THE USE OF HERRINGBONE TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVEe-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/1714/1/THE USE OF...ix Abstract Listiyanti, Latifah. 2017. “The Use of Herringbone Technique to

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Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillments of the

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English

Education Study Program







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Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillments of the

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English

Education Study Program







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Verily, Allah will not change the good condition of a people as long as they do

not change their state of goodness themselves.

(Q.S. Ar-Ra‟d: 11)

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This graduating paper is whole heartedly dedicated to:

1. My beloved parents, Mr. Sunardi and Mrs. Supriyati, thank you for

everything. No one better than you.

2. My lovely older brother Nur Febriyanto (Alm.), finally I reach your

dream. My second older brother Dwi Wijayanto thank you for your

support and care; my beloved younger brother Ahmad Mahfudz. Thank

you for your care and makes me always laugh.

3. My second parents, Mr. Nasafi, M. Pd. I. and Mrs. Asfiyah in Islamic

Boarding House Nurul Asna.

4. My beloved friends; Lisna Oktavia, Ridha Ayu Wintari, Umi Fathimah,

Laila Azizah and Veni Putri Pertiwi. Thanks for your care, pray and

support every time. You are the best.

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First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Allah SWT,

God the almighty for blessing given to me in completing this graduating paper as

one of requirement to finished study at IAIN Salatiga.

This graduating paper would not have been completed without support,

guidance and help from individual and institution. Therefore, I would like to

express special thanks to:

1. Mr. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd., as the Rector of State Institute for

Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Mr. Suwardi, M. Pd., as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education


3. Mrs. Noor Malihah, Ph. D., as the Head of English Education Department.

4. Mrs. Setia Rini, M.Pd., as my counselor who has guided and supported

until the end of finishing the graduating paper. Thanks for your patient,

guidance and care.

5. All lecturers of IAIN Salatiga who has given knowledge to the researcher.

6. All staffs of IAIN Salatiga, thank you for helping during processing of

finished graduating paper administration.

7. All big family of SMPN 2 Tuntang, thanks for helping during research


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8. All English Department students in the Academic Year 2012 especially for

all members of TBI A thanks for your kindness.

The Researcher,

Latifah Listiyanti

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Listiyanti, Latifah. 2017. “The Use of Herringbone Technique to Improve the

Students‟ Reading Comprehension in Recount Text of the Eighth Grade

Students of SMPN 2 Tuntang in the Academic Year 2016/2017”. A

Graduating Paper. English Education Department Teacher Training and

Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

Consultant: Setia Rini, M.Pd.

Key words: Herringbone technique, reading comprehension in recount text

The research aims to describe the implementation of herringbone

technique in eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Tuntang and to know to what

extent the technique improving students‟ reading comprehension in recount text.

The methodology of research is cassroom action research (CAR). The subjects of

the research were 30 students in eighth grade of SMPN 2 Tuntang. The research

was conducted two cycles which each cycle consist of planning, acting,

observation and reflecting. The result of the research shows that there is an

improvement of students‟ reading comprehension in recount text. It can be seen

from the result of the score, where in cycle I post-test is higher than pre-test

(69,33 ≥ 67,23) and in cycle II (84,03 ≥ 75,33). The t calculation is 2,80 also

shows that is is higher than t table 2,04. It can be conclude that students‟ reading

comprehension is improved using herringbone technique.

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TITLE PAGE ....................................................................................................... .

DECLARATION ..................................................................................................

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR................................................................................

CERTIFICATION PAGE .....................................................................................


DEDICATION .....................................................................................................

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................

ABSTRACT ..........................................................................................................

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................

LIST OF TABLE ..................................................................................................

LIST OF GRAPHIC ..............................................................................................


A. Background of the Research .....................................................................

B. Statement of the Problems .......................................................................

C. Objectives of the Research ........................................................................

D. Limitation of the Research .......................................................................

E. Definition of the Key Terms .....................................................................

F. Significant of the Research ......................................................................

G. Organitation of Graduating Paper ............................................................




















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A. Review of Previous Research


B. Reading

1. Definition of Reading .....................................................................

2. Aspect of Reading ............................................................................

3. Process of Reading ...........................................................................

C. Reading Comprehension

1. Definition of Comprehension


2. Level of Comprehension


3. Factors of Affecting Comprehension


4. Definition of Reading Comprehension


D. Herringbone Technique

1. Definition of Herringbone Technique


2. Instruction of Using Herringbone Technique


E. Text Types

1. Literary




















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2. Factual


a. Definition of Recount Text


b. Structure of Recount Text


c. Language Fetures of Recount Text


d. Example of Recount Text



A. Setting of the Research .............................................................................

B. Type of the Research ................................................................................

C. Model of the Research .............................................................................

D. Object of the Research .............................................................................

E. Time Allocation ........................................................................................

F. Procedure of the Research ........................................................................


A. Research Findings .....................................................................................

B. Discussions ................................................................................................


A. Conclusion.................................................................................................

B. Suggestions ...............................................................................................









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Table 2.2

Table 3.2

Table 3.3

Table 3.4

Table 4.1

Table 4.2

Table 4.3

Table 4.4

Table 4.5

Table 4.6

Table 4.7

Types of text ..................................................................................................

List of students VIII C SMPN 2 Tuntang ...........................................................

List of schedule of the research ......................................................................

Evaluation rubric..........................................................................

Observational checklist for teacher Cycle I....................................................

Observational checklist for students Cycle I .................................

Result of pre-test and post-test in Cycle I ....................................

Observational checklist for teacher Cycle II .................................

Observational checklist for Students Cycle II ..............................

Result of pre-test and post-test Cycle II ........................................

Calculation of the means of students score..................................












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Graphic 2.1 Graphic of Herringbone.................................................................. 17

Graphic 3.1 Model of the implementation of CAR........................................... 29

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A. Background of the Research

Language is intimately tied to man‟s feelings and activity. It is

bound up with nationality, religion, and the feeling of self. It is used for

work, worship, and play by everyone, be he beggar or banker, savage or

civilized. To the language teachers and the linguists, it is the central

subject of study, with the linguist concentrating on its description and the

teacher on learning and teaching it (Lado, 1964: 11)

English is one of the international languages that most used in

many countries in the world, including Indonesia. As an international

language, English is very important because people around the world

communicate to others using English. In Indonesia, English is learnt and

taught at junior high school, senior high school and university, moreover

in some elementary schools English is introduced to students.

There are four aspects in language learning as follow, listening,

reading, speaking and writing. All academic study requires a lot of

reading. Reading offers more than access to new information that can be

quantitatively added to what we know already; it can also lead to a

qualitative restructuring and re-evaluation of what we know (Risdianto,

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2012: 21). According to Brown (2003:185) in foreign language learning,

teachers count on students to gain a reading skill.

In English there are some kinds of the text taught at junior high

school, they are recount text, descriptive text, narrative text, procedure

text. In this research, the researcher will discuss about recount text.

Recount defined to tell someone a story or describe a series of events

(Longman, 2004: 1602).

One of the marks of the efficient reader is the extent to which he

can adjust the degree of his comprehension to his objective (Dallmann,

1982: 159). Teaching English in Junior High School is not easy task.

Sometimes, students are difficult to get good score and find good way to

study English. Based on the researcher observations, there are students

have difficulties to understand English text because they do not know the

meaning of vocabulary. In the class VIII C, the students faced that

problem. They difficult to comprehend the content of the text because they

do not know the translation of the text. They think that to understand the

text they must translate it first.

Their teacher said that every students in every class has different

problems and the problem is related each other. For example, students

have problem in vocabulary will influence their comprehension in a text.

When the researcher asked students other difficulties in comprehending

text, they answered “nggak mudeng miss, wong sama bahasa inggris aja

nggak bisa” (I do not understand Miss, moreover I do not understand well

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in English lesson). The other student said, “I can‟t comprehend an English

text because of its language, I mean I don‟t understand the meaning of the

vocabulary so the content of the text don‟t understand”. So, when their

teacher give a questions about the text they could not answer the questions

before their teacher translated it. Some of them also get score under 70, the

Minimum Achievement Criterion (KKM). According to them, the

sollution is only browse on internet to translate the text. But, it will makes

them unhabbitually to think or analyze a text.

In reading we need to comprehend meanings in order to identify

words, and that we generally need to identify words in order to identify

letters (Nunan, 1989: 33). So the researcher needs to implement good

strategy or technique to solve the problem. A technique is implementation

that which actually takes place in classroom. It is a particular trick,

stratagem, or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate objective.

Technique depends on the teacher, his individual artistry, and on the

composition of the class. (Allen, 1972: 7)

In this case, the researcher proposes the use of graphic organizer

which called herringbone technique. According to Thaler (2008) as quoted

by Ningrum et. Al (2015: 3), herringbone technique consists of short

graphic organizer and it is concerts way of helping English learners to find

the comprehensive idea in a paragraph or passage. By using herringbone

technique, students will find out the main idea of a text easily. In the

herringbone technique, students search important information of a text

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from 5W+1H question that written in the graphic. After answered 5W+1H

question, students will find out the main idea of the text. Students will

very helpful in comprehending text, especially recount text by using

herringbone graphic.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher interests to

conduct a research entitled “The Use of Herringbone Technique to

Improve the Students‟ Reading Comprehension in Recount Text of the

Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 2 Tuntang in the Academic Year


B. Statement of the Problems

Considering of background of the research, the problem

statements are:

1. How is the implementation of herringbone technique to improve the

students reading comprehension in recount text at the eighth grade of

SMP N 2 Tuntang?

2. To what extent is the use of herringbone technique improving the

students‟ reading comprehension in recount text at the eighth grade of

SMP N 2 Tuntang in the academic year 2016/2017?

C. Objectives of the Research

The objectives of this research are, as a follow:

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1. To know the implementation of herringbone technique to improve

students‟ reading comprehension in recount text at the eighth grade

of SMP N 2 Tuntang in the academic year 2016/2017.

2. To find out to what extent is the use of herringbone technique in

improving the students‟ reading comprehension in recount text at

the eighth grade of SMP N 2 Tuntang in the academic year


D. Limitation of the Research

The researcher would like limit in this research as follow:

1. The implementation of herringbone to improve students‟ reading

comprehension in recount text at eighth grade of SMP N 2


2. The improvement of students‟ reading comprehension in recount

text at eighth grade of SMP N 2 Tuntang.

E. Definition of Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding, the researcher tries to clarify some

key words in this research.

1. Reading

Reading is viewed as a process of decoding written symbol,

working from smaller unit (individual letter) to larger ones (words,

clauses, sentences) (Nunan, 1989:33).

