I.OS ANORLES, Cut., Nov. 1, 1908. rime.l Bar. | TfJ7Tfe-H.|Wlnd|Vpl| Weather t ft.m.l 23.M I SI I I NE I 3 I Clear. t p.m. l 2f1.90 I 61 I 71 I W | 8 ( Cloudy. Maximum tpmperaturo, 68. Minimum temperature, 49. Weather Conditions By Associated Presn. BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. I.— There has been but littlechange In thn pnat twenty- four hours In weather conditions on th« i'aclflo const. Over th« Rocky mountain region, .however, low pressure and much higher temperatures prevail. No rain fins fallen west of the Rocky mountains, except a light shower In north- ern Arizona. Fog prevails In the Ban Francisco bay section. Forecast Los Angeles nnd vicinity— Cloudy, tm- unttled weather Thursday, possibly show- tr» by night; frenh southwest winds. LOS ANGELES HERALD: THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1905. THE WEATHER 6 Help—Mal> HUMMEL BROS. A CO., —EMPLOYMENT AGENTS— A strictly flrst-clasft, reliable agency All kinds of help promptly fumlshovJ Your orders solicited. 116-118 East Second street. Between Main and Loa Angeles xts. Largest and best equipped offices on the Pacific coast HUMMEL BROS. A CO.. mi and 118 H. lid St. Telephone*- Main 609. Home HOB. WANTED YOUNG MAN OR WOMAN. Remington operator, for Junior mono- graphic position In largo manufac- turing plant. Beglnni-r preferred, but munt bo thoroughly prepared; small salary, hut good opening to right one. Apply In own handwrit- ing, stntlnff ago and cjpfrleuce. Ad- dreas BOX 25, ' Herald office. WANTED 10 STRONG, EXPKR- Icnced drllvrry boys with wheels; must know city thoroughly nnd bo over 14 years. Wages per week. Apply to supt. at HAMBURGERS before 10 n.. in. SOLICITORS FOR COLLECTION agency; none but hustlers need ap- ply. Call nt room 60 HOLLENBECK HOTEL, between the hours of 9:30 and 4 o'clock. WANTED CARRIERS FOR I'APER routes. Must have wheel or horse nnd rnrt. Oood nnlary. Apply CIR- CULATION DEPARTMENT, The Her- nld, 5 p. m. WANTED—PAINTER. 2C21 BUDLONG, this morning. Help Femal- WANTED HOUSEKEEPER FOR small ffimlly; good homo and fnlr wages paid for good service. Apply 201U WEST WASHINGTON. Home phone 21322. Help—Male and Female WANTED 10 CASH HOYS OR GIRLS over 14 years. Apply to supt. at HAMBURGER'S before 10 a. m. Real Estate DO YOU WANT TO BUY, SELL, RENT OR EXCHANGE real estate lot, house, farm, ranch, business or manufacturing property? List with us. We get results. Strict attention to business. No deal too small. See us for snaps for home- making or Investment. A. C. GONDRING. D29 BYRNE BLDG. WANTED—ABOUT 200 ACRES WIRE grass cattle pasture, fenced, between Los Angeles and tho ocean. BOX 326, Herald office. To Rent wanted ' AIA. OWNERB OF RENTAL PROPERTY— TO KNOW THAT WE DO A RENTAL BUSINESS^ DON'T WORRY —IF YOU WANT A TENANT— LIST YOUR PROPERTY— WITH US MINKS _ PARISH, 815 SOUTH HILL STREET. Houses WANTED 6-ROOM HOUSE; BIG value and terms; south side Main to San Pedro; $2000 to $3000. Address nOX 27. Herald. To Purchase Miscellaneous WANTED— IOOO OLD FEATHER BEDS; highest cash prices paid. Address A. B. MACK, general delivery. Miscellaneous WANTED— DEALERS AND PAPEIT hangers to write for sample books of burlaps, shades, wallpaper, paints, etc. WALTER BROS., «!7 8. Spring. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES "PAINTS^HOUSES. " When you do banking or insurance business you look into the responsi- bilityof the Institution. Why not so when you have your house painted, go to WALTER BROS., 627 S. Spring. FOR SALE-DRY GOODS BUSINESS, established 9 years; will net $i>ooo a year; will sell at Inventory. This Is first-class. A. 11. GREGG & CO., 715- 710 Bryson blk. Home 6421. HOME BAKERY AND DELICATES- Ri»n; best location In the city for this line of business; will be sold cheap. Address BOX 64, Herald. FOR SALE-GOOD "IUTSINESS; TEAM, two wagons and harness. Make me an offer; apply 42) MOLINO ST., Homo phone 60S1. FOR SALE—A SCHOLARSHIP IN THE Los Angeles College of Fine Arts, at a very low figure. Address BOX 105 Herald. GEORGE W.— LEAVE ME YOUR AD- dreHS ;it Herald. T. L. H. Address BOX 23. BUY BULLFROG BUNDLE. ASK YOUR broker. SANITARIUMS _KSr^_T^jSETtS_KiK~~sS3a^rAiuu_^ ' Massage, electrlo, tub, vapor, steam baths, chiropody, manicuring, scalp treatment, facial massaga. 22SM VV. First. Homo 8808. __^ BATHS AND MASSAGE THE~MI?cIiELiri3ATH~PAiRLORS^ vapor tub baths and massage, alcohol and oil rubs. 218 N. MAIN ST.. office 11. Open Sundays. THE BADEN BATHS STEAM AND herb baths, electric treatments cure instantly and magnetic treatments. 218 N. MAIN, room 12. BON TON BATH PARLORS— MEDI- cated baths, magnetic massage and salt Blow; hours 10 to 12 p. m. 703V4 SOUTH BROADWAY. SCIENTIFIC TREATMENTS—NO SUN- day treatment; office hours, 9 to 9. 223 W. SKCOND ST., rooms 213-215. Home 2229. scientific ani~mac;netic mas- sage. Formerly of 62!) H S. Broad- way, now located at 7&2 8. SPRINO BT. SULPHUME. VAPOR, ELECTRIC, TUB baths, massage, chiropody. Formerly 618V4 Spring. 70114 S. BDWY. Main 3133. 321 SOUTH HILL-VAPOR AND TUB baths, massage for colds, rheumatism, nervousness. Open every day. Room 9. MANICURING, MEDICATED VAPOR and tub .baths, massage, 245 V4 S. HPRINO ST., 3d floor, eulte 26. FOR A GOOD TUB OR VAPOR BATH and massage go to 738V4 SOUTH GRAND AYE.; phone 6660. BATHS, FORMERLY 720 SO. BROAD- way, removed to 612 So. Broadway, R. 10. Electrlo treatments. FOR FIRST-CLASS BATH AND MA9- nage call at 31UV, SOUTU SPRING ST., room 18. Loa Angeles. FROM LONDON. MANICURING AND massage, iVi S. Spring; St., room 18, second floor; select. BATHS—3O9 W. TEMPLE ST. ROOM 2. Phone Home 5076. 445H SO. SPRING BT.—SHAMPOOING, scalp treatment. MININGAND ASSAYING AbSA YING NIGIIT SCHOOL— NOW IN _e-_lon. WAD- _ WAD-, Ilk Ea»t Flrut at. HUYBULLFROG BUNDLE. ABIC YOUR broker. PERSONAL,;; LATTTEa; 'married lXdies^somk3 thing new and useful. Agents wanted. Enulo-e stamp (or reply. DR. c. CHARLES, r. O. liox o'-U, Lou Au- £«!«., Cul f£_J*^hs City Leti and L._n_. __________ _ ' LOTS! MIT.I! f.OTSI «oon vamir iw Tiirun |,ll'| |X Wo hnvfl a large number of lots In nil pnrtn of thn city, dnil many exceptionally rtftnlr- »hln onPS, but wn wish to call your especial ntt«ntlon today to tho following which are unuiually good values, Juliet, near 22d St.; 50x138) prim $ir>oo. Beautiful reoldpnct* alto In C. V. Hall tract; ROxiliO; $1500, West 21st street, near Nor- mnndln avenue; $1100. Dorchester, Just off Harvard " boulevard; BOxl 3fi; $1600. Harvard bouvelard, near 16th fttreet; 60x116; $1500. West 24th street, popular location; 60x133; $900. For full Information In r«« '';*>'i R-ard to any of these lota ap- ply to lint lli-pnrtrariit .FONKS A nVMKII I, AND CO., Ornnml floor, _IH W. Third Street. Tlhn_nig_slD)(D)s__si AT Franfl: _R_(_re§ TTiraett Go see. Take Central aye. car to our branch office at end of line. L(D)H_§ $^0© Main office 203 N. Broadway. SITUATED WHERE MEN MUST LIVE. REES-MONT TRACT, THE RICH CREAM OF THE LAST CLOSE-IN SUBDIVISION ON BROOKLYN AVIS., OPPOSITE CUMMINGS STREET. TWELVE MIN- UTES' RIDE. STREETS GRADED AND GRAVELED. CEMENT WALKS, CITY WATER, GAS AND ELEC- TRICITY. LOTS $750 AND UP. EASY TERMS. CIIAS. McKENZIB CO., 409 H. W. HELLMAN BLDa. MEMBERS L. A. R. B. MAIN 5561, HOME 3962. FOR SALE—BUY IN THE WESTERN avenue section between Wilshlre boule- vard and Hollywood; destined to be the choicest residence section of the city; now at the very beginning of develop- ment; the same chances as were offered in the Westlake district a few years ago. We can sell you large, level lots ] 60-ft. front, on improved streets at prices from $450 up. Terms In some cases as low as $50 down, bnlance monthly. Take Colegrove car to Western avenue, to our branch office and Investigate fully. CHARLES S. MANN, \u25a0 J'. .' 325 West Fourth St. Branch office— Western Avenua and Colegrovo car line. Buy .mi Boyle Heights > Whero it's nice, high and healthful; large lots 50x150 from $150 up; terms very easy, between 2 car lines, 5 cent fare; the best buy for a home or in- vestment. . . The Greater Los Aogeles Realty Co. 433 Huntington Bldg. FOR SALE— ~ ~~ """" NO MISREPRESENTATION. $3600 We have three acres fronting on , Flgueroa St., will cut into 24 lota. Come quick if you want to buy. \u25a0\u25a0 riNLEY A NORRIS. Ground floor, 341 S. HIU «t. «jS>_./«S Large, level lot. 50x190, on two electrlo lines In growing southwest; improved withcement walks and curbs; nice shade trees; beautiful mountain view; terms if. desired. ; .. HUGHpS &! PECKHAM . 1105-1106-1107 Braly Bldg. Home 5373. Sunset Main 3221. __ __-j Large, level lot, 100x185 to alley, on two' electric lines in growing southwest; Im- proved with cement sidewalks and curbs; nice Bhade trees; beautiful mountain view; terms if desired. HUGHES &"PECKHAM ";' 1105-1106-1107 Braly Bldg. Home 6373. Sunset Main 3221. ' FOR SALE— - '\u25a0 $550 $550 $550 i-K',-:.'), Lot 60x150 on Avenue 39, near Pasadena avenue; best lot in city for a cottage or bungalow. W. H. OBEAR, 40. Johnson Bldg. anno for bo-foot lots In beautiful Hollywood, corner Center st. and Sunset boulevard.j cement curbs, sidewalks, streets! graded, oiled; elegant surroundings; protective building restrictions. 