- ' Jr. ' V THE? I. T. Co. C C HASTINGS & CO. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c. STOP THAfCOUGHINe OMCK OP YOt? CX WTVA'jf J WE PITT 3 you. You have trtd every ropaedy but the OS a lestind, by its Intrinsic merit, to supersede all r&m-l- ar preparations. It in not surprising you nhouM bo clact&nt to try something ls after Uie rnaay c-- j wriments you hava made of trashy coiapiuila 'eisutl on Uie public as a carta cur; but. NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup s really the VERT PEST remedy eTer conpitnde br the euro ef CougU. Colds, Sore Throat, Asthma ft'heoping Cough, Bronchitis and Consumption. Tkeu-an- ds of people in California and Oregon have been Jroady beae&ued by the surprising curatir poweft NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup ind with one accord five ft their unquallfta! appro, wtion. We now a!dres3 ourselves to all who nre ua wquainted with this, tbe greatest ranaceanf the agy 'or the healing of all diaeasea ef the Threat ai4 '..tings, asiuriag yea that Sl)e tPcckln (Entcrprtee. TO WW AND COUNTY. C barman has one wheel yeloci-ped- es for sale. The Sons of Temperance meet at Templar Hall on Friday evenings. Main Street has been sprinkled from the Hydrants for several days S- - This is the Anniversary of the first settlement of Georgia, March 13th, 1793. A large spile-driv- er is abont completed at Mill No. 3, O. C It. R., to be sent op to Clackamas bottom for use. If you want good and substan- tial furniture a suitable variety may be inspected at the warerooms of M. Wertheimer, in this city. Workmen are employed in re- moving, the wooden building from DOMESTIC. ! J. F; Jones & Co., STEAM COFFEE, AND SPICE And FAMILY GROCERY STORE, Corntr Second and Main" Streets, Portland, Oregon. Are prepared to supply their customers with the Purest and treshet utif ana SPICES FOR FAMILY USE. Ground Coffee is always best when ficx.btf : and the public are invited to try our articles instead of purchasing old and stale importation Particular Attention (riven to the Wholesale Trade! tar Orders from dealers throughout the city and county respectfully solicited, and they wili receive immediate attention. Portland, Oregon: JJOBINSON'S Celebrated Maggie Soap Po'wrJertf ! Prepared in 6, 12, and 24 lb1. Boies, READY FOR WASHING! o This is cheaper than Common Soap. It removes Paint, Tar, Pitch and dirt of every PTal smi start inn. hv nrntfner that vour wash I . . . r . . ing can oe uone wiw one-na- n. ine lime anu labor of the old mode. Thus labor saved is made ' wash-board- s and ' money , as hard rubbing to wear out clothes, is entirely dispensed with, and the washing for a dozen persons can be done in two hours. Thus the j cost ot your Va.hirfe being three-fotfrth- a Iss ( than by any other process, as you use no other soap! These Prepared Powders or Soap have not only proved themselves superior tor washing any and all kinds of goods, but proved after one year's use not to injure in the slightest degree anv fabric of the finest texture ; and, also the finest article for the hands, as it makes them soft and white, as well as your clothes. It also keeps your hands from chapping when exposed to the air. "We defy the world to produce its superior for washing any and all kinds of goods. Our object is to save your time, expense, hard labor, and especially the woman who has to wash. , We take pleasure in announcing a few of the many ladiea' names by their consent who hate used our Prepared Magic Soap Powders, from six months to one year : POltTLAXD. SALEM. Mrs. C. S. silvers, " A. C. Gibbs, Mrs. Sis W. Brown, " Dr. Watkins, " Dr. McCurdy, W. II. Bennett, " I. R. Moores, H. W. Davis, Maj. Berry, R. Wilcox, " Delaney, J. Knott, ' Graves, Ladd. Union Hotel. THE STATE AT LARGE. Amity Mrs. Jos. Watt; Lafayette Mrs A R Burhank ; Davton Messrn James k 01 den ; Forest Grove MessrsCombes & Buxton Corvallis Messrs Briccs liizer ; ACoariuc Mrs. J. B. Surinjrer. Mrs. Irwin : IJallas.lrs Barger; Lebanon Mrs. Ralston ; Jefferson Mrs Walters; (Jregon fJity Just introaucea, for sale by J. R. Ralstcn. Manufactory. Pine St.. bet. Front and First, Portland, Oregon. 16:3m S. ROBINSON & CO 18572stalished18'57 J. O'CONNOR, Ho. 90 First Street, Portland, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Garden,- - Grass and Flower Seeds All Seeds from this establishment Are Warranted Fresh and Genuine, Foreign and Domestic Dried Fruits And Vegetables. Foreign and Domestic Green Fruits and Vegetables. Vegetables and Fruit Packed with care for shipment. NUTS Fez Nuts, Brazil Nuts, Wal Nuts, Filbert and Almunds. GROCERIES A selected stock of Choice Groceries, bought expressly For Family Use. ta All of which is offered for Cash at cash prices. Orders solicited. JOHN O'CONNOR, . . . No. 90 First street, Portland Oregon. J. IMcHnry, 94 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. Has on hand, and is constant ly rc-eivin- direct from the East.a large and carefully selected stock of Crockery, Glass Ware, Plated Ware, Lamps, etc., all of which he offers at prices to suit the tinr e. at Wholesale and Retail, J3 Dealers will do well to c;ill and exam- ine his stock, and learn his prices, before Purchasing elsewhere. gHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, in favor of J. S Painter and against the W illamt-tt- e Steamboat Com- - Eany, lor the sum of tifty-seve- n (57) dollars, gold coin, dated February 17th, 1869, with interest at ten per cent, per annum also eleven 80-10- 0 dollars costs and accruing cost I did, on the 17th and 23d days of Febru- ary, 1869, lew on all the right, title and interest, of said defendant in and to the fo- llowing described propeity, vix: A ware- house, or a house and sheds, used by defend- ants to discharge and receive freight in the town of Canemah, and a Warehouse at the foot of Third street in Oregon Ciy, used by defendants and a pair of hand trucks, and on Sa turday the 20th day of March, 1869, 1 will sell alt the right, title and inter- est of said Company in and to the above property, to the highest bidder for gold or silver coin, in front of the Court House door in Oregon City, Clackamas County Oregon. JOHN MYERS. 15.5t) Sheriff of Clackamas County. ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICE To the creditors of the estate of Daniel Tiull.nger deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Administrators of the estate of DANIEL TRULLINGER, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having laims against said deceased, to exhibit the same with the necesary vouchers, w ithin six months from the first publication of this notice to the undersigned, at the t ffice of D. M. Mc Kenney, in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon. Dated this th day of March. 