Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Weaponry Source Description Description Description Description Weaponry Description Description Description Description Weaponry Weaponry Weaponry Description Mission Description Description Description Description Description Mission Part of Present Future Past occupied by occupied by occupied by occupied by occupied by group group group group group Found in Found in Found in Found in Found in Drops from From dropped by About From About Incorporates Same set About From About About Occupy Occupy Occupy Occupy Occupy found in found in found in found in Rahool Dialogue about About About About About Enemy of Boss of Controls About About About About occupied by group found in Controlled by group connected to ocupied by Part of found in found in group About About About About About About About About About Gates Connects to About Vex Network From From Made with Vex cells Came from About same set same set same set "Cloud" Storage and Cross time Communication Servers Router / Cloud Processor Sensors / Beacons Local Clients Combat Zones Locations Subsystems Information Information Axis Minds Units Axis Minds Combat Zones Sol Imminent Descendants Survivors of the Vault of Glass report sightings of ancient Vex - ancient in the sense that they have endured for eons. Convergent analysis from multiple Ghosts suggests that these Vex exist in our future. If the Vex exist in our future - or in a possible future - should we take this as evidence that their defeat is impractical or unattainable? The Guardian Vanguard is quick to point out that time travel remains a mystery, and that the continued existence of the Vex is not remotely a sure indication of humanity's extinction. Mars Role: Attacks on the Cabal Exclusion Zone. Prohibition = A rule or law that forbids something. Build: Vex Subtype Virgo Prohibition Venus Role: Defensive units around VoG and the Citadel. Gender: Vex Build: Vex Subtype. Hezen Protective Source: Destiny Official Strategy Guide "Our shots dissolved in the translucent matrix around it, useless." Hydra The Hydra is a miniature fortress. Despite its physical slowness, it is a rapid processor of the data fed to it by other Vex, and what it lacks in mobility it makes up for in impregnable defenses and rock-melting firepower. Gender: Vex Construct Role: Combat State: Gun Platform / Sentry Has a Mind Core Build: Space Travel Beacon / Intelligence Sensor Cyclops Line Rifle The Vex Line Rifle fires high-velocity Solar particle jets. Deployed on the Hobgoblin chassis, the Line Rifle serves as a sniper weapon, pinning down targets or delivering the killing blow. Like the Slap Rifle, the Line Rifle is a terminal weapon, although its source is much more energetic. Some believe the weapon pulls material from the accretion disk of a galactic singularity. This would imply the Vex are near - or have already achieved - access to a terrifying range of civilization-killing weapons. Others consider this unlikely, and propose that the Line Rifle simply draws from a central Vex power supply. Slap Rifle From a tactical perspective, the Slap Rifle is a Vex directed-energy weapon that fills their analog of the light infantry role. From an engineering perspective it's something much more interesting: a terminal. The Slap Rifle receives a bolt of Solar energy from somewhere (or somewhen) else and it points it at a target. The terminal's flexibility is impressive. In non-combat conditions, the Slap Rifle seems like it might serve as a viable field transmitter, construction tool, navigational beacon, network repeater, or any of a number of other utility functions. "It swam back and forth through the air, spinning, the single red eye looking - I realized - for me." Harpy The fastest and most mobile Vex, the Harpy is an airborne unit often deployed in flocks on patrols and scouting missions. They must stop and stabilize before attacking. Torch Hammer The Torch Hammer is a devastating Vex heavy weapon. Firing projectiles of strange matter, the Hammer mauls targets with exotic particle decay and deadly radiation. "I thought it was at a safe distance. I was wrong." Minotaur Minotaurs pack brutal heat, but most of their processing power is devoted to the physics of building massive Vex complexes, suspected to extend through multiple dimensions. Minotaur models are thicker and harder to crack than any other bipedal Vex, and they use their teleportation capability aggressively. Venus Role: Main force on Venus. Focuses on attacking Fallen and sarching ruins. Gender: Vex Build: Vex Subtype. Hezen Corrective Role: Elite units. Grey frame & Red Eyes. Rods over body. Build: Vex Subtype Aphix Invasive Sol Primevil Gender: Past Vex Hull Exists in the Past, and in the VoG Build: Vex Subtype Sol Precursors Sol Imminent Exist in the Future, and in the VoG Gender: Future Vex Hull Build: Vex Subtype Sol Descendants Has the power to shape the world according to the Oracles design. Role: Axis Mind Gender: Vex Hydra Shell The Templar Hezen Corrective We understand the Vex as a network of thoughts, unified and vast. But not all Vex are the same. The Hezen Corrective is one example of a Vex subtype, set apart from other Vex by distinct behaviors and objectives. Swarming across the Ishtar Sink, these Vex aggressively seek out and attack the Fallen House of Winter, perform inscrutable operations around shining Confluxes, and even show interest in the Golden Age ruins left by the Ishtar Collective. The bulk of our contact with Vex forces on Venus has involved the Corrective. Those scholars willing to risk their reputations speculating about the Vex often assert that the Corrective is an agent of change, designed to solve problems and remake the world in a form suitable to the Vex. Others contend that Corrective is simply a strategic distraction - meant to draw attention away from the actions of the Hezen Protective. Harpy | Axis | Zealot | Supplicant Role: Scout and patrol. Gender: Vex Harpy Hull Swims through the air. No Radiolara. Harpy Zealot | Disciple |Goblin | Fanatic | Depraved | Qodrons Eye Build: Constructor of networks/Structures Role: Combat State: Basic grunt Gender: Vex Goblin Hull Contains Milky Radiolarian fluids Goblin Hobgoblin | Axis | Chord | Conductive Disciple | Disciple | Iso Build: Energy Source Role: Combat State: Sniper Gender: Vex Goblin Hull with added optics Can trigger a stasis. Contain Radiolaria fluids Hobgoblin Minotaur | Axis | Chord | Point | Praetorian Build: Planner/Constructor of space & time for Structures Teleportation powers. Role: Combat State: Heavy Weapons Platform Gender: Vex Minotaur Hull Minotaur Sol Divisive Beyond the towering Meridian Bay gate lies the Black Garden, adrift in time and space. And within the Garden dwell the Vex of the Sol Divisive, frozen in rapture. We have precious little insight into the Divisive's behavior. They seem central to Vex actions in the solar system: the Garden is clearly a place of enormous power. Legends and scant field reports all indicate that the Divisive Vex behave religiously. Why would a hyperintelligent, time-spanning thought mesh exhibit religious behavior? The answer seems as obvious as it is chilling: if the Vex found worship and devotion more effective than any other behavior, they would adopt worship. Whatever the Vex found - or made - in the Garden, it transcends even their power. Centered around the Black Garden on Mars Role: Behave Religiously. Uses Worship Gender: Vex Divisive = causing a lot of disagreement between people and causing them to separate into different groups Sol Divisive Sol Primeval Precursors Those who delve deep into the Vault of Glass have seen time itself torn asunder. Awestruck Ghosts report encounters with ancient Vex, their casings built long before the age of humanity. It would be easy to assume these Vex are the ancestors of those we face today - but with the Vex it is never so simple. The Nexus "Far below the Ishtar Academy, the Vex have set something in motion, a world-eating machine transforming Venus into another link in their intergalactic chain. This Nexus must be stopped and the Mind that controls it, destroyed." - Ikora Rey "All their joints turning together. Moving together. Towards you." Goblin The Goblin is the basic unit in the vast computational network that is the Vex. Shattering the large, fan-shaped head does not seem to cause lasting damage but sends the Goblin into a crackling frenzy. Rahool Dialogue Vex encryption, Unbreakable, so they say... Venus Endless Steps Mars Scablands Mars Valley of the Kings Mars Tharsis Junction Venus Ishtar Commons Travel to the Reef and present the Gate Lord's head to the Queen for entrance into the Black Garden. "The Vex continue to impress me. And depress me. Is it wrong to think that cybernetic life and organic life can get along without everybody wanting to murder each other?" —Ghost BUCKET_QUESTS A Key Awaits "Atheon's story is still being written. The wielder holds the pen." - Unknown BUCKETPRIMARYWEAPON Atheon's Epilogue Radiolaria "Have you walked the ruins? Seen the machines born from the lightning? We face a mighty foe." BUCKETCLASSITEMS Cloak of Perception Particles of Vex mind fluid. Potentially a source of insight into the Vex threat for your Vanguard mentor to study. BUCKET_MISSION Radiolaria "Could the Vex build a model of us? A simulated City, a whole simulated Earth, adrift in the ocean of the Vex intellect?" BUCKETCLASSITEMS Cloak of the Unfactorable "Living metal. Incomprehensible intelligence." The Vex The Vex are architects of ancient and complex structures thought to be buried within every celestial body. Linked by a network unlike any on Earth, they operate in unison, directed by a single