'You can not get such values for your money elsewhere. Agent •on tract. Take Hollywood car to office, corner Vermont and Prospect; 5c fare. WIKSUNUANUKIt, ' 221 Laughlin Bldg. Have some very choice lots off Flg- ueroa; stone entrance gateways; fully improved; easy terms. SO. CAL. RBAL ESTATE INV. CO, Suite 604 Paclflc Electric Bldg! .' .100 Both Phones— 2loo LOTS! LOTS I LOTS I LOTS! ' IN EVERY SECTION: BARGAIN LIST TO CHOOSE' FROM; HOME- SEEKERS FIND LOWER PRICES AND INVESTORS GET THE BEST* ON \u25a0 THE MARKET BY COMING HERE DIRECT. KMIL FIRTH (Owner), 411-417 l.uußhllu UidK., 31R 8. Bdwar. I'bniirii Iluuif HI 08, Main 8843. \u25a0 •\u25a0 FOR SALE— J $2000 $2000 $2000 ,</"' 60x150. close in. northwest, near Flrat and Fremont; beautiful, high ' lot, , tin* . for apartment. '"-•'uUmhm W. H. OBEAR. 402 Johnson Bldg. Orango Groves FOR SALE-TUB BEST BARGAINS IN flrst-clas- orange groves.. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 $3500—5 acre., extra fine trees, ' 2000 . boxes on trees now. \u25a0\u25a0..;,\u25a0• $7000— Ten acres, very fine, ,' every tree a good one. 3000 boxes on trees now. $13,000— Ten ucreu, tip top, good huus« and h-rii. 4<juo boxen on the tree-.. One- half lawh on all the above. < . v' . Mc-M-T-U- Oil CO.. W B, Spring fit. Houses FOR BALE- WKfITf.AKR RESir>FNCF,B WITH VERY FINE LIVING ROOMS. Wn hnvft a number of different resi- dences for sale In the Westlake motion, somewhat similar In «\?.e and construc- tion, houses all containing nine rooms, finely built homes and very fine appear- ing. ABOUT THE LIVING ROOM, While ths living rooms In each of these houses nre not exact duplicates, thpy are so much nllke that this nno description willgive you a correct Idea of all of them. They are finished In nn- tlqnft oak, panftled five foot high, with a beautiful wooden frieze; there Is a lare« circular bay window, very handsome old gold hrlck mnntnl, woodwork of which Is ornamented with burnt design. Set in one of thn panels of thn mantnl Is a- painting of thn Santa Barbara Mission, which adds much to thn beauty of the mantnl; thn fixtures nre In mission style: a very attractive room nnd onn that would apppnl to almost everyone looking for a home. Each of the houses has an OAk en- trance, with nrt nnd plate glnns win- dows; floors down.italrs nrn hard wood, upstairs rock mnple; built-in window unnts and cozy corners and viiT flnn buffets; beamed celling* nnd paneled walls. Grounds are all nlroly made up. You will be surprlßPd nt the low figures wo can quote you on every one of th**o residences. Tho exact locations are, 103ti Alvnrado, 1032 Alvnrndo, 1148 Mn«r- nolln, 1144 Magnolia. When you nro out todny mnko it a point to go aroun.l and see these houses, ALTHOrsIT BROS., 231 LAUGHLINIU.DO. MAIN 203. HOME EX. 2G3. FOR SALK— two uwnsoMi: jjrcw lIIIMiAMIWN EITHER WOULD M\KB A LOVELY HOMIfI i:nui:ii hihiii make an F.XCISPTIOKAI.I.V QOOD INVESTMENT F.lTlir.ll CAN lI R HAD ON IiIASV TERMS Located on Vermont avenue, near West Adams streot, we have two haniisomo now bun- gnlows, ono of five rooms and one of six rooms, which wo aro offering for salo nt $4000 each; $.100 down and $20 monthly. You'll not find better built or moro attrncllvo bungalows In the city than these, and the location is unusually good. Each house Is on separate lot, 60x 1.10; and lota lace two streets. Either one of these would make a lovely home, or If you wish to purchase a good Income property you will llnd that either one or both would .bring in good returns on tho investment; would undoubtedly rent for $35 each. JONES HYIJIOR LAND CO., Ground floor, 318 W. Third Street. FOR BALE- ~ ~ TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS IF SOLD soon, as owners are leaving the city and properties must be sold at once. One li-room cottage in Bonnie Brae district, lnrge rooms, modern, first class in every particular, nice home, worth $4000. 'Can be bought for considerable less if taken at once. Nice lot D0x125, everything in first class condition and lovely home. Must be seen to be ap- preciated. Also one seven-room cottage with nice lawn in front and all kinds of fruit in the rear. A lovely home. Can bo bought for $2900, easy terms, mortgage on property now for $1200 nt 5 pc* 1 cent, balance can be arranged to suit purchaser. Owner is leaving the city and does not want to rent prop- erty, and will give good terms. This is a nice home and worth more money. Come In and I will show you these properties. J. A. MORLAN CO., 202 Fay Bldg.. Third and HIUSts. FOR SALE— Fivis-noom two-stoiiy RESIDENCE NOT A NEW lIOI'SE BUT IN GOOD CONDITION (iOOD VALUE EASY TERMS On Wost 3fith street. In a very desirable neighborhood, and on a nice large lot 50x140. The house has just been re- pnpered and painted and is in iirst-cIaSH shape. Two bed rooms upstairs, and a delight- ful little balcony. Price $3500; $000 clown and the balance tn easy monthly payments. JONES A HVDEtt I, AND CO., Ground floor, 218 W. Third Street. COTTAGES FOR SALE. $1650—4-room and bath. Melrose City Boundary Tract; $250 cash, balance like rent. $1850—4-room and bath. 58th street, near Moneta. $350 cash, balance easy. $1950-Cor. Flgueroa and 6Sth. $450 cash, balance on terms. the McCarthy company, 203 N. Broadway. Phones: Home 8737—29171—29108. FOR A FIVE-ROOM COTTAGB IS OUR FIGURE. Anything els* you want at the \u25a0ame proportion. Let us have a chance to figure on your house. We will fur- nish your plans and make a house that will suit you. We are pleased to refer to any one for whom we have bullded, for we leave them our friends. We can furnish you the money if you wish. Drop in and talk It over with ua. INGLEHART BUILDING CO.. Home Phone 7666. 713 8. Broadway. FOR SALE S. BONNIE BRAE, LIKE rent; $.<000; $150 cash, $20 per mo., for modern B-room cottage, close to car line; lot 50x130. See us Quick about this. Wlnfleld and Burlington aye. homes, the choice residence district, 6, 8, 9-room houses from $3500 up to $6500, with largo lots. See us about this Burlington cor- ner, 135x182: $100 income. LOS ANGELES REALTY CO., 414 Bryson Block. . SNAPS. SNAPS. WILL SACRIFICE $300 TO GET CASH, B-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE; LOT 10x160 TO ALLEY, NORTH OF 14TH AND WEST OF AND CLOSE TO CENTRAL AVENUE. PRICE FOR A FEW DAYS $2700; WORTH AT LEAST $3000. R. E. IBBETBON & CO.. 316 TRUST BLDO. FOR BALE—FOR ~ ~ $10O0| 9200 rash and (UN monthly; new modern B-room cottage close In. V2.100| (iffnn, strictly modern new cottage on W. 20th st. Both of these ' have Just been built. O. 11. JONGS A CO., Homo 1831. 117 S. Broadway. FOH SALE A SNAP! I We will build you a neat B-room cot- tage or bungalow, with the beat por- celain plumbing, tinted walls, pol- l-lied floors, china closet, cement walks and lighting fixtures (or ONLY 11000—CAHH OR INSTALL- MENTS. WHITINQ. THOMPSON - CO.. Home phone 1076. 238 Byrne Bids. FOR SALE— ' $3500, $750 cash, balance to suit. A very pretty 6-room cottage In the southwest. Three large bedrooms, hardwood floors, cooler, good barn, lot la 40xlK0. Would trade for a Kood 6-room cottage. R. A. BURTON REALTY CO.. 416-418 Laughlln Bldg. \u25a0 FOR BALE-A SNAP-BIX LARGO) room cottage on Thirtieth street, clone to Mapl* avenue; lot 60x180;. ar- ranged for two families;.' vary cheap and good terms, or will trade lor good vacant lots or small ranch near Often- dale. « \u25a0 \u25a0 . . , .... COOPER * CUDPEBACK, .... . \u0084<( t B. Broadway. - Boom- 237. , MARRIAGEJJCENSES LEWIS-KEIDRICH— CharIea R. Lewis, SO, native of Ohio and resident of Los Anffeles, and Gussle E. Holdrlch, 20, native of Texa* and resident of Los Angeles. MALONE-CARTER—W. H. Malone, 84, native of Illinois and resident of Los Anireles, nnd Emma H. Cnrter, 26, native of Illinois and resident of Los Angeles. MASON-JOACHIM—Martin Mason. 80, native of New York and resident of Los Angeles, and Jeanette M. Joa- chim, 30, native of New York and resident of Pasadena. WILLIAMSON-MORRISON George A. Williamson, 22, native of California and resident of I.OS Anßeleß, and Edna A. Morrison, 18, native of Cali- fornia and resident of Los Angeles. lIEISLER-HAUSEN— H. G. Holslor, 36, native of Now Jersey and resident of Los Angeles, and Lou J. Hauten, .15, native of Ohio and resident of Los Angeles. BOWNE-^AUNDERS— B. F. Bowne, 24, native of Kansas and resident of Los Ansreles, and Olga L. Saundera, 21, native of Denmark and resident of Los Angeles. 6TILLINGS-MEACIIAM— F. I_ Stilllngs. 27, native of lowa nnd resident of Banta Ana, and Iva G. Meacham, 22, native of California and resident ol Santa Ana. SOMERS-LIKES C. E. Somers, 21. na- tive of California and resident of Loa . Angeles, and Wanda V. Likes, 18, na- tive of Nebraska and resident of Los Angeles. McCLURE-BOGLE— J. B. McClure, 62, native of Tennessee and resident of Santa Monica, and Catherine Bogle, - 83, native of Ohio and resident of Santa Monica. MORALES-SALCEDO— A. F. Morales, 28, native of Mexico and resident of Los Angeles, and Adela G. Salcedo, . 