The University of Chicagostorage.lib.uchicago.edu/pres/2014/pres2014-0110.pdf ·  · 2013-11-21The University of Chicago ]bunded by John D. Roc.k,e feller A STUDY OF HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURES

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The University of Chicago

]bunded by John D. Roc.k,e feller


A Dissertation

Submitted to the Faculty

of the

Graduate School of Arts and Literature

In Candidacy for the Degree 0 f

Master 0 f Arts

Departmen t 0 f Household Administration.


Bertha Mary Terrill. II

-rrx 1>~6 '\~.

_ prob1._ oOfttront tM !lout ••• pe or 'ocJ.,. wld..oh ba ....

1"1_ Ire. lny.'"Oft. \m.).mowa & ... u' ..... 'lon &10. !hi. i •• .,001ill-

17 \na. .f t.o, .UPP11 •• 1!I.Gd: mtlth"_ ot tood preparAtion.

~141'y and ,~rt .. tl.n .r traneport.tlon bA1'O broueht about

.nob .=o~. or Jrllltc!htot. '~t nQt only ie it JUt.libl.to 4r ..

__ reote tt4U~ttOnl o~ our own countrr nt upc>n prAot1call"

W*1Gr7 10th ... pw-t ot th. ~r14. ftt1. alrme 1ntrouuo •• ' .. ", el..-mt

of .., .. 114 ... , ill eclntlq -.t,11 .'ne 1 ..... ., t.ho oert"Ht .&1110

.. 4 UDG ot tho _t_l11~ prod.uc'.. Xt h&1 1.cl t. IaNl7 .,-roneou

praot1aoa, •. otriklnt. _lIIlIPle ot wtt1ch hae bfU. tho u •• of the

ball ... lntorohanlea"'1.y with .uch tnUta •• the or"," •• Ma &pple,

WkerMa t.t 18 C\ ,..4 of 1lJluoh hJ.Per nutritive yal.v.,.

rot 0IllI' .. r.,. fit •• l.cation " •• n srf.u .. t17 l",," ... a" 'b7

_ro.CHI rullitl •• 1'-1 'r~.port"tlon, 'ut competitton, tMt

.sarcl Of ••• .,.1\ CODtttrCi1.al lito, 1 •• ilLd4.4 on_ fUll .. tol"'ll Of

,rep .... tl .. to artoth$r =t11 th~5t'. 1" JU"Actlof411~ notb1l\1 Whlch

,. n.t ottore4 111 A "Ar1oty Qf 6~AJ~~ •• r.~u':r1ft« «tholeo. Our

' .... ifU. are rol1e4. or-.ct_. ehreMed t in.lft.4 t flak". Iro'tm4 bl'

.. , .. 1_ pro.Ut •••• into 4:U'forent flour. auld rea4:r-bakecl into

onntl ••• t.nu or \r.... cr"_* ami eM... ».at" 8f,pear In

all ......... 1. , ••• 1'bl11tica ot .1n.lac. Jell71"1. »."t.1ft" ..... li111, _.m'. N'lci QtlN'llna. All th1.' 1e 1ft grea.t contrut to

.... 1IIp11oi.ty ot tora. t.e. It ... te .ro~ -.net pr-ep«tr'~4 at h._

were CI.t.vi' .• 'ftt. t_ out., u .... t ..... M4 t.h~lT "'-.lu ....... 11

..... '.. 1' .. _, .. '1", tMd." ., arlll.lne "ere eubJoct •• to ao


d ..... r-.~ •• t .... of pr ...... t.i_ 1" , .... lq tr_ .)t. " .. , .. rdn

or t ... t. t.b4 1u,bl_. fte 0 ..... 1' baA l,.tima'. ,"001'1&1 ,.0-

,~,_o. 1tH:h, aU the p ... h..... 1ft prClpot'tlon .. 'he 'roo •••••

of III"ep..,..,101\ before a '.04 ..... "b •• t~~ bou •• held b ...... ,. •

• ~.UI and • ..,11oatet. 8. do the 1IRor~no • • t real Y&l~ •• in­

or .... ~ oorree' .'~ft~r4. of •• 1 •• \lon ' •• ro&... All tb1.

Ir"~l¥ 1nor ..... the p ••• S.'b1-1ity ~f &'tub1. trau4u1em' ,ri •••

to ~ •• praparatlona.

Aft~ft. 'tho ,rod •• " :baa tllvrocl 1.,.,.1,. t 'n fuinl' 'he prioe

of 8 ... CH .... , ... tbe 1!~:r,tJP1~""o,J of th. tON he ott~r.. ft.

,wolta_ .. hM b •• to., r~ to Pa,' t.h~ pr1c*. UndW_n.y

.1r~Mc., thl. ,& 40ubt10 •• J~,ltU16bl.t 'but 1t. 1* lncon-

•• 1"~'b1. ,.'t .e npt a.1W&¥8 to btl'" flUJ" oor""', 1ft pOWUi pack­

.,_ or orUker8 1ft Un._,. _.oult rona. r ...... sU, ••• ot qu .. "tlt7

or u. •• _fAa of '.'!Ia. t.hAJ .. eo.alation 1. mUM.t. tl\at fIAt' too ... ""

juroba •• tt. hay. '.11_ into eMf. 0I\,re1.uJ. ha'b1ta 1n buying. Tbe

-.&11 _. to be .a'Y •• by o.,.~t\il at.t. .. ticm to oompar.\l •• vUu ••

•••• 1n tho .~1!l~1. purcb.ul@:t too 11'111plt.U,&J\' to ",urs. ....

h11ure t •• at .... ,. the «3:U'tortm •• 1n the e.eBr .. te no 4oub\

., ... ". 1'1 ... to tlt .. 1nt.t1ttoreo •• M tu ... ;i:t _l.te.

A. turibe.- t..nor UPOft *1cb the a16rt. Pr'Oj;jUOOl' has r.ll~

1 ...... 1r' em_ flot Uf.U~t4ocuuud'ul17 h&u$ been t.'h. ..t tract i .... en .. ,. ot

•• "ol'"M, 1' •• "11:.1", tran ttl. reril ••• fl •• lre tor ___ thing new.