unfathomable purpose. Race Iridescent glass baubles that seem to contain inscribed Vex logic. Always of interest to the Cryptarch in the Tower. BUCKET_CONSUMABLES Axiomatic Beads Can be used by your Ghost to gather more Glimmer from Vex enemies. Lasts 10 minutes. BUCKET_CONSUMABLES Blue Polyphage THE PATTERN Role: The Vex obey the Pattern in every decision they make Praedyth dialogue Paradox Mission I had a friend back at the Tower. She used to say, "Praedyth, there's always room in the mind for hope. It's the crack that lets the Light in." The Vex have no hope. No imagination, no drive, no fear. All they have is the pattern. Everything must fit. If it can be made to fit, good. If it can't, it gets cut away. They think this is the end of them, a path with no escape. And yet, here they are, there they were, and there they will be, and there they will have been. For them, there is no paradox. There is only the pattern. And the pattern needs the Vex to see it to completion. And so the Vex must be. For the mind of the Vex, is that faith? Welcome to the end of the Vex. Their "immutable" future. Enslaved to a will they don't understand. A will long dead here. Dead eons ago. But then, they won't end, will they? Because you're here. The helm's nerve interface incorporates Vex cells. They're dead, of course. But not too dead to dream… BUCKET_HEAD Cowl of the Hezen Lords "Slept in the armor last night. Woke to feel my heart stuttering to the pattern of an unknown signal." BUCKET_CHEST Cuirass of the Hezen Lords BUCKETCLASSITEMS "Have you walked the ruins? Seen the machines born from the lightning? We face a mighty foe." Cloak of Perception Slap Grenade The Vex use Slap Grenades to drive targets out into the open. These devices behave more like miniaturized gates than conventional explosives, channeling a Void energy pulse from a remote location. Hydra | Axis | Role: Miniature Fortress. Rapid processor fed by data from other Vex. Gender: Vex Hydra Hull Hydra Build: Designed for specific tasks In charge of global planning so local clients can focus on specific tasks Role: Stores a copy of all information needed to pursue a particular Vex Objective Gender: Vex Goblin, Harpy, Minotaur or Harpy Hulls Axis Minds Role: Storage and Transport/Communications Converted in days. Planet sized Machines The mind core of a Cyclops is substantial and contains a fluid apparently central to Vex functionality. BUCKET_MISSION Cyclops Mind Core Cyclops The Cyclops is a huge, stationary Vex construct with a powerful Void weapon. Guardians think of Cyclops as gun platforms - batteries installed to protect key points with devastating mortar fire. But some evidence suggests that the Cyclops is in fact an enormous sensor or beacon, and that its weapons capabilities are secondary. What the Cyclops senses remains unknown, although its mind core is vast. It may play a role in the Vex networked intelligence, or in navigation across space and time. A damaged Cyclops can be forced into a state of punch-drunk confusion, its inputs overwhelmed by hostile fire. This can result in fratricidal kills on other Vex units. "The air by my cheek twanged twice, stinking of ozone, before I saw it." Hobgoblin Specialized for sniping, this lean, tough Vex model is fitted with improved optics and acute sensors in its horns. Like the Goblin, the Hobgoblin contains a milky radiolarian fluid. Attacking a Hobgoblin often triggers a defensive reflex - the Hobgoblin seals itself in stasis and waits for help. Hezen Protective The mysterious Hezen Protective is the second major Vex behavioral unit on Venus. Concentrated around the legendary Vault of Glass and the Endless Steps, the site of a massive Vex gate and the access point to the towering Citadel, the Protective's behavior seems very defensive. But leading Cryptarchs and experienced Guardians warn that it would be a fatal mistake to think of the Vex as a conventional military occupying an area. Vex behavior is always a process, active and purposeful. The Protective is clearly engaged in a colossal project, but as with much Vex behavior, it's unclear whether their ultimate purpose is even comprehensible to us. The Protective may be reacting to an event that has yet to occur, or working towards a goal that - to us - is already historical fact. Virgo Prohibition Mars is wracked by an ongoing theater-level conflict between the Cabal and a Vex subtype known as the Virgo Prohibition. These aggressive, relentless Vex constantly test the Cabal exclusion zone, apparently heedless of losses. In spite of the Vex onslaught, the Cabal have managed to expand its beachhead and maintain a hold on several mysterious Vex structures. The Prohibition's tactics seem to be failing in the short run. But it seems unlikely that an organization with the sheer computational scope of the Vex could be dragged into a losing war of attrition. Is it possible that the Vex are trying to draw out the Cabal strength? Or that their surface losses are a distraction from a deeper strategic ploy? Ikora Rey has proposed that the Vex units can best be understood as algorithms - each a unique mapping of inputs to behavioral responses. Perhaps the Virgo Prohibition is simply the wrong algorithm for its environment, and its failure will drive the greater Vex network to adapt and improve. Gate Lord Role: Vex Axis Mind Build: Vex Minotaur Hull Zydron Zydron, Gate Lord The intelligence we call Zydron seems to exist in a liminal state, stretched between gates in the Vex network. It manifests as a physical being only when called. Warlock scholars believe that Gate Lords regulate traffic between Vex gates, and that their minds contain codes that might open the way into forbidden realms. An enormous amount of hope and anger has been spent on a particular debate - could we find a Vex gate that opens onto a place and time before the Collapse, and somehow forestall it? The Conductive Mind Gender: Vex Hydra Hull Vekron Sekrion, Nexus Mind The Vanguard's intelligence sources now believe, with good confidence, that Sekrion oversees the expansion of the Vex network through the crust of Venus. The Hydra chassis common to many Vex Axis Minds boasts impressive computational capacity. Sekrion likely uses this capacity to regulate coordination and crosstalk between Minotaurs operating in the construction role. Destroying Sekrion should significantly hamper the Vex effort to incorporate the entire planet into their network. Creates bridges to specific points in time in the Vex Network Role: Axis mind The Restorative Mind Gender: Vex Hydra hull Theosyion Role: Coordinates Vex actions against Cabal in Meridian Bay. Gender: Vex Axis Mind Minotaur Hull Prohibitive Mind Prohibitive Mind Vex Axis Minds are individual Vex hulls that contain local instances of superordinate Vex goal sets. This cryptic phrase means something reasonably simple - the Axis Mind contains a copy of all the information required to pursue a particular objective. This allows other nearby Vex to focus on their local tasks, leaving global planning to the Axis Mind. Of course, this also introduces a centralized weakness for enemies to target. But the Vex seem to consider the tradeoff worthwhile. The Prohibitive Mind seems to coordinate Vex action against Cabal positions in Meridian Bay. The current Vex operational plan - to the extent that we assume the Vex have operational plans - appears to involve an attritional campaign on the surface, supplemented by disruptive use of gates to bypass Cabal hardpoints. Defeat Nexus Mind Sekrion in the "Nexus" Strike on Venus. Somewhere below the Academy on Venus a powerful Vex Hydra is infecting the planet. Take a fireteam to the Ishtar Sink and stop this machine before it spreads further. BUCKET_BOUNTIES TARGET: Sekrion Actually a Cyclops in game Role: Axis Mind? Gender: Vex Hydra Hull Corrective Mind Defeat the Corrective Mind in the "Ishtar Collective" mission on Venus with the Heroic modifier active. The Corrective Mind, an advanced Vex Hydra, has secured an area near the Waking Ruins on Venus. Destroy it. BUCKET_BOUNTIES TARGET: Corrective Mind Turn in at the Bounty Tracker to collect your reward. The Corrective Mind has been shattered. BUCKET_BOUNTIES Corrective Mind Weaves ripped time. Role: Axis Mind Build: Vex Axis Mind Hydra Hull The Undying Mind - Maya Sundaresh, Fragmented Entry 10938, Ishtar Collective Archive "We are starting to believe that time is home to the Vex, and somewhere in those unmappable voids dwell their undying minds." The Undying Mind Commander Zavala: And you believe it's different than the others. Ikora: I know it is. Cayde-6: Let me guess... Chasing more Vex "minds"? Ikora: The readings from nearby surges hold no time function. It could quite possibly be resealing the Black Garden back into whatever void it once hid. Cayde-6: Any more Hidden intel? Zavala: Negative. Just some old Osiris riddles. Cayde-6: They are starting to feel like the same thing. Ikora: We cannot just ignore it. We have to keep the Garden here, among the Light. We are just beginning to match its pathways to this fractured data from the Archive. Cayde-6: Interesting, undying, huh? What do you suppose they meant by that. Zavala: I'll alert the Speaker. Let's find out. The Undying Mind “The Black Garden may not stay among us for long. Something has begun to repair the schism torn by its destruction. Vex now flood the Garden channels to protect it. We must stop the weavers before they seal the Garden and begin to summon back its heart.