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2. Comprehension

Comprehension is the mind‟s act or power of understanding

(Hornby, 1974: 174)

While Dechant (1982: 311) define that comprehension includes

the correct assosiation of meanings with word symbols, the selection of the

correct meaning suggested by the context, the orgnization and retentin of

meanings, the ability to reason one's way through smaller idea segments,

and the ability to grasp the meaning of a larger unitary idea.

3. Herringbone Technique

Herringbone technique is he graphic organizer supports

comprehension of text by providing a framework upon which the who,

what, when, why, where, and how questions can be visually organized in

relation to the main idea. (Bouchard, 2005: 54)

4. Recount Text

Recount text is a text to reconstruct past experiences by retelling

events in original sequence (Hyland, 2003:20)

F. Significant of the Research

This research hoped give added significance for several include

teacher, students and the researcher.

1. For The Teacher

This research is very useful for the teacher especially for

those who are teaching English language, this research will help

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teacher to determine the best technique to create attractive and active

class in English language especially in reading text. Besides, the

teacher can motivate student for study English.

2. For The Students

By this research, students will motivate that learning

English is enjoyed. Besides, students will understand the content of the

text easier and help them to improve their reading comprehension.

3. For The Researcher

After doing this research, the researcher understand on how

to teach reading especially in recount text. The finding result also can

be used as an alternative way the researcher teaching ability.

4. For The Other Researcher

This research can be used as a reference for who wants to

conduct a research especially in reading comprehension.

G. Organization of the Graduating Paper

Chapter I, in this chapter the researcher present the introduction

which contain background of the research, statements of the problem,

objective of the research, significance of research, limitation of the

research, definition of key terms, and organization of the graduating paper.

Chapter II, this chapter present theoretical framework. It

contains review of previous study and theoretical framework which

discuss about definition of reading, aspect of reading, definition of

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comprehension, level of comprehension, factors affecting comprehension,

definition of herringbone technique, instruction of using herringbone

technique, definition of recount text, structure of recount text, language

features of recount text and the example of recount text.

Chapter III, in this chapter, the researcher present about research

method which contain type of the research, procedure of the research and

procedure of collecting data.

Chapter IV, this chapter present about research finding and

discussion. It discuss about cycle I, cycle II, the data analysis and the

result of the cycles.

Chapter V, it present a closure which contain the summary of

the research includes conclusion and suggestion.

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In this chapter, the researcher would like to explain some theories

related to the research. The researcher will shows general description about

herringbone technique and reading comprehension. Before shows the theories, the

researcher will explain some previous researches which relate to her research.

A. Review of Previous Researches

The researcher have some related previous researches that support

this research, they are:

The first research was done by Puji Riyanti(2015) entitled

Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text through

Paired Reading (A Classroom Action Research in the Eighth Grade of SMP N

3 Polanharjo in the Academic year 2014/2015). The research aimed to

improve the students‟ reading comprehension through paired reading

technique. The methodology of the research was classroom action research

which consists of two cycles. The result was showed that the students‟

reading comprehension improved differentially. The result of the research

was the majority of mean scores of pre-test is 66,5 and post-test is 73 in cycle

I while in cycle II, mean of pre-test is 81,25 and post-test 88.

The second research was done by Choirin Tria Kartika(2015)

entitled Improving The Students’ Reading Comprehension Through

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Herringbone Technique (A Classroom Action Research of Eighth Grade of

SMP N 1 Bergas, Central Java). The research is aimed to improve the

students‟ reading comprehension through Herringbone technique. The

research method in the study is Classroom Action Research (CAR). There

were two cycles and every cycle include of two meeting to give the students

more opportunities to improve their understanding about how to find the main

idea and comprehend the passage well and effectively. The results show that

the students‟ reading comprehension improves significantly. The T-

calculation results shows that the T-calculation of cycle I is 6, 73, and cycle II

is 6, 9. This technique uses the students‟ cognitive skill to find the main idea

of the text that they have read.

The third research was research journal written by Roma Nur

Asnita entitled Using Herringbone Technique to Improve the Reading

Comprehension Ability of the Students of SMU Bhakti Ibu 1 Palembang

(2013). The method used was experimental method. The instrument for

collecting the data was a reading comprehension test. It was given to subjects

before and after the experiment. The subjects chosen for this study were 40

eighth year students of SMU Bhakti Ibu 1 Palembang. Based on the findings,

the results of t-test and interpretations, the following conclusions were drawn:

(1) Herringbone technique was applicable to improve students‟ ability in

reading comprehension, and (2) there was a significant difference between

reading comprehension ability of students who were taught by using

Herringbone technique.

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The last research was research journal conducted by Ningrum, et. al

(2015)entitledImproving Students’ Reading Comprehension Skill Using

Herringbone Technique at MTs Al-Fatah Badas. The objective of the

research is implementing herringbone technique to improve students reading

comprehension in narrative text. Classroom Action Research (CAR) was

carried out in this study. There were only 66, 7% (8 out of 24 students) who

passed the criteria of success. So, the researchers revised the plan and

continued to the next cycle. In cycle 2, the average score of students was


Based on those researches the researcher wants to conduct this

research which have similar method, it is classroom action research and

analyzes the data quantitatively. The research that will be conducted is

different from the research above. The difference is the kind of the text. The

researcher wants to research a technique called herringbone technique in

improving students‟ reading comprehension in recount text.

B. Reading

1. Definition of Reading

Reading is the process of receiving and interpreting information

encoded in language form via the medium of print (Grabe, 2009: 14).

Smith (1971) said that reading is an act of communication in which

information is transfered from a transmitter to a receiver.

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Reading has benefit and important role in human life, especially

students. From reading, we will get a lot of information and enrich our


2. Aspects of Reading

a. Word recognition

The point of view that reading is chiefly skill in recognizing

words continues to enjoy support in respectable and influental quarter.

Today the favorite expression of adherents to this view of reading is

decoding the printed page- that is, recognizing the oral equivalent of

the written symbol.

b. Comprehension

In reading comprehension is an absolute necessity for the

teachers. To expect the child to understand what he pronounces

reinforces the fact that reading is for purpose of deriving meaning.

c. Reflection

Many educators have opinion that word recognition and

comprehension do not belong to the total of reading act. Closely

related to reading as a form of reflection is an additional dimension in

reading which may relate to the reader‟s identification with the author

in such a close relationship as to have the effect of having a dialogue

with the writer, a mental “conversation” in a way (Dallman, 1982: 25-


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3. Process of Reading

According to Patel (2008, 114-116) the process of reading

clasified into three stages, they are:

a. Recognition stage

At this stage the learner simply recognizes the graphic

ccunterparts of the phonological items. Difficulty at this stage

depends upon the difference between the script of the learner‟s

mother tongue and English and between the spelling conventions

of two language.

b. Structuring Stage

In this stage, the learner sees the syntatic relationship of the

items and understands the structural meaning of syntactical units.

c. Interpretation Stage

In this stage, the learner comprehends the significance of a

word, phrase or a sentence in the overall context of the discards.

At this stage, the person really reads for information or for


C. Reading Comprehension

1. Definition of Comprehension

Comprehension is the mind‟s act or power of understanding

(Hornby, 1974: 174). While Dechant, 1982: 312 states:

Comprehension includes the correct assosiation of

meanings with word symbols, the selection of the correct

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meaning suggested by the context, the orgnization and

retentin of meanings, the ability to reason one's way

through smaller idea segments, and the ability to grasp the

meaning of a larger unitary idea. Comprehension is a

thinking process; it is thinking through reading. As such, it

is dependent upon the learners‟ basic cognitive and

intellectual skills; upon their background of experience

(vocabulary, knowledge, concept, and ideas); and upon

their language skills (knowledge of morphology, syntax,

and grammar).

From that statements, we can conclude that comprehension is a

thinking activity to understand a content of the text that be read.

Reading will give a benefit if the reader can understand what the

content of text is.

2. Level of Comprehension

There are three levels of comprehension according to McGraw

Hill (2001), they are:

a. Literal comprehension

In this level, the teacher identifies important pieces of

information that the author states in the text. These are written as

a set of statements which reflect the literal level of


b. Interpretive comprehension

This level consists of a series of statements which reflect

the interpretation of information or inferences to be made from

the text.

c. Applied comprehension

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This level consists of a set of phrases or statements which

are very broad or general in nature, reflecting information and

ideas in the text and which are conductive to having students

express their own opinions based upon experiences.

3. Factors Affecting Comprehension

a. Difficulty of Material

b. Intelligence

c. Environment

d. Emphasis on Word Recognition

e. Emphasis on Oral Reading

f. Background for Reading a Selection

g. Adjustment of Reading Techniques to Purpose and Type of


h. Rate of Reading

4. Definition of reading comprehension

Reading comprehension is the process of making meaning from

text (Wolley, 2011:15). It means that if the reader could understand

what the text want to convey, or understand what is the writer‟s mean

the reader is comprehended the text.

D. Herringbone Technique

1. Definition of Herringbone Technique

This graphic organizer supports comprehension of text by

providing a framework upon which the who, what, when, why, where,

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and how questions can be visually organized in relation to the main

idea (Bouchard, 2005: 54).

The Herringbone graphic organizer is used for establishing

supporting details for a main idea. It can be used to organize

information for allcontent areas (McKnight, 2010: 50).

The researcher conclude that herringbone technique is a

graphic to help learner or students find out the content of the text

which help by framework questions in the graphic.

2. Instructions of Using Herringbone Technique

a. Select a text for students to read.

b. Draw a diagram of the herringbone on the board or overhead.

(You can also use a copy of the activity sheet)

c. Discuss how the smaller bones (details) are attached to the

backbone (main idea) of the fish, which serves as the

foundation. Then explain how they all work together to

provide structure (comprehension) to the whole body (text)

d. Explain to students that they will be asked to look for

information that answers the following questions:

1) Who is the text talking about?

2) What did they do?

3) When did they do it?

4) Where did they do it?

5) How did they do it?

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6) Why did they do it?

e. Allow time for students to read the text.

f. Give them copies of the diagram and ask them to record the

answers to the questions on it. This can be done as a whole-

class discussion activity.

g. Show students how the information is organized around a

main idea.

h. Using the information on the diagram, students formulate a

main idea.The main idea is written on the diagram.

i. After the students learn the procedure, they can complete the

diagram on their own. This can then be used as a basis for

comparison and class discussion. It can also serve as a

springboard to writing.

j. The strategy can be reversed and students can first formulate

the main idea and then identify the supporting details

(Bouchard, 2005: 54-55).