19, natUve of Mexico and resident of Los Angeles. McKENDRICK-TODD Thomas McKen- drick, 43, native of Kentucky and resident of Pomona, and Clara B. Todd, 28, native of Missouri and resi- dent of Pomona. ESPINOSA-BARRIOS Louis Esplnosa, ' 31, native of Mexico and resident of Los Angeles, and Virginia O. Barrios, , 22, native of Arizona and resident of Los Angeles. KUSSMANN-SCHAETZKE George O. Kussmann, 24, native of Wisconsin and resident of Los Angeles, and Rose \u25a0 A. Schaetzke, 21, native of Wisconsin and resident of Los Angeles. YOUNG-HOLLINGSHEAD C. P. Young, 25, native of New York and resident of Los Angeles, and Llllle M. Hol- lingshead, 23, native of Kansas and resident of Los Angeles. GAUGHAM-HACKETT J. J. Gaugham, 38, native of Ireland and resident of Los Angeles, and Margaret Hackett, 36, native of Ireland and resident of Pasadena. YOUNG-UGLOW—A. C. Young, 51, na- tive of Canada and resident of Los Angeles, and D. Grace Uglow, 25, na- tive of Pennsylvania and resident of Los Angeles. FINKENSTEIN-LIPKIN Abe Finken- steln, 26, native of Nebraska and resident of Los Angeles, and Anna B. Llpkin, 18, native of New York and resident of Los Angeles. VOCKE-BURRIS—J. J. Vocke, 28, na- tive of Louisiana and resident of Los I Angeles, nnd Sellna G. Burrls, 32, na- tive. of Oregon and resident of Los Angeles. BIRTHS COOK To James Byron and wife, Los Angeles, October 12, a boy. SHIP—To Claud E. and wife. 52T North Johnson, October 26, a girl. MANLY To Maurice and wife, 1274 Court street, October 30, a boy. GIBBS To Edmund A. and wife, 1032 Lovelace avenue, October 30, a girl. MARTINEZ— To Manuel and wife, 422 Lafayette, October 31. a boy. NORTON—To Cary and wife, 928H . West First, October 30, a girl. . Peck & Chase Co., undertakers and embalmors; lady assistants. 433 S. Hill. Tel. Main 61. DEATHS OVERSTREET— Maggie M., 1301 Kear- j ney street, native of Indian Territory, I bronchial pneumonia, November 1, aged 2 years 10 months. CORTEZ-j-Edward, Los Angeles, native of Mexico, fracture of skull, Novem- ber 1, accidental. GONDEY D., Eastlake Park, strych- nine poisoning, November 1, PHYLEY— LeonTdas T.. 420 East Elev- enth street, native of Ohio, Brlght's disease, aged 60 years, November 1. WARNER—Bessie, 1309 East Forty- seventh street, native of New York, tuberculosis, aged 29 years, Novem- JACKSON— John 8., California hospital, Bright's disease, aged Cv years, No- vember 1. MOOTE Sylvester, 244 West Twenty- seventh street, native of Canada, spinal tuberculosis, November 1. BRESEE BROSrcO. maiW" 1 BROADWAY AND SIXTHSTREET Lady assistant attends ||Mn~DTAi/CDO Ladles and children. UIMUtnI ANtnd PIERCE BROS. & CO. Funeral directors, 810-812 8. Flower street Our lady undertaker. Alias Elizabeth Thompson, in attendance for women and children day or night. Phone Main 1827; Home 227. CUNNINGHAM & O'CONNOR UMiioii r.Uvi:n.s, have removed to lull S. Grand avenue. Phones Main 403; Home 403. ' DIED SMITH— At 809 Grand View street at 10 o'clock a. m. November 1, 1905, Beauchamp H. Smith of York, Pa., uged 36 years. Funeral sorvioes will ' be held at his late residence, 803 Grand View street, on Friday, No- vember 3, I'jOD, at 10 o'clock a. m. IJIXON—At the family residence, 136 North Daly street, October 31, 1905, Samuel Dlxon, uged . 7b years 4 months 7 days. Funeral services will be held at residence at 2 o'clock today. Friends Invited. lutermont Rosedale. VALBNOIA-Monday. at hi» home, N. Valencia, aged 60 years; former pullce- man and former volunteer llreman. Fu- neral to be held Thursday afternoon nt 'i o'clock from hlu late residence, 1019% North Alameda utreet. LEBUS— At 803 Gratton street, October 31, 1905, Louis Lcliiih,aged 71 years. Funeral services willheld at resi- dence at 'i o'clock today. Frlenda invlted. Interment Hollywood. BROKERS R^^wT^ToTN^EjCTEßT^BltoTcElC^iw Wllcox Building, deals In bond*, mort- gages and other firat-clais securities. Loans negotiated at loweat market rates. If you wish to lend money on Hint motgages 1 van place It for you safely aril at a fair rate of Interest. Reference: First National Hunk. Los . 'Angeles National Bank. LOST AND FOUND .Htreet between Lot) Angeles and First. Hull of typewritten copy. Return at one* to FORD, SMITH _ LITTLECO., tU SuuUa _iici_Uway, . FOR SALE Koutea ft F WEBSTFR 8 CO 302 Mason Building Cor. 4th and Broadway Home 5575 Main 4090 Don't Overlook This ON HOPE NEAR, .TRFFF,RBON Brand new, loss than ono your, 8 rooms, bath, tollotn, lawn, trees, cement wnlks, nmnll burn nnd chicken corral; lot 50x1(10, en»t front. Tills house linn large recpptlon hnll, double rntranco to landing on Ktalr- wny; decorated rloßnntly, nnd not a thliifr locking for your comfort and convenience. I'rlcfi 14600; $800 cn«h, bat. monthly. Trice I4H00; $800 cash, bal. monthly. We have n tennnt who will rent this all winter until lato in the spring nt 135 per month. $JS,OOO Ifpre In a piece of property that you'd better call and find out about. If you know values, all we'll hnvv? to do Is to show It to you. It will Hell Itself. All you need Is tho money. PICO COMER . 2RO fr>et on Piro near Ban Podro. 250 foot on Pico near San Pedro. Improvements bring $B3 month; about, half cash and good terms on balance, HANDSOME N-UOOM RESIDENCE WESTLAKB IHNTIUCT FOII SALK OR EXCHANGE Beautifully located on Ocean View avenue, high ground, and n very heulthful portion of tho city. An S-room two-story house, with tinted wnlls nnd decorated cove ceilings, brick mnntel nnd fireplace, porcrlniu bath, toilets up and down otalrs, and othor modern feat- ures. Price $6500. Would take a desirable ti-room cottage of Hbout $3000 valuation In pnrt exchange. JONES A lIYIIKK LAND CO., tironpcl flour, 2IS W. Third Strfpf. FOR SALE FIVE-ROOM COTTAOE EAST 431> STREET $.700 ONLY f2700 This cottage Is new and thor- oughly modern In Its appoint- ments, nnd is well located on lot 40x128 to alloy. Payments of $1100 down nnd $20 monthly. JONES A HYIHOIt I, AND CO., fi round floor, 21S W. Third Street. FOR SALE—BY OWNER, WHO IS leaving city, strictly modern, five-room cottage, nil Improved, near university. A bargain If taken at once. See owner, 703 W. 35TH ST. Flat* FOR SALE- SIX modern flat building on West First street; Income $120 per month; price $13,000; mort- gage $6500, 6 per cent. Four four-room flats, south- west corner of Fifteenth and Griffith; abundance of room on lot for additional building; price $10,000. THOS. J. HAMPTON, 110 S. Broad— ar. _. A. R. 11. City Lots and Lancia VeracDini [Park Yemcomdsill© The tracts that are sure to treble in value inside of one year; hundreds cf houses being erected; best soil, inures t water; best car service and nearest In property for the money In Greater Los Angeles. Wa can sell choice lots at $450 and up on easy installments. What we have done for hundreds of others we will do for you. Before buying take East 12th street and Hoo- ?>er avenue cars south on Spring street o 46th and Ascot aye or Elst and Ascot aye. Agents there at all times. Offlca open Sundays. Headquarters for Ver- non real estate. For maps and full in- formation Bee GRIDER 8 HMLTQN 225 W. SECOND ST. FOR SALE— CHOICE LARGE LOTS $20 AND $10 $.0 AND $10 $20 AND $10 6 PER CENT INTEREST. $20 AND $10 $20 AND $10 $20 AND $10 STRONU & DICKINSON'S BEAUTIFUL SOUTH HOLLYWOOD TRACT NO. 1 . TRACT JUST OPENED GET BUSY BUY ON GROUND FLOOR PRICES 60 FOOT LOTS $275 $325 $450 $DOO PRICES WILL BE ADVANCED SOON. FIRST-CLASS STREET WORK INCLUDED IN ABOVE PRICES. ABUNDANCE OF WATER. INVESTIGATE AT ONCE. TAKE COI.EOROVE CAR ON 4TH AND BROADWAY, GET OFF AT OUR OFFICE. COR. MOUNTAIN VIEW AVENUE AND SANTA MONICA AVENUE AGENT ON TRACT OR CALL AND SEE FRANK D. EDlE. MANAGER OF TRACT. PHONE 1273 135 8. BROADWAY FOR STRONG & DICKINSON. ('HOICK LOT IN SOUTIIWiaST Close to Vermont avenue, 50x184. Price $200. Will be sold on terms to suit, Nice lot for home people; big enough for chickens, cow and garden. AVater piped; two electric lines. See it today. ISiMIL KIHTH, Owner, 411-417 I.augbllo HldV, 315 H. Hdway. " LA PARK ~*~ TRACT. LOTS »300 TO $800. The Very Safrat Investment. ..Property advancing every day !\u25a0 thl» section. HOBS A LINDSEIY, 814 H. W. llHl.iii.il lll.lt. I-honr«—lluiu. Tflaa. Main «83_ FOR BALK— ONB OF TUB BEST located residence sltei in the O. V. Hull tract; east front; 60x150. Price $1500. Inquire of Lot Department, JONKB & RYDER LAND CO., 218 W. Third street. FOR SALE— NICE LEVEL LOT ON Brighton avenue; 50x148, for $1250; but this price is only good for quick \u25a0ale. Inquire of Lot Department, JONEB & RYDER LAND CO., 218 W. Third street. FOR"' BALM— LOT 50x133, ON JULIET, iieui 1 £2d street; a very dealrable neigh- borhood, .'rice $1600. Inquire of Lot De- partment. JONES & \u25a0 UVDIiU _AN_) CO.. *18 &. IfUrd. Btiwt, ~T -^, FOR RENT Houmi for rrnt-Ih-story cottaor on Griffith avo. car line, S rooms, sink !n kitchen; flna shftdfl Ire<>§: place for chickens. W7 R. JKFFERSON BT. TO LRT-B-ROOM, 2-BTORY HOUSE, $25. Including water; 833 Kohlrr street. THOS. J. HAMPTON, 119 S. Broadway. m L. A. R. H. Furnished Room* IF YOU ARE) LOOKINO FOR TUB best place in Los Angeles to room nnd board, call at $05 R Bunker Hill! highest elevation In cltys a nice, qulat horn*, newly furnl*h«d and horn* rooking. Take Angel's Flight, then Co two blocks west. Ratts low for the summer. * ROOMS TO LET. ' $1.00, blir, slngln room, gteame hnnt, new; Court Terrace. Elevator at 207 N. BROADWAY. Rooms COIJRT TERRACE. 207 N. BROADWAY; elevator to top floor; walk through to Court terrnre; new management; refur- nished ; first class; rooms, suites, npnrt- ments^steam heat. FUtl TO LET— MODERN FLATS— WATER free. $10 3 rooms, 204 N. Fremont. $12—3 rooms. 212 N. Frrmont. $12 3 rooms. 334 S. Flgurron. $14 .1 rooms, 334 S. Flgueroa, fur- nished. $11 5 rooms. 1013 W. Plamond. $Ifi—4 rooms'. 