“ - Ikora Rey To Commander Zavala - My Thoughts on Recent Events Sol Progeny Zavala - How like you to ask me for the bad news, even in this moment of triumph. I've finished going over that Ghost's report. It is my hypothesis - a hypothesis at best - that the Vex saw the abominable presence at the heart of the Garden as a divine power. I can hear your protest already: how can machines have a god? The answer is simple. The Vex, for all their voracious intelligence, could not understand or decipher what they found. They searched through all available reactions, and they settled on the course with the greatest payoff...to worship this power, and to remake themselves in its image. I believe the three Axis Minds found in proximity to the abomination were Vex machines built to serve as vessels for this power: a way to extend its reach across space and time, binding it to the Vex, and the Vex to it. If they had succeeded, I cannot begin to guess what horrors they would have unleashed. Attend carefully. There is cause for hope. When endangered, the abomination activated these vessels and defended itself. This tells us that it was threatened. Whatever it was, Guardians could harm it. And it activated only a single vessel at a time. Its strength was limited. Whatever it intended, it was not ready yet. We must assume the abomination was part of something greater. And we cannot flinch from the terrible, obvious comparison: just as the Traveler acts through us, this power was able to act through its own servants. Let us be wary. There may be other abominations, and other vessels. Ikora Controlled by the Darkness. Killed by Guardians Gender: Vex Minotaur Hull Build: Current Axis Mind Minotaur Build Eschaton Mind Controlled by the Darkness. Killed by Guardians Gender: Vex Minotaur Hull Build: Ascendant Axis Mind Minotaur Build Primeval Mind Controlled by the Darkness. Killed by Guardians Gender: Vex Minotaur Hull Build: Descendant Axis Mind Minotaur Build Imminent Mind One Past, One Present, One Future. Religion: Controllable by Darkness. Gender: Vex Minotaur Hulls Build: Axis Mind Platforms for darkness. Sol Progeny Head to the tunnels under Freehold on Mars and face down the Conductive Mind for your own source of Arc. Complete mission "A Spark in Shadow." "The Vex are practical, focused. They store energy in all its forms. The Conductive Mind contains a powerful Arc source. Seek out this construct, destroy it, and claim the source as your own." Ikora BUCKET_QUESTS A Spark in Shadow A Rising Tide "Of all the tactics we have to use against the Vex, shutting down their gates may be the most effective. You may have saved Freehold from being overrun. I sense a pattern here - a connection between this Vex outbreak, the Black Garden, and the Vault of Glass...I need to know more." - Ikora Rey Atheon, Time's Conflux To speak of Atheon is to accept certain limitations. We are ill-equipped to understand an entity that defies simple causality. Let us accept these limitations and proceed. Atheon waits in the Vault of Glass. Just as Atheon sidesteps 'past' and 'future', it is impossible to say whether Atheon created the Vault or the Vault created Atheon. Causal pathways converge on Atheon from every axis in the space-time bulk. Atheon has a function. We hazard that it regulates and oversees the Vex conflux system. What are these confluxes? How do they relate to the physical Vex network that has devoured so much of Mercury and Venus? We might guess that the Vex confluxes represent the extension of this network across space and time. Perhaps the Vex use closed timelike curves to solve unfathomable computations. Or the Vex may seek to transcend a physical substrate, and move their thoughts directly into the fundament of the universe. If physics is a set of rules that the cosmos uses to calculate itself, perhaps the Vex seek to worm their way into these calculations: to become a law of reality, inseparable from existence. A virus in the system. Perhaps Atheon was the centerpiece of this project, a command nexus that unified efforts across time. But we must accept that all of this is speculation. The Templar Even among the Axis Minds, the Templar is extraordinary. Fragmentary glimpses and scattered reports suggest a Hydra of impossible capabilities - a creature out of time. The Templar and the Oracles guard the way into the deeper Vault. Legends say that the Oracles foresee what is to come, a world as the Vex desire it - and that the Templar has the power to shape reality to match the Oracles' design, expunging any threats. The power of the Vault flows through the Templar. It will take something extraordinary to shatter its shield. The Gorgons Deep in the Vault of Glass, the fabric of reality bends to the will of the Vex. Warlocks speak in tones of awe of the Gorgons - creatures that seem to possess a dreaded, almost unimaginable strength: an ontological weapon. Like the Oracles and the Templar, the Gorgons reputedly possess the ability to define what is and is not real. Whatever they perceive becomes subject to erasure at their will. Until a countermeasure can be found, Guardians must avoid their gaze at all costs - or reply to any detection with immediate, overwhelming force. The Gorgons' ability must be tied to the nature of the Vault of Glass. We can take some solace in the clear fact that the Vex cannot manifest this power in the world outside. The Vault whispers of a world beyond. BUCKET_SHIP "Glass Minuet" You fly unbound beneath eternity. BUCKET_SHIP "Aspect of Glass" Vex Raid The Vault of Glass Role: Transforms Venus into a link in the Vex intergalactic chain The Nexus Transit Map Mars The Drift Mars Freehold station Mars Freehold Station Mars Buried City Venus Waking Ruins Venus The Citadel Venus N/Gen Branch Venus Campus 9 Coordinates Minotaur building efforts. The Nexus Mind Gender: Vex Hydra hull Role: Axis Mind Sekrion Gatelords Build: Vex Axis Mind. Time´s Conflux The Center of the conflux system. Sidesteps time. Gender: Vex presumably Minotaur Hull. Atheon Role: Ontological Weaponry Gender: Vex Harpy shell Possess the ability to defy what is real and what is not real. Can erase guardians from time. Build: Can only use powers within the Vault of Glass The Gorgons S E Logo Venus Aphrodite Terra Maxwell Montes Ishtar Cliffs Unknown E Logo Ishtar Collective Transit Map Venus Ishtar Cliffs Mechanical Race with a Biological Core. The Vex -Ikora Rey "Restorative Minds are of the Weavers, carrying the means to undo any Mind's undoing." Theosyion, the Restorative Mind The appearance of the Restorative Mind purports that the death of the Nexus Mind was a devastating blow to Vex efforts on Venus. But with its appearance comes many questions: if the Vex could unleash time as a weapon against humanity, why does humanity still stand? Are we so insignificant a threat that the Vex haven’t bothered with total annihilation? Or is it that the very state of mankind, diminished to a Last City, is of Vex doing? That the Vanguard exists in a causal loop that the Vex control in its entirety, one from which there is no escape? Echo Chamber “The Vex still mourn the loss of the Nexus Mind. But for the Vex, time is relative. In one moment, a construct is lost. In the next, it is reborn. When a powerful part of the network is lost, the Restorative Mind is summoned. It has begun creating a bridge through time. A bridge that, if it is not destroyed, will see the Nexus Mind reborn.” - Ikora Rey Complete "The Nexus" Strike. BUCKET_QUESTS "The world-eating machine beneath Venus has restarted, Guardian. The Ishtar Sink requires your Light once again." —Ikora Rey The Nexus Revisited Venus turns more quietly because of you. BUCKETCLASSITEMS Mark of the Nexus Undone Role: In Game Dialogue A Stranger's Call GHOST Our new friend must have access to extraordinary methods to reach out to us like that. The radio message she sent came from somewhere in the jungles of Venus. GHOST I don't like us getting dragged out here and not being able to get the lay of the land. There used to be a Guardian outpost nearby. Let's see what they have on this place. GHOST We're linked. Sparrow's accessible. There's a lot here about some war machines called the Vex. Indestructible, relentless, supremely intelligent. And they can teleport. Great. Guardians used to have sensors to track them. Let's get them back online. GHOST The Vex sensors should be up ahead. GHOST These sensors are extensive. GHOST OK. I should be able to track these machines. Let's head to those coordinates and find out what she wanted us to see. GHOST Detecting Vex. Like we're surrounded. GHOST The coordinates lead here? What is it? Let me get a close look. GHOST Fascinating. A conflux of non-baryonic streams going... where? GHOST Oh no! No! No! It's the Vex! Better find some cover... GHOST What are these things? Are there any still intact that I can analyze? Role: In Game Dialogue Eye of a Gate Lord GHOST The more we learn about the Vex, the more I understand why our Exo friend is so worried about them. During the Collapse, the Vex transformed the planet Mercury into a machine in days. They would have spread to every planet if The Traveler hadn't stopped them. We need to get into the Black Garden. We need a Gate Lord's head. HEADLANDS, ISHTAR SINK, VENUS GHOST First thing we're going to have to do is get me into the Vex network so I can lure out a Gate Lord. I'll lead the way. GHOST Here's what we have on Gate Lords: "Three stories tall. Protect the realms the Vex keep locked out of time." Time? That can't be right. THE CITADEL, ISHTAR SINK, VENUS GHOST I'm picking up a heavy conflux nearby. I can use it to get into their network. THE GUARDIAN APPROACHES THE CONFLUX AND DEPLOYS THE GHOST TO SCAN IT. GHOST And I thought you had the hard job. GHOST Okay, we've got to head for a place called the Endless Steps. That's where we'll find the Gate Lord. THE GUARDIAN PROCEEDS THROUGH WAKING RUINS AND APPROACHES CAMPUS 9. GHOST To