Page 1 The Vertex Newsletter February 2017 Welcome to the Astrological Society of North Texas! Join us Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 1:30 pm, 1st Jefferson Universalist Church, for a Speaking Engagement. This month Christy Hall and Ryhan Butler will give the group information about the different ways that Astrologers can help clients with astrology. Christy is NCGR certified, and has a diploma from the Academy of Astropsychology. She teaches classes about the lunar phases technique, and manifesting Venus in your chart. Ryhan Butler is a professional astrologer located in Mesquite Texas and has studied classical astrological techniques with an emphasis on medieval astrology. He has lectured locally and as part of national conferences, and is also administrator and author of the Medieval Astrology Guide website. Both Christy and Ryhan are on the board for ASNT. There will be a speaker fee this month that is $10.00 for all members and $20.00 for non-members.

The Vertex Newsletter - Astrological Society of North … Vertex Newsletter February 2017 Welcome to the Astrological Society of North Texas! Join us Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 1:30

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Page 1: The Vertex Newsletter - Astrological Society of North … Vertex Newsletter February 2017 Welcome to the Astrological Society of North Texas! Join us Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 1:30

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The Vertex

Newsletter February 2017 Welcome to the Astrological Society of North Texas!

Join us Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 1:30 pm, 1st Jefferson Universalist Church, for a Speaking Engagement.

This month Christy Hall and Ryhan Butler will give the group information about the different ways that Astrologers can help clients with astrology. Christy is NCGR certified, and has a diploma from the Academy of Astropsychology. She teaches classes about the lunar phases technique, and manifesting Venus in your chart. Ryhan Butler is a professional

astrologer located in Mesquite Texas and has studied classical astrological techniques with an emphasis on medieval astrology. He has lectured locally and as part of national conferences, and is also administrator and author of the Medieval Astrology Guide website. Both Christy and Ryhan are on the board for ASNT. There will be a speaker fee this month that is $10.00 for all members and $20.00 for non-members.

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. were ratified recently. The main changes are:

The new membership term runs from March 1st through the end of February the following year, with annual dues paid March of each year, and half dues ($13) for members renewing or joining after September. As you may know, we have been unable to bring in speakers for the old fee of $25.00 for some time. As a result, speaker fees have gone up and we will be charging a nominal fee of $5.00 for group meetings and $10.00 for lectures for our members. For non-members, the fee is $10.00 for group meetings and $20.00 for lectures. This should enable us, in the future to have more options for speakers, and better amenities.

Our meetings will consist of Group Exercises every other month, alternating with lectures from knowledgeable speakers. We look forward to group participation, and I will share charts that we will be talking about.

Table of Contents:

Meetings _______________1

President’s message ____3

February Planets _______4

Local Moon ____________5

Our Professionals _______6

Classes and Offerings ___7

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President’s Message January – February 2017 – Welcome! ASNT has started our changes to the program formats and it was a SMASHING SUCCESS!! Our first meeting of the year used the format of a Group Exercise. This month, we rotate to the previous format of a guest speaker. Between what the membership knew about the person we were discussing, or different methods of interpretation, what we unearthed about our chart subjects grew quite interesting. Where the monthly speakers have remained more at a “higher concept level”, the Group Exercises now allow us to gather the experience of the whole group attending. This month, we have two speakers. Please refer to the article in this newsletter. Last month Wayne Hall was our “Unbiased Moderator”. Please refer to his articles on the preparation for any Group Exercise in this newsletter. Bring your color-coded markers and other astrology deciphering tools as needed for your style and preference. Another implemented facet is the collection of $5.00 for members at the door and $10.00 for non-members for the Group Exercise sessions. The months where we have a formal speaker/lecture, (this month and every other month) we will be collecting $10.00 from members and $20.00 from non-members. We can take cash, check or credit card. Location, location, location! We are still looking for a more centralized location, but have narrowed it down to a few good ones, one of which comes to us at no cost. After last month’s door fees ($50.00 total) plus a potential savings on the meeting space, I figure we would be putting around $75 - $80 a month in the bank. Some food for thought there! Best Wishes, and see you on the 12th at First Jefferson UU in Ft. Worth.! Marie Loeb

ASNT President 2015-2017

Marie Loeb

ASNT President 2015-2016

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Making sure a planet is direct and in good aspect for activities represented by its rulership, we find that-

– Moves from 13 degrees Aquarius to 10 degrees Pisces this month, its ingress to Pisces on February 18th. He has positive aspects this month, but is in his sign of detriment when in Aquarius. The water-bearer pours out his emotions so that he can see clearly, but in the process can put out the Sun’s flames, impeding the normal intensity of the Sun’s fire. Feb. 9th the Sun is sextile Uranus and the Sun is trine Jupiter Feb. 11th. The Sun sextiles Saturn on Feb. 13th.