*t_ in" ...... ,be r~ ot the oul.1n ... el .. wh,we. !hi. te-

,et1Mr with ... tact t!tI'It. _ttl r&ecmtly t no oJwtllk 'liN put Up Oft

',,,. .. y • ....,. .. _.utu'turer .usbt ...... 11 hill •• lf or in the coa­

, •• it,_ ., hi. prOduct bA. 1*4 to .\oft1e)d,ncly ol.".i' frauct.

,. _1"0. a. ltouMlU,.,or tw.. not a1Vtrr.,y1 h.~n .. w1111", or un-

aWtfHt1nc 'Yi;t1M.'bUt. .~ b •• 'btJ~ un •. 1(~$d.by r'o11~'hl~! (itl.t~ aa

\0 ttUt rt4q,ti."e m@rlt." of tl'.U.l t.Qoc.a ~tr.rIl)U (fJof' lH~r eb.Qlo~ *

It'. in Ud1tlon ,we eIJl'Ud.fu,r' ,r'f6Ii1$t)t d~' Jf:.t~t"'.od. of .food

prOlI&lratton ill " .. bqus.h~l« i.t.olot •• tino. ttt(l S,Ul.fJf oflv'elopm.c.nt

of ..,a,r1 ... t~ 'wj,t.hl:n a toW' ,1'.ar,.. :Fr¢lft~ CO\.lk1fl, a~;XAJkr~tu. of the

IIt.pltH.t form .. - .. lItottl. OYer ~ OlPOtl t1r8 tor b011inl,f and hot

... h.. Qr orUdel,V .OlU~1,Tuet 414 o""en efcr bu.)rtr.-l?&TV o*<m @','ol v~6.

tho JlOdut"n wood M0 .aol/.tjl. f'iI>oq._. ($11","" by tlu, 1ntl"0(1lAot10n of

t:~8. u11. elltic,trlelt>1' ..,.4 flY" _ tJ,r.r.l,,*.-!oooker II Yh11~ t h")r'Q

haa b.,n muoh Ijlfl;C\l'UI:t.on _Gil) tb. rc4~t,l¥. m,.rita of thtHUI

mtrti'h«JdD of' .Ptllle~t ~.~lfl ~f h.~t to fo()d. Y.vIrr'Y 11'\t1 e: e'l!.l>r"tl'ful ~t\H~Y

h •• lHUI'l m&4. Gr thm fJQtI91~ of \.he ru.~l In"l~".

't'htt followl!'lf? Si"hl4Y' 18 ar.n itt. tf>~t t~ f.hro1l' _.. 11t;rbt Ut>GrI

I. tbfi o~r .. t1.vc~ coat of ~""lt i'!:'~cg,;\.f)d 011 .... a fuel

t.rs t ~ pr .,a".t 10ft •

II. the puro ••• of toQ4 ••

the iftu<!.,y hAil 'bfiCl\ ft(lce •• a.rily 1:1.i.'t\1'r:~~ 4ndit'. chtli:~f valu~

,,$.11 11 .. in a\~H£tJ;.tD8 41J'.otl~M 1" .1~h 6.i,!Hlriml.rUil.t1ng selcct4!il

""0fl8 8hCl\llct be mwl_. 'h.Uld tlp~rn &<)re 8ubll1;,."t1$J. gr"~il.,ncl. th.

tanoy,tbe #orl# or 1;b& cltUtl.f.ll" or thEZ! ~rt .. tb/;t$. errQneol,.U'lI .rYJH'Ir­

tlo1u Jutigm ... ts 0" ·'~ltle.

It h~8 not bottl'l POtHllblo to 1ncl.utila llii. iii eeutu~1 on· Qr m&:l1Y

p01nt. Qloaely talfi.1.m.t to tho.UI~ (ton~1.d(ltr~d in thfl .. tudl.11 mft\'tO.

!he t1m.c mel l*bot' involve4 1n &'MY' C~I~ 1~ ~n l_H'jti!;~~~t c~('m!11d.~!".

atlon' tho po."lble U8t1 of a coaJ. r~. tor Oth0T ths.n. cooki.ne

'\11'1>0 •••• & .. b,(gt4tlnf]; h~ ''.'{It', ftt"ttl.1ni k1tclum Qr Qtht!t' YtHJJnilAi

t.he p ••• lbl. _vold<ll~rUlh' of tlt~f c:l1rt ili.ntt d.i$eQmt~rt at a ~oAl rr+.n«o.~

'bfU'" ~ ot1u;!r 4Ud.t1~. lIlnauldb •• ~1ghQ(l ir; conn(~ct1on with

... ,.. 11Il.1",t.lI6&*'

til " •• ti., tlll.., •• 1i att.).. ~UOiJk.\lo~ ~r h~i .• t to footS •

• atu., ••• M4te of

1. COal,. Ml.4 1M J"aq ••• an Alu«la OVW1 liM firfil •••


•• .u~~,." ,oat .t tr.~ evta tit t14&t anI h11hur pr1eet

..... 1M 1e \tae4 :La thff1r P1"'«lf~ .. tl.,n. "'

a. .. .;t·ltt*r ••• , •••• " ,of , .. \U''i' car.te •• ., and Of'j.r ...

,.11,. r.,U1~t ••• • t .,.atlt Mr .. .u-.... fil tnioll. JflOCQ' ••• WtlU'':; .~l.Clct; ...

• it. ' ....... tlU". ~,l.ftl'th of tu.~ ~t fttkl~ 1ft ~b Ofi.'fi 'be­

'. auch •• u~ooa.lt1l.rH •• ,t d.fu'lFi.4.'bl..fta.tu~ "Qre kfIPt uni­

t.,. .. ,. at ,.bible. 111 .. tii\"k".~, riu~t;tl.'·'~ ... tollo,,_.