find the Gate Lord, I sort of had to mess with all their transfer gates here. You're probably going to have your hands full. THE GUARDIAN APPROACHES A GATE. GHOST The Gates are waking. They'll keep coming unless you can shut them down. THE VEX KEEP COMING GHOST You've got to destroy the Gates! FOLLOWING GHOST'S COMMAND, THE GUARDIAN DESTROYS A GATE. GHOST That worked! Keep it up! ENDLESS STEPS, ISHTAR SINK, VENUS GHOST And that is where we'll find the Gate Lord. Let's go. THE GUARDIAN CLEARS OUT ALL OF THE VEX AT THE TOP OF THE STEPS. GHOST I guess you're going to have to step inside the ring. THE GUARDIAN STANDS ON THE SYNC PLATE FOR A FEW SECONDS. GHOST Here we go. ZYDRON, GATE LORD APPEARS. THE GUARDIAN BATTLES THE VEX AND DESTROYS ZYDRON, GATE LORD. GHOST Nice work! This better get us into the Black Garden. Let's go get our key from the Queen. Role: In Game Dialogue Ishtar Collective GHOST I wish you'd check with me before making insane promises. If we're going to take down a Gate Lord we've got to find out how these machines operate. Let's find the biggest one we can, pull out its brain and see what we can learn about them. GHOST Ok, there's a big Vex signature just up the coast. Let's kill it, whatever it is, and bring its mind core to one of the old Academy research labs. GHOST Up ahead. A ridiculously large Vex emission. Sounds like what we're looking for. GHOST Fascinating! Let's head for that research station. GHOST Their mind cores are actually biological, not relative to any known life forms recorded. Maybe the Collective's research can tell us more. GHOST These ruins predate humanity by a few billion years. Vex are coursing through them. GHOST The research station. GHOST Nice work. There's got to be a central terminal around here... Found one! Let's see if I can get it to work. GHOST It's revivable! I'll see what they discovered here. GHOST Vex! They're coming! GHOST The Vex share one mind across a million units! That's why they react so fast. GHOST Amazing, they can warp across star systems in an instant. GHOST I'm almost done. GHOST I know how to find a Gate lord. Each Vex is part of a giant network that spreads through the mantle of the entire planet. If I can just get into their system, we can draw a Gate Lord out. Amputated from a creature that stumbled out of a Vex gate. A vestigial defensive reflex still remains. BUCKET_ARMS Don't Touch Me Turn in at the Bounty Tracker to collect your reward. The Divisive Mind has been silenced. BUCKET_BOUNTIES Divisive Mind Gender: Vex Hydra Hull Divisive Mind Amputated from a creature that stumbled out of a Vex gate. A vestigial defensive reflex still remains. BUCKET_ARMS Don't Touch Me Role: Teleports Vex units across time/space Vex Gate Role: Network that all Vex connect to. Vex Network Slivers of glass used by the Vex. Isotopic dating suggests their age ranges across billions of years - past and future. BUCKET_MATERIALS Epoch Splinter Delivering the inevitable, one pull at a time. BUCKETPRIMARYWEAPON Fatebringer The helm's nerve interface incorporates Vex cells. They're dead, of course. But not too dead to dream… BUCKET_HEAD Façade of the Hezen Lords Role: In Game Dialogue Paradox Daily IKORA The Vault of Glass. It is one of the Vanguard's greatest triumphs. The destruction of Time's Conflux. A victory over the Vex collective mind. From deep in that vault, we've received a signal laced with an old Vanguard signature. Vex technology disrupts the weft and weave of time itself. If a Guardian has become lost, unstuck in time, we must return them home. WAKING RUINS, ISHTAR SINK, VENUS IKORA The message we received was this: PRAEDYTH [static] a message. The creatures will soon reach the heart of the vault. When [static] once they take the Vex, they'll come for the Light. IKORA That's why you're here. PRAEDYTH [static] where I am. My name is Praedyth, and I was a member of Kabr's Fireteam. I just hope[static]. IKORA Praedyth. I've heard that name before. Scattered pieces of gear, references in the margin of a text. He is real. COLLECTS GHOST MEMORY PRAEDYTH So the Vex have predicted their own annihilation. When did they believe this would happen? Can the calculations of minds the size of planets be wrong? IKORA If the Taken are here in the vault, they are at the heart of the Vex collective mind. Imagine the machine-planets of the Vex surging with Taken power. This must not be, Guardian. PRAEDYTH [static] [I don't know why they're letting] me speak. Now, after so long. But if anyone is listening [static] [I came] into the vault with two others. Kabr was intense sometimes. And Pahanin was always talking to himself [static] [but] they don't deserve this. No one does. GHOST I'm tracking the signal. Just a little further. TEMPLAR'S WELL GORGON'S LABYRINTH. COLLECTS GHOST MEMORY PRAEDYTH I had a friend back at the Tower. She used to say, "Praedyth, there's always room in the mind for hope. It's the crack that lets the Light in." The Vex have no hope. No imagination, no drive, no fear. All they have is the pattern. Everything must fit. If it can be made to fit, good. If it can't, it gets cut away. GHOST I've lost the signal. Something down here is blocking it. DISCOVERS THE BLIGHTED MIND HYDRA GHOST That's it! That Hydra is causing the block. Take it out or we may never find Praedyth. DESTROYS THE BLIGHTED MIND GHOST I think...yes. We've cleared the vault of Taken. For the moment, anyway. PRAEDYTH I think that's it. They're closing the door. I lived! Just remember, tell them I lived [static] GHOST Signal's gone. But I can pinpoint the source. COLLECTS GHOST MEMORY PRAEDYTH They think this is the end of them, a path with no escape. And yet, here they are, there they were, and there they will be, and there they will have been. For them, there is no paradox. There is only the pattern. And the pattern needs the Vex to see it to completion. And so the Vex must be. For the mind of the Vex, is that faith? ENTERS THE VAULT OF GLASS PRAEDYTH Welcome to the end of the Vex. Their "immutable" future. PRAEDYTH Enslaved to a will they don't understand. A will long dead here. Dead eons ago. But then, they won't end, will they? Because you're here. PRAEDYTH The Vex won't spare the City. They won't even thank you. But that's the thing about Light. You never know where it will shine. OPENS CHEST GHOST Another dead Ghost. This is...wait, I think this is Praedyth's Ghost. She's still got files in her core memory. They're marked with Future War Cult headers. I'd bet Lakshmi will want to see this. "Are you afraid? Listen closely: so are they." BUCKET_CHEST Fear Eater Stay at the top of the food chain. BUCKET_ARMS Fear Eater When I wear the mask I am a machine, the purpose of which is consumption. BUCKET_HEAD Fear Eater No one's impervious to psychological warfare. Even the Vex develop reactions to certain foes. BUCKET_LEGS Fear Eater Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 2 She hunts the Valus named Ta'aurc by the grunting radio traffic of his bodyguards. Cayde sent her to Mars to track and so track she will even if it kills her a hundred times. For him she will hunt forever. When Ta'aurc goes down into Meridian Bay she follows him in the night and finds herself caught up in the war. Like this— Something's happening, her Ghost says, something's wrong. She leaps from the Sparrow and gets cover between slabs of ancient stone haunted by quiet firefly light. Harvesters sweep overhead, cautious, prowling. On the Cabal command network a low voice mutters in their tongue, saying: Stand by to fire. They are coming. Stand by to fire. Hearing this she climbs a stone obelisk and perches on its point to watch the night sky. She wonders whether she will ever stand in the Tower courtyard and look up at the stars waiting for ruin. The Vex erupt from nothingness and crash down over the Cabal in formations of golden light. Lightning arcs and snaps and gives birth to marching ranks of bronze warrior hulls. Gun positions thunder back. Tracers sweep the sky and she can feel on her skin the electromagnetic howl of Cabal munitions seeking targets and the prickle of stranger signals that whisper of broken space and bent time. A Harvester spins down burning to shatter itself on the sand and now the command network drums with grim Cabal war-speak, a Centurion somewhere crying Black Shield, Black Shield, Firebase Thuria, perimeter compromised, request terminal protective fire, zero six zero, one three eight, immediate effect— Something else is watching too. Do you feel that? her Ghost whispers, awestruck. Yes, she says, yes, what is it? A third song, a stealthy regard, something high above them not Vex nor Cabal narrowing its great eye to measure the battle with instruments of light and gravity. Does she—remember it? Does it remember her? It feels like she should... She has the sense of something old lifting a long spear. Testing its heft. Then dawn light, a terrible dawn—the sky opens up to admit devastation, thrown down from orbit: Minotaurs fall burnt and broken with their fluids boiling out. Cabal guns detonate in thunderous chains as tiny piercing flechettes fall out of the sky and find their ammunition bunkers. The battle stops. The Vex wink out. On the Cabal network the voice of Valus Ta'aurc roars: Find the source! Rouse the Flayers and find the source! She remembers word from Earth: the Array opened. A ghost of the Cosmodrome set loose. And she wonders who won this battle, who learned the most, the Vex baiting out this new power, or the Cabal hunting it. Or the Warmind itself, testing its reborn strength. When someone kills Ta'aurc and the Flayers, as they killed Draksis, whose purpose will they serve? But this is not for her. Her purpose is the hunt. Page 1 of 1

