The Himmat Project 34/36 Hanson Lane Halifax West Yorkshire HX1 5NX Telephone: 01422 348045 The Ummid Project YMCA Building Little Horton Lane Bradford BD5 0JG Telephone: 01274 728067 Supported by: Himmat - Charity No. 10596000 Himmat is a company limited by guarantee - No. 3277918

The Ummid Project The Himmat Projecthimmat.org/PDF/annual_report_0506.pdfMohamed Aslam MBE, BEM Project Director Rahat Khan Senior Manager Star Mahmood Project Worker Taiba Hamid Project

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Page 1: The Ummid Project The Himmat Projecthimmat.org/PDF/annual_report_0506.pdfMohamed Aslam MBE, BEM Project Director Rahat Khan Senior Manager Star Mahmood Project Worker Taiba Hamid Project

The Himmat Project34/36 Hanson Lane

HalifaxWest Yorkshire


Telephone: 01422 348045

The Ummid ProjectYMCA Building

Little Horton LaneBradfordBD5 0JG

Telephone: 01274 728067

S u p p o r t e d b y :

Himmat - Charity No. 10596000

Himmat is a company limited by guarantee - No. 3277918

Page 2: The Ummid Project The Himmat Projecthimmat.org/PDF/annual_report_0506.pdfMohamed Aslam MBE, BEM Project Director Rahat Khan Senior Manager Star Mahmood Project Worker Taiba Hamid Project

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Thank YouHimmat extends a big thank you to the huge list of volunteers who have a left their mark in the

community. Especially those who gave their time and effort on a regular basis.


Part - t ime Staff

VolunteersMohamed Aslam MBE, BEM

Project Director

Rahat KhanSenior Manager

Star MahmoodProject Worker

Taiba HamidProject Worker

Sadat WahidNEET Project Worker

Arshad MahmoodSecond Chances Project Worker

Mohammed ArifBradford Rioters Project Co-ordinator

Basharat HussainRAP Project Co-ordinator

Joanne WattsUmmid Second Chances

Project Co-ordinator

Shazad AliUmmid Second Chances

Senior Project Worker

Zulfiqar Ali Ummid Second Chances

Senior Project Worker

Christine ElliotUmmid Second Chances Teacher

Farzana QamarUmmid Second Chances

Project Worker

Safdar AliUmmid Second Chances

Project Worker

Shafqat JabeenUmmid Second Chances

Project Worker

Ali KhanUmmid Second Chances

Project Worker

Liz DonoghueUmmid Office Administrator

Shafaqat HussainRAP Project Worker

Kaleem AfzalP.S.A Targets

Shakeel AhmedMentoring 4 U Project Worker

Neelam AslamProject Teacher

Samina KausarProject Worker

Israr HussainHomework Drop-In

Diane AhmedHomework Drop –In

Shazad HanifSecond Chances Project Worker

Khurram MajidSports Leader

Hamza AslamSports Leader

Zafar MahmoodMohammed Ozair

Ibrar AjaibIstyak Hussain

Shahid MahmoodWaseem IqbalFareed AhmedBilal HussainAnil Ahmed

Waqar HussainJabbar HussainAmjid Mahmood

Nabir AmiraslanovUsman Moghul

Mohammed UsmanAsghar

Shabaz Khan

Khurram ShahzadTariq PervaizQasim SalehSaiqa NajibNaz Aslam

Tamina AzharNazir AhmedShyla AhmedZameer AsifUbaid Khan

Asif MaqboolSaqib Yaqub

Allah Yaar RakhaKaren HolmesSabrina QadirNadeem Khan

Himmat TrusteesDavid ScottChris SonneRobin PrescottRob CleggRichard SmithPauline NashKeith MacDonald

Himmat Management CommitteeRobin Prescott (Chair) David ScottRichard Smith (Secretary) Chris SonneMohamed Aslam MBE BEM (Director) Bryan BrooksPauline Nash Dipika KaushalBill Davenport (Observer) Jon Scott (Observer)Stuart MacPherson (Observer) Fiona Graham (Observer)Jeff Rafter (Observer) Shabina Mir (Observer)

Number ofNew Members







Youth Centre

Homework Drop-In

Friday Activities

Summer 'K2' Scheme

Saturday Club







A l l c on t r ac ts , w h i c h i n c l u d e R A P, R IO and P roba t i on , ach i eved t he con t r ac tua l ta rge ts .