P.!t1..I'.t.".' • !!IIIr·~D ... bit ~9!a.tf. _Ja\

...... ., 8 11Mh , -. 1" 4ec. fJ. 1 W.... cu., I.' lb.. t .0"-~... 15 as:n. • 0&.

COlilJ l1 1M_ .0 O£.

,..... 10., I 1,.-• • ••• G bt._ Cote, & lbs. $,"15 Oou,< 19 lb ••

I lMY,. ,.t '.S... , •. 1" 'q. e.

4. N.

CR. A :':'08. • .OU ••

e_1. eo lb,. 11 u.


.'...... at .. •• (~ •• ) u;y 1" .~ .(~ .. It w.. C •• , 11 b.. • .1'

J. 0 •• 00&11 10 lbe.

1, CUh

100 t..e,. C. 16 hr.. C.t,t~!:'. 1b". ,.0444 It "_ Co"". ~ lb ••

1 •••

19ft , ... e. 1 hr. O.t~. ~ lb.,. ,.01.4 t:O~,l. ~ lb ••

".J!reM-.I!aIt~tD ltI.!. btl tr;'d

••• fllt. Bo.,1 ''IMh lee ,.~.e!. 1. hr •• II t:t • ~I!!

t.0'8 • ••• ".rD....., :5 ltte • . -..

.1. 1It&n.

.,. rOl&fl4 'hr.. 11.&6 tt .. "u •• I l.~Y •• 1. ill".C. 1 lr. 10., rt. It _. 16:1 (t~,.e. at "'t. 1.'1.ID ft.


1 10.1 1" Ch'~. C.. 1 br. 1$ ft.

I ,t.. , bra. tI I. u. ,.-.. lbe. I !w ••

I o •• r~ 1 hr. 1.11· ft.


.1'.1 • lOU


.01 •.


.... ~II-

!l4,Jl .• 9.!!Ui sl!ll l_I"A~Ir!. DltA E' ~ tT !4 .~J'. r:uI~I .•• C.,t,

".ft·,.. a 1"' •• 100 ' ... a. .... w._ 10 . ... .0110 1 -.

Oorn .. Joel' , lb ... 136 ..... • . .,. .. I 1,*-. • _ •• o~ • • ... itU 4 ... 0 ..

It. 111"0_ • hr •• 1 lb.1 ();t: .. .o:aU VOl.

Ir ... a loa ••• II. ..!.c. It .r •. 10 ... .0111

I. BeMl. It ".~ la, ",. c. .. w •• • 1 .... ' • •• .04e • r7

II ...... 1 o. 4r7 100 cl.t~. C. l' .... 1 lb. '1 01. .. 0261

'" :I Cit •• ".tor 1# 4 ••• 100 cte,.". • :hra. 14 ••• .01N _ft.

1" •• 11 • ae oa.

I •. tbe •• ~",_tftt.. tM t1r •••• r., ll"4Mt« all4 lIt",4 ..

ol\,ust"'.'-7 tot' prep .... i", t!'tJ:t ~n •• ,_ .'" .. t1llo.n ••• wrt .f

tuo1 OMU'-- .- ft$r0t,d17 at __ ,._, .". _oa1 'b7' .. 11,'ht t .... "'r ••• _j 011 .. "'_0.1_ .t .. ,..u ••

It 1. not tRlrpri-1ftfS to tinft 'tha' ttl. «HUtt of etartlq ••

_ln~l\I.ftln. 'hi; n.e ••• ~ tt.... 1ft ,. eo61 :r~. _0."* 1n .uh

_ •• the •• fIt ,., any ot"r Ilffthotl of prGparatj"tm;. fbi. 1s d,UG to

t,. ....... 1 .. 11"1 .t ••• tllU,. "ft~ otft'tr.l11ft1 tb.., hat, Wh.

•• • .. reot t., ... t... ... '.Wf"MI ttr .. .,,,,1.· ,roc... therl

...... 1 •.• ,.. ••• _Mod ....... '. 4 •• uoh •• "e .. t t'h ....

.,. ,.... ftd. __ ...... 'he .... __ of u... • • ..s. rMI. ..,. ..."

'r ....... • ." ,~. ow ... ,. '" ., ... _ .... 1'1 u t~h. w •• tetu,l1'u •• ,.

of 'ft.Itl.'."ftl,. ,_ tUG ,. .. IlftCl* or ..,1. pt., ..... t lOtI.

!ttt. 1* tvth,er lU_",",'''' h,.t· ••• eo,,4 .,., 'ft -tueh

• me..,. " .... pr.p .... ." "" e .. " .r t.:h~ fira' tM ..... ,bo.l. I.,..

,,,. .. .... ·le _.to n..",rll _if..... It .'11 "'" ft.ta« tha.t. the

.,0.' or. ' ...... 1"" the .... .'08 I. 1lOt. l •• l_ ..... an eat~.

up"'" wttb tth. e.fd~ ..... 81ft •• th ..... u ..,1& Il.' aact .,._

, •••• ,,,., ... eel tbAt 1I1tit tbe_ fire.l.t .1. 1 .. 1' .... '.11' . ...... a.._ Gtra 1t_ '" the ,,(;~t .t ,"8" .. ,..t1_ In. 'he .thor

t..o c ..... , .,1110e l' .... 'ut." •• M ..at ... b,W'ft" iii tu 0 ••• of '\M .u wui 'he ~YO'Q fl4 th • .uMditt " ____ fIll •• -:1_ 'be o~ll.

41 wutt. \ .• '.* .... 4 t'hi'!!' lb.". 'W". ft. ,. •• fot'$." at the ....

"lmG •

.. th t_ crr1Cl.tull , .• _ 4 •• 1~" tor 'he ••• \h.., .... 1,

.0"'. p~·t.ctl.Y trUll.oatb_ wittl tho .ttl. hnt;$bo14 4S.abee ...

tb"" wlt1J, •••• it .11M " ...... lbl. to .1&811 .... 1 till •• 4t'1 ..

a1 GO.'_

_ ........... a •• , ''N.'

. Jr_d. ,"ato ••. ........ flr.,_.,rr J 8117

.~ ....

