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Keywords and phrases That Could Pull Website Visitors To Your Websites

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  • The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org


    No part of this publication may be sold, copied, distributed, decompiled, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or digital, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

    Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

  • The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

    Read This FIRST The Ultimate Backlinks Report

    Here are the facts. Backlinks will ALWAYS be a part of search engine algorithms. The more backlinks pointing to a website or article the better it ranks. More HIGH QUALITY backlinks pointing to a site is even better. To top it off whats even better than that are .edu and .gov links.On-page SEO plus backlinks equals traffic and cash. Plain and simple.

    There are many things about internet marketing that I enjoy, but theres also things that I DREAD! If youre anything like me youll optimize your website or article the best you can on-page, then comes the part we all dislike with a passion... Finding all those damn backlinks needed for that spot in Google.

    Buying backlink packets from the Gurus was effective to an extent, since backlinks will always do what they do, which is increase search engine rankings and Page Rank.

    However after probably A YEAR OR MORE always stressing about where to get my backlinks and spending crazy amounts of money on various services and backlink packages, I finally cracked it

    I stumbled across something I didnt think was actually possible. I didnt EVER AGAIN have to wonder how to get that next 1,000 high quality backlinks to bring my sites up in the search results. There was no longer any question about where to go for the absolute best backlinks possible.

    That source just so happens to be.GOOGLE! The Ultimate Backlinks Report will unveil a virtually INFINITE source of high quality, never stale, always updated backlink sources that were always hidden from your view, until now.

    This is EXTREMELY powerful stuff. I suppose Google will just love me after this

    So without further ado, dive in and discover why youll NEVER BUY A BACKLINK PACKET AGAIN!

    Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

  • The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

    PreparationInstalling the essential plug-ins

    Before you get right into it, I highly recommend you install a few Firefox browser plug-ins. These are what make this system complete SWEETNESS. You'll be able to evaluate the strength and value of any potential backlink INSTANTLY using this precise combination of tools.

    The plug-ins

    NoDoFollow The NoDoFollow plug-in will allow you to instantly identify any link on a page as no-follow or do-follow. Awesome tool!

    This plug-in will automatically highlight DO-FOLLOW links as gray, and NO-FOLLOW links as red.

    CLICK HERE to visit the plug-in homepage and download this free.

    WebRank SEO Toolbar The WebRank SEO Toolbar will display a toolbar at the top of your browser containing vital page information such as Page Rank and Alexa ratings. This will help you evaluate the value of each potential link you get using this system.

    CLICK HERE visit the plug-in homepage and download this free.

    SEO Quake SEO Quake will display various search engine information within the search results. This includes Page Rank, Alexa ratings and incoming links. It will allow you to sort the search engine results by Page Rank which makes it a very handy tool. CLICK HERE to visit the plug-in homepage and download this free. **Use SEO QUAKE at your own risk. More about why later on**

    Those are the 3 magic plug-ins. The combination of these free tools will allow you to immediately evaluate the value of any potential backlink. No-follow and Do-follow links will be identified and Page Rank will be displayed.

    So without further ado, take a dive into The Ultimate Backlinks Report.

    CAUTION: What youre about to discover is very powerful stuff!

    Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

  • The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

    The Ultimate List of .edu and .gov Backlinks

    If youve been in the SEO game for a while, and Im sure you know the true value behind a link to your website, blog or article from .edu sites. Heres how to get them.

    Step One Head over to Google.com and make sure your plug-ins are installed.

    Step Two Copy and paste the following search string into the Search box. COPY AND PASTE the following text EXACTLY. Leave all spaces, commas and quotation marks as they are.

    "powered by phpbb" site:.edu, /forum

    That should bring up something like this. See below.

    Now that my friend is a list of 21,400 potential .edu sites to get a backlink from. **NOTE**SEO QUAKE is not installed in this image** Use SEO Quake at your own risk! Google doesnt like SEO Quake, when using these search strings. You may have your ip address temporarily banned from using their search engines for the possible submission of automated queriesTheir exact words. Use SEOQUAKE AT YOUR OWN Risk with these methods.

    Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

  • The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

    The next thing you want to do here is find forums whose links are public. If your link is not publically viewable after you make it, it probably will not get indexed, making it basically useless. Heres how to find out if a link will be public, see images below.

    Step One Visit a forum, and find the Members list.

    Step Two Click on a users name to view their profile. If you DO NOT have to log in to view the profile, its a public link. If you require a log in to view the profile, the link is not public and probably wont get indexed.

    Step 3 Now once you enable your NoDoFollow Firefox add-on, any link that IS NOT highlighted in red is a DO-FOLLOW link! Winner winner chicken dinner.