912 W. : lift.' $16—3 rooms, 204 N. Fremont, fur- nished. jig 3 rcomd, 218 N. Fremont, fur- nished. WI ESRNf>ANOWR. 221 Lfl.ll ghlln BUI. Furnlahed Flat* FOR $16 YOU CAN HBNT 3 ROOMS, rooms, completely furnished, new, ele- gant; housekeeping; gaa range, bath, telephone, hot water; close In. S<34 SOUTH FIOUEROA. $10 unfurnished; also 204 NORTH FREMONT, $10 unfur- nished. APARTMENTS TO LET. 3-room Apnrtment, $20; 4-room, $25 to $50. Court Terrace. Elevator at 207 N. BROADWAY. Steam heat, Stores and Office* TO LET—SEVERAL BEAUTIFULLY decorated warerooms, each 33x76 feet; well lighted, clean and airy; choice central location. Freight and passenger elevator service. Unusually good quar- ters for wholesale millinery, tailor. Jew- eler or any light manufacturing busi- ness. Apply 345-347 SOUTH SPRING STREET. PALMISTS AND MEDIUMS raoir^rlupTprp^Y^uio^iH^DTuMT^g South Hill St., hand, card or clairvoy- ant readings dally, Me; satisfaction or no pay. Hundreds of pleased patrons. Lectures every Wednesday and Friday evening:. Admission to lectures, 15c. PROF. IRA L. GUILFORD, PHRKNOL- ogIst, psychic, palmist. Both hands read this week, 25c. References: A hundred thousand Los Angeles people. Free lec- ture Monday evening, Brent's hall, Of- flce, 341V. S. SPRING. DR. GREEN. CLAIRVOYANT— BUSI- ness medium; satisfaction given; test circles Wednesday evenings, 8 o'clock, 25c. Room 16. Uil}4S. SPRING ST. MRS. PARKER, PALMIST .iNDCLAlR- voyant. 328 M, SOU SPUING ST. Room 15 PATENTS AND PATENT RIGHTS TOWN __N_i~ " _ YON! _AC_Xil_Y _ KNIGHT. PATENTS OBTAINED IN ALL COUN- tries; trademarks and copyrights regis- tered; patent, trademark and copyright suits in all courts. ROOMS 604-7. Mer- chants' Trust Company building. Tele- phones. Home 8191. Sunset Main 9125. HAZARD & HARPHAM, PATENTS. Pioneers. SPRING & STH. Book freg. TRANSFER AND STORAGE WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. COL- VEAR WAREHOUSE CO., new and fireproof storage; moving, shipping: lowest rates. Carpets steamed cleaned and packed in moth-proof paper. Cash advanced on storage. Office 322 South Main. Phones Main 1117; Home .154. ATTORNEY3.AT.LAW MARRIAQE AND PROBATE LAWS A specialty. No fee without success. IS. P. MORE*. 6_ Stlmson blk., cor. 3rd and Spring. Phone 6718. Open evenings. JJIVOHCE LAWS—ADVICE FREE; NO fee without success; private. J. U BMITH, 1_ W. Third St., Room 108. 1 to 6 p m. DENTI3TB SCHIFFMAN DENTAL Co| ' lvi Km. Spring St.— Painless extracting, tilling, crown and bridge work, flexible rubber plates. Pure gold Ulllngs, 750 up; all other fillings, 50c up; cleaning teeth, 600 up; gold crowns and brldg* work, $2.50 up; seis teeth. $2.50 up. Alse open evenings and Sunday forenoons. dr! \vm. bachman! the well- known MINNEAPOLIS DENTIST, PERMANENTLY LOCATED. 209-210 JOHNSON BLDG., COR. 4TH AND BROADWAY. PHONE 6832 HOME. ITRANK STEVENS, S9.JM, SO. SPRINO. PIANOS Pianos rented at low rates. A. G. GARDNER PIANO HOUSE, Ltd., 118 Winston Bt. Tel. Black 2221: Home 8195. PHYSICIANS DR. AND MM CARTER SUCC-BlT- fully treat all femal* dlseaacs and Ir- reeularitlas; 20 years' experience; con- sultation free. Hours, SI a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sunday s, 10 to _a. m. 204 MER- CANTILE PLACE, over 543 S. Spring. SOUTHERN HOME FOR LADIES DUIT Ins confinement; homes for children. DR. C. _. SMITH, in Bellevua ava. Tel. Main 2364. JULIAN MACRAE, ELECTRICIAN" Mental and nervous diseases. 1030 S. HOPE. Home 4004. DR. . TAYLOR-FEMALfcj SPECIALIST and obstetrics. UELASCO TUKATKIt, Main st. \u25a0 MONEY TO LOAN rTSA rv_^__oi?EY~TOT!!o^ir^rr*A_c KINDS OF OOOU SECURITY IN SUMS TO SUIT AT CURRENT HATES. JAMES B. THRELKKLD, 201 FAY BLDG., 826 W. THIRD ST. TELEPHONE! SUNSET MAIN 893, HOME 8253. NOTARY PUBLIC. CONVEYANCER. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES for building, or on Improved city prop- erty, or In good outside town., on A NEW DEFINITE CONTRACT or lim- ited payment plan of Installment pay- ment., Interest decreases each month as you pay. STATE MUTUALBUILD- INO AND LOAN ASSN., 10/ 8. Brdwy, CASH CONFIDENTIALLY LOANED TO salaried persons on note, without se- curity, without employer's knowledge and without Indonera; easy payments, positively lowest rates. Hours 10:30 to 8:30. COMMERCIAL DISCOUNT CO., «ai-629 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. ANY AMOUNT ON FUIINITURB, pianos, household goods, machinery, etc. If stored In our new fireproof ware- house. Oftle. |_ 8. Main. COLYUAR WAKEUOU-JS CO.. *_o_- —alii LUJ, llonn 21M. ' It. W. VOINUUXTER, -Hi* WIL.COX lIIUk., Ivans uuntf mi real •\u25a0tat*, stocks and bond*. Building: loan* specialty, . JdONISY TO LOAN-THOMAB B. WADS- WORTH, DID - 820 DouglM bldg., will land money ua city or cuuiity real eatato. || Always Noticeable I I ** t t Good Results from Herald t * Ltaers t Bpecial notices «\u25a0» wTndow^liadT^ Slightly damaged shades, 25c, Our burlaps aro heavier than otn- ers and can be pasted; 76 Inches (not 72) natural, 20c; 36 inches dyed, 1601 40 Inches dyed, 20c; Just the thing for between chair rails. Moldings 2c foot. Best pnlnt, $1.60 per gallon. Big reduction In wall paper. Try our enamels they make things shine like a mirror. Glazing nnd painting. WALTER BROTHERS. 627 South Spring St. 80. CAL TRANSFER CO.-THUNKA 26c and up; areneral drayage. Tela Main I486: Home 2184. 817 W SKCOND BT. BICYCLES 343 SECOND HANI) HICYCLKS irnntrd nt 342 K. tut nt. Ilrlng your whrHw nnil g«'t your money. FOR SALE Houses FOR SALE ~ HANDSOME 7-ROOM SWISS CHALET NEW AM> MODERN BEAUTIFUL. LARGE LIVING ROOM ELEGANTLY FINISHED EASY TKIIMS This 7-room storj-nnd-a-half house is built iji modern Swiss Chalet styje, and Is equipped throughout with all of thoso features of beauty and con- venience which nre so attrac- tive to the modern housewife. Handsome large living room extends across entire front of house, one end being finished In Inglenook effect, with ele- gant pressed brick mnntel nnd other attractive features. Very charming: little dining room, fireplace and built-in buffet. Kltchon and pantry are models of convenience. Hardwood floors; flemish oak finish; tastefully tinted walls; bod rooms in white enamel; spa- cious and up-to-date bath room. Price $4250; $600 down and $20 monthly. Photograph may be seen at our office. Jones & hvhi;k land co.. Ground floor, 218 W. Third Street. YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO OWN A HOME Is here. Let us prove this statement to you by explaining our methods of home payments. We are convinced that wo have the most practical an well as the most economical system by which any ono in moderate cir- cumstances may own a home. WKSTKRN BUILDING CO.. 403 Chamber of Commerce. Home 980. Main 5640. BRAND NEW DUNGALiOW. $3000 This beautiful five-room bungalow is located near Jefferson and San Pedro sts., nice neighborhood, fine street car service; reception hall has built in seat and hall tree with mirror; beautiful archway between hall and living room; a very pretty dining room with mission buffet, plate rail, brick mantel. These rooms nave the flemish oak finish; the kitchen will please the most exact- Ing; nice paltry with built in cab- inets, etc.; two nice bed rooms nnd fine bath. We are confident you would be plcHsed with this. 2VI2I2DIIAM & McKHUUOII, . 303-4 Fay Building. 10000— Residence completely furnished, par- lor white enameled, brick mantel; din- ing-room Flemish oak, sideboard, elab- * orate pass pantry, large kitchen, gas range, instantaneous heater, screen porch, laundry tub, W. C. and brick cellar; library cathedral oak. elegant mantel, bookcases, seats; center hall front and back stairs, large front porch and lawn; 75-foot frontnge; upstairs, 4 bedrooms, elegant bathroom, 2 porches, high-class restricted neighborhood; southwest. T. WIESENDANUER, _1 Luughlln Building. $1.100 1-IlnOM COTTAfiK. New and up-toidats with dainty bath room, pantry, screen porch, 2 closets, front porch; >140 plunililnßi cement and street work done and paid for; lot 45x120; easy terms. Might take lot for part. W. K. THOHNK « CO., Owner*, Room 311. -IK S. Hdwuy. Home 1684. FOR BALK-NEW 6-ROOM COTTAOE, lot 50x150, good location, two blocks from car line. Price $-350; $300 cash, balance monthly. New B-room cottage, modern, lot 40x 135, >,i block from car line. Price $1600; $juo cash, $20 per month. UKVI2NS LAWniSNCR, 227 l.aiiKlillu Uldg.. :il.lH. Ild—ny. Home Phone 8321. FOR SALE-CLOSE IN, B-ROOM cottage on Crocker street, new and modern, and finished In a very pleasing and artistic manner. Price $&00. $500 down and $20 monthly. Photograph may be seen at our JIONESJ l ONES _ RYDER LAND CO., 218 West Third St. FOR BALE— NEW 4-ROOM COT- tage on East 37th street, neur San Pedro street, $1750, one- half cash. Thlß littlehome haa , "many modern features and ia a very dealrable place for the money asked. Lot 60x161. JONKB _ RYDER LAND CO., 218 W. Third street. FOR HALE-15-ACHE BUBDIVIHIONON Vermont avenue; 87 lots, half mile from Slauson avenue. Well, windmill, tank, etc.; $12,000 worth of Improvements. Here Is a chance to make some money. O. 11. JONES _ CO., 117 b. Uroadway; Home 1821; Main 84. FOR HALH— Let ma (how you the beat 3-story, 7- rocuii house in city for the money. Good location southwest. . \u25a0 . « WO. M. -JASTON, -Owner, , Home *359. IW W. Seventh »t.

