermon of t"·o are poor. We m~~! do e\"C':l:lhtnJr In ord~r t.o. n>:tke our gJnte weeks ~go, ••W• wrr<> oilcnt a IJOO(I I> I nee to 111' est. A mce i>lnce for ntunr). wbt•n we sbo~tld b~~e •pok('ll

;.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=;land lnn1.'tl\'e when we should hnvc moved .• , " nnd k•pt lhe sltunllou fr·Onl renchillll the MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS

Published every SnturdJ•!' by the RICo Publl$hink Com)Niny, Inc., 1263 Vnlle,y Street, Jackeon, Mi$8i~~l)lpi, Phone FL 6-7345.

PubiiRhed wookly In .Jft~k~on, Mis$iUippi. l•:nter­ed as second-dn11s mnttl'l" nt the rG.,t orfiac at Jnck~on. Mls"iss:lppi.

Sttb(l<:riptloll prke: ,4,0C \'>l!l' ~-~nr- ,2.50 tot· ~ill months. Ten cent.~ per copy. Editor ............... .. .......... . l'h:arlcs L. Butt~

point that It did. In addition, the Chopl~r o1

the Am~rlco.n Auoclotlon or Univer3hy ProlessOI'~ al !he Unlver~ity ot lltlui.ui ppl, who •r• a l$0 residtnt$ ot OXford btmed u •latem~nt lhal dlrect1) diu~reed with th~ governor·~ ottcmplll to put lhe blan1o on the tcdernJ marshals. The •late-m•nt abo ;oa)d. "'Some now• media In MIS$lUippi have eo· trrtalned Irresponsible and sec•

To ~USSISSIPI'J FREE PRF.SS 12S3 Valley Street Ja<·k~ou. ilfl•~issip))i

Please find ~ndosed ~htck or money order !or :1-$---

to pny for 12 months ( ) at $4.00

or for six -month3 (


City Zone Stale Ci:r<ulntlon Ma.nagel' ••••• • ••• • tlt>wey R. Greene, Jr. Mai'IJIJling Editor •• , • , ••.••••. ••••..• L\1()' Komi,.ar

und-h•nd •toties in dillorllng l'------------------------J

Page 3: The Truth Shall !flake You Free'' 'Second-Hand Fair' RejectedMississippi "The Truth Shall !flake You Free'' Vol. 1, No. -45 ... at J.ckson, Miuiuippi - Saturd.y, Octcber 20, 1962 1

Soturd.ay, Oct~r 20, 1962 MI SSISS IPPI FREE PRESS

Studenta Slww lht ilnte " '11,)'. lie noted that U; • d N . A .d many Of Lfte li\udt"nt• " 'el··e Q\lltC n t +e a t'.fo 1l ~ Desire To Accept "u''"' ,. •r••plthe •lluotlon. ,_~ , ns t S .lt'~an

Althouah tht M 1,.1.,1 p p 1 On the ••me television '"""' • , • dail7 papeu havt attempted 10 I •enlor otudenl. claimed that! This Is"" '"""'"" • ,.,. ortltlt Indicate lhal a I<UI deal or •he loll ttnJion 11111 uml!d on ee the ,rohl•nu el or•rW IH'I<o. the •orld'o pocplt. Tht lntor- voluo of the U.N. It lh>oe 11 11 a at rile remalnt on the Unlvtr· lht campuo. Whcn .. ked it 1he The U n I Ud N 1 11 on • •••!:~;~~~~lAbor OraanoUIIon Is foNm lo chstli.U our ditferenuo ally or Mlululppl rampu• u thouaht there mochl be &n) formed in Sin Jl'ronr .. <'O, Call- of croupo ouch •• our woth ~r notions ... f .. • war the rerult of Jam•• Meredith'• moo o vloltnrt' "llh Mctcdlth on Comla, in 19M 11 the rl""e of Jl'edtrotlon of wbor· 11 thrutfned. Row co u I d ..-o prc~nrt, rnlll)' rtporU IUJIUI lha ••mpu•. a~<' ••kl that u j World Warn, the mo•t lettlbl• ::;;::,:--:of lndu.trlal OtUlll· lOin duputH if lhe Unitcd No• that lhl• tlmpl1 Ia not true. The lhet·e "u It •oukl be "!rom and duiruni.-e ••r .,., fouahl ·•· .... (AfU10) • hI r h Ill• 11001 mcluclcd on1J pooplf who oplniont of the Oovernor ore outtldor~." She al.o sal<!, ··wr b7 m..... n now ondudtl •~• ~--;.:,.moot or tlw labor uruont llrH wtth ua! thai normol Wtll not roturn to hope 11 •on't r-om•.'' t ,...Prfletlati•·" of • v• ~ ... t'OUnlfJ The lt..O aida 1n oddolion, tbote wbo ollad< lhe eam pu• until Meredith lo A• loi••cdnh ""'"" hi. tl\lrd •bo ha.-r iolnl!d toCelhor ~to!.~'.:.:~·" bl' OHiuftJIOiartiiUard tlw UN. falql7 l•bt-1 • .-.. ryono removed, The JetkiOn dill I~• ""''- uf rla.u• th sa.,' ~& cuwrah«tli I .... ~" bHdom to orllf\11~ lnto bod U S ha e 1 ~ hi ' • <.tmpu. rrom lh4! ......,,. of wor ariel OA """'""' ariel b) "'"'"• •l•ndardl "

