i I . J I i 5t he Miner. FHI DAY, FE UltU A HY 7,1879. OiMuIM PaiKr of'tho Town of Prwtoott Subscription, $5,00 per Tear Local intelligence. rwTunnAY Let down, gently. It is always the dnrkest just before day, Priratc party this evening. Select of course. Mrs. Governor Fremont will be found at home on Thursdays. The show lias about nil disappeared from the ground in and around PrcscotL Whitehaira few! yard opposite the. Prcs cott Library, is doing a good business. . George Yoimg thinks of disposing of hi freigli teams. Capt. Hafyravc hns been quite unwell .during the week confined Kost of the time to indoors. In the House of Representatives to-da- y, there bciDg no quorum present, there was no session. Mr. Hughes introduced a bill in the Coun cil to-da- y, for the repeal of the obnoxiona registry law. Mr. Nolan, formerly chief clerk to Capr. Eagan, A C. S., left Yuma for Prcacott to day. Mr?. S. J. Mundf, of the Gem Restaurant, is quite unwell and under M.D- - Fresh can ovstcrs direct from the East, for salo at IJowcn, Knowlcs & Co, at $8 jcr cas, 100 to (ho can. utf. The C. VT. Beach, Ehrcn-- 1 early on the Tho. dis berg, is dtie here coverics bilvcr have prepared nusincss oi rrescott. expect way of Cato yesterday to look 8,,Tcr u',n.cs &nlY- - saloon at Ho ex- - we de- - ccts to be Absent about weeks. "We publish to-da- y n listofthoo who went over on tax rolls delinquent for thft years 1874, 1875, 1870 and 1877. It is darkly hinted on the street that if a certain gentleman from the south continues tn announce the decision of tha Chair, he will Ihj incontinently "fired out." B. II. Smith is preparing to make a trip to the east. he intends to bring a Mrs. bmith home to Arizona on his return is quite a secret with our, young friend. The caso of Cullumbcr vs. Lambcrson, Hoglc, a!., is on trial in the District Court. The caso is for the purpose of test iBg certain rights at Walnut Grove Tom Whitehcad,nt his lunch stand in Joe Granc?, is kept busy, day nnd night, deal ing nut bivalves and chocolate to the lovers f those articles. Marshall, who Big-Bu- g and districts, to be r I station on the .nogouon mountains, is in 4 v. . 1 . ft r r - wo. u is saui mac nr. understands wU how to run a hotel. George Young's team, loaned with mer fhandisc for Messes. Bulfum, Weaver, Bow .en, ivnowies x uo arrived this and discharged cargo. Jim Randlo and two other freighters, loaded their trams with lumbor, yesterda', at saw-mi- ll of Geo. W. Curtis. The pine boards from Yavapai aro being car ried away to Maricopa by the wholesale Although n contract has been made with parties to carry Mohavu mail, commcne ing to-da- y, said contractor has not put in an appearance, and many citizens liv ing in that remote corner of tho Territory, aro still without iiow ion this Male of nfluirs is to is n knotty question to solve. fioino of our citizens aro clamoring for an spjiropdation to improvo ruins of Cai Granda, in and preserve the inal County. It is thought it would look well in a glass caso, through which tourists could examine the rains, and which would ut the same of Hvn Inu.il to Art nt' our arc lust not wnat nicy sunuiu ie. ror instance, tho bill allowing $1,0C0 of the Treasury, to repair the old church of San Xnvicr, a strictly institution nnd belonging to tho Pone Home, nil wrong. If tbe church to which it belong. nnd one of IILUIlIllL.lk tho world, do not care enough about this "old rulic" to repair it, then wo say let it crumble down. Oullfora Hntlinway, has gone to Grove for the purpose of rambling through the Geo. Bryan train, loaded with miscella- neous frcitjht merchants of Prc.C')ttf and supplies for Fort Whinplc, came in this morning and unloaded. Auctioneer sold at 12 it., to-da- y Myend horse and a good bujy, ut tho proceeds foom which atuoanUtl to We are informed thnt nn unusiml amount of work has come up the term the District Cmrt. Tho cac (;ollumler ts Lambcnon, ct is now on trial. Mr. Lambcrson, the pioneer settler, of the "Walmt Grove section, with the old inotin-taineo- r, tPnulitie Wearer, is up from his situate in the ot Yavapai. A memorial remonstrating ngaiiut all the Salt River Valley being handed over to Chin-chi-a-cu- and his rotten followers, was introduced iu the Council this aftcr-rtoo-u. Agent has rovongr. The day of retribution, however, near at Althot'g'i a has boen with parties' to carry tne .Momvo man, com. mcnclng to-da- said contractor has not put in appoarancc, and the citi- - xens living an that remote corner of the Territory still without mail facilities long this jtate of attain) is to is a knotty question to mmvc Sir. James Stewart, the ctage man of Arizona, came in Saturday evening to the portion of the terri- tory. Stewart furnished horses a Mr. Allen for the purpose of carrying the mails from Ehronborg to Park Aubrey etc., as yet, Mr. A. has not commenced opc.otionx. ltemnt Supervisor. The Board of Sajwrvisnrs met at 10 'clock this morning, audited som? account", made contracts, Tho proposal of Kelly it Stephens, for stationery, was received, examined and re- ported upon favorably, and they were tne contract. T. H. Lucas a contract with the Boanl to make four gravel walks Court hi each cantinnl direction, cross the six feet wide, lor $80. illiams put in a bid for boarding the prisoner, at $3 per woek, and the con- tract was awarded. The Arizona Mirer handed in a bid for County advertising printing, which was laid over until The statement of Dr. K. Day, Coroner, was rweivrd in to the examination on body of John Timmcnnan, recently murdered near Wickeuburg. Vlro TheHHi People Homeless! On MlllIeM Dollars From Settlers. AaHt Stout Triumphant. rim Scarcn-Ker- s lllck. Through the recBBiweadatlon of agent tojr, of the Pima and others of t stripe the whole Salt River Valley from ' Arizona Te.ritory," and report the same the confluence of Verde with Salt River, t Duc)c without amendment, and respectfully 18 miles wide and txtcudincr down the val Iry m miles, has been set Hpart as a rejorv- - nuon loroiu vmn-ciiia--cu- m and his tllthy wards, numbering abou: 800 souls. The order nas been made signed by Prcsi dent Hayes. This new reservation, which is iHKcn wiui a view to uiaposess and oOOO hardworking, industrious citizens of their nil. covers 23 surveyed towusbins or 570.000 acres of surveyed land and an equal amount oi uusurvcyeu land, and takes in the f Mesa, Tempe, Hayden.s Ferry nnd the lurjo mnving mwn oi menix, wortli $1,000,000. It was an ill advised policy on mo part oi people living in tne val ley, in the first place to Lave allowed these brawny sons of the Montezuma race to oc- cupy lands other than on the Gila, and tho matter should have received the proper at- tention from both the Executive and Mili tary Commanders. We trust that President iluycs wul sec an iniustico he has done, and rescind the order which is one hardly paralleled in the auuals of history. Another Bonanza Keported. Considerable exticement was created here a year or two go by the exhibition, at the U. S. Exchange, of several specimens rich in vtrjin silver and in chlorides. They were smd to have come from the hills of Station, in this County. Tom Downey and others made several expeditions search of the mine from whose float the above snccimens were broken ;but all search proven truitlcss until this weck.whcn it was the cara of an rejmrtcd here that tho ledge had been found the Territorial tho wuiun uirce iniies. oi mo una Itivcr, and near the railroad about fiftv-eic- ht miles from this t wn. Several parties have cone out mi vcriiy ino report, and to gather up nuranuizcs as may be derived trom team of from presence cround. Into with goods for in District us various houses to aimou anything in the new Jndgu left after mh J hh interests the Tioton. ne" on"y pe tn my authentic three as Whether el water ji., tho exist puhc Hoglc, aU., How from trip southern Mineral Fred W. rob towns Mohawk sucu tails before our readers. Yuma Sentinel, reo. ist, lain. Marshal fixed up a burro train this morning, ihc animals were and the lassoing, saddling nnd the bucking of the young ears made fun for a dozen or more of our young bloods betwecu the ages of 7 and 12 years, whoso school is the public streets where learn all the happy uiuugms, pracuce on marbles lor keeps, ;et oil big oaths, fill their with cigars, (imitating Gen. Grant, of course) carry a plug of Llack which produces i. ti i ... annua rcM:iuiiiing licence juice, (very nice) carry concealed wcapous, a pack of curd?, and all the furnished ctcetcias. Well, the Marshal furnhhed little hoodlums fun torn and outfitted a train that will be useful in packing orn from the Acci- - dental Mine to Tiiundcroolt mill. Mess. Seaman, Smith andStiong. mining capitalists, left to-da- y, for a trio to Mr. keeps the Pine Spring other mining r if -- r .1 lr o. tho the mail facilities, Catholic Walnut Fisher, garden contract Aircncv. unbrokc mouths while, Gosiwr, gone several Mr. strong is con nected with tho Michigan Southrn Rail road Company, and came here to look at and invest in Arizona mines. The country they aro about to visit, offers rare induce to capitalists, nnd wo believe that wUbin tho next year, several ouarts mills Ml be in full blast in Big Bug district. High Church housemaid to low Church cook; "Lor', cook, how can vou sit and list en to n man as wears nothin' but black alpaca? You should have seen our youn He sli nkirf, with n white cambric tunic trimmed with reel Walanshecns lace ns missis cave him, narrer 'igh art cren scarf round his neck ; au' when he foldetl his arras across his buzzuin, with his 'air parted down the mid dle, oh, lie looked puttcckly 1" uiris, it you Avaul to encourage younc men, cct an album. It's the first thine: bashful young yrabs when ho enters a strange house: wu'vescen them look throucn one until 1 every Picture by It's wonderful what interest a bashful young man willtnke in a girl's grandmother n (l pug-nose- d uncle at the fsrst visit. wiiiu wiu.wi u.Mi. u u ...v Hive Titw -- vvvi-r t.tv Tlm,T :i . Fnm I - ..... . ....... ... ..... VUI. . ""uwuu )va,!!