Graphic 2.1

Herringbone Graphic

Who? What? When?

main idea

Where? How? Why?

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E. Text Types

Mark and Kathy Anderson (2003) state that there are two main

categories of text, they are:

1. Literary

Literary texts include aboriginal Dreaming stories, movie

scripts, limericks, fairy tales, plays, novels, song lyrics, mimes and

soap operas. They are constructed to appeal to our emotions and

imagination. Literary texts can make us laugh or cry, think about our

own life or consider our beliefs. They are three main text types in this


a. Narrative text types

Narrative text types tell a story using spoken or written

language. It can be communicated using radio, television, books,

and newspaper or computer files. Picture, facial expression and

camera angels can also be used to help communicate meaning.

Narratives are usually told by a story teller. This person gives

his/her point of view to the audience and determines the order in

which the events of the story will be told.

b. Poetic text types

Poetic text types express feelings and impression of life. A

poem can tell story or give the poet‟s views on people and events.

Poems can have common structures such as rhyming the last word

of lines or using a certain number of lines.

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c. Dramatic text types

Dramatic text types use acting to communicate ideas and

experiences. Dramas can be spoken or written. They often use

visuals such as facial expressions, costumes and sets to help

communicate meaning.

2. Factual texts

Factual texts include advertisements, announcement, Internet

web sites, current affairs, shows, debates, recipes, reports and

instructions. They present information or ideas and aim to show, tell

or persuade the audience. The main text types in this category are

recount, response, explanation, discussion, information report,

exposition and procedure.

In the table below are all ten text types and the purpose of


Table 2.2

Types of Text

Text type Example of text Purpose

Literary –


Backboard, hoop – to

me they call, slamming,

jamming, the game with it

all. Three pointers, foul,

attack and defend, take the

To express the

feelings or

experiences of the

poet so as to

describe, praise or

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shot – play basketball. criticise

Literary –


(Sam is bouncing a

basketball slowly with a

sullen look on his face a

Mum enters)

Mum : it is not the end of

the world, you know

Sam : I should got that last


Mum : you can still make

the play-offs

To portray human

experience through


sometimes in order

to make social


Literary –


Once upon a time there

lived a young basketball

player named Sam. Sam had

always dreamed of playing

in the NBL grand final and

scoring the winning goal.

To construct a view

of world that

entertains or informs

the reader or listener.

Response Slam Dunk 3, the latest

in the series on great

moments in basketball, was

released today by sports


The 45-minute video is a

To respond to

anarchistic work by

providing a

description of the

work and a


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collection of highlights from

NBL games played last


This video, unfortunately,

captures very few of the

more spectacular goals

scored in 1997. Fans will be

disappointed that none of

the great shots from the

grand finals have been

included. Although there is

some excellent camera

work, Slam Dunk 3 fails to

score with me.

Discussion Basketball is better than

cricket. Discuss. Both

basketball and cricket are

popular sports. There are

arguments for and against

basketball being the better


Basketball is better than

cricket for spectators. It is

To present differing

opinions on a subject

to the reader or


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much more exciting to

watch as more action occurs

in a shorter time.

On the other hand

cricket is better than

basketball to those who like

the strategy involved in a

five-day test match.

Explanation A foul in basketball can

occurs for several reasons.

Deliberate contact made by

a player on an opposing

player results in a foul.

When a player uses bad

language towards the

referee a foul is awarded.

To explain how or

why something


Exposition Basketball is the best game

to watch.

Firstly, when basketball

went fully professional in

1979, the National

Basketball League was an

instant success. Sponsors

To argue or persuade

by presenting one

side of an issue.

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were keen to become

involved because of the

growing numbers of

spectators who came to

NBL games.

Secondly basketball is

far more exciting than

others sports such as

football and cricket.



Basketball is team sport

that is growing in popularity

in Australia.

Basketball is played by

two teams. Five players

from each team are on the

court during the game,

however, substitutes, who

remain on the bench, can be


The position of guard is

important in defense. This

player attempts to prevent

the opposition from scoring,

To classify, describe

or to present

information about a


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especially three pointers.

Recount Last night our family

went to Balldome to watch

the Kings play the shooters.

When we got to the

stadium we were shown to

our seats by the usher. Just

as we sat down the band

played the National anthem

so we stood.

After the anthem both teams

entered the court. As they

did, the cheerleaders waved

their steamers.

Next, the referee placed

his whistle in his mount and

signaled the start of the


To retell a series of

events, usually in the

order they occurred.

Procedure The following is one

method for improving

basketball shootings. You

will need a basketball, hoop

with backboard and chalk.

To instruct someone

on how something

can be done.

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1. Measured 3 meters

from pole and draw

a line with the chalk.

2. Stand at this line.

3. Place the left hand

under the basketball

and put the right

hand on top.

4. Roll the ball

between the hands

so that it balances on

the finger of the

right hand.

5. Look at the center of

the square on the


6. Flick the basketball

of the fingers in the

direction of the

center of the square.

7. Repeat this process

until the ball goes

into the basket ten

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out of ten time.

Based on that explanation, it means that the researcher takes a

factual text called recount text.

Recount Text

a. Definition of recount text

Recount text is a text to reconstruct past experiences by

retelling events in original sequence (Hyland, 2003:20)

b. Structure of recount text

Orientation: tells who was involved, what happened,

where the events took place, and when it happened.

Events: tell what happened and in what sequence.

Reorientation: optional closure of events or ending.

c. Language Features

Using personal participant: I, My friends, My group, etc.

Using chronological connection: first, then, next, etc.

Using linking verb: was, were, saw, etc.

Using action verb: go, look, run, etc.

Using simple past tense

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d. Example of recount text

On Tuesday we went on a harbor cruise. Orientation

We went underneath the harbor bridge

and then we went past some submarines. When

we got to Clifton Gardens we had a picnic After

we had finished we played on the climbing. Then

Mr. Robinson came over and said Mr. Moses

was giving out frozen oranges.


Then after we finished that we went

home. It was a nice day out.


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A. Setting of the Research

The research will be conducted on SMPN 2 Tuntang. It is located at

Jl. Mertokusumo 1/11 Candirejo, Tuntang Semarang regency 50773, Central

Java. SMPN 2 Tuntang stands up on the lead above 17.775 m2. The total

number of students is 648. They consist of 135 male and 95 female students

of seventh grade. While in the eighth grade there are 114 male and 91 female

students. In the ninth grade consist of 105 male and 108 female students.

B. Type of The Research

This research is a quantitative approach with Classroom Action

Research (CAR) method. According to Elliot (1991: 69), action research

might be defined as the study of a social situation with a view to improving

the quality of action within it. While according to Arikunto, et. al (2006: 2)

classroom action research is formed from three words they are:

1. Research: An action to get details from an object using certain way or

methodology to get useful data or information in increasing the quality of

something that attract the researcher interest and important for him/her.

2. Action: activity that intentionally done in certain aim, that has a form of

cycle sequence activity to students.

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3. Class: a group of students in the same time and have the same lesson

from their teacher.

She added that this action was expected to increase the students

learning result, so it should concern with the teacher effort in learning

process (Arikunto, et. al., 2006: 3).

C. The Model of the Research

The model which used in this research as follow:

Graphic 3.1

Graphic of implementation of Classroom Action Research

Based on Kemmis and McTaggart (1988: 14) in Hopkins (1993:48)

D. Object of The Research

The object of the research consisted of students and the teacher.

Researcher takes VIII C which consist of 30 students.

The problem faced by students as the researcher explained in the

chapter I, they had problem in understanding english text. Almost of students

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do not understand the meaning of vocabulary, so they could not understand

the content of the text. They also confused how to learn english in order they

understand the text and answer the questions.

Table 3.2

List of Students VIII C SMPN 2 Tuntang

No. Code


2 AS


4 B



7 DP



10 FDS

11 FDS

12 IS

13 LRA

14 MIT

15 MAS

16 MAR

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17 MWA

18 NSS

19 NW

20 NF

21 RWI

22 RM

23 RW

24 RKS

25 RAI

26 STN

27 SSN

28 YSA


30 IRH

E. Time Allocation

The research conducted from January until February. The details of

the schedule as a follow:

Table 3.3

List of schedule of the research

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Date Place

Permit application and

consultation the

schedule of the

research with English

teacher, Mrs. Shafa


January 04th

, 2017 SMPN 2


Cycle 1 January 13rd

, 2017 VIII Class

January 14th

, 2017 VIII Class

January 20th

, 2017 VIII Class

January 21st, 2017 VIII Class

Cycle 2 January 27th

, 2017 VIII Class

February 3rd

, 2017 VIII Class

February 4th

, 2017 VIII Class

February 10th

, 2017 VIII Class

F. Procedure of The Research

The procedure must be done in this research as follow:

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1. Planning

In this phase, the writer explains about what, why, when, where,

who and how the actions are will be done. In the planning phase the writer

decides what focus must be special concern to observe and arrange an

instrument to help the writer records the facts which happen during action.

The activities in the planning are:

a. Designing lesson plan

b. Preparing list of students

c. Preparing sheet for observation sheet

d. Preparing test.

2. Acting

Acting is the implementation from the planning that was arranges,

it is do an action in the class. The activities in the acting are:

a. Giving pre-test

b. Treatments (teaching using herringbone technique)

c. Asked to the students about their difficulties

d. Giving post-test.

3. Observing

Observing is an action done in same time with the acting. It

observes what happen during the acting. In this stage, the researcher

observe class activities. The researcher also use camera to get the


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4. Reflecting

Reflecting is an activity to reflect what have been done (Arikunto,

et. al., 2006: 18-19). The researcher analyze during the action in the class.

5. Technique of Collecting Data

In this research, the writer will uses three ways in collecting data.

They are:

a. Observation

Definition of observation based on psychology is an activity

included concern on the object by using all the five of sense.

Observation can be done in two ways, as follow:

1) Non-systematic observation

It is observations do not use any observation instrument.

2) Systematic observation

It is an observation that using an orientation as an

observation instrument. (Arikunto, 1998: 146-147)

b. Test

Test is a questions or exercises that use to measure someone or

group‟s skill, knowledge, intelligence and ability. (Arikunto, 1998:


This research use pre-test and post-test. The pre-test given to

the students to measure their reading comprehension in recount text

before teaching by using herringbone technique. While, post-test given

to the students after they taught using herringbone technique.

