THE WASHINGTON TDIES SI NUYY DECEMBER 7 THE UNSURPASSED BEAUTIES OF AMERICAN SCENERY d n Inn ° the Canadian Rockies Natural Attractions that Vie With All That Europe Can Offer to the Traveler Little Known Re- gions of the Far West Becorn ing More Available An Alpine Region at Home With Avalanches Waterfalls and Cascades A Glacier in Its 9 Glaciers ¬ T MAT IM sal witiioat exaggera tiM that hi M Other Of a 1eglooeutetelag through uut its entire extent seenle features of Ouch unsurpassed beauty with very variation of climate affording hygienic onditlons adapted in tile highest degree to both recreation and health for every roncelvable class persons healthy or invalid than arc within tbe confines Of the United States and more particular ly that section extending from Canadian borMr on tKt aorta to the the Mexican border on tbe south and from the upper Missouri River te the fertile plains and valleys of tile Pacific Coast This assertion was made to the writer by Prof James W Abbott of the Agricultural Department who has devoted the greater pert of his life te research hi the vast Mf ifr regions of the United States for the pnrpsss of de- termining the bout sad moot practical highways and byways Mr Abbott is strongly of the opinion that the people on tile Aiaortcan conti- nent could secure much rest benefit from an esthetic as well aa a physical standpoint by Investigating the scenic attractions of their aattve tend than by roaring the Atlantic to the scenic attractions and health resorts of tits OM World N Boundary Vaxatfeac The railroad facilities by whteh the various scenic regions of the United states are reached sad traversed afford for very of traveling convenience and luxury continued Mr Abbott There are no political boundaries with the unpleasant delays si ester boss rflVors sad passport Inspection to coo front the traveler In seavch of health TTrasure or builasss each person exer- rs that absolute freedom of move n nt so inseparable from true eajojr ni rPM from the Interference of- iKivrnment control pollee surveillance or the arbitrary and utterly unwar- ranted exactions of petty officials whteh o frequently yea tIN traveler te Kurope Considering tile annual Influx of travel Invading all those rogjons of famed for their seenle sad climatic attractions an amount of travel greatly augmented by contributions from the United States It mms marvelous Indeed that morn of It has sot boss diverted into the mountain regions of United Stfltos Poor Places of Sntstfriinmeat Mr Abbott thinks that travel of tour B would be largely turned to tile more pirturesoue portions of the United States were not those te the mountain fast- nesses reached by roads primitive leading in many instances places of entertainment execrable rnpared with the Kuropean standard wVre the facilities for reaching the valuable natural attrcctloae of the for countries are hotter The Hepartmeat of Agriculture hrough Its special agontn to now ea- Kaited in getting tile eoaavaafUos fav- ored by iconic sad cHmatie conditions o follow the examples of their i ran brots rs who long ago discovered that tile r investment they could make for wi IUUTL rOTTM fc lisLiavnt of good roads that would pene Ie UMn te feud o p the all sstiK seek die la- o tructloa to S part roan wenrld i os oat pie to- t nip urn two n hit dim MUtb i ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ every section of country and state aH Its attraction uoisaWe to viattstsShouW Sue Aaftrfea Flut- Ko fact Is better understood or more Joafideatly rolled upon In the scenic regions at Batope than the patronage derived every year from Americans said Mr Abbott It to amt which has excited much s44u f wtew- ato oa this side of lbs Atlantic The assertion is often 4 tJ rt IA dis- flraooM mrfHethit mlHfomt upon mll Bom of American 3ti eT itieutl1 bo fcpmadsred Norway and the Alps by people Ignorant of tile overshadowing at tractions of their native lead and while all true Americans would rejoice to see the title of travel turned toward this country It behooves us sot to belittle the allurements of amropeaa regions See tfce scenery of the United first the Ajsftrtcan who would travel for heaKh or pleasure CevateriMrbj ef Mr Abbott was asked what he oonsMered the principal scenic attrac- tions of tile tilted hates and how easy or It bo to roach the vari- ous pats of the soonte regions lila reply was lust of the Missouri River these euostloas have Mea suite satisfactorily answered The very best which Bnrepe our Atlantic oabeaid sad among the hills