THE WEATHER I ft F WEBSTFR COA CO., —EMPLOYMENT AGENTS— A strictly flrst-clasft, reliable agency All kinds of help promptly fumlshovJ Your orders solicited. 116-118 East Second

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Page 1: THE WEATHER I ft F WEBSTFR COA CO., —EMPLOYMENT AGENTS— A strictly flrst-clasft, reliable agency All kinds of help promptly fumlshovJ Your orders solicited. 116-118 East Second

I.OS ANORLES, Cut., Nov. 1, 1908.rime.l Bar. | TfJ7Tfe-H.|Wlnd|Vpl| Weather

t ft.m.l 23.M I SI I S« INE I 3 IClear.t p.m.l2f1.90 I61 I71 IW | 8 ( Cloudy.

Maximum tpmperaturo, 68.Minimum temperature, 49.

Weather ConditionsBy Associated Presn.

BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. I.—There hasbeen but littlechange In thn pnat twenty-four hours In weather conditions on th«i'aclflo const. Over th« Rocky mountainregion, .however, low pressure and muchhigher temperatures prevail.

No rain fins fallen west of the Rockymountains, except a light shower Innorth-ern Arizona.

Fog prevails In the Ban Francisco baysection.

ForecastLos Angeles nnd vicinity—Cloudy, tm-

unttled weather Thursday, possibly show-tr» by night; frenh southwest winds.





—EMPLOYMENT AGENTS—A strictly flrst-clasft, reliable agency

All kinds of help promptly fumlshovJYour orders solicited.

116-118 East Second street.Between Main and Loa Angeles xts.

Largest and best equipped offices onthe Pacific coast

HUMMEL BROS. A CO..mi and 118 H. lid St.Telephone*- Main 609.

Home HOB.


YOUNG MAN OR WOMAN.Remington operator, for Junior mono-graphic position In largo manufac-turing plant. Beglnni-r preferred,but munt bo thoroughly prepared;small salary, hut good opening toright one. Apply In own handwrit-ing, stntlnff ago and cjpfrleuce. Ad-dreas BOX 25,

'Herald office.


10 STRONG, EXPKR-Icnced drllvrry boys with wheels;must know city thoroughly nnd boover 14 years. Wages $« per week.Apply to supt. at HAMBURGERSbefore 10 n.. in.

SOLICITORS FOR COLLECTIONagency; none but hustlers need ap-ply. Call nt room 60 HOLLENBECKHOTEL, between the hours of 9:30and 4 o'clock.


CARRIERS FOR I'APERroutes. Must have wheel or horsennd rnrt. Oood nnlary. Apply CIR-CULATIONDEPARTMENT, The Her-nld, 5 p. m.

WANTED—PAINTER. 2C21 BUDLONG,this morning.




HOUSEKEEPER FORsmall ffimlly; good homo and fnlrwages paid for good service. Apply201U WEST WASHINGTON. Homephone 21322.

Help—Male and FemaleWANTED


over 14 years. Apply to supt. atHAMBURGER'S before 10 a. m.

Real Estate


—lot, house, farm, ranch,

business or manufacturing property?List withus. We get results. Strictattention to business. No deal toosmall. See us for snaps

—for home-

making or Investment.A. C. GONDRING.D29 BYRNE BLDG.

WANTED—ABOUT 200 ACRES WIREgrass cattle pasture, fenced, between LosAngeles and tho ocean. BOX 326, Heraldoffice.

To Rent

wanted— '










6-ROOM HOUSE; BIGvalue and terms; south side

—Main to

San Pedro; $2000 to $3000. AddressnOX 27. Herald.

To Purchase—


WANTED—IOOO OLD FEATHER BEDS;highest cash prices paid. Address A. B.MACK, general delivery.


WANTED—DEALERS AND PAPEIThangers to write for sample books of

burlaps, shades, wallpaper, paints, etc.WALTER BROS., «!7 8. Spring.


"When you do banking or insurance

business you look into the responsi-bilityof the Institution. Why not sowhen you have your house painted,go to WALTER BROS., 627 S. Spring.

FOR SALE-DRY GOODS BUSINESS,established 9 years; will net $i>ooo ayear; will sell at Inventory. This Isfirst-class. A. 11. GREGG & CO., 715-710 Bryson blk. Home 6421.

HOME BAKERY AND DELICATES-Ri»n; best location In the city for thisline of business; willbe sold cheap.Address BOX 64, Herald.

FOR SALE-GOOD "IUTSINESS; TEAM,two wagons and harness. Make me anoffer; apply 42) MOLINO ST., Homophone 60S1.

FOR SALE—A SCHOLARSHIP IN THELos Angeles College of Fine Arts, ata very low figure. Address BOX 105Herald.

GEORGE W.—LEAVE ME YOUR AD-dreHS ;it Herald. T. L. H. AddressBOX 23.



Massage, electrlo, tub, vapor, steambaths, chiropody, manicuring, scalptreatment, facial massaga. 22SM VV.First. Homo 8808.



vapor tub baths and massage, alcoholand oilrubs. 218 N. MAINST..office11. Open Sundays.


STEAM ANDherb baths, electric treatments cureinstantly and magnetic treatments.218 N. MAIN,room 12.

BON TON BATH PARLORS— MEDI-cated baths, magnetic massage and saltBlow; hours 10 to 12 p. m. 703V4 SOUTHBROADWAY.

SCIENTIFIC TREATMENTS—NO SUN-day treatment; office hours, 9 to 9.223 W. SKCOND ST., rooms 213-215.Home 2229.

scientific ani~mac;netic mas-sage. Formerly of 62!)H S. Broad-way, now located at 7&2 8. SPRINOBT.

SULPHUME. VAPOR, ELECTRIC, TUBbaths, massage, chiropody. Formerly618V4 Spring. 70114 S. BDWY. Main 3133.

321 SOUTH HILL-VAPOR AND TUBbaths, massage for colds, rheumatism,nervousness. Open every day. Room 9.

MANICURING, MEDICATED VAPORand tub .baths, massage, 245 V4 S.HPRINO ST., 3d floor, eulte 26.

FOR A GOOD TUB OR VAPOR BATHand massage go to 738V4 SOUTHGRAND AYE.; phone 6660.

BATHS, FORMERLY 720 SO. BROAD-way, removed to 612 So. Broadway, R.10. Electrlo treatments.

FOR FIRST-CLASS BATH AND MA9-nage call at 31UV, SOUTU SPRING ST.,room 18. Loa Angeles.

FROM LONDON. MANICURING ANDmassage, iViS. Spring; St., room 18,second floor; select.

BATHS—3O9 W. TEMPLE ST. ROOM2. Phone Home 5076.

445H SO. SPRING BT.—SHAMPOOING,scalp treatment.


_ WAD-, Ilk Ea»tFlrut at.



LATTTEa;'married lXdies^somk3thing new and useful. Agents wanted.Enulo-e stamp (or reply. DR. c.CHARLES, r. O. liox o'-U, Lou Au-£«!«., Cul

f£_J*^hsCity Leti and L._n_.__________ _ '


«oon vamir iw Tiirun|,ll'||X

Wo hnvfl a large number oflots In nil pnrtn of thn city,dnil many exceptionally rtftnlr-»hln onPS, but wn wish to callyour especial ntt«ntlon todayto tho following which areunuiually good values,

Juliet, near 22d St.; 50x138)prim $ir>oo.• Beautiful reoldpnct* alto InC.V. Hall tract; ROxiliO; $1500,

West 21st street, near Nor-mnndln avenue; $1100.

Dorchester, Just off Harvard "boulevard; BOxl3fi; $1600.

Harvard bouvelard, near 16thfttreet; 60x116; $1500.

West 24th street, popularlocation; 60x133; $900.

For full Information In r«« '';*>'iR-ard to any of these lota ap-ply to

lint lli-pnrtrariit.FONKS A nVMKII I,AND CO.,

Ornnml floor, _IH W. Third Street.