1969. ELIZABETH TKULLINGER, NATHAN H. TRULLINGER. lT.it) Administrators. WOOL WANTED. AH Y dTjANTITt'!! TWfJliAS C3A&MAN-- - : . . - Orfgee City. C. P. Church addresses us thus : Oregon City, March 2d, 1869. Mr. D. C. Ireland, Dear Sir : I am instructed to inform you that you need not in the future, ad- dress any of your papers to any of the boats of the People's Transportation Com- pany, nor to the office at Salem. Yours Truly C. P. CHURCH. P. S. Should hare spoken to you of this; but have had no opportunity. C. "We have never asked pay of the Peo- ple's Transportation Company for papers furnished their boats and office foij the time we have been here; nor have we ev- er considered them specially indebted to us for the very many complimentary no- ticesenough to fill a good sized volume: which we have given them, believing them entitled to the credit of doing much for Oregon. And, reverse of this we have never deemed it our duty to ask permission of the Company to crit-cis- e acts of theirs when we deemed it proper to so speak. Every one but the P. T. Company recognizes the importance of this county taking the step it has with re- spect to the Canemah road, and no matter how the case may be decided, it is never theless a fact, that it is as much the right of the county to begin this suit, a9 it would have been for an individual whose property had been trespassed upon. "We are surely not to blame if the P. T. Com- pany go on and construct expensive works upon private property, and the holders of that property bring a suit of ejectment against them. If the managers of the P. T. Co. are so short sighted as it appears to us they have been in these cases, are we not certainly charitable to call it by no harsher term than short-sightednes- s? If we have made any mis-stateme- with respect to these matters, we beg to be better in- formed that proper correction may be made, but we think it very weak for this company, or any other, to assert that the Press of the State which docs not unite with it in all things, right or wrong, must be crushed out of existence. It exhibits a spirit well calculated to detract lrom their line of policy, or "pretense," that all tbey do as a company, is to advance the inter- ests of the public. There is a certain air about this style which is calculated to weaken the friendship of the independent, prudent, or patriotic journalist for them. And while we have never felt like mixing in with their wholesale personal defama- tion of citizens here, whom they dislike, we can say that we do believe that if all the narrow-mindedne- ss attributed by them to this community was concentrated to a point, it would be incapable of com prehending the literal sense of the commu nication of this Mr. Church, above given. If the P. T. Company does not want the re- spect of the community, the community is an ass to force its respect upon them. We shall recur to this subject hereafter, from time to time, as circumstances may dictate, presuming however, that at this time the company feel pretty sore. They have been running a pretty stiff opposition for a year, and have at last been compelled to buy it off, which has cost them some- thing, and when you touch the pockets of a certain class of men you touch their souls. They may be justified in some such way, for their course at present; and per- haps we should overlook their little imper- fections. Mr. Levy, at the telegraph of- fice, exhibited an array of stamps a few days gince, which he has placed upon his tobacco and snuff, according to the provisions of the act of Con- gress. The citizens of Oswego should petition the County Court for an ap- pointment of Justice of the Peace, to fill vncaaiy occasioned by the resig-natio- n of Mr. L. II. Calkins. Not a Subject of Docbt. That Jewell's Flumonary Syrup is the roost ef- fective and never failing remedy for affec- tions of the thro&t and lungs. " Ik Time of Peace Prepare for War.' So get a bottle of Dr. Cooper' Magnetic Balm, an unequaled preparation for Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Cramp. The instantaneous relief of Burns, Bruises and Sprains. Electro SiLicox.-Th- is curious and raluable substance w confidently claimed to be the best article ever discovered for cleaning and polishing Gold, Silver and Plaled Ware, and all smooth metallic sur- faces, of whatever description, including kitchen utensils of tin, copper, brass, steel, etc. Valuable Land for Sale Cheap. We know of 4S0 acres of good lands for sale in this county, being the land claim of J. L. Stout, in what is known as theRingold Settlement, it will be sold iu lots to suit purchasers, on very fair terms. This land is only 12 rriles from Oregon City. For further iuformatien apply to N. W. Randall, of this city, or of" J. L. Stout, Units', Baker's Bay, V. T., or of Andrew Stout, in the above mentioned settlement. 13:ly Courage. Courage of the highest order is the product of the conscience and the will. It is not the hardihood which comes from ignorance of the situation, or from stolid Insensibility. It looks upon the facts as they are, and upon the dangers as they exist, and resolves to meet and tri- umph over tbern. Kohn & Fishel looked upon the fact that the people could not afford '49 prices for their dress goods, etc., and they resolved that prices must be reduced in proportion to the times. Thev have suc ceeded, and are now consideied really the besl men n Portland to deal with. Sapdlery. J. H. Schram, of this City, is now manufacturing the best Saddlery and Harness in the State. He will have at least 50 sets of all grades, from fine to com- mon, finished and ready for sale next month, and more than that number of Saddles." He is bound to make a trade with any man who wishes to bpy of bira. He uses both Oregon and California leather in his establishment, and his work bears a most excellent reputation abroad. We hope that citiaens of our own couBty will think of this, when they want any articles in hie lice. JOHN M. . Successor to JohAt FLEMING, Court House Building, Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. IMPORTER AKD DEALER IK Iriig-s- , etc, VyiLL KEEP CONSTANTLY ox HAND Vv a large and well selected stock of Books Stationery, and Drugs, comprising in part Standard and Miscellaneous Books, Medical, Mining, and Scientific Books, Theological and Relig- - ious Books, Juvenile and Toy Books, Sabbath and Day School Books, IN GREAT VARIETY. Blank Books in Every Style, Pass Books, Memorandum Bonks, and Time Books, Drawing, Trac-in- g and Tissue Paper, Portfolios, and PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Arnolds', Maynard & Noyes? and David's Inks, Mucilage, Sheet Music, Music Paper, and Note Books. All of Which he will Sell at the Lowest Prices. A General Variety of Drugs and Patent Medicines, Constantly on hand, fur sale. j3" School Teachers, and parents of Schol ars will find it to their advantage to inspect my stock and prices, belore purchasing else- where. 83 Books Imported to Order. Orders res- pectfully solicited and promptly filled 43" Agent for the San Francisco Times, and Eastern periodicals, and papers. JOHN M.BACON. Sixteen Tears in Oregon. S, J. M'CQRMICK, NtMUSlc THE Pioneer Bookseller and Publisher Of this State, desires to inform all his old customers (and as many new ones a.s may not be acquainted with the fact) that he still continues to operate at the FRANKLIN BOOK STORE, 105 Front Street, Portland, (kxactly opposite mocnt hood) "Where he is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, SHEET MUSIC, INSTRUCTION BOOB'S Tot all kinds of MuSical Instruments. CHURCH JJU1C UOUKS, BASS, tlOL, GUITAR and VlOilS STRINGS. BLANK BOOKS. TOYS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, GLOBES, PRESSES, PENS, Photographic Albums. Ana every oiner article in me aoove line. - - . ,... n The Most Successful Book Yet published on the War, written from a Southern stand point, is ALEX. II . STEVENS Official History of the WAR BETWEEN THE STATES, Its causes, character.conduct and results This "Work has already had an immense sale in the East, some Agents making From $iO to $50 ptr Day, The intense desire everywhere manifested to obtain this work, its official character and ready sale, combined with a very liberal commission, makes it one of the best Sub- scription Books published. The eastern press, both North and Souh, have universally cummended its candor and moderation. 5- - SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION, Good profitable territory for Agents vet to be had of U. II. BANCROFT" & Co'., San Francisco, Cal. 15 5t General Agents for the Coast. X. H. BELL. E. X. PARKER. BELL & PARKER. DRUGGISTS, AND DEALERS IN Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes, And every article kept in a Drug Store. Main Street, Oregon City. HATS! HATS! HATSF OF EVERY STYLE In Large Quantities can be Found AT J. C- - METJSSLORFFER & BRO.'S S. W. corner of Morrison and Front streets, Portland, Oregon. Also Caps of erery style,. and Boys and Girls' Hats in large varieties." Give us a call and examine. J. WELCH, DENTIST, PcrmaiunUp LacaUd d$ Ortjon CUy Oregon. ROOMS With Dr. SaSarrtos, ca Kaia rt. CITY BAKERY! MAIN STREET, OREG&2 CITY. BAR LOW & FULLER. (Successors to Wormian i Sheppard,) Keep constantly oh hand CAKESI PIESI BREAD! And Cracker of all kinds ! Orders in this Line will meet with PROMPT ATTENTION! BARLOW & FULLER Also keep on hand all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES ! AND PROVISIONS ! STEAMBOAT STORES! And all Articles used for Culinary Purposes I BARLOW & FULLER Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO! By the Case, or at retail I Attention is also directed to the fact that nobody else sells ihe FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE ! In short. Farmers and the public gen erally, are invited to call at the City Bakery, where the truth will be made apparent that our stock is complete, and our prices reason able. All kinds or produce taken in exchange for goods. BARLOW & FULLER NEW FIRM! JACOB WORTMAJ.-- . THOMAS E. FIELDS Wortman & Fields! Oregon City, Oregon. DEALERS IX Family Groceries ! Provisions of all Kinds ! Wines and Liquors ! Confectionery, Spices ! Canned Fruits and Meats ! And all the Favorite Brands of Flour and Sugar HOT The highest market prices paid for country produce. PREMIUM GANG PLOWS. As the age in which we live demands progress in Farming Implements as well as in all other branches ot indus try. I hove entered extensively upon the Manufacture of the Celebrated Pfeil CSaiii Plow ! Better known inOregon as the WOL- - GA MO TPLO W, This Plow com . bines all the desirable points of a per" feet implement, being simple in con struction, cheap, durable, and of Oght draft The only Premiums which were awarded to Gang Plows at the. great Implement trial at Maitonn, Sept. 4, 1866. by the State Agricultural soci ety of Illinois, were awaraed to this Plow. The following is an extract from the Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, for the year 1866, and may be jound on page 24b of that re port : "The Gang Plow made by J. C. Pfeil, Arenzville, Cass county Illinois, is received with no little favor in tbe west. Almost in- credible stories are told of its excellence and efficiency in plowing the prairie fields of Illinois and other States. " The depth of the furrow is regulated by the crank-axle- , which is so arranged that the ploughs can be driven deeper or shal- lower at the pleasure of the driver, when the team is moving,bv means of the lever. We also manufacture 6ulkey plows for small boys, or infirm persons who are unable to manage a team of three or four horses. This gaug or sulkey plow, will cut a fur- row from 2 to 10 inches deep. " The committee who tested the draught of this plow with a dynamometer state, that it ran lighter by 140 pounds,thao other plows when running at the same aeptn. ana nela by the plowman while on foot." fig?" With this Plow one man can do more work than two men can do with walking Plows, and the same amount of team. Hence, it will be seen that it will more than pay for itself in one season s plowing. I will also manufacture the WEB-F00- T GANG PLOW I XN D TH E Web-Fo- ot Walking Plow ! Both patterns of my own invention, for which patents have been applied for, and which have withstood practi cal tests with the best results receiving flattering testimonials wherever seen or tried. S&' Now, the Farmers of Oregon are invited to give the Oregon City Manufactory a trial. Do not purch ase a Plow of any description until you have examined mv make and prices, as I am determined to sell at less than importer's rates, by giving you a mcfe durable article,and a guar antee warranting the same. For further information address JOHN W. LEWIS, nS.tf I OEEGOJf CITY. CHRIST GrE. o Wholesale and Retail. o Superior Goods Reduced Rates f C. C. HASTINGS & CO., Successors to Heuston, Hastings & Co. San Francisco and New York, Announce to tbe. friends of the old firm, and the public at large that their present business arrangments are such that they are enabled to offer the best and most stylish goods on the Pacific Coast at a great reduc- tion from former prices. o AT WHOLESALE. The attention of the merchants throughout the Pacific Coast, is called to the fact that vre are now prepared to fill their orders for superior goods in Strictly Custom-Mad- e Clothing, Suits, Gloves, Hosiery and Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Iraveling Bags and Valises, In lots to 3uit, at regular Wholesale Rates. CLOTHING TO ORDER. Made either in New York or San Francisco, under the supervision of the best cutters in America. Directions for Measurement Sent to anr address upon application, and goods forwarded by Express on receipt of orders, oatiatuction guaranteed. C. C. HASTINGS & CO. SUCCESSORS TO Heuston, Hastings Co., THE FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS, New York and San Francisco. feb!3.3m OREGON CITY BUSINESS. JPOII SALE, AT AUCTION!! o By virtue of a power of attorney given to me', I will offer for sale at Public Auction ou tbe premises, on Wednesday March 24th, 1869, The following: described LOT OF LAND, be ing Lot THREE, in Block SEVEN, A MOST DESIRABLE BUILDING SPOT! (6G feet front by 105 feet depth,) On MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. o 157"" Terms made known on dav of sale. ARTHUR WARNER, Attorney for IV. A. Pike. February 24th, 1869. f 16.4t BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES. TIES, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY. New Firm! Diller & Miller! Proprietors of the long established LINCOLN BAKERY! West Side Main Street, Oregon City Oregon. Tale pleasure in stating to the public that Ihey have formed a copartner' ship for the purpose of better Accommodating their Patrons! And that they will continue the Manu faclure of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda Cradcers, 4c OUR STOCK OF GROCERIES, Has been Doubly Increased by this change., and will be kept, complete In Every Department. Goods will be Delivered in the City, Free of expense to purchasers, and or ders from a distance will becarefuly filled and promptly dispatched. We Sell as Cheap as the