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c. Documentation

Documentation can be defined as written things. In this way,

the writer investigates written things such as books, magazines,

documents, rules, minute book, daily note and etc. (Arikunto, 1998:

149). The documentation in this research include students‟ task,

photos, etc. The researcher using camera to collect the documentation

during the research.

6. Evaluation Rubric

The researcher gives pre-test and post-test as the evaluation of

reading comprehension. The evaluation is multiple choice questions for

students. The rubric for students‟ evaluation as a follow:

Table 3.4

Evaluation Rubric

Score Grade

91-100 Excellent

81-90 Very good

71-80 Good

61-70 Fair

51-60 Poor

Less than 50 Very poor

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7. Technique of Analyzing Data

According to Supardi (2006), in the Classroom Action Research

(CAR) there are two kinds of data that collected by the writer. They are:

a. Quantitative data

Quantitative data in this research is students‟ score, so the

writer uses analysis statistic descriptive. The example is to find out

mean, percentage of the result of study and etc.

In additional, in this research the researcher uses formula to

calculate the data. The formula according to Hadi (1981) are below:

1) Mean calculation


M : Mean

∑F : the total score

N : Number of students

2) Standard Deviation (SD) Calculation




SD : Standard Deviation

D : Different between pre-test and post-test

N : Number of students

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3) T-test Calculation

( )


√ )


t0 : T-test for defferences of pre-test and post-test

SD : Standard Deviation

D : Different between pre-test and post-test

N : Number students

b. Qualitative data

Qualitative data is information that gives a description about

students‟ expression of their comprehension in a lesson, students‟ view

about a lesson, students‟ activities in the class, concern, enthusiasm in

learning, self confidence, learning motivation. All aspects above can

be analyzed qualitatively.

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In this chapter, the researcher will discuss about analyzed of the data that

has been collecton her research. The researcher showed research findings and the

discussion about it.

A. Research Finding

1. The Implementation of Herringbone Technique of Cycle I

a. Planning

The researcher taught about recount text based on the

syllabus of the second semester. Before conducting the research, the

researcher prepared some instruments of the research, such as:

1) Lesson Plan

The lesson planused to guide and control teaching and

learning process.

2) Materials

The researcher used some references in teaching recount

text include of book “English in Focus” that used by teacher to

teach in the class.

3) Teaching aids

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Some instruments which prepared by researcher to help

during teaching and learning process such as story copies, copies

of herringbone graphic, board-marker, etc.

4) Test

The researcher prepared pre-test and post-test for

students. A pre-test given to students before taught using

herringbone technique, while post-test given after students taught

using herringbone technique.

b. Implementation of the Action

1) First Meeting

First meeting in the cycle 1, conducted on Saturday,

January 14 2017. The teacher and her observer entered to the

class. The class started by praying together and introducing the

researcher herself to the students. Then, the teacher informed to

the students some activities that would conduct in the class.

Firstly, the teacher gave pre-test to the students to know

the basic knowledge about the topic. Teacher shared the worksheet

to the students. She walked aroundthe class to check the students‟

in doing test. Most of students had difficulties in understanding

the meaning of vocabulary. After finish the test, students collected

their works to the teacher.

Next activity, the teacher gave recount text to the

students and asked one of students to read aloud the text. Then,

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teacher asked about difficult words in the text. Based on the text,

teacher explained about recount text. After finish the explanation,

teacher shared copies of herringbone graphic. Teacher explained

how to use herringbone graphic and asked them to complete the

graphic. However, some students have problem in completing the

graphic. They could not answer some questions in the graphic.

Some students‟ did not pay attention to the lesson but they

enjoyed talk to others. After that, teacher asked some students to

complete the graphic in the whiteboard. In the end of the class,

teacher discussed material together and asked about difficulties.

She closed the class by gave advices to students and praying


2) Second Meeting

The second meeting conducted on Friday, January 20

2017. The teacher and the observer entered the class, and then

started the class by greeting and checking students‟ attendances.

The teacher gave example of recount text to students and asked

them about the previous lesson. Some of students forgot about

what they have learned yesterday. However, some of them

answered that yesterday they learned about herringbone graphic.

The teacher drew herringbone graphic in the whiteboard. Students

must answer the questions in the herringbone graphic based on the

example of recount text. After that, teacher and students discussed

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it together. As an exercise, students given text herringbone

graphic, and they completed the graphic individually. After

finished they collected their work. The teacher asked whether any

difficulties in the learning but they have not any difficulties.

Next activity was post-test. Teacher gave 10 minutes to

prepare before post-test began. After shared the copies students

started to do it, but there were still students asked and talked to

other while did the post-test. The teacher walked around

classroom to check students‟ activities. The class ended by giving

advice and told about next meeting.

c. Observation

During this activity, teacher observed students‟ attitude and

all activities happened in the class. The class was very busy. Almost

of male students enjoyed talked to their friends and did not pay

attention to the lesson. Students also show that most of them were

lack of vocabulary and had problem in pronunciation. Some of them

showed that did not attract to English lesson. Nevertheless, there were

some other pay attention to the lesson and had good skill in reading

comprehension. The researcher prepared field note.

The first note was for the teacher, and the result is below:

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Table 4.1

Observational Checklist for Teacher

No Teacher‟s activities Yes No Description

1 Greeting students

before the lesson


The teacher greets the

students before the


2 Praying before the

lesson begins

The teacher and the

students pray together

before the lessons.

3 Checking students


The teacher forget to

check the students


4 Reminding previous


The teacher ask students

about the previous


5 Preparing and

giving of the


The teacher give printed

material to the students

6 Giving opportunity

for asking question

and suggestion

The teacher encourages

the students to ask a


7 Giving explanation The teacher explain the

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of the materials today‟s material

8 Guiding the students


The teacher moves

around to help the

students in their learning


9 Giving feedback

after the lesson

The teacher gives the

conclusions of today‟s


10 Giving motivation

for students

The teacher gives

motivation to the


From the observational checklist above, the researcher

forgot to check an attendant list of the students. The collaborator

suggests the researcher to be more thorough for the all instruments

in the next cycle.

The second note was for students, and the result is below:

Table 4.2

Observational Checklist for Students

No Students‟ activities Yes No Description

1 Listening to the The students listen to the

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teacher‟s explanation teacher‟s explanation.

2 Answer the


The students answer the

teacher‟s questions.

3 Read the carefully

The students read their

text carefully to know the

content of the text.

4 Identifying the

characteristics of the


The students analyzed the

characteristics of the text.

5 Identifying main

idea of the text

The students read the text

and found the main idea of

the text

d. Reflection

Based on the observation of teaching and learning process

in the cycle I, only 57% from 30 students pass the Minimum

Achievement Criterion (70). Furthemore, the researcher targets 70%

students must pass the Miimum Achievement Criterion. Based on the

reason, the researcher must conduct cycle II.

e. Improvement of Herringbone Technique of cycle I

The implementation of herringbone technique can improve

students‟ reading comprehension. The result of pre-test only 67, 23

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while the post-test is 69, 33. The precentage students who pass

Minimum Achievemnt Criterion is 57%.

Furthermore, to know there is improvement in reading comprehension,

the researcher analyzes the result of pre-test and post-test using t-test calculation.

The calculation as a follow:

Table 4.3

The Result of Cycle 1



Pre-test (X) Post-test





AWQ 80 80 0 0

AS 70 60 -10 100

ANF 77 90 13 169

B 60 70 10 100

DKA 67 70 3 9

DAR 60 60 0 0

DP 77 75 -2 4

DYFI 77 75 -2 4

EDS 80 75 -5 25

FDS 44 70 26 676

FDS 54 60 6 36

IS 60 60 0 0

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LRA 67 65 -2 4

MIT 67 70 3 9

MAS 100 95 -5 25

MAR 67 55 -12 144

MWA 87 85 -2 4

NSS 67 75 8 64

NW 54 60 6 36

NF 80 75 -5 25

RWI 60 50 -10 100

RM 60 60 0 0

RW 80 75 -5 25

RKS 60 60 0 0

RAI 67 75 8 64

STN 80 80 0 0

SSN 60 60 0 0

YSA 14 55 41 1681

YHDS 74 80 6 36

IRH 67 60 -7 49

2017 2080 63 3389

1. Mean of pre-test

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2. Mean of post-test

3. Standard Deviation (SD) of pre-test and post-test





4. Calculating t0

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( )

( √


( )


√ )


√ )

t- table : 2,04

tcalculation ≤ t-table.

5. Percentage Score

Percentage of pre-test score ≥70:

Percentage of post-test score ≥70:

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Based on the calculation above, there is an improvement of students‟

pre-test and post-test score. The pre-test score is 67, 23 while post-test score is 69,


According to the percentage score calculation, after given a treatment

there are 57% students who pass the Minimum Achievement Criterion (70). In the

other hand, the researcher targets for the implementation of cycle 1 more than the

result. She hopes for minimum 70% of the students have to pass the standardized

score. Based on the percentage in the cycle 1 which less than the researcher target,

it is necessary for the teacher to conduct cycle 2.

2. Implementation of Herringbone Technique of Cycle II

In this cycle, the researcher revises from previous research. The

step was similar to cycle I. The steps are following:

a. Planning

Before conduct the research, the researcher prepared some

instruments such as:

1) Lesson plan: the lesson plan to guide teacher‟s activity in


2) Materials: students given print out material of recount text and

herringbone graphic

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3) Teaching aids: the researcher used print out material, board

marker and whiteboard as a device in the teaching and learning


4) Test: to measure students‟ comprehension the researcher use pre-

test and post-test.

b. The Implementation of the Action

1) First meeting

The first meeting in cycle II conducted on Friday, 3

February 2017. The teacher and the observer entered the class and

started the class by greeting and checking students‟ attendance.

Before discussed the material, teacher gave pre-test for students.

They looked more understand than previous tests, although some

of them still ask about the meaning of vocabulary. The teacher

always reminds them to do the test by themselves.

After finished the test, they collected their works to the

teacher. The lesson continued by discussing language features of

recount text. Almost of them were pay attention to the teacher, but

only few students courageous answer teacher‟s question. They

looked afraid if their answer was wrong. The teacher closed the

class by asking about students‟ difficulties and praying together.

2) Second meeting

The second meeting conducted on Friday, 10 February

2017. On Saturday, 4 February the teacher and her observer did

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not entered the class because the class used to try out for ninth

grade students. After greeting and checking students‟ attendance,

teacher divided students into five groups. The teacher gave

students pieces of recount text. Students asked to arrange it,

identifying its language features and completed herringbone

graphic based on that text. They looked familiar because they have

learned it in previous meetings. Some students often ask about the

meaning of vocabulary, whereas there was dictionary in every

group. After all activities done, teacher gave post-test and asked

them to do it themselves. When they finished their work, they

must collect it to the teacher.

c. Observation

Students seem more understand to do the activities. Although

the class was noisy, but almost of them did the activities well. Their works

also is better than previous meeting; it means that there is improvement in

reading comprehension.