The Vex Axis Minds

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Same set










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Rahool Dialogue about





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About Gates

Connects to

About Vex Network



Made with Vex cells

Came from


same set same set

same set

"Cloud" Storage and Cross time Communication


Router / Cloud Processor

Sensors / Beacons

Local Clients

Combat Zones

Locations SubsystemsInformation

Information Axis Minds


Axis Minds

Combat Zones

Sol Imminent


Survivors of the Vault of Glass report sightings of ancient Vex -ancient in the sense that they have endured for eons. Convergentanalysis from multiple Ghosts suggests that these Vex exist in our

future.If the Vex exist in our future - or in a possible future - should we takethis as evidence that their defeat is impractical or unattainable? TheGuardian Vanguard is quick to point out that time travel remains a

mystery, and that the continued existence of the Vex is not remotelya sure indication of humanity's extinction.


Role: Attacks on the Cabal Exclusion Zone.

Prohibition = A rule or law that forbids something.

Build: Vex SubtypeVirgo Prohibition


Role: Defensive units around VoG and the Citadel.

Gender: Vex

Build: Vex Subtype.Hezen Protective

Source: Destiny Official Strategy Guide

"Our shots dissolved in the translucent matrix around it, useless."


The Hydra is a miniature fortress. Despite itsphysical slowness, it is a rapid processor of thedata fed to it by other Vex, and what it lacks inmobility it makes up for in impregnable defenses

and rock-melting firepower.

Gender: Vex Construct

Role: Combat State: Gun Platform / Sentry

Has a Mind Core

Build: Space Travel Beacon / Intelligence SensorCyclops

Line Rifle

The Vex Line Rifle fires high-velocity Solar particle jets. Deployed on theHobgoblin chassis, the Line Rifle serves as a sniper weapon, pinning

down targets or delivering the killing blow. Like the Slap Rifle, the Line Rifle is a terminal weapon, although its

source is much more energetic. Some believe the weapon pulls materialfrom the accretion disk of a galactic singularity. This would imply the Vex

are near - or have already achieved - access to a terrifying range ofcivilization-killing weapons. Others consider this unlikely, and propose

that the Line Rifle simply draws from a central Vex power supply.

Slap Rifle

From a tactical perspective, the Slap Rifle is a Vex directed-energyweapon that fills their analog of the light infantry role. From anengineering perspective it's something much more interesting: a

terminal. The Slap Rifle receives a bolt of Solar energy fromsomewhere (or somewhen) else and it points it at a target.

The terminal's flexibility is impressive. In non-combat conditions,the Slap Rifle seems like it might serve as a viable field transmitter,construction tool, navigational beacon, network repeater, or any

of a number of other utility functions.

"It swam back and forth through the air, spinning, the single red eye looking - I realized - for me."


The fastest and most mobile Vex,the Harpy is an airborne unit oftendeployed in flocks on patrols andscouting missions. They must stop

and stabilize before attacking.

Torch Hammer

The Torch Hammer is a devastatingVex heavy weapon. Firing projectilesof strange matter, the Hammer mauls

targets with exotic particle decayand deadly radiation.

"I thought it was at a safe distance. I was wrong."


Minotaurs pack brutal heat, but most of theirprocessing power is devoted to the physics ofbuilding massive Vex complexes, suspected toextend through multiple dimensions. Minotaur

models are thicker and harder to crack than anyother bipedal Vex, and they use theirteleportation capability aggressively.


Role: Main force on Venus. Focuses on attacking Fallen and sarching ruins.

Gender: Vex

Build: Vex Subtype.Hezen Corrective

Role: Elite units.

Grey frame & Red Eyes. Rods over body.

Build: Vex SubtypeAphix Invasive

Sol Primevil

Gender: Past Vex Hull

Exists in the Past, and in the VoG

Build: Vex SubtypeSol Precursors

Sol Imminent

Exist in the Future, and in the VoG

Gender: Future Vex Hull

Build: Vex SubtypeSol Descendants

Has the power to shape the world according to the Oracles design.

Role: Axis Mind

Gender: Vex Hydra Shell

The Templar

Hezen Corrective

We understand the Vex as a network of thoughts, unified and vast. But not all Vexare the same. The Hezen Corrective is one example of a Vex subtype, set apart from

other Vex by distinct behaviors and objectives. Swarming across the Ishtar Sink, these Vex aggressively seek out and attack theFallen House of Winter, perform inscrutable operations around shining Confluxes,

and even show interest in the Golden Age ruins left by the Ishtar Collective. The bulk of our contact with Vex forces on Venus has involved the Corrective. Thosescholars willing to risk their reputations speculating about the Vex often assert thatthe Corrective is an agent of change, designed to solve problems and remake the

world in a form suitable to the Vex. Others contend that Corrective is simply astrategic distraction - meant to draw attention away from the actions of the Hezen


Harpy | Axis | Zealot | Supplicant

Role: Scout and patrol.

Gender: Vex Harpy Hull

Swims through the air. No Radiolara.


Zealot | Disciple |Goblin | Fanatic | Depraved | Qodrons Eye

Build: Constructor of networks/Structures

Role: Combat State: Basic grunt

Gender: Vex Goblin Hull

Contains Milky Radiolarian fluids


Hobgoblin | Axis | Chord | Conductive Disciple | Disciple | Iso

Build: Energy Source

Role: Combat State: Sniper

Gender: Vex Goblin Hull with added optics

Can trigger a stasis. Contain Radiolaria fluids


Minotaur | Axis | Chord | Point | Praetorian

Build: Planner/Constructor of space & time for Structures

Teleportation powers.

Role: Combat State: Heavy Weapons Platform

Gender: Vex Minotaur Hull


Sol Divisive

Beyond the towering Meridian Bay gate lies the Black Garden, adrift in time andspace. And within the Garden dwell the Vex of the Sol Divisive, frozen in rapture.

We have precious little insight into the Divisive's behavior. They seem central to Vexactions in the solar system: the Garden is clearly a place of enormous power.

Legends and scant field reports all indicate that the Divisive Vex behave religiously.Why would a hyperintelligent, time-spanning thought mesh exhibit religious

behavior? The answer seems as obvious as it is chilling: if the Vex found worshipand devotion more effective than any other behavior, they would adopt worship.

Whatever the Vex found - or made - in the Garden, it transcends even their power.

Centered around the Black Garden on Mars

Role: Behave Religiously. Uses Worship

Gender: Vex

Divisive = causing a lot of disagreement between people and causing them to separate into different groups

Sol Divisive

Sol Primeval


Those who delve deep into the Vault of Glass haveseen time itself torn asunder. Awestruck Ghostsreport encounters with ancient Vex, their casings

built long before the age of humanity.It would be easy to assume these Vex are the

ancestors of those we face today - but with the Vexit is never so simple.

The Nexus

"Far below the Ishtar Academy, the Vexhave set something in motion, a world-eatingmachine transforming Venus into another linkin their intergalactic chain. This Nexus mustbe stopped and the Mind that controls it,

destroyed." - Ikora Rey

"All their joints turning together. Moving together. Towards you."


The Goblin is the basic unit in the vastcomputational network that is the Vex.

Shattering the large, fan-shaped head doesnot seem to cause lasting damage but sends

the Goblin into a crackling frenzy.

Rahool Dialogue

Vex encryption,Unbreakable, so

they say...

VenusEndless Steps


MarsValley of the Kings

MarsTharsis Junction

VenusIshtar Commons

Travel to the Reef and present the Gate Lord's head to the Queen for entrance into the Black Garden.

"The Vex continue to impress me. And depress me. Is it wrong to think that cybernetic life and organic life can get along without everybody wanting to murder each other?"



"Atheon's story is still being written. The wielder holds the pen." - Unknown



"Have you walked the ruins? Seen the machines born from the lightning? We face a mighty foe."


Particles of Vex mind fluid. Potentially a source of insight into the Vex threat for your Vanguard mentor to study.