and mountains of the Zest dosons of places oa too coast the White Mountalna CatekJIte Adiroa leeks Appalachians sod Alleghanles tourists eau Sad lad as much pleasure and comfort no they seed in similar lo- calities abroad That they appreciate It to attested by the hundreds of thousands who each year avail themselves of those privileges And this patronage to by ne means confined to Americana The love of travel and change to whereat In Eu- ropeans also bud they com to this eomvjry In increasing numbers toss M far Wist aa the Hot Springs of Akaasaa- in the beautiful Omrk Mountains there has prows up n resort with every eom to other to BUr piL Re counterpart on I tilts tl sir itdi Is Staten this go t1aldr b ate atetee just dif CIIlt west baa to offer already ham lab ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = w business houses of Washington I treat said small have begun to lot on their Christm dress In earnest and already signs of the approaching holiday times can be seen ee every thoroughfare Shop windows are lied with attractive displays to catch the eye and Incidentally the pocketbook of the passerby while Inside the shops great rows of shelves sad counters are sued to overflowing with goods of Ml de- scriptions for the Joyous Christmas sea- n As to usually the mss those who can afford to are making their selections early sad haying them placed aside to be sent at Christmas sad there a general bustle in all of the tores where goods suitable for presents are sold A large part of the Christmas shopping nowadays to dose under the one root of the department store where anything from a6cent doll to an automobile can be set ur iid A Marvelous System The system of preparation lor tile holi- day trade among time larger dealers to really marvelous One day people walk through the shops tHE a ¬ ¬ Golden Gate Yellowstone I 1IU r MI w = ° tort sad luxury to be found at Luzerne or Carlsbad Little KMWH U Tourist But there to another part of the United States little mows to the aver- age American tourist I refer to the vast section west of the Missouri River which contains practically 10MMO square miles la It are the highest and and nigged mountains culminating tn Colorado where Stem Hisses which attains an elevation of 14JM fist to the American counterpart of Mount Blanc Mount Ranter sad Mount Whitney to- gether with Sierra BlaDe form the loftiest trio of peeks in the United States while between them are hun ¬ ¬ dred of peaks higher then the Jungfrau of SwtUerlaad While there are no glaciers la this country to compare In tragic story with those of the Alps there are snow sad lee in plenty sad mightier glaciers too but they do sot lure travelers to de- struction The same sun lights them into radiance and beauty end fury can easily conceive their myriad fantastic shapes to be too fountains sad palaces of some Celestial city Kvery gulch above the Umber line has Its beaks which grow deeper sad deeper as one ascends Any day or night a storm may drop a mantle of white upon the summits and even la the glare and heal I stew lnasors ¬ take Tahac S and note that they present the ordinary appearance of the season The next day in paring through one notices a complete transformation There has been a decided change sad on all sides holiday goods of every kind and description are on view Just how this change is made and bow the grots are secured was explained by the proprietor of one of the large depart- ment stores to a Times representative ycsten y- It may appear strange he said but It to nevertheless true that the larger pert of the holiday goods exhibited various stores show the results of efforts put forth In October of last year More than a month ago most of the large dealers began to make prepara- tions for the Christmas season of dish That statement alone will show you what an Immense task Is involved la properly equipping a large store for the Christmas trade Requires a Trained Star We have a stat of trained men en- gaged in making preparations for the Christmas trade who are busy practical- ly throughout the entire year It sty appear a mystery to the uninitiated how the stores prepare for ChrUimaa where la- the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Salt Lake in Utah treat all tbe goods come from and bow all of the merchants appear to be ready about tile same time But it is no mystery it Is simply the development of a syte matic undertaking that has required months to work out Long months of bard work keen foresight and the result of years of experience