111l,...• "''th llw · · U

v perpe rat-- t 1 0p1nlon tc:me ••• dtfJJ11tdy rt-lumm.a budd pea.ce baHd 4.11\ l.1• ,..,:: (If hourt. •••~• and .... r'"'Y fM a Commun•.-•. thu•. the-7 d.e· The nun1ber of Ole M1., Slu· to normal T'ho.e at!Jdt-nu •ho jw:bt"• •• ~-~- v.orlt . t"lare thou 1\~Ulf'ili are Com·

d~nte who have aho•·ed •Jcn1 ol •• ,,. not ,.., .. , to artlfP( bUD W · J . Oft• u1 lhe m 0 •• ampurtenl nluoi•t•. Th~u c:ou.ntrief. how• approval of Mttodilh, h•• ron• mtrely •1notod ~~~ ptbftlce U . ~•y. O<tob<'t zc.- part• ot th~ Unlltd Not io n• ~·••· mtrd_y don't wunllo s:<>t t~antly 1rown. 11 lew d•>• ar- Tho •ncrtuin~ number ,.bo nil!" Natau d17, rea.bntf\1 Ch•rttr 1o lh• Un·•tu#l D«l#• mvul•etl on '"" Cold War bt-­tube Haa-a eaun1 an the u.nl· w.trf' rt.ad) to lr'ff"pt b1m .. _.a ;:' Lr~~ to .!f ~buuorh ~~ rahon ot lfuman Rl~thll •hh.·h h~e~n tht- U S. and Ru-t~i:)l ; vers:ity flftttrla, • t u J en l• reUow .ttudff)l. tho•t'd mo~ u:arub the wor Pea! .. ~ aueru the tqualhy and broth• th~y ebo otl«.!n dit~:n~r"C!e "ith chose 10 sit neor lum, ond in ob••ou•l1 the•• rt•P«t ond ac- m .• n!.,_ 01mtem~~:,' :;:· orhood or all m•n •t•n¥ rhll· lh~ U. S un the •ub)ect or co-some ~•ar•, sat •hh ham. On ltr-pt•nrt ot h m l'anu.a

1 thert9 ''!.to•-· "''- dren ln the U'hh~ Stalf'J ha\lo lonlull,atn uud w;•nJ ull nadoeu

n.umeroua oc:culona, ''~•nu -o--- :~~ me on Y tb:a~~ ~ .. ·;· .... :":: taken thll df'c1ar.-tion to hfurt: to b .. • 1mh•t.w:uJrnl riJthl now han Jhaktn hi• band lnd lntro- R ~-~;-it ~~·-. .. .. ~:: thoy hnn b~l(un • lrlldlllon ur Tho·~,'""' .u.wk u ... neutral• duced themRivca whm lht¥ OSS Faces $100,000

1;: a "lhr•at

10 Amerfoon .AU. , collotllna Pt,nnl~• lor UNil'~:~·. r.,r lh • u•<' ful•r ond mo~lud-

~countered him The JHr•na fi f ( .. Howe.ver , .. ., .... , the Chlldrtn, fo.,uml, when they lntt luAh~ nnly tHt'an1 to <tlnnder and ht'Ckllnc hu almoat rom· lilt Of onftntpl , ~~~;l,;,ut"wtu.tt~ P:~po•~ or P!•1 "lrlck.or tre•t" on Iloilo· nntlooo• "'lh 1llrl•·•·nol vollr•~•. p)ettly aubladed. (C••n,. .. ,.., bt~~tt 1'"11" I} the U .. N. ls: or what it does. "c-cn. The liund bl'lnMf fvrwt und t\l f' llltt SomC"thlna El.se

An Ole ~na• atudtnt , •ho prOI)Clrt1 ruuld be anached. A I II mecllco l •••• lo ov~r 53.000,000 identUied hlmaelt •• I South· r• ns t unre.r • mol her• nnd chlld•,··u In IOU ~ "~ e hn\'\! .!tl'~n Ln tht\ pot:o.l