In the cycle II, the researcher also prepared field not for techer

and students activities. The result are below.

The field note for the techer:

Table 4.4

Observtional Checklist for Teacher

No Teacher‟s activities Yes No Description

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1 Greeting students

before the lesson


The teacher greets the

students by using Islamic

and English expressions

2 Praying before the

lesson begins

The teacher and the

students pray together

before the lessons

3 Checking students


The teacher check the

students attendance

4 Reminding previous


The teacher ask students

about the previous


5 Preparing and giving

of the materials

The teacher give printed

material to the students

6 Giving opportunity

for asking question

and suggestion

The teacher encourages

the students to ask a


7 Giving explanation of

the materials

The teacher explain the

today‟s material

8 Guiding the students


The teacher moves

around to help the

students in their learning


9 Giving feedback after The teacher gives the

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the lesson conclusions of today‟s


10 Giving motivation for


The teacher should gives

motivation to the students

so that the students can

have spirit to learn about

the materials

The result of the field note for students as a follow:

Table 4.5

Observational Checklist for Students

No Students‟ activities Yes No Description

1 Listening to the

teacher‟s explanation

The students listen to the

teacher‟s explanation.

2 Answer the


The students answer the

teacher‟s questions.

3 Read the carefully The students read their

text carefully to know the

content of the text.

4 Identifying the

characteristics of the

The students analyzed the

characteristics of the text.

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5 Identifying main

idea of the text

The students read the text

and found the main idea of

the text

d. Reflection

After observe and analyze the result of cycle II, the result of

implementation of herringbone technique reached the target of the research

(70%). There were 97% students pass the Minimum Achievement

Criterion. Based on the reason, the researcher finished the implementation

of the cycle in cycle II.

e. Improvement of Herringbone Technique of Cycle II

The result of cycle II is improved that cycle I. The mean of

students‟ score pre-test and post-test are 75, 33 and 84, 03. The percentage

of students who pass Minimum Achievemnt Criterion is 97%.

Table 4.6

The result of cycle II










AWQ 95 87 -8 64

AS 75 97 22 484

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ANF 75 87 12 144

B 95 100 5 25

DKA 70 70 0 0

DAR 70 74 4 16

DP 85 80 -5 25

DYFI 90 94 4 16

EDS 80 90 10 100

FDS 85 90 5 25

FDS 50 70 20 400

IS 60 74 14 196

LRA 90 97 7 49

MIT 70 80 10 100

MAS 85 97 12 144

MAR 80 90 10 100

MWA 90 80 -10 100

NSS 80 80 0 0

NW 65 70 5 25

NF 95 84 -11 121

RWI 60 77 17 289

RM 70 77 7 49

RW 80 87 7 49

RKS 85 97 12 144

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RAI 0 80 80 6400

STN 95 100 5 25

SSN 70 60 -10 100

YSA 65 94 29 841

YHDS 85 74 -11 121

IRH 65 84 19 361

2260 2521 261 10513

1) Mean of pre-test

2) Mean of post-test

3) Standard Deviation

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√ ( )

4) T calculation

( )

( √


( )


√ )

( )


√ )

T calculation ≥ t-table

5) Percentage

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Percentage of pre-test score ≥70:

Percentage of post-test score ≥70:


The result of cycle II is better than cycle I. The score of pre-test is

while the post-test is . The result shows the improvement of

pre-test and post-test score.

The researchertargets 70% on her research and in this cycle show

that the result is up than 70% students pass the Minimum Achievement

Criterion. It means that the researcher successful based on the percentage

of cycle I and cycle II; and the technique she used, herringbone technique

is able to improve students‟ reading comprehension in recount text.

B. Discussion

From the result of analyzes in cycle I and cycle II, it shows that

there is a significant improvement of students‟ reading comprehension in

recount text. The improvement as follows:

Table 4.7

The means of students’ score

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Analyze Cycle I Cycle II


- Pre-test

- Post-test





The table shows that there is an improvement of the students‟

reading comprehension in recount text from the cycle I to cycle II. It

means that the implementation of herringbone technique can improve

students‟ reading comprehension in recount text.

Based on the table above, the mean of pre-test and post-test of

each cycle improve significantly. It can be seen on the table; mean of pre-

test in cycle I is 67, 23 while the post-test is69, 33. In the cycle II, mean of

pre-test is 75, 33 and the post-test is 84, 03.

In addition, the percentage of students who pass the Minimum

Achievement Criterion is increase significantly. In the cycle I the

percentage of pre-test and post-test are 40% and 57%. While the

percentage of pre-test and post-test in the cycle II are 77% and 97%. It

can be conclude that herringbone technique is successful used to improve

students reading comprehension in recount text at the eighth grade

students of SMPN 2 Tuntang.

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In this chapter the researcher makes the conclusion and suggestion as a


A. Conclusion

After conducting and analyzing the data, the researcher concludes the

result of the research as a follow:

1. The implementation of herringbone technique in reading

comprehension of eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Tuntang was

successful. The students‟ reading comprehension in recount text before

taught by using herringbone technique is still weak. Many of them

have difficulties in comprehending a text. The finding show that

herringbone technique can improve the students‟ reading

comprehension in recount text. It can be shown from the data and the

result of the CAR. The result in each cycle improved, from the pre-test

and post-test in cycle I until pre-test and post-test cycle II. The mean

scoreof pre-test and post-test in cycle I are 67, 23 and 69, 33. While the

score of pre-test and post-test are 75, 33 and 84, 03.

2. The extent of using “Herringbone Technique” can be proved by t-test

calculation. T-test is formula to know the significant differences

between pre-test and post-test. The t-test from this research is from 1,

23 in the first cycle become 2, 80 in the second cycle. From the t- test,

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it can be seen that there is improvement from the first cycle to the

second cycle. Also the increasing students‟ mean score in percentage

from cycle I to cycle II with the Minimum Achevement Criterion in

cycle I only 57% while in cycle II improve to 97%.

B. Suggestion

Based on the research finding, the researcher proposes some

suggestion as a follow:

1. For the teacher

a. Teachers are suggested to be more creative in a class and explain

the lesson clearly. The teacher should improve their ability in

teaching English and choose the best way or strategy to solve

students‟ learning problem.

b. The use of herringbone technique in teaching English is

recommended. It will makes students interest to learn English.

2. For the students

a. Students are suggested to use herringbone technique to understand

a text.

b. Students should be more active in learning process.

c. Students also should bring a dictionary when there is English

lesson. It will make teaching and learning process more effective

than the teacher always translate all content of the text.

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3. For the other researchers

After knowing that herringbone technique can improve

students reading comprehension in recount text, the researcher

hopes this research can be used as a reference for the other


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Name :Latifah Listiyanti

Date of Birth :Magelang, 2 December 1994

Address :Windusari Selatan 10/04, Windusari, Kec.

Windusari, Kab. Magelang, Jawa Tengah 56152

Gender :Female

Phone Number : 085743784054

Email :[email protected]

Background of Education :

1. SDN Windusari 2, graduated in 2006

2. MTsN Windusari, graduated in 2009

3. MAN 1 Kota Magelang, graduated in 2012

4. Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Salatiga

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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas/Semester : VIII/ 2

Alokasi Waktu : 2x40 menit

Materi Pokok : RECOUNT TEXT

Keterampilan : MEMBACA

Pertemuan ke : 1

A. Standar Kompetensi

11. Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan

narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

11.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana

secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan

sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative.

C. Indikator

1. Membaca dan mengidentifikasi berbagai makna teks narrative/ recount

2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks narrative/ recount

3. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks narrative/


D. Tujuan pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Mengetahui teks berbentuk recount.

2. Mengidentifikasi berbagai aspek dari teks seperti isi, struktur teks.

3. Mengidentifikasi makna yang ada dalam teks recount yang dibaca.

4. Menentukan gagasan pokok dari teks recount yang dibaca.

5. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang isi teks recount dengan tepat.

E. Media Pembelajaran

1. Print out teks recount

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2. Spidol

3. Whiteboard

F. Strategi Pembelajaran

Herringbone technique

G. Sumber belajar

1. Buku bahasa inggris kelas VIII English in Focus

2. https://englishadmin.com/2013/06/8-contoh-recount-text-pendek-


H. Materi Pembelajaran

a. Pengertian teks recount:

Teks recount adalah teks yang menceritakan tentang sebuah cerita,

kejadian atau aktivitas.

A recount text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action

or activity.

b. Tujuan teks recount:

Tujuan teks recount adalah untuk menghibur atau memberi informasi

kepada pembaca.

Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader.

c. Struktur teks recount:

1) Orientasi/ orientation: menceritakan siapa saja yang terlibat, apa

yang terjadi, tempat kejadian dan waktu terjadinya.

Orientation tells who was involved, what happened, where the

events took place, and when it happened.

Example: When I was in junior high school, I was not a very

diligent student.

2) Kejadian/ Events (1 dan 2): menceritakan apa yang terjadi dan

bagaimana urutannya.

Events (event 1 and 2) tell what happened and in what sequence.

Example: Once, my teacher grounded me in the library because I

did not do my Biology homework.

3) Reorientasi/ reorientation: terdiri dari penutup dari kejadian-

kejadian dalam cerita atau disebut juga akhir dari cerita tersebut.

Reorientation consists of optional-closure of events/ ending.

Example: After I read the book, I realized that science is useful for

human kind.

d. Ciri kebahasaan teks recount:

noun or pronoun, and past tense.

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Examples: I, at home, last night, a book, I took....

Contoh teks recount:

My Bad Day on Sunday

I had a terrible day yesterday.

First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn’t go on.

Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was

making breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so quickly that I

forgot to wear socks.

Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I

missed it. I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn’t have enough money.

Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it

was Sunday!

I hope I never have a day as the one I had yesterday.

I. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Uraian Kegiatan Waktu

1. Kegiatan Awal

a. Guru mengucapkan salam dan berdoa.

b. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

c. Guru mengulas pembelajaran yang telah


d. Guru menyampaikan pembelajaran hari


5 menit

2. Kegiatan inti

a. Eksplorasi

Guru membagikan soal pre-test.

Guru membagikan teks recount.