and experimenting alone can do this Lest October we looked ever samples- of toys and laid up our orders for next year Aa is very generally known most of the toys sold in the United States are made In Germany and Switzerland Our orders were placed in January a year ago and people were set to work mak- ing the toys in the many German and Swiss hamlets Designs Made a Year Ahead One of the greatest problems vre have Is to present novelties always s netblng new and tempting Take umbrellas Those displayed at Christmas should have some dtotlnetlve feature not close that they must be different la style from those offered tai Christina While the covering must remain the same the style of handles to subject to many changes We have hardly passed through one holiday aewsoii before the designers are at work al- ways ¬ There are few peak whsh camtot be reached by tbe penostrma with safety slid comparative Too avalanche which sweeps oorr the mountain side mowing everything in Its path and engulfing all at the wader hundreds or thousanda of ton of snow too tomb or timbers iu al clpttoun region where muck snow fans In the United States that to a Isngev of little moment during tile summer and early autumn Tho harvest oY destruction to gathered during the winter when the storms are raging or tt wan tile features or pre sf tbs amaap 00 seldss molls sad vanish ease bot- tom one of sad a avalanches ¬ evolving new ideas for the next The furniture designer must evolve something new and unique in his the ordinary desks chairs etc used in the everyday way of trade would never do Some of our Christmas conceits In furniture were manufactured from designs secured by men sent to the Orient nearly a year ago Others were made from designs worked out by our own experts in the regular order of but which were put aside as most applicable to tile Christmas tradeAs fast as Christmas goods are re- ceived they are taken out and inspected then packed carefully away in the same caws until such time as they are need ed Of course many of them are not un- packed the second time until they reach the home of the buyer Most of the goods displayed are samples of those In the storeroom from which tile sales counters are supplied Arranfinf the Departments One big problem we have to rear- ranging the various departments for the Christmas trade Ordinarily as you know the toy and novelty Jepartmeuts occupy but a small space Christmas wv jwo compelled to jftuuvi a large J otto- mans At Christ- mastide depart- ment work C ¬ ¬ Rescuing the Monolith in Yellowstone Park 1 Scenic Features That the Unfrequented Mountain Ranges Offer Mineral Springs and Baths to Be Had Without Crossing the In creasing Popularity of the Countrys Charms A Land of Wonders OceanThe Natural ¬ In the spring when the melting let go their hold These tragedies of tile mountains could hardly be Invoked In that section during the tourist season by any recklessness however wanton Cascades fed by melt MIl Sl jJrlMfeondant in all of the mountain regions of the United States and are a never failing attraction These cannot always be seen te advantage from moving trains but always lend a charm to a trip on foot or by horse Some are of extraordinary propotions The lower falls of the Yellowstone de fattitfW feet one vertical plunge W pBSl fOTtalto in the Yosemite are more than twice aa high sad over feet in width while the Yosemite Falls the highest waterfall In tbe known world with anywhere near the same volume leaps 26SV feet n three plunges clearing over LGM feet at the Mgt Jump 62 at DM sucond and the remainder in the matThs falls of Niagara al- though three quarters of a mile wide are feet high in their greatest de- scent Mineral Springs Plentiful Mr Abbott referred to the large num- ber of mineral spring throughout tile Western country and said timers are so many rind of such a varied nature that large numbers of them have sever bees named Others of tile scenic gems re ferred to by Mr Abbott are the large number of mountain lakes hors from the melting snows To attempt te specify the beautiful lakes weM be Mho trying te Use Ute cities of the world saM Mr Abbott It I were asked to mention halt a of those best known to the tourist I would suggest Lake McDonald n Mon taaa near which are to be found the most typical glaciers la the United States Lake Coma In Washington with Its sixty miles of hanging landscape seek shore Lake Yellowstone where the waters down from tile moun- tains and mix with those ever rising from platonic depths Lake Our dAlene- tn