20,000 PEOPLE read this paper every week. Larger circulation than all other papers in county combined. THE WASHINGTON STAR TWoSectian^ WASIIINCTON, WAKREN COUNTY, N. J., TIIUKSBAY, SUBSCHIPTION: $2.00 A YEAR Turko Guilty; First Degree Will Ask County To Take Over Street Many New Bills; Nugent Rejected Edwards' No'minee Beaten 17 ito 3; Legislature .; Meets Monday. Hoth houses of the Legislature ad- journed .Monday night to next .Monday nigilt. Two bill* mid a Joint resolution were po-'iacci by the House be I ore it ijuit for ihu week. Tlie first measure tu go through was House 5. 11 provides for tiie repeal of an act panned In I'.t-O creating ihe First Judicial DJNtrict Court In Cainden County. The bill wax passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tti twelve the number of cornrni tee elurks in the House. .Minority Leai cr Grade objected tu ha passage on tli ground thai the clerks are not ncede and tliat they would add approximate). $1,400 tu the expense of the l-A'Kifdauir at the time when the.policy la to hoi down costs. "We want more clcrk.s hcciiuye w can't find the cleric* xvv have now," sail Mr. Het-Mhfield, and the lull Wen tlirougli. Tlie Joint lUHOlution was by Mr. i'ir-r •sou of L'ulun and provide;! lor the up pointtneiit <if a uon-pai-tiwiu cViniitiis sion to rei.se tilt: law fixing the nicin herahip uf political county committee* < At a conference the House ltepuhj< cans decided to a.ik Attorney (ienera AlcCtiiii for an opinion to det.-rmin< whclher the bill iff. Assemblyman I'owell of liurllngtoii providing for the retire* inent of the present National'dini-d an the creation of a IIMV brigade would 1 in eouflict with the .state ConKtftutiu iiv ihe federal regulations. Th.- House adopted a new ivsolutio by .Mr. Piersun calling upon tiie I'ubli I'tilitlrs CommlHyfou for data (-om-et-n- ing utilities of the .State. Assemblyman Lyons of .Middlesex in- troduced his resolution fr>r an investi- gation of the insurance eonipanie.i licensed (o transact business in ihu Htutri and It was referred to the Judici- ary committee. Another investigation would be in- augurated by the Legislature under a resolution presented by Assembly man (•em-ge of Hudson. Thi;; provides (W a eoniniilti-" to be composed of three members or [he SVnaty and live As- scinl'Iymen HI look into the p'-i<vs charged for meat at .wholesale ami re- tail. The resolution carries an appro- nrlallfin of ?IU,(>()|) for the expenses of Ihe cxmmiltrc, Tin; equal rights for women n-.sohi tion of, -Mrn. Margaret It. Laird of (•:>. Hex was reported out or cummlttrc an is ready for action by the House. Th House adopted an amendment clarify hit- tlie title of the resolution, whir provides for tlie appointment of a com mitten to prepare hills removing disad vantages lo women and to ef|imliz<* Ih •rights ot.-tlie-two Kf-xeS. The 1 joint meeting of the LcKislatun for the selection of :i stall- treasure and comniLsMoners of deeds will he het« in tiie Assembly chamber next Tues day at'no6ii.~"U-iManfT. Keml of Cam dun is minted for re-election ita treas urer. '-• ~ Hills introduced in the Hnuse .Mon- day night included one by Air. Pirrxm establishing a method of commercial nr- *•'* nd is the uniform act. I Mail Itridt'f Over Itnllroiicl at iirv Meailow.s'. The Wan-en County Hoard %,{ l-'n- holders met yentei'tlay nt tireat Me doww with Chiu'lcM Ti'inpvrly. Ihv t'UK ncer of (IIIM division of tlie State HIKII wny Departiiietit. It Is pldinitd to do away with a daiiKfioiiK «rade CI-OSHIDF; at that place. The plan is tu liuve i luicfui' ttVrr Ific tnteks of the LHiiKh A Hudson ftallroitd, beKhllifiiK at t point near th<» rreatin'ry. It ta not thoiJKhl it will be iH'ivKHary to malo any Kreat chttugeK In the vimrnv of tin id. Bad Fire Was Narrowly Averted Hydrants Frozen; Water Pressure Low; About $1,500. ommended by the American Bar Asso- ciation. Tho Semite concurred In Ihe Housi resolution of last week lauding prest dent Harding for his efforts towan making the' Disarmament Conferenc, at Washington successful. There., wa: Senator White reported out of tin judiciary committee favorably his bill lo increase the license fee on hwiw motor trucks to a maximum of J270. Tho bill of Senator Allen (["lining Io cream and fixing penalties for vlolatiot of the requirements of maunfaetU't was also reported out of committee. These bills take first position on OK Senate calendar. 1 (.Senator Whitney's bill creating a state budget, director at an annual salary of $2,500 was reported out Just before adjournment. Tho upper house so far has passed no •bills.- Sixty-seven have been intro- duced. Senator Roberts of Utirllnpton intro- duced a Joint resolution having the State accept the provisions of the Fed- eral act for promoting the welfare and hygiene of maternity and infancy. Persons maintaining places where statutory offenses nre committed are designated as disorderly persons in :i bill huriiiluci'd' by Remior AVnlhvm-th. Semite G1 by Mr. Simpson exempts real estate imprnvenionts m:iu> before lflUa for a period of live years. A com- panion'bill exempts newly constructed industrial phinis for a like period. Both of these hills were referred lo the committee on taxation. Hills adding to the Stale Highwsy System were: Senate Xo. ;"1 by- Whit; nVy. ad:ling tu Hour's, Xo, Ifi an ex- j tension from Morris town u.>.._Trenton..| : ~v|a •.iiprnnrdsvlllc* Somcrvitii' and '1>II With the ihi.-rmoineter near the ze mark, the firemen Were called o shortly utter six o'cluek Alnnday nmrii iny. The zero weather semed to li!M a bad effect all around. Tll<r whistle ; the electric light plant sounded us If had a eolil. It whee^d like a P>-nsi . talk when lie had a cold. Tl bell nl*r> did not seem to carry tl far or loud, alllmugh .I.wp Clim.., tin.> speclnl policeman, was pul ing It a.s banl as IK- could. 1 was no fault of thu polleeumn thu tiie bell did noL ring as loiid as il di mi a warmer day. The wejillier was n- ^pon^tble and th'- bell was also "fro/ nit." When the llri-ineii arrived at Hi •ci'iie of tlie lire, the barn in the mi >!' the property i.cetipliil by Douglas tunclark ;tltd owned by .Mrs. .Mai" 'etty. widow of Robert M. Petty, On j.'irn was all ablaze. There Is. a Itydntnl in front of tli. louse, but this was frozen and the truel .lieu went further up the hill lo tin- hydrant in front of the home of A. H flarle. Here too the frost )i;nl r.itcl torn of (he hydrant and I coiilil (im start • the How . JUit with tiii'i-e iii'-n straining -very muscle the water was finally irnud on. Then tin- pressure W.-M Kind t(i be toy low to be of beli'-'it ind it was lint until tlie nut>i-trin.k wax iiunected with the hydruit and begaif limping that tin.- Mrcnm \V;IK MU-II ttcit made any effect upon the lire, which as (|ui(-kly I'Mlncnisheil. Il is no noun how the l.ksze origiuaN-fl. The tire wns discovered by Win. <:. acey, a uetgiibnr. and abrnil lln- s;iim- me by John V. Hi-hauip, an eiiHlri'-'-r at ii' silk hosiery factory, ll-.th reaelied ie scene about Hie same lime. Si-hamp being a member of tlie lire d«p;irtmeiit When the Ibimes \wvr ilrst t»:vt\ tilt.'.;, appi-ared to be in the ujip'r part of tli" barn, where there are room* I hat wen mice used lor living (piarters. and for that reason it is tliutight that tramps m:ty hiive slept in tin- barn over night mid caused 'IH- lire. Some of the i neighbors remember iiavinw heard I miiscM diirini; the night sotindint; ILS tt pf'rsons were walking on the u-U'it a, the snow. It is thought tliat tramp.-, were then «oing down the lane nnti -ticking shelter in a bant and tiually .'iilered tho Petty barn. Mrs. I'uiiclark run to the barn when she was notified of Hie tire and inadt- ,-fforts to get out the automobile thru was stored far the winter. The machine jacked up and had not been In u*<- of ln(.\ Tiie sliding door -stuck, and when .Mrs. IJuucIark gave it a kick it toppled over nn her. But. she escaped injury. The Inss is itbutit $1,500. Mr. liunelark left home Just, a sliort while before the tire wu.s discoverd j lurniylilngs f;S,00O. . The terms of ibroe Quick Verdict of Murder in j 5 S Vf ii'VhSS "n"'^' S^JZi Silk Robbery Killing 1 u '- Ir - A * flir " Near Newton. Tony Tiuko. I be tender of the Itiiliau >:tndits who for yi'iiw i>ast have terror- j /.e«l citizeiiM. towns imil tlm entire | ..ountryside for mik-n around in cimtern i I'cnn.sylvanla and WVntern N«-w .lei-! i-y, Wits eonvieted late Tiles lay afler-! ,.oon at Xewton of tlrst di-Krcn mtinier. J lie had shot and killed Albert K'osl.-r i •it Cut Swamp. Sussex County, on June. ) Jl. Th verdict of the Jury carried with < It no recommendation for mvrey and Tm-Uo win •thf.j-efcre. be ^c:::c;r.L-cU to die In the electric chair at Trenton for! hi* crime. Justice Minium will pro- mce sentence ihe next time he holds or Farmers Wives ..,*,. ... ... vtibt.- tuv <"-AI Hint' ne noios -. at Xewton, which il In' thotift will not be within the next two weeks. Turfeo nearly collapsud after being re- turned to Ills o'll. His knet.-s sank under him and tlie jailei^cauglu him In time, when he naw his condition. After „ Next ._ Plan For Meetings of Dairymen. Women oi uif county have fn'»>n I ...itching th«« j»apets for th.; sche.hile of clothing and jnilliiu-ry meetings be- ing arranged for .Mrs. C;i.theHue tJrieb- el. clothing specialist, of the Xew Jer- sey .State Coll-g'! or Agriculture These meetings will be held on Wed- nesday, I'Ybruary I si. a.s follows: Viiil—(at homo of Win. A. McCain) 1 n a" Hliarp. , ,..., ui »wii. -v. .Mccain) iimt-, when he saw hix condition. After at ft.110 sliarp. learning tliat nn date had been set for Hacicettstown (High Selmol at I..'JO his execution the cowardly assassin ,v- .simrp. 1 IIIH nerve In a inwiMiiiv. but 1 Su-warlsvllle (Odd I-Vllows Hallj at I HO Mluirii. iileh in i Sus liassed a restless night. Then- lias In en almost ; tci'i-.st in Warren county .v-. m nu.w,\ [ . limy, ovi'r the trial of ihe gang of t silk truck robbers and alleged nuirdet- | n )-rs in Xewl'jn this week. I'ldsecutor S. O. Smith, Jr.. of XVarren C'^., has " u assisting 1'roH. x'stnlSlaiconi in the rial of tlie t:;i.s.-u. Arravtd ;iKaiust the n-oi.ecutt,rs werir some of the best legal :aleitt In the .Stale. Tony Turku of Kaston was ih.st plm-eil ou 'trial,and :he court house at Xewton was fa it cour nail W e ewton was far ton accommodate ail who desired the tial Wd A MC .. "at'tend "tii'e"tri.'ii.""w!'ird & Me(.;ttiui» >f Paterson were Ilrst announced to de- fend ttu- ganster and when the trial nd ttu 'gan th nter and when tin- re Man assisted by (Je I't wil?beierw begin strictly on Utiu-. •tings Mr, C.vlvW-l will p Uti meetin . the -m h At plans and organic groups who vvl. to take her ht.«tnt<uiou which in fi of charge. K very one Is welcome I this meeting. Come ;uul bring u neiyl Tlie Dairy 1'roject Committee hol an iutoresilng meeting with Stanle iioherts, Dulry Specialist, X. J. Stat e of Agricultu d h . also of Paterson, and Mark Wolff, lawyer of promin-nc.' in the criminal ourtM of X.-W Voik. U'iliiatn A. Uuliui, former Prosecutor of Sussex eounty, .lid Kclverl. Kos-.i-ians of lilairstown were al."ti adtlcd to the list at the last nliititi-. Xo time was lost in. getting the jury id tiie trinl was ready for evblf-netj. t lirsi tlie lawverx- .tried to bring ehnicalities into aid in rleuriiur Turko. "hey mad'' mil- lluv after llaw. but iild uol itiiike tli(-ni stand to Ihe s;<i- <fiii!tioii 'it Jusijce ,|. |-\ Minlurii ;ind - eiiM- w.is loft I" "Videnee that Tiirko d shot down Albert Koster in eolil Kid on lhal June inorniuk' tliat. tlie ut: held up the silk truck in ou iwiinip. The .SUili; had plenty ul* evidence igainsl the luader uf tiie gang. John "erlo and JMc.CIrelly, two niemlwrs of IU gang, told how the leader had shoL down hi cold Ijtofifl and never :avo him a chance lo tell why hi- iied to be on that road that June ntoinioJ,' or |ile:id O.r iiis life. Both told a strajgiitforward story and gave dam- aging evidence against their former leader. LJui the most .damaging evidence of all w;us given by KUIJIIIH' Schrivouo, a member nf ihe Itnlum squmi of ihe Xew York police department. He lind con* 1 to Xewton and was in tlie cell with Turko and it was to him that tlie Ia':»; confessed tiie murder and told all of tiV- details. The defense was tnkfii emu-' l>Ietcty by sui-prib-e by the evidence of the detective. Tt was nol known tlm' Turko ha dma'.le such a confession and tiie detective's name had been connected with the ,..-.. ,vho lives about live block ly.frnm Hie borough hall was look at his watch ut tlie ti.t.ie tin.. WMMIO :-ted to blow. ' After calling up tint iperaior, in a vain effort to le;trn by jiephono. wiieru the. lii-e was lie put on >.is overcoat, hat and overshoes and itarted to walk to the lire. Just as lie reached t! am ill. borough iiiill : out and .started " " ; After the llanies street ed lls citizen, afu-r learning enough par- c-ulars to write Ihis stury. started back nine again. •J.tniklnK :il liis watch i,t •as ti."Ji». Xoi such slow work nn the :irt of tiie tiremen In zero weather, ow"would ynu like tu he a iiivman or. •poner? . ... • •• not acting in the capacity of :i poIW- , man at the, time of the visit, to the.; jail, and'us Turko's statement tohii was voluntary, the testimony was proj er and must In- admitted. Th(! detective, emit inning his state meiit, said that Turko told him (ha lift and several other men " camo t iXewton one nighi last smniner rmd th next morning started for Cat Swam where they held up a silk truck.-. Th night the hand came t'j Xewion the, (Continued on page 7) iioherts, Dulry Specialist, X. J. Statu College of Agriculture, and the county agricultural agent, last week. Aflet an analysis and discussion, of the sit nation of tlie dairy industry of tli It county it was concluded that, the elim- ination of the low producing e«w and a more economical method of fee-ding nre the biggest needs of tin- dairvmau •With this in mind thi- following pro gram of work was drawn up. Dairy Improvement and Develop merit Project. Warren County, IH-'L 1 , committee— Krank Castm-r, leader. .Stewartsville; Arthur I'arr. I nidge. vilie; Allen (.:. ViinHnni, [hiim-sburg; Abram II. I-Uee, .Mar.slntro; Xils Swell- yon, Hai'keitstown. I, iJemonsinilions—:• feeding. *;. l'r;ti-iit:uut,s-.^ judging. ". Orgjiiilwitlnn—Co-operale ' with County IItiystelu l-*rie«lan Ili-'.-cilcrs As- suclatioii, co-opi.-rate with milk mtirk- eting organizations, cti-fjpi'niie' with calf i;lub orgauization>—1 cow testing association. •1. .Meetings—1^ eommiitiity. "i. Campaigns—Introduce 5 pure bred sires, intncltiee 15 pure bred females, better calf raising, :; accredited herd.f. I", l-'xiilblts—1 county. I state. . 7. •Tour.i—1 county wide—U conimuni- ty- .S, rublk-ity—^ii ui'tick's for county newspapers. Krank Custnur says, "Xot more milk ; but more profit; We're producing ' euouyh milk, but it's taking too many "" •" do it.'" ilr. Castner speaks Borough Council Thinks Local Taxpayers Should A T ot Hear Burden. Hired and water matters held '.he .ittentlon of the Common Council at the nrih meeting of the month Mori- day night. Thix was an adjourned MS- sion- a n l another will he held Monday nighl. There was an executive ses- sion before tlie public meeting Monday Tin; Ilrst business at the open session •as the reading of an opinion by Kyi- veater C. .Smith,. .Ir.. in. reuard io t'w* (juiimiuce jirovKlmi; for a bom) I u su" >o I covei- the road Improvement* in Kast an:l West Washington avenu«!- v , mid passed the road improvements in Kast and West Washin£;tou avenues, and p:iH-4ed by the Council last year. II<> siiid that it contained irregularities, and fu its present firm, was HlehMl. H«- advised amendments and,that it In: taken up in proper form at Hit- 1-Vb. ruary meeting. The borough lias no regular attorney anil It was decided to employ Mr. Smith to draw up the j amendment**. The clerk was also in-1 strm I'd' In uotifv tli" Hudson Cnn ' tnietim; Company, which im* tho ,-_,,i\ tract'for tin- improvements, thai p»y nient will be made a.s soon a* this cat be legally done. There is abniit $jn, (ion due tlie firm, according to the run tract. UVA. A. ITcm-nii-fl WMIi Jtnillu Tele ptioiu-. The W'J'Hlilngton JVircelain Company ha» prciu-nted lhr> Wn^hington Athletic Association with ,i I'adlo, Telephone -yHtini. It Is cxuectetl to be installed , and ready for UWF the Hivi lima on tin; night uf Washington's ISirthd<i>. avhen the entertainment committee will have a card party as nn added attraction. Tliif radio Hystem i« one of the greatest wonders of the age and t!i" local asso- ciation .-tppreHatcs the, line s;lft of the r'on-elaln Company. Harding Would Help Farmers Submits Plans: Says Nationi Must Help or Suffer Consequences. Freeholders Adopjt _ "" ,$411,084;Su|eJ| —: .-••. '••,•• .-•- i -msi Work of Board Praised B^3 Kilpatrick; No Objections ;- To Budget. :^ TJiu budget for 1022 was adopted ' :il a HptcittI meeting held at Belvidoro, r. Monday by the Bnard of Frcoholdars,;} There was no objection to uny part ot--, the budget. Ir ralln for an expend!* ture of HJl.iiSi.rr,. o f . Which J325.704.35- n.villon. - .;-•• 1 .'.jM.'tlons tho Board' 1 " 1 . thv work. L Edward m Common.. counc:i stated he wntt"f- uitend.'iir:>.. i*f•imciJiIli' to congratu-'i Uchalt Hacketta-,/ tun* of IH to be Instead received j raet. Couiiellmaii I*. C. La some length about th nim; talkt<l at onditions that i s e ngth about the conditions he thought ought \n In- improved as a result nf the lire ..ally Monday iilonr fns on upper I "road street and near his home. lie thought there Is Inade- quate lire protection for that section, ilt* wanted a special committee ap- pointed to wait liprm the Water eom- In opening the Xatfatial Agricultural Conft.-ieuet' at Washington Monday I'resident Jlatdlng outlined u compro iifiisive program i'or ihu meejings and his luVa of what should be done to irH'-t "the KHIII reality of tile pn-SL-ut crisis In jigrli-ultui,.." Ih did not mime witnU in iitiuoiinciug that if the nation fails t» aid the faruiiTs it will "ptedpatate a disaster tluit will affect t:\wry industry and eoinim-riial activity." There were .J-Tj Iciid-r.s of agriculture pn-Hent and to tlu-.st.. J'ri'sid.'iit Harding made .seven spe.-itle ii'comm<-ndritioux. Tli^y were: 1. ICxti-n.slon of fiirmers co-operativu niarkftiug orguulxjitions. Harding In- dorsed Indirei.-tiy legislation now peixl- I n .uiten late the- LL. town. Tho town applieatio:i : ODU for thu i leading from lion of the the stat drsd ing In CIMIKI ganiuitiotiK fn exempt -rlciiiK of th. from experience and he goes on to say, "For tlie past.10 years I have pro- duced about the same amount of milk bui now I gel. it from Just one-half as many cows." This farmer feels the ef- fects of tht. 1 low price of milk, too. but he's not an worried as some of his friend;) about it. "With milk the price it. is,—and in this territory it's one dollar less per too pounds than Lea- gue, price—I've got cows returning me jusi wit? donar a day net in-ollt." In conclusion Air. Caslner opines, "just so soon the dairy farmer scraps the low producing row (and UIL- scrub or poc ly brca bull as well) will tiie dai business attain the level It. should." ;tnti-lrtist laws, \i\niz hchl t - tin- principal harriers in their Kiowtli. L'. i'rovlsion must be miide for mueli eatei- "wurkiuK enpila!" IVJI' the farm- ers. Means must IK- taken by the «ov- . -nt and private l.usitie.s.H to future t „„,. , that "lurnover eapital t>]m\l hp Kcner- tarser mains cannot j oiisly .supplied to the farmer and on as -ailroiul. It \vs stated ' ronsonfiblc termx .'IH to olhur hidu-stries." ire oluht Inches as fur>!> :| - Thu Kovernmcnt muyt jilnco.nKx-c essential and .sclcntlllc informiitfon at the disposal of i lie farmers ami their marketing (trunnization. •I. To iijrl Loth the farmer and enn- smner measures must be t;ik«n to pn.- j vent violent price Unetiiiillons which re- sult "from tinoi'tfiLiiixed b-i|ili;iz:inl jiru- duetii.ii,." it. The farmers will be benc'Hted by fur srehitf and wise tran.spnrtatlon policies. In (Ills' comiert-Idn the ['resi- dent reroiumended n greater use "f ^vatci'M-ays and Hunuesled thi't event- ually nearly all of the railroads of the country be elcetrllk'd. Ik' also risked nruusiiij,- ihe in- of l-M.stern i'vptibti- cans by uivlnf,' uiiitualiinl indorwineni tin: flreat Lakes waterway project ently framed by the luter-nalion:. Joint Commission, wlik-h wniild enablt oei-an liners to dwek ;it CJre-'K. fjik ports. tj. Tin.' fullest development (if nutionn r.-sotirces tiirnuf?h reclamatiun nf nri' cut-over and swamp land. 7. The nation must obtain a new eon eeption of tho farmer's place "in ou social and economic scheme." and mus realize thnt the farniT of trnlnv is n ••fimblnniinji of the expert scientist, the liusncss* man and the work 1 *! 1 . (Continued on page. 8) (Jovr. Axes SI.35, Knelt (Saws itHi Barnet and Walters, Hardware. t*n- on. Siiuare. PhilMpsbni-t:. CANE AND KKRD WE SELL IT: rei\luink, 1000' ft. ?l.3*i. Medium line, (hie tine and supor-llno. all the same price. Hoed 75c per pound. . Sent by parcel post colloct. "We pay postage, l&uitoii'f- Oldest ami Most r.cllnblG . .Furniture Store. "••""="'-• j.;astoiv"it' i i]i i ntturn'" Company" '" So. 4tti St., a doors from Northampton iR.Xcw Try Abie's ticw-mnice iL'skim ciilK. SoIdonlyat'Tliorpo'H. pie, 10 l-l!l-2t IIii<-k<:tl*il(>wn HUn'v. Smashes I'i'iccs. •Thei'o'fia no em! lo cut prices. Cost Is not uuns'dered at Cooke's Depi. Store especially if you arc intnresled in ladies' wlnlei* cQiits, suits, .dresses, furs, hats', . 'unrl winter •umlerweur. Kvory appoariince indicates this store is Riving th.o most (ixecptlonal values given anywhere. '•i Dr. Hess's PouMry I'IMHI-eca. Bur net and Walters, liardwaro, Un Ion So.tiiir,e, PhilliPHlmrg. ones 4Ee (jt. This week only uiTi Ti;y the Norton Washer. Operated, by hand.'.waLoiNand electric Dr. II. O. Carhart in Accident. Kormi'r i-'i-eeholdi-r ,-\. ):. Cralir . I'.lair-stown wa.s s!ii,'ht.!v Injured .Monda niKht when Dr. H. O. Curlitirt. the War ren county treasurer, drove his e;n- 11IL the Kates at the Miuislleld street erns.s iny in Melvidero. The pliysieiun faile to see that the Kales were down. II was watching an engine ihiit wti.s drill hiK a short dislanee.jlinvn the.track jiiul : "iu"iiie (iiiriiness 'failed lo ' see" the' Kale 1 : Dr. Carhiirt wan IIUI injured, but .\l Oraiif's face'was etil by Klass from ih. windshield. .Mrs. Ciirhari was killed in an automubilo aceideiit at Vaii sever:: years afc'tt. Cotiniy League. I'or nniiterdini. - .A baseball league has been funned ir Hunlerdon eotinly. wilii Mayor ['"oran president; Oscar Hilton house, Clinton, vice president; C. AValkei:. Ijambert- ville, .secretary and li'easuVer. Harry I 1 . Hnyder^of I Ugh Urid«e is tite com- mittee' ti; select four mnpii-es. The leaRtie will start with six clubs--Lam- berlville, l-'lernlnnton. C!int(iii,_French: :trMvri;".Mi'u>1u, r "Hiiu i-UKlPi-'ridtieV'^tilen' (iarduer desired to ho represented, but ihe fttilure nf Stockton lo enter lenyiie mador the limit .six clubs. Clcn (."ni-d- ••ill stand ready tu till any vacancy !Itaiiil)o\v Cliuss, I'l'ehliyieriiiii - .Sunday Hchool will hold Hake Kale at Alarlatt's Electrical Shop Ihis Hmurduy afternoon. " Itp : Hake Nulc. IV Marlatt's Klccirieal 'Simp this Sat- trday afternnnn. .Ralnhuw Class. Itp I!lack lleauiy al Atiilttnritiniv omurrow evening' al. 7.;iO. This be- loved classic uf childhood will,,be.pre- sent od in four reels of moving pic- tures. 'Silver olteriiiK al. tho door. It ItiiUo Sale at ft and 10 Cent .ifnro i ,.i IV-IVMHS.y. "lU v^« !ii;^vpw" ^"-" i2 " i » Bis •- iTiveTnie, "tin's Siitui-day-^Ci'ullofs, Rolls 1 and CakcH. (JriiiiiHl UOK C'miM! Oiu Early. There ..is a. mailcarricr in Wnrrei county who would like io know wiiat i meiinji when a tfroundlioff uoiiu-s out o its hole "it .Jan. 19, just, two week:- earlier than his scheduled'appearance. Clark Wilkinson is the government, cm pioycL' wini propounds tne tjiiestion UIK will yive thanks U> tiie person who wil answer the query. . Last week Clark was delivering mai aloiiK 1 tlio buck mad frnm Ciiange- wfi.ler lo Hampton when lie saw ;:. irrniindhoi:- that.had left .itw^mii;- »-in- ier's "(|Vi!iriers and was sunning Itself, by the side of ihe vosid. When he s;n\ the animal he thought he was mistakei. and that it was some other kind of a ci-eiiture. To make sure he allpliiet from his mail WJIKOII and took his wliii and stirred liie bunch of em-led material. l-'von then at first iudid nut. show inm-h activity, •but flnnlly' ; it was anmsed hy the KX'iitle. strokes of the wiiip and be- la play like" a kitten. It would lift paw and then\another and try lo catch the whip. Tt coj'iirnieu to show this friendly spirit and Kniduulty awak- ened into full ncttvit.vvwlien It suddenly suauipered ncros.4 the snow covered fields. M .'t""iiGVf-i'-"ncc"^"od : -'{n--iIiP-".niriJ!crirrif-i* ... ask the grnundhoK why he was out in MK-It weather, when he was supposed lo hibernale for two more weeks, lie also roKrets thai | lt , did not brliif? the niinml home with him. I'til, lie says 'What's the nns\ver7" Tires—Chains—Tubes. RruuKwiek and Hood Tiros both con! ind. fabric. :U)x:ii{; .Brunswick JK'.OS. Mx'.lVi Ilood JIudhook Tread Oversize $15.iitt. Ollifii- sii-.es aceimlinsly corn- are Km talent Ilood price reductions •Ith other lists, Ciot Iho opinion of Hood uxov* and ink over their records. '•* - 1 lui.vi; some unusual tire values in 30x3; •t()x 1 *i£ and :i)X'l. Slop hi and see Ihetn. |, WeedjfeliHin.s- jmd radialor radia T C. LAXNT ,11! Bplvidere ii Ave. Smith's Opcniiifr Horsn Sulo for 1(132. on Thurstlay. Fi-b. 2nd, at my stables at Asbury, connisting of farm chunks, On"ii'n'i!s :; '5ciitiicr"iiii,vs"'i*a.rrtiPr*S "~ IilkTesis The well-known electrical contract- ing \]ym uf Rluifur &. Kc.luder is now under the; control and management: nf Charles Scliuler. Your Mrs. Daniel SpansenlitTK. -Mrs. Khsyibetii Uuii'ord .ypangc-nberg, iJ years uld. wn'u ui. Uaniei Spangeu- bcrg, died shortly bei'ofu iioon Tueadny at her home l"i- KasL WashingUin ave- nue Sho iiad been cuuruu->d to her bed eeks, from Urlght's Disease. cloven I pour fur .seven health had bee- Juai'H, l.Ul .-.lit; With Jli'lv n. •)': UIIL ill various times and was able tu attcml church hist fall and alsu to attend the funeral •services of her daughter, Dr. Carrie Walker, who died in iiover four months ami. Jlrs. SiHirtgciibura: was a daughter of .lie lulu Wiuiam (.;. Dulford and was lorn in Oernmn \'alk*y. but nearly till ler life wa:: spent in Washington, tjh,. ,vas married lu Air. SpunyeitherK: •!" . .•curs iiSp. llesides her husband .slit- is j survived hy twii sons. V>\: Daniel Spau- .a'lilierjr of linKiklyn and (Jr. Harry SpanKL-nbL'i-g of i-'nrreat Hills, Lons Island. Alsij by two sU-p-dau^hters. . .. i'. .1. KeUel and "Mrs. ( i f o w Altit- tison of Washington. Tlicsc IIL-U'-SIS- ...« also .sui-vlve—"Airs. C. Ii. l-'ord and the Hisses Carullne and Aiary Dufford : Washiiib'ion and Mrs. Alice Kibble :. Q;ioc:::;i, o - \ . . - - - * : .Mrs. Spang;e.libertr was netivc in church work ami also in ihe W, C. T. I". •ircles. She had been 'president of tins ocul union for iiun-e tlian thirty yu»r« Did held the poskinn ill the lime of her lealli. She was als.i County I'l-esiik-m .'or more than twenty-five years am! wiicn ctimpelled te jfivn U]f the ufllco. vimr to her health, she wns elected morary I're.sldont aiKl.coniiniH'd with that hornn-. She also tt'uiK^tr a eiiiss of , oupf? women in tin- .McllnKlisi Sunday sc-hoiil until her health failed. She was a member of the Ladies' Sncinl Circle ind also active in that society in the lays when she was in Kf'd health. 1 The funeral services jyill be hold . m 'o : cii.ick" : -'Fri(iay LJ "afteni')i)ri ai.- tii'e liiir>-- •me. Rev. A. R ArmstrniiK- will nfli- :iato :i.nd burifit wilt be in tlie Wnsh- li(?tou ceinotery. .. itiiirojui ami fo'iir ineli "mains 1 yond Dr." La mi I rt M objected to a s-p','cl I'oinmittei. iintl thoiiifhl that the r«tf ..n; eonuiilttee had been it;nori and tliat ihe report should have eon n that committee. The mcinbe! ili.-it committee iim Afcssrs. Kc.-!u . .- and Ur. J^uiiiinir. Inasmuch .- Mr. ICi-ke! Is in Florida Dr. Launiii Ihouulit tliat. .Mr. licit should ha\ 'n-otiKlH up Ihe subject. When tl: ;otc was taken liter" were three aye. Uew-i*. iiell, l'"oree and I'. t\ Launiii ind two nays. Dr. LanniiiL; and Al Meeker. Dr lianniuLr aiiuouiieed Ih; Lh« inuliun was lost ami the Mayo ihereupon referred the matter to tl Ire committee. Persons In the and •lice smiled at the motion bein^ decla •tl hist. The regular quorum in trans et business is four and a. majority o . quorum Es required on resolutions rXiJi-pt ill the i-its-i of oi-iliiianees ain jmi' uther matters, when it require majority vute of the council. There, was also discussion about roai vork ami the Council thinks the tinu •Ipe for tlie county to take, ove Broad'sreet and ]3elvidere avenue. A so io take some ;ie,tion in royard to tli Belvldere nvunuu canal l;ridSe. Tin State will be asked to repair Van man, and Railroad avenues. Therefore, nes Monday nisht there- will be anothc. nieetinic.and the Council, as a commit- tee of tile whole, will prepare rcsolu tlons riitiuestiiiijf the Board of Freehold- ers to ask thu county to take over the main highway from the borough lines in upper Broad street to the borough line near the cross• roads, north n* Washington; "Also to have action tak on looking towards having; the cana company lower and straighten the Bel videre avenue bridge. Tiie resolutiom. will include uh'king ihe HtatL' to repair tlie. two avenues which were worn out last year during the detour when the road work was being done on East and West Washington avenues. A resolution was adopted fixing, .the pay oi the special police and also tho employes .on tlie street and tfewer plant. Tho rate will be fifty cents an hour for the polico and .''ii cents an hour for all other borough employes on street a v . d > : e \ v ' - - ! - . •. . •;-. • • •: •- • • • • • ."' In the absence nf l^dwnrd It.'Kutz, chief oi! tho lire department, who ran a nail into his foot at the Petty barn ruins Monday afternoon, when the fire* men were called back to pour more water on tho ruins, Vcrnon Oakes. the foreman- reported that the firemen found eight frozen hydram* on an in- spection tour Monday, after the one iViis discovered frozen when needed at tin-- early morning fire.'He recommend- t-tl that iho horotig'Ii purchase an elec- trical apparatus to be attached to the truck and which ean imickly thaw out any frozen hydrant. The fire commit- tee will took into the matter. Councilman Jlcll made inquiry about what was heins; 1 done in regard-to tlio. resolution adopted, some mouthy, ago ro place gates in the Shahbecong Creek iv.v.l v,::^ihc- stream 'n 'tmy- firn.;tHt>mo." Theri: was some doubt as to whether the Board of Freeholders would imt luive to give permission to allow tho gates to he cons true Led and planed in position in the stream. It was repmted that menv than $10.. IHIO was in the sewer sinkini;' I'tmd and $700 in a special sinking fund. In re- gard to the vacancy in the 1-Joaril oE Ileullh, Alayoi- Robertson iinnoiineed thai, the Child Welfare League had re- - steel thai, one or two won "imicH ol Belvldoro mado'•• i- the appropriation of $1,-.: Ujrovcment of the strecto 1 the Manstlcld street.ata- , chlgjt & Hudson Hallway;, 1 ~ higlnvny to Hackotts- town. a point known na Butler's ]'ridge. Tlie strocl: In question aro • iihtmt two miles long, Tho town-has -: •alr.ady appropriated 51,000 towurtl thla W(,rk. ,..-.. Annauncement was made that tho : j;tiil expected to tv nV(» official nottco from thu Slate Highway Department • that the Morris turnpike was opera from i'hilllpsburg to Port Coldcn. This 1 " announcement haw been delayed by tho fact that thu UrldRCs'ut LariHon's Cross- ing was not completed. For this reii- MOII no effort a ivur« mado by tho stuta to open the road after tho snowstorm . of Jan, 11 and there Was much com- plaint from the. farmers and. others. Instead, tho state opened the dolour," via Anbury, , i On i-'eb, 1 the Board will recelvo bids for tho construction of Section 3 on thf Wn.vhfngton-Buttzvlllc road. A. ',,. dozen or more firms had representa- tives nt the meeting .Monday looking over the plans and specifications for tiie bridge work over the Lelilgh & . Hudson and tho request Creek at r'uttzviin.' and the completion of tho concrete road from the White township line to the state highway at Buttzvillo. There have been more requests than . iistiiil fur the,plans and specification:', showing an utiUHually large uumbor ot eoii'iiiclt-rs are. inleraued and anxlouj for the contract. Drafts for $a»,000 were drawn for th* • Work «m tiie ilopc-IJlairatown and Ox- ford-Uutt/.ville roads. . , ^ Warren FRATERXAIJ NOTES. The new otlicei-.s of American Advo tie (Joueil No. (!•!, Sons an'd lJuuyiiten of J-lljei ty, were installed Tuesday night by Past Councilor Airs. Roxie Kush, In the absence of tlie deputv, Mist Ulirtetlna Smith of Phiilipsburj,'.' There was a special attraction last I'luirsday night at Starlight Lodge No. 12, KniL-hw of. PytlUas. It was a siii- riM! on Elmer S. Thompson, who has eon a.memljiir ut' tiie order twenty- ve years. Grand Chancellor O. II. rntchler. im hehalf of the lodge, pvo- i»nted the Keeper of K.vchcquor with sold tsinlileinatic pin. The new ollicers of Starlight Temple. •\vthins SLstors, were installed Thurs- llBlit by Mrs. L. M. llurd, the in-. :i# otlicer, assisted, by Mrs,. Price, Great Chief of. Wharton: Grand "enior, Airs. .Johnston, of Newton, and Ji-and Oiiiii-d. Airs. Katherine Mothering if Dover. A social hour, with refrosh- s. fotlo\v*ed tlie business session. -- .trresi .Council Xu. IG, Jr. 0. Ii. A. \L, initiated a. class of candidates Mou- ldy niwht. AVlth those in willing the iiomhcrshlp is now p:ts-sing tilt,' iOO nark. The new form-of initiation was ised at this meeting' and was eutiBid- ••ed an itnin-nvenient. Oinfra Ilotise Theatre. The Temple of Alotlon Pictures'. •an and Sanitai-y, Alost L'p-to-Datp Theatre in Northern New Jersey TO-.\1GHT—Adolpli Zukon prese'nts Chark-K "The County Parcnt-Tcachcrx' Ncicx. AsHiiciatiun reporters arc requested'to send their press notices to Mrs. L. E. Hitler, Helvidere, until further notice. I'lease report your 'meeting! 1 . * Delaware Park Assocation held a meeting on Jan. IS tit which -the rhil- drcn of tlie various grades rendered an. excellent progrfun. Mrs. Brunner rend nn article on "What the Home Expects of thofSchODl" and Mr. Johnston, prin- cipal of-the school, tulked onJ'What th-i School Expects of the ••Home.'.' Both were greatly enjoyed. It was reported that J15 had been spont for Christm;i:( Sifts for the pupils and clothing ffh' needy children. .Miss Gordown.won On* 1 aluminum salt and paper set prescnUti .by.Airs. VanNorman, . ; :. Father's Night Is being planned TOL* February when the picture machine re-: cently purchased by the County Super-* intemlent will be used. Those associations which have not al- ready done so, will please send in tho !mmo B and addresses of their.,-nev.voffi-•:... cers to the county chairman and countj*. secretary so that proper notice can be •' sent them regarding the next county council which will be held In Belvldere the aecond week of March. Appoint your delegates now. A report - from each association will he expected. Be sure your State dues of 10 cents for every paid up member on your roll be sent, to Mrs. F. X. Herr. 5 Oak Ave.. Moorostown. If that has not been doiio ? /our association does not belong to tho .-ounty council. Helvidere Parent-Teachers' Assocla- ' ton met Wednesday afternoon. Jan. 25, iviili "Co-operation fiotwecn Home anS School on the .Subject nC.-Health" as the topic of Ihn n]f-;lfi* A numbr f m ,vii . . . . .lumber of.. ;•!• read and discuss- ! i=: ration by Jitef' •i-tus for Father 1 .*! Hi" being completed, oi til.- Alorris Park lii-l-l on Wednesday An interesting pro- that he w ready to meeting. (.he Hoard o!' Health rind uld hav the appointinciiits ' " '''cbrunry production, jvcntucKiiin." with Alonte Blue. Paramount pirture. KJ'IOAV. .Inn. i'7—Thos. H. I nee pr sen Is Douglas At ac Lean in "One Minute." i HATl'l'lDAY, .Ian 1'S—Selxnlck pro- j sonis Con way Tearfe in "HucK-in!,',,tiieJ. Tiyei 1 ;" ; '- .Siuib'- •i' i 6iiard;'HunsfIiine Kani-'j hiy. V'athe Ntiwa. Orchestra 7.15, 9. ' AIONDAY, .lan.'^O — Metro Superb Special Production, "Hearts Arc Trumps." Cecil KaJeigh's titanic nielo-drania. of love and fascinating in triEjno. Knaeted .by an all-star cast J'tithe Keview; Topics ot (he Uay Tl'KSDAV, Jan. IM—A l-'irst Xa litinal Picntre, WliKman Tlentu't lire sent! 1 his pcrsowiitly superviseti prn dur-tion with Lionel Kiirrymore in an adaptation of II. I.:. .MarweH'w novel, topic of 11; splendid nni- Ir.- ^\ od; also •> ,\,:\r. Hughes. AI-IMIU. Night in L-'.j'i-tru-y Tiie n.:-st in. .-tin Association will i>. afternoon. (.•'••'.-. I.-.1 gram is ber.u: :.cry..B^t,. The rwniini I'arent-Teaehers' Asso- -^atioii of '''hiiljjisburj? will hold a. Father's Ns^'it reception on Thursday iK. l*>b. !). Their regular meetini: for January was held last Thursday evening w.'ts largely auunded and songs: hy the ">th grade pupils riiuKsolos by Aflss'Vfira Snyder were niucli^-jnjoyed. tier. C. J. Child wive an int'lrcffUn:: The disposition oi" Feb. Noiiru i(o Iliilmuitenf Taxpayers id" While Township. The rnllowimr i-esolulion WIIK iitlnpii-tl ml approved'by the Township Com- littee nf While; Tie it rettolved, that 10 township (iolli:dor, l^'Vi C. Mackey . < insLrueled lo hii.ve publiHtinct in tin* Visiting!on MTAU and the. Warren Minmlr a notice that, after February VXJ'2 all dolinquenl. taxes will •ho put. lht> hands of a. eonsl.alile I'or entice- uu with cosls added aei'ordinit in law. " : "Ahnaiiaes^Arc^CuruJiiff. -[••*•:<;•• imr •eadi-rs probably wonder if l!n-y j i'loase." "The Devil's' Ciarden.' 1 ' . WKWXKSUAY. pveseius "Milestonet net. .Bathe Xews. Coming TllUKSD, ; r : V:'r'll:irotrrx,loyd""[i 3—Cioldwyn Arnold Um- arc going tu get the STAR'S ahniMKti'j; in lime for l!'.:i. Tlie fail is, we sire so busy on rush Job wnrk tluii we simply have not bail linn' t-> c o m - plete them. Everything luis l.nrii againsj. us— sickness, rush jobs. o.U'.. but are trying lu get. tlnjin lo you ve'-.v .Ooniiiig H" r N-uniher, V. i''cb. 10—"Dccep- incidenli'Ily, i tlm STAR iliis. iKI.I •vvk fi 'til (In Hon. Coming I 1 'III DAY, I-Vh. r's l:'n»iidway success, Wiv.-K." inln "T Lois Web AVis jlng TM1TKSBAV and FRIDAY. 1'Vb. J;;-M. now i-untilui,* in Xew York hi seven different. I beat res at. 50c. 7ii«, 51.0(1; our prices 2:.v jind war lax, -Tlii' Sht-ilv." go. itev, G, .11. Young'performod a mar age eeremony Thursday night at. th Whcii Did You I Although there ' is ci mwl sleighing on mnst. ol he liornuph, tlieni nm vi cen. .In fact. a.sleigh is- ,. . rare object in fhis Hem ion. Last fairly good ..sleighs'^were sold * twenty-live Venls ;>.<• (he furni lo have .1. See ii Sleigh'.' opportunity for t. of (he. si reels t.f • verv few tdeielis •Ming tit be win- Miss vSarah Ann Wiisc". daughter uf ThouiaH Wilson, both of Lelmnun. Ale. and Airs. .Henry Mmlera, fif AViishinplnti, were witnesses'to th Ueh'leiu's Kaumns lVatuit ltrlflle. " 1 "'"" '—d for this week only, Sf teiition given to all work and witisfac- lli»-|'l*y hnlnllow Cln'ss. Afternoon, -lanuary 28ili. at irarhttt's .Electrical Shop l^iK'tiit-rr's Nurniw I'^capi*. ]•'. '\Y. [•'link, of Pnlersnn, an onghu'cr DIV the Ija.cknwannn Jiiiilroad, mot. willi nn accident Saturday awhile "in tho Washington yintl. Mr had his htinU'on the throttle ;IIH! k-anod mil nf tin? <>nh an ho vuverfed the engine. In so doing his head struck 'a car on ihe it track ami hr. received Hmrhirimrntn^iieTviHnaTiiivi l e i i pun.vl from the car. Dr. F. .1. La- ]{inw look .several stitches to close the gush In his head. Prijik Iodine hut Will Recover. Two of the ehiidr,.-u-(iL' Mr. and .Mrs. Alexander \Yardenck of Oxford were near deaLh Snnd;iy, when they drank a small amount of iodine, while playing in the kiichen. They werp Keman, aged '' . Ibrne ywirs. and Alexander, two yenrs. Tin: mother was at,.c!'iirch and. tho fiiMicr way'sleeping in'.another part'oC '• the hoiiM\- but was awakened by tho •trying or the- children. Dr. F. J. La- Ulew ofWiishingLiin ailniinistered medi- cal aid and the promptness in gottinff •thf; physician to the home prevented serious results. ' -ht "I»II>.V i«"iii "SfTviics 'at Ainicrsoif\ Sovei-al of tin- members of the Y. M, C. A. nf Washington had charge of tin servie.t- Sunday night in the Andoramv M. 10.Church. They were Alton Heattj'i Ellsworth W'yc.knff and Malcolm Wantil- Ing. all "f whom gave inturesllng talks. M-ilhur Davis, with comet and Pniuklln', Ackorson. with claironet, aswistcd lh« (li-giinist. Mr;;. BercUugh o'f Washington! II was a: service that proved most In.* (cresting 1o,the large (lotigregatioti: Wiwliiiiffloii A. MltK. Cluiruli There will be a'-utifirlei'ly mcetlna Sunday at tlie 1 Mt,' 1'i.sgrih A. M. -E« chin-ch. XJOVO feast at 10 n. m. Preaching nt 11 o'clock by'Rev. S. L." Strgls, Presifllns ISlder of the NewjirlC Dislricl.'i 1I» will iil.su preach al 3 p. m. At 7.-15 lliere will be preaching by vin- iting pnstors. Rev. Adotphus WIHtf, the pastor, will also participate in tba The I'liilailelpliia Dental Rooms, 2H K." _ml street. lCuslon,. I'a.. anunuiu< * subslantiiil loiluclion on all bridgo and plate, work 1-1!)-It . Rcbekahs HILVO Itig Class Initiation. i: Warren Kebeltah Lddgo had a. 1 special' altraction liusL night in Odd Fellow) Hall when a class of nearly thirty 1 cart-* didates was initiated. Some of Uu:n-J< wore, from Oxford mid Hneltettttowiii ThOiVO was- EI large attendancq oE' mein- hcrsf.and u social-hour, with ' refrcfiJw. nients, followed the IHIHIIIOHH SOUHIOD,

THE WASHINGTON STAR · • passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tt i twelve the number of cornrni

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Page 1: THE WASHINGTON STAR · • passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tt i twelve the number of cornrni

20,000 PEOPLEread this paper every week. Largercirculation than all other papers incounty combined. THE WASHINGTON STAR TWoSectian^


Turko Guilty;First Degree

Will Ask CountyTo Take Over Street

Many New Bills;Nugent Rejected

Edwards' No'minee Beaten17 ito 3; Legislature .;

Meets Monday.Hoth houses of the Legislature ad-

journed .Monday night to next .Mondaynigilt.

Two bill* mid a Joint resolution werepo-'iacci by the House be I ore it ijuit forihu week. Tlie first measure tu gothrough was House 5. 11 provides fortiie repeal of an act panned In I'.t-Ocreating ihe First Judicial DJNtrictCourt In Cainden County. The bill wax

• passed by u party vute of -15 to 10.'the. second bill to gel liirough tin:

House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimicigtil tti twelve the number of cornrnitee elurks in the House. .Minority Leaicr Grade objected tu ha passage on tliground thai the clerks are not ncedeand tliat they would add approximate).$1,400 tu the expense of the l-A'Kifdauirat the time when the.policy la to hoidown costs.

"We want more clcrk.s hcciiuye wcan't find the cleric* xvv have now," sailMr. Het-Mhfield, and the lull Wentlirougli.

Tlie Joint lUHOlution was by Mr. i'ir-r•sou of L'ulun and provide;! lor the uppointtneiit <if a uon-pai-tiwiu cViniitiission to rei.se tilt: law fixing the nicinherahip uf political county committee*

< At a conference the House ltepuhj<cans decided to a.ik Attorney (ieneraAlcCtiiii for an opinion to det.-rmin<whclher the bill iff. Assemblyman I'owellof liurllngtoii providing for the retire*inent of the present National'dini-d anthe creation of a IIMV brigade would 1in eouflict with the .state ConKtftutiuiiv ihe federal regulations.

Th.- House adopted a new ivsolutioby .Mr. Piersun calling upon tiie I'ubliI'tilitlrs CommlHyfou for data (-om-et-n-ing utilities of the .State.

Assemblyman Lyons of .Middlesex in-troduced his resolution fr>r an investi-gation of the insurance eonipanie.ilicensed (o transact business in ihuHtutri and It was referred to the Judici-ary committee.

Another investigation would be in-augurated by the Legislature under aresolution presented by Assembly man(•em-ge of Hudson. Thi;; provides (Wa eoniniilti-" to be composed of threemembers or [he SVnaty and live As-scinl'Iymen HI look into the p'-i<vscharged for meat at .wholesale ami re-tail. The resolution carries an appro-nrlallfin of ?IU,(>()|) for the expenses ofIhe cxmmiltrc,

Tin; equal rights for women n-.sohition of, -Mrn. Margaret It. Laird of (•:>.Hex was reported out or cummlttrc anis ready for action by the House. ThHouse adopted an amendment clarifyhit- tlie title of the resolution, whirprovides for tlie appointment of a committen to prepare hills removing disadvantages lo women and to ef|imliz<* Ih

•rights ot.-tlie-two Kf-xeS.The1 joint meeting of the LcKislatun

for the selection of :i stall- treasureand comniLsMoners of deeds will he het«in tiie Assembly chamber next Tuesday at'no6ii.~"U-iManfT. Keml of Camdun is minted for re-election ita treasurer. '-• ~

Hills introduced in the Hnuse .Mon-day night included one by Air. Pirrxmestablishing a method of commercial nr-*•'* nd is the uniform act.

I Mail Itridt'f Over Itnllroiicl at iirvMeailow.s'.

The Wan-en County Hoard %,{ l-'n-holders met yentei'tlay nt tireat Medoww with Chiu'lcM Ti'inpvrly. Ihv t'UKncer of (IIIM division of tlie State HIKIIwny Departiiietit. It Is pldinitd to doaway with a daiiKfioiiK «rade CI-OSHIDF;at that place. The plan is tu liuve iluicfui' ttVrr Ific tnteks of the LHiiKhA Hudson ftallroitd, beKhllifiiK at tpoint near th<» rreatin'ry. It ta notthoiJKhl it will be iH'ivKHary to maloany Kreat chttugeK In the vimrnv of tin


Bad Fire WasNarrowly Averted

Hydrants Frozen; WaterPressure Low;

About $1,500.

ommended by the American Bar Asso-ciation.

Tho Semite concurred In Ihe Housiresolution of last week lauding prestdent Harding for his efforts towanmaking the' Disarmament Conferenc,at Washington successful. There., wa:

Senator White reported out of tinjudiciary committee favorably his billlo increase the license fee on hwiwmotor trucks to a maximum of J270.Tho bill of Senator Allen (["lining Iocream and fixing penalties for vlolatiotof the requirements of maunfaetU'twas also reported out of committee.These bills take first position on OKSenate calendar.1 (.Senator Whitney'sbill creating a state budget, director atan annual salary of $2,500 was reportedout Just before adjournment.

Tho upper house so far has passed no•bills.- Sixty-seven have been intro-duced.

Senator Roberts of Utirllnpton intro-duced a Joint resolution having theState accept the provisions of the Fed-eral act for promoting the welfare andhygiene of maternity and infancy.

Persons maintaining places wherestatutory offenses nre committed aredesignated as disorderly persons in :ibill huriiiluci'd' by Remior AVnlhvm-th.Semite G1 by Mr. Simpson exempts realestate imprnvenionts m:iu> before lflUafor a period of live years. A com-panion'bill exempts newly constructedindustrial phinis for a like period.Both of these hills were referred lo thecommittee on taxation.

Hills adding to the Stale HighwsySystem were: Senate Xo. ;"1 by- Whit;nVy. ad:ling tu Hour's, Xo, Ifi an ex- jtension from Morris town u.>.._Trenton..|

:~v|a •.iiprnnrdsvlllc* Somcrvitii' and '1>II

With the ihi.-rmoineter near the zemark, the firemen Were called oshortly utter six o'cluek Alnnday nmriiiny. The zero weather semed to li!Ma bad effect all around. Tll<r whistle ;the electric light plant sounded us Ifhad a eolil. It whee^d like a P>-nsi

. talk when lie had a cold. Tlbell nl*r> did not seem to carry tl

far or loud, alllmugh .I.wpClim.., tin.> speclnl policeman, was puling It a.s banl as IK- could. 1was no fault of thu polleeumn thutiie bell did noL ring as loiid as il dimi a warmer day. The wejillier was n-^pon^tble and th'- bell was also "fro/nit." When the llri-ineii arrived at Hi•ci'iie of tlie lire, the barn in the mi>!' the property i.cetipliil by Douglastunclark ;tltd owned by .Mrs. .Mai"'etty. widow of Robert M. Petty, Onj.'irn was all ablaze.