1t.!!&!ld Coal "NIB-

OU r ..... I

lou, Cextr.)

Aladdin • .,. Soup (ext r~)

· .. !l1!).. ea'.d eo •• I lb •• 12 Oil. Co~ 13 lb.. • os •

• , ft. 1,!L~Att ~rm:r" !F!1f 1r:' I ••

g.'A". .0101

On. t,.o~tlY be.r. ,,_. at.,._t 'l!,~t l' on. ,,, •• iq

g". a.e u. ru4 1t. it not t)Cl~tl~41c&lto bu;r <ih~~, o\l'ttaof mlti"..t

Whlch "tt4Ul ... 1cm" ():t),ok1ng, .1!UH' t.t;l~ (rtlot 01 f'\u,l to prepvCt

••• "iIi thM~ eou!1t>.~rbtalgCHJa th.(~ cU.ff~r~c. l'ft su'lott bect;t1H1Cft ill

.•• ]s,II.Ate "G, tlw*lCJ 'h16hw itt prl!!~. ~ tollo.lnG t~ble abo_

thi. to 'bet crr ... o'uu, It tho ~o\lnt ef ttut'l 1. lnt,Cll1.1[mtl,;

regul4\'.4. !he l..,t". ~o\mt of 'l$,' eorl;;'~_EH't i,n tllll .mort proo' ••• t

'beoa\UJe. of ~. _1" 1nt .... heftt .... 'uu .... lfi n~""17 .q,u61 to

tlu." .Oa.I.tl<i 111 ~'he l(.'mCCltt' p .. oce ••• ,"'."111&4 "11. eu,pl.r or la, le lDt1t $I \0 thtt MilkUtm\tnmt 1'U)(' .. #8$;1"J" and 4 •• 1r&bl~ forth.

pt'op¢ir prtl:rparAt1cm ., th~'t o~..,. cmt.. ,

~.tlJJt. g!1! Qf C(,li)i(1M l1,t.lt'-l l"It..t ~J".i.av~~1 lJ ." Lt ..... ~-.. ri:il:'''''~.~ .. · ... -'MlJ!,~ ~ ~Ou

!lA', I'.... ... Pill nu".I.q.!l¢! ~.mt~.. Col1 Pert_h •••• ,... a lb.. ",' 11 .,_. 13.18 ft. ' .0111 (aor". fiSH'OJ1.) I Oih

JU." Rout (4'" rib).~: lb8.";/ it brlhU It.. .081 (une' , • .,1.) ,_ •

.... ( ..... , .., ,..w4 a¥ .. Wa. ~tJ;.a& tt,. .0114

,.... .... 11# , Gil •. taj (rol.l.'.i.at, '.ftn_. ,. '.'Ph)

•• , "Nt '''t.t14.r) 4 lb.. eli . '"""I ,..,1.'

40.4, ft.

I Jllr'e. tft.4.\?; ft. .oaea

!bA 4itt ...... in o.at (It tMa ••• ,. atlG 'the, nw,bor wh10h

eub .(aUla .rYe .9u1.U.~. oGtr.t.~4i~I"""O£"k4Jtr with tho coat of

t.44 • • c()..,a..r .. ttvll _~I~nt or I" C".WJu:.~~ by '" •. &r't:"ful rti;ul ...

11,", of t .. ht! '_~l.1 .r Aeji:lrt'1lJl~.G u"'. O~ b •••• tly ...... , ..

fr. t_ f01'1.twtr.t$ ~t.UCl'y. In tht. t_ "flllt ... 1. glv!:tn t. the .,tt .... t bW~. ~lt,)l; ~ti t\tll. btilf)a:t. ~ ,to l1A~ntli1l1n 'the \U!lu&1

,,.00.",Ut8 of o(.u.)k1nt1* rb,o "OfH'NI1f,,,t1.0'8 n"tHi".""'", to,. l"atW\ae.

t. jU"_"1UO _.t.8 1.1k8 .1-._. po\ rout, comecl be~t _(1 to eo..-

.,.-'.14 ••• houl,., ·ru.' Geed 1 t~.t 1. 16". 19 ldftut ••• nl1e

'b~ tr,hi%l."t ).t.~i' of tW"l'l.b'C 'he f.,. •• ~l\ fUll,. tor ..... ~h cook! ..

J"equU' •• 1 tt. l'n -I ,to I mJ._,,'tu ••

~@ 4 •• 1r~1l1. h,.i,ht. of ~.er. to .tv~thc. a,unm't ~f!eft$.U7

to maint&1n "OrT.Clt ... ~.r.tUT •• rot tlw 'ltt~T_t pr ..... el o;r cOKin, is fUttuUl:t tl;ij) tttaerlbo. but i •• (tll wort)l th/il) tll~ of

.. 1lhctnaomutor to «.tora.1nc. MaCh l,,~'tli. ".q:tLtred tlla~ 1. u_

lLU;r U'Utd, r(J8U1\ln" in _ 'bot~!0r J>rOd~et _0. .. 11 .... exp(In •••

a a;v:.b~m(Jr. ,,14.­~. . . ,-Os t.,·-

.. &'bout l/a .1tt.

DOcl"bl(.! J.' fUll

bMr" • .... 1. lao,,' 18ft lItua.q "

1 if • & •

1 ft, 1,. a lW'ti:n •

1- ~ 4i ..

1 ft. 1n a, tift. 1 .. .. 16-1" .1n.,


A •• , _tie' •• '."" .8M • .of .c~n_.l.1n8 1n t"<J u.t of .....

• ., .. 16111' td.th It. ...at ' • .1.11', 1. 'by f<:~1rtl \le. or l\ .. all ,oY.11

.n on ''be top ott •• to..,... fbi .Gone,. Itt ,,,,.,11\00 to "e

beli"" ... 4 1." rMi..'i • • t' be." ~tl. "~t",.rk.4Qltt • .r~.4e 1ft t _

_ unt of gao. oon ___ • 11th an ... ·b •• tor; I'Wtt! tittEl' 'nt,a tllo

10"1" p art ._t too.t .~ bo •• t'1' I*.t:l.ataet.r11¥ prepfiJ'",*El ,.