- - want vou "aavs nn nrtinle in "Tim nf There uut ti-- " I . . . pan mnti nmui out hills. for sale, of of spot of Stout his hand mads arc exist Mr. mvte from the and. yiade Ins Takes his and we what south in Dake long they strap these unys. ments man knew umo uoos you iaKo tue James Fkmai.k Wasted.--Mr- s. J.A.Park, De denied nut l"rt I t . . M . st r .n it ua I i the Fitch olz admitted to iu the Courts. Oal), Thoy havo b;cn having plapor gold ox- - citctuent in Angulus nil to themselves; they dig it out tho streets, It has always boen known the of tlin was paved with gold, but was not supuoscd that angels would tear up the pavement. IVgialafivc Proceedings Contiiitutl from finr jvvje,) On motion of -- 1r. Howe, C, No. 31 laid on tho table by tho following Avos ISoos Amendments to C. 1G, ns mended by the Juciciarv Committee were accepted by tho following vote Ayes Second amendment. Ates. Gray, Head, Kirkpatrlck, Howe, Thomas. ells, Welcome end Jr. rresi 8. Jfon.H. H. B. No. 40, An Act, relating to im- - fruits the couuty of .lohavr, was read first time. 11. No. 27, An Act, to provide'for the building for fcliool purposes, in District No. 1, Jiirieopa read first time. On motion Mr. Head, rule? were pended and read time by title. i)n motion ot ir. itowc, the rule wore vote: Gray, llw.il, Hirkpatrirk, Howe, Thomas, Welcome and Mr. On motion Kirkpatrick, the cil adjourned till the to morrow. llot.sr Twrnty-fin- ii House or Hkvkksrntativbs, PtniscoTT, A.T., Feb, called. Fresent All ountv. annrurtl. lime. Mr. Hamilton, ot deleaaiion. Act titled Aot providing for location registration of mines end mineral for other purpo. report they time. Hall mem. that fully recommend tho passage of tho substt- - tuic. lour committee would further repcrt that they hare considered Council 3Iemo- - rial No. aking for a Geological surrey recommend its adoption, Atl of which is respectfully submitted. Pat. Hamiltox, Chairman Com. Mines and Mining. Mr. Rumburg, Chairman of. the Com mittcc on Roads and Ferries, made the fol lowing reports: Tkiuiitouy ok Arizona, j House ok Representatives r PitEscoTT, Jau. 31, 1870. Mr. Speaker Your Committee on Roads and Ferries, to whom was referred H. B No. .'J2, tin Act granting the cxclusivn right to bolomon mrth, his associates nnd suc cessors, to build and a toll bridge across t'oc Little Colorado River at St. Johns, Yavapai County, havo carefully con sidercd tho same, and beg leave to report back with the recommendation that pass. J. iccjinrno, Chairman of Com. on Roads and Ferries. House qv Reimiesextativks Pkescott, 1,1871). Mr. Speaker Your Committee on Roads, nnd to whom was referred II. u, entitled "An Act porate tho Gila Road Compsnv, respect tally report that they have had the same under consideration, nnd directed to report the Bill back with the recommenda tion that it do not pass. J. D. RuMucitn, Chairman of Com. on Roads and Ferries. Tho special committee, consisting of the 1nvap.1i Delegation, made the followiu report: House ov Representatives, Prescott, Feb. 8, 1870. Mr. Speaker Your Committee, to whom " .A i 1 wns reicrreu a. no. i- -, eumicu ".vn Act from also Feb. nuratiD'' office of r? hhicu, office Collector, and k.u coun- - thc substitute for said which was M01.0' Fut reported by the "Ways and Means Com- mittee, would respectfully report that the Committee have considered the and of opinion that the substitute tliould not be adopted, but that the original Bill should be amended by substituting "lifry cents" for "forty 8nd ''twent cunts" lor "fifteen cents bection Iso. of said Act, that the original Bill should pass. JU. H. Tnos. Fitch, James Stinsox, McAteeh, John W. 31. Bukfum, Pat. IIamii.tox. 3Ir. of the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills, the lol lowing report: JIOUHK OV Ii:rilKSENTATIVt, Pkcott, Feb. 3, 187U. Speaker Your Committee on En rolled asd Engrossed Bills respectfully re port that they hive examined com pared II. B. Ne. 10, entitled "An Act to pro viae for the punishment of larceny in certain cases," nnd find the samn correctly enrolled. And, on January SO, 1879, No. 23. entitled "An Act concerning offices and officers:" and Il'ouso Memorial No. 1, in relation to mail route to Phenix, were submitted to the lor approval. .r ir. it .hkauk, uuairman. Mr. Fay, Chairman the Committee on Printing, made the following report: Your Committee ou Printing, to whom was reierreu ii. a. so. 4, rcspeciiuuy priet tlus'morninirl had on n black port the same back, duly printed copies n Iov-e-l- y a they heart Angola IT which are now possession of the Hcusc. E. Fav, Chairman. Mr Behan, Chairman of Committee on Ways and Mean?, to whom was referred Council B;il No. 14, entitled "An Act (Clerk-inse- rt title of Act) respectfully report back said without recommendation. II. Beiiax, Chairman. Tho Special Committee, consisting of Yavapai Mohave Counties delegations, the following report: "We, the delegation from Mohave County, and majority the delegation from Yava pai' County, report buck Bill No 18, au Act providing for compensation, m audi tion to that now by law, to the Associate oi iourt, holding tha Third Judicial Dis- - seems to uc imposition on mc kissing." pretty ottcn when young Arunnn TWriinrtr - .l.:l. .1.- - .!..'. .!.!" oi legi.uuijn inn i iin mu uuou twiui. yuu in uer, mcn(ation that it pass of is present r.nch, is an many to via but tc. wanted House, plaza, relation the the u 1 a it a- a a -I- uie very sue want io; so Jnirv Rehav. Srolmrn Tn . t r . t . I ' you u oeuer mo oi Sti.nhox 1 No Lawyers Clara S. Folr. and Mrs. Laura Force " been admission to tho Davis, ir Sri ! An I1IU IZ U u III a r f rcaa "Pn and justice is ucnout uouui. havo decid: Thomas :.i not to admit women. JUrs. is 'l lie undersigned, in the minority, beir-t- from San Jose, in wlijoh cy she has been report, and recommend that Bill above practico a Los of thut City It the ii. wn veto: o. I. H. No. rccom 8. Noesl, doni Bean. portatiou in cretin county, second Avtw, President 9. hour Day. Com- - ) maintain it it Ferries, incor f 1 u. se .MCOLES, Davih, Mendc, Chairman made J Mr. Gov- ernor rc in bill, J. and r supreme Court in i II -- t i Gordon directors incutioncd do not passs Yavapai VVPATKEH, Hamilton. Buffdiu, oi Spcci.tl Committee, consisting of xavnpai County members, siding in Preseott, matlo tho following port : i C T I. i with a rccoin- - ( l. Pat. re Mr. Speaker our Committee composed of those members ut the lavapai county delegation tn rrcscott, to whom was referred B. 4'J, report that thev c.imr. nnd Mr. Bckkum, Chairman. Tlic following message from the Council: yicoj.i residing W. M. was received TKitniroitY op AmzoxA, Tenth Lkoi.slativk Assemuly, CurjO;( Cf.Mp,Ki;, Jan. 31, IS7V. Mr. Spoflker Council hns pmjsod the (bi- - lowing Bills: B. 22, "An Act to provide for la I 100 :!. Behan, Its Uitch, Meade, Iria J Nn. nn ii.n of B. of of sns of and 2, D. am 1,10 are P. B. of of A. of me P, E. H. nnd No. cutlilcd an Act fences, and animals trespassing on premises law enclosed, in county, proved P, The Council has adopted II. M. No. for an for tho improve ment of tho wagon roati arrosa tno .nogoi- - Jon lounUins. 1IXW)X IJOMA?, VJlici VlCfK. Also, II. B. No. 21, "An Act to repeal aq Act Act lawful litil bv Thomas, Chief Clerk. Utln.An tfitivn rvwl nrvl No. SI. entitled "An Act to create tno uounty of On of Filch, tlio rnlos were stisncmled, and II. No. M, was road first On of Mr. HutTum, tho rules were further suspended. 11. B. oi lead second time, Its aud referred the Committee on I'onntlc. nn livwp. inlmdnced IK IL House mot pursuant to No. Si. cnlltlctl Act to for the ap- - Spoakor Stowmrt in the portlonment money received ironi jou III... .fn.ln. n1. ..... lilklH SIIU UIU 1MTU' IIHIIW .IVUU.U oi lcr. On motion or Mr. Mohan, tho woro Minutes the day read suspended and 11. IU No. S2 read WW Chairman On motion Punly, tho rules aim i.i-.