B'JmtU.'I ttttOl'nfiY _,1id Oc· ln addltioo _to the G~nert1l A a· rount rlc• row we~k.-, nwny ~t• hO\Vf" ~mer, told 1 lelevlalon rtporter ..... embl nc:1 lh s "t c · .... 1 am arateful for the r-..••r'"l \oV'IJr 2 the\ 1he IOVtmor wae s Y n e cc.u r• Y ouu . No WW 111 s. u~ntfrnt•y to 1 h nut "'<O\lCr·

""' • , .. dy to r 0 m p 1 y w 11 h tho d l wb.lcb debate problorna ol ~IRIII.I'" "'"'" th~y _.,. o·•·•ll.r marsha Ia and troops.•• Tho ltU• CouH"I Ol·dera. U0\4'(1\'.,r, on o~: world pe-nce-, the U.N. includt• Of COUI'ft, I he mo•t lmporhmt ("OIU:'€"11100 nt:k.ml I 0 m ~\hInt. dent admitted that he did nol Iober 12, he dcol•red that .. Bn~- a number or humonlt•rian ft lld Job or the United Nnllona huo ••••· II ""' nolllln• or lh•• world repruont the IJpleal Olo Ml•• nell would d~elde which ordou cooperative agencies dedic#lcd been to prevent 11'~ ootbt<uk or or~ to ll•r tn,elhcr on ...,a...,, studt'nt, bul that he "knew be ~>anted to obey. lo Improving the li••• of peoplr • 11tlrd World War. Yrom th• lhev ntu•t ·~"" lo di<t''"• and .some othera·• who ftlt much - throu,hou1 the world. For e x· beJinnlnt or 11' extwh·nr•. lh('l romprmnl .. , tht•tr dtf(rrf"nct•,: ;==========:;;;...-=:

1 r;;;;. __________ .;::;l ample, the Food and Agrlrul· U.N. has •<ted 10 puwcnt '"'" 11 the only ol h r r oltenutl\r u

COLliNS SHOE SHOP turol Organitolion conduct• re- moUiary orllon• h·ooft bc"eom1n~ ... r und clrodnwiiOII In <pll~ ul aearch end e x p t-rIm en t 1- larre acale war•. Yrom I&.4J to the tart lh .. t mo~n7 Amconeotn!4

112 I , Joh11..., St. h 1 ~ IJIS4, II cuarded Or....-r't north· G

--~ ~I-t lta~c: nc for Lle.r _aeect.a, ... _ bordt.ra \0 prev-t outold"' Uvfo tn PO~f'•ly. thfo Un•t•d , .. .,._, "' a .. aolppl fl~htona buas and plant dJSeaa.,. ~·icl"

1 •• C ,~·

111 • Statu I• • >try pqvol.,ted na·

•w S.ll N SNic • 1 b 1 r 1 ·•- a o ... e ommun ot ~:uer •• "'AU. •WOIIt< ;;~CO" - o e P arm era M-rease "~ ticblin.a tt .. ere. WMtt 1M ••· hon: •• .- u~·l'luh vi , u h ontut af

Jl%4 W"la.idi_.d MUJ 1 .. 4 ============:!l:~~:·m~oun.~l or food lh• 7 can , ~~ dte r• of lndta and p 1 k f 11 a" rf'IIOUrC't".a. ,. broad C"'lp.ln-~ or !:;:;=:;=:;=:;;:::;:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;::;::~~ auee. Allhouch llw U nl '~1~-·- 0ct>llnlovrrKaohmlr llw fotllle> lond ond tho lllmt• or r Staid p rod:UCt:l 50 much Cood I ON .. arra, td • t u N ~·pitt from ~, .. .., co-c••hnt"'1'1t In

J11W SMACIOYU CAR Riddick's Or.g Stele lhot il defl<'oyo or atom ··u;; h~lp. prtvtn~l!d blood'::i •h<n tho ,.n•kl, •r h ..... '"'" h•thr•t

.._.,._ ,__, llltPIW, 1..-o tlllnb or the_. lndonesl• bee .. ,. lnd.-pmdmt llvtn.C alo..Jonl on th" •o r ld . • It A.._ I - ,_~ J,.JU4 ~~of the •orld 10 lobed~~ lrt>m thO! Dut<h. Armlollc .. llo .. .-v<r. ,,.w monv nation•.