There Is. a Itydntnl in front of tli.louse, but this was frozen and the truel.lieu went further up the hill lo tin-hydrant in front of the home of A. Hflarle. Here too the frost )i;nl r.itcl

torn of (he hydrant and Icoiilil (im start • the How .JUit with tiii'i-e iii'-n straining

-very muscle the water was finallyirnud on. Then tin- pressure W.-MKind t(i be toy low to be of beli'-'it

ind it was lint until tlie nut>i-trin.k waxiiunected with the hydruit and begaiflimping that tin.- Mrcnm \V;IK MU-II ttcit

made any effect upon the lire, whichas (|ui(-kly I'Mlncnisheil. Il is nonoun how the l.ksze origiuaN-fl.The tire wns discovered by Win. <:.

acey, a uetgiibnr. and abrnil lln- s;iim-me by John V. Hi-hauip, an eiiHlri'-'-r atii' silk hosiery factory, ll-.th reaeliedie scene about Hie same lime. Si-hamp

being a member of tlie lire d«p;irtmeiit

When the Ibimes \wvr ilrst t»:vt\ tilt.'.;,appi-ared to be in the ujip'r part of tli"barn, where there are room* I hat wenmice used lor living (piarters. and forthat reason it is tliutight that trampsm:ty hiive slept in tin- barn over nightmid caused 'IH- lire. Some of the ineighbors remember iiavinw heard ImiiscM diirini; the night sotindint; ILS ttpf'rsons were walking on the u-U'it a,the snow. It is thought tliat tramp.-,were then «oing down the lane nnti-ticking shelter in a bant and tiually.'iilered tho Petty barn.

Mrs. I'uiiclark run to the barn whenshe was notified of Hie tire and inadt-,-fforts to get out the automobile thruwas stored far the winter. The machine

jacked up and had not been In u*<-of ln(.\ Tiie sliding door -stuck, andwhen .Mrs. IJuucIark gave it a kick ittoppled over nn her. But. she escapedinjury. The Inss is itbutit $1,500.

Mr. liunelark left home Just, a sliortwhile before the tire wu.s discoverd

j lurniylilngs f;S,00O. . The terms of ibroe

Quick Verdict of Murder in j 5 S Vf ii'VhSS "n"' ' S^JZiSilk Robbery Killing 1 u'- Ir- A*flir"

Near Newton.Tony Tiuko. I be tender of the Itiiliau

>:tndits who for yi'iiw i>ast have terror- j/.e«l citizeiiM. towns imil tlm entire |..ountryside for mik-n around in cimtern iI'cnn.sylvanla and WVntern N«-w .lei-!i-y, Wits eonvieted late Tiles lay afler-!

,.oon at Xewton of tlrst di-Krcn mtinier. Jlie had shot and killed Albert K'osl.-r i•it Cut Swamp. Sussex County, on June. )Jl. Th verdict of the Jury carried with <It no recommendation for mvrey andTm-Uo win •thf.j-efcre. be c:::c;r.L-cU todie In the electric chair at Trenton for!hi* crime. Justice Minium will pro-

mce sentence ihe next time he holds

orFarmers Wives

..,*,. ... ...vtibt.- tuv <"-AI Hint' ne noios-. at Xewton, which il In' t ho t i f t

will not be within the next two weeks.Turfeo nearly collapsud after being re-turned to Ills o'll. His knet.-s sankunder him and tlie jailei^cauglu him Intime, when he naw his condition. After

„ Next . _Plan For Meetings of

Dairymen.Women oi uif county have fn'»>n I

...itching th«« j»apets for th.; sche.hileof clothing and jnilliiu-ry meetings be-ing arranged for .Mrs. C;i.theHue tJrieb-el. clothing specialist, of the Xew Jer-sey .State Coll-g'! or AgricultureThese meetings will be held on Wed-nesday, I'Ybruary I si. a.s follows:

Viiil—(at homo of Win. A. McCain)1 n a" Hliarp., ,..., ui »wii. -v. .Mccain)

iimt-, when he saw hix condition. After at ft.110 sliarp.learning tliat nn date had been set for Hacicettstown (High Selmol at I..'JOhis execution the cowardly assassin ,v- .simrp. 1

IIIH nerve In a inwiMiiiv. but 1 Su-warlsvllle (Odd I-Vllows Hallj at IHO Mluirii.iileh in

i Sus

liassed a restless night.Then- lias In en almost ;

tci'i-.st in Warren county .v-. m nu.w,\ [ .limy, ovi'r the trial of ihe gang of t

silk truck robbers and alleged nuirdet- | n)-rs in Xewl'jn this week. I'ldsecutor S.O. Smith, Jr.. of XVarren C' ., has " uassisting 1'roH. x'stnlSlaiconi in therial of tlie t:;i.s.-u. Arravtd ;iKaiust then-oi.ecutt,rs werir some of the best legal:aleitt In the .Stale. Tony Turku ofKaston was ih.st plm-eil ou 'trial,and:he court house at Xewton was fa


cournail W

e ewton was far tonaccommodate ail who desiredthe t ia l W d A MC.. "at'tend "tii'e"tri.'ii.""w!'ird & Me(.;ttiui»

>f Paterson were Ilrst announced to de-fend ttu- ganster and when the trialnd ttu

'gan thnter and when tin-re Man assisted by (Je

I ' t

w i l ? b e i e r wbegin strictly on Utiu-.•tings Mr, C.vlvW-l will p

Ut imeetin

. the-m h


plans and organic groups who vvl.to take her ht.«tnt<uiou which in fiof charge. K very one Is welcome Ithis meeting. Come ;uul bring u neiyl

Tlie Dairy 1'roject Committee holan iutoresilng meeting with Stanleiioherts, Dulry Specialist, X. J. Stat

e of Agricultu d h

. also of Paterson, and Mark Wolff,lawyer of promin-nc.' in the criminal

ourtM of X.-W Voik. U'iliiatn A. Uuliui,former Prosecutor of Sussex eounty,

.lid Kclverl. Kos-.i-ians of lilairstownwere al."ti adtlcd to the list at the lastnliititi-.

Xo time was lost in. getting the juryid tiie trinl was ready for evblf-netj.t lirsi tlie lawverx- .tried to bringehnicalities into aid in rleuriiur Turko.

"hey mad'' mil- lluv after llaw. butiild uol itiiike tli(-ni stand to Ihe s;<i-

<fiii!tioii 'it Jusijce ,|. |-\ Minlurii ;ind- eiiM- w.is loft I" "Videnee that Tiirkod shot down Albert Koster in eolilKid on lhal June inorniuk' tliat. tlieut: held up the silk truck in o u

iwiinip.The .SUili; had plenty ul* evidence

igainsl the luader uf tiie gang. John"erlo and JMc.CIrelly, two niemlwrs ofIU gang, told how the leader had shoL

• down hi cold Ijtofifl and never:avo him a chance lo tell why hi-iied to be on that road that June

ntoinioJ,' or |ile:id O.r iiis life. Both tolda strajgiitforward story and gave dam-aging evidence against their formerleader.

LJui the most .damaging evidence ofall w;us given by KUIJIIIH' Schrivouo, amember nf ihe Itnlum squmi of iheXew York police department. He lindcon*1 to Xewton and was in tlie cell withTurko and it was to him that tlie Ia':»;confessed tiie murder and told all of tiV-details. The defense was tnkfii emu-'l>Ietcty by sui-prib-e by the evidence ofthe detective. Tt was nol known tlm'Turko ha dma'.le such a confession andtiie detective's name hadbeen connected with the

,..-.. ,vho lives about live blockly.frnm Hie borough hall was lookat his watch ut tlie ti.t.ie tin.. WMMIO

:-ted to blow. ' After calling up tintiperaior, in a vain effort to le;trn byjiephono. wiieru the. lii-e was lie put on

>.is overcoat, hat and overshoes anditarted to walk to the lire. Just as liereached t!amill.

borough iiiill:

out and .started " " ;After the llanies


lls citizen, afu-r learning enough par-c-ulars to write Ihis stury. started backnine again. •J.tniklnK :il liis watch i,t•as ti."Ji». Xoi such slow work nn the:irt of tiie tiremen In zero weather,ow"would ynu like tu he a iiivman or.•poner? . ... • ••

not acting in the capacity of :i poIW- ,man at the, time of the visit, to the.;jail, and'us Turko's statement t oh i iwas voluntary, the testimony was projer and must In- admitted.

Th(! detective, emit inning his statemeiit, said that Turko told him (halift and several other men " camo t

iXewton one nighi last smniner rmd thnext morning started for Cat Swamwhere they held up a silk truck.-. Thnight the hand came t'j Xewion the,

(Continued on page 7)

iioherts, Dulry Specialist, X. J. StatuCollege of Agriculture, and the countyagricultural agent, last week. Afletan analysis and discussion, of the sitnation of tlie dairy industry of tli Itcounty it was concluded that, the elim-ination of the low producing e«w anda more economical method of fee-dingnre the biggest needs of tin- dairvmau•With this in mind thi- following program of work was drawn up.

Dairy Improvement and Developmerit Project. Warren County, IH-'L1,committee— Krank Castm-r, leader..Stewartsville; Arthur I'arr. I nidge.vilie; Allen (.:. ViinHnni, [hiim-sburg;Abram II. I-Uee, .Mar.slntro; Xils Swell-yon, Hai'keitstown.

I, iJemonsinilions—:• feeding.*;. l'r;ti-iit:uut,s-.^ judging.". Orgjiiilwitlnn—Co-operale ' with

County IItiystelu l-*rie«lan Ili-'.-cilcrs As-suclatioii, co-opi.-rate with milk mtirk-eting organizations, cti-fjpi'niie' withcalf i;lub orgauization>—1 cow testingassociation.

•1. .Meetings—1^ eommiitiity."i. Campaigns—Introduce 5 pure bred

sires, intncltiee 15 pure bred females,better calf raising, :; accredited herd.f.

I", l-'xiilblts—1 county. I state. .• 7. •Tour.i—1 county wide—U conimuni-

ty-.S, rublk-ity—^ii ui'tick's for county

newspapers.Krank Custnur says, "Xot more milk ;

but more profit; We're producing 'euouyh milk, but it's taking too many"" •" do it.'" i l r . Castner speaks

Borough Council ThinksLocal Taxpayers Should

ATot Hear Burden.Hired and water matters held '.he

.ittentlon of the Common Council atthe nrih meeting of the month Mori-day night. Thix was an adjourned MS-sion- an l another will he held Mondaynighl. There was an executive ses-sion before tlie public meeting Monday

Tin; Ilrst business at the open session•as the reading of an opinion by Kyi-

veater C. .Smith,. .Ir.. in. reuard io t'w*(juiimiuce jirovKlmi; for a bom) Iusu" >o Icovei- the road Improvement* in Kastan:l West Washington avenu«!-v, midpassed the road improvements in Kastand West Washin£;tou avenues, andp:iH-4ed by the Council last year. II<>siiid that it contained irregularities,and fu its present firm, was HlehMl.H«- advised amendments and,that it In:taken up in proper form at Hit- 1-Vb.ruary meeting. The borough lias noregular attorney anil It was decided toemploy Mr. Smith to draw up the jamendment**. The clerk was also in-1strm I'd' In uotifv tli" Hudson Cnn 'tnietim; Company, which im* tho ,-_,,i\tract'for tin- improvements, thai p»ynient will be made a.s soon a* this catbe legally done. There is abniit $jn,(ion due tlie firm, according to the runtract.

UVA. A. ITcm-nii-fl WMIi Jtnillu Teleptioiu-.

The W'J'Hlilngton JVircelain Companyha» prciu-nted lhr> Wn^hington AthleticAssociation with ,i I'adlo, Telephone-yHtini. It Is cxuectetl to be installed

, and ready for UWF the Hivi lima on tin;night uf Washington's ISirthd<i>. avhenthe entertainment committee will havea card party as nn added attraction.Tliif radio Hystem i« one of the greatestwonders of the age and t!i" local asso-ciation .-tppreHatcs the, line s;lft of ther'on-elaln Company.

Harding WouldHelp Farmers

Submits Plans: Says NationiMust Help or Suffer


Freeholders Adopjt _"" ,$411,084;Su|eJ|

• — : . -•• . '••,•• . - • - i - m s i

Work of Board Praised B^3Kilpatrick; No Objections ;-

To Budget. :^TJiu budget for 1022 was adopted '

:il a HptcittI meeting held at Belvidoro, r.Monday by the Bnard of Frcoholdars,;}There was no objection to uny part ot--,the budget. Ir ralln for an expend!*ture of HJl.iiSi.rr,. o

f. Which J325.704.35-n . v i l l o n . - .;-•• 1.'.jM.'tlons tho Board'1"1.thv work.L Edward

m Common.. counc:i stated he wntt"f-uitend.'iir:>.. i*f•imciJiIli' to congratu-'i

Uchalt o£ Hacketta-,/

tun* ofIH to be

Insteadreceived j

raet.Couiiellmaii I*. C. La

some length about thnim; talkt<l atonditions thati

s e ngth about the conditionshe thought ought \n In- improved as aresult nf the lire ..ally Monday iilonrfns on upper I "road street and nearhis home. lie thought there Is Inade-quate lire protection for that section,ilt* wanted a special committee ap-pointed to wait liprm the Water eom-

In opening the Xatfatial AgriculturalCon ft .-ieuet' at Washington MondayI'resident Jlatdlng outlined u comproiifiisive program i'or ihu meejings andhis luVa of what should be done to irH'-t"the KHIII reality of tile pn-SL-ut crisisIn jigrli-ultui,.." Ih did not mime witnUin iitiuoiinciug that if the nation failst» aid the faruiiTs it will "ptedpatate adisaster tluit will affect t:\wry industryand eoinim-riial activity." There were.J-Tj Iciid-r.s of agriculture pn-Hent andto tlu-.st.. J'ri'sid.'iit Harding made .sevenspe.-itle ii'comm<-ndritioux. Tli^y were:

1. ICxti-n.slon of fiirmers co-operativuniarkftiug orguulxjitions. Harding In-dorsed Indirei.-tiy legislation now peixl-


n .uitenlate the- LL.town.

Tho townapplieatio:i :ODU for thu ileading fromlion of the

the stat

d r s ding In CIMIKI

ganiuitiotiK fnexempt

-rlciiiK „of th.

from experience and he goes on tosay, "For tlie past.10 years I have pro-duced about the same amount of milkbui now I gel. it from Just one-half asmany cows." This farmer feels the ef-fects of tht.1 low price of milk, too. buthe's not an worried as some of hisfriend;) about it. "With milk the priceit. is,—and in this territory it's onedollar less per too pounds than Lea-gue, price—I've got cows returning mejusi wit? donar a day net in-ollt." Inconclusion Air. Caslner opines, "just sosoon the dairy farmer scraps the lowproducing row (and UIL- scrub or pocly brca bull as well) will tiie daibusiness attain the level It. should."

;tnti-lrtist laws, \i\niz hchl t -tin- principal harriers in their Kiowtli.

L'. i'rovlsion must be miide for muelieatei- "wurkiuK enpila!" IVJI' the farm-

ers. Means must IK- taken by the «ov-. -nt and private l.usitie.s.H to future

t „„,. , that "lurnover eapital t>]m\l hp Kcner-tarser mains cannot j oiisly .supplied to the farmer and on as-ailroiul. It \vs stated ' ronsonfiblc termx .'IH to olhur hidu-stries."

ire oluht Inches as fur>!> :|- Thu Kovernmcnt muyt jilnco.nKx-cessential and .sclcntlllc informiitfon atthe disposal of i lie farmers ami theirmarketing (trunnization.

•I. To iijrl Loth the farmer and enn-smner measures must be t;ik«n to pn.- jvent violent price Unetiiiillons which re-sult "from tinoi'tfiLiiixed b-i|ili;iz:inl jiru-duetii.ii,."

it. The farmers will be benc'Hted byfur srehitf and wise tran.spnrtatlonpolicies. In (Ills' comiert-Idn the ['resi-dent reroiumended n greater use "f^vatci'M-ays and Hunuesled thi't event-ually nearly all of the railroads of thecountry be elcetrllk'd. Ik' also riskednruusiiij,- ihe in- of l-M.stern i'vptibti-cans by uivlnf,' uiiitualiinl indorwineni

tin: flreat Lakes waterway projectently framed by the luter-nalion:.

Joint Commission, wlik-h wniild enabltoei-an liners to dwek ;it CJre-'K. fjikports.

tj. Tin.' fullest development (if nutionnr.-sotirces tiirnuf?h reclamatiun nf nri'cut-over and swamp land.

7. The nation must obtain a new eoneeption of tho farmer's place "in ousocial and economic scheme." and musrealize thnt the farniT of trnlnv is n••fimblnniinji of the expert scientist, theliusncss* man and the work1*!1.

(Continued on page. 8)

(Jovr. Axes SI.35, Knelt (Saws itHiBarnet and Walters, Hardware. t*n-

on. Siiuare. PhilMpsbni-t:.

CANE AND KKRD WE SELL IT:rei\luink, 1000' ft. ?l.3*i. Medium line,

(hie tine and supor-llno. all the sameprice. Hoed 75c per pound. . Sent byparcel • post colloct. "We pay postage,l&uitoii'f- Oldest ami Most r.cllnblG

. .Furniture Store."••""="'-• j.;astoiv"it'ii]iintturn'" Company" '"

So. 4tti St., a doors from Northampton

iR.XcwTry Abie's ticw-mnice iL'skim

ciilK. SoIdonlyat'Tliorpo'H.pie, 10l-l!l-2t

IIii<-k<:tl*il(>wn HUn'v. Smashes I'i'iccs.•Thei'o'fia no em! lo cut prices. Cost

Is not uuns'dered at Cooke's Depi.Store especially if you arc intnresledin ladies' wlnlei* cQiits, suits, .dresses,furs, hats', . 'unrl winter •umlerweur.Kvory appoariince indicates this storeis Riving th.o most (ixecptlonal valuesgiven anywhere.

'•i Dr. Hess's PouMry I'IMHI-eca.Bur net and Walters, liardwaro, Un

Ion So.tiiir,e, PhilliPHlmrg.

ones 4Ee (jt. This week only uiTi

Ti;y the Norton Washer.Operated, by hand.'.waLoiNand electric

Dr. II. O. Carhart in Accident.Kormi'r i-'i-eeholdi-r ,-\. ):. Cralir .

I'.lair-stown wa.s s!ii,'ht.!v Injured .MondaniKht when Dr. H. O. Curlitirt. the Warren county treasurer, drove his e;n- 11ILthe Kates at the Miuislleld street erns.siny in Melvidero. The pliysieiun faileto see that the Kales were down. IIwas watching an engine ihiit wti.s drillhiK a short dislanee.jlinvn the.track jiiul

:"iu"iiie (iiiriiness 'failed lo ' see" the' Kale1:Dr. Carhiirt wan IIUI injured, but .\lOraiif's face'was etil by Klass from ih.windshield. .Mrs. Ciirhari was killed inan automubilo aceideiit at Vaii sever::years afc'tt.

Cotiniy League. I'or nniiterdini. -.A baseball league has been funned ir

Hunlerdon eotinly. wilii Mayor ['"oranpresident; Oscar Hilton house, Clinton,vice president; C. AValkei:. Ijambert-ville, .secretary and li'easuVer. HarryI1. Hnyder^of I Ugh Urid«e is tite com-mittee' ti; select four mnpii-es. TheleaRtie will start with six clubs--Lam-berlville, l-'lernlnnton. C!int(iii,_French::trMvri;".Mi'u>1u,r"Hiiu i-UKlPi-'ridtieV'^tilen'(iarduer desired to ho represented, butihe fttilure nf Stockton lo enter lenyiiemador the limit .six clubs. Clcn (."ni-d-

••ill stand ready tu till any vacancy

!Itaiiil)o\v Cliuss, I'l'ehliyieriiiii -.Sunday Hchool will hold Hake Kale atAlarlatt's Electrical Shop Ihis Hmurduyafternoon. " Itp

: Hake Nulc.IV Marlatt's Klccirieal 'Simp this Sat-trday afternnnn. .Ralnhuw Class. Itp

I!lack lleauiy al Atiilttnritinivomurrow evening' al. 7.;iO. This be-

loved classic uf childhood will,,be.pre-sent od in four reels of moving pic-tures. 'Silver olteriiiK al. tho door. It

ItiiUo Sale at ft and 10 Cent .ifnroi ,.i IV-IVMHS. y. "lU v^« !ii;^vpw" "-" i2" i» Bis • •-iTiveTnie, "tin's Siitui-day-^Ci'ullofs, Rolls1 and CakcH. • i»

(JriiiiiHl UOK C'miM! Oiu Early.There ..is a. mailcarricr in Wnrrei

county who would like io know wiiat imeiinji when a tfroundlioff uoiiu-s out oits hole "it .Jan. 19, just, two week:-earlier than his scheduled'appearance.Clark Wilkinson is the government, cmpioycL' wini propounds tne tjiiestion UIKwill yive thanks U> tiie person who wilanswer the query. .

Last week Clark was delivering maialoiiK1 tlio buck mad frnm Ciiange-wfi.ler lo Hampton when lie saw ;:.irrniindhoi:- that.had left .itw^mii;- »-in-ier's "(|Vi!iriers and was sunning Itself,by the side of ihe vosid. When he s;n\the animal he thought he was mistakei.and that it was some other kind of aci-eiiture. To make sure he allpliietfrom his mail WJIKOII and took his wliiiand stirred liie bunch of em-led material.l-'von then at first iudid nut. show inm-hactivity, •but flnnlly';it was anmsed hythe KX'iitle. strokes of the wiiip and be-

la play like" a kitten. It would liftpaw and then\another and try lo

catch the whip. Tt coj'iirnieu to showthis friendly spirit and Kniduulty awak-ened into full ncttvit.vvwlien It suddenlysuauipered ncros.4 the snow coveredfields. M

.'t""iiGVf-i'-"ncc"^"od:-'{n--iIiP-".niriJ!crirrif-i*... ask the grnundhoK why he was outin MK-It weather, when he was supposedlo hibernale for two more weeks, liealso roKrets thai | l t , did not brliif? theniinml home with him. I'til, lie says'What's the nns\ver7"

Tires—Chains—Tubes.RruuKwiek and Hood Tiros both con!

ind. fabric. :U)x:ii{; .Brunswick JK'.OS.Mx'.lVi Ilood JIudhook Tread Oversize$15.iitt. Ollifii- sii-.es aceimlinsly corn-are Km talent Ilood price reductions•Ith other lists,Ciot Iho opinion of Hood uxov* and

ink over their records. '•* -1 lui.vi; some unusual tire values in

30x3; •t()x1*i£ and :i)X'l. Slop hi and seeIhetn. |,

WeedjfeliHin.s- jmd radialorradiaT C. LAXNT

,11! Bplvidereii


Smith's Opcniiifr Horsn Sulo for 1(132.on Thurstlay. Fi-b. 2nd, at my stablesat Asbury, connisting of farm chunks,

On"ii'n'i!s:;'5ciitiicr"iiii,vs"'i*a.rrtiPr*S "~IilkTesis

The well-known electrical contract-ing \]ym uf Rluifur &. Kc.luder is nowunder the; control and management: nfCharles Scliuler. Your

Mrs. Daniel SpansenlitTK.-Mrs. Khsyibetii Uuii'ord .ypangc-nberg,

iJ years uld. wn'u ui. Uaniei Spangeu-bcrg, died shortly bei'ofu iioon Tueadnyat her home l"i- KasL WashingUin ave-nue Sho iiad been cuuruu->d to her bed

eeks, from Urlght's Disease.clovenI pour fur .sevenhealth had bee-J u a i ' H , l .Ul .-.lit; With Jl i ' lv n . •) ': U I I L i l lvarious times and was able tu attcmlchurch hist fall and alsu to attend thefuneral •services of her daughter, Dr.Carrie Walker, who died in iiover fourmonths ami.

Jlrs. SiHirtgciibura: was a daughter of.lie lulu Wiuiam (.;. Dulford and waslorn in Oernmn \'alk*y. but nearly tilller life wa:: spent in Washington, tjh,.,vas married lu Air. SpunyeitherK: •!" ..•curs iiSp. llesides her husband .slit- is jsurvived hy twii sons. V>\: Daniel Spau-.a'lilierjr of linKiklyn and (Jr. HarrySpanKL-nbL'i-g of i-'nrreat Hills, LonsIsland. Alsij by two sU-p-dau^hters.

. .. i'. .1. KeUel and "Mrs. ( i fow Altit-tison of Washington. Tlicsc IIL-U'-SIS-...« also .sui-vlve—"Airs. C. Ii. l-'ord andthe Hisses Carullne and Aiary Dufford

: Washiiib'ion and Mrs. Alice Kibble:. Q ; i o c : : : ; i , o - \ . . - - - • • * • : • •

.Mrs. Spang;e.libertr was netivc inchurch work ami also in ihe W, C. T. I".•ircles. She had been 'president of tinsocul union for iiun-e tlian thirty yu»r«Did held the poskinn ill the lime of herlealli. She was als.i County I'l-esiik-m.'or more than twenty-five years am!wiicn ctimpelled te jfivn U]f the ufllco.

vimr to her health, she wns electedmorary I're.sldont aiKl.coniiniH'd with

that hornn-. She also tt'uiK tr a eiiiss of, oupf? women in tin- .McllnKlisi Sundaysc-hoiil until her health failed. She wasa member of the Ladies' Sncinl Circleind also active in that society in thelays when she was in Kf'd health.1

The funeral services jyill be hold . m'o:cii.ick":-'Fri(iayLJ"afteni')i)ri ai.- tii'e liiir>--•me. Rev. A. R ArmstrniiK- will nfli-

:iato :i.nd burifit wilt be in tlie Wnsh-li(?tou ceinotery.

.. itiiirojui ami fo'iir ineli "mains 1yond

Dr." La mi I rt M objected to a s-p','clI'oinmittei. iintl thoiiifhl that the r«tf

..n; eonuiilttee had been it;noriand tliat ihe report should have eon

n that committee. The mcinbe!ili.-it committee iim Afcssrs. Kc.-!u

. .- and Ur. J^uiiiinir. Inasmuch .-Mr. ICi-ke! Is in Florida Dr. LauniiiIhouulit tliat. .Mr. licit should ha\'n-otiKlH up Ihe subject. When tl:;otc was taken liter" were three aye.Uew-i*. iiell, l'"oree and I'. t\ Launiiiind two nays. Dr. LanniiiL; and AlMeeker. Dr lianniuLr aiiuouiieed Ih;Lh« inuliun was lost ami the Mayoihereupon referred the matter to tlIre committee. Persons In the and•lice smiled at the motion bein^ decla•tl hist. The regular quorum in transet business is four and a. majority o. quorum Es required on resolutionsrXiJi-pt ill the i-its-i of oi-iliiianees ainjmi' uther matters, when it requiremajority vute of the council.There, was also discussion about roai

vork ami the Council thinks the tinu•Ipe for tlie county to take, ove

Broad'sreet and ]3elvidere avenue. Aso io take some ;ie,tion in royard to tliBelvldere nvunuu canal l;ridSe. TinState will be asked to repair Van man,and Railroad avenues. Therefore, nesMonday nisht there- will be anothc.nieetinic.and the Council, as a commit-tee of tile whole, will prepare rcsolutlons riitiuestiiiijf the Board of Freehold-ers to ask thu county to take over themain highway from the borough linesin upper Broad street to the boroughline near the cross• roads, north n*Washington; "Also to have action takon looking towards having; the canacompany lower and straighten the Belvidere avenue bridge. Tiie resolutiom.will include uh'king ihe HtatL' to repairtlie. two avenues which were worn outlast year during the detour when theroad work was being done on East andWest Washington avenues.

A resolution was adopted fixing, .thepay oi the special police and also thoemployes .on tlie street and tfewer plant.Tho rate will be fifty cents an hour forthe polico and .''ii cents an hour forall other borough employes on streeta v . d > : e \ v ' - - ! - . •. • . • ; - . • • •: •- • • • • • . " '

In the absence nf l^dwnrd It.'Kutz,chief oi! tho lire department, who rana nail into his foot at the Petty barnruins Monday afternoon, when the fire*men were called back to pour morewater on tho ruins, Vcrnon Oakes. theforeman- reported that the firemenfound eight frozen hydram* on an in-spection tour Monday, after the oneiViis discovered frozen when needed attin-- early morning fire.'He recommend-t-tl that iho horotig'Ii purchase an elec-trical apparatus to be attached to thetruck and which ean imickly thaw outany frozen hydrant. The fire commit-tee will took into the matter.

Councilman Jlcll made inquiry aboutwhat was heins;1 done in regard-to tlio.resolution adopted, some mouthy, agoro place gates in the Shahbecong Creekiv.v.l v,::^ihc- stream 'n 'tmy- firn.;tHt>mo."Theri: was some doubt as to whetherthe Board of Freeholders would imtluive to give permission to allow thogates to he cons true Led and planed inposition in the stream.

It was repmted that menv than $10..IHIO was in the sewer sinkini;' I'tmd and$700 in a special sinking fund. In re-gard to the vacancy in the 1-Joaril oEIleullh, Alayoi- Robertson iinnoiineedthai, the Child Welfare League had re-- steel thai, one or two won

"imicH ol Belvldoro mado'••i- the appropriation of $1,-.:Ujrovcment of the strecto1

the Manstlcld street.ata- ,chlgjt & Hudson Hallway;,1

~ higlnvny to Hackotts-town. a point known na Butler's]'ridge. Tlie strocl: In question aro •iihtmt two miles long, Tho town-has -:

•alr.ady appropriated 51,000 towurtl thlaW(,rk. ,..-..

Annauncement was made that tho :

j;tiil expected to tv nV(» official nottcofrom thu Slate Highway Department •that the Morris turnpike was operafrom i'hilllpsburg to Port Coldcn. This1"announcement haw been delayed by thofact that thu UrldRCs'ut LariHon's Cross-ing was not completed. For this reii-MOII no effort a ivur« mado by tho stutato open the road after tho snowstorm .of Jan, 11 and there Was much com-plaint from the. farmers and. others.Instead, tho state opened the dolour,"via Anbury, , i

On i-'eb, 1 the Board will recelvobids for tho construction of Section 3on thf Wn.vhfngton-Buttzvlllc road. A. ',,.dozen or more firms had representa-tives nt the meeting .Monday lookingover the plans and specifications fortiie bridge work over the Lelilgh & .Hudson and tho request Creek atr'uttzviin.' and the completion of thoconcrete road from the White townshipline to the state highway at Buttzvillo.There have been more requests than .iistiiil fur the,plans and specification:',showing an utiUHually large uumbor oteoii'iiiclt-rs are. inleraued and anxloujfor the contract. •

Drafts for $a»,000 were drawn for th* •Work «m tiie ilopc-IJlairatown and Ox-ford-Uutt/.ville roads. . , ^


F R A T E R X A I J NOTES.The new otlicei-.s of American Advotie (Joueil No. (!•!, Sons an'd lJuuyiiten

of J-lljei ty, were installed Tuesdaynight by Past Councilor Airs. RoxieKush, In the absence of tlie deputv, MistUlirtetlna Smith of Phiilipsburj,'.'

There was a special attraction lastI'luirsday night at Starlight Lodge No.12, KniL-hw of. PytlUas. It was a siii-riM! on Elmer S. Thompson, who haseon a.memljiir ut' tiie order twenty-ve years. Grand Chancellor O. II.rntchler. im hehalf of the lodge, pvo-i»nted the Keeper of K.vchcquor withsold tsinlileinatic pin.The new ollicers of Starlight Temple.

•\vthins SLstors, were installed Thurs-llBlit by Mrs. L. M. llurd, the in-.:i# otlicer, assisted, by Mrs,. Price,Great Chief of. Wharton: Grand

"enior, Airs. .Johnston, of Newton, andJi-and Oiiiii-d. Airs. Katherine Motheringif Dover. A social hour, with refrosh-

s. fotlo\v*ed tlie business session.-- .trresi .Council Xu. IG, Jr. 0. Ii. A.

\L, initiated a. class of candidates Mou-ldy niwht. AVlth those in willing theiiomhcrshlp is now p:ts-sing tilt,' iiOOnark. The new form-of initiation wasised at this meeting' and was eutiBid-••ed an itnin-nvenient. •

Oinfra Ilotise Theatre.The Temple of Alotlon Pictures'.

•an and Sanitai-y, Alost L'p-to-DatpTheatre in Northern New Jersey

TO-.\1GHT—Adolpli Zukon prese'ntsChark-K "The

County Parcnt-Tcachcrx' Ncicx.AsHiiciatiun reporters arc requested'to

send their press notices to Mrs. L. E.Hitler, Helvidere, until further notice.I'lease report your 'meeting!1. *

Delaware Park Assocation held ameeting on Jan. IS tit which -the rhil-drcn of tlie various grades rendered an.excellent progrfun. Mrs. Brunner rendnn article on "What the Home Expectsof thofSchODl" and Mr. Johnston, prin-cipal of-the school, tulked onJ'What th-iSchool Expects of the ••Home.'.' Bothwere greatly enjoyed. It was reportedthat J15 had been spont for Christm;i:(Sifts for the pupils and clothing ffh'needy children. .Miss Gordown.won On*1

aluminum salt and paper set prescnUti.by.Airs. VanNorman, . ; :.

Father's Night Is being planned TOL*February when the picture machine re-:cently purchased by the County Super-*intemlent will be used.

Those associations which have not al-ready done so, will please send in tho!mmoB and addresses of their.,-nev.voffi-•:...cers to the county chairman and countj*.secretary so that proper notice can be •'sent them regarding the next countycouncil which will be held In Belvlderethe aecond week of March. Appointyour delegates now. A report - fromeach association will he expected. Besure your State dues of 10 cents forevery paid up member on your roll besent, to Mrs. F. X. Herr. 5 Oak Ave..Moorostown. If that has not been doiio ?/our association does not belong to tho.-ounty council.

Helvidere Parent-Teachers' Assocla- 'ton met Wednesday afternoon. Jan. 25,iviili "Co-operation fiotwecn Home anSSchool on the .Subject nC.-Health" as thetopic of Ihn n]f-;lfi* A numbr f


,vii. . . . .lumber of..;•!• read and discuss-! i=: ration by Jitef'•i-tus for Father1.*!Hi" being completed,• oi til.- Alorris Parklii-l-l on WednesdayAn interesting pro-

that he wready tomeeting.

(.he Hoard o!' Health rinduld hav the appointinciiits

' " '''cbrunry

production,jvcntucKiiin." with Alonte Blue.Paramount pirture.

KJ'IOAV. .Inn. i'7—Thos. H. I nee prsen Is Douglas At ac Lean in "OneMinute." i

HATl'l'lDAY, .Ian 1'S—Selxnlck pro- jsonis Con way Tearfe in "HucK-in!,',,tiieJ.Tiyei1;";'- .Siuib'- •i'i6iiard;'HunsfIiine Kani-'jhiy. V'athe Ntiwa. Orchestra 7.15, 9. '

AIONDAY, .lan.'^O — Metro SuperbSpecial Production, "Hearts ArcTrumps." Cecil KaJeigh's titanicnielo-drania. of love and fascinating intriEjno. Knaeted .by an all-star castJ'tithe Keview; Topics ot (he Uay

Tl'KSDAV, Jan. IM—A l-'irst Xalitinal Picntre, WliKman Tlentu't liresent!1 his pcrsowiitly superviseti prndur-tion with Lionel Kiirrymore in anadaptation of II. I.:. .MarweH'w novel,

topic of 11;splendid nni- Ir.- \od; also •> ,\,:\r.Hughes. AI-IMIU.Night in L-'.j'i-tru-y

Tiie n.:-st in. .-tinAssociation will i>.afternoon. (.•'••'.-. I.-.1gram is ber.u: :.cry..B^t,.

The r w n i i n i I'arent-Teaehers' Asso--^atioii of '''hiiljjisburj? will hold a.Father's Ns^'it reception on Thursday

iK. l*>b. !). Their regular meetini:for January was held last Thursdayevening w.'ts largely auunded and songs:hy the ">th grade pupils riiuKsolos byAflss'Vfira Snyder were niucli^-jnjoyed.tier. C. J. Child wive an int'lrcffUn::

The disposition oi"


Noiiru i(o Iliilmuitenf Taxpayers id"While Township.

The rnllowimr i-esolulion WIIK iitlnpii-tlml approved'by the Township Com-littee nf While; Tie it rettolved, that10 township (iolli:dor, l 'Vi C. Mackey.< insLrueled lo hii.ve publiHtinct in tin*Visiting!on MTAU and the. WarrenMinmlr a notice that, after FebruaryVXJ'2 all dolinquenl. taxes will •ho put.lht> hands of a. eonsl.alile I'or entice-

uu with cosls added aei'ordinit in law.

" : "Ahnaiiaes^Arc^CuruJiiff. • -[••*•:<;•• imr•eadi-rs probably wonder if l!n-y j i ' loase."

"The Devil 's ' Ciarden.'1 '. WKWXKSUAY.

pveseius "Miles tonetnet. .Bathe Xews.

Coming T l l U K S D ,;r :V:'r ' l l : irotrrx,loyd""[i

3—CioldwynArnold Um-

a r c going tu get the STAR'SahniMKti'j; in lime for l!'.:i. Tlie fail is,we sire so busy o n rush Job wnrk tluiiwe s imply have not bail linn' t-> com-plete them. Eve ry th ing luis l.nriiagainsj . us— sickness , rush jobs. o.U'.. but

a r e t ry ing lu get. tlnjin lo you ve'-.v

.OoniiiigH "

r N-uniher,

V. i''cb. 10—"Dccep-

incidenli'Ily, itlm STAR iliis.

• i K I . I

•vvk fi' t i l ( I n

Hon.Coming I1'III DAY, I-Vh.

r's l:'n»iidway success,Wiv.-K."


"TLois Web


j l n g TM1TKSBAV and FRIDAY.1'Vb. J;;-M. now i-untilui,* in Xew Yorkhi seven different. I beat res at. 50c. 7ii«,51.0(1; our prices 2:.v jind war lax,-Tlii ' Sht-ilv."

g o .itev, G, .11. Young'performod a mar

age eeremony Thursday night at. th

Whcii Did You IAlthough the re ' is ci

mwl s le ighing on mnst. olhe liornuph, tl ieni nm vicen. .In fact. a .s leigh is- ,.. r a r e object in fhis Hem ion. Last

fairly good ..sleighs'^were sold* twenty-l ive Venls ;>.<• (he furni

lo have

.1. See ii Sleigh'.'opportuni ty for

t. of (he. si reels t.f• verv few tdeielis

•Ming tit bewin-

Miss vSarah Ann Wiisc". daughte r ufThouiaH Wilson, both of Lelmnun. Ale.a n d Airs. .Henry Mmlera, fif AViishinplnti,were wi tnesses ' to th

Ueh'leiu's Kaumns lVatuit ltrlflle." 1 " ' " " '—d for this week only, Sfteiition given to all work and witisfac-

lli»-|'l*y hnlnllow Cln'ss.

Afternoon, -lanuary 28ili.at irarhttt's .Electrical Shop

l^iK'tiit-rr's Nurniw I'^capi*.]•'. '\Y. [•'link, of Pnlersnn, an onghu'cr

DIV the Ija.cknwannn Jiiiilroad, mot. willinn accident Saturday awhile "in thoWashington yintl. Mr had his htinU'onthe throttle ;IIH! k-anod mil nf tin? <>nhan ho vuverfed the engine. In so doinghis head struck 'a car on ihe ittrack ami hr. received

Hmrhirimrntn^iieTviHnaTiiivil e i i pun.vl from the car. Dr. F. .1. La-]{inw look .several stitches to close thegush In his head.

Prijik Iodine hut Will Recover.Two of the ehiidr,.-u-(iL' Mr. and .Mrs.

Alexander \Yardenck of Oxford werenear deaLh Snnd;iy, when they drank asmall amount of iodine, while playingin the kiichen. They werp Keman, aged '' .Ibrne ywirs. and Alexander, two yenrs.Tin: mother was at,.c!'iirch and. thofiiMicr way'sleeping in'.another part'oC '• •the hoiiM\- but was awakened by tho•trying or the- children. Dr. F. J. La-Ulew ofWiishingLiin ailniinistered medi-cal aid and the promptness in gottinff

•thf; physician to the home preventedserious results. '

-ht "I»II>.V i«"iii "SfTviics 'at Ainicrsoif\Sovei-al of tin- members of the Y. M,

C. A. nf Washington had charge of t inservie.t- Sunday night in the AndoramvM. 10.Church. They were Alton Heattj'iEllsworth W'yc.knff and Malcolm Wantil-Ing. all "f whom gave inturesllng talks.M-ilhur Davis, with comet and Pniuklln',Ackorson. with claironet, aswistcd lh«(li-giinist. Mr;;. BercUugh o'f Washington!II was a: service that proved most In.*(cresting 1o,the large (lotigregatioti:

Wiwliiiiffloii A. MltK. CluiruliThere will be a'-utifirlei'ly mcetlna

Sunday at tlie1 Mt,' 1'i.sgrih A. M. -E«chin-ch. XJOVO feast at 10 n. m.Preaching nt 11 o'clock by'Rev. S. L."S t rg l s , Presifllns ISlder of the NewjirlCDislricl.'i 1I» will iil.su preach al 3 p. m.At 7.-15 lliere will be preaching by vin-iting pnstors. Rev. Adotphus WIHtf,the pastor, will also participate in tba

The I'liilailelpliia Dental Rooms, 2H K."_ml street. lCuslon,. I'a.. anunuiu< *subslantiiil loiluclion on all bridgo andplate, work1-1!)-It

. Rcbekahs HILVO Itig Class Initiation. i :

Warren Kebeltah Lddgo had a.1 special'altraction liusL night in Odd Fellow)Hall when a class of nearly thirty1 cart-*didates was initiated. Some of Uu:n-J<wore, from Oxford mid HneltettttowiiiThOiVO was- EI large attendancq oE' mein-hcrsf.and u social-hour, with ' refrcfiJw.nients, followed the IHIHIIIOHH SOUHIOD,

Page 2: THE WASHINGTON STAR · • passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tt i twelve the number of cornrni



December Pnnl,,1 I'll.,. N s> i'l Vmi l i i i . ,if ( n i l Slrilu

D n 1 r > m . n In tlu t o O i x r i t l i i \ « t > j n ^ Vf,!!',',,^"i,|"t.T,\"i','*',iTit^'i'i|.'iiVVhT

. i n J n n u i i n l n c n n l l f l l t t i n Ii i h u l s " ' , r ' ' , " , " , ' , " " , " , 1 , " ' ' " ' * ! ' " ; , ' , .I n r D t n i n h r m I i , i w > W I , , n , - t l i . i l l 1. .1 r « . V P ' i l . > - " ' » » > ' I l l

lift, I 11X11, 1IH, H .if tlllM I t ls i l l^ Mill l lrnlnlHtrntion \ u u i l u l m t n l U r . >TII IK In foi thr< k in i , , n t mil l in tli>;01 . 10 mllu ran, r in p i l i , - , l i n n™| Ii} o r K i t i l / u l i l t t l lMinn f,,i Him o n t h uf u , , i t i i l u i In M u . , u ,,ili id u l r j HIctlutiH m . n i M i l onK < h I, il lm wun, q iu l i l v nul l til -.nil , 't a n c f lout t l u m i i l u t In n t h , iwor.li* , l n l i \ n i . n In tin l n , i | i i i U KAf^orl t t ion I . M I V K I r,n l l u l i Ii , t nlitt mi lk 14 c u t ' ' if I I I I I I I I .1 i niiii.lm o r e t lu tn t lu l u i i i ) . , >• \< I tiv Hi( i i H a n l m ! p i » l u , . !•< . 1 - i\!i i , I Hi •>ilHTi u n c , i- initliliill 1 1 v 11. i H .1m j i o u n t fit ]IIK>II I in ' ' j i 1) i 'u l i k l t « i < S!T< I " , " • l ii nl ' t

11 iN itilml , , ' I i , i ih n n ' , , l n 'i l i ill i n i l .Min i » I I ! |

I Hi II m i , ' i i l In i ,ni«

•, I I ! Hi i I ni l t I | m i l l i n I h 'i s « n l t in- r a i l n n - uf 111.' ytl-iUi- M i l l '

, a l n : i r i ; v i l • •!!'. .•: m i S m l i i x l i - l u l ,l l t l , I H In tli n i l v, i l l n t l m l

l u l l



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,! T« l i k l i « . .« S l - t l " . " • 1 >i "1 ' t " , , ' ' , , " , r " I ' M'n> l \ m IJ I .1 IT i s vili l ih Hi In in n .' ' " , ' " ' , ' . , , ; iIn t h i s w . t l o n I I i i l l , , , i , ' Ii ' ,', , " „ ,

lnwllllis 1fcrfnc,'.-. liav,' I.,', u , t il , 1 iflpvi-ral u i t n i l l i i , l iy t i n , i " .AMfHictat lul l . T i l , ' ? , ' I ' . l t ' l fo n l \ i n . i n Ii t i , n I i i 1

I IHHtV t • • > • ! II I - l l•lalrymin «r tin- » iItu- wliol..- IMiiMii - I

ThreeFriL'ncrhGenilcnit,'! (,

Mads fe SmftQ'xslmieWe hiv; icy ye;rs c^ur^O to :he ci^iircttc

"-o p

r * t ^ F —\ I

i l l

1 I Kb

t cc


. «

1 Mr >-


Thursday and.Friday,' January 26-


c 5ci pro- -

.'O-sJ'agesuccessUD QY V/1LMAM HIGH


Tom Mix in "THE TEXAN"Charley Chaplin in "A Night in the Show15

ADMISSION—Child en 20c, Adults 30c

l l l i - M' •!)!• i t . 'ii>|><>.«;I1M :WI<I nil x t lwrI. > in i l n o l a! IIK. K i m h t f r r , I'liilllp!'-

. UJ.-.M .h-IK.-Ill!!}.' II> i l> lint m i l

umi-j-M'ii, Ti>wnI . i I mi Ml Ifi I il

SJ . ,


^ J I L M i l I ^ ^ I I I " U t I I I I I K I I I U 1 | , ' " I | l \ ( M \ I I ~ 1 J | | I I I | 1 1 " ' • ' * » » l l l l > • • % I 1 . K M I » > | | l i t - I l L I J I L > ) | I „ , a \ \ , . . . . . . \ . \ . * i l • *

. 11 n 11 I In ni t i t r im ( t u n ilia rH >iti • 11 f i t s m i l i m t H ' ' l l nH * " ' P " M " • i> ' J i t i l e i l t n m lIn . i n n , . i . . .t \ « l . i . n V f . V , i i l l « , M llMiu " " { " , " I , tin Ih M i n n .>r.i u r l t «r f . , l , » l » ,'" •! ' . ' »»» " ' >"t imnnli.lni.iil mm

si'iiViiiii1:,1-,"l1.l.",'rlv,,s""1 ^ :\,,) «'<"< v^^r,!11^,,,r'jrlVi^i:,,,V;,vi1v,,,n!uV\:Vc:i'\^';uuS',^,:,'';',',l,,".r " «;«„ H»IS*H«y."," f; , V . . U I " ! - i, . mil , , , , i , , , , , , , , , , . „ , , , , | U , , „ ,'„ , , , i H , I n l l l . M K , n lo , ,1, m inilili, l > n u l liiuiuil V I I l » ' ." " " " " " " , , . , , u l i l I! I \ l , l / i IIM nu,l , n III « in > lulu. it I !" I nl,ni s , | imi , II,,1,1 l - . b It

« i , v,i"R: b " , , , 1 : ^ •,»::, !«»'-'"•'."' ••"""«.'.'.:. »k."-". M i ; • ' ' " " " " « " . . v i ' / r ' .,"•.. = =" V K ' 5 . 1 „» "•"•'•'•'""'-'v " • -" ' J . sJ . rv . - 'v^ !.".lir.'iirii",iri!17..v'n»ini,"ii.<."A1"»t «•• •-"?» • « « - • > > • " ; - *ni l ! ! i I I . . u . m i w - i , ' " v " • ' '" '<" ">* " ' i ' l v >•«> i> m i l »>» " • ! , . * " ' » < " »•""• ' " • " ' h " M'« l« rftnj lit

No I t ) cut l i nn iif I otir* of ProitniLtl ' l an HUIKL d » In n nuttthwcHt tuuraunloni lilt Mini ii rlv Hhlc of litNl namullot imrttlhl u l lh d m itumul llm onoluinilr<(l f u t ><» W n r n n S t r t t i n fo i i -M I I ) tin me (I) nlonr, tlin t turt lurlyHlih of ttdirin Mtn t i it romlujHt(iin-Ki- Iwt-nty-IK't' tvvi Hi HID |tlac» of

l.'rWftormi'lrt1'""" S" l " " " """IIKII m i i: uiti i ml :m,i Kimcuinr

Hi, ilklil- lirUII,i,-ii. I,, riillfini, ,ilH

anil tiijiiirl.inili, m ttiLrtllnto In IOIILitii. ,n In au»ui». iiTipirtnlnUttr

1 I ,,l ni lit. luoinrlt ut tlic ikt ti Mll f Il l l

i i ! < ) <t >1 I i . I n j . i n i i I . i h i U i t r n v i l t l i K 1 • ( i t i< i • i | u i < 1 1 o f 1 I I K I

i i t i i t i l < i n i l l i i h i I M i . l t 1 1 7 o l l n " ' i • i m m l x t i h i i > I n i f t t r )> u l f i u l i t Ui l ' I < - I I 1 I M < 1 s i t u u t I M n j , m i l 1 i t h i n i t t


l i

r I i I H

{ , „ , ,lv i n III


it Hi I nl n ^ in ii l i l t Iniv\ n r i H ' i i » i i n n w n i t ii ( <

i t l . ] | o | -III! II 111 (Mill . f i l l

I " ' • • • ' • " ' ' ' ' • > "

l I!>>M \ ^

1 a t , ii, , . „ .,,,1i Wi t tit In,.t of Hi i l . M i lnmi> l l [nu i t i l l !


i u i i ii f-i II i r1 I lilh) 1

• *** W i l M l [ H * I \ | U M t MI . h l n n l t i h it a p . l i u o n It . n o i t t i .

x H\ r « i l i . n M l . M a tin ^..tltlit [ . n i . l t f lot .% , . | I . . , . , , „.„

i tvt ' t .in phu t of I'r'ifiu-ot P l a nU i u u i t i l In i n i n t i i tMt n iir--* i l ml h l M»»l l i t i l \ flii. of -iilil lust n uiiL.l

, „ „ „ , |lllIl(hL, fMl ttl , tlvinU fml»1 l i \ Hi. in . ( ) in i i iurt l iw. »t *«iiir«o tMunj, s i i . t U l i \ p i n l M with ttirnn

; .^trr.-t a r u m s a l i l , twonty- l iv . - r<i-t u» lot

(CREATING the harmonious home atmos-phere is something far more than the

assembling of Furniture sufficient for tlieuses of the various rooms. Those interiorsmust be lived with day after day, perhapsyear after year, so —livable quality andenduring charm are first requirements offurnishings. •

The' February Sale of Furniture is a significantevent. It presents entire suites and individual pieces.Living- Eoom pieces with rich upholstery and dark glow-ing woods. Dining Room suites of innate refinementand intrinsic worth. Occasional Chairs and Individualpieces for all rooms designed with distinction and beau-tifully effective when properly placed.

February Sale prices tell a story of an opportunityimportant-in its possibilities for economies.

Living Room SuitesDining Room Suites

Bed Room SuitesHall Furniture

Library FurnitureIndividual Pieces

E a s t o n, Pen n s y Ivan i a

. ~ f

Page 3: THE WASHINGTON STAR · • passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tt i twelve the number of cornrni


UMtMOMMl* \UkUHl Dut tui \ 1rtltt.il

tlnm,hlui In IMiilmklpliIn IIIM m t kMi (iml MIH Ctiailtn Onrrkjti altt ml

ul tlit fumml of Iilx iiiuu m stouuiH\ill« liiHt \\tflmmln>

MIKH Mmnc l\lnii(.\ nf this j IIM o IKIII nt tin liomc of Mt tui<l MIH lit Innhfnnci nt ItockKiniiL

Mivfiml Mi* ClinrltM II met nml< lillilu it of )Kin lllouiiHbm \ H|H ntsumlii\ with li i [liiuniH Mi mill MIHJCIMIIIH lEituh '

Mrs Philip WlnUt \liltul iclutlnt I londuin iccuilh

Mi ami Mm lutctm AlUtmw i^Isltliif, hit patonlH at Stiouililitng

TllMWArilllNCiTON <j'l'Al>, WASHINGTON, N. J ..TllUHSDAY, JANU VKY >C, 192'lOWNSIll u \

l l t i l n i l iiml 111 1(11 ( i n n of I d i i t jVimlnUH »t>i n l th> m i l l , n i l ivllh Hi liM.un l | , , i n l s M nml Mi» 1 1 iniK

M I H U r n Ki l i ln im in I H I I I I O U I I ifI I In h i t Mil vil lh a , ,,l,l

Ml< ttw I i n t l i l i il II, H I M ,,r11" » " l l l l lh In I p i n M i >|I l l " l i n u U l t i m o fit s li il n

«>D II I ' I I I Ki t i . l i

mn Him nun, m,. Chilli, I Mm,, ,I Din m Siitnlm nullI nml MM lolm Mm iI Sinn, or 111, inui.l, uuuiiil Ini. ,Jojul tin , l mi. llHlic iniil'n,, u \ |

n u IH jiiij,, ivln,k f,n HUIII l lmf 11 it I i si m nIi!1) ii II nte Mi

i l l >1> Hi l'« t m o m i !li l i ' < u o l i ' i In liulllhiL. n n

| >i"ii"i l l hu ; (illini.

i c t n c d h m e Monnjn mllilB ttn dajs with ItciloiHH In Sti*\onsllll" M.I

I in in M iiioiin i ), ntilth I, IIOHH «

*-! v>i » Mum h 14 m u m ,1 lo lohii\ l imr« ,ric, i l iUn_ hi, l,ii,i|iu hi

nil M s f i r<i iiup.