Franfl: _R_(_re§

TTiraettGo see.

Take Central aye. car to our branchoffice at end of line.

L(D)H_§ $^0©Main office 203 N. Broadway.







MAIN 5561, HOME 3962.

FOR SALE—BUY IN THE WESTERNavenue section between Wilshlre boule-vard and Hollywood; destined to be thechoicest residence section of the city;now at the very beginning of develop-ment; the same chances as were offeredin the Westlake district a few yearsago. We can sell you large, level lots ]60-ft. front, on improved streets at pricesfrom $450 up. Terms In some cases aslow as $50 down, bnlance monthly. TakeColegrove car to Western avenue, to ourbranch office and Investigate fully.

CHARLES S. MANN, \u25a0 J'. .'325 West Fourth St.

Branch office— Western Avenua andColegrovo car line.

Buy .mi BoyleHeights >Whero it's nice, high and healthful;large lots 50x150 from $150 up; termsvery easy, between 2 car lines, 5 centfare; the best buy for a home or in-vestment. . .

The Greater Los AogelesRealty Co.

433 Huntington Bldg.

FOR SALE—~ ~~ """"


$3600We have three acres fronting on,

Flgueroa St., willcut into 24 lota.Come quick if you want to buy. \u25a0\u25a0

riNLEY A NORRIS.Ground floor, 341 S. HIU «t.

«jS>_./«SLarge, level lot. 50x190, on two electrlolines In growing southwest; improvedwithcement walks and curbs; nice shadetrees; beautiful mountain view; termsif. desired. ; ..

HUGHpS &!PECKHAM .1105-1106-1107 Braly Bldg.

Home 5373. Sunset Main 3221.____-j

Large, level lot, 100x185 to alley, on two'electric lines in growing southwest; Im-proved withcement sidewalks and curbs;nice Bhade trees; beautiful mountainview; terms if desired.

HUGHES &"PECKHAM";'1105-1106-1107 Braly Bldg.

Home 6373. Sunset Main3221. '

FOR SALE— - '\u25a0$550 $550 $550 i-K',-:.'),

Lot 60x150 on Avenue 39, near Pasadenaavenue; best lot in city for a cottageor bungalow.

W. H. OBEAR,40. Johnson Bldg.

anno for bo-foot lotsIn beautiful Hollywood, corner

Center st. and Sunset boulevard.jcement curbs, sidewalks, streets!graded, oiled; elegant surroundings;protective building restrictions. 'Youcan not get such values for yourmoney elsewhere. Agent •on tract.Take Hollywood car to office, cornerVermont and Prospect; 5c fare.

WIKSUNUANUKIt, '221 Laughlin Bldg.

Have some very choice lots off Flg-

ueroa; stone entrance gateways; fully

improved; easy terms.


Suite 604 Paclflc Electric Bldg! .'.100

—Both Phones— 2loo



KMIL FIRTH (Owner),411-417 l.uußhllu UidK., 31R 8. Bdwar.I'bniirii IluuifHI08, Main 8843. \u25a0 •\u25a0

FOR SALE— J$2000 $2000 $2000 ,</"'60x150. close in. northwest, near Flratand Fremont; beautiful, high 'lot,,tin*.for apartment. '"-•'uUmhm

W. H. OBEAR.402 Johnson Bldg.

Orango Groves

FOR SALE-TUB BEST BARGAINS INflrst-clas- orange groves.. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0

$3500—5 acre., extra fine trees,'2000 .

boxes on trees now. \u25a0\u25a0..;,\u25a0•$7000— Ten acres, very fine, ,' every treea good one. 3000 boxes on trees now.$13,000— Ten ucreu, tip top, good huus«

and h-rii. 4<juo boxen on the tree-.. One-half lawh on all the above. < . v'.Mc-M-T-U-Oil CO.. W B, Spring fit.



WITH VERY FINE LIVING ROOMS.Wn hnvft a number of different resi-

dences for sale In the Westlake motion,somewhat similar In «\?.e and construc-tion, houses all containing nine rooms,finely built homes and very fine appear-ing.


While ths living rooms In each ofthese houses nre not exact duplicates,thpy are so much nllke that this nnodescription willgive you a correct Ideaof all of them. They are finished In nn-tlqnftoak, panftled five foot high, with abeautiful wooden frieze; there Is a lare«circular bay window, very handsome oldgold hrlck mnntnl, woodwork of whichIs ornamented with burnt design. Setin one of thn panels of thn mantnl Is a-painting of thn Santa Barbara Mission,which adds much to thn beauty of themantnl; thn fixtures nre In mission style:a very attractive room nnd onn thatwould apppnl to almost everyone lookingfor a home.

Each of the houses has an OAk en-trance, with nrt nnd plate glnns win-dows; floors down.italrs nrn hard wood,upstairs rock mnple; built-in windowunnts and cozy corners and viiT flnnbuffets; beamed celling* nnd paneledwalls. Grounds are all nlroly made up.You willbe surprlßPd nt the low figureswo can quote you on every one of th**o

residences. Tho exact locations are,103ti Alvnrado, 1032 Alvnrndo, 1148 Mn«r-nolln,1144 Magnolia. When you nro outtodny mnko it a point to go aroun.land see these houses,


MAIN 203. HOME EX. 2G3.

FOR SALK—two uwnsoMi: jjrcw



i:nui:iihihiiimake anF.XCISPTIOKAI.I.V



Located on Vermont avenue,near West Adams streot, wehave two haniisomo now bun-gnlows, ono of five rooms andone of six rooms, which woarooffering for salo nt $4000 each;$.100 down and $20 monthly.You'll not find better built ormoro attrncllvo bungalows Inthe city than these, and thelocation isunusually good. Eachhouse Is on separate lot, 60x1.10; and lota lace two streets.Either one of these wouldmake a lovely home, or If youwish to purchase a good Incomeproperty you will llnd thateither one or both would.bring in good returns on thoinvestment; would undoubtedlyrent for $35 each.JONES „HYIJIOR LAND CO.,

Ground floor, 318 W. Third Street.


TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS IF SOLDsoon, as owners are leaving the cityand properties must be sold at once.One li-room cottage in Bonnie Braedistrict, lnrge rooms, modern, first classin every particular, nice home, worth$4000. 'Can be bought for considerableless if taken at once. Nice lot D0x125,everything in first class condition andlovely home. Must be seen to be ap-preciated. Also one seven-room cottagewith nice lawn in front and all kindsof fruit in the rear. A lovely home.Can bo bought for $2900, easy terms,mortgage on property now for $1200 nt 5pc*1 cent, balance can be arranged tosuit purchaser. Owner is leaving thecity and does not want to rent prop-erty, and will give good terms. Thisis a nice home and worth more money.

Come In and Iwill show you theseproperties.


CO.,202 Fay Bldg.. Third and HIUSts.

FOR SALE—Fivis-noom two-stoiiy




On Wost 3fith street. In avery desirable neighborhood,and on a nice large lot 50x140.The house has just been re-pnpered and painted and is iniirst-cIaSH shape. Two bedrooms upstairs, and a delight-ful little balcony. Price $3500;$000 clown and the balance tneasy monthly payments.

JONES A HVDEtt I,AND CO.,Ground floor, 218 W. Third Street.

COTTAGES FOR SALE.$1650—4-room and bath. Melrose City

Boundary Tract; $250 cash, balancelike rent.

$1850—4-room and bath. 58th street, nearMoneta. $350 cash, balance easy.

$1950-Cor. Flgueroa and 6Sth. $450 cash,balance on terms.

the McCarthy company,203 N. Broadway.

Phones: Home 8737—29171—29108.

FOR A FIVE-ROOM COTTAGBIS OUR FIGURE.Anything els* you want at the

\u25a0ame proportion. Let us have a chanceto figure on your house. We willfur-nish your plans and make a house thatwillsuit you. We are pleased to referto any one for whom we have bullded,for we leave them our friends. We canfurnish you the money if you wish.Drop in and talk It over withua.INGLEHART BUILDING CO..Home Phone 7666. 713 8. Broadway.


S. BONNIE BRAE, LIKErent; $.<000; $150 cash, $20 per mo.,for modern B-room cottage, close tocar line; lot 50x130. See us Quickabout this.

Wlnfleld and Burlington aye.homes, the choice residence district,6, 8, 9-room houses from $3500 up to$6500, with largo lots.

See us about this Burlington cor-ner, 135x182: $100 income.LOS ANGELES REALTY CO.,





~ ~

$10O0| 9200 rash and (UN monthly;new modern B-room cottage close In.

V2.100| (iffnn, strictly modern newcottage on W. 20th st. Both of these'have Just been built.

O. 11. JONGS A CO.,Homo 1831. 117 S. Broadway.


A SNAP! IWe willbuild you a neat B-room cot-tage or bungalow, with the beat por-celain plumbing, tinted walls, pol-l-lied floors, china closet, cementwalks and lighting fixtures (orONLY 11000— CAHH OR INSTALL-



Home phone 1076. 238 Byrne Bids.


$3500, $750 cash, balance to suit.A very pretty 6-room cottage In thesouthwest. Three large bedrooms,hardwood floors, cooler, good barn,lot la 40xlK0. Would trade for a Kood6-room cottage.

R. A. BURTON REALTY CO..416-418 Laughlln Bldg. \u25a0

FOR BALE-A SNAP-BIX LARGO)room cottage on Thirtieth street,clone to Mapl* avenue; lot 60x180;. ar-ranged for two families;.' vary cheapand good terms, or willtrade lor goodvacant lots or small ranch near Often-dale. « \u25a0 \u25a0 . . ,.... COOPER *CUDPEBACK,..... \u0084<(

ti» B. Broadway.

-Boom- 237. ,


SO, native of Ohio and resident of LosAnffeles, and Gussle E. Holdrlch, 20,native of Texa* and resident of LosAngeles.

MALONE-CARTER—W. H. Malone, 84,native of Illinois and resident of LosAnireles, nnd Emma H. Cnrter, 26,native of Illinois and resident of LosAngeles.

MASON-JOACHIM—Martin Mason. 80,native of New York and resident ofLos Angeles, and Jeanette M. Joa-chim, 30, native of New York andresident of Pasadena.


George A.Williamson, 22, native of Californiaand resident of I.OS Anßeleß, andEdna A. Morrison, 18, native of Cali-fornia and resident of Los Angeles.

lIEISLER-HAUSEN—H. G. Holslor, 36,• native of Now Jersey and resident of

Los Angeles, and Lou J. Hauten, .15,native of Ohio and resident of LosAngeles.