- ic Uiwin.l lit- - title, referred too lowing report &lrct eommltteo coinrHMHl of Mohave- - ur. aijonxer uur vmuuiicc .u.iius same, and Miatng, vrhom was referred H. B., Icavc, InlrrHlured 22, an on "An the drposits beg to have C, Ao. an Act to in iv. provided e, Co. the the the b, the re C. Mr. tlmn conn- - to Mr. on SI B. Vn. .VI. entitled an Act to prevent horo- - ntflnir and! foot-racl- in the street of farther suspended and II. B. No. 53 was road second time by its louowing message was iroin Territory of Arizox Tenth Legislative Assk Council CirAMnEit, Prkscott, Feb. J Mr. Speaker The Council lias, passed C. M., No. 1, to tho President of tho United State, axkingthat tho Executive order of Jan. 10, 1S7U, criiabllshing additional terri- tory and reservation for tho Pima and Mari copa Indians, bo vacated. liiNsox iioiiAs, ciiier LlorK. Mr.'Purdv moved that B No. 53, bo indefinitely postponed lost. On motion of Mr. Purdr, II. B. No. M amended so as exclndo Yuma from the provisions of iho Act. On motion Mr. Bohan, II. Ivo. was so amended us exclude Mohavo county from tho provisions tho Act. Mr. Hamilton moved thai I. No.i3, was so amended us excludo Ynvaiuu connty from tho provisions tho Act. Air. amcnu II. B. No ST te,ro "foot-racing- " 3, 'TO. of 53 of to of Mr. l'arlc moved to amend, by including donkey racing, pumping water, cutting wood, on the side-walk- s, and dog-llghti- ng Lost. On motion of Mr. Purdv, tho motion to indefinitely postpone was laid onthotablo. Mr. Bolian. on leave, Ititrodticwd JL B. No. 54, entitled "An Act to establish tho salary of District Attorney of Mohuvo County. On motion of Mr. Alsap, C. !. No. to the President of tho United States in rela tion to the Indian Reservation in Salt River Valley, was taken and read, nnd on mo tion ot Mr Alsap, adopted. B. No. 2i, entitled, "An Act loan on the f.iitli and credit or county to provide for the construction of road from Florence via Riverside to Globe city." was taken up. On of Ms. Alsap tho rules were suspended, C. B. No 25, was read second by title and referred to a special com mittee consisting of Pinal couuty delega tion. C. B. No. 17, entitled, "An Act to amend "V .it the County Assessor "i."" the of Sheriff and a.n 01 L,ocal. ?a"nwra ut "cs was a "UrU Bill, the and II. from.Prcs-cot- t make Council John No. by was II. up Unal passage ana passed by the following vote: iVycs Alsap, Buffum, Bchan, Davis, Fav, Fitch, Hamilton, Leitch, JcAteer, 1eade, iSicoles, Park, Purdv, Ilumburg, Sanson, Spcdv, Vail and Jr. Speaker. IS ELY, he hour lor the special order ot the day having arrived, Mr. Speedy moved to in- - uetinitely postpone II. B. No. 5)8, entitled. An Act to permanently locate the scat of Government at Pheuix." The yea and noes were called and the motion prevailed by the foliov7iti!r vote: Ayes AI-:ii- ), Buffum, Belian, D.ivis, Fitch, Hamilton, Leitch, McAtcer, NiVolcs, Park, Purdy, Stinaon, Speedy antl Vail 14 JNws i'tiv, Jeade, ltumburg ana Mr Speaker. C. B. Nc.12, entitled, "An Act uuthor- - uig loan on the iaith and credit ot the Territory, and to provdc for the continuiug ot too work on the lerntorial Pnson," was taken up. Mr. Speedy offered the follow ing amendment. "To strike out the words 'Thirty tuousind' wherever it occurs in said act, ami insert iu place the words 'fifteen thousand,' and strike out the woids fifteen thousand' wherever it occurs and insert in thereof, the words 'seven thousand five hundred Lost. On motion of Mr. Meaf'e, the were supcnccd, C. B. No. as read second time by its title and put upon its final lias- - sage aud was lost by the following vote: Ayes Davis, Fay, Hamilton, Meade, Park i'urdy aud btiusou Noes Alsap, Buffum, Behan, Fitch, Leitch, McAtcer, Nicolcs, Rumburg, Speed v. vail and Mr. speaker 11. Pending the announcement of the vote Mr. Behan asked to change his vote from aye to no, and gave notice that on lie would move rccousiucration of the vote. II. B. No. 12, entitled, "An Act separat ing the Asscssot from the office of Sheriff, was taken up. On motion Mr: Purdy, II. B. No. 12, was indefinitely C. B. No. 14, entitled, Act authoriz ing loan on the faith and credit of the Territory, and to provide for the construc- tion of wagon road from Bradshaw City in Bradshaw Mining District, in the county of Yavapai, to the nearest practicable point on the road from Gillett to the town of in Maricopa county," was taken up. Mr. moved to indefinitely post pone C 1. ISo. 14. lie motion was Iosr. On motion of Mr. Hamilton, C. B. No. 14 was read third tunc by its title, put upon final passage and by the cttld nir Ayes Alsop, Fitch, Hamilton, Meade, Nicoles, Rumburg, speedy and Mr. Speaker. Noes -- Buffum, Bshan, D.tvis, Leitch, McAteer, Purdy nnd Vail 8. Ab sent, Mr, Fay. C. B, No. 18, "An Act providing compensation, in additin to tliatnowalloncd bv tlie law to the Associate Justice of tne Supreme Court holding the District CourU in the Third Judicial District the Tcrri tory ot Arizona" was taken up. On mo tion of Mr. Fitch, the rules were suspended. C. B. No. 18 was read third tune bv its title put upon its final pessnge ami passed oy tne loi lowing vote: Ayes uuirum, Beliuii, Fitch, Park, l.m- - l.u.l ilii iiiuWrnnWniinn "J. Kuinburg, Stlnson Speaker 0. r.n.m..ml tta ivita.i.rn. NoesAlsBp, Fy McAlocr, 3Ioade r'p.. Nioolcs-- -i Absent I)avi-- , Leitch nnd Speedy. Pur and By reouoit of the Mr. Behan took the Chair. On of Mr. II. B. No. 19, entitled, "Au Act authorizing too Common Council of to make certuiu nltcra- - lioi and in pertain In said was read third time by. its title and put upon its final passage aud On motion of .Vr. copies of C. ,;';.?. "1...L. " AY' " " .. P nv " toUowing vote: B. No. 10. as amended w3ro ordered printed. " " -- "J 1 Buffum, Davis. Fay B. No. 2t, was read third, Jjnal C0?yn71' i.n Fi,dl' Ia"n'on, Nicoles n passage . an, passea t-t-.i.' by the Vo'iowlug t i votcf namo J'f nnd? EH II to An.fv h ! l,,rk n. v;tiii Vut w Stinson, Speclj Wells, and Mr. President 7. fcl"B . Absoi.- t- McAtcer and Mr. Speaker. it .1 H. B. 34, 'An Act to amend Act n,. ..; yr r..i Bill Bean, Wells, concerning lawful fully Afaricopa ap February lSn." asking appropriation entitled an concerning 11i.nm motion motion adjournment Chair. .uiuu.jj, receiveu county standing Pinal motion place office postponed. Phenix J'urdy Park, entitled, motion I'rcscott hlley Howe. lTn.,..it susiwndcd, No. referred UTAnLK, ClOSCU being follows: Ayes Alsap, Buffum, ilton, Leitch, McAtcer, jadr, Nicolcs, Park, 1'urtly, Stiuson amt Siccly Nocs -- Vv, Fitch and Vail Absent -- rJr. Siieakor, N)t Totlnff-wHuinhua- ff, Snoodr ninred atlhiurn turtiier suspcnticti, mini time, put icnccs, niiiiuais ;iv.s i"11" usual hour It. uiwn Its final passage and passed the fol- - iuny ineimra i ....a, V(J. nnm, losing Mr. Coun usual i 3,1879. ( tne I . . . ' .1. .. . . . . . . . . . H . I . I . . . r sr-s- . leave .. ' a t a cents," ' . . a - . 1 l . ' Apa"o. I ir. n. It Mr. B. a a title, to Mr. Italian I an provide or .1. Ii. .... . .. .. III III c In IT o. rnlon ttrccecdinir and a first A - Humborg, No. and that t I : l j. I of were Iu. : . l n i uu i ... f I 1 4 tit r. .1 in I a j. ne j was to to J 1 i;. a a . a time I -- 1 a T 1 3 i a 1 a thereof lulcs fi a i a of a a 1 a i t f 1 ss - i 0 o n I s ustonsiniio VUUge,' a ' C i r ,n were II. B. 1 1 was as Behan, Davis,Ham 13 3. l"r- - to until read aim u u.c Jf (Q W of I and B. B. of - usual hour Lost. adjourn until the Jl. u. ia.MM, cntiusu, "An Act pro vide the oibCthm of Buildings in county oi .uaricopa, ami other mat tcrs relating thereto," taken up. On motion of Mr. Jrade, the rules suspended, H. B. No. 30 read n third tune bv its title, put Utou its passngc and passed by the following affirmative vote: title. Ayr Alsap, Buffum, Behan, Davis, Fav, Fitch, Hamilton, Lcitih. JcAtecr, Acade. Nicoles, Park, Punly, Kumburg, Stinson, frpceny, Vail and speaker. On motion Mr. Buffum, tho House ad- journed until the usual hour HOUSE ASD FEED -- ZA.:RI. towns, vlllacos and cities of this i Ta Hair-wi- y Hcmeon the whlpr5e itoad, win n. n.. ..m lnnnfMr Pitnlv. the rules were comnwlste th trsrellBC imhMr. Plentynf and v " ", J ' i !r v xi mm! n . ot nnxt. Th twt IJqaor saa Clears dlrret carefully couriered the same, and report! fir time. riios.LOSfl.rwp. back a substitute for said bill, aad respect-- 1 motion of Mr. Purdy, tho rules were Sot. ie, isw. MISCELLANEOUS a v.,;- - . F:rt a, 3M California. Strut, Yuma, aiuzosa. Six Fkaxcwco Cal EaSKXBEBO. ARIZONA. JAMES M. BARNEY. SacceMor to tho tat flraa of WM. B, HOOPER & CO, Jontinurt the BtutsewlB ARIZONA AND CALIFORNIA -- as ax Importer As "Wholesale Ieiclia.nt SHIPPING -- AND SSyfflnS C0M3IISSI0N MERCHANT, HALF-WA- Y Will rarry a fall prime itock oi Provisions. Groceries, Drv Goods. IotIiiiig, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Drn?s SADDLERY. MINING BROOMS, BASKETS, BRUSHES, "erted to exactly i3lt Mercts.n"s, Ranchers, Station Keenors. JSTeightors, n . and miners oi Arizona tnd Mexico, SoIIaitf omerntor srvmt. ami Injtjrri mtUfar.Uoo : FOR WARDS lrjrtn and msrciuisdUe to txnr vest of tb World, intunnc. u desinri : I!ut. or make adraare. on nil Arizona ami itrxtum rnnluce. B6 Sale of Ores ana Minerals a Specially GOJLD s SIL Kit BULLION Gold Bust, Legal Tenders, U J. Treasury Ura Itx. wm. n. kellt, SOLDIERS' WARRANTS AND VOUCHERS And Good Commercial Bills. 81'KCIAL OKI) ERA IIX ATTKNl'KO UT THK SAN FEANCISCO BEAHCH HOUSE, With promptitude nnd fidelity All Order ana CommiMloni ibuul.l to aJilieittl to JAMES M. BARNEY, Vnaa, Arizona. STiima Irug- - Store, (i EORG eTIzVRT IN, VnotcMift and Rftall Main Street, ifimm, Arizona, 1 lc Horn a full line ol JDisrjesasl nr PATSltT MEDICINES, DRUGS. I'EKIWaiEKY. IAINTS, - OILS. Toilot Soac. Toor.ii Erushej And All Otca Anidu uisall Eept in Dreg Store! CP 1'rennripuont iat tin preat care. Unlers irnm in oinnirv ollritr0, tbe aiianiBcr bat pnc.. will Im fiuod taiUrcUirr. 