Hi ill Sntton uf II, |» \ iul |ill miitH Mi mil Mr* Iil I Ml UL I

III, C I Soditl Mill holdIII tin homo nf Dtullt HuthlilnlihuiKdio IIIRIU

Mfrul I'ott) ilsllrtl Ills ilnutlil, r hilMf,r]H\llk a p u t of Inst ueek

< I II i n n Tcel ililtdl In InmluKt/lliovii suml-ii

Mm Vbram lUuib mil Mrn I liioml . I*1" mil Nt i ilMnion ictmncil home Monlni iftti I »'"ihuiii n, u I lux

in,l Mis 1 ' "I ' It' "' I his M i

O s i n u n tins p u u l i IKI.II ttir I ' m I ' mM f r u l I'ottT. f i r m f iom I I l l x l i

l imn H I V WL m l l o k l n n e v ( i n r f H u l l i n d M m ' ' " III m k i IT r l n i . r i o m l lm

1 u n i u m l I t a u h n r " i l l r o n l l i i 1 l o M l i o n o r i h M I h i , , , ] , t u M IH u l l h o m e i l l t l i t h e ,1 Ip ' t'l t h , \ it, , h i t i n i o u n l ,1 t,i

l o l l n s t o n p m i l f i m l ' i s n o u t s i l m «ISI( t t l \ n m m 1! lii i n , \ , i i, l i \ w i t h H u h i l j i i h M u In I n l l l l l l r » " l ' li I I Mil ' i n ' l l . In 111lniK. ' l innl i in,l , i , . . , ik,n , i ,,, iiil.u-

ril, L u l M \l,l Sockti ul in [I ""1 '» li 1,1 l n \ t s Ind i\ m<nnlnn

HUM u , dnci lni nt Hit-rliuicli tii i mil | , , , " ' V ' ! ' " ' " " " '• ' "•• ' ' " > "»Hhi

'in, Klu ,1 hi Hit I IIHIIIKMUII I imih ! M id M u II u t Is of I oinplon F il IMlust Mimlni moininK nml mn i i i . , ind 'Mxui ih u r ! tnil with h, i j iruits

is i l Illiu. his sonmill rnnillj of Mt

I nslm w i ' i h n iltohn. I) I mi I i,i ! limmlilp limit, iilon Lountv riiin' H I < hi III, It t hu, \ tr v\ i • r, mom IVUH |i ifcini I litmjivm I, hum *I (Mil) ,,„ , l , v II, iv T. M m III iv in tli

I Ills , ,m i , in « ,s tn i i rn i mil in I ' t l i M u i i I i i i l n f i i i u nuns nH>« mil It s lu,l II it ,,h n o uli nu ' ' " " " "tin M-III n u u n t u i , ii I I r iii in — { —S 0011,(111 ih ..ill, m hi ,!,i ih, . * ">lluiill» Hiililllltini M i n i ,i \ | i i . H l l M i t H I I v ' 1 " ' " I " J T " ««l< l 'nk " i l l lulls m i t h ol I I H M I H J I I , II i n, I I l i t " s , t i , , , | , n l u i i i n v Hi j

mil K mi l , I , j , i l

. p * tt , ilinil ll I tiht 1 .It)

1 1 , Ii ul in s , 11

Cri'sar.lliil.'iiiuli.J I IM 11,-rtlia lloliMinli. of Anii.inilal,l I Hi n I I 1 1, ,,f iih.1, 1, |,

it l a u r l I t t t i r 11 MIT—tlinuiifilipI M l u l u it I , , , lo it

r l l l l« . . II I I I in, , , , i , i in i , , i l l l t l i .1 l « . l . , , . I o l « I K , , M I S > A rn i r n I M t . , I » , l I , ,\ -*f,,n \ \ ii h i , n t II I ii Ml I xl111 u n i shh i i rn d i t u l i t , , nt Mi in tl ' " t f l ' H ) ' " i r • ' ' ' ' ^ l ** I ' l C ' i i i in

llli ' m n I m1 In I tl h tin I, M l * y i ' W n s h h t i i n of s i t m m ill ' • ' m l " ' n Mi n i l M l - II 1 i liit thr> " t in t h i s I , , o I 1 l n t ' f u l t . 1 ' oot**' "on of Mi m l Mi --———^-——-——-——-


" t ill t h i s I , , o ! „ ! m 1 ' f ° 1 1 . 1 ' ool*"1 won of \ h m l Mi, >int n n , j n i In i n f i r m n M t - " " l " f 1 r o i ,h \ i \ I hf \ \ III 1,Ink-) u t i h I itl i l l ( i I S V H i f t I , i | U 1 n ] l t t i n l t u l In m u i l i i . I \ tli l i ! i>,tin • in , t M m t i l i ii m i l ii , , , , i I ' " 1 i 1 « l u l l , ii i i i i n i k i l i l i m s t m i i h i i i i , , t , , , , | fi n st t l o It, M i r i i i ' 1 . 1 , "

_ ~ I m i t a t i o n s h iv I , n i u I foi t hI m l o r Tl i n i l s » s l i l i u . u f Mi •< M m Mini I i , l u i i . l i i , i

\ \ 1 i ll l o Hi . n k Hi m i , i 1 , 1 ' l r ' " ' M l ' ' " ' " ' U l " ' " "

r i ' l l l II I l i , , N ' " " ' > • ••>• •••» tli \ s i „ , ,1»i, . . ' .„! , , ; , ' I,,,;,,,,,1,,,1,"!.;11 ^^./v^vr11 ' m^"" ' " """» ' " """«» • ' "I s'tnitil'InsT " " " "

n l t i l i llm Il i l lnl i j nnnli mr> Mon<lh n i lit n IIIJI hmn in I'lilllliitliiit t.I I on o th, l,-)l UMOWII utdlinlK•il I itlllliisl'liri. Mi In jn no,Kl lusilthin I I il <» u ,lilh wuti

M, Wl» I l\ lOll'^toi fop * ( \ ( | | 1M i l * mi l v i» ul«o M,»w, l In tho

ll iHHlm H t i l l tUO (1)|! I]

feature of tho annUeruuir

HltuOnc Tcurlier WentI rom I'latutliuriih 2s

that n poHUtl I lmirk wtiN rtttjvw fioni ArthuI \ miH lo n Itrdtht i* n IXJ ]|V*M Ih IndlAI

ft J ' J l i l l b twu da>H twf(l U 1

I I Hun of I lillllp hum mil MIDi ' i n i in of \ w uK » , i tul I , 1 l i r j t i n V l,litliili>

V left JJilillpClnUtinuH.Mu\l IKliomi' i»r hlK t*i«tpr. MrM. »lvvara^IftjIn J'l-ru. X.' y . Ho never roachodthHKJ the tttatu lmi noi htunl imjtlil

dli<Ht fronvhltn ixrtpt thla postal fnMttlht r Itrotlur \ |

Altlmufili a ri-|H)ri frutn PhllHimburp,fiunHl tlmt i!i« I'liattHlturit-'jNntlomilHank had «oni w»nl th«t L y o n h j |

fa «Io|» tlitro the <lu>l n l lCIIIIHIIIIIH to nn.it n flnuncLtl i

lion It u/is AtJilnI Sjt»r1ii> nl ttiitj*I tin); mil l>> otluiH thirc that ho imil 111 tin ind il illlllcullkl

,1 nh mi full i Urn il I ,( I I 0<>! 1it n i l I M 1 o ) \ I

mil I iirlll,

u i t u t ilnid ut tin. iiotiu of ( liItuiil, lie Mill puicli ' n i h i ibtin,lu>


4 j " ' mil Mit , , ' "• Uh

I f oil, W'11,{ il'-i'lnnii

onn, I ,1 \ Hi th1,,'lius « r t in ml, ,1 (, mi un ,I , ,1 fv. Hi, i ,

l\ nilDllllinil I nk n,i nn It\iinonni (nun h i t I (< n In ul <t the

, |KNOW I TONMis Coumon or Naunl H Msltlns I | u , „ , l H , - .

All mil Mri. CIOIM M "Olklinil 1 ,h, 1, , Mmul, Minim.Wil l the M'otuid Mitl, M, ind Mis \ , , , n,,iTnin i.r I i u/Vltl ",k , , l , ,u ,loi Mn of Otiluishiiii, N 5 , l u | . „ , „ , . , ,, , , " ., "*"

Miss Luc\ A\ ilk.i uijoml lnr Msil , „ ' . \ > ' " " H (-"" t1"1

Mith niindu nml itlutl\ ,s ut Iivitk frlpndu and retntlvps at I-: i«ton1 l Viti HIP uptlt tail

Ml,hit>l 1 aid, of Stlniidshuir, Is tliltills slst, I Mis \I Molt

lolin L Diintlild lius ur- int i rd fiomhis Kicnt lllmss utitl is ilil, to lo,1,0111 lUlll

Mis Lolnsin md Mis \ I I . . . . . .h u , l , l \ li Id (Olds ut this \\i itiiiK

sdllldl | \s Mm \ | \)\Mi 111,1 i l l s V H i n i l i i h i o f u m l

I n II I i n n i n s | u i l i u i i f( u ,] i \ st l i t l i t i l , m l i n ] l u o l ! > n

<-li n i s i n i t o n ( 1 S w i l l w i s u ,o u S i n i i l i \ \ i i t n i \ M H i \ \ , t | i t l l l | |

, II o n u i I I m i l hI I I , l . n li I d ( O l d s i n t h i s l u l l l i i k M l s \ | n l t -. o l N , » \ , i

M i s I i f \ i s h i s , , 0 1 1 , t o i V w n l M s S I I L I I I I I I t i t , v \ u n s w i t h i i ,' " " I ' l l ' I , [ i n i l l i I M l U m I l i m i t

U r n I C M H \ l s l k d M i l o h n I D u i ^ U i l l i n u i I I I I m h i s i l n < , i i l , ,1,1 I d l i s t t \ , , l ] | ] o n s m i i i o i i s K H U M ,1 | . u ,,, V

M i m d M i s ( I O I I , , AI u n i k l i n i i l h i , , „ , | , s , , , l s „ , ' „ , . J 'M l u n d M i s I i m l I l i i t m i k m i l i n n , , 1 , 1 , , ,\n.

. 1 , 1 . 1 , 1 1 1 , 1 M - l t . i l w i t h M l 111,1 M i s , , „ , , , I I K I I I I L W i n s „ I, s I , ,l o h n 1 D l l l l l h l i l l i s t W d l , | t \ m j l t , i , ( | , , n n , „ , (

M l l l n i s u o t n a l h k l i u m i l l ) m i l l n n i i m u i li 1 1 1 i c 7 I H I M I I I . I Mw o u l d I , \<>i\ H i m l r u l i r t i n c o m m i t I 1 1 , , , „ , | , t , , , „ , , " , ' \I v o l d o p . li I h H I n l s I,, I B , , , , ( , n M , „ | V , | , | , k | „ , , , ,II u i , i l u d s • ii tl i h i l l , s It m l , s It is ' m | | u , M I , l m , i nn 1, I , , 11 ^ ,,, lm t i l i ip .Hsl l . l In l i u i u t in in lm I i iv u n s n u l l I I , li, , , t i ,

J i , m i . Mi , , . , I fll

VNTHOMA l l s U nl II II i n n n m l s o n I ov i

s | K , i t S i t u i i l n i i f l i i n o o u w i t h A i r sll i In s h t i r p it I 1, I Hit C I O V .

Ml m i l A l l s How l i d C l I n r r o nt u t i t t n i d o n S t i n d i v tli foili,vvinLJ in xl < Mi mi l M i s l i o n C i s t n i iiin. l ( i l k , An. l i i s o u 1 i f t t h i i Mi

SiM.l lluus.lt Intuit In lumpl> , L linn I InnIn

i l i l i- i in t id . iuh t

1 Si i l t l l i lHas- al.si, i-iiilaiit<iu!.k l l i i n k n , ,inir. Kiivi'd Ii n t ,

illjtl1,1 il l ili<

1,1 • [ •

H i ,1,1 Mis Cl thin i \III1USDII nut!t miilt

Mis O Coiklui I ntcit limil Airs C1 I K , I upsil i\ ittiinoou - ,., .... .. ,.. | ... ! |.

n h s i lie. s p u n tin u . e k f . i d , , | ' | ,„,,„ „, J| |,|

II Mil II l l1 li l t , in I !!, li 1,1,1

i , w ill Int UK 1 II ! i v II

I I i t u , I u n il\ u o t l l t m l u I !i , !

a t I n s h o m u ll'-l-PM , s \ I 1-iH, o n . n t M

( l l l l n l l M Of \ , l l l l l l 1 f,d

L i uth.-

InW i . U.

lbi.i l th-Lt, 1 , , '• „ ,„ „ , I , , i , n |

I l l s h j t i , t i , j I 1„ „ nn(l ,, , ,


I l>I I ! I t ' 111•t l El 1 1 t i 1 i t

111 n lnl 1I In

I "fin. ,,,i,,iii it til I \ I

\\ IvhitriH h is 1> (ii siieiiuiru snm< ,, (i j ^ l n j , j ( 1|Hj l t

liin \\\th Ills fimih lit u { Ii in 1 u t <ulA\. !•. ApKiu* liiis !»(?<•'» eniortiiinlng • • * •

hirf son Steward fur a few d:iys. j .MiMiijtl liistir:iiir» ('uiii]ianyAlr. ami MrH. Lyons lmv« been upcml. Olttrcrs.

in« somi! tlmo in Ilif city. TIIPIV was no (.•iKin^ In Hi.' ;

n T ' Il i



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•9s StoreMountainJ S t h t iulm- s tttucl \ I

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l i t

1 n i l I n n o l I I D U i i l l I ind-s n l I t 11 ' u (I J u i p n r u n o n l i n u t i ( i l l


Become a Partner aswell as a Subscriber

Not ten or a hundred or ten^hundred people ownthe business, but a hundred and eighty-three thousandmen and women, from all over the country, who haveinvested in one of the great American industries whichbases its stability on that of the nation itself and themillions who, -like you, use its service daily.

Shares of American Telephone & Telegraph Co.> -stock have recently been selling around SI 18. "

y It may be bought by anyone through any bank or'* banker, or through any responsible broker' on the Phila- , -/delphia, New York, Chicago, Boston, or:'Washington r : *

-.'(Stock Exchange, . - " " . - . '

An attractive investmentfor conservative- people

The Company has 40 years of dividend history ofV never less than 7}4 per cent. '

The earnings of the business are remarkably steadythrough' periods of bad general business conditions aswell as good. . '

(Assets are far in excess of capital and debts.There" is character and enterprise in the manage-

. . . m e n t _ o f t h e b u s i n e s s . • . ' . • - . : • : • - . .:.-•... • - V

""'" There is public confidence in its fair dealing.One share will, at the present dividend rate, pay

.. you a return of $9.00^a,ycar. The dividends of a few\) shares will pay your telephone bill. .,

We shall be glad to furnish further information if'" you so desire.

Buy .qutright$through - your Bank or

The dividends on the stock will more than pay'the interest oiv the loan.It is a hnc way to save to make a start as an^investorj as a partnei in a

conservative, reliable, established business.

II you aie unable to make satis!actoij siuaiii<cments \MIII youi bank, please mil 1 he Uu

be S'lad (o rel'or to you a bank which will receive your order.

O M i i e a n d w e w i l l

The Delaware & Atlantic Telegraph & Telephone Co.R. I. Waltman, Local Manager


* ^^^^^^•^^^^^^^> •>,%

Down Goes ihe Price of PrunesFins is just fynhti L\idcnct o! \ ii it oui i'mducci to Consumei PI in is doing toda\

Reg. 12c California "Sunswcct"

md 1 \ e i \ (11\ I01 oui

H i I IU 1 t|ii i l i U ( t h f u r u i p r u ^ o u t t in i M t I- ITU HIM r — s m ill p i t s ] i l t c i r i v a n t i g e o fI l u s t s ' i n l p r u t - , i nd l m \ l l u i n I n l i t b o s N O I L s o l i l o d t t U r ^

What WouU Craccn'ct IK Coiling Tcihy Wcrs ll Not far the "Aico" Stores »




I . ll !!lk' ll

( i 1 Ullt\ ( I I I 1 I 1 I , III I \

C l e a n s e r 3 .' 1L hVnt l O cmo hti bi&, "iou sue fi\c


Golden 1 ins for

25cl i l t l m I . i l l l l m I i

1 7 C "Ahto" 3Poikand t i n fllr

Beans 2 5 cHuy :\ dozen cans at this pi-ice


M t l h n n s . I ' p o n d s s o l d in t i l l i Q l i l l H C 0 1 M S l r i i p o u n d

( r i l l ! \ ] n o t i t s m i l I i n II i m vvill Illl 1s t m i l

BeitCoin Meal

AVIiito or vi


A pure Ili.«;Il ";i-a'istitLite •

e..11) lloiv.


J Imttl

2§C; 'v stih-



r SOAPS&G. Naphtha


Imprrvor. with r.^c.dozen liars at this low

« I land Soap, can G',4c

BlueRose Rice

Whole guitn.

N. B. C.Vanilla Bars

IlObh baked- O C .

ti pkg. .9c

Bij; *\ilue.

ffi 20cResulai puce,


Tho choict'sl whilo nuts grown. C;irefuliy tielocicd, rolled, partly slenmed andpacked in .dust-pi-ouf foiitaintrs. Huy Gold Seal—you sstve livo LL it^.

Fresh from our own ovens. Only tlic .purestingredients are used io produce thc.:;u big- j^cldonbrown loaves of crispy j;ondncp:-. The"ilisKc.*lbread value sold loony.

Your particular favorite is among our fivequality blends—Plain Black, Orange Pekoe, IndiaCeylon, Old Country Style, Mixed.

Choice Tender -s <rp j

Peas ' can i^TCHuy (In/en cans Tor $1.15

"Asco" , 3 .

Macaroni- 25cVct-y iioiiri--hin.lv and econoinii-a'.

Sweet 0Sugar Corn can "* 'l-litjli q:iade coin at a iou puce

Md Mira leans »• 10cNew ci'op C ililoinid, lima lic.ui^ Buj a hhoi.il

. upi-'ty at this puce

For Thursday,Friday, Saturday


Choice Lean

"JiUJlIOAST I SOUfMJEEP18c 1b. 6c Ik

I Thick 'i'i«J -

RIB ROAST15c.lb.

Boiling Beef10 lb "10c lb.

Rolled Rib Roast "-. 25c lb.


Pork Chaps and Uoasis 16c lb. Pork ShouldersBest Cuts 20c ib. <'«* '<- Kivie





, Poj-kSausage18c lb


SaltPork20c lb.

Fresh Killed Rousting and Stewing Chickens v.. ,32c lb.These .uc Jiom soft me..ied clnckons .md weigh honi 2i/> to 3'/> lbs each.

New Made Krouf , 10c qt. >iM^

*.-' ^ ~ — ^ _ ^ Jil -

;r, \^ry'.}\i:rf ff.

Page 4: THE WASHINGTON STAR · • passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tt i twelve the number of cornrni


FIULLIPSBURG.There Hero 250 Tall Ccdarn of Lei

anon from PhlHlpfiburir, Canton un Iothtr town* at On* pluming of a m «{orut a t Warwick Thursday nlRlit Aspecial train left PtiUHitMimrt,' at 4 pm and returning left Warwick at l JoKrida> morning The fortst M irisWith 135 sapllmi A wiUdeUllo tin. r

a roam pork ttupl><r u a t srr\»il n400 Otlnm (it ttilrulik (.UIIIM

The WnriHi Poundr\ JIuuilcIU \snoclntlon hi Ut HH in mini nuntlrik on**rlday tun ing uul dotted mt n n utlvo comm'ttft lompo-M 1 uf lolml*4Ugnluml preMik tit lohn I m U\Ice-pr«»!itent FMROI It Hukuith *1re tar j und tmumnr umm L< um »Charlft CulUthliu *lh< v t n t i r j itportotl ict^lpts of JS^O i duiiiin **iyvar uml till* tew Hit r " i t " " l • !"*•*•Of, $2Sr06J on luind Iimunij I 1 *-linnd« u totttl iwfpt ff Ml" t11,200 waH paid out «n nccount of illdeaths of thm numbtrn ind SI ) t*cau e of th« d^itlis of t\h.H of thr-memberi

On account of raunUn "I MI?1,834 uiis ] anl out ml th liand othir *xp II« s uirounu I tI3SS.93: This madr ;> total (or Hi- y .wiOf 13.022.95 ami a IWIHIKT un handut the end of tlie your "f %'.WX•'•:'. Tim

•""proaont inciniMT liip of the ;i«!-xi;tiLt!iIS 391.- Supi*m« Vlr.- Cli.ni.'>:!;>:- Ut-nrs"

Cabell, of Xorfolk, ' V;i.. ;ut aMf !• -<'-turer, will deliver an ailihv.-'- :t: amealing to X»i liehl II-XJ Tiuir^.tay nifiif.

'• by Montana Lotl^o. N". -•!. Knisht.-*Of PythlHS. Then* will al*u !>.' tt Lun-

"ciuet and tin; tlfty-fivp nn'rntiot's i. •celved tlurlim th" tv.'ftit nt'Tiii»r.-lii|icampaign ami t!i<- iiuinh*1;- ..»;' '.hewinnlnc ti •am, riiitsainfl^ '•> Harty

team raii:aim«i i>> I'rlwaul William-son.

• JOMM)1I llolni-*.", r-iiin'i-hitciul-nt oi ;hv .Jei'ico HilH mlil tlitrlr.s1 tho i.\*\ twuyears, lias !>i<.*« upi-ylntcd lo ;t simi-lar position af, riM-amou. Pit., with theJ United Stniw Milln. 1: Is <ixp*vua ihatlh<? position lii'i--' will U> illlt-a by !u%brother. Charts ll.-hn-y. a foremanfor the J'-rico vompany. Kimtloy.-s i>v»-acntoil Mr. lU-int-y with a utiid watch.

Not In Fin or of Mlllt rnoltnir.Fdhor Of tho A\AblU\«TO\ STAn

WiuhltiRton N Jpxar 41 —

I took tlin itliasun* of U I U I I K U II f i r l i i n h * t i t k l t In tho \ \ I - I I I IH; !" iSTHA lttHt ttttk I th ink lit If* Jn»t ilittle bit twist ill about Oi< i)oolir<< an}non poolim Ku'nHbtiih IHIK -™ faitn

t ) n m tin noiipuoUrx \ ill lit •).f a r imi " 1<> In f i \ o r it p olhit, mil -art lit n pooli rn *»u \ o u - H tin u Ut lot of t l i n \nmt* i . t \ u t n tli.«i iUi tux aiul Mi l lui t i ini , •>

Tl>«> t i l l nu Mi l i t l i i i " I ,milk pr<xlucti Ih 1- "i i it. n o in It h l i n |imimU of mil) I (u Mtwon 11 n i l k n w tht il T r ti • if tht11 ihUi took h!« tvli U n I k

f ( M t ^ t}< i< not I U «i U tiMIX ing pool r Iw tn ik * o mi h m!tt>

•*o riludl^ n n i up th non] nl i(mi ti i »htl< i>4 on d > h i I• i 1 think it non j il i* i iiif hit I h nt ix th. t

Hi tn i Hul l i f tti i) |KO!t>- l l t t 11 I l l s II t | | < 1 | | t \ | l . i t i

! w i I li •* « -. ^ f. 1 " tn m\

backYours \ c i \ t r u l \

IOHN J O M sMultiMhiirf, \ I Ian - ' ' 1 '--'

(In tlll« i t In « \ « r \ m i t t , r nt millit- Inn n i t In wliltli l l i«u u n twoXIIIOH Ui< s T A H h i « > nth i \ o n 1 to 'fitli a i d !inp.irtlat it nit tUw* tti I l<tlUi I otli sldi *. N c u t It nw )i» inint. poiUrit mil n o n i " « l < ' ' * >'< »"l)liltcd In 1 nMl)*hliik H" ' Hi* M Uilot >ui t im tn to t ii» « l * but to ') < it

i tht l i u t t i r IH iu uit m l t h u s >.h< ill1 tht infonni tUm »!>i iln it 1 —1 Ht n 1

zono Tho prlco for tin"1' thrw milk, j of P\ iporntrtl and comtcnipi milk nnd n|i tho market riuotatlonn on butterratio Tho prico for inmilk uted chltil In tlio maritimeturt. j of tin haul tvp IH dtttrmlmd plilfl iwcntj flu* c* nt» pir hundred

prmuN flu piiec foi <li«s four milkuhfch U iiscil in tlm in innfiuturo ofbill It l and Vim ill an, (IIKKI IH IU

N itlM IM II* r* I \ k lnn Him illv»«r. ai>]r<i\'d t>\ tin iiMtruli f il> I I u ir> .1 1 >..

I \ m irlri« < u tli*1 1 » IK I »•" 1 ]

I U ill n M n I it 1 • > l i. i ( | t i - I ' i i

lo .1 !>u

Tinof th

IKIIIdluiDili minx

i d t f<n I (hi umil (iiinti i ti



t I U

.1 .fl

> I. H-ll I t II Ikl t

"ill i i ij, i «f Alpt. i (otifiituit th.

iv III I i f 11 !k In Un * \

x i rilhitinnit t i It roi! h

mliiK it \ HUli11 f III ItOl 1)1,11i»l Mil I It >r in, in r . r tht llsnil

term in cd nn ununl h current mar-ket quotations on those eommodltlW

Stnr nmt Thrtcp-a«W'Gok New YorkWorld, U V

i i \


upon T ili.ii »t uhl h 1 •11 folit fi r thi niotitlt <

Tht plUt for i I K - onmilk i)--<tl In lltiltl fo m

$2 Yo$hUlK \

m t l *»i \ H th

t l i tn i m i f i t t t t tV\ 1111 111 I « ll * "p i n I i I t l i i ux< u u t t n u l l tI u t t t t i t i n t i

mill t h ii n l < ! i

illc n

r l i l n I t >m i) t l i it* i ! ' •t r 1 > . . tli Mttn

( J . it tt l t >r i l l P>ir I h m i t i * , " t a t nit n t <>!

it l i f •- i r j 111" \t>\ n *

, . . . . . . . l i Utt M ir 1 »..( n u n HI < u n i | i f U n l l>ru i i f . ! i <f Vlpli i < n m u

il l I \t t l i i lui I l \ 1 1 \ HI a a n I U i c t - I f u rTw l hr t i x t i I S h i i l i n t u 1 T f t « h IUI I " U ) ' I ' I

n u II w i f tit Unu t i n i n r t ] r i i t h n « u t t f r t l i Ino t r*f i u " i n I i p p r i r i a t U t i * ft i i h t l t t t t l u n r

\ I* <I »I I ! ) , t l t1 I'* III I

NOTICE•oi- H ' I - A : .

I O J , I .i-.-l.-.l f..: h l r : y » i \ h.m.lr- . l . f'rls

i:i'ul**llyj:l.-l l

Te-inveritory baseKudnccd Pi ucs on Ladies' and Hisses' Coats—cntne

stock of new Winter Coats to be disposed of at a fi ac-tion ot then value. Reduced pi ices as low as S9.98 and up

•Vom Clioito of any Ladies' oi Mis es' Suit in this stoie,leg.'idless of foimei puces S19.98

Wonderful Values in Ready-to-Wear Dresses, all now andup-to-date, eveiy gaiment l educed _ _„ §5.00 and up

Ladies' Dress Skirts, fine assortment to choose from 'A offLadies' Sweaters, values to ?9.00, all reduced to $4.98Hisses' and Children's Sweaters, reduced to...$1.75 and upLadies' and Misses' Fur MulTs and Scarfs </4 to '/J offLadies' Outing Flannel Gowns to close out at special prices

J. D. FLOCK, Inc.156 Main St. n?r Hackettstown, N. J.

I l


:...Dnesu't IJUo Knim-Tim.-IX'lau-an-. N. .!.. Jun.

KdLtor WAHH1XGTOX ^T•Dour Sir:—I am ;i .mviiii"Dairymen's I.t-amu- !:u\, i.vn[ustd to slicn ih«* pooliti^ L

Would you p-.'i:nlt int- s;>;my opinion of th» jmolinwhich the Dairymen's L-.-aerative Association Inc. Nth»l dairymen :o siiin?

Tho main comp!aint aRJiinst :. r in-tract In, that it Ki*'t"« tii" m.i!t:u«•1*i-ntituthority to <-omnn t \ona tim*1 <ii-iit»in any amount and without any lirni- 'uition of time or volnm*. DM tht* rivditof tht* association and <„! th" mfin>K-r-ah'.p

Any, contnieis mil!" Un' fiiimv jviy-• rnents or any monoy lioiroiv.il momatter what thp amount.I !iy tlv «tli*clals would ultimately have to hr paidby the mcmbi'rjthlp. and Uioft- con-tracts might run for a Ivngih of tlm-boyoiu* the life of anyone now liviiu.: Tht1 obligations might iif incurredthis year or ii?.\t year, oi* ton or lit-

. teen'yearn from now; or tluiv mlcht •be ah''unlimited iimtmulatlni; strtni; ofthcmx.every year. It. is not cjionchto say that, the- present maiu!i;.>m«.-ntwouldL'not tuke ulvunUiBi' of tin- au-

thority. "\\V tuny have (iilf.-rt-iit man-. a gome nt TaUT .on und if this loosi' or-

jjanlzation; and-this'lao.se miinasfini'ntis ttV'raiUinU'i tlibi'f- Is rcrUiinty op-

'.; portiihity'-fof rosrets and losses amiBcamlalK hi the futuro.

" '• ;,. • • Yours "•truly,-' ..:;• • E, i toy

lntun>j=t t.n ll«i.»l.>Ltiklni; l'nn.1 . .Spi-cial Sinkfiit:

ing . .

.' i'p..[,l.ln.-


Big SpecialsThursday, Friday

and Saturday

Our Store is Fullof many other

Very Good ValuesBig Specials

Thursday, Fridayand Saturday





Because its "a sale of sales"—its a sale of Hart Schaffner & Marx,Kuppenheimer and Mayer's Clothing and right there is where the differ-ence comes in. Anybody can put on a clothing sale at any time becausethere is lot's of clothing made for no other purpose. You'll find it con-stantly listed in sales largely because it can't get by without them—anymore than a fish can live out of water. But Mayer's sale is a differentproposition entirely. Our clothes are good enough to hold their ownwithout a price reduction on them—and they would be doing it yet & wewere not trying to clear our racks for the coming season. That's>whatwe're up to now—so here are the reductions:

$22.50 '& $25.00 Overcoats for - - SIS'„,, S27.50 ^'$30.00 Overcoats for -

•$•35.00- '& $37.50 Overcoats for -'& $45.00 ..Overcoats, for'

.'&'$55.00...Overcoatsfor -Overcoats for . -


• $ 2 8$32S38

J. J. Crombie, Mont amAberdeen, Scotland

SUITS REDUCED SAME. WAY. .Styles of the Season—and your stySe'amorig them

Boys' Suits, Overcoats and;MackinawsIncluded in This Sale of Sales

$7.50 Boys' Overcoats for - - - $8-00$8.50 & $9.00 Suits and Overcoats for $7.00$10.00 Suits and Overcoats for - $7.50$12.50 Suits and Overcoats for - $9.50$15.00 Suits and Overcoats for - $11.50$9.00 Boys' Alt-Woo! Mackinaws for $7.00

Other High Grade Suits and Overcoats Reduced in Proportion





Page 5: THE WASHINGTON STAR · • passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tt i twelve the number of cornrni



PubUihml weekly. Entered nt W a t -

Washington Churches.Mrlhnillht KiitM-iinnl (litirrli. OXFORD

i STOI' PAYING ItBNT—It pay* loI i own jou r own liotrii*. l^xtk h'Tf!; ]-'niiui< fiuUsi1, HIX rottniH, Imtl* rootn| cimi|ileti>, i-ity wnU'V. tvwvr. rouvnif

lk l U f d irK'Jltldl). J200

A. RoberUon, Editor fcnd Oirnor. Kiglit o'clock IH thu huur. l'lwmo be„ KtMttcu by that time—far th« iHt-llm-

Celrbrnteil Scmnton Con I -At ttio D. U & Vf, It. I t Klevoicd

Chutes.Delivered over screens. Yard price

• Sept. ] , . 11»2I.Huckwhc.it I <S."fi pi*r ton

Inory organ redtiil by Mr*. AlTho Kt'hruury niiinl^r in ttu> V c

turo courso will bi- on Tunuiuy own-tho 21M(. Dr. Arclivy 1). Hall, of

"'WUH iciuli'ivri Mltw W r a

Hotiw on Itolvldfii' avciiiK1, all lni|trovi'- { centrally local oil;

.MONDAY,' .MARCH 13, 1922—Public«tlv of I h o KtiK-k Mini fa nn In it linpU.*-miMiw l»y C. A. Cii'«»i,i;*ort .Murray, N.

I'Olt SAM-:—Two-family I1W«IIIIIR,

nicntH. $4350. )lerv I* II ...„ ..„.,.nn Hnllroml nvrnup, olKhl rooms mitlImthrocin, part Imiirovt'int-ntH; c(»iioit.-te

llltlKO\voa-.l. will\ \ "Lit" Kift\y "Lite." 'Kindly maki> notation on ' ! ,> ff

!>>1d' ; U ami I,,,,,- rtfrmnnUli

J'oa Y .V.T . ' . . ' . . ' . ' . . . . . . . . . " tt.lio per tnn ' l l " ""inC h t t 10.7S per ton | (if all theChestnut•StoveKKK .(irato

10.7G pur ton1080 t n

your rourw; UW;ct.Thf nunflay wliool boitnt

and will jhol<l ii «yi-.al In thf chnpcl on Ttn-n-

io.r.0 p«r t10.50 pur lo"

• STOVB WOODService cost, carry dehvury, per ion.11.00; shovel ilellvury, per ton, "•' ...« n t s ; H ton. 65 cents; % ion, W | people who iwnlcliiiUMri nwking" ihi-niWASHINGTON" COAL & SUPPLY CO.

Wesley Fleming. Mfff.

day t-Vfiiiiif,'. .Itinuary Him.

Intercut jjj the Kpworth Lvln-H on Sunday i*vt*nhiK IK iThcMc are lu'ljilut rnouilriKN. Thf

Coal nail LumhrrOfllce and yard. Delvldcro nvenuu

and Morris Canal; Tolophnno f>).WaslilnRton, N. J.

Sept. 1, I'J'iUHuckwhcat I 6.7.1 per tonI'ca 9.r>0 jior IonChcntnut 10.TT. |HT t"»Stove 10-T*' jtcrtonKee lO.ffO per tunUrato 10150 per ton




Northampton-Easton& Washington Traction

Companv" ' • ' ' • • ' / ' I Ii«itt t W r « t

I'hllllpaburKC. It. It. ArchIiiKcrsoll (intoItiKcrHoll Hrl.lKe . . . .Wilson's CrOBslnff . .Itonnfoot CruMKlnir .Colo'n SwitchPort Wiirrcn ItrldevSlowartnvilta 'IlolKlits

Snyilpr'H Laiio*"1. "f.'.iNew Vlllnffu Switch .Ntiiv Vlll.itr'; l*. O. . .

iJiivtit'H jCiu-li.'.W''.*.,l!rtiin!v.Tty I'ust Otlli-cltolvl.li.r« ltoa-1 . . .

MiifliiU's Switch

WnslilnKt'im .s'nmni ' '.'.\). I.. & W. It. It. ArchI'ort CoM.mPower HousoSilver SprhiKH

Shield's, Crossing . . . ' *|

i'tirra Ootta WorkV'! !j

1' -IS• - • . • 1 1 1


i.r.ri .nni.r»i

, MIHH Ila Major IKI.H hUL>n uonllru-Iter home with illnrss t'yr tin-wri'k.

M M . diaries Dilts lia.s \w*m wry illwith uppi'iul.citis at her VOUMKIIIS

,nu*» homo..Mr. aiul Mrs. Harry H. Shampiiiioru

of I'hillfiwliui'K will mow noon Into tinrioubU: house on Wwt Church sm^toccupied now hy Uov. £. 1'. CialluwayTin; iaiti-r will move into the hou.se oiWest W.iHhingtoh avenue, which wuathe residence of the late I. K. Hay

Suit- of 30'head of h!gh-cUiHs horseshy A. S. Case, Kleiiilnglon, on Wednes-day, Fel)/ 1.

There is an unclaimed letter in tinWashington nostoltlee /'addressed ti

..Judge Beavers1.. 'Ivobn Cowi'JI'broke'kroiihd this week

for ii new houso' oil Suite street, JUSL\.fsi oi itie new £. iv. M.iHer iniiituny.

Sirfetly ivvsh ey^s are IK>IIIK retitlk-din tuwii at litty coins n duaesi. Uv*lMintlity fanners- butter" i.s priced atforty-tlvu cents u pound.

The Lielvidero town Ua.skctball tcan. tiefeutcd the. Itoroimh locals' in tin.Kehool, K-yninrisluni Tuesday . evoni.igThe seiiro was U to 11.

The ineniljurs. til' tiie W. Ci. T. Varii requested to inert at the chapel titJ.iiO o'clock Kridny aiu-ruuon to uttencihi; uiiieralof Airs. • Oaui-.-l" H|ianBcn-l)er«: in :t body.

Miss Lltliiui Strout of ['hiilpHhuiywa.s the holder »C tile liieky tiekel NuL'.lit, whifh dn-w the pin I'lmm-.-d off l'\Cinnn 71. P. O. of A:

Camp VI, P. O, of A., has tnvaiife'L-dfor the toi'ni a series of (facials in.iiphaiifiii'nl ini-tii—pti»:f"r..y»'j!i jnonlh.The llrat with Captain Mrs. {.JraccUoran will he hokl Muudav, Folirnaiv20, and will he in keeping "'iili Wash-iitKtoti's liii'thdiiy. A .special jiroKranwill ln> arranged fur meinljers and tlifii

A deiegal'lon frtnu Gamp 71, P. O. nVA., will KO tn Hackettsinwn f-'rlday tiattend the inslallatiuu of otlteei-s.' \V. M. HIM wi-lte.s frmn Lou AiiRt'lethat lie and his wil'o are enjoying

. them.s.elve.s hut that they prefer *1-'lorl-

- da- climate ttr California. "Theo. J. Smith will hivi> his opunlup

• Jiiiise Sale for .18:!:! al ills stables inAshury cm Thui-sday. I-Vli. 2m\; ciinsist-in^ of an express load m' Michiilni-KOK and .Mares.

Htnd of CreekL'iit Hit; week-end with his uncle andIIL, .\lr. and Mrs. (,!. W. Miller, and

with his Lwo yuunjj: .brothers,' KthvtirdV d M l l i l K

y' VVeal and .Mellvillo

making their homemini >iml attend llio Wasliington school.

.Miss Hinlly" Skinner IIHK .....the stiick oC the Raymoml store aicombine It. willi the slock of her ]

,-Helvldeiv a venue store, iiiiivluius.imu-I.O;-ilie-:Kast-;-Vrasiii'nntdn"-"i

i-i^.uKjii. Sue will cmiduut boiliuntil11tiu> l'"ifst of l-'oliniary. wlion

otinfH'lviderc* avenue store room will be for

rent. :

1-tev. J. N. AVaffonhurst performed tho. (itremony last Thursday • evening "t

Broadway, .uniting .1 nines W. CootHiiand Miss Aisle C. ilulT. in mai-rtab"L».

•The parlies lire r.ulnrcd.Boys were recently born tr» Mr. and

Mrs . Andrew II. Ciinderman of Myrtleatreb't and Mr. and airs, l^rank ISalley

• of Plune No. 7.- Ur, and Mrs'. Herbert i, Murd wererut-sts of the kilter's brother, HowardKcnntfr, in 1 lothlehehi, from Fridayuntil Sunday niybt.

John HoberlKon, (ion of Jfnynr anilMrs. V. ,AS} HoberlKon, was "luk(.'n lo

...Maryland last woek for . exanilnnlioiiand IL proliahle surKical operation.

Ali«a-,;Jcrmie.Perry hn«„•,t:\Ueii• n- porilion Us ticket seller at the opera house.

resigned as chief enjJrinenr nt tin ISdisoncj'*mont plnnt at Now VJIlage, after hold-ing tlif1. position- for.\2'2.>years. Ho issucceeded'by Alex! Urazzoll oC BufTnlo.

— .. _„.,. o00»-,, r,'.T,,|Tnin,i. Jr., of

-•Waahingtori, hus been aaaiataut-ensl-neer for anmtilter of years. ,, \ /

' , . Mrs,, Aiti'iitdii ISmith,- who makos'lierv'hnmo wit.h her Riiii-ln-lawand dnujjhtor,• ^Tr,;aiirt Mrs. Wm.' C. Laccy.1 Is seriously.Ill at' their home in'Upper Broad streot.

' ' ' • ' • > ' ': • • : • ft . •' . ' . ! - . • : V .. ' • • • ; '••• ' " '

- • • . • • • / - . • • . ' . . • • • • : : - , i : - 1 . ' '•' i : - , 1 . 1 . . • .. , • • > • " - i l . - ' 1 . . 1 " ,

$•1500. Two hnufcti. Wn^hlnnmu nvenuc.Tlinx* ImuHcM :inU out* lot, Cr-md nv<"

ly 111 with « iii-avy cold." r ' o u I > :

Mrs. K.'IV. IK'tideryon lu conllncil lo > lv[n

lior honw tut rMvMerc! nvenur, HUtfvrltiKwith (triii.

Tho TowiiHhlp ComtnlUcf "'111 mo»t athe',Oxf<inL iloiifc nu Saturday cvi'nfnK j

hutUilnir I<t1 1

iienr LStiunrc with nil im,| other part Improvements,

ImjirovcmontH.Hurry Chr!»(lm>, AKcnl. Wiinhlnjiton. X,J. 1-lS-tf

SALKS>rAN AS DIHKCT KACTUftVn'pn.'Kontative tu huntlle the nioft need-ed iiuto accessory—bar none— national-ly iiilvcrtiHtd, no competition. Don'tariKUer IUIIIHH you tan lliumce Initialurdor to necuiv niteney. Alceino Miinu*fiifturtnK ('o., 134 ItrldKf Htrwt, Newnrk, N. .1. j.R.Ct

AlXTlONIIIvIt—When In nenl of :miiuciloii'vr write «»r j»l»jiii- VI. U. I'u**.Oxford, .V. J.. 'Photic- 22-U2; I inn ntyour fc-rvlci- iniy tlm<-: 1.1 .years' t'X-Vt-rlfnvr. satfsfiLClfon t-;uaran(H>tf. K. II,

LOST, ilmi, 17—One chnfn for l-'onltruck, lift ween Washington and

per tills Saturday <V"illw thiii'.'It.

Mrs. Mary Mi-fJnifiUll her <1HIII;

WllkliMioii. fivor th

KOIl SAM-:—Ford c o u p e l a t - mod.-l,xix months , in llr;U-r!ii*s shape . ;•.

y yn, who can reach ISO l-'lfth

Xi-tt* Vu:k. will Kalh<r then- in unityof prayer1 Tor tin* j>roKi>-s« t>( tln;irgrtfat work. Hut all tin- wormmthruiifthoitt fhi- New Yorl; Untnch An-earnestly rwiuiHtcd to mnk<- Thurs-day, Pchritary and, a day of cnitofiiland fut*.'rt:t;.ssory prayer.

Thf ^tirnifjii tlu'incH for .Sunday willlie, in thf uioinlnf,-. "Thf .Mark or 1)1*dptfKhlp;" In tl vi'Tiinu -Tin! lianiU

\VjU.liinr.»nL' l

tlii'im*: of thand in (he

y Clnircli.HlfKNliif;K." will be thopastor's morning si'i'innn,

imr he will disouss tinlsubject, "Kleinal hlfe." Let us rally

t h h h d h l I h,the church and help In her x

ministry to mankind. Kor>;:iki.' not llnbli f l tl fworship and

dlally inv!te<I.

of yourselvew tdjjctlur forKvwybnJy

Dr. A. l /nboth ^.rvic.-s.

HU in.(Mir SiiiH

7.'Mi p. m. "AlmiHt SThe '•hureii with lli<-

and royal Welcome.

nln .\rooie will iircacli at

"Wliiit. tlod lines witli


Mr. and MdauKliti-r Miiri r at l l niivi'i* the we.'k-.-n.i vl.-IUnf: with Mi:-.Wilkirihon's puivnis. Mr. timl Miv. Win.Hamiltuii.

as tendered Mrs.- j j

A surprl."** partyKied Tanker nn Scidny aflei-niMin in lid.iy. Then- Were about l!.". p-.TMen I and a l.ni;*' dlmu-i- was M-

The uiinuul meeting of th

i 'I'


of i:diOxford

ill M>HII tak pt i m e tuettibers tn be

le<:t«d <>n III-- lioiird as tin- I'l'ins ofI'resident Clark Wilkinson. iJlstri-.'tC l k Ch

and thei

d t Cl ilkClerk Charles H. Ciir.Mtn and WaltClU'KewIddi-n. who was appointed to tillthe term of Itaymond I'.usli. will expireat this time. Theao men have not yetdecided thai they will be ran lldnteH fori.'-Ie/'tlun but ililr rnrtnyuiTiiiB lii'in i" UM> their II:

Ij.Hh- I ^ I S * - ! * * , , . , t a r ». ..VS "'"•""•>••-1 •• Ixiili. WIN. welt l-ieated. .\ ivni t.ammn,auk us about ll. Crittilli .v Sickles. Up

I'OK UKXT—Ka^t Wi.-. (jne-Iiallbrlek dtVi'lliiiK. Main street ami liotvi-deiv avenue; six looms, three abov!and Ihrte hHow; ct..|I(ir and clsiern Ii

ath; waler tu kitchen. Incitiii

Sitond I'reM.yt.-rian chureh—B.»0 a.in.. Sunday school: l'i.:»i ». tn.. momint;

vilal meKs.iK'' worship; H..[.1 p. HI. CiirNlian Ilinhavor.• "What the World Owes to Forelmi

> j MiNsimiarii-.s,"- meeting in ^'hurwe of thvl.Uloii Christian Sricitrc Srrvire. j Missionary Coinmltt..-; T.li'i p. in,. e \ i -L'D Mihjn-l Lov<\ Cfilttvn U-st; [ niiiK worship. AHd-wcck n-fi>vr w r v i ' \

1 John -I: S. He that lov.-lh not know- | Wedliel-davtli not find; f.

sive rciitlhth'. (U

ili not kn- Ciod i love Il-.sin.--is I!): I. ,1. (J. ^:

Allur at (.iiirden Stu


MACKICTrSTOWX.The Atiierleau I.i-Kimi iuis cmnrnct'il

to produce one of the Iim«t anil lie.Htt-uiKiral t'omedirM In the m-ar filtm<-The illle of the show selee.icd In "AllAltoai'd." Nvw Vork put tfie stamp ofapproval on "All Aboard" a. whorl timeUKO. when it enjoyed an extended runon Uroiuhvay. Uehear.sals me exp-xtedto beKin about Feb. lith.

Mrs. Henry Hoover and duimhterweiv in New Voik City Friday andSaturday where they visited t on andbrother. Prank Hoover, who i." at theI'olyclinie hospital ivceivhiK trealinerufor u fractured k-tf. He is now able towalk about the room.

A dunce and sorial will be held in St:.Mary's I tall on Wednesday eveningFebriiiiry iHt.

Miss Simoms of the public school file-ulty.is III at. the homo of Mn*. LydlaWallace. Mrs. Harry OniTord is takingher .place during the absence.

L, Cooper, who is at a Murristownhospital, is Improving.

The tire of .Sunday afternoon was attho home of Mr. Cnruan and not (it theSnenoer. nlnee as first, rennned. •-Thefire was In the chimney and was ex-tinguished before much dumnge wasdone.

Installation of officers was held Mon-day nil,'lit by the I'. O. H. of A. Stateofficers were present, among them was

-Mr. Gcichcl/u-forniL-i' omiiiuyoo >>i-i\\vHacketlstown Gazette.

Mrs. Louise McCracken is visltiiiji Mrand Mrs.Fahr of Port Chester. NewYork, former residents here.

William Cronin lias purchase! the A.Johnson home on Madison street

Mrs., ilai'Old Taylor has been uk'ctedpresident of the trustees of tin' publicHbrary. Mrs?. C. H. ni>^l». vief..pro<*.;Mrs. J. M. Welsh, sec : Mrs. .1. D. Wooil-ward, tr'.'tiaurer.. A son lias been born to M.r. and Mrs

Gilbert Stout of Hifch struct.Miss. Mildred Klltiniin of Church

street was 'graduated last week £romtlie Montctafr Normal School.

. State olllfors will be present to-mor-row night nt tin.' installation of olli-irers at Camp No- ' s . P.O. of A.

The local Red Crow at its Uftli rollcull recently completed culloi-ted $:',l2Ti,

...K. .p.. itfrd-all--: Irjc- sokl • fei". -.-.MrH..Maude I. Dadrow lici- pruperty locatedon the state road near Oxford tn Mrs.Carrie M. Carllng, who will take pds-se.ssion uf the. property in a few days.


THK-iittic!'1imisi:tios"\vliicli close "the'jnw ui-o nctfid on by the enl(iviu

••such a way tlmt they pull the jnwup-and then let it fall by its ownweight. • This, repeated many times,

..very rapidly, causes the teeth to clicktogether nnd produce what wo knowas "chutteriiiK." We think of itVlnconnection with our teeth because it is(lie teeth which make tho sound, butthe cause lies in the same muscleswhich we use in -chewing or in open-Ing ouri mouth when we speak.

/ i ^ h i i i { f _ . occurs._mr s"W

KW e d n y

ial AI. I-I.selinni Smid.-iy rititl<' "Ktij'tli in


e l i ol*- 'nndfi: i l

and id'

M'ust Sallendfr.si'VcniiiKUl'lfU'l


Xab >at H'J.:JO with Junior

sennoiiH. S"iiior seniion fid»-i't-'K .Stif,'Kt"-t;<iu." Kpwortlit t;.:|l), lopir;. "The Church

Amcriea," l«-:idcr. Mrs. A. Sn. I'.var'hbiK st-i-vlct- in the:H ".:»!. sil-miill MUl'J1-'1'. "The

erueld M. K. clun-cb not-y—ol Hlinduy afternoon at L'.L".

!service at 'A "ck.

Y. M. C. A. rio-:iain.The delegates of the Wam-u c-ounly

V. M. C. A. wiH'iiplK'ar In thf.- ftillov.iimtowns (in the rnllmvliiK dates: Jan. l'l».Bi'..;Hlw;.y Meth.i.ltst ..-liurt.-b. 7.30 serv-ice; l-'eb. flth, ChaiiKeivater Mctliudirfl

h K 1 l I'hurch,Oihlun. MeUi


I'-eb. 10th. Asbliry Mt-lliodist ehlirch7.30 service; Feb. L'liili. ClU'iMtlan Kn-deavor of Washington L'rosbytei-ianchurch. C.:iO service.

These services "'ill be conducted inV. M. C. A. fashion and thero will be"Y. -M. C A. Community sintrinj;-" t'ol-lowliif,' the sinfe'fnir the report of theState Conference will be given. A lee-ture on "The Solution of Hie BoyI'roblpm" will b" { l d f

invited to ntteiui tliedates will appefi1* 'ater.

n of ye by the lender ofpublic Is cordially

' i Oth

Lafayette Team Best tn Bast.The undefeated Lafayette College

foctbr.!! team w:is proclninicrt-thccham-'plon team of the. East for 1'Jl'l by Uv>Veteruu Alhletic Association a t the an -nual dinner ^Ibnday nlK lu in Philadel-piiia. Gold footballs were presented totiie members of the team, whn were.arnmm the gueiits.

Mrs, MliH-rva Van Horn, Mopi-,' N, J.

•KltlKHIAN lil'LLH—Ihave S'V.-riil well-bred bulls, a«i- fromtwo months up to yearlings for salt-.these hulls will Kreatl-.* Improve yourherd; j.rleed to, w\l. Nathan Allen,•lavHson Valley; [>. O.. Oxfoi'.I, N. ,1,

TIIL'TISDAV. I'eb. HUH—on thoJaeob Anthony fiii'in nonr Penwell byClaud.- Homier.

KOU SALH—KnlitiK potatoes; alsoseed potatoes. .1. U. Cno]i"r, Ur.issCa.stli-; I'. O., VVa.shfnytoii. .V. .1 It

FOIt HAI.K—iee houw near Wash-ington :in<i lots of Kood ice In tiill itwith, capacity \2W ton.i; prlee ri^ht.Wiirmmi & Afkf'i-Mun. lip

KOI: SALI-:—One line younn WhiteCliiuese (iander and two ' ieese; priceSlJ.OI). 1 Mease call or address, Mrs.Maiy*A. Corey, Port Murray. X. .1. Up

FOP. tiALlS—Xuw six-room bungalow,frame, shlnyle roof, l a i w front perch,har.hvooil trim; 'tlireu hits; would tlktito sell now; $^0o, Wurman t*i- Acker'son. it|]

.LOST, Jan . l»3rd—Two fox IIOUIHIH,one black and tan, other white witl:black spots and brown ears. Kewarilfor Ihi'li- return. Address, .Mrs FredUrosl, Ilelvidc-re, N. J., K. D. 11ji

WANT1CD—Married man with HUIIHt'X|)enence or fully experieneed in farm-iih'. Klmer Mayberry, port Gulden. lt»

- UOL'libK HOL'SK-Live in one .side andUun't miss it, f:>700 tahesCIrlfntii H Sickles.

rurally loeaK.-d.eut the other.