"Could the Vex build a model of us? A simulated City, a whole simulated Earth, adrift in the ocean of the Vex intellect?"

BUCKETCLASSITEMSCloak of the Unfactorable

"Living metal. Incomprehensible intelligence."

The Vex

The Vex are architects of ancient and complexstructures thought to be buried within every

celestial body. Linked by a network unlike any onEarth, they operate in unison, directed by a

single unfathomable purpose.


Iridescent glass baubles that seem to contain inscribed Vex logic. Always of interest to the Cryptarch in the Tower.


Can be used by your Ghost to gather more Glimmer from Vex enemies. Lasts 10 minutes.



Role: The Vex obey the Pattern in every decision they make

Praedyth dialogue Paradox Mission

I had a friend back at the Tower. She used to say, "Praedyth, there's always room in the mind for hope. It's the crack that lets the Light in." The Vex have

no hope. No imagination, no drive, no fear. All they have is the pattern. Everything must fit. If it can be made to fit, good. If it can't, it gets cut away.

They think this is the end of them, a path with no escape. And yet, here they are, there they were, and there they will be, and there they will have been.

For them, there is no paradox. There is only the pattern. And the pattern needs the Vex to see it to completion. And so the Vex must be. For the mind of

the Vex, is that faith?

Welcome to the end of the Vex. Their "immutable" future.Enslaved to a will they don't understand. A will long dead here. Dead eons ago.

But then, they won't end, will they? Because you're here.

The helm's nerve interface incorporates Vex cells. They're dead, of course. But not too dead to dream…

BUCKET_HEADCowl of the Hezen Lords

"Slept in the armor last night. Woke to feel my heart stuttering to the pattern of an unknown signal."

BUCKET_CHESTCuirass of the Hezen Lords


"Have you walked the ruins? Seen the machines born from the lightning? We face a mighty foe."

Cloak of Perception

Slap Grenade

The Vex use Slap Grenades to drive targetsout into the open. These devices behave

more like miniaturized gates thanconventional explosives, channeling a Void

energy pulse from a remote location.

Hydra | Axis |

Role: Miniature Fortress. Rapid processor fed by data from other Vex.

Gender: Vex Hydra Hull


Build: Designed for specific tasks

In charge of global planning so local clients can focus on specific tasks

Role: Stores a copy of all information needed to pursue a particular Vex Objective

Gender: Vex Goblin, Harpy, Minotaur or Harpy Hulls

Axis Minds

Role: Storage and Transport/Communications

Converted in days.

Planet sized Machines

The mind core of a Cyclops is substantial and contains a fluid apparently central to Vex functionality.



The Cyclops is a huge, stationary Vex construct with a powerful Voidweapon. Guardians think of Cyclops as gun platforms - batteries installed

to protect key points with devastating mortar fire.But some evidence suggests that the Cyclops is in fact an enormous

sensor or beacon, and that its weapons capabilities are secondary. Whatthe Cyclops senses remains unknown, although its mind core is vast. It

may play a role in the Vex networked intelligence, or in navigation acrossspace and time.

A damaged Cyclops can be forced into a state of punch-drunk confusion,its inputs overwhelmed by hostile fire. This can result in fratricidal kills on

other Vex units.

"The air by my cheek twanged twice, stinking of ozone, before I saw it."


Specialized for sniping, this lean, tough Vex modelis fitted with improved optics and acute sensors inits horns. Like the Goblin, the Hobgoblin contains a

milky radiolarian fluid. Attacking a Hobgoblin often triggers a defensive

reflex - the Hobgoblin seals itself in stasis andwaits for help.

Hezen Protective

The mysterious Hezen Protective is the second major Vex behavioral unit onVenus. Concentrated around the legendary Vault of Glass and the Endless Steps,the site of a massive Vex gate and the access point to the towering Citadel, the

Protective's behavior seems very defensive.But leading Cryptarchs and experienced Guardians warn that it would be a fatal

mistake to think of the Vex as a conventional military occupying an area. Vexbehavior is always a process, active and purposeful. The Protective is clearly

engaged in a colossal project, but as with much Vex behavior, it's unclearwhether their ultimate purpose is even comprehensible to us. The Protective maybe reacting to an event that has yet to occur, or working towards a goal that - to

us - is already historical fact.

Virgo Prohibition

Mars is wracked by an ongoing theater-level conflict between the Cabal and a Vex subtypeknown as the Virgo Prohibition. These aggressive, relentless Vex constantly test the Cabal

exclusion zone, apparently heedless of losses.In spite of the Vex onslaught, the Cabal have managed to expand its beachhead and maintaina hold on several mysterious Vex structures. The Prohibition's tactics seem to be failing in the

short run.But it seems unlikely that an organization with the sheer computational scope of the Vex couldbe dragged into a losing war of attrition. Is it possible that the Vex are trying to draw out theCabal strength? Or that their surface losses are a distraction from a deeper strategic ploy?Ikora Rey has proposed that the Vex units can best be understood as algorithms - each a

unique mapping of inputs to behavioral responses. Perhaps the Virgo Prohibition is simply thewrong algorithm for its environment, and its failure will drive the greater Vex network to adapt

and improve.

Gate Lord

Role: Vex Axis Mind

Build: Vex Minotaur HullZydron

Zydron, Gate Lord

The intelligence we call Zydron seems to exist in a liminal state,stretched between gates in the Vex network. It manifests as a physical

being only when called.Warlock scholars believe that Gate Lords regulate traffic between Vexgates, and that their minds contain codes that might open the way intoforbidden realms. An enormous amount of hope and anger has been

spent on a particular debate - could we find a Vex gate that opens ontoa place and time before the Collapse, and somehow forestall it?

The Conductive Mind

Gender: Vex Hydra Hull


Sekrion, Nexus Mind

The Vanguard's intelligence sources now believe, with goodconfidence, that Sekrion oversees the expansion of the Vex

network through the crust of Venus.The Hydra chassis common to many Vex Axis Minds boastsimpressive computational capacity. Sekrion likely uses thiscapacity to regulate coordination and crosstalk between

Minotaurs operating in the construction role.Destroying Sekrion should significantly hamper the Vex effort to

incorporate the entire planet into their network.

Creates bridges to specific points in time in the Vex Network

Role: Axis mind

The Restorative Mind

Gender: Vex Hydra hull


Role: Coordinates Vex actions against Cabal in Meridian Bay.

Gender: Vex Axis Mind Minotaur Hull

Prohibitive Mind

Prohibitive Mind

Vex Axis Minds are individual Vex hulls that contain local instances ofsuperordinate Vex goal sets. This cryptic phrase means something reasonably

simple - the Axis Mind contains a copy of all the information required to pursue aparticular objective.

This allows other nearby Vex to focus on their local tasks, leaving global planningto the Axis Mind. Of course, this also introduces a centralized weakness forenemies to target. But the Vex seem to consider the tradeoff worthwhile.

The Prohibitive Mind seems to coordinate Vex action against Cabal positions inMeridian Bay. The current Vex operational plan - to the extent that we assumethe Vex have operational plans - appears to involve an attritional campaign on

the surface, supplemented by disruptive use of gates to bypass Cabalhardpoints.

Defeat Nexus Mind Sekrion in the "Nexus" Strike on Venus.

Somewhere below the Academy on Venus a powerful Vex Hydra is infecting the planet. Take a fireteam to the Ishtar Sink and stop this machine before it spreads further.


Actually a Cyclops in game

Role: Axis Mind?

Gender: Vex Hydra Hull

Corrective MindDefeat the Corrective Mind in the "Ishtar Collective" mission on Venus with the Heroic modifier active.

The Corrective Mind, an advanced Vex Hydra, has secured an area near the Waking Ruins on Venus. Destroy it.


Turn in at the Bounty Tracker to collect your reward.

The Corrective Mind has been shattered.


Weaves ripped time.

Role: Axis Mind

Build: Vex Axis Mind Hydra HullThe Undying Mind

- Maya Sundaresh, Fragmented Entry 10938, Ishtar Collective Archive

"We are starting to believe that time is home to the Vex, and somewhere in those unmappable voids dwell their undying minds."

The Undying Mind

Commander Zavala: And you believe it's different than the others.Ikora: I know it is.

Cayde-6: Let me guess... Chasing more Vex "minds"?Ikora: The readings from nearby surges hold no time function. It could quitepossibly be resealing the Black Garden back into whatever void it once hid.

Cayde-6: Any more Hidden intel?Zavala: Negative. Just some old Osiris riddles.

Cayde-6: They are starting to feel like the same thing.Ikora: We cannot just ignore it. We have to keep the Garden here, among the

Light. We are just beginning to match its pathways to this fractured data from theArchive.

Cayde-6: Interesting, undying, huh? What do you suppose they meant by that.Zavala: I'll alert the Speaker. Let's find out.