'JKnnOE MAPTIN DOUGHERTY BBO Watchmakers, MANUFACTURING HEAD'S 11I.UCK, QUIILEV ST., E S C T T, -- A.. X., IWlera lu Diamoii'ls, "Watches and Clocks, JEWELKY, SILVERWARE. Sjxctadtf, Gold Pens, Penalty Etc., Etc. TUE OKLY MAOFACTDlUNQ JEWELEltS ESGILU'EIW IN THE TJtllHITOltY. Every description of its passed follow- - Jewel Speaker, Buffum, Aycs-Al- sap, Welcome tlw. Comity Silverware, Notarial nnd other Presses, niUBON HTA1IP8, ETC., MADE TO OltDEIL ENGKAVIiVU in au Its branches on short notice. Orders by miil souciieu. Pmicott. Dec 13, 1S18. 1 GEO. W. WALKER. Praetor. South illoiitrzmtm sr., Below the Old Stafic Office, PRESCOTT, -- eRIZ03ST. rixvtftiliT Informs th rmblic ha has bonsht snd reauM lh ! r ..i Ii nim.ln. . -- n- , Exchange Stable. AH animals 'eft ma will rmln nint ...... i t luve otifhand all classes of HAY GRAIN. t . a jtokju. iruiuv norsm turned cct cm aschnsar lewn, can t accommodUrd ttj roaa- - i t.u. vi. WALK LB. Prncolt, Jn. TL IST9 Lf. SBAY BASLE OUanfjfccl Hands. .i -.v i- -. .v ;"":;:?. . . proprietor or the ... .... .iv-- - urn ill nv uwiniu IHIKO Ita ills old bUsillOSf- - m o. to the was were was final r. Territory, bay ii craw On too WILL tritu with O The KiiM- - with AND aim openeu out at uio I. - 1 1 r r i inni huii u-.i- r. iroin ino lorinor prietor, Uttilford Hathawav. I m To Board Horses by Day, tveec, or Month, Also: Saddle, Hu:rzy,atHl Carriage Turn. otits t itcnt, t3TAl a M,eCt NtictJjr Terms reasonable. Stables on r.nlf. Street, l'atronajre solicitetl. J. LAYOIK. BONES & SPENCER. At the M stand, nn Vrastrrsms iii tn Ar . pro- - ofOotlr. drlrli CIOARS. Tio.vr.ftr. rautTs and fixe aitracnipji VTe rrtjct.'nlly lovil. tbs attrsOoa si tbe mslle I. oar ls( im varid ' tk. aal rnaraaU in GIVE the fall(t h att rnrcBsers. W e hare 00 hso--l s foil ta rlokMt braadi t Cicars al Cirarrltu, rise- - Co "1 llnr SnoMBra4CJiirrTolei.Plies l'n ts aaa Ttow-UiH- , at bad mra jHc, aad (Tstt ea rs AWAY vhl, . ..tit.. t n.rnoe parssiir, of .. asd la do scasoa tvtars to. nnuer saMHies. isaasrai lor ran isms. r WMI . vK. - uiwrsi nrr.ift. DUM M . jf. j- - ' sswwier that enr uUUUa trill K... ita st vttb ssjr la tk mjr rroott Man 21 1577 A. now asMrtmat Ja. n. novrj. CHAS. L. SPENCER AND PJ1ETC0TT. RANDALL & CLINE JPrescott, A. 2. ottr iriVP T"V QTOflrv. A U 1! J1 i.im ixa. t jl n w . w 7 . ... . AT LOWEST CASH PRICES, A Complete Assortment i OF Heavy and Builders' HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES! Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shelf HurdWarc. 1'Iated Ware, miners' Toois, Carpeaiers' Tools, & MATERIALS, lYEediciiies. JEWELERS, TV for ll.t. WOODSNWAKE Tinware Harness Taints Saddlery-Oil- s Eobe3 Glass Horso Blankets ghajYIte ware Eifles Shot Guns Pistols tPowdcr Nails Fuse Rope Etc. RAKDALL & CLINE Pie cott, Jan. 23, 1373. - A. STEPIIEXS KELZ Y& STEPHENS News Agents, aud and UetaU Dealers In Stationery. Fancy Goods Notions, touacco, cciaAna .oxrtCTioxABy, AinmunlUon, FUhlng Tacilo, Cntlezr, Back Glove, Meeacluam, llriar Wood aud Fliea Toilet Sospa aad IVrfunifry. aro, aioctc aim PUjiug Cams. TOYS AND TOY HOOKS. We have also one tbe Burnt tci of Gents' rurnifihing Goods, ever brought to the Territory. We have the lateat and most rasnlouaule ttylps oi LI3ST-E2S- T COLLAES,ETC Our af ortmeiit of Booty, Mtocs sutd Hats. la Mualoal Inntnimenu, Violin, Uanjo and boltar Hlrlnirs. ne nave alno a line rutci of 111..VNKETH AND COMFullTS. We have Jiut aUed to our assortment a stock of Wrapping- Paper, Pauer JJas, COTTOX AND I.INEX TWINES, nr preuut stock wu urefuUr selected and purcnased at very lovr nirun,aud no do not tutrix t mat any other house In I'm cott shall tinrtenrU us In goods nt tee sane quality. Also a lull stock of Frcli Uarncn Conceded with our house Is a nrst-clas- n CinCUtAT INO IilBRAnV, KELLY & STEPHENS, Corner Moutexn ma and Onrley Streets Arizona, iiec 3, ittTtf. Removal I JReiiiova.lI 8AMUJBJL HIJLL has removed to his ISTEWSUILDI2STG West Side of Plaza, Preseott, Arizosa. and la now ready for bntioess. His lare lot of STOVES Granite-war- e, 8trictly MACHINERY Blinds, Moldini Call examine Eureka Superior COOKING and RANGES before purchaslns ..14' THE mi KESTADEANT! fhfl ttndritfned have building Ralblss Montrxuma Street, and have openea a nn.-c-!i Mrtti V. of 2 and his & the of on The be antmlied wltn ihn It ik uuros, sou mus wui i at all I'roujDt Hamilton, a. Pirst-Clas- s Feed and MJ,eeurtwu,menUoa,I toMu. STABLES the isti.fintW ennirrta.a Wholeeale Woodstock unrivalled Holiday Goods! Board jor ...... .Moitls- - eccls. Jan. 17, 1879. SAM DEL HILL. Mra. 8. 3. Mrs. M. L. CLAIMS AtlAlIfST THE J JLNI JL L Jz ST A T-- p Will be received by the undersigned for cohveUen. FITCH CHUKCHILL. PresootU Artaona. 1?, W7&. i:jioo ixocjisir:. ' j j i . t j . PhuKk a W. E. MOHFOHD, ihls and highly hi i been RENOVATED REFURNISHED TUP lTrv l. .i. . . . . . i E. O. GRANT, vv iCKENBTJItQ, 3IEIICIIANDISE. CHEAP CASH. Ut lere rrwer-Oy- . just recelTad hour. $8 FRANK C. PARKER, Architect and Builder, DOORS AND . . x; W&fZWLAFEwonK DONE - - 1 nt. ailfjjfTEST I ARCHITECUR.L DAAWINQ8, D" A' hln "liS4 my Via, alliS short. Ut tvt u.i O. PAKKETt, OortoSra. 00 50 JJ I sa"w 3vrix,x,s, ScC. NEW AAV MlITCr T. 3 J i. e. . . aw Ccapleted, aad Fell Opovtia, a srlta ta latert laprortd cucSi? PLAINER, I as prepartsd, &: the Hetttt aeves, io uu m croen let iHt follavhg klzdi of lasbar, oltier at tha KD1 wat my Laaber Yard b cctt, i AND RUSTIC LUM3ER MATCHED FLOORING, Casings, Mouldings, Panelhg AND SHINGLES, Or THE FINEST In thort, KTrythIny tn bit Hot OF FIRST-CLAS- S BUILDIKtis Cash on Delivery; All iit by real!, or tnrneh, th mrrrnaitu Preseott, will leceive pronij't attention W. CURTIS TiTPW VP A T? HIT "DTI i SAWMILLS! LUMBKIlJi Seven Iilcs South oi Presents IIivlujj recrauy purcnased tne Saw iu merry anM oj A. u. oye, uiu muini i. u uis mouia of Groom Creek, sevou miles wrath of refitted and refurnished it with the BKST OP MACHINERY We are to furnish at ahortcat nonce, Lumber of all Ciassesj Merchantable and Clt'ar, Dressetland Matched Flooring, Snmcixt Kustlo. Shinnies, Lath, Mould- ings, Sash, Doors, Ac. In fact everything kept hr A MILL. At Trices to fhe Time Fining orders for Quartz JlEls a specialrr. uraen maU or left with any of the raerchssu ot IVescott wlil receive PROMPT ATTESTIOX! Tbiuis: CASH OX HaLTVKRl CLARK & ADAMS. ?rccott, Arizona, April 21, 197S. I . G. IUnxcn It. Passu. CLIPPER FJiiLL Lumber Company and Lumber Tare Corner Cortcz anil Goomvin Sti. PBESCOTT,,A. X. Are jirepxred to furnish on the shortest nonce Lumbv of All Sizes Merchantable, Fencing, Floorluir. ItusUr, Luk) sasu, &c, and as uie LOWEST PRICES Particnlsr attention paid to orders 'or clear JJuu sued wltn cUtatch andshipel to all parts of the Territory, at lowest posstoie freight rates. OHDEBS by mail or throush Preseott Herchanfei rrca Always on Hunt I - TERMS CASH ON DELIVERY. r. a. nracoii. aiaT 11. lnH W Z. WILSON II llusiness Maniiw. A. S. UASKELM WILSON & HASKELL, TiA-war- e, &c. &o. SasIlJ Door & Blind Factory which they axe prepared to llsving now completed, and In full opcraBca, oar Sell for Cash, NEW LOWER FIGURES EVER BEFORE DOOI'S. Sash, OFFERED PRESCOTT. Diaiaoud-Rjck- , STOVES elsewhere. leased north Urewery, awd tsbles sorrr.1 Livery. Week single Pxecott, MUNDS, WILSON. a Brpt. PICO. Masaoeu. wa-kaew- a haiel AND VOU fiU SASH, BLINDS, lt"j!nv wiujcii NOTICE proraMlr txetj rn,VSK Hailtj la Saw-Mi- ll, P. QUALtTT. orders GEO. Pres- eott. TITK prepared FIRST'CLASS Suit G. Office Shingles, Aiouimgs. woons, PARKEK, Wa are prepired to furnish cheaper than ever oeferr TIIAS IN will pajwlsr rre ETO ETC., ETC. rnrniag, Scroll-Sawin- g, Planing and Matching Cons to Furnishing: Material & Buildinf A 8PEUIALTY. All Crdera Promptly Attended to. tsromcz and FACTonra corner of Cortezand Auhrr Streets, Preacott ArlwM j hestauraht piHiNfi rooms! FIUNCISCO OENE.1AL JJpedfteaUona. KELLY & STEPHENS'. We hare Jus; opened a lara and splendid asaortmeBla! TOYS : I Toy Books, Dolls and Tea Sett BIBLES, STANDARD PCICAL WORKS, Etfc Fresh Confectionary, Dates, Fancy Goo motions, t,tp.. nought expressly for the Holiday Trado. KELLY & STEPHENS, Preacnlt naauly Terms Comer Vonteznrna and Oarley Street. Arizona, Dee. 3, 1878. F ISKER'S, Monteznmu Sfccr. - Fierce!'. THE BEST OF WINES, LIQUORS AND CiaAES DISPENSED AT THE B.VIU Comfortanla CLUH lttisis attsrhsO. Tha a jd the new are cordially inrited to cmU and see. BEDDTCEDPBIci lIlST M. BUCK'S Arizona Sahvins: & Hair-Dressh- nc Sho) rihaYin 25ets. lialr-cutU- SOcts. flharnpoolnr Wet. Oaths .31.OO iVKsrr ,idk tkk vua'ZA- - PRESCOTT. . IfENRY G. HOWE, C. S. Deputy Mineral Survey PRESCUTT. ARIZONA. Topoirrsphlcal Drawing of Mines, Map and V9 aad MU1 Site, neatly etecntert at anort notice. IV si rtfrrram k1ti If required. Preseott, Arilona. Jnnt2lth. lS"t. J. TIIIIJODO. M. A., 31. D A. gnen'a TJnirersity, I.D.Trlnltr Cnlrersltr. i Canada, lMt. X. R. a. Phy. and. Snrr. PHYSICi AH AND SURGED P.-eeco- Arizona. OrnczaxDltKsinmoT JewsK ndilinr.B wtitof t Plaia Stable.