Term:l l | ip

FOli SALK — Seven-room dwelling,good location. $2100; also six-roomdwelling; both comfortable town prop-criios. I L u i y Cl*.:-[.r.ir.c, 'VuahinjiLuii.N. J. 1-26-tf

FOR SALE—G II .P. Domestic jjaso-line engine, right in every way. ElmerMayherry, Port Coldeu. l i p

I'ROPKKTV with two houses, oneIlncly... . decorated,, . 'with all . improve-ments and garage, good location: price$5500. Warman ii Ackerson. Up

FOR SALE—Two fresh cows, calvet h i id W i k dby

i-F?their sidePark,

"Walter Kirkendull , Mor-B. -V.J., U.D.l . l ip

A Punctual Cat.A Jirookiftiu lady telepl'oiro:! to n

i'd the

FARM FOR RENT — 13G-acrc farmatlapted for grain, cattle, good level

j ground, will let for cash ur on shares.Harry Christine, Washington. Uili-tf' LISTEN' HERE—Hard to heat forthe price. A farm of 104 acres; SO acresgood t.llablt' hind, balance wood and


frioiul one morning nni^tiim1. Tiie n;ciiilei:t of the cr.ll re-plied Lhat it WHS 10 u. in.. wlwroni.oii ^ ^ w n v i U i y ^ ^ i a i i u HUW u i .thu Mitliur -Silld that by lie? .duel: It- W ! i y s - \K\.n HmuJ1 und'hud Uie nvat ofwas ,MMI.V !) :-10. Slie know this must care; fruit of al! kinds; jrood lU-roomhe wroiia, she explained, because her house; largo barns; new chicken hou«e;

• • buildings practically all have stateroofs; located near town, trolley andnew concrete road; owner, a wi-.tow andcompelled tu give up furmint;, will sell

pet cat was jus t washing,, her face,which slie did every muriiin^ preciselyut 1U. Hereafter the Iiroukline ladyI)i-oposes_ to rogutitte her clock by hertilt 's itiiililli>li>— ouMkili ' TralissCrllH.


The io'ber}.-; of ;|n- two liDjnlsphcrcsfire entirely different in sliape, Tiiearctic bergs are irregular in form,with lofty pinnacles and glitteringdomes-, while the antarctic fines areflat-topped nml solid looking.

thiTVvIir or.Uic brain. "We have veryllitle control over it and enn stop itonly by clonchlnc tlio teeth. It isreally a mild variety of spasm causedby the'com, which' nets on the jawmuscles In much tin; same way Mintsome poisons produce muscular spusnisvhlch cannot ho controlled,


Marvelous"'Art.marveloti of art IsiU

the portrait of I'alii V In the Knrtthesepaluce, executed by irnrceiln [Moven-zale In mosaic. The face nlotie con-sists i»f 2,000,000 pieces, many of whichare no larger thim n grain of satul.

v u t tuXKK. Kehouley's Mountain. Expeilcntved and knows how to get highest, bidsWrite or phone 12-IM. UackettsLown.

1- li-lt^i;AHSAcm:SF-TTK Mutuiil t.ife Jn'*<.

Co, CirilliUi & Wickioy. A ^ n l s , Wasb-Inglon, N. .1. u


—r wm RPII atl , on. Wednesday, I'\>bru:iry1st; at.jny Kale\f Excliange Siubles atFk'mington. one ex]>rcss load—30 boadof high clays horses direct from the.farmers in Iow.'i and shipped directthrough to Flemlngton: they are thebest that money can buy in Hie. West.Ten llr-Hl rlass atcd teams in this load.Also 20 head of good aci-limated horsesami one. good'pair of mules. Sale 1p. m., rain or shine; see large billsl>OKtc.d:. telephone. . eonnec-tions. A. s;Case. " -it


an elegant pair of ribbed all-wool alock-

WANTIID—IIsp.TielR'.'d lilo work on farm !»' tli*• month ur ji.ir.Address, "A. A.", i^irr of fr^TAR Oifiei'.

1-lJ-ltpFOR fJAf.K—Appt-'S. KIKIII I-IIIIIIK and

cooklil1,'. .|:l Ciiilltin Av<-.,' WasliinKlnn."l-U'-.tip

FOR SAI.K—T\v.i iwlr bob 1J»1(N1K. OIL-pair nearly ti"w. Ivaiy ."i .Moon'. Hi.ek-«tistmvn. .V. .1. 'I'liono -law. l-lL'-:ttp

JAMl-» RIDDU-; .t SON of Asbitrywill buy good \n:vt cattle. VLJII talvt-.snnd hng**. Phunii or write. H-S-tf

M'AN'TKD—Wliwit and rye In anyquantity. Adam Wandling, Port Mur-ray. N. J. 3-6-tf

1OR SAM-:—Saw it! wnjil m at ovalength!;, S"».0l) a load. Garner Cole,'Washington, X. J-, II. D. 9-20-tf, IF ITS IXSURAXCr: will or write.Harry Cliristlnt*. Washington, X. .1.

in-20-tfWANTED—MKIH pork r>nd .'liiek-

ons. Cull, wi-iti' or 'phon.- Kt."!>-Ci:t. L'tJ-lProspcet St.. Delaware Park. Phillips-I»ll!-K. X. .1. i-llP-r.t

FARM FOi: IIEXT or SALE—100aei-eji farm land, fiif aeri-s pjiHtun- lan-.l.:J0 acres winter wheat, bank barn -MixM. barn and all mil building ai'" newstone

g ,uniiij; water In house andll f l h i

tone hoiiH, runiiij; water In housbarn. Will sell for less than pribuildl (i W K'ilV 1K7buildlm,'. W.

p, % . 1K7 Hull-

man .St.. PhlHipybiirn. X. J. 1-19-L'tPIAXOS and OUCSAXS tuned and re-

paired, 29 years factory experience'.Satisfaction guumntueri. Arthur Tay-lnr. WashiriBtnn. X. .1. 12-^-tf

i-'OR .SAI-.E—Incubator.- LMO-ey ra-i

NORT1IWESTERX MXTTUAt. Llf«Iniiurnnco Co.—Harry L. Smith, War-ren County A tent, Waahlngton, N. J .

30-3-UWIND attlKWDSi—All nljtt.H In Htock,

cut lo nij quick service. Warren Coun-ty Drujj Store. . ; 8-4-tf

CONTRACTOR nnd nUILDEU—Seemo bpforo you build nnd pot my cstl-nwtcj on your Job. l do tho woric com-

! nloto from basement to attic. P. W.I Thom.'m, Carpenter ehop 247 Helvldorei Avc. WanhliiKton; opposite Cattello'it; Lumlwr Ynrd. 3-31-tf

CALKNDAltH placwl In tho .home-*i nr«- constant reinlm!cr« (hat you nn* In| IIUHIIICKJI. Wv hitvt' pome nrtiKtlc do-! VIKIIH that wo offer at Jl» to J \ i per hun-

drcd. The Blrykcr Prvwt. Wuxhln^ton.( AUTO TRUCK SKRVICR—We arej now fully equipped to hnul (roight,I rnovinRfl. etc. At short notice. Locali and Ion;; distance rnovinna. Xo Job too(inrKe. 'I'hone 21-JU or I7S, Lnnninc i! & Comphcr. 10-14-tf i

T*AltC;K, [ladiled Motor Vans for long •distance moving. Ititoa rcasnnutilc.

j Sisscr Ilrod.. ofllcc* .inrl Korase, 134 E.;1 Main Pi., Somcrvfile, S.'. j . ; 'phone :

Srtmrrvillp. 31*, C-3-tf l.JlKHl'rcST CASH PIIICKS paid for!

raw furs, bivt hide*, wool tallow, etc.• Write or Th<>n<" what you liave to |

orror; will call for them; l.nmt' on Sat-;i urd.tys. A!v,-ih A, Conovf-r. aucessor *I to C. A. Cotiovcr «t .Son, Lcanou. -V. .1 . , '

Uoll *j>hone 2fi:t. ll-l7-20t 1WANTKn-Wal rnlvcs,, fclioats, chick-!

'.'ii?, fat cattle. I'hone C5RU. O. J.Ifoivcll. V -1 -t -1 jf

I'OK .SAMC—Fiftcpn sontl u?cil cars oftilVert-nt make-* ut yrcat rt'dnction in j

' prices to make room for new onea. •liowlliy & NcwluuiH, Washlnston Avc, :

j W««hlnston^ X. J. _ 7-14-tf i

[ never used, price -5J.".. Inm'iirruit 17 V,. •Chinch hti'tH-t in- ttox is , (lien Gardner.

12-S-tfiFOIt SALIC—Si'Vt'ii-ruum dwelling, i

cftitnilly located. l lar iv Chri.stinc,Wa.stiinKton. N. .1. lt)-L'O-tf :

WAXTICD—.\Iciu-y on nmt bond untl :mort«:iBe, I'lillIIp-sljur^ ])ropfi'ty. All ;titles Kiia rant ceil, by expert title scarcit-1er.s; l\ per cent liitcre.Ht. Twenty-four .yearn In biiHincwa and as yet wo have !not had a foreclosure, proceedings dur-!IIIK that tiitit*, MhowiiiK the caivfuliiesa ii»r our plaehin U.ans. \V. C. Van Uilliard •& Co.. I'hlllipsbui'K, X. J. 7-aS-tf I

HAVI-: Ci;STO.M10US foJ- rarms- If'yours In for »nli> write Marry Oiirlstln*'. iM'tiMlitiiKton, N. .1. 10-l'O-tf |

WANTKU-.f:niHl' plr.m conk and |Ki-rHTttl hoiiNewtiriicr; :ir. KOWI wn^es in"'small family. Addm^ l.m^k l-:..x 112. t•W'iixliliiKloti, N*. .1. i-r.-tf !

\'Oll KHNT—lious.' nml KKnv at Pen- |well. Inquire at the mill. I'. O. F'onMurray. X. ,|. i-s-tf

I-'Oll HAr.K—Tivt nty S. C. White Lex- <'horn I'tii-kcreN, nn<-!i;tlf i:,.n,. tl( ,]vvtivV Istrain bloud. .Six S. C. IE. I. P.rd o<,ck- IirlvlM. deep red eulor and m»n\ .shape.I'-iiP HHKIHII liai-cM.. II. w . nuylH, '

FOIt SALI-:—S-'vcn-ronin imuw. K'IU--iiKO allaehcd; huusi- with all Inipruw-menlK; p;U1|ii.-t llours; briiidsi.nielv ,•K-mratwl: KIIIHI loL-ation In rosldentk'iisection i.t' Iliiekell.stowii. JaineK .Jen- 'Ht-M. WiLshiiidton. 1-5-41

I--OR SALI*:—Kstoy orpnn, ' in goodcondition. ADirk Atlilis, ^74 E. Wjisli-tnpton Ave., Wuxhlnt'ton, X. J. lL'-15-tf

fool Proof

pacity, loo small Toi-H C

.1. U. Cooner,i t It D

py, ll Toi me. 1. U. Cooner,Hr;iBs Ca.stle; P. O., \Va-<hiii-{tuii, It. D.

FOR SALE— 'J<;yearling bens. \\'. T

to LeghornIJeatiy. lO

e., llackettstown, X. .1.l-2ti-2tp

FOR SALR—Horse, gasniine onpinoand j,'rai» drill, cheap to ciuick buyor.Win. liulthvln. -13 W. Carlton Avo.,Wn.shiiiKton. l-"G-2tp

FOR SALK. CH BAP—One featherhttl nnd 4 fwithfr pillows, very cleanar.'.l yood condition: all for SC.OO: c?.nhe spsn nt XeiviesinBt'V's Meat Market,Califon. X. .7. Up

PRIVATE FAMILY will board andcare for elderly people or any ono need-ing home anil can*: pood board, kind-treatment. Mrs. .Havens. Ilolvidere. X.•K U\t

FOR 'SALE—20 White Leghornyearling hens and 2 roosters; alreadyy g ?crossed for breeding:

i J

yW. Younu

H Xedng: . W. Younu

strain. John E. Stires, Hampton. X.J B C13

BACK AXD KROXT MAR U and Ififeet lonp;. Oak. Jiand carved, largob i ! hl d

yppacity goodWashington


for 37501). easy terms. For full |>;i

hiBton!''' ' ' : ' ' ! ' ! : ' ' '*" '"" L a U H 1'Typewriteii-'OR SALIC—Two a tore properties

with dwellings. No. J is 7-rooni dwell-itiH ami siuri! euinblneii, itiulltdii.g titock

bevel plated mirror, .shelves, drawersand cupboards. Real baririiin, also twoCyphers' model menbits -tOO-e ir en-

.'. T. A. Smith.l-^C-Up

SALKSMAX WANTHD to solicit or-dors for lubrieatms oilw. S M H M • am!paints. Salary or commission. Ad-

The Harvey Oil Co., Clcveknul.Ohio. " Up

USED CARS FOR SALE—Oakiam.coupe, Chevrolet .sedan, newly painted;mechanically perfect. H. S. Frills,

. .nx'iionilivtth barn.L'iKht-rooni

. wl. innnd lixtures, now;Yrnn :ustore, ahum one acn; landexcellent location. Xo 'J isdwelling .•with' improvements, excellentcondition, also two-story frame storebuilding now 'vacant. Von will makeno mistake In looking these cm.-r: forpriee and terms, address, \V. I-'. i>w

LONC RV1-: STRAWL'ehlfin's Hakery, Vi-tnn


L'P-TO-LlATE KAIOr at 2"i acres forsate; short distance fi WH

; htHouse lias , balbrnniU ,.spring wntcr; private pond: barn, ii:eluiiiKe and other <mti'' buiidiiiKs; .,.;iOchickons: alt=o fiiniilure; excellentview; terms cash; l'rieo $:'.0l>0. wnithSTi.OOO; reason Tor selliiiK (|1i iiccnunt'ofsickness; no liurresiitiiidfiicc1; call andsee E. Oiffortl Ilildt-bi'ant. 31! 13. ChurchSt., Washington, X. .1. l-L'B-tf

p yDiana M-l'iy (HeSkein l», $1.1)0 pl d Fl 2

l'*Olt SALi-:—A tiloeh baby carriiigo.'inirwry ehab- and Jiissell Carpet Sweep-er, ul] as jrond as now. Inquire Mrs,.limn Wlioeler. 15 Slate St.. 'Plume 170,


SLMKI for fivi> ."aniples— Diana -i-PlyZephyr. 2 nx. Skein 2\\v, ?1.!H> per Ib tut;

ivy) Wnrsu-u, 2 »•/..• Ib lot: Diana Shei-

land Floss, i; uz. ,HI;i'in oOc, $2,110 per Hi.lot; Diana Silk-Wool, li ox. Skein, -10c.$:i.OO perlb lot; Diana Silk-Wool J-'|o»»,2 OK. Skein, -IOu, ?I!.!)0 per Ib lot. II. I!.Rlelil. Solo Afient fur Now .Ter.sey, »73HN. Terry St.. rhliadelphia, Ta.

POULTRY FAH.M —Twenty aoros,fine liouso, now cnclostnl porch, wellfruited, best of water, all out buildings."nv fiulek mile $2000. OrillHh & Slckle».

v ltpWANT15D, POSITION'—Have had ox-

.DCricn_co_ln_s:Lore£!liid .enn drivo-ii-nniC


Wa-shingti"" STABrpS.'.Fouauilr. Pens,

Ribbon, Carbon Paper.Freo catalogue. Brunnor & Briinner,E.ifiton. Pa. 11.19-tf

FOR SALR—Out; G Imrse power Xuvo(vertical) win miKiiir'. Rood as" new;iilso one 1 hor.se -sk-iyh. will .so!) c-he:,p.T. M. Smith, iUunpton. X. .1. 1-lil-tf

FOR SAL13—Oni> pair boh sleds thiiLwill carry two tuns. K. IUI'IIHJLII, W:i;ih-

WAisTED—Cattle, hogs, -calves andchickens at hl^u-st market prices.Aiisust iicvciacniia, Now1 Village:

l-c-trFOR SALE—A homo in town, with

,an income. A lieautiful 2-fjtmily housein the town oC Slewartsville, nearchurches, aehool, stores, trolley, sta-tion, etc. Largo gardens, plenty offruit,, jrooil barn, garag-e, all for theprice of $JO00; one-half cash. For tiiisand other Itarynins, ace W. F. Brown,Bloomsbury, X\ J. ,-• U-3-tf

'WANTED!. I will be at ray junk shop back

of Perry's Hardware Store everyThursday and Friday from 10.30A. M. to 5.00 P. M., to buy Junkof all kinds and will p:\y hig-hesrmarket prices for same.

The following- is a list of the !articles I buy and the .prices 1pay for sanie: •

Magazines, in bundles 40c cwt.Newspapers, bundles 25c cwt.

2bC CWt.ings, In Blue, Brown or Groon Ilcallior. l,o;«l, one cm-load of lown librsus nml Mixed Raffs -K C Ib

$2.00. ]f no , you raw i-olm-ii same t:. .6,,.,,, eluinks, ninlchcil loams nml mn- i\ubb ,eV ' 3 0 o t s & SllOeS: 2c Ib.us No obliEiHlon Sliito size uml col l l h E lvt-o. u.lil Mendable bno'S.& burlap 1^ Ib

l.i™-|Ti|-; k u " t u

if, » » ? l$2.00. ]f no , you raw i-olm-ii same t:. .6,us. No obliEiHlon. Sliito size uml col- ol

urnoso horses. Evory

for Bcncrnl farming. For particuhira'•: THURSDAY Kob. 2nd—Tiieo. Jaddress •'Honry...Gibson, Delaware N." Smllli's "Opo'nlhK Horse Sale ut- his

•J.. . ' • , • .. t l-2li-2tp stables at Aslrary.

FinkleBELVIDEKE^, N. J% ., , I

' A woman who sent her bjmlcflllei'a combined oil and miningprospectus with a re<iuest;^ptjjShis advice received this brief f g ireply: "These are gambles'?!^pure and simple... There ?'"""' !'"(!

two investments thatthe supreme'merit of.fool proof and worry, proof— %«y§Government bonds and de-.''iposit in Government super-",vised banks." '.:•".. '".v:Men and women sensibleenough to save money areconcerned about its safety.The highest standard ofsafety is provided by gov-ernment obligations.-':' De-posits in the Savings Depart-

. ment of " .';!'

The Old :}First National Bank ;

of Washington

have the safety and earningpower of Government bonds,plus the advantage,and con-venience of the CHECKING ,PRIVILEGE! In all your. :business activities the Bank, •;is your safeguard and book- •, ;keeper. The substantial in- :terest paid.,on deposits isplus the important and valu-able service rendered. Everydepositor is a silent partner'..•'•'in the Bank, a beneficiary of, "„•its system 'and service^ a 'participant in its earnings •and credit. His credit is re-flected in its strength. Whynot you have the advantage •,'.:of fool proof and worry proofinvestments? , :



Was Jesus ihe True Messiah?HOW DO YOU KNOW?,.


This will be the first of a series of

Sermon - lecturesto be given in the


•JaiC 29, at 7.30B y J. G. H A N N A , •'", • ,

Pastor Seventh Day Adventist Church 'Subjects will be illustrated with .•,,;'., ..,Charts and Diagrams ' ' ' ::



Demonstration Saturday: of National Biscuit Company's Fancy Cakes,Biscuits, etc. Over 50 varieties on display.Special prices for demonstration.

: -: ..COME: !N—SAMi'LES GIVENr=- J

Wiscburn's 1'nro Buckwheat Flour, 12 Ib. bag 65cWiscburn's Prepared liuckwheat Flour, 5 Ib. bag..:: 30c

Fancy Sugar Com, can 12'/>cTender Sweet Peas, can _..„_ .....* ,15cHome Dried Apples, Ib _ _ :...20eSolden Crown Pumpkin, can :....: - 20c

fancy 'Creamy Butter, 1 Ib. print : .....'. L 4acFirst Prize Nut Butterine, Ib : •„ 29cUreamo or White Beauty Butterine, Ib - 30c-

Best Bakiiig Molasses, qt :: -. : 20c,NTow Lima Beans, Ib. ; .: 10cDomino Syrup, can ;...: .....•...'.....—...10c •lilne Knot Syrup, 1 '/2. Ib. can .„ ......12c

Salmon, extra fancy Alaska Red, can'.: .'.' ..:••••- 30c (,'•'Gorton's.Ready-to-Fry Codfish Cakes, can,'. : 1 : 20cSardines, best Imported, in pure Olive Oil, can .. ........lSc

Extra Small Dark Red Beets, Daisee Brand, large :.can ...: , : ...i. r.......... 25c

Choice'Tomatoes, large.can ...:. : ....:......,_...,.. ,.'..20c

ARMOUR'S OATS—the very finest packed; cooks p | r : | r S, fectly in.10 to 15 niimites, pkg..;.,........., . .,5.j.:.:::.:..::.i3c/ '


Page 6: THE WASHINGTON STAR · • passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tt i twelve the number of cornrni



r* s

DEATHSMi». Caroline K. Cutliu-y.

' Mm, Carollnt- niluOmtli Ciulm>, •"!VfifM old. IUM 1'ilch> in licr hi>iii<> in

'Jrvliigton, N. Y. SHU hnri Iwcn til ftui-- t«f 1l"n1'h"<"r tit" I'l"1. -tVMV'illI'* '"'I

n fall tt »w?k bvfuri' Ii.mtciH'il hit ilf.ilhHlu» Ifstves 'live won* tmil throe ilaucli-Icra. Hht" was thn muthcr of-Awlctain(I imp I»nitr».tor Haiiv i: Cuilin \ of


Dies Soon nfter Husband.•When Mr». Minnie Trimmer,wife i>t

J. Kmnk Trimmer, lu'iml vt tin' hit-tfr'it (Ittilh, H\\v CollalHOil Ulf.l dknl timiday In HiickKitHtowii. Mr. Trimmerdlrtl WVilneKtiay hi u .Uorrtomvn iiirs-pltal from Injuries rvcvlvrO a tew 1U1*l..-f(Uf. When Mni. Trimmer iu-'tnl tin*iwwa M!U> yank into a coma tow cri'Il-lion ami never milled. Shi- hail i«tnavp:irtlal'Invalid. It hail been (ilumictlin hold u n i c e s Muiulny for tln> Ini--Iwiul. l>Ut ttioy wen- |>o,st|>mn;tl ami ..tlntthte funeral was heUl jv.sionla>

Kxccin for a few years *in*nt [it Nou-ton and .Morristown. Mr. ami Mr.". Trim-mer had always lived in MiickftiNtoun11 ft* vicinity. They leave OIK- sonCuy Trimmer of Newark. Survivingrelatives besides Mrs. Cramer niv Mr-.

'HnnlP! Gruendyki: ami WUIftini P. Trlin-iiioc. Killer and brother of Mr. Triimm •.11 tv. A. O. Cooper, .sister of -Mrs. Tiim-m.T. iiii'l Ml*s. John Ketchani, lister «»f.Mr. Trimmer, ltotlt cf Liovoi.

Miss Flossie Walter.The funeral of Miss KKwsio. Walfr ,

M KMitecn years old. who died lit Mnv.-rhospital. Trenton, WHS held I'riiliy aft. i -niton front tiropnwich Presbyterian< ijiuvh, and was In chaiKo of membersi»t tin- SnU-atlon Army «f Ka.ston.Hin-Inf- mis Iti C.roetiwlch oemetei \ ..\fhs Waller wim a dau«hter of Mi*.t";uri.' Wiiltor of rhllHpshurs. She diedV.Vtinfsdiiy from niwmbranotis cr<mpiJest.t(*s her mother who Is survival t>ythre*' sister." and a brothet

| r un i ' i i t l MM\it«.n («i t f ' i t i ,nllUUt jUMJ-tlllCt1 \i U» I tl). Vtfiim!ii> fuim tit* (*ulti«i>untt-r l iu • h im h Aixnit -»!\ iv.M r J U I H H ME i id fi e tin ilcmimllr'ittlim* iiii-i iicil !ii- -tmil iMin u i i l i it '

Knil.il Ass Hill .U (\ilifuii.i . , | t , waitmiy Jail ltl«*


elothliiK. Voting. Mniil l l l S l

glit S-|.nnili

i i

tiftiirncd HI •ami arcliheftnr

f wrvltiK hi ; w.atlter wan fxlil« iMmil.lnit a cunxlltttilii

tvittkuH of |tnliittnfr. fhii1|itun<.arcl ihftnr h i b i d Th

fr. hii1|itun.exhibited. The

.-dhiKlv imfnvoriiti1.l r

.if1 .NniuliriBiH It iWASIIINIiTON SCllOIH, NOTKS;

trinity. A widoM

<•! CvUtun vi n t< . ( H> li> >l t Mi


nmuliu i>f moiili-! xtltuti

inent rnncolleil thelu ! i l iiiaii 'i^iiunt tilu! \ei> linid,

tin' t l invwas luo Hhort lo lot-ate it null.l

pmm- Although Ihiul v i \ Inn.I.! HID

Thry Know Hew- Here Too.l Hint it „ »ti«hux ' (.'Utility

Oi t i n f hl

ijovul the e\hlWt. The | Th«. Ihittl]) for Simula), 1*j y exltltlt. Tinchctt < at h afii'tiiomi 1i>ld i i t a l o WH jal H O

feaiuu-* of the wu'kl I he most tlekets.i}; I he most tlekets. .>!:, tni

Mrh. \tmiw IKniv. and llic';ttd itit l Mi A

t l> Uij l l '

PtH«il»iti»i Kt1.ltp . t< in In 1.1 Km.

in i i ! t i . It I M l *

\ h - , Anna ItiililiiHiuir u n e m t *. n l i t > «» > h t l

ur t - im iun In tin i.on*! \ til-\ Pi

( «f il t 1 l.t \UAhtltiMHi.

nil Mrs, ll '-

u l m Il 1 iti

.lohiwtwin » t o k i l l Him H I ! i . . . t I.. K'V« hillt in HI v il Ii n niM ( ( i i n p i i t l i tm t » *>•« t i n - u v i i m <>! M u m S i m p htn> 11 Hi" , h i It IK M I ! 1 i t ' m i l l l>i l< • tl n t ( f i n i u i l * * , t 1 m l mr i cc i

Hi I N n i i l l . Jih.nf v . i l t h

nnpl,i>».it in th, (.((II A. C4ilM'n

> « c i c i i \ \ , i i ( lo 1 l i i f i 'I n t j i i M i i u H i l l t t . ;.»f C . U I ' t u i l t i m l i

p f y in u fo l los ,forwiuil, Hoilhic: left forwurl,

r: rlKht guard,- Slater; leftllann; i-entn-. Alintoii; Hub. Ap-

Term As Muslimt

iKli Kliwil kf iOier tuiiKht noun; of hli.|>U|I|IK how !(. |)lii> polut fallH of JIM

! uv\ II \ u | R h t . l*|t In HUHHCX (i KnowlcilKQ;>f the K t m t An i i ' i knn Kiimc eaniCH i>viintllip IIIMI IM Oift> ..f the hht l i r i t t lm of' U l V MtlllU.

I'oil ColUi'ii M, K. Churcli.At (lie Sunday. .January -2ilth c

UK rvJc M 1 Wl J h'UK scrvJc-fl l

y y i th cvril. .1 -Wlutpr John«toii.ufi hM'pi'HKitl jDlivlumu • lo Africa, now- homo on fur-

(u he luHtin iniu* .tt liitttoii fur tht> full l u i u h . will t i l l of Home of hoi* tlii'llllncxiieilemcM In the piwiehltiR pf ilu»ttid In tlio ilowci.\ i i .uk cont inent .

-"You mitv tulk IIH ,\iittliliam* uliout t h e luio of fnmn, hut ii'nifiunty t i n t (OiintJt. When a miut linnnil tliu mone he nee IK the r e Isn't m n -

ejse lie wnntn ." l)URKinn—"\l\-Ht m o t e money '

. sa tuu lay p t 1 " 1 "*- "^ Y - M » • *• ' u i t H i mime u» ilu- TnlU-l SWII-H S. n-• ' ' " °A ' > ' " i l t . Vr. [ - » * » " tt" "IMIOKO im.. T h i s l«r.. . fuui x i . i i s fiom tlu .liilf

u<t< —• Aiiout t in- 'llllldH ll t>. .tilt'fill II I'iO.IlIttlOtlH Of•* t'li'iti L't.n tin < .tint iihtitimiiiDln i)f

MrsAlt« I 'umU

C o K , ' U . i n n t r .11. !l.< ni i.i I '» m'-ti i . --1

t>\ ...I..- M.n iMihi i i i i t W i

C»o M Tillrn'm i wi Ut - !•". iof i : i v m i 4ii*l l .uni i i i H m i - - I»< tM k. it n f . *•'!• i i* i ii • ii .th I <ii>m-)>in\ I ' l . 1> t> in . I n 1.ft.ni, " I 1 ' , ' i i th f i • t J' i111 I I 'I I Ut -tl I i t l iMt! > tt l l ' W ll l!l

^ l i n n e t H i l i l t .s u m i . l 11. n i t *>o • • u s i>hl u h . . i •

in int. M^ u H I M m p l o n il i n ilii. 11 lit - 'n i J J s i t i f \ l - ' t i l tli> tl M<MK> i\ . i i 1 -li<>ni< 11 tt>M i n , ' Di n i t w iv t h . t -*-ult oi i ><ii« *hti» <••* t u t u i i i ' i i i ' l i i iIi . i t : i t i i im . n - s 1 . -n-i, ^ hi> m u it

l . u n . i . i H- v t - i H I • i i u 1 <N , t t I I - U h Ml i n » u : I . . I Ml l u h u i n e i f Mi-" J i m u S U M ! I n < Kf..i t l i o n i u ! i it i h e t u n i .1 ' i u «

I l K t - . l

TRAVEL AT OUR EXPENSEWe Will Refund Your Pare Both Ways on a

Purchase of $20.00 or Over


Caleb S. .luhtwin.O I M I S lohii'-on. *• WIIIA-IOUI v* n -

ml died suddenly Friday from ln-aitttlcen.-1-* at his home In Itiickettstown11- had boen ill several weeks. Mi•lohtison was a native of Uojie. but livedit. tin- 'imp fn Washington. 11< i\ i«it t't iloi- in live stook. His wife 01 <vnji, WiMlnm Johnson of Hrooklyn. and..;).' d;iuKhter. "airs. J. H. .Urndhtim'ofW.u.Tville. Me., survive: also two half-lir.'thcrs, Robert N. and Tlivmaa \\*J^'iit-r of Ilackettstown .

.Mrs. .Maiiha Lance^lr.'i. Martha Latter, sevi-nty-fi-nr

• t i t - <jld. widow of Steward Li!iuii>, wh.i\if\ mure than twenty years aa>\ divd. iily Saturday monihijr. on the \\omi«tead farm at Mt. lA'haiuni. Death « i-from a complication of heart and iiM-n.-y troubles, after an illness of a!i>.utfour months. She Is survived !•>* s.-v.-ni-hilclivu—Mrs. Frank Waltfi^. Mrs, ;i."AlilkT Utiitn and Mrs. Chuii.'s yulvl \of W'a^hlnKion; Mis* Utura Uvm-c >un!i'rank T^inco on the homestetid fuun"William Lanco. of Pen well ami MUli -1/inrc. of Kliziihpth: also threo sistt i •*Mis. John Apt'ar and Mrs. Austin 0 i«-nor. i»r Port Colck'ii ami Afrs. Kdst'tiCastttvr of ChaiiRewaUM*. She was iniemtit'i1 of the Sprue*? Hun I*uihi t ni-httrcli. 1 uni i it *-i i\U- - u i hi 11* f itvi'day afternoon, from t!i>.- hom<.11 1 o\-t(«:k and from th<- Pie.nsant(;n>\i r ii s lnur i in ehuith it J " K» 'Iti-,-, .1. E. Wasliabaunh of I'attt*- ifnnin'rly lKUttor of the WashiimU n.Methodist church. ntliciaU-d. l-Juria!was in iho ceniftery ennnectod witli ttu

Lt 1 1 1 J T I l l l l j l II II ^^^^ ^^T*W&

Mis Miinii ' Illlilihi ml JUL SifiTt1TtGmYnf\'tYt S/Vj/'lP ttldtMl- Ml ml 1111.1,1)! ml mi ..I .'Jl I- -^* £-*t.l 111 lig m I UUIII « J l t l l S 5 ^ " " I

^ i L K r ^ S 1 1 Will Brighten the Home


arance Sale- U K K < n ii In

tilt t i l l II t o th« ll >UM Mill i l u t t I i !•• '

I I n t i n t n i i i i a . I I u m t il - u u Mi!>•• lit lil ^ U i i i . I i< I i in t i, 1 ii n i t inJ ' n ^l»\ H 11'ui i l i u u n I t -i f 1 * i t>t m i l in .ll i in I n ' . i u ^ h t , i

. i \ M M i : < - " i i n u i • i t m ii iM t - I'i n t i»i I lu i f \--i m

M i - . U i l l i m i - I m i r .

^ ' - \ n . ' i i I ! I. n ' i l t U iHim i t ti t . u U In - i itw s i 1 i n in I I ii i -i

\ % > \ i i v . I i l[ ,1 U \ il t !i >t M i . i I m i , m i l U . i t \ 1 >M i - K- \ M n I t i l l in*' " i

.InM. H . h : . i i . . v : i u u f l t \

i i i n l h i M - M m ' t i i M

M l - ' Mi I u n o , » i ,'111' M


! I

MiHidu i - . Vutit I ml n u t i •• l!ii">ii i ^ t u 'M in

I I" I l o t t m ill Wi II Lilt 11 nlf:nt l . y i n M u n i 111 i i v * t l

l i o n - - : ! ' u- in i n I l u i < u .m u m w h l l i l r l v i « h m . i n I ' i •( i t t i i u i Ii ( _ ! n n h I u < i u ' id l t i M i 1 1 t h i i-i t h m i l H

• . i n n k L j I .1 -I t u n i i ' i(1 i tit \ t n i t u n I !• v• - u \ i d Ml H ' t i n in t ! ! i! - 1

\ \ ll n ll I I h i ! 1 ! * im i l a n :i h \ . t i n n 11 it i i

iu«s» . m m I i \\ w\< 1 il ni t l ii i( Id Is i h t t t i l n .11! ill II i n 1t t ip Ui II Urn i n -i ii in i i

n I i i n - -

Brighten ii]) your home today and all thedays thereafter—get that new diningldoin suite now. The one shown above iscoii'ppsed of nine pieces—Buffet, SI i1i.Jong', table -IS in. extension, China Closet.\ ith shelves grooved, the betttv to displaythe dishes: a master's chair and five sidechairs, all box seats and in brown leatherupholstery—a really beautiful suite, andone you will be proud of. Come in andsue it.

Net price $20 i—one of the many.

The Victrulii SloiuWith Victor Rn-oicl

The Ford Store11Washington

A STARTLING SENSATION!s$60,000 Worth of High Grade Shoes aod RubberFootwear Must Be Sold Within the Next 10 DaysIn some instances LESS THAN WHOLESALE COST. IT'S WONDERFUL. These smash-

ing' low prices prevail in every department.

NIMBY 27th at 9 1 M.^00 Pairs


also PUMPS and OX-FORDS; assorted sizes.

Values up


^ Values to .$10.00> JMEN'S BLACK AND BROWN

HICUT LACE SHOEShigh heels, assorted styles and sizes.

Welts and HandTurned




Black and Brown. English and Broad Toes.Heavy Tan \VoikPho?sTwo Full Sewed Soles


MEN'S and WOMEN'S SHOESBlack and I'rr \\n

Goodyeai Wells, cdl SolidAll Sizes All Styles, All Heels

$7.00 Valu.jf,CLEAN UP SALE PIWCE .. .

, Men's Heavy Work ShoesBoys' Black and Brown School

and Dress ShoesMen's Scout Shoes

Children's Black, Champagne,Brown and Champagne Patent Shoes

C L E A N U P S A L E P R I C E . . . .

All Sizes


JK-A^L-AN-SHQ E_JGQ.- -"The Underselling- Shoe Stove"


s.i.Ofi Women's

All Colors; All Si


with Savings from 25% to 50%


SUITS and OVERCOATS$25 and $30 values <s g n r fl ^ a n c l $4°yajuesnow 5 I O.DU now

$45 and $50 values A n r n n '

now ^ dZD.UU

Boys' Suits and Overcoats$10 Boys' Suits fl»D e n 812.50 and $15 Boys'

•Suits now db.OU now$12 and $15 Boys'Over *»7 « p $5 and $7.50 Boys'Over A n n rcoats now sH.uD coats now .' $£, }j JJ

$1.50 Boys'Knee Pantsnow

Men's Trouser SpecialsWnisteel Flannels, Seizes. Coiduioyg. elt.

$2.00 values CM f n ^ • 0 0 v a l u e s

now „• • • 0 1.0 U now$3.50 and S4 values ([»0 K fl ^ anc^ $^® v a l u e s ^ n n rnow OiiOU now OZ."0

$5 a n d $5.50 v a l u e s C O O Kn o w 0 J i J 0 •

" BUY NOW!$5 and $6.50

Baby Broadcloth

Silk Shirts


Regular $1.50

IALLS$7.50 and $10Super-Quality

Silk Shirts


IHosiery and Neckwear Reduced

$1.50 Ribbed Union Suits 95c$2 and $2.50 Men's Union Suits $1.50$1 Ribbed Shirts or Drawers 69cS1.50 Flannelette Night Shirts, 95c$1.50 Men's Di;ess Shirts 95c•$2 Men's Dress Shirts $1-3565c Pure Silk Neckwear -. 39cSI Pure Silk Neckwear 55c35c Black or Cordovan Lisle Hose . . . . .\ 19c75c and $1 Pure Silk Hose . .."..< 55c


37 South Third Street Easton, Pa.OPPOSITE THIRD ST.\HEATRE



. J B

Page 7: THE WASHINGTON STAR · • passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tt i twelve the number of cornrni



Continued fiom Pago 1—Section 1

htitl two nunrta of whiskey which tht>ilintik, 'I he next morning ln> UIIHii'tlhiff 'pretty good" mitt when 11 imin<nme tip on a moloicjcle he nhot him,anil ihrtii* fife ! it»j Sntti t cur!.

ue iiNhid Turko what he had iinmulth tin* Hlokn Hllh ami the ptl-winuleplltd that he bad tin ned.lt n\ei totwo 1>rnf)icm In Eimton nnnud S-ibnI he SnliOH mtule tun pimiuiitK on tin*goods the ftrat $1,500, and tlio nmount"»f the HCLOIHI Tuiko \vnn not «uie ofI nit he thought it wat JJOO.

After he hml lent nut that the nunhe killed had n fnmllj Turko said h<Ml Hatty tor litrn find lift wife untfthlldiPii and that ho could not i*st

He pleaded (lint If he could j,otIhlngs fixed up with the pionerutoi .ilXtnton he would bo nil light Tin.•ltULthp suggested thnt he < mpioi n

Mnujer, but he lepllci that the onhiiiiiit who tuulil help him out of histnntbloi was the Su*w\ PIOHCI utoi,m-inhiK VanBhicom No I H « J U ,Turko ropeatedlv lnsIslrU. could ii< lphim

H Is known that Tmkn offeted Vjn-Hlnrcom $10,000 If ho would tin n himloose -.

On cross cviimin itlon tli - detocthoMid he bad np\ei seen Tuiko It .for.-*bis vfnit to the Xewton Jiiil He was n

' total stilinger to him That < ruled the(i (ins examination ind nttoi ne\ H foi iTuiKo petitioned the* rouit fin a r i c e s'luiko wan ppimllted to lenmln withthem in the coujt ioom nftti ill oihpipi rsons had Ixui cxHudrtl

TlielHtntp IlifMinl It« cisc nt 1 nik" l #

'I uoMhvThe fnct that Susucx Cnunlv 1

Hpent ?7fiQ0O hi bihighig this KSIIKjustice WIIH made known Vomlnj '11stotement wa« nmde I)\ CeiiinU Clukjrat\ej Hopkins A« htmso< Ins .iboul-T.000 population It me uis the til it his<">st on an nvcnifc n tiille mou th inf 1 44 foi tach citizen f

Pot the defense Tuiko tooU thest utd at 125 Tuctdaj nfttinoon and uIi ill f lioui 1 itei had completed bin tentlmonj Ho dtniod e\er>thing tin.state (hatgcd'ngulust him He i \u idenied hH pieiencu at Cat bwamp, theflying of Kostcr nnd bis b».ing theIcitlei of the bindits lit tiled to placethe blame foi tht mttidei on theshouldeis of Cculli He claimed the*ntui hlamtd him foi DIP bieik withtlu hlil Ionlt? and thiotteiittl to "IKnit up ' He denied th it In bid eonftsseil to ihi New Yoik dulcctlic andthat whin be tefimed to talk to theolllctr the lattei lud <-i!d ' [ II fix

of llu Tnon or I'lillllpsl.uri.' KimHUM nuiil-iiiuntlilj liv onl, ra mum ilmToun Tr. i i l lur <lill\ (Until lit 1!H

I -i iii

Tlinl lilt i inpluj 1

rn,,,s l i . l l I i, , | . |

i n i i i RInj Tin Mlllur ulillll milmilt I |, IJ .

roll Mr Hit. • M u i l l i t mm ulinltil.ilr'i.l lvf tillli!i,rN. MU-orn in hy hltu mi,I M . | .Unit n.rlli Hi. noi.it ^ „< in. ..Ill, h iUMl tin ni,l llnU ilii, mill i.itM,! ii ri>r

^'HHi1"*1 '" ' ""i . j i ir3S:M:u,:!:; l iB ; . . %

fiMini in In him s, ul i ih i.II h tini naiii, H of t i n i mix ,,i , „ , , l m , \t iiinhii tli il in pin n n u i i ,,,,1 II,.. iitniiliiitH iliii> nml pm Miln in nu l l tin.fnr tilt Illiir or Hi, inontl, IniiiK ilinlt K|Ul.tPll||IR

1 CO llu l ih t i tor or IMtn i i . milH m i f u c HIIIIII Hiii.mli a ) u i i , , | | ,u. . i i i

I I " l.l lilni W I I I H B r. .n]i in. ,i „ „ . » , "DIP ultkliU til unplimtM imilu tluiilti)i:irtiin..|it. utiil i||L. iiMMiiinlM ,lu<- ami

i iiuiniii, i,, . i , i , „ „ , roi t , i r . , r miiKiitlh Imiui II iti h in., tiling

n i l •III, l i l n t i o i o r I ' . i l l l . - , , r . n»h.i l l •ul .n 11 ii p u t , , , ) ! , , , i , , ,f , | , , , . , | ,• Hl l t lo l lM o r lilx ih I M I I I I . i n v u i rn InIn h i m s u i l n i , - r o r t l i t n , H I M nfHi" o l l l c l i l i ui , u i | . l , i . , , „ , , , ! , , m i l ,i l f i m r t m t n t mi l t l : . u i i , , i u , m , | i l ( , m ii w l n b l i l u . u l i , , I I , ft,, t l , , l / , i r , , r u , (l iuinl l i imi i io i lHI t h |ii i i d l i n g

t o Tin r>ln<t.,i oi S lnt l - milI'nlilk liulirnvi in, n|n slntl K||I lilltinuroll, r,,r ,n<li i,r Mi. xul,,lK i<l ,n» ,,rlilt iliiHitinint H«IMII [.. l,j him v.iH r H ,r 11,. miiiiiK

irinpl. ,,„,,,„ ,,r

ki ,n,i, •jint mil il

of tli it dopirtin'tin ana puj ihi, .,, . .. i! ,„„ i „luiir (.r tlK iiiomli luiiiii dj in h

„ If l Tin UtrutMi uf I'irUs ltn!

. . .oni K. b j l.Iiu for tin riflliliLl* »r• muutytt H of IIPH <|< pui MIX tit tb<iinn.lint**-.in,, inn* in ju l t l . ti* K u b tunf»i tin l u l f «.r tin in.mill inmitdlntU*

1 pit < i t'lrit.

: to t ) . I. it,<\\,,t r.Min H^lniif ix ot tli.Town of I'lillllpiljiuj. who KIMII i i f l . iUmn i i l HI IMKE ni>!trn\ ii nmiHirt/i

l*> *r 'lJ, 'in Vf.n'**IIn ' ii'iKMi'i'!'1! r 'oim'uit !t< Hi. Ir a q m ' h i itin.ii 4

I U IM r . a n i KiMlovo o f |li< I ' . . \ M I» f I ' l r m i p b l i u «hii i.M.I u i » i i t "

1 l '< K n u i h i i . iii h / n h t / i i \ Vl'l " ( i n

iiirv,.^.,',:":;";1:.1!,:,".1.'.':,",1;1;1,',,,1,1,,:!.'» l i l . l i M i l i t n j i l . i v , . u o r k . d m i l l t i n

l o l l ! n i i i n l i I . . I I K I I I I V i i n , , i i v . I n i .

'",!•; ",,",l,v;.i,l.',v,v";,:';!i",,:-";t;.','if'.','",:lillliliiMI l . \ Hi. h j i . i l o i ,>/ 4 , | | . ) ,jL.

|i i l j l l l i lit". i n i i i . . w i t . , r i n . i i i i K i m .

Iliimiili film MM ,,r i.tli.r . iu», of tli.

.r'i'ri1"' " " \ ''* l " u " " " ' t h l tTo ir.lI'I. iilrfnln'.' !Mi'i'"!ir"ll'i. |'I rniimlif'l|"t|o m"\."."I'lilVmnt""* " " 1 " 1 1 " " f ' " " " "

i'li.' 'l"ir.l ' l.'t <"!ii!!!l! IMI'OII. rl"1|'!!!"To»"i'iI Ii rK I.inn \ttornui imil St. nor'i i-, _ T r i . l M I I . I I , , , „ , , s l l , „ l l L l _ , „ ,

">»'"• '"it tin,' a! tin p,, ,i ( omnil <-«l"niM h. 1.1 l i i i iun _-,tli I t j j m.• nil it Ho; rtMilir ini.tlnit it, I" lu 1.1 .l.i i i,n IHI I t . . 1,1 1 , , , , | ,,r t imiiil.»..n.rs mil ,,,,,,|,i, r „„ „,„„

ii'.ii!" '" ' """ " r '• ' ' ' ' " " "Attist i n n \ n i: « IMII n

Town <:li.flt

Tile Jui> ictlui! Jt 5 10 and onh one 5tli« fall V

e jury retired at 5.50 andballot wus necessary to decide tli«of the brutul. bandit. The Jury ie.turned at 7 p. m. Turko was HO rright-eneil that at first lie did not realize tliofull meaning of the verdict,

Court was adjourned after tin? Turkoverdict.' The other trials have beenpostponed for two weeks. It la thoughtthat Kpomcio, ihi; taxlcab driver whotook Turko and the nlhers u> Cat.swamp and the weiie of the holdupin I muni, i, ul | | nioHt lik< Ij be thi;in»\t one to by placed on trial. He willIn; dL'fvmtai by l-\ I \ .McCluskey. oCICnstiiii, foiait'i- District Attorney orNorthampton . County Ciirlino's trialis uxpeutud to follow thut of Hporaclo.Ik is tlu. nun who shot the olllui andwas himself wounded In the battle atthe Del Solo farm in Lower SaucouTownship, T'eiuwylvuntu

(MiDi.xA.vci; NO. :tr:t.n ..niln[inc? osUlhllnhlnK t!ip in.;tlifur piiyniiMH of oltlcers ami employof lilt Tmm of IMiIlliiishuit-'' IT •OltllAINEI) ItV THE ,HO.UtIJl ( (IM\MSSIUVI:KS OP r n r rowsI IMULUPSI I lit.

. Tliut ;ill uillclnls and cni|ilu\ LLH

Sage's Leather Store

What About

BELTING?Cioocl Leather and Tex-tile Beltinn, we meanNot the ordinary belt-ing- that's given troub-le, pei lut])b, but tlie oidfashioned -kind thatwears, wears, wears

See us tor belting,bov's, it you \\ ant goodstuff. Prices consist-ent with qualitj.

Sage's Leat(ierNStore3rd & Ferry Sts., Baston

Modern Dairy Farm

On Share BasisAbout I JO .ures intliiilinK larKo txninsi

mi'.idon I.iml nith riinniiiK wntw.Ne« ton-barn of mortirn (jpe- CiimpU-lc

jut ol r.irni buililincs includinir K.ir.iL'i. mill,,liousi., t k . .Slalk for Tour or Inn horses con-irtli'd \.ird .mil walks. Walor sunpK lo illlirniiijial h£il<lmKs. Silo to lie built llns loin

lions. MIIII ci^hl rooms includine lulhiiiuippid balliroom. I'lpeliss rurnau; rininiii-'not and (.old \ ultr, .ill mmtimiuis .

On hard ro id three imks Irom \\.islun"tiinII mcit.s.irj nnmr mil furnish tho I arm tm"li-metu t'\te|)t In c shitk

IXu.ptinn.illi laiorjlik krms In llu. ni;litinr l \ . Musi l,t. lianlVorlir, in hnamiil pnstlion to slock Hit- Inrni and able to luriush KIIIIIIn f m n c t s intliidinjr list landloid No iillurs


Warren Count>IJniB Sloru

F. N. JENKINESWashington, N. J.

Farm & Persoeal PropertyThe subscnbeih, at then home, the Ijioadhead Faim one

mile Jiom Holland Station, N J , will bell on

ai i o'clock

THE BROADHEAD FARMCt R ot 27>:, acies cl yA]\eK F a , nl> x m l ] e , , o m T n_

p w e d Eoad and fiTiolle\ neai the School A 7-.nOr«iblone and Fiame House. Spnng and Cioek uaioi CellTelephone in house, Electucitr neaibv, 1 milo to DelauaieRivei. »

PERSONAL PHOPERTYGood woik HoibO. 160 PuicLeghoin Pullets mil staited

Co La\, line bleed, Pudm* Cultivatoi 2 Plows, Tw\ two-1-liois.e Cultiuitois Top Faim Wagon n,unet,s,°an'kindsot Small Tools and Fai nuns Implements, and main otheiIhinsi too numeious to montioit Five acies, Whpif ! nLriuund OaU and AHalf.i Als>o ilouseliolrl Goods

b> Fiknel & ErskineO


T HE VICTOR COMPANY has made this im-

is effective at once. Victor Records are now sell-ing at pre-war prices.

$1.35 records now $1.2585c records now 75c

We wanted our customers, readers of theWashington STAR, to have this information atonce.



graphsAt The

ish FactoryWashington

which have been pricedbelow dealer's prices


O/2 Quick Sale

There are still many styles to selectfrom, but the choice moaeis are goingfast. QUICK action is thereforenecessary if you are interested. This

siver's Safewill stop as soon as enough goods aresold Lo satisfy the creditors, when theold prices will again obtain and youwill have missed your opportunity.

Remember, this is not a clearanceof old stock. The instruments' arebrand new. some of them just being-completed, and the old Cornish Co.stands back of its product just thesame, as ever.

Now is your time to get an instru-ment at half its retail value, as com-psimilar values. Act at once!

or write for catalog and prices


The Cornish Factory, Washington, N. J.

J>^_ A 1 .- n1"

Page 8: THE WASHINGTON STAR · • passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tt i twelve the number of cornrni

^ -«SECTlbN!dNE-

^y^TtEGISlLVTURE•\ (Continued from Paso 1.)

S, I Trehtoit.-T-Tlit1'' St'tiaro refused tov«^"'cmiflrm 'tlt« :iiominiitl(in y t James It.^-••Niigent for Ihu I'rnst'cmorslilp of Ks-

^ t , v ; v ; - ' f l i p Votp WHS 1" in :i, Tluv three

^ ' S e n a t o r s Simpson of ihulwm, Harhrrof^JVnrreir mul .Ileutli <»f Mercpp.

! AlftlVo 'slktccri'ltvpuiillriin'Scitiitiirifnml Semi lor Agans uf l lmurnlon j

^'Oiint,\y oppncpil. Nnct'iiL1 Sftutior j*K».vsnf Sussex, I K'tiHicrat, wits ab-itcaC • " • " . . " " . • ' ' I

* Xutreufx iilunci' in politics never ihnd'-ii rtinnci' lo win. lit; wits Iteitteii;bpfiire he vlrrually ilfiitimclod thulj(iov(>rmir Ki! wants uppolm him, for InIs just wl»U lit? ib'inainN'il In |i;i\ im-iit jfor support jjlveii Krtwjmls lu'o ycsii*>jHIM wlii'ii hi' :tl(loil the llii'lsun innlijaf lcr ho biiil liitrsi'lf been lumieii fin jlite DcitifHTJiUc MumiKiilii'ti fur SMV-JOI nor. :

Nugent Defiant

lint Nnjri'M wantod Ins niiiiii- »'tilIn : •••\y:mtr!t It ?e!t! i»-ivb"n bf t,n.-ivifull 'well that his Imiiii' .-.unity SIMI-J

und wlii'u tip* knew. '<><>, ttiiit his mvn'pnrty lewlcrs wmtlil imt ^> Efiinnlii^ i/or IlppultlU'tiu vutfs in .tin* Spiiiiin.. j

With Hiily tlvo I.H'titi«T;ils lo uppo-r:Mvteen Itt'p-itilfciiiix. Xurcnt h;u! tin |sjiHio ellimci; !li:it a mow lutll wtmM jlin'Ve to ijiM (Itirlns a iimil>!>>ln':trli'i )lit Hio !•.•!.. linnnnt!*. in iiiW-Atimis;.