The Undying Mind

“The Black Garden may not stay among us for long.Something has begun to repair the schism torn byits destruction. Vex now flood the Garden channels

to protect it. We must stop the weavers beforethey seal the Garden and begin to summon back its

heart.“ - Ikora Rey

To Commander Zavala - My Thoughts on Recent Events

Sol Progeny

Zavala -How like you to ask me for the bad news, even in this moment of triumph. I've finished going

over that Ghost's report. It is my hypothesis - a hypothesis at best - that the Vex saw the abominable presence at theheart of the Garden as a divine power. I can hear your protest already: how can machines

have a god?The answer is simple. The Vex, for all their voracious intelligence, could not understand or

decipher what they found. They searched through all available reactions, and they settled onthe course with the greatest payoff...to worship this power, and to remake themselves in its

image.I believe the three Axis Minds found in proximity to the abomination were Vex machines built

to serve as vessels for this power: a way to extend its reach across space and time, binding itto the Vex, and the Vex to it. If they had succeeded, I cannot begin to guess what horrors

they would have unleashed.Attend carefully. There is cause for hope. When endangered, the abomination activatedthese vessels and defended itself. This tells us that it was threatened. Whatever it was,

Guardians could harm it.And it activated only a single vessel at a time. Its strength was limited. Whatever it intended,

it was not ready yet.We must assume the abomination was part of something greater. And we cannot flinch fromthe terrible, obvious comparison: just as the Traveler acts through us, this power was able to

act through its own servants.Let us be wary. There may be other abominations, and other vessels.


Controlled by the Darkness. Killed by Guardians

Gender: Vex Minotaur Hull

Build: Current Axis Mind Minotaur BuildEschaton Mind

Controlled by the Darkness. Killed by Guardians

Gender: Vex Minotaur Hull

Build: Ascendant Axis Mind Minotaur BuildPrimeval Mind

Controlled by the Darkness. Killed by Guardians

Gender: Vex Minotaur Hull

Build: Descendant Axis Mind Minotaur BuildImminent Mind

One Past, One Present, One Future.

Religion: Controllable by Darkness.

Gender: Vex Minotaur Hulls

Build: Axis Mind Platforms for darkness.Sol Progeny

Head to the tunnels under Freehold on Mars and face down the Conductive Mind for your own source of Arc. Complete mission "A Spark in Shadow."

"The Vex are practical, focused. They store energy in all its forms. The Conductive Mind contains a powerful Arc source. Seek out this construct, destroy it, and claim the source as your own."


BUCKET_QUESTSA Spark in Shadow

A Rising Tide

"Of all the tactics we have to use against the Vex,shutting down their gates may be the most

effective. You may have saved Freehold frombeing overrun. I sense a pattern here - a

connection between this Vex outbreak, the BlackGarden, and the Vault of Glass...I need to know

more." - Ikora Rey

Atheon, Time's Conflux

To speak of Atheon is to accept certain limitations. We are ill-equipped to understand anentity that defies simple causality. Let us accept these limitations and proceed.

Atheon waits in the Vault of Glass. Just as Atheon sidesteps 'past' and 'future', it is impossibleto say whether Atheon created the Vault or the Vault created Atheon. Causal pathways

converge on Atheon from every axis in the space-time bulk.Atheon has a function. We hazard that it regulates and oversees the Vex conflux system.

What are these confluxes? How do they relate to the physical Vex network that has devouredso much of Mercury and Venus?

We might guess that the Vex confluxes represent the extension of this network across spaceand time. Perhaps the Vex use closed timelike curves to solve unfathomable computations. Orthe Vex may seek to transcend a physical substrate, and move their thoughts directly into the

fundament of the universe. If physics is a set of rules that the cosmos uses to calculate itself, perhaps the Vex seek to

worm their way into these calculations: to become a law of reality, inseparable fromexistence. A virus in the system. Perhaps Atheon was the centerpiece of this project, a

command nexus that unified efforts across time.But we must accept that all of this is speculation.

The Templar

Even among the Axis Minds, the Templar is extraordinary.Fragmentary glimpses and scattered reports suggest a Hydra of

impossible capabilities - a creature out of time.The Templar and the Oracles guard the way into the deeper Vault.Legends say that the Oracles foresee what is to come, a world asthe Vex desire it - and that the Templar has the power to shape

reality to match the Oracles' design, expunging any threats.The power of the Vault flows through the Templar. It will take

something extraordinary to shatter its shield.

The Gorgons

Deep in the Vault of Glass, the fabric of reality bends to the will of the Vex.Warlocks speak in tones of awe of the Gorgons - creatures that seem to

possess a dreaded, almost unimaginable strength: an ontological weapon.Like the Oracles and the Templar, the Gorgons reputedly possess the ability to

define what is and is not real. Whatever they perceive becomes subject toerasure at their will. Until a countermeasure can be found, Guardians must

avoid their gaze at all costs - or reply to any detection with immediate,overwhelming force.

The Gorgons' ability must be tied to the nature of the Vault of Glass. We cantake some solace in the clear fact that the Vex cannot manifest this power in

the world outside.

The Vault whispers of a world beyond.

BUCKET_SHIP"Glass Minuet"

You fly unbound beneath eternity.

BUCKET_SHIP"Aspect of Glass"

Vex Raid

The Vault of Glass

Role: Transforms Venus into a link in the Vex intergalactic chainThe Nexus

Transit Map

MarsThe Drift

MarsFreehold station

MarsFreehold Station

MarsBuried City

VenusWaking Ruins

VenusThe Citadel

VenusN/Gen Branch

VenusCampus 9

Coordinates Minotaur building efforts.

The Nexus Mind

Gender: Vex Hydra hull

Role: Axis MindSekrion


Build: Vex Axis Mind.

Time´s Conflux

The Center of the conflux system. Sidesteps time.

Gender: Vex presumably Minotaur Hull.


Role: Ontological Weaponry

Gender: Vex Harpy shell

Possess the ability to defy what is real and what is not real. Can erase guardians from time.

Build: Can only use powers within the Vault of GlassThe Gorgons

S E LogoVenus Aphrodite Terra Maxwell Montes Ishtar Cliffs

Unknown E Logo

Ishtar Collective Transit Map

VenusIshtar Cliffs

Mechanical Race with a Biological Core.

The Vex

-Ikora Rey

"Restorative Minds are of the Weavers, carrying the means to undo any Mind's undoing."

Theosyion, the Restorative Mind

The appearance of the Restorative Mind purports that the death of theNexus Mind was a devastating blow to Vex efforts on Venus. But with its

appearance comes many questions: if the Vex could unleash time as aweapon against humanity, why does humanity still stand? Are we so

insignificant a threat that the Vex haven’t bothered with totalannihilation? Or is it that the very state of mankind, diminished to a LastCity, is of Vex doing? That the Vanguard exists in a causal loop that the

Vex control in its entirety, one from which there is no escape?

Echo Chamber

“The Vex still mourn the loss of the Nexus Mind. But forthe Vex, time is relative. In one moment, a construct is

lost. In the next, it is reborn. When a powerful part of thenetwork is lost, the Restorative Mind is summoned. It hasbegun creating a bridge through time. A bridge that, if it is

not destroyed, will see the Nexus Mind reborn.” - IkoraRey

Complete "The Nexus" Strike.


"The world-eating machine beneath Venus has restarted, Guardian. The Ishtar Sink requires your Light once again." —Ikora Rey

The Nexus Revisited

Venus turns more quietly because of you.

BUCKETCLASSITEMSMark of the Nexus Undone

Role: In Game Dialogue

A Stranger's Call

GHOST Our new friend must have access to extraordinary methods to reach out to us likethat. The radio message she sent came from somewhere in the jungles of Venus.

GHOST I don't like us getting dragged out here and not being able to get the lay of the land.There used to be a Guardian outpost nearby. Let's see what they have on this place.

GHOST We're linked. Sparrow's accessible.There's a lot here about some war machines called the Vex. Indestructible, relentless,

supremely intelligent. And they can teleport. Great. Guardians used to have sensors to trackthem. Let's get them back online.

GHOST The Vex sensors should be up ahead.

GHOST These sensors are extensive.

GHOST OK. I should be able to track these machines. Let's head to those coordinates and findout what she wanted us to see.

GHOST Detecting Vex. Like we're surrounded.

GHOST The coordinates lead here? What is it? Let me get a close look.

GHOST Fascinating. A conflux of non-baryonic streams going... where?

GHOST Oh no! No! No! It's the Vex! Better find some cover...

GHOST What are these things? Are there any still intact that I can analyze?