Guru membagikan grafik


Guru menjelaskan teknik

penggunaan grafik herringbone

15 menit

b. Elaborasi

Guru meminta siswa agar mencatat

pertanyaan yang berupa:

Who is the author talking about?

What did they do?

When did they do it?

40 menit

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Where did they do it?

How did they do it?

Why did they do it?

Siswa membaca teks recount

untuk menemukan jawaban dan

menuliskan jawaban pada grafik


Setelah informasi dicatat, guru

menjelaskan bagaimana

menyesuaikan setiap jawaban

kedalam satu kalimat gagasan


c. Konfirmasi

Siswa menulis gagasan pokok

menggunakan informasi dari grafik


Secara bersama, guru dan siswa

mendiskusikan teks yang telah


Guru bertanya tentang kesulitan


15 menit

41 Kegiatan Akhir

a. Guru memberikan motivasi kepada


b. Guru menyampaikan pembelajaran yang

akan datang.

c. Guru mengucapkan salam dan berdoa.

5 menit

J. Penilaian

Indikator Teknik Bentuk Instrumen/ soal

a. Menentukan

main idea dari

teks recount

Tes tertulis Pilihan ganda Choose the best

answers by

crossing a, b, c,

or d!

K. Pedoman Penilaian

Instrument : pre-test

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Skor :

Nilai Maksimal : 100

L. Rubrik penilaian

Uraian Skor

Isi benar, tata bahasa benar

Jawab salah/ tidak menjawab



Tuntang,14 Januari 2017


Guru Mapel Peneliti

Shafa Fitriyana, S.Pd. Latifah


NIP. 198306232010012026 NIM. 11312035

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Read the text carefully!

My Bad Day on Sunday

I had a terrible day yesterday.

First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn’t go on.

Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was

making breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so quickly that I

forgot to wear socks.

Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I

missed it. I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn’t have enough money.

Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it

was Sunday!

I hope I never have a day as the one I had yesterday.

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Herringbone Graphic

Who? What? When?

Main idea

Where? How? Why?

1. Who is the author talking about?

2. What did they do?

3. When did they do it?

4. Where did they do it?

5. How did they do it?

6. Why did they do it?

7. What is main idea of the text?

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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas/Semester : VIII/ 2

Alokasi Waktu : 2x40 menit

Materi Pokok : RECOUNT TEXT

Keterampilan : MEMBACA

Pertemuan ke : 2

M. Standar Kompetensi

11. Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan

narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

N. Kompetensi Dasar

11.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana

secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan

sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative.

O. Indikator

4. Membaca dan mengidentifikasi berbagai makna teks narrative/ recount

5. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks narrative/ recount

6. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks narrative/


P. Tujuan pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa diharapkan mampu:

6. mengetahui teks berbentuk recount.

7. mengidentifikasi berbagai aspek dari teks seperti isi, struktur teks.

8. mengidentifikasi makna yang ada dalam teks recount yang dibaca.

9. menjawab pertanyaan tentang isi teks recount dengan tepat.

Q. Media Pembelajaran

4. Print out teks recount

5. Spidol

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6. Whiteboard

R. Strategi Pembelajaran

Herringbone technique

S. Sumber belajar

1. Buku bahasa inggris kelas VIII English in Focus

2. https://englishadmin.com/2013/06/8-contoh-recount-text-pendek-bahasa-


T. Materi Pembelajaran

Contoh teks recount:

Getting Stomachache

I went to Rahman‟s house yesterday to do homework. I went there with

Dodi. After finishing the homework, Rahman made rujak. Rahman likes

spicy food, so he made it very spicy. Actually, I am not used to eating

spicy food, but yesterday I could not restrain myself from eating it. The

rujak was very tasty, although it was spicy. I ate it too much. The next

morning I got stomachache and I could not go to school.

e. Grafik Herringbone

Who? What? When?

Main idea

Where? How? Why?

1) Who is the author talking about?

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2) What did they do?

3) When did they do it?

4) Where did they do it?

5) How did they do it?

6) Why did they do it?

U. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Uraian Kegiatan Waktu

1. Kegiatan Awal

1. Guru mengucapkan salam

kepada siswa dan berdoa

2. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan

pembelajaran hari ini

4 menit

2. Kegiatan Inti

a. Eksplorasi

Guru memberikan contoh teks


Guru menggambar grafik


Guru meminta siswa untuk

mencatat jawaban dari

pertanyaan pada grafik. Mereka

harus menjawab dari

pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut:

Who is the author talking


What did they do?

When did they do it?

Where did they do it?

How did they do it?

Why did they do it?

b. Elaborasi

Siswa membaca teks recount

untuk menemukan jawaban dan

menuliskan jawaban pada grafik


Setelah informasi dicatat, guru

menjelaskan bagaimana

menyesuaikan setiap jawaban

18 menit

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kedalam satu kalimat gagasan


Siswa menulis gagasan pokok

menggunakan informasi dari

grafik herringbone.

Guru membagikan fotocopy

grafik herringbone dan siswa

melengkapi grafik tersebut.

c. Konfirmasi

Secara bersama guru dan siswa

membahas soal yang telah


Guru memberikan feedback dari

pekerjaan siswa.

Guru memberikan soal post-test.



3. Kegiatan Akhir

a. Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan

pembelajaran hari ini

b. Guru menyampaikan pembelajaran

yang akan datang.

c. Guru mengucapkan salam dan


4 menit

V. Penilaian

Instrumen penilaian : Post-test

Teknik : Tes tertulis

Bentuk soal : Pilihan ganda

Nilai maksimal : 100

Nilai = jawaban benar x 5

W. Rubrik penilaian

Uraian Skor

i. Isi benar, tata bahasa benar

ii. Jawaban salah/ tidak menjawab



Page 98: THE USE OF HERRINGBONE TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVEe-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/1714/1/THE USE OF...ix Abstract Listiyanti, Latifah. 2017. “The Use of Herringbone Technique to


Tuntang, 20 Januari 2017


Guru Mapel Peneliti

Shafa Fitriyana, S.Pd. Latifah


NIP. 198306232010012026 NIM. 11312035

Page 99: THE USE OF HERRINGBONE TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVEe-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/1714/1/THE USE OF...ix Abstract Listiyanti, Latifah. 2017. “The Use of Herringbone Technique to


Getting Stomachache

I went to Rahman’s house yesterday to do homework. I went

there with Dodi. After finishing the homework, Rahman made

rujak. Rahman likes spicy food, so he made it very spicy.

Actually, I didn’t like to eat spicy food, but yesterday I could

not restrain myself from eating it. The rujak was very tasty,

although it was spicy. I ate it too much. The next morning I got

stomachache and I could not go to school.

Page 100: THE USE OF HERRINGBONE TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVEe-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/1714/1/THE USE OF...ix Abstract Listiyanti, Latifah. 2017. “The Use of Herringbone Technique to


Getting Stomachache

I went to Rahman’s house yesterday to do homework. I went

there with Dodi. After finishing the homework, Rahman made

rujak. Rahman likes spicy food, so he made it very spicy.

Actually, I didn’t like to eat spicy food, but yesterday I could

not restrain myself from eating it. The rujak was very tasty,

although it was spicy. I ate it too much. The next morning I got

stomachache and I could not go to school.

Getting Stomachache

I went to Rahman’s house yesterday to do homework. I went

there with Dodi. After finishing the homework, Rahman made

rujak. Rahman likes spicy food, so he made it very spicy.

Actually, I didn’t like to eat spicy food, but yesterday I could

not restrain myself from eating it. The rujak was very tasty,

although it was spicy. I ate it too much. The next morning I got

stomachache and I could not go to school.

Page 101: THE USE OF HERRINGBONE TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVEe-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/1714/1/THE USE OF...ix Abstract Listiyanti, Latifah. 2017. “The Use of Herringbone Technique to


Dear Rusdi, I just got back from Yogyakarta. The weather was nice the whole week, and I really had a great vacation. I walked along Malioboro Street on the first day. The next day I went shopping and bought some batik clothes at Beringharjo Market. I went to Yogyakarta Palace one day. Guess what? I saw the Sultan. I enjoyed my vacation. Well, that’s all for now. Cheers, Fahmida

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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas/Semester : VIII/ 2

Alokasi Waktu : 2x40 menit

Materi Pokok : RECOUNT TEXT

Keterampilan : MEMBACA

Pertemuan ke : 3-4

A. Standar Kompetensi

11. Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan

narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

11.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana

secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan

sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative.

C. Indikator

1. Membaca dan mengidentifikasi berbagai makna teks narrative/ recount

2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks narrative/ recount

3. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks narrative/


D. Tujuan pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. mengetahui teks berbentuk recount.

2. mengidentifikasi berbagai aspek dari teks seperti isi, struktur teks.

3. memahami language feature recount text.

4. mengidentifikasi makna yang ada dalam teks recount yang dibaca.

E. Media Pembelajaran

1. Buku paket

2. Spidol

3. Whiteboard

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F. Strategi Pembelajaran

Herringbone technique

G. Sumber belajar

1. Buku bahasa inggris kelas VIII English in Focus

H. Materi Pembelajaran

Language feature of recount text

1. Using simple past tense


- S + V2 + O

- S + to be (was/ were) + N/ Adj/ Adv


- S + did not + V1

- S + to be + not + N/ adj/ adv


- Did + S + V1 + O

- To be + S + N/adj/adv

2. Using conjunction

Example : then, after, before, next etc.

Contoh teks recount:

Unforgettable Experience

Last holiday was Linda‟s unforgettable experience. She could spent her holiday

by visiting many interesting places.

First, she visited her grandmother in Malang. She enjoyed Selekta, the place with

cool and comfortable air. The scenery was beautiful. She spent a day there. She

didn‟t forget to buy special fruit from that city, apples. They are sweet and fresh.

Her next destination was Yogyakarta where her aunt, Mrs. Lutfia lived. Although

the weather was hot, she could enjoy Parangtritis beach, Prambanan temple and

Malioboro stree.

The last trip was Dieng Plateu. The cold weather made her vacation nice and

enjoyable. Dieng was her uncle‟s resident. She enjoyed “Telaga warna” and

wonderful landscape.

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I. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Uraian Kegiatan Waktu

1. Kegiatan Awal

1. Guru mengucapkan salam

kepada siswa dan berdoa

2. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan

pembelajaran hari ini

5 menit

2. Kegiatan Inti

a. Eksplorasi

Guru memberikan pre-test

Guru dan siswa bertanya

jawab tentang language feature

dari teks recount.