If IK- liml ii motive In luivliiL' Ul*]n,lino siuit In. tin* public |i;i* nut lit'tm staken inlo his .•milltU'iiw. Tin- m.-livi?IC'tlu'rc u'ii«i IHH\ remain-; hiililtm.

Tliu Soiimt! a r u i l . I n .-\.Tiitiv.' *.•«;

tlievexcciitivc','»t'sslon,;.ltbeen me known tha t Senator Simpson,had delivered himself of n masterpiecelit eloquence, In support of Xtifie

.Senator Parry, In liis reply, raisedIlls objrollon on three jn'oumls— tliu In-conceivability of pHu'Iiif Xuficht lit theoillc-c bpcause of his ntitl-prnlilbltlnnIrndcnt'los, second, ' l ic i t It would Inilimneroti.i In plact1 u matt of sudt pmv>crfitl Inflih'tu'c In I he nillee, and third,that It was tint advisable in p!ai-ohint In i l i a w of Hie election iitaeMn-ery. He did nut Iind It mveswiry to

I t:iUe tbe "persniiiilly. obnoxious" ultf-Miili- to drtfiit Niu'riit.

What Happened to Baird SenatorsH:ivld llutnl fwlled in tiiiiffrlii!1/.e hlx

sni>l»>rt »t \ n ^ f » ; fr»in S"uiJ) Jersey,One tliimr Is rerlitln. however, the?:u-led. itr wore acted UJMHI swiftly In*,tttvell tin- waning days »f istM week,when tin- HIM .-I^II nf the t"rn:t-!^lu'taiii i" irsiHier, timl tonight. Whitt-over dlspo.t|ilun iliore may IKIVU t u - ton Ii;iinl's purt to r>'pay former Oel>l>tt> Xu::eiit was dissiputeil.

What happened tu those Itepnbltcarvote.-* whMi .Vni:i*:it was'>ui'i»»-e.l uhave rlfi'vhtil tn him? "flu1 pojuilar:'->il!illitt"li Wiis tliat Nuiont unnhl n«>t

ilinnvn at him imN-s-* he iirnl a i:i;cchine L'ltn ui> his sleeve, Mm NUiT**iiiiippiireiilly weni to the stanulner lit^tr.Ulit withnnt the .seinblam:e nf arum-Illi'Ilt »1|iiH1 l:N jiOP.-nti.

If. n< is siipp«>se«l, bo had thoseVMU-S p!e.l-ed h> him .'arty InM weekSi.iuciJilii',' i-'-rtainly !i:ipiieitt'<l in thtJiiteritii lo pull Ihein the utlier wuyTlii'i-e wu> a theury predHiiiinittitu1

Unit h;nl NimelllV iimnitlatl'm beelfacted upon last wi-ek, iinnieiiiatel.iafter ir w:i< submitted, ho would havt

IMS .V.i'lva tthnttw bas 1-Ucon llul for several day» of ln-r d

' 1 M J D H

Republican Strategy

\er l table tnob nl' Itit?1 corridor, waliiui. . . . , .-.

When the eiirtitht lifted -.md Hn> Idoors were thrown open, >i^n:il!iny n jKiiif-li 'defeat. ^i»itt«>'r SIIHIKHTI. •thf'minority li'iiilt'r and one (tf.tlu» threeswho voted fur .•nnlinnatlon. ua> ;ihntnttig a cap of water. The dry* jliterally made simp-uni take tu water.!

The result left S.«niitm- William II. jTarry, .of Kssyx, wlm l.'d th« ii^ht 1a^iiliii't conllniuulon, siuilini:.

, Republicans Held Caucus :

The . Reptiblk'iin Senators caueiHt'il Iin the afternoon, but ur --upper tiinV'I'MM-ybody • wtis still trying in tiirurt-'futit liuw many of the Hepuhtiain Sen- j•ttors would he suminuned by Nil-rent':*yiipjiort. . !

Then canto the executive si.'ss|uii. tA dozen women— besides Hun-Hi- j

men from all ovor the s'late, hud made;for the fallery hi'fotv Suttator Mac-jkay, president, struclc lil< .L'avL'l. They!knew nnthint.' about an executive ses-jslon. Scarcely had they become (:Mtit- jfortably seated in • their - »ents; ih:m \the executive set-slon was catlt'd, mid ithe auditors Iind to leave, t

Senator MneUtiy smUtul bvuiuily at jihe aiVpnreiii"dtscojiititure "f the per'-']-ons .in tlit' galleries its thp fact wns {

that the Senate, would mr<H fn secret.,'Executive Session Lasted an Hour ;What happened behind those closed '

drt'M's during the hour of the executive j"^sslon will be made known by degrees.;But .ther? ; V'BP# vi»ry li?ti»> dUpn^ttinn \on' the . rnvt of'"any'one to find out— |the .result only wnfj the thinj: even !tliuucli spijculntion niTorded so tnuch \iond for gossip In ndvance.

Mr. Nusrent, himself, was with (lov-'ernnr Kilwards, In tlio rxpciitlvo chain- j

Jersey i.'Ity ;ind the. Senatorial buntwas over early, enrtiish to onahle tin- :

Kssoy,, ehaintiiin in catfh an t-;i'rlytrain IinniP. Kdwanls nml Hnaue uc- i

(nnipnnicil. him on rlu.' samp train. •Seldom In lim history »t tlm State \

;.«use and certttlnly not. in recent ;

in the Slato Konse c-ufridurs. Tense !.nut dnn/iiftic thnnsh suhdm'd. Ihe .<-»tiiiiUpi1i"'itlTnnlf'd nrt-m:irknlil(. studynr-lfmuim naitii-c. Hnndre.ls nf men ;were there out <»f juire curinsity. him- jdre'.ls inorp to vi>irc tbi-ir senl i;n<-nts. '

Hy a .witlf* majority they were :r.iM-Xuirent.1' Church l'e.ilemtiim ullicer'Nleaders of wHuen's clubs, ivcn^niKed ,heads of reform viii.ivcuH-nts—tin; hu^c .literally swamped JIIP rorriduiv-!,

• Telegrams Swamp SenatorsDtirini: tin' day th.- ieh--r;ipli in- ,

strunient in tlin Srtite HUILM' i-licki'i! i.!Thundreiis.or tult^'raiiw lb;tl siMdiuiMy(•r.nneiMilMocks (m VIMS Rtjpublienn Sen- ,arors- desks. Thciv were hnndi-eds nf ,

tity iamnied1 '''ruin th" pnliii<-;il. irubernaturial an-yte. the ItepuldlcatK admittedly engi-neered a master stroke with their snli"!fmiii. They kflh'il tw«. birds wlih uncsi "lie.

In ihe tlr*t plare. bad N'ujreiit beenphteeil in the pi'iKi'i-utorsliI]) nf I-N-'t'S.be woiiltl have b.-en hi n i»o>!;inii tcninlti :i pnwerfn! onraiiiziitimi fur ilifnext electitui—^itnietbiii^ the llepttb-llcitns did not relish. •

In the second place, ccntirumiiuii o|XuirV'nt would Imve ilevnloi.ed n wideopen split in tiie Ue'publitNin rank*.

With Senator Uunynii, a conl'trinei:dry, far idiead .if tbe Held in thf -ubernatnriiil nice, a wi-t IndinNpnicnt by tin-party for Nti'-jenc wnuld have raised

In their .unanimous disapproval >>fXujrent. ihe Kepuhliciins furilior :ie-.•entuaied their willingness tn Ilirht thfiiext •.'iiln'rnatorial niinpiil^n nil astraisriit dry and wot Is-Jtie. And theyreasserted their ileu'rmiimtton to sits-lain the existiiv-' ilry hiws,


What will XuirtMit dn now? Therewert* whisporiniis'of revenue. .As. reo.ncntxi'il h'ail.-r'ot Kssex, he wields al<u\\fi-fiii iiilhii'iu'i--. itui Cue Ki'i'iii'iiniiiview istlmt nut n nail, bin a spike, lui-ber-n driven "tu t ho Nu^'ii t pollrlpjilI'otlin and (hat they have nothing t-ifear from him. Thpy si-"ff th«» theory

ilovernor Kdwards n\v\ Nugent botliloft *milinc at i lie news of (he. vote,which went down the corridors in bur-ricanc.:fas!iJon A-k".!.lip would next submit, Edwards -in-swerod : "I haven't had time to think."

Mayor Ha sue imd no thin? to say.Nil sent—Ii" only kppt smiling"They ivi're betrini: 10 h> I in New-

ark." s.iid Senator Vwy, "that Nu-eut

[•in.Insurance InvtBtigation

A rhoroiiL'ii investisatiun 'if insiir-iint'o (•••nipanii's. lire, lif'1 nnd casualty,

isat he:thovc aL'sretifiti1 lusbut k e e p r a l e * ;u illn.ih-ii. i-i in !>o tii;nllloit otVeivd by Asst ' i

ns in premimn?t'S in the Sla t" ,

hiL-iios; pussil>leUMdor a ivsolu-

blyuifni Lyons, of

'PERSONALMENTION I sssii ,?1"1- J- a nmimn-"'H"ck'• ' ./ H. \V. Davln In nttoiulIiiK Hie imultry

•—„— ... .. — . - > S ] , o u . j , , jjew Vork this week.QWEEK'S Record of theMovements of People

You Know. Local EventsBriefly Chronicled :: :: ::

y\vn. Auiatitlii Caipentt-r has taken ajuiniiidii at tht< WiishliiKtou rorcoliiliiWorks. '

Mr. and Mrs. William niinonbury, ofN\'W Vork City, are visiting at tliohome of A. J. Hryan. • • *

Mr, and JIr«. Carl Allen, of .lack-Valk-v.

IIWlttertitltiitii; Mrx,

M lHill uf Short Mills.Mrs. Kdna Opdyke hml as her

ov.-r HIM w.vk-em! .Mr. 1,. U Cinn. t.f Kt-onklyn.

Miss Mnrwiri'l llvriu*. "f .MunisSI..IU S i in l i i y lit l u r hn.iu- nilW : M I . : I i.tv»-«'i.

M r s . t.ii'.iiitiwill MK-mi'tlix •

M w . K.iyiium-1 ll;irp.-i- v u l c n .recent iy in-r nl.-.-t-. Miss Clura

'sutK-VvNiiii;' i.nm-ii'.M S. .M. Ti>ip.'Ilt 111.- \Vrf!vf!ltI Jit t i l " hillli" •«W.th.T. -I. I*. Tr ->s l .T . in K n v

Mliw Aiinn'Cntlu l« vlnltlntr rclatIvoshi Newark (IIIH week.

Mr. aiui Mm, 3. K. Smith I'ntortalnt'da company of fiiemlH nt a sui'Lii'laoparty Wi'dnt-wdiiy.

Uev. .1. K. WiiHlmimiiKh vlMltfitlnt the home oC Hr. and .Mrs. ]•', .1. 1M-

MainiKei- John Lunger IH ttpiiKlinj;si'V«-ral days hi New York iu-ran«lnsfur special attractions at Ihe Opera

Sir. "anil Mrsi II. L. Unaln-rry spentfrom Tuesday until Kriiluy of last wcvkvixitiiiK friemlH In Now York .*»M> andattemlliiK tin-1; si-wsion of the tlrnndl.[»ilj;e Kastern Star In Newark.

Mrs. Meury WinU-rs. who ban beenvery III at her home on Melvidt-re ave-nue, Is umv much Improved.

Mr. ami Mrs. I-:. C. Speer entertainedI over ilit* week-end the tatter's brotlr-

otitJ t>!" IMill:iil4>l|ililii.i*.cii'l willi her moth-

Alirk Wrlt>Miss SUMIU

of Manovtr. This ,IWIIM'I Kly. also of Hall-

v r . , i a u i . .Alias Mai-inn Kliuiaman. win. II>:ICIII'

iat Ht-lfot'il. i sumo tim withlu-r |>;ir.-nts. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph tt\Kiunamaii. The .seboolsof Itt-Iford aiv

seil hidetintti-ly owiim to :i scarletov ••|.i.l.ni!.'. Miss Khin:nnan':s

li-f tiancf. Allen Hnl.li-r nr Navesiuk. .-'penti.- ;s"\vr:il days this \\i-k as :t Sliest at

i i!n- Kimiani >n Imme.

oii sito ' of 1'mii'

visitrtl i'

Mrs. .\Stimlay adurini: wbl.-li tini

Scnuiion ;itnl WilUi'slia'n'e.Mrs. l-'rauk Wliltnian of N'-dlcy,

Oh.o is with lu>r ui'-thcr. Mrs .(iwi-iihI.ve. Tlu' l.illfr is rritirully 111 :it hcrImmi* near I'.K't I'tdtleti. •

Mr. ami Mix Many All.nur ol" Nark ! uvt'i* ih.> Wivk-emI al Iho

•« i»!' furnifi* May..r Hiram Allt-Ktirl-I Mr. ami Mrs. W. Parks.Miss KIlHuiK'th l.indabeny nf I 'Hit

tipsburi; s|>vn! tlie week-end with Mrs.William S. Kinii;

\t NOTKS.An effi.rl h b-ini,' juil rnrtli n- nrn;ui-

Ixe an Mi'iuir Assuciaiion in the ' IIH'-'IIWlii.nl. Thf oblrl-l <if the assi.t-lillH-nWill IK- tu tflvo 'ivdlt l.» st tuliMit < w.ilostrive lo attain «ond rc-enrds Jilonj; Hielim-s of sehobirsbip. lu-lp^nl r.iudu-l.thrift. Mieliil servU-e, ami other of life's

Tbe Il«.m,- and S.-hnnl Asso.-inlion Uiirriinirlnp t't-r a l-'ntlK-r'j- NIKIII U> belifhl in Ihe wlimil luitis.- Tin's-'-*.- "»•••

51,-s. ,.„,„„ ,:.,*,:,„., i.,-«. cu,.*, i i i i K i E P ^ i s i i !;;;,i:H"";;lH•lafliurii and th,- t a t t e r s ihiti^ht«-r.} t ) , m ( , r A | i s s . \ umni l ALtiioney nf \\\v

..Miirian. spent Stind-iy with Mrs. K. I Hu^Hsli |.)<'|>urtmct'J. 1/Ufr in Ihe evi<*s t u n t s " of vi rliMiss Helen

i'oiu a i« i-ks" vini lih frlt-tunn-d plat'e iii iht- jrynin'tv.sluni.

The HncUeU.stown IHKII t

" |

of bedroom KUUOH, parlor .suite, rugs,ciu'iK'ts, Htovcs, Htamls, lnmpH, bcil undbcddltiff, ilishcH, etc, ..Terms. eaali. M .A. Picrson, auc.

SATUltDAY. Jan. USth—Householdffooiln, W. WashlitKton Avc, WttHhlhg*ton, by Mi'K. Carrie Raymond.

WKDNES15AY, I-Vb. Int—l-'arm Htockand machinery aloriK road from Alphalo CnrpetilersviLk', by Lemur Frcy; M.A. PlerHOii, nun. •

TIIUKHIMY, KKIJ. I'lVd 1001!—UjmihiKIIOI-KC Sale by '1'heo. .1. Smith al hltitriable* at Asbury.

WKUNHtiliAY unit TIMJliSIJAY, I-Vli.^- and L'3—Live mock and farm ma-flilin'iy by Win. JI. Kulins' in Anthony,midway between Calif on nud l'ort Alur-ray. M. I'. Kick. nut*.

TUESDAY, KK1I. SS—Uvo Stock andArachluery, nlonjj the macadam roadfrom 'Washington t»> Asbtiry. OrovorHill. M. A. Pivraon, Auc. M. U UHHII.Clerk.

MOXOAY, MAHCll fl—Live Stwk findMaehlui'iy on the l.H'il» I'artn. Wash-'iiifctun. Oliver ICrifs. M. A. Pivrs.ua,Aue.. M. L. Kuril, Clerk.

W !•: DNKSHA Y. Feb. I fith- -Krirmocl: and machinery on Um Warm*

farm near Uroadwiiy Depot, by t-'raflk •Crouse. M. A. Pierwoii, a u c . M. L.

iifdi. rli-rk.W ICONICS PAY, I-Vb. 'Jl* lit I—Ka nn

lock anil maehhu'i'y on the Pur-AnimFarm. MuntinKton. N. J.. by Ap«ar >t

fier. M. A.'Picrsoii, line. Ii. Frank(•line, clerk.

WKUXKSPAY. March 1st—Farmstock and machinery on tlio Martcnlsfarm near tin* County AlmslioiiHc lty W.11. McCormick. M. A. I'icr.son, auc,

Tlll'KSDAY, .March ^nd—Farmstuck and machinery, near InporsollI'.and worUs by Sam not L'lsizza- M. A.Piersdii, auc.

SATl.'KDAY, March -Itli—Farm Htockand machinery on the Samuel Sltkcrfarm on road from Penwoll to Pleasant(irove l>y Arthur Mnnaborry. .M. A.1'ierMni, alii1.

Ti:i-:S1>AY. March 7—Farm slock andniiicliinery on the Charles Api;ar farm.Warren county side, between Aslniryaud i:|»omKi>iny. Josfjih Schiitirc. M..\, I'leison. alic; I1!. Frank Clilie. clerk.

WiCDMCyDAY. March hili—Farmstuck and machinery, nuar Stowarts-viltc, I»y Oscar Scott. At. A. Plc-rson.auc.

TIIl'llSDAY. .March :>lli—Farm stockiind mtu'hlucrv alons thf road from.Morris turnpike to Kfd School House.'l>y Stewart Hamlin. AI. A. l'ierson.

l'TlIDAY, MAUCll 10—I.h'e utockand furmlnK lmplomcnta. by FrankSleeker, Slewartsvllto. W; Van XH1-Hard, auctioneer. *

SATUUIJAY, Alarch . 11th—Farmstock and machinery (at my farm be-tween StowurtHVlile and llloomHltury;by Steven Kravecz. AI. A. I'lcrnon, auc,

MONDAY, March 13th—Kurm-Htockanil machinery on the Wni. Ulglcr furmPort Murray, by C. A. Crca«or. M, A.1'lerson, uiic.

TUESDAY, Alarch Mlh—Farm Htockand machinery on- thv • Wultut'H farm.

iiK the .Morris Turnpike neur Stew-artsvillis by Alary Vcgli.1 AI. A. Pier-son, auc; K. K. CUne, clerk.

WEDNESDAY, Alarch llHLi—Farmstock and tnacliluery alotiK the roadfrom Stcwnrtsvllle to UlooniHbury by

wHOOPiNGCOUGHmust run its coursc-r-there is no "cure," butVicks helps to ease the

- coughing paroxysms.Apply often. Use freelyat bedtime.

Harry' Fray. M. A. Plerson, auc. :

.THURSDAY, • Alarch IClli—Farm"stock and machinery, near Asbury, ea-into of -Jacob Vleit, .Tuilson Vlclt, mlmr.•M. A. Piernon, ixtip. ' "

SATURDAY, March ISlh-FarmHtock and machinery at Anbury byPeter Slgler. AI. A. Plerson, uuc.

MONDAY, Alarch 20th—Farm slockunit machinery at tho Olt homesteadfarm between Harmony und Untinurdsby Clark Ott. AI. A. Plerson, uuc; A.CJ. Tinsman, clerk.

_ VAPORUBOnr 17 Million Jan Unit Ycarlu

I.A. Davidson, 0. D.OPTOMETRIST

Real ShoeBargainsIn order to close out »ll

of our Winter Shoes wohave marked them downbelow cost. .-... . • : . . .

WOMEN'S?7, $8 and S9 Shoes



$8, $9 and S10 Shoes ••for

$6r.75A splendid . .opportunity

to buy high-grade 'shoes a t

low grade prices. . ' . ' . •

KXI'KUT in eye elimination and in |fitting proper plasses for tliu relief [of eye and nerve, strain. . ;


Wrilc or Phone 3G-K5 ,Tor Appointiacut

ih'tluLiy Intoy ii»corat<'(l

(»r \ lr . t ••lluinpty i m m p t y "nlemllil ! ••Health- t'l-n'onm-r will

hum- "it* SL-bool at 11 <»Vli«-kTin- tai.li.- was msU-fiil-

it!i ruses. AIIKMII; thi keep Hit1 y K

mood fi»- iK-arly nn hablo

011 vet- and datm'iil.-r* OiUv ,.f Park I',.- niiide on the nduds ..f tin- .moiI wvei-tl tVI.-tuts from t lk l i Schuul Is looking forward

Uei-shey. I'll.. Xt-wnrk. \ . -w Vnrk city iiitersi'lioul ili-tiui.- wilb Miirli

lo ln-itStii la

iUHl !M!il;tili-l|.lii;i,d a swlun i-:ir u>

bis wife. ''Washlni-'ton fr

mil from Uolltiml .if

-v.-nl, iinlulay git'i from That th.-


Tbe suhjvet is.should


live wt'VkJ.' ei-imean Sea. nn tbeMrs. Kate l/inc.

Mr. JeiiSitns left Ills I wlecU-il t het-.\ti w n k s auu for j l».> livid in

in tin- .Mrdiiec- j

tlk'ir nriny and naval forcesof iiotUMiw llieir own territortiv-." " " -. havitiK tlio choh-e of

.if I'hlltpsbtir;; f|.»in \]!•!• ilailf-'liler. Ml*::.' •

ICed Alen l lnve F*iu T i m e .iv w n s a mmdly :ilt-iii!anci- of tln>

»i l. 'tc Trilie anil t he i r fri'.-:i-i.-:

rivilli his wife Is wlmFla.. has wrllva hoiT.tise is 1 and Ch'-lsl

.ton in it. Mr. and Mis. lvn-1ilo not expect tu ivinni i" Wasbini;intil'iibuut tbe llrsi of May-

Mr. C. r . Ptittitcs s|n.nt Monday

' Mrs. Joal. Wooih-uff is eor-inc'In it venue hoin- win

*<w day.'? with b-r p-in-rit:•lrs. (i. A. i-'ifinitiiln. in I

Miss Umb Olvi.-r Is

lii.sl Friday nlKht wlu-n l\u- cbifiI', l.iii'isnn. wlin | lh<- tribe wen- publicly raiseil to•inu In Octand'., ; unices. DimrU-t l)c|iiily Cinrlei

titai his

frieml. Mis;; AlicoDavidson, of Lt:tliiiiinr».

M.rs, I-'rank U"binstNatbnn Castnt"- bavo in-.f«\v days with Mrs. Leonard Colennu 'i

'SlurkcT was in clrn-Hc. Addi-rsses wcri-also jiivi'ii by 1'asl CJrcfil Sachem Cl:i'!cCole. Collector of Wampum Sauuif!Wi'llcr. .In^cph M. Snyilcr. OnrRe T.Huywiird ntul Mrs. Kdilli Snyilw. llv::lfiivat Scout of the (Jivaf Council ufthe HoKivt- of Pnt-ohuntaH. ' Harry I

itlucii lo iii-r Duffy, (of PhlltlpttlnirK. Wl"> h*'« II".'"1 !i ay atl-n-k siround ibe world in th" navy. K:IVL'. nn

Eifi'innit of hi* impressions uf the coun- ispeiidiuf-'Vil'irhw 1«- visited. A banquet was serve-1;

n. K"v. and '• hy the n^inbfrs nf Osane Coiitn-ll Nn. ;


Nathan's $400,000 |FEB. FURNITURE SALE j

• ., Now in Progress—is the . s

GREATEST VALUE-GIVING EVENT |Easton Has Ever Seen — Come Now, Today §|

X(i SALES.S\f U.RDAY. JAX. SS—Publlo ante of. •

rl 'Mi'-';.; !ions»:Iiol:l goocis by Mrs. Carrio Kay-•*"" .md tit ht-r r^idt-uce. 17T W. W-nli-

51011 Avc, Wiishinston, iron sist ing.

Me. ami Mrs, AVillkini t.-lowne ciiter-tnincd a i iuni l ic r nf friends at their 'State street home Ifift Tliui'Mdiiy ove:i- :

Mr'fi. .l'*r:ink Lawyt"- ami dauRhtpr, :Mis.s Dorothy, Invc beon visiting in .

I; for several d iys |>3E'..Mr.an<l Mrs. S. T. Hentlev of Khsit

N. V.. have? be<'i ^Itiiis Mr. •

djui^hl'-.'. !•

.Mr. I.ilj..ii Smith :u..l s- Ml-i, ..Ik i l l l Si l Si N (Iifl Sir N.

Iii the preainbb* tu tin* resolution itis shmvn by liio atintiid report nf jS ta te O'nuiiissi'.uier uf Hanking :nni j '"'Instiratieo thin fin- insurance -eimi-j :

|i:in!es ro l l ed :i iotal iif niuiv t i m u j ".SUi.uOO.lKHi :ibo\-(- (he lushes iinnurJIy. \\:iutl vi-f. m i - : lviiiiiin at ex t rao rd ina ry c

t<-'l Mr. aiiiffnvni. Friday..-Mrs . IA-UII Cmv..-n .-m.-i-iahn <1 a suwlli i n i m n y . a l "*i bi r l ln lnv «l;ut;r.;- p i n y ;•stenliiy in IHUIMI' of y\\-x, A. I-', fli'o-iu- and Mrs. Kim-; SinMh, (litf.-iis-l'nuuH nf t i 'wn were Mrs. H.iT-.;irn ..nil Mrs . :

i>t:n.tr SAI.R OK SII .K. \*The undorsisned will sell ni jnibl...' ~

Til" nn H.imrd.iy, Fel»r«;iry 11. 1!*--. a l -•: P. M-. at the mill of l imhiim & tTir- . -i-t'll Silk Cnnipany. Xo. T<~ Sitprreavos =Stroot. Phillioslniffr. NVw .ler.sov. 0^.:;« =;>r>nn«ls of It 'i Japan i-Trepe SHU. '">"' =tjinv.i t " Hi_- inch, tui spools . i>f -i.hfl r

iif''ii'tnr7l\'e\i'tV(VrV"is»'od''»PP*'n' - i'iVl "siVk'f'Sf o r v.-.-rk : i n t l l a b o r " n e r f o r n i w l i t n d n u t - : zt - ' r inl . - . f u r n i s h f i ! in a m i n t ' o n i i l f -H i r u t t i i m o f s a i d -silk a m ! o i h - ; r s i l k ' s

t in - i i ' u U T s i i r i n i d f u r ' t i l r o w i n g . s a i f l s i l k . \ka n . | f .n- w h i e l i it l i a s :i l i e n a;- a f n r c - ; =r a i d , i s t l i - s u m o f *7:>S.SN. v. ' i t l i Icffiil ~





Easy Terms On j|[^ All Reduced Articles gj

Come to this Great Sale S10% to 50% Reduction | j

— • |

Come Now—Today M


J 1


U;1 ,

i ?1

iVi.:';<";n.7 Si

frttin•; ft-' •

\.M *






iliiIF. 1,1.PI

• !iiHip


s i .



1a [if] on

IPANV.® 32 South Third Street

|Easton, Pa. j

wl l t ' l l t l i p ,Scii;iti»r> s t i i i - ic i ! l o u,o\i

ovfjr lliii ' - (n i t i ' i i l s , i t y i ' fnu ' t l Tiiitl itn'.v

T h i i r H i e I t t ' i -nb lM-an S f i m t i n ' ^ ' l i i n l

ni;ip|>ftU t b o i r t.'imrst.1 i l n r i n u ' tin* nf t t - r -

n o o n . s t i s s i o n , ajr i i ln.- t N u g e n t wi,-; in-

tlit.'jjUHl o n I b c (;oiinren;UH:t1 of i ; . \{,,w-

In i i ' l A l n n r o , cmms*?t f o r t in : A m i - S n -

lo i i l l ' lA ' i l t r iH ' u s b e w a i U ' i l in Mi,- <-m'-

ririi ' i". H e VflU'C-tod no t . ivnli i lci t^f- , b u r


Tin- hivcsiii.Mi!nir b<«ly is 10 bo fom- B«P ' . M T I of t b e cummit t t ' i " ! on bank ln i : ®.-mil insur;tiii-e (if ib»* Si ' iuitc and . \ s - Q^soiiibly, wi lb iHtwer lo sin n .\vii- mni'ssi 's . <\\-aimm- rccni-df ami bo.. | ;s inn! KSd!L' JUKI ( l i - gj

KlVnrtN IIHVI. l.i'L-n niii<l<> for KPVM-:.[ ! gyiMt-s ;o -ft infi 'niiatlon nf tills cl.iii'- | §a'-lcr !>cfnn> ib*. publi": I'«T:HISI.' of I>VIT- ; ^Lrrowiiiir «-oi»p!:iiiif of insunuii 'ii rail-.-. • SS

Tuli'-milai- llo^s at (.'tninly IIDUS.-. TS' Wli.-n tin* imirs \vw< killed last n w k | Mill tlii- Wiinvn Cuunty farm al Kurrs- i *» .,viili- li \va:- discovered th.u uvu of ;b"in W'"-w>-]->- iiiln'i-i'Mlur, They were ^i-n m 13I)- dim-Miuri-il as soon as killed mid Hpols j 93i'.Klii:atr.ii tli-i!- oundition. • Tli«y WI-I'L-j 83l»ri.iii|Hly l«iii-lcl. i SB

& • •


Roast ^Daisee Asparagus

Daisee Stringless Beans

Tiy these two linos of CSmned Vegetables andthere is a surprise coming to you. Neither ofthese articles have been popular on account of poor

.Daisee,Brand means the finest. Not a string on'the' beaiisi and Asparagus—better than fresh.

.-I? A;:

129-131 Northampton Street, Easton, Pa.


Last Bays of the Great

Your opportunity to purchase Winter Apparel of exquisite style and quality at un-paralleled low prices., This is the greatest bargain event of the.year and the final clearance .

_days:Avillvi:ey.eal:J:-he.an6stjtoprices. = ' '

FURSat fri'cat price reductions

Neckpieces '"jinininl shape or choker oll'ects al

VMuffs at $5.00 to

. .were $1'2 to'$55$25.00


COATSAll high-grade styles

and materials with lux-urious fur collars

$10 to $65, were $25 to $125

Were $25'lo.$75


COATSIn all, styles in plain or

with luxurious fur. collars,now


$49,50 ••_

All sizes 16 to'53.


DRESSESIncluding many now

spring styles. To close out

$10, $15, $20Were $IS.5O lo $45

Skirts and Blouses. ii-iSiUafliralliltJprfiirBifiiS:^

M«iiy styles at i,4,,price andless. ,'


SUITSPei'l'octly t a i l o r e d ,

beautiful styles, high-class in'every particular.Many fur trimmed mod-els. ' ,

To .close out at

Were $47.50 to !ji95

-iy^;'-}i'.^::]'}:.;' r.'i '•

Page 9: THE WASHINGTON STAR · • passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tt i twelve the number of cornrni


Just a Few Recollections orThe Days of Auld Lang Syne

, Ten Yeaia Ago.There .worn 329 boyn connnlttt'il to. tho

Jitincsbui'tf JU-fonn Hchuol In 11)11 iiut< \cry blensciJ otic was a CIMULUL HIHOI •or.

Miss Jennie Ounul nnd Kussi.ll bl^-\w were married at Anbury

ton. Mary II. Hlner, 68, died in BIIH-ton, where she had nuitlul Un tu iUcjea is Sho had duo roHlilu! In Punch-town nntl was a daughter of Philip Ai»-Kar, of Alt. Pleasant. /She left a daiiKh-toi and Hon Mrs Not.i Dill? of Pistonnnd Plillln Hlnor of Sayre, Pa

Wllllntn DI\ IM of IHiiIson tliovi toMehooloys Mountain In :i HICIKII thin was1G0 \ e i r s old

Tin Pi LSIIJ tu Ian SmicI i\ sellout itllnckcttstoun win lilnnniiiK tn cei 'hiitethe centennial on Alny fl. 11 was orKnn-I zed by Jacob Day and morr> hnmiiKo Isd hi l t d I l k

IJiilnli Mnn.n, 1,1,llUIB IIIHIIIK lltioi.d n t j i u n Ii.. u l l s

. ' * inn . . H IM i "iiui '1JU-

imcloi mil .unimiil . loin,.,.I red Sllfjlt. 7J, ,nuI ,„ (•„„!„ s % m

Ills ulfc illid luo v u s Inroi"llcmj Piln»<.|u, ill, l n, WIISIIIIH-"vim" " " V " ' ?' " l l " " " "-IIIMIMI

lliioiiKh iho Ice ImiJMm Walln If

hi Jolirmiiimift1 ml llfn«hiw

m m w|,o U H

\dkd in tli» T

dbd in I'biillpsHOIIH unl tlw



I We d i n r b U i or Theodore Me Hick ofOJlonnnbun v i u e mnirifd ut t h t homoof tlu bride, In Ilcv I' V Srln.ll>

A l t x i m k i Young, who mnile liUhomo with Ul l l lum Mount In Washingtmi, (1 til tt tlu nut v( M iurt Mon a t well luimm In W u i u n nnd JfunUnion t t i imilci 'UM- fu i i ' i i l w ii htldrmni Hit honi< <>r his Hiiln In i , lu idun l in t

I hd Otfiiiil imltlii «r hool UJIS look• n Into unl llu ink v.'\U u n p i h d• M I tli' di sUt and lloot-4 11n hi itK1 o i i d s u d i * d u 01 tt id with U1H<* m.I iiimi thL mid oJiM i( | (Uhi nslhli netsf o m m l i u d

-Auion Stilton, hi) dl<d nc ir K u m\I1I« 1< tvliiK MM) chlltlicn

M n Sit ih LuitMi died .it Va\'omu mil v. IH hiniril it tin \ illi v'P i i sbUt 11 in L'< m m i> Sin 1< ft wlinilfiirn .md \MH f o i m t i h of Itni'(ion

~ ! Aidi l i \ n i n u ' diul In Iinut lon 1I>Ack< i son, i" (1 < il h ni ht m In JIOOI In iltli ami \ is round

: d> id In i d u l l A widow tnd s uf if I i\\ un i t Ilir n il clitldteii l i n t <d

ffihU 1 In sl< mi MIHH Ui t t i ConKl n M I I K onl'•I< down u n o d ilitiKlitu of Mi mil M M Ilii irniston Iio<*piii1 Kin;,- »f Lnimt f . i m o md \ \ II on C

PD n tvlsor nf mnrndnm rnmlw inroirnty ror ten yi-nrw. He was f<2 findwas nlKht dlHp.'itnhcr :it Hie I/uka-wirnna yards in Washington for twnty-sevfjii years. Death IVJIS from hfn ttrnnhle. lie had been ill, bnl ' wnkthought to Iw bettor and his Jiisler wentuptown to iilinno tn tin- physic-Inn tliiilhe need not v.nU that ntcht. as be plun-ned. Whi-ii she returned shu found herbrother cloud In his chair.

Jacob n. Merk'le, B7. of Walnut Om-iu'i\ met di'itth whllt* ItnuHiitf wood ti>his liomtv WillUn nlu-h: of his )i -.lIn: sled struck an obstruction and over-turned. Mu fell from tin- t«>|i of tin-

'load and tin- sb'il runner p a w d r.vi-rhis n.'r-k, killing him Irtstiintly. IlLs wifeand lir.othci-hl-law. Knimicl Harris, wit*liossr'd thu accident. Hosidcs the widuw jlie left two daimhh'i-H. tip was :i melier of puritan Lodso of Odd FollowsJJ] ft Irs town. ' i

The PhlliuMidiiu tixpruxM ICHVIIIKPliilllpHliurK at• 7.-I5 was wrecked In theI'hlHJpsliurR yard. The luc of lh<

vltoh brokfL.Ju.«t as tho "iiifiK i h

;when the Ijfttli-

m* we,v spilled

gthe kitchen

sot tnd th.-r her lower

and went to Mould Ie, (ia.. to takH or ihe (icui'Klu Northern Kail-

ay. which was ',1 miles lorur.Quantha .MirWllli.-Jins, iwolvi* yciiif*ld. daiii;bier of Mrs. John McWH-

Ilcrt DeWltt, pitcher of the AlertIliiseball team of Phllllp<«ljinj- andAf is Alkt' Blair, of Stromlabuij,', weremarrl( d

C Slnrpi JUIIIck 03, dkd j t Alont\lllc Me w.ui fonnuiv of PhilliimI'lirj; and MIIJX I intcndi nL of flu olda^i I< illtiii il woikw

Mis Anna%btiiinctM uldow of lolmStnmls , dkd in PhlllipsbuiK at tliuII^< of 7.', Icivlng1 tincu sons

MISH Ll/zlc U'tMC d mj-hti i of tinI tto IttdK) Ufc<e of PhlllljisiiuiK u IHiniirfid to Mi. Qut PII of Ntn "ioikut the honn nf hu Inotlur in law, Iit\Mr Akxaudd, at "\1 ittcw tn

MIHM AIiiKRfi Ilnni i tUtihlili i ofIMu l i m n tttif m in lu l lo H t u Olii.iM of I'liilllpsbliiK

Chin lei Cn\tlliiK. who dkd .it thefiKt- of 'Mi Iii Bloomsbiiry, wan actlviin Ma*<onli clicl'h mil u is t u a t u i t rot tin loilf,c of t in t pi in

(,UHM P.uki i auJ Miss I lou iu tMm 1 ill u i i t miii ldl in Tunton

Holly Mi'auli In Cup Muy Count>bid UK hl^lust t iv i UL fn tht state

$4.<W ptr $100 Punkllrr townahlu, P int \ Counts, had $JbO pot $100 Tholouest was Ularstoun, In WatifJnwith sixtj live cents pei $100 Know Iton with sfVint> contH pci $100 nndOxford with su\enty two (enti ]»r$100 \\ itit i n County had thr lowistiati in ih« ftale All trm fountk s hidd<bu txrepi. W a i u n , MonN Mi«-t\and .Moiimouth.

M.U II/V3UTONTin shutting down ol th< S| intl nd

Wilu Mstems \Aoiks it Jl unptmih is tlu ow n sonu out ol i tnplo> mi inIILU

Chuilt H \,OII H igj ii Is ti}Kit,< >l In !monl UIIK to\ i out «Jf l< id Sni ill Uu IHits of soldlcis on hotHLS f,iot(.M|tif ./tf,tfic«r intl t ufotfh inJmtts 'I in tovsit« p ifnt' d in \aiious colors Mi

ion IIii,(n Is doiiiK tin uoik foi i r

llrm in New York Cltj jC h u b s Smith h i s I Url> pur<hts(dl

i I I I M M r.v tilan MIUII !Mis Catb HIM Snvd'i Is in our (I In i ,

house a^un itti i L two w t l . s ili iIK S With till Mip

IJLTT/.VILLB.MI and "Mr« Georgo Jonoa enter-

tained IKI, broth ci, Watson Oibba, ofbtetvartmillo, a couple of di>a las'week

Oiu \Iltitbo 'i w IINH %vdl represent-{(1 at tin L\ anj,tlhtlc aervlcca ut'Vltinia the p ist two ULtkt)

'lwo wild loads ol juuris ptoplo wpent(he LVftilrif; ul th Mr and Mis l i i t t auul ftimtl>, niai "Washington

"Mrs Frank I olkm i entertained atit ([iilltlnf," pittv list \\cdnesJay Shos< rvul an I'lu^ant dinner. Tho tablonjx jiuttllj dicomud wLth .'bonboncuprt In the foinf of eitp» papci Howu s tn<I p ine ( nils C*»\(is wio laidfoi (lgliUi.ii. H uas a most onjojabloocc islon

Miw John Hopkins and two Uaught . f tin MJSHCS Ulldi tind Htltn wtroSundii \lsltor« it tho home of herbiothei, Mi .md Mis Gtorfec RSmith

L UK' au intitic s ot lino suekers weroin ntlj t ikt it iiom the Putin st

Mi md Mrs lohn f, Amluson who

are passing tho winter a t 'Hack«ttown wore wcellcnd gucata^ol ""nclco, Mrs. Frank Folkner.^ <

Mrs. Abraham Huffman vU.«. _,.,.„.alBtcr, Mrs Carrey, near Groat Mead-ows And attended tho revival BOvices a t VJonna *»* •> ^ M '

The infant son* of Mr. und'Mrfl.'HBimon Stevena, Id 111 «.,*. ~" •-*,„

Mrt) Charlelsa In teaching at Bridge-.\Hle whllo Mrs. Harmon SHfpman la.

Miss Roberta Folknci4 had aa hepguesi Sundaj night Mlrfa Helen Hop-kins, of MounUIn Lake. * n

Mrs. Urown Tells Hon Rat^" Almost v eBurned Her House Down;

'Tor two months I novor went *i our /ctllar, fearlne a rat One night In bed' 'I smelted fire Sure enough tho rat had /™<!>oen nibbling a t the match"* If I &n d n t acted promptly my house would *"'

hfivo be>u buintu I*itcr wo found tho(It id rat RAT SNAP killed it It's/ t "tuff" Thrf>p «.l-»r** J5c, 6Gc, $1 25.

bold tind sun tun* a l by Jenkins 6.Meeker; Floyd Mtijor.

$?zzs&r'fttA**^5sz&7K3nzz^™ : \-*iv;. .zr.mm s

ion, » w miuilf-d l.y i;,.v. u . .1.til*, at III.' lioiin- .if I IH- hiiilr- iiford.

A prominent ymntK man «-ans<«l MHII-ii w-iiKitluti in Alt. Molly i-hnivli onSunday . 'wn ln s . l ie fell us!.. , , , dm--intr the .sermon ami ihi-n s!;n|.-.l to

iv J undivss liiniM-ir. Me was in a peiv \>yi*. 1 himsfir iutfl dlri'tilly liohfnd him' wit•r! tli yoitnt; \voui" The

L.Juver it. KichtI

f pwere injured,ldI,eroy Oiitlck of PltilunVld njul ,\

MnlK'I Rinehnrt nt Phtlllpshurfr won-married at Ihe home of tin? l»ri>l<-.

•loh n Ik'.^s, a p.i((c-ni mal{i-r a I Ih'.-inKortioll-Itand pliinl, ilicd of typhoidff>VL-r. Mo was t;i and w;i« 111 twow.'uk.s. A widow (ind one son. J'rof. linyIIcs-s. of'U-ifayotto Collei,''', Hiirviv.'d.

John R. Wllkins of Smith Hunt mi nnd.Miss Catherine Ovcrj)ock of I'liillipw-burt,'. we.ru mni-rlod.

Jfr-s. Susan Gel«or. 72. widow of O o .A. Griper, died nt thf hnm» of her sis-ter, Mrs. Kmlly T. Gorman. .Slit: wasformerly of Pliillipsbury :tml died near

William Unuid.s Schiller, it teletri-apli•. operator on the Lohlgh & IInd«oii and

' .Miss Minnie Jlay Emery.) daughter ofReeder S.'Kmcry. a Utilvidorp rniilrac-tor, were married In Uolviderc.

Mrs.1 Morris .Ilinr. formerly Matit!.:Wallt'ii. died in Newark and wan buriedin lluttsivlllc. UcHidcs her husband anddauKhtRi- she was survived by her par-ents. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wallen and abrother. William, Wallen, Jr.,.thu latterot "Washington;; V " " " ' '

Tliere ivero 25 births. ^S deaths and1!6 inarrlaBcs In Bolvidme in 1911.

I-'rcd Searles died, of pneumonia inNewark. He \yas n. son of tho vener-able Frederick Searlos and a hulf-hro-Iher Lo Adam B. SWIMCH, Iho Relvi-I-n-

• A s u e s s o r . ' - • '" • • " • • . . • . .

Jfrs. MfirR.'ircl. Barber died in Dela-ware from paralyslH. She was une of*ix children and had resided In IJelii-waro for IS years.

.iDKiali Ptocker, 70. died jiilSpriuKtnwn.•lie was loiiR'ill and left a whlmv and

wciion foreman on the'I.'jhlsh \"alli-y.Mrs. Ilnnniih If. Bloom(icld. 74. died

at iho home of'Mr. and MV*. lloninminCi'fVfilinp. Her husband. Win. P.lonm-ilctd." dii'd nine years boron-. She1 hrulresided In Change water for "Cl years.

Theodore V. Taylor ot N'ew Hnmmmisold a Holsteln bull that weighed 1.S80

. p o u n d s . , • • - . • . • • : • * • . . „ • .,_• ,• . - . : . • • " . - ; • " •

"Horace iloore, 'sorBfunt-iit-arms inIhiiiierdon county, died at tin; aye of73. He left a widow and throe chil-dren.

.David Hoffman, one.of.ihc.-'l'iest men-in Lebanon, died at the a so- of !«5.' liewas a native^ of Clinton.

Clarence R. Pinkerton of f'Vfinklintownship and Jliss Anna M. Welsh ufGreenwich were married by Kov. [iuyliAValker.

George Kravut, formerly of Uluirs-'tow-n. was. walking from Tnntii.itia tollaiiletoii. whon he. was inurdurL'tl. ill.-,.body mis ' found, ulonu the Iraeks.There was a wound in his head anil hispockets had boon rilled. Ik- had beenworking at Ash more, Pa., for the Lc-hlsh Vulley.'

Hiimuyl I-. Woithnan, a niercliant atPen Argyl for UL' years, died at the -IK<:of (ill. He left a widow and live (;hil-clren. A brother and .sister were "\\". W.Weidmau of Columbia and Mrs. SusanBrands of Miinunkauluink.

Mosos Kelmly, father of Cliarles I1'.•" i-'clmly of •.Wiislilnijtonr'died "at" iiound

Valley, near Whileliuii.se. J le was 01and his wife died in June Just after theKixty-sixlh • anniversary of their mar-riage. Seven children survived.

Nicodemuy Warm: of Hroailway tost. a -valuable horse. Death was from

paralyshi. Tin- hind quarters wereparalyzed while belntf drlvvn to Wash-ington. The mvicr had recently re-lused ?H00 fur the horse.

Tho train-containing VUSUIH niinsl-iyl.stroupo was on a switch on Ihe Ulicadivision of thi; Ijickiiwunna. Anothertrain crashed Into the car. Cleurgo'P.Kelly and P. C. UiiyoH, iniiiKlrel monwere killed. '

iordT^lleiifKl ii'eeii hi poor liealTb shun]tho death of his wife a. few months be-fore. He died from heart, trouble amiwas stricken its he was on: his way toiho kitchen to get a drink: He left livechildren. William and Catherine , ofPassaic; Mrs. Fraiik Gocblo of: Wash-ington, and John and Asnes' of Oxford.

Mrs, Cynthia Martin Hunt, 70,. widow'of Dr. T. Edgar Hunt, died in GlenOardner.' Tho funeral wiw held fromthe home of her dauehter.Mrs. AbramJ.J, Beavers. She wan married in 18-13nnd moved to Glen Gardner. She wanIho mother of ten difldren, live living.

Tho Port'Murray Telephone Companywas organized with Mark Keteham aapresident; S. II, Perry, secretary, .amiA. S. Scarfosfi, iratHitrw mid general

v vWlliiain Crueker had "0 Hhode IslandRed pullelM. In zero weather thoy laM

—• 10U egg;: in onv week,- 'ityerasing -four-;

highest''mark from the pen was 18 £\\thc;coldcst day oC the winter.

v. Twenty Years Aco. ;Dr.'Howard Servls, of .Tuncllon; re-

tired after practicing' fov •forty-fouryears. He 'wan located two•'•Jears atI'^alrmount.v.and ••with that , exceptionwas looated at Junction from 185S to1002. With Ilia wife and son, Howard,ho. planned •= to makobiR home with liis

• son-in-law,; Rolierl/ p . Pc.tty,,in New

nhis shoes, th

••itllap and was aboutIlls eoiit wiieu one of the .VOUHKen b-hlnd him punche;i him .aawoke. M<- lotikr-ii slartd'd (»v Himent, then he pulled hiniM<lf t

hi h

illl" ainl

worn-d Ii-- mo-

rys-• sin- w;rs survived by her ful.her, Pcti'i-O\-i Osmuii, of llioadway; twn nlstcis nml

! I wo biolhers.Thirfy Wars.

KiiKene I!. Schiiylt-r and .Miss AnnaWHIer wnv niiirrlcrl at .Sl-'Uarlsvill.'l-y Itcv. W. I-:. Fn-y.

<:<-<>VA<- lh..n;[;in.| <li,it at the hoin>-<n" his roiiMjn, Charley Cox, In- V'lentia.D'.ath was Ironi paralysis.

Allns .Minnie Drake, only rlanybtof Joseph Drake, »\i years old, dleilin Ilin-kritstown, alter an illness frompm-umonia.

Mis. H-stn- Tlnsmau, !U, <l!<-d atMlalrtfttm'ii IVom thf .-n'eifis- or tl:

vil.t. i shock from rolling from| breaking li-r hip.

ehairput on his shoes, adjusted hi.«we.-ir and sat utilet until Mm s<-

.I'dui K. |ii-yr!..n, ..r Newark, I'r.si-j Tlnf barn nu Uii. propi-rty of Mis.dent nt the Priiiiniti;il Company, waw i tleorge Trimmer in Cartton :ivfiiii'.-,i-kTt.-d [.*. S. Henalor. j and whi.-li property mm <K:<MIJIUII l»y

William fhrrttn planned t;i Heave A. Tiifner, wa.s destmyed by fire. Athe. opera house l-as./ment after luyn-i horse, aoJiie groeeriea, etc. wen* de-y years oet:np'inc-y and inov.; mi April ; Htryyfid in the tire. Turner ran any y p y n IIIVH

1 to1 tho American building.y

; oil wugon and also soldPeter Kush, a brakeman for Mie Rm- ' Moses Powe, 70, of Pliilllp.sbui1'-'.

pirt* Steel & Iron Company, of Ox- died in the Soldiers' Home at Rear-fnrd, WII.S caiiyhL between tile curs liey and was burled In Pliillipaburj.-.and badly cruahert. , MJSH M a Rfe W o l f Q x H

imu?n^?WlK^^^ PhiMipsbur,. were m a ,ii. hti»baiKl. sun ami three <Uilighters. ; lj;avr._-iicv Mt-tz. 72. dkal in Phillips-

Har ry Wilson Hui'lljiirt, fr'n-ntfi-lv f,t . h u i ^ of paralv.sis. He had resided inPhillipsbiirK. uiid Alias ( l . - r tnulr Abl- , tha t town fur f'.ir lialf a century .

r it, would not. fuel justified in press-ing upon your attention tlic-nia^ni-'

tude. resources, or humannes.s of) oui* serv-ice, were il not lylt that many years ofexperience have /riven point and afroctive-

In tho lightenf such experience is inter-preted eyeiyU'cqucst J'rom you for flow-er service—af&uring a precise, efficient andprompt compliance with your require-ments.

•"-' In :uJtlition to• bmnch stores at Iioonlon, N. J.,Dover, N. J., :tn(i .Stroutlsburjr, Pu., we are asso-ciated with 3,000 Honded Members of the FloristsTelegraph Delivery Service am! •guarantee do-livery anywhere in the United States and Canada

" in two-liour.s. - .

Simply Phone Hackettstouin 100


L . ' B A . M . B E R 6 E R & C O .

•j f.v-;


Our S Sale


Growing Girls'Youths'Boys'

Ends Next Saturday, Jan. 28th

WOLSLAYER'St. Old Reliable Family -Show Store

455 Northampton Street

• ' , ' v .

'"ii : iH.

- •• A

• ' l«v ' ' I * -

. * us1;,.


E 1wmmmk

si.w?!:i:-.&-':. vXv.':^.;-:^;:-:v:^

'US?.• . ; ; >:•:;:•>> :

Sv::;:; # '


•' ,,A<



tersof --the- Spring,Show,Which. Way the

Blow•"•"...; They.seem to veer steadily away from the somber, bluesand

blacks and browns of yester-year and there are many^0:n subtle new colors tlw.t clamor for a place under the sun. i C

F AU LAIT! The color of the crepe de chine gown that is picturedfor your admiration and approval. It; is not. one of your saucy littleflapper frocks ..... . It is eloquent of the charming dignity and gra-cious height of the woman who wears it. Fashioned of crepe dc chine

with extremely wide sleeves of chiffon studded with nictal nail heads and gath-ered into a primitive little peasant band at the wrist.

• • . • •

Other new colors arc hclio, peach, bronze, orchid, chartreuse, eagle red,•carminp, terra cotta, caramel, peacock, flame, corn flower, leather, coral1 andcacoa.1 But even they cannot replace brown, blue and black for day-m and day-outwear. . . . •

Especially when these come in such new fabrics-as Kasha cloth,1 artlainefaille, krepe knit, crepe Richelieu, and dependable old favorites like Poirettwill and rricotinc,

"But to see and "try on" . . that is a foretaste of spring. *" V !


"One of'America's-Great*Stores" >NEWARK „



Page 10: THE WASHINGTON STAR · • passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tt i twelve the number of cornrni




Arthur Hoo\et li * I ,HL1 OI O f thnow atom tooinK of It 1 lot n 01 n Iwill open a Ki t uu mt

Mr and "Mil Will! in Mccl 11 i iturttetl PiHn fiom i t n IIVH \ It I^o^^ \ o i k Cltv

ohn Reail n( V to M I ^ i t~ 1-end s u e t it his honu IN* e

l l r s V H e l d i n n I l l l» « * . hoi l io lhcr Mr U leh if \ \field

IlobertCinll tllu ftll 01 the ir |a t the home ot his 1 usl t i i r r ida morning, 1 l to) 1 li lih

All s Mnf 1 Illl R I I I tf Mt M ois i t he li I P I *.