Cheapest Call, Examine, and PRICE our stock Before Purchasing Elsewhere. The highest Cash prices paid for coun try produce. L. DILLER, A. F. MILLER. JOHN II. SCHRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, etc., etc., Main Street, Oregon (My, Wishes to represent that be is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the largest establishment in the State. He particularly requests that an examination of his stock be made before buying elsewhere TUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descrip tl tion. for sale at the Etetrisb cSsee NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup j .v ...j. .. it r;ii ni.a vnr tf mn m m curtu luuusmioj au -- r l- - 11113 nalftble medifine is pleasant to the t lhi uung and strengthening in its eflrcts; ire, frs;e from all poisoous w deleterious dru iud perfectly harmless under all circumstances, Certificates from many prernmeat citiieai of fls" TrsuicUco accompany every totuc or NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup r.r.jSl'WrON' k Frt. Ajfnts, sn Francisco." ALWAYS SAFE ! Always Effectual, and Ague is Sneedilv and ef. fectaally cured by Dr. E. COOLER'S Univer sal Magnetic Balm. PRO BO1V0 PUBLICO!" TRULY A VEGETABLE I'BEPjS RATION. None genuine Without signatiiid of W. R. Strong. REDINGTON, HOSTETTER & CO., 416 and 418 Front st., San Francisco Sole and exclusive Agent.' Redington, Hostetter & Co's Florida Water I USE NO OTHER. Unexcelled for Tcilet Use and fdr tSe Btbi" EEDINGTON, HOSTETTER & CO.'S" ISSENCE OF Jamaica Ginger. This valuable preparation, containing iif a highly concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Ginger, has become one of too most popular domestic remedies tor atl dipeas es of the etnmach and d.igestiveorgans. Ass tonic, it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise: lot" while it imparts to' the system all the glow and vigor that can b produced by wine or biatidy. it is free from1 the reactionary efiects that follow the uae of spirits of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for females"" vfho'HiYffer from difficult menstruation,"giving almost immediate relief to tbe spasms that so frequently accompany that period. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, caued by riding in a railroad car, or by aea siCKceei' or other causes. It is also valuable as an external application1 for Gout. Rheumatism. Neuralgia, etc. REDING TON, HOSTETTET Co., 416 and 418 Front st, San Francisco.' Use Electro' Silicon, - - Or tfagfe Brilliant. REDINGTON HOSTETTER & Coa Florida: Watr X For Handkerchief. This article, possessing" the rfcost delicate fragrance of Flowers, is unequalled as a per- fume for tile Handkerchief. FOR THE BA TH i Used in bathing it imparts strength and en ergy to the Syste'nV." and' gives that softness and delicacy to the skin so much desired by all IT REMOVES SUNBURN, FRECKLES & PIMPLESi Diluted with water it makes an elegant den- tifrice, imparting pearly whiteness to the teeth sweetness to tha breath, and renders the gums hard and of a beantifol color'. It should always be used after shaving dilot; ed with water, as it relieves all inflammation- -' REDINGTON, HOSTETTER Co. 416 and 41S Front st., San Francisco. ELECTRO SILICON, - OR - Magic Brilliant! Direct from Nature Labraiofy". The Best article evr discovered forfcteans-!n- g and Polishing Gold. Silver and Plated ware, and all smooth Metalic Suraces. of whatever description, including Kitcoen uten- sil of Tin. Copper, Brass. te tc. To Jewelers and Workers m Gold and S.f- - ver riaie tne r.n;i.n'-i- v - - talue : tbe time saved, and the vexation pre vented by It3 Use, Will lOrevercuura, iwaau la bad evidence of its merits, trnrjr().V. HOSTETTER Co. Sole Agents, San Francisco. TOR FLAVORING, AEDLVGTON, HOSTETTEJS Sr Cej EXTRACTS , : Artiefes fie lot upon which the Udd bellows' Hall will be constructed in this city. . . -- - We observe that iron pipes for an extension of the street mains of the Oregon City Water Works have arrived. Mr. II. C. Leonard of Portland, hn purchased the White House property in thi3 county of Joseph Teal, pnyingjtherefor it is said, $15, 000. Teams are busily engaged in hauling stone for the foundation of a new Machine shop and Furnace, to be established in this city this year. The machinery is now en route to this place. The owners are Messrs J. II. Moores, S. L. Stevens, and L. D. Harding. We trust that, the few remaining citizens of O-we- may again soon enjoy the benefits of a rcntoffice.. Mr. Henry Ganz is spoken of as a suitable person for ihe office. His business is merchandising, and his store is the general rendezvous for that section. Pease Sc Grepe is the name of the firm now carrying on the lumber business in this city at the Isimd Mill. The new firm have added a new plainer to the mill, and made other desirable improvements. Mr. Smith formerly owner has taken a contract to furnish logs. This mill jsually makes splendid lumber. -- -4 Mr.T. U. Brooks, Civil Engineer of the O. C. R. R., left this city on Thursday morning last, intending to inspect the gtade of the entire line that he may know just what is to be done, when active operations are re Dewed. H did not start on a veloct pede, oor with a carriage, bat would travel with 'hank-horses,- " and be at home where night overtakes htm. The Wallaraet Falls Canal and Lock Company have employed Mr. Calvin Browne, of San Francieco, to make the locations and estimates for the woik, and he is now o engaged Mr. IJrowne is a Civil Engineer pf considerable note, lie had charge of the construction of public works t Mare Islanl, opposite ValUjo, and it is probable will be appointed Engineer At that place under Grant. Tbe calendar tor the March term of the Circuit Court for Clackamas county, beginning on Monday next, presents a more extensive list than at any previous term. There are in all fifty-si- x causes, as follows: Six crim- inal; 12 civil suits; 21 actions for right of way etc., brought by the O. C. R. R. Co.; and 17 equity causes 7 of which are for divorces. It is doubtful if court adjourns under it. three creeks. ) The Oswego Iron Company have resolved to close up the furnace en- tirely, as soon as the present stock ?f ore and coal is exhausted, which Vill be about June 10th. Mr. Har- ris, the Superintendent of work, is tow the only bead man remaining at Oswego, and be will start for the Atlantic States as soon as work is suspended. This state of things is to ae regretted very much, but we do not know as it can be helped. The company have demonstrated the fact tjiat iron, equal to Scotch pig, can be IDade in Oregon. They also find it w0 Fiuiau!e ousiness, when not 'Mlcllucu y iaw suits and delays The chief cause for their determina- tion to do as above stated is the ame that would have caused the O. C. R, R. to give up in disgust long ago, if they had lacked " back bone; and comes from the foolish opposi. tion of parties who had not capital to carry on the business bnt seemed jealous of those who had, and having technical grounds upon which to base action, literally pitched' into them, but for what object we are unable to !Y Sg0 is 10 day mQch below the fnends of the place expect- ed of it two years ago. When we, as Uregomans, learn to treat capitalists V- ? I6 deicreDtlal it will better benefit iuu o cry one 01 US.