The Weekly Arizona miner. (Prescott, AZ) 1879-02-07 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014897/1879-02-07/ed...Aubrey etc., as yet, Mr. A. has not commenced opc.otionx. ltemnt

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he Miner.FHI DAY, FE UltU A HY 7,1879.

OiMuIM PaiKr of'tho Town ofPrwtoott

Subscription, $5,00 per Tear

Local intelligence.rwTunnAY

Let down, gently.It is always the dnrkest just before day,

Priratc party this evening. Select ofcourse.

Mrs. Governor Fremont will be found athome on Thursdays.

The show lias about nil disappeared fromthe ground in and around PrcscotL

Whitehaira few! yard opposite the. Prcscott Library, is doing a good business.

.George Yoimg thinks of disposing of hifreigli teams.

Capt. Hafyravc hns been quite unwell.during the week confined Kost of the timeto indoors.

In the House of Representatives to-da- y,

there bciDg no quorum present, there wasno session.

Mr. Hughes introduced a bill in the Council to-da- y, for the repeal of the obnoxionaregistry law.

Mr. Nolan, formerly chief clerk to Capr.Eagan, A C. S., left Yuma for Prcacott today.

Mr?. S. J. Mundf, of the Gem Restaurant,is quite unwell and underM.D- -

Fresh can ovstcrs direct from the East,for salo at IJowcn, Knowlcs & Co, at $8 jcrcas, 100 to (ho can. utf.

The C. VT. Beach, Ehrcn-- 1 early on the Tho. disberg, is dtie here coverics bilvcr have prepared

nusincss oi rrescott. expect way ofCato yesterday to look 8,,Tcr u',n.cs &nlY- -

saloon at Ho ex- - we de--

ccts to be Absent about weeks."We publish to-da- y n listofthoo who

went over on tax rolls delinquent forthft years 1874, 1875, 1870 and 1877.

It is darkly hinted on the street that if acertain gentleman from the south continuestn announce the decision of tha Chair, hewill Ihj incontinently "fired out."

B. II. Smith is preparing to make a tripto the east. he intends to bringa Mrs. bmith home to Arizona on his returnis quite a secret with our, young friend.

The caso of Cullumbcr vs. Lambcrson,Hoglc, a!., is on trial in the DistrictCourt. The caso is for the purpose of testiBg certain rights at Walnut Grove

Tom Whitehcad,nt his lunch stand in JoeGranc?, is kept busy, day nnd night, dealing nut bivalves and chocolate to the loversf those articles.

Marshall, who Big-Bu- g and districts, to ber I

station on the .nogouon mountains, is in4 v. . 1 . ft r r -wo. u is saui mac nr. understandswU how to run a hotel.

George Young's team, loaned with merfhandisc for Messes. Bulfum, Weaver, Bow.en, ivnowies x uo arrived thisand discharged cargo.

Jim Randlo and two other freighters,loaded their trams with lumbor, yesterda',at saw-mi- ll of Geo. W. Curtis. Thepine boards from Yavapai aro being carried away to Maricopa by the wholesale

Although n contract has been made withparties to carry Mohavu mail, commcneing to-da- y, said contractor has not put inan appearance, and many citizens living in that remote corner of tho Territory,aro still without iiow ionthis Male of nfluirs is to is n knottyquestion to solve.

fioino of our citizens aro clamoring for anspjiropdation to improvoruins of Cai Granda, in

and preserve theinal County. It

is thought it would look well in a glasscaso, through which tourists could examinethe rains, and which would ut the same

of HvnInu.il

to Artnt'

ourarc lust not wnat nicy sunuiu ie. rorinstance, tho bill allowing $1,0C0 of the

Treasury, to repair the old churchof San Xnvicr, a strictly institutionnnd belonging to tho Pone Home, nilwrong. If tbe church to which it belong.nnd one of IILUIlIllL.lktho world, do not care enough about this"old rulic" to repair it, then wo say let itcrumble down.

Oullfora Hntlinway, has gone toGrove for the purpose of rambling throughthe

Geo. Bryan train, loaded with miscella-neous frcitjht merchants of Prc.C')ttf andsupplies for Fort Whinplc, came in thismorning and unloaded.

Auctioneer sold at 12 it., to-da- y

Myend horse and a good bujy, uttho proceeds foom which atuoanUtl to

We are informed thnt nn unusiml amountof work has come up the termthe District Cmrt. Tho cac (;ollumlerts Lambcnon, ct is now ontrial.

Mr. Lambcrson, the pioneer settler, of the"Walmt Grove section, with the old inotin-taineo- r,

tPnulitie Wearer, is up from hissituate in the ot

Yavapai.A memorial remonstrating ngaiiut all

the Salt River Valley being handed overto Chin-chi-a-cu- and his rotten followers,was introduced iu the Council this aftcr-rtoo-u.

Agent has rovongr. Theday of retribution, however, near at

Althot'g'i a has boen withparties' to carry tne .Momvo man, com.mcnclng to-da- said contractor has notput in appoarancc, and the citi- -

xens living an that remote corner of theTerritory still without mail facilities

long this jtate of attain) is to is aknotty question to mmvc

Sir. James Stewart, the ctage man ofArizona, came in Saturday evening

to the portion of the terri-tory. Stewart furnished horses aMr. Allen for the purpose of carrying themails from Ehronborg to ParkAubrey etc., as yet, Mr. A. has notcommenced opc.otionx.

ltemnt Supervisor.The Board of Sajwrvisnrs met at 10

'clock this morning, audited som? account",made contracts,

Tho proposal of Kelly it Stephens, forstationery, was received, examined and re-

ported upon favorably, and they weretne contract.

T. H. Lucas a contract with theBoanl to make four gravel walksCourt hi each cantinnl direction,cross the six feet wide, lor $80.

illiams put in a bid for boardingthe prisoner, at $3 per woek, and the con-

tract was awarded.The Arizona Mirer handed in a bid for

County advertising printing, whichwas laid over until

The statement of Dr. K. Day, Coroner,was rweivrd in to the examination

on body of John Timmcnnan,recently murdered near Wickeuburg.

Vlro TheHHi People Homeless! OnMlllIeM Dollars From Settlers.AaHt Stout Triumphant. rim Scarcn-Ker- s

lllck.Through the recBBiweadatlon of agent

tojr, of the Pima and others of t

stripe the whole Salt River Valley from ' Arizona Te.ritory," and report the samethe confluence of Verde with Salt River, t Duc)c without amendment, and respectfully18 miles wide and txtcudincr down the valIry m miles, has been set Hpart as a rejorv- -nuon loroiu vmn-ciiia--cu- m and his tllthywards, numbering abou: 800 souls. Theorder nas been made signed by Prcsident Hayes. This new reservation, which isiHKcn wiui a view to uiaposess and oOOOhardworking, industrious citizens of theirnil. covers 23 surveyed towusbins or 570.000acres of surveyed land and an equal amountoi uusurvcyeu land, and takes in thef Mesa, Tempe, Hayden.s Ferry nnd the

lurjo mnving mwn oi menix, wortli$1,000,000. It was an ill advised policyon mo part oi people living in tne valley, in the first place to Lave allowed thesebrawny sons of the Montezuma race to oc-cupy lands other than on the Gila, and thomatter should have received the proper at-tention from both the Executive and Military Commanders. We trust that Presidentiluycs wul sec an iniustico he hasdone, and rescind the order which is onehardly paralleled in the auuals of history.

Another Bonanza Keported.

Considerable exticement was created herea year or two go by the exhibition, at theU. S. Exchange, of several specimens rich invtrjin silver and in chlorides. They weresmd to have come from the hills of

Station, in this County. TomDowney and others made several expeditions

search of the mine from whose float theabove snccimens were broken ;but all searchproven truitlcss until this weck.whcn it was

the cara of an rejmrtcd here that tho ledge had been found




wuiun uirce iniies. oi mo una Itivcr, andnear the railroad about fiftv-eic- ht milesfrom this t wn. Several parties have coneout mi vcriiy ino report, and to gather up

nuranuizcs as may be derived tromteam of from presence cround. Into

with goods for in District usvarious houses to aimou anything in the new

Jndgu left after mh Jhh interests the Tioton. ne" on"y pe tn my authentic










Hoglc, aU.,


fromtrip southern








tails before our readers. Yuma Sentinel,reo. ist, lain.