Ml \ \ Illl in of I 11/ll tl I nronl e«n t ru to hr 1 iI Idi-ld i f i i li 1 1 > >

M i l n U I I I 1 1\ « l m i i 1 1 o II I 1tonn u 1 1 11 o I

Ml M H I I. h 't tui i l l i II i 1 1 ] tt lo 1 st I Mil 1

0 e] li I 11 r \ i 1l o n e l ll Ion f M I I ttt n U it t

Mis M Cl t L IS| III I, 0 1 1Air* C ie r i

1 llllo ( i 11 1 \toll

Mr 1 i I n 1p\ li the hi 1 „ I 1 1 f 1Co k Horn t i l l f

Mi i Ti I 1 i n I \n n, \ t e 1 rth s t 1 i to

r n t i i o i I : oi d ll s i i 1 tl !i ERht i he i o i tl 111Cll

Wll l l l 1 Ml 1 s |who | r h 1 I sNpi im u 11 i I I Ii t t i e h th " I IK

1 I n l 1 1 0it th or I I I tl s 1 Ll

i 111 1 il i •. W I10OT1S I i l , l t V 1^ in \ I I 1s c h o i C o l l l 1i lol l \ 1 II M S "

M l 1 1 1 I < 11 o m i i t

\ i t 1 I I IIi iBhr \ tl |1 i l l lJ r.t. m 1 ft 1

1 0 ll f II1 i m o n i l *

H I 10 1 t i eM l s

\ l 1 w I I n M< ri . rl I. „ NI t eel* inc i tlo tl I III h M i. 1l i e I1 i s t M I I 1

H i u 1 I f It I»10 b 1 \\ I. n

I 1 !„ h 11 t 1 Tlfolio 1 1 t 1 \

Ho\\ s lmr \\ n i

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I t i n i n t h f tl f I 1 t 11 t i t r II 1) I v \ \ 1 11

t Ijj I C I I 1 Ot 111 1 it tof till- -week. l : opo r t s IKIVO II

l i e ( I l l l n 1Ml i I U II I l l l

I I I 1 1 t i l 1 I II II (. I I 1 i. I IM I I I \ \ I I

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1 1 11 1 1 1 I 1 1 \ \I I I I II

1 1 1s ! I 1 II I


M l \\ 1 1

Mt's. M;i>' Hi\ ]

1 1 1 I

I 1 11 III II


0> V BUDG1 T S \ " l l U

NOT onl 1 ml «ork b i t « iItnintlc «orl I uece ir topogrom ^ot even n ditch

il),npi iloe CMictli tl"- n»e tnsl niltin? time.

Work tliat Is pliumeil ahead, countsWork on the catch us catch can systemh better than no ivorlt at nil, but thatH ill tlint tan 1 11 for It

It mi Job 11 for i iiSou Hidif tasks, arrange It ou the budget\ l i

Decide In advance the onler In1 I h It l (.11 t 1 do. tc IM tl

1 t r It Ul t i t r u i n mo lilt[ Hue t I it I in f Miir 1 II

1 tl < r i l l , . I l l t l r l m o i t tIf \ o t kno\ 1 f i I ' t l i '

I « t e \ | t t I ec I ni d lp o t l t it h \ 1 i t lit u u I | e t

i pll I l \ tl i I f II 1 'H U e t f i t t I ll i v iH

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a 1 I


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ACHES AND PAINS-SLOAN'S GETS 'EM!fc \ 0 I D t l e m e r j o f n e k n p i n

J~\ l i e 1 tile ot lo n i ini nl / ind ipp'y * hen

JGU fr t f eltl t c! t o r p-i iII i tkl e c t! e i i i ml end

a fcc-line of warmth through thui r h "pT r b o i Ui] 11 I pe drat

lo I I i.I loo f r! c I it ne ir I -iTt cp tl str I tilt jo nt

1 ime buck and pore musclFor forty years pain's enemy. Ask

jo e Ibor\ t 11 dr i t — c 70c SI 40

I If1 s

1\ 1

110 S 1II Lli C \ '•1 1U 0 11 a to

\ Iel tl

\I m

\ L1 I

1 V JI 1 1

C l c O r Y o u r C o m p l t i i o n o f p i m n l m\ ne -in 1 h r f t I d s f e rcment|1 U ft ol D II on F ren O nl

/ n "other skin troubles. One of DrI I oil on r » l Ren c c

Dr.Hobson'sI EczemaOintment1l l t l t 1 f

Inn te m 11 L.11 c II Do o

Ml T I M 11 1 Im ce c n i \MI o r i i i i l

o 11 n o 1f i l l :•<•C D r ° 1 0 1 f 1

th I h o 1 ol I t , ]to lo i) t 1 1 r ol

fl 111 m 1 I 1 1 1 I


It i Becau e He Ha the Lifeand Energy that Red

Blood GiveHi 1 ni ,,001 ol H

n 1 \\ II 1 look-, it H i ooolhumoiei! He I OUL1. e II r il t

-~hL is full ot two n i\ i io t l l l wn <\f n i (, l e Is I 11 of clWool Jf vol I e k 1 llin a o lo t si ell 1h u t t 10 l lotl Hi lo i " , tList .ui-1 -l f l - l t l f <••-'-•I f t l toM m i l 1 ti, t ll f f\W(ks ( l i it tlm P 1 o It llUtlild *>u <lUSb Ri( Ine i »l 11 t otRood ilbotl Do 1 I il «„ 0 I 1 Ifilek ami hi If well I c son » 1Into vol) taking Ptl to Mh I6«n ol 1I Mtl i liquid end t»ll*t foint AdxtiIn

taking Ptl to 6quid end t»ll*t foint Adxti ,

/ _ I


Lowest Prices in the Historyof the Ford Motor Co is announced for Ford Car;

] ce« I 0 J Del o t


Starter anil Demountable Wheels when supplied with- Touring orrun tbout -i 00 i \ t n

Place vour orders now for immediate delivery, or for later de-live \ We 1 e the f,oo 1 K I O I i till Oil so te s p tolate.

\ \ l . HAM. SOW. USil.I) CAliS AT HICHI I ltlCLS *

VEY'S Auto Exchange(I I me 111) Hill tltstirau N I

and its a genuine .discountsale, not quoted from priceswhen they were at the high-est point but a genuine re-duction from the verylowest prices cr today.

All Men's $15.00 Overcoats nowAll Men's !?20.00 Overcoats nowAil Men's S22.50 Oveicoils t\o\\All Men's. S25 Oi) Ovei coals \\ov,431 Men's S27.50 Oveicoc'ts nowAH Men's $35.00 Overcoats nowAH Men's §39.50 Overcoats nowAll Men's $45.00 Overcoats nowAH Men's ^O.OO Oveacoats now

discount on all goods in thefollowing departments, and itmeans a great saving to you.

Throughout the entire store wedie making a special pi ice ioi themonth of January, and you will findmany lines of goods at specialpuces not mentioned heie

$12 00$16.00$18.00$20.00$22.00$28.00$31.60$36.00$40.00


T'.al bold tor SO 00 arc now S4.80Thai sold foi ^8 00 a i c nov S6.40That sold foi lO.OO a i e now V8.00Thai sola foi il2.50 a ie now $10.00P ' a t sold foi SI3.00 a ie now M2.00That «old toi Sx6.50 a i e now S13.20That sold foi S18.00 a ie no^v S14.40


Foimei pi ice S6.00; nowFormer price $8.00; nowFoiinei puce S3 0.00; i>owloimei p'lcc SI2 30; nov,

All tali 's and Youflg lea ' s Stillsin the store (except blues andblacks) ofleied at the gic"t

discount of 20%

M.80*>'o40S8 00


a eaiec i e

S13.20S16 00S20.00522 00

IT MEANS THAT ALL?li.OO buils a ie M I 2 0S16.5G rfuils arec 20.00 Suits1,25.00 Su'ts-.27 30 Sa t&S30 00 Suits u eS35.00 Suits are$40.00 Suits a i e^45.00 Suits are$50 00 Suits a ie

All Hen Blue Scige flannel oi clothSuit of evciy de uiition aie oftci ed at a ch count of 10 pc> cent

Ml B<«>n' Black Suit —Woi ledCheviots ov unfinished cloths areoffered at a discount of..10 per cent

Bo>s' aiu1 Chiltlien' Suits of e^eiydescuption iiom 3 to i& \cai^ ita di count of ""O pel cent

S28 00S3?.OO$3G.OOS40.00

r One othei depaitmen*- shaie in oui Januaiy ofleimqand it will pay u to bivj now e\en if jou do not use it

i anothei ea on and that i igoodS^eateiHere is what we offer

i^OOSweatei"n C Eft C CO<C^

E\e i j $3 50&weatevEven "?4 "0 S\ eateiEveiv $6 00 Sw eateiE\civ STOOSwcateiF^cn IS jOSweataE e n $10 00 SveatciE^eiy $12"0SwealciE-icn $11 00 S\v eatei

lock atooek vitock attock attock attock attock at

in stock atin stock atin stock at

$1.60. <t9 nn

$2 SO$3.60$4.80§"60$6.80$8 00


Underwear Dept.] i In o ^tocl ot the best m il e on

t e m ii I ot m Men s Cotton \\ oi tedmd \ \ ool Ui ion Suits \ \ ool ind Colton f l in ts md Di \ucis ot the bo ti[ii tlit\ onU it i di count ot JO pelcent

ALL MEIs'S«>1 50 Li nion Suit now $120

J S j TJillUH SlUl "OlV >1 iSS2 00 Union Suit now $1 6052 50 Union Suit now S2 00SJ 00 Union Suit now $2 1053 JO Union Suit now $2 80§150 Union Suit now $3 60S5 00 Union Suit now $1 00•J6 00 Union Suit now $180I [ci o s one \ ou w ill find li u d to m itch

—Men s best g n d e High Kockfleece lined S h u t ind Di iweis iti ^ u merit SOc

1 lbbed S h u t s and Diaweis in ecm ois ihe i colo i in II me md othei^ood mikes ill nes it i i,aimerit GOc

M e n b e I qu i l i h fleece lined U n i o nSuit loimei puce ">1 8 oui speCl tl pillC "il 1-S

"GL \STE\BURY"^oo l Mixed Shut md Di nvei ,

one ol the be t known mike on Hiemil l ct i t these specnl pucel e piirn SI ST Sneu il nl ice SI 4S1 e" pi ice V 7 spoil il puce S2 20Reg pi ice *-" 00 pcml puce S2 101 e o puce °?J 50 s p e u i l p u i e S2 SO

All B o s md Childiens Undeiw e u it i di count ol 20 pel tent

WE RrSLlHL IHr RIGHT' lo i ithtlnw these pecinl price on in orV ill under *LU in lunL aftLr U\o weiks /

The balance of our stock of Men'snign fciddt,, ilk Iinttl

VELOUR HATSall at a discount of 20 pei cent andsome much more.Every $5 Velour Hat at.Eveiy ib Veloiu Hat atEvciy $9 Veloui Hat at

Colors: Brown, Black, Bronze,



OTHER1 DEPARTMENTS WILL BE ADDED FROM WEEK TO WEEK butno m ittoi what you ^an t in the way of clothing and Tu nishing we imitc you to< >mo to the tcu e that foi ?& edibjia been soi mg j ou and^oui j ^ e n d w ith_a l

deil it ill time ^


Washingtdin Avenue,

Page 11: THE WASHINGTON STAR · • passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tt i twelve the number of cornrni


'"Abciiit forty of tliefrlvndH at Stewart HhcJils hdmtum Thursday ulnlHf.'(l,.\IivaiH'i-iniui onsupper wiiM HCTVIMI midt'VfahiK wuH.Mpont by n

.KiimcM played mul tn-hi t lM t v m

I'nlcmtowii fiitf»rlallied (i,lf,yM,- n»w1 )r« l-'loyd A

" J l r e ; Percy:Dtv.vltt ::iitl iVnirlVot; nthoi.and Mr. and Mr«. Lom-r Opdyii*.-, nil ofStewiirlsvllUv • J

,\lr.H. Cieoi'KO Phillips HJICJII .'.Mhmlny•'ifternooii nw th«> uncut of Alp. \\*nltorM'Unoii. in Phmiiwlmrff.

M n W l h H W l i yMrn. CJuoi'Ki' Welsh. n|icill:il tlie liomiv of Mrs. Kate Hoi tor. In

Mr.1- nnrt Mrs. Aaron Stcvoiwon »inlfVwKhter Tiwitmi of Urumwirii ;ivrm»\MimllnKton. were dinner KtU'Kts of Sir.rind Mr.n. Russell J. IIIHPIIO. Sunday.

A slolghlntf tiurty composed of Mr.jind;Mrs. Alfred "Hawk, sons IU-im->r midDonald, MlSB •MnrffHret. IJnrher, MIs«AnnnMiimher, Mrs. Jnlin K: Inscho.iinil Kreil Smith, all of I'orl Wjirrcn:undiMrs. Frank I'lerson ami son Fredof StcwitrtsvillL- attended the eSili-kiMiMiipper at the Harmony M. K. chuivh jotii Wednesday evening.

Mrs, Alfred Hawk Kpf-nt Thiirrday atiho home of her riin'KliK"-. M-" fSilJii-rtIifiwr'oncc, on • Infjeraol Heights,

All-, and Airs. John K. ln-sHu* Wf-roeiitertalnod to dinner Sunday JII ihohome itf K. Frank Cline mid Mi>. AnnaHamlln, at Port \ \ \ I ITPII ,"

Stf\\varlsville (irntiKr will KI*HI ihln(Thursday) OVOHITIK whi-n the Immitla-

- (Ion of olllcers will take place.Tlie Missionary and Ladles' Aid S«-

el«;ty meetings of St. James' Lutheran(Straw) church whoeh hsis been post-poned for the past month ,due io theInelerm-nt .weather, will lie held onWednesday afternoon. I-VI. 1. at tliehome of Mrs. William Miller at Alpha.

The MiHHlon rjand of «St. .lames1

Lutheran .cimrch will meet at tliu pnr-fionane in Huntingdon I'Vlduy after*norm of this week. In the evening HieOati'dieilwiL fliiss will .i.'c*nvcn« at t '1-pniMinaKn at-T o'clock.

flynier Hawk •intended 11 surpriseparty for Floyd A])fWr at his Imnie In

wax the main fentlire nf the eveningentertainment.

Willlnm r.ouderiherry IH ill wllh j;Hiat his home in ITniontown.-

yitv. Alex Wonir and Mrs. ficor^O}Hly!t<\ hnlh of ITninniown. iiltnuilrilthe, chicken supper at (lie Harmony -\lK. ehurch Wednesday eveiilnjr.

Alfred Hawk Lad t.. nave one of hishest hcjr.VM allot on .Mmitiay from \>VIdeked l>y aiiotlnn- horw\ luvaklimIctr.

lii'iner Hawk wan entertaineii riSaturday niKiit arxl Sunday al the I"• •r: Li-roy Stulil at Delaware I'nik.

The jn.tlullation of (illleers In SI..lames' Lutheran eliimh. willed was t.lal;.- plaee mi Sunday, was postponed <>nai-ciiuut of nil the iilliv.-r.s u<>( li>-in;:)ii'i'K<-nt, and will take pluee on St'.mla.v

•.Jan. :.'!*, at the monilntf.M'rvk't*..\lr. and Mrs. Amos L.-fller i.i' KmiU

Kastnit''spent the Week-end with J i mJohn r-cfflM', jirior to gohiK to Newark,wllere ihe former has aiuepied a. pnsi-ll-ni with a larcc manufacluriiiK i-cn-

By PERCY L. CROSBY© by Ihi McClura Newipap.r SvnJIeata

Alr. and Mrs. Wm. Lnudetilierry nfl.'iiinnt'nvn attended tin* funeral nf the

- Innn-'i-'N uiiiile, H.-ivid UiuuVith.-rry, alSpring-town Monday of last week.

Rev. MiiKlt Walker nf (ireenulcli wasa. caller al the home of K. I-Yanlt a im-and ::|SUT. .Mrs. Anna Ilamlln; .Mondayal't.-i-mion nf lasl week.

Mr. and -Mrs. Alfred lln'wk. Miss Mur-Knret. liarher.'.Mr,*!. A. V. Smith. Mr;:.Frank Sleeker and Mrs. John I'oier. allmouthers'of Ihe Stewiutsvllle (iraui;*',.itteiided the. l'omonu (irange at Uolii-wtir.- r^aliirday. The new leeturer, Mia.I'-rlink I'k'rainfi'-fl'f* SteXvarisviller-lKMlaverv int.-resiinf-'i>roKiam and in spiteof the stormy day Is of the members ofihe Stewartsville f,'rarii;e attend, d iheMPPtliiK. The Chaplain. Frank Casiner.and ihe ljuly Assistant Steward, Mrs.Roy Hamlin. entertained the audienceas usual wllh tine rei-itations. The nextineeiinKiif Pomona Omimi> will he h.-M;d Hope, hi May. and dinner will hoserved as is the usual ruju'nni.


"Al»K.u- S|/ent" Tlutrsd'iiy witli Mi>:." .lane(Jalloway at IIIKII I'ridk'o.

.Mrs. Klizalieth Hi^s and son lOtmerspent l-'riday in ICasluii.

Miss Ita Seals spent Sunday withMr. and -Mrs. Kills Apf-ur.1

.Sirs. .1. \V. Fill per will lead tlie C. IC.sffrvice Sunday. .Jan. liU. This is :i .\lis-

•" Ocd.* Snytler recently1 visited in Kas-lou.

M:rs. .lorry Cullun vinited her parents,Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Connolly Satur-day.

Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Manning enter-tained Sunday Ciilhert .MannltiK ot'.lJuy-onne, Mrs. 1'cier Xorjpird and dauyliter.A'lola. of Whllehoitsu.

Mrs. Uaymond UtiKhea visited intown .Saturday.

•ilr. anil Mrs. Fred Silvers enU'i'talnctlMr. McLean of the seminary over Sun-day.

The February meeting of the Auxili-ary Society will be all day, Feb. 1st,in the bnsement of the church., JJusi-JHJKS session a t 3 o'clock.

Mrs. Hdward Matthews spoilt last.•week in Trenton. * T.

Mrs. Sarah Tifiar is caring for herauni. Mrs. Carolina. Itntson.'at Clinton.

Walter MipKs apem part of lust,weekIn lllKh UridKe.

Miss Olive Mlers spent Monday in"Plainuehl.

;\Valter filers spent Sunday with Mr.

ALLA.MU0I1Y.The section fort:u of the Lehigh and

Hudson Uailruad at this place has beenrt!dnc:ed from six to four? men.

All the lee houses on the Tr;uin.uili-ty and Allamuuhy farms have beenfilled with ten inch ice from the Ruth-erford Lake.

D. W Appleman will move lo theClinton 'Viias farm near TranquilityApril 1. . ' ' !

. .I-'. A. I'riiKler spent the week-end,with friends in Kastoii.

Jauob Hentleraliot and family, ofnael.'etlslown, were recent yuests ol!

r^i-, ia-~,vi iVeiHMr-Alv.'-vanil -A i rs;',Cl a r 1: 1 rcn-dovshot.

Air. and Airs. A. G. Danks have re-turned from Delaware where theyspent, a few days with friends.

Rilward Gihbs, of Hie Hope-Johnson-lmru- road will inovo In thu spVinp totlie Cuorgo. AV. Oihbn farm which willbe vacated by .lames. D. XJCWIS, whowIUtjnovb,.to the city.

Assessor .Willium Klrby is spoiulinsliiis wcijt in TJOIIIJ llranch.

Aliss Unth Hondcrshot sjient Mon-ll(iy In Frmiklln. \. .

: PLEASANT GKOVti.Dudley SplnUs- passed Sunday al

"Wharton with Iliu Krandninlher, Airs..1. .liMThonias. who is ill. ;- •

Ttanisey Bilker of Haelteltsiown pars-ed. Ihe first part of the week here. "

Airs. TUchard Ulchanlson ami inolh„ r KuL-kp T

..^^.|,vyoH--^yo|•^l-.visilo"" AfrsT'l\DTiry~K"'Post7

RBV. TVuit Die-kie will «lvp n lecllin-in thoiPresbyteriaii cluireh'this l-'ridayfiveiilnu on his trip across •-from Cali-fornia. Refreshments will be -served.All ar,o. Inyited to attend this loel'nre.

chard Ulchanlson ami inourtaudAlrri. Htowanl FrTt

i i J L lts of

' ;Star and Thrlce-a-'\VeeH Now Yorlc5\'prW, $2.75.' ••.•L.r'r. •'•••"•

ilonen.Airs Charles CVevelhur Kju-nt Sut-

urday with Alls. .laiins Irvin l-ake atI'hllllpslxnx and ],:-.y. i .•! ni'ii-.l homeafter rarinj,' for Alrn. Norman, 11'ilT.

Tlu- newly eleel.d oflieeis 'of theHaymakers Assoeiatloa l.iil't. .\'n. L'l.'.'-jwere inntalled'hy Distrirt Deputy l . ieK-.wers. (.f I'hiliipHhtiru Thursday c v



John Carl 1'iek-l \M* i,,...,, appolni-••d t]i.r..li;i!i rloi-l; l.y Mnynr C'line 1'et-

lotlnr. Alis. Alinnlit Hawk. town. , Miss lii;i (Hosier and Airs. Armlnda j Udence In u ich otjiei tlun the\ huve InAir. ami Afrs. Harry !!ruen ami son; Air. and Airs. William Cuss spent Vou^li were on ihe' H'.VU. list the jia«t themselvon * ,

' Alrtt. I'ioiii l<t visiiin-

Mlitle. Slit".s l a t "


.Mrs. John (attended Die dilier aunt. Airsnephew, at l-:a

Mrs. H:imuH

ewi in - and rliilnnlrie l.irllrlay parry

I::TI titu I'ark:; a

uliwsiy fr•sluiri,' l.i HliK>tr;shm-y.M\v. 'Ki-eil Miller of -Wani-ili Tilt-rtdj-y ll* K'tKtnn.

'I* Ut reiildeiitH JI.H


n I'iiil'

! Side,



M f i

rivll's llnsl.ir:,!'d left !••:: and 1

tlK' I'eyillt of :t Tuesday i

• * | - i l i n . . : i ! - l V ,

Well^r; I 'm

wasnh'.ul :flly bn

Main s t i -ecf ton tn-i of K-nnii K'rlt/-about Hie same nue when an auttmio-bile sti(|(|,.nly ])ut in Jill a]<l">av'niei' .'ii:d 'tile sled darted under Hie maejihie.The Wilson boy was kn(ii-l;eil from the •sled lint the KritB buy pasyeit saf.'lyllinniyli. The driver ot" llu> aiitotuo- .bile whose name was nof :isk,-d. tm.H 'tin.'. Wilson lioy lo ihe ullice l" \>y. 11.'Lain* and the KrMv: hoy w;is earri-.l >into Ihe home of LewW .Ma-^ni Tin-WilKiin boy was taken to LWivllV 'hospital. '

.1. Wyekoff, of Cr.'i'invicli ehureh.was failed in town on .Unmlriy..

The C.'iiiral railrnvui oltleiMl.t' inad.. itin insp.-etkni of their properly here ilast wwk.

Cicoi'dr WViKliursl, oC Clinton, spentMonday last with his sister, Mr*. .1..1), Merwarlli, "ti W a r n n Side.. . ;

Miss1 Viola Miller i:uve a purty Sat-'urd.-iy niyht". Thosr prerfent ' were. ;Flor.-aee CreitK, Lnln l):ilryni|.le, Mary

lie |.\u-ley, I-Milh l-'iirl-y.Julia Ci'fVeliiiK. Frefd:i l£us>eul>tiry,VlrKlnliL Ki!enbei-er, Kvvlyu Miirdliu;. 'Sarah Hall, Winifred Ap^ur. IClla • Ap- •ffur. lierJiert Sleeker, .losepn Van- •Syekle. Lester Hall, Mahlou Hall, HoyVanKyckli;., Rowland Creitz. Wm My- .

Harold Myers, tleo. 1'raker," (!eo.Stret-py. Herbert flellis, Kaymnn 1 •Decker, Waiter l>.'i!vy-:!;)Ie. Mar!hi '

I'liiin'4:KailrioiA.l-'oliKi'iiH M ;

MW i i11.





le 1

; l-'iiii'i*•. \ \M e !



i: i

[., ;iihtiM mr. ;ion;

l ie)• I,}.



vi ty:r s i. 1'


\<\i n l\\\:. I

i n d


W.i' :i

nt.a I'd

i l l

"V ;

•: -InR.K.

Sani1<f !

I'i-a i


i f

" l '



,\• v i


i. T.•tswThir•ritir• • ' • ! < :


of \\\. J. W. Cpp. \l. Siiytler: S, llarri.inn; Firsl.orih: Seemid Wad Warrinr. 1-*. M, Kurl I'ickel:•Seeoild I Jr:i w M

c. .1. h'ler-lc: >'ii; <\. of \\\. W.JA. tionlti!!.



. "!*.i'i in'


e IIi i X!

Id a

. Win. 1' liritlte.1 Mr. :n\:l Miiiinlnv.. X. Wanie a'.l«• :iL Delawai'i! >

I', held their iv; nt the home oA. I'I. I'l-i-wlim,*

ixon bought theuiv.'t of tlie MrnaX She.-ilV's «ik








•Vei ''Olid

\':lr-rinr,(,| j . , .i'i !•>•>'

I :<• ! '


• I .


Ul 'y ^ -

IIK. •wa •.'l;i'-'

I'Vanic C r o u w Will s.-ll his fannitr.:•^toi-l; iiutt maehinery Frii. ITiih ami.vil! move in IHK hfi

I.y .Oflo Inst-hn

1 ;•"• i 1 IS.'{ this plapsburfr.Cha

ce and Johii I-Vinlni,' of l 'bil"Vui \

. V.w am! Mrs. ,1. II. M.ite.hter wer.-'KHi'S's of Mr. and Mrs. Win. I'. Tirini; •of Wasliiimton Sunday.

'Tlomei* llixnti has vented the m'n)ior-

S o - . l n - e }'.- H . CnnU •• • •• •

Kind. h>

STIOWAKTSNILLIO.s of Mrs. Philip 1 Server nrekiitnv slu- roiunied from Cor- I

; Hospital mue.li improved in heiilih .after a surgical operation.

Tue it.':!i:i sop. ot; Mr, :i'i-l Mrs! 'lUehai-a Cook dioil Mondav nn:l was .luirit'd ill Ihtf Lutheran uenviU-ry. . i

' "'Arthur'(i.irdner oC I'Mltipsburs will ;,oire his family in the Thompson ;

house, ree, ntly oceupi.nl l,y Ora Wash- !luini; Mr.' Gardner conies hlsrhly iv-:commendetl as an ardent ehiireli work- ;

• •_•!•-.and c'Li::eij and'otir town hkl.s liim :

p^' i r , enter tained a innivf friends on Friday nicjht. the

were: Virg in ia I-Mlt'uber.sjer. FraneiSta tnets . l .ulu Dalryinpk' . Klla A p wWinifred ApKiir. Ju l i a Civvelinir. irolSnyder . Alarian Steelier,"Kreiila Kose

•y. Alary Keek-or, \\T:ili.-i- I):ilryin:>!,William Aluehl..'H. Charles Seliaffer. .Charles Muppi-ll. Charles Ap^-ar. l ien- :

Sh ipman . An •.•iijoyabl'j evening • ,'was hud by all . .

Thu school (.-bildi-en wi-re exumin'bS*"a coun ty hitrse lasr woe'-.

The parent- teachers* meeting \vit.- '. j , i - . ' i t m r Ak-li!".r! Munnlni; Utisli an:l iheld last week with ^L pivsout.. ; j , , . t : i T l l l j r r a < i B. S m i t i r w e r e weclc-

,T. C. Couple, Sr., made a. business : end attests of Airs. Cather ine Uush oftrip out of town Saturday. . "Washington. .

l O d i Pideouk .of IVthlehem s p e n t ; A meet ing of the Sunday-school1 A s - !the week-end with iiis parents , Mr. and s o d a i k m nf the L'ut'lioran church was ;Ali-5. CJ. Al. t'idcock.. •he ld Alonday evening. Reports w e r e !

Air.' and Mrs. Ynunsr. of Phil l ips- : n- i - lved and nilicers w^i-e electeil. 'b u r s , have moved to tin's itlnee. • Kdward l ieiniel is confined to his ;

tVlbert Hajjanian has purchased t h e ' home wi th a sore foot. -:

lato Dr. William Crevolinjr farm a t ' : AMss Grace ] itnisel of .Broadway:

Drink more MILK -Eat more BUTTER and CHEESE

MO$E MILK 'EveryDay for MORE Days

1 ihl


::ri K7'_ , ' • • • ; *

e l f •

. • Tlie universal popularity of Studebaker Cars is attestedby the fact that the corporation enjoyed the biggest businessin its history in the year of 1921.

, Tlie sales of Studebaker Cars were 29% greater than ir?1920, notwithstanding the.fact that the-total number ofcars sold O¥f all other makes (except Ford) was 40% less thanin 1920. Stated otherwise, Studebaker's ratio of. sales was129 and the total of other makes 60, as compared with 1920.

The number of Studebaker Gars sold in tlic year of 192Tin both Greater New York and in the Metropolitan Districtexceeded die sales of any other make except Ford.

Studebaker is the world's largest producer of six-cylindercars.

.. Tlic only possible explanation of the popularity ofSludebaker Cars lies in their quality, durability and de-pendable performance in users' hands. Proof that the carsstand up in service with minimum repairs is evidenced bythe fact that our sales oi Repair Parts in 1921 were 12% less

.than they were in 1919, notwithstanding that 118,000 newcars were sold and put in operation in 1920 and 1921. Basedon the totarestimated number of Studebaker Cars in opera-tion in 1921, we sold. $16.00 worth of parts per car for re-pairs from all causes, including accidents.

The materials and workmanship in Studebaker Carsmeasure' up; to the "highest standards "known to the auto-mobile industry. Substantially better intrinsic values can-not be obtained at any price. The theory that high pricesnecessarily mean fine cars is, fallacious, simply becauseprices are not based upon intrinsic values but upon pro-duction costs of individual makers, which vary widely ac-

",cording--.v-to -their -ability and manufacturing -facilities.Obviously, high, costs of production, inevitably arising fromincompetence or inadequate manufacturing facilities, meannot only high prices but actually inferior cars.

Witli $70,000,000 of actual^ net assets including$36,000,00!) of plant facilities, Studebaker stands unsur-passed in ability and resources to manufacture economicallvand give the greatest intrinsic value possible for a given

.^pricc-.-^-v^.-—••—~~----r=^---^--.~- .-7--..-;,.-.-: •'.••— •:;..• " ' ':- — *

The Studebaker Corporation of America

• '



LIGHT-SIX^., i\2" w. u..m , , .




Sedan 3


C%L-5!XDT\V\tMS0II. P.

. - M75,.

) .M75. -2150



Chassis. Tourlri


BIG-SIX12G"W, B., COH p.

$1500,. 17S5



Page 12: THE WASHINGTON STAR · • passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tt i twelve the number of cornrni





TIILHSDAY.j i l liooaiiHu hi- could not se t n

cciufii minilar on the pliune 1M.Smith uf..\£aii r(j«!(! 'wc-ivt' IHIILM nnd

'hunt ii|) tin? npcr.aor at Norninn 1'nrkiK'L-oriiliu,' to an imlli-tttifiit n'turno.i Inthe- Ki'iiutl Jury a t Altilllti*h>, (in.. :ii;iiilistSmith. Tlio (tjiL-r^Kir id Nnimuii l':irl;lit .Himes U'llNuit.

Kt'.sullM iif nn fipcrut ion in-n'ontifdto j'i'(iui\y a liulli-t tri'iii 1 Ii * • bruin "fHenjaniln i{ticf%n«<r, ."I'l-vlnt,- :i life icrmIn tin- Juliot State t'l'iiit.'iitlnr.v fur mui -dor, whii'h trniisfurinod him d-oui a"bad man" tu :i in<«i.-l i>i-I^>ucrt will l»-put hi'turo tli.; M;U<- liimnl nr parok'.tand jxinl-jiiN in ;in tjTurt in obtain hitivluase.

AiuliM-.son iiuchanaii, a law xtiulom.. illed at Toronto after taking a "beauty. I' poivtUi ..tnt. him hj mall and Kti.u.m-

toeltiK to changi' his i-oni|j]cxlon withintWi'iity-r.iiir hours. Tin- :iutln>ritits uu>iiiWKtifnitliijf.

At thf iiiinrtcrly mwt ln^ "f thi* n<wnl• if Trnsu'-.s of Lafa.v.-tlo COIICKV. lu-Mit tbt. H:inki-!S' Cllilt. Xow York eil>u was d.ii.Iiil to ini'tvast' the milt , .tuiiion fee fin- thi> incoming i-Iitss m

l Sfjiii-mlxM. i:tjj, i'f.tl, maliliiK tb.> dualn o lot tin I i>li< lot mil Sue im i n '

1 11 In loi n Ails l t iHst*. 5. ,0 MI 1 t 1tin- ptvninliVal am! L-tiKlnivrlni; coui-,«.$:tw. Tills ini-iv:iM- IIM.'M not . nortainto .stlKldll* ill fnlli'Kc ill lll-V ' piV.V.'Mrtinii', but iitTcrtF th 'W I'tm ri'iir in I!>1'-'

KtiKftif t*. NtMi-y. nf IVil'.-i-IMo. X. .1.:i .student at Oforyciiiwii "Mi'iHoal Schont,u fil I 1 p

Ii 1 it v


By WALTER ( ROBINSON^ • p K I D H gooth before n fall "

j ^ E\ cr\ one knon ^ ihteproverb, bin u»< in m\

forget It. ThPlr mwi Impi-n«.-antl tlic hupplnc-.., of othets NendanRered tlierebv.

During tho selfish period lollowing the end of fighting 1 iFrance and Uelgiutn there ^ *plentj of evidence that tin »v.as a wide inclination amongboth men and m omeu to beproud Not proud of iinjthlno'tliej limi done to contribute tothe grand \ k t o n of the alliedf o r u s but proud because tlie\had been pii\ileeed for n time tohandle tuoie IUOHL'J, due to highwages unfl protltv, nnd becausethe; were able, in many in-Sstanct1)- to wear better clothesund drl\e more at ti active motor-cais than tliej had before.

Thli was unfortunate for theIndividuals who had'become af-flicted. But It was even moreunfortunate for the world ntlargu, for the reason thnt theretun be little charity emanating)rom pioud i u u n t s and no oneneeds to be told what must ulti-mately result she'll love dies

• down.'1"* • • • *'•'*•]t Is, ronspqiipntiv1, a good

tiling that people as a rule nolonger Jintl pride In having muchmouej to spend Instead theyare mine generally found to beproud when the> can tell ocmonev sued, or work well doneand economies effected. Prideofi this (Juruuei is not likelyto do an) one anj harm.

Jt is well to lemember whatour old philosophers thought ofpinle if an}one leels any re-giet-. that he cannot find asJ»un\ causes for pride as hetURf (OUld

i'.eei her once declared: "Aproud man is seldom n gratefulman, lor he npver thinks hefeets .t-> much is he deserves.**

Admitting thlc do we needanUhiiu iiirtiier to bring 115 toa detiniie (onUusion tliat pridoK n rtnnsjeions thing? It is ouropinion tliat n<> other proof isreqtiliLMl fin thy reison thnt un-lesi one is giateful one cannotbe bappj

<Cop\ light)

Something toThink Jlbout



When Radicalism Cools."AtlolesLCiue i«, tli'e rrue day for

rtl\ oil but oiw cannot re-in tin foreur HtlolPMom. uinl long be-mre .i inanS -utcrles. Imgin ro hin-rlonlit- isPO's tilings mo i i*^ iiisf)'!iiher andgrandfather M\\ them. Once )ie be-• o'lie- "ii 'inue^or he Iishibus respectfor IIHIMOIS, and for what theyIhouglit Vb \oung indicate grow old-t*i thin niiiiiv pleasant .wh'es, bosHinteresting liilidion, nnd begin to buildhomes in tho <ouiui\ •itntl their y.v.;\\cool*. Lift thc\ now tliink. is more1*11111 ufoim <u ie\oiurioh. i'licrcim>the illie1- of the held, as sweot 10 rmhi* 11I * »*> (" (nn-sen.ilivcs. . . . Uf0

is old and tpnanously rnroicrviitivc,mid so ts nature . What Is the

use of these imlliss vtlovla u> budge

In "Tired Itadltals" ' j.V,

0 •


W 1W.V ate MJII doing to itupio\e\our mlml to bhaipen >oui\l>ion ami *.o oijPlp >ouuelf

th.it \on iimj press onw-.rd nml tnUt*>o»r pliue amciiv HIP Io uler1*9

Ihcj whole WIMUI Keep c illlng lormen and womtn who ue quail tied b\pitiLMite akim>"A and abiHtj, to at( t r t lespoiiMlulitk-. whom ltw.ird- urehug« and uiJiiortiinlues ure unlimited.

EverywliGiv tlifi--.er7..got-s up formore captains!

Tiie ranks of prtrutcs are filled torepletion with gi'tiiubii.'rs^ who pinchtheir envelope un pay diiy and scowlenviously ami uialigmintly. upon thoseenergetic souls who, with seeminglysmall effort,1 onrn us irincli in a wc^kas the grumblers t-arn in 11 month!

Tlte.se priviitfs itrebuculmod In thesen of life wiih imrnliiK hearts.. Theylack stamina and i'esW'utloii." In uluacases out of ten they huvo no one toblame for their lowly t'statc- but'them-

They 'waste llieir" leisure liours andholidays in frlvoluus nimisements in-stead of giving si'ibor' thought to thefuture. • - . . . . - •

Everything tintt tends to;their eleva-tion and betterment is studiouslyshunned. ' Tlieir [t^pirations, if: theyhave any, are sm'othefptl at birth.

In moments of depression, when asteady, tmstworUiy. , 'eienr. .Tlsionedworker'"'at tiieir ii!boft-::is promoted,tlieir lamp of hope Harts out :md leavesihimi iiifutttr diirkntsj-.'

Tho years Mil un, hut the light neverbrightens, ami they iimrch in darknessdowu the hills to the valley of despair.

As for this innumerable army of."ne'er do wells." it is palpably absurdto oiVtif them advice. •

I'eriiaps, in tho 0volution of; tilings.Ui<?y arc inteii'l'ni as warning signalsto the thoughtful, who, seeing their de-li !ii|uonde.s, are spurred to greaterachievements.

At any rate, the world Is crowdedwith privates-'column on column In thodaily newspai>ers bear testimony 10th'.'ip .helpless 'plight, .wlJle.Uie..Btoiit,.torian viilcw <rf tlie woriti rings lomlt-r"aii'l loader in its cry lor captains, morecaptains!


YOUR HANDHow to Read Your Characteristicsand Tendencies—the Capabilities orWeaknessea That Make for Successor Failure as Shown in Your Palm.

1 tmmlx 1tlllli 111* \ ItO It It f1 - 4M I lit l\ t IS! poNnii which ii ui h u n ]MSM(1 tmiih t m In oul t i ( h i t t h i \ mi^iu i i m l l - |

[ I iii/i> tln'iii--(l\( with it*, i h m t i r i -1 i ' - t i t« 'I In. Lou in 1 v. is told l i n t tho

sUIikllt*. \\ !t WUIKtl it til* titll Ill 11tilt ^lllMUKl IlH\ U<li i \ tltlHlitU U 1--.t iU ulh ]HM*.o» iml shouM !K> lnn.H «1 IMltli L M I U I U 1 Uitinll

Wh 11 ii HUf- ' i l l " p l\ 1 (oiiiltn lit]

n i i m i n ^ t ' 11 I 1 u i s ii H sn il .nut tnKi 1i](inic !o-!i(t KUh wliu iuiMi htm -">

ni'1 10-1- nt $14 ill ill i d bo uiKd iji i w nf.' 1 ti 1 in u It limit i ( i tk i t imlwhi.11 th cotul iut t i iKm imlui ilii 1 Miall\f (tilt's **11H\ pl i f l t l lO HI,M|]U t l Hbut n lu- i id £11 \n\ tin i \ i i v .

t ir<toNm w 1*. ••hown t \ " \ l^s ' -ul i 'W 111101 (f Ct luml i i i th is s i n , u i , n1 bull uu i cKu i l id l)-ot!i«i I 1 t n \ ipionitw lit t u n i t i 1 ho u u \c il u i i i : iliviutKt i IK n i n u i down .mil ii \\ I'-ll! il iii^ti u h r n tho sist(.i 1 u-ht il ID

I tho i . s i m a n d ptotUiul blni u i t h 1stitK It t u n u t l to at t u k lu i mil 1I10

IliiLiiim iof.nincil lii" Wo iml sub ii • tlI tli. « i in i ,a l UIMIOUUIITMI

1'KIDVY.1 A w ilkt t ontiltiltiK $1T I JO ui till a

MKotiiM (HiiiiK* unl ihiii t ^t mi!I \\ ts touiul 1 \ l ) i \ u l Kn Pi'ii 111 in * a--I bm in i bi in on his f u m m it I m a i( L ml 1 i t dUliiU I* 1 Vic( utini; tn Ivi ,)-

tin tile w I'll I u is tin niuj U h nl I 1 11iiotwnt(u,«.T. a tiirmliaiul. wl«. was lull-

! ft! ]<y n 1'itlliiiiT tree. T!u- ,s,ciifiii>-s ands u m p s wore turiu**! ovor to Cbiivio^;

of tlie (load man.' l*:it>aiun- tiill. 10, daughter of Air. andJlt>\ AU'IIKO Oilt. iv-sidiiiK on a I'ai-:::west nf I'ai'kosuiirp. I'a., was in.stantlyWll'»il in a coastInjr acL'itlent near Uifl.ciinver Si'luml. T!ic child harl tafcwitho rflr-d with IHT tu school ami wascoiisitiiiK down a stoop hill which lefttU•10 tlif littildiiiK. Xe:n' the litutnm siiclost control of the sled and cmshcil into

broken, death iiK almost instatii-iy-

\\*hen Frank Kbac-flVr. r,7. was burn-e<l to 1 lenth in a tiro that destroyod aRtabli* in Atlantic City, his pot f.-rrio" Ilist) opportiinliy to osoapo. liut .stuck to'!iil.« mastor until ilwnli overtook him.

.lohn .1. .Mct.1 raw litts sisnctl a fivr-yoar coruraci :IH leader of tile Oiant-s :it5»»n,O0O a {.-oason.

.lacoh Adam??, while Kiiuninp alonethis-Potomac River for wild duirks. shutinto IL flock and killed d black Alallarilswitii 0110 .shot.

U-wis K. Sadler, Statp Iliphway C«mi-missinncr f>C PoniiKylvania. ilictl at hishomo :tt Curli.sle. lie was -IS and death

mentioned us a candidate (ov Governor10 succeed Governor Hproul.

SATL'KDAV.• It was unique for Los Angeles wbena woman ft.'11 on an icy sidewalk andliroi;e her wrist, lt was the only ac-cident ot its kind that o.wr occurredin that city. Millions of oraii^-aworo frozen on the irocs and souUit>niCalifornia expcri.-ner'd a variety' of nov-i-llieti, .frown water pi]ios ami aut;inio-

•liilo radiators, ice on ponds andditches ami a shortage of gas, duo tothe unusual demand made on thomains lor heat ins purposes.

Surprise was expressed at Wash-ington iliiil ;i man with Ht'imtor JJoiusPun rose's !;nouicd^'o of practicalhusliioss riiptlii.t5s shnjilil bmv bad attin* linn1 f»f h';j i!.Mih nriir],,1 a i|iiar-

t-M'vih prsU !KI\- :n Wutl.U.a-ivti mustM < \ : !--lnii!:-rlin:li--. *;!:;it h.v/.;- :.;i.jn. if

f. .y i; i '.:. v.-oi::.i IUIVV Jn'oiiKtit himJMI ami.1:!! :..< Jir,<- n'lv.-aier than his otil-1 iitl salary, l.tii in.stead bo' preforrodu> kefp liic money undt-r lock and kuyin not us in denominatioiiM raiiBin^'from J10.00O to 350, a. form in whichobviously it could earn no interest.

THE CHEERFUL'CHERUBIt te,i*5fts rr e to ride-

in trwnjWKtr* p%.sX the, l i t i k

town* we. speext,LiU«. looking mtor atory

DC0K5C know IHtvervt time.to re^d


TUB handto a .successful physician/or OUR who may become a suc-

! eessful physician, should he; Buiiplu and smooth.,, a'he.following nre[ -soiiiK oC the traits of ii good doctor,j as indicated in the hands:j Tact, shown by JL iliuml) that isI well "waisted," thnt Is, indented ormarked at tho joint.

Kindness, whownby n Mount ot Ve-nus, or ball of tlie thumb, which ismoderate in size. ,

Self-coufldence, the Line or Life anc!tlie Line of tho Head well apart.

Trustworthiness, a Lino ot the Heart• tlmt is forked at tlto beginning.

Popularity is ImU«Ue,d by a Line ofFate which rises onVi'the Mount ofLuna (nt tlie side of" the hand) andruns into tho Mount,of Saturn, atthe base of the second : finger." Thisshows unusual popularity, but also de-pendence on publk cipiico for sue

Value of Educationlitglit education tiis n ]ipi son ta

eflto n living to l>f 11 'ood citizen, andto}enjov life through Hie cultivationfit the imaElnatJou,

.—- Her Only Chance.ID/UU 0—Does sliq dance badlj ?Quentml—Yes, id"•'.' tho viinpcrones

aren t looking—PeliLfln'

"Provocation" Is GootJ.Tn an .cx.iminuttqn a, pchoolboy.g.a,ve

thh dofuiitlon 'Hoi jin"trimony laa divine Institution for the provoca-

Free StH'.tls Kemly.Tim Depiivlmmt oC Agriculture irf

now ..ready lo ni.'ik"'its iinnuaLdiiitribu-tion of sbvcriiiniiht seeds. Cougross-ma 11 Kiindoipb PerJviiiH bn.s severaltboiisiintl piickatji'K itt his disposal andis desirous of Handing1 a paclmye toevi-i-y resident of tho .Sixth Districtwho may desire tliu .same. A lot tor orpost card a-Ulrcssetl to him at theHouse of ItoprtsentiitivuH, WaHhinyton.1J. C, will insure the participation of.the writur in this distribution. ThoJjt']>arlniciit bn.s advised the Congress-man that seeds for New* Jersey shouldIn- mailed early in the year, and be isiin.vious to' have all rc<iues*t.s (Hod witli-in the next three or four •wedes. Con-KTi'ssinan A])pieljy will make the .tlis-irlluitioii ;IK general as pouKlblc-and all

("incuts will 1H> honored if received inime.

Judged Hitn by Hia Hair.At the" beginning of the second se-

mester of school, a hoy entoi-etl thefirst grade wearing curls. That noonnt table my young hopeful in n toneregistering disgust said: "That new-boy is sure some sissy." Upon myasking him how he knew, he replied:"I know because his imir snys so."—Chicago •Tribune. '

Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Curedby local appllcuionb, as tho cannotreach tho di msed portion or the oarCatarrhal Deafness requires constitu-tional tr^atmen* HALLS CATARRHMLDICINEi I a constitutional remrdv _<-uLurni!ii uetinei 1 causocl b an In"1"(lamed condition of the mucoua lining ofthe Eustachlan Tube When thl tubo isInflamed ou have a rumbling sound orimpiriect hearinff and when it is entirc-1 closed Deafne a ia tho re ult TJnlesthe inflammation can be reilucLd yourh i r i n g ma he de tro ed foreverHALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE actsthrough tho blood on the mucou sur-faces of the Bystem. thua reducing tho In-nammaUon and restoring normal condi-tion

Circulars free AH Druifei tsF. J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, Ohio.



B A Y arid SATURDAYJanuary 27th and 28th

EnamelTea Kettle

Pine and White uaio,size o qt., puie white

enamel coverValue S1.69

AluminumRice Boiler

Size 2 qt, hollowhandle, IS gaugealuminum andcover at


l'/i qt., G cups, at-tractive octagenstyle, black ebon-ized handle, at

AluminumSauce Pan

Size 2 qt., lipped, deepstrong ' nickeledhandles at fl? 1

^ 2F0R J* 1



10Vi; \Vide,"roun"droastei', 2 pieces,w.i t h c o v e r ,seamless, at ;..

Gingham32 in. wide, iin a s o i t m e n l of ,pa t t e rn ' . , lcjr pi ice. ."oc \ d ;

i vi).s. i

ChallieI ,\d. wide, .in a<<«oiImcnl olpattei ns lor nuiltins:

ti YDS. '

Percale:»(> in. wide, lijjht patterns; ,

:> vna.

Bleached Muslinbt.indaid quahtv,

7 ^'DS.Fancy Outing Flannel

27 in. wide, standard qual-ity; 7 YDS.

White Outing Flannel ti27 in. wide, l'ogular price, J25c; ~ Ti YDS. *>

Pillow Cases c36x-15 in., standard quality; J


Mercerized Tablecloth ^72 in. wide, i'ormer price, »l?1.39;. Y a l

Hemstitclied MercerizedTablecloth

patterns..2.yds. Inng;; at.

Table OilclothV/i yd. wide, , dark, fancypatterns; 4 YDS.

Striped Cretonne3G in. wide, special 7 YDS.

Khaki Rompersfor children, sizes i, 5, 6,7 and 8, at

Children's GinghamDre;sses.";::-^±^-;;•:;. u?

to close out at

Infant's Black Woo! Hoseregular price 59c;"" (t* |

I! FOR »P 1



Children's Black Hoseall sizes; 5 FOK

Quilted Cotton Batscoveis G0\72, value 98c, and1 23c hat. all i'oi

Ladies' Corsets.ill sizes in lot, color whiteoi pink; at

Ladies' Chamoiset Glovesmode and blown only, I'oi- fl? Imor puce $1.39 oj5 1

Misses' Fancy Gloveswith cuffs, absolutely allwool, at ."

Black Serge3G in. wide, part wool;


Children's SleepingGarments ••• ,

all sizes, made of part wool (tt •*.,... materiaj,., forn^r . Jirifie,,,*^ 1.

151.25; each at.': .!.,...'. Z.....1 «|7"Jl

Boston Shopping Bags (J» |- . 15 in. long, color-tan, at each.sP JIL

Ladies' Hand Bags d» tcolor Bray only, former,price..[V1 .

51.39; at ::.:.:..::.„....::.;..::...:..:.. •*" *

Tea Cupsfancy-gold decoration:

5 FORDinner Plates

plain white, size 9>/> in." 6 FOR

Bureau Scarfslace trimmed, former price65c; . 2 FOR

Bui;eau Scarfsfancy. lace and embroiderytrimmed; former price to?i.'i9; at :.: : .„

E. Z. Union Suitsall sizes for children, formerprice $1.25; at :



AluminumSauce Pan

. with aluminum coversize 2 qt., stand-ard 18 gauge, at

,,2 FOR

l_30c Wiseburn's Pre-pared Buckwheat

1—10c Cornstarch .1—25c can Plums1—12c box Oatmeal "2 boxes Uneedas2 lbs; 18c Cake

1—20c can Peas1—35c bot. Maple Syrup1—35c can Sliced Pine-

apple !> .1—35c can Libby's Ap-

ple Butter

No items exchanged. Every sale final. We reservethe right to limit quantities. .Some lots the quantity :is.limited and will be put on sale both days. Any itenf thatyou care not to take the entire amount, will sell one-half

Groffs? Sons 30 E, Washington Ave.Washington, N. J.


. . < • *•

Page 13: THE WASHINGTON STAR · • passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tt i twelve the number of cornrni


Copyright; 193t, Weatirn N*wipap»r Unlos.

"Show me the man who lias tena-nted the' world by his wisdom, or IiUcountry by. Ills patriotism, or hli>neighborhood by.titu philanthropy, andyou dhow ,nw a man nlio Km tnadtthe beator.ev'ery minute."


A well iDodu and flavored pumpkinpie ta satisfying, enough fur. most pal-

1 ^Jf , ates but puwp-f* 'kin 'pie do luxe

Is served with•whipped • cream,

I * Into ' which has' been sll'rreU some

nice s e a s o n e dcheese.

- * J « I ^ I I Is often themother .who puts too many frlUa ondaughter's garments who says SIH^IIIISno timd.to'fuss with frill* on iHnlie*Time Is never wasted In making foodattractive.

A pretty snlnri Is one using twohalves ot a penr. Arrange on lettuce,Hat side down, and decorate with ijwtr-tvrcd blanched almonds, putting themInto (lie j)var pointed end down. Servewllh. a French or mayonnaise dressing.Frozen whipped cream, sweetened unrlfluvorod, then packed In ice and saltseveral hours to. freeze, served withlilts of ginger or candled flurries, Isu delicious dessert.

Apples cored itnd the centers Illledwith Im'imnus cut In strips to lit Ifithe cuvltyt.sugar and butter with itlittle water added, then bunte whilelinlilu^, makes a very pleasuut vitrlatlou of the everyday haked apple.

A quick dessert enjoyed Ity rhocotntelovers Is cnlled Dri'sden cruuilid, pru-

_ IHired as follows: Take one cupful ofbroad cruinlii;, one-half cupful ofgritted chocolate; two tuhlcspoonfuls ofsujjur and a pinch of salt. Stir andmix well and Imki- until the chocolateis molted. Si.-rve with sweetenedwhipped cream.

When u child or a person AVIIO Is IIIrefuses to drink the milk or cocoawhich Is provided, give him strawsto drink through and servo the milk Injtu Httractlve cup or howl.

Milk toust IK n wholesome dish midone wliich may be served to the chil-dren us well as grown*U]).t. Add agrating of'chuesc to'the illsh servedlo the adults, giving u change In llu-vor and also Increasing the food value.

When prepmlng a meat loaf, addone-half to one cupful of.oatineitl.tothe meat- mid'-arrange two or threehard-cooked eggs In the loaf so thatwhen sliced they will add to Its. ap-pearance. T ''''.

at are madQat Home

* MT. BETHEL.Rev, Rlcflslng wilt'preach In the Mt.

Hcthol flchool house at 3 o'clock Sun-I day afternoon, Sunday school an hour

earlier. It If) desired that all membersattend tho Hcrviccs, an (hero will be aconference nt the clone of the meeting.