– Moves from 21 degrees Capricorn to 5 degrees Pisces in February, passing quickly through Aquarius from February 7th to Feb. 25th. Mercury is in his detriment and fall in Pisces after Feb. 25th, so he will be unhappy, certain that he is missing important information, and will worry about what ever houses he is in charge of. Most of Mercury’s aspects are good this month with only one square to Jupiter Feb. 2nd. He will sextile Venus Feb. 10th, but she will already be in Aries, the sign of her own detriment, and so won’t be as much help. He will sextile a strong Mars Feb. 16, sextile Uranus Feb 20th, trine a stationary Jupiter Feb. 21st, and sextile Saturn Feb. 23rd.

– Moves from 27 degrees Pisces to 12 degrees Aries this month, and she will continue to dazzle, setting nearly 4 hours after the Sun. She ingresses to Aries on Feb. 3rd. Venus is in her detriment in Aries, and will be no good at the sustained effort it takes to bond with others.

– moves from 2 to 23 degrees Aries in February. Mars is happy in Aries, and will be a more positive influence but watch out for his aspects to Pluto – a square on Feb. 22nd, a conjunction to Uranus Feb. 26th and an opposition to a stationary Jupiter on the 27th.

– moves from 23 to 22 degrees Libra this month, stationing retrograde at 23 08 on Feb. 6th.

– moves from 24 to 26 degrees Sagittarius. – moves from 21 to 22 degrees Aries. – moves from 10 to 11 degrees Pisces.

stays at 18 degrees Capricorn. To the right is the Jupiter Retrograde event chart set at the geodetic equiv. chart for Washington, DC. Jupiter is on the Descendant, showing foreign entities in the spotlight. Spica illuminates all foreign and overseas matters at 7th house, conjunct Jupiter, which rules the 9th and 12th houses. Saturn is slowly making his way to the top of the chart, which will represent a culmination, Pluto is approaching a square to the U. S. Ascendant, and Mars is approaching the Ascendant. Uranus has been going back and forth over the U.S. Ascendant also, reflecting the strong and unexpected events we have been experiencing.

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Donald Trump’s chart is around the U.S. Jupiter retrograde chart. His Sun is conjunct the 3rd house, reflecting his ability to easily communicate with the nation. His natal Midheaven is on the cusp of the Nation’s 2nd house, highlighting his goals having to do with the economy.

Local Moon for February~ Full Moon is a penumbral eclipse

where the moon passes deeply into the outer shadow of the earth. Eastern North America will find the moon up in the eastern sky. Farther west the darkest phase will occur closer to moonrise. The degree is 2150 occuring on February 10th. The New Moon is an annular eclipse of the Sun, where the silhouette of the moon passes into the Sun transforming it into a narrow ring of light. It will be visible in South America moving toward Africa at 729 on February 26th. The last new moon was at 820. “The moon is a developing power and the final aspect indicates outcome of any venture under consideration. In selecting the day and hour for taking an action we base our decision to act or not on what she advises according to her final aspect “when all is said and done” If she is void of course the matter is also inactive with no harm done.” –

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Christy Hall Has a Level 1 NCGR Certification, a diploma from the AstroPsychology program taught by Glenn Perry, and has been a practicing astrologer since 2009. She is currently on the ASNT board as our Programs Director. You can reach her at 972-275-1682

Donna Henson Donna is a professional astrologer, lecturer, counselor and author who has worked with astrology since the age of 10. She has certification from the AFA, ISAR, and NCGR (level IV) and teaches all levels of astrology. She has served on the board of ASNT and has been president 5 terms. You can reach her at 817-589-1676.

Claire F. Shepard Claire went to the Houston Institute of Astrology and has 23 years experience as an Astrologer, Psychic, and Spiritual Teacher. She has taught astrology and been a radio guest. Her website is pureastrology.net, and you can reach her at 817-585-1089

Sandra Moore Williams Sandra has 21 years experience as an astrologer and 19 years as a certifed Personalogist/Face Reader. She served on the board of ASNT as the Programs Director for 10 years, and was ASNT President for 4 terms. You can reach her at [email protected] or 817-531-1661.

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Become a member of ASNT! Dues are $35.00 per year, and help us to have exciting speakers and pay for our room. Renewal is $25.00. See Ryhan at the next meeting.


If you are in Central Texas, visit the Astrological Society of Austin. You can find out about their meetings at www.meetup.com/Astrological-Society-of-Austin.

“The Five Petals of


by Guy Ottewell.

2016 ASNT Board Members

President – Marie Loeb

Membership – Ryhan Butler

Programs – Christy Hall

Publicity – Lauren Kinberg

Treasurer – Ambre Caperton

Hospitality – Sylvia Dunton

Newsletter – Chris Light

Web/media – Wayne Hall