Number ofSessions






Average perSession






This year we have said farewell to:

Basharat Mahmood and Robina Akbar

We wish them well.

Sarfraz AslamTracker

Gulfram AsifProject Worker

Treasurer - West Yorkshire Probation BoardAuditors - Torvill Dent

Page 3: The Ummid Project The Himmat Projecthimmat.org/PDF/annual_report_0506.pdfMohamed Aslam MBE, BEM Project Director Rahat Khan Senior Manager Star Mahmood Project Worker Taiba Hamid Project

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Report f rom The Chair

The last twelve months has been one of considerable progress matched with continued consolidationof the increasing amount of contract work being won by Himmat.

Income generation has risen substantially; once almost entirely grant dependent, Himmat now derivesthe majority of its revenue from securing contract work won in the face of strong competition and onthe strength of its reputation of providing a quality service combined with cultural sensitivity.

A highlight of the year, reflecting the growing reputation of Himmat and Ummid, was the receipt of theprestigious, nationally recognised Diversity award from the Butler Trust. This charitable organisationrecognises the commitment, hard work and innovations of those working with offenders in the UK andHimmat/Ummid won the award for their work with those young people convicted as a result of theBradford Riots. Special mention must be made of Arif who has been instrumental in the success of theproject and congratulations to both Arif and Azzy on being invited to receive the award at BuckinghamPalace and to have lunch with HRH Princess Anne in the White Room.

Sterling work continues to be done in Bradford with those young people who have been excluded frommainstream education, many of them being thought of as being completely beyond control - butHimmat takes them on, nurtures, mentors and advises them and succeeds where others fail. Thissuccess has created additional demand from our partner organisations which has meant aconsiderable expansion in staff and facilities in order to continue to provide and maintain the qualityof service on which Himmat prides itself. Work with NEET young people through a one to oneapproach has set an example of good practice which others are now following while the homeworksupport and study elements of Himmat continue to produce improving results in local schools.

Himmat is expanding into other areas; it now has three teams participating in the local Halifax league- with varying degrees of success! - and plans for the coming year include the establishment of amotor vehicle repair training centre providing an alternative education venue for excluded and NEETyoung people.

My thanks go to Azzy and his team of dedicated staff, notably Rahat in Halifax and Joanne inBradford, for the continued success of the project. Thanks also to my colleagues on the managementcommittee, fellow trustees, partner organisations and volunteers for all helping to ensure that Himmatand Ummid continue to set new standards in working with vulnerable young people.

Robin PrescottChair of Himmat

Summary Statement of Income and Expenditure For the Year ended 31st March 2006

All photographs in the Annual Report have been taken this year at various residentials and centre-based activities,












Incoming resources from generated fundsVoluntary income

Investment income

Total incoming resources


Costs of generat ing voluntary income

Chari table act iv i t iesCosts o f act iv i t ies in fur therance of the char i ty 's ob ject ives

Governance costs

Total resources expended


Balances brought forward at 1 Apr i l 2005














Page 4: The Ummid Project The Himmat Projecthimmat.org/PDF/annual_report_0506.pdfMohamed Aslam MBE, BEM Project Director Rahat Khan Senior Manager Star Mahmood Project Worker Taiba Hamid Project

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Introduct ion

It only seems l ike yesterday, that I was writ ing the 2004/05 report. Some would say thatt ime is f lying. I believe that as we have been so busy enjoying what we do, we havelost track of t ime and suddenly I am a year older and a year wiser. This year I haveseen moments when, I see former young people now bringing their children seekingsupport exactly the same way as they did many years ago. Talk about déjà vu…

This past year has been another very busy, but extremely rewarding for al l acrossHimmat. It has been the year when once again the innovative programmes have beennationally recognised. Himmat in partnership with West Yorkshire Probation wereawarded the prestigious Butler Trust Award for Diversity. This is one of the six majorawards presented by The Butler Trust nationally in recognit ion of Himmat's innovativework in the rehabil i tation of offenders back into their communities. The Project hassuccessfully managed to engage and work with some of the most challenging youngpeople in Bradford. The Butler Trust award was for the work that Arif (Basse) hadundertaken with the Bradford Rioters. West Yorkshire probation in partnership withHimmat was also awarded the National Probation Service Diversity award for theRioters. Well done Basse.