The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.). (Oregon City ... · So get a bottle of Dr. Cooper' Magnetic Balm, an unequaled preparation for Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Cramp. The instantaneous

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Page 1: The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.). (Oregon City ... · So get a bottle of Dr. Cooper' Magnetic Balm, an unequaled preparation for Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Cramp. The instantaneous

- ' Jr. ' V



3 you. You have trtd every ropaedy but the OSalestind, by its Intrinsic merit, to supersede all r&m-l- ar

preparations. It in not surprising you nhouM boclact&nt to try something ls after Uie rnaay c-- j

wriments you hava made of trashy coiapiuila'eisutl on Uie public as a carta cur; but.

NEWELL'SPulmonary Syrups really the VERT PEST remedy eTer conpitndebr the euro ef CougU. Colds, Sore Throat, Asthmaft'heoping Cough, Bronchitis and Consumption. Tkeu-an- ds

of people in California and Oregon have beenJroady beae&ued by the surprising curatir poweft

NEWELL'SPulmonary Syrupind with one accord five ft their unquallfta! appro,wtion. We now a!dres3 ourselves to all who nre uawquainted with this, tbe greatest ranaceanf the agy'or the healing of all diaeasea ef the Threat ai4'..tings, asiuriag yea that

Sl)e tPcckln (Entcrprtee.TOWW AND COUNTY.

C barman has one wheel yeloci-ped- es

for sale.

The Sons of Temperance meetat Templar Hall on Friday evenings.

Main Street has been sprinkled

from the Hydrants for several days

S- -

This is the Anniversary of thefirst settlement of Georgia, March13th, 1793.

A large spile-driv- er is abontcompleted at Mill No. 3, O. C It. R.,to be sent op to Clackamas bottomfor use.

If you want good and substan-

tial furniture a suitable variety maybe inspected at the warerooms of M.Wertheimer, in this city.

Workmen are employed in re-

moving, the wooden building from


J. F; Jones & Co.,STEAM COFFEE,



Corntr Second and Main" Streets,Portland, Oregon.

Are prepared to supply their customerswith the Purest and treshet utif anaSPICES FOR FAMILY USE.

Ground Coffee is always best when ficx.btf :and the public are invited to try our articlesinstead of purchasing old and stale importation

Particular Attention (riven to theWholesale Trade!

tar Orders from dealers throughout thecity and county respectfully solicited, andthey wili receive immediate attention.

Portland, Oregon:

JJOBINSON'SCelebrated Maggie Soap Po'wrJertf !

Prepared in 6, 12, and 24 lb1. Boies,


This is cheaper than Common Soap. Itremoves Paint, Tar, Pitch and dirt of every

PTal smi start inn. hv nrntfner that vour wash I

. . . r . .

ing can oe uone wiw one-na- n. ine lime anulabor of the old mode. Thus labor saved is

made ' wash-board- s and 'money , ashard rubbing to wear out clothes, is entirelydispensed with, and the washing for a dozenpersons can be done in two hours. Thus the j

cost ot your Va.hirfe being three-fotfrth- a Iss (

than by any other process, as you use noother soap!

These Prepared Powders or Soap have notonly proved themselves superior tor washingany and all kinds of goods, but proved afterone year's use not to injure in the slightestdegree anv fabric of the finest texture ; and,also the finest article for the hands, as itmakes them soft and white, as well as yourclothes. It also keeps your hands fromchapping when exposed to the air.

"We defy the world to produce its superiorfor washing any and all kinds of goods.Our object is to save your time, expense,hard labor, and especially the woman whohas to wash.

, We take pleasure in announcing a few ofthe many ladiea' names by their consentwho hate used our Prepared Magic SoapPowders, from six months to one year :

POltTLAXD. SALEM.Mrs. C. S. silvers,

" A. C. Gibbs, Mrs. Sis W. Brown," Dr. Watkins, " Dr. McCurdy,

W. II. Bennett, " I. R. Moores,H. W. Davis, Maj. Berry,R. Wilcox, " Delaney,J. Knott, ' Graves,Ladd. Union Hotel.

THE STATE AT LARGE.Amity Mrs. Jos. Watt; Lafayette Mrs

A R Burhank ; Davton Messrn James k 01den ; Forest Grove MessrsCombes & BuxtonCorvallis Messrs Briccs liizer ; ACoariucMrs. J. B. Surinjrer. Mrs. Irwin : IJallas.lrsBarger; Lebanon Mrs. Ralston ; JeffersonMrs Walters; (Jregon fJity Just introaucea,for sale by J. R. Ralstcn.

Manufactory. Pine St.. bet. Front andFirst, Portland, Oregon.

16:3m S. ROBINSON & CO

18572stalished18'57J. O'CONNOR,Ho. 90 First Street, Portland,

Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Garden,- -

Grass and Flower Seeds

All Seeds from this establishmentAre Warranted Fresh

and Genuine,Foreign and

Domestic Dried FruitsAnd Vegetables.

Foreign and DomesticGreen Fruits and Vegetables.

Vegetables and FruitPacked with care for shipment.

NUTS Fez Nuts, Brazil Nuts, Wal Nuts,Filbert and Almunds.

GROCERIES A selected stock of ChoiceGroceries, bought expressly

For Family Use.ta All of which is offered for Cash at cash

prices. Orders solicited.JOHN O'CONNOR, . . .

No. 90 First street, Portland Oregon.



Has on hand, and is constantly rc-eivin- direct from the East.a large andcarefully selected stock ofCrockery, Glass Ware, Plated Ware,Lamps, etc., all of which he offers at pricesto suit the tinr e. at Wholesale and Retail,

J3 Dealers will do well to c;ill and exam-ine his stock, and learn his prices, beforePurchasing elsewhere.

gHERIFF'S SALE.By virtue of an execution issued out of the

Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, forClackamas County, in favor of J. S Painterand against the W illamt-tt- e Steamboat Com- -

Eany, lor the sum of tifty-seve- n (57) dollars,gold coin, dated February 17th, 1869,

with interest at ten per cent, per annum alsoeleven 80-10- 0 dollars costs and accruing cost

I did, on the 17th and 23d days of Febru-ary, 1869, lew on all the right, title andinterest, of said defendant in and to the fo-llowing described propeity, vix: A ware-house, or a house and sheds, used by defend-ants to discharge and receive freight in thetown of Canemah, and a Warehouse at thefoot of Third street in Oregon Ciy, used bydefendants and a pair of hand trucks, and on

Sa turday the 20th day of March,1869, 1 will sell alt the right, title and inter-est of said Company in and to the aboveproperty, to the highest bidder for gold orsilver coin, in front of the Court House doorin Oregon City, Clackamas County Oregon.

JOHN MYERS.15.5t) Sheriff of Clackamas County.

ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICETo the creditors of the estate of Daniel

Tiull.nger deceased. Notice is hereby givenby the undersigned Administrators of theestate of DANIEL TRULLINGER, deceased,to the creditors of and all persons havinglaims against said deceased, to exhibit the

same with the necesary vouchers, w ithin sixmonths from the first publication of this noticeto the undersigned, at the t ffice of D. M. McKenney, in Oregon City, Clackamas county,Oregon. Dated this th day of March. 1969.


lT.it) Administrators.


TWfJliAS C3A&MAN-- -: . .

- Orfgee City.

C. P. Church addresses us thus :

Oregon City, March 2d, 1869.Mr. D. C. Ireland,

Dear Sir : I am instructed to informyou that you need not in the future, ad-

dress any of your papers to any of theboats of the People's Transportation Com-pany, nor to the office at Salem.

Yours Truly C. P. CHURCH.P. S. Should hare spoken to you of

this; but have had no opportunity. C."We have never asked pay of the Peo-

ple's Transportation Company for papersfurnished their boats and office foij thetime we have been here; nor have we ev-

er considered them specially indebted tous for the very many complimentary no-

ticesenough to fill a good sizedvolume: which we have given them,believing them entitled to the credit ofdoing much for Oregon. And, reverse ofthis we have never deemed it our dutyto ask permission of the Company to crit-cis- e

acts of theirs when we deemed itproper to so speak. Every one but the P.T. Company recognizes the importance ofthis county taking the step it has with re-

spect to the Canemah road, and no matterhow the case may be decided, it is nevertheless a fact, that it is as much the rightof the county to begin this suit, a9 itwould have been for an individual whoseproperty had been trespassed upon. "We

are surely not to blame if the P. T. Com-

pany go on and construct expensive worksupon private property, and the holdersof that property bring a suit of ejectmentagainst them. If the managers of the P.T. Co. are so short sighted as it appears tous they have been in these cases, are wenot certainly charitable to call it by noharsher term than short-sightednes- s? If wehave made any mis-stateme- with respectto these matters, we beg to be better in-

formed that proper correction may bemade, but we think it very weak for thiscompany, or any other, to assert that thePress of the State which docs not unitewith it in all things, right or wrong, mustbe crushed out of existence. It exhibits aspirit well calculated to detract lrom theirline of policy, or "pretense," that all tbeydo as a company, is to advance the inter-ests of the public. There is a certain airabout this style which is calculated toweaken the friendship of the independent,prudent, or patriotic journalist for them.And while we have never felt like mixingin with their wholesale personal defama-tion of citizens here, whom they dislike,we can say that we do believe that ifall the narrow-mindedne- ss attributed bythem to this community was concentratedto a point, it would be incapable of comprehending the literal sense of the communication of this Mr. Church, above given.If the P. T. Company does not want the re-

spect of the community, the community isan ass to force its respect upon them. Weshall recur to this subject hereafter, fromtime to time, as circumstances may dictate,presuming however, that at this time thecompany feel pretty sore. They havebeen running a pretty stiff opposition fora year, and have at last been compelledto buy it off, which has cost them some-thing, and when you touch the pockets ofa certain class of men you touch theirsouls. They may be justified in some suchway, for their course at present; and per-haps we should overlook their little imper-fections.

Mr. Levy, at the telegraph of-

fice, exhibited an array of stamps afew days gince, which he has placedupon his tobacco and snuff, accordingto the provisions of the act of Con-gress.

The citizens of Oswego shouldpetition the County Court for an ap-pointment of Justice of the Peace, tofill vncaaiy occasioned by the resig-natio- n

of Mr. L. II. Calkins.

Not a Subject of Docbt. ThatJewell's Flumonary Syrup is the roost ef-

fective and never failing remedy for affec-tions of the thro&t and lungs.

" Ik Time of Peace Prepare forWar.' So get a bottle of Dr. Cooper'Magnetic Balm, an unequaled preparationfor Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Cramp. Theinstantaneous relief of Burns, Bruises andSprains.

Electro SiLicox.-Th- is curious andraluable substance w confidently claimed tobe the best article ever discovered forcleaning and polishing Gold, Silver andPlaled Ware, and all smooth metallic sur-faces, of whatever description, includingkitchen utensils of tin, copper, brass, steel,etc.

Valuable Land for Sale Cheap.We know of 4S0 acres of good lands for

sale in this county, being the land claim ofJ. L. Stout, in what is known as theRingoldSettlement, it will be sold iu lots to suitpurchasers, on very fair terms. This landis only 12 rriles from Oregon City. Forfurther iuformatien apply to N. W. Randall,of this city, or of" J. L. Stout, Units', Baker'sBay, V. T., or of Andrew Stout, in the abovementioned settlement. 13:ly

Courage. Courage of the highestorder is the product of the conscience andthe will. It is not the hardihood whichcomes from ignorance of the situation, orfrom stolid Insensibility. It looks upon thefacts as they are, and upon the dangers asthey exist, and resolves to meet and tri-umph over tbern. Kohn & Fishel lookedupon the fact that the people could not afford'49 prices for their dress goods, etc., andthey resolved that prices must be reduced inproportion to the times. Thev have succeeded, and are now consideied really thebesl men n Portland to deal with.

Sapdlery. J. H. Schram, of thisCity, is now manufacturing the best Saddleryand Harness in the State. He will have atleast 50 sets of all grades, from fine to com-mon, finished and ready for sale next month,and more than that number of Saddles." Heis bound to make a trade with any man whowishes to bpy of bira. He uses both Oregonand California leather in his establishment,and his work bears a most excellent reputationabroad. We hope that citiaens of our owncouBty will think of this, when they want anyarticles in hie lice.


. Successor to JohAt FLEMING,Court House Building, Main Street,

Oregon City, Oregon.


Iriig-s- , etc,VyiLL KEEP CONSTANTLY ox HANDVv a large and well selected stock of Books

Stationery, and Drugs, comprising in part

Standard and Miscellaneous Books,Medical, Mining, and Scientific

Books, Theological and Relig- -

ious Books, Juvenile andToy Books, Sabbath and

Day School Books,

IN GREAT VARIETY.Blank Books in Every Style, Pass

Books, Memorandum Bonks, andTime Books, Drawing, Trac-in- g

and Tissue Paper,Portfolios, and

PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS,Arnolds', Maynard & Noyes? and

David's Inks, Mucilage, SheetMusic, Music Paper, and

Note Books.All of Which he will Sell at the

Lowest Prices.A General Variety of Drugs and

Patent Medicines, Constantlyon hand, fur sale.

j3" School Teachers, and parents of Scholars will find it to their advantage to inspectmy stock and prices, belore purchasing else-where.

83 Books Imported to Order. Orders res-pectfully solicited and promptly filled

43" Agent for the San Francisco Times, andEastern periodicals, and papers.


Sixteen Tears in Oregon.


