The Website Experience: Converting Clicks into Cash Sunday, Feb. 21, 2016 1:45 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. Presented by David McBee DavidMcBee.com Olathe, Kan. American Rental Association 1900 19th St., Moline, IL 61265 800-334-2177 ARArental.org

The Website Experience: Converting Clicks into Cash · Marketing Minutes … All part of ARA working for you Why Marketing is Important How to Develop a Marketing Plan Tips for Creating

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Page 1: The Website Experience: Converting Clicks into Cash · Marketing Minutes … All part of ARA working for you Why Marketing is Important How to Develop a Marketing Plan Tips for Creating

The Website Experience: Converting Clicks into Cash

Sunday, Feb. 21, 2016

1:45 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.

Presented by

David McBee

DavidMcBee.com Olathe, Kan.

American Rental Association 1900 19th St., Moline, IL 61265 800-334-2177 ARArental.org

Page 2: The Website Experience: Converting Clicks into Cash · Marketing Minutes … All part of ARA working for you Why Marketing is Important How to Develop a Marketing Plan Tips for Creating

The  Website  Experience:  Converting  Clicks  into  Cash  |  David  McBee  |  davidmcbee.com  

With  all  of  the  internet  marketing  choices  available  today,  why  focus  on  your  website?  

________  %  of  consumers  engage  in  ROBO:  R_____________  O___________  B_______  O_____________  

Your  website  is  your  24  HOUR:  




3  kinds  of  website  visitors:  





10  tactics  for  improving  customer  experience:  

1:  ABOVE  THE  FOLD    _____  




2:  CALL  TO  ACTION    _____  




3:  SEARCH    _____    






Page 3: The Website Experience: Converting Clicks into Cash · Marketing Minutes … All part of ARA working for you Why Marketing is Important How to Develop a Marketing Plan Tips for Creating

4:  NAVIGATION    _____  








6:  IMAGES    _____  




7:  VIDEO    _____  




8:  FRESH  CONTENT    _____  




9:  SOCIAL  MEDIA    _____  




Page 4: The Website Experience: Converting Clicks into Cash · Marketing Minutes … All part of ARA working for you Why Marketing is Important How to Develop a Marketing Plan Tips for Creating

10:  DEVICE  RESPONSIVE    _____  

• https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-­‐friendly/  • https://developers.google.com/webmasters/mobile-­‐sites/  • http://mobiletest.me/  • https://blog.kissmetrics.com/testing-­‐tools-­‐for-­‐mobile-­‐ux/  





• https://www.google.com/analytics/  • http://mashable.com/2011/05/23/how-­‐to-­‐use-­‐google-­‐analytics/#YU0_WyPX6SqG  • http://www.lynda.com/Google-­‐Analytics-­‐tutorials/Google-­‐Analytics-­‐Essential-­‐Training/197523-­‐

2.html  • http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/user-­‐testing-­‐tools  










Thank  you  for  attending  today’s  presentation.  I  truly  hope  that  you  can  implement  these  strategies  to  become  more  successful  in  2016.  Please  stay  in  touch.  

• davidmcbee.com  • facebook.com/davidknowssearch  • twitter  @davidmcbee  • beawesomeDIGITAL.com  

-­‐  David  McBee    

Page 5: The Website Experience: Converting Clicks into Cash · Marketing Minutes … All part of ARA working for you Why Marketing is Important How to Develop a Marketing Plan Tips for Creating

Is Marketing That Important?

Understand why marketing is important and learn to view marketing as an investment in your business instead of a line item expense.

Developing a Marketing Plan

You wouldn’t go into business without a plan and marketing your business should be no different.

How to Plan a Marketing Budget

Marketing is an investment in your business and should generate a positive return.

It’s All About Branding

When people think of your business, what words would you want them to use to describe it?

Using Public Relations and Advertising

There are so many ways to broadcast your marketing message - how do you know what outlet is right for you to use?

Online Marketing Basic

Get your share of the ever growing online consumer market by learning how to get your message out effectively to those looking for rental stores.

Enhance Your Website for Search Engines

Making sure your site is built to be search engine friendly is key to increasing your online traffic and thus converting business.

Social Media and Your Business

With the growing popularity of social media platforms, which should you use and how does it benefit your business?

Marketing Matters

Marketing Minutes … All part of ARA working for you

Why Marketing is Important

How to Develop a Marketing Plan

Tips for Creating a Budget

In mere minutes, you can learn:

The Importance of Branding

Online Marketing Strategies

Reach New Customers With Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click advertising is a powerful tool to help you attract new customers. Learn more about how this flexible and effective marketing activity can benefit your business.