The Parcnt-Teachors" Aiioclationwill have a meeting Thursday. AllparentB ore urged to Attend nnd sechow happy the children are over thehot lunches. *

L1. S. Government Warns Farmer!Abuut Disease Caused hy Hals.

They carry Bubonic plngiic. fatal tohuman beings. They carry foot nndmouth dlscnfie, which Is fatal to stock,They kill ehfeftt'iii, eat main, causeUenlructiori to property. If you haveratK HAT-SNAP will kill them. Crc-iruitcK rnti after klllhtp; them—leaves j . _j*mell. Cornrn in cakes, ready for use.Three aliea, % , " 65c, J1.2R. Sold andguaranteed hy Jenkins & Meeker;j-'loyd Major. . • ' ." ' ' •

When you filve a imina pointer don'tbo Hurprlsed If he wants )o know Us.petlisree. . ^ •'", '•"

loves a coinfortiiblc midpretty sofa pillow, and the shopsare etiowlng tlicni in ntany altntc-

tlvfi shapes and colors. The ' styluschange In them, as in other things, amiIt Is worth while to note tho.se tlml-urcpopular just now, because thuy are thepillows Hint Will he used.for'liolkliu^!fts, ini(I tunny a pllluw will' bt; innilihetweeti now and Christmas

In shapes, thu round pillow letnls hipopularity, followed liy the squan pllInw nitd the roll pillow. .There nnsonic ovstl models nnd an occuslonulodd shape, like the small triangulai

j [illlmv shown in the picture. TaffetaI is the t'nvored niuterlnl for cnverlngK,

Ijuth In plain niul chiingeuble weaves.'Brocaded silk, In which a metallic fig-ure appears, on a silk ground. Is usedfor the sides of round and'oblong pil-lows, huving u,puff of velvet, matchingthe silk In color, around the edges.

Mlnsu inid gold brocade with •rope vel-vet, unit black nnd gold, wltliblnck vel-vet, uiulte thehandsomest of these pil-lows, but other colors are used,"likick Patlne.1.4•substituted.for siittn

'iu square pillows, bound'with, black

, 'ESTATE NEWS.l)r. duMi-MmrftW of fXtver:has boon

prnjmHi'd't'or appointment as a memberor the Stale Department oi" Health. Shohn.s been actively interested In local,

'.state and ,county rilYairs and -is a. He-•'publican."'A representative from DOVPI

mi the Stale iJepartment of •. Hoaltii~--'iniKiuritiflUi-ti K'Viiier 'activity-in sccur-

ins a sowernB"1 Kyutem Tor* that-towiand it is felt that mien an nppbintmeni.should lie made. Dr. Muichler is • .ipracticing phyniulan. the wife of Dr. IIRaymond Mutehloi-. formerly of...Wnsh-

"'" tiifiton', and a daughter-in-lawof for-mer' State Senator Marry \V. Mulchltirof Rockaway who i.s.now a, member ofthe State.Board of Equalization, of

.;; Taxgs and Assessments..; ' - •Frank \V. Vnss'has • sold'hisl*200-ricre

White Lake farm In Hardwlelc toWn-sliip in Ctl'Ot'KO VanRiper, of' Newinic.who will use It for a summer hpme.The lni*Ke'Stone house on thd farm isconsiderably over 100 years .old and inexcellent condition; The interior dec-orations and the latches on tho 'doorsurn of very ancient design. '1,'he farmlias boon owned'by four generations ofUm'VoHM fumlly. Mr. and'Mrs.- Vamhavo not fully decided: where they wIHlocate permanently. . •

Thieves operated last week in Annan-dale. Monday night $60 worth of td-baccn, fte.. was taken from' tlie storeof Alvah JJndabury. Thursday/night

jK'd.of :$ 100 .worth of .Urea,., tubes,, knives."• and "tobacco. ' The thieves "ale'Tchees*

cakes and. cream "puffs before leavingthu store.-, Soap, candy, etc-r. 'was.itteo

"stolen from"Uie. .school house; .'• ••'.'•' George C. Smith, whu Vvas. closely*identified .with the public life of Mov-ri.stown, died Friday. He was .a volun-teer 11 reman .for 40 years. Served, onthe County Election Hoard ahtf nt onetime .was Town Clerk and-also TownTreasurer, lie had been a member ofthu Board of Education forjnuny yearn.He arose from a .struggling groceryclerk to a bank otllcer. He wait alsn'acontributor u> the editorial columns'ofi\ .Morristown newspaper. * '

but 'sniippud :nu3 Hnarlt'd. Kxamln-itioiiHlunvud it .wax irozon lo.the, ground. Ithad boon "llshlntr" in Uio water;.unilaftenvards -sank down, and; chilled bythe freezing weather, became numb and

Dont cougKr-IE violent paroxysms of coughing

soon, cased by' Dr. King's NewDiscovery. Fifty years a standard"remedy for colds. Children like it.No harmful drugs. All druggists, 60c.

in id golda))ji|fi[iitUlul \<lined MlIn Hit *.• i l l - , I I I

I t l A V t l s

t U ii

1 Hat hiilo\

h t l «th -im til


in 1

M 1ild nml decorated- c ut from fjny1 lit tin we rs nre

n ill hi a k nnd ulclI'"dru

low pictured [linu(ul stuilliij,'. inn!

wlth~' col-W-conl.


Jir tolurs, for decuni-

t >nlfd tntVt-ta la the fuvorlte pillowcovering and the cords are inserted InMirlt'd WH.VS. Tiie tnti'iHu Is gathered,ut the center of the pllluw-and a big,lint sllk-cnvered button mold coucealnthe gatiterlng, on nuind nnd square pll-lows. A round pillow, us pictured, Is

'£nvi-rcd \vltli plain blue taffeta, ami aliu 'L' daisy, made of blue taffeta undliavlng Its petals lined with yellow taf-fetn Is posed on It.

There are, of course, duinty boudoirpillows with slips miide u£ title cottonfabrics and trimmed with embroideryand wasli\ hices. These pillows aresmall utiri are covered with silk.

froze fast in his tracks..' HermlH car-ried it homu alive. : .

TlH; Cold SprinK let- Coni]}any,'s stor-age plant nj ifarlontown was destroyedbv fire last Wednesday. ,J-'iremen fromEutler ami RloomiiiKdale lutljiud il^htthe llaiiK-.s. • The cuusu of the*.tire wasnot learned. -The losa was estimated( i t - $ 2 o | u u u . ' v ' - • " . ' • - : • • • - •• - • • '

' SUir and Thrico-a-Woek New YorkWorld, $2.75. "

BACK BAD TODAY?Backache is usually' kidney-ache and

, , - „ , , „ A. . „, , . . . makes you dull, neryous and tired. Useu , .Mansflcld Ilaptwt Churcli-Nolfs. DoanV* Kidney Pills for weak kidneys—'"V World Fcllow«hl|)" wili.be the isub-ilbe remedy- recommended by. your

ject on Sunday morning. Evening sub- ";'jccV-""OiRS"IIa.rrr,:"to"'. Sc!f.'.'*•;!'"':"":•.::","•:•"The YoiiiiK People's 'meet in j ; will • be.lefl by Pearl Robeson.

friends and neighbors. Ask your neigh-

Mrs. JoJin Devries,.'55 E. Stewart St.,

• The t'ollowintr ofllcers -wClerk, . -Samuel Perrv.;Charles Cree-ar; Sexlon ol

clod irregularly and when I did work•<* •, .C.r I t h i l t c o n !P e l l «l me to stand near a liot-leiMitei, j..stove I became very nervous and dizzy.Church, M y ,10U(1 whirled s o l couldn't


Personal PropertyThe Btibiicrlber, on account of movlnff

nwny, will sell At public sale his


Read This Letter from Mrs.VV. S. Hughes

Greenville, -Dol.—"I was under thoimpression that my eldest daughter had1 ~~I Borne internal trouble

aa ever sinco the firsttime hersicknessap-pearcd she had to goto bed and even hadto quit school oncefor a week. I alwaystake Lydia E. Pink-ham's VegetableCompound myself soI gave it to her andshe has receivedreatbenefitfromit.

, r "ou can use this let-ter for a testimonial if you wish, as 1cannot say too much about what yourmedicine has done for me and for mydaughter."-- Mrs. War. S. HUGHES,Greenville, Delaware. .'.

Mothers and oftentimes grandmotherahave taken and have learned the valueof Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-pound. So they recommend the medi-cine to others.

The best test of any medicine is whatit has done for others. For nearly fiftyyears we have published letters frommothers, daughters, and women, youngand old, recommending the VegetableCompound. They know what it did" forthem and are glad to tell others. Inyour own neighborhood arc women whoknow of its great value. •'. '. '"

Mothers—daughters, why not try it ?

, y p , .ters. Mr. Hiram.CreKii.r>

Roll call and • baptis-Sunday. "•. '•'

^'To cliildren an aniret of morcy." Wliero;aire*tlorw iiro • followed, IT NKVKItt'AILS. D*Ntiito HUircitr a"il cuonnouMrpst of SANTONIN. It enntntns full Acmv/

-~ Stood t,\xtyjytan! tout. tWIU ovL-ryuiicro• , or. bv mall." 50oa bottlo. s•>E»t. C.^A. Vborftees, M, 1),, rhlliul.clplilu

ition.!I (Statement given June 29, 191G.)I On .rniuiary 12, 1021, Mrs,, Devries] said: "I liaye hc'on in-very good healthi ever .since Dbun's Kidney Pills did mvayj with lliu;-backache; VdlzzineW"and "all'r other .signs of •kidney trouble. I have! every reason to believe- that Dotui'si nffectwil a peniio,nein cure for I haven't• been troubled in years,",j COc at. nilj osCo., Jlfgrs.,- .Buffalo, N. Y..


TO BUILD A HOME• • ' , \ - • ' , : . ' ' • . ' .

If many Vent payers would putaside;a;'certain amount eachweek:or month, it would' not belong before they would have; agood size fund towards building

• '•<&:home,; Start an accbunt for.A this oi1 .any other good purpose-:•', with the' Phillipsburg National-' , - B a n k . , ' . ' : - ; r V : - " . . : . / .•••. . J\_

Interost Paid on Savings Accounts.

For Colds and CouMake Bowels Normal.!. Nature's

Say is!-the'.way o.f>. Dr. K i g : jtlsrgently and firmly regulating the bowelseliminating' the;.. mtcstine . cloggirtwaste. ;At all druggists,'25ci'



Notice. Is " hereby given that sealedhldn will be-received'by'The Board'ofChosen FreoholderH of the County ofWarren for tln> construction of ••Ruction'No. 3, WaHhiheton-Buttzvllle Rojid intho Township of White,.in the Countyof Warren. ' ,

The.work Includes 2S432 cu. yds. ex-cavntion, C253 aq." yds., concrete pave-ment, construction of 2-npan concretebridge containing 2S00 cu. yd. concrete,•• Bids will be opened.and read In pub-lic. :it the.office of. the said Board Inthe .Court Ploune, Eelvldcre, N'. J. on

ebV'I, 1923 at 11 o'ulwJc, A. jr. •

Drawings, .specifications • and , formflof bid,, contract' and bond for the pro-posed work, "prepared by H. AV. Vetter,County Engineer,'•and "approved by theState Highway Commission, ha\ve boontiled'in the office of the said engineer atBelvidere, X. J., . and . of.-said SUiteHighway Commission, Trenton, Jf. J.,and may-b,e -'inspc-ctod .by prospectivebidders during business hours. '•Bidderswill be furnished" with a copy of thrspecifications and blue prints of thidrawings by the engineer ion propernotice and .a, deposit.of $10.00 whichwill be refunded'Upon.'return of samiIn good condition. Bids-must be madi

jpn .the standanl proposal forms In. tin.manner designated therein and requir-ed by the specifications, must be enclosed in sealed; envelopes, bearing th\.nltnio and address of bidder and nameof road on the outside, addressed to thiBoard of Chosen .Freutiolers of theCounty Fof. Warren, Belvidere, N. J.and must be5- accompanied by a sta.temenL from'JV surety company authorizedto do.business Jn~Xew..Jersey, statingthat.it will furniali"" the'contractor witha satisfactory bond in'the full amountof the cqimict in case he is found to bethe lowest responsible bidder and is subsequ&ntly awarded tiie contract, nnd acortined\eheek for not loss than 10 pe<*cent ot the antoitnt bid provided saidcheck shall'not bo-less than 5500.00 normore than $20,000.00 made- payable toH. O. Carhart, County Treasurer, andbe delivered, at thu place andthe hour'above named. Tlie standard'proposal form i.s uttaehed to the sped(lentions, copies of which1 will be fur-nished .on application to ••engineer..

Irly order of the Hoard of ChosenFreeholders of.tin-. County of "Warren.

^lORKlS S. FAUST, Clerk.1-12-31; ". • ' , > .

WvdncHtlnr, Frb. 1, 11T22Onljorno binder, htty rakf. Jolmnoncorn lilnilpr. .Mt-nnlnK^r. thn-xliir und'•leaner, Dellinprr feud Krlmlcr. 2 sotsHal hnysldes, t w h o r w rultlvntor. nndrunny other articles not incnthmmi.

Two-st-otcd nurrcy. bunKy. nlvlRii,linrnosR ami other nnicies,

a ffUTHPM, N Ct>U*Sorrel maro eleven yonm old, Rood

worker nnd driver; Kray m a r c weightaltoiit 1400 Ibn.; blnck nmre. Ttit-n» arcKooil workent, Klifht COWJI. omr fresh,another fresh About February 5. ThreeKprlnK COWH and one full cow.

How nnd plKt; also fnvr sriiinoan.I.KSTBR PRRY.

M. A. Piprson, AUr.JAN. 10 and 2fi

.VOTICR.In tho Matter of the Es-

lati; of Anna Y. Me-(.'Iain. Deceased

Rule to Har, . . .Creditors

I'urMittint t" thp f>r«l*r of th" Snrm-Bntft r.r (tut1 County «f Warren. rnmlBfin tlic iweniy-tliird day of .Innunry,A It., XinulfM.Ti ilundrtid and Twenty-two, notlcr Is hereby if I von to all per-sons liuvltiK clnliiiH an:iinn tin- Kslutnor Anna V. McCIaln. Intc of thu Coun-ty of Warren, df-c^nst-d, to iirosfiit the.name to tin* suhKiTllnfr. t-xc»:uirix, onor lief ore tlits tweiily+thtnl Oay of•Inly A. I). Nineteen Hundred nndTwt-Pty-twn hnlntr six Montlis fromthe dfttn of Hfilti order: and any credi-tor ru'iclocthiK t<» lirlnu In nnd exhibitlii« or her claims under oath or'nlllr-inntlon, within the Him* so Umll<;<*.will he rorwbi' barred or hl.« or li.:rai-tlon aj,'.iinjtt flu: said executrix.Uileil Jnnunry 1*3. 10'i'i.

iA'A'AlK P./S.MITH. Kxecutrix,'l'> a rand a\w.. Wiiahhiptoti, X. J.

OSC'AIt .tKKFKUV, Proctor.WnHhinffton,' New Jersey.

XOTICK oi' SI:TTI.I:>II:.\TiNotk-e is liyruhy Klv«n tliut the au-

counts of thu HUliKCrllier, Lulu Hrull-ner, fulmiiiistmtrtx. of tipor«« C.lireltner. tlt-ecaNod, will lie audited andstatfil hy th<! Stirroffittf, ami n-porlmlto ihe OrithiiiiH' Court or the Countym" Warren, on Frltluy, tin* Third dayor .March next, at 10.30 o'clock, A. M.,i h f Dcembe f ottkar

the30 ombe

A. M.,ottk--

t 1erm of De

ineiil unit allowance..iJi.'til .Inniijirv 20, 11*211.LULL: liltKITNKU. AdminiKlratrix.

U'nxhlnKtnit. N. .1,. it. U. No. L'.WJI, A. STKV1CKII. Proctor,

WiishliiKtdii. N. .1.

.VOTlCi: OF SK'rri.KSIKNT.Notluft IK. her-'hy Klven that tho ac-

eonnt.s of tli,. Hiihxerllittr, I'liillipsburj,'Trust Company. ailuilnlNtrutor or LvwttHawk. detrfiiiKfd. will lie audited andstated hy tin; Surrogate, and renortedto tho Orphans' Court or the- Coiftityof Warren, on Friday, th« Third dayof .March m-xt, at 10.S0 o'clock, A. M.,in the term of December for .*<otllt;-niont and allowance.Hatrtl January l'0, 1022.1'H'lU.IPSItl'KC: TRUST COMI'ANV,

Administrator.Phillipsburg, New Jersey.

- • - '<• I n • of "Now 'Jersey; '. in Chancery•T,p .\V.ariiL>r.. .li'uk..'*• 'By -virtue of. an. order of the Courtof. Chancery of New Jm-Hey, •made on•tile- dnsvvof. the date hereof, in a cer-tain e;i use wherein Hen trice MaudeMnefarlnne is petitirtnciv-aml you arcdefendant, you are'required to appear,and plead, answer fir dehiur to pe.tl-twctif.y-llrHt day r>f -March next, or, In(lufaiilt -thereof, tuich decrdf will betaken agitiitKL you us Hie Chancellorshall think ciniitiiblu ami just.

The ohjoct ufisn'lil suit is to obtain adocroii of dlvorcu, dissolving:, the iniir-rlagf between you and- ille said peti-tioner's pi-tiHuii on- or . lie fore theHonor.Dated Janunrv JO, 1S2L'. ' •

W. Jl. WAt/TEUS,.Solicitor of Petitioner,'

Ponna. U. n. Pltlfe,, lMiillipshurg, N. J.

' NOT1CK 01* JiliTTLESIENTNotice is hereby Klven that the ac-tunts of the subscriber. Osiris D. Me-Minel, subfltttuted-administrator o. t.of Kllz&bi'th Pickson, deceased, will

; audited unil stated by the Surro-ite, and reported lo the Orphans'

Court of Hit! ."County of Warren, onnt l(U0 A M.. In the torm of DecemberFriday. the Third day of March next,for KiHtleinciu anTT allowance.•Dateil Januarv 20, 1922.

. . . . O5IKIS D.

To Gloria Motors Corporation and C.Arthur Barr: .' . , : . .By virtue of an order of• the Court

of Chancery of Now Jersey made ontlie-day of the date hereof in a causewilt-rein The First 'National Bank ofWauliington. N. J., Harry Christine undWilliam Eh ret are complainants, andGloria Motors Corporation and C. -Ar-thur Barr aro defendants, you are re-"lulrod to appear and answer to the billof said complainants on or before the1.1th day of .March next, or In defaultthereof, such decree will be madeapainst you as tho C.iancellor shall1

think equitable and just.The said bill la filed to foreclose

inortKagTfi' given by Gloria Motors Cor-poration to' Harry Christine. HowartFHtts and William Ehrct,..l>euring--dttUOctober 19, 1320, on lands in the Dor"ough of Washington, in the Countyof-Warren and State of New Jersennd you.- Gloria Motors' Corporationare made-a defendant because you arethe ownnr. or Bald lands/ nnd ynn;..pArthur Barr/are made a defendant tiecause. It .nralleged In said bill t lmtonDecember 8, 1920, you caused 'u wriof attachment to bo Issued out of tinWarren County1 Court oC. CommonPleas against said Gloria Motors Corporation for the sum of $331.1G, '6some other sum, -Dated .January 9, 1922.

Very truly yours,O. D. McCONWEL

, Solicitor of Complainants,0! So. Main St., Philtipsburg. N. J.


NOTICE. T ^In tho Matter of lh« En-

late of Mary E. "r*i>-fluletoBar *Creditors

• Pursuant to tho order of thfl Surro-gate of tho County of Warren, madeon the* Twenty-flccond day of Decom-ber A. D. Nineteen- Hundred andTwenty-ono, notice is hereby Riven tonll^porsonfl Imvlnfr clalntn apaln«t thoEatato of Mary E. pcruncr, latoof 'the County of Warren, do-ci<as<>d, to prencnt thu name to the nub-acrfoer, bar Adrnlnintrator. on or bo-for«* tho Twenty*n»-con<] day of JuneA, 1). Nineteen Hundred and Twent>-twu btrlni; six moathn from the dntc ofsaid order; and any creditor nefflcct-)njc to brJnw in and exhibit JIJJI or Jj*»rclaims under oatli or ainrtnitlon, nith-in the time so HtnUi-d, uill bo foreverbarred of his or her sxvtlon asnlnut tho^afd Admlnlntrator.Uated Decembor Jt. 1921..• OSCAR JBFFBKV, Admlnstrutor.

WiiUl'ineton, N J,

XOTICR.In the Matter of the Es-

tate of ,CeorKe \V. Ileers,


Purnuaijt.to the order of the Sur-roKato-of the County of Warren, madeon tlin Flfteenlfi iluv of Dfrpmbcr A!>., Nineteen Uumlrtil and -Twent: •One. notice is hereby R l v n t o nil per.si>nn having claims n^alnxt the E?lato of GeorKo W. Beers, late of tbCounty of Wnrrcn, deceased, to pnBcnt^tlic same to tho subscriber, hliexecutrix, on or nefon* the tlfteenttiny of Juno, A. D., Nineteen HunQrtand Twenty-two belnft six monthfrom tlie date of said order; ami an;creditor neglecting to brlrK in and ex.Mbit his or h>>r elnlms tinder oath oinfllrmatlon, within tho time so limitedwill be forever barred uf Ills or IKaction agaiiuit the wild executrix.iJiitvi! Dt-eember 1.1; 1921.

EMMA -C. UEERS, Executrix.- Wasbfntrton. Now Jerse

WJI. A. STRYKER, Proctor,AVashlngtorii Xew Jersey

professional^L" Index-to those Prom-'inent In Law,; Medicine;Dentistry, Optometry;Insurance & Undertaking


IS Broad Street t rRepresenting leading "Plro Companies l

Employer's Liability and Automobile11

Insurance. *Rents Collected. Com'r of Deedi Local and Long Distance 'Phones

N O T I C I : . •

In the" Matter of theHatnto of Jas, (;. Sta-

inetK. DeccaHcd.Itnle to BurCre<lltorn

Piirmiant to the order *>f the Burrogate of the Comity of Warren, mail,on the ninth ility of December. A I),Nineteen < TTutidred and . Tw«-nty-On(.notlfu IH hereby Klvun to all ]iuryonhaving i-lftfms uKiiinst thu K.Hlatu oJitti.eH (}. StameiM, lute of tin; Countof Wurren, deeeasfd. to prt'sent Hi.siime to the Htib.scrlber, IIIK mini in istrator, on or befortt thu ninth ilii o.Mine A. IX, XI no teen Ifuntlruii anTwonty-Two beliitf Six Months frorHi*; dute of Maid order; am) ancreditor. -ni.'gJfcHng to brine in an

xhiblt his or her claims under oatir amrmation. within the lime n

HmlttMl. will be forever barred of hiior her action against the said adminIterator. . • .

Dnted December 0, 1921.GEO. \V. STAMETS. Adminlstiator.

; . Curnontersvllle, N. JO. D. McConnel. I'roctor,

riiilllpHbure-, New Jcrst

.\OTICK.In the Matter of the EH-

lato of Amelia Shields,Deceased." " •

Rule to BarCrc.litora •I'lii-f-uiuit to the order of tlie Surro

gate of tlie County of Warren, rnacLon. the ninlh dav of January A. 1)..\ln<ttpt>n Hundred ..and Twenty-two.'notifiw is..hereby; jiivcn to. all per;:oitahaving clainiH against the KstatoAmelia Shlt'lda, Into of the UcAinUWarren, deceased, to present the Sito .the,subscriber, her executor, on _.Seforu Hlie ninth day of July. A. U,Nlneteon- Hundred and Twunty-Tw-ibeing six moutlis from thediile of .sal'order; nnd »ny cruditur ucglecUii!,- i.' 'as in and exhibit his or "her claims

tier oath or aflirniiUlmi,' within Hito so limited, .will Lio forever barre

or his or he.r aotio.i afa'ain.st the salexecutor.Duted January 9, 11>——.

MAUmiALT< AIUJLUU, Kxoctitor,Phillipsbura'i New .lerse;

IX •CHANCERY <>r NEW .1I3HSI3V,ish Cum-o the Creditors-of ll

pany, a Corporation.' it :pttt:s tin nee of an ..order of '-.theirt of Chiuicery of the State of New

.-..soy, •made on the Twentieth day ofDecember. A. O.t.i9"!l. in :i cause

herein Floyd Major, Alvln J<\ Ploreyml Joseiih H. .Cornish. Jr., are com-laiiunilH, and Cornisli Cnmpuny, is de-

fendant, notice is hereby trlven to thecreditors of auid Corporation to pre-sent, to Wosloy Fleming', the receiverof aaltl Company, at Ills olllce. CornisliCompany Factory. -11 West Washing-ton., i Avenue, Washington, WarrenCounty, New Jersey, • their severalclaims and demands1' against tlie an idCornisli Company, duly verified underi.ith or affirmation, within two months.Tom the date hereof, or they will beexcluded from the benefit of such divi-dends as may hereafter-be made anddeclared by said Court from Urn pro-ceeds of the effects of said Corpora-. I o n , : •" • - • •

WESLEY FLEMING, Receiver,. 41 W. Washington Ave., '

Washington; N. J,WILLIAM A. STRYKER,

Solicitor of Complainants ami of Re-ceiver, 1st National Bank Bids.,

Washington, N. J.Dated Washington, N1. J., Dec. Lv0, 1921.

• - • 12-22-fit

NOTICE OF SETTM3MKNT.Notice is hereby given that the ac-

counts of the subscriber, Osiris V.McConnel. executor ot.John rR;,.DIck-

d d ill b d i t d dne. e e

n, dceased,.tutoil by tlie

ti O h

r ot.John rR;,.DIckvill bo audited and

ogato, :and reportedourt of th C tto the "Orplmns' Court of tho County

of Warren, on Friday, the Third dayof March next; at 10.30 o'clock, A. M.,in the term' of -•December for settle-ment nnd (allowance. : • ,

-Dated January. 20, 1H2L'. , 'OSIRISD. JlcCOXNKL. Executor.

.-".^liUUpsbur^N'ev Jersey,

, NOTICE.Tho Annual Meeting of thp Stock-

holders of Warren Foundry and. Ma-chine Co., for.tho election of Directors

business that may properly come be-fore the meeting, will be held at theoflico of tho Company, 183. SltgreavesSU'C'ct, PhilUpsburp, N. J., on Monday,February 13th, 1922, at half fittereleven o'clock a. m, * Polls open attwelve-, o clock- noon-and close Jit'oneo'clock; p. m.

No transfer of, stock .may be..ihadowithin twenty days- next precedingsaid meeting.- ••

.Yours truly, 'A. h, R E I I J E Y . Secretary.


XOTICB.In tho Matter of tho

Estate of • Kezlah T.Woolverton, deceased.

Rule to Bar v :

CreditorsFurHiiant'to the order of tho Surro^

fate, of ;the..County of Warren,. matl<m thq- nintli day of December, A. I).Nineteen • Hundred and Twenty-Onenotice, IH " hereby ' given to al l . personhaving claims against tlie Estate oKoziali ,T.- Woolverton, lato of. thi.Courily-of .Wurren, deceiuied. • to presonf the same to the subscriber, hiadministratrix, on or before the- nintday of Juno A. D., Nineteen llundreand Twenty-Two being- six Month

•from-the .date of said order; and ancreditor neglecting to bring In an

liE uit his or her claims undor oat, . affirmation, within tlie time slimited, will be forever paired of hisor.tier action against the said admin-istratrix..

Dated December 9. 1921.LIZZIE,L-- KARCHER. Administratrix

20 Miller St.. Phllllpabiirff. N. J.•• - -, O.-.D. McConnel. Proctor,

- - ... • Phlllipsburg, New Jerse:

NOTICE.In_;the..:.";Matter of .the - .-- • ••

- E s t a t e "of 'Artn- Geari- : " "-,ghty. Deceased.

Rule to Bar'Criidltors;

•P.ursuant to the order of the Surro-gate of- the County of Warren, niatlion the .ninth day of December, A'. D,Nineteen." Hundred and Twenty-Onenotice, ia.hereby given to all- personshaving: claims against the Estate ofAnn Gearlghty. late of the Countj <Warren, deceased, to present the sailto the subscriber, her administratec. t. a., on or before the ninth,'day (June. A. D., Nineteen Hundred arTwenty-Two, being Six Months froi.tho date of said orderr ami any credi-to rneglec t ing to bring in and exlilbltiiis or her claims umlcr oath or affir-mation, within the time so limitedwill be forever barred of Ms or heraction against the said administrate:c. t. a.

Dated December 0 191'1.J. RUSSELL DOYLE, Adni.. c. t. a

PhiHipabnrtr. Now JcrsojJOIT.V M. CODY. Proctor

7- •• PhJIltii.sburs-. -New -.Tersei

NOTICEI.Rulo to Bar Credifors of tho Estate

of Jacob M. Vliet, Deceased.Pursuant to an order made on tho

12th day of Nov.. One Thousand NinoHundred and Twenty-one, A. D., noticeis hereby givon to all persons havingclaims against-the Estate of Jacob M,Vlict, late of the County of Warren,Deceased, to present the same undeioath or affirmation, .to-,the subscriber,administrator of said deceased, withinthree months from the date ol saidorder, and any crciliW n^slee-ting tobring in or exhibit his or her claim(under bath or ailirmatlbn) within thetimes so.limited, will bo forever barredof his or her action therefore againstthe; said.administrator, ..'

Dated:-November 12, 1921, A. DJUDSON C'r. VLIET,

. ' . - - Administrator,

Township of WashingtonOKIMXANCK.

An 'Ordinance lixing the salary ofown.shi;) clerk1 of the. Township oiWellington, County of Warren anditate of .New;>Jorsoy.Be it onlainod by the Township Com-

mittee of the Township of Washingtonnttu ' Cimnty of Wurren and Stale ofSew Jersey. /*.

yilc. 1. The salary of Township Clirkif thu Township of AVasltlnston for tin,tjjir. 1!)J2 and thereafter be and theahift nre lioreby llxcd at $250.00.Sec .2. The above mentioned sal.ir>

ihall bo pair], to the Township Clerkmlltled thereto in equal yunis on tholast dnya of • Juno anil December In)a«h year. . ,

Sec. a This ordinance, shall take ef->ct on Saturday. January 2S. 1922, ithe Township: Committee meeting i t"ownship Hall.

When the .i|bovo mentioned com-mittee will consider the second read-

nml final amlon of said ordinancenancy n. THATCHKU.

' ' Township Clerk.t


Graduate Palmer School of Chlronractle(Chiropractic Fountalnheau)

Davenport, IovraAt HIGH . BHIOniC, N. J.Tuesdays and Thursdays

At DOVEIt. S. J.Hon., Wo'L. l?rt., and S a f


Gas, Vapor and Oxygen, for PainlessExtraction and Cavity. Preparation.

86 So. Main S t , Phlllipsburtr, N. 'l.Phone SE9

OSTEOPATHYA Spinal Way to Health

Dr. G. W. BEADE, Osteopath 'Cor. E. Washington and Jackson Avcs«MTS»r»d"a?.°d}»J«» •" to 0 00 p.m.-

IN HACItETTSTOWNEvery Wcdnemlay - - , II to O.:tO


37 E. Washington Ave.

At Residence, CO Youmana Ave.

E. H. DEVOEFuneral Director and Erabalmer

Successor to D. B. Ldubach145 W. Washington Ave.

Personal Attention Day or Night'Phono 46*2


116 Broad Street Telephone: 12»R4Also Hampton, N. J. fr

Country calls without extra chargeAnto Service When


First National Bank BuildingSupreme Court Commissioner -and

Special Master In ChanceryPractitioner in all United States. Stats

and County Courts

Ur. Horace LichtyOPTOMDTKIST

40 So. rourtlt bt. EASTON", PA. Ilapeclalistv in eye f

examination and theflttinff of slasae;when needed

AppointmentsBell Phone 248


29 N. Second St., Eastonone-half block from Northamp-ton street (on the ground floor),where we have fitted up an up-to-itute ofiice and are therefore bet-ter prepared than ever to attendto your dental needs.

Philadelphia Dental RoomsBell Telephone Easton 18C5

Saving You MoneyFactory Over-Production. and

slightly blemished tires at greatsavings.

Bearing Service. Station.

Tinken, and Standard rollerbearings for all cars and trucks.

Springs .and. Axles for alltnakes of cars always carried instock.

Ford Parts[Send or phone your order.Day and night service on

truck tires.

In Chancery of .Vow JerseyBetween the V\mt National Bank of

Bansor.. I'a.,.1 complainant, and llarrvi. DiiHlik'r, Hnnntih Dcslilcr, Carolhu

Doshlcr,' Oliver 11. Dcshlct' ami ; the'axona Lumber Company composed of

Caroline Dcshler. llarrv Jl. '• D«.«|,)ernU-Henry A. Burend.Hen, d«fcndant.s

Nainrtiny. '.Fcbrnnry 4, Ili^a,t the Court {House in tho Town of

Bolvidere, .in the County of Warrenand-State of Now Jersey, between thdlours of- Land1 K , o'clock to.wit at 2>'clopk. in tho afternoon of laid (\a\\

THOJ1AS H. H'AYES, Sherltt.an, lZ'iX. Fee a (6 a .

Way Bros.29 SO. THIRD ST.



Page 14: THE WASHINGTON STAR · • passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tt i twelve the number of cornrni

: • • • ' " ' • - ' • • • " • •-"•. \ - s : \ \ ' i ^ ^ & ^

rmrw TIUC WASHINGTON STAR, WASUINGTgN* N,,J.( TIIUKSOAY, JANUARY -26, 1922 / ' .- :' '.\ .' V'XX:i:]\:--t'-j\'-*\>. ; Q SECT1()Njl'VVU r

. ^ .r t r o c "ciiiircli iVoxtnlr.y-iiKiniliifr. Ht'V.II, P. King- willi>'fop lilMKUltJtkjt, "The K v / y Mem-j r o v y m e H t . " '•- -.•'.'- •'"•: -,

,J>lrB^ E m m a .^pffar rof :. High UrldKC3l)ent ,laiit*Weok with, her niHior.Mm.euwi W c l s e r v ' s •"• '••'::''.•;>" L r ;

iufc HockeHbufry. a youtiff tlnugli-

unit war jiuiiu of liuliiMriul. hwUtutfoiuil {nnd'iHjiltlcnl *fnkcry. arc inlnlnn IIUHI-nonH and rutihlnjj the poor. t]u< wlilmvmill tin1 urplinn, Tlii'.v uruvt'J In *tliviluwl tH'forc tluv tltijKuits; iiicnHiitt1, |iclfnnd polllicul power Hint out iui«" '»i"ulijithornurtVt'H nnd ncl\ Hii'lr woul to Hi*-Ktittrr KOd»—tin- "lumip-mnde jiml* nfI he toy fuctor'y.' •••••..•-'

Mr.'-anU'.Mra. •Charle«* Ilocken-.j i>* w n tt>uvu>itf Lower Valley. fH lit with imoU- - . . -<»LhN CUK11NKK.,• : - , : • V, .....: •_ « \ . .Wilbur Hmtth, ut SomcrvUfa mm mi

i>t *Ro)|>h of Newark Mpciit'i uvor Humlny KUC>H of Clayton (In-eii." ' ' .MIM.Alttry L. Tc-rHiwrry vhlleil nver

Saturday and: Suliduy, wl lb 1 rflutlve*and frinedn at NVw. York ami .Ww-

itionlaL O t m . ...>the weekend; with Miss Pearl Button. .

3 Announcement.haat ttccn mail? of thoKuth Dufford ot

I Middle "Valley, and Roy It. Kiinis pt\ ark,fl l lKh JJrlnge.' - M I M Dufford has been \ tx* IilKh Urliige.' >aifM Dufford has been j Fred A. Itunh it ml .rum of Wllmlnj;-* UH^hlnff in the public Khonta at Clove- ' t«n. Del., w e r e over Sunday Kiio«t*1 Jnnd, Ohio, for tbe past. year. • J oMi la |iarcpt/i. Mr. mill Mr*. K-- W»

Uo\ Orts^ who hhs Iwen operatlns tin-• llimu I., \\. Rush I* onnlini'il to hisVncttr fann -for some time, will iltoeoit-' bom<1 with H1iiot*H.

Minui- (arming lit the ffn'tiff mid movt*; -Mr, JUHJ Mr*. Harry Sultm). "f PJilJ-ln the Henderson house on Mill .street. • li]Mburn. urt- visitlnu .Mr, ami '•••.•in*.Sir Orts will take n > position with ! Jacob .ttuhtli.Nt lchlop & Son, mlllem. '> Mrs. ttm. T. Curling has ret timed

J - Vis lohn Wai ters !« Ill nud confined! borne after .tpeiullnn a f»»- iluy* wUhtt» hci hod wltli lumbajro. - her daughter , M w llilhert ninelt. nt

Mi nnd Mrs. O o r e e Neighbor of Jer- ! Newark.FO\ City and JIK't Mnrton OMTR** »f * .Mi". l*rol llousiuii LHI-1

M. C. SwarlKwelU'i1, Us"1 i*ulU>ctur,due* not im-an thni lU-liiKiui-ntN fluillnot itiuterrttaiiil the law, mid Ix coml*ItiKUUl a IflKtcal! to all Niti-h [»vixtin*t.who an1 notitleil that unk'sw fju>y mukflnomftt paynieiit of th«>lr perKonal ins.which Includes )N>I1 mid IU'K tax, tin-law will he euforeeil ami they willlie placed In Hit' i-ustody of the Slier*I IT. • CoiiHltli'rublf nix is due on renli"U.(iU'. Thi.i [iui«t lie nulil or the )»rop-vrty will 1K> advertised and wild. In-tei't-.tl paid on unpaid tux at the rateof ju-Vt'iL or clftht IKT cent, (,'juiifilrecently remitted n inimhrr *»f emailtaxes for om- reason or another.

An aliumlant harvest of ici- lias lioetiKill tiered from the. Dfluwure river dur-iiijr the past ft-w week.". Tin* let*l i m i t s nhiiiii here nro wi>|l llllcil nn.land we are promised cheaper Ire nextsummer. A number of nereons fromher.; have bfi'ti lielpitm to harvest th


thn ( irf of a pnyttlcian. - t ^Il~- CIit-Mi-r i,<ni h;iMi iml Mm. D. J. COURWII! wrrrp vid-t his honie in Dover after vtaiilmj 1I»T

111 rs nt Homervitte Saturday. tl;uis!iter, .Mr.-. Trunk !'. .Milkr.T>t Clifford Mills of Morrislown WAS \ Mrs. Clark Lisk H con'mrd to h<T

in tow n JTluirsday. . ] honn- Ity tllmss.Tht children ot' Mr. and Mrs Charles ! John Sliutiiuni. of NYuari; vMu-tl

StieKUi who have been ill with scarlet- : over Sunday his ac:tmltni»th«>r. .Mv'Jnn art? somewhat improved.

.Miss Mftric Apgar, a student nt Alont-(•iair Normal school, spent the week-endw'th her pnrents here.

ZiJisH Lytlia I*mce. a teichoi- in tin1

local puhiic school has been ill for thepast week at the home of Mr. and Mrs,

Sarah shunMrs. Chntlos Miller ha* 1<*

tending to her rim:her. Mrs. Jatrwho ':< ill ;i: !;•)' hom<> in lHuh

Mr. Hwthe

COM'SIKIA.look twi-iity-thMi \

Th s.l.iy iiicht.ins car.


n-!"t.v ni'-'-i.'j ati;iry :'. At. thisuilt

John Appar.Mi iiul Mrs. Lewis Mm-gnu of High

BtldifL wore Sunday Rtiests of M"r. and; Jami-n took fom-Miv Thomas .Veigh. The I-adl.-*' Ai.I so

A dnimluor. ha-s been born 10 Mr. and • day i[iUU;*n»; p.triy '.itMt « Ch tries Willis of Vornoy. fnhiy. \v.-ili!.>,hty.

KM H. Pr('.-iton Mellonry nf Vhilfi- The I.;» lies* Aid ^d<!phli I'a.. is siwnding some tlmo a t ' Mu>, L. K.irn s i-'fbr\\w hotiif of 'Mf. and JH-s. J. \V. Uoaty.; mceilni! a <•otiiiiiiti-.-

•\Hs rdward Davis is nVoverlnti »d to .'imuift^ r»»- *i:»ri'*'i•from lur recent •illness. ' ciuurh.

Riivs Hoffman, who has been a patient' Mr. anil Mrs. Itf)!":1! Mvautn the government hospital on Staten i brock. X. V.. :ti" slaying f.If-lind <ppiu Sunday with his family ( with Mis. Wm K. Kvuusllt.r( Mr. mitt Mis. Win;- Sprieh vNltetl

- — Mrs. \Uiy at IM.uutn- Wuti-r Ua|> ji;it-LONG VALLEY. tmlay and Wimday.

•MIN rioyil H. Kent spent several1 A variety kiteln-ii shower was pv-da\s list week with her parents at Irv- en Mrs, Wm. Kiteb.-n Mnmlny niKht.ilii-toii uiul attended llif convent inn o( , Kvery j)>: s«m in nils vi.'imty was in-tin- oi del* of tlie Kiistern Stars. vjtoii. Tli- family :# in-u .i^ .I.

Mr, ami Airs'. " Walter .MoiKiiit I'll-icriuluetl oil" ITrhliiy Al IHS tlfimclu*l!ulsl/ ,r . ,.r. Clinttni. -

Hairy C. Miller, who vbiiuiictiMl Uu*Itls siile a t (liiK-ndykefs rlotiUnftstore, ic-fl Sunday for Murtford. Conn..whiTf In1" will have chatui* of a similarsiilc, * . , .

.Mrs. tlcrtx! Trimmer Is u shuMufiditi an attack of t;rlp.

Air. and Airs. Hurry Alnoiy had anSuniluy UUVHIH .Mrs. Aloore's ]>arents,Mr. and Mrs'. I'raiik La timer, of Clin-ton, .

"Way Down Kasi" al Itlalto Then-lit- Friday and Saturday drew crowd-ed hunt ' s . On Fei'i-uaiy i . .'t and 4•'Over thu' 1HIK" will be the attrac-lion.

Airs, llowarit riohiiylw ami (laugh*f r Ili-lly, of Ilt'l'-mi, Monl., are npend-]»«• a few week* with Air. Jinrl Airs.Amos .Scliuyler.

Air. tin:l Mrs. James McC.lnley onSunday entertnlned Air. AlcOinley'-sliroihrr. .loseith AleOinlcy. of NVwYork.

Air. and Airs. Clarence Hoffman, wholiavtt liot'ii spending .several monthswith Airs. Huffman's parent.s. Council-man and .Mrs. On Apuar. left Tne>.layfor th«Ir home in I'laintleld.

•OhiM Labor" will.be the subject o(Itev, C. J. Kurran's nervice at -the,morning service Sunday :it St. .Ton-Vt>h*s rhurch.

Thoimw and Thomas A me mil.More than 30 new look Imxes h:iv»-

fnst heeii ud'led lo ihe t'elvidure iionti.lliee. This will r.ci'rnuinndnte Ilmsewho have liet-n clamoring for I wet;hiixes for ttorm> time pant.

The three days Chatiiatirpia held lastwt-*k was very well patronized and^hepatrons seemed well pleased with theprogram presented and tlio entertain*merit furnishe..l. It is said that thereceipts were sulllclem*' to cover allthe expenses.

Tiie mayo- .-.ays -thai if propertyowners do noi keep the snow cleaned

j oil the w:ill" and if ear. drivers vio-•U -in all ;'•'!<' 'be tratllf laws there is irofntr u>iitfti ytw.| 1|" troube. Nou* hoys, will ytui- l»c

Morris Wilson aivl bride are :il theWilson lisnie on First street, aivl are

•ongrntuluiinns ' of their

L O M M A S O N ' O L K N ' .Harry Kmeiy nniV family visited. In

the (lien Silnduy,, Mrs. Harry Stunt, sputif Alitiulity withher lHirentH. •: •]. •*.

AHHM -Alice Crults Is til.le to buaround after a week's IIIIKJSS, •«

Jesse Dulryiiijilu ami family upemSunday ...with Lewis CnMiirrv"

. LiladyH WouIfliiRer, the little 4laU)>h-Iti-of Air. nnd Airs .Win. Wouillnxei', isj»pemlinj; a few day* with Airs. KilwardItush.

Air. ami Airs. Udwitrd Rush and Mrs.Calvin Kusli unU (lladys WoolflnRcrspent Sunday evening with Air. "andAirs. Matthews. In Wn.ihliiRton.

Mrs. Elizabeth Alfirtln spent Wed*

nemliiy with her ulster In Uulvldere.Wm. Cole butt returned'f6, 111* home

after xppiuling it week with hlit son,Klmer. in "Maryland,"

.1. I-\ Mult hewn WIIK re|>alrlng tlieh'Ii'|ihoiH' line 1-Yidiiy.

.KUlNsflMH'lUi. '

will meet nt Murkeboro Kchoul IIOUMCtomoitow- nlsht. All ale welcome lothene mk-tlngw.

I'niycruncetlng wan iield Initf nightaL Oie.homf'iif Mivnmt Mrs. Kd. Wil-liams.

M|SH Janet Ynw was sick with a coldlast week. . • .' Mnt. Iloxunnu Space, who IIIIK hecn

III.dopH not /miirove very fn«t.f.

. .Tongue coated; ; O :Headache /Bilious v ^ • '



Fine* for the Liver if. .j25c perjbo*;'-1



of May-a time


fir.Mrs. ^ .lyL'i



Mi*. Vila Hoffin:in Isa h. tw .-old.

Mi*- \tldie Depport'of Kust OrftngiMSILIU4 MKs Julia L. Swaekhammei

I II d* rick Apgar of Parker has v....his m m to IliH son. Wlllnrd Ao:--,\r. r.f will moPottei-.\llle and purchased the i'et *i- hous.e «IIoppntK "jroperty in this place.

\hs Myrtle Jarvis of New York vis-ited mil* the week-end with h^r »:u-mt*. Mi. nnrt Mrs. A. I1. n»wn.

Mi*. Leslie Seals oi Ilackeitslowti isHpdulinu a. week with her mother, M.-s.,Jnhn "Nuiin.

Mis Inseph-Wood of Ili'.ioktyn ".IsitjilO\PI the week-end with her sister, Mrs.Chirk*. Anthony. ...

1 nl Lauco has takfin em ploy nu':1.; a; j . L. ^|Tlukatstown. . ! i;,v.

nhttift Deputy Artfhihald P'. Down ; pivaeh-nlami «-taff of this plsice instalJ-.I the chtiiv!' '

" ollmi-. of th<* I. O, O. ". of U."icka*vay . y. ].;. *.

Mi md Mrs. Kreeraan Hoffnnn r»f Mr S',Po\d visited relatives here over Sun- the Kan-da*. ' ' Smith

T.t\ n . C. Hull nf Newark

l . .M. I

t e s v l n i ;inan> friends.

.Mrs. IMwar 1" Alackey is remmleimgln-r house on First sireet and tiirnlni:il info a two-family house. She ismnkiiu: RTeat improvement*' to it.

Km*. John Aloore, a Korean mission"iiry. pavo a-ijood talk to the M. I-:.I'luilTh. th" .aHer part of 4;ist weekon the work that is -AOIUK on in thei>r:-'it.

A his piiihe'-jnu o.* T:i!i Ci-tiais atWafwlt-k. N. V.. liiit Siit.ur.lay nlRlitl cood sized (lt.il*-n:itliin Iroin lii-t

. Km-hon a:»i ;idj0itith« th- lauu , , k k l v lx.ul vi.-ii-iiy. A .«|..vial lr.iiu:n»r.* rtu-ir h»m>- v.a- ii-sm>v«d )>> w.lH n m oV,t. t ! i l [„ & ;•_ ,.o;lli fl.,,n,

Smiili.1 of lK-lanai-".a:i'i isr.vui'y P-'*'t «'l" Ih>-laiis:hi'-!. .Mrj. •iiei-tun

IIA/.KN.A party was l-.-M a: tiie lioni- i>:

Armstronir Maeif-y .~^uiiv.;iy vV'-iuilg.

Mr. and Mrs. <.;. W*; Shoetmik'.-r.aivlchildren v.vr»> st i ts ts t>i Mr, ami Mr<.

ujwinT.-r. »;' Kmnklir.

p , ami (.Jrund Tall Ovdai1

S.iinii'l IVlfon! ROI his crowd tottoth-- i- limi tiif- train was boarded at ih*_-;.;.i!istle!il street star ion. That all•ii.- boys bad a srami iiaml time eoesv. iihoty jtaviiiir. Leave It to Ham and

; STILL VALLKY.; Helen, the thrcp y»«ar old daughteri of William Morpy. of Still VaPey, while\ playiiiK fell and dlaloeutcd hoi' arm at| tlie M'IOIItiler, aso lu'e.tkiiif; a small[ IKIIU1 M the elbow. '; Mrs. Henry Phillip** and daughter

Kathryn are both N^nllned to their' iiome.s with the grip. The latter heinc;

cnnlliHKl to her bed.. .Miss !,eona Ilousel. of Illoomsbury.Hj'em Sunday with Mrs. Franklin S.Nixon.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul: Pinker ton ami lit-tle son. of LUtle York spent Wednes-day afternoon at the. home of her par-ents. -Mr. and Mrs. ICllswprth Vor-ht'sse.

.Mr. and Mrs. CJeorne II. Ilennet. andtwo ohildren. of Plain Hold, .spent thewet-k-eniT with Mrs. Hen net 's parents.Mr and Mrs. John Porter of Green- !wlch.

Mr. and Mr?. Kaymoml Oberly andtwo children, of Stfwartsvltle, wereSunday quests al the home of Mr. andMrs. Kllsworth Vorhesse, ',

.Mr. and M r s . t-'red Porter" were en-*!tcrtaitied Stimlay a s the «ucs,ts of Mr. iand Mrs. l-'r^d Woolman, of Warren ;(Jli'it. . • • .-•' • |

Mrs. John Porter, lecturer of Stew-.'iitsville (!niup*; attended tin' Pomofui rfiraiiKi* al Oebwaiv Katlirday.

Mr. aiul Mis. Stewait Shei-man, o( |Port Warren, spent Sunday afternoon ijif the hemr niMik mother. MIM. Wll j ,linn) Sherman. • j

i'rank. On- six-yiar old son of Mr. (ami Mi's, .lann---- 4. ilawlner. who lias ihad iw relapse from tonsllitis, is some-wliat improved at this writing.

A Sale of Fresh, Pretty Bungalow Aprons at$1.25, $1.50, $1.98, $2.25

1 Mj~:'M New Spring Line of House


'Well-known "Dix make." Everybodyis familial' witl; these Dresses for th'e\rattractiveness,, splendid iippGiiranco,backed by worthy fabrics, j?ood making,cxcullunl lit and finish. A comprohcnsiivcii.-isorlme-nt of neat Checks, Plaids,Stripe.", and neat figured designs arts.-shown, in CJingliams and Percales, all aretastefully trimmed and moderatelypriced— *

'$2.50, (;2.!)s. ,sv;.»« to $n.oo

Stjir anil Thrlccii-WocK'.Worlil, $:."»• -I


new.v el



anil willrolllnp

t-ted oillcors of :li":UV at their p.vtkeep the memlu1

(Uirtni,- the next

O t M

Yl(."\ M--;t are

]•'. briuiry IS. All liioft r-.i.ly for : h - Us

i v no:n

iihfauff-r •.::i< *.<•: Mr. aivl

fT address in th>? Lutheran church oSunday morninj; in the Interest of t!iA l S j L i

Miss Althea Dtifforil entertained on

-\ii-s. John Sm;«Uiy sher motht-r. .Mrs. He

Mrs. Mflviu i : : c J!n IMvid-tv.

Franklin Sjiau^'iii"


i.-rit Ptrnday with,i-a. Arn.y.n.-n: Wt-rlnesday

S i t u i d i y Miss ifary Drake of Flanders. ! spy^t Satunhiy with lii,-*Air. und .Mrs." D. S. Spun

HOPE.Mi inrt Jfrs, IClwood Smith, who •

u r n In Panama after the former's r e - .Unit n n m the World War. vtsitt-d Illsp il mamas Suttnn. and witV part nf :

Town Committee, sat In. Hall [

MONTANA.Tht?ro was a full house at the tneft-

ins ot' tliv lmiirovwii'.-nt Associationn Friday niRht. At the clone of ,Hieusiness session refreshments worei-rvd liv the ladies. Tin1 m>xt mcount;; - i ; ! ! iviii •!> n.i I-Vldiiv

Dalilkf.:• of the m,.ni-oT lSelvldeiv.' is' :

•ompar.y and liusjiprenuiily in* rarrifd tm in Witrrt-nCminty- The other otlieers of the en-ccrti atv Oscar Smith, of Ka«tnn. an.lAll.crl Illius. in" LVthiehcm.

Maiket and Paul streets have 1»r>*-nriij.ed off by or:l..-r of town couiu-il for:li" iictinmodation of coasters.

Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Williamsa (1 audi tor .

CASTOBIABears tbe Bign&ture of CbaB.H.Fletoher.In use for over tbtrty ifcarB, apd

Tt\t A i n d l o a iiace Aiicaytt Bought. - r mitcy;

A WonderfulHair Saver

Ii yntir hair is fallinK out. losingcolor, dry, wjppy and dlftlcittt to ar-uinuf-. you jMwwKl iniineiliately use I'n-ri-*iaii s,,i-('. The-first annlicatlon re-:iiov.« all dandruff and 'makes the hairan l soalp look and fret ltfoCr. hetler.

I'arlsian sum' supplies all hair needs.ii iumuins the e.xavt elements needed Ito make the hah* .soft, and lustrous—to }yavo it—and to make it yrow lonj;. thickami beautiful.

iMi-i.-ian sage acts Instamljt—one .ip-plieallon stops Itching head ami fresli-

"i«ns up the hair. You will be surprised |ami delii;hu-d with Oils helpful toiletnecessity, for umhiiiK else is so--goodfor the hair and scalp, or so quicklybeautilk's the hair Rlvinj; it that envi-able charm and fascination.