BOWNE-^AUNDERS— B. F. Bowne, 24,native of Kansas and resident of LosAnsreles, and Olga L. Saundera, 21,native of Denmark and resident ofLos Angeles.

6TILLINGS-MEACIIAM—F. I_ Stilllngs.27, native of lowa nnd resident ofBanta Ana, and Iva G. Meacham, 22,native of California and resident olSanta Ana.


C. E. Somers, 21. na-tive of California and resident of Loa. Angeles, and Wanda V. Likes, 18, na-tive of Nebraska and resident of LosAngeles.

McCLURE-BOGLE—J. B. McClure, 62,native of Tennessee and resident ofSanta Monica, and Catherine Bogle,-83, native of Ohio and resident ofSanta Monica.

MORALES-SALCEDO— A. F. Morales,28, native of Mexico and resident ofLos Angeles, and Adela G. Salcedo,. 19, natUve of Mexico and resident ofLos Angeles.


Thomas McKen-• drick, 43, native of Kentucky and

resident of Pomona, and Clara B.Todd, 28, native of Missouri and resi-dent of Pomona.


Louis Esplnosa,' 31, native of Mexico and resident ofLos Angeles, and Virginia O. Barrios,

, 22, native of Arizona and resident ofLos Angeles.


George O.Kussmann, 24, native of Wisconsin• and resident of Los Angeles, and Rose

\u25a0 A. Schaetzke, 21, native of Wisconsinand resident of Los Angeles.


C. P. Young,25, native of New York and residentof Los Angeles, and Llllle M. Hol-lingshead, 23, native of Kansas andresident of Los Angeles.


J. J. Gaugham,38, native of Ireland and resident ofLos Angeles, and Margaret Hackett,36, native of Ireland and resident ofPasadena.

YOUNG-UGLOW—A. C. Young, 51, na-tive of Canada and resident of LosAngeles, and D. Grace Uglow, 25, na-tive of Pennsylvania and resident ofLos Angeles.


Abe Finken-steln, 26, native of Nebraska andresident of Los Angeles, and Anna B.Llpkin, 18, native of New York andresident of Los Angeles.

VOCKE-BURRIS— J. J. Vocke, 28, na-tive of Louisiana and resident of Los

IAngeles, nnd Sellna G. Burrls, 32, na-tive.of Oregon and resident of LosAngeles.


—To James Byron and wife, Los

Angeles, October 12, a boy.SHIP—To Claud E. and wife. 52T North

Johnson, October 26, a girl.MANLY

—To Maurice and wife, 1274

Court street, October 30, a boy.GIBBS

—To Edmund A. and wife, 1032

Lovelace avenue, October 30, a girl.MARTINEZ—To Manuel and wife, 422

Lafayette, October 31. a boy.NORTON—To Cary and wife, 928H. West First, October 30, a girl.

. Peck & Chase Co., undertakers andembalmors; lady assistants. 433 S. Hill.Tel. Main61.

DEATHSOVERSTREET— Maggie M.,1301 Kear-j ney street, native of Indian Territory,

Ibronchial pneumonia, November 1,aged 2 years 10 months.

CORTEZ-j-Edward, Los Angeles, nativeof Mexico, fracture of skull,Novem-ber 1, accidental.


D., Eastlake Park, strych-nine poisoning, November 1,

PHYLEY—LeonTdas T.. 420 East Elev-enth street, native of Ohio, Brlght'sdisease, aged 60 years, November 1.

WARNER—Bessie, 1309 East Forty-seventh street, native of New York,tuberculosis, aged 29 years, Novem-

JACKSON— John 8., California hospital,Bright's disease, aged Cv years, No-vember 1.


Sylvester, 244 West Twenty-seventh street, native of Canada,spinal tuberculosis, November 1.

BRESEE BROSrcO. maiW"1BROADWAY AND SIXTHSTREETLady assistant attends ||Mn~DTAi/CDOLadles and children. UIMUtnIANtnd

PIERCE BROS. & CO.Funeral directors, 810-812 8. Flower streetOur lady undertaker. Alias ElizabethThompson, in attendance for women andchildren day or night. Phone Main 1827;Home 227.

CUNNINGHAM & O'CONNORUMiioiir.Uvi:n.s, have removed to lullS. Grand avenue. Phones

—Main 403;

Home 403.'

DIEDSMITH—At 809 Grand View street at

10 o'clock a. m. November 1, 1905,Beauchamp H. Smith of York, Pa.,uged 36 years. Funeral sorvioes will'be held at his late residence, 803Grand View street, on Friday, No-vember 3, I'jOD, at 10 o'clock a. m.

IJIXON—At the family residence, 136North Daly street, October 31, 1905,Samuel Dlxon, uged . 7b years 4months 7 days. Funeral serviceswillbe held at residence at 2 o'clocktoday. Friends Invited. lutermontRosedale.

VALBNOIA-Monday. at hi» home, N.Valencia, aged 60 years; former pullce-man and former volunteer llreman. Fu-neral to be held Thursday afternoon nt'io'clock from hlu late residence, 1019%North Alameda utreet.

LEBUS—At 803 Gratton street, October31, 1905, Louis Lcliiih,aged 71 years.Funeral services willb« held at resi-dence at 'i o'clock today. Frlendainvlted. Interment Hollywood.


Wllcox Building, deals In bond*, mort-gages and other firat-clais securities.Loans negotiated at loweat marketrates. Ifyou wish to lend money onHint motgages 1 van place It for yousafely aril at a fair rate of Interest.Reference: First National Hunk. Los. 'Angeles National Bank.


.Htreet between Lot) Angeles and First.Hull of typewritten copy. Return atone* to FORD, SMITH


tU SuuUa _iici_Uway, • .



ft F WEBSTFR 8 CO302 Mason Building

Cor. 4th and BroadwayHome 5575 Main 4090

Don't Overlook ThisON HOPE NEAR, .TRFFF,RBONBrand new, loss than ono your, 8

rooms, bath, tollotn, lawn, trees,cement wnlks, nmnll burn nndchicken corral; lot 50x1(10, en»t front.Tills house linn large recpptlon hnll,double rntranco to landing on Ktalr-wny; decorated rloßnntly, nnd not athliifr locking for your comfort andconvenience.

I'rlcfi 14600; $800 cn«h, bat. monthly.Trice I4H00; $800 cash, bal. monthly.We have n tennnt who will rent

this all winter until lato in thespring nt 135 per month.

$JS,OOOIfpre In a piece of property that

you'd better call and find out about.Ifyou know values, all we'll hnvv? todo Is to show It to you. It will HellItself. All you need Is tho money.

PICO COMER. 2RO fr>et on Piro near Ban Podro.

250 foot on Pico near San Pedro.Improvements bring $B3 month;

about, half cash and good terms onbalance,


FOII SALK OR EXCHANGEBeautifully located on Ocean

View avenue, high ground, andn very heulthful portion of thocity. An S-room two-storyhouse, with tinted wnlls nnddecorated cove ceilings, brickmnntel nnd fireplace, porcrlniubath, toilets up and downotalrs, and othor modern feat-ures. Price $6500. Would takea desirable ti-room cottage ofHbout $3000 valuation In pnrtexchange.JONES A lIYIIKK LAND CO.,

tironpcl flour, 2IS W. Third Strfpf.



$.700 ONLY f2700This cottage Is new and thor-

oughly modern In Its appoint-ments, nnd is well located onlot 40x128 to alloy. Paymentsof $1100 down nnd $20 monthly.JONES A HYIHOIt I,AND CO.,

firound floor, 21S W. Third Street.FOR SALE—BY OWNER, WHO IS

leaving city, strictly modern, five-roomcottage, nil Improved, near university.A bargain If taken at once. See owner,703 W. 35TH ST.


FOR SALE-SIX modern flat building on

West First street; Income $120per month; price $13,000; mort-gage $6500, 6 per cent.

Four four-room flats, south-west corner of Fifteenth andGriffith; abundance of room onlot for additional building;price $10,000.

THOS. J. HAMPTON,110 S. Broad— ar._.A.R.11.

City Lots and Lancia

VeracDini [Park

Yemcomdsill©The tracts that are sure to treble in

value inside of one year; hundreds cfhouses being erected; best soil, inures twater; best car service and nearest Inproperty for the money In Greater LosAngeles. Wa can sell choice lots at $450and up on easy installments. Whatwe have done for hundreds ofothers we will do for you. Beforebuying take East 12th street and Hoo-

?>er avenue cars south on Spring streeto 46th and Ascot aye or Elst and Ascot

aye. Agents there at all times. Offlcaopen Sundays. Headquarters for Ver-non real estate. For maps and fullin-formation Bee



LARGE LOTS$20 AND $10$.0 AND $10$20 AND $10

6 PER CENT INTEREST.$20 AND $10$20 AND $10$20 AND $10



$275 $325 $450 $DOOPRICES WILL








('HOICK LOT IN SOUTIIWiaSTClose to Vermont avenue, 50x184.Price $200. Will be sold on terms to

suit, Nice lot for home people; bigenough for chickens, cow and garden.AVater piped; two electric lines. Seeit today.

ISiMIL KIHTH,Owner,411-417 I.augbllo HldV, 315 H. Hdway."


TRACT.LOTS »300 TO $800.

The Very Safrat Investment...Property advancing every day !\u25a0 thl»


814 H. W. llHl.iii.illll.lt.I-honr«—lluiu.Tflaa. Main «83_

FOR BALK—ONB OF TUB BESTlocated residence sltei in the O. V.Hull tract; east front; 60x150. Price$1500. Inquire of Lot Department,JONKB & RYDER LAND CO., 218 W.Third street.

FOR SALE— NICE LEVEL LOT ONBrighton avenue; 50x148, for $1250;but this price is only good for quick\u25a0ale. Inquire of Lot Department,JONEB & RYDER LAND CO., 218 W.Third street.

FOR"' BALM—LOT 50x133, ON JULIET,iieui1 £2d street; a very dealrable neigh-borhood, .'rice $1600. Inquire of Lot De-partment. JONES & \u25a0 UVDIiU _AN_)

CO.. *18 &.IfUrd.Btiwt, ~T -^,


Houmifor rrnt-Ih-story cottaor on

Griffith avo. car line, S rooms, sink !nkitchen; flna shftdfl Ire<>§: place forchickens. W7 R. JKFFERSON BT.

TO LRT-B-ROOM, 2-BTORY HOUSE, $25.Including water; 833 Kohlrr street.THOS. J. HAMPTON,119 S. Broadway.

mL. A. R. H.