The highlight of the year for Mohammed Arif and myself has been the day atBuckingham Palace (r ight) meeting HRH Princess Anne and to collect the Butler TrustAward.

During this year Himmat's Second Chances has consolidated its posit ion as one of thepremier providers of alternative education provision in Bradford. The Second Chancesprovision received posit ive reviews at the Ofsted inspection of Bradford Education’sPupil Referral Unit. The project has successfully managed to engage and work withsome of the most challenging young people in Bradford.

The number of young people supported has doubled and discussions are currentlyunderway to extend this provision. A new site has been agreed upon and should be upand running by the end of Apri l .

Jo and her team of stalwarts have worked tremendously hard in developing and runningSecond Chances.

Through our understanding of the local communities, especially the young people, wehave targeted our resources to meet those needs. What is rewarding for al l Himmatstaff is the knowledge that even the smallest change to our provision brings happinesson the faces of young people and makes a difference. The perfect example of this hasbeen our football teams (U12) who despite losing all their games with large margins,never gave up and turned up every Sunday morning for the games despite the weather.

During the year, Rahat has continued to develop and maintain posit ive relationshipswith probation case managers, thus allowing us to achieve beyond our contract targets.This has put us in a strong posit ion for further contracts, especially with the advent ofNOMS.

Mohamed Aslam MBE, BEMProject Director

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Saturday Club

The Saturday c lub is a programme for year 5 and year 6 boys, who may beshowing ear ly s igns of behavioura l prob lems and are re fer red f rom the 4 loca lpr imary schools . There is an average at tendance of about 60 young boys, howeverth is is broken down in to d i f ferent sess ions over 4 t ime s lo ts .

The programme inc ludes soc ia l educat ion de l ivered through spor ts and youth worktype in tervent ions. Group d iscuss ions and act iv i t ies , which lead to teambui ld ing,mot ivat ion and awareness ra is ing on issues such as bu l ly ing, rac ism, educat ion,and respect e tc . are a regular feature.

Feedback f rom school has proved to be pos i t ive as young people are showingchange in a t t i tude and behaviour.

The h igh l ight o f the Saturday Club was the t r ip to the Galpharm stad ium inHuddersf ie ld where 120 young people went to see England v. I ta ly Under 17footba l l match. For most o f the young people th is was the i r f i rs t exper ience oftop- leve l , l ive spor t . I t was an exper ience which they thoroughly en joyed. Theyoung people had p lenty to ta lk about , espec ia l ly a f ter seeing, poss ib le fu turestars o f the England footba l l team.

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RIO Jobs Club

One of the key e lements of the Reintegrat ion of Offenders (RIO) pro ject is tosuppor t o ffenders in to access ing employment and t ra in ing oppor tun i t ies uponre lease. Appropr ia te resources, gu idance and in tens ive suppor t is prov ided on aone to one bas is as par t o f the i r superv is ion p lan on re lease.

Ex is t ing L inks wi th the loca l bus iness communi ty and var ious other organisat ionsand agencies such as Job Centre Plus and Employment agencies have beenst rengthened and new l inks developed.

The char t( r ight ) showsanalys is o fthe act iv i t iescarr ied outby the RIOpro ject inorder to he lpoffenders tosecureemployment .


Himmat had 2 teams compet ing in the Calderdale Junior Footba l l league, one inunder 12 's and one in under 14 's . The season was very successfu l in compar isonto the prev ious season, wi th the under 14 's reaching the quar ter f ina ls o f theleague cup.