Role: In Game Dialogue

Eye of a Gate Lord

GHOST The more we learn about the Vex, the more I understand why our Exo friend is soworried about them. During the Collapse, the Vex transformed the planet Mercury into amachine in days. They would have spread to every planet if The Traveler hadn't stopped

them. We need to get into the Black Garden. We need a Gate Lord's head.


GHOST First thing we're going to have to do is get me into the Vex network so I can lure out aGate Lord. I'll lead the way.

GHOST Here's what we have on Gate Lords: "Three stories tall. Protect the realms the Vexkeep locked out of time." Time? That can't be right.


GHOST I'm picking up a heavy conflux nearby. I can use it to get into their network.


GHOST And I thought you had the hard job.

GHOST Okay, we've got to head for a place called the Endless Steps. That's where we'll findthe Gate Lord.


GHOST To find the Gate Lord, I sort of had to mess with all their transfer gates here. You'reprobably going to have your hands full.


GHOST The Gates are waking. They'll keep coming unless you can shut them down.


GHOST You've got to destroy the Gates!


GHOST That worked! Keep it up!


GHOST And that is where we'll find the Gate Lord. Let's go.


GHOST I guess you're going to have to step inside the ring.


GHOST Here we go.


GHOST Nice work! This better get us into the Black Garden. Let's go get our key from theQueen.

Role: In Game Dialogue

Ishtar Collective

GHOST I wish you'd check with me before making insane promises. If we're going to takedown a Gate Lord we've got

to find out how these machines operate. Let's find the biggest one we can, pull out its brainand see what we can learn about them.

GHOST Ok, there's a big Vex signature just up the coast. Let's kill it, whatever it is, and bringits mind core to one of the old Academy research labs.

GHOST Up ahead. A ridiculously large Vex emission. Sounds like what we're looking for.

GHOST Fascinating! Let's head for that research station.

GHOST Their mind cores are actually biological, not relative to any known life forms recorded.Maybe the Collective's research can tell us more.

GHOST These ruins predate humanity by a few billion years. Vex are coursing through them.

GHOST The research station.

GHOST Nice work. There's got to be a central terminal around here... Found one! Let's see if Ican get it to work.

GHOST It's revivable! I'll see what they discovered here.

GHOST Vex! They're coming!

GHOST The Vex share one mind across a million units! That's why they react so fast.

GHOST Amazing, they can warp across star systems in an instant.

GHOST I'm almost done.

GHOST I know how to find a Gate lord. Each Vex is part of a giant network that spreadsthrough the mantle of the entire planet. If I can just get into their system, we can draw a

Gate Lord out.

Amputated from a creature that stumbled out of a Vex gate. A vestigial defensive reflex still remains.


Turn in at the Bounty Tracker to collect your reward.

The Divisive Mind has been silenced.


Gender: Vex Hydra HullDivisive Mind

Amputated from a creature that stumbled out of a Vex gate. A vestigial defensive reflex still remains.


Role: Teleports Vex units across time/spaceVex Gate

Role: Network that all Vex connect to. Vex Network

Slivers of glass used by the Vex. Isotopic dating suggests their age ranges across billions of years - past and future.


Delivering the inevitable, one pull at a time.


The helm's nerve interface incorporates Vex cells. They're dead, of course. But not too dead to dream…

BUCKET_HEADFaçade of the Hezen Lords

Role: In Game Dialogue

Paradox Daily

IKORA The Vault of Glass. It is one of the Vanguard's greatest triumphs. The destruction ofTime's Conflux. A victory over the Vex collective mind. From deep in that vault, we've

received a signal laced with an old Vanguard signature. Vex technology disrupts the weft andweave of time itself. If a Guardian has become lost, unstuck in time, we must return them



IKORA The message we received was this:PRAEDYTH [static] a message. The creatures will soon reach the heart of the vault. When

[static] once they take the Vex, they'll come for the Light.IKORA That's why you're here.

PRAEDYTH [static] where I am. My name is Praedyth, and I was a member of Kabr's Fireteam.I just hope[static].

IKORA Praedyth. I've heard that name before. Scattered pieces of gear, references in themargin of a text. He is real.


PRAEDYTH So the Vex have predicted their own annihilation. When did they believe this wouldhappen? Can the calculations of minds the size of planets be wrong?

IKORA If the Taken are here in the vault, they are at the heart of the Vex collective mind.Imagine the machine-planets of the Vex surging with Taken power. This must not be,

Guardian.PRAEDYTH [static] [I don't know why they're letting] me speak. Now, after so long. But if

anyone is listening [static] [I came] into the vault with two others. Kabr was intensesometimes. And Pahanin was always talking to himself [static] [but] they don't deserve this.

No one does.GHOST I'm tracking the signal. Just a little further.



PRAEDYTH I had a friend back at the Tower. She used to say, "Praedyth, there's always roomin the mind for hope. It's the crack that lets the Light in." The Vex have no hope. No

imagination, no drive, no fear. All they have is the pattern. Everything must fit. If it can bemade to fit, good. If it can't, it gets cut away.

GHOST I've lost the signal. Something down here is blocking it.


GHOST That's it! That Hydra is causing the block. Take it out or we may never find Praedyth.


GHOST I think...yes. We've cleared the vault of Taken. For the moment, anyway.PRAEDYTH I think that's it. They're closing the door. I lived! Just remember, tell them I lived

[static]GHOST Signal's gone. But I can pinpoint the source.


PRAEDYTH They think this is the end of them, a path with no escape. And yet, here they are,there they were, and there they will be, and there they will have been. For them, there is noparadox. There is only the pattern. And the pattern needs the Vex to see it to completion.

And so the Vex must be. For the mind of the Vex, is that faith?


PRAEDYTH Welcome to the end of the Vex. Their "immutable" future.PRAEDYTH Enslaved to a will they don't understand. A will long dead here. Dead eons ago.

But then, they won't end, will they? Because you're here. PRAEDYTH The Vex won't spare the City. They won't even thank you. But that's the thing

about Light. You never know where it will shine.


GHOST Another dead Ghost. This is...wait, I think this is Praedyth's Ghost. She's still got filesin her core memory. They're marked with Future War Cult headers. I'd bet Lakshmi will want

to see this.

"Are you afraid? Listen closely: so are they."


Stay at the top of the food chain.


When I wear the mask I am a machine, the purpose of which is consumption.


No one's impervious to psychological warfare. Even the Vex develop reactions to certain foes.


Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 2

She hunts the Valus named Ta'aurc by the grunting radio traffic of his bodyguards. Caydesent her to Mars to track and so track she will even if it kills her a hundred times. For him she

will hunt forever.When Ta'aurc goes down into Meridian Bay she follows him in the night and finds herself

caught up in the war. Like this—Something's happening, her Ghost says, something's wrong. She leaps from the Sparrow and

gets cover between slabs of ancient stone haunted by quiet firefly light.Harvesters sweep overhead, cautious, prowling. On the Cabal command network a low voice

mutters in their tongue, saying: Stand by to fire. They are coming. Stand by to fire.Hearing this she climbs a stone obelisk and perches on its point to watch the night sky. She

wonders whether she will ever stand in the Tower courtyard and look up at the stars waitingfor ruin.

The Vex erupt from nothingness and crash down over the Cabal in formations of golden light.Lightning arcs and snaps and gives birth to marching ranks of bronze warrior hulls. Gun

positions thunder back. Tracers sweep the sky and she can feel on her skin theelectromagnetic howl of Cabal munitions seeking targets and the prickle of stranger signals

that whisper of broken space and bent time. A Harvester spins down burning to shatter itselfon the sand and now the command network drums with grim Cabal war-speak, a Centurion

somewhere crying Black Shield, Black Shield, Firebase Thuria, perimeter compromised, requestterminal protective fire, zero six zero, one three eight, immediate effect—

Something else is watching too.Do you feel that? her Ghost whispers, awestruck.

Yes, she says, yes, what is it?A third song, a stealthy regard, something high above them not Vex nor Cabal narrowing itsgreat eye to measure the battle with instruments of light and gravity. Does she—remember

it? Does it remember her? It feels like she should...She has the sense of something old lifting a long spear. Testing its heft.

Then dawn light, a terrible dawn—the sky opens up to admit devastation, thrown down fromorbit: Minotaurs fall burnt and broken with their fluids boiling out. Cabal guns detonate inthunderous chains as tiny piercing flechettes fall out of the sky and find their ammunition

bunkers.The battle stops. The Vex wink out. On the Cabal network the voice of Valus Ta'aurc roars:

Find the source! Rouse the Flayers and find the source!She remembers word from Earth: the Array opened. A ghost of the Cosmodrome set loose.And she wonders who won this battle, who learned the most, the Vex baiting out this new

power, or the Cabal hunting it. Or the Warmind itself, testing its reborn strength.When someone kills Ta'aurc and the Flayers, as they killed Draksis, whose purpose will they

serve?But this is not for her. Her purpose is the hunt.

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