    At the top of your browser, the WebRank SEO Toolbar you downloaded will display this pages Page Rank.

    Now heres a couple variations of that search string for EVEN MORE .edus.

    "powered by phpbb" site:.edu, inurl:/community

    Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

  • The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

    "powered by vbulletin" site:.edu, inurl:/forum"powered by vbulletin" site:.edu, inurl:/community

    STOP Go try it! Now. Minimize this guide, copy/paste one of those strings Check out the results. Then come back. I'm trying to get your mind flowing again.

    That probably sums up a list of .edu sites youll probably never have enough time in the world to get links from! Use your imagination !

    You can easily find .GOV sites this same way, simply by switching out the .edu, with .gov. Remember not only are you finding government and educational site link sources, you're ALSO identifying DO-FOLLOW links at the same time using the magic plug-ins.

    Get creative with the URL, and powered by portion as well.

    Try,powered by smfpowered by phpbb

    You can also find other forum or discussion platforms which have something in common. Just scroll down to the bottom of a forum and find the powered by link and use that in quotes during your search.

    Don't think that FORUMS are the only form of .gov or .edu site that you can interact with and create backlinks on.

    Some may also have blogs, article directories, wikis, and more.

    This all gets a little deeper with more variations but I'm trying to get your mind going. Think /blog or /wiki etc.

    Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

  • The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

    The Ultimate List of Blogs to Comment On

    Once again you're going to use a particular search string in Google which will give you a nearly infinite list of RELEVANT blogs to comment on. With your installed plug-ins you can identify high page rank do-follow blogs instantly.

    Relevant backlinks are not only good for SEO, but can bring great traffic as well.Dont use this to spam sites, but rather to provide value to their blog in exchange for traffic and a link.

    In the search string below, you may change out KEYWORDS with the keywords youre targeting in your backlink campaign. Change KEYWORDS and nothing else. KEYWORDS may include spaces.

    KEYWORDS powered by wordpress leave a commentExample

    Affiliate marketing powered by wordpress leave a comment

    That should bring up something like this. See image below.

    Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

  • The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

    Alternatively, heres a couple more search strings you can use for commenting backlinks. Example

    make money post a comment site:.edu

    STOP Go try this one now! Copy and paste it EXACTLY as above.

    Use your imagination here.

    What do most websites you can comment on have in common? post a comment leave a comment reply to postpost feedback etc..If you do this search without using your target KEYWORDS, all backlinks you receive will not only be less valuable and irrelevant, but will also be at risk of being deleted and having your site marked as SPAM in Askimet.

    Try to stay relevant and add value to sites you comment on at all times.

    Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

  • The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

    The Ultimate list of Free Press Release Sites

    Press Release sites are KILLER for SEO. Write one or two good releases and those bad boys get syndicated all over the place.

    Simply do a search like the following,

    submit press release news freesubmit press release now news freesubmit a press release news freesubmit a press release now news free

    One page of results is 10 or more potential press release sites for your website.

    The real deal maker in using these strings in Google rather than for example, me just providing you a list of press release sites...

    My press release site list could get stale, sites may become inactive, the resource list would lose value, etc. Using these search strings your results are always CURRENT and ACTIVE.

    Now try this.

    Note down all of the Google results that fit whatever criteria you're looking for in a press release site.

    1 Head over to iWriter, order a press release for $5 or so.

    2 Start submitting it to all these sites! Or head to Fiverr and have someone submit it for you for another $5.

    Now THAT was an EASY blast of good backlinks wasn't it?

    A massive list of free quality active press release sites, a cheap press release written for you, and someone to submit it for pennies.

    That's what I'm talkin' 'bout Willis.

    Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

  • The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

    The Ultimate list of Free Directories

    Simply do a search like the following,

    submit site directory freesubmit a site directory freesuggest site directory freesuggest a site directory free

    Every set of search results that arises will be a list youll never even have the time to submit to.

    One page of results is 10 potential directory submissions for your website.

    You can also try,

    submit site free directorysubmit a site free directory

    Some websites offer free directory submissions, usually in exchange for signing up. I wouldn't use your personal e-mail address for this.

    To find sites like these try,

    free directory submissionfree submission to directories

    Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

  • The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

    The Ultimate List of Free RSS Feed Submission Sites

    Simply do a search like the following,

    submit rss feed add rss feed Submit an rss feed suggest rss feed

    Why is it so important to submit your RSS feeds? Because it can not only ping all of your URLs in one whack of a submission, but sites that store RSS feeds will automatically update whenever you add new content to your site!

    That means every time you add new content to your websites, all of the services that are subscribed to or reading your RSS feeds will result in damn near immediate indexing of new content AND potential backlinks automatically depending on the service.