CO...Wwoe4, MIJ&, ~:!' •••r1 nlthl. Tit. • nv •creemmtt ""'"..., IJrael and "ho "'"'" pr<vo"""l1 •·untrulkd

~:;;::;;::;;:z.:;;:.;:,.;:'~•;:••;:•~· ~0~·-~:;;::;;::;;:M:::=:c;J~t~J•~·='~n~•~o.f~i•~ .. ;,::=~l::r"1:''"""~.,1 ·uJom Crom. H.ua&u. c..~~ tM Arab• were ua.e reauh ot by We•tern t"OOQ.nlnf1J. ho~vt" bfo-. ' 5 ' Is worlnnc 10 101"• ""' United Natlooa etroru In IIIlO- • 0 "' e 1"'1~11"ndmt •nd 1 h ~ • world food problem. Sl,lhO! U.N. sent troop• to South wanl th• •nm• blah llandonl•

l'w R••ltlo Kana 1o r rpell Communi ,1 10 , that mon1 h<!ro M)01 h I• un· FUllU PIODUCTS



....... fL I·UIJ

A to l h f' r •cmcy. t.ht World vad~r• from the north fortunat~ tbat ,.omf' Pf"''PJ~ '" Htolth Or••ruulion. tu.lpo co•· the Unii...S State• ttfu•e '" ••· ttnmfl1U tmproore t.h.etr pubJit" Owe De~t Te U.N. kno.,lrdae th~ir ,, • ._pun••biiU) M:aJth Hn'i«t .. wuo abo doe• U ll dear Lhat aU or u. "'" • to mnnkind •m(l runt l n u,. lc-r.tea~b • .net provklH dMlora •. areal dfl)t to lho Unlltd Na· •hovt "MJ\Irrf'I.Cn" "'hln t h .. y

f1. S ....... 1 - J ..... M,_, Lrlild •• o.Jw., ,..._,..,. IO na ''t dJ..UUt':l IUC'h II ma• UORI (Or all WCCfatful tfrorla rrhlly nH•An "•ttff~h .,

!:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;:;W:=:=:=:=:=:=:==:====~I I•rla ariel tu.,.reuloal• which of. 10

old the -•• or I he ,..oriel!;;:=---=--===:.:::::::~, r ;; nlrt thounnda or -le In AI· and to pre .. rve world pence. ~ .. 0. · • • rlr• •nd Aalo. The United Na-

1Then, what do the Qttntks on Ul&tCIIATCMll IIPAtllO STAMPS' AMIIKAN

savta. STATION 2• HOUR suvt<:t

JAMIS DIY alANIIS tlon• Ecturollonal, Se1enUI1e and 1111'1~-N._ ~oan7 F'lul, tncml<'' Cultural Oraanoullon I• .... onl( •or. e u .. O<'eu•e it or boinA a world-wide eompalgn rot ·iree Com m u n lal-domlnAlt<h thoy 0 n d rompullory ed u e 0 11 0 n 41110 a<ruo• the neutrnl nullon•

Drai11t's ........... Senk• ·s,., '" .... d s,, u. •

a.. ...... .. .....,

c..,, • .,.,, •I

Ctt. Sealla Crtcery I Manti filii DCUVUY

1211 C:..O.. - 14 2·U74 CIIIIHVIUI, lo41JS.

H I ..._ St., C...nllle ,_ 10 . .. ,. ..

,.,..,. 11\10 McMUlEY ,..,IICftt

rl S-17 SO- Jock .. o, Mlu.

• •here It dou not exist. ,.. or belna Cummunlot. or cou •·•~ BeUer Trealment ther e Drc Communi it nntlonli Jn t U 2

The countrlu ol tho United tho U.N.-II lh•o·o w•re only

.4;,. c.-4h'-•'•• - •••"•"•••­•IHI ll•P••n

c ....... St .. Jed .... .,.,, ••

Nations nre ~oncCI1tCd o b o u I cnuntrl"• wh l•h •«••"" "'''~ the FL 2-290J

rai•lnc tho 11 vlng •l<~n•l " r•l• ft' 0U~-~S~·;• ~~h~•~n~l~l ~w~o~u;l~d~b~e:Ju:•~l~H~t~t-~;;;;;;;~~;;~ •· i tftor m I I I Ia r .Y olllanc~. , ,,.