Marshal fixed up a burro train thismorning, ihc animals were andthe lassoing, saddling nnd the bucking ofthe young ears made fun for a dozenor more of our young bloods betwecu theages of 7 and 12 years, whoso school is thepublic streets where learn all the happyuiuugms, pracuce on marbles lor keeps,;et oil big oaths, fill their with

cigars, (imitating Gen. Grant, of course)carry a plug of Llack which produces

i. ti i ...annua rcM:iuiiiing licence juice, (very nice)carry concealed wcapous, a pack of curd?,and all the furnished ctcetcias. Well, theMarshal furnhhed little hoodlums funtorn and outfitted a train that willbe useful in packing orn from the Acci- -

dental Mine to Tiiundcroolt mill.Mess. Seaman, Smith andStiong.

mining capitalists, left to-da- y, for a trio toMr. keeps the Pine Spring other mining

r if -- r .1 lr o.



mail facilities,











gone several Mr. strong is connected with tho Michigan Southrn Railroad Company, and came here to look atand invest in Arizona mines. The countrythey aro about to visit, offers rare induce

to capitalists, nnd wo believe thatwUbin tho next year, several ouarts mills

Ml be in full blast in Big Bug district.High Church housemaid to low Church

cook; "Lor', cook, how can vou sit and listen to n man as wears nothin' but blackalpaca? You should have seen our youn

He slinkirf, with n white cambric tunic trimmedwith reel Walanshecns lace ns missis cavehim, narrer 'igh art cren scarf round hisneck ; au' when he foldetl his arras across hisbuzzuin, with his 'air parted down the middle, oh, lie looked puttcckly 1"

uiris, it you Avaul to encourage youncmen, cct an album. It's the first thine:bashful young yrabs when ho enters astrange house: wu'vescen them look throucnone until 1 every Picture byIt's wonderful what interest a bashfulyoung man willtnke in a girl's grandmother

n (l pug-nose- d uncle at the fsrst visit.wiiiu wiu.wi u.Mi. u u ...v Hive Titw -- vvvi-r t.tv Tlm,T:i . Fnm I - ..... . ....... ... ..... VUI. .

""uwuu )va,!!- - want vou "aavs nn nrtinle in "Tim nfThere uut ti--"I . . .pan mnti nmui








Stout hishand




mvtefrom the




















umo uoos youiaKo tue James

Fkmai.k Wasted.--Mr- s. J.A.Park,De

deniednut l"rt



. .



st r .n itua I


the Fitcholz

admitted to iu the Courts. Oal),

Thoy havo b;cn having plapor gold ox- -citctuent in Angulus nil to themselves;they dig it out tho streets, It has alwaysboen known the of tlin waspaved with gold, but was not supuoscdthat angels would tear up the pavement.

IVgialafivc ProceedingsContiiitutl from finr jvvje,)

On motion of --1r. Howe, C, No. 31

laid on tho table by tho followingAvos ISoosAmendments to C. 1G, ns

mended by the Juciciarv Committee wereaccepted by tho following vote

AyesSecond amendment.Ates. Gray, Head, Kirkpatrlck, Howe,

Thomas. ells, Welcome end Jr. rresi8.


H. B. No. 40, An Act, relating to im- -

fruits the couuty of.lohavr, was read first time.

11. No. 27, An Act, to provide'for thebuilding for fcliool purposes, in

District No. 1, Jiirieopa read firsttime.

On motion Mr. Head, rule? werepended and read time by title.

i)n motion ot ir. itowc, the rule wore

vote:Gray, llw.il, Hirkpatrirk,

Howe, Thomas, Welcome and Mr.

On motion Kirkpatrick, thecil adjourned till the to morrow.

llot.sr Twrnty-fin- ii

House or Hkvkksrntativbs,PtniscoTT, A.T., Feb,

called. Fresent All ountv.

annrurtl. lime.Mr. Hamilton, ot


Act titled Aot providingfor location registration of minesend mineral for other purpo.

report they


Hall mem.


fully recommend tho passage of tho substt- -

tuic.lour committee would further repcrt

that they hare considered Council 3Iemo- -

rial No. aking for a Geological surrey

recommend its adoption, Atl of which isrespectfully submitted.

Pat. Hamiltox,Chairman Com. Mines and Mining.

Mr. Rumburg, Chairman of. the Committcc on Roads and Ferries, made the following reports:

Tkiuiitouy ok Arizona, jHouse ok Representatives r

PitEscoTT, Jau. 31, 1870.Mr. Speaker Your Committee on Roads

and Ferries, to whom was referred H. BNo. .'J2, tin Act granting the cxclusivn rightto bolomon mrth, his associates nnd successors, to build and a toll bridgeacross t'oc Little Colorado River at St.Johns, Yavapai County, havo carefully considercd tho same, and beg leave to report

back with the recommendation thatpass.

J. iccjinrno,Chairman of Com. on Roads and Ferries.

House qv ReimiesextativksPkescott, 1,1871).

Mr. Speaker Your Committee on Roads,nnd to whom was referred II.

u, entitled "An Actporate tho Gila Road Compsnv, respecttally report that they have had the sameunder consideration, nnd directed toreport the Bill back with the recommendation that it do not pass.

J. D. RuMucitn,Chairman of Com. on Roads and Ferries.

Tho special committee, consisting of the1nvap.1i Delegation, made the followiureport:

House ov Representatives,Prescott, Feb. 8, 1870.

Mr. Speaker Your Committee, to whom".A i 1wns reicrreu a. no. i- -, eumicu ".vn



nuratiD'' office of r? hhicu,office Collector, and k.u coun- -

thc substitute for said which was M01.0' Futreported by the "Ways and Means Com-mittee, would respectfully report that theCommittee have considered the and

of opinion that the substitute tliouldnot be adopted, but that the original Billshould be amended by substituting "lifrycents" for "forty 8nd ''twent cunts"lor "fifteen cents bection Iso. of saidAct, that the original Bill should pass.

JU. H.Tnos. Fitch,James Stinsox,

McAteeh,JohnW. 31. Bukfum,Pat. IIamii.tox.

3Ir. of the Committeeon Enrolled and Engrossed Bills, thelol lowing report:

JIOUHK OV Ii:rilKSENTATIVt,Pkcott, Feb. 3, 187U.

Speaker Your Committee on Enrolled asd Engrossed Bills respectfully report that they hive examined compared II. B. Ne. 10, entitled "An Act topro viae for the punishment of larceny incertain cases," nnd find the samn correctlyenrolled. And, on January SO, 1879,

No. 23. entitled "An Act concerningoffices and officers:" and Il'ouso MemorialNo. 1, in relation to mail route

to Phenix, were submitted to thelor approval. .r ir.it .hkauk, uuairman.

Mr. Fay, Chairman the Committee onPrinting, made the following report:

Your Committee ou Printing, to whomwas reierreu ii. a. so. 4, rcspeciiuuy

priet tlus'morninirl had on n black port the same back, duly printed copies


Iov-e-l- y


they heart



which are now possession of the Hcusc.E. Fav, Chairman.

Mr Behan, Chairman of Committee onWays and Mean?, to whom was referredCouncil B;il No. 14, entitled "An Act (Clerk-inse- rt

title of Act) respectfully report backsaid without recommendation.

II. Beiiax, Chairman.Tho Special Committee, consisting of

Yavapai Mohave Counties delegations,the following report:

"We, the delegation from Mohave County,and majority the delegation from Yavapai' County, report buck Bill No 18,au Act providing for compensation, m audition to that now by law, to theAssociate oi iourt,holding tha Third Judicial Dis- -

seems to uc imposition on mc kissing." pretty ottcn when young Arunnn TWriinrtr- .l.:l. .1.- - .!..'. .!.!"oi legi.uuijn inn i iin mu uuou twiui. yuu in uer, mcn(ation that it pass

of is




an many











it a-

a a-I-

uie very sue want io; so Jnirv Rehav. Srolmrn Tn. t r . t . I 'you u oeuer mo oi Sti.nhox 1

No LawyersClara S. Folr. and Mrs. Laura Force "

been admission to tho Davis,ir Sri ! An





rcaa "Pn



isucnout uouui.

havodecid: Thomas :.i

not to admit women. JUrs. is 'l lie undersigned, in the minority, beir-t-

from San Jose, in wlijoh cy she has been report, and recommend that Bill abovepractico


ofthut City


ii. wnveto:

o. I.H. No. rccom

8. Noesl,


portatiou in




President 9.



Com- -



it it



1 u.se



Mendc, Chairmanmade








rsupremeCourt in


II-- ti


incutioncd do not passs



Hamilton.Buffdiu, oi Spcci.tl Committee,

consisting of xavnpai County members,siding in Preseott, matlo tho followingport :



I.iwith a rccoin- -




Mr. Speaker our Committee composedof those members ut the lavapai countydelegation tn rrcscott, to whomwas referred B. 4'J, report that thev

c.imr. nnd Mr.

Bckkum, Chairman.Tlic following message from

the Council:



W. M.

was received

TKitniroitY op AmzoxA,Tenth Lkoi.slativk Assemuly,

CurjO;( Cf.Mp,Ki;, Jan. 31, IS7V.

Mr. Spoflker Council hns pmjsod the (bi- -

lowing Bills:B. 22, "An Act to provide for

la I

100 :!.Behan,

Its Uitch, Meade,Iria

JNn. nn ii.n



of sns


















cutlilcd an Act fences,and animals trespassing on premises law

enclosed, in county,proved P,

The Council has adopted II. M. No.for an for tho improve

ment of tho wagon roati arrosa tno .nogoi- -

Jon lounUins.1IXW)X IJOMA?, VJlici VlCfK.

Also, II. B. No. 21, "An Act to repeal aqAct Act lawful


Thomas, Chief Clerk.Utln.An tfitivn rvwl nrvl

No. SI. entitled "An Act to create tno uountyof

On of Filch, tlio rnlos werestisncmled, and II. No. M, was road first

On of Mr. HutTum, tho rules werefurther suspended. 11. B. oi leadsecond time, Its aud referred theCommittee on I'onntlc.

nn livwp. inlmdnced IK ILHouse mot pursuant to No. Si. cnlltlctl Act to for the ap- -

Spoakor Stowmrt in the portlonment money received ironi jouIII... .fn.ln. n1...... lilklH SIIU UIU 1MTU' IIHIIW .IVUU.Uoi

lcr. On motion or Mr. Mohan, tho woroMinutes the day read suspended and 11. IU No. S2 read

WWChairman On motion Punly, tho rules

aim i.i-.- ic Uiwin.l lit-- title, referred toolowing report &lrct eommltteo coinrHMHl of Mohave- -

ur. aijonxer uur vmuuiicc .u.iius


and Miatng, vrhom was referred H. B., Icavc, InlrrHlured22, an on "An


beg to have


Ao. an Act to














tlmnconn- -

to Mr. on SI B.Vn. .VI. entitled an Act to prevent horo- -

ntflnir and! foot-racl- in the street of

farther suspended and II. B. No. 53 wasroad second time by its

louowing message was iroin

Territory of ArizoxTenth Legislative Assk

Council CirAMnEit, Prkscott, Feb. JMr. Speaker The Council lias, passed C.