Furnished Room*

IF YOU ARE) LOOKINO FOR TUBbest place in Los Angeles to roomnnd board, call at $05 R Bunker Hill!highest elevation In cltys a nice, qulathorn*, newly furnl*h«d and horn*rooking. Take Angel's Flight, thenCo two blocks west. Ratts low forthe summer.*


$1.00, blir, slngln room, gteame hnnt,new; Court Terrace. Elevator at 207 N.BROADWAY.


elevator to top floor; walk through toCourt terrnre; new management; refur-nished ; first class; rooms, suites, npnrt-ments^steam heat.



—3 rooms, 204 N. Fremont.

$12—3 rooms. 212 N. Frrmont.$12

—3 rooms. 334 S. Flgurron.


.1 rooms, 334 S. Flgueroa, fur-nished.


5 rooms. 1013 W. Plamond.$Ifi—4 rooms'. 912 W.:lift.'$16—3 rooms, 204 N. Fremont, fur-


—3 rcomd, 218 N. Fremont, fur-

nished.WIESRNf>ANOWR. 221 Lfl.llghlln BUI.

Furnlahed Flat*FOR $16 YOU CAN HBNT 3 ROOMS,

rooms, completely furnished, new, ele-gant; housekeeping; gaa range, bath,telephone, hot water; close In. S<34SOUTH FIOUEROA. $10 unfurnished;also 204 NORTH FREMONT, $10 unfur-nished.


3-room Apnrtment, $20; 4-room, $25 to$50. Court Terrace. Elevator at 207 N.BROADWAY. Steam heat,

Stores and Office*

TO LET—SEVERAL BEAUTIFULLYdecorated warerooms, each 33x76 feet;well lighted, clean and airy; choicecentral location. Freight and passengerelevator service. Unusually good quar-ters for wholesale millinery, tailor. Jew-eler or any light manufacturing busi-ness. Apply 345-347 SOUTH SPRINGSTREET.

PALMISTS AND MEDIUMSraoir^rlupTprp^Y^uio^iH^DTuMT^g

South HillSt., hand, card or clairvoy-ant readings dally, Me; satisfaction orno pay. Hundreds of pleased patrons.Lectures every Wednesday and Fridayevening:. Admission to lectures, 15c.

PROF. IRA L. GUILFORD, PHRKNOL-ogIst, psychic, palmist. Both hands readthis week, 25c. References: A hundredthousand Los Angeles people. Free lec-ture Monday evening, Brent's hall, Of-flce, 341V. S. SPRING.

DR. GREEN. CLAIRVOYANT—BUSI-ness medium; satisfaction given; testcircles Wednesday evenings, 8 o'clock,25c. Room 16. Uil}4S. SPRING ST.




tries; trademarks and copyrights regis-tered; patent, trademark and copyrightsuits in all courts. ROOMS 604-7. Mer-chants' Trust Company building. Tele-phones. Home 8191. Sunset Main 9125.



WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. COL-VEAR WAREHOUSE CO., new andfireproof storage; moving, shipping:lowest rates. Carpets steamed cleanedand packed inmoth-proof paper. Cashadvanced on storage. Office 322 SouthMain. Phones Main1117; Home .154.


MARRIAQE AND PROBATE LAWS Aspecialty. No fee withoutsuccess. IS. P.MORE*. 6_ Stlmson blk., cor. 3rd andSpring. Phone 6718. Open evenings.

JJIVOHCE LAWS—ADVICE FREE; NOfee without success; private. J. UBMITH,1_ W. Third St., Room 108. 1to 6 p m.


'lvi Km. Spring St.—Painless extracting,tilling, crown and bridge work, flexiblerubber plates. Pure gold Ulllngs, 750up; all other fillings, 50c up; cleaningteeth, 600 up; gold crowns and brldg*work, $2.50 up; seis teeth. $2.50 up. Alseopen evenings and Sunday forenoons.




Pianos rented at low rates. A. G.GARDNER PIANO HOUSE, Ltd., 118Winston Bt. Tel. Black 2221: Home 8195.


fully treat all femal* dlseaacs and Ir-reeularitlas; 20 years' experience; con-sultation free. Hours, SI a. m. to 8 p.m.; Sunday s, 10 to _a. m. 204 MER-CANTILE PLACE, over 543 S. Spring.

SOUTHERN HOME FOR LADIES DUITIns confinement; homes for children.DR. C. _. SMITH, in Bellevua ava.Tel. Main 2364.

JULIAN MACRAE, ELECTRICIAN"Mental and nervous diseases. 1030 S.HOPE. Home 4004.

DR. .TAYLOR-FEMALfcj SPECIALISTand obstetrics. UELASCO TUKATKIt,Main st. \u25a0

MONEY TO LOANrTSArv_^__oi?EY~TOT!!o^ir^rr*A_c



MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATESfor building, or on Improved city prop-erty, or In good outside town., on ANEW DEFINITE CONTRACT or lim-ited payment plan of Installment pay-ment., Interest decreases each monthas you pay. STATE MUTUALBUILD-INO AND LOAN ASSN., 10/ 8. Brdwy,

CASH CONFIDENTIALLY LOANED TOsalaried persons on note, without se-curity, without employer's knowledgeand without Indonera; easy payments,positively lowest rates. Hours 10:30 to8:30. COMMERCIAL DISCOUNT CO.,«ai-629 Chamber ot Commerce bldg.

ANY AMOUNT ON FUIINITURB,pianos, household goods, machinery,etc. Ifstored In our new fireproof ware-house. Oftle. |_ 8. Main. COLYUARWAKEUOU-JS CO.. *_o_- —alii LUJ,llonn 21M.


It. W. VOINUUXTER, -Hi* WIL.COXlIIUk.,Ivans uuntf mi real •\u25a0tat*,stocks and bond*. Building: loan* •specialty, .


-820 DouglM bldg., will

land money ua cityor cuuiity real eatato.

|| Always Noticeable I


tt Good Results from Herald t*

Ltaers t

Bpecial notices«\u25a0» wTndow^liadT^

Slightly damaged shades, 25c,Our burlaps aro heavier than otn-

ers and can be pasted; 76 Inches (not72) natural, 20c; 36 inches dyed, 160140 Inches dyed, 20c; Just the thing forbetween chair rails. Moldings 2cfoot.Best pnlnt, $1.60 per gallon.

Big reduction In wall paper.Try our enamels

—they make things

shine like a mirror.Glazing nnd painting.WALTER BROTHERS.

627 South Spring St.80. CAL TRANSFER CO.-THUNKA

26c and up; areneral drayage. Tela MainI486: Home 2184. 817 W SKCOND BT.


irnntrd nt 342 K. tut nt. Ilrlng yourwhrHwnnil g«'t your money.









This 7-room storj-nnd-a-halfhouse is built ijimodern SwissChalet styje, and Is equippedthroughout with all of thosofeatures of beauty and con-venience which nre so attrac-tive to the modern housewife.Handsome large living roomextends across entire front ofhouse, one end being finishedIn Inglenook effect, with ele-gant pressed brick mnntel nndother attractive features. Verycharming: little dining room,fireplace and built-in buffet.Kltchon and pantry are modelsof convenience. Hardwoodfloors; flemish oak finish;tastefully tinted walls; bodrooms in white enamel; spa-cious and up-to-date bathroom. Price $4250; $600 downand $20 monthly. Photographmay be seen at our office.Jones & hvhi;k land co..

Ground floor, 218 W. Third Street.


Is here. Let us prove this statementto you by explaining our methods ofhome payments. We are convincedthat wo have the most practical anwell as the most economical systemby which any ono in moderate cir-cumstances may own a home.

WKSTKRN BUILDING CO..403 Chamber of Commerce.

Home 980.Main 5640.


—This beautiful five-room

bungalow is located near Jeffersonand San Pedro sts., nice neighborhood,fine street car service; reception hallhas built in seat and hall tree withmirror; beautiful archway betweenhall and living room; a very prettydining room with mission buffet,plate rail, brick mantel. These roomsnave the flemish oak finish; thekitchen willplease the most exact-Ing; nice paltry with built in cab-inets, etc.; two nice bed rooms nndfine bath. We are confident youwould be plcHsed with this.

2VI2I2DIIAM &McKHUUOII,.303-4 Fay Building.

10000—Residence completely furnished, par-lor white enameled, brick mantel; din-ing-room Flemish oak, sideboard, elab-*orate pass pantry, large kitchen, gasrange, instantaneous heater, screenporch, laundry tub, W. C. and brickcellar; library cathedral oak. elegantmantel, bookcases, seats; center hallfront and back stairs, large front porchand lawn; 75-foot frontnge; upstairs, 4bedrooms, elegant bathroom, 2 porches,high-class restricted neighborhood;southwest. T. WIESENDANUER, _1Luughlln Building.

$1.100 1-IlnOM COTTAfiK.New and up-toidats with dainty

bath room, pantry, screen porch, 2closets, front porch; >140 plunililnßicement and street work done andpaid for; lot 45x120; easy terms.Might take lot for part.

W. K.THOHNK« CO., Owner*,Room 311. -IK S. Hdwuy. Home 1684.

FOR BALK-NEW 6-ROOM COTTAOE,lot 50x150, good location, two blocksfrom car line. Price $-350; $300 cash,balance monthly.

New B-room cottage, modern, lot 40x135, >,i block from car line. Price $1600;$juo cash, $20 per month.

UKVI2NS „LAWniSNCR,227 l.aiiKlilluUldg.. :il.lH. Ild—ny.

Home Phone 8321.

FOR SALE-CLOSE IN, B-ROOMcottage on Crocker street, new andmodern, and finished In a verypleasing and artistic manner. Price$&00. $500 down and $20 monthly.Photograph may be seen at our



218 West Third St.

FOR BALE—NEW 4-ROOM COT-tage on East 37th street, neurSan Pedro • street, $1750, one-half cash. Thlß littlehome haa ,

"many modern features and ia avery dealrable place for themoney asked. Lot 60x161.JONKB


218 W. Third street.

FOR HALE-15-ACHE BUBDIVIHIONONVermont avenue; 87 lots, half mile fromSlauson avenue. Well, windmill, tank,etc.; $12,000 worth of Improvements.Here Is a chance to make some money.O. 11. JONES

_CO., 117 b. Uroadway;

Home 1821; Main 84.FOR HALH—

Let ma (how you the beat 3-story, 7-rocuii house in city for the money. Goodlocation southwest. .

\u25a0. «WO. M. -JASTON, -Owner, ,Home *359. IW W. Seventh »t.