'hi • ..,.. I ...... tI .ca. with " _lIiIl.l .bl4 01". th0 1 ..... 7

.. ,1'1lj e ... ell_ 1» ... &,..1)11. rO<iuJ.r •• 1 toot of ,.e In 11 Ilin ••

t. nu,b,t.nln .. t~er$\t,..., or lIb ,., ... "'~ 1 t.ot in 15 1II1na. '.r

It& 4 ... Sn. tum",. .. " ,. the (u)'ftiNll,tlo'ft 1ft ihe lar«l&r oven or 1 toot '" • able:. 40 .... t. "" •• a •• _<1 1 toot 1" S .tn ••

for 1" •• ,. t .ov~ " O. __ ,t1d of flYI till.a ae such ca. b.r the 1 .,Clr ",(1ft ..

thct eon 1n tb ••• ft"llt_ 1JJ 'b •• " taport lQCl!.l ~tc .. !e

pri0... •• tol10wa:

Ooal .• ' • '6 J.i4!:lr tOft f2().O(t lb •• '

Ook .... ". • (aooo • ,

(Jaa t.85 ,( 1co.o tt. 011 ".18 " . pl1.

ltl .. ,.. ._ ot • tir.l...oeok&1" the O1lly up en.·. f.r

f\1e1 '.,; .r •• 'UNc, ,blot ft_H_..,.,. "Q .t~ the proc ••• of cook­

Pc _!ft •. a 10K ia ,1it\1ft'\Q tb$' coQker. It 1. u.a1rable te

."'" tbi. .. .. , lfi.o •• rtU.nJ to th. l'.Ua.t""tlI .t t.,· ro~d ~o ..,.

"011_, t_, -. t.-.t ..,. th~. bett .. ,.Uttl"",te.

1M teN_ .. ·.t .. b¥ thla mcUt.ci tlere tMl.tormly wt1Il1 eookM.

,-.it ••• ~ ~" _41ft ... eu... ... tit. b •• t. Md. llNt. • •• el.1-

i. tM" ._ ...... t.he .thi:f" [email protected] ••

~r O~t.



Lllla '&6na

a-.tem fL_")

, 16 •

a o. 4r~ 10·

6 l.blh ~o v

a • 15 •

!e A1 Cont"' •• ' 0."'111'" ',.=", ... '._ .... _ uJiW:li

. .. 1 tt. .00081

a/J tt. .OOOH

I ft. .001'

I. ft. .000. 1:hft COR ,13, 41' (2(U.ttlilt. ,~.c;l.d.ttQl.1 1.0". At tlu~ 9JdU,'i ttme 1 t-

1. 'ff(5Z"tlq ot eo.TUt14er.tiltrl ,l'w,.l onl)" .. llDttfl&4 nmber .'! 4iaua

Oa" btl prep_reel $.n t1'ls.~ -th.Y. 'iru::. tm.ll' tbo •• oa.nbo 8,HI..r ... 1H,t'j.-

17 Pl'tllHlIl"ftcl "bieb ltllo. ~t liq.sU eltht'k" tt .,"j5:r', .Ii ttt bOili"8,

;.)1'" t(l ftU"'\m.d" f 1'18 ,1", .t.wai.n,.. 8.t.'n(~~ th~ "olbc~n_Y' .r fuel 1.

t.rlf'li:n6'i 111 .. tLlneJ.- ~tJO Ofltl ,elt.~ld bo ".$tt~M ''t~,.t tl'w 0".,.­'\U1'l:U~J.~. tor 11.., uat0 !fIO\ll.(i hil eOf'!sidt'f'f(,!.bl. t to t.mrrMt the ,til". Chel.H of a c~.:tur IlII,t ~ 008" of $10'Q $Uh If, 'boweYetr, Ofte au ..

UH fit a. hor;~o"c:on&M"uetlll'ti oook~r t ;;.. ~ ..... lly " 40fte. the

ap." 1, •• rel¥ tor C')to.~ Ir&.nt't~"u.t'o .. 8 • .." ... 1 •• tor the

tON UftCi tor 'tho ,," •• vary Jrui\tlrlal. 'Ytlf';jf .~t,l.tq~t'or:r one

aflY be IU •• 9'11th em .14 tl'\'lftkf11.1$clt 1ilr1th h~ ,ill .....

JD (,H)·aneo1iiClU'l td.tk tho ,\U''Oh~.~ td ;fo~Ci ~':;'~1'P11u. th* iPt'&aeat

.,.,. b •• OODc.mad. i •• G1f liillt.ll iiIoQonili49rli4\i.ol1 of

1. 1'~ ,uaftt1t,,- or _, .~.,l.r o. •• 1;(~ble t.u Jii'U,r~ha. •• .,\

_B«t tltio II

a. .,.18. 1ft b\iIl.k 01" 1. 'j"'(lk~ ••• ... .e .. ~.e ~elifl~ei"efl't et~es -~ 'paeiiag-e gSQ«'s. 'I,,' .t,;/.~~:,1

• 11',.."1_., '11. qttlm't1t7 of MI .. ,17 .9IIlI1,ch one may Ad­

•• "", .. .,\UI1I' ,ur.~,H Mil ~~. t me r •• (flf'Oi 1.'t.atflf Snto ttlO ctue ..


1) ... , ,. tk •• $rHJJ)f prof1 it' I) . t. ... _t., a._ 1. ,oS$1ble h.., .,..tort .,. use it. con-

.ll.r-able ",,,",,,ii'

In 8tfu:lt11 .. tIIIu ... r t. th4J tintt .f tIl ••• on. tln~.

i",* .. ·~ .. t1ft& 41'v •• , .. 1".141.'thCt~h in 1X •• dol. it 1. ,V,it. \ly1d_'

,bitt l.t\ut-$ j,IA f}~",{HI ).J :UlOt'''$.$1n,f;Ua," 'lIWt.U.\V p_C'.*R ., tM

p ..... t tlm,. thWot "g:MItt!"l",. l~"Cr m~,re~' •• tr~r .uch indue ..