Idaho a mho of entrancing beauty but with a same suggestive of troubled sums and wished Lake Taboo In California of which Mark Twain said upon seeing it for the grit time a 1tr lOfty 170 O snows P v peat t nose deeds ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HOW THE DEPARTMENT STORES PREPARE FOR THE CHRISTMAS TRADE quantity of the staple goods to make room for the fancy articles that are m large demand at this season At the same time we mutt be careful sot to tuck away goods likely to be called for in the regular run of trade The head of every department thinks his department the most important and we have great trouble in assigning the necessary space for the articles we think should have the reference You want to know hew we manage the question of quantities in providing for the Christmas trade Well in the Met place we have the sales in gross for last year then the sales by Then again we have the aver- age sales for as many years as we care to go back That gives us a good start- er Then we use experience and judg- ment which Is a large part of the un- dertaking Mosey Conditions Considered If the money conditions of the coos try sad the circulation of currency ap pear good we probably buy more henv lly on the supposition that aa the time are good more gifts will be made Last Christmas business was exceptionally good and this season money promises to he plentiful sad I am of the opinion that the trade will far exceed that of 101 I to Be depart- ments ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I thought it must surely be the fair picture Ute whole earth afforls and then Le Cristobal in Colo- rado a lake Mr an oval cup which when the sunset gilds its mountain wells leeks like a kegs sapphire ia a setting of purple and gold Then there j the great Salt Lake of Utah which s on of time wonders of the whole world Other Steak Attractions Among other scenic attractions of i Western section of tile United s spoken of by Mr Abbott are the crun ling ruins of tile homes of tile air 3HV dwellers which cover thousafc if square miles and are a subject of ab- sorbing interest to the tourist and There are the stupendous can- yons hewn out of mountain fastnesss the geysers which send forth their vast volumes of water mud and steam bi a into the air Impelled by some for A bake subterranean depth about xlma- Mn may always speculate th giant trees of California the wind rav of South Dakota which rivals the Mam- moth Cave of Kentucky time thousands of forms in which the flora and fauna of that section are not duplicated else- where the saermeus deposits of ore that hews the foundation upon which has rested so muck of the weait a of the United States Mere Available Aa sack year roils by these re- tractions are becoming more and more available Where ia UC5 there were but few trails emt rough mountain roods today tile larger part of that great sec- tion to Interwoven with tbe modern rail Thirty years ago one train a day with a single sleeper carried every pas- senger who traveled by rail to the Pa- cific Coast Today more trains fully quipped and with every kzown sad luxury of railroad travel leers daily tor the Pacific than May any plaster cItY In every dirtc Through the activity of the Depart moat of Agriculture tile various comnm- nlttes la tile scenic section of the great Wet are actively at work to tempt tho tourist Good roads are being provided and trifle are being made suitable for or riding Suitable hotels S great curetted UlL walking eat Nw s stu- dent 1 bleu Becoming cMen 1 road cosNrt t largo Inn ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = > boarding houses bathhouses tennis courts golf Inks peso grounds anl boats for takes may now be found at many places while courteous and ff at hand The methods and practices which in regions and countries are spuds a source of revel are being studied Aa AWe of Go Cheer In a plain rustle hotel in east ra Oregon concluded Mr Abbott i r a across a dear old lady who presides c r the hostelry Her welcome is a genie greeting and her goodby Ups a ben tion An embodied spirit of fcenevo good cheer captures the of guest who UDBSIS her old TIM food upon her table ren 3 of childhood days and Its Chili t memories She to the tourists and draws hits Mks a maomet offerrd o the traveler la the Unite As tea thai t appears surprising that tie t should turn to foreign mad rhea h have at home n tease at bva y that cannot be surpassed cleat guides thr it one Such Me tM lts L are always other V n- and she h every iris t r mac >