Guru memberikan contoh teks


b. Elaborasi

Secara bersama guru dan siswa

mengidentifikasi teks recount


Guru meminta siswa

menggambar grafik


Guru meminta siswa

melengkapi grafik herringbone

berdasarkan teks recount yang

telah dibagikan.

Guru meminta siswa

menentukan main idea

menggunakan supporting

detail yang diperoleh dari

grafik herringbone.

c. Konfirmasi

Setelah selesai, semua

pekerjaan dikumpulkan.

Guru bertanya tentang tingkat

kepahaman siswa terhadap

teks recount.

25 menit

37 menit

10 menit

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Guru memberikan feedback

dari pekerjaan siswa.

Guru memberikan post-test.

3. Kegiatan Akhir

a. Guru menyampaikan pembelajaran

yang akan datang.

b. Guru mengucapkan salam dan


3 menit

b. Penilaian

Instrumen penilaian : Pre-test dan post-test

Teknik : Tes tertulis

Bentuk soal : Pilihan ganda

Nilai maksimal : 100

Nilai = jawaban benar X 5

c. Rubrik penilaian

Uraian Skor

i. Isi benar, tata bahasa benar

ii. Jawaban salah/ tidak menjawab



Tuntang, 3 Febuari 2017


Guru Mapel Peneliti

Shafa Fitriyana, S.Pd. Latifah


NIP. 198306232010012026 NIM. 11312035

Page 106: THE USE OF HERRINGBONE TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVEe-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/1714/1/THE USE OF...ix Abstract Listiyanti, Latifah. 2017. “The Use of Herringbone Technique to


Unforgettable Experience

Last holiday was Linda’s unforgettable experience. She could spent her

holiday by visiting many interesting places.

First, she visited her grandmother in Malang. She enjoyed Selekta,

the place with cool and comfortable air. The scenery was beautiful.

She spent a day there. She didn’t forget to buy special fruit from

that city, apples. They are sweet and fresh.

Her next destination was Yogyakarta where her aunt, Mrs. Lutfia

lived. Although the weather was hot, she could enjoy Parangtritis

beach, Prambanan temple and Malioboro stree.

The last trip was Dieng Plateu. The cold weather made her vacation

nice and enjoyable. Dieng was her uncle’s resident. She enjoyed

“Telaga warna” and wonderful landscape.

Difficult words :

Page 107: THE USE OF HERRINGBONE TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVEe-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/1714/1/THE USE OF...ix Abstract Listiyanti, Latifah. 2017. “The Use of Herringbone Technique to


Pre-test I

Name :

Class :

No. :

Choose the best answers by crossing a, b, c, or d!

Read the text below, and then answer the questions correctly!

Text is for number 1-7

Going Camping

Last weekend, my friends and I went camping.

We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a half

hour from the parking lot. We built the camp next to a small river.

It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp. The next day, we

spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were

preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish

for supper.

At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, played

magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy.

On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home.

1. What kind of the text above?

a. Descriptive text c. Recount text

b. Narrative text d. Procedure text

2. What did the story tells us about?

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a. The writer and his friend experience in a camping.

b. The writer’s observation.

c. Fishing with friends.

d. My friends‟ dance performance.

3. When did they hold a fire camp?

a. In the morning c. In the afternoon

b. In the evening d. At night

4. How did they eat for supper?

a. Caught some fish c. Bring some fish

b. Buy some fish d. Cook a rice

5. They did some activities below at night, except...

a. Singing c. Reading poetry

b. Dancing d. Reading novel

6. We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a

half hour from the parking lot. (Sentence 2). The underline word

refers to ....

a. My friends c. All students

b. I d. My friends and I

7. We know from the text that....

a. They went camping last year.

b. They went to river at night.

c. They didn‟t hold a fire camp.

d. They back to home on Monday.

Read the text carefully, and then answer the questions!

This text is for number 8-15

My holiday

On Saturday night, my friends and I camped on a hill nearby. We chose a

flat land to set up a tent. It was on the bank of a lake. We found that lake was not

Page 109: THE USE OF HERRINGBONE TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVEe-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/1714/1/THE USE OF...ix Abstract Listiyanti, Latifah. 2017. “The Use of Herringbone Technique to


so deep, but the water was clear and fresh. We saw many fish in it, so we fished


After setting up the tent, we took our picnic jar and had a meal together.

We rolled out a mat to sit on the ground. It was nice having meals in the open air.

Then, we walked into swift waterfall. We could see how wonderful it was.

Unfortunately, we left our camera at home. We couldn‟t take any photographs.

Suddenly, my friend slipped off. He hurt his leg. We gave him a band aid

that we took from the fished. Finally, we decide to go back to our tent.

8. What is the type of the text?

a. Recount text c. Descriptive text

b. Narrative text d. Report text

9. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To tell the writer‟s experience.

b. To tell how to set up a tent.

c. To entertain the reader.

d. To congratulate because the holiday is come.

10. When did the writer go camp?

a. On Monday c. On Wednesday

b. On Friday d. On Saturday

11. Why did they can‟t take any photographs?

a. Because the view was bad.

b. Because they left their camera at home.

c. Because their camera was broke.

d. Because they didn‟t have camera.

12. Where did they see many fish?

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a. Sea c. Lake

b. River d. Ocean

13. How was the swift waterfal?

a. Peaceful c. Awful

b. Wonderful d. Good

14. Who was slipped off?

a. The writer c. All friends

b. I d. The writer‟s friend

15. It was on the bank of lake.

The underline word means . . .