II.Jt1~. a ...... cumt. _(l:b. trw •• ft,. .. tU:«4f't,!If'.- C.,~'ltlOft ~

t'educurtt thC!!uu-,.1n ofproflt$ fo~' thf> r'e'",.t.l c.""lera'tlt t~at be

hfA. le.t r"liim~~ ot pr1e.. n. lui, ..... d.a".' b1zlIutlf t.. ~h. 4 .. _141

t.r Btll1 otQ .... lI.mel fr.'i\'lfJrttflj,Gll'f~r1$lh fbe.rfJ ,1. a .11Kh~ ,&1" .UI.U,.. ln en.tch p~ltAte gooQ.i!lJ _~ OO~ ¢.~ Q:,*' 1)7 th~ 4otlM'l .,.

... , .. &tttion of f4 40*on. A ~or$ murit$l4 r.m,~ 'e ,0 •• 11:4" ft .•

tbe eomt purohfusea tJJ.\n"lH: ~6.e IN'"ldfmOu:,h to .'trike out ._

'ir~7 t'he r~t .. l1 4~4 .. wl.th :h1t profit. ~4 pl.u"chAao gf A nol .. ... 1-. cl •• let1-htm ~,,() •• lblQ or art' :pr&of; 1$&.),11' wboltflJalft pric •••

the 1'lulti(iu~ hOUIU*"'iI!lIjHIf' with AYt'.r~~ .. tt1ml1y c{&n attt.11 b.lnusrlt

.f tlu. III MCtthoc1 t"" th~ G"'." or only .. J.1Jttlt~Q 'nu'l'?;,bt1't' of n1J,lp11.a

at " •• t. ft .. ,.,. ••• , llm.lt~~tior. ... ~;n .t'Qr~.@ t~cl1itJ.e. -.r., 'tQo •• il-

... to ..... MJority .. (1f h:tU3'!llU.1ItJi!ra t& nee4 &.tt1~' forth.

AU. ... 'ltUlc;.u4 up.o. mCH,llB ,to ~lJ.Iartm"fmt 6 ... 1.1""8. 1nor'i!:~; •••

... ~r.", ... wit .. btl 'fi~or.'1lr. for tl'i •• ,t"'~"'.t .r .. "" . ...... ll .. '_" ••• lb1.. ftd.. r.ad ... ,. • .... GVMt .... O •• pur-

..... G~ .:.t th$ (U1!:t.'1tm. lJOtAtOflll ~t '.016 p~ I). by tbe

.,.el i!l eOfttr .. 't to t~.O:t! F~:t· lb. IT.l ItltIJl.il.l, c-!u",f.ltl1iy 10 dtl't ....

lorato 'Una,o" unfa'f'o,·'.,4I4J ootHl1'ti!iJrtB t.~ to 1I,Qr(1t t?':;Ar- ottee.tth.

cala £." ~;y.1n~, tho l~~'"i.;{er .~~~,"'t>-H;y. 1J>~11' h~l(~e trtJ~ l:1t Qth~!l'T

tl'~l:ItlJlh vute(ftJA'bl, •• I'lnCt 'r,'utt ••

It ~'. 'hr,;m~~~"'!t 'bt) ,UitfJ'i10J1tr4. W~ \it#2.J..v~. '<ilh,l1.fbuf f/.;i tiD

"~t..aJ\1at Qur;;~l'Vf#. to~ cC)fft~l"(jf,lfntl.y tlOl tb10 fj"n~lt1on an~ ao

.... "loot f'nu~1't11~ il\Qy~'trt*~a~ whleh c",r()tful o.t t t.'P'ntlc.m •• ;r liio-

'a HIWJ lnst~tHu, ... t,41.ol;l~t1tt;;- !CIf ~hl('lt ~~~l(~ ~j. .. t"rl~lly .,1d 1a

t'lKi\lC1fl~; CJ!.,iJ, untl".. l.1:.i~ (,; itftlt'an\ .,j,aoCl 0101,.1", 011 erma, for

J..tttw'lC_. O¢cilpl' pri'&t,j'.lc~ll;;l no ~Of'(l lfa .• :nfban ~notb*,.. 'rh.

r8Ci.uot,lOll tor tho llii~'.;".r _OUftt 1~ w..-th eo:tS!f1.d.erl'!11.

1 qt. em (to"ts •• 6&

1\1 tIP'Iit. 411.,8. ot J)tt~Yi. In.rt;ter. e:o~tl~ 10. 10 %".nd. 10 oen't&, the

oontcmt. w~" ~e foJ.1QWIJ:

10 c~nt J~' til'

20 ..

iO ..

I. t~t wld.l~ tlw pl~lt' •• w~r. ll:at~ 'lut .el1htlof f.h., eontElnt •

•• 1"0 1ft tilt, r-.tlo ., 1:~.O.:"".18. r""18 td't()'lfd pr6\(lt1oally ~.

ad"8titnte 1ft. tho ~~1t;R ~1~~ o¥er tbft ~l,l.r~.,"t.'nt t but •

• "ltl ot twc:mt)' f1ve lI4',;r c~t ;~n the l,.rr_t. ,~,1"~ JAr. Of

•• VN 'hi. 't' •• ~oa.1l 4uttitJ!i,fAtt ft •• of atly prodUct to '!lfl:4t'­

rut ,i. 'wo ••• ill t,lle l~r&~' 4ilomU'>tmt Nul illUu)~h eontl"ol of It •

•• .. to ,ret"'.' .. 8'.'14 ••••.