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the Canadian Rockies

Natural Attractions that Vie With All That EuropeCan Offer to the Traveler Little Known Re-

gions of the Far West Becorn ing More AvailableAn Alpine Region at Home WithAvalanches Waterfalls and Cascades

A Glacier in




T MAT IM sal witiioat exaggeratiM that hi M Other Of

a 1eglooeutetelag throughuut its entire extent seenle features ofOuch unsurpassed beauty with veryvariation of climate affording hygieniconditlons adapted in tile highest degree

to both recreation and health for everyroncelvable class persons healthy orinvalid than arc within tbe confines Of

the United States and more particularly that section extendingfrom Canadian borMr on tKt aortato the the Mexican border on tbe southand from the upper Missouri River tethe fertile plains and valleys of tilePacific Coast

This assertion was made to the writerby Prof James W Abbott ofthe Agricultural Department who hasdevoted the greater pert of his life teresearch hi the vast Mf ifr regions ofthe United States for the pnrpsss of de-

termining the bout sad moot practicalhighways and byways

Mr Abbott is strongly of the opinionthat the people on tile Aiaortcan conti-

nent could secure much rest benefitfrom an esthetic as well aa a physicalstandpoint by Investigating the scenicattractions of their aattve tend than byroaring the Atlantic to the scenicattractions and health resorts of tits OM

WorldN Boundary Vaxatfeac

The railroad facilities by whteh thevarious scenic regions of the Unitedstates are reached sad traversed afford

for very of traveling convenienceand luxury continued Mr AbbottThere are no political boundaries withthe unpleasant delays si ester bossrflVors sad passport Inspection to coofront the traveler In seavch of healthTTrasure or builasss each person exer-

rs that absolute freedom of moven nt so inseparable from true eajojr

n i rPM from the Interference of-

iKivrnment control pollee surveillanceor the arbitrary and utterly unwar-ranted exactions of petty officials whteh

o frequently yea tIN traveler te KuropeConsidering tile annual Influx of

travel Invading all those rogjons offamed for their seenle sad climatic

attractions an amount of travel greatlyaugmented by contributions from theUnited States It mms marvelous Indeedthat morn of It has sot boss divertedinto the mountain regions of UnitedStfltos

Poor Places of SntstfriinmeatMr Abbott thinks that travel of tourB would be largely turned to tile more

pirturesoue portions of the United Stateswere not those te the mountain fast-

nesses reached by roads primitiveleading in many instances

places of entertainment execrablernpared with the Kuropean standard

wVre the facilities for reaching thevaluable natural attrcctloae of the for

countries are hotterThe Hepartmeat of Agriculture

hrough Its special agontn to now ea-

Kaited in getting tile eoaavaafUos fav-

ored by iconic sad cHmatie conditionso follow the examples of their

i ran brots rs who long ago discoveredthat tile r investment they couldmake for wi IUUTL rOTTM fc

lisLiavnt of good roads that would pene

Ie UMn te feud



all sstiK




o tructloato


part roan

wenrld i os



to-t nip



n hitdim MUtb








every section of country andstate aH Its attraction uoisaWe to

viattstsShouWSue Aaftrfea Flut-

Ko fact Is better understood or moreJoafideatly rolled upon In the scenicregions at Batope than the patronagederived every year from Americanssaid Mr Abbott It to amt whichhas excited much s44u f wtew-ato oa this side of lbs Atlantic Theassertion is often 4 tJ rt IA dis-

flraooM mrfHethit mlHfomt upon mllBom of American 3ti eT itieutl1 bofcpmadsred Norway and the Alps bypeople Ignorant of tile overshadowing attractions of their native lead and whileall true Americans would rejoice to seethe title of travel turned toward thiscountry It behooves us sot to belittlethe allurements of amropeaa regions Seetfce scenery of the United first

the Ajsftrtcan who would travel forheaKh or pleasure

CevateriMrbj efMr Abbott was asked what he

oonsMered the principal scenic attrac-tions of tile tilted hates and how easyor It bo to roach the vari-ous pats of the soonte regions lilareply was