Parisian" sajre is inexpensive andeasily usocl at homo. We guarantee iito you. Williams* Opera Hpust; Phar-

Pretty Plaids. Cheeks and Stripe Per-caUi.Aprons. The color combinations arcin Blues. Pink, Black, Lavender, and theyall cutiltl be worn as house dresses. Madewell, perfectly fmishptj/ and exclusivemodels., entirely out oi' the ordinary lineoi' aprons. Kvery one worth much morethan t!»e price quoted.

HV Also Shoiv a Line of

Billie Biirice Dressesin plain blue and gray chambray, whitepique or fancy stripe collar1, at $2.98,

Extra sizes are $3.25,


OUR JANUARY CLEARANCEE i u M Hildehrant has removed the:

putitiuns in the former Seals barn* anil ,tin nix n the huildin-; Intn an SO-foot K$.r- :if,t i ] >M-ated by P.obort Crusen. •

IIUJH s National Bank directors are:l imts M. Gibbs, Lewis C. [featty. A. R.:Hunslersor, Harry H. .Hurley, William iIT bnuors, and John Ci. Anderson. Tho jdiiictfis organized by electinfr James jMii>-h il. Gibbs, president: Lewis C. •B( itt\ vice president: A. R. Hunsberg- ••oi <. notary and cashier; Jehiel 0. fill- !d(ln ml assistant cashier. A senii-an-!

nu it dividend'of 2%% was declared.Mi1- P.-S. Hammg is visiting1 friends j

in Ftisey City and Newark. ;Mi ind Mrs. Clarence Va-iHoni en- I

Uinintd at tea last Friday evening Mr,imi Mis. Charles Haul), Str. and Mrs.Ii \ mi, Ilixon and "Mr. and Mrs. A. R.llunsb rs,'or. La'ter in the ovoninfr.upon invitation, many of i!ie townspeo-] L Mi\t_* Airs'. ••Viuil-rurnvu 'surprise Iiy «1h it i losence until after luncheon was Isn\od

riif-toes of Hope school board whoset mis txpire. at i.h"e ""annual inoetinp, 'V<h U are Theodore Cornine, L<-wis C.•"tpitu mtl John Aimer. $~ '

Hope M.-K. Chttrrii -Voles. \liold-tip "Men, ancient and nnvWn"

f*. 11 i sermon.theme at Si, John'H Moth- ;«U i 1 iiiscopal church* r.n'Sunday, Jan. I-") it 10.ao a. m. Furevcnin;: worship jit i JO th-.- topic will be "Rupj-ellism." 1

Pf u ice oi' covetousi'te«s' which is Iidol ill \ ! Benedict Arnold and the uav- :iK Rut Indian and even the present ]

d i\ •"nntp.'id have it tn tlifir credit tlnu ithi \ u ok the matiful ch.ini^s of their1

(i rds i id lliat their idolatry was of tiie jvun ni'Hiii and stars, things grcnttT i111 l "lorn;*elves, but what shall be :-aid jot thesfi miserable cowards, the one. ]t\\ 1 i iul-throe hundred..porcont retail !

iKf prontocr'i who!!ln tho disRUiso i

nl.uht. I-Yli. lOtlt. wh.-n th.-n- will be ant'liti'nuir.iiH'iu, fonsistint; of OIJ^H amift dialogue. All an- Invltwl to tlu*meeting.

Thviv was a jiood Httt-ndance at Sun-day fsc'hnol Sunday niornini:.

Frank Stolpa. of New York, visitedi d l h m of

Frank Stolpa. of New Y o ,Saturday ami Sunday at tli- home ofhis pan-tits, Mr. an 1 .Mrs. I "rankSahis |.Stolpii.

"The Fjinnijrrs Worst Knomy—Kills.I'lii' I'a'riiH'P's Best Friend—

Kal-.Sn;ip."Tiiose art* the wnrtl-s of .lames Bax-

ter N. J.: "F-ver sln«o I tried KAT-SN'M1 I have always kept, it in thehoHso. N-vf-r fails. L'w.>d about .JS.OOw.:.-th of HAT- SNAP :i y.ai- u'Ml fiK-ure it saves mo $:ii)il in chicks, f-wysnnd feed. RAT-SXAI'. is eonvoniciU,lust hn-'.-.U :t:i cake. "." rni-cn;; witaoilier •"fund."1' 'Thivi-" sixt-.-,, K^r" i'.5t\Sl.LTi. Hold amf Kuarantoed I»y ,ienkiu«& Meeker; Floyd Major.


iml \

Perfect Idaho

.: There -are a number otRanges that are higher .pricedthan the Idaho,, but 'bettorrvalue than the Idaho does notexist. '

A Home Product. -'A' Guaranteed baker and a

(treat coal saver.Made, Plain, Black-and,, all

the .popular. Colors,.Enameled.,'"Fo'V'.'sa'tc. •

X WUson Stove & Mfj*. Co/5|ll|Northamptor|.,St, " \ * . •/'. EASTONy.PA.

Saving Is CommendableC J • ' • . « ; • • . ' * .

Saving is always commendable^-notonly does it help the saver, but it bene-fits the community as well. Aire yousaving all you can? ...

; -..An account with us gives greateheoui'- .agement. ' ' •

Ar/f Inlorpst Paid on Savings Ac-counts

NorthamptonNational Bank


Where-KSrlhamplon Se. Crosses 4th


IS NOW GOING ONEvery Garment Must Go Regardless of Cost or Profit

,, - ; •„... Usual $25.00 to $35.00.-




The assortment ihcludes the most'fasliiohable models .of theseason—made, of luxurious deep-; pile, fabrics—embracing

. Bolivias, Normandies, • Veloiifs, etc., in" wanted shades".Straight-line Coats—elaboj'atgly embroidered Coats, tailoredCoats, nndistunnins fur-trimmed Coat in sizes for Misses,...

• W o m e n i i u i d S t o u t W o m e n " . ' . ••'•'•.'•.•••.'• .

SALEVOFPRESSES. -Five Lots-of;- Attractive-•Dresses"; a t ; Erices ' That;:

I' • .. Afford Big Savings :.°' : ,V ,• . .',

tot 1 Includes DRESSES ; .;ri'•• WoVtli .lip''to $10.00, 'embracing line all-

wool Velours made in many, pretty styles ;foi" Misses and small Women. , --••:

Lot 2, Up to $15 Values '". Includos-fine.Satins, Taffetas, all-wool'?Ti-i-

cotines in season's newest models. -

Lots 3,4 and 5 at - : •

' Tailored Suitsat y% Former Prices

~~()rtHe oi'igiiiallirict! niarKeci oivxne sum LU^When you consider that our regular pricesare at least one i'ourth lower than similar

Include our better Dresses!, usual'$20.00, $25.0,0 to;

Newest Htyles anil the higgost1 bargains in Eiis-, ton. Warm Winter Coats—all wo6l anil all'•:•

-•lined,- in sniartlyt helled ,6i* loose flowing back,.tllU'l^w 11,1.4. ]«.bii^. JUIIIUO IUIIUI UIUU .1IIJMIUI t . _ j . . . , _ _ , . . . . _ . . , .

suits arc-sold for elscwhcvc-^-you'will easily.!,. . -•• lined,1 in smartly} l)cKc<r,6r loose flbwihij back ( 1'•'* realize what womicrful .saving opportuni t ies . - models. Lai'RC'.collars of f u r o r ' se l f 'ma te r i a l . 'l^tHis sale , offers you..n... " , ' • .,.-" •lV-1 .•;. ' \J\ \ S i z e s , 7 to 14 years . . ; . ,-^.' "...,]'/. . " • ..•> ,.:-jJ.\

Page 15: THE WASHINGTON STAR · • passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tt i twelve the number of cornrni




HAMPTON.The l»t .itniliul banquet of llu> Anirrl*

can U'Klon will Iw hi'M In Legion hiilltonlKht (Thurmlay) a . COIU'KU ilinnrrwlll IJU aci'ved in fiM. (•otxl muHli!,U ucved

••«nil o lf i

I ftM. ( l o l m \i-r (jiiJoyrncntH. - Thin

l f Amricanaffair In for tin* nu'miwirN of AmericanLegion nnd .their frleiidH." TlH! force (if tjt-ctlori'tlnu «f the Central

jiiMi on the nmli;_ nillnmtl under

Henry LuuKcnimdi .tow• liwn reducedJUKI (jtic-lialf and those roinalnliiK onthe job liuvc licon placed on live t|;iyx a

k h d l

at Clinton last week.* -Coiiiiclln]iin nnd Alrn. O. 1>. KnmniH?

"returned Aiumluy from u tlireu wcekh'vlKlt wllli relatives In Clinton.

II. J. llnrtKienveH and daughter,Klnlne, jmiik1 a biiMlneHfl trip to Xeiv'York Saturday,

•Mr«. \\*. H. Ilnnn of Anthony WHH a

Mm. (lerlrude'EvcrltfX lian wiM herliousV and lot on Well's avenue toWilliam Nixon of Irvlngton. .Mr. nnd,Mrn. Nixon expect to take IIOHHWWIOIIabout April lat. v • • • • " • , "

Tlit* wid IIOWH readied here of theHcrluti.H UlncBH of Prof. (leoiKO Fleming,from paralyslH,,atMhe home or hisduuKltUT. Mm. KKihpr Orlfford. In Bllsi-Irt-'lh. .Many will remember .Mr. l-'Icm-Ing an ihb iirlnchiul for n nuniiwr ofvini* of uiu> public uclioul, when theHcliooilmuse stood on tho old Hltu.U'heiu.lack Wnnton now, lives. • ' . l

Hev. K. I. Wllmorw of Clinton. Pa., willprench as a candidate In the Presby-terian chapel Sunday, Jan. '29. On hvh.!ith another randidate, Hev. It. 1-. Oant(if IJiiMwilI, Pa.. riti«liurKh Presbytery,will fill tho pulpit. A Rood attendanceis recitiexted nl all services.

Prof. V, C. Itnigler vlsltml at mit-m-x-H College, New Ilrunsuvtck a fewdays last week.

Minn Allfiaini, a teacher in our publicyyhoel, spent the week-end at her liomuin HoincrvlUe,

.MIKH Mildred llogiirf, who h:is hernvlHlthiK her sister, M1*H; Claudia Itoiftirt,nt Ifa'hidcro, wturnwl Wednesday.

MIH. .Toliti Miller is recovering '">:"an attack or grip.

Miss Louise Kvoritt Is uurrrriiiK fromattack of asthma.Ir. m

day lu '

recent RUScluiyler.

A l

nn nf Anlat the home

A pleasant evening wan spent Thins-day at the home «f Mr. nml Mrw. Ar-thur Cnnlncr at Alt. Airy. A IIUIIIIHT uftheir frloiulH gathered nl their home andenjoyrd tho ovonlng with dancing. It.'.freHhrnentu were nerved »t 11 o'clockand nil reported it lino time.

MTin.1 Madeline CJ. Moore ciit«Tlnli,edat lunch Monday Mrs. William S»imi«son from Ciianpcwater.^Mr. and Airs. Nathan Curl and daui:Ii-tcr PorlK of A\*a«hfngHm were SundayBUOKIH of .Mr. and MIM. Clmn.' A. Wilson.

CJrorgn Uognrt, vftio has 'been tniffcr-Ing from n carbuncle tin his nock, wentto th« hoKplliil tit HnlnlWd Mundaifor, treatment, air. Itogart'H nun. Hulj.i-rt. iH,nei:Ioii«Iy ill with pmuitnonia.

\VVek-efcd glints rif.Mayor and Jlrrf.andW. H. Hntler were Misse.s Cath'erlnf a

Helen Butler. Misses Mat tit- iuid Ann.tVopel and Dp. Vincent Itutlcr of JorwvCity. Dr. Itutler has opened an oflir'oat corner of Comunipaw nnd Tacitl**avenue.- He hns also been appointed nnono of the man* at the .ler«ey Cily IIMH-pltal. Dr. Kutler is well known here.

Joseph T-'lynn \» able amiin to attendbin dmIPS at the coal storage after he-IiifT a shut-in for a few days from (jrlp.

Miss Mae Kiley In convalescing fromBi'ip. .

Mayor W. II. Hutler reported on theJury at FlemlnRtnii Monday.

St. Ann's Catlinlfc church is drapr-dowlns to tho-dentil of the l'opo andwill continue to be draped until a newpope, is rl eel oil.

A crowded house wltnesKOd Itid d i h lsi;»$ ST ' """ a l > C 1 1 1 '''""• • . - • s ^ - T ' i s n s i!;;;,,x

[ay lu \ \ imninMOH. - nluhl. Mm. Austin Kitchen won Hi*•Mm. Arum Davis ,,t Liiontiiu h I" ta,n,,s , , r | 2 0 . „ l m x n f ,..„„, , , , ,

•MM or l)r. mi'l Mrs. 1- 1>. 1-uliwr nml R m m , t h 0 ,„,„, , , , ' , doll.Tlieother friends in town.Harry Bowanl returned

( k f h itinI r i l l l , < . # » r . ' - • ! . • » • • - • • — - - - - - -

pint nf last week fnuh a vlalt with rela-tives In Kaston.

IlomtiKli Clvrk V. .1. llalyliHTtoii,CotiiK'ilman O. U. Knnmifif nml* .f. H.Cliinlncr went flslilun hint Thuimluy t"U-ictiawanna Lnki*. The story Is yvttu lie recorded. j

AIIKM lA-na Azzall sjient Siitgrdnrytwilh her aunt, Mrs. U m l s Ziinvlll. a tWanIiiiiKton,

.Slr«. (Jeorfio Shurtw and 'daughter .MIKK Margaret, spoilt on*1 day laM weekIn Easton.

Airs. James Ryder Is eiitcrtnlning herriotlier, AII-B. U-'ila Uaiiin, or Mliz:ilieth.

Tliero will be nn all-day quilting inthe I'ri'.Hbyterlnn t-hnpel Thursdiiy.Tiiero will undoubtedly be a (|iilUliigloxt Tlim-Hday al«o a s the Ladli-

• yucleiy has a rush order for quiltsAidami

JudgfH wore J . V. Cavcrley, I). V\ MrCarthy. T. AT. Smith and AustinKitchen. About $45 was added t o ' t h et reasury. Next Sa turday evening thehoyn will "give :L -surprise daner-. Yoncan't afford to ititsM tlu> Kiiriiri^u.

AKI1VRV.The olllccrs of our loca l / Jump. 1». o .

of A., were Installed for the. eriMtilnnterm, last Fr iday evening, by DistrictPresident Mrs. Elizabeth Hyde, ofWashing ton . The business HOSSIOII wanfollowed by n social hour. Refresh*ment.s WCMV served. ,

Tln'O. J . Smith e:;perlH to bring ina car of line western horses on orabout J a n u a r y 23th.

.Mrs, J . Henry, of Stroudsbuijr , canifBrain day <o spend the temalnd.-r of

.Miss Klslu Supplee of Washiiigtfiii-liL'iil Siindny with her \n\ re ills. Mr.and Ali-s. W. W. Hupplc.'. a t Iminyd/tle.

.Miss Aliirgitret Shur t s of S l iuns ' Cor-iier will Iwuv this week for a visit, toI'rk'iids in iiumei'vUle, 1 W T and NewVork.

Mr. aii.l Mrs.1 H u n y Mowlby anddaughter . .Miss Audrey, of Newark,uutdfd lu-re Sunday and spent tin? daywith Uoad CiHinnlssioner and Mrs.Stewart Uuwlljy.

William It. Sell, tin; yiiimg mm of Mn?.Vernsi Sell, wlin several weeks ago washit by an automobile with t re result thatliis leg and arm were broken, has beendismissal from the hospital at Homer-villn niid is rivupiTntinir nt tho IIIIIIH1 ofliis aunt , Afra Kya* MilyueiTy,1 at Har-'

Mr. and MIH. Ju'dson llowlby > anddaughters . Alary and IK'lcn spent Sun-day a t the huUH-_<if.Mivajid .MiH.^Wal-

, with herL/flominedieti.i Lnura .loin

r ofduns liter. .Mrs.

. - [ the wccii.end w ' th Air. ami Airs. A . Jf. "Smithin Washington.

Mrs. !•:. 11. .Smith visited friends in,11 actrIt .stown several days dur ing thei-uft .vcok.

Cierald Xeely. of SU'inulsIuirg. wasa week-end visitor of his aunt . .Mrs.Win. L'JIommodieti. v

Air. nnd Mrs. John Hulslzer litstVufsday at tended tlie Cum>rad serviceso; their brother-in-law, Albert School*ey a t P6rt* Golden. '

Herber t Kecti. nf Vonkerri, N. V..spent the greater pa r t of the past•week with his aun t , -Mrs. Clirts. Pic-v-son, near town.

Frank Hulxlzor'« on Wednesday andleft them u son.

MIH. J. I!, tlibh*. visited friendrt luNewiuk and Sv\v York for a few day«.

Miss l-'stlirr Kerr. of FIimiiiKton,wan a wei-kenl Kiie«t of Mrs. Charlt.»Siltphin.

MIK« Cornelia Hope IK coullni'd toln*r home l»y HIIU'HH,

Mr. and Miv. A. l>. llrown. of ri;iln-Held, Were werlwnd ttui'NtH of Mis.Jtrown'H futluT. It. V. I^IKII.

Mr*. Cam I (till enlortalneil Mr^.(iladys (Simt). of I'attenburK Wedneri'day and Tliurndny.

Miss Anne K. llorfman Is visitingfriends In Orange and New York.

.Mrs, It. I). Jlnu'cll h:is bevu L-i>ntlue>!to her home l.»y ulckncus.

Miss Oirrle Todd att-.-ndud thu fun-eral of her aunt nt WIiltehou.su yes-1terday. • • J

MIHS Mary (iSUlw Imsj-oue to Ma.isa-1ehtiKetts win iv Kbt- experts to spendthn vt'maiiuler ot 'tin; winter.

MIM. William T<-a(s t-iiU-i iaiiK-d l»-i- jsister, of I'Melinan, I'a., lor a H;w

l wltli i h |i>-uil,• Irt uh\f to IK*


eellai' steps

.Mrs.' Nellii.- Houscl entertained herdaughter. -Mrs.. Hiirold Marsh, of Kliz-t-lietli, Thursday, ' •' \ /

Mrs. Haniuel Rpsenberger spent Wed-nesday wilh relatives at.Blounisbury-

.MIH. Miller Ort spent Wednc^lay inKaston; ' • ' " " " •••-•;••- •'•..,-. - -

iO.-I', liaylur spent, the first of ' thuweek in Newark.

JudKon Howlby has a very convenien'-atiloiiuiblle. Sometimes it'« a Ford andat other times "takes the plauu of"a

"•li iuiui-kcai. ' - ' -Aci: Juil. •- • -.: ••• -Mrs. Uobert Gordon spent WcdiH'rftlay

in Wiisiiingtoii. th« guest of her wi.stcr.Mrs. T. .1. Florey. . • . - .. The Laitk-H1 Aid Society of the Metli-udlfct church gathered at the Iioine *>tMrs. Mary -Mt'llck Wedu'csOtiy after-noon. The church members are HUloe.it-iug clothing for trie, Near East SuitVr-crs. Auyouo wishing to uuulrlbutc clotli-iiiff'Will leave saiiie lit tlie horriti-of .Mrs.Mdlck.

Mr. and Mrs. itarley lliickett andrhild uf i'lilllipHburg spent Hie week-em! with Mrs. Ilackctf.s mother, Mrs.Tilltu ISuKiirt.

Miss Mnrgur.it ltiordan oC Higlif.ridgi' was a recent sucst of her bro-ther and sisler-in-luw, Mr. and Mr:;.Timothy iliodnn.

There will be .no Junior League serv-ices in the Melliiodlst church .Saturdaynftcruoon owing to the illticss qt Mrs.

• •' C o o y m a i i , - - '• - •' • •• •' •There wlll.be a n , Kpworth League

Krimp rally in the Methodist churchFriday beginning at S p. .m.- Ruy.. .JLr.Onuiihuc of I'hiiiip.sburHr wi l l . be . thesimaker of the. eveninp. Refresliinenlswill bo served at Hit.' close }oC tlie exer-clsos. . ' • . '.. • " . . . . ' - '..

Mr. aiiil Mrs.-. Nowinau- liilack willmove from the Robert Johnson houseOH Main street to thojunisi- belonginglu Mrs. Susan Case, above tho culvert.

Airs. Robert Law of Irvingtoii wasit week-end guest of .'Mr. and Mrs. Elijah'gturns, near Charlestmvn.

Miss Mary Kitchen and M'Jss MaryGerard started work at the shirt factory

Sunday a t her home west of town. Mr*.William' VanSycklu steppeil nti a pU>ije jof coal, which threw her tu thy but- i•Lflj*p^ft£Shgft<5t:<iii"sr 'brcakjng'jjher'Ayr-isi'.t

• .Mrs . . . l . W. • Uraty -anil- d a u g h t t rXiionii, have been visiting Airs, li'eaty's >sister. Airs. S. K. Sharp . .Miss Meaty" Is :it senior in Elmii-a eollege. ' >

Aliss Kdith Trux , tht> county fitji IC O M iiiiiai;. 'is- Hi.ilviiiK Ciiniun Iier ;hoadtiuarters. living with .Mrs. Annit; 'KiiRler. . . |

A little daughter arrived a t tin; honn.-!"of Air. and Airs. S ta rne r one day last ';

Miss Hosslo YniniB'.is rnnllni'd to h,.r"ihome with a severe "cold. '""•', • • • • - - • ?•

John Shcrrfd. George Btokos' and

Mr*. jJVIlihun Satnp-son lias ic:tiriR-dlo her homo lu Xuw Urunswlek aftt-rPiihsing a week with her innilier, .Mrs.Kvn I-ey.

Hiram CaMitor, who has bwn m-ilous-Iv ill u l i h pneuiuonla. in much Improveda t IhiH writing.

Mrs. Uayiuond U'lrfman of I 'ort Cnl-dfii i iaswd Thursday with h<;r parents .Air. and .Mrs. Kug&m- Ciistin-r.

.Mrs. (ienrgc l l a r l iuan of Washlngtr.npassed Kriday wi th her mot her. Alr.s.Alamo J . Hill.

Airs. Anna Anthony of Purl Murrayi:t voulliKd at (lit1 home of hev daughte r ..Mrs. Ziba Totlun, with an a t tack of

Clarence Alayberry of Washingtonpassed a par t , uf last week with h i ssister, .Mrs. Raymond Haeket l .

Aliv. Uriah Clarey, wln» has returnedhome from Cormll'.s lui;>pital, is slowly

Air*. Augustus Cas tner and daughte r .Ruby, passed the week-end with friend:;

.Mis. .Maine J . Hill i<nt{>rt'alm.d Mr::.Frank Tiger and Air. and Airs. Harold>Scl|>, all of Phi!lii>sl>uri:. on Sunday.

lOugfne Catfiner lust a. valuable' cowon Saturday .

Charles Konderish of Kite"belli join-ed his family lu-rc over Sunday, .

AII-M. tillwili&tli KKertor . entvrtalnv.lher sou, John, »f Allentown, a par t oflast week.

Hussell Clerbor has returned Iioni'-after passing : A v w k with Air. and Alls.H a m y Ciistncr at DunelU-n. •

Theodore Cast nor, who has been ill.is much improved nl thb: wri t ing.

Air. and Airs. Har ry Uunslmrt nf PortColdcu visited his paren ts . Mr. and Mrs.Andrew UimKliart tin Thusdiiy.

BlCATVKSTdWN.Air. and Airs. C. A.*Ciulfdc were given

a complete .surprise by their friends andrelatives nil their HSth wedding anni -versary last• I 'rhlny. An enjoyable eve-ning WHS spent.

Prayer meeting was held on Wednes-day evening nt tin- homo uf Air. andAirs. Robert Sut tou.

Matcnlm Devw, .-•on of Ar thur LJevou*has. IK'L'U kept t<» tho houso with :i sort'fout. fie wax cu t t i ng WUIKI "In . Hie-woods when he cu t his foot.

Miss Laura Gulk-lt Is making ;i visitwith Mrs. David I'Votx a t Cliatliaiu. whoformeiiy resiikd lii-n''.

t.cwls ViuiV'iisi, who is omplnycd inN.-w Y«.rk. spent t lw.wi 'ek-rml with hisfamily here, . •

Rev. and Airs. IT. Msiass wen.' awayon Suudtiy.i No preaching survie-i'Kwere hi?ld- • . ••

AFi^s Merit- I . iu r tnn w a s • l inni . ' f r o m•her sSfiwrcliitft's with liiVi" mitthfi*, M^MAGritnVile llurtoii, fur •tin- wi'ek-tMid.1 ' -.

Alfss •Alidtcl Cnllek 'I'Munifd ui New-ark "ii Suiiduy afii'U a .slun-l .vjslL will! ,hoi- p:iri>nlK in Mofris county. . j

Charles Trimmer has1- iiiinliiicd as I<-nnsui'bta !ir.Mannlli>ld,tijwuship;i • \

It takes more than snow banks. ]»ud-dl'\s of water and various other ob-stacle's b> kec'P Ainrftus Pliilhower. tin-R. D. Cilrrior for Califoii. from maU-

,.1 in • •• O n

three days of the recent ""snow, was a.. , slolgh- used. . . .

Lewis Dulrymple. motored to. .Lons Is-p Airs. A. V. 'Potor.sn'n niit^rtiiinod lastland on Sunday. . ' . | wrelc'Air. and Airs.' Wm'.'P. Uenisoy of

PatiUbou. X. .1.Aliss Helen Ihiglu-s spent last week

with'-'her- twin sister. Miss H.izi-1HuRlies.; at Vfylvldere. ri-tuiniiiK homeSaturday.

Jacob Fritts, who has had ;i IKUI

f Alluntuwivsistcr. Airs.

Nathaniel TerrliMhas boon' visitingCharles I^elsh- • • . :

Taylor Johnson, is reeoverlnj: from a'rcecnt illness.. ;

The.stork stopped at Air. and Airs.

• iZZL^IiH-

NEGLECTED H»dicti» mud Coldi trt i1 1 crime utinit Uilth ind l.m,lr ml-Tire. Don't be a line lo'winter eompUlnlt,,Don't mike iouneJf uieltit »nd «ndtnitrother* bj ullawint Coidi lo run their count

;i Akiji live Hill's CJIKW* Bromide

—quickttt U Act and end Coldi In, 24- houri, U Grippe in 1 it.fi. Safe, depend-

•lie.' No bid Alter .effect*. No "heldnoiitt " Canvetnent ind pleaunt to tike.

Put Your .Savings j in a Savings Bank

The MORRIS COUNTY SAVING BANK'•'• '-'••' : ' • - • " - - - I n c o i ' p o r a t e t ! 1 S T ! . > • : , , - '

2t South Street,- ciiincr De Hart StreetJIOl'tRISTO'WN • (Jlorrls County)". : NEW JERSEY

' A MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKThere are no' stock-holders—all earnings

belong' to Depositors • • •..:. Accounts can be opened and deposits and.

withdrawals made by mailInvestments carefully restricted'by the

laws-ot'the State of New" Jerse.\j==~~. ' .

4 Per Cent Dividends Paid S ince : JM ' ."•,Put Your Savings in a Savings Bank

Big Reduction on All


'•••'• Always buy a Battery where youget 'Quality and Service. Get ourprices before, you buy, and save

; money. p.- .. „..

R. C. STOCKTONBaltery Service Station


t r l t .Mr, iiml Alrti. Tlicwlurt' Hmlili »t (iU'tt

(lanlnvr win- H*t:«iit v(Mtnr» of iiln j • : • r-cm*, Mr. nml Mr». S. , \ . .SihUli.

Atihi ir OnstiiiT of All. Airy visiUOtill** iM-fulilHuhiHKl ^ n t u n b y , r

l--i«T wtcli oiitr tiny wlillc KOIH« fniniI lie kilcllfli to llie illlllliK HMilii wllli it\u.\\ uf ynivy, .MI-M. KUKI-IM1 Cnrt'cll fellM-mitm- tli.-'nti-'vy umi liiiUvtln« IKIIIIIIIIIIH nn tit'.- h!<l<; uC llM- f.t(U' mill mu« u \ At ini-.'H'M' U Iri'hi'itllti;.* n l rdy .

I 'm l Otwvll i'f ,-MiiIill.' \'ull.'.v was :tKiic-Mt uf \\\n iKitvniK. .Mi*. :MM1 Mff.J-IilKi'iiu Cnui-ll. bin; diiy.l.tsl Wtflt.

Ali-s. .liiiiu'H AntK;'i>f AtiiutixLili-, uli»li.iH ticin mi a visit ut l:vv uiiillicr, 1I:I:Iri'tui in tt hxitic.

Mi: H|in.iu>r >*( Sow Vurk M»-iU Uti:Wfi'k-unil wlUi Ms rsunlly lu-iv.. AlrH. Wind O. Ciilllits. iiflcr .^in-mliitf;a few tiny* in Ni-w V<JI It. r i tu i i i i ' l Unuwth>- inlilil|i- <>r Uu> wri-k.

W'lilk- icttinilnj: frum \\*u*liiiiKtnnThun:tl:iy Air;;. I lull tjn>I:n uti.- uf Hi.v.iiulo i-f tit. l.uy^y. Ijiit nwn.iKf"! i<>KU liuiui'.

AtliT ;t visit I " ,!->tuliiKti)H. KiiK'-IH-C'nu'fll i-ftiinutt liiinu1 Alomlny.

Mis.s Hf-thci- Smith .spent Tliui'.s.Iiiyw.lh Iicr unmrlmollifr. Mrs. .\l, I-;. Vnh\.

Mrs. SltsJUl IIuKhts of Xcwiirlt w;t.s ;iKIH-M «f Mr. tint) MVH. A. I'. IVUTM.n

'f iintl .Ml.^ Holmat'r-Vriilji-..olc l*ii-

AIPH. A. ('.Siiruiit'i' were

U'liilu thy. lifiiH arc l.'t.vint,' n litll"hi-ii«r, mill, liii-y nrt' not Inylnir f;i-uPIIUUKII to make u'i> HIP tlcfk-lt m:nl<; l>y!)]<> ilrop in ih.' prk'i> nt' i-KC .

AK fiirin jUndui'Ls iu<> 1nini;li]f,' sur.h]**\v |iricf.s.i HtHl iiiDn;, fiirnifi's tiri* lalk-Jntf of i:li;uiKins Hinlr business, JIS ;;nnman* not nrtkiiur P.\|JCII.STII«.

Tin- i'l-llow Unit [iro]»hc«U,d a warmii'inlut* ha.s anoth 'T «ucs.s cotnliifr.

l'OKT MtHKAY. .Air. ami Alr-s. I.Snrion Svm'fiv's iiinl

iliiUKlltin* Nina of Xf.'tcoiitf Kpi'iit Sun-ilny witli.Afl'. and Aliv. A. H. Si>:trl'«hss.

Minn I'carl .Maylifny i-cttinitil lininoKumlay. after having spni.t a \vwK wllliher linithcr. t..u. In j;ii;::il»c!;i. .

AIIS-K (Jnu'f llaitw.'irtl Hn.'it* 'i d'V.'ilays l:i<t wi.'i'lt with [jmra U'liin-is.

.Miss I.la Tlii'tniiM was <>p»iat<<! uponlasi Ttir-fiday id Corrull'n tuis)ilt:it fora!>i"1tidli-itls.

.Mrs. I-'retl Seyfin'tli Is r<»iillm «1 tu hrfphoiiK' with nn at t i icknf Krip.

Rmemiri Toinicr i'livnt Hie \V-ffk-fiidwith liis motlicr. -Hr.s. Alary Ton ner.

When a man In weiMcl tn lii.i a i lIt In nrotty cvidont that lit1 tiidrt't marryhoi- fur her money.

It's not volume, but quality |in diet that aids healthful »grov/th. S

.'s Emulsion Iis a-quality-food that ^ ^ |many need to help tide « v , I.over times of weak- <1j3)f tness. It's rich in iHa Jl!) |prccipiis' vitamincs, ~~J^ d

.A-Ai-Losuonrortas !|PHICE, S I . ^ O a n d G O c y

ScoH £ Downu, Elooai'flcic;, X. X " yALSO MAKERS Or (I



A. M.

Close Saturday's-at 6 P. M. V'" ' *.'-. / ' .


January Clearance SalesCONTINUE ^Z '

Throughout the Balance of the Month

Those who are familiar with the standards o£ quality whichdistinguish tliis store's merchandise! will be <quick to recognizethe favorable opportunities which tliis series of January salespresent. Throughout the past season we have bent everyeffort to keep prices down to the lowest possible levels. ' • :

Now generous reductions on seasonable lines of m'erchan-disc in all departments, bring about values of such striking-character that immediate shopping is the most important dutyon the calendar. ' r'

Particularly featured are—


•Coats, Suits and Dresses

Women's Knit and Miislin UnderwearLingerie and Silk Blouses Silk Petticoats

Domestics , Wool GoodsDress Trimmings Toilet Articles

.Men's and' Boys' Furnishings, Etc..

• >

Take --Advantage::-of;; Half-Yearly Sales

Opportunity's'- Other Name is'"January, -r"January;Opportunity" knocks at-your door with the'biggesfaiid best economies of the whole year.January. Reductions on leu 's and Youiig Men's

$20.00 • • • • ' • " ' • "••••"""••

•Suits and Overcoats$25.00 •

Suits and Overcoats .

$30.00 "Suits and Overcoats

$ 3 5 . 0 0 ' ^ ' . 'Suits and Overcoats

Suits and Overcoats. $31.95 :

$ 4 5 . 0 0 .,• ;-: •••

Suits and Overcoats

Remarkable Reductions onBoys' Suits


Shrewd mothers will take ad-vantage of the savings offeredduring this sale. ' _,

Suit& a n d


Suits andOvercoats

Suits andCheiconts $9.85

$15.00'o"e,\4t $10.95,,$13.85

Suits andOvei coats

$20.00 8&& $14.85

SAVE NOW ON TROUSERSMen's Separate Trousers at a big1 savirg'. Now is the time to

match.np that odd coat and vest you have. *s=5; ' ..


Velour Hats '

, $6.50

Great SaleOf'


Work and DressGloves Reduced

.Leather Coats'and Raincoats

Reduced . ,.

' - . I-

Page 16: THE WASHINGTON STAR · • passed by u party vute of -15 to 10. 'the. second bill to gel liirough tin: House was.House G. Ii liieivflws fiimi cigtil tt i twelve the number of cornrni




EDWARD G. LOWRYA Writer of Recognized Authority

on National Government's' Business Methods.

No WnahltiRton correspondent Is tet-ter known nr more highly esteemedIhrin .Ktltvirtl G. 1/iwry. That In It-fic\t mentis that he has broad and ilc**pKnmvledtfi1 of nallnrnl nrnl \wirM nf-fnlrs; that he \n Atalllful In seitlnic thenews am) tnclful In writing It, nndthat he has the confidence of rlif jiirb-!lc men with wlinm hi* corner In tvn-tact. But Mr. Lowry lina aiore tlianihut." He hn» the. really palrlntle fei*l-iiic limit the'Intimate knmvlodj;** (if tht»natInn's affairs. , which lie nrquliwthrough his work in WnMiInstoiifhonlrj he linpnrfeil to the pt'opl** ofi'incountr> tthnhnxeno: 11< urMlfv*.In Mich a nny tint Itiev «111 b** If I In.lake that JH rwn.il ln.'cre*t In '\i? tlo'nR*n( the cmermm'M uMoh .ilon«» «'! 'reMilt In got"! MHernmPiu lit* w tinstin* pt-inilc to null-" Hi it It l" lit** r^r>vorntiit.nt, nriMwriMt* t» iln'iii ">ihnmi tlini thev onh tire n •[>• n»IMt-for Its L'OAII ijiiHlltU's uul Iti !> i'l i] 11fd.'s i: t> iliN fe<Mmc tli ti !M- HI••Hired luiidi of iJr. I mvn -> lit Tit uurk

Rum In Ulintii hi 1S70 Mr 1,-mrv^'iLscdiuatiftt In private si'lnmK itnli'eorgiJ JllllUn UMilUte iitul In |innlc- tutijib, ,Mltil li*vau III'. Jmu nulUU 1

career at the u^c of n w u n four Ih1904 he WB«S win to Wn^hliu-ton millhas been there nlnio-t unulmitMi'.Kt-ver since. He has Wen iluvpolftk-itli orre-pondt'iit nf Hnrpfr's Wi.-kh li.iswritten man> articles fur tlit* jit rlmllcal press nnd since H'KI Ims Ween tinWashington correspondent of the V uYork Exerting P<ii»t and fnr a toiMrtcrable time the mamminc eriltm ofthat paper. When Germ.inx t irtultli« World war the government natur-iitly found Important wnrk fur Mr.I.owrv. For iwu ji.ir* he un- .ittached to the Vimirkin e m l u ^ inLondon, and then he re tinned to 1 <<come a captain In.the iirlation.swiMiuf the signal cot us 'I lien he «as as

Where YourTaxes Go

How Uncle Sam SpendsYour Money in Conduct-

ing Your Business

By EDWARD G. LOWRYiittar "WVhUirKw* CtwUpi." "|1M1» udUnwu-Ul RfittM." *lt, r«atnb«l«f rolillrsland Krowxnto Artlfln to U*]Lnf NrMtrtliuii % Writ.t «( Rw«fnli*4 Anthortij M tb*Nttiaul Oottmmra:'! Uula HM#i»

Edward1. G. Lowry,

"l'itant railltarj attnrhe nr London andon tho British front In FlTnt'p--'! an 1wns nitfv the. Aniprinin Armv of Orcupitlon HI I^1ult ^^ Fot his \ i luahle work he was nwardeel tli" Itrll-l«h Sniitar\ Cru's Herpnth lie ttintf"\\ iishlngton C \mt> Vpv' T «PI H « »f< liarncter sken \>Q> uf etnlnont fi^un sI I I l i l t . I t 1 I 1 O U I t 1. I p l l I I W I I K I l < [ | t

( o u n t r j is l e i d i n ^ u i t h \ i^i en j t m m t1 oi turn \ e i r s Mr l o w v I n - li M n

milking a ( h n p sti«!\ of Hi, b u s i n g si'l the ?n \ eminen t II** Is i,r.\en ( n d i tIn i migrpsv rm liis iirl In p c s i i u tinWiuli.Pt tiSll nit'l in Wringing Uiout tin*naming < r tin jo int cnntmitit ' . ut tinhouse and Miuite to m (-.tUntt uulreji >rt tipmt thi a t lminisu ition i n d orL,uni?atio.i of tliQ giivernni nt I ^ P I n t i \ pdepa r tmen t s h e mm t* mt - ili^ ]» n

lit bdr>f l i ! - . (iL ( l i t i m l P r l

n i p n t w h i t h \> t l u i I ti-

Hf»ve« t h e k n i u l i i l t < ( ' t l i f . " ' V ! i I N

will maVe of tiicm 'tf*1 ret \HK in in1'nnd JTIM* tnem t li°tr< r - , i w n n m i*

No in 11 mil ii l i tuti ui l i i \ i i I (i«r a liif,h uli il i > iiil h i < n r n l mttin's vriuh nt the q i t i r m u i i l hiiMiip •»•-o e \ l i a i H l I u U ami | i r w i l u i - h i^I n s he I 'mb ih!\ ,i < i w Miimi un<uibout it tli m m1- 'uIn i ni in In i!n

world \ \ Itli ' Tti mi lin m p i •=( \crmice uud utigt, * 1 pi r-5i-.it in ( in vintiftei hidden i iti-, *ind tniii U n i o n s ript t i l s—ind got iliem Nothing M I1- toohie foi hi1? < onp iehons lon or too *.miilfor h is -attention Vt one lime lie i\p itin H member of the i.nhinpt with thes t a t e m e n t tour tlif> g n u r w n e n t hnd onIts j i n n oil" px(_Mi«il\t> oi f!ie officersnnd men of the nnm ami nnv\ nni>emplo\ee for en eh 6^ people of theUnited States ton \*im v nf A^O iml<ner engaged In gainful onimtion1-It took Ihnt cabinet ofiitei, vith thpnhshtants he had it his command aconsiderable time, and cunplrierahlp efforf1 to \eilfy Mr Lowi\ s stitementbut he found It to be tuie

As the rcu t t of hl« tnrefut studiesMr. Lowiy ha written n •=eriP1' of ar-ticle on the bnMne^ii of go\rmmentincome nnd expense, wheiP the mone\come trora and h w nnd for whnt ItIs spent, whether the orgnnuattou ofthe business side of government N eflident oi inefficient, whethei the to\ernment wastes the mnne^ n<? ghe itThe ' e r i c Is not In any sensp politicnl. It is qot an flttack, not a muckraking expedition t lec'ites act1*conceded, acknowledged facts Thesefacts come from the men in the go\ernment—from the overnment itself•—arjd thej are all facts lhat evenAmerican""UllzJm Is entitled to knowanil slfpuid know.

Thp series of article on this subjeuJot "Where Your Tuxes Go will b«>

bitoread by every Aniencnn uho is in, J'tP e*cted.li^tl\er welfare of the mtlnn


1 wish jou uuuld taki> whnt tswrltien h^r*1 n" n p»*r«'iDHl n'jMirt ml- >rtrcFseil ilir*'<!ily.io yi»u from m»*at>«*ntyour tm«iney*. Pnn't think of It or .r**art li ns an .nrtlrli? about '>>litlt\*.'* Ior reinoti1 public niTairs «t! Wn-Jthii;* ;ion. II 1» not iliai n( aU. It li wltsit .I a sic you to iltlnV Ir, ii iwr^niiii! |l>ti*fn*""« r^pnrt io jnii nhtllnic i*1 y<inr |hidlvMnsi r.inrt'rn-. your pi* l,filn'"k ;

Interest than to tfll you tlii- vxantruth. ;

A ^ t U M l t * t l i a l V u l l l i i » \ t * S f » t t i l l* t i t ;

\Vu«hlm;[oi. to lind out for you wlwt jyour ng<int< sire ilninp. how they «n* !manrt{;in^ your ii.Tair-* mid spend)!.;; jyour money. I tall them your njii-nts |for that I;! all they :ire— thp Prt'sldi'iir, tth«» members of tin1 cnlilnet, the "senatftrs and all tJic members of the Jhouse of representatives. You litre jthorn, you pity them, and you can fire ;thorn. •

Ton may think nf them In deference <nnd avrr» as a pronp of ^mlnfnt stnles* •men, or you may call them In tllppnncy Innd too tinsty contempt "a lot of jpolitician?." But whatever you cnllthem, they are your hired men. Theynttend to your collective business,which Is called the public bust ness j

Query: Are they doing it elliclently jand with a single-minded devotion to !your Interests?

Perhaps the inrgGst Item in the highcost of living Is the high cost of |Rorornment. And far and away thelargest item in the high cost of povern-. |m^nt Is the high cost of armament: <preparation for war. About PO perpent of all government revenues, andthat means the money taken from youas taxes, goes to pay for wars, past,present and future. I

Before I have concluded this seriesof articles I.eipect to show you con-clusively that the Impelling motivethat Induced President Harding to callthp present conference In Washington jin consider limitation of armaments jWHS financial. The pressing need of !considering a proposal for a reduc- ;linn nr limitation by agreement of wnr jftxpenditure wns not made entirely on j,the ground of morality -or righteous- |ness, hut as a plan for rutting downthe operating expenses of the govern-ment.

Tf the TTnited State? governmentwprp un Individual we «-o.utr! say thatIt. wflp hrnkp, for Its »sponsos- exceed

Your ini'T^sf -is simplv this: that.whatever derision Is mad<* you willhave to pay tho hill. If today wp

perisps yon woiihl have to pay In titxpsirss iluiii 5i,iViO,tVn"j,OiVi u ye:ir insit'iiilof •$r».ooo.nttO.OOf>. That ' means wewould have about $'morpii year t'i sp^nd mi our private neeilsand pleasures. I frankly roniVss thatI would i»njoy having I'ouiMtftlis of mytnxf^ knocked off. Wouldn't you?

Secretary \Weks of the Wnr de-partment ifiivi' public.warninjj a littl«while ngjo that the "overnment wouldrpqiilre of n> nboiu •1?17.0iX).i"K>0 int!i^ npst thirty monihs io moct rur-rpnf 'isjnin«f"« find "thei* obiipations.'IVr. oiiR who have given dose study tothat pn^iblllly say that tlio IHMM', wi!lh- nearpr « ),000.<KV), than $17,000.-O'V). Tht* sroat bulk of ihnf. i forpit*! iim! prosppctivf wnr exijcndituro?.

For this, ynu and conRress and theRxpciitivp'flofisivtini'nts at "Wnshington:irf rpspnnsililc. Ton more than jiny-Innly >•!>.>, for ir \< your money that isbeinj: s|mnt and you can siop it. In Ussimple thrills tho prncediiro is ihi.<:Yon p.;irn the inuney, ennpress takes itaway from you in the form of taxes,and ihi'ti ^onjirps* and the Executive«1op tiinenh spend It

\ c u i t p u t of it is wasted 'lhis Ui «itTl)ll<ihpi1 c n^pdod ronfpised anda' knonlpdped bv (oncr^^s whichnntlion/p-i thr* n^peniiltures and b\the o\ef*ut]\p officer1- of th*1 poveinmrnt who do thp actuil spending Iti- \o»r tnnne\ that vou ha^e. earnedin \our hti inP1:1- on \our farm, oi hvthe labor of \our hands that is bPlnglivppndcd nnd waster] it ""iTashinpton

F\en rent that is o^travagantlv rneprflc^slv expended b\ the go\ernmont \ou could have in your pocket tomeet the Increased cost of food lodginc itul clothtnp doctors' hills andamu^ement^ or to put awav and saveigaiust n rain dav if you onl demnndpfl dptprmlnedlv nnd united! vthat governmental extravafjanre should

I ran tell YOU some of tUfe conditionsof j;ovprnmental spending and howyour monev is chucked about, and Ican t»U you how vou can stop it. Thppouei i<* your" and until yo\i e^erelse II waste aud extrnva nnre willnot *-top i)

Wm. La.uba.ch & SonsOF EASTON, PA.

The January Sale of

New Silks at Special Prices1ANUARY is the month of special sales at Laubach's and among the many this sale of New

Silks is one of the most interesting from a value, style and quality standpoint. Everyyard in the sale is new merchandise purchased especially for this sale from well-known manu-facturers. These special prices are the result of concessions we.received in this great quantityof silks. Variety of patterns and colors. . ,_,„

Honeydew Crepe FailleThe season's new weave of the crepe family.Heavy weight but soft finish that lends itselfto drape modes. Navy, brown and (PQ QCblack. Yard '. <JtJi3d

Charmeuse SatinA 40-inch material with soft finish with per-manent night lustre, very durable quality inblack, brown and navy, to be sold 0 1 QCat the special price. Yard <P I i u u

American Beauty SatinA very high panned crede of good quality;heavy"weight; made with a crepe back. Willadapt itself to the stylish drapes of thesea-son. Navv, brown and black.Yard

Crepe de ChineThis is a most unusual quality to be sold atsnob a low price. It is a good, firm, quality;medium weight and obtainable in all thestreet and evening shades.Yard. . . ' $1,75

... ...... Chiffnn Taffeta . . . . . . . . . - . . . ._Chiffon Taffeta in the'36-inch width. Madewith n soft finish, but very serviceable. Me-dium weight. Colors are navv blue, blackand brown. Special priced. " (M QCYard tplitlu

Elsian Satin CrepeBeautiful Satin Finish Dress Crepe that willsurely meet with your approval as to beautyand quality. Comes in all the new streetshades. Can be used for blouses. Q(\ PCyard ijtZiDD

Satin Canton CrepeA fine material 40 inches wide; has a heavycrepe back and beautiful saiin face. Thismaterial is one of the most popular of theseason. Variety of colors. fl>3 OCYard.,,. _ J l J i t J

Broadcloth Silk ShirtingHandsome shirtings—beautiful in patternand durable in quality. All new 1922 pat-terns from the neat pin stripe to the widenovelty effects. 33 inches wide. M QCPriced, yard ^ , ->«». V' •««

Satin de ChineA soft satin finished with a high lustre. Thismaterial will drape exceptionally well forthe new dresses and gowns. AH street andevening shades in this material. A<| Q rPriced, per ya rd . . _. . ^ , - . . > w ip l i t lU

: Black Satin Dtiche««: .•_„.Heavy weight Black Satin Duchess ; 3 6 in-"*d ie s wide. F i rm iinish t h a t will give excel l -ent service. Soft texture. Will make upin splendid manner. C1 ORPriced for this s a l e . . . . \ ^ . : . . . M . , . . p I lUJ

laeuary Sale of DomesticsProvides money-saving opportunities on every-day necessities for the household. We list a

few of the many specials at sale prices for your comparison with others.

Msn Must Havo Mustache,To hp without o mustache is a dls

gime In man parts n£ North, orHigh, Albania. The Albanian mothertells her child stories-in which, no-IIKP mir singe iiifkxlniiiiH, tt HIUH S

i TUilr*atT Improvement^A soutb coast lailuay compam i

(Xpeiltnefitlntj; with ft new engine wblchcan not only go from side to side hut

•*!.—'Volition runoh ^

\!llnin—Nntfonftl Gpogrflplitc SocietyBulletin.

OASTOl t lABears the BlgDaturo of Ghas.H.Ftetoher«In UBO for orer thirty yoars, and '

Thi Kind You Have Alwaya Bought.

SLll Itml Tlulce 1 WtcU WoUrt, ?2 7G

36-inch GenuineHill Bleached Muslin

10 yds. $1.59

Onlv one lot lo ;i customeriii th.is sale.

Double Thread WhiteBath Towels

at 49cI-onrorh 75c OHM quaht\I liesc lie .jood \.ihicb Buja suopl} '

70-inch PureLinen Damask

$1.98 yard11 oiu beautiful patterns, tor-

meih sold at S3 50 a jard

Bleached Sheets


76x90 SeamlessBleached Sheets.

81x90 SeamlessBleached Sheets.

8ix9o SeamlessBlcacheJ Sheets

81x90 SeamlessBleached Sheets

Pillow Cases42x36 inchPillow Cases, sale price

42x36 inchPillow Cases, sale price

45x36 inchPillow Cases, sale price


, 36-inch Long Cloth'10 yds. $1.69

About 2,000 yards in the lot.Superior quality at a specialprice for this sale only. '4.

Satin Full Size BedSpreads

52 50 Spreads a t . . .$1.9853 98 Spreads at . . . $ 2 . 4 9S3.98 Spreads a t . . . $ 3 . 5 054 50 Spreads a t . . .$3.75S4.98 Spreads at. . . $ 4 . 8 0SS5 98 L Spreads a t . . . $ 4 . 8 8S7.5.O Spreads a t . . .S6.S0SS.5'0 Spreads at. . . $ 6 . 9 8

Si0.00 Spreads a t . . ..$8.50

Pretty Cretonnes to be Cleared at 59c yd.We have a gieat many patterns of cretonne—formerlysold at 69c to 90c <i yard—that we are going to sell inthis January Clearance Sale at 59c a yard They are16 inches wide, full of color, and verj desnable pat-terns and de igns

Cushions at $1.00

"Cusnions—i_u\eieu \iiin—a ^.uuu quiuuy-ui—uciunne—•bright colored patterns Made in our woik 'oomsunder our supervision Filled with good siik floss.While they List $1.00 each

COMINThe Laubach February Sale of

FURNITUREwill open Saturday, January 28th, with "Days of

Impection." Sale will begin on Wednesday, Feb. 1.


A HOSIERY SALEFour vay mutual offerings in stylish desirablehosiery for women. New styles—low priced

Silk and Wool Hose $2.95 pairLadies imported silk ami wool hose; full fashioned;made with colored clocks. Hose come in brown hea-ther, blue and black heather, green and brown heather,green and black heather. Formerly .S3.So a pair;special at $2.95 pair. Sizes 8 ]/< to I o.

Rib Silk and Wool Hose $3.25Ladies' imported English rib silk and wool sport hose inall the wanted heather shades—black and brown, greenand brown, brown and black,-navy and gold, formerlypriced S3.75 a pair. Special $3.25 pair.

Woolen Hosiery in the NewLight Shades Arrived

Woolen Hosiery in all the new light shades are nowready. Colors—tan, gray, brown, etc. In ribbed oiclocked effects. Priced at $1.95 and $2.25 a pair.

Sport Lisle Hose $1.35 pairPhoenix English-Rib Sport LisleHose in Havana brownand black. Sizes %'/,• to 10.

Silk Poplin NecktiesNeatly Embroidered

$1.50Men who are desirous of having neckwear that is differ-ent—-neckwear {hat is colorful and at the same time neatin design and appearance will appreciate our efforts insecuring these new Ties. . /; .

They are made of a high grade of silk poplir. and are con-structed so as to be' absolutely pin-proof and wrinkle-proof. Obtainable in a range of colors.

The January

Sale of WhiteContinues on the second floor it Liiub<tch'&—ottering incom-

parable values in mushnwear

With an unprecedented seledion of new stylesand qualities this great White Sale attractsscores of well dressed women every day Nowoman can afford to let thisopportunity of replenishingher wardrobe pass unnoticedRead of these prices:

Gowns 69c, 98c, $1.39 to$10.00.

Conet Covers 79c, $1.25 to$3.50.

Bloomers 75c, 98c, $1.39 to3.25.

Skirts at 89c, 98c, $1.39 to$9.65.

Envelope C h e m i s e 98c, t'$1.25, $1.38 to $5.00.

Marcella Drawers 79c t->$2.79.

Mildred S t o u t Underwearalso marked at special sale



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