'Iltf:ft WC"i c-. .. rfe ttw pUJ"(:'htt.ft~ of fr.;Cin _'UiPpl1es in. bu.lk Qr 1ft

Pt1WA::akiC8 \it; rOC<lC-!'l11H'I a.t unoetho f£iI,(1t t'h,At ~~a.("Jt~~>tlll\ ~~r 4.1 ,. more

OonVW14,jn'\ tinC1 mor1\i; ... n1t",ry 1'.,..111$ "'{;t n'\;l~ ~.\ll,r"'y. [email protected]$. the

tON 1.)'w jlt'iI)(H.m-.J. hiltu tiUun4 An 1'J!'::g.n1Qt~,t~ ~rt(l l'H'CetU,Hl.ful opf1or­

t'Un:tty to .,ovur 'toh •• ~~r·nu)~llt etX.J,HJt",t,!(} ttr;,f*in,;"ft.;'O/fJ. COl~,.a:;;ti t~ on 4n4

.dvm-t lu.tr ,.(. "11tt btU"~tfn (.It thill ell:pmuH1 1 ~ ~vllm:t. u$ ... 11y l'onlo by

t.'!ti l;'lt,;rtiJ\I"~ttl', t;hrQt.~~;b fH')w..nt I<'0afll';'J~"~. 1n'filI,r.l,~r ;~\J4.J.ll t.;; or l'tiff,'h4r

tb~ U' e~f~'it. JYIii:iI.1.~i r{~r';iA. p~kt!:~,f"'~ t)t r rU:;tti.r~c. corflwl lit tlHi ('oot

or ~.\li.~tV~t'tli~i'nI.~.. !)H,~ l'n(jruj~a~. In l)(ln~ t',!;}1"ij<f$(:,nttl "",,0 j ner!tltaliO 1.

¥1'Utl'i'1~:~ v~uu. ~~II!;\ ll .. l~~rt" .\tI;fUlI' t1:i(:tU. iiiIf'~ lrf'.,(tlv~dt and _,gme

c~1ftlr.lru.~l to Pt'lJ,t.l~·" ~l,~t b. 1"f1tl~w.t~131d4Gl(i. p..-b .. ,.,

tu th. oo.t tif th~ unc~(}ki:c.\ torma .. 'tlut tb1t1 .oul~ TN. but a. 81131\t

int)I'~kfetJ (s~)<t:: tC\\bl~ M ~a. e¢"~,t1onl. th~ l'tlere(t.IH'J 1. l-.fBtll¥

tor- ~dvtlrt,hli'''t " 'pr~(~(I.n '.'Y't' 'm~"1J.~ul.~;t.hm t tw ~". ... r tb& G.tSt'jlilUt

fur ni)v(~l ty ~r'\H,1t\(ltfS.. 'l.&l!1t1~~l!I>!! .. q;j ~wr'!! mt~~;l m\uab bav1ne-, fallt1tl,

\l.Uo or tll~ b~4.n ~m. ti~O "oOI!'tm{On.· Gr' t",·'!}ul)l.&~. %1;. 1- .... ,. t •

• ~~ the r~to t)! l,'f't~rtf@,U in MMpfii.rl~t'h~ (;t):fifti ~tth~ t_ 00 ... .,&1. now l~y~J.l .. blo in 11u111 "'"tbe~~ ~t the ptM:Jtage t?t".d .... t.'"

Puft~d. I*leo 10 ¢!C11tfi ,fAr p .. ek~ •• ,..,--

A lI-.eki>'.c'" (H.1trtk1n~lti$.3 .,.ri.il,tUt Q.J'" la3.~/uzi6 ()f' It. lb.

1b18 iii Ili!.t ttl., r~tlJ .of m*'! el1~t't~ ~e-r l'b.(~Grn ~G .. l ai: c~nt. per

1~ .. , oorn tl.u:c;lt 10 n~t I ,i'~rr::UI.ekjt4~~gf 31&.:5 f;,l"f~ .• • ... or 14.1

•• ftl. p..-r P9URft. Only ... ruf'Ul 41 ~ort._,.t1cm o'~rn (l1.1il?,"~r 't..,. • • ,,1_. A ,.,.t~r ." .. a.rl"ft ot~~"'lc~. ie fou1!f1 ift the t,,11ow1q

£11.' r.$ loa.- t

G __ trY4 , • ., • 1 •• e trr •• .. _,I.., 11 0.' •• ,. ...... , • • , i1 _._, ... 1'. ... •• allt,- .. t.terlo,. t. "!la' •• lltre 111

.. __ ur .. ' ... -. t .. t .... ~I om" pet' 1'.

111.e' bu. in ,1 ••• ,lit' .. IH~I ...... 281 par Jar. or

• ".'., of," •••• ,. ... l\h 'ft ~k \h~ Iftiim. oav, ,up.lor i,1l

.,.al1\7. BI __ u ,ar 11h

0. 'he otlt .. h., .. , •• tlb~4 ,.ot... ot 'bilrtCOft wa.e _qual.

lr1 w.lttllt .. , """'J' to tMil ,1U"O~ •• 4 1. bulk.

'lh4t toUowi_ tOle ahow. ~M ~&:r .. tlft CCtJJt ot 41"t.,· •••

11,...,4. of ,elatine. 1ft thl. CU'W! t).o .'r~b ~n4 ~Qlltl'

yazrt." ....... ~ 1ft , .. "..,. .f thl hilbw Sfrio •• t altbo\lgh 1I0't' c<us­

acmtJurfllt.l,. •

1IeJ.Ittt' ot b!I!U.

•• .. w:e,.non. A.1

~,..u~ RoOk 10.&

III 1ftdJc •

co. 01 bslta

.•• lat· .11



".2 r."''' • 11.1 •

41.1 "

'4--", •

CCl8tp" r~tml

f1.1 •

i •• ,




1*-', at 11 0.'. ,d' lth I. , .. ~ .,.to. in 1 lb.