Summers Hotel IOIINSON SHOE 51101'

~~~iii II ,., 0.~ ,.._ .....

1641WW!floWMI .. a...t s~.c:.-.

·- wltlt '"-- ...... WI s.-.._p-. ' It w. , ... rt St.- Jado­

FI 2-1405 w n 1 usu KOUEG£ KlEANERS OilY CUANING


., ·~···-111 4 lyiK·-

fl2. U11

J-. ...-. -·DAY JUVIC-

,_ ,..,.., .... , ... ,_, ........... FRfD scon .. ,.,. ... ,...,...,

1114!!1 Ly,..le s.­O.or Cellep Kle_,

r... ... nu - c;a t.-.--t .....

The Security Lift lnura~~ee Co. H- Office-Jac•-· MilS

Ttleplt•••: R 3-4954 - 1321 l JIK. St.

A•11•cllt Irs Co,. '-•I ~vi« Ctlll• flf/e 'tlkies

$lSO.Cl0--S300.00-SSOO.OO !'lens Ate A•eilob .. Ftt All Atu I To SS 0. Eiflltt Who .. Life Or 20 l'tJniOnt lift.


.~--------·~!:=====~;=====~ SANDEIS 1

<111..,,J.LJ,' > ~ppcn.tl ~ c- '·"'· .. ...__ ~~

-fm hrtll(- ~ Pl s_.•71

-----CENTUl ~

METHODIST CHURCH ~ soo ,...,.._ Fam-. St. - J.ac·••- I

• ••· £. A M•J" ,_uer / w.m..;,. I

II .,. • ·· .. 4 7 f • ... Lo"t. S~•d•J ~ .s .. ..~ ... , St-... 1 , .,. . .. .. '

WY'F MeeU.• J :ot &td~ ~.uul•f I

JONES PHARMACY ,. a.t~ . ... ,., ,. •• ,. , . .,,.

o..IH 1-eJII


' " ...... ' '"'


• t '· • ..~.,.~ ,_ •• , ,.,., ........ J U rOUttn' STOUT

CLA .. UIALI. lo41SS.

r. l....._: ~-·• ... u, • .......... n-,..• - t:s~r, .. t•,•


1253 Valley Street '•tt.f'•t '"-"• fL J..OJS. ~ ---------- '-------------------------.J

Page 4: The Truth Shall !flake You Free'' 'Second-Hand Fair' RejectedMississippi "The Truth Shall !flake You Free'' Vol. 1, No. -45 ... at J.ckson, Miuiuippi - Saturd.y, Octcber 20, 1962 1


Pas• 4


MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS Saturday, October 20, 1961

Editor Of The lou Appeals... Meredith Jacksonian Report• D 'I N 5 re.,.,;~..,d , •• .,. r•u• J) On. Peace Assemblv

Ql y eWS ayS tlon. Army tru.ck• .,.., in readi· on a ,Recently a Jacluon re1ldent, 'I Don't Know' ness h> lran•porl residenta to Mra. Clorle Collins Harvey, re-

H As B R 0 u c K I:IEliGHTS, safety l! nec:ell!lary. Weekend turned (tom a trip to Nl'\V York N. J., The [lrst l:ndlvidual to Mr. J••ne• Ward , edllor of Governor Bamctl'$ t·epe«led whco·c she spoke bclore 11n a:&•

a<tuully opply C<IHlomlc sane· the Jockson Dolly News. lr .. oppculB Cor fedcrul ~••i$lbncc sembly ol women kJ)own as the tlol) nguin•ttht #l•tc or Mis•l•· been critical ol uln•o•i •II or ore In •harp eontrnst to his re· La•'l week, wWio the new8 Women St<ike Cor Pe.ace. Mr•. •ippl. ho neeordouee wit]• a re. lh" nalle>nni new$. mediA be- eenl • n Ill' Y dcnunclatlon ol media dld not know wMre Harvey r"ported on het trip to eent ly luunched CORE coa;n · cuu•~ ol the slunl that lbey \Vhnt he e~lled iedcrul inter· wa• spending the weekend, the Accra Assembl>• In Accra, palgn Is u toy mlutufutturcr huver wlu!n they c:uvt'!r ~vents in fcrc.nce jn the OIC! MiKs intc· Jame)J Meredith a•Wucd with Chaf!ti, at whlch she wu one who contributes te> COrtE UJ1d ~ta•sl .. lppl . Mr , Wurd •llowed gruiiou d(•pute. Even th~ Cl•· hi• "'ife. Mary, und his two· o( loua· American observers. She b u member ot its Bcrg~u hlnt~ctr, ho\n·vcr . lo be lnter· rlon·LcdgC!r pr-lnlt'd an A.fC•Qt:l· year old son. John. Considering was among lSO women rcpre.· eoullly chapter. vlew<-d by nne of II••• • " left- u.te<l Prcs~t dIs P u' tIt which the ordeal that he had ~en $entlng 43 oalion•.