Pioneer Bookseller and Publisher

Of this State, desires to inform all his oldcustomers (and as many new ones a.s maynot be acquainted with the fact) that he stillcontinues to operate at the


105 Front Street, Portland,(kxactly opposite mocnt hood)

"Where he is prepared to furnish



MuSical Instruments.CHURCH JJU1C UOUKS,






PENS,Photographic Albums.Ana every oiner article in me aoove line.

- - . ,... n

The Most Successful BookYet published on the War, written from a

Southern stand point, isALEX. II . STEVENS

Official History of theWAR BETWEEN THE STATES,

Its causes, character.conduct and results

This "Work has already had an immensesale in the East, some Agents making

From $iO to $50 ptr Day,The intense desire everywhere manifested

to obtain this work, its official character andready sale, combined with a very liberalcommission, makes it one of the best Sub-scription Books published.

The eastern press, both North and Souh,have universally cummended its candor andmoderation.


Good profitable territory for Agents vet tobe had of U. II. BANCROFT" & Co'.,

San Francisco, Cal.15 5t General Agents for the Coast.




Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints,Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes,

And every article kept in a Drug Store. MainStreet, Oregon City.


In Large Quantities can be Found



S. W. corner of Morrison and Frontstreets, Portland, Oregon.

Also Caps of erery style,. and Boys andGirls' Hats in large varieties." Give us a calland examine.



PcrmaiunUp LacaUd d$ Ortjon CUy Oregon.

ROOMS With Dr. SaSarrtos, ca Kaia rt.


BAR LOW & FULLER.(Successors to Wormian i Sheppard,)

Keep constantly oh hand

CAKESI PIESI BREAD!And Cracker of all kinds !

Orders in this Line will meet with


BARLOW & FULLERAlso keep on hand all kinds of



STEAMBOAT STORES!And all Articles used for Culinary

Purposes I

BARLOW & FULLERSell a fine assortment of

LIQUORS AND TOBACCO!By the Case, or at retail I

Attention is also directed to the factthat nobody else sells ihe


In short. Farmers and the public generally, are invited to call at the City Bakery,where the truth will be made apparent thatour stock is complete, and our prices reasonable. All kinds or produce taken in exchangefor goods. BARLOW & FULLER


Wortman & Fields!Oregon City, Oregon.


Family Groceries !

Provisions of all Kinds !Wines and Liquors !

Confectionery, Spices !Canned Fruits and Meats !

And all the Favorite

Brands of Flour and Sugar

HOT The highest market prices paidfor country produce.

PREMIUMGANG PLOWS.As the age in which we live demands

progress in Farming Implements aswell as in all other branches ot industry.I hove entered extensively upon the

Manufacture of the Celebrated

Pfeil CSaiii Plow !

Better known inOregon as the WOL- -GA MO TPLO W, This Plow com .

bines all the desirable points of a per"feet implement, being simple in construction, cheap, durable, and of Oghtdraft The only Premiums which wereawarded to Gang Plows at the. greatImplement trial at Maitonn, Sept. 4,1866. by the State Agricultural society of Illinois, were awaraed to thisPlow. The following is an extract

from the Report of the Commissionerof Agriculture, for the year 1866, andmay be jound on page 24b of that report :

"The Gang Plow made by J. C. Pfeil,Arenzville, Cass county Illinois, is receivedwith no little favor in tbe west. Almost in-

credible stories are told of its excellenceand efficiency in plowing the prairie fieldsof Illinois and other States.

" The depth of the furrow is regulated bythe crank-axle- , which is so arranged thatthe ploughs can be driven deeper or shal-lower at the pleasure of the driver, when theteam is moving,bv means of the lever.

We also manufacture 6ulkey plows forsmall boys, or infirm persons who are unableto manage a team of three or four horses.

This gaug or sulkey plow, will cut a fur-row from 2 to 10 inches deep.

" The committee who tested the draughtof this plow with a dynamometer state, thatit ran lighter by 140 pounds,thao other plowswhen running at the same aeptn. ana nelaby the plowman while on foot."

fig?" With this Plow one man can domore work than two men can do withwalking Plows, and the same amountof team. Hence, it will be seen thatit will more than pay for itself in oneseason s plowing.

Iwill also manufacture the



Web-Fo- ot Walking Plow !

Both patterns of my own invention,for which patents have been appliedfor, and which have withstood practical tests with the best results receivingflattering testimonials wherever seenor tried.

S&' Now, the Farmers of Oregonare invited to give the Oregon CityManufactory a trial. Do not purchase a Plow of any description untilyou have examined mv make andprices, as I am determined to sell atless than importer's rates, by givingyou a mcfe durable article,and a guarantee warranting the same.For further information address




Wholesale and Retail.


Superior Goods Reduced Rates f

C. C. HASTINGS & CO.,Successors to

Heuston, Hastings & Co.

San Francisco and New York,

Announce to tbe. friends of the old firm,and the public at large that their presentbusiness arrangments are such that they areenabled to offer the best and most stylishgoods on the Pacific Coast at a great reduc-tion from former prices.


AT WHOLESALE.The attention of the merchants throughout

the Pacific Coast, is called to the fact thatvre are now prepared to fill their orders forsuperior goods in

Strictly Custom-Mad- e Clothing,Suits, Gloves, Hosiery and

Furnishing Goods,Trunks, Iraveling Bags and Valises,

In lots to 3uit, at regular Wholesale Rates.

CLOTHING TO ORDER.Made either in New York or San Francisco,under the supervision of the best cutters inAmerica.

Directions for Measurement

Sent to anr address upon application, andgoods forwarded by Express on receipt oforders, oatiatuction guaranteed.


Heuston, Hastings Co.,


New York and San Francisco.feb!3.3m



oBy virtue of a power of attorney given to

me', I will offer for sale at Public Auction outbe premises, on

Wednesday March 24th, 1869,The following: described LOT OF LAND, being


(6G feet front by 105 feet depth,)On MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY.

o157"" Terms made known on dav of sale.

ARTHUR WARNER,Attorney for IV. A. Pike.

February 24th, 1869. f 16.4t


New Firm!Diller & Miller!

Proprietors of the long established

LINCOLN BAKERY!West Side Main Street,

Oregon City Oregon.

Tale pleasure in stating to the publicthat Ihey have formed a copartner'

ship for the purpose of better

Accommodating their Patrons!

And that they will continue the Manufaclure of Bread, Pies, Cakes,

Boston, Butter, Sugar andSoda Cradcers, 4c


Has been Doubly Increased by thischange., and will be kept, complete

In Every Department.

Goods will be Delivered in the City,

Free of expense to purchasers, and orders from a distance will becarefulyfilled and promptly dispatched.

We Sell as Cheap as the Cheapest

Call, Examine, and PRICE our stock

Before Purchasing Elsewhere.

The highest Cash prices paidfor country produce.