lust of the Missouri River theseeuostloas have Mea suite satisfactorilyanswered The very best which Bnrepe

our Atlantic oabeaid sad among thehills and mountains of the Zest

dosons of places oa too coast theWhite Mountalna CatekJIte Adiroaleeks Appalachians sod Alleghanlestourists eau Sad lad as much pleasureand comfort no they seed in similar lo-

calities abroad That they appreciate Itto attested by the hundreds of thousandswho each year avail themselves of thoseprivileges And this patronage to by nemeans confined to Americana The loveof travel and change to whereat In Eu-

ropeans also bud they com to thiseomvjry In increasing numbers toss Mfar Wist aa the Hot Springs of Akaasaa-

in the beautiful Omrk Mountains therehas prows up n resort with every eom

to other to

BUr piL

Re counterparton


tilts tl sir



Statenthis go t1aldr b ate atetee


dif CIIlt west

baa to offer already ham







w business houses of WashingtonI treat said small have begun to

lot on their Christm dress Inearnest and already signs of the

approaching holiday times can be seen eeevery thoroughfare Shop windows arelied with attractive displays to catch

the eye and Incidentally the pocketbookof the passerby while Inside the shopsgreat rows of shelves sad counters aresued to overflowing with goods of Ml de-

scriptions for the Joyous Christmas sea-nAs to usually the mss those who can

afford to are making their selectionsearly sad haying them placed aside to besent at Christmas sad there a generalbustle in all of the tores where goodssuitable for presents are sold

A large part of the Christmas shoppingnowadays to dose under the one root ofthe department store where anythingfrom a6cent doll to an automobile canbe set ur iid

A Marvelous SystemThe system of preparation lor tile holi-

day trade among time larger dealers toreally marvelous

One day people walk through the shops





Golden Gate YellowstoneI

1IU rMI w=


tort sad luxury to be found at Luzerneor Carlsbad

Little KMWH U TouristBut there to another part of the

United States little mows to the aver-age American tourist I refer to thevast section west of the Missouri Riverwhich contains practically 10MMOsquare miles la It are the highest and

and nigged mountains culminating tnColorado where Stem Hisses whichattains an elevation of 14JM fist to theAmerican counterpart of Mount BlancMount Ranter sad Mount Whitney to-

gether with Sierra BlaDe form theloftiest trio of peeks in the UnitedStates while between them are hun



dred of peaks higher then theJungfrau of SwtUerlaad

While there are no glaciers la thiscountry to compare In tragic story withthose of the Alps there are snow sadlee in plenty sad mightier glaciers toobut they do sot lure travelers to de-

struction The same sun lights theminto radiance and beauty end fury caneasily conceive their myriad fantasticshapes to be too fountains sad palacesof some Celestial city Kvery gulch

above the Umber line has Itsbeaks which grow deeper sad deeper asone ascends Any day or night a stormmay drop a mantle of white upon thesummits and even la the glare and heal





take TahacS

and note that they present the ordinaryappearance of the season

The next day in paring through onenotices a complete transformation Therehas been a decided change sad on allsides holiday goods of every kind anddescription are on view

Just how this change is made and bowthe grots are secured was explained bythe proprietor of one of the large depart-ment stores to a Times representativeycsten y-

It may appear strange he said butIt to nevertheless true that the largerpert of the holiday goods exhibited

various stores show the results ofefforts put forth In October of last yearMore than a month ago most of thelarge dealers began to make prepara-tions for the Christmas season of dishThat statement alone will show youwhat an Immense task Is involved laproperly equipping a large store for theChristmas trade

Requires a Trained StarWe have a stat of trained men en-

gaged in making preparations for theChristmas trade who are busy practical-ly throughout the entire year It styappear a mystery to the uninitiated howthe stores prepare for ChrUimaa where







Salt Lake in Utahtreat

all tbe goods come from and bow all ofthe merchants appear to be ready abouttile same time But it is no mystery itIs simply the development of a sytematic undertaking that has requiredmonths to work out Long months ofbard work keen foresight and the resultof years of experience and experimentingalone can do this