M., No. 1, to tho President of tho UnitedState, axkingthat tho Executive order ofJan. 10, 1S7U, criiabllshing additional terri-tory and reservation for tho Pima and Maricopa Indians, bo vacated.

liiNsox iioiiAs, ciiier LlorK.Mr.'Purdv moved that B No. 53, bo

indefinitely postponed lost.On motion of Mr. Purdr, II. B. No. M

amended so as exclndo Yumafrom the provisions of iho Act.

On motion Mr. Bohan, II. Ivo.was so amended us exclude Mohavocounty from tho provisions tho Act.

Mr. Hamilton moved thai I. No.i3,was so amended us excludo Ynvaiuuconnty from tho provisions tho Act.

Air. amcnuII. B. No ST te,ro

"foot-racing- "

3, 'TO.

of 53



Mr. l'arlc moved to amend, by includingdonkey racing, pumping water, cuttingwood, on the side-walk- s, and dog-llghti- ng

Lost.On motion of Mr. Purdv, tho motion to

indefinitely postpone was laid onthotablo.Mr. Bolian. on leave, Ititrodticwd JL B.

No. 54, entitled "An Act to establish thosalary of District Attorney of MohuvoCounty.

On motion of Mr. Alsap, C. !. No. tothe President of tho United States in relation to the Indian Reservation in Salt RiverValley, was taken and read, nnd on motion ot Mr Alsap, adopted.

B. No. 2i, entitled, "An Actloan on the f.iitli and credit or

county to provide for the construction ofroad from Florence via Riverside to Globecity." was taken up.

On of Ms. Alsap tho rules weresuspended, C. B. No 25, was read second

by title and referred to a special committee consisting of Pinal couuty delegation.

C. B. No. 17, entitled, "An Act to amend"V .itthe County Assessor "i.""

the of Sheriff and a.n 01 L,ocal. ?a"nwra ut"cs was a "UrUBill,




from.Prcs-cot- t









Unal passage ana passed by the followingvote:

iVycs Alsap, Buffum, Bchan, Davis, Fav,Fitch, Hamilton, Leitch, JcAteer, 1eade,iSicoles, Park, Purdv, Ilumburg, Sanson,Spcdv, Vail and Jr. Speaker. IS


he hour lor the special order ot the dayhaving arrived, Mr. Speedy moved to in- -uetinitely postpone II. B. No. 5)8, entitled.An Act to permanently locate the scat of

Government at Pheuix." The yea and noeswere called and the motion prevailed bythe foliov7iti!r vote:

Ayes AI-:ii- ), Buffum, Belian, D.ivis, Fitch,Hamilton, Leitch, McAtcer, NiVolcs, Park,Purdy, Stinaon, Speedy antl Vail 14

JNws i'tiv, Jeade, ltumburg ana MrSpeaker.

C. B. Nc.12, entitled, "An Act uuthor--uig loan on the iaith and credit ot theTerritory, and to provdc for the continuiugot too work on the lerntorial Pnson," wastaken up. Mr. Speedy offered the following amendment. "To strike out the words'Thirty tuousind' wherever it occurs in saidact, ami insert iu place the words'fifteen thousand,' and strike out the woidsfifteen thousand' wherever it occurs andinsert in thereof, the words 'seventhousand five hundred Lost.

On motion of Mr. Meaf'e, the weresupcnccd, C. B. No. as read secondtime by its title and put upon its final lias- -

sage aud was lost by the following vote:Ayes Davis, Fay, Hamilton, Meade, Park

i'urdy aud btiusouNoes Alsap, Buffum, Behan, Fitch,

Leitch, McAtcer, Nicolcs, Rumburg, Speed v.vail and Mr. speaker 11. Pending theannouncement of the vote Mr. Behan askedto change his vote from aye to no, and gavenotice that on lie would moverccousiucration of the vote.

II. B. No. 12, entitled, "An Act separating the Asscssot from the office ofSheriff, was taken up.

On motion Mr: Purdy, II. B. No. 12,was indefinitely

C. B. No. 14, entitled, Act authorizing loan on the faith and credit of theTerritory, and to provide for the construc-tion of wagon road from Bradshaw Cityin Bradshaw Mining District, in the countyof Yavapai, to the nearest practicable pointon the road from Gillett to the town of

in Maricopa county," was taken up.Mr. moved to indefinitely post

pone C 1. ISo. 14. lie motion was Iosr.On motion of Mr. Hamilton, C. B. No. 14

was read third tunc by its title, put uponfinal passage and by the cttld

nirAyes Alsop, Fitch, Hamilton, Meade,

Nicoles, Rumburg, speedy and Mr. Speaker.

Noes --Buffum, Bshan, D.tvis, Leitch,McAteer, Purdy nnd Vail 8. Absent, Mr, Fay.

C. B, No. 18, "An Act providingcompensation, in additin to tliatnowalloncdbv tlie law to the Associate Justice of tneSupreme Court holding the District CourUin the Third Judicial District the Tcrritory ot Arizona" was taken up. On motion of Mr. Fitch, the rules were suspended.C. B. No. 18 was read third tune bv itstitle put upon its final pessnge ami passedoy tne loi lowing vote:

Ayes uuirum, Beliuii, Fitch, Park,l.m- - l.u.l ilii iiiuWrnnWniinn "J. Kuinburg, Stlnson Speaker 0.r.n.m..ml tta ivita.i.rn. NoesAlsBp, Fy McAlocr, 3Ioader'p.. Nioolcs-- -i Absent I)avi-- ,

Leitch nnd Speedy.



By reouoit of the Mr. Behantook the Chair.

On of Mr. II. B. No. 19,entitled, "Au Act authorizing too CommonCouncil of to make certuiu nltcra- -lioi and in pertain Insaid was read third time by. itstitle and put upon its final passage aud

On motion of .Vr. copies of C. ,;';.?. "1...L. " AY' " " .. P nv " toUowing vote:B. No. 10. as amended w3ro ordered printed. " " --"J 1 Buffum, Davis. Fay

B. No. 2t, was read third, Jjnal C0?yn71' i.n Fi,dl' Ia"n'on, Nicolesnpassage

.an, passea


by the Vo'iowlugt i

votcf namoJ'f nnd? EH II to An.fv h !

l,,rkn. v;tiii

Vutw Stinson, Speclj

Wells, and Mr. President 7. fcl"B . Absoi.- t- McAtcer and Mr. Speaker.it .1 H. B. 34, 'An Act to amend Act n,. ..; yr r..i



concerning lawful

fully Afaricopa apFebruary lSn."

asking appropriation

entitled an concerning




















lTn.,..itsusiwndcd, No. referred

UTAnLK, ClOSCUbeing follows:

Ayes Alsap, Buffum,ilton, Leitch, McAtcer, jadr, Nicolcs,Park, 1'urtly, Stiuson amt Siccly

Nocs -- Vv, Fitch and Vail Absent--rJr. Siieakor, N)t Totlnff-wHuinhua- ff,

Snoodr ninred atlhiurnturtiier suspcnticti, mini time, put icnccs, niiiiuais ;iv.s i"11" usual hour It.uiwn Its final passage and passed the fol- - iuny ineimra i ....a, V(J. nnm,losing

Mr. Counusual

i3,1879. (


I .

. . ' .1. . . . . . . . . . . . H . I . I . . . r

sr-s-. leave


' a t a



. a

- .

1 l . '



ir. n. It

Mr.B. a

atitle, to

Mr. ItalianI an provide

or.1. Ii. ..... .. .. III III




rnlonttrccecdinir and a first

A -





I : lj. I

of were


. l ni uu i ...





tit r.



aj. ne


was to








I -- 1 a T 1







lulcsfi a








i t f 1 ss - i





s ustonsiniioVUUge,' a




r ,nwere II. B. 1 1 was

asBehan, Davis,Ham


l"r- - to untilread aim u

u.c Jf (Q


of I






usual hour Lost.adjourn until the

Jl. u. ia.MM, cntiusu, "An Act provide the oibCthm of Buildingsin county oi .uaricopa, ami other mattcrs relating thereto," taken up.

On motion of Mr. Jrade, the rulessuspended, H. B. No. 30 read n thirdtune bv its title, put Utou its passngcand passed by the following affirmativevote:


Ayr Alsap, Buffum, Behan, Davis, Fav,Fitch, Hamilton, Lcitih. JcAtecr, Acade.Nicoles, Park, Punly, Kumburg, Stinson,frpceny, Vail and speaker.

On motion Mr. Buffum, tho House ad-

journed until the usual hour


FEED --ZA.:RI.towns, vlllacos and cities of this i Ta Hair-wi- y Hcmeon the whlpr5e itoad, win n.

n.. ..m lnnnfMr Pitnlv. the rules were comnwlste th trsrellBC imhMr. Plentynf andv " ", J ' i !r v xi mm! n . ot nnxt. Th twt IJqaor saa Clears dlrret

carefully couriered the same, and report! fir time. riios.LOSfl.rwp.back a substitute for said bill, aad respect--1 motion of Mr. Purdy, tho rules were Sot. ie, isw.


a v.,;- - . F:rt a, 3M California. Strut,Yuma, aiuzosa. Six Fkaxcwco Cal


JAMES M. BARNEY.SacceMor to tho tat flraa of


Jontinurt the BtutsewlB


Importer As "WholesaleIeiclia.nt




Will rarry a fall prime itock oi


Drv Goods.IotIiiiig,

Boots, Shoes,Hardware, Drn?s


Mercts.n"s, Ranchers, StationKeenors. JSTeightors,

n . andminers oi Arizona

tnd Mexico,SoIIaitf omerntor srvmt. ami Injtjrri mtUfar.Uoo : FORWARDS lrjrtn and msrciuisdUe to txnr vest of tbWorld, intunnc. u desinri : I!ut. or make adraare.on nil Arizona ami itrxtum rnnluce.

B6 Sale of Ores ana Minerals a Specially

GOJLD s SIL Kit BULLIONGold Bust, Legal Tenders,

U J. Treasury Ura Itx. wm. n. kellt,SOLDIERS' WARRANTS AND VOUCHERS

And Good Commercial Bills.81'KCIAL OKI) ERA IIX ATTKNl'KO UT THK

SAN FEANCISCO BEAHCH HOUSE,With promptitude nnd fidelity

All Order ana CommiMloni ibuul.l to aJilieittl toJAMES M. BARNEY,

Vnaa, Arizona.

STiima Irug- - Store,(i EORG eTIzVRT IN,

VnotcMift and Rftall

Main Street, ifimm, Arizona,1 lc Horn a full line ol

JDisrjesasl nrPATSltT MEDICINES,

DRUGS. I'EKIWaiEKY. IAINTS,- OILS.Toilot Soac. Toor.ii Erushej

And All Otca Anidu uisall Eept in Dreg Store!