He ill .lohn Jo•eph, po·osldcnt wing" pub!ictotiUM. lhe United mcuning!ully pointed out tho( through in the Jan two weeks /lo part ol her report Mr•. ' or B;~r-r l:tl'()(iuct..s Con'lpany. Fie St~lC'b New$ nnd World Rc:port. lin• bppe~tl ror «<id CUJnQ ollrom ha Jookcd aunu?.logly tre$h. H:arvey .stated, ''The pur~e ot

empllttSh~(.od Uu;u he wuuld oo In th~ lntcrvit"-w, Ward w;ut M.ississ lppi Gov. no:;s Betrne.tt , Corttrary to the dim view that the A a c r a Aa,sentbJy wa' to

I II I orsked , if " the Hllu~ tlon in Mi•· who i:o d .. r •1 n., th• r~·r•l loc.lJ segrogulionist papers r" n. lh• lre.h o1Iorts o.l (non-

on~co• I oa'deo·~ iu Mis isslppl 1 1 1 i • • ' e • ..,.., h " " h i • ..., - etlher rclDil or wholesale. ,. .ss p~. " gf)mt:; 10 huvc ;my cou.t'L11 to ~nforce ttn o&•dcr to ove a"""ut n u.cceplllnce, he bli{t:.ncd and non4 governmentuJ) 11 oLiwr fie•n'IJI would t:akc ;;1n1i· ht#tlng ~ffects ls' the Suulh'!" udmh u Negro \1,) Lh\) uU·whUo rceh• that. the atmosphe.rc at men oC good.wiU C.\'el·~-.. ·whcL·e, tur ou•lion. JoRcph pointed out : Htf'l: reply· wos, "' ll'l h rtrd to t:ln1vcrt~lty ut Ml~shntl'ppi." Gle Miss 1.$ deUnlle.ly tmpro\~· 41. C:ro:;;s aJJ lines o[ nationf race,

);>U,Y rlghl ,,ow. Yt,u know, a·c;; 'l'he "Ov .... tnot ""••••d ho' ;r, op- ing ond the num~r or a;tud@!nl~ ulusJ, coJor and ca·eed . to find ••surriciunt toc()ntunit- prctfNUr\.• 1 c ~t u 8 " ""t "' h 1 h' would be gcu~•--aled ta eau!!ic UtiOJUf oc WN.•.tl It twa rjJN~~ pos ltlon to rcdel'alnc:tlon oo lhe w om \C can ro ·unt u;; 1$ WBYi and mca.ns of endlng the

;.re pn~Uy ten$r . f \hink il will t.b-a·y lio"t. lloo nootl"n"l ~cwcrn- trfttl\d~ i:i hlc.re.asing. dead.loc-k b••o£-.. re lbc p(.'flple of Mlosissippi to de· , 1cmond h I w • v u ~ B h' • k ' v Jlland thnt thr oUlclul<& of ll1eirr' on w ctacr- Lh~se out .. nlent hus oo ability to o:Ct wilh· t~euus£! l iS: wnter riows the l:fOieidal arms ruce leadJS h') stnto ttb)d~ bx tltc '"w" o_r tho II s''lfit u iOr.J. kt~p floekJ.ns: lnlOi Old !!ipcrHiC uulhorHy (rOfn the the kind of p ttcs:;ure8 that neWS• atomic "Dnnlhihation:· hmd." ,e lulc: · Con~titution. Rt! apparently men cun ~Ontttautly put upon a Liai5011 To U. N.


Commelffs • • • (CiJHiifiJ4t.CI b 'OFM t•~pt~ I )

Jn o h~tter to lhC editor or the NATION mpgl)~irte, 1J wrilt!.r poloted t>ul that Barneu, lund ond thei.r coho1·ts were p~u·tie.uhu·ly concer.u:d u b o u l the lOUt umend men I, but .Scl•tncd lo have no regard tor the n .. t not the lihh, .. ,. writ· er ~ u tr g e s I r d th•l the IS!h nmendment be pointed out. thct~c pe'Ople-. Thoy are -o tc.•rl!-~lt..od in itatef!l' .-rjghts, hap• they ought to he~oon.e Cn· mlllar wilb th&et amtndme.•lt " 'hich might l>o culled state•'· wrong~ A!'nt:-ndmenl.

• In a lluo article. oHo in lhe

NI\TION weekly, a ~li•si~sippl newspaper edllor w.rolt" about ).fi.tul1st~ippi w1de•· th~ UUe, ''De~ ludcd end Still Dl'li~nl." He ended the ••·Hole by aaylnc. '"All wns once Maid or the Dour· bona ol .France. M'lsslsslppl has demonatrated it n~ve.l"' forg~ts the past ond nevel' lrtu-ns ,from

CATCHING'S GROCERY , .............. - sr.. c .....

INS--Joo-. Mloa.