Lest October we looked ever samples-of toys and laid up our orders for nextyear Aa is very generally known mostof the toys sold in the United States aremade In Germany and Switzerland Ourorders were placed in January a yearago and people were set to work mak-ing the toys in the many German andSwiss hamlets

Designs Made a Year Ahead

One of the greatest problems vre haveIs to present novelties always s netblngnew and tempting

Take umbrellas Those displayed atChristmas should have some dtotlnetlvefeature not close that they must be

different la style from those offered taiChristina While the covering must

remain the same the style ofhandles to subject to many changes Wehave hardly passed through one holidayaewsoii before the designers are at work



There are few peak whsh camtot bereached by tbe penostrma with safetyslid comparative

Too avalanche which sweeps oorr

the mountain side mowing everythingin Its path and engulfing all at the

wader hundreds or thousanda of tonof snow too tomb or timbers iu al

clpttoun region where muck snow fansIn the United States that to a Isngev of

little moment during tile summer andearly autumn Tho harvestoY destruction to gathered during thewinter when the storms are raging or


wan tile features or pre

sf tbs amaap 00 seldss molls sadvanish




one of sad a



evolving new ideas for the next

The furniture designer must evolvesomething new and unique in his

the ordinary desks chairsetc used in the everyday way of

trade would never do Some of ourChristmas conceits In furniture weremanufactured from designs secured bymen sent to the Orient nearly a year agoOthers were made from designs workedout by our own experts in the regularorder of but which were put asideas most applicable to tile ChristmastradeAs

fast as Christmas goods are re-ceived they are taken out and inspectedthen packed carefully away in the samecaws until such time as they are needed Of course many of them are not un-

packed the second time until they reachthe home of the buyer Most of thegoods displayed are samples of thoseIn the storeroom from which tile salescounters are supplied

Arranfinf the DepartmentsOne big problem we have to rear-

ranging the various departments for theChristmas trade Ordinarily as youknow the toy and novelty Jepartmeutsoccupy but a small space Christmaswv jwo compelled to jftuuvi a large J









Rescuing the Monolith in Yellowstone Park


Scenic Features That the Unfrequented MountainRanges Offer Mineral Springs and Baths toBe Had Without Crossing the Increasing Popularity of the CountrysCharms A Land of Wonders



In the spring when the melting letgo their hold These tragedies of tilemountains could hardly be Invoked Inthat section during the tourist seasonby any recklessness however wanton

Cascades fed by meltMIl Sl jJrlMfeondant in all of themountain regions of the United Statesand are a never failing attraction Thesecannot always be seen te advantagefrom moving trains but always lend acharm to a trip on foot or by horseSome are of extraordinary propotions

The lower falls of the Yellowstone de

fattitfW feet one vertical plunge

W pBSl fOTtalto in the Yosemiteare more than twice aa high sad over

feet in width while the YosemiteFalls the highest waterfall In tbe knownworld with anywhere near the samevolume leaps 26SV feet n three plungesclearing over LGM feet at the Mgt Jump62 at DM sucond and the remainder inthe matThs falls of Niagara al-

though three quarters of a mile wideare feet high in their greatest de-

scentMineral Springs Plentiful

Mr Abbott referred to the large num-

ber of mineral spring throughout tileWestern country and said timers are somany rind of such a varied nature thatlarge numbers of them have sever beesnamed Others of tile scenic gems referred to by Mr Abbott are the largenumber of mountain lakes hors fromthe melting snows

To attempt te specify the beautifullakes weM be Mho trying te Use Utecities of the world saM Mr Abbott