CP 1'rennripuont iat tin preat care.Unlers irnm in oinnirv ollritr0, tbe aiianiBcr

bat pnc.. will Im fiuod taiUrcUirr.'JKnnOE MAPTIN




E S C T T, --A.. X.,IWlera lu

Diamoii'ls, "Watches and Clocks,


Sjxctadtf, Gold Pens, Penalty Etc., Etc.


Every description ofits passed follow- - Jewel



Aycs-Al- sap,




Silverware,Notarial nnd other Presses,


ENGKAVIiVUin au Its branches on short notice. Orders by miil

souciieu.Pmicott. Dec 13, 1S18.

1GEO. W. WALKER. Praetor.

South illoiitrzmtm sr., Below theOld Stafic Office,

PRESCOTT, --eRIZ03ST.rixvtftiliT Informs th rmblic

ha has bonsht snd reauM lh ! r ..iIi nim.ln. . --n- ,

Exchange Stable.AH animals 'eft ma will rmln nint ...... i

t luve otifhand all classes of

HAY GRAIN.t . a jtokju. iruiuv norsm turned cct cm

aschnsar lewn, can t accommodUrd ttj roaa--i t.u. vi. WALK LB.Prncolt, Jn. TL IST9 Lf.


OUanfjfccl Hands.

.i -.v i- -. .v ;"":;:?. .. proprietor or the... .... .iv-- - urn ill nv uwiniu IHIKO Ita ills old bUsillOSf- -

m o.







ii craw

On too







aim openeu out at uio

I. - 1 1 r ri inni huii u-.i- r. iroin ino lorinorprietor, Uttilford Hathawav. I m

To Board Horses by Day,tveec, or Month,


Saddle, Hu:rzy,atHl Carriage Turn.otits t itcnt,

t3TAl a M,eCt NtictJjrTerms reasonable. Stables on r.nlf.Street, l'atronajre solicitetl.


BONES & SPENCER.At the M stand, nn Vrastrrsms iii tn Ar .

pro- -

ofOotlr. drlrli CIOARS.Tio.vr.ftr. rautTs and fixe aitracnipji

VTe rrtjct.'nlly lovil. tbs attrsOoa si tbe mslle I.oar ls( im varid '

tk. aal rnaraaU in GIVE the fall(th att rnrcBsers. W e hare 00 hso--l s foilta rlokMt braadi t Cicars al Cirarrltu, rise- - Co"1 llnr SnoMBra4CJiirrTolei.Plies l'nts aaa Ttow-UiH-, at bad mra jHc,

aad (Tstt ea rs AWAY vhl, . ..tit.. tn.rnoe parssiir, of .. asd la do scasoa tvtars to.nnuer saMHies.isaasrai lor ran isms. r WMI . vK.

- uiwrsi nrr.ift. DUM M .jf. j-- 'sswwier that enr uUUUa trill K...ita st vttb ssjr la tk mjr

rroott Man 21 1577




Ja. n. novrj.CHAS. L. SPENCER




JPrescott, A. 2.ottririVP T"V QTOflrv. A U 1! J1 i.imixa. t jl n w . w 7

. ....


A Complete Assortment i


Heavy and Builders'



SHOES!Table and Pocket Cutlery,

Shelf HurdWarc.1'Iated Ware,

miners' Toois,Carpeaiers' Tools,







WOODSNWAKETinware Harness

Taints Saddlery-Oil- s

Eobe3Glass Horso Blankets

ghajYIte wareEifles Shot GunsPistols tPowdcrNails FuseRope Etc.

RAKDALL & CLINEPie cott, Jan. 23, 1373.



aud and UetaU Dealers In

Stationery. Fancy Goods Notions,

touacco, cciaAna .oxrtCTioxABy,AinmunlUon, FUhlng Tacilo, Cntlezr, Back Glove,

Meeacluam, llriar Wood aud FlieaToilet Sospa aad IVrfunifry. aro,

aioctc aim PUjiug Cams.

TOYS AND TOY HOOKS.We have also one tbe Burnt tci of

Gents' rurnifihing Goods,

ever brought to the Territory. We have the lateat andmost rasnlouaule ttylps oi

LI3ST-E2S- T COLLAES,ETCOur af ortmeiit of

Booty, Mtocs sutd Hats.la Mualoal Inntnimenu, Violin, Uanjo and

boltar Hlrlnirs. ne nave alno a line rutci of111..VNKETH AND COMFullTS.

We have Jiut aUed to our assortment a stock of

Wrapping- Paper, Pauer JJas,COTTOX AND I.INEX TWINES,

nr preuut stock wu urefuUr selected and purcnasedat very lovr nirun,aud no do not tutrix t mat any

other house In I'm cott shall tinrtenrUus In goods nt tee sane quality.

Also a lull stock of

Frcli UarncnConceded with our house Is a nrst-clas- n CinCUtAT


KELLY & STEPHENS,Corner Moutexn ma and Onrley Streets

Arizona, iiec 3, ittTtf.

Removal I JReiiiova.lI

8AMUJBJL HIJLLhas removed to his

ISTEWSUILDI2STGWest Side of Plaza, Preseott, Arizosa.and la now ready for bntioess. His

lare lot of

STOVESGranite-war- e,

8trictly MACHINERY

Blinds, MoldiniCall examine

Eureka Superior

COOKING and RANGESbefore purchaslns


fhfl ttndritfned have buildingRalblss Montrxuma Street, and have

openea a nn.-c-!i





and his


the ofon

The be antmlied wltn ihn It ikuuros, sou mus wui i at all I'roujDt

Hamilton, a. Pirst-Clas- s Feed and MJ,eeurtwu,menUoa,I toMu.








Holiday Goods!

Board jor .......Moitls- -


Jan. 17, 1879.


Mra. 8. 3.Mrs. M. L.



Will be received by the undersigned forcohveUen.

FITCH CHUKCHILL.PresootU Artaona. 1?, W7&.

i:jioo ixocjisir:.' j j i . t j .




ihls and highly hi i been

RENOVATED REFURNISHEDTUP lTrv l. .i. . . . . . i



Ut lere rrwer-Oy-.

just recelTad



FRANK C. PARKER,Architect and Builder,

DOORS AND. .x; W&fZWLAFEwonK DONE- - 1 nt. ailfjjfTEST



hln "liS4my Via, alliS short.








sa"w 3vrix,x,s, ScC.

NEW AAV MlITCrT. 3 J i. e. . .

aw Ccapleted, aad Fell Opovtia, asrlta ta latert laprortd cucSi?

PLAINER, I as prepartsd, &: the Hettttaeves, io uu m croen let iHt follavhg

klzdi of lasbar, oltier at tha KD1wat my Laaber Yard b

cctt, i


Casings, Mouldings, PanelhgAND SHINGLES,

Or THE FINESTIn thort, KTrythIny tn bit Hot


Cash on Delivery;All iit by real!, or tnrneh, th mrrrnaitu

Preseott, will leceive pronij't attentionW. CURTIS



Seven Iilcs South oi PresentsIIivlujj recrauy purcnased tne Saw iu merry anM

oj A. u. oye, uiu muini i. u uis mouia ofGroom Creek, sevou miles wrath of

refitted and refurnishedit with the

BKST OP MACHINERYWe are to furnish at ahortcat nonce,

Lumber of all Ciassesj

Merchantable and Clt'ar,Dressetland Matched Flooring, Snmcixt

Kustlo. Shinnies, Lath, Mould-ings, Sash, Doors, Ac. In fact

everything kept hrA MILL.

At Trices to fhe TimeFining orders for Quartz JlEls a specialrr. uraen

maU or left with any of the raerchssu otIVescott wlil receive


CLARK & ADAMS.?rccott, Arizona, April 21, 197S.

I . G. IUnxcn It. Passu.


Lumber Companyand Lumber Tare

Corner Cortcz anil Goomvin Sti.

PBESCOTT,,A. X.Are jirepxred to furnish on the shortest nonce

Lumbv of All SizesMerchantable, Fencing, Floorluir. ItusUr, Luk)

sasu, &c, and as uie

LOWEST PRICESParticnlsr attention paid to orders 'or clear

JJuu sued wltn cUtatch andshipel to all partsof the Territory, at lowest posstoie

freight rates.

OHDEBS by mail or throush Preseott Herchanfei rrca

Always on Hunt I -


nracoii. aiaT 11. lnH



llusiness Maniiw.



TiA-war-e, &c. &o. SasIlJ Door & Blind Factory

which they axe prepared to llsving now completed, and In full opcraBca, oar

Sell for Cash, NEW


Diaiaoud-Rjck- ,


leased northUrewery,










wa-kaew- a haiel



SASH, BLINDS,lt"j!nv


proraMlr txetj


Hailtj laSaw-Mi- ll,











Shingles,Aiouimgs. woons,


Wa are prepired to furnish cheaper than ever oeferr






rnrniag, Scroll-Sawin-g,

Planing and MatchingCons to

Furnishing: Material & BuildinfA 8PEUIALTY.

All Crdera Promptly Attended to.

tsromcz and FACTonracorner of Cortezand Auhrr Streets, Preacott ArlwM j

hestauraht piHiNfi rooms!




KELLY & STEPHENS'.We hare Jus; opened a lara and splendid asaortmeBla!


Toy Books, Dolls and Tea Sett


Fresh Confectionary, Dates, Fancy Goomotions, t,tp.. nought expressly for

the Holiday Trado.





Comer Vonteznrna and Oarley Street.Arizona, Dee. 3, 1878.

F ISKER'S,Monteznmu Sfccr. - Fierce!'.



Comfortanla CLUH lttisis attsrhsO. Thaa jd the new are cordially inrited to cmU and see.


M. BUCK'SArizona Sahvins: & Hair-Dressh- nc Sho)

rihaYin 25ets.lialr-cutU- SOcts.flharnpoolnr Wet.Oaths .31.OO

iVKsrr ,idk tkk vua'ZA- -


IfENRY G. HOWE,C. S. Deputy Mineral Survey

PRESCUTT. ARIZONA.Topoirrsphlcal Drawing of Mines, Map and V9

aad MU1 Site, neatly etecntert at anort notice. IV si

rtfrrram k1ti If required.Preseott, Arilona. Jnnt2lth. lS"t.

J. TIIIIJODO. M. A., 31. D

A. gnen'a TJnirersity,I.D.Trlnltr Cnlrersltr. i Canada, lMt.

X. R. a. Phy. and. Snrr.PHYSICi AH AND SURGED

P.-eeco- Arizona.OrnczaxDltKsinmoT JewsK ndilinr.B wtitof t

Plaia Stable.