f U Nortli Pari.a. SU'HI

h e ...... M.iel VL ) •Jlff

JENKINS CMF SllV1CE .......... s ..... ,

'" hH'II•• $(,, Ja" .. ._


10.e -· St,. J .. - . ......

w ... w,.: ""'"'"'Tw,..s-..,. lt :OOo, oo, M4 6:10 , ....

t"ASTQa') 'HON£ fll. 1:- \711

·SUrrln~r ADd Ev•rythlar ' vi~cd this doclo•ino wheto he figuo·e lll<e Me,·odilh. be did not Sho •l•o repol'ted that the del~ When tt!«l<t'd ir ot.ll siders ~o1/c~rc \!.~ired the p,·eglchmL (or help. want to flaunt his advantage llY egatew at th~ t'onfe.t·e:nce spent

~uu comlng 1n. he rcpJit-d , Bun](~tt nl~() revc.wsed :t inter-rogAting hhn f(w a }'lot a a•·eaJ dent or time cocl('e.rned •vrhCL•t ht,IYC b~cn some 11tu· ur"C\ie:ul dj:wpprov-ul 0 c ¥lory. A'!. a t"e!l.utl this J"eport wilh thr problem• su.rround1nc dents from Northet·n unh't•l•ii· gCJvcrnmcml #pending by has liule m.u .. e 'o tillY lhan t.hal u1e distru_$l and suspicion be· tic• hci·e •II summer. nn~ quosti.ng that tho gc:oveo•umunt Mr. :Me a· c d it h loo!<.l ln goc;d tw0en the U.S.A. and the Soviet tht!y'v" been ,.win~ urnund and p"y tbc lull co141 of lhe 00,,..,,. Jshape, h~ s-t:iiJ is a v;ery plea8· Union. She 1SOid that the :a•se.m .. &.iirr:ing lbcs~ t'l)lored pt•oplo tlon, j11cJuding salttriet Na- ant person 'ViU1 Wh()-m 10 spcoru:qbty was able lo 'Pass utoocrete u,p and doin1: Mil kind• or m·· lionE&I Ctutrdsmcn tnllcd up; :tn uftc•·noon im1l ai he wa:s be· rccommendotlons and sp.l!cUie gunb;.:HiOnlll W()J'k nnd t!Vbi'Y- lhis hns never before occurred rare betomi.ng a world figure. proposals" alter several aaya Uting." i:n ow· nation's hlsto•·y . ll Although Lht~a·e tuave ~~n ot djscu,.sion. She to I d the

.Latcu- he w-n .; questioned o~ be noled that. the governor Pt!-.. ted clo.hns by hilS antago- fREE PRESS lbat the. Accra. to whnt the c:OUI'liC: of lntC'J:r .a- wt.~ut lO we.Leome fede.tal lMO· nif;ts thnt he- s.eeks pubUcttY, .II Assembly wou.Jd be a continumg Lion in the publie achooJs. wouJd ie-~ tor purpoNcs he approves o!, v~ras c1ear that he was body that would become a liai· l>e In Mi•~<i••ippl. His answer while serving his • ·con~litutlon· pl•""ed lo bl.' away f'rom son with the United N'al.iono. wus, .. J don't know.'~ a l altnck•'' 00 federo.l inter-ven- Umellght. He: i" looking forward Some o[ the propoJ·ats pau ed

.fu IU\S\\'cr to whether thel'c Uon and u.ll!l:i~tance tor gortls: he to the lim~ wltttn he ..:an be • by th.e Assembly were: uhhnately would be inteJ;rP- as a~nln!it. student a ll week long. To mobilize public opinion tor lion, htt ta,.:aln suld, "' I don't Tht- governor's adions ln thl" flt' feel• that. this muy not ~ B. wo·1'Jd without the bomb. lc:now. You're Just going to wait Natcht'.z t!dsts, so c:.onro•'l·ent too rn,· uw~y. Tu prepare and convene. fur-und •••· Hit 1~. It wllJ prob;obly with hi• attoc!<.l on federal ac· -<>- ther eonfaa·oncc< In other cities bl.' lor~ed. Juwt like thi~ one." tion in tht Meredith OMc, mAke LETTERS TO THE ol the world .

}II$ ••cply to what wiU hoppcn it clear II out the i•rue has been M.r~. H • r v e y opoke abou t wh"n it l• forced wa•, " W.,ll, pu1·po•ely cluuded. The QUO$· To The Edator; Chona, the country In whleb the sir, 1 don't 1mow.'_' _ _ ___