Throughout the season 21 young people have p layed for the under 12 's and 22young people have p layed for the under 14 's . We are get t ing up to 20 young boysin each age group turn ing up for t ra in ing two to three t imes a week.

By Himmat FC p lay ing teams in Calderdale 's Junior league, we have been able tobreak down barr iers leading to improved communi ty cohesion.

Par t ic ipat ion has he lped in the development o f young people, who have achievedso much in terms of understanding team work, d isc ip l ine, coping wi th winn ing,los ing, spor tsmanship and making new f r iends f rom d i f ferent back grounds andcul tures.

They have so much to look forward to every week, where as before the i r weekendswere so empty and bor ing. Footba l l has g iven smi les and lo ts o f joy in to theseyoung people who are pr iv i leged to be par t o f a footba l l team.

Regulars a t the Palace, Mohamed Aslam and Mark Siddal , rece ive the But lerTrust Award f rom HRH Pr incess Anne.

2005/06 SeasonClockwise f rom top le f t -

H immat FC U14, Himmat FC A U12,Saturday Club U12, Himmat FC U12

Page 6: The Ummid Project The Himmat Projecthimmat.org/PDF/annual_report_0506.pdfMohamed Aslam MBE, BEM Project Director Rahat Khan Senior Manager Star Mahmood Project Worker Taiba Hamid Project

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Homework Drop In

The Homework Drop In c lub runs on a Monday and Wednesday evening between6pm and 8pm. I ts a im is to prov ide suppor t to increase the L i teracy and Numeracyat ta inment leve ls o f young people.

New teaching methods, a long wi th learn ing mater ia l and resources in l ine wi th theNat ional Curr icu lum have been developed and implemented. The demand for ITand the in ternet has a lso seen a marked increase, wi th a l l pupi ls f rom Year 2 andabove maximis ing the avai lab le IT fac i l i t ies .

The h igh l ights o f the year was a t r ip to Camelot Theme Park for the pupi ls . Th isproved to be a very successfu l event , en joyed by a l l

Friday Act iv i t ies

The Fr iday act iv i t ies evening, caters for secondary school g i r ls and pr imary schoolboys. Th is again has proven to be a huge success wi th an average at tendance of45 young people per sess ion.

A wide range of act iv i t ies are offered, wi th the main ethos of encouraging theyoung people to in teract and soc ia l ise between themselves.

The h igh l ights o f the year inc luded two Eid par t ies and a t r ip to Camelot Themepark.

Second Chances

The Second Chances pro ject has worked wi th 49 young people over the year. Alarge major i ty are young offenders and known to Bradford Youth Offending Team(YOT). They are faced wi th prob lems such as drug abuse (hero in and cannabis) ,weapons, sexual behaviour, phys ica l / verba l aggress ion and theft .

The average at tendance for most o f the s tudents is 70-80 %, whi ls t one achieved100%, which is a ter r i f ic ach ievement in i tse l f .

Due to an increas ing number o f re fer ra ls , which are v ia Educat ion Bradford(Secondary PRU), Mainst ream Schools , Soc ia l Serv ices and Youth Offending Team,the pro ject was sp l i t in two in Apr i l 2005, wi th the younger c l ients (KS3) be ingmoved to the Cop Shop at Duckwor th Lane.

The pro ject has de l ivered par ts o f a learn ing and development accredi ted programfor the young people. In to ta l 41 modules were submi t ted for accredi ta t ion. Weare p leased to say that a l l 41 submiss ions were successfu l and the young peoplereceived accredi ted qual i f icat ions at var ious leve ls .

Not in Educat ion/Employment (NEET)

The pro ject has been successfu l ly running for the past 3 years, wi th an averagecohor t o f 30 p lus young people, o f a mixed and vary ing ab i l i ty, cu l tura l , soc ia l ,economic and geographica l background.

Himmat has used a ho l is t ic and f lex ib le approach when work ing wi th these youngpeople. In addi t ion to suppor t ing young people, another key e lement o f our workhas been to network and develop par tnersh ips wi th var ious educat ion and t ra in ingprov iders and employment agencies to ident i fy employment , t ra in ing andeducat ional oppor tun i t ies for young people.