JOHN II. SCHRAM.Manufacturer and Dealer in

SADDLES, HARNESS,etc., etc.,

Main Street, Oregon (My,Wishes to represent that be is now as

well prepared to furnish any article in his lineas the largest establishment in the State. Heparticularly requests that an examination ofhis stock be made before buying elsewhere

TUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descriptl tion. for sale at the Etetrisb cSsee

NEWELL'SPulmonary Syrup

j .v ...j. .. it r;ii ni.a vnr tf mn mm curtu luuusmioj au -- rl--

11113 nalftble medifine is pleasant to the tlhi uung and strengthening in its eflrcts;

ire, frs;e from all poisoous w deleterious druiud perfectly harmless under all circumstances,

Certificates from many prernmeat citiieai of fls"TrsuicUco accompany every totuc or

NEWELL'SPulmonary Syrup

r.r.jSl'WrON' k Frt. Ajfnts, sn Francisco."

ALWAYS SAFE ! Always Effectual,and Ague is Sneedilv and ef.

fectaally cured by Dr. E. COOLER'S Universal Magnetic Balm.


TRULY A VEGETABLE I'BEPjSRATION. None genuine Without signatiiidof W . R. Strong.

REDINGTON, HOSTETTER & CO.,416 and 418 Front st., San Francisco

Sole and exclusive Agent.'

Redington, Hostetter & Co'sFlorida Water I


Unexcelled for Tcilet Use and fdr tSe Btbi"



Jamaica Ginger.This valuable preparation, containing iif

a highly concentrated form all the propertiesof Jamaica Ginger, has become one of toomost popular domestic remedies tor atl dipeases of the etnmach and d.igestiveorgans. Asstonic, it will be found invaluable to all personsrecovering from debility, whether producedby fever or otherwise: lot" while it imparts to'the system all the glow and vigor that canb produced by wine or biatidy. it is free from1the reactionary efiects that follow the uae ofspirits of any kind.

It is also an excellent remedy for females""vfho'HiYffer from difficult menstruation,"givingalmost immediate relief to tbe spasms thatso frequently accompany that period.

It gives immediate relief to Nausea, cauedby riding in a railroad car, or by aea siCKceei'or other causes.

It is also valuable as an external application1for Gout. Rheumatism. Neuralgia, etc.

REDING TON, HOSTETTET Co.,416 and 418 Front st, San Francisco.'

Use Electro' Silicon, - -

Or tfagfe Brilliant.


Florida: Watr X

For Handkerchief.

This article, possessing" the rfcost delicatefragrance of Flowers, is unequalled as a per-fume for tile Handkerchief.

FOR THE BA TH iUsed in bathing it imparts strength and en

ergy to the Syste'nV." and' gives that softnessand delicacy to the skin so much desired byall


Diluted with water it makes an elegant den-tifrice, imparting pearly whiteness to the teethsweetness to tha breath, and renders thegums hard and of a beantifol color'.

It should always be used after shaving dilot;ed with water, as it relieves all inflammation- -'

REDINGTON, HOSTETTER Co.416 and 41S Front st., San Francisco.


Magic Brilliant!Direct from Nature Labraiofy".

The Best article evr discovered forfcteans-!n-g

and Polishing Gold. Silver and Platedware, and all smooth Metalic Suraces. ofwhatever description, including Kitcoen uten-

sil of Tin. Copper, Brass. te tc.To Jewelers and Workers m Gold and S.f--

ver riaie tne r.n;i.n'-i- v - -

talue : tbe time saved, and the vexation prevented by It3 Use, Will lOrevercuura, iwaaula bad evidence of its merits,trnrjr().V. HOSTETTER Co.

Sole Agents, San Francisco.


EXTRACTS , : Artiefes

fie lot upon which the Udd bellows'Hall will be constructed in this city.

. . -- -

We observe that iron pipes for

an extension of the street mains of

the Oregon City Water Works havearrived.

Mr. II. C. Leonard of Portland,hn purchased the White Houseproperty in thi3 county of JosephTeal, pnyingjtherefor it is said, $15,000.

Teams are busily engaged in

hauling stone for the foundation of anew Machine shop and Furnace, tobe established in this city this year.The machinery is now en route tothis place. The owners are MessrsJ. II. Moores, S. L. Stevens, andL. D. Harding.

We trust that, the few remainingcitizens of O-we- may again soonenjoy the benefits of a rcntoffice..Mr. Henry Ganz is spoken of as asuitable person for ihe office. Hisbusiness is merchandising, and hisstore is the general rendezvous forthat section.

Pease Sc Grepe is the name ofthe firm now carrying on the lumberbusiness in this city at the IsimdMill. The new firm have added anew plainer to the mill, and madeother desirable improvements. Mr.Smith formerly owner has taken acontract to furnish logs. This milljsually makes splendid lumber.

-- -4

Mr.T. U. Brooks, Civil Engineerof the O. C. R. R., left this city onThursday morning last, intending toinspect the gtade of the entire linethat he may know just what is to bedone, when active operations are reDewed. H did not start on a veloctpede, oor with a carriage, bat wouldtravel with 'hank-horses,- " and be athome where night overtakes htm.

The Wallaraet Falls Canal andLock Company have employed Mr.Calvin Browne, of San Francieco, tomake the locations and estimates forthe woik, and he is now o engagedMr. IJrowne is a Civil Engineer pfconsiderable note, lie had charge ofthe construction of public works tMare Islanl, opposite ValUjo, and itis probable will be appointed EngineerAt that place under Grant.

Tbe calendar tor the March termof the Circuit Court for Clackamascounty, beginning on Monday next,presents a more extensive list than atany previous term. There are in allfifty-si- x causes, as follows: Six crim-inal; 12 civil suits; 21 actions forright of way etc., brought by the O.C. R. R. Co.; and 17 equity causes

7 of which are for divorces. Itis doubtful if court adjourns under

it. three creeks.)The Oswego Iron Company have

resolved to close up the furnace en-

tirely, as soon as the present stock?f ore and coal is exhausted, which

Vill be about June 10th. Mr. Har-ris, the Superintendent of work, istow the only bead man remaining atOswego, and be will start for theAtlantic States as soon as work issuspended. This state of things is toae regretted very much, but we donot know as it can be helped. Thecompany have demonstrated the facttjiat iron, equal to Scotch pig, can beIDade in Oregon. They also find it

w0 Fiuiau!e ousiness, when not'Mlcllucu y iaw suits and delaysThe chief cause for their determina-tion to do as above stated is theame that would have caused the O.

C. R, R. to give up in disgust longago, if they had lacked " back bone;and comes from the foolish opposi.tion of parties who had not capital tocarry on the business bnt seemedjealous of those who had, and havingtechnical grounds upon which to baseaction, literally pitched' into them,but for what object we are unable to!Y Sg0 is 10 day mQch below

the fnends of the place expect-ed of it two years ago. When we, asUregomans, learn to treat capitalistsV- ? I6 deicreDtlal it will better benefit

iuu o cry one 01 US.