1lion herr- ha'~ been, Dna will Mo.y 1 congratulate you conJerence was h~ld ... She •aid continue to bcf .intcgrolion- nol your ~plt!ntlid pape~. You lhal Afrlc•, w-ilh its red c.laY.

it. .. federal interventi.on. rouraaeous-your writers and teeming millions or warm, --<>- line, Thoy are doin.c a l.rlendly P<WS>Ie. h .. four bule

1 "'"" t1ckJed by the Dolly State Fair men· d"ble J'ob. need& whid' must be ,met l:n or-• ' • • der to d.evelop. The Jackson

• •

News Cartoonlol attcmp!J< to 1 do hope UaoL your paper dr•.w b cartoon of Jttn\ao Mere~ (C,. tl•"•M ,.,..,. rov• I) cont.lnue to be published. Pl·caooel woman report e.d that these dith. It secm:c thnl he hod no also gon@ home. Strc~l.d which., 8 ...,11d me a y(\.ar's •ull>oc•riootioon l n e c d • art: •~Freedom lrom com·cption ol how to dru.w u lo yenrs past, h• ve be"n for wltle.lt 1 om enelo§ing lou rear, better health, dedlcaUon. No~o-o. The ben h<- ~ould do jan\med with people and auto- d II lll:ld better life. ror wonten~' She wolf: A pittui'C: o r a somuone mc.bHes wet·e sllent and nearly Ql ~~h you Juc.c.es11 J You pointed out thal .,A world wil)t• with • c•·cw rut •nd drorkcn hi~ l.t,,., .• ,,eo~. all.,•tltl• lo the uni\v d , , k out the bomb can turn Its think• ., , omg an Jmportanl 1a-s • j•n• •nd r.onan~es to t.he solution Cot.•c. and de:terrnlnation of the Neg-ro S'on•or- ' e ......, _J_. " -============::;! · " c.tY yours. oC thtue p L·oble.ms.u ,.. peoplt' o[ t.tl .. i,sippi l:n their Mary C. McLean

unyiolding ~truggte oguin•t ••c· SpTlnglleld, Mo•s.


,...,. , ,,.,_ S,Mu l1 O• r lt• tl •• ,.rl4•1 ,.,..,,1'1 ..

ew- .......... Il l,...­J.clt- FL 5-Mts

...... , .... ··'"' "'"..:·-

Pr••tt A•••&..•u ...1 ,,.,,.,.M Sn-•-IN

fl•t~•rr• f .. r all Or-t"4•,._.


JOT A••• An ... ca.~t4 ... t• "'"· •• , .. , . It,. t. Dr-1"•,

0 .. • H 4.J M11•o1_,H

r_e=g=a=t=JO=D=.=========il 1'1und: lfOII .. W~ ~rrtn/NIJI •¥JJfet r""' t1t kftp eM p.tblUit iitg. - A'd.

--o--To The Editor;

After Jooklng at a re.uenl D I L 5110£ lEPAIR

L C. COJT Allfo Pam .w4 Gewerwl ltplllr

....... JS2-J712

L,.... A U 'lk:a, J .. ~..-""' ,~ .. , . .,. •• , SH.r 1(,.J,

10!$ Ly• clt si.- YL t-Uil

eopy ol the 'FREE l'.RESS, l l';;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;~ ant proud that t.here I• still a l i voice of reason and s.anjiy in

:===========:;;:;~~your hotbed. Bo.lng a Southern· er my~eU (a Te:un), and oven thoui'h I am of( In a North~•·n groduatc school, my he a r t yeorns In ulfony lor my people of the South. Keep up your good WOI'k.

R. D. IDIIIm Plea llw1 a.,.1r Senlct

2139 , ............. .. FOR PROMPT S£~VtCE:

C. Joel- PL 5·N26

Collie's leallfy •'"' hrNr Supply

6 1S No. Farloh Street

FL l~l2U

AIMI"I RtfriiiiAtiM I Appl;..e ~ ~r~l ~,,u •• ~ ••••­

All W'•r'A Gr..r .. tH~ 1J.eH-,.St­

fL 1-047

,,......,_, ., eolLlru.

Wells Furniture Co. Hotel Plazo IIOOMS WITH lA Ttl


Funeral H­•u H . r.,;o~o "·

J .. - • PL J .2JJ'7


" Terms Will Fit You"

I DIAL R 5_78431409 Noeth Farish St. . . Jacboa, Miss.

Eo/ward 0. Cocftr..,., Prop.

JOI W. - St. --· ...... Phofte GL )-9912

LULAIIW'S fASHION CDUIR ""-~_,,.,_, I• l1U.11••

IH•II l't••rJ,•• U 71 Ly·ec .. StrMC.

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