- _ena .01 .00'

-An ---,-•• 01

a-rAN bnt __ !IIi'

18'.1 .re. GostlO eento or 48 cu-nt. per lb.

rue 1IX,p,f.rnoewoUld Oilt In m~.t r..o'~ea a C~8. or fHf .. y1~pror

-lett-over., •• 1nCG tew thz·lft'l hotUH;.tlr',H.iP~t'. w()uld 'buy treah

... tVliila fo,'" tll.i.e par'tloul ... ,r pr'iolduai. Prcnr1t'hHl omt :-",h'Jul,;j t the

eOJl,'HU"4t:lt1y. C:Oilt. ~.t,uHu"ly •• 'W@ eQUid .1\4dgt'} of ·th~ pl"Ollortiona

1ft it.. cQ1npo4ii1t!on. WGulf. bQ~>boUl

~!/~ lb. COl"n~G bttet' .. 14' ~'mr ).1').

l/a lb. pot&tOIt:lIl ~l .oa~ per lb .

• f p"'c~... 'erha..,HlI the most st,rj,klnf ex,M1rlet 1~ !ounci in t.he

cU.ttertmt. to!"m.a in which 011 "Vl!.t oil if! off~r~d.. In no OAfUi in

tM .~l.ful .. a.ainol;, did theb~ttlft8 of ~11 cl,)nt~in the ~AQ\:n,n~

.,.ot~ t _11$ _11 th.~ Cii\fU! of oil tea'tea. Qon·t~lnod un1:fonuly

tull mta&aur c •

1/2 ,t 41 bottle SC3.flt. 3/4 cUj) 01.1 .-

112t. bottl~ .. 1-1/2 CUPII 011 •• •

1 q\tvi bot t le/ ~cant 2-2 S cup II .. - Ii1

1 quart 'hot t 1. -a-va cup. ••

1 <lUI"" eU! •• 1 • •• ..

IIIQ' ,.Gar""l:r"tlleUI to pro""liJ.l.,, by Qh~i),rv~'J;;nctl ut,fhlch the _at IAlCIO, •• at\¢ pU't"ch4l)'l'1.ns m~ 'h .. &ceompl1,lihlt.a.. ftle 1nf1n1 te

....... l.ty or foNtS ,;rfl th, vtUl;,rkot t.;J?,kcu! ~:~ a 1<1\1$ 81 f1 '"Ii~ t:'tudJ of their

.~r1 to h4p ••• lbltif. ItH.':'h & lin eQHlatHlj"~r r~~:; CO;)lf~pj,('t (;' wl':1,11v tile

.uahl''i1I'tm 't'(lVftb~r t·l'J'c llr~n~'l'\t 't,lruo bt'1n~1i.t '\'t$Wrl>NJl1.! al:/tt\'U~t 4J.ill.l1;r.

!tlebCifult4. hen¥~'1f.)r. t.h.tt,~.v .tucU~. tb~. ~tltllt'Htfl n:ay f!!Uftlrg •• '

tho •. U.r'l7~ct1o" 1ti ·f.l''h:l,trh .. ttwf1;i lon t,;~y ~H'C)tit$bl.¥ t;tJ: t'~tTt~d b;r

'be-, hO\ltU~:tlitE'QJler 1!tI't\O •• plt"4lt8 to 2.I~ltH,%r0 tb.f~ 1, 1.$t "lullttl ttl tr". her

Ct);p$ndl.tut" •• 1n t'ho Clf'(ttct:l.on ~f t$(n~ f!'Up~17 w.n6' i.t.ltr;;r~~~r~ttl •••

!tlere 1. It. fwth.r TaT;' 1.ort-ii.rtt tutor ~~1eb bu flot be.

lncUt4eca t", tht. ;J!.tt;l(tYflh.tehie. !'Ha't'o,.ttl.el~H~~t elofwly eort..,~et4"1

~tth 'ltUW'IY ottlHl P1!J;t~t. 41~~l.1!)i;(!~4 .• !hi. liJ th~ ffiH.l.tio", {)t tho

timc; l\'f\(! 1~'b.,,, 1""01\'$)4 •. ;\n in¢:rt;f~~lnF,; ~~'b~.r or hOIlUJ6k.(JJH:tr.

bave t .1tb~lr t~n\if;h nG<lo'.lty 01' e'hol"6 f 4Mlartf. tt'P<>" the!"

.1 .. ~nj .tt'ftfl\~ 'Which !luz.lce th.1D .... ~ a'4)~"'ta.1!t, ebn1tj.c.ht1"'4fLt1Qn.

'i'o 'm<ltt ~xttnlCt,tlH):,Y <me b. j1.JMtlttWl in .Q. lAr"f~r ~~'Pf.m41tul" •• hle

r~.Ult • .1" .. lil"t".'1ng of 'tbgtMJ:~t 6nd on*ll'r'PY tor ~thll'f' th1r".'

rh1.'h(,tQl~ b@ tt .. t~ln" rOr".~!;,111 1nd,lvldtwl.l. b1' aeorus1de .. a'i. 9t .h~ p ••• l'bl,,~ .1,@_tliQ.ruuuJ Qf tl:u; t~~ 1.1bM'iiitftd t~il{tb~r ~l.\h

a knowlettle ,,1.' tlw ki.egr~~fot di.i·ret~;rtle.fJ :in ~:J!I'.t1."$4J; lIi\.!"ld 1ft tb .•

q'Qu1ty ot wh~t ~~. 'bti J.'~It'(,t:.'~.~ti r~;l.~·.¥r.pll.!:'~ f,;Ot~.lJ:U".4 wltb t.h.

b.l. iU·O<!llfl$. l' .:a.. to bi:f'~g;f'.t1;;"ci t'!\t.t 11't·ilo .:;.e(!ur'~tQ

,"""cu"ie_t.1oB h ... .1Cft bfH.l'tl _4,. in t;'hl~ nlrcct'~. 1'h~.tT~d¥

mado b7 .U ••• ,ijioaOlow und.(Jr' th$ ;jl1'"~c::ti~n (}t ~,"hi1i71.'\¢Ri:z:;n ~r(!tnC!h

or The b. .... '.ttOfl of t~oll~1~,,1dt Al~ •• 1 ... vttlt .. &"l~ ccmtrl­

",1."ft eUUlcult1ve of m\.:~h m,Qf'l\'J "'hlt'h m~ht pro!'! tabl,. 'be

nu.' ....