    One of the first things you should ALWAYS do when you start a new website (especially if you're using Wordpress) is submit your RSS feed to as many websites that accept them as you possibly can. It will give you a killer head start guaranteed.

    Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

  • The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

    Search String Variations

    Im sure by now youve begun to see a pattern. I dont have to say much more. All interactive sites have common and shared phrases within them.

    Many forums have the powered by BLAHBLAH at the bottom.

    All sites that you can comment on include post a comment, leave a comment etc.

    All sites that you can submit an RSS feed would include submit your rss feed free or some variation there-of.

    These Google search strings are an absolute gold mine. You now have the ability to mine into more potential backlink sources than you'll ever in a million years have the time to even outsource, let alone do yourself.

    By finding a common denominator within any group of backlink sources you can use these search strings to grab a virtually infinite supply of them.

    Here's an out of the box example. I came across MicroGroove sites which are mainly for fans of bands and groups. Within your user profile, you can leave a comment in your profile for a backlink.

    The search string for that would be

    KEYWORDS powered by microgroove site:.com etc etc.

    To state the obvious, within any of the search strings in this report, any top level domain will work. .edu may be replaced with .com, .net, .org, .us etc. Thats a lot of backlinks.

    You can even take advantage of answer sites such as WikiAnswers, Answerbag and ThriftyFun.com. You might use one of the following search strings to find answer sites like these to leave links on.

    Teeth whitening post feedback site:.comMake money give feedback site:.orgLose weight answer question site:.net

    Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

  • The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

    With those search strings you can find potentially THOUSANDS of open questions just waiting for your answer. That can drive some good traffic too in addition to your links.

    Its even possible to find .edu sites to COMMENT on, rather than just for profile links. Your search string would be as follows.

    KEYWORDS powered by wordpress site:.eduKEYWORDS leave a comment site:.edu

    Youre still following the pattern I presume. Every search string youve used thus far has displayed to you a list containing tens of thousands or more HIGH QUALITY, high page rank, do-follow backlinks in seconds. All with free tools.

    Do you see the power here? Again here's a quick recap

    If youre looking for article directories, part of your string might be, submit your articlesubmit an article

    If youre looking for press release sites you might use,submit press releasefree press release submissionsubmit free press releasesubmit a free press release

    To find RSS feed directories to submit RSS feeds to, submit rss feedadd rss feedSubmit an rss feedsuggest rss feed

    If youre using any of the Firefox plug-ins it is very easy to attain high quality links very fast. Using the search strings alone are one thing, but being able to distinguish page rank, and dofollow/nofollow will help you be more productive, and have better results.

    The possibilities are endless for anyone from self proclaimed backlink experts who outsource it all, to marketers who prefer to build each one in their spare time.

    Ive saved thousands of dollars, and risen entire pages in Google after learning how to implement the information within this report.

    Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

  • The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

    Sell YOUR OWN Backlink Packets And Conclusion

    You've made it this far, and you're a hell of a lot more prepared to start building backlinks in some serious numbers now.

    Im sure that by now, youre probably no longer interested in buying various backlink packets offered throughout the world of IM. Ive seen backlink packets containing JUST 30 .edu backlinks selling for $50 a pop.

    Stop buying those bad boys, and start selling them!

    How much do you think you could sell a packet of 100 high quality links for? What if every one of them was DO FOLLOW and high page rank, PR5 and up? That is some serious power not only for SEO, but for virtually INSTANT cash if you sell a packet.

    You could easily compile a backlink packet containing 10 .edu site links, 10 blog commenting links, and 10 answer site links probably within 10 minutes time. If every one of these links was high page rank and DO FOLLOW, how many packets do you think you could sell for $10? Thats is a better backlink packet than most Ive received.

    You could even jump on the band wagon and start selling those forum profile backlink packets yourself that seem to be getting attention these days.

    Anybody can virtually force their website, article or blog up in search engines virtually effortlessly using these search strings.

    I hope you put these backlinking tactics to use. Improve your own SEO, provide services to your clients or sell incredibly irresistible backlink packets and resources to the starving crowd of affiliate marketers struggling for that page one ranking.

    As short and simple as this report has been I hope you enjoyed it, understand its power and what it can do for you and your clients.

    The only reason why people BUY backlink packets in the first place is because they dont know where to source those backlinks themselves. Buying a packet, going through it and leaving backlinks is more expensive and takes twice as long as using the methods in this report.

    Until next time...

    REMEMBER action equals results. You have what it takes to make it happen, and to accomplish your goals.

    Peace and Love!

    Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org

  • The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org


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    Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved The Ultimate Backlinks Report 2.0 www.HelloAdam.org