a. Sungai c. Selat

b. Laut d. Danau

~~~ good luck ~~~

Page 111: THE USE OF HERRINGBONE TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVEe-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/1714/1/THE USE OF...ix Abstract Listiyanti, Latifah. 2017. “The Use of Herringbone Technique to


Post-test I

Name :

Class :

No. :

Choose the correct answers by crossing a, b, c, or d!

Read the text carefully!

Dear Rusdi,

I just got back from Yogyakarta. The weather was nice the whole week, and I

really had a great vacation. I walked along Malioboro Street on the first day. The

next day I went shopping and bought some batik clothes at Beringharjo Market. I

went to Yogyakarta Palace one day. Guess what? I saw the Sultan. I enjoyed my

vacation. Well, that’s all for now.



Choose the best answer based on the text!

1. Who did send the letter?

a. Rusdi c. Sultan

b. Fahmida d. The reader

2. Where did the writer go?

a. Yogyakarta c. Market

b. Bandung d. Keraton

3. Why did the writer send the letter? Because. . . .

a. She want to tells about her experience in Yogyakarta

b. She want to go to Yogyakarta

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c. She want to ask Rusdi to go to Yogyakarta

d. She want to tell about Malioboro

4. The writer visited these places, except . . . .

a. Malioboro c. Prambanan

b. Bringharjo d. Yogyakarta Palace

5. How did the weather in the whole week?

a. Good c. Bad

b. Hot d. Cold

6. Who is the reciever?

a. I c. Rusdi

b. The writer d. Fahmida

I (..7..) to Yogyakarta Palace one day. Guess what? I (..8..) the Sultan. I

(..9..) my vacation. Well, that’s all for now.


a. Want c. Go

b. Went d. Goes


a. Sea c. Saw

b. See d. Look


a. Enjoy c. Was enjoy

b. Enjoying d. Enjoyed

10. I enjoyed my vacation. The bold word has synonym to . . .

a. Trip c. Adventure

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b. Holiday d. Experience

Read the text carefully!

Last holiday my students and I went to Jogjakarta. We stayed at Morison Hotel

which is near from Malioboro. On Friday, we went to the sanctuaries in

Prambanan. There are three major sanctuaries, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu

sanctuaries. They are truly stunning. We went by just Brahmana and Syiwa

sanctuaries, on the grounds that Wisnu sanctuary is being remodeled. On Saturday

morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent around two hours there. We were

fortunate on the grounds that we were driven by a brilliant and amicable aide. At

that point we proceeded with our adventure to Borobudur. We touched base there

at four p.m. At 6 p.m. we heard the declaration that Borobudur entryway would be

closed. In the evening we left Jogjakarta by bus.

11. What is the type of the text?

a. Report text c. Narrative text

b. Recount text d. Procedure text

12. What is the text talking about?

a. The writer‟s trip to Jogjakarta

b. The writer‟s first trip to Prambanan

c. The writer‟s impression about the guide

d. The writer‟s impression about Borobudur

13. What is the purpose of the text?

a. Tells past event

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b. Entertain the reader

c. Describe the smuggle

d. Report an event to the police

14. What else the big temples in Prambanan?

a. Angkor wat, syiwa and sudra temples

b. Paria, Brahmana and Angkor wat temples

c. Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples

d. Borobudur, Syiwa and Brahmana temples

15. When did they go home?

a. On Saturday morning

b. On Saturday evening

c. On Friday evening

d. On Friday afternoon

16. Why did they just visit Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries?

a. Because there was no Wisnu temple

b. Because Wisnu temple was too small

c. Because Wisnu temple was being repaired

d. Because Wisnu temple was being destroyed

17. What is suitable title for the text above?

a. Jogjakarta

b. Borobudur Temple

c. My Trip to Jogjakarta

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d. Prambanan Temple

18. How long they were in Yogya Kraton?

a. Two hours c. Three hours

b. Around two hours d. Four hours

19. When did they go to Yogya Kraton?

a. Friday morning c. Saturday morning

b. Friday evening d. Saturday evening

20. We stayed at Morison Hotel which is near from Malioboro.

The underline word has antonym to . . .

a. Long c. Far

b. Close d. Fast

Good Luck !!!

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Pre-test II

Name :

No. :

Class :

Choose the best answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d!

Read the text below! The text is for number 1-10.

In the Beach

Last month, my family and I went to the beach. We wanted to refresh our

mind and enjoy the fresh air. We went to the beach because we wanted refresh our

mind and enjoy the fresh air. We went there early in the morning by car.

After parking our car, we walked along the beach barefooted. We could

feel the smoothness of the sand. The cold sea water touches our feet.

Then, we looked for a place to take a rest. We rolled out the mad on the

ground and had meals together. While eating, we saw many things. Many children

built sand castles. Some of them played with their balls. We also saw some people


After having meals, I was interested in doing the same thing. I made sand

castle with my sister. Meanwhile, my brother collected some sea shells.

Answer these questions based on the text above!

21. Where did they go?

a. They go to camp

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b. They go to the market

c. They go to the see

d. They go to the beach

22. Why did they go to the beach?

a. Because they want to refresh their mind.

b. Because they want to see the beach.

c. Because they want to take a rest.

d. Because they want to make sand castle.

23. When did they go to the beach?

a. Last holiday c. Last year

b. Last month d. Last week

24. They go to the beach by . . .

a. Plane c. Motorcycle

b. Train d. Car

25. After having meals, I was interested in doing the thing.

The underline word can be replaced by . . .

a. Drink c. Sleep

b. Eat d. Relax

26. What did the children built?

a. Sand castle c. Sand dune

b. Sand glass d. Castle

27. How did the sand look?

a. Smooth b. Dirty

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c. Soft d. Crude

28. Who did collect some sea shells?

a. Children c. All people

b. I d. The writer‟s sister

29. What is the type of the text?

a. Report text c. Descriptive text

b. Recount text d. Narrative text

30. The first paragraph is called . . .

a. Orientation c. Re-orientation

b. Event d. Title

Read the text and answer the questions number 11-13

Dear Brian,

On Saturday I went to Bromo mountain. I stayed at Nisa and

Ahmad’s house at Cemara Lawang, Probolinggo. It has a big garden

with lots of colourful flowers and a fishpond.

On Sunday Nisa and I saw Batok mountain and went on the scenic

ride on horseback. It was scary. Then we went to get a closer look at

the mountain. We took pictures of the beautiful sceneries there.

On Monday we went to the zoo at Wonokromo. We saw cockatoos

having a shower. In the afternoon I went home.

It was fun.



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31. Who did go trip to Bromo?

a. Lina c. Nisa

b. Brian d. Ahmad

32. When did they go home?

a. Saturday c. Monday

b. Sunday d. Today

33. What did they do on Sunday?

a. Went on the scenic ride on horseback and saw cacktoos

b. Saw Batok mountain and go home

c. Went to the zoo and took picture

d. Saw Batok mountain and went on the scenic ride on horseback

Read the text carefully!

Going Camping

Last weekend, my friends and I went camping.

We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a

half hour from the parking lot. We built the camp next to a small


It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp. The next

day, we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls

were preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and

caught some fish for supper.

At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry,

played magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing


On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home

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34. What did the story tells us about?

e. The writer and his friend experience in a camping.

f. The writer’s observation.

g. Fishing with friends.

h. My friends‟ dance performance.

35. When did they hold a fire camp?

c. In the morning c. In the afternoon

d. In the evening d. At night

36. How did they eat for supper?

c. Caught some fish c. Bring some fish

d. Buy some fish d. Cook a rice

37. They did some activities below at night, except...

c. Singing c. Reading poetry

d. Dancing d. Reading novel

38. We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a

half hour from the parking lot. (Sentence 2). The underline word

refers to ....

c. My friends c. All students

d. I d. My friends and I

39. We know from the text that....

e. They went camping last year.

f. They went to river at night.

g. They didn‟t hold a fire camp.

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h. They back to home on Monday.

40. The re-orientation of the text is. . .

a. On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home

b. Last weekend, my friends and I went camping.

c. At night, we held a fire camp night

d. The next day, we spent our time observing plantation

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Post test II

Name :

Class :

No. :

Answer the questions by choosing a, b, c, or d!

1. Recount text is. . .

a. A text that retell about past events

b. A text that describe something

c. A text that tells about imaginative srory

d. A text that explain in making something

2. The characteristics of recount text are below, except. . .

a. Using cronological connection

b. Using simple past tense

c. Using linking verb

d. The story is imaginative

Text is for number 1-9.

Last year my family moved to Nepal. My father is a doctor. And he

has to work in the local hospital in this country. I think it‟s important

to see as much of country as I can, ...(1) it is difficult to travel around

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Nepal. I decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepales...(2)

Kamal Rai to go with and show me the way.

We started preparing for the trip at six in the morning, and left

camp with two elephants carrying out our equipment. It was hot, but

Kamal made me wear shoes and trousers to....(3) me fron snakes. In

the jungle there was o lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big

cats, especially tigers. We climbed onto the elephants‟ back to get a

better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because

they sleep in the heat of the day.


a. But c. So

b. And d. Then


a. Doctor c. Guide

b. Nurse d. Guard


a. Avoid c. Protect

b. Neglect d. Prevent

6. Who did move to Nepal?

a. The writer c. Kamal Rai

b. Father d. The writer and family

7. When did they move to Nepal?

a. In the morning c. Last year

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b. Last month d. Last week

8. Where did they go to travel?

a. Zoo c. Museum

b. Jungle d. Beach

9. Why did they move to Nepal? Because . . .

a. His father worked there c. They want to travel in Nepal

b. He studied there d. They like Nepal

Read the text and answer questions number 10-17!

My Grandpa‟s Birthday

It was my grandpa‟s birthday last Sunday. On Friday, my sister and I

went shopping at the mall. We bought a nice shirt. Then, we wrapped

it in a blue paper. Blue is my grandpa‟s favorite color. On Saturday

morning, my brother and I helped my sister making a birthday cake in

the kitchen. It was a big and beautiful birthday party. I wrote „Happy

Birthday‟ on it. After that, we put some chocolate and a candle on the

top of the cake. On Sunday evening, my uncle and my aunt came to

my hous. They brought several bottles of soft-drink, and flower for

grandpa. Then, we sat together in the livingroom. Finally, grandpa

blew the candle and cut the cake while we were singing a Happy

Birthday‟ song for him. After giving each of us a piece of cake, he

opened the present. He told us that he liked the present, and he was

very happy.

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10. What did they put in the cake?

a. Chocolate and cheese c. Chocolate and cookies

b. Chocolate and candle d. Candle and cheese

11. When did aunt and uncle come?

a. Sunday morning c. Sunday afternoon

b. Sunday evening d. Sunday night

12. When did Grandpa open the present?

a. After giving each of us a piece of cake

b. After blew the candle

c. Before blew the candle

d. Before giving each of us a piece of cake

13. They brought several bottles of soft-drink. . . . (line 8)

The bold word refers to . . . .

a. My sister and I c. Aunt and uncle

b. My brother and I d. Grandpa

14. Did Grandpa like the presents?

a. Yes, he did. c. No, he did not.

b. Yes, he is. d. No, he did.

15. How is Grandpa‟s feeling?

a. Sad c. Enjoy

b. Happy d. Tired

16. After giving each of us a piece of cake, he opened the present.

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The underline word have synonym to. . . .

a. Perform c. Gift

b. Something d. Cake

17. The antonym of word “big” is . . . .

a. Large c. Short

b. Thin d. Small

The following text is for number 18-21.

Dear Mom And Dad, Last week my school held the celebration of the Mother’s Day. We had a speech contest, a singing contest and playing drama, and the cooking contest. We did them in three days. On the first day the school held a speech contest. It was the English speech contest. Each class had to send two participants. I participated the contest, because nobody was ready to have a speech in English. They said that it was difficult to speak in English. In the contest I talked about the role of mother in national development. It was a good topic to discuss. I hope I can win the contest. On the second day we had a singing contest and playing drama. Our class send two singer, Rizqi and Helena. They sang songs to celebrate the Mother’s Day. We also participated the drama contest. We perfomed the Struggle of Kartini. We hoped we can win the drama contest. The last activity was the cooking contest, and we had the activity on the third day. This contest was especially for boys. Our class also send a group of boys to participate the contest. They worked in group to prepare special menu on Mother’s Day. Our class prepared special cake for mother. We also hope we can win the contest. The celebratin of the Mother’s Day this year was really fun. All students participated the activities. We will have similar programs next year.



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18. What does the text tells us about?

a. A Mother‟s Day celebration

b. A speech contest celebration

c. A singing contest celebration

d. A cooking contest celebration

19. How many contests held on the celebration?

a. One c. Three

b. Two d. Four

20. Who did tell the story?

a. Mom c. Farida

b. Dad d. Mom and Dad

21. Who did recieve the letter?

a. Mom c. Farida

b. Dad d. Mom and Dad

Text is for number 22-26.

In the Beach

Last month, my family and I went to the beach. We wanted to

refresh our mind and enjoy the fresh air. We went to the beach because

we wanted refresh our mind and enjoy the fresh air. We went there

early in the morning by car.

After parking our car, we walked along the beach barefooted. We

could feel the smoothness of the sand. The cold sea water touches our


Then, we looked for a place to take a rest. We rolled out the mad

on the ground and had meals together. While eating, we saw many

things. Many children built sand castles. Some of them played with

their balls. We also saw some people sunbathe.

After having meals, I was interested in doing the same thing. I

made sand castle with my sister. Meanwhile, my brother collected

some sea shells.

22. What is the type of the text?

a. Report text c. Descriptive text

b. Recount text d. Narrative text

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23. The last paragraph is called. . .

a. Orientation c. Title

b. Event d. Re-orientation

24. Why did they go to the beach?

e. Because they want to refresh their mind.

f. Because they want to see the beach.

g. Because they want to take a rest.

h. Because they want to make sand castle.

25. When did they go to the beach?

c. Last holiday c. Last year

d. Last month d. Last week

26. What did the children build?

d. Sand castle c. Sand dune

e. Sand glass d. Castle

Read the text for number 27-30!

Last holiday my students and I went to Jogjakarta. We stayed at

Morison Hotel which is near from Malioboro. On Friday, we went to

the sanctuaries in Prambanan. There are three major sanctuaries, the

Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu sanctuaries. They are truly stunning. We

went by just Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries, on the grounds that

Wisnu sanctuary is being remodeled. On Saturday morning we went to

Yogya Kraton. We spent around two hours there. We were fortunate on

the grounds that we were driven by a brilliant and amicable aide. At that

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point we proceeded with our adventure to Borobudur. We touched base

there at four p.m. At 6 p.m. we heard the declaration that Borobudur

entryway would be closed. In the evening we left Jogjakarta by bus.

27. What is the text talking about?

a. The writer‟s trip to Jogjakarta

b. The writer‟s first trip to Prambanan

c. The writer‟s impression about the guide

d. The writer‟s impression about Borobudur

28. When did they go home?

a. On Saturday morning

b. On Saturday evening

c. On Friday evening

d. On Friday afternoon

29. Why did they just visit Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries?

a. Because there was no Wisnu temple

b. Because Wisnu temple was too small

c. Because Wisnu temple was being repaired

d. Because Wisnu temple was being destroyed

30. What is suitable title for the text above?

a. Jogjakarta

b. Borobudur Temple

c. My Trip to Jogjakarta

d. Prambanan Temple

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Students did a pre-test

Students did a post-test

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Teacher explain the material about herringbone technique

Students did an excercise about herringbone technique