It I were asked to mention halt aof those best known to the tourist Iwould suggest Lake McDonald n Montaaa near which are to be found themost typical glaciers la the UnitedStates Lake Coma In Washington withIts sixty miles of hanging landscape

seek shore Lake Yellowstone where

the waters down from tile moun-

tains and mix with those ever risingfrom platonic depths Lake Our dAlene-tn Idaho a mho of entrancing beautybut with a same suggestive of troubled

sums and wished Lake Taboo

In California of which Mark Twain

said upon seeing it for the grit time







P v










HOW THE DEPARTMENT STORES PREPARE FOR THE CHRISTMAS TRADEquantity of the staple goods to makeroom for the fancy articles that are mlarge demand at this season At thesame time we mutt be careful sot totuck away goods likely to be called forin the regular run of trade The head ofevery department thinks his departmentthe most important and we have greattrouble in assigning the necessary spacefor the articles we think should havethe reference

You want to know hew we managethe question of quantities in providingfor the Christmas trade Well in theMet place we have the sales in grossfor last year then the sales by

Then again we have the aver-age sales for as many years as we careto go back That gives us a good start-er Then we use experience and judg-ment which Is a large part of the un-dertaking

Mosey Conditions Considered

If the money conditions of the coostry sad the circulation of currency appear good we probably buy more henvlly on the supposition that aa the timeare good more gifts will be made LastChristmas business was exceptionallygood and this season money promisesto he plentiful sad I am of the opinionthat the trade will far exceed that of101


to Be








I thought it must surely be the fairpicture Ute whole earth afforls

and then Le Cristobal in Colo-rado a lake Mr an oval cup which whenthe sunset gilds its mountain wellsleeks like a kegs sapphire ia a settingof purple and gold Then there j thegreat Salt Lake of Utah which s onof time wonders of the whole world

Other Steak AttractionsAmong other scenic attractions of i

Western section of tile United sspoken of by Mr Abbott are the crunling ruins of tile homes of tile air3HV dwellers which cover thousafc ifsquare miles and are a subject of ab-

sorbing interest to the tourist andThere are the stupendous can-

yons hewn out of mountain fastnesssthe geysers which send forth their vastvolumes of water mud and steam bi ainto the air Impelled by some for A

bake subterranean depth about xlma-Mn may always speculate th giant

trees of California the wind ravof South Dakota which rivals the Mam-

moth Cave of Kentucky time thousandsof forms in which the flora and faunaof that section are not duplicated else-

where the saermeus deposits of orethat hews the foundation uponwhich has rested so muck of the weait aof the United States

Mere Available

Aa sack year roils by these re-

tractions are becoming more and moreavailable Where ia UC5 there were butfew trails emt rough mountain roodstoday tile larger part of that great sec-

tion to Interwoven with tbe modern railThirty years ago one train a day

with a single sleeper carried every pas-

senger who traveled by rail to the Pa-

cific Coast Today more trains fullyquipped and with every kzown

sad luxury of railroad travelleers daily tor the Pacific thanMay any plaster cItY In every dirtc

Through the activity of the Departmoat of Agriculture tile various comnm-

nlttes la tile scenic section of the greatWet are actively at work to tempt tho

tourist Good roads are being provided

and trifle are being made suitable foror riding Suitable hotels













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boarding houses bathhouses tenniscourts golf Inks peso grounds anlboats for takes may now be found atmany places while courteous and ff

at hand Themethods and practices which inregions and countries are spuds a sourceof revel are being studied

Aa AWe of Go Cheer

In a plain rustle hotel in east raOregon concluded Mr Abbott i r aacross a dear old lady who presides c rthe hostelry Her welcome is a geniegreeting and her goodby Ups a ben

tion An embodied spirit of fcenevo

good cheer captures theof guest who UDBSIS herold TIM food upon her table ren 3

of childhood days and Its Chili t

memories She to the touristsand draws hits Mks a maomet

offerrd o

the traveler la the Unite As tea thai tappears surprising that tie t

should turn to foreign mad rhea h

have at home n tease at bva y

that cannot be surpassed

cleat guides

thr it


Such Me tM lts


are alwaysother



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